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In this chapter well introduce several new races, then several themselves or enduring pain to achieve the others goals or keep
variant races for those races found in the Dungeons & Dragons 5th them safe.
Edition books. We first introduce the Ashen, the Basti, the Dhampyr,
the Dryad, the Fenrith, the Garuda, the Giant, the Kodian, the
Skyren, the Tauren, and the Vrathi. Then we talk about the variant
Ashen rarely use their own true names. Instead they adopt names
Humans, Elves, Dwarves, etc. of the Known World of Avendyr.
from other cultures or languages, most commonly Draconic or
Fiendish names as their Name. This is done, in part because
The Known World of Avendyr is a large place, focused on the
Ashen believe that true names have power. If you know a true name
continent of Kerranoth we often find a new race or subrace
you can control a person or creature.
popping up throughout the adventures in this mystical land. This
chapter details new races, and racial variants.
Male Names: Arthas, Arzan, Belzekar, Calzaran, Damastor,
Ferran, Gerekan, Harnath, Jalzak, Kaelzar, Lancelvorn, Mhoradar,
T HE SHENA Narkual, Orioth, Quenaro, Razelek, Sarek, Sarno, Thorakan, Ular,
Sarek walked across the field, slowly taking in the sight. He
could see the enemies wizard preparing a spell of fire, and he
Female Names: Alaitha, Aranna, Baalia, Bael, Bella, Cada,
thought to himself, LETS FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE.
Calia, Daama, Damarys, Feonna, Fiora, Hela, Kathalis, Lara,
Lianna, Mara, Naamara, Narmiel, Ophelia, Razia, Sara, Tiamath,
The Ashen are a race of human-like humanoids, with ashen color
Tira, Ulia, Ysabel, Zelisith.
skin and hair. Their eyes are like molten lava, glowing in the
shadows like some evil thing. Some say Ashen are related to
Example True Names: Arrow, Aspen, Bark, Bear, Blade,
demons, others say they are related to Fire Spirits. Whatever the
Bramble, Dagger, Diamond, Dirk, Emerald, Feather, Hawk,
case, Ashen are attuned to the flow of fire and can use it to defend
Heather, Kestrel, Moonlight, Opal, Rider, Sapphire, Shimmer, Snow,
themselves in times of need.
Song, Sparrow, Star, Summer, Thistle, Thorn, Twilight, Viper,
Whisper, Willow, Wind, Winter, Wolf.
Ashen are a race born of fire, as such they are almost as diverse
as Mortal Men, though they are more typically pale beyond ASHEN TRAITS
compare with ash colored skin and hair. Their eyes are glowing All of the following are racial traits of the Ashen.
embers which smolder like lava when they become enraged. A Ability Score Increases. Increase your Dexterity Score by 2, and
typical Ashen stands about 5 feet to a little over 6 feet tall, and your Wisdom score by 1.
weight between 100 and 200 lbs.. They have many of the same Age. As an Ashen, you are long lived, your max age is around
general features as Mortal Men. For example, their ears are shaped 1,000 years old. However you stop aging at around 30. When you
begin to age again, you wither quickly before dying. Most Ashen
like a mans, as are their facial features. The differences are striking,
for starters Ashen cannot grow facial hair well, they have enlarged die earlier than their max age of war or witch hunts.
canine-like teeth and then they have their ashen skin. Some Alignment. Ashen are without a doubt free-spirited and chaotic.
common folk mistake them for Vampires. Their unnatural agility, They neither side with good or evil, but struggle with their internal
and their desire to destroy make them feared by commoners of most demons often. Most are a bit of a pyromaniac, and love to stare at
kingdoms. An Ashen matures about the same as a Mortal Man, fires for hours.
though his lifespan is far longer. Some say they are Immortal, but Size. As an Ashen, you are about the same height as a man,
this is only speculation. In truth Ashen live about double the length standing between 5 feet and a little over 6 feet. Your size is
of an Elvish Folks lifespan. Making them one of the longest lived Medium.
races of Avendyr. Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Darkvision. As an Ashen you are blessed with a sense of warmth,
as such you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You
ALWAYS ON THE VERGE OF RAGE can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light,
Ashen are without a doubt one of the easiest races to taunt. They and in darkness as if it were dim light. You are able to discern only
lose their tempers quick and it takes a long time for them to regain shades of gray in darkness.
composure. To say they prefer a solitary life is an understatement. Fiery Resistance. You have resistance to fire damage.
Those Ashen whove taken to adventuring are often lone wolves. Or Flamesoul. You know the Fire Bolt cantrip. Once youve reached
they travel with parties which can help them control their inner 3rd level, you learn to cast the Burning Hands spell once per day as
rage. a 2nd level spell. Once youve reached 5th level, you can also cast
Ashen lack a homeland of their own, and have no culture. the Scorching Ray spell once per day. Wisdom is your spellcasting
Because of this they often adopt the cultural habits of the races they ability for these spells.
Flame Step. Once per long rest you may step into a fire,
have met and liked. They rarely trust others, but when they do, they teleporting yourself up to 30 feet away where you come out within
are hit hard by betrayals and slights. However, they can be 5 feet of a different flame. You must be able to see the other flame
extremely loyal and fierce when protecting their allies. In fact, most to teleport.
Ashen believe in Life Debts, where they swear loyalty to an Languages. You speak, read, and write Common and Primordial.
individual or cause and stick to it even if it means sacrificing
They thought her weak because of her size and demeanor, but Nethys would not let them be right. She couldnt afford to
let them be right. Silently she worked her way forward, past the outer ring of guards. She had seen her target, and new the
way to get there. The man was in the throws of love making, he would be an easy kill.
She would deal with the consequences of her actions later, when she could mourn her sisters death. With a silent stroke of
her blades, the mans lifeblood poured out...she had killed her first prey, but it would prove to be the first of many.

Basti are a race of catfolk related to the desert cats of Imhotareps Golden Empire. They are slim and delicate compared to
other catlike folk. Leonin are by far more muscled and fierce.

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