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Un colombiano promedio, suele levantarse a las 5 de la maana a prepararse un caf, luego se

baa,despus se prepara el desayuno, y busca un medio de transporte para ir hacia su trabajo, el

suele regresar al medio dia a almorzar o comprar su almuerzo, para luego regresar a las 2 a su
jornada laboral 4 horas mas, a las 6 de la tarde regresa para descansar de su labor y por lo general
toma un bao para asearse, despus toma su cena mientras ve las noticias en el televisor, luego
pasa un rato mas viendo programas de entretenimiento o telenovelas. Cerca de las 10 de la noche
suele apagar todo para irse a dormir nuevamente.

An average Colombian, usually gets up at 5 a.m in the morning to prepare a coffee, then
he takes a shower, then prepares breakfast, and seeks a means of transportation to go to
work, he usually returns at midday to have lunch or buy his Lunch, then return at 2 o'clock
to his working day 4 more hours, at 6 o'clock in the afternoon he returns to rest from his
work and usually takes a bath to clean himself, then takes his dinner while watching the
news on the television, Then spend some more time watching entertainment programs or
TV soaps. About 10 o'clock at night he usually turns everything off to go to sleep again.

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