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Sw Face Chemistry Adsorption occurs ony oat the s with the stuface k Then ocewe it ts butk phenamenon. the mo(ecu(@ of Substance metal. Adsorption has 2 parts ;- - Adsoybtf S Adsor bate ef ae i i ftracting k wetialt Adsorption —» Phenominon ofc me s8.foeen : into incnease ef cone. on [he supaee « Sy Ocerlusion —» Adsorption of gas on tne PW face of as 60 02 oO fy Oe coh ue Tt ts the branch sefence which deals wth the study off phenomensn occuring at Sunpace Osu inter pes Sur face CHemis try Hos 2 parts ; Adsorption Absorption Saiace but absorptio in’ whole body mec) i ids Si usron SP nasotent Adsovbant Ad sorb ate Oy fidsorbant Seve substance absorbed on the ounce . t Adsorbenti-» The substance on which adsorbat adsorbed. Meehan tor of Adsorption [ : ! Te mofecule on the surface (s sworounded by farge nO of motecu(es the suxface molecules experience some’ inward force attraction oy we Can soy UNnbalan- ced inword force of attraction at the surface attract & wefain motece(es into their surface city wohich baey comes tn contact - Adsovp Hon ts exothermic fn nafure :— Tt is due to decease in enengy ov wesidual force on| suvefiace of adsorbent decreases - | AH ts negative an =(-) | Relation b/ux tibbs free Enengy, Entropy & Adsorption for Adsorpton 4H = (-) 4s = (-) Sbr= aH- Tas ; So for aur to be negative Alti=-oH+ Tas OHS Tas for equitlibrium meant adsorption is stopped P OH= Tas ou =0 : Positive Adsovption — When concentration of absor -bat is Moe ON. swface adsorbent er rt butk i¢ cayed the +ve adsbrption . - i rp when concentraHon of- Negative Base ele butk affet adsorp tion Vis absovbat incnease in bu b lcatled —VEe adsorption . iid : fon ases in Soli Facors Mphecting Adsoyption Of 9 ; ace pier % Adsorb Hon | Suflace Area —p Susp See a Gifetiol temp Beene 2 | Nathre ‘f Absorbate > j . Temp ~. Jj) Tempena pune — Po Adsorption 4, | Pressure —» Pressure o< Adsorption Activation of Adsorption : on neces die By sub-aividin porctides info smotl an : po hich swat area invieases & whieh Invvease aolsorp fion j 2. |By making Surface siough due to which surface aea incteases” k adsorption inweose - cd: | Removing the gases alseady adsorbed . Charcond is activated by h¥oting tt superheated steam blw 623k to 1243 fk. 50 ‘that tne gas alread adsorbed @si@ape out iitns adsoxPton ineveases. J ' a | ca Supenheated f> 623 K tito f. Chon wat L_Sfream \ f — “L pctivated sp O~ chaycoalk (KX pga x ft Dh Reversible Peederss when the gas is held on the supare adsovbent| by Vandewwats force without webutting into form- 4; newt chemical. bonds ?s Knouln a4 ation physisorption . CHonacterstics of Physisorpfion I | Non- specific in mabe”. 2 | Reversible in Napures 3: |Surpace area inuieases , adsorption inureases. H: | bow enengy 0 attivation because theye is weak Vandenwaal forces - 5+ | forms muttmotecclax Layer. chemical Adsorption ( Chemisoyption ) I When a gas is held in adsorbent by force simitax 0 those of chemical bonds then known chemisorption Choxacters tics +~ Specitic tn Nafure . Tareveustore in wate. High Enogy of: activation because chemical bonds ane strong > ery — ee ae ao . saan avea o¢ adsorption - for unimoleculase layer : Frendlwich Adsorption Lsotherm i~ AJm ~~ extent of adsorption P+» Pressure x mass of adsorbate m2 mau oF adsorbent Frtendtwich adsorption isotherm fs a graph drawn bie extent eff adsorption of pressure at constant x/m ee Pp p */m = kpiln S where fk is constant & ip] 7 > © ie: value is depends oubon W/o = = : adsorption it doesn't have any pix valut. adsoy ben f Wn becouse ib gives yotue 0 foe alm

extent or adsorpton TT ‘Temp’ Physi oorp tion Chemiosorp ton fm TL hme : Application of- Adsorpifon = tL) arn the fhormdtion of vactum —3 Charcoal pieces ane Spsead th vattum -tube so that traces of gas will adsorbed. , FEE) een EE none > chascoal, formation oF ee Bone chancoal is used to adsorb sunwdnted colour prom sugar so that cuysta sugar is obtained (A077 | Silica Cret on Aluminium biel is used in adsorption ; of mors ture from ain. Colloidal State of Matter “pwe sol” Colloidal so(™ Suspension om}! O v0 000000 (9 oe Ban eC took to be homo~ Heferogeno Homogenouws ends budsthe fer0g ane heferogenous - Tue sol” Colordal sot” Suspension Oy poy ' a x doesn't. ass a a Can r Ssough trough P Fitters paper Filisee paper Fitter paper Vo, I tan pass though doesn’t pass doesn’t pars ders 4 through spm trough spm Coltoidat sol": These are those sot” ushich have size of particles in befween I-loonm. Tt can pos through piltes papex but doen't poss throug h semi- permiable membrane . “Types of coltoidel sol” Tn colloidal state Dosa Bur e “dispensed phase dispersion medium Dispeased Dispersion Name Sotid Sotid Solid sot” solid Liquid S0(” soltd O1as Aerosol Liquid So tid Gret hiquid Liquid Emulsion Liquid bras Aerosol Gros Solid Solid foam Cras Fiquid foam So i'd Wa fer Agquasol/ : My duosol soon Alcohol Aleosol Classification of colloids Classification 0 phase '& dispersion medium . jophilttc colloids > Fy er e There ae those Colle dat sol” with suitable dequid divectly is why Known as wrevenst ble in nafo1e™ o phobic a means Hey doesn’t (subs sol” with thes dispersion me 50" ane prepared by adding detergent Soaps - These coltdidal sol™ are unstabl versiote in ature - povtiete of Dispersed phase . coltoidssis based on disbexsed omeans Solvent, t lloids Which makes collol~ Ktnese colloidal sol” ave vreversible th nate that] sols: They axe Stable coltoids —y Sotvent ov Ui'quid heating tance) te make collold a dium these Coltoidat a stabilizing agent e & they one trrel “Types of Cottoidag sol”. on the Basis of the Exam ple Coloured gas Nuddy wafer Smoke , Dust Butter, Cheese Milk, Havy ever Fog: Foam Rubber Froth hillfc mea on mixin collo Substance is added to dispersion medium lange no off atom aggregate toge the to ferm peices having sizd in cottoidal range - Eq Sulphwrsol Cotretdat |. prerticles —B Dispersion dU: |Macwomo(ecufas, colloids % Those colloids which having big size % Large moleculasy mars when tneyraue dissolved in suitable solvent they form a sol” in ashich molecular © substance get dispersed be become size tn eb (toidal tange « ' i ' | | Associated: Colloids (Miscettes) aia amount of | |» [Mo(ecutax co{toids ; Those colloids in which when the i LE Small amount of _| , pootbiel es poti cles |" dispersion by dit i aes yp eaten Strong electrolyte Colloidal sol”, Miscettes ane the substances which when dissolved at four concentration behaves a stron electrolyte but when they aye added in (ange qtanti ty or a Lon centrafion trey behave on extbit colloidal sol”: Kya: Ts Temp => Tt ts that parcticnlar temp: at which miseetes aye permed « . CricHeal Miscettes Concentration LOM-¢]—> Tt Is that] - porficutan concentration af uskich miscetres ane frvmed Cleaning Action of- Soop with the help o ‘ q nae pumetnies f r Goo” Na* Coo Nat sodium ron: polor ae Rolex Salt oF fay Hy duophobic hgeophal aS Tail, Hea SS eS + |Flectrociisin tegration Method [ OU & Diet — oe eel 1 afur Coon 777 Water aa Acfion 0 ‘Soap The soa contains sodium salt of. Getty atid in whieh tinue is 2 poxt one fs hydyophobre (tong carbon chain} Which is non- polar in nabwre Known as® fall where as othen is pola part which is hydwophitire fn matwie Known a heads when cloth ts dipped in soap water the hyduophobic port (tall) attached loi th grease ov dirt wWheneas hy dy ophillrc part (head. wiemain aHach with port o Wafey. When wat is applred over etoth the yduophillic poxt tomes lout along With hyduophobic part & thus greese kk vif ts partied away from the cloth - Preparation of colloidal so{™ fe Bredigg’s Are Nefthod ]> _brotd coltofidal so” Giold electrode fee chilled Wafer Lee ~ 2240 Note : [This method ts only apptrcable fer making coliofdat so(” of> metals WKE gold, silver, Platnum Ah electric anc is sefup b/w 2 metalic electrodes Suspended in a trough © Wafer intense heat we Converts metal into vapours which ae condensed immideatty in Toe cold Wafex bath —a into ponents an of colloidal so{” (Fects] Etectroly te Peptisation : ej" Puect bitate [- fep sation is a process convextin 9 of Presht zl i be ritade into conoidat D.soi” gy nade ners Ie" | amount of eectco tute ana th Shak’ "9 . Preferential chasge Adsorption — atte 4 _ 7) (Fecon), Econ __ Feel LEeromys ' _—s —> 3 Peer oop THE Fon treet | Gause of Pepsita tion : The electrolyte ts added in Freshly precipitated substance the porctfele of preci pitatq puefrénfiatly adsorb any of Change due {to ushi ch they doen't aggregate together & forms colloidal sof™ due 40 the e/ecfrostap'c force of Beputsion . Chemical Nefhods °F preporxafron of cofloids : ‘| Pueparation of Arsénrce sulphide oot ! AS,0, + HLS —? AS,sSo;+ H, 0 coltoidat sol”. Ne 2: | Cotloidal sol” of Gold *~ Aud, -+ Sac, > Au t+ Sncty ’ t Cojtoidat so(mof gold , SB Colloidal sol” op su lphure Hs + Br, —» S+ HBr ( Sulphur sof” # | Govt fe preparation FW sulphur sol (it) Gold sol. Hs+ Bx, —y S+ HBr Aue, + Snel, —a Act Sn cly ) Pui fication of cottordal sol” Dialysis : The process Of sebexating the portrepes I coltoid ftom those crystal oil by di ffesion of- mixtuve through parchment papex ov animal mem brane + 2 a HL Pare, Wafer = Spm Cetlophone. sheet is changed info a ba hk coltoidal soi ts putted with the help ° annet + 2 efechrode| axe dipped in distined wafer along with cellophone baq due to diffusion the eed por ticles get seperated hem tne dispersion medium % thus puri pleatte takes place - tbr fen an eee Te 17 GED 7 EG cecitotent sol”) , Caf: off ni trocetufose “in alcohol) O { >» formaldehyde $o(™ Ondinay ite paper contains large pores the ave di ed 1 ee sot” fotrowed ( aippns if in formaldehyde Oa gee tnu it is died tnus the sizeo ores petome small X we get ultra tite pap co Wow Y we pat colloidal so(” in {t colloidal paxticle can't able to poss through wltrafi [tex paper R process 1s [enown as ultrapicatron » . n Propenties of colteldal, sot’ Cottoidal sol” ane heterogenous in nature Filtrability ~ Tt can pass through ee paper, because] tne holes ofr filtec paper aye (ang whereas tf doesn't pass thyough spm because voholes axe ven smatl + 3: |Tyndatl Eppect >» Lt is defined as seaftein of- ght! by colloidal particles present in the Colfoidal sof”. TE means when Light ally on colloidal so(™ We can see the colloidal port etes by our naked eyes . cot -Eif Tynctat Eggert Co(joidel so/” True so(” Brownian Momenf--» Tf is defined as confinows 3'9- 3h movemen f- i coftoidal pocticres in cottoidal sol”. Cause of Brownian Noment ~> Tt is assum€ ihe tae ispeised phase 2 cisperston medium Spikes wt ea lnioumel! oY colloid retin each other which gives 4 39- 3%] path - Causes of change st (Origin of change) fe 60 bo | (209, bers 999 ~ precipitate (ppt) Stable Coltoida( so{” of | rtoffonat Ftectri fication ~> Tt is caused by mufual | Hubbin of cofloidal particle with molecules dispersion “medium « De iFne Frente Change. Adsorption tA. + eT Electrokinefic potential or (Mgt 4k} a s ete ° (Ag +k] ro zy Ag Too+k ‘Sitafionary Layer or fired Layer TTP Mobile Layex a a a ra ee ee eee wohen t type of ion of electrolyte is adsorbed bexf ev thtiatty on the surface of “colloidal poxtiel ce ty caye ixed tayels TE attracts the Coun{e fon from medium forming a second layer which is mobile Known as difptised Layer the poten tial ai pherren ce exit bfar tved k di pused Page te cated Electrokinectic. potential oy Zefa potential R thy double fayer °b electric charge is known as He(morvtz double ayer. Ceaguiation * — -~Fiectrolyte 7 Ppt colloidal sol” Coagulation is method oh aggreg ating together cotordol particle so as change them into large sige porcticle When ultimately ~settte down to form precipitate thi is dor® with help of etechrolyl Cause of Coagulation When an electrotyte is added the particle op the cotteidal so(™.fakes Up the jon urhich is 0 phosite 4 charged Roget neutralized Ww ltimately settle down, Coagulating tons—y The ions siesponsi ble for eacbratisie the change on colloidat 501" 7s catled coagutatin ions - Hondy b Sehelges Baus The ehpection ions of the electroly te in bringin about coagulatHon ate those which conty cho Opp: to that o colloidal sol” « biseater the valency © coagulating ton greater is the power -to botng about coagulatton . Combaxison OF Coagulation ef Lyophobfa and tyopnitive colloids b a Lyophillic colloids ae mon- stable than tyopho bic Cottoids af fs due 10 same Change on all cooida( particle: k second sofvation ° coloidal particbes » Lyophillic Coltofds ave move stable than lyophobi ¢ I] Because they ave neutral. 2 |hoves the sBivent Hous tyophillrc coffoids protect fyophobi'e colloids j ( Paofective Action of Lyophilite collafas ) Fyophilic ‘ i ; i ! a | collaid Gens} [elects oly te) , Colloi » Lyophinlie-coltos a (Weuprat fay ex then & tyophinic coltoid is added “in tyophobia Conofd the lyophillic Coffoid forms @ faye% ayound {yophobic colfoid thus on adding electrolyte no Coagulation fokes place . Emulsion $— J pibewed phase (Figuid ) ) Dispersion medium (Hq) Dispersed phase Dispersed medium water in Oil ot in Water Emutsion is colloidal dispersion in which dis persed phase is liquid }b dispersion medium is olso Ligurdy “These ave two types 3—- |r | Wafer in oil” ( Butter) a fort in eoafer ( Vanishing o1eam 4 Milk) ed Efvualston is a co(tordal dispession in which dispensed phase is liquid Y dispersion 1s also liquéd Emutsi ying fg ent % Wat off emulsion can only be prepared bi adding a suitable Substance - £9 ( Detergent soaps) “Test which is used +o detect the type of emulsion: Dry Test . orl Soluble Dye ou 5 0luble dye ia | LE 5} Colouned) _, PF duo pre ts Colvured a f Wate fn oi t Ol In erator Demutst fea fion t- Th is pyecess oF sepenation of an emulsion this can be-done by : by Centvifuga tion By chemical means App trea tron of Colic: s— In the formation of delfas ~ y- Delta. Riverswater contains charged colloidal pantiete ike Cloyy sand ete: Sea ee is qa bi. storage eLectyotyte « shen stiver water comer In contact with sea wat the electrolyte present in sea-wafer Coagu(ate the Ccoltoidal pascttte which ultimate [StH te down L- apter tok, time a port: of land comes out from sh bed~ tna is bia. & ar ificfal sain : Tf can be caused by sepa long opp: changed colloidal dust ever the cloud due to ushich cloud get neufratized X coagula te to form bigg er wafer duoplets. Alum usecl offex ext > Coltofdel sol”of blood ca be stopped or bleeding by apptying ae chloride sol”. Fec(, due to which coagutafion fakes place & btood fons clot: Btue CPloun on sky» Due to scattering of Light! by colfoidal dust partteie the Sky X sea wafer (ooks blue, Catalyst ! T{ fsa substance which can change the .speed of chemical Heaction without ftsel undengoin change 'in mass % chemical composition at end 6 eaction the phenomenon is known as catalysts Thee ave 2 types ef Catalyst Positive Catatyst : This accelerates the 5" of reaction Nega five Catatyst * This decvease the speed reaction, Puomoters t “Tene axe those substances which inure -ase the eppteten cy of catalyst + Homogenous and Heterogenous Catalyst: Homogenous Catalyst % Catalysis in ushich seactanfs catalyst ave in same phase - Heterogenous Catotyst ¢ Catalysis th which weactanfs & catalyst one in different phose - [Theory of Hetevogenous Cafaty sis (Meckanism ) AB A-8 ane Ss Ca taty ist 4 : : i 2 comptex PP reac) Cafatyst EEE -|Otusence of Chemical seaction bye vreactantt and + [Desorption of product molecu(e from surface of [Selectivity of catalyst means aity +0 direct the to “fo cf. Di friston of Heactant molecule fowands the Suni oes of cafalyst « Adsorption o vieattant molecule on suxpace of cofalyt by forming loose bonds with catalyst - catatyst « me cofatyst - Diffusion of product mo lece(e onan from the Sunpace of catalyst . |ISome Tm por tant features of oSoltd Catalyst é- Activity-1 -» Tt is the capacity to inevease the ks peed chemical seactlon catalyst incweas es speed UuptO 20 times. re i H Setectivity 3- H“C SCH Sy HOG = SH (Akane) Pat Jt find {ay ex H oH Basoy catatys + nee Ely reaction 1m porcticut ar pro du Zeottte (Shape selective Catalyst) Alumino Sitfcates 20pm — e3 pin Honey comb Uke Structure 3D Network Zeolite aye the aluming silicates they have hone Comb dike Sfructune % have vacant place Lohicn A aN@ Frown as cavities’ The size of thee cavities id 240 to 460 pm uf can adsorb those Teactant Udhich have size fn bepween 240-460 pm so that they axe give product. ZSN~s (zeolite .eive with molecular porosity -s:) Aleohol "5° Petro{ Pree Enzyme ane biological protein which have Fug molax mass 0,000 to [0 lakh gram pec mole they axe also known as biochemical changes . Selectivity of enzyme + -for every biochemical dHtacHon a porcticuctore eee ts “needed - A smaltt quantity op fp enzyme can be highty epicien Fhzyme can aed at 37°C & v4 pH Mechanism Red) Enzyme ( How fnzyme work ) [ef Conip te x a Site Enzyme + : -1 Bpduet Nathematical Ex pressfon. E+s —+ [ess [erp] — E+P Frayme Substeate Complex Compler Product 3h What is corele change Prect pitator 2 Losctte application of- adsorption min 6 A pplicatio what is the applicatron oF Adsorp ton in Medi‘cin eg?

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