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Functional Anatomy of the Shoulder Complex

Elsie Culham, PhD, PT'

Malcolm Peat, PhD2

- Recent research findings are incorporatedin this review of the functional anatomy of the
shoulder complex. The scapulothoracic mechanism is described, including a review of scapular
motion and the structure and function of the sternoclavicularand acromioclavicularjoints. New
inbrmation regadng the resting position of the scapula on the thorax and the effect of aging and
; spinal posture on position has been presented. In the second part of the paper, the anatomy of the
1 glenohumeraljoint is reviewed, with emphasis on the articular, periarticular, and muscular mecha-
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nisms responsible for stability of this articulation. The article concludes with a discussion of the
\ integrated function of the scapulothoracic and glenohumeral articulations in upper extremity
Elsie Culham Malcolm Peat elevation.
Key Words: shoulder, anatomy, function
' Assistant Professor, School of Rehabilitation Therapy, Louise D. Acton Building, Queen's University, Kingston,
Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6
Copyright 1993 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. All rights reserved.

Professor and Director, School of Rehabilitation Therapy, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

h e shoulder complex
consists of the clavicle,
scapula, and humerus; SCAPULOTHORACIC MECHANISM third thoracic spinous process, and
the glenohumeral and the inferior angle is a t the level of
acromioclavicular T h e scapula has n o bony o r liga- the spinous process of the seventh o r
(AC) joints that unite them; and the mentous attachment t o the axial eighth thoracic vertebra (34.45).
sternoclavicular (SC)joint, the only skeleton other than through the AC T h e vertebral border lies 5-6 cm
connection of the complex t o the ax- and SC joints (69). It is retained in from the midline in the erect stand-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy

ial skeleton. In addition, a scapulo- place by atmospheric pressure and ing position (34.67). T h e plane of
thoracic and a subacromial joint are axioscapular muscles, including the the scapula is approximately a t right
often included in anatomical descrip trapezius, serratus anterior, rhom- angles t o the plane of the glenoid
tions of the shoulder complex. To- boid major and minor, and the leva- (50). At rest, it lies obliquely be-
gether, these articulations provide tor scapulae (67). T h e concave ante- tween the frontal and sagittal planes,
the shoulder with a range of motion rior surface of the scapula is sepa- 30-45" anterior t o the coronal plane
that exceeds any other joint mecha- rated from the convex external (6,57,67). In addition, the scapula is
nism. Full mobility is dependent on surface of the thorax by the subscap described as having a slight forward
coordinated, synchronous motion in ularis and serratus anterior muscles, tilt in the sagittal plane (23). Radio-
all joints of the shoulder complex. which glide over o n e another during graphic measurements indicate that,
This wide range of mobility, to- movement. in the resting position, the glenoid
gether with elbow motion, allows po- fossa has a downward inclination in
sitioning of the hand anywhere Resting Position of the Scapula normal shoulders (27.57) rather than
within the visual work space. While upward as proposed by Basmajian
some occupations and sporting T h e scapula is a thin, flat trian- and Bazant (4).
events require this wide range of gular bone that lies on the postero- It is postulated that the resting
movement, most activities of daily lateral aspect of the thorax over ribs position of the scapula is altered in
living can be performed despite loss two t o seven (34,67). With the arm subjects with abnormal cervical and
of shoulder complex motion, provid- dependent, the superior angle of the thoracic spine sagittal plane align-
ing mobility is unimpaired in the cer- scapula lies a t the level of the second ment, leading to decreased range of
vical spine and distal upper extrem- thoracic vertebra, the root of the motion of the upper extremity,
ity joints. scapular spine is at the level of the shoulder dysfunction, and weakness

Volume 18 Number 1 July 1993 JOSPT


or contracture of the axioscapular

n~usculature(l0,13,35,37). How-
ever, with the exception of glenoid
inclination angle, few objective meas-
ures of scapular position have been
reported, and alterations in position
related to age or spinal posture have
not been studied objectively. T h e re- FIGURE 1. Retraction angle of the clavicle (a),
lationship of shoulder complex posi- protraction angle of the scapula ( b l and angle
formed between the scapular spine and clavicle (c)
in the transverse plane, measured using the 3Space
Isotrak. Angles a and b were measured relative to a
It is postulated that coronal axis defined by a line connecting the roots
of the right and left scapular spines. The scapular
the resting position of spine was represented by a line connecting the root
of the scapular spine and the angle of the acromion.
the scapula is altered Mean angles a, b, and c in healthy women under 40
years of age were 18.9, 30.2, and 49.1, respectively
FIGURE 2. Abduction angle of the medial border of
the scapula (a) measured in the plane of the
in subjects with fn = 34). scapular spine using the 3Space Isotrak. The medial
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border of the scapula was represented by a line

abnormal cervical and verse plane. These changes were
connecting the root of the scapular spine and the
inferior angle. The mean angle, a, measured in
thoracic spine sagittal most likely necessary to accommo-
healthy women under the age of 40 was 91.3'
(n = 34).
date the increase in anteroposterior
plane alignment. chest diameter seen in subjects with
Copyright 1993 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. All rights reserved.

an increase in thoracic curvature.

ward tilt of the scapula was also re-
There was no significant increase in
lated to spinal posture; the forward
tion to age and spinal posture was the linear distance between the ver-
a~igulationincreased as the slope of
examined in a recent study by the tebral column and scapula as ky-
the uppel thoracic spine
authors (18). T h e position of the phosis increased, and, thus, no evi-
skeletal conlponents of the shoulder dence supported the concept of lat-
complex was measured in three eral translation of the scapula on the
planes using an electroniagnetic de- thorax in subjects with kyphosis lead-
vice as subjects stood with their arms ing to elongation and stretch weak-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy

relaxed by their sides. Ninety-one ness of the rhomboid and middle

wornen between the ages of 20 and trapezius niuscles as suggested by
85 years were studied, 23 of whom previous authors (20,35).
had a diagnosis of osteoporosis. In the coronal plane, the lateral
In the transverse plane, the spine angle formed between the medial
of the scapula formed an average an- border of the scapula arid the hori-
gle of 30.2" to the coronal plane in zontal nieasured 91.3" on average in
34 healthy women under 40 years of women under 40 years of age (Fig-
age (Figure 1). T h e scapula was sig- ure 2). This angle did not change
nificantly more retracted in healthy significantly either with increasing
women over 50 years of age. Retrac- a g e a r with increasing thoracic cur-
tion of the scapula was accompanied vature. Thus, there was no support
by retraction of the clavicle and ex- for the concept of downward rota-
tension of the humerus in the sagit- tion of the scapula with increasing
tal plane. I t was postulated that these kyphosis as proposed by Cailliet ( 1 3).
changes represent compensatory In the sagittal plane, the forward
n~echanismsto rnairltaili balance as tilt of the rnedial border of the scap-
the trunk assumes a more flexed pos- ula averaged 9.0" to the vertical in
ture in older individuals. Increasing women under the age of 40 years
thoracic kyphosis resulted in an in- (Figure 3). The forward tilt in-
crease in scapular protraction angle creased with age, averaging 1 3.2" in FIGURE 3. Angle of forward tilt of the medial border
o i the scapula (a). The mean angle measured in
and an increase in the angle between women over 50 years ot' age without healthy women under the age of40 was 9.0"
the clavicle and scapula ill the trans- a diagnosis of' osteoporosis. T h e for- In = 34).

Scapular Motion cartilage of the first rib (36,45). Fi- acromion of the scapula (45). Both
brocartilage covers both articular surfaces are covered with fibrocarti-
.l'hree rotatory rnotions and two surfxes (69). T h e medial end o f t h e \.age (69). T h e nledial end of the
translatory nlovenlents of the scapula clavicle is concave anteroposteriorly clavicle rises above the acromion,
are described, although it is recog- and convex cephalocaudally; the ar- and the joint surfaces are angled in
nized that these motions d o not oc- ticular surface of the sternurn is re- an inferior, n~edialdirection, result-
cur independently of one another. ciprocally curved (69). An articular ing in a terlderlcv for the acroniion
Rotation of the scapula about a sagit- disc is attached to the upper nonar- to be driven under the clavicle when
tal axis results in upward or down- ticular portion of the medial end of excessive forces are transmitted
ward tilt of the glenoid fossa. l'his the clavicle superiorly and to the through the joint (69). l'his joint
niovenlerit occurs at the AC and SC sternum arid first rib below, com- also coiltai~lsa fibrocartilagirlous
joints (69) and has been labeled as pletely dividing the joint cavity into disc, but it is variable in size arid
both abductio~i/adduction(22) and two compartments (22,46,53). does not completely separate the
upward/downward rotation (50). l ' h e SC joint is dependent on joint into two cotiipartlnents
'I'he prime movers for upward rota- the disc, a strong capsule, and three (45,46).
tion, an esseritial co~nponentof total ligaments for stability. T h e disc Stability of the AC joint is de-
arni elevation, are the trapezius and helps prevent the clavicle froni dislo- pendent on the superior and inftrior
the serratus anterior n~uscles(69). cating niedially over the sternurn acroniioclavicular ligiin~entsthat
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T h e remaining two rotatory when forces are transmitted along reinforce the weak joint capsule (1).
niovements occur primarily at the the clavicle to the axial skeleton (-53). In addition, the strong coracocla-
ACjoint (46). Rotation about a ver- Anterior and posterior sternoclavicu- vicular ligament, uniting the clavicle
tical axis through the AC joint re- lar ligaments reinforce the capsule and the coracoid process, is inipor-
sults in scapular winging, which is and limit anterior-posterior niove- taut in nlaintaining the relationship
posterior nlovernent of the vertebral
Copyright 1993 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. All rights reserved.

nient of the medial end of the cla- of the two bones (46.69). l'his liga-
border of the scapula (46,50). Rota- vicle (45). T h e costoclavicular liga- ment consists of two portions. l'he
tion about a coronal axis results in rnent attaches the inferior surfice of trapezoid ligament, the anterolateral
scapular tipping or tilting (46). the medial end of the clavicle to the co~nponent,runs from the anterior
Elevation and depression of the first rib. It acts as a check to clavicu- part of the coracoid process and
scapula are translatory ~ilotionsin lar elevation and helps limit clavicu- passes upward and laterally to attach
which the scapula moves upward o r lar protraction (45). 'l'he interclavi- to the inferior surhce of ~ h clavicle
downward on the rib cage. T h e scap- cular liganlent unites the nonarticu- (36,69). T h e primary function of this
ula can also translate toward or away Iar portion of one clavicle to the ligament is to prevent overriding of
from the vertebral colunin, a niove-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy

other above the manubrium and the clavicle on the acroiilion (5,37).
nient labeled abduction/adductio~i functions to h i i t excessive down- l'he colloid portion lies posterior
by some authors (50). Protraction, ward moven~entof the riiedial end of and niedial to the trapezoid liga-
defined as forward nlovenlerlt of the the clavicle (22,45). ~nent.It runs upward arid slightly
scapula around the thoracic wall, Although the articular surfices backward froni the upper surface of
combines linear translation away of the SC joint are saddle-shaped, the coracoid process to attach to the
fro111 the vertebral columti, rotation the joint functions as a ball- and- undersurface of the clavicle (36).
of the scapula around the end of the socket joint and has three degrees of Tension in the conoid ligament dur-
clavicle (winging), and anterior freedoni (1,4 1.69). Elevation and ing arm elevation results in dorsal
niovenient of the lateral end of the depression of the clavicle occur be- axial rotation of the clavicle about its
clavicle (69). 'l'he prime movers for tween the medial end of the clavicle long axis (I ,24). l'his rotation is nec-
protraction are the serratus anterior and the disc (22). Protraction and re- essary for full elevation of the upper
and pectoralis minor ~iiuscles(69). traction occur betweell the disc and extreniity.
-1'he middle trapezius and rhomboid the sternum (22,46,67). In addition, 'I'he AC joint allows movement
~nusclesare the prime movers for the clavicle can rotate about its Ion- of the scapula on the clavicle in
scapular retraction. gitudirlal axis (1,46,54,67). three planes. Rotati011 occurs about
corotlal, sagittal, and vertical axes as
Joint previouslv described.
Sternoclavicular Joint
-1'he SC joirlt is a plam svnovial 'l'he AC joint is also a plane syl- GLENOHUMERAL IOINT
joint in which the bulbous medial ovial joint betweell a srliall co~ivex
end of the clavicle articulates with a facet on the lateral end o f t h e clavi- l'he glenohunleral joint is a syn-
shallow sternal socket arid with the cle and a small concave hcet on the ovial ball-and-socket joint bet\veer~

Volu111e 18 Number 1 July 1993 JOSPT


the humeral head and the glenoid 5 0 normal shoulders (59). It has tween normal shoulders and shoul-
fossa of the scapula. T h e shallowness been suggested that low values of ders with anterior instability meas-
of the glenoid fossa and the dispro- this index indicate glenoid dysplasia ured radiographically and by com-
portionate size and lack of con- and are associated with anterior in- puted tomography (19.59).
gruency of the articular surfaces stability. This theory, however, has Several studies have confirmed
make the joint inherently unstable. not been supported by research (1 9. that the glenoid fossa is retrotilted
Stability is primarily dependent on 59). Although the glenohumeral in- with respect t o the plane of the s c a p
capsuloligamentous structures and dex was slightly lower in shoulders ula in most normal shoulders
the musculotendinous cuff. T h e ma- with recurrent anterior dislocation (19,59,62). Saha (62) suggested that
jor structures providing joint stabil- compared to normal shoulders, the a ventral tilt o r anteversion of the
ity are summarized in Table 1. difference was due t o erosion of the glenoid was associated with anterior
anterior glenoid margin and labrum instability of the joint. However, this
Stability of the Glenohumeral Joint d u e to recurrent trauma rather than has not been supported in subse-
to developmental dysplasia of the quent studies (19,59). Randell and
Osseous Morphology T h e sur- glenoid fossa (1 9.59). Gambrioli (59) measured anteropos-
face of the glenoid fossa is only one- T h e humeral head faces medi- terior tilt of the upper, middle, and
third t o onequarter that of the hu- ally, superiorly, and posteriorly with lower regions of the glenoid in nor-
meral head (53,62,65), which means respect to the shaft of the bone mal and unstable shoulders using
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that only part of the humeral head is (34.50). T h e normal angle of retro- computed tomography. No cases of
in contact with the glenoid in any torsion of the head with respect t o anteversion were found in either sta-
particular position of the joint (6 1). the shaft is between 25 and 35" ble o r unstable shoulders a t any level
T h e glenohumeral index, calculated (1 9,59). A high retrotorsion angle of the glenoid. Excessive retrover-
by dividing the maximum transverse has been implicated as a causative sion, however, was reported t o be
factor in recurrent anterior disloca-
Copyright 1993 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. All rights reserved.

diameter of the glenoid by the maxi- the primary etiology associated with
mal transverse diameter of the hu- tion (62). However, n o difference in nontraumatic posterior instability in
meral head. was found t o be 57.5 in the retrotorsion angle was found be- a study by Brewer e t al (1 1).
Glenoid Labrum T h e glenoid
labrum is a rim of fibrocartilage at-
tached around the margin of the gle-
Factors Limiting Anterior Translation noid fossa. T h e labrum is lined by
Coracohumeral and superior glenohumeral Limit external rotation between 0 and 60" synovial membrane internally, is at-
ligaments elevation (68) tached to the capsule externally, and
Subscapularis muscle and middle Effective stabilizers between 0 and 90'
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy

is continuous with the periosteum of

glenohumeral ligament elevation (68)
Anterior band of the inferior Primary stabilizer above 90' elevation (68)
the scapular neck (53). It is generally
glenohumeral ligament accepted that the labrum helps
lnfraspinatus and teres minor muscles Prevent anterior translation of humeral deepen the glenoid cavity, thus, con-
head in abducted, externally rotated tributing t o the stability of the joint
position (14) (30,43-45.55). T h e average depth
Factors Limiting Posterior Translation of the socket, including the labrum,
lnfraspinatus and teres minor muscles Static stabilizers in all positions of measured in 25 cadaver shoulders
abduction (52)
Subscapularis muscle Prevents posterior translation of humeral
was 9 mm and 5 mm in a superior-
head on glenoid (52) inferior and anterior-posterior direc-
Inferior glenohumeral ligament Most effective stabilizer at 90' tion, respectively (30). T h e labrum
abduction (51) was found t o contribute approxi-
Anterior superior capsule Disruption necessary for posterior mately 50% of the total depth of the
dislocation to occur (52)
Retrotilt of the glenoid fossa Excessive retrotilt implicated in posterior
socket (30). Based on these anatomi-
subluxation (11) cal findings, the authors concluded
Factors Limiting lnferior Translation that the labrum is important in gle-
Superior joint capsule and superior Main structures limiting inferior nohumeral joint stability (30). Con-
glenohumeral ligament subluxation in the dependent position (9) versely, Moseley and dvergaard (47)
Negative intra-articular pressure Limits inferior displacement of the stated that the labrum contained lit-
adducted humerus (39) tle fibrocartilage. T h e labrum was
Inferior glenohumeral ligament Most effective stabilizer above 45" of
abduction (51,68) described as a redundant fold of fi-
brous capsule that stretched out an-
TABLE 1. Stability of the glenohumeral joint. teriorly with external rotation and

JOSPT Volume 18 Number 1 -July 1993

posteriorly with internal rotation of of the hunieral head in the ad-
the huri~erus(47). ducted, depende~ita r ~ n(9,68). A le-
Capsuloligamentous Mechanism sion of the rotator i~iterval,defined
l'he ciipsule is attached medially to as the space between the superior Poshrior
the margin of the glenoid fossa arid border ofthe subscapularis muscle Caprub

laterally to the circumference of the arid the supraspinatus tendon, is as-

anaton~icalneck, desceridirig about sociated with a~iteriorand inferior
instability oftlie glenohunieral joint Poahrhw
1.3 cm onto the shaft of the hu- Band
merus. It is thin and large, allowing (49). l'his lesion may be due to a IGHL Anlorlor Band

2-3 11111i of distraction of the head deficiency in the superior glenohu-

from the glenoid (69). By itself', the nwxl liganie~it,one of the ariato~iii-
capsule would contribute little to the cal structures comprising the rotator
stability of the joint. It is stretigth- interval (9).
ened by ligamerits and by the inser- *l'he niiddle glenohuineral liga-
tions of the rotator cuff tendons. riient passes horn the anterior mar-
The coracohumeral ligament gin ofthe glenoid hssa to the ante-
originates from the base and lateral rior aspect of the anatoriiical neck FIGURE 4. Clenohumeral joint capsule and
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boi'der of the coracoid process and and lesser tuberosity of the hunierus ligaments. SCHL-superior glenchumeral ligament,
passes laterally to insert on the hu- (68). I t lies under the subscapularis MLHL-middle glenohumeral ligament, ICHL-
nieral tuberosities (25). ?'he coraco- tendon arid is intimately attached to inferior glenohumeral ligament. (Adapted from
humeral ligament checks lateral rota- it (25,65). The subscapularis tend011 O'Brien et a1 (5 1 j, with permission).
tion of the hunierus between 0 atid and ~iiiddleglenohunieral ligamer~t
60" of arm elevation (25). A second are iri~portaritanterior stabilizers of
Copyright 1993 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. All rights reserved.

function generally attributed to this the glenohurneral joint and function translation of the humeral head on
ligament is providing support for the to limit lateral rotation of the hu- the glenoid during arni elevation;
dependent arm by resisting the merus between 0 arid 90" of eleva- the anterior and posterior bands be-
dowiward pull of' gravity on the hu- tion (1 7,25.52,68). The middle gle- came taut with external and internal
meral head (25,50,53). Bowen and nohunieral liganient may be atten- rotation, respectively (5 1).
Warner (9), however, concluded that uated or absent (9,25), leading to Intra-articular Pressure Experi-
this ligament had little or no func- anterior instability, particularly be- mentation on cadaver shoulders indi-
tional significance in limiting inferior tween 60 arid 90" of elevation (25). cates that nornial negative intra-ar-
tra~islationof the hunieral head in 'I'he inferior glenohunieral liga- ticular pressure may coritribute to
the stability of the glenohumeral
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy

the adducted arm, based on selective ment attaches to the anterior, infe-
cutting and static translatiori experi- rior, and posterior riiargins of the joint (29,39). Kunlar and Balasubra-
n~entationin cadavers. glerioid labruni mediallv and to the niania~n(39) reported significant in-
l'he three glenohumeral liga- anato~nicaland surgical neck of the ferior subluxation following percuta-
nie~its-superior, niiddle, and infe- humerus laterally. 'l'urkel et al (68) neous puncture of the capsule, allow-
rior-are thickened areas of the an- described a thickened superior por- ing atniospheric air to enter the joint
terior, inferior, and posterior joint tion called the superior band and a
capsule. The subscapular bursa co111- thi~ibroad inferior portion termed
~nuriicateswith the joint cavity be- the axillary pouch. Both parts sup-
tween the superior and middle gle- port the j o i ~ in ~ t the upper ranges of Experimentation on
nohumeral ligament and, in sorile elevation and prevent anterior sub-
cases, between the middle and infe- luxatiori and dislocation in this part cadaver shoulders
rior ligament (25). of the range (52.68). O'Brien et al
The superior gle~iohun~eral liga- (5 1). i l l ari arthroscopic and histo- indicates that normal
ment runs from the superior glenoid logic study of 1 1 cadaver shouldc~~s. negative intra-articular
tubercle, the upper part of the gle- idelltitied a posterior band in addi-
rioid lab run^, and the base of the tion to the anterior band and axil- pressure may
coracoid process to the hunierus be- lary pouch (Figure 4). 'l'he posterior
tween the upper part of the lesser band acted as a stabilizer against pos- contribute to the
tuberosity and the anatomical neck terior subluxation ot' the huineral stability of the
(25,68). l'he prirnary function of the head during liiovements ofabduc-
superior glenohunieral liganient is tion and internal rotation. Both glenohumeral joint.
preveritiori of inferior displacement bands fu~ictiowdto liiiiit i n k rior

Volume I X Nunher I Julv 1993 *JOSPT


cavity. Similarly, puncture of the postulated that these muscles restrict at the beginning of the movement
capsule resulted in an increase in an- anterior translation of the hunieral (57)-
teroposterior translation of the hu- head on the glenoid in this position, Regardless of the plane of eleva-
meral head on the glenoid during thus reducing strain on anterior joint tion of the humerus, the end posi-
humeral flexion, extension, external structures (1 4). tion is the same at full elevation. T h e
rotation, and cross body flexion (29). T h e tendon of the long head of medial epicondvle faces forward and
Musculotendinous Cuff Stability the biceps brachii also contributes t o the humerus is in the plane of the
of the glenohumeral joint is also de- the dynamic stability of the glenohu- scapula (28,33,64). This is the posi-
pendent on muscular control, pri- meral joint. This tendon prevents tion of nlaxinium osseoliganlentous
marily provided by the musculoten- upward migration of the humeral stability and greatest congruellcy be-
dinous cuff (38,43,53,62,63).T h e head on the glenoid fossa during tween the articular surfaces (2833).
tendons of the cuff muscles, supra- powerful elbow flexion and forearm Little o r no active rotation of the hu-
spinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, supination (40). merus is permitted in this close-
and subscapularis, blend with and packed position (26,33).
reinforce the joint capsule (53). Mobility of the Glenohumeral Joint
They provide active support for the CORACOACROMIAL ARCH
joint and can be considered true dy- T h e glenohumeral joint is de-
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namic ligaments (32). scribed as having three degrees of T h e coracoacroniial arch is

It is generally accepted that the freedom: flexion/extension, abduc- formed by the coracoid and acro-
deltoid and supraspinatus muscles tion/adduction, and rotation. T h e mion processes of the scapula and
are the prime movers for glenohu- amount of glenohumeral abduction the coracoacromial ligament that
meral abduction ( I 7.2 1,26,31,32). in the coronal plane is limited t o 60- unites them (7.69). T h e base of this
With the arm at the side, the direc- 90" if the humerus is maintained in triangular ligament attaches t o the
Copyright 1993 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. All rights reserved.

tional force of the deltoid muscle is internal rotation (1 2,43). This limita- lateral aspect of the coracoid pro-
almost vertical (43,65). Thus, the tion is due t o impingement of the cess, and its apex attaches t o the su-
majority of the deltoid force causes greater tubercle of the humerus on perior aspect of the acromiorl (69).
upward translatory motion of the the acromion process and tension in T h e subacromial space between the
humeral head, which if unopposed the inferior glenohumeral ligament coracoacromial arch and the hu-
would lead t o contact between the (28). If the humerus is allowed t o meral head is occupied Sv the rota-
humeral head and coracoacromial externally rotate, abduction range tor cuff tendons and the subacromial
arch resulting in impingement of increases to between 90 and 120" bursa. T h e bursa separates the ac-
soft tissues (43.58.65). T h e action (1 2,43,67). Elevation of the humerus romial arch and the deltoid nluscle
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy

lines of the infraspinatus, subscapu- in the sagittal plane is accompanied superiorly from the rotator cuff and
laris, and teres minor muscles each by medial rotation of the humerus biceps tendons below, allowing
tend to have compressive and down- (8,33,53).According t o Cagey et al smooth gliding between these struc-
ward translatory components, that (28), the medial rotation occurs be- tures and reducing friction on the
offset the upward translation force cause of increasing tension in the tendons as they pass under the cora-
of the deltoid (43,54,65). T h e infra- coracohunieral ligament as the hu- coacromial arch (7). T h e bursa nor-
spinatus, subscapularis, and teres mi- merus flexes in this plane. mally does not communicate with
nor thus form a force couple with When the hunlerus is elevated in the glenohumeral joirit cavity but
the deltoid and stabilize the humeral the scapular plane, a nlovement may d o so following rotator cuff
head on the glenoid, allowing the termed scapular plane abduction, lat- tears.
deltoid and supraspinatus t o act as eral rotation is not required t o pre- -1'he distance between the irife-
abductors of the humerus vent the greater tubercle from im- rior surface of the acromion and the
(43,54,65). Comtet e t al (17), in pinging up011 the acromion (2533). hunleral head, measured radiograph-
studies on a mechanical model, de- In addition, the glenohumeral joirit icallv, averages 9- 10 mm in ~lolmal
termined that the depressor forces capsule is not twisted when elevation shoulders (56). A reduction in this
are a t their maximum between 60 occurs in the scapular plane and the distance is associated with tears of
and 80" of elevation and disappear deltoid and supraspinatus are opti- the rotator cuff tendons and of the
beyond 120". mally aligned to perform hu~neral long head of the biceps brachii
T h e infraspinatus and teres rni- abduction (53,57). In normal shoul- (7,56,70). Conlpression of these
nor muscles also contribute t o ante- ders, the humeral head re~nainscen- structures occurs most often under
rior stability of the glenohurneral tered on the glenoid fossa through- the anterior one-third of the acro-
joint when the shoulder is abducted out elevation in the scapular plane, rnion process, the coracoclavicular
and externally rotated ( I 4). It was with the exception of upward glide ligament, o r the AC joint (48). Any

IOSPT Volume 18 Nunher I-July 1993


abnormality that decreases the vol- measured in these studies was 168- anterior muscle, particularly the
ume of the subacromial space in this 1 72 " . Scapular rotation was found t o powerful lower digitations (2,3,54).
region may lead t o impingement of contribute 60" t o the total arm ele- During arm elevation from 0 t o SO0,
its contents (7). A reduction in space vation, whereas glenohumeral ro- the instant center of rotation of the
may result from inflammation of the tation varied from 103 t o 1 13 " scapula is located a t o r near the root
rotator cuff tendons due t o repeti- (3.23.27). T h e ratio of glenohumeral of the spine of the scapula (3,24).
tive overhead activity o r osteophyte t o scapulothoracic motion was found During this phase, scapular rotation
formation on the inferior surface of t o vary throughout the range and is predominantly a result of elevation
the medial acromion o r lateral clavi- was highly variable between subjects of the clavicle at the SC joint. T h e
cle. T h e incidence of rotator cuff (3.23.27). Most typically, glenohu- upper fibers of the trapezius and
tears due t o impingement also a p meral motion exceeded scapular mo- lower fibers of the serratus anterior
pears to be related t o the shape and tion during initial arm elevation. are primarily responsible for scapu-
slope of the acromion process (7). lar rotation during this phase (3).
Hypovascularity of the supraspinatus Bagg and Forrest (3) described a
tendon near its insertion into the hu- middle phase of arm elevation occur-
merus may predispose this region of ring between 80 and 140". During
the tendon t o degenerative changes The ratio of this phase, the instant center of rota-
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(1 5,42,60). tion migrates toward the AC joint

glenohumeral to along the upper central scapular area
INTEGRATED FUNCTION OF THE scapulothoracic (3). Scapular rotation is d u e t o con-
tinued elevation of the clavicle a t the
m o t h was found to SC joint and rotation of the scapula
Full elevation of the upper ex- on the clavicle a t the AC joint (3).
vary throughout the
Copyright 1993 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. All rights reserved.

tremity requires scapular rotation This is described as the most stress-

through movement a t both the SC range and was highly ful phase of arm elevation and is the
phase when most scapular rotation
and AC joints such that the glenoid
fossa tilts progressively upward, pro- variable between occurs (3.23). T h e moment arm of
viding a base upon which the hu- the lower trapezius lengthens, and
meral head moves. T h e term scapu- subjects. this muscle becomes increasingly ac-
lohumeral rhythm is believed t o tive during this period t o assist the
have been first introduced by Cod- upper trapezius and the serratus
man (16) t o describe the integrated anterior in rotating the scapula
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy

movement at the glenohumeral and Doody et al (23) reported a glenohu- upward (3).
scapulothoracic joints during upper meral to scapulothoracic ratio as In the final phase of arm eleva-
extremity elevation. Inman et al (32) high as 7.29: 1 during the first 30' tion, the instant center of rotation is
studied glenohumeral and scapular of elevation. T h e ratio of 3.29: 1 was located a t the AC joint (3). Clavicu-
motions during arm elevation in the reported by Bagg and Forrest (3) be- lar elevation becomes increasingly
coronal and sagittal planes. They tween 20 and 80" of elevation. limited by tension in the costocla-
concluded that glenohumeral and Doody et al(23) and Bagg and For- vicular ligament (24,50). T h e power-
scapular rotation contributed a maxi- rest (3) reported glenohumeral t o ful scapular muscles continue t o ro-
mum of 120 and 6 0 , respectively, scapulothoracic ratios of .79:1 and tate the scapula upward. T h e
to total arm motion. T h e first 30" of .7 1 :1 , respectively, between 80 and amount of movement of the scapula
abduction and 60" of flexion, in 140" of elevation. Above 140 o r on the clavicle at the AC joint is lim-
which the scapula moved medially o r 150". glenohumeral motion again ited by the coracoclavicular ligament
laterally o r remained fixed, was predominates (3.23). T h e ratio re- (66). T h e tension generated in this
identified as the initial scapular "set- ported by Bagg and Forrest (3) for ligament as the coracoid process
ting phase." Most of the motion dur- this phase was 3.49: 1 for subjects moves away from the clavicle causes
ing this phase occurred at the gleno- demonstrating the most typical pat- dorsal rotation of the clavicle about
humeral joint. T h e overall ratio of tern of movement. its long axis (1,24,32,41).Since the
glenohumeral t o scapular thoracic T h e 60" of scapular rotation is a clavicle is crank-shaped, this long
rotation was 2: 1 (32). result of movement at both the SC axis rotation causes the acromial end
More recent studies have exam- and AC joints. T h e movement is of the clavicle t o elevate further
ined scapulohumeral rhythm during brought about by the action of the without any additional elevation
arm elevation in the scapular plane upper and lower portions of the tra- of the clavicle at the SC joint
(3.23,27). Total range of elevation pezius combined with the serratus (24.4 1.53).

Volume 18 Number I July 1993*JOSPT


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