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ESC. SEC. DNA. 296 JUSTO SIERRA. INGLS II. 2 A-B. Profra. Ma. De Jesus Herrera Escamilla.

Topic: comparatives.

Comparatives of superiority. Comparatives of inferiority. Comparatives of equality.

Short adjectives. - Less adjective than. (menos - as adjective as. (tan como)
Adj. ER than (mas que). que). Examples:
Rules: Examples: Adj. beautiful.
1. adj. con terminacin Y queda Adj. beautiful. Comparative: as beautiful as: tan
de la siguiente manera: Comparative: less beautiful than: hermoso como.
Adj. Ugly. menos hermoso que. Adj. big.
Comparative: uglier than: mas Adj. tall Comparative: as big as: tan grande
feo que. Comparative: menos alto que. como.
Adj. happy.
Comparative: happier than: ms RECUERDA: que antes ya habas
feliz que. investigado un listado de adjetivos
2. adjs. Que se duplica la cortos (short adjectives) y de
consonante antes de agregar ER. adjetivos largos (long adjectives).
1. thin. 2. Big.
Thinner than: ms Delgado que.
Big: bigger than: mas grande
Hot: hotter than: mas caliente
3. adjs. Que terminan en E, solo
agregar R.
Wide: wider than: mas ancho
Large: larger than: mas largo
4. adjs. Irregulares, solo son:
1. good: better than: mejor que.
2. bad: worse than: mas malo
5. adjs. Con otra terminacin
agregar ER.
- strong: stronger than: mas
fuerte que.
- sweet: sweeter than: mas
fuerte que.

Long adjectives
- More adjective than: masque
Adj. beautiful.
Comparative: more beautiful
than: mas hermoso que.
Adj. Expensive.
Comparative: more expensive
than: ms caro que.

Transcribir en su cuaderno toda la informacin proporcionada y realizar cada uno de los ejercicios.


1. Escribir el comparative of equality de los siguientes adjetivos.

1. Interesting 1.Thin 1.dangerous
2.honey 2.tall 2.georgous
3.small 3.short 3.awesome
4.big 4.large 4. wonderful
5.pretty 5.huge 5.famous
6.Handsome 6.sweet 6.enormous
7.Expensive 7.strong 7.responsable
8.Cheap 8.fat 8.intelligent
9. Beautiful. 9.slow 9.polite
10.Delicious. 10.ugly 10. perfect
2. Escribir el comparative of inferiority de los adjetivos del ejercicio anterior.
3. Escribir el comparative de superiority de los adjetivos de ejercicio 1.
4. Elabora un mind map de short adjectives (20 words).
5. Elabora un mind map de long adjectives ( 12 words).
6. Transcribe cada una de las siguientes reading comprehension y contesta correctamente cada una de las
preguntas. Y practica la lectura en voz alta.
Cinderella. Cinderella (part 2).

Once upon a time, when there were still Cinderella had to do all the work in the
fairy godmothers, there was a girl house as the ugly sisters were also very
called Cinderella. She lived with her lazy. They spent all the fathers money
father and his new wife, and her two on new clothes and endless pairs of
new step-sisters. The step-mother did shoes, and then went off to parties
not like Cinderella very much, mostly leaving poor Cinderella with piles of
because she was so much nicer than stockings to mend.
her own two daughters.
Directions: Please, answer correctly the
Directions: Please, answer correctly the following questions.
following questions.
1. What did Cinderella do in the house?
1. How many step-sisters Did Cinderella She had to do all the work.
have? 2. What did Cinderella do with the piles
Cinderella had two step-sisters. of stockings?
2. Did Cinderella live with? She mended the piles of stockings.
Cinderella lived with her father and his 3. Were the ugly sisters very lazy?
new wife, and her two step-sisters. Yes, they were.
3. Did step-mother like Cinderella? 4. What did ugly sisters spend?
No, step-mother did not. They spent the fathers money.
4. Who was nice? 5. What did ugly sisters buy?
Cinderella was. They bought new clothes and endless
pairs of shoes.

7. Investigar cuales son las caractersticas de un catlogo de productos.

Topic: Oraciones utilizando comparativos. Sentences with comparatives.

Subject/ am-is-are/ comparative:equality, superiority or inferiority/ subject.

Subject am-is-are comparative:equality, superiority or inferiority subject.
1. The elephants are bigger than the lions.
2. The ants are as small as the flies.
3. The sugar is less sweet than Honey.
4. Mexico city is more expensive than Pachuca city.

8. Escribe 10 oraciones para cada comparative: equality, superiority or inferiority con los siguientes adjectives.

1. Interesting 1.Thin 1.dangerous

2.honey 2.tall 2.georgous
3.small 3.short 3.awesome
4.big 4.large 4. wonderful
5.pretty 5.huge 5.famous
6.Handsome 6.sweet 6.enormous
7.Expensive 7.strong 7.responsable
8.Cheap 8.fat 8.intelligent
9. Beautiful. 9.slow 9.polite
10.Delicious. 10.ugly 10. perfect

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