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Bowen 1

Adrienne Bowen

Mrs. Tallardy

English 121

20 October 2017

Quote Analysis; To Kill A Mockingbird

The diction, theme, and ultimately the structure of the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird,

by Harper Lee, impacts one's mind and perspective, and can even push one to step up and

become a better person. To Kill a Mockingbird was placed back into the 1930s, where

prejudices and racism strongly coated the state of Alabama, and others in the deep south.

Injustice and intense judgement lingered in the air of Maycomb county, the innocence of

children was simply deteriorated. After Jean Louise Finch, Scout, attends school for the first

day with Miss Caroline, as well as disputing with Walter Cunningham, she has placed negative

judgements on both. Atticus listens to Scout and her other judgements on many, and views this

as a learning experience, and explains;

You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view

Until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. (Lee 33)

Atticus Finchs wise words of wisdom set Scout in her place in the beginning of the book, to

follow the theme of bildungsroman on Scout and Jems journey throughout the remainder of the

novel. Atticus wished for the children, and all in Maycomb to view life situations in the eyes of

Boo Radley, a negro, and others in the town or even out. Perspective is highly significant in To

Kill a Mockingbird, in addition to life in the real world. Atticus reaches a strong title in society as

he is committed to not only seeing through his lenses, but the perspectives of others. For
Bowen 2

example, Atticus is unlike the other men in the trial of Tom Robinson. He proposes the right and

just ideas in defending the innocence of Tom Robinson falsely accused of rape, and convicted

due to the pigment of his skin. Scout and Jem follow in their fathers footsteps, and start to

wonder what is going through the minds of others in judging people, why Boo Radley will not

come out into the world of negativity. Everyone goes day to day in a different way, dealing with

obstacles some would never experience or comprehend. Before placing a judgement on someone,

place into consideration the tasks that may be altering their mindset and actions, and life overall.

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