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PLACEMENT 4a Read and complete the text.

Roger Federer was born on 8th August, 1981 in Basel, Switzerland, and is now an international tennis star.
He is one of the best tennis players in the world.
Roger (1) ____ dark brown hair and brown eyes and is 186cm tall. He lives in Oberwil in Switzerland.
He has one sister. (2) ____ name is Diana and she lives in Basel, a big city in Switzerland. Roger is an
excellent tennis player and he can also (3) ____ three languages: French, German and English. He even
talks to journalists in all three languages.
What (4) ____ he do in his free time? He likes playing cards, cricket, table tennis and other sports. He
loves movies, music and his Playstation too. He also (5) ____ being with his friends, sitting on the beach
and eating. He really likes Italian (6) ____ like mozzarella di buffala, gnocchi and Gorgonzola cheese. His
favourite ice cream is strawberry. And his favourite people are friendly and helpful people who smile a
Of course, he doesnt have lots of time to enjoy all his hobbies. He practises tennis and
(7) ____ to the gym every day, and often
(8) ____ in tennis competitions around the world. He also spends time helping people who need help. (9)
____ 2003, he started an organization, the Roger Federer Foundation, to make money for people like the
tsunami victims. (10) ____ says, It's nice to be important, but it's important to be nice.

4b Complete the information about Roger.

1 Birthday: _______________________________________
2 Town: _______________________________________
3 Number of brothers/sisters: ____________________________________
4 Languages: _______________________________________
5 Two of his hobbies: _______________________________________
6 One of his favourite foods: _______________________________________
7 What he does every day: _______________________________________
8 Name of his organization: _______________________________________

4c Answer the questions about Roger.

1 Why is he very busy?
2 How does his organization help people?

TERM FINAL 5a Read the text and choose the correct option A, B, C or D.
Visiting London - Tips for Visitors
London is a huge city. What should you see if you only have a couple of days? Here are some ideas.
Go on a boat trip. The River Thames runs (1) _____ the centre of London and there are many famous buildings
(2) _____ the sides of the river. A relaxing way to see the city is to take a boat trip (3) _____ the Palace of
Westminster, the London Eye, the Tate Modern Museum and St. Pauls Cathedral. Youll see all the famous sights
while youre sitting comfortably and taking photos. Of course, if its raining it isnt so great.
Visit the London Eye. This is one of the most popular sights in London. Youll get an (4) _____ view of London
from the top. You (5) _____ get there early because (6) _____ often long queues, especially in the summer holidays
or book online and you wont have to queue. But dont go if you are scared of heights its one of the (7) _____
structures in London!
Go to a festival. Many people have heard of the Notting Hill Carnival, but its not the only street part in London.
Why not visit London during the Mayor's Thames Festival (8) _____in mid-September each year and is all about
bringing people together. There's a carnival atmosphere to the two-day festival with street entertainment, art, music
and dance performances along the banks of the river. And you (9) _____ buy tickets all this fun entertainment is
free. On the last night, there's a parade of dancers and musicians in colourful costumes who walk slowly along the
river and (10) _____ there is a massive fireworks display which lights up the river with a dazzling show of colour.
Large (11) _____line up along the river to see the fireworks display, but dont worry theres usually (12) _____
space for everyone!
These are just a few ideas of what to do. Come to London and see for yourself exactly how much there is on offer in
the UKs biggest city.
1 A in B through C between D on
2 A along B across C into D beside
3 A on B past C through D along
4 A amazing B amazed C exhausting D exhausted
5 A have B should C shouldnt D can
6 A it is B is C are D there are
7 A tall B tallest C most expensive D dangerous
8 A that B it is C which is D which it is
9 A must B have to C mustnt D dont have to
10 A first B next C after that D while
11 A crowds B people C musicians D cars
12 A a lot B too much C many D enough

5b Read the text again and answer the questions.

1 Who is this text for? ________________________________________
2 Why is a boat trip a good way to see London? _______________________________________
3 How can you avoid the queues at the London Eye?___________________________________
4 What can you see from the top of the London Eye?___________________________________
5 Where does the Mayors Festival take place?
6 How long is the festival?________________________________________
7 How much does a festival ticket cost?________________________________________
8 What happens on the last night of the festival?_____________________________________
TERM 1-3

1 Read the text and complete with one word in each gap.
Carnival in Cadiz
Pack your bag and go to the south of Spain for the (1) ___________ time of your life. (In fact, you might
want to cover your ears because its so loud). Carnival in Cadiz is starting soon, and you shouldnt (2)
___________ one moment of the fun.
They say that Carnival in Cadiz is the third
(3) ___________ carnival celebration in the world (after Rio de Janeiro and Trinidad). People from all over
Europe (4) ___________ to Spain to enjoy the fun of the ten-day carnival.
Cadiz is a quiet city in Andalusia except when it holds Spain's (5) ___________ party (maybe not as
good as Rio, but theres still time!). The fun (6) ___________ in the 17th century, when the city of Cadiz
decided that because there
(7) ___________ carnival celebrations in Venice and Genoa in Italy it should have a carnival too. Spanish
ships at that time (8) ___________ back to Cadiz from the New World with gold and silver, and also with
lots of different kinds of music you can still hear today mixed with local Andalusian and traditional
flamenco music.
The people of Cadiz put up stages all over the city. There are various groups of performers but the
chirigotas are perhaps the most famous stage performers. They sing about current events and make fun of
politicians. Groups called choirs walk around the streets entertaining people with their funny songs and
fancy costumes. Then there (9) ___________ rock concerts in the cathedral square with some of Spain's
most popular groups, and there is a huge firework display every night in San Juan de Dios Square.
See the parades with their fantastic costumes, (10) ___________ to Parque Genrives for carnival rides,
or enjoy some time with your friends and join the crowds of dancers in the streets. At the Cadiz Carnival,
theres something for everyone. Come to Cadiz its party time!

2 Choose True or False and give reasons for any false answers. Then answer the
1 The Cadiz carnival is the biggest in the world. True / False
2 Only Spanish people go to this carnival. True / False
3 Cadiz is always noisy. True / False
4 The Cadiz carnival was the first one in Europe. True / False
5 At the carnival you hear music from South America and Spain. True / False
6 The fireworks are quite small. True / False
7 The chirigotas are a group of politicians. True / False
8 How long does the carnival last? ______________________________________
9 Name three things that you can watch at the carnival. _____________________________________
10 Why is carnival in Cadiz fun? ____________________________________

TERM 4-6 good hear interested love make make do never see not like see tell say
8 Read the text and complete with the correct words.
Have you ever (1) ___________ of Steven Spielberg? Of course you have. Hes probably the most famous
film director in the world. Hes made hit films like E.T., Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Jurassic Park,
Schindlers List. But do you know the secret of his success?
Steven Spielbergs characters are often very ordinary, but his camera shots never are. He loves (2)
___________ special effects, and he only uses the (3) ___________ and the latest. And look at the way he
plays with light. This is what makes his films amazing we see things we (4) ___________ before.
But he does something more. He can
(5) ___________ us feel like children again. He makes us feel frightened, or excited, or safe. He lets us see
the world through the eyes of a child a child who experiences danger but is protected from danger.
Steven Spielberg sometimes (6) _______ people a story about his father. One day his father woke him
up in the middle of the night and told him to get in the car. He refused to
(7) __________ Steven where they were going, and Steven felt afraid. They drove into the country and
then when they got out of the car they lay down on the ground and looked at the sky. For the first time,
Steven (8) ___________ stars, planets and meteors. He loved it.
It is this feeling of being frightened and amazed and safe that Spielberg creates in his films. Some
people (9) ___________ his films. They say he uses too many special effects and is more interested in the
camera than a good story. But his best films have the power to touch our feelings and make us hope. For
instance, in the Indiana Jones films the professor always manages to save the day and in the Jurassic Park
series the good guys survive against all odds. On a more serious level, in Saving Private Ryan and
Schindlers List he deals with the subject of war realistically but enables a ray of hope to shine through. He
is a great director and there is no doubt that his particular vision has had a major (10) ______ on cinema in
the twentieth century.

9 Read the text again and choose True or False. Give reasons for the false answers then
answer the questions.
1 One of his films is called E.T. True / False ___________________________________
2 Most of his characters are unusual people. True / False ___________________________________
3 He uses the camera in unusual ways. True / False __________________________________
4 He uses light to get different results. True / False ___________________________________
5 His films are only for children. True / False ___________________________________
6 Steven never tells stories about his father. True / False _________________________________
7 Steven was afraid of his father. True / False __________________________________
8 How does Spielberg make us feel when we watch his films? _________________________________
9 Does everyone like Spielbergs films? Why?/Why not? __________________________________
10 What does the writer say about Spielberg at the end of the article?

TERM 7-8

10 Read the text and complete with suitable words and phrases.
Sandra is going to evening classes this year. She wants (1) ________________ Spanish but her school
doesnt teach it, they only offer French and German. Shes interested in Spanish because she loves Spain
and would like (2) ________________ a tour guide there when she leaves school. Shes particulary keen to
visit Madrid, Barcelona and Granada, cities which are full of historical sites and cultural activities. They all
have lots of opportunities in the tourism industry and need people who speak Spanish and English, and
another language if possible.
(3) _______________ you speak a language really well you can often find a good job with a travel
company, and thats what she has
(4) ________________ to do. She writes emails to a Spanish friend, and on her next holiday shes going to
work in Spain (5) ___________ her spoken language better. She has already sent several application letters
to large tour companies as shes trying to get a job organized in advance. Shes had a few replies already.
Shes going to take an exam in Spanish (6) ________________ she can get a better job. (7)
________________ you get good exam results, its easier to find a job. And when you
(8) ________________ hard at something, you are usually successful, so Sandra should get the job that she
But her friends think shes crazy. When you study a lot, you cant often (9) ________________ with your
friends. But she doesnt care. In fact, when she (10) ________________ to them, she sends them emails in

11 Read the text again and choose True or False. Give reasons for the false answers. Then
answer the questions.
1 Sandra is learning Spanish. True / False ___________________________________
2 Sandra is sure about what kind of job she wants. True / False ___________________________________
3 She wants to go to Spain to visit a Spanish friend. True / False
4 Sandras friends think she has the right idea. True / False
5 She sees her friends quite often. True / False

6 What languages does Sandras school teach?

7 Which places in Spain does she want to visit and why?
8 What ideas does she have for improving her Spanish?
9 Why is she going to take an exam in Spanish?
10 Does Sandra mind that her friends think she is crazy?

9a Read the text and answer the questions.

Birthdays around the world
South America
In some countries, a girl's 15th birthday is very important. It is called the Quince Aos. Usually the girl, the
quinceaera, and her family go to church and the girl lights her parents' candles with her own candle. Then
her parents light the candles of their parents, and so on.
Children in Argentina get a pull on their ear for their birthday. Traditionally, theres one pull for each year of
their life.
In Brazil, children often eat sweets in the shape of fruits and vegetables and the house is decorated with
banners and paper flowers.
In Mexican birthday celebrations piatas are very important. Piatas are paper shapes with sweets and
small toys inside. At birthday parties, children close their eyes and hit the piata until it breaks. When it
breaks, all the presents fall onto the floor and everyone tries to get one. People believe that the child who
breaks the piata has good luck.
Hong Kong
In Hong Kong and some other Chinese communities, people eat special noodles for lunch on their birthday.
The noodles are very long as people think this brings a long life.
Danish people put the country's flag outside their home to show that someone in the family is having a
birthday. Before a birthday, parents put presents around their childrens beds in the middle of the night.
When the children wake up on the morning of their birthday, the presents are the first thing they see.
Norwegian children dance in front of their class with a friend while the rest of the students sing a happy
birthday song. Like the Danes, they also put a flag up outside their homes and also outside the school.

1 Where do people pull on part of the birthday childs body? ______________________

2 Where do children get toys from a paper shape? ______________________
3 Where do children eat a special meal? _______________________
4 Where do children find presents round where they sleep? ____________________
9b Now complete the sentences.
1 People put up a ________ outside their home in _____________.
2 In Mexico, the children ________ thepiata until it __________ and the sweets fall out.
3 The __________ birthday is important for girls in ______________________.
4 Children dance in front of their _______on their birthday in _____________________.
5 In South America, on a girls fifteenth birthday, the family goes to ___________ and the girl lights a
6 Children eat ________ and ________ shaped sweets in Brazil.

U 3 9aRead the text. Number the paragraphs in the correct order.

A ____
In 1946, when he was 25, Morita and his friend Masaru Ibuka started a small radio repair company. In 1949
the company developed recording tape and in 1950 sold the first tape recorder in Japan. In 1957 it
produced a pocket-sized radio and a year later changed its name to Sony. In 1960 it produced the first
transistor television in the world.
B ____
As a child, he enjoyed playing with electronic products, and mathematics and physics were his favourite
subjects at school. He studied physics at Osaka Imperial University.
C ____
Morita managed Sony and through his ideas, products like the Walkman and the video-cassette recorder
were born. He was always full of curiosity and energy in everything he did he started skiing, tennis and
scuba diving when he was more than 50 years old! He died at the age of 78 in 1999.

D ___
Also in 1960, Sony Corporation of America started in the United States. In 1968, the company entered the
music software business. Then in 1979, it entered the finance business. In 1988 it bought CBS Records Inc.,
and the following year Sony bought Columbia Pictures Entertainment, Inc.
Akio Morita was born in Japan on January 26, 1921, in the city of Nagoya, to a family of beer makers. As a
student, Akio often went to his familys company meetings with his father and helped with the family

9b Answer the questions.

1 When was Akio born? _____________________
2 What did the company sell in 1950?_____________________
3 When did they give the company the name Sony? _____________________
4 What was Akio like? ________________________
5 How old was Akio when he died? __________________

U4 9 Read the text and choose True or False. Give reasons for false answers. Then
answer the five questions.

Some facts about soap operas

Soap operas started on US radio in the 1920s and then moved into television in the 1940s.
In the USA in the 1940s, 90% of daytime programmes were soap operas.
The name soap opera comes from the ads that they often broadcast during soaps ads for washing
products and other things you needed to clean your home. The programme makers thought that the
people who watched soap operas were women working at home.
In soap operas, the story never ends at the end of an episode. It always continues in the next episode.
Most soaps follow a group of characters who live or work in one special place. They follow the day-to-
day lives of these characters, who are like us, ordinary people except that soap opera characters are
usually more handsome, beautiful and rich.
Most soap operas are about love and relationships.
The US soap opera The Guiding Light started in 1937 and still continues. There are many long-running
soaps in other countries too.
Many American celebrities started their acting careers in soaps. For example, Demi Moore was in
General Hospital in 1982 and 1983, and George Clooney starred in E.R.
In recent years, television soaps made in Latin America, India, Great Britain, Australia, and other
countries, have become popular all over the world.
The main difference between todays and yesterdays soap operas is the use of more exotic locations
and unusual storylines nowadays. The recent popular US soap Passions, for example, included a
character with magical powers.
Soap operas are the most popular kind of television drama in the world today.

1 They first broadcast soaps on TV. True/False


2 Soaps were not very popular in the USA in the 1940s. True/False

3 The stories in soaps begin in one episode and finish in the next. True/False

4 In most soaps, action usually happens in one town or place. True/False


5 Storylines today are the same as they were in the past. True/False

6 When did the first soaps begin?


7 Why are the called soaps?


8 What are the people in soaps like?


9 What are most soap operas about?


10 Are soap operas still popular today?

U5 8 Read and complete the letter with the correct words.

Dear Emma,
Im just writing to tell you about the great day we had yesterday. We went shopping in London. I know
you love doing that!
(1) ____ we got a bus from Kensington (2) ____ Oxford Street. That was good because we went
past Hyde Park and saw all the beautiful green trees and gardens. Then the bus turned into Oxford Street,
so we got off. From the bus stop, we walked (3) ____ the road to the other side and went into Selfridges,
the big department store. I didnt buy anything there because it was all too expensive. My mother gave (4)
____ some money, but not enough for really expensive things. But then we turned right into a small street
between Oxford Street and Piccadilly, and I bought a shirt and some bangles. Theyre very nice. Ill show (5)
____ them next time we meet. Then we went and had some lunch. (6) _____ lunch we went to the cinema.
By the end of the day, we were very tired because we walked up and (7) ____ Oxford Street twice, and its
very long. But what an exciting day!
How are you? Write soon!

U6 9 Read the texts, choose the correct person for questions 1-7. Then answer the other three questions.

Toby Mitra
My favourite place is Hong Kong. I love it. Its so The place I like most is New Zealand it really is
beautiful its on the sea, with mountains all around beautiful. Its very green, has lots of mountains and
and its full of shops and high buildings. Hong Kong snow and beaches, and the weather is good too. The
never sleeps its always busy and always crowded. people are friendly and the country isnt crowded.
Some people dont like that but I do. It means you Thats what I like lots of big, empty spaces. You can
can always do things and meet people. And at eat well in New Zealand too lots of fish and meat.
weekends you can go to the mountains and visit the And theres so much to do there. You can go sailing,
country parks or the beaches on the small islands. walking, skiing, surfing, swimming all in one day if
Hong Kong is great a big, fast city and lovely, quiet you want! And the wild animals are fantastic,
country but its very, very hot. especially the sea animals like the whales.

Anys Nicholas
My favourite place? I dont know. I like lots of things I know the place that I like best its where I live. It
in lots of places. There are the waterfalls in isnt beautiful, it isnt exciting, there arent lots of
Zimbabwe Victoria Falls. Theyre really spectacular. things to do, there arent lots of monuments to look
Then I love the Taj Mahal in India because its so at, but I know it and I know lots of the people. I
beautiful and so romantic. I like Bangkok too know where I can go to meet my friends, where the
because I love shopping in all its markets and its a best shops are, what time the cinema starts, where
big, busy city, and I love eating there too. Thai food is all my friends live. This is very boring, I know, but
so good. And Egypt with all its fabulous monuments. thats fine. The place I like best is my home town. I
No, I dont have a favourite place. I want to travel like travelling but I always want to come back here.
until Ive seen all the countries in the world!

1 Who loves city life?

2 Who likes exotic food?
3 Who is happy staying at home?
4 Who loves seeing the wild animals?
5 Who hasnt found his/her favourite place yet?
6 Who doesnt like places with too many people?
7 Who doesnt really like the weather?
8 Which place has a good market?
9 Which place is good for outdoor activities? Why? _______________________________
10 Which place is always full of people?

U7 Read the text, choose True or False and give reasons for any false answers. Then answer the

Hi Mike!
Ive just had the most fantastic experience of my life. We went to Lapland! It was a school trip (one
week instead of school) and it was fantastic. We went reindeer spotting with a Sami guide. He took us into
the tundra where we walked for ages in the freezing cold, but suddenly, in the middle of all the empty
snow, we saw a huge herd of reindeer. Probably about four hundred!
We visited a traditional Sami camp too. We saw people making knives and leather clothes and houses
all from reindeer. Their houses seemed really warm and comfortable. We also went on a sled ride with
husky dogs with a driver. The dogs look wild, but theyre not. We went really fast and it was so exciting,
and guess what we found Father Christmas. He was hiding behind a tree (only joking!).
Late one afternoon we drove north and stayed there deep in the Arctic Circle. We didnt experience the
midnight sun that only happens in summer but we saw the most amazing Northern Lights. They were
fantastic, absolutely stunning. You see so many colours dancing around the sky.
But I think the best thing was we stayed in an ICE hotel. Can you believe it a hotel made just of ice?
You sleep on ice beds, you sit on ice chairs OK, with reindeer skins on top, and dont worry the hotels a
nice, warm 5C! The hotels in a place called Jukkasjrvi. Its very small and quiet with just a museum and
a restaurant. But the museums really interesting. It has an exhibition about the Sami way of life.
This was absolutely the best trip Ive ever been on. Go there too you really must.

1 Hannah went to Lapland in the school holidays. True/False


2 They didnt find the reindeer quickly. True/False


3 The Sami houses are made from reindeer skins. True/False


4 Hannah drove a sled. True/False


5 They visited the Arctic Circle in the summer. True/False


6 Hannah was frightened by the Northern Lights. True/False


7 The hotel was warm and cosy. True/False


8 Where did Hannah see the reindeer?


9 What is Jukkasjrvi like?


10 What was Hannahs favourite part of the trip and why?

U8 10a Read the text and number the paragraphs in the correct order.
Changes in the process of producing music
A __ Because producers were now so important in making music, many artists and singers decided to
become producers too. They began to write the music and produce it.

B __ But with the invention of tape recording this changed. Many small independent record studios started
and you paid for these studios by the hour. These studios had excellent equipment and some became very
big and famous. Everyone wanted to record in them.
C ____
C __ This happens now with hip-hop music. The record producers always write the background music and
do the work of a traditional record producer too. They make the music then give it to artists to add the
D 1 The process of producing music has changed a lot in the last hundred years. In the first half of the
twentieth century, big record companies produced music and a record producer was the person in charge
of the recordings. He/She chose the musicians and the people who worked the recording machines.
Sometimes he/she chose the songs for the artist, but songwriters wrote the music. Everyone worked in big
record studios.____
E __ The latest computer software has also changed the music business. Producers dont need studios now.
The software is cheap and you can use it on your home computer, so these days people often write, record
and produce hit music from their own homes.

F __ With the rise of the Internet the music business may well have to make more drastic changes. As well
as making music at home, people can now download songs from the Internet; an action that listeners
consider sharing and record studios consider stealing. Either way, its a situation that record studios need
to deal with but how will they meet this challenge? ____
G __ In these independent studios, record producers jobs were different. They chose the songs and wrote
the background music; they were in charge of the recording sessions; they also helped with the marketing
and selling of records. They became very important in the music production process.

10b Answer the questions.

1 What did record producers do in the 1940s? _______________________________________

2 What did record producers do in independent studios?

3 What is the process for hip-hop music these days?

4 Do artists rely on producers so much nowadays? Why/Why not?


1 8th August 2 Basel 3 one sister 4 French, German and English 5 playing cards/cricket/table
tennis/other sports 6 mozzarella di buffala/gnocchi/Gorgonzola cheese 7 plays tennis and goes to the gym
8 The Roger Federer Foundation
4c 1 Because he has to practice every day and play in competitions around the world.
2 It gives money to people who need help.

1B 2A 3B 4A 5B 6D 7B 8C 9D 10C 11A 12D
1 people coming to London for a short visit
2 because you can see a lot of sights while sitting comfortably
3 by buying / getting your tickets online
4 an amazing view of London
5 along the side of the River Thames
6 two days
7 Nothing, its free/you dont have to pay.
8 There is a parade (of dancers and musicians) and a big fireworks display.

TERM 1-3
1F; Rio is the biggest in the world./Cadiz is the third largest in the world.
2F; People from all over Europe go to this carnival.
3F; It is only noisy during carnival.
4F; There were carnivals in Venice and Genoa, in Italy
6F; The fireworks are very big.
7F; They are stage performers and they make fun of politicians.
8 It lasts ten days.
9 the chirigotas; the choirs; rock concerts; fireworks
10 There is a lot of music and dancing (everywhere). There are parades, fireworks and rides.

TERM 4-6
1 heard 2 using 3 best 4 have never seen/havent seen 5 make
6 tells 7 tell 8 saw 9 dont like/hate 10 influence
1T 2F; A lot of the characters in his films are ordinary people. 3T 4T
5F; They are for the whole family.
6F; He sometimes tells the story about his father taking him to look at the stars.
7F; He felt afraid because he didnt know where they were going.
8 He makes us feel like children again.
9 No. Some people think he is more interested in special effects than a good story.
10 The writer says that Spielberg/he has had a major/big influence on cinema in the twentieth/last
TERM 7-8 10
1 to study/learn 2 to be 3 If 4 plans 5 to improve
6 so 7 When 8 work 9 spend time/be 10 writes

1T 2T 3F; She wants to go to Spain to improve her Spanish. 4F; They think shes crazy.
5F; The text says that when you study hard you cant often find time to see your friends. This suggests she
doesnt see her friends often.
6 French and German
7 Madrid, Barcelona and Granada because they have a lot of historical sites and cultural activities.
8 She writes emails to Spanish friends, she wants to work in Spain and shes going to take an exam.
9 Because it will show she can speak Spanish. Because when you get good exam results you can often get a
better job.
10 No, she doesnt.
U 2 9a 1 Argentina 2 Mexico 3 Hong Kong 4 Denmark 9b 1 flag; Denmark 2 hit; breaks 3 fifteenth;
South America 4 class; Norway 5 church; candle 6 fruit; vegetable
U 3 9a A3 B2 C5 D4 E1 9b 1 January 26 1921 2 a tape recorder/the first tape recorder in Japan 3
1958 4 He was full of curiosity and energy. 5 He was 78 (years old).
U4 9
1F; They first broadcast soaps on the radio.2F; They were very popular as 90% of the programmes were
soaps. 3F; The stories continue over various episodes. 4T 5F; Storylines are more unusual and soaps are set
in more exotic locations nowadays. 6 In the 1920s 7 Because of the (washing product) ads that were
broadcast during the programmes. 8 They are usually more handsome, beautiful and rich than ordinary
people. 9 (They are about) love and relationships 10 Yes, they are.
U5 8 1 First 2 to 3 across 4 me 5 you 6 After 7 down
U6 9 1 Toby 2 Anys 3 Nicholas 4 Mitra 5 Anys 6 Mitra 7 Toby 8 Bangkok 9 New Zealand because you can go
sailing, walking, skiing, surfing and swimming all in one day if you want to. 10 Hong Kong

U7 91F; She went on the trip instead of going to school. 2T 3T 4F; She rode on a sled.
5F; She says we didnt experience the midnight sun that only happens in summer so we know they
went at some other time. 6F; She thought they were fantastic. 7F; The hotel was minus five degrees.
8 In the tundra./In the middle of the snow. 9 Its small and quiet. 10 She liked the ice hotel best because it
was so different/unbelievable.

U8 10a A4 B2 C5 D1 E6 F7 G3
1 They were in charge of the recordings, chose the musicians and sometimes chose the songs.
2 They chose the songs and wrote the background music, as well as being in charge of the recording
sessions and helping with marketing and selling.
3 The producer writes the background music and is in charge of the recording and then an artist adds the
4 No, because nowadays anyone can write, record and produce music at home due to cheap software.
Artists can be their own producers.

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