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Dear Magistrate,

We are composing this letter to share a concern and to suggest a solution about the separate yet
often entwined issues of mens violence against women and substance/alcohol abuse.

We often see men in court who are charged with crimes against their intimate partners who also
appear to have substance or alcohol abuse issues. Although it is commonly accepted today that
both issues must be handled, we frequently notice that the intimate partner violence component
does not get addressed.

In all too many instances, such defendants are ordered to substance abuse treatment without an
additional mechanism in place to hold them accountable for the violence against their intimate
partner. This sends a mixed and erroneous message to the individuals involved and to the
community. It reinforces the idea that mens violence against women is caused by substance
abuse. It suggests that detoxification and rehabilitation will result in ending violence.
Significantly, it ignores a crucial issue in response to dealing with domestic violence, offender

We urge that the court send a consistent and clear message in domestic violence cases where the
defendant has abused a substance. An order to the VCS Domestic Violence Program for Men (or
another appropriate sanction) along with an order to substance abuse treatment is a simple and
effective option.

It is our pleasure to talk with you or meet in person, at your convenience, to further discuss these
issues and how best we can be of service to you. We can be reached by email, phone or fax, at
the numbers listed below. Thank you for working towards an effective criminal justice response
in domestic violence cases.


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