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Comportement au feu des cbles : La rglementation

En fonction des zones gographiques, les rglementations et les normes sont diffrentes.
LEurope est normalement rgit par le CENELEC (EN), mais est en ralit plutt sous influence
des normes internationales (IEC). Nanmoins en matire de scurit, les rglementations
nationales telles que le NF en France prdominent souvent.
Les normes dites de comportement au feu caractrisent la raction ou la rsistance la
flamme des cbles, mais il faut galement considrer pour la scurit des personnes les
caractristiques des fumes produites lors de la combustion.


Propagation de la flamme

Les normes IEC 60332 (Essais des cbles lectriques soumis au feu) font rfrence en matire de
mode opratoire pour mesurer la non propagation de la flamme des cbles. Il existe plusieurs
appellations en fonction du degr de rsistance la flamme.
IEC 60332-1 & IEC 60332-2 : Non propagateur de la flamme des degrs plus ou moins levs.
IEC 60332-3 Non propagateur de lincendie.
A chaque test, les protocoles de simulation sont diffrents :
IEC 60332-1 Vertical Flame Test
IEC 60332-3 Vertical Tray Flame Test

Rsistance au feu
Pour la vrification de la rsistance au feu, il sagit des normes IEC 60331, avec diffrentes
dclinaisons en fonction du type de cble test.

manation de fumes

Deux paramtres sont principalement considrs : la toxicit des gaz de combustion et la densit des
fumes mises.
Les normes IEC 60754-1 (quantit de gaz acide halogn) et IEC60754-2 (acidit des gaz mis lors
de la combustion) permettent de caractriser un cble comme Sans Halogne (Zero Halogen ou
Halogen Free).
Les IEC 61034-1 et 61034-2 servent mesurer lopacit et ainsi donner la caractristique Faibles
fumes (Low Smoke).
Toutes ces normes internationales ont sensiblement un quivalent au niveau europen (EN).

Particularits franaises

En France, la rglementation demande de rpondre aux spcifications du client qui choisit dtre
conforme la norme
NF C 32 070. Les cbles sont classs en fonction de leur tenue la flamme :
Catgorie / Comportement
C3 : Non class au feu
C2 : Non propagateur de la flamme
C1 : Non propagateur de lincendie
CR1 : Rsistant au feu

IEC 60695-11-10:1999

Essais relatifs aux risques du feu -- Partie 11-10: Flammes

d'essai -- Mthodes d'essai horizontale et verticale la
flamme de 50 W
Flammability Classification - IEC 60695-11-

Horizontal Testing (HB) - Method A

Procedure: A specimen is supported in a horizontal position and is tilted at 45. A flame is
applied to the end of the specimen for 30 seconds or until the flame reaches the 1 inch mark.
If the specimen continues to burn after the removal of the flame, the time for the specimen to
burn between the 1 and 4 inch marks are recorded. If the specimen stops burning before the
flame spreads to the 4 inch mark, the time of combustion and damaged length between the
two marks is recorded. Three specimens are tested for each thickness.

Horizontal Flame Test


Specimens must not have a burning rate greater than 1.5 inches/minute for
thicknesses between 0.120 and 0.500 inches and 3 inches/minute for
HB thicknesses less than 0.120 inches.
Specimens must stop burning before the flame reaches the 4 inch mark.

Vertical Testing (V-0, V-1, V-2) - Method B

Procedure: A specimen is supported in a vertical position and a flame is applied to the bottom
of the specimen. The flame is applied for ten seconds and then removed until flaming stops at
which time the flame is reapplied for another ten seconds and then removed. Two sets of five
specimens are tested. The two sets are conditioned under different conditions.
Vertical Flame Test

Specimens must not burn with flaming combustion for more than 10 seconds
after either test flame application.
Total flaming combustion time must not exceed 50 seconds for each set of 5
V-0 Specimens must not burn with flaming or glowing combustion up to the
specimen holding clamp.
Specimens must not drip flaming particles that ignite the cotton.
No specimen can have glowing combustion remain for longer than 30 seconds
after removal of the test flame.

Specimens must not burn with flaming combustion for more than 30 seconds
after either test flame application.
Total flaming combustion time must not exceed 250 seconds for each set of 5
V-1 Specimens must not burn with flaming or glowing combustion up to the
specimen holding clamp.
Specimens must not drip flaming particles that ignite the cotton.
No specimen can have glowing combustion remain for longer than 60 seconds
after removal of the test flame.

Specimens must not burn with flaming combustion for more than 30 seconds
after either test flame application.
Total flaming combustion time must not exceed 250 seconds for each set of 5
V-2 Specimens must not burn with flaming or glowing combustion up to the
specimen holding clamp.
Specimens can drip flaming particles that ignite the cotton.
No specimen can have glowing combustion remain for longer than 60 seconds
after removal of the test flame.
Similar Standards
UL 94

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