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rea de Educacin Odontolgica

y Asistencia Pedaggica
Abscess: absceso
Acrylic: acrlico
Acute pain: dolor agudo
Air/water syringe: jeringa (aire/agua)
Abrasion: abrasin
Ache: dolor
To adjust: ajustar
Alginate: alginato
Alveolar bone: hueso alveolar
Alveolar ridge: reborde alveolar
Alveolar crest: cresta alveolar
Alveolitis: alveolitis
Alveolus / alveoli: alvolo/s
Allergic: alrgico/a
To alleviate: aliviar, calmar
Alloys: aleaciones
Amalgam: amalgama
Anesthetic: anestsico
To anesthetize: anestesiar
Anesthesia: anestesia
Antibiotic: antibitico.
Anticoagulant: anticoagulante
Antinflammatory drug: medicamento antinflamatorio
Apex: pice
Arch: arco
Articulator: articulador
Apicoectomy: apicectoma

Bacteria: bacteria
To be admitted: ser admitido
Bicuspid: bicspide
Biofilm: biofilm
Bleaching agent: agente blanqueador
To bleach: blanquear
To bleed: sangrar
Blood: sangre
Blood pressure: presin sangunea
Body: cuerpo
Bone: hueso
Brackets: brackets
Bridge: puente
Bristles: cerdas
Broken tooth: pieza dentaria fracturada
Bucal respiration: respiracin bucal
Bur: fresa
Burning pain: dolor con ardor
Brush: cepillo
To brush: cepillar
Bruxism: bruxismo

To cancel an appointment: cancelar una cita
Canine/s: canino/s
Caries: caries
Cement: cemento
Central incisor: incisivo central
Check-up: chequeo
Cheek: mejilla
To chew: masticar
Chewing: masticacin
Chronic: crnico/a
Composite: resina compuesta
Cottton pliers: pinzas para algodn
To cough: toser
Crowns: coronas
Cuspid: cspide
Curettage: curetaje

Decidious tooth: pieza dentaria primaria (temporaria)
Dental cement: cemento dental
Dental eruption: erupcin dentaria
Dental floss: hilo dental
Dental material/s: material/es dental/es
Dental office: consultorio odontolgico
Dental record/s: historia/s clnica/s
Dental x-ray film/s: placa/s radiogrfica/s
Dentin: dentina
Dentition: denticin
Dentistry: odontologa
To diagnose: diagnosticar
Discomfort: malestar
Disease: enfermedad
Dry mouth: boca seca
Enamel: esmalte
Endodontics: endodoncia
Enzym/es: enzima/s
Epidemiology: epidemiologa
Exposed root: raz expuesta
Extraction: extraccin

Filer: lima
Filling: obturacin
First premolar/bicuspid: primer premolar/ bicspide
Flap: colgajo
Flouride toothpaste: pasta dental con flor
Fracture/s: fractura/s
Frenulum: frenillo

Gauze: gasa
Germ: germen
Gingivitis: gingivitis
Gloves: guantes
Gum: enca

Handpiece: pieza de mano
Head: cabeza
Healed: cicatrizado
High risk for infection: alto riesgo de infeccin
Hygiene: higiene
Hypertrophy: hipertrofia

Implant/ s: implante/s
To improve: mejorar
Incisor/s: incisivo/s
Increasing in size: aumentando de tamao
Infection: infeccin
Inflammated: inflamado/a
Inflammation: inflamacin
Injection: inyeccin
Inner layer: capa interna.
Innocous: inocuo
Intraoral: intraoral
Intraoral mouth mirror: espejo intrabucal
Intravenous: intravenoso
To isolate: aislar

Jaw: mandbula

Labial: labial
Lateral: lateral
Layer: capa
Lesion: lesin
Lateral incisor/s: incisivo/s lateral/es
Left: izquierda/o
Lip/s: labio/s
Lower jaw: maxilar inferior

Mask: barbijo
Mirror: espejo
Malformations: malformaciones
Maxillary sinus: seno maxilar
Moderately: moderadamente
Molar: molar
Mouthrinse: buche
Muscl/es: msculo/s

Neck: cuello
Needle/s: aguja/s
Nerve/s: nervio/s

Oral care: cuidado bucal
Odontopediatric: odontopediatra
Outer layer: capa exterior
Orthodontics: ortodoncia
Painful: doloroso/a
Palate: paladar
Palatine bone: hueso palatino
Parotid gland: glndula partida
Patient/s: paciente/s
Periodontics: periodoncia
Permanent dentition: denticin permanente
Periodontal disease: enfermedad periodontal
Periodontal ligament: ligamento periodontal
Periodontal pocket: bolsa periodontal
Plaster: yeso
Plaster spatula: esptula para yeso
Plier/s: pinza/s
Poor oral higiene: mala higiene bucal
Porcelain: porcelana
To prevent: prevenir
Primary tooth: pieza dentaria primaria
To protect: proteger
To provide: proveer
Prove/s: sonda/s
Pulp: pulpa
Pulp necrosis: necrosis pulpar
Pulpotomy: pulpectoma

Radiology: radiologa
Radiologist: radilogo/a
To recommend: recomendar
Relaxed: relajado
Resine/s: resina/s
Restauration: restauracin
To rinse: enjuagar
Risk factor/s: factor/es de riesgo
Right: derecho/a
Root/s: raz/ces
Root canal: conducto radicular
Root canal treatment: tratamiento de conducto radicular
Rough: spero
Rotated: rotado

Saliva: saliva
Saliva ejector: eyector de saliva
Salivary glands: glndulas salivales
To salivate: salivar
Scalpel: bistur
Side effect/s: efecto/s secundario/s
To schedule an appointment: concertar una cita
To seal: sellar
Sealant: sellador
Second molar: segundo molar
Second premolar /bicuspid: segundo premolar/bicspide
Sensitive tooth/teeth: pieza/s dentaria/s sensible/s
Sensitivity: sensibilidad
Side: lado
Slightly: ligeramente
To smile: sonreir
Smooth: suave
Socket: alvolo
Spatula: esptula
Sterile needle/s: aguja/s esterilizada/s
To sterilize: esterilizar
Sublingual glands: glndulas sublinguales
Submandibular glands: glndulas submandibulares
Surface/s: superficie/s
Suture needle/s: aguja/s de sutura
Suture/s: sutura/s
Surgeon: cirujano/a
Surgery: ciruga
Syringe/s: jeringa/s

Therapy: terapia
Third molar: tercer molar
Tissue/s: tejido/s
Tobacco: tabaco
Tongue: lengua
Tooth/ teeth: pieza dentaria / piezas dentarias
Toothache: dolor dental
Tooth brush: cepillo dental
Toothpaste: pasta dental
Toxin/s: toxina/s
Treatment: tratamiento
Temporal maxilar joint (TMJ): articulacin tmporo mandibular (ATM)

Ulcer/s: lcera/s Wating room: sala de espera
Ulcerated area: rea ulcerada Wax: cera
Upper jaw: maxilar superior Whitening tooth paste: pasta dental blanqueadora

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