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Three adult subjects were taught the following two-sample, two-comparison conditional discriminations
(each sample is shown with its positive and negative comparison, in that order): Al-BlB2, A2-B2B1;
B1-ClC2, B2-C2C1; and C1-D1D2, C2-D2D1. A teaching procedure was designed to encourage
control by negative comparisons. Subjects were then tested for emergent performances that would
indicate whether the baseline conditional discriminations were reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.
The tests documented the emergence of two classes of equivalent stimuli: Al, B2, Cl, D2 and A2,
B1, C2, Dl. These were the classes to be expected if the negative comparisons were the controlling
comparisons in the baseline conditional discriminations. The negative comparisons, however, were not
the comparisons that subjects were recorded as having chosen in the baseline conditional discriminations.
Differential test results confirmed predictions arising from a stimulus-control analysis: In reflexivity
tests (AA, BB, CC, DD), subjects chose comparisons that differed from the sample; one-node transitivity
(AC, BD) and "equivalence" (CA, DB) tests also yielded results that were the opposite of those to
be expected from control by positive comparisons; symmetry tests (BA, CB, DC), two-node transitivity
(AD) tests, and two-node "equivalence" (DA) tests yielded results that were to be expected from
control by either positive or negative comparisons.
Key words: equivalence relations, conditional discrimination, negative stimuli, stimulus control,
computer touch screen input, adult humans

It is impossible to tell from just the pro- the sample is Al, or B2 when the sample is
grammed contingency and the response record A2. With Sample Al, Comparison Bi is said
whether a subject's choices in a two-compar- to be positive and B2 is negative; with Sample
ison conditional discrimination are controlled A2, the positive and negative designations are
by positive or by negative comparisons. If the reversed. The contingency depicted in Panel I
contingency has generated equivalence rela- does not specify which comparison controls the
tions, however, the two types of control can be subject's response.
expected to yield predictably different out- Because of this ambiguity, descriptions of
comes in tests for the properties of equivalence conditional discriminations often reflect un-
relations (Carrigan & Sidman, 1992). stated assumptions. For example, one may read
that subjects were taught, "If the sample is Al
The Controlling Stimuli then respond to Comparison B1, and if A2 then
Panel I in Figure 1 illustrates the pro- B2." This description does not mention neg-
grammed contingency in a two-sample (Al, ative stimuli. "Select" and "reject" (below)
A2), two-comparison (B1, B2) conditional dis- specify the stimulus that is conditionally re-
crimination. A reinforcer is delivered if the lated to the sample, the positive ("select") or
subject touches (points to, moves, etc.) Bl when the negative ("reject") comparison. Panel II of
Figure 1, illustrating select control, represents
the assumption that the controlling stimuli on
This article was adapted from the first author's thesis, correct trials are the sample and the positive
submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Arts in Applied Behavior Analysis comparison. A second description of the con-
in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of North- tingency, however, might state, "If the sample
eastern University, November, 1991. Portions of this paper is Al, respond away from Comparison B2, and
were also presented at the May, 1991 meeting of the if the sample is A2, respond away from Bl."
Association for Behavior Analysis in Atlanta, Georgia. This description does not mention positive
The authors are grateful to the New England Center for
Autism for its commitment to research, to Myrna Libby stimuli. Panel III of Figure 1, illustrating re-
and Gina Green for their comments on earlier versions of ject control, represents the assumption that the
the manuscript, and to F. Garth Fletcher for his help with controlling stimuli on a correct trial are the
computer programming and maintenance. Correspon- sample and negative comparison. Even though
dence and reprint requests can be sent to Cammarie John-
son or Murray Sidman, New England Center for Autism, the subject is recorded as having touched the
33 Turnpike Road, Southborough, Massachusetts 01772. positive comparison, the negative comparison,

CONTINGENC ,Y in being "rejected," controls the recorded

Al A2 choice.
Panels II and III of Figure 1 indicate that
Bi B2 B1 B2 even though the record shows the same com-
touch B2
parison being touched in conjunction with a
given sample, only with select control do sub-
I jects touch the controlling comparison. One
________ way of describing Panel II is to say that if the
reinf reinf sample is Al, subjects look for and select Com-
POSSIBLE OUTC(OMES parison B1; if the sample is A2, they look for
"SELECT" B1 "SELECT" B2 and select Comparison B2. In describing Panel
Al A2 III, however, one might say that if the sample
select \ \7 ' select is Al, subjects look for and reject Comparison
B1 4) B2; if the sample is A2, they look for and reject
(X1 EB2
11 A third way to describe the outcome of the
touch B1 touch B2
contingency is to state, "Subjects are taught to
"REJECT" 12 B2 81
"REJECT" B1 respond to Bl if the
sample is Al,
respond to Bi if the sample
is and not to
A2." This de-
Al A2
s / \reject reject/ \ ? scription mentions only one comparison stim-
7 N / \\ ulus, which is sometimes positive and some-
B1 (81) B2 times negative. In Panel IV, subjects might be
touch Bi
| Ill
touch B2
said always to look for Comparison Bi, some-
times selecting and sometimes rejecting it, de-
"SEET "- pending on the sample. In Panel V, subjects
Al A2 might be said always to look for Comparison
select \? reje//_s
A ?
B2, either selecting or rejecting it.
A final possibility would have subjects "re-
(1 B2 ( B2 sponding to Bl and not to B2 if the sample is
IV Al, and responding to B2 and not to Bi if the
touch Bl touch B2 sample is A2." Panel VI, which combines Pan-
"SELECT" 82 B2 els IV and
involved V, shows
in both
each comparison to be
kinds of control. With Sample
?" \rejc A2\reect
?'\elect ? A 1, subjects select B1 and reject B2; with A2,
B1Bl Bs
B() B1
, N they
h In all panels of FigureBi.
select B2 and reject
1, the recorded be-
touch Bl
touch B2
havior remains the same: If the sample is Al,
subjects touch B1; if the sample is A2, they
"SELECT" and "REJECT" B1 82
81 and B2 touch B2. How is one to tell, then, whether a
conditional discrimination involves select or
select reject
r ect reject
reject elect reject control? Carrigan and Sidman (1992)

pointed out limitations inherent in the usual

1 81 2 test (e.g., Cumming & Berry-
T man, 1965; Dixon & Dixon, 1978; Stromer &
touch Bl touch B2 Osborne, 1982) and provided a theoretical ba-
Fig. 1. An analysis of two conditional discrimination sis for predicting that tests for reflexivity or
tr~ials (the left and right sides of each panel), showing that transitivity could unequivocally identify con-
a subject might touch the positive comparison either by trolling comparisons (see below for a sum-
lecting it or by rejecting the negative comparison. Al mry
nd A2 designate sample stimuli; Bl and B2 designate mary)
cc:mparisons. Panel I shows experimental contingencies; A broader question is what test perfor-
P.'anels II ~ tr~ VI
through ~ illustrate
~ ~control ~ by~the ~positive
mances 19) nlssrqie
would indicate httepo
the formation of equiv-
'select") and/or the negative ("reject") comparisons. alence relations if a subject rejects incorrect
C1Aontrolling comparisons are circled and connected to sam- comparisons in the baseline. Carrigan and Sid-
p les by solid lines. man os
the asequies tat the pro-

grammed contingencies give rise to equivalence "SELECT" "REJECT"

relations; predictions generated by the analysis
are based on the defining properties of equiv- a (a
alence relations (see below). Given reject con-
trol in the baseline (see The Biasing Procedure ()B2 B1) Bi i) (iJB2
in Method, below), tests that show the baseline V/ \V
conditional discriminations to possess the
properties of equivalence relations would dem- i3C2 C16 (cC2 cic)
onstrate that reject control is compatible with v V/
equivalence. If reject control prevails, however, VlU
certain tests for the properties of equivalence @q)D2
D1( Dl(3
relations can be expected to yield results that A1 j - touch REFLEXIVITY Al1;
are opposite to those based on select control. TESTS A1 touch
| A1-touch
A2 A) touch
The Controlling Stimuli and Tests for
Equivalence: Predictions Br |@touch
The uppermost section of Figure 2 illus- 82I B1-touch
trates the baseline conditional discriminations,
AB, BC, and CD, that were explicitly taught C1 1v touch C1 9I2-touch
in the present experiment. In each conditional C1
discrimination, arrows connect the sample to D2BiC21|IB touch
touch C21iC1-touch
its related (circled) comparison and check- 8a2Di | Bl@ touch
Di I D2-touch
marks indicate the positive comparison. In ac- D1 DI -touch
cord with the reinforcement contingencies, the D2 touch
positive comparisons are the same under select SYMMETRY Al -touch
and reject control. The reinforcement contin- TESTS B1I
gencies, however, do not specify the controlling jv- touch B2 |i
comparisons. With select control, the positive BI
comparison in each conditional discrimination C18 -touch
is also the controlling comparison (the one that
is related to the sample). With reject control, C2 |82-touch
however, the positive comparison is not related
to the sample. For example, with Al as the
D1 touch
D21l -I

sample under select control, Bi is both the C81 Al| touch

| D2 touch
positive and the controlling comparison; under
reject control, BI is still positive but B2 is the A32C21|IAtoc
1 NODE C 2-touch
controlling comparison. Because the compar- A2C - touch
ison that is related to each sample differs under
select and reject control, the two types of con- 1& touch 831 D2-touch
trol can be expected to generate different D2Al I-touch ID1-touch
D I 1- touch
equivalence classes. The arrows connecting C2
each sample to its related (selected or rejected) C
A21D2 |Cltuc 2 NODES A
D2D2 S touch
touch )
A2 D2-touch
Fig. 2. The controlling comparisons (circled) in an A26 ch
1 NODE -tou
AB/BC/CD baseline under select (left) and reject (right) 2 1-touch
control. In the upper section, arrows point from samples D2|- touch
to controlling comparisons; checkmarks indicate the com-
parison the subject touched-the observable outcome of Dl 82-touch
the reinforcement contingencies. Diagrams in the lower D2 | B1-touch
sections, which show each sample at the left of its pair of
comparisons, illustrate the tests. For each type of control, Ii-touch
the sample, the controlling comparison (circled), and the 2 NODES
comparison a subject can be expected to touch are shown I
D2 A2- loud,
side by side.

comparison show the two classes under select B2 is the sample. In symmetry tests, then, the
control to consist of AlBlClDl and type of control dictates the controlling com-
A2B2C2D2 and under reject control to consist parison, but the comparison a subject touches
of AlB2ClD2 and A2BlC2Dl. remains the same whether the control is select
The lower sections of Figure 2, which show or reject. The same recorded results can be
each sample at the left of its pair of compar- expected for select and reject control in the
isons, illustrate the tests and their expected three possible symmetry tests (Figure 2).
results, depending on whether the control is Transitivity tests. For the baseline to exhibit
select or reject. Carrigan and Sidman's (1992) transitivity, all of its conditional discrimina-
analysis leads to the following expectations tions (AB, BC, and CD) must be based on the
when tests for the properties of equivalence same relation (unlike Panels IV and V in Fig-
relations are carried out. ure 1). One test trial might present a subject
Reflexivity tests. In a reflexive relation, the with Al or A2 as a sample and both Cl and
same relation will hold between each stimulus C2 as comparisons. With reference to the base-
and itself. Opportunities for a subject to relate line diagrams in Figure 2, predicted results
each stimulus to itself are provided by identity- can be expressed as follows: (if Sample Al
matching tests in which a stimulus that is in- select Bl) and (if Sample Bl select Cl), then,
volved in the conditional relation being tested by transitivity, if Sample Al select Cl; or (if
serves both as sample and comparison. If the Sample Al reject B2) and (if Sample B2 reject
relation being tested is reflexive, such a test Cl), then, by transitivity, if Sample Al reject
will show a subject either selecting or rejecting C1.
the comparison that is the same as the sample, With a transitive baseline relation and select
depending on whether select or reject control control, subjects can be expected to select and
prevails in the baseline. One test, for example, touch Cl when Al is the sample, but with
would present a subject with Al or A2 as a reject control, subjects will reject C1 and touch
sample and both Al and A2 as comparisons. C2. As in reflexivity tests, then, the type of
If the baseline relation is reflexive and the control in AC and BD transitivity tests (Figure
control is select, subjects can be expected to 2) will determine which comparison the sub-
select and touch Comparison Al when Al is ject touches, even though the controlling com-
the sample and Comparison A2 when A2 is parison is the same for both select and reject
the sample. With reflexivity and reject control, control.
however, subjects can be expected to reject Baselines for AC and BD transitivity tests
Comparison Al and touch A2 when Al is the contain only one node, B stimuli in the AC
sample and to reject A2 and touch Al when test and C stimuli in the BD test. The whole
A2 is the sample. The same holds true in tests baseline, however, contains two nodes, B and
involving stimuli from the other baseline con- C stimuli (Fields & Verhave, 1987; Fields,
ditional discriminations; compare the left and Verhave, & Fath, 1984). The transivity test
right columns of reflexivity tests in Figure 2. for the two-node baseline is the AD test, with
Test results indicating that the baseline rela- predicted results as follows: (if Sample Al se-
tion is reflexive can therefore be expected to lect B1) and (if Sample B1 select C1) and (if
depend on whether the control is select or re- Sample Cl select Dl), then, by transitivity, if
ject. Sample Al select Dl; or (if Sample Al reject
Symmetry tests. A symmetric baseline rela- B2) and (if Sample B2 reject Cl) and (if Sam-
tion will hold when the samples become com- ple C1 reject D2), then, by transitivity, if Sam-
parisons and the related comparisons become ple Al reject D2.
samples. One test, for example, presents BI With a transitive two-node baseline relation
or B2 as a sample and both Al and A2 as and select control, subjects can be expected to
comparisons. With a symmetric baseline re- select and touch Dl when Al is the sample,
lation and select control, subjects can be ex- and with reject control, they will reject D2 and
pected to select and touch Al when Bl is the touch D1. For a given sample in the two-node
sample and A2 when B2 is the sample. With transitivity test, the type of relation dictates
reject control, however, they can be expected the controlling comparison, but the compari-
to reject A2 and touch Al when Bl is the son actually touched is the same in select and
sample and to reject Al and touch A2 when reject control. Unlike reflexivity and one-node

transitivity tests, then, recorded two-node tran- stimuli and blanks varied from trial to trial.
sitivity test results can be expected to show no When a subject touched a key, the location of
difference between select and reject control. the touch was recorded via a transparent touch
Equivalence tests. CA, DB, and DA tests pad mounted over the face of the monitor. The
have been recommended as abbreviated tests bottom left corner of the monitor contained a
for equivalence because results indicative of white-highlighted counter that continuously
equivalence require the baseline to possess the displayed a subject's accumulated number of
defining symmetric and transitive properties points.
of an equivalence relation (e.g., Sidman, 1986,
1990). Figure 2 shows these tests and their Procedure
expected results, but the rationale for the pre- Instructions to subjects. In the first set of
dictions is essentially the same as for transi- trials, the sample key was blank and only one
tivity and need not be repeated. of the outer comparison keys contained a stim-
ulus. The subject was instructed, "Touch it."
A touch on the key that contained the stimulus
METHOD produced a high-pitched "beep" and the ad-
Subjects were first taught baseline condi- dition of a point to the counter. The subject
tional discriminations with a procedure that was then asked how many points the counter
was designed to encourage control by negative showed and was told, "Sometimes a beep will
comparisons. Then, tests were conducted to sound and a point will be added to the counter.
determine whether the baselines possessed the At the end of the session, each point will be
properties of equivalence relations. Test re- exchanged for one cent." During the first few
sults were evaluated to ascertain whether they sessions, the experimenter intermittently asked,
were in accord with predictions based on select "How many points do you have?" After each
or reject control, as outlined above. set of trials, the subject moved away from the
Subjects monitor while the experimenter entered the
parameters for the next set of trials.
Subject JLM, a 27-year-old woman, a su- Before tests, subjects were told, "This time
pervisor of educational services for autistic there will not be any beeps or points, but af-
children and an MA candidate, participated terwards we will give you something you know
in 19 30- to 60-min sessions. Subject DAW, how to do." Before such "make-up" sets of
a 27-year-old man with a BA in Psychology trials, Subjects JLM and DAW were told,
and a teacher of autistic children, participated "Points will be worth two cents each," and
in 22 30- to 60-min sessions. Subject JCG, a Subject JCG was told, "Two points will be
15-year-old girl and a high school student, added to the counter each time."
participated in eight sessions, each about 2 hr Standard accuracy criteria. Each combina-
in duration. Sessions took place 2 or 3 days a tion of sample and comparison stimuli was
week. The subjects were not acquainted with defined as a trial type; a block of trials con-
the topics of the investigation. tained one presentation of each trial type. The
intertrial interval was 0.68 s. Teaching trials
Apparatus continued until the subject scored at least 95%
Apparatus and procedures have been pre- correct over six consecutive blocks of trials and
sented elsewhere (Bush, Sidman, & de Rose, made no more than one error on any trial type.
1989), and only broad outlines and new details Tests contained a predetermined number of
will be described here. A computer presented trials, depending on the number of trial types
stimuli, managed trial sequences and contin- involved.
gencies, and recorded data. Five rectangular Preexperimental phase. Preexperimental
"keys" were continuously present on the mon- stimuli, different from those to be used later,
itor, with one of four outer keys adjacent to were alphabet letters, geometric designs, and
each side of a center key. After the preexper- a white key area. First, without a sample being
imental phase (see below), trial displays con- presented, subjects learned to produce a beep
sisted of a sample stimulus in the center key, and point by touching the one outer key that
two comparison stimuli in outer keys, and two contained a stimulus. Then, with a stimulus
blank outer keys. Key positions of comparison in the sample key, subjects learned to produce

Table 1
Examples of trial types that were intended to bias subjects toward rejecting incorrect comparisons
in the AB, BC, and CD conditional discriminations. Roman numerals identify groups of trial
types. S = sample; C = comparisons. Touching the left-hand member of each comparison pair
produced a reinforcer.
Al - BlB2 A2 - B2B1 Bi - C1C2 B2 - C2C1 Cl - D1D2 C2 - D2D1
Al - X1B2 A2 - X4B1 Bi - Y1C2 B2 - Y4Cl Cl - ZID2 C2 - Z4D1
Al - X2B2 A2 - X5B1 B1 - Y2C2 B2 - YSC1 Cl - Z2D2 C2 - Z5D1
Al - X3B2 A2 - X6B1 Bi - Y3C2 B2 - Y6C1 Cl - Z3D2 C2 - Z6D1

the single comparison by touching the sample. control by negative comparisons, but once sub-
Finally, an incorrect comparison appeared jects had become familiar with the procedure,
along with the correct comparison; subjects had they learned new conditional discriminations
to learn a conditional discrimination. As be- nearly errorlessly. The delayed-cue procedure
fore, touching the correct comparison was fol- was used only when new baseline conditional
lowed by a beep, an additional point on the discriminations were introduced.
counter, and the intertrial interval; touching The biasing procedure. Underlying the pro-
the incorrect comparison was followed only by cedure for encouraging control by samples and
the intertrial interval. On no trial was the sam- negative comparisons was the assumption that
ple stimulus the same as any of the compari- subjects would learn tasks in ways that re-
sons. quired the fewest discriminations. Thus, all
Delayed-cue procedure. A variation of trial types involving a given sample contained
Touchette's (1971) delayed-cue procedure was the same negative but varying positive com-
used to teach each new conditional discrimi- parisons. For example, in teaching the AB
nation. Because the objective was to teach sub- conditional discrimination (Table 1, Columns
jects which stimulus not to touch, the cue was I and II), all trials with Al as the sample had
a display not of the positive but of the negative the same negative comparison (B2) but varying
comparison. When a subject touched the sam- positive comparisons (B1, X1, X2, or X3);
ple, both comparisons came on together at first. with A2 as the sample, the invariant negative
Touching the positive comparison produced a stimulus was B1 and the positive stimulus var-
beep and point; touching the negative com- ied among B2, X4, X5, and X6.
parison ended the trial without reinforcement. Critical trial types are listed at the top of
If a predetermined interval elapsed without each column in Table 1. To produce rein-
any response, the key containing the correct forcement regularly on those trials, subjects
comparison became white, thereby hiding the had to attend to the samples because each com-
correct stimulus and leaving the incorrect com- parison had a history of being both positive
parison in view. The subject could then pro- and negative (e.g., B1 and B2 in Columns I
duce a reinforcer by touching the white key and II). On noncritical trials, however, sub-
(perhaps learning to reject the negative stim- jects might have disregarded the samples, se-
ulus). Subjects could therefore produce the beep lecting any X stimulus or always rejecting B1
and point by waiting for the cue and then and B2. Given both critical and noncritical
touching the white key or by anticipating the trials, subjects could regularly produce rein-
cue and touching the correct comparison. The forcers by learning (a) eight relations between
cue delay, initially set at 0.1 s, increased when- samples and positive comparisons, (b) two re-
ever a subject completed a block of trials with- lations between samples and positive compar-
out error. Delays were set to increase in 0.2-s isons and six simple discriminations in which
steps from 0.1 to 0.8 s, in 1-s steps from 1 to an X stimulus was always chosen, (c) two
3 s, in 2-s steps up to 8 s, and in 5-s steps up relations between samples and negative com-
to 20 s. It was not clear whether this delayed- parisons and two simple discriminations in
cue procedure by itself succeeded in generating which Bi and B2 were always rejected, (d)
various combinations of the first three, or (e)
control by two relations between samples and Al 1
negative comparisons. The last possibility,
which required the fewest discriminations, was A2 2
relied on to generate consistent control by the
sample and negative stimulus. Columns III
through VI in Table 1 illustrate the same bi- B1 e xl a X2 h X3 9
asing procedure applied to conditional dis-
criminations BC and CD.
Tests in extinction. All tests were carried out
B2 n X4 r X5 9 X6 b
in extinction (no beeps or points). To deter- '
mine whether subjects would maintain crite- yiC Y2+ Y3
rion performances in extinction, the baseline
that had been explicitly taught was tested
without reinforcement. All subjects met the
C2 : Y4 A Y5 a Y6 5
criteria in their first extinction tests. Subse-
quent sessions in which tests were to be given Dl2 Z2 A
started with a review of the relevant baseline -I,
trial types, with reinforcement, and the stan- D2 J-- Z4E Z5 6 Z6 4
dard accuracy criteria had to be met before Fig. 3. The actual stimuli (reduced approximately
proceeding with tests. 75%) shown beside the corresponding alphanumeric stim-
In tests, probe trials for emergent condi- ulus designations.
tional discriminations were interspersed among
critical and noncritical baseline trials. After
each test, the subject was given the same num- After the AB/BC baseline had been tested,
ber of baseline trials with the doubled points Subjects DAW and JLM were taught the CD
or point values, as specified in the instructions. conditional discrimination (Teaching Phase
Figure 2 summarizes the baseline conditional IV), and a new baseline of mixed AB, BC,
discriminations and the probe trials in each and CD trials was then established (Phase V).
test. Figure 3 depicts the actual stimuli that The subjects then received tests that would
were used, and shows how they correspond to show whether the new baseline possessed the
the alphanumeric designations. properties of an equivalence relation: sym-
Teaching and testing sequences. Each teach- metry (DC), transitivity (AC, BD, AD),
ing phase continued until the subject met the equivalence (CA, DB, DA), and, for Subject
standard accuracy criteria described above. DAW, reflexivity (AA, BB, CC, and DD).
Subjects JLM and DAW were taught the AB Each test was given three times. With the new
conditional discriminations in Teaching Phase baseline, tests contained five presentations of
I and BC in Phase II. In Phase III, they were each trial type and therefore included 10 probe
given sets of mixed AB and BC trials. Then, trials.
with test trials interspersed among the com- Subject JCG was taught the complete AB/
bined AB/BC baseline trials, the subjects re- BC/CD baseline before being tested. She re-
ceived tests for the emergent conditional dis- ceived at least four repetitions of each test:
criminations that would show whether the symmetry (BA, CB, DC), transitivity (AC, BD,
baseline possessed the properties of an equiv- AD), equivalence (CA, DB, DA), and reflex-
alence relation: symmetry (BA, CB), transi- ivity (AA, BB, CC, DD). (The test sequence
tivity (AC), and equivalence (CA). Every test will be described in the Results section.) Tests
contained six presentations of each baseline contained three presentations of each trial type
and probe trial type. Because the conditional and therefore included six probe trials.
discriminations had two trial types (combi- Verbal reports. After all tests were com-
nations of sample and comparison stimuli), pleted, Subjects DAW and JCG were pre-
tests contained 12 probe trials. Each test was sented with one instance of each trial type.
given four times (Subject DAW received six When they had produced the comparisons, they
CA tests). The testing sequence differed among were asked "What are you going to do?" or
subjects, as will be noted in the Results section. "What are you going to do and why?" Subject

DAW, however, was not asked about reflex- Subject JLM, was consistent with select con-
ivity trials, and Subject JCG's reports after trol. To determine whether a shift in control
the first few were invalidated by a procedural would take place if the equivalence test were
error. repeated without other kinds of tests interven-
ing, Subject DAW was given four consecutive
RESULTS CA tests. In Tests 2 and 3, his performance
lacked consistency, but Test 4 once again in-
Baselines dicated select control. A complete performance
All subjects learned the baseline conditional shift took place, however, when he received
discriminations quickly. When baselines were two more CA tests immediately after four con-
subsequently reviewed, tested in extinction, or secutive AC transitivity tests. In Tests 9 and
given in conjunction with probes, subjects rarely 10, all probe trials showed reject control; he
made errors. Therefore, only probe trial re- always touched A2 when Cl was the sample
sults will be reported. and Al with C2 as the sample.
Tests in the Context of the One-Node Tests in the Context of the Two-Node
AB/BC Baseline AB/BC/CD Baseline
Subjects JLM and DAW received their first After their AB/BC baseline had been tested,
tests after learning the one-node AB/BC base- Subjects JLM and DAW were taught CD
line. Bars in Figure 4 show how many of the conditional discriminations. Although DC, AC,
subjects' responses in the 12 probe trials of CA, BD, and DB tests required only one-node
each test were consistent with select control (as baselines (AB/BC or BC/CD), all tests were
outlined in Figure 2). now carried out in the context of the two-node
Transitivity (AC). With Sample Al, both baseline (AB/BC/CD). With CD added to the
subjects nearly always touched Comparison C2, baseline, Subjects JLM and DAW were given
and with Sample A2, they always touched C1. the newly possible symmetry test (DC) once,
Replicating Carrigan's (1986) findings, the the one-node transitivity (AC) and equivalence
subjects' choices in the one-node transitivity (CA) tests three times, and the newly possible
test were in accord with expectations based on two-node transitivity (AD) and equivalence
reject rather than select control. (DA) tests three times. Both subjects had the
Symmetry (BA and CB). In all BA sym- same test sequence. Subject JCG learned the
metry tests, both subjects always touched Com- complete two-node AB/BC/CD baseline and
parison Al when BI was the sample and A2 was then given at least two tests of each type.
when B2 was the sample. In CB tests, they Symmetry (DC). The DC symmetry test
always touched B1 when Cl was the sample given to Subjects JLM (Figure 5) and DAW
and B2 when C2 was the sample. These sym- (Figure 6) confirmed the results of their earlier
metry test results were to be expected whether symmetry tests: With Sample D1, they touched
the type of control was select or reject (Figure Comparison Cl, and with D2, they touched
2). C2. Again, these findings could have arisen
Equivalence (CA). In Subject JLM's first from either select or reject control. The three
equivalence test, which was also her first test types of symmetry tests given to Subject JCG,
of any type, she showed consistent select con- all in the context of the two-node baseline,
trol, always touching Al when Cl was the were also consistent with either type of control
sample and A2 when C2 was the sample. She (Figure 7); only two of her 36 choices failed
did not maintain this performance, however, to match the expectations outlined in Fig-
in three subsequent repetitions of the CA test ure 2.
(8, 10, and 13) that followed transitivity and One-node transitivity (AC and BD). Subjects
symmetry tests. All probe trials in the last three JLM and DAW again demonstrated reject
equivalence tests showed reject rather than se- control in AC tests: With Sample Al, they
lect control: When C 1 was the sample, she always touched Comparison C2; with Sample
touched A2; with C2 as the sample, she touched A2, they always touched Cl. Similarly, their
Al. choices were in accord with reject control in
Subject DAW's first test was also the CA the new one-node BD transitivity tests: They
equivalence test. His performance, like that of reliably touched Comparison D2 in the pres-


12 It
I H 5-
0 z
CE 6-] I 0
)0 -

0 0- -_ 0
2 6 11 14 5 6 7 8
0 lLUI
LU 12-
* -r

U) H
:B 5-
z _ _
LUI 0-
U) 21 28 33 1 22 25 30 1
z 3 7 12 16 1112 13 14 0c
LU 10 -
U) 0
H C)
I -
I19 -
27 31 20 24 34'
0 lL
4 5 9 15 15 16 1718
U- m
LU 0-
17 26 32 18 23 29
Fig. 5. Tests in the context of the AB/BC/CD base-
line for Subject JLM.
18 10 13 1 2 3 4 9 10'
TEST NUMBER BD, which tested one-node subsets of the base-
Fig. 4. Results of tests in the context of the AB/BC line for transitivity, AD tested the complete
baseline for Subjects JLM and DAW. Each row of bars
represents one type of test. Within rows, tests are shown two-node baseline. In the AD tests, all 3 sub-
sequentially, with test numbers below the bars. Each bar jects always touched Comparison Dl in the
represents the number of choices that were consistent with presence of Sample Al and D2 in the presence
select control (Figure 2). of A2. Although the one-node transitivity tests
had unequivocally shown reject control, the
two-node AD tests yielded results that were to
ence of Sample B1 and Dl in the presence of be expected as an outcome of either select or
B2. In Subject JCG's one-node AC and BD reject control (Figure 2).
transitivity tests, her 24 choices were in accord One-node equivalence (CA and DB). Sub-
with expectations based on reject control. jects JLM and DAW replicated the reject con-
Two-node transitivity (AD). Unlike AC and trol shown by the final results of their earlier


-* 10- IVITY 6-

z 5-
- - - -

- 3-
o 0-
C) o

8 21 7 22 6 24


LU 3-
I z 0-
w 14 17 15 18 16 19
3: 5- U)
Z lo0-
2330 35 24 27 32
o 0-

3 9
11 25
2 4 12 26 1

5 10 13 20 23
Cn 5- w
m 3- AA BB CC DD
0 ,-- -
z 0- i.28* 31 l
29 34
30 33
27 32
0 e1zY tj '.z zO it TEST NUMBER
Fig. 7. All tests, each in the context of the AB/BC/
1- AD TESTS DA TESTS CD baseline, for Subject JCG.

co choices being consistent with select control

(Figure 7, Test 2). In her second DB test, given
after a CA test, all probe trials showed reject
control, a result confirmed in 11 of 12 trials
119 28 34 120 25 31 in two more DB tests.
TEST NUMBER Two-node equivalence (DA). Unlike CA and
DB, which tested one-node subsets of the two-
Fig. 6. Tests in the context of the AB/BC/CD base- node baseline for equivalence, DA tested the
line for Subject DAW. complete baseline. Subjects JLM and DAW
always touched Comparison Al in the pres-
CA tests: In the context of the two-node base- ence of Sample Dl and A2 in the presence of
line, they always touched Comparison A2 in D2 (Figures 5 and 6), results to be expected
the presence of Sample C1 and Al in the pres- as an outcome of either select or reject control.
ence of C2. Subject JCG replicated these data Subject JCG's DA test, her first of any kind,
in her four CA tests (four, rather than the yielded equivocal results, with three of her six
usual two, because of the changes that had recorded choices being consistent with select
taken place in the other subjects' CA tests). control (Figure 7). After DB and CA tests that
Subjects JLM and DAW also demonstrated demonstrated reject control, her second DA
reject control in their newly possible DB tests, test (Test 5) shifted also to reject control. The
always touching B2 in the presence of Sample next two DA tests (10 and 13), given after
Dl, and BI in the presence of D2 (Figures 5 three symmetry tests (6, 7, and 8) and addi-
and 6). Subject JCG's first DB test yielded tional one-node equivalence tests (9, 11, and
equivocal results, with two of her six recorded 12), were again variable. Only in the next two

DA tests (20 and 23), after one- and two-node paired with B1 which was paired with A2,
transitivity tests (14 through 19), did her and they're in the same group. I don't want
choices come to correspond reliably with ex- that group. I want the other group which is
pectations that could be derived either from D2." Subject JCG had Al as the sample, and
select or reject control (Figure 2). stated that she would pick Dl because D2
One-node equivalence tests, therefore, even "always comes with Al, and you have to press
in the context of the two-node baseline, were the other one."
consistent with reject control. All subjects' final DB equivalence, Sample Dl. Subject JLM
results on two-node equivalence tests, how- said she was going to "touch B2 because B 1
ever, were in accord with either select or reject goes with C2 and C2 goes with Dl." Subject
control in the baseline. DAW said, "The choice I'm going to select is
Reflexivity (AA, BB, CC, DD). Subject B2 because Bl was paired with C2 which was
DAW's performance on reflexivity tests, each paired with D1, and I'm choosing from a dif-
given once after all the other tests (Figure 6), ferent group."
was perfectly in accord with expectations based DA equivalence, Sample D2. Subject JLM
on reject control in the baseline conditional said she would "touch A2 because Al goes
discriminations. He always touched the com- with B2, B2 goes with Cl, and Cl goes with
parison that was not identical to the sample: D2." Subject DAW said, "I'm going to choose
A2 in the presence of Al and Al in the pres- A2 because D2 was paired with C 1 which was
ence of A2, B2 in the presence of BI and BI paired with B2 which was paired with Al.
in the presence of B2, and so forth. They're in the same group and I'm choosing
Subject JCG's reflexivity tests yielded the the different group." Subject JCG, who had
same results. Except for just one trial, she never Dl as the sample, said, "I am going to touch
touched the comparison that was identical to Al because A2 goes with Dl and you have to
the sample. As was outlined in Figure 2, these touch the other one."
results were to be expected if reject control DD and AA reflexivity. Subject JCG said,
predominated in the baseline. "I am going to touch the one that is not alike."
Verbal Reports
All subjects named the probe stimuli when DISCUSSION
explaining what they were going to do. For The substantial agreement between pre-
expository convenience, however, the follow- dicted and obtained results indicates that (a)
ing summary of their reports will use the al- the biasing procedure did generate control by
phanumeric stimulus designations (Figure 3) the sample and negative comparison (reject
instead of the names the subjects gave. control) in each baseline conditional discrim-
BA symmetry, Sample B2. Subject JLM said, ination; (b) even with reject control, the base-
"I'm going to touch A2 because B2 goes with line relation was an equivalence relation; and
Al." Subject DAW said, "Al and B2 have (c) select and reject control can be expected
been paired together and ... they're in the to yield different results when conditional re-
same group, so I'm choosing A2 because it's lations are tested for the properties of equiv-
not in that group." Subject JCG said, "I am alence relations.
going to touch A2 because Al always goes with In the context of a four-term reinforcement
B2 and you have to press the other one." contingency (uppermost panel of Figure 1),
AC transitivity, Sample A 1. Subject JLM said the difference between select and reject control
she would "touch C2 because Al goes with B2 became visible in subjects' responses in reflex-
which goes with Cl." Subject DAW said he ivity, one-node transitivity, and one-node
would "choose C2 because C 1 was paired with equivalence tests. The differing results, de-
B2 which was paired with Al, and I'm choos- pending on the type of control, support Car-
ing the different group." rigan and Sidman's (1992) proposal that these,
AD transitivity, Sample A2. Subject JLM rather than novel-stimulus tests, are definitive
said she would "touch D2 because A2 goes for evaluating select versus reject control in
with BI which goes with C2 which goes with two-comparison conditional discriminations
Dl." Subject DAW said, "I'm choosing D2 that give rise to equivalence relations. As they
because Dl was paired with C2 which was pointed out, substitution of a novel stimulus

for the positive comparison can identify reject the outcome of reflexivity tests does not provide
control but can produce misleading results if an appropriate rationale for that position. A
the tested conditional discrimination is under more rigorous adherence to the mathematical
select control. Similarly, substitution for the definition will resolve the interpretive problem
negative comparison can identify select control raised by reject control in reflexivity tests. What
but may be misleading in the case of reject is called for is the abandonment neither of
control. Evaluations of reflexivity, one-node reflexivity as a defining characteristic of equiv-
transitivity, or one-node equivalence, however, alence relations nor of the identity-matching
can identify both types of control in a single test for reflexivity. Rather, the original for-
test. Carrigan and Sidman suggested that the mulation must be corrected by abandoning the
sensitivity of transitivity and equivalence tests assumption that a positive reflexivity test has
can be extended to baselines that possess any to show a subject's choice to be identical to the
odd number of nodes, but this generalization sample. Even while retaining the character-
has not been tested. Reflexivity tests, on the istics of its formal definition, the reflexivity
other hand, can differentiate select from reject test is valid and useful if (a) the comparison
control independently of the number of nodes that is identical to the sample is the controlling
in the baseline. comparison and (b) the relation between sam-
Perhaps the most startling outcome of the ple and controlling comparison in a test trial
Carrigan and Sidman (1992) analysis that the is the same as the relation between samples
present investigation tested and confirmed was and controlling comparisons in the baseline.
the subjects' selection of nonmatching com- Why is the comparison that is identical to
parisons in reflexivity tests. Earlier formula- the sample the controlling comparison in re-
tions, which stipulated the identity-matching flexivity testing? Why did subjects not come
procedure as the test for the reflexive property under control by the nonidentical comparison
of equivalence relations, assumed that positive and reject it? We are indebted to an anony-
tests would show a subject's choice on any trial mous reviewer for these questions, the answer
to be the comparison that was identical to the to which emphasizes the analytic power of the
sample (e.g., Sidman, 1986, 1990; Sidman et mathematically derived definition of equiva-
al., 1982; Sidman & Tailby, 1982). This as- lence relations. The definition specifies that
sumption did not take into account the possi- pairs of identical stimuli will be included in
bility of reject control. With reject control, sub- the relation (Carrigan, 1986) but specifies
jects can be expected to choose the comparison nothing about stimuli that are paired on the
that is not the same as the sample. basis of differences. The formation of an equiv-
Saunders and Green (1992) suggested that alence relation in the baseline, therefore, sets
the seemingly unexpected possibility of sub- up by definition related pairs of identical stim-
jects choosing the nonmatching comparison in uli. Reflexivity test trials contain only one es-
reflexivity tests requires consideration of some- tablished relation that is consistent from trial
thing more than a mathematically derived def- to trial; that is the relation between the sample
inition of equivalence relations. On the other and itself. No relation has been established
hand, Carrigan and Sidman's (1992) analysis between the sample and the "odd" stimulus.
leads to the recognition that regardless of The stimulus that is the same as the sample
whether the control is select or reject, the con- therefore becomes the controlling comparison.
trolling comparison in a positive (for equiva- Reflexivity can thus be said to bring the notion
lence) reflexivity test trial is always identical of sameness into the definition of equivalence
to the sample. Only with select control, how- even though reject control causes the subject
ever, is the controlling comparison also a sub- to choose the comparison that differs from the
ject's recorded choice; with reject control, sub- sample.
jects "respond away from" the controlling A second outcome of the present investiga-
comparison. tion that the Carrigan and Sidman (1992)
Although Saunders and Green (1992) were analysis predicted was the "toggling" or "flip-
undoubtedly correct in calling for the exami- flop" effect in transitivity and equivalence tests
nation of other variables in addition to those when the nodality of the baseline changed. In
suggested by the mathematics of the equiva- tests that required a one-node baseline (AC,
lence relation, the effect of reject control on BD, DB, CA), subjects' choices were the op-

posite of those to be expected if select control reject control. It seems reasonable to conclude
prevailed. In tests that required a two-node that the AC test was responsible for shifting
baseline (AD, DA), the choices were in accord the CA control from select to reject.
with either select or reject control. One-node Subject JCG's first three tests were, re-
tests distinguished select from reject control, spectively, the two-node DA and the one-node
but two-node tests failed to make such a dis- DB and CA tests (Figure 7). The results of
tinction. her initial DA and DB tests were variable.
Although tests requiring a two-node base- After the first one-node CA test (Test 3), which
line failed, as predicted, to identify the type of showed reliable reject control, her one-node
control, the reflexivity and one-node test re- DB performance (Test 4) also became and
sults justify an inference that reject control also remained consistent with reject control. The
prevailed in two-node tests. The same infer- results of her first four DA tests, however, were
ence holds with respect to symmetry tests which, predictable on the basis of neither select nor
predictably, failed to make the prevailing type reject control, even when unvarying (Test 5),
of control visible. To assume that reflexivity or after symmetry tests (6 through 8), or after
tests and one-node transitivity and equivalence DB and CA tests (9, 11, and 12). Only after
tests demonstrated reject control in the base- she had received one- and two-node transitivity
line, but that symmetry and two-node transi- tests (14 through 19), all showing reject con-
tivity and equivalence tests demonstrated select trol, did her fifth and sixth DA tests also be-
control, would introduce unnecessary inter- come uniform and in accord with expectations
pretive complexities. based on reject control. Once again, transitivity
All subjects received equivalence tests first, tests (AC, AD, or both) seemed to have been
having had no experience with reflexivity, responsible for bringing an equivalence test
symmetry, or transitivity probes. In their first into conformity with reject control, this time
CA tests, Subjects JLM and DAW showed the DA rather than the CA test.
uniform select rather than reject control, and It seems unlikely that the baseline shifted
Subject JCG's first DA test results were un- to reject control after having been at first under
reliable. In repetitions of the initial tests, how- select control (Subjects JLM and DAW) or
ever, the CA performances of Subjects JLM under varying control (Subject JCG). If it had
and DAW confirmed predictions based on re- shifted, why would the first transitivity tests
ject control, and the DA performances of Sub- and, for Subject JCG, the first one-node equiv-
ject JCG came into agreement with predictions alence tests have shown reject control even
based on either type of control. Although the though those tests preceded the presumed base-
reasons for the anomalous initial test results line shift?
are unclear, the circumstances under which A second possibility is that the baselines were
changes took place do justify some speculation. under joint select and reject control (e.g., Fig-
Subject JLM's CA performance shifted to ure 1, Panel VI), with the CA tests of Subjects
uniform reject control on her second test (Fig- JLM and DAW simply reflecting one of the
ure 4). Between her first two CA tests (1 and two possibilities and the DA tests of Subject
8), however, she had transitivity (AC) and JCG reflecting vacillation. Again, however, one
symmetry (BA and CB) Tests 2 through 7, all is faced with the question of why transitivity
showing reject control. Her CA test might tests would have produced a change, and why
therefore have become consistent with reject that change would have persisted.
control because of her experience with the other In the case of Subject JCG, perhaps a more
tests. On the other hand, repetition of the CA appropriate question is not why her initial DA
test might by itself have produced the change. tests failed to document reject control in the
In an attempt to resolve this question, Sub- baseline, but why those tests failed to show
ject DAW was given the CA test three more that the baseline relation was an equivalence
times before he received other tests (Figure 4, relation. Fields, Adams, Newman, and Ver-
Tests 1 through 4). Repeated CA testing have (1992) found that early testing of emer-
yielded no shift to reject control. But then, after gent relations that require fewer prerequisites
four intervening AC transitivity tests (5 through increases the probability that more complex
8), all showing reject control, two more CA tests given later will be consistent with equiv-
tests (9 and 10) also demonstrated uniform alence. Fields, Adams, Verhave, and Newman

(1990) and Kennedy (1991), testing several and "in the same group," and then chose the
emergent relations concurrently, suggested that other comparison because it was "in the other
nodality influenced the likelihood that de- group." Subject JCG specified the controlling
rived relations would emerge in early probes. comparison as the one that "always comes with"
Adams, Fields, and Verhave (in press) have the sample, and stated, "You have to press the
found that testing all the "simpler" emergent other one." In reflexivity trials, she pointed
relations first almost guarantees a positive re- out that you have to touch "the one that is not
sult even in equivalence tests that require as alike." Both their recorded choices and their
many as three baseline nodes. It appears that verbal reports indicated that the subjects were
the fewer the number of baseline and simpler "rejecting" or "responding away from" the
emergent relations that a test requires in order controlling comparison-the comparison that
to demonstrate equivalence, the more likely the "went with,") "was in the same group as," or
first test result is to be consistent with equiv- "was like" the sample.
alence. These indications that the testing se- One might assume that the mere chaining
quence can be critical are in accord with sug- of the subjects' stated rules and recorded per-
gestions that variables arising from the tests formances was responsible for the emergence
themselves must be considered when evaluat- of equivalence relations. Even if the verbali-
ing the properties of equivalence relations (De- zations could be shown to have been occurring
vany, Hayes, & Nelson, 1986; Sidman, 1992; subvocally during the tests, however, such an
Sidman, Kirk, & Willson-Morris, 1985; Sid- assumption might be unnecessary and perhaps
man, Willson-Morris, & Kirk, 1986). even incorrect. One would have to explain why
Is it possible, therefore, that the initial CA or how any verbalizations give rise to equiv-
tests of Subjects JLM and DAW also reflected alence relations. The present data are in accord
not the type of control in the baseline, but with the more parsimonious suggestion (Sid-
rather a failure to demonstrate an equivalence man et al., 1986) that both the recorded re-
relation in the baseline? Perhaps the subjects sponses and the verbal reports are conse-
arbitrarily selected and then stayed with one quences of the same history, rather than one
of the two possible choices (Saunders, Saun- being a necessary precursor of the other.
ders, Kirby, & Spradlin, 1988). If so, giving That equivalence relations must arise from
simpler tests first might have prevented the more fundamental behavioral processes is, of
anomalous results. This inference has not yet course, a respectable notion, although as yet
been verified in the context of a baseline in unproved. Dugdale and Lowe (1990, p. 135),
which reject control is known to prevail. Hayes (1991, pp. 25-26), and Hayes and
In spite of these few anomalies, the final test Hayes (1989, pp. 167-168) have outlined how
results indicate that the subjects learned two equivalence might plausibly arise from expe-
classes of equivalent stimuli, as shown in the riences with symmetric relations. Still uniden-
upper right section of Figure 2. One class con- tified, however, are behavioral processes that
tained Al, B2, C1, and D2; the other contained might explain how a generalized concept of
A2, BI, C2, and Dl. These were the classes equivalence, the latter defined by properties of
to be expected if reject control prevailed in the reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity, might
baseline conditional discriminations. Unlike arise from repetitions of those types of expe-
the sample-comparison pairs that were to be riences.
expected from a select-control baseline, the In any case, the kinds of experiences that
comparison that was related to a particular have been hypothesized to be responsible for
sample was not the comparison that the sub- equivalence relations based on select control
jects were recorded as having chosen in the do not clarify the present results. Rather than
presence of that sample. choosing the comparison that "went with" a
Verbal reports reflected the same class struc- particular sample, subjects chose the other
tures. Subject JLM invariably said that she comparison. Little is gained by adding a hy-
was going to touch one of the comparisons pothetical history to the description of the pro-
because the sample "goes with" the other com- grammed contingencies, the biasing procedure,
parison. Subject DAW described a sample and the controlling stimuli, and the recorded data.
related comparison as being "paired together" To extend to behavioral history a point that

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there is no need to invent one. of the listener as a basis for rule-governance. In S. C.
Hayes (Ed.), Rule-governed behavior: Cognition, contin-
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