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I hope you had a great week and that you're ready to practice some English.

First of all, I want to teach you a famous sentence:

Antes de nada, quiero ensearte una frase famosa:

"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"

It's a very popular sentence because it uses all the letters of the alphabet. This makes it a great
way to practice your English pronunciation every day.
Es una frase muy conocida porque usa todas las letras del alfabeto en ingls. Esto la convierte
en una fantstica manera de practicar tu pronunciacin en ingls cada da.

Today, I want to give you some tips on how to practice speaking in English. We're going to start
this lesson by remembering the difference between enunciating and pronouncing.
Hoy te quiero dar algunos consejos para practicar el habla en ingls. Comenzaremos esta clase
recordando la diferencia entre articular y pronunciar.

Pronunciation is properly saying each group of letters to make the correct sounds.
Pronunciar es decir cada grupo de letras de manera correcta para emitir los sonidos correctos.

Enunciation is speaking clearly in order to allow someone to understand what you are
Articular es pronunciar de manera clara para que se entienda lo que ests diciendo.

Let's look at an example with the word "February":

Veamos un ejemplo con la palabra "February":

Correct pronunciation - "Feb-rue-air-ee"

Pronunciacin correcta

Correct enunciation: saying the word slowly and clearly.

Articulacin correcta: decir la palabra despacio y de manera clara.

However, if you said "Feb-you-air-ee" slowly and clearly, you would be enunciating well but your
pronunciation would not be correct.
Por eso, si dijramos "Feb-you-air-ee" despacio y de manera clara, estaramos articulando bien
pero nuestra pronunciacin no sera la correcta.

Or, if you said "Feb-rue-air-ee" properly but you said it very quickly and quietly, your
pronunciation is correct but nobody will be able to hear you.
O, por el contrario, si dijramos "Feb-rue-air-ee" correctamente pero lo dijramos rpido y en
voz baja, nuestra pronunciacin sera correcta pero no se nos entendera bien.

This is why I always tell my students that to speak like the Queen of England, you must
enunciate AND pronounce words well.
Por eso siempre les digo a mis alumnos que para hablar como la reina de Inglaterra tienes que
pronunciar y articular bien las palabras.

If you'd like to keep practicing your pronunciation, I recommend you watch our new Youtube
series. In each video you'll learn a new word, how to pronounce it and how to use it in a
Si quieres seguir practicando tu pronunciacin, te recomiendo que veas nuestra nueva serie en
Youtube. En cada vdeo aprenders una palabra nueva, cmo pronunciarla y cmo usarla en
You can start by learning how to pronounce the word "thoroughly". Just click on the video to
watch the correct enunciation and pronunciation:
Puedes comenzar aprendiendo cmo pronunciar la palabra "thoroughly". Haz clic en el vdeo
para ver cmo pronunciarla y articularla correctamente:

I hope you enjoyed this pronunciation class!

See you next week,

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