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C-reactive protein inhibits

lymphangiogenesis and resultant

lymph node metastasis of squamous
cell carcinoma in mice
Tomohiko Sasaki, MD, PhD,a Satoru Motoyama, MD, PhD,a Yusuke Sato, MD, PhD,a
Kei Yoshino, MD, PhD,a Goichi Matsumoto, PhD,b Yoshihiro Minamiya, MD, PhD,a
Hajime Saito, MD, PhD,a Katsuyuki Murata, MD, PhD,c and Jun-ichi Ogawa, MD, PhD,a
Akita and Yokosuka, Japan

Background. Lymph node involvement is the most important prognostic factor in many solid cancers.
Recently, we found that patients with esophageal and lung cancer carrying the C-reactive protein (CRP)
1846T/T genotype, which is associated with lower serum CRP levels, are more likely to have lymph node
metastasis. We hypothesized that host CRP directly inhibits lymph node metastasis.
Methods. We inoculated NR-S1M metastatic cells subcutaneously into the backs of C3H/HeN mice.
Concurrently, 1 mg of recombinant mouse CRP or phosphate-buffered saline was injected subcutaneously
every 3 days for 5 weeks, after which the mice were killed for evaluation. We evaluated lymph node
metastasis and lymphangiogenesis in the implanted tumor by using immunohistochemical analysis with
anti-pancytokeratin and antilymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor-1 antibodies.
Results. There was no substantial difference in tumor size between the 2 groups but the lymph nodes were
smaller in the CRP group than the control group (P < .044). Immunohistochemical analysis confirmed
inguinal lymph node metastasis in 70% (14/20) of control mice, but in only 30% (3/10) of mice in the
CRP group. Moreover, the metastatic area within lymph nodes was less in the CRP group (P < .042)
and tumoral lymphangiogenesis was decreased in the CRP group (P < .037).
Conclusion. CRP appears to inhibit tumoral lymphangiogenesis and lymph node metastasis in mice.
These findings suggest that by inhibiting lymph node metastasis, CPR may have therapeutic potential for
use against cancer. (Surgery 2013;154:1087-92.)

From the Departments of Surgerya and Environmental Health Sciences,c Akita University Graduate School of
Medicine, Akita; and Department of Oral Surgery,b Kanagawa Dental College Clinical Education Center,
Yokosuka, Japan

LYMPH NODE INVOLVEMENT is the most important associated with relatively small tumors. Thus, a bet-
prognostic factor in many cancers, which makes ter understanding of the molecular and biologic
it essential that nodal metastases are targeted mechanisms governing lymph node metastasis
when treating solid cancers.1 Furthermore, lymph would be highly desirable.
node metastasis does not always correlate with fac- Several reports have shown that increased se-
tors present in the primary neoplasm; indeed, mul- rum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) are associ-
tiple and distant lymph node metastases are often ated with cancer progression and a poor
prognosis.2-6 In addition, we found that lymph
node involvement in esophageal or lung cancer
Supported, in part, by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
may have a genetic component, ie, the CRP
from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science, Sports and
the Japan Science and Technology Agency. 1846C>T genetic polymorphism appears to be an
Accepted for publication April 11, 2013.
independent factor associated with lymph node
Reprint requests: Satoru Motoyama, MD, PhD, Department
metastasis.7,8 For example, patients with esopha-
of Surgery, Akita University Graduate School of Medicine, geal cancer carrying the 1846T/T genotype, which
1-1-1 Hondo, Akita 010-8543, Japan. E-mail: motoyama@doc. is associated with lesser serum CRP levels, are greater than 3 times more likely to have lymph
0039-6060/$ - see front matter node involvement.
2013 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved. Before metastasis, primary tumors generally exhibit lymphangiogenesis, with new lymphatics

1088 Sasaki et al Surgery
November 2013

extending from the tumor to the tumor-draining Serum CRP concentration in mice. Blood sam-
lymph nodes. This observation suggests that the ples were collected from the jugular vein on day 0
key factors mediating lymph node metastasis are (pretreatment with r-CRP), 6, 12, or 18, whereas
present at the tumor site. We hypothesized that the mice were under anesthesia. Those mice were
CRP produced by the host may serve to inhibit then killed (n = 3 in each day). Serum CRP con-
tumoral lymphangiogenesis, thereby inhibiting centrations were determined using a Mouse C-re-
lymph node metastasis. To test that idea, we active Protein Detection Kit ELISA (Helica
examined the effect of CRP on tumoral lymphan- Biosystems, Fullerton, CA) according to the manu-
giogenesis and consequent lymph node metastasis facturers protocol.
and whether CRP has the potential to serve as an Evaluation of lymph node metastasis. After cut-
anticancer agent inhibiting lymph node ting the fixed lymph nodes into 4-mm-thick sections,
metastasis. the sections were deparaffinized in xylene and eth-
anol, placed in 10 mmol/L Tris buffer (pH 9)
MATERIALS AND METHODS containing 1 mmol/L ethylenediaminetetraacetic
Tumor cells. The NR-S1M murine squamous acid, and irradiated via a microwave (750 W) for 5
cell carcinoma cell line was used. minutes. Endogenous peroxidase activity was
These cells arose spontaneously in the C3H/He blocked by incubating the sections for 15 minutes
mouse strain and demonstrate lymph nodes me- in 3% H2O2, and nonspecific binding was blocked by
tastases.9 The cells were cultured in RPMI-1640 incubation for 30 minutes in 10% goat serum
(Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) supplemented (Nichirei, Tokyo, Japan). The lymph node sections
with 10% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum were then incubated for 60 minutes with mouse mon-
(GIBCO, Grand Island, NY) and antibiotics (100 oclonal anti-pancytokeratin (AE1/AE3) antibody
U/mL penicillin G, 100 mg/mL streptomycin, (1:200 dilution, sc-81714; Santa Cruz Biotechnology,
250 mg/mL amphotericin B; GIBCO) in a humidi- Santa Cruz, CA) as the primary antibody. This was fol-
fied incubator at 378C under 5% CO2/95% air. lowed by incubation in blocking buffer and then with
Animal model of lymph node metastasis. Fe- a peroxidase-conjugated, anti-mouse antibody
male C3H/HeN mice (6 8 weeks old) were (MAX-PO(Mouse); Histofine Mousestain Kit; Ni-
obtained from CLEA (Tokyo, Japan). All animal chirei) for 10 minutes each. The color development
experiments were performed in accordance with reagent used was diaminobenzidine (Nichirei), and
the policies of the animal ethics committee of the slides were reacted for 5 minutes. All reactions
Akita University Graduate School of Medicine. were conducted at room temperature. We defined
Using a syringe with a 27-gauge needle, we AE1/AE3-positive lymph nodes as metastatic.
subcutaneously inoculated NR-S1M metastatic cells We examined the AE1/AE3-positive areas in each
(5 3 106 cells) into the backs, near the tail, of lymph node section at 403 magnification. Digital
C3H/HeN mice under ether anesthesia. At the images of each lymph node stained with AE1/AE3
same time, some mice (CRP group; n = 10) were were examined, and the AE1/AE3-positive area,
administered 1 mg of recombinant mouse CRP (r- expressed as percentage of the total lymph node
CRP; R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN) in 100 mL area, was calculated using ImageJ software (Na-
of PBS subcutaneously into their backs near their tional Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD).
neck. In the control group, 100 mL of PBS was in- Evaluation of lymphangiogenesis in the im-
jected subcutaneously into the backs near the neck planted tumor. Tumor sections (4 mm) were incu-
(n = 20). Thereafter, the 2 groups were given PBS bated first for 60 minutes with rabbit, polyclonal
or r-CRP every 3 days for 5 weeks (12 injections of anti-lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan
CRP or PBS). The mice were then killed, and the receptor-1 (LYVE-1) antibody (1:200 dilution,
tumors and inguinal lymph nodes were extracted. ab14917; Abcam, Cambridge, UK) and then for
We examined the inguinal lymph nodes for metas- 10 minutes with a peroxidase-conjugated, anti-
tasis because they drain the part on the back where rabbit antibody (MAX-PO(Rabbit); Histofine
the tumor cells were injected.9 Tumor and lymph Simple Stain Mouse). Details of the immunohisto-
node volumes were calculated with the following chemistry are the same as described previously.
formula: volume (mm3) = length (mm) 3 width Lymphangiogenesis was evaluated by counting the
(mm)2 3 1/2. For analysis, each tumor was divided LYVE-1 positive lymphatic vessels within the tu-
into 2 tissue samples; one was stored frozen at mor tissue at 2003 magnification under a light
808C, whereas the other was fixed in 10% para- microscope. In addition, digital images of all
formaldehyde. All lymph nodes were fixed in tumors stained for LYVE-1 were captured, and
10% paraformaldehyde. the LYVE-1 positive areas per unit area of tumor
Surgery Sasaki et al 1089
Volume 154, Number 5

section (mm2/1 3 108 mm2) were calculated using

ImageJ software.
The frozen tumor samples were lysed in Qpro-
teome Mammalian Protein Prep Kit (QIAGEN,
Dusseldorf, Germany) using a TissueLyser II (QIA-
GEN) according to the manufacturers protocol.
The protein contents of the samples were then
measured by the use of standard bicinchoninic
acid assays, after which aliquots of lysate contain-
ing 10 mg of protein were subjected to 12.5%
sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electro-
phoresis and transferred to a polyvinylidene di-
fluoride membrane (Atto, Tokyo, Japan). Fig 1. Model of lymph node metastasis in mice. After im-
After blocking the membrane for 60 minutes with plantation of NR-S1M cells, mice were subcutaneously
3% skim milk in Tris-buffered saline containing injected with recombinant-CRP (1 mg) every 3 days.
0.1% Tween 20, it was incubated for 60 minutes Bars depict median values along with the interquartile
with rabbit polyclonal anti-LYVE-1 antibody (1:500 ranges of the serum CRP concentrations (ng/mL) in
dilution, sc-28190; Santa Cruz Biotechnology). The mice administered recombinant CRP (n = 3 in each
probed membrane was then incubated for 60 min- day). (A) Tumor formation (arrow) became detectable
utes with goat, anti-rabbit IgG-HRP (1:5000 dilution, on day 7 after implantation of cancer cells. (B) The tu-
sc-2004; Santa Cruz Biotechnology) and exposed to mor (arrow) and swollen left inguinal lymph node (circle)
5 weeks after implantation of the cancer cells.
enhanced chemiluminescence reagents (sc-2048;
Santa Cruz Biotechnology) followed by radiographic
exposure and development. After each step, the Tumor formation was first observed on day 7
membrane was washed 3 times for 5 minutes in Tris- after implantation of NR-S1M cells in all control
buffered saline containing 0.1% Tween 20, and all and CRP mice. Five weeks after tumor cell implan-
reactions were conducted at room temperature. We tation, there was no difference in tumor size
performed this experiment 3 times, each time cap- between the 2 groups (tumor volume was 3.2
turing digital images and calculating the intensity of [1.9 4.1] 3 103 mm3 in the control group and
the LIVE-1 signal using ImageJ software (National 2.3 [1.6 3.0] 3 103 mm3 in the CRP group, P =
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD). The relative .301; Fig 2, A). Affected lymph nodes were not de-
intensity of the LIVE-1 band in the CRP group was tectable from the outward appearance of the mice.
expressed as a ratio with the control group (CRP/ After making an incision on the back, however, we
control) in each experiment. found subcutaneous inguinal lymph nodes. The
Assessing distant metastasis. Five weeks after total number of resected lymph nodes was 27 in
inoculation of the NR-S1M cells, distant organ the control group and 15 in the CRP group, and
metastases were assessed with an in vivo, micro X- the median number of lymph nodes resected per
ray computed tomography system (R_mCT2, Ri- mouse was 1 [1 2] in the control group and 1.5
gaku, Tokyo, Japan) in 3 anesthetized mice. [1 2] in the CRP group (P = .452). The volume
Statistical analysis. Values are expressed as the of the lymph nodes was 1.6 [0.6 2.7] mm3 in the
median [interquartile range]. Differences between CRP group and 3.7 [1.0 9.0] mm3 in the control
the 2 groups were analyzed using the Wilcoxon group. Thus, lymph nodes were smaller in the
signed-rank test. Differences in the metastasis rate CRP group than the control group (P < .044;
between the control and CRP groups were assessed Fig. 2, B).
using Fishers exact test. Statistical analysis was CT confirmed that none of the mice showed
performed using JMP 9 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). other organ metastasis. Metastases to the inguinal
lymph nodes was seen in 70% (14/20) of control
RESULTS mice, whereas the incidence of lymph node metas-
The serum CRP level increased from 3.8 tasis in the CRP group was only 30% (3/10; P =
[3.6 4.5] ng/mL (day 0) to 5.7 [5.4 6.1] ng/ .056). In addition, the median percent metastatic
mL on day 6 after initiating subcutaneous injec- area was 13 [0 63]% in the control group, but
tions of recombinant CRP. Thereafter, the level only 0 [0 9]% in CRP group mice (P < .042; Fig 3).
continued to increase gradually, reaching 9.3 In Figure 4, A and B, tumors were stained for
[7.0 10.5] ng/mL on day 12 and 12.4 LYVE-1. The LYVE-1 positive area per unit area of
[8.6 12.5] ng/mL on day 18 (Fig 1). tumor section was 5.4 [3.07.1] mm2/1 3 108 mm2
1090 Sasaki et al Surgery
November 2013

Fig 2. (A) Tumor volumes 5 weeks after implantation of tumor cells. Control: n = 20, CRP: n = 10. (B) Lymph node
volumes 5 weeks after implantation of tumor cells. Control: n = 20 mice, 27 lymph nodes, CRP: n = 10 mice, 15 lymph
nodes. Bars depict median values along with the interquartile ranges.

Fig 3. Detection of lymph node metastasis in inguinal lymph nodes through immunohistochemical staining for pancy-
tokeratin (AE1/AE3). Metastatic cancer cells are stained brown. (A) and (B) Lymph node without metastasis. (C) and
(D) Lymph node with metastasis. Scale bars are 500 mm in (A) and (C) and 50 mm in (B) and (D). (D) Also shows cancer
cells within a lymphatic vessel near the lymph node. Arrows show a lymph vessel that contains cancer cells.

in the control group and 2.3 [0.04.6] mm2/1 3 108 apparently resultant lymph node metastasis in
mm2 in the CRP group (P <.037, Fig 4, C). Consistent mice. To date, there have been 3 published reports
with that finding, Western blot analysis showed the on the effects of CRP on tumor metastasis.10-12 They
overall level of LYVE-1 protein present within tumors suggest that CRP may function to control distant or-
from CRP mice to be less than in tumors from control gan metastasis in mice bearing malignant tumors. In
mice (Fig. 4, D). The relative intensities of the LIVE- contrast, there have been no reports investigating
1 bands in the CRP group (CRP/Control) were 0.20, whether CRP can stimulate lymph node metastasis
0.27, and, 0.48, respectively. in a mouse model. Control of lymph node metastasis
is a target for therapy for some solid cancers, and in-
DISCUSSION hibiting lymph node metastasis may require control-
In this study we showed for the first time that CRP ling tumoral lymphangiogenesis. In the present
inhibits tumoral lymphangiogenesis and the study, we used immunohistochemistry with an anti-
Surgery Sasaki et al 1091
Volume 154, Number 5

Fig 4. Immunohistochemical staining of intratumor lymphatic vessels for LYVE-1. Arrows show lymphatic vessels that
stained light brown. (A) Tumor from a control mouse. (B) Tumor from a CRP mouse. Scale bars are 50 mm. (C) Quan-
tification of lymphangiogenesis. LYVE-1 positive areas per unit area of tumor section were evaluated (control: n = 20,
CRP: n = 10). Bars depict median values along both with the interquartile ranges. (D) Western blots showing tumoral
expression of LYVE-1 in a control and a CRP mouse.

LYVE-1 antibody to evaluate intratumor lymphan- disease by impairing cardioprotective prostanoids.26

giogenesis. LYVE-1 is a reliable marker of lymphatic Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is also expressed in re-
vessels that is expressed predominantly in lymphatic gions of inflammation. COX-2 is the predominant
endothelial cells,13,14 making it useful in the analysis source of PGI2, so that COX-2 inhibitors, such as eto-
of lymphangiogenesis associated with lymph node dolac, impair the production of PGI2 and predis-
metastasis.15,16 In our study, LYVE-1 positive areas pose one to cardiovascular disease.27,28 In contrast,
within tumor sections were significantly less in COX-2 inhibitors also suppress lymphangiogenesis
CRP-treated mice than control mice, suggesting in vivo.18 Cox-2 suppresses immune responses and
that host CRP may decrease intratumor lymphangio- promotes cancer cell invasion and angiogenesis by
genesis and thus suppress lymph node metastasis. stimulating the secretion of proangiogenic factors,
Several growth factors affecting lymphangiogenic including VEGF-A and fibroblast growth factor-2,
activity have been reported. In a study of cutaneous from cancer cells and/or stromal fibroblasts.29-32
squamous cell carcinomas in vascular endothelial Hirakawa33 suggested the novel concept of the
growth factor (VEGF)-A transgenic mice, VEGF-A lymphovascular niche to explain expansion of lym-
induced active proliferation of tumor-associated phatic networks. This concept suggests that primary
lymphatic endothelial cells and could potentially tumors are themselves able to actively modify future
serve as a tumoral lymphangiogenesis factor.17 The metastatic sites for preferential relocation and to po-
effect of VEGF-A was to attract macrophages to tu- tentially enlarge the sinusoidal lymphatic endothe-
mors, which are sites of inflammation.18,19 The lium for the migration of cancer cells to the lymph
tumor-associated macrophages then promoted in- nodes. We suggest that CRP may function within
tratumor lymphangiogenesis by abundantly produc- the lymphovascular niche to prevent lymph node me-
ing VEGF-A, VEGF-C, and VEGF-D.19-23 tastasis. Moreover, because the occurrence of lymph
CRP was identified originally as a biomarker of node metastasis involves the concerted actions of a
acute and chronic inflammation.24,25 In the context number of factors, lymph node metastasis may only
of cardiovascular disease, CRP reportedly reduces ni- be suppressed when several factors are targeted.
tric oxide production, causes tyrosine nitration of In esophageal and renal cancers, tumors ex-
endothelial PGI2 synthase, and inhibits PGI2 release pressing CRP are associated with a poor progno-
from arterioles. Thus, CRP promotes endothelial sis.34 We suggest that the function of tumoral CRP
dysfunction and the development of coronary artery differs from that of host CRP. Whereas tumoral
1092 Sasaki et al Surgery
November 2013

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Detmer M. VEGF-A induces tumor and sentinel lymph
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