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journal of medicine
established in 1812 april 18, 2013 vol. 368 no. 16

Reduced Cortisol Metabolism during Critical Illness

Eva Boonen, M.D., Hilke Vervenne, Ph.D., Philippe Meersseman, M.D., Ruth Andrew, Ph.D., Leen Mortier, Ph.D.,
Peter E. Declercq, Pharm.D., Ph.D., Yoo-Mee Vanwijngaerden, M.D., Isabel Spriet, Pharm.D., Ph.D.,
Pieter J. Wouters, M.Sc., Sarah Vander Perre, B.Sc., Lies Langouche, Ph.D., Ilse Vanhorebeek, Ph.D.,
Brian R. Walker, M.D., and Greet Van den Berghe, M.D., Ph.D.

A bs t r ac t

Critical illness is often accompanied by hypercortisolemia, which has been attrib- From the Clinical Division and Laboratory
uted to stress-induced activation of the hypothalamicpituitaryadrenal axis. How- of Intensive Care Medicine, Department
of Cellular and Molecular Medicine (E.B.,
ever, low corticotropin levels have also been reported in critically ill patients, which H.V., Y.-M.V., P.J.W., S.V.P., L.L., I.V., G.V.B.),
may be due to reduced cortisol metabolism. the Medical Intensive Care Unit, Depart-
ment of Internal Medicine (P.M.), and the
Department of Pharmacy (I.S.), KU Leuven,
Leuven; and the Department of Laboratory
In a total of 158 patients in the intensive care unit and 64 matched controls, we Medicine, Jessa Hospital, Hasselt (L.M.,
tested five aspects of cortisol metabolism: daily levels of corticotropin and cortisol; P.E.D.) both in Belgium; and the Centre
for Cardiovascular Science, University of
plasma cortisol clearance, metabolism, and production during infusion of deuterium- Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
labeled steroid hormones as tracers; plasma clearance of 100 mg of hydrocortisone; (R.A., B.R.W.). Address reprint requests to
levels of urinary cortisol metabolites; and levels of messenger RNA and protein in Dr. Van den Berghe, Clinical Division and
Laboratory of Intensive Care Medicine,
liver and adipose tissue, to assess major cortisol-metabolizing enzymes. KU Leuven, Herestraat 49, B-3000 Leuven,
Belgium, or at greet.vandenberghe@
Total and free circulating cortisol levels were consistently higher in the patients than This article was published on March 19,
in controls, whereas corticotropin levels were lower (P<0.001 for both compari- 2013, at
sons). Cortisol production was 83% higher in the patients (P=0.02). There was a
N Engl J Med 2013;368:1477-88.
reduction of more than 50% in cortisol clearance during tracer infusion and after DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1214969
the administration of 100 mg of hydrocortisone in the patients (P0.03 for both Copyright 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society.
comparisons). All these factors accounted for an increase by a factor of 3.5 in plasma
cortisol levels in the patients, as compared with controls (P<0.001). Impaired cortisol
clearance also correlated with a lower cortisol response to corticotropin stimulation.
Reduced cortisol metabolism was associated with reduced inactivation of cortisol
in the liver and kidney, as suggested by urinary steroid ratios, tracer kinetics, and
assessment of liver-biopsy samples (P0.004 for all comparisons).

During critical illness, reduced cortisol breakdown, related to suppressed expression
and activity of cortisol-metabolizing enzymes, contributed to hypercortisolemia and
hence corticotropin suppression. The diagnostic and therapeutic implications for
critically ill patients are unknown. (Funded by the Belgian Fund for Scientific Re-
search and others; numbers, NCT00512122 and NCT00115479;
and Current Controlled Trials numbers, ISRCTN49433936, ISRCTN49306926, and

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ritical illness, an example of se- as tracers; plasma clearance of 100 mg of hydro-
vere acute physical stress, is often accom- cortisone; urinary cortisol metabolites; and lev-
panied by hypercortisolemia that is pro- els of messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein in
portionate to the severity of illness.1,2 This liver and adipose tissue to assess major cortisol-
observation has traditionally been attributed to metabolizing enzymes.
stress-induced activation of the hypothalamic Excluded from the study were patients and
pituitaryadrenal (HPA) axis and increased corti- controls who had predisposing risk factors for
cotropin-driven cortisol production.3 However, HPA-axis dysfunction, who were receiving con-
this stress response may not be sufficient for a traindicated drugs, or who were undergoing ex-
good prognosis in patients with relative adrenal tracorporeal membrane oxygenation or therapy
insufficiency.4-7 Moreover, Vermes et al.8 reported with a circulatory-assist device (for details, see
only transiently elevated levels of corticotropin Methods Sections S1 and S2 and Table S2 in the
during critical illness, whereas cortisol levels re- Supplementary Appendix). All samples were
mained high, a paradoxical dissociation between stored at 80C.
cortisol and corticotropin levels that has also All study protocols were approved by the in-
been observed in other stress conditions.9 stitutional review board at KU Leuven. The study
In addition to alternative activators of cortisol protocol and statistical analysis plan are avail-
production, such as proinflammatory cytokines,9,10 able at No commercial entity provided
another explanation for hypercortisolemia in the support for this study. All participants or their
presence of suppressed corticotropin could be re- representatives provided written informed consent.
duced cortisol removal. The principal routes of
cortisol clearance occur in the liver (through A- CorticotropinCortisol Time Course
ring reductases [5-reductase and 5-reductase]) Morning blood samples were collected daily from
and kidney (through 11-hydroxysteroid dehy- 47 patients for 7 days after admission and from
drogenase type 2 [11-HSD2], which converts 12 controls (Table 1). Samples were collected in
cortisol to cortisone). This removal is offset by prechilled EDTA tubes, placed on ice, and centri-
the regeneration of cortisol from cortisone fuged at 4C. Total levels of cortisol (Immunotech)
through 11-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type and transcortin (DiaSource) were quantified on
1 (11-HSD1) in liver and adipose tissue.11,12 The radioimmunoassay and corticotropin levels on
regulation of these enzymes is complex.12,13 In double-monoclonal immunoradiometric assays
addition, in critically ill patients, elevated circu- (Brahms Diagnostics).20,21
lating levels of bile acids could be powerful sup-
pressors of the expression and activity of cortisol- Plasma Cortisol Clearance and Production
metabolizing enzymes.14-17 We hypothesized that A total of 11 patients and 9 controls (Table 1) re-
cortisol metabolism is reduced during critical ill- ceived intravenous deuterated cortisol (D4-cortisol,
ness, contributing to sustained hypercortisolemia Cambridge Isotopes)22 as a 0.7-mg priming bolus,
with enhanced negative-feedback inhibition of followed by continuous infusion of 0.35 mg per
corticotropin. hour for 3 hours between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. to
achieve steady state in the circulation.11,23,24 After
Me thods 100 minutes of D4-cortisol infusion, participants
also received deuterated cortisone (D2-cortisone,
Study Design Cambridge Isotopes)25 as a 0.08-mg priming bolus,
To test our hypothesis, we performed five clinical followed by continuous infusion of 0.1053 mg
studies comparing 158 consecutively screened per hour. Blood samples were obtained 5 minutes
patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) with 64 before D4-cortisol infusion and at intervals of
demographically matched controls (Table 1, and 60, 120, 140, 160, 165, 170, 175, and 180 minutes
Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix, avail- after infusion. In preinfusion samples, plasma lev-
able with the full text of this article at NEJM els of corticotropin were measured (as described
.org).18,19 In these studies, we measured daily lev- above), and levels of tumor necrosis factor
els of corticotropin and cortisol; plasma cortisol (TNF-) and interleukin-6 were measured by means
clearance, metabolism, and production during of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Invitro-
infusion of deuterium-labeled steroid hormones gen). Plasma cortisol was quantified on liquid

1478 n engl j med 368;16 april 18, 2013

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Table 1. Characteristics of the Patients and Controls at Baseline in the Five Studies.*

Plasma Corticotropin Plasma Clearance Cortisol-Metabolizing Cortisol-Metabolizing

Characteristic Cortisol Time Course D4-Cortisol Tracer of Therapeutic Cortisol Enzymes in Urine Enzymes in Tissue

Patients Controls Patients Controls Patients Controls Patients Controls Patients Controls
(N=47) (N=12) (N=11) (N=9) (N=20) (N=8) (N=36) (N=15) (N=44) (N=20)
Male sex no. (%) 27 (57) 5 (42) 7 (64) 5 (56) 8 (40) 5 (62) 25 (69) 9 (60) 28 (64) 14 (70)
Age yr 63.718.0 60.44.7 68.58.3 62.64.1 64.413.2 60.34.3 66.410.8 61.18.3 71.212.0 70.411.6
Body-mass index 26.24.2 24.43.4 28.54.9 25.24.1 26.35.8 24.11.8 26.75.4 25.25.3 24.83.6 25.02.6
APACHE II score 2810 2911 347 316 299
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome 20 (43) 7 (64) 20 (100) 22 (61) 35 (80)
no. (%)
Sepsis no. (%) 16 (34) 5 (45) 15 (75) 17 (47) 26 (59)
C-reactive protein mg/liter 10786 199131 143106 10981 18591
Inotropes administered no. (%) 6 (13) 3 (27) 8 (40) 2 (7) 24 (55)
Vasopressors administered no. (%) 17 (36) 7 (64) 20 (100) 19 (53) 30 (68)
24-hr urine output liters 1.81.0 1.60.5 0.90.7 1.70.7 1.01.3
Blood lactate mmol/liter 0.930.28 1.180.35 2.542.84 1.271.85 3.501.16
Treatment with opioids no. (%) 28 (60) 10 (91) 15 (75) 16 (44) 34 (77)
Treatment with therapeutic anticoagulation 5 (11) 0 0 0 2 (6)

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no. (%)
Days in ICU no. 1816 2616 2432 2225 1417
Day of sampling in ICU no. 1 to 7 75 915 1017 1417
Death in ICU no. (%) 6 (13) 2 (18) 7 (35) 5 (14) 44 (100)
Reduced Cortisol Metabolism during Critical Illness

Copyright 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

* Plusminus values are means SD. ICU denotes intensive care unit.
The body-mass index is the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters.
Scores on the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) range from 0 to 71, with higher scores indicating a greater severity of illness.18
The presence of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome was determined by the criteria in Bone et al.19

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

chromatographytandem mass spectrometry. analyzed (for details, see Methods Section S8 in

Tracer analyses and calculations of cortisol ki- the Supplementary Appendix). Enzyme activity of
netics are described in Methods Section S3 in the 11-HSD1 and 5-reductase was determined in
Supplementary Appendix.11,25 Ten patients un- vitro in hepatic tissue, and activity of 11-HSD1
derwent a short corticotropin-stimulation test was determined in adipose tissue.31
(injection of 250 g) within 24 hours after tracer Total cortisol was quantified with the use of
infusion. chemiluminescence (Immulite 2000, Diagnostic
Products), and total bile acids were measured, as
Plasma Clearance of a Therapeutic described above.
Cortisol Dose
A total of 20 patients and 8 controls (Table 1) Statistical Analysis
received a 100-mg intravenous bolus of hydrocor- All data are presented as means SD or medians
tisone (Solu-Cortef). Blood samples were taken with interquartile ranges. We used Wilcoxon rank-
every 10 minutes for 1 hour and then every hour sum tests for data that did not have a normal
for 4 hours. Cortisol was quantified on radioim- distribution and unpaired Students t-tests for
munoassay, as described above, and pharmacoki- normally distributed data. Proportions were com-
netic characteristics were calculated (as described pared with the use of chi-square tests. Associa-
in Methods Section S4 in the Supplementary Ap- tions were analyzed with linear regression after
pendix). transformation to approximate normal distribu-
tion when required. We used analysis of variance
Activity of Cortisol-Metabolizing Enzymes to calculate the significance of Pearsons deter-
We collected 24-hour urine samples from 36 pa- mination coefficients (r2). A two-sided P value of
tients and 15 controls, followed by a morning less than 0.05 was considered to indicate statisti-
blood sample (Table 1). Patients requiring renal- cal significance. All statistical analyses were per-
replacement therapy were excluded. We used liq- formed with the use of JMP software, version 9.0.0
uid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry (SAS Institute).
to estimate levels of urinary cortisol, cortisone,
5-tetrahydrocortisol, 5-tetrahydrocortisol, and R e sult s
tetrahydrocortisone, which were quantified on gas
chromatographymass spectrometry.26 Activities Patients versus Controls
of A-ring reductases and 11-HSD enzymes were Differences between patients and controls applied
estimated (for details, see Methods Section S5 in to survivors and nonsurvivors and were not influ-
the Supplementary Appendix).26-30 Total bile acids enced by illness severity, illness duration at the
were quantified by means of enzymatic cycling time of blood or tissue sampling, or status with
(Diazyme Laboratories). respect to the use of opioids or anticoagulant
agents (Tables S2 through S6 in the Supplemen-
Tissue Expression of Cortisol-Metabolizing tary Appendix).
A morning blood sample was obtained on the last Plasma Corticotropin and Cortisol Time
ICU day, and liver and adipose tissue samples were Course
obtained immediately after death from 44 pa- In the presence of elevated total cortisol levels
tients (see Methods Section S6 in the Supplemen- (averaged over 7 days, P=0.01), patients had low-
tary Appendix). For comparison, tissue-biopsy er corticotropin levels than did controls (P<0.001)
and blood samples were collected from 20 con- (Fig. 1). Levels of cortisol did not correlate with
trols undergoing elective abdominal surgery (Ta- corticotropin levels. Mean levels of transcortin
ble 1). Tissue samples were snap-frozen in liquid were lower in the patients than in the controls,
nitrogen. with values for patients on day 1 of 31.610.4 mg
Total tissue mRNA was purified, complemen- per liter (P=0.001) and on day 7 of 47.411.6 mg
tary DNA was quantified in real time, and the per liter (P<0.001), as compared with a single mea-
results were analyzed (for details, see Methods sure of 67.88.7 mg per liter in the controls. As a
Section S7 in the Supplementary Appendix). West- consequence, calculated median free cortisol levels
ern blotting was performed and the results were were higher in the patients than in the controls,

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Reduced Cortisol Metabolism during Critical Illness

with values for patients on day 1 of 1.0 g per

deciliter (interquartile range, 0.4 to 2.7 [28 nmol A
per liter; interquartile range, 11 to 74]) and on 30 P=0.01

day 7 of 0.9 g per deciliter (interquartile range,

Plasma Cortisol (g/dl)

0.6 to 1.6 [25 nmol per liter; interquartile range, 20
17 to 44]), as compared with a single measure of
0.4 g per deciliter (interquartile range, 0.3 to 0.4
[11 nmol per liter; interquartile range, 8 to 11]) 10

in the controls (P0.001 for both comparisons). 5

Cortisol Kinetics during Infusion of Stable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Isotope Tracers Days in ICU
Steady-state levels and enrichments of D4-cortisol
and D2-cortisone were achieved from 60 minutes B
onward. In the patients, as compared with the con- 60 P<0.001

Plasma Corticotropin (pg/ml)

trols, endogenous cortisol levels were increased 50
by a factor of 3.5 (P<0.001), and the rate of ap- 40
pearance of cortisol (hereafter referred to as cor-
tisol production) was increased by 83% (P=0.02),
but preinfusion corticotropin levels were reduced 20
by 65% (P=0.03) (Fig. 2A, 2C, and 2D). There was 10
no significant difference in cortisol production
between patients who were treated with catechol- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
amines and those who were not treated with cat- Days in ICU
echolamines (2.71.3 mg per hour and 2.91.4 mg
per hour, respectively; P=0.86). Figure 1. Dissociation between Corticotropin and Cortisol
In the patients, as compared with the controls, Levels among Patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).
plasma levels of TNF- were increased by 49% Shown are mean values for cortisol (Panel A) and corti-
(P=0.001), and plasma interleukin-6 levels were cotropin (Panel B) in 47 patients from day 1 to day 7 in
increased by more than a factor of 200 (P<0.001). the ICU. The shaded area represents the interquartile
range of values in 12 healthy controls. The overall mean
Cytokine levels correlated positively with cortisol cortisol levels over the 7-day period were 16.87.8 g
production, with a coefficient of determination per deciliter (464215 nmol per liter) for patients and
of 0.26 for TNF- (P=0.02) and 0.30 for interleu- 11.92.3 g per deciliter (32863 nmol per liter) for con-
kin-6 (P=0.01); there also was a positive correla- trols (P=0.01). The overall mean corticotropin levels
tion after correction for corticotropin levels, with over the 7-day period were 16.99.5 pg per milliliter
(42 pmol per liter) for patients and 49.637.9 pg per
a coefficient of determination of 0.28 for TNF- milliliter (118 pmol per liter) for controls (P<0.001).
(P=0.03) and 0.30 for interleukin-6 (P=0.02). To convert values for cortisol to nanomoles per liter,
Consistent with these correlations was the find- multiply by 27.6. To convert values for corticotropin to
ing that patients with the systemic inflamma- picomoles per liter, multiply by 0.22. The I bars indicate
tory response syndrome19 had 90% higher corti- standard errors.
sol production than those who did not have the
syndrome (3.41.1 mg per hour vs. 1.81.1 mg ance was associated with evidence of adrenal
per hour, P=0.04); the latter value did not differ insufficiency in relation to reduced corticotropin
significantly from that of controls (P=0.39). stimulation. A lower cortisol response to corti-
In the patients, as compared with the controls, cotropin stimulation in the patients correlated
D4-cortisol levels during infusion were 57% both with lower cortisol production and with
higher (P=0.04) and plasma clearance of D4- lower D4-cortisol clearance (Fig. 2F and 2G).
cortisol was reduced by 53% (P=0.03) (Fig. 2B Patients with a cortisol response to corticotropin
and 2E). Reduced cortisol clearance did not cor- of less than 21 g per deciliter (579 nmol per
relate with markers of organ perfusion (Table S7 liter), a level that is considered indicative of ab-
in the Supplementary Appendix). solute adrenal insufficiency,32 had substantially
We tested whether decreased cortisol clear- lower D4-cortisol plasma clearance (0.150.02 li-

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14 4


Plasma D4-Cortisol (g/dl)

Plasma Cortisol (g/dl)

3 Patients

6 Controls


0 0









Minutes Minutes

P=0.02 P=0.03 P=0.03
Preinfusion Plasma Corticotropin

Plasma Clearance of D4-Cortisol

Rate of Appearance of Cortisol

3 0.6





1 0.2

0 0 0.0
Controls Patients Controls Patients Controls Patients

70 70
r2 =0.32 r2 =0.53
P=0.05 P=0.01
Plasma Cortisol (g/dl) 60 Min

Plasma Cortisol (g/dl) 60 Min

60 60
after Corticotropin Injection

after Corticotropin Injection

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1 2 3 4 5
Plasma Clearance of D4-Cortisol (liters/min) Rate of Appearance of Cortisol (mg/hr)

Figure 2. Results of Infusion of D4-Cortisol Tracer.

Shown are mean plasma levels of endogenous cortisol (Panel A) and D4-cortisol tracer (Panel B), which reached steady state during the
study period, in 11 patients and 9 controls. The I bars indicate standard errors. To convert values for D4-cortisol to nanomoles per liter,
multiply by 27.3. Also shown are the mean rate of appearance of cortisol (Panel C), mean preinfusion plasma corticotropin levels (Panel D),
and mean D4-cortisol clearance (Panel E). In Panels C, D, and E, the T bars indicate standard errors. Plasma clearance of D4-cortisol
(Panel F) and the rate of appearance of cortisol (Panel G) were correlated with plasma cortisol responses, measured for 60 minutes after
the injection of corticotropin (250 g) in the patients. In Panels F and G, the red lines indicate the regression lines, and the shaded areas
represent 95% confidence intervals.

ters per minute) than did patients who had a nor- tients with adrenal insufficiency (1.40.5 mg per
mal response to corticotropin (0.280.11 liters hour) was indistinguishable from that in controls,
per minute; P=0.01). Cortisol production in pa- whereas it was elevated (3.01.3 mg per hour) in

1482 n engl j med 368;16 april 18, 2013

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Reduced Cortisol Metabolism during Critical Illness

patients with a normal response to corticotropin as compared with the controls, and urinary excre-
(P=0.03). Circulating levels of cortisol before tion of cortisone was 73% higher in the patients
corticotropin stimulation were similar in these (P<0.001 for both comparisons). In contrast, levels
two groups of patients (9.51.5 g per deciliter of 5-tetrahydrocortisol and 5-tetrahydrocor
[26241 nmol per liter] and 11.56.5 g per deci- tisol were similar in patients and controls,
liter [317179 nmol per liter], respectively; P=0.51). whereas the level of tetrahydrocortisone was re-
Tracer analysis also allowed dissection of the duced by 69% in the patients (P<0.001) (Table S9
contribution of 11-HSD enzymes to altered cor- in the Supplementary Appendix).
tisol clearance.11,25 The patients had a lower net Decreased levels of 11-HSD2 were confirmed
rate of appearance of cortisone than the controls in the patients, in whom the ratio of urinary cor-
(0.070.02 mg per hour for every microgram per tisone to cortisol, which reflects the renal
deciliter vs. 0.140.07 mg per hour for every mi- 11-HSD2 level, and the ratio of 5-tetrahydro
crogram per deciliter, P=0.01). However, there cortisol and 5-tetrahydrocortisol combined to
was no significant between-group difference in tetrahydrocortisone, which reflects the conver-
the level of regeneration of cortisol by 11-HSD1, sion of cortisol to cortisone, was markedly al-
as measured by the rate of appearance of D3- tered in favor of cortisol (Fig. 3A and 3B). In
cortisol (0.420.12 mg per hour and 0.490.12 mg addition, the ratios reflecting activities of A-ring
per hour, respectively; P=0.23). These findings reductases were markedly reduced in the pa-
are consistent with impaired conversion of cor- tients, as compared with the controls (Fig. 3C,
tisol to cortisone by 11-HSD2. 3D, and 3E). Nonsurvivors had lower estimated
median 5-reductase activity than survivors (ratio
Plasma Clearance of Cortisol of 5-tetrahydrocortisol to cortisol, 0.6 [interquar-
We tested whether altered cortisol metabolism in tile range, 0.2 to 0.8] vs. 1.4 [interquartile range,
critically ill patients occurs at supraphysiological 0.8 to 4.2], P=0.01) but similar 5-reductase ac-
concentrations after the administration of thera- tivity (ratio of 5-tetrahydrocortisol to cortisol,
peutic hydrocortisone. The calculated plasma 1.2 [interquartile range, 0.2 to 2.5] and 1.9 [inter-
clearance after the administration of 100 mg of quartile range, 1.3 to 3.3], respectively; P=0.14).
hydrocortisone in the patients (0.040.02 liters Levels of total bile acids were increased by a
per minute) was 60% lower than that in the con- factor of 2.4 in the patients, as compared with the
trols (0.100.02 liters per minute, P<0.001), with controls (10.92.5 mol per liter [4.31.0 g per
a distribution volume that was 37% higher milliliter] vs. 4.61.8 mol per liter [1.80.7 g
(2210 liters vs. 165 liters, P=0.03) (Fig. S1 in per milliliter]) (P=0.04) and correlated inversely
the Supplementary Appendix). Cortisol clear- with urinary ratios reflecting A-ring reductase
ance was even more suppressed in nonsurvivors activities (Fig. 3F, 3G, and 3H).
(0.020.01 liters per minute) than in survivors
(0.050.03 liters per minute, P=0.03). Tissue Expression of Cortisol-Metabolizing
Activity of Cortisol-Metabolizing Enzymes To test the inferences from urinary metabolite
We addressed the contribution of 11-HSD en- ratios and tracer kinetics, we studied cortisol-
zymes and A-ring reductases to impaired cortisol metabolizing enzymes in tissue-biopsy samples.
clearance in the patients. There were no correla- Circulating levels of total cortisol in the patients
tions between urinary levels of cortisol metabo- were three times as high as those in the controls
lites and creatinine clearance or daily urine out- (24.3 g per deciliter; interquartile range, 19.6 to
put, which was similar in patients and controls 30.3 [670 nmol per liter; interquartile range, 541 to
(1936655 ml vs. 1713734 ml in 24 hours, 836] vs. 7.4 g per deciliter; interquartile range,
P=0.29).33,34 Analysis on liquid chromatography 4.9 to 14.7 [204 nmol per liter; interquartile range,
tandem mass spectrometry suggested substantial 135 to 406], P<0.001). Levels of total bile acids
changes in relative excretion of cortisol metabo- were substantially higher in the patients than in
lites (Table S8 in the Supplementary Appendix). the controls (P<0.001) (Fig. 4A) and correlated
These findings were further quantified on gas positively with cortisol levels (r2=0.26, P<0.001).
chromatographymass spectrometry, which In liver specimens from the patients, the mRNA
showed that the daily urinary excretion of corti- level and protein expression of 5-reductase were
sol was increased by a factor of 3.2 in the patients, reduced by 80 to 91%, as compared with controls

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

P<0.001 P=0.004 P<0.001 P<0.001 P<0.001

7 12

5-Reductase Activity (cortisone)

0.7 5 5

5-Reductase Activity (cortisol)

Overall 11-HSD Activity

6 0.6 10

5-Reductase Activity

11-HSD2 Activity
5 0.5 8
4 0.4 3 3
3 0.3 2 2
2 0.2
1 1 2
1 0.1

0 0.0 0 0 0





























1.0 r2 =0.17 1.0 r2 =0.38 r2 =0.26
5-Reductase Activity

5-Reductase Activity
5-Reductase Activity

P=0.009 P<0.001 P<0.001

(cortisone) (log10)
(cortisol) (log10)

0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0

0.5 0.5 0.0

1.0 1.0 0.4

0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6
Total Bile Acids (mol/liter) (log10) Total Bile Acids (mol/liter) (log10) Total Bile Acids (mol/liter) (log10)

Figure 3. Activity of Cortisol-Metabolizing Enzymes, as Estimated from Ratios of Cortisol Metabolites in 24-Hour Urine Samples.
Enzyme activities were estimated in 36 patients and 15 controls on the basis of urinary metabolites quantified with the use of gas chroma-
tographymass spectrometry. The overall activity of 11-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (11-HSDs) was calculated as the ratio of a combina-
tion of 5-tetrahydrocortisol and 5-tetrahydrocortisol to tetrahydrocortisone (Panel A), which reflects the relative balance of the cortisone
cortisol interconversion. The activity of renal 11-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11-HSD2) was estimated by calculating the ratio
of cortisone to cortisol (Panel B). The activity of 5-reductase was estimated by calculating the ratio of 5-tetrahydrocortisol to cortisol
(Panel C). The activity of 5-reductase was estimated by calculating the ratio of 5-tetrahydrocortisol to cortisol (in Panel D) and the ratio
of tetrahydrocortisone to cortisone (Panel E). In Panels A through E, the bars represent means, and the T bars standard errors. The lower
panels show the correlations of the level of total bile acids (in log10 values) with the activity of 5-reductase as estimated by calculating
the ratio of 5-tetrahydrocortisol to cortisol (Panel F), the activity of 5-reductase activity as estimated by calculating the ratio of 5-
tetrahydrocortisol to cortisol (Panel G), and the activity of 5-reductase as estimated by calculating the ratio of tetrahydrocortisone to
cortisone (Panel H). The red lines in the three lower panels indicate the regression lines, and the shaded areas represent 95% confi-
dence intervals.

(Fig. 4B and 4C), and enzyme activity was re- 0.36] vs. 1.01 [interquartile range, 0.66 to 1.65],
duced by 58% (0.022 pmol per minute per mil- P<0.001). (The mRNA data, which have been
ligram [interquartile range, 0.012 to 0.029]) vs. normalized for glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate-
0.053 pmol per minute per milligram [interquar- dehydrogenase [GAPDH] expression, are expressed
tile range, 0.033 to 0.067], P=0.01). The mRNA as the factor difference from the mean value for
level correlated positively with protein expression the controls.) The hepatic mRNA 5-reductase
of 5-reductase (r2=0.46, P<0.001), which in turn level also correlated negatively (albeit more
had a negative correlation with circulating corti- weakly than 5-reductase) with circulating bile
sol levels (Fig. 4D). The level of total bile acids acids (r2=0.22, P<0.001) and cortisol (r2=0.13,
correlated inversely with the mRNA level and pro- P=0.005).
tein expression of 5-reductase (Fig. 4E and 4F). Levels of 11-HSD1 mRNA in liver were re-
The liver mRNA level of 5-reductase was duced by 80% in patients, as compared with
reduced by 77% in patients, as compared with controls (ratio, 0.20 [interquartile range, 0.12 to
controls (ratio, 0.23 [interquartile range, 0.12 to 0.37] vs. 1.01 [interquartile range, 0.62 to 1.36],

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Reduced Cortisol Metabolism during Critical Illness

P<0.001 P<0.001 P<0.001
40 1.6 5

5-Reductase Protein
5-Reductase mRNA
30 1.2
Total Bile Acids

20 0.8

10 0.4

0 0.0 0
Controls Patients Controls Patients Controls Patients

1.8 1
P<0.001 P<0.001 1 P<0.001

5-Reductase Protein
5-Reductase mRNA

r2 =0.24 0 r2 =0.33 r2 =0.36

Cortisol (g/dl)



1.0 1

0.6 3 2

2 1 0 1 0.25 0.25 0.75 1.25 1.75 2.25 0.25 0.25 0.75 1.25 1.75 2.25
5-Reductase Protein (log10) Total Bile Acids (mol/liter) (log10) Total Bile Acids (mol/liter) (log10)

Figure 4. Tissue Expression of Cortisol-Metabolizing Enzymes in Relation to Circulating Levels of Cortisol and Bile Acids.
Shown are the results, for 44 patients and 20 controls, of studies evaluating total bile acids (Panel A), 5-reductase messenger RNA
(mRNA) (Panel B), and 5-reductase protein (Panel C). In Panels A, B, and C, the bars represent means, and the T bars standard errors.
The lower panels show the correlations of the 5-reductase protein level or total bile acid level (in log10 values) with the plasma level of
cortisol (Panel D), 5-reductase mRNA (Panel E), and 5-reductase protein (Panel F). The red lines in the three lower panels indicate re-
gression lines, and the shaded areas represent 95% confidence intervals. The mRNA data, which have been normalized for glyceraldehyde-
3-phosphate-dehydrogenase (GAPDH) expression, are expressed as the factor difference from the mean value for the controls. The pro-
tein data, which have been normalized for cytokeratin 18 protein expression, are also expressed as the factor difference from the mean
value for the controls.

P<0.001), whereas 11-HSD1 protein and en- Discussion

zyme activity were unaltered. These levels were
unrelated to the elevated cortisol levels, despite an In our study, elevated cortisol levels in critically
inverse correlation with bile acids (r2=0.26 for ill patients were only partially explained by an
mRNA, P<0.001; r2=0.16 for protein, P=0.005). increase of 83% in cortisol production, as com-
Levels of 11-HSD1 mRNA in adipose tissue pared with controls. Since corticotropin levels
were reduced by 73% in patients, as compared were paradoxically low in the patients, a pitu-
with controls (ratio, 0.27 [interquartile range, itary-independent mechanism was suggested. We
0.16 to 0.46] vs. 1.00 [interquartile range, 0.60 showed that impaired cortisol clearance contrib-
to 2.09], P=0.003) and by 82% in subcutaneous uted to hypercortisolemia, as suggested by stud-
adipose tissue (ratio, 0.18 [interquartile range, ies conducted in the 1950s before the advent of
0.07 to 0.30] vs. 1.00 [interquartile range, 0.56 ICUs.35,36 Reduced cortisol clearance could be ex-
to 2.17], P<0.001). These levels were unrelated to plained by suppressed levels of A-ring reductases
elevated cortisol levels, despite an inverse correla- and 11-HSD2.
tion with bile acids (r2=0.28 for subcutaneous In other circumstances of reduced cortisol me-
adipose tissue, P=0.008). Levels of 11-HSD1 tabolism, such as congenital 11-HSD2 deficien-
protein and in vitro enzyme activity in adipose cy,37 negative feedback on the HPA-axis results in
tissue were unaltered. compensatory down-regulation of cortisol secre-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

tion, with lower corticotropin levels and adreno- in vivo D3-cortisol generation were unaltered, so
cortical atrophy. Elevated levels and production it is unlikely that altered regeneration of cortisol
of cortisol in patients being treated in the ICU from cortisone played a role in the patients.
must reflect an ongoing stimulus to cortisol se- Although hypoperfusion of cortisol-metabo-
cretion. In the presence of low corticotropin lev- lizing organs could theoretically reduce cortisol
els, increased sensitivity to corticotropin might breakdown, this factor does not explain our find-
play a role. However, this seems unlikely during ings. In contrast, bile acids are known to be com-
critical illness, since cortisol responses to corti- petitive inhibitors and transcriptional suppressors
cotropin stimulation are not increased. More likely of cortisol-metabolizing enzymes.13-15 Observa-
candidates are neuropeptides, catecholamines, or tions in patients and animals with cholestasis
cytokines,10 especially since cytokine levels were support the inhibition of glucocorticoid metabo-
substantially elevated and were positively corre- lism by bile acids.14,15,40 The negative correlation
lated with cortisol production. The role of cyto- between the expression and activity of the A-ring
kines is further corroborated by the finding that reductases and circulating bile acid levels sug-
only patients with pronounced inflammation had gests that elevated levels of bile acids may reduce
a level of cortisol production that was higher cortisol metabolism in critically ill patients, a
than the level in controls, whereas cortisol clear- hypothesis that should be further investigated.
ance was suppressed regardless of the inflamma- Our studies have some limitations. First, it
tory status. It remains to be investigated whether would have been ideal to document all the
adrenocortical atrophy is associated with a sus- changes in a single patient population; this was
tained reduction in the activation of corticotro- not feasible, in part for ethical reasons. Howev-
pin receptors on adrenocortical cells in patients er, the five groups of patients were matched, and
with reduced cortisol clearance. However, such a the results of all studies corroborated our hypoth-
mechanism would explain the high incidence of esis of reduced cortisol breakdown. Second, biopsy
adrenal vascular instability in surgical patients samples were obtained on autopsy, which may
with prolonged critical illness38 and is supported have introduced bias. However, reduced cortisol
by our observation that the patients with the least clearance was clearly also present in the patients
response to corticotropin stimulation had the low- who survived.
est cortisol production and the lowest cortisol These findings have clinical implications. The
clearance, despite a similar baseline cortisol level, contribution of reduced cortisol breakdown to
as compared with the other patients. hypercortisolemia during critical illness changes
Although in isolation each of the separate our understanding of the stress response. Re-
studies is suggestive, the corroboration of the duced inactivation of cortisol may be important
findings with the use of multiple approaches is not only to increase circulating levels but also to
helpful for making conclusions. Urinary excre- potentiate cortisol levels and activity within the
tion of cortisol was elevated in the critically ill vital tissues that express inactivating enzymes.
patients, but cortisol metabolite levels were nor- More pragmatically, the data suggest that stress
mal or low, despite increased cortisol produc- doses of hydrocortisone (200 mg per day), which
tion; this pattern is quite different from that in are advocated to replace cortisol production in
Cushings syndrome.29,39 The ratios of urinary critically ill patients who are presumed to have
cortisol metabolites suggested reduced activity of adrenal failure, are at least three times too
the A-ring reductases in the critically ill patients high.21 Finally, our data suggest that a low cor-
and a net suppression of cortisol-to-cortisone tisol response to corticotropin stimulation does
conversion. This interpretation was corroborated not necessarily reflect adrenal failure, since cor-
by low mRNA and protein levels and low activity tisol production in critically ill patients is not
of the A-ring reductases in liver-biopsy samples. subnormal and the suppressed clearance main-
Unfortunately, kidney samples were unavailable tains hypercortisolemia. Our results may there-
to quantify 11-HSD2 levels. However, the stable- fore help to explain why studies investigating the
isotope study showed impaired cortisone gener- effect of the daily administration of 200 mg of
ation in the critically ill patients, indicating sup- hydrocortisone in patients with sepsis (on the
pressed 11-HSD2 activity. Moreover, 11-HSD1 basis of a low cortisol response to corticotropin
protein and enzyme activity in biopsy samples and stimulation) have had conflicting results.5,7

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Reduced Cortisol Metabolism during Critical Illness

In conclusion, in critically ill patients in the Ideas Program of the European Union 7th Framework Program
(AdvG-2012-321670, to Dr. Van den Berghe).
ICU, reduced cortisol breakdown appeared to No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
contribute to abnormal blood cortisol levels. This reported.
finding has potential implications for the diag- Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
the full text of this article at
nosis of adrenal failure and its treatment in the We thank the patients, their relatives, and the healthy volun-
ICU setting. teers for participating; attending physicians, nurses, and re-
search assistants (Alexandra Hendrickx, Sylvia Van Hulle, and
Supported by grants from the Belgian Fund for Scientific Re- Katrien Reyniers) for their help; Inge Derese, Annelies Aert
search (to Dr. Van den Berghe) and the British Heart Foundation geerts, Jill Harrison, Carolynn Cairns, and Alison Rutter for
(to Dr. Walker); long-term structural research support from the technical assistance; Fabian Guiza Grandas for computer as-
Methusalem Program, funded by the Flemish government (to sistance; Dr. Roger Bouillon for critical review of an earlier draft
Dr. Van den Berghe through the Catholic University of Leuven); of the manuscript; and the Wellcome Trust Clinical Research
and a European Research Council Advanced Grant from the Facility Mass Spectrometry Core Laboratory in Edinburgh.


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