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B-33014/7/2017-18/lPC-II/ 21.07.2017

Ms Siddagangr Cements Pvt Ltd,

Shtvakumaranaar Sadaraha]h,
Turnkur Karnataka - 572228
Sub: Revoking of Closure Directions under Section 5 of the Environment
(Protection) Acf, 1986 regarding installation of on-line effluent and emission
monitoring system

Ref: 1. Notice unde Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 regarding
of on-line efflutnt and emission monitoring system dated July 24, 2015
2. Closure direct pn issued to the uni l under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection)
Act, 1986 dated 26.04.2016
WHEREAS, cement I plants are identified as one of the 17 categories of highly
polluting industries, 1discharging environmental pollutants directly or indirectly into
the ambient air and water and having potential threat to cause adverse effect on the
water and air quality and
WHEREAS, the Ce1itral Govermnent has notified the standards for discharge of
environmental polltants from various categories of indushies under the
Environment (Proh!cion) Act, 1986 and the rules framed there under; and

WHEREAS, there is reed to inculcate habit of self-monitoring within the industries


for complying with ,the prescribed standards and this can be achieved by the
methods like installiTg
on.line emission monitoring devices; and
WHERE/\S, for shengthening the monitoring and compliance through self
regulatory mechanist1;1, online source emission and effluent monitoring systems need
to be installed and o rated by the industries on 'polluter pays principle'; and
WHEREAS, directiol]'I under section 18 (1) (b) of the Water (Prevention & Control of
Pollution) Act, 1974 and the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 was
issued on February 05, 2014 to all the State Pollution Control 13oards (SPCBs)/
Pollution Control C1:nmittees (PCCs) for installation of online emission monitoring
system w.r.t. PM, Nx and S02 in cement industries; and

'qcff 1 3 ';(TR, -110032

arivesh Bhawan, East Arjun Nagar, Delhi 1100J2

cp:!Tel: 43102030, 22305792, '*H41,2/Website: WWI.V.Cl'.cb.

WI--lEREAS, considerng the requests/ representations received from industries/

industrial associations/ SPCBs / PCCs, an extension of time up to June 30, 2015 for
installation of online monitoring systems was granted vide directions dated March
02, 2015 under section 18 (1) (b) of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) J\ct,
1974 and the Air (Prevention & Conhol of Pollution) Act, 1981i and
WHEREAS, a letter dated May 29, 2015 was issued by the Chairman, CPCB to all the
SPCBs/ PCCs informing that no further extension of time will be given after June 30,
2015 and consent to operate will be withdrawn along with forfeiture of bank
guarantee of non-con'1plying units; and

WHEREAS, concernd SPCBs/PCCs issued directions under section 33A of the

Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and section 31/\ of the Air
(Prevention & Conhol of Pollution) Act, 1981 to 17 category of highly polluting
industries to install the online monitoring system by June 30, 2015 and to submit
bank guarantee of 10ili% of the cost of online emission & effluent monitoring system;
and J

WHEREAS, Show Cause Notice under Section 5 of Environment (Protection) Act

1986, was issued on July 24, 2015 to all cement plants to show-cause as to why the
unit should not be closed down, if the unit has not complied fully with the directions
issued w.r.t. installatiion of online emission monitoring system by June 30, 2015.
Further, unit was diirectcd to submit documentary evidence regarding status of
installation and connectivity; and

WHEREAS, no co1uij111ed information was received from the unit, in above context.
Therefore, on 27.07.2016, diiection was issued to lhc unit to close down all its
operations with immdiate effect till online emission monitoring system are installed

in stacks as notified process and the same are uplinked with CPCB server; and

WHEREAS, request ias made by the unit vidc letter dated 22.10.2016 to withdraw
closure direction on tl:e basis of being a mini cement plant; and

WHEREAS, it is observed that the consented production capacity of the unit is less
than 200 TPD whic does not come under the 17 categories of highly polluting
industries. Claim of he unit is supported by the capacity of the plant, which is
indicated in the C?nsent order no. KSPCB/EO(TMK)/UIN-270l032153/2012-
13/J382 dated 15.11.012, issued by the Katnataka SPCB; and

WI-fEREAS, vide lettqr dated 17.05.2017, MSME/DIC, Bengaluru / Tumkur in their

rcommendation, hte also limited the installed es:1,Inated capacity of M/s
S1ddaganga Cements (vt Ltd., Tumkur, Karnataka to 200 1 PD.

M/s Siddaganga Cements Pv Ltd, Sliivakuma anagar Sadarah!,\.[Ji, Chikk1manayakanahalh, Tumkur Karna1aka.

Now, THI.m.EFORE, in view of the above and excrcisine; the powers d(legaled hi tlw
Ch..iinn;m, Ccnl rr1l Ppllutinn Control Board undl'f Sf'rlion 5 of tlw Envirorunnl
(Prolcclion) Act, 1986 vidc Ministry of Environnwnt & I;orcsls, Covl'rnrnenl of Tndi:i
Notifications No. S. 0. 157 (U) of 27.02.-1996 and S. 0. 730 (h) dated 10.07.2002,
Jircctions issued to M/ s Siddaganga Cements Pvt Ltd, Shivnk1.m1..Hanagar
Sadarahalli, Chikkananaynknnnhalli, Tumkur K;-1rnataka, is hereby revoked, subjl'd
lo tll<' following conJitions :

l. That the unit shall operntc at a production capacity of 10 TPD only as

consenll'd by Karnataka SPCB.
2. Any fnrtl:wr expansion of lhC' production cap.icity including & ;.1bove 200
TPD '-lliall be considered by Karnalaka .;tc1k Pollution Control Board only
aftel' successful inst.illation of Online Continuous Moniloring System & its
connectivity by tlw industry with CPCB S('rvtr.
3. Tlw pl.-111( sh,111 start upcratio11 only after gelling valid consent order from
Km11;1tak,1 SPCB.

In case of non-con1pli:-inn', appropriate' r1c:tion ns deemed fit 11ndlr the prnvisio11-i of

Rnvirnnnwnt (Prntctinn) Acl, 1986 will be inilf.1lcd ,lgai11st thl' unit withoul any
furtlwr notin.

(S. P. Singh Parihar)

).t> \ o ') b.o 11

M/s Sictdnganga CC'llH'its l'vt Ltd, Shivnku111awnagar SadHHLlrnlli, Chikknna11:iyakn11..lhalli, T111nku1 K:iinatalw,
Copy lo:

'J The Chairman \!Vi tlt a req ucst lo t1nsure

Kan.mat.aka StatG Pollution Cuntrul Boa1 d compliance of tlw
'Parisara Bhawan' 4 th & 5111 Floor directions with regard to
49, Chu.rch Strcc.:t, Bangnlu ru-560 00"1 issue of Cornwnts and
consen ted production

2 ' 1'11c Dish ict Magistrate \i\Tith H request to ensure

District TumJrn.r ctimpliancc
1- - 1- - - - - - -
- - - -- -
3 The Managing D.ireclor With rey uest to resume
Karnalaka Power Corporation 1 ,td. electricity supply tu
82, Shakthi !)hawan, Race Course Road, the u n i t .
Bangaluru -560001, Kamat.aka.
1 - -t- - - -- - - - - - - - ---- --
4 The Joint ecreL;iry - CP Division
M inistry of Envfonmcnl, Fcffl'l'itt; ,md
Climnl'P Chm1ge
Indira PnrynvaranBhm,van
A lig;inj, JorRagh Rnad, N<'w DC'lhi - 1 1 0003

5 The Regional D.iireclor

Ccntn1l Poll\ltion Control l3o;i rd f<or kind information
Rq;irnu1l DiHctorntl' - Soull1
"1 1 & 2nd Floors, N i;.lrga 13lrnwan A- nlock
Tbinllll;)i.:th Mc1 i n Rrn=, d7th n Cross,
Shiva 11at,1r .. qpposite ] 'ushp.injali Theatre,

J-..l.3angaluru 560 010

T h:J.:livsionnl I Iea,liT , CPClJ, I Jci_

._ _

(A. B. Akolkar)
Member Secretary

M/:;. Sicldar;rmgr\ l:rmcnls Pvl Lld, Sl1ivF1Jcumnranagar Sr1drirrihalh, Chikknam1yakmrnhnlli, Tutnlrnr Kiu-ivltalrn.
Ji=?lll 1,1<t_q I f;fv;i;ftll -aiTt


. r.rftmt.:t it m:ru 'lTITfl m,.flf
qqfq{,r, cr,r '{Tti
M1Ni$TI{i Of f NVIIll1NMEN f. & Cl IMA) f '.:HJ\NGr GOVT. or : m,A

B -'.tm1 4/7/20 1 7- 1 8/ T PC:-Il 0 I u ly 24, 2m 7

To: r:::;}v
The Unit l-:l ea<l
M/i, 13in,rni C('nwnt I .hi.
P.O. Gi mmigram 'l'ehsH: Piudwara
Distt. Sirulu, Rajc1sthan

Sub: Show cause Notice under Section 5 of the Environment (Prnteclion) Act, 1986

WI I ERH/\S, ( 't11tral Covt.'Tnnient l1;.1s not ifad st,mdards for discharge ot cmvirnn11Hnhll
pnl l u t,rnts from vnrious cc1tcgl1rics of industries 1.mdl'.f the l nvironrncnt (Protection)
Act, 1 1JB6 and the ni lc}; fr,mwd tlwn under; :-i nd

WI ll\RHAS, Cc11w11t nwn l1focluring 11n it.s nrc required tn i11stall air pollution control
equipments sn as to n>rnply with the cmission limit, c1s notified under the Envi ronment
(Prohcl ion) Rules, 1986 or thl liniit pnscribcd under the con/'.enl conditions issued by
till' Sh1lr Brnird under Air Act, 1981, w hichever is stringenti and

WJlERUAS, a compt1i11t was received by Central PolluliLm Control Board under VIP
reference rcgaTding pol l u t ion &in turn h11mm1 lwalth problems as created by M/s Binani
Cement Ltd, located at Pi ndwc.m1,Sirohi, Rajasthan; and

WI I FRE/\S, to invsligale the matler, a joint in'ipcdion tc<.1m of Scientists / Ht1gi1wcrs

frorn Central Pnl l11tio11 Control 13oanJ, Rcio11al Directorate Bhopal and Rajastha11 Stc1tc
1-'ollution Control Boan!, Palicarried out inspection and monitoring of M/s Binani
Cement Lt, P.O. Binanigram Tchsil: Pindwat'a, Distt. Sirohi, Rajasthan during March
232L1, 2017 to assess the ,,dcquacy of tlw pollution control rncasun:, as VI di as
compliance of the C'1wironnHnh1 I rH}l'ms imd following observations were rnadc :

1 During 1mbienl air monitoring, PM10 value nea r mines area was monitored 150
tg/ m-1, excctdinri the prccribccl limit of H)O py,/m3.
2 The industry needs to run C/\/\QMS properly and to follow protocol/ schedule for
ils calibration and remove the obstnclcs from inlet side.
3 The ind uslry has established envirorn11ental cell bu t not having separate lab.
4 The industry necus to insta l l Water jct sprinkler at the crusher located near Amli
5 The unit should obtain renewed Air and Water consent for Amla Mine.
6 The unit has not pl.mncd anythiny, cspldally for NOx in kiln dnd L'M in clinker

'tTft:cl rw,=r' 3$ -;rR, - 1 1 0032

Parivesh Bhawan,, East Arjuh Nagar, Delhi-110032
n-el : 43102030, 22305792, <1H-t1{?./Website :

VVl1ERE/\S, Ministry llf Fnvironment 1'([ Fon'.sb.;, Cc.lVL oJ lndia, vide notification S.O.
157 (F.) of 7'/.02.1 1 J96 has delegated pnwc'.rs vc..sled under .sectio11 5 nt the Environment
(Protectiun) /\ct, 1 986 (29 of 1 986) to thl' Chairman, Cen t rdl Poll u tion Cuutrol lfoard
(CT'CB), to issue directions to ,my industry, municipal cmpon1tio11, mtmicip;-11 council,
t.:,111 tc.n1111ent bnMd, l o any lucal or othtr /\ulhority for violation of l.' missi011 and dflucnl
stc1ndc1rd<; notified tinder the Environirnnt (Protec t ion) Rules, ] 986 ;.rnd uHwr st,mdc1rcb

Now, Tl IERl.WORH, ll1 v tew of the ,1 bov<.' observations und c. c:rns1ng the powers
delegated In the Clwirman, Central Pollution Control Hoard under sect-ion 5 uf the
Environrncnt (Protection) Act, 1986, notice is being served hen:witli to M/s Ilinani
Cernent Ltd, localed at Pimhvara, Sirohi, Rajasthan to show cause as lu w hy the c1ction
u ndl:r environnwn tal regulations shoul d not be taken for the shPrtcomings observed
during thl in sped 011 as l'Pfcrred above.

M/ s Bin.ini Cement Ltd, loc,1tcd al l'indwar, 1,Sirnhi, R,1jr1 sthan, is further direc..tcd for
tbv following :

1 . l'ltL' illdusl ry shall imnwdi,1 tPl y initi,ttl' the rernedia l mcasu res for r<'CI ifirn l iun of
shortcumings cornplc!-r thl'tn hy 25.08.20 l'/.
2. The ind 11shy shall submit np .l y & action taken npnrt w i th in 1 5 days from the
dale of issul' of this NoticP.

f 11 lhe absence of the compli,rnce report, it will be prc'sumed that tlil' indusiTy has
nothing lo say in this regard and CPCB will be constTaincd to take action as deenwd HI
under the provision of Environment (Protection) /\ct, 1 986.

(.l'. S. Parihar)
:2 'S/ 0 7 /').,-0/J

M/ s Bina11i Cnt11l11I I .Id, lm:atcJ ,it Pindwilft1, Sirohi, Rajaslhan

Copy for kind information io:

1 The Chc1

Rajastlt,111 Pol h 1 tic !f1 Cnnlrol 13u,mi
I, J halana l 1 1stitu tionc1l /\na,
l h,1 l;l1 1,1 l)oongri, Jaipur,
Ra jai-;ll 1<1 11 '."\020(M

I.. T}w Rl(ionuJ


C'lnlr;1 l Pullution ContrnJ Hoard

4th Floor, SahkclrBhnwan
Nrnth T.T. N,w;1r
8hup,1l - 462 ()(f

The Joint ;ccrct.1!'y (Cl ' l)ivision)

Ministry nf H11vil' t.ll\n u11t, Fonst:
and Clirnrttl' Ch;111gc
Jndirn Pary,1 va r,1 1 1 11lwwnn
JorBagh Roc1d, I-Jew UL'lhi - 110003

Tl 1c DH- J 'L' Division I CFCl3 , Delhi

5. ThP nr I- ll'C-VI, CPClJ / Delhi

- -
[ A. B. Ako] kclr]
M ember Secretary

M/s Hinani Ccm,nl Ltd, lucalPd nt T'indw,1r,,, Sirnhi, Raj,i,;Jh,.1n

J;l Y<it-401 H4=40l mi
qufa<OI, WT qfhHf-1

Speed Post

B-33014/ 7/2017-18/IPC-II % July 24, 2017


The Unit Head

M/ s J.K. Laksluni Cement Ltd.
P.O. Jaykaypuram, Tehsil-Pindwara
Distt. Sirohi, Rajasthan

Sub: Show cause Notice under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986

WHEREAS, Central Government has notified standards for discharge of

envirorunental pollutants from various categories of industries under the
Enviromnent (Protection) Act, 1986 and the rules framed there under; and

WHEREAS, Cement manufacturing units are required to install air pollution conhol
equipments so as to comply with the emission limit, as notified under the Environment
(Protection) Rules, 1986 or the limit prescribed under the consent conditions issued by
the State Board under Air Act, 1981, whichever is shingent; and

WHEREAS, a complaint was received by Central Pollution Control Board under VIP
reference regarding pollution & in-turn human health problems as created by M / s
Binani Cement Ltd. and M / s J. K. Laksluni Cement Ltd., located at Pindwara, Sirohi,
Rajasthan; and

WHEREAS, to investigate the matter, a joint inspection team of Scientists / Engineers

from Central Pollution Conhol Board, Regional Directorate-Bhopal and Rajasthan
State Pollution Conhol Board, Pali carried out inspection and monitoring of M/s J. K.
Lakshmi Cement Ltd., Pindwara, Sirohi, Rajasthan during March 24-25, 2017 to assess
the adequacy of the pollution conhol measures as well as compliance of the
environmental norms and following observations were made

1. The unit requires to install two more CAAQMS for covering three directions as well
as upwind and downwind directions.

2. The unit should obtain renewed consents for Kjh1-l, 2, 3 and CPP ( captive power
plant) under the Air ( Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 .

'r m ,m , - 1 10032
Pa1ivash Bhawan, East Arjun Nagar, Delhi-110032
-TI"tl/Tel : 43102030, 22305792, 4-atfll$0Website : www

3. The unit has not paved the area near Coal Yard and near Cooler- 3 to improve
housekeeping further.

4. The unit needs to improve the existing water spray system at the crusher and
mining area roads to prevent fugitive emissions.

5. The unit should conduct awareness program, among the people in the nearby area
about prevention from silicosis.

6. The unit should further extend vocational training program in the area.

WHEREAS, Ministry of Enviromnent & Forests, Govt. of India, vide notification S.O. 157
(E) of 27.02.1 996 has delegated powers vested under section 5 of the Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986) to the Chafrman, Central Pollution Control Board
(CPCB), to issue directions to any industry, municipal corporation, municipal council,
cantonment board, to any local or other Authority for violation of emission and effluent
standards notified w1der the Envfronment (Protection) Rules, 1986 and other standards
and normsi

Now, THEREFORE, in view of the above observations and exercising the powers
delegated to the Chairman, Cenb'al Pollution Control Board under section 5 of the
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, notice is being served herewith to M/s J.K Lakshmi
Cement Ltd., P.O. Jaykaypuram, Tehsil-Pindwara, Distt. Sirohi, Rajasthan to show ca.use
as to why the action under environmental regulations should not be taken for the
shortcomings observed during the inspection as referred above.

M/ s J.K. Laksluni Cement Ltd., P.O. Jaykaypuram, Tehsil-Pindwara, Distt. Sirohi,

Rajasthan , is further directed for the following :

l. The industry sha11 im_mediately initiate the remedial measures for rectification of
the shortcoming and complete by 25.08.2017.
2. The indushy shall submit reply & action taken report within 15 days from the date
of issue of this Notice.

In the absence of the compliance report, it will be presumed that the indust1y has nothing
to say in this regard and CPCB will be conslTained to take action as deemed fi t under the
provision of Environment (Protection) Act, 1 986.
(S.P. S. Parihar)
1 s-l 1.i i i 'L-v I l

M/s J. K Lakshmi Cement Ltd., Pindwara, Sirohi, Rajasthan

Copy to:

1 The Chairman
Rajasthan Pollution Control Board
4, Jhalana Institutional Area,
Jhalana Doongri, Jaipur,
Rajasthan 302004

1. The Regional Director

CentTal Pollution Control Boa.rd
4th Floor, Sahkar Bhawan
North T.T. Nagar
Bhopal - 462 003

2. The Joint Secretary (CP Division)

Minisby of Environment, Forests
and Climate Change
Indira ParyavaranBhawan
JorBagh Road, New Delhi - 110003

\.. K The DH- I T Djvision , CPCB , Delhi

4. The DH- IPC-VI, CPCB , Delhi

[A. B. Akolkar]
Member Secretary

M/s J. K. Lakshmi Cement Ltd., Pindwara, Sirohi, Rajasthan

, .

F. No. B-190194/Nti Rl3A/RC/CPC l3/othcrs (Chcm)/06/201 6- 1 7 July 24, 20 1 7
M/s PMC Rubber Chemicals I nd ia Private Limited,
I 03, G T Road ( ), Rishra, Dist.-l l ooghly-7 l 2248
West Bengal, I <! ia


1 986
W HE REAS, the Central l,overnmcnt has noti fied the standards for discharge of environmrntal
rol I l1tanrs from various categories or industries under the Lnvironmcnt ( Prokction) Act. 1 986 and
the ru k:s framed there under: ,rnd
WHEREAS, Ph:ff111aceutica l un its arc identi fied as nne of the 1 7 categoric:, o r highly pol I ut ing
i ndustries ,vhirh have been d ischarging environmental pol lutants directly nr ind irectly i nto the
ambient air and water. having potential threat Lo cm1se adverse effe ct on the wurcr and air qual ity:
W H EREAS, there is need to inculcate habit nf -;el f-rnonitoring \\ ithin the industries for
complying with the prcscribrd standards and this can ht achieved by the methods l ike insta lling
d1lul'nt aml em ission monitoring dr.:v ir.:L"s; and
011 I i nc

W H E REAS, lbr strengthening th monitoring and compl iance through sel f-regulatory
mechanism. o n l i nc source emission and el'fh1cnt monitoring systems need to be installed .rnd
operated by the industries on 'po l l uter pays principle'; :md
W H E REAS, the M i n istry or lnvirn11ment & forests. ( iovernmcnt of India, vidc Noti fkalions
No. S. 0. 1 57 CE) of 27.02. 1 99(, und S. 0. 730 (E) dated I 0.07.2002. has deleg:,ted the power
vested undc.:r Section 5 or t he Environment (Protect inn) Act. l '>86 (29 of l 986) to the Chairman,
Ct!ntrnl J >o l l lition Control Board, to isst1e direct ions to any industry or any local body nr any other
authority for violations or emission and d'!lurnt standards and niles noti -lied under the
Enviw111ne11t (Prote<:1 ion) Rules, I 986 and amendment thereof ': and
W I I EREAS, it is obl igatory 011 the part of' i nd ustrit!s to instal l erfl ucnt treatment pl(-11\tS (ETPs) to
romply with the d'flucnt <lischarged st,rndards as noti fied under thr Environment ( Prottction)
Act. 1 986 nnd thL" rules frorncd there under and a lso lo met the consent cond i tions granted by
State Pol l ution Control Board ( S PC8s)/f>o l l l1tion Control Committees ( PCCs); :111d
WH ER RAS, M/s PMC Ruhhcr Chem icals l ncli.l Private Limited, 103, G T Koad (W),
Rish ra, Dist.-Hooghly-7 1 2248, West Bengal, I nd ia { hercafler rel'crrcd to as the ' U n it " ) is
manufacturing of Accelerator. Antioxidents, Antiozonanat. DPA ( I ntermediate), PC'l ' S and
Retarder: anti
WHEIU:AS, the U n i t was inspected by t he officials ol' Central Pol l ution Control Bmird (CPCH)
on 05-0 1 -20 1 7 und unit wus found violating the noti lied general cfllucnt standards w.r.t. BOD
and COD under L::nvirunmcnt ( Prnte<:. tion) R u ic!) . 1 986 and discharging its partially
treated/untreated cnl ucnl on land. thereby rosing serious threat to the surface and groundwater
qual ity; and
W H EREAS, CP( ' B issued closure d i rection dated 1 7.07.20 1 7 under Scl:Lion 5 or the
Environment ( Protect ion) Ad, 1 986, lnd
W H 1 :1u:As, the Unit \\as i11spcd1.:d lur com r l ian<..'i.: vi:ri fkation hy the officials or Ct:ntral

Poll ution Control Board (Cl'( 'B) on 24-05-20 1 7 :md the unit ,,a:-. rnund in ope-ration during the
inspcdiun. It is the vinl,nion of the d i rect ion-; is'.-lued under section 5 of' t he lnvironn1cnt
lProtct.:t ion) R u ks. 1 986. dated 1 7-02-20 1 7: and

W H t<:REAS, C 'P('[ isi;uc a letter lo District Magistrale. I looghl :i on 08-06-20 1 7 to cnsun.:

cornplianc1.: ur CPCB direction c..lated 1 7-02-20 1 7 issuc..l under section 5 or the Environment
( Protect ion) Act, 1 986 w ith immcdial1.: dfoct and Di-;trict fVlagilratc ensured the clo-;urc or lht:
unit as per CPCB d i rection: and

W HE RKAS, the Unit repl ies v idc kiter., dated 20-03-20 l 7. 27-06-20 1 7 and 06-07-20 1 7 were
examined and fol lowing observations mnde:

The unit stopped a l l 1minufocluring operat ions \\ ith cffoct from .lune 27 , 20 1 7 al 6 A M .
Water i s used only f"o r production ol' Category-/\ products. namely J\r.;. cclcrntor. PCJ 'S,
Ret:1rder and J\ ntiuLotrnnal. anc..l lhc proc..ludinn level of these pw<lucts is signi ficantly under the
handling cnpw.: i ty ol' l '. TP rlant, which \Vas designed ror handling rnnny f'n ld i ncreased
production leveb.
The u n i t has instal led OCl : M S und rrnvided conni.:l'livit .

A N D WH EREAS, the unit has not slopped its manulacturing operations immediately i .e. c losure
d i rection issued on 1 7.02.20 1 7 hut the unit hac, stnppcd operations on 27-06-20 1 7 . Not c,topping
operations in respect of' CPCB d i rcr.:tion. is violatinn of' CPCB direction issui.:d under section 5 of'
the Lnvironmcnt (Protection) /\cl, I ')86 and for " h ich appropriate legal rn.:t ic)n shall be taken
separately: and

NOW THEREFORE, in v iew ufthc above rnc11tio11cd obscrvatio11s and in cxcrcbc ol" the powers
delegated to the Chairman CPC B, under sedinn 5 of the hw inrnment ( Protection) Act. I <)86, the
unit nnmcly M/s PMC 1-f o hhcr Chemicals India Pl'ivatc Limited, 103. G T Road (W), Rishra,
Dist.-Hooghly-7 1 2248, West Bengal, lndiu is directed to comrly \\ith the fol lowing d i rections:

I . The U n i t may resume munuf'ucturing operations i n itially for 45 days on trinl run.
2. Tht: l l n it shall iinmcd inlely i n l'o rm lo CPCB regarding the t\csumrtion ol" opcral i\lns.
3. l"f1e Unit shal l orcratc 1-:1 P properly '.-IO ns to cn-;ure compl i:rncc with the effluent
d isd1argc lhHms not i fied under Env ironmrnl (. Protcction) Act. 1 986. Al any stage. i f' Lhe
treated efllucnt doi.::-, not meet nnli fied disch,,rge stnndard .... t he unit shul I close UO\\ 11
manufalluring operations itnrncdiat,: I ,\ and rq)url lu CPCB.

In case of' default in compliance with the above d in:ct inn. CPCH \.\ i l l b<.: 1.:011strnincd lo initiate
nction \\ ithout any l'u rlher notice. in accordanc,.: \.\ ith the pnl\ is ions or the Environment
(Prntection ) Act. 1 986.


l'ngc 2 of 3
Copy to:

I. Chairmun.
West Bengal Pnl l L1tion Control Board.
Pnribcsh lhavan, I OA. [31ock - L.A.,
Sector- I l l . Slllt I .1ke City. : I For k ind i 11for111ut ion 1
Kokata - 700 098, West [3cngal

2. The Advisor (CP Division). : p:or kind inf'o rmation l

Ministry or r,nv iro11111cnt. Forests & Climate
lm.lra Paryavuran Bhavan .
.f or nagh Road. New Delhi - 1 1 0 003

3. Uistrict Magistrate : l lor the i mplementation and compl iance ol' thc
Po + Ps - Chinsurah. District - 1 looghly. Jircction l
Pin - 7 1 2 1 0 I . West Bengal

4. Regional Director, : I To ensure.' C' ompliancc o 1 the d irect ions I

Regional DircdoratL (El
Central Pol lution Control Board. Southcrnd
Conclave, Block 5 02, 5 111 & (/11 I lnors, I 5X2
Rajdanga Main Road. Kolkata-700 I 07
West lkngal

5. Managing Director,
Calcutta Electricity Supply Cnmpany J ,imited : [ With a rcqllest to re -connect the electric it)
(Cr.. SC). Cl-.SC I louse. suppl y to tht.: lJnit J
Chowringhcc Square,
Kolkatu - 70000 I

,e lncharge I I Div ision. C PCB. Delhi

7. Master copy (< 'heniical). RG Division.
CPC!3. Del h i


1\.1/.., PMC Rubber Chrn1icuh l 11diu !'rival"' l 11111tc:d l<1shra. D1sl.-Hooghl ) . \\'el Bengal. lnJia

Page 3 of 3
i qfcHOI , eR 'Q'ftc:Ail'1 \:fm{ lRcfirr
B - 2 9 0 1 6 / 04 / 0 6 / I P C - I / July 2 6_ , 2 0 1 7
M / s Century Rayon- Chemical Plant [Chlor Alkali]
P.B. No. 22, Shahad, Ulhasnagar,
District Thane, Maharashtra-421 1 03

Sub: Directions under Section 5 of the Environment ( Protection ) Act, 1 986-reg .

WHEREAS, the Chlor alkali industries are identified as one of the 1 7 categories of highly
polluting Industries which have been discharging environmental pollutants directly or indtrectly- into
the ambient air and water, having potential threat to cause adverse effect on the water and air
quality ; and
WHEREAS, there is need to inculcate habit of self monitoring within the industries for
complying with the prescribed standards and this can be achieved by the methods like Installing
online effluent and emission monitoring devices; and
WHEREAS, for strengthening the monitoring and compliance through self regulatory
mechanism, online source emission and effluent . monitoring systems need to be installed and
operated by the industries on 'polluter pays principle' ; and
WHEREAS, a direction under section 1 8 (1 ) (b) of the Water (Prevention a Control of
Pollution) Act, 1974 and the Air (Prevention &. Contro l of Pollution) Act, 1 981 was issued on February
05 , 2014 to all the State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs)/ Pollution Control Committees ( PCCs) for
installation of on line emission monitoring system w. r. t. Cl2 , HCl parameters & onllne effluent
monitoring system w. r. t. pH, TSS, Flow parameters in Chlor alkali Industries;
WHEREAS it was clarified that flow meter web camera may be installed in case of Units
with zero liquid discharge (ZLD) by March 31 , 201 5 vide guidelines uploaded on website of CPCB
dated November 7, 2014i and
WHEREAS, the unit has informed vide email dated October 23, 201 5 that the installation and
online connectivity of onlfne Effluent a Emission mo.nitorlng system has been completed with login
WHEREAS, in the monthly review of online data during November 1 5 December 1 5, 201 6
from 1 7 category industries it was observed that the unit was in offline mode for more than 30 days.
WHEREAS, the unit was inspected by a team of officials from Central Pollution Control Board,
Reg ional Directorate Vadodara , on December 28, 201 6 on the basis of offline status of the unit.
WHEREAS, the following non-compliance "".as observed by the inspecting team during
inspection on December 28, 201 6:
1 . The ETP Is not equipped with online FLOW meter and sensors were not directly placed in
treated effluent pipeline (ETP) thus the results displayed may not be true representative
values of the parameters.
2. Testing a calibration certificates for TSS, pH, Cl2 and HCl parameters are not available with
the unit.
3. The sensor was hanging outside the stack the monitor disp layed HCl concentration values
21 mg/Nm3 and when the sensor place Inside the stack concentration values increased
gradually well beyond the prescribed limits i.e. 285.85 mg/Nm3 and crossed the maximum
limit of 200ppm.
4. The HCl concentration in the sample collected found to be 1 1 0.63 mg/Nm3, which is more
than the prescribed limit 35 mg/Nm3.
5. Only 1 sensor is provided among 03 process vents of HCl furnace plant and only 1 sensor is
provided among 02 process vents of Hypo plant.
6. The ETP sludge which is in hazardous nature have store open yard.
WHEREAS, a show cause notice dated February 20, 201 7 issued to the unit based on the non
comp liance observed during inspection dated Oecem.ber 28, 2017; and

\lcR ' .:rR, 'R'ffi'- 1 1 0032 Page 1 of2

Parivesh Bhawan, East Arj un Na g ar. Delhl-11 0032
/Tel : 431 02030. 22305792, d'i!f!l{2/Website :
WHEREAS, the unit has informed vide letter datep March 20, 2017 that they have taken corrective
action and achieved compliance w.r.t. the show cause notice dated February 20, 201 7; and
WHEREAS, the unit was inspected by the officials of RD, Vadodara on June 21 , 2017 and
observed that the concentration of HCl was found 41 . 55 mg/Nm3 , which exceed the MPCB norms (35
mg/Nm\ and
WHEREAS, the Ministry of Environment a Forests, Government of India, vide Notifications No.
S. 0. 1 57 (E) of 27.02.1 996 and S. 0. 730 (E) dated 1 0.07.2002, has delegated the powers vested
under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1 986 (29 of 1 986) to the Chairman, Central
Pollution Control Board, to issue directions to any industry or any local body or any other authority
for violations of the standards and rules notified under the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1 986 and
- amendment thereof.
NOW, THEREFORE, based on all material facts available with CPCB, in exercise of powers
vested under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1 986, you are directed to close down
operation of your unit (M/s Century Rayon- Chemical Plant, P.B. No. 22, Shahad, Ulhasnagar,
District Thane, Maharashtra) with immediate effect till the industry complies with the norms.

( S. P. Singh Parihar)
Copy t o :
.2. "1 /0 1 / 1 1
1. The C h a i r m a n
Mahara s h t r a P o l l u ti o n C o n t r o l B o a rd
Kalpataru P oi n t , 3 rd and 4 F l o o r ,

O p p . C i n e P l a n et , S i o n C i r c l e ,
Mumbai , M a h arashtra-400022
2. The Adviso r ( C P Division)
Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change
Prithvi W i n g , 2 n d Floor, Room N o . 2 1 6
I nd i ra Paryavaran Bh awan
Aliga n j , Jor Bagh Road
New D e l h i - 1 1 0003
3 . The C h a i r m a n & M a n a Q f n g D i rector : W i t h request t o d i s c o n n e c t
MS E D C L o f f i c es i n d u s t r i a l elec t r i c i t y s u p ply o f
Maharashtra State E l ectricity U n i t , a n d a l l o w i n g s u pp l y o n l y
D i s t r i b u t i o n Company L i m i ted f o r d o m e s t i c & s ec u r i ty p u r p os e s .
HongKong Bank Building
M . G . Roa d , Fort, Mumba l - 400001
4. The Regi o n a l Di rector
C e n t r a l P o l l u t i o n Con trol Board
Zonal Office (West), "Parivesh Bhawan''

Opp, YMC Ward office No. 10,
Subhanpura, Vadodara, Gujarat 390023
_ /' I / c , I T , C P C B
6. I PC V I , C P C B ( S h r i P . K , G u p t a , S c ' E ' )

(A. B . Akolkar)
M e m b e r Secretary

Page 2 of 2

4 Q{qOI l/S.OI
qufcnot 1 1R ::i\('1cU qa,i'i.,

bt) \ \
B-29016/04/06/ I PC- I / July 27, 201 7
M/s Punjab Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd.
Nangal-Una Road,
Naya Nangal, Dist. Ropar
Punjab 1 40 1 26

Sub: Directions under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1 986 regarding
installation of on-line effluent and emission monitoring system-reg.

WHEREAS, the Chlor alkali industries are identified as one of the 1 7 categories of
highly polluting industries which have been discharging environmental pollutants directly or
indirectly i nto the ambient air and water, having potential threat to cause adverse effect on
the water and air quality; and
WHEREAS, there is need to inculcate habit of self monitoring within the industries
for complying with the prescribed standards and this can be achieved by the methods like
i nstalling online effluent and emission monitoring devices; and
WHEREAS, for strengthening the monitoring and compliance through self regulatory
mechanism, online source emission and effluent monitoring systems need to be installed
and operated by the industries on 1 polluter pays principle' ; and
WHEREAS, a direction under section 1 8 ( 1 ) (b) of the Water (Prevention & Control of
Pollution) Act, 1 974 and the Air (Prevention ft Control of Pollution) Act, 1 981 was issued on
February 05,. 201 4 to all the State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs)/ Pollution Control
Committees (PCCs) for i nstallation of online emission monitoring system w. r.t. Cl2, HCl
parameters & online effluent monitoring system w. r.t. pH, TSS, Flow parameters in Chlor
alkali ,industries;
WHEREAS it was clarified that flow meter & web camera may be installed in case of
Units with zero liquid discharge (ZLD) by March 3 1 , 201 5 vide guidelines uploaded on
website of CPCB dated November 7, 2014; and
WHEREAS, considering the requests/ representations received from industries/
industrial associations/ SPCBs / PCCs, an extension of time up to June 30, 201 5 for
installation of online monitoring systems was granted vide direction dated March 02, 201 5
under section 1 8 (1 ) (b) of the Water (Prevention Et Control of Pollution) Act, 1 974 and the
Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1 981 ; and
WHEREAS, a letter vide dated May 29, 201 5 was issued by the Chairman CPCB to all
the SPCBs/ PCCs informing that no further extension of time will be given after June 30,
201 5 and withdrawal of consent to operate along with forfeiture of bank guarantee of non
complying Units will be the only option; and
WHEREAS, concerned SPCB/ PCC have issued directions under section 33A of the
Water (Prevention ft Control of Pollution) Act, 1 974 and section 3 1 A of the Air (Prevention ft
Control of Pollution) Act, 1 981 to install the online monitoring system by June 30, 201 5 and
to submit bank guarantee of 1 00% of the cost of online emission ft effluent monitoring
system; and

' qfl:?T \lCR 3$ '91R, - 1 10032

Page 1 of 3
Parlvesh Bhawan, East Arjun Nagar, Delhi 1 1 0032
/Tel : 43102030, 22305792, ebsite :
, \

WHEREAS, a Show Cause Notice under Section 5 of Environment (Protection) Act

1 986, was issued on July 2 2 , 201 5 to the Chlor alkali industries to show cause as to why the
Unit should not be closed down if, the Unit has not complied fully with the directions issued

w . r.t. installation of online effluent monitoring system by June 30, 201 5 . Further it was
directed to submit documentary evidence regarding status of installation and connectivity;
WHEREAS, the Unit has submitted a reply vide letter no. PACL:GM{W): 20 1 5/789
dated September 07, 201 5 wherein it was i nformed that a tender notice have been placed
by the Unit for installation of online monitoring system; and
WHEREAS, the CPCB again issued a letters vide dated October 1 4 , 201 5 and February
03, 2016 to the Unit for completion of the installation & data connectivity for online
effluent monitoring system; and
WHEREAS, a reminder through email dated June 1 0, 201 6 at the email address(es)
registered/provided by the Unit was again sent from the CPCB for completion of the
installation &: data connectivity for online effluent monitoring system; and
WHEREAS, the Unit has again submitted a reply vide letter no. PACL: QCD: 201 6/ 1 599
dated February 1 7, 201 6 wherein it was informed that the installation of online monitoring
system is under progress; and
WHEREAS, the unit (M/s Punjab Alkalis & Chemicals Limited) has not provided the
connectivity of the online monitoring system to the CPCB as per the verification report
dated March 1 0, 201 7 generated by the IT division of the CPCB; and
WHEREAS, a closure direction under section 5 of Environment (Protection) Act 1 986
was issued to the Unit vide letter no. B290 1 6/04/06/ IPC- l / 270 dated March 1 7, 2017 on the
basis of non connectivity of the online monitoring system to the CPCB, as per the
verification report dated March 1 0, 201 7 of IT division of the CPCB; and
WHEREAS, the Unit vide letter dated Apri[ 1 9 , 201 7 submitted the on line connectivity
status of online monitoring system to CPCB Portal and requested to revoke the closure
direction; and
WHEREAS, the connectivity of online data submitted by the Unit was verified by the
IT division and compliance was observed on April 27, 201 7 by CPCB except flowmeter; and
WHEREAS, the connectivity of online datl} submitted by the Unit was again verified
by the IT division and compliance was observed on June 1 4, 201 7 by CPCB; and
WHEREAS, the Unit submitted original self-certificate vide letter dated July 24, 201 7
to CPCB; and
WHEREAS, it has been observed that the unit has closed manufacturing operation
after one month of receipt of CPCB closure direction, which is non- compliance of the
closure di rection issued by CPCB under section 5 of the E(P) Act, 1 986 vtde letter dated
March 1 7, 201 7 for which action as per law shall be initiated separately; and

WHEREAS, the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of I ndia, vide

Notifications No. S. 0. 1 57 (E) of 27.02 . 1 996 and S. 0. 730 (E) dated 1 0 . 07. 2002, has
delegated the powers vested under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1 986 (29
of 1 986) to the Chairman, Central Pollution Control Board, to issue directions to any
industry or any local body or any other authority for violations of the standards and rules
notified under the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1 986 and amendment thereof.

Page 2 of 3

NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of powers vested to Chairman CPCB under Section 5 of
the Environment (Protection) Act, 1 986, and in view of compliance with relevant direction
under reference, the direction issued under the Section 5 of the Environment (Protection)
Act, 1 986 to the Unit (Mis Punjab Alkalis & Chemicals Limited) vide letter dated March 1 7,
2017 is hereby revoked with a condition that the unit shall obtained valid CTO from Punjab
Pollution Control Board. The Unit will ensure compliance with the norms. In case of non
compliance by the Unit action as deemed fit under the provisions of Environment (P) Act,
1 986 shall be taken.

(S. P. Singh Parihar)
Copy to:
)!2- J r I 0 1- / 1 1-
1 . The Chairman
Punjab State Pollution Control Board
Vatavaran Bhawan, Nabha Road,
Patiala- 1 47001
2. The Managing Director
Punjab State Power Corporation Limited : With request to restore electricity
PSEB Head Office, The Mall supply of unit
Patiala, Punjab-1 47001
3. The Advisor (CP Division)
Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change
Prithvi Wing, 2nd Floor, Room No. 2 1 6
Indira Paryavaran Bhawan
Aliganj; Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi - 1 1 0003
4. The Regional Director
Central Pollution Control Board
Zonal Office (North) , PICUP Bhawan
Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar Lucknow-226010
5. IPC-VI, CPCB (Shri P.K. Gupta, Sc' E ' )
Jrllc, I T Division
CPCB, Delhi

(A. B . Akolkar)
Member Secretary

Page 3 of 3

13-459 /PCI - 1 1 1/D IST /2k16- 1 7 b\)\-b J u ly 26, 2 0 1 7

M/s. Shree Pandu rang SSK Ltd.,
Shreepur, Tai. - Pandharpur,
Dist - Solapur

Revoldng of directions under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act,

1986 regarding failure in installation of on-line monitoring systems

WHEREAS, the D istilleries are identified as one of the 1 7 categories of highly

polluting industries which have been discharging environmental pollutants d i rectly or
indi rectly into the a mbient air and water, having potential threat to cause adverse effect
on the water and a i r q uality; and

WHEREAS, for strengthening the monitoring and compliance through self

regulatory mechanism, a direction under section 18 (1) (b) o f the Water (Prevention &
Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and the A i r (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981
was issued on Februa ry 05, 2 0 14 to all the State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs)/
Pollution Control Committees (PCCs) for installation of online emission monitoring
system w.r.t. Particulate Matter parameter & online effluent monitoring system w.r.t. pH,
BOD, COD, TSS, Flow parameters in 17 categories of industries including d istilleries; and

WHEREAS, it was clarified that flow meter & web camera may be installed in case
of units achieving zero liquid d ischarge (ZLD) by March 31, 2 0 1 5 vide guidelines
uploaded on website of C PCB dated November 7, 2014; and

WHEREAS, r.onsiclr.rine thP. l'P.((11Psts/ repr1;>sentations received from industries/

industrial associations/ SPCBs / PCCs, an extension of time up to J u ne 30, 2 0 1 5 for
installation of online monitoring systems was granted vide d i rection dated March 02,
201 5 under section 18 (1) (b) of the Water (Prevention & Control o f Pollution) Act, 1974-
and the Air (Prevention & Control of Poll u tion) Act, 1981; and

WHEREAS, in follow up to the d i rections issued to the SPCBs/PCCs, CPCB had

issued show cause notices under section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
dated 24.07.2 0 1 5 to 347 distilleries, includi ng, M/s. Shree Pandurang SSK Ltd.,
Maharashtra, hereinafter referred to as 'the unit', as to why the Unit should not be closed
down if the Unit has not complied fully with the d i rection issued w.r.t. installation o f
ohl ine emission & effluent monitoring system by J une 30, 2 0 1 5. I t was fu rther d i rected to
subm i t dor.umentary evidence regarding status of installation and connectivity of onl ine
emission & effl uent monitoring system in the format given in annexure; and

Page l of 3
WHEREAS, i n reply to the notice, it was informed that the unit is i n the process of
installing online monitoring system; and

WH EREAS, CPCB had issued a notice on 27.06. 2 0 1 6 through e-mail directing to

install online mon itoring system within 10 days & report to CPCB, failing which di rection
for closing down manufacturing operations shall be issued; and

WHEREAS, unit did not reply to the notice dated 27.6.20 1 6 and did not p rovide
connectivity of the onl i ne monitoring system to CPCB; and

WHEREAS, the M i nistry of Environment & Forests, Government of India, vide

notifications No. S.O. 157 (E) of 27.0 2.1996 and S.O. 730 (E) dated 10.07.2002 1 has
delegated the powers vested under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
(29 of 1 986) to the Chairman, Central Pollution Control Board, to issue d i rections to any
industry or a ny local body or any other authority for violations of the standards a n d rules
notified under the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 and amendment thereof.

WHEREAS, i n view of the non compliance of the unit w.r.t i nstallation of online
monitoring devices and in exercise of powers vested under Section 5 of the Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986, CPCB had issued d i rections dated 1 1.08. 2 0 1 6 to close down the
unit until i nstalling requ i red online monitoring devices and providing the requ ired
connectivity to CPCB; and

WHEREAS, the unit vide letter dated 27.10.20 1 6 & mail dated 29.06.2 017 has
informed that the u n i t has installed requ ired flow meters, web cameras and online
continuous stack emission monitoring and has provided connectivity of these systems to
CPCB zi nd the same has been verified by IT d ivision.

NOW THEREFORE, in view of the compliance made by the u n i t to the d i rection

issued by CPCB and in exercise of powers vested u nder Section 5 of the Environment
(Prntection) Act, 1 98 6 1 the unit, M/s. Shree Pandurang SSK Ltd., Maharashtra, is
permitted to resume its manufacturing operations subject to the following conditioni

1. It shall be ensured that the installed online monitoring devices are functioning
properly and continuously and that data from the devices are uninterruptedly
transferred to CPCB. Any fa ilure in this regard shall be i ntimated to CPCB with
reasons thereof and shall be rectified at the earl iest.
2. U n i t shall not commence operations till obtaining valid Consent to Operate under
the Water & Air Act(s) from Maharashtra Pol lution Control Board.

In case of default in compliance with the above directions or any other exigencies,
CPCB will be constrai ned to i n i tiate fu rther stringent action against the Unit, in
accordance with the provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, without any
further notice.

(S. P. Singh Parihar)

Dir u/s 5 of E (P) A, 1 986 M/s Shree Pandurang SSK Ltd., Maharashtra Page 2 of 3
Copy to:
1. The Member Secretary : For i n formation & ensuring
Maharash tra Pollution Control Board, compliance of d i rections. The
Kalpataru Point, 3 rct & 4th floor,, self-certifi cate provided by the
Opp. Cine planet, unit may also be verified,
Near Sion Ci rcle, Sion (E) please (copy attached)
Mumbai- 400 022.

2 The Advisor (CP D ivision) : For i n formation, pl

Ministry of Environment, Forest & C.C
Prithvi Block, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan,
Jorbagh Road, N ew Delhi - 1 1 0 003

3 Regional Di rectorate : For follow up and ensuring

Central Pollu tion Control Board compliance, pl
Parivesh I3hawan
Opp. VMC Ward Office N o. 10,
Subhanpura, Vadodara - 390 023

4 The District Magistrate, : Por information regarding

Sola pu r-Maharashtra revoking of clos u re d i rection,

5. The Chief Engineer, : With request to restore the

Maharashtra State electricity D istribution Co. Ltd., power supply to the unit, pl
Admn. Bldg. Tarabai Par!<, Kolapur-416003, Dist
Solapur, Maharashtra

6. Divis i onal I lead, I PC-I I I, CPCB

y Divisional Head, IT Division, CPCB

(A B Akolkar)

Dir u/s 5 of E (P) A, 1986 M/s Shree Pandurang SSK Ltd., Maharashtra Page 3 of 3
cfi;{ht Y{UI r14S4UI
qlfa(OI, cR '11Mlq QfhHf1 'l.lmf
- rv

B-290 1 6/04/06/IPC- l / G July 27, 20 1 7


Mis Oriental Carbon & Chemicals Ltd.,

3&4 Industrial complex, phase- I ,
Dharuhera- 1 23 I 06, Rewari, Haryana

Sub.: Directions under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 reg.

WHEREAS, Fertilizer units are identified as one of the 1 7 categories of highly polluting industries which
have been discharging environmental pollutants directly or indirectly into the ambient air and water,
having potential threat to cause adverse effect on the water and air quality; and

WHEREAS, there is need to inculcate habit of self-monitoring within the industries for complying with
Lhe prescribed standards and this can be achieved by the methods like instal ling online effluent and
emission monitoring devices; and

WHEREAS, a direction under section 1 8 ( 1 ) (b) of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act,
1 974 and the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1 98 1 was issued on February 05, 20 1 4 to all
the State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs)/ Pollution Control Committees (PCCs) for installation of
onl ine emission monitoring system w.r.t. Urea Plants - PM, CAN/NPK/Ammonium Nitrite _ PM,
Ammonia, Fluoride, OAP plants - PM, Fluoride & SSP plants - PM, Fluoride parameters& online
effluent monitoring system w.r.t. pH, Ammonical Nitrogen, F luoride & Flow parameters in Fertilizer
industries; and

W H EREAS, it was clarified that f1ow meter & web camera may be installed in case of Units with zero
liquid discharge (ZLD) by March 3 1 , 20 1 5 vide guidelines uploaded on website of CPCB dated
November 7, 20 1 4; and
WHEREAS, a Show Cause Notice under Section 5 of Environment (Protection) Act 1 986, was issued by
Central pollution control board on July 24, 20 1 5 to the Mis Oriental Carbon & Chemicals Ltd, Rewari,
Harynna to show cause as to why the Unit should not be closed down if, the Unit has not complied fully
with the directions issued w.r.t. installation of online emission & effluent monitoring system by June 30,
2 0 1 5 . Further it was directed to submit documentary evidence regarding status of installation and
connectivity; and
WHEREAS, the Unit submitted a reply vide letter dated August 26, 20 1 5 wherein it was informed that
the installation of on line monitoring system has been completed; and
W HEREAS, the Unit did not provide the connectivity of the online monitoring system to the CPCB as
per the verification report dated March 1 6, 20 1 7 generated by the IT div is ion of the CPCB; and
WHEREAS, closure direction was issued under section 5 of Environment (Protection) Act 1 986 to the
Unit on March 29, 20 1 7 for not providing connectivity of onl ine monitoring system to CPCB; and
WHEREAS, the unit vide letter dated April 1 0,20 1 7 requested CPCB for revoke of closure direction
stating that it is not manufacturing fertiliser and does not come under 1 7 category of highly polluting
industries ; and
W H EREAS, vide letter dated April 24, 2 0 1 7 the unit was communicated to provide letter from Haryana
State Pollution Control Board for clarification regarding its category; and

Page 1 of 2

C qft oqF.A ' 1{cff I - 1 1 0032

Parivesh Bhawan, East Arjun Nagar, Delhl-1 1 0032
'qfl!{/Tel : 431 0203, 22305792. ebsite :
WHEREAS, the Haryana State Pollution Control Board communicated vide letter dated July 24, 20 1 7
that the Unit does not fall under 1 7 category of highly polluting industries; and
WHEREAS, the M i nistry of Environment & Forests, Government of India, vide Notifications No. S. 0.
1 57 (E) of 27.02 . 1 996 and S. 0. 730 (E) dated 1 0.07.2002, has delegated the powers vested under Section
5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1 986 (29 of 1 986) to the Chairman, Central Pollution Control
Board, to issue directions to any industry, or any local body or any other authority for violations of the
standards and rules notified under the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1 986 and amendment thereof; and
NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of powers vested to Chairman CPCB under Section 5 of the
Environment (Protection) Act, 1 986, and in view of above details, the direction issued under Section 5 of
the Environment (Protection) Act, 1 986 to the Unit Mis Oriental Carbon & Chemicals Ltd., 3&4
Industrial complex, phase- ! , Dharuhera- 1 23 l 06, Rewari, Haryana vide letter dated March 2 1 , 20 1 7 is
hereby revoked and the Unit shall not start production of any product covered under the 1 7 category of
highly polluting industries without installation of Online effluent/emission monitoring system.

(S. P. Singh Parihar)
Copy to: J '1 \ o1 \ I "1
1 . The C h ai rman
Haryana State Pollution Control Boiird
C 1 1 , Sector - 6
Panchkula, Haryana

2. The C h a i rman : With request to restore industrial

Daksh i n H a ry a n a B ij l i Vitran Nigam electricity supply of the Unit.
V i d y u t Sadan,
Vidyut N agar, H i sar - 1 2 5 0 0 5 ,

3 . The Advisor (CP Division)

M inistry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change
Prithvi Wing, 2nd Floor, Room No. 2 1 6, Indira
Paryavaran Bhawan A liganj, Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi - 1 10003
4. The Regional Director
Central Pollution Control Board
PICUP Bhawan
Vibhuti Khand, Oomti Nagar
Lucknow 226 0 I 0

e I n c h a rge, I T , CPCB

6. I P C - V I

( A . B . A ko l ka r)
M e mber S e c retary

Page 2 of 2
F. No. l:l-75 1 l 7 1 5)/Chemical & othcrs/WQM-ITjCPCR/20 1 7- 1 8 July 25, 2 0 1 7

Nrar Old Bus 'tand, G u laothi,

District- Bui. ndshar (lT.P.)
WJ1 F.RF.AS, the Cc;11tnd Ciovcrnmtnl has nnlilild thl' standards for d ischargl' ol' cnvironme11tal pollutants
f"rom various cntegnriec, of industri<.:s under Ilic l.11viro11111 c;nl ( P rotcclinn) /wt. l 986 and the rule fr:rn1c<l
there under: and
W H E R EAS, the foot.I proc1;ssing industries have hi;cn idcnlilit:d ,1s 011c; o f tlu.: Grossly Polluting lnclustri<.:s
(OP ls) which haw hccn discharging environmental pollulr11l1<. direct!) or indireetly into the ambient air and
w,ikr. having potential threat to cause adverse effect on the water nnd air quality: nnd
WH EREAS, it is obligatory on the part of i11dl1s1rics tn install i;l'nuent tn;almcnt pl:mls (ETPs) lo comply
wilh the e llluent discharged standards ns notilicd under the Fnvironment ( Protection) Act, l 986 and the
rub; frameu there under ant.I also lo meet the consent conditions grantcJ by State Pollution Control Board
(St >CBs)/Pollution Contml Committees {PCCs); ant.I
WHEREAS, there is need to irn:ukalt: habit of' sell' monilorin " ilhin !he induslrks for complying, with
the prescribed standards and this can be adticvcd by the methods likt: inslnlling online errluenl and
emission monitoring devices; anJ
WH EREAS, for stn;11gthcning the monitoring all(! complimKe through self regulatory mechanism. on line
source emission and crnut:nl monitoring syo.;lcms need lo be instalkd and opcrnti:d by the ind1stries on
'polluter pays pri nc irle'; and
WH ICIU(AS, a direction under section 1 8( l ) ( b) of" the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act,
1 97:1 was bsued on Fehruary 05. 20 1 4 to all 1 1 Ganga Basin State Pollution Control Hoards (SPC8s)/
Pollution Control Co1n1nit1cc (PC< 's) for instal lation nf Online Contim1ou.., Efllucnt Monitoring System
(OCEMS) w.r.1. pl1. IJOD. COi ), l"SS & Flow paramL'IL'rs in variuu.._, l' :ttcgor) of industries ini;luding
'Textile'; and
WHEREAS, it was clarified that lln\\ mctci- and wd1 rn111cni to be installed in ca-.c or l Jnits with /ci-o
I iquid Discharge ( ZLD) by March J l , 20 1 5 vide guiJelines uploaded on website nf CPCU dated
November 7. 20 1 -1; and
WII F.RF.AS, M/s VRS Foods Ltd. U n it- I l l , Ne:11' Old Bus Stnnd, G u laothi Oistt.-Bulandshar (U.P.)
(hercinH tkr rcf1;rred as the Unit) was inspected on J 1 -0J-'.!O 1 7 by n team deputed by CPCB for
compliance wrifica1 in11 or ( iPls in river Ganga basin states and the following observations were made
during the visiL:
Connectivity of Online Continuous U'flucnt Monitoring System (OCLMS) wa-; not round with
AN n WH :IU:AS, CPCU issued show cause directions drncd 2 1 .06.20 1 7 under Section 5 of the
I . nvirnnmenl (Prottction) Ac.;t. I 98(J to the unit to show muse that why CPCB should not isc,ue d i rections
!'o r closing. down operations of the unit until 'Online Continuous [rtlucnt Mnnitnring System (OCEMS)' is
installed. registered and data connl;! l'tivily t'stablished w ith CPCl3's server. so as to rnmply with the
relevant directions: and
WHEREAS. the unit reply vide lctll.:r th-111:d 1 2.07.20 1 7 was l'Xamim,J and following observations made:
I . The unit is under shut down c,inee I 0-03-'.20 1 7 du(.) lo u11.ivn i labillty or raw material for iL.
2. The uni! sh:-111 commence the rrncluc1inn when ever raw material ic, available which is likely in thi.: rnonlil
nr Novemher after ncrawali.
3. The unit is in the process of' i11s1al ling Ille OCEMS. which shall he inslalleu bef'ore restarting the unit.
Page I of 2
W H EREAS, thL: M i 11 i..,l ry Df Fnvironmunl & hircsts. ( i1WL:rnn11.:11L of I ndia. vide Notifiuations No. S. 0. I .S 7 ( I )
or '.:!7JJ2 . 1 996 and S. 0. 7JO ( I :) dated 1 0.07.'.:!002. hm, tklcgated the' powers vesleJ under Section 5 or the
environment (Prott'ction) Act. 1 986 (29 or 1 986) to lhe Chairman. Central Pollution Control Bo:ml. lo bsue
directions to any indusl1") or any local bod) nr any otlllr authoril) for violatinnt-. or emission and i:fllucnt
stnndarcb and rules noti fied u111kr tht: Envirurnrn.:nt (l'rntcction) Rules. 1 986 and amt>ndmenl thereof; and
AND NOW. T H EREFORE, i n cxercic,c of powers delegated under Slction 5 nf thi: lnvironment (Protection )
/\ct . I 9X6. it b hcrcb) direi:tcd that the unit n:rnwly M/s YRS Foods Ltd. Unit-1 ll, Ncnr Old Bus Stand,
Gnlaothi Distt.-Bulnndshnr ( U.P.) hall closcJ down all nrnnufocturin operations and shall not restart its
operat ion until and unless tile required onlinc 111onitoring. device is i nstalled and connected lo the CPCl3 sel'\er.
The unit shall obtain permission from CPCl3 for restarting manufacturing. opcrntiuns afkr providing eu1111ccting uf
on l ine monitoring device with CPCB server.

In Ca':ii.! of J1:f'a ult in cumpliamc with tlw abow din:diom,. crcu \\ ill be constr::iinr..:d to initiate act inn ngainst the
Unit. in accorclnnce with the provi'>ions nf' the Lnvironmcnt ( Protection) Act. I 986, without giving any further


Copy to:
I ) Chairman.
lJttar Pradc<,h Pollution Contrnl lio.ird, : t't,1 infnrm.Hion please.
Building Nn. 1 C- I 2V, Vihhuti Khnncl. ( iomti Nngar
I .ucknow-226 0 I 0, lJttar Pradesh
2) Thr Advisor (CP) division : for information pkasl'.
M i nistry of' Environment. 17orest nnd Climate
Prithvi W i ng. 2'"1 Floor, Room No. 2 1 6
I ndira l'ar"y ;wnr:rn BhawHl ,
J\liganj. Jor [)agh Road. New dclhi- 1 1 0003
J) Regional Director, : to ensure clourc of the unil as per direction.
Central Pollution Control Donrd
l{cgional Directorati.:, PJCUP Bhawan Vibhuti
Kha,,d. ( ioiltli Nagar. Luckno\\ - 226 0 I 0
4) Distrkt Mngistrnk ; for the in1pk111enti1 tion nnd compliance of the
Bulanclshar, lJtLar Prade<,h diri;c;I ior1.
5) Manahl:,: Director, : With a request ro disconnect the l'il'ctricity
Paschimanchnl Vidyut Vitran Nigain I ,td ..l :;upply t.o the Unit.
llrja 13hawan,
Victoria Par. lvkl'ntl 25000 I . Uttar rradcsh
t!T division. ( 'PU3, l Jclhi : tc,r 11ploadi11g the dircetion at CPCJ1 website.
7) l'vlaslcr copy ( Dairy). WQM-1 1 Division.


i',1, VR, l11o ds I 1 <1. l '11 n -l I I. ;',,, 11 Old Ht1' \tand. < i11Ltl1Llti I list!. ll11ta11cbh,1r t l ' . I '. l

Pugc 1 of 2
\lc{ttOI Ffli31Or
QQfcl<OI, cR lfftm


No.: B-33014/7/201 7-18/IPC-II/7514/ b\) J uly 27, 20J 7

M / s. Vishal Sponge Pvt. Ltd.
Borobing, Chhotaki Pana
R a mga rh, Jharkhand-8251 01

Sub.: Revocation of Closure Directions issued under Section 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Act, 1986 regarding Non-connectivity of on-line effluent and emission .
monitoring system

Ref: Closure Directions issued by CPCB vide letter No. B-33014/7/2016/PCI-II/ 7514 dtd. 18.01.2016

WHEREAS, integrated steel plants and sponge iron units are identified as one of
the 17 categories of highly polluting industries which have been discharging
environmental pollutants directly or indirectly into the ambient air and water,
having potential threat to cause adverse effect on the water and air quality; and

WHEREAS, CenlTal Government has notified the standards for d ischarge of

environmental pollutants from various categories of industries under the
Environment (Protection) Act,1986 and the rules framed there under; and

WHEREAS, there is need to inculcate habit of self-monitoring within the

indushies for complying with the prescribed standards and this can be achieved by
the methods like installing online effluent and emission monitoring devices; and

WHEREAS, for strengthening the monitoring and compliance through self-

regulatory mechanism, on.line source emission and effluent monitoring systems need
to be installed and operated by the industries on 'polluter pays principle'; and

WHEREJ\S, a direction under section 18 (1) (b) of the Water (Prevention &
Conbol of Pollution) Act, 1 974 and the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act,
1981 was issued on February 05, 2014 to all the State Pollution Control Boards
(SPCBs)/ Pollution Control Committees (PCCs) for installation of online emission
monitoring system w.r.t. PM and S02 parameters & onlinc effluent monitoring
system w.r.t. pH, BOD, COD and TSS in iron & steel industries; and

WHEREAS, two effluent parameters namely phenol and cyanide were added for
online instaJlation in iron and steel plants with by-product recovery typ cuke ovens;

' l<ff 3$ ';fTR, - 1 1 0032
ivesh Bhawan , East ArJun
Nagar, Delhi-11 0032
/Tel : 431 02030, 22305792, affllc/ . .
Website ,. WWW. cpcb.nic.m

WHEREAS, considering the requests/ representations received from industries/

industrial associations/ SPCBs / PCCs, an extension of time up to June 30, 2015 for
installation of online monitoring systems was granted vide direction dated March
02, 2015 under section 18 (1) (b) of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act,
1974 and the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1 981; and

WHEREAS, concerned SPCB/ PCC issued directions under section 33A of the
Water (Pl'evention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and section 31A of the Air
(Pl'evention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 to install the onJine monitodng system
by June 30, 2015 and to submit bank guarantee of 1 00% of the cost of online emission
& effluent monitoring system; and

WHEREAS, Show Cause Notice under Section 5 of Environment (Protection) Act

1986, was issued on July 23, 2015 to all integrated iron & steel plants and sponge iron
units to show-cause as to why the unit should not be closed down if, the unit has not
complied fully with the directions issued w.r.t. installation of online emission &
effluent monitoring system by June 30, 2015. Further it was directed to submit
documentary evidence regarding status of installation and connectivity; and

WHEREAS, in response to the Notices / Directions issued by CPCB , it was

informed by M / s. Vish a l S p onge Pv t. Ltd. , Borobi n g , Chhota k i Pona,
Ramgarh, Jharkhan d , v i de its lette r d a ted 1 9. 1 0 . 2 0 1 5 t h a t the unit is n o
more operational; a n d

WHEREAS, The Ministry o f Environment, Forest and Climate Change ,

Government of India vide Notifications No. S. 0. 157 (E) of 27.02.1996 and S. 0. 730
(E) dated 10.07.2002, has delegated the powers under section 5 of the Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986 to the Chairman, Central Pollution Control Board to issue
Directions to any industry or any Local Body or any other Authority for violations of
the Standards and Rules notified under the Environment ( Protection ) Act, 1986 and
amendment thereof; and

WJ-IEREAS, in exercise of powers vested under section 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Act, 1986, the Chairman, CPCB had directed M / s. Vishal Sponge
Pvt. Ltd. , Borobing, Chhotaki P o n a , R amgarh, J h a r k h a n d , v i d e le tter o f
even n o . d ated 1 8 . 0 1 .2016 t h a t the u n i t wo u l d n o t s t a r t operation till
online emission a n d effluent m o nitoring systems a r e i nstalled i n stacks
and efflu e n t ou tlets ( flo w m e ter a nd c a mera for ZLD u nits) a n d
prov ide 24x7 online connectivity with CPCB server a s per guidelines of CPCB; and

M / s . V i s h a l S p o n e e Pv t. L t d . , Borobine, C h h o t a k i P o n a , R a m g a r h , J h o1 r k h n n d

WHEREAS, representations from the industry vide letter dated 13.06.2017 and
07.07.201 7 are received in response to aforesaid closure direction, wherein it is
communicated that the unit has installed online monitoring system (OCEMS) and its
connectivity with CPCB Server has been established. Accordingly, request is made
by the unit for revocation of the Closure Directions issued by CPCB. The response of
the industry has been examined and it is noted that the connectivity of the OCEMS
installed by the unit has been established with CPCB Server.

NOW, THEREFORE, in view of the above and exerc1smg the powers

delegated to the Chairman, Central Pollution Conhol Board under section 5 of the
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, the closure direction issued on 18.01.201 6 u/s 5
of the Environment (Protection) Act, to M/s. V i s hal Sponge Pvt. Ltd. ,
Borobing, Chhotaki Pona, Ramgarh, J harkhand, is hereby revoked subject
to the following conditions

1 . That the unit shall obtain valid consent from Jharkhand State Pollution
Control Board (JSPCB) before staring the production activities.
2. Any expansion of the existing project shall be intimated to CPCB and
JSPCB and applicability and scope of the installation of OCEMS will be
subjected to proposed expansion activities.
3. That, in future, if it is brought to notice of CPCB that the material facts
are hidden by the industry for whatsoever the reasons may be, this
'Revocation Direction' shall stand cancelled automatically and legal
action including prosecution as per the provisions of the National
Green Tribunal Act, 2010 shall be launched.

[S. P. S. Parihar]
J 1 / 0 7 / 1 :,.

M / s . V i s h 11 l S p o n g e P v t . lLd . , B o robing, C h h o t a k i Pona, R a m g 11 r h , J h 11 r k h 11 n d

Copy for information & ensuring compliance to:

1. The Chairman
Jharkhand Stale Pollution Control Board
H.E.C., Dhurwa, Ranchi-834004 ( harkhand)

2. The Managing Director

Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Ltd.
Engineer's Building
Dhurwa , Ranchi ( Jharkhand)

3. The Joint Secretary (CP Division)

Minishy of Environment, Forests and Climate Change
Prithvi Wing, 2nd Floor, Room No. 216
Indira Paryavaran Bhawan
AJiganj, Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi - 110003

4 . The Regional Director

Central Pollution Control Board
Southend Conclave , Block 502
5th & 6th Floors
1582, rajdanga Main Road
/ Kolkata - 700107 (WB)

Y_5. The Divisional Head, 1T, CPCB

(A.B. Akolkar)
Member Secretary

M / s . V i s h a l Sponge Pvt. Ltd . , B o r o b i ng, C h h o l a k i P o n a , R a m ga r h , J h a r k h a n d

"cf1l4 t;ftt'-101
mrtqflJf, q::r n;ct .;rITT{, Tfi!B"l imo 11T<fif4
,.,ltISTII\' or rNVtHONM[NT fORf' T & r.t lMAlE. CHAN(,[ G\IVI 01 INCIIA

No.: B-310'1 '. /2/2017-1H/ lPC-l l/'bl;;)\) 1- f u l y 26, 201 7

M/ s. P a n c li m h.t l S te e l I .td .
( . J I)(' l( rt l n l
T n I - K a I o I , ]) i st r i L t I '.i 1 1 c h 111 d h ;i i
C u j ;1 r :1 t 3BlJ330

Sub.: Revocation of Closure Dirf'ctitins under SPction 5 of lhc Envjronn"!ent

(l'l'Otection) Act, 1986 regarding Non-connectivity of online effluent and
emission monitoring syHtcm.

/<.if : C/11st1 1 f Dire, iiull 1ss11rtf u11 7: (M.2()1 7 oidc ldi1T No. JkU01 1J/J/2 07 ljf f>(' ll/ISOJ,
tlat,d 06.04.2()J 7.

\-'.'1 iT REAS, i11legr.1ll.'d st<.'l'l plnnti; m1d s1,lllg<.' irnn u rnts art' 1dc11l ifiC"d ,is om of
l l h 17 l d e1>M 01ie:-, of h i,rhiv
L J nollutl''"
' I iP l t sl1'H'S whi, lt liaVf' l)l 'L'l1 l i:-.d1. 1 ( ,l , ( .

t'nvii., ,ll' llcn l..ll pol lu lm1I:, ,!i n. ct l v or mdirecl iy into tllv ;1mb1vnl l11 r <1 t1d w.-1 1vr,
havinp, pnlcntidl lhn..,1l ln c.1mT dVL'ISL' dfL'Ll on t lw Wcllf'r :rnd air qunl1ly; a11d

VVl l hTU/\S, Cenlrnl l,Lwcnmwnl Ii,-,c; 11ol ifiL-d t h,, sland,1rd,; tor 1 1 isch(H)C' of
L'1,viro1111Hnl,d pol lul<111t; l rurn v,1nous cc1tegon,s of i.idu,;lr,t:s 1 1 mkr il1t
Fnvin Hu1w11t ( l)ru.l'Ll ion) Act, 1 <)8(1 ,aid d ll' nd1_1s frc1m11d i lwrl' tllltkr, . incl

\VJ ll :I<T:AS, l l wn is t l l 'l'd l11 i ll ulc,1tv bal,it nf Sl' l l -m 1 11 1it11r 1 111.', w1lh 1 1 1 i l ,t
induslric, for , ornplyrng with thl' p1 L'SCl'Jll'd <;(1nd,1nf.., and lliis , ,111 UL' ,H h !('Vt'd by
llw mt:t lil ldr, l tkt: irn;lallinr. 011 l i nc d!lut'11t .11 i..l l'1 1 iisf.101: trH>11llurn 1g d,, icl':-, . ind

WJ IERl 'N--;, [,,r stnngtb1ni 1 1g lltC' t11!111il uring ,, 1d l umpl i,1nCL' l. h 1 1 1t1gh ',(If
tLg1LLmy rntt h,.mism, dnhnL uurc 1_ ,111cl , t t l m11t monitori ng sv,.t'1 1 1'; J 'l 'L'd
ill [)L 1 11:l.:111,d rn 1 d optrnk.l bv !Iii inJuo.; lrir 'i ll1l 'poll 11 !1r pc1y; princ J 1lt''; ,md

\A/ 1 11 Rl1\S, ,I Jirl'diun 111 1dn SLLl ,1111 1 8 (1) (b) of t.lw Wall'r ( l'nvent11111 &
1,_ ()nlr, i l 1 1[ 1'ul l11l,u11) Al t, ( <)/4 ,md llw Air (l'1 Lv1.nliun & <... 'rn \ 1 101 ol l\1llL1liun) l\ll,
1 981 W l' issmd un r dn u.u v !l\ 20 1 In ,di lhc Sl al.l' l 'o l l u lwn Co11lwl Ho,inls
(<;PCB!,)/ l 'oll ution Ct11 1 l 1 ul ( 011 11ntltl'('!, (Pl Cs) (or insl.tll.ilion of 011li11c trnio.;Fion
, l H lltitoJ i 1 1g sysll'm w.1.l . PM nnd 1( ),. pcll',1mt!l C'n, h unlinl' l'rt l llL'n l n1nmfot lllg
,yc; l c in w.r.t pl l, I\( )I ), \. ( ) ] ) d l ld ' I ) 11 1 , 1 ()II ,:._ Sl < 1 ' l h.ittll'll'l,, ,1 1d

' I ' "'i 3l.:f -;PR, t

1 10032
Pmivosh Bltawnn , Ear,t Atjun Nagar, Dclhi-11 0022
Jq/Tet : 43102030, 22305792, ,f4l=O{c!/Webte . www
M/s. l',1 111:limnlial S teel 11'1 GIJ)c !. nlol, 1'1111cl111,ahrd, ri ,11urn 1

VVT-!EREJ\S, lwo dflutnt pnrnmelC.'r:; nanwly plwnol ,,nd cya1 dd1.' w1n ndded J or
onlinl' i111,lal lalion in iror, and ,;!eel planl5 ,,v ith by-product rcn1Vl'ry typ, c:ok" ov1 n,,

W l-lElZHA,, cr)11sjd1ring tl1t' rr'l{lll.'s!;/ rl'prc. 11d.1lion:; re1 l'ivl'd from industries/
i11d11t;frwl :tm:: cicialiuns/ '..l1Clk; / PCCs, nn ('Xllns1on of llrne u p l(} Juni' 30, 201 for
inslall,ition ur onlill(' n1onitoring :;yst<rn:, grnnll'd v ii.le d in,lion dated March
02, 20 I S 11111..lcr sPctinn l8 (1) (b) of tlw Waler (Pl'eVt'nl!nn & Control of Pollution) Ad,
] <J7t! ,rnd the A r (i>rLvcntion & ( mlrol of Pol Ju lion) J\f'l, 19H 1 ; ,Hld

\'\11 IHREAS, COJ\Cl'J'll<'. d SPCJ3/ PCC issued directions 1111d1r section 3?,A of tl tl'
Wnter (Pwvenlion & Cont rol of Polluiion) Act, l9'7it and Mclion '.H A uf the Air
(I '11.vrnt ion li Connol o{ Pollution) !\ct, 1'JH 'I tn i11slall tl H' on I i 11( rnoniluring 1,ystern
hy J111w 30, 20n; nnd l o subrnil kink P,Ltr-1l'a11lct' nf 100% ,,f 11K cost of onlint' cmif;ion
&.- C'ff! uent m()ni toring i-. yslLm; and

\A/1 IEREJ\S, Sltow Ca11e Nni-ice u nder Section 5 of F11viro111nent ( l 'rntcction) !\cl
1 <)8(1, w;i1; isstH'd on )11ly 23, 201 5 ln d!I integrnted iron &: stitl planl'i and spo11gt1 i ron
tinit to show-r'ilu,, as lo v..,!1y the u n i t hliuuld l\ol lic c!ma d dow11 if, UH unit hns not
complied l 11 I ly with lhe directions i:.,ueJ w.r.l. i11slall;1tion of unli1H' crnis:,ion &
dfltH'n1 monitoring ;yr.tern hy J mw :Hl, :0-1 5. Furt-htr i 1 w;.:-; dircctc1..l lo uhmit
documentary l'VidPnce l'l'garding ;lnl 11, nf in; l , dl,1 li1rn and ( oniwdivily, and

WI l hl'E/\f-,, M/s. Panchnrnha l, d Ltd. l, l D(. lulol, 'I d Ka1t,l, I )j,,trict Pc1n,
Gujarat had frtil<'d to rl'ply the m,1ttc.r / :;talus of instnllal in11 of onlinc rnoni torin
S)";lprn and pwv,dt> 2/l x7 onl ine ,c.m11ecl1V i ty lo < pen SC'rvcr fm dflmnl r111d
emi..r:,rn1 mcni t or:nP-
., till T'vhru.-t r)' ?.8, 20 1 7, :J1 1d

WI J.ERlJ\S, 111 L'xerl'iL of powirs v"slcd uridcr Seci- ion !., o! the l mvin1nrnt.. 111t
(Protec! ion) t\ct, t98C,, M/'>. l'anchm.ihal Stt'el Ltd. (,lf>(' k..alol, 'J ' ,11 l< nlol, I )islI id
l'ancl1111ahal, c;uj,w1.t had hcr,t d irlt.:kd vidt..' 1...lot:tm' Notic1.._ da tl'd /\p1 il T, 2f l 'l lo
clnsl' dn1,M n i i ', c,pn1tion w ith i111ml,d ic1ll' C'l hct dw' to J1(l!l C'ni 1 1plic111cc u! the not kt
i..,i;u,d on l tily 2:i, 2() 1 !3 rqnrding i nsl al ldlion .ind pn,v1di11g :?4x7 l1nlilw ui1,1wclivity
t . 1 ' PCH scrvtr fu1 l'ffl mnt arid t'miion monilorini b)'f,h.' m a: pe1 ; 1, uidcl111cf.> of
<..:r>o; and

\,VJ JFRlAS, c1 repnf-enl ntinn nnd ,m alfofo v it ( in nnn-ju,ii, 1,11 Gl amp pnpcr )
v idP lclt<'rs datC'd (P.OS )()"J 7 a rid 1lW5.20"1 7 rcspC'divdy, .m. -;ubmitttd liy Mji; .
Pan, hmah.,l Sl<.C'I Lt.d. (yJl)C K.. Jol, I'.l1 Kdol, llfolrict Pa11l'h111.,l.,1J, Cujr1-.1t t11
C'I '( u in ns1 1unsc to ,1forc''>.t id dos1Hc d i n.ction, wl 1crl'in followi1g points n
bll i)Jr\it 11,1 ro,. c ( in;idc1a1 ion :
I . l'lv11 t ill' 111dtt'-' l ry ic: 1 1 ni111 Led rlm,1 1'11t11pd i1 1 1n:.1.1rnfdcl11 1 ing (lf "'"el
pr< ,d w ls I r<1n I i1 on ;c rap!, 11si 11g C'lt1. L1 ic dl'C furnau.
Th,1l i lll' 1 11!.lutnr dot:=..11' !" (Utn< untkr thr> CJtegory P 1 lt1tf'gl', lL'd h on 8ir Slt"t'I
l 'l,1; l l 11l\ltlvi , 1g p ,oL,_. , 1 , 1}; Ji 1111 i1 ur , ,n'; 1 or '. ,pn:- )', ' I llt I .,rn t .
f\,1 / $ "a11 r h 11111 1i al Stn I I 1 , 1 , l. \ lH h 11111, l'a11tl1 111 ,d1t:I , li11 1 ,1 1 a 1

. 1 hat th(' induc;lry dn01-;n' f 11,lVl' ,H1y ( i'l],1' Ovl'll l'lc1 1 1 l / Hh,t l11r11tllL' / -,inlcri 1 1 g
Pldnt/ l3asic Oxy g <11 h1 rnc1cc / pon ge Iwn l'la11t, whid1 are parts (I( lntt g n1tcd
Iron & led Pinnt.
,:. That tlw industry is o p l'r, l ing w i th valid co11&c-nl frnrn Guj.ira t Pnl luti1>11 Control issu!'d vidv Urthr Nu. AW H WS02 vnlid up lt> 11 0 1 .20 19.
5. T' ,at Ul'' ind uutrv dt't'" nnl fall a mrn1 r, lh<.' l/ r,1t11 g uri(. (if hi gh ly p1illuti 11g
1 ndustric,c,.

\t\/l l l l{ I /AS, n r<' q ucr,I is mad<." hy tlw unit for rev1)01 tjt,n nf Iii,: Clwmn: I )irl'<'f i1ms ist:tl(>d
hy Cl 'CII h,i:;cd on Litt.' fr1ds a:; nfcrrccl ahov, ; ,rnd

VVITERE/\;, n n<t t1t.:;l wns made CTCB In CPU vidr leltlr nn. B-:i30 1 '1/ 7/20 17/ IPC- Jl
dil led 07.dh.:!01 7 lo fonv.trd t lw dd,ii li; in fl'5Jll'd nl l lw d1i1m, m:1,ll' by lhl' i ndw:tr y
incl udin g rn ,, rnnkrials , rnannli1,t11J'ing p rrn1ssrs , inlrno.;truct1irc fnc i l i lic.., .i1 td
p rnd 111. Is c,I' Ill!' incl llst,y . J 'lw 1cs p m1sc is still .-1waikd, a nd

VVJ I l lREAS, , in view of rd,ovl' cirr11mslancc .and ba:,L'd ou tlw matC'rial focL<, av.1 i luhk
with Cl'( B, l lw 1 \.'<l ' IPSl tn::l<fr l>y tlw mdusi.Ty has bl'en ('X.t111i1wd an, I i i ic.. noll'd lh,1l Llw
nnil dllt',n't fc1II u ndc, 1 7 ,;i ti-i;ories uf l1ip, hly p oll1 1 1 m g i1 1d11slri1s <1lld n1w1,tl in1 w i t h tl
,,t!id c1 111o;P11 l from C11j,irr1 1 1 >1,llution Cu11 lml f3u.Hd .

N( )W, Tl lFRl(Pt >RF, i11 view of the nliove Hnd <Xl'n isin g th [ )O\-V1't'', dl'h g,1 t1ll to
the Chni rman, Ct11lral Pul l 1 1 t ion C,mtrol f1PMd undl'r .,l'l'film > ur t h, l \nvin1nnw11t
{ l'fc1t1cl illn) /,,!, f 'lHc, vid1' l\1mi;try ,if Fnvirln1 ,11u[ & Foni;ti;, ( ;ov<rnnwnt uf lndi,1
Nol i l J(',1! ,t111:, 1' ' 0. '.,. l ,. ' ht ( I ) uf :' . . ,l2. I '1(, ,111d L,. (), t'\O ( 1 :) d,1 1l'd 1 ::J.n:1 !(l', lh
<. lo',lll''- .m ctinn i:;sued u/ r., of the' hivirnnnu . t l (T 'nitccliL>n) /\ti, dctlPd J\ p 1 il Oil, 20 J /
(i,;siwd o n A p iil '22, :>017) !1i M/s. Panchm.ih.11 Steel Ltd. GI LJC Kalol, 'fal Kalol,
District P,md1mah,1l, C u j ;u .-, l, : l),,1('li y r"vok<tl c.11lijl'Lt In thl' foll,,w,11 r, l U 1 td i i inns .

1 . 111a t llw u11it :,-,h,tll 1'1 1 1 1 ouly w1tl1 v,1 lid cnnant ftom (;J >CH.
2. A n y l'X p ,msi1 111 nf flll 1xi:tin g pMjf'( I sh.ill l>< iul i<.1 lo ( F( l\ a 1 1d
CPCB nncl n pp l ical> lv mid srn p P uf tl11 i w;l,1 l l ,11io11 ol l.)Ci ( l\, t; \'v i i i b,
u bjC'c l<'d to p rn pt>Std L'<p,111sH 1n .ictiv1 I H''i.
'',. Tlw u11il '>h<1I1 he in., p t't'lt.'d by t lw R1i>. ;1,11 ii l>Jl'l't lt>1 ,1 tc W1':;t, ( l <..B,
\la(:od 1 1 ,1 t) v1rily tlw fol' l , ,mJ i1 1;p ( 1c lio11 r q1ort r,h,tl l IH 1 o;u lin,itlt'd
w1thi11 cl pti incl , i f 1.llll' n n t ,tll frnm lhl.' d<1 l{ tlf i:;:, l ' P 1,J lhi'i l l'Vlll ali1 >t1
d i n\ t i u 1 1 .
, J ' J h, l, i n fn l111e , i f i t ib brou gh t to 11olkl' , ,1 ( PCB l h,11 Llw m.1l1ri<1I f,icl'> <11 1 1
hiddtn l 1y 1111' i,ulu, t rv fm \vha t'iol'Vt'r thl' n.:1,t\11:-, m,l y L)( , t l i i,
' J<n 1 , .,, l lll' l )1(('1 ' < 11 , 1 c,h .t l l Sluncl ,:.i rwcllcd ,1Ultlll1,l ( i.t l l ' and hp;d
t> act inn
i11lllld i n1 p ro'>l'U t l irn1 a; I 'l l lhl' provii.;it1n <; ol l l il \J,J l ll11 (,n'L'. t
Tribunal J\cl, 70 I ll , h, I lw lr11111c fwd .

[S. P. S. P,niharl
Cha irnrnn
;}._ .., / 0 ''1 / 2. 0 / /
M i s l'a11l'l11n.1hal S t 1 l I.ti), t i l l l c K ;i l o l , l',1 1 1 1. h m a h a l , C i 1q n 1 a 1

Cupy [c,r informilli o n ln:

l ' I Ii(' I..'hairmt1n

(; i Polluli011 Con ln>l Bc,,n d!,
f',wyavDrrn1 I311m,v,rn , ,.,ctur 10-A,
l ;n 1 1dhi N c., gar (Cujar,1t) :182CM'.'\

2 TIK M.1n:1Ling l1in.,hJ1'

Cujnral Stale Electricity Bo.1rd
Madhy;i Gujal'dl Vij ( :nm1,,rny l iwited
,.uchr l 'atcI V idyut 13h,1wan
l,HT Cnun;c , V,1t.loJ;1ra - 3 1)0007

3 T'hl lninl Sl'cnt.r y (Cl' l>ivision)

Mirii:,lry c>I Fnvim11ll1t'nl, Forc :sl, & < '.lit11r1l1 (li<111gc
Pri t liv i \Nii 1g, 2nd Hoor, Ronm Nn. 216
Jncl irc1 J>.irya\'Jra11 Bh<.1vvri11
Alig,1 nj 1 Jor 8agli Road, New l>l'1hi - 11000

4 ' J'hC' Rq:ion:il Dire1l o1 Tht' indu<;try b1.. ii spcclLd

( 'c1 1lral Pol l u t ju11 Confr(ll Hn.ird by llw !{l'gioncel
1\ riv,qb Bhaw..n I )irl'Clor :-i lv We", t 'f>( ' H,
<.WI VMC WarJ Office No. J 0 V;hirnl.1rn l 1J verify t lw
Sulihnnp11r;i fal Is r1111.I i nsp..'cllun r1.'purt
V .1d od ;i ra 390 02'\ ( . u ja rn t be :;ubmittf'd willun a
ptriou of lllW n 1unth hom
tlw dah of i:rn, nl l h;s
re voe,1llt>11 d l'l'< I i1Jn

/ "lw I) i v i ion, l J ll'.id, I'!', ( I '( 'H

j A.H. Ak1.>lkar]
l\,f ,,mlwr Secr,.l,11 y
\"- ,111 1
,t.. I



cfi:r.1 t;rn1:4crr Pt.a:;1or
..- -
-- '- -
q7Tt,;i-fUT , r.f-1' ti:i .if4r.l'R{ irfnffl"'i ifffiPl ')llfd ff< r,
\ ,,r.>
"r,, ,.,1 t MINlq I RY o. r NVlfll"ltJ N r h)f{l &T "' rLIMlll r. HAN,f ( ,or di INl'l/1
l l 1J. l 1 I
'-, ',I ' p, >, I

J u h 1 -l, ( l l ,

I 11
1\1 / ,. ' , l\l l l,fciI I i d
\ 1 k i i q > , 1 1 1 " u \ i 1 1, ( 1, II, i lw 1 1 , \ I .H 1 1 ' I
' ,[)< i\ l\.vl l111',' 1 )1', [J' i( !
\ ml h ; I 1r,1dt",l i

'",u 11 : Revoc.1 1 1 o n of { 10-, l t l l' l ) i n'1 tiun" ,.,"lil'd u nder <-iC'l l i 1 111 S nf th l I"n vironn1l'nf
(Pr'Clfl cctiull) Act, J q86 l'l.'.irdi nr, N1Ht-1 t1nmthv1ly ol on l 1 nf' cf! lu1nt and
t111 is'i11111 mon itorin g .,vlc1n.

!1 J I ,'l/1 1 i\/u I ;{)/ !/,/ 1 ') I ,;fl'( li/1.',rl '. dol(',I (J(, , / 1 /.. 1 () I I (il l ', f l/l/ 1 l 11 r / ( ,, .1 ) () I, JI) I n

\\ 1 ll ' l,E,\, 111 1 " : ' 1 .i tL'd <ill'1'l 1 ,l,11'l5 <11 HI , r (11 ):1 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 <.; <11'1' 'li t 1 1 li l i td ,i, c'1w nl f lit 1 ;
c. .il1 i :11ri1" 11[ h 1 !hh pof l 11 r i u g mdu<;lrn>< " '1 11 Ii h<1vc Lwt11 disch,H', i t 1 g t11vi1C >1 111wnt.1I
p oll1 1 i ,1 1 1 1s d 1 n1 th or iml i rC't l lv intc, tlw ,u nli11 11 ! ,1 i r .rnd ,, .thr, h t1vi r i ) polt'nl 1r.1l ! lw tl
Ill l <11 1 '>1' ,ld ,'t1 ,1 l'fft1 I c11 1 tlw w,1 t, , .i11d d 1 1 , 1 1. i l t t\- ;

\\'! 1 1: IU'..v;, t l w <.'1ntr,1l l ;1,\1rn111Pnl h<1.., i 1lll1 ft('d tltP ,l,1 1 111. m l s tr,r di,( h11r t;1 1 1!
t'l ' V i n 1 1 1 11 ,t11l,d 1 1 1 l h 1 l<1nl l l'om \' ,ll ll ll't-. i .ilt 1 , 11 il'.-, lll i11d 1 1 1,l1 1, 1 1 11d P 1 t l F' 1 : m1 t i' 1 1 1 11w11'
( l ' 1 1 J h ,tin11) \, I, 1 111:11 ,ind t h( rule, f1-.11 1'1d i lw11 1t11J,, , ,

Vv I l l R I , \..,, t lwn i'.; nC'rd I n iii, ttki1tt h 1bit nt" r,tI I 111,1n i1t,ri1w
" \ \ i l l ti 11 l l w ind 1 1 ,f1 it':, f1 ,r
1 ,>n q , i \ n,!'. ,, i l li ll1c p n.,, r i lwd ,l,111d,1rd:, .ind t l w. l t1 1 1 hl' ,1\'11 i,1,,pd bv l h L' 11H 1 lhods l i kt

it1<,l, i l l 1 1 1 g lll l l l l \\. di ltH11( cllH. { ('ntj<,<.,j,JII I\Hll l i l1 lli 11 ). d. 1.V tCL'S;

VV I l l RPJ\'\ for ;tnn1>,l hl ' t 1 1 1 1 i; llw m1H1 1 lort 1 1 ); il nd cnn1 p lic1t1Lt 1 l rn 1t1i, h .clf nrul.1 tnrv
nwd 1i1 1 tts 11, n11 l i 1 11 <,11u 1\'(' L'J11 to.;c;1n11 ,11 1 d l'!Jl 1 1 1 n t 111011 ilorin(!r, -;v;(('fl1', 1wpd lo hl '

i 1 1 ,l. i l kd ,1 u l (ll1l'r,1 1i,d b, l lw md 1 1o.;l r11<, 1 J 1 1 ' 1 nl t 1 lc 1 1o1,: p ri n i p l l'';

\V I ll ' l{F1\lj, ,I d 1 rL01 l Hl11 s1ct irn1 lk ( I ) ( Ii) uf l h L \Vatir tl 'rv\'t l 1 ' H l l t lx < 'i ,ntrnl pf
l'o l h 1 t inn) 1\1 I , l t J7Ll <tnd i l l f. ' :\H" (Prt'Vt1 1 t i1 ,11 \ ( \m i n>! l>f P1 1ll t 1 l iu11) i\Ll, 198 1 wa ....
i,,rnd nn, OS, 2ll l l 1.o t1 ! 1 l l w Stt1l(1 l 'u l l t 1 l i,1n l.. onlrol l;ll,ll'lh ('1 [)('Us)/ l 'o l l l l l ion
( 'uni. t o ! Cu111111 11 l1p, (1 '( "(" ,,) for iJ1,,l,1lld l !u11 nf 01 i l i1w l't\lj ,,;ion 111011 i l 111 inr, !,Vslcm w.r.t.
l';\ I .11111 t;l ), f1Mcl nwltrc: & Pt1li1 ll' 1ff!u1 1 1 l 111C1dtnrinp, ,;,, ';l.1:m 'v\ . 1 .l. pl I , ll( ll }, < \)! > .ind
I i'-, 111 1rnt 1 8 slt1l i 11 d 11;t1ws;

I ,,r )
\ ' /': -,J \ ) 1 t1 d l ld ,\ 11! ,1l, pthtll"t1 '- i ll, ( l1d t,l.t 1 ;.1 \l,1 1 11l;d, p-;fl f\. c ll1. 11, J ;1 1 11.."t, \ 1 1 1 I I H \'r ,1d, r t

qf{I 'lf<':1'1 ' lcl1 ";JTR, f0:;ft- 1 1 0032 'fl
Parivesh Ohawan. East Arjun Nagar, Oelhi-1 1 0032
'*lWl/Tel : 43102030, 22305792, aRnti!tWobsite :
W I I F REJ\;, d f1t1\.'t1l 1'Md ll11'!e1s plw11nl .-,nd , y . i 1 1 1clt' Wf'l't' addl'< l fnr < >1 1l ; n1 1111;\,i l b l i<)ll
in iron nnd <;L1vl pl,,nl, w ilh h1y pnid11l 1 rn n L'l'Y ,\ flt' ,_ nk, ov1> 11c;

\V l - l l ' R l ' N-,, l'ons1df'l'111i, t ill' n'i JIH'"ls/ 1tpr<'.S<'ll it1lilll'> 1\'L'ttvvd l ro 1 , 1 111 d 1 1.,lrn /
ind11s1ri.1I ,l'i.ori,1ti1Hl',/ (;pen. / l '( ( ', dll l'\h:1 1\Sion ol l i l lll' lljl \ ( 1 [11,w },O, ,W I ,, lor
1m,t,.1 l l<.1l in11 of (>11l i1w m1 1niton np; , \ '-ll(' lll', \v,,., l',r,111lcd vidL' dire, ti, 111 d .i l rd, h ())
21)15 undcl' ;1.1 lion li-i ( I ) (h) oi th,. W<1l,, (P11vl'1 1l10 1 1 & I.. , i n l rnl , i t \,llu l i < t l J Al L l ll,.j
dfld t lw \ ir (Preve11l iL,11 t"i: < ontr, ,I of l'1 ; l l t l io1 1) ,\cl, l <.JH I ;

\V I lhlH:\ ,, .1 .ll' lll1 vid l'" rl.iiid t'-1 c1y )'-), }(J I ', w,1: issLH'd l,y Llit < l w 1 n 11r111 ( l\. ,; I n , d i
tlw '11'<" r:s/ !'CC \ 111f<'rrning th>1l 110 turtlwr txlv11,t1n1 nt t i u H' ,vi i i lw )',i,r,n .Jftl'r J u rn
,o :'.0 1 ; ,rnd ,, ithd rnwcd "l -lunc,r11l lo n1)l'l'illP ,ilPn)' w i ln l orfeil 11 n1 o( l>,111 1- 1_ 11<1r.inh r
I '
) t J

vV l J li l{l(1\<-;, Ol1( l'lll1'd ,n I/ PC( 1ssmd llir<cti, 11 1 , l l l llll-1' l.'( l. 1Pll n \ of t lw \Y,l lf'I'
( l 1 revl'nlum 1"r. ( \1nl n,I nl l ' i d l 1 t li1)11) t\1 !, t J/. 1 ,ind <;1'1 l tlln ; 1 1\ o( tlw 1\ir (l'rl'V1.'1 tliun ,\
C. onlr11I of l \illu tiun) \d, I ClK I Lo mst,t ll t.lw ,mli11t n1ornti1ri11g f,\ :,il'n1 hv [ 1 uw ,m, 20 1 '>

c1n1I l1> s11h1n i l b,1 t 1 k gu.i 1 . 1 11ll't' ,,t ( 1)1)'};, of lhl' co... t ul rn d i nt 1m i ;;11 J11 , 1fr1 1wnl
111011il1_ir111g '>\'Lem;

W J I Hd'.J\C.., l lw \ l t tw;l 1 v 11: huv1runrn1.'nl & Fonst , <.JUVl.'1' 1 1Hll'lll nf l nd i.1, vid1'
Nnl r f"i,:(1tit11 1.., u. ,. 0. I ,? ( I . ) nf 2'/ .ll > t <}<if, ,illd c.;_ O 7'() (f>,) dc1l<. d I OJ17.2tl02, h.1-, 1

dclcg<1ltd llw powpr, v1 ,kd tltli. hr )L'd101 1 :, nt ll1t E11 v im1111w1 11 (Pniltcl il ll1) /\ct, l ( J/i()

("L) ol 1 98b) lJ tit< Ch,1irm.1 1 1, l \nlrnl Pol l ll l iun ( 11n!ml 110.ird, In i;iau' d 1 1 11 t 11111s ln <111?
1 nd tt'>l ry or ,Ill} loc,il hl,d\ n1 ,Il l \' ullw1 itu t h, 11itv for vi1 >l.1li1 t11; ol t h1. ,l;1ndn n1.., n 1,l
ruki, nnt 1f1td 1 1 1hliJ' tlH' hn-1rrn mwn t (Pmttl'l iun) l{1 1 li='-l, 1 1m(-, ,rnd ,rn 1fnrlmc11l l h01 rnl,

W I T F REA, -., iinw C,,u-;e Noiil'l' nnd,r 'iecli11n :., of h1viro11 ine11t (Prnll?(lion) /\cl l tJKr,,
Wil'> i;t,Ul'd 011 July \ 20 I ':i !I, <ill i 1 1 tq 1.ild i ron & 1;l('l'l pl,mh <111'! :;pongl' iwn u n i l<. l1)
;hoiv <\lllSL' d.!-. in whv llw 1 1 n1l ,l1nuld 11nl b, 1 lr_,o.;cd down ii. the uni l h,i.; 1 1ot r ' (nl.lplitd
fully with Llw d i rrr l k111, issuvd w . r. l. in..,la l L1t1on llf onlim 1'mi.;;;iun & pffl1 1v1 1I_
mun i lo1 in g ,,,..,tern b\ [u1w :;o, 20 i '"i. h 1 r l lwr it w:o_, d indcd tn submit d,ic 1 1 mc11t.iry
1vid1111' t r<'g,.n d i n g ,;t,1h1. nf i11,ta l latio11 ,111d nin1wr Livi ty;

W I 1 1 \ R l (Ni, M/s. SBQ Skel T.t-d. Ank,tl,1 p aturu vill, Chillakur u Mandal, Sl'Sll
Nellon: Di<ilrkt, Andlua J rudcsh la i h'd l o 111 <,l,111 nnli1tt 111oniturmg ystl'lll ,1 11d
providl' '.2-lx? onli1w ,:1H1lll' Ll1v1ly to l'[)CT: 1rv0.r for dllui-nt othl 1_, 1 1d,;si1 11t nh>t 1 i l.ori 1 1 g
-:ys ll'm L i l l Fvbru.iry 28, 20 1 1. 'I lic!l'1-(n n, in cxerL 1;1_ ot p VL";led u nd11 SC'cl ion 5 pl
tlw Euv imnnwnt (l>rolc1cliun) t\ct, l lJH<,, i l/s. '-)!)Q StcLI Ltd. Anblapaluru v ill,
Chillakurn .l\fandal, c;1x.;1{ Nl1 lk1n [ >istdd, f\rnlhrc1 l'r.idcsh h a d hc' P n ,_ l i n'CtPd lo i: Inst'
d11,vn 1 1 <; uptr.ition with i rn med iah dkct d u(? to 11on-c:ompl i,111n: of l lw nnl in! issu<'d nn
J u ly 2J, 2ll l 5 ,1 1HI in c,l;1 1l;1linn ,tl\d provid ing 2,lx/ tml i 1w cun1 wcli v1ly lo Cl '<.'H strvcr for
d fluent and 11,1 i:t.iu11 Tlllltlil.oring c;y,;L1ni .,. IH'J' t11 idc l i m", ()r Cl'('H.

' of!
\l/ ;. !,i'.l) '1ln1 I I Id A 1 1 J. .dl.1p,tl 1 1 1 1 t viii, f 111l lt1Lt11 u \l,1nd.1L ,r...;J{ :\ , lhH, I )i.1rid ,\1tdl1r11 I \n d,:'Jh
\-\' l 1 1 1{ 1 1\l', ,1 1 1 1 ,n",t 1 1 l , t t iu11 l n,m !I ll' 1 1 1 d 1 1,\rv v,dt ll'l llr d,\Lcd I l lh.}O l / 1; rt 1 l'lV1 rl
i n f", p l11 10..t lt t1fi11 t ,,,,io tl, .., u , , , l i .1ct11 1n, \\' l 1l'ni11 1 1 i , , c1nm1 1 H1i: .itl'd tli i i i lw 1 1 n i l I ..,
in,l<i f ld 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1, 1 t1rn1iti ,.-i1: , , ,fl't 1 (< )c I I ' ) 1 1 1d 1 l1, r t > 1 1 11 1 1 '" i i \ \-\ i l l 1 < :'I f ; l;rn1'l Ii, i.,
h.1'! 1> li<:brd. I hi> l"i", 1 , I J I , , h.1, li< <'II txc1 1,1 i rnd 1 1 1 1 d i t i: 1 1 C > lld t l t,1t t lh 1 1.1 -.1 1 1 t<'l I t \ 1 f \.
nl I IH' l l( ' l \ \. I, 1 n<.,l,1 1 I i J b\ lh1 LP t l l lia-. h1 11 n l'!,l<1l>lislwd ,-1. 1 1 11 ( ' I '( ' B ' vn'tr.

J\i{ l\\', f lW 1 1'!1 L I' ' I ! V (\\ di ,11 o\ r , ill"' t i( J ' , l l l, ' d J l',1 ! 11 1 1 d ,1 1 , d , \ , 1 1 J i ( 1/1, .'I l l ,' l<.;<.; L l f 'd 1 1 / c
S ( ) I l l u r .m 1 ro 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l t p 1 1,[1-r l tull) /\cl, J lJ:-.6 ln \-1/,. t, tH) '-ill'C'I 1 . td. A n k,1 l,1 p.1lt11u v i i i,
C h t l l . , lcuru M,md,,l, '-iPSI{ t\ e l lorL I > 1 ..,tiid, A 11dln,1 1'1".hl,.c,b i: lll'1t 11\ r<. vn 1 ,td 1, trli
tll<' lCH\li J [ l l ) J t', I i ( l l l l u 1 11 L 1 . 1 1 v ,1 ,.i l l ( I J>l' tdlt' 1 1 , 1 :\' \V,il \',1 l 1 d ( , il',l'lll Ll!ldl'r ! Ill'
\V,lll'I' ( l '1'tvtnl iun mid ( u n l 1 1 > I <f l 't 1 l l u l 1on) \d, f l),' I, ti ll' \ir ( l'n v 1 ntH1 1 1 . i n d ( 0111 rul
of [). ,f l .r l i, 1 11) .\( l, l 11H I , ,'.,_ 1\ , i t l i1,i,:, , H H 1 1 J 1 1d 1 r 1 1 ,1 < >\V ( /\ 1 8 l 11,\ I ) l,u lt' !ll l h " ir l ( i i)

11w 1 11 1 l t 1 ">l1 y lt,1 1 1 cn,tn , 1111tinuou, cl.1 L,' t1.i 1 1 ,rnb:-.i1 .. 1 l 1 c 1 n 1 l l 1 1 l i 1 w 1 1 11 1, 1 1 , n d ! H.l
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(S. l'. l-',1rih,1r)

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qufcf<OI' ?Ff qftq-,
B-2901 6/04/06/IPC-I/ b 'C) \\\ J u l y 2 6 , 20 1 7


The D e p uty G e n e r o l M o n oger

Oil & Natural Gas Corporation jRo]ohmndry Asset)
Tatipaka Mini Refinery. Nogororn, Mamldikuduru - V,
Mamidikuduru. Andhro Pradesh-533247

Sob;: Dlrectlons --uncter- Sectlon 5 -of- the - Environment (Proteetion} -Ae-ti----1986- regarding
installation of on-llne emission and effluent monitoring system
Ref.: Notice under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1 986 doted July 22, 20 1 -5- -
regarding instollotion of on-line emission and effluent monitoring system

WHEREAS, the OIi Refineries unils are identified as one of the 1 7 categories of highly polluting
industries which hove been discharging environmental pollutants directly or indirectly into the
ambient oir ond water, having potehtial threat to cause adverse effect on the water and air
quality: ond

WHEREAS. the Cen1ral Government has notified the standards for discharge of environmental
pollutonts from various categories of industries under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1 986
and the rules framed there under; and

WHERE-AS, there Is need to inculcate habit of self-monitoring- within the industries for
complying with the prescribed standards and this can be achieved by the methods like
instolHng online effluent monitoring devices; and

WHEREAS. a direction under section 1 8 ( l ) (b) of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution)
Act. 1 974 ond the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act. 1 98 1 was issued on February 05,
20 1 4 to all the Stole Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs)/ Pollution Control Committees (PCCs) for
installation of online emission monitoring system w.r.t.PM, CO, S02, NOx parameters & online
effluent monitoring system w.r.t. pH, TSS,COD,BOD and Flow parameters in Oil refineries
industries; ond

WHEREAS it wos clarified that flow mter & web camera may be installed in case of Units with
zero liquid discharge (ZLD) by Morch 3 1 . 20 1 5 vide guidelines uploaded on website of CPCB
dote<.l November 7, 20 1 4; and

WHEfEAS, Show Cause Notice under Section 5 of Environment (Protection) Act 1 986 was
issued on July 22, 20 1 5 to M/s Oil & Natural Gas Corporation (Rajahmndry Asset) Tatipaka to
show cause as to why the unit should not be closed down if, the unit has not complied fully
with the directions issued w.r.t. installation of online effluent and emission monitoring system
lo be done by June 30, 201 S. Further it was directed to submit documentary evidence
regarding status of installation and connectivity; ond

WHEREAS, letter was issued to lhe unit doted February 03. 20 1 6 to install on-line emission and
effluent monitoring system immediotely ond submit tl,e documentary evidence for the same;

WHEREAS, due lo noncomplionce Directions under section 5 the Environment (Protecllon)

Act, 1 986 were issued to the unit doted July 22, 20 1 6 to not to restart operation till online
emission and effluent monitoring system are installed in notified process units/ areas and the
same are uplinked witll CPCB website; and

Page 1 o f 2

qf{I ' 1i2IT 3$ ) - 1 1 0032
Parivesh Bhawan, East Aun Nagar, Delhi-11 0032
/Tel : 431 02030, 22305792, ebslte :
WHEREAS, the unit informed vio letter doted February 27, 20 1 7 thot the instollation of OCEMS
hos been completed. To this effect, the unit has submitted duly signed Self Certificote doted
Februory 28, 20 1 7 . The unit also provided URL, User- id and Password for the online data view
ond requested to revoke the closure direction; ond

WHEREAS. the connectivity of online data submitted by the Unit wos verified and compliance
was observed on March 22, 20 1 7 by the CPCB; and

WHEREAS, Letter was issued to the unit dated April 12, 20 1 7 to provide self-certificate
indicating the dote of closure of operation & no reply is received form the unit till date; and

----- 'WHERES;- tn ros been ob-mJVd tl'fat the unit has nof c:losed Ifs monufacfurlng operation after
receipt of CPCB closure direction, Which Is non- compliance of the closure direction Issued_;...__ _
by CPCB under section 5 of the E(P) Act, 1 986 vlde letter dated July 22, 2016 for which action
os per law shell be lnltloted separately; and

WHEREAS, the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of Indio. vide Notifications No. S.
0. 1 57 (E) of 27.02 . 1 996 and S. 0. 730 (E) doted 1 0.07.2002, has delegated the powers vested
under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1 986 (29 of 1 986) to the Choirmon,
Central Pollution Control Boord, to issue directions to any industry or any locol body or ony
other authority for violations of the standards ond rules notified under the Environment
(Protection) Rules, 1 986 ond amendment thereof; ond

NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of powers vested to cholrmon CPCB under Section 5 of the
Environment (Protection) Act. 1 986, and in view of complionce with relevant direction under
reference, the directions issued under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) ' A'c t, 1 986 to
the M/s OIi & Natural Gas Corporation {Rajahmndry Asset) Tatlpako Mini Refinery, Nagaram,
Momidikuduru - V, Mamidikuduru, Andhra Pradesh vide letter dated July 22, 20 1 6 is hereby
revoked. The Unit shall ensure complionce lo the norms and unit sholl not operate without a
valid consent from the competent authority (SPCB ) . In case of non-compliance observed by
the Unit, action as deemed fit under the provisions of Environment (P) Act, 1 986 shall be

(S. P. Singh Parihar)

Copy to:
l . The C h a i r m a n i/01 1 1 1
A . P . P o l l u t i o n C o n t rol B o a r d
Paryavaran Bhowan
I n d u s t rial E s t o t e , S o n a t h N a g a r
H y d e r a b a d - 500 038 Te l a n g a n a

2. Andhra Pradesh Electricity Boards : With request to restore the electricity

APSPDCL, D.NO: 1 9- 1 3-65/ A Supply of the Unit.
Tiruchonoor Road Tirupati - 5 1 7 503,
Chittoor District
Andhro Pradesh

3 . The Advisor (CP Division)

Ministry of Environment, Forests ond Climate Change
Prithvi Wing, 2nd Floor, Room No. 2 1 6
Indira Poryovaran Bhawan
Aligon]. JorBagh Road. New Delhi - 1 1 0003

Page 2 of 3
M/s 011 & Natural Gas Corporation (Rajahmndry Asset) Tatipaka

4. The Zonal Officer

Centro! Pollution Control Boord
l st & 2nd Floors. Nisarga Bhovon
A-Block. Thimmoioh Main Rood
7th D Cross. Shivanagar
Opp Pushpanjali Theatre
Bengaluru-560 O 1 O

\)<!h e l n c h a r g e . IT. C P C B

6. IPC-VI. C P C B

( A . B . A k o l kar)
M e m ber S e c retary

Page 3 of 3
i-.6.:i\tt Q{qO'"f f.Hior
Qlffcl(OI , ?r,f -iiH<U1:J qfhtJ1 'qff lmm'

b\) \t)
B-290 1 6/04/06/TPC-I/ July 26, 20 1 7

Mis Tagros Chemicals India Ltd
SIPCOT Industrial Complex
Pachayankuppam, Cuddalore- 608801
Tami lnadu

Sub.: Directions under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986-reg

WHEREAS, Pesticide units are identified as one of the 1 7 categories of highly polluting
industries which have been discharging environmental pollutants directly or indirectly into the
ambient air and water, having potential threat to cause adverse effect on the water and air quality;

WHEREAS, the Central Government has notified the standards for discharge of environmental
pollutants from various categories of industries under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1 986 and the
rules framed there under;

WHEREAS, Show Cause Notice under Section 5 of Environment (Protection) Act 1 986, was
issued on July 22, 201 5 to all Pesticide units w.r.t. installation of on line emission & effluent
monitoring system and directed to submit documentary evidence regarding status of installation and
connectivity; and

WHEREAS, the unit has informed vide E-mail dated 07.09.20 1 6, 04. 1 0.20 1 6 and 1 5 .02.20 1 7
regarding confirmation of OCEMS connectivity to CPCB Central Server; and

WHEREAS, in the monthly review of online data during November 1 5- December 15, 2016
from 17 category industries it was observed that the Unit (M/s Tagros Chemicals I ndia Ltd) was
found OFFLINE; and

WHEREAS, the unit was inspected by official of CPCB Regional Directorate, Bengaluru on
20.0 1 .201 7 regarding on-line Continuous Effluent / Emission Monitoring System (OCEMS) under
offline status and show cause Notice Issued dated March 1 6;201 7 to comply with the following
I. The unit shall obtain consent for air & water form TNPCB.
JI. The unit shall operate ETP properly to comply with the prescribed standard for TSS,
BOD, COD, O&G, TDS, Chloride, Ca & TK.N.
III. The unit shall provide porthole as per CPCB Guideline to verify the online monitoring
IV. The unit shall store high TDS effluent in the tank above ground level.
V. The unit shall connect OCEM to CPCB central porta.l.

Page 1 of3

' qf{I ,rcff ' 3$ ';J'lR, - 1 1 0032

Parivesh Bhawan, East Arjun Nagar, Delhi-110032
- - .
/Tel : 431 02030, 22305792, ebsite :

WHEREAS, the unit (Mis Tagros Chemicals India Ltd) has submitted reply against Show
Cause Notice on 06.06.201 7; and
WHEREAS,RD Bengaluru inspected the unit on 07.06.20 1 7 for Compliance of show cause
Notice and found that The unit is complying with four points i.e. 1 ,3,4 and 5 of the notice and point 2
is partially complied i.e the effluent sample collected at the RO Reject w.r. TSS: l l 8 > 1 00 mg/I,
BOD: 133 > 30 mg/I COD: 337 > 250 mg/1, Ca: 38.9 > 2 mg/I are not meeting with the prescribed
standards by TNPCB.
WHEREAS, the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of lndia, vide Notifications
No. S. 0. 1 57 (E) of27.02.1 996 and S. 0. 730 (E) dated 1 0.07.2002, has delegated the powers vested
under Section 5 of the Enviromnent (Protection) Act, I 986 (29 of 1 986) to the Chainnan, Central
Pollution Control Board, to issue directions to any industry or any local body or any other authority
for violations of the standards and rules notified under the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1 986 and
amendment thereof; and
NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of powers vested under Section 5 of the Enviromnent (Protection)
Act, 1 986 you (Mis Tagros Chemicals India Ltd.) are directed to close down all operational
activities with inunediate effect till the industry complying with the norms.

(S. P. Singh Parihar)

Copy t o :
: 1 1 01 ) 1 1
1 . The Member S ecretary
Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board
No. 1 00, Anna Salai
Guindy, Chennai - 600032

2 . C hairman cum M . D
Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution : With request to disconnect industrial electricity
Corporation Ltd , 1 0th floor, supply of Unit, and allowing supply only for
NPKRR Maaligai, 144,Anna Salai, domestic & security purposes.
Chennai - 600 002

3. The Advisor (CP Division)

Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change
Prithvi Wing, 2nd Floor, Room No. 2 1 6
Indira Paryavaran Bhawan
Aliganj, Jor Bagh Road
New Delhi - 1 1 0003

4. The Regional Director

Central Pollution Control Board
1 st "' 2nd Floors, N isarga Bhavan
A-Block, Thimmaiah Main Road
7th D Cross, Shivanagar, Opp.
Pushpanjali Theatre,
Bengaluru -560 0 1 0

\...Y1 ne In-charge, IT, CPCB
( t,f, A . B. A k o l k u r)
M e m ber S ecretary

Page 2 of2

cf,14 0101 ro, it:i
QiF.11T1T. mi
' ..ii"1'"Jiq, i.m-cfi"R "HlW1

B-2901 6/04/06/ IPC I / \$ 'o Q___ July 25, 2 0 1 7

M/s Rallis India Ltd.
Plot No. 3301 , GIDC
Ankleshwar- 393002

Sub.: Directions under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1 986 regarding
Installation of on-line effluent monitoring system Revoking of Show Cause Notice

WHEREAS, Pesticide units are identified as one of the 1 7 categories of highly polluting
Industries which have been discharging environmental pollutants directly or i ndirectly Into
the ambient air and water, having potential threat to cause adverse effect on the water
and air quality;

WHEREAS, the Central Government has notified the standards for discharge of
environmental pollutants from various categories of industries under the Environment
(Protection) Act, 1 986 and the rules framed there under;

WHEREAS, there is need to inculcate habit of self-monitoring within the industries for
complying with the prescribed standards and this can be achieved by the methods like
Installing online effluent moriltoring devices;

WHEREAS, for strengthening the moni toring and compliance through self- regulatory
mechanism, online source emission and effluent monitoring systems need to be Installed
and operated by the i ndustries on 'polluter pays principle';

WHEREAS, a direction under section 1 8 ( 1 ) (b) of the Water (Prevention & Control of
Pollution) Act, 1 974 and the Air (Prevention a
Control of Pollution) Act, 1 981 was issued
on February 05, 201 4 to all the State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs)/ Pollution Control
Committees (PCCs) for installation of online emission monitoring system w.r.t. Flow, pH,
TSS, BOD, COD, Cr, & As parameters in Pesticide industries;

WHEREAS, it was c larified that flow meter & web camera may be installed in case of
Units with zero liquid discharge (ZLD);

WHERAS, the unit (Mis Rallis India Ltd., Ankleshwar) was i nspected by official of
CPCB Regional Directorates, Vadodara on 28 . 1 2 .2016 regarding online Continuous
Effluent/ Emission Monitoring System (OCEMS) under offline status and observed that

(i) The effluent sample collected at the ETP outlet w . r . t BOD (91 rng/l> 30
mg/l) and COD ( 3 1 3 mg/ l > 1 00 mg/l) are not meeting with norms prescribed
(ii ) The unit has installed OCEMS for the parameters pH, BOD, COD, TSS and
Flow and was offline during visit as there was no effluent discharge to FETP
(CETP) through GIDC drainage system.
(iii) The unit i s recycling treated effluent but has not provided web camera as
WHERAS, Show Cause Notice under Section 5 of Environment (Protection) Act 1 986,
was issued to the unit dated Feb 08, 201 7; and

Page 1 of 2

' qf<:tl ' 1"1'R, - 1 1 0032

Parlvesh Bhawan, .East Arjun Nagar, Delhi- 1 1 0032
/Tel : 431 02030, 22305792, ebslte :
WHERAS, the unit (Mis Rallis India Ltd., Ankleshwar) was submitted reply on
23.02.2017 & 05.04.2017 against above show cause notice; and
WHERAS, the unit was I nspected by Regional Directorates, Vadodara on 22.06.2017 for
verification of compliance against show cause notice and found compliance; and
WHEREAS, the connectivity of web camera has verified by the IT division on
17.07.2017; and
WHEREAS, the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India, vide
Notifications No. S. 0. 157 (E) of 27.02.1996 and S. 0. 730 (E) dated 10.07.2002, has
delegated the powers vested under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
(29 of 1986) to the Chairman, Central Pollution Control Board, to issue directions to any
Industry or any local body or any other authority for violations of the standards and rules
notified under the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 and amendment thereof; and
NOW, TliEREFORE, in exercise of powers vested to Chairman CPCB under
Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, and in view of compliance with
relevant notice under reference, the notice issued under Section 5 of the Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986 to the Unit (Mis Rallfs India Ltd., Ankleshwar) vide letter dated
Feb 08, 2017 is hereby revoked.

The Unit shall ensure compliance to the norms. In case of non-compliance by the
Unit action as deemed fit under the provisions of Environment (P) Act, 1986 shall be

b\ 1-I'l-0 11-
(s. P. Singh Parihar)
Copy t o :

t . The C h a i rman
Gujarat State Pollution Control Board
Sector 1 0-A, Gandhi Nagar
382043 , Gujarat

2 . The Advisor (CP Division)

Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change
Prithvi Wing, 2nd Floor, Room No. 2 1 6
Indira Paryavaran Bhawan
Al iganj, JorBagh Road, New Delhi - 1 1 0003

3. The Regional Director,

Central Pollution Control Board
Parivesh Bhawao
Opp VMC Ward office no l 0
Vadodara-390 003
I h e Incharge, I P C - V I , CPCB
The l ncharge, IT, CPCB
- . A k o l ka r)
Memoer S ecretary

Page 2 of2

.. - --

tfi m"i
l,ICiteOT f.:p.:iS4UT
. -.;r-.rar) qf,ait.t Tt mn'f mcf,1T
1.fl.f),p 01 , w'\' TT({
SPEED Pu::,1
8 2 90 1 6 / 04 / 06 / I PC - I / G'.J\ July 24, 2 0 1 7
Mis. R e s o n a n c e L a b o r a t o r i e s P v t . L td . ,
Plot N o . S C & 9 A , K I A D B I n d u s t r i a l A r e a ,
O o d d a b a l l a p u r , B a n g a l o r e R u r a l D l s t r i ct - 5 6 1 2 0 3 ,
Sub: Directions under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1 986 regarding
installation of on-line effluent and emission monitoring system
W H E R E A S , the P h a r maceutical i nd u s t ries a r e i d en t i f i e d a s o n e of t h e 1 7
c a tego r i es o f h i g h l y p o l l u t i n g i n d ustries w h i c h have been d i sch a rg i n g
e n v i r o n m e n t a l p o l l u t a n t s d i rectly or i n d i rectly i nto t h e a m b i e n t a i r a n d w a t e r ,
h av i n g pote n t i a l threat t o c a use adverse e f f e c t o n t h e water a n d a i r q u a l i ty ; a n d
WH E R EA S , t h ere i s need t o i n c u l c a t e h a b i t o f self m o n i t o r i n g w i t h i n t h e
i n dust r i es f o r c o m p l y i n g w i t h t h e prescri bed s t a n d a rds a n d t h i s c a n b e a c h i eved
by the methods l i ke I n s t a l li n g o n l i n e effluent and e m i s s i o n m on i t o r i n g devices;
W H E R EA S , for s t r e n g t h e n i n g t h e m o n i t o r i n g a n d c o m p l i a nce t h r o u g h self
r e g u l a to ry m e c h a n i s m , o n l i n e source e m i ss i o n and effluent m o n i t o r i n g systems
n eed t o be i n sta l led a n d o p e rated by the i n d ustries on ' po l l u t e r pays p r i n c i p l e ' ;
W H E R EA S , d i re c t i o n u n d e r sec t i o n 1 8 ( 1 ) ( b ) o f t h e W a t e r ( P revention ft
C o n t ro l of P o l l u t i o n ) A c t , 1 9 74 and the A i r ( Preve n t i o n 8: C o n t r o l o f P o l l u t i o n )
A c t , 1 9 8 1 was i ssued on F e b r u a ry 0 5 , 2 0 1 4 to a l l t h e S t a t e P o l l u t i o n C o n t r o l
B o a r d s ( S P C Bs ) / P o l l u t i o n C o n trol C o m m i ttees ( PC C s ) f o r i n s t a l l a t i o n of o n l i n e
e f f l u e n t m o n i t o r i n g system w . r . t . flow, p H , B O D , C O D , T S S , C h r o m i u m ( C r ) , a n d
A r s e n i c ( A s ) p a r a meters i n P h a rm a c e u t i c a l i n d u s t r i e s ;
W H E R E A S , i t w a s c l a r i fied that f l o w meter & w e b c a m e r a m a y be i n s t a l l ed
i n case of U n i ts w i t h Z e r o l i quid d i s c h arge ( Z L D ) by M a r c h 3 1 , 201 5 v i de
gu_i.d. e l_i n es u p lo a d e d o n w e b s i t e of C P C B d a t e d N o v e m b e r 7 , 2 0 1 4 ; a n d
W H E R E A S , cons i d e r i n g t h e requests/ repres e n t a t i o n s received from
i n d u s t r i e s / i nd us t r i a l associ a t i o n s / S P C Bs / PCCs, a n extension o f time upto J u n e
3 0 , 20 1 5 f o r i n s t a l la t i o n o f o n l i n e m o n i t o r i n g systems was g ra nted v i d e d i rection
d a ted M a r c h 02, 2 0 1 5 under section 1 8 ( 1 ) (b) o f t h e W a t e r ( Preven t i o n ft C o n t r o l
of P o l l u t i o n ) A c t , 1 974 a n d t h e A i r ( Preve n t i on ft C o n t ro l o f P o l l u ti o n ) A c t , 1 9 8 1 ;
W H E R EA S , a l e t t e r d a t e d M a y 2 9 , 2 0 1 5 was i s s u e d by t h e C ha i rman C P C B t o
a l l t h e S P C B s / P C C s i n f o r m i n g t h a t no f u r t h e r e x t e n s i o n o f t i m e w i l l b e given
a f t e r June 30, 2 0 1 5 and w i t h d rawal of c o n s e n t to o p e r a t e a l o n g with forfeit ure of
ba n k g u a ra n t e e o f n o n - c o m p l y i n g U n i t s w i l l be the only opti o n ; a n d
W H E REAS , concerned S P C B / PCC h a v e issued d i re c t i o n s u n d e r s e c t i o n 3 3 A
of t h e W a t e r ( P revention & C o n t r o l of P o l l u t i o n ) A c t , 1 974 a n d s e c t i o n 3 1 A o f t h e
A i r ( P reve n t i o n & C o n t r o l o f P o l l u ti o n ) A c t , 1 9 8 1 to i ns t a l l t h e o n l i n e m o n i t o r i n g
system by J un e 3 0 , 2 0 1 5 a n d to s u b m i t b a n k g u a r a nt e e o f 1 00% o f the c o s t o f
o n l i n e e m i s s i o n & effluent m on i to r i n g syste m ; a n d
W H E R EA S , a show c a u s e n o t i ce u n d e r s e c t i o n 5 o f E n v i r o n m e n t ( P rotect i o n )
Act 1 98 6 w a s i s s ued to t h e U n i t v i d e l e t t e r n o . B - 2. 90 1 6 / 04 / 0 6 / I P C - l / 6 5 5 7 dated
J u l y 2 7 , 2 0 1 5 f o r i nsta l l a t i o n o f O n l i n e M o n i to r i n g device a lo n g with c o n n e c t ivity
for s u b m i s s i o n o f online 24x7 m o n i t o r i n g d a t a to S P C B s / P C C s and C P C B ; a n d

<qcR .:JTR ,
- 1 1 003 2 Page 1 of 2
Parlvesh Bhawan. East Arju n Nagar, Delhi-1 1 0032
e : www.
'q'fl:f/Tel : 43102030, 22305792, ebsit
Mis. Resonance Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., Karnatnka

W H E R EA S , a closure d i re c t i o n u n d e r section 5 of Envi ronment ( Protec t i o n )

Act 1 9 86 was issued to t h e U n i t v i d e letter n o . B - 2 9 0 1 6 / 04 / 06 / I P C - l / 208 d ated
March 2 8 , 2 0 1 7 on the b a s i s of non c o n nectivity of the o n l i n e m o n i t o r i n g system to
the C P C B , as per the v e r i f i c a t i o n r e p o rt dated M a r c h 1 4 , 20 1 7 o f I T division of t h e
CPCB; and
W H E R EA S , t h e U n i t v i d e l e t t e r dated J u n e 0 6 , 2 0 1 7 s u b m i tted t h e o n l i n e
c o n n e c t i v i t y s t a t u s to C P C B a n d r e q u ested to revoke t h e c l o s u r e d i re c t i o n ; a n d
W H E R EA S , t h e c o n n e c t i v i t y o f o n l i n e data s u b m i t ted by t h e U n i t w a s veri f i ed
by t h e I T d i v i s i o n a n d c o m p l i a n c e w a s o bserved o n J u n e 2 0 , 2 0 1 7 by C P C B ; a n d
WHEREAS, it has been observed that t h e unit has closed its man ufactu ring
o p e ra t i o n o n M a y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7 after m o r e t h a n t w o m o n t h , w h i c h i s non-co m p l i a n c e
o f t h e c l o s u r e direction i ss u e d b y C P C B v i d e letter dated M a r c h 2 8 , 2 0 1 7 u n der
s e c t i on 5 o f t h e E ( P ) Act, 1 9 8 6 a n d for w h i c h a c t i on as per law shall b e i n i t i at e d
separately; and
W H E R EA S , t h e M i n i s t r y o f E n vi r o n m e n t ft F o rests, G o v e r n m e n t of I n d i a , v i d e
N o t i fi c a ti o n s N o . S . 0 . 1 57 { E ) o f 2 7 . 02 . 1 9 96 a n d S . 0 . 7 3 0 ( E ) dated 1 0 . 0 7 . 2002,
h a s delegated t h e powers vested u n d e r Section 5 of t h e E n v i r o n m e n t ( P rotecti o n )
Act , 1 98 6 ( 2 9 o f 1 98 6 ) t o t h e C h a i r m a n , C e n t r a l P o l l u t i o n C o n t ro l B o a r d , t o issue
d i recti o n s t o a n y i n d ustry o r a ny loc a l body or a n y other a u t h o r i t y for violations of
the sta n d a r d s and rules n o t i fi e d u n d e r the E n v i ro n m e n t ( P r o t e c t i o n ) R u l e s , 1 986
and a m e n d m e n t t h ereof.
N O W , T H E R E F O R E , in exerc i s e o f powers vested t o C h a i r m a n CPCB u n d e r
S e c t i o n 5 o f t h e E n v i r o n m e n t { P r o t e c t i o n ) A c t , 1 9 8 6 , a n d i n v i ew o f com p l i a n c e
w i t h r e lev a n t d i rection u n d e r r e f e r e n c e , t h e di rection issued u n d e r the S e c t i o n 5
of t h e E n v i ronment { P rotecti o n ) Act, 1 9 86 to the U n i t (M/s. Reso n a n c e
Labora t o r i e s P v t . Ltd . , Karnata k a ) v i d e letter dated M a r c h 2 8 , 2 0 1 7 I s hereby
revoked w i t h a condition that " Be f o r e commencement of o p e r a t i o n s , the U n i t s h a l l
o b t a i n v a l i d c o n s e n t t o o p e r a te u n d e r t h e W a t e r a A i r Act ( s ) f r o m K a r n a t a ka S t a te
P o l l u t i o n C o n t r o l Boa rd '' . I n c a s e o f n o n c o m p l i a n c e by t h e U n i t a t t i on as deemed
fit under t h e provis i o n s of E n v i r o n m e n t { P ) Act , 1 9 86 s h a l l be t a k e n .

(S. P. Singh Parihar)


-- ) 6\t)i-l 11-

d] (.

Page 2 of3
Mis. Resonance Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., Karnatakn

Copy t o :
1 . The C h a i r m a n : A copy of self c e r t i f i c a t e
Karnataka Pollution Control Board submitted by the Unit i s attached
Parisara Bhavan,#49,4th & 5th floor, for verification.
Church Street, Bangalore- 560001
2 . The Chairman : With request to restore
Bangalore Electricity Supply Comp. Ltd, electricity supply of the Unit.
BESCOM, K. R. Circle
Banglore-560001 , Karnataka
3 . The Advisor (CP Division)
Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change
Prithvi Wing, 2nd Floor, Room No. 216, Indira
Paryavaran Bhawan Aliganj, Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi - 1 1 0003
4. T h e Regional Director
Central Pollution Control Board
1 st &: 2nd Floors, Nisarga Bhavan, A-Block,
Thirnmaiah Main Road, 7th D Cross, Shivanagar, Opp.
_JGshpanjali Theatre, Bangalore -560 010
'5/ T h e lncharge, IT, C P C B
6. The l n charge, I P C - V I , C P C B
(A . B . A k o l k a r )
M e m b e r Secretary

Page 3 of3
cfil( .;A{qOI f:ltf;4oj m"i
Qtifc4{Ui, cA ;:i,Mdi':i qfl.,

B - 2 90 1 6 / 0 4 / 06 / I PC I / b\) J u ly 2 7 , 2 0 1 7
M/s . Bioch e m i c a l & S y n t h et i c Products Ltd,
P l ot N o . 1 1 6 2 0 2 9 , P hase- I I , S r i v e n k a t e s h w a r Co-op,
I n d u s t r i a l Estate, B a l a n a g a r , Hyderabad - 5 0 0 0 3 7 ,
Sub: Directions under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1 986 regarding

installation of online effluent and emission monitoring system
W H ER E A S , the P h a r m a c e u t i c a l i n dustries are i d e n t l fl ed a s o n e of t h e 1 7
categories of h i g h l y p o l l u t i n g i nd u s t r i es w h i c h have been d i s c h a r g i n g
envi ron m e n ta l p o l l u t a n t s d i rectly or i n d i rectly i n to t h e a m b i ent a i r a n d w a t e r ,
h a v i n g p o t e n t i a l t h reat t o c a use a d v e rse effect o n t h e w a t e r a n d a i r q u a l i t y ; a n d
W H E R E A S , there i s need t o i nc u l cate h a b i t o f self m o n i t o r i n g within t h e
i n d us t r i es f o r c 9 m p l y l n g w i t h t h e prescri bed s t a n d a rd s a n d t h i s c a n be achieved
by t h e m e t h o d s l i ke i n s t a l l i n g o n l i n e effluent a n d emission m o n i t o r i n g devices;
W H E R E A S , for strengt h e n i n g the monitoring and com p l i a nce t h rough self
regulatory m ec h a n i s m , o n l i n e source emission and e f f l u e n t m o n i t o r i n g systems
n eed to be i n stalled a n d o p e ra t e d by t h e i n dustries on ' po l l u t e r pays princi p le ' ;
W H E R E A S , direction u n d e r section 1 8 ( 1 ) (b) of the W a t e r ( P revention &
Contro l o f P o l l u t i o n ) A c t , 1 974 a n d t h e A i r ( P revention & C o ntrol of P o l l u ti o n )
A c t , 1 9 8 1 w a s issued o n F e b r u a ry 0 5 , 2 0 1 4 t o a l l t h e S t a t e P o l lution Control
Boards ( S P C Bs ) / P o l l u tion Control C o m m i t tees ( P C C s ) for i ns t a l lation of o n l i n e
e f f l u e n t moni toring system w . r . t . flow, p H , B O D , C O D , T S S , C h r o m i u m ( C r ) , and
Arsenic (As) p a r a m eters in P h a rm a c e u t i c a l I n d ustries;
W H EREAS , i t was c l a ri fi e d t h a t flow meter ft web camera m a y be i n s t a lled
i n case of U n i ts with Zero t i-q u i d d i s c h a rge ( Z L D ) by March 3 1 , 2 0 1 5 v i d e
g u i d e l i nes uploaded o n website of C P C B dated November 7 , 2 0 1 4 ; a n d
W H E R E A S , consi d e r i n g t h e requests/ represent a t i o n s received from
I n d u s t r i e s / I nd u s t r i a l associat i o n s / S PC B s / PCCs, an exten s i o n o f t i m e upto J u n e
3 0 , 201 5 f o r i nsta l l a t i on o f o n l i n e m o n i toring syste m s w a s g r a n t ed v i d e d i rection
dated March 02, 201 5 u n d e r section 1 8 ( 1 ) (b) of t h e Water ( P revention & C o n t rol
of P o l l u ti o n ) Act, 1 9 74 a n d the A i r ( P re v e n t i o n a Control of P o l l u t i o n ) A c t , 1 9 8 1 ;
W H ER E A S , a l e t t e r d a t e d M a y 2 9 , 2 0 1 5 w a s i s s u e d by t h e C h a i rman C PC B t o
a l l t h e SPCBs/ PCCs i nf o r m i n g t h a t n o furth e r e x t e n s i o n of t i m e w i l l b e given
after J u n e 30, 2 0 1 5 and w i t h d r a w a l o f consent to operate along with forfei t u re of
bank guarantee of n o n - c o m p ly i n g U n i t s will be the only o p t i o n ; a n d
W H E R E A S , concerned S PC B / PCC have issued d i rections u n d e r section 3 3 A
of t h e W a t e r ( P revention & C o n t r o l o f Polluti o n ) A c t , 1 9 74 a n d section 3 1 A o f t h e
A i r ( P revention & C o n t ro l o f P o l l u ti o n ) Act, 1 98 1 t o i n sta l l t h e o n l i n e monitoring
system by June 30, 2 0 1 5 and to s u b m i t bank g u a ra ntee of 1 00% of t h e cost of
o n l i n e e m i s s i o n ft effluent m o n i t o r i n g system; a n d
W H EREAS, a s h o w c a u s e n o t i c e u n d e r section 5 of E n v i r o n m e n t ( P ro t e c t i o n )
A c t 1 98 6 was i ssued t o t h e U n i t v i d e letter n o . B - 2 9 0 1 6 / 04 / 06 / I P C - l / 7046 dated
J u l y 2 7 , 2 0 1 5 f o r i n s t a l la t i o n o f O n l I n e Mon i t o.r i n g d e v i c e a l o n g wit h c,<;> n n e ct i vi t y
f o r s u b m i ss i o n of o n l i n e 24x7 m o n i t o r i n g d a ta to S P C Bs / PCCs a n d C PC B ; a n d

' qf{:(I 'lcR ' ' - 1 1 0032 Page 1 of 2

Parivesh Bhawan, East Arjun Nagar, Delhi-11 0032
/Tel : 431 02030, 22305792, ebslte :
M/s. Biochemical & Synthetic Products Ltd., Telangana

W H EREAS, M/s. B f o c h e m f c a l & S y n t h e t i c Products L t d , T e l a n g a n a ( herein

after refe r red to a s the U n i t ) i n formed vide letter dated February 1 9 , 2 0 1 6 t h a t
t h e i ns t a l lation of o n l i n e m o n i t o r i n g system is completed; a n d
WH EREAS, a c l o s u r e d i rection under section 5 o f E n v i r o n m e n t ( P rotection)
Act 1 98 6 was issued to t h e U n i t vl d e letter n o . B - 2 90 1 6 / 04 / 06 / I P C l / 4 5 2 dated
A p r i l 1 1 , 2 0 1 7 o n t h e basis of n o n c o n n ectivity of t h e onllne m o n i t o r i n g system to
t h e CPCB, a s per t h e verification report dated March 29, 2 0 1 7 of I T division of
the CPCB; a n d
W H E R E A S , t h e U n i t vide letter dated J u n e 2 9 , 2 0 1 7 s u b m i tted t h e o n l i n e
c o n n ectivity s t a t u s to C P C B a n d req u es ted to revo ke t h e c l o s u re d i rection ; a n d
W H E REAS , t h e c o n nectivity o f online d a t a submitted b y t h e U n i t was
v e r i f i e d by the IT d i v i s i o n a n d c o m p l i a nce was observed on J u l y 0 5 , 2 0 1 7 by
CPCB; and
W H E R E A S , i t h a s b e e n o bserved t h a t t h e u ni t h a s n ot c l os e d i ts
m a n ufacturing operation after recei p t o f C P C B closure d i rect ion, w h i c h f s n o n
c o m p li ance o f t h e c l o s u r e d i r e c t i o n i s s u e d by C P C B u n d e r s e c t i o n 5 o f t h e E ( P )
Act, 1 9 86 vide l e t t e r d a t e d A p r i l 1 1 , 2 0 1 7 f o r w h i c h action a s p e r l a w s h a l l b e
i n i tiated s e p a r a t e l y ; a n d
W H E RE A S , the M i n i s t ry of E n v i ronment & Forests, G o v e r n m e n t of I nd i a ,
v i d e Notifications N o . S . 0 . 1 57 ( E ) of 2 7 . 02 . 1 996 a n d S . 0 . 7 3 0 ( E ) dated
1 0 . 0 7 . 200 2 , has delegated the powers vested under Section 5 of t h e E n v i ro n m e n t
( P rotecti o n ) Act, 1 98 6 ( 2 9 of 1 98 6 ) to the C h a i r m a n , C e n t r a l P o l l u ti o n Con t rol
Boa r d, to is sue d i rections to a n y i ndustry or a n y local b od y o r any other a ut h o ri ty
for violations of t h e s t a n d a r d s a n d rules notified u n d e r t h e E n v i r o n ment
( P rotecti o n } Rules, 1 9 8 6 and a m e nd m e n t thereof.
NOW, T H E R E F O R E , i n exercise of powers vested to C h a i rman C P C B under
Section 5 of the E n v i r o n m e n t ( P ro tecti o n ) Act, 1 9 8 6 , and i n view of c o m p li a n c e
w i t h releva n t di rec t i o n u n d e r reference, the di rection issued u n d e r t h e S e c t i o n 5
of t h e Environment ( P r o t e c t i o n ) A c t , 1 98 6 to t h e U n i t (Mis. B i o c h e m ical &
S y n t h etic P r o d u c t s L t d , T e l a n g a n a ) vide letter dated A p r i l 1 1 , 201 7 i s h e reby
revoked. The U n i t w i l l e n s u r e c o m p l i a n c e w i t h t h e n o r m s . I n case of n o n
c o m p l i a n c e b y t h e U n i t a c t i o n a s d e e m e d f i t u nd e r t h e provisions o f E n v i ro n m ent
( P ) Act, 1 98 6 s h a l l be t a k e n .

( S . P . S!
C h a i rm a n

.l "1 j o ) I 1

, .. .
, ..
.. '
, . I
Page 2 of 2
M/s. Biochemical & Synthetic Products Ltd, Telangnna

Copy to:
1 . The C h a i r m a n
T e l a n g a n a State P o l lu t i o n C o n t r o l Board
Paryava r a n Bhawa n , A - 3 , I n d u s t r i a l Estate
S a n a t h n a g a r , H ydera ba d 5000 1 8
2. The Chairman : W i t h request t o restore
S o u t h e r n Power D i s t r i b u t i o n electricity s u p p ly of the U n i t .
Company o f Telangana Limited
C o rp o r a t e Office: # 6 - 1 - 5 0 ,
M i n t C o m p o u n d , Hydera b a d - 5 0006 3
3. The Advisor (CP Division)
M i n i s t ry o f Envi r o n m e n t , Forests a n d C l i m a te C h a n ge
P r i t h vi W i n g , 2 n d F l o o r , Room N o . 2 1 6 , I nd i r a
Paryav a r a n Bhawan A l i g a n j , J o r B a g h Roa d ,
N e w D e l h i - 1 1 0003
4. T h e Regional Director,
C e n t r a l P o l l u t i o n C o n t r o l Board
1 s t & 2nd Floors, Nlsarga B h a va n , A - Block,
T h i m m a i a h Main Road, 7 t h D Cross, S h i v a n a g a r ,
O p p . P u s h p a n j a l i T h e a t r e , B a n ga l o r e - 560 0 1 0
e l n c h a rge, I T , C PC B
6 . T h e l n c harge, I P C - V I , C P C B ( A . B . Ako lkar)
Member S e c r e t a ry

Page 3 of3
Mis Government Opium & Alkaloid Works, MP

W H E R EAS , a c l o s u re d i rection under section 5 of E n v i r o n m e n t ( Protec t i o n )

A c t 1 9 8 6 w a s issued t o t h e U n i t v i d e letter n o . B - 2 90 1 6 / 0 4 / 0 6 / I P C - l / 1 885 dated
April 20, 201 7 o n t h e basis o f n o n c o n n ectivity of the o n l i n e m o n i t o r i n g system t o
t h e C PC B , as p e r t h e verification report d a t e d April 0 7 , 2 0 1 7 o f IT division o f t h e
CPCB; a n d
W H E R E A S , t h e U ni t v i d e letter dated May 08, 2 0 1 7 s u b m i tted t h e o n l i n e
connectivity sta t us t o C PC B a n d requested t o revoke t h e c l o s u r e d i recti o n ; a n d
W H E R EA S , t h e c on n ectivity o f o n l i n e d a t a subm i tt e d b y t h e U n i t was verified
by the I T division and compliance was o bserved on J u l y 24, 2 0 1 7 by CPCB; a n d
W H E R E A S , t h e M i n i s t r y of E n v i r o n m e n t & Forest s , G o v e r n m e n t o f I n d i a , vide
Notifi c a t i o n s N o . S. 0. 1 57 ( E ) o f 2 7 . 02 . 1 9 9 6 a n d S . 0 . 7 3 0 ( E ) dated 1 0. 07 . 2002,
h a s d e l ega ted the powers vested under Section 5 of the Environment ( Protection )
Act, 1 9 8 6 ( 2 9 o f 1 9 8 6 ) t o t h e C h a i r m a n , Central Pollution C o n t ro l Board , to Issue
d i re c t i o n s t o a n y i n dustry o r any local body or any other a u t h o r i t y for violations of
the s t a n d a rds a n d rules n o t i f i ed u nder the Environment ( P ro t e c t i o n ) R u les, 1 9 86
and a m e n d m en t t hereof.
NOW, T H E R E FO R E , i n exercise o f powers vested t o C h a i rm a n C P C B under
Sect i o n 5 of t h e E n v i ro n m e n t ( P rotect i o n ) A c t , 1 98 6 , and i n v i ew of compliance
with r e l e v a n t direction u n d e r reference, t h e d i rection issued under t h e Section 5
of t h e E n v i r o n m e n t ( Protect i o n ) A c t , 1 9 86 t o t h e U n i t ( M i s . Gove r n m e n t O p i u m &
A l k a l o i d W o r k s , M P ) vide letter d a t ed April 2 0 , 201 7 i s h e re b y revoked . The U n i t
w i l l e ns u re c o m p l i a n c e with t h e n o r m s . I n case o f n o n - c o m p l i a nce b y t h e U n i t
action a s deemed f i t under t h e provisions o f Enviro n m e n t ( P ) A c t , 1 98 6 s h a l l be
taken .

.,2 '1 1 01 \ 1 1
(S . P . S i n g h P a r i h a r )
Copy t o : J!)-
1 . The Chairman : A c o p y o f s e l f certificate
M . P . S t a t e P o l l u t i o n C o n t r o l Board submitted by the Unit is attached
P a ryavaran P a r l s a r , E - 5 , Arera C o lony for verification.
Bhopal - 462 0 1 6
2 . T h e M a n a g i n g d i re c t o r : With request to restore
M . P . Ks hetra Vidyut Vita ran C o m p a n y electricity supply of the Unit.
L i m i ted , S C H . N o . 7 1 , B e h i n d B S N L
Exc h a ng e , G u m a s t a N a g a r , I n d o r e ,
M a d h y a P r a d e s h 4 52002
3. T h e Advisor ( C P Division)
M i n i s t ry of E n v i r o n m e n t , Forests a n d C li m a t e Change
P ri t hv i Wing, 2nd Floor, Room No. 2 1 6
I n d i ra P a ryava ran Bh a wa n , Ali ganj ,
J o r Bagh Roa d , New Delhi 1 1 0003
4 . T h e Regional Director
C en t r a l P o l l u t i o n C o n t ro l Boa rd
3 rd F l o o r , S a h k a r B h awa n
N o r t h TT N a g a r , B h o p a l - 4 6 2 003
e l n c ha rg e , I T , C PC B
6 . T h e l n charge, I P C - V I , C PC B
( A . B . Akolkar)
Member S ec retary

p., ,,.,, ,., (' ,.,

- ., ,.-', ' I ! , <l " J

cfitt 'J{t1'1T P14UT mi
qqfe4{UI , 'cR -iiM qfh':f 'qTf WcfiT{
B - 2 9 0 1 6 / 04 / 0 6 / I P C - l / J u ly 2 7 , 2 0 1 7
Mis. Gov e r n ment O p i u m & A l k a l o i d W o r k s ,
N e e m u c h -4 5 84 4 1
M a d h y a P radesh
Sub: Directions under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1 986 regarding installation
of on-line effluent and emission monitoring system
W H E REAS, the P h a rm a c e u t i c a l i n d u s t ries are i d e n t i f i e d a s o n e of the 1 7
categories o f h i g h ly p o l l u t i n g i nd us t r i es which have been d i s c h a r g i n g environmental
p o l l utants di rectly o r i n d i rectly i nto the a m bi e n t air and water, having potential
th reat to cause adverse effect on t h e w a t e r a n d air q u a l i ty ; a n d
W H E R E A S , t h e re i s n eed to i n c u lcate habit o f self m o n i t o r i n g withi n t h e
i n dustries f o r c o m p l y i n g w i t h t h e p r e s c ri bed standards a n d t h i s c a n be a c h i eved b y
t h e m e t h o d s l i k e i nsta l l i n g o n li n e effluent a n d e m i s s i o n m o n i t o r i n g d e v i c e s ; a n d
W H E R E A S , for s t r e n g t h e n i n g t h e m o n i to r i n g a n d c o m p l i a n ce th rough self
r egulatory mechanism, o n l i ne s o u r c e e m i s s i o n and effluent m o n i toring systems
need to be I ns t a l led and operated b y t h e I n d u s t ries on ' po l l u t e r pays p r i n c i p l e ' ;
W H E REAS, d i rection u n d e r secti o n 1 8 ( 1 ) ( b ) o f t h e W a t e r ( P reven tion ft
C o n t r o l o f P o l l u ti o n ) Act, 1 974 a n d t h e A i r (Prevention ft C o n t ro l o f P o l l u t i o n ) Act ,
1 9 8 1 was i ssued on February 0 5 , 20 1 4 to a l l t h e State P o l l u t i o n Control Boa rds
( S P C Bs ) / P o l l u t i o n C o n t r o l C o m m i ttees ( P C C s ) for i n s t a l l a t i o n of o n l l n e effluent
m o n i to r i n g system w. r . t . flow, p H , B O D , C O D , TSS, C h ro m i u m ( C r ) , and Arsenic ( A s )
p a rameters i n Pha rmaceutical i nd u s t r i e s ;
W H E RE A S , f t was c l a r i fied t h a t f l o w meter &. web c a m e ra m a y b e installed i n
case o f U n i ts with Zero l i q u i d d i s c h a r g e ( Z L D ) by March 3 1 , 2 0 1 5 vide g u i d e l i n e s
u p loaded o n w e b s i t e of C P C B d a t e d N o v e m b e r 7 , 201 4 ; a n d
W H E R E A S , cons i d e r i n g t h e r e q uests / repres e n t a t i o n s received f r o m
i n d u s t r i e s / i n d u s t r i a l assoc i a t i o n s / S P C B s / P C C s , a n e x t e n s i o n o f time u pto J u n e
3 0 , 201 5 f o r i nstal lation o f o n l i n e m o n i to ri n g systems was g r a n ted v i d e d i rection
d a t e d March 02 , 201 5 under section 1 8 ( 1 ) ( b ) of t h e Water ( P revention & C o n t r o l .
o f Pol l u t i o n ) A c t , 1 974 a n d t h e A i r ( Prevention a C o ntrol of P o l l u t i o n ) Act , 1 9 8 1 ;
W H E R EAS , a letter dated M a y 2 9 , 2 0 1 5 was Issued by t h e C h a i r m a n C P C B to
a l l t h e S P C B s / PCCs i n f o r m i n g t h a t no f u r t h e r exten sion of t i m e wi l l be given after
J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 5 a n d w i t h d rawal o f c o n s e n t to operate a lo n g with forfei t u re of bank
g u a rantee o f n o n - co m p l y i n g U ni t s wl l l be t h e only opti o n ; and
W H E R EA S , conce r n e d S P C B / P C C h a v e Issued d i rections u n d e r section 3 3 A o f
t h e W a t e r ( P r e v e n t i o n & C o n t r o l o f P o l l u t i o n ) Act, 1 9 74 a n d s e c t i o n 3 1 A o f t h e A i r
( Preve n t i o n & C o n t r o l o f P o l l u t i o n ) A c t , 1 98 1 t o I ns t a l l t h e o n l i n e m o n i toring
system by June 30, 2 0 1 5 a n d to s u b m i t bank g u a r a n tee of 1 00% o f t h e cost o f
o n l i n e e m i s s i o n & e f f l u e n t m o n i to r i n g s y s t e m ; and
W H E R EA S , a show cause n o t i c e u n d er sect ion 5 o f E n v i r o n m e n t ( P r o t ecti o n )
A c t 1 9 86 was issued to t h e U n i t v i d e l e t t e r n o . B - 29 0 1 6 / 04 / 06 / I P C - l / 6 6 2 7 dated
J u ly 2 7 , 2 0 1 5 for i ns t a l l a t i o n of O n l i n e M o n i t o r i n g device a lo n g with connectivity
for s u bm i s s i on o f o n l i n e 24x7 m o n i to r i n g data to S P C Bs / P C C s and C P C B ; a n d

W H E R E A S , M i s . Gove r n m e n t O p i u m & A l k a l oi d W o r k s , M P ( h e r e i n after

r e f e r red to a s t h e U n i t ) I n f o r m ed v i d e letter dated S e p t e m b e r 04, 20 1 5 that the
i ns t a l la t i o n o f o n l i n e m o n i t o r i n g system i s c o m p l e t e d ; a n d

qft 'q"cf'{
";{TR, - 1 10032 Page 1 of 2
Parivesh Bhawan, East Arjun Nagar, Delhi-1 1 0032
'qlt{/Tel : 431 02030, 22305792, ebsite :
J,ltl gq_ or f.1401
r, r.R u;-a' 1lfrc;r}.:{ I.filer 'QTH{ 1:rrcrirr


B-,3(}1 4/7/201 7-18/IPC-II C\

!j 1 \ July 24, 2017
The Chairman
l,ajasi-1 1cm Pnl lulion Control Bonrd
4, J ha l,11 H:l lnstitutional /\ren,
J ha lnna Doongri,
Ja ipur, Rajc1tslhan - 02004

Sub: DirPclions under Section l8(1)(b) of the Air (Pn!vcntion and Contrn1 of Pollution)
Act, 1 %1 in th matter of Air l'ollution (Jue to Unorganized Stone carving lJnit in
& arouno tehsil- Pindwara, Sirohi, Rajasthan.

WHEREAS anHmgsl others, tmder scdiun 1 7 of the Air (Prevention c1nd Control of
Pollution) /\cl, 1 981, nnc of the (nncUons of the Raja:,th;m Pollntion Control B m1 rd
constituted tmder Waler (Prevenlicn 1 ,md Control of Foll utiun) /\ct, 197,1 is lo pli.1 1 1 a
( omprelwnsivc p rogram for prevenl1u11, control and ;1lx1lcml'nl c tf air p ol l u t ion in
.{aja0lh;in ; ind Sl'C t 1 n th<' cxcn1l ion lhcrenf; nm\

Wl-lERlJ\, C '111 1cnl m,rnufdcltuing units c1rc rL' q uired lo i11str1ll ,1ir p,1l lution control
eq uipments so as lo comply with tlw vmission limi1, n, nntifll'd n nd<'r the Environment
(Proll'clion) Ru les, 1 9g6 or Lhe l imit p t\'Snilwd tnHlcr llw cont;l'nt l'(n 1dil il1ns isstll'd b y HH
Stc1k Board undLr /\ ii' /\d, 1 98 1 , whichcvcr is st ringenl; <'ltld

WJ l E lEt\S, a. compl<1inl wns received by l'l'ntni l l\11l11 l inn Control 130..ird 11 n dcr V i l '
nfon:ncc rl'garding pollution &_ inturn l11m1on health problc111s ;is (Tc;i l c > d by M / ft Binnni
Cement J td. and M/s J . K. J .akshrni Cement Ltd., loc,Jtl'cl n t ] 'ind,vara, Sirul1i, 1'.1jaslh,rn;

Wf iERUAS, to i11VL'Sligal e lht matter, c1 joint inspection h'al1l nf Scwnlists / 1-;on girwers from
Ce11tral Pollution Con t rol Bonrd, Re g ion.ii Dir('ctoratc Bho1x1J and J,.ij.isllum Stall
Poll utiun Control Boc1rd, Pa li carried out inspection ,rnd mun itorin g nl M/; H i nani Ccnwn l
Lid. and M/ s J. K. Lakshmi Ccr1Hnt I . I d ., PindwariJ Sirnhi, Rr1jastfom d ming M;ud1 2:.'i-25,
7017 to ,tSSl'SS tliL' adc., q uacy oi llll! p()llut,on nmlrol rc;.) urcs c1 W('ll ,is compliann' of l lw
u 1vi1un1 11c1 1 w 1 norns; .tnd

Vv'I-lERH1\S, tlw learn abo c;irricd oul llw su n'<')' of n earby areds ndn1dy A m i i, Mt.:L'ffl1,ili,
J.<har p)c.
d i, I bz.1ri1(1I :1011, Pind wara, Unnrwari (. 1
vi l ln1'<'S
and slonl' c,irv i1w I')
ind ust1 i l'S ,11
F'l ndwdra and T lc1;1,,1rigann. Vi<;il l o Sirol1i Dislrid I )pspi l;il and Ucl;up,1tio11,d l Jealtl 1
C\'. 1 1 h 1s \VPfl' ,ilsn t l 1'1Lak('n i 1 1cludi111.,, inl1'l'cll' l 1on w,t l i ccnw(rn('cl Mfdical OHin'n; ,rnd
followin 1 obSt'1v.1L1011c; wen rn1i"ll' :

------ -----
' 'llq,l ' - ,{TR, f,;c.'n-1 10032
Parivesll Bhawan, F- ast Arjur) Nagar, Dclhi-'1"10032
rrrmrurel : 431 02030, 22305792, t/Website :
- 2-

1 . Around 80 nos. o ( stem<' rnrving units i n Pindwara Tllrnil arc in up,ralion as an

un-orK,mize<l :wctor. Thcsci rn 1its gcnc!rak du;l, which contairn; n!spirahlci
crysta lli1w silin1.
2. Sjncc tlw1,c units arc orlC'rating wiU10ul rcq11isitc- poI1ution control measures a nd
personal protective equipm.enb, the wtirkers arL' exposed to air poll ution created
hy thes<' units.
:\. Due to C(mtinuorn, exposure lo the dust i11 stone cal' ving ,vorks caust't, f:ilicosis.
\!Yorkers an! also suffc!ring frcJll1 Pneumoco11insis.
4. Tl is progressive , dis,1hling and ofhn fat;tl lung dj'><'dsc. ;incl' J an. 2016 uplo March
201 '7, 470 cases of silicosis havl' bten 1ygiskrcd by ho;pil1 Js.

Now, U1erefore, in view of seriorn;ness of llw obsP1vatinns made, hy tlw join l im,p{'clinn Learn
us referred a hove and in exercise of the powers confrrred undcr sPcl ion J K(l ) (h) of lhe i\ir
(l 'revent,on rind Control of J>ollu lion) Act, ] 98 1 , you nrF, hl'reby, d incll'd lo und1rt,1ke Lhe
foll owing renwdial me.-isrtres i n ,, time bottnd rnaruwr :

1. lnvc'nlori:1,c1 l inn uf tlw 11nnrg.1 11iz11 d slrnw nHv i n g u n i t s i n Pindwarc1 ' l 't.,hsi l, Sirohi
Dis1Ticf sl 1al1 be u 1 1<.krtc1kl'.J1 and comphtcd wiU1 Llw lwlp of Rajaslhan Slate Indw; tr, a l
D e ,,dopment and Invcstnwnl Corporation (RTICO ) bC'forc 11.08.201'/ .
2. (\llCO Sli,tll [H' diff.:'lled fo dtVt}OJ' fa.L j j j (j(>S for ! he llll('J'ganizcd SIOIW Cill'Ving u11i l<, ;JI
Pindwara Tchsi] Sirohi District wilhin mnnths frnm the dil li' uf i::.;ue (If tlwsc!ctions so a:-:. lu improve ittl r,1sl1 tJt'lun Lwi 1 1 t iPs <1nd ,vnrl: i ng , 1 ,ndil ion '": hkh in
t.urn will prcv1)i 1t menace of sil iro:,i<:.
J. 1Vl nss nwnn'11ess prngrn nHlH!S shnll lw crn1d11ctPd for the affrl'ltd villag<'S l'lH m,i11g o(
l'l'Et, ( 1wrsonnl prolective equipnwnb) wilh the hc 1 lp of M/s Binc1ni O:nwnt, Sirnhi and
M / s J.I<. I .c1kt;lirni Cement, Si rnhi 11J1der l lwir CSR ( Cnrpmatc ;o< i a l Rc";ponsiliil 1 1y)
acl 1vity.
4. ;;,fr, and gund p1'i1Cl ice.s 1)f stunt 1'ii rv111g work :ll iould lit enco1l! ';1gcd hy lt,l'CH thrnup.}1
RllCO in consullatiun w i th N,1lionaJ lrnaitu t1, o{ Uccup,lt1n1rnl I l1alth and Safr:ty
(N IOl lS).
S. l{ I ICO/concerrwd ::ilP iL' Cuvc r n nwn l d1.p,1 r f n1ent sha l l he d i nct1 d l1., dl'vclop a sh,1w
carvirw J)ark and 11rovid1 lh1! tra i n i 110 fur safo wnrkin11 lt) .ivoid on u11a l 1011al lwa l l h
,, ,, tJ

hazards. The cMving pm k sl 1Lltild l>L1 cqujppcd with la lest 1:quip1wnts fm cu11trol of
fugitive d m;t .111d this w i ll l>e done w i thin a yt!M f1um the; dalt' nf iss1H> of t hese
d ll"l'Clirnl',.
(1. RSPCB .hall ensure tha t no polluting indrn;try bl' allowed to OJ>L'r,ti_' w i t hout v,did
Con:;cnt and thl')' at <.' not .1 llm-vl'd to vii,fa 1<.' norrns / s!.rnd<lnl& o( 1 m ission/ f'ffJ uc n l .

You arc a ho dircctl'd to submit ai1 action pl,11 1 for excc u l inn uf lhe nb(IVl' I'( 11 ,cd ial 11wns11ns
in a time bound numncr. Tlus aclirn1 plan : ,hal I Ii<. subrnilled h) Cenf r,d I'ull 1 1 l i on C-:onl rol Bo,1 rd
within om 111onl h from l] I(' dah of i,:,m of llH'.Sl' dirr<'liow; ,

(S.L'.S. Parihar)
J st +f
b .. 'h'}, 7.
0 (c.
Copy for kind information to:

1 The Jmnt ,ecrl'l.ry (C:P Division)

Minislry n( Environnw1 1 ! & Forer.ts&- CJirnilt<: Chm1ge
Prithvi Wing, 2nd Floor, RuCll n No.216
Indira J 111ryavar.i11 Blwwan
J\liganj,Jnr Bagh, New Dc:ll1i
New Dclhi-11000

2 The Rcgicmc1l Dinctor

Ccn ln11 Pollution Cnn Iro I BoMd
J. tli Floor, Sahk,1r Hh,)wan

North TT Nagar
Bhn11al - 4 61 003

', l'l1L' Divisional 1 lcad, TPC:- Vl , Cl.'CB, Dl'lhi

/ Tht.J Divisional Head, TT Div, CPCB Ddhi

I A. B. Aknlk:wJ
Mt1 1 n lil'1 St'iTC'l,uy
cf,4 {tiOI f43401 m
tp.tfeHOI , eR qfhcJ-i '1TIf

B- 1 90 1 97/NGRBA (RG)/CPCB/Sugar/26/20 1 6- 1 7 tb July 25, 20 1 7


Mis HPCL Biofuels,

Sugauli, East Champaran,


WHEREAS, the Central Government has notified the standards for discharge of
environmental pollutants from various categories of industries under the Enviro1unent
(Protection) Act, 1 986 and the rules framed there under; and

WH EREAS, the Ministry of Environment, Forests& Climate Change, Govt. of India, vide
notification S.0. l 57(E) of 27.02 . 1 996 has delegated powers vested under Section 5 of the
Environment ( Protection) Act, 1 986 (29 of 1 986) to the Chainnan, Central Pollution Control
Board (CPCB), to issue direction to any industry, Municipal Co1voration, Municipal Council,
Canton111ent Board to any local or other Authority for the violation of emission and effluent
standards notified under the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1 986; and

WHEREAS, it is obligatory on the part of industries to install effluent treatment plants (ETPs)
to comply with the effluent discharge standards as noti fied under the Enviromnent ( Protection)
Act, 1 986 und the Rules framed there under and also to meet the consent conditions granted by
State Pollution Control Board (SPCBs) / Pollution Control Committees (PCCs); and

WHEREAS, Mis H PCL Bio-fuels, S: E.Mt Champarun, Bihar ( hereinafter refe1Tcd as

'the Unit') is involved in the process of sugar manufacturing from crushing o f cane; and

WHEREAS, CPCB issued a showcase notice <lated 24.07.20 l 5 regarding installation of

on-line continuous effluent monitoring system.

AND W H E REAS, CPCB has not received any reply from the unit.

Cont'd . . . 2/

' qftI \TEA' -;,m:, -1 1 0032

\ HP(L fl1n l l ll'l\, l'1 tf?ijixI BP1Yr' an, East Arjun Nagar, Delhl-110032
(', ' -

/Tel : 43102030, 22305792, ebslte :

-Page 2-

AND NOW, THEREFORE, in view of the above observations, reply and exercising powers
delegated to the Chaimrnn, Central Pollution Control Board under Section 5 of the
Environment (Protection) Act, I 986, the Unit (Mis HPCL Bio-fuels, Sugauli, East Champaran,
Bihar) is directed to comply with the following directions ;

1 . The unit shall remain closed till compliance with the following directions.
1. The unit shaJl submit the following reports to CPCB duly validated by reputed
institutions like National Sugar Institute, Kanpur/Vasandada Sugar Institute, Pune /llTs
within 60 days;
a) ETP adequacy assessment reports;
b) time bound action plan for ETP augmentation & upgradation upto tertiary treatment
level; to comply with the standards notified G.S.R. 35 (E), MoEF&CC, January 1 4,
20 1 6 for effluent disposal, & waste water conservation.
c) water audit and mass balance report to establish waste water generation rate;
d) action plans to achieve the noti fied effluent discharge quality and generation
e) in-igation management plan as per the new noti fied standards on .Tanuary 1 4, 20 1 6;
11. The unit shall restrict the storage capacity of lined l agoon upto 1 5 days of etnuent
111. The unit shall meet the B0D-30mg/l standards for discharging any effluent on land
/surfact! water body whereas effluent stored in lined lagoons/tanks of capacity not more
than 1 5 days shall comply with BOD- I 00 mg/1 standards.
2. The unit shall stabilize the ETP by September 20 1 7 before commencing of the new
crushing season. The unit will not be allowed to resume manufacturing operations till
stabilization of ETP system.
3. The unit shall upgrade of process technology, ETP system & adapt the best practice in
a time bound manner and submit a report to CPCB before starting the next crushing
4. The unit shall get registered the online effluent continuous monitoring system and
provide co1mectivity to the CPCB server
5 . The unit shall seek permission from CPCB, after compliance with the above-mentioned
directions before resumption of manufacturing operations.

In case of default in compliance with the above directions, CPCB will be constrained
to i nitiate action against the Unit ( M/s HPCL Bio-fuels, Sugauli, East Champaran, Bihar), in
accordance with the provisions of the Envirornnent ( Protection) Act, ] 986, without giving any
further notice.


< 0111 d . . . V

\' '\ >iPCl B1u IUPl\ ',q , 11 I .1,t < l 1 ;i11 11 ., 1 .1 1 1 13 1 11,11
-Page 3-

Copy to:

1 . Chairman
Bihar Pollution Control Board,
Parivesh Bhawan, Plot No. Ns-B/2
Patliputra Industrial Area,
Patliputa, Patna (Bihar) - 800 023

2 . T h e A d v i s o r ( C P D iv i s i o n ) ( fo r
Ministry o f Enviromnent, Forest & C.C i n fo r m a t i o n
Prithvi B lock, Indira ParyavaranBhawan, p l ease)
Jorbagh Road,
New Dclhi - 1 1 0 003

3. Regional Director
Regional Directorate,
Central Pollution Control Board,
Southern Conclave, Block-502,
5 th & 6 1h
Floor, 1 582 Rajdanga Main Road
Kolkata - 700 107 (W.B.)

4. The In-charge TPC-IIJ Division, C P C B D e l h i

/..rhe In-charge IT Division, CPCB Delhi

6. Guard fi l e , W QM - I I , C P C B D e l h i


(11 <11) p,11,111, flril,H

B Y R E G O . A D / S P E E D POST

F. N o . B - 7 5 1 ( 1 6 4 ) / T a n n e ry/WQM- 1 1 / 2 0 1 7 - 1 8 / July 1 9, 201 7


M/s Leathe _ f fe
77176, S eetla Bazaar,
Jaj m , Kanpur, U . P

Directions under Section 5 of t h e Environment ( Protection ) Act, 1 986

W H E R E A S , t h e T a n n e ry i n d u s t r i es a r e i de n t i f i ed as o n e of t h e G ro s s l y P o l l u t i n g
i n d u s t r i es ( G P l s ) w h i c h h a v e b e e n d i s c h a r g i n g envi r o n m e n t a l p o l l u t a n ts d i rectly o r
i n d i re c t l y i n t o t h e a m b i e n t a i r a n d w a t e r , h a v i n g p o t e n t i a l t h r e a t t o c a u s e a d v e r s e
effect o n t h e w a t e r a n d a i r q u a l i ty ; a n d

W H E R EA S , t h e C e n t r a l G o v e r n m e n t h a s n o t i f i e d t h e g e n e r a l d i s c h a rg e s t a n d a r d s of
e n v i r o n m e n t a l p o l l u t a n t s f r o m v a r i o u s c a t e g o r i e s of i n d u s t r i e s u n d e r the
E n v i r o n m e n t ( P ro t e c t i o n ) A c t , 1 9 86 a n d t h e r u l e s f r a m e d t h e r e u n d e r ; a n d

W H E R EAS, t h e M i n i s t ry of E n v i r o n m e n t , Forests a Climate Change, Govt. of I nd i a ,

v i d e n o t i f i c a t i o n S . 0 . 1 57 ( E ) o f 2 7 . 0 2 . 1 9 9 6 h a s d e l e g a t e d powers v e s t e d u n d e r
S e c t i o n 5 of t h e E n v i r o n m e n t ( P r otecti o n ) A c t , 1 9 8 6 ( 2 9 o f 1 9 8 6 ) to t h e C h a i r m a n ,
Central Pollution Control Board ( C PC B ) , to issue di rection to any i n d ustry, for the
v i o l a t i o n of e m i s s i o n a n d e f f l u e n t s t a n d a rd s n o t i f i e d u n d e r t h e E n vi r o n m e n t
( P r o t e c ti o n ) R u l e s , 1 9 8 6 ; a n d o t h e r s t a n d a r d s a n d n o r m s ; a n d

W H E R EAS, t h e U n i t w a s i n s pected b y t h e offi c i a l s of C e n t r a l P o l l u t i o n C o n t ro l B o a r d

( C P C B ) o n 04 . 04 . 2 0 1 7 , a n d o b s e r v e d t h e f o l l o w i n g

1 . T h e u n i t i s h a v i n g v a l i d c o n s e n t u n d e r W a t e r a n d Ai r Act s , 1 9 7 4 . H o w e v e r , n o
i n f o rm a t i o n w a s p r o v i d e d r e g a r d i n g c o n s e n ts u n d e r Ai r A c t s , 1 9 8 1 a n d
a u t h o r i z a t i o n u n d e r H a z a r d o u s W a s t e a n d O t h e r waste R u l es , 2 0 1 6 .

2 . As p e r t h e a n a l y s i s r e s u l t s t h e c o n c e n t ra t i o n o f t r e a t e d e f f l u e n t i s f o u n d t o be
exc e e d i n g the l i m i t w . r . t C r 1 4 2 . 3 9 6 ppm a g a i n s t the p r e s c r i b e d l i m i t of 2 m g / l .

A N D W H E R E A S , C P C B i ss u e d c l o s u r e d i r e c t i o n o n d a t e d 1 6 . 0 5 . 2 0 1 7 t o t h e u n i t a n d ;
W H E R EAS, t h e u n i t ' s r e p l y d a t e d 1 2 . 0 6 . 2 0 1 7 w a s exa m i n ed a n d f o l l o w i n g o b s e r v a t i o n

1 . The unit has stopped the processing from the day of receiving the closure direction.
2 . T h e u n i t h a s c l e a n the collection t a n k , settling tank, sludge t a n k o f the E T P plant.

C o n t ' d ... 2 /
-Page 2-
AND NOW, THEREFORE, in view of the above observations, and exercising powers delegated to the
Chairman, Central Pollution Control Board under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, the
Unit (M / s Leather Life, 77176, Sheetla Bazaar, Jajmau, Kanpu r , U . P) is directed to comply with the
following direction ;

1 . The unit shall remain closed and shall not operate any manufacture process
2. The unit shall submit the PETP adequacy assessment report to CPCB duly validated by reputed
institutions like Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI), National Productivity Council
(NPC), I ITs etc within 1 5 days.

In case of default in compliance with the above directions CPCB will be constrained to initiate appropriate
actions against the unit, without giving any further notice, in accordance with provisions of Environment
{Protection) Act, 1 986.

{S P S i n g h P a r i h a r )
Copy to:

Member S e c r e t a r y
Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board, With a request to ensure
Building No. TC 1 2V, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, compliance of the
Lucknow - 226 0 1 0 directions.

2 A d v i s o r (CP Divi s i o n )
Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change
Pr1thv1 Block, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan,
Jorbagh Road,
New Delhi - 1 1 0 003

3 The lncharge, Regional Office (North),

Central Pollution Control Board,
PICUP Bhawan, Ground Floor, For k i n d i n fo r m a t i o n
Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, pls.
Lucknow - 226 01 O.

4 In-charge, IPC-111 Div. , CPCB Delhi

In-charge, IT Division, CPCB

6 In-charge, WQM-11 Div . , CPCB Delhi


F . N o . B- 1 90 0 1 9/Ta n n e ry/W Q M - l l / 2 0 1 6- 1 7/ b\)t>S 2 4 1 11 J u l y , 2 0 1 7

R e n n e t F: a s t e rn E x p o rts,
(new name Omega I n ternational)
P l o t n o . 2/H, S a ra i R a rn R a i ,
J a j m a u , D i s t- K a n p u r ( U P )

Sub: Directions under Section 5 of the F:nvironment (Protection) Act, 1 986 regarding
installation of on-line effluent monitoring system -reg.

WH EREAS, the Tannery induslries are identified as one of the Grossly Polluting industries (GP ls)
which have been discharging environmental pollutants directly or indirectly into the ambient air
and water, having potential lhreat to cause adverse effect on the waler and air quality; and

W HEREAS, there is need to inculcate habit of self monitoring within the industries for complying
with the prescribed standards and this can be achieved by the methods l ike instal ling onl ine
effluent and emission monitoring devices; and

WHEREAS, for strengthening the monitoring and compliance through self regulatory mechanism,
online source emission and effluent monitoring systems need to be installed and operated by the
industries on polluter pay principle; and

WH ERRAS, a direction under section 1 8 ( I ) (b) of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution)
/\ct, 1 974 and the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1 98 1 was issued on February 05,
20 1 4 to all the State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs)/ Pollution Control Comm ittees (PCCs) for
installation of on line emission monitoring system and online effluenl monitoring system w.r.t. pH,
COD, BOD, TSS and Flow parameters in Tannery industries; and

WHEREAS, it was clarified that flow meter & web camera may be installed in case of Units with
Zero liquid d ischarge (ZLD) by March 3 1 , 20 1 5 vidc guidelines uploaded on website of CPCB
dated November 7, 2 0 1 4; and

W HEREAS, considering the requests/ representations received from industries/ industrial

associations/ SPCBs / PCCs, an extension of time up to June 30, 20 1 5 for installation of online
monitoring systems was granted vide direction dated March 27, 20 1 5 under section 1 8 ( l ) (b) of
the Water (Prevention & Control of' Pollution) Act, 1 974; and

WH EREAS, a letter vide dated May 29, 20 1 5 was issued by the Chairman CPCB lo all the
SPCBs/ PCCs informing that no further extension of time will be given after June 30, 20 1 5 and
withdrawal of consent to operate along with forfeiture of bank guarantee of non-complying units
will be the only option; and

WHEREAS, concerned SPCB/ PCC have issued directions under section 33A of the Water
(Prevention & Control of Pollution) /\ct, I 974 to install the on line monitoring system by June 30,
20 1 5 and to submit bank guarantee of 1 00% of tho cost of on line effluent monitoring system; and

WHEREAS, CPCB has held slakeholder consultations with industrial association and
SPSBs/PCCs on 06.08.20 14, 1 9.09.2 0 1 4 , 29.09.20 1 4, 08. 1 0. 2 0 1 4, 1 6. 1 0.20 1 4, 09.0 1 .20 1 5,
08.04. 2 0 1 5 and I 6.06.20 1 5 regard ing lime bound i mplementation of installation of these devices;

WH EREAS, the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India, vidc Noti fications
No.S.0. 1 57(E) of 27.02. 1 996 and S.0.730(E) elated 1 0.07.2002, has delegated the powers vested
under Section 5 of the Environment (Protect ion) Act, 1 986 (29 of 1 986) to the Chairman, Central
Pollution Control Board, to issue directions to any industry or any local body or any other authority
for violations of the standards and rules notified under the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1 986
and amendment thereof; and

W H E R E A S , C P C B i s s ued s h o w c a u s e n o t i c e for c l o s u re d a t e d 2 1 . 0 6 . 2 0 1 6 t o M/s

Rennet Eastern Exports, (new name Omega International) Plot no. 2/B, Sarai Ram Rai, Jajmau,
Kanpur, UP (hereaHer referred as the Unit), that s h o w c a u s e why t h e U n i t s h o u l d not be
c l osed d o w n i f t h e U n i t has n o t c o m p l ie d fu l l y w i t h t h e d i rec t i o n i ss u e d by
S P C B i n c o m p l i a n c e to d i re c t i o n s i ss u e d by C P C B u n d e r Sec 1 8 ( I ) ( b ) of t h e
W a t e r ( Prev e n t i o n & C o n t ro l o f Po l l u t i o n ) A c t , 1 9 7 4 i n _ respect o f G P I w i t h
respect l o i ns t a l l a t i o n o f o n l i n e e ffl u e n t m o n i t o r i n g sys t e m ; a n d

W H E R E A S , C P C B i s s u e d c l o s u re d i rec t i o n d a t e d 2 3 . 0 5 . 2 0 1 7 to Mis Rennet Eastern

Exports, ( new name Omega International) Plot no. 2/B, Sarai Ram Rai, Jajmau, Kanpur, U P for
n o c o n n e c t i v i t y of on l i n e c o n t i n u o u s e ffl u e n t m o n i t o r i n g s y s t c m ( O C E M S ) ; a n d

W H EREAS, the Unit vide letters dated 3 1 .05.20 1 7 and 27.06.20 1 7 submitted the documents with
the photographs of on-l i ne now meter and requested to update new name in CPCB system.

Now therefore, in view of the above obst:rvations and in exercise of the powers delegated to the
Chairman, CPCB under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1 986 the closure d i rection
dated 23.0520 1 7 is hereby revoked and the Unit - M/s Rennet Eastern Exports, (new name Orncga
International) Plot no. 2/B, Sarai Ram Rai, Jajmau, Kanpur, UP is permitted to resume
manufacturing operations and directed to comply with the following:

I. The Unit w i l l inform immediately to C PCB, o n resumption o f manufacturing operations.

II. The Unit shall take necessary action to ensure that primary treated effluent discharged by the
U n it will comply the PETP standards / inlet to CETP standards and ensure regular compliance of
prescribed norms in future as per CETP effluent standards notified by Central Government vidc
Gazette notification dated O 1 .0 1 .20 1 6 under Environment (Protection) Rules, 1 986.

In case of failure of compliance with the above directions CPCB will be constrained to initiate
appropriate actions against the unit, without giving any further notice, in accordance with provisions
of Environment (Protection) Act, 1 986.

(S P S I N G H P A R I H A R )
Copy to:

1 M e m b e r S e c r e t a ry
Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board, F o r i n fo r m a t ion p i s .
Building No. 'J 'C- I 2V, V ibhuti Khancl, Gomli Nagar,
Lucknow - 226 0 1 0

2 A d v is o r ( C P D i v i s i o n ) F o r k i n d i n fo r m a t i o n
Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change pis.
Prilhvi Block, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan,
Jorbagh Road,
New D e l h i - 1 1 0 003

3 D is t rict M ag i s t ra t e F o r i n fo r m a t i o n p i s
Col lectorale Office, Dist. Kanpur,
Ka n p u r ( U P) 2 0 R O O 1

4 M a n ag i n g D i re c t o r With tltc request lo

Kanpur Electricity Supply Company Ltd., Reconnect electricity
Kesa House, 1 4/7 1 Civil Lines, supply

5 In-charge, Regional Office (North), F o r i n fo r m a t i o n .

Central Pollution Control Board,
PICUP Bhawan, Ground Floor,
Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar,
Lucknow - 226 0 1 0.

6 In-charge, IPC-III Div., CPCI3 Delhi F o r i n form a t i o n .

- In-charge, IT Division, CPCB F o r i n fo r m a t i o n

8 l n- drnrge, WQM-II Div., CPCB Del h i

Tnnncrics 0nli11c/ I PC'-I V /20 1 5- 1 6/ b\) July 27, 20 1 7
Mis Reem Tanners Pvt. Ltd,
Industrial Crowlh Centre,
I .nssiporn, l'ulwnma,
Kashmir - 1 92 305

Sub: Directions under Section S of t he Environment (Protection) Act, 1 986 regarding

installation of Online efllucnt monitoring system.
W I IER l:::/\S, lilt> t:rnnery industries are identified as one of the 1 7 categories or highly polluting
industril.s which have been discharging environmental pollutants d i rectly or indirectly into the wntcr,
hnving puluntinl thrent to cause adverse effect on the water qual ity; and
W H l:.:.RAS, tl1cn.; is nc<.:d to inculcate habit of self-monitoring with in the industries for complying with
the prescribcd st.indarcls, and this can be achieved by the methods l i ke install ing onl ine effluent and
emission mon itori11g devices; nnd
W H ER.LiAS, Central Pol lution Control Board (CPCR) issued Directions under section 1 8 ( I ) (b) of the
Water ( Prevention and Control or Pollution) /\cl, 1 974 on February 05, 20 1 4 to all Sate Pollution
Control Boards (SPCBs)/ Pollution Control Committees (PCCs) for installation of Online Continuous
r.rnucnt Monitoring System (OCEMS) in Ti,tnnry I ndustry for on line measurement of Flow, pl I, TSS,
l30D and COD parameters and connecting and upload ing the monitoring data to SPCRs/ PCCs and
CPC'l1 by March 3 I , 20 1 5;
W H ER E/\S, CPCl1 clarifil.:d vidc guidelines datd November 7, 20 1 4 uploaded on CPCl:3 website that
flow meter and web camera may be installed in case of Units with zero l iquid discharge (ZLD) by
March 3 I , 20 1 5 and vidc FAQs posted on C PCB website in September 20 1 5 thnt CETP member units
sh al I instfl 11 011 ly 011 I ine electromagnetic flow meter and web camera; and

W I --! ER I : AS, considering the requests/representat ions received from industries/ industrin I assoc iations/
SPCBs/PC' Cs. C ' PCI v idc directions dated March 02, 20 1 5 issued under Section 1 8 ( I ) (b) or the Water
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) /\ct, 1 974 granted an extension of time up to June 30, 20 1 5 for
installation of on l ine monitoring systems;
W H E IU-:AS. Chairman, CPCB vide letter dated May 29, 20 1 5 issued to all the SPCl:3s/ PCCs informed
that 1 1 0 rurthcr extension or time w i l l be given after June 30, 20 1 5 and that withdrawal or consent lo
operate along with rorfciture of hank guarantee of non-con1plying Units will be the only option; and
WI IEREAS, in exercise of the powers delt:gatecl to the Chairman, Central Pollution Control Board
under Section 5 or the Environment (Protection) Act, 1 986, a Show-cause Notice for closure cum
Directions elated 22.7.20 1 5 was issued to tan nery industries including your U n i t Mis Reem Tnnners Pvt.
Ltd, I ndustrial Growth Centre, Lassipora, Pulwama, Knsh mir - 1 92 305 (hereafter referred as "Unit'") for
non-instnllation of Online Continuous Effluent Monitoring System by J une 30, 20 I S nnd directed for
compliance of thc following within l S days:
I. The Unit shall submit documentary evidence regarding status of installation of Online cfn11ent
1nu11itoring syste111.
2. The Unit shnll s11b1 1 1 i t the status on connectivity for submission of on line 24 X 7 monitoring data ,
to SPCBs/PCCs and CPCB.
Contd . . . 2/-
3. The Unit shall submit the above details as per Annexurc-1 :
a) By E-mail to email id - 1,,_1,;_1 11s.c111.:b1a:ni(.111.
b) Ry speed post lo the Member Secretary, Central Pollution Control Roard.
c) 13y uploading the data on the l ink provided on CPCB Website (.\vw,, .<.:rt.:h.nil2,JJJ).

WHEREAS, it was observed from the reply to the above notice and the information received from
SPCB that the Unit has not installed online effluent monitoring system;
WHEREAS, tanneries which are covered under 1 7 categories of highly pollution industries irrespective
of size and location have to install Online Continuous Effluent Monitoring Equipment as per the
directions and ensure connectivity with CPCB;
WHEREAS, the Unit having connected with Common Efnucnt Treatment Plant (CETP) was required
to ensure data connectivity of Flow and web camera with CPCB; and
WHEREAS, Chairman, CPCB in exercise of the powers delegated, under section 5 of the Environment
(Protection) At, l 986, issued final closure notice to the Unit vie.le letter dated 1 0 . 1 2.20 1 6 to install
Onl ine Continuous Efnuent Monitoring Equipment and provide data connectivity to CPCB Central
Portal by January 3 I , 20 I 7; and
WI IERF./\S, the Ul1it did not submit any reply to the final closure notice; and
WI IEREJ\S,in v iew of the failure of the U nit to comply with CPCB's directions dated 1 0. 1 2.20 1 6,
Chairman, CPCB issued closure directions under section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1 986
to thtJ Unit - M/s Reem Tanners Pvt. Ltd, Industrial Growth Centre, Lassiporai Pulwama, Kashmir -
1 92 305, vide letter dated 1 7.3.20 1 7;
W HEREAS, the Unit vide letters dated 1 1 .7.20 l 7 and 1 2 .07.20 l 7 has responded to the above cited
CPCB closure directions, that the Unit is a CbTP member and has installed and commissioned online
web camera and now meter and provided self-certificate of closure, URL, User Id and Password to
access thtJ data ofonline effluent monitoring system and requested to revoke the closure directions; and
WHEREAS, the connectivity of flow 111ctcr'to CPCB servcr is confirmed by CPCB, IT Division;

NOW THEREFORE, in view of the compliance of the CPCB directions by the Unit and in exercise of
the powers delegated to the Chairman, Central Pollution Control Board under Section 5 of the
Environment ( Protection) /\ct, 1 986 the closure directions dated 1 7.3.20 1 7 arc hereby revoked and the
industry is hereby permitted to restart the manufacturing operations and shall ensure compliance with
the prescribed discharge norms.
In case of default in compl iance with the above directions by the U n it, CPCB will be
constn1incd to initiate appropriate action against the Unit, without giving any further notice, 111
acco1 dance with pr0visio11s of the Environment (Protection) /\ct, 1 986.

(S.P. Singh Parihar)
Copy to:
I. Chairman, : for necessary action, please
J&K State Pollution Control Board,
Parivesh 11hawan, Forest Complex,
Gladni, Narwal Transpmt Nagar, Jammu (J&K)
Contd . . . 3/-

2. District Magistrate, : for necessary action, please

Pulwama, Jamrnu & Kashmir
3. Superintending Engineer, : with a request to provide
J&K State Power Development Corporation, elechicity supply
Electric Maintenance & Rural Electrification Wing,

4. Advisor (CP Division), : fo1 information, J>lease

Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Indira Paryavaran Bhavan, Jorbagh Road
New Delhi - 1 1 0 003

5. Regional Director, : for information, please

Central Pollution Control Board
Regional Office (
Ground Floor, P!CU P Bhawan
V ibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar
J ,uck ow - 226 0 I 0

: for information pleas

(A.B. A kolkar)
Mcm her Secretary

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