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Viva un caballero que se la pasaba peleando y rescatando damiselas que en ocasiones no queran que

las rescataran. Tena una esposa Julieta y un hijo Cristbal, la armadura del caballero era nica la quera
tanto al punto de que ya nunca se la quitaba. El caballero se la pasaba hablando solo de l; esto hart
tanto a Julieta que le dijo que si no se quitaba su armadura ella y su hijo se iran. Entonces el caballero
sali de su tierra en busca de ayuda ya que el solo no poda quitrsela, de pronto se encontr al bufn
Bolsalegre el cual le dijo que el nico que lo poda ayudar era el Mago Merln pero que el se apareca a
veces; esto le dio una nueva esperanza al caballero.

There lived a gentleman who spent fighting and rescuing damsels who sometimes did not want
to be rescued. He had a wife Julieta and a son Cristbal, the armor of the knight was unique he
wanted so much to the point that he never took it off. The gentleman was talking to him alone;
This fed so much to Julieta that he told her that if she did not remove her armor she and her
son would leave. Then the knight came out of his land for help, since he could not take it from
him; suddenly the buffoon Bolsalegre was found, who told him that the only one who could
help him was the Merlin Magician, but that he appeared at times; This gave the knight a new

Una maana cuando despert el caballero Merln estaba sentado bajo un rbol, el caballero le
dijo que haba estado perdido buscndolo a lo que el mago le respondi que toda su vida haba
estado perdido. El caballero le cont que quera quitarse su armadura y qued dormido,
cuando despert Merln le dio una copa de un extrao lquido que al principio le supo amargo,
despus dulce y al final delicioso: aquello que tomo era vida; la ardilla tritur la comida para
que el caballero pudiera comer a travs de la armadura. Merln le dijo que su armadura se la
haba puesto por miedo excusndose en las batallas, tambin que siempre estaba pidiendo
disculpas y quera que todos contestaran sus preguntas, poco a poco se volvi tan sensible que
escuch a los animales. Un da decidi mandarle una nota a Cristbal con una paloma llamada
Rebeca, cuando volvi traa una nota en blanco ya que su hijo no lo conoca lo suficiente como
para contestarle, el caballero llor hasta que se qued dormido.

One morning when the gentleman awoke. Merlin was sitting under a tree, the gentleman told
him that he had been lost looking for what the magician told him that his whole life had been
lost. The gentleman told him that he wanted to take off his armor and was asleep, when he
woke Merlin gave him a glass of a strange liquid that at first tasted bitter, then sweet and
finally delicious: what I take was life; The squirrel crunched the food so that the gentleman
could eat through the armor. Merlin told him that his armor had been made afraid of excusing
himself in the battles, also that he was always apologizing and wanted everyone to answer his
questions, little by little he became so sensitive that he listened to the animals. One day he
decided to send a note to Cristobal with a pigeon named Rebecca. When he returned, he was
carrying a blank note because his son did not know him well enough to answer him, the knight
cried until he fell asleep.

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