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M Komaro , Yayat , F Falah.
Department of Mechanical Engineering Education - UPI
Jl .Dr. Setiabudhi No. 207 Bandung 40154,

Abstract: Difficulty understanding abstract concepts, complexity and dynamics are obstacles faced
by students in the learning materials engineering, especially in the materials slip plane. Data from
study material engineering indicates 60% of students could solve problems related to the slip plane
causes of metallic properties. Considering this, research was conducted on the use of multimedia
animation on the material slip plane. This study aims to illustrate the critical thinking ability of
students,. The research method was quasi-experimental in from of nonequivalent control group
design. Data collection was conducted using post - test and student questionnaire responses. The
results after comparing the pre and post test showed that students using MMA in the learning
material slip plane in Materials Engineering courses did MMA better than the class that used
pictures and handouts. Application of MMA helped students more easily understand material
content and facilitate their learning process. The respones from the questionaire showed student
reacted positive to the use of MMA.

Keywords: Animation, Critical Thinking, Slip plane of atoms.



M Komaro , Yayat , F Falah.

Department of Mechanical Engineering Education - UPI
Jl .Dr. Setiabudhi No. 207 Bandung 40154,

Abstrak: Kesulitan memahami konsep yang abstrak, komplek dan dinamis merupakan salah satu
faktor penghambat yang dihadapi mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran Material Teknik khususnya
dalam materi bidang geser. Data terakhir dari dosen Material Teknik menunjukan bahwa persentase
mahasiswa yang mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan yang berhubungan dengan bidang geser,
mencapai 60%. Untuk itu, telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai penggunaan multimedia animasi
pada materi bidang geser. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran kemampuan
berpikir kritis mahasiswa dan respon mahasiswa setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan
menggunakan multimedia animasi pada materi bidang geser mata kuliah material teknik. Metode
penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan metode Quasi Experimental Design dalam bentuk
nonequivalent control group design. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan tes yaitu pre-
test dan post-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran materi
bidang geser pada mata kuliah Material Teknik dengan menggunakan MMA lebih baik
dibandingkan dengan kelas yang menggunakan gambar dan handout. Penerapan MMA juga
menyebabkan mahasiswa lebih mudah memahami isi materi dan membantu mempermudah proses
pembelajaran mereka.

Kata kunci: Multimedia, Animasi, MMA, Bidang Geser, Material Teknik

Among the difficulties students understand the material slip plane, besides derived
from the learning process is also suspected of the characteristics of the material that is
abstract , complex and dynamic. With the characteristics of the material such that the
students are required to have the ability to think that can understand. Subject slip plane
abstract , complex and dynamic requires students have the ability to think critically so that
students can understand the subject being taught. Critical thinking is the ability to think
reasonably and reflective students. (Fisher, 2009). Critical thinking is the interpretation and
evaluation of skilled and active versus observation and communication , information and
arguments. Critical thinking skills are divided into six aspects according to Ennis (Azizah,
2014) focus , rationale , conclusions , situation , clarity , and reviews. A person is said to
have the ability to think critically when the person really understands what he learned, so
as to explain using his own words according to their knowledge. Critical thinking can be
defined to explain what he thinks, namely learn how to ask , when to ask and what
Given the importance of Materials Engineering, according to the data showed that
students difficult in material slide of shear, it would require an improvement efforts to
make the process easy to understand One attempt to do is to use learning media that are
not only in the theoretical, but a media practical , economical , easy to reach, and easily
taught, allowing a material can be studied repeatedly. Efforts to meet the criteria of media
practical, economical ,acceessible and teachable be reached by manipulation of the
theoretical model (image) into a realistic model in the form of multimedia animation
(MMA). Because multimedia animation has a characteristic that is capable of changing
manipulative theoretical models into realistic models (animation), so as to attract attention
in the learning process and make it easier to understand the learning material.
Offer the course materials were considered difficult material engineering, is necessary to
repair the lecture are no longer difficult, although not immediately understandable, but at
least it 's not boring if repeated or studied alone, so it can finally be understood. One
oftechnology that could be used for this purpose which is to menanfaatkan information and
communication technology (ICT), with the consideration that the current general students
can easily use a computer to be used in learning or lectures, Among alternative utilization
is in the form of e-learning, virtual reality and multimedia interactive (MMI).
E -learning research has been done , where the media e-learning training by using the
browser -based program content management system (CMS). JOOMLA has been tested
with good results when used in teaching training eye maintenance/servicing manual
transmissions and components at Vocational Secondary School (Prabowo dkk., 2009). E-
learning web based not only improve the efficiency learn but also inspire students on
strong thereafter in learning (Huang dkk., 2011).
Research on the use of multimedia interactive (MMI) has proven able to improve the
quality of learning. Learning based multimedia interactive proven proved effective in
raising achievement, improve students' critical thinking skills of elementary teacher
candidates (Masitoh., 2011). improve the ability to read the projected image of vocational
secondary students (Anam dkk., 2009), can improve learning outcomes competence of the
assembly and installation of the brake system of vocational students (Harsono dkk., 2009).
Multimedia animation material engineering has been created by Callister , but the
animation is still limited to : 1) The structure crystal of form forms unit cells , but not load
characteristics of each unit cell that precisely determines the mechanical properties of
materials; 2) field and the direction of the crystal , but not load the phase diagram that
actually determine whether or not the material is formed , or determine the severity of
software and material (Callister , 2004).
In general, this study aims to make learning media. While specifically , this study aims
to know the increase in critical thinking skills in the subject material engineering by
implementing multimedia animation techniques ( MMA ) for student prospective teachers
vocational secondary schools program machine production.


Research method used in this research is quasi experimental design in the form of
nonequivalent design control group The reason behind design research from selection is
because the chosen not be random. Another thing that underlies election design research is
difficulty to obtain the control group that can serve fully to control variabel-variabel an
immensely influence the experiment (Sugiyono, 2014). A pattern to design to research can
be seen as follows.
Table 1. Nonequivalent Control Group Design
Group Pre-test Treatment Post-test
Eksperimen TE1 X TE2
Control TK1 Y TK2
Description :
TE1/TK1 = A pre-test given on students.
X = Learning by using E-MMA.
Y = Learning to the use of pictures and handouts
TE2/TK2 = A post-test given on students.
Differences in the two averages of two samples used to determine if the experimental group
and the control group there were differences in N -Gain (gain normalized ) by Hake (2002 ),

% % %
( ) = =
% 100 %

In the study is done also descriptive analysis N-Gain with use the criteria N-Gain
according by hake (2002), yakni: 1 ) The increase in the "high-gain" , if ( ) >
0,7; 2) Improved with " medium-gain", if 0,7 ( ) 0,3; dan 3) Improved
with "low-gain", if ( ) < 0,3.


Preliminary study results show that students who take courses in engineering materials
having trouble on the material count and movement of atoms abstract, Given the
importance of the course Materials Engineering , and is based on data showing that
students have difficulties in material Slide of Shear, it would require an improvement
efforts to make the process easy to understand. One attempt to do is to use media that are
not only in the theoretical, but a media practical, economical, acceessible and teachable,
allowing a material can be studied repeatedly. Efforts to meet the criteria accessible will be
pursued with the manipulation of the theoretical model ( image) into a realistic model to be
teachable in the form of multimedia.
Multimedia animation atom slip plane made so that the learning is quite representative
explain the concept of a system to realistically so inaccessible by learners whose effects
cause learning experience (Purnawan, 2006). The data pre-test and post-test on the control
and the experiment class is used to calculate the value of N-Gain an increased ability of
students. N -Gain values are presented in Table 2.
Table 2. The Calculation Result Of Pre Test, Post Test, And N-Gain Critical Thinking Slip
plane Atom .

Class groups Pre-test Post-test N-Gain

Highest 37,5 87,8 0,81

Lowest 22,5 62,5 0,29
Average 29,7 72,17 0,53
Highest 32,5 62,5 0,59
Lowest 17,5 25 0,13
Average 25,2 39,67 0,283

Processing of the data is displayed in graphical form in figure 1 .

80 72.17
60 53
29.7 28.3 Control
30 25.2
Pre test Post test N-Gain
Test Resul Materials Slip plane Atom

Figure 1. Charts the Results of Pre-test, Post-test, and N-Gain Critically Think the Slip
Plane Atom.

Increased capacity think critically matter the field of sliding of atoms with use mma
reach on average 53% or reach categories high. It is higher than with increased capacity
think critically with using media images that the increase is reached average 28,3% or
reach categories low.
The development of the science learning aims to understand what students learn. In an
effort to apply the science of learning, education challenge is the development of
instructional science that aims to understand how to present the material in a way that
helps students to learn (Mayer, 2008). Education experts to make a variety of educational
media with different emphasis according to the type of media, as the principles used for
multimedia, namely: multimedia, spatial proximity, temporal proximity, coherence,
modalities, redundancy, and individual differences (Mayer & Mayer, 2001).
While the particular principle that characterizes the animated multimedia slip plane
atom is accessible, or affordable by reason of learners. This becomes a major emphasis
relating to the characteristics of Materials Engineering courses that are determined by the
properties of the micro, namely: the structure of atoms , and atoms dynamic movement ,
and abstract. Size very small micro structures and abstract , require appropriate media to
understand it, and for that MMA has become a media that can meet these needs.

MMA Materials Engineering made to produce a material that is both student center. It is
intended to involve learners in the simulation of thought, that the study results increased as
a result of involvement in simulation (Fadel, 2008). The basic principles of making MMA
produce better learning outcomes and imprint. Better results are described also the
relationship between the media in the form of live or animated image has a high correlation
to the learning outcomes (Munadi, 2013). Even this is better because it is not only read by
the achievement of 10% but increased by 60 % with multimedia (Munir, 2010), which
combines text readable, audible voice, still and moving images or animation seen . Study
results deeper due to the long term memory as raised by mayer (2008), and Berk (2009)..


Increased capacity think critically matter the slip plane atoms with use mma reach on
average 53 % or reach categories high. It is higher than with increased capacity think
critically by the use of media images that the increase is reach on average 28,3 % or reach
categories low. Therefore, mma the slip plane atoms were proven increase the capacity to
critical think matter the slip plane atoms until levels or category high.


In particular the author to present the profuse thanks to UPI and DIKTI, as the
parties to provide financial assistance in this study through the Learning Innovation Grants
, and Grants Doctoral Dissertation.
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