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Th esaurus

Synonym lists and dictionary entries

combined alphabetically
Clear and concise word guidance
TOOLS Abundant usage examples
.' Supports Common Core State Standards
:l abut, collect, suppose oi toy
la, .a humdrum p pepper, lip
a (in aI, an) battle, cotton; (in la, rna, r") r rarity
French table, prisme, titre s source, less
:lr operation, further sh shy, mission
a map, patch t tie, attack
a day, fate th thin, ether
a bother, cot, father th then, either
ar car, heart ii boot, few \'fyii\
au now, out u put, pure \'pylir\
b baby, rib ur boor, tour
ch chin, catch ie French rue, German fiillen, fiihlen
d did, adder v vivid, give
e set, red w we, away
er bare, fair y yard, cue \'kyii\
e beat, easy y
indicates that a preceding \1\, \n\, or
f fifty, cuff \w\ is modified by having the tongue
g go, big approximate the position for \y\, as in
h hat, ahead French digne \denY\
hw whale z zone, raise
tip, banish zh vision, pleasure
ir near, deer
site, buy \ slant line used in pairs to mark the
j job, edge beginning and end of a transcription:
k kin, cook \'pen\
mark at the beginning of a syllable that
Is; German Bach, Scots loch
has primary (strongest) stress:
lily, cool
m murmur, dim
mark at the beginning of a syllable that
n nine, own
has secondary (next-strongest) stress:
indicates that a preceding vowel is \ 'she- fol-,bordv
pronounced through both nose and
mark of a syllable division in pronunci-
mouth, as in French bon \bon\
ations (the mark of end-of-line division
I) sing, singer, finger, ink in boldface entries is a centered dot .)
0 bone, hollow ( ) indicate that what is symbolized be-
0 saw tween sometimes occurs and some-
or boar, port times does not occur in the pronuncia-
oe French beeuf, feu, German Holle, tion of the word: bakery \'ba-k(;r)re\ =
Hohle \'ba-b-re, 'ba-kre',

Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
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Copyright 2014 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Merriam-Webster's Dictionary and Thesaurus.-Updated Edition.

pages em
"A Genuine Merriam-Webster."
"This volume which has been updated with the addition of about 500
new thesaurus entries as well as new Canadian and British spelling
variants. Front matter and alpha sections A and Z plus back matter
section on Punctuation supplied."
ISBN 978-0-87779-732-6 (alk. paper)
1. English language-Dictionaries. 2. English language-Synonyms
and antonyms-Dictionaries. I. Merriam-Webster, Inc. II. Title:
Dictionary and thesaurus.
PE1628.M367 2014

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Merriam-Webster's Dictionary and Thesaurus marks the introduction of a new
kind of product from Merriam-Webster, one that combines the features of a dic-
tionary, with its meanings, pronunciations, and grammatical information, with the
synonym and antonym features of a thesaurus. Additionally, in this volume, these
features are not just combined but integrated into a unified whole, so that the
reader and writer can easily see the relationships between the two kinds of infor-
The dictionary entries themselvesare based on the highly popular The Merriam-
Webster Dictionary and on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. The thesaurus
entries are drawn from Merriam-Webster's newest and most up-to-date thesaurus.
The dictionary entries and thesaurus entries have been edited so as to ensure cor-
respondence between the indicated dictionary senses and the selection of similar
and contrasting words offered in the thesaurus lists.
The more than 57,000boldface dictionary entries give coverage to the most fre-
quently used words in the language, and the definitions have been based on exam-
ples of actual use found in the Merriam-Webster citation files, which now contain
more than 75 million words available through electronic searching.
The thesaurus lists offer a total of more than 134,000alternative words for the
writer interested in finding a more appropriate or more colorful word choice. The-
saurus lists follow their dictionary entries set off in a light, tinted box. Every dic-
tionary sense that has a corresponding thesaurus list is marked with a black
diamond, and the thesaurus list is likewise indicated.
When there are multiple dictionary senses highlighted, the thesaurus lists are
marked with the appropriate dictionary sense numbers in square brackets to
make it easy for the user to choose the corresponding list of synonyms.
abide \:l-'bid\ vb abode \-'bod\ or abid-ed; abld-lnq
1 .: to bear patiently : ENDURE 2 a : to con-
tinue in a state or place b : to have one's abode -
abide by : to conform or acquiesce to <abide by
the law>
[1] bear, brook, countenance, endure, meet,
stand, stick out, stomach, support, sustain,
take, tolerate - more at BEAR [2a] continue,
endure, hold, keep up, last, persist, run on-more
at CONTINUE. [2b] dwell, live, reside - more at

A word in the synonym list following an italic also is still comparable to the
dictionary word in the indicated sense, but has a somewhat less close relation-
ship than words ahead of it. Semicolons separate additional words into related
"clcak \'klok\ n 1 : a loose outer garment 2
: somethingthat conceals
curtain, hood, mantle, mask, shroud, veil; also
cover, screen, shield;facade, face, veneer
Thesaurus entries all show synonyms, and some lists also have common con-
trasting words (antonyms), which are introduced by a bold italic Ant.

fertile \'f~rt-'l\ ad} 1 .: producing plentifully

: PRODUcrNE <,....., soils) <a ,....., mind) 2 : capable of
developingor reproducing <,....., seed) <a ,....., bull)-
fer.til.j.ty \(,)f:lr-'ti-l:l-te\ n
fecund, fruitful, luxuriant, productive, prolific,
rich; also bearing, producing, yielding; abounding,
abundant, bountiful; copious, plenteous, plentiful;
blooming, bursting, swarming, teeming, thriving;
creative, inventive, original Ant barren, infertile,
sterile, unfruitful, unproductive
Since thesaurus information is relatively self-explanatory and there are numer-
ous distinctive, and sometimes subtle, features of the dictionary, the focus of the
following section, Using the Dictionary, is on the dictionary features.
In the back of the book is a guide to Basic English Punctuation.
While this work has been years in the making, drawing on the work and experi-
ence of the Merriam-Webster staff of professional lexicographers, we wish to
thank those who have worked hard to produce this volume. Primary editors were
Mary W. Cornog, Amy K. Harris Van Vranken, and Amy West. Additional editing
was done by Jocelyn W. Franklin with Cynthia S. Ashby and James G. Lowe.
Daniel B. Brandon, Jennifer N. Cislo, Ilya A. Davidovich, Mary M. Dunn, and E.
Louise Langford provided further editorial contributions. This work was con-
ceived by John M. Morse; Robert D. Copeland was general editor.
It was more than 150 years ago that Merriam-Webster published its first dictio-
nary, and it has been 30 years since the company published its first thesaurus. In
that time, Merriam-Webster's reputation as the premier American publisher of
dictionaries, thesauruses, and other reference books has grown. This work contin-
ues the proud tradition of excellence.
The dictionary contains so much information that it is necessary to condense much of it to ac-
commodate the limitations of the printed page. This section provides information on the conventions
used throughout the dictionary, from the styling of entries and pronunciation to how we present in-
formation on usage and meaning. An understanding of the information contained in these notes will
make the dictionary both easier and more rewarding to use.

A boldface letter or a combination of such let- a guide word because it follows alphabetically the
ters, including punctuation marks and diacritics main entry catch, which is the first guide word on
where needed, that is set flush with the left-hand page 120.
margin of each column of type is a main entry. ***
The main entry may consist of letters set solid, of When one main entry has exactly the same writ-
letters joined by a hyphen or a diagonal, or of let- ten form as another, the two are distinguished by
ters separated by spaces: superscript numerals preceding each word:
alone ... ad} "melt ... vb
avant-garde ... n 2melt n
and/or ... con} "pine ... n
assembly language ... n 2pine vb
The material in lightface type that follows each Full words come before parts of words made up
main entry on the same line and on succeeding in- of the same letters; solid compounds come before
dented lines presents information about the main hyphenated compounds; hyphenated compounds
entry. come before open compounds; and lowercase en-
The main entries follow one another in alpha- tries come before those with an initial capital:
betical order letter by letter: bird of prey follows "su-per ... n
birdlime; Day of Atonement follows daylight saving 2super ad}
time. Main entries containing an Arabic numeral super- ... prefix
are alphabetized as if the numeral were spelled out: run-down n
4-H comes between fourfold and Four Hundred; run-down ad}
3-D comes between three and three-dimensional. run down vb
Those that often begin with the abbreviation St. in dutch adv
common usage have the abbreviation spelled out: Dutch n
Saint Valentine's Day. Main entries that begin with
Me are alphabetized just as they are spelled. The centered dots within entry words indicate
division points at which a hyphen may be put at
A pair of guide words is printed at the top of the end of a line of print or writing. Thus the noun
each two-page spread. These guide words indicate cap-puc-ci-no may be ended on one line and con-
the range of dictionary entries that fall alphabeti- tinued on the next in this manner:
cally on those pages. cap-
Any boldface word-a main entry with defini- puccino
tion, a variant spelling, an inflected form, a defined cappuc-
or undefined run-on, or a run-in entry-may be cino
used as a guide word. cappucci-
The guide words are usually the alphabetically no
first and the alphabetically last entries on the pages: Centered dots are not shown after a single initial
Occasionally the last printed entry is not the al- letter or before a single terminal letter because
phabetically last entry. On page 13, for example, typesetters seldom cut off a single letter:
adore is the last main entry, but adoring, an in-
flected form, is the alphabetically last entry word abyss n
and is therefore the appropriate guide word. The flighty ad}
alphabetically last entry word is not used, how- idea n
ever, if it follows alphabetically the first guide Centered dots are not usually shown at the sec-
word on the succeeding page. Thus on page 119, ond and succeeding homographs unless they dif-
caught is the last word alphabetically, but it is not fer among themselves:
Using the Dictionary viii

'sig.nal ... n Brit colour-blind) and for inflected forms. The

2signal vb user can assume the spelling variations carry
3signal adj through to open compounds with the same initial
but word and to undefined run-on entires, such as
"mln-ute n color blindness and colorfastness. Addition-
2mi.nute adj ally, there are a number of British spelling vari-
There are acceptable alternative end-of-line divi- ants (not so common in Canada) entered
separately, such as idealise chiefly Brit var of IDE-
sions just as there are acceptable variant spellings
and pronunciations,but no more than one pattern To show all the stylings that are found for En-
is shown for any entry in this dictionary.
glish compounds would require space that can be
A double hyphen (:) at the end of a line in this
better used for other information. So this dictio-
dictionary (as in the definition at chutzpah) nary limits itself to a single styling for a compound:
stands for a hyphen that is retained when the
word is written as a unit on one line. This kind of peace-mak-er
fixed hyphen is always represented in boldface pell-mell
words in this dictionary with an en dash, longer boom box
than an ordinary hyphen. When a compound is widely used and one
*** styling predominates, that styling is shown. When
When a main entry is followed by the word or a compound is uncommon or when the evidence
and another spelling, the two spellings are equal indicates that two or three stylings are approxi-
variants. Both are standard, and either one may mately equal in frequency, the styling shown is
be used according to personal inclination: based on the comparison of other similar com-
ocher or ochre pounds.
A main entry may be followed by one or more
If two variants joined by or are out of alphabeti- derivatives or by a homograph with a different
cal order, they remain equal variants. The one functional label. These are run-on entries. Each is
printed first is, however, slightly more common introduced by a long dash, and each has a func-
than the second: tional label. They are not defined, however, since
'plow or plough their meanings are readily understood from the
meaning of the root word:
When another spelling is joined to the main entry
by the word also, the spelling after also is a second- ab-do-men ... n - ab-dom-i-nal ... adj
ary variant and occurs less frequently than the first: - ab-dom-l-nal-ly adv
sels-mo-qraph ... n - sels-mo-qraph-lc
ab-sinthe also ab-sinth
... adi - seis-mog-ra-phy ... n
Secondary variants belong to standard usage
A main entry may be followed by one or more
and may be used according to personal inclina-
phrases containing the entry word or an inflected
tion. Once the word a/so is used to signal a sec- form of it. These are also run-on entries. Each is
ondary variant, all following secondary variants
introduced by a long dash but there is no func-
are joined by or: tional label. They are, however, defined since a/so wool-le or wooly their meanings are more than the sum of the
Variants whose spelling puts them alphabetically meanings of their elements:
more than a column away from the main entry 'set vb - set sail: to begin a voyage
are entered at their own alphabetical places as 'hand n - at hand: near in time ...
well as at the main entry: Defined phrases of this sort are run on at the en-
2gage var of GAUGE try defining the first major word in the phrase.
When there are variants, however, the run-on ap-
'gauge also gage pears at the entry defining the first major invari-
The Canadian and British spellings (shown as or able word in the phrase:
Can and Brit) appear at main entries for single 'seed ... n 1 : the grains of plants used
words (color ... or Can and Brit colour) and hy- for sowing - go to seed or run to seed
phenated compounds (color-blind ... or Can and 1 : to develop seed 2 : DECAY

The matter between a pair of reversed slashes \ \ incide with the centered dots in the entry word
followingthe entry word indicates the pronuncia- that indicate end-of-line division, and sometimes
tion. The symbols used are explained in the chart they do not:
at the end of this section. ab-sen-tee \,ab-s;}n-'te\
A hyphen is used in the pronunciation to show met-ric \'me-trik\
syllabic division. These hyphens sometimes co-
ix Using the Dictionary
A high-set mark ' indicates major (primary) pronunciation in a preceding entry or within the
stress or accent; a low-set mark, indicates minor same pair of reversed slashes:
(secondary) stress or accent: charn-pl-on-shtp \-,ship\
heart-beat \'hiirt-,bet\ pa-la-ver \p;l-'la-v;lr, -'lli-\
The stress mark stands at the beginning of the The pronunciation of the first three syllables of
syllable that receives the stress. A syllable with championship is found at the main entry cham-
neither a high-set mark nor a low-set mark is un- pion. The hyphens before and after \'lii\ in the
stressed: pronunciation of palaver indicate that both the
first and the last parts of the pronunciation are to
"struc-ture \'str;lk-ch;lr\ be taken from the immediately preceding pronun-
The presence of variant pronunciations indi- ciation.
cates that not all educated speakers pronounce ***
words the same way. A second-place variant is not In general, no pronunciation is indicated for
to be regarded as less acceptable than the pronun- open compounds consisting of two or more En-
ciation that is given first. It may, in fact, be used glish words that have own-place entry:
by as many educated speakers as the first variant, witch doctor n
but the requirements of the printed page are such
Only the first entry in a sequence of numbered
that one must precede the other: homographs is given a pronunciation if their pro-
apri-cot \'a-pr;l-,kiit, 'a-\ nunciations are the same:
tore-head \'for-;ld, 'for-,hed\ , re-ward xri-tword', vb
Symbols enclosed by parentheses represent ele- 2reward n
ments that are present in the pronunciation of The absent but implied pronunciation of deriva-
some speakers but are absent from the pronunci- tives and compounds run on after a main entry is
ation of other speakers, or elements that are pres- a combination of the pronunciation at the main
ent in some but absent from other utterances of entry and the pronunciation of the other element
the same speaker: as given at its alphabetical place in the vocabulary:
"om-ni-bus \'iim-ni-(,)b;ls\ - ab-ject-ness n
ad-di-tion-al \;l-'di-sh(;l-)n;ll\ - bungee jumper n
Thus, the above parentheses indicate that some Thus, the pronunciation of abjectness is the sum
people say \'iim-ni-,b;ls\ and others say \'lim-ni- of the pronunciations given at abject and -ness;
bssx; some \;l-'di-sh;l-n;ll\, others \;l-'di-shn;ll\. that of bungee jumper, the sum of the pronuncia-
When a main entry has less than a full pronunci- tions of the two elements that make up the
ation, the missing part is to be supplied from a phrase.

An italic label indicating a part of speech or an- tional classifications that are not traditional parts
other functional classification followsthe pronun- of speech include:
ciation or, if no pronunciation is given, the main
entl)'. The eight traditional parts of speech are in- AT abbr
self- comb form
dicated as follows:
un- ... prefix
bold ... adj -lal adj suffix
torth-wlth ... adv 2_ly adv suffix
'but ... conj 2-er n suffix
ge-sund.heit ... inter} -ize vb suffix
bo-J., ... n
Fe symbol
2under ... prep may ... verbal auxiliary
'it ... pron
'slap ... vb Functional labels are sometimes combined:
Other italicized labels used to indicate func- afloat ... adj or adv
Using the Dictionary x

The plurals of nouns are shown in this diction- Cutback inflected forms are used when the noun
ary when suffixation brings about a change of fi- has three or more syllables:
nal -y to -i-, when the noun ends in a consonant ame-ni-ty ... n, pl -ties
plus -0 or in -ey, when the noun ends in -00, when
the noun has an irregular plural or an uninflected The plurals of nouns are usually not shown
plural or a foreign plural, when the noun is a com- when the base word is unchanged by suffixation,
pound that pluralizes any element but the last, when the noun is a compound whose second ele-
when a final consonant is doubled, when the noun ment is readily recognizable as a regular free form
has variant plurals, and when it is believed that entered at its own place, or when the noun is un-
the dictionary user might have reasonable doubts likely to occur in the plural:
about the spelling of the plural or when the plural night ... n
is spelled in a way contrary to what is expected: fore-foot ... n
2spy n, t spies monogamy ... n
al-to n, o! silos Nouns that are plural in form and that are regu-
val-ley n, t valleys larly construed as plural are labeled n pl:
2shampoo n, pI shampoos
mouse n, pI mice munch-ies ... n pI
moose n, t moose Nouns that are plural in form but that are not al-
cri-te-rl-on n, pt -ria ways construed as plurals are appropriately la-
son-In-law n, pi sons-in-law beled:
1quiz n, pl quiz-zes
1fish n, t fish or fish-es lo-qls-tlcs ... n sing or o! : .
pi ... n,pI pis me-dia ... n, t me-di-as 2 sing or t in
3dry n, t drys constr : MASS MEOlA

The principal parts of verbs are shown in this Cutback inflected forms are usually used when
dictionary when suffixation brings about a dou- the verb has three or more syllables, when it is a
bling of a final consonant or an elision of a final -e two-syllable word that ends in -I and has variant
or a change of final -y to -i-, when final -c changes spellings, and when it is a compound whose sec-
to -ck in suffixation, when the verb ends in -ey, ond element is readily recognized as an irregular
when the inflection is irregular, when there are verb:
variant inflected forms, and when it is believed elim-i-nate ... vb -nat-ed; -nat-lnq
that the dictionary user might have reasonable 2quarrel vb -reled or -relied; -rel-tnq or
doubts about the spelling of an inflected form or -rel-llnq
when the inflected form is spelled in a way con- 1 re-take ... vb -took ... -tak-en ... -tak-lnq
trary to what is expected:
The principal parts of verbs are usually not
2Sn%g VO snsgg@d; snsg.ging
shown when the base won) b unch;;wot'd V)' i)uf-
"move vb moved; mov-lnq fixation or when the verb is a compound whose
1cry vb cried;
second element is readily recognizable as a regu-
"frol-lc vb frol-lcked;
lar free form entered at its own place:
"sur-vey vb sur-veyed: sur-vey-lnq
"drive vb drove ... driv-en ... driv-ing "[ump ... vb
2bus vb bused or bussed; bus-lnq or pre-judqe ... vb
OUS,S\ng Another inflected fOJ-m of Bn.s);"h """r\", i:> ,-h"
2visa vb vt-saed ... vl-sa-lnq third person singular of the present tense, which is
2chagrin vb cha-qrlned ... regularly formed by the addition of -s or -es to the
The principal parts of a regularly inflected verb base form of the verb. This inflected form is not
are shown when it is desirable to indicate the pro- shown except at a handful of entries (as have and
nunciation of one of the inflected forms: do) for which it is in some way unusual.
learn ... vb learned \'l;:!rnd,'I;:!rnt\; learn-Inq
"al-ter \'61-t;:!r\ vb al-tered; al-ter-ing \-t(;:!-)riI)\
xi Using the Dictionary


The comparative and superlative forms of adjec- The inclusion of inflected forms in -er and -est at
tives and adverbs are shown in this dictionary adjective and adverb entries means nothing more
when suffixation brings about a doubling of a fi- about the use of more and most with these adjec-
nal consonant or an elision of a final -e or a tives and adverbs than that their comparative and
change of final-y to -i-, when the word ends in -ey, superlative degrees may be expressed in either
when the inflection is irregular, and when there way: lazier or more lazy; laziest or most lazy.
are variant inflected forms: At a few adjective entries only the superlative
"red adj red-der: red-dest form is shown:
"tame adj tam-er; tam-est 2mere adj, superlative mer-est adj kind-li-er; -est The absence of the comparative form indicates
hors-ey also horsy adi hors-i-er: -est that there is no evidence of its use.
19ood adj bet-ter best
The comparative and superlative forms of adjec-
lfar adv far-ther or fur-ther tives and adverbs are usually not shown when the
... far-thest or fur-thest
base word is unchanged by suffixation, when the
The superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs inflected forms of the word are identical with
of two or more syllables are usually cut back: those of a preceding homograph, or when the
3fancy adi fan-ci-er; -est word is a compound whose second element is
"ear-ty ... adv ear-ti-er: -est readily recognizable as a regular free form en-
tered at its own place:
The comparative and superlative forms of regu-
larly inflected adjectives and adverbs are shown lnear ... adv
3good adv
when it is desirable to indicate the pronunciation
of the inflected forms: un-wor-thy ... adj
lyoung \'Y~IJ\ adj younger \'Y~IJ-g~r\;
Inflected forms are not shown at run-in and un-
youn-gest \'Y~IJ-g~st\ defined run-on entries.

Most entries in this dictionary begin with a low- dry goods ... n pi
ercase letter. A few of these have an italicized la- french fry n, often cap 1st F
bel often cap, which indicates that the word is as un-Arner-l-can ... ad}
likely to be capitalized as not and that it is as ac- Par-kln-sons disease ... n
ceptable with an uppercase initial as it is with one lazy Susan ... n
in lowercase. Some entries begin with an upper- Jack Frost n
case letter, which indicates that the word is usu- A word that is capitalized in some senses and
ally capitalized. The absence of an initial capital lowercase in others shows variations from the
or of an often cap label indicates that the word is form of the main entry by the use of italicized la-
not ordinarily capitalized: bels at the appropriate senses:
salm-on ... n
Trin.i.ty n 2 not cap
gar.gan.tuan ... adj, often cap
To-ry n 3 often not cap
Mohawk ... n ti-tan n 1 cap
The capitalization of entries that are open or hy- re-nais-sance ... n 1 cap ... 2 often cap
phenated compounds is similarly indicated by the
form of the entry or by an italicized label:

Three types of status labels are used in this dic- The label obs is a comment on the word being
tionary-temporal, regional, and stylistic-to sig- defined. When a thing, as distinguished from the
nal that a word or a sense of a word is not part of word used to designate it, is obsolete, appropriate
the standard vocabulary of English. orientation is usually given in the definition:
The temporal label obs for "obsolete" means cat-a-pult ... n 1 : an ancient military ma-
that there is no evidence of use since 1755: chine for hurling missiles
3post n 1 obs
Using the Dictionary xii

The temporal label archaic means that a word or Definitions are sometimes followed by verbal il-
sense once in common use is found today only lustrations that show a typical use of the word in
sporadically or in special contexts: context. These illustrations are enclosed in angle
, mete vb ... 1 archaic brackets, and the word being illustrated is usually
'thou pron, archaic
replaced by a lightface swung dash. The swung
dash stands for the boldface entry word, and it
A word or sense limited in use to a specific re- may be followed by an italicized suffix:
gion of the U.S. has an appropriate label. The ad-
'jump ... vb 5 <,..._, the gun>
verb chiefly precedes a label when the word has all-around ad} 1 <best,..._, perfor-
some currency outside the specified region, and a
double label is used to indicate considerable cur- mance>
"can-on ... n ... 3 ... <the ,..._,s of good
rency in each of two specific regions:
2wash n 5 West ... vb ... 2 ... <,..._,ed the concert>
do-qle n, chiefly West
crul-ler n ... 2 Northern & Midland The swung dash is not used when the form of the
boldface entry word is changed in suffixation, and
Words current in all regions of the U.S. have no it is not used for compounds:
2deal vb ... 2 <dealt him a blow>
A word or sense limited in use to one of the
other countries of the English-speaking world has drum up vb 1 <drum up business>
an appropriate regional label: Definitions are sometimes followed by usage
chem-ist ... n ... 2 Brit
notes that give supplementary information about
loeh ... n, Scot
such matters as idiom, syntax, and semantic rela-
2wireless n ... 2 chiefly Brit tionship. A usage note is introduced by a lightface
The label dial for "dialect" indicates that the pat-
2ery n ... 5 ... - usu. used in the phrase a
tern of use of a word or sense is too complex for far cry
summary labeling: it usually includes several re-
2drum vb 4 - usu. used with out
gional varieties of American English or of Ameri-
can and British English: 'jaw ... n 2 - usu. used in pl.
"ada-qio adv or adj ... - used as a direc-
2mind vb 1 chiefly dial tion in music
The stylistic label slang is used with words or hajji ... n ... - often used as a title
senses that are especially appropriate in contexts Sometimes a usage note is used in place of a def-
of extreme informality: inition. Some function words (as conjunctions
3ean ... vb 2 slang and prepositions) have chiefly grammatical mean-
2grand rt slang ing and little or no lexical meaning; most interjec-
tions express feelings but are otherwise
There is no satisfactory objective test for slang, untranslatable into lexical meaning; and some
especiallywith reference to a word out of context. other words (as honorific titles) are more
No word, in fact, is invariably slang, and many amenable to comment than to definition:
standard words can be given slang applications.
The stylistic labels offensive and disparaging are or ... con} - used as a function word to
used for those words or senses that in common indicate an alternative
use are intended to hurt or that are likely to give at ... prep 1 - used to indicate a point in
offense even when they are used without such an time or space
intent: auf Wie-der.seh-en ... interj ... - used to
express farewell
dumb ... ad} 1 often offensive sir ... n ... 2 - used as a usu. respectful
half-breed ... n, often disparaging form of address

A boldface colon is used in this dictionary to in- Boldface Arabic numerals separate the senses of
troduce a definition: a word that has more than one sense:
'equine ... adj ... : of or relating to the ad.judge ... vb ... 1 : to decide or rule upon
horse as a judge: JUDGE, ADJUDICATE 2: to hold or
It is also used to separate two or more defini- pronounce to be : DEEM 3 : ...
tions of a single sense: A particular semantic relationship between
no-tl-fy ... vb ... 1 : to give notice of : report senses is sometimes suggested by the use of an
the occurrence of italic sense divider (as esp or also).
The sense divider esp (for especially) is used to
xiii Using the Dictionary

introduce the most common meaning included in quently sense 2 and sense 3 may have developed
the more general preceding definition: independently of one another from sense 1.
crys-tal ... n ... 2 : something resembling
When an italicized label follows a boldface nu-
crystal (as in transparency); esp : a clear glass meral, the label applies only to that specific num-
used for table articles bered sense. It does not apply to any other
boldface numbered senses:
The sense divider also is used to introduce a craft n 3 pi usu craft
meaning related to the preceding sense by an eas-
ily understood extension of that sense: 'father n 2 cap ... 5 often cap
dul-cl-rner n 2 or dul-ci-more \-,mor\
chi-na ... n : porcelain ware; also: domestic 21ift n ... 5 chiefly Brit
pottery in general
At craft the pi label applies to sense 3 but to
The order of senses is historical: the sense none of the other numbered senses. At father the
known to have been first used in English is en- cap label applies only to sense 2 and the often cap
tered first. This is not to be taken to mean, how- label only to sense 5. At dulcimer the variant
ever, that each sense of a multisense word spelling and pronunciation apply only to sense 2,
developed from the immediately preceding sense. and the chiefly Brit label at lift applies only to
It is altogether possible that sense 1 of a word has sense 5.
given rise to sense 2 and sense 2 to sense 3, but fre-

Four different kinds of cross-references are used entry, a definition at the entry, or a specific sense
in this dictionary: directional, synonymous, cog- at the entry cross-referred to can be substituted as
nate, and inflectional. In each instance the cross- a definition for the entry or the sense in which the
reference is readily recognized by the lightface cross-reference appears.
small capitals in which it is printed. A cross-reference following an italic var of
A cross-reference following a lightface dash and ("variant of') is a cognate cross-reference:
beginning with see or compare is a directional pick-a-back ... var of PIGGYBACK
cross-reference. It directs the dictionary user to
look elsewhere for further information: Occasionally a cognate cross-reference has a
limiting label preceding var of as an indication
ordinal number ... n ... -compare CARDI- that the variant is not standard American English:
cosy chiefly Brit var of COZY
A cross-reference following a boldface colon is a
synonymous cross-reference. It may stand alone A cross-reference following an italic label that
as the only definition for an entry or for a sense of identifies an entry as an inflected form (as of a
an entry; it may follow an analytical definition; it noun or verb) is an inflectional cross-reference:
may be one of two or more synonymous cross- calves pi of CALF
references separated by commas: woven past part of WEAVE
fact ... n 1 : DEED ... Inflectional cross-references appear only when
2pa.per adi 3 : existing only in theory the inflected form falls at least a column away
: NOMINAL from the entry cross-referred to.
A synonymous cross-reference indicates that an


An entry that begins or ends with a hyphen is an Combining forms, prefixes, and suffixes are en-
element that forms part of a compound: tered in this dictionary for two reasons: to make
understandable the meaning of many undefined
-wise adv comb form ... <slantwise>
ex- prefix ... 2 <ex-president> run-ons and to make recognizable the meaningful
-let n suffix 1 <booklet> elements of words that are not entered in the dic-


Many words that begin with the prefixes or com- word entered elsewhere in the dictionary, and
bining forms anti-, in-, non-, over-, re-, self-, semi-, these words are listed undefined at the bottom of
sub-, super-, and un- are self-explanatory combi- the page or spread following the entry for the
nations of the prefix or combining form and a prefix.
Using the Dictionary xiv


Abbreviations and symbols for chemical ele- Abbreviations have been normalized to one
ments are included as main entries in the vocabu- form. However, there is considerable variation in
lary: the use of periods and capitalization (as vhf, v.h.f.,
RSVP abbr ... please reply
VHF, and V.H.F.), and stylings other than those in
Ca symbol calcium
this dictionary are often acceptable.


ab about it feet OF Old French
abbr abbreviation G, Ger German OIt Old Italian
abl ablative Gk Greek ON Old Norse
ace accusative Gmc Germanic OPer Old Persian
A.D. anno Domini Heb Hebrew orig originally
adj adjective Hung Hungarian part participle
adv adverb Icel Icelandic Per Persian
alter alteration imit imitative perh perhaps
Am,Amer American imper imperative Pg Portuguese
AmerF American French interj interjection pi plural
Amerlnd American Indian Ir Irish Pol Polish
AmerSp American Spanish irreg irregular pp past participle
Ant Antonym(s) It, Ital Italian prep preposition
Ar Arabic Jp Japanese pres present, president
Aram Aramaic K Kelvin prob probably
B.G. before Christ km kilometers pron pronoun, pronuncia-
Brit British L Latin tion
C Celsius LaF Louisiana French prp present participle
ca circa LG Low German pseud pseudonym
Calif California LGk Late Greek r reigned
Can, Canadian LHeb Late Hebrew Russ Russian
Canad lit literally Sc Scotch, Scots
CanF Canadian French LL Late Latin Scand Scandinavian
cap capital, capitalized m meters ScGael Scottish Gaelic
Celt Celtic masc masculine Scot Scottish
cen central MD Middle Dutch sing singular
cent century ME Middle English Skt Sanskrit
Chin Chinese MexSp Mexican Spanish Slav Slavic
comb combining MF Middle French So South
compar comparative MGk Middle Greek Sp, Span Spanish
conj conjunction mi miles St Saint
D Dutch ML Medieval Latin superl superlative
Dan Danish modif modification Sw Swedish
dat dative MS manuscript syn synonym, synonymy
deriv derivative Mt Mount trans translation
dial dialect n noun Turk Turkish
dim diminutive neut neuter US United States
E English NewEng New England USSR Union of Soviet
Egypt Egyptian NGk New Greek Socialist Republics
Eng English NHeb New Hebrew usu usually
esp especially NL New Latin var variant
est estimated No North vb verb
F Fahrenheit, French Norw Norwegian vi verb intransitive
fern feminine n pl noun plural VL Vulgar Latin
fl flourished obs obsolete vt verb transitive
fr from OE Old English W Welsh
<l abut, collect, suppose oi toy
la, ,a humdrum p pepper, lip
a (in ai, an) battle, cotton; (in P, rna, r") r rarity
French table, prisme, titre s source, less
<lr operation, further sh shy, mission
a map, patch t tie, attack
a day, fate th thin, ether
a bother, cot, father til then, either
ar car, heart ii boot, few \'fyii\
au now, out u put, pure \'pyur\
b baby, rib ur boor, tour
ch chin, catch te French rue, German fullen, fUhlen
d did, adder v vivid, give
e set, red w we, away
er bare, fair y yard, cue \'kyii\
e beat, easy indicates that a preceding \1\, \n\, or
f fifty, cuff \w\ is modified by having the tongue
g go, big approximate the position for \y\, as in
h hat, ahead French digne \denY\
hw whale z zone, raise
tip, banish zh vision, pleasure
ir near: deer \ slant line used in pairs to mark the
I site, buy beginning and end of a transcription:
j job, edge \'pen\
k kin, cook mark at the beginning of a syllable
Is; German Bach, Scots loch that has primary (strongest) stress:
I lily, cool \'sh<l-f<ll-,bord\
m murmur, dim mark at the beginning of a syllable that
n nine, own has secondary (next-strongest) stress:
indicates that a preceding vowel is pro- \'sh<l-f<ll-,bord\
nounced through both nose and mouth, mark of a syllable division in pronunci-
as in French bon \bon\ ations (the mark of end-of-line division
I) sing, singer, finger, ink in boldface entries is a centered dot
0 bone, hollow ( ) indicate that what is symbolized be-
0 saw tween sometimes occurs and sometimes
or boar, port does not occur in the pronunciation
ce French boeuf, feu, German Holle, of the word: bakery \'ba-k(<l-)re\
Hohle = \'ba-b-re, 'ba-kre\
'a \'a\ n, pi a's or as \'iiz\ often cap 1 : the 1st letter of the a nuisance> 2 + : to decrease in amount, number, or de-
English alphabet 2: a grade rating a student's work as su- gree
perior + decline, decrease, diminish, dwindle, ebb, fall, lessen,
2a \a, (')a\ indefinite article: ONE, SOME - used to indicate recede, subside, taper, wane - more at DECREASE
an unspecified or unidentified individual <there's ~ man abate-ment \a-'bat-mant\ n 1 +: an amount of taking
outside> away; esp : a deduction from a tax 2 + : an amount
3a abbr, often cap 1 absent 2 acre 3 alto 4 answer 5 are abated or lessened
6 area
AA abbr 1 Alcoholics Anonymous 2 antiaircraft 3 asso-
+ [1) deduction, discount, reduction - more at DEDUC-
TION + [1, 2] decline, decrease, decrement, diminution,

ciate in arts
drop, fall, loss, reduction, shrinkage - more at DE-
AAA abbr American Automobile Association
A and M abbr agricultural and mechanical
A and R abbr artists and repertory ab-at-toir \'a-ba-,twar\ n [F] : SLAUGHTERHOUSE
aard-vark \'ard-,vark\ n lobs. Afrikaans, fro Afrikaans aard ab-ba-cy \'a-ba-se\ n, pi -cies : the office or term of office
earth + vark pig] : a large burrowing African mammal of an abbot or abbess
that feeds on ants and termites with its long sticky tongue ab-be \a-'ba, 'a-,\ n : a member of the French secular
'ab \'ab\ n : an abdominal muscle clergy - used as a title
2ab abbr about ab-bess \'a-bas\ n : the superior of a convent for nuns
AB abbr 1 able-bodied seaman 2 airman basic 3 bachelor ab-bey \'a-be\ n, pi abbeys 1 + : a house for persons and
of arts esp. monks under religious vows: MONASTERY 2: CONVENT
ABA abbr American Bar Association 3 : an abbey church
aback \a-'bak\ adv + : by surprise <taken ~> + cloister, friary, monastery, priory - more at
+ suddenly, unaware, unawares - more at UNAWARES MONASTERY
aba-cus \'a-ba-kas\ n, pi aba-ci \-,sI, -,ke\ or aba-cus-es : an ab-bot \'a-bat\ n [ME abbod, fro OE, fro LL abbat-, abbas,
instrument for making calculations by sliding counters fr. LGk abbas, fr. Aramaic abba father] : the superior of
along rods or grooves a monastery for men
'abaft \a-'baft\ prep: to the rear of abbr abbr abbreviation
2abaft adv : toward or at the stem : AFT ab-bre-vi-ate \a-'bre-ve-,at\ vb -at-ed: -at-inq + : to make
ab-a-lo-ne \,a-ba-'16-ne, 'a-ba-,\ n : any of a genus of large briefer: SHORTEN, CURTAIL; esp : to reduce to an abbrevia-
edible sea mollusks with a flattened slightly spiral shell tion
with holes along the edge + abridge, curtail, cut back, shorten - more at
"aban-den \a-'ban-dan\ vb [ME abandounen, fr. AF aban- SHORTEN
duner, fr. (mettre) a bandun to hand over, put in some- ab-bre-vi-a-tlon \a-,bre-ve-'a-shan\ n 1 + : the act or result
one's control) + : to give up completely: FORSAKE, DESERT of abbreviating: ABRIDGMENT 2: a shortened form of a
+ desert, forsake, maroon, quit; also relinquish, retreat word or phrase used for brevity esp. in writing
(from), take off (from), vacate, withdraw (from) + abridgment, condensation, digest - more at ABRIDG-
2abandon n + : a thorough yielding to natural impulses MENT
+ abandonment, ease, lightheartedness, naturalness, 'ABC \,a-(,)be-'se\ n, pi ABC's or ABCs \-'sez\ 1 : ALPHABET
spontaneity, unrestraint; also ardor, enthusiasm, exu- - usu. used in pl. 2: RUDIMENTS - usu. used in pl.
berance, fervor, spirit, warmth, zeal Ant constraint, re- 2ABC abbr American Broadcasting Company
straint Abodias \ab-'di-as\ n : OBADIAH
abanodoned \a-'ban-dand\ adj 1 : morally unrestrained ab-di-cate \'ab-di-,kat\ vb -cat-ed: + : to give up (as
2 + : given up : FORSAKEN a throne) formally - ab-dl-ca-tlon \,ab-di-'ka-shan\ n
+ derelict, deserted, forsaken; also ignored, neglected, + abnegate, cede, relinquish, renounce, resign, step
unattended, untended down, surrender; also abjure, disavow, disclaim, dis-
aban-don-ment \a-'ban-dan-mant\ n 1 + : the act of aban- own, deny, waive
doning 2 + : freedom from restraint ab-do-men \'ab-da-man, ab-'d6-\ n 1 + : the cavity in or
+ [1) dereliction, desertion - more at DERELICTION area of the body between the chest and the pelvis 2: the
+ [2) abandon, ease, lightheartedness, naturalness, part of the body posterior to the thorax in an arthropod
spontaneity, unrestraint - more at ABANOON - ab-dom-i-nal \ab-'da-man-'l\ adj - ab-dom-l-nat-ly adv
abase \a-'bits\ vb abased; abas-ing + : to lower in rank, of- + belly, gut, solar plexus, stomach, tummy - more at
fice, prestige, or esteem: HUMBLE, DEGRADE - abaseoment n STOMACH
+ debase, degrade, demean, demoralize, humble, sub- ab-duct \ab-'dakt\ vb : to take away (a person) by force
vert, warp - more at DEBASE : KIDNAP - ab-duc-tlcn \-'dak-shan\ n - ab-duc-tor \-tar\
abash \a-'bash\ vb + : to destroy the composure of : EM- n
BARRASS abeam \a-'bem\ adv or adj : on a line at right angles to a
+ confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, discounte- ship's keel
nance, embarrass, faze, fluster, mortify, rattle - more abed \a-'bed\ adv or adj : in bed
at EMBARRASS \,a-ba-'na-ke\ n, pi Abenaki or Abenakis : a mem-
abash-ment \a-'bash-mant\ n + : the quality or state of be- ber of a group of American Indian peoples of northern
ing abashed New England and southern Quebec
+ confusion, discomfiture, embarrassment, fluster, ab-er-rant \a-'ber-ant\ adj 1 + : departing from the right or
mortification - more at EMBARRASSMENT normal way 2 + : departing from the usual or natural
abate \a-'bat\ vb abat-ed; abat-ing 1 : to put an end to <~ type : ATYPICAL
aberration 2
+ [I) abnormal, anomalous, deviant, irregular, unnatu- : CRINGING - ab-jec-tion \ab-'jek-shan\ n - abojectly adv
ral - more at DEVIANT + [2) abnormal, atypical, excep- - ab-ject-ness n
tional, extraordinary, freak, odd, peculiar, uncommon, ab-jure \ab-'jur\ vb ab-jured; 1 + : to renounce
uncustomary, unique, unusual, unwonted - more at solemnly : RECANT 2: to abstain from - ab-ju-ra-tion
EXCEPTIONAL \,ab-ja-'ra-shan\ n
ab-er-ra-tlon \,a-ba-'ra-shan\ n 1 : deviation esp. from a + recant, renounce, retract, take back, unsay, with-
moral standard or normal state 2: failure of a mirror or draw; also deny, contradict, disavow, disclaim, disown,
lens to produce exact point-to-point correspondence be- gainsay, negate, negative, repudiate Ant adhere (to)
tween an object and its image 3 + : unsoundness of mind abl abbr ablative
: DERANGEMENT ab-late \a-'blat\ vb ab-lat-ed; ab-lat-ing : to remove or be-
+ dementia. derangement. insanity. lunacy. madness. come removed esp. by cutting, abrading, or vaporizing
mania - more at INSANITY ab-la-tlon \a-'bla-shan\ n 1 : surgical cutting and removal
abet \a-'bet\ vb abet-ted; abet-ting [ME abetten, fr. AF 2 : loss of a part (as the outside of a nose cone) by melt-
abeter, fro beter to bait) 1 + : to actively second and en- ing or vaporization
courage (as in wrongdoing) : INCITE 2 + : to assist or sup- ab-la-tive \'ab-Ia-tiv\ adi : of, relating to, or constituting a
port in the achievement of a purpose grammatical case (as in Latin) expressing typically the re-
+ [1, 2) ferment, foment, incite, instigate, provoke, lation of separation and source - ablative n
raise, stir, whip - more at INCITE + [2) aid, assist. back. ablaze \a-'bliiz\ adj or adv 1 + : being on fire : BLAZING
help, prop. support - more at HELP 2 + : radiant with light
abet-tor also abet-ter \-'be-tar\ n + : one that abets + [1) afire, burning, fiery; also aglow, alight, flaring,
+ accessory, accomplice, cohort, confederate - more glowing, live, smoldering + [2) alight, bright, Iight-
at ACCOMPLICE + ally, backer. confederate, supporter, more at BRIGHT
sympathizer - more at ALLY able \'a-bal\ ad] abler \-b(a- )Iar\; ablest \-b(a- )Iast\ [ME, fr.
abey-ance \a-'ba-ans\ n + : a condition of suspended activ- AF, fr. L habilis apt, fr. habere to hold, possess) 1 + : hav-
ity ing sufficient power, skill, or resources to accomplish an
+ doldrums. dormancy, latency. quiescence, suspen- object 2 + : marked by skill or efficiency
sion; also inaction, inertia, inertness, motionlessness + [I. 2) capable, competent, fit, good, qualified, suit-
Ant continuance, continuation able - more at COMPETENT
ab-hor \ab-'hor, ab-v vb ab-horred; abhor.ring [ME abhor- -able also -ible adj suffix 1 : capable of, fit for, or worthy
ren, fro L abhorrere, fro ab- + horrere to shudder) : to re- of (being so acted upon or toward) <breakable) <col
gard with extreme dislike: LOATHE, DETEST lectible) 2: tending, given, or liable to <knowledgeable)
+ abominate, despise, detest, execrate, hate, loathe- <perishable)
more at HATE able-bod-led \,a-bal-'bii-ded\ adj + : having a sound strong
ab-hor-rence \-ans\ n 1 + : the feeling of one who abhors body
2 + : one that is abhorred + chipper, fit, hale, healthy, hearty, robust, sound, well,
+ [1) abomination, execration, hate, hatred, loathing whole, wholesome - more at HEALTHY
- more at HATE + [2) abomination, anathema, antipa- abloom \a-'bliim\ adj : BLOOMING
thy, aversion, bete noire, hate - more at HATE ab-lu-tion \a-'bHi-shan, a-\ n : the washing of one's body or
ab-hor-rent \-ant\ adj + : causing or deserving strong dis- part of it
like: LOATHSOME ably \'a-ble\ adv + : in an able manner
+ abominable, appalling, hideous, horrible, horrid, of- + adeptly, capably, expertly, masterfully, proficiently,
fensive, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, skillfully, well- more at WELL
shocking - more at OFFENSIVE ABM \,a-(,)be'em\ n, pi ABM's or ABMs : ANTIBALLISTIC
abid-ance \a-'bi-dan(t)s\ n + : an act or state of abiding MISSILE
+ ceaselessness, continuance, continuation, duration, ab-ne-qate \'ab-ni-,gat\ vb -qat-ed; 1: DENY, RE-
endurance, persistence, subsistence - more at CONTIN- NOUNCE 2 + : to give up (as a right or privilege) : SURREN-
abide \a-'bid\ vb abode \-'bod\ or abid-ed; abld-inq 1 + : to + abdicate, cede, relinquish, renounce, resign, step
bear patiently: ENDURE 2 a + : to continue in a state or down, surrender - more at ABDICATE
place b + : to have one's abode - abide by to conform or ab-ne-ga-tion \,ab-ni-'ga-shan\ n + : restraint or denial of
acquiesce to <abide by the law) desire or self-interest
+ [I) bear, brook, countenance, endure, meet, stand, + renouncement, renunciation, repudiation, self=
stick out, stomach, support, sustain, take, tolerate- denial- more at RENUNCIATION
more at BEAR + [2a) continue, endure, hold, keep up, ab-nor-mal xab-tnor-rnol', adj + : deviating from the normal
last, persist, run on - more at CONTINUE + [2b) dwell, or average - ab-nor-mal-ly adv
live, reside - more at LIVE
+ aberrant, exceptional, extraordinary, rare, singular, \a-'bi-dil)\ adj + : lasting and unchanging: ENDUR-
uncommon, uncustomary, unique, unusual- more at
ING, CONTINUING <an ~ interest in nature)
EXCEPTIONAL + aberrant, anomalous, atypical, deviant,
+ ageless, continuing, dateless, enduring, eternal, ever- irregular, unnatural - more at DEYIANT
lasting, immortal, imperishable, lasting, perennial, per-
ab-nor-mal-i-ty \,ab-nor-'ma-Ia-te\ n + : something abnor-
petual, timeless, undying; also ceaseless, endless, mal
permanent; changeless, constant, stable, stationary,
steady, unchanging, unvarying + freak, monster, monstrosity - more at FREAK
abil-i-ty \a-'bi-Ia-te\ n, pi -ties + : the quality of being able 'aboard \a-'bord\ adv 1 : ALONGSfDE 2 : on, onto, or within
+ capability, capacity, competence, faculty; also apti- a car, ship, or aircraft 3: in or into a group or association
tude, aptness, endowment, facility, gift, knack, talent <welcome new workers ~)
Ant inability, incapability, incapacity, incompetence, 2aboardprep : ON, ONTO, WITHIN
ineptitude abode \a'bod\ n 1 : STAY, SOJOURN 2 + : the place where
-ability also -ibility n suffix : capacity, fitness, or tendency one abides: HOME, RESIDENCE
to act or be acted on in a (specified) way <flammability) + domicile, dwelling, home, house, lodging, quarters,
ab-ject Vab-jjekt, ab-'jekt\ adj : low in spirit or hope residence - more at HOME
3 abscond
ebcl-lsh \:J-'ba-lish\ vb + : to do away with: ANNUL - ab-o- + aloft, over, overhead, skyward Ant below, beneath,
ti-tlon \,a-b:J-'li-sh:Jn\ n under
+ abrogate, annul, cancel, dissolve, invalidate, negate, 2above prep 1 : in or to a higher place than : OVER (storm
nullify, quash, repeal, rescind, void; also countermand, clouds ~ the bay) 2: superior to (he thought her far ~
override, overrule, overturn, veto, retract, reverse, re- him) 3: more than: EXCEEDING 4: as distinct from (~
voke, suspend, withdraw the noise)
abooolitionism \,a-b:J-'li-shl}-,ni-z:Jm\ n : advocacy of the above-board \-,bord\ adv or adj : without concealment or
abolition of slavery - ab-o-u-tton-tst \-'Ii-sh(:J- )nist\ n or deception : OPENLY
atlj abp abbr archbishop
A-bomb \'a-,bam\ n : ATOMIC BOMB - A-bomb vb abr abbr abridged; abridgment
abom-l-na-ble \:J-'ba-m:J-n:J-b:Jl\ adj + : worthy of or caus- ab-ra-ca-dab-ra\,a-br:J-k:J-'da-br:J\ n 1 : a magical charm
ing disgust or hatred: ODIOUS or incantation against calamity 2.: unintelligible or
+ abhorrent, appalling, awful, horrible, horrid, odious, meaningless language: GIBBERISH
offensive, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting [I, 2] abracadabra, bewitchment, charm, conjura-
abominable snow-man \-'sno-m:Jn, -,man\ n, often cap A&S tion, enchantment, incantation, spell - more at SPELL
: a mysterious creature with human or apelike character- abrade \:J-'brad\ vb abrad-ed; abrading 1 a + : to wear
istics reported to exist in the high Himalayas away by friction b + : to irritate or roughen by rubbing
abom-i-nate \:J-'ba-m:J-,nat\ vb -nat-ed; -nat-lnq [L abomi- 2: to wear down in spirit: IRRITATE
nari, lit., to deprecate as an ill omen, fr. ab- away + omen [1a) chafe, erode, fray, fret, gall, rub, wear; also file,
omen) + : to hate or loathe intensely: LOATHE, DETEST gnaw, grate, graze, grind, nibble, rasp, sandblast, sand-
+ abhor, despise, detest, execrate, hate, loathe - more paper, scour, scrape, scuff, shave + [1 b] graze, scrape,
at HATE scratch, scuff - more at SCRAPE
aborn-i-ne-tlon \:J-,ba-m:J-'na-sh:Jn\ n 1 +: something abra-sion \I}-'bra-zh:Jn\ n [ML abrasion-, abrasio, fro L
abominable 2 + : extreme disgust and hatred: LOATHING abradere] : an abraded area of the skin or mucous mem-
+ (1) abhorrence, anathema, antipathy, aversion, bete brane
noire, hate - more at HATE + (2) abhorrence, execra- 'abrasive \:J-'bra-siv\ n : a substance (as pumice) for abrad-
tion, hate, hatred, loathing - more at HATE ing, smoothing, or polishing
ab-oriq-i-nal\,a-b:J-'ri-j:J-n:J1\ adj + : being the first or earli- 2abrasive adj : tending to abrade: causing irritation (~ re-
est known of its kind present in a region: INDIGENOUS lationships) - abra-slve-tyadv - abra-stve-ness n
+ born, endemic, indigenous, native - more at NATIVE abreast \:J-'brest\ adv or adj 1 : side by side 2 : up to a
standard or level esp. of knowledge
ab-orig-i-ne\,a-b:J-'ri-j:J-ne\ n : a member of the Original conversant, familiar, informed, knowledgeable, up,
race of inhabitants of a region : NATIVE up-to-date, versed - more at FAMILIAR
aborn-ing\:J-'b6r-nilJ\ adv : while being born or produced
abridge \:J-'brij\ vb abridged; [ME abregen, fr.
'abort \:J-'b6rt\ vb 1 : to cause or undergo abortion 2 + : to AF abreger, fro LL abbreviare, fro L ad to + brevis short]
terminate prematurely (~a spaceflight)
: to lessen in length or extent: SHORTEN
+ call, call off, cancel, drop, recall, repeal, rescind, re- + abbreviate, curtail, cut back, shorten - more at
voke - more at CANCEL
2abort n : the premature termination of a mission of or a abridg.ment or abridge-ment \:J-'brij-ment\ n + : a short-
procedure relating to an aircraft or spacecraft
ened form of a work
abor-tlon \:J-'b6r-sh:Jn\ n 1 : the spontaneous or induced
termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, re- abbreviation, condensation, digest; also abstract,
sulting in, or closely followedby the death of the embryo brief, outline, overview, precis, recap, recapitulation,
or fetus 2 + : arrest of development (as of a part or resume, review, sketch, sum, summary, summation, syl-

- process); also: a result of such arrest labus, synopsis, survey, wrap-up

abroad \:J-'br6d\ adv or adj 1 : over a wide area 2: away
+ calling, cancellation, recall, repeal, rescission, revoca- from one's home 3: outside one's country
tion - more at CANCELLATION aboro-gate \'a-bfl}-,gat\ vb -gatoed; : to abolish by
abor-tlon-lst \-sh(:J-)nist\ n : one who induces abortions authoritative action : ANNUL - aboro-gaotion \'a-bfl}-'ga-
abor-tive \:J-'b6r-tiv\ atlj + : not successful shonv n
+ fruitless, futile, ineffective, unproductive, unsuccess- abolish, annul, cancel, dissolve, invalidate, negate,
ful - more at FUTILE nullify, quash, repeal, rescind, void - more at ABOLISH
abound \:J-'baimd\ vb 1 + : to be plentiful: TEEM 2: to be abrupt \:J-'br:Jpt\ adj 1 : broken or as if broken off 2: SUD-
fully supplied DEN, HASTY 3.: so quick as to seem rude 4: DISCON-
+ brim, bulge, burst, crawl, swarm, teem NECTED 5: STEEP
'about \:J-'baut\ adv 1 : reasonably close to; also: on the bluff, blunt, brusque, curt, snippy - more at BLUNT
verge of (~ to join the army) 2: on all sides 3: in the abrupt-ly \-le\ adv : in an abrupt manner
vicinity : NEARBY 4 + : in the opposite direction abs abbr absolute
(1) almost, most, much, near, nearly, next to, nigh, ab-scess \'ab-,ses\ n, pi ab-scess-es [L abscessus, lit., act
practically, some, virtually, well-nigh - more at AL- of going away, fr. abscedere to go away, fr. abs-, ab- away
MOST. (4) around, back, round - more at AROUND + cedere to go] : a localized collection of pus surrounded
2about prep 1 : on every side of 2 + : near to 3 : relating by inflamed tissue - aboscessed \-,sest\ adj
to : CONCERNING 4 : over or in different parts of ab-scis-sa \ab-'si-s:J\ n, pi abscissas also ab-sets-sae \-'si-
+ [2) around, by, near, next to - more at AROUND (,)se\ : the horizontal coordinate of a point in a plane coor-
[3] apropos of, concerning, of, on, regarding, respect- dinate system obtained by measuring parallel to the x-axis
ing, toward; also as to, over. [4] around, over, round, ab-scls-slon vab-tsi-zhsnv n 1 : the act or process of cut-
through, throughout - more at AROUND ting off 2: the natural separation of flowers, fruits, or
about-face \-'fas\ n : a reversal of direction or attitude - leaves from plants - aboscise \ab-'siz\ vb
about-face vb ab-scond \ab-'skiind\ vb : to depart secretly and hide
'above \:J-'b:Jv\ adv 1 : in the sky; also : in or to heaven oneself
2 : in or to a higher place; also: higher on the same page clear out, escape, flee, fly, get out, lam, run away, run
or on a preceding page off - more at ESCAPE
absence 4
ab-sence \'ab-s:ms\ n 1 : the state or time of being absent GROSS 4: to receive without recoil or echo <a ceiling that
2 + : failure to be present where needed, wanted, or nor- -ssound) 5: ASSUME, BEAR <-
all costs) 6: to trans-
mally expected: WANT, LACK 3: fNATTENTION form (radiant energy) into a different form usu. with a re-
+ lack, need, want - more at NEED sulting rise in temperature
'abosent \'ab-s;lnt\ adj 1 + : not present 2 + : to be defi- + [2] drink, imbibe, soak, sponge, suck; also gulp, guz-
cient or missing: LACKfNG 3: not paying attention: INAT- zle, quaff, sip, slurp, swallow, swig, swill + [3] busy, en-
TENTIVE gage, engross, enthrall, fascinate, grip, immerse,
+ [1] away, missing, out; also AWOL, truant Ant here, interest, intrigue, involve, occupy - more at ENGAGE
present + [2] missing, nonexistent, wanting; also dead, ab-sorbed \;lb-'sorbd, -'zorbd\ adj + : obliviously engaged
departed, extinct, lost, perished, vanished Ant existent, or occupied
present + attentive, engrossed, intent, observant, rapt - more
2abosent \ab-'sent\ vb : to keep (oneself) away at ATTENTIVE
3abosent \'ab-s;lnt\prep : in the absence of : WITHOUT ab-sor-bent also ab-sor-bent \;lb-'sor-b;lnt, '-zor-\ adj : able
ab-sen-tee \,ab-s;ln-'te\ n : one that is absent or keeps away to absorb <- cotton) - ab-sor-ben-cy \-b;ln-se\ n - ab-
absentee ballot n : a ballot submitted (as by mail) in ad- sorbent also absorbant n
vance of an election by a voter who is unable to be pres- ab-sorb-ing \;lb-'sorb-ilJ, -'zorb-ilJ\ adj + : fully taking at-
ent at the polls tention : ENGROSSfNG - ab-sorb-inq-ly adv
ab-sen-tee-ism \,ab-s;ln-'te-,i-z;lm\ n : chronic absence (as + engaging, engrossing, enthralling, fascinating, inter-
from work or school) esting, intriguing - more at INTERESTfNG
ab-sent-mind-ed \,ab-s;lnt-'mfn-d;ld\ adj +: unaware of ab-sorp-tion \;lb-'sorp-sh;ln, -'zorp-\ n 1 : a process of ab-
one's surroundings or actions : fNATTENTIVE - ab-sent-
sorbing or being absorbed 2 + : concentration of atten-
rnlnd-ed-Iy adv - ab-sent-mind-ed-ness n
tion - ab-sorp-tive \-tiv\ adj
+ abstracted, preoccupied; also absorbed, dreaming, + attention, concentration - more at ATTENTION
dreamy, distracted, engrossed, faraway, intent, pensive,
rapt Ant alert ab-stain \;lb-'stan\ vb + : to refrain from an action or prac-
ab-sinthe also ab-sinth \'ab-,sinth\ n [F] : a liqueur flavored tice - ab-stain-er n - ab-sten-tion \-'sten-ch;ln\ n
esp. with wormwood and anise + forbear, forgo, keep, refrain - more at FORBEAR
ab-so-lute \'ab-s;l-,liit, ,ab-s;l-'Iiit\ adj 1 + : free from im- ab-ste-mi-ous \ab-'ste-me-;ls\ adj + : sparing in use of food
perfection or mixture 2 + : free from control, restriction, or drink: TEMPERATE - ab-ste-mi-ous-ly adv - ab-ste-rnl-
or qualification 3: lacking grammatical connection with ousness n
any other word in a sentence <-
construction) 4 + : not + abstinent, sober, temperate; also ascetic, austere; dis-
disputable: POSITIVE <-
proof) 5: relating to the funda- ciplined, self-controlled, self-governed Ant self=
mental units of length, mass, and time 6: FUNDAMENTAL, indulgent
ULTIMATE ab-sti-nence \'ab-st;l-n;lns\ n : voluntary refraining esp.
+ [1] faultless, flawless, ideal, impeccable, letter-per- from eating certain foods, drinking liquor, or engaging in
fect, perfect, unblemished - more at PERFECT sexual intercourse
+ [1] fine, neat, plain, pure, refined, straight, unadul- ab-sti-nent \'ab-st;l-n:mt\ adj [ME, from MF, from L absti-
terated, undiluted, unmixed - more at PURE + [2] au- nent-, abstinens, present participle of abstinere to abstain]
tocratic, despotic, dictatorial, tyrannical, tyrannous; + : practicing abstience
also authoritarian, totalitarian Ant limited + [2] com- + abstemious, sober, temperate - more at ABSTEMIOUS
plete, consummate, perfect, total, unequivocal, unqual-
ified, utter; also authentic, classic, genuine, real, abstr abbr abstract
veritable + [4] clear, conclusive, decisive, definitive, tab-street \ab-'strakt, 'ab-,strakt\ ad] 1 : considered apart
positive - more at CONCLUSIVE from a particular instance 2: expressing a quality apart
from an object <whiteness is an - word) 3: having only
ab-so-lute-ly \-le\ adv + : in an absolute manner or condi-
intrinsic form with little or no pictorial representation
+ all, altogether, clean, completely, entirely, fully,
<- painting) - ab-stract-ly adv - ab-stract-ness n
2abostraet \'ab-,strakt; 2 also ab-'strakt\ n 1 + : a summary
quite, totally, utterly, wholly - more at ALL of points (as of a writing) : SUMMARY, EPITOME 2: an ab-
absolute pitch n 1 : the position of a tone in a standard stract thing or state
scale independently determined by its rate of vibration
+ digest, encapsulation, epitome, outline, precis, reca-
2 : the ability to sing a note asked for or to name a note
pitulation, resume (or resume), roundup, sum, sum-
mary, synopsis, wrap-up - more at SUMMARY
absolute value n : a nonnegative number equal to a given
real number with any negative sign removed
3ab.stract \ab-'strakt, 'ab-,strakt; 2 usu 'ab-,strakt\ vb
absolute zero n : a theoretical temperature marked by a 1 : REMOVE, SEPARATE 2 + : to make an abstract of : SUM-
MARIZE 3 : to draw away the attention of 4 : STEAL - ab-
complete absence of heat and motion and equivalent to
exactly -273.15C or -459.6rF stract-ed-ly vab-tstrak-tad-le, 'ab-,strak-\ adv
ab-so-lu-tion \,ab-s;l-'lii-sh;ln\ n + : the act of absolving; esp + digest, encapsulate, epitomize, outline, recapitulate,
: a remission of sins pronounced by a priest in the sacra- sum up, summarize, wrap up - more at SUMMARIZE
ment of reconciliation ab-stract-ed \ab-'strak-t;ld, 'ab-,strak-\ adi +: lost in
+ amnesty, forgiveness, pardon, remission - more at thought and unaware of one's surroundings or actions
PARDON + absentminded, preoccupied - more at ABSENT-
ab-so-lut-ism \'ab-s;l-,lii-,ti-z;lm\ n 1: the theory that a MINDED
ruler or government should have unlimited power abstract expressionism n : art that expresses the artist's at-
2 : government by an absolute ruler or authority titudes and emotions through abstract forms - abstract
ab-solve \;lb-'zalv, -'salv\ vb ab-solved: ab-solv-ing + : to expressionist n
set free from an obligation or the consequences of guilt ab-strac-tion \ab-'strak-sh;ln\ n 1 : the act of abstracting
+ acquit, clear, exculpate, exonerate, vindicate - more : the state of being abstracted 2: an abstract idea 3: an
at EXCULPATE abstract work of art
ab-sorb \;lb-'sorb, -'zorb\ vb 1 : to take in and make part ab-struse \ab-'striis\ adj + : hard to understand : RECON-
of an existent whole 2 + : to suck up or take in in the DITE - ab-struse-ly adv - ab-struse-ness n
manner of a sponge 3 + : to engage (one's attention) : EN- + deep, esoteric, profound - more at PROFOUND
5 accept
abosurd\:)b-'s:)rd, -'z:)rd\ adj [MF absurde, fro L absurdus, ac-a-deme\'a-ka-,dem, ,a-ka-'\ n : SCHOOL; also: academic
fro ab- from + surdus deaf, stupid] + : ridiculously unrea- environment
sonable, unsound, or incongruous - ab-surd-lyadv "ac-a-dem-lc \,a-ka-'de-mik\ n : a person who is academic in
+ bizarre, crazy, fanciful, fantastic, foolish, insane, background, outlook, or methods
nonsensical, preposterous, unreal, wild - more at FAN- academic adj 1 +: of, relating to, or associated with
TASTIC + comical, derisive, farcical, laughable, ludi- schools or colleges 2: literary or general rather than
crous, preposterous, ridiculous, risible, silly - more at technical 3: theoretical rather than practical - ae-a-
RIDICULOUS dem-l-cal-ly\-mi-k(:)-)Ie\ adv
abosurodi.ty\-'s:)r-d:)-te, -'z:)r-\ n 1 + : the quality or state + educational, scholarly, scholastic; also bookish,
of being absurd 2 + : something that is absurd pedantic, professorial Ant nonacademic, unacademic
+ [1] craziness, daftness, fatuity, folly, foolishness, ac-a-de-mi-cian\,a-ka-da-'mi-shan, a-,ka-da-\ n 1 : a mem-
inanity, insanity, silliness, zaniness + [2] fatuity, folly, ber of a society of scholars or artists 2: ACADEMIC
foolery, foolishness, idiocy, inanity, madness, stupidity ac-a-dern-l-clsrn \,a-ka-'de-ma-,si-zam\ also acad-e-rnlsrn
abunodance\:)-'b:)n-d:)ns\ n + : an ample quantity \a-'ka-da-,mi-zam\ n 1: a formal academic quality
+ deal, gobs, heap, loads, lot, pile, plenty, quantity, 2 : purely speculative thinking
scads - more at LOT + plenty, superabundance, wealth acad-e-my\a-'ka-da-me\ n, pl-mies [Gk Akademeia, school
- more at PLENTY of philosophy founded by Plato, fr. Akademeia, gymna-
abun-dant \:)-'b:)n-d:)nt\ adj [ME, fro AF, fro L abundant-, sium where Plato taught, fro Akademos Greek mythologi-
abundans, prp. of abundare to abound, fro ab- from + cal hero] 1 : a school usu. above the elementary level; esp
unda wave] + : more than enough : amply sufficient- : a private high school 2: a society of scholars or artists
abunodance\-d:)ns\ n - abun-dant-lyadv acan-thus \a-'kan-thas\ n, pi acanthus 1 : any of a genus of
prickly herbs of the Mediterranean region 2: an orna-
+ ample, bountiful, comfortable, generous, liberal, mentation (as on a column) representing the leaves of the
plentiful - more at PLENTIFUL
'abuse \:)-'byiis\ n 1 : a corrupt practice 2 + : incorrect or a cap-pel-laalso a ca-pel-ta \.a-k:)-'pe-l:)\ adv or adi [It a
improper use: MISUSE <drug -) 3 + : coarse and insult- cappella in chapel style] : without instrumental accompa-
ing speech 4: MISTREATMENT <child-) niment
+ [2] misuse, perversion - more at MISUSE + [3] fulmi- acc abbr accusative
nation, invective, vitriol, vituperation; also blasphemy, ac-cede \ak-'sed\ vb ac-ced-ed; ac-ced-inq 1 : to become a
curse, execration, imprecation, malediction, profanity party to an agreement 2 + : to express approval 3: to en-
abuse \:)-'byiiz\ vb abused; abus-lnq 1 +: to put to a ter upon an office
wrong use : MISUSE 2 + : to use so as to injure or damage + acquiesce, agree, assent, come round, consent, sub-
: MISTREAT 3 + : to attack in words 4 to use to excess <- scribe (to); also adopt, embrace, espouse; abide, bear
alcohol) - abus-er n - abu-sive-nessn (with), endure, stand, suffer, tolerate; yield Ant dissent
+ [1] misapply, misuse, pervert, profane, prostitute- ac-cel-er-ate\ik-'se-l:)-,rat, ak-v vb -at-ed; -at-lnq 1 : to
more at MISAPPLY + [l] capitalize, cash in, exploit, im- bring about earlier 2 + : to speed up : QUICKEN - ac-cel-
pose, play, use - more at EXPLOIT + [2] ill-treat, mal- er-a-tlon\-,se-Ia-'ra-shan\ n
treat, manhandle, mishandle, mistreat, misuse; also + hasten, hurry, quicken, rush, speed (up), step up,
molest, outrage, violate + [3] assail, attack, belabor, whisk - more at HURRY
blast, castigate, excoriate, jump, lambaste, slam, vitu- ac-cel-er-e-tcr\ik-'se-la-,ra-t:)r, ak-v n 1 : one that acceler-
perate - more at ATTACK ates 2: a pedal for controlling the speed of a motor-vehi-
abu-sive \:)-'byii-siv\ adj + : characterized by or serving cle engine 3: an apparatus for imparting high velocities
for abuse - abu-sive-lyadv to charged particles
+ opprobrious, scurrilous; also affronting, offending, ac-cel-er-om-e-ter\ik-,se-la-'ra-ma-tar, ak-\ n : an instru-
offensive, outrageous, outraging; coarse, crude, dirty, ment for measuring acceleration or vibrations
filthy, foul, gross, indecent, nasty, obscene, vulgar; rae-cent \'ak-,sent, ak-'sent\ vb + : to give prominence to
defamatory, libelous (or libellous), scandalous, slander- : STRESS, EMPHASIZE
ous; hateful, malevolent, malicious, spiteful + accentuate, emphasize, feature, highlight, play, point,
abut \:)-'b:)t\ vb abut-ted: abut.ting + : to touch along a bor- stress, underline, underscore - more at EMPHASIZE
der : border on acoeent \'ak-,sent\ n 1 : a distinctive manner of pronunci-
+ adjoin, border (on), flank, fringe, join, skirt, touch, ation <a foreign +-> 2: prominence given to one syllable
verge (on) - more at ADJOIN of a word esp. by stress 3: a mark (as " " -) over a vowel
abut-ment \:)-'b:)t-m:)nt\ n : the part of a structure (as a used usu. to indicate a difference in pronunciation from
bridge) that supports weight or withstands lateral pressure a vowel not so marked 4 + : special concern or attention
abut-ter \:)-'b:)-tar\ n : one that abuts; esp : the owner of a : EMPHASIS - ac-cen-tu-al\ak-'sen-cha-w:)l\ adj
contiguous property + accentuation, emphasis, stress, weight - more at EM-
abys-mal\a-'biz-m:)l\ adj 1 : immeasurably deep: BOTTOM- PHASIS
LESS 2: absolutely wretched <- living conditions of the ac-cen-tu-ate\ak-'sen-cha-,wat\ vb -at-ed; + : to give
poor) - abys.mally adv prominence to : ACCENT
abyss \a-'bis\ n 1 : the bottomless pit in old accounts of + accent, emphasize, feature, highlight, play, point,
the universe 2: an immeasurable depth stress, underline, underscore - more at EMPHASIZE
abys-sa: \a-'bi-sal\ adj : of or relating to the bottom waters
of the ocean depths ac-cen-tu-a-tion\-,sen-ch:)-'wa-shan\ n + : the act or the re-
ac abbr account sult of accentuating
-ac n suffix : one affected with <hypochondriac) + accent, emphasis, stress, weight - more at EMPHASIS
Ac symbol actinium ac-cept \ik-'sept, ak-\ vb 1: to receive with consent
AC abbr 1 air-conditioning 2 alternating current 3 before 2 + : to make a favorable response to 3 + : to recognize
Christ 4 before meals 5 area code as true 4 + : to assume an obligation
aca-cia \:)-'ka-sha\ n : any of numerous leguminous trees + [2] approve, care, countenance, favor (or favour),
or shrubs with round white or yellow flower clusters and OK, subscribe + [3] believe, credit, swallow, trust-
often fernlike leaves more at BELIEVE + [4] assume, bear, shoulder, take
acad abbr academic; academy over, undertake - more at ASSUME
acceptability 6
ac-cept-able \ik-'sep-t::l-b::ll, ak-\ ad} : capable or worthy accommodate, adapt, adjust, condition, conform, fit,
of being accepted - ac-cept-abil-i-ty \-'bi-I::l-te, ak-\ n shape - more at ADAPT
adequate, all right, decent, fine, OK, passable, re- ac-cli-ma-tize \;r'kll-m::l-,tiz\ vb -tized; -tiz-ing : ACCLIMATE
spectable, satisfactory, tolerable - more at ADEQUATE - ac-cli-ma-ti-za-tion \-,kH-m;rt::l-'za-sh::ln\ n
ac-cep-tance \ik-'sep-t::lns, ak-\ n 1 : the act of accepting ac-cliv-i-ty \::l-'kli-v::l-te\ n, pI -ties: an ascending slope
2 : the state of being accepted or acceptable 3: an ac- ac-co-lade \'a-k::l-,Iad\ n [F, fr. accoler to embrace, ultimo
cepted bill of exchange fr. L ad- to + collum neck] : an expression of praise
ac-cep-ta-tion \,ak-,sep-'ta-sh::ln\ n : the generally under- citation, commendation, encomium, eulogy, homage,
stood meaning of a word paean, panegyric, salutation, tribute - more at EN-
'ac-cess \'ak-,ses\ n 1 : capacity to enter or approach COMIUM acclaim, credit, distinction, glory, homage,
2 : a way of approach : ENTRANCE honor (or honour), laurels - more at GLORY
admission, doorway, entrance, entree, entry, gateway ac-com-mo-date \::l-'ka-m::l-,dat\ vb -dat-ed; -dat-ing 1 : to
- more at ENTRANCE make fit or suitable : ADAPT, ADJUST 2 : to bring into
2access vb : to get at : gain access to agreement or concord: HARMONIZE, RECONCILE 3 : to pro-
enter, penetrate, pierce, probe vide with something needed 4 : to hold without crowd-
ac-ces-si-ble \ik-'se-s::l-b::ll, ak-, ek-\ ad} 1 : capable of ing 5: to undergo visual accommodation
being reached <~ by train) 2 : capable of being used, [1] acclimate, adapt, adjust, condition, conform, fit,
seen, or known: OBTAINABLE <~ information) - ac-ces- shape - more at ADAPT [2] conciliate, conform, co-
si-bil-i-ty \-,se-s::l-'bi-I::l-te\ n ordinate, harmonize, key, reconcile - more at HARMO-
[1] convenient, handy, reachable - more at CONVEN- NIZE [4] fit, hold, take; also carry, contain, seat
lENT. [2] acquirable, attainable, available, obtainable, accommodating adj : willing to please: OBLIGING
procurable - more at AVAILABLE
friendly, indulgent, obliging; also helpful, solicitous;
ac-ces-sion \ik-'se-sh::ln, ak-\ n 1 : increase by something considerate, thoughtful; agreeable, amenable, com-
added 2: something added 3: the act of coming to a high plaisant, gracious; lenient, overindulgent, permissive
office or position
'ac-ces-so-ry also ac-ces-sa-ry \ik-'se-s::l-re, ak-v n, pl -ries ac-com-mo-da-tion \::l-,ka-m::l-'da-sh::ln\ n 1: something
1 : a person who though not present abets or assists in supplied to satisfy a need; esp : LODGINGS - usu. used in
the commission of an offense 2 : something helpful but pl. 2 : the act of accommodating 3: the automatic ad-
not essential justment of the eye for seeing at different distances
[1] abettor, accomplice, cohort, confederate - more compromise, concession, give-and-take, negotiation
at ACCOMPLICE [2] accoutrement (or accouterment), - more at co CESSION
adjunct, appendage, attachment; also accompaniment, ac-com-pa-ni-ment \::l-'k::lm-p:l-ne-m:lnt, -'k:lmp-ne-\ n
additive, complement, supplement : something that accompanies another; esp : subordinate
2accessory ad} : aiding or contributing in a secondary music to support a principal voice or instrument
way ac-com-pa-ny \-ne\ vb -nied; -ny-ing 1 : to go or occur
auxiliary, peripheral, supplementary - more at AUX- with: ATTEND 2: to play an accompaniment for - ac-
ILIARY com-pa-nist \-nist\ n
ac-ci-dent \'ak-s::l-d::lnt\ n 1 : an esp, unfortunate event attend, convoy, escort, squire; also associate, consort,
occurring by chance or unintentionally 2 : lack of in- pal (around), team (up)
tention or necessity: CHANCE <met by~) 3: a nonessen- ac-com-plice \:l-'kam-pl:ls, -'bm-\ n : an associate in
tial property crime
[1] casualty, mishap; also calamity, cataclysm, catas- abettor, accessory, cohort, confederate; also collabo-
trophe, cropper, deathblow, disaster, tragedy rator, conspirator, informant, informer
[2] chance, circumstance, hazard, luck - more at ac-com-plish \:l-'kam-plish, -'bm-\ vb : to bring to com-
CHANCE pletion - ac-com-plish-er n
'ac-ci-den-tal \,ak-s::l-'dent-'I\ ad} 1 .: happening unex-
achieve, carry out, commit, compass, do, execute,
pectedly or by chance 2: happening without intent or follow through, fulfill, make, perform - more at PER-
through carelessness - ac-ci-den-tal-ly \-'den-t::l-Ie\ also FORM
ac-ci-dent-ly \-'dent-Ie\ adv
ac-com-plished ad} 1 : marked by proficiency: EXPERT,
casual, chance, fluky, fortuitous, incidental, unin-
SKILLED 2 : established beyond doubt
tended, unintentional, unplanned, unpremeditated, un-
witting; also coincidental Ant deliberate, intended, ace, adept, crack, experienced, expert, master, mas-
intentional, planned, premeditated terful, masterly, practiced, proficient, seasoned, skilled,
2accidental n : a musical note foreign to a key indicated by skillful - more at EXPERIENCED
a signature ac-com-plish-ment \:l-'kam-plish-m::lnt, -'k:lm-\ n 1 : the
'ac-claim \::l-'klam\ vb 1 : to express a favorable judg- act of accomplishing: COMPLETION 2 : something com-
ment of : APPLAUD, PRAISE 2: to declare by acclamation pleted or effected : ACHIEVEMENT 3: an acquired excel-
applaud, cheer, crack up, hail, laud, praise, salute, lence or skill
tout; also ballyhoo Ant knock, pan, slam [1) achievement, actuality, attainment, consumma-
2acclaim n : the act of acclaiming tion, fruition, fulfillment, realization - more at
accolade, credit, distinction, glory, homage, honor FRUITION [2) achievement, attainment, coup, success,
(or honour), laurels - more at GLORY triumph; also conquest, gain, victory, win
ac-cla-ma-tion \,a-kl::l-'ma-sh::ln\ n 1 : loud eager expres- 'ac-cord \::l-'kard\ vb [ME, fro AF acorder, fr. VL *accor-
sion of approval, praise, or assent 2 : an overwhelming af- dare, fr. L ad- to + cord-, cor heart) 1 : to grant or give
firmative vote by shouting or applause rather than by esp. as appropriate, due, or earned : GRANT 2 : to be
ballot consistent or in harmony : AGREE, HARMONIZE - ac-cor-
applause, ovation - more at APPLAUSE dant \-'kard-'nt\ ad)
ac-cli-mate \'a-kl::l-,mat, ::l-'kll-m::lt\ vb -rnat-ed; -rnat-lnq [I) award, confer, grant - more at CONFER
: to accustom or become accustomed to a new environ- (2) agree, coincide, comport, conform, correspond,
ment or situation - ac-cli-ma-tion \,a-kl::l-'ma-sh::ln, -,kll-\ fit, go, harmonize - more at CHECK
n 2accord n 1 : the act or fact of agreeing or being in har-
7 ace
mony : AGREEMENT, HARMONY 2.: willingness to act ac-cre-tion \:;>-'kre-sh:;>n\ n 1 : growth or enlargement esp.
(gave of their own e-c-) by addition from without 2 : a product of accretion
(1) agreement, conformity, consonance, harmony, addition, augmentation, boost, expansion, gain, in-
tune - more at CONFORMITY [1] agreement, concur- crease, increment, plus, proliferation, raise, rise, sup-
rence, consensus, unanimity - more at AGREEMENT plement - more at INCREASE
(2) agreement, bargain, compact, contract, conven- ac-cru-al \:;>-'krii-:;>I\ n : something that accrues or has ac-
tion, covenant, deal, pact, settlement, understanding - crued
more at AGREEMENT. (2) choice, free will, option, self= ac-crue \:;>-'krii\ vb ac-crued: ac-cru-ing 1 : to come by way
determination, volition, will - more at FREE WILL of increase 2: to be added by periodic growth
ac-cor-dance \:;>-'k6rd-Ons\ n 1 : the act or fact of agreeing acct abbr account: accountant
or being in harmony: ACCORD 2: the act of granting ac-cul-tur-a-tion \:;>-,k:;>l-ch:;>-'ra-sh:;>n\ n : cultural modifica-
ac-cord-ing-ly\:;>-'k6r-dil)-le\ adv 1 : in accordance 2 : as tion of an individual or group by borrowing and adapting
a result: CONSEQUENTLY, SO traits from another culture
consequently, ergo, hence, so, therefore, thus, where- ac-cu-mu-late \:;>-'kyii-my:;>-,lat\ vb -lat-ed: [L accu-
fore - more at THEREFORE mulare, fro ad- to + cumulare to heap up) : to gather or
accordingto prep 1 : in conformity with (paid according to pile up - ac-cu-mu-la-tive\-'kyii-my:;>-l:;>-tiv\adj - ac-cu-
ability) 2: as stated or attested by (according to you) mu-la-tor \-'kyii-my:;>-,la-t:;>r\ n
'ac-cor-di-on \:;>-'k6r-de-:;>n\ n [G Akkordion, fro Akkord appreciate, build, increase, mount, multiply, prolifer-
chord] : a portable keyboard instrument with a bellows ate, rise - more at INCREASE amass, assemble, col-
and reeds - ac-cor-dl-cn-lst \-:;>-nist\ n lect, gather, group, lump, pile, round up
2accordion adj : folding like the bellows of an accordion ac-cu-mu-la-tlon\-,kyii-my~-'Ia-sh:;>n\ n 1 .: something
(,._, pleats) that has accumulated or has been accumulated 2 : the ac-
ac-cost \:;>-'k6st\ vb [MF accoster, ultimo fr. L ad- to + costa tion or process of accumulating
rib, side) : to approach and speak to esp. aggressively assemblage, collection, gathering; also agglomerate,
'ac-count \:;>-'kailOt\ n 1 : a statement of business trans- assortment, conglomerate, conglomeration, hodge-
actions 2: a formal business arrangement for regular podge. jumble. medley, melange, mix, mixture, motley,
dealings or services 3: a statement of reasons, causes, or potpourri
motives 4: value or importance esp. as attributed by oth- ac-cu-ra-cy\-r:;>-se\ n : the quality, state, or degree of be-
ers 5 : a sum of money deposited in a bank and subject ing accurate
to withdrawal by the depositor 6 : a description of closeness, delicacy, exactness, fineness, precision, ve-
facts, conditions, or events - on account of : BECAUSE OF racity - more at PRECISION
- on no account : under no circumstances - on one's ac-cu-rate \'a-ky:;>-r:;>t\ adj 1 : free from error : EXACT,
own account: on one's own behalf PRECISE 2 : conforming exactly to truth or to a standard
[1] bill, check, invoice, statement, tab - more at - ac-cu-rate-ness n
BILL. (5) budget, deposit, fund, kitty, nest egg, pool - [1] close, delicate, exact, fine, mathematical, pin-
more at FUND (6) chronicle, history, narrative, point, precise, rigorous - more at PRECISE [2] cor-
record, report, story; also version rect, exact, precise, proper, right, so, true - more at
2account vb 1 : to think of as : CONSIDER (I ,._, him lucky) CORRECT
2 : to give an explanation - used with/or ac-cu-rate-ly\'a-ky:;>-r:;>t-le\ adv : in an accurate manner
[1) call, consider, count, esteem, hold, rate, reckon, exactly, just, precisely, right, sharp, squarely - more
regard, take - more at CONSIDER usu account for at EXACTLY
(2) explain, rationalize - more at EXPLAfN
ac-cursed \:;>-'k:;>rst, -'k:;>r-s:;>d\ or ac-curst \:;>-'k:;>rst\ adj
ac-count-able \:;>-'kailO-t:;>-b:;>l\ ad} 1 : subject to giving 1 : being under a curse 2: DAMNABLE, EXECRABLE
an account: ANSWERABLE, RESPONSIBLE 2: EXPLICABLE - ac- ac-cus-al \:;>-'kyii-z:;>l\ n : ACCUSATlON
count-abil-i-ty\-,kaim-t:;>-'bi-l:;>-te\ n ac-cu-sa-tive \:;>-'kyii-z:;>-tiv\ adj : of, relating to, or being a
answerable, liable, responsible - more at RESPONSI- grammatical case marking the direct object of a verb or
BLE the object of a preposition - accusative n
ac-coun-tant \:;>-'kailOt-Ont\ n : a person skilled in account- ac-cu-sa-to-ry\:;>-'kyii-z:;>-t6r-e\ adj : expressing accusation
ing - ac-coun-tan-cy \-n-se\ n (an,._, tone)
account executive n : a business executive in charge of a ac-cuse \a-'kyiiz\ vb ac-cused; ac-cus-lnq .: to charge
client's account with an offense: BLAME - ac-cu-sa-tion \,a-ky:;>-'za-sh:;>n\
ac-ccunt-lnq \a-'kaim-til)\ n : the art or system of keeping n - ac-cus-er n
and analyzing financial records charge, incriminate, indict; also blame, castigate, cen-
ac-cou-tre or ac-cou-ter \:;>-'kii-t:;>r\ vb -cou-tred or -eou- sure, condemn, criticize, damn, denounce, fault, im-
tered; -cou-trinq or -cou-ter-Inq \-'kii-t(:;>-)ril)\ : to pro- pugn, reproach, reprobate Ant absolve, acquit, clear,
vide with equipment or furnishings: EQUIP, OUTFIT exculpate, exonerate, vindicate
equip, fit, furnish, outfit, rig, supply - more at FUR- ac-cused \:;>-'kyiizd\ n, pi accused : the defendant in a
NISH criminal case
ac-cou-tre-ment or ac-cou-ter-ment \:;>-'kii-tr:;>-m:;>nt, -'kii- ac-cus-tom \:;>-'k:;>s-t:;>m\ vb .: to make familiar with
tar-v n [F] 1 .: an accessory item - usu. used in pl. through use or experience
2 : an identifying characteristic acquaint, familiarize, initiate, introduce, orient-
accessory, adjunct, appendage, attachment - more more at ACQUAINT
at ACCESSORY usu accoutrements apparatus, equip- ac-cus-tomed \:;>-'k:;>s-t:;>md\ adj 1: USUAL, CUSTOMARY
ment, gear, materiel, outfit, paraphernalia, tackle- 2 : being in the habit or custom
more at EQUIPMENT given, used, wont; also apt, inclined, liable, prone Ant
ac-cred-it \:;>-'kre-d:;>t\ vb 1 : to endorse or approve offi- unaccustomed, unused
cially 2 : to explain by indicating a cause: CREDIT - ac- 'ace \'lis\ n [ME as a die face marked with one spot, fr. AF,
cred-l-ta-tlon\-,kre-da-'ta-shan\ n fro L, unit, a copper coin] 1 : a playing card bearing a sin-
[1] authorize, certify, commission, empower, enable, gle large pip in its center 2: a very small amount or de-
invest, license, qualify - more at AUTHORIZE (2) as- gree 3: a point (as in tennis) won on a serve that goes
cribe, attribute, credit, impute - more at CREDIT untouched 4: a golf score of one stroke on a hole 5: a
ace 8
combat pilot who has downed five or more enemy planes ach-ro-mat-ic \,a-kra-'ma-tik\ adj : giving an image almost
6 + : one that excels in knowledge or skill free from extraneous colors <~ lens>
+ authority, crackerjack, expert, maestro, master, vir- achy \'ii-ke\ ad} ach-i-er: ach-i-est + : afflicted with aches
tuoso, whiz, wizard - more at EXPERT - ach-i-ness n
'ace vb aced; acing 1 : to score an ace against (an oppo- + aching, nasty, painful, sore - more at PAINFUL
nent) or on (a golf hole) 2: to defeat decisively 'acid \'a-sad\ adj 1 + : sour or biting to the taste 2: of or
'ace adj + : of first or high rank or quality <an ~ me- relating to an acid 3 + : sharp, biting, or sour in manner,
chanic> disposition, or nature - acid-ly adv
+ accomplished, adept, crack, experienced, expert, + [1, 3) acidic, sour, tart, vinegary - more at SOUR
master, skilled, skillful - more at EXPERIENCED 'acid n 1 : a sour substance 2: a usu. water-soluble chem-
ACE ln-hlb-i-tor \,ii-,se-'e-in-'hi-ba-tar, 'as-\ n : any of a ical compound that has a sour taste, reacts with a base to
group of drugs that lower blood pressure by relaxing the form a salt, and reddens litmus 3: LSD
arteries acid-ic \a-'si-dik\ adj + : sour or biting to the taste; also
acer-bic \a-'sar-bik, a-\ adj : acid in temper, mood, or tone : sharp or sour in manner
acer-bi-ty \a-'sar-ba-te\ n, pi -ties: SOURNESS, BITTERNESS + acid, sour, tart, vinegary - more at SOUR
acet-amin-o-phen \a-,se-ta-'mi-na-fan\ n : a crystalline acid-i-ty \a-'si-da-,fi\ vb -lied; 1 : to make or become
compound used in chemical synthesis and in medicine to acid 2: to change into an acid - acid-btl-ca-tion \-,si-da-
relieve pain and fever fa-'kii-shan\ n
ac-e-tate \'a-sa-,tiit\ n 1 : a salt or ester of acetic acid 2 : a acid.i.ty \a-'si-da-te\ n + : the-quality, state, or degree of
textile fiber made from cellulose and acetic acid; also: a being acid
fabric or plastic made of this fiber
+ acrimony, asperity, bitterness, cattiness, tartness, vir-
ace-tic acid \a-'se-tik-\ n : a colorless pungent liquid acid ulence, vitriol - more at ACRIMONY
that is the chief acid of vinegar and is used esp. in making
ac-t-do-sis \,a-sa-'do-sas\ n, pi -do-ses \-,sez\ : an abnormal
chemical compounds
state of reduced alkalinity of the blood and body tissues
ac-e-tone \'a-sa-,ton\ n : a volatile flammable fragrant liq-
acid precipitation n : precipitation with above normal acid-
uid compound used in making other chemical com-
ity that is caused esp. by atmospheric pollutants
pounds and as a solvent
acid rain n : acid precipitation in the form of rain
ace-tyl-cho-line \a-,set-OI-'k6-,len\ n : a compound that is
acid test n : a severe or crucial test
released at nerve endings of the autonomic nervous sys-
acid-u-lous \a-'si-ja-las\ adj : somewhat acid or harsh in
tem and is active in the transmission of nerve impulses
taste or manner
acet-y-lene \a-'set-Ol-an, -Ol-,en\ n : a colorless flammable
ack abbr acknowledge; acknowledgment
gas used as a fuel (as in welding and soldering) ac-knowl-edqa \ik-'nii-lij, ak-\ vb -edged; 1: to
ace-tyl-sel-t-cyl-tc acid \a-'set-Ol-,sa-Ia-,si-lik-\ n : ASPIRIN 1 recognize the rights or authority of 2: to admit as true
'ache \'iik\ vb ached; 1 + : to suffer a usu. dull per- 3 : to express thanks for; also: to report receipt of 4 + : to
sistent pain 2 + : to experience a painful eagerness or recognize as genuine or valid
yearning : LONG, YEARN <he ached for that new car) -
ache n
+ admit, agree, allow, concede, confess, grant, own -
more at ADMIT
+ [l) hurt, pain, smart - more at HURT + (2) die, han- ac-knowl-edq-ment or ac-knowl-edqe-ment \-mant\ n
ker, hunger, itch, long, pant, pine, sigh, thirst, yearn
1 + : the act of acknowledging 2: recognition or favor-
+ usu ache for (2) crave, desire, die for, hanker for,
able notice of an act or achievement
hunger for, long for, lust (for or after), pine for, repine
for, thirst for, want, wish for, yearn for - more at DE- + admission, avowal, concession, confession - more at
'ache n + : a usu. dull persistent pain ACL \,ii-,se-'el\ n : ANTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENT
ACLUabbr American Civil Liberties Union
+ pain, pang, prick, smart, sting, stitch, tingle, twinge
ac-me \'ak-me\ n [Gk akme:J + : the highest point
- more at PAIN
achiev-able \-'che-va-bal\ adj + : capable of being achieved
+ apex, climax, crown, culmination, head, height,
meridian, peak, pinnacle, summit, tip-top, top, zenith
+ attainable, doable, feasible, possible, practicable, re- - more at HEIGHT
alizable, viable, workable - more at POSSIBLE
ac-ne \'ak-ne\ n [Gk akne, MS var. of akme, lit., point) : a
achieve \a-'chev\ vb achieved; achiev-ing [ME acheven, fro skin disorder marked by inflammation of skin glands and
AP achever to finish, fr. a- to (fr. L ad-) + chef end, head, hair follicles and by pimple formation esp, on the face
fr. L caput) 1 + : to carry out successfully: ACCOMPLISH ac-o-lyte \'a-ka-,llt\ n 1 : one who assists a member of the
2 + : to gain by work or effort - achiev-er n clergy in a liturgical service 2: FOLLOWER
+ [1) accomplish, carry out, commit, compass, do, exe- ac-o-nite \'a-ka-,nit\ n 1 : MONKSHOOD 2: a drug obtained
cute, follow through, fulfill, make, perform - more at from a common Old World monkshood
PERFORM + [2) attain, hit, make, score, win; also ac- acorn \'ii-,k6rn, -kornv n : the nut of the oak
quire, capture, carry, draw, garner, get, land, make, ob- acorn squash n : an acorn-shaped dark green winter
tain, procure, realize, secure squash with a ridged surface
achieve-ment \a-'chev-mant\ n 1 + : the act of achieving acous-tic \a-'kii-stik\ or acous-ti-cal \-sti-bl\ adj 1 : of
2 + : a result gained by effort or relating to the sense or organs of hearing, to sound, or
+ [l) accomplishment, attainment, success + (2) ac- to the science of sounds 2: deadening sound <~ tile)
complishment, attainment, coup, success, triumph- 3 : operated by or utilizing sound waves - acous-ti-cal-ly
more at ACCOMPLISHMENT \-k(a- )le\ adv
Achil.les' heel \a-,ki-Iez-\ n [fr. the story that the Greek + auditory, aural, auricular - more at AUDITORY
warrior Achilles was vulnerable only in the heel) : a vul- acous-tics \a-'kii-stiks\ n sing or pi 1 : the science of sound
nerable point 2 : the qualities in a room that make it easy or hard for a
Achilles tendon \a-,ki-lez-\ n : the tendon joining the mus- person in it to hear distinctly
cles in the calf of the leg to the bone of the heel ac-quaint \a-'kwiint\ vb [ME, ultimo fro L ad- + cognoscere adj + : afflicted with aches to know) 1 + : to cause to know personally 2 + : to make
+ achy, nasty, painful, sore - more at PAINFUL familiar: to cause to know firsthand

[1, 2] accustom, apprise, brief, clue, familiarize, fill ac-ri-mo-ni-ous\,a-kr:l-'mo-ne-:ls\ adj : caustic, biting, or
in, inform, initiate, introduce, orient rancorous esp. in feeling, language, or manner
ac-quain-tance\:I-'kwant-'ns\ n 1 : personal knowledge acrid, bitter, hard, rancorous,resentful, sore - more
2 : a person with whom one is acquainted - ac-quain- at BITTER
tance-ship n ac-rl-mo-nl-ous-ness \-n:ls\ n : the quality or state of being
cognizance, familiarity; also association, experience, acrimonious
exposure, intimacy, involvement Ant unfamiliarity ac-rl-me-ny \'a-kr;>-,mo-ne\ n, pi -nies : harsh or biting
ac-qui-esce \,a-kwe-'es\ vb -esced; -esc-Inq : to accept, sharpness esp, of words, manner, or disposition - ac-ri-
comply, or submit without open opposition - ac-qui-es- rno-nl-ous-tyadv
cence \-'es-'ns\ n - ac-qui-es-cent-lyadv acidity, asperity, bitterness, cattiness, tartness, viru-
lence, vitriol; also harshness, hostility, relentlessness,
accede, agree, assent, come round, consent, subscribe severity, sternness, vehemence
(to) - more at ACCEDE
ac-ro-bat\'a-kr:l-,bat\ n [F acrobate, fro Gk akrobates, fr.
ac-qul-es-cent\-'nt\ adj : inclined to acquiesce akros topmost + bainein to go] : a performer of gymnastic
passive, resigned, tolerant, unresistant, unresisting, feats - ac-ro-bat-ic \,a-kr:l-'ba-tik\ adj - ae-ro-bat-l-cel-ty
yielding- more at PASSIVE \-ti-k(;,- )le\ adv
ac-quir-able \-'kwl-r:l-b:ll\ adj .: capable of being ac- ac-ro-bat-ics\,a-kr:l-'ba-tiks\ n sing or pi : the performance
quired of an acrobat
accessible, attainable, available, obtainable, procur- ac-ro-nym \'a-kr:l-,nim\ n : a word (as radar) formed from
able - more at AVAILABLE the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts
ac-quire \:I-'kwir\ vb ac-quired; ac-quir-inq : to gain pos- or major parts of a compound term
session of ac-ro-pho-bia\,a-kr:l-'fo-be-:l\ n : abnormal dread of being
at a great height
cultivate, develop, form - more at DEVELOP. attain, acrop-o-lis \:I-'kra-p;,-l;,s\ n [Gk akropolis, fro akros top-
capture, carry, draw, earn, gain, garner, get, land, most + polis city] : the upper fortified part of an ancient
make, obtain, procure, realize, secure, win - more at Greek city
'across \;,-'kros\ adv 1 : to or on the opposite side 2: so
ac-quired \:I-'kwlrd\ adj 1 : gained by or as a result of ef- as to be understandable (get the point ~>
fort or experience 2: caused by environmental forces over, through
and not passed from parent to offspring in the genes (~ 2acrossprep 1 : to or on the opposite side of (ran ~ the
characteristics> street) 2: on so as to cross or pass at an angle (a log ~
acquired immunedeficiency syndrome n : AIDS the road)
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome n : AIDS
athwart, over, through; also around, round
ac-quire-ment \:I-'kwi(-:l)r-m:lnt\ n 1 .: something that
has been accomplished : ACHIEVEMENT, ACCOMPLISHMENT across-the-board adj 1 : placed to win if a competitor
2 : the act of acquiring
wins, places, or shows (an ~ bet) 2: includingall classes
or categories (an ~ wage increase)
accomplishment, achievement, attainment, coup, acros-tic \;,-'kros-tik\ n : a composition usu. in verse in
success, triumph - more at ACCOMPLISHMENT which the initial or final letters of the lines taken in order
ac-qui-sl-tlon \,a-kw:l-'zi-sh:ln\ n 1: ACQUIREMENT form a word or phrase - acrostic adj
2 : something acquired acryl-ic \;,-'kri-lik\ n 1 : ACRYLIC RESIN 2: a paint in which
ac-quis-i-tive \:I-'kwi-z:l-tiv\ adj .: eager to acquire the vehicle is acrylic resin 3: a quick-drying synthetic
: GREEDY - ac-quis-i-tive-lyadv textile fiber
avaricious, avid, covetous, grasping, greedy, merce- acrylic resin n : a glassy thermoplastic used for cast and
nary, rapacious - more at GREEDY molded parts or as coatings and adhesives
ac-quis-i-tive-ness \-n:ls\ n : the quality or state of being 'act \'akt\ n 1 : a thing done : DEED 2 : the formal
acquisitive product of a legislative body: STATUTE; also: a decision or
determination of a sovereign, a legislative council, or a
avarice, avidity, covetousness, cupidity, greed, rapa- court of justice 3 : a main division of a play;also: an item
ciousness - more at GREED on a variety program 4 : an instance of insincere be-
ac-quit \;,-'kwit\ vb ac-quit-ted: acoquiloting 1 : to pro- havior : PRETENSE
nounce not guilty 2 : to conduct (oneself) usu. satis- [1] action, deed, doing, exploit, feat, thing - more at
factorily ACTION [2] enactment, law, ordinance, statute-
[l] absolve, clear, exculpate, exonerate, vindicate- more at LAW [4] airs, facade, front, guise, masquer-
more at EXCULPATE [2] bear, behave, comport, con- ade, pose, pretense, put-on, semblance, show - more
duct, demean, deport, quit - more at BEHAVE at MASQUERADE
ac-quit-tal\;,-'kwlt-'I\ n : a setting free from the charge 2act vb 1 : to perform by action esp. on the stage; also: to
of an offense by verdict, sentence, or other legal process make a pretense of : FEIGN, SIMULATE, PRETEND 2: to take
exculpation, exoneration, vindication; also absolution, action 3 : to conduct oneself or behave in a certain
condonation, forgiveness,pardon, remission;atonement, manner (how did she ~ toward you> 4 : to perform a
expiation; cover-up, whitewash Ant conviction specified function 5 : to produce an effect
acre \'a-k;,r\ n 1 pi : an area of land under individualown- [1] impersonate, perform, play, portray; also depict,
ership : ESTATE 2: a unit of land measure equal to 43,560 dramatize, enact, pantomime, render, represent, take
square feet on usu act toward [3] be, deal, handle, serve, treat,
acre-age \'a-k(;,-)rij\ n : area in acres use - more at TREAT [4] function, perform, serve,
work - more at FUNCTION [5] appear, look, make,
ac-rid \'a-kr;,d\ adj 1 : sharp and biting in taste or odor
seem, sound - more at SEEM [5] function, operate,
2 : deeply bitter: marked by incisive sarcasm: CAUSTIC perform, take, work; also behave, react, respond
- acrld-i-ty\a-'kri-d:l-te\ n - ac-rid-lyadv 3act abbr 1 active 2 actual
acrimonious, bitter, hard, rancorous, resentful, sore ACT abbr Australian Capital Territory
- more at BITTER biting, caustic, cutting, mordant, actg abbr acting
sarcastic, satiric, scathing, sharp - more at SARCASTIC ACTH \,a-(,)se-(,)te-'iich\ n : a protein hormone of the pi-
ac-rid-ness\-n:ls\ n : the quality or state of being acrid tuitary gland that stimulates the adrenal cortex
acting 10
act-ing \'ak-til)\ adj + : doing duty temporarily or for an- + concrete, existent, factual, real, true, very; also at-
other <~ president) tested, authenticated, confirmed, demonstrated, estab-
+ interim, provisional, temporary; also alternate, lished, proven, substantiated, validated, verified Ant
makeshift, proxy, substitute Ant long-term, permanent hypothetical, ideal, nonexistent, theoretical
ac-tin-i-um \ak-'ti-ne-;)m\ n : a radioactive metallic chemi- ac-tu-al-i-ty \,ak-ch;)-'wa-I;)-te, -sha-v n + : the quality or
cal element state of being actual
ac-tion \'ak-sh;)n\ n 1 + : a legal proceeding 2: the man- + existence, reality, subsistence - more at EXISTENCE
ner or method of performing 3: ACfIVITY 4 + : a thing + accomplishment, achievement, attainment, consum-
done: ACf, DEED 5: the accomplishment of a thing usu. mation, fruition, fulfillment, realization - more at
over a period of time, in stages, or with the possibility of FRUITION
repetition 6 pi + : the deportment and expression of one ac-tu-al-ize \'ak-ch;)-w;)-,Hz, -she-v vb + : to become actual
that acts or speaks: CONDUCf 7: combat in war : BATTLE - ac-tu-al-iza-tion \,ak-ch;)-w;)-I;)-'za-sh;)n, -sha-v n
8 : the events of a literary plot 9: an operating mecha- + begin, commence, get off, launch, open, start-
nism <the ~ of a gun); also: the way it operates <stiff more at BEGIN
~) ac-tu-al-tv Vak-chs-wo-le, -sha-v adv 1 + : in fact or in truth
+ [1] lawsuit, proceeding, suit - more at LAWSUIT : REALLY 2 + : in point of fact - used to suggest some-
+ (4) act, deed, doing, exploit, feat, thing; also accom- thing unexpected
plishment, achievement, attainment + usu actions + [I] admittedly, frankly, honestly, really, truly, truth-
[6] bearing, behavior (or behaviour), comportment, fully, verily; also absolutely, certainly, indisputably, in-
conduct, demeanor (or demeanour), deportment- dubitably, positively, realistically, undoubtedly,
more at BEHAVIOR unquestionably, veritably + [2] authentically, gen-
ac-tion-able \'ak-sh(;)-)n;)-b;)l\ adj : affording ground for an uinely, really, veritably, very - more at VERY
action or suit at law - ac-tion-ably \-ble\ adv ac-tu-ary \'ak-ch;)-,wer-e, -sha-v n, pl-ar-ies : a person who
action figure n : a small-scale figure (as of a superhero) calculates insurance risks and premiums - ac-tu-ar-i-al
used esp. as a toy \,ak-ch;)-'wer-e-;)I, -sha-v adj
ac-ti-vate \'ak-t;)-,vat\ vb -vat-ed; -vat-inq 1 + : to spur into ac-tu-ate \'ak-ch;;,-,wat\ vb -at-ed; -at-ing 1 + : to put into me-
action; also : to make active, reactive, or radioactive chanical action 2 + : to move to action - ac-tu-a-tion \,ak-
2 : to treat (as carbon) so as to improve adsorptive prop- che-wa-shan, -she-', n - ac-tu-a-tor \'ak-ch;;,-,wa-t;)r, -shc-v n
erties 3: to set up (a military unit) formally; also; to call [1] activate, crank, drive, move, propel, run, set off,
to active duty - ac-ti-va-tion \,ak-t;)-'va-sh;)n\ n - ac-ti- spark, start, touch off, trigger, tum on - more at ACfI-
va-tor \'ak-t;)-,va-t;)r\ n VATE + (2) drive, impel, move, propel, work
+ actuate, crank, drive, move, propel, run, set off, act up vb 1 a + : to behave in an unruly, recalcitrant, or
spark, start, touch off, trigger, tum on; also charge, capricious manner: MISBEHAVE b + : to seek to attract at-
electrify, energize, fire, fuel, generate, power, push Ant tention by conspicuous behavior 2: to function improperly
cut, deactivate, kill, shut off, tum off + [la] act out, carry on, misbehave - more at MISBE-
ac-tive \'ak-tiv\ adj 1 : causing or involving action or HAVE + [lb] clown (around), cut up, fool around, mon-
change 2: asserting that the grammatical subject per- key, show off, skylark - more at CUT UP
forms the action represented by the verb <~ voice) acu-ity \;)-'kyii-;)-te\ n, pi -ities + : keenness of perception
3 +: briskly alert and energetic : BRISK, LIVELY + acuteness, delicacy, keenness, sensitiveness, sensitiv-
4 + : marked by vigorous activity : BUSY 5: erupting or ity
likely to erupt <~ volcano) 6 + : presently in operation acu-men \;)-'kyii-m;)n\ n + : mental keenness and penetra-
or use 7: tending to progress or to cause degeneration tion
<~ tuberculosis) - active n - ac-tive-ly adv - ac-tive- + astuteness, caginess, canniness, hardheadedness, in-
ness n telligence, keenness, sharpness, shrewdness, wit; also
+ (3) animate, animated, brisk, energetic, lively, spir- discernment, insight, perception, sagaciousness, sagac-
ited, sprightly, springy - more at LIVELY + (4) assidu- ity, sageness, sapience, wisdom
ous, busy, diligent, engaged, laborious, occupied, acu-pres-sure \'a-kyu-,pre-sh;)r\ n : the application of pres-
sedulous, working - more at BUSY + (6) alive, func- sure (as with the thumbs or fingertips) to the same dis-
tional, living, on, operational, operative, running, work- crete points on the body stimulated in acupuncture that
ing; also effective, effectual Ant broken, dead, inactive, is used for its therapeutic effects (as the relief of tension
inoperative, nonfunctional or pain)
ac-tiv-ism Vak-tt-jvt-zamx n : a doctrine or practice that acu-punc-ture \-,p;)l)k-ch;)r\ n : an orig, Chinese practice of
emphasizes vigorous action for political ends - ac-tiv-ist puncturing the body (as with needles) at specific points to
\-vist\ n or ad} cure disease or relieve pain - acu-punc-tur-ist \,a-kyiI-
ac-tiv-i-ty \ak-'ti-v;)-te\ n, pi -ties 1 : the quality or state of 'p;)l)k-ch;)-rist\ n
being active 2 + : forceful or energetic action 3: an oc- acute \;;,-'kyiit\ adj acut-er; acut-est [ME, fro L acutus, pp. of
cupation in which one is engaged acuere to sharpen, fr. acus needle) 1: SHARP, POINTED
+ exercise, exertion - more at EXERCISE 2 : containing less than 90 degrees <an ~ angle)
ac-tor \'ak-t;)r\ n + : a person who acts (as in a play, movie, 3 + : sharply perceptive; esp : mentally keen 4 a + : charac-
or television show) terized by sharpness or severity : SEVERE <~ distress)
b + : having a sudden onset, sharp rise, and short duration
+ impersonator, mummer, player, trouper; also enter-
tainer, performer <~ inflammation) 5 + : high in pitch 6: of, marked by, or
being an accent mark having the form' - acute-Iy adv - n
act out vb + : to behave badly or in a socially unacceptable
often self-defeating manner esp. as a means of venting + (3) delicate, keen, perceptive, sensitive, sharp; also
painful emotions (as fear or frustration) accurate, clear, discerning, fine, good, precise, piercing,
quick, receptive, sensible, subtle + [4a] agonizing, bit-
+ act up, carry on, misbehave - more at MISBEHAVE ing, excruciating, severe, sharp + [4b) critical, dire, im-
ac-tress Vak-trasv n : a woman who is an actor perative, imperious, instant, pressing, urgent; also
Acts \'akts\ or Acts of the Apostles n : a book of the New compelling, demanding, extreme, immediate, insistent,
Testament of the Christian Scripture intense, overriding Ant noncritical (5) sharp, shrill,
ac-tu-al Vak-cha-wal, -she-v adj + : really existing: REAL squeaky, treble - more at SHRILL
11 adenoid
acute-ness \-nas\ n : the quality or state of being acute substance 2 : an ardent follower, supporter, or enthu-
acuity, delicacy, keenness, sensitiveness, sensitivity siast
acy-clo-vir \(,)ii-'si-kI6-,vir\ n : a drug used esp. to treat the Il) doper, fiend, user - more at DOPER (2) afi-
genital form of herpes simplex cionado, buff, bug, devotee, enthusiast, fan, fanatic,
ad \'ad\ n : a public notice: ADVERTISEMENT fancier, fiend, freak, lover, maniac, nut - more at FAN
AD abbr 1 after date 2 in the year of our Lord - often ad-dic-tlon \a-'dik-shan\ n 1 : the quality or state of being
printed in small capitals and often punctuated 3 assistant addicted 2: compulsive need for and use of a habit-
director 4 athletic director forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) char-
ad-age \'a-dij\ n : an old familiar saying: PROVERB, MAXIM acterized by well-defined physiological symptoms upon
aphorism, byword, epigram, maxim, proverb, saying withdrawal; also : persistent compulsive use of a sub-
- more at SAYING stance known by the user to be harmful
'ada-gio \a-'da-j(e-,)6, -zh(e-,)6\ adv or adj [It) : at a slow ad-di-tlon \a-'di-shan\ n 1 : the act or process of adding;
tempo - used as a direction in music also : something added 2: the operation of combining
2adagio n, pl-gios 1 : an adagio movement 2: a ballet duet numbers to obtain their sum
or trio displaying feats of lifting and balancing annex, extension, penthouse - more at ANNEX ac-
1ad-a-mant Va-da-rnant, -,mant\ n [ME, fr. AF, fr. L cretion, augmentation, boost, expansion, gain, increase,
adamant-, adamas hardest metal, diamond, fro Gk) : a increment, plus, proliferation, raise, rise, supplement
stone believed to be impenetrably hard - more at INCREASE
2adamant adj : unshakable or insistent esp. in maintain- ad-ci-tlcn-at \a-'di-sh(a-)nal\ adj. : coming by way of ad-
ing a position or opinion: INFLEXIBLE, UNYIELDING - ad-a- dition : ADDED
mant-Iyadv another, else, farther, further, more, other; also ac-
hard, immovable, implacable, inflexible, pat, rigid, cessory, collateral, extraneous, side, supplemental, sup-
unbending, uncompromising, unrelenting, unyielding plementary
ad-a-man-tine \,a-da-'man-,ten, -,tin\ adj : rigidly firm : UN- ad-di-tion-al-ly \a-'di-sh(a- )na-Ie\ adv : in or by way of ad-
Ad-am's apple \'a-damz-\ n : the projection in front of the again, also, besides, further, furthermore, likewise,
neck formed by the largest cartilage of the larynx more, moreover, then, too, withal, yet
adapt \a-'dapt\ vb : to make suitable or fit (as for a new 'additive Va-do-tivv adj 1 : of, relating to, or characterized
use or for different conditions) - ad-ap-ta-tion \,a-,dap- by addition 2: produced by addition - ad-dl-tlv-l-ty \,a-
'ta-shenv n - ad-ap-ta-tion-at \-sh(a-)nal\ adj - adap-tive da-'ti-va-te\ n
\a-'dap-tiv\ adi - ad-ap-tlv-l-ty \,a-,dap-'ti-va-te\ n 2additive n : a substance added to another in small quanti-
acclimate, accommodate, adjust, condition, conform, ties to effect a desired change in properties (food ~s)
fit, shape; also readjust ad-dle \'ad-'I\ vb ad-dled; adodling 1 : to throw into con-
adapt-able \a-'dap-ta-bal\ adj : capable of being or be- fusion: MUDDLE 2 : to become rotten (addled eggs)
coming adapted - adapt-abil-i-ty \a-,dap-ta-'bi-Ia-te\ n baffle, befog, befuddle, bemuse, bewilder, confound,
protean, universal, versatile - more at VERSATILE confuse, disorient, muddle, muddy, mystify, perplex,
adjustable, changeable, elastic, flexible, fluid, mal- puzzle - more at CONFUSE
leable, variable - more at FLEXIBLE addn abbr addition
adapt-er also adap-tor \a-'dap-tar\ n 1 : one that adapts addnl abbr additional
2 : a device for connecting two dissimilar parts of an ap- add-on \'ad-,on, -,an\ n : something (as a feature or acces-
paratus 3.: an attachment for adapting an apparatus sory) added esp. as an enhancement
for uses not orig, intended 'adodress \a-'dres\ vb 1 : to direct the attention of (one-
self) 2: to direct one's remarks to : deliver an address to
accessory, accoutrement (or accouterment), adjunct,
appendage, attachment, option - more at ACCESSORY 3 : to mark directions for delivery on 4: to identify (as a
memory location) by an address
ADC abbr 1 aide-de-camp 2 Aid to Dependent Children
add \'ad\ vb 1 : to join to something else so as to in- apply, bend, buckle, devote, give - more at APPLY
crease in number or amount 2: to say further (let me ~ 2ad-dress \a-'dres, 'a-,dres\ n 1: skillful management
this) 3 : to combine (numbers) into one sum 4 : to 2 : a formal speech 3: the place where a person or or-
serve as or make an addition (the TV appearance added ganization may be communicated with 4: the directions
to his fame) (added to her savings) for delivery placed on mail; also : the designation of a
computer account for sending and receiving e-mail 5: a
[1) adjoin, annex, append, tack; also affix, attach, fas-
ten, fix, graft, hitch, tie Ant deduct, remove, subtract, location (as in a computer's memory) where particular
take (3) foot, sum, total; also calculate, cast, cipher, data is stored
compute, figure, reckon, tally usu add to (4) aggran- declamation, harangue, oration, speech, talk - more
dize, amplify, augment, boost, compound, enlarge, es- at SPEECH
calate, expand, extend, increase, multiply, raise, swell, ad-dress-ee \,a-,dre-'se, a-,dre-'se\ n : one to whom some-
up - more at INCREASE thing is addressed
ADD abbr attention deficit disorder ad-duce \a-'dus, -'dyiis\ vb ad-duced; ad-duc-ing : to of-
ad-dend \'a-,dend\ n : a number to be added to another fer as example, reason, or proof - ad-duc-er n
ad-den-dum \a-'den-dam\ n, pi -da \-da\ [L) : something cite, instance, mention, quote - more at QUOTE
added; esp : a supplement to a book add up vb 1 : to come to the expected total 2.: to
'adoder \'a-dar\ n [ME, alter. (by false division of a naddre) reach in kind or quality - used with to
of naddre, fr. OE needdrei 1 : a poisonous European viper usu add up to [1) amount (to), come, number, sum,
or a related snake 2: any of various harmless No. Amer- total - more at AMOUNT (TO) usu add up to
ican snakes (as the hognose snake) [2) amount, come, correspond, equal- more at
2add-er Va-darv n : one that adds; esp : a device that per- AMOUNT (TO)
forms addition -a de n SUffIX 1 : act: action (blockade) 2: product; esp
'ad-dict \a-'dikt\ vb 1 : to devote or surrender (oneself) to : sweet drink (limeade)
something habitually or excessively 2: to cause addiction ad-e-nine \'ad-'n-,en\ n : one of the purine bases that make
to a substance in (as a person) - ad-dic-tive \-'dik-tiv\ adj up the genetic code of DNA and RNA
2adodict \'a-(,)dikt\ n 1 : one who is addicted esp. to a ad-e-noid \'ad-,noid, -'n-,oid\ n : an enlarged mass of tissue
adenoid 12

near the opening of the nose into the throat - usu. used ad m-ter-lrn \ad-'in-ta-ram, -,rim\ adv : for the intervening
in pl. - adenoid or ad-e-noi-dal \oad-'n6i-dal, -'n-'6i-\ adj time - ad interim adj
adenoo-sine tri-phos-phate \a-'de-na-,sen-tri-'fiis-,fat\ n : ATP adi-os \,a-de-'os, ,ii-\ interj [Sp adios, lit., to God]- used
'adoept \'a-,dept\ n + : a highly skilled or well-trained indi- to express farewell
vidual : EXPERT ad-l-pose \'a-da-,pos\ adj : of or relating to animal fat
+ artist, authority, expert, master, virtuoso, whiz, wiz- : FATTY
ard - more at EXPERT adj abbr 1 adjective 2 adjutant
'adept \a-'dept\ adj + : highly skilled: EXPERT ad-ja-cent \a-'jas-'nt\ adj + : situated near or next - ad-ja-
+ accomplished, ace, crack, experienced, expert, mas- eent.lyadv
ter, masterful, masterly, practiced, proficient, seasoned, + adjoining, contiguous, touching; also close, closest,
skilled, skillful, versed - more at EXPERIENCED immediate, near, nearby, neighboring, next, nigh Ant
adept-ly \a-'dep(t)-le\ adv + : in an adept manner nonadjacent
+ ably, capably, expertly, masterfully, proficiently, ad-jec-tive \'a-jik-tiv\ n : a word that typically serves as a
skillfully, well- more at WELL modifier of a noun - ad-jec-ti-val \,a-jik-'ti-val\ adj - ad- adv
adept-ness \-'dep(t)-nas\ n + : the quality or state of being
ad-join \a-'j6in\ vb 1 +: to add or attach by joining
2 + : to be situated next to
+ adroitness, art, artfulness, artifice, artistry, clever- + [1] add, annex, append, tack - more at ADD
ness, craft, cunning, deftness, masterfulness, skill-
+ [2] abut, border (on), flank, fringe, join, skirt, touch,
more at SKILL
verge (on); also attach (to), communicate (with), con-
ad-e-qua-cy \'a-di-kwa-se\ n : the quality or state of being nect (with), link (with)
adequate ad-join-inq ad] + : touching or bounding at a point or line
ad-e-quate \'a-di-kwat\ adj + : equal to or sufficient for a
specific requirement - ad-e-quete-ness n
+ adjacent, contiguous, touching - more at ADJACENT
+ acceptable, all right, decent, fine, OK, passable, re- ad-journ \a-'jarn\ vb 1 + : to suspend indefinitely or until
spectable, satisfactory, tolerable; also agreeable, bear- a stated time 2: to transfer to another place - ad-journ-
able, endurable, sufferable Ant deficient, inadequate, mentn
lacking, unacceptable, unsatisfactory, wanting + break off, discontinue, interrupt, recess, suspend
ad-e-quate-ly \-le\ adv + : in an adequate manner ad.judge \a-'jaj\ vb ad.judged; 1 : to decide or
enough, satisfactorily - more at ENOUGH rule upon as a judge: JUDGE, ADJUDICATE 2: to hold or
ad-here \ad-'hir\ vb ad-hered; 1 + : to give sup- pronounce to be : DEEM 3: to award by judicial decision
ad-ju-di-cate \a-'ju-di-,kat\ vb -cat-ed; -cat-lnq + : to pass
port: maintain loyalty 2 + : to stick fast: CLING
judgment on : to settle judicially - ad-ju-di-ca-tion \a-,ju-
+ usu adhere to [l] cling, hew, keep, stick; also cleave di-tka-shanv n
(to), hang on (to) Ant defect (from) + [2] cling, hew,
stick - more at STICK
+ arbitrate, decide, determine, judge, referee, rule, set-
tle, umpire - more at JUDGE
ad-her-ence \-'hir-ans\ n + : the act, action, or quality of
adhering ad-junct \'a-,jal)kt\ n + : something joined or added to an-
other but not essentially a part of it
+ adhesion, cohesion - more at ADHESION
+ accessory, accoutrement (or accouterment), adapter,
'ad.heroent \-ant\ adj : able or tending to adhere appendage, attachment - more at ACCESSORY
'adheroent n + : one that adheres: as a: a follower of a
ad-jure \a-'jur\ vb ad-jured; : to command
leader, party, or profession b: a believer in or advocate
solemnly: urge earnestly - ad-ju-ra-tion \,a-ja-'ra-shan\ n
esp. of a particular idea or church
ad-just \a-'jast\ vb 1: to bring to agreement : SETTLE
+ convert, disciple, follower, partisan, pupil, votary - 2 + : to cause to conform: ADAPT, FIT 3 : REGULATE (- a
more at FOLLOWER watch) - ad-just-er also ad-jus-tor \a-'jas-tar\ n - ad-
ad-he-slon vad-the-zhonv n 1 + : the act or state of adher- [ust-rnent \a-'jast-mant\ n
ing 2: the union of bodily tissues abnormally grown to- + acclimate, accommodate, adapt, condition, conform,
gether after inflammation; also : the newly formed fit, shape - more at ADAPT
uniting tissue 3: the molecular attraction between the
ad-just-able \-,jas-ta-ba!\ adj + : capable of being adjusted
surfaees of bodies in contact
+ adaptable, changeable, elastic, flexible, fluid, mal-
+ adherence, cohesion; also agglutination, clumping leable, variable - more at FLEXIBLE
'adhe-sive \-'he-siv, -ziv\ adj 1 +: tending to adhere ad-ju-tant \'a-ja-tant\ n : one who assists; esp : an officer
: STICKY 2: prepared for adhering
who assists a commanding officer by handling correspon-
+ gelatinous, gluey, glutinous, gooey, gummy, sticky, dence and keeping records
viscid, viscous - more at STICKY ad-ju-vant \'a-ja-vant\ n : one that helps or facilitates; esp
'adhesive n + : an adhesive substance : something that enhances the effectiveness of medical
+ cement, glue, size - more at GLUE treatment - adjuvant adj
adhesive tape n : tape coated on one side with an adhesive 'ad-lib \'ad-'lib\ vb ad-libbed; ad-lib-bing : to improvise
mixture; esp : one used for covering wounds (esp. lines or a speech) - ad-lib n
'ad hoc Vad-ihak, -'hok\ adv [L, for this] : for the case at 'ad-lib adj + : spoken, composed, or performed without
hand apart from other applications preparation
'ad hoe ad] : concerned with or formed for a particular pur- + extemporaneous, impromptu, offhand, snap, un-
pose (an ad hoc committee) (ad hoc solutions> planned, unpremeditated, unprepared, unrehearsed-
adi-a-bat-lc \,a-de-a-'ba-tik\ adj : occurring without loss or more at EXTEMPORANEOUS
gain of heat - adi-a-bat-i-cat-ly \-ti-k(a- )le\ adv ad lib \'ad-'lib\ adv [NL ad libitum] 1 : at one's pleasure
adieu \a-'du, -'dyu\ n, pi adieus or adieux \a-'duz, -'dyuz\ 2 : without limit
+ : a wish of well-being at parting: FAREWELL - often adm abbr administration; administrative
used interjectionally ADM abbr admiral
+ au revoir, bon voyage, farewell, good-bye - more at ad-man \'ad-,man\ n : one who writes, solicits, or places
GOOD-BYE advertisements
ad ln-tl-nl-tum \,ad-,in-fa-'ni-!am\ adv or adj : without end admin abbr administration; administrative
or limit ad-mln-ls-ter \ad-'mi-na-star\ vb 1 + : to manage or super-
13 adoring
vise the execution, use, or conduct of 2 + : to mete out + acknowledge, agree, allow, concede, confess, grant,
: DISPENSE 3: to give ritually or remedially <~ quinine for own; also disburden, unburden, unload Ant deny
malaria> 4: to perform the office of administrator - ad- ad-mit-tance \ad-'mit-'ns\ n : permission to enter
mln-is-tra-ble \-stra-bal\ adj - ad-mln-ls-trant v-srront', n ad-mit-ted-ly \ad-'mi-tad-Ie\ adv 1 : as has been or must be
+ [1] apply, enforce, execute, implement - more at admitted 2 + : it must be admitted
ENFORCE + [1] carry on, conduct, control, direct, gov- + actually, frankly, honestly, indeed, really, truly,
ern, guide, handle, manage, operate, oversee, regulate, truthfully, verily - more at AerUALLY
run, superintend, supervise - more at CONDuer ad-mix \ad-'miks\ vb : to mix in
+ [2] allocate, apportion, deal, dispense, distribute, ad-mix-ture \ad-'miks-char\ n 1 : something added in mix-
mete, parcel, portion, prorate; also allot, allow, appro- ing 2 + : a product of mixing: MIXTURE
priate, assign, dish (out), divide, measure (out), ration, + amalgam, blend, combination, composite, com-
redistribute, split pound, fusion, intermixture, mix, mixture - more at
ad-mm-ls-tra-tlon xad-jmi-no-tstra- shanv n 1 : the act or BLEND
process of administering 2 + : performance of executive ad-mon-Ish \ad-'ma-nish\ vb + : to express warning or dis-
duties 3: the officials directing the government of a approval to esp. in a gentle manner - ad-mon-ish-er n -
country 4: the term of office of an administrative officer ad-mon-ish-ment n
or body - ad-mln-ls-tra-tive-ly adv + chide, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reprove
+ authority, government, jurisdiction, regime, rule- ad-mon-ish-lnq \-il)\ adj + : expressing admonition
more at RULE + conduct, control, direction, guidance,
management, operation, oversight, regulation, running, + admonitory, cautionary, warning - more at CAU-
superintendence, supervision - more at CONDuer TIONARY
ad-mo-ni-tion \,ad-ma-'ni-shan\ n + : counselor warning
ad-min-is-tra-tive \ad-'mi-na-,stra-tiv\ adj : of or relating to
against fault or oversight
ad-min-is-tra-tor Xad-trni-na-jstra-tar', n + : one that admin- + alarm, alert, caution, notice, warning - more at
isters; esp : one who settles an intestate estate
ad-mon-i-to-ry\ad-'mii-n,,-,tor-e\ ad} + : expressing admo-
director. executive, manager, superintendent, super-
visor - more at EXECUTIVE
+ admonishing, cautionary, warning - more at CAU-
ad-mi-ra-ble \'ad-m(a-}ra-bal\ adj + : worthy of admiration
: EXCELLENT - admi.ra.bil.i.ty \,ad-m(a-}ra-'bi-Ia-te\ n-
ad-mi-ra-ble-ness n - ad-ml-ra-oty \-ble\ adv ad nau-se-am \ad-'n6-ze-am\ adv [L] : to a sickening or ex-
cessive degree
+ applaudable, commendable, creditable, excellent, ado \a-'dii\ n 1 + : bustling excitement: FUSS 2 : TROUBLE
laudable, meritorious, praiseworthy; also awesome, dis-
tinctive, distinguished, honorable (or honourable), + commotion, disturbance, furor, fuss, hubbub, hulla-
noteworthy, noticeable, outstanding, reputable, worthy baloo, pandemonium, tumult, turmoil, uproar - more
Ant censurable, discreditable, reprehensible at COMMOTION
ad-mi-ral \'ad-m(a-}ral\ n [ME, ultimo fro Ar amir-al- com- ado-be \a-'do-be\ n 1 : sun-dried brick; also: clay for mak-
mander of the (as in amir-al-baur commander of the sea)] ing such bricks 2: a structure made of adobe bricks
: a commissioned officer in the navy ranking next below ad-o-les-cence \,ad-'I-'es-'ns\ n : the process or period of
growth between childhood and maturity
a fleet admiral
'ad-olesoeent \-'nt\ n : one that is in the state of adoles-
ad-mi-ral-ty \'ad-m(a-}ral-te\ n 1 cap: a British government
department formerly having authority over naval affairs
2adolescent adj 1 +: of, relating to, or being in adoles-
2 : the court having jurisdiction over questions of mar-
cence 2 + : emotionally or intellectually immature
itime law
ad-ml-ra-tlon \,ad-ma-'ra-sh;m\ n + : delighted or aston- + [I] immature, juvenile, young, youthful - more at
YOUNG + [2] callow, green, immature, inexperienced,
ished approval
juvenile, raw - more at CALWW
+ appreciation, esteem, estimation, favor (or favour),
adopt \a-'dapt\ vb 1 : to take (a child of other parents) as
regard, respect; also acclamation, adoration, approba-
one's own child 2 + : to take up and practice or use as
tion, deference, homage, honor (or honour), praise, rev-
erence, veneration, worship Ant disfavor one's own 3: to accept formally and put into effect -
adopt-able \-'dap-ta-bal\ adj - adopt-er n - adop-tion
ad-mire \ad-'mIr\ vb ad-mired; ad-mlr-lnq [MF admirer, fr.
\-'dap-shan \ n
L admirari, fr. ad- to + mirari to wonder] + : to regard
with high esteem - ad-mir-er n - ad-mir-ing-ly \-'mi-ril)-
+ borrow, embrace, take up; also domesticate, natural-
le\ adv
adop-tive \a-'dap-tiv\ adj : made or acquired by adoption
+ appreciate, esteem, regard, respect; also acclaim, ac- <~
father> - adop-tive-ly adv
credit, applaud, approve, commend, compliment,
aoor-able \a-'dor-a-bal\ adj 1 +: worthy of adoration
credit, praise 2 : extremely charming - ador-able-ness n - ador-ably
ad-mls-sl-ble \ad-'mi-sa-bal\ adj + : that can be or is wor- \-ble\ adv
thy to be admitted or allowed: ALLOWABLE <~ evidence>
+ darling, dear, endearing, lovable, precious, sweet,
- ad-rnls-si-btl-i-ty \-,mi-sa-'bi-Ia-te\ n
winning - more at LOVABLE
+ allowable, permissible, sufferable - more at PERM IS- adore \a-'dor\ vb adored; ador-lnq [ME adouren, fro MF
SIDLE adorer, fr. L adorare, fro ad- to + orare to speak, pray]
ad-mls-slon \ad-'mi-shan\ n 1 +: the act of admitting 1 + : to worship or honor as a deity or as divine: WORSHIP
2 + : the privilege of being admitted 3: a fee paid for ad- 2 + : to regard with loving admiration 3 + : to be ex-
mission 4: the granting of an argument 5 : the acknowl- tremely fond of often to the point of excess - ad-o-ra-
edgment of a fact tion \,a-da-'ra-sh;m \ n
+ [1] acknowledgment, avowal, concession, confession + [I] deify, glorify, revere, venerate, worship - more
- more at CONFESSION + [2] access, doorway, entrance, at WORSHIP + [2] cherish, love, worship - more at LOVE
entree, entry, gateway - more at ENTRANCE + [2] delight, enjoy, fancy, like, love, relish, revel-
ad-mit \ad-'mit\ vb ad-mit-ted; ad-mit-tlnq 1 : PERMIT, ALLOW more at ENJOY + [3] canonize, deify, dote on, idolize,
2 + : to recognize as genuine or valid 3: to allow to enter worship - more at IDOLIZE
adornment 14
adorn \:l-'dorn\ vb + : to enhance the appearance of esp. 5 + : to bring forward for notice, consideration, or ac-
with ornaments ceptance : PROPOSE 6: to supply or furnish in expectation
+ array, beautify, deck, decorate, do, dress, embellish, of repayment: LEND 7: to raise in rate: INCREASE
enrich, garnish, grace, ornament, trim - more at DECO- + [l) cultivate, encourage, forward, foster, further,
RATE nourish, nurture, promote - more at FOSTER
adorn-ment v-mont', n + : something that adorns + (2) fare, forge, get along, go, march, proceed,
+ caparison, decoration, embellishment, frill, garnish, progress- more at GO + [3] elevate, promote, raise,
ornament, trim - more at DECORATION upgrade - more at PROMOTE + [5] offer, pose, proffer,
ad-re-nal\:l-'dren-I\ adj : of, relating to, or being a pair of propose, propound, suggest, vote - more at PROPOSE
endocrine organs (adrenal glands) that are located near 'advance n 1 + : a forward movement 2 : a progressive
the kidneys and produce several hormones and esp, epi- step: IMPROVEMENT 3: a rise esp, in price or value 4: OF-
nephrine FER - In advance: BEFOREHAND
adren-a-line \:l-'dren-'I-:ln\ n : EPINEPHRTNE + [l] advancement, furtherance, headway, march, on-
adrift\:l-'drift\ adv or adj 1 : afloat without motive power rush, passage, process, procession, progress, progres-
or moorings 2: without guidance or purpose sion; also current, drift, flow, flux, stream, way Ant
adroit \:l-'droit\ adj [F, fro OF, fro a- to + droit right) recession, regression, retrogression + [2] advancement,
+ : having or showing skill, cleverness, or resourcefulness breakthrough, enhancement, improvement, refine-
in handling situations - adv ment; also amelioration, boost, heightening, increase,
+ artful, dexterous, masterful, practiced, skillful, virtu- melioration, strengthening, upgrade, uplift, upswing,
oso - more at SKILLFUL upturn Ant setback
adroit-ness \-n:ls\ n + : the quality or state of being adroit 'advance adj : made, sent, or furnished ahead of time <-
+ cleverness, craft, dexterity, finesse, sleight - more at sales)
DEXTERITY + adeptness, art, artfulness,artifice, artistry, ad-vanced \:ld-'vanst\ adj 1 + : far on in time or course <a
cleverness,craft, cunning, deftness, masterfulness,skill man - in years) 2 + : being beyond others in progress <a
- more at SKILL student with - abilities)
ad-sorb \ad-'sorb, -'zorb\ vb : to take up (as molecules of + high, progressive, refined; also full-blown, full.
gases) and hold on the surface of a solid or liquid - ad- fledged, full-scale Ant backward, low, lower, primitive,
sorp-tion \-'sorp-sh:m, -'zorp-\ n retarded, rudimentary, undeveloped
ad-u-late\'a-j:l-,lat\ vb -Iat-ed, Iatjng : to flatter or admire ad-vance-ment \-m:lnt\ n + : the action of advancing: the
excessively - ad-u-la-tor\'a-j:l-,la-t:lr\ n state of being advanced
ad-u-la-tion \,a-j:l-'la-sh:ln\ n + : excessiveor slavish admi- + ascent, elevation, promotion, rise, upgrade; also ag-
ration or flattery grandizement, ennoblement, exaltation, glorification
+ deification, idolatry, worship - more at WORSHIP Ant abasement, demotion, downgrade, reduction + ad-
+ blarney, flattery, overpraise - more at FLATIERY vancement, breakthrough, enhancement, improve-
ed-u-la-to-ry\-l:l-,tor-e\ adi + : characterized by or given to ment, refinement; also amelioration, boost,
adulation heightening, increase, melioration, strengthening, up-
grade, uplift, upswing, upturn Ant setback
+ fulsome, unctuous - more at FULSOME
ad-van-tage \:ld-'van-tij\ n 1 +: superiority of position
'adult \:l-'d:llt, 'a-,\ adj [L adultus, pp. of adolescere to grow 2 + : something that promoteswell-being: BENEFIT 3: the
up, fr. ad- to + alescere to grow) + : fully developed and 1st point won in tennis after deuce -
mature adv
+ full-blown, full-fledged, mature, ripe - more at MA- + [1) better, drop, edge, jump, upper hand, vantage;
TURE also allowance, head start, lead, margin, odds, start Ant
'adult n : one that is adult; esp : a human being after an age disadvantage, handicap, liability + [2] aid, benefit,
(as 18) specified by law boon, help - more at HELP
acul-ter-ant\:l-'d:ll-t:l-r:lnt\ n + : something used to adul- ad-van-ta-geous \,ad-van-'ta-j:ls\ adj + : giving an advan-
terate another tage
+ contaminant, defilement, impurity, pollutant - beneficial, favorable (or favourable), helpful, prof-
more at IMPURITY itable, salutary - more at BENEFICIAL
adul-ter-ate \:l-'d:ll-t:l-,rat\ vb -at-ed; -at-lnq [L adulterare, ad-vent\'ad-,vent\ n 1 cap: a penitential period beginning
fro ad- to + alter other) + : to make impure by mixing in a four Sundays before Christmas 2 cap : the coming of
foreign or inferior substance - adul-ter-a-tlon \-,d:ll-t:l- Christ 3: a coming into being or use
'ra-sh:ln\ n ad-ven-tl-tlous \,ad-v:ln-'ti-sh:ls\ adj 1 + : coming from an-
+ dilute, thin, water, weaken; also befoul, contaminate, other source and not inherent or innate 2: arising or oc-
corrupt, defile, dirty, foul, infect, poison, pollute, soil, curring sporadically or in other than the usual location
sully, spoil, taint Ant enrich, fortify, strengthen <- buds) - ad-ven-tl-tlous-lyadv
adul-tery\:l-'d:ll-t(:l- )re\ n, pl-teries : sexual unfaithfulness + alien, extraneous, extrinsic, foreign - more at EX-
of a married person - adul-ter-er \-t:lr-:lr\ n - adul-ter- TRINSIC
ess \-t(:l- )r:ls\ n - adul-ter-cus \-t(:l- )r:ls\ ad]
adult-hood\:l-'d:llt-,hitd\ n : the state or time of being an tad-ven-ture \:ld-'ven-ch:lr\ n 1 : a risky undertaking 2 + : a
adult remarkable and exciting experience
ad-um-brate Va-darn-jbrat',vb -brat-ed; -brat-inq 1 : to fore- + experience, happening, time; also escapade, lark
shadow vaguely: INTIMATE 2: to suggest or disclose par- 'adventure vb -ven-tured; -ven-tur-lnq \-'ven-ch(:l-)ril)\ + : to
tially 3 SHADE, OBSCURE - ad-um-bra-tion expose to danger or loss : RISK, HAZARD
\,a-d:lm-'bra-sh:ln\ n + compromise,gamble with, hazard, imperil, jeopard-
advabbr 1 adverb 2 advertisement ize, menace, risk, venture
ad va-lcr-em \,ad-v:l-'lor-:lm\ ad) [L, according to the ad-ven-tur-er \:ld-'ven-ch(:l-)r:lr\ n 1 : a person who en-
value) : imposed at a percentage of the value <an ad val- gages in new and risky undertakings 2: a person who fol-
orem tax) lows a military career for adventure or profit 3: a person
rad-vance \:ld-'vans\ vb ad-vanced; ad-vanc-ing 1 + : to as- who tries to gain wealth by questionable means
sist the progress of 2 +: to bring or move forward ad-ven-ture-some\:ld-'ven-ch:lr-s:lm\ adj : Inclined to take
3 + : to promote in rank 4: to make earlier in time risks
15 aerosol
ad-ven-tur-ess\;)d-'ven-ch(;)- )r;)s\ n : a female adventurer ad-vised \;)d-'vizd\ adj + : thought out: CONSIDERED <well,
ae-ven-tur-ous\-ch(;)-)r;)s\ adj + : disposed to seek adven- advised)
ture or to cope with the new and unknown + calculated, deliberate, measured, reasoned, studied,
+ audacious, bold, daring, enterprising, nervy, venture- thoughtful, thought-out - more at DELIBERATE
some - more at BOLD ad-vis-ed-ly\;)d-'vi-z;)d-Ie\ adv +: with or after fore-
ad-verb \'ad-,v;)rb\ n : a word that typically serves as a thought or consideration
modifier of a verb, an adjective, or another adverb - ad- ad-vise-ment\;)d-'vlz-m;)nt\ n 1 + : careful consideration
ver-bl-al \ad-'v;)r-be-;)I\ adj - ad-ver-bi-al-ly adv 2 : the act of advising
'ad.versary \'ad-v;)r-,ser-e\ n, pi -sar-ies + : one that con- + consideration, debate, deliberation, study, thought -
tends with, opposes, or resists more at CONSIDERATION
+ antagonist, enemy, foe, opponent - more at ENEMY ad-vis-eralso ad-vi-sor \-'vi-z;)r\ n : one that gives advice
ad-vi-so-ry\;)d-'vi-z;)-re\ adj 1 : having or exercising power
2adversary adi : involvingantagonistic parties or interests to advise 2: containing advice
ad-verse \ad-'v;)rs, 'ad-,v;)rs\ adj 1 : acting against or in a 'ad.vo-cate Vad-vo-kat, -,kat\ n [ultim. fr. L advocare to
contrary direction 2 + : opposed to one's interests: UN- summon, fr. ad- to + vocare to call] 1 + : one who pleads
FAVORABLE - ad-verse-tvadv another's cause 2 + : one who argues or pleads for a
+ counter, disadvantageous, hostile, inimical, negative, cause or proposal - ad-vo-ca-cyx-vo-ka-sev n
prejudicial, unfavorable (or unfavourable), unfriendly, + [1] attorney, counsel, lawyer - more at LAWYER
unsympathetic; also bad, baleful, baneful, evil Ant ad- + [2] apostle, backer, booster, champion, exponent,
vantageous, favorable, friendly, positive, sympathetic, friend, promoter, proponent, supporter - more at EX-
well-disposed PONENT
ad-ver-si-ty \ad-'v;)r-s;)-te\ n, pi -ties + : hard times: occur- 2ad.vo-cate \-,kat\ vb -cat-ed; -cat-tnq + : to plead in favor of
rences of misfortune - ad-vo-ca-tion\,ad-v;)-'ka-sh;)n\ n
+ knock, misadventure, mischance, misfortune, mishap + back, champion, endorse, patronize, support - more
- more at MISFORTUNE + asperity, difficulty, hardness, at SUPPORT
hardship, rigor - more at DIFFICULTY advt abbr advertisement
ad-vert \ad-'v;)rt\ vb + : to call attention in the course of adze also adz \'adz\ n : a tool with a curved blade set at
speaking or writing: REFER right angles to the handle that is used in shaping wood
+ cite, instance, mention, name, note, notice, quote, AEC abbr Atomic Energy Commission
refer (to), specify, touch (on or upon) - more at MEN- ae-gis \'e-j;)s\ n 1 + : one that protects : SHIELD 2: PA-
ad-ver-tise \'ad-v;)r-,tiz\ vb -tised; 1 : INFORM, NO- + armor (or armour), cover, defense (or defence),
TIFY 2 + : to call public attention to esp. in order to sell guard, protection, safeguard, screen, security, shield,
- ad-ver-tis-ern wall, ward - more at DEFENSE
+ announce, blaze, broadcast, declare, enunciate, plac- ae-o-n-anharp \e-'o-Ie-;)n-\ n : a box with strings that pro-
ard, post, proclaim, promulgate, publicize, publish, duce musical sounds when the wind blows on them
sound - more at ANNOUNCE ae-on or eon \'e-;)n, -,iin\ n + : an indefinitely long time
ad-ver-tise-ment \,ad-v;)r-'tiz-m;)nt; ;)d-'v;)r-t;)s-m;)nt\ n
1 : the act of advertising 2 + : a public notice intended to + age, cycle, eternity - more at AGE
advertise something aer-ate \'a( -a)r-,at\ vb aer-at-ed; aer-at-ing 1: to supply
(blood) with oxygen by respiration 2: to supply, impreg-
+ announcement, bulletin, notice, notification, release
- more at ANNOUNCEMENT nate, or combine with a gas and esp. air - aer-a-tion
\,a(-a)r-'a-sh;)n\ n - aer-a-tor\'a(-;)r-,a-t;)r\ n
ad-ver-tls-lnq\'ad-v;)r-,ti-zil)\ n : the business of preparing tae-rl-al \'ar-e-;)I\ adj 1 : inhabiting, occurring in, or done in
advertisements the air 2: AIRY 3: of or relating to aircraft
ad-vice \;)d-'vis\ n 1 : recommendation with regard to a \'ar-e-;)I\ n : ANTENNA 2
course of action: COUNSEL 2: INFORMATION, REPORT ae-rt-at-lst\'ar-e-;)-Iist\ n : a performer of feats above the
+ counsel, guidance, input; also recommendation, sug- ground esp. on a trapeze
gestion; hint, pointer, tip; data, feedback, information; ae-rie \'ar-e, 'ir-e\ n : a highly placed nest (as of an eagle)
answer, solution; advisement, consideration, thought; aer-o-bat-ics \,ar-;)-'ba-tiks\ n sing or pi : spectacular flying
admonishment, admonition, caution, cautioning, ex- feats and maneuvers
postulation, remonstration, urging, warning; judgment aer-o-bic\,a( -;)r-'ro-bik\ adj 1 : living or active only in the
(or judgement), observation, verdict; assistance, brief- presence of oxygen <""' bacteria) 2 involving or increas-
ing, coaching, direction, instruction, mentoring, prim- ing oxygen consumption <""' activity); also: of or relat-
ing, prompting, teaching, tutoring; interference, ing to aerobics - aer-o-bi-cal-ly \-bi-k(;)- )Ie\ adv
kibitzing, meddling; moralizing, pontificating, preach- aer-o-bics \-biks\ n sing or pi : strenuous exercises that pro-
ing; exhortation, lecture, lesson, sermon, speech duce a marked temporary increase in respiration and
advisable\;)d-'vi-z;)-b;)J\ adi + : proper to be done: EXPE- heart rate; also: a system of physical conditioning involv-
DIENT - ad.vis.abil.i.ty\-,vi-z;)-'bi-I;)-te\ n ing these
+ desirable, expedient, judicious, politic, prudent, tacti- aero-drome \'ar-;)-,drom\ n, chiefly Brit: AIRPORT
cal. wise - more at EXPEDIENT aero-dy-nam-ics\,ar-o-di-'na-miks\ n : the science dealing
with the forces acting on bodies in motion in a gas (as air)
ad-vise \;)d-'viz\ vb ad-vised: ad-vis-ing 1 a : to give advice - aero-dy-nam-ic \-mik\ also aero-dy-nam-i-cal \-mi-k;)l\

to : COUNSEL b + : to recommend esp. as the best or most adj - aero-dy-nam-i-cal-ly \-mi-k(;)-)Ie\adv
expedient act, course, or policy 2 + : to give information aero-naut \'ar-;)-,not\ n [F aeronaute, ultim. fro Gk aer air
or notice to: INFORM 3 + : to take counsel: CONSULT, CON-
+ nautes sailor] : one who operates or travels in an airship
or balloon
t + [lb] counsel, suggest; also advocate, back, favor, sup-
port + [2] acquaint, apprise, brief, clue, enlighten, fa-
miliarize, fill in, inform, instruct, tell, wise - more at
aero-nau-tics \,ar-a-'no-tiks\ n : the science of aircraft op-
eration - aero-nau-ti-cal\-ti-bl\ also aero-nau-tic\-tik\ adj
aero-sol Var-a-jsal, -,sol\ n 1 : a suspension of fine solid or
ENLIGHTEN + [3] confer, consult, counsel, parley, pow- liquid particles in a gas 2 : a substance (as an insecticide)
wow - more at CONFER dispensed from a pressurized container as an aerosol
aerospace 16
aero-space \'ar-o-,spas\ n : the earth's atmosphere and the warm regard: LOVING 2 + : motivated by affection: TEN-
space beyond - aerospace am DER
aery \'ar-e\ am aer-i-er; -est : having an aerial quality + [I, 2] devoted, fond, loving, tender, tenderhearted -
aes-thete \'es-,thet\ n : a person having or affecting sensi- af-fer-ent \'a-f:)-r:)nt, -jfer-antv adj : bearing or conducting
tivity to beauty esp. in art inward toward a more central part and esp. a nerve cen-
aes-thet-ic \es-'the-tik\ am 1 : of or relating to aesthetics ter (as the brain or spinal cord)
: ARTISTIC 2: appreciative of the beautiful 3 + : pleasing af-ti-ance \:)-'fi-:)ns\ vb -anced; : BETROTH, ENGAGE
in appearance: AllRACfIVE - aes-thet-i-cal-ly \-ti-k(:)-)le\ af-fl-da-vlt \,a-f:)-'da-v:)t\ n [ML, he has made an oath] : a
adv sworn statement in writing
+ attractive, beautiful, cute, fair, gorgeous, handsome, 'af.fil.i.ate \:)-'fi-le-,at\ vb -at-ed; : to associate as a
knockout, lovely, pretty, ravishing, stunning - more at member or branch
BEAUTIFUL 2af.fil.i.ate \:)-'fi-le-:)t\ n + : an affiliated person or organiza-
ees-thet-tcs \-tiks\ n : a branch of philosophy dealing with tion
the nature, creation, and appreciation of beauty + branch, chapter, local - more at CHAPTER
AF abbr 1 air force 2 audio frequency af-fll-l-a-tion \-,fi-le-'a-sh:)n\ n + : the act of affiliating: the
'afar \:)-'fiir\ adv : from, at, or to a great distance state or relation of being affiliated
2afar n : a great distance + alliance, association, collaboration, confederation,
AFB abbr air force base connection, cooperation, hookup, liaison, partnership,
AFC abbr 1 American Football Conference 2 automatic relation, relationship, union - more at ASSOCIATIO
frequency control af.fin.i.ty \:)-'fi-n:)-te\ n, pi -ties 1 : KINSHIP, RELATIONSHIP
AFDC abbr Aid to Families with Dependent Children
2 + : an attraction to or liking for something
af.fa.bil.i.ty \,a-f:)-'bi-l:)-te\ n : the quality or state of being
+ bent, devices, disposition, genius, inclination, leaning,
af-fa-ble \'a-f:)-b:)l\ + : courteous and agreeable esp. in partiality, penchant, predilection, predisposition, pro-
clivity, propensity, talent, tendency, turn - more at IN-
conversation - af.fa.bly \'a-f:)-ble\ adv
+ agreeable, amiable, genial, good-natured, gracious,
affirm \:)-'f:)rm\ vb 1 : CO FIRM 2 + : to assert positively
nice, sweet, well-disposed - more at AMIABLE + cor-
dial, genial, gracious, hospitable. sociable - more at 3 : to make a solemn and formal declaration or assertion
in place of an oath
+ allege, assert, aver, avouch, avow, claim, contend, de-
affair \:)-'far\ n [ME a/ere, fr. AF fr. afaire, fr. a faire to do]
clare, insist, maintain, profess, protest, warrant - more
1 : something that relates to or involves one: MAllER 2
a + : a procedure, action, or occasion only vaguely speci-
fied <the most important social - of the year) b: an ob- af-flr-ma-tion \,a-f:)r-'ma-sh:)n\ n + : something affirmed: a
ject or collection of objects only vaguely specified <their positive assertion
house was a 2-story -) 3 + : a romantic or sexual at- + assertion, avowal, claim, declaration, profession,
tachment of limited duration protestation - more at PROTESTATION
+ [2a] blowout, event, fete, function, get-together, am :
'affirmative \:)-'f:)r-m:)-tiv\ asserting that the fact is so
party - more at PARTY + [2a] circumstance, episode, : POSITrYE
event, happening, incident, occasion, occurrence, thing 2affirmative n 1 : an expression of affirmation or assent
- more at EVENT + [3] amour, love affair, romance; 2 : the side that upholds the proposition stated in a debate
also dalliance, entanglement, fling, flirtation; liaison affirmative action n : an active effort to improve the em-
'af.fect \:)-'fekt, a-\ vb 1 : to be fond of using or wearing ployment or educational opportunities of members of mi-
2 + : to put on a pretense of : SIMULATE, ASSUME, PRETEND nority groups and women
'af.fix \:)-'fiks\ vb 1 + : to attach physically <- a stamp to
+ assume, counterfeit, fake, feign, pretend, profess, put
a letter) 2: to attach in any way: ADD <-a signature to
on, sham, simulate - more at FEIGN
the document)
2affect vb + : to produce an effect on : INFLUENCE
+ attach, fasten, fix - more at FASTEN
+ impact, impress, influence, move, strike, sway, tell,
touch; also bias, color 2affix \'a-,fiks\ n : one or more sounds or letters attached to
the beginning or end of a word that produce a derivative
at-tec-ta-tion \,a-,fek-'ta-sh:)n\ n + : an attitude or behavior
word or an inflectional form
that is assumed by a person but not genuinely felt
at-tla-tus \:)-'fla-t:)s\ n : divine inspiration
+ pretense, pretension, pretentiousness - more at PRE- afflict \:)-'flikt\ vb + : to cause pain and distress to
+ agonize, bedevil, curse, harrow, martyr, persecute,
af.fect-ed \a-'fek-t:)d\ adj 1 +: given to affectation plague, rack, torment, torture; also assail, attack, beset,
2 + : artificially assumed to impress others - set upon
adv af.fliction \-'flik-sh:)n\ n + : great suffering
+ [1] grandiose, highfalutin, ostentatious, pompous,
+ agony, anguish, distress, misery, pain, torment, tor-
pretentious - more at PRETENTIOUS + [2] artificial, as-
ture, tribulation, woe - more at DISTRESS
sumed, fake, false, feigned, phony, put-on, sham, un-
natural- more at ARTIFICIAL am :
af.flictive \:)-'flik-tiv\ causing affliction: DISTRESSING
- afoflictive-Iyadv \a-'fek-til)\ am + : evoking a strong emotional af.flu-ence \'a-,flii-:)n(t)s, a-'flii-\ n : abundant supply; also
response <an - story) - adv
+ emotional, impressive, moving, poignant, stirring,
touching - more at MOVING
af.flu-ent \-:)nt\ am+ : having a generously sufficient and
typically increasing supply of material possessions
at-tec-tlon \:)-'fek-sh:)n\ n 1 + : tender attachment 2: a + flush, loaded, moneyed, opulent, rich, wealthy,
condition of the living animal or plant body or of one of well-fixed, well-heeled, well-off, well-to-do - more at
its parts that impairs normal function: DISEASE - at-tee- RICH
tlon-ate-ly adv
afford \:)-'fOrd\ vb 1 : to manage to bear or bear the cost
+ attachment, devotion, fondness, love, passion- of without serious harm or loss 2: PROVIDE, FURNISH
more at LOVE at-tord-able \:)-'fOr-d:)-b:)l\am+ : that can be afforded: of
at-tee-non-ate \-sh(:)- )n:)t\ adj 1 +: having affection or a cost that can be borne without serious harm or loss
17 against
+ affordable, cheap, cut-rate, inexpensive, low, popu- and African stocks that has spread from So. America into
lar, reasonable - more at CHEAP Mexico and the southern U.S.
afoforoesolation \a-,for-:l-'sta-sh:ln\ n : the act or process of Africanized honeybee n : AFRICANIZED BEE
establishing a forest - af.foroest\a-'f6r-:lst, -'flir-\ vb Africanviolet n : a tropical African plant widely grown in-
af.fray \:I-'fra\ n, chiefly Brit: a fight between two or more doors for its velvety fleshy leaves and showy purple, pink,
people in a public place that disturbs the peace : FRAY or white flowers
af.fright \:I-'frit\ vb, archaic: to make afraid: FRIGHTEN, Afri.kaans \,a-fri-'klins\ n : a language developed from
ALARM - affright n 17th century Dutch that is one of the official languages of
'af.front \:I-'fr:lnt\ vb 1 + : to insult esp. to the face 2: CON- the Republic of So. Africa
FRONT Afro \'a-fro\ n, pi Afros: a hairstyle of tight curls in a full
+ insult, offend, outrage, slight, wound - more at IN- evenly rounded shape
SULT Afro-Ameri-can\,a-fro-:l-'mer-:l-k:ln\ n : an American of
'affront n + : a deliberate offense African and esp, of black African descent - Afro-Ameri-
+ barb, dart, dig, indignity, insult, name, offense, out- can adj
rage, put-down, sarcasm, slight, slur, wound - more at aft \'aft\ adv : near, toward, or in the stern of a ship or the
INSULT tail of an aircraft
afllhan \ 'af-,gan \ n 1 cap : a native or inhabitant of AFTabbr American Federation of Teachers
Afghanistan 2: a blanket or shawl of colored wool knit- 'after \'af-t:lr\ adv + : following in time or place: AFTER-
ted or crocheted in sections - Afghanad) WARD, SUBSEQUENTLY
Afghan hound n : any of a breed of tall slim swift hunting + afterward, later, subsequently, thereafter; also next
dogs with a coat of silky thick hair and a long silky top- Ant before, beforehand, earlier, previously
knot 'after prep 1 : behind in place 2: later than 3: in pursuit
ati-clo-na-do\:I-,fi-sh(e-):I-'nli-do, -se-o-v n, pi -dos [Sp, fro or search of <he's - your job>
pp. of aficionar to inspire affection] + : a person who 3after coni : following the time when
likes, knows about, and appreciates a usu. fervently pur- 'after adi 1 + : later in time 2: located toward the rear
sued interest or activity: DEVOTEE, FAN later, posterior, subsequent - more at SUBSEQUENT
+ addict, buff, bug, devotee, enthusiast, fan, fanatic, af-ter-birth Vaf-tar-jborthv n : the placenta and membranes
fancier, fiend, freak, lover, maniac, nut - more at FAN of the fetus that are expelled after childbirth
afield \:I-'feld\ adv 1 : to, in, or on the field 2 : away from af-ter-burn-er\-,b:lr-n:lr\ n : a device incorporated in the
home 3 + : out of the way: ASTRAY - afield adj tail pipe of a turbojet engine for injecting fuel into the hot
+ amiss, astray, awry, wrong - more at WRONG exhaust gases and burning it to provide extra thrust
afire \:I-'fir\ adj + : being on fire : BURNING - afire adv af-ter-care \-,ker\ n : the care, nursing, or treatment of a
+ ablaze, burning, fiery - more at ABLAZE convalescent patient
AFLabbr American Football League af-ter-deck \-,dek\ n : the rear half of the deck of a ship
at-ter-et-tect\-:l-,fekt\ n : an effect that follows its cause af-
aflame \:I-'flam\ adj : being on fire - aflame adv
AFL-CIOabbr American Federation of Labor and Con- ter an interval
gress of Industrial Organizations at-ter-qlow \-,glo\ n : a glow remaining where a light has
afloat \:I-'flot\ adi or adv 1 : borne on or as if on the water disappeared
2: CIRCULATING <rumors were -> 3: ADRIFT af-ter-im-age\-,im-ij\ n : a usu. visual sensation continuing
aflut-ter \:I-'fl:l-t:lr\ ad) 1 : FLUTTERING 2 + : nervously ex- after the stimulus causing it has ended
cited at-ter-tlte\-,lif\ n + : an existence after death
+ anxious, edgy, jittery, jumpy, nervous, perturbed, + eternity, hereafter, immortality - more at ETERNITY
tense, uneasy - more at NERVOUS af-ter-math\-,math\ n 1 : a second-growth crop esp. of hay
afoot \:I-'filt\ adv or adj 1 : on foot 2 + : in action : in 2 + : something produced by a cause or necessarily fol-
progress lowing from a set of conditions: CONSEQUENCE, EFFECT
+ ongoing, proceeding - more at 0 GOING + consequence, effect, outcome, outgrowth, product,
atore-men-nenee \:I-'fOr-'men-ch:lnd\ adj : mentioned pre- result, resultant, sequence, upshot - more at EFFECT
viously at-ter-noon \,af-t:lr-'niin\ n : the time between noon and
afore-said \-,sed\ adj : said or named before evening
afore-thought\-,thot\ adi : PREMEDITATED <with malice _> af-ter-shaveVaf-tor-jshav',n : a usu. scented lotion for the
a for-tl-o-rl \,li-,f6r-te-'or-e\ adv [NL, lit., from the stronger face after shaving
(argument)] : with even greater reason at-ter-taste \-,tast\ n : a sensation (as of flavor) continuing
afoul of \:I-'faill-:lv\ prep 1 : in or into conflict with 2: in after the stimulus causing it has ended
or into collision or entanglement with af-ter-tax \'af-t:lr-'taks\ ad) : remaining after payment of
l Afr abbr Africa; African taxes and esp, of income tax <an - profit>

afraid \;r'frad\ adj + : filled with fear or apprehension af-ter-thought \-,thot\ n : a later thought; also: something
+ aghast, fearful, scared, terrified; also fainthearted,
fearsome, shrinking, shy, timid, timorous, tremulous
Ant fearless, unafraid
A-frame \'a-,fram\ n : a building having triangular front
and rear walls with the roof reaching to the ground
thought of later
af-ter-ward\-w:lrd\ or af.ter.wards \-w:lrdz\ adv + : at a
later time
+ after, later, subsequently, thereafter - more at AF-
Ag symbol [L argentum] silver
r afresh \:>-'fresh\ adv : from a fresh beginning: ANEW, AGAIN AG abbr 1 adjutant general 2 attorney general
Af.ri-can\'a-fri-k:ln\ n 1 : a native or inhabitant of Africa again \:I-'gen, -'gin\ adv 1 + : once more: ANEW 2 : on the
l 2 : a person of African ancestry - Africanadj other hand 3 + : in addition : BESIDES

i Afri-can-Ameri-can\-:l-'mer-:l-k:ln\ n : an American of
African and esp. of black African descent - African-
American adj
+ III anew, over; also always, constantly, continuously,
endlessly, ever, evermore, perpetually Ant nevermore
+ [3] additionally, also, besides, further, furthermore,

i Af.ri-can.ized bee Va-fra-ka-mtzd-v n : a highly aggressive likewise, more, moreover, then, too, withal, yet
hybrid honeybee accidentally produced from Brazilian against \:I-'genst\ prep 1 : in opposition to 2: directly op-

agape 18
posite to : FACING 3: as defense from 4 a : in the direc- + ancient, antediluvian, antique, dateless, old, venera-
tion of and into contact with <threw him - the ropes) ble - more at ANCIENT
b : in contact with <leaning - the wall) agoeroaotum \,a-j:;>-'rii-t:;>m\ n, pi -tum also -tums : any of a
lagaope \a-'ga-pii, 'a-g:;>-,pii\ n [LL, fro Gk agape, lit., love] large genus of tropical American plants that are related to
: unselfish unconctitional love for another the daisies and have small showy heads of blue or white
2agape \:;>-'giip\ adj or adv + : being in a state of wonder or flowers
expectation Agoge-us \a-'ge-:;>s\ n : HAGGAI
+ agog, anticipatory, expectant - more at EXPECTANT 'agoglomoeroate \:;>-'gla-m:;>-,riit\ vb -at-ed: -atoing [L agglom-
agar \'a-,gar\ n 1 : a jellylike substance extracted from a erare to heap up, join, fro ad- to + glomer-, glomus ball]
red alga and used esp. as a gelling and stabilizing agent in + : to gather into a mass : CLUSTER
foods 2: a culture mectium containing agar + ball, cluster, conglomerate, roll, round, wad - more
agar-agar \,a-,glir-'a-,gar\ n : AGAR at WAD
agoate \'a-g;)t\ n 1 : a striped or clouded quartz 2: a play- 2agoglomoeroate \-r:;>t\ n : rock composed of volcanic frag-
ing marble of agate or of glass ments
agaove \:;>-'ga-ve\ n : any of a genus of spiny-leaved plants agoglomoeroaotion \;)-,gla-m:;>-'rii-sh:;>n\ n + : a cluster of dis-
(as a century plant) related to the amaryllis parate elements
agcy abbr agency + assortment, clutter, jumble, medley, melange, miscel-
1age \'iij\ n 1 + : the length of time during which a being or lany, motley, muddle, variety, welter - more at MISCEL-
thing has lived or existed 2: the time of life at which LANY
some particular qualification is achieved; esp : MAJORITY agogluotionate \:;>-'gliit-n-,iit\ vb -nat-ed: -nat-ing 1 : to cause
3 : the latter part of life 4 + : a long time 5: a period in
to adhere: gather into a group or mass 2: to cause (as red
blood cells or bacteria) to collect into clumps - agogluoti-
+ [l] epoch, era, period, time + [4] aeon (or eon), cy- na-tion \-,gliit-'n-'ii-sh;)n\ n
cle, eternity; also infinity agogranodise Brit var of AGGRANDIZE
2age vb aged; agoing or age-ing 1 : to grow old or cause to agogranodize \;)-'gran-,dlz, 'a-gran-v vb -dized; -dizoing
grow old 2 + : to become or cause to become mature or 1 + : to make great or greater 2 + : to enhance the power,
mellow wealth, position, or reputation of - agogranodize-ment \:;>-
+ develop, grow, grow up, mature, progress, ripen- 'gran-d:;>z-m;)nt, -jdiz-; ,a-gr;)n-'diz-\ n
more at MATURE [l) add. amplify. augment. boost. compound, en-
-age n suffix 1 : aggregate: collection <trackage) 2: ac- large, escalate, expand, extend, increase, multiply,
tion : process <haulage) 3: cumulative result of <break- raise, swell, up - more at INCREASE. [2] dignify, enno-
age) 4: rate of <dosage) 5: house or place of ble, exalt, glorify, magnify - more at EXALT
<orphanage) 6: state: rank <vassalage) 7: fee: charge agogravate \'a-gr;)-,viit\ vb -vat-ed: -vat-lnq 1: to make
<postage) more severe: INTENSIFY 2 : to rouse to displeasure or
aged \'ii-j:;>d for J; 'iijd for 2\ adj 1 : of advanced age anger by uSU. persistent and often petty goading : IRRI-
2 : having attained a specified age <a man - 40 years) TATE
age-ism \'ii-Ji-z:;>m\ n : discrimination against persons of a
annoy, bother, bug, grate, irk, irritate, nettle,
particular age and esp. the elderly
peeve, persecute, pique, put out, rile, vex - more at iR-
age-less \'iij-l;)s\ adj 1 : not growing old or showing the ef-
fects of age 2 + : not affected by time: having infinite du-
ration: TIMELESS <- truths) aggravating adj + : arousing displeasure, impatience, or
+ abiding, continuing, dateless, enduring, eternal, ever-
lasting, immortal, imperishable, lasting, perennial, per- + annoying, bothersome, frustrating, galling, irksome,
petual, timeless, undying - more at ABIDING irritating, pesty, vexatious - more at ANNOYING
agen-cy \ 'ii-j:;>n-se\ n, pi -cies 1 +: one through which agograovaotion \,a-gr:;>-'vii-sh:;>n\ n + : the act, action, or re-
something is accomplished: INSTRUMENTALITY 2: the of- sult of aggravating
fice or function of an agent 3: an establishment doing + annoyance, bother, harassment, vexation - more at
business for another 4: an administrative division (as of ANNOYANCE
a government) lagogreogate \'a-gri-g:;>t\ adj : formed by the gathering of
+ agent, instrument, instrumentality, machinery, units into one mass
means, medium, organ, vehicle - more at AGENT 2ag.greogate \-,giit\ vb -gatoed; -gatoing : to collect into one
age nod a \:;>-'jen-d:;>\ n + : a list of things to be done: PRO- mass
GRAM 3agogreogate \-g;)t\ n 1 : a mass or body of units or parts
+ calendar, docket, program, schedule, timetable- somewhat loosely associated with one another 2 + : the
more at PROGRAM whole amount
agent \'ii-j:;>nt\ n 1 : one that acts 2 + : something that pro- full, sum, total, totality, whole - more at WHOLE
duces or is capable of producing an effect: MEANS, INSTRU- agogreogaotion \,a-gri-'ga-sh;m\ n 1 : a group, body, or mass
MENT 3 + : a person acting or doing business for another composed of many distinct parts 2: the collecting of
+ [2) agency, instrument, instrumentality, machinery, units or parts into a mass or whole
means, medium, organ, vehicle; also determinant, expe- agogresosion \:;>-'gre-sh:;>n\ n 1 .: an unprovoked attack
dient, factor, influence, ingredient, mechanism, tool 2 : the practice of making attacks 3 : hostile, injurious,
+ [3] attorney, commissary, delegate, deputy, envoy, or destructive behavior or outlook esp. when caused by
factor, proxy, representative; also ambassador, emis- frustration
sary, foreign minister, legate, minister + [l] assault, attack, charge, offense (or offence), of-
Agent Orange n : an herbicide widely used in the Vietnam fensive, onset, onslaught, raid, rush, strike - more at
War that is composed of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T and contains a ATTACK + [3] aggressiveness, belligerence, fight, mili-
toxic contaminant tancy, pugnacity, truculence - more at BELLIGERENCE
agent pro-vo-ca-teur \'a-,zhan-pro-,va-k:;>-'t:;>r, 'ii-j:;>nt-\ n, pi agogresosive \;)-'gre-siv\ adj 1 .: tending toward or ex-
agents provocateurs \'a-,zhan-pro-,vak-:;>-'t:;>r, 'ii-j;)nts- hibiting aggression; esp : marked by combative readiness
pro-\ [F] : a person hired to infiltrate a group and incite 2 : marked by driving energy or initiative: ENTERPRISING
its members to illegal action 3 : more intensive or comprehensive esp. in dosage or ex-
age-old \'iij-'old\ adj + : having existed for ages: ANCIENT tent - agogresosive-Iy adv
19 agribusiness
+ [1] argumentative, bellicose, belligerent, combative, ag-o-nize \'a-ga-,niz\ vb -nized; -niz-ing + : to suffer or
contentious, militant, pugnacious, quarrelsome, cause to suffer agony
scrappy, truculent, warlike - more at BELLIGERENT + afflict, bedevil, curse, harrow, martyr, persecute,
+ [2] ambitious, assertive, enterprising, fierce, go= plague, rack, torment, torture - more at AFFLICT
getting, high-pressure, militant, self-assertive; also dy- + bleed, feel, grieve, hurt, mourn, sorrow, suffer-
namic, energetic, gung ho, hustling, scrappy, strenuous, more at GRIEVE
vigorous Ant unaggressive, unambitious, unassertive, agonizing adj + : causing agony
agogres-sive-ness n + : the quality or state of being aggres- + bitter, cruel, excruciating, galling, grievous, harrow-
sive ing, harsh, hurtful, painful, tortuous - more at BIITER
+ aggression, belligerence, fight, militancy, pugnac- ag-o-niz-ing-Iy\-Ie\ adv + : in a manner that is agonizing
ity, truculence - more at BELLIGERENCE + ambition, + bitterly, grievously, hard, sorrowfully, unhappily,
drive, enterprise, go, hustle, initiative - more at ENTER- wretchedly - more at HARD
PRISE ag-o-ny \'a-ga-ne\ n, pi -nies [ME agonie, fr. L agonia, fr.
agogres-sor\-'gre-s:lr\ n : one that commits or practices ag- Gk agonia struggle, anguish, fro agon gathering, contest
gression for a prize) 1 +: extreme pain of mind or body 2: a
agogrieve\:l-'grev\ vb agogrieved; agogriev-ing 1 : to cause strong sudden display (as of joy or delight) : OUTBURST
grief to 2: to inflict injury on : WRONG + affliction, anguish, distress, misery, pain, torment,
aggrieved adj + : troubled or distressed in spirit torture, tribulation, woe - more at DISTRESS
+ discontent, discontented, dissatisfied, malcontent- ag-o-ra-pho-bia \,a-g:l-ra-'fo-be-a\ n : abnormal fear of be-
more at DISCONTENTED ing in a helpless, embarrassing, or inescapable situation
aghast \:I-'gast\ adj + : struck with amazement or horror characterized esp, by avoidance of open or public places
+ afraid, terrified - more at AFRAID - ag-o-ra-pho-bic \-'fo-bik, -'fa-\ adj or n
ag-ile\'a-j:ll\ adj + : able to move quickly and easily agr abbr agricultural; agriculture
+ graceful, light, lissome, lithe, nimble, spry - more at agrar-i-an \a-'grer-e-:ln\ adj 1 : of or relating to land or its
ownership <~ reforms) 2: of or relating to farmers or
farming interests - agrarian n - agrar-i-an-ism n
agil-i-ty \:I-'ji-I:l-te\n + : the quality or state of being agile agree \a-'gre\ vb agreed; agree-ing 1 + : to concur in (as
+ deftness, dexterity, nimbleness, sleight - more at an opinion) : ADMIT, CONCEDE 2 + : to be similar: CORRE-
SPOND 3 + : to express agreement or approval 4 + : to be
ag-i-tate \'a-j:l-,tat\ vb -tat-ed; -tat-lnq 1 +: to move or in harmony 5: to settle by common consent 6: to be fit-
cause to move with an irregular rapid motion 2 + : to ex- ting or healthful: SUIT
cite and often trouble the mind or feelings of : DISTURB + [1, 3) acknowledge, admit, allow, concede, confess,
3 : to discuss earnestly 4: to attempt to arouse public grant, own - more at ADMIT + (2) accord, check, coin-
feeling cide, comport, conform, correspond, dovetail, fit, go,
+ [1] convulse, jolt, jounce, quake, quiver, shake, shud- harmonize, jibe, square, tally - more at CHECK
der, vibrate, wobble - more at SHAKE + [2] bother, + [3) accede, acquiesce, assent, consent, subscribe (to)
concern, discompose, disquiet, distress, disturb, per- - more at ACCEDE + [4] blend, conform, coordinate,
turb, unsettle, upset, worry harmonize - more at HARMONIZE
agitated adj + : troubled in mind agree-able \a-'gre-a-bal\ adj 1 + : pleasing to the mind or
+ feverish, frenzied, heated, hectic, overactive, over- senses esp. as according well with one's tastes or needs
wrought - more at FEVERISH 2 : ready to consent 3 + : being in harmony
ag-i-ta-tion \,a-j:l-'ta-sh:ln\ n + : the act or state of agitating + [1] all right, alright, fine, good, OK, palatable, satis-
or being agitated factory - more at SATISFACTORY + [1) congenial, de-
+ anxiety, apprehension, care, concern, disquiet, nerv- lightful, enjoyable, felicitous, good, pleasant,
ousness, perturbation, uneasiness, worry - more at pleasurable, satisfying + [1) affable, amiable, genial,
ANXIETY good-natured, gracious, nice, sweet, well-disposed-
ag-i-ta-tor\'a-j:l-,ta-t:lr\ n + : one that agitates more at AMIABLE + [3] amicable, compatible, congenial,
+ demagogue, firebrand, incendiary, inciter, rabble= harmonious, kindred, unanimous, united - more at
rouser; also demonstrator, marcher, objector, protester HARMONIOUS
ag-it-prop \'a-j:lt-,prap\ n [Russ] : political propaganda agree-able-ness \-nas\ n + : the quality or state of being
promulgated esp. through the arts agreeable
agleam \:I-'glem\ adj : GLEAMING + amenity, amiability, geniality, graciousness,niceness,
aglit-ter \:I-'gli-t:lr\ adj : GLITIERING pleasantness, sweetness - more at AMIABILITY
aglow \:I-'glo\ adj + : glowingesp. with warmth or excite- agree-ably\-ble\ adv : in an agreeable manner
ment : GLOWING + delightfully, favorably (or favourably), felicitously,
+ beaming, glowing, radiant, sunny - more at RADIANT gloriously, nicely, pleasantly, pleasingly, satisfyingly,
ag-nos-tic \ag-'nas-tik\ adj [Gk agnostos unknown, un- splendidly, well
knowable, fro a- un- + gnostos known] : of or relating to agree-ment \a-'gre-mant\ n 1 : harmony of opinion or
the belief that the existence of any ultimate reality (as action 2 : mutual understanding or arrangement; also
God) is unknown and prob. unknowable- agnostic n - : a document containing such an arrangement
I ag-nos-ti-cism\-'nas-t:l-,si-zam\ n + [1] accord, conformity, consonance, harmony, tune

ago \a-'go\ adj or adv : earlier than the present time

agog \:I-'gag\ adi [MFen gogues in mirth] + : full of intense
interest or excitement
- more at CONFORMITY [1) accord, concurrence,
consensus, unanimity; also accession, assent, consent
Ant disagreement, dissent + [2] accord, bargain, com-
+ agape, anticipatory, expectant - more at EXPECTANT pact, contract, convention, covenant, deal, pact, settle-
+ anxious, ardent, athirst, avid, eager, enthusiastic, ment, understanding; also charter, treaty
keen - more at EAGER ag-ri-busi-ness \'a-gra-,biz-nas, -naz\ n : an industry en-
a-go-go \a-'go-,go\ adj [Whisky a Gogo, cafe and disco in gaged in the manufacture and sale of farm equipment
Paris, France, fr. F ii gogo galore) : GO-GO and supplies and in the production, processing, storage,
ag-o-niseBrit var of AGONIZE and sale of farm commodities
agric 20
agric abbr agricultural; agriculture ai-le-ron \'a-l;J-,ran\ n : a movable part of an airplane wing
aq-rl-cul-tur-al \,a-gri-'k;Jl-ch(;J-)r;Jl\ adj : of, relating to, used in banking
used in, or concerned with agriculture ail-ment \'al-m;Jnt\ n : a bodily disorder
aq-ri-cul-tura \'a-gri-,k;Jl-ch;Jr\ n : the science, art, or prac- bug, complaint, complication, condition, disease, dis-
tice of cultivating the soil, producing crops, and raising order, fever, ill, illness, infirmity, malady, sickness,
livestock and in varying degrees the preparation and mar- trouble - more at DISEASE
keting of the resulting products: FARMING, HUSBANDRY 'aim \'am\ vb [ME, fr. AF aesmer & esmer; AF aesmer, fr. a- \-ch(;J- )rist\ or \-ch(;J-)r;J- to (fr. L ad-) + esmer to estimate, fro L aestimare] 1 : to
list\ n : one that is trained in or practices agriculture point a weapon at an object 2 : to direct one's efforts
cultivator, farmer, grower, planter, tiller - more at : ASPIRE 3 : to direct to or toward a specified object or
agron-o-mist \;J-'gra-n;J-mist\ n : one that is trained in or [2] aspire, contemplate, design, intend, mean, medi-
practices agronomy tate, plan, propose - more at INTEND [3] bend, cast,
agron-o-my \;J-'gra-n;J-me\ n : a branch of agriculture that direct, head, level, set, train; also bear, face
deals with the raising of crops and the care of the soil - 'aim n 1 : the pointing of a weapon at an object 2 : the abil- \,a-gr;J-'na-mik\ adj ity to hit a target 3 : a clearly directed intent or purpose
aground \;J-'graiind\ adv or adj : on or onto the bottom or : OBJECT, PURPOSE - aim-less-ly adv - aim-tess-ness n
shore <ran -) ambition, aspiration, design, end, goal, intent, object,
agt abbr agent objective, plan, purpose - more at GOAL
ague \'a-gyii\ n : a fever (as malaria) with recurrent chills aim-less \-I;Js\ adj. : without aim or purpose
and sweating arbitrary, desultory, erratic, haphazard, random,
ahead \;J-'hed\ adv or adj 1 .: in or toward the front scattered, stray - more at RANDOM
2 : into or for the future <plan -) 3: in or toward a AIM abbr American Indian Movement
more advantageous position 4 : at or to an earlier time ain't \'ant\ 1 are not 2 is not 3 am not - though disap-
[1, 2] along, forth, forward, on, onward - more at proved by many and more common in less educated
ALONG [4] before, beforehand, previously; also for- speech, used in both speech and writing to catch atten-
merly Ant after, afterward, later tion and to gain emphasis
ahead of prep 1 : in front or advance of 2 : in excess of \,i-nu\ n, pi Ainu or Ainus 1 : a member of an in-
: ABOVE digenous people of northern Japan 2: the language of the
before, ere, of, previous to, prior to, to - more at BE- Ainu people
FORE 'air \'ar\ n 1 : the gaseous mixture surrounding the earth
AHL abbr American Hockey League 2 : a light breeze 3 : a sweet or agreeable succession
ahoy \;J-'h6i\ inlet] - used in hailing <ship -) or arrangement of sounds: MELODY, TUNE 4 : the out-
Al abbr artificial intelligence ward appearance of a person or thing: apparent charac-
'aid \'ad\ vb : to provide with what is useful in achieving ter 5 usu airs. : an artificial manner 6 : COMPRESSED AIR
an end : ASSIST <- sprayer) 7: AJRCRAFT <- patrol) 8: AVIATION <-
abet, assist, back, help, prop, support - more at HELP safety) 9: the medium of transmission of radio waves;
'aid n 1 : an act or instance of help given : ASSISTANCE
2 : an assisting person, group, or device: ASSISTANT [2] breath, breeze, puff, waft, zephyr - more at
BREEZE. [3] lay, melody, song, strain, tune, warble-
[1] assist, assistance, backing, boost, help, lift, sup- more at MELODY. [4] atmosphere, aura, climate, flavor
port - more at HELP [2] apprentice, assistant, (or flavour), mood, note, temper - more at AURA. airs
deputy, helper, helpmate, mate, sidekick - more at [5] act, facade, front, guise, masquerade, pose, pre-
HELPER [2] advantage, benefit, boon, help - more at tense, put-on, semblance, show - more at MASQUERADE
'air vb 1 : to expose to the air 2 : to expose to public view
AID abbr Agency for International Development or bring to public notice
aide \'ad\ n : a person who acts as an assistant; esp : a mil- express, give, look, sound, state, vent, voice - more
itary officer assisting a superior at EXPRESS
aide-de-camp \,ad-di-'kamp, -'ka"\ n, pi aides-de-camp
air bag n : a bag designed to inflate automatically to pro-
\,adz-di-\ [F] : AIDE
tect automobile occupants in case of collision
AIDS \'adz\ n [acquired immuno deficiency syndrome] : a
air-boat \'ar-,bot\ n : a shallow-draft boat driven by an air-
serious disease of the human immune system that is char- plane propeller
acterized by severe reduction in the numbers of helper T air-borne \-,born\ adj : done or being in the air
cells and increased vulnerability to life-threatening ill- air brake n 1 : a brake operated by a piston driven by com-
nesses and that is caused by infection with HIV com- pressed air 2: a surface projected into the airflow to
monly transmitted in infected blood and in bodily lower an airplane's speed
secretions air-brush \'ar-,br;,sh\ n : a device for applying a fine spray
AIDS-related complex n : a group of symptoms (as fever, (as of paint) by compressed air - airbrush vb
weight loss, and lymphadenopathy) that is associated alr-con-di-tlon \,ar-k;Jn-'di-shan\ vb : to equip with an ap-
with the presence of antibodies to HIV and is followed by paratus for filtering air and controlling its humidity and
the development of AIDS in a certain proportion of cases temperature - air con-di-tion-er \-'di-sh(;,-)n;,r\ n
AIDS virus n : HIV air-craft \'ar-,kraft\ n, pi aircraft: a vehicle for traveling
ai-grette \a-'gret, 'a-,\ n [F, plume, egret] : a plume or dec- through the air
orative tuft for the head aircraft carrier n : a warship with a deck on which airplanes
ail \'al\ vb 1 : to be the matter with: be trouble to 2: to can be launched and landed
be unwell air-drop \'ar-,drap\ n : delivery of cargo or personnel by
agitate, bother, concern, discompose, disquiet, dis- parachute from an airplane in flight - air-drop vb
tress, disturb, exercise, freak out, perturb, undo, un- Aire-dale terrier \'ar-,diil-\ n : any of a breed of large terri-
hinge, unsettle, upset, worry - more at DISTURB ers with a hard wiry coat
ai-lan-thus \a-'lan-th;Js\ n : any of a genus of Asian trees or air-tare \'ar-,far\ n : fare for travel by airplane
shrubs with pinnate leaves and ill-scented greenish flow- air-fleld \-,feld\ n : an area of land from which aircraft op-
ers erate : AJRPORT
21 albumin
alr-tlow \-,flo\ n : the motion of air relative to a body in it AK abbr Alaska
airfoil \-,foil\ n : an airplane surface designed to produce aka abbr also known as
reaction forces from the air through which it moves AKC abbr American Kennel Club
air force n : the military organization of a nation for air akim-bo \:I-'kim-bo\ adj or adv : having the hand on the hip
warfare and the elbow turned outward
airoframe \'ar-,fram\ n : the structure of an aircraft, rocket, akin \:I-'kin\ adj 1 : related by blood 2 : essentially
or missile without the power plant similar or related
air-trelght \-'frat\ n : freight transport by aircraft in vol- [1] kindred, related - more at RELATED [2] alike,
ume; also : the charge for this service analogous, comparable, correspondent, like, parallel,
air gun n 1 : a gun operated by compressed air 2: a hand similar - more at ALIKE
tool that works by compressed air; esp : AlRBRUSH AI symbol aluminum
air-head \'ar-,hed\ n : a mindless or stupid person AL abbr 1 Alabama 2 American League 3 American Le-
air lane n : AlRWAY 1 gion
alr-lltt \'ar-,liit\ n : transportation (as of supplies or passen- '-al adj suffix : of, relating to, or characterized by <direc-
gers) by aircraft - airlift vb tional)
air-nne \-,lIn\ n : a transportation system using airplanes 2-al n suffix : action: process <rehearsal)
air-lln-er \-,II-n:lr\ n : a large passenger airplane operated Ala abbr Alabama
by an airline al-a-bas-ter \'a-I:I-,bas-t:lr\ n 1 : a compact fine-textured
air lock n : an airtight chamber separating areas of differ- usu. white and translucent gypsum often carved into ob-
ent pressure jects (as vases) 2: a hard translucent calcite
air-mall \'ar-,mal\ n : the system of transporting mail by a la carte \,a-I:I-'kart, ,a-\ adv or adj [F] : with a separate
aircraft; also: mail so transported - airmail vb price for each item on the menu
air-man \-m:ln\ n 1 : a civilian or military pilot, aviator, alac-ri-ty \:I-'Ia-kr:l-te\ n : cheerful readiness
or aviation technician: AVIATOR, PILOT 2: an enlisted man gameness, goodwill, willingness; also celebrity, quick-
in the air force in one of the three ranks below sergeant ness, rapidity, speed, swiftness
aviator, flier, pilot - more at PILOT a la mode \,a-I:I-'mod, ,a-\ adj [F, according to the fashion]
airman basic n : an enlisted man of the lowest rank in the 1 : conforming to the custom, fashion, or established
air force mode: STYLISH 2: topped with ice cream
airman first class n : an enlisted man in the air force with chic, fashionable, in, modish, sharp, smart, snappy,
a rank just below that of sergeant stylish - more at STYLISH
air mass n : a large horizontally homogeneous body of air 'alarm \:I-'Iarm\ also ala-rum \:I-'Iar-:lm, -'Iar-\ n [ME
air-mo-bile \'ar-,mo-b:ll, -,bel\ adj : of, relating to, or being alarme, fro MF, fr. OIt all'arme, lit., to arms] 1 : a warn-
a military unit whose members are transported to combat ing signal or device 2 : the terror caused by sudden
areas usu. by helicopter danger
air-plane \-,plan\ n : a powered heavier-than-air aircraft
[1] admonition, alert, caution, notice, warning-
that has fixed wings from which it derives lift
more at WARNING [2] anxiety, apprehension, dread, \-,pla\ n : the playing of a musical recording on the fear, fright, horror, panic, terror, trepidation - more
air by a radio station at FEAR
air pocket n : a condition of the atmosphere that causes an
2alarm also alarum vb 1 : to warn of danger 2 : to strike
airplane to drop suddenly
with fear: FRIGHTEN
air police n : the military police of an air force
air-port \'ar-,port\ n : a place from which aircraft operate frighten, horrify, panic, scare, shock, spook, startle,
that usu. has paved runways and a terminal terrify, terrorize - more at FRIGHTEN
air raid n : an attack by armed airplanes on a surface tar- alarrn-lst \:I-'Iar-mist\ n : a person who alarms others esp.
get needlessly
alr-shlp \'ar-,ship\ n : a lighter-than-air aircraft having alas \:I-'Ias\ interj - used to express unhappiness, pity, or
propulsion and steering systems concern
alr-slck \-,sik\ adj : affected with motion sickness associ- al-ba-core \'al-b:l-,kor\ n, pi -core or -cores: a large tuna
ated with flying - alr-sick-ness n that is a source of canned tuna
air-space \-,spas\ n : the space above a nation and under its \al-'ba-ne-:ln\ n : a native or inhabitant of Alba-
jurisdiction nia
air-speed \-,sped\ n : the speed of an object (as an airplane) al-ba-tross \'al-b:l-,tros, -,tras\ n, pi -tross or -tross-es : any
with relation to the surrounding air of a family of large web-footed seabirds
air-strip \-,strip\ n : a runway without normal airport facil- al-be-do \al-'be-(,)do\ n, pi -dos : the fraction of incident
ities radiation that is reflected by a body or surface
alr-tiqht \'ar-'tit\ adj 1 : so tightly sealed that no air can en- al-be-it \ol-'be-:lt, al-\ coni : even though: ALTHOUGH
ter or escape 2: leaving no opening for attack although, howbeit, though, when, while - more at
air-to-air adj : launched from one airplane in flight at an- ALTHOUGH
other; also: involving aircraft in flight al-bi-no \al-'bi-no\ n, pi -nos: a person or nonhuman mam-
air-waves \'ar-,wavz\ n pl : AlR 9 mal lacking coloring matter in the skin, hair, and eyes -
air-way \-,wa\ n 1 : a regular route for airplanes 2: AlRLlNE al-bl-nlsrn \'al-b:l-,ni-z:lm\ n
air-wor-thy \-,w:lr-ilie\ adj : fit for operation in the air <an al-bum \'al-b:lm\ n 1 : a book with blank pages used for
'" plane> - air-wor-thi-ness n making a collection (as of stamps) 2: one or more
airy \'ar-e\ am air-i-er: -est 1 : high in the air : LOFTY recordings (as on tape or disk) produced as a single unit
2 : lacking in reality: EMPTY 3 : exceptionally light, del- 3 : a collection usu. in book form of literary selections,
icate, or refined 4: BREEZY musical compositions, or pictures: ANTHOLOGY
ethereal, fluffy, light; also dainty, delicate, downy, anthology, compilation, miscellany - more at AN-
feathery, flimsy, insubstantial, tender, wispy Ant heavy, THOLOGY
leaden al-bu-men \al-'byii-m:ln\ n 1 : the white of an egg 2: AL-
aisle \'I1\ n [ME ile, fr. AF ele, lit., wing, fro L ala] 1 : the BUMIN
, side of a church nave separated by piers from the nave
proper 2 : a passage between sections of seats
al-bu-min \al-'byii-m:ln\ n : any of numerous water-soluble
proteins of blood, milk, egg white, and plant and animal

ajar \:I-'jar\ am or adv : partly open tissues

albuminous 22
al-bu-min-ous \al-'byii-ma-nas\ adj : containing or resem- al-ex-an-drine \-'zan-dran\ n, often cap: a line of six iambic
bling albumen or albumin feet
alc abbr alcohol al-tal-ta \al-'fal-fa\ n : a leguminous plant widely grown for
al-cal-de \al-'kiil-de\ n : the chief administrative and judi- hay and forage
cial officer of a Spanish or Spanish-American town al-fres-co \al-'fres-k6\ adj or adv [It) : taking place in the
al-ca-zar \al-'kii-zar, -'ka-\ n [Sp alcazar, fro Ar al-qasr the open air
castle] : a Spanish fortress or palace alg abbr algebra
al-che-my \,al-ka-me\ n : medieval chemistry chiefly con- aloga \'al-ga\ n, pi al-qae \'al-(,)je\ : any of a group of lower
cerned with efforts to turn base metals into gold - at- plants having chlorophyll but no vascular system and in-
che-mist \'al-ka-mist\ n cluding seaweeds and related freshwater plants - alogal
al-co-hol \'al-ka-,hol\ n [NL, fr. ML, powdered antimony, \-gal\ adj
fro Sp, fro Ar al-kutxul the powdered antimony] 1 : a col- aloge-bra \'al-ja-bra\ n [ML, fr. Ar al-jabrt : a branch of
orless flammable liquid that is the intoxicating agent in mathematics using symbols (as letters) to explore the re-
fermented and distilled liquors 2: any of various carbon lationships between numbers and the operations used to
compounds similar to alcohol 3 + : beverages containing work with them - al-qe-bra-ic \,al-ja-'bra-ik\ adj - al-
alcohol \-'bra-a-k(a- )le\ adv
+ booze, drink, intoxicant, liquor, moonshine, spirits; \al-'jir-e-an\ n : a native or inhabitant of Algeria
also ale, beer, mead, sake, wine - Algerian adj
'al-co-hol.ic \,al-ka-'ho-lik, -'hii-\ adj 1 : of, relating to, Alogonoquin \al-'giin-kwan, -'gal)-\ n : a member of an
caused by, or containing alcohol 2: affected with alco- American Indian people of the Ottawa River valley
holism - al-co-hol-i-cal-ly \-li-k(a- )le\ adv al-qo-rithm \'al-ga-,ri-tham\ n : a procedure for solving a
2alcoholic n + : a person affected with alcoholism problem esp. in mathematics or computing - al-qo-rith-
+ drunk, drunkard, inebriate, soak, sot, souse, tippler mic \,al-ga-'rith-mik\ adj - \-mi-
- more at DRUNK k(a- )le\ adv
al-co-hol-lsrn \'al-ka-,ho-,li-zam\ n : continued excessive 'alias \'a-Ie-as, 'al-yas\ adv [L, otherwise, fr. alius other)
and usu. uncontrollable use of alcoholic drinks; also: a : otherwise called
complex chronic psychological and nutritional disorder 2alias n + : an assumed or additional name
associated with such use + cognomen, nickname - more at NICKNAME
al-cove \'al-,k6v\ n 1 : a nook or small recess opening off 'al.ibi \'a-la-,bi\ n [L, elsewhere, fr. alius other) 1 : a plea
a larger room 2 + : a niche or arched opening (as in a offered by an accused person of not having been at the
wall) scene of an offense 2 + : an excuse (as for failure)
+ niche, nook, recess - more at NICHE + defense (or defence), excuse, justification, plea, rea-
aid abbr alderman son - more at EXCUSE
al-der \'ol-dar\ n : a tree or shrub related to the birches and 2alibi vb -bied; -biing 1 : to furnish an excuse for 2: to of-
growing in wet areas fer an excuse
al-der-man \'ol-dar-man\ n : a member of a city legislative 'alien \'a-le-an, 'aI-yan\ adj + : belonging or relating to an-
body other person, place, or thing: FOREIGN
ale \'al\ n : an alcoholic beverage brewed from malt and + adventitious, extraneous, extrinsic, foreign - more
hops that is usu. more bitter than beer at EXTRINSIC
ale-a-tcr-lc \,a-le-a-'tor-ik\ adj : characterized by chance or 2alien n 1 : a foreign-born resident who has not been natu-
random elements <""' music) ralized 2: EXTRATERRESTRIAL
ale-a-to-ry \'a-le-a-,t6r-e\ adj : ALEATORIC allen-able \'al-ya-na-bal, 'a-Ie-a-na-\ adj : transferable to
alee \a-'le\ adv : on or toward the lee the ownership of another <""' property)
ale-house \'al-,haus\ n : a place where ale is sold to be allen-ate \'a-le-a-,nat, 'al-ya-\ vb -at-ed: 1 +: to
drunk on the premises make hostile: ESTRANGE 2: to transfer (property) to an-
'alert \a-'lart\ adj [It all'erta, lit., on the ascent] 1 + : watch- other
ful against danger 2 + : quick to perceive and act- + disaffect, disgruntle, estrange, sour - more at ES-
alert-ly adv TRANGE
+ [I] attentive, awake, vigilant, watchful, wide: alien-anon \,a-le-a-'na-shan, ,al-ya-\ n + : a withdrawing or
awake; also alive, aware, conscious, sensitive separation of a person or a person's affections from an
+ [2) brainy, bright, brilliant, clever, intelligent, keen, object or position of former attachment
nimble, quick, quick-witted, sharp, smart - more at IN-
+ disaffection, estrangement - more at ESTRANGEMENT
TELLIGENT [2) expeditious, prompt, quick, ready, will-
ing - more at QUICK allen-Ist \'a-le-a-nist, 'al-ya-\ n : PSYCHIATRIST
2alert n 1 + : a warning signal or device: ALARM 2: the pe- lalight \a-'lit\ vb alight-ed also alit \a-'lit\; 1 : to
riod during which an alert is in effect get down (as from a vehicle) 2 + : to come to rest from
the air
+ admonition, alarm, caution, notice, warning - more
at WARNING land, light, perch, roost, settle
3alerl vb 1 + : to call to a state of readiness: WARN 2: to 2alight adj + : lighted up
make aware of + ablaze, bright, light - more at BRIGHT
+ caution, forewarn, warn - more at WARN align also aline \a-'Iln\ vb 1 : to bring into line 2: to array
alert-ness \-nas\ n + : the quality or state of being alert on the side of or against a cause - align-er n - align-
+ attentiveness, lookout, vigilance, watch - more at menl also aline-ment n
VIGILANCE 'alike \a-'Hk\ adv + : in the same manner, form, or degree
Aleut \,a-le-'iit, a-'liit\ n 1 : a member of a people of the also, correspondingly, likewise, similarly, so - more
Aleutian and Shumagin islands and the western part of at ALSO
Alaska Peninsula 2: the language of the Aleuts 2alike adj + : exhibiting close resemblance without being
ale-wife \'aI-,wif\ n, pi ale-wives \-,wivz\ : a food fish of the identical: LIKE
herring family abundant esp. on the Atlantic coast akin, analogous, comparable, correspondent, like,
AI-ex.anodrian \,a-Iig-'zan-dre-an\ adj 1 : of or relating to parallel, similar, such; also commensurate, proportion-
Alexander the Great 2: HELLENISTIC ate Ant different, dissimilar, diverse, unlike
23 alliteration
al-i-ment \'a-I;>-m;>nt\ n : NOURISHMENT 1 - aliment vb al.lay \;>-'la\ vb 1 : to subdue or reduce in intensity or
al-i-men-ta-ry \,a-I;>-'men-t(;>- )re\ adj : of, relating to, or severity: ALLEVIATE 2 : to make Quiet: CALM
functioning in nourishment or nutrition [1] alleviate, assuage, ease, help, mitigate, mollify,
alimentary canal n : the tube that extends from the mouth palliate, relieve, soothe - more at HELP [2) calm,
to the anus and functions in the digestion and absorption compose, Quiet, settle, soothe, still, tranquilize - more
of food and the elimination of residues at CALM
al-i-mo-ny \'a-I;>-,mo-ne\ n, pi -nies [L alimonia sustenance, all clear n : a signal that a danger has passed
fro alere to nourish] : an allowance made to one spouse by allege \;>-'Iej\ vb al.leged; 1 : to assert without
the other for support pending or after legal separation or proof 2: to offer as a reason - al-le-qa-tion \,a-Ii-'ga-
divorce shanv n - allegoedly \;>-'le-j;>d-le\ adv
A-line \'a-,lln\ adj : having a flared bottom and a close-fit- affirm, assert, aver, avouch, avow, claim, contend,
ting top (an - skirt) declare, insist, maintain, profess, protest, warrant-
alive \;>-'llv\ adi 1 : having life 2 : being in force or op- more at CLAIM
eration 3 : knowing or realizing the existence of (- to al-le-qlance \;>-'le-j;>ns\ n 1 : loyalty owed by a citizen to a
the danger) 4: ALERT, BRISK 5 : marked by much life, government 2 : loyalty to a person or cause
animation, or activity: ANIMATED (streets - with traffic) constancy, dedication, devotion, faith, faithfulness,
- alive-ness n fastness, fealty, fidelity, loyalty, steadfastness - more
[1] existent, extant, living - more at EXTANT at FIDELITY
[1] animate, live, living; also active, animated, dy- al.leogOory\'a-I;>-,gor-e\ n, pl-ries : the expression through
namic, lively, thriving, vibrant, vital, vivacious Ant symbolism of truths or generalizations about human ex-
dead, deceased, defunct, lifeless, nonliving. [2] active, perience; also: an instance (as in a story or painting) of
functional, living, on, operational, operative, running, such expression - al-le-qor-i-cat \,a-I;>-'g6r-i-k;>l\ acij-
working - more at ACTIVE. [3] aware, cognizant, con- \-k(;>- )Ie\ adv
scious, mindful, sensible, sentient, witting - more at 'al.leogro \;>-'Ie-gro, -'la-\ n, pl-gros : an allegro movement
CONSCIOUS [5] animated, astir, busy, lively, vibrant; 2allegro adv or adi [It, merry] : at a brisk lively tempo-
also abounding, crowded, overflowing, populous, used as a direction in music
swarming. teeming. thronging Ant asleep, dead, inac- at-le-tu-ia \,a-I;>-'Iii-y;>\ interj : HALLELUJAH
tive, lifeless, sleepy AIlen wrench \'a-I;>n-\ n [Allen Manufacturing Company,
alk abbr alkaline Hartford, Conn.) : an L-shaped hexagonal metal bar of
al-ka-l] \'al-k;>-,li\ n, pi-lies or -tis 1 : a substance (as a hy- which either end fits the socket of a screw or bolt
droxide) that has a bitter taste and neutralizes acids 2: a al-Ier-qen Va-lsr-janv n : something that causes allergy-
mixture of salts in the soil of some dry regions in such al-ler-gen-ic \,a-I;>r-'je-nik\ adj
amount as to make ordinary farming impossible - at-ka- al-ler-qlc \;>-'I;>r-jik\ adj : of, relating to, affected with, or
line \-k;>-l;>n, -,lln\ adj - al-ka-lin-i-ty \,al-k;>-'Ii-n;>-te\ n caused by allergy
al-ka-loid \'al-k;>-,16id\ n : any of various usu. basic and bit- al-ler-qist \'a-l;>r-jist\ n : a specialist in allergies
ter organic compounds found esp. in seed plants al.lerogy \'a-I;>r-je\ n, pi -gies [0 Allergie, fro Gk alios other
al-kane \'al-,kan\ n : a hydrocarbon in which each carbon + ergon work) 1 : exaggerated or abnormal reaction (as
atom is bonded to 4 other atoms by sneezing) to substances or situations harmless to most
al-kyd \'al-k;>d\ n : any of numerous synthetic resins used people 2 : a feeling of antipathy or aversion
esp. for protective coatings and in paint aversion, disfavor (or disfavour), disinclination, dis-
'all \'61\ adj 1 .: the whole of 2: every member of like - more at DISLIKE
3 : EVERY (- manner of problems) 4: any whatever (be- at-le-vi-ate \;>-'le-ve-,at\ vb -at-ed: : to remove or
yond - doubt) 5: nothing but (- ears) 6: being more lessen (as suffering) : RELIEVE
than one person or thing <who - is coming)
allay, assuage, ease, help, mitigate, mollify, palliate,
concentrated, entire, undivided, whole - more at relieve, soothe - more at HELP
al-le-vi-a-tlon \;>-,Ie-ve-'a-sh;>n\ n : the action of alleviat-
2all adv 1 : to the full or entire extent: WHOLLY 2: se- ing or of being alleviated
lected as the best - used in combination (all-state
comfort, ease, relief - more at EASE
champs) 3: so much (- the better for it) 4: for each
side (the score is two +-> al.ley \'a-Ie\ n, pi alleys 1 : a garden or park walk 2: a
place for bowling 3: a narrow passageway esp. between
absolutely, clean, completely, entirely, fully, quite, buildings
totally, utterly, wholly; also exhaustively, thoroughly
al-ley-cop \,a-Ie-'yiip\ n : a basketball play in which a
3allpron 1 : the whole number, Quantity, or amount <- of player catches a pass above the basket and immediately
it is gone) 2: every person or thing (that is-) dunks the ball
4all n : the whole of one's resources (gave his -) al.ley.way \'a-Ie-,wa\ n : ALLEY 3
AI.lah "a-la, 'a-; a-'Ia\ n [Ar allah) : the Being perfect in AII.hal.lows \61-'ha-loz\ n, pi Allhallows: ALL SAJNTS' DAY
power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as cre- at-u-ance \;>-'II-;>ns\ n 1 : a union to promote common
ator and ruler of the universe - used in Islam interests 2.: union by relationship in Qualities 3: a
all along adv : all the time (knew it all along) treaty of alliance
all-Amerioean \,61-;>-'mer-;>-k;>n\ adj 1 : selected as the
[1] bloc, coalition, combination, combine, confeder-
best in the U.S. 2: composed wholly of American ele- acy, confederation, federation, league, union - more
ments 3: typical of the U.S. - all-American n at CONFEDERACY [2) affiliation, association, collabo-
all-around \,61-;>-'raund\ adj 1 .: considered in or en- ration, confederation, connection, cooperation,
compassing all aspects (best - performance) 2: compe- hookup, liaison, partnership, relation, relationship,
tent in many fields: VER""TILB <an - athlete) union - more at ASSOCIATION
general, unlimited, unqualified, unrestricted al-ll-qa-tor \'a-I;>-,ga-t;>r\ n [Sp ellagarto the lizard] : either
all around \,61-;>-'raund\ adv : without concentration on of two large short-legged reptiles resembling crocodiles
one area or aspect but having a shorter and broader snout
altogether, collectively, overall, together; also alligator pear n : AVOCADO
broadly, generally, liberally, loosely; completely, com- al-llt-er-ate \;>-'li-t;>-,rat\ vb -at-ed; -atjng 1 : to form an al-
prehensively, entirely, exhaustively, fully, thoroughly, literation 2: to arrange so as to make alliteration
wholly al-lit-er-a-tion \;>-,li-!;>-'ra-sh;>n\ n : the repetition of initial
alliterative 24
sounds in adjacent words or syllables - al-lit-er-a-tive All Saints' Day n : a Christian feast on November 1 in
\-'li-ta-,rii-tiv\ adj honor of all the saints
al-lo-cate \'a-Ia-,kiit\ vb -cat-ed: -cat-lnq : to apportion All Souls' Day n : a day of prayer observed by some Chris-
for a specific purpose or to particular persons or things tian churches on November 2 for the souls of the faithful
administer, apportion, deal, dispense, distribute, departed
mete, parcel, portion, prorate - more at ADMINISTER all-spice \'61-,spis\ n : the berry of a West Indian tree re-
allot, allow, apportion, ration - more at ALLOT lated to the European myrtle; also: the mildly pungent
al-to-ca-tton \,a-Ia-'kii-shan\ n 1 : the act or action of al- and aromatic spice made from it
locating 2 : the amount allocated to one sharer all-star \'61-,star\ n : a member of a team of star perform-
ers - all-star adj
[1] dispensation, distribution, division, issuance-
au-ter-rain vehicle n : a small motor vehicle for use on a
more at DISTRIBUTION [2] allotment, appropriation,
wide range of terrain
grant, subsidy - more at APPROPRIATION
all told adv : with everything counted
al-lot \a-'Iat\ vb al-lot-ted: al-lot-tinq : to distribute as a al-lude \a-'Iiid\ vb al-lud-ed; [L alludere, lit., to
share play with] : to refer indirectly - al-tu-sion v-'lu-zhan', n
allocate, allow, apportion, ration; also deal, dispense, - al-lu-sive \-'Iii-siv\ adj - al-lu-sive-ly adv - al-lu-sive-
distribute, divide, dole (out), measure, mete (out), par- ness n
cel (out), portion, prorate, reserve
hint, imply, indicate, infer, insinuate, intimate, sug-
al-lot-ment \-mant\ n 1 : the act of allotting 2 : some- gest - more at HINT
thing that is allotted
iat-iure \a-'Itir\ vb al-lured; al-lur-lnq : to entice by charm
allocation, appropriation, grant, subsidy - more at or attraction - allure n - adv
APPROPRIATION. allowance, cut, part, portion, propor-
beguile, bewitch, captivate, charm, enchant, fasci-
tion, quota, share - more at SHARE
nate, wile - more at CHARM beguile, decoy, entice,
all-out \'61-'atit\ adj. : marked by thoroughness or zeal lead on, lure, seduce, tempt - more at LURE
2allure n : power of attraction or fascination
clean, complete, comprehensive, exhaustive, full,
appeal, attractiveness, captivation, charisma, charm,
scale, out-and-out, thorough, thoroughgoing, total-
enchantment, fascination, glamour, magic, magnetism
- more at CHARM
all out adv : with maximum effort
alluring adi : marked by allure
full tilt attractive, captivating, charming, elfin, engaging, fas-
all over adv : in every place or part: EVERYWHERE cinating, fetching, glamorous, magnetic, seductive-
al-low \a-'Iati\ vb 1 : to assign as a share <~ time for more at FASCINATING
rest) 2: to count as a deduction 3: to make allowance al-lu-vi-um \a-'Iii-ve-am\ n, pi -vi-ums or -via \-ve-a\ : soil
<~ for expansion) 4 : to accept as true, valid, or ac- material (as clay) deposited by running water - al-lu-vl-al
curate usu. reluctantly : ADMIT, CONCEDE 5 a : to give \-ve-al\ adj or n
leave for or make possible: PERMrr <~s the dog to roam) ' \a-'Ii, 'a-,II\ vb al-tied: : to enter into an al-
b : to give leave to liance
[1] allocate, allot, apportion, ration - more at ALLOT associate, band, club, confederate, conjoin, cooper-
[4] acknowledge, admit, agree, concede, confess, ate, federate, league, unite; also collaborate, gang (up),
grant, own - more at ADMIT Ant ban, enjoin, forbid, team (up) Ant break up, disband
prohibit, proscribe, veto. [5b] let, permit, suffer; also \'a-,Ii, a-'II\ n : one that is associated with another as
authorize, commission, empower, license Ant enjoin, a helper
forbid, prohibit
abettor, backer, confederate, supporter, sympathizer;
at-tow-able \a-'Iati-a-bal\ adj. : that may be permitted
also well-wisher
admissible, permissible, sufferable - more at PERMIS- -ally adv suffix : 2_L Y <specifically)
SIBLE al-ma ma-ter \,al-ma-'ma-tar\ n [L, fostering mother] 1 : an
al-low-ance \-ans\ n 1 : an allotted share 2: money given educational institute that one has attended 2: the song or
regularly for expenses 3 : the act of allowing: PERMIS- hymn of an alma mater
SION 4: a taking into account of extenuating circum- al-ma-nac \'61-ma-,nak, 'al-\ n 1 : a publication esp. of as-
stances tronomical and meteorological data 2: a usu. annual
[1] allotment, cut, part, portion, proportion, quota, publication of miscellaneous information
share - more at SHARE [3] authorization, clearance, al-man-dite \'al-man-,dH\ n : a deep red garnet
concurrence, consent, leave, license (or licence), per- al'mighty \61-'mi-te\ adj 1 often cap : having absolute
mission, sanction, sufferance - more at PERMISSION power over all (Atmighty God) 2: relatively unlimited in
al.loy \'a-,16i, a-'16i\ n 1 : a substance composed of metals power - al-miqht-i-nesa n
melted together 2: an admixture that lessens value - al- Almighty n : the Being worshipped as the creator and
loy \a-'16i, 'a-,16i\ vb ruler of the universe
'all right adj 1 .: givmg satisfaction : SATISFACTORY deity, Jehovah, Supreme Being - more at DEITY
2 : free from harm or risk 3: having qualities that tend al-mond \'a-mand, 'a-; 'al-\ n : a small tree related to the
to give pleasure - often used as a generalized term of ap- peach; also: the edible nutlike kernel of its fruit
proval ai-mo-ner \'al-ma-nar, 'a-ma-\ n : a person who distributes
[1] acceptable, adequate, decent, fine, OK, passable, alms
respectable, satisfactory, tolerable - more at ADE- al-most \'61-,most, 61-'most\ adv : very nearly but not ex-
QUATE [2] alright, safe, secure - more at SAFE actly
2all right adv 1 - used interjectionally to express agree- about, most, much, near, nearly, next to, nigh, prac-
ment or resignation or to indicate the resumption of a tically, some, virtually, well-nigh; also appreciably,
discussion <all right. let's go) 2: beyond doubt 3 : well chiefly, largely, mainly, mostly
enough: SATISFACTORILY alms \'amz, 'alrnz\ n, pi alms [ME almesse, almes, fro OE
[1] alright, OK, yea, yes - more at YES [3] ade- eelmesse, selms, fro L eleemosyna alms, fro Gk eleemosyne
quately, fine, good, nicely, OK, passably, satisfactorily, pity, alms, fr. eleemon merciful, fro eleos pity) : some-
so-so, tolerably, well - more at WELL thing given freely to relieve the poor
25 altos
+ benefaction, beneficence, charity, contribution, do- 2alright adj 1 + : giving satisfaction: SATISFACTORY 2 + : free
nation, philanthropy - more at CONTRIBUTION from harm or risk 3 + : having qualities that tend to give
alms-house \-,hails\ n : POORHOUSE pleasure - often used as a generalized term of approval
al-oe \'a-Io\ n 1 : any of a large genus of succulent chiefly + [1] agreeable, all right, fine, good, OK, palatable, sat-
southern African plants related to the lilies 2 pi : the isfactory - more at SATISFACTORY + [2] all right, safe,
dried juice of the leaves of an aloe used esp, formerly as secure - more at SAFE + [3) OK, yea, yes - more at YES
a laxative al-so \'ol-so\ adv 1 + : in like manner: LIKEWISE 2 + : in
aloft \:.-'IOft\ adv 1 + : high in the air 2 : in flight addition: TOO
+ above, over, overhead, skyward - more at ABOVE + [1) alike, correspondingly, likewise, similarly, so; also
alo-ha \;1-'10-;1, ii-'Io-hii\ inter} [Hawaiian] - used to greet equally Ant differently, otherwise + [2) additionally,
or bid farewell again, besides, further, furthermore, likewise, more,
'alone \:.-'Ion\ ad} 1 + : separated from others 2 + : not in- moreover, then, too, withal, yet
cluding anyone or anything else: ONLY - alone adv al-so-ran \-,ran\ n 1 : a horse or dog that finishes out of
+ [1) lone, lonely, lonesome, solitary, unaccompanied; the money in a race 2: a contestant that does not win
also unattended, unchaperoned Ant accompanied alt abbr 1 alternate 2 altitude
+ [2) lone, only, singular, sole, solitary, special, unique Alta abbr Alberta
- more at ONLY al-tar \'ol-t:.r\ n 1 : a structure on which sacrifices are of-
2alone adv 1 +: to the exclusion of all else : SOLELY fered or incense is burned 2: a table used as a center of
2 + : without aid or support ritual or worship
+ [1) exclusively, just, only, simply, solely - more at altar boy n : a boy who assists the celebrant at a church
SOLELY + [2) independently, singly, solely, unaided, service
unassisted; also individually, separately tal-ter \'ol-t:.r\ vb al-tered; al-ter-ing \-t(:.-)ril)\ 1 + : to make
'along \:.-'Iol)\prep 1 : in line with the direction of (sail ~ or become different 2: to remove the sex organs of
the coast) 2: at a point on or during (stopped ~ the + change, make over, modify, recast, redo, refashion,
way) remake, remodel, revamp, revise, rework, vary - more
2along adv 1 : FORWARD, ON 2: as a companion (bring her at CHANGE
~> 3 + : at an advanced point (plans are far ~) 2alter abbr alteration
+ ahead, forth, forward, on, onward; also before al-ter-a-tion \,ol-t:.-'rii-sh:.n\ n + : the act, process, or result
along-shore \:.-'Iol)-'shor\ adv or ad} : along the shore or of altering
coast + change, difference, modification, revise, revision,
'along.side \-,sld\ adv : along or by the side variation - more at CHANGE
2alongsideprep 1 : along or by the side of 2: in association al-ter-ca-tion \,ol-t:.r-'ka-sh:.n\ n + : a noisy or angry dis-
with pute
alongside of prep : ALONGSrDE + argument, disagreement, dispute, fight, hassle, mis-
aloof \:.-'Iiif\ adi + : removed or distant physically or emo- understanding, quarrel, row, scrap, spat, squabble,
tionally - aloof-ness n wrangle - more at ARGUMENT
+ antisocial, cold, cool, detached, distant, frosty, re- al-ter ego \,ol-t:.r-'e-go\ n [L, lit., second I) : a second self;
mote, standoffish, unsociable - more at COOL esp : a trusted friend
al-o-pe-cia \,a-I:.-'pe-sh(e- ):.\ n : BALDNESS 'al.ter.nate \'ol-t:.r-n:.t, 'al-\ adj 1 : arranged or succeeding
aloud \:.-'Iaild\ adv : with the speaking voice by turns 2: every other 3: being an alternative (an ~
alp \'alp\ n : a high rugged mountain route) - al-ter-nate-ly adv
al-paca \aI-'pa-k:.\ n : a domesticated mammal esp, of Peru 2al.ter.nate \-,nat\ vb -nat-ed; -nat-lnq : to occur or cause to
that is related to the llama; also: its woolly hair or cloth occur by turns - al-ter-na-tion \,ol-t:.r-'na-sh:.n, ,al-\ n
made from this 3alternate n : SUBSTITUTE
al-pha \'al-f:.\ n 1 : the 1st letter of the Greek alphabet - alternating current n : an electric current that reverses its
A or ex 2: something first: BEGINNING direction at regular intervals
al-pha-bet \'al-f:.-,bet\ n : the set of letters or characters 'alternative \ol-'t:.r-n:.-tiv, al-\ ad} : offering a choice
used in writing a language 2alternative n + : an opportunity for deciding between two
al-pha-bet-i-cal \,al-f:.-'be-ti-k:.l\ or al-pha-bet-ic \-'be-tik\ or more courses or propositions
adj 1 : arranged in the order of the letters of the alphabet + choice, discretion, option, pick, preference, way-
2 : of or employing an alphabet - al-pha-bet-i-cal-ly \-ti- more at CHOICE
k(:.- )Ie\ adv alternative medicine n : any of various systems of healing
al-pha-bet-ize \'al-f:.-b:.-,t'iz\ vb -ized; -iz-lnq : to arrange in (as homeopathy) not typically practiced in conventional
alphabetical order - al-pha-bet-iz-er n Western medicine
al-pha-nu-mer-Ic \,al-f:.-nil-'mer-ik, -nyu-v adj : consisting al-ter-na-tor \'ol-t:>r-,na-t:>r, 'al-\ n ; an electric generator
of letters and numbers and often other symbols <an ~ for producing alternating current
code); also: beinz a character in an alphanumeric system al.though also al-tho \ol-'ilia\ coni : in spite of the fact
alpha particle n : a positively charged particle identical that : even though
with the nucleus of a helium atom that is ejected at high
speed in certain radioactive transformations
+ albeit, howbeit, though, when, while; also but,
alpha rhythm n : ALPHA WAVE
al-tim-e-ter \al-'ti-m:.-t:.r, 'al-ta-jme-tarv n : an instrument
alpha wave n : an electrical rhythm of the brain often as-
for measuring altitude
sociated with a state of wakeful relaxation
al-ti-tude \'al-t:.-,tiid, -,tyiid\ n 1 : angular distance above
AI'pine \'al-,pln\ ad} 1 : relating to, located in, or resem-
the horizon 2 + : vertical distance: HEIGHT 3: the per-
bling the Alps mountains 2 often not cap: of, relating to,
pendicular distance in a geometric figure from the vertex
or growing on upland slopes above timberline 3: of or re-
to the base, from the vertex of an angle to the side oppo-
lating to competitive ski events consisting of slalom and
site, or from the base to a parallel side or face
downhill racing
al-ready \ol-'re-de\ adv : by this time: PREVIOUSLY + elevation, height - more at HEIGHT
'al.right \ol-'nt\ adv : very well: ALL RIGHT - used interjec- al-to \'aI-to\ n, pi altos [It, lit., high, fro L altus) : the lower
tionally to express agreement or resignation or to indicate female voice part in a 4-part chorus; also: a singer having
the resumption of a discussion <alright, let's go) this voice or part
altogether 26
' \,ol-t;)-'ge-th;)r\ adv 1 + : to the full or entire am-a-ran-thine \,a-m;)-'ran-th;)n, -,thin\ adj 1 : relating to
extent: WHOLLY 2 + : in all 3 + : on the whole or resembling an amaranth 2: UNDYING
+ [1] absolutely, all, clean, completely, dead, entirely, arn-a-ryl-tls \,a-m;)-'ri-I;)s\ n : any of various plants related
fast, flat, full, fully, perfectly, quite, thoroughly, well, to the lilies; esp : any of several African herbs having
wholly - more at FULLY + [2] all around, collectively, bulbs and grown for their clusters of large showy flowers
overall, together - more at ALL AROUND + [3] chiefly, amass \;)-'mas\ vb + : to collect into a mass: ACCUMULATE
generally, largely, mainly, mostly, overall, predomi- + accumulate, assemble, collect, concentrate, gamer,
nantly, primarily, principally; also considerably, gather, group, lump, pick up, round up, scrape - more
greatly, significantly, substantially at GATHER
2altogether n : NUDE (posed in the ~ > tam-a-teur \'a-m;)-(,)t;)r, -,tur, -,tyilr, -,chilr, -chorx n [F, fro
al-tru-Ism Val-tru-a-zamv n [F altruisme, fr. autrui other L amator lover, fro amare to love] 1 : a person who en-
people, fro OF, oblique case form of autre other, fr. L al- gages in a pursuit for pleasure and not as a profession
ter] : unselfish interest in the welfare of others - al-tru-ist 2 : a person who is not expert - arn-a-teur-lsrn \'a-m;)-
\-ist\ n - al-tru-is-ti-cal-ly \-ti-k(;)- )Ie\ adv (,)t;)r-i-z;)m, -,tilr-, -jtyur-, -,chilr-, -,ch;)r-\ n
al-tru-is-tic \,al-tni-'is-tik\ adj + : relating to or given to al- 2amateur adj + : engaged in or performed by or as if by an
truism amateur
+ beneficent, benevolent, charitable, humanitarian, + amateurish, inexperienced, inexpert, nonprofes-
philanthropic - more at CHARITABLE sional, unprofessional, unskilled, unskillful - more at
al-um \'a-I;)m\ n : either of two colorless crystalline alu- AMATEURISH
minum-containing compounds used esp, as an emetic or am-a-teur-ish \,a-m;)-'t;)r-ish, -'Hir-, -'tyilr-, -'chilr-, -'ch;)r-\
as an astringent and styptic adj + : having the characteristics of an amateur: lacking
alu-mi-na \;)-'Iii-m;)-n;)\ n : the oxide of aluminum occur- professional finish
ring in nature as corundum and in bauxite + amateur, inexperienced, inexpert, nonprofessional,
al-u-mln-l-um \,al-y;)-'mi-ne-;)m\ n, chieflyBrit: ALUMINUM
unprofessional, unskilled, unskillful; also primitive,
alu-rnl-nlze \;)-'Iii-m;)-,niz\ vb -nized; : to treat with
self-taught, unprepared, unqualified, unschooled, un-
taught, untrained, untutored Ant ace, expert, masterful,
alu-mi-num \;)-'Iii-m;)-n;)m\ n : a silver-white malleable
ductile light metallic element that is the most abundant
am-a-tlve \'a-m;)-tiv\ adj : indicative of love: AMOROUS-
metal in the earth's crust
alumna \"-'l,,m-n,,\ n, pi -nae \-(,)n;;\ : a woman graduate am-a-tive-ly adv - am-a-tive-ness n
or former student of a college or school am-a-to-ry \'a-m;)-,tor-e\ adj + : of or expressing sexual
alum-nus \;)-'I;)m-n;)s\ n, pi -ni \-,nl\ [L, foster son, pupil, love
fr. alere to nourish] : a graduate or former student of a + amorous, erotic, sexy - more at EROTIC
college or school amaze \;)-'maz\ vb amazed; + : to fill with won-
al.ways \'ol-wez, -W;)Z, -(,)waz\ adv 1 + : at all times: IN- der : ASTOUND - adv
VARIABLY 2 + : for a limitless time: FOREVER + astonish, astound, bowl, dumbfound, flabbergast,
+ [l] constantly, continually, ever, forever, incessantly, floor, shock, startle, stun, stupefy, surprise - more at
invariably, perpetually, unfailingly; also commonly, fre- SURPRISE
quently, oft, often, oftentimes, repeatedly Ant ne'er, amazed adj + : filled with wonder or astonishment
never + [2] eternally, ever, everlastingly, forever, per- + awestruck, stunned, thunderstruck - more at THUN-
manently, perpetually - more at EVER DERSTRUCK
Alz.hei.mer's disease \'lilts-,hi-m;)rz-, 'alts-\ n : a degenera- amaze-ment \-m;)nt\ n +: the quality or state of being
tive brain disease characterized esp. by progressive men- amazed
tal deterioration and memory loss
am pres 1st sing of BE
+ admiration, astonishment, awe, wonder, wonderment
- more at WONDER
'Am abbr America; American
2Am symbol americium amazing adj + : causing amazement, great wonder, or sur-
'AM \'ii-,em\ n : a broadcasting system using amplitude prise
modulation; also : a radio receiver for broadcasts made + astonishing, astounding, eye-opening, shocking, star-
by such a system tling, stunning, surprising - more at SURPRISING + as-
2AM abbr 1 ante meridiem - often not cap. and often tonishing, astounding, awesome, fabulous, marvelous
punctuated 2 master of arts (or marvellous), miraculous, surprising, wonderful-
AMA abbr American Medical Association more at MARVELOUS
amah \'li-(,)mli\ n : a female servant in eastern Asia; esp : a am-a-zon \'a-m~-,ziin, -zanv n 1 cap: a member of a race
Chinese nurse of female warriors of Greek mythology 2: a tall strong
amalogam \;)-'mal-g;)m\ n 1 : an alloy of mercury with an- often masculine woman - ern-a-zo-nl-an \,a-m;)-'zo-ne-
other metal used in making dental cements 2 + : a mix- ;)n\ adj, often cap
ture of different elements amb abbr ambassador
+ admixture, blend, combination, composite, com- am-bas-sa-dor vam-tba-se-darv n + : a representative esp.
Dound. fmion. intermixture, mix, mixture - more at of a government - am-bas-sa-do-n-al \-,ba-s;l-'dor-e-;)l\
Y.I..!. adi - ambassa-dorship n
amal-gam-ate \,,-'mal-g,,-,miil\ vb -at-ed; -at.;ng *: to unite * delegate, emissary, envoy, legate, minister, represen-
or merge into one body tative; also agent, attache, consul, deputy, diplomat,
+ blend, combine, commingle, fuse, incorporate, inte- foreign minister, nuncio, procurator, proxy
grate, intermingle, merge, mingle, mix - more at MIX am-ber \'am-bar\ n : a yellowish or brownish fossil resin
amal-qa-rna-tton \-,mal-g;)-'mii-sh;)n\ n : the result of amal- used esp. for ornamental objects; also : the color of this
gamating resin
aman-u-en-sis \;)-,man-y;)-'wen-s;)s\ n, pi -en-ses \-,sez\ arn-ber-qrls \'am-b;)r-,gris, -,gres\ n : a waxy substance
: one employed to write from dictation or to copy what from the sperm whale used in making perfumes
another has written: SECRETARY am-bi-dex-trous \,am-bi-'dek-str;)s\ adj : using both hands
am-a-rantn Va-mo-jranth', n 1: any of a large genus of with equal ease - am-bi-dex-trous-ly adv
coarse herbs sometimes grown for their showy flowers am-bi-ence or am-bi-ance \'am-be-;)ns, li"-'byli"s\ n : a per-
2 : a flower that never fades vading atmosphere
27 amid
am-bi-ent \'am-be-ant\ adj : existing on all sides PROVE 2: to alter formally in phraseology - amendable \,am-ba-'gyil-a-te\ n : the quality or state of \-'men-da-bal\ adj
being ambiguous ameliorate, better, enhance, enrich, improve, perfect,
darkness, murkiness, obscurity, opacity - more at refine - more at IMPROVE correct, debug, emend,
OBSCURITY rectify, reform, remedy - more at CORRECT
am-big-u-ous vam-tbt-gva-wasv adi : capable of being un- amend-ment \a-'mend-mant\ n 1: the act of amending
derstood in more than one way - am-blq-u-cus-ly adv 2 : the process of amending a parliamentary motion or a
cryptic, enigmatic, equivocal, mysterious, nebulous, constitution; also: the alteration so proposed or made
obscure - more at OBSCURE , amends \a-'mendz\ n sing or pi : compensation for injury
am-bi-tion \am-'bi-shan\ n [ME, fr. MF or L; MF, fro L am- or loss
bition-, ambitio, lit., act of soliciting for votes, fr. ambire ame-ni-ty \a-'me-na-te, -'me-\ n, pi -ties 1 : the quality of
to go around] 1 .: eager desire for success or power being pleasant or agreeable: AGREEABLENESS 2 : a ges-
2 : the object of ambition ture observed in social relationships 3 : something that
serves as a comfort or convenience
[1] aspiration, go-getting; also determination, dili-
gence, drive, energy, enterprise, go, hustle, industry, [1] agreeableness, amiability, geniality, graciousness,
initiative, motivation, push [2] aim, aspiration, goal, niceness, pleasantness, sweetness - more at AMIABILITY
mark, meaning, object, objective, plan, purpose- [2] civility, courtesy, formality, gesture - more at
more at GOAL CIVILITY. [3] comfort, extra, frill, indulgence, luxury,
superfluity - more at LUXURY
am-bl-tlous \-shas\ adj : characterized by ambition-
am-bi-tious-ly adv Amer abbr America; American
amerce \a-'mars\ vb amerced; amerc-ing 1 : to penalize by
go-getting, self-seeking; also determined, diligent,
a fine determined by the court 2: PUNISH - amerce-ment
driving, dynamic, enterprising, hustling, industrious,
motivated, venturesome, venturous n
Amer.i-can \a-'mer-a-kan\ n 1 : a native or inhabitant of
am-biv-a-lence vam-tbi-vo-lansv n : simultaneous attraction
No. or So. America 2: a citizen of the U.S. - American
toward and repulsion from a person, object, or action -
adj - Amer-i-can-lam \-a-ka-,ni-zam\ n - Amer-l-can-lza-
am-blv-a-lent \-Iant\ am tion \a-,mer-a-ka-na-'za-shan\ n - Ameri-canize \a-
'amble \'am-bal\ vb am-bled; am.bling \-b(a-)lil)\ : to go at
'mer-a-ka-,niz\ vb - Amer-l-cen-ness n
an amble
Ameri-cana \a-,mer-a-'ka-na, -'kii-\ n pi : materials con-
2amble n : an easy gait esp. of a horse
cerning or characteristic of America, its civilization, or its
am-bro-sia \am-'bro-zh(e- )a\ n : the food of the Greek and
Roman gods American Indian n : a member of any of the aboriginal peo-
am-bro-sial \-zh(e- )al\ adj. : pleasing to the senses esp. of ples of No. and So. America except the Eskimos
taste or smell American plan n : a hotel plan whereby the daily rates
aromatic, fragrant, redolent, savory, scented, sweet cover the cost of room and three meals
- more at FRAGRANT appetizing, delectable, deli- American Sign Language n : a sign language for the deaf in
cious, flavorful (or flavourful), luscious, palatable, sa- which meaning is conveyed by a system of hand gestures
vory, scrumptious, tasty, toothsome, yummy - more and placement
at DELICIOUS am-er-l-cl-urn \,am-a-'rish-e-am, -'ris-\ n : a radioactive
am-bu-lance \'am-bya-lans\ n : a vehicle equipped for car- metallic chemical element produced artificially from plu-
rying the injured or sick tonium
am-bu-lant \'am-bya-lant\ adj : AMBULATORY Amerlnd abbr American Indian
' \'am-bya-la-,tor-e\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or Am-er-ln-dl-an \,a-ma-'rin-de-an\ n : AMERICAN INDIAN-
adapted to walking 2: able to walk or move about Amerindian adj
2ambulatory n, pi -ries : a sheltered place (as in a cloister) am-e-thyst \'a-ma-thast\ n [ME amatiste, fr. AF & L; AF,
for walking fr. L amethystus, fr. Gk amethystos, lit., remedy against
am-bus-cade \'am-ba-,skad\ n AMBUSH drunkenness, fro a- not + methyein to be drunk, fr. methy
'ambush \'am-,bush\ n : a trap in which concealed per- wine] : a gemstone consisting of clear purple or bluish vi-
sons wait to attack by surprise olet quartz
net, snare, trap, web - more at TRAP surprise, trap; ami.a.bil.i.ty \,a-me-a-'bi-la-te\ n : the quality of being
also assault, attack, charge, sally amiable
2ambush vb : to attack from an ambush agreeableness, amenity, geniality, graciousness, nice-
surprise, waylay; also assail, assault, attack, storm, ness, pleasantness, sweetness: also complaisance Ant
strike disagreeableness, unpleasantness
amdt abbr amendment ami-a-ble \'a-me-a-bal\ adj 1 : pleasing to one's mind or
ameba, ameboid var of AMOEBA, amoeboid senses: AGREEABLE 2 : having a friendly and sociable
ame-lio-rate \a-'mel-ya-,rM\ vb -rat-ed; -rat.lng : to make disposition - ami-a-bly \,a-me-a-ble\ adv
or grow better : IMPROVE - arne-tlo-ra-tion \-,mel-ya-'ra- affable, agreeable, genial, good-natured, gracious,
shanx n nice, sweet, well-disposed; also amicable, cordial,
amend, better, enhance, enrich, improve, perfect, re- friendly, neighborly Ant disagreeable, ill-natured, ill,
fine - more at IMPROVE tempered, ungracious, unpleasant
amen \(,)a-'men, (,)ii-\ interj - used esp. at the end of ami-a-ble-ness \-nas\ n : the quality of being amiable
prayers to affirm or express approval am-i-ca-ble \'a-mi-ka-bal\ adj. : characterized by friendly
ame-na-ble \a-'me-na-bal, -'me-\ adj 1 : ANSWERABLE 2 goodwill- am-i-ca-bil-i-ty \,a-mi-ka-'bi-la-te\ n - am-i-
a : readily brought to yield, submit, or cooperate: COM- ca.bly \'a-mi-b-ble\ adv
PLIANT b.: inclined or favorably disposed in mind agreeable, compatible, congenial, harmonious, kin-
: WILLING dred, unanimous, united - more at HARMONIOus. com-
[2a] compliant, conformable, docile, obedient, sub- panionable, comradely, cordial, friendly, genial, hearty,
missive, tractable - more at OBEDIENT [2b] dis- neighborly, warm, warmhearted - more at FRIENDLY
posed, game, glad, inclined, ready, willing - more at amid \a-'mid\ or amidst \-'midst\ prep : in or into the
WILLING middle of : AMONG
amend \a-'mend\ vb 1 .: to change for the better: IM- among, midst, through - more at AMONG
amidships 28
amid-shlps \;,-'mid-,ships\ adv : in or near the middle of a : being outside the sphere to which moral judgments ap-
ship ply 2: lacking moral sensibility - amor-al-ly adv
ami-no acid \;,-'me-no-\ n : any of numerous nitrogen= am-o-rous \ 'a-m;,-r;,s\ adi 1 +: strongly moved by love
containing acids that include some which are used by and esp. sexual love 2: being in love 3 + : of or indica-
cells to build proteins tive of love and esp, sexual love - am-o-rous-ly adv-
amir var a/EMIR am-o-rous-nessn
'amiss \;,-'mis\ adv 1 +: in a mistaken way: WRONGLY + [1,3] amatory, erotic, sexy - more at EROTIC
2 + : off the right path or route: ASTRAY 3: IMPERFECfLY amor-phous \;,-'mor-f;,s\ adj 1 + : having no definite form
+ [l] erroneously. faultily. improperly. inaptly. incor- : FORMLESS 2: not crystallized
rectly. mistakenly. wrongly + [2] afield, astray, awry, + formless. shapeless, unformed, unshaped. unstruc-
wrong - more at WRONG tured - more at FORMLESS
2amiss adj 1 : WRONG 2 + : out of place under the circum- am-or-tize\'a-m;,r-,tIz, ;,-'mor-\ vb -tized; to extin-
stances 3 + : marked by fault or defect: FAULTY. 1M PER- guish (as a mortgage) usu. by payment on the principal at
FECf the time of each periodic interest payment - amor-ti-za-
+ [2] improper. inappropriate,inapt. infelicitous, unbe- tion \,a-m;,r-t;,-'za-sh;,n, ;,-,mor-\ n
coming. unfit. unseemly. unsuitable. wrong - more at 'amount \;,-'maimt\ vb 1 + : to be equivalent - usu. used
INAPPROPRIATE + [3] bad, defective. faulty. imperfect - with to 2 + : to reach a total: add up - usu. used with to
more at FAULTY + usu amount to [l] add up, come. correspond, equal;
am-i-ty \'a-m;,-te\ n, pi-ties + : the quality or state of being also approach, match, measure (up), meet, rival, touch
friendly; esp : friendly relations between nations + usu amount to [2] add up, come, number, sum, total;
+ benevolence, cordiality, fellowship. friendliness, also average, equal, measure, reach
friendship, goodwill. kindliness - more at GOODWILL 2amount n 1 + : the total number or quantity 2: a princi-
am-me-ter \'a-,me-t;,r\ n : an instrument for measuring pal sum plus the interest on it
electric current in amperes + measure, quantity; also body, portion
am-mo\'a-mo\ n : AMMUNITION amour \;,-'mur, a-, a-\ n 1 + : a love affair esp, when illicit
am-mo-nia\;,-'mo-ny;,\ n [NL, fr. L sal ammoniacus sal am- 2: LOVER
moniac (ammonium chloride). lit., salt of Ammon, fr. Gk + affair. love affair, romance - more at AFFAJR
ammoniakos of Ammon, fr. Ammon Ammon, an Egypt-
ian god near one of whose temples it was extracted] 1 : a amour pro-pre \.a-.mur-'prop .. ,ii-, -'prop"'\ n [F] : SELF~
colorless gaseous compound of nitrogen and hydrogen
used in refrigeration and in the making of fertilizers and 'amp \'amp\ n : AMPLIFIER; also: a unit consisting of an elec-
explosives 2: a solution (ammoniawater) of ammonia in tronic amplifier and a loudspeaker
water 2amp abbr ampere
am-mo-ni-um \;,-'mo-ne-;,m\ n : an ion or chemical group am-per-aqe\'am-p(;,-)rij\ n : the strength of a current of
derived from ammonia by combination with hydrogen electricity expressed in amperes
ammonium chloriden : a white crystalline volatile salt used am-pere \'am-,pir\ n : a unit of electric current equivalent
in batteries and as an expectorant to a steady current produced by one volt applied across a
am-mu-ni-tion \,am-y;,-'ni-sh;,n\ n 1 : projectiles fired from resistance of one ohm
guns 2: explosive items used in war 3: material for use am-per-sand \'am-p;,r-,sand\ n [alter. of and per se and,
in attack or defense spoken form of the phrase & per se and, lit., (the charac-
Amnabbr airman ter) & by itself (stands for the word) and] : a character &
am-ne-sia xam-tne-zha', n 1: abnormal loss of memory used for the word and
2 : the selective overlooking of events or acts not favor-
am-phet-amine\am-'fe-t;,, -manx n : a compound or
able to one's purpose - am-ne-si-ac\-zhe-,ak, -ze-\ or one of its derivatives that stimulates the central nervous
am-ne-sic \-zik, -sik\ adj or n system and is used esp. to treat hyperactive children and
am-nes-ty\'am-n;,-ste\ n, pi -ties + : an act granting a par- to suppress appetite
don to a group of individuals - amnesty vb am-phib-i-an vam-Ti-be-anv n 1 : an amphibious organism;
esp : any of a class of vertebrate animals (as frogs and
+ absolution, forgiveness, pardon. remission - more at salamanders) intermediate between fishes and reptiles
2 : an airplane that can land on and take off from either
am-nlc-cen-te-sls\,am-ne-o-,sen-'te-s;,s\ n, pi -teoses\-,sez\ land or water
: the surgical insertion of a hollow needle through the ab- am-phib-i-ous \am-'fi-be-;,s\ adi [Gk amphibios, lit., living
dominal wall and uterus of a pregnant female esp. to ob- a double life, fro amphi- on both sides + bios mode of life]
tain fluid used to check the fetus for chromosomal 1 : able to live both on land and in water 2: adapted for
abnormality and to determine sex both land and water 3 : made by joint action of land, sea,
amoe-ba \;,-'me-b;,\ n, pi -bas or -bae \-(,)be\ : any of vari- and air forces invading from the sea; also : trained for
ous tiny one-celled protozoans that lack permanent cell such action
organs and occur esp. in water and soil- amoe-bic\-bik\ am.phi.bole \'am-f;,-,b61\ n : any of a group of rock-form-
adj ing minerals of similar crystal structure
amoe-boid \-,boid\ adi : resembling an amoeba esp, in am-phi-the-aterVam-fo-jthe-a-tarv n 1 : an oval or circular
moving or readily changing shape structure with rising tiers of seats around an arena 2 : a
amok \;,-'m;,k, -'miik\ or amuck \-'m;,k\ adv + : in a vio- very large auditorium
lent. frenzied, or uncontrolled manner (run ~) am-pho-ra "am-f;,-r;,\ n, pi -rae \-,re\ or -ras : an ancient
+ berserk, frantically, harum-scarum, hectically, Greek jar or vase with two handles that rise almost to the
helter-skelter, madly, pell-mell, wild, wildly - more at level of the mouth
HELTER-SKELTER am-ple \'am-p;,l\ adj am-pler \-pl;,r\; am-plest \-pl;,st\
among \;,-'m;'lj\ also amongst \-'m;'ljst\ prep 1 + : in or 1 + : generous or more than adequate in size, scope, or
through the midst of 2 : in the number, class, or company capacity: CAPACIOUS 2 + : enough to satisfy: ABUNDANT
of 3 : in shares to each of 4: by common action of + [1] capacious, commodious, roomy, spacious-
+ amid, midst, through; also between, betwixt more at SPACIOUS + [2] abundant, bountiful, comfort-
amon-tlt-la-do\;,-,miin-t;,-'lii-do\ n, pl-dos [Sp] : a medium able, generous. liberal, plentiful - more at PLENTIFUL
dry sherry am-pli-fy\'am-pl;,-,fi\ vb -fied; 1 + : to expand by
amor-al \a-'mor-;,l\ adj 1 : neither moral nor immoral; esp extended treatment 2 + : to increase in magnitude or
29 anat
strength; esp : to make louder - am-pli-fi-ca-tion \,am- an-aer-o-bic \,a-n;)-'ro-bik\ adj : living, active. occurring,
pl:;>-f:;>-'ka-sh:m\ n - am-pli-fi-er \'am-pl;r,fi(-:;r\ n or existing in the absence of free oxygen
+ [1] develop, elaborate (on), enlarge (on), expand- anaogram \'a-n:;>-,gram\ n : a word or phrase made by
more at EXPAND + [2] add, aggrandize, augment, boost, transposing the letters of another word or phrase
compound, enlarge, escalate, expand, extend, increase, 'anal \,an-I\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or situated near the
multiply, raise, swell, up - more at INCREASE anus 2: of, relating to, or characterized by the stage of
+ [2] beef, boost. consolidate. deepen. enhance. psychosexual development in psychoanalytic theory dur-
heighten, intensify, magnify, redouble, step up, ing which one is concerned esp. with feces 3: of, relating
strengthen - more at INTENSIFY to, or characterized by personality traits (as parsimony
am-pli-tude \-,lUd, -,tyiid\ n 1 : ample extent: FULLNESS and ill humor) considered typical of fixation at the anal
2 + : the extent or range of a quality, property, process, or stage of development - anal-ly adv
phenomenon: as : the extent of a vibratory movement (as 2anal abbr 1 analogy 2 analysis; analytic
of a pendulum) or of an oscillation (as of an alternating an-al-ge-sia \,an-I-'je-zh:;>\ n : insensibility to pain - an-al-
current or a radio wave) ge-sic \-'je-zik, -sik\ adj
+ breadth, compass, extent, range, reach, realm, scope, an-al-qe-stc \-'je-zik, -sikv n : an agent for producing anal-
sweep, width - more at RANGE gesia
amplitude modulation n : modulation of the amplitude of a analog computer \'an-I-,6g-, -,ag-\ n : a computer that op-
radio carrier wave in accordance with the strength of the erates with numbers represented by directly measurable
signal; also : a broadcasting system using such modula- quantities (as voltages)
tion anal-o-gous \;)-'na-I;)-g:;>s\ adj + : similar in one or more re-
am-ply \'am-ple\ adv + : in an ample manner spects
+ bountifully, generously, handsomely, liberally, un- + akin, alike, comparable, correspondent, like, parallel,
stintingly, well - more at WELL similar, such - more at ALIKE
am-poule or am-pule also am-pul \'am-,pyiil, -piil\ n : a an-a-toque or an-a-log \'an-I-,6g, -,ag\ n 1 : something that
small sealed bulbous glass vessel used to hold a solution is analogous to something else 2: an organ similar in
for hypodermic injection function to one of another animal or plant but different
am-pu-tate \'am-py,,-,tat\ vb -tat-ed; -tat-lnq : to cut off <~ in structure or origin
a leg> - am-pu-ta-tion \,am-py:;>-'ta-sh:;>n\ n anal-o-qy \:;>-'na-I:;>-je\ n, pl-gies 1 : inference that if two or
am-pu-tee \,am-py:;>-'te\ n : one who has had a limb ampu- more things agree in some respects they will probably
tated agree in others 2: a likeness in one or more ways be-
AMSLAN abbr American Sign Language tween things otherwise unlike - an-a-loq-i-cal \,an-I-'ii-
amt abbr amount ji-k;)l\ adj - an-a-Iog-iocal-Iy \-k(;)-)Ie\ adv
amuck var of AMOK anal-y-sis \;)-'na-I:;>-s:;>s\ n, pi -y-ses \-,sez\ [NL, fro Gk, fro
am-u-let Vam-yo-lot', n + : an ornament worn as a charm analyein to break up, fr. ana- up + lyein to loosen]
against evil 1 + : separation of a thing into the parts or elements of
+ charm, fetish, mascot, talisman - more at CHARM which it is composed 2 a : an examination of a thing to
amuse \:;>-'myiiz\ vb amused; amus-ing + : to entertain in a determine its parts or elements b + : a statement showing
light or playful manner: DIVERT the results of a critical examination 3: PSYCHOANALYSIS
+ disport, divert, entertain, regale; also absorb, busy, - an-a-lyst \'an-I-ist\ n - an-a-lyt-i-cal-ly adv
distract, engage, engross, immerse, interest, involve, oc- + [l] assay, breakdown, breakup, dissection; also as-
cupy sessment, evaluation, examination, inspection, investi-
amuse-ment \-m:;>nt\ n + : pleasurable diversion gation, scrutiny + [2b] comment, commentary,
+ distraction, diversion, entertainment - more at EN- exposition - more at COMMENTARY
TERTAINMENT an-a-lyt-le \,an-'I-'i-tik\ or an-a-tyt-i-cal v-ti-kalv adj + : of or
amus-ing \:;>-'myii-zil)\ adj + : giving amusement relating to analysis; esp : separating something into com-
+ delightful, diverting, enjoyable, entertaining, fun, ponent parts or constituent elements
pleasurable - more at FUN + coherent, good, logical, rational, reasonable, sensible,
AM-VETS \'am-,vets\ abbr American Veterans (of World sober, sound, valid - more at LOGICAL
War 10 an-a-lyze \'an-'I-,Iz\ vb -Iyzed; -Iyz-ing +: to make an
am-y-lase \'a-m:;>-,Iiis, -,Iiiz\ n : any of several enzymes that analysis of
accelerate the breakdown of starch and glycogen + anatomize, assay, break down, break up, dissect; also
an \:;>n, (')an\ indefinitearticle: A - used before words be- assess, evaluate, examine, inspect, investigate, scruti-
ginning with a vowel sound nize
'-an or -ian also -ean n suffix 1 : one that belongs to (Amer- an-a-pest \'a-n;)-,pest\ n : a metrical foot of two unac-
ican> (crustacean> 2: one skilled in or specializing in cented syllables followed by one accented syllable - an-
(phonetician> a-pes-tic \,a-n;)-'pes-tik\ ad] or n
2-an or -ian also -ean adj suffix 1 : of or belonging to an-ar-chic \a-'niir-kik\ adj + : of, relating to, or advocating
(American> 2: characteristic of : resembling anarchy
<Mozartean> + disorderly, lawless, unruly - more at LAWLESS
AN abbr airman (Navy)
an-a-bol-ic steroid \,a-n:;>-'bii-lik-\ n : any of a group of syn- an-ar-chism \'a-n;)r-,ki-z;)m\ n : the theory that all govern-
thetic steroid hormones sometimes abused by athletes in ment is undesirable - an-ar-chist \-kist\ n or adj - an-ar-
training to increase temporarily the size of their muscles chis-tic \,a-n:;>r-'kis-tik\ adj
anach-ro-nism \:;>-'na-kr:;>-,ni-z:;>m\ n 1 : the error of plac- an-ar-chy \'an-;)r-ke\ n 1 a : a social structure without gov-
ing a person or thing in the wrong period 2: one that is ernment or law and order b: a state of lawlessness or po-
chronologically out of place - anach-re-nis-tic \:;>-,na- litical disorder due to the absence of governmental
kra-tnis-tikv adj - anach-ro-nous \-'na-kr;)-n;)s\ adj authority 2: utter confusion - an-ar-chi-cal-ly \-ki-
an-a-con-ca \,a-n;)-'kiin-d;)\ n : a large So. American snake k(;)- )Ie\ adv
that suffocates and kills its prey by constriction anas-to-mo-sis \;)-,nas-t;)-'mo-s;)s\ n, pi -mo-ses \-,sez\
anad-ro-mous \;)-'na-dr;)-m;)s\ aaJ : ascending rivers from 1 : the union of parts or branches (as of blood vessels)
the sea for breeding <~ fish> 2: NETWORK
an-aer-obe \'a-n:;>-,r6b\ n : an anaerobic organism anat abbr anatomical; anatomy
anathema 30
anath-e-ma \:)-'na-th:)-m:)\ n 1 a : a person or thing ac- + [l) elderly, geriatric, old, senior - more at ELDERLY
cursed b + : one intensely disliked 2 + : a solemn curse + [2) age-old, antediluvian, antique, dateless, hoary,
+ [Ib] abhorrence, abomination, antipathy, aversion, old, venerable; also aging, mature Ant modern, new, re-
bete noire, hate - more at HATE + [2] curse, execra- cent + [2) early, primal, primeval, primitive - more at
tion, imprecation, malediction - more at CURSE EARLY
anath-e-rna-tlze \-,tiz\ vb -tized; : to pronounce an 'ancient n 1 : an aged person 2 pl : the peoples of ancient
anathema against: CURSE Greece and Rome; esp : the classical authors of Greece
anat-o-mlse Brit var oj ANATOMIZE and Rome
anat-o-mize \:)-'na-t:)-,miz\ vb -mized; 1 : to dissect an-cil-lary \'an-s;l-,Ier-e\ adj 1 : SUBORDINATE, SUBSIDIARY
so as to examine the structure and parts 2 + : to study or 2 : AUXILIARY, SUPPLEMENTARY - ancillary n
determine the nature and relationship of the parts of by -aney n suffix : quality or state <flamboyancy)
analysis : ANALYZE and \:)nd, (')and\ conj 1 - used to indicate connection or
addition esp. of items within the same class or type or to
+ analyze, assay, break down, break up, dissect-
join words or phrases of the same grammatical rank or
more at ANALYZE
function 2 - used to join one finite verb to another so
anat-o-my \:)-'na-t:)-me\ n, t -mies [LL anatornia dissec- that together they are equivalent to an infinitive of pur-
tion, fro Gk anatome, fr. anatemnein to dissect, fro ana- up pose (come ,.._ see me)
+ temnein to cut] 1 : a branch of science dealing with the 'anodan.te \an-'dan-,ta, -te\ adv or adj [It, lit., going, prp. of
structure of organisms 2: structural makeup esp. of an andare to go) : moderately slow - used as a direction in
organism or any of its parts 3: a separating into parts for music
detailed study: ANALYSIS - an-a-tom-ic \,a-n:)-'tii-mik\ or 'andante n : an andante movement
an-a-tom-l-eal \-mi-k:)l\ adj - an-a-tom-i-cal-ly \-mi- and-tron \'an-,dI(-:)rn\ n : one of a pair of metal supports
k(:)-)Ie\ adv - anat-o-mist \:)-'na-t:)-mist\ n for firewood in a fireplace
anc abbr ancient and/or \'and-'or\ conj - used to indicate that either and
-ance n suffix 1 : action or process (furtherance) : in- or or may apply (men ,.._ women means men and women
stance of an action or process (performance) 2: quality or men or women)
or state : instance of a quality or state (protuberance) Anodorran \an-'dor-:)n\ n : a native or inhabitant of An-
3 : amount or degree (conductance) dorra
an-ces-tor \'an-,ses-t:)r\ n [ME ancestre, fro AF, fr. L ante- an-dro-qen \'an-dr;)-j;)n\ n : a male sex hormone
cessor predecessor, fr. antecedere to go before, fro ante- an-drog-y-nous 'van-Jdra-ic-ncs'c adj 1 : having the charac-
before + cedere to go] 1 + : one from whom an individual teristics of both male and female 2: suitable for either
is descended 2 + : an individual that exhibits the essential sex <,.._ clothing)
features of a later type an-droid Van-jdroid', n : a mobile robot usu. with a human
+ [1] father, forebear, forefather, grandfather; also form
grandmother, matriarch, patriarch Ant descendant an-ec-dct-al \,a-nik-'dot-Ol\ adj 1 : relating to or consisting
+ [2) antecedent, forerunner, precursor; also arche- of anecdotes 2: based on reports of an unscientific na-
type, model, original, prototype Ant descendant ture - an-ec-dot-al-ly adv
an-ces-tress \'an-,ses-tr:)s\ n : a female ancestor an-ec-dote \'an-ik-,dot\ n, pI -dotes also -dota \,a-nik-'do-
an-ces-try Van-jses-trev n 1 + : line of descent: LINEAGE t:)\ [F, fro Gk anekdota unpublished items, fro a- not + ek-
2 : ANCESTORS - an-ces-tral \an-'ses-tr:)l\ adj didonai to publish) : a brief story of an interesting,
+ birth, blood, bloodline, breeding, descent, extraction, amusing, or biographical incident
family tree, genealogy, line, lineage, origin, parentage, story, tale - more at STORY
pedigree, stock, strain; also heredity, succession Ant is- ane-mia \;)-'ne-me-:)\ n 1 : a condition in which blood is
sue, posterity, progeny, seed deficient in Quantity, in red blood cells, or in hemoglobin
'an-chor \'al)-k:)r\ n 1 : a heavy metal device attached to a and which is marked by pallor, weakness, and irregular
ship that catches hold of the bottom and holds the ship in heart action 2: lack of vitality - ane-mic \:)-'ne-mik\ adj
place 2: a broadcaster who reads the news and intro- an-e-mom-e-ter \,a-n;)-'ma-m;)-t;)r\ n : an instrument for
duces the reports of other broadcasters : ANCHORPERSON measuring the force or speed of the wind
'anchor vb + : to hold or become held in place by or as if by anem-o-ne \;)-'ne-m;>-ne\ n : any of a large genus of herbs
an anchor related to the buttercups that have showy flowers without
+ catch, clamp, fasten, fix, hitch, moor, secure, set petals but with conspicuous often colored sepals
an-chor-aqe \'aI)-k(:)- )rij\ n + : a place suitable for ships to anent \;)-'nent\prep : CONCERNING
anchor an-es-the-sia or Can and Brit an-aes-tne-sla \,a-n:)s-'the-
zh:)\ n : loss of bodily sensation
+ harbor (or harbour), haven, port - more at HARBOR an-es-the-sl-ol-o-qy or chiefly Brit an-aes-the-sl-o-lo-qy
an-cho-rite \'al)-k:)-,nt\ n + : one that retires from society \-,the-ze-'a-I;>-je\ n : a branch of medical science dealing
and lives in solitude: HERMIT with anesthesia and anesthetics - an-es-the-sl-ol-o-qlst
+ hermit, recluse, solitary - more at RECLUSE \-jist\ n
an-chor-man \'al)-k:)r-,man\ n 1: the member of a team 'an-esthetie or Can and Brit an-aes-thet-ic \,a-n:)s-'the-tik\
who competes last 2: an anchorperson who is a man adj : of, relating to, or capable of producing anesthesia
an-chor-per-son \-,p:)r-s:)n \ n : a broadcaster who reads the 'anesthetic or Can and Brit anaesthetic n : an agent that
news and introduces the reports of other broadcasters produces anesthesia - anes-the-tist \:)-'nes-th;>-tist\ n -
an-chor-worn-an \-,wU-m;)n\ n 1 : a woman who competes anes-the-tize \-th;>-,tIz\ vb
last 2 : an anchorperson who is a woman an-eu-rysm \'an-y;>-,ri-z:)m\ n an abnormal blood-filled
an-cho-vy Van-jcho-ve, an-tcho-v n, pI -vies or -vy : a small bulge of a blood vessel
herringlike fish used esp. for sauces and relishes anew \:)-'nii, -'nyii\ adv 1 : over again 2: in a new form
an-cien re.gime \ii"s-ya"-ra-'zhem\ n 1 : the political and again, over - more at AGAIN
social system of France before the Revolution of 1789 an-gel \'an-j:)l\ n [ME, fr. OE engel & AF angele, both fr. L
2 : a system no longer prevailing angelus, fr. Gk angeles, lit., messenger) 1 : a spiritual be-
'an-cient \'an-sh;mt\ adj 1 +: having existed for many ing superior to man 2: an attendant spirit 3: a winged
years 2 + : belonging to times long past; esp : belonging figure of human form in art 4 : one that precedes and
to the period before the Middle Ages indicates the approach of another : HARBINGER 5: a per-
31 animism
son held to resemble an angel (as in looks or behavior) language of the English people before about 1100 - An-
6 : a financial backer - anogel.ic \an-'je-lik\ or anogel.i- glo-Saxon adj
cal \-li-kal\ adj - anogel.ioeally \-k(a-)Ie\ adv an-qc-ra\8I)-'gor-a, an-\ n 1 : yam or cloth made from the
forerunner, harbinger, herald, precursor - more at hair of an Angora goat or rabbit 2 cap: any of a breed of
FORERUNNER cats, goats, or rabbits with a long silky coat \'an-jal-,fish\ n : any of several bright-colored anogry \'al)-gre\ adj an-gri-er; -est : feeling or showing
tropical fishes that are flattened from side to side anger - \-gra-Ie\ adv
anogelioea \an-'je-li-ka\ n : a biennial herb related to the enraged, furious, irate, sore, wrathful Ant delighted,
carrot whose roots and fruit furnish a flavoring oil pleased
'anoger\'al)-gar\ vb : to make angry angst \'al)st\ n [0) : a feeling of anxiety
antagonize, enrage, incense, inflame, infuriate, mad- ang-strom \'al)-str:lm\ n : a unit of length equal to one ten'
den, outrage, rankle, rile, roil; also affront, aggravate, billionth of a meter
annoy, cross, exasperate, get, irritate, nettle, offend, anoguish \'al)-gwish\ n : extreme pain or distress esp. of
peeve, pique, provoke, put out, ruffle, vex Ant delight, mind
gratify, please affliction, agony, distress, misery, pain, torment, tor-
2anger n [ME, affliction, anger, fro ON angr grief) : a ture, tribulation, woe - more at DISTRESS affliction,
strong feeling of displeasure dolor, grief, heartache, sorrow, woe - more at SORROW
furor, fury, indignation, ire, outrage, rage, spleen, anoguished \-gwisht\ adj 1 : suffering anguish <the -
wrath, wrathfulness; also aggravation, annoyance, exas- martyrs) 2 : expressing anguish <- cries)
peration, irritation, vexation Ant delight, pleasure dolorous,lamentable, mournful, plaintive, sorrowful,
an-qi-na \an-'ji-na\ n : a disorder (as of the heart) marked sorry, woeful - more at SORROWFUL
by attacks of intense pain; esp : ANGINA PECfORIS - anogi- an-gu-lar \'a1)-gy:l-I:lr\ adj 1 : sharp-cornered 2: having
nal \an-'jin-'I\ adj one or more angles 3: being thin and bony - anogu.lar.i-
angina pec-to-ris \-'pek-t(a-)r:ls\ n : a heart disease marked ty \,al)-gy:l-'Iar-:l-te\ n
by brief attacks of sharp chest pain caused by deficient Anogus \'al)-gas\ n : any of a breed of usu. black hornless
oxygenation of heart muscles beef cattle originating in Scotland
an-gio-gram 'Ian-je-~-Igram\ n : an X-ray photograph made
an-hy-drous \an-'hi-dr:ls\ actj : free from water
by angiography an-i-line \'an-'I-:ln\ n : an oily poisonous liquid used in
anogi-og.ra.phy\,an-je-'a-gr:l-fe\ n : the use of X-rays to making dyes, medicines, and explosives
make blood vessels visible (as by photography) after in- an-i-mad-vert \,a-n:l-,mad-'v:lrt\ vb : to remark critically
jection of a substance opaque to radiation
: express censure - an-l-mad-ver-slon \-'v:lr-zh:ln\ n
anogio-plasoty \'an-je-a-,plas-te\ n : surgical repair of a
ran-t-mat \'a-n:l-mal\ n 1 : any of a kingdom of living things
blood vessel esp. by using an inflatable catheter to un-
block arteries clogged by atherosclerotic deposits typically differing from plants in capacity for active
an-qlo-sperrn \-,sparm\ n : FLOWERING PLANT movement, in rapid response to stimulation, and in lack
'anogle \'al)-gal\ n 1 : a sharp projecting comer 2: the fig- of cellulose cell walls 2.: a lower animal as distin-
ure formed by the meeting of two lines in a point 3 a : a guished from human beings; also: MAMMAL
point of view b.: the aspect seen from such an angle beast, brute, creature, critter; also varmint, vermin
4 : a special technique or plan : GIMMICK - anogledadj 2animal adj 1 : of, relating to, or derived from animals
[3a) outlook, perspective, point of view, slant: stand- 2 : of or relating to the physical as distinguished from
point, viewpoint - more at POINT OF VIEW [3b) as- the mental or spiritual
pect, facet, hand, phase, side - more at ASPECf bodily, carnal, corporal, fleshly, material, physical,
2angle vb anogled; anogling\-g(:I-)lil)\ : to turn, move, or somatic - more at PHYSICAL
direct at an angle an-i-mal-cule\,a-n:l-'mal-kyiil\ n : a tiny animal usu. invis-
cant, cock, heel, incline, lean, list, slant, slope, tilt, tip ible to the naked eye
- more at LEAN ran-t-mate \'a-n:l-m:lt\ adj 1 : having life: ALIVE 2 : full
3angle vb anogled; anogling \-g(:I-)lil)\ : to fish with a hook of vigor and spirit: LIVELY
and line - anogler \-gl:lr\ n [l) alive, live, living - more at ALIVE [2) active,
anogle-worm\'al)-g:ll-,w:lrm\ n : EARTHWORM animated, energetic, lively, peppy, perky, spirited,
Anoglioean Van-gli-kenv ad} 1 : of or relating to the estab- sprightly, springy, Vital, vivacious - more at LIVELY
lished episcopal Church of England 2: of or relating to 'an.i.mate \-,mat\ vb -rnat-ed: -mat-lnq 1 : to impart life to
England or the English nation - Anglican n - Anogli- 2 : to give spirit and vigor to 3: to make appear to
can-ism \-k:l-,ni-zam\ n move <- a cartoon for motion pictures)
anoglioeize \'al)-gl:l-,siz\ vb -cized; often cap 1 : to brace, energize, enliven, fire, invigorate, jazz up,
make English (as in habits, speech, character, or outlook) liven up, pep up, quicken, stimulate, vitalize, vivify, zip
2 : to borrow (a foreign word or phrase) into English (up); also arouse, awake, awaken, raise, rouse, stir,
without changing form or spelling and sometimes with- wake (up) Ant damp, dampen, deaden, dull
out changing pronunciation - an-qli-el-za-tion \,8I)-gla- an-i-mat-ed \-,ma-tad\ adj 1 : endowed with life or the
sa-'za-sh:ln\ n, often cap qualities of life: ALIVE 2 : full of movement and activ-
anogling \-glil)\ n : the action of one who angles; esp : the ity <an - crowd) 3 : full of vigor and spirit: LIVELY
action or sport of fishing with hook and line
[1, 2) alive, astir, busy, lively, vibrant - more at
Anoglo\'8I)-gI0\n, pi Anglos: a non-Hispanic white inhab- ALIVE [3) active, animate, energetic, lively, peppy,
itant of the U.S.; esp : one of English origin and descent perky, spirited, sprightly, springy, vital, vivacious-
Anoglo-French \,al)-glo-'french\ n : the French language more at LIVELY
used in medieval England
Anoglo-phile \'8I)-gla-,m\ also Anoglo-phil \-,fil\ n : one who an-i-rna-tion \,a-na-'ma-shan\ n 1 : the state of being an-
greatly admires England and things English imate or animated: LIVELINESS 2: a motion picture made
Anoglo-phobe\'al)-gla-,fob\ n : one who is averse to En- from a series of drawings simulating motions by means of
gland and things English slight progressive changes
Anoglo-Sax-on\,al)-glo-'sak-s:ln\n 1 : a member of any of briskness, exuberance, liveliness, lustiness, robustness,
the Germanic peoples who invaded England in the 5th sprightliness, vibrancy, vitality- more at VITALITY
century A.D. 2: a member of the English people 3: the an-l-rnlsrn \'a-na-,mi-z:lm\ n : attribution of conscious life
animist 32
to objects in and phenomena of nature or to inanimate dio or television programs, makes commercial announce-
objects - an-l-rnlst \-mist\ n - an-i-mis-tlc \,a-n;>-'rnis- ments, or gives station identification
tik\ adj an-noy \;>-'n6i\ vb + : to disturb or irritate esp, by repeated
an-i-mos-i-ty \,a-n;>-'ma-s;>-te\ n, pi -ties + : ill will or re- acts : VEX - annoyingly adv
sentment tending toward active hostility + aggravate, bother, bug, chafe, exasperate, gall, get,
+ antagonism, antipathy, bitterness, enmity, gall, grate, irk, irritate, nettle, peeve, rile, vex - more at IR-
grudge, hostility, rancor - more at ENMITY RITATE
an-i-mus \'a-n;>-m;>s\ n : deep-seated resentment and hos- an-noy-ance \a-'n6i-;>ns\ n 1 +: the act of annoying
tility 2 + : the state of being annoyed 3 + : one that is annoy-
an-ion \'a-,nl-;>n, -,nl-,an\ n : a negatively charged ion ing, unpleasant, or obnoxious: NUISANCE
an-Ise \'a-n;>s\ n : an herb related to the carrot with aro- + [1] aggravation, disturbance, harassment, vexation;
matic seeds (aniseed \-sed\) used in flavoring also molestation, offense, persecution, provocation, tor-
an-is-ette \,a-n;>-'set, -'zet\ n [F] : a usu. colorless sweet ment, torture + [2] aggravation, bother, exasperation,
liqueur flavored with aniseed frustration, vexation; also agitation, anger, discomfort,
ankh \'al)k\ n : a cross having a loop for its upper vertical displeasure, distress, disturbance, indignation, ire, out-
arm and serving esp, in ancient Egypt as an emblem of rage, perturbation, resentment + [3] bother, exaspera-
life tion, frustration, hassle, headache, inconvenience,
an-kle \'al)-k;>l\ n : the joint or region between the foot and irritant, nuisance, peeve, pest, problem, thorn; also af-
the leg front, insult, offense
an-kle-bene \'al)-k;>I-,bon\ n : the bone that in human be- an-ncy-tnq \-il)\ adi + : causing vexation
ings bears the weight of the body and with the tibia and + aggravating, bothersome, frustrating, galling, irk-
fibula forms the ankle joint some, irritating, pesty, vexatious; also burdensome, dis-
an-klet \'al)-kl;>t\ n 1 : something (as an ornament) worn comforting, displeasing, disquieting, distressing,
around the ankle 2: a short sock reaching slightly above importunate, inconveniencing, infuriating, maddening,
the ankle mischievous, offensive, pesky, troublesome, upsetting,
ann abbr 1 annals 2 annual stressful, tiresome, troubling, trying, worrisome
an-nal-lst \'an-'I-ist\ n : a writer of annals tan-nu-al \'an-y;>-w;>l\ adj 1 : covering the period of a
an-nals \'an-Olz\ n pi 1 + : a record of events in chrono- year 2: occurring once a year: YEARLY 3: completing the
logical order 2: historical records life cycle in one growing season <---
plants> - an-nu-at-ly
chronicle, history, record - more at HISTORY
'annual n 1 : a publication appearing once a year 2: an an-
an-neal \;>-'nel\ vb 1: to make (as glass or steel) less nual plant
brittle by heating and then cooling 2: STRENGTHEN, annual ring n : the layer of wood produced by a single
TOUGHEN year's growth of a woody plant
ian-nex \;>-'neks, 'a-,neks\ vb 1 + : to attach as an addition an-nu-i-tant \;>-'nii-;>-t;>nt, -'nyii-\ n : a beneficiary of an an-
2 : to incorporate (as a territory) within a political domain nuity
- an-nex-a-rlen \,a-,nek-'sa-sh;>n\ n \;>-'nii-;>-te, -'nyii-\ n, pi -l-ties 1: an amount
+ add, adjoin, append, tack - more at ADD payable annually 2: the right to receive a annual pay-
'an.nex \'a-,neks, -niks\ n + : a subsidiary or supplementary ment
structure an-nul \;>-'n;>l\ vb an-nuusd: an-nul-llnq 1 + : to make inef-
+ addition, extension, penthouse; also arm, ell, wing fective or inoperative 2 + : to make legally void - an-
nul-rnent n
an-nl-ht-lete \;>-'nl-;>-,Iat\ vb -lat-ed; -lat-inq + : to destroy
+ [1, 2] abolish, abrogate, cancel, dissolve, invalidate,
negate, nullify, quash, repeal, rescind, void - more at
+ blot out, demolish, eradicate, exterminate, liquidate, ABOLISH
obliterate, root, rub out, snuff, stamp, wipe out; also
an-nu-lar \'an-ya-I;>r\ adj : ring-shaped
decimate, destroy, devastate
an-nun-el-ate \;>-'n;>n-se-,at\ vb -at-ed: : ANNOUNCE
an-nl-hl-la-tlon \-,nl-;>-'Ia-sh;>n\ n + : the act of annihilating
an-nun-ci-a-tion \;>-,n;>n-se-'a-sh;>n\ n 1 : ANNOUNCEMENT
or state of being annihilated 2 cap: March 25 observed as a church festival commem-
+ demolition, desolation, destruction, devastation, orating the announcement of the Incarnation
havoc, loss, obliteration, ruin, wastage, wreckage- an-nun-ci-a-tor \a-'n;>n-se-,a-t;>r\ n : one that annunciates;
more at DESTRUCTION specif : a usu. electrically controlled signal board or indi-
an-ni-ver-sa-ry \,a-n;>-'v;>r-s;>-re\ n, pi -ries : the annual cator
return of the date of a notable event and esp, a wedding an-ode \'a-,nod\ n 1 : the positive electrode of an elec-
an-ne De-mi-ni \,a-no-'da-m;>-ne, -'do-, -,nl\ adv, often cap A trolytic cell 2: the negative terminal of a battery 3: the
[ML, in the year of the Lord]- used to indicate that a electron-collecting electrode of an electron tube - an-
time division falls within the Christian era od-ic \a-'na-dik\ also an-od-al \-'nod-'I\ adj
an-no-tate \'a-n;>-,tat\ vb -tat-sd; -tat-lnq : to furnish with an-od-ize \'a-n;>-,diz\ vb -lzed; : to subject (a metal)
notes - an-no-ta-tion \,a-n;>-'ta-sh;>n\ n - an-no-ta-tor to electrolytic action as the anode of a cell in order to
\'a-n;>-,ta-t;>r\ n coat with a protective or decorative film
an-nounce \;>-'nailns\ vb an-nounced: an-nounc-lnq 1 : to an-o-dyne \'a-n:l-,din\ n : something that relieves pain: a
make known publicly 2: to give notice of the arrival or soothing agent
presence of anoint \;>-'n6int\ vb 1 : to apply oil to esp. as a sacred rite
+ advertise, blaze, broadcast, declare, enunciate, plac- 2: CONSECRATE - anoint-ment n
ard, post, proclaim, promulgate, publicize, publish, anom-a-lous \:l-'na-m:l-I:ls\ adj + : deviating from a general
sound; also advise, apprise, inform, notify rule : ABNORMAL
an-nounce-ment v-mont', n + : a public notification or dec- + aberrant, abnormal, atypical, deviant, irregular, un-
laration natural - more at DEVIANT
+ advertisement, bulletin, notice, notification, release; anom-a-ly \:l-'na-m:l-Ie\ n, pi -lies: something anomalous
also broadside, circular, flier, handbill, handout, bill, 'anon \;>-'nan\ adv + : in the near future
billboard, placard, poster, sign momentarily, presently, shortly, soon - more at
an-nounc-er \;>-'naim-s;>r\ n : a person who introduces ra- SHORTLY
33 anterior cruciate ligament

2anon abbr anonymous; anonymously an-tag-o-nist \-nist\ n + : one that contends with or op-
an-o-nym.i.ty \,a-n~-'ni-m~-te\ n : the quality or state of be- poses another: ADVERSARY, OPPONENT
ing anonymous + adversary, enemy, foe, opponent - more at ENEMY
anon-y-mous \~-'na-n~-m~s\ adj + : of unknown or unde- an-tag-o-nis-tic \-,ta-g~-'nis-tik\ adj + : marked by or re-
clared origin or authorship - anon-y-mous-ly adv sulting from antagonism
+ nameless, unbaptized, unchristened, unidentified, un- + hostile, inhospitable, inimical, jaundiced, negative,
named, untitled - more at NAMELESS unfriendly, unsympathetic - more at HOSTILE
anoph-e-les \~-'na-f~-,Iez\ n [NL, genus name, fro Gk an-tag-o-nize \an-'ta-g~-,niz\ vb -nized; -niz-lnq + : to pro-
anopheles useless, fr. a- not + ophelos advantage, help) voke the hostility of
: any of a genus of mosquitoes that includes all mosqui-
toes which transmit malaria to human beings
+ anger, enrage, incense, inflame, infuriate, madden,
outrage, rankle, rile, roil - more at ANGER
en-o-rec-tic \,a-n~-'rek-tik\ adj : ANOREXIC - anorectic n
an-crex-ia \,a-n~-'rek-se-~\ n 1 : loss of appetite esp. when ant-arc-tic vant-tark-tik, -'ar-tik\ adj, often cap: of or relat-
prolonged 2: ANOREXIA NERVOSA ing to the south pole or the region near it
anorexia ner-ve-sa \-n~r-'v6-s~\ n : a serious disorder in antarctic circle n, often cap A&C : the parallel of
eating behavior marked esp. by a pathological fear of latitude that is approximately 66V2 degrees south of the
weight gain leading to faulty eating patterns, malnutri- equator
tion, and usu. excessive weight loss 'an.te Van-tev n : a poker stake put up before the deal to
an-orex-ic \,a-n~-'rek-sik\ adj 1 : lacking or causing loss of build the pot; also: an amount paid: PRICE
appetite 2: affected with or as if with anorexia nervosa 2ante vb an-ted: an-te-lnq 1 : to put up (an ante) 2 : PAY
-anorexic n ant-eat-er \'ant-,e-t~r\ n : any of several mammals (as an
'an-oth-er \~-'n~-1h~r\ adj 1 : some other 2 + : being one in aardvark) that feed mostly on ants or termites
addition : one more an-te-bel-fum \,an-ti-'be-I~m\ adj : existing before a war;
+ additional, else, farther, further, more, other - more esp : existing before the U.S. Civil War of 1861-65
at ADDITIONAL an-te-ced-ent \,an-t~-'sed-'nt\ n 1: a noun, pronoun,
2another pron 1 : an additional one: one more 2: one that phrase, or clause referred to by a personal or relative pro-
is different from the first or present one noun 2 + : a preceding event or cause 3 pi : the signifi-
ans abbr answer cant conditions of one's earlier life 4 a +: one that
tan-ewer \'an-s~r\ n 1 + : something spoken or written in precedes: PREDECESSOR; esp : a model or stimulus for later
reply to a question 2: a solution of a problem developments bpi: ANCESTORS
+ comeback, reply, response, retort, return; also ban- + [2) cause, occasion, reason - more at CAUSE
ter, persiflage, repartee Ant inquiry, query, question + [4a) ancestor, forerunner, precursor - more at AN-
2answer vb 1 + : to speak or write in reply to 2 + : to be or CESTOR
make oneself responsible or accountable <~ for a debt) antecedent adj + : earlier in time or order
3 + : to be in conformity or correspondence <~ed to the + anterior, foregoing, preceding, previous, prior-
description) 4: to be adequate 5 + : to offer a solution more at PREVIOUS
for - an.swer-er n an-te-cham-ber \'an-ti-,cham-b~r\ n : ANTEROOM
+ [I) rejoin, reply, respond, retort, return; also ac- an-te-date \'an-ti-,dat\ vb 1 : to date (a paper) as of an ear-
knowledge, comment, communicate, correspond, react, lier day than that on which the actual writing or signing
remark Ant inquire, question + [2) comply, fill, fulfill, is done 2 + : to precede in time
keep, meet, redeem, satisfy - more at FULFILL + forego, precede - more at PRECEDE
+ [3) check, coincide, comport, conform, correspond, an-te-di-tu-vi-an \,an-ti-d~-'Iii-ve-~n, -di-v adj 1 : of the pe-
dovetail, fit, go, harmonize, jibe, square, tally - more
riod before the biblical flood 2 + : made, evolved, or de-
at CHECK + [5) break, crack, dope, figure out, puzzle,
veloped a long time ago
resolve, riddle, solve, unravel, work, work out - more
at SOLVE + age-old, ancient, antique, dateless, hoary, old, vener-
an-swer-able \'an-s~-rn-b~l\ adj 1 +: subject to taking able - more at ANCIENT
blame or responsibility 2: capable of being refuted an-te-lope \'ant-'1-,6p\ n, pi -lope or -lopes [ME, fabu-
+ accountable, liable, responsible - more at RESPONSI- lous heraldic beast, prob. fro MF antelop savage ani-
mal with sawlike horns, fro ML anthalopus, fr. LGk
antholops) 1 : any of various deerlike ruminant mam-
answering machine n : a machine that receives telephone
mals that chiefly inhabit Africa an have a slender build
calls by playing a recorded message and usu. by recording
m essages from callers
and horns extending upward and backward 2: PRONG-
answering service n : a commercial service that answers
an-te me-ri-dl-em \'an-ti-m~-'ri-de-~m\ adj [L) : being be-
telephone calls for its clients
'ant \'ant\ n : any of a family of small social insects related fore noon
to the bees and living in communities usu. in earth or an-ten-na \an-'te-n~\ n, pi -nae \-(,)ne\ or -nas [ML, fr. L,
sail yard) 1 : one of the long slender paired segmented
2ant abbr antonym sensory organs on the head of an arthropod (as an insect
Ant abbr Antarctica or crab) 2p/ usu -nas : a metallic device (as a rod or wire)
i-ant n suffix 1 : one that performs or promotes (a specified for sending out or receiving radio waves
action) <coolant) 2: thing that is acted upon (in a speci- an-te-pe-nult \,an-ti-'pe-,n~lt\ also an-te-pen-ul-ti-ma
fied manner) <inhalant) \-pi-'n~l-t~-m~\ n : the 3d syllable of a word counting
2..ant adj suffix 1 : performing (a specified action) or being from the end - an-te-pen-ul-ti-mate \-pi-'n~l-t~-m~t\ adi
(in a specified condition) <propellant) 2: promoting (a orn
specified action or process) <expectorant) an-te-n-cr \an-'tir-e-~r\ adi 1 : situated before or toward
ant-ac-id vant-ta-sedv n : an agent that counteracts acidity the front 2: situated near or nearer to the head
- antacid adj 3 + : coming before in time
an-tag-o-nlsm van-tta-go-rni-zamv n 1 + : active opposition + antecedent, foregoing, preceding, previous, prior-
or hostility 2: opposition in physiological action more at PREVIOUS
+ animosity, antipathy, bitterness, enmity, gall, grudge, anterior cruciate ligament n : a cross-shaped ligament of
hostility, rancor - more at ENMITY the knee that connects the tibia and femur
anteroom 34
an-te-room \'an-ti-,rum, -,rum\ n : a room forming the en- + [2a) comic, comical, droll, farcical, funny, hilarious,
trance to another and often used as a waiting room humorous, hysterical, laughable, ludicrous, ridicu-
an-them \'an-th::>m\ n 1 +: a sacred vocal composition lous, riotous - more at FUNNY + [2b) coltish, elfish,
2 + : a song or hymn of praise or gladness fay, frisky, frolicsome, playful, sportive - more at
+ [1, 2) canticle, carol, chorale, hymn, psalm, spiritual PLAYFUL
- more at HYMN an-ti-can-cer \,an-ti-'kan-s::>r, ,an-,ti-\ adj : used against or
an-ther \'an-th::>r\ n : the part of a stamen of a seed plant tending to arrest cancer <~ drugs>
that produces and contains pollen An-u-chrtst \'an-ti-,krist\ n 1 : one who denies or opposes
ant-hill \'ant-,hil\ n : a mound thrown up by ants or ter- Christ 2: a false Christ
mites in digging their nest an-tie-l-pate \an-'ti-s::>-,pat\ vb -pat-ed: -pat-inq 1 +: to
an-thcl-c-qy \an-'thii-l::>-je\ n, p/ -gies [NL anthologia col- foresee and provide for beforehand 2 + : to look forward
lection of epigrams, fro MOk, fro Gk, flower gathering, fro to - an-tic-i-pa-tion \-,ti-s::>-'pa-sh::>n\ n
anthos flower + logia collecting, fro legein to gather) + : a + (1) divine, foreknow, foresee - more at FORESEE
collection of literary selections - an-thol-o-qlst \-jist\ n + [2) await, expect, hope, watch - more at EXPECT
- an-tnol-o-qlze \-Jiz\ vb an-tlc-l-pa-to-ry \-'ti-s::>-p::>-, tor-e\ adj + : characterized by
+ album, compilation, miscellany; also archives anticipation
an-thra-cite \'an-thr::>-,sit\ n : a hard glossy coal that burns + agape, agog, expectant - more at EXPECTANT
without much smoke
an-thrax \'an-,thraks\ n : an infectious and usu. fatal bac-
an-ti-cli-max \,an-ti-'kli-,maks\ n : something closing a se-
terial disease of warm-blooded animals (as cattle and ries that is strikingly less important than what has pre-
sheep) that is transmissible to humans; also: a bacterium ceded it - an-tl-cll-mac-tlc \-kli-'mak-tik\ adj
causing anthrax an-ti-cline \'an-ti-,klin\ n : an arch of layers of rock in the
an-thro-po-cen-tric \,an-thr::>-p::>-'sen- trik\ adj : interpreting earth's crust
or regarding the world in terms of human values and ex- an-tl-co-aq-u-lant \,an-ti-ko-'a-gy::>-l::>nt\ n : a substance that
periences hinders the clotting of blood - anticoagulant adj
an-thro-poid \'an-thr::>-,poid\ n 1 : any of several large tail- an-tl-cy-clone \,an-ti-'si-,klon\ n : a system of winds that ro-
less apes (as a gorilla) 2: a person resembling an ape - tates about a center of high atmospheric pressure - an-tl-
anthropoid adj cy-clon-ic \-si-'klii-nik\ adj
an-thro-pol-o-qy \,an-thr::>-'pii-l::>-je\ n : the science of hu- tan-tl-de-pres-sant \,an-ti-di-'pres-'nt, ,an-,ti-\ n : a drug
man beings and esp. of their physical characteristics, used to relieve psychic depression
their origin and the distribution of races, their environ- 2antidepressant n : an antidepressant drug
ment and social relations, and their culture - an-thro-po- an-ti-dote \'an-ti-,dot\ n : a remedy to counteract the ef-
loq-i-cat \-p::>-'Iii-ji-k::>l\ adj - an-thro-pol-o-gist \-'pii-l::>- fects of poison
jist\ n an-ti-drug \'an-,ti-,dr::>g\ adj : acting against or opposing il-
an-thro-po-mor-phism \,an-thr::>-p::>-'mor-,fi-z::>m\ n : an in- licit drugs
terpretation of what is not human or personal in terms of an-ti-ter-til-l-ty \,an-ti-f::>r-'ti-l::>-te\ adi : tending to reduce or
human or personal characteristics:
thro-po-rnor-phtc \-fik\ adj
HUMANIZATION - an- destroy fertility: CONTRACEPTIVE <~ agents>
an-ti-freeze \'an-ti-,frez\ n : a substance added to a liquid to
an-ti \'an-,ti, -te\ n, pi antis: one who is opposed lower its freezing temperature
anti- \,an-ti, -te, -,ti\ or ant- or anth- prefix 1 : opposite in an-tl-qen \'an-ti-j::>n\ n : any substance (as a toxin or an en-
kind, position, or action 2: opposing : hostile toward zyme) foreign to the body that induces an immune re-
3 : counteractive 4: preventive of : curative of
sponse - an-ti-qen-lc \,an-ti-'je-nik\ adj - an-tl-qe-nic-i-
an-tl-abor-tlon \,an-te-::>-'bor-sh::>n, ,an-,ti-\ adj : opposed to
ty \-j::>-'ni-s::>-te\ n
an.tiograv.i.ty \,an-ti-'gra-v::>-te, ,an-,ti-\ adj : reducing or
an-tl-bal-lis-tic missile \,an-ti-b::>-'lis-tik-, ,an-,ti-\ n : a mis-
sile for intercepting and destroying ballistic missiles canceling the effect of gravity
an-ti-bi-ot-ic \-bi-'ii-tik, -be-v n : a substance produced by or an-ti-he-ro \'an-ti-,he-ro, 'an-,ti-\ n : a protagonist who is
derived by chemical alteration of a substance produced notably lacking in heroic qualities (as courage)
by a microorganism (as a fungus or bacterium) that in di- an-tl-his-ta-mlne \,an-ti-'his-t::>-,men, ,an-,ti-, -manv n
lute solution inhibits or kills another microorganism - : any of various drugs used in treating allergies and
antibiotic adj colds
an-ti-body \'an-ti-,bii-de\ n : any of a large number of an-tl-hy-per-ten-slve \-,hi-p::>r-'ten-siv\ n : a substance that
proteins of high molecular weight produced normally by is effective against high blood pressure - antihyperten-
specialized B cells after stimulation by an antigen and sive adj
acting specifically against the antigen in an immune an-tl-In-tlam-ma-to-ry \-in-'fla-m::>-,tor-e\ adj : counteract-
response ing inflammation - anti-inflammatory n
'antic \ 'an-tik\ n + : an often wildly playful or funny act or an-ti-ln-tel-lec-tu-at \-,int-'I-'ek-ch;rw:lJ\ adj : opposing or hos-
action tile to intellectuals or to an intellectual view or approach
+ caper, escapade, frolic, monkeyshine, practical joke, an-ti-lock \'an-ti-,liik, 'an-,ti-\ adj : being a braking system
prank, trick - more at PRANK designed to prevent the wheels from locking
2antic adj [It antico ancient thing or person, fro antico an- an-ti-loq-a-rlthrn \,an-ti-'lo-g::>-,ri-1h::>m, .an-jtl-, -'lii-\ n : the
cient, fr. L antiquus] 1 archaic: GROTESQUE 2 a + : char- number corresponding to a given logarithm
acterized by clownish extravagance or absurdity \,an-ti-m:l-'ka-s:lr\ n : a cover to protect
b + : whimsically gay : PLAYFUL the back or arms of furniture

List of self-explanatory words with the prefix anti-

antiaging antiapartheid anticlerical antidemocratic

anti-AIDS antibacterial anticolonial antiestablishment
antiaircraft anticapitalist anticommunism antifascist
antialcohol anti-Catholic anticommunist antigovernment
anti-American anticholesterol
35 anxiously
an-ti-mat-ter \'an-ti-,ma-tar, 'an-,ti-\ n : matter composed of [1) age-old, ancient, antediluvian, dateless, hoary,
antiparticles old, venerable - more at ANCIENT (2) old-fashioned,
an-ti-mo-ny \'an-ta-,mo-ne\ n : a brittle silvery white metal- old-time, quaint - more at OLD-FASHIONED
lic chemical element used esp. in alloys 3antique vb -tiqued; -tlqu-lng 1 : to finish or refinish in an-
an-ti-neu-tron \,an-ti-'nii-,triin, ,an-,ti-, -'nyii-\ n : the an- tique style : give an appearance of age to 2: to shop
tiparticle of the neutron around for antiques - an-tlqu-er n
an-ti-no-mi-an \,an-ti-'no-me-an\ n : one who denies the va- an-tiq-ui-ty van-tti-kwo-tev n, pi -ties : ancient times
lidity of moral laws 2 : great age 3 pi : relics of ancient times 4 pi : matters re-
an-tin-o-my \an-'ti-na-me\ n, pi -mies : a contradiction be- lating to ancient culture
tween two seemingly true statements antis pi 0/ ANTI
an-ti-nov-el \'an-ti-,na-val, 'an-,ti-\ n : a work of fiction that an-tt-sem-t-ttsm \,an-ti-'se-ma-,ti-zam, ,an-,ti-\ n : hostility
lacks all or most of the traditional features of the novel toward Jews as a religious or social minority - an-ti-Se-
an-ti-nu-cle-ar \,an-ti-'nii-kle-ar, -'nyii-\ adj : opposing the mit-ic \-sa-'mi-tik\ adj
use or production of nuclear power plants an-ti-sep-tic \,an-ta-'sep-tik\ adj 1 : killing or checking the
an-ti-ox-i-dant \,an-te-'ak-sa-dant, ,an-,ti-\ n : a substance growth of germs that cause decay or infection 2: scrupu-
that inhibits oxidation - antioxidant adj lously clean: ASEPTIC - antiseptic n - an-ti-sep-ti-cal-ly adv
an-ti-par-ti-cle \'an-ti-,par-ti-kal, 'an-,ti-\ n : a subatomic
an-ti-se-rum \'an-ti-,sir-am, 'an-,ti-\ n : a serum containing
particle identical to another subatomic particle in mass
but opposite to it in electric and magnetic properties
an-tl-so-ciat \,an-ti-'so-shal\ adj 1 : disliking the society
an-ti-pas-to \,an-ti-'pas-to, ,an-ti-'pas-\ n, pi -ti \-(,)te\ : any
of others 2 : contrary or hostile to the well-being of soci-
of various typically Italian hors d'oeuvres
an-ti-pa-thet-ic \,an-ti-pa-'the-tik\ adj : having an aversion
ety <crime is ~> - an-tl-so-clal-ty adv
to or dislike of aloof, cold, cool, detached, distant, frosty, remote,
an-tip-a-thy \an-'ti-pa-the\ n, pl-thies 1 : settled aversion standoffish, unsociable - more at COOL
or dislike 2 : an object of aversion an-tlth-e-sls \an-'ti-tha-sas\ n, pl-e-ses \-,sez\ 1 : the oppo-
[1) animosity, antagonism, bitterness, enmity, gall, sition or contrast of ideas 2 : the direct opposite
grudge, hostility, rancor - more at ENMITY. [2) ab- antipode, contrary, negative, opposite, reverse-
horrence, abomination, anathema, aversion, bete noire, more at OPPOSITE
hate - more at HATE an-ti-thet-I-cal \,an-ta-'the-ti-kal\ also an-tl-thet-lc \-tik\ adj
an-ti-per-son-nel \,an-ti-,pars-n-'el, ,an-,ti-\ adi : designed : constituting or marked by antithesis - an-ti-thet-i-cal-
for use against military personnel <~ mine> Iy \-ti-k(a-)Ie\ adv
an-ti-per-spi-rant \-'par-spa-rant\ n : a preparation used to antipodal, contradictory, contrary, diametric, OPPO-
check perspiration site, polar - more at OPPOSITE
an-tiph-o-nal \an-'ti-fan-l\ adi : performed by two alternat- an-ti-tox-in \,an-ti-'tak-san\ n : an antibody that is able to
ing groups - an-nph-o-net-ty adv neutralize a particular toxin or disease-causing agent;
an-tip-o-dal \an-'ti-pad-'l\ adj : diametrically opposite or also: an antiserum containing an antitoxin
opposed to an-ti-trust \,an-ti-'trast\ adj : of or relating to legislation
antithetical, contradictory, contrary, diametric, op- against trusts; also : consisting of laws to protect trade
posite, polar - more at OPPOSITE and commerce from unlawful restraints and monopolies
an-ti-pode \'an-ta-,pod\ n, pi an-tip-o-des \an-'ti-pa-,dez\ or unfair business practices
[ME antipodes, pl., persons dwelling at opposite points on an-ti-ven-In \-'ve-nan\ n : an antitoxin to a venom; also: a
the globe, fr. L, fro Gk, fro pl. of antipod-, antipous with serum containing such antitoxin
feet opposite, fro anti- against + pod-, pous foot) 1 : the ant-ler Vant-lorv n [ME aunteler, fro AF an tiler, fro VL "an-
parts of the earth diametrically opposite - usu. used in teocularis located before the eye, fro L ante- before + ocu-
pl. 2 : the exact opposite or contrary lus eye) : one of the paired deciduous solid bone processes
antithesis, contrary, negative, opposite, reverse- on the head of a deer; also : a branch of this - ant-le red
more at OPPOSITE \-lard\ adj
an-tip-o-de-an \(,)an-,ti-pa-'de-an\ adj : diametrically oppo- ant lion n : any of various insects having a long-jawed larva
site or opposed to that digs a conical pit in which it lies in wait for insects (as
an-tl-pol-lu-tlon \,an-ti-pa-'lii-shan\ adj : designed to pre- ants) on which it feeds
vent, reduce, or eliminate pollution <~ laws> an-to-nym \'an-ta-,nim\ n : a word of opposite meaning
an-ti-pope \'an-ti-,pop\ n : one elected or claiming to be anus \'a-nas\ n [L] : the lower or posterior opening of the
pope in opposition to the pope canonically chosen alimentary canal
an-n-pro-ton \,an-ti-'pr6-,tiin\ n : the antiparticle of the proton an-vii Van-val', n 1 : a heavy iron block on which metal is
an-ti-quar-i-an \,an-ta-'kwer-e-an\ adj 1 : of or relating to shaped 2 : INCUS
ant;'1uiti s II!; d"aUng rn 0(<1 books - antiquarian n- anx-i-ety \aI)-'zi-a-te\ n, pl-et.ies 1 : painful uneasiness of
an-ti-quar-ian.ism n mind usu. over an anticipated ill 2: abnormal apprehen-
an-ti-quary Van-ta-jkwer-ex n, pi -quar-les : a person who sion and fear often accompanied by physiological signs (as
collects or studies antiquities sweating and increased pulse), by doubt about the nature
an-ti-quat-ed \'an-ta-,kwa-tad\ ad) .: outmoded or dis- and reality of the threat itself, and by self-doubt
credited by reason of age: OUT-OF-DATE agitation, apprehension, care, concern, disquiet,
archaic, dated, obsolete, outdated, outmoded, out- nervousness, perturbation, uneasiness, worry; also
worn, passe - more at OBSOLETE strain, stress, tension
'an-uque \an-'telC\ n : an object made in a bygone period anx-ious \'al)k-shas\ adj 1 : uneasy in mind: WORRiED
2antique adj 1 : belonging to antiquity 2 : being in the <~ parents> 2 : characterized by, resulting from, or
style or fashion of former times: OLD-FASHIONED 3: of a causing anxiety <an ~ night> 3: earnestly wishing: EA-
bygone style or period GER - anr-lous-ly adv

Lis' of Self-explanatory words with the pre1ix anti- (continued)

anti-imperiali~m antimalarial antislavery anti.tank

.11l'1li-imp"ri,,}iat antimicrobial antispasmodic antitumor
antistatic antiviral
antiKnOCK antinausea

r antilabor antipoverty antisubmarine antiwar

any 36
+ [1, 2] distressful, nervous, restless, tense, unsettling, aper-i-tit \,a-,per-a-'tef\ n : an alcoholic drink taken as an
upsetting, worrisome - more at NERVOUS appetizer
1any \'e-ne\ adj 1 : one chosen at random 2: of whatever ap-er-ture \'a-p:>r-,chlir, -chorv n + : an opening or open
number or quantity space: OPENING. HOLE
2any pron 1 : anyone or ones <take ~ of the books you + hole, opening, orifice, perforation - more at HOLE
like) 2: any amount <~ of the money not used is to be apex \'ii-,peks\ n, pi apex-es or api-ces \'ii-p:>-,sez, 'a-\
returned) 1 +: the highest point : PEAK 2 +: the narrowed or
3anyadv : to any extent or degree: AT ALL <could not walk pointed end
~ farther) + [1] acme, climax, crown, culmination, head, height,
any-body \-,ba-de, -b:>-\pron : ANYONE meridian, peak, pinnacle, summit, tip-top, top, zenith
any-how \-,hali\ adv 1 : in any way 2: in spite of that; also - more at HEIGHT + [2] cusp, end, pike, point, tip-
: in any case more at POINT
any-more \,e-ne-'mor\ adv 1 : any longer 2 + : at the pres- apha-sia \:>-'fii-zh(e- ):>\ n : loss or impairment of the power
ent time to use or comprehend words - apha-sic \-zik\ adj or n
+ now, nowadays, presently, right now, today - more aph-elion \a-'fel-yan\ n, pi -elia \-y:>\ [NL, fro apo- away
at NOW from + Gk helios sun] : the point in an object's orbit most
any-one \'e-ne-(,)w:>n\pron : any person distant from the sun
any-place \-,pliis\ adv : ANYWHERE aphid \'ii-f:>d\ n : any of numerous small insects that suck
anyothing \-,thil)\pron : any thing whatever the juices of plants
any-time \'e-ne-,tIm\ adv : at any time whatever aphis \'ii-f:>s, 'a-\ n, pi aphi-des \-fa-,dez\ : APHID
anyoway \-,wii\ adv : in spite of that: ANYHOW aph-o-rism \'a-f:>-,ri-z:>m\ n + : a short saying stating a gen-
any-where \-,hwer\ adv : in or to any place eral truth or sentiment: MAXIM
any-wise \-,wiz\ adv : in any way whatever + adage, byword, epigram, maxim, proverb, saying-
A-QK \,ii-o-'kii\ adv or ad} : very definitely OK more at SAYrNG
Al \'ii-'w:>n\ adj + : of the finest quality aph-o-ris-tic \,a-fa-'ris-tik\ ad} : of, resembling, or charac-
+ excellent, fabulous, fine, grand, great, prime, sensa- terized by aphorisms
tional, splendid, superb, superior, unsurpassed, won- aph-ro-di-si-ac \,a-fr:>-'di-ze-,ak, -'de-ze-\ n : an agent that
derful - more at EXCELLENT excites sexual desire - aphrodisiac ad}
aor-ta \ii-'or-t:>\ n, pi -tas or -tae \-te\ : the main artery that api-ary \'ii-pe-,er-e\ n, pi -ar-les : a place where bees are
carries blood from the heart - aor-tic \-tik\ ad} kept - api-a-rtst v-pe-a-rtst', n
ap abbr 1 apostle 2 apothecaries' api-cal \'ii-pi-k:>l, 'a-\ adj : of, relating to, or situated at an
AP abbr 1 American plan 2 Associated Press apex - apl-cal-ly \-k(a-)le\ adv
apace \:>-'pas\ adv + : at a quick pace : SWIFTLY apiece \a-'pes\ adv : for each one
+ briskly, fast, hastily, pronto, quick, quickly, rapidly, aplen-ty \:>-'plen-te\ ad} : being in plenty or abundance
speedily, swift, swiftly - more at FAST aplomb \:>-'plam, -'pl:>m\ n [F, lit., perpendicularity, fr.
Apache \:>-'pa-che\ n, pi Apache or Apach-es \-'pa-chez, MF, fr. a plomb, lit., according to the plummet] + : com-
-'pa-sh:>z\ : a member of an American Indian people of plete composure or self-assurance
the southwestern U.S.; also: any of the languages of the + calmness, composure, coolness, equanimity, placid-
Apache people - Apach-e-an \:>-'pa-che-:>n\ adj or n ity, self-possession, serenity, tranquillity - more at
apart \:>-'part\ adv 1 : separately in place or time 2: ASIDE EQUANIMITY aplomb, confidence, self-assurance, self=
3 : in two or more parts: to pieces confidence, self-esteem - more at CONFIDENCE
apart-heid \:>-'par-,tiit, -,tIt\ n [Afrikaans] : a policy of APO abbr army post office
racial segregation practiced in the Republic of So. Africa Apoc abbr 1 Apocalypse 2 Apocrypha
apart-ment \:>-'part-m:>nt\ n : a room or set of rooms occu- apoc-a-lypse \:>-'pa-ka-,lips\ n 1 : a writing prophesying a
pied as a dwelling; also: a building divided into individual cataclysm in which evil forces are destroyed 2 cap : a
dwelling units book of the New Testament of the Christian Scripture -
ap-a-thet-ic \,a-p:>-'the-tik\ ad} + : having or showing apathy apoc-a-lyp-tic \-,pa-k:>-'lip-tik\ also apoc-a-lyp-ti-cal \-ti-
+ casual, disinterested, indifferent, insouciant, noncha- k:>l\ ad}
lant, perfunctory, unconcerned, uncurious, uninter- Apocoryopha \:>-'pa-kra-f:>\ n 1 not cap : writings of dubi-
ous authenticity 2: books included in the Septuagint and
ested - more at INDlFFERENT
Vulgate but excluded from the Jewish and Protestant
ap-a-thy \'a-p:>-the\ n 1 + : lack of emotion 2 + : lack of
canons of the Old Testament 3: early Christian writings
interest: INDIFFERENCE - ap-a-thet-i-cal-ty \-ti-k(a- )le\ adv
not included in the New Testament
[11 impassivity, numbness, phlegm, stupor; also cal- apocoryophal \-fal\ adj 1 : not canonical: SPURIOUS 2 often
lousness, coldness, coolness, hardness, insensitivity, ob- cap : of or resembling the Apocrypha - epoc-ry-phal-ly
duracy Ant emotion, feeling, sensibility adv - apoc-ry-phal-ness n
[11 d\s\nterestedness, disregard, indifference, insou- apOo9<!<! \'a-p<>-(,)i<e\ n (F aoozee, fr. NL apoxaeum, fr. Gk
ciance, nonchalance - more at INDIFFERENCE apogaion, fro apo away from + ee. gaia earth] : the point
ap-a-tite \'a-pa-,tit\ n : any of a group of minerals that are at which an orbiting object is farthest from the body be-
phosphates of calcium and occur esp. in phosphate rock ing orbited
and in bones and teeth apo-lit-i-cal \,ii-pa-'li-ti-kal\ ad) 1 : having an aversion for
APB abbr all points bulletin or no interest in political affairs 2: having no political
1ape \'iip\ n 1 : any of the larger tailless primates (as a ba- significance - apo-ttt-l-cal-Iy \-k(:>- )le\ adv
boon or gorilla); also: MONKEY 2: MIMIC, IMITATOR; also apot-o-qet-tc \a-,pa-l<>-'je-tik\ adj + : expressing apology -
: a large uncouth person apo\-o-ge\-\-et\\-\'j \-ti.-k(,,-)\e\ ad"
2ape vb aped; apolng + : to copy closely but often clumsily + contrite, penitent, regretful, remorseful, repentant,
and ineptly: IMITATE, MIMIC rueful, sorry - more at CONTRITE
copy, emulate, imitate, mime, mimic - more at IMJTATE ap-o-Io-qla \,a-pa-'16-j(e- )a\ n : APOLOGY; esp : an argument
ape-man \"ap-,man\ n : a primate intermediate in charac- in support or justification
ter between Homo sapiens and the higher apes apol-O'gise Brit var Of APOLOGIZE
aper-cu \ii-per-si:e, ,a-par-'sii\ n, pI apercus \-si:e(z), -'siiz\ apol-00gize \a-'pa-I,,-Jlz\ vb -gized; -giz-ing : to make an
: an immediate impression; esp : INSIGHT apology; express regret - apol-o-gist \-jist\ n

37 appendage
apol-o-gy \:>-'pli-I:>-je\ n, pi -gies 1 : a formal justification 2apparel n + : personal attire: CLOTHING, DRESS
: DEFENSE 2 : an expression of regret for a wrong + attire, clothing, dress, duds, raiment, wear - more at
ap-o-plexyVa-pa-jplek-se', n : STROKE 3 - ap-o-plec-tic \,a- CLOTHING
p:>-'plek-tik\ adj ap-par-ent \:>-'par-:>nt\ adj 1 +: open to view : VISIBLE
aport \:>-'port\ adv : on or toward the left side of a ship 2 + : clear or manifest to the understanding: EVIDENT, OB-
apos-ta-sy \:>-'plis-t:>-se\ n, pi -sies : a renunciation or VIOUS 3 + : appearing as real or true: SEEMING
abandonment of a former loyalty (as to a religion) + [I] observable, visible, visual - more at VISIBLE
apes-tete \:>-'plis-,tiit, -t:>t\ n + : one who commits apostasy
+ [2] clear, distinct, evident, manifest, obvious, plain,
- apostate adi transparent, unambiguous, unequivocal, unmistakable
+ betrayer, double-crosser, quisling, recreant, traitor, - more at CLEAR + [3] assumed, evident, ostensible, re-
turncoat - more at TRAITOR puted, seeming, supposed; also external, outward, visi-
a poe-te-n-e-n\,li-po-,stir-e-'or-e\ adj [L, lit., from the lat- ble
ter] : relating to or derived by reasoning from observed ap-par-ent-ly\-Ie\ adv + : it seems apparent
facts - a posteriori adv + evidently, ostensibly, presumably, seemingly, suppos-
apos-tle \:>-'pli-s:>l\ n 1 : one of the group composed of Je- edly; also externally, outwardly, visibly
sus' 12 original disciples and Paul 2: the first prominent ap-pa-ri-tion \,a-p:>-'ri-sh:>n\ n + : a supernatural appear-
missionary to a region or group 3 a : a person who initi- ance: GHOST
ates or first advocates a great reform b + : an ardent sup-
porter - apos-tle-shipn + bogey, ghost, phantasm, phantom, poltergeist, shade,
shadow, specter, spirit, spook, vision, wraith - more at
+ advocate, backer, booster, champion, exponent,
friend, promoter, proponent, supporter - more at EX-
PONENT 'apopeal\:>-'pel\ n 1 : an earnest plea 2 : the power of
ap-os-tol-ic \,a-p:>-'stli-lik\ adj 1 : of or relating to an apos- arousing a sympathetic response
tle or to the New Testament apostles 2: of or relating to [I] cry, entreaty, petition, plea, prayer, solicitation,
a succession of spiritual authority from the apostles suit, supplication - more at PLEA [2] allure, attrac-
3: PAPAL tiveness, captivation, charisma, charm, enchantment,
1aposotroophe'a-'pas-tra-(,)f;;\ n : the rhetorical addressing fascination, glamour, magic, magnetism - more at
of a usu. absent person or a usu. personified thing (as in CHARM
"0 grave, where is thy victory?") 2appeal vb 1 : to take steps to have (a case) reheard in a
2apostrophe n : a punctuation mark' used esp, to indicate higher court 2 + : to plead for help, corroboration, or de-
the possessive case or the omission of a letter or figure cision 3: to arouse a sympathetic response
apos-tro-phlseBrit var 0/ APOSTROPHIZE usu appeal to beg, beseech, entreat, implore, impor-
apos-tro-phtae\:>-'plis-tr:>-,flZ\ vb -phized; -phizoing : to ad- tune, petition, plead, pray, solicit, supplicate - more at
dress as if present or capable of understanding BEG
apothecaries' weight n : a system of weights based on the ap-pear \:>-'pir\ vb 1 : to become visible 2: to come for-
troy pound and ounce and used chiefly by pharmacists mally before an authority 3 : to have an outward as-
apoth-e-cary \:>-'pli-th:>-,ker-e\ n, pi -car-les [ME apothe- pect : SEEM 4: to become evident 5: to come before the
carie, fro ML apothecarius, fr. LL, shopkeeper, fro L public
apotheca storehouse, fr. Gk apotheke, fr. apotithenai to + [I] come out, materialize, show up, turn up; also
put away] : one who prepares and sells drugs or com- reappear, resurface Ant disappear, clear, dissolve, evap-
pounds for medicinal purposes: DRUGGIST orate, fade, go (away), melt (away), vanish [3] act,
ap-o-thegm\'a-p:>-,them\ or Can and Brit ap-o-phthegmn look, make, seem, sound - more at SEEM
ap-pear-ance \:>-'pir-:>ns\ n 1 .: outward aspect : LOOK
apo-the-o-sts\:>-,pli-the-'o-s:>s, ,a-p:>-'the-:>-s:>s\ n, pi -o-ses 2 : the act of appearing 3: PHENOMENON
\-,sez\ 1 : DEIFICATION 2: the perfect example
app abbr 1 apparatus 2 appendix aspect, look, mien, presence; also air, attitude, bear-
ap-pall also ap-pal \:>-'pol\ vb apopalled; ap-pan-lnq + : to ing, behavior, comportment, demeanor (or de-
overcome with consternation, shock, or dismay meanour), deportment, manner, poise, pose face,
guise, name, semblance, show; also affectation, display,
+ bowl, floor, jolt, shake up, shock - more at SHOCK fiction, imposture, pose, pretense, simulation
ap-pall-inqad] + : inspiring horror, dismay, or disgust ap-pease \:>-'pez\ vb apopeased; ap-peas-ing 1 : to cause to
+ abhorrent, abominable, awful, distasteful, horrible, subside: ALLAY 2 + : to bring to a state of peace or quiet
horrid, nauseating, noisome, obnoxious, odious, offen- : PACIFY, CONCILIATE; esp : to buy off by concessions - ap-
sive, repellent, revolting - more at OFFENSIVE + aston- pease-ment n - ap-peas-abte \-'pe-z:>-b:>l\ aai
ishing, awful, dreadful, frightful, ghastly, hideous, conciliate, disarm, mollify, pacify, placate, propitiate
horrible, horrid, shocking, terrible - more at HORRIBLE - more at PACIFY
Apopaoloo-sa\,a-p:>-'Iii-s:>\ n : any of a breed of saddle ap-pel-lant\:>-'pe-I:>nt\ n : one who appeals esp. from a ju-
horses developed in western No. America and usu. having dicial decision
a white or solid-colored coat with small spots ap-pal-lata \:l-'pe-I:lt\ adi : having power to review deci-
apopaonage\'a-p:>-nii\ n 1 : provision (as a grant of land) sions of a lower court
made by a sovereign or legislative body for dependent
members of the royal family 2: something that is at- apopeJ.Jation \,a-p:l-'lii-sh:ln\ 11 ~ an identifying name or
tached or associated in a natural or necessary way: a nat- title: NAME, DESIGNATION
ural adjunct cognomen, denotation, designation, handle, name, ti-
ap-pa-ra-tus \,a-p:>-'ra-t:>s, -'rii-\ n, pi -tus-es or -tus [L] tle - more at NAME
1 + : a set of materials or equipment for a particular use ap-pel-lee \,a-p:l-'Ie\ n : one against whom an appeal is
2 : a complex machine or device: MECHANISM 3: the or- taken
ganization of a political party or underground movement ap-pend \:>-'pend\ vb : to attach esp. as something addi-
+ accoutrements (or accouterments), equipment, gear, tional
rn,,(~rlcl, ouuu, paraphernalia, tackle - more at EQUIP- add, adjoin. annex, tack - more at ADD

MENT ap-pend-age\;J-'pen-dij\ n 1 : something appended to a

'apoparoel\a-'par-al\ vb -eled or -elled; -eloing or -eloling principal or greater thing 2 : a projecting part of the body
1 : to put clothes on : CLOTHE 2: ADORN (as an antenna) esp. when paired with one on each side
appendectomy 38
accessory, accoutrement (or accoutermant), adjunct, ap-pli-ca-tor \'a-pl;)-,ka-t;)r\ n : a device for applying a sub-
attachment - more at ACCESSORY stance (as medicine or polish)
ap-pen-dec-to-my \,a-p::m-'dek-t;)-me\ n, pi -mies : surgical ap-plied \;)-'plid\ ad} : put to practical use <,..... art)
removal of the intestinal appendix ap-pli-que \,a-pl;l-'ka\ n [F] : a fabric decoration cut out
ap-pen-di-ci-tis \;)-,pen-d;)-'sl-t;)s\ n : inflammation of the and fastened to a larger piece of material - applique vb
intestinal appendix ap-ply \;)-'pli\ vb ap-plied: 1 a : to put to prac-
ap-pen-dix \;)-'pen-diks\ n, pi -dix-es or -di-ces \-d;)-,sez\ [L] tical use b. : to bring into action c: to lay or spread on
1 : supplementary matter added at the end of a book 2: a d : to put into operation or effect 2: to place in contact
narrow blind tube usu. about three or four inches long : put or spread on a surface 3 : to employ with close at-
that extends from the cecum in the lower right-hand part tention 4 : to have reference or connection 5: to sub-
of the abdomen mit a request
ap-per-tain \,a-p;)r-'tan\ vb : to belong or be connected as
[la, Ib] employ, exercise, exploit, harness, operate,
a rightful part or privilege use, utilize - more at USE [ld] administer, enforce,
apply, bear, pertain, refer, relate - more at APPLY execute, implement - more at ENFORCE [3] address,
ap-pe-tite \'a-p;)-,tit\ n [ME apetit, fro AF, fro L appetitus, fro bend, buckle, devote, give; also readdress, reapply
appetere to strive after, fro ad- to + petere to go to] [4] appertain, bear, pertain, refer, relate; also affect,
1 : natural desire for satisfying some want or need esp. concern, interest, involve, touch
for food 2 : individual preference: TASTE ap-point \;)-'p6int\ vb 1 : to fix or set officially <,..... a day
[1] craving, desire, drive, hankering, hunger, itch, for trial) 2 : to name officially 3: to fit out: EQUIP
thirst, urge, yen - more at DESIRE [2] fancy, favor [1] designate, fix, name, set; also adopt, assign,
(or favour), fondness, like, liking, love, partiality, pref- choose, determine, establish, opt (for), pick, pin down,
erence, relish, shine, taste, use - more at LIKING prefer, select, settle, single (out), specify [2] assign,
ap-pe-tiz-er \'a-p;)-,tl-z;)r\ n : a food or drink taken just be- attach, commission, constitute, designate, detail, name;
fore a meal to stimulate the appetite also authorize, delegate, depute, deputize, inaugurate,
ap-pe-tiz-ing \-zilJ\ ad} : tempting to the appetite - ap- induct, install, instate, invest. ordain adv ap-poin-tee \;)-,p6in-'te, ,a-\ n : a person appointed
delectable, delicious, flavorful (or flavourful), palat- ap-point-ive \;)-'p6in-tiv\ ad} : subject to appointment
able, tasty, toothsome - more at DELICIOUS ep-pomt-rnent \;)-'p6int-m;)nt\ n 1 : the act of appointing
appl abbr applied 2 : an arrangemen t for a meeting 3 pi : articles of fu r-
ap-plaud \;)-'pI6d\ vb : to show approval esp. by clapping niture for the interior of a building: FURNISHINGS 4 : a
acclaim, cheer, hail, laud, praise, salute, tout - more nonelective office or position
at ACCLAIM [2] date, engagement, rendezvous, tryst - more at
ap-plaud-able \;)-'pI6-d;)-b;)l\ ad} : worthy of being ap- ENGAGEMENT usu appointments [4] billet, capacity,
plauded function, job, place, position, post, situation - more at
admirable, commendable, creditable, laudable, meri- JOB. [4] assignment, commission, designation; also bil-
torious, praiseworthy - more at ADMIRABLE let, job, office, place, position, situation, spot, station
ap-plause \;)-'pI6z\ n : approval publicly expressed (as Ant discharge, dismissal, expulsion, firing
by clapping) ap-por-tion \;)-'por-sh;)n\ vb : to distribute proportion-
acclamation, ovation; also clapping Ant hissing ately
ap-ple \'a-p;)l\ n : a rounded fruit with firm white flesh and allocate, allot, allow, ration - more at ALWT ad-
a seedy core; also: a tree that bears this fruit minister, allocate, deal, dispense, distribute, mete, par-
ap-ple-jack \-Jak\ n : a liquor distilled from fermented cel, portion, prorate - more at ADMINISTER
cider ap-por-tion-ment \-m;)nt\ n : an act or result of apportion-
app-let \'a-,pl;)t\ n : a short computer program esp. for per- ing
forming a simple specific task ap-po-site \'a-p;)-z;)t\ ad} : highly pertinent or appropri-
ap-pli-ance \;)-'pli-;)ns\ n 1 : an instrument or device de- ate : RELEVANT - ap-po-sjte-ly adv - ap-po-slte-ness n
signed for a particular use or function 2: a piece of applicable, apropos, germane, material, pertinent,
household equipment (as a stove or toaster) operated by pointed, relative, relevant - more at PERTINENT
gas or electricity ap-po-si-tion \,a-p;)-'zi-sh;)n\ n : a grammatical construc-
ap-ptl-ca-bit-i-ty \,a-pli-b-'bi-l;)-te, ;)-,pli-b-\ n : the qual-
tion in which a noun or pronoun is followed by another
ity or state of being applicable
that has the same referent (as the poet and Burns in "a bi-
bearing, connection, pertinence, relevance - more ography of the poet Burns")
at PERTINENCE ap-pos-l-tlve \:l-'pa-Z;Hiv, a-\ ad} : of, relating to, or stand-
ap-pn-ca-ote Va-pli-ka-bal, ;l-'pli-k;l-\ ad} : capable of be- ing in grammatical apposition - appositive n
ing applied ap-prais-al \;l-'pra-z;ll\ n : an act or instance of apprais-
functional, practicable, practical, serviceable, usable, ing
useful, workable, working - more at PRACTICAL ap-
assessment, estimate, estimation, evaluation, judg-
propriate, apt, felicitous, fit, fitting, good, happy, meet,
ment (or judgement) - more at ESTIMATION
proper, right, suitable - more at FIT apposite, apro-
pos, germane, material, pertinent, pointed, relative, rel- ap-praise \;)-'praz\ vb ap-praised; ap-prais-Ing 1 : to set a
evant - more at PERTINENT value on 2 : to evaluate the worth, significance, or sta-
ap-pli-cant Va-pli-kant', n : one who applies tus of - ap-prais-er n
aspirant, campaigner, candidate, contender, hopeful, assess, estimate, evaluate, rate, set, value - more at
prospect. seeker - more at CANDIDATE
ap-pli-ca-tion \,a-pl;)-'ka-sh;)n\ n 1 : the act of applying apopreocia.ble \;l-'pre-sh;l-b;ll\ ad} + ; large enough to be
2 : assiduous attention 3: REQUEST; also: a form used in recognized and measured - ap-pre-cia-bly adv
making a request 4 : something placed or spread on a sur- detectable, discernible, distinguishable, palpable, per-
face 5: capacity for use 6: a program (as a word proces- ceptible, sensible - more at PERCEPTmLE
sor) that performs one of a computer's major tasks ap-pre-ci-ate \;)-'pre-she-,at\ vb -at-ed; -at-lnq 1 : to value
t I<ffiployment, exercise, operation, play, use - more justly 2 : to judge with understanding: be fully aware
at USE of 3 : to be grateful for 4 ; to Increase ill ""\"U"
39 apropos
+ [1] cherish, prize, treasure, value + [l] admire, es- + approval, blessing, favor (or favour), imprimatur, OK
teem, regard, respect - more at ADMIRE + [2] appre- - more at APPROVAL
hend, catch, catch on (to), comprehend, get, grasp, tap-pro-prf-ate\a-'pro-pre-,iit\ vb 1 + : to take
make, make out, perceive, see, seize, understand- possession of 2 : to set apart for a particular use
more at COMPREHEND + [4] accumulate, build, expand, + arrogate, commandeer, preempt, usurp; also annex,
increase, mount, multiply, proliferate, rise - more at claim, confiscate, expropriate, preoccupy, sequester
2apopro-pri.ate\a-'pr6-pre-at\ adi + : fitted to a purpose or use
ap-pre-ci-a-tion\a-,pre-she-'ii-sh;m\ n 1 a + : an opinion or + applicable, apt, felicitous, fit, fitting, good, happy,
estimate formed by discerning and comparing; esp : a fa- meet, proper, right, suitable - more at FIT
vorable critical estimate b: sensitive awareness 2 + : an
ap-pro-pri-ate-ly\-Ie\ adv + : in an appropriate manner
expression of admiration, approval, or gratitude
+ correctly, fittingly, happily, properly,rightly, suitably
+ [la] admiration, esteem, estimation, favor (or - more at PROPERLY
favour), regard, respect - more at ADMIRATION
+ [la] apprehension, comprehension, grasp, grip, per- ap-pro-pri-ate-ness\-nas\ n + : the qualityor state of being
ception, understanding - more at COMPREHENSION appropriate
+ [2] gratefulness, gratitude, thanks - more at THANKS + aptness, fitness, rightness, suitability; also agreeable-
ness, compatibility, congruity, harmoniousness Ant in-
ap-pre-cia-tive\a-'pre-sha-tiv, -she-,iit-\ adj + : having or aptness, infelicity, unfitness
showing appreciation - ap-pre-cia-tive-lyadv
ap-pro-pn-a-tton \a-,pro-pre-'ii-shan\ n +: something (as
+ complimentary, favorable (or favourable), friendly, money) set aside by formal action for a specific use
good, positive - more at FAvORABLE + grateful, + allocation, allotment, grant, subsidy; also advance, al-
obliged, thankful- more at GRATEFUL lowance, benefit, endowment, fund, stipend, trust
ap-pre-hend\,a-pri-'hend\ vb 1 + : to take or keep in cus- ap-prov-al \a-'prii-val\ n + : an act of approving - on ap-
tody by authority of law: ARREST 2: to become aware of proval : subject to a prospective buyer's acceptance or re-
3 : to look forward to with dread 4 + : to grasp with the fusal
understanding: UNDERSTAND + approbation, blessing, favor (or favour), imprimatur,
+ [l] arrest. nab. pick up. restrain, seize - more at AR- OK; also backing, endorsement, sanction, support Ant
REST + [4] appreciate, catch, catch on (to), compre- disapprobation, disapproval, disfavor
hend, get, grasp, make, make out, perceive, see, seize, ap-prove \a-'priiv\ vb ap-proved; ap-prov-ing 1 + : to have
understand - more at COMPREHEND or express a favorable opinion of 2 + : to accept as satis-
ap-pre-hen-sion\,a-pri-'hen-chan\ n 1 a : the act or power factory: RATIFY
of perceiving or comprehending b + : the result of ap- + [1] authorize, clear, OK, ratify, sanction, warrant;
prehending mentally 2: seizure by legal process also accept, acknowledge, affirm, confirm Ant decline,
3 + : suspicion or fear esp. of future evil deny, disallow, disapprove, negative, reject, turn down
+ [Ib] appreciation, comprehension, grasp, grip, per- + usu approve of [2] accept, care, countenance, favor
ception, understanding - more at COMPREHENSION (or favour), OK, subscribe; also acclaim, applaud, laud,
+ [3] agitation, anxiety, care, concern, disquiet, nerv- praise, salute Ant disapprove (of), discountenance, dis-
ousness, perturbation, uneasiness, worry - more at favor, frown (on or upon)
ANXIETY approx abbr approximate; approximately
ap-pre-hen-sive\-'hen-siv\ adj : viewing the future with rap-prcx-r-mate\a-'priik-sa-mat\ adi + : nearly correct or
anxiety - ap-pre-hen-sive-lyadv - n exact - ap-prox-i-mate-ly adv
ap-pre-hen-stve-ness\-nas\ n : the quality or state of being + comparative,near, relative - more at COMPARATIVE
apprehensive 2apoprox.i.mate\-,mat\ vb -mat-ed; -mat-lnq + : to come near
'apoprentice \a-'pren-tas\ n 1 + : a person learning a craft : APPROACH - ap-prox-i-ma-tion\a-,priik-s;}-'mii-shan\ n
under a skilled worker 2: BEGINNER - ap-pren-tice-ship + approach, compare, measure up, stack up; also add
n up (to), amount (to), come (to)
+ aid, assistant, helper - more at HELPER appt abbr appoint; appointed; appointment
2apprenticevb -ticed; -tlc-lnq : to bind or set at work as an ap-pur-te-nance \a-'part-nans, -'n-ans\ n : something that
apprentice belongs to or goes with another thing - ap-pur-te-nant
ap-prise\a-'pm\ vb ap-prised; ap-pris-ing + : to give notice \;}-'part-nant, -'n-ant\ adj
to: INFORM Aprabbr April
+ acquaint, advise, brief, clue, enlighten, familiarize, APRabbr annual percentage rate
fill in, inform, instruct, tell, wise - more at ENLIGHTEN apri-cot Va-pro-jkat, 'ii-\ n [alter. of earlier abrecock, ultim.
"ap-proach \a-'proch\ vb 1 + : to move nearer to 2 + : to be fr. Ar al-birqiiq, ultim. fro L (persicum) praecox, lit., early,
ripening (peach)] : an oval orange-colored fruit resem-
almost the same as 3: to make advances to esp. for the
bling the related peach and plum in flavor; also: a tree
purpose of creating a desired result 4: to take prelimi- bearing apricots
nary steps toward - ap-proach-ableadj April \'ii-pral\ n [ME, fr. AF & L; AF avrill, fr. L Aprilis]
+ [1] advance, close, come, near; also arrive, attain, : the 4th month of the year
come, gain, hit, land, make, reach, show up, turn up a pri-o-ri \,ii-pre-'or-e\ adj [L, from the former] 1 : charac-
Ant back (up or away), recede, retire, retreat, withdraw terized by or derived by reasoning from self-evident
+ [2] approximate, compare, measure up, stack up- propositions 2: independent of experience - a priori adv
more at APPROXIMATE apron \'ii-pran\ n [ME, alter. (fr. misdivision of a napron)
2approach n 1 + : a means of access: AVENUE 2 a: the tak- of napron, fr. MF naperon, dim. of nape cloth, modif. of
ing of preliminary steps toward a particular purpose L mappa napkin] 1 : a garment tied over the front of the
b : a par6cular manner of takf ng steps toward an end
body to protect the clothes 2: a paved area for parking
tl1 avenue, passage, path, route, way - more at PAS- or handling airplanes - aproned adi
SAGE + {2bl fashion, form, manner, method, strategy, 'aporo-pos\,a-pra-'po, 'a-pra-,po\ adv [F apropos, lit., to the

I style, system, tack, tactics, technique, way - more at purpose] 1 : OPPORTUNELY 2: in passing: INCIDENTALLY
METHOD 2apropos adj + : being to the point
ap-pro-ba-tion\,a-pra-'bii-shan\ n + : an act of commend- + applicable, apposite, germane, material, pertinent,
ing : APPROVAL pointed, relative, relevant - more at PERTINENT

apropos of 40
apropos of prep + : with regard to 'Arabic Var-a-bikv n : a Semitic language of southwestern
+ about, concerning, of, on, regarding, respecting, to- Asia and northern Africa
ward - more at ABOUT 2Arabic adi 1 : of or relating to the Arabs, Arabic, or the
apse \'aps\ n : a projecting usu. semicircular and vaulted Arabian peninsula in southwestern Asia 2: expressed in
part of a building (as a church) or making use of Arabic numerals
'apt \'apt\ adj 1 + : well adapted: SUITABLE 2 + : having an Arabic numeral n : any of the number symbols 0, I, 2, 3, 4,
habitual tendency 3: quick to learn - apt-ly adv 5,6,7,8,9
+ (1) applicable, appropriate, felicitous, fit, fitting, ar-a-ble \'ar-d-bdl\ adj : fit for or used for the growing of
good, happy, meet, proper, right, suitable - more at crops
FIT + [2) given, inclined, prone - more at PRONE arach-nid \d-'rak-ndd\ n : any of a class of uSU. 8-legged
2apt abbr 1 apartment 2 aptitude arthropods comprising the spiders, scorpions, mites, and
ticks - arachnid adj
ap-ti-tude Vap-ta-jtud, -,tyiid\ n 1 + : natural ability: TAL-
Ar-a-ma-Ic \,ar-d-'ma-ik\ n : an ancient Semitic language
ENT 2 : capacity for learning 3: APPROPRIATENESS
ar-a-mld \'ar-d-mdd, -,mid\ n : any of several light but very
+ endowment, faculty, flair, genius, gift, knack, talent strong heat-resistant synthetic materials used esp. in tex-
- more at TALENT tiles and plastics
apt-ness \'apt-nds\ n + : the quality or state of being apt Arap-a-ho or Arap-a-hoe \d-'ra-pd-,h6\ n, pl -ho or -hos or
+ proneness, propensity, tendency, way - more at TEN- -hoe or -hoes: a member of an American Indian people of
DENCY + appropriateness, fitness, rightness, suitability the western U.S.
- more at APPROPRIATENESS ar-bi-ter \'iir-bd-tdr\ n + : one having power to decide a dis-
aqua \'a-kwd, 'ii-\ n : a light greenish blue color pute
aqua-cul-ture also aqul-cul-ture Va-kws-jkal-chor, 'ii-\ n + arbitrator, judge, referee, umpire - more at JUDGE
: the cultivation of aquatic plants or animals (as fish or + arbitrator, broker, go-between, intercessor, interme-
shellfish) for human use diary, mediator, middleman, peacemaker - more at
aqua-ma-rine \,a-kwd-md-'ren, ,ii-\ n 1 : a bluish green gem MEDIATOR
2 : a pale blue to light greenish blue ar-bi-trage \'iir-bd-,triizh\ n [F, fro MF, arbitration) : the
aqua-nautVa-kws-jnot, 'ii-\ n : a person who lives in an un- purchase and sale of the same or equivalent securities in
derwater shelter for an extended period different markets in order to profit from price discrepan-
aqua-plane \-,plan\ n : a board towed behind a motorboat cies
and ridden by a person standing on it - aquaplane vb \,ar-b"-(,)trii-'zh,,r\ or ar-bt-traq-ar \'iir-bd-
aqua reogia \,a-kwd-'re-j(e- )d\ n [NL, lit., royal water) : a .tra-zhsrv n : one who practices arbitrage
mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids that dissolves ar-bit-ra-ment \iir-'bi-trd-mdnt\ n 1 : the act of deciding a
gold or platinum dispute 2: the judgment given by an arbitrator
aquar-i-um \d-'kwar-e-dm\ n, pl -l-urns or -ia \-e-d\ 1: a ar-bi-trary \'iir-bd-,trer-e\ adj 1 + : marked by or resulting
container (as a glass tank) in which living aquatic animals from the unrestrained and often tyrannical exercise of
or plants are kept 2: a place where aquatic animals and power 2 + : determined by will or caprice : selected at
plants are kept and shown random - ar-bi-trari-ly \,iir-bd-'trer-d-Ie\ adv - ar-bi-tran- \d-'kwar-e-ds\ n [L, lit., water carrier) 1 : a zo- ness \'iir-bd-,trer-e-nds\ n
diacal constellation between Capricorn and Pisces usu.
+ [1) dictatorial, high-handed, imperious, peremptory,
pictured as a man pouring water 2: the 11 th sign of the
willful; also arrogant, commanding, demanding, domi-
zodiac in astrology; also: one born under this sign
nant, domineering, haughty, imperative, lordly, master-
'aquat.ic \d-'kwii-tik, -'kwa-\ adj 1 : growing or living in or
ful, overbearing, presumptuous [2) aimless,
frequenting water 2 : performed in or on water
desultory, erratic, haphazard, random, scattered, stray
2aquatic n : an aquatic animal or plant - more at RANDOM
aqua-vit \'ii-kwd-,vet\ n : a clear liquor flavored with car-
away seeds ar-bi-trate \'iir-bd-,trat\ vb -trat-ed: -trat-lnq 1 : to act as ar-
aqua vi-tae \,a-kwd-'vi-te, ,ii-\ n [ME, fro ML, lit., water of bitrator 2 + : to act on as arbitrator 3: to submit for de-
life) : a strong alcoholic liquor (as brandy) cision to an arbitrator - ar-bi-tra-tlon \,iir-bd-'tra-shdn\ n
aq-ue-duct Va-kwa-sdakt', n 1 + : a conduit for carrying + adjudicate, decide, determine, judge, referee, rule,
running water 2 : a structure carrying a canal over a river settle, umpire - more at JUDGE
or hollow 3: a passage in a bodily part ar-bi-tra-tor \'iir-bd-,tra-tdr\ n + : one chosen to settle dif-
+ canal, channel, conduit, flume, raceway, watercourse ferences between two parties in a controversy
- more at CHANNEL + arbiter, judge, referee, umpire - more at JUDGE + ar-
aque-ous \'a-kwe-ds, 'a-\ adj 1 : WATERY 2: made of, by, biter, broker, go-between, intercessor, intermediary,
or with water mediator, middleman, peacemaker - more at MEDIA-
aqueous humor n : a clear fluid occupying the space be-
tween the lens and the cornea of the eye ar-bor or Can and Brit ar-bour \'iir-bdr\ n [ME erber, herber
aqui-fer Va-kwo-far, 'ii-\ n : a water-bearing stratum of per- garden, fr. AF, fro herbe herb, grass) : a shelter formed of
meable rock, sand, or gravel or covered with vines or branches
aq-ui-line \'a-kwd-,lin, -I:m\ adj 1 : of or resembling an ea- ar-bo-re-al \iir-'b6r-e-dl\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or resem-
gle 2: hooked like an eagle's beak <an ~ nose) bling a tree 2: living in trees <~ monkeys)
ar abbr arrival; arrive ar-bo-re-tum \,iir-bd-'re-tdm\ n, pl-retums or -re-ta \-td\ [L,
Ar symbol argon plantation of trees, fr. arbor tree) : a place where trees and
AR abbr Arkansas plants are grown for scientific and educational purposes
-ar adj suffix 1: of or relating to <molecular) : being ar-bor-vi-tae \,iir-bdr-'vi-te\ n : any of various evergreen
<spectacular) 2: resembling <oracular) trees and shrubs with scalelike leaves that are related to
Arab Var-abv n 1 : a member of a Semitic people of the the cypresses
Arabian peninsula in southwestern Asia 2: a member of ar-bu-tus \iir-'byii-tds\ n : TRAILING ARBUTUS
an Arabic-speaking people - Arab adj - Arabian \d- 'arc \'ark\ n 1 : a sustained luminous discharge of electric-
ity (as between two electrodes) 2 ! a continuous por-
'rii-be-dn\ acQ or n
ar-a-besque I,ar-d-'besk\ n : a design of interlacing lines tion of a curved line (as part of the circumference of a
forming figures of flowers, foliage, and sometimes ani- circle)
mals - arabesque adj arch, bend, bow, crook, curve - more at BEND
41 Argentinian
2arc vb arced \'arkt\; \'lir-kit:J\ 1 : to form an electric ar-chi-trave \'ar-ka-,triiv\ n : the supporting horizontal
arc 2 : to follow an arc-shaped course member just above the columns in a building in the clas-
bend, bow, crook, curve, hook, round, sweep, sical style of architecture
swerve, wheel- more at CURVE ar-chive \'iir-,kiv\ n : a place for keeping public records;
ARC abbr 1 AIDS-related complex 2 American Red Cross also: public records - often used in pI.
ar-cade \lir-'kiid\ n 1 : an arched or covered passageway; ar-chi-vist Var-ka-vist, -,ki-\ n : a person in charge of
esp : one lined with shops 2: a row of arches with their archives
supporting columns 3: an amusement center having ar-chon \'ar-,kan, -konv n : a chief magistrate of ancient
coin-operated games Athens
ar-cane \lir-'kiin\ adj : SECRET, MYSTERIOUS arch-way \'iirch-,wii\ n : a passageway under an arch; also
'arch \'lirch\ n 1 : a curved structure spanning an opening : an arch over a passage
(as a door) 2 : something resembling an arch 3: ARCH- arc lamp n : a gas-filled electric lamp that produces light
WAY when a current arcs between incandescent electrodes
arc, bend, bow, crook, curve - more at BEND 'arctic \'ark-tik, 'iir-tik\ adj [ME artik, fro L arcticus, fr. Gk
2arch vb 1 : to cover with an arch 2: to form or bend into arktikos, fr. arktas bear, Ursa Major, north] 1 often cap
an arch : of or relating to the north pole or the region near it
3arch adj 1 : most important: CHlEF 2 : impertinently 2 : bitter cold: FRIGID
bold and impudent - adv - arch-ness n bitter, cold, freezing, frigid, frosty, glacial, icy, polar
[I] chief, dominant, foremost, key, main, predomi- 2arctic \'lir-tik, 'lirk-tik\ n : a rubber overshoe that reaches
nant, primary, principal - more at FOREMOST to the ankle or above
[2] bold, brash, cheeky, cocky, fresh, impertinent, arctic circle n, often cap A &C : the parallel of latitude that
impudent, insolent, nervy, sassy, saucy - more at is approximately 66% degrees north of the equator
NERVY -ard also -art n suffix : one that is characterized by per-
"arch abbr architect; architectural; architecture forming some action, possessing some quality, or being
ar-chae-ol-o-gy or ar-che-ol-o-qy \,lir-ke-'li-I:l-je\ n : the associated with some thing esp, conspicuously or exces-
study of past human life as revealed by relics left by an- sively (braggart) (dullard)
cient peoples - ar-chae-o-loq-i-cal \-:l-'Ili-ji-k:ll\ adj - ar- ar-dent \'lir-dOnt\ ad) 1 .: characterized by warmth of
chae-ol-o-qist \-'li-I:l-jist\ n feeling typically expressed in eager zealous support or ac-
ar-cha-ic \lir-'kii-ik\ adj 1 : having the characteristics of tivity 2: FIERY, HOT 3: GLOWING - ar-dent-ly adv
the language of the past and surviving chiefly in special- burning, charged, emotional, fervent, fiery, impas-
ized uses <~ words) 2 : belonging to an earlier time sioned, passionate, vehement - more at FERVENT
: ANTIQUATED - \-i-k(:l-)Ie\ adv avid, eager, enthusiastic, gung ho, hot, hungry, keen
antiquated, dated, obsolete, outdated, outmoded, - more at EAGER
outworn, passe - more at OBSOLETE ar-dor or Can and Brit ar-dour \'iir-dar\ n 1 a : warmth of
arch-an-qel \'lir-,kiin-j:ll\ n : a chief angel feeling b : eagerness and ardent interest in pursuit of
arch-bish-op \lirch-'bi-sh:lp\ n : a bishop of high rank something 2 : sexual excitement
arch-blsh-cp-rlc \-sh:l-(,)prik\ n : the jurisdiction or office [Ia] emotion, fervency, fervor, heat, intensity, pas-
of an archbishop sion, vehemence, warmth; also histrionics, mawkish-
arch-con-ser-va-tlve \(,)lirch-k:m-'s:lr-v:l-tiv\ n : an extreme ness, melodrama, sentimentality Ant impassivity
conservative - archconservative adj [Ib] avidity, eagerness, enthusiasm, excitement,
arch-dea-con \-'de-k:ln\ n : a church official who assists a hunger, impatience, keenness, thirst - more at EAGER-
diocesan bishop in ceremonial or administrative func- NESS
tions ar-du-ous \'iir-j:l-w:lS, -dvu-wasv adj 1 : hard to accom-
arch-di-o-cese \-'cli-a-s:ls, -,sez\ n : the diocese of an arch- plish or achieve: DIFFICULT 2 : marked by great labor
bishop or effort - ar-du-ous-ness n
arch-cuke \-'diik, -'dyiik\ n 1 : a sovereign prince 2: a [1,2] demanding, difficult, exacting, formidable, gru-
prince of the imperial family of Austria eling, hard, laborious, strenuous, toilsome, tough-
Ar-che-an \lir-'ke-:ln\ adi : of, relating to, or being the ear- more at HARD
liest eon of geologic history - Archean n
ar-du-ous-ly \-Ie\ adv : in an arduous manner
arch-en-e-my \,lirch-'e-n:l-me\ n, pl -mies : a principal en- 'are pres 2d sing or pres t oj BE
2are \'ar\ n : a metric measure equal to 100 square meters
Ar-cheo-zo-ic \,lir-ke-a-'zo-ik\ adj : ARCHEAN - Archeozoic
ar-ea \'ar-e-a\ n 1 : a flat surface or space 2: the amount
of surface included (as within the lines of a geometric fig-
ar-chery \'lir-cha-re\ n : the art or practice of shooting with
ure) 3.: range or extent of some thing or concept
bow and arrows - ar-cher \'lir-char\ n
: FIELD 4 : any particular extent of space or surface: RE-
ar-che-type \'lir-ki-,tip\ n : the original pattern or model of
all things of the same type
archfiend \,lirch-'fend\ n : a chief fiend; esp : SATAN [3] arena, demesne, department, discipline, domain,
ar-chi-epis-co-pal \,lir-ke-:l-'pis-ka-p:ll\ adj : of or relating field, line, province, realm, specialty, sphere - more at
FIELD [4] demesne, field, region, zone - more at RE-
to an archbishop
ar-chl-man-drlte \,lir-k:l-'man-,drlt\ n : a dignitary in an
Eastern church ranking below a bishop area code n : a 3-digit number that identifies each tele-
ar-chl-pel-a-qc \,ar-ka-'pe-Ia-,go, ,iir-cha-\ n, pl -goes or phone service area in a country (as the U.S. or Canada)
-gos : a group of islands are-na \a-'re-na\ n [L harena, arena sand, sandy place]
ar-chi-tect \'lir-ka-,tekt\ n 1 : a person who plans buildings 1 .: an enclosed area used for public entertainment
and oversees their construction 2: a person who designs 2 : a sphere of activity or competition
and guides a plan or undertaking [I] hall, theater - more at HALL [2] area,
ar-chi-tec-ture \'iir-ka-,tek-char\ n 1 : the art or science of demesne, department, discipline, domain, field, line,
planning and building structures 2: a method or style of province, realm, specialty, sphere - more at FIELD
building 3: the manner in which the elements (as of a de- Ar-gen.tine \'iir-j:m-,ten. -,tin\ or Ar-gen.tin-ean or Ar.gen-
sign) are arranged or organized - ar-ctu-tec-tur-al \,ar-ka- tin-i-an \,iir-jan-'ti-ne-an\ n : a native or inhabitant of Ar-
'tek-ch:l-r:ll, -'tek-shral\ adi - ar-chl-tec-tur-al-ly adv gentina - Argentine or Argentinean or Argentinian adj
argentite 42
ar-qen-tlte \'ar-j;m-,tlt\ n : a dark gray mineral that is an by a noble or privileged class; also: a state so governed
important ore of silver 2 : the governing class of an aristocracy 3: UPPER CLASS
arogon \'iir-,gan\ n [Gk, neut. of argos idle, lazy, fro a- not aris-to-crat \;;,-'ris-t;;,-,krat\ n + : a member of an aristoc-
+ ergon work; fro its relative inertness] : a colorless odor- racy
less gaseous chemical element found in the air and used + gentleman, grandee, noble, patrician - more at GEN-
for filling electric lamps TLEMAN
arogo-sy \'ar-g;;,-se\ n, pi -sies 1 : a large merchant ship arts-to-crat-lc \;;,-,ris-t;;,-'kra-tik\ adj + : belonging to, hav-
2: FLEET ing the qualities of, or favoring aristocracy
ar-qot \'ar-g;;,t, -,go\ n +: the language of a particular + genteel, gentle, grand, highborn, noble, patrician,
group or class wellborn - more at NOBLE
+ cant, jargon, language, lingo, slang, terminology, vo- arith abbr arithmetic; arithmetical
cabulary - more at TERMINOLOGY arlth-me-tlc \;;,-'rith-m;;,-, tik\ n 1 : a branch of mathematics \'ar-gyti-;;,-b;;,l\ adj + : open to argument, dis- that deals with computations usu. with nonnegative real
pute, or question numbers 2 + : the process or an act of computing or cal-
+ debatable, disputable, doubtful, moot, questionable culating : COMPUTATION, CALCULATION - ar-ith-met-ic \,ar-
- more at DEBATABLE ith-'me-tik\ or ar-lth-met-l-cal \-ti-bl\ adj - ar-ith-rnet-i-
arogu.ably \'ar-gyii-(;;,- )ble\ adv : it can be argued v-ti-kta- )Ie\ adv - arith-me-tl-clan \;;,-,rith-m;;,-'ti-
arogue \'ar-gyti\ vb arogued; 1 + : to give reasons shanv n
for or against something 2 + : to contend in words: DIS- + calculation, computation, reckoning - more at CAL-
PUTE 3 + : to consider the pros and cons of 4 + : to per- CULATION
suade by giving reasons arithmetic mean n : the sum of a set of numbers divided by
+ [1] assert, contend, maintain, plead, reason; also the number of numbers in the set
claim, insist + [2] bicker, brawl, dispute, fall out, fight, Ariz abbr Arizona
hassle, quarrel, row, scrap, spat, squabble, wrangle; also ark \'ark\ n 1 : a boat held to resemble that of Noah's at
challenge, dare, defy + [3] chew over, debate, discuss, the time of the Flood 2: the sacred chest in a synagogue
dispute, hash, moot, talk over - more at DISCUSS representing to Hebrews the presence of Ood; also: the
+ [4] convince, get, induce, move, persuade, prevail, repository for the scrolls of the Torah
satisfy, talk, win - more at PERSUADE Ark abbr Arkansas
ar-gu-er \Iar-gy~-war\ n : one who argues 'arm \'arm\ n [ME, fro OE earmJ 1 : a human upper limb
+ debater, disputant, disputer - more at DISPUTANT and esp. the part between the shoulder and wrist; also : a
corresponding limb of a 2-footed vertebrate 2: some-
ar-qu-ment \'ar-gy;;,-m;;,nt\ n 1 : a reason offered in proof
thing resembling an arm in shape or position (an'" of
2 + : discourse intended to persuade 3 + : a usu. verbal
land> (an'" of a chair> 3 + : the power, authority, or re-
conflict: QUARREL sources wielded (as by an individual or group) (the'" of
+ [1] assertion, contention, thesis - more at CON- the law> - armed \'armd\ adj - arm-less adj
TENTION + [1] case, defense (or defence), explanation,
+ authority, clutch, command, control, dominion, grip,
rationale, reason - more at REASON + [2] colloquy, hold, mastery, power, sway - more at POWER
conference, deliberation, discourse, discussion, give-
2arm vb [ME, fro AF armer, fr, L armare, fr. arma weapons,
and-take, parley, talk - more at DISCUSSION + [3] alter-
cation, bicker, brawl, disagreement, dispute, fight, has- tools] : to furnish with weapons
'arm n 1 + : a means (as a weapon) of offense or defense;
sle, misunderstanding, quarrel, row, scrap, spat,
squabble, wrangle; also clash, run-in, skirmish, tussle esp : FIREARM 2: a branch of the military forces 3 pi : the
hereditary heraldic devices of a family
ar-qu-men-ta-tlon \,ar-gy;;,-m;;,n-'ta- shonv n : the art of for-
mal discussion + firearm, gun, piece - more at GUN
ar-qu-men-ta-tlve \,ar-gy;;,-'men-t;;,-tiv\ adj + : inclined to ar-ma-da \ar-'ma-d;;" -'ma-\ n 1 : a fleet of warships 2 + : a
argue large force or group usu. of moving things (an'" of trail-
+ contentious, disputatious, quarrelsome, scrappy; also ers>
bellicose, belligerent, combative, pugnacious, truculent + caravan, cavalcade, fleet, motorcade, train - more
arogyle also arogyll \'ar-,gfl\ n, often cap: a geometric knit-
ting pattern of varicolored diamonds on a single back- ar-ma-dil-lo \,iir-m;;,-'di-lo\ n, pi-los [Sp, fro dim. of armada
ground color; also: a sock knit in this pattern armed one] : any of several small burrowing mammals
aria \'ar-e-;;,\ n : an accompanied elaborate vocal solo with the head and body protected by an armor of bony
forming part of a larger work plates
ar-id \'ar-;;,d\ adj: very dry; esp + : having insufficient Ar.maogedodon \,ar-m:l-'ged-'n\ n : a final conclusive battle
rainfall to support agriculture - arld-i-ty \;;,-'ri-d;;,-te\ n between the forces of good and evil; also: the site or time
of this
+ dry, sere, thirsty - more at DRY
ar-ma-ment \'ar-m:l-m:lnt\ n 1 : military strength 2: arms
Ar.i-es \'ar-,ez, -e-,ez\ n [L, lit., ram] 1 : a zodiacal con- and equipment (as of a tank or combat unit) 3: the
stellation between Pisces and Taurus pictured as a ram process of preparing for war
2 : the 1st sign of the zodiac in astrology; also: one born ar-ma-ture \'ar-m;;,-,chlir, -charv n 1 : a protective covering
under this sign or structure (as the spines of a cactus) 2: the rotating
aright \;;,-'rit\ adv : RIGHT, CORRECTLY part of an electric generator or motor; also: the movable
arise \;;,-'riz\ vb arose \-'roz\; aris-en \-'riz-'n\; ans-rnq part in an electromagnetic device (as a loudspeaker)
\-'ri-zil)\ 1 : to get up 2 a + : to originate from a source arm-chair \'arm-,cher\ n : a chair with armrests
b + : to come into being or to attention 3 + : to move up- armed forces n pl + : the combined military, naval, and air
ward : ASCEND forces of a nation
+ [2a] begin, commence, dawn, form, materialize, orig- + military, services, troops; also Gl's, men-at-arms,
inate, spring, start - more at BEGIN + [2b] crop, rank and file, soldiery
emerge, materialize, spring, surface; also appear, come Ar-me-man \ar-'me-ne-:ln\ n : a native or inhabitant of Ar-
out, show up, turn up + [3] ascend, climb, lift, mount, menia
rise, soar, up - more at ASCEND arm-ful \'arm-,fill\ n, pi armfuls or arms-ful \'arrnz-,fill\ : as
ar-is-toc-ra-cy \,ar-;;,-'sta-kr;J-se\ n, pi -cies 1 : government much as the arm or arms can hold
43 arrogance
arm-hole \'arm-,hol\ n : an opening for the arm in a gar- + [1] awake, rouse, wake + [2] encourage, excite, fire,
ment incite, instigate, move, pique, provoke, stimulate, stir
ar-ml-sttee \'ar-ma-stas\ n : temporary suspension of hos- ar-peq-qio \ar-'pe-je-,o, -'pe-jo\ n, pi -gios [It fr. arpeggiare
tilities by mutual agreement: TRUCE to play on the harp, fr. arpa harp] : a chord whose notes
arm-let Varm-lat', n : a band worn around the upper arm are performed in succession and not simultaneously
ar-mor or Can and Brit ar-mour \'ar-mar\ n 1 + : protective arr abbr 1 arranged 2 arrival; arrive
covering 2 + : a quality or circumstance that affords pro- ar-raiqn \a-'ran\ vb 1 : to call before a court to answer to
tection 3: armored forces and vehicles - ar-mored an indictment 2: to accuse of wrong or imperfection -
x-mord', adj ar-raign-ment n
+ [I] capsule, case, casing, cocoon, cover, housing, ar-range \a-'ranj\ vb ar-ranged; arranging 1 : to put in
husk, jacket, pod, sheath, shell - more at CASE order 2: to make preparations for 3: to adapt (a musi-
+ [2] aegis, cover, defense (or defence), guard, protec- cal composition) to voices or instruments other than
tion, safeguard, screen, security, shield, wall, ward- those for which it was orig, written 4 + : to come to an
more at DEFENSE agreement about: SETTLE - arrang-er n
ar-mor-er \'ac-mar-ar\ or Can and Brit ar-rnour-er n 1 : a [1] array, classify, codify, dispose, draw up, marshal,
person who makes arms and armor 2 : a person who serv- order, organize, range, systematize - more at ORDER
ices firearms
+ [4] decide, fix, set, settle; also agree, contract, pledge,
ar-mo-ri-al \ar-'mor-e-al\ or Can and Brit ar-mou-rl-al adj promise
: of or bearing heraldic arms
ar-range-ment v-rnant', n 1 a : the state of being arranged
ar-mory Var-mo-rev or Can and Brit ar-moury n, pi ar-mor-
b : the act of arranging 2 : something arranged: as a + : a
ies or ar-rnour-les 1 +: a place where arms are stored
2 : a factory where arms are made preparatory act or measure b: an adaptation of a musi-
cal composition c: an informal agreement or settlement
+ arsenal, depot, dump, magazine; also fort, fortress, 3 : something made by arranging parts or things together
(a floral "">
arm-pit \'arm-,pit\ n : the hollow under the junction of the
arm and shoulder + [la] composition, configuration, design, form, for-
arm-rest \-,rest\ n : a support for the arm mat, layout, makeup, pattern - more at COMPOSITION
ar-my \'ar-me\ n, pi armies 1 + : a body of armed person- + [Ia] array, disposal, disposition, distribution, order,
nel organized for war 2 often cap: the complete military sequence, setup - more at ORDER + [2a] blueprint, de-
organization of a country for land warfare 3 + : a great sign, game, plan, project, system - more at PLAN
number (an "" of birds> 4: a body of persons organized ar-rant \'ar-ant\ adj : being notoriously without modera-
to advance a cause tion : EXTREME
+ [1] battalion, host, legion; also infantry, ranks, regu- ar-ras \'ar-as\ n, pi arras 1 : TAPESTRY 2: a wall hanging or
lars, troops, troopers + [3] crowd, crush, drove, flock, screen of tapestry
horde, host, legion, mob, multitude, press, swarm, 'ar.ray \a-'ra\ vb 1 + : to dress or decorate esp. splendidly
throng - more at CROWD 2 + : to arrange in order
army ant n : any of various nomadic social ants + [1] adorn, beautify, clothe, deck, decorate, do, dress,
ar-my-worm \'ar-me-,warm\ n : any of numerous moths embellish, enrich, garnish, ornament, trim - more at
whose larvae move about destroying crops DECORATE + [2] arrange, classify, codify, dispose, draw
aro-ma \a-'ro-ma\ n + : a usu. pleasing odor: FRAGRANCE up, marshal, order, organize, range, systematize-
+ bouquet, fragrance, incense, perfume, redolence, more at ORDER
scent, spice - more at FRAGRANCE 2array n 1 +: a regular arrangement 2 + : rich apparel
aro-ma-ther-a-py \a-,ro-ma-'ther-a-pe\ n : massage with a 3 + : an imposing group
preparation of fragrant oils extracted from herbs, flow- + [I] arrangement, disposal, disposition, distribution,
ers, and fruits order, sequence, setup - more at ORDER + [2] attire,
ar-c-mat-te \,ar-a-'ma-tik\ adj + : of, relating to, or having best, bravery, caparison, feather, finery, frippery, full
aroma dress, gaiety, regalia - more at FINERY + [3] assem-
+ ambrosial, fragrant, redolent, savory, scented, sweet blage, block, collection, group, lot
- more at FRAGRANT ar-rears \a-'rirz\ n pi 1 : a state of being behind in the dis-
arose past of ARISE charge of obligations (in"" with the rent> 2: overdue
'around \a-'raimd\ adv 1 : in a circle or in circumference debts
(a tree five feet ""> 2: in or along a circuit (the road ' \a-'rest\ vb 1 + : to bring to a stop 2 + : to take into
goes r--> by the lake> 3 a : on all sides (nothing for miles legal custody 3 : to catch suddenly and engagingly (""
+-> b + : at all times : throughout the extent (mild attention>
weather the year =-> 4 + : in or near one's present place [1] catch, check, draw up, fetch up, halt, hold up,
or situation: NEARBY (wait"" awhile) 5: from one place stall, stay, still, stop - more at HALT. [2] apprehend,
to another (travels"" on business> 6 + : in an opposite nab, pick up, restrain, seize; also bag, capture, catch,
direction (turn =--> collar, get, grab, grapple, hook, land, nail, snare, snatch,
+ [3b] over, round, through, throughout + [4] by, trap Ant discharge [3] enchant, enthrall, fascinate,
close, hard, in, near, nearby, nigh - more at NEAR grip, hypnotize, mesmerize - more at ENTHRALL
+ [6] about, back, round; also backward, behind, 2arrest n 1 : the act of stopping; also: the state of being
down, downward, rearward stopped 2: the taking into custody by legal authority
2around prep 1 a : on all sides of : SURROUNDING (trees "" ar-riv-al \a-'ri-val\ n 1 : the act of arriving 2: one that ar-
the house> b: so as to encircle or enclose (go"" the rives
world> 2: to or on another side of ("" the comer> ar-nve \a-'riv\ vb ar-rived; 1 + : to reach a desti-
3 + : at, within, or to a short distance or time : NEAR nation 2: to make an appearance (the guests have ar-
(stayed right "" home> 4 +: here and there in or rived) 3: to attain success - arrive at : to reach by effort
throughout (barnstorming"" the country> or thought <arrived at a decision)
+ [3] about, by, near, next to; also alongside, beside come, land, show up, turn up - more at COME
+ [4] about, over, round, through, throughout; also on ar-ro-gance Var-e-gansv n + : an attitude of superiority that
arouse \a-'rauz\ vb aroused; arous-ing 1 +: to awaken shows itself in an overbearing manner or in presumptu-
from sleep 2 : to stir up - arous-al \-'rau-zal\ n ous claims or assumptions
arrogant 44
+ haughtiness, loftiness, pretense, pretension, preten- art-ful-ness \-n;)s\ n + : the quality or state of being artful
tiousness, self-importance, superiority; also authorita- + artifice, caginess, canniness, craft, craftiness, cun-
tiveness, dominance, high-handedness Ant humility, ning, guile, slyness, wiliness - more at CUNNING
modesty + adeptness, adroitness, art, artifice, artistry, clever-
ar-ro-qant \'ar-;)-g;)nt\ adj +: offensively exaggerating ness, craft, cunning, deftness, masterfulness, skill-
one's own importance - ar-ro-qant-ly adv more at SKILL
+ cavalier, haughty, high-handed, high-hat, highfalutin, ar-thri-tis \ar-'thrl-t;)s\ n, pi -thrl-tl-des \-'thri-t;)-,dez\ : in-
imperious, important, lofty, overweening, peremptory, flammation of the joints - ar-thrit-ic \-'thri-tik\ adj or
pompous, presumptuous, pretentious, supercilious; n
also authoritarian, bossy, dominant, dominating, domi- ar-thro-pod \'ar-thr;)-,pad\ n : any of a phylum of inverte-
neering, magisterial, pontificating Ant humble, modest brate animals comprising those (as insects, spiders, or
ar-ro-qate \-,gat\ vb -gatoed; + : to claim or seize crabs) with segmented bodies and jointed limbs - arthro-
without justification as one's right - ar-ro-qa-tlon \,ar-;)- pod adj
'ga-sh;)n\ n ar-thros-co-py \ar-'thriis-b-pe\ n, pi -pies: visual examina-
+ appropriate, commandeer, preempt, usurp - more tion of the interior of a joint (as the knee) with a special
at APPROPRIATE surgical instrument; also: joint surgery using arthroscopy
ar-row \'ar-o\ n 1 : a missile shot from a bow and usu. hav- - ar-thro-scope \'ar-thr;)-,skop\ n - ar-thro-scop-ic \,iir-
ing a slender shaft, a pointed head, and feathers at the thra-tska-pikv adj
butt 2 : a pointed mark used to indicate direction ar-ti-choke \'iir-t;)-,chok\ n [It dial. articiocco, ultim. fro Ar
ar-row-head \'ar-o-,hed\ n : the pointed end of an arrow al-khurshisft : a tall herb related to the daisies; also: its ed-
ar-row-root \-,riit, -,rut\ n : an edible starch from the roots ible flower head
of any of several tropical American plants; also: a plant ar-ti-cle \'ar-ti-bl\ n [ME, fr. AF, fr. L articulus joint, divi-
yielding arrowroot sion, dim. of artus joint, limb] 1 : a distinct part of a writ-
ar-royo \;)-'r6i-;), -0\ n, pl-royos [Sp] 1 : a watercourse in a ten document 2 + : a nonfictional prose composition
dry region 2: a water-carved gully or channel
forming an independent part of a publication 3: a word
ar-se-nal \'iirs-n;)l, 'ars-n-;)I\ n [ultim. fro Ar dar sirui'a
(as an, the) used with a noun to limit or give definiteness
house of manufacture] 1 + : a place for making and stor-
ing arms and military equipment 2: STORE, REPERTORY to its application 4: a member of a class of things; esp
+ armory, depot, dump, magazine - more at ARMORY
ar-se-nic \'ars-nik, 'ars-n-ik\ n 1 : a solid brittle poisonous
+ composition, essay, paper, theme - more at ESSAY
chemical element of grayish metallic luster 2 : a very poi- ar-tlc-u-lar \ar-'ti-ky;)-I;)r\ adj : of or relating to a joint
sonous oxygen compound of arsenic used in making in- 'artieu.late \iir-'ti-ky;)-I;)t\ adj 1 : divided into meaningful
secticides parts : INTELLIGIBLE 2 + : able to speak; also : expressing
ar-son \'ars-n\ n : the willful or malicious burning of oneself readily and effectively 3: JOINTED - ar-tic-u-late-
property - ar-son-ist \-ist\ n Iyadv- n
'art \'iirt\ n 1 : skill acquired by experience or study 2: a + eloquent, fluent, well-spoken; also facile, glib, volu-
branch of learning; esp : one of the humanities 3: an oc- ble Ant inarticulate
cupation requiring knowledge or skill 4 + : the use of 2ar.tic.u.late \-,Iat\ vb -lat-ed: -lat-inq 1 a + : to give clear
skill and imagination in the production of things of and effective utterance to <~ their grievances> b: to ut-
beauty; also: works so produced 5: ARTFULNESS ter distinctly <~ each note in the musical phrase> 2: to
+ adeptness, adroitness, artfulness, artifice, artistry, unite by or as if by joints
cleverness, craft, cunning, deftness, masterfulness, skill + clothe, couch, express, formulate, phrase, put, say,
- more at SKlLL state, word - more at PHRASE
2art abbr 1 article 2 artificial 3 artillery ar-tlc-u-Iate-ness \-n;)s\ n + : the quality or state of being
ar-te-ri-al \ar-'tir-e-;)I\ adj 1 : of or relating to an artery;
also: relating to or being the oxygenated blood found in
most arteries 2: of, relating to, or being a route for + eloquence, poetry, rhetoric - more at ELOQUENCE
through traffic ar-tlc-u-ta-tlon \-,ti-ky;)-'Ia-sh;)n\ n 1 +: the act of giving
ar-te-ri-ole \iir-'tir-e-,ol\ n : one of the small terminal utterance or expression 2: the act or manner of articu-
branches of an artery that ends in capillaries - ar-te-rl-o- lating sounds
lar \-,tir-e-'o-I;)r\ adj + expression, formulation, statement, utterance, voice
ar-te-rio-scle-ro-sis \ar-, tir-e-o-skla-tro-sasv n : a chronic - more at EXPRESSION
disease in which arterial walls are abnormally thickened er-n-tact \'iir-t;)-,fakt\ n : something made or modified by
and hardened - ar-te-rio-scle-rot-ic \-'rii-tik\ adj or n humans usu. for a purpose; esp : an object remaining
ar-tery \'iir-t;)-re\ n, pl-teries 1 : one of the tubular vessels
that carry blood from the heart 2 + : a main channel of
from another time or culture <prehistoric ~s>
ar-tl-flce \'ar-t;)-f;)s\ n 1 a + : clever or artful skill b: an in-
transportation or communication
genious device 2 a +: an artful stratagem : TRlCK
+ avenue, highway, road, route, thoroughfare, turn- b + : false or insincere behavior
pike, way - more at WAY
+ [la] adeptness, adroitness, art, artfulness, artistry,
ar-te-sian well \iir-'te-zh;m-\ n : a well from which the water cleverness, craft, cunning, deftness, masterfulness, skill
flows to the surface by natural pressure; also: a deep well - more at SKILL + [2a] device, dodge, gimmick, jig,
art-ful \'iirt-f;)l\ adj 1 + : performed with or showing art or
ploy, scheme, sleight, stratagem, trick, wile - more at
skill <an ~ performance on the violin> 2 a + : using or
TRICK + [2b] craft, craftiness, crookedness, cunning,
characterized by art and skill <an ~ writer) b + : adroit deceit, deceitfulness, dishonesty, dissimulation, double-
in attaining an end uSU. by deceptive or indirect means dealing, duplicity, guile, wiliness - more at DECEIT
: CRAFTY - adv
ar-ti-fi-cer \ar-'ti-f;)-s:lr, 'iir-t:l-f;)-s:lr\ n + : a skilled worker
+ [1] adroit, dexterous, masterful, practiced, skillful,
virtuoso - more at SKlLLFUL + [2a] clever, creative, + artisan, craftsman, handicrafter - more at ARTISAN
imaginative, ingenious - more at CLEVER + [2b] cagey, ar-tl-ti-clal \,ar-t;)-'fi-sh;)l\ adj 1 + : produced by art rather
crafty, cunning, devious, foxy, guileful, slick, sly, sub- than nature; also : made by humans to imitate nature
tle, wily; also astute, cute, facile, glib, sharp, shrewd Ant 2 + : not genuine : FEIGNED - \-,fi-she-'a-
artless, ingenuous I:I-te\ n - adv - ar-tl-fl-clal-ness n
45 ash
+ [1) fake, faux, imitation, mock, sham, synthetic- 3as pron 1 : THAT - used after same or such <it's the same
more at IMITATION + [2) affected, assumed, bogus, con- price r--- before) 2: a fact that <he's rich, "" you know)
trived, false, feigned, insincere, mechanical, phony, put= 'as prep; in the capacity or character of <this will serve -
on, spurious, unnatural; also automatic, canned, a substitute)
concocted, fabricated, labored, manufactured, unau- As symbol arsenic
thentic, unreal, unrealistic Ant genuine, natural, spon- AS abbr 1 American Samoa 2 Anglo-Saxon 3 associate in
taneous, unfeigned, unforced science
artificial insemination n ; introduction of semen into the asa-tet-l-da or asa-foe-ti-da \,a-S;}-'fi-I;}-de, -'fe-I;}-d;}\ n ; an
uterus or oviduct by other than natural means ill-smelling plant gum formerly used in medicine
artificial intelligence n ; the capability of a machine and ASAP abbr as soon as possible
esp, a computer to imitate intelligent human behavior as-bes-tos \as-'bes-t;}s, az-\ n ; a noncombustible grayish
artificial respiration n ; the rhythmic forcing of air into and mineral that occurs in fibrous form and has been used as
out of the lungs of a person whose breathing has stopped a fireproof material
ar-til-lery \ar-'ti-l;}-re\ n, pi -Ier-ies 1; crew-served as-cend \;}-'send\ vb 1 + : to move upward; MOUNT, CLIMB
mounted firearms (as guns) 2; a branch of the army 2 : to succeed to : occupy <he ",ed the throne)
armed with artillery - ar-tll-ler-ist \-rist\ n + arise, climb, lift, mount, rise, soar, up; also boost, el-
ar-ti-san \'ar-t;}-z;}n, -sanv n + : a skilled manual worker evate, raise, uplift, upraise Ant decline, descend, dip,
+ artificer, craftsman, handicrafter; also artist, maker drop, fall (off)
as-cen-dan-cy also as-cen-den-cy \;}-'sen-d;}n-se\ n + : con-
art-ist \'ar-tist\ n 1 : one who practices an imaginative art;
trolling influence
esp : one who creates objects of beauty 2; ARTISTE
3 + ; one who is adept at something + dominance, dominion, predominance, preeminence,
supremacy - more at SUPREMACY
+ adept, authority, expert, master, virtuoso, whiz, wiz-
ard - more at EXPERT 'as-cenodant also as-cen-dent \;}-'sen-d;}nt\ n : a dominant
ar-tiste \ar-'test\ n : a skilled public performer
'ascendant also ascendent ad} 1 : moving upward 2; DOM-
ar-tls-tlc \ar-'tis-tik\ ad} 1 ; of, relating to, or characteris-
tic of art or artists 2: showing taste and skill - ar-tts-tl-
as-cen-sion \;}-'sen-ch;}n\ n ; the act or process of ascend- \-ti-k(;}- )le\ adv
art-ist-ry \'ar-t;}-stre\ n + : artistic quality or ability Ascension Day n : the Thursday 40 days after Easter ob-
+ adeptness, adroitness, art, artfulness, artifice, clever- served in commemoration of Christ's ascension into
ness, craft, cunning, deftness, masterfulness, skill- heaven
more at SKlLL as-cent \;}-'sent\ n 1 a + : the act of mounting upward
art-less \'m-l;}s\ ad} 1 : lacking art or skill 2 a + ; made ; CLIMB b: an upward slope or rising grade 2 + : an ad-
without skill; CRUDE b : free from artificiality: NATURAL vance in social status or reputation
3 + : free from guile ; SINCERE + [la) climb, rise, soar; also boost, hike, increase, raise
+ [2a) clumsy, crude, rough, rude, unrefined - more Ant descent, dip, drop, fall + [2) advancement, eleva-
at RUDE + [3) genuine, honest, ingenuous, innocent, tion, promotion, rise, upgrade - more at ADVANCEMENT
naive, natural, real, simple, sincere, true, unaffected, as-cer-tain \,as-;}r-'tan\ vb + ; to learn with certainty - as-
unpretentious cer-tain-able ad}
art-less-ly \-Ie\ adv + : in an artless manner + catch on, discover, find out, hear, learn, realize, see
+ ingenuously, naively, naturally, unaffectedly - more - more at DISCOVER + detect, determine, discover, fer-
at NATURALLY ret out, find, hit on, locate, track down - more at FIND
art-tees-ness \-n;}s\ n + : the quality or state of being art- as-cet-ic \;}-'se-tik\ ad} : practicing self-denial esp. for spir-
less itual reasons: AUSTERE - ascetic n - as-cet-i-cism \-'se-
+ greenness, ingenuousness, innocence, naivete, natu- to-jsi-zam', n
ralness, simplicity, unworldliness - more at NAIVETe ASCII \'as-ke\ n [American Standard Code for Information
art nou-veau \,ar-nii-'vo, ,art-\ n, often cap A&N [F, lit., Interchange) ; a computer code for representing alphanu-
new art) : a late 19th century design style characterized meric information
by sinuous lines and leaf-shaped forms ascor-bic acid \a-'sk6r-bik-\ n ; VITAMIN C
arty \'ar-te\ ad} art-i-er; -est : showily or pretentiously artis- as-cot \'as-k;}t, -,kat\ n [Ascot Heath, racetrack near Ascot,
tic - art-i-ly \'art-Ol-e\ adv - art-i-ness n England) : a broad neck scarf that is looped under the
ar-um \'ar-;}m\ n ; any of a family of plants (as the jack-in= chin
the-pulpit or a skunk cabbage) with flowers in a fleshy as-cribe \;}-'skrib\ vb as-cribed; as-crib-inq + : to refer to a
enclosed spike supposed cause, source, or author: ATTRIBUTE - as-crib-
ARV abbr American Revised Version able ad} - as-crlp-ticn \-'skrip-sh;}n\ n
'-ary n suffix : thing or person belonging to or connected + accredit, attribute, credit, impute - more at CREDIT
with <functionary) asep-tic \a-'sep-tik\ ad} + ; free or freed from disease=
'-ary ad} suffix : of, relating to, or connected with <budget- causing germs
ary) + hygienic, sanitary, sterile - more at SANITARY \'ar-e-;}n, 'er-; 'ar-y;}n\ ad} 1 ; INDO-EUROPEAN asex-u-al \ii-'sek-sh;}-w;}l\ ad} 1 ; lacking sex or functional
2 : NORDIC - Aryan n sex organs 2: occurring or formed without the produc-
'as \;}z, (,)az\ adv 1; to the same degree or amount tion and union of two kinds of germ cells <'" reproduc-
: EQUALLY <'" green as grass) 2: for instance <various tion) - asex-u-at-ty adv
trees, "" oak or pine) 3: when considered in a specified as for prep: with regard to : CONCERNING <as/or the others,
relation <my opinion - distinguished from hiS> they were late>
'as coni 1 : in the same amount or degree in which <green 'ash \'ash\ n 1 ; any of a genus of trees related to the olive
'" grass) 2: in the same way that <farmed", his father and having winged seeds and bark with grooves and
before him had farmed) 3: WHILE, WHEN <spoke to me "" ridges 2: the tough elastic wood of an ash
I was leaving) 4: THOUGH <improbable '" it seems) 'ash n 1: the solid matter left when material is burned
5 ; SINCE, BECAUSE <"" I'm not wanted, I'll go> 6: that the 2: fine mineral particles from a volcano 3pl: the remains
result is <so guilty e-> to leave no doubt) of the dead human body after cremation or disintegration
ashamed 46
ashamed \a-'shamd\ adj 1 + : feeling shame 2: restrained aso-cial \(,)a-'so-shal\ adj : ANTISOCIAL
by anticipation of shame <~ to say anything) - asham- as of prep: AT, DURING, FROM, ON <takes effect as of July I)
edly \-'sha-mad-H5\ adv asp \'asp\ n : a small poisonous African snake
+ contrite, guilty, hangdog, penitent, remorseful, re- as-par-a-gus \a-'spar-a-gas\ n : a tall branching perennial
pentant, shamefaced - more at GUILTY herb related to the lilies; also: its edible young stalks
ash-en \'a-shan\ adj + : resembling ashes (as in color); esp as-par-tame \as-'par-, tam \ n : a crystalline low-calorie
: deadly pale sweetener
+ cadaverous, livid, lurid, pale, pasty, peaked - more ASPCA abbr American Society for the Prevention of Cru-
at PALE elty to Animals
ash-lar \'ash-Iar\ n : hewn or squared stone; also: masonry as-pect \'as-,pekt\ n 1 : a position facing a particular di-
of such stone rection 2 + : a particular appearance or countenance
: APPEARANCE, LOOK 3 : a particular status or phase in
ashore \a-'shor\ adv : on or to the shore
as how coni : THAT <allowed as how she was glad to be here) which something appears or may be regarded
ash-ram \'ash-ram\ n : a religious retreat esp. of a Hindu + [2] appearance, look, mien, presence - more at AP-
sage PEARANCE + [3] angle, facet, hand, phase, side; also air,
ash-tray \'ash-,tra\ n : a receptacle for tobacco ashes appearance, character, color, complexion, condition,
Ash Wednesday n : the 1st day of Lent face, look, semblance, shape, state, visage
ashy \'a-she\ adj ash-i-er; -est : resembling ashes (as in as-pen "as-pan\ n : any of several poplars with leaves that
color); esp : deadly pale: ASHEN flutter in the slightest breeze
Asian \'a-zhan\ adj : of, relating to, or characteristic of the as per \'az-,par\prep : in accordance with <as per instruc-
continent of Asia or its people - Asian n tions)
'aside \a-'sid\ adv 1 : to or toward the side <stepped ~) as-per-i-ty \a-'sper-a-H5\ n, pi -ties 1 +: a characteristic
2: out of the way: AWAY <put ~ some savings) making for hardship: RIGOR 2: ROUGHNESS 3 + : harsh-
2aside n : an actor's words heard by the audience but sup- ness of manner or temper
posedly not by other characters on stage + [1] adversity, difficulty, hardness, hardship, rigor-
aside from prep 1 : BESIDES <asidefrom being pretty, she's more at DIFFICULTY + [3] acidity, acrimony, bitterness,
intelligent) 2 + : with the exception of <aside from one D cattiness, tartness, virulence, vitriol - more at ACRI-
his grades are excellent) MONY
+ bar, barring, besides, but, except, outside (of), save as-per-sion \a-'spar-zhan\ n : a slanderous or defamatory
as if conj 1 : as it would be if <it's as if nothing had remark
changed) 2: as one would if <he acts as if he'd never as-phalt \'as-,fclt\ also as-phal-tum \as-'fcl-tam\ n : a dark
been away) 3: THAT <it seems as if nothing ever happens substance found in natural beds or obtained as a residue
around here) in petroleum refining and used esp. in paving streets
as-i-nine \'as-'n-,in\ adj [L asininus, fr. asinus ass] + : ex- asphalt jungle n : a big city or a specified part of a big city
tremely or utterly foolish as-pho-del \'as-fa-,del\ n : any of several Old World herbs
+ absurd, crazy, cuckoo, fatuous, foolish, mad, nonsen- related to the lilies and bearing flowers in long erect
sical, nutty, senseless, silly, stupid - more at FOOLISH spikes
as-t-nln-l-ty \,a-sa-'ni-na-te\ n 1 + : the quality or state of as-phyx-Ia \as-'fik-se-a\ n : a lack of oxygen or excess of
being asinine 2: something that is asinine carbon dioxide in the body usu. caused by interruption of
breathing and causing unconsciousness
+ craziness, daftness, folly, foolishness, inanity, insan-
ity, lunacy, madness, silliness as-phyx-i-ate \-se-,at\ vb -at-ed; : SUFFOCATE - as-
ask \'ask\ vb asked \'askt\; 1 + : to call on for an
phyx-l-a-tion \-,fik-se-'a-shan\ n
as-pic \'as-pik\ n [F, lit., asp] : a savory meat jelly
answer 2: UTTER <~ a question) 3: to make a request
as-pi-rant \'as-pa-rant, a-'spi-rant\ n + : one who aspires
of <~ him for help) 4 + : to make a request for <~ help
of her) 5 + : to set as a price <~ed $800 for the car) + applicant, campaigner, candidate, contender, hope-
6 : to increase the likelihood of : INVITE ful, prospect, seeker - more at CANDIDATE
+ [1] inquire of, interrogate, query, question, quiz; also tas-pl-rate \'as-pa-rat\ n 1 : an independent sound \h\ or a
cross-examine, examine, grill, pump Ant answer, reply, character (as the letter h) representing it 2: a consonant
respond + usu ask for [4] call, plead, quest, request, having aspiration as its final component
seek, solicit, sue; also apply (for), beg (for), clamor (for) 2as.pi.rate \'as-pa-,rat\ vb -rat-ed; -rat-lnq : to draw, remove,
(or clamour (for, urge + [5] charge, command, de- or take up or into by suction
mand - more at CHARGE as-pi-ra-tion \,as-pa-'ra-shan\ n 1 : the pronunciation or
askance \a-'skans\ adv 1 : with a side glance 2 + : with addition of an aspirate; also: the aspirate or its symbol
distrust 2 : a drawing of something in, out, up, or through by or as
+ distrustfully, dubiously, mistrustfully, suspiciously; if by suction 3 a : a strong desire to achieve something
also hesitantly Ant trustfully noble b + : an object of strong desire
askew \a-'skyii\ adj + : being out of line: AWRY - askew + aim, ambition, design, dream, end, goal, intent, ob-
adv ject, objective, purpose - more at GOAL
+ awry, cockeyed, crooked, listing, lopsided, slantwise, as-pire \a-'spir\ vb as-pired: 1 + : to seek to at-
uneven - more at AWRY tain or accomplish a particular goal 2: to rise aloft
ASL abbr American Sign Language + aim, contemplate, design, intend, plan, propose-
'aslant \a-'slant\ adv or adi : in a slanting direction more at INTEND
2aslant prep : over or across in a slanting direction as-pl-rin Vas-pa-rcn', n, pl aspirin or aspirins 1 : a white
asleep \a-'slep\ adv or adj 1 + : in or into a state of sleep crystalline drug used to relieve pain and fever 2 : a tablet
2 : DEAD 3 + : lacking sensation : NUMB 4: INACTIVE of aspirin
[1] dormant; also drowsy, nodding, sleepy, slumber- as regards also as respects prep : in regard to : with re-
ous, somnolent Ant awake, wakeful, wide-awake spect to
+ [3] dead, numb, unfeeling - more at NUMB ass \'as\ n 1 +: any of several long-eared mammals
as long as conj 1 : provided that <do as you like as long as smaller than the related horses; esp : one of Africa ances-
you get home on time> 2: INASMUCH AS, SINCE <as long as tral to the donkey 2: a stupid person
you're up, turn on the light> donkey, jackass - more at DONKEY
47 assignment
as-san \::>-'siil\ vb : to attack violently with blows or as-sent \::>-'sent\ vb + : to join with others in agreement
words - as-sall-able adj - as-san-ant n : AGREE - assent n
abuse, attack, belabor, blast, castigate, excoriate, + accede, acquiesce, agree, come round, consent, sub-
jump, lambaste, slam, vituperate - more at ATTACK scribe (to) - more at ACCEDE
assault, attack, beset, charge, descend, jump, pounce as-sert \::>-'s::>rt\ vb 1 + : to state positively 2: to demon-
(on or upon), raid, rush, storm, strike - more at ATTACK strate the existence of
as-sas-sin \::>-'5as-'n\ n [ML assassin us, fr. Ar "Qashshiishfn, + affirm, aver, avouch, avow, declare, lay down, pro-
pl. of "Qashshiish worthless person, lit., hashish-user, fr. fess; also advance, advertise, boost, plug, promote, pub-
hashish hashish) : a murderer esp. for hire or fanatical licize + argue, contend, maintain, plead, reason-
reasons more at ARGUE + allege, aver, avouch, avow, claim, con-
ae-sas-si-nete \::>-'sas-'n-,at\ vb -nat-ed; : to murder tend, declare, insist, maintain, profess, protest, warrant
by sudden or secret attack - as-sas-sl-na-tlcn \-,sas-'n- - more at CLAIM
'a-sh::>n\ n as-ser-tion \::>-'s::>r-sh::>n\ n : a positive statement
'assault \::>-'so1t\ n 1 : a violent attack 2: an unlawful at- + argument, contention, thesis - more at CONTENTION
tempt or threat to do harm to another + affirmation, avowal, claim, declaration, profession,
aggression, attack, charge, descent, offense (or of- protestation - more at PROTESTATION
fence), offensive, onset, onslaught, raid, rush, strike - as-ser-tive \::>-'s::>r-tiv\ ad} + : disposed to or characterized
more at ATTACK by bold or confident assertion
'assault vb : to make an assault on aggressive, dynamic, emphatic, energetic, forceful,
assail, attack, beset, charge, descend, jump, pounce resounding, strenuous, vehement, vigorous - more at
(on or upon), raid, rush, storm, strike - more at ATTACK EMPHATIC
assault rifle n : a military automatic rifle with a large' as-ser-tive-ness \-n::>s\ n + : the quality or state of being as-
capacity magazine sertive
'as.say \'a-,sa, a-'sa\ n : analysis to determine the quan- + emphasis, fierceness, intensity, vehemence - more
tity of one or more components present in a sample (as of at VEHEMENCE
an ore or drug) as-sess \::>-'ses\ vb 1 +: to fix the rate or amount of
analysis, breakdown, breakup, dissection - more at 2 + : to impose (as a tax) at a specified rate 3: to evalu-
ANALYSIS ate for taxation 4 + : to determine the importance, size,
'assay \a-'sa, 'a-,sa\ vb 1 : to make an attempt at : TRY or value of <- the problem) - assessor \-'se-s::>r\ n
2 + : to subject (as an ore or drug) to an assay 3: JUOOE [I, 2] charge, exact, fine, impose, lay, levy, put-
3 more at IMPOSE + [4] appraise, estimate, evaluate, rate,
+ [I) attempt, endeavor (or endeavour), essay, seek, set, value - more at ESTIMATE
strive, try - more at ATTEMPT. [2) analyze, anatomize, as-sess-ment \-m::>nt\ n 1 : the action or an instance of
break down, break up, dissect - more at ANALYZE assessing: APPRAISAL 2 : the amount assessed
as-sem-blaqe \::>-'sem-blij, 3 & 4 also ,as-,am-'bliizh\ n [1] appraisal, estimate, estimation, evaluation, reck-
1 : a collection of persons or things 2: the act of as- oning, valuation - more at ESTIMATE [2] duty, im-
sembling 3: an artistic composition made from scraps, post, levy, tax - more at TAX
junk, and odds and ends 4: the art of making assemblages as-set \'a-,set\ n 1 pi + : the entire property of a person or
assembly, conference, congregation, convocation, company that may be used to pay debts 2: ADVANTAGE,
gathering, meeting, muster - more at GATHERING. ac- RESOURCE
cumulation, array, bunch, collection, group, lot, pack- + capital, fortune, means, opulence, riches, substance,
age, parcel wealth, wherewithal- more at WEALTH
as-sem-ble \::>-'sem-b::>1\ vb -bled; -bling 1 + : to collect into as-sev-er-ate \::>-'se-v::>-,rat\ vb -at-ed; -at-lnq : to assert
one place 2 + : to fit together the parts of 3 + : to meet
earnestly - as-sev-er-a-tion \-,se-v::>-'ra-sh::>n\ n
together: CONVENE
ae-si-du-l-ty \,a-s::>-'dii-::>-te, -'dyii-\ n + : the quality or state
+ [1) accumulate, amass, collect, concentrate, gamer, of being assiduous
gather, group, lump, pick up, round up, scrape - more
+ diligence, industry - more at DILIGENCE
at GATHER. [2) build, construct, erect, fabricate, make,
make up, piece, put up, raise, rear, set up - more at as-std-u-cus \::>-'si-j::>-w::>s\ adi + : marked by careful un-
BUILD + [3] cluster, collect, concentrate, conglomerate, remitting attention or persistent application: DILIGENT
congregate, convene, forgather, gather, meet, ren- + active, busy, diligent, engaged, laborious, occupied,
dezvous; also affiliate, ally, associate, band (together), sedulous, working - more at BUSY
club, collaborate, confederate, conjoin, consolidate, co- as-slo-u-ous-ly \::>-'si-j::>-w::>s-le\ adv : in an assiduous manner
operate, consort, couple, federate, gang (up), join, as-sld-u-ous-ness \-n::>s\ n : the quality or state of being as-
merge, unite Ant break up, disband, disperse, split up siduous
as-sem-bly \::>-'sem-ble\ n, pl-blies 1 + : a gathering of per- as-slqn \::>-'sin\ vb 1 + : to transfer (property) to another
sons : MEETING 2 cap : a legislative body; esp : the lower 2 : to appoint to or as a duty <- a lesson) 3: FIX, SPEC-
house of a legislature 3: a signal for troops to assemble IFY <- a limit) 4: ASCRIBE <- a reason) - as-slqn-eble adj
4 : the fitting together of parts (as of a machine) + [I] cede, deed, make over, transfer - more at TRANS-
assemblage, conference, congregation, convocation, FER + [2] appoint, attach, commission, constitute, des-
gathering, meeting, muster - more at GATHERING ignate, detail, name - more at APPOINT
assembly language n : a computer language consisting of as-stq-na-tion \,a-sig-'na-sh::>n\ n : an appointment for a
mnemonic codes corresponding to machine-language in- meeting; esp : TRYST
structions assigned risk n : a poor risk (as an accident-prone mo-
assembly line n : an arrangement of machines, equipment, torist) that an insurance company is forced to insure by
and workers in which work passes from operation to op- state law
eration in a direct line as-siqn-rnent \::>-'sin-m::>nt\ n 1: the act of assigning
as-sem-bly-man \::>-'sem-ble-m::>n\ n : a member of a leg- 2 + : something assigned
islative assembly + chore, duty, job, stint, task - more at CHORE
as-sem-bly-wom-an \-,wU-m::>n\ n : a woman who is a mem- + charge, job, mission, operation, post - more at MIS-
ber of an assembly SION
assimilate 48
as-sim-i-late \a-'si-ma-,Iiit\ vb -Iat-ed; -lat-inq 1 : to take heterogeneous, miscellaneous, mixed, motley, varied
up and absorb as nourishment; also: to absorb into a cul- - more at MISCELLANEOUS
tural tradition 2: COMPREHEND 3: to make or become as-sort-ment \-'sort-mant\ n 1 a : the act of assorting
similar - as-slm-l-la-non \-,si-ma-'Iii-shan\ n b : the state of being assorted 2.: a collection of as-
embody, incorporate, integrate - more at EMBODY sorted things or persons
'as.sist \a-'sist\ vb : to give support or aid: HELP [lb] diversity, miscellaneous, variety - more at VA-
RIETY [2] clutter, jumble, medley, melange, miscel-
abet, aid, back, help, prop, support - more at HELP
lany, motley, muddle, variety, welter - more at
2assist n 1 : an act of assistance 2: the action of a player MISCELLANY
who enables a teammate to make a putout (as in baseball)
asst abbr assistant
or score a goal (as in hockey)
as-suage \a-'swiij\ vb as-suaqed: assuaging 1 : to make
aid, assistance, backing, boost, help, lift, support- (as pain or grief) less: EASE 2 : to put an end to by sat-
more at HELP isfying
as-sis-tance \-'sis-tans\ n : the act of assisting or the help [1] allay, alleviate, ease, help, mitigate, mollify, palli-
supplied ate, relieve, soothe - more at HELP [2] quench, sate,
aid, assist, backing, boost, help, lift, support - more satiate, satisfy
at HELP as-sume \a-'siim\ vb as-sumed; as-sum-lnq 1 : to take
as-sis-tant \a-'sis-tant\ n : a person who assists: HELPER upon oneself 2 : to pretend to have or be 3 : to take
aid, apprentice, deputy, helper, helpmate, mate, side- as granted or true though not proved
kick - more at HELPER [1] accept, bear, shoulder, take over, undertake; also
as-sist-ed living \a-'sis-tad-\ n : a system of housing and adopt, embrace Ant disavow, disclaim, disown, repudi-
limited care for senior citizens who need assistance with ate [2] affect, counterfeit, fake, feign, pretend, pro-
daily activities but do not require care in a nursing home fess, put on, sham, simulate - more at FEIGN
as-sue \a-'siz\ n [ME assise, fr. AF, session, legal action, fr. [3] postulate, premise, presume, presuppose, sup-
asseer, asseoir to seat, fr. VL "assedere, fr. L assidere to sit pose; also accept, believe, credit, swallow
beside] 1 : a judicial inquest 2pl: the former regular ses- as-sumed \a-'siimd\ adj 1 : not real or genuine (an -
sions of superior courts in English counties cheerfulness> (a - name> 2 : taken for granted: SUP-
assn abbr association POSED
assoc abbr associate; associated; association [l] affected. artificial, bogus, contrived, fake, false,
'as,sQoCi.ate \a-'so-she-,iit, -se-\ vb -at-ed: -at-lnq 1 .: to feigned, phony, put-on, sham - more at ARTIFICIAL
join in companionship or partnership 2 : to connect in [2] apparent, evident, ostensible, reputed, seeming,
thought supposed - more at APPARENT
[1] ally, band, club, confederate, conjoin, cooperate, as-sump-tion \a-'samp-shan \ n 1 : the taking up of a per-
federate, league, unite - more at ALLY [l] chum, son into heaven 2 cap: August 15 observed in commem-
consort, fraternize, hang around, hobnob, pal; also af- oration of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary 3: a taking
filiate, ally, attach, band, bond, club, collaborate, con- upon oneself 4 : PRETENSION 5 a : an assuming that some-
federate, conjoin, connect, cooperate, couple, gang, get thing is true b : a fact or statement taken for granted
along, group, hook, interrelate, join, knot, league, link, : SUPPOSITION
mingle, mix, rally, relate, side, socialize, team, tie, wed postulate, premise, presumption, supposition; also
[2] connect, correlate, identify, link, relate; also com- hypothesis, proposition, theory, thesis
pare, equate, liken as-sur-ance \a-'shtir-ans\ n 1 : PLEDGE 2 chiefly Brit: IN-
2as'sQoCiate v-she-at, -se-; -shatv n 1 : a fellow worker: PART- SURANCE 3: the state of being assured: as a: SECURITY
NER 2.: one that accompanies another : COMPANION b : a being certain in the mind c : confidence of mind
3 often cap : a degree conferred esp. by a junior college or manner; also: excessive self-confidence
(- in arts> - associate adj [3b] certainty, certitude, confidence, conviction, pos-
cohort, companion, comrade, crony, fellow, mate; itiveness, sureness - more at CONFIDENCE. [3c] aplomb,
also colleague, coworker, equal, peer confidence, self-assurance, self-confidence, self-esteem-
as-so-el-a-tion \a-,so-she-'ii-shan, -se-\ n 1 a : the act of as- more at CONFIDENCE
sociating b.: the state of being associated 2 : an or- as-sure \a-'shur\ vb as-sured: 1 : to make safe
ganization of persons: SOCIETY 2 : to give confidence to 3: to state confidently to 4: to
[Ib] affiliation, alliance, collaboration, confedera- make certain the coming or attainment of
tion, connection, cooperation, hookup, liaison, partner- cinch, ensure, guarantee, guaranty, insure, secure-
ship, relation, relationship, union; also business, more at ENSURE
dealings, interaction Ant dissociation [2] brother- 'as.sured \a-'shtird\ adj 1 : sure of oneself 2 : satisfied
hood, club, college, congress, council, fellowship, fra- as to the certainty or truth of a matter
ternity, guild, institute, institution, league, order, [l] confident, secure, self-assured, self-confident-
organization, society; also collective, commune, com- more at CONFIDENT. [2] certain, clear, cocksure, confi-
munity, cooperative dent, doubtless, positive, sanguine, sure - more at CER-
as-so-cia-tive \a-'so-she-,ii-tiv, -se-; -sho-tivv adj : of, relat- TAIN
ing to, or involved in association esp. of ideas or images 2assured n, pi assured or assureds: INSURED
as-so-nance Va-sa-naris', n : repetition of vowels esp, as an as-ta-tine \'as-ta-,ten\ n : an unstable radioactive chemical
alternative to rhyme in verse - as-so-nant \-nant\ adj or element
n as-ter \'as-tar\ n : any of various mostly fall-blooming
as soon as conj : immediately at or shortly after the time leafy-stemmed composite herbs with daisylike purple,
that (we'll start as soon as they arrive> white, pink, or yellow flower heads
as-sort \a-'sort\ vb 1 .: to distribute into like groups as-ter-isk \'as-ta-,risk\ n [L asteriscus, fr. Gk asteriskos, lit.,
: CLASSLFY 2 : HARMONIZE little star, dim. of aster star] : a character * used as a ref-
break down, categorize, class, classify, grade, group, erence mark or as an indication of the omission of letters
peg, place, range, rank, separate, sort - more at CLAS- or words
SIFY astern \a-'stam\ adv or adj 1 : in, at, or toward the stern
as-sert-ed \-'sor-tad\ adj : consisting of various kinds 2: BACKWARD
49 atheneum
as-ter-oid \'as-ta-,roid\ n : any of the numerous small ce- colossal, enormous, giant, gigantic, ginormous, huge,
lestial bodies found esp. between Mars and Jupiter prodigious, titanic, tremendous, whopping - more at
asth-ma \'az-ma\ n : a chronic lung disorder marked by re- HUGE
current episodes of labored breathing, a feeling of tight- astronomical unit n : a unit of length used in astronomy
ness in the chest, and coughing - astb-mat-lc equal to the mean distance of the earth from the sun or
\az-'ma-tik\ ad} or n about 93 million miles (150 million kilometers)
as though conj : as it would be or as one would do if : AS IF as-tron-o-my \a-'stra-na-me\ n, pi -mies : the science of ob-
astig-ma-tism \a-'stig-ma-,ti-zam\ n : a defect in a lens or jects and matter beyond the earth's atmosphere - as-
an eye causing improper focusing - as-tig-mat-ic \,as-tig- tron-o-mer \-mar\ n
'ma-tik\ ad} as-tro-phys-ics \,as-tra-'fi-ziks\ n : astronomy dealing esp.
astir \a-'star\ ad} 1 : exhibiting activity 2: being out of with the physical properties and dynamic processes of ce-
bed lestial objects - as-tro-phys-i-cal v-zl-kol', adj - as-tro-
phys-i-cist \-'fi-za-sist\ n
alive, animated, busy, lively, vibrant - more at ALIVE
as-tute \a-'stiit, -'stylit, a-\ adj [L astutus, fro astus craft]
as to prep 1 : ABOtIT, co CERNlNG (uncertain as to what + : shrewdly discerning; also: WlL Y - as-tute-ly adv
went on) 2: ACCORDING TO (graded as to size) canny, hardheaded, knowing, sharp, shrewd, smart,
as-ton-ish \a-'sta-nish\ vb : to strike with sudden and wily - more at SHREWD
usu. great wonder: AMAZE as-tute-ness n : the quality or state of being astute
amaze, astound, bowl, dumbfound, flabbergast, acumen, caginess, canniness, hardheadedness, intelli-
floor, shock, startle, stun, stupefy, surprise - more at gence, keenness, sharpness, shrewdness, wit - more at
as-ton-ish-ing \-il)\ adj : causing astonishment: SURPRIS- asun-der \a-'san-dar\ adv or adj 1 : into separate pieces
ING - as-ton-ish-ing-ly adv (tom "') 2: separated in position from each other
amazing, astounding, eye-opening, shocking, star- ASV abbr American Standard Version
tling, stunning, surprising - more at SURPRISING 'as well as coni : and in addition: and moreover (brave as
as-ton-ish-ment \-m::>nt\ n + : the state of being astonished well as loyal)
amazement, awe, wonder, wonderment - more at 2as well as prep: in addition to : BESIDES (the coach, as well
WONDER as the team, is ready)
as-tound \a-'staund\ vb +: to fill with bewilderment or asy-lum \a-'sl-Iam\ n [ME, fro L, fro Gk asylon, neut. of asy-
los inviolable, fr. a- not + sylon right of seizure] 1 : a
wonder - as-tound-ing-ly adv
place of refuge 2: protection given to esp, political fugi-
amaze, astonish, bowl, dumbfound, flabbergast, tives 3: an institution for the care of the needy or sick
floor, shock, startle, stun, stupefy, surprise - more at and esp. of the insane
haven, refuge, retreat, sanctuary, shelter - more at
as-tound-ing \-il)\ ad} : causing astonishment or amaze- SHELTER
ment asym-met-ri-cal \,a-sa-'me-tri-kal\ or asym-met-ric \-trik\
amazing, astonishing, awesome, fabulous, marvelous adj : not symmetrical - asym-me-try \(,)a-'si-ma-tre\ n
(or marvellous), prodigious, stunning, stupendous, sur- as-ymp-tote Va-samp-jtot', n : a straight line that is associ-
prising, wonderful - more at MARVELOUS ated with a curve and tends to approximate it along an in-
'astrad-dle \a-'strad-'l\ adv : on or above and extending finite branch - as-ymp-tot-ic \,a-samp-'ta-tik\ ad)-
onto both sides as-ymp-tot-i-cal-ly \-ti-k(a-)le\ adv
2astraddle prep: ASTRIDE at \at, (')at\ prep 1 - used to indicate a point in time or
as-tra-khan \'as-tra-kan, -,kan\ n, often cap 1 : karakul of space (be here e-> 3 o'clock) 2 - used to indicate a goal
Russian origin 2: a cloth with a usu. wool, curled, and (swung'" the ball) 3 - used to indicate position or
looped pile resembling karakul condition ('" rest) 4 - used to indicate means, cause,
as-tral \'as-tral\ adj : of, relating to, or coming from the or manner (sold", auction)
ii stars AI symbol astatine
e + star, starry, stellar - more at STELLAR AT abbr automatic transmission
'- astray \a-'stra\ adv or adj 1 : off the right path or route
at all adv : in any way: in any circumstances (not at all
::: 2 : into error at-a-vism Va-to-jvi-zamv n : appearance in an individual of
afield, amiss, awry, wrong - more at WRONG a character typical of an ancestral form; also: such an in-
=~ 'astride \a-'strid\ adv 1 : with one leg on each side 2: with dividual or character - at-a-vis-tie \,a-ta-'vis-tik\ ad}
atax-ia \a-'tak-se-a\ n : an inability to coordinate muscular
;; legs apart
2astride prep : with one leg on each side of
ate past of EAT

'as-trin-gent \::>-'strin-j::>nt\ ad} : able or tending to shrink
body tissues - as-trin-gen-cy \-jan-se\ n
2astringent n : an astringent agent or substance
astrol abbr astrologer; astrology
'-ate n suffix 1 : one acted upon (in a specified way) (dis-
tillate) 2: chemical compound or complex derived from
a (specified) compound or element (acetate)
2-ate n suffix 1 : office: function: rank: group of persons
as-tro-labe Vas-tro-jlab', n : an instrument formerly used
holding a (specified) office or rank (episcopate) 2: state
= for observing the positions of celestial bodies

--:: as-trol-o-gy \a-'stra-la-je\ n : divination based on the sup-

posed influence of the stars upon human events - as-
trol-o-ger \-jar\ n - as-tro-log-i-cal \,as-tra-'la-ji-kal\ ad}
: dominion: jurisdiction (emirate)
3-ate ad} suffix 1 : acted on (in a specified way) : being in a
(specified) state (temperate) (degenerate> 2: marked by
having (vertebrate)
astron abbr astronomer; astronomy '-ate vb suffix 1 : cause to be modified or affected by (pol-
as-tro-naut Vas-tra-jnotv n : a traveler in a spacecraft linate) : cause to become (activate) 2: furnish with
as-tro-nau-tics vas-tra-sno-rtksv n : the science of the con- (aerate)
struction and operation of spacecraft - as-tro-nau-tlc ate-lier \,at-'l-'ya\ n 1: an artist's or designer's studio

.. \-tik\ or as-tro-nau-ti-cal v-tt-kol', ad}

as-tro-nom-i-cal \,as-tra-'na-mi-kal\ also as-tro-nom-ic
\-mik\ adj 1 : of or relating to astronomy 2 : extremely
athe-ist \'a-the-ist\ n : one who denies the existence of God
- athe-ism \-,i-zam\ n - athe-is-tic \,a-the-'is-tik\ adj
= large (an '" amount of money) ath-e-nae-um or ath-e-ne-um \,a-tha-'ne-am\ n : LIBRARY 1
atherosclerosis 50
ath-ero-scle-ro-sis \,a-th:l-ro-skl:l-'ro-s:ls\ n : arteriosclero- aton-al \ii-'ton-'I\ adj : marked by avoidance of traditional
sis characterized by the deposition of fatty substances in musical tonality - ato-nal.i.ty \,ii-to-'na-I:I-te\ n - aton-
and the hardening of the inner layer of the arteries - ath- ally \ii-'ton-'I-e\ adv
ero-scte-rct-lc \-'ra-tik\ adj atone \:I-'ton\ vb atoned; 1 : to make amends
athirst \:I-'th~rst\ adi 1 archaic : THIRSTY 2 : having a 2: EXPIATE
strong eager desire atone-ment \:I-'ton-m~nt\ n 1 : the reconciliation of God
eager, enthusiastic, gung ho, keen, raring - more at and man through the death of Jesus Christ 2: reparation
EAGER for an offense: SATISFACTION
ath-lete \'ath-,Iet\ n [ME, fro L athleta, fr. Gk athletes, fro 'atop \:I-'tap\prep : on top of
athlein to contend for a prize, fr. athlon prize, contest] : a 2atop adv or adi : on, to, or at the top
person who is trained to compete in athletics ATP \,ii-,te-'pe\ n [adenosinetriphosphate] : a compound
athlete's foot n : ringworm of the feet that occurs widely in living tissue and supplies energy for
ath-let-lc \ath-'Ie-tik\ adi 1 : of or relating to athletes or many cellular processes by undergoing enzymatic hydrol-
ath-let-ics \ath-'Ie-tiks\ n sing or pi : exercises and games atri-um \'ii-tre-~m\ n, pi atria \-tre-~\ also atri-ums 1 : the
requiring physical skill, strength, and endurance central room of a Roman house; also: an open patio or
athletic supporter n : an elastic pouch used to support the court in the center of a building (as a hotel) 2: an
male genitals and worn esp. during athletic activity anatomical cavity or passage; esp : one of the chambers of
'athwart \:I-'thwort\prep 1 : to or on the opposite side of the heart that receives blood from the veins - atrl-al \-:11\
: ACROSS 2: in opposition to adj
+ across, over, through - more at ACROSS atro-cious \:I-'tro-sh~s\ adj 1 : savagely brutal, cruel, or
2athwart adv + : obliquely across wicked 2 + : inspiring horror, dismay, or disgust: AP-
PALLING 3 + : utterly revolting 4 + : of very poor quality
+ crosswise, obliquely, transversely - more at CROSS- - atrc-clous-ly adv
+ [2, 3] appalling, awful, dreadful, frightful, ghastly,
atilt \:I-'tilt\ adv or adj 1 : in a tilted position 2: with lance
hideous, horrible, horrid, shocking, terrible - more at
in hand
HORRIBLE [4] awful, execrable, lousy, punk, rotten,
-ation n suffix: action or process <flirtation) : something
terrible, wretched - more at WRETCHED
connected with an action or process <discoloration)
Atl abbr Atlantic atro-cious-ness \-n~s\ n : the quality or state of being
at-las \'at-I:ls\ n : a book of maps atrocious
atm abbr atmosphere; atmospheric atrocity, frightfulness, hideousness, horror, mon-
ATM n : a computerized electronic machine that performs strosity, repulsiveness - more at HORROR
basic banking functions atroc-i-ty \:I-'tra-s:l-te\ n, pi -ties 1 + : the quality or state
at-mo-sphere \'at-m:l-,sfir\ n 1 : the gaseous envelope of a of being atrocious: ATROCIOUSNESS 2: an atrocious act or
celestial body; esp : the mass of air surrounding the earth object <the atrocities of war)
2 + : a surrounding influence or environment 3 : a unit of + atrociousness, depravity, enormity, heinousness,
pressure equal to the pressure of air at sea level or about monstrosity, vileness, wickedness - more at ENORMITY
14.7 pounds per square inch (10 newtons per square cen- at-ro-phy \'a-tr:l-fe\ n, pl-phies : decrease in size or wasting
timeter) 4: a dominant effect - at-mo-spher-ic \,at-m:l- away of a bodily part or tissue - atrophy vb
'sfir-ik, -'sfer-\ adj - at-mo-spher-i-cal-ly \-i-k(:I- )Ie\ adv at-ro-pine \'a-tr:l-,pen\ n : a drug from belladonna and re-
+ air, aura, climate, flavor (or flavour), mood, note, lated plants used esp. to relieve spasms and to dilate the
temper - more at AURA climate, environment, envi- pupil of the eye
rons, medium, milieu, setting, surroundings - more at att abbr 1 attached 2 attention 3 attorney
ENVIRONMENT at-tach \~-'tach \ vb 1 : to seize legally in order to force
at-mo-sphe-rics \,at-m:l-'sfir-iks, -'sfer-\ n pi : radio noise payment of a debt 2 : to assign (an individual or unit in
from atmospheric electrical phenomena the military) temporarily 3: to bind by personal ties
atoll \'a-,tol, -,tiil, 'ii-\ n : a coral island consisting of a reef 4 : to make fast (as by tying or gluing) : FASTEN 5: to be
surrounding a lagoon fastened or connected
at-om \'a-t~m\ n [ME, fro L atomus, fro Gk atomos, fro ato- [2] appoint, assign, commission, constitute, desig-
mos indivisible, fr. a- not + temnein to cut] 1 : a tiny nate, detail, name - more at APPOfNT [4] affix, fas-
particle : BIT 2: the smallest particle of a chemical ele- ten, fix - more at FASTEN
ment that can exist alone or in combination at-ta-che \,a-t:l-'shii, ,a-,ta-, :I-,ta-\ n [F] : a technical expert
+ bit, grain, granule, molecule, particle on the diplomatic staff of an ambassador
atom-ic \:I-'ta-mik\ adj 1 : of or relating to atoms; also: NU- at-ta-che case \:I-'ta-shii-, .a-to-tsha-', n : a small thin suit-
CLEAR 2 <~ energy) 2 : extremely small case used esp. for carrying business papers; also: BRIEF-
+ infinitesimal, microscopic, miniature, minute, tiny - CASE
more at TINY at-tach-ment \:I-'tach-m:lnt\ n 1 : legal seizure of property
atomic bomb n : a very destructive bomb utilizing the en- 2 : connection by ties of affection and regard 3: a de-
ergy released by splitting the atom vice attached to a machine or implement 4: a connection
atomic clock n : a very precise clock regulated by the nat- by which one thing is attached to another
ural vibration of atoms or molecules (as of cesium) + affection, devotion, fondness, love, passion - more
atomic number n : the number of protons in the nucleus of at LOVE
an element 'attack \:I-'tak\ vb 1 : to set upon with force or words
atomic weight n : the mass of one atom of an element : ASSAIL 2 : to set to work on
at-om-ise, at-om-is-er Brit var of ATOMIZE, atomizer assail, assault, beset, charge, descend, jump, pounce
at-om-ize \'a-t:l-,miz\ vb -ized; +: to reduce to (on or upon), raid, rush, storm, strike; also gang (up
minute particles on), mob, swarm + abuse, assail, belabor, blast, casti-
+ crush, grind, powder, pulverize - more at POWDER gate, excoriate, jump, lambaste, slam, vituperate; also
at-om-iz-er \'a-t~-,ml-Z:lr\ n : a device for dispensing a liq- berate, harangue, harass, harry, revile, scold
uid (as perfume) as a mist 2attack n 1 + : the act or action of attacking with physical
atom smasher n : ACCELERATOR 3 force or unfriendly words 2 + : a fit of sickness
51 attractiveness
+ [1) aggression, assault, charge, descent, offense (or + [I) absorbed, engrossed, intent, observant, rapt; also
offence), offensive, onset, onslaught, raid, rush, strike; interested, intrigued, involved Ant distracted, inatten-
also ambuscade, ambush + (2) bout, case, fit, seizure, tive, unfocused, unobservant + [1] alert, awake,
siege, spell; also relapse, recurrence vigilant, watchful, wide-awake - more at ALERT
at-tain \<>-'Uln\ vb 1 + : to reach as an end: ACHIEVE <~ a + [2] considerate, kind, solicitous, thoughtful - more
goal) 2: to come to as the end of a progression or course at THOUGHTFUL
of movement <~ the top of the hill) <~ a ripe old age) et-ten-tlve-ness\-n<>s\ n + : the quality or state of being at-
- at.tainability \-'ta-n<>-'bi-l<>-te\ n tentive
+ achieve, hit, make, score, win - more at ACHIEVE + alertness, lookout, vigilance, watch - more at VIGI-
at-tatn-able \<>-'ta-n<>-b<>l\ adj + : capable of being attained LANCE
+ achievable, doable, feasible, possible, practicable, re- at-ten-u-ate \<>-'ten-y<>-,wat\ vb -at-ed: 1 : to make or
alizable, viable, workable - more at POSSIBLE + accessi- become thin 2: WEAKEN - attenuate \-w<>t\ adj - at-ten-
ble, acquirable, available, obtainable, procurable- u-a-tton \-,ten-y<>-'wa-sh<>n\ n
more at AVAILABLE at-test \<>-'test\ vb 1 + : to certify as genuine by signing as
at-tam-der\<>-'tan-d<>r\ n : extinction of the civil rights of a a witness 2: MANIFEST 3 + : to bear witness: TESTIFY
person upon sentence of death or outlawry + [1) authenticate, avouch, certify, testify, vouch, wit-
at-tain-ment \<>-'tan-m<>nt\ n 1 + : the act of attaining: the ness - more at CERTIFY + [3] depose, swear, testify,
condition of being attained 2 + : something that has been witness - more at TESTIFY
accomplished : ACCOMPLISHMENT at-tes-ta-non \,a-, tes-tta-shan \ n 1: the act of attesting
2 + : the proof or evidence by which something is attested
+ [1) accomplishment, actuality, consummation,
fruition, fulfillment, realization - more at FRUITION + confirmation, corroboration, documentation, evi-
+ (2) accomplishment, achievement, coup, success, tri- dence, proof, substantiation, testament, testimony, val-
umph - more at ACCOMPLISHMENT idation, witness - more at PROOF
at-taint \<>-'tant\ vb : to condemn to loss of civil rights at-tic \'a-tik\ n : the space or room in a building immedi-
at-tar \'a-t<>r\ n [Pers 'atir perfumed, fro Ar, fro 'itr perfume) ately below the roof
: a fragrant floral oil 'attire \,,-'tir\ vb at-tired; attirjng + : to put garments on
'attempt \;>-'tempt\ vb + : to make an effort toward : DRESS, ARRAY

+ assay, endeavor (or endeavour), essay, seek, strive, + apparel, array, clothe, deck, dress, garb, rig, suit-
try; also fight, strain, struggle, toil, trouble, work more at CLOTHE
'attempt n + : the act or an instance of attempting 'attire n + : garments in general: DRESS, CLOTHES
+ bid, crack, endeavor (or endeavour), essay, fling, go, + apparel, clothing, dress, duds, raiment, wear - more
pass, shot, stab, trial, try, whack, whirl; also struggle, at CLOTHING
undertaking at-ti-tude \'a-t<>-,tiid, ,tyiid\ n 1 : POSTURE 2: a mental po-
at-tend \<>-'tend\ vb 1 + : to look after: TEND 2 + : to go or sition or feeling with regard to a fact or state 3: the po-
stay with as a companion, nurse, or servant 3: to be pres- sition of something in relation to something else 4: a
ent at 4: to apply oneself 5 + : to pay attention 6: to di- cocky, arrogant, or hostile manner
rect one's attention at-n-tu-dl-nlseBrit var of ATTITUDINIZE
+ [1) care, mind, oversee, superintend, supervise, tend at-ti-tu-di-nlze\,a-t<>-'tiidn-,iz, -'tyiid-\ vb -nized;
- more at TEND + (2) accompany, convoy, escort, : to assume an affected mental attitude: POSE
squire - more at ACCOMPANY + (5) hark, hear, heed, attn abbr attention
listen, mind - more at LISTEN at-tor-ney \<>-'t<>r-ne\ n, p! -neys + : one who is legally ap-
pointed to transact business on another's behalf; esp : one
at-ten-dance\<>-'ten-d<>ns\ n 1 : the act or fact of attending whose profession is to conduct lawsuits for clients or to
2 : the number of persons present; also: the number of advise as to legal rights and obligations in other matters
times a person attends : LAWYER
'attenodant\<>-'ten-d<>nt\ n + : one that attends another to + commissary, delegate, deputy, envoy, factor, proxy,
render a service
representative; also ambassador, emissary, foreign min-
+ companion, escort, guard, guide - more at ESCORT ister, legate, minister + advocate, counsel, lawyer-
'attendant adj + : accompanying or following as a conse- more at LAWYER
quence or result <~ circumstances) attorney general n, pI attorneys general or attorney gener
+ consequent, consequential, due, resultant - more at als : the chief legal representative and adviser of a nation
RESULTANT + coincident, concomitant, concurrent- or state
more at COINCIDENT at-tract \<>-'trakt\ vb 1: to draw to or toward oneself
at-ten-tlcn \<>-'ten-ch<>n \ n 1 + : the act or state of attend- : cause to approach 2 : to draw by emotional or aesthetic
ing esp, through applying the mind to an object of appeal
sense or thought 2: CONSIDERATION 3: an act of courtesy at-trac-tant \<>-'trak-t<>nt\ n : a substance (as a pheromone)
4 : a position of readiness assumed on command by a sol- used to attract insects or other animals
dier at-trac-ticn \<>-'trak-sh<>n\ n 1 : the act or power of attract-
+ absorption, concentration; also fixation, obsession, ing; esp : personal charm 2 : an attractive quality, ob-
preoccupation Ant inattention awareness, cog- ject, or feature 3: a force tending to draw particles
nizance, ear, eye, heed, notice, observance, observation; together
also advisement, care, concern, consideration, regard, draw, lodestone, magnet - more at MAGNET
watch at-trac-tive \<>-'trak-tiv\ adj 1 : having or relating to the
attention deficitdisorder n : a behavioral syndrome esp. of power to attract 2 + : arousing interest or pleasure - at-
children that is marked by hyperactivity, impulsive be- trac-tlve-lyadv
havior, and inattention + [1) alluring, captivating, charming, elfin, engaging,
attention-defieitlhyperaetivity disorder n : AITENTION fascinating, fetching, glamorous, magnetic, seductive
DEFICIT DISORDER - more at FASCINATING + [2] beautiful, cute, hand-
at-ten-tive\<>-'ten-tiv\ adj 1 + : regarding with care or at- some, lovely, pretty - more at BEAtITIFUL
tention : OBSERVANT 2 + : heedful of the comfort of oth- at-trac-tive-ness\-n<>s\ n + : the state or quality of being at-
ers - at-ten-tive-lyadv tractive
attrib 52
+ allure, appeal, captivation, charisma, charm, en- au-dio-phile \'6-de-o-,ffi\ n : one who is enthusiastic about
chantment, fascination, glamour, magic, magnetism - high-fidelity sound reproduction
more at CHARM + beauty, comeliness, handsomeness, au-dio-tape \'6-de-o-,tiip\ n : a tape recording of sound
looks, loveliness, prettiness - more at BEAUTY au-dlo-vl-su-al \,6-de-o-'vi-zha-wal\ adj : of, relating to, or
attrib abbr attributive making use of both hearing and sight
"at-tri-bute \'a-tra-,byiit\ n 1 + : an inherent characteristic au-dio-vi-su-als \-wa1z\ n pi : audiovisual teaching materi-
2 : a word ascribing a quality; esp : ADJECTIVE als (as videotapes)
+ character, characteristic, feature, mark, peculiarity, 'auodit \'6-dat\ n 1 : a formal examination and verification
point, property, quality, trait - more at CHARACTERIS- of financial accounts 2 + : a methodical examination and
TIC review
2attrill-ute \a-'tri-,byiit, -byatv vb -ut-ed; -ut-lnq 1 + : to ex- + check, checkup, examination, inspection, review,
plain as to cause or origin (--- the illness to fatigue) 2: to scan, scrutiny, survey - more at INSPECTION
regard as a characteristic - at-trib-ut-able adi - attriobu- 2audit vb 1 + : to perform an audit on or for 2: to attend
tion \,a-tra-'byii-sh:m\ n (a course) without expecting formal credit
+ accredit, ascribe, credit, impute - more at CREDIT + check, examine, inspect, review, scan, scrutinize, sur-
vey - more at INSPECT
at-trib-u-tive \a-'trib-ya-tiv\ adj : joined directly to a modi-
fied noun without a linking verb (red in red hair is an ~ "au-dl-ticn \6-'di-shan\ n : HEARING; esp : a trial performance
adjective) - attributive n to appraise an entertainer's merits
at-trl-tion \a-'tri-shan\ n 1 : the act of wearing away by or 2audition vb -tioned; v-'di-shc-mn', : to give an au-
as if by rubbing 2: the act of weakening or exhausting by dition to; also: to give a trial performance
constant harassment, abuse, or attack 3: a reduction in au-dl-tor \'6-da-tar\ n 1 : LISTENER 2: a person who audits
numbers as a result of resignation, retirement, or death au-dl-to-rl-um \,6-da-'tor-e-am\ n, pi -riums or -ria \-re-a\
1 : the part of a public building where an audience sits
at-tune \a-'tiin, -'tyiin\ vb : to bring into harmony: TUNE-
2 : a hall or building used for public gatherings
at-tune-merit n \'6-da-,tor-e\ adj + : of or relating to hearing or
atty abbr attorney
to the sense or organs of hearing
ATV abbr all-terrain vehicle
atyp-i-cal \ii-'ti-pi-kal\ adj + : not typical - + acoustic, aural, auricular; also audible, clear, dis-
\-k(a- )Ie\ adv cernible, distinct, distinguishable, heard, perceptible
aberrant, abnormal, exceptional, extraordinary, ir- auditory tube n : EUSTACHIAN TUBE
auf Wieoder.seh-en \aUf-'ve-dar-,ziin\ interj [G] - used to
regular, odd, peculiar, uncommon, uncustomary,
express farewell
unique, unusual, unwonted - more at EXCEPTIONAL
Aug abbr August
Au symbol [L aurum] gold auoger \'6-gar\ n : a tool for boring
au-burn \'6-barn\ adj : reddish brown - auburn n aught \'6t, 'iit\ n + : the arithmetical symbol 0 denoting the
au cou-rant \,o-ku-'riin\ adj [p, lit., in the current] : UP-TO. absence of all magnitude or quantity: ZERO, CIPHER
+ cipher, naught, nil, nothing, zero, zip - more at
'auetion \'6k-shan\ n [L auction-, auctio, fro augere to in-
crease] : public sale of property to the highest bidder
2auction vb auc-tioned: auc-tion-ing x-sha-nin', : to sell at aug-ment \6g-'ment\ vb + : to make greater, more numer-
ous, larger, or more intense: ENLARGE, INCREASE
auc-ttcn-eer \,6k-sha-'nir\ n : an agent who conducts an + add, aggrandize, amplify, boost, compound, enlarge,
auction escalate, expand, extend, increase, multiply, raise,
aud abbr audit; auditor swell, up - more at INCREASE
au-da-cious \6-'dii-shas\ adj +: intrepidly daring auq-men-ta-tion \,6g-man-'tii-shan\ n 1 a : the act or
2 : contemptuous of law, religion, or decorum: INSOLENT process of augmenting b: the state of being augmented
- au-da-cious-ly adv - au-da-cious-ness n 2 + : something that augments: ADDmON
+ adventurous, bold, daring, enterprising, gutsy, hardy, + accretion, addition, boost, expansion, gain, increase,
nervy, venturesome - more at BOLD increment, plus, proliferation, raise, rise, supplement
- more at INCREASE
au-dac-i-ty \6-'da-sa-te\ n + : the quality or state of being
audacious; also : the quality of being bold to the point of au gra.tin \o-'grat-'n, 6-, -'griit-\ adj IF, lit., with the burnt
rudeness scrapings from the pan] : covered with bread crumbs or
grated cheese and browned
+ brass, brazenness, cheek, chutzpah, effrontery, gall, 'auogur \'6-gar\ n + : one held to foretell events by omens
nerve, presumption, sauce, sauciness, temerity - more
diviner, forecaster, fortune-teller, futurist, prognosti-
'auodible \'6-da-bal\ adj : capable of being heard - au-di-
cator, prophet, seer, soothsayer - more at PROPHET
bil.i.ty \,6-da-'bi-la-te\ n - auodi.bly \'6-da-ble\ adv
2augur vb 1 + : to foretell esp. from omens 2 + : to give
2audible n : a play called at the line of scrimmage
promise of : show potential for a good outcome
au-di-ence Yo-de-ans', n 1 : a formal interview 2: an op-
portunity of being heard 3: an assembly of listeners or + [I] forecast, foretell, predict, presage, prognosticate,
spectators prophesy - more at FORETELL + [2] bode, promise-
'auodio \'6-de-,o\ adi 1 : of or relating to frequencies (as of more at BODE
radio waves) corresponding to those of audible sound au-qu-ry \'6-gya-re, -ga-\ n, pi -ries 1: divination from
waves 2: of or relating to sound or its reproduction and omens 2 + : an occurrence or phenomenon believed to
esp. high-fidelity reproduction 3: relating to or used in portend a future event: OMEN. PORTENT
the transmission or reception of sound + auspice, foreboding, omen, portent, presage - more
2audio n 1 : the transmission, reception, or reproduction of at OMEN
sound 2: the section of television or motion-picture auogust \6-'gast\ adj + : marked by majestic dignity or
equipment that deals with sound grandeur - adv
auodi-ol-oogy\,6-de-'ii-la-je\ n : a branch of science dealing + dignified, grand, imposing, magnificent, majestic, re-
with hearing and esp. with the treatment of individuals gal, royal, splendid, stately
having trouble with hearing - auodi-o-Iog.iocal \-a-'Iii-ji- Auogust \'6-gast\ n [ME, fro OE, fro LAugustus, fr. Augustus
kal\ adj - eu-dt-ot-o-qtst \-'ii-Ia-jist\ n Caesar] : the 8th month of the year
53 autistic
au-quat-ness \-n:ls\ n + : the quality or state of being au- au-then-tic \:I-'then-tik, 6-\ adj + : not false or imitation -
gust au-then-tic-i-ty \,6-,then-'ti-s:l-te\ n
+ grandeur, grandness, magnificence, majesty, nobility, + bona fide, genuine, real, right, true; also actual, his-
nobleness, stateliness - more at MAGNIFICENCE torical, original Ant bogus, counterfeit, fake, false,
au jus \o-'zhii, -'zhiis, -'jiis; o-zhii!\ adj [F] : served in the mock, phony, pseudo, sham, spurious, unauthentic, un-
juice obtained from roasting real + accurate, exact, faithful, precise, right, strict,
auk \'6k\ n : any of several stocky black-and-white diving true, veracious - more at FAlTHFUL
seabirds that breed in colder parts of the northern hemi- au-then-ti-cal-ly\-ti-k(:I-)Ie\ adv + : in actual fact
sphere + actually, genuinely, really, veritably, very - more at
auld \'01, 'old, 'ai, 'ald\ adj, chiefly Scot: OLD VERY
aunt \'ant, 'ant\ n 1 : the sister of one's father or mother au-then-ti-cate \a-'then-ti-,kat, 6-\ vb -cat-ed: -cat-inq + : to
2 : the wife of one's uncle
prove genuine - au-then-ti-ca-tion \-,then-ti-'ka-sh:ln\ n
au pair \'o-'par\ n [p, on even terms) : a usu. young foreign
person who does domestic work for a family in return for + attest, avouch, certify, testify, vouch, witness-
room and board and to learn the family's language more at CERTIFY
au-ra \'6r-:l\ n 1 + : a distinctive atmosphere surrounding au-thor \'6-th:lr\ n [ME auetour, fro AF auctor, autor, fr. L
a given source 2: a luminous radiation auctor originator, author, fro augere to increase) 1 + : one
+ air, atmosphere, climate, flavor (or flavour), mood, that originates or creates 2: one that writes or composes
note, temper; also feel, feeling, sensation, sense, spirit a literary work
au-ral \'or-:lI\ adj + : of or relating to the ear or to the + creator, father, founder, originator - more at FA-
sense of hearing THER
+ acoustic, auditory, auricular - more at AUDITORY au-thor-ess \'o-th:l-r:ls\ n : a woman author
au-re-cte \'6r-e-,01\ or au-re-o-la \6-'re-:l-I:I\ n : HALO, NIM- au-tho-ri-sa-tion, au-tho-rise Brit var of AUTHORIZATION, au-
BUS thorize
au re-voir \,o-r:l-'vwar\ n [F, lit., till seeing again) + : a con- au-thor-i-tar-l-an \o-,thar-:l-'ter-e-an, a-, -,thor-\ adi
cluding remark or gesture at parting: GOOD-BYE 1 + : characterized by or favoring the principle of blind
+ adieu, bon voyage, farewell, good-bye- more at obedience to authority 2: characterized by or favoring
concentration of political power in an authority not re-
sponsible to the people - authoritarian n
au-ri-cleVor-i-kalv n : an atrium of the heart
au-rlc-u-lar \o-'ri-kY:l-I:lr\ adi 1 : told privately<- confes- + autocratic, bossy, despotic, dictatorial, domineering,
imperious, masterful, overbearing, peremptory, tyran-
sion) 2 + : known or recognized by the sense of hearing
+ acoustic, auditory, aural- more at AUDITORY nical, tyrannous - more at BOSSY + austere, flinty,
hard, harsh, heavy-handed, ramrod, rigid, rigorous, se-
au-ro-ra \:I-'ror-:l\ n, pi auroras or au-ro-rae \-(,)e\ 1 : the vere, stern, strict - more at SEVERE
first appearance of light in the morning followed by sun- au-thor-l-ta-tlve \:I-'thar-:l-,Ia-tiv, 0-, -'th6r-\ adj + : sup-
rise 2 : a luminous phenomenon of streamers or arches of ported by, proceeding from, or being an authority - au-
light appearing in the upper atmosphere esp. of a planet's
thor-l-ta-tlve-ty adv - au-ther-t-ta-tive-ness n
polar regions - au-ro-ral \-:11\ adj
+ cockcrow, dawn, morning, sunrise - more at DAWN + forceful, influential, weighty - more at INFLUENTIAL
aurora aus-tra-lis \-6-'stra-l:ls\ n : an aurora that occurs in au-thor-i-ty \a-'thar-a-te, 6-, -'th6r-\ n, pi-ties 1 : a citation
earth's southern hemisphere used in support of a statement or in defense of an action;
aurora bo-re-at-is \-,bor-e-'a-I:ls\ n : an aurora that occurs also: the source of such a citation 2 + : one appealed to
in earth's northern hemisphere as an expert 3 + : power to influence thought or behav-
AUSabbr Army of the United States ior 4: freedom granted: RIGHT 5 a : persons in command
aus-pice \'6-sp:ls\ n, pi aus-pic-es \-sp:l-saz, -,sez\ [L auspi- b : the office, authority, or function of governing: GOV-
cium, fro auspic-, auspex diviner by birds, fro avis bird + ERNMENT 6 : convincing force
specere to look, look at) 1 : observation of birds by an au- + (2) ace, adept, expert, master, scholar, virtuoso, whiz,
gur 2 pi : kindly patronage and protection 3 +: a wizard - more at EXPERT + (3) clout, influence, pull,
prophetic sign or omen sway, weight - more at INFLUENCE + [5b) administra-
+ augury, foreboding, omen, portent, presage - more tion, government, jurisdiction, regime, rule - more at
at OMEN RULE + (6) arm, clutch, command, control, dominion,
aus-pl-clous \o-'spi-shas\ adj 1 + : promising success: PRO- grip, hold, mastery, power, sway - more at POWER
PITIOUS 2: FORTUNATE, PROSPEROUS - aus-pi-cious-ly adv au-tho-n-za-tlon \,o-th:l-r:l-'za-sh:ln\ n + : the act of author-
- aus-pl-clous-nessn izing
+ bright, encouraging, heartening, hopeful, likely, + allowance, clearance, concurrence, consent, leave, li-
promising, propitious, rosy, upbeat - more at HOPEFUL cense (or licence), permission, sanction, sufferance-
aus-tere \6-'stir\ adj 1 + : stern and cold in appearance or more at PERMISSION + commission, delegation, license
manner: STERN, SEVERE 2: ABSTEMIOUS 3: UNADORNED (or licence), mandate - more at COMMISSION
<~ style) - aus-tere-ty adv - aus-ter-i-ty \-'ster-a-te\ n au-tho-rize \'o-th,,-,riz\ vb -rized; 1 : to establish
+ authoritarian, flinty, hard, harsh, heavy-handed, ram- by or as if by authority: SANCTION 2 : to invest esp, with
rod, rigid, rigorous, severe, stern, strict - more at SE- legal authority
VERE [1) approve, clear, OK, ratify, sanction, warrant-
aus-tral Vos-trol', adi : SOUTHERN more at APPROVE (2) accredit, certify, commission,
Australian \o-'strru-Y:ln\ n : a native or inhabitant of Aus- empower, enable, invest, license, qualify
tralia - Australian adj au-tho-rfzed \'6-th,,-,rizd\ adj : sanctioned by authority
Austrian Vo-stre-anx n : a native or inhabitant of Austria au-thor-ship \'o-th:lr-,ship\ n 1 : the state of being an au-
- Austrian adj thor 2: the source of a piece of writing, music, or art
Aus-tro-ne-elan \,os-tra-'ne-zhan \ adj : of, relating to, or au-tism \'o-,ti-z"m\ n : a disorder that appears by age three
constituting a family of languages spoken in the area ex- and is characterized esp. by impaired ability to commu-
tending from Madagascar eastward through the Malay nicate with others and form normal social relationships
Peninsula to Hawaii and Easter Island and by repetitive patterns of behavior - au-tls-tic \6-'tis-
auth abbr 1 authentic 2 author 3 authorized tik\ adj
auto 54
'auto \'o-to\ n, pi autos: a usu. 4-wheeled automotive ve- + freedom, independence, liberty, self-government,
hicle designed for passenger transportation : AUTOMOBILE sovereignty - more at FREEDOM
auto abbr automatic au-top-sy \'o-,tap-se, 'o-t:)p-\ n, pl-sies [Gk autopsia act of
au-to-bahn \'o-to-,ban, 'au-\ n : a German, Swiss, or Aus- seeing with one's own eyes, fro autos self + opsis sight] : ex-
trian expressway amination of a dead body uSU. with dissection sufficient
au-to-bl-oq-ra-phy \,o-t:)-bi-'a-gr:)-fe\ n : the biography of a to determine the cause of death or extent of change pro-
person narrated by that person - au-to-bl-oq-ra-pher duced by disease - autopsy vb
\-f:)r\ n - au-to-bi-o-qraph-l-cat \-,bi-:)-'gra-fi-k:)l\ adj- au-tumn \'o-t:)m\ n : the season between summer and win- \-k(:)- )le\ adv ter - au-tum-nal \o-'t:)m-n:)l\ adj
au-toch-tho-nous \o-'tak-th:)-n:)s\ adj : INDIGENOUS, NATIVE aux abbr auxiliary
au-to-clave \'o-to-,kHiv\ n : an apparatus (as for sterilizing) 'auxj)iary \og-'zil-y:)-re, -'zi-I:)-re\ adj 1 + : providing help
using superheated high-pressure steam 2 : functioning in a subsidiary capacity 3: accompanying
au-tee-ra-cy \o-'ta-kr:)-se\ n, pl-cies + : government by one a verb form to express person, number, mood, or tense
person having unlimited power <- verbs)
+ despotism, dictatorship, totalitarianism, tyranny- + accessory, peripheral, supplementary; also backup,
more at DESPOTISM makeshift, substitute Ant chief, main, principal
au-to-crat \'o-t:)-,krat\ n 1 + : a person (as a monarch) rul- auxiliary n, pi -ries 1 : an auxiliary person, group, or de-
vice 2: an auxiliary verb
ing with unlimited authority 2 + : one who has undis-
aux-in \'ok-s:)n\ n : a plant hormone that stimulates growth
puted influence or power
in length
+ [1] monarch, ruler, sovereign - more at MONARCH avabbr 1 avenue 2 average 3 avoirdupois
+ [2] despot, dictator, oppressor, tyrant - more at AVabbr 1 ad valorem 2 audiovisual 3 Authorized Version
DESPOT 'avail \:)-'viil\ vb + : to produce or result in as a benefit or
au-to-crat-ic \,o-t:)-'kra-tik\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or being advantage
an autocracy 2 + : characteristic of or resembling an au- + benefit, profit, serve - more at BENEFIT
tocrat : DESPOTIC - au-to-crat-i-cal-ly v-ti-kfo- )le\ adv
avail n + : advantage toward attainment of a goal or pur-
+ absolute, despotic, dictatorial, tyrannical, tyrannous pose: USE <effort was of no->
- more at ABSOLUTE + authoritarian, bossy, domineer-
ing, imperious, masterful, overbearing, peremptory-
+ account, service, use, utility - more at USE
more at BOSSY
avail-able \:)-'va-l:)-b:)l\ adj 1 + : present or ready for im-
mediate use : USABLE 2 + : capable of being reached : AC-
' \'o-t:)-,graf\ n 1 : an original manuscript 2: a
CESSIBLE - avail.abil.i.ty \-,va-l:)-'bi-la-te\ n
person's signature written by hand
autograph vb : to write one's signature on
+ [1] fit, functional, operable, practicable, serviceable,
usable, useful - more at USABLE + [2] accessible, ac-
au-to-lm-mune \,o-to-i-'myiin\ adj : of, relating to, or
quirable, attainable, obtainable, procurable; also pur-
caused by antibodies or lymphocytes that attack mole-
chasable Ant inaccessible, unattainable, unavailable,
cules, cells, or tissues of the organism producing them
<- diseases> - au-to-im-mu-ni-ty \-i-'myii-n:)-te\ n
av-a-lanche \'a-v:)-,lanch\ n : a mass of snow, ice, earth, or
au-to-mate \'o-t:)-,mat\ vb -rnat-ed: -mat-inq 1 : to operate rock sliding down a mountainside
automatically using mechanical or electronic devices avant-garde \,a-,van-'gard, -,vant-\ n [F, vanguard] : those
2 : to convert to automatic operation - au-to-ma-tlon \0- esp. in the arts who create or apply new or experimental
t:)-'ma-sh:)n\ n ideas and techniques - avant-garde adj
automated teller machine n : a computer terminal allowing av-a-rice \'a-v:)-r:)s\ n +: excessive desire for wealth
access to one's own bank accounts : GREED
'autOomatic \,o-t:)-'ma-tik\ adj 1 + : largely or wholly in- + acquisitiveness, avidity, covetousness, cupidity,
voluntary 2 + : made so that certain parts act in a desired greed, rapaciousness - more at GREED
manner at the proper time : SELF-ACTING - au-to-mat-t- av-a-rl-cious \,a-v:)-'ri-sh:)s\ adj + : excessively acquisitive \-ti-k(:)- )le\ adv
+ acquisitive, avid, covetous, grasping, greedy, merce-
+ [1] involuntary, mechanical, spontaneous; also con- nary, rapacious - more at GREEDY
ditioned, natural, reactive, reflex, simple, subliminal,
avast \:)-'vast\ vb irnper - a nautical command to stop or
unconscious, unforced + [2] laborsaving (or labour-
saving), robotic, self-acting - more at LABORSAVING
av-a-tar \'a-va-,tii.r\ n [Skt avatdra descent] : INCARNATION
automatic n : an automatic device; esp : an automatic avaunt \a-'vont\ adv : AWAY, HENCE
firearm avdp abbr avoirdupois
au-tern-a-ten \o-'ta-m:)-tan, -,tan\ n, pl-atons or -a-ta \-a-t:), ave abbr avenue
-:)-,ta\ 1 : an automatic machine; esp : ROBOT 2: an indi- Ave Ma.ria \,a-,va-m:)-'re-a\ n : HAlL MARY
vidual who acts mechanically avenge vb avenged; + : to take vengeance for
au-to-mo-bile \'o-t:)-mo-,bel, ,o-t:)-m:)-'bel\ n + : a usu. 4. + requite, retaliate, revenge; also castigate, fix, get, pe-
wheeled automotive vehicle for passenger transportation nalize, punish, scourge
+ car, machine, motor vehicle - more at CAR avengoer \;)-'ven-j;)r\ n + : one that avenges
au-to-mo-tive \,o-t:)-'mo-tiv\ adj 1 : of or relating to auto- + castigator, nemesis, scourge - more at NEMESIS
mobiles, trucks, or buses 2: SELF-PROPELLED av-e-nue \'a-va-,nii, -,nyii\ n 1 + : a way or route to a place
au-to-nom-lc nervous system \,o-t:)-'na-mik-\ n : a part of or goal: PATH 2 + : a broad street
the vertebrate nervous system that governs involuntary + [1,2] approach, passage, path, route, way - more at
actions and that consists of the sympathetic nervous sys- PASSAGE + [2] artery, road, route, street, way - more
tem and the parasympathetic nervous system at WAY
au-ton-o-mous \o-'ta-n:)-m:)s\ adj + : having the right or aver \:)-'var\ vb averred; aver-rlnq 1 a : to verify or prove
power of self-government - au-ton-o-mous-ly adv to be true in pleading a cause b + : to allege or assert in
+ free, independent, self-governing, separate, sovereign pleading 2 + : to declare positively
- more at FREE + [lb, 2] affirm, allege, assert, avouch, avow, claim,
au-ton-o-my \-me\ n + : the quality or state of being inde- contend, declare, insist, maintain, profess, protest, war-
pendent, free, and self-directing rant - more at CLAlM
55 awe
'av-erage Va-va-rij, 'a-vrij\ n [earlier, proportionally dis- + dodge, duck, elude, escape, eschew, evade, shake,
tributed charge for damage at sea, modif. of MF avarie shirk, shun - more at ESCAPE
damage to ship or cargo, fr, It avaria, fr. AT 'awdriyah avoid-ance \-'ns\ n + : an act or practice of avoiding or
damaged merchandise] 1 : ARITHMETIC MEAN 2 a : an esti- withdrawing from something
mation of or approximation to an arithmetic mean + cop-out, escape, evasion, out - more at ESCAPE
b + : a level (as of intelligence) typical of a group, class, av-oir-du-pois\,a-var-da-'p6iz\ n [ME avoir de pois goods
or series 3: a ratio of successful tries to total tries esp. in sold by weight, fro AF, lit., goods of weight] 1 : AVOIRDU-
athletics <batting ~ of .303> POIS WEIGHT 2 : WEIGHT, HEAVINESS; esp : personal weight
+ norm, normal, par, standard; also golden mean, avoirdupois weight n : a system of weights based on a
mean, median, middle, commonplace, ordinary, rule, pound of 16 ounces and an ounce of 16 drams (28 grams)
run, status quo, usual avouch \a-'vauch\ vb 1 +: to declare positively: AVER
2average adi 1 : equaling or approximating an arithmetic 2 + : to maintain as just or true: vouch for
mean 2 +: being about midway between extremes + [1] affirm, allege, assert, aver, avow, claim, contend,
3 + : not out of the ordinary declare, insist, maintain, profess, protest, warrant-
+ [2] intermediate, median, medium, middle, moder- more at CLAIM + [2] attest, authenticate, certify, testify,
ate, modest - more at MIDDLE + [3] common, com- vouch, witness - more at CERTIFY
monplace, everyday, normal, ordinary, routine, avow\a-'vau\ vb + : to declare openly
run-of-the-mill, standard, typical, usual - more at OR- + affirm, allege, assert, aver, avouch, claim, contend,
DINARY declare, insist, maintain, profess, protest, warrant-
3average vb av-er.aged: 1 : to be at or come to more at CLAIM
an average 2: to be, do, or get usu. 3: to find the aver- avow-at\-'vau(-a)l\ n + : an open declaration or acknowl-
age of edgment
averse \a-'vars\ adj : having an active feeling of dislike or + acknowledgment, admission, concession, confession
reluctance <~ to exercise> - more at CONFESSION affirmation, assertion, claim,
aver-sion\a-'var-zhan\ n 1 + : a feeling of repugnance for declaration, profession, protestation - more at PROTES-
something with a desire to avoid it 2: something decid- TATION
edly disliked avun-cu-lar\a-'val)-kya-Iar\ adj : of, relating to, or resem-
+ disgust, distaste, loathing, nausea, repugnance, repul- bling an uncle
sion, revulsion - more at DISGUST + allergy, disfavor await \a-'wat\ vb + : to wait for: EXPECT
(or disfavour), disinclination, dislike - more at DISLIKE
anticipate, expect, hope, watch - more at EXPECT
avert \a-'vart\ vb 1 : to tum aside or away <~ the eyes> + bide, hold on, stay, wait - more at WAIT
2 + : to ward off
'awake \a-'wak\ vb awoke \-'wok\ also awaked \-'wakt\;
+ forestall, help, obviate, preclude, prevent - more at awo-ken\-'w6-kan\ or awakedalso awoke: awak-lnq+ : to
bring back to consciousness: wake up
avg abbr average + arouse, rouse, wake
avi-an \'a-ve-an\ adj [L avis bird] : of, relating to, or de-
rived from birds 2awake adi + : fully conscious, alert, and aware
avi-ary \'a-ve-,er-e\ n, pi -aries : a place for keeping birds + sleepless, wakeful, wide-awake - more at WAKEFUL
confined + alert, attentive, vigilant, watchful, wide-awake-
avl-a-tlon\,a-ve-'a-shan, ,a-\ n 1 : the operation of heavier= more at ALERT
than-air aircraft 2: aircraft manufacture, development, awak-en \a-'wa-kan\ vb awak-ened:\-'wa-ka-
and design nil)\ : to bring back to consciousness: wake up
avi-a-tor \'a-ve-,-a-tar, 'a-\ n + : an airplane pilot 'award \a-'w6rd\ vb 1 : to give by judicial decision <~
+ airman, flier, pilot - more at PILOT damages> 2 + : to confer or bestow as being deserved,
earned, or needed
avi-a-trix \,a-ve-'a-triks, ,a-\ n, pi -trtx-es \-trik-saz\ or -tri-
+ accord, confer, grant - more at CONFER
ces \-tr~,sez\ : a woman airplane pilot
av-id \'a-vad\ adj 1 +: desirous to the point of greed 2awardn 1 : a final decision : JUDGMENT 2 + : something
: GREEDY 2 + : enthusiastic in pursuit of an interest - av- awarded : PRIZE adv - av-id-nessn + decoration, distinction, honor (or honour), plume,
+ [1] acquisitive, avaricious, covetous, grasping, prize; also badge, crown, cup, laurel, medal, order, rib-
greedy, mercenary, rapacious - more at GREEDY bon, trophy
+ [2] ardent, eager, enthusiastic, keen, nuts, raring- aware \a-'war\ adj + : having perception or knowledge
avid.i.ty \a-'vi-da-te, a-\ n : the quality or state of being + alive, cognizant, conscious, mindful, sensible, sen-
avid tient, witting - more at CONSCIOUS
acquisitiveness, avarice, covetousness, cupidity, aware-ness \-nas\ n : the quality or state of being aware
greed, rapaciousness - more at GREED + eagerness, en- attention, cognizance, ear, eye, heed, notice, obser-
thusiasm, excitement, keenness, thirst - more at EA- vance, observation - more at ATTENTION
GERNESS awash \a-'w6sh, -'wash\ adi 1 : washed by waves or tide
avi-on-ics \,a-ve-'a-niks, ,a-\ n pi : electronics designed for 2: AFLOAT 3: covered with water: FLOODED
use in aerospace vehicles - avl-on-tc\-nik\ adj 'away \a-'wa\ adv 1 : from this or that place <go ~ > 2: out
av-oca-do \,a-va-'kii-d6, ,ii-\ n, pi -dos also -does [modif. of the way 3: in another direction <tum ~> 4: out of
of Sp aguacate, fr. Nahuatl ahuacatl, avocado, testicle] : a existence <fade ~> 5: from one's possession <give ~>
pulpy green to purple nutty-flavored edible fruit of a 6 : without interruption <chatter ~> 7: at a distance in
tropical American tree; also: this tree space or time <far ~> <~ back in 1910>
av-e-ca-tion\,a-va-'ka-shan\ n : HOBBY 2away adi 1 : absent from a place : ABSENT 2 : distant
av-o-cet Va-vo-jset', n : any of several long-legged shore- in space or time <a lake 10 miles +->
birds with webbed feet and slender upward-curving bills + [1] absent, missing, out - more at ABSENT [2] dis-
avoid \a-'v6id\ vb 1 + : to keep away from: SHUN 2: to tant, far, far-off, remote - more at DISTANT
prevent the occurrence of 3: to refrain from - avoid- 'awe \'6\ n 1 + : an emotion variously combining dread,
able adj - avoid-ably adv veneration, and wonder that is inspired by authority or
awe 56
by the sacred or sublime 2: respectful fear inspired by awry \;l-'ri\ adv or adi 1 + : in a turned or twisted position
authority or direction : ASKEW 2 + : off the correct or expected
+ admiration. amazement. astonishment. wonder. won- course : AMISS
derment - more at WONDER + [1] askew. cockeyed. crooked. listing. lopsided. slant-
2awe vb awed; : to inspire with awe wise. uneven; also asymmetrical. unbalanced. unsym-
aweigh \;}-'wa\ adj : just clear of the bottom <anchors ~) metrical Ant even. level. straight + [2] afield. amiss.
awe-some \'6-s;}m\ adj 1 : expressive of awe 2 + : inspir- astray. wrong - more at WRONG
ing awe ax or axe \'aks\ n : a chopping or cutting tool with an
+ amazing. astonishing. astounding. marvelous (or mar- edged head fitted parallel to a handle
vellous). stunning. surprising. wonderful - more at ax-t-al Vak-se-alv adj 1 : of. relating to. or functioning as
MARVELOUS an axis 2: situated around. in the direction of. on. or
awe-struck \-,str;}k\ also awe-strick-en \-,stri-bn\ adj along an axis - adv
+ : filled with awe ax-l-orn Vak-se-arnv n [L axioma, fro Gk axioma, lit . some-
+ amazed. stunned. thunderstruck - more at THUN- thing worthy. fr. axioun to think worthy. fro axios worth.
DERSTRUCK worthy] 1 : a statement generally accepted as true: MAXIM
aw-ful \'6-f;ll\ adj 1 : inspiring awe 2 + : extremely dis- 2 : a proposition regarded as a self-evident truth - ax-i-
agreeable. unpleasant. or shoddy 3: very great <an - lot om-at-to \,ak-se-;}-'ma-tik\ adi - ax-i-om-at-i-cal-ly \-ti-
of money) k(;}-)Ie\ adv
+ appalling. dreadful. frightful. ghastly. grisly. grue- ax-is \'ak-S;}s\ n, pI ax-es \-,sez\ 1 : a straight line around
some. hideous. horrible. horrid. repellent. repugnant. which a body rotates 2: a straight line or structure with
repulsive. revolting. shocking. terrible - more at HOR- respect to which a body or figure is symmetrical 3: one
RIBLE + atrocious. execrable. lousy. punk. rotten. of the reference lines of a system of coordinates 4: an al-
wretched - more at WRETCHED liance between major powers \'6-f;}-h~\ adv : to a great degree: VERY ax-le \'ak-s;}l\ n : a shaft on which a wheel revolves
awhile \;l-'hwil\ adv : for a while ayah \'i-;}\ n [Hindi & Urdu aya. fro Pg aia, fro L avia
awhirl \;}-'hw;}r1\ adj : being in a whirl grandmother] : a nurse or maid native to India
awk.ward Vo-kwardv adi 1 + : lacking dexterity or skill (as aya-tol-lah \,i-;l-'to-l;}\ n [pers ayatollah. lit . sign of God. fro
in the use of hands) 2 + : lacking ease or grace (as of Ar aya sign. miracle + allah God] : an Islamic religious
movement or expression) 3 + : difficult to explain: EM- leader - used as a title of respect
BARRASSING 4 + : difficult to deal with - adv 'aye also ay \'a\ adv : for a limitless time: ALWAYS. EVER
- awk-ward-ness n 2aye also ay \'1\ adv : YES - used as a function word to ex-
+ [1. 2] clumsy. gauche. gawky. graceless. inelegant. press assent or agreement
stiff. stilted. uncomfortable. uneasy. ungainly. ungrace- 3aye also ay \'1\ n, pI ayes : an affirmative vote
ful. wooden Ant graceful. suave. urbane + [3] discon- AZ abbr Arizona
certing. embarrassing. uncomfortable; also confusing, aza-lea \;}-'zal-Y:l\ n : any of numerous rhododendrons
difficult. disagreeable impossible. inconvenient. intoler- with funnel-shaped blossoms and usu. deciduous leaves
able. troublesome. unpleasant. unwieldy + [4] clumsy. az-i-do-thy-mi-dine \;}-,zi-do-'thi-m;}-,den\ n : AZT
cranky. cumbersome. ungainly. unhandy. unwieldy- az-i-muth \ 'a-z;}-m;}th \ n : horizontal direction expressed as
more at CUMBERSOME an angular distance from a fixed point
awl \'61\ n : a pointed instrument for making small holes AZT \,a-(,)ze-'te\ n : an antiviral drug used to treat AIDS
aw.ning \'6-nil]\ n : a rooflike cover (as of canvas) ex- Az.tec \'az-,tek\ n : a member of a Nahuatl-speaking peo-
tended over or in front of a place as a shelter ple that founded the Mexican empire and were con-
AWOL\'a-,w61. ,a-,d;}-b;ll-yu-,6-'el\ n : a person who is ab- quered by Hernan Cortes in 1519 - adj
sent without leave - AWOLadj or adv azure \'a-zh;}r\ n : the blue of the clear sky - azure adj

the English alphabet 2: a grade rating a student's work

as good

'b \'be\ n. pI b's or bs \'bez\ often cap 1 : the 2d letter of + gabble. gibberish. gobbledygook. hogwash. nonsense.
piffle. prattle - more at GIBBERISH
bah-bier \-b(;}- )l;}r\ n : one that babbles
2b abbr. often cap 1 bachelor 2 bass 3 bishop 4 book babe \'bab\ n 1 : an extremely young child: BABY 2 slang
5 born : GIRL. WOMAN
S symbol boron ba-bel Vba-bol, 'ba-\ n. often cap [fro the Tower of Babel.
Sa symbol barium Gen 11 :4-9] : a place or scene of noise and confusion; also
SA abbr 1 bachelor of arts 2 batting average : a confused sound
bah-bitt Vba-batv n : an alloy used for lining bearings; esp ba-boon \ba-'biin\ n [ME babewin, fro MF babouin, fr.
: one containing tin. copper. and antimony baboue grimace] : any of several large apes of Asia and
'bah-ble \'ba-b;ll\ vb bah-bled; bab.bling 1 + : to talk en- Africa with doglike muzzles
thusiastically or excessively 2 + : to utter meaningless ba-bush-ka \b:l-'biish-k:l. -'bush-\ n [Russ. grandmother.
sounds dim. of baba old woman] + : a kerchief for the head
+ chatter. drivel. gabble. gibber. jabber, prattle, sputter; + bandanna. do-rag. kerchief. mantilla - more at BAN-
also gab. jaw. patter. prate. rattle. run on DANNA
2babble n 1 : foolish or idle talk 2 + : continuous mean- ' \'ba-be\ n. pl babies 1 + : a very young child: IN-
ingless vocal sounds: a murmur or a continuity of con- FANT 2: the youngest or smallest of a group 3: a child-
fused sounds ish person - baby adj - ba-by-hood n
57 backslide
child, infant, newborn; also cherub consists of a jointed series of vertebrae enclosing and pro-
2baby vb ba-bied; : to tend or treat often with tecting the spinal cord 2 : firm resolute character
excessive care [1] spine, vertebral column - more at SPINE
coddle, mollycoddle, nurse, pamper, spoil; also cater [2] fiber (or fibre), fortitude, grit, guts, pluck, spunk
(to), humor, indulge Ant abuse, ill-treat, ill-use, mal- - more at FORTITUDE
treat, mishandle, mistreat, misuse back down vb : to withdraw from a commitment or po-
baby boom n : a marked rise in birthrate - baby boom-er sition
\-'bii-m:lr\ n cop out, renege - more at RENEGE
ba-by-ish adj : resembling a baby: CHILDISH, INFANTILE back-drop \'bak-,drap\ n 1 : a painted cloth hung across
childish, immature, infantile, juvenile, kiddish- the rear of a stage 2 : the scenery or ground behind some-
baby's breath n : any of a genus of herbs that are related to back-er \'ba-k:lr\ n : one that supports
the pinks and have small delicate flowers advocate, apostle, booster, champion, exponent,
ba-by-stt \'bii-be-,sit\ vb -sat \-,sat\; -sit-tlnq : to care for friend, promoter, proponent, supporter - more at EX-
children usu. during a short absence of the parents PONENT guarantor, patron, sponsor, surety - more at
ba-by-sit-ter n : a person usu. hired for relatively short pe- SPONSOR
riods of time to take care of a child or children while the backfield \-,feld\ n : the football players whose positions
parents are away from the home
are behind the line
bac-ca-lau-re-ate \,ba-k:l-'Ior-e-:lt\ n 1 : the degree of bach-
' \-,fir\ n : a loud noise caused by the improperly
elor conferred by colleges and universities 2: a sermon
timed explosion of fuel in the cylinder of an internal com-
delivered to a graduating class
bustion engine
bac-ca-rat \,ba-k:l-'ra, ,ba-\ n : a card game in which three
2backfire vb 1 : to make or undergo a backfire 2: to have
hands are dealt and players may bet either or both hands
a result opposite to what was intended
against the dealer's
back-qarn-rnon \'bak-,ga-m:ln\ n : a game played with
bac-cha-nal \'ba-k:ln-ol, ,ba-k:l-'nal, ,ba-k:l-'nal\ n 1 : ORGY
2: REVELER pieces on a double board in which the moves are deter-
mined by throwing dice
bac-cha-na-Ha \,ba-k:l-'niii-Y:l\ n, p! bacchanalia : a
drunken orgy - bac-cha-na-lian \-'niil-y:ln\ adj or n backoground \'bak-,graund\ n 1: the scenery behind
bach-e-lor \'ba-ch:l-I:lr\ n 1 : a person who has received the something 2: the setting within which something takes
usu. lowest degree conferred by a 4-year college 2: an place; also : the sum of a person's experience, training,
unmarried man - bach-e-lor-hoed n and understanding
bach-e-lor-ette \,ba-ch:l-I:l-'ret\ n : a young unmarried back-hand \'bak-,hand\ n : a stroke (as in tennis) made
woman with the back of the hand turned in the direction of
bachelor's button n : a European plant related to the movement; also: the side on which such a stroke is made
daisies and having blue, pink, or white flower heads - back-hand vb
ba-ctl-lus \b:l-'si-I:ls\ n, pi -ll \-,11\ [NL, fr, ML, small staff, back-hand-ed \'bak-'han-d:ld\ adj 1 : not straightforward
dim. of L baculus staff] : any of numerous rod-shaped and open : characterized by wiliness and trickery; esp
bacteria; also : a disease-producing bacterium - bac-u- : SARCASTIC (a ~ compliment) 2: using or made with a
lary Vba-sa-sler-e', adj backhand
'back \'bak\ n 1: the rear or dorsal part of the human back-hoe \'bak-,ho\ n : an excavating machine having a
body; also : the corresponding part of a lower animal bucket that is drawn toward the machine
2 : the part or surface opposite the front 3: a player in back-lnq \'ba-kil)\ n 1: something forming a back
the backfield in football - back-tess \-I:ls\ adi 2 : the act or process of supporting : AID; also : a body
2back adv 1 : to, toward, or at the rear 2 : AGO 3: so as of supporters
to be restrained or retarded 4 : to, toward, or in a for- aid, assist, assistance, boost, help, lift, support-
mer place or state 5: in return or reply more at HELP
[1,4] about, around, round - more at AROUND back-lash \'bak-,Iash\ n 1: a sudden violent backward
3back adj 1 .: located at or in the back 2: OVERDUE movement or reaction 2: a strong adverse reaction
3 : moving or operating backward 4: not current 'backlog \-,Iog, -,lag\ n 1: a large log at the back of a
hind, hindmost, posterior, rear Ant anterior, fore, for- hearth fire 2: an accumulation of tasks unperformed or
ward, front materials not processed
'back vb 1 : to assist by material, moral, or financial as- 2backlog vb : to accumulate in reserve
sistance : SUPPORT 2: to go or cause to go backward or in back of prep : in or to a place or situation to the rear of
reverse 3: to furnish with a back: form the back of : BEHIND
advocate, champion, endorse, patronize, support- back off vb : to withdraw from a commitment or position
more at SUPPORT. abet, aid, assist, help, prop, support : BACK DOWN
- more at HELP back out vb : to withdraw esp. from a commitment or con-
back-ache \'ba-,kiik\ n : a pain in the lower back test
back away vb : to move away (as from a stand on an is- 'back.pack \'bak-,pak\ n : a camping pack supported by a
sue or from a commitment) frame and carried on the back
fall back, recede, retire, retreat, withdraw - more at 2backpack vb : to hike with a backpack - back-pack-er n
RETREAT back-ped-al \'bak-,ped-Ol\ vb: RETREAT
back-bench-er v-'ben-charv n : a rank-and-file member of back-rest \-,rest\ n : a rest for the back
a British legislature back-side \-,sid\ n : the seat of the body : BUTTOCKS
back-bite \-,bit\ vb -bit \-,bit\; -bit-ten \-,bit-On\; bottom, butt, buttocks, posterior, rear, rump, seat -
\-,bi-til)\ : to say mean or spiteful things about someone more at BUITOCKS
who is absent - back-bit-er n back-slap \-,slap\ vb : to display excessive cordiality-
back-board \-,bord\ n : a board placed at or serving as the back-slap-per n
back of something beck-slide \-,slid\ vb -slid \-,slid\; -slid or -slld-den \-,slid-
back-bona \-.bon\ n 1 : the bony column in the back of n\; \-,sli-diI)\ : to lapse morally or in religious
a vertebrate that is the chief support of the trunk and practice
backslider 58
back-slid-er n : one that backslides <a ~ who pleads his + [1] deficient, inferior, lousy, off, poor, substandard,
former righteousness) unacceptable, unsatisfactory, wanting, wretched,
back-spin \-,spin\ n : a backward rotary motion of a ball wrong; also defective, faulty Ant acceptable, satisfac-
'back.stage \'bak-,stiij\ adi 1 : relating to or occurring in tory + [2] putrid, rotten - more at ROTTEN + [3a]
the area behind a stage 2: of or relating to the private black, evil, immoral, iniquitous, nefarious, sinful, un-
lives of theater people 3: of or relating to the inner work- ethical, unsavory, vile, villainous, wicked; also base,
ing or operation contemptible, despicable, dirty, disreputable, evil=
2back.stage \'bak-'stiij\ adv 1 : in or to a backstage area minded, ignoble, ill, infernal, low, mean Ant ethical,
2: SECRETLY good, moral, right, righteous, virtuous + [4a] disagree-
back-stairs \-,starz\ adj : SECRET, FURTIVE; also : SORDID, able, distasteful, nasty, rotten, sour, unpleasant-
SCANDALOUS more at UNPLEASANT + [4bl adverse, baleful, baneful,
'back.stop \-,stiip\ n : something serving as a stop behind damaging, deleterious, detrimental, evil, harmful, hurt-
something else; esp : a screen or fence to keep a ball from ful, ill, injurious, mischievous, noxious, pernicious,
leaving the field of play prejudicial - more at HARMFUL
2backstop vb 1 : SUPPORT 2 : to serve as a backstop to bade past and past part of BID
back-stretch \'bak-'strech\ n : the side opposite the home- badge \'baj\ n : a device or token usu. worn as a sign of
stretch on a racecourse status
back-stroke \-,strok\ n : a swimming stroke executed on 'badoger Vba-jarv n : any of several sturdy burrowing mam-
the back mals with long claws on their forefeet
back talk n +: impudent, insolent, or argumentative 2badger vb : to harass or annoy persistently
replies ba-dl-naqe\,bad-On-'iizh\ n [FJ : playful talk back and forth
+ cheek, impertinence, impudence, insolence, sauce; : BANTER
also comeback, rejoinder, retort, riposte, wisecrack bad-land \'bad-,Iand\ n : a region marked by intricate ero-
back-track \'bak-,trak\ vb 1 : to retrace one's course 2: to sional sculpturing and scanty vegetation - usu. used in
reverse a position or stand pI.
back-up\-,:Jp\ n 1 + : one that serves as a substitute or al- bad.lyadv: in a bad manner <played~)
ternative 2 + : an accumulation caused by a stoppage in bad-min-ton \'bad-,mint-On\ n : a court game played with
the flow <traffic backup) light rackets and a shuttlecock volleyed over a net
+ [1] pinch hitter, relief, replacement,reserve, stand-in, bad-mouth \'bad-,mailth\ vb : to criticize severely
sub. substitute - more at SUBSTITUTE bad-ness n : the quality or state of being bad
Baeode-ker\'bii-di-k;Jr, 'be-\ n : GUIDEBOOK
+ bottleneck, jam, snarl 'baffle Vba-falvvb baf.fled; baf.fling \-f;J-lil)\ 1 + : to inter-
'backward\'bak-w:Jrd\ or back-wards\-w:Jrdz\ adv 1 : to- fere with or slow the progress of : FRUSTRATE, THWART
ward the back 2: with the back foremost 3 : in a reverse 2 + : to cause to be mentally confused: PERPLEX
or contrary direction or way 4 : toward the past; also: to- + [1] balk, checkmate, foil, frustrate, thwart - more
ward a worse state at FRUSTRATE + [2] addle, befog, befuddle, bemuse, be-
2backward adj 1: directed, turned, or done backward wilder, confound, confuse, disorient, muddle, muddy,
2 : DIFFIDENT, SHY 3: retarded in development - back- mystify, perplex, puzzle - more at CONFUSE adv - back-ward-nessn 2bafflen : a device (as a wall or screen) to deflect, check, or
back-wash \'bak-,w6sh, -,wash\ n : a backward flow or regulate flow (as of liquid or sound) - baffled\'ba-f;Jld\
movement (as of water or air) produced by a propelling adj
force (as the motion of oars) baf-fle-ment n + : the state of being baffled
back-wa-ter\-,w6-t:Jr, -,wii-\ n 1 : water held or turned
back in its course 2: an isolated or backward place or + bewilderment, confusion, distraction, muddle, mysti-
condition fication, perplexity, puzzlement, whirl - more at CON-
back-woods \-'wiJdz\ n pi 1 + : wooded or partly cleared
areas far from cities 2 + : a remote or isolated place 'bag \'bag\ n + : a flexible usu. closable container (as for
storing or carrying)
+ [I, 2] bush, frontier, hinterland, sticks, up-country
- more at FRONTIER + handbag, pocketbook, purse - more at PURSE
ba-con \'bii-k:Jn\ n : salted and smoked meat from the sides 2bag vb bagged; bag.ging 1 : to expand from internal pres-
or back of a pig sure: BULGE 2: to put in a bag 3 + : to get possession of;
bac-te-rl-cld-al\bak-,tir-:J-'sid-Ol\ adi : destroying bacteria esp : to take in hunting
- bac-te-rl-clde \-'tir-:J-,sid\ n + capture, catch, get, grab, nab, seize, snare, trap-
bac-te-n-ot-o-qy\bak-,tir-e-'ii-I;J-je\ n 1 : a science dealing more at CATCH
with bacteria 2: bacterial life and phenomena - bae-te- baogasse \b,,-'gas\ n [FJ : plant residue (as of sugarcane)
rioo-Iog.ic \-;J-'Iii-jik\ or bac-te-rj-o-loq-l-cal \-;J-'lii-ji-k;Jl\ left after a product (as juice) has been extracted
adj - bac-te-rl-ol-o-glst\-'ii-I;J-jist\ n bag.a.telle\,ba-g;J-'tel\ n [F] : TRIFLE
bac-te-rlo-phaqe\bak-'tir-e-;J-,fiij\ n : any of various viruses baogel \'bii-g:Jl\ n [Yiddish beygl) : a hard glazed doughnut=
that attack specific bacteria shaped roll
bac-te-rl-urn \bak-'tir-e-:Jm\ n, pi -ria \-e-:J\ [NL, fro Gk bak- bagogage\'ba-gij\ n 1 : the traveling bags and personal be-
terion staff] : any of a group of single-celled microorgan- longings of a traveler: LUGGAGE 2 : things that get in the
isms including some that are disease producers and way
others that are valued esp. for their chemical effects (as baggies \'ba-gez\ n pi : baggy pants or shorts
fermentation) - bac-te-rl-al\-e-;Jl\ adi \'ba-ge\ adj; -est: puffed out or hanging
bad \'bad\ adj worse \'w:Jrs\; worst \'w:Jrst\ 1 + : below like a bag - \-g:J-Ie\ adv - bagogi.ness \-ge-
standard : POOR; also : UNFAVORABLE <a ~ report) ncsv n
2 +: having deteriorated because of spoiling 3 baq-man \'bag-m:Jn\ n : a person who collects or distrib-
a + : morally unacceptable or reprehensible: EVIL b: not utes illicitly gained money on behalf of another
well-behaved: NAUGHTY 4 a + : causing discomfort: DIS- baognio \'ban-yo\ n, pi bagnios [It bagno; lit., public bath]
AGREEABLE <a ~ taste) b + : causing harm : HARMFUL : BROTHEL
5 : having a defect: FAULTY <~ wiring); also: not valid <a bag.pipe \'bag-,pip\ n : a musical wind instrument consist-
~ check) 6: being in poor health : UNWELL, ILL 7: full ing of a bag, a tube with valves, and sounding pipes - of-
of regret: SORRY ten used in pI.
59 ball bearing

ba-guette \ba-'get\ n [F, lit., rod) 1 : a gem having the bal-anced v-lanstv adj : being in a state of balance (as
shape of a narrow rectangle; also : the shape itself 2 : a physically. emotionally, or aesthetically)
long thin loaf of French bread clearheaded. lucid. normal. right, sane. stable- \ba-'ha-me-;m, -'hii-\ n : a native or inhabitant more at SANE congruous, consonant, harmonious-
of the Bahama Islands more at HARMONIOUS
'bail \'biil\ n : a container for ladling water out of a boat bal.brig-gan \bal-'bri-gan\ n : a knitted cotton fabric used
2bail vb : to dip and throw out water from a boat - bail-er esp. for underwear
n bal-co-ny\'bal-ka-ne\ n, pi -nies 1 : a platform projecting
3ball n : security given to guarantee a prisoner's appearance from the side of a building and enclosed by a railing 2: a
when legally required; also: one giving such security or gallery inside a building
the release secured bald \'bold\ adj 1 : lacking a natural or usual covering
'bail vb : to release under bail; also: to procure the release (as of hair) 2.: lacking embellishment or decoration
of by giving bail- ball-able \'ba-Ia-bal\ adi : PLAIN - bald.lyadv - bald-ness n
5bail n : the arched handle (as of a pail or kettle) [1) bare. exposed, naked. open. uncovered - more
bai.liff \'ba-Iaf\ n 1 : an aide of a British sheriff who serves at NAKED [2) plain. simple, unadorned, undecorated.
writs and makes arrests; also: a minor officer of a U.S. unvarnished - more at PLAIN
court 2: an estate or farm manager esp. in Britain: STEW- bal-da-chin \'bol-da-kan. 'bal-\ or bat-de-chi-no \,bal-da-
ARD 'ke-no\ n, pi -chins or -chinos : a canopylike structure
bal-ll-wlck \'ba-li-,wik\ n : one's special province or domain over an altar
ball-out \'ba-,Iaut\ n : a rescue from financial distress bald cypress n : either of two large swamp trees of the
bairn \'barn\ n, chiefly Scot: CHILD southern U.S. with hard red wood
'bait \'bat\ vb 1 : to persecute by continued attacks 2: to bald eagle n : an eagle of No. America that when mature
harass with dogs usu. for sport <- a bear> 3: to furnish has white head and neck feathers and a white tail
(as a hook) with bait 4: ALLURE, ENTICE 5: to give food bal-der-dash \ 'bol-dar-,dash \ n : NONSENSE
and drink to (as an animal)\'bol-dil)\ adj : getting bald
bug. hassle. heckle. needle. ride. taunt. tease - more bal-drlc \'bOl-drik\ n : a belt worn over the shoulder to
at TEASE carry a sword or bugle
2bait n 1 : a lure for catching animals (as fish) 2: an in- 'bale \'bal\ n : a large or closely packed bundle
ducement to pleasure or gain: LURE. TEMPTATION 2bale vb baled; baling : to pack in a bale - bal-ern
baize \'biiz\ n : a coarse feltlike fabric ba-leen\ba-'Ien\ n : a horny substance attached in plates to
'bake \'bak\ vb baked; 1 : to cook or become the upper jaw of some large whales (baleen whales)
cooked in dry heat esp. in an oven 2: to dry and harden bale-ful \'bal-fal\ adj 1 : likely to cause or capable of
by heat <- bricks> - bak-ern producing harm or death 2 : foreboding or foreshad-
2bake n : a social gathering featuring baked food owing evil: OMINOUS
baker's dozen n : THIRTEEN [1) adverse. bad. baneful. damaging, deleterious,
bak-ery\'ba-k(a-)re\ n, pl-er.ies : a place for baking or sell- detrimental. evil. harmful. hurtful, pernicious - more
ing baked goods at HARMFUL [2) dire. foreboding, menacing, ominous.
bake sale n : a fund-raising event at which usu. homemade portentous, sinister - more at OMINOUS
foods are sold 'balk \'bok\ n 1 : something that makes movement or
bake-shop \'bak-,shiip\ n : BAKERY progress more difficult: HINDRANCE 2: an illegal motion
baking powder n : a powder that consists of a carbonate. of the pitcher in baseball while in position
an acid. and a starch and that makes the dough rise in 2balk vb 1 : to hinder the passage, progress, or accom-
baking cakes and biscuits plishment of : THWART 2: to stop short and refuse to go
baking soda n : SODIUM BICARBONATE on 3: to commit a balk in sports
bak-sheesh \'bak-,shesh\ n : payment (as a tip or bribe) to baffle, beat, checkmate, foil, frustrate. thwart-
expedite service more at FRUSTRATE
bal abbr balance balky\'bo-ke\ adi : refusing or likely to refuse to proceed,
bal-a-lai-ka \,ba-Ia-'Ji-ka\ n [Russ) : a triangular 3-stringed act, or function as directed or expected <a - mule>
instrument of Russian origin played by plucking or 'ball \'bol\ n 1 : a rounded body or mass (as at the base
strumming of the thumb or for use as a missile or in a game) 2: a
tbal-anca \'ba-Ians\ n [ME. fro AF, fro VL =bitancia, fro LL game played with a ball 3: a pitched baseball that misses
bilanc-. bilanx having two scalepans. fro L bi two + lanc-, the strike zone and is not swung at by the batter 4: a hit
lame plate) 1 : a weighing device: SCALE 2 : a weight. or thrown ball in various games <foul -> - on the ball
force, or influence counteracting the effect of another :COMPETENT,KNOWLEDGEABLE,ALERT
3 : an oscillating wheel used to regulate a timepiece
4 : a state of equilibrium 5 : a remaininggroup. part. orb, sphere
or trace: REST; esp : an amount in excess esp, on the credit 2ball vb : to form into a ball
side of an account 6: mental and emotional steadiness agglomerate. conglomerate, roll, round. wad - more
7 : an aesthetically pleasing integration of elements at WAD
[2) canceler. counterbalance. counterweight. offset 3ball n : a large formal dance
[4) equilibrium, equipoise. poise Ant imbalance dance. formal, prom - more at DANCE
[5) leavings. leftovers, odds and ends. remainder. re- bal.lad \'ba-Iad\ n 1 : a narrative poem of strongly marked
mains, remnant, residue, rest - more at REMAINDER rhythm suitable for singing 2: a simple song : AIR 3: a
[7) coherence. consonance, harmony. proportion. slow romantic song
symmetry. symphony. unity - more at HARMONY bal-lad-eer \,ba-Ia-'dir\ n : a singer of ballads
2balance vb bal-anced; bal-anc-ing 1 : to compute the bal- 'bal.last \'ba-Iast\ n 1 : heavy material used to stabilize a
ance of an account 2 : to arrange so that one set of el- ship or control a balloon's ascent 2 : crushed stone laid in

, ements equals another; also : to equal or equalize in a railroad bed or used in making concrete
weight, number, or proportions 3: WEIGH 4: to bring or 2ballast vb : to provide with ballast
come to a state or position of balance; also: to bring into ball bearing n : a bearing in which the revolving part turns
harmony or proportion upon steel balls that roll easily in a groove; also : one of
equalize, equate. even, level - more at EQUALIZE the balls in such a bearing
ballcarrier 60
batt-car-ri-er \'b61-,kar-e-:;>r\ n : the football player carrying bal-us-ter \'ba-I:;>-st:;>r\ n IF balustre, fr. It balaustro, fro bal-
the ball in an offensive play austra wild pomegranate flower, fr. L balaustium; fro its
bal-le-ri-na \,ba-I:;>-'re-n:;>\ n : a female ballet dancer shape] : an upright support for a rail (as of a staircase)
bat-let \'ba-,Ia, ba-'Ia\ n 1 : dancing in which fixed poses bal-us-trade \'ba-l:;>-,strad\ n : a row of balusters topped by
and steps are combined with light flowing movements of- a rail
ten to convey a story; also : a theatrical art form using bam-boo \bam-'bii\ n, pi bamboos: any of various woody
ballet dancing 2: a company of ballet dancers mostly tall tropical grasses including some with strong
bet-let-o-mane \ba-'Ie-t:;>-,man\ n : a devotee of ballet hollow stems used for building, furniture, or utensils
ballistic missile \b:;>-'lis-tik-\ n : a missile that is guided bamboo curtain n, often cap B&C : a political, military, and
during ascent and that falls freely during descent ideological barrier in eastern Asia
bal-Hs-ttcs \-tiks\ n sing or pi 1 : the science of the motion barn-boo-zte \bam-'bU-z<ll\ vb -boo-zled; -boOozling : TRICK,
of projectiles (as bullets) in flight 2 : the flight character- HOODWINK
istics of a projectile - ballistic adi 'ban \'ban\ vb banned; ban.ning + : to hinder or prevent by
'balloon \b:;>-'Iiin\ n 1 : a bag filled with gas or heated air authority
so as to rise and float in the atmosphere 2: a toy consist- bar, enjoin, forbid, interdict, outlaw, prohibit, pro-
ing of an inflatable bag - bal-loon-ist n scribe - more at FORBID
2balloon vb 1 + : to swell or puff out 2: to travel in a bal-
2ban n 1 : CURSE 2 + : a legal or formal prohibition
loon 3 + : to increase rapidly
+ [l , 3] appreciate, build, burgeon, enlarge, escalate,
+ embargo, interdict, interdiction, prohibition, pro-
scription, veto - more at PROHIBITION
expand, increase, mushroom, rise, swell, wax - more
ba-nal \b:;>-'nal, -'nal; 'ban-'l\ adj [F] + : lacking originality,
at INCREASE + [1] belly, bulge, overhang, poke, project,
protrude, start, stick out - more at BULGE freshness, or novelty: COMMONPLACE, TRITE
'ballot Vba-lot', n [It ballotta small ball used in secret vot- + commonplace, hackneyed, musty, stale, stereotyped,
ing, fro It dial., dim. of balla ball] 1 : a piece of paper used threadbare, tired, trite - more at STALE
to cast a vote 2: the action or a system of voting; also ba-nal-i-ty \ba-'na-l:;>-te\ n + : something banal : COMMON-
: the right to vote PLACE
2ballot vb : to decide by ballot : VOTE + cliche, commonplace, platitude, shibboleth - more
'ballpark \'b61-,park\ n : a park in which ball games are at COMMONPLACE
played ba-nana \b:;>-'na-n:;>\ n : a treelike tropical plant bearing
2ballpark adj : approximately correct <~ estimate) thick clusters of yellow or reddish finger-shaped fruit:
batl-potnt \'b61-,p6int\ n : a pen whose writing point is a also: this fruit
small rotating metal ball that inks itself from an inner 'band \'band\ n 1 + : something that binds, ties, or goes
container around 2 + : a strip or stripe that can be distinguished (as
batl-roorn \'b61-,riim, -,rum\ n : a large room for dances by color or texture) from nearby matter 3: a range of
'bal.lyhoo \'ba-le-,hii\ n, pi -hoos : extravagant statements wavelengths (as in radio)
and claims made for publicity + [l] bond, chain, fetter, irons, ligature, manacle,
2ballyhoo vb bal-ly-hoo-ed:; + : to shackle - more at BOND + [2] circle, hoop, ring, round
drum up interest in by means of ballyhoo: PUBLICIZE - more at RING + [2] bar, streak, stripe - more at
+ boast, plug, promote, publicize, tout - more at PUB- STRIPE
LICIZE 2band vb 1 +: to tie up, finish, or enclose with a band
balm Vbarn, 'biilm\ n 1 : a fragrant healing or soothing lo- 2 + : to gather together or unite esp. for some common
tion or ointment 2: any of several spicy fragrant herbs of end - often used with together 3 : to furnish or decorate
the mint family 3: something that comforts or soothes with a band - band-er n
batm-i-ness Vba-me-nos, 'bal-\ n + : the quality or state of + [l] belt, gird, girdle, wrap - more at GIRD
being balmy + [l] bind, gird, tie, truss - more at TIE + often band
+ absurdity, asininity, craziness, daftness, fatuity, folly, together [2] ally, associate, club, confederate, conjoin,
foolishness, inanity, insanity, lunacy, madness, silliness, cooperate, federate, league, unite - more at ALLY
simplicity, zaniness 3band n + : a group of persons, animals, or things; esp : a
balmy \'ba-me, 'bal-\ adj batm-i-er; -est 1 a + : gently group of musicians organized for playing together
soothing: MILD b + : being pleasant and not too cool or + company, crew, gang, outfit, party, squad, team-
too hot 2 a + : disordered in mind b + : lacking in judg- more at GANG
ment : FOOLISH
'banodage \'ban-dij\ n : a strip of material used esp. in
+ [la] benign, bland, delicate, gentle, light, mellow, dressing wounds
mild, soft, soothing, tender - more at GENTLE + [lb] 2bandage vb banodaged; : to dress or cover with
clement, equable, gentle, mild, moderate, temperate - a bandage
more at CLEMENT + [2a, 2b] absurd, crazy, cuckoo,
ban-dan-na or ban-dana vban-ida-nav n : a large colored
fatuous, foolish, mad, nonsensical, nutty, senseless,
figured handkerchief
silly, stupid - more at FOOLISH
babushka, do-rag, kerchief, mantilla; also shawl
ba-lo-ney \b:;>-'lo-ne\ n : NONSENSE
bal-sa Vbol-sav n : the extremely light strong wood of a Band B abbr bed-and-breakfast
tropical American tree; also: the tree band-box \'band-,biiks\ n : a usu. cylindrical box for car-
bat-sam \'b61-s:;>m\ n 1: a fragrant aromatic and usu. rying clothing
resinous substance oozing from various plants; also : a band-ed \'ban-d:;>d\ adj : having or marked with bands
preparation containing or smelling like balsam 2: a bal- ban-de-role or ban-de-rol \'ban-d:;>-,rol\ n : a long narrow
sam-yielding tree (as balsam fir) 3: a common garden or- forked flag or streamer
namental plant - bal-sam-tc \b61-'sa-mik\ adj banodit \'ban-d:;>t\ n [It bandito, fro bandire to banish] 1 pi
balsam fir n : a resinous American evergreen tree that is also banoditti \ban-'di-te\ : an outlaw who lives by plun-
widely used for pulpwood and as a Christmas tree der; esp : a member of a band of marauders 2: ROBBER -
balsamic vinegar n : an aged Italian vinegar made from ban-dit-ry \'ban-d:;>-tre\ n
white grapes ban-do-Her or ban-do-leer \,ban-d::!-'lir\ n : a belt slung over
Bal-ti-more oriole Vbol-ta-jmor-', n : a common American the shoulder esp. to carry ammunition
oriole in which the male is brightly colored with orange, band saw n : a saw in the form of an endless steel belt run-
black, and white ning over pulleys
61 baptism
band-stand \'band-,stand\ n : a usu. roofed platform on credit, and the transmission of funds 2: a stock of or a
which a band or orchestra performs outdoors place for holding something in reserve <a blood +->
band w abbr black and white 'bank vb 1 : to conduct the business of a bank 2: to deposit
band-wag-on Vband-jwa-gonv n 1 : a wagon carrying musi- money or have an account in a bank - bank-er n-
cians in a parade 2 : a movement that attracts growing banking n
support sbank n : a group of objects arranged close together (as in a
campaign, cause, crusade, drive, movement - more row or tier) <a ~ of file drawers)
at CAMPAIGN bank-book \'bBl)k-,biIk\ n : the depositor's book in which a
'banody \'ban-de\ vb ban-died; 1 : to exchange bank records deposits and withdrawals
(as blows or quips) esp. in rapid succession 2: to use in a bank-card \-,kard\ n : a credit card issued by a bank
glib or offhand way bank-note \-,not\ n : a promissory note issued by a bank
'bandyadj : curved outward <- legs) and circulating as money
bane \'ban\ n 1 + : a substance that through its chemical bank-roll \-,rol\ n : supply of money: FUNDS
action usu. kills, injures, or impairs an organism: POISON 'bankrupt \'bal)-(,)kr;>pt\ n [modif. of MF banquerote
2 : WOE, HARM; also: a source of this bankruptcy, fro It bancarotta, fro banca bank + rotta bro-
+ poison, toxin, venom - more at POISON ken] : an insolvent person; esp : one whose property is
turned over by court action to a trustee to be handled for
bane-ful \'ban-f;>l\ ad) + : productive of destruction or woe
the benefit of his creditors
: seriously harmful
'bankrupt adj 1 : reduced to financial ruin; esp : legally de-
+ bad, baleful, damaging, deleterious, harmful, hurtful, clared a bankrupt 2: wholly lacking in or deprived of
injurious, noxious, pernicious - more at HARMFUL some essential <morally ~) - bank-rupt-cy \'bal)-
'bang \'bBIJ\ vb 1 + : to knock against something with a (,)kr;>pt-se\ n
forceful jolt : BUMP <fell and <ed his knee) 2 + : to 3bankrupt vb : to reduce to bankruptcy
strike, thrust, or move vigorously and often with a loud tban-ner \'ba-n;>r\ n 1 + : a piece of cloth attached to a staff
noise and used by a leader as his standard 2 + : a usu. rectan-
+ [1, 2] bash, bump, collide, crash, hit, impact, knock, gular piece of fabric of distinctive design that is used as a
smash, strike - more at HIT symbol (as of a nation), as a signaling device, or as a dec-
'bang n 1 : a resounding blow 2 : a sudden loud noise oration: FLAG 3: an advertisement that runs usu. across
3 + : a sudden wave of emotion <I get a ~ out of all this) the top of a Web page
+ [2] blast, boom, clap, crack, crash, pop, report, slam, + [I, 2] colors (or colours), ensign, flag, jack, pennant,
smash - more at CLAP + [3] exhilaration, kick, thrill, standard, streamer - more at FLAG
titillation - more at THRILL 'banner adj + : distinguished from all others esp, in excel-
3bang adv : DIRECTLY, RIGHT lence <a ~ year)
'bang n : a fringe of hair cut short (as across the forehead) + AI, boss, excellent, grand, great, stellar, superior, un-
- usu. used in pl. surpassed - more at EXCELLENT
Sbang vb : to cut a bang in ban-nock \'ba-n;>k\ n : a flat oatmeal or barley cake usu.
Banoglaodeshi \,bal)-gl;>-'de-she\ n : a native or inhabitant cooked on a griddle
of Bangladesh - Bangladeshi adj banns \'banz\ n pi : public announcement esp. in church
banogle Vban-galv n : an ornamental band or chain worn of a proposed marriage
around the wrist; also: a loose-hanging ornament "ban-quet Vban-kwatv n [MF, fr. It banchetto, fro dim. of
bang-up \'bal)-,;>p\ adj + : being of the very best kind banca bench] + : a ceremonial dinner
+ dinner, feast, feed, spread - more at FEAST
+ Al .banner, excellent, fabulous, fine, grand, great,
prime, sensational, splendid, superb, superior, unsur- 'banquet vb : to partake of or treat with a banquet
ban-quette \bal)-'ket\ n : a long upholstered bench esp.
passed, wonderful - more at EXCELLENT
along a wall
ban-ish \'ba-nish\ vb 1 + : to require by authority to leave
ban-shee \'ban-she\ n [lr bean sidhe & ScGael bean sith;
a country 2 + : to drive out: EXPEL
lit., woman of fairyland] : a female spirit in Gaelic folk-
+ [I] deport, displace, exile, expatriate, transport; also lore whose wailing warns a family that one of them will
dismiss, eject, eliminate, evict, exclude, expel, oust, soon die
throw out + [2] boot (out), bounce, cast, drum, eject, ban-tarn \'ban-t;>m\ n 1 : any of numerous small domestic
expel, oust, rout, run off, throw out - more at EJECT fowls that are often miniatures of standard breeds 2: a
ban-ish-ment n + : a legal expulsion from a country small but pugnacious person
+ deportation, displacement, exile, expulsion - more "ban-ter \'ban-t;>r\ vb : to speak to in a witty and teasing
at EXILE manner
ban-is-ter Vba-no-starv n 1 : an upright often vase-shaped 'banter n + : good-natured witty joking
support for a rail 2: a handrail with its supporting posts + chaff, persiflage, raillery, repartee; also barb, crack,
3: HANDRAIL dig, gag, jest, joke, quip, sally, wisecrack, witticism
ban-jo \'ban-Jo\ n, pi banjos also banjoes : a musical in- Ban.tu \'ban-,tii\ n, pi Bantu or Bantus 1 : a member of a
strument with a long neck, a drumlike body, and usu. five group of African peoples of central and southern Africa
strings - ban-jo-ist \-ist\ n 2 : a group of African languages spoken by the Bantu
'bank \'bBlJk\ n 1 + : a piled-up mass (as of cloud or earth) Ban-tu-stan \,ban-tiI-'stan, .ban-tu-tstan', n : an all-black
2 : an undersea elevation 3: rising ground bordering a enclave in the Republic of So. Africa with a limited de-
lake, river, or sea 4 : the sideways slope of a surface along gree of self-government
a curve or of a vehicle as it rounds a curve ban-yan \'ban-y;>n\ n [earlier banyan Hindu merchant, fro
+ bar, drift, mound; also snowbank, snowdrift Hindi baniyd; fr. a merchant's pagoda erected under a
'bank vb 1 : to form a bank about 2: to cover (as a fire) tree of the species in Iran] : a large tropical Asian tree
with fuel to keep inactive 3: to build (a curve) with the whose aerial roots grow downward to the ground and
roadbed or track inclined laterally upward from the in- form new trunks
side edge 4 : to pile or heap in a bank; also: to arrange in ban-zai \biin-'zi\ n : a Japanese cheer or cry of triumph
a tier 5: to incline (an airplane) laterally bao-bab \'baiI-,bab, 'ba-;>-\ n : a tropical African tree with
3bank n [ME, fro MF or It; MF banque, fro It banca, lit., a short swollen trunk and sour edible gourdlike fruits
bench] 1 : an establishment concerned esp. with the cus- bap-tism \'bap-,ti-z;>m\ n 1 : a Christian sacrament signi-
tody, loan, exchange, or issue of money, the extension of fying spiritual rebirth and symbolized by the ritual use of
baptismal 62
water 2 : an act, experience, or ordeal by which one is pu- "bar-be-cue \'bar-bi-,kyii\ n : a social gathering at which
rified, sanctified, initiated, or named - bap-tis-mal \bap- barbecued food is served
'tiz-mal\ adj 2barbecue vb -cued; -cu-inq 1 : to cook over hot coals or on
baptismal name n : GIVEN NAME a revolving spit 2: to cook in a highly seasoned vinegar
Bap-tist \'bap-tist\ n : a member of any of several Protes- sauce
tant denominations emphasizing baptism by immersion bar-bell \'bar-,bel\ n : a bar with adjustable weights at-
of believers only tached to each end used for exercise and in weight-lifting
bap-tis-tery or bap-tis-try \ 'bap-ta-stre\ n, pi -ter-les or -tries competition
: a place esp. in a church used for baptism bar-ber \'bar-bar\ n [ME, fr. AF barboor, fro barbe beard,
bap-tize \bap-'tiz, 'bap-, tiz\ vb bap-tized; [ME, fro L barba] : one whose business is cutting and dressing
fr. AF baptiser, fr. L baptizare, fro Gk baptizein to dip, hair and shaving and trimming beards
baptize, fr. baptein to dip] 1 a : to administer baptism to bar-ber-ry \'bar-,ber-e\ n : any of a genus of spiny shrubs
b : to give a name to : CHRISTEN 2 a : to purify esp. by an bearing yellow flowers and oblong red berries
ordeal b : to induct into membership by or as if by spe- bar-bi-tu-rate \bar-'bi-cha-rat\ n : any of various com-
pounds (as a salt or ester) formed from an organic acid
cial rites: INITIATE
(bar-bi-tu-ric acid \,bar-ba-'tur-ik-, -'tyur-\); esp : one used
inaugurate, induct, initiate, install, invest - more at as a sedative or hypnotic
bar-ca-role or ber-ea-roue \'bar-ka-,r61\ n : a Venetian boat
'bar \'bar\ n 1 : a long narrow piece of material (as wood song characterized by a beat suggesting a rowing rhythm;
or metal) used esp. for a lever, fastening, or support 2 also: a piece of music imitating this
a : something that blocks or is intended to block pas- bar chart n : BAR GRAPH
sage: OBSTACLE b: a submerged or partly submerged bar code n : a set of printed and variously spaced bars and
bank (as of sand) along a shore or in a river often ob- sometimes numerals that is designed to be scanned to iden-
structing navigation 3 a : the railing in a law court at tify the object it labels - bar-cod-ed \'bar-,k6-dad\ adj
which prisoners are stationed b: the legal profession or bard \'bard\ n : one who writes poetry: a maker of
the whole body of lawyers 4.: a stripe, band, or line verses: POET
much longer than wide 5 : a counter at which food or minstrel, poet, versifier - more at POET
esp. drink is served; also : BARROOM 6: a vertical line bard-ic \'bar-dik\ adj. : being, belonging, or relating to a
across the musical staff bard or his poetry
[2a] block, encumbrance, hindrance, inhibition, ob- lyric, lyrical, poetic - more at POETIC
stacle - more at ENCUMBRANCE [4] band, streak,
1 bare \ 'bar\ adj bar-er; bar-est 1 ; devoid of customary or
stripe - more at STRIPE. [5] barroom, cafe, pub, pub-
lic house, saloon, tavern - more at BARROOM natural covering: NAKED 2: open to view: UNCONCEALED,
EXPOSED 3 : containing nothing : EMPTY 4: leaving
2bar vb barred; bar-rinq 1 : to fasten, confine, or obstruct
nothing to spare: MERE 5 : lacking ornament: PLAIN,
with or as if with a bar or bars 2: to mark with bars
: STRIPE 3 : to shut or keep out: EXCLUDE 4 : to com-
mand against: FORBID [1] bald, exposed, naked, nude, open, uncovered-
more at NAKED [3] blank, devoid, empty, stark, va-
[3] ban, count out, debar, eliminate, except, exclude, cant, void - more at EMPTY [5] bald, naked, plain,
rule out - more at EXCLUDE [4] ban, enjoin, forbid, simple, unadorned, undecorated, unvarnished - more
interdict, outlaw, prohibit, proscribe - more at FORBID at PLAIN
3bar prep : with the exclusion or exception of : EXCEPT 2bare vb bared; : to make or lay bare: UNCOVER
aside from, barring, besides, but, except, outside (of), disclose, discover, divulge, expose, reveal, spill, tell,
save uncover, unmask, unveil- more at REVEAL
'bar abbr barometer; barometric bare-back \-,bak\ or bare-backed \-'bakt\ adv or adj : with-
Bar abbr Baruch out a saddle
barb \'barb\ n 1 : a sharp projection extending backward bare-faced \-'fast\ adj 1 : having the face uncovered; esp
(as from the point of an arrow) 2 : a biting critical re- : BEARDLESS 2 : not concealed: OPEN - bare-taced-ly \-'fii-
mark - barbed \'barbd\ adj sad-Ie, -'fast-Ie\ adv
affront, dart, dig, indignity, insult, name, offense, bare-foot \-,fut\ or bare-toot-ed \-'fu-tad\ adv or adj : with
outrage, put-down, sarcasm, slight, slur, wound- bare feet
more at INSULT bare-handoed \-'han-dad\ adv or adj 1 : without gloves
' \bar-'ber-e-an\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or being a 2 : without tools or weapons
land, culture, or people alien to and usu. believed to be bare-head-ed \-'he-dad\ adv or adj : without a hat
inferior to another's 2: lacking refinement, learning, or bare-ly \'bar-Ie\ adv 1 : PLAINLY, MEAGERLY 2 : by a nar-
artistic or literary culture row margin: only just <~ enough money>
2barbarian n : one that is barbarian hardly, just, marginally, scarcely, slightly - more at
bar-bar-ic \bar-'bar-ik\ adj 1 : BARBARIAN 2: marked by a JUST
lack of restraint : WILD 3: mercilessly harsh or cruel bare-ness n : the quality or state of being bare
: BARBAROUS barf \'barf\ [origin unknown) : to discharge the contents
bar-ba-rism \'bar-ba-,ri-zam\ n 1 : the social condition of of the stomach through the mouth: VOMIT
barbarians; also : the use or display of barbarian or bar- gag, heave, hurl, puke, retch, spit up, throw up, vomit
barous acts, attitudes, or ideas 2: a word or expression - more at VOMIT
that offends standards of correctness or purity \'bar-,fll\ n : a drinker who frequents bars
bar-bar-i-ty \bar-'bar-a-te\ n : barbarous cruelty 'bar'gain \'bar-gan\ n 1 : an agreement between parties
brutality, cruelty, inhumanity, sadism, savagery, vi- settling a transaction 2.: an advantageous purchase
ciousness, wantonness - more at CRUELTY 3 : a transaction, situation, or event regarded in the light
bar-ba-rous \'bar-ba-ras\ adj 1 : lacking culture or re- of its results
finement 2 : using linguistic barbarisms 3 : mercilessly [1) accord, agreement, compact, contract, conven-
harsh or cruel - bar-ba-rous-ly adv tion, covenant, deal, pact, settlement, understanding -
[1] heathen, heathenish, Neanderthal, rude, savage, more at AGREEMENT (2) buy, deal, steal; also mark-
uncivil, uncivilized, uncultivated, wild - more at SAV- down
AGE [3] brutal, cruel, heartless, inhumane, sadistic, 2bargain vb 1 : to negotiate over the terms of an agree-
savage, vicious - more at CRUEL ment; also: to come to terms 2 : BARTER
63 barrio
chaffer, deal, dicker, haggle, negotiate, palter; also ar- ba-rouche \b:l-'riish\ n [G Barutsche, fro It biroccio, ultim.
gue, bicker, clash, quibble, squabble, wrangle fr. LL birotus two-wheeled, fro L bi- two + rota wheel] : a
barogain-base-ment \'blir-g;m-'bas-m:lnt\ adj : markedly 4-wheeled carriage with a high driver'S seat in front and a
inexpensive folding top
'barge \'blirj\ n 1 : a broad flat-bottomed boat usu. moved bar-racks \'bar-:lks\ n sing or pi : a building or group of
by towing 2: a motorboat supplied to a flagship (as for buildings for lodging soldiers
an admiral) 3: a ceremonial boat elegantly furnished - bar-ra-cu-da \,bar-:l-'kii-d:l\ n, pl-da or -das : any of several
barge-man \-m'm\ n large slender predaceous sea fishes including some used
2barge vb barged; barging 1 : to carry by barge 2: to move for food
or thrust oneself clumsily or rudely bar-raqe \b:l-'rlizh, -'rlij\ n 1 : a heavy concentration of fire
bar graph n : a graphic technique for comparing amounts (as of artillery) 2 : vigorous or rapid outpouring of
by rectangles whose lengths are proportional to the many things at once
amounts they represent bombardment, cannonade, fusillade, hail, salvo,
ba-rls-ta \b:l-'res-t:l\ n : a person who makes and serves shower, storm, volley; also broadside, burst, outburst;
coffee to the public deluge, flood, flood tide, flush, gush, inundation, out-
ban-tone Vbar-o-jton', n [F baryton or It baritono, fr. Gk flow, outpouring, overflow, spate, surge, torrent
barytonos deep sounding, fro barys heavy + tonos tone] : a barred \'blird\ adj : marked by or divided off by bars
male voice between bass and tenor; also: a man with such
a voice
'barrel \'bar-:ll\ n 1 : a round bulging cask with flat ends
bar-i-um \'bar-e-:lm\ n : a silver-white metallic chemical el-
of equal diameter 2 a : the amount contained in a barrel
ement that occurs only in combination
b : a great quantity 3: a drum or cylindrical part <gun
'bark \'blirk\ vb 1 : to make the short loud cry of a dog
~) - bar-reled \-:lld\ adj
2 : to speak or utter in a curt loud tone: SNAP
2bark n : the sound made by a barking dog [l] cask, hogshead, keg, pipe, puncheon - more at
3bark n : the tough corky outer covering of a woody stem or CASK [2b] abundance, deal, gobs, heap, loads, lot,
root pile, plenty, quantity, scads - more at LOT
'bark vb 1 : to strip the bark from 2 : to rub the skin 2barrel vb -reled or -relied; -rel-lnq or -rel-linq 1 : to pack in
from a barrel 2 : to travel at high speed
[1,2] flay, hull, husk, peel, shell, skin - more at PEEL dash, fly, hurry, hurtle, rush, speed, tear, zip, zoom
sbark n : a ship of three or more masts with the aft mast - more at HURRY
fore-and-aft rigged and the others square-rigged bar-rel-head \-,hed\ n : the flat end of a barrel - on the
bar-keep \'blir-,kep\ also bar-keep-er \-,ke-p:lr\ n : BAR- barrel head : asking for or granting no credit <paid cash on
TENDER the barrelhead)
bark-er \'blir-k:lr\ n : a person who stands at the entrance barrel roll n : an airplane maneuver in which a complete
esp. to a show and tries to attract customers to it revolution about the longitudinal axis is made
bar.ley \'blir-Ie\ n : a cereal grass with seeds used as food 'barren \'bar-:ln\ adj 1 .: not producing fruit, spores, or
and in making malt liquors; also: its seed offspring : STERILE 2 a : not productive <a ~ scheme)
bar mitz-vah \blir-'mits-v:I\ n, often cap B&M [Heb bar b : producing little or no vegetation: DESOLATE 3 : lack-
rniswdh, lit., son of the (divine) law] 1 : a Jewish boy who ing interest or charm 4: DULL, STUPID - bar-ren-ness
at about 13 years of age assumes religious responsibilities \-n:ls\ n
2 : the ceremony recognizing a boy as a bar mitzvah [l] impotent, infertile, sterile - more at STERILE
barn \'blirn\ n [ME bern, fr. OE bereeern, fr. bere barley + [2b] infertile, poor, stark, unproductive, waste; also
rem house, store] : a building used esp. for storing hay bleak, dead, desolate, inhospitable, lifeless Ant fertile,
and grain and for housing livestock or farm equipment fruitful, lush, luxuriant, productive, rich
bar-na-cle Vbar-ni-kalv n : any of numerous small marine 2barren n : a tract of barren land
crustaceans free-swimming when young but permanently desert, desolation, waste, wasteland - more at
fixed (as to rocks, whales, or ships) when adult WASTELAND
barn-storm \'blirn-,storm\ vb : to travel through the coun- bar-rette \bli-'ret, b:l-\ n : a clasp or bar for holding the hair
try making brief stops to entertain (as with shows or fly- in place
ing stunts) or to campaign for political office 'barrioeade \'bar-:l-,kiid, ,bar-:l-'kiid\ vb -cad-ed; -cading
barn-yard \-,ylird\ n : a usu. fenced area adjoining a barn 1 : to block, obstruct, or fortify with a barricade 2 : to
baroograph Vbar-a-jgrafv n : a recording barometer prevent access to by means of a barricade
ba-rom-e-ter \ba-'rlim-:l-t:lr\ n : an instrument for measur-
besiege, block, cut off, dam, encircle, surround
ing atmospheric pressure - baro-rnet-rlc \,bar-:l-'me-trik\
adj 2barricade n [F, fr. MF, fr. barriquer to barricade, fr. bar-
bar-on \'bar-:ln\ n 1 : a member of the lowest grade of the rique barrel] 1 : a hastily thrown-up obstruction or forti-
British peerage 2 : a man who possesses great power or fication 2: something that impedes progress or
influence in some field of activity - bar-ony \'bar-:l-ne\ n achievement: BARRIER
czar, king, magnate, mogul, prince, tycoon - more bar-ri-er \'bar-e-:lr\ n : something that separates, demar-
at MAGNATE cates, or serves as a barricade <racial ~s) <traffic ~s)
bar-on-aqe Vbar-a-niiv n : PEERAGE fence, hedge, wall; also bar, encumbrance, handicap,
bar-on-ess Vbar-c-nasx n 1 : the wife or widow of a baron hindrance, hurdle, impediment, obstacle, obstruction,
2 : a woman holding a baronial title in her own right roadblock, stop
bar-on-et \ 'bar-o-net', n : a man holding a rank of honor be- barrier island n : a long broad sandy island lying parallel to
Iowa baron but above a knight - bar-on-et-cy \-se\ n a shore
be-ro-nl-al \b:l-'ro-ne-:lI\ adj 1 : of or relating to a baron or barrier reef n : a coral reef roughly parallel to a shore and
the baronage 2 : generous or more than adequate in separated from it by a lagoon
size, scope, or capacity: STATELY bar.ring \'blir-il)\prep : excluding by exception
grand, grandiose, imposing, magnificent, majestic, aside from, bar, besides, but, except, outside (of),
monumental, stately - more at GRAND save
be-roque \b:l-'rok, -'rlik\ ad} : marked by the use of com- bar-rio \'blir-e-,o, 'bar-\ n, pl-ri-os 1 : a district of a city or
plex forms, bold ornamentation, and the juxtapositioning town in a Spanish-speaking country 2: a Spanish,
of contrasting elements speaking quarter in a U.S. city
barrister 64
bar-ris-ter Vbar-a-starv n : a British counselor admitted to base exchange n : a post exchange at a naval or air force
plead in the higher courts base
bar-room \'bar-,rum, -,rum\ n + : a room or establishment base hit n : a hit in baseball that enables the batter to reach
whose main feature is a bar for the sale of liquor base safely with no error made and no base runner forced
+ bar, cafe, pub, public house, saloon, tavern; a/so out
cabaret, dive, joint, nightclub, speakeasy BASE jumping \'bas-\ n [building, antenna, span, earth]
'bar.row \'bar-a\ n : a large burial mound of earth and : the activity of parachuting from a high structure or cliff
stones base-less \-I:ls\ adj + : having no base or basis: GROUND-
'barrow n 1 : WHEELBARROW 2: a cart with a boxlike body LESS
and two shafts for pushing it + groundless, invalid, unfounded, unreasonable, un-
Bart abbr baronet substantiated, unsupported, unwarranted; also illogical,
bar-tend-er \ 'bar-, ten-dar', n : a person who serves liquor at irrational, nonlogical, unconscionable, unsound Ant
a bar reasonable, reasoned, substantiated, valid, well:
"bar-ter \'biir-t:lr\ vb : to trade by exchange of goods - bar- founded
ter-er n base-line \'bas-,lIn\ n 1 : a line serving as a basis esp. to
'barter n 1 + : the act or practice of carrying on trade by calculate or locate something 2 : the area within which a
bartering 2: the thing given in exchange in bartering baseball player must keep when running between bases
+ commutation, exchange, swap, trade, truck - more base-ment \-m:lnt\ n 1 : the part of a building that is
at EXCHANGE wholly or partly below ground level 2: the lowest or fun-
Baruch \'bar-,uk, b:l-'ruk\ n : homiletic book included in damental part of something
the Roman Catholic canon of the Old Testament and in base on balls: an advance to first base awarded a baseball
the Protestant Apocrypha player who during a turn at bat takes four pitches that
bas-al \'bii-s:ll\ adj 1 : situated at or forming the base are balls
2: BASIC base runner n : a baseball player who is on base or is at-
basal metabolism n : the turnover of energy in a fasting tempting to reach a base
and resting organism using energy solely to maintain vital 'bash \'bash\ vb 1 + : to strike violently: HIT 2 : to smash
cellular activity, respiration, and circulation as measured by a blow 3 + : to attack physically or verbally
by the rate at which heat is given off + [1] bang, collide, crash, hit, ram, slam, smash, strike
be-salt \b:l-'solt, 'bii-,solt\ n : a dark fine-grained igneous + [3] bat, batter, beat, hammer, lambaste, pelt, pound,
rock - ba-sal-tic \b:l-'sol-tik\ adj thrash
'base \'bas\ n, pi bas-es \'bii-s:lz\ 1 a + : the lowest part or 2bash n 1: a heavy blow 2: a festive social gathering
place: BOlTOM b + : the physical or philosophical foun- : PARTY
dation upon which something is based 2: a side or face bash-ful \'bash-f:ll\ adj + : inclined to shrink from public
on which a geometrical figure stands; a/so: the length of attention - bash-tul-ness n
a base 3 + : a main ingredient or fundamental part 4: the + coy, demure, diffident, introverted, modest, retiring,
point of beginning an act or operation 5: a place on sheepish, shy - more at SHY
which a force depends for supplies 6: a number (as 5 in ba-sic \'bii-sik\ adj 1 +: of, relating to, or forming the
5') that is raised to a power; esp : a number that when base or essence: FUNDAMENTAL 2 : of, relating to, or hav-
raised to a power equal to the logarithm of a number ing the character of a chemical base - ba.sic.i.ty \bii-'si-
yields the number itself <the logarithm of loo to ~ 10 is s:l-te\ n
2 since 102 = lOO> 7: the number of units in a given + elemental, elementary, essential, fundamental, rudi-
digit's place of a number system that is required to give mentary, underlying - more at ELEMENTARY
the numeral 1 in the next higher place <the decimal sys- BASIC \'bii-sik\ n [Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic In-
tem uses a ~ of 10>; also: such a system using an indi- struction Code] : a simplified language for programming
cated base <convert from ~ 10 to ~ 2> 8: any of the a computer
four stations at the corners of a baseball diamond 9: a \'bii-si-k(:l- )Ie\ adv 1 : at a basic level 2 + : for
chemical compound (as lime or ammonia) that reacts the most part 3: in a basic manner
with an acid to form a salt, has a bitter taste, and turns lit-
+ altogether, chiefly, generally, largely, mainly, mostly,
mus blue - base-man \'biis-m:ln\ n overall, predominantly, primarily, principally - more
+ [la] bottom, foot - more at BOlTOM + [lb] basis, at CHIEFLY
bedrock, cornerstone, footing, foundation, ground, ba-sil \'bii-Z:ll, 'ba-, -salv n : any of several mints with fra-
groundwork, keystone, underpinning - more at COR- grant leaves used in cooking
NERSTONE + [3] center (or centre), core, cynosure, eye,
ca-su-l-ea \b:l-'si-li-b, -'zi-\ n [L, fr. Gk basilike, fr. fem. of
focus, heart, hub, mecca, nucleus, seat - more at CEN- basilikos royal, fr. basileus king] 1 : an early Christian
church building consisting of nave and aisles with
2base vb based; basing 1 + : to form or serve as a base for clerestory and apse 2: a Roman Catholic church given
ceremonial privileges
+ ground, rest; also establish, found bas-i-lisk \'ba-s:l-,Iisk, 'ba-za-v n [ME, fr. L basiliscus, fro
3base adj 1: of inferior quality : DEBASED, ALLOYED Gk basiliskos, fro dim. of basileus king] : a legendary rep-
2 + : characterized by baseness, lowness, or meanness tile with fatal breath and glance
: CONTEMPTIBLE, IGNOBLE 3 : MENIAL, DEGRADING 4: of lit- ba-sin \'bas-'n\ n 1: an open usu. circular vessel with
tle value - base-ly adv - base-ness n sloping sides for holding liquid (as water) 2: a hollow or
contemptible, despicable, detestable, dirty, dishonor- enclosed place containing water; a/so: the region drained
able (or dishonourable), ignoble, low, mean, snide, sor- by a river
did, vile, wretched - more at IGNOBLE ba-sis \'bii-s:ls\ n, p/ ba-ses \-,sez\ 1 : the lowest part or
base-ball \'bas-,bol\ n : a game played with a bat and ball place: FOUNDATION 2 + : a fundamental principle
by two teams on a field with four bases arranged in a di- + base, bedrock, cornerstone, footing, foundation,
amond; a/so: the ball used in this game ground, groundwork, keystone, underpinning - more
base-board \-,bard\ n : a line of boards or molding cover- at CORNERSTONE
ing the joint of a wall and the adjoining floor bask \'bask\ vb 1 + : to lie or relax in comfortable warmth
base-born \-'born\ adj 1 : MEAN, IGNOBLE 2: of humble 2 : to enjoy something warmly comforting <~ing in his
birth 3: of illegitimate birth friends' admiration>
65 battery
+ loll, lounge, relax, repose, rest - more at REST time 2 : a quantity of material for use at one time or pro-
bas-ket \'bas-k;)t\ n : a container made of woven material duced at one operation 3 + : a quantity (as of persons or
(as twigs or grasses); also: any of various lightweight usu. things) considered as a group
wood containers - bas-ket-tul n + array, assemblage, block, bunch, collection, group,
bas-ket-ball \-,bol\ n : a game played on a court by two set
teams who try to throw an inflated ball through a raised bate \'bat\ vb bat-ed: : MODERATE, REDUCE
goal; also: the ball used in this game bath \'bath, 'bath\ n, pI baths \'balhz, 'baths, 'bathz,
basket case n 1 : a person who has all four limbs ampu- 'baths\ 1 : a washing of the body 2: water for washing
tated 2: a person who is mentally incapacitated or worn the body 3: a liquid in which objects are immersed so
out (as from nervous tension) that it can act on them 4: a room containing a bathtub
basket weave n : a textile weave resembling the checkered or shower and usu. a sink and toilet: BATHROOM 5: a fi-
pattern of a plaited basket nancial loss <took a ~ in the market>
basmati rice \,bliz-'mii-te-\ n : an aromatic long-grain rice bathe \'bath\ vb bathed; 1 + : to wash in liquid
originating in southern Asia and esp, water; also: to apply water or a medicated liquid
bas mitzvah var O/BAT MITZVAH to <bathed her eyes> 2: to take a bath; also: to take a
Basque \'bask\ n 1 : a member of a people inhabiting a re- swim 3 + : to wash along, over, or against so as to wet
gion bordering on the Bay of Biscay in northern Spain 4 : to suffuse with or as if with light - bath-er n
and southwestern France 2: the language of the Basque + [1, 3) douse, drench, soak, sop, souse, wash, water,
people - Basque adj wet - more at WET
bas-re-lief \,bii-ri-'Ief\ n [F) : a sculpture in relief with the bath-house \'bath-,haus, 'bath-\ n 1 : a building equipped
design raised very slightly from the background for bathing 2: a building containing dressing rooms for
'bass \'bas\ n, pI bass or bass-es : any of numerous sport bathers
and food bony fishes (as a striped bass) bathing suit n : SWIMSUIT
2bass \'bas\ adj + : of low pitch ba-thos \'ba-,thiis\ n [Gk, lit., depth) 1 : the sudden ap-
+ deep, low, throaty - more at DEEP pearance of the commonplace in otherwise elevated mat-
3bass \'bas\ n 1 : a deep sound or tone 2: the lower half of ter or style 2: insincere or overdone pathos - ba-thet-ic
the musical pitch range 3: the lowest part in a 4-part \b;)-'the-tik\ adj
chorus; a/so: a singer having this voice or part bath-robe \'bath-,rob, 'bath-v n : a loose often absorbent
bas-set hound Vba-sat-v n : any of an old breed of short: robe worn before and after bathing or as a dressing gown
legged hunting dogs of French origin having long ears bath-room \-,rum, -,rum\ n + : a room containing a bath-
and a short smooth coat tub or shower and usu. a sink and toilet
bas-si-net \,ba-s;)-'net\ n : a baby's bed that resembles a + lavatory, toilet - more at TOILET
basket and often has a hood over one end bath-tub \-,t;)b\ n : a usu. fixed tub for bathing
bas-so Vba-so, 'bii-\ n, pl bassos or bas-sl \'bii-,se\ [It) : a ba.tik \b;)-'tek, 'ba-tik\ n [Javanese batik) 1 : an Indonesian
bass singer method of hand-printing textiles by coating with wax the
bas-soon \b;)-'siin\ n : a musical wind instrument lower in parts not to be dyed; also: a design so executed 2: a fab-
pitch than the oboe
ric printed by batik
bass-wood \'bas-,wUd\ n : any of several New World lin-
ba-tiste \b;)-'test\ n : a fine sheer fabric of plain weave
dens or their wood bat-man \'bat-m;)n\ n : an orderly of a British military offi-
bast \ 'bast\ n : BAST FmER
tbas-tard \'bas-t;)rd\ n 1 : an illegitimate child 2: an offen-
bat mitz-vah \biit-'mits-v;)\ also bas mitzvah \biis-\ n, often
sive or clisagreeable person
cap B&M [Heb bath miswah, lit., daughter of the (divine)
2bastard adj 1 : not recognized as lawful offspring: ILLE-
law) 1 : a Jewish girl who at about 13 years of age as-
GI1lMATE 2: of an inferior or nontypical kind, size, or
sumes religious responsibilities 2: the ceremony recog-
form; also: SPURIOUS - bas-tardy n
nizing a girl as a bat mitzvah
bas-tard-ise Brit var O/BASTARDIZE
ba-ton \b;)-'tiin\ n : STAFF, ROD; esp : a stick with which the
bas-tard-ize \'bas-t;)r-,diz\ vb -ized; : to reduce from
leader directs an orchestra or band
a higher to a lower state : DEBASE
bats-man \'bats-m;)n\ n : a batter esp. in cricket
'baste \'bast\ vb bast-ed; : to sew with long stitches
bat-tal-ion \b;)-'tal-y;)n\ n 1 + : a large body of troops or-
so as to keep temporarily in place
ganized to act together: ARMY 2: a military unit com-
2baste vb bastoed; bast-lnq : to moisten (as meat) at inter-
posed of a headquarters and two or more units (as
vals with liquid while cooking
bast fiber n : a strong woody plant fiber obtained chiefly companies)
from phloem and used esp. in making ropes + army, host, legion - more at ARMY
bas-ti-na-do \,bas-t;)-'na-do, -'na-\ or bas-ti-nade \,bas-t;)- 'bat.ten \'bat-On\ vb 1 : to grow or make fat 2: THRrvE
'nad, -'nad\ n, pi -na-does or -nades 1 : a blow or beating 2batten n : a strip of wood used esp. to seal or strengthen a
esp. with a stick 2: a punishment consisting of beating joint
the soles of the feet 3batten vb : to fasten with battens
bas-tion \'bas-ch;)n\ n 1 : a projecting part of a fortifica- 'batter \'ba-t;)r\ vb + : to beat or damage with repeated
tion 2 + : a fortified position blows
citadel, fastness, fort, fortification, fortress, hold, + bash, beat, bludgeon, club, pound, thrash, thump,
stronghold - more at FORT wallop - more at BEAT
1bat \'bat\ n 1 + : a stout stick: CLUB 2 + : a sharp blow 2batter n : a soft mixture (as for cake) basically of flour and
3 : an implement (as of wood) used to hit a ball (as in liquid
baseball) 4 : a turn at batting - usu. used with at 3batter n : one that bats; esp : the player whose turn it is to
+ [1) billy club, bludgeon, club, cudgel, staff, trun- bat
cneon - more at CLUB. \11 belt, blow, box, clout, hit, battering ram n 1 : an ancient military machine for batter-

I, 3hat u
punch, slug, wallop, whack - more at BLOW
2bat vb bat-ted; bat-ting : to hit with or as if with a bat
! .tu,,", ",I 1\1'1 ~ .dh" f ,.,i;:kt-_n,...;nb #M.b.#Hl'HnJs ,.v;lJ, For-o-
ing down walls 2: a heavy metal bar with handles used to
batter down doors
'!>bt-teIY \ 'ba-ta-re\ n, pl-ter.ies 1: BA TING: egp ! unlawful
\imbs modified to form wings beating or use of force on a person 2: a grouping of ar-

'bat vb bat-ted: bat-tinq : WINK, BLINK tillery pieces for tactical purposes; also : the guns of a
batch \'bach\ n 1 : a quantity (as of bread) baked at one warship 3: a group of electric cells for furnishing electric
batting 66
current; also: a single electric cell <a flashlight -) 4: a coastal eastern No. America bearing small hard berries
number of similar items grouped or used as a unit <a - coated with a white wax used for candles; also: its fruit
of tests) 5: the pitcher and catcher of a baseball team bay leaf n : the dried leaf of the European laurel used in
batting \'ba-tiIj\ n : layers or sheets of cotton or wool (as cooking
for lining quilts) 'bay.o-net \'ba-a-nat, ,ba-a-'net\ n : a daggerlike weapon
'bat.tle \'bat-'I\ n [ME batel, fro AF bataille battle, battal- made to fit on the muzzle end of a rifle
ion, fro LL battalia combat, alter. of battualia fencing ex- 2bayonet vb -net-ed also -net-ted: -net-inq also -net-tinq : to
ercises, fro L battuere to beat] 1: a general military use or stab with a bayonet
engagement 2 + : an extended contest, struggle, or con- bay-ou \'bi-yu, -0\ n [Louisiana French, fro Choctaw
troversy bayuki : a marshy or sluggish body of water
+ fight, fray, scrabble, struggle - more at STRUGGLE bay rum n : a fragrant liquid used esp. as a cologne or af-
+ combat, conflict, confrontation, contest, duel, ri- tershave lotion
valry, struggle, tug-of-war, warfare - more at CONTEST ba-zaar \ba-'zar\ n 1 : a group of shops: MARKETPLACE 2: a
2battle vb bat-tled: bat-tlinq 1 + : to engage in battle : FIGHT fair for the sale of articles uSU. for charity
2 + : to contend with full strength, vigor, skill, or re- ba-zoo-ka \ba-'zu-ka\ n [bazooka (a crude musical instru-
sources ment made of pipes and a funnel)] : a weapon consisting
+ [1] clash, combat, fight, scrimmage, skirmish, war - of a tube and launching an explosive rocket able to pierce
more at FIGHT + [2] combat, contend, counter, fight, armor
oppose - more at FIGHT 'BB \'be-(,)be\ n : a small round shot pellet
bet-tie-ax \'bat-'l-,aks\ n 1 : a long-handled ax formerly 2BB abbr base on balls
used as a weapon 2: a quarrelsome domineering woman BBB abbr Better Business Bureau
battle fatigue n : COMBAT FATIGUE BBC abbr British Broadcasting Corporation
battle-field \'bat-'l-,feld\ n : a place where a battle is bbl abbr barrel; barrels
fought BC abbr 1 before Christ - often printed in small capitals
bat-tle-ment \-mant\ n : a decorative or defensive parapet and often punctuated 2 British Columbia
on top of a wall B cell n [bone-marrow-derived cel[j : any of the lympho-
bat-tle-ship \-,ship\ n : a warship of the most heavily armed cytes that secrete antibodies when mature
and armored class B complex n : VITAMIN B COMPLEX
bat-tte-waq-on \-,wa-gan\ n : BATTLESHIP bd abbr 1 board 2 bound
bat-ty \'ba-te\ adj bat-tl-er; -est: disordered in mind: CRAZY bdl or bdle abbr bundle
bau-ble \'bo-bal\ n + : a small ornament (as a jewel or ring) bdrm abbr bedroom
: TRINKET be \'be\ vb, past l st & 3d sing was \'wn, 'waz\; 2d sing
+ curiosity, gewgaw, knickknack, novelty, trinket- were \'war\; pi were; past subjunctive were; past pan been
more at KNICKKNACK \'bin \; prespart beoing \ 'he-ilJ\; pres 1st sing am vom, 'am \;
baud \'bod, Brit 'bod\ n, pi baud also bauds: a unit of data 2d sing are \ar, 'ar\; 3d sing is \'iz, az\; pi are; pres sub-
transmission speed junctive be 1 : to equal in meaning or symbolically <God
baux-ite \'bok-,sit\ n : a clayey mixture that is the chief ore is love); also : to have a specified qualification or rela-
of aluminum tionship <leaves are green) <this fish is a trout) 2 a : to
bawd \'bod\ n 1 : MADAM 2 2: PROSTITUTE have objective existence <I think, therefore I am) b : to
bawd-i-ness \-de-nas\ n + : the quality or state of being have or occupy a particular place <here is your pen)
bawdy <his ribaldry and-) 3 : to take place: OCCUR <the meeting is tonight) 4 -
+ coarseness, indecency, lewdness, nastiness, obscenity, used with the past participle of transitive verbs as a pas-
ribaldry, smut, vulgarity - more at OBSCENITY sive voice auxiliary <the door was opened) 5 - used as
bawdy \'bo-de\ adj bawd-i-er; -est + : offensive to morality the auxiliary of the present participle in expressing con-
or virtue: LEWD - \'bod-'l-e\ adv tinuous action <he is sleeping) 6 - used as an auxiliary
with the past participle of some intransitive verbs to form
+ coarse, crude, indecent, obscene, smutty, unprint-
archaic perfect tenses 7 - used as an auxiliary with to
able, vulgar + lewd, racy, ribald, risque, spicy, sugges-
and the infinitive to express futurity, prearrangement, or
tive - more at SUGGESTIVE
obligation <you are to come when called)
'bawl \'bol\ vb + : to cry or cry out loudly; also: to scold
harshly [2a] breathe, exist, live, subsist; also abide, continue,
endure, last, lead, persist, survive Ant depart, die, ex-
+ blubber, cry, sob, weep - more at CRY + call, cry, pire, pass away, perish, succumb. [2b] lie, sit, stand
holler, shout, vociferate, yell - more at CALL
2bawl n : a long loud cry : BELLOW Be symbol beryllium
bawl out vb + : to reprimand loudly or severely 'beach \'bech\ n : a sandy or gravelly part of the shore of
an ocean or lake
+ admonish, chide, lecture, rail (at or against), rate, re- 2beach vb : to run or drive ashore
buke, reprimand, scold - more at SCOLD
beach buggy n : DUNE BUGGY
'bay \'bii\ adi : reddish brown beach-comb-er \'bech-,ko-mar\ n : a person who searches
2bay n 1 : a bay-colored animal 2: a reddish brown color
along a shore for something of use or value
3bay n 1 : a section or compartment of a building or vehi-
beachhead \'bech-,hed\ n : a small area on an enemy-held
cle 2: a compartment projecting outward from the wall
shore occupied in the initial stages of an invasion
of a building and containing a window (bay window)
bea-con \'be-kan\ n 1 : a signal fire 2: a guiding or warn-
4bay vb : to bark with deep long tones
ing signal (as a lighthouse) 3: a radio transmitter emit-
howl, keen, wail, vowl - more at HOWL ting signals for guidance of aircraft
~bay n 1 : the position of one unable to escape and forced 'bead \'bed\ n [ME bede prayer, prayer bead, fr. DE bed,
to face danger 2 : a baying of dogs gebed prayer] 1 pi : a series of prayers and meditations
"bay n : an inlet of a body of water (as the sea) uSU. made with a rosary 2: a small piece of material pierced
smaller than a gulf for threading on a line (as in a rosary) 3: a small globu-
bight, cove, estuary, firth, fjord, gulf, inlet - more at lar body 4: a narrow projecting rim or band - beadlng
GULF n - beady adf
7bay n : the European laurel; also : a shrub or tree resem- 2bead vb : to form into a bead
bling this bea-dle \'bed-'I\ n : a usu. English parish officer whose du-
M'$'~~'~ \'Q~)Q~~'~\ . '.
a.'j decidunus shrub of;;!.Q.. \._a._c.tuda. l.c.a.o.~i~~ t'\.~d_o.~ i~ ~:"'\.\.e ~,,
67 beat
beaogle\'be-gal\ n : a small short-legged smooth-coated usu bear down on depress, press, shove, weigh-
hound more at PRESS
beak \'bek\ n : the bill of a bird and esp. of a bird of prey; bearing \'bar-h)\ n 1 : manner of carrying oneself: COM-
a/so: a pointed projecting part - beaked \'bekt\ adj PORTMENT 2: a supporting object, purpose, or point 3: a
bea-ker\'be-kar\ n 1 : a large widemouthed drinking cup machine part in which another part (as an axle or pin)
2 : a widemouthed thin-walledlaboratoryvessel turns 4: an emblem in a coat of arms 5: the position or
'beam \'bem\ n 1 : a large long piece of timber or metal direction of one point with respect to another or to the
2 : the bar of a balance from which the scales hang 3: the compass; also : a determination of position 6 pI : com-
breadth of a ship at its widest part 4: a ray or shaft of prehension of one's situation 7 : connection with or in-
light 5: a collection of nearly parallel rays (as X-rays)or fluence on something; also: SIGNIFICANCE
particles (as electrons) 6: a constant radio signal trans- [1) actions, behavior (or behaviour), comportment,
mitted for the guidance of pilots; a/so: the course indi- conduct, demeanor (or demeanour), deportment-
cated by this signal more at BEHA YlOR [7] applicability, pertinence, rele-
2beam vb 1 : to send out light 2: to aim (a broadcast) by vance, significance - more at PERTINENCE. [7) associ-
directional antennas 3: to smile with joy ation, connection, linkage, relation, relationship-
beam-lnq adj 1 .: marked by, emitting, or reflecting more at CONNECTION
strong or clear rays of light 2 : marked by or expressive bear-Ish adj 1 : resembling a bear in build or in rough-
of extreme and unreserved joy, happiness,or satisfaction ness, gruffness, or surliness <a '"" man> 2: marked by,
[1) bright, brilliant, incandescent, luminous,shiny - tending to cause, or fearful of falling prices (as in a stock
more at BRIGHT. [2) aglow, glowing, radiant, sunny - market)
more at RADIANT
bilious, cantankerous,disagreeable, dyspeptic, iii-hu-
'bean \'ben\ n : the edible seed borne in pods by some legu- mored, ill-tempered, ornery, splenetic, surly - more at
minous plants; a/so: a plant or a pod bearing these ILL-TEMPERED
2bean vb : to strike on the head with an object bear market n : a market in which securities or commodi-
bean-bag Vben-jbag', n : a cloth bag partially filled typi-
ties are persistently falling in value
cally with dried beans and used as a toy
bean-ball\'ben-.bol\ n : a pitch thrown at a batter's head bear out vb : to give new assurance of the validity of
: CONFIRM, SUBSTANTIATE <a theory borne out by data>
bean curd n : TOFU
bean-ie \'be-ne\ n : a small round tight-fitting skullcap confirm, corroborate, substantiate, support, validate,
beano \'be-no\ n, p/ beanos: BINGO verify, vindicate - more at CONFIRM
bear-skin \'bar-,skin\ n : an article made of the skin of a
'bear \'bar\ n, p/ bears 1 or p/ bear: any of a family of large
heavy mammals with shaggy hair and small tails 2 : a bear
beast \'best\ n 1 : any of a kingdom of living things typ-
gruff or sullen person 3: one who sells (as securities) in
expectation of a price decline ically differing from plants in capacity for active move-
complainer, crab, crank, curmudgeon, grouch, grum- ment, in rapid response to stimulation, and in lack of
bler, whiner - more at GROUCH cellulose cell walls : ANIMAL; esp : a 4-footed mammal
2bear vb bore \'bor\; borne \'born\ also born \'born\; bear- 2 : a contemptible person
ing 1 .: to move while supporting: CARRY 2: to be [1) animal, creature, critter [2) brute, devil, fiend,
equipped with 3: to give as testimony ('"" witness to the monster, savage, villain - more at FIEND
' \'best-Ie\ adj beast-li-er; -est 1 : BESTIAL 2: ABOM-
facts of the case> 4: to give birth to; a/so: PRODUCE, YlELD
INABLE, DISAGREEABLE - beast-li-ness\-nas\ n
(a tree that '""s regularly> 5 a : to support (as a weight
2beastlyadv : to a high degree: VERY, EXCEEDINGLY
or structure) (bore the weighton piles> b : to accept or
allow oneself to be subject to : take on or endure <'"" 'beat \'bet\ vb beat; beat-en \'bet-n\ or beat;
pain> 6: to go in an indicated direction <'""to the right> 1 : to strike repeatedly 2: TREAD 3 : to affect or alter
7 : to manage the actions of (oneself) in a particular way by beating ('"" metal into sheets> 4: to sound (as an
: CONDUCT 8 : to hold in the mind or emotions 9: to ex- alarm) on a drum 5 a : to get the better of : OVERCOME
ert pressure or influence 10.: to have relevance or a b : to become better, greater, or stronger than: SURPASS
valid connection: PERTAIN - often used with on or upon 6 : to act or arrive before ('"" his brother home> 7: to
(facts '""ing on the question> - bear-ern beat or vibrate rhythmically: THROB 8: to flap or thrash
[1) carry, cart, convey, ferry, haul, lug, pack, tote,at vigorously 9: to glare or strike with oppressive inten-
transport - more at CARRY [5a) bolster, brace, but- sity (the sun r--> down on the caravan>
tress, carry, prop, shore, stay, support, uphold - more [1) bash, bat, batter, club, drub, pound, thrash,
at SUPPORT. [5b) accept, assume, shoulder, take over, thump, wallop, whale, whip; also assail, attack, box,
undertake - more at ASSUME [5b) abide, brook, bust, cane, chop, clobber, clout, crack, cudgel, cuff, hit,
countenance, endure, meet, stand, stick out, stomach, horsewhip, knock, lam, lash, lay on, paste, punch, slap,
support, sustain, take, tolerate; a/so accept, allow, per-smack, smash, sock, spank, swat, swipe, thwack, whack
mit, suffer, swallow. [8) cherish, entertain, harbor (or [3) forge, hammer, pound - more at HAMMER
harbour), have, hold, nurse - more at HARBOR usu [5a) best, conquer, crush, defeat, lick, overcome,pre-
bear on [10) appertain, apply, pertain, refer, relate- vail, rout, skunk, subdue, thrash, triumph, trounce,
more at APPLY wallop, whip; also nose out Ant lose (to) [5b) better,
bear-able adi : capable of being borne eclipse, excel, outdistance, outdo, outshine, outstrip,
endurable, sufferable, supportable, sustainable, toler-surpass, top, transcend - more at SURPASS
able; also livable Ant insufferable, insupportable, intol-
2beat n 1 a : a single stroke or blow esp. of a series b : a
erable, unbearable, unendurable, unsupportable rhythmic throbbing, contraction and expansion, or vibra-
'beard \'bird\ n 1 : the hair that grows on the face of a mantion : PULSATION 2 : a rhythmic stress in poetry or mu-
2 : a growth of bristly hairs (as on a goat's chin) - beard-
sic or the rhythmic effect of these 3: a regularly
ed \'bir-dad\ adi - beard-tess adj traversed course
2beard vb : to confront boldly [1b) palpitation, pulsation, pulse, throb - more at
brave, brazen, confront, dare, defy, face - more at PULSATION [2) cadence, measure, meter (or metre),
FACE rhythm - more at RHYTHM
bear down vb : to exert full strength and concentrated at- 3beat adj 1 : consumed entirely: EXHAUSTED 2: of or re-
tention - bear down on : to weigh heavily on lating to beatniks
beat 68
+ bushed, dead, drained, exhausted, prostrate, spent, + due to, owing to, through, with
weary, worn-out - more at WEARY beck \'bek\ n : a beckoning gesture; also: SUMMONS
'beat n : BEATNIK beck-on \'be-k:ln\ vb : to summon or signal esp, by a nod
beat-er n : one that beats or gesture; also: ATTRACT
be-atif-lc \,be-:l-'ti-fik\ adj : giving or indicative of great joy be-cloud \bi-'klaud\ vb + : to prevent clear perception or
or bliss realization of
be-at-l-ty \be-'a-t:l-,fi\ vb -fied; 1: to make + befog, blur, cloud, darken, dim, fog, haze, mist, ob-
supremely happy 2: to declare to have attained the scure, overcast, overshadow, shroud - more at CLOUD
blessedness of heaven and authorize the title "Blessed"
be-come \bi-'k::>m\ vb -came \-'kiim\; -come; -com-lnq
for - be-at-l-ti-ca-tion \-,a-t:l-f:l-'kii-sh:ln\ n
1 + : to come to be <~ tired) 2: to suit or be suitable to
be-at-i-tude \be-'a-t:l-,tUd, -,tyUd\ n 1 : a state of utmost
<her dress ~s her)
bliss 2: any of the declarations made in the Sermon on
the Mount (Mt 5:3-12) beginning "Blessed are" + come, get, go, grow, run, turn, wax; also alter,
beat-nik Vbet-nikv n : a person who rejects the mores of es- change, metamorphose, modify, mutate, transfigure,
tablished society and indulges in exotic philosophizing transform, transmute
and self-expression be-com-Inq adj : adapted to a use or purpose: SUITABLE, FIT;
beau \'bo\ n, pi beaux \'boz\ or beaus [F, fr. beau beauti- also: ATTRACTIVE - be-com-ing-ly adv
ful, fr. L bel/us pretty] 1 : a man of fashion : DANDY 'bed \'bed\ n 1 + : an article of furniture to sleep on 2: a
2 + : one who courts a woman or seeks to marry her plot of ground prepared for plants 3: an underlying base
+ boyfriend, fellow, man, swain - more at BOYFRIEND or support: BOTTOM 4: LAYER, STRATUM
beau geste \b6-'zhest\ n, pi beaux gestes or beau gestes
+ bunk, pad, sack; also bedstead, mattress, pallet
\bo-'zhest\ IF] : a graceful or magnanimous gesture 'bed vb bedoded; bedoding 1 : to put or go to bed 2: to fix
beau ide-al \,bo-i-'de( -:1)1\ n, pi beau ideals IF] + : the per- in a foundation: EMBED 3: to plant in beds 4: to lay or
fect type or model lie flat or in layers
+ classic, epitome, exemplar, ideal, model, nonpareil, bed-and-breakfast n : an establishment offering lodging
paragon, perfection, quintessence - more at QUINTES- and breakfast
SENCE be-daub \bi-'d6b\ vb : to spread or daub over a surface
Beau-jo-lais \,bo-zho-'Iii\ n : a French red table wine : SMEAR
beau monde \bo-'mand, -'mo"d\ n, pi beau mondes be-daz-zle \bi-'da-z::>l\ vb : to confuse by or as if by a strong
\-'miinz, -'mandz\ or beaux mondes \bo-'mo"d\ [F] : the light; also: FASCINATE - be-daz-zle-ment n
world of high society and fashion bedbug \'bed-,b::>g\ n : a wingless bloodsucking bug infest-
beau-te-ous \'byu-te-::>s\ adj : having beauty: BEAUTIFUL - ing houses and esp. beds
beau-te-ous-ly adv bedoclothes \'bed-,klothz\ n pi : BEDDING 1
beau-tl-clan \byu-'ti-sh::>n\ n : COSMETOLOGIST bedoding \'be-dil)\ n 1: materials for making up a bed
beau-ti-ful Vbyti-ti-fal'; adj +: characterized by beauty 2: FOUNDATION
: LOVELY - \-f(::>-)Ie\ adv be-deck \bi-'dek\ vb + : to furnish with something orna-
+ attractive, cute, fair, gorgeous, handsome, knock- mental: ADORN
out, lovely, pretty, ravishing, stunning; also alluring, ap- + adorn, array, beautify, deck, decorate, do, dress, em-
pealing, charming, delightful, glamorous, prepossessing bellish, enrich, garnish, grace, ornament, trim - more
Ant homely, plain, ugly, unattractive, unhandsome, at DECORATE
unlovely be-dev-il \bi-'de-v::>l\ vb 1 + : to cause distress : TORMENT
beau-ti-ful-ness Vbyu-ti-fal-nasvn + : the quality or state of 2 : CONFUSE, MUDDLE
being beautiful + afflict, agonize, curse, harrow, martyr, persecute,
beautiful people n pi, often cap B&P : wealthy or famous plague, rack, torment, torture - more at AFFLICT
people whose lifestyle is usu. expensive and well-publi- beodew \bi-'du, -'dyti\ vb : to wet with or as if with dew
cized bed-fast \'bed-,fast\ adj : BEDRIDDEN
beauti.fy \'byti-t:l-,fi\ vb -fied; + : to make more bed-tel-low \-,fe-Io\ n 1 : one sharing the bed of another
beautiful - beau-ti-fi-ca-tlen \,byti-t::>-f:l-'kii-sh:ln\ n- 2 : a close associate : ALLY
beau-tl-fl-er n be-di-zen \bi-'diz-n, -'diz-\ vb : to dress or adorn with
+ adorn, bedeck, deck, decorate, embellish, enrich, gar- showy or vulgar finery
nish, grace, ornament, trim - more at DECORATE bed-lam \'bed-I::>m\ n [Bedlam, popular name for the Hos-
beau-ty \'byti-te\ n, pi beauties 1 + : qualities that give pital of St. Mary of Bethlehem, London, an insane asy-
pleasure to the senses or exalt the mind : LOVELINESS lum, fr. ME Bedlem Bethlehem] 1 often cap : an insane
2 + : a beautiful person or thing; esp : a beautiful woman asylum 2 + : a scene of uproar and confusion
3 + : an extreme or egregious example or instance + circus, hell, madhouse - more at MADHOUSE
+ [1] attractiveness, comeliness, handsomeness, looks, bed-ou-in or beduin \'be-d::>-w;m\ n, pi bedouin or
loveliness, prettiness; also allure, appeal, attraction, bedouins or beduin or beduins often cap [ME Bedoyne, fr.
glamor Ant homeliness, plainness, ugliness [2] en- MF bedoin, fr. Ar badawi desert dweller] : a nomadic
chantress, fox, goddess, knockout, queen; also belle, Arab of the Arabian, Syrian, or No. African deserts
charmer, honey + [3] crackerjack, dandy, jim-dandy, bed-pan \'bed-,pan\ n : a shallow vessel used by a bedrid-
knockout, pip - more at JIM-DANDY den person for urination or defecation
beauty shop n : an establishment where hairdressing, fa- bed-post \-,post\ n : the post of a bed
cials, and manicures are done beodragogled \bi-'dra-g:lld\ adj : soiled and disordered as if
beaux arts \bo-'zar\ n pi [F] : FINE ARTS by being drenched
bea-ver \'be-v::>r\ n, pi beavers: a large fur-bearing herbiv- bed-rid-den \'bed-,rid-n\ adj : kept in bed by illness or
orous rodent that builds dams and underwater houses of weakness
mud and sticks; also: its fur 'bed.rock \-'rilk\ n 1 : the solid rock underlying surface
be-calm \bi-'kilm, -'killm\ vb : to keep (as a ship) motion- materials (as soil) 2 + : the bottom of something consid-
less by lack of wind
ered as its foundation
be-cause \bi-'k6z, -'k:lz\ conj + : for the reason that
+ base, basis, cornerstone, footing, foundation, ground,
+ for, now, since, whereas - more at SINCE groundwork, keystone, underpinning - more at COR-
because of prep + : by reason of NERSTONE
69 beginning
2bedrock adj : solidly fundamental, basic, or reliable (tradi- + be, betide, chance, come, go, happen, occur, pass,
tional ......., values) transpire - more at HAPPEN
bed-roll \'bed-,rol\ n : bedding rolled up for carrying be-fit \bi-'fit\ vb + : to be suitable to
bed-room \-,rum, -,rUm\ n : a room containing a bed and + do, fit, go, serve, suit - more at DO
used esp. for sleeping
be-fog \bi-'fog, -'filg\ vb 1 + : to make dark, dim, or indis-
bed-side \-,sid\ n : the place beside a bed esp. of a sick or
tinct: OBSCURE 2 + : to make mentally unclear or uncer-
dying person
tain : CONFUSE
bed-sore \-,sor\ n : an ulceration of tissue deprived of ade-
quate blood supply by prolonged pressure + [1] becloud, blur, cloud, darken, dim, fog, haze, mist,
bed-spread \-,spred\ n + : a usu. ornamental cloth cover obscure, overcast, overshadow, shroud - more at
for a bed CLOUD + [2] addle, baffle, befuddle, bemuse, bewilder,
confound, confuse, disorient, muddle, muddy, mystify,
+ counterpane, spread - more at COUNTERPANE perplex, puzzle - more at CONFUSE
bed-stead \-,sted\ n : the framework of a bed 'be-fore \bi-'for\ adv or adj 1 : in front 2 + : at an earlier
bed-time \-,tlm\ n : time for going to bed time : PREVIOUSLY
bed-wet.ting \-,we-til)\ n : involuntary discharge of urine
esp. in bed during sleep - bed-wetter n
+ ahead, beforehand, previously - more at AHEAD
'bee \'be\ n : any of numerous 4-winged insects (as honey- 2before prep 1 : in front of (stood......., him) 2 + : earlier
bees or bumblebees) that feed on nectar and pollen and than (got there r-> me) 3: in a more important category
that sometimes produce honey or have a painful sting than (put quality ......., quantity)
2bee n : a gathering of people for a specific purpose (quilt- + ahead of, ere, of, previous to, prior to, to; also till, un-
ing.......,) til, up to Ant after, following
beech \'bech\ n, pi beech-es or beech: any of a genus of 3before coni 1 : earlier than the time that (he got here+-. I
deciduous hardwood trees with smooth gray bark and did) 2: more willingly than (she'd starve e-> she'd steal)
small sweet triangular nuts; also: the wood of a beech - be-fare-hand \bi-'for-,hand\ adv or adj + : in advance
beech-en \'be-chan\ adj + ahead, before, early, previously - more at AHEAD
beech-nut \'bech-,nat\ n : the nut of a beech
be-foul \bi-'faul\ vb + : to make foul (as with dirt or waste)
'beef \'bet\ n, pi beefs \'bets\ or beeves \'bevz\ 1 : the flesh
of a steer, cow, or bull; also: the dressed carcass of a beef + begrime, besmirch, blacken, dirty, muddy, smirch,
animal 2: a steer, cow, or bull esp. when fattened for soil, stain - more at DIRTY + contaminate, defile, foul,
food 3: MUSCLE, BRAWN 4pl beefs + : expression of grief, poison, pollute, taint - more at CONTAMINATE
pain, or dissatisfaction: COMPLAINT be-friend \bi-'frend\ vb : to act as friend to
+ complaint, fuss, grievance, gripe, grumble, murmur, be-fudodle \bi-'fad-Ol\ vb + : to muddle or stupefy with or
plaint, squawk - more at COMPLAINT as if with drink: CONFUSE
2beef vb 1 +: to increase or add substance, strength, or + addle, baffle, befog, bemuse, bewilder, confound,
power to : STRENGTHEN - usu. used with up 2 + : to ex- confuse, disorient, muddle, muddy, mystify, perplex,
press grief, pain, or discontent: COMPLAIN puzzle - more at CONFUSE
+ usu beef up Il] fortify, harden, strengthen, toughen beg \'beg\ vb begged; beg-ging 1 + : to ask as a charity;
- more at STRENGTHEN + usu beef up [I] amplify, also: ENTREAT 2: EVADE; also: assume as established, set-
boost, consolidate, deepen, enhance, heighten, inten- tled, or proved (......., the question)
sify, magnify, redouble, step up - more at tNTENSIFY + appeal, beseech, entreat, implore, importune, peti-
+ [2] bellyache, carp, complain, crab, gripe, grouse, tion, plead, pray, solicit, supplicate; also sponge
growl, grumble, kick, moan, squawk, wail, whine- be-get \bi-'get\ vb -got \-'gat\; -got.ten \-'gat_On\ or -got;
more at COMPLAIN -get.ting + : to become the father of : SIRE
beet-eat-er \'be-,fe-tar\ n : a yeoman of the guard of an En- + father, get, produce, sire - more at FATHER
glish monarch
'beg-gar Vbe-garv n : one that begs; esp : a person who begs
beet-steak \-,stak\ n : a slice of beef suitable for broiling or
frying as a way of life
beefy \'be-fe\ adj beet-l-er: -est + : heavily and powerfully 2beggar vb : IMPOVERISH
built:BRAWNY \'be-gar-Ie\ adj 1 : contemptibly mean or inad-
equate 2: marked by unrelieved poverty (a ......., life)
+ brawny, burly, husky - more at HUSKY
beg-gary \'be-ga-re\ n + : extreme poverty
beeohive \'be-,hiv\ n : HIVE I, 3
bee-keep-er \-,ke-par\ n : a person who raises bees - bee-
+ destitution, impecuniousness, impoverishment, indi-
gence, need, pauperism, penury, poverty, want - more
keep-ing n
beeoline \-,lin\ n : a straight direct course
been past part of BE be-gin \bi-'gin\ vb be-gan \-'gan\; be-gun \-'gan\; be-gin-
beep-er \'be-par\ n : a small radio receiver that beeps when ning 1 + : to do the first part of an action : COMMENCE
signaled to alert the person carrying it 2 + : to come into being: ARISE; also: FOUND 3: ORIGI-
beer \'biT\ n : an alcoholic beverage brewed from malt and NATE, INVENT
hops - beery adj + [1] commence, embark (on or upon), enter, get off,
bees-wax \'bez-,waks\ n : WAX 1 launch, open, start, strike; also create, generate, inau-
beet \'bet\ n : a garden plant with edible leaves and a thick gurate, initiate, innovate, invent, originate Ant con-
sweet root used as a vegetable, as a source of sugar, or as clude, end, finish, terminate + [2] arise, commence,
forage; also: its root dawn, form, found, materialize, originate, spring, start;
'beeotle \'bet-Ol\ n : any of an order of insects having four also be, breathe, exist, live, subsist Ant cease, end, stop
wings of which the stiff outer pair covers the membra- be-ginner n + : one that begins something; esp : an inexpe-
nous inner pair when not in flight rienced person
2beetle vb beeotled; bee-tling + : to jut out: PROJECT + fledgling, freshman, greenhorn, neophyte, newcomer,
+ bulge, overhang, poke, project, protrude, stick out - novice, recruit, rookie, tenderfoot, tyro; also appren-
more at BULGE tice, cub Ant old-timer, vet, veteran
be-fall \bi-'fol\ vb -fell \-'fel\; -tall-en \-'fo-Ian\ + : to hap- be-gin.ning \bi-'gi-nil), be-\ n + : the point at which some-
pen to : OCCUR thing starts : START
beg off 70
birth, commencement, dawn, genesis, launch, morn- descry, discern, distinguish, espy, eye, look, note, no-
ing, onset, outset, start, threshold; also creation, inau- tice, observe, perceive, regard, remark, see, sight, spy,
guration, initiation, institution Ant close, conclusion, view, witness - more at SEE
end, ending be-hold-en \bi-'hol-d;ln\ adj. : owing gratitude or recog-
beg off vb : to ask to be excused from something nition to another: OBLIGATED, INDEBTED
beogone \bi-'gon\ vb : to go away: DEPART - used esp. in indebted, obligated, obliged; also appreciative, grate-
the imperative ful, thankful
beogo-nia \bi-'gon-y;l\ n : any of a genus of tropical herbs be-hoof \bi-'hiif\ n : ADVANTAGE, PROFIT
widely grown for their showy leaves and waxy flowers be-hoove \bi-'hiiv\ vb be-hooved; be-hoov-inq : to be nec-
be.grime \bi-'grim\ vb be-grimed; : to make essary, proper, or advantageous for
dirty beige \'bazh\ n : a pale dull yellowish brown - beige adj
befoul, besmirch, blacken, dirty, foul, grime, mire, be-ing \'be-ill\ n 1 a : EXISTENCE b : something that ac-
muddy, smirch, soil, stain - more at DIRTY tually exists 2: the qualities or constitution of an existent
be-grudge \bi-'gr;lj\ vb 1 : to give or concede reluctantly thing 3 : a living thing; esp : PERSON
2 : to be reluctant to grant or allow [Ib] entity, individual, object, substance, thing-
be-guile \-'gil\ vb beoguiled; 1 : to lead by de- more at ENTITY [3] body, creature, human, individ-
ception 2: to while away 3 : to engage the interest of ual, man, mortal, person - more at HUMAN
by guile be-la-bor of Can and Brit be-la-bour \bi-'Ia-b;lr\ vb : to as-
[1] deceive, dupe, fool, hoax, misinform, mislead, sail (as with words) tiresomely or at length
take in, trick - more at DECEIVE [I] decoy, entice, abuse, assail, attack, blast, castigate, excoriate, jump,
lead on, lure, seduce, tempt - more at LURE [3] be- lambaste, slam, vituperate - more at ATTACK
witch, captivate, charm, enchant, fascinate, wile- be-lat-ed \bi-'Ia-t;ld\ adj : delayed beyond the usual time
more at CHARM : LATE
beoguine \bi-'gen\ n [AmerF beguine, fro F beguin flirta- behind, delinquent, late, overdue, tardy - more at
tion] : a vigorous popular dance of the islands of Saint Lu- LATE
cia and Martinique be-lay \bi-'Iii\ vb 1 : to wind (a rope) around a pin or cleat
be.gum \'ba-g;lm, 'be-\ n : a Muslim woman of high rank in order to hold secure 2: QUIT, STOP - used in the im-
be-half \bi-'haf, -'hM\ n : BENEFIT, SUPPORT, DEFENSE perative
be-have \bi-'hav\ vb be-hayed; be-hav-Inq 1 : to bear, belch \'belch\ vb 1 : to expel (gas) from the stomach
comport, or conduct oneself in a particular and esp. a through the mouth 2 : to gush forth <a volcano ,.__,ing
proper way 2: to act, function, or react in a particular lava> - belch n
way disgorge, eject, erupt, expel, jet, spew, spout, spurt -
acquit, bear, comport, conduct, demean, deport, more at ERUPT
quit; also check, collect, compose, constrain, contain, bel-darn or belodame \'bel-d;lm\ n [ME beldam grand-
control, curb, handle, inhibit, quiet, repress, restrain mother, fro AF bel beautiful + ME dam lady, mother) : an
be-hav-ior \bi-'ha-VY;lr\ or Can and Brit be-hav-iour n old woman
: way of behaving; esp : personal conduct - be-hav-ior- be-lea-guer \bi-'Ie-g;lr\ vb 1: to surround with armed
al \-VY;l-r;ll\ adj forces: BESIEGE 2 : HARASS <~ed parents)
bel.fry \'bel-fre\ n, pi belfries: a tower for a bell (as on a
actions, bearing, comportment, conduct, demeanor church); also : the part of the tower in which the bell
(or demeanour), deportment; also etiquette, form, man- hangs
ners, mores
Belg abbr Belgian; Belgium
be-hav-lor-lsrn or Can and Brit be-hav-lour-lsm \bi-'ha-VY;l- Bel.gian \'bel-j;!n\ n : a native or inhabitant of Belgium -
,ri-z;lm\ n : a school of psychology concerned with the ob- Belgian adj
jective evidence of behavior without reference to Belgian waffle n : a waffle with large depressions and often
conscious experience served with fruit topping
be-head \bi-'hed\ vb : to remove the head from be-lie \bi-'Ii\ vb -lied; 1 : to give a false impression
be-he-moth xbi-the-math, 'be-;l-,miith\ n 1 : a huge power- of : MISREPRESENT 2 : to show (something) to be false
ful animal described in Job 40:15-24 2 : something of 3 : to run counter to
monstrous size or power confute, disprove, rebut, refute - more at DISPROVE
blockbuster, colossus, giant, jumbo, leviathan, mam- be-lief \b;l-'lef\ n 1 : CONFIDENCE, TRUST 2 : something
moth, monster, titan, whale, whopper - more at GIANT (as a tenet or creed) believed
be-hest \bi-'hest\ n 1 : an authoritative order: COMMAND
conviction, eye, feeling, judgment (or judgement),
2 : an urgent prompting mind, notion, opinion, persuasion, sentiment, verdict,
charge, command, commandment, decree, dictate, view - more at OPINION credence, credit, faith; also
direction, directive, edict, instruction, order, word- axiom, law, precept, principle, tenet Ant disbelief, dis-
more at COMMAND credit, doubt, unbelief
'be-hind \bi-'hind\ adv or adj 1 : BACK, BACKWARD <look,.__,) be-liev-able \-'Ie-v;l-b;ll\ adj : capable of being believed
2 : later in time: LATE esp. as within the range of known possibility or probabil-
belated, delinquent, late, overdue, tardy - more at ity
LATE credible, likely, plausible, probable; also acceptable,
2behind prep 1 : in or to a place or situation in back of or conceivable, imaginable, possible, practical, reasonable
to the rear of <look ,.__, you) <the staff stayed ,.__, the Ant implausible, improbable, incredible, unbelievable,
troops) 2: inferior to (as in rank) : BELOW <three games unlikely
,.__, the first-place team) 3: in support of : SUPPORTING be-lieve \b;l-'Iev\ vb be-lieved; be-liev-inq 1 : to have reli-
<we're,.__, you all the way> 4 - used as a function word gious convictions 2 : to have a firm conviction about
to indicate backwardness, delay, or deficiency <,.__, the something : accept as true 3 : to hold as an opinion
times> : SUPPOSE - be-liev-er n
be-hind-band \bi-'hind-,hand\ adj : being in arrears [2] accept, credit, swallow, trust; also account, ac-
be-hold \bi-'hold\ vb -held \-'held\; 1 : to have credit, understand Ant disbelieve, discredit, reject
in sight: SEE 2 - used imperatively to direct the atten- [3] consider, deem, feel, figure, guess, hold, imagine,
tion - be-hold-er n suppose, think; also esteem, regard, view
71 bench mark
beolike \bi-'Iik\ adv, archaic: PROBABLY + bear, complainer, crab, crank, curmudgeon, grouch,
be-lit-tle \bi-'lit-'I\ vb -lit-tled; -lit.tllng 1 : to make seem lit- grumbler, whiner - more at GROUCH
tle or less 2 + : to speak slightingly about: DISPARAGE belly button n : the human navel
+ cry down, decry, deprecate, depreciate, diminish, dis- belly dance n : a usu. solo dance emphasizing movement of
count, disparage, minimize, put down, write off- the belly - belly dance vb - belly dancer n
more at DECRY belly laugh n : a deep hearty laugh
'bell \'bel\ n 1 : a hollow metallic device that makes a ring- beolong \bi-'Iog\ vb 1 : to be suitable or appropriate; also
ing sound when struck 2: the sounding or stroke of a bell : to be properly situated <shoes ~ in the closet) 2 : to be
(as on shipboard to tell the time); also: time so indicated the property <this ~s to me); also : to be attached (as
3 : something with the flared form of a typical bell through birth or membership) <~ to a club) 3: to form
2bell vb : to provide with a bell an attribute or part <this wheel ~s to the cart) 4: to be
bel-le-don-na \,be-I:I-'da-n:l\ n [It, lit., beautiful lady] : a classified <whales ~ among the mammals)
medicinal extract (as atropine) from a poisonous Euro- beolong.ings \-'Ion-inz\ n pi + : moveable property : EF-
pean herb related to the potato; also : this herb FECTS, POSSESSIONS
bell-bot-toms \'bel-'ba-t:lmz\ n pl : pants with wide flaring chattels, effects, holdings, paraphernalia, possessions,
bottoms - bell-bottom adj things - more at POSSESSION
bell-boy Vbel-jboi', n : BELLHOP 'be-loved \bi-'I:lvd, -'I:I-v:ld\ adj + : dearly loved
belle \'bel\ n : an attractive and popular girl or woman + darling, dear, favorite (or favourite), loved, pet, pre-
belles let-tree \bel-'Ietr'\ n pi [F] : literature that is an end cious, special, sweet
in itself and not practical or purely informative - belle- 2beloved n : one who is loved; esp : SWEETHEART
trls-tlc \,be-I:I-'tris-tik\ adj 'beolow \bi-'Io\ adv 1 +: in or to a lower place or rank
bell-hop \'bel-,hap\ n : a hotel or club employee who takes 2 : on earth 3: in hell
guests to rooms, carries luggage, and runs errands
bel-li-cose \'be-li-,kos\ adj + : favoring or inclined to start
+ down, downward, over - more at DOWN + beneath,
under; also beside, near, nearby Ant up
quarrels or wars: WARLIKE, PUGNACIOUS
2below prep 1 : lower than 2: inferior to (as in rank)
+ aggressive, argumentative, belligerent, combative, b lowodecks \bi-,Io-'deks, -'Io-,deks\ adv : inside the su-
contentious, discordant, disputatious, militant, pugna-
cious, quarrelsome, scrappy, truculent, warlike- perstructure of a boat or down to a lower deck
more at BELLIGERENT 'belt \'belt\ n 1 + : a strip (as of leather) worn about the
waist 2: a flexible continuous band to communicate mo-
bel-ll-ccs-i-ty \,be-Ii-'ka-s:l-te\ n : showy or extreme com-
tion or convey material 3 + : a region marked by some
bativeness or aggressiveness
bel.ligoeroence \-r:lns\ n + : an aggressive or truculent atti- distinctive feature; esp : one suited to a particular crop
tude, atmosphere, or disposition + [1] cincture, cummerbund, girdle, sash; also band,
waistband + [3] land, region, tract, zone - more at RE-
+ aggression, aggressiveness, fight, militancy, pugnac-
ity, truculence; also antagonism, fierceness, hostility,
unfriendliness Ant pacifism 2belt vb 1 + : to encircle or secure with a belt 2: to beat
with or as if with a belt 3: to mark with an encircling
bel.ligoeroenoey \b:l-'Ii-j:l-r:ln-se\ n 1 : the status of a nation
band 4: to sing loudly
bel.ligoeroent \-mnt\ adj 1 : waging war 2 + : inclined to or + band, gird, girdle, wrap - more at GIRD
exhibiting assertiveness, hostility, or combativeness 3belt n 1 +: a jarring blow : WHACK 2: DRINK <a ~ of
: TRUCULENT - belligerent n whiskey)
+ aggressive, argumentative, bellicose, combative, con- bat, blow, box, clout, hit, punch, slug, thump, wallop,
tentious, discordant, disputatious, militant, pugnacious, whack - more at BLOW
quarrelsome, scrappy, truculent, warlike; also antago- belt-tightening n : a reduction in spending
nistic, fierce, hostile Ant nonbelligerent, pacific, peace- belt.way \'belt-,wa\ n : a highway around a city
able, peaceful be-lu-qa \b:l-'Iii-g:l\ n [Russ] 1 : a large white sturgeon of
bel-low \'be-Io\ vb 1 : to make the deep hollow sound char- the Black Sea, Caspian Sea, and their tributaries that is a
acteristic of a bull 2 + : to shout in a deep voice - bel- source of caviar; also: caviar from beluga roe 2: a whale
lown of arctic and subarctic waters that is white when mature
+ boom, growl, roar, thunder - more at ROAR belveodere \'bel-v:l-,dir\ n [It, lit., beautiful view] : a struc-
bel-lows \-Ioz, -I:lz\ n sing or pi : a closed device with sides ture (as a summerhouse) designed to command a view
that can be spread apart and then pressed together to be-mire \bi-'mir\ vb : to cover or soil with or sink in mire
draw in air and expel it through a tube be-moan \bi-'mon \ vb : to express deep grief or distress
bell-weth-er \'bel-'we-ill:lr, -,we-\ n : one that takes the lead over: LAMENT, DEPLORE
or initiative + bewail, deplore, grieve, lament, mourn, wail - more
' \'be-Ie\ n, pi bellies [ME bely bellows, belly, fr. OE at LAMENT
belg bag, skin] 1 + : the part of the body between the tho- be-muse \bi-'myiiz\ vb + : to make confused: BEWILDER
rax and the pelvis: ABDOMEN 2: the underpart of an ani- + addle, baffle, befog, befuddle, bewilder, confound,
mal's body confuse, disorient, muddle, muddy, mystify, perplex,
+ abdomen, gut, solar plexus, stomach, tummy- puzzle - more at CONFUSE
more at STOMACH 'bench \'bench\ n 1 : a long seat for two or more persons
2belly vb bel-ned; + : to swell or fill beyond a point 2 : the seat of a judge in court; also: the office or dignity
: BULGE of a judge 3 a : COURT b + : the persons who sit as judges
+ billow, bulge, overhang, protrude, start, stick out- 4 : a table for holding work and tools <a carpenter's ~)
more at BULGE + court, judge, justice, magistrate - more at JUDGE
' \'be-Ie-,ak\ n : pain in the abdomen 2bench \'bench\ vb 1 : to furnish with benches 2: to seat
2bellyache vb + : to find fault: COMPLAIN on a bench 3: to remove from or keep out of a game
+ beef, carp, complain, crab, croak, fuss, gripe, grouse, bench mark n 1 : a mark on a permanent object serving as
growl, grumble, kick, moan, murmur, mutter, repine, an elevation reference in topographical surveys 2 usu
squawk, wail, whine - more at COMPLAIN bench-mark : a point of reference for measurement; also
bellyachoer \'be-Ie-,a-k:lr\ n + : one who bellyaches : STANDARD
bench press 72
bench press n : a press in weight lifting performed by a + amity, cordiality, fellowship, friendliness, friendship,
lifter lying on a bench - bench-press vb goodwill, kindliness - more at GOODWILL
bench warrant n : a warrant issued by a presiding judge or be-nev-o-lent \-l::>nt\ adj + : marked by or disposed to do-
by a court against a person guilty of contempt or indicted ing good
for a crime + beneficent, compassionate, good-hearted, humane,
'bend \'bend\ vb bent \'bent\; bend-ing 1 : to draw (as a kind, kindly, sympathetic, tender, tenderhearted,
bow) taut 2 + : to curve or cause a change of shape in warmhearted - more at HUMANE + altruistic, benefi-
(~ a bar) 3: to make fast: SECURE 4: DEFLEcr 5 + : to cent. charitable, humanitarian, philanthropic - more
turn in a certain direction (bent his steps toward town) at CHARITABLE
6 + : to direct strenuously or with interest: APPLY (bent be-nightoed \bi-'ni-t::>d\ adj 1 : overtaken by darkness or
themselves to the task) 7: SUBDUE 8 : to curve downward night 2 : living in ignorance
9 : YIELD, SUBMIT be-nign \bi-'nin\ adj [ME benigne, fr. AF, fro L benignus)
+ (2) arc, arch, bow, crook, curve, hook, round, sweep. 1 + : of a gentle disposition; also: showing kindness 2: of
swerve, wheel - more at CURVE + (5) aim, cast, direct, a mild kind; esp : not malignant (~ tumors) - be-nlq-nl-
head, level, set, train - more at AIM + (6) address, ap- ty \-'nig-n::>-te\ n
ply, buckle, devote, give - more at APPLY + balmy, bland, delicate, gentle. light. mellow, mild,
'bend n 1 : an act or process of bending 2 + : something soft, soothing, tender - more at GENTLE
bent; esp : CURVE 3 p/ : a painful and sometimes fatal dis- be-nig-nant \-'nig-n::>nt\ adj : having a kind and gentle na-
order caused by release of gas bubbles in the tissues upon ture
too rapid decrease in air pressure after a stay in a com- ben-i-son Vbe-no-san, -zanv n : a prayer that blesses: BLESS-
pressed atmosphere ING, BENEDlcrION
+ angle, arc, arch, bow, crook, curve, turn, wind; a/so bent \'bent\ n 1 + : strong inclination or interest 2: power
kink, warp Ant straight line of endurance
3bend n : a knot by which a rope is fastened (as to another + affinity, devices, disposition. genius, inclination, lean-
rope) ing, partiality, penchant, predilection, predisposition,
bend-er \'ben-d::>r\ n : SPREE proclivity, propensity, talent, tendency, turn - more at
'be-neath \bi-'neth\ adv + : in or to a lower position: BELOW INCLINATION
+ below, under - more at BELOW ben-thic \'ben-thik\ ad) : of, relating to, or occurring at the
'beneath prep 1 : in or to a lower position than: BELOW, UN- bottom of a body of water
DER (stood ~ a tree) 2: unworthy of (considered such ben-ton-ite \'bent-'n-,it\ n : an absorptive clay used esp. as
behavior ~ her) 3: concealed by a filler (as in paper)
bene-dic-tion \,be-n::>-'dik-sh::>n\ n : the invocation of a bent-wood \'bent-,wud\ adi : made of wood bent into
blessing esp. at the close of a public worship service shape (a ~ rocker)
ben-e-fac-tion \-'fak-sh::>n\ n + : a charitable donation be-numb \bi-'n::>m\ vb 1 : to make inactive: DULL, DEADEN
+ alms, beneficence, charity, contribution, donation, 2 : to make numb esp. by cold
philanthropy - more at CONTRIBUTION ben-zene Vben-jzen', n : a colorless volatile flammable liq-
uid hydrocarbon used in organic synthesis and as a sol-
ben-e-fac-tor \'ben-::>-,fak-t::>r\ n : one that confers a benefit
and esp. a benefaction vent
ben-zine \'ben-,zen\ n : any of various flammable petro-
ben-e-fac-tress \-,fak-tr::>s\ n : a woman who is a benefactor
leum distillates used as solvents or as motor fuels
ben-e-fice Vbe-ne-fosv n : an ecclesiastical office to which
ben-zo-ate \ 'ben-zo-, wat\ n : a salt or ester of benzoic acid
the revenue from an endowment is attached
ben-zo-ic acid xben-tzo-ik-', n : a white crystalline acid used
be-nef-i-cence \b::>-'ne-f::>-s::>ns\ n 1: beneficent quality
as a preservative and antiseptic and in synthesizing chem-
2 + : a benefit conferred: BENEFAcrION
+ alms, benefaction, charity. contribution, donation, ben-zo-in \'ben-z::>-w::>n, -,z6in\ n : a balsamlike resin from
philanthropy - more at CONTRIBUTION trees of southern Asia used esp, in medicine and per-
be-nef-i-cent \-s::>nt\ adj 1 + : doing or producing good (as fumes
by acts of kindness or charity) 2: BENEFICIAL be-queath \bi-'kweth, -'kwe1b\ vb [ME bequethen, fr. OE
+ benevolent, compassionate, good-hearted, humane. becwethan, fr. be- + cwethan to say) 1 : to leave by will
kind, kindly, sympathetic, tender, tenderhearted, 2 : to hand down
warmhearted - more at HUMANE + altruistic, benevo- be-quest \bi-'kwest\ n 1: the action of bequeathing
lent, charitable, humanitarian, philanthropic - more 2 + : something bequeathed: LEGACY
at CHARITABLE + birthright, heritage, inheritance, legacy - more at
ben-e-fi-cial \,be-n::>-'fi-sh::>l\ adj + : being of benefit or help INHERITANCE
: HELPFUL - ben-e-fi-cial-ly adv be-rate \-'rat\ vb + : to scold harshly
+ advantageous, favorable (or favourable), helpful, + admonish, chide, lecture. rail (at or against), rate, re-
profitable, salutary; also gratifying, rewarding, satisfy- buke, reprimand, scold - more at SCOLD
ing Ant disadvantageous, unfavorable, unhelpful
Ber-ber \'bar-bar\ n : a member of any of various peoples
ben-e-fi-cia-ry \,be-n::>-'fi-she-,er-e, -'fi-sh::>-re\ n, p/ -ries living in northern Africa west of Tripoli
: one that receives a benefit (as the income of a trust or ber-ceuse voer-tscez, -'siiz\ n, p/ berceuses \same or -'sii-
the proceeds of an insurance) zaz\ [F, fro bercer to rock) 1 : LULLABY 2: a musical com-
'ben-e-fit \ 'be-no-jfit', n 1 + : something that promotes well: position that resembles a lullaby
being: ADVANTAGE (the ~s of exercise) 2 a + : a useful 'be-reaved \bi-'revd\ adj : grieving the death of a loved one
aid b: material aid provided or due (as in sickness or un- - be-reave-ment n
employment) as a right 3: a performance or event to 'bereaved n, p/ bereaved: one who is bereaved
raise funds be-reft \-'reft\ adj 1 : deprived of or lacking something
+ advantage, aid. boon, help - more at HELP - usu. used with of 2 : grieving the death of a loved one
'benefit vb -flt-ed \-,fi-t::>d\ a/so -flt-ted; -fit-ing also -fit.ting : BEREAVED
1 + : to be useful or profitable to 2: to receive benefit destitute, devoid, void - more at DEVOID
+ avail, profit, serve; also succeed, work (for) be-ret \ba-'ra\ n : a round soft cap with no visor
be-nev-o-lence \b::>-'ne-v::>-l::>ns\ n 1 +: charitable nature berg \'barg\ n : ICEBERG
2 : an act of kindness : CHARITY - be-nev-o-lent-ly adv beri-beri \, ber-e-tber-ev n : a deficiency disease marked by
73 betide
weakness, wasting, and nerve damage and caused by lack 'best \'best\ adj, superlative O/GOOD 1 : excelling all others
of thiamine 2 : most productive (as of good or satisfaction) 3: LARGEST,
berke-li-um \'b;)r-kle-;)m\ n : an artificially prepared ra- MOST
dioactive chemical element 2best adv, superlative O/WELL 1 : in the best way 2: MOST
berm Vbermv n : a narrow shelf or path at the top or bot- 3best n 1 + : something that is best 2 + : best clothes <Sun-
tom of a slope; also : a mound or bank of earth day"""')
Bermuodas \b;)r-'myii-d;)z\ n pi : BERMUDA SHORTS + [1] choice, cream, elect, elite, fat, flower, pick, prime
Bermuda shorts n pl : knee-length walking shorts - more at ELITE + [2] array, bravery, caparison,
ber-ry Vber-ev n, pi berries 1 : a small pulpy fruit (as a feather, finery, frippery, full dress, gaiety, regalia-
strawberry) 2: a simple fruit (as a grape, tomato, or ba- more at FINERY
nana) with the wall of the ripened ovary thick and pulpy 'best vb + : to get the better of
3 : the dry seed of some plants (as coffee)
"ber-serk \b;)r-'s;)rk, -'z;)rk\ adj [ON berserkr warrior fren-
+ beat, defeat, master, overcome, prevail, triumph,
trounce, wallop, whip, win
zied in battle, prob. fro ber- bear + serkr shirt] : FRENZIED,
bes-ttal \'bes-ch;)l\ adj 1 : of or relating to beasts 2: re-
sembling a beast esp. in brutality or lack of intelligence
2berserk adv + : in a berserk manner \,bes-che-'a-I;)-te, ,bes-\ n, pi -ties 1 : the con-
+ amok, frantically, harum-scarum, hectically, helter= dition or status of a lower animal 2: display or gratifica-
skelter, madly, pell-mell, wild, wildly - more at HELTER=
tion of bestial traits or impulses
bes-ti-ary Vbes-che-rer-ev n, pi -ar-tes : a medieval allegori-
'berth Vbarthv n 1 : adequate distance esp. for a ship to ma-
calor moralizing work on the appearance and habits of
neuver 2 : the place where a ship is anchored or a vehicle
rests 3: ACCOMMODATIONS 4: an employment for which
be-stir \bi-'st;)r\ vb : to rouse to action
one has been hired : JOB, POSITION
best man n : the principal groomsman at a wedding
2berth vb 1 : to bring or come into a berth 2: to allot a
be-stow \bi-'sto\ vb 1 : PUT, PLACE, STOW 2 + : to present as
berth to
a gift
ber.yl Vber-otv n : a hard silicate mineral occurring as
green, yellow, pink, or white crystals contribute, donate, give, present - more at GIVE \b;)-'ri-Ie-;)m\ n : a light strong metallic chemi- be-stow-at n + : something bestowed or given
cal element used as a hardener in alloys + donation, freebie, gift, lagniappe, present - more at
be-seech \bi-'sech\ vb -sought \-'sot\ or -seeched; -seech- GIFT
ing + : to beg earnestly or urgently: ENTREAT be-stride \bi-'strid\ vb -strode \-'strod\; -stridoden \-'strid-
+ appeal, beg, entreat, implore, importune, petition, 'n\; -strld-lnq : to ride, sit, or stand astride
plead, pray, solicit, supplicate - more at BEG 'bet \'bet\ n 1 a : something that is wagered, risked, or
be-seem \bi-'sem\ vb, archaic: BEFIT pledged usu. between two parties on the outcome of a
be-set \-'set\ vb 1 : TROUBLE, HARASS 2 a + : to set upon contest b: the making of such a bet 2: OPTION <the back
: ASSAIL b: SURROUND road is your best,.....,)
+ assail, assault, attack, charge, descend, jump, pounce 2bet vb bet also bet-ted; bet.ting 1 + : to stake on the out-
(on or upon), raid, rush, storm, strike - more at AT- come of an issue or a contest <,....., $2 on the race) 2: to
TACK make a bet with 3: to lay a bet
be-set.ting adj : persistently present + gamble, go, lay, stake, wager; also bid, offer
'be-side \bi-'sid\prep 1 : by the side of <sit,....., me) 2: BE- 3bet abbr between
SIDES: as a: other than b: together with 3: not relevant be-ta \'ba-t;)\ n 1 : the 2d letter of the Greek alphabet-
to B or {3 2: a nearly complete version of a new product (as
2beside adv, archaic: BESIDES computer software)
'be-sides \bi-'sidz\prep 1 + : other than 2: together with beta-block-er \-,bla-br\ n : any of a group of drugs that
+ aside from, bar, barring, but, except, outside (00, decrease the rate and force of heart contractions and
save lower high blood pressure
2besides adv 1 : as well: ALSO 2 + : in addition to what pre- be-ta-car-o-tene \-'kar-;)-, ten \ n : an isomer of carotene
cedes : MOREOVER found in dark green and dark yellow vegetables and fruits
+ additionally, again, also, further, furthermore, like- be-take \bi-'tak\ vb -took \-'tuk\; -tak-en \-'ta-k;)n\;
wise, more, moreover, then, too, withal, yet : to cause (oneself) to go
be-slege \bi-'sej\ vb 1 + : to lay siege to 2: to press with beta particle n : a high-speed electron; esp : one emitted by
requests - be-sieg-er n a radioactive nucleus
+ barricade, block, cut off, dam, encircle, surround beta ray n 1 : BETA PARTICLE 2: a stream of beta particles
be-smear \-'smir\ vb : to spread with something oily, thick, beta test n : a field test of the beta version of a product
or sticky : SMEAR prior to commercial release
be-smirch \-'sm;)rch\ vb + : to make soiled or tarnished be-tel \'bet-'I\ n : a climbing pepper whose leaves are
: SMIRCH, SOIL chewed together with lime and betel nut as a stimulant
+ befoul, begrime, blacken, dirty, foul, grime, mire, esp. by southern Asians
muddy, smirch, soil, stain - more at DIRTY betel nut n : the astringent seed of an Asian palm that is
be-som \'be-z;)m\ n : BROOM chewed with betel leaves
be-sot \bi-'sat\ vb be-sot-ted; be-sot-tlnq : INFATUATE bete noire \,bet-'nwar, ,bat-\ n, pI betes noires \same or
2 : to make dull esp. by drinking -'nwarz\ [F, lit., black beast] + : a person or thing strongly
be-spat-ter \-'spa-t;)r\ vb : to splash with or as if with a liq- disliked, avoided, or feared
uid : SPATTER + bogey, bugbear, hobgoblin, ogre - more at BOGEY
be-speak \bi-'spek\ vb -spoke \-'spok\; -spo-ken \-'spo- abhorrence, abomination, anathema, antipathy, aver-
kanv; 1 : to hire, engage, or claim beforehand sion, hate - more at HATE
: PREARRANGE 2: ADDRESS 3: REQUEST 4 + : to be a sign beth-el \'be-th;)l\ n [Heb beth'el house of God] : a place of
or indication of <,.....,s considerable practice) 5: FORETELL worship esp. for seamen
+ betray, demonstrate, display, evince, expose, give be-think \bi-'thil)k\ vb -thought \-'thot\; -thlnk-inq 1: to
away, manifest, reveal, show - more at SHOW bring to mind or think of again: REMEMBER 2: PONDER
be-sprin-kle \-'spril)-bl\ vb : SPRINKLE be-tide \bi-'Ud\ vb + : to happen to
betimes 74
+ be, befall, chance, come, go, happen, occur, pass, + bemoan, deplore, grieve, lament, mourn, wail-
transpire - more at HAPPEN more at LAMENT
be-times \bi-'timz\ adv : in good time: EARLY be-ware \-'war\ vb + : to be on one's guard: be wary of
be-to-ken \bi-'to-kan\ vb 1 : PRESAGE 2 + : to give evidence + usu beware of guard (against), mind, watch out (for);
of also attend, heed, mark, note, notice
+ display, disport, exhibit, expose, flash, flaunt, parade, beowiloder \bi-'wil-dar\ vb + : to perplex or confuse esp. by
show, show off, sport, strut, unveil - more at SHOW complexity or variety
be-tray \bi-'tra\ vb 1 : to lead astray; esp : SEDUCE 2: to de- + addle, baffle, befog, befuddle, bemuse, confound,
liver to an enemy 3: ABANDON 4: to prove unfaithful to confuse, disorient, muddle, muddy, mystify, perplex,
5 + : to reveal unintentionally; also: SHOW puzzle - more at CONFUSE
+ bespeak, demonstrate, display, evince, expose, give be-wil-der-ment n 1 + : the quality or state of being bewil-
away, manifest, reveal, show - more at SHOW dered 2: a bewildering tangle or confusion
be-tray-al n + : the act of betraying or fact of being be- + bafflement, confusion, distraction, muddle, mystifi-
trayed cation, perplexity, puzzlement, whirl - more at CONFU-
+ disloyalty, double cross, faithlessness, falseness, fal- SION
sity, infidelity, perfidy, treachery, treason, unfaithful- beowitch \-'wich\ vb 1 + : to affect by witchcraft 2 + : to
ness; also abandonment, desertion attract as if by the power of witchcraft: CHARM, FASCINATE
be-tray-er n + : one who betrays (something or someone) + [1) charm, enchant, hex, spell; also curse, jinx, pos-
+ blabbermouth, informer, rat, snitch, stool pigeon, tat- sess + [2) allure, beguile, captivate, charm, enchant,
tler, tattletale - more at INFORMER + apostate, double= fascinate, wile - more at CHARM
crosser, quisling, recreant, traitor, turncoat - more at be-witch'ment n 1 + : the act or power of bewitching; also
TRAITOR : a spell that bewitches 2: the state of being bewitched
be-troth \bi-'troth, -'troth\ vb : to promise to marry + charm, conjuration, enchantment, incantation, spell
be-troth-al n + : the act of betrothing or fact of being be- - more at SPELL + enchantment, magic, necromancy,
trothed; also: a mutual promise or contract for a future sorcery, witchcraft, wizardry - more at MAGIC
marriage bey \'ba\ n 1: a former Turkish provincial governor
+ engagement, espousal, troth - more at ENGAGEMENT 2 : the former native ruler of Tunis or Tunisia
be-trothed n + : the person to whom one is betrothed 'be-yond \be-'iiod\ adv 1 + : on or to the farther side 2 : BE-
+ intended; also admirer, beau, beloved, boyfriend, SIDES

darling, dear, favorite, fellow, flame, girlfriend, honey, + farther, further, yonder - more at FARTHER
love, lover, steady, swain, sweet, sweetheart, valentine 'beyond prep 1 : at a greater distance than 2 + : past the
'bet.ter \'be-tar\ adj, comparative of GOOD 1 : greater than reach or sphere of 3 : BESIDES
half 2 : improved in health 3: more attractive, favorable, + outside, without; also except Ant within
or commendable 4: more advantageous or effective be-zel \'be-zal, 'be-\ n 1 : a rim that holds a transparent
5 : improved in accuracy or performance covering (as on a watch) 2: the faceted part of a cut gem
'better vb 1 + : to make or become better 2 + : to surpass that rises above the setting
in excellence : EXCEL bf abbr boldface
+ [1) ameliorate, amend, enhance, enrich, improve, BG or B Gen abbr brigadier general
perfect, refine - more at IMPROVE + [2) beat, eclipse, bhang \'bal)\ n [Hindi bhailg) : a mildly intoxicating prepa-
excel, outdistance, outdo, outshine, outstrip, surpass, ration of the leaves and flowering tops of uncultivated
top, transcend - more at SURPASS hemp
3better adv, comparative of WELL 1 : in a superior manner Bi symbol bismuth
2 : to a higher or greater degree; also : MORE BIA abbr Bureau of Indian Affairs
'better n 1 : something better; also: a superior esp. in merit bi-an-nu-al \(,)bi-'an-ya-wal\ ad) : occurring twice a year -
or rank 2: superiority of position or condition: ADVAN- bi-an-nu-al-ly adv
TAGE , bi-as \ 'bi-asv n 1 : a line diagonal to the grain of a fabric
'better verbal auxiliary: had better (you,.._. hurry) 2 +: a personal and sometimes unreasoned judgment
better half n + : the person to whom another is married : PREJUDICE
: SPOUSE + favor (or favour), partiality, partisanship, prejudice;
+ consort, mate, partner, spouse - more at SPOUSE also favoritism, nepotism Ant impartiality, neutrality,
bet-ter-ment \'be-tar-mant\ n : IMPROVEMENT objectivity
bet-tor or bet-ter \'be-tar\ n : one that bets 'bias adv : on the bias : DIAGONALLY
'be-tween \bi-'twen\ prep 1: by the common action of 3bias vb bi-ased or bi-assed; bl-as-lnq or : to give
(earned $10,000 ,.._. the two of them) 2: in the interval a settled and often prejudiced outlook to : PREJUDICE
separating (an alley e-> two buildings); also: in interme- bi-ased adi + : exhibiting or characterized by bias
diate relation to 3: in point of comparison of (choose ,.._. + one-Sided, partial, partisan, prejudiced - more at
two cars) PARTIAL
'between adv : in an intervening space or interval bi-ath-lon \bi-'ath-Ian, -,Ian\ n : a composite athletic con-
be-twixt \bi-'twikst\ adv or prep : BETWEEN test consisting of cross-country skiing and target shooting
'bevoel \'be-val\ n 1 : a device for adjusting the slant of the with a rifle
surfaces of a piece of work 2: the angle or slant that one 'bib \'bib\ n : a cloth or plastic shield tied under the chin to
surface or line makes with another when not at right an- protect the clothes while eating
gles 'bib abbr Bible; biblical
'bevel vb -eled or -elled; -el-Inq or -el.ling 1 : to cut or shape bi-be-lot \'be-ba-,Io\ n, pi bibelots \same or -,Ioz\ : a small
to a bevel 2: INCLINE, SLANT household ornament or decorative object
bev-er-aqe \'bev-rij\ n + : a drinkable liquid bi-ble \'bi-bal\ n [ME, fro OF, fr. ML biblia, fr. Gk, pl. of
+ drink, libation, quencher - more at DRINK biblion book, dim. of byblos papyrus, book, fr. Byblos, an-
bevy \'be-vi:\ n, pi bev-ies 1 : a large group or collection cient Phoenician city from which papyrus was exported)
2 : a group of animals and esp. quail together 1 cap : the sacred scriptures of Christians comprising the
be-wail \bi-'wiil\ vb + : to express deep sorrow for usu. by Old and New Testaments 2 cap: the sacred scriptures of
wailing and lamentation Judaism; also: those of some other religion 3: a publica-
75 bilge
tion that is considered authoritative for its subject - bib- part that corrects for near vision and one for distant vi-
li-cal \'bi-bli-kal\ adj sion
biboli-og.ra.phy \,bi-ble-'a-gra-fe\ n, pl-phies 1 : the history bi-fur-cate \'bi-far-,kat, bl-Tar-v vb -eat-ed: -cat-lnq : to di-
or description of writings or publications 2: a list of writ- vide into two branches or parts - bl-tur-ca-tlon \,bi-far-
ings (as on a subject or of an author) - biboli-ogra.pher 'ka-shanv n
\-far\ n - bib-li-o-qraph-ic \-a-'gra-fik\ also biboli-o-graph- big \'big\ adj big.ger; big-gest 1 + : large in size, amount,
l-eal \-fi-bl\ adi or scope 2: PREGNANT; also; SWELLING 3 + : of great im-
blb-Ilo-phlle \'bi-ble-a-,ffi\ n : a lover of books portance or significance: IMPORTANT 4: POPULAR
bib-u-lous Vbi-bya-lssx adj 1 : highly absorbent 2: fond of + [l] bumper, considerable, goodly, grand, great, large,
alcoholic beverages sizable, substantial, voluminous - more at LARGE
bi-cam-er-al \'bi-'ka-ma-ral\ adj : having or consisting of + [3] consequential, eventful, important, major, mate-
two legislative branches rial, meaningful, momentous, significant, substantial,
bicarb \(,)bi-'kiirb, 'bi-,\ n : SODIUM BICARBONATE weighty - more at IMPORTANT
bi-car-bon-ate \(,)bi-'kar-ba-,nat, -notv n : an acid carbon- + grandness, greatness, largeness - more at LARGENESS
ate \'bi-ga-me\ n : the act of marrying one person
bi-cen-te-na-ry \,bi-sen-'te-na-re, bi-tsent-Pn-jer-ev n : BICEN- while still legally married to another - biq-a-rnist \-mist\
TENNIAL - bicentenary adj
n - biq-a-rnous \-mas\ adj
bl-cen-ten-nt-al \,bi-sen-'te-ne-al\ n : a 200th anniversary or big bang theory n : a theory in astronomy: the universe
its celebration - bicentennial adj originated in an explosion (big bang) from a single point
bi-ceps \'bi-,seps\ n, pi biceps also bicepses [NL, fro L, of nearly infinite energy density
two-headed, fro bi- two + caput head] : a muscle (as in the big brother n 1 : an older brother 2: a man who serves as
front of the upper arm) having two points of origin a friend, father figure, or role model for a boy 3 cap both
'bick-er \'bi-kar\ n : petulant quarreling: ALTERCATION Bs : the leader of an authoritarian state or movement
'bicker vb + : to engage in a petty quarrel Big Dipper n : the seven principal stars of Ursa Major in a
+ argue, brawl, dispute, fallout, fight, hassle, quarrel, form resembling a dipper
row, scrap, spat, squabble, wrangle - more at ARGUE big.foot \'big-,flit\ n : SASQUATCH
bick -e r -e r \'bi-k"-r,,r\ n ; one who bickers bighorn \'big-,h6rn\ n, pi bighorn or bighorns: a wild
bi-coast-al \bi-'kost-Ol\ adj : living or working on both the sheep of mountainous western No. America
East and West coasts of the U.S. bight \'bit\ n 1 + : a curve in a coast; also: the bay formed
bl-ccn-cave \,bi-(,)kan-'kav, (,)bi-'kan-,kav\ adj : concave by such a curve 2 : a slack part in a rope
on both sides + bay, cove, estuary, fjord, gulf, inlet - more at GULF
bi-con-vex \,bi-(,)kan-'veks, (,)bi-'kan-,veks\ adj : convex big leaguer n + : one who operates at the top rank of an
on both sides activity or enterprise
bi-cus-pid \bi-'bs-pad\ n : PREMOLAR + big shot, bigwig, kingpin, nabob, nawab, wheel-
'bioeyoele \'bi-,si-kal\ n ; a light 2-wheeled vehicle with a more at BIG SHOT
steering handle, saddle, and pedals
big-name \'big-'nlim\ adj : widely popular (a - per-
'bicycle vb -cyoeled; -cyoeling \-,si-k(a- )lil), -,si-\ : to ride a
former) - big name n
bicycle - bi-cy-cler \-k(a- )Iar\ n - bi-cy-cfist \-k(a-)list\ bigness n + : quality or state of being big
n big-ot \'bi-gat\ n : one intolerantly devoted to his or her
'bid \'bid\ vb bade \'bad, 'bad\ or bid; bid-den \'bid-On\ or own prejudices or opinions - big-ot.ry \-tre\ n
bid also bade; bidoding 1 + : to issue an order to : COM- big-ot-ed \-ga-tad\ adj + : obstinately and blindly attached
MAND, ORDER 2: rNVITE 3: to give expression to 4; to to some creed, opinion, or practice
make a bid : OFFER - bid-der n
+ intolerant, narrow, narrow-minded, prejudiced-
+ boss, charge, command, direct, enjoin, instruct, or- more at INTOLERANT
der, tell - more at COMMAND big shot \'big-,shat\ n + : an important person
'bid n 1 ; the act of one who bids; also; an offer for some-
+ big leaguer, bigwig, kingpin, nabob, nawab, wheel;
thing 2 : INVITATION 3: an announcement in a card game also baron, czar (also tsar or tzar), king, lion, magnate,
of what a player proposes to accomplish 4 + : an attempt mogul, prince, tycoon; VIP Ant lightweight, nobody,
to win or gain (a - for mayor) nonentity, nothing, shrimp, twerp, whippersnapper,
+ attempt, crack, endeavor (or endeavour), essay, fling, zero, zilch
go, pass, shot, stab, trial, try, whack, whirl - more at big time \-,tlm\ n 1 ; a high-paying vaudeville circuit re-
ATTEMPT quiring only two performances a day 2: the top rank of
bld-da-bte Vbi-da-balv adi 1 : OBEDIENT, DOCILE 2 : capable an activity or enterprise - big-tim-er n
of being bid big top n 1 : the main tent of a circus 2: CIRCUS
bidody \'bi-de\ n, pi biddies: HEN; also: a young chicken big.wig \'big-,wig\ n + : an important person
bide \'bid\ vb bode \'bod\ or bid-ed; bided; 1 ; to + big shot, big leaguer, kingpin, nabob, nawab, wheel
wait for 2 + : to wait awhile: TARRY 3 : DWELL - more at BIG SHOT
+ await, hold on, stay, tarry, wait - more at WAlT bike \'bik\ n 1 : BICYCLE 2: MOTORCYCLE
bi-det \bi-'dii\ n : a bathroom fixture used esp, for bathing bik-er n : MOTORCYCLIST; esp : one who is a member of an
the external genitals and the posterior parts of the body organized gang
bl-dl-rec-tton-at \,bi-da-'rek-sh(a-)nal\ adj : involving, mov- bike-way \'bik-,wii\ n : a thoroughfare for bicycles
ing, or taking place in two usu. opposite directions - bi- \ba-'ke-ne\ n [F, fro Bikini, atoll in the Marshall Is-
dl-rec-tlon-al-ty adv lands] : a woman's brief 2-piece bathing suit
bi-en-nl-al \bi-'e-ne-al\ adj 1 : taking place once in two bi-lat-er-al \bi-'Ia-ta-ral\ adj 1 ; having or involving two
years 2: lasting two years 3: producing leaves the first sides 2: affecting reciprocally two sides or parties - bl-
year and fruiting and dying the second year - biennial n adv
- adv bile \'bTI\ n 1 : a bitter greenish fluid secreted by the liver
bi-en-ni-um \bi-'e-ne-am\ n, pi -niums or -nia \-;'1\ [L, fro bi- that aids in the digestion of fats 2 + : an ill-humored
two + annus year] : a period of two years mood
bier \ 'bir\ n : a stand bearing a coffin or corpse + acidity, acrimony, asperity, bitterness, cattiness, tart-
bi-fo-cal \'bi-,fo-bl\ adj : having two focal lengths ness, virulence, vitriol - more at ACRIMONY
bifocals \-kalz\ n pi : eyeglasses with lenses that have one bilge \ 'bilj\ n 1 : the part of a ship that lies between the
bilingual 76
bottom and the point where the sides go straight up metals - often used of devices having a bonded expan-
2 : stale or worthless remarks or ideas sive part - bimetallic n
bi.linogual \bi-'lil)-gwal\ ad} : expressed in, knowing, or us- bl-rnet-al-llsm \bi-'met-'I-,i-zam\ n : the use of two metals
ing two languages at fixed ratios to form a standard of value for a monetary
bil-ious \'bil-yas\ adj 1 : marked by or suffering from dis- system
ordered liver function 2 + : of or indicative of a peevish ' \bi-'manth-Ie\ ad} 1 : occurring every two
ill-natured disposition: ILL-TEMPERED months 2: occurring twice a month: SEMIMONTHLY - bi-
+ bearish, cantankerous, disagreeable, dyspeptic, ill. monthlyadv
humored, ill-tempered, ornery, splenetic, surly - more 2bimonthly n : a bimonthly publication
at ILL-TEMPERED bin \'bin\ n + : a box, crib, or enclosure used for storage
bll-lous-ness n + : an ill-natured disposition + bin, box, caddy, case, casket, chest, locker, trunk -
+ grumpiness, irritability, peevishness, perverseness, more at CHEST
perversity bi-na-ry Vbi-na-re, -,ner-e\ ad} 1 +: consisting of two
bilk \'bilk\ vb : CHEAT, SWINDLE things or parts 2 : relating to, being, or belonging to a sys-
'bill \'bil\ n 1 : the jaws of a bird together with their horny tem of numbers having 2 as its base <the ~ digits 0 and
covering; also: a mouth structure (as of a turtle) resem- I) 3: involving a choice between or condition of two al-
bling these 2: the visor of a cap or hood - billed \'bild\ ternatives only (as on-off, yes-no) - binary n
ad} + bipartite, double, dual, duplex, twin - more at DOU-
2bill vb : to caress fondly BLE
3bill n 1 + : an itemized statement of particulars; also: IN- binary star n : a system of two stars revolving around each
VOICE 2: a written document or note 3 + : a printed ad- other
vertisement (as a poster) announcing an event 4: a draft bln-au-ral \bi-'nor-al\ ad} : of or relating to sound repro-
of a law presented to a legislature for enactment 5: a duction involving the use of two separated microphones
written statement of a legal wrong suffered or of some and two transmission channels to achieve a stereophonic
breach of law 6: a piece of paper money effect
+ [1] account, check, invoice, statement, tab; also re- bind \'bind\ vb bound \'baund\; 1 a : to make se-
ceipt, reckoning + [3] placard, poster - more at cure by tying b: to restrain as if by tying 2: to put un-
POSTER der an obligation; also: to constrain with legal authority
'bill vb 1 : to enter in or prepare a bill: also: to submit a bill 3 : to dress or cover with a bandage 4 + : to unite into a
or account to 2: to advertise by bills or posters mass 5: to compel as if by a pledge (a handshake ~s the
billboard \-,bord\ n : a flat surface on which advertising deal) 6: to strengthen or decorate with a band 7: to fas-
bills are posted ten together and enclose in a cover <~ books> 8: to ex-
'billet \'bi-Iat\ n 1 : an order requiring a person to provide ert a tying, restraining, or compelling effect - bind-er n
lodging for a soldier; also: quarters assigned by or as if by + band, gird, tie, truss - more at TIE
such an order 2 + : a regular paying position: APPOINT- \'bin-dil)\ n : something (as a ski fastening, a
MENT cover, or an edging fabric) used to bind
+ appointment, capacity, function, job, place, position, 'binge \'binj\ n + : an unrestrained and often excessive in-
post, situation - more at JOB dulgence : SPREE
2billet vb + : to assign lodging to by billet + fling, frolic, gambol, lark, revel, rollick, romp-
+ accommodate, chamber, domicile, harbor (or har- more at FLING
bour), house, lodge, put up, quarter, roof, shelter, take 2binge vb binged; binge-ing OT : to go on a binge
in - more at HOUSE and esp. an eating binge - bingoer n
bil-let-deux \,bi-lii-'dii\ n, pl billets-doux \same or -'diiz\ binogo \'bil)-go\ n, p! bingos : a game of chance played
[F billet doux, lit., sweet letter] : a love letter with cards having numbered squares corresponding to
billfold \'bil-,fold\ n : WALLET numbered balls drawn at random and won by covering
bll-llards \'bil-yardz\ n : any of several games played on an five squares in a row
oblong table by driving balls against each other or into bln-na-cle \'bi-ni-kal\ n [alter. of ME bitak/e, fro Pg or Sp;
pockets with a cue Pg bitacola & Sp bitacula, fro L habitaculum dwelling
bil.lingsogate Vbi-Iinz-jgat, Brit usu -git\ n [Billingsgate, old place, fr. habitare to inhabit] : a container holding a ship's
gate and fish market, London, England] : coarsely abusive compass
language "bln-oc-u-lar \bi-'na-kya-Iar, ba-\ adj : of, relating to, or
bu-uon \'bil-yan\ n 1 : a thousand millions 2 Brit: a mil- adapted to the use of both eyes - bin-oc-u-lar-ly adv
lion millions - billion adj - billionth \-yanth\ ad} or n 2binoocular \ba-'na-kya-Iar, bi-\ n 1 : a binocular optical
'billow \'bi-Io\ n 1 + : a moving ridge or swell on the sur- instrument (as a microscope) 2: a hand-held optical in-
face of a liquid: WAVE; esp : a great wave 2: a rolling mass strument composed of two telescopes and a focusing de-
(as of fog or flame) like a great wave - bil.lowy \'bi-Ia- vice - usu. used in pl.
we\ ad} bl-no-ml-at \bi-'no-me-al\ n 1 : a mathematical expression
+ surge, swell, wave - more at WAVE consisting of two terms connected by the sign plus (+) or
minus (-) 2: a biological species name consisting of two
2billow vb 1 : to rise and roll in waves 2 + : to swell out
terms - binomial ad}
bio-chem-is-try \,bi-o-'ke-ma-stre\ n : chemistry that deals
+ balloon, beetle, belly, bulge, overhang, poke, project, with the chemical compounds and processes occurring in
protrude, start, stick out - more at BULGE living things - bio-chem-i-cal \-mi-bl\ ad} or n - bio- \'bi-Ie\ n, pl billies: a heavy usu. wooden club: BILLY chem-ist \-mist\ n
CLUB bio-de-qrad-able \-di-'grii-da-bal\ ad} : capable of being
billy club n + : a heavy usu. wooden club; esp : a police of- broken down esp, into innocuous products by the actions
ficer's club of living things (as microorganisms) <a ~ detergent) -
+ bat, bludgeon, club, cudgel, nightstick, staff, trun- bioodeograd.abil.i.ty \-,gra-da-'bi-Ia-te\ n - bio-deq-ra-da-
cheon - more at CLUB tion \-,de-gra-'dii-shan\ n - bioodeograde \-di-'griid\ vb goat \'bi-Ie-\ n : a male goat bio-di-ver-si-ty \-da-'var-sa-te, -di-\ n : biological diversity
bi-met-al \'bi-,met-'I\ ad} : BIMETALLIC - bimetal n in an environment as indicated by numbers of different
bl-rne-tal-llc \,bi-ma-'ta-Iik\ ad} : made of two different species of plants and animals
77 birthright
bio-en-ql-neer-inq n 1 : the application of engineering prin- + binary, double, dual, duplex, twin - more at DOUBLE
ciples to medicine and biology 2: GENETIC ENGINEERING bi-ped \'bi-,ped\ n : a 2-footed animal - bi-ped-al \(,)bi-
bio-eth-lcs \-'e-thiks\ n : the ethics of biological research 'ped-'I\ adj
and its applications esp. in medicine - blo-eth-i-cal \-'e- bi-plane \'bi-,plan\ n : an aircraft with two wings placed
thi-kalv adj - blo-eth-i-clst \-'e-th:l-sist\ n one above the other
biOofeedback \-'fed-,bak\ n : the technique of making un- bi-po-lar \bi-'po-I:lr\ adj : having or involving the use of
conscious or involuntary bodily processes (as heartbeats two poles - bl-po-Iar-l-ty \,bi-po-'Iar-a-te\ n
or brain waves) objectively perceptible to the senses (as bipolar disorder n : any of several psychological disorders
by use of an oscilloscope) in order to manipulate them by of mood characterized by usu. alternating episodes of de-
conscious mental control pression and mania
biog abbr biographer; biographical; biography bl-ra-clal \bi-'ra-sh:ll\ adj : of, relating to, or involving
biooge-og.ra.phy \,bi-o-je-'a-gr:l-fe\ n : a science that deals members of two races
with the geographical distribution of plants and animals 'birch \'b:lrch\ n 1 : any of a genus of mostly short-lived de-
- biooge-og.ra.pher n ciduous shrubs and trees with membranous outer bark
bi-og.ra.phy \bi-'a-gr:l-fe, be-\ n, pi -phies : a written his- and pale close-grained wood; also : this wood 2: a birch
tory of a person's life; also: such writings in general - bi- rod or bundle of twigs for flogging - birch or birch-en
og.ra.pher n - bl-o-qraph-l-cal \,bi-:l-'gra-fi-k:ll\ also bl-o- \'b:lr-ch:ln\ adi
graph.ic \-fik\ adj 2birch vb : to beat with or as if with a birch: WHIP
bioi abbr biologic; biological; biologist; biology 'bird \'b:lrd\ n : any of a class of warm-blooded egg-laying
bi-oolog.ioeal \,bi-:l-'Ia-ji-bl\ also bi-oolog.ic \-jik\ adj 1 : of, vertebrates having the body feathered and the forelimbs
relating to, or produced by biology or life and living modified to form wings
processes 2: related by direct genetic relationship rather 2bird vb : to observe or identify wild birds in their native
than by adoption or marriage <~ parents) - bi-o-Iog.i- habitat - bird-er n \-ji-k(:l- )Ie\ adv bird.bath \'b:lrd-,bath, -jbath', n : a usu. ornamental basin
biological clock n : an inherent timing mechanism in a liv- set up for birds to bathe in
ing system that is inferred to exist in order to explain the bird-house \-,hails\ n : an artificial nesting place for birds;
timing of various physiological and behavioral states and also: AVIARY
processes birdie Vbar-dev n : a score of one under par on a hole in
biological warfare n : warfare in which harmful living or- golf
ganisms (biological weapons) are used against an enemy bird-lime \-,lim\ n : a sticky substance smeared on twigs to
esp. to cause large-scale death and disease snare small birds
bi-ol-oogy \bi-'a-I:l-je\ n [G Biologie, fr. Gk bios mode of life bird of prey: a carnivorous bird (as a hawk, falcon, or vul-
+ logos word, discourse] 1 : a science that deals with liv- ture) that feeds wholly or chiefly on meat taken by hunt-
ing beings and life processes 2: the life processes of an ing or on carrion
organism or group - bi-ol-oogist \bi-'a-I:l-jist\ n bird-seed \'b:lrd-,sed\ n : a mixture of small seeds (as of
blo-rnass \'bi-o-,mas\ n 1 : the amount of living matter (as hemp or millet) used for feeding birds
in a unit area) 2: plant materials and animal waste used bird's-eye \'b:lrdz-,i\ adj 1 : marked with spots resembling
esp. as fuel birds' eyes <~ maple) 2 a: seen from above as if by a fly-
blo-med-l-cal \,bi-o-'me-di-bl\ adj : of, relating to, or in- ing bird <~ view) b + : having or involving a bird's-eye
volving biological, medical, and physical science view: CURSORY
bl-on-lc \bi-'a-nik\ adj : having normal biological capabil- + broad, cursory, general, nonspecific, overall- more
ity or performance enhanced by or as if by electronic or at GENERAL
mechanical devices bi-ret-ta \ba-'re-t:l\ n : a square cap with three ridges on top
blo-phys-lcs \,bi-o-'fi-ziks\ n : a branch of science con- worn esp. by Roman Catholic clergymen
cerned with the application of physical principles and birth \'b:lrth\ n 1 : the act or fact of being born or of bring-
methods to biological problems - blo-phys-i-cal \-zi-k:ll\ ing forth young 2 + : descent in a line from a common
adj - blo-phys-i-clst \-'fi-z:l-sist\ n progenitor: LINEAGE 3 + : rise, beginning, or derivation
bi-op-sy \'bi-,ap-se\ n, pl-sies : the removal of tissue, cells, from a source
or fluids from the living body for examination + [2] ancestry, blood, bloodline, breeding, descent, ex-
bio-rhythm \'bi-o-,ri-1b:lm\ n : an innately determined traction, family tree, genealogy, line, lineage, origin,
rhythmic biological process (as sleep); also: the internal parentage, pedigree, stock, strain - more at ANCESTRY
mechanism controlling such a process + [3] beginning, commencement, dawn, genesis,
bio-sphere \'bi-:l-,sfir\ n 1 : the part of the world in which launch, morning, onset, outset, start, threshold - more
life can exist 2: living beings together with their envi- at BEGlNNING
ronment birth canal n : the channel formed by the cervix, vagina,
bio-tech \'bi-o-,tek\ n : BIOTECHNOLOGY and vulva through which the fetus passes during birth
biOotech.nol-ogy \,bi-o-tek-'na-I:l-je\ n : biological science birth control n : control of the number of children born
when applied esp. in genetic engineering and recombi- esp. by preventing or lessening the frequency of concep-
nant DNA technology tion
bto-ter-ror-lsm \-'ter-:lr-,i-z;:lm\ n : terrorism involving the birthoday \'b:lrth-,da\ n : the day or anniversary of one's
use of biological weapons birth
bl-ot-lc \bi-'a-tik\ adi : of or relating to life; esp : caused by birth defect n : a physical or biochemical defect present at
living beings birth and inherited or environmentally induced
bi-o-tin \'bi-:l-t:ln\ n : a vitamin of the vitamin B complex birth-mark Vbarth-jmark', n : an unusual mark or blemish
found esp. in yeast, liver, and egg yolk and active in on the skin at birth
growth promotion birth-place \-,plas\ n + : place of birth or origin
bi-o-tite \'bi-:l-,tit\ n : a dark mica containing iron, magne- + cradle, home; also fatherland, motherland
sium, potassium, and aluminum
bi-par-ti-san \bi-'par-t:l-z:ln\ adj : marked by or involving birth-rate \-,riit\ n : the number of births per number of in-
cooperation, agreement, and compromise between two dividuals in a given area or group during a given time
birth-right \-,Tit\ n + : a right, privilege, or possession to
major political parties - bl-par-tl-san-shlp \-,ship\ n
bi-par-tite \-'par-,tit\ adj 1 + : being in two parts 2: shared which one is entitled by birth
by two <~ treaty) + prerogative, right - more at RIGHT
birthstone 78
birth-stcne \-,ston \ n : a gemstone associated symbolically or severity (as of distress or hatred) 3 + : extremely harsh
with the month of one's birth or cruel 4 + : intensely unpleasant esp. in coldness or
bis-cult \'bis-kat\ n [ME bisquite, fro AF besquit, fr. (pain) rawness
besquit twice-cooked bread] 1 : a crisp flat cake; esp, Brit + [2] acrid, acrimonious, hard, rancorous, resentful,
: CRACKER 2 2: a small quick bread made from dough sore; also disaffected, discontented, disgruntled, mal-
that has been rolled and cut or dropped from a spoon content + [3] agonizing, galling, harrowing, harsh,
bi-sect \'bi-,sekt\ vb : to divide into two uSU. equal parts; hurtful, painful, tortuous; also insufferable, insupport-
also: CROSS, INTERSECT - bi-sec-tion \'bi-,sek-sh;m\ n- able, intolerable, unacceptable, unbearable, unen-
bi-sec-tor \-tQr\ n durable, unsupportable Ant gratifying, pleasing, sweet
bi-sex-u-al \bi-'sek-shQ-wQI\ adj 1 : possessing characters + [3] brutal, burdensome, grim, hard, harsh, heavy,
of or having sexual desire for both sexes 2: of, relating onerous, oppressive, severe, stiff, tough, trying - more
to, or involving both sexes - bisexual n - bi-sex-u-al-i-ty at HARSH + [4] arctic, cold, freezing, frigid, frosty, gla-
\,bi-,sek-shQ-'wal-Q-te\ n cial, icy, polar, raw, wintry - more at COLD
bish-op \'bi-shQP\ n [ME bisshop ; fro OE bisceop ; fr. LL adv + : in a bitter manner
episcopus, fr. Gk episkopos, lit., overseer, fro epi- on, over + hard, sadly, sorrowfully, unhappily, wretchedly-
+ skeptesthai to look] 1 : a member of the clergy ranking more at HARD
above a priest and typically governing a diocese 2 : any of bit-tern \'bi-tQrn\ n : any of various small or medium-sized
various Protestant church officials who superintend herons
other clergy 3: a chess piece that can move diagonally bit-ter-ness n + : the quality or state of being bitter; also
across any number of adjoining unoccupied squares : something bitter
bish-op-ric \'bi-shQ-prik\ n 1 : DIOCESE 2: the office of + animosity, antagonism, antipathy, enmity, gall,
bishop grudge, hostility, rancor - more at ENMITY + bite,
bls-muth \'biz-mQth\ n : a heavy brittle grayish white harshness, pungency, sharpness, tartness
metallic chemical element used in alloys and medicine bit-ters \'bi-tQrz\ n sing or pi : a usu. alcoholic solution of
bi-son \'bis-'n, 'biz-\ n, pi bison: BUFFALO 2 bitter and often aromatic plant products used in mixing
bisque \'bisk\ n : a thick cream soup drinks and as a mild tonic
bis-tro Vbes-tro, 'bis-\ n, pi bistros [F] 1 : a small or un- 'bit.ter.sweet \'bi-tQr-,swet\ n 1 : a poisonous nightshade
pretentious restaurant 2: BAR; also: NIGHTCLUB with purple flowers and orange-red berries 2: a woody
'bit \'bit\ n 1 : the biting or cutting edge or part of a tool vine with yellow capsules that open when ripe and dis-
2 : the part of a bridle that is placed in a horse's mouth close scarlet seed coverings
'bit n 1 a : a morsel of food b + : a small piece or quantity 'bittersweet adj : being at once both bitter and sweet
of something 2: a small coin; also: a unit of value equal bl-tu-ml-nous coal \bQ-'tu-mQ-nQs-, bi-, -'tyii-\ n : a coal
to 12'/2 cents 3: something small or trivial 4 + : an in- that when heated yields considerable volatile waste mat-
definite usu. small degree or extent <a - tired) ter
+ [Ib] ace, crumb, dab, hint, lick, little, mite, nip, par- bl-valve \'bi-,valv\ n : any of a class of mollusks (as clams
ticle, shred, speck, spot, touch, trace - more at PARTI- or scallops) with a shell composed of two separate parts
CLE + [4] space, spell, stretch, while - more at WHILE that open and shut - bivalve adj
3bit n [binary digit] : a unit of computer information equiv- 'biv-ouac \'bi-vQ-,wak\ n [F, fro LG biwacht, fr. bi at + wacht
alent to the result of a choice between two alternatives; guard] + : a temporary encampment or shelter
also : its physical representation + camp, encampment - more at CAMP
'bitch \'bich\ n 1 : a female canine; esp : a female dog 2: a 'bivouac vb -ouacked; -ouaek-lnq : to form a bivouac: CAMP
malicious, spiteful, and domineering woman ' \,bi-'we-kle\ adj 1 : occurring twice a week
'bitch vb : COMPLAIN 2 : occurring every two weeks: FORTNIGHTLY - biweekly
'bite \'bit\ vb bit \'bit\; bit-ten \'bit-On\ also bit; \'bi- adv
til)\ 1 + : to grip with teeth or jaws; also: to wound or 2biweekly n : a biweekly publication
sting with or as if with fangs 2: to cut or pierce with or \-'yir-Ie\ adj 1 : BIANNUAL 2: BIENNIAL
as if with an edged instrument 3: to cause to smart or bi-zarre \bQ-'zar\ adi : strikingly out of the ordinary: as
sting 4 + : to eat away by degrees as if by gnawing: COR- a + : odd, extravagant, or eccentric in style or mode
RODE 5: to take bait b +: involving sensational contrasts or incongruities
+ usu bite on [1] champ, chew, chomp, crunch, gnaw, : FANTASTIC - bi-zarre-ly adv
nibble; also lap, lick, munch + usu bite at [4] corrode, + [a] curious, far-out, funny, odd, outlandish, peculiar,
eat, erode, fret - more at EAT quaint, queer, quirky, screwy, strange, weird + [b] ab-
'bite n 1 : the act or manner of biting 2 + : a small amount surd, crazy, fanciful, fantastic, foolish, insane, nonsen-
of food 3 a : a wound made by biting b + : a penetrating sical, preposterous, unreal, wild - more at FANTASTIC
effect or sensation bk abbr 1 bank 2 book
+ [2] morsel, mouthful, nibble, taste, tidbit - more at Bk symbol berkelium
MORSEL + [3b] bitterness, harshness, pungency, sharp- bkg abbr banking
ness, tartness bkgd abbr background \'bi-til)\ adj + : having the power to bite so as to bks abbr barracks
cause physical or mental discomfort <a - wind); esp bkt abbr 1 basket 2 bracket
: able to grip and impress deeply <a - wit) bl abbr 1 bale 2 barrel 3 blue
+ bitter, cutting, keen, penetrating, piercing, raw, sharp blab \'blab\ vb blabbed; 1 +: to talk idly or
- more at CUTTING + acute, agonizing, excruciating, thoughtlessly 2 : to reveal a secret esp. by indiscreet chat-
sharp, smart - more at SHARP + acrid, caustic, cutting, ter : TATTLE, GOSSIP
mordant, pungent, sarcastic, satiric, scathing, sharp, + chat, converse, gab, jaw, palaver, patter, prattle, rat-
tart - more at SARCASTIC tle, talk, visit - more at CHAT
bit-mapped \'bit-,mapt\ adj : of, relating to, or being a dig- blab-ber-mouth \'bla-bQr-,mauth\ n + : a person who talks
ital image or display for which an array of binary data too much; esp : TATTLETALE
specifies the value of each pixel - bit-map \-,map\ n + betrayer, informer, rat, snitch, stool pigeon, tattler,
bit-ter \'bi-tQr\ adi 1 : being or inducing the one of the ba- tattletale - more at INFORMER
sic taste sensations that is acrid, astringent, or disagree- blab-by \'bla-be\ adj : given to talking
able and is suggestive of hops 2 + : marked by intensity 'black \'blak\ adj 1 + : of the color black; also: very dark
79 blame
2 : SWARTHY 3: of or relating to various groups of dark' black-head \'blak-,hed\ n : a small usu. dark oily mass
skinned people 4: of or relating to the African-American plugging the outlet of a skin gland
people or their culture 5: SOILED, DIRTY 6: lacking light black hole n : a hypothetical celestial object with a gravita-
<a ~ night> 7 + : thoroughly sinister or evil: WICKED <~ tional field so strong that light cannot escape from it
magic> 8 + : very sad, gloomy, or calamitous: DISMAL <a \'bla-kil)\ n : a substance applied to something to
~ outlook> 9: SULLEN <a ~ mood> - black-ish adj - make it black adv 'black.jack \'blak-Jak\ n 1 , a leather-covered club with a
+ [I] ebony, raven; also dark, dusky, inky Ant white flexible handle 2 : a card game in which the object is to
+ [7] bad, evil, immoral, iniquitous, nefarious, rotten, be dealt cards having a higher count than the dealer but
sinful, unethical, unsavory, vicious, vile, villainous, not exceeding 21
wicked, wrong + [8] bleak, dark, dismal, dreary, 2blackjack vb : to hit with or as if with a blackjack
gloomy, gray (or grey), somber (or sombre), wretched black light n : invisible ultraviolet light
- more at GLOOMY black-list \'blak-,list\ n : a list of persons who are disap-
2black n 1 : a black pigment or dye; also: something (as proved of and are to be punished or boycotted - black-
clothing) that is black 2: the characteristic color of soot list vb
or coal 3: a person of a dark-skinned race 4: AFRICAN' black-maf! \'blak-,miil\ n : extortion by threats esp, of pub-
AMERICAN lic exposure; also : something so extorted - blackmail vb
3black vb : BLACKEN black-mail-er n : one who blackmails another
'black n + : total or nearly total absence of light black market n : illicit trade in goods; also: a place where
such trade is carried on
+ dark, darkness, dusk, gloaming, gloom, murk, night, Black Mass n : a travesty of the Christian mass ascribed to
semidarkness, shade, shadows, twilight - more at DARK
worshipers of Satan
btaek-a-moor Vbla-ka-jrnur', n : a dark-skinned person Black Muslim n : a member of a chiefly black group that
black-and-blue \,bla-bn-'blii\ adj : darkly discolored professes Islamic religious belief
from blood effused by bruising black nationalist n, often cap B&N: a member of a group of
black-ball Vblak-abolv vb 1 + : to vote against; esp : to ex- militant blacks who advocate separatism from whites and
clude from membership by casting a negative vote 2, os- the formation of self-governing black communities-
TRACIZE - black-ball n black nationalism n, often cap B&N
+ kill, negative, veto - more at NEGATIVE black-ness n : the quality or state of being black
black bass n : any of several freshwater sunfishes native to black-out \'bla-,kaut\ n 1 : a period of darkness due to
eastern and central No. America electrical power failure 2 + : a transitory loss or dulling
black bear n : a usu. black-furred bear of the North Amer- of vision or consciousness 3: the prohibition or restric-
ican forests tion of the telecasting of a sports event
'black belt \'blak-,belt\ n, often cap both Bs : an area densely + faint, knockout, swoon - more at FAINT
populated by blacks black out vb + : to temporarily lose vision, consciousness,
2black belt \-'belt\ n : one who holds the rating of expert (as or memory
in judo or karate); also: the rating itself + faint, pass out, swoon - more at FAINT
black-ber-ry \-,ber-I':\ n : the usu. black or purple juicy but
black pepper n : a spice that consists of the dried berry of
seedy edible fruit of various brambles; also: a plant bear-
a pepper plant that is ground with the black husk still on
ing this fruit
black power n : the mobilization of the political and eco-
black-bird \-,bard\ n : any of various birds (as the red,
nomic power of black Americans esp. to compel respect
winged blackbird) of which the male is largely or wholly
for their rights and improve their condition
black sheep n : a member of a group who is disreputable
blackboard \-,bord\ n : a smooth usu. dark surface used
or who is not regarded favorably
for writing or drawing on with chalk black-smith \'blak-,smith\ n : a smith who forges iron-
black-body \-'bii-dl':\ n : a body or surface that completely black-smlth-lnq n
absorbs incident radiation with no reflection black-thorn \-,thorn\ n : a European thorny plum
black box n 1 : a usu. complicated electronic device whose black-tie \'blak-'tl\ adj : characterized by or requiring
components and workings are unknown or mysterious to semiformal evening clothes consisting of a usu. black tie
the user 2: a device used in aircraft to record cockpit and tuxedo for men and a formal dress for women
conversations and flight data black-top \'blak-,tiip\ n : a dark tarry material (as asphalt)
black death n : an epidemic of bacterial plague and esp. used esp. for surfacing roads - blacktop vb
bubonic plague that spread rapidly in Europe and Asia in black widow n : a venomous New World spider having the
the 14th century female black with an hourglass-shaped red mark on the
black-en Vbla-kanv vb blackoened; black-en-ing 1 +: to underside of the abdomen
make or become black or dark 2 + : to speak evil of : DE- bladoder \'bla-dar\ n : a sac in which liquid or gas is stored;
FAME esp : one in a vertebrate into which urine passes from the
+ [1] becloud, cloud, darken, dim, obscure, overcast, kidneys
overshadow, shadow + [l] befoul, begrime, besmirch, blade \'bIM\ n 1 : a leaf of a plant and esp. of a grass; also
blacken, dirty, muddy, smirch, soil, stain - more at : the flat part of a leaf as distinguished from its stalk
DIRTY + [2] defame, libel, malign, slander, smear, tra- 2 : something (as the flat part of an oar or an arm of a
duce, vilify - more at SLANDER propeller) resembling the blade of a leaf 3: the cutting
blackoened adi : coated with spices and quickly seared in a part of an instrument or tool 4: a weapon (as a cutlass or
very hot skillet <~ swordfish> rapier) with a long blade for cutting or thrusting that is
black eye n : a discoloration of the skin around the eye often used as a symbol of honor or authority: SWORD; also
from bruising : SWORDSMAN 5: a dashing fellow <a gay =-> 6: the run-
black-eyed Su-san \,blak-,ld-'siiz-'n\ n : a coarse No. ner of an ice skate - blad-ed \'blli-dad\ adj
American plant that is related to the daisies and has deep blain \'bllin\ n : an inflammatory swelling or sore
yellow to orange flower heads with dark conical centers blam-abte adj + : deserving blame
Blackfoot \'blak-,fut\ n, pi Blackfeet or Blackfoot: a mem- + blameworthy, censurable, culpable, reprehensible-
ber of an American Indian people of Montana, Alberta, more at BLAMEWORTHY
and Saskatchewan 'blame \'bllim\ vb blamed; [ME, fr. AF blamer,
blackoguard \'bla-g;lrd, -,giird\ n : SCOUNDREL, RASCAL blasmer, fr. L blasphemare to blaspheme, fr. Gk blas-
blame 80
phemein] 1 + : to find fault with 2: to hold responsible blare \'blar\ vb blared; blar-ing : to sound loud and harsh;
or responsible for also : to proclaim loudly - blare n
+ censure, condemn, criticize, denounce, fault, knock, blar-ney \'bliir-ne\ n [Blarney stone, a stone in Blarney Cas-
pan, reprehend - more at CRITICIZE tle, near Cork, Ireland, held to bestow skill in flattery on
'blame n 1 : CENSURE, REPROOF 2 + : responsibility for fault those who kiss it] + : skillful flattery: BLANDISHMENT
or error + adulation, flattery, overpraise - more at FLATTERY
+ culpability, fault, guilt, rap; also regret, remorse, self= bla-se \blii-'za\ adj [F] : apathetic to pleasure or excite-
reproach, shame Ant blamelessness ment as a result of excessive indulgence; also : SOPHISTI-
blame-less adj : free from blame or fault - blame-less- CATED
Iy adv - blame-less-ness n blas-pheme \blas-'fem, 'blas-,\ vb blas-phemed; bias-ph em-
+ clear, faultless, guiltless, impeccable, innocent, irre- ing 1 : to speak of or address with irreverence 2: to ut-
proachable - more at INNOCENT ter blasphemy - blas-phem-er n
blame-wor-thy \-,war-the\ adj +: deserving blame- blas-phe-mous \-mas\ adi + : impiously irreverent
blame-wor-thi-ness n + irreverent, profane, sacrilegious
+ blamable, censurable, culpable, reprehensible; also blas-phe-my \'blas-fa-me\ n, pi -mies 1 + : the act of ex-
bad, guilty, sinful, wicked Ant blameless, faultless, im- pressing lack of reverence for God 2 + : irreverence to-
peccable, irreproachable ward something considered sacred
blanch \'blanch\ vb + : to make or become white or pale + [1, 2] defilement, desecration, impiety, irreverence,
: BLEACH sacrilege; also cursing, profanity, swearing Ant adora-
+ bleach, blench, dull, fade, pale, wash out, whiten - tion, glorification, worship
more at PALE 'blast \'blast\ n 1 + : a violent gust of wind; also: its effect
blanc-mange \bla-'miini, -'miiDzh\ n [ME blancmanger, fr. 2 : sound made by a wind instrument 3: a current of air
MF blanc manger, lit., white food] : a dessert made from forced at high pressure through a hole in a furnace (blast
gelatin or a starchy substance and milk usu. sweetened furnace) 4: a sudden withering esp. of plants : BLIGHT
and flavored 5 + : an explosion or violent detonation; also: the often
bland \'bland\ adj 1 : smooth in manner: SUAVE 2 + : gen- destructive shock wave of an explosion
tly soothing <a ~ diet); also: INSIPfD - bland-ly adv - + [1] blow, flurry, gust, williwaw - more at GUST
bland-ness n [5] detonation, eruption, explosion - more at EXPLO-
+ balmy, benign, delicate, gentle, insipid, light, mellow,
mild, soft, soothing, tender - more at GENTLE 2blast vb 1 + : to make a vigorous attack 2 a : to use an ex-
blan-dlsh-rnent Vblan-dish-mant', n : flattering or coaxing plosive b + : to discharge or propel something by means
speech or action: CAJOLERY of an explosive : SHOOT 3 + : to shatter by or as if by an
'blank \'blaok\ adj 1 a : showing or causing an appearance
of dazed dismay b + : lacking expression 2 + : free from + [1] abuse, assail, attack, belabor, castigate, excoriate,
writing or marks; also : having spaces to be filled in jump, lambaste, slam, vituperate - more at ATTACK
3 : DULL, EMPTY <~ moments) 4: ABSOLUTE, DOWNRIGHT + [2b] discharge, fire, loose, shoot - more at SHOOT
<a ~ refusal) 5: not shaped in final form - blank-ly adv + [3] blow up, burst, demolish, explode, pop, shatter,
smash; also dynamite
+ [lb] deadpan, expressionless, impassive, inexpres-
blast off vb : TAKE OFF 4 - used esp. of rocket-propelled
sive, stolid, vacant; also dull, empty, vacuous, vapid Ant
vehicles - blast-off \'blast-,of\ n
demonstrative, expressive + [2] bare, devoid, empty,
stark, vacant, void - more at EMPTY bla-tant \'blat-Ont\ adj + : offensively obtrusive : vulgarly
showy - bla-tan-cy \-n-se\ n - bla-tant-ly adv
'blank n 1 + : an empty space 2 : a form with spaces for
the entry of data 3 : an unfinished form (as of a key) 4 : a + conspicuous, egregious, flagrant, glaring, gross, obvi-
cartridge with propellant and a seal but no projectile ous, patent, prominent, pronounced, rank, striking-
+ [1] blankness, emptiness, vacancy, vacuity, void-
blath-er \'bla-thar\ vb : to talk foolishly at length - blather
more at VACANCY + [2] document, form, paper - more
blath-er-skite \'bla-IDar-,sklt\ n : a person who blathers
3blank vb 1 : to cover or close up : OBSCURE 2 : to keep from
'blaze \'blaz\ n 1 : FIRE 2 + : intense direct light often ac-
companied by heat <the ~ of TV lights) 3: something
blank check n 1 : a signed check with the amount unspec- (as a dazzling display or sudden outburst) suggesting fire
ified 2: complete freedom of action <a ~ of autumn leaves>
'blan-ket Vblan-kat', n 1 : a heavy woven often woolen cov-
+ flare, fluorescence, glare, gleam, glow, illumination,
ering 2 + : a covering layer <a ~ of snow)
incandescence, light, luminescence, radiance, shine-
+ cloak, curtain, hood, mantle, mask, shroud, veil- more at LIGHT
more at CLOAK 2blaze vb blazed; blaz-ing 1 + : to burn brightly; also : to
2blanket vb 1 +: to cover with or as if with a blanket flare up 2 + : to be conspicuously bright
2 + : to cover so as to obscure, interrupt, suppress, or ex-
+ [1] burn, flame, flare, glow - more at BUR + [1,
tinguish 21 beat, burn, flame, flare, glare - more at GLARE
+ [1] carpet, coat, cover, overlay, overlie, overspread 3blaze vb blazed; blaz-ing + : to make public or conspicuous
- more at COVER + [2] blot out, cloak, conceal, cover,
curtain, enshroud, hide, mask, obscure, occlude, oc-
+ advertise, announce, broadcast, declare, enunciate,
flash, herald, placard, post, proclaim, promulgate, pub-
cult, screen, shroud, veil - more at HIDE
licize, publish, sound - more at ANNOUNCE
3blanket adj + : covering a group or class <~ insurance);
'blaze n 1 : a usu. white stripe on the face of an animal 2 : a
also: applicable in all instances <~ rules)
trail marker; esp : one made on a tree
+ common, general, generic, global, overall, universal Sblaze vb blazed; blaz-ing : to mark (as a tree or trail) with
- more at GENERAL blazes
blank-ness n + : the quality or state of being blank blaz-er \'bla-zar\ n : a sports jacket often with notched col-
+ blank, emptiness, vacancy, vacuity, void - more at lar and pockets that are stitched on
VACANCY 'bla-zon \'blaz-On\ n 1 : COAT OF ARMS 2: ostentatious dis-
blank verse n : unrhymed iambic pentameter play
81 blister
2blazon vb 1 : to publish widely: PROCLAIM 2: DECK, ADORN voke divine care for 4 + : to give glory to : PRAlSE, GLO-
bldg abbr building RIFY 5: to confer happiness upon
bldr abbr builder + [1] consecrate, hallow, sanctify; also cleanse, purify
'bleach Vblech', vb + : to make or become white: BLANCH + [4] extol, glorify, laud, magnify, praise - more at
+ blanch, blench, dull, fade, pale, wash out, whiten - PRAISE
more at PALE bless-ed \'ble-s;ld\ also blest \ 'blest\ adj 1 a + : held in rev-
2bleach n : a preparation used in bleaching erence b : venerated as or as if sacred: HOLY 2: BEAT-
bleach-ers Vble-charzv n sing or pi : a usu. uncovered stand IFIED 3: DELIGHTFUL - bless-edly adv
of tiered seats for spectators + [Ia] hallowed, holy, sacred, sacrosanct, sanctified -
bleak \ 'blek\ adj 1 +: desolately barren and often more at HOLY + [Ib] c1ivine, godlike, heavenly, holy-
windswept 2 + : lacking warm or cheering qualities- more at HOLY
bleak.ish adj - adv bless-ed-ness n + : the quality or state of being blessed
+ [1] dirty, foul, inclement, nasty, raw, rough, squally, + bliss, felicity, gladness, happiness, joy - more at HAP-
stormy, tempestuous, turbulent - more at FOUL PINESS + devoutness, godliness, holiness, piety, saint-
+ [2] dark, c1ismal, dreary, gloomy, gray (or grey), hood, sanctity - more at HOLINESS
somber (or sombre), wretched - more at GLOOMY bless-ing \'ble-sil)\ n 1 a + : the act or words of one who
bleak-ness n + : the quality or state of being bleak blesses b + : acknowledgment and acceptance or support
+ bite, bitterness, chill, nip, rawness, sharpness - more of something: APPROVAL <gave their - to the proposal)
at CHILL 2 + : a thing conducive to happiness 3: grace said at a
blear \'blir\ adj : dim with water or tears <- eyes) meal
bleary \'blir-e\ adj 1 : dull or dimmed esp, from fatigue or + [1a] consecration, sanctification - more at CONSE-
sleep 2 + : poorly outlined or defined CRATION + [lb] approbation, approval, favor (or
+ c1im, faint, foggy, fuzzy, hazy, indefinite, inclistinct, favour), imprimatur, OK - more at APPROVAL
unclear, undefined, undetermined - more at FAINT + [2] benefit, boon, felicity, godsend, good, manna,
windfall; also bonus, extra, lagniappe Ant affliction,
bleat \'blet\ n : the cry of a sheep or goat or a sound like it
bane, curse, evil, plague, scourge
- bleat vb
blew past of BLOW
bleed \'bled\ vb bled \'bled\; 1 : to lose or shed
'blight \'bllt\ n 1 : a plant disease or injury marked by with-
blood 2 a : to be wounded b + : to feel pain or distress 3
ering; also: an organism causing a blight 2: an impairing
a + : to flow or ooze from a wounded surface b + : to
or frustrating influence; also : a deteriorated condition
draw fluid from esp. in a controlled manner <- steam
<urban -)
from the pipes) <- a tire) 4: to extort money from
2blight vb : to affect with or suffer from blight
+ [2b] agonize, feel, grieve, hurt, mourn, sorrow, suffer blimp \'blimp\ n : a nonrigid airship
- more at GRIEVE + [3a] exude, ooze, percolate, seep, 'blind \'bllnd\ adj 1 : lacking or grossly deficient in ability
strain, sweat, weep - more at EXUDE + [3b] drain, to see; also: intended for blind persons 2: not based on
draw, pump, Siphon, tap - more at DRAlN
bleed-er \'ble-d;lr\ n : one that bleeds; esp : HEMOPHILIAC
reason, evidence, or knowledge <- faith) 3: not intelli-
gently controlled or directed <- chance) 4: performed
bleeding heart n 1 : a garden plant related to the poppies solely by using aircraft instruments <a - landing)
that has usu. deep pink drooping heart-shaped flowers 5 : hard to discern or make out : HIDDEN <a - seam)
2 : a person who shows extreme sympathy esp, for an ob- 6 : lacking an opening or outlet <a - alley) -
ject of alleged persecution adv - bllnd-ness \'bllnd-n;ls\ n
'blemish \'ble-mish\ vb + : to spoil by a flaw: MAR 2blind vb 1 : to make blind 2: to overpower with brightness
+ mar, poison, spoil, stain, taint, tarnish, touch, vitiate : DAZZLE 3: DARKEN; also: HIDE
- more at TAINT 'blind n 1 : something (as a shutter) to hinder vision or
2blemish n + : a noticeable flaw keep out light 2: a place of concealment 3: SUBTERFUGE

+ defect, deformity, disfigurement, fault, flaw, imper-
fection, mark, pockmark, scar; also abnormality, dis-
blind date n : a date between persons who have not previ-
ously met; also: either of these persons
blind-er Vblln-darv n : either of two flaps on a horse's bri-
tortion, irregularity, malformation
'blench \'blench\ vb [ME, to deceive, blench, fro OE dle to prevent it from seeing to the side
blencan to deceive] + : to draw back or tum aside from blindfold \'bllnd-,fold\ vb : to cover the eyes of with or as
= lack of courage: FLINCH, QUAIL if with a bandage - blindfold n
'blink \'blil)k\ vb 1 : to close and open the eyes involuntar-
! + flinch, quail, recoil, shrink, wince - more at FLINCH
ily : WINK 2 + : to shine dimly or intermittently: TWINKLE
2blench vb + : to grow or make pale
;; + blanch, bleach, dull, fade, pale, wash out, whiten-
3: EVADE, IGNORE - often used with at
+ flash, twinkle, wink; also flicker, glance, glimmer,
more at PALE glint, glisten, glister, glitter, scintillate, shimmer,
'blend \'blend\ vb blend-ed; 1 +: to mix thor- sparkle
oughly 2: to prepare (as coffee) by mixing different vari- 2blink n 1 : GLIMMER, SPARKLE 2: a usu. involuntary shut-
eties 3 + : to combine into an integrated whole 4: to ting and opening of the eye
produce a harmonious effect: HARMONIZE - blend-er n blink-er \'blil)-k;lr\ n : a blinking light used as a signal
+ amalgamate, commingle, fuse, incorporate, intermin- blin-tze \'blint-s;l\ or blintz \'blints\ n [Yiddish blintse] : a
gle, merge, mingle, mix Ant break down, break up, sep- thin rolled pancake with a filling usu. of cream cheese
arate blip \'blip\ n 1 : a spot on a radar screen 2: ABERRATION 1
2blend n + : a product of blending bliss \'blis\ n + : complete happiness: JOY
+ admixture, amalgam, combination, composite, com- + blessedness, felicity, gladness, happiness, joy - more
pound, fusion, intermixture, mix, mixture; also coales- at HAPPINESS
cence, concoction, incorporation, intermingling, blissful \-f;ll\ adj + : full of, marked by, or causing bliss -
mingling adv
hll!sS \'bles\ vb blessed \'blest\ also blest \'blest\; bless.jng + delighted, glad, happy, joyful, pleased - more at
[ME, fr. OE bletsian, fro blod blood; fr. the use of blood in GLAD
consecration] 1 +: to consecrate by religious rite or 'blis>ter \'blis-t;lr\ n 1 : a raised area of skin containing wa-
~ tery fluid; also: an agent that causes blisters 2: some-

word 2: to sanctify with the sign of the cross 3: to in-

blister 82
thing (as a raised spot in paint) suggesting a blister 3: a block-head \'bliik-,hed\ n + : a slow-witted or stupid per-
disease of plants marked by large swollen patches on the son: DOLT, DUNCE
leaves + dope, dummy, idiot, imbecile, jackass, moron, num-
2blister vb : to develop a blister; also: to cause blisters skull - more at IDIOT
blithe \'bllth, 'blilb\ adj blith-er; blith-est + : happily light- block-house \-,halis\ n : a small strong building used as a
hearted - blithe-Iy adv shelter (as from enemy fire) or observation post
+ bright, buoyant, cheerful, cheery, chipper, gay, light- 'blond or blonde \'bliind\ adj 1 : fair in complexion 2 + : of
some, sunny, upbeat - more at CHEERFUL + boon, fes- a light or bleached color <~ mahogany) - blondish
tive, gay, gleeful, jocund, jolly, jovial, merry, mirthful, \'bliin-dish\ acti
sunny - more at MERRY + fair, flaxen, golden, sandy, straw; also gold, light,
blithe-some \-s;)m\ adj : full of gaiety or high spirits white Ant dark
'blitz \'blits\ n 1 : an intensive series of air raids 2: a fast 2blond or blonde n : a person having blond hair'
intensive campaign 3: a rush of the passer by the defen- blood Vbladv n 1 : a usu. red liquid that circulates in the
sive linebackers in football heart, arteries, and veins of animals 2: LIFEBLOOD; also
2blitz vb + : to subject to a blitz; esp : to damage by a blitz : LIFE 3 + : human stock or lineage 4 a : relationship by
+ bombard, shell - more at BOMBARD descent from a common ancestor b + : persons related
blitz.krieg \-,kreg\ n [G, fr. Blitz lightning + Krieg war] + : a by means of a common ancestor: KINDRED 5: the taking
sudden violent enemy attack of life 6: TEMPER, PASSION 7: DANDY 1 - blood-less adj
+ aggression, assault, attack, charge, descent, offense + [3] ancestry, birth, bloodline, breeding, descent, ex-
(or offence), offensive, onset, onslaught, raid, rush, traction, family tree, genealogy, line, lineage, origin,
strike - more at ATTACK parentage, pedigree, stock, strain - more at ANCESTRY
bliz.zard \,bli-z;)rd\ n : a long severe snowstorm + [4b] clan, family, folks, house, kin, kindred, kinfolk,
blk abbr 1 black 2 block line, lineage, people, race, stock, tribe
bloat \'blot\ vb : to swell by or as if by filling with water or blood bank n : a place where blood or plasma is stored
air bloodbath \'bl;)d-,bath, -,bath\ n : MASSACRE
blob \'bliib\ n + : a small lump or drop of a thick consis- blood count n : the determination of the number of blood
tency cells in a specific volume of blood; also: the number of
+ chunk, clod, clump, glob, gob, hunk, lump, nub, wad cells so determined
- more at LUMP bloodoeurodllng \'b);)d-k;)rd-Iil), -,k"r-d'l-il)\ adj : arousing
bloc \'bliik\ n [F, lit., block] + : a combination of individ- fright or horror
uals or groups (as nations) working for a common pur- blood-ed \'bl,,-d;)d\ adj 1 : having blood of a specified kind
pose <warm-blooded animals) 2: entirely or largely purebred
+ body, coalition, combination, combine, faction, <~ horses)
party, sect, set, side, wing - more at FACTION + al- blood group n : one of the classes into which human beings
liance, coalition, combination, combine, confederacy, can be separated by the presence or absence in their
confederation, federation, league, union - more at blood of specific antigens
CONFEDERACY blood-hound \'bl;)d-,halind\ n : any of a breed of large
'block \'bliik\ n 1 : a solid piece of substantial material (as powerful hounds with long drooping ears, a wrinkled
wood or stone) 2 + : something that impedes progress or face, and keen sense of smell
achievement : HINDRANCE, OBSTRUCTION; also : interrup- blood.let.ting \-,le-til)\ n 1 : PHLEBOTOMY 2: BLOODSHED
tion of normal function of body or mind <heart~) 3: a bloodline \-,lln\ n + : a sequence of direct ancestors esp,
frame enclosing one or more pulleys and having a hook in a pedigree
or strap by which it may be attached 4: a piece of mate- + ancestry, birth, blood, breeding, descent, extraction,
rial with a hand-cut design on its surface from which family tree, genealogy, line, lineage, origin, parentage,
copies are to be made 5: a large building divided into pedigree, stock, strain - more at ANCESTRY
separate units (as apartments or offices) 6: a row of blood-mo-bile \-mo-,bel\ n : a motor vehicle equipped for
houses or shops 7: a city square; also: the distance along collecting blood from donors
one of the sides of such a square 8 + : a quantity of things blood poisoning n : invasion of the bloodstream by viru-
considered as a unit <a ~ of seats) lent microorganisms from a focus of infection accompa-
+ [2] bar, clog, crimp, drag, embarrassment, hindrance, nied esp, by chills, fever, and prostration
let, obstacle, stop, stumbling block - more at OBSTACLE blood pressure n : pressure of the blood on the walls of
+ [8] array, assemblage, batch, bunch, cluster, collec- blood vessels and esp. arteries
tion, group, package, set, suite blood-root \'bl;)d-,riit, -,rut\ n : a plant related to the poppy
2block vb 1 + : to make unsuitable for passage or progress that has a red root and sap, a solitary leaf, and a white
by obstruction: OBSTRUCT 2: to outline roughly <~ out flower in early spring
a design) 3: to provide or support with a block <~ up a blood-shed \-,shed\ n : wounding or taking of life : CAR-
+ dam, fill, pack, plug, stop, stuff - more at FILL blood-shot \-,shat\ adi : inflamed to redness <~ eyes)
+ choke, clog, close (off), congest, dam, jam, obstruct, bloodstain \-,stan \ n : a discoloration caused by blood
plug (up), stop (up), stuff - more at CLOG bloodstained \-,stand\ adj : stained with blood; also: in-
'blcck-ade \blii-'kad\ n : the isolation of a place usu. by volved with slaughter
troops or ships blood-stone \-,ston\ n : a green quartz sprinkled with red
2blockade vb : to subject to or isolate with a blockade- spots
block-ad-er n blood-stream \-,strem\ n : the flowing blood in a circula-
block-age \'blii-kij\ n : an act or instance of obstructing tory system
: the state of being blocked blood-suck-er \-,s;)-k;)r\ n : an animal that sucks blood; esp
block-bust-er \'bliik-,b;)s-t;)r\ n + : one that is very large, : LEECH - adj
successful, or violent <a ~ of a movie) blood test n : a test of the blood; esp : one for syphilis
+ hit, smash, success, winner - more at HIT + behe- blood.thirsty Vblad-jthor-ste'; adj + : eager to shed blood
moth, eoiossus. &1Imt, )um\)l), \e,,\athan, mammGth, - blood.thi."toi.I'I \"r-<t-:>-Ie\ adv - btood-thlrst-l-naas
monster, titan, whale, whopper - more at GIANT v-ste-nas', n
83 blueberry
bloody, homicidal, murderous, sanguinary, sanguine; stroy by or as if by explosion 10: to make breathless by
also barbaric, barbarous, cruel, heartless, inhumane, exertion 11 : to spend recklessly 12: to foul up hope-
sadistic, savage, vicious, wanton lessly <blew her lines) - blow-er n
blood type n : BLOOD GROUP - blood-typ-ing n [5] gasp, pant, puff, wheeze - more at GASP
blood vessel n : a vessel (as a vein or artery) in which [11] dissipate, fritter, lavish, misspend, run through,
blood circulates in the body spend, squander, throwaway, waste - more at wASTE
bloody adj 1: containing or made up of blood; also 2blow n 1 : a usu. strong blowing of air: GALE 2: BOASTING,
: smeared or stained with blood 2 : accompanied by or BRAG 3: an act or instance of blowing
involving bloodshed 'blow vb blew \'blii\; blown \'blon\; : to produce or
bloodthirsty, homicidal, murderous, sanguinary, san- yield flowers : FLOWER, BLOOM
guine - more at BLOODTHIRSTY 'blow n 1 : a forcible stroke 2: COMBAT <come to -s)
Bloody Mary \-'mer-e\ n, pi Bloody Marys: a drink made 3 : a severe and usu. unexpected calamity
essentially of vodka and tomato juice bat, belt, box, clout, hit, punch, slug, thump, wallop,
'bloom \'bllim\ n 1 : the part of a seed plant that normally whack; also flick, jab, poke, roundhouse, stab
bears reproductive organs: FLOWER 1; also: flowers or blow-by-blowadj : minutely detailed <- account)
amount of flowers (as of a plant) 2: the period or state of blow-dry \-,dn\ vb : to dry and usu. style hair with a blow'
flowering 3 : a state or time of beauty and vigor 4 : a dryer
powdery coating esp, on fruits and leaves 5: rosy color; blow-dry-er \-,dri(-:l)r\ n : a hand-held hair dryer
also: an appearance of freshness or health - bloomy adj \'blo-,fli\ n : any of a family of dipteran flies (as a
blossom, flower, flush, heyday, prime; also acme, bluebottle) that deposit their eggs or maggots on meat or
apex, climax, meridian, peak, pinnacle, summit, zenith in wounds
2bloom vb 1 : to produce or yield flowers 2: MATURE blow.gun \-,g:ln\ n : a tube from which an arrow or a dart
3 : to glow esp, with healthy color may be shot by the force of the breath
blossom, blow, burgeon, flower, unfold; also leaf, blow-out \'blo-,aut\ n 1 .: a festive social affair 2: a
leave bursting of something (as a tire) because of pressure of
bloo-mers \'blli-marz\ n pl [Amelia Bloomer tl894 Am. re- the contents (as air)
former] : a woman's garment of short loose trousers gath- affair, event, fete, function, get-together, party-
ered at the knee more at PARTY
bloop-er \'blii-par\ n 1 : a fly ball hit barely beyond a base- blow.syalso blow.zy \'blau-ze\ adj : DISHEVELED, SLOVENLY
ball infield 2: an embarrassing public blunder blow-torch \'blo-,torch\ n : a small portable burner whose
'blossom \'blli-sam\ n 1 : the flower of a plant 2 : the flame is made hotter by a blast of air or oxygen
period or state of flowering 3: a peak period or stage of
blow-up \'blo-,ap\ n 1 : EXPLOSION 2 : an outburst of
temper 3: a photographic enlargement
bloom, flower, flush, heyday, prime - more at
dudgeon, explosion, fireworks, fit, huff, scene,
tantrum - more at TANTRUM
2blossom vb .: to produce or yield flowers : BLOOM,
blow up vb 1 : to rend apart, shatter, or destroy by or as
if by explosion 2 : to lose self-control; esp : to become
bloom, blow, burgeon, flower, unfold - more at violently angry 3 : to undergo or be destroyed by an
'blot \'bllit\ n 1 : SPOT, STAIN <ink -s) 2 : a mark of re-
[I, 3] blast, burst, demolish, detonate, explode, pop,
proach : moral flaw or blemish <a - on her record)
shatter, smash - more at BLAST [2] flare, flip, fulmi-
brand, smirch, spot, stain, stigma, taint - more at nate, rant, vituperate Ant calm (down)
blowy \'blo-e\ adj : marked by strong wind: WINDY
2blot vb blot-ted; blot.ting 1 : SPOT, STAIN 2: OBSCURE,
ECLIPSE 3 obs : MAR; esp : DISGRACE 4: to dry or remove blustery, breezy, gusty, windy - more at WINDY
with or as if with an absorbing material 5: to make a blot BLT \,be-,el-'te\ n : a bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich
blotch \'bllich\ n : a usu. large and irregular spot or mark 'blub-ber Vble-barv vb : to cry noisily
(as of ink or color) - blotchy adj bawl, cry, sob, weep - more at CRY
blotch vb : to mark or mar with blotches 2blubber n 1 : the fat of large sea mammals (as whales) 2: a
mottle, spot noisy crying
blot out vb 1 : to make obscure, insignificant, or incon- 'bludogeon \'bla-jan\ n : a short often loaded club
sequential <- out the sun) 2 : to destroy completely bat, billy club, club, cudgel, staff, truncheon - more
[1] blanket, cloak, conceal, cover, curtain, enshroud, at CLUB
hide, mask, obscure, occlude, occult, screen, shroud, 2bludgeon vb : to strike with or as if with a bludgeon
veil - more at HIDE. [2] annihilate, demolish, destroy, bash, bat, batter, beat, club, pound - more at BEAT
exterminate, extinguish, obliterate, pulverize, ruin,
'blue \'blli\ adj blu-er: blu-est [ME, fr. AF blef, blew, of
smash, waste, wipe out, wreck - more at DESfROY Gmc origin] 1 : of the color blue; also: BLUISH 2 : low
blot-ter \'blli-tar\ n 1 : a piece of blotting paper 2 : a book in spirits: MELANCHOLY; also: DEPRESSING 3: PURlTANlCAL
for preliminary records (as of sales or arrests) 4 : INDECENT - blue-ness n
blot.tlng paper n : a spongy paper used to absorb ink
depressed, down, downcast, glum, low, melancholy,
blouse Vblaus, 'blauzv n 1 : a loose outer garment like a
smock 2: a usu. loose garment reaching from the neck to miserable, sad, unhappy
about the waist 2blue n 1 : a color between green and violet in the spectrum
'blow \'blo\ vb blew \'blii\; blown \'blon\; 1 : to : the color of the clear daytime sky 2 : something (as
move forcibly <the wind blew) 2: to send forth a current clothing or the sky or ocean) that is blue
of gas (as air) 3: to act on with a current of gas or vapor; high, sky - more at SKY brine, deep, ocean, sea -
esp : to drive with such a current 4 : to sound or cause to more at OCEAN
sound <- a hom) 5.: to breathe quickly or in a la- blue baby n : a baby with bluish skin due to faulty circula-
bored manner : PANT, GASP; also : to expel moist air in tion caused by a heart defect
breathing <the whale blew) 6: BOAST; also : BLUSTER blue-bell \-,bel\ n : any of various plants with blue bell,
7: MELT - used of an electrical fuse 8: to shape or form shaped flowers
by blown or injected air <- glass) 9: to shatter or de- blue-ber-ry \'blii-,ber-e, -bo-rev n : the edible blue or black-
bluebird 84
ish berry of various shrubs of the heath family; also: one 'blunt \'blant\ adi 1 : not sharp: DULL 2 : lacking in
of these shrubs tact: BLUFF - blunt-ly adv - brunt-ness n
blue-bird \-,bard\ n : any of several small No. American [1] dull, obtuse - more at DULL [2] abrupt,
thrushes that are blue above and reddish-brown or pale brusque, curt, snippy; also gruff, rough, short Ant cir-
blue below cuitous, mealymouthed
blue-bon-net \'blii-,bii-nat\ n : either of two low-growing 2blunt vb : to make or become less sharp, definite, or
annual lupines of Texas with silky foliage and blue flow- forceful
ers dampen, deaden, dull, numb - more at DULL
blue-bot-tle \'blii-,biit-l\ n : any of several blowflies with
'blur \'blar\ n 1 : a smear or stain that obscures 2: some-
iridescent blue bodies or abdomens thing vaguely perceived; esp : something moving too
blue cheese n : cheese having veins of greenish blue mold quickly to be clearly perceived
blue-col-lar \'blii-'kii-lar\ adj : of, relating to, or being the 2blur vb blurred; blurring : to make dim, imperfect, or
class of workers whose duties call for work clothes confused : CLOUD, OBSCURE
blue-fish \-,fish\ n : a marine sport and food fish bluish
becloud, befog, cloud, confuse, dim, fog, haze, mist,
above and silvery below
obscure, shroud - more at CLOUD
blueograss \-,gras\ n 1 : KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS 2: country
music played on stringed instruments having free im- blurb \'blarb\ n : a short publicity notice (as on a book
provisation and close harmonies
blur.ry \'blar-e\ adj : lacking definition or focus
blue jay \-Jii\ n : a crested bright blue No. American jay
blue jeans n pl : pants usu. made of blue denim bleary, dim, faint, foggy, fuzzy, hazy, indefinite, in-
blue-nose \'blii-,noz\ n : a person who advocates a rigor- distinct, indistinguishable, misty, murky, nebulous, ob-
ous moral code scure, opaque, shadowy, unclear, undefined, undeter-
blue-point \-,point\ n : a small oyster typically from the mined, vague - more at FAINT
south shore of Long Island, New York blurt \'blart\ vb : to utter suddenly and impulsively
blue-print \-,print\ n 1 : a photographic print in white on a usu blurt out bolt, cry, ejaculate, spout
blue ground used esp. for copying mechanical drawings 'blush \'blash\ n 1 : a reddening of the face (as from mod-
and architects' plans 2 + : a detailed plan of action esty or confusion) : FLUSH 2: a cosmetic used to tint the
+ arrangement, design, game, plan, project, scheme, face pink - blush-ful adj
strategy, system - more at PLAN 2blush vb + : to become red in the face esp. from shame,
blueprint vb 1 : to make a blueprint of 2 + : to work out modesty. or confusion
(as a program or plan) in detail bloom, color (or colour), crimson, flush, glow, red-
+ arrange, calculate, chart, design, frame, layout, map, den; also rouge
plan, project, scheme - more at PLAN 'bluster Vblos-tarv vb 1: to blow in stormy noisy gusts
blues \'bliiz\ n pl 1 + : low spirits: MELANCHOLY 2: music 2 : to talk or act with noisy swaggering threats
in a style marked by recurrent minor intervals and fulminate, rant, rave, spout - more at RANT
melancholy lyrics 2bluster n 1 : a violent boisterous blowing 2 : violent
+ dejection, depression, doldrums, dumps, melancholy, commotion 3 : loudly boastful or threatening speech
sadness - more at SADNESS [2] cacophony, clamor (or clamour), din, noise,
blue screen n : a cinematic technique in which a subject is racket, roar - more at NOISE [3] bombast, brag, gas,
filmed in front of a blue background so as to allow the grandiloquence, rant - more at BOMBAST
creation of a composite with other footage blus-tery \-ta-re\ adj : blowing boisterously <a ~ day)
blue-stock-ing \'blii-,stii-ki1)\ n : a woman having intellec- blowy, breezy, gusty, windy - more at WINDY
tual interests blvd abbr boulevard
blu-et \'blii-at\ n : a low No. American herb with dainty B lymphocyte n : B CELL
bluish flowers BM abbr bowel movement
blue whale n : a very large baleen whale that may reach a B movie n : a cheaply produced motion picture
weight of 150 tons (135 metric tons) and a length of 100 BO abbr 1 best offer 2 body odor 3 box office 4 branch
feet (30 meters) office
'bluff \'blaf\ adj 1 : having a broad flattened front 2: ris- boa \'bo-a\ n 1 : a large snake (as the boa con-strlc-tor
ing steeply with a broad flat front 3: good-naturedly x-kan-tstrtk-tarv or the related anaconda) that suffocates
frank and outspoken and kills its prey by constriction 2: a fluffy scarf usu. of
2bluff n + : a high steep bank: CLIFF fur or feathers
+ cliff, crag, escarpment, palisade, precipice, scarp- boar \'bor\ n : a male swine; also: WILD BOAR
more at CLIFF 'board Vbordv n 1 : the side of a ship 2: a thin flat length
'bluff vb + : to frighten or deceive by pretense or a mere of sawed lumber; also: material (as cardboard) or a piece
show of strength of material formed as a thin flat firm sheet 3 pl : a theater
+ deceive, dupe, fool, gull, misinform, mislead, trick - stage as representing the acting profession 4 a : a table
more at DECEIVE spread with a meal b: daily meals esp. when furnished
4bluff n : an act or instance of bluffing; also: one who bluffs for pay 5: a table at which a council or magistrates sit or blue-ing \'blii-il]\ n : a preparation used in laun- 6 : a group or association of persons organized for a spe-
dering to counteract yellowing of white fabrics cial responsibility (as the management of a business or in-
blu-ish \'blii-ish\ adj : somewhat blue stitution); also: an organized commercial exchange 7: a
'blunoder \'blan-dar\ vb 1 +: to move clumsily or un- sheet of insulating material carrying circuit elements and
steadily 2: to make a stupid or needless mistake inserted in an electronic device
+ flounder, limp, lumber, plod, stumble - more at 2board vb 1 : to go or put aboard <"" a boat) 2: to cover
FLOUNDER with boards 3 : to provide or be provided with meals
2blunder n + : an avoidable and usu. serious mistake and often lodging
error, fault, flub, fumble, goof, lapse, miscue, mis- accommodate, billet, bunk, domicile, house, lodge,
step, mistake, oversight, slip, stumble - more at ERROR put up, quarter
blun-der-buss \'bl:m-dar-,bas\ n [obs. D donderbus, fr. D board-er n : one that boards; esp : one that is provided
dander thunder + obs. D bus gun] : an obsolete short, with regular meals or regular meals and lodging
barreled firearm with a flaring muzzle lodger, renter, roomer, tenant - more at TENANT
85 bogus
board-inq-house \'bor-dil)-,haus\ n : a house at which per- bod \'bad\ n : BODY
sons are boarded 'bode \'bod\ vb bod-ed; + : to indicate by signs
board-walk \'bord-,wok\ n : a promenade (as of planking) : PRESAGE
along a beach + augur, promise; also forecast, foretell, predict,
'boast \'bost\ vb 1 + : to praise oneself 2 + : to mention or presage, prognosticate, prophesy
assert with excessive pride 3: to prize as a possession; 2bode past of BIDE
also : HAVE <the house -s a fireplace> - boast-ful \-fal\ bo-de-qa \bo-'dii-g,,\ n [Sp, fro L apotheca storehouse] : a
ad] - boastfully adv store specializing in Hispanic groceries
+ [1,2] brag, crow, plume, swagger; also puff (up) bod-lee \'ba-das\ n [alter. of bodies, pl. of body] : the usu.
2boast n 1 : the act or an instance of boasting 2 + : a cause close-fitting part of a dress above the waist
for pride bcdt-tess \'ba-di-Ias\ adj + : lacking a body or material
+ credit, glory, honor (or honour), jewel, pride, treas- form
ure - more at GLORY + immaterial, incorporeal, insubstantial. nonmaterial,
boast-er \'bo-star\ n + : one who boasts nonphysical, spiritual, unsubstantial - more at IMMA-
+ brag, braggadocio, braggart, bragger - more at TERIAL
BRAGGART ' \'bact-I-e\ adj + : of or relating to the body <-
'boat \'bot\ n + : a small vessel for travel on water; also contact>
: SHIP + animal, carnal, corporal, fleshly, material, physical,
+ bottom, craft, ship, vessel; also canoe, catamaran, somatic - more at PHYSICAL
catboat, cockleshell, coracle, dinghy, dory, dugout, flat- 2bodily adv 1 : in the flesh 2: as a whole <lifted the crate
boat, float, gondola, houseboat, ironclad, kayak,
launch, longboat, motorboat, outrigger, pontoon, punt,
up ->
bod-kin \'biid-kan\ n 1 : DAGGER 2: a pointed implement
raft, rowboat, sail, sampan, scow, scull, shallop, shell, for punching holes in cloth 3: a blunt needle for drawing
sloop, tender, umiak tape or ribbon through a loop or hem
2boat vb : to go by boat body \ 'ba-de\ n, pi bod-ies 1 : the physical whole of a liv-
boat-er \'bo-tar\ n 1 : one that travels in a boat 2: a stiff ing or dead organism; also: the trunk or main mass of an
straw hat organism as distinguished from its appendages 2 + : a hu-
boat-load \'bot-,Iod\ n + : an indefinitely large number man being: PERSON 3 + : the main part of something 4: a
+ abundance, deal, gobs, heap, loads, lot, pile, plenty, mass of matter distinct from other masses 5 + : a group
quantity, scads - more at LOT of persons or things 6 : VISCOSITY, FIRMNESS 7 : richness of
boat-man \'bot-man\ n : a man who operates, works on, or flavor - used esp. of wines - bod-led \'ba-ded\ adj
deals in boats + [2] being, creature, human, individual, man, mortal,
boat people n pi : refugees fleeing by boat person - more at HUMAN + [3] bulk, core, generality,
boat-swam \'bos-n\ n : a subordinate officer of a ship in main, mass, staple, weight; also majority + [5] array,
charge of the hull and related equipment batch, bunch, cluster, crop, group, huddle, knot, lot,
'bob \'bab\ vb bobbed; bob-bing 1 +: to move up and parcel, party
down jerkily or repeatedly 2 : to emerge, arise, or appear \'ba-de-,bil-dil)\ n : a developing of the body
suddenly or unexpectedly through exercise and diet - body.buildoer \-dar\ n
+ bobble, jog, jounce, nod, pump, seesaw - more at body English n : bodily motions made in a uSU. uncon-
NOD scious effort to influence the movement of a propelled
2bob n : a bobbing movement object (as a ball)
3bob n 1 : a knob, knot, twist, or curl esp. of ribbons, yam, bodyoguard \'ba-de-,gard\ n : a personal guard; also: RET-
or hair 2: a short haircut of a woman or child 3: FLOAT INUE
2 4: a weight hanging from a line body language n : body movements or postures inter-
'bob vb bobbed; bob-bing: to cut hair in a bob preted as a means of communication
sbob n, pi bob slang Brit: SHILLING body stocking n : a sheer close-fitting one-piece garment
bob-bin \'ba-ban\ n : a cylinder or spindle for holding or for the torso that often has sleeves and legs
dispensing thread (as in a sewing machine) body-work \'ba-de-,wark\ n : the making or repairing of ve-
bob-ble \'ba-bal\ vb bob-bled; bob-bling 1 + : to move up hicle bodies
and down in a short quick movement 2 + : to make awk- Boer Vbor, 'bur\ n [D, lit., farmer] : a South African of
ward attempts to do or find something; also : FUMBLE -
Dutch or Huguenot descent
bobble n
'bog \'bag, 'bog\ n + : wet, spongy, poorly drained, and
+ [I] bob, jog, jounce, nod, pump, seesaw - more at usu. acid ground - bogogy adj
NOD + [2] botch, bungle, butcher, flub, foul up, fumble,
+ fen, marsh, mire, morass. slough, swamp - more at
mangle, mess up, screw up - more at BOTCH
bob-by \'ba-be\ n, pi bobbies [BobbY, nickname for Sir
Robert Peel, who organized the London police force] Brit 2bog vb bogged; bogoging : to sink into or as if into a bog
: a police officer
boogeyalso boogie or boogy \'bu-ge. 'bo- for 1; 'bo- for 2\ n,
bobby pin n : a flat wire hairpin with prongs that press
pi bogeys also bogies 1 a + : a visible disembodied spirit
close together : SPECTER b + : a source of fear or annoyance 2: a score
bob-cat \'bab-,kat\ n : a small usu. rusty-colored No. of one over par on a hole in golf
American lynx + [Ia] apparition, ghost, phantasm, phantom, polter-
bobooolink \'ba-ba-,lil)k\ n : an American migratory song- geist, shade, shadow, specter, spirit, spook, vision,
bird related to the meadowlarks wraith - more at GHOST + [lb] bete noire, bugbear,
bob-sled \'bab-,sled\ n 1 : a short sled usu. used as one of hobgoblin, ogre; also apparition, ghost, phantasm,
a joined pair 2: a racing sled with two pairs of runners, a phantom, poltergeist, shade. specter, spirit, spook,
steering wheel, and a hand brake - bobsled vb wraith
bob-white \(,)bab-'hwit\ n : any of a genus of quail; esn : a boogeyman \', 'bo-, 'bii-\ n : an imaginary mon-
ano. cen\ra\ No.
f"~t'-l~r 0""'" IJlrUIJ( 'VIDit"ffi Mnenca ster used in chi.ldren
nocoeie or bocoei or bocoee \'ba-che\ n : ltalian lawn bowl- bogog\e \'ba-g,,1\ vb bog.g\ed; bog.g\ing : to overwhelm or
be overwhelmed with fright or amazement
ing played on a long narrow court
boogus \'bo-g;)s\ adj + : not genuine: SHAM
bock \'bak\ n : a strong dark beer usu. sold in early spring
Bohemian 86
+ counterfeit, fake, false, inauthentic, phony, sham, ki \,bol-sh:)-'vi-ke\ [Russ bol'shevik, fro bol'shii larger] 1 : a
spurious, unauthentic - more at COUNTERFEIT + artifi- member of the party that seized power in Russia in the
cial, fake, faux, imitation, mock, sham, synthetic- revolution of November 1917 2: COMMUNIST - Bolshe-
more at IMITATION vik adj
BOohe-mi-an \bo-'he-me-:m\ n 1 : a native or inhabitant of bol-she-vism \'bol-sh:)-,vi-z:)m\ n, often cap: the doctrine
Bohemia 2 often not cap: VAGABOND, WANDERER 3 often or program of the Bolsheviks advocating violent over-
not cap + : a person (as a writer or artist) living an un- throw of capitalism
conventional life - bohemian adj, often cap 'bol-ster Vbol-star', n : a long pillow or cushion
+ deviant, individualist, loner, maverick, noncon- 2bolster vb + : to support with or as if with a bolster; also
'boil \'b6il\ n : an inflamed swelling on the skin containing + bear, brace, buttress, carry, prop, shore, stay, sup-
pus port, uphold - more at SUPPORT
2boil vb 1 a : to heat or become heated to a temperature (boil- 'bolt \'bolt\ n 1 : a missile (as an arrow) for a crossbow or
ing point) at which vapor is formed and rises in bubbles catapult 2: a flash of lightning: THUNDERBOLT 3 : a slid-
(water ~s and changes to steam> b + : to act on or be ing bar used to fasten a door 4: a roll of cloth or wallpa-
acted on by a boiling liquid (~eggs> 2 + : to be in a state per of specified length 5: a rod with a head at one end
of seething agitation 3 + : to chum violently as if boiling and a screw thread at the other used with a nut to fasten
+ [lb] coddle, stew; also scald + [2, 3] bum, chum, objects together 6: a metal cylinder that drives the car-
fume, rage, seethe, steam; also fulminate, rant, rave tridge into the chamber of a firearm
3boil n : the act or state of boiling 2bolt vb 1 a + : to move suddenly (as in fright or hurry)
boil-er \'b6i-I:)r\ n 1 : a container in which something is : START b + : to rush off or away (as in fleeing) (he r-eed
boiled 2: a strong vessel used in making steam 3: a tank out of the room> 2: to break away (as from association)
holding hot water (~ from a political platform> 3: to produce seed pre-
boil-er-mak-er \'b6i-I:)r-,ma-br\ n : whiskey with a beer maturely 4: to secure or fasten with a bolt 5: to swallow
chaser hastily or without chewing 6 + : to say impulsively
boil-ing adj + : intensely agitated (~ with anger> + [la] jump, start, startle - more at START
+ angry, furious, irate, mad, rabid, sore - more at AN- + [lb] break, flee, fly, retreat, run, run away, run off-
GRY more at RUN + [6] blurt, cry, ejaculate, spout
bois-ter-ous \'b6i-st("-)r,,s\ adi : noisily turbulent or ex- 3bolt n : an act of bolting
uberant - bois-ter-ous-ly adv bo-lus \'bo-I:)s\ n 1 : a large pill 2: a soft mass of chewed
+ rambunctious, raucous, rowdy; also rampageous, ri- food
otous, stormy, tempestuous, turbulent, violent Ant or- 'bomb \'bam\ n 1 : a fused explosive device designed to
derly detonate under specified conditions (as impact) 2: an
bok choy \'bak-'ch6i\ n : a Chinese vegetable related to the aerosol or foam dispenser (as of insecticide or hair spray)
mustards that forms a loose head of green leaves with : SPRAY CAN 3: a long pass in football 4 + : one that has
long thick white stalks failed: FAILURE, FLOP
bo-la \'bo-I:)\ or bo-las \-I:)s\ n, pi bolas \-I:)z\ also bo-las-es + bummer, bust, catastrophe, debacle, dud, failure, fi-
[AmezSp bolas, fro Sp bola ball] : a cord with weights at- asco, fizzle, flop, lemon, loser, miss, turkey, washout-
tached to the ends more at FAILURE
bold \'bold\ ad} 1 + : fearless before danger 2 + : over- 2bomb vb 1 : to attack with bombs 2: to fail utterly
stepping due bounds : IMPUDENT 3: marked by great and bam-bard \bam-'bard\ vb 1 + : to attack esp, with artillery
continuous steepness: STEEP 4: ADVENTUROUS, FREE (a ~ or bombers 2: to assail persistently 3: to subject to the
thinker> 5 + : standing out prominently - bold-Iy adv - impact of rapidly moving particles (as electrons)
bold-ness Vbold-nos', n + blitz, shell; also rake, strafe
+ [1] adventurous, audacious, daring, enterprising, bom-bar-dier \,bam-b:)r-'dir\ n : a bomber-crew member
gutsy, hardy, nervy, venturesome; also brash, daredevil, who releases the bombs
foolhardy, heedless, hotheaded, impetuous, imprudent, bom-bard-ment n + : the act or an instance of bombarding
impulsive, incautious, madcap, overbold, overconfident, or the state of being bombarded
rash, reckless, spirited, thoughtless, wild Ant unadven- + barrage, cannonade, fusillade, hail, salvo, shower,
turous, unenterprising + [2] arch, brash, brazen, cheeky, storm, volley - more at BARRAGE
cocky, fresh, impertinent, impudent, insolent, nervy, bom-bast \'bam-,bast\ n [ME, cotton padding, fr. MF bom-
sassy, saucy - more at NERVY + [2] familiar, forward, bace, fr. ML bombax cotton, alter. of L bombyx silk-
free, immodest, presumptuous - more at PRESUMPTUOUS worm, silk, fro Gk] +: pretentious wordy speech or
+ [5] catchy, conspicuous, emphatic, marked, notice- writing - bom-bas-ti-cal-ly \-ti-k(:)-)le\ adv
able, prominent, pronounced, remarkable, striking-
+ bluster, brag, gas, grandiloquence, rant, rhetoric
bold-face \'bold-,fas\ n : a heavy-faced type; also: printing bom-bas-tic \bam-'bas-tik\ ad} + : marked by or given to
in boldface - bold-faced \-'fast\ adj bombast
bole \ 'bol\ n : the trunk of a tree + gaseous, grandiloquent, oratorical, rhetorical, windy
bo-te-ro \b:)-'Ier-o\ n, pi -ros 1 : a Spanish dance or its mu- - more at RHETORICAL
sic 2: a short loose jacket open at the front bom-ba-zine \,biim-b;l-'zen\ n 1 : a twilled fabric with silk
Bo-liv-i-an \b:)-'(i-ve-:)n\ n : a native or inhabitant of Bolivia warp and worsted filling 2: a silk fabric in twill weave
- Bolivian adj dyed black
boll \'bol\ n : a seed pod (as of cotton) bomb-er Vba-marv n : one that bombs; esp : an airplane for
boll weevil n : a small grayish weevil that infests the cotton dropping bombs
plant both as a larva and as an adult bomb-proof \'bam-,priif\ adj : safe against the explosive
boll-worm \'bol-,w:)rm\ n : any of several moths and esp. force of bombs
the com earworm whose larvae feed on cotton bolls bomb-shell \'bam-,shel\ n 1 : BOMB 1 2 + : one that stuns,
bo-to-qna \b;l-'lo-ne\ n [short for Bologna sausage, fr. amazes, or completely upsets
Bologna, Italy] : a large smoked sausage of beef, veal, and + bolt, jar, jolt, surprise - more at SURPRISE
pork bona fide \'bo-n:)-,fid, 'ba-: ,bo-n:)-'fi-de, -d:)\ adj [L, in
Bo/-she-vik \ 'bol-sho-, vik\ n, pI Bolsheviks also Bol.she-vi- good faith] 1,' msae Ingooa uun ~ a /)ClIIUflu,; " .,'"
87 bookmaking
ment) 2 + : neither specious nor counterfeit: GENUINE, bo-nl-to \b;!-'ne-to\ n, pi -tos or -to : any of several
REAL <a bonafide bargain) medium-sized tunas
+ authentic, genuine, real, right, true - more at AU- bon mot \boD-'mo\ n, pi bons mots \same\ or bon mots
THENTIC \same or -'moz\ [F, lit., good word] : a clever remark
bo-nan-za \b;!-'nan-z;!\ n [Sp, lit., calm sea, fro ML bonacia, bon-net \'ba-n;!t\ n : a covering (as a cap) for the head; esp
alter. of L malacia, fro Gk malakia, lit., softness, fro : a hat for a woman or infant tied under the chin
malakos soft] : something yielding a rich return bon-ny \ 'ba-nev am bon-ni-er: -est chiefly Brit +: very
bon-bon \'ban-,ban\ n : a candy with a creamy center and pleasing to look at : AITRACTIVE; also: FINE, EXCELLENT
a soft covering (as of chocolate) + attractive, beautiful, cute, fair, gorgeous, handsome,
'bond \ 'band\ n 1 +: something that binds or restrains knockout, lovely, pretty, ravishing, stunning - more at
: FElTER 2 + : a binding or uniting force or tie <-s of BEAUTIFUL
friendship) 3 + : an agreement or obligation often made bon-sai \bon-'si\ n, pi bonsai [Jp] : a potted plant (as a tree)
binding by a pledge of money or goods 4: a person who dwarfed by special methods of culture; also : the art of
acts as surety for another 5: an interest-bearing certifi- growing such a plant
cate of public or private indebtedness 6: the state of bo-nus Vbo-ncsv n + : something in addition to what is ex-
goods subject to supervision pending payment of taxes or pected
duties due + dividend, extra, lagniappe, perquisite, tip; also fillip
+ [1] band, chain, fetter, irons, ligature, manacle, bon vi-vant \,ban-ve-'vant, ,bon-ve-'va"\ n, pi bons vivants
shackle; also confinement, constraint, curb, hamper, \,ban-ve-'vants, ,bon-ve-'van\ or bon vivants \same\ [F,
hindrance, restraint, restriction + [2] cement, knot, lig- lit., good liver] : a person having cultivated, refined, and
ature, link, tie; also attachment, connection, entangle- sociable tastes esp, in food and drink
ment, fastening, joint, linkage + [3] contract, covenant, bon voy.age \,bon-,voi-'azh, ,ban-; ,bon-,vwa-'yazh\ n + : a
guarantee, guaranty, surety, warranty - more at GUAR- wish of well-being at parting: FAREWELL - often used as
an interjection
'bond vb 1 : to assure payment of duties or taxes on (goods)
+ adieu, au revoir, farewell, good-bye - more at GOOD~
by giving a bond 2: to insure against losses caused by the BYE
acts of <- a bank teller) 3: to make or become firmly
bony fish n : any of a very large group of fishes (as a
united as if by bonds <- iron to copper) 4: to form a
salmon or marlin) with a bony rather than a cartilaginous
close relationship <gave them a chance to - with their
bonze \'banz\ n : a Buddhist monk
bond-aqe \'ban-dij\ n + : a state of being bound usu. by
compulsion: SLAVERY, SERVITUDE boo \'bii\ n, pi boos + : a shout of disapproval or contempt
- boo vb
+ enslavement, servitude, slavery, thrall, yoke - more
at SLAVERY + catcall, hiss, hoot, jeer, raspberry, snort - more at
bond-hold-er Vband-jhol-darv n : one that owns a govern-
ment or corporation bond boo-by \'bii-be\ n, pi boobies + : an awkward foolish per- n 1 : the formation of a close personal relation- son: DOPE
ship esp. through frequent or constant association 2: the + dope, fool, goose, jackass, nitwit, nut, simpleton,
attaching of a material (as porcelain) to a tooth surface turkey - more at FOOL
esp, for cosmetic purposes booby hatch n : an insane asylum
bond-man \'band-m;!n\ n + : a person held in servitude as booby prize n : an award for the poorest performance in a
the chattel of another : SLAVE contest
+ chattel, slave, thrall- more at SLAVE booby trap n + : a trap for the unwary; esp : a concealed
explosive device set to go off when some harmless-look-
'bondsman \'banciz-m;!n\ n : SURETY 3
ing object is touched - booby-trap vb
'bondsman n + : one who is bound to another as a servant
or slave + catch, pitfall, snag - more at PITFALL + explosive
+ bondman, chattel, slave, thrall- more at SLAVE boo-dle \'biid-Ol\ n 1 : bribe money 2: a large amount of
bend-wom-an \'band-,wU-m;!n\ n : a female slave or serf
'book \'bilk\ n 1 : a set of sheets bound into a volume 2 : a
'bone \'bon\ n 1 : a hard largely calcareous tissue forming
long written or printed narrative or record 3: a major di-
most of the skeleton of a vertebrate animal; also: one of
vision of a long literary work 4 cap : BIBLE - in one's
the pieces of bone making up a vertebrate skeleton 2 : a
book: in one's opinion
hard animal substance (as ivory or baleen) similar to true
bono 1)! sOnJethins zna-de of bone - bon~/ess adi- 'book vb 1 : to engage, reserve, or schedule by Dr as jf by
bony also bonoey \'bo-ne\ adj writing in a book <- seats on a plane) 2: to enter
'bone vb boned; bon-lng : to free from bones <- a
charges against in a police register
book-case \-,kfu;\ n : a piece of furniture consisting of
shelves to hold books
bone black n : the black carbon residue from calcined
bookoend \-,end\ n : a support to hold up a row of books
bones used esp. as a pigment
book-le \'bil-ke\ n : BOOKMAKER
bone meal n : crushed or ground bone used esp. as fertil-
book-ish \'bil-kish\ adj 1 : fond of books and reading 2
izer or feed
a : inclined to rely unduly on book knowledge b of words
bon-er \'bo-n;!r\ n : a stupid and ridiculous blunder
+ : literary and formal as opposed to colloquial and in-
bone up vb 1 : to try to master necessary information
quickly 2: to refresh one's memory <bonedup on the
speech before giving it) + erudite, learned, literary; also academic, pedantic,
bon-flre \'ban-,fir\ n [ME bonefire a fire of bones, fro bon scholastic Ant colloquial, nonliterary
bone + fire] : a large fire built in the open air book-keep-er Vbuk-ike-par', n : one who records the ac-
bonogo \'bal)-go\ n, pi bongos also bongoes [AmerSp counts or transactions of a business - book-keep-ing n
bong6] : one of a pair of small tuned drums played with book-let \'bilk-I;!t\ n + : a little book; esp : PAMPHLET
the hands + brochure, circular, folder, leaflet, pamphlet - more
bon-ho-mie \.ba-n;!-'me\ n [F bonhomie, fro bonhomme at PAMPHLET
good-natured man, fr. bon good + homme man} : good= book.makoer \'buk-,ma-k;!r\ n : one who determines odds
natured easy friendliness and receives and pays off bets - book.mak.;ng n
bookmark 88
beck-mark \-,mark\ or book-mark-er x-.mar-ksr', n : a 2boost n 1 : a push upward 2 : an act that brings help or
marker for finding a place in a book encouragement 3 : an increase in amount
bock-mo-bile \'bilk-mo-,bel\ n : a truck that serves as a + [2] aid, assist, assistance, backing, help, lift, support
traveling library - more at HELP + [3] accretion, addition, augmenta-
book off vi, chiefly Can : to notify an employer that one is tion, expansion, gain, increase, increment, plus, prolif-
not reporting for work (as because of sickness) eration, raise, rise, supplement - more at INCREASE
book-plate \'bilk-,plat\ n : a label pasted in a book to show boost-er n + : one that boosts; esp : an enthusiastic sup-
who owns it porter
book-sell-er \'bilk-,se-I;)r\ n : one who sells books; esp : the + advocate, apostle, backer, champion, exponent,
proprietor of a bookstore friend, promoter, proponent, supporter - more at EX-
beck-shelf \-,shelf\ n : a shelf for books PONENT
book-worm \'bilk-,w;)rm\ n : a person unusually devoted to
'boot \'but\ n, chiefly dial: something to equalize a trade -
reading and study
to boot : BESIDES
'boom \'bum\ vb 1 : to make a deep hollow sound 2: to
2boot vb, archaic: AVAJL, PROFIT
grow or cause to grow rapidly esp, in value, esteem, or
3boot n 1 : a covering for the foot and leg 2: a protective
2boom n 1 : a booming sound or cry 2 : a rapid expan- sheath (as of a flower) 3 Brit : an automobile trunk
sion or increase esp. of economic activity 4 : KICK; also: a discharge from employment 5 : a navy or
marine corps trainee
bang, blast, clap, crack, crash, pop, report, slam,
smash, snap, thwack, whack - more at CLAP 'boot vb 1 : KICK 2 + : to eject or discharge summarily -
3boom n [D, tree, beam] 1 : a long spar used to extend the often used with out 3 of a computer : to start or make
bottom of a sail 2: a line of floating timbers used to ob- ready for operation
struct passage or catch floating objects 3: a beam pro- usu boot out banish, bounce, cast, chase, dismiss,
jecting from the upright pole of a derrick to support or drum, eject, expel, oust, rout, run off, throw out-
guide the object lifted 4: a long supporting pole or arm more at EJECT
(as for a microphone) boot-black \'but-,blak\ n : a person who shines shoes
boom box n : a large portable radio and often CD or tape boot camp n 1 : a navy or marine corps training camp 2: a
player facility with a rigorous disciplinary program for young
boo-mer-ang \'bu-m;)-,ral)\ n [Dharuk (an Australian abo- offenders
riginallanguage) bumarinri : a bent or angular club that boo-tee or boo-tie \'bti-te\ n : an infant's knitted or cro-
can be so thrown as to return near the starting point cheted sock adj 1 .: making a loud deep sound <his ~ booth \'buth\ n, pi booths \'bulbz, 'buths\ 1 : a small en-
voice> 2: forcefully or powerfully executed <hit a ~ closed stall (as at a fair) 2: a small enclosure giving pri-
serve> vacy for a person <voting ~> <telephone ~> 3: a
clamorous (or clamourous), loud, resounding, roar- restaurant accommodation having a table between
ing, sonorous, stentorian, thunderous - more at LOUD backed benches
'boon \'bun\ n [ME bone prayer, request, the favor re- boot-leg \'but-,Ieg\ vb : to make, transport, or sell (as
quested, fr. ON bon request] 1 .: something that pro- liquor) illegally - bootleg am or n - boot-leq-qer n
motes well-being; also: useful aid 2 : something given boot-less \'but-I;)s\am + : producing no gain, good, or re-
or granted as a favor suit: USELESS - boot-less-ly adv - boot-less-ness n
[1] advantage, aid, benefit, help - more at HELP + fruitless, futile, ineffective, unproductive, unsuccess-
[1] benefit, blessing, felicity, godsend, good, manna, ful - more at FUTILE
windfall - more at BLESSING [2] courtesy, favor (or 'boo.ty \'bu-te\ n, pi booties. : plunder taken (as in war)
favour), grace, indulgence, kindness, mercy, service, : SPOIL
loot, plunder, spoil, swag - more at LOOT
2boon adj [ME bon, fr. AF, good] : enjoying companion-
ship and the pleasures of feasting and drinking <a ~ 2booty \'bu-te\ n, pi booties slang: BU'ITOCK 2
companion> 'booze \'biiz\ vb boozed; : to drink liquor to ex-
cess - booz-er n
companionable, convivial, extroverted, gregarious,
outgoing, sociable, social - more at CONVIVIAL 2booze n : intoxicating liquor - boozy adj
boon-docks \'bun-,diiks\ n pi [Tagalog (language of the + alcohol, drink, intoxicant, liquor, moonshine, spirits
Philippines) bundok mountain] 1 : rough country filled - more at ALCOHOL
with dense brush 2: a rural area "bop \'bap\ vb bopped; bopoping : to reach with a blow: HIT,
boonodogogle \'bun-,da-g;)l, -,do-\ n : a useless or wasteful SOCK
project or activity 2bop n : a blow esp. with the fist or a club
boor \'bur\ n 1 ; YOKEL 2 ; a rude or insensitive person BOa abbr bachelor officers' quarters
beast, cb.url, clown, creep, cretin, cur, heel, jerk, bor abbr borough
joker, louse, lout, skunk, slob, snake - more at JERK bo-rate \ 'bor-,at\ n : a salt or ester of boric acid
boor-ish am : having the qualities or behavior of a boor bo-rax \'bor-,aks\ n : a crystalline borate of sodium that
churlish, clownish, loutish, uncouth - more at occurs as a mineral and is used as a flux and cleanser
CLOWNISH borodel.lo \bOr-'de-Io\ n, pi-los [It] : BROTHEL
'boost \'bust\ vb 1 : to push up from below 2 : to 'bor-der \'bor-d;)r\ n 1 +: an outer part or edge
make or become greater: INCREASE, RAISE <~ prices> 2 : something that marks or fixes a limit: BOUNDARY
3 : to enthusiastically promote or support (a cause) [l] borderland, frontier, march; also backwater,
<voted a bonus to ~ morale> backwoods, hinterland, up-country [2] bound,
+ [l] crane, elevate, heave, heft, heighten, hike, hoist, boundary, circumference, compass, confines, edge,
jack, lift, pick up, raise, up, uphold - more at RAISE end, fringe, margin, perimeter, periphery, rim, skirt,
[2] add, aggrandize, amplify, augment, compound, verge; also crest, hem, lip
enlarge, escalate, expand, extend, increase, multiply, 2border vb borodered; borodering 1 : to put a border on
raise, swell, up - more at INCREASE. [2] amplify, beef, 2 : to touch at the edge or boundary; ADJOIN 3: to ap-
consolidate, deepen, enhance, heighten, intensify, mag- proach the nature of a specified thing; VERGE <"'-'S on the
nify, redouble, step up, strengthen - more at INTENSIFY ridiculous>
89 bottling
+ usu border on [I) bound, fringe, margin, rim, skirt; cising control or supervision 2: a politician who controls
also edge, hem, trim + usu border on [2) abut, adjoin, votes or dictates policies
flank, fringe, join, skirt, touch, verge (on) - more at + captain, chief, foreman, head, headman, helmsman,
ADJOIN kingpin, leader, master, taskmaster; also administrator,
border collie n, often cap B : any of a British breed of commander, director, executive, general. manager,
medium-sized long-haired sheepdogs overseer, principal, standard-bearer, straw boss, super-
bor-der-land Vbor-dar-dandv n 1 + : territory at or near a intendent, superior, supervisor
border 2: an outlying or intermediate region often not 'boss \'bos\ vb 1 + : to act as a boss: SUPERVISE 2 + : to
clearly defined give usu. arbitrary orders to - usu. used with around
+ border, frontier, march - more at FRONTIER + [1) captain, head, oversee, superintend, supervise;
bor-der-tine \-,l1n\ adj : being in an intermediate position also command, control, direct. guide, manage, order,
or state; esp : not quite up to what is standard or expected run, shepherd, show, steer + usu boss around [2) bid,
<- intelligence) charge, command, direct, enjoin, instruct, order, tell -
'bore \'bor\ vb bored; 1 + : to make a hole in with more at COMMAND
or as if with a drill 2: to make (as a well) by boring or 'boss adj, slang + : very good of its kind: EXCELLENT, FlRST-
digging away material - bor-er n RATE
+ drill, hole, perforate, pierce, punch, puncture- + AI, bang-up, banner, excellent, fabulous, fine, grand,
more at PERFORATE great, prime, sensational, splendid, superb, superior,
2bore n 1 : a hole made by or as if by boring 2 : a cylindri- unsurpassed, wonderful - more at EXCELLENT
cal cavity 3: the diameter of a hole or tube; esp : the in- bossy adj + : inclined to issue orders
terior diameter of a gun barrel or engine cylinder + authoritarian, autocratic, despotic. dictatorial, domi-
3bore past 0/ BEAR neering, imperious, masterful, overbearing, peremp-
'bore n : a tidal flood with a high abrupt front tory, tyrannical, tyrannous; also arrogant, disdainful,
Sbore n : one that causes boredom haughty, lofty, lordly, proud, supercilious, superior
6bore vb bored; + : to weary with tedious dullness bosun var O/BOATSWAIN
+ jade, tire, weary; also pall Ant absorb, engage, en- bot abbr botanical; botanist; botany
gross, grip, interest. intrigue bot-a-ny \'bat-'n-e, 'bat-ne\ n, pl-nies 1 : a branch of biol-
bo-re-al \'bor-e-:ll\ adj : of, relating to, or located in north- ogy dealing with plants and plant life 2: plant life (as of
ern regions a given region); also: the biology of a plant or plant group
boreodom Vbor-domx n + : the condition of being weary - bo-tan-i-cal \b:l-'ta-ni-k:ll\ adj - bot-a-nist \'biit-'n-ist,
and restless because of dullness 'biit-nist\ n - bct-a-nlze \-'n-,iz\ vb
+ doldrums, ennui, listlessness, restlessness, tedium, botch \'biich\ vb +: to foul up hopelessly : BUNGLE-
tiredness, weariness; also cheerlessness, melancholy botch n
bo-ric acid Vbor-Ik-', n : a white crystalline weak acid that + bobble, bungle, butcher, flub, foul up, fumble, man-
contains boron and is used esp. as an antiseptic gle, mess up, screw up; also blunder, goof (up), gum
born \'born\ adj 1 : brought into life by birth 2 + : be- (up)
longing by birth: NATIVE <American-born) 3: having spe- 'both \'both\pron : both ones: the one as well as the other
cial natural abilities or character from birth <a - leader) 2both conj - used as a function word to indicate and stress
+ aboriginal, endemic, indigenous, native - more at the inclusion of each of two or more things specified by
NATIVE coordinated words, phrases, or clauses <- New York
born-again adj : having experienced a revival of a personal and London)
faith or conviction <- believer) <- liberal) 3both ad) : being the two : affecting the one and the other
borne past part 0/ BEAR 'bothoer \'bii-tb:lr\ vb 1 a + : to annoy esp, by petty provo-
bo-ron \'bor-,iin\ n : a chemical element that occurs in na- cation b + : to intrude upon: PESTER 2 a + : to become
ture only in combination (as in borax) concerned: become mentally troubled b + : to cause to
bor-ouqh \'b:lr-o\ n [ME burgh. fro OE burg fortified town) be anxious or concerned
1 : a British town that sends one or more members to Par- + [La] aggravate, annoy. bug, chafe, exasperate, gall,
liament; also: an incorporated British urban area 2: an get, grate, irk, irritate, nettle, peeve, persecute, pique,
incorporated town or village in some U.S. states; also put out, rasp, rile, vex - more at IRRITATE + [Ib) bug,
: any of the five political divisions of New York City 3: a disturb, intrude, pester; also inconvenience. trouble
civil division of the state of Alaska corresponding to a + [2a] fear, fret, stew, sweat, trouble, worry - more at
county in most other states WORRY + [2b] concern, discompose, disquiet, distress,
bor-row \'biir-o\ vb 1 : to take or receive (something) tem- disturb, perturb, unsettle, upset, worry - more at DIS-
porarily and with intent to return 2 + : to take into pos- TURB
session or use from another source <- a metaphor) 2bother n 1 a : a state of petty discomfort, annoyance, or
+ adopt, embrace, take up - more at ADOPT worry b + : something that causes petty annoyance or
borscht Vborshtv or borsch \'borsh\ n [Yiddish borsht & worry 2 + : needless bustle or excitement
Ukrainian & Russ borshch) : a soup made mainly from + [Ib] aggravation, annoyance, exasperation, frustra-
beets tion, hassle, headache, inconvenience, irritant, nui-
bosh \'blish\ n [Turk bos empty) : foolish talk or action sance, peeve, pest, problem, thorn, vexation - more at
: NONSENSE ANNOYANCE + [2] bustle, commotion, disturbance,
bosky Vbas-kev a4j : covered with trees or shrubs furor, fuss, pother, stew, stir
'bosoOm \'bil-z:lm, 'bii-\ n 1 : the front of the human chest; both-er-some \-s:lm\ adj + : causing bother
esp : the female breasts 2: the seat of secret thoughts and + aggravating, annoying, frustrating, galling, irksome,
feelings 3: the part of a garment covering the breast - irritating, pesty, vexatious - more at ANNOYING
bos-omed v-zemd', adj tbot-tte \'biit-'I\ n 1 : a container (as of glass) with a narrow
2bosom adj + : closely acquainted: INTIMATE neck and usu. no handles 2: the quantity held by a bot-
+ chummy, close, familiar, friendly, intimate. thick - tle 3: intoxicating liquor
r more at FAMILIAR 2bottle vb bot-tled; bot.tling 1 : to confine as if in a bottle
t 'boss \'blis, 'bos\ n : a knoblike ornament: STUD
2boss vb : to ornament with bosses
: RESTRAIN 2: to put into a bottle
bot-tle-neck \'biit-'I-,nek\ n 1 : a narrow passage or point
l 3boss \'bos\ n 1 + : one (as a foreman or manager) exer- of congestion 2 + : something that obstructs or impedes
bottom 90
backup, jam, snarl hop, jump, leap, spring, vault - more at JUMP
'bottom \'ba-tam\ n 1 a : an under or supporting surface 7bound vb : to move by leaping: SPRING, BOUNCE
b : the seat of the body : BlITTOCKS 2: the surface on bound-ary \'baun-dre\ n, pi -aries .: something that
which a body of water lies 3 : the lowest part or place; marks or fixes a limit (as of territory)
also: an inferior position <start at the --) 4: BOTTOM- bound, ceiling, confines, end, extent, limit, limitation,
LAND 5 a : the part of a ship's hull lying below the water line, termination - more at LIMIT border, bound, cir-
b : a craft for traveling on water: BOAT - bottom adj cumference, compass, confines, edge, end, fringe, mar-
- bet-torn-less adj gin, perimeter, periphery, rim, skirt, verge - more at
[la] underbelly, underside; also belly, sole Ant face, BORDER
top [1 b] backside, butt, buttocks, posterior, rear, bound-en \'baun-dan\ adj : BINDING
rump, seat - more at BUTTOCKS [3] base, foot; also bound-less adj : having no boundaries - bound-less-
basis, bed, bedrock, foundation, ground, groundwork, ness n
keystone, seat, underpinning Ant head, top. [5b] boat, endless, illimitable, immeasurable, indefinite, infi-
craft, ship, vessel- more at BOAT nite, limitless, measureless, unbounded, unfathomable,
2bottom vb 1 : to furnish with a bottom 2: to reach the bot- unlimited - more at INFINITE
tom 3: to reach a low point before rebounding - usu. boun-te-ous \'baun-te-as\ adj 1 : bestowing gifts or favors
used with out freely : GENEROUS 2: more than enough : ABUNDANT-
bot-torn-land Vba-tam-jlandv n : low land along a river boun-te-ous-ly adv - boun-te-ous-ness n
bottom line n 1 : the essential point: CRUX 2: the final re- boun-tl-ful \'baun-ti-fal\ adj 1 : giving freely 2 : given
suit: OUTCOME or provided abundantly: PLENTIFUL
bot-u-llsm \'ba-cha-,li-zam\ n : an acute paralytic disease [1] charitable, free, generous, liberal, munificent,
caused by a bacterial toxin (bot-u-li-num toxin \,ba-cha-,li- openhanded, unselfish, unsparing - more at GENEROUS
nam-x) esp. in tainted food [2] abundant, ample, comfortable, generous, liberal,
bou-doir \'bii-,dwar, 'bu-, ,bii-', ,bu-'\ n [F, fro bouder to plentiful - more at PLENTIFUL
pout] : a woman's dressing room or bedroom boun-tl-ful-ly adv : in a bountiful degree
bout-rant \bii-'fant, 'bii-,fant\ adj [F] : puffed out <-- hair- generously, handsomely, liberally, well- more at
dos) WELL
bough \'bau\ n : a usu. large or main branch of a tree boun-ti-ful-ness n : the quality or state of being bountiful
bought past and past part O/BUY boun-ty \'baun-te\ n, pi bounties [ME bounte goodness, fro
boulllabalsse \,bii-ya-'biis\ n [F] : a highly seasoned fish AP bunte, fro L bonitas, fro bonus good] 1 : liberality in
stew made with at least two kinds of fish giving: GENEROSITY 2: something given liberally 3: a re-
bouil-lon \'bii-,yan; 'bul-,yan, -yan\ n : a clear soup made ward, premium, or subsidy given usu. for doing some-
uSU. from beef thing
boul-der \'bol-dar\ n : a large detached rounded or worn
generosity, liberality, philanthropy, unselfishness-
mass of rock - boulodered \-dard\ adj more at LIBERALITY
bou-te-vard Vbu-lo-jvard, 'bii-\ n IF, modif. of MD bolwere
bou-quet \bo-'ka, bii-\ n [F, fro MF, thicket, bunch of flow-
bulwark] : a broad often landscaped thoroughfare
ers, fro OF (dial. of Normandy and Picardy) bosquet
'bounce \'bauns\ vb bounced; bounc-inq 1 : to cause to re- thicket, fro bose forest] 1 : flowers picked and fastened to-
bound <-- a ball) 2 : to rebound after striking 3 : to gether in a bunch 2 : a distinctive aroma (as of wine)
expel hastily from a place 4: to issue (a check) on an ac-
count having insufficient funds 5 : to recover quickly aroma, fragrance, incense, perfume, redolence, scent,
spice - more at FRAGRANCE
from a blow or defeat - usu. used with baek
bour-bon \'bar-ban\ n : a whiskey distilled from a com
[2] carom, glance, rebound, ricochet, skim, skip- mash
more at GLANCE [3] banish, boot (out), cast, chase,
bour-geois \'burzh-,wa, burzh-twav n, pi bourgeois \same
dismiss, drum, eject, expel, oust, rout, run off, throw
or -,wiiz, -'wiiz\ IMF, fro OF burgeis townsman, fro burc,
out - more at EJECT usu bounce back [5] rally, re-
borg town, fro L burgus fortified place, of Gmc origin] : a
bound, recover, snap back
middle-class person - bourgeois adj
2bounce n : the quality or state of being lively - bouncy
bour-qeoi-ste \,burzh-,wii-'ze\ n : a social order dominated
\ 'baun-se\ adj
by bourgeois
dash, drive, esprit, pep, punch, snap, spirit, verve, bourne also bourn \'born, 'burn\ n : BOUNDARY; also: DES-
vim, zing, zip - more at SPIRIT TINATION
bounc-er \'baun-sar\ n : a person employed in a public bourse \'burs\ n : a European stock exchange
place to remove disorderly persons
bout \'bailt\ n 1 : an athletic match: CONTEST 2 a : a
'bound Vbaundv adj : intending to go
fit of sickness: ATTACK <a -- of measles) b: OUTBREAK
decisive, determined, firm, intent, purposeful, res- 3: SESSION
olute, set, single-minded - more at DETERMINED
[1] competition, contest, event, game, match, meet,
2bound n : something that limits or restrains: LIMIT, BOUND- tournament - more at GAME [2a] attack, case, fit,
seizure, siege, spell- more at ATTACK
"bound vb 1 : to set limits to 2 : to form the boundary
bou-tique \bii-'tek\ n : a small fashionable specialty shop
of 3 : to name the boundaries of
bou-ton-niere \,biit-'n-'iar\ n : a flower or bouquet worn in
[1] circumscribe, define, delimit, demarcate, limit, a buttonhole
mark, terminate - more at LIMIT [2] border, fringe, 'bo-vine \'bo-,vin, -,ven\ adj 1 : of or relating to bovines
margin, rim, skirt - more at BORDER 2 : having qualities (as placidity or dullness) characteris-
'bound past and past part 0/ BIND tic of oxen or cows
"bound adj 1 : constrained by or as if by bonds: CONFINED, 2bovine n : any of a group of mammals including oxen, buf-
OBLIGED 2: enclosed in a binding or cover 3 : firmly falo, and their close relatives
decided: RESOLVED, DETERMINED; also: SURE bovine spon-ql-torrn encephalopathy \-'span-ji-,form-\ n
decisive, determined, firm, intent, purposeful, res- : MAD COW DISEASE
olute, set, Single-minded - more at DETERMlNED 'bow \'bail\ vb 1 : to give oneself over to the will or au-
6bound n 1 : the act or an instance of leaping into the air thority of another: YIELD 2: to bend the head or body (as
: JUMP 2: REBOUND, BOUNCE in submission, courtesy, or assent)
91 bracing
budge, capitulate, concede, give in, knuckle under, fighter, prizefighter, pugilist; also featherweight,
quit, submit, succumb, surrender, yield - more at YIELD heavyweight, light heavyweight, lightweight, mid-
'bow n : an act or posture of bowing dleweight, welterweight
3bow \'bo\ n 1 a : something bent into a simple curve 'boxer n : any of a German breed of compact medium-sized
: BEND, ARCH b: RAINBOW 2: a weapon for shooting ar- dogs with a short usu. fawn or brindled coat
rows; also: ARCHER 3: a knot formed by doubling a line boxer shorts n pi : men's loose-fitting shorts worn as un-
into two or more loops 4: a wooden rod strung with derwear
horsehairs for playing an instrument of the violin family box-ing \'biik-sil)\ n : the sport of fighting with the fists
angle, arc, arch, bend, crook, curve, turn, wind- box office n : an office (as in a theater) where admission
more at BEND tickets are sold
'bow \'bo\ vb 1 : to bend into a curve 2: to play (an in- box turtle n : any of several No. American land turtles able
strument) with a bow to withdraw completely into their shell
sbow \'bau\ n : the forward part of a ship - bow adj box-wood \'baks-,wUd\ n : the tough hard wood of the box;
bowd-ler-lse Brit var of BOWDLERIZE also: a box tree or shrub
bowd-ler-ize \'bod-I:l-,riz, 'baud-\ vb -ized; : to ex- boy \'boi\ n 1 + : a male child: YOUTH 2: SON - boy-hood
purgate by omitting parts considered vulgar \-,hud\ n - boy.ish adj - adv - boy-ish-ness
bow-el \'bau(-:l)I\ n 1 : INTESTINE; also: one of the divisions n
of the intestine - usu. used in pl. 2 pi : the inmost parts + lad, nipper, shaver, stripling, youth; also adolescent,
<the ~s of the earth) juvenile, kid, minor, moppet, teenager, youngster
bow-er \'bau(-:l)r\ n : a shelter of boughs or vines: ARBOR boy-cott \'boi-,kat\ vb [Charles C. Boycott t1897 Eng. land
'bowl \'bol\ n 1 : a concave vessel used to hold liquids 2: a agent in Ireland who was ostracized for refusing to re-
drinking vessel 3 : a bowl-shaped part or structure; esp duce rents] : to refrain from having any dealings with -
: an athletic stadium - bowl.ful \-,ful\ n boycott n
circus, coliseum, stadium - more at STADIUM boy-friend \'boi-,frend\ n 1 : a male friend 2 : a frequent
'bowl n 1 : a ball for rolling on a level surface in bowling or regular male companion of a girl or woman
2 : a cast of the ball in bowling beau, fellow, man, swain; also admirer, crush, steady
3bowl vb 1 : to playa game of bowling; also: to roll a ball in Boy Scout n : a member of any of various national scout-
bowling 2 : to travel (as in a vehicle) rapidly and smoothly ing programs (as the Boy Scouts of America)
3 : to strike or knock down with a moving object boy-sen-ber-ry \'boiz-On-,ber-e, 'bots-v n : a large bramble
[2] breeze, coast, drift, flow, glide, roll, sail, skim, fruit with a raspberry flavor; also: the hybrid plant bear-
slide, slip, stream, sweep, whisk - more at FLOW. USU ing it developed by crossing blackberries and raspberries
bowl down [3] down, drop, feU, floor, knock, level bo-zo \'b6-,zo\ n, pi bozos: a foolish or incompetent per-
bow.legged \'bo-,Ie-g:ld\ adj : having legs that bow out- son
ward at or below the knee - bow.leg \'bo-,Ieg\ n bp abbr 1 bishop 2 birthplace
'bowl-er \'bo-I:lr\ n : a person who bowls BP abbr 1 batting practice 2 blood pressure 3 boiling
'bowler \'bo-I:lr\ n : DERBY 3 point
bowline \'bo-I:ln, -,lin\ n : a knot used to form a loop that bpi abbr birthplace
neither slips nor jams BPOE abbr Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks \'bo-lil)\ n : any of various games in which balls br abbr 1 branch 2 brass 3 brown
are rolled on a green or alley at an object or a group of 'Br abbr Britain; British
objects; esp : TENPINS 'Br symbol bromine
bowl over vb : to overwhelm with surprise; also: to make BR abbr bedroom
a vivid impression on bra \'bra\ n : BRASSIERE
+ amaze, astonish, astound, dumbfound, flabbergast, 'brace \'brlis\ vb braced; 1 archaic: to make fast
floor, shock, startle, stun, stupefy, surprise - more at : BIND 2 : to tighten preparatory to use; also: to get ready
SURPRISE for: prepare oneself 3 : to restore strength and activity
bow-man \'bo-m:m\ n : ARCHER to : INVIGORATE 4 : to furnish or support with a brace;
bow-sprit \'bau-,sprit\ n : a spar projecting forward from also: STRENGTHEN 5: to set firmly 6 : to gain courage
the prow of a ship or confidence
bow-string \'bo-,stril)\ n : the cord connecting the two ends + [3] animate, energize, enliven, fire, invigorate, jazz
of a shooting bow up, liven up, pep up, quicken, stimulate, vitalize, vivify,
'box \'baks\ n, pi box or box-es : an evergreen shrub or zip (up) - more at ANIMATE [4] bear, bolster, but-
small tree used esp. for hedges tress, carry, prop, shore, stay, strengthen, support, up-
'box n 1 : a rigid typically rectangular receptacle often hold - more at SUPPORT + [6] forearm, fortify, nerve,
with a cover; also: the quantity held by a box 2: a small psych (up), ready, steel- more at FORTIFY
compartment (as for a group of theater patrons); also: a 2brace n, pi brac-es 1 or pi brace + : two of a kind <a ~ of
boxlike receptacle or division 3: any of six spaces on a dogs) 2: a crank-shaped device for turning a bit
uescoatt diamond where the bauer, pitcher, coaches, and 3 : something (as a tie. prop. or clamp) that distributes.
catcher stand 4: PREDICAMENT directs, or resists pressure or weight 4 pi : SUSPENDERS
+ caddy, case, casket, chest, locker, trunk - more at 5 : an appliance for supporting a body part (as the shoul-
CHEST ders) 6 pi : a dental appliance used to exert pressure to
3box vb : to enclose in or as if in a box straighten misaligned teeth 7: one of two marks { } used
'box n + : a punch or slap esp. on the ear to connect words or items to be considered together
belt, blow, buffet, hit, punch, slug - more at BLOW [1] couple, duo, pair, twain, twosome - more at PAIR
sbox vb 1 : to strike with the hand 2: to engage in boxing [3] bulwark, buttress, mount, shore, stay, support,
with underpinning - more at SUPPORT
box-car Vbaks-jkar', n : a roofed freight car usu. with slid- brace-let \'bra-sl:lt\ n [ME, fro MF, dim. of bras arm, fro L
ing doors in the sides bracchium, fro Gk brachi6n] 1 : an ornamental band or
box cutter n : a small cutting tool with a retractable razor chain worn around the wrist 2: something (as handcuffs)
blade resembling a bracelet
'box-er \'bak-s:lr\ n 1 : a person who engages in boxing bra-ce-ro \bra-'ser-6\ n, pi -ros : a Mexican laborer admit-
2 : BOXER SHORTS ted to the U.S. esp. for seasonal farm work
bracing 92
bracing adj + : giving strength, vigor, or freshness brain drain n : the departure of educated or professional
+ invigorating, refreshing, restorative, stimulative, people from one country, sector, or field to another usu.
tonic - more at TONIC for better payor living conditions
brack-en \'bra-k:m\ n : a large coarse fern; also: a growth braln-less adj : lacking intelligence
of such ferns brain-storm \-,storm\ n : a sudden inspiration or idea-
tbrack-et \'bra-k:lt\ n 1 : a projecting framework or arm de- brainstorm vb
signed to support weight; also: a shelf on such framework brain-teas-er \-,te-Z:lr\ n : a challenging puzzle
2 : one of a pair of punctuation marks [ ) used esp. to en- brainwashing \'bran-,wo-shil), -,wli-\ n 1 : a forcible in-
close interpolated matter 3 + : a continuous section of a doctrination to induce someone to give up basic political,
series; esp : one of a graded series of income groups social, or religious beliefs and attitudes and to accept
+ category, class, division, family, grade, group, kind, contrasting regimented ideas 2: persuasion by propa-
order, set, species, type - more at CLASS ganda or salesmanship - brain-wash vb
2bracket vb 1 : to furnish or fasten with brackets 2 a : to brain wave n 1 : BRAINSTORM 2: rhythmic fluctuations of
place within brackets b: to separate or group with or as voltage between parts of the brain; also: a current pro-
if with brackets duced by brain waves
brack-ish \'bra-kish\ adj : somewhat salty - brack-ish- brainyadj + : having or showing a well-developed intellect
ness n + alert, bright, brilliant, clever, intelligent, keen, nim-
bract \'brakt\ n : an often modified leaf on or at the base ble, quick, quick-witted, sharp, smart - more at INTEL-
of a flower stalk LIGENT
brad \'brad\ n : a slender nail with a small head braise \'briiz\ vb braised; brais'ing : to cook (meat) slowly
brae \'bra\ n, chiefly Scot: a hillside esp, along a river in fat and little moisture in a closed pot
'brag \'brag\ vb bragged; bragoging + : to talk or assert 'brake \'brak\ n : a common bracken fern
boastfully - bragoger n 2brake n + : rough or wet land heavily overgrown (as with
+ boast, crow, plume, swagger - more at BOAST thickets or reeds)
2brag n 1 + : arrogant talk or manner 2: one who brags + brushwood, chaparral, coppice, covert, thicket-
+ bluster, bombast, braggadocio, gas, grandiloquence, 3brake n : a device for slowing or stopping motion esp. by
hot air, rant - more at BOMBAST friction - brake-less adj
bragogaodo-cio \,bra-g:l-'do-she-,o, -se-, -che-v n, pi -cios 'brake vb braked; 1 + : to slow or stop by or as if
1 +: one who brags : BRAGGART 2 : empty boasting by a brake 2: to apply a brake
3 : arrogant pretension: COCKINESS + decelerate, retard, slow - more at SLOW
+ [1] braggart, boaster, bragger - more at BRAGGART brake-man \'brak-m:ln\ n : a train crew member who in-
+ [2] bluster, bombast, brag, gas, grandiloquence, hot spects the train and assists the conductor
air, rant - more at BOMBAST bram-ble \'bram-bal\ n : any of a large genus of prickly
bragogart Vbra-gsrtv n + : one who brags shrubs (as a blackberry) related to the roses; also : any
boaster, braggadocio, bragger; also blusterer, magpie, rough prickly shrub or vine
windbag bram.bly \-b(a-)Ie\ ad} + : like or full of brambles
bragoger \ 'bra-g:lr\ n + : one who brags + prickly, scratchy, thorny - more at SCRATCHY
+ braggart, boaster, braggadocio - more at BRAGGART bran \'bran\ n : the edible broken husks of cereal grain
Brahman or Brahmin \'brli-m:lnfor 1; 'bra-, 'brli-, 'bra-for sifted from flour or meal
2\ n 1 : a Hindu of the highest caste traditionally assigned 'branch \'branch\ n [ME, fr. AF branche, fro LL branca
to the priesthood 2: any of a breed of large vigorous paw] 1 : a natural subdivision (as a bough or twig) of a
humped cattle developed in the southern U.S. from In- plant stem 2: a division (as of an antler or a river) related
dian stock 3 usu Brahmin : a person of high social stand- to a whole like a plant branch to its stem 3: a discrete el-
ing and cultivated intellect and taste ement of a complex system: as a + : a separate but de-
Brah-man-lsrn \'brli-m:l-,ni-z:lm\ n : orthodox Hinduism pendent part of a central organization (the executive -)
'braid \'brad\ vb 1 : to form (strands) into a braid: PLAIT; b : a division of a family descended from one ancestor-
also: to make from braids 2: to ornament with braid branched \'brancht\ adj
2braid n 1 + : a length of braided hair 2 + : a cord or rib- + affiliate, chapter, local - more at CHAPTER
bon of three or more interwoven strands 2branch vb 1 : to develop branches 2 + : to spring out (as
+ [I, 2] lace, plait; also rickrack, stripe from a main stem) : DIVERGE 3: to extend activities (the
braille \'bral\ n, often cap: a system of writing for the blind business is -ing out)
that uses characters made up of raised dots diverge, fan, radiate - more at RADIATE + usu branch
'brain Vbranv n 1 : the part of the vertebrate central ner- out diverge, divide, fork, separate - more at SEPARATE
vous system enclosed in the skull and continuous with 'brand \'brand\ n 1 : a piece of charred or burning wood 2
the spinal cord that is composed of neurons and support- a : a mark made (as by burning) usu. to identify b + : a
ing structures and is the center of thought and nervous mark of disgrace: STIGMA 3: a class of goods identified as
system control; also: a centralized mass of nerve tissue in the product of a particular firm or producer 4: a dis-
an invertebrate 2 a + : INTELLECT, INTELLIGENCE - often tinctive kind (my own - of humor>
used in pl, b ; a very intelligent or intellectual person blot, smirch, spot, stain, stigma, taint - more al STIill'I
- brained Vbrand', adj
+ often brains [2a] gray matter (or grey matter), intel- 2brand vb 1 : to mark with a brand 2: STIGMATIZE
lect, intelligence, reason, sense - more at INTELLIGENCE bran-dish \'bran-dish\ vb : to shake or wave menacingly
+ [2b) genius, intellect, thinker, whiz, wizard - more brand-new \'bran-'nii, -'nyii\ ad) : conspicuously new
at GENIUS and unused
2brain vb 1 : to kill by smashing the skull 2: to hit on the fresh, pristine, virgin - more at FRESH new, spick=
head and-span, unused - more at NEW
brain-child \'bran-,child\ n : a product of one's creative bran-dy \'bran-de\ n, pi brandies [short for brandywine, fr.
imagination D brandewijn, fr. MD brantwijn, fro brant distilled + wijn
brain death n : final cessation of activity in the central ner- wine] : a liquor distilled from wine or fermented fruit
vous system esp. as indicated by a flat electroencephalo- juice - brandy vb
gram - brain-dead \-,ded\ ad} brash \'brash\ adj 1 : prone to act in a rash, impetuous
93 break
manner 2.: aggressively self-assertive - brashly adv bra-zen-ness n : the quality or state of being brazen
- brash-ness n discourtesy, disrespect, impertinence, impudence, in-
(1) foolhardy, madcap, overbold, overconfident, civility, insolence, rudeness- more at DISCOURTESY
reckless- more at FOOLHARDY (2) arch, bold, audacity, brass, cheek, chutzpah, effrontery, gall,
brazen, cheeky, cocky, fresh, impertinent, impudent, nerve, presumption, sauce, sauciness, temerity - more
insolent, nervy, sassy, saucy - more at NERVY at EFFRONTERY
brass \'bras\ n 1 : an alloy of copper and zinc; also: an ob- 'brazier \'bra-zhar\ n : a worker in brass
ject of brass 2.: brazen self-assurance 3: persons of 2brazier n 1 : a vessel holding burning coals (as for heating)
high rank (as in the military) 2 : a device on which food is grilled
audacity, brazenness, cheek, chutzpah, effrontery, Bra.zil.ian \bra-'zil-yan\ n : a native or inhabitant of Brazil
gall, nerve, presumption, sauce, sauciness, temerity- - Brazilian ad}
more at EFFRONTERY Brazil nut \bra-'zil-\ n : a triangular oily edible nut borne
bras-siere \bra-'zir\ n : a woman's close-fitting undergar- in large capsules by a tall So. American tree; also: the tree
ment designed to support the breasts 'breach \'brech\ n 1 : a breaking of a law, obligation, tie
brassy ad} : shamelessly bold (as of friendship), or standard (as of conduct) 2 : an in-
brat \'brat\ n : an ill-behaved child - brat-tl-ness n- terruption or opening made by or as if by breaking
brat.tyadj through
bra-va-do\bra-'va-do\ n, pi -does or -dos 1 : blustering [l) infraction, infringement, offense, transgression,
swaggering conduct 2: a show of bravery trespass, violation Ant observance (2) break, discon-
'brave \'brav\ adj brav-er; brav-est [MF, fro It & Sp bravo tinuity, gap, gulf, hole, interval, opening, rent, rift, sep-
courageous, wild, prob. fro L barbarus barbarous) aration - more at GAP
1 : showing courage 2: EXCELLENT, SPLENDID - brave- 2breach vb 1 : to make a breach in 2: to leap out of water
Iyadv <whales ~ing) 3.: to fail to keep or honor: violate a
courageous, dauntless, doughty, fearless, gallant, trust
greathearted, heroic, intrepid, lionhearted, manful, stal-
wart, stout, undaunted, valiant, valorous; also deter- break, transgress, violate - more at VIOLATE
mined, firm, game, plucky, resolute, undeterred, 'bread \'bred\ n 1 : baked food made basically of flour or
undismayed, unflinching, unswerving Ant cowardly, meal 2: a substance with food value: FOOD
craven, fainthearted, fearful, pusillanimous, timorous 2bread vb : to cover with bread crumbs before cooking
2brave vb braved; : to face or endure bravely bread-bas-ket\'bred-,bas-kat\ n : a major cereal-producing
beard, brazen, confront, dare, defy, face - more at region
FACE bread-fruit \-,frut\ n : a round usu. seedless fruit resem-
3brave n : an American Indian warrior bling bread in color and texture when baked; also: a tall
brav-ery Vbra-vo-re',n, pi -er.ies 1 : the quality or state tropical tree related to the mulberry and bearing bread-
of being brave: COURAGE 2 : fine clothes; also: showy dis- fruit
play bread-stuff\-,staf\ n : GRAIN, FLOUR
courage, daring, fearlessness, gallantry, guts, hardi- breadth \'bredth, 'bretth\ n 1 a : distance from side to side
hood, heart, heroism, nerve, stoutness, valor - more at : WIDTH b.: a wide expanse 2 : comprehensive qual-
COURAGE ity : SCOPE <~ of knowledge)
bra-vo\'bra-vo\ n, pi bravos: a shout of approval - often [lb) expanse, extent, reach, spread, stretch - more
used as an interjection in applauding at EXPANSE (2) amplitude, compass, extent, range,
bra-vu-ra\bra-'vyilr-a, -'vilr-\ n 1 : a florid brilliant musi- reach, realm, scope, sweep, width - more at RANGE
cal style 2: self-assured brilliant performance - bravura bread-win-ner \'bred-,wi-nar\ n : a member of a family
adj whose wages supply its livelihood
'brawl \'brol\ n : a noisy quarrel- brawl-er n 'break \'brak\ vb broke \'brok\; bro-ken \'bro-kan\; break-
altercation, argument, disagreement, dispute, fight, ing 1 : to separate into parts usu. suddenly or violently
quarrel, row, wrangle - more at ARGUMENT fracas, : come or force apart 2 : to violate a command or law
fray, free-for-all, melee, row; also battle, clash, combat, : TRANSGRESS <~ a law) 3: to force a way into, out of, or
conflict, contest, fight, fisticuffs, scrap, scrimmage, through 4 a : to disrupt the order or unity of <~ ranks)
scuffle, struggle, tussle <~ up a gang) b: to cause the destruction or loss of ef-
2brawl vb : to quarrel or fight noisily fectiveness of; also: to bring to submission or helplessness
argue, bicker, dispute, fall out, fight, hassle, quarrel, 5 : EXCEED, SURPASS <~ a record) 6 a : to cause to suffer
row, scrap, spat, squabble, wrangle - more at ARGUE financial ruin b.: to reduce in rank <broken from
brawn \'bron\ n : strong muscles; also: muscular strength sargeant to private) 7 a : to make known b : to find an
- brawn-i-ness n explanation or solution for; also: to discover the essentials
brawnyad} : having well-developed muscles of (a code or cipher system) 8 a : to stop or bring to an
muscular, rugged, sinewy, stalwart, stout, strong- end suddenly: HALT b: to act or change abruptly (as a
more at STRONG course or activity) 9: to come esp. suddenly into being or
bray \'bra\ n : the characteristic harsh cry of a donkey - notice <asday ~s) 10 : to fail under stress 11 : HAPPEN,
bray vb DEVELOP 12 : to escape with sudden forceful effort
braze \'briiz\ vb brazed; braz-ing : to solder with an alloy [l) bust, fracture, fragment; also blast, blow up,
(as brass) that melts at a lower temperature than the met- burst, detonate, explode [2) breach, transgress, vio-
als being joined - braz-ern late - more at VIOLATE. [6b) bust, degrade, demote,
'bra.zen \'brill-'n\ ad} 1 : made of brass 2: sounding harsh downgrade, reduce - more at DEMOTE. [7b) answer,
and loud 3: of the color of brass 4 : marked by con- crack, decode, dope, figure out, puzzle, resolve, riddle,
temptuous boldness- bra-zen-lyadv solve, unravel, work, work out - more at SOLVE
arch, bold, brash, cheeky, cocky, fresh, impertinent, [8a] break off, cease, cut, desist, discontinue, drop,
impudent, insolent, nervy, sassy, saucy - more at end, halt, knock off, layoff, leave off, quit, shut off,
NERVY stop - more at STOP [10] break down, conk, crash,
2brazen vb : to face boldly or defiantly cut out, die, fail, stall - more at FAIL [l2] bolt, flee,
beard, brave, confront, dare, defy, face - more at fly, retreat, run, run away, run off - more at RUN
FACE 2break n 1 : an act of breaking 2 : a result of breaking;
breakable 94
esp : an interruption of strength or continuity <coffee-) breast-bone \'brest-,b6n\ n : STERNUM
<a - in the wall) 3: a stroke of good luck breast-feed \-,fed\ vb : to feed (a baby) from a mother's
breach, discontinuity, gap, gulf, hole, interval, open- breast rather than from a bottle
ing, rent, rift, separation - more at GAP breath, breast-prate \-,pliit\ n : a metal plate of armor for the
breather, recess, respite; also time-out breast
break-able adj : capable of being broken - breakable n breast-stroke \-,str6k\ n : a swimming stroke executed by
delicate, fragile, frail - more at FRAGILE extending both arms forward and then sweeping them
back with palms out while kicking backward and out-
break-age \'brii-kij\ n 1 : the action of breaking 2: articles
ward with both legs
or amount broken 3: loss due to things broken
breast-work \-,w:lrk\ n : a temporary fortification
break-down \'briik-,daun\ n 1 : functional failure; esp : a
physical, mental, or nervous collapse 2: DISINTEGRATION breath \'breth\ n 1 a : the act or power of breathing
b : opportunity or time to breathe; esp : a pause in an
3 .: the process of decomposing : DECOMPOSITION
activity 2 : a slight breeze 3: air inhaled or exhaled in
4 : division into categories : ANALYSIS
breathing 4 : spoken sound 5: SPIRIT - breath-less-ly adv
[3] corruption, decay, decomposition, putrefaction, - breath-tess-ness n - breathy \'bre-tbe\ adj
rot, spoilage - more at CORRUPTION [4] analysis, as-
say, dissection - more at ANALYSIS [lb] break, breather, pause, recess, respite - more
at BREAK. [2] air, breeze, puff, waft, zephyr - more at
break down vb 1 : to stop functioning because of break-
age or wear 2.: to divide into parts or categories
3 : to undergo decomposition 4 : to succumb to men- breathe \'breth\ vb breathed; breath-ing 1 : to inhale and
exhale 2 : to be alive: LIVE 3: to halt for rest 4: to ut-
tal or emotional stress
ter softly or secretly - breath-able adj
[l] break, conk, crash, cut out, die, fail, stall - more
at FAIL [2] assort, categorize, class, classify, grade, be, exist, live, subsist - more at BE
group, peg, place, range, rank, separate, sort - more at breath-er \'bre-th:lr\ n 1 : one that breathes 2 : a short
CLASSIFY. [3] corrupt, decay, decompose, disintegrate, rest
molder, putrefy, rot, spoil- more at DECAY. [4] crack, break, breath, recess, respite - more at BREAK
flip, freak - more at CRACK breath-less adj 1 a : panting or gasping for breath
break-er \'brii-k:lr\ n 1 : one that breaks 2: a wave that b : not breathing: not alive 2 : very rapid or strenu-
breaks into foam (as against the shore) ous 3 : oppressive because of no fresh air or breeze
break-fast \'brek-f:lst\ n : the first meal of the day- [lb] dead, deceased, defunct, gone, late, lifeless-
breakfast vb more at DEAD [2] breakneck, brisk, dizzy, fast, fleet,
break in vb 1 : to enter a building by force 2 : to hinder hasty, lightning, nippy, quick, rapid, rattling, snappy,
by speaking when another is speaking : INTERRUPT; also speedy, swift - more at FAST [3] close, stuffy-
: INTRUDE 3: TRAIN - break-in \'briik-,in\ n more at STUFFY
chime in, cut in, interpose, interrupt, intrude- breath-tak-ing Vbreth-sta-ktn', adi 1 : making one out of
more at INTERRUPT breath 2 : producing excitement: EXCITING, THRILLING
break-neck \'briik-'nek\ adj : very fast or dangerous <~ <- beauty) - breath-tak-inq-ly adv
speed) electric, exciting, exhilarating, rousing, stirring,
breathless, dizzy, fast, fleet, lightning, rapid, rattling, thrilling - more at EXCITING
speedy, swift - more at FAST brec-cia \'bre-che-:l, -chav n : a rock consisting of sharp
break off vb : to stop abruptly: bring or come to an end fragments held in fine-grained material
break, cease, cut, desist, discontinue, drop, end, halt, breech \'brech\ n 1 usu breech-es \usu 'bri-chozv
knock off, layoff, leave off, quit, shut off, stop - more : trousers ending near the knee; also: PANTS 2: the hind
at STOP end of the body: BUTTOCKS, RUMP 3: the part of a firearm
break out vb 1 : to develop or erupt suddenly or with at the rear of the barrel
force 2: to develop a skin rash britches, pantaloons, pants, slacks, trousers - more
burst, erupt, explode, flame, flare, go off - more at at PANTS
ERUPT 'breed \'bred\ vb bred \'bred\; breed-inq 1 : BEGET; also
break-through \'briik-,thrii\ n 1: an act or instance of : ORIGINATE 2 : to propagate sexually; also: MATE 3 : to
breaking through an obstruction or defensive line 2 : a bring (a person) to maturity through nurturing care and
sudden advance in knowledge or technique education: BRING UP 4: to produce (fissionable material)
advance, advancement, enhancement, improvement, from material that is not fissionable - breed-er n
refinement - more at ADVANCE [2] mate, multiply, procreate, propagate, reproduce
break-up \-,:lp\ n 1 : the act or process of dissolving: DIS- - more at PROCREATE. [3] bring up, foster, raise, rear
SOLUTION 2: a division into smaller units - more at BRING UP
dissolution, division, partition, schism, separation, 2breed n 1: a strain of similar and presumably related
split - more at SEPARATION plants or animals usu. developed in domestication 2 : a
break up vb 1 .: to cease to exist as a unified whole group, set, or kind sharing common attributes : SORT,
2 : to break into pieces CLASS

[1] disband, disperse, dissolve - more at DISBAND class, description, feather, ilk, kind, like, manner, na-
[2] disconnect, disjoint, dissever, dissociate, disunite, ture, order, sort, species, type - more at SORT
divide, divorce, part, resolve, separate, sever, split, sun- n 1 : line of descent: ANCESTRY 2: training in
der, unyoke - more at SEPARATE polite social interaction 3: sexual propagation of plants
break-wa-ter \'briik-,wo-t:lr, -,wa-\ n : a structure protect- or animals
ing a harbor or beach from the force of waves ancestry, birth, blood, bloodline, descent, extraction,
bream \'brim, 'bremv n, pi bream or breams: any of vari- family tree, genealogy, line, lineage, origin, parentage,
ous small freshwater sunfishes pedigree, stock, strain - more at ANCESTRY
breast \ 'brest\ n 1 : either of the pair of mammary glands 'breeze \'brez\ n 1 : a light wind 2 : something easily
extending from the front of the chest esp, in pubescent done: CINCH, SNAP - breeze-less adj
and adult human females 2: the front part of the body [1] air, breath, puff, waft, zephyr; also draft, whiff
between the neck and the abdomen 3: the seat of emo- [2] child's play, cinch, picnic, pushover, snap-
tion and thought more at CINCH
95 brilliance
2breeze vb breezed; breezing + : to progress quickly and bridge-head \-,hed\ n : an advanced position seized in en-
easily; also: to move swiftly and airily emy territory
+ bowl, coast, drift, flow, glide, roll, sail, skim, slide, bridge-work \-, warkv n : dental bridges
slip, stream, sweep, whisk - more at FLOW dash fly 'briodle \'brld-Ol\ n 1 : headgear with which a horse is con-
hasten, hurry, run, rush, speed, whirl, zip, zoo~ ~ trolled 2: CURB, RESTRAINT
more at HURRY 2bridle vb briodled; briodling 1 a : to put a bridle on b : to
breeze-way \'brez-,wa\ n : a roofed open passage connect- restrain with or as if with a bridle 2: to show hostility or
ing two buildings (as a house and garage) scorn usu. by tossing the head
breezy \ 'bre-ze\ adj 1 : swept by breezes 2 : briskly check, constrain, contain, control, curb, govern, in-
informal - \'bre-z:I-le\ adv - breez-i-ness \-ze- hibit, regulate, rein, restrain, tame
n:ls\ n Brie \'bre\ n : a soft cheese with a whitish rind and a pale
[1] blowy, blustery, gusty, windy - more at WINDY yellow interior
+ [2] affable, easygoing, happy-go-lucky, laid-back- 'brief \'bref\ adj 1.: short in duration or extent
more at EASYGOfNG 2 : marked by brevity of expression or statement: CON-
breth-ren \'brelh-r:>n, 'bre-lb:>-; 'bre-lh:>rn\ pi 0/ BROTHER; CISE; also : CURT - adv
USED ESP. fN FORMAL OR SOLEMN ADDRESS + (1) little, short, short-lived - more at SHORT [2]
Brethren n pi : members of one of several Protestant de- compact, compendious, concise, crisp, curt, epigram-
nominations originating chiefly in a German religious matic, laconic, pithy, succinct, summary, terse - more
movement and stressing personal religious experience at CONCISE
bre-via-ry \'bre-vy:>-re, -ve-jer-e', n, pi -ries a/ten cap : a 2brief n 1 : a concise statement or document; esp : one sum-
book of prayers, hymns, psalms, and readings used by marizing a law client's case or a legal argument 2 pi
Roman Catholic priests : short snug underpants
brev-i-ty Vbre-vo-tex n, pi -ties 1 + : shortness or concise- 3brief vb + : to give final instructions or essential informa-
ness of expression 2 + : shortness of duration tion to
+ [1,2) briefness, conciseness, shortness; also abbrevia- acquaint, advise, apprise, clue, enlighten, familiarize,
tion, abridgment, compression, condensation, contrac- fill in, inform, instruct, tell, wise - more at ENLIGHTEN
tion, curtailment brief-case \'bref-,kas\ n : a flat flexible case for carrying
brew \'brii\ vb 1 : to prepare (as beer) by steeping, boiling, papers
and fermenting 2: to prepare (as tea) by steeping in hot brief-ness n : the quality or state of being brief
water - brew n - brew-er n - brew-ery \'brii-:l-re,
brevity, conciseness, shortness - more at BREVITY
'bni(-:r-e\ n + brevity, compactness, conciseness, crispness, suc-
'briar also brier \'bo-:lr\ n : a plant (as a bramble or rose) cinctness, terseness - more at SUCCfNCTNESS
with a thorny or prickly usu. woody stem
bri-er var 0/ BRIAR
2briar n : a tobacco pipe made from the root or stem of a
'brig \'brig\ n : a 2-masted square-rigged sailing ship
European heath 2brig n + : the place of confinement for offenders on a
brihoable adj : capable of being bribed
naval ship
corruptible, purchasable, venal - more at VENAL
+ hoosegow, jail, jug, lockup, pen, penitentiary, prison,
'bribe \'bno\ n [ME, morsel given to a beggar, bribe, fr. AF, stockade - more at JAIL
morsel] : something (as money or a favor) given or prom- 3brig abbr brigade
ised to a person to influence conduct brl-qade \bri-'gad\ n 1 : a military unit composed of a
2bribe vb bribed; brihoing : to influence by offering a bribe headquarters, one or more units of infantry or armored
- brib-er n - brib-ery \'bo-b:>-re\ n forces, and supporting units 2: a group organized for a
bric-a-brac \'bri-k:l-,brak\ n pi [F] : small ornamental arti-
particular purpose (as fire fighting)
cles briq-a-dier general \'bri-g:>-,dir-\ n : a commissioned officer
'brick \'brik\ n : a block molded from moist clay and hard-
(as in the army) ranking next below a major general
ened by heat used esp, for building
briq-and \'bri-g:>nd\ n : BANDIT - brlq-and-aqe \-g:>n-dij\ n
2brick vb : to close, cover, or pave with bricks
briq-an-tine \'bri-g:ln-,ten\ n : a 2-masted square-rigged
brick.bat \'brik-,bat\ n 1 : a piece of a hard material (as a
ship with a fore-and-aft mainsail
brick) esp, when thrown as a missile 2: an uncompli-
Brig Gen abbr brigadier general
mentary remark
bright \'brit\ adj 1 : radiating or reflecting light 2: IL-
brlck-lay-er \'brik-,Ia-:lr\ n : a person who builds or paves
LUSTRJOUS, GLORIOUS 3 a : having a cheerful nature
with bricks - n
b +: mentally quick and resourceful : INTELLIGENT,
tbrld-al \'bod-Ol\ n [ME bridale, fr. OE brvdealu, fr. brvd
CLEVER 4 + : conducive to cheer - bright adv -
bride + ealu ale] : a marriage festival or ceremony: WED-
2bridal adj : of or relating to a bride or a wedding + [1] beaming, brilliant, effulgent, glowing, incandes-
bride \'brid\ n : a woman just married or about to be mar- cent, lambent, lucent, lucid, luminous, lustrous, radi-
ried ant, refulgent, shiny; also blazing, burning, fiery Ant
bride-groom \'brid-,griim, -,gnim\ n : a man just married dim, dull, lackluster (1) ablaze, alight, light; also
or about to be married floodlit, highlighted, spotlighted Ant blackened, dark,
brides-rnald \'bridz-,mad\ n : a woman who attends a bride darkened, darkling, dimmed, dusky [3a) blithe,
at her wedding buoyant, cheerful, cheery, chipper, gay, lightsome,
'bridge \'brij\ n 1 : a structure built over a depression or sunny, upbeat - more at CHEERFUL [3b) alert,
obstacle for use as a passageway 2: something (as the up- brainy, brilliant, clever, intelligent, keen, nimble, quick,
per part of the nose) resembling a bridge in form or func- quick-witted, sharp, smart - more at fNTELLlGENT
tion 3: a curved piece raising the strings of a musical [4] auspicious, encouraging, fair, golden, heartening,
instrument 4: the forward part of a ship's superstructure hopeful, likely, promising, propitious, rosy, upbeat-
from which it is navigated 5: an artificial replacement more at HOPEFUL
for missing teeth bright-en \'brit-'n\ vb : to make or become bright or
2bridge vb bridged; : to build a bridge over- brighter - bright-en-er n
bridge-able adj briqht-ness n : the state or quality of being bright
3bridge n : a card game for four players developed from bnl-llance \-y;ms\ n + : the quality or state of being bril-
whist liant
brilliancy 96

+ augustness, glory, grandeur, grandness, magnifi- tbrts-tte \'bri-s;ll\ n : a short stiff coarse hair - brls-tte-tike
cence, majesty, nobility, nobleness, resplendence, \'bri-s;ll-,Iik\ adj
splendor, stateliness - more at MAGNIFICENCE + dazzle, 'bristle vb bris-tled; brist1ing 1 : to stand stiffly erect 2: to
effulgence, illumination, lightness, lucidity, luminosity, show angry defiance 3: to appear as if covered with bris-
radiance, refulgence, splendor; also blaze, flare, flicker, tles
light Ant blackness, dark, darkness, duskiness bris.tly adj : consisting of or like bristles
bril.lian-cy \-y~n-se\ n : the quality or state of being bril- Brit abbr Britain; British
liant Bri.tan.nic \bri-'ta-nik\ adj : BRITISH
'bril.liant \'bril-y~nt\ adi [F brillant, prp. of briller to shine, britch-es \'bri-ch;lz\ n pi + : an outer garment covering
fro It brillare] 1 + : very bright 2: STRIKING, DISTINCnVE each leg separately from waist to ankle : BREECHES,
3 + : very intelligent - bri).lianNy adv TROUSERS
+ Il] beaming, bright, effulgent, glowing, incandescent, + breeches, pantaloons, pants, slacks, trousers - more
lambent, lucent, lucid, luminous, lustrous, radiant, re- at PANTS
fulgent, shiny - more at BRIGHT + [3] alert, brainy, Brit.ish \'bri-tish\ n pi : the people of Great Britain or the
bright, clever, intelligent, keen, nimble, quick, quick- Commonwealth - British adj - Brit-ish-ness n
witted, sharp, smart - more at INTELLIGENT British thermal unit n : the quantity of beat needed to raise
'brilliant n : a gem cut in a particular form with many facets the temperature of one pound of water one degree
'brim \'brim\ n 1 : an upper or outer margin: EDGE, RIM Fahrenheit
2 : the projecting rim of a hat - brim-less adj Brit-on \'brit-'n\ n 1 : a member of a people inhabiting
'brim vb brimmed; brim.ming + : to be or become full often Britain before the Anglo-Saxon invasion 2: a native or
to overflowing inhabitant of Great Britain
brit-tle \'brit-I\ adi brtt-tler: brit-tlest + : easily broken -
+ abound, bulge, burst, crawl, swarm, teem - more at
brlt-tle-ness n
brlrn-tul \-'fill\ adj + : full to the brim + crisp, crumbly, flaky, friable, short - more at CRISP
+ chock-full, crowded, fat, fraught, full, loaded, bro \'bro\ n, pi bros 1 : BROTHER 1 2: SOUL BROTHER
packed, replete - more at FULL 'broach Vbrochv n : a pointed tool
brim-stone Vbrim-jston', n : SULFUR 'broach vb 1 : to pierce (as a cask) in order to draw the con-
brin-dled \'brin-d'ld\ adj : having dark streaks or flecks on tents 2 : to introduce as a topic of conversation
a gray or tawny ground <a ~ Great Dane) + bring up, introduce, moot, raise - more at INTRO-
brine \'bnn\ n 1 : water saturated with salt 2 : the wa- DUCE
ter of a sea or salt lake: OCEAN 'broad Vbrod', adj 1 : having a specified extension from
+ blue, deep, ocean, sea - more at OCEAN side to side: WIDE 2 + : extending far and wide 3: CLEAR,
OPEN 4 +: easily understood : OBVIOUS <a ~ hint)
bring \'bril)\ vb brought \'brot\; \'bril)-il)\ 1 : to 5 : COARSE, CRUDE <~ stories) 6: tolerant in outlook
cause to come with one 2: INDUCE, PERSUADE, LEAD 7 : GENERAL 8 + : dealing with main or essential points -
3 : PRODUCE, EFFEcr 4 : to sell for <~ a good price) - broad-ness n
bring-er n
[2] expansive, extended, extensive, far-flung, far=
+ cost, fetch, go, sell - more at COST reaching, wide, widespread - more at EXTENSIVE [4]
bring about vb + : to cause to take place apparent, clear, clear-cut, distinct, evident, lucid, mani-
+ cause, create, effect, effectuate, generate, induce, fest, obvious, palpable, patent, perspicuous, plain, trans-
make, produce, prompt, result, work, yield - more at parent, unambiguous, unequivocal, unmistakable-
EFFEcr more at CLEAR [8] bird's-eye, general, nonspecific,
bring up vb 1 : to give a parent's fostering care to 2: to overall - more at GENERAL
come or bring to a sudden halt 3 : to call to notice 'broad n, slang: WOMAN
+ [l] breed, foster, raise, rear; also father, mother broad-band \'brod-,band\ n : a system of high-speed
+ [3] broach, introduce, moot, raise - more at INTRO- telecommunications in which a frequency range is di-
DUCE vided into multiple independent channels for simultane-
brink \'bril)k\ n 1 : an edge at the top of a steep place ous transmission of signals
2 : the point of onset 'broad-cast \'brod-,kast\ vb broadcast also bread-cast-ed;
briny \'bn-ne\ adj : of, relating to, or resembling brine brcad-cast-tnq 1 : to scatter or sow broadcast 2 : to
make widely known 3: to transmit a broadcast - broad-
or the sea - brin-t-ness n
cast-er n
+ saline, salty - more at SALTY
circulate, disseminate, propagate, spread, strew-
brio \'bre-o\ n : VIVACITY, SPIRIT more at SPREAD + advertise, announce, blaze, declare,
bri-quette or bri-quet \bri-'ket\ n : a compacted often enunciate, placard, post, proclaim, promulgate, publi-
brick-shaped mass of fine material <a charcoal ~) cize, publish, sound - more at ANNOUNCE
bris also briss \'bris\ n : the Jewish rite of circumcision 'broadcast adv : to or over a wide area
brisk \'brisk\ adj 1 + : keenly alert: LIVELY 2: 1NVIGORAT- 'broadcast n 1 : the transmission of sound or images by ra-
ING 3: acting or capable of acting with speed dio or television 2: a single radio or television program
active, animate, animated, energetic, jaunty, lively, broad-cloth \-,kloth\ n 1: a smooth dense woolen cloth
peppy, perky, pert, spirited, sprightly, springy, vital, vi- 2 : a fine soft cloth of cotton, silk, or synthetic fiber
vacious - more at LIVELY broad-en \'brod-On\ vb: WIDEN
bris-ket \ 'bris-k;lt\ n : the breast or lower chest of a broad-loom \-,liim\ adj : woven on a wide 100m esp. in a
quadruped; also: a cut of beef from the brisket solid color adv + : in a brisk manner adv + : in a broad manner; esp : to a great extent
apace, fast, hastily, pronto, quick, quickly, rapidly, + considerably, greatly, largely, much, sizably
speedily, swift, swiftly - more at FAST broad-mind-ed \-'min-d;ld\ adj + : tolerant of varied opin-
brisk-ness n + : the quality or state of being brisk ions - broad-mind-ed-ly adv - broad-mind-ed-ness n
animation, exuberance, liveliness, lustiness, robust- + liberal, nonorthodox, nontraditional, open-minded,
ness, sprightliness, vibrancy, vitality - more at VITAL- progressive, radical, unconventional, unorthodox-
bris.ling Vbriz-lin, 'bris-\ n : SPRAT 'brcac-etde \-,sid\ n 1 : a sheet of paper printed usu. on one
97 brown
side (as an advertisement) 2: all of the guns on one side bron-co \'briiI)-ka\ n, pi broncos [MexSp. fro SP. rough.
of a ship; also: their simultaneous firing 3: a volley of wild] : BRONC
abuse or denunciation bron-to-sau-rus \,bran-ta-'sor-as\ a/so bron-to-saur \'bran-
2broadside adv 1: with one side forward : SIDEWAYS ta-,sor\ n [NL. fro Gk bronte thunder + sauros lizard] : any
2 : from the side <the car was hit ~) of a genus of large 4-footed and probably herbivorous
broad-spectrum adj : effective against a wide range of or- sauropod dinosaurs of the Jurassic
ganisms <~ antibiotics) Bronx cheer \'briiI)ks-\ n : RASPBERRY 2
broad-sword \'brod-,sard\ n : a broad-bladed sword 'bronze \'branz\ vb bronzed; bronz-inq : to give the appear-
broad-tall \-,Ui!\ n : a karakul esp. with flat and wavy fur ance of bronze to
bro-cade \bra-'kad\ n : a usu. silk fabric with a raised de- 2bronze n 1 : an alloy of copper and tin and sometimes
sign other elements; also: something made of bronze 2: a yel-
broc-co-li \'bra-ka-Hl\ n [It. pl. of broccolo flowering top of lowish brown color - bronzy \'bran-ze\ adj
a cabbage. dim. of brocco small nail. sprout. fro L broccus brooch \'brach. 'briich\ n : an ornamental clasp or pin
projecting] : the stems and immature usu. green or purple 'brood \'briid\ n : a family of young animals or children
flower heads of either of two garden vegetable plants and esp. of birds
closely related to the cabbage; also: either of the plants 2brood adj : kept for breeding <a ~ mare)
bro-chette \bra-'shet\ n : SKEWER 3brood vb 1 + : to sit on eggs to hatch them; also : to shel-
bro-chure \bra-'shur\ n [F. fr. brocher to sew. fr. MF. to ter (hatched young) with the wings 2 : to think anxiously
prick. fro OF brochier, fro broche pointed tool] + : an un- or gloomily about something - adv
bound printed publication with no cover or with a paper + hatch, incubate, set. sit - more at SET
cover:PAMPHLET. BOOKLET brood-er \'brii-dar\ n 1 : one that broods 2: a heated
+ booklet. circular. folder. leaflet. pamphlet - more at structure for raising young birds
PAMPHLET 'brook \'brlik\ n + : a small natural stream
bro-qan \'bra-gan. bro-tganv n : a heavy shoe + creek. rill. rivulet. streamlet - more at CREEK
brogue \'brag\ n : a dialect or regional pronunciation; esp 2brook vb + : to stand for: TOLERATE. BEAR
: an Irish accent
broil \'broil\ vb : to cook by exposure to radiant heat
+ abide. bear. countenance, endure. meet. stand. stick
: GRlLL - broil n
out. stomach. support. sustain. take. tolerate - more at
broil-er \'broi-Iar\ n 1 : a utensil for broiling 2: a young
brook-let \'brli-klat\ n : a small brook
chicken fit for broiling
brook trout n : a common speckled cold-water char of No. adj + : extremely hot
+ burning. fiery. hot. red-hot. scorching. sultry. torrid broom \'briim. 'brlim\ n 1 : any of several shrubs of the
-more at HOT legume family with long slender branches and usu. yellow
'broke \'brak\past of BREAK flowers 2: an implement with a long handle (broom-stick
2broke adj + : having no money or assets : PENNILESS \-,stik\) used for sweeping
+ destitute. impecunious. indigent. needy. penniless. bros pi of BRO
penurious. poor. poverty-stricken - more at POOR broth \'broth\ n, pi broths \'broths. 'brothz\ : liquid in
'bro-ken \'bra-kan\pastpart of BREAK which meat or sometimes vegetable food has been
2broken adj 1 : SHATTERED 2 a: having gaps or breaks: IN- cooked 2: a fluid culture medium
TERRUPTED. DISRUPTED b + : being irregular. interrupted. broth-el \'bra-thal. 'bro-v n : a house of prostitution
or full of obstacles 3: SUBDUED. CRUSHED 4: BANKRUPT broth-er \'bra-thar\ n, p/ brothers also breth-ren Vbreth-
5: imperfectly spoken <~ English) - bro-ken-ly adv ran. 'bre-tha-; 'bre-tharn\ 1 : a male having one or both
+ bumpy. coarse. irregular. jagged. lumpy. pebbly. parents in common with another individual 2: a man
ragged. rough. rugged. uneven - more at UNEVEN who is a religious but not a priest 3 : KINSMAN; also: SOUL
bro-ken-heart-ed \,bra-kan-'har-tad\ adj + : overcome by BROTHER - broth-er-n-ness \-Ie-nas\ n - broth-er-ly ad]
grief or despair broth-er-hood \'bra-tl!ar-,htid\ n 1: the state of being
+ depressed. despondent. disconsolate. heartsick. mis- brothers or a brother 2 + : an association (as a labor
erable. mournful. sad. sorrowful. unhappy. wretched - union or monastic society) for a particular purpose: FRA-
more at SAD TERNITY 3: the whole body of persons in a business or
bro-ker \'bra-kar\ n + : an agent who negotiates contracts profession
of purchase and sale - broker vb + association. club. college, congress. council. fellow-
+ arbiter. arbitrator, go-between. intercessor. interme- ship. fraternity. guild, institute. institution, league, or-
diary. mediator. middleman. peacemaker - more at der. organization, society - more at ASSOCIATION
MEDIATOR broth-er-in-Iaw \'bra-tha-ran-,Io, 'bra-tharn-,Io\ n, pi
bro-ker-age \'bra-ka-rij\ n 1: the business of a broker brothers-in-law \'bra-thar-zan-\ : the brother of one's
2 : the fee or commission charged by a broker spouse; also : the husband of one's sister or of one's
bro-mide \'bra-,mfd\ n : a compound of bromine and an- spouse's sister
other element or chemical group including some (as brougham \'brii(-a)m, 'bra(-a)m\ n : a light closed horse'
potassium bromide) used as sedatives drawn carriage with the driver outside in front
bro-mld-lc \bro-'mi-dik\ adj : TRITE. UNORIGINAL brought past and past part of BRING
bro-mine \'bra-,men\ n [F brome bromine, fro Gk bromos brou-ha-ha \'brii-,ha-,ha\ n : HUBBUB. UPROAR
stink] : a deep red liquid corrosive chemical element that brow \'brau\ n 1 : the eyebrow or the ridge on which it
gives off an irritating vapor grows; also: FOREHEAD 2: the projecting upper part of a
bronc \'braI)k\ n : an unbroken or partly broken range steep place
horse of western No. America; also: MUSTANG brow-beat Vbrau-jbet', vb -beat; -beat-en \-'bet-'n\ or -beat;
bron-chl-al \'braI)-ke-al\ adj : of. relating to. or affecting -beat-inq + : to intimidate by sternness or arrogance
the bronchi or their branches + bully, cow. hector, intimidate - more at INTIMIDATE
bren-chl-tls xbran-tki-tas, bran-v n : inflammation of the 'brown \'braun\ adj : of the color brown; also: of dark or
bronchi and their branches - bron-chit-ic \-'ki-tik\ adj tanned complexion
bron-chus \'bral)-kas\ n, pi bron-chi \'braI)-,ki. -,ke\ : either 2brown n : a color like that of coffee or chocolate that is a
of the main divisions of the windpipe each leading to a blend of red and yellow darkened by black - brown-ish
lung adj
brown 98
3brown vb : to make or become brown brush-wood \'brash-,wUd\ n 1 : small branches of wood
brown bag.ging \-'ba-gil)\ n : the practice of carrying one's esp. when cut 2 + : a thicket of shrubs and small trees
lunch usu. in a brown bag - brown bagoger n brake, chaparral, coppice, covert, thicket - more at
brown bear n : any of various large typically brown-furred THICKET
bears including the grizzly bear brusque \'brask\ adj [F brusque, fr. It brusco, fro ML brus-
brown-Ie \'brau-ne\ n 1 : a legendary cheerful elf who cus a plant with stiff twigs used for brooms] + : blunt in
performs good deeds at night 2 cap: a member of a pro- manner or speech often to the point of ungracious harsh-
gram of the Girl Scouts for girls in the first through third ness: CURT, BLUNT, ABRUPT - brusque-ly adv
grades 3: a small square or rectangle of chocolate cake + abrupt, blunt, curt, snippy - more at BLUNT
dwarf, elf, fairy, fay, gnome, hobgoblin, leprechaun, brus-sels sprout \'bras-alz-\ n, often cap B : one of the edi-
pixie, puck, troll ble small heads borne on the stalk of a plant closely re-
brown-nose \'braun-,noz\ vb : to ingratiate oneself with - lated to the cabbage; also, pi : this plant
brownnose n bru-tal \'brilt-'I\ adj 1 +: befitting a brute : CRUEL
brown-out \'brau-,naut\ n : a period of reduced voltage of 2 .: physically discomforting : HARSH, SEVERE <-
electricity caused esp. by high demand and resulting in weather) 3: unpleasantly accurate - bru-tal-ly adv
reduced illumination + [1] barbarous, cruel, heartless, inhumane, sadistic,
brown rice n : hulled but unpolished rice that retains most savage, vicious, wanton - more at CRUEL + [2] bitter,
of the bran layers burdensome, cruel, excruciating, grievous, grim, hard,
brown-stone \'braun-,ston\ n : a dwelling faced with red- harsh, heavy, inhuman, murderous, onerous, oppres-
dish brown sandstone sive, rough, rugged, severe, stiff, tough, trying - more
'browse \'brauz\ vb browsed; 1 : to feed on at HARSH
browse; also: GRAZE 2 : to read or look over something bru-tal-lee Brit var O/BRUTALIZE
in a casual way 3: to access (as the World Wide Web) bru-tal-i-ty \bril-'ta-Ia-te\ n + : the quality or state of being
with a browser brutal
[l] forage, graze, pasture - more at GRAZE [2] dip, + barbarity, cruelty, inhumanity, sadism, savagery, vi-
glance, glimpse, peek, skim - more at GLANCE ciousness, wantonness - more at CRUELTY
2browse n : tender shoots, twigs, and leaves fit for food for bru-tal-ize \'brilt-'I-,Iz\ vb -ized; 1 : to make brutal
cattle 2 : to treat brutally
brows-er \'brau-zar\ n : a computer program for accessing 'brute \'brut\ adj [ME, fr. MF brut rough, fro L brutus
sites or information on a network (as the World Wide brutish. lit., heavy] 1 : of or relating to beasts 2: BRUTAL
Web) 3 : UNREASONING; also: purely physical <- strength)
bru-In \'bril-an\ n : BEAR 2brute n 1 + : a 4-footed animal: BEAST 2 + : a brutal per-
'bruise \'brilz\ vb bruised; 1 : to inflict a bruise son
on; also: to become bruised 2: to break down (as leaves [1] animal, beast, creature, critter - more at ANIMAL
or berries) by pounding + [2] beast, devil, fiend, monster, savage, villain
2bruise n : a surface injury to flesh : CONTUSION brut-ish \'bru-tish\ adj 1 : BRUTE 1 2: strongly sensual;
bruis-er \'bru-zar\ n : a big husky man also: showing little intelligence
bruit \'brut\ vb : to make widely known by common report BS abbr bachelor of science
brunch \'branch\ n : a meal that combines a late breakfast BSA abbr Boy Scouts of America
and an early lunch bskt abbr basket
bru-net or bru-nette \bril-'net\ adj [F brunet, masc., Bt abbr baronet
brunette, fern., brownish, fr. OF, fr. brun brown, of Gmc btry abbr battery
origin] : having brown or black hair and usu. a relatively Btu abbr British thermal unit
dark complexion - brunet or brunette n bu abbr bushel
brunt \'brant\ n : the main shock, force, or stress esp, of an 'bub-ble Vbo-balv n 1 : a globule of gas in a liquid 2: a thin
attack; also : the greater burden film of liquid filled with gas 3: something lacking firm-
bru-schet-ta \bril-'she-ta, -'ske-\ n : an appetizer of grilled ness or solidity
bread with toppings 2bubble vb bub-bled; bub-bling : to form, rise in, or give off
'brush \'brash\ n 1 : BRUSHWOOD 2: scrub vegetation or bubbles
land covered with it bub-bly adj + : full of or showing good spirits
2brush n 1 : a device composed of bristles set in a handle + buoyant, effervescent, exuberant, frolicsome, high.
and used esp. for cleaning or painting 2: a bushy tail (as spirited, vivacious - more at EXUBERANT
of a fox) 3: an electrical conductor that makes contact bub-kes Vbap-kas, 'bup-', n pl [yiddish] : the least amount
between a stationary and a moving part (as of a motor) <didn't win -)
4 : a quick light touch in passing bu-bo \'bu-bo, 'byii-\ n, pi buboes : an inflammatory
3brush vb 1 : to treat (as in cleaning or painting) with a swelling of a lymph gland
brush 2 a : to remove with or as if with a brush b + : to bu-bon-ic plague \bii-'bii-nik-, byii-\ n : plague caused by a
dismiss in an offhand manner - usu. used with aside or bacterium transmitted to human beings by flea bites and
off 3 : to touch gently in passing marked esp. by chills and fever and by buboes usu. in the
+ usu brush aside or brush off [2b] condone, disregard, groin
excuse, gloss over, ignore, pardon, pass over, shrug off, buc-ca-neer \,ba-ka-'nir\ n + : any of the freebooters prey-
wink at - more at EXCUSE + [3] graze, kiss, nick, ing on Spanish ships and settlements esp. in 17th century
shave, skim; also bump, contact, scrape, strike, sweep, West Indies; broadly: PIRATE
swipe, touch + corsair, freebooter, pirate, rover - more at PIRATE
'brush n + : a brief encounter or skirmish: SKIRMISH 'buck \'bak\ n, pi bucks 1 or pi buck: a male animal (as a
+ encounter, run-in, scrape, skirmish - more at EN- deer or antelope) 2 a + : a male human being b : a man
COUNTER with unusual consideration for personal appearance
brush-off \'brash-,of\ n + : a curt offhand dismissal : DANDY 3: DOLLAR
+ cold shoulder, rebuff, repulse, snub - more at COLD [2a] chap, dude, fellow, gent, gentleman, guy, hom-
SHOULDER bre, jack, joker, lad, male, man - more at MAN
brush up vb : to renew one's skill + [2b] dandy, dude, fop, gallant - more at DANDY
99 bugged
2buck vb 1 +: to spring with an arching leap (a ---ing 'budoget \'ba-jat\ n [ME bowgette, fro MF bougette, dim. of
horse) 2: to charge against something; also: to strive for bouge leather bag, fr. L bulga] 1 + : a store or supply ac-
advancement sometimes without regard to ethical behav- cumulated or available 2: a financial report containing
ior 3 + : to offer resistance to estimates of income and expenses; also: a plan for coor-
+ [1] hitch, jerk, jolt, twitch - more at JERK dinating income and expenses 3 + : the amount of money
+ [3] defy, fight, oppose, repel, resist, withstand- available for a particular use - budogetary \'ba-ja-,ter-e\
more at RESIST aclj
buck-board \-,bard\ n : a 4-wheeled horse-drawn wagon + [I, 3] account, deposit, fund, kitty, nest egg, pool,
with a floor of long springy boards supply - more at FUND
buck-et \'ba-kat\ n 1 : a cylindrical open-top container 2budget vb 1 : to allow for in a budget 2: to draw up a
with a handle: PAIL 2 a : an object resembling a bucket in budget
collecting, scooping, or carrying something b: as much 3budget adj : INEXPENSIVE
as a bucket will hold; broadly + : a large quantity - usu. budogie \'ba-je\ n : BUDGERIGAR
used in pl. (has buckets or money) - buck-et-ful n 'buff \'baf\ n 1 : a yellow to orange yellow color 2 + : one
+ usu buckets abundance, deal, gobs, heap, loads, lot, who is ardently attached to a cause, object, or pursuit
pile, plenty, quantity, scads - more at LOT : FAN, ENTHUSIAST
bucket seat n : a low separate seat for one person (as in an + addict, aficionado, bug, devotee, enthusiast, fan, fa-
automobile) natic, fancier, fiend, freak, lover, maniac, nut - more
buckoeye \'ba-,ki\ n : any of various trees or shrubs related at FAN
to the horse chestnut; also: the large nutlike seed of such 2buff adi : of the color buff
a shrub or tree 3buff vb + : to make smooth and glossy usu. by friction
buck fever n : nervous excitement of an inexperienced
+ burnish, dress, gloss, grind, polish, rub, shine, smooth
hunter at the sight of game
- more at POLISH
'buckle \'ba-kal\ n : a clasp (as on a belt) for two loose ends
2buckle vb buck-led; buck.ling 1 : to fasten with a buckle buf-fa-lo \'ba-fa-,Ia\ n, pi -10 or -Ioes also -los 1 : WATER
BUFFALO 2: a large shaggy-maned No. American wild
2 + : to apply oneself with vigor 3: to crumple up : BEND,
bovine mammal that has short horns and heavy forequar-
ters with a large muscular hump
+ address, apply, bend, devote, give - more at APPLY
'buf.fer \'ba-far\ n + : something or someone that protects
3buckle n : BEND, FOLD, KINK or shields (as from physical damage or a financial blow)
buck-ler \'ba-klar\ n : SHIELD
buck-ram \'ba-kram\ n : a coarse stiff cloth used esp. for
+ bumper, cushion, fender, pad - more at CUSHION
binding books 2buffer n : one that buffs
buck-saw \'bak-,so\ n : a saw set in a usu. H-shaped frame 'buffet \'ba-fat\ n : a blow esp. with the hand: SLAP
for sawing wood 2buffet vb 1 a : to strike with the hand b + : to pound re-
buck-shot \'bak-,shiit\ n : lead shot that is from .24 to .33 peatedly 2: to struggle against or on
inch (about 6.1 to 8.4 millimeters) in diameter + bash, bat, batter, beat, hammer, pound, thump-
buck-skin \-,skin\ n 1 : the skin of a buck 2: a soft usu. more at BEAT
suede-finished leather - buckskin adi 3bufofet \(,)ba-'fa, bli-\ n 1 : piece of dining-room furniture
buck-tooth \-'tlith\ n : a large projecting front tooth- having compartments and shelves for holding articles of
buck-toothed \-'tlitht\ ad) table service : SIDEBOARD 2: a counter for refreshments;
buck-wheat \-,hwet\ n : either of two plants grown for their also: a meal at which people serve themselves informally
triangular seeds which are used as a cereal grain; also buff leather n : a strong supple oil-tanned leather
: these seeds buffoon \(,)ba-'fiin\ n [MF bouffon, fro It buffonet + : a lu-
bu-col-lc \byii-'kii-lik\ adj [L bucolicus, fr. Gk boukolikos, dicrous figure: CLOWN - but-toon-ery \-'fii-na-re\ n
fro boukolos cowherd] + : relating to or typical of rural + clown, harlequin, zany - more at CLOWN
life and esp. shepherds or herdsmen : PASTORAL
'bug \'bag\ n 1 : an insect or other creeping or crawling in-
+ country, pastoral, rural, rustic - more at RURAL vertebrate animal; esp : an insect pest (as a bedbug)
'bud \'bad\ n 1 : an undeveloped plant shoot (as of a leaf 2 : any of an order of insects with sucking mouthparts
or a flower); also: a partly opened flower 2: an asexual and incomplete metamorphosis that includes many plant
reproductive structure that detaches from the parent and pests 3: an unexpected flaw or imperfection (a --- in a
forms a new individual 3: something not yet fully devel- computer program) 4 a : a disease-producing germ
oped (nipped in the ---) b + : a disease caused by a germ 5: a concealed listening
2bud vb budoded; budoding 1 : to form or put forth buds; device 6 + : one who is ardently attached to a cause, ob-
also: to reproduce by asexual buds 2: to be or develop ject, or pursuit - bugogy \'ba-ge\ adj
like a bud 3 : to reproduce a desired variety (as of peach)
by inserting a bud in a plant of a different variety
+ [4b] ailment, complaint, complication, condition,
disease, disorder, fever, ill, illness, infirmity, malady,
Budodhism \'bli-,di-zam, 'bu-\ n : a religion of eastern and
sickness, trouble - more at DISEASE + [6] addict, afi-
central Asia growing out of the teachings of Gautama
cionado, buff, devotee, enthusiast, fan, fanatic, fancier,
Buddha - Budodhist \'bli-dist, 'bu-\ n or adj
fiend, freak, lover, maniac, nut - more at FAN
budody \'ba-de\ n, pi buddies 1 + : one associated with an-
2bug vb bugged; bugoging 1 +: to annoy esp. by petty
other esp. in an action; also: FRIEND 2: FELLOW
provocation 2: to plant a concealed microphone in
+ chum, comrade, crony, familiar, friend, intimate, pal
- more at FRIEND + bait, hassle, heckle, needle, ride, taunt, tease - more
at TEASE + aggravate, annoy, bother, chafe, exasperate,
budge \'baj\ vb budged; 1 +: to change the
gall, get, grate, irk, irritate, nettle, peeve, persecute,
place, position, or direction of : MOVE, SHIFT 2 + : to give
pique, put out, rasp, rile, vex - more at IRRITATE
up resistance : YIELD
3bug vb bugged; bugoging of the eyes: PROTRUDE, BULGE
+ [l] dislocate, displace, disturb, move, remove, shift, bug-a-boo \'ba-ga-,bli\ n, pi -boos : an imaginary object of
transfer - more at MOVE + [2] bow, capitulate, con-
fear: BOGEY
cede, give in, knuckle under, quit, submit, succumb,
buq-bear \'bag-,bar\ n + : an imaginary object of fear: BO-
surrender, yield - more at YIELD
GEY; also: a source of dread
budoger.i.gar \'ba-ja-re-,gar\ n : a small brightly colored
Australian parrot often kept as a pet + bete noire, bogey, hobgoblin, ogre - more at BOGEY
buggies 100
bugogy \'ba-ge\ n, pi buggies 1 : a light horse-drawn car- whale) 2 : one who buys securities or commodities in ex-
riage 2: a carriage for a baby pectation of a price increase - bull-isb adj
buogle \'byii-gal\ n [ME, buffalo, instrument made of buf- 2bull adj 1 : of, relating to, or suggestive of a bull : MALE
falo horn, bugle, fr. AF, fr. L buculus, dim. of bos head of 2 : large of its kind
cattle] : a valveless brass instrument resembling a trumpet 'bull n [ME bulle, fro ML bulla, fro L, bubble, amulet] 1 : a
and used esp. for military calls - buogler n papal letter 2: DECREE
bug out vb : to depart in a hurry; also: to flee in panic 'bull n, slang: NONSENSE
'build \'bild\ vb built \'bilt\; 1 a + : to form or sbull abbr bulletin
have formed by ordering and uniting materials <- a 'bullodog \'buI-,dog\ n : any of a breed of compact muscu-
lar short-haired dogs of English origin
house) b + : to develop or bring into being esp. accord-
ing to a set plan 2 + : to produce or create gradually <- 2bulldog vb : to throw (a steer) by seizing the horns and
twisting the neck
an argument on facts) 3 + : to become progressively
greater: INCREASE, ENLARGE; also : ENHANCE 4: to engage bullodoze \-,d6z\ vb 1 : to move, clear, or level with a trac-
in building - build-er n tor-driven machine (bun-doz-er) having a broad blade for
pushing 2 + : to force as if by using a bulldozer
+ [la, Ib] assemble, construct, erect, fabricate, make,
make up, piece, put up, raise, rear, set up; also fashion, + elbow, muscle, press, push - more at PRESS
forge, frame, manufacture, mold, produce, shape Ant bul-let \'bu-Iat\ n [MF boulette small ball & boulet missile,
disassemble, dismantle, take down + usu build up dims. of boule ball, fro L bulla bubble] : a missile to be
[2] carve, forge, grind, hammer, work out + usu build shot from a firearm
up [3] accumulate, appreciate, balloon, burgeon, en- bul-le-tin \'bu-Iat-On\ n 1 + : a brief public report intended
hance, enlarge, escalate, expand, increase, mount, mul- for immediate release on a matter of public interest 2: a
tiply, mushroom, proliferate, rise, snowball, swell, wax periodical publication (as of a college) - bulletin vb
- more at INCREASE + advertisement, announcement, notice, notification,
2build n + : form or mode of structure; esp : PHYSIQUE release - more at ANNOUNCEMENT
+ constitution, figure, form, frame, physique, shape- bulletin board n 1 a board (as of cork) for posting notices
more at PHYSIQUE 2 : a public forum on a computer network in which users
building \'bil-dil)\ n 1 : a usu. roofed and walled structure write or read messages or download files
(as a house) for permanent use 2: the art or business of bul-let-procf \'bu-Iat-,priif\ adj 1 : impenetrable to bullets;
constructing buildings also: TNVlNCIBLE 2 : not subject to corrections, alteration,
building block n + : a unit of construction or composition or modification
+ component, constituent, element, factor, ingredient, bullfight \'bul-,fit\ n : a spectacle in which people ceremo-
member - more at ELEMENT nially fight with and usu. kill bulls in an arena - bull-
build-up \'bil-,dap\ n : the act or process of building up; fight-er n
bull.frog \-,frog, -,friig\ n : a large deep-voiced frog
also : something produced by this
bull-head \-,hed\ n : any of several common freshwater
built-in \'bil-'tin\ adj 1 : forming an integral part of a
catfishes of the U.S.
structure 2: INHERENT
bull-head-ed \-'he-dad\ adj : stupidly stubborn : HEAD-
bulb Vbalbv n 1 : an underground resting stage of a plant
(as a lily or an onion) consisting of a short stem base bear-
bull-head-ed-ness \-'he-dad-nas\ n + : the quality or state
ing one or more buds enclosed in overlapping leaves; also
of being bullheaded
: a fleshy plant structure (as a tuber) resembling a bulb
2 : a plant having or growing from a bulb 3: a rounded
+ hardheadedness, mulishness, obduracy, obstinacy,
peevishness, persistence, pertinacity, self-will, stub-
more or less bulb-shaped object or part (as for an electric
bornness, tenacity - more at OBSTINACY
lamp) - bul-bous \'bal-bas\ adj
bul-lion \'bul-y;m\ n : gold or silver esp. in bars or ingots
Bulogarian \,bal-'gar-e-an, bul-v n : a native or inhabitant
bull market n : a market in which securities or commodi-
of Bulgaria - Bulgarian adj
ties are persistently rising in value
'bulge \'balj\ vb bulged; + : to become or cause to
bull-ock Vbu-lakv n : a young bull; also: STEER
become protuberant bull pen n : a place on a baseball field where pitchers warm
+ balloon, beetle, belly, billow, overhang, poke, proj- up; also: the relief pitchers of a baseball team
ect, protrude, start, stick out; also dome bull session n : an informal discussion
2bulge n + : a swelling projecting part bull's-eye \'bul-,zi\ n, pi bull's-eyes: the center of a tar-
+ overhang, projection, protrusion; also dome Ant con- get; also: a shot that hits the bull's-eye
cavity, dent, depression, hollow, indentation, pit ' \'bu-Ie\ n, pi bullies + : a person habitually cruel to
bu-ll-mia \bii-'Ie-me-a, byii-, -'Ii-\ n 1 : an abnormal and others who are weaker
constant craving for food 2: a serious eating disorder + gangster, goon, hood, hoodlum, mobster, mug, punk,
chiefly of females that is characterized by compulsive rowdy, ruffian, thug, tough - more at HOODLUM
overeating usu. followed by self-induced vomiting or lax- 2bully adj : EXCELLENT, FIRST-RATE - often used interjec-
ative or diuretic abuse - bu-lim-ic \-'Ie-mik, -'Ii-\ adj or n tionally
'bulk \'balk\ n 1 : MAGNITUDE, VOLUME 2: material that 'bully vb bul-lied; + : to behave as a bully toward
forms a mass in the intestine; esp : FIBER 2 3: a large mass + browbeat, cow, hector, intimidate - more at lNTIMl-
4 + : the major portion DATE
+ body, core, generality, main, mass, staple, weight - bul-rush \'bul-,rash\ n : any of several large rushes or
more at BODY sedges of wetlands
2bulk vb 1 : to cause to swell or bulge 2: to appear as a fac- bul-wark \'bul-(,)wark, -,work; 'bal-(,)wark\ n 1 : a wall-
tor: LOOM like defensive structure 2 + : a strong support or protec-
bulkhead \'balk-,hed\ n 1 : a partition separating com- tion
partments 2: a structure built to cover a shaft or a cellar + brace, buttress, mount, shore, stay, support, under-
stairway pinning - more at SUPPORT
bulky \'bal-ke\ adj bulk-i-er; -est: having bulk; esp : being 'bum \'bam\ adj 1 : of poor quality <- advice) 2: DIS-
large and unwieldy ABLED <a - knee)
'bull \'bill\ n 1 : a male bovine animal; also: a usu. adult 2bum vb bummed; bum-rmnq 1 : to spend time unemployed
male of various large animals (as the moose, elephant, or and wandering; also: LOAF 2 : to obtain by begging
101 burdock
3bum n 1 : LOAFER 2: a person who is devoted to a recre- bun-Ion \'b;)n-y;)n\ n : an inflamed swelling of the first joint
ational activity <a ski 3 + : a person who has no job of the big toe
and wanders from place to place: VAGRANT, TRAMP 'bunk \'b;)l)k\ n + : an article of furniture to sleep on : BED;
+ hobo, tramp, vagabond, vagrant - more at TRAMP esp : a built-in bed that is often one of a tier
bum-ble-bee \'b;)m-b;)I-,be\ n : any of numerous large hairy + bed, pad, sack - more at BED
social bees .bunk n + : insincere or foolish talk: BUNKUM, NONSENSE
burn-mer Vba-morv n 1: an unpleasant experience + claptrap, drivel, folly, foolishness, fudge, hogwash,
2 + : something that fails or disappoints: FAILURE humbug, nonsense, piffle, rot, silliness, slush, stupidity,
+ bust, catastrophe, debacle, dud, failure, fiasco, fizzle, trash - more at NONSENSE
flop, lemon, loser, turkey, washout - more at FAILURE bunk bed n : one of two single beds usu. placed one above
'bump \'b;)mp\ n 1 + : a local bulge; esp : a swelling of tis- the other
sue 2 + : a sudden forceful blow or impact bun-ker \'b;)l)-k;)r\ n 1 : a bin or compartment for storage
+ [1] knot, lump, nodule, swelling; also growth, tumor, (as for coal on a ship) 2: a protective embankment or
wart + [2] collision, concussion, crash, impact, jar, jolt, dugout 3: a sand trap or embankment constituting a haz-
shock, smash, strike, wallop - more at IMPACT ard on a golf course
bump vb 1 : to strike or knock forcibly; also: to move by bun-kum or bun-combe \'b~l)-k~m\ n [Buncombe County,
or as if by bumping 2 + : to collide with N.C.; fr, a remark made by its congressman, who de-
+ bang, bash, collide, crash, hit, impact, knock, ram, fended an irrelevant speech by claiming that he was
slam, smash, strike, swipe, thud - more at HIT speaking to Buncombe] : insincere or foolish talk
'bumper \'b;)m-p;)r\ n 1 : a cup or glass filled to the brim bun-ny \'b;)-ne\ n, pi -nies : RABBIT
2 : something unusually large Bunsen burner Vban-san-v n : a gas burner USU. consisting
bumper adj + : unusually large of a straight tube with air holes at the bottom
'bunt \'b;)nt\ vb 1 : 'BUTT 2: to push or tap a baseball
+ big, grand, great, large, outsize, oversize, whopping
lightly without swinging the bat
- more at LARGE
.bunt n : an act or instance of bunting; also: a bunted ball
3bumpoer \'b;)m-p;)r\ n + : a device for absorbing shock or
'bun.ting \'ban-til)\ n : any of numerous small stout-billed
preventing damage; esp : a usu. metal bar at either end of finches
an automobile bunting n : a thin fabric used esp. for flags; also: FLAGS
+ buffer, cushion, fender, pad - more at CUSHlON 'buoy \'bii-e, 'b6i\ n 1 : a floating object anchored in water
bump-kin \'b;)mp-k;)n\ n + : an awkward and unsophisti- to mark something (as a channel) 2: a float consisting of
cated country person a ring of buoyant material to support a person who has
+ clodhopper, hick, hillbilly, provincial, rustic, yokel fallen into the water
- more at HICK .buoy vb 1 : to mark by a buoy 2: to keep afloat 3 + : to
bump-tious Vbamp-shesx adj : obtusely and often noisily raise the spirits of - usu. used with up
self-assertive + usu buoy up cheer, comfort, embolden, encourage,
bumpy adj +: having or covered with bumps; also hearten, inspire, steel - more at ENCOURAGE
: marked by bumps or jolts buoy-an-cy \'b6i-an-se, 'bu-van-v n 1 : the tendency of a
+ broken, coarse, irregular, jagged, lumpy, pebbly, body to float or rise when submerged in a fluid 2: the
ragged, rough, rugged, uneven - more at UNEVEN power of a fluid to exert an upward force on a body
bun \'b;)n\ n : a sweet biscuit or roll placed in it 3: resilience of spirit
'bunch \'b;)nch\ n 1 : SWELLING 2 + : a number of things of buoy-ant \-;)nt, -yantv adj : having buoyancy: as a: capable
the same kind - bunchy adj of floating b + : having or inducing high spirits
+ array, assemblage, batch, block, clump, cluster, col- + blithe, bright, cheerful, cheery, chipper, gay, light-
lection, group, huddle, knot, lot, package, parcel, set, some, sunny, upbeat - more at CHEERFUL + bubbly, ef-
suite fervescent, exuberant, frolicsome, high-spirited,
bunch vb + : to form into a group or bunch vivacious - more at EXUBERANT
+ cluster, crowd, huddle, press - more at PRESS 'bur \'bar\ var O/BURR
bun-co or bun-ko \'b;)l)-k6\ n, pi buncos or bunkos: a swin- bur abbr bureau
tbur-den \'b;,rd-'n\ n 1 a + : something that is carried
dling scheme - bunco vb
: LOAD b + : a duty or obligation one must take care of
'bunodle \'b;)n-d'l\ n 1 + : several items bunched and fas-
: RESPONSIBILITY 2: something oppressive: ENCUMBRANCE
tened together; also : something wrapped for carrying
2 : a considerable amount: LOT 3: a small band of mostly 3 .: goods or merchandise loaded to be conveyed
: CARGO; also: capacity for cargo
parallel nerve or muscle fibers
+ pack, package, parcel- more at PACKAGE + [la, 3] cargo, freight, haul, lading, load, payload,
weight - more at LOAD + [lb] charge, commitment,
.bundle vb bun-dled; bunodling : to gather or tie in a bundle duty, need, obligation, responsibility - more at OBLI-
bunodling \'b;)nd-(O-)lil)\ n : a former custom of a courting GATION
couple's occupying the same bed without undressing .burden vb + : to encumber or oppress with something
bung \'b;)l)\ n : the stopper in the bunghole of a cask heavy, laborious, or disheartening
bun-qa-low \'b;)l)-g;)-,16\ n [Hindi & Urdu banglii, lit.,
(house) in the Bengal style) : a one-storied house with a + depress, oppress, sadden - more at DEPRESS en-
cumber, load, lumber, saddle, weight - more at LOAD
low-pitched roof
3burden n 1 + : a phrase or verse recurring regularly in a
bunogee cord \'b;)n-je-\ n : a long elastic cord used esp. as
poem or song: REFRAIN, CHORUS 2: a main theme or idea
a fastening or shock-absorbing device
bungee jump vb : to jump for sport from a height (as from : GIST
a bridge) while attached to a sturdy bungee cord- + chorus, refrain - more at CHORUS
bungee jumper n bur-den-some \-s;)m\ adj + : imposing or constituting a
bung.hole \'b;)I)-,h61\ n : a hole for emptying or filling a burden
cask + grim, hard, harsh, heavy, oppressive, rough, rugged,
bunogle \'b~l)-g~l\ vb bunogled; bunogling + : to do badly severe, stiff, tough, trying - more at HARSH + arduous,
: BOTCH - bungle n - bunogler n challenging, demanding, exacting, grueling, laborious,
+ bobble, botch, butcher, flub, foul up, fumble, man- onerous, taxing, toilsome - more at DEMANDING
gle, mess up, screw up - more at BOTCH bur-dock \'b;,r-,diik\ n : any of a genus of coarse compos-
bureau 102
ite herbs with globe-shaped flower heads surrounded by of fire or heat 4 : to use as fuel <~ coal); also: to de-
prickly bracts stroy by fire <~ trash) 5: to cause or make by fire <~
bu-reau \'byur-6\ n, pl bureaus also bu-reaux \-6z\ [F, a hole); also: to affect as if by heat 6 : to become emo-
desk, cloth covering for desks, fr. OF burel woolen cloth, tionally excited or agitated 7: to record (as music or
ultim. fro L burra shaggy cloth] 1 : a chest of drawers data) on by means of a laser <~ a CD)
2 : an administrative unit (as of a government depart- [I, 2] blaze, flame, flare, glow; also fire, ignite, kindle
ment) 3: a branch of a publication or wire service in an [4] fire, ignite, inflame, kindle, light; also char, scorch
important news center Ant douse, extinguish, put out, quench, snuff (out)
department, desk, division, office - more at DlVlSION [6] boil, fume, rage, seethe, steam - more at BOIL
bu-reau-cra-cy \byu-'ra-kra-se\ n, t -ctes 1 : a body of ap- 2burn n : an injury or effect produced by or as if by burning
pointive government officials 2: government marked by burn-er \'bar-n"r\ n : the part of a fuel-burning or heats
specialization of functions under fixed rules and a hierar- producing device where the flame or heat is produced
chy of authority; also: an unwieldy administrative system burn-inq \'b"r-nilJ\ adj 1 a : being on fire b : affecting
burdened with excessive complexity and lack of flexibil- with or as if with heat 2 : existing in an extreme degree
ity <a ~ desire)
bu-reau-crat \'byur-a-,krat\ n : a member of a bureaucracy + [la] ablaze, afire, fiery - more at ABLAZE
- bu-reau-crat-ic \,byilr-a-'kra-tik\ adj [lb] broiling, fiery, hot, red-hot, scorching, sultry,
bur-geon \'bar-jan\ vb 1 : to put forth fresh growth (as torrid - more at HOT. [2] ardent, charged, emotional,
from buds) 2 : to grow and expand rapidly fervent, hot-blooded, impassioned, passionate, red-hot,
[l] bloom, blossom, blow, flower, unfold - more at vehement - more at FERVENT
BLOOM. [2] accumulate, appreciate, balloon, build, en- bur-nlsh \'b"r-nish\ vb : to make shiny esp. by rubbing
large, escalate, expand, increase, mount, multiply, : POLISH - bur-nish-er n - adj or n
mushroom, proliferate, rise, snowball, swell, wax- buff, dress, gloss, grind, polish, rub, shine, smooth -
more at INCREASE [2] flourish, prosper, thrive- more at POLISH
more at THRIVE bur-noose or bur-nous \(,)b"r-'niis\ n : a hooded cloak
burgh \'bar-6\ n : a Scottish town worn esp, by Arabs
bur-gher \'bar-gar\ n 1 : an inhabitant of a borough or a burn-out \'b"r-,naut\ n 1 : the cessation of operation of a
town 2: a prosperous solid citizen jet or rocket engine 2 : exhaustion of one's physical or
townie; also denizen, dweller, inhabitant, occupant, emotional strength; also : a person suffering from
national, native, resident burnout
bur-qlar-ize \'bar-gla-,riz\ vb : to break into and steal collapse, exhaustion, fatigue, lassitude, prostration,
from; also: to commit burglary tiredness, weariness - more at FATIGUE
rip off, rob, steal - more at ROB burn out vb 1 : to drive out or destroy the property of by
bur-glary \'bar-gla-re\ n, pi -glaries : forcible entry into a fire 2 : to cause to fail, wear out, or become exhausted
building esp. at night with the intent to commit a crime esp. from overwork or overuse; also: to suffer burnout
(as theft) - bur-glar \-glar\ n + do in, drain, exhaust, fag, fatigue, tire, tucker, wash
bur-gle Vbar-galv vb bur-gled; bur-gling : to commit bur- out, wear, wear out, weary - more at EXHAUST
glary on burp \'b"rp\ n : an act of belching - burp vb
bur-qo-mas-ter \'bar-ga-,mas-tar\ n : the chief magistrate of burp gun n : a small submachine gun
a town in some European countries burr \'b"r\ n 1 usu bur: a rough or prickly envelope of a
bur-gun-dy Vbar-gan-dev n, pi -dies often cap 1 : a red or fruit; also: a plant that bears burs 2: roughness left in
white table wine from the Burgundy region of France cutting or shaping metal 3: WHIR - bur-ry adj
2 : an American red table wine bur-ri-to \ba-'re-t6\ n [Amer Sp, fr. Sp, little donkey, dim. of
burl-at \'ber-e-al\ n : the act or process of burying burro] : a flour tortilla rolled around a filling and baked
bur-ro Vbor-o, 'bur-v n, pi burros [Sp] : a usu. small donkey
entombment, interment, sepulture; also funeral Ant
'bur.row \'bar-6\ n : a hole in the ground made by an an-
exhumation, unearthing
imal (as a rabbit)
bur-ka or bur-qa Vbur-ksv n : a loose garment that covers
the face and body and is worn in public by certain Mus- den, hole, lair, lodge - more at DEN
lim women 2burrow vb 1 : to form by tunneling; also: to make a bur-
burl \'barl\ n : a hard woody often flattened hemispherical row 2: to progress by or as if by digging - bur-row-er n
outgrowth on a tree bur-sar \'b"r-s"r\ n : a treasurer esp, of a college
bur-lap \'bar-,Iap\ n : a coarse fabric usu. of jute or hemp bur-si-tis \(,)b"r-'si-t"s\ n : inflammation of the serous sac
used esp. for bags (bur-sa Vbor-sax) of a joint (as the elbow or shoulder)
'bur.lesque \(,)bar-'Iesk\ n [burlesque, adj., comic, droll, fr. 'burst Vberstv vb burst or burst-ed; burst-lnq 1 + : to fly
F, fro It burlesco, fro burla joke, fro Sp] 1 : a witty or de- apart or into pieces: to cause to burst 2: to show one's
risive literary or dramatic imitative work 2: broadly hu- feelings suddenly; also: PLUNGE <~ into song) 3 ; to
morous theatrical entertainment consisting of several enter or emerge suddenly 4: to be filled to the breaking
items (as songs, skits, or dances) point
+ caricature, parody, spoof, takeoff - more at PARODY + [1] blast, blow up, demolish, explode, pop, shatter,
smash - more at BLAST usu burst forth [3] break out,
2burlesque vb bur-lesqued: bur-lesqu-ing + : to make ludi-
erupt, explode, flame, flare, go off - more at ERUYf
crous by burlesque
2burst n 1 a : a sudden outbreak: SPURT b : a vehement
+ caricature, imitate, mimic, mock, parody, take off, outburst (as of emotion) 2 : EXPLOSION 3 : result of burst-
travesty - more at MIMIC ing \'bar-Ie\ adj bur-li-er; -est + : strongly and heavily [Ia] flare, flare-up, flash, flurry, flutter, outbreak,
outburst, spurt - more at OUTBREAK + [lb] agony,
beefy, brawny, husky - more at HUSKY eruption, explosion, fit, flare, flare-up, flash, flush, gale,
Bur-mese \,bar-'mez, -'mes\ n, pi Burmese: a native or in- gush, gust, outburst, paroxysm, spasm, storm - more
habitant of Burma (Myanmar) - Burmese adj at OUTBURST
'burn \'barn\ vb burned \'barnd, 'berntv or burnt \'barnt\; Bu-run-di-an \bu-'riin-de-:ln\ n : a native or inhabitant of
burn-lnq 1 + : to be on fire 2 + : to feel or look as if on Burundi
fire 3: to alter or become altered by or as if by the action bury \'ber-e\ vb bur-ied; bury.jng 1 : to deposit in the earth;
103 butt
also: to inter with funeral ceremonies 2 + : to conceal 2bustle n + : briskly energetic activity
from view or in obscurity: HIDE 3 : SUBMERGE, ENGROSS - + commotion, disturbance, furor, hubbub, hullabaloo,
usu. used with in pandemonium, tumult, turmoil- more at COMMOTION
+ cache, conceal, ensconce, hide, secrete - more at 'bustle n : a pad or frame worn to support the fullness at
HIDE the back of a woman's skirt
'bus \'bas\ n, pi bus-es or bus-ses [short for omnibus, fro F, 'busy \'bi-ze\ adj busi-er; -est 1 + : engaged in action: not
fr. L, for all, dat. pl. of omnis all] : a large motor vehicle idle 2: being in use ("" telephones) 3 + : full of activity
for carrying passengers <"" streets) 4: MEDDLING
2bus vb bused or bussed; or bus.sing 1 : to travel + [1] active, assiduous, diligent, engaged, laborious, oc-
or transport by bus 2: to work as a busboy cupied, sedulous, working; a/so absorbed, concentrat-
'bus abbr business ing, focused, engrossed, immersed, intent, preoccupied
bus-boy \'bas-,b6i\ n : a waiter's helper + [3] alive, animated, astir, lively, vibrant - more at \'baz-be\ n, pi busbies: a military full-dress fur hat ALIVE
bush \'bush\ n 1 : SHRUB 2 + : rough uncleared country 2busy vb bus-led; + : to make or keep busy: OC-
3 : a thick tuft (a"" of hair) - bushy adj CUpy
+ backwoods, frontier, hinterland, sticks, up-country + absorb, engage, engross, enthrall, fascinate, grip, im-
- more at FRONTIER merse, interest, intrigue, involve, occupy - more at EN-
bushed Vbushtv adi + : drained of strength and energy GAGE
: TIRED, EXHAUSTED busy-body \'bi-ze-,ba-de\ n + : an officious or inquisitive
+ beat, dead, drained, effete, jaded, limp, prostrate, person: MEDDLER
spent, tired, weary, worn-out - more at WEARY + interloper, intruder, kibitzer, meddler; also peeper,
bush-el \'bu-shal\ n 1 : a measure of dry capacity equal to peeping Tom, snoop, spy
4 pecks 2 + : a large quantity busy-work \-,wark\ n : work that appears productive but
+ abundance, deal, gobs, heap, loads, lot, pile, plenty, only keeps one occupied
quantity, scads - more at LOT 'but \'bat\ conj 1 +: except for the fact (would have
bush-lnq \'bu-shilJ\ n : a usu. removable cylindrical lining protested "" that he was afraid) 2: THAT (there'S no
for an opening of a mechanical part to limit the size of doubt+--> he won) 3: without the certainty that <never
the opening, resist wear, or serve as a guide rains r--> it pours) 4: on the contrary (not one, "" two
bush-mas-ter Vbush-jmas-tarv n : a large venomous tropi- job offers) 5: YET (poor"" proud) 6: with the excep-
cal American pit viper tion of (none"" the strongest attempt it)
bush-whack \-,hwak\ vb 1: AMBUSH 2: to clear a path
through esp. by chopping down bushes and branches -
+ except, only, yet - more at EXCEPT
bush-whack-er n 2butprep + : other than: EXCEPT (this letter is nothing r-> an
busi-ly \'bi-za-le\ adv : in a busy manner insult); a/so: with the exception of (no one here r--> me)
busi-ness \'biz-nas, -noz', n 1 : OCCUPATION; also: TASK, MIS- + aside from, bar, barring, besides, except, outside (01),
SION 2 a +: a commercial or industrial enterprise save
b + : the dealings and transactions involved in buying and 'but adv 1 + : being nothing more than 2 + : to the contrary
selling: TRADE ("" is good) 3: a subject under consider- + [1] just, merely, only, simply - more at JUST
ation : AFFAIR, MATTER 4: personal concern + [2] howbeit, however, nevertheless, nonetheless,
+ [2a] company, concern, enterprise, establishment, notwithstanding, still, though, withal, yet - more at
firm, house, outfit - more at ENTERPRISE + [2b] com- HOWEVER
merce, marketplace, trade, traffic - more at COMMERCE bu-tane \'byii-,tiin\ n : either of two gaseous hydrocarbons
busl-ness-man \-,man\ n : a man engaged in business esp. used as a fuel
as an executive butch \'buch\ adj : notably masculine in appearance or
bust-ness-per-sen \-,pars-On\ n : a businessman or busi- manner
nesswoman 'butch-er \'bu-char\ n [ME bocher, fr. AF, fr. buc he-goat]
busl-ness-wom-an \-,wU-man\ n : a woman engaged in 1 : one who slaughters animals or dresses their flesh; also
business esp. as an executive : a dealer in meat 2: one that kills brutally or needlessly
buskin Vbas-konv n 1 : a laced boot reaching halfway to 3 : one that botches
the knee 2: tragic drama 2butcher vb 1 : to slaughter and dress for meat ("" hogs)
buss \'bas\ n : KISS - buss vb 2 + : to kill barbarously 3 +: to foul up hopelessly
'bust \'bast\ n [F buste, fr. It busto, fro L bustum tomb] : BOTCH
1 : sculpture representing the upper part of the human + [2] massacre, slaughter - more at MASSACRE
figure 2: the part of the human torso between the neck + [3] bobble, botch, bungle, flub, foul up, fumble,
and the waist; esp : the breasts of a woman mangle, mess up, screw up - more at BOTCH
2bust vb bust-ed also bust; bust-lnq 1 + : to break or smash butch-ery v-chc-rev n 1 : the preparation of meat for sale
esp. with force; also : BURST 2 + : to ruin financially 2 + : cruel and ruthless slaughter of human beings
3 : TAME 4 + : to reduce to a lower grade or rank: DEMOTE + carnage, massacre, slaughter - more at MASSACRE
5 slang: ARREST; also: RAID 6 + : to strike heavily with or
as if with the fist or a bat but-ler \'bat-Iar\ n [ME buteler, fro AF butiller, fr. OF botele
bottle] : the chief male servant of a household
+ [1] break, burst, fracture, fragment - more at BREAK 'butt \'bat\ vb : to strike with the head or horns
+ [2] ruin + [4] break, degrade, demote, downgrade, 2butt n : a blow or thrust with the head or horns
reduce - more at DEMOTE + [6] bash, bat, clobber,
'butt n : a large cask
clout, hammer, hit, pound, punch, slug, strike, thump
4butt n 1 : TARGET 2 + : an object of abuse or ridicule
'bust n 1 : a drinking session 2 + : a complete failure: FLOP
3 + : the seat of the body: BUTTOCKS
3 : a business depression 4: a quick blow with or as if with
the fist: PUNCH, SOCK 5 slang: a police raid; also: ARREST + [2] laughingstock, mark, mock, mockery, target-
more at LAUGHINGSTOCK + [3] backside, bottom, but-
bummer, catastrophe, debacle, dud, failure, fiasco, tocks, posterior, rear, rump, seat - more at BUTTOCKS
fizzle, flop, lemon, loser, turkey, washout - more at
Sbutt n 1 : a large, thicker, or bottom end of something
'bustle \'ba-sal\ vb bus-tled: bus.tUng : to move or work in
"butt vb 1 : ABUT 2: to place or join edge to edge without
a brisk busy manner
butte 104

butte \'byjit\ n : an isolated steep hill drone, hum, whir, whish, whiz, zip, zoom - more at
'but.ter \'b;)-t;)r\ n [ME, fro DE butere, fro L butyrum butter, WHIR
fro Gk boutyron, fro bous cow + tyros cheese) 1 : a solid ed- 'buzz n 1 : a low humming sound 2: RUMOR, GOSSIP
ible emulsion of fat obtained from cream by churning drone, hum, purr, whir, whiz, zoom - more at HUM
2 : a substance resembling butter - but-tery adj buz-zard \ 'b;)-z;)rd\ n : any of various usu. large birds of
'butter vb : to spread with or as if with butter prey and esp, the turkey vulture
but-ter-and-eqqs \,b;)-t;)-r;)-'negz\ n sing or pi : a common
buzz-er \'b;)-z;)r\ n : a device that signals with a buzzing
perennial herb related to the snapdragon that has showy
yellow and orange flowers
buzz saw n : CIRCULAR SAW
butter bean n 1 : LIMA BEAN 2: WAX BEAN 3: a green shell
buzz-word \'b:lz-,w;)rd\ n : a voguish word or phrase often
from technical jargon
butter cream n : a sweet butter-based mixture used esp. as
BV abbr Blessed Virgin
a filling or frosting
but-ter-cup \'b;)-t;)r-,k;)p\ n : any of a genus of herbs having BVM abbr Blessed Virgin Mary
usu. yellow flowers with five petals and sepals BWI abbr British West Indies
but-ter-tat \-,fat\ n : the natural fat of milk and chief con- bx abbr box
stituent of butter BX abbr base exchange
but-ter-fln-qered \-,fil)-g;)rd\ adj : likely to let things fall or 'by \'bi, b;)\prep 1 : in proximity to : NEAR <stood - the
slip through the fingers - but-ter-fin-qers \-g;)rz\ n sing or window) 2: through or through the medium of <left -
pi the door) 3: into the vicinity of and beyond: PAST <drove
but-ter-fly \-,f1i\ n : any of a group of slender day-flying in- - the house) 4: DURING, AT <studied - night) 5: no
sects with broad often brightly-colored wings later than <get here - 3 p.m.) 6 : through the means
but-ter-milk \-,milk\ n : the liquid remaining after butter is or direct agency of (- force) 7: in conformity with; also
churned : ACCORDING TO (did it - the book) 8: with respect to (a
but-ter-nut \-,n;)t\ n : the sweet egg-shaped nut of an Amer- vet - profession) 9: to the amount or extent of (won -
ican tree related to the walnut; also: this tree a nose) 10 - used to express relationship in multiplica-
butternut squash n : a smooth buff-colored cylindrical tion, in division, and in measurements (divide a - b)
winter squash (multiply - 6) (15 feet - 20 feet)
but-ter-scotch \-,skiich\ n : a candy made from brown [l) about, around, near, next to - more at AROUND
sugar, corn syrup, and water; also : the flavor of such [6) per, through, with
candy 2by \Ibi\ adv 1 a + : near at hand b: at or to another's
butt in vb : to meddle in the affairs of others house: IN (stop -) 2: PAST 3 : ASIDE, APART
interfere, intrude, meddle, mess, nose, obtrude, poke, around, close, hard, in, near, nearby, nigh - more at
pry, snoop - more at INTERFERE NEAR
but-tock \'b;)-t;)k\ n 1 : the back of a hip that forms one of bye \'bi\ n : a position of a participant in a tournament
the fleshy parts on which a person sits 2 usu but-tocks who advances to the next round without playing
: the seat of the body: RUMP by-etec-tlon also bye-elec.tion \'bi-:l-,Iek-sh:ln\ n : a spe-
buttocks backside, bottom, butt, posterior, rear, cial election held between regular elections in order to fill
rump, seat a vacancy
'button \'b;)t-'n\ n 1 : a small knob secured to an article (as byogone \'bi-,g6n\ adj : gone by - bygone n
of clothing) and used as a fastener by passing it through a dead, defunct, extinct, gone - more at EXTINCT
buttonhole or loop 2: something that resembles a button or bye-law \'bi-,16\ n : a rule adopted by an organi-
3 : PUSH BUlTON 4: a hidden sensitivity that can be ma- zation for managing its internal affairs
nipulated to produce a desired response <he is constantly by-line \'bi-,lin\ n : a line at the beginning of a news story
pushing my -s) 5: a usu. box-shaped computer icon or magazine article giving the writer's name
that when clicked initiates a software function BYO abbr bring your own
'button vb : to close or fasten with or as if with buttons BYOB abbr bring your own beer; bring your own booze;
'button.hole \'b;)t-n-,hol\ n : a slit or loop for a button to bring your own bottle
pass through 'by.pass \'bi-,pas\ n : a passage to one side or around a
'buttonhole vb : to detain in conversation by or as if by blocked or congested area; also: a surgical procedure es-
holding on to the outer garments of
tablishing this (a coronary -)
'buttress Vba-trssv n [ME butres, fro AF (arche) boteraz
'bypass vb : to avoid by means of a bypass
thrusting (arch), ultim. fro buter to thrust) 1 : a projecting
structure to support a wall 2 : something that supports circumvent, detour, skirt - more at DETOUR
or strengthens : SUPPORT by-path \-,path, -,path\ n : BYWAY
dependence, mainstay, pillar, reliance, standby, sup- \'bi-,phi\ n : action engaged in on the side (as of a
port - more at DEPENDENCE brace, bulwark, mount, stage) while the main action proceeds
shore, stay, support, underpinning - more at SUPPORT by-prod-uct \-,prii-(,)d;)kt\ n : a sometimes unexpected
'buttress vb : to furnish or shore up with a buttress: SUP- product or result produced in addition to the main prod-
PORT uct or result
by-stand-er \-,stan-d;}r\ n : one present but not participat-
bear, bolster, brace, carry, prop, shore, stay, support,
uphold - more at SUPPORT
byte \'bit\ n : a group of 8 bits that a computer processes
bux-om \'b;)k-s;)m\ adj : healthily plump; esp : full-bo-
as a unit
by.way \'bi-,wii\ n 1 : a little-traveled side road 2: a sec-
'buy \'bi\ vb bought \'b6t\; 1 : to obtain for a
ondary aspect
price : PURCHASE; also : BRIBE 2 : to accept as true - buy-
by.word \-,w;}rd\ n 1 .: a proverbial saying: PROVERB
er n
2 : one that is noteworthy or notorious
acquire, get, obtain, pick up, procure, purchase, se-
cure, take adage, aphorism, epigram, maxim, proverb, saying -
more at SAYING
'buy n 1 : PURCHASE 1, 2 2 : an exceptional value: BAR-
Byzan.tine \'biz-n-,ten, 'bi-, -,tin; b;)-'zan-, bi-\ adj 1 : of,
relating to, or characteristic of the ancient city of Byzan-
bargain, deal, steal - more at BARGAIN tium or the Byzantine Empire 2 often not cap: intricately
'buzz \'b;)z\ jib 1 : to make a buzz 2 : to fly fast and close to involved and often devious
te \'se\ n, pi c's or cs \'sez\ often cap 1 : the 3d letter of the cable modem n : a modem for connecting a computer to a
English alphabet 2 slang: a sum of $100 3: a grade rat- network over a cable television line
ing a student's work as fair cable television n : a system of television reception in
2C abbr, often cap 1 calorie 2 carat 3 Celsius 4 cent which signals from distant stations are sent by cable to
5 centigrade 6 centimeter 7 century 8 chapter 9 circa the receivers of paying subscribers
10 cocaine 11 copyright cab-o-chon \'ka-ba-,shlin\ n : a gem or bead cut in convex
C symbol carbon form and highly polished but not given facets; also: this
ca abbr circa style of cutting - cabochon adv
Ca symbol calcium ca-booee \ka-'biis\ n : a car usu. at the rear of a freight
CA abbr 1 California 2 chartered accountant 3 chief ac- train for the use of the train crew and railroad workers
countant 4 chronological age cab-ri-o-let \,ka-bre-;,-'lii\ n [F) 1 : a light 2-wheeled one=
cab \'kab\ n 1 : a light closed horse-drawn carriage 2: an horse carriage 2: a convertible coupe
automobile available on call to carry a passenger for a cab-stand \'kab-,stand\ n : a place where cabs wait for pas-
fare determined by a running meter or a flat rate: TAXI- sengers
CAB 3: the covered compartment for the engineer and ca-cao \ka-'kail, -'kii-6\ n, pi cacaos [Sp, fr. Nahuatl cac-
controls of a locomotive; also: a similar compartment (as ahuatl] : a So. American tree whose seeds (cacao beans)
on a truck) are the source of cocoa and chocolate; also : its dried
CAB abbr Civil Aeronautics Board fatty seeds
ca-bal \k,,-'biil, -'bal\ n [F cabale, fro ML cabbala cabala, cac-cia-to-re \,kii-ch;,-'tor-e\ ad] [It] : cooked with toma-
fr. Heb qabbdldh, lit., received (lorej] + : a secret group of toes and herbs <chicken '""-'>
plotters or political conspirators 'cache \'kash\ n [F) 1 : a hiding place esp. for preserving
+ conspiracy, gang, mob, ring, syndicate - more at provisions 2 + : something hidden or stored in a cache
RING + deposit, hoard, reserve, stash, stockpile, store-
cabala var a/KABBALAH more at STORE
ca-bana \ka-'ban-ya, -'ba-n"\ n : a shelter at a beach or "cache vb + : to place, hide, or store in a cache
swimming pool + bury, conceal, ensconce, hide, secrete - more at
cab-a-ret \.ka-b,,-'rii\ n : a place of entertainment open at HIDE
night usu. serving food and liquor and often having a ca-chet \ka-'shii\ n [F) 1 : a seal used esp. as a mark of of-
floor show: NIGHTCLUB ficial approval 2: a feature or quality conferring prestige;
cab-bage \'ka-bij\ n [ME caboche, fr. MF dial., lit., head, also: PRESTIGE 3: a design, inscription, or advertisement
noggin) : a vegetable related to the mustard with a dense printed or stamped on mail
head of leaves tcack-le Vka-kolv vb cack-led: cack.ling 1: to make the
cab-bie or cab-by \'ka-be\ n, pi cabbies: a driver of a cab sharp broken cry characteristic of a hen 2: to laugh or
cab-er-net sau-vl-qnon \,ka-bar-'nii-s6-ve-'ny6n\ n : a dry chatter noisily
red wine made from a single variety of black grape
2cackle n + : the action or noise of cackling
cab-in \'ka-b"n\ n 1 : a private room on a ship; also: a
compartment below deck on a boat for passengers or + chortle, laugh, laughter, snicker, titter - more at
crew 2: the passenger or cargo compartment of a vehicle
(as an airplane or automobile) 3 + : a small simple one= cack-ler n : one that cackles
story house ca-coph-o-nous \ka-'kii-fa-nas\ adj + : marked by cacoph-
+ camp, cottage, hut, hutch, shack, shanty - more at
SHACK + discordant, dissonant, inharmonious, unmelodious,
cabin boy n : a boy working as servant on a ship unmusical- more at DISSONANT
cabin class n : a class of accommodations on a passenger ca-coph-o-ny \ka-'kii-f;,-ne\ n, pi -nies + : harsh or discor-
ship superior to tourist class and inferior to first class dantsound
cabin cruiser n : CRUISER 3 + bluster, clamor (or clamour), din, noise, racket, roar
cab-l-net \'kab-nit\ n 1 + : a case or cupboard for holding - more at NOISE
or displaying articles 2: the advisory council of a head of cac-tus \'kak-tas\ n, pi cac-ti \-,ti\ or cac-tus-es also cactus
state (as a president or sovereign) : any of a large family of drought-resistant flowering
+ buffet, closet, cupboard, hutch, locker, sideboard; plants with succulent stems and with leaves replaced by
also bookcase, secretary; shelving; console scales or prickles
cab-i-net-mak-er \-,mii-kar\ n : a woodworker who makes cad \'kad\ n : a man who deliberately disregards another's
fine furniture - cab-l-net-mak-tnq n feelings - cad-dish \'ka-dish\ adi - cad-dish-ly adv-
cab-i-net-work \-,w"rk\ n : the finished work of a cabinet- cad-dish-ness n
maker ca-dav-er \ka-'da-var\ n : a dead body esp, of a human be-
tca-ble \'kii-bal\ n 1 + : a very strong rope, wire, or chain ing
2 : a bundle of insulated wires usu. twisted around a cen- ca-dav-er-ous \ka-'da-v;,-ras\ adi + : suggesting a corpse
tral core 3: CABLEGRAM 4: CABLE TELEVISION esp, in gauntness or pallor - ca-dav-er-ous-ly adv
+ cord, lace, line, rope, string, wire - more at CORD + ashen, livid, lurid, pale, pasty, peaked - more at
PALE. gaunt, haggard, skeletal, wasted
2cable vb ca-bled; cabling : to telegraph by cable
cable car n : a vehicle moved by an endless cable cadodie or cadody \'ka-de\ n, pi caddies [Sc, errand boy,
ca-ble-cast \'kii-b"l-,kast\ n : a cable television transmis- modif. of F cadet military cadet) : a person who assists a
sion - cablecast vb golfer esp, by carrying the clubs - caddie or caddy vb
ca-ble-gram \'kii-bal-,gram\ n : a message sent by a sub- cadody \'ka-de\ n, pi caddies [Malay kati a unit of weight)
marine telegraph cable + : a small box, can, or chest; esp : one to keep tea in
cadence 106
+ box, case, casket, chest, locker, trunk - more at ca-ql-ness \-je-n:ls\ n + : skill in devising or using indirect
CHEST or subtle methods
ca-dence \'kad-'ns\ n + : the measure or beat of a rhyth- + artfulness, artifice, canniness, craft, craftiness, cun-
mical flow: RHYTHM ning, guile, slyness, wiliness - more at CUNNING
+ beat, measure, meter (or metre), rhythm - more at CAGSabbr Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study
ca-denced \-'nst\ adj + : marked by cadence
+ measured, metrical, rhythmic - more at RHYTHMIC
pl. <officials in --s
ca-hoot \k:l-'hiit\ n : PARTNERSHIP, LEAGUE - usu. used in
with the underworld>
cal-man\'ka-m:ln; ka-'man, ki-\ n : any of several Central
and So. American reptiles closely related to alligators and
ca-den-za\k:l-'den-z:l\ n [It] : a brilliant sometimes impro-
vised passage usu. toward the close of a musical composi- crocodiles
cairn \'karn\ n : a heap of stones serving as a memorial or
tion a landmark
ca-det \k:l-'det\ n [F, fro Occitan (Gascony)capdet chief, fro cais-son \'ka-,san, 'kas-'n\ n 1 : a usu. 2-wheeled vehicle
L capitellum, fr. L caput head] 1: a younger son or for artillery ammunition 2: a watertight chamber used in
brother 2 : a student in a service academy underwater construction work or as a foundation
Caodette\k:l-'det\ n : a member of a Girl Scout program caisson disease n : 2BEND 3
for girls in sixth through ninth grades cal-tift \'ka-t:lf\ ad) [ME caitif, fr, AF caitif, chaitif
cadge \'kaj\ vb cadged; : SPONGE, BEG <-- a free wretched, despicable, fr. L captivus captive] : being base,
meal> - cadg-er n cowardly, or despicable - caitiff n
cad-mi-um \'kad-me-:lm\ n : a bluish-white metallic chem- ca-jole\k:l-'jol\ vb ca-joled; [F caioleri + : to per-
ical element used esp. in protective platings suade or coax esp, with flattery or false promises - ca-
cad-re \'ka-,dra, 'ka-, -drev n [F] 1 : FRAMEWORK 2: a cen- jole-mentn - ca-jol-ery\-'jo-I:l-re\ n
tral unit esp. of trained personnel able to assume control + coax, wheedle - more at COAX
and train others 3: a group of indoctrinated leaders ac-
tive in promoting the interests of a revolutionary party Ca.jun \'ka-j:ln\ n : a Louisianian descended from French:
ca-du-ceus \k:l-'dii-se-:ls, -'dyii-, -shasv n, pi -cei \-se-,i\ [L] speaking immigrants from Acadia (Nova Scotia) - Cajun
1 : the staff of a herald; esp : a representation of a staff adj
with two entwined snakes and two wingsat the top 2: an icake \'kak\ n 1 : a baked or fried breadlike food usu. in a
insignia bearing a caduceus and symbolizing a physician small flat shape 2: a sweet baked food made from batter
cae-cum var of CECUM or dough usu. containing flour, sugar, or shortening, and
Cae-sar \'se-Z:lr\ n 1: any of the Roman emperors suc- a leaven (as baking powder) 3: a hardened or compacted
ceeding Augustus Caesar - used as a title 2 often not cap substance <a -- of soap) 4: something easily done <the
: a powerful ruler: AUTOCRAT, DlCfATOR; also: the civil or quiz was e-v)
2cake vb caked; cak-inq 1 : to cover or overlay with or as if
temporal power
caesarean var of CESAREAN with a crust: ENCRUST 2: to form or harden into a cake
cake-walk\'kak-,wok\ n 1 : a stage dance typically involv-
cae-sura \si-'zhur-:l\ n, pi -suras or -su-rae \-'zhur-(,)e\ : a
ing a high prance with backward tilt 2 : a one-sided con-
break in the flow of sound usu. in the middle of a line of test or an easy task
verse cal abbr 1 calendar 2 caliber
ca-te \ka-'fa\ n [F, lit., coffee] 1 : a usu. small and informal Cal abbr 1 California 2 calorie
establishment serving various refreshments (as coffee) cal-a-bash \'ka-I:l-,bash\ n : the fruit of a gourd; also: a
: RESTAURANT 2 + : a room or establishment whose main
utensil made from its hard shell
feature is a bar for the sale of liquor: BARROOM 3 : a cal-e-coose \'ka-I:l-,biis\ n [Sp calabozo dungeon] : JAIL
place of entertainment open at night usu. serving food ca-la-dl-urn\k:l-'Ia-de-:lm\ n : any of a genus of tropical
and liquor and providing music and space for dancing American ornamental plants related to the arums
and often having a floor show: NIGHTCLUB cal-a-mari\,ka-I:l-'mar-e\ n [It] : squid used as food
+ [2] bar, barroom, pub, public house, saloon, tavern cal-a-mine\'ka-I:l-,min\ n : a lotion of oxides of zinc and
- more at BARROOM + [3] disco, discotheque, night- iron
club - more at NIGHTCLUB ca-lam-i-tous\-t:ls\ adj + : being, causing, or accompanied
caofe au lait \(,)ka-,fa-o-'Ia\ n : coffee with hot milk in by calamity - ca-lam-i-tous-lyadv - ca-lam-i-tous-nessn
about equal parts + cataclysmic, catastrophic, destructive, disastrous, fa-
caf-e-te-ria \,ka-f:l-'tir-e-:l\ n [AmerSp cafeteria coffee- tal, fateful, ruinous, unfortunate - more at FATAL
house] : a restaurant in which the customers serve them- ca-lam-i-ty\k:l-'Ia-m:l-te\ n, pi-ties 1 : great distress or mis-
selves or are served at a counter fortune 2 + : an event causing great harm or loss and af-
caMeine\ka-'fen, 'ka-,fen\ n : a stimulating alkaloid found fliction : DISASTER
esp, in coffee and tea + cataclysm, catastrophe, debacle, disaster, tragedy-
cat-teln-at-edVka-fc-jna-tadv adi 1 : stimulated by or as if more at DISASTER
by caffeine 2: containing caffeine calc abbr calculate; calculated
cat-te lat-te\'ka-fa-'Ia-ta\ n [It] : espresso mixed with hot or cal-car-e-ous\kal-'kar-e-:ls\ adj : resembling calcium car-
steamed milk bonate in hardness; also: containing calcium or calcium
cat-tan \kaf-'tan, 'kaf-,tan\ n [Russ kaftan, fr. Turk, fr, carbonate
Pers qtVian] : an ankle-length garment with long sleeves cal-cif-er-ous\kal-'si-f:l-r:ls\ adj : producing or containing
worn in countries of the eastern Mediterranean calcium carbonate
1cage \'kaj\ n 1 + : an openwork enclosure for confining cal-ci.fy\'kal-s:I-,fi\ vb -tied; : to make or become
an animal 2: something resembling a cage calcareous - cal-cl-fl-ca-tlcn\,kal-s:l-f:l-'ka-sh:ln\ n
+ coop, corral, pen, pound; also fence; cote, fold; cal-ci-mine\'kal-s:l-,min\ n : a thin water paint used esp. on
aquarium, terrarium plastered surfaces - calcimine vb
2cage vb caged; : to put or keep in or as if in a cage cal-cine \kal-'sin\ vb cal-cined; : to heat to a
caogeyalso caogy\'ka-je\ adj caogi-er; -est 1 : wary of be- high temperature but without fusing to drive off volatile
ing trapped or deceived: SHREWD 2 + : marked by clever- matter and often to reduce to powder - cal-ci-na-tion
ness -\-j:l-Ie\ adv \,kal-s:l-'na-sh:ln\ n
+ artful, crafty, cunning, devious, foxy, guileful, slick, cal-cite \'kal-,sit\ n : a crystalline mineral consisting of cal-
sly, subtle, wily - more at ARTFUL cium carbonate - cal-cit-ic \kal-'si-tik\ ad]
107 callback
cal-ci-um \'kal-se-:lm\ n : a silver-white soft metallic chem- + grade, quality, rate - more at QUALITY
ical element occurring only in combination cal-i-brate \'ka-I:l-,brat\ vb -brat-ed; -brat-inq : to adjust pre-
calcium carbonate n : a substance found in nature as lime- cisely
stone and marble and in plant ashes, bones, and shells cat-l-bra-tion \,ka-I:l-'brii-sh:ln\ n : a set of graduated marks
cal-cu-late Vkal-kya-jlat', vb -lat-ed: -tat-lnq [L calculare, fr. indicating values or positions - usu. used in pl.
calculus pebble (used in reckoning)] 1 : to determine cal-i-co \'ka-Ii-,k6\ n, pl -coes or -cos 1 : printed cotton
by mathematical processes : COMPUTE 2 : to reckon by
exercise of practical judgment: ESTIMATE 3 + : to design
fabric 2: a mottled or spotted animal - calico am
Calif abbr California
or adapt for a purpose by forethought or careful plan Oal-l-for-nla poppy \,ka-I:l-'f6r-nY:l-\ n : a widely cultivated
4 : COUNT, RELY - cal-cu-la-ble \-I:I-b:ll\ adj - cat-cu-la- herb with usu. yellow or orange flowers that is related to
tor \-,Iii-t:lr\ n
the poppies
+ [l] compute, figure, reckon, work out; also conjec- cat-l-tcr-ni-urn \,ka-I:l-'f6r-ne-:lm\ n : an artificially pre-
ture, estimate, guess, judge, suppose; add up, sum, tally, pared radioactive chemical element
total; add, cipher, divide, multiply, subtract; calibrate, cal-I-per \'ka-I:l-p:lr\ n 1 : any of various instruments hav-
gauge, measure, scale; ascertain, discover, dope (out),
ing two arms, legs, or jaws used esp. to measure diameter
figure out, find out; recompute, refigure + [2] call, con-
jecture, estimate, figure, gauge, guess, judge, make, or thickness - usu. used in pl. 2: a device for pressing a
place, put, reckon, suppose - more at ESfIMATE frictional material against the sides of a rotating wheel or
+ [3] arrange, blueprint, chart, design, frame, layout, disk
map, plan, project, scheme - more at PLAN ca-liph \'kii-I:lf, 'ka-\ n : a successor of Muhammad as head
cal-cu-tat-ed \-,Iii-t:ld\ adj 1 + : undertaken after estimat- of Islam - used as a title - ca-liph-ate \-I:I-,fiit, -f:lt\ n
ing the probability of success or failure (a -- risk> cal-ls-then-los \,ka-I:ls-'the-niks\ n sing or pi [Gk kalos
2 + : planned purposefully: DELIBERATE beautiful +sthenos strength] : bodily exercises usu. done
+ [I, 2] advised, deliberate, measured, reasoned, stud- without apparatus - cal-is-then-ic adj
ied, thoughtful, thought-out - more at DELIBERATE calk \'k6k\ var a/CAULK
am :
cal-cu-tat-tna \-,lii-tin\ marked by shrewd considera- 'call \'k61\ vb 1 a + : to speak in a loud distinct voice so as
tion esp, of self-interest - cal-cu-lat-lnq-ly adv to be heard at a distance esp. in order to attract the at-
eal-cu-la-tlon \,kal-kY:l-'lii-sh:ln\ n 1 + : the process or an tention of, summon, or make a request of another
act of calculating 2: the result of an act of calculating : SHOUT, CRY b: to utter a characteristic note or cry 2: to
3 : studied care; also : cold heartless planning to promote utter in a loud clear voice 3: to announce authoritatively
self-interest 4 : to invite or command (a group) to meet: SUMMON
+ arithmetic, computation, reckoning; also mathemat- 5 + : to make a request or demand (-- for an investiga-
ics; addition, division, multiplication, subtraction; ap- tion> 6: to halt (a baseball game or other public event)
praisal, assessment, estimation, evaluation, judgment because of unsuitable conditions (as rain or darkness)
cal-cu-lus \'kal-kY:l-I:ls\ n, pi -Ii \-,Ii\ also -lus-es [L, pebble 7 : to demand payment of (a loan); also: to demand sur-
(used in reckoning)] 1 : a method of computation or cal- render of (as a bond) for redemption 8 : to get or try to
culation in a special notation (as of logic) 2: a branch of get in communication by telephone 9 + : to make a brief
mathematics concerned with the rate of change of func- stop or visit at a place (called on a friend> 10 a + : to
tions and with methods of finding lengths, areas, and vol- speak of or address by name: give a name to b: regard
umes 3: a concretion usu. of mineral salts esp. in hollow as or characterize as of a certain kind : describe as
organs or ducts 11 : to estimate or consider for practical purposes (--
cal-de-ra vkal-Jder-a, k61-, -'dir-\ n [Sp, lit., cauldron] : a it ten miles> 12: to temporarily transfer control of com-
large crater usu. formed by the collapse of a volcanic puter processing to (as a subroutine or procedure)
cone + [la] bawl, cry, holler, shout, vociferate, yell; also bel-
cal-dron var 0/ CAULDRON low, roar; whoop; scream, screech, shriek, shrill,
teat-en-car \'ka-I:ln-d:lr\ n 1 : an arrangement of time into squeak. squeal; caterwaul, howl, wail, yawp, yowl
days, weeks, months, and years; also : a sheet or folder + [4] assemble, convene, convoke, muster, summon-
containing such an arrangement for a period 2 : an or- more at CONVOKE + [5] ask, insist, plead, press, quest,
derly list request, seek, solicit, sue + [5] claim, clamor (or clam-
+ agenda, docket, program, schedule, timetable- our), command, demand, enjoin, exact, insist, press,
more at PROGRAM quest, stipulate (for) - more at DEMAND [8] dial,
telephone; also buzz + [9] drop (by or in), pop (in), stop
2calendar vb : to enter in a calendar
(by or in), visit; also look up, see; frequent, hang around
'cal-eno<ler \'ka-I:ln-d:lr\ vb : to press (as cloth or paper) be-
(in), hang out (at), haunt, resort (to) + [lOa] baptize,
tween rollers or plates so as to make smooth or glossy or
christen, denominate, designate, dub, entitle, label,
to thin into sheets name, style, term, title - more at NAME + [11] calcu-
2calender n : a machine for calendering late, conjecture, estimate, figure, gauge, guess, judge,
ca-lends \'ka-l:lndz, 'kii-\ n sing or pi : the first day of the make, place, put, reckon, suppose - more at ESfIMATE
ancient Roman month 2call n 1 : SHOUT 2 : the cry of an animal (as a bird) 3: a
ca-len-du-la \k:l-'len-j:l-l:l\ n : any of a genus of yellow=
request or a command to come or assemble: INVITATION,
flowered herbs related to the daisies
SUMMONS 4 a + : a calling on another for something due
'calf \'kaf, 'kaf\ n, pi calves \'kavz, 'kilvz\ 1 : the young of
or supposed to be due: CLAIM b: an instance of asking for
the domestic cow; also: the young of various large mam-
something: REQUEST 5 : a brief usu. formal visit 6: an act
mals (as the elephant or whale) 2: CALFSKIN
of calling on the telephone 7: DECISION (a tough --> 8: a
2calf n, pi calves \'kavz. 'kilvz\ : the fleshy back of the leg
temporary transfer of control of computer processing to
below the knee
a particular set of instructions
calf-skin \'kaf-,skin, 'kilf-\ n : leather made of the skin of a
calf + claim, pretense. pretension, right - more at CLAIM
cal-i-ber or Can and Brit cal-i-bre \'ka-I:l-b:lr\ n [MF calibre, cal-la lily \'ka-I:I-\ n : a plant related to the arums and
fr. It calibro, fro Ar adlib shoemaker's last] 1 + : degree of grown for its large white lilylike bract that surrounds a
mental capacity, excellence. or importance 2: the diam- fleshy spike of small yellow flowers
eter of a projectile 3: the diameter of the bore of a gun call-back \'k61-,bak\ n a calling back; esp : RECALL 5
call-board 108
call-board \-,bord\ n : a board for posting notices (as of re- 3calm adj 1 + : marked by calm : STILL 2 + : free from agi-
hearsal calls) tation, excitement, or disturbance <a - manner)
call down vb : REPRIMAND + [I, 2] collected, composed, cool, placid, self=
call-er n + : one that calls: a person who makes a brief visit possessed, serene, still, tranquil, undisturbed, unper-
+ guest, visitor turbed, unruffled, unshaken, untroubled, unworried;
call girl n : a prostitute with whom appointments are made also imperturbable, nerveless, unflappable, unshakable;
by phone disciplined, self-contained; affable, breezy, easygoing,
cal.lig.ra.phy \k::l-'Ii-gr::l-fe\ n : artistic or elegant handwrit- happy-go-lucky, laid-back; carefree, nonchalant, uncon-
ing; also: the art of producing such writing - cal.lig.ra- cerned; assured, confident, self-assured; aloof, detached,
pher \-f::lr\ n dispassionate, indifferent; impassive, phlegmatic, stolid
call-in \'k61-,in\ adj : allowing listeners to engage in broad- Ant agitated, discomposed, disturbed, perturbed, upset
cast telephone conversations <a - show) + [1,2] halcyon, hushed, peaceful, placid, quiet, serene,
still, tranquil, untroubled; also calming, pacific, restful,
call in vb 1 : to order to return or be returned 2: to sum-
soothing; inactive, inert, quiescent, reposing, resting;
mon to one's aid 3: to report by telephone
smooth, unruffled; clear, cloudless, fair, sunny, sunshiny \'k6-lil)\ n 1 : a strong inner impulse toward a par-
Ant agitated, angry, stormy, turbulent
ticular course of action 2 + : the activity in which one
customarily engages as an occupation calm-ly adv + : in a calm manner: with calm
+ employment, line, occupation, profession, trade, vo- + quiet, quietly, still - more at STILL
cation, work - more at OCCUPATION calm-ness n + : the quality or state of being calm
cal-tl-ope \k::l-'li-::I-(,)pe, 'ka-Ie-,op\ n [fro Calliope, chief of + aplomb, composure, coolness, equanimity, placidity,
the Muses, fro L, fro Gk KalliopJ : a keyboard musical in- self-possession, serenity, tranquillity - more at EQUA-
strument similar to an organ and made up of a series of NIMITY
whistles cal-o-mel \'ka-I::I-m::ll, -,mel\ n : a chloride of mercury used
call number n : a combination of characters assigned to a esp. as a fungicide
library book to indicate its place on a shelf ca-lor-lc \k:J-'16-rik\ adj 1 : of or relating to heat 2: of, re-
call off vb + : to give up (an undertaking or planned activ- lating to, or containing calories
ity) : CANCEL cal-o-rle also eat-e-ry \'ka-I::I-re\ n, pi -ries : a unit for mea-
+ abort, cancel, drop, recall, repeal, rescind, revoke - suring heat; esp : one for measuring the value of foods for
more at CANCEL producing heat and energy in the human body equivaJent
cal-tos-i-ty \ka-'lii-s::l-te\ n, pi-ties 1 : the quality or state of to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature
being callous 2: CALLUS 1 of one idiogram of water one degree Celsius
'callous \'ka-l::Is\ adj 1 : being thickened and hardened <- cal-o-rim-e-ter \,ka-I::I-'ri-m:J-t::lr\ n : an apparatus for meas-
skin) 2 + : feeling no emotion or sympathy - cal-lous-ly uring quantities of heat - cal-o-rim-e-try \-tre\ n
adv - cal-lous-ness n cal-u-met \'kal-Y::l-,met, -matx n : an American Indian cere-
+ hard, heartless, inhuman, inhumane, pitiless, soulless, monial pipe
unfeeling, unsympathetic - more at HARD ca-lum-ni-ate \k::l-'I::Im-ne-,at\ vb -at-ed; : to make
callous vb : to make callous false and malicious statements about - ca-tum-ni-a-tlon
cal-low \'ka-Io\ adj [ME calu bald, fro OE] + : lacking adult \-,l::lm-ne-'a-sh::ln\ n - ca-lum-nl-a-tor \-'l::lm-ne-,a-t::lr\ n
sophistication <a - youth) - cal-low-ness n cal-um-ny Vka-lam-nex n, pl-nies : false and malicious ac-
+ adolescent, green, immature, inexperienced, juvenile, cusation - ca-lum-ni-ous \k::l-'I::Im-ne-::Is\ adj
raw; also babyish, childish, infantile; boyish, girlish, calve \'kav, 'kAv\ vb calved; : to give birth to a calf
maidenly, virginal, youthful; ingenuous, innocent, calves pi of CALF
naive (or naive); unseasoned, untrained, untried Ant cat-vm-tsm \'kal-v::l-,ni-z::Im\ n : the theological system of
adult, experienced, grown-up, mature, ripe John Calvin and his followers - \-nist\ n or adj
call-up \'k61-,::Ip\ n : an order to report for active military - \,kal-v::l-'nis-tik\ adj
service ca-typ-so \k::l-'lip-so\ n, pi -sos : a style of music originat-
call up vb : to summon for active military duty ing in the British West Indies and having lyrics that usu.
cal-tus \'ka-l::Is\ n 1 : a callous area on skin or bark 2: tis- satirize local personalities and events
sue that is converted into bone in the healing of a bone ca-lyx \'ka-liks, 'ka-\ n, pi ca-lyx-es or ca-ly-ces \'ka-I::I-,sez,
fracture - callus vb 'ka-\ : the usu. green or leaflike outer part of a flower
call-waiting n : a telephone service by which during a call consisting of sepals
in progress an incoming call is signaled (as by a click) cal-zo-ne \kal-'zon, -'zo-ne\ n : a baked or fried turnover of
'calm Vkam, 'kiilm\ n 1 : a period or a condition free pizza dough stuffed with cheese and various fillings
from storms, high winds, or rough water 2 : complete or 'cam \'kam\ n : a rotating or sliding piece in a mechanical
almost complete absence of wind 3 : a state of tran- linkage by which rotary motion is transformed into linear
quillity motion or vice versa
[I, 3] calmness, hush, peace, placidity, quiet, quiet- cam n : CAMERA
ness, repose, serenity, still, stillness, tranquillity; also ca-ma-ra-de-rie \,kiim-'rii-d::l-re, .kam-. -'ra-\ n [F]
lull, pause, respite; silence; comity, concord, harmony : friendly feeling and goodwill among comrades
Ant bustle, commotion, hubbub, hurty-burly, pandemo- companionship, company, comradeship, fellowship,
nium, tumult, turmoil, uproar society - more at COMPANIONSHIP
calm vb 1 : to make or become calm 2 + : to make cam-bi-um \'kam-be-::Im\ n, pi -bl-ums or -bia \-be-::I\ : a
peaceful: induce quietude and repose in instead of agita- thin cellular layer between xylem and phloem of most
tion, passion, or excitement - often used with down higher plants from which new tissues develop - carn-bi-
[1, 2] allay, compose, quiet, settle, soothe, still, tran- al \-::11\ adj
quilize; also alleviate, assuage, ease, mitigate, relieve; Camboodian vkam-tbo-de-anv n : a native or inhabitant of
appease, conciliate, mollify, pacify, placate; lull, relax, Cambodia - Cambodian adj
stupefy Ant agitate, discompose, disquiet, disturb, per- cam-brl-an \'kam-bre-::In, 'kam-x adj : of, relating to, or be-
turb, upset + [2] collect, compose, control, settle- ing the earliest period of the Paleozoic era - Cambrian n
more at COLLECf usu calm down [2] cool (off or cam-bric \'kam-brik\ n : a fine thin white linen or cotton
down), hush, quiet, settle (down) - more at QUIET fabric
109 cancel
cam-cord-er Vkam-jkor-darx n a small portable video Camp Fire Girln : a member of a national organization of
camera and recorder girls from ages 5 to 18
came past of COME camp followern 1 : a civilian (as a prostitute) who follows
cam-el \'ka-m~l\ n : either of two large hoofed cud- a military unit to attend or exploit its personnel 2: a fol-
chewing mammals used esp, in desert regions of Asia and lower of a group who is not an adherent; esp : a politician
Africa for carrying and riding who joins a movement solely for personal gain
camel hair also camel's hair n 1 : the hair of a camel or a campoground \-,graimd\ n : the area or place used for a
substitute for it 2: cloth made of camel hair or of camel camp, for camping, or for a camp meeting
hair and wool cam-phor Vkam-farx n : a gummy volatile aromatic com-
ca-mel-lia \k~-'mel-ya\ n : any of a genus of shrubs and pound obtained from an evergreen Asian tree (camphor
trees related to the tea plant and grown in warm regions tree) and used esp, in medicine
and greenhouses for their showy roselike flowers camp meeting n : a series of evangelistic meetings usu. held
earn-em-bert\'ka-mam-,ber\ n : a soft cheese with a gray- outdoors
ish rind and yellow interior camp-o-ree\,kam-pa-'re\ n : a gathering of Boy Scouts or
earn-eo\'ka-me-,i'>\ n, pl-eos 1 : a gem carved in relief; also Girl Scouts from a given geographic area
: a small medallion with a profiled head in relief 2: a brief camp-site \-,sIt\ n : a place suitable for or used as the site
appearance esp. by a well-known actor in a play or movie of a camp
earn-eraVkam-ra, 'ka-mar-a\ n : a device with a lightproof earn-pus Vkam-pssv n [L, plain] : the grounds and build-
chamber fitted with a lens through which the image of an ings of a college or school; also : grounds resembling a
object is projected onto a surface for recording (as on campus (hospital --->
film) or for conversion into electrical signals (as for tele- cam-shaft \'kam-,shaft\ n : a shaft to which a cam is fas-
vision broadcast) - cam-era-man \-,man, -rnanv n- tened
cam-era-worn-an n 'can \kan, 'kan\ vb, past could \kad, 'kiId\pres sing &pl can
cam-er-oo-nl-an \,ka-ma-'rii-ne-an\ n : a native or inhabi- 1 : be able to 2: may perhaps (--- he still be alive> 3: be
tant of the Republic of Cameroon or the Cameroons re- permitted by conscience or feeling to (you --- hardly
gion - Cameroonian adj blame her> 4: have permission to (you --- go now)
carn-l-scte Vka-rna-jsolv n : a short sleeveless garment for 2can \'kan\ n 1 : a usu. cylindrical container or recepta-
women cle (garbage ---> (coffee ---> 2: JAIL 3: TOILET
camomilevar of CHAMOMILE canister, drum, tin; also tube
'camoOu.flage Vka-ma-jflazh, -,fliij\ n [F] 1 : the disguising 3can \'kan\ vb canned; can-nlnq 1 : to put in a can : pre-
of military equipment with paint, nets, or foliage; also serve by sealing in airtight cans or jars 2 slang: to dis-
: the disguise itself 2 + : concealment by means of dis- charge from employment 3 slang: to put a stop or an end
guise 3: deceptive behavior to - canner n
+ disguise, guise - more at DISGUISE Can or Canad abbr Canada; Canadian
2camouflage vb + : to conceal or disguise by camouflage Canada Dayn : July 1 observed as a legal holiday in com-
memoration of the proclamation of dominion status in
+ cloak, disguise, dress up, mask - more at DISGUISE 1867
'camp \'kamp\ n 1 + : a place where tents or buildings are can-e-ea goose \'ka-na-d~-\ n : a common wild goose of
erected for usu. temporary shelter; also : a building in No. America
such a place for occasional use 2: a collection of tents or ce-na-dl-en \ka-'nii-de-an\ n : a native or inhabitant of
other shelters 3: a program offering recreational activi- Canada - Canadian adj
ties (as boating and hiking) for a limited time (summer Canadian footballn : a game resembling American football
---> 4: a body of persons encamped 5: a training session that is played on a turfed field between two teams of 12
for athletes outside of the regular season players each
+ cabin, chalet, cottage, lodge - more at COTTAGE ea-nallte \k~'nI, -'niil\ n [F, fro It canaglia, fro cane dog]
+ bivouac, encampment; also barracks;colony, planta- : RABBLE, RIFFRAFF
tion, settlement; concentration camp, prison camp ca-nal \ka-'nal\ n 1 : a tubular passage in the body: oucr
2camp vb 1 : to make or occupy a camp 2: to live in a 2 : an artificial waterway (as for boats or irrigation)
camp or outdoors + aqueduct, channel, conduit, flume, raceway, water-
3Campn 1 : exaggeratedeffeminate mannerisms 2: some- course - more at CHANNEL
thing so outrageous, inappropriate, or theatrical as to be can-a-lize\'kan-'I-,Iz\ vb -lized; 1 : to provide with
considered amusing - camp adi - \'kam-pa- a canal or make into or like a channel 2: to provide with
le\ adv - camp-i-ness\-pe-nas\ n - campy \-pe\ adj an outlet; esp : to direct into preferred channels - ca-nal-
'camp vb : to engage in camp: exhibit the qualities of camp i-za-tion \,kan-'I-a-'zii-shan\ n
cam-paign \kam-'piin\ n 1 : a series of military operations can-a-pe\'ka-n~-pe, -,pii\ n [F, lit., sofa, fro ML canopeum,
forming one distinct stage in a war 2 + : a series of activ- canapeum mosquito net] : a piece of bread or toast or a
ities designed to bring about a particular result (advertis- cracker topped with a savory food
ing +-> - campaign vb ca-nard \ka-'niird\ n : a false or unfounded report or story
+ bandwagon, cause, crusade, drive, movement; also at- ca-nary \ka-'ner-e\ n, pi ca-nar-ies [fr. the Canary Islands]
tack, march, offensive 1 : a usu. sweet wine similar to Madeira 2: a usu. yellow
cam-paign-er n + : one that goes on, engages in, or con- or greenish finch often kept in a cage as a pet
ducts a campaign ca-nas-ta \ka-'nas-ta\ n [Sp, lit., basket] : rummy played
with two full decks of cards plus four jokers
+ applicant, aspirant, candidate, contender, hopeful, canc abbr canceled
prospect, seeker - more at CANDIDATE can-can \'kan-,kan\ n : a woman's dance of French origin
cam-pa-ni-le \,kam-p~-'ne-Ie\ n, pi -nl-les or -ni-ll \-'ne-Ie\ characterized by high kicking
: a usu. freestanding bell tower tean-eet \'kan-sal\ vb -celed or -celled; or -cel-linq
cam-pa-not-o-qy\,kam-pa-'nii-Ia-je\ n : the art of bell ring- [ME cancellen, fro AF canceller, chanceller, fro LL cancel-
ing - cam-pe-nol-o-gist\-jist\ n fare, fro L, to make like a lattice, fro cancelli lattice]
camp-er \'kam-par\ n 1 : one who camps 2 : a portable 1 : to destroy the force or validity of (--- a magazine
dwelling (as a specially equipped vehicle) for use during subscription> 2 : to match in force or effect: OFFSET -
casual travel and camping often used with out 3: to cross out: DELETE 4 : to remove
+ caravan, motor home, trailer; also van (a common divisor) from a numerator' and denominator;
cancel 110

also : to remove (equivalents) on opposite sides of an church festival in commemoration of the presentation of
equation or account 5: to mark (a postage stamp or Christ in the temple
check) so that it cannot be reused 6: to neutralize each can-dle-stick\-,stik\ n : a holder with a socket for a candle
other's strength or effect can-dle-wick\-,wik\ n : a soft cotton yam; also: embroi-
+ [I] abort, call off, drop, recall, repeal, rescind, re- dery made with this yarn usu. in tufts
voke; also abrogate, annul, invalidate, nullify, void, can-dor Vkan-darv or Can and Brit can-dour n + : unre-
write off; recant, retract, take back, withdraw;counter- served, honest, or sincere expression : FRANKNESS
mand, reverse; end, halt, stop, terminate; give up, relin- + candidness, directness, forthrightness, frankness,
quish, surrender Ant continue, keep often cancel out openness, plainness; also earnestness, sincerity, sobri-
[2] annul, compensate, correct, counteract, counterbal- ety; artlessness, genuineness, naivete, simplicity; blunt-
ance, make up, neutralize, offset - more at OFFSET ness; freedom, license, unrestraint Ant dissembling,
2cancel n 1 : CANCELLATION 2: a deleted part pretense
can-cel-er or can-cel-lern + : a force or influence that can- C and W abbr country and western
cels out or offsets an opposing force lcanodyVkan-de', n, pi candies [MEsugre candy, fro MF su-
balance, counterbalance, counterweight, equipoise, cre candi, fro OF sucre sugar + Ar qandi candied, fr. qand
crystallized sugar] 1 : a confection made from sugar of-
offset ten with flavoring and filling 2: something that appeals
can-cel-la-tion \,kan-sa-'Hi-sh:m\ n .: the act or an in- in a light or frivolous way
stance of canceling: the calling off of an arrangement 2candy vb can-dled; : to encrust in sugar often by
+ abortion, calling, recall, repeal, rescission, revoca- cooking in a syrup
tion; also annulment, invalidation, neutralization, nulli- candy floss n, Can and Brit: COTTON CANDY
fication; abolition, ending, halting, stopping, termina- candy strip-er\-'strl-par\ n : a teenage volunteer worker at
tion; giving up, relinquishment,surrender Ant continu- a hospital
ation 'cane \'kan\ n 1 : a slender hollow or pithy stem (as of a
can-cer \'kan-sar\ n [L, lit., crab] 1 cap: a zodiacal con- reed or bramble) 2: a tall woody grass or reed (as sugar-
stellation between Gemini and Leo usu. pictured as a cane) 3 a : a walkingstick b: a rod for flogging
crab 2 cap : the 4th sign of the zodiac in astrology; also 2cane vb caned; can-ing 1 : to beat with a cane 2: to weave
: one born under this sign 3: a malignant tumor that or make with cane - can-er n
tends to spread in the body; also : an abnormal state cane-brake\'kan-,brak\ n : a thicket of cane
marked by such tumors 4: a malignant evil that spreads lca.nine \'ka-,nin\ n 1 : a pointed tooth between the outer
destructively - can-cer-ous v-se-rcsv adj - can-cer-ous- incisor and the first premolar 2: a canine mammal (as a
Iyadv domestic dog)
can-de-la-bra \,kan-da-'Ia-bra, -'Ia-\ n : an ornamental 2canine adj [L caninus, fro canis dog] : of or relating to dogs
branched candlestick or lamp with several lights or to the family to which they belong
can-de-la-brum\-bram\ n, pi-bra also -brums : CANDELABRA can-is-ter \'ka-na-star\ n + : an often cylindrical container
canodid\'kan-dad\ adi 1 + : marked by honest sincere ex- + can, drum, tin - more at CAN
pression: FRANK, STRAIGHTFORWARD 2: relating to pho- can-ker Vkan-karv n : a spreading sore that eats into tissue
tography of subjects acting naturally or spontaneously - can-ker-ous\-ka-ras\ adj
without being posed - can-did-lyadv can-ker-worm \-,warm\ n : either of two moths and esp,
+ direct, forthright, foursquare, frank, honest, open, their larvae that are pests of fruit and shade trees
outspoken, plain, straight, straightforward, unguarded, can-na \'ka-na\ n : any of a genus of tropical herbs with
unreserved - more at FRANK large leaves and racemes of bright-colored flowers
can-di-da-cyVkan-do-do-sevn, pi -cies : the state of being a can-na-bis \'ka-na-bas\ n : any of the psychoactive prepa-
candidate rations (as marijuana) or chemicals (as THC) derived
can-dl-date \'kan-da-,dat, 'ka-na-, -datv n [L candidatus, fr. from hemp; also : HEMP
candidatus clothed in white, fr. candidus white; fro the canned \'kand\ adj : prepared in standardized form for
white toga worn by office seekers in ancient Rome] general use or wide distribution
+ : one who seeks or is proposed for an office, honor, or can-nery \'ka-na-re\ n, pi -ner-les : a factory for the can-
membership ning of foods
can-nl-bat \'ka-na-bal\ n [NL Canibalis a member of a
+ applicant, aspirant, campaigner, contender, hopeful, Caribbean Indian people, fro Sp Canibal] : one that eats
prospect, seeker; also entrant, competitor, contestant; the flesh of its own kind - can-ni-bal-lsrn \-ba-,li-zam\ n
also-ran, dark horse, favorite, finisher, has-been, run- - can-nl-bal-ls-tlc \-ba-'lis-tik\ adj
ner-up; nominee; claimant, pretender can-ni-bal-lee Brit var of CANNIBALIZE
can-dl-da-ture \'kan-da-da-,chur, 'ka-na-\ n, chiefly Brit can-nl-bal-lze \'ka-na-ba-,liz\ vb -ized; 1 : to take us-
: CANDIDACY able parts from (as an inoperative machine) to construct
can-did-ness\'kan-dad-nas\ n : the quality or state of be- or repair another machine 2: to practice cannibalism
ing candid can-ni-ness Vka-ne-nosv n : skill in devising or using in-
+ candor (or candour), directness, forthrightness, direct or subtle methods
frankness,openness, outspokenness, plainness- more + artfulness, artifice, caginess, craft, craftiness, cun-
at CANDOR ning, guile, slyness, wiliness - more at CUNNING + acu-
canodied \'kan-ded\ adj : preserved in or encrusted with men, astuteness, caginess, hardheadedness, intelligence,
sugar keenness, sharpness, shrewdness, wit - more at ACU-
'canodle\'kan-d'l\ n : a usu. slender mass of tallow or wax MEN
molded around a wick that is burned to give light can-non Vka-nanx n, pi cannons or cannon [MEcanon, fro
2candle vb canodled; canodling : to examine (as eggs) by AF, fro It cannone, lit., large tube, fro canna reed, tube, fro
holding between the eye and a light - can-dlern L, cane, reed) : a large heavy gun; esp : one mounted on a
can-dle-tight \'kan-d'l-lit\ n 1: the light of a candle; also carriage
: any soft artificial light 2: the time when candles are lit can-non-ade \,ka-na-'nad\ n 1 : a heavy fire of artillery
: TWILIGHT 2 + : an attack (as with words) likened to artillery fire
can-dte-ut \-,lit\ adi : illuminated by candlelight <a ~ din- : BOMBARDMENT - cannonade vb
ner> barrage, bombardment, fusillade, hail, salvo, shower,
Can-dle-mas \'kan-d'l-mas\ n : February 2 observed as a storm, volley - more at BARRAGE
111 cap
can-non-ball Vka-nan-jbolx n : a usu. round solid missile canted adi + : placed at an incline or given a degree of
for a cannon cant: SLANTED
can-non-eer \,ka-na-'nir\ n : an artillery gunner + diagonal, inclined, listing, oblique, slantwise - more
can-not \'ka-,nat, ka-'nat\ : can not - cannot but : to be at DIAGONAL
unable to do otherwise than <we cannot but wonder why) can-teen \kan-'ten\ n [F cantine bottle case, canteen
can-nu-la \'kan-ya-Ia\ n, pi -las or -Iae \-,Ie\ : a small tube (store), fro It cantina wine cellar) 1 : a flask for carrying
for insertion into a body cavity or into a duct or vessel liquids 2: a place of recreation and entertainment for
can-ny \'ka-ne\ adj can-ni-er: -est + : marked by clever dis- military personnel 3: a small cafeteria or counter at
cerning awareness: SHREWD <a canny lawyer) - can-ni-ly which snacks are served
\ 'kan-'I-e\ adv can-ter \'kan-tar\ n : a horse's 3-beat gait resembling but
+ astute, hardheaded, knowing, sharp, shrewd, smart smoother and slower than a gallop - canter vb
- more at SHREWD can-ter-burv bell \'kant-ar-,ber-e-\ n : any of several plants
ca-noe \ka-'nii\ n : a light narrow boat with sharp ends and related to the bluebell that are cultivated for their showy
curved sides that is usu. propelled by paddles - canoe vb flowers
- ca-noe-Ist n can-n-ote \'kan-ti-kal\ n 1 : SONG 2 + : any of several litur-
ca-no-ta \ka-'no-Ia\ n : a rape plant producing seeds that gical songs taken from the Bible
are low in a toxic acid and yield an edible oil (canola oil) anthem, carol, chorale, hymn, psalm, spiritual-
high in monounsaturated fatty acids; also: this oil more at HYMN
'can-on Vka-nanv n 1 : a regulation decreed by a church Canticle of Canticles n : SONG OF SONGS
council; also: a provision of canon law 2: an official or ' \'kant-'I-,e-var\ n : a projecting beam or struc-
authoritative list (as of works of literature) 3: an ac- ture supported only at one end; also: either of a pair of
cepted principle <the -s of good taste) such structures projecting toward each other so that
2canon n : a member of the clergy on the staff of a cathe- when joined they form a bridge
dral 2cantilever vb 1 : to support by a cantilever <a -ed shelf)
ca-non-i-cal \ka-'na-ni-kal\ adi 1 : of, relating to, or form- 2 : to build as a cantilever 3: to project as a cantilever
ing a canon 2: conforming to a general rule or accept- can-tle "kant-'I\ n : the upwardly projecting rear part of a
able procedure: ORTHODOX 3 : of or relating to a canon of saddle
a cathedral - ca-non-i-cal-ly \-k(a-)Ie\ adv can-to \'kan-,to\ n, t cantos [It, fr. L cantus song) : one of
can-on-ize \'ka-na-,niz\ vb can-on-ized \-,nizd\; can-on-iz- the major divisions of a long poem
ing 1 : to declare (a deceased person) an officially recog- can-ton \'kant-n, 'kan-jtan', n : a small territorial division
nized saint 2 + : to treat as illustrious, preeminent, or sa- of a country; esp : one of the political divisions of Switzer-
cred - can-on-l-za-tlon \,ka-na-na-'zii-shan \ n land - can-ton-at \'kant-'n-al, kan-Itan-Pl', adi
+ adore, deify, dote on, idolize, worship - more at can-ton-ment vkan-tton-ment, -'tan-\ n : usu. temporary
IDOLIZE quarters for troops
canon law n : the law governing a church can-tor \'kan-tar\ n 1 : a choir leader 2 : a synagogue offi-
can-o-py \'ka-na-pe\ n, pl -pies [ME canope, fro ML cial who sings liturgical music and leads the congregation
canopeum mosquito net, fro L conopeum, fro Gk kono- in prayer
pion, fro konops mosquito) 1 + : an overhanging cover, ca-nuck \ka-'nak sometimes -'nuk\ n [origin unknown) : a
shelter, or shade 2: the uppermost spreading layer of a Canadian and esp. a French Canadian
forest 3: a transparent cover for an airplane cockpit can-vas also can-vass \'kan-vas\ n 1 : a strong cloth for-
4 : the fabric part of a parachute - canopy vb merly much used for making tents and sails 2: a set of
+ ceiling, roof, tent; also screen, shade, shelter, shield, sails 3: a group of tents 4: a piece of cloth prepared as
sunshade; canvas, fly a surface for painting; also : a painting on this surface
'cant \'kant\ vb + : to give a slant to 5 : the canvas-covered floor of a boxing or wrestling ring
+ angle, cock, heel, incline, lean, list, slant, slope, tilt, can-vas-back \'kan-vas-,bak\ n : a No. American wild duck
tip - more at LEAN with red head and gray back
2cant n 1 : an oblique or slanting surface 2 + : upward or 'can.vass also can-vas \'kan-vas\ vb can-vassed: can-vas-
downward slant or inclination or degree of slope: TILT, sing + : to go through (a district) or to (persons) to solicit
SLANT votes or orders for goods or to determine public opinion
or sentiment - can.vass-er n
diagonal, grade, inclination, incline, lean, pitch, slant,
slope, tilt, upgrade - more at SLANT poll, solicit, survey; also interrogate, interview, ques-
3cant vb 1 : to beg in a whining manner 2: to talk hypo- tion; feel (out), sound (out)
critically 2canvass n : an act or instance of canvassing
'cant n 1 + : the special idiom of a profession or trade: JAR- can-yon \'kan-yan\ n + : a deep narrow valley with high
GON 2 : insincere speech; esp : insincerely pious words steep sides
or statements + defile, flume, gap, gorge, gulch, notch, pass, ravine;
+ [1) argot, jargon, language, lingo, slang, terminology, also abyss, chasm, cirque, cleft, crevasse, crevice, fis-
vocabulary - more at TERMINOLOGY [2) dissimula- sure; dale, glen, hollow, vale, valley; basin, floodplain,
tion, hypocrisy, insincerity, piety - more at HYPOCRISY plain; arroyo, coulee, gully, gutter
Cant abbr Canticle of Canticles 'cap \'kap\ n 1 : a covering for the head esp. with a visor
can-ta-bi-le \kan-'ta-ba-,lii\ adv or adj [It) : in a singing and no brim 2 : something that serves as a cover or
manner - used as a direction in music protection esp. for a tip, knob, or end <a bottle -) 3: a
container holding an explosive charge 4: an upper limit
can-ta-loupe also can-ta-toup \'kant-'I-,op\ n : MUSKMELON;
esp : one with orange flesh and rough skin (as on expenditures)
can-tan-ker-ous \kan-'talJ-ka-ras\ adi : marked by ill hu- [1) hat, headgear - more at HAT [2) cover, lid, top
mor, irritability, and determination to disagree : ILU - more at COVER
NATURED - can-tan.ker-ous.1yadv - can-tan-ker-ous-ness n 2cap vb capped; cap-ping 1 : to provide or protect with a
bearish, bilious, disagreeable, dyspeptic, ill-humored, cap 2: to form a cap over: CROWN 3: OUTDO, SURPASS
ill-tempered, ornery, splenetic, surly - more at ILU 4 : to provide a culminating event for: CLIMAX - often
TEMPERED used with off
can-ta-ta \kan-'ta-ta\ n [It) : a choral composition usu. sung often cap off climax, crown - more at CROWN
to instrumental accompaniment 3cap abbr 1 capacity 2 capital 3 capitalize; capitalized
CAP 112

CAP abbr Civil Air Patrol on the relative attraction of the molecules of the liquid
ca-pa-bil-i-ty \,ka-p::l-'bi-I::l-te\ n 1 : the quality or state of for each other and for those of the solid
being capable physically, intellectually, morally, or icap-u-tary \'ka-p::l-,Ier-e\ adj 1 : resembling a hair 2 : hav-
legally 2 : natural talent or acquired proficiency esp. in ing a very small bore <~ tube> 3: of or relating to cap-
a particular work or activity illaries or to capillarity
[1] ability, capacity, competence, faculty - more at 2capillary n, pi -lar-les : any of the tiny thin-walled blood
ABILITY. [2] credentials, qualification, stuff - more at vessels that carry blood between the smallest arteries and
QUALIFICATION their corresponding veins
ca-pa-ble \'ka-p::l-b::ll\ adj : having ability, capacity, or teap-l-tat \'ka-p::lt-ol\ n : the top part or piece of an archi-
power to do something : ABLE, COMPETENT tectural column
able, competent, fit, good, qualified, suitable - more 2capital adj 1 : conforming to the series A, B, C rather than
at COMPETENT a, b, c <~ letters> <~ G> 2: punishable by death <a ~
ca-pa-bly adv : in a capable manner crime> 3: most serious <a ~ error> 4: first in impor-
tance or position: CHIEF; also: being the seat of govern-
ably, adeptly, expertly, masterfully, proficiently,
ment <the ~ city> 5: of or relating to capital <~
skillfully, well - more at WELL
expenditures>; esp : relating to or being assets that add to
ca-pa-cious \k::l-'pa-sh::ls\ adj : able to contain much -
the long-term net worth of a corporation 6: of the first
ca-pa-cious-ly adv - ca-pa-clous-ness n order of size, importance, or quality: FIRST-RATE, EXCEL-
ample, commodious, roomy, spacious - more at SPA- LENT
CIOUS lcapital n 1 : accumulated wealth esp. as used to produce
ca-pac-i-tance \k::l-'pa-s::l-t::lns\ n : the property of an elec- more wealth 2: the total face value of shares of stock is-
tric nonconductor that permits the storage of energy sued by a company 3: persons holding capital 4: AD-
ca-pac-i-tor \k::l-'pa-s::l-t::lr\n : an electronic circuit device VANTAGE, GAIN 5: a letter larger than the ordinary small
for temporary storage of electrical energy letter and often different in form 6 a : the capital city of
'ca.pac.i.ty \b-'pa-s::l-te\ n, pi -ties 1 : legal qualification or a state, province, or country b: a city preeminent in
fitness 2: the ability to contain, receive, or accommodate some activity <the fashion ~>
3 : the maximum amount or number that can be con- assets, fortune, means, opulence, riches, substance,
tained 4 : an individual's mental or physical ability and wealth, wherewithal- more at WEALTH
skill in doing something : ABILITY 5 : position or char- capital gain n : the increase in value of an asset (as stock or
acter assigned or assumed (will be happy to serve in any real estate) between the time it is bought and the time it
~> is sold
[4] ability, capability, competence, faculty - more capital goods n pi : machinery, tools, factories, and com-
at ABILITY [5] appointment, billet, function, job, modities used in the production of goods
place, position, post, situation - more at JOB cap-i-tal-ise Brit var of CAPITALIZE
[5] function, job, part, place, position, purpose, role, cap-l-tal-lsm \'ka-p::lt-Ol-,i-z::lm\ n : an economic system
task, work - more at ROLE characterized by private or corporate ownership of capi-
2capacity adj : equaling maximum capacity <a ~ crowd> tal goods and by prices, production, and distribution of
cap-a-pie or cap-a-pie \,ka-p::l-'pe\ adv [MF] : from head goods that are determined mainly by competition in a
to foot: at all points free market
'ca.par.i.son \k::l-'par-::l-s::ln\ n 1 : an ornamental covering "cap-i-tat-ist \-ist\ n 1 : a person who has capital esp. in-
for a horse 2 : rich clothing vested in business 2: a person of great wealth : PLUTO-
array, best, bravery, feather, finery, frippery, full CRAT 3 : a believer in capitalism
dress, gaiety, regalia - more at FINERY 2capitalist or cap-i-tal-is-tic \,ka-p::lt-Ol-'is-tik\ adj 1 : owning
2caparison vb : to dress richly capital 2: practicing or advocating capitalism 3: marked
lcape \'kap\ n 1 : a point of land jutting out into water by capitalism - \-ti-k(::l-)Ie\ adv
2 often cap: CAPE COD COTTAGE cap-i-tal-iza-tion \,ka-p::lt-Ol-::l-'za-sh:m\ n 1: the act or
headland, peninsula, point, promontory, spit; also process of capitalizing 2: the total amount of money
breakwater, jetty used as capital in a business
2cape n : a sleeveless garment hanging from the neck over cap-l-tal-lze or Brit cap-l-tal-lse \'ka-p::lt-Ol-,lz\ vb -ized; -iz-
the shoulders ing 1 : to write or print with an initial capital or in capi-
Cape Cod cottage \'kap-'kiid-\ n : a compact rectangular tals 2: to convert into or use as capital 3.: to supply
dwelling of one or one-and-a-half stories usu. with a steep capital for 4 : to gain by turning something to advan-
gable roof tage <~ on an opponent's mistake>
tea-per \'ka-p::lr\ n : the flower bud or young berry of a [3] endow, finance, fund, stake, subsidize, under-
Mediterranean shrub pickled for use as a relish; also: this write - more at FINANCE. usu capitalize on [4] abuse,
shrub cash in, exploit, impose, play, use - more at EXPLOIT
2caper vb ca-pered: ca-per-lnq : to leap about in a playful cap-i-tal-ly \'ka-p::lt-Ol-e\ adv : ADMIRABLY, EXCELLENTLY
manner cap-i-ta-tion \,ka-p::l-'ta-sh::ln\ n : a direct uniform tax
cavort, disport, frisk, frolic, gambol, lark, rollick, levied on each person
romp, sport - more at FROLIC cap-i-tol \'ka-p::lt-Ol\ n : the building in which a legislature
leaper n 1 : a frolicsome leap 2 : a capricious escapade holds its sessions
3 : an illegal or questionable act ca-pit-u-late \k::l-'pi-ch::l-,Iat\ vb -tat-ed: -Iating 1 : to sur-
antic, escapade, frolic, monkeyshine, practical joke, render esp, on conditions agreed upon 2 : to cease re-
prank, trick - more at PRANK sisting
cape-skin \'kap-,skin\ n : a light flexible leather made from [1,2] bow, budge, concede, give in, give up, knuckle
sheepskins under, quit, submit, succumb, surrender, yield - more
Cape Verd-ean \-'v::lr-de-:m\ n : a native or inhabitant of the at YIELD
Republic of Cape Verde ca-pit-u-la-tion \-,pi-ch::l-'Ia-sh:m\ n 1 : the act of surren-
cap-ful \'kap-,ful\ n, pi cap-fuls also caps-ful \'kaps-\ : as dering or yielding 2: the terms of surrender
much as a cap will hold relinquishment, submission, surrender - more at
cap-lt-tar-l-ty \,ka-p::l-'Iar-::l-te\ n, pi -ties : the action by SURRENDER
which the surface of a liquid where it is in contact with a ca-pon \'ka-,piin, -p::ln\ n : a castrated male chicken
solid (as in a slender tube) is raised or lowered depending cap-puc-ci-ne \,ka-p::l-'che-n6, ,kii-\ n [It, lit., Capuchin; fro
113 carat
the likeness of its color to that of a Capuchin's habit) ing an illustration 3: a motion-picture subtitle - cap-
: espresso mixed with foamy hot milk or cream and often tion vb
flavored with cinnamon cap-tious \'kap-sh;)s\ adj + : marked by an inclination to
ca-prlc-clo\k;)-'pre-che-,6, -ch6\ n, pi -cios [It, lit., whim, find fault - cap-tious-lyadv - cap-tious-ness n
prank) : an instrumental piece in free form usu. lively in + carping, critical, hypercritical, overcritical - more
tempo and brilliant in style at CRITICAL
ca-price \k;)-'pres\ n [F, fro It capriccio) 1 +: a sudden cap-ti-vate \'kap-t;)-,viit\ vb -vat-ed; -vat-lnq + : to attract
whim or fancy 2: an inclination to do things impulsively and hold irresistibly by some special charm or art - cap-
3 : CAPRICCIO ti-va-tor \'kap-t;)-,vii-t;)r\ n
+ fancy, freak, notion, vagary, whim - more at WHIM + allure, beguile, bewitch, charm, enchant, fascinate,
ca-pri-cious \-'pri-sh;)s\ adj 1 + : marked or guided by a wile - more at CHARM
sudden whim or fancy 2 + : not guided by steady judg- adj +: having the ability to captivate
ment or purpose - ca-pri-cious-lyadv - ca-pri-cious- : CHARMING
nessn + alluring, attractive, charming, elfin, engaging, fasci-
+ [1) impulsive, whimsical- more at WHIMSICAL nating, fetching, glamorous, magnetic, seductive-
+ [2) changeable, fickle, fluid, inconstant, mercurial, more at FASCINATING
mutable, temperamental, uncertain, unpredictable, un- cap-ti-va-tion\,kap-t;)-'vii-sh;)n\ n + : the action or power
settled, unstable, unsteady, variable, volatile - more at of influencing and dominating by some special charm or
FICKLE irresistible appeal
Cap-ri-corn \'ka-pri-,k6rn\ n 1 : a zodiacal constellation + allure, appeal, attractiveness, charisma, charm, en-
between Sagittarius and Aquarius usu. pictured as a goat chantment, fascination, glamour, magic, magnetism -
2 : the 10th sign of the zodiac in astrology; also: one born more at CHARM
under this sign 'cap-tive \'kap-tiv\ adj 1: made prisoner esp. in war
cap-ri-ole \'ka-pre-,61\ n : 'CAPER 1; also: an upward leap of 2 : kept within bounds: CONFINED 3: held under control
a horse with a backward kick at the height of the leap - 2captive n + : one captured and held prisoner
capriole vb capture, internee, prisoner; also convict, jailbird;
caps abbr 1 capitals 2 capsule parolee Ant captor
cap-sa-t-em\kap-'sii-;)-s;)n\ n : a colorless compound found cap-tiv-i-ty \kap-'ti-v;)-te\ n + : state or condition of being
in various capsicums that gives hot peppers their hotness held captive esp, in war
cap-si-cum Vkap-si-kamv n : PEPPER 2 + confinement, imprisonment, incarceration, intern-
cap-size \'kap-,siz, kap-'siz\ vb cap-sized; : to ment - more at INTERNMENT
cap-tor \'kap-t;)r\ n : one that captures
cap-stan \'kap-st;)n, -,stan\ n 1 : a machine for moving or 'cap-ture \'kap-ch;)r\ n 1 : the act of capturing 2 : one that
raising heavy weights that consists of a vertical drum
has been captured
which can be rotated and around which cable is turned
2capture vb cap-tured; cap-tur-lnq 1 a + : to take, seize, or
2 : a rotating shaft that drives recorder tape
catch esp, as captive or prize by effort or skill b: to take
cap-su-lar\'kap-s;)-I;)r\ adj : of, relating to, or resembling a
capsule control of esp, by force <'"'-' the city) c : to gain or win
esp. through effort 2: to preserve in a relatively perma-
cap-su-lat-ed\-,Iii-t;)d\ adj : enclosed in a capsule
nent form
'cap-sule \'kap-s;)I, -siil\ n 1 a : a membrane or sac enclos-
ing a body part (as of a joint) b + : a surrounding saclike + [la) bag, catch, collar, corral, get, grab, grapple,
structure that protects something held inside 2: a case hook, land, nab, seize, snare, trap - more at CATCH
bearing spores or seeds 3 + : a gelatin shell for packaging [Ic) acquire, attain, carry, draw, earn, gain, gamer,
something (as a drug or vitamins) 4: a small pressurized get, land. make, obtain, procure, realize, secure, win -
more at EARN
compartment or vehicle (as for space flight)
+ [Ib] armor, case, casing, cocoon, cover, housing,
husk, jacket, pod, sheath, shell - more at CASE
ca-pu-enln \'ka-py;)-sh;)n\ n : a member of an austere
branch of the order of St. Francis of Assisi engaged in
missionarywork and preaching
+ [3) pill, tablet car \'kiir\ n 1 + : a vehicle movingon wheels 2: the com-
2capsule adj 1 + : very brief 2 : very compact partment of an elevator 3: the part of a balloon or air-
= + brief, compact, compendious, concise, crisp, epi- ship that carries passengers or equipment
:: grammatic, laconic, pithy, succinct, summary, terse -

automobile, machine, motor vehicle; also bus, coach,
:: more at CONCISE
Capt abbr captain
minibus; beach buggy, brougham, compact, convert-
ible, coupe, dune buggy, fastback, hardtop, hatchback,
= 'cap-tain \'kap-t;)n\ n 1 +: a commander of a body of hot rod, jeep,limousine, roadster, sedan, sports car, sta-

troops 2: a commissioned officer in the army, air force,

cer in charge of a ship 4: a commissioned officer in the

tion wagon, stock car, subcompact, van; flivver, jalopy
or marine corps ranking next below a major 3: an offi- car-a-cole\'kar-;)-,k61\ n : a half tum to right or left exe-
cuted by a mounted horse - caracole vb
navy ranking next below a rear admiral or a commodore car-a-cut\'kar-;)-,k;)l\ n : the pelt of a karakul lamb after
= 5 + : one who leads or supervises (as a sports team or the curl begins to loosen
work crew) 6: a dominant figure - cap-tain-cyn
=:: + Il) commander - more at COMMANDER + [5) boss,
ca-rate \k;)-'raf, -'riif\ n 1 : a bottle with a flaring lip used
esp. to hold wine 2: a usu. glass pitcher for pouring cof-

:: chief, foreman, head, headman, helmsman, kingpin, fee
leader, master, taskmaster - more at BOSS car-am-be-la\,kar-;)m-'b6-1;)\ n 1 : a five-angledgreen to
2captain vb + : to be or fill the role of captain < '"'-'ed the yellow edible tropical fruit of star-shaped cross section
football team) 2 : a tropical Asian tree widely cultivated for carambolas
+ boss, head, oversee, superintend, supervise - more
at BOSS + boss, command, control, govern, preside, rule
car-a-mel\'kar-;)-m;)l, 'kiir-m;)l\ n 1 : an amorphous sub-
stance obtained by heating sugar and used for flavoring
and coloring 2: a firm chewy candy
- more at GOVERN boss, command, dominate, head,
lead, spearhead - more at LEAD car-a-pace\'kar-;)-,pii.s\ n : a protective case or shell on the
cap-tion Vkap-shanv n 1 : a heading esp, of an article or back of some animals (as turtles or crabs)
= document: TITLE 2: the explanatory matter accompany- 'carat var O/KARAT

carat 114

2carat \'kar-at\ n : a unit of weight for precious stones car-boy \'kar-,b6i\ n [Pers qardba, fr. Ar qarrdba demi-
equal to 200 milligrams john] : a large container for liquids
car-a-van \'kar-a-,van\ n 1 : a group of travelers journey- car-bun-cle \'kiir-,bal)-kal\ n : a painful inflammation of
ing together through desert or hostile regions 2 : a the skin and underlying tissue that discharges pus from
group of vehicles traveling in a file 3 : a covered wagon several openings
or motortruck equipped as traveling living quarters car-ou-re-ter \'kiir-ba-,ra-tar, -bya-v n : an apparatus for
[2] armada, cavalcade, fleet, motorcade, train- premixing vaporized fuel and air and supplying the mix-
more at FLEET [3] camper, motor home, trailer- ture to an internal combustion engine
more at CAMPER car-cass \'kar-kas\ n : a dead body; esp : one of an animal
car-a-van-sa-ry \,kar-a-'van-sa-re\ or ear-a-van-se-rat v-sa- dressed for food
,rl\ n, pi -ries or -rais or -rai [Pers kdrvansarai, fr. kdrvdn car-cin-o-gen \kiir-'si-na-jan\ n : an agent causing or incit-
caravan + sartii palace, inn] 1 : an inn in eastern countries ing cancer - car-cl-no-qen-lc \,kars-n-o-'je-nik\ adj-
where caravans rest at night 2: an establishment that car-cl-no-qe-nlc-l-ty \-ja-'ni-sa-te\ n
provides lodging and usu. meals for the public : HOTEL, car-ci-no-ma \,kiirs-n-'o-ma\ n, pi -mas also -ma-ta \-ta\ : a
INN malignant tumor of epithelial origin - car-cl-no-rna-tous
car-a-vel \'kar-a-,vel\ n : a small 15th and 16th century ship \-tas\ adj
with a broad bow, high narrow poop, and usu. three 'card \'kiird\ vb : to comb with a card: cleanse and untan-
masts gle before spinning - card-er n
car-a-way \'kar-a-,wa\ n : an aromatic herb related to the 2card n : an instrument for combing fibers (as wool or cot-
carrot with fruits (caraway seed) used in seasoning and ton)
medicine; also: its fruit 3card n 1 : PLAYING CARD 2pl: a game played with playing
car-bide \'kiir-,bId\ n : a compound of carbon with another cards; also : card playing 3: an emotional issue used to
element one's advantage (as in a political campaign) 4 : a usu.
car-bine \'kar-,ben, -,bIn\ n : a short-barreled lightweight clownishly amusing person: WAG 5: a flat stiff usu. small
rifle piece of paper, cardboard, or plastic often bearing pic-
car-bo-hy-drate \,kar-bo-'hI-,drat, -dratv n : any of various tures or information 6: PROGRAM; esp : a sports program
compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen comedian, comic, humorist, jester, joker, wag, wit -
(as sugars and starches) more at HUMORIST
car-bol-ic acid \,kar-'ba-lik-\ n : PHENOL 'card vb 1 : to list or schedule on a card 2: SCORE 3: to ask
car-bon \'kar-ban\ n 1 : a nonmetallic chemical element for identification (as at a bar)
occurring in nature esp. as diamond and graphite and as 'card abbr cardinal
a constituent of coal, petroleum, and limestone 2: a car-da-mom \'kiir-da-mam\ n : the aromatic capsular fruit
sheet of carbon paper; also : CARBON COPY I - car-bon- of an East Indian herb related to the ginger whose seeds
less \-Ias\ adj are used as a spice or condiment and in medicine; also
car-bo-na-ceous \,kar-ba-'na-shas\ adi : relating to, con- : this plant
taining, or composed of carbon card-board \'kiird-,bord\ n : a material thicker than paper
tear-bon-ate \'kiir-ba-,nat, -natv n : a salt or ester of car- and made from cellulose fiber
bonic acid card-car-ry-ing \'kiird-,kar-e-il)\ adj : being a regularly en-
2car.bon.ate \-,nat\ vb -at-ed: : to combine or infuse rolled member of an organization (as a political party)
with carbon dioxide <carbonated beverages> - car-bon- card catalog n : a catalog (as of books) in which the entries
ation \,kiir-ba-'na-shan\ n are arranged systematically on cards
carbon black n : any of various black substances consisting car-di-ae \'kiir-de-,ak\ adj [L cardiacus, fr. Gk kardiakos,
chiefly of carbon and used esp. as pigments fr. kardia heart] 1 : of, relating to, or located near the
carbon copy n 1 : a copy made by carbon paper 2 : one heart 2: of, relating to, or affected with heart disease
that strongly resembles or closely corresponds to another car-di-qan \'kiir-di-gan\ n : a sweater or jacket usu. without
: DUPLICATE a collar and with a full-length opening in the front
counterpart, double, duplicate, duplication, facsim- 'carodinal \'kiird-nal, 'kiir-dn-al\ n 1 : an ecclesiastical of-
ile, image, likeness, match, picture, replica, ringer, spit ficial of the Roman Catholic Church ranking next below
- more at IMAGE the pope 2: a crested No. American finch that is nearly
carbon dating n : the determination of the age of old ma- completely red in the male
terial (as an archaeological specimen) by its content of 2cardinal adi [ME, fr. LL cardinalis, fr. L serving as a hinge,
carbon 14 fro cardo hinge] 1 : of basic importance: CHIEF, MAIN,
carbon dioxide n : a heavy colorless gas that does not sup- PRIMARY 2: very serious <a - sin> - adv
port combustion and is formed in animal respiration and arch, central, chief, dominant, first, foremost, grand,
in the combustion and decomposition of organic sub- key, main, paramount, predominant, preeminent, pre-
stances mier, primary, principal, sovereign, supreme - more at
carbon 14 n : a heavy radioactive form of carbon used esp. FOREMOST
in dating archaeological materials car-di-nal-ate Vkard-no-lat, 'kar-dfn-a-let, -,Iat\ n : the of-
car-bon-ic acid \kiir-'ba-nik-\ n : a weak acid that decom- fice, rank, or dignity of a cardinal
poses readily into water and carbon dioxide cardinal flower n : a No. American plant that bears a spike
car-bon-if-er-ous \,kiir-ba-'ni-fa-ras\ adi 1 : producing or of brilliant red flowers
containing carbon or coal 2 cap: of, relating to, or being cardinal number n : a number (as 1,5,82,357) that is used
the period of the Paleozoic era between the Devonian and in simple counting and answers the question "how
the Permian - Carboniferous n many?"
carbon monoxide n : a colorless odorless very poisonous cardinal point n : one of the four principal compass points
gas formed by the incomplete burning of carbon north, south, east, and west
carbon paper n : a thin paper coated with a pigment and car-die \'kiir-de-o\ adj : CARDIOVASCULAR 2
used for making copies car-dl-ol-o-qy \,kar-de-'a-Ia-je\ n : the study of the heart
carbon tet-ra-cnlo-ride \-,te-tra-'kI6r-,Id\ n : a colorless and its action and diseases - car-dl-ot-o-qist \-jist\ n
nonflammable toxic liquid used esp, as a solvent car-dio-pul-mo-nary resuscitation \,kiir-de-o-'pill-ma-,ner-
carbon 12 n : the most abundant isotope of carbon having e-\ n : a procedure to restore normal breathing after car-
a nucleus of 6 protons and 6 neutrons and used as a stan- diac arrest that includes the clearance of air passages to
dard for measurements of atomic weight the lungs, mouth-to-mouth method of artificial respira-
115 carnal
tion, and heart massage by the exertion of pressure on the care-less \-Ias\ adj 1: free from care : UNTROUBLED
chest 2 : having no concern or interest (~ of the conse-
car-die-vas-cu-lar \-'vas-lcya-Iar\ adi 1 : of or relating to the quences> 3 : not taking care esp. to avoid danger or
heart and blood vessels 2: causing a temporary increase harm 4 a : not taking ordinary or proper care b: not
in heart rate (a ~ workout> showing or receiving care - care-less-ly adv
card-sharp-er \'kard-,shar-par\ or card-sharp \-,sharp\ n : a [2, 3] heedless, mindless, unguarded, unsafe, unwary;
cheater at cards also bold, impetuous, rash, reckless; inattentive, unob-
'care \'ker\ n 1 : a disquieted state of uncertainty and re- servant; blithe, inconsiderate, thoughtless; absent-
sponsibility : ANXIETY 2 : painstaking or watchful at- minded, forgetful, unmindful; lax, neglectful, negligent,
tention 3 + : responsibility for the care of another (under remiss; imprudent, indiscreet, injudicious; inadvertent,
a doctor's ~> 4: a person or thing that is an object of at- unintentional, unplanned Ant alert, cautious, circum-
tention, anxiety, or solicitude spect, gingerly, guarded, heedful, safe, wary
+ (2) alertness, carefulness, caution, circumspection, + [4a) derelict, lax, negligent, remiss, slack - more at
heedfulness - more at CAUTION + (2) carefulness, NEGLIGENT
heed, heedfulness, pains, scrupulousness; also exact- cere-less-ness n + : failure to exercise the care that a rea-
ness, meticulousness, particularity; dutifulness, respon- sonably prudent person would in like circumstances
sibility; bother, effort, trouble; alertness, vigilance, + dereliction, heedlessness, laxness, negligence, remiss-
watchfulness Ant carelessness, heedlessness + (3) cus- ness, slackness - more at NEGLIGENCE
tody, guardianship, keeping, safekeeping, trust, ward- 'ca.ress \ka-'res\ n : a tender or loving touch or embrace
more at CUSTODY (3) charge, guidance, headship, 2caress vb : to touch or stroke tenderly or lovingly - ca-
oversight, regulation, superintendence, supervision- ress-er n
more at SUPERVISION fondle, love, pat, pet, stroke - more at FONDLE
2care vb cared; 1 : to feel trouble or anxiety 2: to car-et \'kar-at\ n [L, there is lacking, fro carere to lack, be
feel interest or concern (~ about freedom> 3 : to give without) : a mark A used to indicate the place where
care - usu. used with for (~ for the sick> 4 a : to something is to be inserted
have a liking, fondness, taste, or inclination b: have re- care-tak-er \'ker-,ta-kar\ n 1 : one in charge usu. as oc-
gard or respect 5: to be concemed about <nobody ~s cupant in place of an absent owner 2: one temporarily
what I do> 6: to have or express a wish for - usu. used fulfilling the functions of an office
with for custodian, guardian, janitor, keeper, warden, watch-
usu care for [3) aid, minister, mother, nurse - more man - more at CUSTODIAN
at NURSE usu care for [3) attend, mind, oversee, su- care-worn \-,worn\ adj : showing the effects of grief or
perintend, supervise, tend - more at TEND usu care anxiety
for [4a) accept, approve, countenance, favor (or car-tare \'kar-,far\ n : passenger fare (as on a streetcar or
favour), OK, subscribe bus)
CARE abbr Cooperative for American Relief to Every- car-qo \'kar-go\ n, pi cargoes or cargos : the goods car-
where ried in a ship, airplane, or vehicle: FREIGHT
ca-reen \ka-'ren\ vb 1 : to put (a ship or boat) on a beach freight, load, payload, shipment; also consignment;
esp. in order to clean or repair its hull 2 + : to sway from bale, bundle, packet; manifest burden, freight, haul,
side to side 3: CAREER lading, load, payload, weight - more at LOAD
lurch, pitch, rock, roll, seesaw, sway, toss, wobble- Ca.ribobe-an \,kar-a-'be-an, b-'ri-be-an\ adi : of or relating
more at ROCK to the eastern and southern West Indies or the Caribbean
ica-reer \ka-'rir\ n [MF carriere, fr. Old Occitan camera Sea
street, fro ML carraria road for vehicles, fro L carrus car] car-i-bou \'kar-a-,bli\ n, pi caribou or caribous: a large cir-
1 : COURSE, PASSAGE; also: speed in a course (ran at full cumpolar gregarious deer of northern taiga and tundra
~> 2: an occupation or profession followed as a life's that usu. has palmate antlers in both sexes - used esp,
work for one of the New World
2career vb + : to go at top speed esp. in a headlong manner icar-l-ca-ture \'kar-i-ka-,chur\ n 1 + : distorted representa-
+ barrel, bowl, fly, hurry, hurtle, pelt, race, rocket, tion to produce a ridiculous effect 2 : a representation
rush, shoot, speed, tear, zip, zoom - more at HURRY esp. in literature or art having the qualities of caricature
care-free \'ker-,fre\ adj. : free from care or worry - car-l-ca-tur-lst \-ist\ n
+ careless, cavalier, easygoing, gay, happy-go-lucky, in- + (1) farce, joke, mockery, parody, sham, travesty-
souciant, lighthearted, unconcerned; also breezy, non- more at MOCKERY. [2) burlesque, parody, spoof, take-
chalant; casual, informal, laid-back, relaxed; heedless, off - more at PARODY
irresponsible, lackadaisical, negligent, reckless Ant 2caricature vb : to make or draw a caricature of : repre-
careworn sent in caricature
care-ful \-fal\ adj care-ful-ler: care-tul-lest 1 : using or burlesque, imitate, mimic, mock, parody, take off,
taking care 2 : marked by solicitude, caution, or pru- travesty - more at MIMIC
dence - care-tul-ly adv car-ies \'kar-ez\ n, pi caries: tooth decay
+ [I) conscientious, fussy, meticulous, painstaking- car-il-lon \'kar-a-,Hin\ n : a set of tuned bells sounded by
more at PAINSTAKING. (2) alert, cautious, circumspect, hammers controlled from a keyboard
considerate, gingerly, guarded, heedful, safe, wary; also car-i-ous \ 'kar-e-as\ adj : affected with caries
attentive, chary, observant, vigilant, watchful; fore- \'kiir-Ja-kiJ)\ n : the theft of an automobile by
sighted, provident; cagey, noncommittal; calculating, force or intimidation - car-jack-er n
scheming, shrewd; considerate, thoughtful; deliberate, car-lead \'kar-,Iod\ n : a load that fills a car
slow Ant careless, heedless, incautious, unguarded, un- car-rnl-na-tlve \kar-'mi-na-tiv\ adj : expelling gas from the
safe, unwary alimentary canal - carminative n
care-ful-ness n : the quality of being careful : close or car-mine \'kar-man, -,min\ n : a vivid red
steady attention (as to a task) car-nage \'kar-nij\ n : great destruction of life: SLAUGH-
alertness, care, caution, circumspection, heedfulness
- more at CAUTION + butchery, massacre, slaughter - more at MASSACRE
care-giv-er \-,gi-var\ n : a person who provides direct care car-nal \'karn-'I\ adj [ME, fr. LL camalis, fr. L carn-, caro
(as for children, the disabled, or the chronically ill) flesh) 1 : of or relating to the body 2 : relating to or
carnality 116

given to sensual pleasures and appetites 3 : of or relat- numbness) in the hand and fingers and caused by com-
ing to this world: earthly rather than heavenly or spiri- pression of a nerve in the wrist
tual - ear-nat-t-ty \kar-'na-I:;)-te\ n - car-nal-ly adv car park n, chiefly Can and Brit: a lot or garage for park-
[1] animal, bodily, corporal, fleshly, material, physi- ing
cal, somatic - more at PHYSICAL. [2] fleshly, luscious, car-pe di-em \'kar-pe-'de-,em, -'dI-\ n [L,lit., pluck the day)
sensual, sensuous, voluptuous - more at SENSUAL : enjoyment of the present without concern for the future
[3] earthly, fleshly, material, mundane, temporal, ter- car-pel \'kar-p:;)l\ n : one of the highly modified leaves that
restrial, worldly - more at EARTHLY together form the ovary of a flower of a seed plant
car-na-tion \kar-'na-sh:;)n\ n : a cultivated pink of any of car-pen-ter \'kar-p:;)n-t:;)r\ n : one who builds or repairs
numerous usu. double-flowered varieties derived from an wooden structures - carpenter vb - car-pen-try \-tre\ n
Old World species carpoer n : an excessive faultfinder
car-nau-ba wax \kar-'no-b:;)-, -'nau-; ,kar-n:;)-'ii-b:;)-\ n : a castigator, caviler, censurer, critic, faultfinder, nit-
brittle yellowish wax from a Brazilian palm that is used picker, railer, scold - more at CRITIC
esp, in polishes tear-pet \'kar-p:;)t\ n : a heavy fabric used as a floor cover-
car-ne-lian \kar-'nel-y:;)n\ n : a hard tough reddish quartz ing
used as a gem 2carpet vb + : to cover with or as if with a carpet
car-nl-vat Vkar-na-valv n [It carnevale, alter. of carnelevare, + blanket, coat, cover, overlay, overlie, overspread-
lit., removal of meat] 1 : a season of merrymaking just more at COVER
before Lent 2: a boisterous merrymaking 3: a traveling car-pet-bag \-,bag\ n : a traveling bag common in the 19th
enterprise offering amusements 4 : an organized pro- century
gram of entertainment car-pet-baq-qer \-,ba-g:;)r\ n : a Northerner in the South af-
celebration, festival, festivity, fete, fiesta, gala, jubilee ter the American Civil War usu. seeking private gain un-
- more at FESTIVAL der the reconstruction governments
car-niv-o-ra \kar-'ni-v:;)-r:;)\ n pi : carnivorous mammals car-pet-lnq \'kar-p:;)-til)\ n : material for carpets; also: CAR-
car-ni-vore \'kiir-n:;)-,vor\ n : a flesh-eating animal; esp : any PETS
of an order of mammals (as dogs, cats, bears, minks, and carping adj + : marked by or inclined to querulous and of-
seals) feeding mostly on animal flesh ten perverse criticism
car-nlv-o-rous \kar-'ni-v:;)-r:;)s\ adj 1 : feeding on animal tis- + captious, critical, hypercritical, overcritical - more
sues 2: of or relating to the carnivores - car-nlv-o-rous- at CRITICAL
Iy adv - car-ntv-o-rous-ness n car pool n : an arrangement in which a group of people
car-ny or car-ney or car-nie \'kar-ne\ n, pi carnies or car- commute together by car; also : a group having this
neys 1 : CARNIVAL 3 2: one who works with a carnival arrangement - car-pool \-,piil\ vb
'caroOl \'kar-:;)I\ n + : a song of joy or devotion car-port \'kar-,port\ n : an open-sided automobile shelter
+ anthem, canticle, chorale, hymn, psalm, spiritual- car-pus \'kar-p:;)s\ n : the wrist or its bones
more at HYMN car-ra-qeen-an or ear-ra-qeen-ln \,kar-:;)-'ge-n;)n \ n : a col-
2carol vb : to sing esp, in a cheerful manner loid extracted esp. from a dark purple branching seaweed
car-ol-er or car-ol-ler n + : one that carols and used in foods esp. to stabilize and thicken them
+ singer, songster, vocalist, voice - more at SINGER car-rel \'kar-:;)I\ n : a table often partitioned or enclosed for
individual study in a library
'caroOm \'kar-:;)m\ n 1 : a shot in billiards in which the cue
car-rlaqe \'kar-ij\ n 1 : the act of carrying 2: manner of
ball strikes two other balls 2: a rebounding esp. at an an-
holding the body 3: a wheeled vehicle 4 Brit: a railway
passenger coach 5: a movable part of a machine for sup-
2carom vb + : to strike and rebound
+ bounce, glance, rebound, ricochet, skim, skip-
porting some other moving part <a typewriter +->
carriage trade n : trade from well-to-do or upper-class peo-
more at GLANCE ple
car-o-tene \'kar-:;)-,ten\ n : any of several orange to red pig- car-ri-er \ 'kar-e-;)r\ n 1 : one that carries 2 : a person or or-
ments (as beta-carotene) formed esp. in plants and used ganization in the transportation business 3: AlRCRAFT
as a source of vitamin A CARRIER 4: one whose system carries the causative agents
ca-rot-en-oid \k:;)-'ra-t:;)-,noid\ n : any of various usu. yellow of a disease but who is immune to the disease 5: an indi-
to red pigments (as carotenes) found widely in plants and vidual having a gene for a trait or condition that is not ex-
animals pressed outwardly 6: an electromagnetic wave whose
ca-rot-id \k:;)-'ra-t:;)d\ adj : of, relating to, or being the chief amplitude or frequency is varied in order to convey a ra-
artery or pair of arteries that pass up the neck and supply dio or television signal
the head - carotid n carrier pigeon n : a pigeon used esp. to carry messages
ca-rous-al \k:;)-'rau-z:;)l\ n : a period of heavy drinking car-ri-on Vker-e-anv n : dead and decaying flesh
: CAROUSE car-rot \ 'ker-atv n : the elongated usu. orange root of a
ca-rouse \k:;)-'rauz\ n [MF carrousse, fr. carous, adv., all common garden plant that is eaten as a vegetable; also
out (in boire carous to empty the cup), fro G garaus) : a : this plant
drunken revel - carouse vb - carousoer n carrousel var oj CAROUSEL
car-ou-sel \,kar-:;)-'sel, 'kar-o-jselv n 1 : MERRY-GO-ROUND 'car.ry Vka-re, 'ker-e\ vb car-ried; [ME carien, fro
2 : a circular conveyor AP carier, fro carre vehicle, fro L ca~sl 1 + : to move
'carp \'karp\ vb + : to find fault - carp n while supporting: TRANSPORT, CONVEY 2: to influence by
+ beef, bellyache, cavil, complain, crab, croak, fuss, mental or emotional appeal 3: to get possession or con-
gripe, grouse, growl, grumble, kick, moan, squawk, trol of : CAPTURE, WIN 4: to transfer from one place (as a
wail, whine - more at COMPLAIN column) to another <~ a number in adding) 5: to have
2carp n, pi carp or carps : a large variable Asian freshwater or wear on one's person; also: to bear within one 6 + : to
fish of sluggish waters often raised for food have within or as part of itself: INVOLVE, INCLUDE 7: to
rear-pat \'kar-p:;)l\ adj : relating to the wrist or the bones of hold or bear (oneself) in a specified way 8: to keep in
the wrist stock for sale 9 : to sustain the weight or burden of
2carpal n : a carpal element or bone : SUPPORT 10: to prolong in space, time, or degree 11 : to
carpal tunnel syndrome n : a condition characterized esp. keep on one's books as a debtor 12: to succeed in (an
by weakness, pain, and disturbances of sensation (as election) 13: to win adoption (as in a legislature) 14 a : to
117 cashew
present to the public for use or as entertainment b: PUB- tion into an apparatus 3: a small case containing a
LISH, PRINT 15: to reach or penetrate to a distance phonograph needle and transducer that is attached to a
[I] bear, cart, convey, ferry, haul, lug, pack, tote, tonearm 4: a case containing a magnetic tape or disk
transport; also deliver, hand over, transfer; forward, 5 : a case for holding integrated circuits containing a
send, ship, transmit; bring, fetch, take; move, remove, computer program
shift [6] comprehend, contain, embrace, encompass, cart-wheel Vkart-vhwel', n 1 : a large coin (as a silver dol-
entail, include, involve, number, take in - more at IN- lar) 2: a lateral handspring with arms and legs extended
CLUDE [9] bear, bolster, brace, buttress, prop, shore, carve \karv\ vb carved; carv.iog 1 : to cut with care or pre-
stay, support, uphold - more at SUPPORT cision : shape by cutting 2 : to cut or hew out esp, with
2carry n 1 : the range of a gun or projectile or of a struck some effort: make or get by or as if by cutting - often
or thrown ball 2: PORTAGE 3: an act or method of car- used with out (- out a fortune) 3: to slice and serve
rying (fireman's-) meat at table - carv-er n
car-ry-an \'kar-e-,ol\ n : a large bag or carrying case usu carve out build, forge, grind, hammer, work out
grip, handbag, portmanteau, suitcase, traveling bag cary-at-id \,kar-e-'a-t3d\ n, pi -ids or -i-des \-'a-t3-,dez\ : a
- more at TRAVELING BAG sculptured draped female figure used as an architectural
carry away vb : to arouse to a high and often excessive column
degree of emotion CAS abbr certificate of advanced study
enrapture, enthrall, entrance, ravish, transport- ca-sa-ba \k3-'sa-b3\ n : any of several muskmelons with a
more at ENTRANCE yellow rind and sweet flesh
carrying charge n : a charge added to the price of mer- 'casoeade \,kas-'kad\ n 1: a steep usu. small waterfall
chandise sold on the installment plan 2 : something arranged in a series or succession of stages
car-ry-on n : a piece of luggage suitable for being carried so that each stage derives from or acts upon the product
aboard an airplane by a passenger - carry-on adj of the preceding
carry on vb 1 : to have the direction of: CONDUCT, MAN- 2casoeade vb cas-cad-ed; cas-cad-lnq : to fall, pass, or con-
AGE 2 : to behave in a foolish, excited, or improper nect in or as if in a cascade
manner 3: to continue in spite of hindrance or discour- cas-cara \kas-'kar-3\ n : the dried bark of a small Pacific
agement coastal tree of the U.S. and southern Canada used as a
[1] administer, conduct, control, direct, govern, laxative; also : this tree
guide, handle, manage, operate, oversee, regulate, run, 'case \'kas\ n [ME cas, fro AF, fro L casus fall, chance, fro
superintend, supervise - more at CONDUCT [2] act cadere to fall) 1 a : a set of circumstances or conditions
out, act up, misbehave - more at MISBEHAVE b : a set of circumstances constituting a problem : a
carry out vb 1 : to bring to a successful conclusion 2: to matter for consideration or decision 2: an inflectional
put into execution form of a noun, pronoun, or adjective indicating its gram-
accomplish, achieve, commit, compass, do, execute, matical relation to other words; also : such a relation
follow through, fulfill, make, perform - more at PER- whether indicated by inflection or not 3: what actually
FORM exists or happens: FACT 4: a suit or action in law: CAUSE
car-sick \'kar-,sik\ adj : affected with motion sickness esp. 5 : a convincing argument 6 a : an instance of disease
in an automobile - car sickness n or injury b: a sick individual esp. when awaiting medical
'cart \'kart\ n 1 : a heavy 2-wheeled wagon 2: a small care or treatment: PATIENT 7 : an instance or example
wheeled vehicle of a particular type : INSTANCE, EXAMPLE - in case: as a
2cart vb : to convey in or as if in a cart - cart-er n precaution - in case of : in the event of
bear, carry, convey, ferry, haul, lug, pack, tote, trans- [la] contingency, event, eventuality, possibility-
port - more at CARRY more at EVENT. [Ib) knot, matter, problem, trouble -
cart-age \'kar-tij\ n : the act of or rate charged for carting more at PROBLEM. [5) argument, defense (or defence),
carte blanche \'kart-'blansh\ n, pi cartes blanches same or explanation, rationale, reason - more at REASON
-'blan-sh3z\ [F, lit., blank document] : full discretionary [7] example, exemplar, illustration, instance, repre-
power sentative, sample, specimen - more at EXAMPLE
car-tel \kar-'tel\ n : a combination of independent busi- 2case n [ME cas, fro AF case, chase, fr. L capsa] 1 : a box
ness enterprises designed to limit competition or container for holding something; also: a box with its
combination, combine, syndicate, trust; also chain, contents 2.: an outer covering 3: a divided tray for
conglomerate, multinational; association, organization, holding printing type 4: CASING 2
pool [I] box, caddy, casket, chest, locker, trunk - more
car.ti.lage \'kar-t3-lij\ n : a usu. translucent somewhat elas- at CHEST [2) armor, capsule, casing, cocoon, cover,
tic tissue that composes most of the skeleton of young housing, husk, jacket, pod, sheath, shell; also bark,
vertebrate embryos and later is mostly converted to bone crust; mail, plate, plating, shield; hide, skin; envelope,
in higher vertebrates - car-tl-laq-l-nous \,kart-'I-'a-j3- wrapper; backing, coating, facing
n3s\ adj 3case vb cased; 1 : to enclose in or cover with a
cartilaginous fish n : any of a class of fishes (as a shark or case 2: to inspect esp. with intent to rob
ray) having the skeleton wholly or largely composed of ca-sein \ 'ka-jsen, ka-'\ n : any of several phosphorus-con-
cartilage taining proteins occurring in or produced from milk
car.tography \kar-'ta-grn-fe\ n : the making of maps - case-men! \'kas-m3nt\ n : a window that opens like a door
car-tog-ra-pher n - car-to-qraph-lc \,k1ir-t3-'gra-fik\ adj case-work \-,w3rk\ n : social work that involves the indi-
car-ton \'kart-'n\ n : a cardboard box or container vidual person or family - case-work-er n
car-toon \kar-'tUn\ n 1 : a preparatory sketch (as for a 'cash \'kash\ n [MF or It; MF casse money box, fro It cassa,
painting) 2: a drawing intended as humor, caricature, or fr. L capsa chest, case] 1 : ready money 2 : money or
satire 3 : a group of cartoons or drawings arranged in its equivalent paid at the time of purchase or delivery
a narrative sequence : COMIC STRIP - cartoon vb - car- currency, dough, lucre, money, pelf, tender - more
teen-tat n at MONEY
[1] delineation, drawing, sketch - more at DRAWING 2cash vb : to payor obtain cash for
(3) comic strip - more at COMIC STRIP ca-shew \'ka-shU, k3-'shii\ n : an edible kidney-shaped nut
car.tridge Vkar-trij', n 1 : a tube containing a complete of a tropical American tree related to the sumacs; also
charge for a firearm 2: a container of material for inser- : the tree
cashier 118

'ca-shler \ka-'shir\ vb + : to dismiss from service; esp : to of an autobiography) 8: to make (as a knot or stitch) by
dismiss in disgrace looping or catching up
+ dismiss, fire, remove, retire, sack - more at DISMISS + [I] catapult, chuck, dash, fire, fling, heave, hurl, hur-
2cashier \ka-'shir\ n 1: a bank official responsible for tle, launch, peg, pelt, pitch, sling, throw, toss - more at
moneys received and paid out 2: a person who receives THROW + [2] aim, bend, direct, head, level, set, train -
and records payments more at AIM + [4] discard, ditch, dump, fling, jettison,
cashier's check n : a check drawn by a bank upon its own junk, lose, reject, scrap, shed, shuck, slough, throw
funds and signed by its cashier away, throw out, unload - more at DISCARD + [7b]
compose, craft, draft, draw. formulate, frame, prepare
cash in vb 1 : to convert into cash <cash in bonds) 2: to
settle accounts and withdraw from a gambling game or - more at COMPOSE
business deal 3 + : to obtain advantage or financial profit 2cast n 1 : THROW, FLING 2: a throw of dice 3: the set of
actors in a dramatic production 4: something formed in
- often used with on <cash in on a best seller)
or as if in a mold; also: a rigid surgical dressing (as for
+ usu cash in on abuse, capitalize, exploit, impose, play, protecting and supporting a fractured bone) 5 + : a slight
use - more at EXPLOIT
change in the appearance of a substance by a trace of
cash-less \'kash-Ias\ adj : relying on monetary transac- some added hue: a trace of a particular quality: TINGE,
tions that use electronic means rather than cash HUE 6 a : a turning of the eye in a particular direction
cash-mere \'kazh-,mir, 'kash-\ n : fine wool from the un- b + : a physical form or character : SHAPE c + : facial as-
dercoat of an Indian goat (cashmere goat) or a yarn spun pect or vocal intonation as indicative of feeling : LOOK
of this; also: a soft twilled fabric orig. woven from this 7 : something thrown out or off, shed, or expelled <worm
yarn "'s) 8: a forecast or conjecture concerning future events
cash out vb : to convert noncash assets into cash or conditions
cash register n : a business machine that usu. has a money
+ [5] color (or colour), hue, shade, tinge, tint, tone-
drawer, indicates each sale, and records the money re- more at COLOR + [6b] configuration, conformation, fig-
ceived ure, form, geometry, shape + [6c] countenance, expres-
cash-strapped \'kash-,strapt\ adj : lacking sufficient sion, face, look, visage - more at LOOK
money cast about vb + : to seek here and there : look around \'kii-sil)\ n 1 + : something that encases 2: the
+ cast around, forage, hunt, pursue, quest, search (for
frame of a door or window
or out), seek - more at SEEK
armor, capsule, case, cocoon. cover. housing, husk, cas-ta-net \,kas-ta-'net\ n [Sp castaneta, fro castana chest-
jacket, pod, sheath, shell - more at CASE nut, fro L castanea] : a rhythm instrument consisting of
ca-si-no \ka-'se-no\ n, pi -nos [It, fr. casa house] 1: a two small wooden, ivory, or plastic shells held in the hand
building or room for social amusements; esp : one used and clicked together
for gambling 2 also cas-si-ne : a card game in which play- cast around vb + : to look around : SEEK
ers win cards by matching those on the table
+ cast about, forage, hunt, pursue, quest, search (for or
cask \'kask\ n + : a barrel-shaped container usu. for liq-
out), seek - more at SEEK
uids; also: the quantity held by such a container
'cast.away \'kas-ta-,wii\ adj 1 : thrown away: REJECTED
barrel, hogshead, keg, pipe, puncheon; also tub, vat; 2 : cast adrift or ashore as a survivor of a shipwreck
can, drum 2castaway n + : one who has been cast away, cast off, or re-
cas-ket \'kas-kat\ n 1 + : a small chest or box (as for jew- jected
els) 2: a usu. fancy coffin for burying a corpse: COFFIN
+ outcast, reject - more at OUTCAST
+ box, caddy, case, chest, locker, trunk - more at caste \'kast\ n [pg casta, Iit., race, lineage, fro fem. of casto
pure, chaste, fr. L castus] 1 : one of the hereditary social
casque \'kask\ n : HELMET
classes in Hinduism 2 + : a division of a society based on
cas-sa-va \ka-'sa-va\ n : any of several tropical spurges
wealth, inherited rank, or occupation 3: social position
with rootstocks yielding a nutritious starch from which
: PRESTIGE 4: a system of rigid social stratification
tapioca is prepared; also : the rootstock or its starch
cas-se-role \'ka-sa-,rol\ n 1 : a dish in which food may be
+ class, estate, folk, order, stratum - more at CLASS
baked and served 2: food cooked and served in a casse- cas-tel-lat-ed \'kas-ta-,Iii-tad\ adj : having battlements like
role a castle
cas-sette also ca-sette \ka-'set\ n 1 : a lightproof container cast-er Vkas-tarv n 1 or cas-tor : a small container to hold
for photographic plates or film 2: a plastic case contain- salt or pepper at the table 2: a small wheel that turns
ing magnetic tape freely and is used to support and move furniture, trucks.
cas-sia \'ka-sha\ n 1 : a coarse cinnamon bark 2: any of and equipment
a genus of leguminous herbs, shrubs, and trees of warm cas-ti-qate \'kas-ta-,giit\ vb -gat-ed; + : to punish or
regions including several which yield senna criticize severely
cas-sit-er-ite \ka-'si-ta-,nt\ n : a dark mineral that is the + admonish, chide, lecture, rail (at or against), rate, re-
chief tin ore buke, reprimand, scold - more at SCOLD chasten,
cas-sock Vka-sokv n : an ankle-length garment worn esp. chastise, correct, discipline, penalize, punish - more at
by Roman Catholic and Anglican clergy PUNISH
cas-so-wary Vka-sa-jwer-ev n, pl-waries : any of a genus of cas-tt-qa-tlon \,kas-ta-'gii-shan\ n + : severe punishment or
large flightless birds closely related to the emu criticism
'cast \'kast\ vb cast; 1 + : to cause to move or send + chastisement, correction, desert, discipline, nemesis,
forth by throwing: THROW, FLING 2 + : to point, extend, penalty, punishment, wrath - more at PUNISHMENT
or project in a specified line or course : DIRECT <",a cas-tl-qa-tor Vkas-ta-sga-tor', n + : one that castigates
glance) 3: to deposit (a ballot) formally 4 + : to throw carper, caviler, censurer, critic, faultfinder, nitpicker,
off, out, or away: DISCARD, SHED 5 : COMPlITE; esp : to add railer, scold - more at CRITIC
up 6: to assign the parts of (a play) to actors; also: to as- cast-inq \'kas-til)\ n 1 : CAST 7 2 : something cast in a mold
sign to a role or part 7 a : to shape (a substance) by pour- casting vote n : a deciding vote cast by a presiding officer
ing it in liquid or plastic form into a mold and letting it to break a tie
harden without pressure b + : to give form to : establish cast iron n : a hard brittle alloy of iron, carbon, and silicon
or create in a particular form <the book is '" in the form cast in a mold
119 catch

cas-tle \'ka-s:ll\ n 1 : a large fortified building or set of cat-a-falque \'ka-t:l-,falk, -,folk, -,fok\ n : an ornamental
buildings 2 : a large or imposing house 3: 'ROOK structure sometimes used in solemn funerals to hold the
estate, hall, manor, mansion, palace, villa - more at body
MANSION cat-a-lep-sy \'ka-t:l-,Iep-se\ n, pl-sies : a trancelike nervous
cast-off \'kas-,tof\ adj : thrown away or aside - cast-off n condition characterized esp. by loss of voluntary motion
cas-ter oil \'kas-t:lr-\ n : a thick yellowish oil extracted - cat-a-lep-tic \,ka-t:l-'Iep-tik\ adj or n
from the poisonous seeds of an herb (castor-oil plant) 'cat.a.log or cat-a-toque \'kat-l-,og\ n 1 : a simple series
and used as a lubricant and purgative of items (as the names of persons or objects) : LIST, REGIS-
TER 2: a systematic list of items with descriptive details;
cast out vb : to banish, expel, or drive away (as from a
former home or country) also: a book containing such a list
checklist, list, listing, menu, register, registry, roll,
banish, boot (out), bounce, chase, dismiss, drum,
roster, schedule, table - more at LIST
eject, expel, oust, rout, run off, throw out - more at
2catalog or catalogue vb -Ioged or -Iogued; or -Iogu-
ing 1 : to make a catalog of 2 : to enter in a catalog -
cas-trate \'kas-,triit\ vb cas-trat-ed: castrat.lng : to deprive
cat-a-toq-er or cat-a-loqu-er n
of sex glands and esp, testes - cas-tra-tlon \kas-'trii-sh:ln \
n - cas-tra-ter \-:lr\ n enroll, enter, index, inscribe, list, put down, record,
ca-su-al Vka-zhc-walx adj 1 : resulting from or occur- register, schedule, slate - more at LIST
ring by chance 2 : occurring without regularity: OCCA- ca-tal-pa \k:!-'tal-P;}\ n : any of a genus of broad-leaved
SIONAL 3.: feeling or showing little concern trees with showy flowers and long slim pods
: NONCHALANT 4 : designed for informal use <- cloth-
ca-tal-y-els \k:l-'ta-l:l-s:ls\ n, pi -y-ses \-,sez\ : a change and
ing> - adv
esp. increase in the rate of a chemical reaction brought
about by a substance (cat-a-lyst \'kat-I-ist\) that is itself
[1] accidental, chance, fluky, fortuitous, incidental, unchanged at the end of the reaction - cat-a-lyt-le \,kat-
unintended, unintentional, unplanned, unpremeditated, 'l-'i-tik\ adj - \-ti-k(:I- )le\ adv
unwitting - more at ACCIDENTAL. [2] choppy, discon-
catalytic converter n : an automobile exhaust-system com-
tinuous, erratic, fitful, intermittent, irregular, occa-
ponent in which a catalyst changes harmful gases into
sional, spasmodic, sporadic, spotty, unsteady - more mostly harmless products
at FITFUL [3] apathetic, disinterested, indifferent, in-
cat-a-lyze \'kat-l-,iz\ vb -Iyzed; : to bring about the
souciant, nonchalant, perfunctory, unconcerned, uncu-
catalysis of (a chemical reaction)
rious, uninterested - more at INDIFFERENT. [4] every-
cat-a-ma-ran \,ka-t:l-m:l-'ran\ n [Tamil (a language of
day, informal, workaday; also sporty Ant dressy, formal
southern India) kattumaram, fr. kattu to tie + maram
ca-su-at-ness n : the quality, state, or fact of being casual tree] : a boat with twin hulls
or disinterested cat-a-mount \'ka-t:l-,maunt\ n : a large powerful tawny=
ca-su-al-ty Vka-zhal-te, 'ka-zh;}-w:ll-\ n, pi-ties 1 : a se- brown cat: COUGAR; also: LYNX
rious or fatal accident 2: a military person lost through tcat-a-pult \'ka-t:l-,p:llt, -,pult\ n 1 : an ancient military ma-
death, injury, sickness, or capture or through being miss- chine for hurling missiles 2: a device for launching an
ing in action 3 : a person or thing injured, lost, or de- airplane (as from an aircraft carrier)
stroyed 2catapult vb : to throw or launch by or as if by a catapult
[l] accident, mishap - more at ACCIDENT. [3] fatal- cast, chuck, dash, fire, fling, heave, hurl, hurtle,
ity, loss, victim; also failure, loser launch, peg, pelt, pitch, sling, throw, toss - more at
ca-su-ist-ry \'ka-zh:l-w:l-stre\ n, pi -ries : specious argu- TIfROW
ment : RATIONALIZATION - ca-su-ist \-wist\ n - ca-su-is- cat-a-ract \ 'ka-ta-jraktv n 1 : a cloudiness of the lens of the
tic \,ka-zh:l-'wis-tik\ or ca-su-ls-tl-cat \-ti-k:ll\ adi eye obstructing vision 2 a : a large waterfall; also: steep
ca-sus bel.1i \,kli-s:ls-'be-,le, ,kii-s:ls-'be-,li\ n, pi ca-sus belli rapids in a river b : an overwhelming downpour or rush
\,kli-,sus-, ,kii-\ [NL, occasion of war] : a cause or pretext cataclysm, deluge, flood, inundation, overflow, spate,
for a declaration of war torrent - more at FLOOD
'cat \'kat\ n 1 .: a carnivorous mammal long domesti- ca-tarrh \k:l-'tlir\ n : inflammation of a mucous membrane
cated as a pet and for catching rats and mice 2: any of a esp. of the nose and throat - ca-tarrh-al \-:11\ adj
family of animals (as the lion, lynx, or leopard) including ca-tas-tro-phe \k:l-'tas-tra-(,)fe\ n [Gk katastrophe, fr.
the domestic cat 3: a spiteful woman 4: GUY katastrephein to overturn, fro kata- down + strephein to
feline, kitty, puss; also mouser; kit, kitten; tabby, turn) 1 : a great disaster or misfortune 2: utter failure
tomcat calamity, cataclysm, debacle, disaster, tragedy-
2cat abbr catalog more at DISASTER
ca-tab-o-uarn \k:l-'ta-b:l-,li-zam\ n : destructive metabolism cat-a-stroph-ic \,ka-ta-'strli-fik\ adi : of, relating to, re-
involving the release of energy and resulting in the break- sembling, or resulting in catastrophe - cat-a-stroph-i-cal-
down of complex materials - cat-a-bel-le \,ka-ta-'bli-lik\ Iy \-fi-k(a- )le\ adv
acQ calamitous, cataclysmic, destructive, disastrous, fa-
cat-a-clysm \'ka-ta-,kli-z:lm\ n 1 : a surging flood of wa- tal, fateful, ruinous, unfortunate - more at FATAL
ter : DELUGE 2 : a violent change or upheaval cat-a-ren-te \,ka-t:l-'tli-nik\ adj : of, relating to, or marked
[l] cataract, deluge, flood, inundation, overflow, by schizophrenia characterized esp. by stupor, nega-
spate, torrent - more at FLOOD [2] calamity, catas- tivism, rigidity, purposeless excitement, and bizarre pos-
trophe, debacle, disaster, tragedy - more at DISASTER turing - catatonic n
[2] convulsion, paroxysm, storm, tempest, tumult, cat-bird \'kat-,b:lrd\ n : an American songbird with a cat-
upheaval, uproar - more at CONVULSION like mewing call
cat-a-ctvs-mlc \,ka-t:l-'kliz-mik\ or cat-a-clys-mal \-'kliz- cat-boat \'kat-,bot\ n : a single-masted sailboat with a sin-
m:ll\ adj : of, relating to, or having the characteristics gle large sail extended by a long boom
of a cataclysm <a - nuclear war> cat-call \-,kol\ n : a loud cry made esp. to express disap-
calamitous, catastrophic, destructive, devastating, proval - catcall vb
disastrous, fatal. fateful, ruinous, unfortunate - more boo, hiss, hoot, jeer, raspberry; also sneer, taunt;
at FATAL whistle Ant cheer
cat-a-ccmb \'ka-t:l-,kom\ n : an underground burial place 'catch \'kach, 'kech\ vb caught \'kot\; [ME cac-
wnn gauenes ana recesses for tombs chen, fr. AF cacher, chacher, chacer to hunt, ultimo fro L
catch 120
captare to chase] 1 : to capture esp. after pursuit 2 : to cat-e-chism\'ka-t:l-,ki-z:lm\ n : a summary or test (as of re-
capture, take, or entangle in or as if in a snare: TRAP 3: to ligious doctrine) usu. in the form of questions and an-
discover unexpectedly (caught in the act) 4: to become swers - cat-e-chlst\-,kist\ n - cat-e-chize \-,kIz\ vb
suddenly aware of 5: to take hold of : SNATCH (~ at a cat-e-chu-men\,ka-t:l-'kyii-m:ln\ n : a religious convert re-
straw) 6 : stop or interrupt the progress or course of ceiving training before baptism
7 : to get entangled 8 : to become affected with or by cat-e-gor-i-cal\,ka-t:l-'gor-i-bl\ adj 1 : not modifiedor re-
(~fire) (~cold) 9 a : to seize and hold firmly b: to stricted : ABSOLUTE, UNQUALIFIED (a ~ denial) 2: of, re-
cause to be seized and held 10: OVERTAKE 11 : to be in lating to, or constituting a category-
time for (~a train) 12: to take in and retain (didn't ~ \-i-k(:l- )le\ adv
your name) 13: to look at or listen to cat-e-go-riseBrit var of CATEGORIZE
[2, 9a] bag, capture, collar, corral, get, grab, grapple, cat-e-go-rize \'ka-ti-g,,-,riz\ vb -rized; : to put into
hook, land, nab, seize, snare, trap; also lasso, rope; ap- a category: CLASSIFY - cat-e-go-ri-za-tion\,ka-ti-g:l-r:l-'zii-
prehend, arrest, detain; clasp, clutch, grasp, grip, hold, shonv n
secure; ensnare, entangle, entrap; abduct, kidnap, spirit assort, break down, class, classify, grade, group, peg,
(away or om Ant miss [6] arrest, check, draw up, place, range, rank, separate, sort - more at CLASSIFY
fetch up, halt, hold up, stall, stay, still, stop - more at cat-e-go-ry\'ka-t:l-,gor-e\ n, pi ries : a division within a
HALT [8] come down, contract, get, sicken, take- system of classification; esp : CLASS, GROUP, KIND
more at CONTRACT bracket, class, division, family, grade, group, kind,
2catch n 1 a : something caught b.: the total quantity order, set, species, type - more at CLASS
caught at one time (a good ~ of fish) 2: the act of ca-ter \'kii-t:lr\ vb [obs. cater buyer of provisions, fr. ME
catching; also: a game consistingof throwing and catch- catour, short for acatour, fr. AF, fro acater, achater to
ing a ball 3: something that catches or checks or holds buy] 1 : to provide a supply of food 2 : to supply
immovable(a door~) 4 : one that is worth catching what is wanted - ca-ter-ern
or acquiring esp, as a mate 5: FRAGMENT, SNATCH 6 : a [1] board, feed, provision- more at FEED usu
concealed difficulty or complication cater to [2] gratify, humor (or humour), indulge-
[1b] haul, take, yield - more at HAUL [4] gem, more at INDULGE
jewel, pearl, plum, prize, treasure - more at PRIZE catercorner or cater-cornered var of KITTY-CORNER
[6] booby trap, pitfall, snag - more at PITFALL cat-er-pd-lar\'ka-t:lr-,pi-l;lr\ n [ME catyrpel, fro OF cate-
catch-all \'ka-,chol, 'ke-\ n : something to hold a variety of pelose, lit., hairy cat] : a wormlike often hairy insect larva
odds and ends esp. of a bu tterf1yor moth
catch-as-catch-can adj : using any means available cat-er-waul\'ka-t;lr-,wol\ vb : to make a harsh cry - cater-
catch-er \'ka-ch:lr, 'ke-\ n : one that catches; esp : a player waul n
positioned behind home plate in baseball cat-fish \'kat-,fish\ n : any of an order of chiefly freshwa-
catch-ing adj 1 : communicable by infection : CONTA- ter stout-bodied fishes with slender tactile processes
GIOUS (the flu is~) 2 : spreadingor capable of spread- around the mouth
ing rapidly to others (their enthusiasm was~) cat-gut \-,g;lt\ n : a tough cord made usu. from sheep in-
[I, 2] communicable, contagious, transmittable- testines
more at COI\'TAGIOUS [2] contagious, infectious- ca-thar-sis \k;l-'thiir-s:ls\ n, pi ca-thar-ses \-,sez\ 1 : an act
more at CONTAGIOUS of purging or purification 2: elimination of a complex by
catch-ment Vkach-mant, 'kech-\ n 1: something that bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression
catches water 2: the action of catching water 'ca-thar-tic\k;l-'thiir-tik\ adj : of, relating to, or producing
catch on vb 1 a : to become aware: LEARN b : to grasp catharsis
2cathartic n : PURGATIVE
the meaning of : UNDERSTAND 2 : to become popular
ca-the-dral\k;l-'the-dr;ll\ n : the principal church of a dio-
[1a] ascertain, discover, find out, hear, learn, realize, cese
see - more at DISCOVER. usu catch on to [1b] appreci- cath-e-ter\'ka-th;l-t;lr\ n : a tube for insertion into a bodily
ate, apprehend, catch, comprehend, get, grasp, make, passage or cavity usu. for injecting or drawing off mate-
make out, perceive, see, seize, understand - more at rial or for keeping a passageopen
cath-e-ter-i-za-tion\,ka-th;l-t;l-r;l-'zii-sh;ln\ n : the use of or
catch-pen-ny\'kach-,pe-ne, 'kech-\ adj : using sensational- introduction of a catheter - cath-e-ter-ize\'ka-th;l-t;l-
ism or cheapness for appeal (a ~ newspaper) ,riz\ vb
catch-phrase \-,friiz\ n : a word or expression frequently cath-ode\'ka-,thod\ n 1 : the negativeelectrode of an elec-
used to represent or characterizea person, group, idea, or trolytic cell 2: the positive terminal of a battery 3: the
point of view electron-emitting electrode of an electron tube - cath-
catch-22 \-,twen-te-'tii\ n, pi catch-22's or catch-22s often od-al \'ka-,tho-dl\ adi - ca-thod-ic\ka-'thii-dik\ adj
cap C [fro Catch-ZZ, a paradoxicalrule found in the novel cathode-raytube n : a vacuum tube in which a beam of
Catch-22 (1961) by Joseph Heller] : a problematic situa- electrons is projected on a fluorescent screen to produce
tion for which the only solution is denied by a circum- a luminous spot
stance inherent in the problem or by a rule; also : the cath-o-lic \'kath-lik, 'ka-tha-x adi [ME catholik relating to
circumstance or rule that denies a solution the church universal, ultim. fro Gk katholikos universal,
catchup var of KETCHUP general, fr. katholou in general] 1 cap: of or relating to
catch up vb : to travel or work fast enough to overtake or Catholics and esp, Roman Catholics 2: GENERAL, UNNER-
complete SAL
catch-word Vkach-jward, 'kech-\ n : GUIDE WORD Cath-o-lic Vkath-llk, 'ka-tha-v n : a member of a church
2: CATCHPHRASE claiminghistorical continuity from the ancient undivided
catchy \'ka-che, 'ke-\ adi catch-i-er: -est 1 .: likely to Christian church; esp : a member of the Roman Catholic
catch the interest or attention 2 : requiring skill or cau- Church - Cathol.i-cism\b-'thii-l;l-,si-z;lm\ n
tion (as in doing or handling) : TRICKY cath-o-lic-i-ty \,ka-th;l-'Ii-s;l-te\ n, pi ties 1 cap: the char-
[l] bold, conspicuous, emphatic, marked, noticeable, acter of being in conformity with a Catholic church
prominent, pronounced, remarkable, striking - more 2 : liberality of sentiments or views 3: comprehensive
at NOTICEABLE. [2] delicate, difficult, knotty, problem- range
atic, spiny, thorny, ticklish, touchy, tough, tricky- cat-ion \'kat-,i-:m\ n : the ion in an electrolyte that mi-
more at TRICKY grates to the cathode; also : a positivelycharged ion
121 cavalierly
cat-kin \'kat-k:m\ n : a long flower cluster (as of a willow) agent of bringing something about 3: a suit or action in
bearing crowded flowers and prominent bracts court : CASE 4: a question or matter to be decided 5: a
cat-tlke \-,Iik\ adj : resembling a cat or its behavior; esp principle or movement earnestly supported - cause-less
'catnap \-,nap\ n + : a very short light nap [2a] bandwagon, campaign, crusade, drive, move-
+ doze, drowse, forty winks, nap, siesta, snooze, wink ment - more at CAMPAIGN. [2a,2b] antecedent, occa-
-more at NAP sion, reason; also consideration, determinant, factor;
2catnap vb : to sleep for a short period of time impetus, incentive, inspiration, instigation, stimulus;
cat-nip\-,nip\ n : an aromatic mint that is esp, attractive to mother, origin, root, source, spring Ant aftereffect, af-
cats termath, consequence, corollary, development, effect,
cat-o'-nine-tails \,ka-t:l-'nln-,talz\ n, pI cat-O'-nine-tails fate, fruit, issue, outcome, outgrowth, product, result,
: a whip made of usu. nine knotted cords fastened to a resultant, sequel, sequence, upshot
handle 2cause vb caused; caus-lnq + : to be the cause or occasion
CAT scan \'kat-\ n [computerized axial tomography] : an of - caus-a-tive \'k6-z:l-tiv\ adj - caus-er n
image made by computed tomography bring about, create, effect, effectuate, generate, in-
CAT scanner n : a medical instrument consisting of inte- duce, make, produce, prompt, result, work, yield-
grated X-ray and computing equipment that is used to more at EFFECT
make CAT scans cause ce.le.bre \,koz-sa-'lebr, .koz-v n, pI causes celebres
eat's cradle n : a game played with a string looped on the \same\ [F, lit., celebrated case] 1 : a legal case that excites
fingers in such a way as to resemble a small cradle widespread interest 2: a notorious person, thing, inci-
eat's-eye \'kats-,I\ n, pI eat's-eyes : any of various irides- dent, or episode
cent gems cau-se-rie \,koz-'re, ,ko-z:l-\ n [P] 1 : an informal conver-
cat's-paw \-,p6\ n, pl cat's-paws : a person used by an- sation : CHAT 2: a short informal essay
other as a tool cause-way \'k6z-,wa\ n : a raised way or road across wet
cat-tall \'kat-,tal\ n : any of a genus of tall reedlike marsh ground or water
plants with furry brown spikes of tiny flowers 'caus.tic \'k6-stik\ adj 1 : CORROSIVE 2 : marked by inci-
cat-ti-ly\'ka-tOI-e\ adv : in a catty manner sive sarcasm: SHARP <- wit)
cet-tl-ness n + : the quality or state of being catty + acrid, biting, cutting, mordant, pungent, sarcastic,
+ acidity, acrimony, asperity, bitterness, tartness, viru- satiric, scathing, sharp, tart - more at SARCASTIC
lence, vitriol - more at ACRIMONY + despite, hateful- 2caustic n 1 : a substance that bums or destroys organic tis-
ness, malice, malignity, meanness, nastiness, spite, sue by chemical action 2: SODIUM HYDROXIDE
spleen, venom, viciousness - more at MALICE cau-ter-ize \'k6-t:l-,riz\ vb -ized; : to bum or sear
cat-tle \'kat-Ol\ n pl : LIVESTOCK; esp : domestic bovines (as usu. to prevent infection or bleeding- cau-ter-l-za-tlon
cows, bulls, or calves) - cat-ne-man\-m:ln, -,man\ n \,k6-t:l-r:l-'za-sh:ln\ n
cat-ty \'ka-te\ adj cat-ti-er: -est + : slyly spiteful ieau-ttcn \'k6-sh:ln\ n 1 : a warning or reminder of pos-
+ cruel, hateful, malevolent, malicious, malign, malig- sible danger or risk: ADMONITION, WARNING 2 : prudent
-nant, mean, nasty, spiteful, virulent - more at HATEFUL forethought to minimize risk 3 + : one that astonishes
catty-corner or catty-cornered var of KITTY-CORNER [1] admonition, alarm, alert, notice, warning - more
CATV abbr community antenna television at WARNING. [2] alertness, care, carefulness, circum-
cat-walk\'kat-,w6k\ n : a narrow walk (as along a bridge) spection, heedfulness; also attentiveness, vigilance,
cau-ca-sta \k6-'ka-zh:ln \ adj : of or relating to the white watchfulness; foresight, foresightedness, providence;
race of mankind - Caucasian n - Vko-ka- calculation, canniness, deliberateness, deliberation,
,s6id\ adj or n shrewdness Ant carelessness, heedlessness, recklessness
[3] flash, marvel, miracle, phenomenon, portent,
cau-cus \'k6-k:ls\ n : a meeting of a group of persons be- prodigy, sensation, wonder - more at WONDER
longing to the same political party or faction usu. to de-
2caution vb : to advise caution to
cide upon policies and candidates- caucus vb
cau-dal \'k6-dOI\ adj : of, relating to, or located near the + alert, forewarn, warn - more at WARN
tail or the hind end of the body - cau-dal-lyadv cau-tion-ary\-sh:l-,ner-e\ adi + : having the characteristics
cau-dl-uo \kaiI-'the-(,)yo, -'thel-\ n, pI -uos : a Spanish or of or serving as a caution
Latin-American military dictator admonishing, admonitory, warning; also advisory,
caught \'k6t\ past and past part of CATCH counseling; punishing, punitive
caul \'k61\ n : the inner fetal membrane of higher verte- cau-tious Vko-shos', adj. : marked by or given to caution
brates esp. when covering the head at birth : CAREFUL - cau-tious-ly adv
caul-dronVkol-dranv n : a large kettle alert, careful, circumspect, considerate, gingerly,
cau-li-flow-er\'k6-1i-,f1aiI(-:l)r\ n [It cavolfiore, fro cavolo guarded, heedful, safe, wary - more at CAREFUL
cabbage + fiore flower] : a garden plant closely related to cau-tlous-ness n : the quality or state of being cautious
cabbage and grown for its compact edible head of unde- cay abbr 1 cavalry 2 cavity
veloped flowers; also : this head used as a vegetable cav-al-cade\,ka-v:lI-'kad\ n 1 a : a procession of riders or
cauliflowerear n : an ear deformed from injury and exces- carriages b : a procession of vehicles 2 : a dramatic se-
sive growth of scar tissue quence or procession
'caulk \'k6k\ vb [ME, fr. AF cauker, calcher to trample, fro armada, caravan, fleet, motorcade, train - more at
L calcare, fro calx heel] : to stop up and make tight against FLEET
leakage (as a boat or its seams) - caulk-ern "cav-a-ller\,ka-v:l-'lir\ n [MF, fr.It cavaliere, fr. Old Occitan
2caulk also n : material used to caulk cavalier, fro LL cabal/arius horseman, fro L cabal/us horse)
caus-al \ 'k6-z:ll\ adj 1 : expressing or indicating cause 1 : a mounted soldier : KNIGHT 2 cap : an adherent of
2 : relating to or acting as a cause - cau-sal-t-ty\k6-'za- Charles I of England 3: a man who is esp. attentive to
l:l-te\ n - ceus-al-lyadv women : GALLANT
cau-sa-tion\k6-'za-sh:ln\ n 1 : the act or process of caus- 2cavalier adi 1 : DEBONAIR 2 : marked by or given to off-
ing 2: the means by which an effect is produced hand dismissal of important matters 3.: marked by
'cause \'k6z\ n 1 : REASON, MOTIVE 2 a : something that lofty disregard' of others' interests or feelings : HAUGHTY
brings about a result b + : a person or thing that is the - cav-a-ner-ly adv
cavalry 122
+ [2,3] arrogant, haughty, high-handed, high-hat, high- cc abbr cubic centimeter
falutin, imperious, important, lofty, lordly, masterful, CC abbr 1 carbon copy 2 community college 3 country
overweening, peremptory, pompous, presumptuous, club
pretentious, supercilious, superior, uppity - more at CCO \,se-,se-'de\ n : CHARGE-COUPLED DEVICE
ARROGANT CCTV abbr closed-circuit television \'ka-val-re\ n, pI -rles : troops mounted on horse- CCU abbr 1 cardiac care unit 2 coronary care unit 3 crit-
back or moving in motor vehicles - cav-al-ry-man \-man, ical care unit
-,man\ n ccw abbr counterclockwise
'cave \'kav\ n : a natural underground chamber open to the cd abbr cord
surface Cd symbol cadmium
'cave vb caved; 1 + : to collapse or cause to col- 'CD \,se-'de\ n : CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT
lapse - usu. used with in 2: to cease to resist: SUBMIT - 'CD n : a small optical disk usu. containing recorded music
usu. used with in or computer data; also: the content of a CD
+ usu cave in collapse, crumple, give, go, yield - more aco abbr Civil Defense
at COLLAPSE CDR abbr commander
ca-ve-at \'ka-ve-,iit, -jat; 'kii-ve-,iit\ n [L, let him beware] CD-ROM \,se-,de-'riim\ n : a CD containing computer data
: WARNING that cannot be altered
caveat emp-tor \-'emp-tar, -,tor\ n [NL, let the buyer be- COT abbr central daylight (saving) time
ware] : a principle in commerce: without a warranty the Ce symbol cerium
buyer takes a risk CE abbr 1 chemical engineer 2 civil engineer 3 Corps of
cave-in \'ka-,vin\ n 1 : the action of caving in 2: a place Engineers
where earth has caved in cease \'ses\ vb ceased; ceasing + : to come or bring to an
cave-man \'kav-,man\ n 1 : a cave dweller esp. of the Stone end: STOP
Age 2: a man who acts in a rough or crude manner + break off, break up, close, conclude, desist, die, dis-
cav-ern \'ka-varn\ n : a natural underground chamber or continue, end, expire, finish, halt, quit, stop, terminate;
series of chambers open to the surface: CAVE; esp : one of also layoff (of), refrain (from); knock off; break down,
large or unknown size - cavoern-ous adj - cavoern-ous- conk (out), cut out, stall; pause, stay, suspend Ant con-
Iyadv tinue, hang on, persist
cav-i-ar also cav-i-are \'ka-ve-,iir, 'kii-\ n : the salted roe of cease-fire \'ses-'fi(-a)r\ n : a suspension of active hostilities
a large fish (as sturgeon) used as an appetizer cease-less \'5e5-1"5\ adj + : being without pause or stop
cav-il \'ka-val\ vb -iled or -iIIed; or -il.ling + : to make : continuing without interruption - cease-less-ty adv
frivolous objections or raise trivial objections to - cavil + continual, continuous, incessant, unbroken, unceas-
n ing, uninterrupted - more at CONTINUOUS + dateless,
+ carp, fuss, quibble - more at QumBLE deathless, endless, eternal, everlasting, immortal, per-
cav-il-er or cav-ll-ler n + : a person who complains and crit- manent, perpetual, undying, unending - more at EVER-
icizes for trivial reasons LASTING
+ carper, castigator, censurer, critic, faultfinder, nit- cease-less-ness n + : the quality or state of being ceaseless
picker, railer, scold - more at CRITIC + abidance, continuance, duration, endurance, persist-
caving \'ka-vilJ\ n : the sport of exploring caves: SPELUNK- ence, subsistence - more at CONTINUATION
ING ce-cum also cae-cum \'se-kam\ n, pi ce-ca \-ka\ : the blind
cav-i-ta-tion \,ka-va-'ta-shan \ n : the formation of partial pouch at the beginning of the large intestine into which
vacuums in a liquid by a swiftly moving solid body (as a the small intestine opens - ce-cal also cae-cal \-kal\ adj
propeller) or by high-intensity sound waves ce-dar \'se-dar\ n : any of numerous coniferous trees (as a
cav-i-ty \'ka-va-te\ n, pi-ties 1 + : an unfilled space within juniper) noted for their fragrant durable wood; also: this
a mass : a hollow place 2: an area of decay in a tooth wood
+ concavity, dent, depression, hole, hollow, indenta- cede \'sed\ vb ced-ed: 1 +: to yield or give up
tion, pit, recess - more at HOLE 2 + : to transfer (as property) to another: ASSIGN, TRANS-
ca-vort \ka-'vort\ vb + : to bound, prance, or frisk about FER - ced-er n
: CAPER + [l] deliver, give up, hand over, leave, relinquish, ren-
+ caper, disport, frisk, frolic, gambol, lark, rollick, der, surrender, turn over, yield - more at SURRENDER
romp, sport - more at FROLIC + [2] alienate, assign, deed, make over, transfer-
ca-vy \'ka-ve\ n, pi cavies: GUINEA PIG 1 more at TRANSFER
caw \'ko\ vb : to utter the harsh call of the crow or a simi- ce-dilla \si-'di-Ia\ n : a mark placed under the letter c (as
lar cry - caw n ~) to show that the c is to be pronounced like s
cay \'ke, 'ka\ n + : a small area of land surrounded by wa- \'se-lilJ\ n 1 : the overhead inside lining of a room
ter: KEY 2 + : something thought of as an overhanging shelter or
+ island, isle, key canopy 3: the height above the ground of the base of the
lowest layer of clouds when over half of the sky is ob-
cayoenne pepper \,ki-'en-, ,ka-\ n : a condiment consisting
of ground dried fruits or seeds of a hot pepper scured 4 : the greatest height at which an airplane can op-
cayman var of CAIMAN erate efficiently 5 + : a prescribed upper limit (price,,",>
Ca.yuoga \ka-'ii-ga, ki-\ n, pi Cayuga or Cayugas: a mem- + [2] canopy, roof, tent - more at CANOPY + [5] bound,
ber of an American Indian people of New York boundary, confines, end, extent, limit, limitation, line,
Cayuse \'ki-,yUs, ki-'\ n 1 pi Cayuse or Cayuses: a mem- termination - more at LIMIT
ber of an American Indian people of Oregon and Wash- cel-an-dine Vse-lon-jdln, -,den\ n : a yellow-flowered herb
ington 2 pi cayuses, not cap, West: a native range horse related to the poppies
Cb symbol columbium cel-e-brant \-brant\ n + : one who celebrates
CB \'se-'be\ n : CITIZENS BAND; also: the radio set used for + merrymaker, reveler, roisterer; also carouser, was-
citizens-band communications sailer; cutup Ant killjoy, party pooper
CBC abbr Canadian Broadcasting Corporation cel-e-brate \'se-Ia-,brat\ vb -brat-ed; -brat-ing 1 + : to per-
CBO abbr cash before delivery form (as a sacrament) with appropriate rites 2 + : to
CBS abbr Columbia Broadcasting System honor (as a holiday) by solemn ceremonies or by refrain-
CBW abbr chemical and biological warfare ing from ordinary business 3: to observe a notable occa-
123 censured
sion with festivities 4: EXTOL - cel-e-bra-to-ry \-br;r,tor- in which a geographical area is divided into small sections
e, -,t6r-; .se-lo-tbra-ts-re', adj each served by a transmitter of limited range
[1, 2] commemorate, keep, observe - more at KEEP cel-lu-lite \'sel-Y:l-,Ht\ n : deposits of lumpy fat within con-
cel-e-brat-ed adj + : widely known and often referred to nective tissue (as in the thighs, hips, and buttocks)
cel-lu-lose \'sel-ya-,Ios\ n : a complex carbohydrate of the
famed, famous, noted, notorious, prominent,
renowned, star, well-known - more at FAMOUS cell walls of plants used esp, in making paper or rayon -
cet-e-bra-tlon \,se-Ia-'bra-shan\ n + : the act or process of cel-lu-los-ic \,sel-ya-'Io-sik\ adj or n
celebrating cer-st-us Vsel-se-ssv adj : relating to or having a scale for
measuring temperature on which the interval between
carnival, festival, festivity, fete, fiesta, gala, jubilee -
the triple point and the boiling point of water is divided
more at FESTIVAL
into 99.99 degrees with 0.010 being the triple point and
cel-e-bra-tor \'se-Ia-bra-tar\ n : one that celebrates
100.000 the boiling point
ce-leb-ri-ty \s;r'le-bra-te\ n, pi -ties 1 : the state of being
Celt \'kelt, 'selt\ n : a member of any of a group of peoples
celebrated 2 : a celebrated person
(as the Irish or Welsh) of western Europe - cett-te adj
[l] fame, notoriety, renown - more at FAME cem-ba-lo \'chem-ba-,lo\ n, pi -ba1i \-,Ie\ or -balos [It]
+ [2] figure, light, luminary, notable, personage, per- : HARPSICHORD
sonality, somebody, standout, star, superstar, VIP; also
'ce-ment \si-'ment\ n 1 : a powder that is produced from a
favorite, hero, idol; demigod, dignitary, eminence, im-
burned mixture chiefly of clay and limestone and that is
mortal, pillar, worthy; baron, big shot, bigwig, magnate,
used in mortar and concrete; also : CONCRETE 2 a + : a
mogul, nabob Ant nobody
binding element or substance (as glue, paste, or plaster)
ce-Ier-l-ty \sa-'Ier-a-te\ n + : rapidity of motion or action
b + : something serving to unite firmly 3: CEMENTUM;
also: a substance for filling cavities in teeth
+ fastness, fleetness, haste, hurry, quickness, rapidity, [2a] adhesive, glue, size - more at GLUE. [2b] bond,
speed, swiftness, velocity - more at SPEED
knot, ligature, link, tie - more at BOND
cel-ery Vse-la-rev n, pi -eries : a European herb related to
the carrot and widely grown for the crisp edible stems of 2cement vb 1 : to unite by or as if by cement 2: to cover
its leaves with concrete - ce-ment-er n
celery cabbage n : CHINESE CABBAGE 2 ce-men-tum \si-'men-tam\ n : a specialized external bony
ce-les-ta \sa-'Ies-ta\ or ce-leste \sa-'Iest\ n : a keyboard in- layer covering the dentin of the part of a tooth normally
strument with hammers that strike steel plates within the gum
ce-tes-tlat \sa-'Ies-chal\ adj 1 + : of, relating to, or suggest- cem-e-tery \'se-m:l-,ter-e\ n, pl-teries [ME cimitery, fro AF
ing heaven or divinity: HEAVENLY 2: of or relating to the cimiterie, fr. LL coemeterium, fro Gk koimeterion sleeping
sky - ce-les-tlat-ly adv chamber, burial place, fro koiman to put to sleep] : a bur-
Elysian, empyrean, heavenly, supernal; also ethereal, ial ground: GRAVEYARD
supernatural, transcendent, transcendental, unearthly, cen-o-bite \'se-n:l-,bit\ n : a member of a religious group
unworldly; angelic, beatific, blissful; utopian; cosmic, living together in a monastic community - cen-o-blt-lc
stellar Ant hellish, infernal \,se-na-'bi-tik\ adj
celestial navigation n : navigation by observation of the ceno-taph \'se-na-,taf\ n [F cenotaphe, fro L cenotaphium,
positions of stars fro Gk kenotaphion, fr. kenos empty + taphos tomb] : a
celestial sphere n : an imaginary sphere of infinite radius tomb or a monument erected in honor of a person whose
against which the celestial bodies appear to be projected body is elsewhere
cel-i-ba-cy Vse-Io-ba-sev n 1 : the state of being unmarried; Ce-no-zo-ic \,se-na-'zo-ik, ,se-\ adj : of, relating to, or being
esp : abstention by vow from marriage 2: abstention the era of geologic history that extends from about 65
from sexual intercourse million years ago to the present - Cenozoic n
cel-l-bate Vse-la-batv n : one who lives in celibacy - celi- cen-ser \'sen-s:lr\ n : a vessel for burning incense (as in a
bate adj religious ritual)
cell \'sel\ n 1 a + : a small room (as in a convent or prison) tcen-scr \'sen-s:lr\ n 1 : one of two early Roman magis-
usu. for one person b : a small compartment, cavity, or trates whose duties included taking the census 2: an of-
bounded space 2: a tiny mass of protoplasm that usu. ficial who inspects printed matter or sometimes motion
contains a nucleus, is enclosed by a membrane, and pictures with power to suppress anything objectionable
forms the smallest structural unit of living matter capable - cen-so-rl-at \sen-'sor-e-:ll\ adj
of functioning independently 3: a container holding an 2censor vb : to subject to censorship
electrolyte either for generating electricity or for use in cen-so-rt-ous vsen-isor-e-as', adj : marked by or given to
electrolysis 4: a single unit in a device for converting ra- censure: CRITICAL - cen-so-rl-ous-ly adv - cen-so-ri-ous-
diant energy into electrical energy - celled \'seld\ adj ness n
+ [la] chamber, closet, room - more at ROOM [la, cen-sor-ship \'sen-s:lr-,ship\ n 1 : the action of a censor
1b] bay, chamber, compartment, cubicle, room- esp. in stopping the transmission or publication of matter
more at COMPARTMENT considered objectionable 2: the office of a Roman cen-
cel-lar \'se-Iar\ n 1 : the part of a building that is wholly or sor
partly below ground level : BASEMENT 2 : the lowest posi- cen-sur-able adj : deserving or open to censure
tion (as in an athletic league) 3: a stock of wines blamable, blameworthy, culpable, reprehensible-
cel-lar-ette or cel-lar-et \,se-Ia-'ret\ n : a case or cabinet for more at BLAMEWORTHY + objectionable, obnoxious, of-
a few bottles of wine or liquor fensive, reprehensible - more at OBJECTIONABLE
cell body: the nucleus-containing central part of a neuron teen-sure Vsen-charv n 1 : the act of blaming or condemn-
cel-lo \'che-Io\ n, pi cellos: a bass member of the violin ing sternly 2 + : an official reprimand
family tuned an octave below the viola - cel-llst \-Iist\ n denunciation, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reproof,
cel-lo-phane \'se-Ia-,fiin\ n : a thin transparent material stricture; also admonishment, admonition, castigation,
made from cellulose and used as a wrapping chastisement, punishment; criticism, deprecation, de-
cell phone n : a portable cordless telephone for use in a preciation, disparagement Ant citation, commendation,
cellular system endorsement
cel-lu-lar \'sel-Y:l-l:lr\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or consisting of 2censure vb cen-sured: cen-sur-lnq : to find fault with and
cells 2: of, relating to, or being a radiotelephone system criticize as blameworthy
censurer 124

+ condemn, damn, decry, denounce, reprehend, repro- longing to the center as the most important part: PRINCI-
bate - more at CONDEMN + blame, condemn, criticize, PAL 3: situated at, in, or near the center 4: centrally
denounce, fault, knock, pan, reprehend - more at placed and superseding separate units <- heating>-
CRITICIZE + condemn, denounce, rebuke, reprimand, re- cen-tral-ly adv
proach, reprove; also admonish, castigate, chastise, + arch, cardinal, chief, dominant, first, foremost,
punish; belittle, criticize, deprecate, depreciate, dispar- grand, key, main, paramount, predominant, preemi-
age Ant cite, commend, endorse nent, premier, primary, principal, sovereign, supreme
cen-sur-ern + : one that censures - more at FOREMOST
+ carper, castigator, caviler, critic, faultfinder, nit- 'central n : a central controlling office
picker, railer, scold - more at CRITIC cen-tral-lee Brit var of CENTRALIZE
cen-sus \'sen-sas\ n 1 : a periodic governmental count of cen-tral-ize \'sen-tra-,Iiz\ vb -ized; + : to bring to a
population 2: COUNT, TALLY - cen-sus vb central point or under central control - cen-tral-i-za-tion
'cent \'sent\ n [MF, hundred, fro L centum] 1 : a monetary \,sen-tm-Ia-'zii-shan\ n - cen-tral-Iz-er\'sen-tra-,II-zar\ n
unit equal to 1"00 of a basic unit of value (as of a dollar) + center (or centre), concentrate, consolidate, unify,
2 : a coin, token, or note representing one cent unite; also coordinate, harmonize, integrate, orches-
'cent abbr 1 centigrade 2 central 3 century trate; blend, coalesce, combine, fuse, incorporate,
cen-taur \'sen-,tar\ n : any of a race of creatures in Greek merge; conjoin, join, link; assemble, collect, gather; re-
mythology half man and half horse unify, reunite Ant decentralize, spread (out)
cen-te-nar-i-an\,sent-'n-'er-e-an\ n : a person who is 100or central nervous system n : the part of the nervous system
more years old which integrates nervous function and activity and which
cen-te-na-ry\sen-'te-na-re, 'sent-'n-,er-e\ n, pi -ries : CEN- in vertebrates consists of the brain and spinal cord
TENNIAL - centenary adj cen-tre Can and Brit var of CENTER
cen-ten-nl-al\sen-'te-ne-al\ n : a l00th anniversary or its cen-trlt-u-qal\sen-'tri-fya-gal, -fi-\ adj [NL centrifugus, fro
celebration - centennial adj centr- center + Lfugere to flee] 1 : proceeding or acting in
'cen.ter or Can and Brit cen-tre \'sen-tar\ n 1 + : the point a direction away from a center or axis 2: using or acting
that is equally distant from all points on the circumfer- by centrifugal force
ence of a circle or surface of a sphere; also : MIDDLE centrifugal force n : the apparent force felt by an object
2 + : the point about which an activity concentrates or moving in a curved path and acting outward from a cen-
from which something originates 3: a region of concen-
trated population 4: a middle part 5 often cap: political ter of rotation
cen.tri.fuge \'sen-tra-,fyiij\ n : a machine using centrifugal
figures holding moderate views esp. between those of
conservatives and liberals 6: a player occupying a mid- force (as for separating substances of different densities
dle position (as in football or basketball) or for removing moisture)
cen-trip-e-tal \sen-'tri-pat-'I\ adj [NL centripetus, fro centr-
+ [l] core, midpoint, midst; also inside, interior Ant center + L petere seek] : proceeding or acting in a direc-
perimeter, periphery + [2] base, core, cynosure, eye,
focus, heart, hub, mecca, nucleus, seat; also kernel, tion toward a center or axis
nub, pith; deep, thick; essence, quintessence, soul; at- centripetal force n : the force needed to keep an object re-
traction, lodestone, magnet volving about a point moving in a circular path
cen-trist \'sen-trist\ n 1 often cap: a member of a center
'center or Can and Brit cen-tre vb centered or centred; cen- party 2: one who holds moderate views
tering or centring 1 + : to place or fix at or around a cen-
ter or central area 2 + : to give a central focus or basis cen-tu-ri-on xsen-itur-e-an, -'tyiIr- \ n : an officer command-
: CONCENTRATE 3: to have a center: FOCUS
ing a Roman century
cen-tu-ry\'sen-cha-re\ n, pi -ries 1 : a subdivision of a Ro-
+ centralize, concentrate, consolidate, unify, unite- man legion 2: a group or sequence of 100like things 3: a
more at CENTRALIZE period of 100years
cen-ter-boardor Can and Brit cen-tre-board\'sen-tar-,b6rd\ century plant n : a Mexican agave maturing and flowering
n : a retractable keel used esp. in sailboats only once in many years and then dying
cen-ter-piece\-,pes\ or Can and Brit cen-tre-piecen 1 : an CEO\,se-(,)e-'6\ n : the executive with the chief decision=
object in a central position; esp : an adornment in the cen- making authority in an organization or business
ter of a table 2: one that is of central importance or in-
terest in a larger whole ce-phal-ic \sa-'fa-Iik\ adj 1 : of or relating to the head
2 : directed toward or situated on or in or near the head
cen-tes-l-mat \sen-'te-sa-mal\ adj : marked by or relating to
division into hundredths ce-ram-ic\sa-'ra-mik\ n 1 pi : the art or process of making
cen-ti-grade \'sen-ta-,grad, 'slin-\ adj : relating to, conform- articles from a nonmetallic mineral (as clay) by firing
ing to, or having a thermometer scale on which the inter- 2 : a product produced by ceramics - ceramic adj
val between the freezing and boiling points of water is ce-ra-mist \sa-'ra-mist\ or ce-ram-l-cist \sa-'ra-ma-sist\ n
divided into 100degrees with D representing the freezing : one who engages in ceramics
point and 100 the boiling point <10-> 'ce-re-al\'sir-e-al\ adj [L cerealis, fro Ceres, the Roman god-
cen-tl-qram \-,gram\ n : a metric unit of measure equal to dess of agriculture] : relating to grain or to the plants that
VIoo gram produce it; also: made of grain
cen-ti-li-ter \'sen-ti-,Ie-tar\ or Can and Brit cen-ti-ll-tren : a 'cereal n 1 : a grass (as wheat) yielding grain suitable for
metric unit of measure equal to VIoo liter food; also: its grain 2: a food and esp. a breakfast food
cen-ti-me-ter\'sen-ta-,me-tar, 'slin-\ or Can and Brit cen-ti- prepared from the grain of a cereal
me-tre n : a metric unit of measure equal to VIoo cer-e-bel-tum \,ser-a-'be-Iam\ n, pi -bellums or -be11 a \-Ia\
meter [ML, fro L, dim. of cerebrum brain] : a part of the brain
centimeter-gram-second adj : of, relating to, or being a that projects over the medulla and is concerned esp. with
system of units based on the centimeter as the unit of coordination of muscular action and with bodily balance
length, the gram as the unit of mass, and the second as - cer-e-bel-lar\-Iar\ adj
the unit of time ce-re-bral\sa-'re-bral, 'ser-a-x adj 1 + : of or relating to the
cen-ti-pede Vsen-ta-jped', n [L centipeda, fro centum hun- brain, intellect, or cerebrum 2 + : appealing to or involv-
dred + pes foot] : any of a class of long flattened seg- ing the intellect - ce-re-bral-lyadv
mented arthropods with one pair of legs on each segment + [1, 2] inner, intellectual, mental, psychological-
except the first which has a pair of poison fangs more at MENTAL
'central Vsen-trolv adj 1 : constituting a center 2 + : be- cerebral cortex n : the surface layer of gray matter of the
125 chafed
cerebrum that functions chiefly in coordination of sen- cer-ti-tl-ca-tlon\,s~r-t~-f~-'ka-sh~n\ n 1 : the act of certify-
sory and motor information ing : the state of being certified 2: a certified statement
cerebral palsy n : a disorder caused by brain damage usu. certified mail n : first class mail for which proof of delivery
before, during, or shortly after birth and marked esp. by may be secured but no indemnity value is claimed
defective muscle control certified public accountant n : an accountant who has met
cer-e-brate \'ser-~-,brat\ vb -brat-ed; : THINK- the requirements of a state law and has been granted a
cer-e-bra-tlon \,ser-~-'bra-sh~n \ n certificate
ce-re-brum\s~-'re-br~m, 'ser-~-\ n, pi -brurns or -bra \-br~\ cer-ti-fy \'s"r-t~-,fi\ vb -fied; -fy-ing 1 + : to attest as being
[L, brain) : the enlarged front and upper part of the brain true 2: to endorse officially 3: to guarantee (a bank
that contains the higher nervous centers check) as good by a statement to that effect stamped on
cere-ment\'ser-~-m~nt, 'sir-m~nt\ n : a shroud for the dead its face 4.: to provide with a usu. professional certifi-
'ceroe-mo-nial \,ser-~-'m6-ne-~I\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or cate or license - cer-tl-tl-able \-~-b~l\ adj -
forming a ceremony 2: stressing careful attention to \-ble\ adv - cer-tl-tl-er n
form and detail - cer-e-mo-m-al-ly adv [1) attest, authenticate, avouch, testify, vouch, wit-
ceremonious, conventional, formal, orthodox, regu- ness; also guarantee, warrant; affirm, assert, aver, avow,
lar, routine - more at FORMAL profess + [4] accredit, authorize, commission, em-
2ceremonial n : a ceremonial act or system: RITUAL, FORM power, enable, invest, license, qualify - more at AU-
cer-e-mc-nl-ous\,ser-~-'m6-ne-~s\ adi 1 : devoted to forms THORIZE
and ceremony 2: of, relating to, or constituting a cere- cer-ti-tude \'s~r-t~-,tiid, -,tyiid\ n : the state of being or
mony : CEREMONIAL 3 : according to formal usage or feeling certain
procedure 4 : marked by ceremony - cer-e-mo-ni-ous- + assurance, certainty, confidence, conviction, posi-
Iy adv - cer-e-mo-nl-cus-ness n tiveness, sureness - more at CONFIDENCE
[3, 4) correct, decorous, formal, proper, starchy; also ce-ru-le-an \s~-'rii-Ie-~n\ adj : AZURE
sober, solemn, stately; chivalrous, courtly, gallant; gen- ce-ru-men \s~-'rii-m~n\ n : EARWAX
teel, polished, refined; civil, courteous, polite, red-car- cer-vl-cal \'s~r-vi-k~l\ adi : of or relating to a neck or
pet Ant casual, easygoing, informal, laid-back cervix
cer-e-mo-nyVser-a-jrno-nev n, pi -nles 1 : a formal act or cervical cap n : a contraceptive device in the form of a
series of acts prescribed by law, ritual, or convention 2: a thimble-shaped molded cap that fits over the uterine
conventional act of politeness 3: a mere outward form cervix and blocks sperm from entering the uterus
with no deeper significance 4: FORMALITY cer-vix \'s~r-viks\ n, pi cer-vi-ces \-v~-,sez\ or cer-vix-es
ceremonial, form, formality, observance, rite, ritual, 1 : NECK; esp : the back part of the neck 2: a constricted
solemnity - more at RITE portion of an organ or part; esp : the narrow outer end of
the uterus
ce-re-us \'sir-e-~s\ n : any of various cacti of the western
U.S. and tropical America ce-sar-e-an or cae-saroe-an also ce-sar-i-an \si-'zar-e-~n \ n,
often cap : CESAREAN SECTION - cesarean or caesarean
ce-rise \s~-'res\ n [F, lit., cherry) : a moderate red color also cesarian adj, often cap
ce-ri-um\'sir-e-~m\ n : a malleable metallic chemical ele- cesarean section also caesarean section n, often cap C [fr.
ment used esp. in alloys the legendary association of such a delivery with the Ro-
cer-met \'s~r-,met\ n : a strong alloy of a heat-resistant man cognomen Caesar) : surgical incision of the walls of
compound and a metal used esp. for turbine blades the abdomen and uterus for delivery of offspring
cert abbr certificate; certification; certified; certify ce-si-um \'se-ze-~m\ n : a silver-white soft ductile chemical
tcer-taln \'s~rt-'n\ adj 1 : not subject to change or fluc- element
tuation : FIXED, SETfLED 2 : of a specific but unspecified ces-sa-tlon vse-isa-shon', n : a temporary or final ceasing
character (- people in authority> 3 a : capable of being (as of action)
depended on : DEPENDABLE, RELIABLE b.: incapable of
failing 4: INDISPUTABLE, UNDENIABLE 5 + : assured in close, closure, conclusion, end, ending, expiration,
finish, halt, lapse, shutdown, stop, stoppage, termina-
mind or action 6: INEVITABLE tion - more at END
+ [1) determinate, final, firm, fixed, flat, frozen, hard, ces-ston \'se-sh~n\ n : a yielding (as of rights) to another
hard-and-fast, set, settled, stable - more at FIXED cess-pool \'ses-,piil\ n : an underground pit or tank for re-
[2) anonymous, one, some, unidentified, unnamed, ceiving household sewage
unspecified; also particular, specific. [3b] sure, sure- ce-ta-cean \si-'ta-sh~n\ n : any of an order of aquatic
fire, unfailing. (5) assured, clear, cocksure, confident, mostly marine mammals that includes whales, porpoises,
doubtless, positive, sanguine, sure; also self-assured, dolphins, and related forms - cetacean adj
self-confident; decisive, resolute, unfaltering, unhesitat- cf abbr [L confer] compare
ing, unwavering Ant doubtful, dubious, uncertain, un- Cf symbol californium
sure CF abbr cystic fibrosis
2certain pron : certain ones CFCabbr chlorofluorocarbon
cer-tain-lyadv 1 : in a manner that is certain: with cer- cg abbr centigram
tainty 2: it is certain that CG abbr 1 coast guard 2 commanding general
definitely, doubtless, incontestably, indeed, indis- cgs abbr centimeter-gram-second
putably, really, surely, truly, undeniably, undoubtedly, ch abbr 1 chain 2 champion 3 chapter 4 church
unquestionably - more at INDEED CH abbr 1 clearinghouse 2 courthouse 3 customhouse
cer-tain-ty\-te\ n, pi -ties 1 : something that is certain Cha-blls \sha-'ble, sha-, sha-: 'sha-,ble\ n, pi cha-btts
2 : the quality or state of being certain \-'blez, -(,)blez\ 1 : a dry sharp white Burgundy wine 2: a
assurance, certitude, confidence, conviction, posi- white California wine
tiveness, sureness - more at CONFIDENCE cha-cha Vcha-jcha', n : a fast rhythmic ballroom dance of
cer-tlf-l-cate \s~r-'ti-fi-k~t\ n 1 : a document testifying to Latin American origin
the truth of a fact 2: a document testifying that one has Chad.ian \'cha-de-:!n\ n : a native or inhabitant of Chad-
fulfilled certain requirements (as of a course or school) Chadian adj
3 : a document giving evidence of ownership or debt (a chafe \'chaf\ vb chafed; 1 : to bring trouble or
stock -> distress to : cause agitation or anxiety to : IRRITATE, VEX
certificate of deposit : a money-market bond redeemable 2 : FRET 3 : to warm by rubbing 4 : to rub so as to wear
without penalty only on maturity away 5 : to make sore by rubbing
chafer 126

+ [l] aggravate, annoy, bother, bug, exasperate, gall, 2chair vb : to act as chairman of
get, grate, irk, irritate, nettle, peeve, persecute, pique, chair.lift \'cher-,lift\ n : a motor-driven conveyor for skiers
put out, rasp, rile, vex - more at IRRITATE consistingof seats hung from a moving cable
+ [4] abrade, erode, fray, fret, gall, rub, wear - more chair-man \-m:ln\ n + : the presiding officer of a meeting
at ABRADE + [5] abrade, gall, irritate; also graze, scrape, or of a committee - chair-man-ship n
scratch; burn, inflame; flay, peel, skin + chair, moderator, president, speaker
cha-fer \'cha-f:lr\ n : any of various scarab beetles chair-per-son\-,p:lr-s:ln\n : the presidingofficer of a meet-
'chaff \'chaf\ n 1 : debris (as husks) separated from grain ing or assembly: CHAIRMAN
in threshing 2 + : something comparatively worthless chair-wom-an\-,wli-m:ln\n : a woman who servesas chair-
+ deadwood,dust, garbage,junk, litter, refuse, riffraff, man
rubbish, scrap, trash, waste - more at GARBAGE chaise \'shiiz\ n : a 2-wheeled horse-drawncarriage with a
2chaff n + : light jesting talk: BANTER folding top
+ banter, persiflage, raillery, repartee - more at BAN- chaise longue \'shiiz-'1(1)\ n, pi chaise longues ssame or
TER -'Iol)z\ IF, lit., long chair] : a long reclining chair
3chaff vb + : to tease good-naturedly chaise lounge \-'Ialinj\ n : CHAISE LONGUE
+ jive, josh, kid, rally, razz, rib, ride, roast, tease- chal-ced-o-ny\kal-'sed-n-e\ n, pi -nies : a translucent pale
more at TEASE blue or gray quartz
chat-ter Vcha-fcrx vb + : to discuss terms: haggleesp. over chal-co-py-rite \,kal-k:l-'pI-,rIt\ n : a yellow mineral consti-
a price - chat-ter-ern tuting an important ore of copper
+ bargain, deal, dicker, haggle, negotiate, palter- cha-let \sha-'Ia\ n 1 : a herdsman'S cabin in the Swiss
more at BARGAIN mountains 2 a : a building in the style of a Swisscottage
chaf.finch \'cha-,finch\ n : a common European finch with with a wide roof overhang b + : a cottage or house in
a cheerful song chalet style
chaffyadi + : of little importance or worth + cabin, camp, cottage, lodge - more at COTTAGE
+ empty, junky, no-good, null, valueless, worthless- chal-ice \'cha-I:ls\ n : a drinking cup; esp : the eucharistic
more at WORTHLESS cup
chat-lnq dish \'cha-fil)-\ n : a utensil for cooking food at 'chalk Vchok', n 1 : a soft limestone 2 : chalk or chalky ma-
the table terial esp, when used as a crayon - chalkyadj
'cha-grin \sh:l-'grin\ n : mental uneasiness or annoyance 2chalk vb 1 : to rub or mark with chalk 2: to record with
caused by failure, disappointment,or humiliation or as if with chalk - usu. used with up
2chagrin vb cha-grined \-'grind\; to cause to chalkboard\'ch6k-,b6rd\ n : BLACKBOARD
feel chagrin chalk up vb 1 : ASCRIBE, CREDIT 2 : ATTAIN, ACHIEVE
'chain \'chan\ n [ME cheyne, fro AF chaene, fro L catena] 'chal.lenge \'cha-I:lnj\ vb chal-lenged; [ME
1 : a flexible series of connected links 2: a chainlike sur- chalengen to accuse, fro OF chalengier, fro L calumniari to
veying instrument; also: a unit of length equal to 66 feet accuse falsely, fro calumnia calumny] 1 : to order to halt
(about 20 meters) 3 +: something that confines, re- and prove identity 2 + : to dispute esp. as being unjust,
strains, or secures : BOND, FETTER 4 + : a series of things invalid, or untrue: to take exception to : DISPUTE 3 + : to
linked, connected, or associated together <a - of events) issue an invitation to compete against one esp. in single
<a mountain -) combat : DARE, DEFY
+ [3] band, bond, fetter, irons, ligature, manacle, + [2] contest, dispute, query, question; also doubt, mis-
shackle - more at BOND + [4] progression, sequence, trust; kick (about), object (to), protest; combat, fight,
string, train; also chain reaction; belt, circle, cycle; con- oppose, resist Ant accept, believe, embrace, swallow
tinuum, gamut, scale, spectrum; flow, river, stream; + [3] dare, defy; also beard, brave, brazen, breast, con-
file, line, queue, row, succession front, face
2chain vb 1 + : to fasten, bind, or connect with a chain; also 2challenge n 1 : a summons to a duel 2: an invitation to
: FETTER 2 + : to join together so as to make a chain compete in a sport 3 + : a calling to account or into ques-
+ [l] bind, enchain, fetter, handcuff, manacle, shackle, tion 4: an exception taken to a juror 5: a sentry's com-
trammel + [2] compound, connect, couple, hitch, mand to halt and prove identity 6: a stimulating or
hook, join, link, yoke - more at CONNECT interesting task or problem
chain gang n : a gang of convicts chained together + complaint, demur, expostulation, fuss, kick, objec-
chain letter n : a letter sent to several persons with a re- tion, protest, question, remonstrance - more at OBJEC-
quest that each send copies to an equal number of per- TION
sons challenged ad] + : presented with difficulties (as by a dis-
chain mail n : flexible armor of interlocking metal rings ability)
chain reaction n 1 : a series of events in which each event
initiates the succeeding one 2: a chemical or nuclear re- + disabled, handicapped - more at DISABLED
action yielding products that cause further reactions of chal-lenq-ern + : one that challenges;specif : a contender
the same kind for a championship (as boxing)
chain saw n : a portable power saw that has teeth linked + competition, competitor, contender, contestant, rival
together to form an endless chain - cham-saw \'chan- - more at COMPETITOR
,s6\ vb challengingaclj + : arousing competitive interest, thought,
chain-smoke \'chan-'smok\ vb : to smoke esp. cigarettes or action <a - course of study)
continuously + arduous, burdensome, demanding, exacting, gruel-
chain store n : any of numerous stores under the same ing, laborious, onerous, taxing, toilsome - more at DE-
ownership that sell the same lines of goods MANDING
'chair \'cher\ n [ME chaiere, fro AF, fro L cathedra, fro Gk chal-Ils Vsha-le', n, pi chat-uses \-Iez\ : a lightweightcloth-
kathedra, fro kata- down + hedra seat] 1 : a seat with a ing fabric of wool, cotton, or synthetic yarns
back for one person 2: ELECTRIC CHAIR 3 + : an official cham-ber\'chiim-b:lr\ n 1 + : a partitioned part of the in-
seat or a seat of authority, state, or dignity; also: an office side of a building: ROOM 2 + : an enclosed space or cav-
or position of authority or dignity 4: the presiding offi- ity 3: a hall for meetings of a legislative body 4: a
cer of a meeting or event: CHAIRMAN judge's consultation room - uSU. used in pl. 5: a legisla-
+ head, headship, helm, rein - more at HEAD tive or judicial body; also: a council for a business pur-
127 changeful
pose 6: the part of a firearm that holds the cartridge or 3chance adj. : happening, experienced, or encountered by
powder charge during firing - cham-bered \-b~rd\ adj chance, without forethought, plan, or intention
[1,2) bay, cabin, cell, compartment, cubicle - more accidental, casual, fluky, fortuitous, incidental, unin-
at COMPARTMENT tended, unintentional, unplanned, unpremeditated, un-
cham-ber-lam \'cham-b~r-I~n\ n 1 : a chief officer in the witting - more at ACCIDENTAL
household of a king or nobleman 2 : TREASURER chan-cel \'chan-s~l\ n : the part of a church including the
cham-ber-maid \-,mad\ n : a maid who takes care of bed- altar and choir
rooms chan-cellery or chan-cel-lery \'chan-s~-I~-re\ n, pi -Ier.ies
chamber music n : music intended for performance by a or -Icr-les 1 : the position or office of a chancellor 2 : the
few musicians before a small audience building or room where a chancellor works 3: the office
cham-bray Vsham-jbrax n : a lightweight clothing fabric of or staff of an embassy or consulate
white and colored threads chan-cel-tor \'chan-s~-I~r\ n 1 : a high state official in var-
cha-me-leon \b-'mel-y~n\ n [ME camelion, fro MF, fro L ious countries 2: the head of a university 3: a judge in
chamaeleon, fr. Gk chamaileon, fro chamai on the ground the equity court in various states of the U.S. 4: the chief
+ leon lion) : a small lizard whose skin changes color esp, minister of state in some European countries - chan-cel-
according to its surroundings lor-shlp n
'cham.fer Vcham-forv vb 1 : to cut a furrow in (as a col- chan-cery \'chan-s~-re\ n, pi -cer-les 1: any of various
umn) : GROOVE 2: to make a chamfer on : BEVEL courts of equity in the U.S. and Britain 2: a record office
2chamfer n : a beveled edge for public or diplomatic archives 3: a chancellor's court
cham-ois \'sha-me\ n, pi cham-ois ssame or -mezx 1 : a or office 4: the office of an embassy
small goatlike antelope of Europe and the Caucasus re- chan-ere \'shal)-k~r\ n [F, fro OF, fro L cancer) : a primary
gion of Russia 2 also cham-my \'sha-me\ : a soft leather sore or ulcer at the site of entry of an infective agent (as
made esp. from the skin of the sheep or goat 3: a cotton of syphilis)
fabric made in imitation of chamois leather chan-croid \'chal)-,kroid\ n : a sexually transmitted disease
cham-o-mile \'ka-m~-,mn, -,mel\ n : any of a genus of caused by a bacterium and characterized by chancres
strong-scented herbs related to the daisies and having that differ from those of syphilis in lacking hardened
flower heads that yield a bitter substance used esn. in ton- margins
ics and teas chancy Vchan-sev adj cnanc-l-er; -est 1 Scot: AUSPICIOUS
'champ \'champ, 'champv vb 1 : to chew noisily 2: to show 2: RISKY
impatience of delay or restraint chan-de-lier \,shan-d~-'lir\ n : a branched lighting fixture
2champ \'champ\ n : a winner of first prize or first place suspended from a ceiling
in competition: CHAMPION; also: one who shows marked chan-dler \'chand-I~r\ n [ME chandeler a maker or seller of
superiority candles, fro AF, fro chandele candle, fro L candela) : a
champion, victor, winner - more at CHAMPION dealer in provisions and supplies of a specified kind
<ship'S -) - chanodlery n
cham-pagne vsham-ipan', n : a white effervescent wine
'change \'chanj\ vb changed; : to make or
'cham.pi-on \'cham-pe-~n\ n 1 : a militant advocate or
become different: ALTER 2 : to replace with another
defender 2 : one that wins first prize or place in a con-
3 : to give or receive an equivalent sum in notes or coins
test 3 : one that is acknowledged to be better than all oth-
of uSU. smaller denominations or of another currency
4 : to put fresh clothes or covering on <- a bed) 5: to
[1) advocate, apostle, backer, booster, exponent, put on different clothes 6 : to switch to or with another
friend, promoter, proponent, supporter - more at EX- : EXCHANGE <neither liked his seat so they -ed with each
PONENT (2) champ, victor, winner; also finalist, semi- other) - chang-er n
finalist; medalist, prizewinner; star, superstar
[I) alter, make over, modify, recast, redo, refashion,
2champion vb : to protect or fight for as a champion remake, remodel, revamp, revise, rework, vary; also de-
advocate, back, endorse, patronize, support - more form, metamorphose, mutate; revolutionize, transfigure,
at SUPPORT transform, transmute; commute, convert, exchange Ant
cham-pl-on-shlp \-,ship\ n 1 : the position or title of a fix, freeze, set, stabilize [I) fluctuate, mutate, shift,
champion 2: the act of championing: DEFE SE 3: a con- vary; also metamorphose, transmute; better, improve;
test held to determine a champion deteriorate, worsen; seesaw, teeter, vacillate, waver Ant
'chance \'chans\ n 1 : something that happens without ap- stabilize [2, 6) commute, exchange, shift, substitute,
parent cause 2 : the unpredictable element in existence swap, switch, trade; also interchange; displace, replace,
: LUCK 3 : a situation favoring some purpose: OPPORTU- supersede; cede, surrender, yield
NITY 4.: the likelihood of a particular outcome in an 2change n 1 : the act, process, or result of changing 2: a
uncertain situation : PROBABILITY 5 : a gamble or risk fresh set of clothes 3: money given in exchange for other
taken in hopes of a favorable outcome with a real possi- money of higher denomination 4: money returned when
bility of loss 6: a raffle ticket - by chance: in the hap- a payment exceeds the sum due 5: coins esp. of small de-
hazard course of events nominations
(2) accident, circumstance, hazard, luck; also ran- alteration, difference, modification, revise, revision,
domness, uncertainty; fluke; destiny, doom, fate, for- variation; also amendment, correction, rectification;
tune, lot; danger, peril, risk (3) occasion, opening, conversion, deformation, distortion, metamorphosis,
opportunity, room - more at OPPORTUNITY. (4) odds, mutation, transfiguration, transformation; fluctuation,
percentage, probability - more at PROBABILITY oscillation, shift; displacement, replacement, substitu-
(5) enterprise, flier, gamble, speculation, venture- tion; adjustment, modulation, regulation Ant fixation,
more at GAMBLE stabilization
2chance vb chanced; chanc-ing 1 .: to take place by change-able adj 1 .: subject to change <- plans)
chance: HAPPEN 2 : to encounter or discover by chance 2 : able or apt to vary <- weather)
- used with upon 3: to leave the outcome of to chance [1) adaptable, adjustable, elastic, flexible, fluid, mal-
4 : to accept the risk of leable, variable - more at FLEXIBLE (2) capricious,
[I) be, befall, betide, come, go, happen, occur, pass, fickle, fluid, inconstant, mercurial, mutable, tempera-
transpire - more at HAPPEN usu chance upon (2) en- mental, uncertain, unpredictable, unsettled, unstable,
counter, find, happen (on or upon), hit, meet, stumble unsteady, variable, volatile - more at FICKLE
[4] gamble, hazard, risk, venture - more at RISK change-fuI adj : notably variable: UNCERTAIN
changeling 128

change-ling \'chiinj-Iil)\ n : a child secretly exchanged for thicket of shrubs or dwarf trees 2: an ecological com-
another in infancy munity esp. of southern California composed of shrubby
change-over \'chiinj-,o-var\ n + : the action of changing plants
over: CONVERSION + brake, brushwood, coppice, covert, thicket - more
+ conversion, metamorphosis, transfiguration, trans- at THICKET
formation - more at CONVERSION chap-book \'chap-,bilk\ n : a small book of ballads, tales,
change ringing n : the art or practice of ringing a set of or tracts
tuned bells in continually varying order cha-peau \sha-'po\ n, pi cha-peaus \-'poz\ or cha-peaux
tchan-nel \'chan-'I\ n 1 : the bed of a stream 2: the deeper \-'po, -'poz\ [MF] : HAT
part of a waterway 3 + : a comparatively narrow pas- cha-pel Vcha-palx n [ME, fro AF chapele, fro ML cappella,
sageway connecting two large bodies of water : STRAIT fro LL cappa cloak; fr. the cloak of St. Martin of Tours
4 : a means of passage or transmission 5: a range of fre- preserved as a sacred relic in a chapel built for that pur-
quencies of sufficient width for a single radio or televi- pose] 1 : a private or subordinate place of worship 2: an
sion transmission 6 + : a usu. tubular enclosed passage assembly at an educational institution usu. including de-
: CONDUIT 7 + : a long gutter, groove, or furrow usu. for votional exercises 3: a place of worship used by a Chris-
the passage of water tian group other than an established church
+ [3] narrows, sound, strait; also arm, bay, gulf, inlet; 'chap-er-one or chap-er-on\'sha-pa-,ron\ n [F chaperon, lit.,
roads, roadstead; reach, stretch + [6] conduit, duct, hood, fro MF, head covering, fro chape cape, fr. LL cappa]
leader, line, penstock, pipe, tube - more at PIPE + [6, 1 : a person (as a matron) who accompanies young un-
7] aqueduct, canal, conduit, flume, raceway, water- married women in public for propriety 2 : an older per-
course; also millrace, millstream; river, rivulet, stream son who accompanies young people at a social gathering
channel vb -neled or -nelled; -neling or -nel-ling 1 : to make to ensure proper behavior
a channel in 2 + : to direct into or through a channel chaperone or chaperon vb -oned; -on-lnq 1 + : to attend
+ conduct, direct, funnel, pipe, siphon; also carry, con- upon : ESCORT 2 + : to act as a chaperone to or for-
vey, transmit; concentrate, consolidate, focus chap-er-cn-aqe\-,ro-nij\ n
chan-nel-ize \'chan-I-,Iz\ vb -ized; : to direct + [1, 2] accompany, attend, convoy, escort, squire-
through or into a channel or restricted area: CHANNEL - more at ACCOMPANY
chan-nel-lza-tlon \,chan-'I-a-'zii-shan\ n chap-tall-en\'chap-,fo-Ian, 'chap-v ad} 1 : having the lower
chan-son \shan-'son\ n, pi chan-sons \same or _'sonz\ jaw hanging loosely 2 : DEJECTED, DEPRESSED
: SONG; esp : a cabaret song chap-lain Vcha-plonv n 1 : a member of the clergy offi-
'chant \'chant\ vb 1 + : to make melodic sounds with the cially attached to a special group (as the army) 2: a per-
voice: SING; esp : to sing a chant 2: to utter or recite in son chosen to conduct religious exercises (as for a club)
the manner of a chant 3: to celebrate or praise in song - chap-lain-cy \-se\ n
-chant-er n chap-let\ 'cha-plat\ n 1 : a wreath for the head 2 : a string
+ carol, descant, sing, vocalize - more at SING of beads : NECKLACE
chant n 1 : a repetitive melody in which several words are chap-man \'chap-man\ n, Brit: an itinerant dealer: PED-
sung to one tone : SONG; esp : a liturgical melody 2: a DLER
manner of singing or speaking in musical monotones chaps \'shaps, 'chaps\ n pi [MexSpchaparreras] : leather
chan-te-rene\,shan-ta-'rel\ n : a fragrant edible mushroom leggings resembling trousers without a seat that are worn
chan-teuse \shan-'tarz, shan-'tiiz\ n, pi chan-teuses \same esp. by western ranch hands
or -'tar-zaz, -'tii-zaz\ [F] : a woman who is a concert or chap-ter Vchap-tar',n 1 : a main division of a book 2: a
nightclub singer body of canons (as of a cathedral) 3 + : a local branch of
chan-tey or chan-ty \'shan-te, 'chan-\ n, pi chanteys or a society or fraternity
chanties : a song sung by sailors in rhythm with their + affiliate, branch, local; also arm, division, wing; off-
work shoot; lodge, post
chan-ti-cleer\,chan-ta-'klir, ,shan-\ n : ROOSTER 'char \'char\ n, pi char or chars: any of a genus of trouts (as
Chanukahvar o/HANUKKAH the common brook trout) with small scales
cha-os \'kii-,as\ n 1 often cap: the confused unorganized .char vb charred; char-rlnq 1 : to burn or become burned to
state existing before the creation of distinct forms 2: the charcoal 2 + : to burn slightly or partly: SCORCH
inherent unpredictability in the behavior of a natural sys- + scorch, sear, singe - more at SCORCH
tem (as the atmosphere or the beating heart) 3 + : a state 3char vb charred; char-ring : to work as a cleaning woman
of utter confusion or disorder char-ac-ter Vkar-ik-tarv n [MEcaracter, fro MF caractere, fro
+ confusion, disarray, disorder, disorganization, havoc, L character mark, distinctive quality, fro Gk charakter, fr.
hell, jumble, mess, muddle, shambles; also anarchy, charassein to scratch, engrave] 1 : a graphic symbol (as a
lawlessness, misrule; knot, snarl, tangle; labyrinth, letter) used in writing or printing 2: a symbol that repre-
maze, web; maelstrom, storm; clutter, litter, shuffle; sents information; also: a representation of such a charac-
hodgepodge, medley, miscellany, motley Ant order, or- ter that may be accepted by a computer 3 : a distinguishing
derliness feature: ATTRIBUTE 4 + : the complex of mental and ethical
chaos theory n : a branch of mathematical and physical traits marking a person or a group 5 + : a person marked
theory concerned with chaotic systems by conspicuous often peculiar traits 6: one of the persons
cha-ot-lc\kii-'a-tik\ adj + : completely confused or disor- in a novel or play 7 + : reputation esp. when good : good
dered - cha-ot-i-cal-ty\-ti-k(a- )le\ adv name: REPUTATION 8 + : moral excellence
+ confused, disheveled, disordered, messy, muddled, + [4] complexion, constitution, genius, identity, na-
sloppy, unkempt, untidy - more at MESSY ture, personality, tone - more at NATURE + [5] crack-
'chap \'chap\ vb chapped; chap-ping : to dry and crack pot, crank, eccentric, kook, nut, oddball, screwball,
open usu. from wind and cold (chapped lips> weirdo - more at ECCENTRIC [7] mark, name, note,
chap n : a jaw with its fleshy covering - usu. used in pl. report, reputation - more at REPUTATION + [8] de-
3chap n + : an adult male individual: FELLOW cency, goodness, honesty, honor (or honour), integrity,
+ buck, dude, fellow, gent, gentleman, guy, hombre, morality,probity, rectitude, righteousness, uprightness,
jack, joker, lad, male, man - more at MAN virtue - more at MORALITY
'chap abbr chapter "cher-ec-ter-ls-ttc \,kar-ik-ta-'ris-tik\ n + : a distinguishing
chap-ar-ral \,sha-pa-'ral\ n 1 +: a dense impenetrable trait, quality, or property
129 charm
attribute, character, feature, mark, peculiarity, point, ardent, burning, emotional, fervent, fiery, hot=
property, quality, trait; also badge, indication, sign; em- blooded, impassioned, passionate, red-hot, vehement -
blem, symbol, token; excellence, merit, virtue; individ- more at FERVENT
uality, singularity, uniqueness charoge d'afofaires xshar-jzha-de-Tar', n, pi charges d'af-
'characteristic adj. : serving to mark individual character faires \-,zhii-, -,zhiiz-\ [F] : a diplomat who substitutes for
- char-ac-ter-is-ti-cal-ly \-ti-k(::l- )Ie\ adv an ambassador or minister
classic, distinct, distinctive, individual, peculiar, tchar-qer \'char-jar\ n : a large platter
proper, symptomatic, typical; also idiosyncratic; identi- 'chargoer n 1 : a device or a worker that charges something
fiable, pronounced, unmistakable; general, generic; 2: WARHORSE
common, normal, regular, usual; particular, special, char-i-ness \'cher-e-n::ls\ n the quality or state of being chary
specific; model, paradigmatic Ant atypical, nontypical char-i-ot \ 'char-e-otv n : a 2-wheeled horse-drawn vehicle
char-ac-ter-lze \'kar-ik-t::l-,Iiz\ vb -ized; 1 : to de- of ancient times used esp. in war and in races - char-l-o-
scribe the character of 2: to be a characteristic of- teer \,char-e-a-'tir\ n
char-ac-ter-iza-tion \,kar-ik-ta-ra-'zii-sh::ln\ n cha-rts-me \k::l-'riz-m::l\ n : a personal quality of leader-
ship arousing popular loyalty or enthusiasm - char-is-
define, depict, describe, portray, represent; also cate-
gorize, classify, pigeonhole, type; identify, indicate, mat-te \,kar-n-'ma-tik\ adj
name, specify; distinguish, individualize, mark, particu- allure, appeal, attractiveness, captivation, charm, en-
larize, stamp chantment, fascination, glamour, magic, magnetism-
cha-rades \sha-'riidz\ n sing or pi : a game in which some of more at CHARM
the players try to guess a word or phrase from the actions char-i-ta-ble \'char-::l-t::l-b::ll\ adj 1 .: liberal in giving to
of another player who may not speak needy people 2 : merciful or lenient in judging others
char-coal \'char-,k61\ n 1 : a porous carbon prepared from - char-i-ta-ble-ness n - char-i-ta-bly \-ble\ adv
vegetable or animal substances 2: a piece of fine char- [1] bountiful, free, generous, liberal, munificent,
coal used in drawing; also: a drawing made with charcoal openhanded, unselfish, unsparing - more at GENEROUS
chard \'chard\ n : SWISS CHARD [2] altruistic, beneficent, benevolent, humanitarian,
philanthropic; also selfless, self-sacrificing; bounteous,
char-don-nay \,shard-On-'ii\ n, often cap [F] : a dry white
bountiful, free, generous, greathearted, handsome, lib-
wine made from a single variety of white grape
eral, magnanimous, munificent, openhanded, unselfish,
'charge \'charj\ n 1 : a quantity (as of fuel or ammunition) unsparing; compassionate, humane, kind Ant self-
required to fill something to capacity 2 : a store or accu- centered, selfish
mulation of force 3: an excess or deficiency of electrons char-i-ty \'char-::l-te\ n, pi-ties 1 : a disposition to goodwill,
in a body 4: THRILL, KICK 5 : a task or duty imposed kindliness, and sympathy 2 : an act or feeling of gen-
6 : a person or thing committed to the care of another erosity 3.: the giving of aid to the poor; also : ALMS
: CARE 7 : control of the acts, workings, or disposition 4 : an institution engaged in relief of the poor 5: leniency
of something 8 a : a direction or order calling for com- in judging others
pliance b: instructions from a judge to a jury 9 : the [2, 3] alms, benefaction, beneficence, contribution,
price demanded for something : COST, PRICE; also: a debit donation, philanthropy - more at CONTRIBUTION
to an account 10.: a formal assertion of illegality: IN- char-la-tan \'shiir-Ia-tan\ n : a person making usu. showy
DICTMENT 11 : a violent rush forward (as to attack) : AT- pretenses to knowledge or ability: FRAUD
fake, fraud, hoaxer, humbug, mountebank, phony,
[5] assignment, job, mission, operation, post - more pretender, quack
at MiSSION [7] care, guidance, headship, oversight, Charles-ton \'charl-st::ln\ n : a lively dance in which the
regulation, superintendence, supervision - more at SU- knees are swung in and out and the heels are turned
PERVISION [8a] behest, command, commandment, de- sharply outward on each step
cree, dictate, direction, directive, edict, instruction, or- char-ley horse \'char-Ie-,hors\ n : a muscular pain, cramp-
der, word - more at COMMAND [9] cost, fee, figure, ing, or stiffness from a strain or bruise
price - more at PRICE [10] complaint, count, indict- 'charm Vcharmv n [ME charme, fr. AF, fr, L carmen song,
ment, rap; also accusation, allegation; arraignment, im- fr, canere to sing] 1 : a practice or expression believed
peachment; implication, innuendo, insinuation; cen- to have magic power 2 : something worn about the per-
sure, denunciation; incrimination
son to ward off evil or bring good fortune : AMULET 3: a
'charge vb charged; charging 1 : to load or fill to capacity
trait that fascinates or allures 4 : physical grace or at-
2 : to give an electric charge to; also: to restore the activ-
traction 5: a small ornament worn on a bracelet or chain
ity of (a storage battery) by means of an electric current 6 : a quark with a charge of +% and a measured energy of
3 : to impose a task or responsibility on 4: to com- approximately 1.5 billion electron volts
mand, instruct, or exhort with authority: COMMAND, OR-
[1] bewitchment, conjuration, enchantment, incanta-
DER <I - you not to go> 5: to make an assertion against tion, spell - more at SPELL [2] amulet, fetish, mas-
esp. by ascribing guilt or blame : ACCUSE 6 : to rush cot, talisman; also emblem, symbol, token, totem Ant
against: rush forward in assault 7 : to make liable for hoodoo, jinx [4] allure, appeal, attractiveness, capti-
payment: also : to record a debt or liability against vation, charisma, enchantment, fascination, glamour,
8 : to fix as a price - charge-able adi magic, magnetism; also attraction, call, lure, seduction;
[3] assign, commission, entrust, trust - more at EN- agreeableness, desirableness, niceness, pleasantness,
TKU~T (6) assail, assault, attack, beset, descend, jump, sweetness Ant repulsion, repulsiveness
pounce (on or upon), raid, rush, storm, strike - more 'charm vb 1 : to affect by or as if by a magic spell 2: to
at ATTACK. [7] assess, exact, fine, impose, lay, levy, put protect by or as if by charms 3: to please, soothe, or de-
- more at IMPOSE [8] ask, command, demand; also light by compelling attraction: FASCINATE, ENCHANT <-s
overcharge, undercharge; bring, fetch, sell (for); dis- customers with his suave manner> - charm-er n
count, mark down, mark up; assess, price, value allure, beguile, bewitch, captivate, enchant, fascinate,
charge-coupled device n : a semiconductor device used wile; also disarm, draw, entice, lure, pull, seduce, tempt;
esp. as an optical sensor delight, gratify, please; arrest, enrapture, enthrall, en-
charged \'charjd\ adj 1 : possessing or showing strong trance; appeal (to), interest, intrigue; beckon, court, in-
emotion 2: capable of arousing strong emotion; also: EX- vite, solicit, woo. bewitch, enchant, hex, spell - more
charmed 130
charmed \'charmd\ adj : extremely lucky or prosperous <a chas-ten \'chas-n\ vb 1 + : to correct through punishment
'"" life) or suffering: DISCIPLINE 2 : PURIFY - chas-ten-er n
charm-er n 1: one that charms : ENCHANTER, MAGICIAN + castigate, chastise, correct, discipline, penalize, pun-
2 : one that pleases, intrigues, or fascinates ish - more at PUNISH
charming \'char-mil)\ adj + : marked by compelling at- chaste-ness n : the state or quality of being chaste
traction or appeal- charrn-lnq-ly adv chas-tise \chas-'tiz\ vb chas-tised; chas-tls-lnq [ME chas-
+ alluring, attractive, captivating, elfin, engaging, fasci- tisen, alter. of chasten) 1 + : to punish esp, bodily 2 + : to
nating, fetching, glamorous, magnetic, seductive- censure severely: CASTIGATE
more at FASCINATING + [1, 2) castigate, chasten. correct, discipline. penalize,
char-nel house \'charn-I-\ n : a building or chamber in punish - more at PUNISH
which bodies or bones are deposited chas-tise-ment \-mant, 'chas-taz-x n + : the action, an act,
'chart \'chart\ n 1 : an outline map detailing certain geo- or the means of chastising; esp : PUNISHMENT
graphical aspects of an area: MAP 2: a sheet giving infor- + castigation, correction, desert, discipline, nemesis,
mation in the form of a table, list, or diagram; also penalty, punishment, wrath - more at PUNISHMENT
: GRAPH chas-ti-ty \'chas-ta-te\ n + : the quality or state of being
2chart vb 1 : to make a chart of 2 + : to layout a plan for chaste; esp : sexual purity
: PLAN + modesty, purity; also goodness. righteousness; moral-
+ arrange, blueprint, calculate, design, frame, layout, ity, probity, rectitude; decency, decorum, propriety Ant
map, plan, project, scheme - more at PLAN immodesty, impurity, unchastity
"char-ter \'char-tar\ n 1: an official document granting cha-su-ble Vcha-zc-bal, -so-v n : the outer vestment of the
rights or privileges (as to a colony, town, or college) from priest at mass
a sovereign or a governing body 2: CONSTITUTION 3: a chat \'chat\ n 1 + : light familiar informal talk 2: online
written instrument from a society creating a branch 4: a discussion in a chat room - chat vb
mercantile lease of a ship + chatter, chitchat, gabfest, gossip, palaver, rap, talk;
2charter vb 1 : to grant a charter to 2 Brit: CERTIFY <~ed also colloquy, conference, discourse, parley, powwow,
engineer) 3: to hire, rent, or lease for temporary use - symposium; debate, dialogue, exchange, give-and-take
char-ter-er n chat vb + : to talk in a light and familiar manner
charter member n : an original member of an organization + converse, gab. jaw, palaver, patter, prattle, rattle,
char-treuse vshar-struz, -'trtis\ n : a brilliant yellow green talk, visit; also gossip, tattle; descant, discuss, expatiate
char-worn-an \'char-,wU-man\ n : a cleaning woman esp, in + usu chat with speak, talk
large buildings cha-teau \sha-'ta\ n, pI cha-teaus \-'taz\ or cha-teaux \-'ta,
chary \'char-e\ adj chari-er; -est [ME, sorrowful, dear, fr. -'taz\ [F, fro OF chastel, fr. L castel/urn castle, dim. of cas-
OE cearig sorrowful, fro caru sorrow) 1 : CAUTIOUS, CIR- tra campJ 1 : a feudal castle in France 2: a large country
CUMSPECT 2: SPARING - char-i-ly \-a-Ie\ adv house 3: a French vineyard estate
'chase \'chas\ n 1 a +: the act of chasing : PURSUIT chat-e-laine \'shat-I-,an\ n 1: the mistress of a chateau
b : HUNTING 2: something pursued: QUARRY 3: a tract of 2 : a clasp or hook for a watch, purse, or keys
unenclosed land used as a game preserve chat room n : a real-time online interactive discussion
+ following, pursuit, tracing - more at PURSUIT group
2chase vb chased; chas-lnq 1 + : to follow rapidly: PURSUE chat-tel \'chat-I\ n 1 +: an item of tangible property
2 : to pursue for food or in sport: HUNT 3: to seek out other than real estate 2: a person held in servitude
<chasing down clues) 4 + : to cause to depart or flee : SLAVE, BONDMAN
: drive away 5: RUSH, HASTEN + usu chattels effects, holdings. paraphernalia, posses-
+ [1) dog, follow, hound, pursue, shadow, tag, tail, sions, things - more at POSSESSION
trace, track, trail - more at FOLLOW + [4) banish, boot tchat-ter \'cha-tar\ vb 1 + : to utter speechlike but mean-
(out), bounce, dismiss, drum, eject, expel, oust, rout, ingless sounds 2 + : to talk idly, incessantly, or fast 3: to
run off - more at EJECT click repeatedly or uncontrollably
3chase vb chased; chas-lnq : to decorate (a metal surface) + [1) babble. drivel, gabble, gibber, jabber, prattle,
by embossing or engraving sputter - more at BABBLE [2) chat, converse, gab,
'chase n : FURROW, GROOVE jaw. palaver, patter, prattle, rattle, talk, visit - more at
chas-er \'cha-sar\ n 1 : one that chases 2: a mild drink (as CHAT
beer) taken after hard liquor 2chatter n : idle talk
chasm \'ka-zam\ n : a deep cleft in the surface (as of a chat-ter-box \'cha-tar-,baks\ n +: one who talks mces-
planet) : GORGE 2 santly
chas-sls \'cha-se, 'sha-se\ n, ot chas-sis \-sez\ : the sup- + jabberer, magpie, talker; also gossip, tattler, tattletale
porting frame of a structure (as an automobile or televi- chat-ter-er n : a person who rambles on and on
sion set) chat.ty \'cha-te\ adj chat-ti-er; -est 1 : fond of chatting
chaste \'chast\ adj chast-er; chast-est 1 + : innocent of : TALKATIVE <a '"" neighbor) 2 : having the style and
unlawful sexual intercourse: VIRTUOUS, PURE 2: CELIBATE manner of light familiar conversation <a '"" letter)-
3 + : pure in thought: MODEST 4 : severe or simple in de- chat-tl-tv \-ta-Ie\ adv - chat-tl-ness v-te-nasv n
sign + [1] conversational, gabby, garrulous, loquacious,
[1, 3J clean, decent, immaculate. modest, pure, virtu- talkative - more at TALKATIVE + [2) colloquial, con-
OUS: also spotless. stainless, unblemished, undefiled. un- versedional, news)'; also casual, familiar, informal, inti-
soiled, unspotted, unstained, unsullied, untainted, mate; digressive, discursive, rambling; communicative,
untarnished; decorous, proper, seemly; cultivated, re- expansive, garrulous, talkative Ant bookish, literary
fined, tasteful; harmless, innocent, innocuous, inoffen- 'chaufofeur \'sha-far, sha-'far\ n [F, lit., stoker, fr. chaujfer
sive Ant immodest, impure, indecent, unchaste, unclean to heat] : a person employed to drive an automobile
chaste-Iy adv + : in a chaste manner 2chauffeur vb chaufofeured; chaufofeuring 1: to do the
+ modestly, purely, righteously, virtuously - more at work of a chauffeur 2: to transport in the manner of a
PURELY chauffeur
131 cheekiness
chau-vln-Ism \'sho-va-,ni-zam\ n [F chauvinisme, fr. Nico- [2] arrest, catch, draw up, fetch up, halt, hold up,
las Chauvin, fictional soldier of excessive patriotism and stall, stay, still, stop - more at HALT [3] bridle, con-
devotion to Napoleon] 1: excessive or blind patriotism strain, contain, control, curb, govern, inhibit, regulate,
2 : an attitude of superiority toward members of the op- rein, restrain, tame - more at CONTROL. usu check out
posite sex - chau-vin-ls-tlc \,sho-va-'nis-tik\ adj - chau- [5] audit, examine, inspect, review, scan, scrutinize, \-ti-k(a- )Ie\ adv survey - more at INSPECT. [12] accord, agree, answer,
coincide, comport, conform, correspond, dovetail, fit,
eheu-vln-tst n or adj : one who practices chauvinism
go, harmonize, jibe, square, tally; also equal, match,
cheap \'chep\ adj 1 : of small cost: INEXPENSIVE 2: cost-
parallel Ant differ (from), disagree (with)
ing little effort to obtain 3 : of inferior Quality or worth
check-book \'chek-,buk\ n : a book containing blank
: SHODDY 4: worthy of scorn 5: not generous or liberal
in using, giving, or spending : STINGY - cheap adv- tcheck-er \'che-kar\ n : a piece in the game of checkers
cheapoly adv 2checker vb 1 : to variegate with different colors or shades
[1] cut-rate, inexpensive, low, reasonable; also mod- 2 : to vary with contrasting elements (a <ed career)
erate, popular; discounted, lowered, reduced; wholesale 3: to mark into squares
Ant costly, dear, expensive, high, premium. [3] bad, 3checker n : one that checks; esp : one who checks out pur-
bum, coarse, common, cut-rate, execrable, inferior, chases in a supermarket
junky,lousy, mediocre, miserable, poor, rotten, second: check-er-ber-ry \'che-kar-,ber-e\ n : WINTERGREEN 1; also
rate, shoddy, sleazy, terrible, trashy, wretched; also use- : the spicy red fruit of this plant
less, valueless, worthless; flashy, garish, gaudy, meretri- check-er-beard \-,bord\ n : a board of 64 squares of alter-
cious, showy, tawdry; seedy, shabby, tacky; counterfeit, nate colors used in various games
fake, phony, sham Ant excellent, fine, first-rate, good, check-ered \'che-kard\ adj : marked by inconsistent for-
superior, top-notch tune or recurring problems (his ~ past)
cheapoen Vche-panv vb 1 : to make or become cheap or checkoers \'che-karz\ n : a game for two played on a
cheaper in price or value 2: to make tawdry checkerboard with each player having 12 pieces
depreciate, depress, mark down, write off - more at check in vb : to report one's presence or arrival (as at a ho-
cheaponess n : the Quality or state of being cheap check-list \'chek-,list\ n 1 : a list of things to be checked
closeness, miserliness, parsimony, stinginess, tight- or done 2 : a comprehensive list
ness - more at PARSIMONY [1, 2] catalog, list, listing, menu, register, registry,
cheaposkate \'chep-,skat\ n : a miserly or stingy person; roll, roster, schedule, table - more at LIST
esp : one who tries to avoid paying a fair share of costs check-mate \'chek-,mat\ vb [ME chekmaten, fr. chekmate,
inter]. used to announce checkmate, fr. MF eschec mat,
miser, niggard, skinflint, tightwad - more at MISER
fr, Ar shah mat, fr. Per, lit., the king is left unable to es-
'cheat \'cbet\ vb 1 .: to deprive of something through cape] 1 : to thwart completely: FRUSTRATE 2: to attack
fraud or deceit 2: to practice fraud or trickery 3: to vi- (an opponent's king) in chess so that escape is impossible
olate rules (as of a game) dishonestly - cheatoer n - checkmate n
bleed, chisel, cozen, defraud, fleece, gyp, hustle, baffle, balk, beat, foil, frustrate, thwart - more at
mulct, rook, shortchange, skin, squeeze, stick, sting, FRUSTRATE
swindle, victimize - more at FLEECE check-off \'che-,kof\ n : the deduction of union dues from
2cheat n 1: the act of deceiving : FRAUD, DECEPTION a worker'S paycheck by the employer
2 : one that cheats : a dishonest person check-out \'che-,kaut\ n 1 : the action or an instance of
dodger, hoaxer, shark, sharper, swindler, trickster- checking out 2 : a counter at which checking out is done
more at TRICKSTER 3 : the process of examining and testing something as to
'check \'chek\ n 1 : exposure of a chess king to an attack readiness for intended use
2 : a sudden stoppage of progress 3: a sudden pause or check out vb 1 : to settle one's account (as at a hotel) and
break 4 : something that stops or restrains 5: a stan- leave 2: to total or have totaled the cost of purchases in
dard for testing or evaluation 6.: a strict or close in- a store and to make or receive payment for them
spection : a study of by close examination: EXAMINATION check-potnt \'chek-,point\ n : a point at which a check is
7 : the act of testing or verifying 8 or Can and Brit cheque performed
check-room \-,riim, -,rum\ n : a room at which baggage,
: a written order directing a bank to pay money as in-
parcels, or clothing is left for safekeeping
structed : DRAFT 9: a ticket or token showing ownership
checks and balances n pi : a system allowing each branch
or identity 10 : a slip indicating an amount due 11 : a
of a government to restrict the actions of another branch
pattern in squares; also: a fabric in such a pattern 12: a (as by a veto)
mark typically v' placed beside an item to show that it has cheek-up \'che-,kap\ n : the act of checking something
been noted 13: CRACK, SPLIT or someone: EXAMINATION; esp : a general physical exam-
[4] condition, constraint, curb, fetter, limitation, re- ination
straint, restriction - more at RESTRICTION [6] audit, audit, check, examination, inspection, review, scan,
checkup, examination, inspection, review, scan, scrutiny, survey - more at INSPECTION
scrutiny, survey - more at INSPECTION. [10] account, ched-dar Vche-darv n, often cap : a hard mild to sharp
bill, invoice, statement, tab - more at BILL white or yellow cheese of smooth texture
2check vb 1 : to put (a chess king) in check 2.: to slow cheek \ 'chek\ n 1 : the fleshy side part of the face 2 : in-
down or stop 3.: to restrain the action or force of solent boldness and self-assurance: IMPUDENCE, AUDACITY
: CURB 4: to compare with a source, original, or author- 3 : BUTTOCK 1 - cheeked Vchekt', adj
ity : VERIFY - often used with out 5 : to inspect or test audacity, brass, brazenness, chutzpah, effrontery,
for satisfactory condition 6: to mark with a check as ex- gall, impertinence, impudence, nerve, presumption,
amined 7: to consign for shipment for one holding a pas- sauce, sauciness, temerity - more at EFFRONTERY
senger ticket 8: to mark into squares 9: to leave or cheek-bone \'chek-,bon\ n : the bone or bony ridge below
accept for safekeeping in a checkroom 10: to prove to be the eye
consistent or truthful 11 : CRACK, SPLIT 12 : to corre- cheek-l-ness \-ke-n::ls\ n : insolence or impudence of
spond often detail for detail speech or behavior
cheeky 132
cheeky \'che-ke\ adj cheek-i-er; -est + : insolently bold cheese-steak \-,stiik\ n : a sandwich of thinly sliced beef
: IMPUDENT, SAUCY - cheek-i-ly \-k:l-le\ adv topped with melted cheese
+ arch, bold, brash, brazen, cocky, fresh, impertinent, cheesy \'che-ze\ adj chees-i-er; -est 1 : resembling, sug-
impudent, insolent, nervy, sassy, saucy - more at gesting, or containing cheese 2 slang: CHEAP 3
NERVY chee-tah \'che-t:l\ n [Hindu efta leopard, fro Skt citraka, fro
cheep \'chep\ vb + : to utter faint shrill sounds: PEEP- citra bright, variegated] : a large long-legged swift-moving
cheep n spotted cat of Africa and southwestern Asia
+ chirp, peep, pipe, tweet, twitter - more at CHIRP chef \'shef\ n 1 : a cook who manages the kitchen (as of a
restaurant) 2: a person who prepares food for eating
'cheer \'chir\ n [ME chere face, cheer, fr. AF, face, fro ML
cara, prob. fr. Gk kara head, face] 1 + : state of mind or : COOK
heart : SPIRIT 2 + : lightness of mind and feeling 3: hos- chef d'oeu-vre \shii-'drevr\ n, pi chefs d'oeuvre \same\
pitable entertainment: WELCOME 4 : food and drink for a : MASTERPIECE
feast 5: something that gladdens 6: a shout of applause chem abbr chemical; chemist; chemistry
tchem-l-cat \'ke-mi-k:ll\ ad} 1 : of, relating to, used in, or
or encouragement
produced by chemistry 2: acting or operated or pro-
+ [1] frame, humor (or humour), mode, mood, spirit, duced by chemicals - chem-i-cal-ly \-k(:l-)Ie\ adv
temper - more at MOOD + [2] comfort, consolation,
'chemical n : a substance obtained by a chemical process or
relief, solace - more at COMFORT + [2] cheerfulness,
used for producing a chemical effect
cheeriness, glee, hilarity, joviality, merriment, mirth -
chemical engineering n : engineering dealing with the in-
more at MIRTH
dustrial application of chemistry
'cheer vb 1 + : to give hope or courage to : COMFORT -
chemical warfare n : warfare using incendiary mixtures,
usu. used with up 2: to make glad 3: to urge on esp. by
smokes, or irritant, burning, or asphyxiating gases
shouts 4 + : to applaud or show approval of esp. with
chemical weapon n : a weapon used in chemical warfare
shouts 5: to grow or be cheerful - usu. used with up -
che-mise \sh:l-'mez\ n 1 : a woman's one-piece undergar-
cheer-er n
ment 2: a loose straight-hanging dress
+ usu cheer up [1] buoy (up), comfort, embolden, en- chem-Ist \'ke-mist\ n 1 : one trained in chemistry 2 Brit
courage, hearten, inspire, steel - more at ENCOURAGE
+ [4] acclaim, applaud, crack up, hail, laud, praise, chem-is-try \'ke-m:l-stre\ n, pi -tries 1 : the science that
salute, tout - more at ACCLAIM
deals with the composition, structure, and properties of
cheer-ful \'chir-f:>l\ adi 1 : having or showing good spir-
substances and of the changes they undergo 2 : chemical
its 2 + : conducive to good spirits: pleasant and bright
composition or properties <the ~ of gasoline) 3: a
+ [1] blithe, bright, buoyant, cheery, chipper, gay, strong mutual attraction; also : harmonious interaction
lightsome, sunny, upbeat; also hopeful, sanguine; among people (as on a team)
jaunty, lively, perky, sprightly, vivacious; carefree, che-mo \'ke-mo\ n : CHEMOTHERAPY
careless, cavalier, easygoing, happy-go-lucky, insou- che-mo-ther-a-py \,ke-mo-'ther-:l-pe\ n : the use of chemi-
ciant, lighthearted, unconcerned; boon, jolly, jovial,
cals in the treatment or control of disease - che-mo-ther-
merry, mirthful; glad, happy, pleased Ant dour, gloomy,
a-peu-tlc \-,ther-:l-'pyu-tik\ adj
glum, morose, saturnine, sulky, sullen + [2] bright,
che-nille \sh:l-'nel\ n [F, lit., caterpillar, fr. OF, fr. L canic-
cheery, gay, glad; also gladdening, heartening, heart-
warming; gleaming, radiant, sparkling Ant bleak, cheer-
ula, dim. of canis dog] : a fabric with a deep fuzzy pile of-
ten used for bedspreads and rugs
less, dark, depressing, dismal, dreary, gloomy, gray
cheque Can and Brit var of 'CHECK 8
cheer-ful-ly adv + : in a cheerful manner
cher-Ish \'cher-ish\ vb 1 + : to hold dear: feel or treat with
+ gaily, happily, heartily, jovially, merrily, mirthfully care and affection 2 + : to keep deeply in mind - cher-
- more at GAILY ish-able adj - cher-lsh-er n
cheer-ful-ness n + : the quality or state of being cheerful
+ [1] adore, love, worship - more at LOVE + [1] appre-
+ cheer, cheeriness, glee, hilarity, joviality, merriment, ciate, love, prize, treasure, value - more at LOVE
mirth - more at MIRTH + [2] bear, entertain, harbor (or harbour), have, hold,
cheer-i-ness \-e-n:ls\ n + : the quality or state of being nurse - more at HARBOR
cheery cher-o-kee \ 'cher-:l-(,)ke\ n, pi Cherokee or Cherokees : a
+ cheer, cheerfulness, glee, hilarity, joviality, merri- member of an American Indian people orig, of Tennessee
ment, mirth, mirthfulness - more at MIRTH and No. Carolina; also: their language
cheer-lead-er \'chir-,Ie-d:lr\ n : a person who directs organ- che-root \sh:l-'riit\ n : a cigar cut square at both ends
ized cheering esp. at a sports event cher-ry \'cher-e\ n, pi cherries [ME chery ; fr. AF cherise,
cheer-less \'chir-I:ls\ adj : lacking qualities that cheer cirice (taken as a pl.), fro LL ceresia, fro L cerasus cherry
: BLEAK, DISPIRITING - cheer-less-ly adv - cheer-less- tree, fro Gk kerasos] 1 : the small fleshy pale yellow to
nessn deep blackish red fruit of a tree related to the roses; also
cheery \ 'chir-e\ adj cheer-i-er; -est 1 + : marked by cheer- : the tree or its wood 2: a moderate red
fulness or good spirits : CHEERFUL 2 + : causing or sug- chert \'ch:lrt, 'chat\ n : a rock resembling flint and consist-
gesting cheerfulness <~ music) - cheer-i-ly \-:l-Ie\ adv ing essentially of fine crystalline quartz and fibrous chal-
+ [1] blithe, bright, buoyant, cheerful, chipper, gay, cedony - cherty ad}
lightsome, sunny, upbeat - more at CHEERFUL cher-ub \'cher-:lb\ n 1 pi cher-u-bim \'cher-:l-,bim\ : an an-
+ [2] bright, cheerful, gay, glad - more at CHEERFUL gel of the 2d highest rank 2 pi cherubs: a chubby rosy
cheese \'chez\ n : the curd of milk usu. pressed into cakes person - che-ru-bic \ch:l-'rii-bik\ adj
and cured for use as food chess \'ches\ n : a game for two played on a chessboard
cheese-burgoer \-,b:lr-g:lr\ n : a hamburger topped with with each player having 16 pieces - chess-man \-,man,
cheese -monv n
cheeseocake \-,kiik\ n 1 : a dessert consisting of a creamy cbess-board \ 'ches-. bordv n : a checkerboard used in the
filling uSU. containing cheese baked in a shell 2: photo- game of chess
graphs of shapely scantily clad women chest \'chest\ n 1 + : a box, case, or boxlike receptacle for
cheeseocloth \-,kloth\ n : a lightweight coarse cotton gauze storage or shipping 2: the part of the body enclosed by
eheese-par-inq \-,par-il)\ n : miserly economizing- the ribs and sternum - chest-ed \'ches-t:ld\ adj - chest-
cheeseparing ad} ful \'chest-,ful\ n
133 child
+ box, caddy, case, casket, locker, trunk; also foot- + cowardly, craven, dastardly, pusillanimous, recreant,
locker; safe, safe-deposit box spineless, yellow - more at cow ARDL Y
ches-ter-field \'ches-t;}r-,feld\ n 1 : an overcoat with a vel- chicken feed n, slang: an insignificant sum of money
vet collar 2: a large sofa usu. with upright armrests chick-en-heart-ed \,chi-k;}n-'har-t;}d\ adj : being or behav-
chest-nut \'ches-(,)n;}t\ n 1 : the edible nut of any of a ing like a coward: COWARDLY
genus of trees related to the beech and oaks; also : this chicken out vb : to lose one's courage
tree 2: a grayish to reddish brown 3: an old joke or story chicken pox n : an acute contagious virus disease esp, of
che-val glass \sh;}-'val-\ n : a full-length mirror that may children characterized by a low fever and vesicles
be tilted in a frame chicken wire n : a light wire netting of hexagonal mesh
che-va-lier \,she-v;}-'lir, sh;}-'val-,ya\ n : a member of one of chick-pea \'chik-,pe\ n : an Asian herb of the legume fam-
various orders of knighthood or of merit ily cultivated for its short pods with one or two edible
chev-i-ot \'she-ve-;}t\ n, often cap 1 : a twilled fabric with a seeds; also: its seed
rough nap 2 : a sturdy soft-finished cotton fabric chick-weed \'chik-,wed\ n : any of several low-growing
chev-ron \'she-vr;}n\ n : a sleeve badge of one or more V~ small-leaved weeds related to the pinks
shaped or inverted V-shaped stripes worn to indicate rank chi-cle \'chi-k;}l\ n : a gum from the latex of a tropical tree
or service (as in the armed forces) used as the chief ingredient of chewing gum
'chew \'chu\ vb + : to crush, grind, or gnaw (as food) with chic-o-ry \'chi-k;}-re\ n, pi -ries : a usu. blue-flowered herb
the teeth - chew-able adj - chew-er n - chew on : to related to the daisies and grown for its root and for use in
think about : PONDER <chew on the proposals) - chew salads; also: its dried ground root used to flavor or adul-
the fat: to make conversation: CHAT terate coffee
+ bite, champ, chomp, crunch, gnaw, nibble chide \'chid\ vb chid \'chid\ or chid-ed \'chi-d;}d\; chid or
2chew n 1 : an act of chewing 2 : something for chewing chidoden \'chid-'n\ or chided; + : to speak disap-
chew out vb + : to bawl out: to criticize severely provingly to
+ admonish, chide, lecture, rail (at or against), rate, re- + admonish, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reprove ad-
buke, reprimand, scold - more at SCOLD monish, lecture, rail (at or against), rate, rebuke, scold
chew over vb + : to meditate on : think about reflectively - more at SCOLD
+ cogitate, consider, contemplate, debate, deliberate, 'chief \'chef\ adj 1 + : highest in rank 2 + : most important
entertain, meditate, mull, ponder, question, ruminate, + [1) first, foremost, head, high, lead, preeminent, pre-
study, think, weigh - more at PONDER mier, primary, prime, principal, supreme - more at
chewy \'chu-e\ adj : requiring much chewing <~ candy) HEAD + [2) arch, cardinal, central, dominant, first, fore-
Chey-enne \shi-'an, -'en\ n, pi Cheyenne or Cheyennes most, grand, key, main, paramount, predominant-
[AmerF, fro Dakota whiyena) : a member of an American more at FOREMOST
Indian people of the western plains of the U.S.; also: their 2chief n 1 + : the leader of a body or organization: HEAD
language 2 : the principal or most valuable part - chiefodom n
chg abbr 1 change 2 charge + boss, captain, foreman, head, headman, helmsman,
chi \'ki\ n : the 22d letter of the Greek alphabet - X or X kingpin, leader, master, taskmaster - more at BOSS
cnt-an-n \ke-'iin-te, -'an-\ n : a dry uSU. red wine adv + : for the most part: most importantly
chtar-oscu-rc \ke-,ar-;}-'skiJr-o, -'skyiJr-\ n, pi -ros [It, fro + altogether, basically, generally, largely, mainly,
chiaro clear, light + oscuro obscure, dark) 1 : pictorial mostly, overall, predominantly, primarily, principally;
representation in terms of light and shade without regard also nearly, practically, virtually; approximately,
to color 2: the arrangement or treatment of light and broadly, roughly; commonly, frequently, normally, or-
dark parts in a pictorial work of art dinarily, usu.; incompletely, partially, partly
'chic \'shek\ n : STYLISHNESS chief master sergeant n : a noncommissioned officer of the
2chic adj + : cleverly stylish: SMART; also: currently fash- highest rank in the air force
ionable chief petty officer n : an enlisted man in the navy ranking
+ it la mode, fashionable, in, modish, sharp, smart, next below a senior chief petty officer
snappy, stylish - more at STYLISH chlef-tain \'cher-t;}n\ n : a chief esp. of a band, tribe, or
cht-ce-na \chi-'ka-n;}Qlso shi-\ n : an American woman or clan - chlet-tam-cy \-se\ n - chief-tain-ship n
girl of Mexican descent - Chicana adj chief warrant officer n : a warrant officer of senior rank
chi-cane \shi-'kiin\ n : CHICANERY chiffon \shi-'fiin, 'shi-,\ n [F, lit., rag, fr. chiffe old rag) : a
chi-ca-nery \-'ka-n;}-re\ n, pi -neries + : deception by art- sheer fabric esp, of silk
ful subterfuge or sophistry: TRICKERY chiffo-nier \,shi-f;}-'nir\ n : a high narrow chest of drawers
+ artifice, hanky-panky, subterfuge, trickery, wile- chigoger \'chi-g;}r\ n : a bloodsucking larval mite that
more at TRICKERY causes intense itching
em-ca-ne \chi-'ka-no\ n, pi-nos: an American of Mexican chiognon \'shen-,yan\ n [F, fr. MF chaignon chain, collar,
descent - Chicano adj nape) : a knot of hair worn at the back of the head
chi-chi \'she-(,)she, 'che-(,)che\ adj [F) 1 : SHOWY, FRILLY ctu-nua-nua \ch;}-'wa-,wa\ n : any of a breed of very small
2: ARTY, PRECIOUS 3: CHIC - chichi n large-eared dogs that originated in Mexico
chick \'chik\ n 1 : a young chicken; also: a young bird ehil-blain \'chil-,blan\ n : a sore or inflamed swelling (as on
2 slang: a young woman the feet or hands) caused by exposure to cold
chick-a-dee \'chi-k;}-(,)de\ n : any of several small grayish child \'child\ n, pi chil-dren \'chil-dr;}n\ 1 + : an unborn or
American birds with black or brown caps recently born person 2 + : a young person between the
Chickasaw \'chi-k;}-,s6\ n, pi Chickasaw or Chickasaws: a periods of infancy and youth 3: a male or female off-
member of an American Indian people of Mississippi and spring: SON, DAUGHTER 4: one strongly influenced by an-
Alabama other or by a place or state of affairs - child-less adj -
'chick-en \'chi-k;}n\ n 1: a common domestic fowl esp. child-less-nese n - childlike adj
when young; also: its flesh used as food 2 + : one who is + [I) baby, infant, newborn - more at BABY + [2) cub,
easily frightened and easily daunted: COWARD juvenile, kid, youngster, youth; also adolescent, minor;
+ coward, craven, dastard, poltroon, recreant, sissy- schoolboy, schoolgirl; moppet, nestling, toddler, tot,
more at COWARD tyke; brat, imp, squirt, urchin, whippersnapper; cherub;
2chicken adj 1 + : being or behaving like a coward : cow- preteen, subteen, teenager; nipper, lad, shaver,
ARDLY 2 slang: insistent on petty esp. military discipline stripling; hoyden, tomboy Ant adult, grown-up
childbearing 134 \'chnd-,bar-il)\ n : of or relating to the + conceit, daydream, delusion, dream, fancy, fantasy,
process of conceiving, being pregnant with, and giving figment, hallucination, illusion, phantasm, pipe dream,
birth to children: CHILDBIRTH - childbearing adj unreality, vision
child-blrth \-,barth\ n + : the act or process of giving birth chl-me-rl-cal \ki-'mer-i-bl\ also chi-me-ric \-ik\ am
to offspring 1 + : existing only as the product of unchecked imagina-
+ delivery, labor (or labour); also pains; pregnancy; tion : fantastically visionary or improbable 2: given to
abortion, miscarriage; cesarean section fantastic schemes
chlld-hcod \-,hud\ n : the state or period of being a child + fabulous, fanciful, fantastic, fictitious, imaginary,
child.ish adj + : marked by or suggestive of immaturity made-up, mythical, phantom, pretend, unreal - more
and lack of poise - adv - chltd-tsh-nass n at IMAGINARY
+ adolescent, babyish, immature, infantile, juvenile, chim-ney \'chim-ne\ n, pi chimneys 1 : a vertical structure
kiddish; also boyish, girlish; childlike, innocent, naive, extending above the roof of a building for carrying off
simple, unsophisticated Ant adult, grown-up, mature smoke 2: a glass tube around a lamp flame
'child.proof \-,priif\ am 1 : made to prevent opening or use chimp \'chimp\ n : CHIMPANZEE
by children <~ lighters) 2: made safe for children chim-pan-zee \,chim-,pan-'ze, chim-Jpan-zev n : an African
2childproof vb : to make childproof <~ a house) ape related to the much larger gorilla
child's play n 1 +: an extremely simple task or act 'chin \'chin\ n : the part of the face below the lower lip in-
2 : something that is insignificant cluding the prominence of the lower jaw - chin-less adj
2chin vb chinned; chin-ning : to raise (oneself) while hang-
+ breeze, cinch, picnic, pushover, snap - more at ing by the hands until the chin is level with the support
chi-na \'chi-na\ n : porcelain ware; also: domestic pottery
Chiloean \'chi-Ie-;m, cha-'lii-an\ n : a native or inhabitant of in general
Chile - Chilean adj Chi-na-town \-,taun\ n : the Chinese quarter of a city
chili or chile or chilli \'chi-le\ n, pi chil-ies or chil-es or chil- chinch bug \'chinch-\ n : a small black and white bug de-
lies 1 : a pungent pepper related to the tomato 2: a thick structive to cereal grasses
sauce of meat and chilies 3: CHILI CON CARNE chln-chll-la \chin-'chi-Ia\ n 1: either of two small So.
chili con car-ne \,chi-le-kiin-'kiir-ne\ n [AmerSp chile can American rodents with soft pearl-gray fur; also: this fur
came chili with meat) : a spiced stew of ground beef and 2 : a heavy long-napped woolen cloth
chilies or chili powder usu. with beans chine \'chin\ n : the back or spine of an animal or man
chili powder n ; a seasoning made of ground chilies and : BACKBONE, SPINE; also: a cut of meat including all or part
other spices of the backbone
chili sauce n : a spiced tomato sauce usu. made with red chi-nese xchi-tnez, -'nes\ n, pi Chinese 1 : a native or in-
and green peppers habitant of China 2 : any of a group of related languages
'chill \'chil\ n 1 : a feeling of coldness accompanied by of China - Chinese am
shivering 2 + : moderate coldness 3 : a check to enthusi- Chinese cabbage n 1 : BOK CHOY 2 : an Asian garden plant
asm or warmth of feeling related to the cabbage and widely grown in the U.S. for
+ bite, bitterness, bleakness, nip, rawness, sharpness, its tight elongate cylindrical heads of pale green to cream'
also briskness, crispness; coldness, frigidity, iciness; colored leaves
cold, freeze, snap Chinese checkers n : a game in which each player in tum
2chill am 1 : moderately cold 2: affected by a penetrating transfers a set of marbles from a home point to the oppo-
cold : benumbed or shivering with cold: COLD, RAW site point of a pitted 6-pointed star
3 : cool in manner or feeling : lacking warmth : UN- Chinese gooseberry n : a subtropical vine that bears ki-
FRIENDLY <a ~ reception) 4: DEPRESSING, DISPIRITING wifruit; also: KIWIFRUIT
3chill vb 1 : to make or become cold or chilly 2: to make Chinese lantern n : a collapsible translucent cover for a
cool esp. without freezing - chill-er n light
chul-l-ness n : the quality or state of being chilly 'chink \'chil)k\ n + : a small crack or fissure \'chi-lil)\ adj : gravely disturbing or frightening <a + cleft, crack, cranny, crevice, fissure, rift, split-
~ scene) more at CRACK
chill out vb, slang + : to calm down: RELAX 2chink vb : to fill the chinks of : stop up
+ de-stress, relax, unwind - more at RELAX 3chink n : a slight sharp metallic sound
chilly \'chi-Ie\ adj chill-i-er; -est 1 +: noticeably cold 'chink vb + : to make a slight sharp metallic sound
2 : unpleasantly affected by cold 3 + : lacking warmth of + jingle, tinkle - more at JINGLE
feeling chi-no \'che-no\ n, pi chinos 1 : a usu. khaki cotton twill
+ (1) bitter, bleak, chill, nippy, raw, sharp; also brisk, 2 pi : an article of clothing made of chino
crisp; arctic, cold, freezing, frigid, frosty, icy + (3) chill, Chl-nook \sha-'nuk, cha-, -'nuk\ n, pi Chinook or Chinooks
cold, cold-blooded, cool, frigid, frosty, glacial, icy, un- : a member of an American Indian people of Oregon
friendly, unsympathetic, wintry - more at COLD chintz \'chints\ n : a usu. glazed printed cotton cloth
'chime \'chim\ n 1 : a set of bells musically tuned 2: the chintzy Vchint-sev adj chintz-i-er: -est 1 : decorated with or
sound of a set of bells - usu. used in pI. 3: a musical as if with chintz 2: GAUDY, CHEAP 3: STINGY
sound suggesting bells chin-up \'chi-,nap\ n : the act of chinning oneself
2chime vb chimed; 1 + : to make bell-like sounds 'chip \'chip\ n 1 + : a small usu. thin and flat piece (as of
2 : to indicate (as the time of day) by chiming 3: to be or wood) cut or broken off 2: a thin crisp morsel of food
act in accord : be in harmony 3 : a counter used in games (as poker) 4 pi, slang: some-
thing generally accepted as a means of payment: MONEY
+ knell, peal, ring, toll - more at RING
5 + : a flaw left after a chip is removed 6: INTEGRATED
chime in vb + : to break into or join in a conversation CIRCUIT 7: a very small slice of silicon containing elec-
+ break, cut in, interpose, interrupt, intrude - more at tronic circuits
INTERRUPT + [1) flake, splinter; also bit, disk, fragment, particle,
chi-me-ra \ki-'mir-a, ka-\ n [L chimaera, fro Gk chimaira scrap, shard; shiver, smithereens; shred, tatter; clipping,
she-goat, chimera) 1 : an imaginary monster made up of paring, shaving; leaf, sheet, slice; chunk, hunk, lump,
incongruous parts 2 a + : an illusion or fabrication of the slab + (5) hack, indentation, nick, notch - more at
mind b: an impossible dream NOTCH
135 choke

2chip vb chipped; chipoping 1 : to cut or break chips from and urogenital tract 2: a disease or infection caused by
2 : to break off in small pieces at the edges 3: to playa chlamydiae
chip shot chlo-ral hydrate Vklor-al-', n : a white crystalline com-
chip in vb + : to give money or assistance to an enterprise pound used as a hypnotic and sedative
: CONTRIBUTE chlor-dane \'klor-,diin\ n : a highly chlorinated persistent
+ contribute, kick in, pitch in - more at CONTRlBUTE insecticide
chlpomunk \'chip-,maljk\ n [earlier chitmunk, prob. fro chic-ride \'klor-,id\ n ; a compound of chlorine with an-
Ojibwa aeitamon" red squirrel) : any of a genus of small other element or group
striped No. American and Asian rodents closely related to chlo-ri-nate\'klor-a-,nat\ vb -nat-ed: : to treat or
the squirrels and marmots combine with chlorine or a chlorine compound - chlo-
chl-pot-te \cha-'pot-Ia\ n : a smoked and usu. dried rl-na-tlon \,klor-a-'na-shan\ n - chlo-rl-na-tor\'k1or-a-,na-
jalapeno pepper tar\ n
chipped beef \'chipt-\ n : smoked dried beef sliced thin chlo-rine \'klor-,en\ n : a nonmetallic chemical element
"chip-per Vchi-porv n : one that chips that is found alone as a strong-smelling greenish yellow
2chipper adj 1 + : being high in spirits: CHEERFUL 2 + : be- irritating gas and is used as a bleach, oxidizing agent, and
ing in good health: being in a state of physical well-being disinfectant
chlo-rite \'klor-,it\ n : a usu. green mineral found with and
+ [1) blithe, bright, buoyant, cheerful, cheery, gay, resembling mica
lightsome, sunny, upbeat - more at CHEERFUL chto-ro-tlu-o-ro-car-bcn\,klor-a-'f1or-a-,kar-ban, -'f1ur-\ n
+ [2) able-bodied, fit, hale, healthy, hearty, robust, ; any of several gaseous compounds that contain carbon,
sound, well, whole, wholesome- more at HEALTHY chlorine, fluorine, and sometimes hydrogen and are used
Chipope-wa\'chi-pa-,wo, -,wa, -,wa, -wavn, pi Chippewa or esp. as solvents, refrigerants, and aerosol propellants
Chippewas: OJIBWA 'chlo-ro-form Vklor-a-jform', n : a colorless heavy fluid with
chip shot n : a short uSU. low shot to the green in golf etherlike odor used as a solvent and anesthetic
chi.rog.ra.phy \ki-'ra-gra-fe\ n : HANDWRITING, PENMANSHIP 2chloroformvb : to treat with chloroform to produce anes-
- chl-ro-qrapn-lc \,ki-ra-'gra-fik\ adi thesia or death
chlropooody \ka-'ra-pa-de, sha-\ n : PODIATRY - chi-rop-o- chlo-ro-phyll\-,fil\ n : the green coloring matter of plants
dist \-dist\ n that functions in photosynthesis
chi-ro-prac-tic Vkl-rc-jprak-tik', n : a system of therapy chm abbr chairman
based esp, on manipulation of body structures - chi-ro- chock \'chiik\ n : a wedge for steadying something or for
prae-tor \-tar\ n blocking the movement of a wheel - chock vb
'chirp \'charp\ n : a short sharp sound characteristic of a check-a-brock \'cha-ka-,blak\ adj : very full; CROWDED
small bird or cricket chock-full or chock-tul \'ch:lk-'ful, 'chak-v adj + : full to
2chirp vb + : to make a usu. repetitive short sharp sound the limit: CRAMMED
+ cheep, peep, pipe, tweet, twitter; also cackle, chatter, + brimful, crowded, fat, fraught, full, loaded, packed,
jabber; sing, trill, warble replete - more at FULL
'chlsoel\'chi-zal\ n : a metal tool with a sharpened edge at choc-o-Iate \'cha-k(a-)I:lt, 'cho-\ n [Sp, fro Nahuatl
one end used to chip, carve, or cut into a solid material chocoltit!) 1 : a food prepared from ground roasted cacao
(as wood or stone) beans; also: a drink prepared from this 2 ; a candy made
2chisel vb -eled or -elled; or -el.ling 1 : to work with of or with a coating of chocolate 3; a dark brown color
or as if with a chisel 2 a + : to obtain something from by - choc-o-Iatyor choc-o-tat-ey\-k(:l-)l:l-te\ adj
unfair practices: CHEAT b: to obtain by shrewd often un- chec-taw \'chak-,to\ n, pi Choctaw or Choctaws: a mem-
fair methods - chls-et-er n ber of an American Indian people of Mississippi, Al-
+ bleed, cheat, cozen, defraud, fleece, gyp, hustle, abama, and Louisiana; also : their language
mulct, rook, shortchange, skin, squeeze, stick, sting, 'choice \'chois\ n 1 +; the act of choosing: SELECTION
swindle, victimize - more at FLEECE 2 +: the power or opportunity of choosing : OPTION
'chit \'chit\ n [ME chitte kitten, cub) 1 : CHILD 2: a pert 3 + : the best part 4: a person or thing selected 5: a va-
young woman riety offered for selection
2chit n [Hindi cittJzi letter, note) : a signed voucher for a + [1) election, selection - more at SELECTION + [2) al-
small debt ternative, discretion, option, pick, preference, way; also
chit-chat \'chit-,chat\ n + : casual or trifling conversation say, voice, vote; inclination, liking, partiality,penchant,
- chitchat vb predilection, proclivity, propensity, tendency; discern-
+ chat, chatter, gabfest, gossip, palaver, rap, talk- ment, judgment, perspicacity (3) best, cream, elect,
more at CHAT elite, fat, flower, pick, prime - more at ELITE
cnt-nn\'kit-'n\ n : a sugar polymer that forms part of the 2choice ad) choic-er: chclc-est 1 : worthy of being chosen
hard outer integument esp. of insects - chl-tln-ous ad] 2 : selected with care 3 + : of high quality
chit.ter.lings or chlt-ltns\'chit-Ianz\ n pi : the intestines of + dainty, delicate, elegant, exquisite, rare, select; also
hogs esp. when prepared as food elite, exclusive; excellent, outstanding, premium,
chi.val.ric \sha-'val-rik\ adi : relating to chivalry: CHIVAL- prime, superior
ROUS choir \'kwi(-a)r\ n 1 : an organized company of singers
chiv-al-rous \'shi-val-ras\ adj 1 : of or relating to chivalry (as in a church service) 2; the part of a church occupied
2 +: marked by honor, courtesy, and generosity by the singers or by the clergy
3 : marked by gracious courtesy esp. to women - chlv-al- + chorale, chorus - more at CHORUS
rous.lyadv - chiv-al-rous-nessn cholr-boy \'kwi(-a)r-,boi\ n : a boy member of a church
+ gallant, great, greathearted, high, high-minded, lofty, choir
lordly, magnanimous,noble, sublime - more at NOBLE chctr-mas-ter\-,mas-tar\ n : the director of a choir (as in a Vsht-vol-rev n, pi -ries 1 : mounted men-at-arms church)
2 : the system or practices of knighthood 3: the spirit or 'choke \'chok\ vb choked; 1 : to hinder breath-
character of the ideal knight ing (as by obstructing the trachea) : STRANGLE 2 : to check
chive \'chiv\ n : an herb related to the onion that has the growth or action of 3 : to obstruct by filling up or
leaves used for flavoring clogging: CLOG, OBSTRUCT 4 ; to enrich the fuel mixture
chlamyd.ia \kla-'mi-de-a\ n, pi -Iae \-de-,e\ 1 : any of a of (a motor) by restricting the carburetor air intake 5: to
genus of bacteria that cause various diseases of the eye perform badly in a critical situation
choke 136
+ [1) smother, stifle, strangle, suffocate - more at chop su-ey \chap-'sii-e\ n, pi chop sueys : a dish made of
SMOTHER + [1) garrote, strangle, throttle; also asphyxi- vegetables (as bean sprouts, bamboo shoots, water chest-
ate, smother, suffocate + (3) block, clog, close (off), nuts, onions, mushrooms) and meat or fish and served
congest, dam, jam, obstruct, plug (up), stop (up), stuff with rice
- more at CLOG cho-ral \'kor-:ll\ adj : of, relating to, or sung by a choir or
'choke n 1 : the act of choking 2: a narrowing in size to- chorus or in chorus - cho-ral-ly adv
ward the muzzle in the bore of a gun 3: a valve for chok- cho-rale \k:l-'ral, -'ral\ n 1 +: a hymn or psalm sung in
ing a gasoline engine church; also : a harmonization of a traditional melody
chok-er \'cho-k:lr\ n : something (as a necklace) worn 2 : a group formed to sing church music: CHORUS, CHOIR
tightly around the neck + anthem, canticle, carol, hymn, psalm, spiritual-
cho-ler \'ka-l:lr, 'ko-\ n : a tendency toward anger: IRASCI- more at HYMN
BILITY 'chord \'kord\ n [alter. of ME cord, short for accord) : three
chol-era \'ka-l:l-r:l\ n : any of several bacterial diseases usu. or more musical tones sounded simultaneously
marked by severe vomiting and dysentery 'chord n 1 : CORD 2 2 : a straight line joining two points on
cho-ler-lc \'ka-l:l-rik, k:l-'ler-ik\ adi 1 + : easily moved to a curve
often unreasonable or excessive anger : hot-tempered chore \'chor\ n [ME char turn, piece of work, fro OE
2 : ANGRY, IRATE chierr) 1 pi : the daily light work of a household or farm
+ crabby, cranky, cross, crotchety, grouchy, grumpy, 2 + : a routine task or job 3: a difficult or disagreeable
irascible, irritable, peevish, perverse, petulant, short. task
tempered, snappish, snappy, snippy, testy, waspish- + assignment, duty, job, stint, task; also endeavor, en-
more at IRRITABLE terprise, project, undertaking; care, charge, commis-
cho-les-ter-ot \b-'les-t:l-,rol\ n : a physiologically impor- sion, responsibility; function, mission, office; errand;
tant waxy steroid alcohol found in animal tissues and in circuit, round, route
high concentrations implicated as a cause of arterioscle- cho-rea \k:l-'re-:l\ n : a nervous disorder marked by spas-
rosis modic uncontrolled movements
chomp \'champ, 'chomp\ vb + : to chew or bite on some- cho-re-og-ra-phy \,kor-e-'a-gr:l-fe\ n, pi -phies : the art of
thing heavily composing and arranging dances and esp. ballets - cho-
+ bite, champ, chew, crunch, gnaw, nibble reo-graph \'kor-e-;>-,graf\ vb - cho-re-og-ra-pher \,kor-e-
choose \'chiiz\ vb chose xchozv; cho-sen \'choz-On\; 'a-gr:l-f:lr\ n - eho-reo-qraph-ic \,kor-e-:l-'gra-fik\ adj -
choos-lnq \chii-zil)\ 1 + : to select esp. after considera- cno-reo-qraph-t-cat-ty \-fi-k(;>- )Ie\ adv
tion 2 + : to make a final choice or judgment about: DE- cho-ris-ter \ 'kor-;>-st:lr\ n : a singer in a choir
CIDE 3: to have a preference for - choos-er n tchor-tle \'chort-Ol\ vb chor-tled: chor.tling : to laugh or
chuckle esp. in satisfaction or exultation
+ [I) cull, elect, handpick, name, opt, pick, prefer, se-
'chortle n + : a sound expressive of pleasure or exultation
lect, single, take; also appoint, designate, nominate, tab;
accept, adopt, embrace, espouse Ant decline, refuse, re- + cackle, laugh, laughter, snicker, titter - more at
ject, turn down + (2) conclude, decide, determine, fig- LAUGH
ure, opt, resolve - more at DECIDE 'chorus \'kor-:ls\ n 1 + : an organized company of singers
choosy or choos-ey \'chii-ze\ adj choos-i-er; -est + : very : CHOIR 2: a group of dancers and singers (as in a musical
particular in making choices comedy) 3: a part of a song repeated at intervals 4: a
composition to be sung by a chorus; a/so : group singing
+ demanding, exacting, particular, picky, selective-
5 : sounds uttered by a number of persons or animals to-
gether <a - of boos>
'chop \'chap\ vb chopped; chopoping 1 + : to cut or sever
usu. by repeated blows 2 + : to cut into small pieces + choir, chorale; also ensemble; minstrelsy
: MINCE 3: to strike (a ball) with a short quick downward 'chorus vb : to sing or utter in chorus
stroke chose past of CHOOSE
+ [1) cut, fell, hew - more at FELL + (2) hash, mince; cho-sen \'choz-On\ adj + : selected or marked for special
also chip, grind, mash, puree, slice favor or privilege
'chop n 1 : a sharp downward blow or stroke 2: a small + elect, select - more at SELECT
cut of meat often including part of a rib 3: a short abrupt 'chow \'chail\ n + : material that is taken or absorbed into
motion (as of a wave) the body in order to sustain growth and to furnish energy
'chop n 1 : an official seal or stamp 2 : a mark on goods to : FOOD
indicate quality or kind; also: QUALITY, GRADE + fare, food, grub, meat, provender, provisions, viands,
chopohouse \'chap-,hails\ n : RESTAURANT victuals - more at FOOD
chop-per \'cha-p:lr\ n 1 : one that chops 2 pi, slang: TEETH 'chow vb : EAT - often used with down
chop-pt-neas \'cha-pe-n;>s\ n : the quality or state of being chowoehow \'chau-,chau\ n : chopped mixed pickles in
choppy mustard sauce
tehop-py \'cha-pe\ adj chop-pi-er; -est 1 : rough with small chow chow \'chail-,chail\ n : any of a breed of thick-coated
waves 2 + : interrupted by ups and downs: moving along straight-legged muscular dogs of Chinese origin with a
with fits and starts 3 + : lacking orderly continuity, blue-black tongue and a short tail curled close to the
arrangement, or relevance : DISCONNECTED - chop-pi-ly back
\-p:l-le\ adv chow-der Vchau-dorv n : a soup or stew made from seafood
+ (2) casual, discontinuous, erratic, fitful, intermittent, or vegetables and containing milk or tomatoes
irregular, occasional, spasmodic, sporadic, spotty, un- chow mein Vchau-tman', n : a seasoned stew of shredded or
steady - more at FITFUL + (3) disconnected, disjointed, diced meat, mushrooms, and vegetables that is usu.
unconnected - more at INCOHERENT served with fried noodles
'choppy adj chop-pl-er: -est: CHANGEABLE, VARIABLE <a - chrism Vkri-zemv n : consecrated oil used esp. in baptism,
wind) confirmation, and ordination
chops \'chaps\ n pi 1 : the fleshy covering of the jaws Christ \'krist\ n [ME Crist, fr. OE, fro L Christus, fro Gk
2 : expertise in a particular field or activity <acting -> Christos, lit., anointed) : Jesus esp. as the Messiah-
Christlike adj - Chrisfoly adj
chop-stick \ 'chap-,stik\ n : one of a pair of sticks used
chiefly in Asian countries for lifting food to the mouth chris-ten \'kris-On\ vb 1 : BAPTIZE 2 + : to name at baptism
137 chunk
3 + : to name or dedicate (as a ship) by a ceremony sug- chron-i-ctern : a writer or compiler of a chronicle
gestive of baptism - chris-ten-ing n Chronicles n : either of two books of the Jewish and
+ [2, 3] baptize, call, denominate, designate, dub, enti- Christian Scripture
tle, label, name, style, term, title - more at NAME chro-no-graph\'kra-n~-,graf\ n : an instrument for meas-
Chris-ten-dom\'kris-n-d~m\ n 1 : CHRISTIANITY 2: the uring and recording time intervals with accuracy - chro-
part of the world in which Christianity prevails no-graph.ic \,kra-n~-'gra-fik\ adj - cnro-noq-ra-phy xkro-
'Christian \'kris-ch~n\ n : an adherent of Christianity 'na-gra-fe', n
2Christian adj 1 : of or relating to Christianity 2 : based on chro-nol-o-qy\kr~-'na-I~-je\ n, pl -gies 1 : the science that
or conforming with Christianity 3: of or relating to a deals with measuring time and dating events 2: a chrono-
Christian 4: professingChristianity logical list or table 3: arrangement of events in the order
chrls-tl-an-la \,kris-che-'a-ne-~, ,kris-te-\ n : CHRISTIE of their occurrence - chron-o-log-i-cal \,kran-I-'a-ji-k~l\ \,kris-che-'a-n~-te\ n : the religion derived adj - chrcn-o-loq-l-cat-ly \-k(~- )Ie\ adv - chro-nol-o-qist
from Jesus Christ, based on the Bible as sacred scripture, \kr~-'na-l~-jist\ n
and professedby Christians chro-nom-e-ter \kr~-'na-m~-t~r\ n : a very accurate time-
Christianize Vkris-chs-jnizv vb -ized; -iz-inq : to make piece
Christian chrys.a.lid \'kri-s~-I~d\n : CHRYSALIS
Christian name n : a name that precedes one's surname chrys-a-lis \'kri-s~-l~s\ n, pI chry-sal-i-des \kri-'sa-l~-,dez\
: GIVEN NAME or chrvs-a-lls-ea : an insect pupa in a firm case without a
Christian Science n : a religion and system of healing cocoon
founded by Mary Baker Eddy and taught by the Church chry-san-the-mum \kri-'san-th~-m~m\n [L, fr. Gk chrysan-
of Christ, Scientist- Christian Scientist n themon, fr. chrysos gold + anthemon flower] : any of vari-
chrls-tle or chris.ty \'kris-te\ n, pl christies: a skiing turn ous plants related to the daisiesincludingsome grown for
made by shifting body weight forward and skidding into their showy flowers or for medicinal products or insecti-
a turn with parallel skis cides; also: a flower of a chrysanthemum
cnrtst-mae Vkris-mas', n : December 25 celebrated as a chub \'ch~b\ n, pl chub or chubs: any of various small
church festival in commemoration of the birth of Christ freshwater fishes related to the carp
and observed as a legal holiday chub-bi-ness n : the quality or state of being chubby
Christmas club n : a savings account in which regular de- chub-by \'ch~-be\ adj chub-bi-er: -est + : short, thick, and
posits are made to provide money for Christmasshopping well-rounded: PLUMP
Christ-mas-tlme \-,tim\ n + : the Christmas season
+ Christmastide,Noel, yuletide - more at YULETIDE
+ corpulent, fat, fleshy, full, gross, obese, overweight,
plump, portly, rotund, round - more at FAT
Christ.mastide \'kris-m~s-,tid\ n + : the season of Christ- 'chuck \'ch~k\ vb 1 : to give a pat or tap 2 + : to throw with
mas a short action of the arm or hand : TOSS 3: DISCARD; also
+ Christmastime, Noel, yuletide - more at YULETIDE : EJECT 4: to have done with
chro-mat-ic \kro-'ma-tik\ adj 1 : of or relating to color + cast, catapult, dash, fire, fling, heave, hurl, hurtle,
2 : proceeding by half steps of the musical scale - chro- launch, peg, pelt, pitch, sling, throw, toss - more at
mat-l-clsm \-t~-,si-z~m\ n THROW
chro-mato-graph \kro-'ma-t~-,graf\ n : an instrument used 2chuck n 1 : a light pat under the chin 2 : TOSS
in chromatography 3chuck n 1 : a cut of beef including most of the neck and
cnro-ma-toq-ra-phy \,kro-m~-'ta-gr~-fe\ n : the separation the parts around the shoulder blade and the first three
of a complexmixture into its component compounds as a ribs 2: a device for holding work or a tool in a machine
result of the different rates at which the compounds (as a lathe)
travel through or over a stationary substance due to dif- chuck-hole \'ch~k-,hol\ n : POTHOLE
fering affinities for the substance - chrc-mato-qraph-lc 'chuckle \'ch~-k~l\ vb chuck-led: chuck-llnq : to laugh in a
\kro-,ma-t~-'gra-fik\ adj -\-fi- quiet hardly audible manner
k(~-)Ie\ adv
2chuckle n : a quiet hardly audible laugh
chrome \'krom\ n 1 : CHROMIUM 2: a chromium pigment chuck wagon n : a wagon equipped with a stove and food
3 : something plated with an alloy of chromium
chro-mi-um\'kro-me-~m\ n : a bluish white metallic ele- supplies
ment used esp, in alloys and chrome plating 'chug \'ch~g\ n : a dull explosivesound made by or as if by
chro-mo-some Vkro-ma-jsorn, -,zom\ n [0 Chromosom, fr. a laboring engine
Gk chroma color, pigment + soma body] : any of the rod- 2chug vb chugged; chug.ging : to move or go with chugs
shaped or threadlike DNA-containingstructures of cellu- chuk-ka\'ch~-k~\ n : a usu. ankle-length leather boot
lar organisms that contain most or all of the genes of the chuk-ker\'ch~-k~r\ also chuk-ka\'ch~-k~\ n : a playing pe-
organism- chro-mo-som-al\,kro-m~-'so-m~I, -'zo-\ adj riod of a polo game
chro-mo-sphereVkro-rna-jsfirvn : the lower part of a star's 'chum \'ch~m\ n + : a close friend
atmosphere + buddy, comrade, crony, familiar, friend, intimate, pal
chron abbr 1 chronicle 2 chronological; chronology - more at FRIEND
Chronabbr Chronicles 2chum vb chummed; chumoming 1: to room together
chron-ic \'kra-nik\ adj 1 : marked by long duration or 2 + : to be a close friend
frequent recurrence (a ~ disease> 2 + : being such ha- + associate, consort, fraternize, hang around, hobnob,
bitually : HABITUAL (a ~ grumbler>- chron-i-cal-ly \-ni- pal- more at ASSOCIATE
k(~-)le\adv chum-mi-ness v-me-nasv n : the quality or state of being
+ confirmed, habitual, inveterate - more at HABITUAL chummy
chronic fatigue syndrome n : a disorder of unknown cause churn-my \'ch~-me\ adj chum-mi-er: -est + : quite friendly
that is of;'hara<;tenzed by persistent profound fatigue : fNTIMATE - chum-mi-Cy ~-m,,-Ie~ adv - chum-mi-ness
'cbrcn-l-cle \'kra-ni-k~l\ n +: an account of events v-me-nesx n
arranged in the order of time: HISTORY, NARRATIVE + bosom, close, familiar, friendly, intimate, thick-
+ account, history, narrative, record, report, story- more at FAMILIAR
more at ACCOUNT chump \'ch~mp\ n : stupid lout: FOOL, BLOCKHEAD
2chroniclevb -cled; -cling: to record in or as if in a chroni- chunk \'ch~l)k\ n 1 + : a short thick piece 2: a sizable
cle amount
chunkier 138
blob, clod, clump, glob, gob, hunk, lump, nub, wad ell-l-ate \'si-le-,at\ n : any of a group of protozoans charac-
- more at LUMP terized by cilia
chunky \'ch:u)-ke\ adj chunk-i-er; -est 1 .: compact, ell-t-urn \'si-le-;}m\ n, pi -ia \-le-;}\ 1 : a minute short hair-
sturdy, and thick in build: STOCKY 2 : containing chunks like process; esp : one of a cell 2: EYELASH
dumpy, heavyset, squat, stocky, stout, stubby, C in C abbr commander in chief
stumpy, thickset - more at STOCKY 'cinch \'sinch\ n 1 : a girth for a pack or saddle 2 : a
church \'ch;}rch\ n [ME chirche, fro OE cirice, ultimo fro thing done with ease
LGk kyriakon, fro Gk, neut. of kyriakos of the lord, fro breeze, child's play, picnic, pushover, snap; also noth-
kyrios lord, master) 1 : a building for public and esp. ing Ant chore, headache, labor
Christian worship 2 often cap : the whole body of Chris- 2cinch vb + : to make certain: ASSURE
tians 3: DENOMINATION 4: a group of persons assembled assure, ensure, guarantee, guaranty, insure, secure -
for worship: CONGREGATION 5: public divine worship more at ENSURE
church-go-er \'ch;}rch-,go(-;})r\ n : one who habitually at- ctn-cho-na \sil)-'ko-n;}\ n : any of a genus of So. American
tends church - churchogOoing ad] or n trees related to the madder; also: the bitter quinine-con-
church-less \'ch;}rch-l;}s\ adj : not affiliated with a church taining bark of a cinchona
church-man \'ch;}rch-m;}n\ n 1 : CLERGYMAN 2: a member cinc-ture Vsink-charv n + : an article of dress encircling the
of a church body usu. at the waist: BELT, SASH
church-war-den Vchorch-jword-vnv n : WARDEN 5 + belt, cummerbund, girdle, sash - more at BELT
church-yard \-,yard\ n : a yard that belongs to a church and cinoder \'sin-d;}r\ n 1 : SLAG 2 pi : ASHES 3: a hot piece of
is often used as a burial ground partly burned wood or coal 4: a fragment of lava from
churl \'ch;}ri\ n 1 : a medieval peasant 2: RUSTIC 3 : a an erupting volcano - cinder vb - cinodery adj
rude ill-bred person - churl.ish adi - adv - cinder block n : a building block made of cement and coal
churl-ish-ness n cinders
beast, boor, clown, creep, cretin, cur, heel, jerk, cin-e-ma \'si-n;}-m;}\ n 1 : a motion-picture theater 2: the
joker, louse, lout, skunk, slob, snake - more at JERK film industry: MOVIES - cin-e-mat-te \,si-n;}-'ma-tik\ adj
churt-lsh adj : marked by a lack of civility or gracious- cin-e-ma-theque \,si-n;}-m;}-'tek\ n : a small movie house
ness - adv - churl-ish-ness n specializing in avant-garde films
cinoeoma.tog.ra.phy \,si-n;}-ma-'ta-gr;}-fe\ n : motion-pic-
boorish, clownish, loutish, uncouth - more at
CLOWNISH ture photography - cln-e-ma-toq-ra-pher n - cin-e-mat-
o-qraph-lc \-,ma-t;}-'gra-fik\ adj
'churn \'ch;}rn\ n : a container in which milk or cream is vi-
cln-e-plex \'si-n;}-,pleks\ n : a complex that houses several
olently agitated in making butter
movie theaters
2churn vb 1 : to stir in a churn; also: to make (butter) by
cln-er-ar-i-um \,si-n;}-'rer-e-;}m\ n, pi -la \-e-;}\ : a place to
such stirring 2 : to stir or shake around esp. violently
receive the ashes of the cremated dead - cin-er-ary \'si-
3 : to experience violent motion or agitation
na-jrer-e', adi
[2) agitate, stir, swirl, whirl- more at STIR cin-na-bar \'si-n;}-,bar\ n : a red mineral that is the only im-
[3) boil, roil, seethe - more at SEETHE portant ore of mercury
churn out vb : to produce mechanically or in large quantity cin-na-mon \'si-n;}-m;}n\ n : a spice prepared from the
chute \'shiit\ n 1 : an inclined surface, trough, or passage highly aromatic bark of any of several trees related to the
down or through which something may pass <a coal---> true laurel; also : a tree that yields cinnamon
<a mail +-> 2: PARACHUTE cinque-foil \'sil)k-,f6il, 'sal)k-\ n : any of a genus of plants
chut-ney \'ch;}t-ne\ n, pi chutneys: a thick sauce contain- related to the roses with leaves having five lobes
ing fruits, vinegar, sugar, and spices 'ci'pher \'si-f;}r\ n [ME, fro MF cifre, fro ML cifra, fro Ar sifr
chutz-pah \'hut-sp;}, 'kut-, -(,)spa\ n .: supreme self- empty, zero) 1 + : the symbol 0 denoting the absence of
confidence all magnitude or quantity: ZERO, NAUGHT 2: a method of
audacity, brass, brazenness, cheek, effrontery, gall, secret writing
nerve, presumption, sauce, sauciness, temerity - more + aught, naught, nil, nothing, zero, zip - more at ZERO
at EFFRONTERY 2cipher vb : to compute arithmetically
CIA abbr Central Intelligence Agency cir or circ abbr circular
cia abbr [Sp compafia) company cir-ca \'s;}r-k;}\prep : ABOUT <--- 1600>
ciao \'chau\ interj - used to express greeting or farewell cir-ca-dl-an \,s;}r-'ka-de-;}n, ,s;}r-k;}-'di-;}n\ adj : being, hav-
ci-ca-da \s;}-'ka-d;}\ n : any of a family of stout-bodied in- ing, characterized by, or occurring in approximately 24~
sects related to the aphids and having wide blunt heads hour intervals (as of biological activity)
and large transparent wings tclr-cle \'s;}r-k;}l\ n 1 .: a closed curve every point of
cl-ca-trlx \'si-k;}-,triks\ n, pi cl-ca-trl-ces \,si-k;}-'tri-,sez\ [L) which is equally distant from a fixed point within it
: a scar resulting from formation and contraction of fi- 2 + : something circular 3: an area of action or influence
brous tissue in a wound 4 : a series ending at its starting point : CYCLE 5 : a
cl-ce-ro-ne \,si-s;}-'ro-ne, .che-che-v n, pi -ni \-(,)ne\ : a group bound by a common tie
guide who conducts sightseers [I, 2) band, hoop, ring, round - more at RING
CID abbr Criminal Investigation Department + [5] clan, clique, coterie, crowd, fold, gang, ring, set
el-der \'si-d;}r\ n : juice pressed from fruit (as apples) and - more at GANG
used as a beverage, vinegar, or flavoring 2circle vb cir-cled: ciroeling 1 .: to enclose in a circle
cie abbr [F compagnie) company 2 + : to move or revolve around; also: to move in a circle
cl-qar \si-'gar\ n [Sp cigarro) : a roll of tobacco for smoking + [1) encircle, enclose, encompass, ring, surround-
cig.a.rette \,si-g;}-'ret, 'si-g;}-,ret\ n [F, dim. of cigare cigar) more at SURROUND [2) circumnavigate, coil, compass,
: a slender roll of cut tobacco enclosed in paper for smok- encircle, girdle, loop, orbit, ring, round - more at EN-
ing CIRCLE \,si-g;}-'ri-lo, -'re-o\ n, pi-los [Sp) 1 : a very small cir-clet \'s;}r-kl;}t\ n : a small circle; esp : a circular orna-
dgar ~; a clgarette wrappea in tobacco rather than pa- ment
per clr-cult \'s;}r-kat\ n 1: a boundary around an enclosed
ci-lan-tro \si-'lan-tro, -'lan-\ n : leaves of coriander used as space 2: a course around a periphery 3: a regular tour
a flavoring or garnish; also: the coriander plant (as by a judge) around an assigned territory 4: the com-
139 citation
plete path of an electric current; also: an assemblage of range or activity of 2 : to draw a line around - cir-cum-
electronic components 5: LEAGUE; also: a chain of the- scrip-tion \,s:lr-k:lm-'skrip-sh:ln \ n
aters - elr-cuit-al \-'1\ adi check, confine, control, curb, inhibit, limit, restrain,
circuit breaker n : a switch that automatically interrupts an restrict + bound, define, delimit, demarcate, limit,
electric circuit under an abnormal condition mark, terminate - more at LIMIT
circuit court n : a court that sits at two or more places cir-cum-spect \'s:lr-k:lm-,spekt\ adj : careful to consider
within one judicial district all circumstances and consequences : PRUDENT - cir-
elr-eu-i-tous \,sar-'kyii-a-tas\ adj 1 + : having a circular or curn-spec-tlon \,s:lr-kam-'spek-sh:ln\ n
winding course 2 + : not being forthright or direct in lan- alert, careful, cautious, considerate, gingerly,
guage or action guarded, heedful, prudent, safe, wary - more at CARE-
+ [1) circular, indirect, roundabout - more at INDI- FUL
RECT + [2) diffuse, long-winded, prolix, rambling, ver- cir-cum-spec-tion \,s:lr-kam-'spek-sh:ln\ n + : careful con-
bose, windy, wordy - more at WORDY sideration to minimize risk
cir-cult-ry \'sar-ka-tre\ n, pi -ries : the plan or the compo- alertness, care, carefulness, caution, heedfulness-
nents of an electric circuit more at CAUTION
clr-cu-lty \,s:lr-'kyii-:l-te\ n, pi -ities : INDIRECTION cir-cum-stance \'s:lr-k:lm-,stans\ n 1 : a condition, fact, or
'ciroeular \'s:lr-kY:l-l:lr\ adj 1 : having the form of a circle event accompanying, conditioning, or determining an-
: ROUND 2: moving in or around a circle 3 + : not forth- other 2: surrounding conditions 3 a : an inevitable and
right or direct in language or action: CIRCUITOUS 4: in- often adverse end: FATE b : something that happens
tended for circulation <a ,.._, letter) - clr-cu-lar-i-ty unpredictably : CHANCE 4 pi : situation with regard to
\'s:lr-kY:l-'lar-:l-te\ n wealth 5:CEREMONY
circuitous, indirect, roundabout - more at INDIRECT + [3a) destiny, doom, fate, fortune, lot, portion-
'circular n : a paper (as a leaflet) intended for wide distri- more at FATE. [3b) accident, chance, hazard, luck-
bution more at CHANCE
booklet, brochure, folder, leaflet, pamphlet - more clr-curn-stan-tlal \,s:lr-k:lm-'stan-ch:ll\ adj 1 : consisting of
at PAMPHLET or depending on circumstances 2 : fNClOENTAL 3 : con-
clr-cu-lar-lse Brit var of CIRCULARIZE taining full details - cir-cum-stan-tial-ly adv
clr-cu-lar-lze \'s:lr-kY:l-l:l-,riz\ vb -ized; 1 : to send detailed, elaborate, full, minute, thorough - more at
circulars to 2: to poll by questionnaire DETAILED
circular saw n : a power saw with a round cutting blade cir-cum-vent \,s:lr-k:lm-'vent\ vb 1 a .: to go around
cir-cu-late \'s:lr-kY:l-,lat\ vb -lat-ed; 1 : to move or : make a full circuit around or bypass without going
cause to move in a circle, circuit, or orbit 2 : to pass through b + : to manage to get around esp. by ingenuity
from place to place or from person to person 3 + : to be- or stratagem 2: to check or defeat esp. by stratagem -
come well-known or widespread - clr-cu-la-tion \,s:lr- clr-cum-ven-tion \-'vent-sh:ln\ n
kY:l-'la-shan \ n + [1 a, 1 b) dodge, sidestep, skirt; also avoid, duck,
[2, 3) broadcast, disseminate, propagate, spread, elude, escape, eschew, evade, shake, shun; disobey, dis-
strew - more at SPREAD regard, flout, ignore Ant comply (with), follow, keep,
cir-cu-la-to-ry \'s:lr-ky:l-l:l-,tor-e\ adj : of or relating to cir- obey, observe + [La, Ib] bypass, detour, skirt - more
culation or the circulatory system at DETOUR
circulatory system n : the system of blood, blood vessels, cir-cus \'sar-kas\ n 1 + : a large arena enclosed by tiers of
lymphatic vessels, and heart concerned with the circula- seats on three or all four sides and used esp. for sports or
tion of the blood and lymph spectacles 2: a usu. traveling show that features feats of
clr-cum-am-bu-late \,s:lr-k:lm-'am-bY:l-,lat\ vb -Iat-ed; -lat- physical skill, wild animal acts, and performances by
ing : to circle on foot esp. as part of a ritual clowns 3: a circus performance; also : the equipment,
clr-cum-cise \'s:lr-k:lm-,siz\ vb -cised; -cis-inq [ME, fro L livestock, and personnel of a circus 4 : something sug-
circumcisus, pp. of circumcidere, lit., to cut around, fro gestive of a circus (as in frenzied activity or razzle-dazzle)
circum around + caedere to cut) : to cut off the foreskin <a media e--o
of - cir-cum-ci-stcn \,sar-k:lm-'si-zhan\ n + [I) bowl, coliseum, stadium - more at STADIUM
cir-cum-ter-ence \s:lr-'k:lm-f(a- )rans\ n 1 : the perimeter of (4) bedlam, hell, madhouse - more at MADHOUSE
a circle 2 : the external boundary or surface of a figure cirque \'s:lrk\ n : a deep steep-walled mountain basin usu.
or object forming the blunt end of a valley
+ border, bound, boundary, compass, confines, edge, cir-rho-sis \s:l-'ro-s:ls\ n, pi -rbo-ses \-,sez\ [NL, fr. Gk kir-
end, fringe, margin, perimeter, periphery, rim, skirt, rhos orange-colored) : fibrosis of the liver - cir-rhot-lc
verge - more at BORDER \-'ra-tik\ adj or n
cir-cum-flex Vsar-kcm-jfleks', n : the mark - over a vowel cir-rus \'sir-:ls\ n, pi clr-rl \'sir-,i\ : a wispy white cloud uSU.
cir-cum-lo-cu-tion \,sar-k:lm-lo-'kyii-sh:ln\ n : the use of of minute ice crystals at high altitudes
an unnecessarily large number of words to express an cis-lu-nar \(,)sis-'lii-nar\ adi : lying between the earth and
idea the moon or the moon's orbit
prolixity, redundancy, verbiage, wordiness - more cis-tern \'sis-t:lrn\ n : an often underground tank for stor-
at VERBIAGE ing water
cir-cum-lu-nar \-'lii-n:lr\ adi : revolving about or surround- cit abbr 1 citation; cited 2 citizen
ing the moon citaodel \'si-ta-dal, -,del\ n 1 : a fortress commanding a
ClrOCUm.naV.logate \-'na-v:l-,gat\ vb .: to go completely city 2 : a place of security or survival: STRONGHOLD
around (as the earth) esp. by water - clr-cum-nav-l-qa- [1, 2) bastion, fastness, fort, fortification, fortress,
tion \-,na-va-'ga-shan\ n hold, stronghold
circle, coil, compass, encircle, girdle, loop, orbit, ring, cl-ta-tlon \si-'ta-sh:ln\ n 1 : an official summons to appear
round - more at ENCIRCLE (as before a court) 2 a : something that is quoted b: a
cir-cum-po-lar \-'po-I:lr\ adj 1 : continually visible above passage referred to or given as an example: QUOTATION
the horizon <a ~ star) 2: surrounding or found near a 3 + : a formal statement of the achievements of a person;
pole of the earth also: a specific reference in a military dispatch to merito-
clr-cum-scrlbe \'s:lr-k:lm-,skno\ vb 1 .: to constrict the rious performance of duty
cite 140
accolade, commendation, encomium, eulogy, hom- [1) courtesy, gentility, graciousness, mannerliness,
age, paean, panegyric, salutation, tribute - more at EN- politeness - more at POLITENESS [2) amenity, cour-
COMIUM tesy, formality, gesture; also ceremony, observance,
cite \'sit\ vb cit-ed; citing 1 : to summon to appear before rite, ritual; etiquette, manners; greetings, regards, re-
a court 2 : to quote by way of example, authority, or spects; favor, grace, kindness
proof : QUOTE 3: to refer to esp. in commendation or civ-i-li-za-tion \,si-v<l-I<l-'za-sh<ln\ n 1 : a relatively high
praise 4 : to bring forward or call to another's attention level of cultural and technological development 2 : the
esp. as an example culture characteristic of a time or place - clv-l-ll-za-tlcn-
[2) advert (to), instance, mention, name, note, notice, al \-sh<l-n'l\ adj
quote, refer (to), specify, touch (on or upon) - more at [1) cultivation, culture, polish, refinement - more
MENTION. [4) adduce, instance, mention, quote at CULTURE (2) culture, life, lifestyle, society; also cus-
ciNtied \'si-ti-,fid\ adj : of, relating to, or characterized by toms, manners, mores; folklore, heritage, tradition
an urban style of living clv-l-llze \'si-v<l-,liz\ vb -lized; 1 : to raise from a
cit-i-zen Vsi-ta-zanv n 1 : an inhabitant of a city or town primitive state to an advanced and ordered stage of cul-
2 : a person who owes allegiance to a government and is tural development 2: REFINE
entitled to its protection - cit-i-zen-ship n civ-l-llzed adj 1 : characteristic of a state of civilization
cit-i-zen-ry \-re\ n, t -ries : a whole body of citizens 2 : characterized by taste, refinement, or restraint
citizens band n : a range of radio frequencies set aside for cultivated, cultured, genteel, polished, refined-
private radio communications more at CULTIVATED
cit-ric acid \'si-trik-\ n : a sour organic acid obtained from civil liberty n : freedom from arbitrary governmental inter-
lemon and lime juices or by fermentation of sugars and ference specifically by denial of governmental power-
used as a flavoring usu. used in pl.
cit-ron Vsl-tranv n 1 : the oval lemon like fruit of an Asian civ-il-ly \'si-v<ll-Ie\ adv 1 : in terms of civil rights, matters,
citrus tree; also: the tree 2: a small hard-fleshed water- or law <""' dead> 2: in a civil manner: POLITELY
melon used esp. in pickles and preserves
civil rights n t : the nonpolitical rights of a citizen; esp
cit-ro-nel-la \,si-tr<l-'ne-I<l\ n : a lemon-scented oil obtained
: those guaranteed by the 13th and 14th amendments to
from a fragrant grass of southern Asia and used in per-
the Constitution and by acts of Congress
fumes and as an insect repellent
civil servant n : a member of a civil service
cit-rus Vsi-tros', n, pI citrus or en-rus-es : any of a genus of
often thorny evergreen trees or shrubs grown for their civil service n : the administrative service of a government
fruits (as the orange, lemon, lime, and grapefruit); also civil war n : a war between opposing groups of citizens of
: the fruit the same country
city \'si-te\ n, pl clt-les [ME citie large or small town, fro OF civ-vies Vsi-vez', n pl : civilian clothes as distinguished
cite, fro ML civitas, fro L, citizenship, state, city of Rome, from a military uniform
fr. civis citizen) 1 : an inhabited place larger or more CJ abbr chief justice
important than a town 2: a municipality in the U.S. gov- ck abbr 1 cask 2 check
erned under a charter granted by the state; also: an in- cl abbr 1 centiliter 2 class
corporated municipal unit of the highest class in Canada CI symbol chlorine
metropolis, municipality 'clack \'klak\ vb 1 : CHATTER, PRATTLE 2: to make an
abrupt striking sound or series of sounds
city manager n : an official employed by an elected coun-
2clack n 1 : rapid continuous talk: CHATTER 2: a sound of
cil to direct the administration of a city government
clacking <the,,", of a typewriter>
City-state \'si-te-,stat\ n : an autonomous state consisting
of a city and surrounding territory clad \'klad\ adi 1 : CLOTHED, COVERED 2: being or consist-
civ abbr 1 civil; civilian 2 civilization ing of coins made of outer layers of one metal bonded to
civ-et \'si-v<lt\ n : a yellowish strong-smelling substance ob- a core of a different metal
tained from a catlike mammal (civet cat) of Africa or Asia 'claim \'kliim\ vb [ME, fro AF claimer, clamer, fr. L clamare
and used in making perfumes to cry out, shout) 1 : to ask for esp. as a right 2: to call
clv-lc \'si-vik\ adj : of or relating to a city, citizenship, or for: REQUIRE 3 : to state as a fact: MAfNTAlN
civil affairs [1) call, clamor (or clamour), command, demand, en-
clv-ics \-viks\ n : a social science dealing with the rights join, exact, insist, press, quest, stipulate (for) - more at
and duties of citizens DEMAND. (3) affirm, allege, assert, aver, avouch, avow,
civ.i1 \'si-v<ll\ adj 1 : of or relating to citizens or to the contend, declare, insist, maintain, profess, protest, war-
state as a political body 2 : adequate in courtesy and rant; also announce, broadcast, proclaim; argue, ration-
politeness: COURTEOUS, POLITE 3: of or relating to legal alize, reason; confirm, justify, vindicate; defend,
proceedings in connection with private rights and obliga- support, uphold Ant deny, gainsay
tions <the,,", code> 4: of or relating to the general pop- 2claim n 1 : a demand for something due or believed to
ulation : not military or ecclesiastical be due 2 : a right to something usu. in another'S pos-
[1) national, public, state - more at NATIONAL session 3 : an assertion open to challenge 4 : some-
[2) courteous, genteel, gracious, mannerly, polite, thing claimed (as a tract of land)
well-bred - more at POLITE [1) demand, dun, requisition - more at DEMAND
civil defense n : protective measures and emergency relief (2) call, pretense, pretension, right; also birthright,
activities conducted by civilians in case of enemy attack prerogative; favor, privilege; refusal [3) affirmation,
or natural disaster assertion, avowal, declaration, profession, protestation
civil disobedience n : refusal to obey governmental com- - more at PROTESTATION. (4) interest, share, stake -
mands esp. as a nonviolent means of protest more at INTEREST
civil bnginll1l1 n ! an engineer whose training or occupation claim-ant \'kla-m::mt\ n : a nerson making a claim
is in the design and construction esp. of public works (as clair-voy-ance \-:ms\ n : the power or faculty of discerning
roads or harbors) - civil engineering n objects not present to the senses
cl-vil-lan \s<l-'vil-Y<ln\ n : a person not on active duty in a ctalr-vcy-ant \klar-'v6i-<lnt\ adj [F, fro clair clear + voyant
military, police, or fire-fighting force seeing) 1 : unusually perceptive 2: having the power of
ci.vil.i.ty \s<l-'vi-l<l-te\ n, pI-ties 1 : civilized conduct: PO- discerning objects not present to the senses - clairvoyant
LITENESS, COURTESY 2 : a polite act or expression n
141 class
clam \'klam\ n 1 : any of numerous bivalve mollusks in- 2clap n 1 : a loud noisy crash 2: a sudden sometimes re-
cluding many that are edible 2 : DOLLAR sounding blow or stroke 3: the noise made by clapping
clam-bake \-,bak\ n : a party or gathering (as at the the hands
seashore) at which food is cooked usu. on heated rocks bang, blast, boom, crack, crash, pop, report, slam,
covered by seaweed smash, snap, thwack, whack; also clang, clangor, clank,
clam-ber \'klam-bar\ vb : to climb awkwardly - clam-ber- clash; knock, rap, tap; clamor, howl, hubbub, hue and
er n cry, hullabaloo, outcry, roar, tumult, uproar
clam-my \'kla-me\ attj ctam-rnl-er: -est: being damp, soft, 3clap n : GONORRHEA
sticky, and usu. cool- clam-mi-ness n clap-board \'kla-bard, -jbord; 'klap-jbord', n : a narrow
'clam-or \'kla-mar\ or Can and Brit clam-our n 1 : a noisy board thicker at one edge than the other used for siding
shouting 2 : a loud continuous noise 3: insistent pub- - clap-board vb
lic expression (as of support or protest) clap-per \ 'kla-par\ n : one that claps; esp : the tongue of a
[1) howl, hubbub, hue and cry, hullabaloo, noise, bell
outcry, roar, tumult, uproar; also clangor, din, jangle, clap-trap \'klap-,trap\ n : pretentious nonsense
racket. (2) bluster, cacophony, din, noise, racket, roar bunk, drivel, fiddlesticks, folly, foolishness, fudge,
- more at NOISE hogwash, humbug, nonsense, piffle, rot, silliness, slush,
2clamor or Can and Brit clamour vb : to appeal, demand, stupidity, trash - more at NONSENSE
or protest by sustained noisy outcry: to become loudly claque \'klak\ n [F, fr. claquer to clap) 1 : a group hired to
insistent - usu. used with for applaud at a performance 2: a group of sycophants
usu clamor for call, claim, demand, enjoin, exact, in- clar-et \'klar-at\ n [ME, fr. AF (vin) claret clear wine) : a
sist, press, quest, stipulate (for) - more at DEMAND dry red wine
clam-or-ous or Can and Brit clamourous adj 1 : marked ctar-t-n-ca-ttcn \,klar-a-fa-'ka-shan\ n : the act or process
by confused din or outcry 2 : full of noise: noisily in- of clarifying; also: something that clarifies
sistent construction, elucidation, explanation, explication,
[1) blatant, obstreperous, vociferous - more at vo- exposition, illumination, illustration, interpretation-
CIFEROUS (2) booming, deafening, earsplitting. loud. more at EXPLANATION
piercing, resounding, ringing, roaring, sonorous, stento- clar.i.fy \'klar-a-,fi\ vb -fied; : to make or become
rian, thunderous - more at LOUD clear
'clamp \'klamp\ n : a device that holds or presses parts to- clear (up), construe, demonstrate, elucidate, explain,
gether firmly explicate, expound, illuminate, illustrate, interpret,
>Clamp vb : to fasten with or as if with a clamp spell out - more at EXPLAIN clear, distill, filter, pu-
anchor, fasten, fix, hitch, moor, secure, set rify; also process, refine; clean, cleanse, purge; extract,
clamp down vb : to impose restrictions: become repres- leach; screen, sieve, sift
sive - clampodown \'klamp-,daun\ n clar-i-net \,klar-a-'net\ n : a single-reed woodwind instru-
usu clamp down on crack down, crush, put down, ment in the form of a cylindrical tube with a moderately
quash, quell, repress, silence, snuff, squash, squelch, flaring end - clar-l-net-lst or ctar-l-net-ttst\-'ne-tist\ n
subdue, suppress - more at QUELL clar-i-on Vklar-e-anv adj : brilliantly clear <a,.,_, call)
clam-shell \'klam-,shel\ n 1 : the shell of a clam 2: a ctar-t-ty \'klar-a-te\ n : the quality or state of being clear
bucket or grapnel (as on a dredge) having two hinged : LUCIDITY
jaws explicitness, lucidity, perspicuity, simplicity - more
clam up vb : to become silent at SIMPLICITY
hush, pipe down, quiet (down), shut up - more at 'clash \'klash\ vb 1 : to make or cause to make a clash
SHUT UP 2 : to be incompatible 3. : to come into conflict
clan \'klan\ n [ME, fr. ScGael clann offspring, clan, fr. Old (2) collide, conflict, jar; also mismatch; battle, com-
Irish eland plant, offspring, fro L planta plant) 1 : a bat, fight, war (against); chafe, gall, grate, jangle; differ,
group of people tracing descent from a common ancestor disagree Ant blend, harmonize, match usu clash with
2 : a group united by a common interest or common (3) battle, combat, fight, scrimmage, skirmish, war-
characteristics - clan-nish n - ctan-nlsh-ness n more at FIGHT
(1) blood, family, folks, house, kin, kindred, kinfolk, 2clash n 1 .: a noisy usu. metallic sound of collision
line, lineage, people, race, stock, tribe (2) circle, 2 : a hostile encounter; also: a conflict of opinion
clique, coterie, crowd, fold, gang, ring, set - more at [1) clang - more at CLANG (2) battle, combat,
GANG conflict, contest, fight, fracas, fray, hassle, scrap, scrim-
clan-des-tine \klan-'des-tan\ adj : held in or conducted mage, scuffle, skirmish, struggle, tussle - more at
with secrecy FIGHT
covert, furtive, hugger-mugger, private, secret, sneak, 'clasp \'klasp\ n 1 : a device (as a hook) for holding objects
sneaky, stealthy, surreptitious, undercover, under- or parts together 2: a holding or enveloping with or as if
ground, underhanded - more at SECRET with the hands or arms : EMBRACE, GRASP
clang \'klao\ n : a loud metallic ringing sound - clang 2clasp vb : to enclose and hold with the arms or hands
vb caress, embrace, enfold, grasp, hug - more at EM-
clash; also chime, peel, ring; clink, jangle, jingle, tin- BRACE. grasp, grip, hold, take - more at TAKE
kle; clap, clop, crack, crash 'class \'klas\ n [F classe, fr. L classis group called to mili-
clanogor or Can and Brit clanogour \'klao-ar, -gar\ n : a loud tary service, fleet, class) 1 : a group of students meeting
deeply resounding sound made esp. by metal objects regularly in a course; also : a group graduating together
struck together 2 : a course of instruction; also : the period when such a
clank \'klaok\ n : a sharp brief metallic ringing sound- course is taught 3 a : social rank; esp : high social rank
clank vb b : high quality: ELEGANCE 4 : a group of the same
clan-nish n : tending to associate only with a select group general status or nature; esp : a major category in biolog-
of similar background or status - clan-nish-ness n ical classification that is above the order and below the
'clap \'klap\ vb clapped; clap-ping 1: to strike noisily phylum 5 : a division or rating based on grade or qual-
2: APPLAUD ity - class-less adj
class 142

[3a] caste, estate, folk, order, place, position, rank, classy \'kla-se\ am class-i-er; -est : ELEGANT, STYLISH-
standing, status, stratum; also bracket, level, tier; place, ctass-i-ness n
grouping, hierarchy, stratification; clan, family, people, clat-ter Vkla-tarv n 1 : a rattling sound <the ~ of dishes)
race, tribe [3b] elegance, grace, handsomeness, 2 : an agitated disturbanceor noisy confusion
majesty, refinement, stateliness- more at ELEGANCE clatter vb : to make a rattling sound
[4] breed, description, feather, ilk, kind, like, man- clause \'kI6z\ n 1 : a group of words having its own sub-
ner, nature, order, sort, species, type - more at SORT ject and predicate but forming only part of a compound
[5] bracket, category, division, family, grade, group, or complex sentence 2: a separate part of an article or
kind, order, set, species, type; also description, feather, document
ilk, nature, sort; branch, section, subdivision, subgroup, ctaus-tro-pno-bia\,kI6-stf:l-'fo-be-a\ n : abnormal dread of
variety; breed, race; classification, heading, label, being in closed or narrow spaces - elaus-tro-pho-blc
rubric, title \-bik\am
2class vb : to arrange in classes : CLASSIFY clav-l-chord \'kla-va-,k6rd\ n : an early keyboard instru-
assort, break down, categorize,classify, grade, group, ment in use before the piano
peg, place, range, rank, separate, sort - more at CLAS- clav-i-cle \'kla-vi-kal\ n [F clavicule, fro NL clavicula, fro L,
SIFY dim. of L clavis key] : COLLARBONE
class action n : a legal action undertaken in behalf of the cla-vier \kla-'vir; 'kla-ve-ar\ n 1 : the keyboard of a musi-
plaintiffs and all others having an identical interest in the cal instrument 2: an early keyboard instrument
alleged wrong 'claw \'kI6\ n 1 : a sharp usu. curved nail on the toe of an
'clas.slc \'kJa-sik\ adj 1 : serving as a standard of excel- animal 2: a sharp curved process (as on the foot of an in-
lence; also : TRADmONAL 2: CLASSICAL 2 3: notable esp. sect); also: a pincerlike organ at the end of a limb of some
as the best example 4: AUTHENTIC 5 : typical or re-
arthropods (as a lobster) - clawed\'kI6d\ am
2claw vb : to rake, seize, or dig with or as if with claws
garded as typical: ideally illustrative clay \'kla\ n 1 : an earthy material that is plastic when
[1] model, paradigmatic, Quintessential, traditional moist but hard when fired and is used in making pottery;
- more at MODEL [5] characteristic, distinct, distinc- also : finely divided soil consisting largely of such clay
tive, individual, peculiar, proper, symptomatic, typical 2 : EARTH, MUD 3: a plastic substance used for modeling
2classic n 1 : a work of enduring excellence and esp. of an-
4 : the mortal human body - c1ay-ey\'kla-e\ am
clay-more \'kla-,mor\ n : a large 2-edged sword formerly
cient Greece or Rome; also: its author 2 : a typical or used by Scottish Highlanders
perfect example 3: a traditional event clay pigeon n : a saucer-shaped target thrown from a trap
beau ideal, epitome, exemplar, ideal, perfection, in trapshooting
Quintessence - more at QUINTESSENCE 'clean \'kJen\ am 1 : free from dirt or disease 2 a : free
etas-sl-eet Vkla-si-kclv am
1 : CLASSIC 2: of or relating to from moral taint or corruption: PURE b : observing the
the ancient Greek and Roman classics 3: of or relating to rules: FAIR 3 : so decisive and complete as to leave no
a form or system of primary significance before modern loose ends or uncertainty: THOROUGH <made a ~ break
times <~ economics) 4: concerned with a general study with the past) 4: TRIM <a ship with ~ lines); also: EVEN
of the arts and sciences 5 : handed down (as beliefs or 5 : habitually neat - clean-ly \'klen-le\ adv - ctean-ness
customs) by example from one generation to another - \'kJen-nas\ n\-k(a-)Ie\ adv [1] immaculate, spick-and-span, spotless, stainless,
conventional, customary, traditional- more at TRA- unsoiled, unsullied; also pure, undefiled, unpolluted,
untainted, wholesome; cleanly, hygienic, sanitary;
clas-sl-clsm \'kla-sa-,si-zam\ n 1 : the principles or style of bleached, cleansed, purified, whitened; milky, snowy,
white; flawless, unblemished; bright, shiny, sparkling
the literature or art of ancient Greece and Rome 2: ad-
Ant dirty, filthy, foul, grubby, soiled, spotted, stained,
herence to traditional standards believed to be univer- sullied, unclean [2a] chaste, decent, immaculate,
sally valid - clas-sl-clst \-sist\ n modest, pure - more at CHASTE [2b] fair, legal,
clas-sl-tl-ca-tlon\,kla-sa-fa-'ka-shan\ n : a group of the sportsmanlike [3] ail-out, complete, comprehensive,
same general status or nature: CLASS, CATEGORY exhaustive, full-scale, out-and-out, thorough, thorough-
bracket, category, class, division, family, grade, going, total - more at EXHAUSTIVE
group, kind, order, rank, set, species, type - more at 2clean adv : all the way : COMPLETELY
CLASS absolutely, all, altogether, completely, entirely, fully,
elas-sj-fied \'kla-sa-,fid\ am :
withheld from general circu- Quite, totally, utterly, wholly
lation for reasons of national security 3clean vb 1 : to make or become clean 2 : to remove the
classi.fieds \-,fidz\ n pI : advertisementsgrouped by sub- entrails from 3 : to exhaust the stock of - usu. used
ject with out\'kla-sa-,fi\ vb -fied; : to arrange in or as- [2] draw, eviscerate, gut - more at GUT usu clean
sign to classes - clas-sl-tl-able am - clas-si-fi-ca-tlon out [3] consume, deplete, drain, exhaust, expend,
\,kla-sa-fa-'ka-shan\ n - clas-si-fi-er n spend, use up - more at DEPLETE
arrange, array, codify, dispose, draw up, marshal, or- clean-cut \'klen-'kat\ am 1: cut so that the surface or
der, organize, range, systematize - more at ORDER edge is smooth and even 2: sharply defined or outlined
assort, break down, categorize, class, grade, group, 3 : giving an effect of wholesomeness
peg, place, range, rank, separate, sort; also arrange, or- clean-er n : a preparation for cleaning
der, organize, systematize; alphabetize, catalog, codify, detergent, soap; also disinfectant, purifier, solvent
file, index, list; pigeonhole, shelve; distinguish, identify,
recognize;cull, screen, sift, winnow clean-ly \'klen-Ie\ am clean-li-er:-est 1 : careful to keep
clean 2: habitually kept clean - clean-ti-ness n
class-less \'klas-Ias\ am :having the Qualities or behav- clean room Vklen-jrtim, -,rilm\ n : an uncontaminated
ior of a boor: BOORISH room maintained for the manufacture or assembly of ob-
boorish, churlish, clownish, loutish, uncouth - more jects (as precision parts)
at CLOWNISH cleanse \'klenz\ vb cleansed; cleans-lnq 1 : to make clean
class-mate \'klas-,mat\ n : a member of the same class (as 2 : to rid of impurities by or as if by washing
in a college) cleans-ervb : a preparation(as a scouring powder or a skin
class-room\-,rum, -,rum\ n : a place where classes meet cream) used for cleaning
143 clerical
cleansing n : the action or an act of cleansing esp. morally brush 2: the passage of checks and claims through a
or spiritually clearinghouse 3: the act or process of becoming clear
'clean-up \'kle-,nap\ n 1 : an act or instance of cleaning clear-ing-house \-,hails\ n : an institution maintained by
2 : a very large profit banks for making an exchange of checks and claims held
2cleanup adj : being 4th in the batting order of a baseball by each bank against other banks; also : an informal
team channel for information or assistance
clean up vb 1 : to make a spectacular business profit clear out vb 1 .: to drive out or away usu. by force
2 : rid of debasing or harmful features or elements 2 : to go away or run from : DEPART
'clear \'klir\ adj [ME clere, fr. AF cler, fr. L clarus] [1] disband, disperse, dissipate, scatter - more at
a : shining brightly: entirely light b: UNTROUBLED, SERENE SCATTER [2] abscond, escape, flee, fly, get out, lam,
2 : having the sky free from clouds : CLOUDLESS 3 run away, run off - more at ESCAPE. [2] depart, exit,
a : CLEAN, PURE b : easily seen through: TRANSPARENT 4 get off, go, move, pull, quit, sally, shove, take off-
a : easily heard, seen, or understood b: easy to perceive more at GO
or determine with certainty 5 a : capable of sharp dis- cleat \'klet\ n : a piece of wood or metal fastened on or
cernment b: free from doubt 6 : free from guile or projecting from something to give strength, provide a
guilt: INNOCENT 7 : free from restriction, obstruction, grip, or prevent slipping
or entanglement - clear adv - clear-Iy \'klir-Ie\ adv- cleav-age \'kle-vij\ n 1 : a splitting apart: SPLIT 2 : the de-
clear-ness n pression between a woman's breasts esp. when exposed
[2] cloudless, fair, sunny, sunshiny, unclouded- by a low-cut dress
more at FAIR [3b] limpid, liquid, lucent, pellucid, 'cleave \'klev\ vb cleaved Vklevd', or clove \'klov\; cleaved;
transparent; also colorless, uncolored; lucid, translucent; cleav-ing : to adhere firmly and closely or loyally and un-
crystal, crystalline, glassy, sparkling; bright, brilliant, ef- waveringly: ADHERE, CLING
fulgent, luminous Ant cloudy, opaque. [4a] apparent, 2cleave vb cleaved \'klevd\ also cleft \'kleft\ or clove
broad, clear-cut, distinct, evident, lucid, manifest, obvi- \'klov\; cleaved also cleft or clo-ven \'klo-van\; cleav-ing
ous, palpable, patent, perspicuous, plain, transparent, 1 : to divide by force: split asunder 2: DIVIDE
unambiguous, unequivocal, unmistakable; also compre- cleav-er \'kle-var\ n : a heavy chopping knife for cutting
hensible, decipherable, fathomable, inteUigible, know- meat
able, understandable; self-evident, self-explanatory; sim- clef \'klef\ n : a sign placed on the staff in music to show
ple; overt, undisguised; appreciable, perceptible, recog- what pitch is represented by each line and space
nizable, sensible, tangible; discernible, noticeable, cleft \'kleft\ n : a space or opening made by or as if by
observable, visible Ant dark, enigmatic, indistinct, myste- splitting: FISSURE, CRACK
rious, obscure, unclear; ambiguous, equivocal chink, crack, cranny, crevice, fissure, rift, split-
[6] blameless, faultless, guiltless, impeccable, inno- more at CRACK
cent, irreproachable - more at INNOCENT [7] free, cleft palate n : a split in the roof of the mouth that appears
open, unobstructed - more at OPEN as a birth defect
2clear vb 1 : to make or become clear 2 : to go away: DIS- clem-a-tis \'kle-ma-tas; kli-tma-tosv n : any of a genus of
PERSE 3 a : to free from accusation or blame b : to vines or herbs related to the buttercups that have showy
accept officially as satisfactory c: to certify as trustwor- usu. white or purple flowers
thy 4.: to explain or make understandable - often clem-en-cy \'kle-man-se\ n, pi -cies 1 : disposition to be
used with up 5: to get free from obstruction 6 : to merciful 2: mildness of weather
make clear or free from debt or obligation : SETTLE charity, leniency, mercy, quarter - more at MERCY
7 : NET 8: to get rid of : REMOVE 9 a : to free (as from clem-ent \'kle-mant\ adj 1 : MERCIFUL, LENIENT 2 : not
contact or entanglement) : DISENTANGLE b: to jump or go severe in temperature: TEMPERATE, MILD
by without touching; also: PASS balmy, equable, gentle, mild, moderate, temperate;
[1] clarify, distill, filter, purify - more at CLARIFY also clear, cloudless, fair, sunny, sunshiny; calm, hal-
[3a] absolve, acquit, exculpate, exonerate, vindicate cyon, peaceful, placid, tranquil; delightful, fine, pleas-
- more at EXCULPATE. [3b] approve, authorize, OK, ant Ant harsh, inclement, intemperate, severe
ratify, sanction, warrant - more at APPROVE. usu clear clem-en-ttne \'kle-man-,ten\ n : a small citrus fruit that is
up [4] clarify, construe, demonstrate, elucidate, ex- probably a hybrid between a tangerine and an orange
plain, explicate, expound, illuminate, illustrate, inter- clench \'klench\ vb 1 : CLINCH 1 2 : to hold fast: CLUTCH
pret, spell out - more at EXPLAIN. [6] discharge, foot, 3 : to set or close tightly
liquidate, pay, payoff, quit, recompense, settle, spring,
cling, clutch, grip, hang on, hold, hold on - more at
stand - more at PAY. [9a] disengage, disentangle, ex- HOLD
tricate, free, liberate, release, untangle - more at EX-
clere-sto-ry \'klir-,stor-e\ n : an outside wall of a room or
building that rises above an adjoining roof and contains
3clear n : a clear space or part
clear-ance \'klir-ans\ n 1 : an act or process of clearing cler-gy \'klar-je\ n : a body of religious officials authorized
2 : the distance by which one object clears another to conduct services
3 : certification as clear of objection: AUTHORIZATION cler-gy-man \-m~n\ n : a member of the clergy
allowance, authorization, concurrence, consent, divine, ecclesiastic, father, minister, preacher, priest,
leave, license (or licence), permission, sanction, suffer- reverend; also evangelist, missionary; deaconess, priest-
ance - more at PERMISSION ess; dean, pastor, rector, vicar; chaplain, confessor;
clear-cut \'klir-'kat\ adj 1 : sharply outlined : DISTINCT canon, curate; friar, mendicant, monastic, monk, reli-
2 : free from ambiguity or uncertainty : DEFINITE, UN- gious Ant layman
EQUIVOCAL cler-ic \'kler-ik\ n : a member of the clergy
definite, definitive, explicit, express, specific, unam- cler-i-cal Vkler-i-kalx adj 1 : of or relating to the clergy
biguous, unequivocal - more at EXPLICIT 2 : of or relating to a clerk
clear-head-ed \-'he-dad\ adj : having a clear understand- ministerial, pastoral, priestly, sacerdotal; also evan-
ing : able to think clearly gelical, missionary; apostolic, canonical, episcopal, pa-
balanced, lucid, normal, right, sane, stable - more at pal, patriarchal, pontifical; ecclesiastic, ecclesiastical;
SANE divine, holy, religious, sacramental; rabbinic Ant lay,
clear-ing \'klir-il)\ n 1 : a tract of land cleared of wood and nonclerical
clericalism 144
cler-i-cal-Ism \'kler-i-ka-,li-zam\ n : a policy of maintaining to lean) 1 : a series of ideas or statements so arranged that
or increasing the power of a religious hierarchy they increase in force and power from the first to the last;
clerk \'klark, Brit 'kliirk\ n 1 : CLERIC 2 a : an official re- also: the last member of such a series 2 : the highest
sponsible for correspondence, records, and accounts b: a point 3: ORGASM - ell-mac-tic \kli-'mak-tik\ adj
person employed to perform general office work 3: a acme, apex, crown, culmination, head, height, merid-
store salesperson - clerk vb - clerk-ship n ian, peak, pinnacle, summit, tip-top, top, zenith-
register, registrar, scribe; also archivist, bookkeeper, more at HEIGHT
recorder; annalist, chronicler 2climax vb : to come or bring to a climax: provide a culmi-
clev-er \'kle-var\ adj 1 : showing skill or resourcefulness nating event for
2 : marked by wit or ingenuity - clev-er-ly adv 'climb \'knm\ vb 1 : to rise to a higher point 2 : to go
[1) alert, brainy, bright, intelligent, keen, nimble, up or down esp. by use of hands and feet; also: to ascend
Quick, Quick-witted, sharp, smart - more at INTELLI- in growing - climb-er n
GENT. [1) adroit, artful, creative, deft, imaginative, in- [l, 2) arise, ascend, lift, mount, rise, soar, up - more
genious, innovative Ant uncreative, unimaginative at ASCEND
[2) facetious, humorous, jocular, smart, witty- 2climb n 1 : a place where climbing is necessary 2 : the
more at WITIY act of climbing: ascent by climbing
clev-er-ness n : the Quality of being clever
ascent, rise, soar - more at ASCENT
adeptness, adroitness, art, artfulness, artifice, artistry, clime \'klim\ n : CLIMATE
craft, cunning, deftness, masterfulness, skill - more at
'clinch \'klinch\ vb 1 : to tum over or flatten the end of
something sticking out < ..... a nail); also: to fasten by
clev-is Vkle-vasv n : a Ll-shaped shackle used for fastening
clinching 2: to make final : SETTLE 3: to hold fast or
'clew \'klii\ n 1 : CLUE 2: a metal loop on a lower corner
of a sail
2clinch n 1 : a fastening by means of a clinched nail, rivet,
2clew vb : to haul (a sail) up or down by ropes through the
or bolt 2: an act or instance of clinching in boxing
clinch-er \'klin-char\ n : one that clinches; esp : a decisive
cli-che \kli-'sha\ n [F) : a trite phrase or expression -
fact, argument, act, or remark
cli-ched \-'shad\ adj
cling \'klil)\ vb clung \'klel)\; 1 a : to adhere as
banality, commonplace, platitude, shibboleth- if glued b.: to hold or hold on tightly 2: to have a
strong emotional attachment 3.: to give support or
'click \'klik\ vb 1 : to make or cause to make a click 2: to maintain loyalty
fit together : hit it off 3.: to function or operate
smoothly or successfully 4: to select or make a selection [la) adhere, hew, stick - more at STICK usu cling
to [lb) clench, clutch, grip, hang on, hold, hold on-
on a computer by pressing a button on a control device
more at HOLD. usu cling to [3) adhere, hew, keep, stick
(as a mouse) - cnck-able \'kli-ka-bal\ adj
deliver, go over, pan out, succeed, work out - more cllnq-stone \'klil)-,ston\ n : any of various fruits (as some
at SUCCEED peaches) whose flesh adheres strongly to the pit
2click n : a slight sharp noise clin-ic \'kli-nik\ n 1 : a medical class in which patients are
click-er \'kli-k:lr\ n : a remote control device (as for a tele- examined and discussed 2: a group meeting for teaching
vision) a certain skill and working on individual problems <a
cli-ent \'kli-ant\ n 1 : DEPENDENT 2: a person who engages >
reading ..... 3: a facility (as of a hospital) for diagnosis
the professional services of another; also: PATRON, CUS- and treatment of outpatients
TOMER 3: a computer in a network that uses the services clin-i-cal \'kli-ni-kal\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or typical of a
(as access to files) provided by a server clinic; esp : involving direct observation of the patient
cll-en-tele \,kli-an-'tel, ,kle-\ n : a body of clients and esp. 2 : scientifically dispassionate - \-k(a- )Ie\ adv
customers cll-nl-cian \kli-'ni-shan\ n : a person Qualified in the clinical
cliff \'klif\ n : a high steep face of rock, earth, or ice practice of medicine, psychiatry, or psychology as distin-
bluff, crag, escarpment, palisade, precipice, scarp; guished from one specializing in laboratory or research
also tor; bulwark, embankment techniq ues or in theory
cliff-hang-er \-,hal)-ar\ n 1 : an adventure serial or melo- 'clink \'klil)k\ vb : to make or cause to make a sharp short
drama usu. presented in installments each of which ends metallic sound
in suspense 2: a contest whose outcome is in doubt up to 2clink n : a clinking sound
the very end clin-ker \'klil)-kar\ n : stony matter fused together: SLAG
cll-mac-ter-lc \kli-'mak-ta-rik\ n 1 : a major turning point tcllp \'klip\ vb clipped; clip-ping: to fasten with a clip
or critical stage 2: MENOPAUSE; also: a corresponding pe- 2clip n 1 : a device that grips, clasps, or hooks 2: a car-
riod in the male tridge holder for a rifle
ell-mate \'kli-mat\ n [ME climat, fro MF, fro LL clima, fro 3clip vb clipped; clip-ping 1 : to cut or cut off with shears
Gk klima inclination, latitude, climate, fro klinein to lean) 2 : CURTAIL, DIMINISH 3: HIT, PUNCH 4: to illegally block
1 : a region having specific climatic conditions 2: the av- (an opponent) in football
erage weather conditions at a place over a period of years bob, crop, cut, cut back, dock, lop, nip, prune, shave,
3 : the prevailing set of conditions (as temperature and shear, trim; also manicure, mow; abbreviate, abridge,
humidity) indoors 4 : a prevailing atmosphere or envi- shorten
ronment <the ..... of opinion) - en-mat-te \kli-'ma-tik\ 'clip n 1 : a 2-bladed instrument for cutting esp, the nails
adj - cli-mat-i-cal-ly \-ti-k(a-)Ie\ adv 2 : a sharp blow 3: a rapid pace
air, atmosphere, aura, flavor (or flavour), mood, clip-board \'klip-,bord\ n : a small writing board with a
note, temper - more at AURA atmosphere, environ- spring clip at the top for holding papers
ment, environs, medium, milieu, setting, surroundings clip joint n, slang: an establishment (as a nightclub) that
- more at ENVIRONMENT makes a practice of defrauding its customers \,kH-ma-'tii-la-je\ n : the science that deals clip-per \'kli-par\ n 1 : an implement for clipping esp. the
with climates - ell-ma-to-loq-l-cat \-mat-Ol-'ii-ji-kal\ adj hair or nails - usu. used in pl. 2: a fast sailing ship
- \-k(a-)le\ adv - cli-rna-tol-o-qlst clip-ping Vkli-pin', n : a piece clipped from something (as a
\-m:l-'tii-I:Hist\ n newspaper)
'climax \'kli-,maks\ nfL, fro Gk kiimax ladder, fro kiinein clique \ 'klek, 'klik\ n [FJ ; a small exclusive group of
145 closemouthed
people: COTERIE - cliqu-ey \'kle-ke, 'kli-\ adj - cliqu-ish clone \'klon\ n [Gk klon twig, slip) 1 : the collection of ge-
\-kish\ adj netically identical cells or organisms produced asexually
circle, clan, community, coterie, crowd, fold, gang, from a single ancestral cell or organism; also: an individ-
ring, set - more at GANG ual grown from a single cell and genetically identical to it
ctl-to-rls \'kli-t::l-r::ls\ n. pi ell-to-ris-es : a small erectile or- <a sheep e-v) 2: a group of replicas of a biological mole-
gan at the anterior or ventral part of the vulva homolo- cule (as DNA) 3: one that appears to be a copy of an
gous to the penis - cli-to-ral \-r::ll\ aclj original form - clon-al \'klo-nOI\ adj - clone vb
clk abbr clerk clop \'kliip\ n : a sound made by or as if by a hoof or
clo abbr clothing wooden shoe against pavement - clop vb
'cloak \'klok\ n 1 : a loose outer garment 2 : something 'close \'kloz\ vb closed; 1 : to bar passage through
that conceals : SHUT 2: to suspend the operations (as of a school)
curtain. hood. mantle. mask, shroud, veil; also cover. 3 : to bring or come to an end or period: END, TERM 1-
screen. shield; facade. face. veneer NATE 4: to bring together the parts or edges of; also : to
2cloak vb : to cover or hide with a cloak fill up 5 : to come near or approach close 6: GRAPPLE
blanket. blot out. conceal. cover, curtain, enshroud, <~ with the enemy) 7: to enter into an agreement -
hide, mask, obscure, occult, screen, shroud, veil- clos-able or close-able adi
more at HIDE [3) conclude, end, finish, round, terminate, wind up,
cloak-and-daqger adj : involving or suggestive of espi- wrap up; also climax, crown; complete. consummate,
onage perfect; halt, stop, suspend Ant begin, commence, inau-
clob-ber \'klii-b::lr\ vb 1 : to pound mercilessly 2: to hit gurate, open, start. [5) approach, near - more at AP-
with force 3 : to defeat overwhelmingly PROACH
drub, rout, skunk, thrash, trim, trounce, wallop, whip 2close \'kloz\ n : a coming or bringing of something to a
cloche \'klosh\ n IF, lit., bell) : a woman's small close-fit- conclusion or an end: CONCLUSION, END
ting hat conclusion, consummation, end, ending, finale, finis,
'clock \'kliik\ n : a timepiece not intended to be carried on finish. windup - more at FINALE cessation, closure,
the person conclusion, end, ending. expiration, finish, halt, lapse.
2clock vb 1 : to time (a person or a performance) by a tim- shutdown, stop, stoppage, termination - more at END
ing device 2: to register (as speed) on a mechanical 3close \'klos\ n : an enclosed space
recording device - clock-er n court, courtyard, Quadrangle, yard - more at COURT
3clock n : an ornamental figure on a stocking or sock
clock-wise \'kliik-,wiz\ adv : in the direction in which the 'close \'klos\ adi clos-er; clos-est 1 : having no openings
hands of a clock move - clockwise adj : CLOSED 2: narrowly restricting or restricted 3: limited
clock-work \-,w::lrk\ n 1 : the machinery that runs a me- to a privileged class 4 a : SECLUDED b : marked by a dis-
chanical device (as a clock or toy) 2: the precision or position to secrecy or extreme discreetness about di-
regularity associated with a clock vulging information : SECRETIVE 5: RIGOROUS 6.: hot
clod \'kliid\ n 1 : a lump esp, of earth or clay 2 : a dull and stuffy: causing a sensation of being slightly smoth-
or insensitive person ered or stifled 7: not generous in giving or spending
[1) blob, chunk, clump, glob, gob, hunk, lump, nub, : STINGY 8 : having little space between items or units
wad - more at LUMP [2) hulk, lout, lubber, lug. oaf 9 : fitting tightly; also: SHORT <~ haircut) 10.: being
-more at OAF near in time, space, effect, or degree: NEAR 11 : marked
clod-hop-per \-,hii-p::lr\ n 1 .: an uncouth rustic 2: a by a warm friendship developing through long associa-
large heavy shoe tion : INTIMATE <~ friends) 12: very precise and atten-
bumpkin, hick, hillbilly, provincial, rustic, yokel- tive to details: ACCURATE 13.: decided by a narrow
more at HICK margin <a ~ game) - close-ly adv
'clog \'kliig\ n 1 a : a weight attached to an animal to im- [4b) closemouthed, dark, reticent, secretive, uncom-
pede motion b: something that shackles or impedes 2: a municative - more at SECRETIVE (6) breathless,
thick-soled shoe stuffy - more at STUFFY [8) compact, crowded,
2clog vb clogged; clog-ging 1 a : to impede with a clog: HIN- dense, packed, serried, thick, tight; also airtight. snug;
DER b.: to halt or retard the progress, operation, or compacted, compressed, condensed; firm, hard, solid;
growth of : ENCUMBER 2 : to obstruct passage through impenetrable, impermeable, impervious Ant loose. un-
3 : to become filled with extraneous matter crowded (10) immediate, near, nearby, nigh; also
Ub) encumber, hamper, hinder, hold up, impede, in- abutting. adjacent, adjoining, contiguous; approaching,
hibit, interfere with, obstruct, tie up - more at HAMPER coming, forthcoming, oncoming, upcoming Ant distant,
[2) block, choke, close (off), congest, dam, jam, ob- far, faraway, far-off, remote (11) bosom, chummy,
struct, plug (up), stop (up), stuff; also bung, fill, pack; familiar, friendly, intimate, thick - more at FAMILIAR
flood, glut, inundate, overwhelm, swamp Ant clear, (13) narrow, neck and neck, nip and tuck, tight; also
free, open (up), unclog crowded
ctol-son-ne \,kI6iz-On-'ii\ adj : a colored decoration made 'close adv : in proximity of space or time
of enamels poured into the divided areas in a design out- around, by. hard, in, near, nearby, nigh - more at
lined with wire or metal strips NEAR
'clois.ter \'kI6i-st::lr\ n [ME cloistre, fro OF, fro ML claus- closed-clr-cult \'klozd-'s:lr-k:lt\ adj : used in, shown on, or
trum, fro L, bar, bolt, fro claudere to close) 1 : a monas- being a television installation in which the signal is trans-
tic establishment 2: a covered usu. colonnaded passage mitted by wire to a limited number of receivers
on the side of a court - ctcls-tral \-str::ll\ adi closed shop n : an establishment having only members of
abbey, friary, monastery, priory - more at a labor union on the payroll
MONASTERY close-fist-ed \'kloz-'fis-t:ld, 'klos-\ ad) : not openhanded or
2cloister vb : to shut away from the world liberal esp. in giving: STINGY
clols-tered \'kI6-st::lrd\ adj 1 : being or living in or as if in close-knit \'klos-'nit\ adj : closely bound together by so-
a cloister 2.: providing shelter from contact with the cial, cultural, economic, or political ties
outside world close-mouthed \'kloz-'mauthd, 'klos-trnauthtv adj 1 : cau-
covert, isolated, Quiet, remote, secluded, secret- tious or reticent in speaking 2.: disposed to secrecy
more at SECLUDED about one's personal affairs
closeness 146
[1] laconic, reserved, reticent, silent, taciturn, un- 'cloud vb 1 : to darken or hide with or as if with a cloud
communicative - more at SILENT. [2] close, dark, ret- : OBSCURE 2.: to make unclear or confused: CONFUSE
icent, secretive, uncommunicative - more at SECRETIVE 3: TAINT, SULLY
close-ness n : the quality or state of being close [1] becloud, befog, blur, darken, dim, fog, haze, mist,
familiarity, intimacy, nearness - more at FAMfLIAR- obscure, overshadow, shroud; also blot out, conceal,
ITY contiguity, immediacy, nearness, proximity- hide, screen, shade; camouflage, cloak, cover, curtain,
more at PROXIMITY disguise, mask, veil; distort, falsify, garble, misrepresent
close-out \'klo-,zailt\ n : a sale of a business's entire stock Ant brighten, illuminate, illumine, lighten [2] be-
at low prices cloud, befog, blur, confuse, fog, muddy - more at CON-
close out vb 1 : to dispose of by a closeout 2: to dispose FUSE
of a business: SELL OUT cloud-buret \-,b"rst\ n : a sudden heavy rainfall
'closoet \'klii-zat, 'klo-\ n 1 .: a small room for privacy deluge, downpour, rain, rainstorm, storm, wet-
2 .: a small compartment for household utensils or more at RAIN
clothing 3: a state or condition of secrecy (came out of cloud-tess adj. : free from any cloud
the~> clear, fair, sunny, sunshiny, unclouded - more at
[1] cell, chamber, room - more at ROOM [2] buf- FAIR
fet, cabinet, cupboard, hutch, locker, sideboard- cloud-let \-Iat\ n : a small cloud
more at CABINET cloud nine n : a feeling of extreme well-being or elation -
'closet vb 1 : to shut up in or as if in a closet 2: to take into usu. used with on
a private room for an interview cloudy ad) 1 .: having a cloudy or overcast sky
close-up \'klo-,sap\ n 1 : a photograph or movie shot 2 : dimmed or dulled as if by clouds 3 : having visi-
taken at close range 2: an intimate view or examination ble material in suspension: MURKY
cia-sure \'klo-zhar\ n 1 : an act of closing: the condition [1] dull, hazy, heavy, overcast - more at OVERCAST
of being closed 2: a bringing to a point of completion [2] foggy, hazy, misty, murky, smoggy, soupy-
3 : something that closes 4: CLOTURE more at HAZY [3] muddy, murky, turbid; also dingy,
cessation, close, conclusion, end, ending, expiration, filmy, hazy, unfiltered; opaque Ant clear
finish, halt, lapse, shutdown, stop, stoppage, termina- 'clout \'klailt\ n 1 : a blow esp, with the hand 2 : the
tion - more at END power to sway people: special influence
'clot \'kliit\ n : a mass formed by a portion of liquid (as [1] bat, belt, blow, box, hit, punch, slug, thump, wal-
blood) thickening and sticking together lop, whack - more at BLOW. [2) authority, influence,
'clot vb : to become a clot pull, sway, weight - more at INFLUENCE
coagulate, congeal, gel, jell, set - more at COAGU- 'clout vb : to hit forcefully
LATE 'clove \'klov\ n : one of the small bulbs that grows at the
cloth \'kloth\ n, pi cloths \'klothz, 'klothsv 1 : a pliable base of the scales of a large bulb <a ~ of garlic>
fabric made usu. by weaving or knitting natural or syn- 'clove past of CLEAVE
thetic fibers and filaments 2: TABLECLOTH 3: distinctive 3clove n [ME clowe, fr. AF clou (de girofle), lit., nail of
dress of the clergy; also: CLERGY clove, fro L clavus nail] : the dried flower bud of an East
clothe \'kloth\ vb clothed or clad \'klad\; cloth-inq 1 : to Indian tree used esp. as a spice
provide with clothes: cover with clothes: DRESS 2 : to clo-ven Vklo-van \ past part of CLEAVE
express by suitably Significant language cloven foot n : CLOVEN HOOF - cloven-footoed \-'fil-tad\
[1] apparel, array, attire, caparison, deck, dress, garb, adj
invest, rig, suit; also cloak, mantle; drape, swaddle, cloven hoof n : a foot (as of a sheep) with the front part di-
swathe; accoutre, equip, furnish, outfit Ant disrobe, vided into two parts - cloven-hoofed \-'hilft, -'hilvd\ adj
strip, unclothe, undress [2] articulate, couch, ex- clo-ver \'klo-var\ n : any of a genus of leguminous herbs
press, formulate, phrase, put, say, state, word with usu. 3-parted leaves and dense flower heads
clothes \'klothz, 'kloz\ n pi 1 : covering for the human cle-ver-teat \-,Ief\ n, pi cloverleafs \-,lefs\ or clo-ver-leaves
body or garments in general: CLOTHING 2 : BEDCLOTHES \-,Ievz\ : an interchange between two major highways
clothes-horse \-,hors\ n 1: a frame on which to hang that from above resembles a four-leaf clover
clothes 2 : a conspicuously dressy person 'clown \'klailn\ n 1 : a rude ill-bred person: BOOR 2 : a
clothes-line \-,lin\ n : a rope or cord on which clothes are fool or comedian in an entertainment (as a circus)
hung to dry [1] beast, boor, churl, creep, cretin, cur, heel, jerk,
clothes moth n : any of several small pale moths whose lar- joker, louse, lout, skunk, slob, snake - more at JERK
vae eat wool, fur, and feathers [2] buffoon, harlequin, zany; also cutup, madcap;
clothes-pln \'klothz-,pin, 'kloz-\ n : a device for fastening fool, jester, motley; mime, mummer; comedian, come-
clothes on a line dienne, comic, joker, wag
clothes-press \-,pres\ n : a receptacle for clothes 'clown vb : to act like a clown <always ~jng around>
clotn-ler \'kloth-yar, 'klo-the-ar\ n : a maker or seller of usu clown around act up, cut up, fool around, mon-
clothing key, show off, skylark - more at CUT UP \'klo-thil)\ n : garments in general clown-ish adj : resembling or befitting a clown (as in ig-
apparel, attire, dress, duds, raiment, wear; also gar- norance and lack of sophistication) - clown-ish-ly adv -
ment, vestment; array, bravery, finery; rags, tatters; cos- clown-Ish-ness n
tume, garb, getup, guise, outfit, rig, wardrobe; boorish, churlish, loutish, uncouth; also coarse, ill=
haberdashery bred, uncultivated, unpolished, unrefined; tasteless,
clo-ture \'klo-char\ n : the closing or limitation (as by call- vulgar; beastly, bestial; doltish, oafish, stupid; discour-
ing for a vote) of debate in a legislative body teous, impolite, rude, uncivil Ant cultivated, polished,
'cloud \'klaild\ n [ME, rock, cloud, fr. OE cliid] 1 : a visi- refined, well-bred; courtly, genteel, gentlemanly, lady-
ble mass of particles of condensed vapor (as water or ice) like; civil, courteous, polite
suspended in the atmosphere 2: a usu. visible mass of cloy \'kloi\ vb : to disgust or nauseate with excess of some-
minute airborne particles; also: a mass of obscuring mat- thing orig. pleasing - adv
ter in interstellar space 3: CROWD, SWARM <a ~ of mos- clr abbr clear
quitoes> 4: something having a dark or threatening 'club \'klab\ n 1 : a heavy wooden stick or staff used as
aspect - cloud-i-ness \'klail-de-nas\ n a weapon; also: BAT 2: any of a suit of playing cards
147 coalitionist
marked with a black figure resembling a clover leaf 3 + clench, cling, grip, hang on, hold, hold on - more at
a + : a group of persons associated for a common purpose HOLD
b : the meeting place of a group or association 'clutch n 1 a : the claws or a hand in the act of grasping
+ [I] bat, billy club, bludgeon, cudgel, nightstick, staff, b + : an often cruel or unrelenting control, power, or pos-
truncheon; also blackjack, mace; birch, switch; ham- session : CONTROL, POWER 2: a device for gripping an ob-
mer, mallet, maul; walking stick + [3a] association, ject 3: a coupling used to connect and disconnect a
brotherhood, college, congress, council, fellowship, fra- driving and a driven part of a mechanism; also: a lever or
ternity, guild, institute, institution, league, order, or- pedal operating such a coupling 4 + : a crucial situation
ganization, society - more at ASSOCIATION + [lb] arm, authority, command, control, dominion,
'club vb clubbed; club-bing 1 : to strike with a club 2 + : to grip, hold, mastery, power, sway - more at POWER
unite or combine for a common cause + [4] crisis, crunch, emergency, head, juncture-
ally, associate, band, confederate, conjoin, cooperate, more at EMERGENCY
federate, league, unite - more at ALLY 3clutch adj : made, done, or successful in a crucial situation
club-foot \'kl~b-'fut\ n : a misshapen foot twisted out of 'clutch n 1 : a nest or batch of eggs; also: a brood of chicks
position from birth; also : this deformed condition- 2 : GROUP, BUNCH
club-foot-ed \-'fu-t~d\ adj tclut-ter Vklo-tarv vb : to fill or cover with a disorderly scat-
club-house \'kl~b-,haus\ n 1 : a house occupied by a club tering of things
2 : locker rooms used by an athletic team 3: a building at 'clutter n + : a crowded mass
a golf course with locker rooms and usu. a pro shop and + assortment, jumble, medley, melange, miscellany,
a restaurant motley, muddle, variety, welter - more at MISCELLANY
club sandwich n : a sandwich of three slices of bread with cm abbr centimeter
two layers of meat (as turkey) and lettuce, tomato, and Cm symbol curium
CM abbr [Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Is-
club soda n : SODA WATER
lands] Northern Mariana Islands
cluck \'klak\ n : the call of a hen esp, to her chicks - cluck
cmdr abbr commander
cml abbr commercial
'clue \'klii\ n 1 + : something that guides through an intri-
CMSgt abbr chief master sergeant
cate procedure or maze; esp : a piece of evidence leading
CNO abbr chief of naval operations
to the solution of a problem 2 + : an indication that prop-
CNS abbr central nervous system
erly interpreted may lead to full understanding of some-
co abbr 1 company 2 county
thing: IDEA, NOTION <has no - what he's doing>
Co symbol cobalt
+ [I, 2] cue, hint, idea, indication, inkling, intimation,
CO abbr 1 Colorado 2 commanding officer 3 conscien-
lead, notion, suggestion - more at HINT
tious objector
'clue vb clued; clue-ing or 1 : to provide with a clue
clo abbr care of
2 + : to give information to <- me in>
'coach \'koch\ n [MF coche, ultim. fro Hung kocsi (szeker),
+ usu clue in acquaint, advise, apprise, brief, enlighten, lit., (wagon) of Kocs (town in Hungary)] 1 : a large closed
familiarize, fill in, inform, instruct, tell, wise - more at
4-wheeled carriage with an elevated outside front seat for
the driver 2: a railroad passenger car esp. for day travel
'clump \'klamp\ n 1 +: a group of things clustered to-
3 : BUS 4 a : a private tutor b: one who instructs or trains;
gether 2 + : a compact mass 3: a heavy tramping sound
esp : one who instructs players in a sport <a soccer-e-o
+ array, assemblage, bank, batch, block, bunch, clus- 'coach vb + : to instruct, direct, or prompt as a coach
ter, collection, group, huddle, knot, lot, package, par-
cel, set, suite + counsel, guide, lead, mentor, pilot, shepherd, show,
tutor - more at GUIDE
'clump vb : to tread clumsily and noisily
clum-sy \'klam-ze\ adj clum-st-er: -est 1 + : lacking dex- coach-man \-man\ n : a man who drives a coach or car-
terity, nimbleness, or grace 2 + : not tactful or subtle riage
3 + : awkward or inefficient in use or construction: UN- co-ad-lu-tor \,k6-a-'jii-tar, ko-'a-ja-tar\ n : one who works
WIELDY - \-za-Ie\ adv - ctum-sl-ness \-ze-nas\ together with another: ASSISTANT; esp : an assistant bishop
n having the right of succession
co-ag-u-lant \ko-'a-gya-Iant\ n : something that produces
[I] awkward, gawky, graceless, heavy-handed, lub-
berly, lumpish, ungainly, unhandy; also butterfingered, coagulation
co-aq-u-tate \-,liit\ vb -lat-ed; -lat-lnq + : to cause to become
uncoordinated; oafish; bungling, gauche, inept, inex-
pert, maladroit, unskilled, unskillful; cumbersome, un- viscous or thickened into a coherent mass :
u-la-tlon \ko-,a-gya-'Iii-shan\ n
=- co-ag-
wieldy Ant deft, dexterous, graceful, handy
+ [2] awkward, inept, inexpert, maladroit + [3] awk- + clot, congeal, gel, jell, set; also concrete, firm (up),
ward, cranky, cumbersome, ungainly, unhandy, un- freeze, harden, solidify, stiffen; condense, thicken; cur-
wieldy - more at CUMBERSOME dle, lump (up)
clung past and past part of CLING 'coal \'kol\ n 1 : EMBER 2: a black solid combustible min-
clunk-er Vklon-karv n 1 : a dilapidated automobile 2: a erai used as fuel
notable failure 'coal vb 1 : to supply with coal 2: to take in coal
'cluster Vklas-tarv n + : a number of similar things that oc- co-e-tesce \,ko-a-'Ies\ vb co-a-lesced; co-a-lesc-inq 1 : to
curtogether:GROUP, BUNCH grow together 2 + : to unite into a whole: FUSE - co-a-
+ array, assemblage, bank, batch, block, bunch, clump, les-cence \-'ns\ n
collection, group, huddle, knot, lot, package, parcel, + associate, combine, conjoin, connect, couple, fuse,
set, suite join, link, marry, unify, unite - more at UNITE
'cluster vb + : to grow or gather in a cluster coal-fleld \'kol-,feld\ n : a region rich in coal deposits
+ assemble, collect, concentrate, conglomerate, con- coal gas n : gas from coal; esp : gas distilled from bitumi-
gregate, convene, forgather, gather, meet, rendezvous nous coal and used for heating
- more at ASSEMBLE + bunch, crowd, huddle, press - co-a-ll-tlcn \,ko-a-'Ji-shan\ n 1 : UNION 2 + : a temporary
more at PRESS alliance of distinct parties, persons, or states for a com-
'clutch \'klach\ vb + : to grasp with or as if with the hand mon purpose - co-a-ti-tion-lst n
coal oil 148

alliance, bloc, combination, combine, confederacy, cob \'kiib\ n 1: a male swan 2: CORNCOB 3: a short=
confederation, federation, league, union - more at legged stocky horse
CONFEDERACY. bloc, body, combination, combine, fac- co-bait \'ko-,b6It\ n [G Koba/t, alter. of Kobo/d, lit., goblin;
tion, party, sect, set, side, wing fr. its occurrence in silver ore, believed to be due to gob-
coal oil n : KEROSENE lins] : a tough shiny silver-white magnetic metallic chem-
coal tar n : tar distilled from bituminous coal and used in ical element found with iron and nickel
dyes and drugs cob-ble \'kii-b:ll\ vb cobbled; cob-bling : to make or put to-
co-an-chor \'ko-'al)-k:lr\ n : a newscaster who shares the gether roughly or hastily - often used with together or
duties of head broadcaster up <~ together a solution>
coarse \'k6rs\ adj coars-er; coars-est 1 : of ordinary or cob-bier Vka-blorv n 1 : a mender or maker of shoes 2: a
inferior quality 2 : composed of large parts or particles deep-dish fruit pie with a thick crust
<~ sand> 3 : crude or unrefined in taste, manners, or cob-ble-stone \'kii-b:ll-,ston\ n : a naturally rounded stone
language: CRUDE <~ manners> 4: harsh or rough in tone larger than a pebble and smaller than a boulder
or texture: ROUGH, HARSH - coarse-ly adv co-bra \'ko-br:l\ n [Pg cobra (de capel/o), lit., hooded
Il] bad, bum, cheap, common, cut-rate, inferior, snake] : any of several venomous snakes of Asia and
junky, lousy, mediocre, poor, second-rate, shoddy, Africa that when excited expand the skin of the neck into
sleazy, trashy - more at CHEAP. [2] grainy, granular; a broad hood
also rough; unfiltered, unrefined; gravelly, gritty, sandy; cob-web \'kiib-,web\ n [ME coppeweb, fr. coppe spider, fro
pebbly, rocky, stony; lumpy, mealy Ant dusty, fine, OE ator coppe] 1 : SPIDERWEB; also: a thread spun by a
floury, powdery. [3] common, crass, crude, gross, iII= spider or insect larva 2: something flimsy or entangling
bred, low, rough, rude, tasteless, uncouth, uncultivated, - cob-web-by \-,we-be\ adj
uncultured, unpolished, unrefined, vulgar; also boorish, co-caine \ko-'kiin, 'ko-,kiin\ n : a drug obtained from the
churlish, clownish, loutish, ungentlemanly; clumsy, leaves of a So. American shrub (co-ca \'ko-b\) that can
lubberly, lumpish, oafish; inconsiderate, thoughtless; result in severe psychological dependence and is some-
countrified, provincial, rustic; graceless, inelegant, times used in medicine as a local anesthetic and illegally
tacky Ant cultivated, cultured, genteel, polished, re- as a stimulant of the central nervous system
fined, smooth, tasteful, well-bred coc-cus \'kii-k:ls\ n, pi coc-cl \'kiik-,sl\ : a spherical bac-
coars-en \'k6r-s'n\ vb : to make or become coarse terium
coarse-ness n : the quality or state of being coarse coc-cyx \'kiik-siks\ n, pi coc-cy-qes \'kiik-s:l-Jez\ a/so coc-
grossness, indolicacy, lowness, rudeness, vulgarity- cyx-es \'kiik-sik-sn\ : the end of the spinal column be-
more at VULGARITY yond the sacrum esp. in humans
'coast \'kost\ n [ME cost, fro AF coste, fr. L costa rib, side] co-chl-neal \'kii-ch:l-,nel\ n : a red dye made from the dried
1 : SEASHORE 2: a slide down a slope 3: the immediate bodies of females of a tropical American insect
area of view - used in the phrase the coast is clear- (cochineal insect)
coast-al adj co-chlea \'ko-k1e-:l, 'kii-\ n, p/ co-chle-as or co-chle-ae
2coast vb 1 : to sail along the shore 2 : to move (as down- \-kle-,e, -,1\ : the usu. spiral part of the inner ear contain-
hill on a sled) without effort ing nerve endings which carry information about sound
bowl, breeze, drift, flow, glide, roll, sail, skim, slide, to the brain - co-chle-ar \-kle-:lr\ adj
slip, stream, sweep, whisk - more at FLOW 'cock \'kiik\ n 1 : the adult male of a bird and esp. of the
coast-er n 1 : one that coasts 2: a shallow container or a common domestic chicken 2 : a device (as a faucet or
plate or mat to protect a surface valve) for regulating the flow of a liquid: VALVE, FAUCET
coaster brake n : a brake in the hub of the rear wheel of a 3 : LEADER 4 a : the hammer of a firearm b: the position
bicycle of the hammer when ready for firing
coast guard n : a military force employed in guarding or faucet, gate, spigot, tap, valve - more at FAUCET
patrolling a coast - coast-quards-man \'kost-,giirdz- 2cock vb 1 : to draw back the hammer of a firearm 2: to
monv set or draw back in readiness for some action <~ your
coast-tine \'kost-,lIn\ n : the outline or shape of a coast arm to throw> 3 : to turn or tilt uSU. to one side
'coat \'kot\ n 1 : an outer garment for the upper part of the angle, cant, heel, incline, lean, list, slant, slope, tilt,
body 2 : an external growth (as of fur or feathers) on tip - more at LEAN
an animal 3: a covering layer <a ~ of paint> - coat-ed 3cock n : the act of tilting: the state or position of being
\'ko-t:ld\ adj tilted
fleece, fur, hair, pelage, pile, wool bend, inclination, list, slant, tilt, tip - more at TILT
2coat vb : to cover uSU. with a finishing or protective coat 'cock n : a small pile (as of hay)
or layer cock-ade \kii-'kiid\ n : an ornament worn on the hat as a
blanket, carpet, cover, overlay, overlie, overspread badge
- more at COVER cock-a-net \,kii-k:l-'tel\ n : a small crested gray parrot often
coat-lnq \'ko-til)\ n : COAT, COVERING kept as a cage bird
coat of arms : a shield or similar device for displaying the cock-a-too \'kii-k:l-,tii\ n, pi -toos [D kaketoe, fr. Malay
insignia of a family or group kakatua] : any of various large noisy crested parrots
co-au-thor \'ko-'6-th:lr\ n : a joint or associate author- chiefly of Australia
coauthor vb cock-a-trlce \'kii-k:l-tr:ls, -,tr1s\ n : a legendary serpent with
coax \'koks\ vb : to gain by gentle urging or flattery a deadly glance
: WHEEDLE cock-crow \'kiik-,kro\ n : the first appearance of light in
cajole, wheedle; also adulate, flatter, overpraise; com- the morning followed by sunrise: DAWN
pliment, praise; beguile, charm, woo; beg, importune, aurora, dawn, morning, sunrise - more at DAWN
urge; bug, nag, pester cocked hat \'kiikt-\ n : a hat with the brim turned up on
co-ax-l-et \'ko-'ak-se-:ll\ adj : having coincident axes - co- two or three sides adv cock-er-el \'kii-k:l-r:ll\ n : a young male domestic chicken
coaxial cable n : a cable that consists of a tube of electri- cock-er spaniel \'kii-br-\ n [cocking woodcock hunting]
cally conducting material surrounding a central conduc- : any of a breed of small spaniels with long ears, square
tor muzzle, and silky coat
149 cogent
cock-eyed\'kli-'kid\ adj 1 + : turned or tilted to one side cod-l-eu \'kli-da-sal, -,sil\ n : a legal instrument modifying
2 : slightly crazy: FOOLISH an earlier will
+ askew, awry, crooked,listing, lopsided,slantwise, un- codify \'kli-da-,fi, 'ko-\ vb -fied; -fy'ing + : to arrange in a
even - more at AWRY systematic form - coditi-cation \,kli-da-fa-'kli-shan,
cockfight\'klik-,fit\ n : a contest of gamecocks usu. fitted ,ko-\ n
with metal spurs + arrange, array, classify, dispose, draw up, marshal,
'cock.le \'kli-kal\ n : any of several weedy plants related to order, organize, range, systematize - more at ORDER
the pinks cooed\'ko-,ed\ n : a female student in a coeducational in-
2cockle n : a bivalve mollusk with a heart-shaped shell stitution - coed adj
cock-le-shell\-,shel\ n 1 : the shell of a cockle 2: a light co-ed-u-ce-non\,k6-,e-ja-'kii-shan\ n : the education of
flimsy boat male and female students at the same institution - co-
cock-ney \'klik-ne\ n, pi cockneys: a native of London and ed-u-ca-tion-al\-sha-nal\ adj - co-ed-u-ca-tion-al-ly adv
esp, of the East End of London; also : the dialect of a co-et-ti-clent \,ko-a-'fi-shant\ n 1 : a constant factor as dis-
cockney tinguished from a variable in a mathematical term 2: a
cock-pit \'klik-,pit\ n 1 : a pit for cockfights 2: a space or number that serves as a measure of some property (as of
compartment in a vehicle from which it is steered, pi- a substance, device, or process)
loted, or driven
coe-len-ter-ate\si-'len-ta-,riit, -rat\ n : any of a phylum of
cock-reach \'klik-,roch\ n [Spcucaracha] : any of an order
radially symmetrical invertebrate animals including the
or suborder of active nocturnal insects including some
which infest houses and ships corals, sea anemones, and jellyfishes
cock-sure \'klik-'shur\ adj 1 + : perfectly sure : CERTAIN co-equal \ko-'e-kwal\ adj : equal with another - coequal
2: COCKY n - co-equal-i-ty\,ko-e-'kwli-la-te\ n - cc-equal-lyadv
+ assured, certain, clear, confident, doubtless, positive, co-erce \ko-'ars\ vb co-erced; co-erc-ing 1 : RESTRAIN, RE-
PRESS 2 + : to compel to an act or choice 3: ENFORCE -
sanguine, sure - more at CERTAIN
cock-tail \'klik-,tiil\ n 1 : an iced drink made of liquor and
co-er-cive\-'ar-siv\ adj
flavoring ingredients 2: an appetizer (as tomato juice) + compel, constrain, drive, force, make, muscle, obli-
served as a first course of a meal gate, oblige, press, pressure - more at FORCE
cocky \'kli-ke\ adj cock-i-er; -est + : boldly and brashly co-er-clcn \-'ar-zhan, -shanv n +: the act, process, or
self-confident- cock-l-Iy \-ka-le\ adv - cock-i-ness power of coercing
v-ke-ncsv n + compulsion, constraint, duress, force, pressure-
+ arch, bold, brash, brazen, cheeky, fresh, impertinent, more at FORCE
impudent, insolent, nervy, sassy, saucy - more at co-e-val\k6-'e-val\ adj + : of the same age
NERVY + concurrent, contemporary, simultaneous, synchro-
co-coa \'ko-ko\ n 1: CACAO 2: chocolate deprived of nous - more at CONTEMPORARY
some of its fat and powdered; also: a drink made of this coeval n : one of the same age
heated with water or milk co-ex-ist\,ko-ig-'zist\ vb 1 : to exist together or at the same
cocoa butter n : a pale vegetable fat obtained from cacao time 2: to live in peace with each other
beans co-ex-Is-tence \-'zis-tans\ n : the quality or state of coexist-
co-co-nut \'k6-ka-(,)nat\ n : a large edible nut produced by ing
a tall tropical palm (coconut palm) co-ex-ten-slve\,ko-ik-'sten-siv\ adj : having the same scope
co-coon \ka-'ktin\ n 1 : a case usu. of silk formed by some or extent in space or time
insect larvae for protection during the pupal stage C ot C abbr Chamber of Commerce
2 + : something suggesting a cocoon esp, in providing cottee \'k6-fe\ n [It & Turk; It ccifTe, fro Turk kahve, fro Ar
protection or in producing isolation qahwa] : a drink made from the roasted and ground seeds
+ armor, capsule, case, casing, cover, housing, husk, of a fruit of a tropical shrub or tree; also : these seeds
jacket, pod, sheath, shell- more at CASE (coffee beans) or a plant producing them
cod \'klid\ n, pi cod also cods : a bottom-dwelling bony cct-tee-house \-,haus\ n : a place where refreshments (as
fish of the No. Atlantic that is an important food fish; also coffee) are sold
: a related fish of the Pacific Ocean coffee klatch \-,klach\ n : KAFFEEKLATSCH
COD abbr 1 cash on delivery 2 collect on delivery cot-tee-pot\-,plit\ n : a pot for brewing or serving coffee
co-da \'ko-da\ n : a closing section in a musical composi- coffee shop n : a small restaurant
tion that is formally distinct from the main structure coffee table n : a low table customarily placed in front of a
cod-dle \'klid-'l\ vb cod-dled; cododllng 1 : to cook slowly
in water below the boiling point 2 + : to treat with ex- cot-ter \'k6-far\ n : a chest or box used esp. for valuables
treme or excessivecare or kindness: PAMPER
cof.ferodam\-,dam\ n : a watertight enclosure from which
+ baby, mollycoddle, nurse, pamper, spoil - more at water is pumped to expose the bottom of a body of water
and permit construction
'code \'kod\ n [ME, fro MF, fro L caudex, codex trunk of a eet-nn \'k6-fan\ n : a box or chest for a corpse to be buried
tree, document formed orig. from wooden tablets] 1 : a in
systematic statement of a body of law 2: a system of C ot S abbr chief of staff
principles or rules <moral '" > 3: a system of signals 4: a
'cog \'klig\ n : a tooth on the rim of a wheel or gear-
system of symbols (as in secret communication) with spe-
cial meanings 5: GENETIC CODE cogged \'kligd\ adj
2code vb cod-ed; : to put into the form or symbols 2cog abbr cognate
of a code coogen-cy\-jan-se\ n + : the quality or state of being co-
co-deine \'ko-,den\ n : a narcotic drug obtained from gent
opium and used esp. as an analgesic and cough suppres- + effectiveness, force, impact, persuasiveness, perti-
sant nence, punch, relevance, soundness, strength Ant inef-
co-dex \'ko-,deks\ n, pi co-dl-ces Vko-do-jsez, 'kli-\ : a fectiveness
manuscript book (as of the Scriptures or classics) co-qen-e-ra-tton \,ko-,je-na-'rii-shan\ n : the simultaneous
codfish \'klid-,fish\ n : COD generation of electricity and heat from the same fuel
codoger \'kli-jar\ n : an odd or cranky and usu. elderly fel- coogent\'ko-jant\ adj + : having power to compel or con-
low strain : CONVINCING
cogitate 150
+ compelling, conclusive, convincing, decisive, effec- 2coil n : a series of rings or loops (as of coiled rope, wire, or
tive, forceful, persuasive, pertinent, relevant, satisfying, pipe) : RING, LOOP
sound, strong, telling, valid; also well-founded; impor- lcoin \'k6in\ n [ME, wedge, corner, image on a coin, fr. AF
tant, significant, weighty; material Ant inconclusive, in- coing, fro L cuneus wedge] 1 : a piece of metal issued by
decisive, ineffective, unconvincing government authority as money 2 : metal money
coq-l-tate \'kii-j;l-,tiit\ vb -tat-ed; -tat-lnq + : to ponder or 2coin vb 1: to make (a coin) esp. by stamping : MINT
meditate on usu. intently: THINK, PONDER - cog.i.ta.tion 2: CREATE, INVENT <~ a phrase> - coin-er n
\,kii-j::l-'tii-sh;ln\ n - cog.i.ta.tive \'kii-j;l-,tii-tiv\ adj coln-aqe \'k6i-nij\ n 1 : the act or process of coining 2
+ chew over, consider, contemplate, debate, deliberate, a + : something that has been coined b: COINS
entertain, meditate, mull. ponder, question, ruminate. + concoction, contrivance. creation. innovation, inven-
study, think, weigh - more at PONDER tion, wrinkle - more at INVENTION
co-gnac \'kon-,yak\ n : a French brandy co-ln-clde \,ko-:m-'sfd, 'ko-an-jsid', vb -cld-ed; -cld-lnq
ceq-nate \'kiig-,niit\ adj 1 : of the same or similar nature 1 : to occupy the same place in space or time 2 + : to cor-
2: RELATED; esp : related by descent from the same ances- respond or agree exactly
tral language - cognate n + accord, agree, answer, check, comport, conform. cor-
cog-ni-tive \'kiig-n::l-tiv\ adj : of, relating to, or being con- respond, dovetail, fit, go, harmonize, jibe. square, tally
scious intellectual activity (as thinking, remembering, - more at CHECK
reasoning, or using language) - \kiig-'ni- co-ln-cl-dence \ko-'in-s;l-d::lns\ n 1: exact agreement
shsnv n - adv 2 : occurrence together apparently without reason; also
cog-ni-zance \,kiig-n;l-z;lns\ n 1 + : apprehension by the : an event that so occurs
mind: AWARENESS 2: NOTICE, HEED 3: particular knowl-
co-in-ci-dent v-se-dantv adi 1 : of similar nature 2 + : oc-
edge: conscious recognition
cupying the same space or time
+ attention, awareness, ear, eye, heed, notice, obser- + attendant, concomitant. concurrent; also contempo-
vance, observation - more at ATTENTION
raneous, contemporary. simultaneous, synchronous; as-
cog-ni-zant Vkag-na-zantxadi + : knowledgeable of some- sociated, collateral, connected, related; consequent,
thing esp. through personal experience
resultant, resulting; ensuing, following, subsequent; ac-
+ alive, aware, conscious, mindful, sensible. sentient, cidental, casual, chance, fluky, fortuitous, freak, inci-
witting - more at CONSCIOUS dent, incidental
ceq-no-men \kiig-'no-m::ln, 'kag-na-v n, pi cognomens or eo-tn-cl-cen-tal \ko-,in-s::l-'dent-Ol\ adj : occurring or exist- \kag-'na-m~-n~, -'00-\ : a word or phrase ing at the same time
that constitutes the distinctive designation of a person or co-i-tus \'ko-::l-t::ls\ n [L, fro coire to come together] : physi-
thing : NAME; esp : NICKNAME cal union of male and female genitalia : SEXUAL INTER-
+ alias, nickname - more at NICKNAME + appellation, COURSE - co-l-tal \-"1\ adj
denotation, designation, handle, name, title - more at 'coke \'kok\ n : a hard gray porous fuel made by heating
NAME soft coal to drive off most of its volatile material
co-qno-scen-te \,kiin-y;l-'shen-te\ n, pi -scen-ti \-te\ [obs. It] 2coke n : COCAINE
: CONNOISSEUR 'col abbr 1 colonial; colony 2 column
cog.wheel \'kiig-,hwel\ n : a wheel with cogs or teeth 2col or coli abbr 1 collect, collected, collection 2 college,
co-hab-it \ko-'ha-b::lt\ vb : to live together as husband and collegiate
wife - co-hab-i-ta-tion \-,ha-b;l-'tii-sh::ln\ n Col abbr 1 colonel 2 Colorado 3 Colossians
co-here \ko-'hir\ vb co-hered; co-her-inq 1 : to stick to- COL abbr 1 colonel 2 cost of living
gether 2: to become united in principles, relationships, co-l a \'ko-l;l\ n : a carbonated soft drink usu. containing
or interests sugar, caffeine, caramel, and special flavoring
co-her-ence \-;lns\ n + : the quality or state of being co-
col-an-der \'k::l-l::ln-d::lr, 'kii-\ n : a perforated utensil for
draining food
+ balance, consonance, harmony. proportion. symme- 'cold \'kold\ adj 1 + : having a low or decidedly subnormal
try, symphony, unity - more at HARMONY temperature 2 + : lacking warmth of feeling 3: suffering
co-her-ent \ko-'hir-::lnt\ adj 1 : having the quality of co- or uncomfortable from lack of warmth 4: giving the ap-
hering 2 + : logically consistent - co-her-ent-ly adv pearance of being dead : UNCONSCIOUS - adv-
+ analytic, good, logical, rational, reasonable, sensible, cold-ness n - in cold blood: with premeditation: DELIB-
sober, sound, valid - more at LOGICAL ERATELY
co-he-ston \ko-'he-zh::ln \ n 1 +: a sticking together + [1] arctic, bitter, chill, chilly, cool, freezing, frigid,
2 : molecular attraction by which the particles of a body frosty. glacial, icy, nippy, polar, raw, snappy, wintry;
are united - co-he-sive \-siv\ acti - co-he-sive-ly adv - also subfreezing, subzero; cutting, keen, penetrating,
co-he-sive-ness n piercing, sharp; bracing, brisk, crisp, invigorating, rig-
adherence, adhesion - more at ADHESION orous; chilled, cooled, frosted, frozen. iced, refriger-
co-ho \'ko-,ho\ n, pi cohos or coho: a rather small Pacific ated, unheated Ant broiling, burning, fiery, hot, piping
salmon with light-colored flesh hot, red-hot, roasting, scalding, scorching, searing, sul-
co-hort \'ko-,h6rt\ n 1 : a group of warriors or followers try, summery. sweltering, torrid, tropical, warm, warm-
2 + : one that keeps company with another: COMPANION, ing + [2] aloof, antisocial, cool, detached, distant, frosty,
ACCOMPLICE remote, standoffish, unsociable - more at COOL + [2]
+ accomplice, associate, companion, comrade. crony, chill. chilly, cold-blooded, cool, frigid, frosty, glacial.
fellow, mate - more at ASSOCIATE icy, unfriendly, unsympathetic, wintry; also heartless,
coif \'k6if; 2 usu 'kwiif\ n 1 : a close-fitting hat 2: COIF- pitiless, unfeeling; reserved, soulless, undemonstrative,
FURE unemotional, unresponsive; apathetic, indifferent, un-
coifofeur \kwii-'f;lr\ n [F] : HAIRDRESSER enthusiastic, uninterested; aloof, detached, impersonal
coiffeuse \kwii-'f::lrz, -'f::lZ, -'fiiz, -'fyiiz\ n : a female hair- Ant cordial, friendly, genial, hearty, sympathetic, warm,
dresser warm-blooded, warmhearted
colt-ture \kwii-'fyitr\ n : a manner of arranging the hair 2cold n 1 a : a condition marked by low temperature
lcoil \'k6il\ vb + : to wind in a spiral shape b : cold weather 2: a chilly feeling 3: a bodily disorder
curl, entwine, spiral, twine, twist, wind - more at popularly associated with chilling; esp : COMMON COLD
151 collectivism
colc:l--blood-ed \ 'kold-'bl;)-<i;)d\ adj 1 +: lacking normal or as if by a sudden motion or grasp: GRAB 3 + : to take
human feelings 2: having a body temperature not inter- or get control of
nally regulated but close to that of the environment + [2, 3] bag, capture, catch, corral, get, grab, grapple,
3 : sensitive to cold hook, land, nab, seize, snare, trap - more at CATCH
+ callous, hard, heartless, inhuman, inhumane, pitiless, col-tar-bone \-,bon\ n : the bone of the shoulder that joins
soulless, unfeeling, unsympathetic - more at HARD the breastbone and the shoulder blade
+ apathetic, impassive, phlegmatic, stoic, stolid, un- eel-lard \'kli.-I;)rd\n : a stalked smooth-leaved kale - usu.
emotional - more at LMPASSfVE used in pi.
cold feet n pi : doubt or fear that prevents action col-late \k;)-'Iat; 'ka-,Iat, 'ko-\ vb col-lat-ed; col-lat-tnq 1 : to
cold front n : an advancing edge of a cold air mass compare (as two texts) carefully and critically 2: to as-
cold shoulder n +: cold or unsympathetic behavior- semble in proper order
cold-shoulodervb \b-'Ia-t;)-r;)l\ adj 1 : associated but of second-
+ brush-off, rebuff, repulse, snub; also dismissal, rejec- ary importance 2: descended from the same ancestors
tion; banishment, ostracism but not in the same line 3: PARALLEL 4: of, relating to,
cold sore n : a group of fluid-filled blisters appearing in or or being collateral used as security; also: secured by col-
about the mouth in the oral form of herpes simplex lateral
cold sweat n : concurrent perspiration and chill usu. asso- 2collateral n : property (as stocks) used as security for the
ciated with fear, pain, or shock repayment of a loan
'cold turkey n : abrupt complete cessation of the use of an col-te-uon \kli.-'Ia-sh;)n, ko-\ n 1 : a light meal 2: the act,
addictive drug process, or result of collating
2cold turkey adv 1: without a period of adjustment colleague\'ka-,itSg\ n : an associate esp. in a profession
2 : without preparation 'collect \'kli.-likt, -,Iekt\ n : a short prayer comprising an in-
cold war n : a conflict characterized by the use of means vocation, petition, and conclusion
short of sustained overt military action 2collect\k;)-'Iekt\ vb 1 a + : to bring or come together into
cole-slaw \'kol-,sI6\ n [D koolsla, fr. kool cabbage + sla one body or place: GATHER b: to gather or exact from a
salad] : a salad made of raw cabbage number of persons or sources 2 + : to gain control of ('"
col-Ic \'ka-lik\ n 1 : sharp sudden abdominal pain 2: a his thoughts> 3: to receive payment of 4 + : to form a
condition marked by recurrent episodes of crying and ir- layer, heap, or mass - col-lect-ible or col-lect-able adj or
ritability in an otherwise healthy infant - col-icky\'ka-li- n - cot-lec-tor \-'Iek-t;)r\ n
ke\ adi + [la] accumulate, amass, assemble, concentrate, gar-
col-i-se-um \,ka-l;)-'se-;)m\ n + : a large structure esp. for ner, gather, group, lump, pick up, round up, scrape -
athletic contests more at GATHER + [2] calm, compose, control, settle;
+ bowl, circus, stadium - more at STADIUM also allay, lull, quiet, soothe, still, tranquilize + [4] ac-
co-li-tis \k6-'li-t;)s\ n : inflammation of the colon cumulate, conglomerate, gather, heap, pile up; also
col-tab-o-rate \k;)-'Ia-b;)-,rat\ vb -rat-ed; 1 +: to bank, drift, ridge
work jointly with others (as in writing a book) 2: to co- 3collect \k;)-'Iekt\ adv or adj : to be paid for by the receiver
operate with an enemy force occupying one's country - cot-teet-ed\kd-'Iek-t;)d\ adi + : possessed of calmness and
col-lab-o-ra-tive \-'Ia-b;)-,ra-tiv, -b(;)-)r;)-\ adj - col-lab-c- composure often through concentrated effort : SELF"
ra-ter \-'Ia-ba-,ra-t;)r\ n POSSESSED, CALM
+ concert, cooperate, join, team - more at COOPERATE + calm, composed, cool, placid, self-possessed, serene,
col-lab-o-ra-tion \-,Ia-b;)-'ra-sh;)n\ n + : the act of collabo- tranquil, undisturbed, unperturbed, unshaken, untrou-
rating or a situation marked by collaborating bled, unworried - more at CALM
+ affiliation, alliance, association, confederation, con- ccl-tee-tton\k;)-'Iek-sh;)n\ n 1 : the act or process of col-
nection, cooperation, hookup, liaison, partnership, re- lecting (garbage "'> 2 + : something collected (a stamp
lation, relationship, union - more at ASSOCIATION -> 3 + : a number of individuals or objects brought to-
+ cooperation, coordination, teamwork - more at gether as a unit : GROUP
TEAMWORK + [2, 3] accumulation, assemblage, gathering - more
co11 age \b-'Iiizh\ n [F, lit., gluing] : an artistic composi- at ACCUMULATION + [3] array, assemblage, bank, batch,
tion of fragments (as of printed matter) pasted on a sur- block, bunch, clump, cluster, group, huddle, knot, lot,
face package, parcel, set, suite
col.lallen \'ka-I;)-j;)n\ n : any of a group of fibrous proteins tccl-tec-tlve \k;)-'Iek-tiv\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or denoting
widely found in vertebrate connective tissue a group of individuals considered as a whole 2 + : in-
"col-lapse \ka-'Iaps\ vb col-lapsed: 1 + : to fall volving all members of a group as distinct from its indi-
or shrink together abruptly 2: to break down completely viduals 3 + : shared or assumed by all members of the
: DISINTEGRATE; also: to fall in : give way 3 a : to break group
down physically or mentally; esp : to fall helpless or un- [2, 3] common, communal, concerted, conjoint,
conscious b: to suddenly lose force, significance, effec- joint, mutual, public, united; also cooperative, recipro-
tiveness, or worth 4: to fold down compactly - col-laps- cal, symbiotic; mass, popular; general, generic, univer-
ible adi sal Ant individual, single, sole
+ cave in, crumple, give, go, yield; also deflate, flatten, 2collective n 1 : GROUP 2: a cooperative unit or organiza-
melt; break, break down, conk (out), crash, die, fail, tion
give out, stall; burst, shatter, smash; crack, pop, snap collective bargaining n : negotiation between an employer
2collapse n : sudden failure: a failure to function and a labor union
+ burnout, exhaustion, fatigue, lassitude, prostration, col-lec-tlve-ty \k;)-'Iek-tiv-Ie\ adv + : in a collective sense or
tiredness, weariness - more at FATIGUE + crash, crop- manner
per, defeat, failure, fizzle, nonsuccess - more at FAIL- all around, altogether, overall, together - more at
"col-lar \'kit-Idr\ n 1 : a band, strip, or chain worn around col-lec-tiv-ise chiefly Brit var of COLLECTIVIZE
the neck or the neckline of a garment 2: something re- col-lec-tiv-ism \k;)-'Iek-ti-,vi-z;)m\ n : a political or eco-
sembling a collar - col-lar-less adj nomic theory advocating collective control esp. over pro-
2collar vb 1 : to seize by the collar 2 + : to take or seize by duction and distribution
collectivization 152

col-tec-tlv-lze \-,viz\ vb -ized; : to organize under col- col-tu-sion \ka-'Iii-zhan\ n + : secret agreement or cooper-
lective control- col-lec-tlv-l-za-tlon \-,Iek-ti-va-'za-sh:m\ ation for an illegal or deceitful purpose - col-lu-sive
n \-siv\ adj
cot-teen \ka-'Ien, 'ka-,Ien\ n : an Irish girl + connivance, conspiracy; also chicanery, foul play,
col-leqe \'ka-Iij\ n [ME, endowed body of clergy or schol- skulduggery (or skullduggery); double-dealing, duplic-
ars, fro AF, fro L col/egium society, fro col/ega colleague, fro ity; cover-up, frame-up; intrigue, plot, scheme
com- with + legare to depute] 1 : a building used for an Colo abbr Colorado
educational or religious purpose 2: an institution of co-Iogne \ka-'Ion\ n [Cologne, Germany] : a perfumed liq-
higher learning or division of a university granting a uid - co-log ned \-'Iond\ adj
bachelor's degree; also: an institution offering instruction ce-rcm-bl-an \k:>-'I:>m-be-an\ n : a native or inhabitant of
esp. in a vocational or technical field <barber ~) Colombia - Colombian adj
3 + : an organized body of persons having common inter- 'co-Ion \'ko-Ian\ n, pi colons or co-la \-Ia\ : the part of the
ests or duties <~ of cardinals) - col-le-qiate \ka-'Ie-jat\ large intestine extending from the cecum to the rectum
al(j - co-lon-ic \ko-'Ia-nik\ adj
+ association, brotherhood, club, congress, council, fel- 2colon n, pi colons : a punctuation mark : used esp. to di-
lowship, fraternity, guild, institute, institution, league, rect attention to following matter (as a list)
order, organization, society - more at ASSOCIATION col-o-nel \'karn-'l\ n [alter. of coronel, fro MF, fro It colon- \b-,Ie-je-'a-Ia-te\ n : the relationship of col- nel/o column of soldiers, colonel, ultim. fr. L columna] : a
leagues commissioned officer (as in the army) ranking next below
col-le-qlan \ka-'Ie-jan\ n : a college student or recent col- a brigadier general
lege graduate tco-to-ntat \ka-'lo-ne-al\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or character-
col-le-ql-urn \ka-'Ie-ge-am, -'Ia-\ n, pi -gia \-ge-a\ or -giums istic of a colony; also: possessing or composed of colonies
: a group in which each member has approximately equal 2 often cap : of or relating to the original 13 colonies
power forming the U.S.
cot-ude \ka-'lid\ vb col-lid-ed: 1 + : to come to- 2colonial n : a member or inhabitant of a colony
gether with solid impact 2 +: to come into conflict co-lo-nlat-ism \-:>-,li-z:lm\ n : control by one power over a
: CLASH dependent area or people; also : a policy advocating or
+ [1] bang, bash, bump, crash, hit, impact, knock, ram, based on such control - co-lo-ntal-lst \-list\ n or adj
slam, smash, strike, swipe, thud - more at HIT col-o-nise Brit var of COLONIZE
+ [2] clash, conflict, jar - more at CLASH col-o-nist \'ka-I:>-nist\ n 1 + : a member or inhabitant of a
colony : COLONIAL 2 + : one that colonizes or settles in a
col-tld-er \ka-'li-dar\ n : a particle accelerator in which two
new country
beams of particles are made to collide
col-lle \'ka-Ie\ n : any of a breed of large dogs developed in + [I, 2] frontiersman, homesteader, pioneer, settler-
Scotland for herding sheep that occur in rough-coated
and smooth-coated varieties col-o-nize \'ka-I:>-,niz\ vb -nized; 1 : to establish a
col-tier \'kal-yar\ n 1 : a coal miner 2 : a ship for carrying colony in or on 2: SETTLE - ccl-o-nl-za-tlon \,ka-I:>-n:>-
'zii-sh:>n\ n
col-o-niz-er n : one that colonizes or settles in a new coun-
col-liery Vkal-yo-re', n, pi -lieries : a coal mine and its as-
sociated buildings
col-li-mate \'ka-Ia-,miit\ vb -mat-ed; -mat-lnq : to make (as col-on-nade \,ka-I:>-'nad\ n : an evenly spaced row of
columns usu. supporting the base of a roof structure
light rays) parallel
co-lo-nos-co-py \,ko-I:>-'nas-k:>-pe\ n, pi -pies: endoscopic
col-li-sion \ka-'Ii-zhan\ n + : an act or instance of colliding
examination of the colon - co-ton-o-scope \ko-'Ia-na-
+ bump, concussion, crash, impact, jar, jolt, shock, ,skop\ n
smash, strike, wallop - more at IMPAGr + crack-up,
col-o-ny \'ka-I:>-ne\ n, pl-nies 1 : a body of people living in
crash, smash, wreck - more at CRASH
a new territory; also: the territory inhabited by these peo-
cel-lo-ca-tion \,ka-Ia-'kii-shan\ n : the act or result of plac- ple 2: a localized population of organisms <a - of bees)
ing or arranging together; esp : a noticeable arrangement 3 : a group with common interests situated in close asso-
or conjoining of linguistic elements (as words) ciation <a writers' -); also: the area occupied by such a
cot-lotd \'ka-,16id\ n : a substance in the form of submicro- group
scopic particles that when in solution or suspension do col-o-phon \'ka-I:>-f:>n, -,fan\ n 1 : an inscription placed at
not settle out; also : such a substance together with the the end of a book with facts relative to its production
medium in which it is dispersed - col-lol-dat \k:l-'16id-'1\ 2 : a distinctive symbol used by a printer or publisher
adj 'col-or or Can and Brit col-our \'k:>-I:>r\ n 1 + : a phenome-
colloq abbr colloquial non of light (as red or blue) or visual perception that en-
eel-to-qui-at \k:l-'Io-kwe-:ll\ adi + : of, relating to, or char- ables one to differentiate otherwise identical objects; also
acteristic of conversation and esp. of familiar and infor- : a hue as contrasted with black, white, or gray 2: AP-
mal conversation PEARANCE 3: complexion tint 4 pi : an identifying
conversational, informal, nonliterary, vernacular, badge, pennant, or flag; also: military service <a call to
vulgar; also nonstandard, substandard, uneducated; the -s) 5: VlVlDNESS, INTEREST 6 + : something used to
slang, slangy Ant bookish, formal, learned, literary give color
col-lo-qul-al-lsm \-'Io-kwe-:l-,Ii-zam\ n : a colloquial expres- + [1] cast, hue, shade, tinge, tint, tone; also comple-
sion mentary color, primary color, secondary color; bright-
col-lo-qui-um \ka-'Io-kwe-am\ n, pi -qui-ums or -quia \-:1\ ness, saturation, value; coloration, coloring usu
: CONFERENCE, SEMINAR colors [4] banner, ensign, flag, jack, pennant, standard,
col-lo-quy Vka-la-kwe', n. pi -quies + : a uSU. formal con- streamer - more at FLAG [6] dye, pigment, stain-
versation or conference more at PIGMENT
+ forum, panel, parley, powwow, seminar, symposium 2color or Can and Brit colour vb 1 a + : to give color to
- more at FORUM argument, conference, delibera- b : to change the color of (as by dyeing, staining, or
tion, discourse, discussion, give-and-take, parley, talk painting) 2 : to become red in the face : BLUSH 3 : to
- more at DISCUSSION give a false or misleading representation of the facts
153 combine
+ [la, lb) dye, paint, stain, tinge, tint; also brighten, base 3: something resembling a column <a - of water)
lighten; darken, tone (down); daub + [2) bloom, blush, 4 + : a long row (as of soldiers) - co-lum-nar\k;)-'I;)m-
crimson, flush, glow, redden - more at BLUSH n;)r\ adj
+ [3) distort, falsify, garble, misinterpret, misrepresent, + [2) pier, pillar, post, stanchion - more at PILLAR
misstate, pervert, twist, warp - more at GARBLE + [4) cue, file, line, queue, range, string, train - more
+ [3) elaborate, embroider, exaggerate, magnify, pad, at LINE
stretch - more at EMBROIDER col-um-nist \'ka-I;)m-nist\ n : a person who writes a news-
cot-o-re-eo potato beetle \,ka-l;)-'ra-do-, -'ra-\ n : a black. paper or magazinecolumn
and-yellowstriped beetle that feeds on the leaves of the com abbr 1 comedy; comic 2 comma 3 commercial or-
potato ganization
col-or-ation \,k;)-I;)-'ra-sh;)n\ n : use or arrangement of col- co-ma\'ko-m;)\ n : a state of deep unconsciousnesscaused
ors by disease, injury, or poison - co-ma-tose\'ko-m;)-,tos,
col-or-a-tu-ra \,k;)-I;)-r;)-'tur-;), -'tyur-\ n 1 : elaborate orna- 'ka-\ adj
mentation in vocal music 2: a soprano specializing in Co-man-che\ka-'man-che\ n, pi Comancheor Comanches
coloratura : a member of an American Indian people ranging from
col-or-blind or Can and Brit col-our-blind\'b-l;)r-,blInd\ Wyomingand Nebraska south into New Mexico and Texas
adi 1 : partially or totally unable to distinguish one or 'comb \'kom\ n 1 : a toothed instrument for arranging the
more chromatic colors 2: not influenced by differences hair or for separating and cleaning textile fibers 2: a
of race - col-orblind-nessn fleshy crest on the head of a fowl 3: HONEYCOMB-
col-oredor Can and Brit col-oured \'k;)-I;)rd\ adj 1 : having combed Vkomd', adj
color 2: SLANTED, BIASED 2comb vb 1 : to draw a comb through for the purpose of ar-
col-or-tast or Can and Brit col-our-fast \'k;)-I;)r-,fast\ adj ranging or cleaning 2: to pass across with a scraping or
: having color that does not fade or run - col-or-fast- raking action 3: to eliminate (as with a comb) by a thor-
ness n ough going-over 4: to search or examine systematically
col-or-ful or Can and Brit col-our-fuladj + : having striking 3comb abbr combination; combining
colors 'com-bat \'kiim-,bat\ n + : a fight or contest between indi-
multicolored (or multicoloured), variegated; also viduals or groups
brave, bright, brilliant, gay; flashy, garish, gaudy, loud, + battle, conflict, confrontation, contest, duel, face-off,
showy; deep, rich, unbleached Ant colorless; mono- rivalry, struggle, tug-of-war, warfare - more at CON-
chromatic TEST + battle, clash, conflict, contest, fight, fracas, fray,
col-or-ize or Can col-our-lzeor Brit -ise \'k;)-I;)-,riz\ vb hassle, scrap, scrimmage, scuffle, skirmish, struggle,
-ized; -iz-ing : to add color to by means of a computer - tussle - more at FIGHT
col-or-i-za-tion\,k;)-I;)-r;)-'za-sh;)n\ n 2combat \k;)m-'bat, 'kiim-,bat\ vb -bat-ed or -bat-ted: -bat-
ect-or-lees or Can and Brit col-our-tess adi +: lacking ing or -bat-tlnq 1 +: to fight with : FIGHT, CONTEND
color 2 + : to struggle against: OPPOSE 3: to engage in battle
+ uncolored (or uncoloured, unpainted, white; also during war - com-bat-ant \k;)m-'bat-'nt, 'kiim-b;)-t;)nt\ n
clear, limpid, liquid, lucent, pellucid, transparent; + battle, contend, counter, fight, oppose - more at
bleached, faded, washed;dull, faint, gray, neutral, pale, FIGHT
pallid Ant colored, dyed, painted, stained, tinged, tinted combat fatigue n : a traumatic psychologicalreaction oc-
co-los-sal\k;)-'la-s;)l\ adi + : of very great size or degree curring under wartime conditions (as combat) that cause
+ astronomical, enormous, giant, gigantic, ginormous, intense stress
grand, huge, mammoth, massive, monumental, tremen- com-bat-ive vkom-tba-tiv', adj + : marked by eagerness to
dous fight or contend
Co-los-sians \k;)-'Hi-sh;)nz\ n : a book of the New Testa- + aggressive, argumentative,bellicose, belligerent, con-
ment of Christian Scripture tentious, discordant, disputatious, militant, pugnacious,
co-los-sus \b-'Ia-s;)s\ n, pi co-los-s!\-,si\ [L) 1 : a gigantic quarrelsome, scrappy, truculent, warlike - more at
statue 2 + : something of great size or scope BELLIGERENT
+ behemoth, blockbuster, giant, jumbo, leviathan, comb-er\'ko-m;)r\ n 1 : one that combs 2: a long curling
mammoth, monster, titan, whale, whopper - more at wave of the sea
GIANT com-bi-na-tion \,kam-b;)-'na-sh;)n\ n 1 a + : a result or
col-ourCan and Brit var of COLOR product of combining b + : an alliance of individuals,
col-por-teur\'kal-,pOr-t;)r\ n [F) : a peddler of religious corporations, or states united to achieve a social, politi-
books cal, or economic end c + : two or more persons working
colt \'kolt\ n 1 : FOAL; also: a young male horse, ass, or ze- as a team 2: a sequence of letters or numbers chosen in
bra 2: a young untried person setting a lock 3 a + : the act or process of combining
colt-ishadj + : full of play: inclined to friskiness or liveli- b : the quality or state of being combined
ness + [La] admixture, amalgam, blend, composite, com-
+ antic, elfish, fay, frisky, frolicsome, playful, sportive pound, fusion, intermixture, mix, mixture - more at
- more at PLAYFUL BLEND + [Ib] alliance, bloc, coalition, combine, confed-
col-um-bine \'ka-bm-,bjn\ n [ME, fro AF, fro ML eracy, confederation, federation, league, union - more
columbina, fro L, fern. of columbinus dovelike, fro at CONFEDERACY. [lb, Ic] bloc, body, coalition, com-
columba dove] : any of a genus of plants with showy bine, faction, party, sect, set, side, wing [3a) connec-
spurred flowers that are related to the buttercups tion, consolidation, coupling, junction, unification,
co-tum-bl-um\k;)-'I;)m-be-;)m\ n : NIOBIUM union - more at UNION
Columbus Day \k;)-'I;)m-b;)s-\ n : the 2d Monday in Octo- 'com-bine \k;)m-'bin\ vb com-bined; comobin-ing 1 : to
ber or formerly October 12 observed as a legal holiday in become one: UNITE 2 + : to cause (as two or more things
many states in commemoration of the landing of Colum- or ideas) to mix together
bus + [1) associate, coalesce, conjoin, connect, couple,
col-umn\'ka-I;)m\ n 1 : one of two or more vertical sec- fuse, join, link, marry, unify, unite - more at UNITE
tions of a printed page; also: one in a usu. regular series + [2] amalgamate, blend, commingle, fuse, incorpo-
of articles (as in a newspaper) 2 + : a supporting pillar; rate, integrate, intermingle, merge, mingle, mix-
esp : one consisting of a usu. round shaft, a capital, and a more at MIX
combine 154

.com.bine \'kiim-,bin\ n 1 + : a combination esp. of busi- come down vb 1 : to lose or fall in estate or condition 2
ness or political interests 2: a machine that harvests and a : to pass by tradition b: to pass from a usu. high source
threshes grain while moving over a field 3 : to reduce itself : AMOUNT (it comes down to this)
+ alliance, bloc, coalition, combination, confederacy, 4 + : to become ill (come down with measles)
confederation, federation, league, union - more at + catch, contract, get, sicken. take - more at CON-
CONFEDERACY + cartel, combination, syndicate, trust - TRACT
more at CARTEL + bloc, body, coalition, combination, com-e-dy Vka-rna-de', n, pi -dies [ME, narrative that ends
faction, party, sect, set, side, wing happily. fro ML comoedia, fro L, play with a happy ending,
comb-ings \'ko-mil)z\ n pi : loose hairs or fibers removed fr. Gk komoidia, fro komos revel + aeidein to sing] 1 : a
by a comb light amusing play with a happy ending 2: a literary
combining form n : a linguistic form that occurs only in work treating a comic theme or written in a comic style
compounds or derivatives 3 + : humorous entertainment - co-rne-dlc \ka-'me-dik\
com-bo \'kiim-bo\ n, pi combos : a small jazz or dance adj
band + farce, humor (or humour). slapstick; also burlesque,
com-bus-tl-ble vkom-tbcs-to-bal', adj + : capable of being parody, satire; banter, persiflage. wit; foolery, fun,
burned - com-bus-ti-bil-l-ty \-,bas-ta-'bi-Ia-te\ n - com- horseplay, monkeyshines, shenanigans
bustible n corne-ll-ness n + : the condition of being comely esp. with
+ flammable, ignitable, inflammable; also explosive. in- respect to grace or beauty of external form
cendiary Ant fireproof. incombustible. noncombustible, + attractiveness, beauty, handsomeness, looks, loveli-
nonflammable. noninflammable ness, prettiness - more at BEAUTY
com-bus-tion \kam-'bas-chan\ n 1 : an act or instance of come-Iy \'bm-Ie\ adj come-li-er; -est : having a pleasing
burning 2: slow oxidation (as in the animal body) appearance: ATTRACTIVE, HANDSOME
comdg abbr commanding come off vb : SUCCEED
comdr abbr commander come-on \'ka-,mon, -,man\ n : INDUCEMENT, LURE
comdt abbr commandant come out vb 1 a + : to come into view b + : to become
come \'kam\ vb came \'kiim\; come; \'ka-mil)\ public 2: to declare oneself 3 + : to tum out in an out-
1 + : to move toward something: APPROACH 2 + : to arrive come: end up : TURN OUT 5 (everything came out all
at a particular place. end, result, or conclusion : ARRIVE right) - come out with: SAY 1
3 : to reach the point of being or becoming (~ to a boil) + [la] appear. materialize, show up, tum up - more at
4 a + : to reach a total: add up : AMOUNT <the bill came to APPEAR + [Ib] get out, leak out. out, spread - more at
$10) b + : to be equal or nearly equal in or at the end GET OUT + [3] pan out. prove, tum out; also develop,
5 + : to come to pass: take place 6: ORIGINATE, ARISE emerge, evolve. play out. unfold, work out
7 : to be available 8: REACH, EXTEND - come across com-er \'ka-mar\ n 1 : one that comes (all ~s) 2: a
1 : to make a specified impression (came across as rude) promising beginner
2 : to find esp, by chance (came across an intriguing come round vb 1 : to change direction 2 + : to recover
story) - come clean : CONFESS - come into : ACQUIRE, consciousness 3 + : to accede to a particular opinion or
ACHIEVE - come of age: MATURE - come to grips with
course of action
: to meet or deal with frankly - come to pass: HAPPEN -
come to terms: to reach an agreement
+ [2J come around. come to. revive - more at COME TO
+ [3] accede, acquiesce, agree, assent. consent. sub-
+ [1] advance, approach, near; also drop (in). enter, scribe (to) - more at ACCEDE
pop (in) Ant go, retreat, withdraw + [2] arrive, land.
'cOomes.ti.ble \ka-'mes-ta-bal\ adj : EDIBLE
show up, tum up; also hit. make, reach; pull (in). touch
comestible n : FOOD - usu. used in pi.
down; debark, disembark; barge (in), breeze (in). burst
com-et \'kii-mat\ n [ME comete, fr. OE cometa, fro L, fro Gk
(in or into), waltz (in) Ant go + usu come to [4a, 4b] add
kometes, lit., long-haired, fr. kome hair] : a small bright
up, amount, equal. number. sum. total - more at
celestial body that develops a long tail when near the sun
AMOUNT (TO) + [5] be, befall. betide. chance, go, hap-
come to vb + : to regain consciousness
pen, occur, pass, transpire - more at HAPPEN
come around vb 1 : to come round 2 + : to recover con- + come around, come round. revive; also pull through,
sciousness rally. recover; awake. awaken, wake up
come-up-pance \ka-'ma-pans\ n : a deserved rebuke or
+ come round, come to. revive - more at COME TO
come-back \'bm-,bak\ n 1 + : a sharp or witty reply: RE- corn-tit \'kam-fat\ n : a candied fruit or nut
TORT 2 + : a return to a former position or condition - 'comfort \'kam-fart\ vb 1 + : to give strength and hope to
come back vb 2 + : to ease the grief or trouble of : CONSOLE
+ [1] repartee. retort. riposte - more at RETORT + [1J buoy (up), cheer. embolden, encourage, hearten,
+ [1] answer, reply, response. retort, return - more at inspire, steel- more at ENCOURAGE + [2] assure. cheer,
ANSWER + [2] convalescence, rally, recovery, recupera- console, reassure, solace, soothe; also commiserate,
tion, rehabilitation - more at CONVALESCENCE condole. sympathize; boost, buoy (up), elevate, lift, up-
come by vb + : to make a brief visit lift; allay, alleviate, assuage, relieve; calm, quiet, relax,
+ call, drop (by or in). pop (in), stop (by or in), visit - tranquilize Ant distress, torment, torture, trouble
more at CALL .comfort n 1 : the act or an instance of consoling: the state
co-me-di-an \ka-'me-de-an\ n 1: an actor in comedy of being consoled 2 + : freedom from pain. trouble, or
2 + : a comic person; esp : an entertainer specializing in anxiety 3 + : something that consoles : something that
comedy gives freedom or ease 4 + : one that gives or brings com-
+ card, comic, humorist, jester. joker, wag. wit - more fort (all the ~s of home)
at HUMORIST + [2] alleviation, ease, relief - more at EASE
co-me-di-enne \-,me-de-'en\ n : a woman who is a come- + [2J cheer, consolation, relief, solace; also encourage-
dian ment, inspiration, uplift; assurance, reassurance; allevi-
comeodown \'kam-,dalin\ n + : a descent in rank or dignity ation. mitigation; contentment. gladness, happiness;
+ decline, descent, down, downfall, fall; also break- commiseration, empathy, sympathy + [3, 4J amenity,
down, collapse, crash, meltdown, ruin, undoing; defeat. convenience, luxury; also extra; benefit, help, service;
disappointment. reversal. setback; bottom, nadir Ant delight, indulgence, joy, pleasure Ant burden. millstone,
aggrandizement. ascent. exaltation, rise, up weight
155 comment
com-tort-able \'kOlm-fOlr-tOl-bOlI, 'kOlmf-tOlr-\ adj 1 +: pro- area or position that one commands 6: a position of
viding comfort or security 2 + : feeling at ease 3 + : af- highest authority
fording an ease with money and a secure way of living + [I] behest, charge, commandment, decree, dictate,
without great wealth - com-tort-ably \-ble\ adv direction, directive, edict, instruction, order, word; also
+ [I] easy, snug, soft; also relaxing, reposeful, restful; demand, requirement; injunction, mandate; law, pre-
genial, hospitable, inviting, pleasant; commodious, cept, rule; ordinance, regulation, statute + [2a] arm,
roomy, spacious; homely, homey Ant uncomfortable authority, clutch, control, dominion, grip, hold, mas-
+ [2] content, contented, peaceful, pleased, relaxed, tery, power, sway - more at POWER
untroubled Ant uncomfortable + [3] abundant, ample, corn-man-dant \'ka-mOln-,dant, -,dant\ n : an officer in
bountiful, generous, liberal, plentiful- more at PLEN- command
TIFUL com-man-deer \,ka-mOln-'dir\ vb + : to take possession of
com-tett-er \'kOlm-fOlr-tOlr\ n 1 : one that comforts 2: QUILT by force
comforting adj + : providing or intended to provide com- + appropriate, arrogate, preempt, usurp - more at AP-
+ encouraging, gratifying, heartening, heartwarming, com-mand-er \kOl-'man-dOlr\ n 1 a + : one in an official po-
rewarding, satisfying - more at HEARTWARMING sition of command or control b + : an officer command-
+ dreamy, narcotic, sedative, soothing - more at ing an army or subdivision of an army 2: a
SOOTHING commissioned officer in the navy ranking next below a
com-fy \'kOlm-fe\ adj : COMFORTABLE captain
'comic Vka-mikv adj 1 : relating to comedy or comic strips + [la, Ib] captain; also commissioned officer
2 : provoking laughter or amusement com-mand-ment \kOl-'mand-mOlnt\ n + : something that is
2comic n 1 + : a comical individual esp, a professional en- commanded: COMMAND, ORDER; esp : any of the Ten Com-
tertainer who uses any of various physical or verbal mandments
means to be amusing: COMEDIAN 2pl: the part of a news- + behest, charge, command, decree, dictate, direction,
paper devoted to comic strips directive, edict, instruction, order, word - more at
+ card, comedian, humorist, jester, joker, wag, wit- COMMAND
more at HUMORlST command module n : a space vehicle module designed to
corn-l-eal adi + : causing laughter carry the crew and reentry equipment
+ antic, comic, droll, farcical, funny, hilarious, humor- com-man-do \kOl-'man-do\ n, pi -dos or -does: a member
ous, hysterical, laughable, ludicrous, ridiculous, ri- of a military unit trained for surprise raids
otous, risible, screaming, uproarious - more at FUNNY command sergeant major n : a noncommissioned officer in
+ absurd, derisive, farcical, laughable, ludicrous, pre- the army ranking above a sergeant major
posterous, ridiculous, risible, silly - more at RlDICU- com-mem-o-rate \kOl-'me-mOl-,rat\ vb -rat-ed; -rat-Inq 1 : to
LOUS call or recall to mind 2 : to serve as a memorial of 3 + : to
comic book n : a magazine containing sequences of comic mark by some ceremony or observation: OBSERVE-
strips com-mern-o-ra-tlon \-,me-mOl-'ra-shOln\ n
comic strip n + : a group of cartoons in narrative sequence + celebrate, keep, observe - more at KEEP
+ cartoon; also comic book, funny paper(s); animated com-mem-o-ra-tive \kOl-'mem-rOl-tiv, -'me-mOl-,ra-tiv\ adj
cartoon, animation; caricature : intended to commemorate an event
coming \'kOl-miJ)\ adj 1 + : immediately due in sequence com-mence \kOl-'mens\ vb com-menced: com-menc-ing
or development: APPROACHING, NEXT 2: gaining impor- + : to have or make a beginning: BEGIN, START
tance + arise, begin, dawn, form, materialize, originate,
+ forthcoming, imminent, impending, oncoming, pend- spring, start - more at BEGIN + begin, embark (on or
ing - more at FORTHCOMING + following, next, suc- upon), enter, get off, launch, open, start, strike - more
ceeding - more at NEXT at BEGIN
co-mi-ty \'ka-mOl-te, 'ko-\ n, pi -ties : friendly civility com-mence-ment \-mOlnt\ n 1 + : the act or time of a be-
: COURTESY ginning 2: the graduation exercises of a school or college
coml abbr commercial + beginning, birth, dawn, genesis, launch, morning, on-
comm abbr 1 command; commander 2 commerce; com- set, outset, start, threshold - more at BEGINNING
mercial 3 commission; commissioner 4 committee com-mend \kOl-'mend\ vb 1 +: to entrust for care or
5 common 6 commonwealth preservation 2: RECOMMEND 3: PRAISE - com-mend-ably
cern-rna \'ka-ma\ n : a punctuation mark, used esp. as a \-ble\ adv - com-men-da-tion \,ka-mOln-'da-shan, -,men-\
mark of separation within the sentence n - com-mend-er n
'command \kOl-'mand\ vb 1 +: to direct authoritatively + commit, consign, delegate, deliver, entrust, give,
: ORDER 2 : to exercise a dominating influence over hand over, leave, pass, transfer, transmit, trust, turn
: have command of 3 : to overlook from a strategic posi- over, vest - more at GIVE
tion 4 + : to demand or receive as one's due <~s a high cern-mend-able \-'men-dOl-bal\ adj +: worthy of being
fee) commended
+ [I] bid, boss, charge, direct, enjoin, instruct, order, + admirable, creditable, laudable, meritorious, praise-
tell; also ask, petition, request; beg, beseech, entreat; worthy - more at ADMIRABLE
advise, counsel, warn; appoint, assign, authorize, com- corn-men-da-tion \,ka-mOln-'da-shan, -,men-\ n + : the act
mission; oversee, superintend, supervise; conduct, con- of commending : the expression of approval
trol, lead, manage; coerce, compel, constrain, force, + accolade, citation, encomium, eulogy, homage, paean,
oblige, require Ant mind, obey + [2] boss, captain, con- panegyric, salutation, tribute - more at ENCOMIUM
trol, govern, preside, rule - more at GOVERN cern-men-su-ra-ble \ka-'men-sOl-rOl-bOlI\ adj : having a com-
+ [2] dominate, head, lead, spearhead - more at LEAD mon measure or a common divisor
+ [4] ask, charge, demand - more at CHARGE cern-men-au-rate \kOl-'men-sOl-rOlt, -'men-chOl-\ adj : equal in
2command n 1 + : an order given 2 a + : ability to control measure or extent; also : PROPORTIONAL, CORRESPONDING
: MASTERY b: facility in use <a good e-- of French) 3 : the <a job r--> with her abilities)
act of commanding 4: a signal that actuates a device (as com-ment \'ka-,ment\ n 1 +: an expression of opinion
a computer); also: the activation of a device by means of 2 + : an explanatory, illustrative, or critical note or ob-
a signal 5 a : a body of troops under a commander b: an servation : REMARK
comment 156
note, observation, reflection, remark - more at RE- assign, charge, entrust, trust - more at ENTRUST
MARK accredit, authorize, certify, delegate, empower, en-
comment vb : to explain or interpret something by com- able, invest, license, qualify - more at AUTHORIZE. ap-
ment : OBSERVE point, assign, attach, constitute, designate, detail, name
note, observe, opine, remark - more at REMARK - more at APPOINT
com-men-tary\'ka-m;Jn-,ter-e\ n, pl-tar.ies : a systematic commissioned officer n : an officer of the armed forces
series of comments holding rank by a commission from the president
analysis,comment, exposition;also annotation, explica- com-mls-slon-er \k;J-'mi-sh;J-n;Jr\ n 1 : a member of a com-
tion; note, observation, remark; report, review,write-up mission 2: an official in charge of a department of pub-
lic service 3, the administrative head of a professional
com-men-ta-ter\-,ta-t;Jr\ n , one who comments; esp : a per- sport - corn-mts-ston-er-shtpn
son who discusses news events on radio or television com-mit \k;J-'mit\ vb com-mit-ted: corn-mlt-tinq1 a : to put
com-merce \'ka-(,)m;Jrs\ n : the buying and selling of into charge or trust: ENTRUST b : to put into a place for
commodities: TRADE disposal or safekeeping 2 : to put in a prison or mental
business, marketplace, trade, traffic; also free trade; institution 3: TRANSFER, CONSIGN 4 : to carry into ac-
dealings; merchandising, retailing, wholesaling; barter- tion <~ a crime) 5 : to pledge or assign to some par-
ing ticular course or use - com-mit-taln
tcem-mer-ctat \k;J-'m;Jr-sh;Jl\adj 1 : having to do with com-
merce 2: designed for profit or for mass appeal - com- [Ib] commend, consign, delegate, deliver, entrust,
give, hand over, leave, pass, transfer, transmit, trust,
mer-clal-ly adv
tum over, vest - more at GIVE [2] confine, immure,
'commercial n : an advertisement broadcast on radio or tel- imprison, jail - more at IMPRISON [4] accomplish,
com-mer-clal-ise Brit var of COMMERCIALIZE
achieve, carry out, compass, do, execute, follow
com-mer-clel-tsm\k;J-'m;Jr-sh;J-,li-z;Jm\ n 1: a spirit, through, fulfill, make, perform - more at PERFORM
method, or practice characteristic of business 2: exces- [5] engage, pledge, troth - more at PLEDGE
sive emphasis on profit com-mlt-mentn : an agreement or pledge to do some-
ccm-mer-clal-lzeor Brit com-mer-clal-tse \-,liz\ vb -ized; -iz- thing in the future
ing 1 : to manage on a business basis for profit 2 : to ex- burden, charge, duty, need, obligation, responsibility
ploit for profit - more at OBLIGATION
com-ml-na-ttcn \,ka-m;J-'nii-sh;Jn\ n : DENUNCIATION- corn-rnlt-tee \k;J-'mi-te\ n : a body of persons selected to
com-mi-na-to-ryVka-ma-na-jtor-e', acij consider and act or report on some matter - cern-mit-
com-mm-qte\k;J-'mil)-g;Jl\ vb : to mingle or mix together tee-man \-m;Jn\ n - cern-mit-tee-wom-an \-,wU-m;Jn\ n
, MINGLE, BLEND commo abbr commodore
amalgamate, blend, combine, fuse, incorporate, inte- com-mode \k;J-'mod\ n [F, fro commode, adj., suitable,
grate, intermingle, merge, mingle, mix - more at MIX convenient, fro L commodus, fro com- with + modus meas-
com-mis-er-ate\k;J-'mi-z;J-,riit\ vb -at-ed; -at-lnq : to feel ure] 1, a movable washstand with cupboard below
or express pity: SYMPATHIZE 2: TOILET 3
bleed, feel, pity, sympathize - more at PITY com-mo-dt-ous \k;J-'mo-de-;Js\ adj .: comfortably spa-
com-mls-er-a-tion \-,mi-z:r'ra-sh:m\ n : the act of commis- cious : ROOMY
erating : the feelingor showingof sorrow or the expression ample, capacious, roomy, spacious - more at SPA-
of condolence for the wants or distressesof another CIOUS
charity, compassion, feeling, heart, humanity, kindli- com-mod-i-ty\k;J-'ma-d;J-te\ n, pi -ties 1: a product of
ness, kindness, mercy, pity, sympathy - more at HEART agriculture or mining 2 : an article of commerce - of-
corn-mls-sar \'ka-m;J-,siir\ n [Russ komissar] : a Commu- ten used in pI. 3: something useful or valued <that valu-
nist party official able ~ patience)
com-mls-sar-i-at \,ka-m;J-'ser-e-;Jt\ n 1 : a system for sup- usu commodities merchandise, wares - more at
plying troops with food 2: a department headed by a MERCHANDISE
commissar com-mo-dore\'ka-m;J-,dor\ n 1 : a commissioned officer in
corn-mls-sary\'ka-m:r,ser-e\n, pl-saroies 1 : a store for equip- the navy ranking next below a rear admiral 2: an officer
ment and provisionsesp. for militarypersonnel 2 . one del- commanding a group of merchant ships 3: the chief of-
egated by a superior to execute a duty or an office ficer of a yacht club
agent, attorney, delegate, deputy, envoy, factor, teem-men \'ka-m;Jn\ adj 1 : belonging to or serving the
proxy, representative - more at AGENT community: PUBLIC 2 : shared by a number in a group
'com-mission \k:r'mi-sh;Jn\ n 1 : a warrant granting cer- 3 : widely or generally known, found, or observed: FA-
tain powers and imposing certain duties; also : the fact of MILIAR <~ knowledge) 4: VERNACULAR 3 <'" names of
granting these powers or duties 2: a certificate conferring plants) 5.: not above the average esp. in social status
military rank and authority 3 : authority to act as agent 6 : lacking refinement: COARSE 7 : faIling below or-
for another; also: something to be done by an agent 4: a dinary standards
body of persons charged with performing a duty 5 : the [1] blanket, general, generic, global, overall, public,
doing of some act; also : the thing done 6: the allowance universal - more at GENERAL. [2] collective, commu-
made to an agent for transacting business for another nal, concerted, conjoint, joint, mutual, public, united
[1] authorization, delegation, license (or licence), - more at COLLECTIVE. [3] commonplace, customary,
mandate; also commendation, consignment; fostering, everyday, familiar, frequent, normal, ordinary, regular,
promotion; commanding, directing, ordering [3] ap- routine, standard, usual Ant extraordinary, infrequent,
pointment, assignment, designation - more at APPOINT- rare, uncommon, unfamiliar, unusual. [5] humble, ig-
MENT [5] accomplishment, achievement, discharge, noble, inferior, low, lowly, mean, plebeian, vulgar-
enactment, execution, fulfillment, implementation, per- more at IGNOBLE [6] coarse, crass, crude, gross, ill=
formance; also dispatch, expedition; administration, di- bred, low, rough, rude, tasteless, uncouth, uncultivated,
rection, handling, management; application, operation, uncultured, unpolished, unrefined, vulgar - more at
practice Ant nonfulfillment, nonperformance COARSE [7] fair, indifferent, mediocre, medium, mid-
'commission vb 1 : to give a commission to 2: to order dling, ordinary, passable, run-of-the-mill, second-rate,
to be made 3: to put (a ship) into a state of readiness for so-so - more at MEDIOCRE
service 'common n 1 pi : the common people 2 pi : a dining hall
157 commutative
3 pi, cap : the lower house of the British and Canadian tcom-mune \ka-'myun\ vb com-muned; com-mun-Ing: to
parliaments 4: a piece of land subject to common use - communicate intimately
in common : shared together >com.mune \'kam-,yiin; ka-'myiin\ n 1 : the smallest ad-
com-mon-al-ty\'ka-man-'l-te\ n, pi -ties: the common peo- ministrative district in some European countries 2: a
ple community organized on a communal basis
common cold n : a contagious respiratory disease caused ccm-mu-ni-ca-ble \ka-'myii-ni-ka-bal\ adj + : capable of
by a virus and characterized by a sore, swollen, and in- being communicated <~ diseases> - com-mu-ni-ca-bil-i-
flamed nose and throat, usu. by much mucus, and by ty \-,myu-ni-ka-'bi-la-te\ n
coughing and sneezing + catching, contagious, transmittable - more at CON-
common denominatorn 1: a common multiple of the de- TAGIOUS
nominators of a group of fractions 2: a common trait or ccm-mu-nl-cant\-'myu-ni-k;mt\ n 1 : a church member en-
theme titled to receive Communion 2: one that communicates;
common divisor n : a number or expression that divides esp : INFORMANT
two or more numbers or expressions without remainder com-mu-ni-cate\ka-'myu-na-,kat\ vb -cat-ed; 1 : to
com-mon-er\'ka-ma-nar\ n + : one of the common people make known 2 + : to pass from one to another : TRANS-
: a person having no rank of nobility MIT 3: to receive Communion 4: to be in communica-
+ usu commoners herd, masses, mob, people, plebeians, tion 5: JOIN, CONNECT - com-mu-m-cat-or\-,ka-tar\ n
populace, rank and file - more at MASSES + convey, impart, spread, transfer, transfuse, transmit;
commonfraction n : a fraction (as '/2 or 3;') in which the nu- also deliver, hand over, surrender, tum over; broadcast,
merator and denominator are both integers and are sepa- diffuse, disseminate, propagate; contaminate, infect,
rated by a horizontal or slanted line poison
common law n : a group of legal practices and traditions com-mu-nl-ca-tion \ka-,myii-na-'ka- shonv n 1 : an act of
based on judges' decisions and social customs and usu. transmitting 2: information communicated: a verbal or
having the same force as laws passed by legislative bodies written message 3: exchange of information or opinions
common logarithm n : a logarithm whose base is 10 4 : a means of communicating - com-rnu-ni-ca-tlve
com-mon-lyadv + : as a general thing : often in the usual \-'myii-na-,ka-tiv, -ni-ka-tivv adj
course of events corn-rnu-nton\ka-'myu-ny;m\ n 1 : a sharing of something
+ generally, ordinarily, typically, usu. - more at NATU- with others 2 cap : a Christian sacrament in which bread
RALLY and wine are consumed as the substance or symbols of
common market n : an economic association formed to re- Christ's body and blood in commemoration of the death
move trade barriers among members of Christ 3: intimate fellowship or rapport 4: a body of
common multiplen : a multiple of each of two or more Christians having a common faith and discipline
numbers or expressions com-mu-ni-que\ka-'myii-na-,ka, -,myii-na-'ka\ n + : a brief
'commonplace\'ka-man-,pliis\ n + : something that is or- public report intended for immediate release on a matter
dinary or trite of public interest: BULLETIN
+ banality, cliche, platitude, shibboleth; also inanity; + advertisement, announcement, bulletin, notice, noti-
generality, generalization, simplification; adage, proverb, fication, release - more at ANNOUNCEMENT
saw, saying; old wives' tale, stereotype com-mu-nism\'kam-ya-,ni-zam\ n 1 : social organization
2commonplaceadj + : commonly found or seen: ORDINARY in which goods are held in common 2: a theory of social
+ average, common, everyday, normal, ordinary, pro- organization advocating common ownership of means of
saic, routine, run-of-the-mill, standard, unexceptional, production and a distribution of products of industry
unremarkable, usual, workaday - more at ORDINARY based on need 3 cap: a political doctrine based on revo-
commonsense n + : ordinary good sense and judgment - lutionary Marxist socialism that was the official ideology
com-mon-sen-sl-cat\'ka-man-'sen-si-kal\ adj of the U.S.S.R. and some other countries; also: a system
+ horse sense, sense, wisdom, wit; also street smarts; of government in which one party controls state-owned
foresight, judgment, prudence; brains, gray matter, in- means of production - corn-rnu-nlst\-nist\ n or adj, often
telligence; practicality, rationality; acumen, discern- cap - com-mu-nis-tic\,kam-ya-'nis-tik\ adj, oftencap
ment, insight com-mu-ni-ty\ka-'myii-na-te\ n, pi -ties 1 : a body of peo-
corn-men-weal\'ka-man-,wel\ n 1 archaic : COMMON- ple living in the same place under the same laws; also: a
WEALTH 2: the general welfare natural population of plants and animals that interact
com-mon-wealth\-,welth\ n 1 + : the body of people polit- ecologically and live in one place (as a pond) 2: society
ically organized into a state 2: a state esp. conceived as a at large 3: joint ownership 4 + : common character: SIM-
body politic founded on law and united by compact or by ILARITY, LIKENESS 5: the people with common interests
tacit agreement of the people for the common good; also living in a particular area 6 + : a body of persons of com-
: an association or federation of autonomous states mon and esp. professional interests scattered through a
+ country, land, nation, sovereignty, state - more at larger society
NATION + [4] correspondence, likeness, parallelism, resem-
com-mo-tion \ka-'mo-shan\ n 1 + : violent or sharp distur- blance, similarity, similitude - more at SIMlLARJTY
bance : noisy, unruly, or tumultuous stir 2: mental ex- + [6] brotherhood, corps, fellowship, fraternity -
citement, uncertainty, or confusion more at CORPS
+ disturbance, furor, fuss, hubbub, hullabaloo, pande- communitycollege n : a 2-year government-supported col-
monium, tumult, turmoil, uproar; also cacophony, lege that offers an associate degree
clamor, din, howl, hue and cry, outcry, noise, racket, community property n : property held jointly by husband
roar; disorder, unrest, upheaval; eruption, flare-up, and wife
flurry, outbreak, outburst; brawl, fracas, fray, hassle, corn-mu-ta-tion \,kam-ya-'ta-shan\ n + : substitution of one
melee, scuffle; dither, fever, fret, lather, tizzy form of payment or penalty for another
com-mu-nal\ka-'myun-'l, 'kam-yan-'l\ adj 1 : of or relat- + barter, exchange, swap, trade, truck - more at EX-
ing to a commune or community 2 : marked by collective CHANGE
ownership and use of property 3 + : shared or used in corn-mu-ta-tive\'kam-Y:l-,ta-tiv, b-'myii-t:l-\ adi : of, hav-
common ing, or being the property that the result obtained using a
+ collective, common, concerted, conjoint, joint, mu- mathematical operation on any two elements of a set
tual, public, united - more at COLLECfIVE does not differ with the order in which the elements are
commutativity 158
used <a x b = b x a because multiplication is =--> - com- com-pan-ion-way n : a ship's stairway from one deck to an-
rnu-ta-tlv-i-ty\ka-,myii-ta-'ti-va-te, ,kiim-ya-ta-\ n other
com-mu-te-tor \'kiim-ya-,ta-tar\ n : a device (as on a gener- com-pa-ny \'kam-pa-ne\ n, pi -nies 1 + : association with
ator or motor) for changing the direction of electric cur- another or others : FELLOWSHIP; also : COMPANIONS
rent 2 : GUESTS 3 + : a group of persons or things 4: an in-
'com.mute \ka-'myut\ vb corn-mut-ed; com-rnut-inq 1 + : to fantry unit consisting of two or more platoons and nor-
give in exchange for another: EXCHANGE 2: to revoke (a mally commanded by a captain 5: a group of musical or
sentence) and impose a milder penalty 3: to travel back dramatic performers 6: the officers and crew of a ship
and forth regularly - com-mut-er n 7 + : an association of persons for carrying on a business
+ change, exchange, shift, substitute, swap, switch, + [l] camaraderie, companionship, comradeship, fel-
trade - more at CHANGE lowship, society - more at COMPANIONSHIP + [3] band,
2commute n : a trip made in commuting crew, gang, outfit, party, squad, team - more at GANG
comp abbr 1 comparative; compare 2 compensation + [7] business, concern, enterprise, establishment,
3 compiled; compiler 4 composition; compositor 5 com- firm, house, outfit - more at ENTERPRISE
pound 6 comprehensive 7 comptroller
com-pa-ra-ble \'kiim-pa-ra-bal, -pra-v adi + : capable of be-
'com.pact \kam-'pakt, 'kiim-,pakt\ adj 1 + : having a dense
ing compared - com-pa-ra-bil-i-ty \,kiim-pa-ra-'bi-Ia-te\ n
structure or parts or units closely packed or joined
: SOLID, DENSE 2 + : not diffuse or verbose: BRIEF, SUC- + akin, alike, analogous, correspondent, like, parallel,
CINcr 3 + : occupying a small volume by efficient use of similar, such - more at ALIKE
space <a - formation of troops) 'com.par.a.Uve \kam-'par-a-tiv\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or
+ [1] dense, firm, hard, rigid, solid, stiff, unyielding - constituting the degree of grammatical comparison that
more at FIRM + [2] brief, compendious, concise, crisp, denotes increase in quality, quantity, or relation
epigrammatic, laconic, pithy, succinct, summary, terse 2 + : considered as if in comparison to something else as
- more at CONCISE + [3] close, crowded, dense, packed, a standard not quite attained: RELATIVE <a - stranger)
serried, thick, tight - more at CLOSE - ccm-par-a-tive-iy adv
2compact vb 1 + : to pack together: COMPRESS 2: to knit or + approximate, near, relative; also alike, comparable,
draw together: CONSOLIDATE - com-pac-tor \kam-'pak- similar; equal, equivalent Ant absolute, complete,
tar, 'kam-jpak-', n downright, out-and-out, outright, perfect, pure, unqual-
+ compress, condense, constrict, contract, squeeze- ified
more at COMPRESS 2comparatlve n : the comparative degree or fonn in a lan-
3com.pact \'kiim-,pakt\ n 1: a small case for cosmetics guage
2 : a small automobile 'com.pare \kam-'par\ vb com-pared: 1 + : to
'com.pact \'kiim-,pakt\ n + : an agreement or covenant be- represent as similar: LIKEN 2 a : to examine for likenesses
tween two or more parties and differences b + : to view in relation to 3: to inflect
+ accord, agreement, bargain, contract, convention, or modify (an adjective or adverb) according to the de-
covenant, deal, pact, settlement, understanding- grees of comparison
more at AGREEMENT + [1] bracket, equate, liken; also associate, connect,
corn-pact disc \'kiim-,pakt-\ n : CD couple, link; allude, refer, relate; equal, match, parallel
com-pact-ly adv + : in a compact manner Ant contrast + usu compare with [2b] approach, ap-
+ concisely, crisply, laconically, shortly, succinctly, proximate, measure up, stack up - more at APPROXI-
summarily, tersely - more at SHORTLY MATE
com-pact-ness n + : the quality or state of being compact 2compare n : the possibility of comparing <beauty beyond
+ brevity, briefness, conciseness, crispness, succinct- ->
ness, terseness - more at SUCCINCTNESS com-par-i-son \kam-'par-a-san\ n 1 : the act of comparing
com-pa-dre \kam-'pii-dra\ n + : a close friend: BUDDY 2 : change in the form of an adjective or adverb to show
+ buddy, chum, comrade, crony, familiar, friend, inti- different levels of quality, quantity, or relation
mate, pal - more at FRIEND com-part-ment \kam-'piirt-mant\ n 1 : a separate division
"com-pan-ion \kam-'pan-yan\ n [ME compainoun, fr. AF 2 + : a section of an enclosed space
cumpaing, cumpaignun, fro LL companion-, companio, fr. + bay, cabin, cell, chamber, cubicle; also cubbyhole, pi-
L com- together + panis bread] 1 a + : one that accompa- geonhole; alcove, niche, nook, recess; cabinet, drawer;
nies another: COMRADE b + : an intimate friend or asso- cavity, hole, hollow; booth, crib, stall; crypt, vault
ciate 2 + : one that is closely connected with something
com-part-men-tal-lee Brit var of COMPARTMENTALIZE
com-part-men-tal-ize \kam-,piirt-'ment-'I-,iz\ vb -ized; -lz-
+ [la, lb] associate, cohort, comrade, crony, fellow, ing : to separate into compartments
mate - more at ASSOCIATE + [2] half, match, mate,
'com-pass \'kam-pas, 'kiim-\ vb [ME, fro OF compasser to
twin - more at MATE
measure, fro (assumed) VL compassare to pace off, fro L
2companion n : COMPANIONWAY
com-pan-ion-able adj + : marked by, conducive to, or sug- com- + passus pace] 1 : CONTRIVE, PLOT 2 + : to lie around
gestive of companionship : ENCIRCLE 3 + : to bring about: ACHIEVE

+ amicable, comradely, cordial, friendly, genial, hearty, + [2] circle, circumnavigate, coil, encircle, girdle, loop,
neighborly, warm, warmhearted - more at FRIENDLY orbit, ring, round - more at ENCIRCLE + [3] accom-
+ boon, convivial, extroverted, gregarious, outgoing, plish, achieve, carry out, commit, do, execute, follow
sociable, social - more at CONVIVIAL through, fulfill, make, perform - more at PERFORM
com-pan-len-ship n + : the fellowship existing among com- 2compass n 1 : an often rounded or curved boundary
panions : COMPANY limit: BOUNDARY, CIRCUMFERENCE 2: an enclosed space
+ camaraderie, company, comradeship, fellowship, so- 3 : range or limit of perception, knowledge, interest, or
ciety; also amity, benevolence, cordiality, friendliness, concern : RANGE, SCOPE 4: a device for determining di-
friendship, goodwill, kindliness; civility, comity, con- rection by means of a magnetic needle swinging freely
cord, harmony, rapport; charity, generosity; affinity, and pointing to the magnetic north; also: a nonmagnetic
compassion, empathy, sympathy; chumminess, famil- device that indicates direction 5: an instrument for
iarity, inseparability, intimacy, nearness; affection, de- drawing circles or transferring measurements consisting
votion, fondness, love of two legs joined by a pivot
159 complaint
+ [1] border, bound, boundary, circumference, con- + battle, contend, fight, race, vie; also challenge, en-
fines, edge, end, fringe, margin, perimeter, periphery, gage, play; jockey, maneuver; go out, try out; train,
rim, skirt, verge - more at BORDER + [3] amplitude, work
breadth, extent, range, reach, realm, scope, sweep, com-pe-tence \'kam-pa-tans\ n 1: adequate means for
width - more at RANGE subsistence 2 + : the quality or state of being functionally
com-pas-sion \kam-'pa-sh:m\ n +: sympathetic feeling adequate or of having sufficient knowledge, judgment,
: PITY, MERCY skill, or strength: ABILITY
charity, commiseration, feeling, heart, humanity, ability, capability, capacity, faculty - more at ABIL-
kindliness, kindness, mercy, pity, sympathy ITY
com-pas-slon-ate x-shc-natv am +: having or showing com-pe-ten-cy x-tan-sex n, t -cies : the quality or state of
compassion - com-pas-sion-ate-ly adv being competent
+ beneficent, benevolent, good-hearted, humane, kind, com-pe-tent \-tant\ adj + : having requisite or adequate
kindly, sympathetic, tender, tenderhearted, warm- ability or qualities: CAPABLE, FIT, QUALIFIED
hearted - more at HUMANE + able, capable, fit, good, qualified, suitable; also ac-
com-pat-i-bil-i-ty \-,pa-ta-'bi-Ia-te\ n + : the quality or state complished, ace, adept, experienced, expert, master,
of being compatible masterful, masterly, practiced, proficient, seasoned,
+ concord, harmony, peace - more at HARMONY skilled, skillful, veteran; prepared, schooled, trained
com-pat-i-ble \bm-'pa-ta-bal\ adj + : able to exist or act Ant incompetent, inept, poor, unfit, unqualified
together harmoniously <'" colors> <~ drugs> corn-pe-ti-tion \,kam-pa-'ti-shan\ n 1 : the act of competing
: RIVALRY 2 a + : a contest between rivals: CONTEST,
+ agreeable, amicable, congenial, harmonious, kindred,
MATCH b: one that competes; also: one's competitors -
unanimous, united - more at HARMONIOUS + conform-
able (to), congruous, consistent, consonant, correspon-
com-pet-l-tlve xkom-tpe-tc-tiv', adj - com-pet-i-tive-ly adv
dent, harmonious - more at CONSISTENT - com-pet-i-tive-ness n
corn-pa-trt-ot \kam-'pii-tre-at, -,at\ n : a fellow countryman + bout, contest, event, game, match, meet, tournament
corn-peer \'kam-,pir\ n : EQUAL, PEER - more at GAME
com-pel \bm-'pel\ vb com-pelted; com-pel-ling + : to drive com-pet-i-tor vkam-tpe-ta-tarv n + : one that competes: RI-
or urge with force VAL

+ coerce, constrain, drive, force, make, muscle, obli- + challenger, competition, contender, contestant, rival;
gate, oblige, press, pressure - more at FORCE also finalist, semifinalist; entrant, player; adversary, an-
compelling adj 1 : demanding and holding one's attention tagonist, opponent
<a ~ novel> 2 + : tending to convince or convert by or corn-pi-Ia-tion \,kam-pa-'lii-shan\ n + : something that is a
as if by forcefulness of evidence product of the putting together of two or more items
+ cogent, conclusive, convincing, decisive, effective, + album, anthology, miscellany - more at ANTHOLOGY
forceful, persuasive, satisfying, strong, telling - more corn-pile \kam-'pil\ vb com-piled; com-pil-lnq [ME, fr. MF
at COGENT compiler, fr. L compi/are to plunder] 1 : to compose out
com-pen-dl-ous \kam-'pen-de-as\ am 1 +: marked by of materials from other documents 2: to collect and edit
into a volume 3: to translate (a computer program) with
brief expression of a comprehensive matter: concise and
comprehensive 2 +: covering completely or broadly a compiler 4: to build up gradually <~ a record of four
: COMPREHENSIVE wins and two losses>
+ [1] brief, compact, concise, crisp, epigrammatic, la- com-pil-er \kam-'pI-lar\ n 1 : one that compiles 2: a com-
conic, pithy, succinct, summary, terse - more at CON- puter program that translates any program correctly
CISE + [2] complete, comprehensive, encyclopedic, full, written in a specific programming language into machine
global, inclusive, omnibus, panoramic, universal- language
more at ENCYCLOPEDIC com-pla-cence \kam-'plas-ns\ n + : the quality or state of
corn-pen-dl-um vkom-tpen-de-omv n, pl -di-urns or -dla \-a\ being self-satisfied
1 : a brief summary of a larger work or of a field of + conceit, ego, egotism, pride, self-conceit, self-esteem,
knowledge 2: COLLECTION self-importance, self-satisfaction, smugness, vainglory,
com-pen-sate \'kam-pan-,siit\ vb -sat-ed: -sat-lnq 1 a: to be vanity; also assurance, confidence, self-assurance, self,
equivalent to b + : to make up for : COUNTERBALANCE confidence; egoism, self-centeredness, selfishness; self,
2 + : to make an appropriate and usu. counterbalancing respect Ant humbleness, humility, modesty
payment to: PAY, REMUNERATE - com-pen-sa-to-ry \kam- com-pla-cen-cy \-n-se\ n, pi -cies 1 : SATISFACTION 2: the
'pen-sa-jtor-ev am quality or state of being self-satisfied
+ usu compensate for [Ib] annul, cancel, correct, coun- com-pla-cent \-nt\ adj + : marked by complacency: SELF'
teract, counterbalance, make up, neutralize, offset- SATISFIED - ccm-pla-cent-ly adv
more at OFFSET + [2] indemnify, pay, recompense, re- + conceited, egotistic, important, overweening, pomp-
coup, remunerate, requite; also refund, reimburse, re- ous, prideful, proud, self-important, self-satisfied, smug,
pay; redress, remedy, repair stuck-up, vain - more at CONCEITED
com-pen-sa-tion \,kam-pan-'sii-shan\ n 1 : the act or ac- corn-plain \kam-'pliin\ vb 1 + : to express grief, pain, or
tion of making up, making good, or counterbalancing discontent 2: to make a formal accusation
: rendering equal 2 + : something that constitutes an beef, bellyache, carp, crab, croak, fuss, gripe, grouse,
equivalent or recompense growl, grumble, kick, moan, murmur, mutter, repine,
+ [l] disbursement, payment, remittance, remunera- squawk, wail, whine; also object (to), protest, quarrel
tion - more at PAYMENT + [2] damages, indemnity, (with); cavil, quibble; fret, stew, worry; blubber, cry,
quittance, recompense, redress, remuneration, repara- sob; bemoan, bewail, deplore, lament Ant rejoice
tion, requital, restitution, satisfaction; also amends, com-plain-ant n 1 : the party who makes the complaint in
atonement, expiation; refund, reimbursement, repay- a legal action or proceeding: 2 : one who complains
ment; adjustment, settlement; punishment, reprisal, re- com-plain-er n + : one that complains
taliation + [2] consideration, pay, payment, remittance, bear, crab, crank, curmudgeon, grouch, grumbler,
remuneration, requital- more at PAYMENT whiner - more at GROUCH
com-pete \kam-'pet\ vb com-pet-ed: com-pet-inq + : to seek com-plaint vkom-tplant', n 1 : expression of grief, pain,
or strive for something (as a position, possession, reward) or dissatisfaction 2 + : a bodily ailment or disease 3 + : a
for which others are also contending: CONTEND, VIE formal accusation against a person
complaisance 160
[I] challenge, demur, expostulation, fuss, kick, ob- complex fraction n : a fraction with a fraction or mixed
jection, protest, question, remonstrance - more at OB- number in the numerator or denominator or both
JECTION [1] beef, fuss, grievance, gripe, grumble, com-plex-len vkom-tplek-shanv n 1 : the hue or appearance
murmur, plaint, squawk; also challenge, demur, expos- of the skin esp. of the face 2 : overall aspect or charac-
tulation, kick, objection, protest, quibble, remon- ter - ccm-plex-loned x-shcndv adj
strance [2] ailment, complication, condition, disease, character, constitution, genius, nature, personality,
disorder, fever, ill, illness, infirmity, malady, sickness, tone - more at NATURE
trouble - more at DISEASE [3] charge, count, indict- com-plex-t-ty \kam-'plek-s;;>-te\ n 1 : something complex
ment, rap - more at CHARGE 2 : the quality or state of being complex
com-plal-sance \bm-'plas-'ns, .kam-pla-szansx n [F] : dis- [1] complication, difficulty, intricacy - more at
position to please - com-plal-sant \-'nt, -'zant\ adj COMPLICATION. [2) elaborateness, intricacy, sophistica-
com-pleat \bm-'plet\ adj : PROFICIENT tion; also diversity; impenetrability Ant plainness, sim-
com-ptect-ed \k;;>m-'plek-t;;>d\ ad} : having a specified facial pleness, simplicity
complexion <dark-complected)
tcom-pte-ment \'kam-pl;;>-m;;>nt\ n 1 a : something that fills
complex number n : a number of the form a + b
a and b are real numbers
"-1 where
up or completes b: the full quantity, number, or amount com-pll-ance \k;;>m-'p)i-;;>ns\ n 1 : the act of complying to
that makes a thing complete 2: an added word by which a demand or proposal 2 : a disposition to yield
a predicate is made complete 3: a group of proteins in
[1] conformity, obedience, observance, submission,
blood that combines with antibodies to destroy antigens
subordination - more at OBEDIENCE [2] deference,
2com.ple-ment \-,ment\ vb : to be complementary to : fill
docility, obedience; also amiability, complaisance; ser-
vility, subservience, subserviency; conformity; recep-
com-ple-men-ta-ry \,kam-pl;;>-'men-t(;;>-)re\ ad} : serving to
tiveness, receptivity; humoring, indulgence; accept-
fill out or complete: being complements of each other
ance, acquiescence, assent, consent; capitulation, sub-
complementary medicine n : ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE
mission, surrender; affability, amicability, congeniality,
'complete \bm-'plet\ adj com-plet-er: -est 1 : having all
cordiality, friendliness, geniality, sociability Ant defi-
parts or elements 2 : brought to an end 3 : fully car-
ance, disobedience, recalcitrance
ried out 4: fully realized: carried to the ultimate: AB-
SOLUTE 2 <~ silence> - com-plete-ness n - corn-pte-
com-pli-ant \-;;>nt\adj : ready or disposed to comply
tion \-'ple-sh;;>n\ n amenable, conformable, docile, obedient, submissive,
tractable - more at OBEDIENT
[1] compendious, comprehensive, encyclopedic, full,
global, inclusive, omnibus, panoramic, universal- com-pll-cate \'karn-ph,-,kat\ vb -cat-ed; -eat-lnq : to make
more at ENCYCLOPEDIC [l] comprehensive, entire, or become complex or intricate
full, grand, intact, integral, perfect, plenary, total, com-pil-cat-ed \'kam-pl;;>-,ka-t;;>d\ ad} 1 .: consisting of
whole; also unabridged, uncut, undiminished; ail-out, parts intricately combined 2 : difficult to analyze, un-
exhaustive, extensive; full-blown, full-fledged, full-scale derstand, or explain 3: not simple or easy to fabricate or
Ant imperfect, incomplete, partial [2] done, down, comprehend - com-pli-cat-ed-ly adv
over, through, up; also accomplished, achieved, at- complex, convoluted, detailed, elaborate, intricate,
tained, compassed, realized; dead, defunct, extinct, ob- involved, knotty, sophisticated - more at COMPLEX
solete; expired Ant continuing, incomplete, ongoing, com-pll-ca-tlon \,kam-pl;;>-'ka-sh;;>n\ n 1 a : the quality or
unfinished. [3] ail-out, clean, comprehensive, exhaus- state of being complicated b.: a complex feature
tive, full-scale, out-and-out, thorough, thoroughgoing, 2 : a disease or condition that develops during and af-
total - more at EXHAUSTIVE fects the course of a primary disease or condition
2complete vb com-plet-ed: com-plet-lnq 1 : to bring to an [lb] complexity, difficulty, intricacy; also aftereffect,
end and esp, into a perfected state: FINISH 2 : to make ramification, side effect; subtlety, technicality; annoy-
whole or perfect <the hat ~s the outfit> ance, bother, headache, inconvenience, matter, trouble
[1, 2] consummate, finalize, finish, perfect - more [2] ailment, bug, complaint, condition, disease, disor-
at FINISH der, fever, ill, illness, infirmity, malady, sickness, trou-
com-plete-ly adv 1 : so as to be complete : FULLY 2 : to ble - more at DISEASE
a complete degree com-pllc-i-ty \bm-'pli-s;;>-te\ n, pi -ties: the state of being
[I, 2] altogether, dead, entirely, fast, flat, full, fully, an accomplice
perfectly, quite, thoroughly, well, wholly - more at 'com.pli.ment \'kam-pl;;>-ment\ n 1 : an expression of ap-
proval or admiration; esp : a flattering remark 2 pi
'com.plex \'kam-,pleks\ n 1 : a whole made up of or in- : best wishes: REGARDS
volving intricately interrelated elements 2: a group of re- usu compliments greetings, regards, respects; also ap-
pressed desires and memories that exert a dominating proval, blessing, endorsement; acknowledgement, cita-
influence on one's personality and behavior (a guilt ~> tion, commendation; adulation, flattery, praise
3 : a building or group of buildings housing related 2com.pli.ment \-,ment\ vb : to pay a compliment to
units com-pli-men-ta-ry \,kam-pl;;>-'men-t(;;>-)re\ ad} 1 .: con-
establishment, facility, installation - more at FACIL- taining or expressing a compliment 2 : given free as a
ITY courtesy (~ticket>
2com.plex \kam-'pleks, 'kam-jpleksv ad) 1 : composed of [1] appreciative, favorable (or favourable), friendly,
two or more parts 2: consisting of a main clause and one good, positive - more at FAVORABLE. [2] free, gratu-
or more subordinate clauses <~ sentence> 3 : hard to itous - more at FREE
separate, analyze, solve, or do 4 : marked by an in- corn-ply \k;;>m-'pli\ vb com-pried: : to con-
volvement of many parts, aspects, or details necessitating form, submit, or adapt (as to a regulation or to another's
careful study or attention - corn-plex-ly adv wishes) as required or requested
[1, 4] complicated, convoluted, elaborate, intricate, usu comply with conform, follow, mind, obey, ob-
involved, knotty, sophisticated; also composite, com- serve - more at OBEY usu comply with answer, fill,
pound, heterogeneous, mixed, multifarious, varied; fulfill, keep, meet, redeem, satisfy - more at FULFILL
challenging, difficult, tough; impenetrable, incompre- 'com.po-nent \kam-'po-nant, 'kam-,po-\ n : a component
hensible, inexplicable, unfathomable, unintelligible Ant part
plain, simple [3] complicated, detailed, elaborate, constituent, element, factor, ingredient, member-
fancy, intricate, involved, sophisticated more at ELEMENT
161 comprising
2component adj : serving to form a part of : CONSTITUENT a : to increase (as interest) by an amount that can itself
com-port \k:lm-'port\ vb 1 + : to be fitting: AGREE, ACCORD vary b + : to add to
2 + : to behave in a manner conformable to what is right, + [1] chain, combine, connect, couple, hitch, hook,
proper, or expected: CONDUCT join, link, yoke - more at CONNECT + [4b] add, aggran-
+ [1] accord, agree, answer, check, coincide, conform, dize, amplify, augment, boost, enlarge, escalate, ex-
correspond, dovetail, fit, go, harmonize, jibe, square, pand, extend, increase, multiply, raise, swell, up-
tally - more at CHECK + [2] acquit, bear, behave, con- more at INCREASE
duct, demean, deport, quit - more at BEHAVE 2com.pound \'kiim-,paimd\ adj 1 : made up of individual
com-port-ment n + : manner of bearing: DEMEANOR parts 2: composed of united similar parts esp. of a kind
+ actions, bearing, behavior (or behaviour), conduct, usu. independent <a ~ plant ovary) 3: formed by the
demeanor (or demeanour), deportment - more at BE- combination of two or more otherwise independent ele-
HAVIOR ments <"-' sentence)
com-pose \k:lm-'poz\ vb com-posed; ccm-pos-inq 1 a : to 3com.pound \'kiim-,paimd\ n 1 : a word consisting of parts
form by putting together b + : to form the substance of that are words 2 + : something formed from a union of
2 + : to produce (as pages of type) by composition 3: AD- elements or parts; esp : a distinct substance formed by the
JUST, ARRANGE 4 + : to free from agitation: CALM, QUIET union of two or more chemical elements
5: to practice composition <~ music) + admixture, amalgam, blend, combination, composite,
+ [lb] comprise, constitute, form, make up - more at fusion, intermixture, mix, mixture - more at BLEND
CONSTITUTE + [2] cast, craft, draft, draw, formulate, 'com.pound \'kiim-,paund\ n [by folk etymology fro Malay
frame, prepare; also fabricate, fashion, form, mold, kampung group of buildings, village) : an enclosure con-
sculpture, shape; couch, express, phrase, state, verbal- taining buildings
ize, word; author, pen, write; conceive, concoct, devise; compound interest n : interest computed on the sum of an
build, construct, make; assemble, compound, piece (to- original principal and accrued interest
gether) + [4] allay, calm, quiet, settle, soothe, still, tran- com-pre-hend \,kiim-pri-'hend\ vb 1 + : to grasp the na-
quilize - more at CALM + [4] calm, collect, control, ture, significance, or meaning of : UNDERSTAND 2 + : to
settle - more at COLLECT contain or hold within a total scope, significance, or
composed adj + : free from agitation amount : INCLUDE - com-pre-hen-si-ble \-'hen-s:l-b:ll\ adj
+ calm, collected, cool, placid, self-possessed, serene, + [1] appreciate, apprehend, catch, catch on (to), get,
tranquil, undisturbed, unperturbed, unshaken, untrou- grasp, make, make out, perceive, see, seize, understand;
bled, unworried - more at CALM also absorb, assimilate, digest, take in; know, realize,
com-pos-er n : one that composes : a person who writes sense; fathom, penetrate Ant miss + [2] carry, contain,
music embrace, encompass, entail, include, involve, number,
'com.pos.ite \kiim-'pii-z:lt\ adj 1 : made up of distinct parts take in - more at INCLUDE
or elements 2: of, relating to, or being a large family of com-pre-hen-sion \-'hen-ch:ln\ n + : knowledge gained by
flowering plants (as a daisy or aster) that bear many small comprehending
flowers united into compact heads resembling single + appreciation, apprehension, grasp, grip, perception,
flowers understanding; also absorption, assimilation, uptake;
2composite n 1 + : something composite 2: a plant of the conception, visualization; awareness, consciousness, re-
composite family . alization
+ admixture, amalgam, blend, combination, com- com-pre-hen-sive \-siv\ adi +: covering completely or
pound, fusion, intermixture, mix, mixture - more at broadly : covering all possibilities - com-pre-hen-slve-ly
BLEND adv - com-pre-hen-sive-ness n
com-po-si-tlon \,kiim-p:l-'zi-sh:ln\ n 1 a : the act or process + compendious, complete, encyclopedic, full, global,
of composing b + : arrangement esp, in artistic form inclusive, omnibus, panoramic, universal - more at
2 : the arrangement or production of type for printing ENCYCLOPEDIC + complete, entire, full, grand, intact, in-
3 : general makeup 4: a product of mixing various ele- tegral, perfect, plenary, total, whole - more at COM-
ments or ingredients 5 a + : a literary, musical, or artistic PLETE
product b + : a brief piece of writing: ESSAY ' xkom-tpres', vb 1 +: to press or squeeze to-
+ [lb] arrangement, configuration, design, form, for- gether 2 + : to reduce in size, quantity, or volume as if by
mat, layout, makeup, pattern; also motif, theme squeezing - compressor \-'pre-s:lr\ n
+ [Sa] opus, piece, work; also classic, magnum opus, + [1) condense, constrict, contract, shrink - more at
masterpiece, piece de resistance, showpiece; model, CONTRACT + [2) compact, condense, constrict, contract,
outline, sketch; etude + [5b] article, essay, paper, squeeze; also cram, crowd, jam, jam-pack, pack; abbre-
theme - more at ESSAY viate, abridge, curtail, shorten; downsize, shrink; con-
com-pos-i-tor \k:lm-'pii-z:l-t:lr\ n : one who sets type centrate, consolidate; simplify, streamline; decrease,
corn-post \'kiim-,post\ n : a fertilizing material consisting diminish, lessen Ant expand, open, outspread
largely of decayed organic matter \'kiim-,pres\ n : a folded pad or cloth used to
com-po-sure \k:lm-'po-zh:lr\ n + : a calmness or repose press upon a body part
esp. of mind, bearing, or appearance : CALMNESS, SELF' compressed air n : air under pressure greater than that of
POSSESSION the atmosphere
+ aplomb, calmness, coolness, equanimity, placidity, corn-pres-sion \-'pre-sh:ln \ n 1 + : the act or process of
self-possession, serenity, tranquillity - more at EQUA- compressing 2 : the process of compressing the fuel mix-
NIMITY ture in an internal combustion engine 3: conversion (as
com-pote \'kiim-,pot\ n 1 : fruits cooked in syrup 2: a of data) in order to reduce the space occupied or the
bowl (as of glass) usu. with a base and stem for serving bandwidth required
esp. fruit or compote + condensation, constriction, contraction; also abbrevi-
iccm-pound \kiim-'paund, 'kiim-,\ vb [ME compounen, fro ation, abridgment, curtailment, shortening; concentra-
AF +cumpundre, fr. L componere, fro com- together + tion, consolidation; simplification; decreasing, lessening
ponere to put] 1 + : to put together (parts) so as to form Ant expansion
a whole: COMBINE 2: to form by combining parts <~ a com-prtse \k:lm-'priz\ vb com-prised; com-prls-tnq 1: IN-
medicine) 3: SETILE <~ a dispute); also: to refrain from CLUDE, CONTAIN 2: to consist of : to be made up of
prosecuting (an offense) in return for a consideration 4 3 + : to make up : COMPOSE, CONSTITUTE
compromise 162
+ compose, constitute, form, make up - more at CON- Scon n : CONVICT
STITUTE cone abbr concentrated
tcom-prc-rnts\'kam-pra-,miz\ n + : a settlement of differ- con-cat-e-nate\kan-'ka-ta-,nat\ vb -nat-ed: -nat-inq : to link
ences reached by mutual concessions together in a series or chain - con-cat-e-na-tlon \(,)kan-
+ accommodation, concession, give-and-take, negotia- ,ka-ta-'na-shan \ n
tion - more at CONCESSION con-cave \kan-'kav, 'kan-,\ adj + : curved or rounded in-
2compromise vb -mised; -mis-ing 1 : to settle by compro- ward like the inside of a bowl
mise 2 a : to expose to suspicion or loss of reputation + depressed, hollow, sunken - more at HOLWW
b + : to put in jeopardy: endanger by some act that can- con-cav-i-ty\kan-'ka-va-te\ n + : a concave line, surface, or
not be recalled space
+ adventure, gamble with, hazard, imperil, jeopardize, + cavity, dent, depression, hole, hollow, indentation,
menace, risk,venture pit, recess - more at HOLE
comp-trol-ler \kan-'tro-lar, 'kamp-,tro-\ n : an official who conoceal\kan-'sel\ vb + : to place out of sight: HIDE
audits and supervises expenditures and accounts + bury, cache, ensconce, hide, secrete - more at HIDE
com-pul-slon \kam-'pal-shan\ n 1 + : an act of compelling con-ceal-ment n 1 + : the act or practice of concealing
2 : a force that compels 3: an irresistible persistent im-
2 + : a hiding place
pulse to perform an act
+ [I] secretion; also burial, burying, entombment, in-
+ coercion, constraint, duress, force, pressure - more terment, interring Ant display, exhibition, exposure,
at FORCE parading, showing + [2] covert, den, hideout, lair, nest
com-pul-sive \-siv\ adj : of, having to do with, caused by, - more at HLDEOUT
or suggestive of psychological compulsion or obsession con-cede \kan-'sed\ vb con-ced-ed: con-ced-ing 1 + : to ad-
com-pul-so-ry \-sa-re\ adj + : demanded, directed, or des- mit to be true 2 + : to make concession: GRANT, YIELD
ignated by authority
+ [1] acknowledge, admit, agree, allow, confess, grant,
+ imperative, incumbent, involuntary, mandatory, nec- own - more at ADMIT + [2] bow, budge, capitulate,
essary, nonelective, obligatory, peremptory - more at give in, grant, knuckle under, quit, SUbmit, succumb,
MANDATORY surrender, yield - more at YlELD
com-punc-tion vkam-tpank-shanx n + : anxiety arising from con-ceit \k:!n-'set\ n 1 + : excessively high opinion of one's
guilt self or ability : VANITY 2: an elaborate or strained
+ misgiving, qualm, scruple - more at QUALM metaphor 3 + : a fanciful idea
com-pu-ta-tion \,kam-pyii-'ta-shan\ n + : the act or action + [1] complacence, ego, egotism, pride, self-conceit,
of computing - com-pu-ta-tion-al adj self-esteem, self-importance, self-satisfaction, smug-
+ arithmetic, calculation, reckoning - more at CALCU- ness, vainglory, vanity + [3] chimera, daydream, delu-
LATION sion, dream, fancy, fantasy, figment, hallucination,
com-pute \kam-'pyiit\ vb com-put-ed; com-put-ing + : to illusion, phantasm, pipe dream, unreality, vision
determine or ascertain esp, by mathematical means : ar- con-celt-edadj + : having or showing an excessively high
rive at an answer to or sum for: CALCULATE, RECKON opinion of oneself - con-celt-ed-Iy adv - con-ceit-ed-
+ calculate, figure, reckon, work out - more at CALCU- ness n
LATE + complacent, egotistic, important, overweening,
computed tomographyn : radiography in which a three-di- pompous, prideful, proud, self-important, self-satisfied,
mensional image of a body structure is constructed by smug, stuck-up, vain; also boastful, braggart, bragging;
computer from a series of plane cross-sectional images arrogant, cavalier, disdainful, haughty, lordly, self,
made along an axis assertive, snobbish, supercilious, superior, uppity; dom-
com-put-er\kam-'pyu-tar\ n : a programmable electronic ineering, high-handed, imperious; highfalutin, pre-
device that can store, retrieve, and process data tentious; overconfident, presumptuous; confident,
corn-put-er-lse chieflyBrit var of COMPUTERIZE self-assured, self-confident; self-centered, selfish Ant
com-put-er-ize \kam-'pyii-ta-,rlz\ vb -ized; 1: to humble, modest
carry out, control, or produce by means of a computer con-ceiv-ably\-ble\ adv + : it may be conceived: POSSIBLY
2 : to provide with computers 3: to store in a computer; + maybe, perchance, perhaps, possibly - more at PER-
also: put into a form that a computer can use - com-put- HAPS
er-iza-tlon \-,pyu-ta-ra-'za-shan\ n conoceive\kan-'sev\ vb con-ceived: con-celv-inq 1 : to be-
computerizedaxial tomography n : COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY come pregnant or pregnant with <"'-' a child) 2 + : to
com-rade \'kam-,rad\ n [MF comarade group sleeping in form an idea of : IMAGINE - con-ceiv-ablev-'se-ve-belv adj
one room, roommate, companion, fro Sp comarada, fro + dream, envisage, fancy, imagine, picture, vision, visu-
cdmara room, fro LL camera] + : an intimate friend or as- alize - more at IMAGINE
sociate : COMPANION, ASSOCIATE con-cel-e-brant\kan-'se-la-brant\ n : one that jointly par-
+ associate, cohort, companion, crony, fellow, mate - ticipates in celebrating the Eucharist
more at ASSOCIATE + buddy, chum, crony, familiar, tcon-cen-trate \'kan-san-,trat\ vb -trat-ed; -trat-inq 1 + : to
friend, intimate, pal - more at FRIEND gather into one body, mass, or force 2: to make less di-
com-rade-ly adj + : of or like a comrade or partner lute 3 + : to fix one's powers, efforts, or attentions
+ amicable, companionable, cordial, friendly, genial, + [I] center (or centre), centralize, consolidate, unify,
hearty, neighborly, warm, warmhearted - more at unite - more at CENTRALIZE + [1] accumulate, amass,
FRIENDLY assemble, collect, gamer, gather, group, lump, pick up,
com-rade-shipn + : association as comrades round up, scrape + [3] fasten, focus, rivet, train; also
+ camaraderie, companionship, company, fellowship, aim, direct, level, point, zero (in on); attend, heed, mind
society - more at COMPANIONSHIP 2concentrate n : something concentrated
'con \'kan\ vb conned; con-nlnq 1 : to commit to memory concentrated adj 1 + : rich in respect to a particular or es-
by vocal or mental repetition: MEMORIZE 2: STUDY sential element 2 + : not scattered or dispersed
2con adv : in opposition : AGAINST + [1] full, full-bodied, potent, rich, robust, strong-
3con n : an opposing argument, person, or position <pros more at FULL-BODIED + [2] all, entire, undivided, whole
and ",-,s) - more at WHOLE
'con vb conned; con-nlnq 1 : SWINDLE 2 : PERSUADE, CAJOLE con-cen-tra-tion\,kan-san-'tra-shan\ n 1 +: the act or
163 conclusiveness
process of concentrating: the state of being concentrated; yielding 2 + : something yielded 3: a grant by a govern-
esp : direction of attention on a single object 2: the ment of land or of a right to use it 4 : a grant of a portion
amount of a component in a given area or volume of premises for some specific purpose; also: the activities
+ absorption, attention - more at AlTENTION or enterprise carried on - con-ces-sion-ary \-'se-sh:l-
concentration camp n : a camp where persons (as prisoners ,ner-e\ adi
of war or political prisoners) are confined [1] acknowledgment, admission, avowal, confession
con-cen-tric \k:m-'sen-trik\ adj 1 : having a common cen- - more at CONFESSION [1, 2] accommodation, com-
ter (~circles> 2: COAXIAL promise, give-and-take, negotiation; also arrangement,
1con-cept \'kan-,sept\ n +: something conceived in the bargain, deal, understanding; agreement, settlement
mind: THOUGHT, NOTION, IDEA con-ces-sion-aire \k:ln-,se-sh:l-'nar, -'ner\ n : one that owns
+ idea, image, impression, notion, picture, thought- or operates a concession
more at IDEA conch \'kal)k, 'kanchx n, pi conchs \'kal)ks\ or conch-es
'concept adi 1 : organized around a main idea or theme (a \'kan-ch:lz\ : a large spiral-shelled marine gastropod mol-
~ album> 2: created to illustrate a concept (a ~ car> lusk; also: its shell
con-cep-tion \k:m-'sep-sh:m\ n 1 : the process of conceiv- con-cierge \kon-'syerzh \ n, pi con-cierges \same or -'syer-
ing or being conceived 2: the power to form or under- zhczv [F] 1 : a resident in an apartment building who per-
stand ideas or concepts 3: a general idea: co CEPT 4: the forms services for the tenants 2 : a usu. multilingual hotel
Originating of something staff member who usu. handles mail and reservations
con-cep-tu-al \k:m-'sep-ch:l-w:ll\ adj : of, relating to, or con-cil-i-ate \k:ln-'si-Ie-,iit\ vb -at-ed; -at-ing 1 + : to bring
consisting of concepts - con-cep-tu-at-lv adv into agreement: RECONCILE 2: to gain the goodwill of -
con-cep-tu-al-lse Brit var of CONCEPTUALIZE con-cil-i-a-tion \-,si-Ie-'ii-sh:ln\ n
con-cep-tu-al-ize \-'sep-ch:l-w:l-,Iiz\ vb -ized; -iz-ing : to
+ accommodate, conform, coordinate, harmonize, key,
form a conception of
reconcile - more at HARMONIZE
1con-cern \k;n-'s;rn\ vb 1 + : to relate to : be about (the
novel ~s three soldiers> 2 + : to be the business of : IN- con-cil-ia-to-ry \-'si-Ie-:l-,tor-e\ adj + : tending to conciliate
VOLVE 3: ENGAGE, OCCUPY 4 + : to be a care, trouble, or + pacific, propitiatory - more at PACIFIC
distress to con-else \k:ln-'sis\ adj + : expressing much in few words
+ Il] cover, deal, pertain, treat; also appertain (to), : BRIEF
bear (on or upon), refer (to), relate (to); allude (to), brief, compact, compendious, crisp, epigrammatic,
glance (upon), mention, touch (upon); offer, present; laconic, pithy, succinct, summary, terse; also abrupt,
contain, embrace, encompass, entail, include, incorpo- blunt, brusque, curt, short, snippy; abbreviated,
rate + [2] affect, interest, involve, touch; also apply abridged, condensed, shortened; meaty, substantial;
(to), relate (to); embroil, ensnare, entangle, implicate meaningful, significant Ant diffuse, long-winded, prolix,
+ [4] agitate, bother, discompose, disquiet, distress, dis- rambling, verbose, wordy
turb, exercise, freak out, perturb, undo, unhinge, un- con-cise-ly adv + : in a concise manner
settle, upset, worry + compactly, crisply, laconically, shortly, succinctly,
'concern n 1 + : an uneasy state of blended interest, un- summarily, tersely - more at SHORTLY
certainty, and apprehension: ANXIETY 2: AFFAIR, MAlTER con-cise-ness n + : the quality or state of being concise
3 + : a business organization
+ brevity, briefness, compactness, crispness, succinct-
+ Il] agitation, anxiety, apprehension, care, disquiet, ness, terseness - more at SUCCINCTNESS
nervousness, perturbation, uneasiness, worry - more
con-clave \'kan-,kliiv\ n [ME, fr. ML, fr. L, room that can
at ANXIETY + [3] business, company, enterprise, estab-
be locked, fro com- together + davis key] : a private gath-
lishment, finn, house, outfit - more at ENTERPRISE
con-cerned adj 1 : ANXIOUS,UNEASY 2: INVOLVED ering; also: CONVENTION
con-cern-Ingprep + : relating to: REGARDING con-clude \k:ln-'kliid\ vb con-clud-ed; con-clud-ing 1 + : to
bring or come to a close : END 2 a + : to reach as a logi-
+ about, apropos of, of, on, regarding, respecting, to-
cally necessary end by reasoning: JUDGE b + : to make a
ward - more at ABOUT
decision about: DECIDE 3: to bring about as a result
con-cern-ment \k:ln-'s:lrn-m:lnt\ n 1 : something in which
one is concerned 2: IMPORTANCE, CONSEQUENCE + [1] close, end, finish, round, terminate, wind up,
teen-cart \'kan-(,)s:lrt\ n 1 : agreement in a plan or design wrap up - more at CLOSE + [2a] deduce, extrapolate,
2 : a concerted action 3: a public performance (as of mu- gather, infer, judge, reason, understand - more at IN-
sic) FER + [2b] choose, decide, determine, figure, opt, re-
2con-cert \k:m-'s;rt\ vb 1 + : to plan together 2 + : to set- solve - more at DECIDE
tle or adjust by conferring and reaching an agreement con-clu-sion \k:m-'klii-zh:ln\ n 1 .: the logical conse-
Il] collaborate, cooperate, join, team - more at co- quence of a reasoning process 2 : the last part of any-
OPERATE + [2] arrange, conclude, negotiate - more at thing: END 3 + : a final decision or settlement: OUTCOME,
con-cert-ed \k:ln-'s:lr-t:ld\ adj 1: mutually agreed on + [1, 3] aftermath, consequence, corollary, develop-
2 + : performed in unison ment, effect, issue, outcome, outgrowth, product, re-
+ collective, common, communal, conjoint, joint, mu- sult, resultant, sequence, upshot - more at EFFECT
tual, public, united - more at COllECTIVE + [2] close, consummation, end, ending, finale, finis,
con-cer-ti-na \,kan-s:lr-'te-n:l\ n : an instrument of the ac- finish, windup - more at FINALE
cordion family con-clu-sive \-siv\ adj + : putting an end to debate or ques-
concertina wire n : a coiled wire with sharp points for use tion esp. by reason of irrefutability - ccn-ctu-stve-fy adv
as an obstacle + absolute, clear, decisive, definitive; also incon-
con-cert-mas-ter \'kiin-s:lrt-,mas-t:lr\ or con-cert-meis-ter testable, incontrovertible, indisputable, indubitable, ir-
\-,mI-st:lr\ n : the leader of the first violins of an orchestra refutable, undeniable, unquestionable; unchallenged,
and assistant to the conductor uncontested, undisputed; unambiguous, unequivocal;
con-cer-to \k:ln-'cher-to\ n, pl-ti \-(,)t1:\ or -tos [It] : a piece certain, definite, positive, sure Ant inconclusive, indeci-
for one or more solo instruments and orchestra in three sive, unclear
movements con-clu-sive-ness adj + : the quality or state of being con-
con-ces-sion \k:ln-'se-sh:ln \ n 1 + : an act of conceding or clusive
concoct 164
+ authority, cogency, effectiveness, force, persuasion, con-demn \kan-'dem\ vb 1 + : to declare to be wrong, rep-
persuasiveness - more at COGENCY rehensible, or evil 2: to pronounce guilty 3 + : to sen-
con-coct \kan-'kilkt, kiln-\ vb 1 : to prepare by combining tence judicially 4 + : to pronounce unfit for use or
raw materials 2 a + : to formulate by thought b: to put consumption <"'" a building> 5: to declare forfeited or
together usu. for the purposes of deception: DEVISE taken for public use 6 + : to pronounce judgment on the
+ contrive, cook up, devise, fabricate, invent, make up, faults of - con-dern-na-tlon \kan-dem-'na-shan\ n
manufacture, think up - more at INVENT + [1] censure, damn, decry, denounce, reprehend,
cen-eoe-tton \-'kilk -shan \ n 1 + : something that is con- reprobate; also attack, blast, criticize, knock, pan, slam;
cocted (as a food or scheme) 2: something that suggests belittle, deprecate, disparage; doom, sentence; convict;
origin by concoction (as by mingling of diverse elements) blacklist, excommunicate, ostracize; rebuke, repri-
coinage, contrivance, creation, innovation, invention, mand, reproach; admonish, chide, reprove; lambaste,
wrinkle - more at INVENTION scold, upbraid Ant bless + [3] damn, doom, sentence-
more at SENTENCE + [4] censure, denounce, rebuke,
tcon-com-l-tant \-'kil-ma-tant\ adj + : accompanying esp. in
reprimand, reproach, reprove - more at CENSURE
a subordinate or incidental way
+ [6] blame, censure, criticize, denounce, fault, knock,
+ attendant, coincident, concurrent - more at COINCI- pan, reprehend - more at CRITICIZE
con-den-sate \'kiln-dan-,sat, kan-tden-v n : a product of
2concomitant n : something that accompanies or is collater- condensation
ally connected with something else ccn-den-sa-tion \,kiln-den-'sa-shan\ n + : the act or
con-cord \'kiln-,kard, 'kill)-\ n + : a state of agreement process of condensing 2 + : abridgment and usu. com-
: HARMONY pression of a literary work
+ compatibility, harmony, peace - more at HARMONY + [1] compression, constriction, contraction - more
con-cor-dance \kan-'kar-d'ns\ n 1 : an alphabetical index at COMPRESSION + [2] abbreviation, digest
of words in a book or in an author's works with the pas- con-dense \kan-'dens\ vb conodensed; con-dens-ing
sages in which they occur 2 : AGREEMENT, COVENANT 1 + : to make or become more compact or dense : com-
ccn-cor-dant \-d'nt\ adj : + : marked by accord in senti- press or concentrate into a smaller scope or volume 2 : to
ment or action: HARMONIOUS change from vapor to liquid
+ compatible, conformable (to), congruous, consistent, + compact, compress, constrict, contract, squeeze-
consonant, correspondent, harmonious - more at CON- more at COMPRESS
condensed adj : reduced to a more compact form
con-ccr-dat \kan-'kar-,dat\ n : CONCORDANCE 2 con-dens-er \kan-'den-sar\ n 1 : one that condenses 2: CA-
con-course \'kiln-,k6rs\ n 1 : a spontaneous coming to- PACITOR
gether : GATHERING 2: an open space or hall (as in a bus con-de-scend \,kiln-di-'send\ vb 1 : to descend to a less for-
terminal) where crowds gather mal or dignified level 2: to assume an air of superiority
'conoerete \kiln-'kret, 'kan-jkret', adj 1 : naming a real - con-de-scend-tnq-ly \-'sen-dil)-Ie\ adv - con-de-seen-
thing or class of things: not abstract 2 + : not theoretical sion \-'sen-chan\ n
: ACTUAL 3: made of or relating to concrete 4 + : formed conodign \kan-'din, 'kiln-,din\ adj : DESERVED, APPROPRIATE
by coalition of particles into one solid mass <"'" punishment>
+ [2] actual, existent, factual, real, true, very - more con-di-ment \'kiln-da-mant\ n : something used to make
at ACTUAL + [4] material, physical, substantial- more food savory; esp : a pungent seasoning (as pepper)
at MATERIAL 'conodition \kan-'di-shan\ n 1 + : something essential to
2conoerete \'kiln-,kret, kiln-'kret\ vb con-cret-ed; con-cret- the occurrence of some other thing 2 + : state of being
ing 1 : to form into a solid mass: SOLIDIFY 2: to cover 3 : social status 4 pl : state of affairs: CIRCUMSTANCES 5: a
with concrete bodily state in which something is wrong <a heart ""'>
3conoerete \'kiln-,kret, kiln-'kret\ n : a hard building mate- 6 + : a state of health, fitness, or working order <in good
rial made by mixing cement, sand, and gravel with water "'" > 7 + : a restricting or modifying factor
ccn-cre-tton \kiln-'kre-shan \ n : a hard mass esp. when + [1] essential, must, necessity, provision, proviso,
formed abnormally in the body qualification, requirement, stipulation + [2, 6] estate,
con-cu-bine \'kill)-kyU-,bin\ n [ME, fro MF, fro L concu- fettle, form, order, repair, shape, trim; also practice; kil-
bina, fro com- with + cubare to lie] : a woman who is not ter; pass, phase, stage + [7] check, constraint, curb, fet-
legally a wife but lives with a man and sometimes has a ter, limitation, restraint, restriction - more at
recognized position in his household; also : MISTRESS- RESTRlcrlON
con-cu-bt-naqe \kiln-'kyii-ba-nij\ n 2condition vb 1 + : to put into proper condition for action
con-cu-pls-cence \kiln-'kyii-pa-sans\ n : ardent sexual de- or use 2 + : to adapt, modify, or mold to respond in a
sire: LUST particular way 3: to modify so that an act or response
con-cur \kan-'kar\ vb con-curred; con-cer-nnq 1 : to act to- previously associated with one stimulus becomes associ-
gether 2 : to express agreement: AGREE 3 : to happen to- ated with another
gether : COINCIDE + [I, 2] acclimate, accommodate, adapt, adjust, con-
con-cur-renee \-'kar-ans\ n 1 + : agreement in action or form, fit, shape - more at ADAPT
opinion 2: occurrence together con-di-ttcn-al \kan-'di-sha-nal\ adi + : containing, imply-
+ accord, agreement, consensus, unanimity - more at ing, or depending on a condition - con-di-tion-al-ly adv
AGREEMENT + contingent, dependent, subject - more at DEPENDENT
con-cur-rent \-'kar-ant\ adi 1 + : happening or operating con-dl-tloned adj : determined or established by condition-
at the same time 2: joint and equal in authority ing
+ coeval, contemporary, simultaneous, synchronous - con-dl-tion-er \-'di-sha-nar\ n : a preparation used to im-
more at CONTEMPORARY + attendant, coincident, con- prove the condition of hair
comitant - more at COINCIDENT con-do \'kiln-(,)d6\ n : CONDOMI IUM 3
con-cus-slon \kan-'ka-shan\ n 1 + : a hard blow or colli- con-dole \kan-'d61\ vb con-doled; con-dol-inq : to express
sion; also: bodily injury (as to the brain) resulting from a sympathetic sorrow - con-do-lence \kan-'d6-lans\ n
sudden jar 2: AGITATION, SHAKING con-dom Vkan-dom, 'kan-\ n : a usu. rubber sheath worn
+ bump, collision, crash, impact, jar, jolt, shock, smash, over the penis (as to prevent pregnancy or venereal infec-
strike, wallop - more at IMPAcr tion during sexual intercourse)
165 confessional
con-do-min-i-um \,kan-d;r'mi-ne-:lm\ n, pi -ums 1 : joint con-tab-u-la-tion \k:ln-,fab-Y:l-'la-sh:ln\ n 1: CHAT; also
sovereignty(as by two or more nations) 2: a politically : CONFERENCE 2: a filling in of gaps in memory by fabri-
dependent territory under condominium 3: individual cation
ownership of a unit (as an apartment) in a multiunit con-tec-tlcn \k:ln-'fek-sh:ln\ n : a fancy dish or sweet; also
structure; also: a unit so owned : CANDY
conodone \k:ln-'don\ vb con-doned: con-don-tnq .: to con-fec-tion-er\-sh(:I- )n:lr\ n : a maker of or dealer in con-
overlook or forgiveesp, by treating (an offense) as harm- fections
less or trivial - con-do-na-tton\,klin-d:l-'na-sh:ln \ n con-tec-tlon-ery\-sh:l-,ner-e\ n, pi -er-les 1 : sweet foods
disregard, excuse, gloss over, ignore, pardon, pass 2 : a confectioner'S place of business
over, shrug off, wink at - more at EXCUSE Confedabbr Confederate
con-dor \'kan-d:lr, -,dor\ n [Sp condor, fro Quechua (a So. con-ted-er-a-cy\k:ln-'fe-d:l-r;rse\ n, pi -cies 1 : a league
American Indian language) kuntur] : a very large Ameri- or compact for mutual support or common action
can vulture of the high Andes; also: a related nearly ex- : LEAGUE, ALLIANCE 2 cap: the 11 southern states that se-
tinct vulture of southern California ceded from the U.S. in 1860and 1861
con-duce \k:ln-'diis, -'dyiis\ vb con-duced: con-duc-lnq: to + alliance, bloc, coalition, combination, combine, con-
lead or contribute to a particular result - con-de-clve federation, federation, league, union; also cabal, con-
adj spiracy; cartel, syndicate, trust; faction, side, wing;
iccn-duet \'kan-(,)d:lkt\ n 1 : the act, manner, or process association, group, organization; affiliation, coopera-
of carrying on : MANAGEMENT, DIRECTION 2 : a mode or tive, partnership
standard of personal behavior esp, as based on moral 'confed-er.ate\k:ln-'fe-d:l-r:lt\ adj 1 : united in a league
principles: BEHAVIOR : ALLIED 2 cap : of or relating to the Confederacy
[I] administration, control, direction, government, 2confederate n 1 : one that is associated with another as
guidance, management, operation, oversight, regula- a helper 2 cap: an adherent of the Confederacy
tion, running, superintendence, supervision; also care, + abettor, accessory,accomplice,cohort - more at AC-
custody, guardianship, protection, tutelage; engineer- COMPLICE abettor, ally, backer, supporter, sympa-
ing, machination, manipulation [2] actions, bearing, thizer - more at ALLY
behavior (or behaviour), comportment, demeanor (or 3confed ..rate \-'fe-d,,-,rat\ vb -at-ed; + : to unite in
demeanour), deportment - more at BEHAVIOR a confederacy
2conoduct\k:ln-'d:lkt\ vb 1 : to bring by or as if by lead- + ally, associate, band, club, conjoin, cooperate, feder-
ing : GUIDE 2 : to direct or take part in the operation or ate, league, unite - more at ALLY
management of : MANAGE, DIRECT 3 : to convey in a con-ted-er-a-ticn\k:ln-,fe-d:l-'ra-sh:ln\ n 1 : an act of con-
channel 4 : to cause (oneself) to act or behave in a par- federating: ALLIANCE 2 + : as association of parties for
ticular and esp. in a controlled manner: BEHAVE - con- mutual assistance: LEAGUE
due-non\-'d:lk-sh:ln\ n + alliance, bloc, coalition, combination, combine, con-
[I] direct, guide, lead, marshal, pilot, route, show, federacy, federation, league, union - more at CONFED-
steer, usher - more at LEAD [2] administer, carry on, ERACY
control, direct, govern, guide, handle, manage, operate, cen-ter \k:ln-'f:lr\ vb con-ferred; con-ter-rtnq 1 + : to give
oversee, regulate, run, superintend, supervise; also care or grant from or as if from a position of superiority: BE-
(for), keep, mind, tend, watch; lead, pilot, steer; guard, STOW 2.: to exchange views : CONSULT - con-ter-ee
protect, safeguard [3] channel, direct, funnel, pipe, \,klin-f:l-'re\ n
siphon - more at CHANNEL [4] acquit, bear, behave, + [1] accord, award, bestow, give, grant; also con-
comport, demean, deport, quit - more at BEHAVE tribute, donate, present; furnish, provide, supply; ex-
con-duc-tance\k:ln-'d:lk-t:lns\ n : the readinesswith which tend, offer, proffer; allocate, appropriate, assign
a conductor transmits an electric current + [2] advise, consult, counsel, parley; also debate, de-
con-duc-tive\k:ln-'d:lk-tiv\ adj : having the power to con- liberate, discuss, hash (over); coach, guide, tutor; rec-
duct (as heat or electricity)- con-duc-tlv-l-ty \,klin-,d:lk- ommend, suggest;direct, refer (to)
'ti-va-tev n con-ter-enceVkan-f'(o-)r:lns\ n 1 a + : an interchange of
con-duc-tor\k:ln-'d:lk-t:lr\ n 1 : one that conducts;esp : a views b + : a meeting for an exchange of views 2: an as-
material that permits an electric current to flow easily sociation of athletic teams
2 : a collector of fares in a public conveyance 3: the + [Ia] argument, colloquy, deliberation, discourse, dis-
leader of a musical ensemble cussion, give-and-take,parley, talk - more at DISCUSSION
conoduit\'klin-,dii-:lt, .dyu-, -dwatv n 1 : a natural or ar- + [Ib] assembly, congress, convention, convocation,
tificial channel through which something (as a fluid) is council, gathering, get-together, huddle, meeting, pow-
conveyed 2: a tube or trough for protecting electric wow, seminar - more at MEETING
wires or cables 3: a means of transmitting or distributing con-ter-ene-lnq\'klin-f(:I-)r:ln-siI)\ n : the holding of con-
channel, duct, leader, line, penstock, pipe, tube- ferences esp. by means of electronic devices
more at PIPE aqueduct, canal, channel, flume, race- con-tess \k:ln-'fes\ vb 1 .: to tell or make known (as
way, watercourse- more at CHANNEL something wrong or damaging to oneself) 2: to ac-
conodyle\'klin-,dil, -dOl\ n : an articular prominence of a knowledge one's sins to God or to a priest 3: to receive
bone - con-dy-lar \-d:l-l:lr\ adj the confession of (a penitent)
cone \'kon\ n 1 : the scaly fruit of trees of the pine family + acknowledge, admit, agree, allow, concede, grant,
2 : a solid figure formed by rotating a right triangle about own - more at ADMIT
one of its legs 3: a solid figure that slopes evenly to a confessedly \-'fe-s:ld-le\ adv : by confession : ADMITTEDLY
point from a usu. circular base 4: any of the conical con-tes-slon \-'fe-sh:m\ n 1 + : an act of confessing (as in
light-sensitive receptor cells of the retina that function in the sacrament of penance) 2 + : an acknowledgment of
color vision 5: something shaped like a cone guilt 3: a formal statement of religiousbeliefs 4: a reli-
cen-es-to-qe wagon \,ka-n:l-'sto-g:l-\ n : a broad-wheeled gious body having a common creed - ccn-tes-slcn-aladj
covered wagon used esp. for transporting freight across + [1, 2) acknowledgment, admission, avowal, conces-
the prairies sion; also allowance; betrayal, disclosure, revelation;
co-ney \ 'ko-ne\ n, pi coneys 1: RABBIT; also : its fur announcement, declaration, proclamation; contrition,
2: PIKA regret, remorse, repentance
conf abbr 1 conference 2 confidential con-fes-slon-at \-'fe-sh:l-n:ll\ n : a place where a priest
con-tab \'kan-,fab, ken-Tab', n : CONFABULATION 1 hears confessions
confessor 166

con-fes-sor \k:m-'fe-s;;>r\ n 1 : one that confesses 2: a con-firm \k;}n-'f;}rm\ vb 1 : to give approval to : RATIFY
priest who hears confessions 2 : to make firm or firmer 3: to administer the rite of
ccn-tet-ti \k;;>n-'fe-te\ n [It, pl. of confetto sweetmeat, fro confirmation to 4 : to give new assurance of the valid-
ML confectum, fr. L, neut. of confectus, pp. of conficere to ity of : VERIFY, CORROBORATE
prepare) : bits of colored paper or ribbon for throwing (as bear out, corroborate, substantiate, support, validate,
at weddings) verify, vindicate; also attest, authenticate, avouch, cer-
con-fi-dant \'klin-f;;>-,dlint, -,dant\ n : one to whom secrets tify, testify (to), vouch (for), witness; guarantee, war-
are confided rant; affirm, assert, aver, avow, profess Ant disprove,
con-fi-dante \-,dlint, -,dant\ n : CONFIDANT; esp : one who is rebut, refute
a woman con-nr-ma-ncn \,klin-far-'ma-shan\ n 1 : a religious cere-
eon-nee \k;;>n-'fid\ vb con-tid-ed; 1 : to have or mony admitting a person to full membership in a church
show faith: TRUST <- in a friend> 2: to tell confiden-
or synagogue 2 : an act of ratifying or corroborating;
tially <- a secret> 3: ENTRUST
also: PROOF
'confiodence Vkan-fa-dansv n 1 : faith or belief that one
will act in a right, proper, or effective way: TRUST 2 : a attestation, corroboration, documentation, evidence,
feeling or consciousness of one's powers or of reliance on proof, substantiation, testament, testimony, validation,
one's circumstances: SELF-ASSURANCE 3 : a state of trust witness - more at PROOF
or intimacy 4: a communication made in confidence: SE- con-ttr-ma-to-ry \-'f;}r-ma-,tor-e\ adj : serving to confirm
CRET 2 5 : the quality or state of being certain: CERTI- corroborative - more at CORROBORATIVE
TUDE confirmed adj : marked by long continuance and
[2) aplomb, assurance, self-assurance, self-confidence, likely to persist 2.: fixed in habit and unlikely to
self-esteem; also cockiness, complacence, complacency, change
conceit, ego, egotism, overconfidence, pride, self= [l) deep-rooted, deep-seated, inveterate, settled-
conceit, self-importance, self-satisfaction, smugness, more at INVETERATE. [2) chronic, habitual, inveterate
vainglory, vanity; calmness, composure, coolness, equa- - more at HABITUAL
nimity; self-possession Ant diffidence, self-doubt [3) ccn-fls-cate \'klin-fa-,skat\ vb -cat-ed; [L confis-
credence, faith, stock, trust - more at TRUST [5) as-
care, fro com- with + fiscustreasury) : to take possession of
surance, certainty, certitude, conviction, positiveness,
by or as if by public authority - con-fls-ca-tion \,klin-fa-
sureness; also dogmatism; decisiveness, firmness, reso-
lution Ant doubt, incertitude, uncertainty 'ska-shanv n - con-fis-ca-to-ry \k;m-'fis-ka-,tiir-e\ adj
'confidence adj : of or relating to swindling by false prom- con-ftt \kon-'fe\ n : a garnish of fruit or vegetables cooked
in a seasoned liquid
ises <a - game>
con-fi-dent \-d;;>nt\ adj 1 .: full of conviction: CERTAIN con-tla-qra-tlon \,klin-fl;}-'gra-shan\ n : FIRE; esp : a large
2 : having or showing assurance and self-reliance- disastrous fire
con-fi-dent-ly adv fire, holocaust, inferno - more at FIRE
[l) assured, certain, clear, cocksure, doubtless, posi- iccn-tuct \'klin-,flikt\ n 1 : prolonged fighting esp, with
tive, sanguine, sure - more at CERTAIN [2) assured, weapons: WAR 2 : a clash between hostile or opposing
secure, self-assured, self-confident; also hopeful, rosy, elements, ideas, or forces
sanguine, upbeat; complacent, conceited, egoistic, ego- [l) battle, clash, combat, contest, fight, fracas, fray,
tistic, important, overweening, pompous, prideful, hassle, scrap, scrimmage, scuffle, skirmish, struggle,
proud, self-important, self-satisfied, smug, stuck-up, war, warfare [I, 2) battle, combat, confrontation,
vain, vainglorious; calm, collected, composed, cool, contest, duel, face-off, rivalry, struggle, tug-of-war,
placid, self-possessed, serene, tranquil, undisturbed, un- warfare - more at CONTEST [2) conflict, discord, dis-
perturbed Ant diffident, insecure sension, dissent, disunity, friction, schism, strife, vari-
con-fi-den-tial \,klin-f;;>-'den-sh;;>l\ adj 1 : known only to ance, war, warfare - more at DISCORD
a limited few: SECRET, PRIVATE 2: entrusted with confi- 'con.flict \k;}n-'flikt\ vb : to show opposition or irrecon-
dences <- clerk> - con-fi-den-tial-ly \-'den-sh;;>-le\ adv cilability : CLASH
hushed, inside, intimate, private, secret - more at
clash, collide, jar - more at CLASH
con.fig.u.ra.tion \k;;>n-,fi-gy;;>-'ra-sh;;>n\ n .: relative ccn-tlu-enee \'klin-,flii-ans, kan-'flii-\ n 1 : a coming to-
arrangement of parts or elements: SHAPE gether at one point 2: the meeting or place of meeting of
two or more streams - con-tlu-ent \-ant\ adj
arrangement, composition, design, form, format, lay-
out, makeup, pattern, shape - more at COMPOSmON conjunction, convergence, meeting - more at CON-
con-flq-ure \k;;>n-'fi-gy;}r\ vb -ured; -ur-inq : to set up for op- VERGENCE
eration esp, in a particular way con-flux \'klin-,flaks\ n : CONFLUENCE
con-flne \k;;>n-'fin\ vb con-fined; ccn-fln-inq 1 : to hold con-form \k;}n-'form\ vb 1 a : to be similar or identical
within a location; also: IMPRISON 2 : to keep within lim- b : to be in agreement or harmony: AGREE 2 : to be
its <will - my remarks to one subject> - con-tin-er n obedient or compliant - usu. used with to; also: COMPLY
[l) commit, immure, imprison, jail - more at IM- 3 : to make like: shape to fit - con-fcrm-lst \-'for-mist\
PRISON. [2) check, circumscribe, control, curb, inhibit, adj
limit, restrain, restrict [lb) accord, agree, answer, check, coincide, com-
con-fine-ment n : an act of confining: the state of being port, correspond, dovetail, fit, go, harmonize, jibe,
confined square, tally - more at CHECK usu conform to
captivity, imprisonment, incarceration, internment [2) comply, follow, mind, obey, observe - more at
- more at INTERNMENT OBEY. (3) acclimate, accommodate, adapt, adjust, con-
con-tines \'klin-,finz\ n pi : something (as borders or dition, fit, shape - more at ADAPT
walls) that encloses: something that restrains con-term-able am 1 .: corresponding or consistent in
boundary, ceiling, end, extent, limit, limitation, line, form or character 2 : giving compliance or obedience
termination - more at LIMIT. border, boundary, cir- usu conformable to [l) compatible, congruous, con-
cumference, compass, edge, end, fringe, margin, sistent, consonant, correspondent, harmonious - more
perimeter, periphery, rim, skirt, verge - more at BOR- at CONSISTENT. (2) amenable, compliant, docile, obedi-
DER ent, submissive, tractable - more at OBEDIENT
167 congregate
con-for-mance \k:m-'f6r-mans\ n : CONFORMITY con-tu-ta-tlon \,kiln-fy1i-'tii-shan\ n + : something (as an ar-
con-tor-rna-tlon \,kan-f6r-'mii-shan\ n +: formation of gument or statement) that refutes
something by appropriate arrangement of parts or ele- + rebuttal, refutation Ant proof
ments : an assembling into a whole con-tute \kan-'fyiit\ vb con-fut-ed; con-fut-lnq + : to over-
+ arrangement, configuration, format, layout, setup whelm by argument: refute conclusively
con-tor-ml-ty \kan-'f6r-ma-te\ n, pi -ties 1 + : correspon- + belie, disprove, rebut, refute - more at DISPROVE
dence in form, manner, or character: HARMONY, AGREE- cong abbr congress; congressional
MENf 2 + : action in accordance with some specified conoga \'kal)-ga\ n : a Cuban dance of African origin per-
standard or authority: COMPLIANCE, OBEDIENCE formed by a group usu. in single file
+ [1] accord, agreement, consonance, harmony, tune; conogeal \kan-'jel\ vb 1 +: to change from a fluid to a
also assimilation, integration; oneness, solidarity, to- solid state by or as if by cold: FREEZE 2 + : to make or be-
getherness; affinity, empathy, sympathy Ant conflict, come hard or thick
disagreement + [2] compliance, obedience, observance, + [I] clot, coagulate, gel, jell, set - more at COAGULATE
submission, subordination - more at OBEDlENCE + [1, 2] concrete, firm, freeze, harden, set, solidify-
con-tound \kan-'faimd, kan-v vb 1 + : to throw (a person) more at HARDEN
into confusion or perplexity 2 + : to put to shame: CON- conogee \'kiln-je\ n : porridge made from rice
FUSE 2 con-qe-ner \'kan-ja-nar\ n : one related to another; esp : a
+ [1] addle, baffle, befog, befuddle, bemuse, bewilder, plant or animal of the same taxonomic genus as another
confuse, disorient, muddle, muddy, mystify, perplex, - con-qe-ner-lc \,kan-ja-'ner-ik\ adj
puzzle - more at CONFUSE + [2] abash, confuse, dis- con-qe-nlal \kan-'je-nyal\ ad] 1 +: having the same na-
comfit, disconcert, discountenance, embarrass, faze, ture, disposition, or tastes : KINDRED 2 + : agreeably
fluster, mortify, rattle - more at EMBARRASS suited to one's nature, tastes, or outlook: AGREEABLE -
ccn-tra-ter-nl-ty \,kan-fra-'tar-n:rte\ n : a society devoted \-Je-ne-'a-I;l-te\ n - adv
esp. to a religious or charitable cause + [1] agreeable, amicable, compatible, harmonious,
con-trere \'kiln-.frer, 'koD_\ n : COLLEAGUE, COMRADE kindred, unanimous, united - more at HARMONIOUS
con-front \kan-'frant\ vb 1 a + : to face esp. in challenge + [2] agreeable, delectable, delicious, delightful,
b + : to deal unflinchingly with <-ed the issue> 2: to dreamy, felicitous, good, grateful, gratifying, nice,
palatable, pleasant, pleasurable, satisfying
cause to face or meet
con-gen-i-tal \k;ln-'je-n;l-tOI\ adj : existing at or dating from
+ [la, lb] beard, brave, brazen, dare, defy, face- birth
more at FACE
conoger eel Vkan-gar-', n : a large edible marine eel of the
con-tron-ta-tlon \,kan-fran-'tii-shan\ n + : the act of con- Atlantic
fronting : the state of being confronted - con-tron-ta- con-qe-ries \'kan-j;l-(,)rez\ n, pi congeries: AGGREGATION,
ttcn-al \-sha-nOI\ adj COLLECTION
+ battle, combat, conflict, contest, duel, face-off, ri- conogest \k;ln-'jest\ vb 1 : to cause excessive fullness of the
valry, struggle, tug-of-war, warfare - more at CONTEST blood vessels of (as a lung) 2 + : to obstruct by over-
ccn-tu-cten \kan-'fyu-shan\ adj : of or relating to the Chi- crowding 3: to concentrate in a small or narrow space -
nese philosopher Confucius or his teachings - cen-tu- con-ges-tion \-'jes-ch;ln\ n - conoges.tive \-'jes-tiv\ adj
clan-ism \-sha-,ni-zam\ n block, choke, clog, close (oro, dam, jam, obstruct,
con-fuse \kan-'fyuz\ vb con-fused; con-tus-inq 1 a + : to plug (up), stop (up), stuff - more at CLOG
make mentally unclear or uncertain b + : to disturb the congestive heart failure n : heart failure in which the heart
composure of 2 : to mix up : JUMBLE 3 + : to fail to make is unable to keep enough blood circulating in the tissues
clear or distinct - \-'fyii-zad-Ie\ adv or is unable to pump out the blood returned to it by the
+ [La] addle, baffle, befog, befuddle, bemuse, bewilder, veins
confound, disorient, muddle, muddy, mystify, perplex, 'conoglom-er.ate \k;ln-'gla-m;l-rat\ adj [L conglomerare to
puzzle; also stick, stump; abash, discomfit, disconcert, roll together, fro com- together + glomerare to wind into a
discountenance, embarrass, faze, fluster, mortify, non- ball, fro glomer-, glomus ball] : made up of parts from var-
plus, rattle; agitate, bother, chagrin, discomfort, dis- ious sources
compose, dismay, disquiet, distress, disturb, perturb, 2conoglom-er.ate \-,riit\ vb -at-ed; + : to gather into a
stun, unhinge, unsettle, upset; deceive, misguide, mis- mass: form a coherent whole - con-qlorn-er-a-tlon \-,gla-
lead + [lb] abash, confound, discomfit, disconcert, dis- ma-tra-shanv n
countenance, embarrass, faze, fluster, mortify, rattle - + accumulate, collect, gather, heap, pile up - more at
more at EMBARRASS + [3] becloud, befog, blur, cloud, COLLECT
fog, muddy; also complicate, perplex; entangle, snarl, 3conoglom-erate \-rat\ n 1: a mass formed of fragments
tangle; disorder, jumble, mess (up), mix (up) Ant clarify
from various sources; esp : a rock composed of fragments
confused adj 1 +: being perplexed or disconcerted varying from pebbles to boulders held together by a ce-
2 + : being disordered or mixed up menting material 2: a widely diversified corporation
+ [l] dizzy, stunned - more at DIZZY + [2] chaotic, di- cen-qe-tese \,kiil)-g;l-'Iez, -'Ies\ n : a native or inhabitant of
sheveled, disordered, messy, muddled, sloppy, un- Congo - Congolese adi
kempt, untidy - more at MESSY con-qrat-u-late \k:m-'gra-ch:r,liit\ vb -lat-ed; : to ex-
con-tu-slon \-'fyu-zhan\ n 1 : an act or instance of confus- press sympathetic pleasure to on account of success or
ing 2 + : the quality or state of being confused 3 + : a good fortune: FELICITATE - con-qrat-u-la-to-ry \-'gra-cha-
confused mass or mixture lo-, tor-e\ adj
+ [2] bafflement, bewilderment, distraction, muddle, con-qrat-u-la-tlon \-,gra-cha-'Iii-shan\ n 1 : the act of con-
mystification, perplexity, puzzlement, whirl; also abash- gratulating 2: a congratulatory expression - usu. used
ment, discomfiture, embarrassment, fluster, mortifica- in pl.
tion; agitation, chagrin, discomfort, dismay, disquiet, conogre.gate \'kiil)-gri-,giit\ vb -gat-ed; [ME, fro L
distress, disturbance, perturbation, upset + [3] chaos, congregatus, pp. of congregare, fr. com- together +
disarray, disorder, disorganization, havoc, hell, jumble, greg-, grex flock] + : to collect into a group or crowd: AS-
mess, muddle, shambles - more at CHAOS SEMBLE
congregation 168
assemble, cluster, collect, concentrate, conglomerate, connubial, marital, matrimonial, nuptial - more at
convene, forgather, gather, meet, rendezvous - more MARITAL
at ASSEMBLE 'con-ju-gate \'kan-ji-gat, -ja-,giit\ ad] 1 : united esp. in pairs
con-gre-ga-tion \,kfuJ-gri-'gii-shan \ n 1 : an assembly of : COUPLED 2: of kindred origin and meaning (sing and
persons met esp. for worship; also: a group that habitu- song are ~> - con-ju-gate-Iy adv
ally so meets 2: a religious community or order 3: the 2con-ju-gate \-ja-,giit\ vb -gat-ed; -gat-ing 1 : INFLECT <~ a
act or an instance of congregating verb> 2: to join together: COUPLE
assemblage, assembly, conference, convocation, con-ju-ga-tion \,kan-ja-'gii-shan\ n 1 : an arrangement of
gathering, meeting, muster - more at GATHERING the inflectional forms of a verb 2: the act of conjugating
con-gre-ga-tion-al \-sha-nal\ adj 1 : of or relating to a con- : the state of being conjugated
gregation 2 cap: observing the faith and practice of cer- con-junct \kan-'jal)kt\ adj : JOINED, UNITED
tain Protestant churches which recognize the con-junc-tion \kan-'jal)k-shan\ n 1 .: the act or an in-
independence of each congregation in church matters - stance of conjoining: the state of being combined 2: oc-
ccn-qre-qa-tlcn-al-tsm \-na-,li-zam\ n, often cap - eon- currence at the same time 3: a word that joins together
gre-ga-tion-al-ist \-list\ n, often cap sentences, clauses, phrases, or words
con-gress \'kal)-gras\ n 1 : an assembly esp. of delegates confluence, convergence, meeting - more at CON-
for discussion and usu. action on some question 2: the VERGENCE
body of senators and representatives constituting a na- con-junc-ti-va \,kan-Jal)k-'tI-va\ n, pi -vas or -vae \-(,)ve\
tion's legislature 3: the body of persons coming together : the mucous membrane lining the inner surface of the
for a common purpose - con-gres-sio-nal \kan-'gre-sha- eyelids and continuing over the forepart of the eyeball
nal\ adj con-junc-tive \kan-'jal)k-tiv\ adj 1 : CONNECTIVE 2: CO -
assembly, conference, convention, convocation, JUNCT 3: being or functioning like a conjunction
council, gathering, get-together, huddle, meeting, pow- con-junc-ti-vi-tis \kan-Jal)k-ti-'vi-tas\ n : inflammation of
wow, seminar - more at MEETING the conjunctiva
ccn-qress-man \'kal)-gras-man\ n : a member of a congress con-junc-ture \kan-'jal)k-char\ n 1 : CONJUNCTION, UNION
ccn-qress-wom-an \-,wU-man\ n : a woman who is a mem- 2 : JUNCTURE 3
ber of a congress eon-jun-to \k6n-'hiin-t6\ n : Mexican-American music in-
con-gru-ence \kan-'grii-ans, 'kal)-grii-\ n : the quality of
fluenced by the music of German immigrants to Texas
agreeing or coinciding : CONGRUITY - con-gru-ent \kan-
con-ju-ra-tion \,kan-ju-'rii-shan. ,kan-\ n : a magic ex-
'gru-ant, "karj-gru-Y adj
pression used in conjuring
con-gru-en-cy \-se\ n, pi -cies : CONGRUENCE
con-gru-ity \kiin-'grii-a-te\ n, pi -ities : correspondence be- bewitchment, charm, enchantment, incantation, spell
tween things - more at SPELL
con-qru-cus \'kal)-grii-as\ adj : being in agreement, har- con-jure \'kan-jar, 'kan- for 1, 2; kan-tjur for 3\ vb con-ju-
mony, or correspondence red; eon-jur-ing 1 : to implore earnestly or solemnly 2 : to
balanced, consonant, harmonious - more at HARMO- practice magic; esp : to summon (as a devil) by sorcery
NIOUS compatible, conformable (to), consistent, con- 3 : to practice sleight of hand 4 a : to summon by or as if
sonant, correspondent, harmonious - more at CONSIS- by invocation or incantation b: to affect or effect by or
TENT as if by magic
con-ic \'ka-nik\ adi 1 : of or relating to a cone 2: CONICAL con-jur-er or con-ju-ror \'kiin-jar-ar, 'kan-\ n 1 : one that
con-i-cal \'ka-ni-kal\ adj : resembling a cone esp. in shape practices magic arts : WIZARD 2.: one that performs
co-ni-fer \'ka-na-far, 'k6-\ n : any of an order of shrubs or feats of sleight of hand and illusion: MAGICIAN
trees (as the pines) that usu. are evergreen and bear cones [1] enchanter, magicran, necromancer, sorcerer,
- co-nlf-er-ous \k6-'ni-fa-ras\ adj voodoo, witch, wizard - more at MAGICIAN [2] illu-
conj abbr conjunction sionist, magician, trickster
con-jec-tur-al x-cho-ralv adj : of the nature of or involv- conk \'kal)k\ vb : to become inoperative or ineffective
ing or based on conjecture : BREAK DOWN; esp : STALL <the motor r-eed out>
hypothetical, speculative, theoretical - more at THE- break, break down, crash, cut out, die, fail, stall-
'con-jec-ture \kan-'jek-char\ n 1 : a conclusion deduced Conn abbr Connecticut
by surmise or guesswork: GUESS, SURMISE 2 : inference con-nect \ka-'nekt\ vb 1 : to join or fasten together in a
from defective or presumptive evidence single relationship often by something intervening: JOIN,
[1, 2] guess, supposition, surmise; also hypothesis, LINK 2 : to associate in one's mind 3: to establish a
theory, thesis; speculation; hunch, intuition; belief, communications connection <~ to the Internet> - con-
faith [2] hypothesis, proposition, supposition, theory nect-able adj - con-nee-tor n
- more at THEORY [1] chain, compound, couple, hitch, hook, join, link,
2conjeeture vb : to arrive at or deduce by conjecture yoke; also dovetail; concatenate, string; cement, coa-
: GUESS lesce, combine, fuse, unite Ant disconnect, disjoin, sep-
calculate, call, estimate, figure, gauge, guess, judge. arate, unchain, uncouple, unhitch, unyoke [2)
make, place, put, reckon, suppose - more at ESTIMATE associate, correlate, identify, link, relate - more at AS-
assume, guess, presume, speculate, suppose, surmise, SOCIATE
suspect - more at GUESS con-nec-tion \ka-'nek-shan\ n 1 a : the act of connecting
con-join \kan-'j6in\ vb .: to join together - con-joint : a coming into or being put in contact: JUNCTION, UNION
\-'joint\ adj b : the state of being connected or linked c : the
associate, coalesce, combine, connect, couple, fuse, place where a connection occurs 2 : logical relation-
join, link, marry, unify, unite - more at UNITE ship; esp : relation of a word to other words in a sentence
con-joint \-'joint\ adi : related to, made up of, or carried 3 : family relationship 4: something that connects or the
on by two or more in combination point of the connecting 5: a person related by blood or
collective, common, communal, concerted, joint, marriage 6 : relationship in social affairs or in business
mutual, public, united - more at COLLECTIVE 7 : a set or group of persons connected or associated to-
con-ju-gal \'kan-ji-gal\ adj : of or relating to marriage gether in a common interest; esp : a religious denomina-
169 consequent
[la] combination, consolidation, coupling, junction, [l] ethical, honest, honorable (or honourable), just,
unification, union - more at UNION. [lb] association, moral, principled, scrupulous;also good, righteous, up-
bearing, kinship, liaison, linkage, relation, relationship; right, virtuous; dutiful, observant, respectful; overcon-
also correlation, interrelation; pertinence, relevance; scientious; reliable, trustworthy, trusty Ant cutthroat,
bond, link, tie; affiliation, alliance, union; likeness, re- dishonest, dishonorable, immoral, unethical, unjust,
semblance, similarity [lc] coupling, joint, junction, unprincipled, unscrupulous + [2] careful, fussy, metic-
juncture - more at JOINT [2] applicability, bearing, ulous, painstaking - more at PAINSTAKING
pertinence, relevance- more at PERTINENCE + [6] affil- conscientious objector n : a person who refuses to serve in
iation, alliance, association, collaboration, confedera- the armed forces or to bear arms on moral or religious
tion, cooperation, hookup, liaison, partnership, grounds
relation, relationship, union - more at ASSOCIATION 'conoscious\'kan-ch;)s\ adj 1 + : perceiving, apprehending,
tcon-nec-tlve \k;)-'nek-tiv\ adj : serving to connect - con- or noticing with a degree of controlled thought or obser-
nec-tlv-l-ty \,ka-,nek-'ti-v;)-te\ n vation : AWARE 2: known or felt by one's inner self
2connective n : a word (as a conjunction) that connects 3 : mentally awake or alert : not asleep or unconscious
words or word groups 4 : INTENTIONAL - con-sclcus-ness n
connective tissue n : a tissue (as bone or cartilage) that alive, aware, cognizant, mindful, sensible, sentient,
forms a supporting framework for the body or its parts witting; also attentive, heedful, observant, regardful,
con-nex-lon chiefly Brit var of CONNECTION vigilant, watchful Ant insensible, unaware, uncon-
con-nlnq tower \'ka-nil)-\ n : a raised structure on the deck scious, unmindful
of a submarine 2conscious n : the upper level of mental life of which a per-
con-nip-tion \b-'nip-sh;)n\ n : a fit of rage, hysteria, or son is aware: CONSCIOUSNESS
alarm con-scious-ly adv + : in a conscious manner
con-niv-ance n + : knowledge of and active or passivecon- + deliberately, intentionally, knowingly, purposely,
sent to wrongdoing willfully - more at INTENTIONALLY
+ collusion, conspiracy - more at COLLUSION 'conoscript \k;)n-'skript\ vb : to enroll by compulsion for
con-nive \k;)-'nlv\ vb con-nived: cononlvolng [F or L; F con- military or naval service - con-scnp-tlon \k;)n-'skrip-
niver, fro L conivere to close the eyes, connive] 1 : to pre- shcnv n
tend ignorance of something one ought to oppose as 2conscript \'kan-,skript\ n : a conscripted person (as a mili-
wrong 2: to cooperate secretly : give secret aid - con- tary recruit)
niv-ern con-se-crateVkan-so-jkrat', vb -crat-ed: -crat-lnq [ME, fro L
con-nois-seur \,ka-n;)-'s;)r\ n : a critical judge in matters of
consecratus, pp. of consecrare, fro com- together + sacrare
to set aside as sacred, fr. sacer sacred] 1 : to induct (as a
art or taste
bishop) into an office with a religious rite 2 : to make
con-no-ta-tlon\,ka-n;)-'tii-sh;)n\ n : a meaningin addition to
or declare sacred <~ a church) 3 : to devote solemnly
or apart from the thing explicitly named or described by
to a purpose
a word
con-no-ta-ttve\'ka-n;)-,tii-tiv, k;)-'no-t;)-\ adj 1 : connoting + [2] bless, hallow, sanctify - more at BLESS [3] allo-
cate, dedicate, devote, earmark, reserve, save - more
or tending to connote 2: relating to connotation at DEVOTE
con-note \k;)-'not\ vb con-not-ed:con-not-ing : to suggest
con-se-cra-tion\,kan-s;)-'krii-sh;)n\ n + : the act or cere-
or mean as a connotation mony of consecrating
con-nu-bl-al \k;)-'nu-be-;)l, -'nyii-\ adj + : of or relating to
the married state : CONJUGAL blessing, sanctification;also dedication
con-sec-u-tive \k;)n-'se-ky;)-tiv\ adj + : following in regular
conjugal, marital, matrimonial, nuptial - more at
order: SUCCESSIVE - con-sec-u-tive-lyadv
con-quer\'kaJ)-k;)r\ vb 1 + : to gain by force of arms: WIN + sequential, successive; also serial; constant, continu-
2 + : to get the better of : OVERCOME
ous, uninterrupted; ensuing, following, later, next, sub-
[I] prevail, triumph, win - more at WIN + [2] beat,
con-sen-su-al \k;)n-'sen-ch;)-w;)l\ adj : involving or based
crush, defeat, dominate, overcome, overpower, subdue,
subject, vanquish on mutual consent
con-sen-sus \k;)n-'sen-s;)s\ n 1 + : agreement in opinion,
con-quer-or\-;)r\ n + : one that conquers
testimony, or belief 2 : collective opinion
+ master, victor, winner - more at VICTOR + accord, agreement, concurrence, unanimity - more
con-quest \'kan-,kwest, 'kaJ)-\ n 1 + : an act of conquer- at AGREEMENT
ing 2: something conquered teen-sent \k;)n-'sent\ vb + : to give assent or approval
+ domination, subjection; also triumph, victory, win- + accede, acquiesce, agree, assent, come round, sub-
ning; beating, defeat, drubbing, licking, trouncing; en- scribe (to) - more at ACCEDE
slavement 2consent n : approval or acceptance of something done
con-quis-ta-dor \kol)-'kes-t;)-,dor, kan-tkwis-v n, pi -do-res or proposed by another
\-,kes-t;)-'d6r-ez, -,kwis-\ or -dors : CONQUEROR; esp : a allowance, authorization, clearance, concurrence,
leader in the Spanish conquest of the Americas in the leave, license (or licence), permission, sanction, suffer-
16th century ance - more at PERMISSION
cons abbr consonant con-se-quence \'kan-s;)-,kwens\ n 1 .: something pro-
con-san-quin-l-ty \,kiin-,san-'gwi-n;)-te, -,sal)-\ n, pi -ties duced by a cause or necessarily following from a set of
: blood relationship - con-san-guin-e-cus\-ne-;)s\ adj conditions: RESULT 2 +: importance with respect to
con-science Vkan-chansv n : consciousness of the moral power to produce an effect
right and wrong of one's own acts or motives - con-set- [l] aftermath, conclusion, corollary, development,
enee-tess adi effect, issue, outcome, outgrowth, product, result, re-
con-scl-en-tlous\,kan-che-'en-ch;)s\ adj 1 +: guided by sultant, sequence, upshot - more at EFFECT [2] im-
one's own sense of right and wrong 2 + : marked by or port, magnitude, moment, significance, weight
done with exact or thoughtful attention - con-sci-en- con-se-quentv-kwont, -,kwent\ adj : following as a result
tious-ly adv or effect
consequential 170
+ attendant, consequential, due, resultant - more at + broadly, greatly, hugely, largely, massively, mon-
RESULTANT strously, much, sizably, stupendously, tremendously,
con-se-quen-tial\,kiin-sa-'kwen-chal\ adi 1 + : having sig- utterly, vastly - more at GREATLY
nificant consequences : IMPORTANT 2: showing self. con-sid-er-ate\bn-'si-da-rat\ adj 1 +: observant of the
importance 3: following as a result rights and feelingsof others 2 + : marked by or given to
+ big, eventful, important, major, material, meaningful, careful consideration
momentous, significant, substantial, weighty- more at + [l] attentive, kind, solicitous, thoughtful - more at
IMPORTANT THOUGHTFUL + [2] alert, careful, cautious, circumspect,
con-se-quent-ly\'kiin-sa-,kwent-le, -kwant-x adv + : as a re- gingerly,guarded, heedful, safe, wary - more at CARE-
+ accordingly, ergo, hence, so, therefore, thus, where- con-sid-er-ation \kan-,si-da-'ra-shan\ n +: careful
fore - more at THEREFORE thought: DELIBERATION 2: a matter taken into account
3 : thoughtful attention 4: JUDGMENT, OPINION
con-ser-van-cy\kan-'sar-van-se\ n, pi -cies : an organiza- 5 + : something given as recompense
tion or area designated to conserve natural resources
con-ser-va-tion \,kiin-sar-'va-shan\ n + : a careful preserva- + [l] debate, deliberation, thought; also cogitation,
tion and protection of something: PRESERVATION; esp contemplation, meditation, pondering, rumination; in-
trospection, reflection; agonizing,hesitation, indecision
: planned management of natural resources + [5] compensation, pay, payment, recompense, remit-
+ maintenance, preservation, upkeep - more at MAIN- tance, remuneration, requital - more at PAYMENT
TENANCE con-sid-er-Ingprep: in view of : taking into account
con-ser-va-tion-ist \-sha-nist\ n : a person who advocates con-sign \kan-'sin\ vb 1 +: to give over to another's
conservation esp, of natural resources charge, custody, or care: ENTRUST, COMMIT 2: to deliver
con-ser-va-tism \kan-'sar-v:l-,ti-zam\ n : disposition to keep formally 3: to send (goods) to an agent for sale - con-
to established ways : opposition to change sign-ee \,kiin-sa-'ne, -,si-; kon-jsi-'; n - con-sign-or\,kiin-
'con-ser-va-tive \kan-'sar-va-tiv\ adj 1: PRESERVATIVE sd-1n6r, -,si-; kan-jsi-', n
2 + : disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or + commend, commit, delegate, deliver, entrust, give,
institutions 3: MODERATE, CAUTIOUS 4 + : marked by or hand over, leave, pass, transfer, transmit, trust, tum
relating to traditional norms of taste, elegance, style, or over, vest - more at GIVE
manners - con-ser-va-tive-ly adv con-sign-ment \kan-'sin-mant\ n : something consigned
+ [2] old-fashioned, orthodox, reactionary, traditional; esp. in a single shipment
also conventional; faithful, loyal, steadfast, true-blue con-sist \kan-'sist\ vb 1 : to be inherent: LIE - usu. used
Ant liberal, nonorthodox, nontraditional, progressive, with in 2: to be composed or made up - usu. used with
unorthodox + [4] muted, quiet, restrained, subdued, of
unpretentious - more at QUIET con-sis-tence \kan-'sis-tans\ n : CONSISTENCY
2conservative n : a person who is conservative esp, in poli- con-sis-ten-cy \-tan-se\ n, pi -cies 1 : COHESIVENESS, FIRM-
tics NESS 2: agreement or harmony in parts or of different
+ reactionary, rightist, Tory; also conformist Ant leftist, things 3: UNIFORMITY <~ of behavior> 4 + : degree of
liberal, progressive firmness, density, viscosity, or resistance to movement or
con-ser-va-tor\kan-'sar-va-tar, 'kiin-sar-,va-\ n 1 : PROTEC- separation of constituent particles
TOR, GUARDIAN 2: one named by a court to protect the in- + thickness, viscosity; also compactness, firmness, so-
terests of an incompetent (as a child) lidity
con-ser-va-to-ry\kan-'sar-va-,tor-e\ n, pi -ries 1 : a green- con-sis-tent \-tant\ adi + : marked by agreement
house for growing or displayingplants 2: a place of in- + compatible, conformable (to), congruous, consonant,
struction in one of the fine arts (as music) correspondent, harmonious; also appropriate, fitting,
'con-serve \kan-'sarv\ vb con-served; con-serv-ing + : to meet, suitable Ant conflicting, incompatible, incongru-
keep from losing or wasting: preserve in a sound state ous, inconsistent, inharmonious
+ keep up, maintain, preserve, save - more at MAIN- con-sls-tent-lyadv : in a consistent manner
con-sis-to-ry\kan-'sis-ta-re\ n, pi -ries : a solemn assembly
(as of Roman Catholic cardinals)
2con-serve \'kiin-,sarv\ n 1: CONFECTION; esp : a candied consol abbr consolidated
fruit 2: PRESERVE; esp : one prepared from a mixture of con-so-la-tlon \,kiin-sa-'Ia-shan\ n + : the act or an instance
fruits of consoling: the state of being consoled
con-sid-er \kan-'si-dar\ vb [ME, fro AF considerer, fro L + cheer, comfort, relief, solace - more at COMFORT
considerare to observe, think about, fro com- together + + comforting, solace; also commiseration, condolence,
sider-, sidus heavenly body] 1 +: to reflect on : think sympathy; counseling
about with a degree of care or caution 2 + : to be of the 'con-sole \'kiin-,sol\ n [F] 1 : the desklike part of an organ
opinion: REGARD 3 + : to think of: come to view, judge, at which the organist sits 2: the combination of displays
or classify- con-sid-eredadj and controls of a device or system 3: a cabinet for a ra-
+ [l] chew over, cogitate, contemplate, debate, deliber- dio or television set resting directly on the floor 4: a
ate, entertain, meditate, mull, ponder, question, rumi- small storage cabinet between bucket seats in an automo-
nate, study, think, weigh - more at PONDER + [2, bile
3] account, count, esteem, hold, rate, reckon, regard, 2con-sole \kan-'sol\ vb con-soled; con-sol-ing + : to soothe
take; also believe, feel, sense, think; conceive, fancy, the grief of : COMFORT, SOLACE - con-so-Ia-to-ry\kan-'so-
imagine la-,tor-e, -'sii-\ adj
con-sid-er-able \-'si-dar-a-bal, -'si-dra-bal\ adj 1 : worthy + assure, cheer, comfort, reassure, solace, soothe-
of consideration : of consequence or distinction more at COMFORT
2 + : large in extent, amount, or degree con-sol-iodate\kan-'sa-Ia-,dat\ vb -dat-ed: -dat-Ing 1 + : to
+ good, goodly, healthy, respectable, Significant, siz- unite or become united into one whole: COMBINE 2: to
able, substantial, tidy; also big, colossal, enormous, gi- make stronger or more secure 3 + : to form into a com-
gantic, great, huge, immense, mammoth Ant inconsid- pact mass
erable, insignificant, insubstantial + [1, 3] center (or centre), centralize, combine, com-
con-sid-er-ably\-ble\ adv + : to a notable extent or degree pact, concentrate, unify, unite - more at CENTRALIZE
171 constrain
con-sol-i-da-tion\-,sii-l:)-'da-sh:m\ n : the act or process and invariable : remammg unchanged : UNCHANGING
of consolidating: the state of being consolidated 3 : continually recurring: REGULAR
combination, connection, coupling, junction, unifica- [1] devoted, faithful, fast, good, loyal, pious, staunch,
tion, union - more at UNION steadfast, steady, true, true-blue - more at FAITHFUL
con-scm-me \,kiin-s:)-'ma\ n [F] : a clear soup made from [2] stable, stationary, steady, unchanging, unvarying;
well-seasoned stock also fast, fixed, hard-and-fast, immutable, inflexible, in-
ccn-so-nance \ 'kiin-s:)-n:)ns\ n 1 .: harmony or agree- variable, unalterable, unchangeable; established, set,
ment among components 2: repetition of consonants settled; durable, enduring, lasting, permanent Ant
esp. as an alternative to rhyme in verse changeful, changing, fluctuating, inconstant, varying,
balance, coherence, harmony, proportion, symmetry, unstable, unsteady [3] frequent, habitual, periodic,
symphony, unity - more at HARMONY regular, repeated, steady
'conosa-nant\-n:)nt\ adi : having consonance, harmony, 2constant n : something unchanging
or agreement - con-so-nant-lyadv con-stant-ly adv : with regular occurrence
compatible, conformable (to), congruous, consistent, continually, frequently, often, repeatedly - more at
correspondent, harmonious - more at CONSISTENT OFTEN. always, continually, ever, forever, incessantly,
2consonant n 1 : a speech sound (as p, g, n, I, s, r) charac- invariably, perpetually, unfailingly- more at ALWAYS
terized by constriction or closure at one or more points in con-stel-la-tion \,kiin-st:l-'la-sh:ln \ n : any of 88 groups of
the breath channel 2: a letter other than a, e, i, 0, and u stars forming patterns
- con-so-nan-tat\,kiin-s:)-'nant-'l\ adi con-ster-na-tion \,kiin-st:lr-'na-sh:ln\ n : amazement or dis-
"con-sort \'kiin-,sort\ n 1 : a ship accompanying another may that hinders or throws into confusion
2 : a wife or husband: SPOUSE, MATE con-sti-pa-tion \,kiin-st:l-'pa-sh:ln\ n : abnormally difficult
2conosort \k:)n-'sort\ vb 1 : to spend time in the company or infrequent bowel movements - con-sti-pate Vkan-sto-
of 2 : ACCORD, HARMONIZE ,pat\ vb
con-stit-u-en-cy\k:)n-'sti-ch:l-w:ln-se\ n, pi -cies : a body of
associate, chum, fraternize, hang around, hobnob, constituents; also: an electoral district
pal- more at ASSOCIATE
'conostitou-ent\-w:lnt\ n 1 : a person entitled to vote for a
con-sor-tium \k:)n-'sor-sh:)m; -she-om, -te-\ n, pi -sor-tia representative for a district 2 : a component part
v-sho-; -she-a, -te-v [L, feUowship] : an agreement or com-
bination (as of companies) formed to undertake a large component, element, factor, ingredient, member-
enterprise more at ELEMENT
con-spec-tus \k:)n-'spek-t:)s\ n 1 : a brief surveyor sum- 2constituent adi 1 : COMPONENT 2: having power to create
mary 2: SUMMARY a government or frame or amend a constitution
con-spic-u-ous\k:)n-'spi-kY:l-w:ls\ adi 1 : obvious to the con-sti-tute \'kiin-st:l-,tut, -,tyut\ vb -tut-ed; -tutoing1 : to
eye or mind: PROMINENT 2 : attracting attention: STRIK- appoint to an office or duty 2 : to set up : ESTABLISH <~
ING 3 : marked by a noticeable violation of good taste
a law) 3.: to make up (the element or elements of
- con-splc-u-ous-ty adv
which a thing, person, or idea is made up) : COMPOSE
[I, 2] bold, catchy, emphatic, marked, noticeable, [1] appoint, assign, attach, commission, designate,
prominent, pronounced, remarkable, striking - more detail, name - more at APPOINT [2] establish, found,
at NOTICEABLE. [3] blatant, egregious, flagrant, glaring, inaugurate, initiate, innovate, institute, introduce,
gross, obvious, patent, prominent, pronounced, rank, launch, pioneer, set up, start - more at FOUND
striking - more at EGREGIOUS [3] compose, comprise, form, make up; also embody,
incorporate, integrate; complement, complete, supple-
con-spir-a-cy\k:ln-'spir-:l-se\ n, pi -cies 1 : an agreement
ment; fill out, flesh (out)
among conspirators : PLOT 2 : a group of conspirators
con-stl-tu-tion \,kiin-st:l-'tu-sh:)n, -'tyu-\ n 1: an estab-
[1] design, intrigue, machination, plot, scheme- lished law or custom 2 : the physical makeup of the in-
more at PLOT [2] cabal, gang, mob, ring, syndicate- dividual 3.: the structure, composition, or makeup of
more at RING something <~ of the sun) 4: the basic law in a politically
con-spir-a-tor \k:ln-'spir-:)-t:lr\ n : one that conspires- organized body; also: a document containing such law
con-sptr-a-te-rl-al \-,spir-:)-'tor-e-:ll\ ad}
[2] build, figure, form, frame, physique, shape-
con-splre \k:ln-'spir\ vb conspired; con-spir-ing [ME, fro
more at PHYSIQUE [3] character, complexion, genius,
MFconspirer, fro L conspirare to be in harmony, conspire, nature, personality, tone - more at NATURE
fro com- with + spirare to breathe] : to plan secretly an
"con-stl-tu-tlon-al \-sh:l-n:)l\ ad} 1 : of or relating to the con-
unlawful act: PLOT
stitution of body or mind 2: being in accord with the
contrive, intrigue, machinate, plot, scheme - more constitution of a state or society; also: of or relating to
at PLOT such a constitution
const abbr 1 constant 2 constitution; constitutional 2constitutional n : an exercise (as a walk) taken for one's
con-sta-ble \'kiin-st:l-b:ll, 'k;:m-\ n [ME conestable, fro OF, health
fro LL comes stabuli, lit., officer of the stable) : a public con-stl-tu-tion-al-l-ty\-,tu-sh:l-'na-l:)-te, -,tyii-\ n : the qual-
officer responsible for keeping the peace ity or state of being constitutional
cop, officer, police officer - more at OFFICER con-sti-tu-tlon-at-ly adv : with respect to mental or spiri-
con-stab-u-tary \k:ln-'sta-by:)-,ler-e\ n, pi -lar-les 1 : the po- tual makeup : with respect to bodily makeup
lice of a particular district or country 2: a police force inherently, innately, intrinsically, naturally - more
organized like the military at NATURALLY
con-stan-cy \'kiin-st:)n-se\ n, pi -cies 1 .: firmness of con-stl-tu-tlve \'kiin-st:l-,tu-tiv, -tyii-; ksn-tsti-cho-tivv ad}
mind 2 : a state of being constant or unchanging 1 : CONSTRUCTIVE 2: CONSTITUENT, ESSENTIAL
[1) allegiance, dedication, devotion, faith, faithful- constr abbr construction
ness, fastness, fealty, fidelity, loyalty, steadfastness- con-strain \k:ln-'stran\ vb 1 : to force by imposed stric-
more at FIDELITY [2) fixedness, immutability, stabil- ture, restriction, or limitation : COMPEL 2: CONFINE
ity, steadiness; also consistency, regularity, sameness, 3 : to withhold or restrain by force
uniformity; durability, permanence Ant instability, mu- [1) coerce, compel, drive, force, make, muscle, obli-
tability, unsteadiness, variability gate, oblige, press, pressure - more at FORCE. [3] bri-
tcon-stant v-stsntv ad} 1 : marked by firm steadfast reso- die, check, contain, control, curb, govern, inhibit,
lution or faithfulness: STEADFAST, FAITHFUL 2 : fixed regulate, rein, restrain, tame - more at CONTROL
constraint 172

con-straint \-'strant\ n 1 a : the state of being checked, re- consumer price index n : an index measuring the change in
stricted, or compelled to avoid or perform some action the cost of widely purchased goods and services from the
: COMPULSION b + : the act or action of using force or cost in some base period
threat of force to prevent or condition an action c : a 'consum.mate \'kan-sa-mat, kan-'sa-\ adj 1 : complete in
constraining condition, agency, or force : RESTRAINT every detail: PERFECT 2 + : extremely skilled and accom-
2 + : repression of one's natural feelings plished 3 + : of the highest degree
+ [Ib] coercion, compulsion, duress, force, pressure- + [2] accomplished, adept, crack, crackerjack, expert,
more at FORCE + [Ic] check, condition, curb, fetter, good, great, master, masterful, masterly, proficient,
limitation, restraint, restriction - more at RESTRlCTION skilled, skillful, virtuoso - more at PROFICIENT
+ [2] reserve, restraint, self-control - more at RESERVE + [3] maximum, most, nth, paramount, supreme, top,
con-strict \k:m-'strikt\ vb 1 + : to draw together: SQUEEZE ultimate, utmost - more at ULTIMATE
2 + : to become constricted - con-stric-tion \-'strik-sh:m\ 2consummate \'kan-sa-,mat\ vb -mat-ed; -mat-lnq + : to
n - con-strtc-tive \-'strik-tiv\ adj make complete : FlNlSH
+ [I, 2] compact, compress, condense, contract, + complete, finalize, finish, perfect - more at FlNlSH
squeeze - more at COMPRESS con-sum-ma-tlon \,kan-sa-'ma-shan\ n + : the ultimate end
con-strlc-tlon \-'strik-sh:m\ n + : the act or product of con- + close, conclusion, end, ending, finale, finis, finish,
stricting windup - more at FINALE + accomplishment, achieve-
+ compression, condensation, contraction - more at ment, actuality, attainment, fruition, fulfillment, real-
COMPRESSION ization - more at FRUITION
con-strlc-tor xkon-tstrtk-tarv n : a snake that coils around con-sump-tion \kan-'samp-shan\ n 1 : progressive bodily
and compresses its prey wasting away; also : TUBERCULOSIS 2: the act of consum-
con-struct \kan-'strakt\ vb + : to make or form by com- ing Or using up 3: the use of economic goods
bining or arranging parts or elements : BUlLD, MAKE- tcon-sump-tlve \-'samp-tiv\ adj 1 : tending to consume
con-struc-tor \-'strak-tar\ n 2 : relating to or affected with consumption
+ assemble, build, erect, fabricate, make, make up, 2consumptive n : a person who has consumption
piece, put up, raise, rear, set up - more at BUlLD cont abbr 1 containing 2 contents 3 continent; continen-
con-struc-tlon \kan-'strak-shan\ n 1 + : the act or result of tal 4 continued 5 control
construing, interpreting, or explaining 2 a : the art, 'con-tact \'kan-,takt\ n 1 : a touching or meeting of bodies
process, or manner of building b: something built, cre- 2 : association or relationship (as in physical or mental or
ated, or established: STRUCT1)RE 3: syntactical arrange- business or social meeting or communication) : CONNEC-
ment of words in a sentence TION 3: a person serving as a go-between or source of in-
+ clarification, elucidation, explanation, explication, formation 4: CONTACT LENS
exposition, illumination, illustration, interpretation- 2contact vb 1 : to come or bring into contact: TOUCH 2: to
more at EXPLANATION get in communication with
con-struc-tion-ist v-shc-nistv n : a person who construes a contact lens n : a thin lens fitting over the cornea usu. to
legal document (as the U.S. Constitution) in a specific correct vision
way <a strict """'> con-ta-gion \k~n-'ta-jan\ n [ME, fro L contagia, fro contin-
con-struc-ttve \-tiv\ adj : of or relating to construction or gere to have contact with, pollute, fro com together + tan-
creation gere to touch] 1: a contagious disease; also : the
con-strue \kan-'strii\ vb con-strued; con-stru-ing 1 : to an- transmission of such a disease 2: a disease-producing
alyze the mutual relations of words in a sentence; also agent (as a virus) 3: transmission of an influence on the
: TRANSLATE 2 + : to understand or explain the sense or mind or emotions
intention of usu. in a particular way or with respect to a ccn-ta-qlous \-jas\ adj 1 + : able to be passed by contact
given set of circumstances: EXPLAIN, INTERPRET - con-
between individuals <colds are """'> <"""' disease>; also: ca-
stru-able adj pable of passing on a contagious disease 2 : communi-
+ clarify, clear (up), demonstrate, elucidate, explain, cated or transmitted like a contagious disease; esp
explicate, expound, illuminate, illustrate, interpret, : exciting similar emotion or conduct in others
spell out - more at EXPLAIN
+ [I] catching, communicable, transmittable; also in-
con-sub-stan-ti-a-tion \,kan-sab-,stan-che-'a-shan\ n : the fectious, infective + [2] catching, infectious; also irresist-
actual substantial presence and combination of the body ible, overpowering, overwhelming; fetching, inviting,
and blood of Christ with the eucharistic bread and wine winning
ccn-sul Vkan-sal', n 1 : a chief magistrate of the Roman re-
con-tain \kan-'tan\ vb 1 + : to keep within limits: hold
public 2: an official appointed by a government to reside
back or hold down 2: to have within: HOLD 3 + : to con-
in a foreign country to care for the commercial interests
of the appointing government's citizens - con-sul-ar sist of wholly or in part: COMPRISE, INCLUDE - con-taln-
able \-'ta-na-bal\ adj - con-tain-ment n
\-sa-lar\ adj - con-sul-ate \-l~t\ n - con-sul-ship n
con-sult \kan-'salt\ vb 1 : to ask the advice or opinion of + [I] bridle, check, constrain, control, curb, govern, in-
2 .: to deliberate together : CONFER - con-sul-ta-tlon hibit, regulate, rein, restrain, tame - more at CONTROL
\,kan-sal-'ta-shan \ n + [3] carry, comprehend, comprise, embrace, encom-
pass, entail, include, involve, number, take in - more
+ advise, confer, counsel, parley, powwow - more at
con-sul-tant \-'nt\ n : one who gives professional advice or con-tain-er \kan-'tii-nar\ n + : a receptacle (as a box or jar)
services for holding goods; esp : one for shipment of goods
con-sume \kan-'sum\ vb con-sumed; con-sum-ing 1 : to do + holder, receptacle, vessel; also cartridge; bin, box,
away with completely <consumed by fire> 2 a : to spend carton, case, crate; bag, pocket, sack; cooler, warmer
wastefully b + : to use up 3: to eat up : DEVOUR 4: to ab- con-tarn-l-nant \kan-'ta-ma-nant\ n + : something that con-
sorb the attention of : ENGROSS - con-sum-able adj= taminates
con-sum-er n adulterant, defilement, impurity, pollutant - more
+ clean, deplete, drain, exhaust, expend, spend, use up at [MPURlTY
- more at DEPLETE con-tam-i-nate \kan-'ta-ma-,nat\ vb -nat-ed; + : to
con-sum-er-lsm \kan-'su-ma-,ri-zam\ n : the promotion of soil, stain, or infect by contact or association - con-tam-
consumers' interests (as against false advertising) l-na-tlon \-,ta-ma-'na-shan\ n
173 contestant
+ befoul, defile, foul, poison, pollute, taint; also infect; + [l) battle, compete, fight, race, vie - more at COM-
besmirch, dirty, soil, sully; corrupt, rot, spoil; adulter- PETE + usu contend with [I] cope with, grapple with,
ate, doctor; dilute, water (down) Ant decontaminate, handle, manage, maneuver (or manoeuvre), negotiate,
purify swing, treat - more at HANDLE + [3) affirm, allege, ar-
contd abbr continued gue, assert, aver, avouch, avow, claim, declare, insist,
con-temn \k:m-'tem\ vb : to view or treat with contempt maintain, profess, protest, warrant - more at CLAIM
: DESPISE con-tend-ern + : one that contends
eon-tem-plate \'kiin-t:>m-,pliit\ vb -plat-ed; -plating [L con- applicant, aspirant, campaigner, candidate, hopeful,
temp/ari, fro com- with + temp/urn space marked out for prospect, seeker - more at CANDIDATE + challenger,
observation of auguries) 1 + : to view or consider with competition, competitor, contestant, rival - more at
continued attention 2 + : to view as contingent or prob- COMPETITOR
able or as an end or intention: INTEND 'content \kan-'tent\ adj + : having desires limited to what-
ever one has: SATISFIED
+ [I) chew over, cogitate, consider, debate, deliberate,
entertain, meditate, mull, ponder, question, ruminate, + contented, happy, pleased; also delighted, glad, joy-
study, think, weigh - more at PONDER + [2) aim, as- ful, joyous, jubilant; ecstatic, elated, enraptured, eu-
pire, design, intend, mean, meditate, plan, propose- phoric, overjoyed, rapturous, thrilled; appeased,
more at INTEND mollified, pacified, placated Ant discontent, discon-
tented, displeased, dissatisfied, malcontent, unhappy
con-tem-pla-tion\,kan-tam-'pla-shan\ n : an act of consid-
ering with attention 2content vb + : to appease the desires of : SATISFY; esp : to
limit (oneself) in requirementsor actions
con-tem-pla-tive \kan-'tem-pla-tiv, 'kan-tam-jpla-', adj
+ : marked by or given to contemplation + delight, gladden, gratify, please, rejoice, satisfy, suit,
warm - more at PLEASE
+ meditative, melancholy, pensive, reflective, rumi- 3content n : the quality or state of being contented : CON-
nant, thoughtful; also introspective, retrospective; TENTMENT
earnest, serious, sober, somber; analytical, logical, ra- 'content \'kiin-,tent\ n 1 : something contained <~s of a
tional; deliberate, purposeful Ant unreflective room> 2 + : subject matter or topics treated (as in a
con-tem-po-ra-ne-ous\kan-,tem-pa-'ra-ne-as\ am: existing. book) 3: material (as text or music) offered by a Web site
occurring, or originating during the same time: CONTEM- 4 : essential meaning or Significance 5: the amount of
PORARY material contained 6: the ability to hold, receive, or ac-
'con.tem'po-rary \kan-'tem-pa-,rer-e\ adj 1 + : occurring or commodate
existing at the same time 2 + : marked by characteristics + matter, motif, question, subject, theme, topic-
of the present period more at MATTER
+ [l) coeval, concurrent, simultaneous, synchronous; con-tent-ed\kan-'ten-tad\ adj + : easy in mind : satisfied
also accompanying, attendant, attending, coincident, esp, with one's lot in life - con-tent-ed-lyadv
concomitant + [2) current, hot, mod, modem, new, + content, happy, pleased - more at CONTENT
newfangled, red-hot, space-age, ultramodern, up-to= con-tent-ed-nessn + : the quality or state of being con-
date - more at MODERN tented
2contemporaryn : one of the same or nearly the same age as + content, contentment, gratification, happiness, plea-
another sure, satisfaction
con-tempt \kan-'tempt\ n 1 + : the act of despising: the con-ten-tlon\kan-'ten-chan\ n 1 : CONTEST, STRIFE 2 + : an
state of mind of one who despises 2: the state of being idea or point for which a person argues
despised 3: disobedience to or open disrespect of a court + argument, assertion, thesis; also hypothesis, theory;
or legislature proposal, proposition; assumption, presupposition, sup-
+ despite, disdain, scorn; also abhorrence, abomina- position; position, stand
tion, execration, hate, hatred, loathing; cattiness, hate- con-ten-tious \-chas\ adj + : exhibiting an often perverse
fulness, malevolence, malice, malignancy, malignity, and wearisome tendency to quarrels and disputes - con-
meanness, spite, spitefulness; aversion, disgust, distaste, ten-tlous-Iy adv
horror, odium, repugnance, repulsion, revulsion; ani- + argumentative, disputatious, quarrelsome, scrappy
mosity, antagonism, antipathy, bitterness, enmity, - more at ARGUMENTATIVE
grudge, hostility, jealousy, pique, resentment; bile, con-tent-mentvkon-ttent-mantv n + : ease of mind: SATIS-
jaundice, rancor, spleen, venom, virulence, vitriol Ant FACTION
admiration, esteem, regard, respect + delectation, delight, enjoyment, gladness, gratifica-
con-tempt-ible \kan-'temp-ta-bal\ adj + : deserving con- tion, pleasure, relish, satisfaction - more at PLEASURE
tempt: DESPICABLE - con-tempt-ibly\-ble\ adv con-ter-mi-nous\kiin-'tar-m:>-nas\ adj : having the same or
+ base, despicable, detestable, dirty, dishonorable (or a common boundary- con-ter-mt-nous-lv adv
dishonourable), ignoble, low, mean, snide, sordid, vile, 'con.test \kan-'test\ vb 1 : to engage in a struggle or com-
wretched - more at IGNOBLE + despicable, lousy, petition: COMPETE, VIE 2 + : to make the subject of dis-
nasty, pitiful, scabby, scurvy, sorry, wretched; also ab- pute, contention, or litigation: CHALLENGE, DISPUTE
horrent, abominable, detestable, execrable, hateful, + challenge, dispute, query, question - more at CHAL-
loathsome, odious; disgusting, repugnant, repulsive; LENGE
disgraceful, dishonorable, shameful; base, ignoble, low, 2con.test \'kiin-,test\ n + : a struggle for superiority or vic-
mean; shabby, sordid, squalid, vile; cowardly, craven, tory
dastardly Ant admirable
+ bout, competition, event, game, match, meet, tourna-
con-temp-tu-ous v-'temp-cha-wosv adj + : manifesting, feel- ment - more at GAME + battle, combat, conflict, con-
ing, or expressing contempt - con-temp-tu-ous-lyadv frontation, duel, face-off, rivalry, struggle, tug-of-war,
+ degrading, derogatory, disdainful, scornful, uncom- warfare; also showdown; contention, discord, friction,
plimentary - more at DEROGATORY strife; controversy, debate, disagreement
con-tend\kan-'tend\ vb 1 + : to strive or vie in contest or con-tes-tant\-'tes-tant\ n + : one that participates in a con-
rivalry or against difficulties - often used with with test
2 : to strive in debate: ARGUE 3 + : to affirm in or as if in + challenger, competition, competitor, contender, rival
context 174
con-text \'kiin-,tekst\ n [ME, fro L contextus connection of + [2) abide, endure, hold, keep up, last, persist, run on;
words, coherence, fro contexere to weave together) : the also linger, remain, stay, stick around, tarry Ant cease,
parts of a discourse that surround a word or passage and desist, discontinue, quit, stop + [4) renew, reopen,
help to explain its meaning; also: the circumstances sur- restart, resume - more at RESUME
rounding an act or event - con-tex-tu-al-ly adv adj + : needing no renewal : ENDURJNG
con-tl-qu-l-ty \,kiin-ta-'gyii-a-te\ n + : the quality or state of + abiding, ageless, dateless, enduring, eternal, everlast-
being contiguous ing, immortal, imperishable, lasting, perennial, perpet-
+ closeness, immediacy, nearness, proximity - more ual, timeless, undying - more at ABIDING
at PROXIMITY con-tl-nu-l-ty \,kiin-ta-'nii-a-te, -'nyli-\ n, pi -ties 1 : the
con-tlq-u-ous \kan-'ti-gya-was\ adj +: being in contact state of being continuous 2: something that has or pro-
: TOUCHING; also : ADJOINING vides continuity
+ adjacent, adjoining, touching - more at ADJACENT con-tln-u-ous \kan-'tin-ya-was\ adj + : continuing without
con-ti-nence Vkant-sn-onsv n 1 : SELF-RESTRAINT; esp : a re- interruption - con-tln-u-ous-ly adv
fraining from sexual intercourse 2: the ability to retain + ceaseless, continual, incessant, unbroken, unceasing,
urine or feces voluntarily uninterrupted; also endless, eternal, everlasting, inter-
'con.ti.nent \'kiint-On-:mt\ adj : exercising continence minable, perpetual, unending; constant, stable, steady,
2continent n 1 : any of the great divisions of land on the unchanging, unvarying Ant noncontinuous
globe 2 cap: the continent of Europe con-tin-u-um \-ya-wam\ n, pi -ua \-ya-wa\ also -u-ums
'continental \,kiin-ta-'nent-Ol\ adj 1 : of or relating to a : something that is the same throughout or consists of a
continent; esp, often cap: of or relating to the continent of series of variations or of a sequence of things in regular
Europe 2 often cap : of or relating to the colonies later order
forming the U.S. 3: of or relating to cuisine based on con-tort \kan-'tort\ vb + : to twist out of shape
classical European cooking + deform, distort, screw, warp; also deface, disfigure;
2continental n 1 often cap : a soldier in the Continental wrench, wrest, wring; coil, curl, twine, wind, wreathe
army 2: EUROPEAN con-tor-tion\-'tor-shan\ n + : a twisting into abnormal or
continental drift n : a hypothetical slow movement of the grotesque shape
continents over a fluid layer deep within the earth + deformation, distortion; also defacement, disfigure-
continental shelf n : a shallow submarine plain forming a ment
border to a continent con-tor-tion-ist \-'tor-sha-nist\ n : an acrobat able to twist
continental slope n : a usu. steep slope from a continental the body into unusual postures
shelf to the ocean floor con-tour \'kiin-,tilr\ n [F, fr. It contomo fro contomare to
con-tln-qen-cy \kan-'tin-jan-se\ n, pi -cies + : a chance or round off, fro ML, to turn around, fro L com- together +
possible event tomare to turn on a lathe, fro tomus lathe) 1 + : an out-
+ case, event, eventuality, possibility - more at EVENT line esp, of a curving or irregular figure : OUTLINE
2 : SHAPE, FORM - often used in pl. <the -sof a statue)
'con.tinogent \-jant\ adi 1 : liable but not certain to happen
: POSSIBLE 2: happening by chance: not planned 3 + : de-
+ outline, silhouette - more at OUTLINE
pendent on something that mayor may not occur - used contr abbr contract; contraction
with on or upon con-tra-band Vkan-tre-sbandvn : goods legally prohibited
+ usu contingent on or contingent upon conditional, de- in trade; also: smuggled goods
pendent, subject - more at DEPENDENT con-tra-cep-tion\,kiin-tra-'sep-shan\ n : intentional preven-
2contingent n : a quota (as of troops) supplied from an area tion of conception and pregnancy - ccn-tra-eep-tlve
or group \-'sep-tive\ adj or n
con-tin-u-al \kan-'tin-ya-wal\ adi 1 + : continuing indefi- teen-traet \'kiin-,trakt\ n 1 + : a binding agreement 2: an
nitely in time without interruption: CONTINUOUS, UNBRO- undertaking to win a specified number of tricks in bridge
KEN 2 + : steadily recurring
- con-trac-tu-at\kan-'trak-cha-wal\ adj - con-trac-tu-at-
+ [I) ceaseless, continuous, incessant, unbroken, un-
ceasing, uninterrupted - more at CONTINUOUS + [2) in- + bond, covenant, guarantee, guaranty, surety, war-
termittent, periodic, recurrent ranty - more at GUARANTEE + accord, agreement, bar-
gain, compact, convention, covenant, deal, pact,
con-tin-u-at-tyadv + : in a continual way: in an unceasing settlement, understanding - more at AGREEMENT
or regular way
2contract \kan-'trakt, 2 usu 'kan-,trakt\ vb 1 + : to become
+ always, constantly, ever, forever, incessantly, invari- affected with <- a disease) 2 : to establish or undertake
ably, perpetually, unfailingly- more at ALWAYS by contract 3 a + : to reduce to smaller size by or as if by
ccn-nn-u-anee \-ya-wans\ n 1: unbroken succession squeezing or forcing together : SHRINK, LESSEN; esp : to
2 : the extent of continuing: DURATION 3: adjournment draw together esp, so as to shorten <- a muscle) b + : to
of legal proceedings become reduced in size or volume 4 : to shorten (a word)
+ continuation, duration, endurance, persistence, sub- by omitting letters or sounds in the middle - con-tract-
sistence - more at CONTINUATION ible \k:m-'trak-ta-bal, 'kiin-,\ adj - con-trac-tor \'kiin-
con-tln-u-a-tlon \kan-,tin-ya-'wa-shan\ n 1 + : extension or ,trak-tar, kan-ttrak-v n
prolongation of a state or activity 2: resumption after an + [I) catch, come down, get, sicken, take; also break
interruption; also: something that carries on after a pause out (with); die (from), succumb (to); fail, sink, weaken
or break + [3a, 3b) compress, condense, constrict, lessen,
+ continuance, duration, endurance, persistence, sub- shrink; also collapse, deflate; dry (up), shrivel, wither;
sistence; also elongation, extension, lengthening, pro- decrease, diminish, dwindle; recede, retreat, withdraw
longation Ant ending, termination Ant expand, swell
con-tin-ue \kan-'tin-yli\ vb -tin-ued; 1 : to main- con-trac-tue \kan-'trakt-I\ adj : able to contract - con-
tain without interruption 2 + : to remain in existence trac.til.i.ty \,kiin-,trak-'ti-Ia-te\ n
: ENDURE, LAST 3: to remain in a place or condition con-trac-tion \kan-'trak-shan\ n + : the action or process of
4 + : to resume (as a story) after an intermission 5: EX- contracting
TEND; also: to persist in 6: to allow to remain 7: to keep compression, condensation, constriction - more at
(a legal case) on the calendar or undecided COMPRESSION
175 convalesce
con-tra-dict\,klin-tra-'dikt\ vb + : to assert the contrary of + apologetic, penitent, regretful, remorseful, repentant,
: deny the truth of rueful, sorry; also sad, grieving, mournful, sorrowful,
+ deny, disallow, disavow, disclaim, gainsay, negate, woeful Ant impenitent, remorseless, unapologetic, un-
negative, reject, repudiate - more at DENY repentant
con-tra-dic-tion\-'dik-shan\ n + : the act or an instance of con-tn-tion \kan-'tri-shan\ n + : the state of being contrite
contradicting + guilt, penitence, remorse, repentance, self-reproach,
+ denial, disallowance, disavowal, disclaimer, negation, shame - more at GUILT
rejection, repudiation - more at DENIAL con-triv-ance \kan-'tri-vans\ n 1 + : a mechanical device;
con-tra-dtc-to-ry \-'dik-ta-re\ adj + : involving, causing, or broadly : something contrived, invented, or devised
constituting a contradiction 2 : SCHEME, PLAN 3: the act or faculty of contriving: the
+ antipodal, antithetical, contrary, diametric, opposite, state of being contrived
polar - more at OPPOSITE + contraption, creation, gadget, gimmick, gizmo, in-
con-tra-dis-tinc-tion\,klin-tra-dis-'til)k-shan\ n : distinction vention, jigger - more at GADGET
by contrast con-trive \kan-'trlv\ vb con-trived; con-trlv-inq 1 +: to
con-trait \'klin-,traI\ n : a streak of condensed water vapor form or create in an artistic or ingenious manner: PLAN,
created by an airplane or rocket at high altitudes DEVISE 2 + : to make devices: form plans, schemes, or de-
con-tra-ln-di-cate\,klin-tra-'in-da-,klit\ vb : to make (a signs 3: to bring about with difficulty
treatment or procedure) inadvisable - con-tra-In-di-ca- + [l] concoct, cook up, devise, fabricate, invent, make
tion \-,in-da-'ka-shan\ n up, manufacture, plan, think up - more at INVENT
con-tral-to \kan-'tral-to\ n, pl-tos : the lowest female voice; + [2] conspire, intrigue, machinate, plot, scheme-
also: a singer having such a voice more at PLOT
con-trap-tion \kan-'trap-shan\ n + : something devised or con-trtved \-'trivd\ adj + : lacking in natural or sponta-
contrived: CONTRIVANCE neous quality
+ contrivance, gadget, gimmick, gizmo, jigger - more + affected, artificial, assumed, bogus, factitious, fake,
at GADGET false, feigned, mechanical, mock, phony, put-on, sham,
con-tra-pun-tal \,klin-tra-'pant-Ol\ adi : of or relating to spurious, unnatural - more at ARTIFICIAL
counterpoint con-triv-er n : one that contrives
con-tra-ri-ety \,klin-tra-'ri-a-te\ n, pi -elies : the state of be- 'control \kan-'trol\ vb con-trolled; cen-trel-nnq [ME coun-
ing contrary: DISAGREEMENT, INCONSISTENCY trollen to verify, fr. AF countrerouler, fr. countreroule
con-trarl-wise \'klin-,trer-e-,wiz, ken-ttrer-v adv 1 : on the copy of an account, audit, fr. ML contrarotulus, fr. L con-
contrary 2: VICE VERSA tra against + ML rotulus roll] 1 + : to exercise restraining
con-trary \'klin-,trer-e; 4 often ken-ttrer-ex adj 1 + : oppo- or directing influence over : REGULATE 2 + : to have
site in nature or position 2: COUNTER, OPPOSED 3: UNFA- power over: RULE
VORABLE - used of wind or weather 4 + : unwilling to + [l] bridle, check, constrain, contain, curb, govern.
accept control or advice - con-trari-ly \-,trer-a-Ie, -'trer-\ inhibit, regulate, rein, restrain, tame; also bottle (up),
adv - con-trary\n is 'kan-jtrer-e, adv is like a4J\ n or adv repress, suppress; arrest, interrupt, stop; block, hinder,
+ [I] antipodal, antithetical, contradictory, diametric, impede, obstruct; gag, muzzle, silence + [1] check, cir-
opposite, polar - more at OPPOSITE + [4] defiant, dis- cumscribe, confine, curb, inhibit, limit, restrain, restrict
obedient, froward, intractable, rebellious, recalcitrant, - more at LIMIT + [2] boss, captain, command, govern,
refractory, unruly, untoward, wayward, willful- more preside, rule - more at GOVERN + [2] administer, carry
at DISOBEDIENT on, conduct, direct, govern, guide, handle, manage, op-
icon-trast \kan-'trast\ vb [F contraster, fr. MF, to oppose, erate, oversee, regulate, run, superintend, supervise -
resist, fr. VL +contrastare, fr. L contra- against + stare to more at CONDUCT
stand] 1 : to show differences when compared 2: to com- 2control n 1 + : power to direct or regulate 2: the condi-
pare in such a way as to show differences tion of being restrained, checked, or controlled; also: RE-
'contrast \'klin-,trast\ n 1 : diversity of adjacent parts in SERVE, RESTRAINT 3: a device for regulating a mechanism
color, emotion, tone, or brightness (the - of a photo- + arm, authority, clutch, command, dominion, grip,
graph) 2 + : unlikeness as shown when things are com- hold, mastery, power, sway - more at POWER
pared : DIFFERENCE con-trol-ler \kan-'tro-Iar, 'klin-,tro-Iar\ n 1 : COMPTROLLER
+ difference, disagreement, discrepancy, disparity, dis- 2 : one that controls
tinction, diversity, unlikeness- more at DIFFERENCE con-tro-ver-sy\'klin-tra-,var-se\ n, pi -sies 1 + : a clash of
cen-tra-vena \,klin-tra-'ven\ vb -vened; -ven-lnq 1 : to go or opposing views 2: strife through expression of opposing
act contrary to <- a law) 2: CONTRADICT views or claims: DISPUTE - con-tro-ver-slat \,klin-tra-,var-
con-tre-temps \'klin-tra-,tlin, kon-tra-'tlin\ n, pi cen-tre- shal, -se-alv adj
temps \-,tlin, -,tlinz\ [F] : an inopportune or embarrassing + difference, disagreement, dispute, dissension
occurrence con-tro-vert Vkan-tro-jvart, ,klin-tra-'vart\ vb : DENY, CON-
contrib abbr contribution; contributor TRADICT - con-tro-vert-ible adj
con-trib-ute \bn-'tri-byat\ vb -ut-ed; 1 + : to give con-tu-ma-ctous\,klin-tii-'ma-shas, -tyii-vadj : stubbornly
along with others (as to a fund) 2: HELP, ASSIST - con- disobedient - con-tu-ma-cy \kan-'tii-ma-se, -'tyii-; 'klin-
trib-u-tor \kan-'tri-bya-tar\ n - con-trib-u-to-ry\-bya-,tor- tya-\ n - con-tu-rna-clous-ly adv
e\ adj con-tu-me-ly \kan-'tii-ma-Ie. -'tyii-; 'klin-ta-,me-Ie, -tya-v n,
+ bestow, chip in, donate, give, kick in, pitch in, pres- pi -lies: contemptuous treatment: INSULT
ent ccn-tu-slon \kan-'tii-zhan, -'tyii-\ n : BRUISE - con-tuse
con-tn-bu-ticn \,klin-tra-'byii-shan\ n 1 : the act of con- \-'tiiz, -'tyiiz\ vb
tributing 2 + : the thing contributed co-nun-drum\ka-'nan-dram\ n + : an intricate and difficult
+ aIms, benefaction, beneficence, charity, donation, problem : RIDDLE
philanthropy; also offering, tithe; bequest, endowment, + enigma, mystery, mystification, puzzle, puzzlement,
legacy; aid, assistance, relief, welfare; grant, subsidy riddle, secret - more at MYSTERY
con-trite \'klin-,trit, kon-ttritv adj + : feeling or showing cony abbr 1 convention 2 convertible
sorrow and remorse for a sin or shortcoming: PENITENT, con-va-lesce \,klin-va-'Ies\ vb -Iesced; + : to re-
REPENTANT - con-trite-ly adv cover health gradually - ccn-va-tes-cent\-Ont\ adj or n
convalescence 176

gain, heal, mend, rally, recover, recuperate, snap colloquy, dialogue, discourse, discussion, exchange;
back; also come round, come to, revive; cheer (up), also banter, cross fire, give-and-take, repartee; confer-
perk (up); pull through, survive;recruit ence, parley, powwow;babble, chat, chatter, chitchat,
con-va-les-cence \-'ns\ n : gradual recovery of health gabfest, gossip, palaver, prate, prattle, rap, small talk,
and strength after disease table talk; symposium; debate, deliberation
comeback, rally, recovery, recuperation, rehabilita- con-ver-sa-tion-al \-sha-nal\ adj 1 : inclined to converse
tion; also resuscitation, revival; survival : fond of or given to conversation 2.: of, for, charac-
con-vec-tion \k;m-'vek-shan\ n : circulatory motion in a
teristic of, or suited to conversation or oral communica-
fluid due to warmer portions rising and cooler denser tion
portions sinking; also: the transfer of heat by such mo- [l] chatty, gabby, garrulous, loquacious, talkative -
tion - con-vec-tion-at v-shc-nal', adj - con-vec-tive
more at TALKATIVE. [2] colloquial, informal, nonliter-
ary, vernacular, vulgar - more at COLLOQUIAL
\-'vek-tiv\ adj
con-ver-sa-tton-al-tst \-sha-n'l-ist\ n : a person who con-
convectionoven n : an oven with a fan that circulates hot verses a great deal or who excels in conversation
air uniformly and continuously around the food icon-verse \'kiin-,vars\ n : CONVERSATION
con-vene \kan-'ven\ vb con-vened: con-ven-lnq 1 .: to 2converse \kan-'vars\ vb con-versed: con-vers-lnq : to en-
come together, meet, or assemble in a group or body: AS- gage in conversation
SEMBLE, MEET 2 : to cause (persons) to assemble in a 3converse \'kiin-,vars\ n : a statement related to another
group or body: call or gather together statement by having its hypothesis and conclusion or its
[l] assemble, cluster, collect, concentrate, conglom- subject and predicate reversed or interchanged
erate, congregate, forgather, gather, meet, rendezvous 'con.verse \kan-'vars, 'kiin-,vers\ adj : reversed in order or
- more at ASSEMBLE [2] assemble, call, convoke, relation - con-verse-ly adv
muster, summon - more at CONVOKE con-ver-sion \k;m-'v;}r-zhan\ n 1 : a change in nature or
con-ve-nience \kan-'ve-nyans\ n 1 : SUITABLENESS 2: a form 2: an experience associated with a decisiveadop-
laborsaving device 3: a suitable time <at your ~> tion of religion
4 : personal comfort: EASE changeover, metamorphosis, transfiguration, trans-
amenity, comfort, luxury - more at COMFORT formation; also shift, transition; adjustment, alteration,
modification; redoing, remaking, remodeling, revamp-
convenience store n : a small market that is open long ing, revision, reworking, variation; deformation, disfig-
hours urement, distortion, mutation, transmutation; displace-
con-ve-ntent\-nyant\ adj 1 : suited to personal comfort or ment, replacement, substitution
ease 2 : placed near at hand - con-ve-nlent-ly adv icon-vert \kan-'vart\ vb 1 : to turn from one belief or party
accessible, handy, reachable; also close, near, nigh; to another 2 : to change from one form or function to
abutting, adjacent, adjoining Ant inaccessible, incon- another: TRANSFORM 3: MISAPPROPRIATE 4: EXCHANGE-
venient, unhandy, unreachable con-vert-eror con-ver-tor \-'var-tar\ n
con-vent \'kiin-vant, -,vent\ n [ME covent, fr. OF, fr. ML make over, metamorphose, transfigure, transform;
conventus, fr. L, assembly, fro convenire to come together] also adjust, alter, modify; redo, refashion, remake, re-
: a local community or house of a religious order esp. of model, revamp, revise, rework, vary; deform, disfigure,
nuns - con-ven-tu-al \kiin-'ven-cha-wal\adj distort, mutate, transmute; displace, replace, substitute,
con-ven-ti-cle \kan-'ven-ti-kal\ n : MEETING; esp : a secret supplant
meeting for worship 2con.vert \'kiin-,vart\ n : one that is converted
con-ven-tion \kan-'ven-chan\ n 1 : an agreement esp. be- adherent, disciple, follower, partisan, pupil, votary -
tween states on a matter of common concern 2: MEETING, more at FOLLOWER
ASSEMBLY 3.: an assembly of delegates convened for tcon-vert-lbte\bn-'v;}r-ta-bal\ adj : capable of being con-
some purpose 4: generally accepted custom, practice, or verted
belief 2convertible n : an automobile with a top that may be low-
[1] accord, agreement, bargain, compact, contract, ered or removed
covenant, deal, pact, settlement, understanding- con-vex \kiin-'veks, 'kiin-,veks\ adj : curved or rounded
more at AGREEMENT [3] assembly, conference, con- like the exterior of a sphere or circle - con-vex-i-ty \kiin-
gress, convocation, council, gathering, get-together, 'vek-sa-te\ n
huddle, meeting,powwow,seminar - more at MEETING con-vey \kan-'vii\ vb 1 : to bear from one place to an-
con-ven-tlon-al v-cha-nalx adj 1 : sanctioned by general other: CARRY, TRANSPORT 2 : to transfer or deliver (as
custom 2: COMMONPLACE, ORDINARY - con-ven-tton-al-t- property) to another: TRANSMIT, TRANSFER - con-vey-or
also con-vey-er\-ar\ n
ty \-,ven-cha-'na-la-te\ n - con-ven-tlon-al-lze \-'ven-cha-
na-,Hz\ vb - ccn-ven-tlon-at-ly adv [l] bear, carry, cart, ferry, haul, lug, pack, tote,
transport - more at CARRY [2] communicate, im-
current, customary, popular, standard, stock, usual part, spread, transfer, transfuse, transmit - more at
- more at CURRENT. classical, customary, traditional COMMUNICATE
con-vey-ance \-'vii-ans\ n 1 : the act of conveying 2: a le-
con-verqe \kan-'varj\ vb con-verged: : to ap- gal paper transferring ownership of property 3.: a
proach one common center or single point - con-vet- means of transport : VEHICLE
gent \-jant\ adj transport, vehicle;also carrier, hauler, mover; transit
con-ver-gence \kan-'var-jans\ n : the act of converging
teen-viet \kan-'vikt\ vb : to prove or find guilty
confluence, conjunction, meeting; also joining, junc- 2con.vict \'kiin-,vikt\ n : a person serving a prison sentence
ture, merging, union Ant divergence con-vic-tion \k;}n-'vik-shan\ n 1 : the act of convicting esp,
con-ver-sant \kan-'vars-'nt\ adj : having knowledge and in a court 2 : the state of being convinced 3.: a
experience - used with with strong persuasion or belief
usu conversant with abreast, familiar, informed, [2] assurance, certainty, certitude, confidence, posi-
knowledgeable, up, up-to-date, versed - more at FA- tiveness, sureness - more at CONFIDENCE [3] belief,
MILIAR eye, feeling, judgment (or judgement), mind, notion,
con-ver-sa-tion \,kiin-var-'sii-shan\ n : an informal talk- opinion, persuasion, sentiment, verdict, view- more
ing together - con-ver-sa-non-al-ly adv at OPINlON
177 cooperation
con-vince \kan-'vins\ vb con-vinced: con-vinc-ing +: to or fire 3 + : to devise by thinking: FABRICATE - usu.
bring (as by argument) to belief or action - con-vlnc-tnq- used with up - cook-er n - cook-ware \-,war\ n
Iyadv + usu cook up concoct, contrive, devise, fabricate, in-
+ argue, get, induce, move, persuade, prevail, satisfy, vent, make up, manufacture, think up - more at IN-
talk, win - more at PERSUADE VENT
con-vlnc-lnq adi + : satisfying or assuring by argument or cook-book \-,buk\ n : a book of cooking directions and
proof recipes
+ cogent, compelling, conclusive, decisive, effective, cook-ery \'ku-ka-re\ n, pi -eries : the art or practice of
forceful, persuasive, satisfying, strong, telling - more cooking
at COGENT cook-ie or cooky \'ku-ke\ n, pi cock-les [D koekje, dim. of
con-viv-lal \kan-'vi-ve-al\ adj [LL convivialis, fro L con- koek cake] 1 : a small sweet flat cake 2 cookie: a file con-
vivium banquet, fro com- together + vivere to live] + : en- taining information about a Web site user created and
joying companionship and the pleasures of feasting and read by a Web site server and stored on the user's com-
drinking - con-viv-ial-lyadv puter
+ boon, companionable, extroverted, gregarious, out- cookie-cutter adi : marked by a lack of originality or dis-
going, sociable, social; also cordial, friendly, hospitable; tinction <~ malls)
affable, genial, gracious; animated, lively, sprightly, vi- cook-out \'kuk-,aut\ n : an outing at which a meal is
vacious; communicative, expansive, garrulous, talka- cooked and served in the open
tive Ant antisocial, introverted, unsociable 'cool \'kiil\ adj 1 : moderately cold 2 + : not excited: CALM
con-vlv-l-al-l-ty \-,vi-ve-'a-Ia-te\ n + : convivial activities or 3 + : not friendly 4: IMPUDENT 5 : protecting from heat
behavior 6 slang: very good - cool-lyadv
+ festivity, gaiety, jollification, merriment, merrymak- + [2] calm, collected, composed, placid, self-possessed,
ing, revelry - more at MERRYMAKING serene, tranquil, undisturbed, unperturbed, unshaken,
con-vo-ca-tlcn \,klin-va-'kii-shan\ n 1 a : a ceremonial as- untroubled, unworried - more at CALM + [3] aloof,
sembly (as of the clergy) b + : an assembly of persons antisocial, chilly, cold, detached, distant, frosty, re-
convoked 2: the act of convoking mote, standoffish, unfriendly, unsociable; also intro-
+ assemblage, assembly, conference, congregation, verted, reserved, withdrawn; misanthropic; apathetic,
gathering, meeting, muster - more at GATHERING indifferent, unconcerned; disinterested, incurious, un-
con-voke \kan-'vok\ vb con-voked: con-vok-tng + : to call interested; reticent, silent, taciturn; diffident, shy, timid
Ant cordial, friendly, sociable, warm
together to a meeting
cool vb + : to make or become cool : lose or cause to lose
+ assemble, call, convene, muster, summon; also amass,
collect, gather, group, round up heat, warmth, or passion - sometimes used with off or
con-vo-lut-ed\'klin-va-,lii-tad\ adi 1 : folded in curved or
tortuous windings 2 + : marked by extreme and often + sometimes cool off or cool down calm (down), hush,
needless or excessive complexity: INVOLVED, lNTRlCATE quiet, settle (down) - more at QUlET
3cool n 1 : a cool time or place 2: INDIFFERENCE; also : SELF~
+ complex, complicated, elaborate, intricate, involved,
knotty, sophisticated - more at COMPLEX
cool-ant \'kii-Iant\ n : a uSU. fluid cooling agent
con-vo-lu-tlon \,klin-va-'Iii-shan\ n : a tortuous or sinuous
cool-er \'kii-lar\ n 1 : a container for keeping food or
structure; esp : one of the ridges of the brain
'con.voy \'klin-,vai, kan-'vai\ vb + : to accompany for pro- drink cool 2: JAIL, PRISON 3: a tall iced drink
tection coo-lie \'ku-Ie\ n [Hindi & Urdu quli] : an unskilled laborer
usu. in or from the Far East
+ accompany, attend, escort, squire - more at ACCOM- cool-ness n + : the quality or state of being cool
+ aplomb, calmness, composure, equanimity, placidity,
2con.voy \'kiln-,vai\ n 1 : one that convoys; esp : a protec- self-possession, serenity, tranquillity - more at EQUA-
tive escort (as for ships) 2: the act of convoying 3: a NIMITY
group of moving vehicles
coon \'kun\ n : RACCOON
con-vulse \kan-'vals\ vb con-vulsed; con-vuts-inq + : to ag-
itate violently coon-hound \-,haiInd\ n : a sporting dog trained to hunt
+ agitate, jolt, jounce, quake, Quiver, shake, shudder, coon-skin \-,skin\ n : the pelt of a raccoon; also: some-
vibrate, wobble - more at SHAKE thing (as a cap) made of this
con-vul-slon \kan-'val-shan\ n 1 : an abnormal and violent 'coop \'kup, 'kup\ n + : a small enclosure or building usu.
involuntary contraction or series of contractions of mus- for poultry
cle 2 + : a violent disturbance
+ cage, corral, pen, pound - more at CAGE
+ cataclysm, paroxysm, storm, tempest, tumult, up-
heaval, uproar; also overthrow, overturn, revolution, 2COOp vb + : to confine in or as if in a coop - usu. used
subversion, upset; fit, seizure, spasm; eruption, flare-up, with up
outbreak, outburst; commotion, furor, fuss, hubbub, + usu coop up cage, closet, corral, encase, enclose, en-
hullabaloo, row, ruckus, stew, turmoil; quaking, rock- velop, fence, hedge, hem, house, immure, pen, wall -
ing, shaking, trembling more at ENCLOSE
con-vut-slve \-siv\ adj + : resembling a convulsion in being co-op \'ko-,lip\ n : COOPERATIVE
violent, sudden, frantic, or spasmodic - con-vul-sive-ly coo-per Vku-por, 'ku-\ n : one who makes or repairs bar-
adv rels or casks - cooper vb - coo-per.age \-pa-rij\ n
+ stormy, tempestuous, tumultuous; also fitful, spas- co-op-er-ate \ko-'li-pa-,riit\ vb + : to act jointly with an-
modic, sporadic other or others - co-op-er-a-tor\-'li-pa-,rii-tar\ n
cony var 0/ CONEY + affiliate, ally, associate, band, collaborate, combine,
coo \'kii\ n : a soft low sound made by doves or pigeons; concert, confederate, join, league, team, unite
also : a sound like this - coo vb co-op-er-a-tlon \-,li-pa-'rii-shan\ n + : the act of cooperating
COO abbr chief operating officer : a condition marked by cooperating
'cook \'kuk\ n : a person who prepares food for eating + collaboration, coordination, teamwork - more at
2cook vb 1 : to prepare food for eating 2: to subject to heat TEAMWORK
cooperative 178
'co-opoerative \ko-'ii-pr;>-tiv, -'ii-p;>-,rii-\ adj 1 : willing to cop-per-head \'kii-p;>r-,hed\ n : a largely coppery brown pit
work with others 2: of or relating to an association viper esp. of the eastern and central U.S.
formed to enable its members to buy or sell to better ad- cop-pice \'kii-p;>s\ n : a thicket, grove, or growth of small
vantage by eliminating middlemen's profits 3 : marked trees: THICKET
by cooperation brake, brushwood, chaparral, covert, thicket-
collective, common, communal, concerted, conjoint, more at THICKET
joint, mutual, public, united - more at COLLECfIVE co-pra \'ko-pr;>\ n : dried coconut meat yielding coconut
2cooperative n : a cooperative association oil
co-opt \ko-'iipt\ vb 1 : to choose or elect as a colleague copse \'kiips\ n : a thicket, grove, or growth of small trees
'co-or-dinate \ko-'6rd-'n-;>t\ adj 1 : equal in rank or order cop-ter \'kiip-t;>r\ n : HELICOPTER
2 : of equal rank in a compound sentence <"" clause> cop-u-la \'kii-py;>-I;>\ n : LINKING VERB - cop-u-la-tive \-1;>-
3 : joining words or word groups of the same rank - co- tiv, -,Iii-\ adj
or-di-nate-ly adv cop-u-late \'kii-py;>-,Iiit\ vb -lat-ed; -Iat-lnq : to engage in
2co-or-di.nate \-'6rd-'n-,iit\ vb -nat-ed: -nat-lnq 1 .: to sexual intercourse - cop-u-la-to-ry \'kii-py;>-I;>-,tor-e\ adj
make or become coordinate 2 : to work or act together cop-u-la-tion \,kii-py;>-'Iii-sh;>n \ n : sexual union
harmoniously - co-or-di-na-tor \-'6rd-'n-,ii-t;>r\ n intercourse, sexual intercourse - more at SEXUAL IN-
accommodate, agree, blend, conciliate, conform, har- TERCOURSE
monize, key, reconcile - more at HARMONIZE 'copy \'kii-pe\ n, pi cop-ies 1 : an imitation or reproduc-
3co-or-di.nate \-'6rd-'n-;>t\ n 1 : one of a set of numbers tion of an original work 2: material to be set in type
used in specifying the location of a point on a surface or carbon copy, duplicate, duplication, facsimile, imita-
in space 2 pi : articles (as of clothing) designed to be used tion, replica, replication, reproduction; also counter-
together and to attain their effect through pleasing con- feit, fake, forgery, phony, sham; dummy, mock-up,
trast 3 : one who is of equal rank, authority, or impor- simulation; reconstruction, re-creation; image, likeness,
tance with another semblance, shadow; impression, imprint, print Ant orig-
counterpart, equal, equivalent, fellow, like, match, inal
parallel, peer, rival - more at EQUAL 2copy vb cop-led: 1 : to make a copy of 2 : to
co-or-dl-na-tlon \-,6rd-'n-'ii-sh;>n\ n .: the harmonious attempt to resemble: [MITATE - copy-tat n
functioning of parts for effective results [1) duplicate, imitate, replicate, reproduce; also
collaboration, cooperation, teamwork - more at counterfeit, fake, forge; simulate; reconstruct Ant orig-
TEAMWORK inate [2) ape, emulate, imitate, mime, mimic - more
coot \'kilt\ n 1 : a dark-colored ducklike bird related to at IMITATE
the rails 2: any of several No. American sea ducks 3: a copy-book \'kii-pe-,blik\ n : a book formerly used to teach
harmless simple person handwriting containing examples to be copied
coo-tie \'kii-te\ n : a body louse copy-boy \-,b6i\ n : a person who carries copy and runs er-
'cop \'kiip\ n : a member of a police force: POLICE OFFI- rands (as in a newspaper office)
CER copy-cat \-,kat\ n : a slavish imitator
constable, officer, police officer - more at OFFICER copy-desk \-,desk\ n : the desk at which newspaper copy is
2COp vb 1 slang: to take surreptitiously <"" a glance) edited
2 slang: ADMIT - used with to <"" to the charges) 3: to copy editor n : one who edits newspaper copy and writes
take up and practice or use : ADOPT <""an attitude) headlines; also: one who reads and corrects manuscript
co-pay \'ko-'pii\ n : CO-PAYMENT copy in a publishing house
co-pay-ment \'ko-,pii-m;>nt, ,ko-'\ n : a fixed fee required copy-read-er \-,re-d;>r\ n : COPY EDITOR
of a patient by a health insurer (as an HMO) at the time 'copy.right \-,rlt\ n : the sole right to reproduce, publish,
of each outpatient service or filling of a prescription and sell a literary or artistic work
'cope \'kop\ n : a long cloaklike ecclesiastical vestment 2copyright vb : to secure a copyright on
2cope vb coped; cop-ing : to struggle to overcome prob- copy-writ-er \'kii-pe-,rl-t;>r\ n : a writer of advertising copy
lems or difficulties - usu. used with with co-quet or co-quette \ko-'ket\ vb co-quet-ted: co-quet-ting
: FLIRT - co-quet-ry Vko-ko-tre, ko-'ke-tre\ n
do, fare, get along, make out, manage, shift - more
at GET ALONG usu cope with contend with, grapple co-quette \ko-'ket\ n [F, fern. of coquet, flirtatious man,
with, handle, manage, maneuver (or manoeuvre), nego- dim. of coq cock) : FLIRT
tiate, swing, treat - more at HANDLE co-quett-ish adj. : having the air or nature of a coquette
copi-er \'kii-pe-;>r\ n : one that copies; esp : a machine for coy, demure, kittenish - more at COy
making copies cor abbr comer
co-pi-tot \'ko-,pl-l;>t\ n : an assistant pilot of an aircraft or Cor abbr Corinthians
spacecraft cor-a-cle Vkor-a-kalv n [W corwgl) : a boat made of a frame
cop-ing \'ko-pil)\ n : the top layer of a wall covered usu. with hide or tarpaulin
co-pi-ous \'ko-pe-;>s\ adj : present in large quantity: LAV- cor-al \'k6r-;>I\ n 1 : a stony or horny material that forms
ISH - co-pl-ous-ty adv - co-pi-ous-ness n the skeleton of colonies of tiny sea polyps and includes a
lavish, profuse, riotous - more at PROFUSE red form used in jewelry; also: a coral-forming polyp or
cop-out \'kiip-,alit\ n : an excuse for copping out; also polyp colony 2: a deep pink color - coral adj
: an act of copping out coral snake n : any of several venomous chiefly tropical
New World snakes brilliantly banded in red, black, and
avoidance, escape, evasion, out - more at ESCAPE
yellow or white
cop out vb : to back out (as of an unwanted responsibil- cor-bel Vkor-bal', n : a bracket-shaped architectural mem-
ity) ber that projects from a wall and supports a weight
back down, renege - more at RENEGE 'cord \'kard\ n 1 : a usu. heavy string consisting of sev-
cop-per \'kii-p;>r\ n 1 : a malleable reddish metallic chem- eral strands woven or twisted together 2: a long slender
ical element that is one of the best conductors of heat and anatomical structure (as a tendon or nerve) 3: a small
electricity 2: a coin or token made of copper - cop-pery flexible insulated electrical cable used to connect an ap-
acij pliance with a receptacle 4: a cubic measure used esp.
179 coronary thrombosis
for firewood and equal to a stack 4x4x8 feet 5: a rib or "corn-ball \'korn-,bol\ n : an unsophisticated person; also
ridge on cloth : something corny
cable, lace, line, rope, string, wire; also guy, lanyard, 'cornball adj : CORNY
stay corn bread n : bread made with cornmeal
'cord vb 1 : to tie or furnish with a cord 2: to pile (wood) cern-cob \-,kab\ n : the woody core on which the kernels
in cords of Indian com are arranged
cord-aqe Vkor-dii', n : ROPES, CORDS; esp : ropes in the rig- cornocrib \-,krib\ n : a crib for storing ears of Indian com
ging of a ship cor-nea \'k6r-ne-a\ n : the transparent part of the coat of
'corodial \'kor-jal\ adj [ME, fro ML cordialis, fr. L cord-, cor the eyeball covering the iris and the pupil- cor-ne-al adj
heart] .: warmly receptive or welcoming - corn ear-worm \-'ir-,warm\ n : a moth whose larva is de-
adv structive esp, to Indian corn
amicable. companionable. comradely. friendly, ge- tcor-ner Vkor-narv n [ME. fro OF comere, fro corne horn,
nial, hearty, neighborly. warm, warmhearted - more corner. fr. L cornu horn. point) 1 : the point or angle
at FRIENDLY. affable. genial, gracious. hospitable. so- formed by the meeting of lines. edges, or sides 2 : the
ciable - more at GRACIOUS place where two streets come together 3: a quiet se-
'cordial n 1 : a stimulating medicine or drink 2: LIQUEUR cluded place 4 : a position from which retreat or es- \,kor-je-'a-Ia-te. kor-'ja-\ n : sincere affec- cape is impossible 5: control of enough of the available
tion and kindness supply (as of a commodity) to permit manipulation of the
amity. benevolence, fellowship, friendliness, friend- price - cor-nered adj - around the corner : ready to
ship, goodwill, kindliness - more at GOODWILL take place: about to happen <has a birthday just around
cor-dil-le-ra \,kor-dal-'yer-a, -da-ller-v n [Sp] : a series of the corner)
parallel mountain ranges [2] crossing, crossroad, intersection - more at
cord-less Vkord-lcsv adj : having no cord; esp: powered by CROSSROAD [4] fix. hole, jam, pickle, predicament.
a battery <a ~ phone) - cord-less n spot - more at PREDICAMENT
cor-don \'kord-'n\ n 1: an ornamental cord or ribbon 'corner vb 1 : to drive into a corner 2: to get a corner on
2 : an encircling line (as of troops or police) - cordon vb <~ the wheat market) 3: to tum a corner
cor-do-van \'kor-d;rv;m\ n : a soft fine-grained leather cor-ner-stone \'kor-nar-,stan\ n 1 : a stone forming part of
cor-du-roy Vkor-do-jroi', n. pi -roys : a heavy ribbed fabric; a comer in a wall; esp : such a stone laid at a formal cer-
also. pi : trousers of this material emony 2 : something of basic importance
cord-wain-er Vkord-jwa-nor', n : SHOEMAKER base, basis, bedrock. footing, foundation. ground,
'core \'kar\ n 1 a : the central uSU. inedible part of some groundwork. keystone. underpinning; also center, core,
fruits (as the apple) b.: an inmost part of something eye, focus, heart, hub, nucleus, seat; kernel, nut, pith;
2 : the essential meaning: GIST 3 : a central or most essence, quintessence, soul
important part distinct from the enveloping part cor-net \k6r-'net\ n : a brass band instrument resembling
[lb, 2) crux. gist, heart, nub, pith, pivot - more at the trumpet
CRUX [3] base, center (or centre). cynosure. eye, fo- corn flour n. Brit: CORNSTARCH
cus. heart, hub. mecca, nucleus. seat - more at CENTER corn-flow-er \'korn-,f1ail( -a)r\ n : BACHELOR'S BUTTON
[3] body, bulk. generality. main, mass - more at cor-nice Vkor-nasv n : the horizontal projecting part
BODY. [3] center (or centre). midpoint - more at CEN- crowning the wall of a building
TER corn-meal \'korn-,mel\ n : meal ground from corn
'core vb cored; cor-lnq : to take out the core of - cor-er n corn-row \-,ra\ n : a section of hair braided flat to the scalp
CORE \'kar\ abbr Congress of Racial Equality in rows - cornrow vb
co-re-op-sls \,kor-e-'ap-sas\ n, pi coreopsis: any of a genus corn-stalk \-,st6k\ n : a stalk of Indian corn
of widely cultivated composite herbs with showy often corn-starch \-,starch\ n : a starch made from corn and used
yellow flower heads in cookery as a thickening agent
co-re-spon-dent \,ka-ri-'spiin-dant\ n : a person named as corn syrup n : a sweet syrup obtained from cornstarch
guilty of adultery with the defendant in a divorce suit cor-nu-co-pta \,k6r-na-'ka-pe-a, -nya-v n [LL, fr. L cornu
co-ri-an-der \'kar-e-,an-dar\ n : an herb related to the car- copiae horn of plenty] : a hom-shaped container filled
rot; also: its aromatic dried fruit used as a flavoring with fruits and grain emblematic of abundance
Cor-in-thi-ans \k;r'rin-the-anz\ n : either of two letters corny Vkor-ne', adj corn-i-er; -est : tiresomely simple or
written by St. Paul to the Christians of Corinth and in-
cluded as books in the New Testament
'cork \'kork\ n 1 : the tough elastic bark of a European oak maudlin, mawkish, mushy, saccharine, sappy,
(cork oak) used esp. for stoppers and insulation; also: a schmaltzy, sentimental; also dreamy, moonstruck, nos-
stopper of this 2: a tissue of a woody plant making up talgic; flat, insipid, tasteless, vapid Ant unsentimental
most of the bark - corky adj co-rol-la \ka-'ra-la, -'ra-\ n : the petals of a flower
'cork vb : to furnish with or stop up with cork or a cork cor-ot-tary Vkor-o-Jer-ev n, pi -lar-ies 1 : a deduction from
cork-screw \'k6rk-,skrii\ n : a device for drawing corks a proposition already proved true 2 : something that
from bottles naturally follows: CONSEQUENCE, RESULT
corm \'k6rm\ n : a solid bulblike underground part of a aftermath, conclusion, consequence, development,
stem (as of the crocus or gladiolus) effect, issue, outcome, outgrowth, product, result, re-
cor-mo-rant \'kor-ma-rant. -,rant\ n [ME cormeraunt, fro sultant, sequence, upshot - more at EFFECT
MF cormorant. fro OF cormareng, fr. corp raven + marenc co-ro-na \ka-'ra-na\ n 1: a colored circle often seen
of the sea, fro L marinus) : any of a family of dark-colored around and close to a luminous body (as the sun or
water birds with a long neck. hooked bill, and distensible moon) 2: the outermost part of the atmosphere of a star
throat pouch (as the sun) - co-ro-nal \'k6r-an-'I, ka-'ran-'l\ adj
'corn \'k6rn\ n 1 : the seeds of a cereal grass and esp, of the cor-o-nal \'k6r-an-'I\ n : a circlet for the head
chief cereal crop of a region (as wheat in Britain and In- 'cor-o-nary \'k6r-a-,ner-e\ a4j : of or relating to the heart or
dian com in the U.S.); also: a cereal grass 2: sweet com its blood vessels
served as a vegetable 'coronary n, pi -nar-les 1 : a coronary blood vessel 2: CORO-
'corn vb : to salt (as beef) in brine and preservatives NARY THROMBOSIS; also: HEART ATTACK
3corn n : a local hardening and thickening of skin (as on a coronary thrombosis n : the blocking by a thrombus of one
toe) of the arteries supplying the heart tissues
coronation 180
cer-e-na-tion \,k6r-:l-'nii-sh:m\ n : the act or ceremony of [l] amend, debug, emend, rectify, reform, remedy;
crowning a monarch also redraft, redraw, restyle, revise, rework, rewrite; re-
cor-o-ner \'k6r-:l-n:lr\ n [ME, an officer of the crown, fro dress, right; ameliorate, better, improve; perfect, polish,
AP, fro corone crown, fro L corona] : a public official who touch up; fix, mend, repair; adjust, modulate, regulate;
investigates causes of deaths possibly not due to natural alter, change, modify + [2] castigate, chasten, chastise,
causes discipline, penalize, punish - more at PUNISH [3] an-
cor-o-net \,k6r-:l-'net\ n 1 : a small crown 2: an orna- nul, cancel, compensate, counteract, counterbalance,
mental band worn around the temples make up, neutralize, offset - more at OFFSET
corp abbr 1 corporal 2 corporation 2correct adj 1 : conforming to a conventional standard
'corpo-ral \'k6r-p(:l-)r:l1\ adj + : of or relating to the body 2 : agreeing with fact or truth 3: conforming to the
<~ punishment> standards of a specific ideology <environmentally +-> -
cor-rect-ness n
+ animal, bodily, carnal, fleshly, material, physical, so-
matic - more at PHYSICAL [1] decent, decorous, genteel, nice, polite, proper, re-
spectable, seemly - more at PROPER + [2] accurate, ex-
2corporal n : a noncommissioned officer (as in the army)
act, precise, proper, right, so, true; also legitimate,
ranking next below a sergeant
logical, valid; errorless, faultless, flawless, impeccable,
cor-po-rate \'k6r-p(:l-)r:lt\ adj 1 : INCORPORATED; also: be-
letter-perfect, perfect; rigorous, strict, stringent Ant
longing to an incorporated body 2: combined into one false, improper, inaccurate, incorrect, inexact, untrue,
body wrong
cor-po-ra-tlcn \,k6r-p:l-'rii-sh:ln\ n 1 : the municipal au- cor-rec-tion \-'rek-sh:ln\ n 1 + : the action or an instance
thorities of a town or city 2: a legal creation authorized of correcting 2 : a reproving or punishing of faults or
to act with the rights and liabilities of a person <a busi- deviations from proper actions
ness ~>
[l, 2] castigation, chastisement, desert, discipline,
cor-po-rat-ize \'k6r-p:l-r:l-,tiz\ vb -ized; : to subject to nemesis, penalty, punishment, wrath - more at PUNISH-
corporate control <~ education> MENT
cor-po-re-al \k6r-'por-e-:l1\ adj 1 : having, consisting of, or cor-rec-tion-al \-'rek-sh(:l- )n:ll\ adi : of or relating to cor-
relating to a physical material body: PHYSICAL, MATERIAL rection
2 archaic : BODILY - cor-po-re-al-l-tv \k6r-,por-e-'a-I:l-te\ cor-rec-tive \-'rek-tiv\ adj + : tending to correct
n - cer-po-re-at-ly adv + disciplinary, penal, punitive - more at PUNmYE + re-
corps \'kor\ n, pi corps \'kon\ IF, fro OF cors, fro L corpus formative, remedial; also curative. medicinal, therapeu-
body] 1 : an organized subdivision of a country's military tic; reparative, restorative; beneficial, helpful, salutary,
forces 2 + : a group acting under common direction wholesome
brotherhood, community, fellowship, fraternity; also cor-rect-ly adv : in a correct manner
calling, profession; association, club, federation, guild, + appropriately, fittingly, happily, properly, rightly,
organization, society suitably - more at PROPERLY
corpse \'k6rps\ n : a dead body CONe-late \'k6r-:l-,liit\ vb -lat-ed; + : to connect in a
corps-man Vkor-mon, 'korz-\ n : an enlisted man trained systematic way: establish the mutual relations of - cor-
to give first aid re-late \-I:lt, -,Iiit\ n - cor-re-la-tion \,k6r-:l-'lii-sh:ln\ n
cor-pu-tence Vkor-pva-lonsv n : excessive fatness: OBE- + associate, connect, identify, link, relate - more at
+ fatness, grossness, obesity, plumpness; also heaviness; cor-rel-a-tive \k:l-'re-I:l-tiv\ adj 1 : reciprocally related
huskiness, stoutness; brawniness Ant leanness, thinness 2 : regularly used together (as either and or) - correlative
cor-pu-lent \-I:lnt\ adj + : having a large bulky body: OBESE n - cor-rel-a-tive-ly adv
+ chubby, fat, fleshy, full, gross, obese, overweight, cor-re-spond \,k6r-:l-'spand\ vb 1 + : to be in agreement
plump, portly, rotund, round - more at FAT 2 : to communicate by letter 3 : to compare closely -
cor-pus \'k6r-p:ls\ n, pi cor-po-ra \-p:l-r:l\ [ME, fro L] usu. used with to or with
1 : BODY; esp : CORPSE 2: a body of writings or works [l] accord, agree, answer, check, coincide, comport,
cor-pus-cle \'k6r-p:l-s:lI, -,P:l-\ n 1 : a minute particle 2: a conform, dovetail, fit, go, harmonize, jibe, square, tally
living cell (as in blood or cartilage) not aggregated into - more at CHECK usu correspond to [3] equal, match,
continuous tissues - cor-pus-cu-lar \k6r-'p:ls-kY:l-I:lr\ adj parallel- more at MATCH
cor-pus de-lic-ti \,k6r-p:ls-di-'lik-,ti, -te\ n, pi corpora delicti cor-re-spon-dence \-'spiin-d:lns\ n 1 +: agreement be-
[NL, lit., body of the crime] 1 : the substantial fact prov- tween particular things 2: communication by letters;
ing that a crime has been committed 2 : the body of a vic- also : the letters exchanged
tim of murder community, likeness, parallelism, resemblance, simi-
corr abbr 1 correct; corrected; correction 2 correspon- larity, similitude - more at SIMILARITY
dence; correspondent; corresponding 'corre-sponodent v-dcntv adj 1 : having or participating
cor-ral \k:l-'ral\ n [Sp] 1 + : an enclosure for confining or in the same relationship (as kind, degree, position, corre-
capturing animals 2: an enclosure of wagons for defend- spondence, or function) : SIMILAR 2 + : of a kind appro-
ing a camp priate to the situation - used with with or to
+ cage, coop, pen, pound [1] akin, alike, analogous, comparable, like, parallel,
similar, such - more at ALIKE + usu correspondent
corral vb corralled; corralling 1 : to enclose in a corral
with or correspondent to [2] compatible, conformable
2 : to gain or regain control of
(to), congruous, consistent, consonant, harmonious-
+ [1] cage, closet, coop up, encase, enclose, envelop, more at CONSISTENT
fence, hedge, bem, house, immure, pen, wall- more at >Correspondent n 1 : something that corresponds 2: a per-
E CLOSE + [2] bag, capture, catch, collar, get, grab,
son with whom one communicates by letter 3 + : a per-
grapple, hook, land, nab, seize, snare, trap - more at
son employed to contribute news regularly from a place
+ journalist, newsman, reporter - more at REPORTER
'correct \k:l-'rekt\ vb 1 + : to make right 2 + : to punish
(as a child) with a view to reforming or improving: CHAS- adv + : in a corresponding manner
TISE 3 + : to counteract the activity or effect of - cor- + alike, also, likewise, similarly, so - more at ALSO
teet-able \-'rek-t:l-b:ll\ adj cor-ri-dor Vkor-a-dar, -,d6r\ n 1 .: a passageway into
181 cost
which compartments or rooms open (as in a hotel or cor-tex \'kor-,teks\ n, pi cor-ti-ces \'kor-ta-,sez\ or cor-tex-
school) 2: a narrow strip of land esp. through foreign' es : an outer or covering layer of an organism or one of
held territory 3: a densely populated strip of land in- its parts <the adrenal -) <- of a plant stem); esp : CERE-
cluding two or more major cities BRAL CORTEX - cor-n-cat\'kor-ti-kal\ adj
gallery, hall, hallway, passage - more at HALL cor-tl-co-ste-rold\,kor-ti-ko-'stir-,oid, -'ster-\ n : any of var-
cor-rl-qen-durn\,kor-a-'jen-dam\ n, pi -da \-d;l\ [L] : an er- ious steroids made in the adrenal cortex and used med-
ror in a printed work discovered after printing and shown ically as anti-inflammatory agents
with its correction on a separate sheet cor-n-sene \'kor-ta-,son, -,zon\ n : an adrenal hormone
cor-riogi.ble\'kor-a-ja-bal\ adj : CORRECTABLE used in treating rheumatoid arthritis
cor-rob-o-rate \ka-'rli-ba-,riit\ vb -rat-ed; [L corrob- co-run-dum \k;l-'ran-dam\ n : a very hard aluminum-con-
orare, fr. robur strength] .: to support with evidence taining mineral used as an abrasive or as a gem
: CONFIRM cor-us-cate \'kor-a-,skiit\ vb -cat-ed; -cat-tnq : FLASH,
bear out, confirm, substantiate, support, validate, SPARKLE - cor-us-ca-ticn \,kor-;l-'skii-shan\ n
verify, vindicate - more at CONFIRM cor-vette \kor-'vet\ n 1 : a naval sailing ship smaller than
cor-reb-o-ra-tion\-,rli-ba-'rii-shan\ n .: something that a frigate 2: an armed escort ship smaller than a destroyer
corroborates co-ry-za \ka-'ri-za\ n : an inflammatory disorder of the up-
per respiratory tract; esp : COMMON COLD
attestation, confirmation, documentation, evidence,
proof, substantiation, testament, testimony, validation, cos abbr cosine
witness - more at PROOF COS abbr 1 cash on shipment 2 chief of staff
ccr-rob-o-ra-tlve\-'rli-ba-,rii-tiv, -'rli-bra-\ adj. : serving or \ko-'sig-n:l-,tor-e\ n : a joint signer
tending to corroborate co-sign-er \'ko-,sl-nar\ n : COSIGNATORY; esp : a joint signer
of a promissory note
confirmatory; also auxiliary, supplementary; benefi- co-sine \'ko-,sln\ n : the trigonometric function that is the
cial, helpful Ant confuting, disproving, refuting ratio between the side next to an acute angle in a right tri-
cor-rob-o-ra-to-ry\-'rli-ba-ra-,tor-e\ adi : serving or tending angle and the hypotenuse
to corroborate tcos-met-lc \kliz-'me-tik\ adi [Gk kosmetikos skiJIed in
cor-rode \ka-'rod\ vb cor-rod-ed; cor-rod-inq : to wear or adornment, fro kosmein to arrange, adorn, fro kosmos or-
be worn away gradually (as by chemical action) - eor-ro-
der, ornament, universe] 1 : intended to beautify the hair
sion \-'ro-zhan\ n - cor-ro-sive \-'ro-siv\ adj or n or complexion 2: correcting physical defects esp. to im-
bite, eat, erode, fret - more at EAT prove appearance <- dentistry) 3: SUPERFICIAL
ccr-ru-qate \'kor-a-,giit\ vb -gat-ed; -qat-lnq : to form into 2cosmetic n : a cosmetic preparation
wrinkles or ridges and grooves - cor-ru-qat-ed adj- cos-me-tol-o-qtst \,kliz-m:l-'tli-Ia-jist\ n : one who gives
cor-ru-qa-tlon \,kor-;l-'gii-sh;ln \ n beauty treatments - cos-me-tol-o-qy\-je\ n
"cor-rupt \ka-'rapt\ vb 1 a : to make evil : DEPRAVE cos-mlc \'kliz-mik\ also ccs-ml-eal \-mi-kaJ\ adj 1 : of or
b : BRIBE 2 : to undergo decomposition from the action relating to the cosmos 2: characterized by greatness esp.
of bacteria or fungi: ROT, SPOIL in extent, intensity, or comprehensiveness: VAST, GRAND
[la] debase, degrade, demean, demoralize, humble, - cos-ml-cal-ly adv
subvert, warp - more at DEBASE [2] break down, de- cosmic ray n : a stream of very penetrating atomic nuclei
cay, decompose, disintegrate, molder, putrefy, rot, spoil that enter the earth's atmosphere from outer space
- more at DECAY ccs-moq-o-ny\kliz-'mli-ga-ne\ n, pl-nies : the origin or cre-
2corrupt adi : morally degenerate; also : characterized by ation of the world or universe
improper conduct <- officials) cos-mot-o-qy \-'mli-Ia-je\ n, pi -gies : a branch of astron-
debauched, decadent, degenerate, dissolute, perverse, omy dealing with the origin and structure of the universe
perverted, reprobate; also crooked, cutthroat, dishon- - cos-rno-loq-i-cal \,kliz-ma-'lli-ji-bJ\ adj - cos-mot-e-
est, unethical, unprincipled, unscrupulous; contami- gist \kliz-'mli-Ia-jist\ n
nated, spoiled, tainted; bad, evil, immoral, iniquitous, cos-mo-naut \'kliz-ma-,not\ n : a Soviet or Russian astro-
nefarious, sinful, vicious, wicked naut
cor-rupt-ible adj : capable of being corrupted cos-mo-pol-l-ten \,kliz-ma-'pli-Iat-'n\ adj : belonging to
bribable, purchasable, venal - more at VENAL all the world : not local - cosmopolitan n
cor-rup-tion \-'r;lp-sh;ln\ n 1 : impairment of integrity, smart, sophisticated, worldly, worldly-wise - more
virtue, or moral principle 2 : the process of rotting at WORLDLY-WiSE
[l] debasement, debauchery,decadence, degeneracy, cos-mos \'kliz-mas, 1 also -,mos, -,mas\ n 1 : the whole
degeneration, degradation, demoralization, depravity, body of things and phenomena observed or postulated
dissipation, dissoluteness, perversion; also evil, im- : UNIVERSE 2 : a tall garden herb related to the daisies
morality, sinfulness, wickedness [2] breakdown, de- creation, macrocosm, nature, universe, world-
cay, decomposition, putrefaction, rot, spoilage; also more at UNIVERSE
crumbling, disintegration, dissolution; curdling, fer- co-spon-sor \'ko-,spiin-sar, -'spiin-\ n : a joint sponsor-
mentation, moldering, souring cosponsor vb
cor-sao \I<i>r_'~ru.h. -'saj\ " {p, bu~t, oocnce. tr. OF, bust, Cossack \'ka-,sak, -sakx n [Pol & Ukrainian kozak, of
fro cors body, fr. L corpus] 1 : the waist or bodice of a Turkic origin] : a member of one of several autonomous
dress 2: a bouquet to be worn or carried communities drawn from various ethnic groups in south-
cor-salr Vkor-ssar', n : one who commits or practices ern Russia; also : a mounted soldier from one of these
piracy: PIRATE communities
buccaneer, freebooter, pirate, rover - more at PI- 'cost \'kost\ n 1 : the amount paid or charged for some-
RATE thing 2: the loss or penalty incurred in gaining some-
cor-set \'kor-sat\ n : a stiffened undergarment worn for thing (knowledge is gained at the e-> of innocence> 3 pi
support or to give shape to the waist and hips : expenses incurred in a law suit - at a" costs: regardless
"<>~'oflo "'/0<7 .,Qr-tcge \1I.0I-'tezh, 'kor-,tezh\ n [F] 1 : PRO- of consequences (win at all costs)
CESSION; esp : a funeral procession 2 : a train of atten- disbursement, expenditure, expense, outgo, outlay -
dants more at EXPENSE. charge, fee, figure, price - more at
following, retinue, suite, train; also crew, personnel, PRICE
staff; assistant, attendant, helper, retainer 2cost vb cost; cost-lnq 1 : to require a specified amount in
co-star 182

payment 2 : to cause to pay, suffer, or lose 3 : to have couch-ant \'kau-chant\ adj : lying down with the head
a price of raised <coat of arms with lion ->
bring, fetch, go, sell; also amount (to), come (to), to- couch potato n : one who spends a great deal of time
tal; command, exact; ask, demand watching television
co-star \'ko-,star\ n : one of two leading players in a mo- cou-qar Vku-garv n, pi cougars also cougar [F couguar, fro
tion picture or play - co-star vb NL cuguacuarana, modif. of Tupi (a Brazilian Indian lan-
Cos-ta Ri-can \,klis-ta-'re-kan\ n : a native or inhabitant of guage) siwasuardna, fro siwasU deer + -rana resembling]
Costa Rica - Costa Rican adj : a large powerful tawny brown wild American cat
cos-tive \'klis-tiv\ adi : affected with or causing constipa- mountain lion, panther
tion cough \'kof\ vb : to force air from the lungs with short
cost-ly \'kost-Ie\ adj cost-li-er; -est 1 : of great cost or sharp noises; also: to expel by coughing - cough n
value: not cheap 2: done at great expense or sacrifice <a could \kad, 'kud\past a/CAN i USED AS AN AUXILIARY IN THE
dear, expensive, high, precious, valuable; also exorbi- in the present
tant, extravagant, prohibitive, steep, stiff, unreasonable; cou-tee \'ku-Ie\ n 1 : a small stream 2: a dry streambed
invaluable, priceless Ant cheap, inexpensive 3: GULLY
cos-tume \'klis-,tum, -,tytim\ n [F, fro It, custom, dress, fro cou-lomb \'ku-,Iiim, -,Iom\ n : a unit of electric charge
L consuetudo custom] 1 : the style of attire characteristic equal to the electricity transferred by a current of one
of a period or country 2: an outfit worn to create the ap- ampere in one second
pearance characteristic of a particular period, person, coun-cil \'kaun-sal\ n 1 .: an assembly or meeting for
place, or thing <Halloween -s> - cos-turn-er \'klis-,tii- consultation, advice, or discussion 2: an official body of
mar, -,tyti-\ n lawmakers <city -> 3 : an association of persons for
costume jewelry n : inexpensive jewelry some common object usu. jointly supported and meeting
cosy chiefly Brit var 0/ cozy periodically - coun-cil-lor or coun-cil-or \-sa-Iar\ n-
'cot \'kitt\ n : a small house: COlTAGE coun-cil-man \-sal-man\ n - coun-cu-wom-an \-,wU-man\
2cot n : a small often collapsible bed n
cote \'kot, 'kitt\ n : a small shed or coop (as for sheep or [1] assembly, conference, congress, convention, con-
doves) vocation, gathering, get-together, huddle, meeting,
co-te-rie \'ko-t,,-,re, ,ko-t,,-'re\ n [FI : an intimate often powwow, seminar - more at MEETING [3] associa-
exclusive group of persons with a common interest tion, brotherhood, club, college, congress, fellowship,
fraternity, guild, institute, institution, league, order, or-
circle, clan, clique, crowd, fold, gang, ring, set-
ganization, society - more at ASSOCIATION
more at GANG
'counsel \'kaun-sal\ n 1 : ADVICE 2 : a plan of action 3: de-
co-ter-mi-nous \,ko-'tar-ma-nas\ adj : having the same
liberation together 4 pi counsel : one who gives pro-
scope or duration
fessional advice or services: LAWYER
co-til-lion \ko-'til-yan, ka-\ n : a formal ball
cot-taqe \'kit-tij\ n : a small house - cot-tag-er n advocate, attorney, lawyer - more at LAWYER
cabin, camp, chalet, lodge; also bungalow, cot; hut, 2counsel vb -seled or -selJed; or -sel-llng 1 : to
shack, shanty give advice to 2 : to ask the advice or opinion of : CON-
cottage. cheese n : a soft uncured cheese made from
soured skim milk [1] coach, guide, lead, mentor, pilot, shepherd, show,
cot-ter or cot-tar \'kit-tar\ n : a peasant or farm laborer oc- tutor - more at GUIDE [2) advise, confer, consult,
cupying a cottage and often a small holding parley - more at CONFER
cotter pin n : a metal strip bent into a pin whose ends can coun-sel-or or coun-sel-tor \'kaun-sa-Iar\ n 1: a person
be spread apart after insertion through a hole or slot who gives advice or counseling : ADVISER 2: one that
cot-ton \'kit-tn\ n [ME coton, fro AF cotun, fro Ar qutun] gives advice in law and manages cases for clients in court
1 : a soft fibrous usu. white substance composed of hairs : LAWYER 3: one who has supervisory duties at a summer
attached to the seeds of various tropical plants related to camp
the mallow; also: this plant 2: thread or cloth made of 'count \'kaunt\ vb [ME, fr. AF cunter, counter, fro L com-
cotton putare, fr. com- with + putare to consider] 1 : to name
cotton candy n : a candy made of spun sugar or indicate one by one in order to find the total number
cot-ton-mouth \'kitt-n-,mauth\ n : WATER MOCCASIN 2 : to recite numbers in order 3 : to take into account
: CONSIDER, ACCOUNT 4 : to rely or depend on someone
cot-ton-seed \-,sed\ n : the seed of the cotton plant yielding
or something: RELY - used with on <you can - on me>
a protein-rich meal and a fatty oil (cottonseed oil) used
5 : to be of value or account 6 : to exclude by or as
esp, in cooking
if by counting - used with out <- him out> 7: to in-
cot-ton-tall \-,tal\ n : a No. American rabbit with a white=
clude by as if by counting - used with in <- me in> -
tufted tail
ccunt-able adj
cot-ton-wood \-,wUd\ n : a poplar having seeds with cot-
tony hairs [1] enumerate, number, tell; a/so add (up), tally, to-
cot-tony adj. : resembling cotton in appearance or char- tal; calculate, compute, reckon, table, tabulate; check,
mark, tick (oro. [3] account, consider, esteem, hold,
!C.tex rate, reckon, regard, take - more at CONSIDER usu
downy, satiny, Silken, soft, velvety - more at SOFT count on [4] aepena, lean, recKon, r~\" - ~o.~ .~ "''''-
cot-y-le-don \,kit-ta-'Ied-'n\ n : the first leaf or one of the PEND [5] import, matter, mean, signify, weigh-
first pair or whorl of leaves developed by a seed plant more at MAlTER usu count out [6] ban, bar, debar,
'couch Vkauchv vb 1 : to lie or place on a couch 2 : to eliminate, except, exclude, rule out - more at EXCLUDE
phrase in a specified manner 2count n 1 : the act of counting; also: the total obtained by
articulate, clothe, express, formulate, phrase, put, counting 2 : a particular charge in an indictment or le-
say, state, word - more at PHRASE gal declaration
2couch n : a piece of furniture (as a bed or sofa) that one charge, complaint, indictment, rap - more at
can sir or lie on CHARGE
davenport, divan, lounge, settee, sofa; also love seat; 3count n [ME, fro AF cunte, fro LL comes, tt. L, compeioo,
day bed, sofa bed; bench one of the imperial court, fro com- with + ire to go] : a Eu-
183 country

ropean nobleman whose rank corresponds to that of a coun-ter-m-tu-l-tlve \-in-'tii-<l-tiv, -'tyii-\ adj : contrary to
British earl what would intuitively be expected
count-down \'kaunt-,daun\ n : a backward counting in count-er-man \'kaun-t<lr-,man, -msnv n : one who tends a
fixed units (as seconds) to indicate the time remaining be- counter
fore an event (as the launching of a rocket) - count coun-ter-mand \'kaunt-<lr-,mand\ vb : to withdraw (an or-
down vb der already given) by a contrary order
reoun-te-nance \'kaunt-On-ans\ n 1 +: the human face coun-ter-mea-sure \-,me-zh<lr\ n : an action or device de-
2: FAVOR, APPROVAL 3 + : the expression of the face signed to counter another
+ [1] face, mug, visage + [3] cast, expression, face, coun-ter-ot-ten-slve \-<l-,fen-siv\ n : a large-scale counterat-
look, visage - more at LOOK tack
2countenance vb -nanced; -nanc-inq + : to extend approval coun-ter-pans \-,pan\ n + : a usu. ornamental cloth cover
or toleration to: SANCTION, TOLERATE for a bed: BEDSPREAD
+ accept, approve, care, favor (or favour), OK, sanc- + bedspread, spread; also comforter, puff, quilt; bed-
tion, subscribe + abide, bear, brook, endure, meet, clothes, bedding
stand, stick out, stomach, support, sustain, take, toler- coun-ter-part \-,part\ n + : a person or thing very closely
ate - more at BEAR like or corresponding to another person or thing
'count-er \'kaun-tar\ n 1: a piece (as of metal or plastic) coordinate, equal, equivalent, fellow, like, match,
used in reckoning or in games 2: a level surface over parallel, peer, rival- more at EQUAL carbon copy,
which business is transacted, food is served, or work is double, duplicate, duplication, facsimile, image, like-
conducted ness, match, picture, replica, ringer, spit - more at IM-
2count-er n : a device for recording a number or amount AGE
3counter vb + : to act in opposition to coun-ter-point \-,point\ n : music in which one melody is
accompanied by one or more other melodies all woven
+ battle, combat, contend, fight, oppose - more at
into a harmonious whole
coun-ter-poise \-,poiz\ n : a force or influence that offsets
'coun.ter adv : in an opposite direction: CONTRARY
or checks an opposing force : COUNTERBALANCE
5coun.ter n 1 : OPPOSITE, CONTRARY 2: an answering or off- coun-ter-rev-o-tu-tton \,kaun-t<lr-,re-v<l-'Jii-sh<ln\ n : a revo-
setting force or blow lution opposed to a current or earlier one - coun-ter-rev-
.coun.ter adj : marked by or tending toward or in an oppo-
o-tu-tlon-ary \-sh<l-,ner-e\ adi or n
site direction or effect: CONTRARY, OPPOSITE coun-ter-slqn \'kaun-t<lr-,sin\ n 1 : a confirmatory signa-
coun-ter-act \,kaun-tar-'akt\ vb + : to lessen the force of ture added to a writing already signed by another person
: OFFSET - coun-ter-ac-tive \-'ak-tiv\ adi 2 : a military secret signal that must be given by a person
+ annul, cancel, compensate, correct, counterbalance, who wishes to pass a guard - countersign vb
make up, neutralize, offset - more at OFFSET coun-ter-sink \-,silJk\ vb -sunk \-,S<llJk\; 1: to
coun-ter-at-tack \'kaun-tar-a-,tak\ n : an attack made to op- form a funnel-shaped enlargement at the outer end of a
pose an enemy's attack - counterattack vb drilled hole 2: to set the head of (as a screw) at or below
'coun.ter.bal.ance \'kaun-t<lr-,ba-l<lns\ n + : a weight or in- the surface - countersink n
fluence that balances another coun-ter-spy \-,spi\ n : a spy engaged in counterespionage
+ balance, canceler, counterweight, equipoise, offset coun-ter-ten-or \-,te-n<lr\ n : a tenor with an unusually high
2counterbalance \,kaun-t<lr-'ba-l<lns\ vb : to oppose with range
equal weight or influence ceun-ter-vatt \,kaun-t<lr-'val\ vb : COUNTERAcr
ceun-ter-ctalm \'kaun-t<lr-,klam\ n : an opposing claim esp, coun-ter-weight \'kaun-t<lr-,wat\ n + : a force or influence
in law that offsets or checks an opposing force : COUNTERBAL-
coun-ter-clock-wise \,kaun-t<lr-'kliik-,wiz\ adv : in a direc- ANCE
tion opposite to that in which the hands of a clock rotate + balance, canceler, counterbalance, equipoise, offset
- counterclockwise adj count-ess \'kaun-t<ls\ n 1 : the wife or widow of a count or
coun-ter-cul-ture \'kaun-t<lr-,k<ll-ch<lr\ n : a culture esp. of an earl 2: a woman holding the rank of a count or an earl
the young with values and mores that run counter to in her own right
those of established society eount-inq-house \'kaun-tilJ-,haus\ n : a building or office
coun-ter-es-pi-o-naqe \,kaun-t<lr-'es-pe-<l-,nazh, -nij\ n : ac- for keeping books and conducting business
tivities intended to discover and defeat enemy espionage count-less \'kaunt-I<ls\ adi + : too numerous to be counted
teeun-ter-telt \'kaun-t<lr-,fit\ adj 1 : not genuine or real : INNUMERABLE
2 + : made in imitation of something else with intent to innumerable, numberless, uncountable, unnum-
deceive bered, untold; also endless, infinite, unlimited, vast;
+ bogus, fake, false, inauthentic, phony, sham, spuri- many, multitudinous, numerous Ant countable
ous, unauthentic; also artificial, factitious, imitation, coun-trl-fled also coun.try.fied \'k<ln-tri-,fid\ adi 1 : RURAL,
man-made, mock, substitute, synthetic; fabricated, RUSTIC 2: UNSOPHISTICATED 3: played or sung in the man-
manufactured; deceptive, delusive, misleading Ant au- ner of country music
thentic, bona fide, genuine, real 'coun.try \'k<ln-tre\ n, pi countries [ME contree, fro AF cun-
2counterfeit vb 1 : to copy or imitate in order to deceive tree, contre, fro ML contrata, fro L contra against, on the
2 + : to imitate or feign esp. with intent to deceive: PRE- opposite side] 1 : REGION, DISTRIcr 2 + : the land of a per-
TEND, FEIGN - coun-ter-tett-er n son's birth, residence, or citizenship: FATHERLAND 3 : a
+ affect, assume, fake, feign, pretend, profess, put on, nation or its territory 4: rural regions as opposed to
sham, simulate - more at FEIGN towns and cities 5: COUNTRY MUSIC
3counterfeit n : something counterfeit: FORGERY + [2] fatherland, home, homeland, motherland, sod;
+ fake, forgery, hoax, humbug, phony, sham - more also old country; community, neighborhood. [3] com-
monwealth, land, nation, sovereignty, state - more at
coun-ter-in-sur-qen-ey \,kaim-t<lr-in-'s<lr-j<ln-se\ n : military
activity designed to deal with insurgents 2country adj 1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of the
ceun-ter-ln-tel-ll-qence \-in-'te-l<l-j<lns\ n : organized activi- country: RURAL 2 : of or relating to country music <a '"
ties of an intelligence service designed to counter the ac- singer)
tivities of an enemy's intelligence service bucolic, pastoral, rural, rustic - more at RURAL
country and western 184
country and western n : COUNTRY MUSIC lOR 4 + : an ordered series of acts or proceedings ; se-
country club n : a suburban club for social life and recre- quence of events 5: a series of instruction periods deal-
ation; esp : one having a golf course - country-club adj ing with a subject 6: the series of studies leading to
coun-try-dance \'k~n-tre-,dans\ n : an English dance in graduation from a school or college 7: the part of a meal
which partners face each other esp. in rows served at one time - of course: as might be expected
coun-try-man \'k~n-tre-m~n, 2 often -,man\ n 1 : an inhab- + [lb] line, path, route, track, way - more at PATH
itant of a specified country 2: COMPATRIOT 3: one raised + [3a] line, policy, procedure, program; also blueprint,
or living in the country: RUSTIC design, plan, scheme, strategy; intent, intention, pur-
country music n : music derived from or imitating the folk pose; approach, direction, path, pathway, tack
style of the southern U.S. or of the Western cowboy + [4] operation, procedure, proceeding, process-
coun-try-slde \'k~n-tre-,sid\ n : a rural area or its people more at PROCESS
coun-ty \'kaun-te\ n, pi counties 1 : the domain of a count 2course vb coursed; cours-ing 1 : to hunt with dogs 2 + : to
2 : a territorial division of a country or state for purposes run or go speedily
of local government + barrel, career, dash, fly, hurry, pelt, race, rip, rocket,
coup \'kii\ n, pi coups \'kiiz\ [F, blow, stroke] 1 +: a run, rush, shoot, speed, tear, zip, zoom - more at
highly successful stroke, action, plan, or stratagem HURRY
2 : COUP D'eTAT cours-er \'kor-s:lr\ n : a swift or spirited horse
+ accomplishment, achievement, attainment, success, 'court \'kort\ n [ME, fro AF, fro L cohort-, cohors enclosure,
triumph - more at ACCOMPLISHMENT group, retinue, cohort] 1 : the residence of a sovereign or
coup de grace \,kii-d~-'griis\ n, pi coups de grace \same\ similar dignitary 2: a sovereign's formal assembly of of-
IF coup de grace, lit., stroke of mercy] : DEATHBLOW; also ficials and advisers as a governing power 3: an assembly
: a final decisive stroke or event of the retinue of a sovereign 4 + : an open space enclosed
coup d'etat \,kii-d~-'ta\ n, pi coups d'etat \same or -'tliz\ by a building or buildings 5: a space walled or marked
IF, lit., stroke of state] : a sudden violent overthrow of a off for playing a game (as tennis or basketball) 6: the
government by a small group place where justice is administered; also: a judicial body
cou-pe or coupe \kii-'pa, 2 often 'kiip\ n [F coupe, fr. or a meeting of a judicial body 7: attention intended to
couper to cut] 1 : a closed horse-drawn carriage for two win favor 8 + : a judge or judges in session
persons inside with an outside seat for the driver 2 usu + [4] close, courtyard, quadrangle, yard; also place,
coupe: a 2-door automobile with an enclosed body plaza, square; deck, terrace + [8] bench, judge, justice,
'couple \'k~-p~l\ n 1 : two persons closely associated; esp magistrate - more at JUDGE
; a man and a woman married or otherwise paired 2court vb 1 : to try to gain the favor of 2 + : to seek to gain
2 + : two of the same kind considered together : PAIR or achieve: woo 3: ATTRACT, TEMPT
3 : BOND, TIE 4: an indefinite small number: FEW <a ~ of + ask, woo; also angle (for), fish (for); hunt, search,
days ago> seek
+ brace, duo, pair, twain, twosome - more at PAIR cour-te-ous \'k:lr-te-~s\ adj + : marked by respect for oth-
2couple vb cou-pled; cou-plinq + : to link together ers : CIVIL, POLITE
+ associate, combine, conjoin, connect, hitch, hook, civil, genteel, gracious, mannerly, polite, well-bred-
join, link, marry, unify, unite, yoke - more at UNITE more at POLITE
cou-plet \'k~-pl~t\ n : two successive rhyming lines of verse cour-te-ous-ly adv + : in a courteous manner
cou.pling \'b-plil) (usual for 2), -pa-linv n 1 + : the act of + kindly, nicely, thoughtfully, well- more at WELL
bringing or coming together: CONNECTION; also; the point cour-te-san \'kor-t:l-z:ln, -,zan\ n : PROSTITUTE
at which things are connected 2; a device for connecting cour-te-sy \'k:lr-t:l-se\ n, pi -sies 1 + : courteous behavior
two parts or things 2 + ; a favor courteously performed
+ combination, connection, consolidation, junction, + [1] amenity, civility, formality, gesture - more at CI-
unification, union - more at UNION VILITY + [1] civility, gentility, graciousness, mannerli-
cou-pon \'kii-,pan, 'kyii-\ n 1 : a statement attached to a ness, politeness - more at POLITENESS + [2] boon, favor
bond showing interest due and designed to be cut off and (or favour), grace, indulgence, kindness, mercy, service,
presented for payment 2: a form surrendered in order to turn
obtain an article, service, or accommodation 3: a printed court-house \'kort-,haus\ n : a building in which courts of
document or slip used to submit orders or inquiries or to law are held or county offices are located
obtain a discount on merchandise or services court-ier \'kor-te-~r\ n : a person in attendance at a royal
cour-aqe \'k~r-ij\ n + ; ability to conquer fear or despair court
: BRAVERY, VALOR ccurt-Il-ness n + ; the quality of being courtly
+ bravery, daring, fearlessness, gallantry, guts, hardi- + class, elegance, grace, gracefulness, handsomeness,
hood, heart, heroism, nerve, stoutness, valor; also back- majesty, refinement, stateliness - more at ELEGANCE
bone, fiber, fortitude, grit, gumption, mettle, pluck, court-ly \'kort-le\ adi court-li-er, -est: of a quality befitting
spunk; determination, perseverance, resolution; en- the court : REFINED, ELEGANT
durance, stamina, tenacity; audacity, boldness, brazen- court-mar-tial \'kort-,mar-sh:ll\ n, pi courts-martial: a mil-
ness, cheek, effrontery, gall, temerity Ant cowardice itary or naval court for trial of offenses against military
eou-ra-qeous \k:l-'ra-j:ls\ adj + ; having or characterized or naval law; also: a trial by this court - court-martial vb
by courage - cou-ra-qecus-Iy adv court-room \-,rum, -,rum\ n : a room in which a court of
+ brave, dauntless, doughty, fearless, gallant, great- law is held
hearted, heroic, intrepid, lionhearted, manful, stalwart, court-shlp \-,ship\ n : the act of courting: the act of woo-
stout, undaunted, valiant, valorous - more at BRAVE ing
cou-ri-er \'kur-e-:lr, 'ker-e-v n : one who bears messages court-yard \-,yard\ n + : an enclosure next to a building
or information esp, for the diplomatic or military services + close, court, quadrangle, yard - more at COURT
+ go-between, messenger, page, runner - more at MES- COUSOCOUS \'kiis-,kiis\ n : a No. African dish of steamed
SENGER semolina usu. served with meat or vegetables; also: the
'course \'kors\ n 1 a : the act or action of moving in a path semolina itself
from point to point: PROGRESS, PASSAGE b + ; direction of cous-m \'k:l-z:ln\ n [ME eosin, fr. AF, fro L consobrinus, fro
progress 2: the ground or path over which something com- with + sobrinus second cousin, fro soror sister] : a
moves 3 a + : method of procedure b: CONDUCT, BEHAV- child of one's uncle or aunt
185 cowpox
cou-ture \kii-'tur, -'tier\ n [F) : the business of designing concealment, den, hideout, lair, nest - more at HIDE-
fashionable custom-made women's clothing; also: the de- OUT brake, brushwood, chaparral, coppice, thicket -
signers and establishments engaged in this business more at THICKET
cou-tu-ri-er \kii-'tur-e-;Jr, -e-,a\ n [F, dressmaker) : the cov-er-up \'k;J-v;Jr-,;Jp\ n 1 : a device for masking or con-
owner of an establishment engaged in couture cealing 2: a usu. concerted effort to keep an illegal or
cove \'kov\ n : a small sheltered inlet or bay unethical act or situation from being made public
bay, bight, estuary, fjord, gulf, inlet - more at GULF cov-et \'k;J-v;Jt\ vb : to desire enviously (what belongs to
co-yen Vka-vanv n : an assembly or band. of witches another)
cov-e-nant \'k;J-v;J-n;Jnt\ n : a formal binding agreement ache for, crave, desire, die for, hanker for, hunger
: COMPACT for, long for, lust (for or after), pine for, repine for,
thirst for, want, wish for, yearn for - more at DESIRE
accord, agreement, bargain, compact, contract, con-
vention, deal, pact, settlement, understanding - more cov-et-ous adj : marked by inordinate desire for wealth
at AGREEMENT. bond, contract, guarantee, surety, war- or possessions or for another's possessions
ranty - more at GUARANTEE acquisitive, avaricious, avid, grasping, greedy, merce-
cov-e-nant v-nont, -,nant\ vb : to promise by a covenant nary, rapacious - more at GREEDY
pledge, promise, swear, vow - more at PROMISE cov-et-ous-ness n : the state of being covetous
'cov-er \'k;J-v;Jr\ vb 1 : to bring or hold within range of a acquisitiveness, avarice, avidity, cupidity, greed, ra-
paciousness - more at GREED
firearm 2 : to afford protection or security to : PRO-
TECT, SHIELD 3 : to hide from sight or knowledge: HIDE,
cov-ey \'k;J-ve\ n, pi coveys [ME, fr. AF covee sitting (of a
CONCEAL 4 : to place something over or upon 5: IN-
hen), fro cover to sit on, brood over, fro L cubare to lie)
1 : a bird with her brood of young 2 : a small flock (as of
CLUDE, COMPRISE 6: to have as one's field of activity <one
salesman ~s the state> 7: to buy (stocks) in order to
have them for delivery on a previous short sale 8.: to 'cow \'kau\ n 1 : the mature female of cattle or of an ani-
mal (as the moose, elephant, or whale) of which the male
deal with 9 : to pass over 10 : to act as a substitute
is called bull 2 : any domestic bovine animal irrespective
or replacement during an absence
of sex or age
[2) defend, guard, protect, safeguard, screen, secure, 2COW vb : to destroy the resolve or courage of: INTIMIDATE
shield, ward - more at DEFEND. [3) blanket, blot out,
cloak, conceal, curtain, enshroud, hide, mask, obscure, browbeat, bully, hector, intimidate - more at INTIM-
occult, screen, shroud, veil - more at HIDE. [4) blan-
ket, carpet, coat, overlay, overlie, overspread; also en- cow-ard \'kau(-;J)rd\ n [ME, fro OF coart, fr, coe tail, fr. L
close, enshroud, envelop, mantle, shawl, shroud, cauda) : one who lacks courage or shows shameful fear
swathe, wrap; cloak, clothe, curtain, veil; circle, encir- or timidity - coward adj - cow-ard-ice \'kau-;Jr-d;Js\ n
cle, encompass [8) concern, deal, pertain, treat- chicken, craven, dastard, poltroon, recreant, sissy;
more at CONCERN. [9) crisscross, cross, cut, follow, go, also defeatist, quitter; pushover, weakling, wimp; snake,
pass, proceed, travel, traverse - more at TRAVERSE sneak Ant hero, stalwart, valiant
[IO) fill in, pinch-hit, stand in, sub, substitute, take cowardoly adv or adj : being, resembling, or befitting a
over; also understudy; relieve, spell; double (as) coward
2cover n 1 : something that protects or shelters 2 : a chicken, craven, dastardly, pusillanimous, recreant,
movable cover for the opening of a hollow container spineless, yellow; also diffident, fainthearted, fearful,
: LID, TOP 3 : CASE, BINDING 4 : TABLECLOTH 5: a cloth used timid, timorous; afraid, frightened, scared; careful, cau-
on a bed 6: SCREEN, DISGUISE 7: an envelope or wrapper tious, wary; bashful, coy, shy; feeble, soft, weak Ant
for mail brave, courageous, daring, dauntless, doughty, fearless,
[I) aegis, armor, defense (or defence), guard, protec- gallant, greathearted, gutsy, hardy, heroic, intrepid, li-
tion, safeguard, screen, security, shield, wall, ward- onhearted, stalwart, stout, valiant, valorous
more at DEFENSE. [1) armor, capsule, case, casing, co- cow-bird \'kau-,b;Jrd\ n : a small No. American blackbird
coon, housing, husk, jacket, pod, sheath, shell - more that lays its eggs in the nests of other birds
at CASE [2) cap, lid, top; also dome, hood, roof; cap- cow-boy \-,boi\ n : one (as a mounted ranch hand) who
sule, case, casing, covering, housing, jacket, sheath, tends cattle or horses
shell cow-er \'kau(-;J)r\ vb : to shrink or crouch down from
cov-er-age \'k;J-v;J-rij\ n 1: the act or fact of covering fear or cold: QUAIL
2 : the total group covered : SCOPE cringe, grovel, quail; also flinch, recoil, shrink;
cov-er-all \'k;J-v;Jr-,ol\ n : a one-piece outer garment worn blanch, blench, whiten; fawn, kowtow, toady
to protect one's clothes - usu. used in pI. cowogirl \'kau-,g;Jrl\ n : a girl or woman who tends cattle or
cover charge n : a charge made by a restaurant or night- horses
club in addition to the charge for food and drink cow-hand \'kau-,hand\ n : one who tends cattle or horses
cover crop n : a crop planted to prevent soil erosion and to : COWBOY
provide humus cow-hlde \-,hid\ n 1 : the hide of a cow; also: leather made
cov-er-inq n : something that covers or conceals from it 2 : a coarse whip of braided rawhide
cov-er-ret \'k;J-v;Jr-l;Jt\ n : a usu. ornamental cloth cover for cowl \'kaul\ n : a monk's hood
a bed: BEDSPREAD ' cow-lick \'kau-,lik\ n : a turned-up tuft of hair that resists
'co-vert \'ko-,v;Jrt, 'k;J-v;Jrt\ adj 1 : not openly shown, en- control
gaged in, or avowed : SECRET 2 : SHELTERED - co-vert-ly \'kau-liI)\ n : a usu. metal covering for the engine
adv or another part of an airplane
cloistered, isolated, quiet, remote, secluded, secret - cow-man \'kau-m;Jn, -,man\ n : one who tends cattle or
more at SECLUDED clandestine, furtive, hugger-mug- horses: COWBOY; also: a cattle owner or rancher
ger, private, secret, sneak, sneaky, stealthy, surrepti- co-work-er \'ko-,w;Jr-k;Jr\ n : a fellow worker
tious, undercover, underground, underhanded - more cow-poke \'kau-,pok\ n : one who tends cattle or horses
2co.vert \'k;J-v;Jrt, 'ko-\ n 1 : a secret or sheltered place; cow pony n : a strong and agile horse trained for herding
esp : a thicket sheltering game 2: a feather covering the cattle
bases of the quills of the wings and tail of a bird cow-pox \'kau-,paks\ n : a mild disease of the cow that
cowpuncher 186
when communicated to humans protects against small- + choleric, cranky, cross, crotchety, grouchy, grumpy,
pox irascible, irritable, peevish, perverse, petulant, short"
cow-punch-er \-,pan-char\ n : one who tends cattle or tempered, snappish, snappy, snippy, testy, waspish-
horses: COWBOY more at IRRITABLE
cow-sltp Vkau-jslip', n 1 : a yellow-flowered European crabograss \'krab-,gras\ n : a weedy grass with creeping or
primrose 2: MARSH MARIGOLD sprawling stems that root freely at the nodes
cox-comb \'kiiks-,kom\ n : a conceited foolish person: FOP crab louse n : a louse infesting the pubic region in humans
cox-swaln \'kiik-s:m, -,swan\ n : the steersman of a ship's 'crack \'krak\ vb 1 : to break with a sharp sudden sound
boat or a racing shell 2 : to break with or without completely separating into
coy \'k6i\ adj [ME, quiet, shy, fr, AF quei, quai, koi quiet, parts 3: to fail in tone or become harsh <her voice <ed
fr. L quietus] 1 + : shrinking from contact or familiarity 4 : to subject (as a petroleum oil) to heat for breaking
: BASHFUL, SHY 2 + : marked by artful playfulness : Co- down into lighter products (as gasoline) 5: to strike with
QUETIISH - adv - coy.ness n a sharp noise 6 + : to puzzle out and expose, solve, or re-
veal the mystery of 7 + : to lose control or effectiveness
+ [1] bashful, demure, diffident, introverted, modest, under pressure
retiring, sheepish, shy - more at SHY + [2] coquettish,
demure, kittenish; also flirtatious; goody-goody, over= + [6] answer, break, decode, dope, figure out, puzzle,
modest, priggish, prim, prudish resolve, riddle, solve, unravel, work, work out - more
at SOLVE + [7] break, flip, freak
coy-ote \ 'ki-,ot, ki-'o-te\ n, pi coyotes or coyote : a mam-
mal of No, America smaller than the related wolves 2crack n 1 + : a sudden sharp noise 2 + : a witty or sharp
coy-pu \'k6i-pii\ n : NUTRIA 2 remark 3 + : a narrow break or opening: FISSURE 4 + : a
coz-en \'kaz-'n\ vb + : to deceive, win over, or induce to sharp blow 5 + : an attempt or opportunity to do some-
do something by artful coaxing and wheedling or shrewd thing 6: a potent form of cocaine in small chips used il-
licitly for smoking
trickery - coz-en-age \-ij\ n - coz-en-er n
+ beguile, bluff, deceive, delude, dupe, fool, gull, have, + [1] bang, blast, boom, clap, crash, pop, report, slam,
smash, snap, thwack, whack - more at CLAP + [2] gag,
hoax, hoodwink, humbug, misinform, mislead, string
jest, joke, laugh, pleasantry, quip, sally, waggery, wise-
along, take in, trick - more at DECEIVE + bleed, cheat,
crack, witticism - more at JOKE + [3] chink, cleft,
chisel, defraud, fleece, gyp, hustle, mulct, rook, short-
cranny, crevice, fissure, rift, split; also craze, hairline;
change, skin, squeeze, stick, sting, swindle, victimize -
fracture, rupture; breach, gap, opening; cut, gash, inci-
more at FLEECE
sion, slit + [4] bat, belt, blow, box, clout, hit, punch,
'cOozy \'ko-ze\ adj co-zi-er: -est : enjoying or affording slug, thump, wallop, whack - more at BLOW + [5] at-
warmth and ease: SNUG, COMFORTABLE - \-za-Ie\ tempt, bid, endeavor (or endeavour), essay, fling, go,
adv - co-zl-ness \-ze-nas\ n pass, shot, stab, trial, try, whack, whirl- more at AT-
2cozy n, pi co-zies : a padded covering for a vessel (as a TEMPT
teapot) to keep the contents hot 3crack adj + : extremely proficient
cp abbr 1 compare 2 coupon + accomplished, adept, consummate, crackerjack, ex-
CP abbr 1 cerebral palsy 2 chemically pure 3 command pert, good, great, master, masterful, masterly, profi-
post 4 communist party cient, skilled, skillful, virtuoso - more at PROFICIENT
CPA abbr certified public accountant crackodown \'krak-,daun\ n : an act or instance of taking
CPS abbr Corporation for Public Broadcasting positive disciplinary action <a - on gambling)
cpd abbr compound crack down vb + : to take positive regulatory or discipli-
CPI abbr consumer price index nary action - used with on
Cpl abbr corporal + usu crack down on clamp down, crush, put down,
CPO abbr chief petty officer quash, quell, repress, silence, snuff, squash, squelch,
CPOM abbr master chief petty officer subdue, suppress - more at QUELL
CPOS abbr senior chief petty officer cracked adj + : mentally disturbed
CPR abbr cardiopulmonary resuscitation + balmy, crazy, deranged, insane, loco, lunatic, mad,
CPT abbr captain nuts, nutty, screwy, unsound - more at INSANE
CPU \,se-,pe-'yii\ n [central processing unit] : the part of a crack-er Vkra-karx n 1 : FIRECRACKER 2: a dry thin crispy
computer that performs its basic operations, manages its baked bread product made of flour and water
components, and exchanges data with memory or periph- crack-er-jack \-Jak\ n + : a person or thing of marked ex-
erals cellence
CO abbr charge of quarters + ace, adept, artist, authority, expert, maestro, master,
cr abbr credit; creditor scholar, shark, virtuoso, whiz, wizard - more at EX-
Cr symbol chromium PERT
'crab \'krab\ n : any of various crustaceans with a short crackerjack adj + : of striking ability or excellence
broad shell and small abdomen + accomplished, adept, consummate, crack, expert,
2crab n + : an ill-natured person good, great, master, masterful, masterly, proficient,
+ bear, complainer, crank, grouch, grumbler, whiner skilled, skillful, virtuoso - more at PROFICIENT
- more at GROUCH crack-le \'kra-kal\ vb crack-led: crack.ling 1: to make
3crab vb crabbed; crab-bing + : to complain about peevishly small sharp snapping noises 2: to develop fine cracks in
: COMPLAIN, GROUSE a surface - crackle n - crack-ly \-k(a-)Ie\ adj
+ beef, bellyache, carp, complain, croak, fuss, gripe, crack-pot \'krak-,piit\ n + : an eccentric person
grouse, growl, grumble, kick, moan, murmur, mutter, + character, crank, eccentric, kook, nut, oddball,
repine, squawk, wail, whine - more at COMPLAIN screwball, weirdo - more at ECCENTRIC
crab apple n : a small often highly colored sour apple; also crack-up \'krak-,ap\ n 1 + : a wrecking or smashing esp.
: a tree that produces crab apples of a vehicle : CRASH, WRECK 2: BREAKDOWN
crab-bed Vkra-badv adj 1 : MOROSE, PEEVISH 2: CRAMPED, + collision, crash, smash, wreck - more at CRASH
IRREGULAR crack up vb 1 +: to express a favorable judgment of
crab-by \'kra-be\ adj crab-bi-er: -est + : marked by typi- : PRAISE <isn't all it's cracked up to be) 2: to laugh or
cally transitory bad temper: CROSS cause to laugh out loud 3: to crash a vehicle
187 craved
acclaim, applaud, cheer, hail, laud, praise, salute, cra-m-urn \'kra-ne-;lm\ n, pl-niums or -nia \-;l\ : SKULL; esp
tout - more at ACCLAIM : the part enclosing the brain - cra-ni-al \-;ll\ adj
'craodle \'krad-'I\ n 1 : a baby's bed or cot 2: a framework 'crank \'kral)k\ n 1 : a bent part of an axle or shaft or an
or support (as for a telephone receiver) 3: INFANCY (from arm at right angles to the end of a shaft by which circular
- to the grave> 4 : a place of origin motion is imparted to or received from it 2 : an eccen-
birthplace, home - more at BIRTHPLACE tric person 3 : a bad-tempered person: GROUCH
'cradle vb cra-dled; craodling 1 : to place in or as if in a cra- [2] character, crackpot, eccentric, kook, nut, odd-
dle 2: SHELTER, REAR ball, screwball, weirdo - more at ECCENTRIC
craft \'kraft\ n 1 a : skill in planning, making, or exe- [3] bear, complainer, crab, curmudgeon, grouch,
cuting b.: an occupation requiring special skill grumbler, whiner - more at GROUCH
2 : skill in deceiving to gain an end : CUNNING, GUILE 'crank vb : to start or operate by or as if by turning a
3 pi usu craft. : a boat esp. of small size; also: AIRCRAFT, crank - usu. used with up
SPACECRAFT usu crank up activate, actuate, drive, move, propel,
[la] adeptness, adroitness, art, artfulness, artifice, run, set off, spark, start, touch off, trigger, tum on -
artistry, cleverness, cunning, deftness, masterfulness, more at ACTIVATE
skill- more at SK.lLL [lb] handicraft, trade; also art, crank-case \'kral)k-,kas\ n : the housing of a crankshaft
skill; calling, occupation, profession, vocation crank out vb : to produce in a mechanical manner
[2] artfulness, artifice, caginess, canniness, craftiness, crank-shaft \'kral)k-,shaft\ n : a shaft turning or driven by
cunning, guile, slyness, wiliness - more at CUNNING a crank
[3] boat, bottom, vessel- more at BOAT cranky Vkran-kev adj crank-i-er; -est 1 : given to fretful
craft vb : to make or produce with care, skill, or ingenu- fussiness : IRRITABLE 2.: operating uncertainly or im-
ity perfectly
cast, compose, draft, draw, formulate, frame, prepare [1) choleric, crabby, cross, crotchety, fussy, grouchy,
- more at COMPOSE grumpy, irascible, irritable, peevish, perverse, petulant,
short-tempered, snappish, snappy, snippy, testy,
cratt-l-ness \-te-n;ls\ n : the quality or state of being
waspish - more at IRRITABLE [2] awkward. clumsy,
cumbersome, ungainly, unhandy, unwieldy - more at
artfulness, artifice, caginess, canniness, craft, cun- CUMBERSOME
ning, guile, slyness, wiliness - more at CUNNING cran-ny Vkra-ne', n, pi crannies : a small break or slit
crafts-man Vkrafts-rnanv n : a skilled artisan - crafts- : CREVICE, CHINK
man-ship n
chink, cleft, crack, crevice, fissure, rift, split - more
artificer, artisan, handicrafter - more at ARTISAN at CRACK
crafty \'kraf-te\ adj craft-i-er: -est : adept in the use of craps \'kraps\ n : a gambling game played with two dice
subtlety and cunning : CUNNING, SUBTLE - craft-l-ly \-t;l- crap-shoot-er \'krap-,shii-t;lr\ n : a person who plays craps
le\ adv 'crash \'krash\ vb 1 : to break noisily: SMASH 2: to dam-
artful, cagey, cunning, devious, foxy, guileful, slick, age an airplane in landing 3: to enter or attend without
sly, subtle, wily - more at ARTFUL invitation or without paying (- a party> 4: to decline
crag \'krag\ n : a steep rugged cliff or rock suddenly and steeply 5 : to suffer a sudden major fail-
bluff, cliff, escarpment, palisade, precipice, scarp- ure usu. with loss of data (my computer <-ed
more at CLIFF [l) bang, bash, bump, collide, hit, impact, knock,
cragogyadj : having a broken, uneven, or bumpy surface ram, slam, smash, strike, swipe, thud - more at HIT
broken, jagged, ragged, scraggly - more at RAGGED [5) break, break down, conk, cut out, die, fail, stall
- more at FAIL
cram \'kram\ vb crammed; cram.ming 1 .: to pack in
>Crash n 1 : a loud sound (as of things smashing) 2 : an
tight: JAM 2: to eat greedily 3: to study rapidly under
pressure for an examination instance of crashing (a plane ->; also: COLLISION 3 : a
sudden failure (as of a business)
crowd, jam, ram, sandwich, squeeze, stuff, wedge -
more at CROWD. charge, fill, heap, jam, jam-pack, load, [1) bang, blast, boom, clap, crack, pop, report, slam,
pack, stuff - more at FILL smash, snap, thwack, whack - more at CLAP [2) col-
lision, crack-up, smash, wreck; also accident; destruc-
'cramp \'kramp\ n 1 : a sudden painful contraction of
tion, ruin. [3) collapse, cropper, defeat, failure, fizzle,
muscle 2: sharp abdominal pain - usu. used in pl.
nonsuccess - more at FAILURE
spasm; also contraction, jerk, stitch, twinge, twitch 3crash adj : marked by concerted effort over the shortest
'cramp vb 1 : to affect with a cramp or cramps 2 : to re- possible time
strain from free action: HAMPER 'crash n : coarse linen fabric used for towels and draperies
encumber, hamper, hinder, hold up, impede, inhibit, crash-land \'krash-'land\ vb : to land an aircraft or space-
interfere with, obstruct, tie up - more at HAMPER craft under emergency conditions usu. with damage to
cran-ber-ry Vkran-jber-e, -ba-rev n : the red acid berry of the craft - crash landing n
any of several trailing plants related to the heaths; also crass \'kras\ adj. : coarse in nature or behavior: GROSS
: one of these plants - crass-ly adv
'crane \'kran\ n 1 : any of a family of tall wading birds re- coarse, common, crude, gross, ill-bred, low, rough,
lated to the rails; also : any of several herons 2: a ma- rude, tasteless, uncouth, uncultivated, uncultured, un-
chine for lifting and carrying heavy objects polished, unrefined, vulgar - more at COARSE
'crane vb craned; 1 : to stretch one's neck to see crate \'krat\ n : a container often of wooden slats - crate
better 2 : to raise or lift by or as if by a crane vb
boost, elevate, heave, heft, heighten, hike, hoist, jack, cra-ter \'kra-t;lr\ n [L, mixing bowl, crater, fro Gk krater, fr.
lift, pick up, raise, up, uphold - more at RAISE kerannynai to mix) 1 : the depression around the opening
crane fly n : any of a family of long-legged slender dipteran of a volcano 2: a depression formed by the impact of a
flies that resemble large mosquitoes but do not bite meteorite or by the explosion of a bomb or shell
cranial nerve n : any of the nerves that arise in pairs from cra-vat \kr;l-'vat\ n : NECKTIE
the lower surface of the brain and pass through openings crave \'krav\ vb craved; crav-inq 1 : to ask for earnestly
in the skull to the periphery of the body : BEG 2 : to long for: DESIRE
craven 188
+ ache for, covet, desire, die for, hanker for, hunger 'crease \'kres\ n + : a mark or line made by or as if by fold-
for, long for, lust (for or after), pine for, repine for, ing
thirst for, want, wish for, yearn for - more at DESIRE + crimp, crinkle, furrow, wrinkle - more at WRINKLE
cra-ven Vkra-vanvadj + : lacking the least bit of courage 2crease vb : to become creased
: contemptibly fainthearted ere-ate \kre-'at\ vb cre-at-ed; cre-at-ing+ : to bring into be-
+ chicken, cowardly, dastardly, pusillanimous, recre- ing : cause to exist
ant, spineless, yellow- more at COWARDLY + bring about, cause, effect, effectuate, generate, in-
craven n : an avowed coward duce, make, produce, prompt, result, work, yield-
crav-ing \'kra-vil)\ n + : an urgent or abnormal desire more at EFFECT
+ appetite, desire, drive, hankering, hunger, itch, long- + engender, generate, induce, make, produce, spawn -
ing, lust, passion, thirst, urge, yearning, yen - more at more at GENERATE
DESIRE cre-a-tion\kre-'a-shan\ n 1 : the act of creating or produc-
craw-fish\'kro-,fish\ n 1 : CRAYFISH 1 2: SPINY LOBSTER ing <- of the world> 2 + : something that is created
'crawl Vkrol',vb 1 + : to move slowlyby drawing the body 3 + : all created things : WORLD
along the ground 2 + : to advance feebly, cautiously, or + [2] coinage, concoction, contrivance, innovation, in-
slowly 3 + : to be swarming with or feel as if swarming vention, wrinkle - more at INVENTION + [3] cosmos,
with creeping things <a place -ing with ants> <her flesh macrocosm, nature, universe, world - more at UNl-
-ed> VERSE
+ [1] creep, grovel, slither, snake, worm; also crouch, cre-a-tion-ism \kre-'a-sha-,ni-zam\ n : a doctrine or theory
squat; slide; edge, inch, nose + [2] creep, drag, inch, holding that matter, the various forms of life, and the
plod, poke; also lumber, shamble, shuffle, tramp, world were created by God out of nothing - cre-a-tion-
trudge Ant fly, race, speed, whiz, zip + [3] abound, ist \-nist\ n or adj
brim, bulge, burst, swarm, teem - more at ABOUND cre-a-tive\-'a-tiv\ adj + : marked by the ability or power to
2crawl n 1 : a very slow pace 2: a prone speed swimming create - cre-a-tive-ness n
stroke + artful, clever, imaginative, ingenious, innovative, in-
cray-fish \'kra-,fish\ n 1: any of numerous freshwater ventive, original; also gifted, inspired, talented; re-
crustaceans usu. much smaller than the related lobsters sourceful; fecund, fertile, fruitful, productive, prolific
2 : SPINY LOBSTER Ant uncreative, unimaginative, unoriginal
cray-on \'kra-,an, -an\ n : a stick of chalk or wax used for cre-a-tiv-i-ty \,kre-(,)a-'ti-va-te\ n + : the ability to create
writing, drawing, or coloring; also: a drawing made with + ingenuity, invention, inventiveness, originality; a/so
such material - crayon vb resourcefulness; fecundity, fertility, fruitfulness, pro-
'craze \'kraz\ vb crazed; craz-ing [ME crasen to crush, ductiveness, productivity; freshness, newness, novelty;
craze, of Scand origin] + : to make or become insane genius, inspiration, talent
+ derange, madden, unhinge; also agitate, bother, con- cre-a-tor \kre-'a-tar\ n 1 + : one that creates: MAKER, AU-
fuse, discompose, disquiet, distract, disturb, perturb, THOR 2 cap : GOD 1
unsettle, upset; annoy, irritate, vex + author, father, founder, riginator - more at FATHER
2craze n + : an exaggerated and often transient enthusiasm crea-ture\'kre-char\ n 1 + : a lower animal 2 + : a human
: FAD being
+ fad, mode, rage, style, trend, vogue - more at FAD + [1] animal, beast, brute, critter - more at ANIMAL
cra-zi-ness \-ze-nas\ n + : the quality or state of being + [2] being, body, human, individual,man, mortal, per-
crazy son - more at HUMAN
+ absurdity, asininity, balminess, daftness, fatuity, creche \'kresh\ n [F, manger, crib, fro OF creche, of Gmc
folly, foolishness, inanity, insanity, lunacy, madness, origin] : a representation of the Nativity scene
silliness, simplicity, zaniness cre-dence \'kred-'ns\ n + : mental acceptance as true or
cra-zy\'kra-ze\ adj cra-zi-er; -est 1 + : mentally disordered real
: INSANE 2 + : not characterized by common sense: wildly + confidence, faith, stock, trust - more at TRUST + be-
impractical; also: ERRATIC 3 + : distracted with desire or lief, credit, faith - more at BELIEF
excitement 4 + : absurdly fond - usu. used with about cre-den-tial\kri-'den-chal\ n + : something that gives a ba-
or over - cra-zi-Iy\-za-Ie\ adv sis for credit or confidence - used in pl.
+ [I, 2] absurd, cuckoo, fatuous, foolish, mad, nonsen- + usu credentials capability, qualification, stuff-
sical, nutty, senseless, silly, stupid - more at FOOLISH more at QUALIFICATION
+ [3] agog, anxious, ardent, athirst, avid, eager, enthu- cre-den-za \kri-'den-za\ n [It, lit., belief, confidence] : a
siastic, gung ho, hot, hungry, keen, nuts, raring, solici- sideboard, buffet, or bookcase usu. without legs
tous, thirsty, voracious - more at EAGER + usu crazy cred-i-bleVkre-do-bolvadj + : offering reasonable grounds
about or crazy over [4] mad, nuts for being believed: BELIEVABLE - cred-i-bil-i-ty\,kre-da-
CRC abbr Civil Rights Commission 'bi-Ia-te\ n
creak \'krek\ vb : to make a prolonged squeaking or grat- + believable, likely, plausible, probable - more at BE-
ing sound - creak n - creaky adj LIEVABLE
'cream \'krem\ n 1 : the yellowish fat-rich part of milk 'cred-it \'kre-dat\ vb 1 + : to trust in the truth of : BELIEVE
2 : a thick smooth sauce, confection, or cosmetic 2 + : to give credit to
3 + : the choicest part 4: a pale yellow color - creamy + [1] accept, believe, swallow, trust - more at BELIEVE
adj + [2] accredit, ascribe, attribute, impute; also blame,
+ best, choice, elect, elite, fat, flower, pick, prime- pin (on); associate, connect, link
more at ELITE 2eredit n [MF, fro It credito, fro L creditum something en-
2cream vb 1 : to prepare with a cream sauce 2: to beat or trusted to another, loan, fr. credere to believe, entrust]
blend into creamy consistency 3: to defeat decisively 1 : the balance (as in a bank) in a person's favor 2: time
cream cheese n : a cheese made from whole milk enriched given for payment for goods sold on trust 3: an account-
with cream ing entry of payment received 4 + : reliance on the truth
cream-ery \'kre-ma-re\ n, pi -er-ies : an establishment or reality of something: BELIEF, FAITH 5: financial trust-
where butter and cheese are made or milk and cream are worthiness 6 + : good name 7 + : a source of honor or
prepared for sale distinction 8: a unit of academic work
189 cricket
(4) belief, credence, faith - more at BELIEF. (6) ac- pidgin but serves as the native language of a speech com-
claim, accolade, distinction, glory, homage, honor (or munity
honour), laurels - more at GLORY (7) boast, glory, cre-o-sote \'kre-:l-,sot\ n : an oily liquid obtained by distil-
honor (or honour), jewel, pride, treasure - more at lation of coal tar and used in preserving wood
GLORY crepe or crepe \'krap\ n : a light crinkled fabric of any of
cred;table \ 'kre-do-ro-boli atQ : worthy of esteem or various fibers
praise - \-ble\ adv crepe su-zette \,krap-su-'zet\ n, pi crepes suzette \same or
admirable, commendable, laudable, meritorious, .kraps-x or crepe suzettes \-su-'zets\ often cap S : a thin
praiseworthy - more at ADMIRABLE folded or rolled pancake in a hot orange-butter sauce that
credit card n : a card authorizing purchases on credit is sprinkled with a liqueur and set ablaze for serving
cred-i-tor \'kre-d:>-t:lr\ n : a person to whom money is owed cre-pus-cu-lar Xkri-tpas-kya-larv adj 1 : of, relating to, or
resembling twilight 2 : occurring or active during twilight
cre-do Vkre-do, 'kra-\ n, pi credos [ME, fro L, I believe)
<- insects)
1 : a set of fundamental beliefs: CREED 2: a guiding prin-
cre-scen-do \kr:l-'shen-do\ adv or adj [It) : increasing in
loudness - used as a direction in music - crescendo n
cred-u-lous \'kre-j:l-I:ls\ adj : inclined to believe esp, on cres-cent Vkres-Pntv n [ME cressant, fro AF fro prp. of ere-
slight evidence - ere-du-n-tv \kri-'dii-I:l-te, -'dyii-\ n- stre to grow, increase, fro L crescere) : the moon at any
cred-u-lous-ly adv stage between new moon and first quarter and between
Cree \'kre\ n, pi Cree or Crees: a member of an American last quarter and new moon; also: something shaped like
Indian people of Canada the figure of the crescent moon with a convex and a con-
creed \'kred\ n [ME crede, fro OE creda, fro L credo I be- cave edge - cres-cen-tic \kre-'sen-tik\ adj
lieve, first word of the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds] cress \'kres\ n : any of several salad plants related to the
1 .: a statement of the essential beliefs of a religious mustards
faith; also: the body of such beliefs 2 + : a guiding prin- 'crest \'krest\ n 1 : a tuft or process on the head of an an-
ciple imal (as a bird) 2: a heraldic device 3: an upper part,
+ Il) cult, faith, persuasion, religion - more at RELI- edge, or limit <the - of a hill) - crest-ed \'kres-t:ld\ adj
GION + (2) doctrine, gospel, ideology, philosophy; also - crest-less adi
manifesto 'crest vb 1 : CROWN 2: to reach the crest of 3 : to rise to a
creek Vkrek, 'krik\ n 1 chiefly Brit: a small inlet 2 + : a crest
stream smaller than a river crest-tall-en \'krest-,fQ-I:ln\ adi : feeling shame or humilia-
+ brook, rill, rivulet, streamlet; also freshet, runoff; tion; also: feeling low in spirit: DISPIRITED, DEJECTED
river, stream, watercourse, waterway; canal, race, mill- Cre-ta-ceous \kri-'tii-sh:ls\ adj : of, relating to, or being the
race, millstream latest period of the Mesozoic era marked by great in-
crease in flowering plants, diversification of mammals,
Creek \'krek\ n : a member of an American Indian people
and extinction of the dinosaurs - Cretaceous n
of Alabama, Georgia, and Florida
cre-tin \'kret-'n\ n IF cretin, fro F dial. cretin, lit., wretch,
creel \'krel\ n : a wicker basket esp. for carrying fish innocent victim, fro L christianus Christian) 1 : one af-
'creep \'krep\ vb crept \'krept\; creep-ing 1 + : to move fected with cretinism 2 + : a stupid, vulgar, or insensitive
along with the body prone and close to the ground person
: CRAWL 2 : to feel as though insects were crawling on the
+ blockhead, dope, dummy, idiot, imbecile, jackass,
skin 3: to grow over a surface like ivy 4 + : to go very moron, numskull - more at IDIOT
slowly 5: to enter, advance, or progress gradually so as cre-tln-lsrn \-,i-z:lm\ n : a usu. congenital abnormal condi-
to be almost unnoticed <the cost of living keeps -ing tion characterized by physical stunting and mental retar-
up) - creep-er n dation
+ [I] crawl, grovel, slither, snake, worm - more at cre-tonne \'kre-,tiin\ n : a strong unglazed cotton cloth for
CRAWL [4) crawl, drag, inch, plod, poke - more at curtains and upholstery
CRAWL cre-vasse \kri-'vas\ n : a deep fissure esp. in a glacier
'creep n + : an unpleasant or obnoxious person crev-ice \'kre-v:ls\ n + : a narrow fissure
+ beast, boor, churl, clown, cretin, cur, heel, jerk, + chink, cleft, crack, cranny, fissure, rift, split - more
joker, louse, lout, skunk, slob, snake - more at JERK at CRACK
creep-ing \'kre-pil)\ adj + : developing or advancing by im- 'crew \'krii\ chiefly Can and Brit past O/CROW
perceptible degrees 'crew n [ME crue, fr. MF, a reinforcement, lit., increase, fro
+ dilatory, laggard, languid, poky, slow, sluggish, tardy croistre to grow, fr. L crescere) 1 + : a body of people
- more at SLOW trained to work together for certain purposes 2: a group
creepy \'kre-pe\ adj creep-i-er: -est + : having or produc- of people who operate a ship, train, aircraft, or spacecraft
ing a nervous shivery fear 3 : the rowers and coxswain of a racing shell; also: the
sport of rowing engaged in by a crew - crew-man \-m:ln\
+ eerie, haunting, spooky, uncanny, unearthly, weird n
- more at EERIE
+ band, company, gang, outfit, party, squad, team-
cre-mate \'kre-,mat\ vb ere-mat-ed: cre-mat-ing : to reduce
more at GANG
(a dead body) to ashes with fire - ere-rna-non \kri-'ma-
crew cut n : a very short bristly haircut
shanv n crew-el Vkru-alv n : slackly twisted worsted yarn used for
cre-ma-to-ry \'kre-m:l-,tor-e, 'kre-\ n, pl-ries : a furnace for embroidery - crew-el-work \-,w:lrk\ n
cremating; also: a structure containing such a furnace 'crib \'krib\ n 1 : a manger for feeding animals 2: a child's
creme \'krem, 'krem', n, pi cremes \same or 'kremz, bedstead with high sides 3: a building or bin for storage
'kremzv IF, lit., cream) : a sweet liqueur (as of grain) 4: something used for cheating in an exam
cren-el-lat-ed or cren-el-at-ed \'kren-'I-,a-t:ld\ adj : having 'crib vb cribbed; crib-bing 1 : to put in a crib 2: STEAL, PLA-
battlements - cren-el-la-tion \,kren-'I-'a-sh:ln\ n GIARIZE - crib-ber n
cre-ole \'kre-,ol\ n 1 : a descendant of early French or crib-bage \'kri-bij\ n : a card game usu. played by two
Spanish settlers of the U.S. Gulf states preserving their players and scored on a board (cribbage board)
speech and culture; also: a person of mixed French or crib death n : SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME
Spanish and black descent speaking a dialect of French or crick \'krik\ n : a painful spasm of muscles (as of the neck)
Spanish 2 not cap : a language that has evolved from a tcrlck-et \'kri-k:lt\ n [ME criket, fro AF, of imit. origin) : any
cricket 190

of a family of leaping insects related to the grasshoppers + (2) brittle, crumbly, flaky, friable; also crunchy;
and noted for the chirping noises of the male breakable, delicate, fragile + [4) brief, compact, com-
"cricket n [MF criquet goal stake in a bowling game) : a pendious, concise, epigrammatic, laconic, pithy, suc-
game played with a bat and ball by two teams on a field cinct, summary, terse - more at CONCISE + [7) neat,
centering upon two wickets each defended by a batsman orderly, shipshape, snug, tidy, trim, uncluttered-
cri-er \'kri(-:l)r\ n : one who calls out proclamations and more at NEAT
announcements crisp-Iy adv + : in a crisp manner
crime \'krim\ n 1 : a serious offense against the public + compactly, concisely, laconically, shortly, succinctly,
law 2 + : something reprehensible,foolish, or disgraceful summarily, tersely - more at SHORTLY
+ [I) error, malefaction, misdeed, misdoing, offense, crisp-ness n + : the quality or state of being crisp
sin, transgression,violation, wrongdoing- more at OF- brevity, briefness, compactness, conciseness, suc-
FENSE + (2) disgrace, outrage, pity, scandal, shame, sin cinctness, terseness- more at SUCCINCTNESS
tcrlm-l-nat \'kri-m:ln-'l\ adi 1 + : involvingor being a crime crispy adj : easily crumbled
2 : relating to crime or its punishment - crim.i.nal.i.ty 'criss-cross Vkris-jkros', vb 1 : to mark with crossed lines
\,kri-m:l-'na-l:l-te\n - crim.i.nal.lyadv 2 + : to go or pass back and forth through or over
+ illegal, illegitimate, illicit, unlawful, wrongful- + cover, cross, cut, follow, go, pass, proceed, travel, tra-
more at ILLEGAL verse - more at TRAVERSE
2criminal n + : one who has committed a crime 2crisscross adj : marked or characterized by crisscrossing
+ crook, culprit, felon, lawbreaker, malefactor, of- - crisscross adv
fender; also desperado, outlaw; convict, jailbird; perpe- 3crisscross n : a pattern formed by crossed lines
trator; evildoer, sinner, transgressor, trespasser, wrong- crit abbr critical; criticism
doer; gangster, gunman, hoodlum, mobster, racketeer, en-te-n-on \kri-'tir-e-an\ n, pl -ria \-e-a\ + : a standard on
thug; backslider, repeater which a judgment may be based
criminol-o-gy\,kri-m:r'nli-l:l-je\ n : the scientificstudy of + grade, mark, measure, par, standard, touchstone,
crime and criminals- crlrn-i-nol-o-qist \,kri-m:l-'na-la- yardstick - more at STANDARD
jist\ n crit-ic \'kri-tik\ n 1 : a person who judges literary or artis-
'crimp \'krimp\ vb : to cause to become crinkled, wavy, or tic works 2 + : one inclined to find fault
bent + carper, castigator, caviler, censurer, faultfinder, nit-
2crimp n 1 : something(as a curl in hair) produced by or as picker, railer, scold; also detractor; pettifogger, quib-
if by crimping 2 + : a bend or crease formed in some- bler; complainer, crybaby, whiner
thing 3 + : something that cramps or inhibits crlt-i-cal \'kri-ti-kal\ adj 1 : being or relating to a condition
+ [2) crease, crinkle, furrow, wrinkle - more at WRIN- or disease involvingdanger of death 2 + : being a crisis
KLE + (3) bar, block, encumbrance, hindrance, inhibi- 3 + : inclined to criticize 4: relating to criticism or crit-
tion, obstacle - more at ENCUMBRANCE ics 5: requiring careful judgment 6: UNCERTAIN
tcrtm-eon \'krim-zan\ n : a deep purplish red color - crim- 7 + : marked by or indicativeof significantworth or con-
son adj sequence - crit-i-cal-ly \-k(a-)Ie\ adv
2crimson vb + : to make or become crimson + [2) acute, dire, imperative, imperious, instant, press-
+ bloom, blush, color (or colour), flush, glow, redden ing, urgent - more at ACUTE + (3) captious, carping,
- more at BLUSH hypercritical, overcritical; also discerning, discriminat-
cringe \'krinj\ vb cringed; + : to shrink in fear ing, judicious; demanding, exacting, fastidious, finicky,
: COWER fussy, particular Ant uncritical + [7) crucial, key, piv-
+ cower, grovel, quail - more at COWER otal, vital - more at CRUCIAL
crlt-l-clse Brit var of CRITICIZE
'crin.kle \'krilJ-kal\ vb cnn-kled: crin.kling + : to form many crtt-l-clsrn Vkrt-te-jsi-zem', n 1 : the act of criticizing;esp
short bends or curves; also: WRINKLE - crin.kly\-ka-Ie\ : CENSURE 2: a judgment or review 3: the art of judging
aqj works of literature or art
+ crease, furrow, rumple, wrinkle - more at WRINKLE crlt-l-clze \'kri-ta-,sIz\ vb -cized; 1 : to judge as a
2crinkle n : a line, mark, or ridge made by or as if by fold- critic: EVALUATE 2 + : to find fault: express criticism
ing a pliable substance + blame, censure, condemn, denounce, fault, knock,
crin-o-llne \'krin-'I-an\ n 1 : an open-weavecloth used for pan, reprehend; also assail, attack, blast, slam, slash;
stiffening and lining 2: a full stiff skirt or underskirt beef, bellyache, carp, complain, crab, croak, fuss, gripe,
made of crinoline grouse, growl, grumble, kick, moan, murmur, mutter,
'crip-ple \'kri-pal\ n : one that is disabled or deficient in a repine, squawk, wail, whine, yammer; admonish,chide,
specified manner <a social +-> rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reprove; berate, casti-
2cripple vb crip-pled; crip-pling 1 + : to make lame 2 + : to gate, crucify, excoriate, flay, lambaste, lash, pillory,
make uselessor imperfect scold, upbraid; bad-mouth, belittle, disparage, put
+ Il) disable, lame, maim, mutilate - more at MAIM down Ant extol, laud, praise
+ (2) blemish, break, damage, deface, disfigure, flaw, cri-tique \kra-'tek\ n : a critical estimate or discussion
harm, hurt, injure, mar, spoil, vitiate - more at DAM- crit-ter Vkri-tarv n + : a lower animal: CREATURE
AGE + (2) disable, hamstring, immobilize, incapacitate, + animal, beast, brute, creature - more at ANIMAL
paralyze, prostrate - more at PARALYZE 'croak \'krok\ n : a hoarse harsh cry (as of a frog)
en-sis \'kri-sas\ n, pI cri-ses \-,sez\ [ME, fr. L, fro Gk krisis, 2croak vb + : to mutter in discontent
lit., decision, fro krinein to decide) 1 : the turning point + beef, bellyache, carp, complain, crab, fuss, gripe,
for better or worse in an acute diseaseor fever 2 + : a de- grouse, growl, grumble, kick, moan, murmur, mutter,
cisiveor critical moment repine, squawk, wail, whine - more at COMPLAIN
+ clutch, crunch, emergency, head, juncture - more Croat \'kro-,at\ n : CROATIAN
at EMERGENCY Cro-atian\kro-'a-shan\ n : a native or inhabitant of Croatia
crisp \'krisp\ adj 1 : CURLY, WAVY 2 + : easily crumbled - Croatian adj
: BRITTLE 3: FIRM, FRESH <- lettuce> 4 + : being sharp cro-chet \kro-'shii\ n [F, hook, crochet, fr. MF, dim. of
and clear; also : concise and to the point 5: LIVELY, croche hook) : needlework done with a single thread and
SPARKLING 6: FROSTY, SNAPPY; also : INVIGORATING hooked needle - crochet vb
7 + : noticeably neat - crisp vb crock \'krlik\ n : a thick earthenware pot or jar
191 cross over
crock-ery \'krli-ka-n!\ n : EARTHENWARE drive wooden balls through a series of wickets set out on
croc-o-dile \'krli-ka-,dfl\ n [ME & L; ME cocodrille, fro OF, a lawn
fro ML cocodrillus, alter. of L crocodilus, fro Gk krokodilos cro-quette \kro-'ket\ n [F] : a small often rounded mass of
lizard, crocodile, fro kroke shingle, pebble + drillos worm] minced meat, fish, or vegetables fried in deep fat
: any of several thick-skinned long-bodied carnivorous cro-sier \'kro-zhar\ n : a staff carried by bishops and abbots
reptiles of tropical and subtropical waters 'cross \'kros\ n 1: a structure consisting of an upright
cro-cus \'kro-kas\ n, pi cro-cus-es also crocus or cre-el beam and a crossbar used esp. by the ancient Romans for
\-,ki\ : any of a large genus of low herbs related to the execution 2: a figure of the cross on which Christ was
irises and having brightly colored flowers borne singly in crucified used as a Christian symbol 3: a hybridizing of
early spring unlike individuals or strains; also: a product of this 4: a
Crohn's disease \'kronz\ n : a chronic inflammatory dis- punch delivered with a circular motion over an oppo-
ease of the gastrointestinal tract and esp. the ileum nent's lead 5 : an affliction that tries one's virtue, stead-
crois-sant xkro-tsant, krwa-tsa'", n, pi croissants \same or fastness, or patience
-'slints, -'slinz\ : a rich crescent-shaped roll gauntlet, ordeal, trial - more at TRIAL
Cra-Maognon \kro-'mag-nan, -'man-yan\ n : any of a tall 2cross vb 1 : to lie or place across; also : INTERSECT 2: to
erect human race known from skeletal remains found cancel by marking a cross on or by lining through
chiefly in southern France and usu. classified as the same 3 : THWART, OBSTRUCT 4 : to go or extend across: TRA-
species as present-day human beings - Cra-Magnonadj VERSE 5 : HYBRIDIZE 6: to meet and pass on the way
crone \'kron\ n : a withered old woman: HAG cover, crisscross, cut, follow, go, pass, proceed,
hag, witch; also grandam (or grandame), harpy, travel, traverse - more at TRAVERSE
shrew, virago 3cross adj 1: lying across 2: CONTRARY, OPPOSED
cro-ny \'kro-ne\ n, pi cronies. : a close friend esp, of long 3 : marked by bad temper 4: HYBRID - cross-ly adv
standing choleric, crabby, cranky, crotchety, grouchy,
associate, cohort, companion, comrade, fellow, mate grumpy, irascible, irritable, peevish, perverse, petulant,
- more at ASSOCIATE. buddy, chum, comrade, famil- short-tempered, snappish, snappy, snippy, testy,
iar, friend, intimate, pal - more at FRIEND waspish - more at IRRITABLE
'crook \'knik\ vb : to curve or bend sharply cross-bar \'kros-,blir\ n : a transverse bar or piece
arc, arch, bend, bow, curve, hook, round, sweep, cross-bow \-,bo\ n : a short bow mounted crosswise at the
swerve, wheel - more at CURVE end of a wooden stock that shoots short arrows
2crook n 1 : a bent or curved implement 2: a bent or cross-breed x'kros-sbrsd, -'bred\ vb -bred \-'bred\; -breed-
curved part; also: BEND, CURVE 3: a person who engages ing : HYBRIDIZE
in fraudulent or criminal practices: SWINDLER, THIEF cross-coun-try \-'kan-tre\ adj 1 : extending or moving
crook-ed \'kru-bd\ adj 1 : having a crook 2 : char- across a country 2: proceeding over the countryside (as
acterized by lack of truth, honesty, or trustworthiness fields and woods) and not by roads 3: of or relating to
: DISHONEST - crook-ed-ly adv racing or skiing over the countryside instead of over a
[1] devious, serpentine, sinuous, tortuous, winding; track or run - cross-country adv
also zigzag, zigzagging; circling, coiled, coiling, spiral, cross-cur-rent \-'kar-ant\ n 1 : a current running counter
spiraling, swirling; circuitous, indirect, roundabout; to another 2 : a conflicting tendency - usu. used in pl.
meandering, rambling, wandering Ant straight, straight- 'crossoCut \-,kat\ vb : to cut or saw crosswise esp, of the
away [2] deceptive, dishonest, fast, fraudulent, grain of wood
shady, sharp, shifty, underhanded - more at DISHONEST 2crosscut adj 1 : made or used for crosscutting <a ,...._ saw)
2 : cut across the grain
crook-ed-ness n : the quality or state of being crooked
3crosscut n : something that cuts through transversely
artifice, craft, craftiness, cunning, deceit, deceitful- cross-ex-arn-lne\,kro-sig-'za-man\ vb : to examine with
ness, dishonesty, dissimulation, double-dealing, duplic- questions to check the answers to previous questions -
ity, guile, wiliness - more at DECEIT crcss-ex-am-t-na-tton \-,za-ma-'na- shanv n
croon \'kriin\ vb : to sing or hum in a gentle murmuring cross-eyed \'kro-,sld\ adj : having one or both eyes turned
voice - croonoer n inward toward the nose
'crop \'krlip\ n 1 : the handle of a whip; also: a short rid- cross-fer-til-l-za-tion \-,fart-'l-a-'za-shan\ n 1 : fertilization
ing whip 2: a pouch in the throat of many birds and in- between sex cells produced by separate individuals or
sects where food is received 3: something that can be sometimes by individuals of different kinds; also: CROSS=
harvested; also : the yield at harvest 4: two or more fig- POLLINATION 2: a broadening or productive interchange
ures forming a complete unit in a composition (as between cultures) - cross-fer-tll-ize \-'fdrt-'I-,lz\ vb
2crop vb cropped; crop-ping 1 : to remove the tips of : cut cross fire n 1 : crossinglines of fire in combat 2: rapid or
off short; also : TRIM 2: to feed on by cropping 3 a : to angry interchange
devote (land) to crops b.: to grow as a crop : yield a cross-hair \'kros-,har\ n : a fine wire or thread in the eye-
crop 4 : to appear unexpectedly - often used with up piece of an optical instrument used as a reference line
[1] bob, clip, cut, cut back, dock, lop, nip, prune, cross-hatch \'kros-,hach\ vb : to mark with two series of
shave, shear, trim - more at CLIP [3b] cultivate, parallel lines that intersect - cross-batch-lnqn
grow, promote, raise, rear, tend - more at GROW. USU cross-inq \ 'kro-silJ \ n 1 : a place or structure for crossing
crop up [4] arise, emerge, materialize, spring, surface something (as a river) 2 : a point of intersection (as of
- more at ARISE a street and a railroad track) 3.: the act or action of
crop duster n : a person who uses an airplane to spray crossing
crops with insecticidal dusts; also: an airplane so used [2] corner, crossroad, intersection - more at CROSS-
crop-land \-,land\ n : land devoted to the production of ROAD. [3] cruise, passage, sail, voyage- more at SAIL
plant crops cross-over \'kros-,o-vdr\ n 1 : CROSSING 2: a member of a
crop-per \'krli-par\ n : a raiser of crops; esp : SHARECROPPER political party who votes in the primary of the other party
crop-per\'krli-par\ n : a sudden or violent failure or col- 3 : a broadening of the popular appeal of an artist (as a
lapse musician) by a change in the artist's style, genre, or
collapse, crash, defeat, failure, fizzle, nonsuccess- medium 4: an instance of breaking into another category
more at FAILURE cross over vb : to achieve broader popularity by a change
cro-quet\kro-'kli\ n : a game in which mallets are used to of medium or style
crosspiece 192
cross-piece \'kros-,pes\ n : a horizontal member crow-bar\'kro-,blir\ n : a metal bar usu. wedge-shaped at
cross-pol-li-na-tion \,kros-,pa-Ia-'na- shanv n : transfer of the end for use as a pry or lever
pollen from one flower to the stigma of another- 'crowd \'kraud\ vb 1 : to press close 2 : to gather in
cross-pol-li-nate\'kros-'pa-Ia-,nat\ vb numbers: THRONG 3 : to press, force, or thrust into a
cross-pur-pose \'kros-'par-pas\ n : a purpose contrary to small space : CRAM, STUFF
another purpose <working at cross-purposes> [I, 3] cram, jam, ram, sandwich, squeeze, stuff,
cross-ques-tion \-'kwes-chan\ vb : CROSS-EXAMINE- wedge; also fill, heap, jam-pack, load, pack [2] flock,
cross-question n mob, swarm, throng; also beset, infest, invade, overrun;
cross-re-fer \,kros-ri-'far\ vb : to refer by a notation or di- clog, dam, obstruct, plug (up)
rection from one place to another (as in a book or list) - 2crowd n 1 : a large number of people gathered together
cross-ref-er-ence\'kros-'re-frans\ n at random: THRONG 2 : a group of people having some-
cross-road \ 'kros-,rod\ n 1 : a road that crosses a main thing (as a habit, interest, or occupation) in common
road or runs between main roads 2.: a place where [1] army, crush, drove, flock, horde, host, legion,
roads meet - usu. used in pl. 3: a crucial point where a mob, multitude, press, swarm, throng; also masses,rab-
decision must be made ble, riffraff; gaggle, herd; heap, mountain, pile
usu crossroads corner, crossing, intersection; also [2] circle, clan, clique, coterie, fold, gang, ring, set -
overpass, underpass more at GANG
cross section n 1 : a section cut across something; also: a crowded adj 1 : filled with numerous things or people
representation made by or as if by such cutting 2: a often overly compacted or concentrated 2 : pressed to-
number of persons or things selected from a group that gether
show the general nature of the whole group - cross- [1] brimful, chock-full, fat, fraught, full, loaded,
sec-tion-al adj packed, replete - more at FULL [2] close, compact,
cross-walk\'kros-,wok\ n : a marked path for pedestrians dense, packed, serried, thick, tight - more at CLOSE
crossing a street 'crown \'kralin\ n 1 : a mark of victory or honor; esp : the
cross-ways \-,waz\ adv : so as to cross something: CROSS- title of a champion in a sport 2: a royal headdress 3: the
WISE top of the head 4 : the highest part (as of a tree or tooth)
cross-wind \-,wind\ n : a wind not parallel to a course (as 5 often cap : sovereign power; also : MONARCH 6: a for-
of an airplane) merly used British silver coin - crowned\'kraund\ adj
cross-wise \-,wiz\ adv : so as to cross something- acme, apex, climax, culmination, head, height, merid-
crosswise adj ian, peak, pinnacle, summit, tip-top, top, zenith-
athwart, obliquely, transversely more at HEIGHT
cross-word \'kros-,ward\ n : a puzzle in which words are 2crown vb 1 : to place a crown on 2: HONOR 3: TOP, SUR-
put into a pattern of numbered squares in answer to clues MOUNT 4 : to fit (a tooth) with an artificial crown
cros-tl-nl \kro-'ste-ne\ n pi : small slices of toasted bread crown vetch n : a European leguminous herb with umbels
served with a topping of pink-and-white flowers and sharp-angled pods
crotch \'krach\ n : an angle formed by the parting of two crow's-foot \'kroz-,flit\ n, pi crow's-feet \-,fet\ : any of the
legs, branches, or members wrinkles around the outer corners of the eyes - usu.
crotch-et \'kra-chat\ n 1 : an odd notion : WHIM 2.: a used in pl.
highly individual and usu. eccentric opinion or prefer- crow's nest n : a partly enclosed platform high on a ship's
ence mast for use as a lookout
eccentricity, idiosyncrasy, mannerism, oddity, peculi- crozier var of CROSIER
arity, quirk, singularity, trick - more at IDIOSYNCRASY 'CRT\,se-(,)ar-'te\ n, pi CRTsor CRT's: CATHODE-RAY TUBE;
crotch-ety adj : given to crotchets : subject to whims, also : a display device incorporating a cathode-ray tube
crankiness, or ill temper 2CRTabbr carrier route
cru-cial \'krii-shal\ adj 1 : important or essential as re-
choleric, crabby, cranky, cross, grouchy, grumpy, solving a crisis: DECISIVE 2: IMPORTANT, SIGNIFICANT
irascible, irritable, peevish, perverse, petulant, short=
tempered, snappish, snappy, snippy, testy, waspish- critical, decisive, essential, indispensable, key, neces-
more at IRRITABLE sary, pivotal, pressing, requisite, urgent, vital
crouch \'krauch\ vb 1 : to stoop or bend low 2: CRINGE, cru-el-ate\'krii-she-,at\ adj : CRUCIFORM
COWER - crouch n
cru-ci-ble\'krii-sa-bal\ n 1 : a heat-resistant container in
which material can be subjected to great heat 2 : a severe
huddle, hunch, squat; also curl up test
croup \'kriip\ n : laryngitis esp. of infants marked by a cru-ci-fix\'krii-sa-,fiks\ n : a representation of Christ on
hoarse ringing cough and difficult breathing - croupy the cross
a4i cru-ci-fix-ion \,krii-sa-'fik-shan\ n 1 cap: the crucifying of
crou-pi-er \'krii-pe-ar, -pe-,a\ n [F, lit., rider on the rump of Christ 2: the act of crucifying
a horse, fro croupe rump] : an employee of a gambling cru-ci-form\'krii-sa-,form\ adj : shaped like a cross
casino who collects and pays bets at a gaming table cru-ci-fy\'krii-sa-,fi\ vb -fied; -fy-ing 1 : to put to death by
crou-ton \'krii-,tan\ n [F crouton, dim. of croate crust] : a nailing or binding the hands and feet to a cross 2: MOR-
small cube of bread toasted or fried crisp TIFY 1 3: TORTURE, PERSECUTE
'crow \'kro\ n 1 : any of various large glossy black birds re- 'crude \'kriid\ adj crud-er; crud-est 1 : not refined: RAW
lated to the jays 2 cap: a member of an American Indian <- oil> <- statistics> 2 : lacking grace, taste, tact, or
people of a region in Montana and Wyoming; also : the polish 3.: rough or inexpert in plan or execution -
language of the Crow people crude-Iy adv - cruodi-tyVkru-da-te', n
2crow vb 1 : to make the loud shrill sound characteristic of [1] native, natural, raw, undressed, unprocessed, un-
the cock 2.: to utter a sound expressive of pleasure refined, untreated; also undeveloped; unfinished, un-
3 : to exult gloatingly esp, over the distress of another polished; unbaked, uncooked; impure, unfiltered Ant
: EXULT 4 : to brag exultantly or blatantly: BRAG, BOAST processed, refined, treated [2] coarse, common,
[2, 3] delight, exult, glory, joy, rejoice, triumph- crass, gross, ill-bred, low, rough, rude, tasteless, un-
more at EXULT [4] boast, brag, plume, swagger- couth, uncultivated, uncultured, unpolished, unrefined,
more at BOAST vulgar - more at COARSE [3] artless, clumsy, rough,
3crow n : the cry of the cock rude, unrefined - more at RUDE
193 crying
>crude n : unrefined petroleum 2crunch n 1: an act of or a sound made by crunching
cru-el \'ktii-31\ adj cru-el-eror cru-el-ler; cru-el-estor cru-el- 2 : a tight or critical situation - crunchyadj
lest [ME, fro AF, fro L crudelis, fro crudus crude] clutch, crisis, emergency, head, juncture - more at
1 : causing pain and suffering to others 2 : extremely EMERGENCY
painful - cru-el-lyadv cru-sade \krii-'sad\ n 1 cap: any of the expeditions in the
[l] barbarous, brutal, heartless, inhumane, sadistic, 11 th, 12th, and 13th centuries undertaken by Christian
savage, vicious, wanton; also cutthroat, merciless, piti- countries to take the Holy Land from the Muslims 2 : a
less, ruthless; fell, ferocious, grim; bloodthirsty, mur- reforming enterprise undertaken with zeal - crusade vb
derous, sanguinary, sanguine; catty, hateful, malevo- bandwagon, campaign, cause, drive, movement-
lent, malicious, malign, malignant, mean, nasty, spiteful more at CAMPAIGN
Ant benign, benignant, compassionate, good-hearted, cru-sad-ern : one engaged in a crusade
humane, kind, kindhearted, sympathetic, tenderhearted fanatic, militant, partisan, zealot - more at ZEALOT
[2] agonizing, bitter, excruciating, galling, grievous,
harrowing, harsh, hurtful, painful, tortuous - more at cruse \'kriiz, 'kriis\ n : a jar for water or oil
BrITER 'crush \'krash\ vb 1 : to squeeze out of shape 2: HUG,
EMBRACE 3 : to grind or pound to small bits 4 : to
cru-el-ty \-te\ n : the quality or state of being cruel
suppress or overwhelmas if by pressure or weight: SUP-
barbarity,brutality, inhumanity, sadism, savagery,vi- PRESS 5 : to subdue completely
ciousness, wantonness; also ruthlessness; ferocity,
fierceness; bloodthirstiness; cattiness, hatefulness, [1] mash, squash; also press, squeeze; beat, pound,
malevolence, malignity, meanness, nastiness, spiteful- powder, pulverize. [3] atomize, grind, powder, pul-
ness Ant benignity, compassion, humanity, kindness, verize - more at POWDER [4, 5] clamp down, crack
sympathy down, put down, quash, quell, repress, silence, snuff,
squash, squelch, subdue, suppress - more at QUELL
cru-et \'krii-at\ n : a small usu. glass bottle for vinegar, oil,
[4, 5] carry away, devastate, floor, oppress, over-
or sauce come, overpower, overwhelm, prostrate, snow under,
'cruise \'kriiz\ vb cruised; cruising [D kruisen to make a swamp - more at OVERWHELM
cross, cruise] 1 : to sail about touching at a series of ports 2crush n 1 : an act of crushing 2 : a violent crowding
2 : to travel for enjoyment 3: to travel about the streets 3 : INFATUATION
at random 4: to travel at the most efficient operating
speed <the cruising speed of an airplane> army, crowd, drove, flock, horde, host, legion, mob,
2cruise n : an act or an instance of cruising; esp : a tour multitude, press, swarm, throng - more at CROWD
by ship crust \'krast\ n 1 : the outside part of bread; also: a piece
of old dry bread 2: the cover of a pie 3: a hard surface
crossing, passage, sail, voyage- more at SAIL layer - crust-aladj
cruis-er Vkru-zar', n 1 : SQUAD CAR 2: a large fast moder- crus-ta-cean \,kras-'ta-shan\ n : any of a large class of
ately armored and gunned warship 3: a motorboat mostly aquatic arthropods (as lobsters or crabs) having a
equipped for living aboard firm crustlike shell - crustacean adj
crul-ler \'kra-Iar\ n 1 : a small sweet cake in the form of a crusty adj crust-i-er; -est 1 : having or being a crust 2 : giv-
twisted strip fried in deep fat 2 Northern & Midland: an ing an effect of surly incivility in address or disposition
unraised doughnut : CROSS, GRUMPY
'crumb \'kram\ n 1 : a small fragment 2 : a small piece crutch \'kr3ch\ n : a supporting device; esp : a support fit-
or quantity of some material thing ting under the armpit for use by the disabled in walking
atom, bit, fleck, flyspeck, grain, granule, molecule, crux \'kraks, 'kniks\ n, pi crux-es 1 : a puzzlingor difficult
morsel, mote, particle, patch, scrap, scruple, speck, tit-problem 2 : a crucial point
tle core, gist, heart, nub, pith, pivot: also course, direc-
2crumb vb 1: to break into crumbs 2: to cover with tion, drift, tenor; body, essence, substance
crumbs 'cry \'kn\ vb cried; cry.lng 1 : to callout: SHOUT 2 : to
crum-ble\'kram-bal\ vb crum-bled; crum-bling 1 : to break proclaim publicly : ADVERTISE 3 : to shed tears often
into small pieces: DISINTEGRATE 2: to break down com- noisily : WEEP 4 : to protest or complain loudly or vig-
pletely orously - often used with out
crum-blyadj : easily crumbled [1] bawl, call, holler, shout, vociferate, yell - more
brittle, crisp, flaky, friable - more at CRISP at CALL [3] bawl, blubber, sob, weep; also grieve,
crum-my\'kra-me\ adj crum-mi-er:-est e : very poor or in- keen, lament, mourn; howl, scream, squall, wail, yowl;
ferior : LOUSY pule, whimper, whine; sniffle, snivel; groan, moan, sigh
bad, deficient, inferior, lousy, off, poor, punk, rotten, usu cry out [4] blurt, bolt, ejaculate, spout
substandard, unacceptable, unsatisfactory, wanting, 2cry n, pi cries 1 : a loud outcry 2 : an earnest plea: AP-
wretched, wrong - more at BAD PEAL, ENTREATY 3: a fit of weeping 4: the characteristic
crum-pet\'kram-pat\ n : a small round unsweetened bread sound uttered by an animal 5: DISTANCE - usu. used in
cooked on a griddle the phrase a far cry 6 : a loud shout 7 : a word or
crum-ple \'kram-pal\ vb crum-pled;crum-pling 1 .: to motto that embodies a principle or guide to action of an
crush together: RUMPLE 2 : fall into a jumbled or flat- individual or group
cenccr mass rnrougn the force of external pressure: COL- (1, 6J holler, hoot, howl, shout, whoop, yell, yowl -
LAPSE more at SHOUT [21 appeal, entreaty, petition, plea,
[I] crinkle. rumple. wrinkle: also corrugate, crease, prayer, solicitation, suit, supplication - more at PLEA
crimp. fold. furrow. pleat; ripple. ruffle: disarrange, [71 shibboleth, slogan, watchword - more at SLOGAN
jumble. mess (up). muss (up) Ant iron out, smooth\'kn-,ba-be\ n : one who cries or complains
[2] cnve in, oollapse, give, go, yield - more at COL- easily or often
LAPSE complainer, grumbler, whiner; also malcontent;
'crunch \'kranch\ vb 1 : to chew with a grinding noise carper, critic, faultfinder, nitpicker; weeper
2 : to grind or press with a crushing noise cry down vb : to lower in rank or reputation
usu crunch on [1] bite, champ, chew, chomp, gnaw, belittle, decry, deprecate, depreciate, diminish, dis-
nibble [2] gnash, grate, grind, grit, scrape - more at count, disparage, minimize, put down, write off-
cryogenic 194
cryo-qen-ic \,kri-~-'je-nik\ adj : of or relating to the pro- + bay, cabin, cell, chamber, compartment - more at
duction of very low temperatures; also: involving the use COMPARTMENT
of a very low temperature - cryo-gen-i-cal-ly \-ni-k(~-)le\ cubic measure n : a unit (as cubic inch) for measuring vol-
adv ume
cryo-gen.ics \-niks\ n : a branch of physics that relates to cubic zir-co-nia \-,z<lr-'ko-ne-,,\ also cubic zirconium n : a
the production and effects of very low temperatures synthetic gemstone resembling a diamond made from an
cryo-lite \'kri-~-,lit\ n : a usu. white mineral used in mak- oxide of zirconium
ing aluminum cub-ism \'kyii-,bi-z<lm\ n : a style of art characterized by
crypt \'kript\ n : a chamber wholly or partly underground the abstraction of natural forms into fragmented geomet-
cryp-tic \'krip-tik\ adj 1 + : meant to be puzzling or mys- ric shapes - cub-ist \-bist\ n or adj
terious 2 : having or seeming to have a hidden or am- cu-bit \'kyii-b"t\ n : an ancient unit of length equal to
biguous meaning about 18 inches (46 centimeters)
+ ambiguous, dark, darkling, deep, enigmatic, equivo- Cub Scout n : a member of the program of the Boy Scouts
cal, inscrutable, murky, mysterious, mystic, nebulous, for boys in the first through fifth grades in school
obscure, occult - more at OBSCURE cuck-old \'k<l-bld, 'ku-v n : a man whose wife is unfaithful
cryp-to-gram \'krip-t~-,gram\ n : a communication in ci- - cuckold vb
pher or code 'cuck.oo \'kii-kii, 'ku-\ n, pi cuckoos : a largely grayish
cryp-tog.ra.phy \krip-'ta-gr~-H:\ n : the coding and decod- brown European bird that lays its eggs in the nests of
ing of secret messages - cryp-tog-ra-pher \-f~r\ n other birds for them to hatch
crys-tal \'krist-'l\ n [ME cristal, fr. AF, fr. L crystallum, fr. 2cuckoo n : a silly or foolish person
Gk krystallos ice, crystal] 1 : transparent quartz 2: some- 3cuckoo adj + : being one that is silly or foolish
thing resembling crystal (as in transparency); esp : a clear + absurd, crazy, fatuous, foolish, mad, nonsensical,
glass used for table articles 3: a body that is formed by nutty, senseless, silly, stupid - more at FOOLISH
solidification of a substance and has a regular repeating cu-cum-ber \'kyii-(,)k~m-b~r\ n : the long fleshy many"
arrangement of atoms and often of external plane faces seeded fruit of a vine of the gourd family that is grown as
<a salt~> 4: the transparent cover of a watch dial a garden vegetable; also : this vine
crystal clear adj : perfectly or transparently clear cud \'k~d\ n : food brought up into the mouth by some an-
crys-tal-Hne \'kris-t~-l~n\ adj 1 : made of or resembling imals (as cows) from the rumen to be chewed again
crystal 2: very clear or sparkling cudodle \'k<ld-'I\ vb cud-dled: cudodling 1 .: to lie close
crys-tal-use Brit var O!CRYSTALLIZE : SNUGGLE 2 + : to hold close for warmth or comfort or in
crys-tal-tlze \'kris-t~-,liZ\ vb -lized; -lizing 1 : to assume or affection
cause to assume a crystalline form 2 + : to take or cause + nestle, nuzzle, snug, snuggle - more at NUZZLE
to take a definite form - crys-tal-ll-za-tlon \,kris-t~-l<l-'za- cudogel \'k~-j<ll\ n + : a short heavy club - cudgel vb
shanv n
+ bat, billy club, bludgeon, club, staff, truncheon-
+ form, jell, shape, solidify more at CLUB
crys-tal-loq-ra-pny \,kris-t<l-'la-gr<l-fe\ n : the science deal- 'cue \'kyii\ n 1 : a word, phrase, or action in a play serving
ing with the forms and structures of crystals - crys-tal- as a signal for the next actor to speak or act 2 + : a hint,
lographer n intimation, or suggestion as to what course of action to
cs abbr case; cases take or when to take it : HINT - cue vb
Cs symbol cesium + clue, hint, indication, inkling, intimation, lead, sug-
CS abbr 1 civil service 2 county seat gestion - more at HINT
CSA abbr Confederate States of America 2cue n : a tapered rod for striking the balls in billiards or
C-section \'se-,sek-sh<ln\ n : CESAREAN SECfION pool
CSM abbr command sergeant major 3cue n : a waiting line esp. of persons or vehicles
CST abbr central standard time cue ball n : the ball a player strikes with a cue in billiards
ct abbr 1 carat 2 cent 3 count 4 county 5 court
or pool
CT abbr 1 central time 2 Connecticut 'cuff \'k<lf\ n 1 : a part (as of a sleeve or glove) encircling
ctn abbr carton the wrist 2: the folded hem of a trouser leg
ctr abbr 1 center 2 counter
2cuff vb : to strike esp. with the open hand: sLAP
CT scan \,se-'te-\ n : CAT SCAN 3cuff n : to strike esp. with or as if with the palm of the hand
cu abbr cubic cul-sine \kwi-'zen\ n : style of cooking; also: the food pre-
Cu symbol [L cuprum] copper pared
cub \'k~b\ n 1 : a young individual of some animals (as a
cuke \'kyiik\ n : CUCUMBER
fox, bear, or lion) 2 + : a young person
cul-de-sac \,bl-di-'sak, ,kul-\ n, pi culs-de-sac \same or
+ child, juvenile, kid, kiddo, moppet, whelp, youngster, .kolz-, .kulz-', also cul-de-sacs \,bl-d~-'saks, ,kul-\ [F,
youth - more at CHILD lit., bottom of the bag] : a street or passage closed at one
cu-ban \'kyii-b~n\ n : a native or inhabitant of Cuba- end
Cuban adj cu-li-nary \'k<l-l<l-,ner-e, 'kyii-\ adi : of or relating to the
cu-ban sandwich \'kyii-b~n-\ n : a usu. grilled and pressed kitchen or cookery
sandwich served on a long split roll 'cull \'k<ll\ vb + : to pick out from a group
cub-by-hole \'k<l-be-,hol\ n : a snug place (as for storing + choose, elect, handpick, name, opt, pick, prefer, se-
things) lect, single, take - more at CHOOSE
'cube \'kyiib\ n 1 : a solid having 6 equal square sides 2cull n + : something rejected from a group or lot as worth-
2. ; the product obtained by taking a number 3 times as a less or 'Inferior
factor <27 is the ~ of 3) discard, reject, rejection; also second, throwaway
=euee vo cubed; cub-ing 1 : to raise to the third power 2: to
form into a cube 3: to cut into cubes cul-mbnate \'k<ll-m<l-,nat\ vb -nat-sd: : to reach the
cube root n : a number whose cube is a given number highest point
cu-blc \'kyii-bik\ also cu-bl-cal adj 1 : having the form of cul-rnl-na-tlon \,k<ll-m<l-'na-sh;:m\ n +: culminating posi-
a cube 2: being the volume of a cube whose edge is a tion
specified unit 3: having length, width, and height acme, apex, climax, crown, head, height, meridian,
cu-bi-cle \'kyii-bi-k~l\ n + : a small separate space (as for peak, pinnacle, summit, tip-top, top, zenith - more at
sleeping or studying) HEIGHT
195 curb
cu-lotte \'kii-,Hit, ,kyii-, ku-,liit, lcyU-\n [F, breeches, fro + awkward, clumsy, cranky, ungainly, unhandy, un-
dim. of cui backside] : a divided skirt; also : a garment wieldy; also uncontrollable, unmanageable; bulky,
having a divided skirt - often used in pl. heavy, massive;impracticable, impractical Ant handy
cul-pa-bil-i-ty\,kal-pa-'bi-l:He\ n + : the quality or state of cum-brous Vkam-brasv adj : unwieldy because of heavi-
being culpable ness and bulk: CUMBERSOME - cum-brous-ly adv - cum-
+ blame, fault, guilt, rap - more at BLAME brous-ness n
cut-pa-bte \'kal-pa-bal\ adi + : deservingblame cum-ln Vko-man, 'kyii-\ n : the seedlike fruit of a small an-
nual herb related to the carrot that is used as a spice; also
+ blamable, blameworthy,censurable, reprehensible - : this herb
more at BLAMEWORTHY cum-mer-bund \'ka-mar-,band, 'kam-bar-\ n [Hindi kamar-
cul-prit \'kal-prat\ n [AF cui. (abbr. of culpable guilty) + band, fro Per, fr. kamar waist + band band] + : a broad
prest,prit ready (i.e., to prove it), fro Lpraestus] + : one ac- sash worn as a waistband
cused or guilty of a crime + belt, cincture, girdle, sash - more at BELT
+ criminal, crook, felon, lawbreaker, malefactor, of- cu-mu-la-tive \'kyii-mya-Ia-tiv, -,Iii-\ adj : increasing in
fender - more at CRIMINAL force or value by successiveadditions
cult \'kalt\ n 1 : formal religious veneration 2 + : a reli- cu-mu-lo-nlm-bus\,kyii-my:l-Io-'nim-bas\ n : an anvil,
gious systemor its adherents 3: faddish devotion;also: a shaped cumulus cloud extending to great heights
group of persons showingsuch devotion - cult-ish \'kal- cu-mu-lus \'kyii-mya-Ias\ n, pi-Ii \-,Ii, -,Ie\ : a massivecloud
Ush\ adj - cult-ist \-tist\ n having a flat base and rounded outlines
+ creed, faith, persuasion, religion- more at RELIGION cu-ne-l-torm \kyil-'ne-:l-,f6rm\ adj 1: wedge-shaped
cul-tl-va-ble\'kal-ta-va-bal\ adj : capable of being culti- 2 : composed of wedge-shapedcharacters
vated cun-nl-lln-qus \,ka-ni-'lil)-gas\ also cun-nl-llne-tus \-'lil)k-
cul-tl-var \'kal-ta-,viir, -ver\ n : a plant variety originating tas\ n : oral stimulation of the vulva or clitoris
and persisting under cultivation 'cun.ning \'ka-nil)\ adj 1 + : dexterous or crafty in the use
cuj-tl-vate \'kal-t:l-,viit\ vb -vat-ed; 1 + : to prepare of special resources (as skill or knowledge)or in attaining
for the raising of crops 2 + : to foster the growth of by an end: DEXTEROUS 2 + : marked by wilinessand trickery
tilling or by labor and care <~ vegetables> 3 + : to im- 3 : CUTE - cunninglyadv
prove by labor, care, or study 4: to help forward: EN- + [I] clever, deft, dexterous, handy - more at DEXTER-
COURAGE, FURTHER OUS + [2] artful, cagey, crafty, devious, foxy, guileful,
+ [I] farm, tend - more at FARM + [2] advance, en- slick, sly, subtle, wily - more at ARTFUL
courage, forward, foster, further, nourish, nurture, pro- 2cunning n 1 +: skill in planning, making, or executing
mote - more at FOSTER + [3] crop, grow, promote, : SKILL 2 + : skill in deceivingto gain an end
raise, rear, tend - more at GROW + [I] adeptness, adroitness, art, artfulness, artifice,
cul-ti-va-ted \'k:ll-t:l-,viit-:ld\ adj + : having an education; artistry, cleverness, craft, deftness, masterfulness, skill
esp : trained in the arts and social graces - more at SKlLL + [2] artfulness, artifice, caginess,can-
+ civilized, cultured, genteel, polished, refined; also niness, craft, craftiness, guile, slyness, wiliness; also cal-
cerebral, highbrow, intellectual; educated, erudite, culation, care, design; savvy, sharpness, shrewdness;
knowledgeable, learned, literate, scholarly, well-read; cleverness, ingeniousness, ingenuity, inventiveness;
civil, courteous, mannerly, polite, well-bred; cosmopol- ease, facility, finesse;deceitfulness,duplicity
itan, sophisticated, urbane Ant philistine, uncivilized, 'cup \'kap\ n 1: a small bowl-shaped drinking vessel
uncultured, unpolished, unrefined 2 : the contents of a cup 3: the consecrated wine of the
cul-tl-va-tlon \,k:ll-t:l-'vii-shan\ n + : enlightenment and ex- Communion 4: something resembling a cup : a small
cellence of taste acquired by intellectual and aesthetic bowl or hollow 5: a half pint - cup-ful n - cup-like
training \-,Iik\ adj
2CUp vb cupped; cup-ping: to curve into the shape of a cup
+ civilization, culture, polish, refinement - more at cup-board \'k:l-bard\ n + : a small closet with shelves for
food or dishes
cul-ti-va-tor \'kal-ta-,vii-tar\ n + : one that cultivates
+ buffet, cabinet, closet, hutch, locker, sideboard-
+ agriculturist, farmer, grower, planter, tiller - more more at CABINET
at FARMER cup-cake \'kap-,kiik\ n : a small cake baked in a cuplike
cul-ture\'k:ll-ch:lr\ n 1 : TILLAGE, CULTIVATION 2: the act mold
of developingby education and training 3 + : refinement cu-pid\'kyii-p:ld\ n : a wingednaked figure of an infant of-
of intellectual and artistic taste 4 + : the customary be- ten with a bow and arrow that represents the god Cupid
liefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, reli- \kyil-'pi-da-te\ n, pi -ties + : excessivedesire for
gious, or social group - cul-tur-al Vkal-che-relv adj- money
cut-tur-al-ty adv + acquisitiveness,avarice, avidity, covetousness, greed,
+ [3] civilization, cultivation, polish, refinement; also rapaciousness- more at GREED
education, erudition, learning, literacy, scholarship; so- cu-po-la \'kyii-pa-Ia,-,10\ n : a small structure on top of a
phistication, urbanity; breeding, gentility, manners; roof or building
class,elegance, grace, taste; civility,courtesy, politeness 'cur \'kar\ n 1 : a mongrel dog 2 : a surly or cowardly
+ [4] civilization,life, lifestyle, society - more at CM- fellow
LIZATION + beast, boor, churl, clown, creep, cretin, heel, jerk,
cul-turedv-cherdvadj + : having an education;esp : having joker, louse, lout, skunk, slob, snake - more at JERK
an education beyond the average 2cur abbr 1 currency 2 current
+ civilized, cultivated, genteel, polished, refined- cu-rate Vkyur-at',n 1 : a member of the clergy who is in
more at CULTrvATED charge of a parish 2: a member of the clergy who assists
cul-vert\'kal-vart\ n : a drain crossingunder a road or rail- a rector or vicar - cu-ra-cy\-:l-se\ n
road cu-ra-tlve\-a-tiv\ adj : relating to or used in the cure of dis-
cum abbr cumulative eases - curative n
cum-ber\'kam-bar\ vb : to weigh down: BURDEN, HINDER cu-ra-tor\'kyilr-'ii-tar, lcyU-'rii-\ n : CUSTODIAN; esp : one in
cum-ber-some\'kam-bar-sam\ adj + : hard to handle or charge of a place of exhibit (as a museum or zoo)
manage because of size or weight 'curb \'k:lrb\ n 1 : a bit that exerts pressure on a horse's
curb 196

jaws 2 + : one that arrests, limits, or restrains: CHECK, RE- cur-rnud-qeon \{,)kar-'ma-jan\ n + : a crusty, ill-tempered,
STRAINT 3: a raised edging (as of stone or concrete) along and usu. old man
a paved street + bear, complainer, crab, crank, grouch, grumbler,
+ check, condition, constraint, fetter, limitation, re- whiner - more at GROUCH
straint, restriction - more at RESTRICTION cur-rant \'kar-ant\ n 1 : a small seedless raisin 2: the acid
2curb vb + : to hold in or back: RESTRAIN berry of a shrub related to the gooseberry; also: this plant
+ bridle, check, constrain, contain, control, govern, in- cur-ren-cy \'kar-an-se\ n, pl-cies 1 : general use or accept-
hibit, regulate, rein, restrain, tame - more at CONTROL ance 2 + : something that is in circulation as a medium \'kar-biJ)\ n 1 : the material for a curb 2: CURB of exchange : MONEY
curd \'kard\ n : the thick protein-rich part of coagulated + cash, dough, lucre, money, pelf, tender - more at
milk MONEY
curodle \'kard-'I\ vb curodled; curodling : to form curds; also tcur-rent \'kar-ant\ adj 1 + : occurring in or belonging to
: SPOIL, SOUR the present 2: used as a medium of exchange 3 + : gen-
'cure \'kyitr\ n 1 : spiritual care 2 : recovery or relief from erally accepted or practiced
disease 3 + : a curative agent: REMEDY 4 : a course or pe- + [1] contemporary, hot, mod, modern, new, newfan-
riod of treatment gled, red-hot, space-age, ultramodern, up-to-date-
+ drug, medicine, pharmaceutical, remedy, specific- more at MODERN + [3] conventional, customary, popular,
more at MEDICINE standard, stock, usual; also average, common, every-
2cure vb cured; 1 + : to restore to health: HEAL; also day, normal, ordinary; regular, routine; ubiquitous,
: to become cured 2: to process for storage or use <-- ba- universal, widespread; accustomed, wonted; fashion-
con> - cur-able adj able, in, modish, stylish Ant nonstandard, unconven-
+ heal, mend, rehabilitate - more at HEAL tional, unpopular, unusual
cu-re \kyit-'ra\ n [F] : a parish priest 2current n 1 : the part of a body of fluid moving continu-
cure-all \'kyUr-,ol\ n : a remedy for all ills : PANACEA ously in a certain direction; also : the swiftest part of a
cu-ret-tage \,kyitr-a-'tazh\ n : a surgical scraping or clean- stream 2: a flow of electric charge; also: the rate of such
ing of a body part (as the uterus) flow 3 + : a tendency or course of events that is usu. the
cur-few \'br-,fyii\ n [ME, fr. MF covrefeu, signal given to result of an interplay of forces
bank the hearth fire, curfew, fr. covrir to cover + feu fire, + drift, leaning, run, tendency, tide, trend, wind-
fr. Lfocus hearth] : a regulation that specified persons (as more at TREND
children) be off the streets at a set hour of the evening; cur-nc-u-tum \ka-'ri-kya-Iam\ n, pi -la \-Ia\ also -Iurns [L,
also : the sounding of a signal (as a bell) at this hour running, course, fr. currere to run] : the courses offered
cu-ria \'kyitr-e-a, 'kur-v n, pi cu-ri-ae \'kyitr-e-,e, 'kilr-e-,i\ by an educational institution
often cap : the body of congregations, tribunals, and of- 'curry \'kar-e\ vb cur-ried; cur-ry-inq 1 : to clean the coat
fices through which the pope governs the Roman of (a horse) with a currycomb 2: to treat (tanned leather)
Catholic Church esp. by incorporating oil or grease - curry favor: to seek
cu-rte \'kyitr-e\ n : a unit of radioactivity equal to 37 bil- to gain favor by flattery or attention
lion disintegrations per second 2cur.ry n, pi cur-ries : a powder of pungent spices used in
cu-rie \'kyitr-e-,o\ n, pi cu-ri-os : an object or article valued cooking; also: a food seasoned with curry
because it is strange or rare cur-ry-comb \-,kom\ n : a comb used esp. to curry horses
cu-ri-os-i-ty \,kyitr-e-'a-sa-te\ n 1 + : one that arouses in- - currycomb vb
terest esp. for uncommon or exotic characteristics 'curse \'kars\ n 1 + : a prayer for harm to come upon one
2 + : an unusual knickknack 2 : something that is cursed 3: evil or misfortune coming
+ [1] exotic, oddity, rarity; also marvel, prodigy, won- as if in response to a curse
der; abnormality, anomaly, freak, monster, monstros- + anathema, execration, imprecation, malediction; also
ity; malformation, mutant, mutation + [2] bauble, censure, damnation, denunciation; hex, spell Ant bene-
gewgaw, knickknack, novelty, trinket - more at diction, benison, blessing
2curse vb cursed; curs-lnq 1 : to calIon divine power to
cu-ri-ous \'kyitr-e-as\ adj 1 + : having a desire to investi- send injury upon 2: BLASPHEME 3 + : to bring great evil
gate and learn 2 + : exciting attention as strange, novel, upon: AFFLICT
or unexpected: STRANGE, UNUSUAL, ODD
+ afflict, agonize, bedevil, harrow, martyr, persecute,
+ [1] inquisitive, nosy, prying; also interfering, intru- plague, rack, torment, torture - more at AFFLICT
sive, meddlesome, meddling, obtrusive, officious; in-
cur-sive \'kar-siv\ adj : written with the strokes of the let-
quisitorial; concerned, interested Ant incurious,
ters joined together and the angles rounded
uncurious + [2] extraordinary, funny, odd, peculiar,
cur-sor \'kar-sar\ n : a visual cue (as a pointer) on a com-
rare, singular, strange, unaccustomed, uncommon, un-
puter screen that indicates position (as for data entry)
customary, unique, unusual, weird - more at UNUSUAL \-ra-Ie\ adj + : in a cursory manner
cu-ri-ous-ly adv 1 : in a curious manner 2 : as is curious
cu-ri-um \'kyitr-e-am\ n : a metallic radioactive element + hastily, headlong, hurriedly, pell-mell, precipitately,
produced artificially rashly - more at HASTILY
'curl \'karl\ vb 1 : to form into ringlets 2 + : to move or cur-so-ry \'br-sa-re\ adj + : rapidly and often superficially
progress in curves or spirals: COIL - curl-er n done: HASTY
+ coil, entwine, spiral, twine, twist, wind - more at + hasty, headlong, pell-rnell, precipitate, precipitous,
WIND rash - more at HASTY
2curl n 1 : a lock of hair that coils: RINGLET 2: something curt \'kart\ adj + : rudely short or abrupt - curt-ly adv-
having a spiral or twisted form - curly adj curt-ness n
cur-lew "kar-lii, 'karl-yii\ n, pi curlews or curlew: any of + abrupt, bluff, blunt, brusque, snippy - more at
various long-legged brownish birds that have a down' BLUNT
curved bill and are related to the sandpipers and snipes cur-tall \(,)kar-'tal\ vb + : to cut off the end of : SHORTEN -
curtl-cue \'kar-Ii-,kyii\ n : a fancifully curved or spiral fig- cur-tail-ment n
ure + abbreviate, abridge, cut back, shorten - more at
curl up vb + : to arrange oneself in or as if in a ball or curl SHORTEN
+ nestle, snug, snuggle - more at SNUGGLE "cur-tain \'kart-'n\ n 1 : a hanging screen that can be drawn
197 cutler
back esp. at a window 2: the screen between the stage cus-tom-er\'k"s-t"-m,,r\ n 1 + : one that purchases a com-
and auditorium of a theater modity or service; esp : a regular or frequent buyer 2: an
2curtain vb + : to veil with or as if with a curtain individual usu. having some specified distinctive trait
+ blanket, blot out, cloak, conceal, cover, enshroud, + guest, patron; also consumer, end user, user; buyer,
hide, mask, obscure, occult, screen, shroud, veil- purchaser; prospect, shopper, window-shopper
more at HIDE cus-tom-house \'k"s-t"m-,haus\ n : the buildingwhere cus-
curt-sy also curt-sey \'k"rt-se\ n, pI curtsies or curtseys: a toms are paid
courteous bow made by women chiefly by bending the cus-tom-lse Brit var of CUSTOMIZE
knees - curtsy also curtsey vb cus-torn-ize \'k"s-t,,-,mIz\ vb -ized; : to build, fit, or
cur-va-ceousalso cur-va-cious \,k"r-'vli-sh"s\ adj : having alter according to individualspecifications
curves suggestiveof a well-proportioned feminine figure cus-tom-made \'k"s-t"m-'mlid\ adj + : made to individual
cur-va-ture \'k"r-v,,-,chur\ n 1 : a measure or amount of order
curving: BEND 2: curved part + custom, tailored; also particular, special, specialized;
'curve \'k"rv\ vb curved; curv-lnq +: to bend from a handcrafted, handmade Ant mass-produced, ready=
straight line or course made
+ arc, arch, bend, bow, crook, hook, round, sweep, 'cut \'k"t\ vb cut; cut.ting 1 + : to penetrate or divide with
swerve, wheel; also circle, coil, curl, loop, spiral; tum, a sharp edge : CLEAVE, GASH; also : to experience the
twist, wind; deviate, veer Ant straighten growth of (a tooth) through the gum 2: to hurt the feel-
2curve n 1 : a line esp. when curved 2 + : something that ings of 3 : to strike sharply 4 + : to diminish or reduce by
bends or curves without angles <a ~ in the road) 3: a or as if by paring: SHORTEN, REDUCE 5: to remove by sev-
baseball pitch thrown so that it swerves esp. downward ering or paring 6: INTERSECT, CROSS 7: to divide into
and to one side parts 8 a : to go quickly or change direction abruptly
+ angle, arc, arch, bend, bow, crook, tum, wind- b : to veer from a direct line 9: to cause to stop 10 + : to
more at BEND proceed obliquely from a straight course - often used
cur-vet \(,)k"r-'vet\ n : a prancing leap of a horse - curvet with across
vb + [1) rip, slash, slice, slit; also saw; rive, split; pierce,
'cushlon "ku-sh"n\ n [ME cusshin, fr. AF cussin, quissin, stab; bruise, hack, lacerate, mangle; rend, tear; butcher,
fr. VL "coxinus, fro L coxa hip) 1 : a soft pillow or pad to carve, dissect; chop, dice, mince; amputate, cut off,
rest on or against 2: the springy pad inside the rim of a sever + [4) bob, clip, crop, cut back, dock, lop, nip,
billiard table 3 + : something soft that prevents discom- prune, reduce, shave, shear, shorten, trim - more at
fort or protects against injury CLIP + USU cut across (10) cover, crisscross, cross, fol-
low, go, pass, proceed, travel, traverse - more at TRA-
+ buffer, bumper, fender, pad; also baffle, muffler; VERSE
padding; safeguard, shield
2cut n 1 : something made by cutting: GASH, CLEFT 2 + : a
2cushion vb 1 : to provide (as a seat) with a cushion 2 + : to portion belonging to, due to, or contributed by an indi-
soften or lessen the force or shock of vidual or group: SHARE 3: a segment or section of a meat
+ buffer, gentle, soften; also baffle, dampen, deaden, carcass 4: an excavated channel or roadway 5: a sharp
dull; moderate, modulate, temper; allay, alleviate, as- stroke or blow 6: REDUCTION <~ in wages> 7: the shape
suage, ease; lighten, mitigate, relieve or manner in which a thing is cut 8 + : a grade or step
cusp \'k"sp\ n + : a pointed end or part (as of a tooth) + (2) allotment, allowance, part, portion, proportion,
+ apex, end, pike, point, tip - more at POINT quota, share - more at SHARE + (8) degree, grade,
cus-pid \'k"s-p"d\ n : a canine tooth inch, notch, peg, phase, point, stage, step - more at DE-
cus-pi-dor Vkos-pa-jdorv n : SPITTOON GREE
cus-tard \'k"s-t"rd\ n : a sweetened cooked mixture of cut-and-<lried \,k"t-On-'drid\ also cut-and-<lry \-'dn\ adj
milk and eggs : according to a plan, set procedure, or formula
cus-to-di-al \,k"s-'to-de-"I\ adj : marked by watching and cu-ta-ne-ous\kyil-'tli-ne-"s\ adi : of, relating to, or affect-
protecting rather than seeking to cure <~ care) ing the skin
cus-to-di-an \,k"s-'to-de-"n\ n + : one that protects and cut-back\'k"t-,bak\ n 1 : something cut back 2: REDUC-
maintains;esp : one who has custody (as of a building) TION
+ caretaker, guardian, janitor, keeper, warden, watch- cut back vb 1 + : to shorten by cutting 2 + : to remake in
man; also curator; sexton; steward + defender, defense a smaller size
(or defence), guard, protection, protector - more at + [1) bob, clip, crop, cut, dock, lop, nip, prune, shave,
PROTECTOR shear, trim - more at CLTP + (2) abbreviate, abridge,
cus-to-dyVkas-ta-dev n, pl -dies + : immediate charge and curtail, shorten - more at SHORTEN
control cut down vb + : to strike to the ground with or as if with a
+ care, guardianship, keeping, safekeeping,trust, ward; sharp blow
also control, governorship, management, superinten- + chop, fell, hew - more at FELL
dence, supervision cute \'kyiit\ adi cut-er; cut-est [short for acute) 1 : CLEVER,
icus-tom \'k"s-t"m\ n 1 + : habitual course of action: rec- SHREWD 2 + : daintily attractive: PRETTY
ognized usage 2 pI : taxes levied on imports 3: business + attractive, beautiful, bonny, fair, pretty - more at
patronage BEAUTIFUL
+ fashion, habit, pattern, practice, trick, way, wont - cu-ti-cle \'kyii-ti-k"l\ n 1 : an outer layer (as of skin or a
more at HABIT leaf) 2: dead or horny epidermis esp. around a fingernail
2custom adj 1 : made to personal order 2 : doing work only - cu-tic-u-lar\kyu-'ti-ky"-I,,r\ adi
on order cut in vb 1 + : to thrust oneself between others 2: to in-
cus-tom-aryVkas-te-jmer-ev adi 1 + : based on or estab- terrupt a dancing couple and take one as one's partner
lished by custom 2 + : commonly practiced or observed + break, chime in, interpose, interrupt, intrude-
- cus-torn-ar-l-ty adv more at INTERRUPT
+ [1) classical, conventional, traditional- more at cut-lass \'bt-I"s\ n : a short heavy curved sword
TRADmONAL + (2) conventional, current, popular, stan- cut-ler \'k"t-I"r\ n [ME, fro AF cuteler, fro LL cultellarius,
dard, stock, usual - more at CURRENT fr. L cultellus knife) : one who makes, deals in, or repairs
cus-tom-bunt \'k"s-t"m-'bilt\ adj : built to individual order cutlery
cutlery 198

cut-lery \'k::.t-I::.-re\ n : edged or cutting tools; esp : imple- cy-a-nide \'si-::.-,nid. -n::.d\ n : a poisonous compound of
ments for cutting and eating food carbon and nitrogen with another element (as potassium)
cut-let \'bt-I::.t\ n 1 : a slice of meat (as veal) for broiling cy-ber \'si-b::.r\ adj : of. relating to. or involving computers
or frying 2 + : a flat croquette of chopped meat or fish or computer networks
+ fritter. patty cyber- comb form: computer: computer network
cut-off \'k::.t-,of\ n 1 : the channel formed when a stream cy-ber-ca-te Vsi-bar-ka-tfa', n : a small restaurant offering
use of computers with Internet access
cuts through the neck of an oxbow; also: SHORTCUT 2: a
cy-ber-net-ics \,si-b::.r-'ne-tiks\ n : the science of communi-
device for cutting off 3 pi : shorts orig. made from jeans
cation and control theory that is concerned esp, with the
with the legs cut off at the knees or higher
comparative study of automatic control systems - cy-
cut off vb + : to set apart from others
ber-net-to adj
+ insulate. isolate. seclude. segregate. separate. se- cy-ber-punk \'si-b::.r-,p::'l)k\ n 1: science fiction dealing
quester - more at ISOLATE with computer-dominated future societies 2: HACKER 3
cut-out \'k::.t-,aut\ n : something cut out or prepared for cy-ber-sex \'si-b::.r-,seks\ n 1 : online sex-oriented conver-
cutting out from something else (a page of animal -s) sations 2: sex-oriented material available on a computer
'cut out vb 1 : to determine or assign through necessity cy-ber-space \'si-b::.r-,spiis\ n : the on-line world of com-
(had her work cut out for her) 2: DISCONNECT 3 : to puter networks
cease operating (the engine cut out) 4: ELIMINATE (cut cy-cla-men \'si-kl::.-m::.n\ n : any of a genus of plants related
out unnecessary expense) 5: to put an end to to the primroses and grown for their showy nodding flow-
break. break down. conk. crash. die. fail. stall- ers
more at FAIL 'cy-cle \'si-k::.l\ n 1 : a period of time occupied by a series
cut-rate \'k::.t-'rat\ adj 1 : relating to or dealing in goods of events that repeat themselves regularly and in the same
sold at reduced rates 2 : of second or inferior quality or order 2: a recurring round of operations or events
value 3 : one complete occurrence of a periodic process (as a vi-
+ [1] cheap. low. reasonable - more at CHEAP bration or current alternation) 4: a circular or spiral
[2] bad. bum. cheap. coarse. common. execrable. in- arrangement 5 : a long period of time: AGE 6: BICYCLE
ferior. junky. lousy. mediocre. miserable. poor. rotten. 7 : MOTORCYCLE - cy-clic Vsl-klik, 'si-\ or cy-cli-cal \-kli-
second-rate. shoddy. sleazy. terrible. trashy. wretched k::.l\ adj - \-k(::.- )le\ also cy-clicly adv
- more at CHEAP aeon (or eon). age. eternity - more at AGE
cut-ter \'k::.-t::.r\ n 1 : a tool or a machine for cutting 2 : a 2cy-cle \'sI-k::.l\ vb cy-cled; cy-cllng : to ride a cycle - cy-
ship's boat for carrying stores and passengers 3: a small clist \'si-klist. -ka-listv n
armed vessel in government service 4: a light sleigh cy-clone \'si-,klon\ n 1 : a storm or system of winds that
icut-tnroat \'k::.t-,throt\ n : MURDERER rotates about a center of low atmospheric pressure and
2cutthroat adj 1 : MURDEROUS. CRUEL 2 : marked by un- advances at 20 to 30 miles (about 30 to 50 kilometers) an
principled practices (- competition) hour 2: TORNADO - cy-clon-ic \si-'kHi-nik\ adj
immoral. Machiavellian. unconscionable. unethical. cy-clo-pe-dia or cy-clo-pae-dia \,si-kl::.-'pe-de-::.\ n : ENCY-
unprincipled. unscrupulous CLOPEDIA
cutthroat trout n : a large American trout with a red mark cy-clo-tron \'si-kl::.-,triin\ n : a device for giving high speed
under the jaw to charged particles by magnetic and electric fields
'cut.ting \'k::.-til)\ n : a piece of a plant able to grow into a cygnet \'sig-n::.t\ n : a young swan
new plant cyl abbr cylinder
2cutting adj 1 + : made for cutting. severing. or dividing cylin-cler \'si-I::.n-d::.r\ n : the solid figure formed by turn-
: SHARP. EDGED 2 : marked by piercing cold 3 : likely
ing a rectangle about one side as an axis; also: a body or
space of this form (an engine ~) (a bullet in the ~ of a
to hurt the feelings: SARCASTIC (a ~ remark)
revolver) - cy-lin-dri-cal \s::.-'lin-dri-bl\ adj
[1] edgy. ground. keen. sharp - more at SHARP cyn-ic \'si-nik\ n : one who attributes all actions to selfish
[2] biting. bitter. keen. penetrating. piercing. raw. motives - cyn-i-cal v-ni-kal', adj - cyn-i-cal-ly \-k(::.-)Ie\
sharp; also brisk. invigorating. nippy. snappy; prickly.
adv - cyn-i-clsm \si-n::.-,si-z::.m\ n
tingling; caustic. corrosive [3] acrid. biting. caustic.
cy-no-sure \'si-n::.-,shur. 'si-\ n [MF & L; MF. Ursa Minor.
mordant. pungent. sarcastic. satiric. scathing. sharp.
guide. fro L cynosura Ursa Minor. fr. Gk kynosoura, fr.
tart - more at SARCASTIC
kynos oura dog's tail] + : a center of attraction or atten-
cut-tle-fish \'k::.-tI-,fish\ n : any of various marine mol- tion
lusks having eight arms and two usu. longer tentacles and
base. center (or centre). core. eye. focus. heart. hub.
an internal shell (cut-tle-bone \-,bon\) composed of cal-
mecca. nucleus. seat - more at CENTER
cium compounds
CYO abbr Catholic Youth Organization
cut-up \'k::.t-,::.p\ n : a person who clowns or acts boister-
cy-pher chiefly Brit var of CIPHER
cy-press Vsi-pras', n 1: any of a genus of scaly-leaved
cut up vb : to behave in a comic. boisterous. or unruly
evergreen trees and shrubs 2: BALD CYPRESS 3: the wood
of a cypress
act uP. clown. fool. monkey. show off. skylark; also cvp-rl-et \'si-pre-::.t. -,iit\ or Cypori-ote \-,ot, -::.t\ n : a native
carry on. misbehave; roughhouse; caper. cavort. dis- or inhabitant of Cyprus - Cypriot adj
port. frisk. frolic. gambol. lark. rollick. romp; carouse. cyst \'sist\ n : an abnormal closed bodily sac usu. contain-
revel. wassail ing liquid - cys-ne Vsis-tikv adj
cut-worm \-,w::.rm\ n : any of various smooth-bodied moth cystic fibrosis n : a common hereditary disease marked
larvae that feed on plants at night esp. by deficiency of pancreatic enzymes. by respiratory
cw abbr clockwise symptoms. and by excessive loss of salt in the sweat
CWO abbr 1 cash with order 2 chief warrant officer cy.tol-o-gy \si-'tii-I::.-je\ n : a branch of biology dealing with
cwt abbr hundredweight cells - \,sit-'I-'ii-ji-k::.l\ or cy-to-log-ic \-jik\
-cy \se\ n suffix 1 : action: practice (mendicancy) 2: rank adj - cy.tol-o-gist \sI-'tii-I::.-jist\ n
: office (chaplaincy) 3: body : class (constituency) cy-to-plasm \'si-t::.-,pla-z::.m\ n : the protoplasm of a cell
4 : state: quality (accuracy) that lies external to the nucleus - cy-to-plas-mlc \,si-t::.-
cy-an \'si-,an. -::.n\ n : a greenish blue color 'plaz-mikv adj
199 daisy
cyto-sine \'si-ta-,sen\ n : a chemical base that is a pyrimi- + baron, Icing, magnate, mogul, prince, tycoon - more
dine coding genetic information in DNA and RNA at MAGNATE
CZ abbr Canal Zone cza-ri-na \zli-'re-na\ n : the wife of a czar
czar \'ziir, 'tsiir\ n [NL, fro Russ tsar', ultim. fro L Caesar Czech \'chek\ n 1 : a native or inhabitant of Czechoslova-
Caesar] 1 : the ruler of Russia until 1917 2 + : one hav- kia or the Czech Republic 2: the language of the Czechs
ing great authority - czar-Ist \-ist\ n or adj - Czech adj

'd \'de\ n, pi d's or ds \'dez\ often cap 1 : the 4th letter of + [1] absurd, crazy, cuckoo, fatuous, foolish, mad,
the English alphabet 2: a grade rating a student's work nonsensical, nutty, senseless, silly, stupid - more at
as poor FOOLISH + [2] cracked, crazy, deranged, insane, loco,
2d abbr, often cap 1 date 2 daughter 3 day 4 dead 5 de- lunatic, mad, maniacal, nuts, nutty, screwy, unsound -
ceased 6 degree 7 Democrat 8 penny; pence 9 depart; more at INSANE
departure 10 diameter datt-ness \-nas\ n + : the quality or state of being daft
o symbol deuterium + absurdity, asininity, balminess, craziness, fatuity,
DA abbr 1 deposit account 2 district attorney 3 don't an- folly, foolishness, inanity, insanity, lunacy, madness,
swer silliness, simplicity, zaniness
'dab \'dab\ n 1 a + : a sudden blow or thrust: POKE b : PECK dag abbr dekagram
dagoger Vda-gar', n 1 : a sharp pointed knife for stabbing
2 + : a small amount 3: a gentle touch or stroke: PAT 2 : a character t used as a reference mark or to indicate a
4: DAUB death date
+ [la] dig, jab, poke - more at POKE + [2] bit, hint, daoguerre-o-type \da-'ger-(e- )a-,tip\ n : an early photograph
lick, little, particle, spot, touch - more at PARTICLE produced on a silver or a silver-covered copper plate
2dab vb dabbed; dab-bing 1 : to strike or touch gently: PAT dahlia \'dal-ya, 'diil-\ n : any of a genus of tuberous herbs
2 : to apply lightly or irregularly : DAUB - dab-ber n related to the daisies and having showy flowers
daboble Vda-balx vb dab-bled; dab-bling 1: to wet by ' \'da-Ie\ adj 1 : occurring, done, or used every day or
splashing: SPATTER 2: to paddle or play in or as if in wa- every weekday 2: of or relating to every day <- visitors)
ter 3: to work or involve oneself without serious effort 3 : computed in terms of one day <- wages) - dal-ll-
- dab-bier n ness \-Ie-nas\ n - daily adv
da ca-pe \da-'ka-(,)p6\ adv or altj [It] : from the beginning 2daily n, pi dailies: a newspaper published every weekday
- used as a direction in music to repeat daily double n : a system of betting on races in which the
bettor must pick the winners of two stipulated races in
dace \'diis\ n, pi dace: any of various small No. American
order to win
freshwater fishes related to the carp
daln-tl-ness \'dan-te-nas\ n + : the quality or state of being
da-cha \'da-cha\ n [Russ] : a Russian country house dainty
dachs-hund \'daks-,hunt\ n, pi dachshunds [G, fro Dachs + delicacy, fineness, fragility - more at DELICACY
badger + Hund dog] : any of a breed of long-bodied short:
ldainty \'dan-te\ ncpl dainties [ME deinte, fro OF deintie, fr.
legged dogs of German origin
L dignitas dignity, worth] +: something delicious or
dac-tyl \'dakt-'I\ n [ME dactile, fr. L dactylus, fr. Gk dak- pleasing to the taste : DELICACY
tylos, lit., finger; fr. the fact that the three syllables have
+ delicacy, goody, tidbit, treat - more at DELICACY
the first one longest like the joints of the finger] : a metri-
'dainty adj dain-ti-er: -est 1 + : pleasing to taste 2: deli-
cal foot of one accented syllable followed by two unac-
cately pretty 3 + : marked by fastidious discrimination or
cented syllables - dae-tyl-lc \dak-'ti-Iik\ altj or n
finicky taste - \-ti-Ie\ adv
dad \'dad\ n : a male parent: FATHER 1
+ [1] choice, delicate, elegant, exquisite, rare, select -
Da-da \'da-(,)dli\ n : a movement in art and literature based
more at CHOICE + [3] choosy, delicate, demanding, ex-
on deliberate irrationality and negation of traditional acting, fastidious, finicky, fussy, nice, old-maidish, par-
artistic values - da-da-lsm \-,i-zam\ n, often cap - da-da- ticular, picky - more at FINlCKY
ist \-,ist\ n or adj, often cap dai-qul-ri Vdl-ka-re, 'da-ks-rev n [Daiquiri, Cuba] : a cock-
dadody \'da-de\ n, pi daddies + : a male human parent: FA- tail made of usu. rum, lime juice, and sugar
THER 1 dairy \'der-e\ n, pi dair-tes [ME deyerie, fro deye dairymaid,
+ father, papa, pop - more at FATHER fro OE drege kneader of bread] 1 : CREAMERY 2: a farm
dad-dy long.legs \,da-de-'Iol)-,Iegz\ n, pi daddy longlegs specializing in milk production
: any of an order of arachnids resembling the true spiders \'der-e-il)\ n : the business of operating a dairy
dairy-maid \-,mad\ n : a woman employed in a dairy
but having small rounded bodies and long slender legs
dairy-man x-man, -,man\ n : a person who operates a dairy
daemon var a/DEMoN farm or works in a dairy
dafofoodil \'da-fa-,dil\ n : any of various bulbous herbs with da-ls \'da-as\ n + : a raised platform usu. above the floor
usu. large flowers having a trumpetlike center of a hall or large room
daf.fy \'da-fe\ adj daf-fl-er: -est 1 : exhibiting or indicative + platform, podium, rostrum, stage, stand - more at
of a lack of common sense or sound judgment: FOOLISH PLATFORM
2 : disordered in mind : INSANE \'da-ze\ n, pi daisies [ME dayeseye, fro OE
daft \'daft\ adj 1 + : exhibiting or indicative of a lack of dtegeseage, fro dreg day + eage eye] : any of numerous
common sense or sound judgment : FOOLISH 2 + : disor- composite plants having flower heads in which the mar-
dered in mind : INSANE ginal flowers resemble petals
daisy-chain 200
dai-sy-chain \-,chan\ vb : to link (as computer compo- damn \'dam\ vb [ME dampnen, fro OF dampner, fr. L
nents) together in series - daisy chain n damnare, fro damnum damage. loss, fine] 1 : to condemn
daisy wheel n : a disk with spokes bearing type that serves to a punishment or fate; esp : to condemn esp. to hell
as the printing element of an electric typewriter or 2 + : to condemn as invalid. illegal. immoral. bad. or
printer; also: a printer that uses such a disk harmful 3: CURSE - damned adj
Da-ko-ta \da-'ko-ta\ n, pI Dakotas also Dakota: a member + censure. condemn. decry, denounce. reprehend.
of an American Indian people of the northern Mississippi reprobate - more at CONDEMN
valley; also: their language dam-na-ble \'dam-na-bal\ adj 1 : liable to or deserving
dal abbr dekaliter punishment 2: DETESTABLE <- weather> - dam-na-bly
dale \'diU\ n + : a long depression between ranges of hills \-ble\ adv
or mountains: VALLEY darn-na-tion \dam-'na-shan\ n 1: the act of damning
+ hollow, valley - more at VALLEY 2 : the state of being damned
dal-tl-ence Vda-le-ansv n + : an act of dallying 'damp \'damp\ n 1 : a noxious gas 2: the small amount of
+ frolic, fun, play, relaxation, sport - more at PLAY liquid that causes dampness: MOISTURE \'da-Ie\ vb dal-lied; 1 + : to act playfully; 2damp vb : to check or diminish the activity or vigor of
esp : to play amorously 2 + : to waste time 3: to move : DAMPEN
slowly: LINGER 3damp adj : MOIST
damp-en \'dam-pan\ vb 1 + : to check or diminish in ac-
[1] disport, frolic, play, recreate, rollick, sport-
tivity or vigor 2 : to make or become damp
more at PLAY [2] dawdle, dillydally, hang around.
hang out. idle. loaf. loll, lounge - more at IDLE + blunt. deaden, dull, numb - more at DULL
dal-ma-tian vdal-tma-shen', n, often cap: any of a breed of damp-er Vdam-parv n 1 : a dulling or deadening influence
medium-sized dogs having a white short-haired coat with (put a - on the party> 2: one that damps; esp : a valve
many black or brown spots or movable plate (as in the flue of a stove, furnace. or
'dam \'dam\ n : the female parent of an animal and esp. of fireplace) to regulate the draft
a domestic animal damp-ness \'damp-nas\ n : the quality or state of being
2dam n + : a barrier (as across a stream) to stop the flow of damp
water dam-sel \'dam-zal\ n : a young woman: MAJDEN
dike. embankment, levee; also breakwater. jetty. sea- \-,f1l\ n : any of a group of insects that are
wall; breastwork, bulwark, earthwork. rampart; canal. closely related to the dragonflies but fold their wings
channel, ditch. gutter. trough; lock; barricade. barrier. above the body when at rest
block; floodgate, sluice darn-son \'dam-zan\ n : a plum with acid purple fruit; also
3dam vb 1 : to provide or restrain with a dam 2 + : to stop : its fruit
up: BLOCK Dan abbr Daniel
+ block. choke. clog. close (off). congest. jam, obstruct. 'dance \'dans\ vb danced; danc-lnq 1 : to glide, step. or
plug (up). stop (up), stuff - more at CLOG move through a set series of movements usu. to music
4dam abbr dekameter 2 : to move quickly up and down or about 3: to per-
'dam.age \'da-mij\ n 1 + : loss or harm due to injury to form or take part in as a dancer - danc-er n
persons, property. or reputation 2pl + : compensation in [1] foot. step; also prance. strut, trip; gavotte. jig. jit-
money imposed by law for loss or injury <bring a suit for terbug, jive. mambo. polka, tango, waltz; tread
-s> + [2] dart, flit. flutter, zip - more at FLIT
2dance n 1 : an act or instance of dancing 2 + : a social
+ [1] detriment. harm, hurt. injury - more at INJURY
usu damages[2] fine. forfeit, mulct, penalty - more gathering for dancing 3: a piece of music (as a waltz) by
at FINE usu damages[2] compensation. indemnity, which dancing may be guided 4: the art of dancing
quittance. recompense, redress. remuneration, repara- + ball, formal, hop. prom; also blowout, celebration.
tion. requital. restitution, satisfaction - more at COM- event. festival. festivity. fete. gala, masquerade. mixer.
PENSATION party. reception. soiree
2damage vb darn-aqed; + : to cause damage to D & C n [dilation and curettage] : a surgical procedure that
+ blemish, break. cripple. deface. disfigure, flaw, harm. involves stretching the cervix and scraping the inside
hurt, injure, mar, spoil, vitiate; also enfeeble. under- walls of the uterus (as to test for cancer or to perform an
mine. weaken; erode. scour. wash out. wear (away); abortion)
blight, tarnish; dent. dint; botch. gum (up); lacerate. dan-de-li-on \'dan-da-,li-an, -de-v n [ME dendelyoun, fro AF
wound; maim, mangle, mutilate, torment. torture; anni- dent de lion. lit., lion's tooth] : any of a genus of common
hilate, crush. dash. decimate. demolish, destroy. devas- yellow-flowered composite herbs
tate. pulverize. raze, ruin, scourge. shatter. smash. tear dan-der \'dan-dar\ n : ANGER. TEMPER
down, waste, wipe out. wreck Ant fix. mend. patch. re- danodi.fy \'dan-di-,fl\ vb -fied; : to cause to resemble
build, recondition, reconstruct, renovate. repair. re- a dandy
vamp dan-dle \'dand-'I\ vb dan-dled; danodling 1 : to move up adj + : causing or able to cause damage and down in one's arms or on one's knee in affectionate
+ adverse, bad. baleful. baneful, deleterious, detrimen- play 2: to treat with extreme or excessive care and at-
tal, evil, harmful. hurtful, ill. injurious, mischievous. tention
noxious, pernicious. prejudicial- more at HARMFUL danodruff \'dan-draf\ n : scaly white or grayish flakes of
darn-a-scene \'da-m:l-,sen\ vb -scened; -seen-lng : to orna- dead skin cells that come off the scalp - danodruffy
ment (as iron or steel) with wavy patterns or with inlaid \-dra-fe\ adj
work of precious metals 'danody \'dan-de\ n, pl dandies 1 : a man unduly atten-
darn-ask \'da-m:lsk\ n 1 : a firm lustrous reversible figured tive to personal appearance 2 + : something excellent in
fabric used for household linen 2: a tough steel having its class
decorative wavy lines + [1] buck. dude, fop. gallant; also coxcomb. popinjay;
dame \'dam\ n 1 + : a woman of rank. station. or author- blade. cavalier; swell; clotheshorse + [2] beauty. crack-
ity 2 + : an elderly woman 3: WOMAN erjack, jim-dandy. knockout. pip - more at JIM-DANDY
+ [1] gentlewoman. lady, noblewoman - more at GEN- 2dandy adi dan-di-er: -est: very good: FIRST-RATE
TLEWOMAN + [2] dowager, matriarch. matron - more Dane \'dan\ n 1: a native or inhabitant of Denmark
201 dart
dan-qer \'dan-j:lr\ n [ME daunger control, resistance, peril, causing gloom or depression : GLDOMY b +: lacking
fro AF dangier, fr. VL "dominiarium, fro L dominium own- knowledge or culture 4 + : not clear to the understand-
ership) 1 + : exposure or liability to injury, harm, or evil ing 5 often cap : being a period of stagnation or decline
2 + : something that may cause injury or harm (the Dark Ages) 6: tending to keep secrets or to act se-
+ (1) distress, jeopardy, peril, risk, trouble; also expo- cretly : SECRETIVE - adv
sure, liability, vulnerability; precariousness, threat Ant + (1) darkling, dim, dusky, gloomy, murky, obscure,
safety, security + [2) hazard, menace, peril, pitfall, risk, somber (or sombre); also sunless; cloudy, dull, dulled,
threat, trouble; also snare, trap lackluster; shadowy, shady; gray, leaden, pale Ant
danller-ous \'dan-j:l-r:ls\ adj 1 + : exposing to or involving bright, brightened, brilliant, illuminated, illumined,
danger : HAZARDOUS 2: able or likely to inflict injury - light, lighted, lucent, lucid, luminous + [3b) ignorant, adv illiterate, simple, uneducated, unlearned, untaught-
+ grave, grievous, hazardous, menacing, parlous, per- more at IGNORANT + (4) ambiguous, cryptic, darkling,
ilous, risky, serious, unhealthy, unsafe, venturesome; deep, enigmatic, equivocal, inscrutable, murky, myste-
also insecure, precarious, treacherous, uncertain; rious, mystic, nebulous, obscure, occult - more at OB-
chance, haphazard, random; distressing, sickening, un- SCURE
pleasant, ugly, wicked; adverse, bad, baleful, baneful, 2dark n 1 a + : a place or time of little or no light b + : ab-
deleterious, detrimental, evil, harmful, hurtful, ill, inim- sence of light: DARKNESS; esp : NlGHT 2: a dark or deep
ical, injurious, malignant, nasty, noxious, pernicious, color - in the dark 1 : in secrecy 2: in ignorance (kept
pestilent; deadly, deathly, destructive, dire, fatal, fate- in the dark about the plans)
ful, fell, killer, lethal, mortal, murderous Ant harmless, + darkness, dusk, gloaming, gloom, murk, night, semi-
innocent, innocuous, safe darkness, shade, shadows, twilight; also blackout,
dan-qle \'dar)-g:ll\ vb danllled; danllling 1 +: to hang brownout; dullness; cloudiness, haziness, mistiness,
loosely esp, with a swinging motion : SWING 2: to be a murkiness; dimness, faintness, gloominess, grayness,
hanger-on or dependent 3: to be left without proper paleness Ant blaze, brightness, brilliance, day, daylight,
grammatical connection in a sentence 4: to keep hang- glare, glow, light, lightness
ing uncertainly 5: to offer as an inducement dark-en \'dar-k:ln\ vb 1 a + : to make or grow dark or
hang, sling, suspend, swing - more at HANG darker b.; to make or become less clear ; DIM 3; BE-
Dan-let Vdan-yalv n : a book of Jewish and Christian Scrip- SMIRCH, TARNISH 4 + : to make or become gloomy or for-
ture bidding
Danish \'da-nish\ n : the language of the Danes - Danish + [1a, lb) becloud, befog, blur, cloud, dim, fog, haze,
adj mist, obscure, overcast, overshadow, shroud - more at
Danish pastry n : a pastry made of a rich yeast-raised CLOUD + (4) gloom, glower, lower; also frown, scowl;
dough glare, stare; brood, mope, pout, sulk; anger, fume, rage,
dank \'dar)k\ adj : disagreeably wet or moist : DAMP- steam, intimidate, menace, threaten Ant brighten, cheer
dank-ness n (up), lighten, perk (up)
dan-seuse \dan-'s:lrz, -'S:lZ; dan-'siiz\ n [F) : a female ballet dark horse n : a contestant or a political figure whose abil-
dancer ities and chances as a contender are not known
dap-per Vda-porv adj 1 +: neat and trim in style or ap- dark.ling \'dar-kliI)\ adj 1 : DARK: as a: devoid or partially
pearance : SPRUCE 2: being alert and lively in movement devoid of light b + : not clear to the understanding: MYS-
and manners : JAUNTY TERIOUS 2: done or taking place in the dark
+ natty, sharp, smart, spruce - more at SMART + ambiguous, cryptic, dark, deep, enigmatic, equivocal,
inscrutable, murky, mysterious, mystic, nebulous, ob-
dap-ple \'da-p:ll\ vb dapopled; dapopling + : to mark with
scure, occult - more at OBSCURE
different-colored spots
dark-ness \-n:ls\ n + : the quality or state of being dark
+ blotch, dot, fleck, freckle, mottle, pepper, speck,
spot, sprinkle, stipple - more at SPOT + dark, dusk, gloaming, gloom, murk, night, semidark-
ness, shade, shadows, twilight - more at DARK + ambi-
dapopled adj + : marked with small spots or patches con-
guity, murkiness, obscurity, opacity - more at
trasting with the background
+ mottled, piebald, pied, spotted - more at PIED dark-roorn \'dark-,riim, -,rUm\ n : a lightproof room in
+ mottled, spotted, spotty, variegated - more at SPOT- which photographic materials are processed
'dar.ling Vdar-linv n 1 + : a dearly loved person 2 + : one
DAR abbr Daughters of the American Revolution that is treated or regarded with special favor or liking
'dare \'der\ vb dared; 1 : to have sufficient courage : FAVORITE
: be bold enough to 2 + : to challenge to perform an ac-
tion esp. as a proof of courage 3 + : to confront boldly
+ [1) beloved, dear, flame, honey, love, sweet, sweet-
heart - more at SWEETHEART + (2) favorite (or
+ [2) challenge, defy - more at CHALLENGE + [3) favourite), minion, pet, preference - more at FAVORITE
beard, brave, brazen, confront, defy, face - more at 2darling adj 1 + : dearly loved: FAVORITE 2 + : very pleas-
2dare n : an act or instance of daring: CHALLENGE
dare-dev-il \-,de-v:ll\ n + : a recklessly bold person - dare-
+ [1) adorable, dear, endearing, lovable, precious,
sweet, winning - more at LOVABLE + (2) agreeable,
devil adj
charming, delectable, delicious, delightful, enjoyable,
+ devil, madcap; also cutup, show-off, skylarker heavenly, luscious, pleasurable
'daring \'der-iI)\ adi + : venturesomely bold in action or darm-stadt-i-um \,diirm-'sta-te-:lm\ n : a short-lived ra-
thought - adv dioactive chemical element produced artificially
+ adventurous, audacious, bold, enterprising, gutsy, 'darn \'darn\ vb : to mend with interlacing stitches - darn-
hardy, nervy, venturesome - more at BOLD er n n + : venturesome boldness 2darn or darned \'darnd\ adv : VERY, EXTREMELY (a - good
+ bravery, courage, fearlessness, gallantry, guts, hardi- job)
hood, heart, heroism, nerve, stoutness, valor - more at darning needle n 1 : a needle for darning 2: DRAGONFLY
COURAGE 'dart \'dart\ n 1 : a small missile with a point on one end
'dark \'dark\ adi 1 + : being without light or without much and feathers on the other; also, pi : a game in which darts
light 2: not light in color (a - suit) 3 a : showing or are thrown at a target 2 + : something causing a sudden
dart 202
pain or distress 3: a stitched tapering fold in a garment romantic character 5: a person with whom one has a
4 : a quick movement usu. romantic date - to date: up to the present moment
+ affront, barb, dig, indignity, insult, name, offense, + [3] duration, life, lifetime, run, standing, time-
outrage, put-down, sarcasm, slight, slur, wound- more at DURATION + [4] appointment, engagement, ren-
more at INSULT dezvous, tryst - more at ENGAGEMENT
'dart vb 1: to throw with a sudden movement 2 + : to 'date vb dat -ed; dat-inq 1 : to record the date of or on 2: to
thrust or move suddenly or rapidly 3: to shoot with a determine, mark, or reveal the date, age, or period of
dart containing a usu. tranquilizing drug 3 : to make or have a date with 4: ORlGINATE ("-'s from
+ dance, flit, flutter, zip - more at FLIT ancient times) 5: EXTEND (dating back to childhood)
6 : to show qualities typical of a past period
dart r \'dar-t"r\ n : any of numerous small No. American
freshwater fishes related to the perches
dat -ed \'da-t;ld\am 1 : provided with a date 2 + : no
longer acceptable, stylish, current, or usable
Darwinism Vdar-wa-jni-zamv n : a theory explaining the
origin and continued existence of new species of plants
+ antiquated, archaic, obsolete, outdated, outmoded,
outworn, passe - more at OBSOLETE
and animals by means of natural selection acting on
chance variations - Dar-wln-lst \-nist\ n or am date-less \'dat-l;ls\am 1 : being or seeming to be without
end: ENDLESS 2: having no date 3 + : too ancient to be
'dash \'dash\ vb 1 : SMASH 2 + : to knock, hurl, or thrust
dated 4: not limited or affected by time : TIMELESS
violently 3: to soil or stain with splashed liquid: SPLASH
4 : RUIN 5: DEPRESS, SADDEN 6: to perform or finish
+ age-old, ancient, antediluvian, antique, hoary, old,
venerable - more at ANCIENT
hastily 7 + : to move with sudden speed: move rapidly
date-line \'dat-,iIn\ n : a line in a publication giving the
+ [2] cast, catapult, chuck, fire, fling, heave, hurl, hur- date and place of composition or issue - dateline vb
tle, launch, peg, pelt, pitch, sling, throw, toss - more at date rape n : rape committed by the victim's date
THROW + [7] career, course, fly, hasten, hurry, race, rip,
rocket, run, rush, shoot, speed, tear, zip, zoom - more
da-tive \'da-tiv\am: of, relating to, or constituting a gram-
matical case marking typically the indirect object of a
verb - dative n
'dash n 1 : a sudden burst or splash 2: a stroke of a pen da-tum Vda-tam, 'da-, 'dii-\ n, pi da-ta \-t;l\ or datums: a
3 : a punctuation mark - that is used esp, to indicate a single piece of data: FACT
break in the thought or structure of a sentence 4: a small dau abbr daughter
addition (a "-' of salt) 5: flashy showiness 6 + : anima- 'daub \'dob\ vb 1 + : to cover or smear with something
tion in style and action 7; a sudden rush or attempt sticky or dirty 2: to apply paint or color crudely - daub-
(made a "-' for the door) 8: a short foot race 9: DASH- er n
BOARD + smear; also coat, paint, plaster
+ energy, life, pep, vigor (or vigour), vim, vitality- 'daub n 1 : something daubed on : SMEAR 2: a crude pic-
more at VIGOR ture
dash-board \-,bord\ n : a panel in an automobile or aircraft daugh-ter \'do-t;lr\ n 1 : a female offspring esp, of human
below the windshield usu. containing dials and controls beings 2: a female adopted child 3: a human female de-
dash -e r \'da-sh;lr\ n : a device (as in a churn) for agitating
scendant - daughter am - am
dauqh-ter-less \-l;ls\
daugh.ter-in-Iaw \'do-t;l-r;ln-,lo\ n, pi dauqh-ters -ln-law
dashiki \d;l-'she-ke\ also \di-\ n [modif. of v-tar-zan-v : the wife of one's son
Yoruba (an African language) dan~ilal : a usu. brightly daunt \'dont\ vb [ME, fro AF danter, daunter, fro L
colored loose-fitting pullover garment domitare to tame] + : to lessen the courage of \'da-shil)\ am 1 : marked by vigorous action + demoralize, discourage, dishearten, dismay, dispirit,
2 : marked by smartness esp. in dress and manners unman, unnerve - more at DISCOURAGE
das-tard Vdas-tardv n 1 + : one who shows disgraceful fear \'don-til)\ am : tending to overwhelm or intimi-
or timidity: COWARD 2: a person who acts treacherously date (a "-' task)
+ chicken, coward, craven, poltroon, recreant, sissy - daunt-tess \-l;ls\am + : marked by courageous resolution
more at COWARD : FEARLESS - daunt-less-ly adv
das-tard-ly \-le\ am + : showing disgraceful fear or timidity + brave, courageous, doughty, fearless, gallant, great-
: COWARDLY hearted. heroic, intrepid, lionhearted, manful, stalwart,
+ chicken, cowardly, craven, pusillanimous, recreant, stout, undaunted, valiant, valorous - more at BRAVE
spineless, yellow - more at cow ARDL Y dau-pmn \'do-f;ln\ n, often cap: the eldest son of a king of
dat abbr dative France
da-ta \'da-t;l, 'da-, 'dii-\ n sing or pi [L, pi. of datum] : fac- DAV abbr Disabled American Veterans
tual information (as measurements or statistics) used as a dav -e n-port Vda-van-sport', n + : a large upholstered sofa
basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation + couch, divan, lounge, settee, sofa - more at COUCH
da-ta-base \-,bas\ n : a usu. large collection of data orga- da-vit \'da-v;lt, 'da-\ n : a small crane on a ship used in pairs
nized esp. for rapid search and retrieval (as by a com- esp. to raise or lower boats
puter) - database vb dawodle \'dod-'l\ vb dawodled; dawodling 1 +: to spend
data processing n : the action or process of supplying a time wastefully or idly 2 + : to move lackadaisically-
computer with information and having the computer use dawodler n
it to produce a desired result + [I] dally, dillydally, hang around, hang out, idle, loaf,
'date \'dat\ n [ME, fro AF, ultimo fro L dactylus, fro Gk dak- loll, lounge - more at IDLE + [2] crawl, creep, dally,
tylos, lit., finger] : the oblong edible fruit of a tall palm; delay, dillydally, drag, lag, linger, loiter, poke, tarry-
also : this palm more at DELAY
'date n [ME, fro AF, fro LL data, fro data (as in data Romae 'dawn \'don\ vb 1 : to begin to grow light as the sun rises
given at Rome), fem. of L datus, pp. of dare to give] 2 + : to begin to appear or develop 3 : to begin to be un-
1 : the day, month, or year of an event 2 : a statement giv- derstood (the solution "-'ed on him)
ing the time of execution or making (as of a coin or + arise, begin, commence, form, materialize, originate,
check) 3 + : the period to which something belongs spring, start - more at BEGIN
4 + : an appointment to meet at a specified time; esp : a 'dawn n 1 + : the first appearance of light in the morning
social engagement between two persons that often has a 2 + : a first appearance: BEGINNING (the "-' of a new era)
203 deadly
[I] aurora, cockcrow, morning, sunrise; also day- kill, shut off, tum off; also dismantle, mothball, phase
time, light; twilight; forenoon Ant nightfall, sundown, out Ant activate, actuate, crank (up), drive, move, pro-
sunset [2] beginning, birth, commencement, genesis, pel, run, set off, spark, start, touch off, trigger, tum on
launch, morning, onset, outset, start, threshold - more 'dead \'ded\ adj 1 : deprived of life: LIFELESS 2: having
at BEGINNING the appearance of death : DEATHLIKE <in a - faint)
day \'da\ n 1 : the period of light between one night and 3 : lacking power to move, feel, or respond : NUMB
the next; also: DAYLIGHT, DAYTIME 2: the period of rota- 4 : very tired 5: UNRESPONSTVE 6: EXTINGUISHED <-
tion of a planet (as earth) or a moon on its axis 3: a pe- coals) 7: INANIMATE, INERT 8.: no longer active or
riod of 24 hours beginning at midnight 4: a specified day functioning <a - battery) 9: lacking power, signifi-
or date <wedding -) 5: a specified time or period: AGE cance, or effect <a - custom) 10. : no longer in use <a
<in olden -s) 6: the conflict or contention of the day - language) 11 : lacking in gaiety or animation <a -
7 : the time set apart by usage or law for work <the 8-hour party) 12: QUIET, IDLE, UNPRODUCTrvE <- capital)
-) 13: lacking elasticity <a - tennis ball) 14: not circulat-
day-bed \'da-,bed\ n : a couch that can be converted into a ing : STAGNANT <- air) 15: lacking warmth, vigor, or
bed taste <- wine) 16: absolutely uniform <- level)
day-book \-,bilk\ n : DIARY, JOURNAL 17 : UNERRING, EXACT <a - shot) 18: ABRUPT <a - stop)
day-break \-,brak\ n : the first appearance of light in the 19 : having no exceptions or restrictions: COMPLETE <a -
morning followed by sunrise: DAWN loss)
day care n : supervision of and care for children or dis- [l] breathless, deceased, defunct, gone, late, lifeless;
abled adults provided during the day; also: a program of- also extinct; dying, fading, moribund; stillborn; fin-
fering day care ished, lapsed, terminated; barren, desert; inanimate, in-
dayodream \'da-,drem\ n .: a pleasant reverie - day- sensate, nonliving Ant alive, breathing, living
dream vb [4] beat, bushed, drained, effete, jaded, limp, pros-
chimera, conceit, delusion, dream, fancy, fantasy, fig- trate, spent, tired, weary, worn-out - more at WEARY
ment, hallucination, illusion, phantasm, pipe dream, [8] dormant, fallow, free, idle, inactive, inert, inoper-
unreality, vision ative, latent, off, vacant - more at INACTIVE. [lO] by-
day.light \'da-.Iit\ n 1 : the light of day 2: the time during gone, defunct, extinct, gone - more at EXTINCT
which there is daylight: DAYTIME 3: the first appearance 2dead n, pi dead 1 : one that is dead - usu. used collec-
of light in the morning followed by sunrise: DAWN 4: un- tively <the living and the +->2: the time of greatest Quiet
derstanding of something that has been obscure 5 pi <the - of the night)
: CONSCIOUSNESS; also: WITS 6 : a perceptible space, gap, or 3dead adv 1 : in an absolute manner or condition <-
difference right) 2: in a sudden and complete manner (stopped -)
daylight saving time n : time usu. one hour ahead of stan- 3: in a direct manner: DIRECTLY <- ahead)
dard time altogether, completely, entirely, fast, flat, full, fully,
Day of Atonement: YOM KIPPUR perfectly, Quite, thoroughly, well, wholly - more at
day school n : a private school without boarding facilities FULLY
day student n : a student who attends regular classes at a dead-beat \-,bet\ n : a person who persistently fails to pay
college or preparatory school but does not live there personal debts or expenses
day.time \'da-,tIm\ n : the period of daylight dead duck n : GONER
'daze \'diiz\ vb dazed; 1 : to stupefy esp. by a blow dead-en \'ded-On\ vb 1 : to impair in vigor or sensation
2 : to dazzle with light: DAZZLE - \'da-z;ld-Ie\ adv : BLUNT <- pain) 2: to lessen the luster or spirit of 3: to
2daze n : the state of being dazed make (as a wall) soundproof
fog, haze, muddle, spin - more at HAZE blunt, dampen, dull, numb - more at DULL
'dazzle \'da-z;ll\ vb daz-zled; daz.zling 1 : to overpower dead end n 1 : an end (as of a street) without an exit 2: a
with light 2: to impress greatly or confound with bril- position, situation, or course of action that leads to noth-
liance ing further - dead-end \,ded-,end\ adj
daze; also confuse, overpower, overwhelm, stun dead heat n : a contest in which two or more contestants
2dazzle n : the action of dazzling tie (as by crossing the finish line simultaneously)
brilliance, effulgence, illumination, lightness, lucid- draw, stalemate, standoff, tie - more at TIE
ity, luminosity, radiance, refulgence, splendor - more dead horse n : an exhausted topic or issue
at BRILLIANCE dead letter n 1 : something that has lost its force or au-
dB abbr decibel thority without being formally abolished 2: a letter that
Db symbol dubnium cannot be delivered or returned
d/b/a abbr doing business as dead-line \'ded-,lin\ n : a date or time before which some-
dbl or dble abbr double thing must be done
DC abbr 1 from the beginning 2 direct current 3 District dead- lock \'ded-,Ilik\ n 1 : a stoppage of action because
of Columbia 4 doctor of chiropractic neither faction in a struggle will give in 2: a tie score -
DD abbr 1 days after date 2 demand draft 3 dishonorable deadlock vb
discharge 4 doctor of divinity halt, impasse, stalemate, standstill - more at IMPASSE
D-day n [D, abbr. for day] : a day set for launching an op- ' \'ded-li:\ adj dead-li-er: -est 1 : likely to cause or
eration (as an invasion) capable of causing death 2: HOSTILE, IMPLACABLE 3: very
DDS abbr doctor of dental surgery accurate: UNERRING 4: tending to deprive of force or vi-
DDT \,de-(,)de-'te\ n : a persistent insecticide poisonous to tality <a - habit) 5: suggestive of death 6: very great
many higher animals : EXTREME - dead-li-ness n
DE abbr Delaware baleful, deathly, fatal, fell, lethal, mortal, murderous,
dea-con \'de-kan\ n [ME dekene, fro OE deacon, fro LL di- pestilent, vital; also baneful, destructive, harmful, nox-
aconus, fro Gk diakonos, lit., servant] : a subordinate offi- ious, pernicious; poisonous, toxic, virulent; dangerous,
cer in a Christian church grave, grievous, hazardous, menacing, parlous, per-
dea-con-ess \'de-k;l-n;ls\ n : a woman chosen to assist in ilous, risky, serious, threatening, ugly, unhealthy, un-
the church ministry sound; capital; bloody, internecine, sanguinary,
de-ac-ti-vate \de-'ak-t;l-,vat\ vb : to make inactive or in- sanguine Ant healthful, healthy, nonfatal, nonlethal,
effective wholesome
deadly 204
2deadlyadv 1 : suggesting death <- pale) 2: to a high de- students 4 + : the senior member of a body or group <the
gree : EXTREMELY <- dull) - of a diplomatic corps) - dean-ship n
deadlysin n : one of seven sins of pride, covetousness, lust, elder, senior; also better, superior Ant baby
anger, gluttony, envy, and sloth held to be fatal to spiri- dean-ery\'de-na-re\ n, pl-er.ies : the office, jurisdiction, or
tual progress official residence of a clerical dean
dead meat n : one that is doomed 'dear \'dir\ adj 1 + : highly valued : PRECIOUS 2: AFFEC-
'dead.pan \'ded-,pan\ adj + : marked by an impassive man- TIONATE, FOND 3 + : high in price: EXPENSIVE 4: HEART-
ner or expression - deadpan vb - deadpan adv FELT - dear.lyadv - dear-ness n
+ blank, expressionless,impassive, inexpressive, stolid, + [l] beloved, darling, favorite (or favourite), loved,
vacant - more at BLANK pet, precious, special, sweet + [3] costly, expensive,
2deadpan n : a completely expressionless face high, precious, valuable - more at COSTLY
dead reckoning n : the determination of the position of a >dear n + : a loved one : DARLING
ship or aircraft solely from the record of the direction + beloved, darling, honey, love, sweet, sweetheart-
and distance of its course more at SWEETHEART
dead.weight \'ded-'wat\ n 1 : the unrelieved weight of an Dear John \-'jan\ n : a letter (as to a soldier) in which a
inert mass 2: a ship's load including the weight of cargo, woman breaks off a marital or romantic relationship
fuel, crew, and passengers dearth \'darth\ n 1 + : scarcity that makes dear: FAMINE
dead-wood\-,wUd\ n 1 : wood dead on the tree 2 + : use- 2 + : an inadequate supply: LACK
less personnel or material
+ deficiency, deficit, failure, famine, inadequacy, insuf-
+ chaff, dust, garbage, junk, litter, refuse, riffraff, rub- ficiency, lack, paucity, poverty, scantiness, scarcity,
bish, scrap, trash, waste - more at GARBAGE shortage, want - more at DEACIENCY
deaf \'def\ adj 1 : unable to hear 2: unwilling to hear or death \'deth\ n 1 + : the end of life 2: the cause of loss of
listen <- to all suggestions) - deaf-ness n life 3: the state of being dead 4 + : the passing or de-
deaf-en\'de-f:m\ vb : to make deaf struction of something inanimate 5: SLAUGHTER \-il)\ ad) + : very loud
+ [1] decease, demise, doom, end, passing, quietus; also
+ booming, clamorous (or clamourous), earsplitting, casualty, fatality; martyrdom, self-destruction, suicide;
loud, piercing, resounding, ringing, roaring, sonorous, annihilation, destruction, ending, expiration, extermi-
stentorian, thunderous - more at LOUD nation, ruin Ant birth + [4] demise, expiration, termi-
deaf-mute \'def-,myiit\ n, often offensive: a deaf person nation; also dispersion, dissolution; shutdown; decease,
who has never learned to speak doom, end, ending, passing, quietus; suicide; annihila-
'deal \'del\ n 1 : a usu. large or indefinite quantity or de- tion, destruction, ruin Ant beginning, creation, start
gree <a great - of support) 2: the act or right of dis- death-bed \-,bed\ n 1 : the bed in which a person dies
tributing cards to players in a card game; also: HAND 2 : the last hours of life
2deal vb dealt \'delt\; 1 a + : to give as one's por- death-blow\-,blo\ n : a destructive or killing stroke or
tion : DISTRIBUTE b: to distribute playing cards to players event
in a game 2: ADMINISTER, DELIVER <dealt him a blow) death grip n : an extremely tight grip or hold .
3 + : to concern itself: TREAT <the book -swith crime) death-less \-las\ adi + : not subject to death or destruction
4 : to take action in regard to something <-with offend- : IMMORTAL <- fame)
ers) 5 a : TRADE b + : to sell or distribute something as a + ceaseless, dateless, endless, eternal, everlasting, im-
business <- in used cars) 6: to reach a state of accep- mortal, permanent, perpetual, undying, unending-
tance <- with her child's death) 7: to engage in bar- more at EVERLASTING
deathlike \-llIe\ adj : of, relating to, or suggestive of death
+ [la] administer, allocate, apportion, dispense, distrib- : DEATHLY
ute, mete, parcel, portion, prorate - more at ADMINIS-\-le\ adj 1 + : causing death: FATAL 2 + : of, re-
TER + [3] concern, cover, pertain, treat - more at
lating to, or suggesting death <a - pallor) - deathly adv
CONCERN [5b] market, merchandise, put up, retail,
sell, vend + [l] baleful, deadly, fatal, fell, lethal, mortal, murder-
ous, pestilent, vital - more at DEADLY + [2] dead, mor-
3deal n 1 +: an act of buying and selling : TRANSACTION tal; also ghostly, phantom, spectral; inactive, inert,
2 : treatment received <a raw -) 3 + : an often secret
inoperative, lifeless, quiescent, still; macabre; baleful,
agreement or arrangement for mutual advantage fatal, fateful, fell, killer, lethal, murderous, pestilent
4 + : something acquired by or as if by bargaining; esp
death rattle n : a sound produced by air passing through
: an advantageous purchase: BARGAIN mucus in the lungs and air passages of a dying person
+ [l] sale, trade, transaction - more at SALE + [3] ac- death's-head \'deths-,hed\ n : a human skull emblematic
cord, agreement, bargain, compact, contract, conven- of death
tion, covenant, pact, settlement, understanding- death-watchVdeth-jwach', n : a vigil kept over the dead or
more at AGREEMENT + [4] bargain, buy, steal - more at dying
deb \'deb\ n : DEBUTANTE
'deal n : wood or a board of fir or pine de-ba-cle \di-'ba-kal, -'ba-\ also de.bii-cle\same or da-'biik\
deal-er \'de-lar\ n + : one that deals; esp : a person who n [F dbeacle] 1 + : a great disaster 2 + : a complete fail-
makes a business of buying and selling goods ure : FIASCO
+ merchant, trader, trafficker - more at MERCHANT + [l] calamity, cataclysm, catastrophe, disaster,
+ seller, vendor - more at VENDOR tragedy - more at DiSASTER + [2] bummer, bust, catas-
deal-er-ship\'de-Iar-,ship\ n : an authorized sales agency trophe, dud, failure, fiasco, fizzle, flop, lemon, loser, \'de-lil)\ n 1 : a way of acting or of doing business turkey, washout - more at FAILURE
2 pi + : friendly or business transactions de-bar \di-'biir\ vb + : to bar from having or doing some-
+ usu dealings intercourse, relations thing
dean \'den\ n [ME deen, fr. MF deien, fr, LL decanus, lit., + ban, bar, count out, eliminate, except, exclude, rule
chief of ten, fro Gk dekanos, fr, deka ten] 1 : a clergyman out - more at EXCLUDE
who is head of a group of canons or of joint pastors of a de-bark \di-'biirk\ vb : DiSEMBARK - de-bar-ka-tion\,de-
church 2: the head of a division, faculty, college, or ,biir-'ka-shan\ n
school of a university 3: a college or secondary school de-base \di-'bas\ vb + : to lower in character, quality, or
administrator in charge of counseling and disciplining value
205 decant
+ abase, corrupt, debauch, degrade, demean, demoral- debit card n : a card by which money may be withdrawn or
ize, deprave, pervert, poison, profane, prostitute, sub- the cost of purchases paid directly from the holder's bank
vert, vitiate, warp; also disgrace, humble, humiliate; account
blemish, damage, harm, hurt, impair, mar, ruin, spoil, debooonair \,de-ba-'nar\ adj [ME debonere, fr. AF
stain, tarnish, wreck Ant elevate, ennoble, uplift + dis- deboneire, fro de bon aire of good family or nature]
credit, disgrace, dishonor (or dishonour), humble, hu- 1 +: smoothly gracious and sophisticated : SUAVE
miliate, lower, shame, smirch, take down - more at 2 : LIGHTHEARTED
+ smooth, sophisticated, suave, urbane - more at
de-base-ment \-m:mt\ n 1 + : the act or process of debas- SUAVE
ing 2: the state of being debased de-bouch \di-'bauch, -'bush\ vb [F deboucher, fr. de- out of
+ corruption, debauchery, decadence, degeneracy, de- + bouche mouth] : to come out into an open area: EMERGE
generation, degradation, demoralization, depravity, dis- de-brief \di-'bref\ vb 1 : to question (as a pilot back from
sipation, dissoluteness, perversion - more at CORRUP- a mission) in order to obtain useful information 2: to re-
view carefully upon completion
de-bat-able \di-'ba-ta-bal\ adj + : open to dispute: giving de-bris \da-'bre, da-: 'da-,bre\ n, pi debris \-'brez, -,brez\
reason for being doubted, questioned, or challenged 1 + : the remains of something broken down or destroyed
+ arguable, disputable, doubtful, moot, questionable; 2 : an accumulation of rock fragments 3: RUBBISH
also controversial, debated, disputed; dubious, incon- + remains, rubble, ruins, wreck, wreckage - more at
clusive, indecisive, problematic, uncertain; academic, REMAINS
hypothetical, speculative, theoretical; ambiguous,
debt \'det\ n 1 : an offense against religious or moral law
equivocal Ant incontestable, incontrovertible, indis-
: SIN 2: something owed: OBLIGATION 3: a condition of
putable, indubitable, undeniable, unquestionable
+ doubtful, equivocal, problematic, questionable, sus-
pect, suspicious - more at DOUBTFUL debt-or \'de-tar\ n 1 : one guilty of neglect or violation of
duty 2: one that owes a debt
'de-bate \di-'bat\ n 1 + : a contention by words or argu-
ments 2 + : consideration of or reflection upon a prob- de-bug \(,)de-'bag\ vb + : to eliminate errors in
lem <after a moment of _, she went forward) + amend, correct, emend, rectify, reform, remedy-
+ [1] controversy, disagreement, dissension + [2] con- more at CORRECT
sideration, deliberation, thought - more at CONSIDERA- de-bunk \de-'bal)k\ vb + : to expose the sham or falseness
TION of<- a legend>
2debate vb de-bat-ed; 1 + : to discuss a question + expose, show up, uncloak, uncover, unmask - more
by considering opposed arguments 2: to take part in a at EXPOSE
debate 3 + : to reflect upon (a question or problem) 'de-but \'da-,byii, da-'byii\ n 1 : a first appearance 2: a for-
+ Il] argue, chew over, discuss, dispute, hash, moot, mal entrance into society
talk over - more at DISCUSS + [3] chew over, cogitate, 2debut vb : to make a debut; also: INTRODUCE
consider, contemplate, deliberate, entertain, meditate, deb-u-tante \'de-byu-,tant\ n : a young woman making her
mull, ponder, question, ruminate, study, think, weigh formal entrance into society
- more at PONDER dec abbr 1 deceased 2 decrease
de-bat-er \-'ba-tar\ n + : one that debates Dec abbr December
+ arguer, contender, disputant, disputer - more at DIS- de-cade \'de-,kad, de-'kad\ n : a period of 10 years
PUTANT dec-a-dence \'de-ka-dans, di-'kad-'ns\ n 1 + : the process
de-bauch \di-'boch\ vb + : to lead away from virtue or ex- of becoming decadent: the quality or state of being deca-
cellence : CORRUPT dent 2 + : a period of decline
+ debase, degrade, demean, demoralize, humble, sub- + [I, 2] corruption, debasement, debauchery, degener-
vert, warp - more at DEBASE acy, degeneration, degradation, demoralization, de-
de-bauched \-'bocht\ adj + : having or showing looseness pravity, dissipation, dissoluteness, perversion - more
in morals or conduct at CORRUPTION
+ corrupt, decadent, degenerate, dissolute, perverse, 'decaodent \'de-b-dant, di-tkad-Pntv adj 1 + : marked by
perverted, reprobate - more at CORRUPT decay or decline 2 + : characterized by or appealing to
de-bauch-ery \-'bo-cha-re\ n +: extreme indulgence in self-indulgence
sensuality + Il] degenerate, effete, overripe - more at EFFETE
+ corruption, debasement, decadence, degeneracy, de- + [1,2] corrupt, debauched, degenerate, dissolute, per-
generation, degradation, demoralization, depravity, dissi- verse, perverted, reprobate - more at CORRUPT
pation, dissoluteness, perversion - more at CORRUPilON 2decadent n + : one that is decadent
+ corruption, depravity, immorality, iniquity, licentious- + degenerate, libertine, pervert, profligate - more at
ness, sin, vice - more at VlCE DEGENERATE
de-ben-ture \di-'ben-char\ n : BOND; esp : one secured by de-caf \'de-,kaf\ n : decaffeinated coffee
the general credit of the issuer rather than a lien on par- de-caf-fein-at-ed \(,)de-'ka-fa-na-tad\ adj : having the caf-
ticular assets feine removed <- coffee>
de-bil-l-tate \di-'bi-la-,tat\ vb -tat-ed; + : to impair decaogon \'de-ka-,gan\ n : a plane polygon of 10 angles and
the health or strength of 10 sides
+ enervate, enfeeble, prostrate, sap, soften, tire, waste, de-cal \'de-,kal\ n : a picture, design, or label made to be
weaken - more at WEAKEN transferred (as to glass) from specially prepared paper
de-bil.i.ty \di-'bi-la-te\ n, pi -ties + : an infirm or weakened de-cal-co-ma-nia \di-,kal-ka-'ma-ne-a\ n [F decalcornanie,
state fro decalquer to copy by tracing (fr. calquer to trace, fro It
+ delicacy, enfeeblement, faintness, feebleness, frailty, calcare, lit., to tread, fr. L) + manie mania, fr. LL mania]
infirmity, languor, lowness, weakness - more at WEAK- : DECAL
NESS Deca-logue Vde-ka-jlog', n : TEN COMMANDMENTS
'deb-it \'de-bat\ vb : to enter as a debit: charge with or as a de-camp \di-'kamp\ vb 1 : to break up a camp 2: to de-
debit part suddenly
2debit n 1 : an entry in an account showing money paid out de-cant \di-'kant\ vb : to pour (as wine) gently from one
or owed 2: DISADVANTAGE, SHORTCOMING vessel into another
decanter 206
de-cant-er \di-'kan-tar\ n : an ornamental glass bottle for de-cen-cy \'des-'n-se\ n, pl -cles 1 + : the quality or state
serving wine of being decent: PROPRIETY 2 : conformity to standards
de-cap-t-tate \di-'ka-pa-,tlit\ vb -tat-ed: -tatjng : BEHEAD - of taste, propriety, or quality 3: a standard of propriety
de-cap-l-ta-tlon \-,ka-pa-'tli-sh:m \ n - de-cap-i-ta-tor \-'ka- - usu. used in pI.
pa-,tli-tar\ n + [1) decorum, form, propriety; also civility, courtesy,
deca-syl-lab-ic \,de-ka-sa-'Ia-bik\ adi : having or composed politeness; dignity, grace, refinement; discretion, pru-
of verses having 10 syllables - decasyllabic n dence; correctness, fitness, rightness; attention, atten-
de-cath-lon \di-'kath-Ian, -,liin\ n : a 10-event athletic con- tiveness, care, carefulness; goodness, high-mindedness,
test honesty, morality, probity, rectitude, righteousness, up-
'de-cay \di-'kli\ vb 1 : to decline from a sound or pros- rightness, virtue Ant impropriety, indecency + [2) char-
perous condition 2 : to cause or undergo decomposi- acter, goodness, honesty, honor (or honour), integrity,
tion <radium "'s slowly>; esp : to break down while morality, probity, rectitude, righteousness, uprightness,
spoiling: ROT virtue - more at MORALITY
+ [1) decline, degenerate, descend, deteriorate, ebb, de-cen-nl-al \di-'se-ne-al\ adj 1 : consisting of 10 years
rot, sink, worsen - more at DETERIORATE + [2) break 2 : happening every 10 years <'" census>
down, corrupt, decompose, disintegrate, molder, pu- de-cent \'de-s'nt\ adi 1 +: conforming to standards of
trefy, rot, spoil; a/so sour, turn; contaminate, defile, propriety, good taste, or morality 2: modestly clothed
pollute, taint; curdle, ferment; crumble, degenerate, de- 3 : free from immodesty or obscenity 4 : ADEQUATE
teriorate <'" housing). - de-cent-ly adv
2decay n 1 + : gradual decline in strength, soundness, or [1) ethical, good, honest, honorable (or honourable),
prosperity or in degree of excellence or perfection just, moral, right, righteous, straight, upright, virtuous
2 + : the process of rotting: the state of being rotten - more at GOOD + [1) correct, decorous, genteel, nice,
+ [1) decline, degeneration, deterioration - more at polite, proper, respectable, seemly - more at PROPER
DECLINE + [2) breakdown, corruption, decomposition, + [3) chaste, clean, immaculate, modest, pure - more
putrefaction, rot, spoilage - more at CORRUPTION at CHASTE [4) acceptable, adequate, all right, fine,
decd abbr deceased OK, passable, respectable, satisfactory, tolerable-
de-cease \di-'ses\ n + : a permanent cessation of all vital more at ADEQUATE
functions: DEATH de-cen-trat-l-za-tlon \de-,sen-tra-Ia-'zli-shan\ n 1 : the distri-
+ death, demise, doom, end, passing, quietus - more bution of powers from a central authority to regional and
at DEATH local authorities 2: the redistribution of population and
'de-ceased \-'sest\ adj : no longer alive; esp : recently industry from urban centers to outlying areas - de-cen-
dead tral-lze \-'sen-tra-,Iiz\ vb
breathless, dead, defunct, gone, late, lifeless - more de-eep-tton \di-'sep-shan\ n 1 : the act of deceiving 2 : the
at DEAD fact or condition of being deceived 3: FRAUD, TRICK
2deceased n, p/ deceased : a dead person de-cep-tive \di-'sep-tiv\ adi + : tending or having power to
de-ce-dent \di-'sed-'nt\ n : a deceased person deceive - de-cep-tive-ly adv - de-cep-tive-ness n
de-ceit \di-'set\ n 1 : the act or practice of deceiving: DE- + deceitful, delusive, fallacious, false, misleading, spe-
CEPTION 2: an attempt or device to deceive : TRICK cious; also devious, guileful, shady, shifty, sly, sneaking,
3 : the quality of being deceitful: DECEITFULNESS sneaky, trick, tricky, underhand, underhanded; inaccu-
+ artifice, craft, craftiness, crookedness, cunning, de- rate, incorrect, wrong; bewildering, confounding, dis-
ceitfulness, dishonesty, dissimulation, double-dealing, tracting, perplexing, puzzling; crooked, dishonest,
duplicity, guile, wiliness; a/so equivocation, prevarica- double-dealing, faithless, fraudulent, fast, knavish; ly-
tion; chicanery, skulduggery, subterfuge, trickery; ing, mendacious, untrustworthy, untruthful; insidious,
hypocrisy, insincerity; shrewdness; underhandedness, perfidious, treacherous; artificial, backhanded, feigned,
unscrupulousness; furtiveness, secrecy, oiliness, slipper- hypocritical, insincere, left-handed, two-faced Ant
iness, slyness, smoothness Ant artlessness, forthright- aboveboard, forthright, straightforward
ness, good faith, guilelessness, sincerity decl-bel \'de-sa-,bel, -bol', n : a unit for measuring the rela-
de-celt-rut \-fal\ adi 1 + : practicing or tending to practice tive loudness of sounds
deceit 2 + : tending or having power to deceive : DECEP- de-cide \di-'sid\ vb de-cid-ed; [ME, fr. MF de-
TIVE <a '" answer> - adv cider, fro L decidere, lit., to cut off, fro de- off + caedere to
cut) 1 + : to arrive at a solution that ends uncertainty or
+ [1) crooked, dishonest, double-dealing, false, fraudu-
dispute about 2: to bring to a definitive end <one blow
lent - more at FRAUDULENT + [2) deceptive, delusive,
fallacious, false, misleading, specious - more at DECEP-
decided the fight> 3: to induce to come to a choice
4 : to make a choice or judgment
de-celt-tul-ness \-nas\ n + : the quality or state of being de- + [1) arrange, fix, set, settle - more at ARRANGE
ceitful + [4) choose, conclude, determine, figure, opt, resolve;
also decree, rule; cull, elect, handpick, pick, prefer, se-
+ artifice, craft, craftiness, crookedness, cunning, de- lect, single (out), take + [4) adjudicate, arbitrate, deter-
ceit, dishonesty, dissimulation, double-dealing, duplic-
mine, judge, referee, rule, settle, umpire - more at
ity, guile, wiliness - more at DECEIT
de-ceive \di-'sev\ vb de-ceived; de-ceiv.jng 1 + : to cause
de-cid-ed \di-'si-dad\ adj 1 : UNQUESTIONABLE 2 : FIRM, DE-
to believe an untruth 2: to use or practice deceit - de-
TERMINED - de-cid-ed-ly adv
celv-er n
de-cid-u-ous \di-'si-ja-was\ adi 1 : falling off or out usu. at
+ beguile, bluff, cozen, delude, dupe, fool, gull, have, the end of a period of growth or function <'" leaves> <a
hoax, hoodwink, humbug, misinform, mislead, string
'" tooth) 2: having deciduous parts <'" trees)
along, take in, trick; also cheat, chisel, defraud, fleece, deciogram \'de-sa-,gram\ n : a metric unit of measure equal
gyp, hustle, rook, swindle Ant undeceive to Y,O gram
de-cel-er-ate \de-'se-Ia-,rlit\ vb -at-ed; -at-lnq + : to slow deci-li-ter \-,Ie-tar\ n : a metric unit of measure equal to 'tlo
down liter
+ brake, retard, slow - more at SLOW 'decimal \'de-sa-mal\ adj : based on the number 10 : reck-
De-cem-ber \di-'sem-bar\ n [ME Decembre, fro OF, fro L oning by tens
December (tenth month), fro decem ten) : the 12th month 2decimal n : any number expressed in base 10; esp : DECIMAL
of the year FRAcnON
207 decor
decimal fraction n : a fraction or mixed number in which full statement of - de-clar-a-to-ry \di-'klar-~-,tor-e\ adi
the denominator is a power of 10 and that is usu. ex- - de-clar-er n
pressed with a decimal point <the decimal fraction .25 is [1) advertise. announce. blaze. broadcast. enunciate.
equivalent to the common fraction "/'00) placard. post. proclaim. promulgate. publicize. publish.
decimal place n : the position of a digit as counted to the sound - more at ANNOUNCE (2) affirm. allege. assert.
right of the decimal point in a decimal fraction aver. avouch. avow. claim. contend. insist. maintain.
decimal point n : a period. centered dot. or in some coun- profess. protest. warrant - more at CLAIM
tries a comma at the left of a decimal fraction (as .678) de-clas-si-ty \de-'kla-s~-,fi\ vb : to remove the security clas-
less than one or between a whole number and a decimal sification of - de-ctas-sl-tl-ca-tlon \-,kla-s~-f~-'kii-sh~n\ n
fraction in a mixed number (as 3.678) de-clen-sion \di-'klen-ch~n\ n 1 : the inflectional forms of
dec-i-mate \'de-s~-,miit\ vb -rnat-ed; -mat-inq 1 : to take or a noun. pronoun. or adjective 2: a falling off or away
destroy the 10th part of 2: to cause great destruction or esp. from a standard or a high point of development 3: a
harm to bending or sloping downward
dec-I-me-ter Vde-se-jme-tarv n : a metric unit of measure 'de-cline \di-'klIn\ vb de-clined; 1 : to slope
equal to '1'0 meter downward: DESCEND 2: DROOP 3: WANE 4 : to tend to-
de-ci-pher \di-'sI-f~r\ vb 1 : to convert (as a coded mes- ward an inferior state or weaker condition 5 : to with-
sage) into intelligible form: DECODE 2: to make out the hold consent; also: REFUSE 6: INFLECT 2 <~ a noun) -
meaning of despite indistinctness - de-ci-pher-able adj de-clin-able adj - dec-n-na-tlon \,de-kl~-'nii-sh~n\ n
de-cl-slon \di-'si-zh~n\ n 1 + : the act or result of deciding [1) descend. dip. drop. fall. lower. plummet. plunge.
2 + : promptness and firmness in deciding sink. tumble - more at DROP (4) decay. degenerate.
+ [1) conclusion. determination. diagnosis. judgment descend. deteriorate. ebb. rot. sink. worsen - more at
(or judgement). opinion. resolution. verdict; also de- DETERIORATE (5) disallow. disapprove. negative. re-
cree. mandate. order; say-so; doom. finding. ruling. sen- fuse. reject. repudiate. spurn. tum down; also overrule.
tence; choice. option. selection + (2) decisiveness. veto; forbid. prohibit. proscribe; dismiss; abstain. for-
determination. firmness. granite. resolution. resolve - bear. refrain; deny. dispute. gainsay; balk. stick; abjure.
more at DETERMINATION renounce; avoid. bypass. detour Ant accept. agree (to).
de-ci-sive \-'sI-siv\ adi 1 : having the power to decide (the approve
~ vote) 2 + : marked by firm determination: RESOLUTE 'decline n 1 : a gradual sinking and wasting away 2 : a
3 + : not questionable: CONCLUSIVE <a ~ victory) - de- change to a lower state or level 3: the time when some-
el-slve-ly adv thing is approaching its end 4: a descending slope
+ (2) bound. determined. firm. intent. purposeful. res- [1) decay. degeneration. deterioration; also atrophy;
olute. set. single-minded - more at DETERMINED exhaustion; flagging. limping; relapse. setback Ant im-
+ (3) absolute. clear. conclusive. definitive - more at provement. recovery. revitalization (2) degradation.
CONCLUSIVE fall; also decay. rotting. spoiling; breakup. crumbling.
de-ci-sive-ness \-n~s\ n + : the quality or state of being de- decomposition. disintegration. dissolution; destruction.
cisive havoc. ruin. ruination Ant ascent. rise. upswing
+ decision. determination. firmness. granite. resolution. de-cliv.i.ty \di-'kli-v~-te\ n, pi -ties : a steep downward
resolve - more at DETERMINATION slope
de-code \de-'kod\ vb : to convert (a coded message) into
'deck \'dek\ n 1 : a floorlike platform of a ship; also: some-
ordinary language - de-cod-er n
thing resembling the deck of a ship 2: a pack of playing
cards break. crack; also render. translate; dope (out). puz-
'deck vb 1 + : to clothe in a striking or elegant manner: AR- zle (out). figure out. solve. unravel. work. work out Ant
RAY 2 + : to furnish with something ornamental: DECO-
cipher. code. encode
RATE 3 : to furnish with a deck 4: KNOCK OOWN. FLOOR
de.col.le-tage \dii-,ka-l~-'tlizh\ n : the low-cut neckline of a
+ [1) apparel. array. attire. caparison. clothe. dress. de.colle-te \dii-,kal-'tii\ adj [F) 1 : wearing a strapless or
garb. invest. rig. suit - more at CLOTHE + (2) adorn. ar-
low-necked gown 2: having a low-cut neckline
ray. beautify. bedeck. decorate. do. dress. embellish. en-
rich. garnish. grace. ornament. trim - more at
de-com-rnts-ston \,de-k~-'mi-sh~n\ vb : to remove from
de-corn-pose \,de-k~m-'poz\ vb 1 : to separate into con-
deck-hand \'dek-,hand\ n : a sailor who performs manual
stituent parts 2 : to break down in decay: ROT
deck-le edge \'dek-~l-\ n : the rough untrimmed edge of break down. corrupt. decay. disintegrate. molder. pu-
paper - deck-le-edged \-'ejd\ adj trefy. rot. spoil- more at DECAY
de-claim \di-'kliim\ vb + : to speak or deliver in the man- de-corn-po-si-tion \de-,kam-p~-'zi-sh~n\ n .: the act or
ner of a formal speech - de-ctam-a-to-rv \di-'kla-m~-,tor- process of decomposing
e\ adj breakdown. corruption. decay. putrefaction. rot.
spoilage - more at CORRUPTION
+ descant. discourse. harangue. lecture. orate. speak.
talk - more at TALK de-cem-press \,de-k~m-'pres\ vb : to release from pressure
or compression - de-corn-pres-slon \-'pre-sh~n\ n
dec-la-ma-tlcn \,de-kl~-'mii-sh~n\ n + : the act or art of de-
de-con-qes-tant \,de-k~n-'jes-t~nt\ n : an agent that relieves
congestion (as of mucous membranes)
+ address. harangue. oration. speech. talk - more at de-con-struc-tion \,de-k~n-'str~k-sh~n\ n : the analysis of
SPEECH something (as language or literature) by the separation
dec-la-ra-tion \,de-kl~-'rii-sh~n\ n 1 + : the act of declaring and individual examination of its basic elements - de-
2 : something that is declared con-struct \-'str~kt\ vb
+ affirmation. assertion. avowal. claim. profession. de-con-tam-i-nate \,de-k~n-'ta-m~-,niit\ vb : to rid of con-
protestation tamination (as radioactive material) - de-ccn-tam-l-na-
de-ctar-a-tive \di-'klar-~-tiv\ adj : making a declaration <~ tion \-,ta-m~-'nii-sh~n\ n
sentence) de-con-trol \,de-kan-'trol\ vb : to end control of <~ prices)
de-clare \di-'klar\ vb de-clared; 1 + : to make - decontrol n
known formally. officially, or explicitly: ANNOUNCE <~ de-cor or de-cor \dii-'kor. 'dii-,kor\ n : DECORATION; esp
war) 2 : to state emphatically: AFFIRM 3: to make a : the style and layout of interior furnishings
decorate 208
dec-o-rate \'de-k::>-,rat\ vb -rat-ed; -rat-lnq 1 : to furnish de-cre-scen-do \,da-kr::>-'shen-do\ adv or adj : with a de-
with something ornamental <-- a room) 2: to award a crease in volume - used as a direction in music
mark of honor (as a medal) to de-crlm-l-nal-ize \de-'kri-m::>n-ol-,iz\ vb : to remove or re-
adorn, array, beautify, bedeck, deck, do, dress, em- duce the criminal status of
bellish, enrich, garnish, grace, ornament, trim; also doll deocry \di-'kn\ vb : to express strong disapproval of
up, dress up, trick (out); brighten, freshen, spruce (up); belittle, cry down, deprecate, depreciate, diminish,
boss, chase, emboss; embroider, figure, flounce, fringe, discount, disparage, minimize, put down, write off; also
garland, hang, lace, wreathe; gild, paint; redecorate, abuse, scold; disapprove (00, dislike; censure, con-
redo Ant blemish, deface, disfigure, mar, scar, spoil demn, criticize, denounce, reprehend, reprobate; de-
dec-o-ra-non \,de-k"-'ra-sh,,n\ n 1 : the act or process of fame, malign, slander, traduce, vilify; discredit, disgrace
decorating 2.: something that adorns, enriches, or Ant acclaim, applaud, exalt, extol, glorify, laud, mag-
beautifies: ORNAMENT 3 : a badge of honor nify, praise
[2] adornment, caparison, embellishment, frill, gar- ded-i-cate \'de-di-,kat\ vb -cat-ed; -cat-lnq 1 : to devote to
nish, ornament, trim; also finery, frippery; flounce, the worship of a divine being esp, with sacred rites
flourish, furbelow, ruffle; enhancement, enrichment, 2 : to set apart for a definite purpose 3: to inscribe or
improvement; embroidery, fancywork; gilt, glitter; de- address as a compliment - ded-i-ca-tor Vde-di-jka-tsr', n
sign, figure, pattern; furnishings, regalia, trappings - ded.i-ca.lo-ry \-k::>-, tor-e\ adj
[3] award, distinction, honor (or honour), plume, allocate, consecrate, devote, earmark, reserve, save
prize - more at AWARD - more at DEVOTE
dec-o-ra-tive Vde-ka-ra-tivv adj : serving to decorate : OR- dedi-calion \,de-di-'ka-sh::>n\ n 1 : an act or rite of dedi-
NAMENTAL cating esp, to a sacred use 2: a setting aside for a partic-
dec-o-ra-tor \'de-k::>-,ra-t::>r\ n : one that decorates; esp : a ular purpose 3 : self-sacrificing devotion
person who designs or executes interiors and their fur- allegiance, constancy, devotion, faith, faithfulness,
nishings fastness, fealty, fidelity, loyalty, steadfastness - more
dec-o-rous \'de-k::>-r::>s, di-tkor-osv adj : marked by pro- at FIDELITY
priety and good taste : PROPER de-duce \di-'diis, -'dyiis\ vb de-duced; de-duc-ing 1 : to
correct, decent, genteel, nice, polite, proper, re- derive by reasoning: INFER 2: to trace the course of
spectable, seemly - more at PROPER conclude, extrapolate, gather, infer, judge, reason,
de-co-rum \di-'kor-::>m\ n [L] 1 : conformity to accepted understand - more at INFER
standards of conduct 2: ORDERLINESS de-duct \di-'d"kt\ vb : SUBTRACf - de-duct-ible adj
decency, form, propriety - more at DECENCY de-due-non \di-'d::>k-sh::>n\ n 1 : an act of taking away: SUB-
TRACfION 2.: something that is or may be subtracted
'de-coy \'de-,k6i, di-'k6i\ n [prob. fro D de kooi, lit., the
3 : the deriving of a conclusion by reasoning: the conclu-
cage] 1 : something that lures or entices; esp : an artificial
sion so reached - de-duc-tlve \-'d::>k-tiv\ adj - de-due-
bird used to attract live birds within shot 2: something
used to draw attention away from another
2de-coy \di-'k6i, 'de-,k6i\ vb : to lure by or as if by a de- abatement, discount, reduction; also kickback, re-
bate; dent, depreciation; decline, decrement, diminu-
tion, drop, fall, loss; forfeit, forfeiture, penalty Ant
allure, beguile, entice, lead on, lure, seduce, tempt - accession, addition
more at LURE
'deed \'ded\ n 1 : something done 2 : a usu. illustrious
'de-crease \di-'kres\ vb de-creased; de-creas-inq : to grow act or action: FEAT 3: a document containing some legal
or cause to grow less : DIMINISH transfer, bargain, or contract
abate, de-escalate, decline, die, diminish, dwindle, exploit, feat, thing
ebb, fall, lessen, let up, lower, moderate, recede, relent,
2deed vb : to conveyor transfer by deed
shrink, subside, taper, wane; also compress, condense,
constrict, contract; evaporate, fade (away), give out, alienate, assign, cede, make over, transfer - more at
melt (away), peter (out), vanish; slacken, slow (down); TRANSFER
alleviate, ease, relax; flag, sink, weaken; cave (in), col- dee-jay \'de-Ja\ n : DISC JOCKEY
lapse, deflate, give out Ant accumulate, balloon, build, deem \'dem\ vb : to come to think or judge
burgeon, enlarge, escalate, expand, grow, increase, in- believe, consider, feel, figure, guess, hold, imagine,
tensify, mount, mushroom, pick up, rise, snowball, suppose, think - more at BELIEVE
soar, swell, wax de-em-pha-size \de-'em-f::>-,siz\ vb : to reduce in relative
2de-crease \'de-,kres\ n 1: the process of decreasing importance; also : to attach little importance to - de-
2 : an amount of diminution: REDUCfION em-pha-sis \-s::>s\ n
abatement, decline, decrement, diminution, drop, 'deep \'dep\ adj 1 : extending far down, back, within, or
fall, loss, reduction, shrinkage; also dent, depression; outward 2: having a specified extension downward or
slip, slump; curtailment, cut, cutback Ant boost, en- backward 3 : difficult to understand; also: MYSTERIOUS
largement, gain, increase, increment, raise, rise <a -- dark secret) 4: WISE 5: ENGROSSED, INVOLVED <--
'de-cree \di-'kre\ n 1 : an order usu. having the force of in thought) 6 : characterized by profundity of feeling
law: EDlCf 2: a judicial decision or quality: INTENSE <-- grief) <-- sleep) 7: dark and
rich in color <a -- red) 8 : having a low musical pitch
behest, charge, command, commandment, dictate, or range <a -- voice) 9: situated well within 10: cov-
direction, directive, edict, instruction, order, word
ered, enclosed, or filled often to a specified degree-
2decree vb de-creed; de-cree-ing 1 : to direct authorita- deep-Iyadv
tively : COMMAND 2: to determine or order judicially
[3] ambiguous, cryptic, dark, darkling, enigmatic,
command, dictate, direct, ordain, order - more at equivocal, inscrutable, murky, mysterious, mystic, neb-
COMMAND ulous, obscure, occult - more at OBSCURE [6] explo-
dec-re-ment Vde-kre-montv n gradual decrease sive, exquisite, fearful, ferocious, fierce, furious, hard,
2 : the quantity lost by diminution or waste heavy, intense, profound, terrible, vehement, vicious,
abatement, decline, decrease, diminution, drop, fall, violent - more at INTENSE. [8] bass, low, throaty; also
loss, reduction, shrinkage - more at DECREASE gruff, hoarse, husky, rough Ant acute, high, piping,
de-crep-it \di-'kre-p::>t\ adj : broken down with age : WORN~ sharp, shrill, treble
OUT - de-crep-i-tude \-p::>-,tiid, -,tyiid\ n 2deep adv 1 : DEEPLY 2: far on: LATE <-- in the night)
209 defense mechanism
3deep n 1 + : an extremely deep place or part; esp : the selection made automatically by a computer in the ab-
whole body of salt water that covers nearly three fourths sence of a choice by the user - default vb - de-fault-er n
of the surface of the earth : OCEAN 2 + : the middle or + delinquency, dereliction, failure, neglect, negligence,
most intense part <the ~ of winter) oversight - more at FAILURE
+ [I] blue, brine, ocean, sea - more at OCEAN 'de-feat \di-'fet\ vb 1 : FRUSTRATE, NULLIFY 2 + : to win vic-
+ [2] depth, height, middle, midst, thick - more at tory over: BEAT
THICK + beat, conquer, master, overcome, prevail, rout, sub-
deep-en \'de-pan\ vb +: to make or become deep or due, surmount, triumph, win - more at BEAT
deeper 2defeat n 1 + : frustration by nullification or by prevention
+ amplify, beef, boost, consolidate, enhance, heighten, of success : the state or face of being defeated <the bill
intensify, magnify, redouble, step up, strengthen- suffered ~ in the Senate) 2: an overthrow of an army in
more at INTE SIFY battle 3 + : loss of a contest
deep-freeze \'dep-'frez\ vb -froze \-'froz\; -tro-zen \-'froz- + [I] collapse, crash, cropper, failure, fizzle, nonsuc-
'n\ : QUICK-FREEZE cess - more at FAILURE + [3] loss, rout, shellacking;
deep-fryvb : to cook in enough oil to cover the food being also collapse, debacle, failure, fizzle, flop, nonsuccess,
fried setback, upset, washout; lurch, shutout Ant success, tri-
deep pocket n 1: one having substantial financial re- umph, victory, win
sources 2 pi : substantial financial resources de-teat-ism\-'fe-,ti-z:lm\ n : acceptance of or resignation to
deep-rootoed\'dep-'rii-tad, -'ru-\ adj + : deeply implanted defeat - de-teat-ist \-tist\ n
or established defeatist aclj + : characterized by defeatism
+ confirmed, deep-seated, inveterate, settled - more at + despairing, hopeless, pessimistic - more at PES-
deep-sea \'dep-'se\ adj : of, relating to, or occurring in the def-e-cate \'de-fi-,kat\ vb -cat-ed: -cat-lnq 1 : to free from
deeper parts of the sea <~ fishing) impurity or corruption 2: to discharge feces from the
deep-seatoed\'dep-'se-tad\ adj 1 : situated far below the bowels - defoe-cation \,de-fi-'ka-sh:m\ n
surface 2 + : firmly established <~ convictions) 'de-fect \'de-,fekt, eIi-'fekt\ n + : an imperfection that im-
+ confirmed, deep-rooted, inveterate, settled - more pairs worth or utility: BLEMISH
atlNVEfERATE + blemish, deformity, disfigurement, fault, flaw, imper-
deer \'dir\ n, pi deer [ME, deer, animal, fro OE deor beast] fection, mark, pockmark, scar - more at BLEMISH
: any of numerous ruminant mammals with cloven hoofs 2de-fect \di-'fekt\ vb : to desert a cause or party esp. in or-
and usu. antlers esp. in the males der to espouse another - de-tec-tion\-'fek-sh:ln\ n \-,fit, n : any of numerous small horseflies de-tec-tive \di-'fek-tiv\ adi + : imperfect in form or func-
deer-skin \-,skin\ n : leather made from the skin of a deer; tion : FAULTY - defective n
also : a garment of such leather + bad, faulty, imperfect - more at FAULTY
deer tick n : a tick that transmits the bacterium causing de-tee-ter \di-'fek-tar\ n + : one that defects
Lyme disease
de-es-ca-tate \de-'es-ka-,Iat\ vb + : to decrease in extent, + deserter, recreant, renegade - more at RENEGADE
volume, or scope - de-es-ca-la-tlon \-,es-ka-'Ia-shan\ n de-fence Can and Brit var of DEFENSE
+ abate, decline, decrease, die, diminish, dwindle, ebb, de-fend \di-'fend\ vb [ME, fro OF defendre, fr. L defendere,
fall, lessen, let up, lower, moderate, recede, relent, fro de- from + -fendereto strike] 1 + : to repel danger or
shrink, subside, taper, wane - more at DECREASE attack from 2: to act as attorney for 3: to oppose the
deet \ 'det\ n, often all cap : a colorless oily liquid insect claim of another in a lawsuit: CONTEST 4 + : to maintain
and tick repellent against opposition <~ an idea)
'def \'def\ adj def.fer; def.fest slang: very good: COOL + [I] cover, guard, protect, safeguard, screen, secure,
2def abbr 1 defendant 2 definite 3 definition shield, ward; also avert, prevent; fend (of0, oppose, re-
de-face \di-'fas\ vb + : to destroy or mar the appearance of sist, withstand; battle, contend, fight, war; conserve,
- de-face-mentn - de-facoer n keep, preserve, save; buffer, palisade, picket, wall Ant
assail, assault, attack + [4] justify, maintain, support,
+ blemish, break, cripple, damage, disfigure, flaw, uphold - more at MAINTAIN
harm, hurt, injure, mar, spoil, vitiate - more at DAM-
AGE de-fen-dant\di-'fen-d:lnt\ n : a person required to make an-
swer in a legal action or suit
de tac-to \di-'fak-to, da-\ aclj or adv 1 : actually existing
de-fendoer\di-'fen-d:lr\ n + : one that defends
<de facto segregation) 2: actually exercising power <de
facto government) + custodian, defense (or defence), guard, protection,
de-fal-ca-tion \,de-,fal-'ka-sh:ln, -,f61-; ,de-f:ll-\ n : EMBEZ- protector - more at PROTECTOR
ZLEMENT de-fense or Can and Brit de-fence\di-'fens\ n 1 : the act of
def-a-ma-tion \,de-fa-'ma-sh:ln\ n + : the act of defaming defending : resistance against attack 2 +: means,
another method, or capability of defending 3 + : an argument in
support or justification 4: the answer made by the de-
libel, slander, vilification- more at SLANDER fendant in a legal action 5: a defending party, group, or
de-tam-a-to-ry\di-'fa-m:l-,tor-e\ adj + : containing defama- team
tion : injurious to reputation + [2] aegis, armor, cover, guard, protection, safeguard,
+ libelous, scandalous,slanderous - more at LmELOUS screen, security, shield, wall, ward; also arm, armament,
de-fame \di-'fam\ vb de-famed; + : to injure or munitions, weapon, weaponry; fastness, fort, fortress,
destroy the reputation of by libel or slander palisade, stronghold + [3] alibi, excuse, justification,
+ blacken, libel, malign, slander, smear, traduce, vilify plea, reason - more at EXCUSE
- more at SLANDER de-tense-less or Can and Brit de-fence-Iess \-Ias\ adj
= de-fault\di-'folt\ n 1 + : failure to do something required + : being without defense
by duty or law; also : failure to appear for a legal pro- + exposed, helpless, susceptible, undefended, un-
ceeding 2: failure to compete in or to finish an appointed guarded, unprotected, unresistant, vulnerable - more
contest <lose a race by~) 3: a choice made without ac- at HELPLESS
tive consideration due to lack of viable alternatives 4: a defense mechanism n : an often unconscious mental
defensible 210
process (as repression) that assists in reaching compro- 2de-file \di-'ffi, 'de-,fil\ n + : a narrow passage or gorge
mise solutions to personal problems + canyon, flume, gap, gorge, gulch, notch, pass, ravine
de-ten-sl-ble \di-'fen(t)-si-b:ll\ adj + : capable of being de- - more at CANYON
fended de-file-ment \-m:lnt\ n 1 + : the act of defiling or state of
+ justifiable, maintainable, supportable, sustainable, being defiled 2 + : something that defiles
tenable - more at TENABLE + [1] blasphemy, desecration, impiety, irreverence, sac-
'de-fen.sive \di-'fen-siv\ adj 1 : serving or intended to de- rilege - more at BLASPHEMY + [2] adulterant, contami-
fend or protect 2: of or relating to the attempt to keep nant, impurity, pollutant - more at IMPURITY
an opponent from scoring (as in a game) - de-fensive-Iy de-fine \di-'fin\ vb de-fined; 1 : to set forth the
adv - de-ten-elve-ness n
2defensive n : a defensive position
meaning of <~ a word> 2 + : to fix or mark the limits of
3 + : to clarify in outline or character - de-fin-able adj
'de-fer \di-'f:lr\ vb de-ferred; de-fer.ring [ME deferren, differ- - de-fin-er n
ren, fro MF differer, fro L differre to postpone, be different]
+ [2] bound, circumscribe, delimit, demarcate, limit,
+ : to put off to a later time: POSTPONE mark, terminate - more at LIMIT + [3] delineate, out-
+ delay, hold up, postpone, put off, shelve - more at line, silhouette, sketch, trace - more at OUTLINE
POSTPONE + [3] characterize, depict, describe, portray, represent
2defer vb deferred; deferring [ME deferren, differren, fr. MF - more at CHARACTERIZE
deferer, defferer, fro LL deferre, fr. L, to bring down, bring, det-l-nite \'de-f:l-n:lt\ adj 1 +: having distinct limits
fro de- down + ferre to carry] : to submit or yield to the 2 + : clear in meaning 3: typically designating an identi-
opinion or wishes of another fied or immediately identifiable person or thing - def-l-
def-er-ence \'de-f:lr-:lns\ n + : courteous, respectful, or in- nlte-ness n
gratiating regard for another's wishes
+ [1] determinate, finite, limited, measured, narrow,
+ compliance, docility, obedience - more at COMPLIANCE restricted - more at LIMITED + [2] clear-cut, definitive,
det-er-en-tlal \,de-f:l-'ren-ch:ll\ adj + : showing or express- explicit, express, specific, unambiguous, unequivocal
ing deference - more at EXPLICIT
+ dutiful, regardful, respectful - more at RESPECTFUL def.i.nite-Iy \-Ie\ adv + : in a definite way or manner
de-fer-ment \di-'f:lr-m:lnt\ n : the act of delaying; esp : offi- + certainly, doubtless, incontestably, indeed, indis-
cial postponement of military service putably, really, surely, truly, undeniably, undoubtedly,
de-fi-ance \di-'fi-:lns\ n 1 + : the act or an instance of de- unquestionably - more at INDEED
fying 2: disposition to resist or contend det-l-nl-tlon \,de-f:l-'ni-sh:ln\ n 1 : an act of determining or
+ disobedience, insubordination, rebelliousness, recal- settling 2: a statement of the meaning of a word or word
citrance, refractoriness, unruliness - more at DISOBEDI- group; also: the action or process of defining 3: the ac-
ENCE tion or the power of making definite and clear: CLARITY,
de-fi-ant \-:lnt\ adj + : full of defiance - adv DISTINCTNESS
+ contrary, disobedient, froward, intractable, rebel- de-fin.i.tive \di-'fi-n:l-tiv\ adj 1 + : serving to provide a fi-
lious, recalcitrant, refractory, unruly, untoward, way- nal solution or to end a situation: DECISIVE 2: authorita-
ward, willful - more at DISOBEDIENT tive and apparently exhaustive 3 + : serving to define or
de-tl-brlt-la-tor \de-'fi-br:l-,lli-t:lr\ n : an electronic device specify precisely
that applies an electric shock to restore the rhythm of a + [1] absolute, clear, conclusive, decisive - more at
fibrillating heart - de-fibrillate \-,liit\ vb - de-ti-brll-la- CONCLUSIVE + [3] clear-cut, definite, explicit, express,
tion \-,fi-br:l-'Ia-sh:ln\ n specific, unambiguous, unequivocal - more at EXPLICIT
de-fi-cien-cy \di-'fi-sh:ln-se\ n + : the quality or state of be- de-flate \di-'flat\ vb de-flat-ed; de-tlat-lnq 1 : to release air
ing deficient or gas from 2: to reduce in size, importance, or effec-
+ dearth, deficit, failure, famine, inadequacy, insuffi- tiveness; also: to reduce from a state of inflation 3: to
ciency, lack, paucity, poverty, scantiness, scarcity, become deflated
shortage, want; also absence, omission; meagerness; ne- de-tla-tion \-'fla-sh:ln \ n 1 : an act or instance of deflating
cessity, need, privation Ant abundance, adequacy, am- : the state of being deflated 2: reduction in the volume of
plitude, plenitude, plenty, sufficiency available money or credit resulting in a decline of the
deficiency disease n : a disease (as scurvy or beriberi) general price level
caused by a lack of essential dietary elements and esp. a de-fleet \di-'flekt\ vb +: to turn aside - de-tlec-tion
vitamin or mineral \-'flek -shon \ n
de-fi-cient \di-'fi-sh:lnt\ adj + : lacking in something neces- + divert, swerve, swing, turn, veer, wheel, whip-
sary; also: not up to a normal standard
more at TURN
+ inadequate, insufficient, scarce, short, shy, wanting de-tlc-ra-tlon \,de-fl:l-'ra-sh:ln\ n : rupture of the hymen
- more at SHORT + bad, inferior, lousy, off, poor,
de-flow-er \de-'flaiJ( -:l)r\ vb : to deprive of virginity
punk, rotten, substandard, unacceptable, unsatisfac-
de-fog \de-'fog, -'fag\ vb : to remove fog or condensed
tory, wanting, wretched, wrong - more at BAD
moisture from - de-fogoger n
def-i-cit \'de-f:l-s:lt\ n + : a deficiency in amount; esp : an
de-fo-li-ant \de-'fo-le-:lnt\ n : a chemical spray or dust used
excess of expenditures over revenue
to defoliate plants
+ dearth, deficiency, failure, famine, inadequacy, insuf- de-to-ll-ate \-,at\ vb : to deprive of leaves esp, prematurely
ficiency, lack, paucity, poverty, scantiness, scarcity,
- de-fOoliation\de-,fo-Ie-'a-sh:ln\ n - de-to-ll-a-tor \de-
shortage, want - more at DEFICIENCY
'fO-Ie-,a-t:lr\ n
'de-file \di-'ffi\ vb de-filed; 1 + : to corrupt the pu-
rity or perfection of 2 + : to make physically unclean esp. de-tor-es-ta-tion \de-,for-:l-'sta-sh:ln\ n : the action or
with something unpleasant or contaminating 3: to vio- process of clearing an area of forests; also : the state of
late the chastity of 4 + : to violate the sanctity of : DESE- having been cleared of forests - de-for-est \(,)de-'f6r-:lst,
CRATE 5: DISHONOR -'flir-\ vb
+ [1,2] befoul, contaminate, foul, poison, pollute, taint de-form \di-'form\ vb 1 : DISFIGURE, DEFACE 2 + : to make
- more at CONTAMINATE + [4] desecrate, profane, vio- or become misshapen or changed in shape
late - more at DESECRATE + contort, distort, screw, warp - more at CONTORT
211 deionize
de-tor-ma-tlon \,de-,for-'ma-sh:m, .de-Iar-x n + : the action + decay, decline, deterioration - more at DECLINE
of deforming + corruption, debasement, debauchery, decadence, de-
+ contortion, distortion - more at CONTORTION generacy, degradation, demoralization, depravity, dissi-
de-formedadj + : distorted or unshapely in form pation, dissoluteness, perversion - more at CORRUPTION
+ distorted, malformed, misshapen, monstrous, shape- de-gradoable\di-'gra-da-bal\ adj : capable of being chemi-
less - more at MALFORMED cally degraded
de-foromioty \di-'for-ma-te\ n, pi -ties 1 : the state of being degoraodaotion \,de-gra-'da-shan\ n 1 : the act or process of
deformed 2 + : a physical blemish or distortion degrading 2 a + : decline to a low, destitute, or demoral-
ized state b + : moral or intellectual decadence
+ blemish, defect, disfigurement, fault, flaw, imperfec-
tion, mark, pockmark, scar - more at BLEMISH + [2a] decline, fall - more at DECLINE + [2b] corrup-
de-fraud \di-'frod\ vb + : to deprive of something by de- tion, debasement, debauchery, decadence, degeneracy,
ception or fraud: CHEAT degeneration, demoralization, depravity, dissipation,
dissoluteness, perversion - more at CORRUPTION
+ bleed, cheat, chisel, cozen, fleece, gyp, hustle, mulct,
rook, shortchange, skin, squeeze, stick, sting, swindle de-grade \di-'grad\ vb 1 + : to reduce from a higher to a
victimize - more at FLEECE '
lower rank or degree 2 a + : to bring to low esteem or
into disrepute b + : to drag down in moral or intellectual
de-fray \di-'fra\ vb: to provide for the payment of: PAY-
de-frayoaln character: DEBASE 3: DECOMPOSE
de-frock \(,)de-'frak\ vb : to deprive (as a priest) of the + [1] break, bust, demote, downgrade, reduce - more
right to exercise the functions of office at DEMOTE + [2a] abase, debase, demean, discredit, dis-
de-frost \di-'frost\ vb 1 : to thaw out 2: to free from ice grace, dishonor (or dishonour), humble, humiliate,
- de-frost-er n lower, shame, smirch, take down - more at HUMBLE
deft \'deft\ adl + : characterized by facility and skill- + [2b] debase, degrade, demean, demoralize, humble,
deftolyadv subvert, warp - more at DEBASE
+ clever, cunning, dexterous, handy - more at DEX- degrading adj + : that degrades
TEROUS + contemptuous, derogatory, disdainful, scornful, un-
deft-ness \-nas\ n + : the quality or state of being deft complimentary - more at DEROGATORV
agility, dexterity, nimbleness, sleight - more at DEX- de-gree \di-'gre\ n [ME, fr. AF degre, fr. VL degradus, fro
TERITY + adeptness, adroitness, art, artfulness, artifice,
L de- down + gradus step, grade] 1 + : a step in a series
artistry, cleverness, craft, cunning, masterfulness,skill 2 + : a rank or grade of official, ecclesiastical, or social
- more at SKILL position; also: the civil condition of a person 3: the ex-
de-funct \di-'fal)kt\ adi + : no longer living, existing, or tent, intensity, or scope of something esp. as measured by
functioning a graded series 4: one of the forms or sets of forms used
+ bygone, dead, extinct, gone - more at EXTINCT in the comparison of an adjective or adverb 5: a title
conferred upon students by a college, university, or pro-
de-fuse \de-'fyiiz\ vb 1 : to remove the fuse from (as a fessional school on completion of a program of study
bomb) 2: to make less harmful, potent, or tense 6 : a line or space of the musical staff; also: a note or tone
de-fy \di-'fi\ vb de-fied; de-fyoing[ME, to renounce faith in, of a musical scale 7: a unit of measure for angles that is
challenge, fro AF desfier, defier, fro de- from + fier to en- equal to an angle with its vertex at the center of a circle
trust, ultim. fro L fidere to trust] 1 + : to challenge to do and its sides cutting off '/'60 of the circumference; also: a
something considered impossible : DARE 2 + : to refuse unit of measure for arcs of a circle that is equal to the
boldly to obey or to yield to <'" the law) 3 + : to resist amount of arc extending '/'60 of the circumference 8: any
attempts at : WITHSTAND <a scene that defies description) of various units for measuring temperature
+ [l] challenge, dare - more at CHALLENGE
+ [1] cut, grade, inch, notch, peg, phase, point, stage,
+ [2] beard, brave, brazen, confront, dare, face- step; also amount, measure, plane; decrement, incre-
more at FACE + [3] buck, fight, oppose, repel resist ment + [2] footing, level, place, position, rank, situa-
withstand - more at RESIST "
tion, standing, station, status - more at RANK
deg abbr degree
de-horn \de-'horn \ vb : to deprive of horns
de-gas \de-'gas\ vb : to remove gas from
de-genoeroa-cy \di-'je-na-ra-se\ n, p/ -cies 1 : the state of be- de-hu-rnan-lze \de-'hyli-ma-,niz\ vb : to deprive of human
ing degenerate 2 + : the process of becoming degenerate qualities, personality, or spirit - de-hu-man-i-za-tlon \,de-
,hyli-ma-na-'za-shan\ n
de-huomidoiofy \,de-hyli-'mi-da-,fi\ vb : to remove moisture
corruption, debasement, debauchery, decadence, de- from (as the air) - de-huomidoiofi-ern
g~ne~ation, degradation, demoralization, depravity, dis- de-hy-drate\de-'hi-,drat\ vb + : to remove water from; a/so
sipation, dissoluteness, perversion - more at
: to lose liquid - de-hyodraotion \,de-hi-'dra-shan\ n
'de-genoeroate\di-'je-na-rat\ adj + : fallen or deteriorated + dry, parch, sear - more at DRY
from a former, higher, or normal condition - de-genoer- de-hyodro-ge-naotion \,de-(,)hi-,dra-ja-'na-shan, -dro-v n
a-tlve \-'je-na-,ra-tiv\ alii : the removal of hydrogen from a chemical compound -
corrupt, debauched, decadent, dissolute, perverse, de-hyodro-ge-nate \,de-(,)hi-'dra-ja-,nat, de-'hi-dra-ja-\ vb
perverted, reprobate - more at CORRUPT de-ice \de-'is\ vb : to keep free or rid of ice - de-ic-er n
2de-genoeroate \di-'je-na-,rat\ vb + : to undergo deteriora- de-l-fl-ca-tion \,de-a-fa-'ka-shan \ n +: the act or an in-
tion (as in morality, intelligence, structure, or function) stance of deifying
+ decay, decline, descend, deteriorate, ebb, rot, sink, + adulation, idolatry, worship - more at WORSHIP
worsen - more at DETERIORATE de-iofy \'de-a-,fi\ vb -fied; -fyoing 1 a : to make a god of
3de-genoeroate \-rat\ n + : a degenerate person; esp : a sexual b + : to treat as an object of worship 2 + : to glorify as of
pervert supreme worth; also : WORSHIP
+ decadent, libertine, pervert, profligate; a/so delin- + [Ib] adore, canonize, dote on, idolize, worship-
quent, derelict, incorrigible; blackguard, cad, heel, more at IDOLIZE + [2] adore, glorify, revere, venerate,
knave, rascal, miscreant, reprobate, rogue, scoundrel, worship - more at WORSHIP
villain; playboy, satyr deign \'dan\ vb [ME, fr. AF deigner, fr. L dignare, dignari,
de-genoeroaotion \di-Je-na-'ra-shan \ n +: the process of fro dignus worthy] : CONDESCEND
passing from a higher to a lower type de-ion-ize \de-'i-a-,niz\ vb : to remove ions from
deism 212
de-ism \'de-,i-zam\ n, often cap: a system of thought advo- + commission, deputize; also assign, charge; appoint,
cating natural religion based on human morality and rea- designate, name, nominate
son rather than divine revelation - de-ist \'de-ist\ n, del-e-qa-tion \,de-li-'ga-shan\ n 1 + : the act of delegating
often cap - de-ls-tlc \de-'is-tik\ adj 2 : one or more persons chosen to represent others
de-i.ty \'de-a-te, 'da-\ n, pi -tles 1 + : the quality or state of + authorization, commission, license (or licence), man-
being divine: DIVINITY 2 cap + : the Being worshipped as date - more at COMMISSION
the creator and ruler of the universe: GOD 1 3: a god or de-lete \di-'Iet\ vb de-let-ed; [L deletus, pp. of
goddess delete to wipe out, destroy] : to eliminate esp. by blotting
+ [I] divinity, godhead - more at DIVINITY + Deity out, cutting out, or erasing - de-le-tion Vle-shan\ n
[2] Almighty, Jehovah, Supreme Being del-e-te-rl-ous \,de-Ia-'tir-e-as\ adj + : harmful often in a
de-jil vu \,da-,zhii-'vii\ n [p, adi., already seen] : the feeling subtle or unexpected way: NOXIOUS
that one has seen or heard something before
de-ject-ed \di-'jek-tad\ adj + : low in spirits: SAD - de-ject-
+ adverse, bad, baleful, baneful, damaging, detrimen-
tal, evil, harmful, hurtful, ill, injurious, mischievous,
noxious, pernicious, prejudicial - more at HARMFUL
+ bad, blue, depressed, despondent, disconsolate,
delft \'delft\ n 1 : a Dutch pottery with an opaque white
down, forlorn, gloomy, glum, low, melancholy, miser-
glaze and predominantly blue decoration 2: glazed pot-
able, mournful, sad, unhappy
tery esp. when blue and white
de-jec-tion \di-'jek-shan\ n + : lowness of spirits
delft.ware \-,wer\ n : DELFT
+ blues, depression, desolation, despondency, dol-
deli \'de-le\ n, pi del-ls : DELICATESSEN
drums, dumps, forlornness, gloom, heartsickness,
melancholy, sadness - more at SADNESS 'deolib-erate \di-'Ii-ba-,rat\ vb -at-ed; -at-lnq + : to consider
de [u-re \de-'jur-e\ adv or adj [ML] : by legal right carefully - de-nb-er-a-nve \-'li-ba-,ra-tiv, -bra-tivv adj -
deka-gram \'de-ka-,gram\ n : a metric unit of measure de-lib-er-a-tive-ly adv
equal to 10 grams + chew over, cogitate, consider, contemplate, debate,
deka-ll-ter \-,Ie-tar\ n : a metric unit of measure equal to 10 entertain, meditate, mull, ponder, question, ruminate,
liters study, think, weigh - more at PONDER
deka-me-ter \-,me-tar\ n : a metric unit of measure equal to 2deolib-er.ate \di-'li-ba-rat, -'Ii-brat\ adj [L deliberare to con-
10 meters sider carefully, fro libra scale, pound] 1 + : determined af-
del abbr delegate; delegation ter careful thought 2 +: done or said intentionally
Del abbr Delaware 3 : UNHURRIED, SLOW - de-ub-er-ate-nees n
Del.a.ware \'de-Ia-,war\ n, pi Delaware or Delawares: a + [1] advised, calculated, measured, reasoned, studied,
member of an American Indian people orig. of the thoughtful, thought-out; also aforethought, premedi-
Delaware valley; also : their language tated; educated, informed; intentional, purposeful; de-
'de-lay \di-'Ia\ n 1 : the act of delaying : the state of being signed, intended, planned, projected; careful, meticu-
delayed 2: the time for which something is delayed lous; foresighted, provident, prudent Ant casual + [2]
2delay vb 1 + : to put off to a later time: POSTPONE 2 + : to freewill, intentional, purposeful, voluntary, willful, will-
stop, detain, or hinder for a time 3 + : to move or act ing; also intended, planned; conscious; considered, rea-
slowly soned; premeditated; optional, volunteer Ant coerced,
+ [I] defer, hold up, postpone, put off, shelve - more forced, involuntary, unintentional
at POSTPONE + [2] encumber, hamper, hinder, hold up, de-lib-er-ate-ly \-le\ adv + : in a deliberate manner
impede, inhibit, interfere with, obstruct, tie up - more + consciously, intentionally, knowingly, purposely,
at HAMPER + [3] crawl, creep, dally, dawdle, dillydally, willfully - more at INTENTIONALLY
drag, lag, linger, loiter, poke, tarry; also hang around, de-lib-er-a-tlon \di-,li-ba-'ra-shan\ n 1 + : the act of delib-
hang out, idle, loaf, loll, lounge; amble, ease, inch, lum- erating 2: the quality or state of being deliberate
ber, plod, saunter, shuffle, stagger, stroll; decelerate,
slow (down or up); filibuster, procrastinate, stall, tem- + consideration, debate, thought - more at CONSIDERA-
TION + argument, colloquy, conference, discourse, dis-
porize Ant hurry, run, rush, speed
cussion, give-and-take, parley, talk - more at
de-lec-ta-ble \di-'Iek-ta-bal\ adi 1 + : highly pleasing: DE-
LIGHTFUL 2 + : very pleasing to the taste or smell: DELI-
del-i-ca-cy \'de-li-b-se\ n, pl-cies 1 + : something pleasing
to eat and considered rare or luxurious 2 a + : the qual-
+ [1] agreeable, congenial, delicious, delightful,
ity or state of being dainty: FINENESS b: the quality or
dreamy, felicitous, good, grateful, gratifying, nice,
palatable, pleasant, pleasurable, satisfying + [2] am- state of being frail: FRAILTY 3: nicety or expressiveness
brosial, appetizing, delicious, flavorful (or flavourful), of touch 4 a : precise perception and discrimination
luscious, palatable, savory, scrumptious, tasty, tooth- b + : extreme sensitivity and precision 5: sensibility in
some, yummy - more at DELICIOUS feeling or conduct; also: SQUEAMISHNESS 6: the quality or
de-lec-ta-tion \,de-,Iek-'ta-shan\ n 1 + : a high degree of state of requiring delicate handling
gratification 2 + : something that gives great pleasure + [1] dainty, goody, tidbit, treat; also morsel, candy,
: DELIGHT dessert, junket, sweet, sweetmeat + [2a] daintiness,
+ contentment, delight, enjoyment, gladness, gratifica- fineness. fragility; also flimsiness Ant coarseness, cru-
tion, pleasure, relish, satisfaction - more at PLEASURE dity, roughness, rudeness + [4b] accuracy, closeness,
'del-e-gate Vde-li-gat, -,gat\ n 1 + : a person acting for an- exactness, fineness, precision, veracity - more at PRE-
other 2: a member of the lower house of the legislature CISION
of Maryland, Virginia, or West Virginia del-i-cate \'de-li-kat\ adj 1 : pleasing to the senses of taste
+ ambassador, emissary, envoy, legate, minister, repre- or smell esp. in a mild or subtle way 2 + : marked by
sentative - more at AMBASSADOR + agent, attorney, daintiness or charm : EXQUISITE 3 a : difficult to please
commissary, deputy, envoy, factor, proxy, representa- : FASTIDIOUS b: SQUEAMISH 4 a + : easily damaged: FRAG-
tive - more at AGENT ILE b: not robust in health or constitution: SICKLY
2del-e-gate \-,gat\ vb -gat-ed; 1 : to assign (as re- 5 + : requiring skill or tact 6 + : marked by care, skill, or
sponsibility or power to act or make decisions) to another tact 7 + : marked by minute precision: very sensitive -
<'" authority) 2 + : to appoint as one's delegate det-l-cate-ly adv
213 deluding
[2] dainty, exquisite, gentle, mild, refined, subtle; cartoon, drawing, sketch - more at DRAWING. de-
also choice, elegant, extraordinary, incomparable, peer- piction, description, picture, portrait, portrayal, sketch
less, preeminent, prime, rare, select, superior, superla- - more at DESCRIPTION
tive, supreme, transcendent, unsurpassed; picked, de-lln-quen-cy \di-'Iil)-kwan-se\ n, pl-cies : the quality or
selected; fine, fragile, frail Ant robust, strong, sturdy state of being delinquent
[2] choice, dainty, elegant, exquisite, rare, select- default, dereliction, failure, neglect, negligence, over-
more at CHOICE [4a] breakable, fragile, frail - more sight - more at FAILURE
at FRAGILE. [5] catchy, difficult, knotty, problematic, 'de-linoquent v-kwantv n : a delinquent person
spiny, thorny, ticklish, touchy, tough, tricky - more at 2delinquent adj 1 : offending by neglect or violation of duty
TRICKY. [6] exact, fine, minute, nice, refined, subtle - or of law 2 : being overdue in payment
more at FINE [7] acute, keen, perceptive, sensitive,
behind, belated, late, overdue, tardy - more at LATE
sharp - more at ACUTE
del-l-quesce \,de-li-'kwes\ vb -quesced; -quesc-inq : to
delioeatessen \,de-li-ka-'tes-'n\ n pi [G, pl. of Delicatesse
dissolve or melt away - del-l-ques-cent \-'kwes-'nt\ adi
delicacy, fro F delicatessei 1 : ready-to-eat food products
flux, fuse, liquefy, melt, run, thaw - more at LIQ-
(as cooked meats and prepared salads) 2 sing, pi deli-
catessens : a store where delicatessen are sold
de-lir-l-ous \-e-as\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of
de-ll-clous \di-'Ii-shas\ adj 1 : affording great pleasure: DE- delirium 2 : affected with or marked by delirium - de-
LIGHTFUL 2 : appealing to one of the bodily senses esp. lir.i-ous.lyadv
of taste or smell
feverish, fierce, frantic, frenetic, frenzied, furious,
ambrosial, appetizing, delectable, flavorful (or mad, rabid, violent, wild - more at FURIOUS
flavourfuJ), luscious, palatable, savory, scrumptious, de-llr-l-um \di-'lir-e-am\ n [L, fro delirare to be crazy, lit., to
tasty, toothsome, yummy; also digestible, eatable, edi- leave the furrow (in plowing), fro de- from + lira furrow]
ble; delightful, heavenly, pleasing; agreeable, gratifying, 1 : mental disturbance marked by confusion, disordered
pleasant; satisfying; choice, dainty, delicate, exquisite, speech, and hallucinations 2 : frenzied excitement
rare Ant flat, flavorless, insipid, stale, tasteless, unappe-
agitation, distraction, frenzy, furor, fury, hysteria,
tizing, unpalatable rage. rampage, uproar - more at FRENZY
deolioeious-Iy \-Ie\ adv 1 : in a delicious manner 2 : so as to delirium tre-mens \-'tre-manz, -'tre-\ n : a violent delirium
produce delight with tremors that is induced by excessive and prolonged
de-ll-clous-ness \-nas\ n : the quality or state of being use of alcoholic liquors
delicious de-nv-er \di-'li-var\ vb -ered; 1 : to set free: res-
lusciousness, palatability, savor, tastiness cue from actual or feared evil: SAVE 2 : to take and
'deolight \di-'lit\ n 1 .: great pleasure or satisfaction hand over to or leave for another: TRANSFER <"'-'
a letter)
2 : something that gives great pleasure 3 : to assist in giving birth or at the birth of; also : to give
birth to 4: UTTER, COMMUNICATE 5: to send to an in-
[1] delectation, joy, kick, manna, pleasure, treat; also tended target or destination 6 : to produce the prom-
amusement, diversion, entertainment, fun; comfort, re- ised, desired, or expected results - de-ltv-er-able
lief, solace; gratification, indulgence; ambrosia. [1, 2]
\-'li-v(a- jro-balv adj
contentment, delectation, enjoyment, gladness, gratifi-
cation, pleasure, relish, satisfaction - more at PLEASURE [1] rescue, save - more at SAVE [2] commend,
commit, consign, entrust, give, hand over, leave, pass,
2delight vb 1 .: to take great pleasure 2.: to satisfy
transfer, transmit, trust, tum over, vest - more at GIVE
greatly: PLEASE [6] click, go over, pan out, succeed, work out-
[1] crow, exult, glory, joy, rejoice, triumph - more more at SUCCEED
at EXULT usu delight in [1] adore, dig, enjoy, fancy, deolivoerance \di-'li-v(a- )ran(t)s\ n 1 : the act of delivering
groove, like, love, relish, revel - more at ENJOY someone or something : the state of being delivered
[2] content, gladden, gratify, please, rejoice, satisfy, 2 : something delivered; esp : an opinion or decision (as
suit, warm - more at PLEASE the verdict of a jury) expressed publicly
deolightoed adj : highly pleased: GRATIFIED - deolightoed- rescue, salvation - more at SALVATION
Iyadv de-liv-er-er \-ar\ n : one that delivers
blissful, glad, happy, joyful, pleased - more at GLAD redeemer, rescuer, savior - more at SAVIOR
deolightoful \-fal\ adi : affording great pleasure and satis- de-livoery \di-'li-va-re\ n, pi -er-les : the act or manner of
faction delivering something; also: something delivered - de-llv-
agreeable, congenial, delectable, delicious, dreamy, erY'man \-,man\ n
felicitous, good, grateful, gratifying, nice, palatable, discharge, quietus, quittance, release - more at RE-
pleasant, pleasurable, satisfying amusing, diverting, LEASE childbirth, labor (or labour) - more at CHILD-
enjoyable, entertaining, fun, pleasurable - more at BIRTH
FUN dell \'del\ n : a small secluded valley \-fa-Ie\ adv : in a delightful manner de-louse \de-'laUs\ vb : to remove lice from
agreeably, favorably (or favourably), felicitously, glo- del-phln-l-urn \del-'fi-ne-am\ n : any of a genus of mostly
riously, nicely, pleasantly, pleasingly, satisfyingly, perennial herbs related to the buttercups with tall
splendidly, well branching spikes of irregular flowers
de-lim-it \di-'li-mat\ vb : to mark the limits of del-ta \'del-ta\ n 1 : the 4th letter of the Greek alphabet -
6 or 0 2: something shaped like a capital A; esp : the tri-
bound, circumscribe, define, demarcate, limit, mark,
angular silt-formed land at the mouth of a river - del-ta-
terminate - more at LlMrr
ic \del-'tii-ik\ adi
de-lin-eate \di-'li-ne-,iit\ vb -eatoed; -eating 1 : to mark deltoid \'del-,t6id\ n : a large triangular muscle that cov-
the outline of : SKETCH 2 : to picture in words: DESCRIBE ers the shoulder joint and raises the arm laterally
[1] define, outline, silhouette, sketch, trace - more de-lude \di-'Iiid\ vb de-lud-ed; de-Iud'ing : to mislead the
at OUTLINE [2] depict, describe, draw, image, paint, mind or judgment of : DECEIVE
picture, portray, sketch - more at DESCRIBE beguile, bluff, cozen, deceive, dupe, fool, gull, have,
de-tln-ea-ttcn \di-,li-ne-'ii-shan\ n 1 : the act of delineating hoax, hoodwink, humbug, misinform, mislead, string
2 : something made by delineating along, take in, trick - more at DECEIVE
deluge 214
'del.uge \'del-yiij\ n 1 +: a flooding of land by water + : to fix or define the limits of : DELIMIT 2: to set apart
2 + : a drenching rain 3: a great amount or number : DISTINGUISH
+ [1] cataclysm, cataract, flood, inundation, overflow, + bound, circumscribe, define, delimit, limit, mark, ter-
spate, torrent - more at FLOOD + [2] cloudburst, minate - more at LIMIT
downpour, rain, rainstorm, storm, wet - more at RAIN de-mer-ca-tlcn\,de-,mlir-'ka-sh;ln \ n + : the act or process
2deluge vb deluged; 1 + : to overflow with wa- of demarcating; also : the result of demarcating
ter : INUNDATE 2: to overwhelm as if with a deluge + discrimination, distinction, separation - more at
+ drown, engulf, flood, inundate, overflow, overwhelm, SEPARATION
submerge, swamp - more at FLOOD de.marche or de-marche \da-'mlirsh\ n : a course of action
de-lu-slon \di-'Iii-zh;m\ n + : a deluding or being deluded; : MANEUVER
esp : a persistent false psychotic belief - de-tu-sfcn-at 'de-mean \di-'men\ vb de-meaned; de-mean-lnq + : to be-
\-'Iii-zh;l-n;ll\ adj have or conduct (oneself) usu. in a proper manner
+ chimera, conceit, daydream, dream, fancy, fantasy, + acquit, bear, behave, comport, conduct, deport, quit
figment, hallucination, illusion, phantasm, pipe dream, - more at BEHAVE
unreality, vision 2demean vb de-meaned; de-mean-lnq + : to lower in charac-
de-tu-slve \di-'Iii-siv\ adj 1 + : likely to delude 2: consti- ter, status, or reputation: DEGRADE
tuting a delusion + debase, degrade, demean, demoralize, humble, sub-
+ deceitful, deceptive, fallacious, false, misleading, spe- vert, warp - more at DEBASE
cious - more at DECEPTlVE de-mean-or of Can and Brit de-mean-our \di-'me-n;lr\ n
de-luxe \di-'hiks, -'I;lks, -'Iiiks\ adj + : notably luxurious or + : behavior toward others : BEARING
elegant + actions, bearing, behavior (or behaviour), comport-
+ lavish, luxuriant, luxurious, opulent, palatial, plush, ment, conduct, deportment - more at BEHAVIOR
sumptuous - more at LUXURIOUS de-ment-ed\di-'men-t;ld\ adj : disordered in mind: INSANE
delve \'delv\ vb delved; 1 : to dig or labor with or - de-ment-ed-lyadv
as if with a spade 2 + : to seek laboriously for informa- de-men-tia\di-'men-ch;l\ n 1 : deterioration of cognitive
tion functioning (as in Alzheimer'S disease) 2 + : a deranged
state of the mind : INSANITY
+ usu delve into dig, explore, go, inquire into, investi-
gate, look, probe, research - more at EXPLORE + aberration, derangement, insanity, lunacy, madness,
dely abbr delivery mania - more at INSANITY
Oem abbr Democrat; Democratic de-mer-It\di-'mer-;lt\ n 1 + : a quality that deserves blame
de-maq-ne-tize \dt'!-'mag-n;l-,tiz\ vb : to cause to lose mag- or lacks merit: FAULT 2 : a mark placed against a person's
netic properties - de-maq-ne-ti-za-tion \de-,mag-n;l-t;l- record for some fault or offense
'za-sh;ln\ n + failing, fault, foible, frailty, shortcoming, vice, weak-
dern-a-qoque also dem.aogog\'de-m;l-,glig\ n [Ok demagii- ness - more at FAULT
gos, fro demos people + agogos leading, fro agein to lead] de-mesne \di-'miin, -'men\ n 1 : manorial land actually
+ : a person who appeals to the emotions and prejudices possessed by the lord and not held by free tenants 2
of people esp, in order to gain political power - dern-a- a + : the land attached to a mansion b: ESTATE 3 + : an
goguoery\-,gli-g;l-re\ n - dem.aogogy\-,gli-ge, -,gli-je\ n indeterminate geographic area : REGION 4: a sphere of
knowledge, influence, or activity: REALM
+ agitator, firebrand, incendiary, inciter, rabble-rouser
- more at AGITATOR + [2a] grounds, park, premises, yard + [3] area, field,
region, zone - more at REGION
'de-mand \di-'mand\ n 1 +: an act of demanding; also
: something claimed as due or just 2: the ability and de- demiogod\'de-mi-,glid\ n : a mythological being with more
sire to buy goods or services; also : the quantity of goods power than a mortal but less than a god
wanted at a stated price 3: a seeking or being sought af- demi-john \'de-mi-Jlin\ n [F dame-jeanne, lit., Lady Jane]
ter : urgent need 4 + : a pressing need or requirement : a large narrow-necked bottle usu. enclosed in wicker-
+ [1] claim, dun, requisition; also desire, request, want, de-mil-l-ta-rize \de-'mi-I;I-t;l-,riz\ vb : to strip of military
wish; drive, need, requirement, stipulation; basic, essen- forces, weapons, or fortifications - de-mll-i-tar-l-za-tlon
tial, must; imposition; condition, provision + [4] condi- \de-,mi-I;l-t;l-r;l-'za-sh;ln\ n
tion, essential, must, necessity, need, requirement, deml-mon-dalne\,de-mi-,mlin-'diin\ n : a woman of the
requisite - more at ESSENTIAL demimonde
2demand vb 1 + : to ask for with authority: claim as due or dernl-monde\'de-mi-,mlind\ n [F demi-monde, fro demi-
just 2: to ask earnestly or in the manner of a command half + monde world] 1 : a class of women on the fringes
3 + : to call for as useful or necessary: REQUIRE <a patient of respectable society supported by wealthy lovers 2: a
who -sconstant care> distinct isolated group having low reputation or prestige
+ [1] call, claim, clamor (or clamour), command, en- de-min-er-al-ize \de-'mi-n;l-r;l-,Iiz\ vb : to remove the min-
join, exact, insist, press, quest, stipulate (for); also ask, eral matter from - de-min-er-al-i-za-tion\-,mi-n;l-r;l-I;l-
plead (for), request, want; cry (for), necessitate, need, 'za-shanx n
require, take, warrant; requisition; impose; badger, de-mise \di-'miz\ n 1 : LEASE 2 : transfer of sovereignty to
dun, hound + [3] necessitate, need, require, take, want, a successor <- of the crown> 3 a + : a permanent cessa-
warrant - more at NEED tion of all vital functions: DEATH b + : a cessation of ex- adj 1 + : requiring much time, effort, or at- istence or activity 4 : loss of status
tention 2 + : difficult in making demands + [3a] death, expiration, termination - more at DEATH
+ [l] arduous, burdensome, challenging, exacting, gru- + [3b] death, decease, doorn, end, passing, quietus-
eling, laborious, onerous, taxing, toilsome; also diffi- more at DEATH
cult, formidable, hard, herculean, rough, rugged, stiff, demi-tasse \'de-mi-,tas\ n : a small cup of black coffee;
strenuous, tough; oppressive, trying; rigid, rigorous, se- also: the cup used to serve it
vere, stern, strict, stringent Ant light, undemanding demo Vde-mo', n, pi demos 1 : DEMONSTRATION 2 : a prod-
+ [2] choosy, dainty, delicate, exacting, fastidious, uct used to show performance or merits to prospective
finicky, fussy, nice, old-maidish, particular, picky- buyers 3: a recording used to show off a song or per-
more at FINICKY former
de-mar-cate \di-'mlir-,kat, 'de-,mlir-\ vb -cat-ed; de-rno-bl-llze \di-'mo-b;l-,liz, de-v vb 1 : DISBAND 2: to dis-
215 demurrer
charge from military service - de-mo-el-n-ea-nen \di- de-rncn-stra-ble \di-'man-str:l-b:ll\ adj 1 : capable of be-
.mo-bo-la-tza-shan, de-\ n ing demonstrated 2: APPARENT, EVIDENT - de-mon-stra-
de-moc-ra-cy \di-'ma-kra-se\ n, pi -eies [MF democratie, fro bly \-ble\ adv
LL democratia, fro Ok demokratia. fro demos people + provable, supportable, sustainable, verifiable -
kratos strength, power) 1 : government by the people; esp more at VERIFIABLE
: rule of the majority 2: a government in which the dem-on-strate Vde-mon-jstratv vb -strat-ed; -strat-inq
supreme power is held by the people 3: a political unit 1 : to show clearly 2 : to prove or make clear by rea-
that has a democratic government 4 cap : the principles soning or evidence 3 : to explain esp. with many exam-
and policies of the Democratic party in the U.S. 5: the ples 4: to show publicly <- a new car> 5: to make a
common people esp. when constituting the source of po-
litical authority 6: the absence of hereditary or arbitrary
public display <- in protest> - dem-cn-stra-tor \'de-
man-jstra-tarv n
class distinctions or privileges [1) establish, prove, show, substantiate - more at ES-
dem-o-crat Vde-ms-jkratv n 1: one who believes in or TABLISH (2) document, establish, prove, substantiate,
practices democracy 2 cap : a member of the Democra- validate - more at PROVE. [3] clarify, clear (up), con-
tic party of the U.S. strue, elucidate, explain, explicate, expound, illumi-
dem-o-crat-ic \,de-ma-'kra-tik\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or nate, illustrate, interpret, spell out - more at EXPLAIN
favoring democracy 2 often cap : of or relating to one of dem-on-stra-tton \,de-m:ln-'stra-sh:ln \ n 1 : an act, process,
the two major political parties in the U.S. associated in or means of demonstrating to the intelligence 2 : an
modern times with policies of broad social reform and in- outward expression or display
ternationalism 3: relating to or appealing to the common
people <- art> 4: not snobbish - dem-o-crat-i-cal-ly \-ti-
display, exhibition, show - more at SHOW
'de-monstrative \di-'man-str:l-tiv\ adj 1 : demonstrating as
k(a- )Ie\ adv
real or true 2: characterized by demonstration 3: point-
popular, republican, self-governing; also representa-
ing out the one referred to and distinguishing it from oth-
tive, libertarian Ant undemocratic
de-moc-ra-nze \di-'ma-kra-,tiz\ vb -tized; : to make
ers of the same class <- pronoun> 4.: marked by
display of feeling : EFFUSIVE - de-mcn-stra-tlve-ly adv -
de-mon-etra-tlve-ness n \,da-mo-'da\ adj [F] : no longer fashionable
: OUT-{)F-DATE effusive, emotional, uninhibited, unreserved, unre-
strained; also dramatic, histrionic, melodramatic, theatri-
de-rno-qraph-lcs \,de-ma-'gra-fiks, ,de-\ n pi : the statistical
cal; communicative, expansive; extroverted, outgoing; af-
characteristics of human populations
fectionate, loving, passionate, warm; blunt, candid, frank,
de-mog.ra.phy \di-'ma-gra-fe\ n : the statistical study of
outspoken, plain Ant inhibited, reserved, restrained. un-
human populations and esp. their size and distribution
demonstrative, unemotional
and the number of births and deaths - de-mog-ra-pher
2demonstrative n : a demonstrative word and esp. a pro-
\-far\ n - \,de-m:l-'gra-fik, ,de-\ aqj-
noun \-fi-k(:I- )Ie\ adv
dem-el-seue \,dem-w;l-'zel\ n [F] : a young woman
de-mor-at-l-za-tlcn \di-,mor-;l-l:l-'za-sh:ln\ n : the act or
process of demoralizing: a demoralized state
de-mol-Ish \di-'ma-Iish\ vb 1 : to destroy to the ground
: RAZE 2 : to break to pieces: SMASH 3 : to put an end corruption, debasement, debauchery, decadence, de-
to generacy, degeneration, degradation, depravity, dissipa-
tion, dissoluteness, perversion - more at CORRUPTION
[1, 3) annihilate, blot out, desolate, destroy, devas-
despair, despondency, discouragement, dismay-
tate, do in, exterminate, extinguish, obliterate, pulver-
ize, ruin, shatter, smash, tear down, waste, wipe out,
de-mcr-al-lze \di-'mor-;l-,Iiz\ vb 1 : to corrupt in morals
wreck - more at DESTROY (2) blast, blow up, burst,
explode, pop, shatter, smash - more at BLAST 2 : to weaken in discipline or spirit
de-mo-ll-tlon \,de-m:l-'Ii-sh:ln, ,de-\ n : the act of demol- [1) debase, degrade, demean, demoralize, humble,
ishing; esp : destruction by means of explosives subvert, warp - more at DEBASE (2) daunt, discour-
age, dishearten, dismay, dispirit, unman, unnerve-
annihilation, desolation, destruction, devastation,
havoc, loss, obliteration, ruin, wastage, wreckage-
de-mote \di-'mot\ vb de-mot-ed; : to reduce to
a lower grade or rank - de-mo-non \-'mo-sh:ln\ n
de-mon or dae-mon Vde-manv n 1 : an evil spirit: DEVIL
2 usu daemon: an attendant power or spirit 3: one that break, bust, degrade, downgrade, reduce; also dis-
has unusual drive or effectiveness miss, fire, layoff, sack; abase. debase, demean, humble,
humiliate, lower Ant advance, elevate, promote, raise
devil, fiend, ghoul, imp; also apparition, bogey, famil-
de-mot-ic \di-'ma-tik\ adi : COMMON, POPULAR
iar, ghost, phantasm, phantom, poltergeist, shade,
shadow, specter, spirit, spook, vision, wraith; brownie, 'de-mur \di-'m:lr\ vb de-murred; de-mur-ring [ME demuren,
dwarf, elf, faerie, fairy, fay, gnome, goblin, gremlin, demeren to linger, fro AF demurer, demoerer, fro L demor-
hobgoblin, leprechaun, pixie, puck, sprite, troll; mon- ari, fro morari to linger, fr. mora delay) : to take excep-
ster, ogre tion : OBJECT
de-mon-e-tize \de-'ma-n:l-,tiz, -'m:l-\ vb : to stop using as kick, object, protest, remonstrate - more at OBJECT
money or as a monetary standard <- silver> - de-mon- 2demur n 1 : hesitation (as in doing or accepting) usu. based
e-tl-za-tlon \de-,ma-n:rt:l-'za-sh:ln, -,m:l-\ n on doubt of the acceptability of something offered or
de-mo-nl-ac \di-'mo-ne-,ak\ also de-me-nt-a-cat \,de-m:l-'ni- proposed 2 : the act or an instance of objecting - de-
:I-k:ll\ adj 1 : possessed or influenced by a demon 2: of, mur-rat \-:11\ n
relating to, or suggestive of a demon : DEVILISH challenge, complaint, expostulation, fuss, kick, ob-
de-mon-ic \di-'ma-nik\ also de-mon-l-eal \-ni-k:ll\ adj jection, protest, question, remonstrance - more at OB-
: of, relating to, or suggestive of a demon: FIENDISH JECTION
devilish, diabolical, fiendish, satanic - more at de-mure \di-'mylir\ adj 1 : Quietly modest 2 : affect-
FIENDISH edly modest, reserved, or serious - de-mure-Iy adv
de-monize \'de-m:l-,niz\ vb -ized; -iz.lng 1 : to convert into [l) humble, lowly, meek, modest, retiring, shy, unas-
a demon 2: to characterize or treat as evil or harmful suming, unpretentious - more at HUMBLE [2] co-
de-mon-ol-o-gy \,de-m:r'na-I;l-je\ n 1 : the study of demons quettish, coy, kittenish - more at COY
2 : belief in demons de-mur-rer \di-'m:lr-ar\ n : a claim by the defendant in a le-
den 216
gal action that the plaintiff does not have sufficient de-nounce \di-'nauns\ vb deonounced; de-nounc-inq
grounds to proceed 1 : to pronounce esp, publicly to be blameworthy or
den \'den\ n 1 : the lair of a wild usu. predatory animal evil 2: to inform against: ACCUSE 3: to announce for-
2 : a refuge or place for hiding : HIDEOUT <a robber's mally the termination of (as a treaty) - de-nounce-ment
->; also: a place like a hideout or a center of secret ac- n
tivity <opium -> <a - of iniquity> 3: a cozy private lit- censure, condemn, damn, decry, reprehend, repro-
tle room bate - more at CONDEMN blame, criticize, fault,
[1] burrow, hole, lair, lodge; also nest [2] conceal- knock, pan - more at CRITICIZE
ment, covert, hideout, lair, nest - more at HIDEOUT de no-vo\di-'no-vo\ adv or adj [L] : over again: ANEW
Den abbr Denmark dense \'dens\ adj dens-er: dens-est 1 : marked by com-
de-na-ture \de-'na-ch:lr\ vb de-na-tured; de-na-tur-lnq : to pactness or crowding together of parts: THICK <- forest>
remove or change the natural qualities of; esp : to make <a - fog> 2 : slow to understand: STUPID - dense-ly
(alcohol) unfit for drinking adv
denodrol-o-gy \den-'dra-I:l-je\ n : the study of trees - den- [1] close, compact, crowded, packed, serried, thick,
drol-o-gist \-jist\ n tight - more at CLOSE. [2] dull, dumb, obtuse, simple,
den-gue Vden-ge, -,ga\ n [Sp] : an acute infectious disease slow, stupid, thick
characterized by headache, severe joint pain, and rash dense-ness \-nas\ n : the quality or state of being dense
de-ni-al \di-'ni-:ll\ n 1 : rejection of a request 2 : re-
fusal to admit the truth of a statement or charge; also: as- dopiness, obtuseness, stupidity
sertion that something alleged is false 3: DISAVOWAL den-si-ty Vden-sa-tev n, pi -ties 1 : the quality or state of
4 : restriction on one's own activity or desires being dense 2: the quantity of something per unit vol-
[I] disallowance, nay, no, refusal, rejection; also de- ume, unit area, or unit length
cline, rebuff, repudiation; negative Ant allowance, grant dent \'dent\ n 1 .: a small depressed place made by a
[2] contradiction, disallowance, disavowal, dis- blow or by pressure 2: an impression or weakening ef-
claimer, negation, rejection, repudiation; also disproof, fect made usu. against resistance 3: initial progress-
rebuttal, refutation; negative Ant acknowledgment, ad- dent vb
mission, avowal, confirmation cavity, concavity, depression, hole, hollow, indenta-
de-nier\'den-Y:lr\ n : a unit of fineness for yam tion, pit, recess - more at HOLE
den.i-grate\'de-ni-,grat\ vb -gratoed; [L denigrate, den-tat \'dent-'I\ adi : of or relating to teeth or dentistry -
fro nigrare to blacken, fro niger black] : to cast aspersions den-tal-ly adv
on : DEFAME - den-i-qra-tlon \,de-ni-'gra-sh:ln\ n dental floss n : a thread used to clean between the teeth
den-im Vde-namv n [F (serge) de Nimes serge of Nimes, dental hygienist n : a person licensed to clean and examine
France] 1 : a firm durable twilled usu. cotton fabric wo- teeth
ven with colored warp and white filling threads 2 pi den-tate \'den-,tat\ adj having pointed projections
: overalls or pants of usu. blue denim : NOTCHED
den-i-zen \'de-n:l-zan\ n : one that occupies a particular den-ti-frice Vden-ta-frasv n [ME dentifricie, fro L denti-
place regularly, routinely, or for a period of time: INHAB- fricium, fro dent-, dens tooth + fricare to rub] : a powder,
ITANT paste, or liquid for cleaning the teeth
dweller, inhabitant, occupant, resident - more at IN- den-tln\'dent-n\ or den-tine\'den-,ten, den-ttenv n : a cal-
HABITANT careous material like bone but harder and denser that
de-nom-i-nate\di-'na-ma-,nat\ vb : to assign a name to composes the principal mass of a tooth
: DESIGNATE den-tist \'den-tist\ n : a person licensed in the care, treat-
baptize, call, christen, designate, dub, entitle, label, ment, and replacement of teeth - den.tist.ryn
name, style, term, title - more at NAME den-tl-tlon \den-'ti-sh:ln\ n : the number, kind, and
de-nom-i-na-tion \di-,na-ma-'na-shan \ n 1: an act of de- arrangement of teeth (as of a person or animal); also
nominating 2: a value or size of a series of related values : TEETH
(as of money) 3: a word or phrase that constitutes the den-ture \ 'den-char\ n : a set of teeth; esp : a partial or
distinctive designation of a person or thing: NAME; esp : a complete set of false teeth
general name for a category 4: a religious organization de-nude \di-'niid, -'nyiid\ vb de-nud-ed; de-nud-Ing : to
uniting local congregations in a single body - ee-nom-t- strip the covering from - de-nu-da-tlon\,de-nii-'da-shan.
na-tlon-al\-sh:l-nal\ adj -nyii-\ n
de-nom-i-na-tor\di-'na-ma-,na-tar\ n : the part of a fraction de-nun-ci-a-tlon \di-,nan-se-'a-sh:ln\ n .: the act of de-
that is below the line indicating division nouncing; esp : a public condemnation
de-no-ta-non\,de-no-'ta-shan\ n 1 : an act or processof de- censure, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reproof, stric-
noting 2 : the thing one conveys or intends to convey ture - more at CENSURE
esp. by language; esp : a direct specific meaning as distinct de-ny\di-'ni\ vb de-nied; 1 : to declare untrue
from an implied or associated idea 3 : a denoting term
2 : to refuse to recognize or acknowledge : DISAVOW
3 : to refuse to grant <--a request> 4: to reject as false
[2] drift, import, intent, meaning, purport, sense, sig- <-- a theory)
nificance, signification - more at MEANING [3] ap-
pellation, cognomen, designation, handle, name, title - [1] contradict, disallow, disavow, disclaim, gainsay,
more at NAME negate, negative, reject, repudiate; also disown, re-
de-no-ta-tive Vde-no-jta-tiv, di-ino-ta-tivv adi 1 : denot- nounce; challenge, confute, disprove, rebut, refute; dis-
ing or tending to denote 2: relating to denotation agree (with), dispute Ant acknowledge, admit, allow,
avow, concede, confirm, own [3] decline, disallow,
indicative, significant, telltale - more at INDICATIVE refuse, reject, withhold; also rebuff, repel, spurn; check,
de-note \di-'not\ vb 1 : to mark out plainly: INDICATE 2: to constrain, hold, keep, restrain, restrict Ant allow, con-
make known 3 : to serve as a linguistic expression of cede, grant, let, permit
the notion of : MEAN de-o-dar\'de-;:l-,dar\ n [Hindi & Urdu devaddr, deodar, fro
express, import, mean, signify, spell - more at MEAN Skt devaddru, fro deva god + ddru wood) : a Himalayan
de-noue-ment \,da-,nii-'man\ n [F denouement, lit., unty- cedar
ing] : the final outcome of the dramatic complications in de-odor-ant\de-'o-da-rant\ n : a preparation that destroys
a literary work or masks unpleasant odors
217 depositing
de-cdor-lze \de-'6-d:r,riz\ vb : to eliminate the offensive [l] image, picture, portray, represent - more at PIC-
odor of TURE [2] delineate, describe, draw, image, paint, pic-
de-ox-l-dize \de-'iik-sa-,diz\ vb : to remove oxygen from ture, portray, sketch - more at DESCRIBE acid \de-'iik-si-,ri-bo-nu-,kle-ik-, de-pic-tion \di-'pik-shan\ n : a descriptive statement
-nyu-v n : DNA delineation, description, picture, portrait, portrayal,
de-oxy-ri-bose \de-,iik-si-'ri-,bos\ n : a sugar with five car- sketch - more at DESCRIPTION
bon and four oxygen atoms in each molecule that is part de-pil-a-to-ry \di-'pi-Ia-,tor-e\ n, p/ -ries : a preparation for
of ON A removing hair, wool, or bristles
dep abbr 1 depart; departure 2 deposit 3 deputy de-plane \de-'plan\ vb: to get out of an airplane
de-part \di-'piirt\ vb 1 : to go away: go away from 2: to de-plete \di-'plet\ vb de-plet-ed; : to exhaust
cease living: DIE 3 : to turn aside: DEVIATE esp. of strength or resources - de-ple-tion \-'ple-shan \ n
clear out, exit, get off, go, move, pull, quit, sally, clean, consume, drain, exhaust, expend, spend, use
shove, take off - more at GO up; a/so decrease, diminish, lessen, reduce; eat, use;
de-part-ment \di-'piirt-mant\ n 1 : a distinct sphere or bankrupt, impoverish; cripple, debilitate, disable, en-
category esp. of an activity or attribute 2 : a functional feeble, sap, undermine, weaken; dry up, empty; dissi-
or territorial division (as of a government, business, or pate, squander, waste Ant renew, replace
college) - de-part-men-tal \di-,piirt-'ment-Ol, ,de-\ adj - de-plor-able \di-'plor-:rbal\ adj 1 : that is to be regretted
de-part-men-tal-ly adv or lamented: LAMENTABLE 2: deserving censure or con-
[l] area, arena, demesne, discipline, domain, field, tempt: WRETCHED - de-plor-ably adv
line, province, realm, specialty, sphere - more at FIELD
distressful, grievous, heartbreaking, lamentable, re-
[2] bureau, desk, division, office - more at DMSION grettable, unfortunate, woeful - more at REGRETTABLE
department store n : a store having separate sections for a de-plore \-'plor\ vb de-plored; de-plor-lnq 1 : to feel or
wide variety of goods express grief for 2 : to regret strongly 3: to consider
de-par-ture \di-'par-char\ n 1 .: the act of going away unfortunate or deserving of disapproval
2 : a starting out (as on a journey) 3: DIVERGENCE
[l] bemoan, bewail, grieve, lament, mourn, wail-
exit, farewell, leave-taking, parting; also flight, retire- more at LAMENT [2) bemoan, lament, regret, repent,
ment, retreat, running away, withdrawal; emigration, rue - more at REGRET
evacuation, exodus; egress; abandonment, forsaking,
de-ploy \di-'pI6i\ vb : to spread out (as troops or ships) in
relinquishment Ant arrival
order for battle - de-ploy-ment \-mant\ n
de-pend \di-'pend\ vb 1 : to be determined, based, or de-po-nent \di-'po-nant\ n : one who gives evidence
contingent (life ~s on food) 2 : to place reliance or
de-pop-u-late \de-'pa-pya-,Iiit\ vb : to reduce greatly the
trust (you can ~ on me) 3: to be dependent esp. for fi-
population of - de-pcp-u-te-tton \-,pa-pya-'Iii-shan\ n
nancial support 4: to hang down (a vine <-ing from a
de-port \di-'port\ vb 1 : to behave or comport (oneself)
esp. in accord with a code: CONDUCT 2 : to send out of
[l] base, hang, rest; also establish, found, stay; the country: BANISH
ground [2] count, lean, reckon, rely; a/so commit,
[1] acquit, bear, behave, comport, conduct, demean,
confide, entrust, trust
quit - more at BEHAVE. [2] banish, displace, exile, ex-
de-pend.abil.i.ty \di-,pen-da-'bi-Ia-te\ n : the quality or patriate, transport - more at BANISH
state of being dependable
de-por-ta-tion \,de-,por-'tii-shan\ n : an act or instance of
reliability, solidity, sureness, trustworthiness - more deporting
banishment, displacement, exile, expulsion - more
de-pend-able \di-'pen-da-bal\ adj : capable of being de-
pended on : RELIABLE
de-port-ment \di-'port-mant\ n : the manner in which
good, reliable, responsible, safe, solid, steady, sure, one conducts oneself : BEHAVIOR
tried, true, trustworthy; also constant, devoted, faithful,
fast, loyal, staunch, steadfast; honest, sincere; infallible, actions, bearing, behavior (or behaviour), comport-
unerring; firm, sound, strong; effective, telling; attested, ment, conduct, demeanor (or demeanour) - more at
authenticated, confirmed, proven, valid, validated, ver-
ified; blameless, irreproachable, unimpeachable, un- de-pose \di-'poz\ vb de-posed; de-pos-lnq 1 : to remove
questionable Ant irresponsible, undependable, unreli- from high office (as of king) 2 : to testify under oath or
able, untrustworthy by affidavit
de-pen-dence a/so de-pen-dance \di-'pen-d:ms\ n 1: the [1] oust; a/so discharge, dismiss; overthrow, usurp,
quality or state of being dependent; esp : the quality or subvert, topple; eject, throw out Ant crown, enthrone,
state of being influenced by or subject to another 2: RE- throne [2] attest, swear, testify, witness - more at
LIANCE, TRUST 3.: something on which one relies TESTIFY
4 : drug addiction; also: HABITUATION 2 ' \di-'pa-zat\ vb de-pos-it-ed \-za-tad\;
buttress, mainstay, pillar, reliance, standby, support; 1 : to place for safekeeping or as a pledge; esp : to put
also backbone, spine; crutch, prop, stay money in a bank 2 : to lay down : PLACE 3: to let fall
de-pen-den-cy \-dan-se\ n, p/ -cies 1 : DEPENDENCE 2 : a ter- or sink (silt <-ed by a flood) - de-pos-i-tor \-za-tar\ n
ritory under the jurisdiction of a nation but not formally [1} bank, cache, layaway, store; also hoard, reserve,
annexed by it salt away, save, squirrel (away), stash, stow; invest Ant
'de-penodent v-dantv adj 1 : hanging down 2 a : deter- withdraw [2] dispose, fix, lay, place, position, put,
mined or conditioned by another b: affected with drug set, set up, stick - more at PLACE
dependence 3: relying on another for support 4 : subject 'deposit n 1 : the state of being deposited (money on~)
to another's jurisdiction 5: SUBORDINATE 4 2 : something placed for safekeeping; esp : money de-
[1] pendulous [2a] conditional, contingent, sub- posited in a bank 3: money given as a pledge 4: an act
ject; also liable, open, susceptible; iffy, tentative, uncer- of depositing 5 : something laid down (a ~ of silt)
tain Ant independent 6 : a natural accumulation (as of a mineral)
'dependent a/so de-pen-dant \-dant\ n : one that is depen- [2] cache, hoard, reserve, store - more at STORE
dent; esp : a person who relies on another for support [2] account, budget, fund, kitty, nest egg, pool-
de-pict \di-'pikt\ vb 1 : to represent by a picture 2 : to more at FUND [5] dregs, grounds, lees, precipitate,
describe in words sediment; also dross, slag, waste
deposition 218
de-po-st-tlon \,de-p3-'zi-sh:m, ,de-\ n 1 : an act of removing de-pressed adj 1 + : low in spirits; also: affected with psy-
from a position of authority 2 : TESTIMONY 3: the process chological depression 2 + : having the central part lower
of depositing 4: something deposited: DEPOSIT than the margin 3: suffering from economic depression
de-posito-ry \di-'pa-z3-,tor-e\ n, pi -ries + : a place where + [1] bad, blue, down, gloomy, glum, low, melancholy,
something is deposited esp. for safekeeping miserable, mournful, sad, sorrowful, sorry, unbappy
+ repository, storage, storehouse, warehouse - more + [2] concave, hollow, sunken - more at HOLLOW
at STOREHOUSE de-press-ing adj + : that depresses; esp : causing emotional
de-pot \1, 2 usu 'de-po, 3 usu 'de-\ n 1 : a place for storing depression
goods or motor vehicles: STOREHOUSE 2 + : a place where + bleak, dark, dismal, dreary, gloomy, gray (or grey),
military supplies or replacements are kept or assembled somber (or sombre), wretched - more at GLOOMY
3 : a building for railroad or bus passengers de-pres-slon \di-'pre-sh3n \ n 1 : an act of depressing : a
+ armory, arsenal, dump, magazine - more at ARMORY state of being depressed 2: a pressing down : LOWERING
depr abbr depreciation 3 + : a state of feeling sad 4: a psychological disorder
de-prave \di-'prav\ vb de-prayed; de-prav.lng [ME, fro MF marked esp, by sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking
depraver, fro L depravare to pervert, fro pravus crooked, and concentration, and feelings of dejection 5 + : a de-
bad] + : to make bad: CORRUPT pressed area or part 6: a period of low general economic
+ debase, degrade, demean, demoralize, humble, sub- activity with widespread unemployment
vert, warp - more at DEBASE + [3] blues, dejection, desolation, despondency, dol-
de-prayed adi : marked by corruption or evil drums, dumps, forlornness, gloom, heartsickness,
de-prav.i.ty \di-'pra-v3-te\ n 1 + : a corrupt act or practice melancholy, sadness - more at SADNESS + [5] cavity,
2 + : the quality or state of being depraved concavity, dent, hole, hollow, indentation, pit, recess -
+ [1] corruption, debasement, debauchery, decadence, more at HOLE
degeneracy, degeneration, degradation, demoralization, 'de-pres.sive \di-'pre-siv\ adj 1: tending to depress
dissipation, dissoluteness, perversion - more at COR- 2 : characterized or affected by psychological depression
RUPTION + [1] immorality, iniquity, licentiousness, sin, 2depresslve n : a person affected with or prone to psycho-
vice - more at VICE + [2] atrociousness, atrocity, enor- logical depression
mity, heinousness, monstrosity, vileness, wickedness- de-pres-sur-ize \(,)de-'pre-sh3-,riz\ vb : to release pressure
more at ENORMI1Y from
dep-re-cate Vde-pri-jkat', vb -cat-ed; -cat-tnq [L deprecari to dep-ri-va-tion \,de-pr,,-'va-sh,m' n 1 : an act or instance of
avert by prayer, fro precari to pray] 1 + : to express dis- depriving: LOSS 2: PRNATION 2
approval of 2 + : to speak slightingly of : BELlTrLE de-prive \di-'priv\ vb de-prived; 1 : to take
+ [1] disapprove, discountenance, disfavor (or dis- something away from 2: to stop from having something
favour), dislike, frown, reprove + [2] belittle, cry down, deprived adj : marked by deprivation esp. of the necessi-
decry, depreciate, diminish, discount, disparage, mini- ties of life
mize, put down, write off - more at DECRY de-pro-gram \(,)de-'pro-,gram, -grarnv vb : to dissuade from
dep-re-ca-tion \,de-pri-'ka-sh3n\ n + : an act of deprecating convictions usu. of a religious nature often by coercive
+ disapproval, disfavor (or disfavour), dislike, displeas-
dept abbr department
ure - more at DISAPPROVAL
depth \'depth\ n, pi depths \'depths\ 1 : something that
dep-re-ca-to-ry Vde-pri-ka-jtor-ev adj 1: APOLOGETIC
is deep; esp : the deep part of a body of water 2: a part
2 : serving to deprecate : DISAPPROVING
that is far from the outside or surface; also: the middle
de-pre-ci-ate \di-'pre-she-,at\ vb -at-ed: -at.lng [ME, fr. LL
or innermost part 3: ABYSS 4 + : a profound or intense
depreciatus, pp. of depretiare, fro L pretium price] 1 : to
state <the -s of reflection); also: the worst part <during
speak slightingly of : DISPARAGE 2 + : to lessen in price or
the -sof the depression) 5: a reprehensibly low condi-
tion 6: the distance from top to bottom or from front to
+ cheapen, depress, mark down, write off; also under- back 7: the quality of being deep 8: the degree of in-
rate, undervalue; abate, abridge, compress, contract, tensity
de-escalate, deflate, diminish, dwindle, lessen, lower,
moderate, reduce, shrink Ant appreciate, mark up + deep, height, middle, midst, thick - more at TIlICK
de-pre-ci-a-tion \di-,pre-she-'a-sh3n\ n + : the act of reduc- depth charge n : an explosive device for use underwater
ing in value or esteem esp, against submarines
dep-u-ta-tlon \,de-pY3-'ta-sh3n\ n 1 : the act of appointing
+ deprecation, detraction, disparagement, put-down;
a deputy 2: DELEGATION
also aspersion, backbiting, defamation, libel, slander,
vilification; derision, mockery, ridicule; abuse, invec- de-pute \di-'pyiit\ vb de-put-ed; de-put-inq : to appoint as
tive, vituperation; censure, denunciation Ant aggran- one's representative: DELEGATE
dizement, ennoblement, exaltation, glorification, dep-u-tize \'de-pY3-,tIz\ vb -tized; + : to appoint or
magnification act as deputy
dep-re-da-tion \,de-pr3-'da-sh3n\ n : a laying waste or plun- + commission, delegate - more at DELEGATE
dering - dep-re-date \ 'de-pra-jdat', vb dep-u-ty \'de-pY:l-te\ n, pi-ties 1 + : a person appointed to
de-press \di-'pres\ vb 1 + : to press down: cause to sink to act for or in place of another 2 : a second in command or
a lower position 2: to lessen the activity or force of assistant who usu. takes charge when his or her superior
3 + : to make sad: SADDEN 4 + : to lessen in price or value is absent 3: a member of a lower house of a legislative as-
- de-pressor \-'pre-s3r\ n sembly
+ [1] bear, press, shove, weigh - more at PRESS + agent, attorney, commissary, delegate, envoy, factor,
+ [3] burden, oppress, sadden; also ail, distress, trouble; proxy, representative - more at AGENT
afflict, torment, torture; discourage, dishearten, der or deriv abbr derivation; derivative
dispirit; bother, disturb, disquiet, perturb, upset Ant de-rail \di-'nll\ vb : to leave or cause to leave the rails -
brighten, buoy, cheer, gladden + [4] cheapen, depreci- de-rail-ment n
ate, mark down, write off - more at DEPRECIATE de-rail-leur \di-'ra-13r\ n [F derailleur] : a device for shifting
de-pres-sant \di-'pres-'nt\ n : one that depresses; esp : a gears on a bicycle by moving the chain from one set of
chemical substance (as a drug) that reduces bodily func- exposed gears to another
tional activity - depressant adj de-range \di-'ranj\ vb de-ranged; 1 : to disturb
219 describing
the arrangement or order of : DISARRANGE 2 : to make der-mis \'d:lr-m:ls\ n : the sensitive vascular inner layer of
insane the skin
craze, madden, unhinge - more at CRAZE der-oogate \'der-:l-,gat\ vb -gatoed; -gating 1 : to cause to
deranged adi : mentally disordered seem inferior : DISPARAGE 2: DETRACT - der-o-ga-tion
\,der-:l-'ga-shOln\ n - de-rooga.tive\di-'ra-gOl-tiv\ adj
crazy, insane, lunatic, mad, maniacal, mental, un- de-rog-a-to-ry \di-'ra-gOl-,tor-e\ adj : intended to lower
sound - more at INSANE the reputation of a person or thing: DISPARAGING - de-
de-range-ment v-rnantvn : the state of being deranged rog.atoorily \-,ra-gOl-'tor-Ol-le\ adv
aberration, dementia, insanity, lunacy, madness, ma- contemptuous, degrading, disdainful, scornful, un-
nia - more at INSANITY complimentary; also defamatory, insulting, libelous, \'dOlr-be, Brit 'dar-\ n, pi derbies 1 : a horse race maligning, slandering, slanderous, vilifying; abusive,
usu. for three-year-olds held annually 2: a race or con- opprobrious,scurrilous; malevolent, malicious, spiteful
test open to all 3: a stiff felt hat with dome-shaped crown Ant complimentary
and narrow brim der-rick \'der-ik\ n lobs. derrick hangman, gallows, fro Der-
de-req-u-la-tlon\(,)de-,re-gyU-'la-shOln\ n : the act of re- ick, name of 17th cent. Eng. hangman] 1 : a hoistin~ ap-
moving restrictions or regulations - de-reg-u-late \-'re- paratus : CRANE 2: a framework over a drill hole (as for
gyiJ-,lat\ vb oil) for supporting machinery
'deroe-lict \'der-Ol-,likt\ adj 1 : abandoned by the owner der-ri-ere or der-ri-ere \,der-e-'er\ n : BUTfOCKS
or occupant 2 : failing to exercise the care expected der-rinq-do \,der-iI)-'dii\ n : DARING
: NEGLIGENT <"-' in his duty) der-rin-qer Vder-an-larv n : a short-barreled pocket pistol
[1] abandoned, deserted, forsaken - more at ABAN- der-vish \'d:lr-vish\ n [Turk dervis, lit., beggar, fr. Pers
DONED [2] careless, lax, negligent, remiss, slack- darvfsh] : a member of a Muslim religious order noted for
more at NEGLIGENT devotional exercises (as bodily movements leading to a
'derelict n 1 : something voluntarily abandoned; esp : a ship trance)
abandoned on the high seas 2: a destitute homeless so- de-sal-l-nate \de-'sa-I:I-,nat\ vb -nat-ed: : DESALT-
cial misfit: VAGRANT, BUM de-eal-i-na-tlon\-,sa-l:l-'na-sh:ln\ n
deroe-lIc.tion \,der-"-'lik-sh,,n\ n 1 : the act of abandon- de-sal.l.nize \de-'sa-13-.niz\ vb -ntzed; ; DESALT-
ing : the state of being abandoned 2 : a failure in duty de-sal-l-nl-za-tlon \-,sa-I:I-n:l-'za-sh:ln\ n
[1] abandonment, desertion; also defection; discard, de-salt \de-'solt\ vb : to remove salt from <"-' seawater) -
dumping, jettison Ant reclamation [2] default, delin- de-salt-er n
quency, failure, neglect, negligence, oversight - more des-cant \'des-,kant\ vb 1 : to sing or play part music
at FAILURE : SING 2: to discourse or write at length
de-ride \di-'rid\ vb de-rid-ed; [L deridere, fr. carol, chant, sing, vocalize - more at SING
ridere to laugh] : to laugh at scornfully: RIDICULE de-scend \di-'send\ vb 1 : to pass from a higher to a
gibe, jeer, laugh, mock, ridicule, scout - more at lower place or level: pass, move, or climb down or down
RIDICULE along 2: DERrvE <"-'ed from royalty) 3: to pass by in-
de riogueur \dOl-re-'gOlr\ adj [F] : prescribed or required by heritance or transmission 4 : to incline, lead, or extend
fashion, etiquette, or custom: PROPER downward 5 : to swoop down or appear suddenly (as in
de-ri-slon \dOl-'ri-zhOln\ n 1 : RIDICULE 2: an object of an attack)
ridicule or scorn [I, 4] decline, dip, drop, fall, plunge; also cant, in-
de-rl-slve \dOl-'ri-siv\ adj : expressing or causing derision cline, lean, list, recline, slant, slope, tilt, tip Ant ascend,
- de-rl-stve-Iy adv - de-rl-slve-ness n climb, rise [5] assail, assault, attack, beset, charge,
jump, pounce (on or upon), raid, rush, storm, strike -
absurd, comical, farcical, laughable, ludicrous, pre- more at ATTACK
posterous, ridiculous, risible, silly - more at RIDICU-
LOUS 'de-scenodant also de-scen-dent \di-'sen-d:lnt\ adj 1 : mov-
ing or directed downward 2: proceeding from an ances-
de-ri-so-ry \dOl-'ri-sOl-re\ adj : worthy of derision tor or source
der-l-va-tion \,der-Ol-'va-shOln\ n 1 : the formation of a word 'descendant also descendent n 1 : one descended from an-
from an earlier word or root; also: an act of ascertaining other or from a common stock 2: one deriving directly
or stating the derivation of a word 2: ETYMOLOGY from a precursor or prototype
3 : SOURCE, ORIGIN; also: DESCENT 4 : an act or process of de-scent \di-'sent\ n 1 .: derivation from an ancestor
deriving : LINEAGE 2 : the act or process of descending 3 : SLOPE
de-rlv-a-tlve \di-'ri-VOl-tiv\ n 1 : a word formed by deriva- 4 : a descending way (as a downgrade) 5 : a sudden hos-
tion 2 : something derived - derivative adj tile raid or assault 6 : a downward step (as in station or
offshoot, outgrowth, spin-off; also descendant; after- value) : DECLINE
math, consequence, result; aftereffect, side affect; copy, [1] ancestry, birth, blood, bloodline, breeding, ex-
duplicate, facsimile, replica, reproduction Ant origin, traction, family tree, genealogy, line, lineage, origin,
root, source parentage, pedigree, stock, strain - more at ANCESTRY
de-rive \di-'riv\ vb de-rived; [ME, fro AF deriver, [2] dip, dive, down, drop, fall, plunge; also come-
fr. L derivare, lit., to draw off (water), fr. de- from + rivus down, downfall, downgrade; sinking Ant ascent, climb,
stream] 1 : to receive or obtain from a source 2: to ob- rise, upswing, upturn [5] aggression, assault, attack,
tain from a parent substance 3 : to come to as a con- charge, offense (or offence), offensive, onset, onslaught,
clusion from facts or premises: INFER, DEDUCE 4 : to trace raid, rush, strike - more at ATTACK. [6] comedown,
the derivation of 5: to come from a certain source decline, down, downfall, fall - more at COMEDOWN
conclude, deduce, extrapolate, gather, infer, judge, de-scribe \di-'skn1>\ vb de-scribed; de-scriboing 1 a : to
reason, understand - more at INFER represent or give an account of in words b : to com-
der-mal \'d:lr-m:ll\ adi : of or relating to the skin: CUTA- municate an account of salient identifying features of
NEOUS 2 : to trace the outline of - de-scrib-able adj
der-ma-tl-tls \,d:lr-m:l-'ti-t:ls\ n, pi -tit-i-des \-'ti-tOl-,dez\ or delineate, depict, draw, image, narrate, paint, picture,
-tl-tis-es : inflammation of the skin portray, recount, sketch; also characterize,qualify, rep-
der-ma-tcl-o-qy\-'ta-l:l-je\ n : a branch of medical science resent; demonstrate, illustrate; narrate, recite, recount,
dealing with the structure, functions, and diseases of the relate; display, exhibit, show; hint, suggest; draft, out-
skin - der-ma-tol-o-gist\-jist\ n line
description 220
de-scrip-tion \di-'skrip-sh;m\ n 1 : an account of some- , de-sign \di-'zin\ vb 1 : to conceive and plan out in the
thing; esp : an account that presents a picture to a person mind 2 : to have as a purpose: INTEND 3: to devise for
who reads or hears it 2 : kind or character esp. as de- a specific function or end 4: to make a pattern or sketch
termined by prominent features : SORT - de-scrip-tive of 5: to conceive and draw the plans for
\-'skrip-tiv\ adj [1] arrange, blueprint, calculate, chart, frame, lay
+ [l] delineation, depiction, picture, portrait, por- out, map, plan, project, scheme - more at PLAN
trayal, sketch; also account, chronicle, narrative, re- [2] aim, aspire, contemplate, intend, mean, meditate,
port, story, tale; demonstration, exemplification, plan, propose - more at INTEND
illustration + [2] breed, class, feather, ilk, kind, like, 2design n 1 + : a particular purpose: deliberate planning
manner, nature, order, sort, species, type - more at 2 : a mental project or scheme: PLAN 3 + : a secret proj-
SORT ect or scheme : PLOT 4 pi : aggressiveor evil intent-
de-scry \di-'skn\ vb de-scried; 1 : to catch used with on or against 5: a preliminary sketch or plan
sight of 2 : to discover by observation or investigation 6 : an underlying scheme that governs functioning, devel-
+ behold, discern, distinguish, espy, eye, look, note, no- oping, or unfolding: MOTIF 7 + : the arrangement of ele-
tice, observe, perceive, regard, remark, see, sight, spy, ments or details in a product or a work of art 8 + : a
view, witness - more at SEE decorative pattern 9: the art of executing designs
des-e-crate \'de-si-,krat\ vb -crat-ed; : to violate + [1] arrangement, blueprint, game, plan, project,
the sanctity of : PROFANE scheme, strategy, system - more at PLAN + [2] aim,
defile, profane, violate; also blaspheme, curse, swear; ambition, aspiration, dream, end, goal, intent, mark,
befoul, contaminate, foul, pollute; affront, insult, of- meaning, object, objective, plan, pretension, purpose,
fend; crush, decimate, demolish, destroy, devastate, thing - more at GOAL + [3] conspiracy, intrigue,
ravage, raze, ruin, waste, wreck; despoil, loot, pillage, machination, plot, scheme - more at PLOT
plunder, raid, ransack, rob, sack, spoil, strip + [7] arrangement, composition, configuration, form,
des-e-cra-tlon \,de-si-'kra-shan \ n + : an act or instance of format, layout, makeup, pattern - more at COMPOSI-
desecrating TION [8] figure, motif, motive, pattern - more at
+ blasphemy, defilement, impiety, irreverence, sacri- PATTERN
lege - more at BLASPHEMY 'des.ig.nate \'de-zig-,nat, -nctv adj : chosen but not yet in- \de-'se-gri-,gat\ vb : to eliminate segregation stalled <ambassador +->
in; esp : to free of any law or practice requiring isolation "des.ig.nate \-,nat\ vb -nat d; -nat.jng 1 + : to appoint and
on the basis of race - \-,se-gri-'ga-shan\ set apart for a special purpose 2: to mark or point out
n : INDICATE; also: SPECIFY, STIPULATE 3 : to call by a name
de-sen-sl-tlze \de-'sen-sa-,tiz\ vb : to make (a sensitized or or title
hypersensitive individual) insensitiveor nonreactive to a + [1] appoint, assign, attach, commission, constitute,
sensitizing agent - de-sen-sl-tl-za-tion \-,sen-sa-ta-'zii- detail, name - more at APPOINT + [3] baptize, call,
shonv n christen, denominate, dub, entitle, label, name, style,
'des-ert \'de-zart\ n + : dry land with few plants and little term, title - more at NAME
rainfall deSignated driver n : a person chosen to abstain from al-
+ barren, desolation, waste, wasteland - more at cohol so as to transport others safely
WASTELAND designated hitter n : a baseball player designated at the
2des-ert Vde-zartv adj : of, relating to, or resembling a start of the game to bat in place of the pitcher without
desert; esp : being barren and without life <a ~ island> causing the pitcher to be removed from the game
"de-sert \di-'zart\ n 1 : the Quality or fact of deserving re- \'de-zig-'na-shan\ n 1 : the act of indicating
ward or punishment 2 + : a just reward or punishment or identifying 2 + : appointment to or selection for an of-
castigation, chastisement, correction, discipline, fice, post, or service 3 : a distinguishing name, sign, or
nemesis,penalty, punishment, wrath - more at PUNISH- title
MENT + [2] appointment, assignment, commission- more at
'de-sert \di-'zart\ vb 1 : to withdraw from and leave esp. APPOINTMENT [3] appellation, cognomen, denotation,
permanently 2 + : to leave in the lurch: ABANDON handle, name, title - more at NAME
[1, 2] abandon, forsake, maroon, Quit - more at de-sign-er\di-'zi-nar\ n : one that designs:as a : one who
ABANDON creates plans for a project or structure b: one who de-
de-sert-ed\di-'zar-tad\ adj + : left without the accustomed signs and manufactures a new product style or design;esp
occupants, company, or support : one who designs and manufactures high-fashion cloth-
abandoned, derelict, forsaken - more at ABANDONED ing - designer adj
de-sert-er \di-'zar-tar\ n + : one who forsakes a duty or developer, innovator, inventor, originator - more at
+ defector, recreant, renegade - more at RENEGADE designer drug n : a synthetic version of an illicit drug that
has been chemically altered to avoid its prohibition
de-ser-tlon \di-'zar-shan\ n : an act of deserting\di-'zi-niQ\adj. : adept in the use of subtlety
abandonment, dereliction - more at DERELICTION and cunning: CRAFTY, SCHEMING
de-serve \di-'zarv\ vb de-served; de-serv-lnq + : to be wor- artful, cagey, crafty, cunning, devious, foxy, guileful,
thy of : MERIT scheming, slick, sly, subtle, wily- more at ARTFUL
earn, merit, rate de-slr-able \di-'zi-ra-bal\ adj 1 : PLEASING, ATTRACTIVE\-'zar-vad-Ie\ adv : according to merit: JUSTLY 2 + : worth seeking or doing as advantageous, beneficial,
deserving adj : deserving of honor or esteem or wise: ADVISABLE <~ legislation>- de-sir.abil.i.ty \-,zi-
good, meritorious, worthy - more at WORTHY ra-'bi-la-te\ n - de-sir-able-nessn
des-te-cate \'de-si-,kat\ vb -cat-ed: -cat-tnq : DRY, DEHY- + advisable, expedient, judicious, politic, prudent, tac-
DRATE - des-lc-ce-tlon \,de-si-'ka-shan\ n - des-ic-ca-tor tical, wise - more at EXPEDIENT
\ 'de-si-,ka-tar\ n 'de-sire \di-'zir\ vb de-sired; [ME, fr, AF desirer,
de-ste-er-a-tum\di-,si-da-'rii-tam, -,zi-, -'ra-\ n, pi -ta \-ta\ fr, L desiderare, fro sider-, sidus heavenly body] 1 : to
IL] : something desired as essential long or hope for: exhibit or feel desire for 2 : REQUEST
221 destiny

+ ache for, covet, crave, die for, hanker for, hunger for, + despair, despondency, forlornness, hopelessness-
long for, lust (for or after), pine for, repine for, thirst more at DESPAfR
for, want, wish for, yearn for; also delight (in), enjoy, de-spi-ca-ble \di-'spi-ka-bal, 'des-pi-x adj + : deserving to
fancy, like, relish be despised - de-spi-caobly \-ble\ adv
2desire n 1 + : a strong wish: LONGING 2: sexual urge or + contemptible, lousy, nasty, pitiful, scabby, scurvy,
appetite 3: a usu. formal request for action 4: some- sorry, wretched - more at CONTEMPTIBLE + base, con-
thing desired temptible, detestable, dirty, dishonorable (or dishon-
appetite, craving, drive, hankering, hunger, itch, ourable), ignoble, low, mean, snide, sordid, vile,
longing, lust, passion, thirst, urge, yearning, yen; also wretched - more at IGNOBLE
compulsion, impulse, urge, will, zeal; liking, love, taste; de-spise \di-'splz\ vb de-spised; de-spls-lnq 1 + : to look
eagerness, impatience; wish, want; necessity, need, re- down on with contempt or aversion : DETEST 2 + : to re-
quirement; avarice, cupidity, greed, rapacity gard as negligible, worthless, or distasteful
de-sir-ous \di-'zIr-as\ adj : impelled or governed by desire + [1] abhor, abominate, detest, execrate, hate, loathe
de-sist \di-'zist, -'sist\ vb + : to cease to proceed, act, or - more at HATE + [2] disregard, flout, scorn - more
continue at SCORN
+ usu desist from break, break off, cease, cut, discon- 'de-spite \di-'spIt\prep + : in spite of
tinue, drop, end, halt, knock off, layoff, leave off, quit, + notwithstanding, regardless of, with
shut off, stop - more at STOP
2despite n : the act of despising: CONTEMPT
desk \'desk\ n [ME deske, fr. ML desca, fro Olt desco table,
fro L discus dish, disc] 1 : a table, frame, or case esp, for de-spoil \di-'sp6il\ vb + : to strip of belongings, posses-
writing and reading 2: a counter, stand, or booth at sions, or value - de-spoil-er n - de-spoil-ment n
which a person performs duties 3 + : a specialized divi- + loot, maraud, pillage, plunder, ransack, sack, strip -
sion of an organization (as a newspaper) (city ~> more at RANSACK
deospO-lioaotion \di-,sp6-le-'a-shan\ n : the act of plundering
+ bureau, department, division, office - more at DIVI-
SION : the state of being despoiled
desk-top publishing \'desk-,tap-\ n : the production of 'de-spond \di-'spand\ vb : to become discouraged or dis-
printed matter by means of a microcomputer heartened
'deso()olate \'de-sa-Iat, -ze-v adj 1 : DESERTED, ABANDONED 2despond n : DESPONDENCY
2 + : joyless, disconsolate, and sorrowful through or as if de-spon-den-cy \-'span-dan-se\ n + : the state of being de-
through separation from a loved one : LONELY 3: DILAPI- spondent
DATED 4: BARREN, LIFELESS 5 + : devoid of warmth, com- + blues, dejection, depression, desolation, doldrums,
fort, or hope : CHEERLESS - deso()olate-Iy adv - des-o- dumps, forlornness, gloom, heartsickness, melancholy,
late-ness n sadness - more at SADNESS + despair, desperation, for-
+ [2] forlorn, lonely, lonesome - more at LONESOME lornness, hopelessness - more at DESPAIR
+ [5] bleak, dark, dismal, dreary, gloomy, gray (or de-spon-dent \-dant\ adj + : feeling or showing extreme
grey), somber (or sombre), wretched - more at discouragement, dejection, or depression - de-spon-
GLOOMY denNyadv
2deso()olate \-,Hit\ vb -Iat-ed: -Iat-inq : to make desolate: de- + brokenhearted, dejected, depressed, disconsolate,
stroy the activity, vitality, or sound condition or content- heartsick, miserable, sad, wretched - more at SAD
ment of : make wretched des-pot \'des-pat, -,pat\ n [MF despote, fro Gk despotes
des-e-la-tion \,de-sa-'Hi-shan, -zo-v n 1 + : the action of des- master, lord, autocrat] 1 : a ruler with absolute power
olating : state of being desolated 2: the quality or state of and authority 2 + : a person exercising power tyranni-
being sad: SADNESS 3: LONELINESS 4 + : a condition of cally
neglect leading to confusion and disintegration or of nat- + autocrat, dictator, oppressor, tyrant; also dominator,
ural barrenness and bleakness 5 + : barren wasteland master, overlord, ruler; king, lord, monarch, prince,
+ [1] annihilation, demolition, destruction, devasta- queen, sovereign; baron, czar, magnate, mogul, tycoon;
tion, havoc, loss, obliteration, ruin, wastage, wreckage authoritarian, disciplinarian, martinet
- more at DESTRUCTION + [4] dilapidation, disrepair, des-pot-ic \des-'pa-tik\ adj + : of, relating to, or character-
neglect - more at NEGLECT + [5] barren, desert, waste,
istic of a despot
wasteland - more at WASTELAND
des-oxy-rl-bo-nu-cle-lc acid \de-,zak-se-'ri-b6-nu-,kle-ik-,
+ authoritarian, autocratic, bossy, dictatorial, domi-
neering, imperious, masterful, overbearing, peremp-
-nyu-v n : DNA
tory, tyrannical, tyrannous - more at BOSSY
'de-spair \di-'spar\ vb : to lose all hope or confidence
2despair n 1 + : utter destruction of hope 2: a cause of des-po-tism \'des-p:l-,ti-z:lm\ n + : a system of government
hopelessness in which the ruler has unlimited power
+ desperation, despondency, forlornness, hopelessness; + autocracy, dictatorship, totalitarianism, tyranny; also
also blues, depression, dejection, desolation, doldrums, monarchy; fascism; domination, oppression
dolor, dumps, gloom, melancholy, oppression, sadness, des-sert \di-'z:lrt\ n : a course of sweet food, fruit, or
sorrow, unhappiness; cynicism, pessimism; acceptance, cheese served at the close of a meal
resignation Ant hope, hopefulness des-ti-na-tlon \,des-t:l-'na-sh:ln\ n 1 : a purpose for which
de-spairoing adj + : given to, arising from, or marked by something is destined 2: an act of appointing, setting
despair: having no hope - de-spairoingoly adv aside for a purpose, or predetermining 3: a place to
+ defeatist, hopeless, pessimistic - more at PESSIMISTIC which one is journeying or to which something is sent
des-tine \'des-t:ln\ vb des-tined; desotinoing 1 : to settle in
des-per-a-do \,des-pa-'ra-d6, -'ra-\ n, pi -does or -dos : a
advance 2 + : to designate, assign, or dedicate in advance
bold or reckless criminal
des-per-ate \'des-pa-rat, -protv adj 1 : being beyond or al- 3 : to direct or set apart for a specific purpose or place
most beyond hope : causing despair 2: RASH 3: ex- + doom, foredoom, foreordain, ordain, predestine; also
tremely intense - des-per-ate-ly adv - des-per-ate-ness forecast, foretell, predict, prognosticate, prophesy; pre-
n conceive, prejudge; condemn, sentence
des-per-a-tion \,des-pa-'ra-shan\ n 1 + : a loss of hope and desotiony \'des-t:l-ne\ n, pi -nies 1 + : something to which a
surrender to despair 2: a state of hopelessness leading to person or thing is destined: FATE 2: a predetermined
rashness course of events
destitute 222
+ circumstance, doom, fate, fortune, lot, portion- + disinterestedness, impartiality, neutrality, objectivity;
more at FATE also fairness; apathy, indifference, unconcern; broad-
des-ti-tute \'des-ta-,tut, -,tyiit\ adj 1 : lacking something mindedness, tolerance Ant bias, favor, favoritism, par-
needed or desirable 2 : suffering extreme poverty tiality, partisanship, prejudice
broke, devoid, impecunious, indigent, needy, penni- 'de-tail \di-'tal, 'de-,tal\ n [F detail, fr. OF detail slice, piece,
less, penurious, poor, poverty-stricken - more at POOR fro detaillier to cut in pieces, fro taillier to cut) 1 : a deal-
des-tl-tu-tlon \,des-ta-'tU-shan, -'tyu-\ n + : the state of be- ing with something item by item <gointo~) 2 + : a part
ing destitute of a whole <the ~s of a story) 3: selection (as of sol-
diers) for special duty; also: the persons thus selected
beggary, impecuniousness, impoverishment, indi-
gence, need, pauperism, penury, poverty, want - more fact, particular, point - more at FACf
at POVERTY 2detail vb 1 + : to report minutely and distinctly 2 : to as-
de-stress \'de-'stres\ vb + : to release bodily or mental sign to a special duty
tension : UNWIND + [1) enumerate, itemize, list, numerate, rehearse, tick
+ chill out, relax, unwind - more at RELAX (off) - more at ENUMERATE + [2) appoint, assign, at-
tach, commission, constitute, designate, name - more
de-stroy\di-'str6i\ vb 1 + : to put an end to : RUIN 2 + : to at APPOINT
deprive of life: KlLL de-tailed \di-'tiild, 'de-,tald\ adj + : marked by abundant
+ [I) annihilate, blot out, demolish, desolate, devastate, detail
do in, exterminate, extinguish, obliterate, pulverize, + circumstantial, elaborate, full, minute, thorough; also
ruin, shatter, smash, tear down, waste, wipe out, wreck; enumerated, itemized, listed; delineated, specific, speci-
also gut; beat, best, clobber, conquer, crush, defeat, fied; abundant, copious; comprehensive, exhausting,
lick, master, overcome, prevail (over), stamp (out), sub- exhaustive, thoroughgoing; accurate, exact, precise;
due, surmount, thrash, triumph (over), win (against); complete, entire, replete; distinct, explicit, precise,
blow up, break, damage, deface, disintegrate, dynamite, sharp; inclusive, mapped (out); descriptive, graphic,
mangle, mar, mutilate, spoil, vitiate; erode, scour, wash picturesque, vivid Ant compendious, summary + com-
out, wear (away); dismantle, undo; eradicate, remove, plex, complicated, elaborate, fancy, intricate, involved,
rub out; despoil, loot, pillage, plunder, ravage, sack, sophisticated - more at ELABORATE
vandalize; assassinate, butcher, cut down, dispatch, ex- de-tail-ing \'de-,tiil-il)\ n : the meticulous cleaning and re-
ecute, kill, massacre, murder, slaughter, slay, zap Ant
build, construct, erect, put up, raise [2) dispatch, do furbishing of an automobile
in, fell, kill, slay - more at KILL de-tain \di-'tan\ vb 1 : to hold in or as if in custody
de-stroy-er\di-'str6i-ar\ n 1 : one that destroys 2: a small de-tect \di-'tekt\ vb + : to discover the nature, existence,
speedy warship presence, or fact of - de-tec-tor \-'tek-tar\ n
de-struc-ti-ble \di-'strak-ta-bal\ adj : capable of being de- + determine, dig up, discover, ferret out, find, hit on,
stroyed - de-struc-tl-bil-i-ty \-,strak-ta-'bi-Ia-te\ n locate, track down - more at FIND
de-struc-tion\di-'strak-shan\ n 1 : the state or fact of be- de-tect-able \di-tek-ta-bal\ adj + : capable of being de-
ing destroyed: RUIN 2: the action or process of destroy- tected
ing something 3: a destroying agency
+ appreciable, discernible, distinguishable, palpable,
+ annihilation, demolition, desolation, devastation, perceptible, sensible - more at PERCEPTIBLE
havoc, loss, obliteration, ruin, wastage, wreckage; also de-tec-tion\di-'tek -shan \ n + : the act of detecting
depredation, despoliation, despoilment; breakup, disin-
tegration, dissolution; assassination, execution, killing, + discovery, finding- more at DISCOVERY
massacre, slaughter Ant building, construction, erec- 'de-tective\di-'tek-tiv\ adj 1 : fitted or used for detection
tion, raising 2 : of or relating to detectives
de-struc-tive \di-'strak-tiv\ adj 1 +: causing destruction >detective n + : a person employed or engaged in detecting
: RUINOUS 2 : designed or tending to destroy - de- lawbreakers or getting information that is not readily ac-
struc-tlve-Iy adv - de-struc-tlve-ness n cessible
+ calamitous, devastating, disastrous, ruinous; also investigator, operative, shadow, sleuth, tail
deadly, fatal, lethal, mortal, vital; deleterious, detrimen- de-tente or de-tente \da-'tlint\ n [F) : a relaxation of
tal, harmful, pernicious Ant constructive strained relations or tensions (as between nations)
de-sue-tude\'de-swi-,tlid, -,tyiid\ n : DISUSE de-ten-tion \di-'ten-chan\ n 1 : the act or fact of detaining
des-ul-to-ry \'de-sal-,tor-e\ adj + : passing aimlessly from : CONFINEMENT; esp : a period of temporary custody prior
one thing or subject to another to disposition by a court 2: a forced delay
+ aimless, arbitrary, erratic, haphazard, random, scat- de-ter \di-'tar\ vb de-terred; de-ter.ring[L deterrere, fro ter-
rere to frighten) 1 + : to turn aside, discourage, or pre-
tered, stray - more at RANDOM
vent from acting (as by fear) 2: INHIBIT
det abbr 1 detached; detachment 2 detail
de-tach\di-'tach\ vb 1 : to separate esp. from a larger mass + discourage, dissuade, inhibit - more at DISCOURAGE
2: DISENGAGE, WITHDRAW - de-tach-able adj de-ter-gent \di-'tar-jant\ n + : a cleansing agent; esp : a
de-tached \di-'tacht\ adj 1 +: not joined or connected chemical product similar to soap in its cleaning ability
: SEPARATE 2 + : exhibiting an aloof objectivity <a ~ atti- + cleaner, soap - more at CLEANER
tude) de-te-ri-o-rate \di-'tir-e-a-,rat\ vb -rat-ed: -rat-lnq +: to
[1) disconnected, discrete, freestanding, separate, make or become worse in quality or condition
single, unattached, unconnected - more at SEPARATE + decay, decline, degenerate, descend, ebb, rot, sink,
[2) aloof, antisocial, cold, cool, distant, frosty, re- worsen; also recede, wane; decompose, degrade, disin-
mote, standoffish, unsociable - more at COOL tegrate;sour, spoil; lessen, lower, reduce; debilitate, un-
de-tach-ment\di-'tach-mant\ n 1 : SEPARATION 2: the dis- dermine, weaken Ant ameliorate, improve, meliorate
patching of a body of troops or part of a fleet from the de-te-rl-o-ra-tlon \di-,tir-e-a-'ra-shan\ n +: the action or
main body for special service; also : the portion so dis- process of deteriorating
patched 3: a small permanent military unit of special + decay, decline, degeneration - more at DECLINE
composition 4: indifference to worldly concerns: ALOOF- de-ter-min-able\-'tar-ma-na-bal\ adj : capable of being de-
NESS 5 + : freedom from bias or prejudice: IMPARTIALITY termined; esp : ASCERTAINABLE
223 develop
de-ter-mi-nant \-ma-mmt\ n 1 : something that determines det-o-na-tion \,det-n-'a-shan\ n + : the action or process of
or conditions 2: GENE detonating
de-ter-mi-nate \di-'tar-ma-nat\ adj 1 + : having fixed limits + blast, eruption, explosion - more at EXPLOSION
: DEFINITE 2 + : definitely settled - de-ter-ml-nate-ness n det-o-na-tor \'det-n-,a-tar\ n : a device for detonating an
+ [1] definite, finite, limited, measured, narrow, re- explosive
stricted - more at LIMITED + [2) certain, final, firm, 'de-tour \'de-,tilr\ n : an indirect way replacing part of a
fixed, flat, frozen, hard, hard-and-fast, set, settled, sta- route
ble - more at FIXED 2detour vb + : to go by detour
de-ter-rnl-na-tion \di-,tar-ma-'na-shan\ n 1 a : the act of + bypass, circumvent, skirt; also circumnavigate; avoid,
coming to a decision b + : the decision or conclusion dodge, duck, elude, escape, eschew, evade, shake, shun
reached 2: a fixing of the extent, position, or character + deviate, sheer, swerve, swing, turn, turn off, veer-
of something 3: accurate measurement (as of length or more at TURN
volume) 4 + : firm or fixed purpose de-tox \'de-,taks, di-'taks\ n : detoxification from an intox-
+ [lb) conclusion, decision, deliverance, diagnosis, icating or addictive substance - detox vb
judgment (or judgement), opinion, resolution, verdict de-tox.i.fy \de-'tlik-sa-,fi\ vb -fied; 1 : to remove a
- more at DECISION + [4] decision, decisiveness, firm- poison or toxin or the effect of such from 2: to free (as
ness, granite, resolution, resolve; also doggedness, obsti- a drug user) from an intoxicating or addictive substance
nacy, perseverance, persistence, stubbornness, tenacity; or from dependence on it - de-tox-l-fl-ca-tlon \de-,tak-sa-
backbone, fortitude, grit, pluck Ant hesitation, indeci- fa-'ka-shdn \ n
sion, irresolution, vacillation de-tract \di-'trakt\ vb 1: to take away or diminish the
de-ter-mine \di-'tar-man\ vb -mined; 1 +: to fix value or effect of something 2: DIVERT - de-trac-tor
conclusively or authoritatively 2 + : to come to a deci- \-'trak-tar\ n
sion : RESOLVE 3: to fix the form or character of before- de-trac-tion \di-'trak-shan\ n + : a lessening of reputation
hand: ORDAIN; also: REGULATE 4: to find out the limits, or esteem esp. by envious, malicious, or petty criticism
nature, dimensions, or scope of <~ a position at sea) + deprecation, depreciation, disparagement, put-down
5 : to find out or come to a decision about by investiga-
tion, reasoning, or calculation 6: to bring about as a re- de-train \de-'tran\ vb : to leave or cause to leave a railroad
sult train
+ [1) adjudicate, arbitrate, decide, judge, referee, rule, det-ri-ment \'de-lrd-mant\ n 1 : hurt, damage, or loss sus-
settle, umpire - more at JUDGE + [2] choose, conclude, tained 2 + : a cause of injury or damage
decide, figure, opt, resolve - more at DECIDE + damage, harm, hurt, injury - more at INJURY
de-ter-mined \-'tar-mand\ adj 1 +: firmly resolved det-ri-men-tal \,de-tfd-'ment-I\ adi + : obviously harmful
2 + : characterized by or showing determination - de- - det-ri-men-tal-ly adv
ter-mined-ness \-mand-nds\ n + adverse, bad, baleful, baneful, damaging, deleterious,
+ [I) bound, decisive, firm, intent, purposeful, res- evil, harmful, hurtful, ill, injurious, mischievous, nox-
olute, set, single-minded; also certain, cocksure, posi- ious, pernicious, prejudicial - more at HARMFUL
tive, sure; earnest, serious; steady, unfaltering, unhesi- de-tri-tus \di-'tri-tas\ n, pi de-tri-tus : fragments resulting
tating, unswerving, unwavering Ant faltering, hesitant, from disintegration (as of rocks) : DEBRIS
indecisive, irresolute, undetermined, unresolved, vacil- deuce \'dus, 'dyiis\ n 1 : a two in cards or dice 2: a tie in
lating, wavering + [2] dogged, grim, implacable, relent- a tennis game with both sides at 40 3: DEVIL - used
less, unflinching, unrelenting, unyielding - more at chiefly as a mild oath
UNYIELDING Deut abbr Deuteronomy
de-ter-mined-ly \di-'tar-mand-le, -ma-nod-lev adv + : in a deu-te-n-um \du-'tir-e-am, dyu-v n : an isotope of hydrogen
determined manner that has twice the mass of ordinary hydrogen
Deu-ter-on-o-my \,du-ta-'ra-na-me, ,dyii-\ n : a book of Jew-
+ diligently, hard, hardly, laboriously, mightily, slav-
ish and Christian Scripture
ishly, strenuously, tirelessly - more at HARD
deut-sche mark \'d6i-cha-,mark\ n : a former monetary
de-ter.min.ism \di-'tdr-ma-,ni-zam\ n : a doctrine that acts unit of Germany
of the will, natural events, or social changes are deter- dev abbr deviation
mined by preceding events or natural causes - de-ter- de-val-ue \de-'val-yii\ vb : to reduce the international ex-
rnin-ist \-nist\ n or adj
de-ter-rence \di-'tar-ans\ n : the inhibition of criminal be-
change value of <"" a currency) - de-val-u-a-tion \-,val-
ya-'wa-shan\ n
havior by fear esp. of punishment dev-as-tate \'de-va-,stat\ vb -tat-ed; -tat-inq 1 + : to bring to
de-ter-rent \-dnt\ adj 1 : serving to deter 2 : relating to de- ruin 2 + : to reduce to chaos or helplessness
terrence - deterrent n + [1] destroy, ravage, ruin, scourge - more at RAVAGE
de-test \di-'test\ vb [L detestari, lit., to curse while calling a + [2] carry away, crush, floor, oppress, overcome,
deity to witness, fr. de- from + testari to call to witness) overpower, overwhelm, prostrate, snow under, swamp
+ : to feel intense and often violent antipathy toward - more at OVERWHELM
: LOATHE - de-tes-ta-non \,de-,tes-'ta-shan\ n devastating adj + : serving, tending, or having the power
+ abhor, abominate, despise, execrate, hate, loathe- to devastate
more at HATE + calamitous, destructive, disastrous, ruinous - more
de-test-able \di-'tes-td-bdl\ adj + : arousing or meriting in- at DESTRUCTIVE
tense dislike dev-as-te-tlcn \,de-va-'sta-shan\ n + : the action of devas-
+ base, contemptible, despicable, dirty, dishonorable tating or state of being devastated
(or dishonourable), ignoble, low, mean, snide, sordid, annihilation, demolition, desolation, destruction,
vile, wretched - more at IGNOBLE havoc, loss, obliteration, ruin, wastage, wreckage-
de-throne \di-'thron\ vb : to remove from a throne: DEPOSE more at DESTRUCTION
- de-throne-ment n de-vel-op \di-'ve-Iap\ vb 1 + : to unfold gradually or in de-
det-o-nate \'det-n-,at\ vb -nat-ed; -nat-inq + : to explode or tail 2: to place (exposed photographic material) in chem-
cause to explode with violence icals to produce a visible image 3: to bring out the
+ blow up, burst, explode, go off, pop - more at EX- possibilities of 4: to make more available or usable <~
PLODE land) 5 : to acquire gradually <~ a taste for olives)
developer 224
6 : to go through a natural process of growth, differen- excessively, inordinately, monstrously, overly, over-
tiation, or evolution 7: to come into being gradually much, too - more at TOO
[l] amplify, elaborate (on), enlarge (on), expand- dev-il-ish-ness \-nas\ n : the quality or state of being dev-
more at EXPAND [5] acquire, cultivate, form; also ilish
gain, get, obtain; achieve, attain, reach; foster, nourish, impishness, knavery, mischief, mischievousness, ras-
nurture, promote Ant lose [6] age, grow, grow up, cality, shenanigans, waggery, wickedness - more at
mature, progress, ripen - more at MATURE MISCHIEF
de-vel-op-er \-Ia-par\ n : one that develops something dev-il-ment \'de-val-mant, -,ment\ n : MISCHIEF
new dev-il-ry \-re\ or dev-il-try \-tre\ n, pi -il-ries or -u-trtes
designer, innovator, inventor, originator - more at 1 : action performed with the help of the devil 2: action
INVENTOR that annoys or irritates: MISCHIEF
de-vel-op-ment \-Iap-mant\ n : the act, process, or result de-vi-ous \'de-ve-as\ adj 1 .: deviating from a straight
of developing - de-vel-op-men-tal \-,ve-Iap-'ment-'I\ adj line 2: ERRANT 3 3 a : deviating from a right, accepted,
- de-vel-op-men-tat-ty \-t'l-e\ adv or common course b : not straightforward: CUNNING <a
elaboration, evolution, expansion, growth, matura- ~ politician); also: tending or having power to deceive
tion, progress, progression; also advancement, better- <a ~ trick)
ment, improvement, perfection, refinement Ant [1] crooked, serpentine, sinuous, tortuous, winding
regression, retrogression aftermath, conclusion, con- - more at CROOKED. [3b] artful, cagey, crafty, cun-
sequence, corollary, effect, issue, outcome, outgrowth, ning, foxy, guileful, slick, sly, subtle, wily - more at
product, result, resultant, sequence, upshot - more at ARTFUL
EFFECT 'de-vise \di-'viz\ vb de-vised; de-vis-ing [ME, fro AF deviser
'de-vi-ant Vde-ve-ant', adi : deviating esp. from some ac- to divide, distinguish, invent, fr. VL "divisare, fr. L di-
cepted norm <~ behavior) - de-vi-ance \-ans\ n - de- videre to divide] 1 : to form in the mind by new combi-
vi-an-cy \-an-se\ n nations or applications of ideas or principles : INVENT
aberrant, abnormal, anomalous, atypical, irregular, 2 : PLOT 3: to give (real estate) by will
unnatural; also extraordinary, preternatural; rare, un- concoct, contrive, cook up, fabricate, invent, make
common, uncustomary, unusual, unwonted; odd, pecu- up, manufacture, think up - more at INVENT
liar, strange, weird Ant natural, normal, regular, 2devise n 1 : a disposing of real property by will 2: a will
standard, typical
or clause of a will disposing of real property 3: property
2deviant n : one that is deviant given by will
bohemian, individualist, loner, maverick, noncon- de-vi-tal-ize \de-'vit-'I-,iz\ vb : to deprive of life or vitality
formist - more at NONCONFORMIST de-void \di-'v6id\ adj : being without: VOID <a book ~
de-vi-ate \'de-ve-,at\ vb -at-ed; -at-ing [LL deviare, fr. L de- of interest)
from + via way] : to turn aside from a course, standard,
bare, blank, empty, stark, vacant, void - more at
principle, or topic - de-vi-ate \-ve-at, -ve-,at\ n - de-vi-
EMPTY bereft, destitute, empty, void; also bare, bar-
a-tion \,de-ve-'a-shan\ n ren, blank, stark, vacant, wanting; deficient, fragmen-
detour, sheer, swerve, swing, turn, turn off, veer- tary, incomplete, partial; absent, missing Ant replete
more at TURN de-voir \da-'vwiir\ n 1 : DUTY 2: a formal act of civility or
de-vice \di-'vis\ n 1 : a scheme to deceive: STRATAGEM respect
2 : a piece of equipment or a mechanism for a special
de-valve \di-'viilv\ vb de-valved; de-volv-ing : to pass (as
purpose 3 : a particular disposition of mind or charac- rights or responsibility) from one to another uSU. by suc-
ter : INCLINATION - used in pl. <left to my own ~s) 4: an
cession or transmission - dev-o-tu-ttcn \,de-va-'Iii-shan,
emblematic design
,de-\ n
[1] artifice, dodge, gimmick, jig, ploy, scheme, De-vo-ni-an \di-'vo-ne-an\ adj : of, relating to, or being the
sleight, stratagem, trick, wile - more at TRICK period of the Paleozoic era between the Silurian and the
[2] implement, instrument, tool, utensil - more at Mississippian - Devonian n
IMPLEMENT. USU devices[3] affinity, bent, disposition,
de-vote \di-'vot\ vb de-vot-ed; de-vot-ing 1 : to commit to
genius, inclination, leaning, partiality, penchant,
wholly or chiefly 2 : to set apart for a special purpose
predilection, predisposition, proclivity, propensity, tal-
ent, tendency, turn - more at INCLINATION
'dev-il \'de-val\ n [ME devel, fro OE deofol, fro LL diabolus, [1] address, apply, bend, buckle, give - more at AP-
PLY [2] allocate, consecrate, dedicate, earmark, re-
fr. Gk diabolos, lit., slanderer, fro diaballein to throw
across, slander, fro dia- across + ballein to throw] 1 often serve, save; also hallow, sanctify; commit, confide,
cap: the personal supreme spirit of evil 2 : an evil spirit consign, entrust
: DEMON 3 : a wicked person 4 a : an energetic, reck- de-vot-ed \-'vo-tad\ adj : characterized by loyalty and
less, or dashing person b.: a person prone to mischief devotion: FAITHFUL
5: an individual human: FELLOW <poor~) <Iucky~) constant, faithful, fast, good, loyal, pious, staunch,
[2] demon, fiend, ghoul, imp - more at DEMON steadfast, steady, true, true-blue - more at FAlTHFUL
[3] beast, evildoer, fiend, no-good, reprobate, rogue, dev-o-tee \,de-va-'te, -'ta\ n : an ardent follower, sup-
varlet, villain, wretch - more at VILLAIN [4a] dare- porter, or enthusiast
devil, madcap - more at DAREDEVIL [4b] hellion, addict, aficionado, buff, bug, enthusiast, fan, fanatic,
imp, mischief, monkey, rapscallion, rascal, rogue, fancier. fiend, freak, lover, maniac, nut - more at FAN
scamp, urchin - more at SCAMP de-vo-tion \di-'vo-shan \ n 1 : religious fervor 2: an act
2devil vb -iled or -iIIed; -il-ing or -ii-ling 1 : to season highly of prayer or private worship - usu. used in pl. 3: a reli-
<~ed eggs) 2: TEASE, ANNOY gious exercise for private use 4 : the fact or state of be-
dev-il-ish \'de-v3-lish\ adj 1 : befitting a devil: EVIL; also ing dedicated and loyal <~ to the cause); also: the act of
: MISCHIEVOUS 2: exceeding the ordinary, usual, or ex- devoting
pected : EXTREME [1] faith, piety, religion - more at FAlTH [4] alle-
demonic, diabolical, evil, fiendish, satanic - more at giance, constancy, dedication, faith, faithfulness, fast-
FIENDISH. impish, knavish, mischievous, rascally, rogu- ness, fealty, fidelity, loyalty, steadfastness - more at
ish, sly, waggish, wicked - more at MISCHIEVOUS FIDELITY [4] affection, attachment, fondness, love,
dev-il-ish-ly \-Ie\ adv : in a devilish manner passion - more at LOVE
225 diametrical

de-vo-ncn-at\-sha-nal\ adj + : of, relating to, or character- and indicating a sound value different from that of the
ized by devotion same letter when unmarked - di-a-crit-i-cal \-ti-kal\ adj
+ religious, sacred, spiritual - more at RELIGIOUS di-aodem\'di-a-,dem\ n : CROWN; esp : a royal headband
di-aer-e-sis or di-er-e-sis \di-'er-a-sas\ n, pi -e-ses \-,sez\ : a
de-vour \di-'valir\ vb 1 + : to eat up greedily or ravenously mark .. placed over a vowel to show that it is pronounced
2 : WASTE, ANNIHILATE 3: to enjoy avidly <~ a book)-
in a separate syllable (as in naive)
de-vour-er n diag abbr 1 diagonal 2 diagram
+ bolt, gobble, gorge, gormandize, gulp, scarf - more di-ag-nOosis \,di-ig-'no-sas\ n, pi -no-ses \-,sez\ 1 : the art
at GOBBLE or act of identifying a disease from its signs and symp-
de-vout \di-'valit\ adj 1 +: devoted to religion : PIOUS toms; also : the decision reached by diagnosis 2 a : inves-
2 : expressing devotion or piety 3: EARNEST, SERIOUS- tigation or analysis of the cause or nature of a condition,
de-vout-lyadv situation, or problem b + : a statement or conclusion
+ faithful, godly, holy, pious, religious, sainted, saintly from an investigation or analysis - di-ag-nose \'di-ig-
- more at HOLY ,nos\ vb - dl-ag-nos-tic \,di-ig-'nas-tik\ adj - di-ag-nos-
de-vout-ness \-nas\ n + : the quality or state of being de- ti-cian \-,nas-'ti-shan \ n
vout + conclusion, decision, deliverance, determination,
+ blessedness, godliness, holiness, piety, sainthood, judgment (or judgement), opinion, resolution, verdict
sanctity - more at HOLINESS - more at DECISION
dew \'du, 'dyii\ n : moisture that condenses on the surfaces 'di-ag-o-nal\di-'a-ga-nal\ ad) 1 : extending from one comer
of cool bodies at night - dewy adj to the opposite comer in a 4-sided figure 2 + : running in
dew-ber-ry \'du-,ber-e, 'dyii-\ n : any of several sweet edi- a slanting direction <~ stripes) 3: having slanting mark-
ble berries related to and resembling blackberries; also: a ings or parts <a ~ weave) - dl-ag-o-nal-Iy adv
trailing bramble bearing these + canted, inclined, listing, oblique, slantwise
dew-claw\-,klo\ n : a digit on the foot of a mammal that 2diagonal n 1 : a diagonal line or plane 2: a diagonal row,
does not reach the ground; also : its claw or hoof pattern, or direction 3: a mark / used esp. to mean "or,"
dew-lap\-,Iap\ n : loose skin hanging under the neck of an "and or," or "per"
animal 'dl-aogram \'di-a-,gram\ n + : a design and esp. a drawing
dew point n : the temperature at which the moisture in the that makes something easier to understand - di-aogram-
air begins to condense ma-ble \-,gra-ma-bal\ adi - di-allram-mat-ic \,di-a-gra-
dex-ter-i-ty xdek-sster-o-te', n, pi -ties 1 + : quickness and 'ma-tik\ adj - di-aogram-mat-i-cal-Iy\-ti-k(a-)Ie\ adv
skill in managing any complicated or difficult affair + figure, graphic, illustration, plate - more at ILLUS-
2 + : readiness and grace in physical activity; esp : skill TRATION
and ease in using the hands 2diagram vb -grammedor -gramed \-,gramd\; -gram-ming or
+ [1) adroitness, cleverness, craft, finesse, sleight; also -gram-ing : to represent by a diagram
ability, prowess, talent; competence, efficiency, expert- 'di-al \'di(-a)l\ n [ME dyal, fro ML dialis clock wheel re-
ise, know-how, proficiency; ingeniousness, ingenuity, volving daily, fro L dies day) 1: the face of a sundial
resourcefulness + [2) agility, deftness, nimbleness, 2 : the face of a timepiece 3: a face with a pointer and
sleight; also coordination Ant awkwardness,clumsiness numbers that indicate something <the ~ of a gauge) 4 : a
dex-ter-ous also dex-trous Vdek-strcsv adj 1 : CLEVER device used for making electrical connections or for reg-
2 + : done with skillfulness 3 + : skillful and competent ulating operation (as of a radio)
with the hands - dex-ter-ous-ly adv 2dial vb di-aled or di-alled; di-al-ing or di-al-ling 1 : to ma-
+ [2) adroit, artful, masterful, practiced, skillful, virtu- nipulate a dial so as to operate or select 2 + : to make a
oso - more at SKILLFUL + [3) clever, cunning, deft, telephone call or connection
handy; also agile, flexible, graceful, limber, lissome, + call, telephone - more at CALL
lithe, nimble, spry; coordinated; adept, competent, ex- 3dial abbr dialect
pert, masterful, masterly, proficient, skilled, skillful; di-a-lect \'di-a-,Iekt\ n + : a regional variety of a language
double-jointed Ant butterfingered, heavy-handed, un- + argot, cant, jargon, language, lingo, patois, patter,
handy slang, vocabulary; also idiom, parlance, pidgin, speech,
dex-trose \'dek-,stros\ n : the naturally occurring form of tongue, vernacular
glucose found in plants and blood di-a-Iec-tic \,di-a-'Iek-tik\ n : the process or art of reasoning
OFC abbr Distinguished Flying Cross by discussion of conflicting ideas; also : the tension be-
dg abbr decigram tween opposing elements - di-a-lec-tl-cal\-ti-kal\ adj
OG abbr 1 by the grace of God 2 director general dialog box n : a window on a computer screen for choos-
OH \,de-'ach\ n : DESIGNATED HITTER ing options or inputting information
dhow \'dali\ n : an Arab sailing ship usu. having a long di-a-Iogue\'dI-a-,16g\ also di-a-Iogn 1 + : a conversation
overhang forward and a high poop between two or more parties 2: the parts of a literary or
01 abbr drill instructor dramatic work that represent conversation
dia abbr diameter + colloquy, conversation, discourse, discussion, ex-
di-a-beotes \'di-a-'be-tez, -tas\ n : an abnormal state change - more at CONVERSATION
marked by passage of excessive amounts of urine; esp di-al-y-sis \di-'a-Ia-sas\ n, pl-y-ses \-,sez\ 1 : the separation
: one (diabetes mel-li-tus \-'me-Ia-tas\) characterized by of substances from solution by means of their unequal
defictent insulin, by excess sugar in the blood and urine, diffusion through semipermeable membranes 2: the
and by thirst, hunger, and loss of weight - dl-a-bet-ic medica] procedure of removing blood from an artery, pu-
\_Ibc_tik\ a~ or rf rifying it by dialysis, and returning it to a vein
di-a-bol-ical\.di-a-'bli-li-kal\ or di-a-bol-i-c\-Iik\ adj + : of, diam abbr diameter
relating to, or characteristic of the devil: DEVILISH - dt-a- di-am-e-ter \di-'a-ma-tar\ n [MEdiametre, fr. MF, fro L di-
bol-i-cal-ly\-k(a- )105\ adv ametros, fro Gk, fr. dia- through + metron measure) 1 : a
+ demonic, devilish, fiendish, satanic - more at straight line passing through the center of a figure or
FIENDISH body; esp : one that divides a circle in half 2 : the length
di-a-bol-i-cal-ness \,di-a-'bii-Ii-kal-nas\ n : the quality or of a diameter
state of being diabolical di-a-met-ric\,di-a-'me-trik\ or di-a-met-ri-cal v-trt-kol', adj
di-e-crit-Ic \,dr-a-'kri-tik\ n : a mark accompanying a letter 1 : of, relating to, or constituting a diameter 2 + : com-
diametrically 226
pletely opposed or opposite - \-k(a-)Ie\ diet abbr dictionary
adv 'dictate \'dik-,tat\ vb die-tar-ed; dic-tat-lnq 1: to speak or
+ antipodal, antithetical, contradictory, contrary, op- read for a person to transcribe or for a machine to record
posite, polar - more at OPPOSITE 2 : to issue as an order: COMMAND - dic-ta-tion \dik-'ta-
di-a-mond \'di-mand, 'di-a-\ n 1 : a hard brilliant mineral shonx n
that consists of crystalline carbon and is used as a gem 2dictate \'dik-,tat\ n + : an authoritative rule, prescription,
2 : a flat figure having four equal sides, two acute angles, or injunction: COMMAND (the ~s of conscience)
and two obtuse angles 3: any of a suit of playing cards + behest, charge, command, commandment, decree, di-
marked with a red diamond 4: INFIELD; also: the entire rection, directive, edict, instruction, order, word-
playing field in baseball more at COMMAND
dl-a-rnond-back rattlesnake \-,bak-\ n : either of two large die-ta-ter \'dik-,ta-tar\ n 1 + : a person ruling absolutely
and deadly rattlesnakes of the southern U.S. and often brutally and oppressively 2: one that dictates
dl-an-thus \di-'an-thas\ n : 'PINK 1 + autocrat, despot, oppressor, tyrant - more at DESPOT
di-a-pa-son \,di-a-'paz-n, -'pas-\ n 1 : the organ stop gov-
erning the flue pipes that form the primary basis of organ dtc-ta-to-rl-at \,dik-ta-'tor-e-al\ adj + : of, relating to, or
tone 2: the entire range of musical tones characteristic of a dictator or a dictatorship
'di.a.per \'di-par, 'di-a-\ n 1 : a cotton or linen fabric woven + arbitrary, authoritarian, autocratic, bossy, despotic,
in a simple geometric pattern 2: a garment for a baby domineering, imperious, masterful, overbearing, peremp-
drawn up between the legs and fastened about the waist tory, tyrannical, tyrannous - more at BOSSY
2diaper vb 1 : to ornament with diaper designs 2: to put a dlc-ta-tor-shlp \dik-'ta-tar-,ship, 'dik-,ta-\ n 1 : the office of
diaper on a dictator 2: autocratic rule, control, or leadership
di-aph-a-nous \di-'a-fa-nas\ adj : of so fine a texture as to 3 + : a government or country in which absolute power is
be transparent held by a dictator or a small clique
di-a-pho-ret-ic \,di-a-fa-'re-tik\ adj : having the power to in- + autocracy, despotism, totalitarianism, tyranny-
crease perspiration - diaphoretic n more at DESPOTISM
dl-a-phraqm \'di-a-,fram\ n 1 : a sheet of muscle between dlc-tlon \'dik-shan\ n 1 + : choice of words esp. with re-
the chest and abdominal cavities of a mammal 2: a vi- gard to correctness, clearness, or effectiveness: WORDING
brating disk (as in a microphone) 3: a cup-shaped device 2: ENUNCIATION
usu. of thin rubber fitted over the uterine cervix to act as
a mechanical contraceptive barrier - di.a.phrag.mat.ic
+ language, phraseology, phrasing, wording - more at
\,di-a-frag-'ma-tik, -,frag-\ adj
dic.tio-nary Vdik-sha-jner-ev n, pI -nar-les : a reference
dl-a-rlst \'di-a-rist\ n : one who keeps a diary
book containing words usu. alphabetically arranged
di-ar-rhea or chiefly Brit di-ar-rhoea \,di-a-'re-a\ n [ME di-
aria, fro LL diarrhoea, fro Gk diarrhoia, fro diarhein to along with information about their forms, pronuncia-
flow through, fr. dia- through + rhein to flow] : abnor- tions, functions, etymologies, meanings, and syntactical
mally frequent and watery bowel movements and idiomatic uses
di.a.ry \ 'di-a-re\ n, pl -ries : a daily record esp. of personal dic-tum \'dik-tam\ n, pl dic-ta \-ta\ also dictums: a note-
experiences; also : a book used as a diary worthy, formal, or authoritative statement or observation
dt-as-po-ra \di-'as-pa-ra\ n 1 cap: the settling of scattered did past of DO
colonies of Jews outside Palestine after the Babylonian dl-dac-tlc \di-'dak-tik\ adj 1 : intended to instruct, inform,
exile 2 cap: the Jews living outside Palestine or modern or teach a moral lesson 2: making moral observations
Israel 3: the migration or scattering of a people away di-do \'di-do\ n, pI didoes or didos : a mischievous act
from an ancestral homeland : PRANK
dt-as-to-le \di-'as-ta-(,)Ie\ n : the stretching of the chambers 'die \'di\ vb died; \'di-it)\ [ME dien, fro or akin to ON
of the heart during which they fill with blood - di-e-stet- deyja to die] 1 + : to cease living: EXPIRE 2 + : to pass out
ic \,di-a-'sta-lik\ adj of existence (a dying race) 3 : to disappear or subside
dia-ther-my \'di-a-,thar-me\ n : the generation of heat in tis- gradually (the wind died down) 4 + : to long keenly -
sue by electric currents for medical purposes usu. used with to or for (dying to go) (dying for a snack)
di-a-tom \'di-a-,tlim\ n : any of a class of planktonic one= 5 : to cease functioning: STOP (the motor died)
celled or colonial algae with skeletons of silica + [l] depart, expire, pass, pass away, perish, succumb;
di-atom-ic \,di-a-'ta-mik\ adj : having two atoms in the also disappear, fade Ant breathe, live + [2] break off,
molecule break up, cease, close, conclude, discontinue, elapse,
di-e-tribe \'di-a-,tn"\ n + : biting or abusive speech or writing end, expire, finish, halt, lapse, leave off, let up, pass,
+ harangue, rant, tirade - more at TIRADE quit, stop, terminate, wind up - more at CEASE + usu
di-az-e-pam \di-'a-za-,pam\ n : a tranquilizer used esp. to die down [3] abate, decline, decrease, de-escalate, di-
relieve anxiety, tension, and muscle spasms minish, dwindle, ebb, fall, lessen, let up, lower, moder-
diboble \'di-bal\ n : a pointed hand tool for making holes ate, recede, relent, shrink, subside, taper, wane - more
(as for planting bulbs) in the ground - dibble vb at DECREASE + usu die for [4] ache for, crave, desire,
'dice \'dis\ n, pI dice: ora 1 hanker for, hunger for, long for, lust (for or after), pine
2dice vb diced; 1 : to cut into small cubes (~ car- for, repine for, thirst for, want, wish for, yearn for-
rots) 2: to play games with dice more at DESIRE
di-chot-o-my \di-'ka-ta-me\ n, pl -mies : a division or the 2die \'di\ n [ME dee, fro AF del 1 pI dice \'dis\: a small cube
process of dividing into two esp. mutually exclusive or marked on each face with one to six spots and used usu.
contradictory groups - di-chot-o-mous \-mas\ adj in pairs in games and gambling 2pl dies \'diz\ : a device
dick-er \'di-kar\ vb : to negotiate over the terms of a pur- used to shape, finish, or impress an object
chase, agreement, or contract: BARGAIN die-hard \'di-,hard\ n : one who is strongly devoted or de-
hargain, chaffer, deal, haggle, negotiate, palter- termined
more at BARGAIN dieresis var a/DIAERESIS
dick-ey or dicky \'di-ke\ n, p! dickeys or dick-les : a small die-sel \'de-zai, -sal\ n 1 : DIESEL ENGINE 2: a vehicle
fabric insert worn to fill in the neckline driven by a diesel engine 3: DIESEL FUEL
di-cot-y-le-don \,di-,kat-I-'ed-n\ n : any of a group of seed diesel engine n : an internal combustion engine in whose
plants having an embryo with two cotyledons - dl-cot-y- cylinders air is compressed to a temperature sufficiently
le-don-ous adi high to ignite the fuel
227 digestibility
diesel fuel n : a heavy mineral oil used as fuel in diesel en- culte, fro L difficilis not easy, fro dis- not + facilis easy]
gines 1 : difficult nature <the - of a task> 2: DISAGREEMENT\'de-za-IiJ)\n : the continued operation of an in- <settled their difficulties> 3 : something that is difficult
ternal combustion engine after the ignition has been or serves to impede <overcome difficulties> 4: an in-
turned off stance of trouble <in financial difficulties>
'di-et \'di-at\ n [ME diete, fr. AF, fro L diaeta, fro Gk diaita, adversity, asperity, hardness, hardship, rigor; also dis-
lit., manner of living, fr. diaitasthai to lead one's life] comfort, inconvenience, nuisance; affliction, trial,
1 : food and drink regularly consumed: FARE 2: an al- tribulation; knock, misfortune, mishap, tragedy; bar,
lowance of food prescribed for a special reason (as to lose catch, check, clog, crimp, embarrassment, handicap,
weight) - di-e-tary\-:l-,ter-e\ adj or n hindrance, hitch, hurdle, impediment, interference, let,
2diet vb : to eat or cause to eat or drink less or according to manacle, obstacle, obstruction, rub, shackle, snag, stop,
a prescribed rule - di-et-ern trammel; block, chain, deterrent, encumbrance, fetter,
dietary supplement n : a product taken orally that contains inhibition; hump. complexity, complication, intricacy
ingredients (as vitamins or amino acids) intended to sup- - more at COMPLICATION
plement one's diet difofiodent\'di-f:l-dant\ adj 1 : lacking confidence 2: RE-
dl-e-tet-ics \,di-a-'te-tiks\ n sing or pi : the science or art of SERVED 1 - difofiodence \-dans\ n - difofiodenloly adv
applying the principles of nutrition to diet - di-e-tet-ic bashful, coy, demure, introverted, modest, retiring,
al(j sheepish, shy - more at SHY
dl-e-tl-tlanor dl-e-tt-clan\,di-a-'ti-shan \ n : a specialist in di- dlt-frae-tlon \di-'frak-shan\ n : the bending or spreading of
etetics waves (as of light) esp. when passing through narrow slits
dif or diff abbr difference 'diffuse \di-'fyiis\ adj 1 : being at once verbose and ill.
difofer \'di-far\ vb differed; 1: to be unlike organized <- writing> 2: not concentrated or localized
difofer-ence\'di-frans, 'di-fa-ronsv n 1 .: the quality or (-light>
state of being different: UNLIKENESS <- in their looks> circuitous, long-winded, prolix, rambling, verbose,
2 : distinction or' discrimination in preference 3 : dis- windy, wordy - more at WORDY
agreement in opinion; also: an instance or cause of dis- 2difofuse\di-'fyiiz\ vb dif.fused; diffusing 1 : to pour out or
agreement <unable to settle their -s> 4: the amount by spread widely 2: to undergo or cause to undergo diffu-
which one number or quantity differs from another sion 3: to break up light by diffusion
[1] contrast, disagreement, discrepancy, disparity, diffusion \di-'fyii-zhan\ n 1 : a diffusing or a being dif-
distinction, diversity, unlikeness; also deviance, diver- fused 2: movement of particles (as of a gas) from a re-
gence; change, modification, variation; conflict, dis- gion of high to one of lower concentration 3: the
cord, dissension, dissent, dissidence, disunity, friction, reflection of light from a rough surface or the passage of
strife; variability, variance; incompatibility, incon- light through a translucent material
gruity; disproportion Ant community, likeness, resem- 'dig \'dig\ vb dug \'dag\; digoging 1 : to turn up the soil (as
blance, sameness, similarity. [3] controversy, disagree- with a spade) 2: to hollow out or form by removing earth
ment, dispute, dissension <_ a hole> 3 a : to uncover or seek by turning up earth
dif.fer-ent Vdi-frant, 'di-fa-rant\ adj 1 : unlike in nature <- potatoes> b.: to penetrate below the surface in
or quality 2 : not the same <- age groups>; also: VAR- search of something hidden or buried - used with into
IOUS <- members of the club> 3: ANOTHER <try a - c : to advance by or as if by removing or pushing aside
channel> 4: UNUSUAL, SPECIAL material <- through the toy box> 4 : to come upon by
disparate, dissimilar, distinct, distinctive, distinguish- searching or effort : DISCOVER <- up information>
able, diverse, other, unalike, unlike; also divers, miscel- 5: POKE, THRUST <- a person in the ribs> 6: to work hard
laneous, several, sundry, variant, varied; individual, 7 a : UNDERSTAND, APPRECIATE b : to feel attraction to-
particular, peculiar, single; unequal; disproportionate ward or take pleasure in : LIKE
Ant alike, indistinguishable, like, parallel, same, similar usu dig into [3b] delve, explore, go, inquire into, in-
'difofer-en.tial \,di-fa-'ren-chal\ adj : showing, creating, or vestigate, look, probe, research - more at EXPLORE
relating to a difference usu dig through [3c] dredge, hunt, rake, ransack, ri-
2differential n 1 : the amount or degree by which things dif- fle, rummage, scour, search - more at SEARCH usu
fer 2: DIFFERENTIAL GEAR dig up [4] detect, determine, discover, ferret out, find,
differential gear n : an arrangement of gears in an automo- hit on, locate, track down - more at FIND
bile that allows one wheel to turn faster than another (as [7b] adore, delight, enjoy, fancy, groove, like, love,
in rounding curves) relish, revel - more at ENJOY
differ-entiate \,di-fa-'ren-che-,at\ vb -at-ed: 1 ; to 2dig n 1 a : a quick thrust: POKE b : a cutting remark 2pl
make or become different 2: to attain a specialized adult : living accommodations
form and function during development 3 : to recognize affront, barb, dart, indignity, insult, name, offense,
or state the difference <- between them> - difofer-enti outrage, put-down, sarcasm, slight, slur, wound-
a-tion \-,ren-che-'a-shan\ n more at INSULT
discern, discriminate, distinguish, separate - more 3dig abbr digest
at DISTINGUISH 'diogest \'di-Jest\ n : a summation or condensation of a
difofer-enloly\-Ie\ adv : in a different manner body of information; esp : a summarized or shortened
else, other, otherwise - more at OTHERWISE version esp, of a literary work
difofiocult \'di-fi-(,)kalt\ adj 1 .: hard to do or make abbreviation, condensation abstract, encapsula-
2 : hard to understand or deal with <- reading> <a - tion, epitome, outline, precis, recapitulation, resume (or
child> resume), roundup, sum, summary, synopsis, wrap-up
[1] arduous, demanding, exacting, formidable, gruel- - more at SUMMARY
ing, hard, herculean, laborious, murderous, rough, stiff, 2diogest \di-'jest, da-\ vb 1 : to think over and arrange in the
strenuous, tall, toilsome, tough - more at HARD mind 2: to convert (food) into simpler forms that can be
[2] catchy, delicate, knotty, problematic, spiny, absorbed by the body 3 : to compress into a short sum-
thorny, ticklish, touchy, tough, tricky - more at mary - diogest.ibil.i.ty \-Jes-ta-'bi-la-te\ n - diogest.ible
TRICKY adi - di.ges.tion \-,jes-chan\ n - dioges.tive \-'jes-tiv\
difofiocul.ty\-(,)kal-te\ n, pi-ties [ME difficulte, fro AF diffi- al(j
digestif 228
+ abstract, encapsulate, epitomize, outline, recapitu- ant choice; also : a situation involving such a choice
late, sum up, summarize, wrap up - more at SUMM"'- 2 : PREDICAMENT
RIZE dil-et-tante \,di-Ia-'tant, -'tant\ n, pi -tantes or -tan-tl \-'tan-
dioges-tif \,de-zhes-'tet\ n : an alcoholic drink taken after a te, -'tan-\ [It, fr. prp. of dilettare to delight, fr. L dilectare)
meal : a person having a superficial interest in an art or a
dig in vb 1: to take a defensive stand esp. by digging branch of knowledge
trenches 2: to firmly set to work 3: to begin eating dil-iogence \'di-Ia-jans\ n + : persevering application
dig-it \'di-jat\ n [ME, fr. L digitus finger, toe) 1 + : any of + assiduity, industry; also application, concentration;
the Arabic numerals 1 to 9 and usu. the symbol 0 2: FIN- doggedness, perseverance, persistence, tenacity, tire-
GER, TOE lessness
+ figure, integer, number, numeral, whole number- dil-iogent \'di-Ia-jant\ adi +: characterized by steady,
more at NUMBER earnest, and energetic effort
dig-i-tal \'di-ja-t'l\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or done with a fin- + active, assiduous, busy, engaged, laborious, occupied,
ger or toe 2: of, relating to, or using calculation by nu- sedulous, working - more at BUSY
merical methods or by discrete units 3: relating to or dil-i-gent-Iy \-Ie\ adv + : in a diligent manner
employing communications signals in the form of binary + determinedly, hard, laboriously, strenuously, tire-
digits <a - broadcast) 4: providing a readout in numer- lessly - more at HARD
ical digits <a - watch) 5: ELECTRONIC; also: character- dill \'dil\ n : an herb related to the carrot with aromatic
ized by computerized technology <the - age) - dig-i- leaves and seeds used as seasoning and in pickles
tal-Iyadv dil-Iy \'di-Ie\ n, pi dil-lies : one that is remarkable or out-
digital camera n : a camera that records images as digital standing
data instead of on film dil-Iy.<fal-Iy \'di-Ie-,da-Ie\ vb + : to waste time by loitering
dig-i-tal-is \,di-ja-'ta-Ias\ n : a drug from the common fox- or delaying
glove that is a powerful heart stimulant; also: FOXGLOVE + crawl, creep, dally, dawdle, delay, drag, lag, linger,
digital versatile disc n : DVD loiter, poke, tarry - more at DELAY
digital video disc n : DVD 'di-Iute \di-'liit, da-\ vb di-Iut-ed; di-Iut-ing + : to lessen the
dig-ni-fied \'dig-na-,fid\ adj + : showing or expressing dig- consistency or strength of by mixing with something else
nity - dl-lu-tlon \-'Iii-shan\ n
+ august, imposing, solemn, staid, stately; also deco- + adulterate, thin, water, weaken - more at ADULTER-
rous, formal, proper, seemly; grim, sober, somber; aris- ATE
tocratic, lordly, majestic, noble Ant flighty, frivolous, 2dilute adj + : having the consistency or strength of less-
giddy, goofy, silly, undignified ened by mixing with something else
dig-ni-fy \-,m vb -fied; -fy-ing + : to give dignity, distinc- + impure, polluted - more at IMPURE + thin, watery,
tion, or attention to weak - more at WEAK
+ aggrandize, ennoble, exalt, glorify, magnify - more 'dim \'dim\ adj dim-mer; dim-mest 1 + : lacking brilliance
at EXALT or luster : DULL 2 + : not bright or distinct : OBSCURE
dig-ni-tary \'dig-na-,ter-e\ n, pi -tar-les : a person of high 3 : not seeing or understanding clearly 4 + : perceived by
position or honor the senses or mind indistinctly or weakly - dim-Iy adv -
dig-ni-ty \'dig-na-te\ n, pi-ties 1 : the quality or state of be- dim-ness n
ing worthy, honored, or esteemed 2: high rank, office, or + [1) dull, fiat, lusterless + (2) dark, darkling, dusky,
position 3: formal reserve of manner, language, or ap- gloomy, murky, obscure, somber (or sombre) - more
pearance at DARK + (4) bleary, faint, foggy, fuzzy, hazy, indefi-
diograph \'di-,grat\ n : a group of two successive letters nite, indistinct, indistinguishable, murky, nebulous, ob-
whose phonetic value is a single sound (as ea in bread) scure, opaque, shadowy, unclear, undefined, undeter-
diogress \di-'gres, da-\ vb : to tum aside esp, from the main mined, vague - more at FAtNT
subject or argument - diogres-sion \di-'gre-shan\ n 2dim vb dimmed; dim-ming 1 + : to make or become dim or
diogres-sive \di-'gre-siv\ adj + : characterized by digres- lusterless 2 + : to reduce the light from
sions + becloud, befog, blur, cloud, darken, fog, haze, mist,
+ desultory, discursive, rambling - more at DISCURSIVE obscure, overcast, overshadow, shroud - more at
Oi-jon mustard \'de-,zhan-, di-'zhiin-\ n : a mustard made CLOUD
from dark mustard seeds, white wine, and spices 'dim abbr 1 dimension 2 diminished 3 diminutive
dike \'dik\ n 1 + : an artificial watercourse: DITCH 2 + : a dime \'dim\ n [ME, tenth part, tithe, fr. AF disme, dime, fr.
bank of earth constructed to control water: LEVEE L decima, fr. fern. of decimus tenth, fr. decem ten) : a U.S.
+ [1] ditch, gutter, trench - more at DITCH + [2] dam, or Canadian coin worth ten cents
embankment, levee - more at DAM di-men-sion \da-'men-chan, di-\ n 1 : the physical property
of length, breadth, or thickness; also: a measure of this 2
dil abbr dilute
di-Iap-i.<fat-ed \da-'Ia-pa-,da-tad\ adj + : fallen into partial
a + : the quality of spatial extension: EXTENT b : the range
over which or the degree to which something extends
ruin or decay
: SCOPE - usu. used in pI. - di-men-sion-al \-'men-cha-
+ grungy, mean, neglected, ratty, seedy, shabby- nal\ adj - di-men-sion-al-i-ty \-,men-cha-'na-Ia-te\ n
more at SHABBY
dl-lap-i-da-tion \da-,Ia-pa-'da-shan\ n + : the act of dilapi-
+ extent, magnitude, measure, measurement, propor-
tion, size - more at SIZE
dating or the state of being dilapidated
di-min-ish \da-'mi-nish\ vb 1 : to make less or cause to ap-
+ desolation, disrepair, neglect - more at NEGLECT pear less 2 + : to lessen the authority, dignity, or reputa-
di-Iate \di-'Iat, 'di-,Iat\ vb di-lat-ed: di-Iat-ing : SWELL, DIS- tion of : BELITTLE 3 + : to become gradually less (as in size
TEND, EXPAND - dil-a-ta-tion \,di-Ia-'ta-shan\ n - di-Ia- or importance) : DWtNDLE 4 + : to diminish gradually: TA-
tion \di-'Ia-shan \ n PER
dil-a-to-ry \'di-Ia-,tor-e\ adj 1 : DELAYtNG 2 + : character- + (2) belittle, cry down, decry, deprecate, depreciate,
ized by procrastination: TARDY discount, disparage, minimize, put down, write off-
+ creeping, laggard, languid, poky, slow, sluggish, tardy more at DECRY + [3, 4) abate, de-escalate, decline, de-
- more at SLOW crease, die, dwindle, ebb, fall, lessen, let up, lower, mod-
di-Iem-ma \da-'Ie-ma\ n 1 : a usu. undesirable or unpleas- erate, recede, relent, shrink, subside, taper, wane
229 direct
diminu-enodo \d;}-,min-y;}-'wen-do\ adv or adj : DE- di-ode\'eli-,od\ n : an electronic device with two electrodes
CRESCENDO or terminals used esp. as a rectifier
dim-i-nu-tlon \,di-m;}-'nii-sh;}n, -'nyii-\ n +: the act, di-ox-ln\di-'ak-san\ n : a persistent toxic hydrocarbon that
process, or an instance of diminishing occurs esp, as a by-product of industrial processes and
+ abatement, decline, decrease, decrement, drop, fall, waste incineration
loss, reduction, shrinkage - more at DECREASE 'dip \'dip\ vb dipped; dip-ping 1 + : to plunge temporarily
'di.minutive\d;}-'min-y;}-tiv\n 1 : a diminutive word or af- or partially under the surface (as of a liquid) 2: to thrust
fix 2: a diminutive individual in a way to suggest immersion 3 + : to scoop up or out
'diminutive adi 1 : indicating small size and sometimes the : LADLE 4: to lower and then raise quickly <-a flag in
state or quality of being lovable,pitiable, or contemptible salute) 5 + : to drop or slope down esp. suddenly <the
<the - suffixes-ette and -ling) 2: extremely small: TINY moon dipped below the crest) 6 + : to decrease moder-
dim.i.ty Vdi-ms-tevn, pi -ties : a thin usu. corded cotton ately and usu. temporarily <pricesdipped) 7: to reach in-
fabric side or as if inside or below a surface <dipped into their
dim-mer\'di-m;}r\n : a device for controlling the amount savings) 8 + : to examine or read something casually or
of light from an electric lighting unit superficially<- into a book)
dl-mor-phlc\(,)eli-'mor-fik\ adj : occurring in two distinct + [1] douse, duck, dunk, immerse, souse, submerge;
forms - dt-mor-phlsm \-,fi-z;}m\n also drench, flood, soak, wet; plunge, thrust + [3] ladle,
'dim.ple Vdim-pol',n : a small depression esp, in the cheek scoop, spoon; also bail; deplete, drain, eliminate, ex-
or chin haust; bleed, draw (off); dish; draw, siphon + [5, 6] de-
'dimple vb dim-pled; dim.pling : to form dimples (as in smil- cline, descend, drop, fall, lower, plummet, plunge, sink,
ing) tumble - more at DROP + [8] browse, glance, glimpse,
din \'din\ n + : a loud confused mixture of noises peek, skim - more at GLANCE
+ bluster, cacophony, clamor (or clamour), noise, 'dip n 1 : an act of dipping;esp : a short swim 2 + : incli-
racket, roar - more at NOISE nation downward : DROP 3: something obtained by or
dine \'elin\ vb dined; [ME, fr. AF disner, diner to used in dipping 4: a sauce or soft mixture into which
eat, have a meal, fr. VL "disjejunare to break one's fast, food may be dipped 5: a liquid into which something
ultlm. fro L jejunus fasting] 1 + : to eat dinner 2 + : to may be dipped (as for cleansing or coloring)
give a dinner to + descent, dive, down, drop, fall, plunge - more at DE-
+ [1] eat, fare, feed; also banquet, feast, fete; board, SCENT
mess;breakfast, lunch, sup; picnic + [2] banquet, feast, diph-the-ria\dif-'thir-e-a\ n : an acute contagious bacterial
junket, regale - more at FEAST disease marked by fever and by coating of the air pas-
din-er Vdl-narvn 1 : one that dines 2: a railroad dining car sages with a membrane that interferes with breathing
3 + : a restaurant usu. resemblinga dining car diph.thong \'dif-,thol)\ n : two vowel sounds joined in one
+ cafe, grill, restaurant - more at RESTAURANT syllable to form one speech sound (as ou in out)
dlp-lold \'di-,ploid\ adi : having two haploid sets of chro-
di-nette \di-'net\ n : an alcove or small room used for din-
ing mosomes <- somatic cells) - diploidn
di-plo-ma\d;}-'plo-m;}\n, pi diplomas: an official record of
ding \'diJ)\ vb: to cause minor damage to a surface - ding graduation from or of a degree conferred by a school
n di.plo-ma-cy\d;}-'pI6-m;}-se\ n 1 : the art and practice of
dinoghy\'diJ)-e\n, pi dinghies 1 : a small boat 2: LIFE RAFT conducting negotiations between nations 2: TACf
dinogi.nessVdin-ie-nes',n + : the quality or state of being
dingy dip-lo-mat \'di-pla-,mat\ n : one employed or skilled in
diplomacy - dlp-lo-mat-lc\,di-pl;}-'ma-tik\ adj
+ dirtiness, filthiness, foulness, grubbiness, nastiness, dl-plo-ma-tlst \da-'plo-ma-tist\ n : DIPLOMAT
uncleanliness- more at DIRTINESS dip-per \'di-p;}r\n 1 : any of a genus of birds that are re-
dinogle\'diJ)-g;}l\n : a small wooded valley lated to the thrushes and are skilled in diving 2: some-
dinogo\'diJ)-go\n, pi dingoes: a reddish brown wild dog of thing (as a ladle or scoop) that dips or is used for dipping
Australia 3 cap : BIG DIPPER 4 cap : LITTLE DIPPER
dinogus \'diJ)-g;}s, -;}s\n : DOODAD dip-so-ma-nia \,dip-s;}-'ma-ne-a\ n : an uncontrollable crav-
dinogy \'din-je\ adj din-ql-er; -est 1 : not clean or pure ing for alcoholic liquors - dip-so-ma-m-ac\-ne-,ak\ n
dip-stick \'dip-,stik\ n : a graduated rod for indicating
dink \'dil)k\ n, often all cap [double income, no kids] : a depth
couple with two incomes and no children; also: a mem- dip-ter-anVdip-ta-ranv adi : of, relating to, or being a fly
ber of such a couple (sense 2) - dipteran n - dip-ter-ous\-ras\ adj \'dil)-ke\ adj din-ki-er; -est: overly or unattractively dir abbr 1 direction 2 director
small dire \'dir\ adj dir-er; dir-est 1 + : very horrible: DREADFUL
dln-ner\'di-n;}r\ n 1 : the main meal of the day 2 + : a for- 2 + : warning of disaster 3: EXTREME 4 + : demanding
mal banquet immediate action to fend off disastrous consequences
+ banquet, feast, feed, spread - more at FEAST + [1] dreadful, fearful, fearsome, forbidding, formida-
dln-ner-wareVdi-nar-jwarx n : tableware other than flat- ble, frightful, hair-raising, horrible, redoubtable, scary,
ware shocking, terrible, terrifying - more at FEARFUL
dl-no \'eli-no\n, pi dinos : DINOSAUR + [2] baleful, foreboding, menacing, ominous, porten-
dino-flaogel.late\,dI-no-'fla-j;}-lat, -,Iat\ n : any of an order tous, sinister - more at OMINOUS + [4] acute, critical,
of planktonic plantlike unicellular flagellates of which imperative, imperious, instant, pressing, urgent-
some cause red tide more at ACUTE
di-no-saur \'di-na-,sor\ n [ultim. fr. Gk deinos terrifying + 'di.rect \da-'rekt, dI-\ vb 1 : ADDRESS <- a letter); also: to
sauros lizard] : any of a group of extinct long-tailedMeso- impart orally: AIM <- a remark to the gallery) 2 + : to
zoic reptiles often of huge size regulate the activitiesor course of : guide the supervision,
dint \'dint\ n 1 : FORCE <by - of sheer grit) 2: a depres- organizing, or performance of 3 + : to cause to turn,
sion or hollow made by a blow or by pressure : DENT move, or point or to follow a certain course 4: to point,
di-o-cese Vdl-o-sas, -,sez, -,ses\ n, pi -ces-es \-S;}-S;}Z, -,se- extend, or project in a specifiedline or course 5 + : to re-
zaz, -,se-saz\ : the territorialjurisdiction of a bishop - dl- quest or instruct with authority 6 + : to show or point
oc-e-san\di-'a-sa-san, ,di-;}-'sez-'n\adj or n out the way
direct 230
[2] administer, carry on, conduct, control, govern, executive, managerial, supervisory - more at EXECU-
guide, handle, manage, operate, oversee, regulate, run, TIVE
superintend, supervise - more at CONDUCT [3] aim, director's cut n : a version of a motion picture that is ed-
bend, cast, head, level, set, train - more at AIM ited according to the director's wishes
[5] command, decree, dictate, ordain, order dl-rec-to-ry \-t:l-re\ n, pi -ries : an alphabetical or classified
[5] bid, boss, charge, command, enjoin, instruct, or- list esp. of names and addresses
der, tell - more at COMMAND [6] conduct, guide, dire-ful \'dir-f:ll\ adi 1 : causing great and oppressive fear
lead, marshal, pilot, route, show, steer, usher - more : DREADFUL 2: OMINOUS
at LEAD dirge \'darj\ n : a song of lamentation; also : a slow
2direct ad] 1 : stemming immediately from a source <~ mournful piece of music
result) 2: being or passing in a straight line of descent elegy, lament, requiem, threnody - more at LAMENT
: LINEAL <~ ancestor) 3: leading from one point to an-
other in time or space without turn or stop : STRAIGHT di.riogi.ble \'dir-:l-j:l-b:ll, da-'ri-j:l-\ n : AIRSHlP
4 : free from evasiveness or obscurity : STRAIGHTFOR- dirk \'d:lrk\ n : DAGGER 1
WARD <a ~ manner) 5: operating without an interven- dirndl \'d:lrnd-'l\ n [short for G Dimdlkleid, fro G dial.
ing agency or step <~ action) 6: effected by the action Dirndl girl + G Kleid dress] : a full skirt with a tight waist-
of the people or the electorate and not by representatives band
<~ democracy) 7: consisting of or reproducing the ex- dirt \'d:lrt\ n 1 : a filthy or soiling substance (as mud,
act words of a speaker or writer dust, or grime) 2.: loose or packed earth : SOIL
[I] firsthand, immediate, primary; also clinical Ant 3 : moral uncleanness 4: scandalous gossip 5: embar-
indirect, secondhand [4] candid, forthright, rassing or incriminating information
foursquare, frank, honest, open, outspoken, plain, [I] filth, grime, muck, smut, soil - more at FILTH
straight, straightforward, unguarded, unreserved- [2] earth, ground, soil; also clay, dust, gravel, humus,
more at FRANK loam, loess, marl, mud, sand, silt, subsoil, topsoil
3direct adv : in a direct way dirt.i.ness \'d:lr-te-n:ls\ n : the quality or state of being
dead, directly, due, plump, right, straight - more at dirty
DIRECTLY dinginess, filthiness, foulness, grubbiness, nastiness,
direct broadcast satellite n : a television broadcasting sys- uncleanliness; also impurity; shabbiness; squalor Ant
tem in which satellite transmissions are received at the cleanliness
viewing location 'dirty \'d:lr-te\ ad] dirt-i-er; -est 1 .: not clean: SOILED
direct current n : an electric current flowing in one direc- 2 : morally unclean or corrupt: INDECENT <~ jokes) 3
tion only a : lacking honor: BASE <a ~ trick) b : not charac-
direct deposit n : a method of payment in which money is teristic of or exhibiting good sportsmanship 4 : relating
transferred to the payee's account without the use of to, characterized by, or indicative of a storm <~
checks or cash weather) 5: not clear in color: DULL <a ~ red) - dirty
dl-rec-ttcn \d:l-'rek-sh:ln, di-\ n 1 : guidance or supervi- adv
sion of action or conduct: MANAGEMENT 2: an explicit in- [I] dusty, filthy, foul, grubby, grungy, mucky,
struction : COMMAND 3: the course or line along which muddy, nasty, smutty, sordid, unclean; also contami-
something moves, lies, or points 4: TENDENCY, TREND- nated, defiled, impure, polluted, tainted; uncleaned, un-
directional \-sh:l-nal\ adj sanitary, unsterile, unwashed; discolored; bedraggled;
administration, conduct, control, government, guid- chaotic, cluttered, confused, disarranged, disheveled,
ance, management, operation, oversight, regulation, disordered, jumbled, littered, messed, messy, muddled,
running, superintendence, supervision - more at CON- mussed, mussy, rumpled, scruffy, sloppy, slovenly, un-
DUCT kempt, untidy; shabby, sleazy, squalid; smutty, sooty
dt-rec-tlve \d:l-'rek-tiv, di-\ n : something that directs and Ant clean, cleanly, immaculate, spick-and-span, spot-
usu. impels toward an action or goal; esp : an order issued less, stainless, unsoiled, unstained, unsullied [2]
by a high-level body or official bawdy, coarse, crude, filthy, foul, gross, indecent, las-
decree, edict, fiat, ruling - more at EDICT behest, civious, lewd, nasty, obscene, pornographic, ribald,
charge, command, commandment, decree, dictate, di- smutty, unprintable, vulgar, wanton - more at OB-
rection, edict, instruction, order, word - more at COM- SCENE. [3a] base, contemptible, despicable, detestable,
MAND dishonorable (or dishonourable), ignoble, low, mean,
di-rect-ly \-Ie\ adv 1 : in a direct manner 2 : without snide, sordid, vile, wretched - more at IGNOBLE. [3b]
delay foul, illegal, unfair, unsportsmanlike [4] bleak, foul,
[I] dead, direct, due, plump, right, straight Ant indi- inclement, nasty, raw, rough, squally, stormy, tempes-
rectly [2] forthwith, immediately, instantly, now, tuous, turbulent - more at FOUL
promptly, pronto, right away, right now - more at IM- 2dirty vb dlrt-led: : to make or become dirty
MEDIATELY befoul, begrime, besmirch, blacken, foul, grime,
direct mail n : printed matter used for soliciting business or mire, muddy, smirch, soil, stain; also contaminate, de-
contributions and mailed direct to individuals file, pollute, taint; discolor; confuse, disarrange, disar-
directness \-n:ls\ n 1 : the character of being accurate in ray, dishevel, disorder, jumble, mess, muddle Ant clean,
course or aim 2 : strict pertinence : FORTHRIGHTNESS cleanse
candor (or candour), forthrightness, frankness, open- disable \di-'sa-bal\ vb dis-abled; disabling 1 : to disqual-
ness, plainness - more at CANDOR ify legally 2 : to make unable to perform by or as if by
di-rec-tor \d:l-'rek-t:lr, di-\ n 1 : one that directs: MAN- illness, injury, or malfunction - dls-abll-i-ty \,di-s:l-'bi-l:l-
AGER 2: one of a group of persons who direct the affairs te\ n
of an organized body - di-rec-tor-shlp n cripple, hamstring, immobilize, incapacitate, para-
administrator, executive, manager, superintendent, lyze, prostrate - more at PARALYZE
supervisor - more at EXECUTIVE dis-abled adj .: incapacitated by illness, injury, or
dl-rec-tcr-ate \-t:l-r:lt\ n 1 : the office or position of direc- wounds; also: physically or mentally impaired
tor 2 : a board of directors; also : membership on such a challenged, handicapped; a/so blind, deaf, dumb,
board 3 : an executive staff halt, lame, mute, paralyzed; ailing, diseased, ill, sick,
dl-rec-to-rl-at \d:l-,rek-'tor-e-al\ adj : serving to direct unfit, unhealthy, unsound, unwell Ant able-bodied
231 disband
dls-ebuse \,di-s:l-'byiiz\ vb : to free from error, fallacy, or + dismay, dissatisfaction, frustration, letdown; also dis-
misconception enchantment, disillusionment; blues, dejection, depres-
dls-ad.van.tage \,di-s:ld-'van-tij\ n 1 : loss or damage esp, sion, desolateness, desolation, despondency, distress,
to reputation or finances 2 a : an unfavorable, inferior, or doldrums, dolor, dumps, gloom, gloominess, melan-
prejudicial condition b + : a quality or circumstance that choly, oppression, sadness,sorrow, unhappiness;alarm,
makes achievement unusually difficult: HANDICAP concern, consternation; chagrin, discomfiture Ant con-
tentment, gratification, satisfaction
+ drawback, handicap, liability, minus, penalty, strike;
also detriment, disability, impairment; failing, short-
dis.apopro-ba.tion \di-,sa-pr:l-'ba-sh:ln\ n : the act or state
coming; bar, catch, check, clog, crimp, embarrassment, of disapproving : the state of being disapproved : DISAP-
hindrance, hitch, hurdle, impediment, interference, let,
manacle, obstacle, obstruction, rub, shackle, stop, dis-ap-prov-al \,di-s:r'pru-v:lI\ n + : the act or state of dis-
trammel Ant advantage, asset, edge, plus approving: the state of being disapproved\-tijd\ adi : lacking in basic resources or + deprecation, disfavor (or disfavour), dislike, displea-
conditions believed necessary for an equal position in so- sure; also blame, censure, criticism, denunciation, dress-
ing down, opprobrium, reproach, reprobation; antago-
ciety nism, antipathy, hostility; disparagement, opposition
dts-ad-van-ta-qeous \di-,sad-, van-tta-jes, -van- \ adj + : con- Ant approbation, approval, favor
stituting a disadvantage dls-ap-prove\-'pruv\ vb 1 +: to pass unfavorable judg-
+ adverse, counter, hostile, inimical, negative, prejudi- ment on 2: to feel or express disapproval <,..._,s of smok-
cial, unfavorable (or unfavourable), unfriendly, unsym- ing) 3 + : to refuse approval to : REJECf - dls-ap-prov-
pathetic - more at ADVERSE \-'pru-vilJ-Ie\adv \,di-s:l-'fekt\ vb + : to alienate the affection or + usu disapprove of [I] deprecate, discountenance, dis-
loyalty of favor (or disfavour), dislike, frown, reprove; also blame,
+ alienate, disgruntle, estrange, sour - more at ES- censure, condemn, criticize, denounce, reprehend,
TRANGE + discontent, disgruntle, displease, dissatisfy- reprobate; chide, rebuke, reproach, scold Ant approve,
more at DISCONTENT favor. like. [3] decline. disallow, negative, refuse, re-
dts-et-tec-tlon \,dl-s:l-'fek-sh:ln\ n + : alienation of affec- ject, repudiate, spurn, tum down - more at DECLINE
tion dis-arm \di-'siirrn\ vb 1 : to take arms or weapons from
+ alienation, estrangement - more at ESTRANGEMENT 2 : to reduce the size and strength of the armed forces of
dis.agree \,di-s:l-'gre\ vb 1 : to fail to agree 2: to differ in a country 3 + : to make harmless, peaceable, or friendly
: win over <a ,..._,ing smile) - dis-ar-ma-ment \-'sar-m:l-
opinion 3: to cause discomfort or distress <fried foods ,..._,
mantv n
with her)
+ appease, conciliate, mollify, pacify, placate, propiti-
dis.agreeoable \-:l-b:ll\ adj 1 + : causing discomfort : UN-
ate - more at PACIFY
PLEASANT 2 + : marked by ill temper : ILL-TEMPERED- \,di-s:l-'ranj\ vb : to disturb the arrangement
dis.agree-able-nessn - dis.agree-ably\-ble\ adv
or order of
+ [1] bad, distasteful, nasty, rotten, sour, uncongenial, dls-ar-ranqe-rnentv-manr, n : the act of disarranging or the
unlovely, unpleasant, unwelcome - more at UNPLEAS- state of being disarranged
ANT + [2] bearish, bilious, cantankerous, dyspeptic, iII= \-'ra\ n 1 + : a lack of order or sequence: DIS-
humored, ill-tempered, ornery, splenetic, surly - more ORDER 2: disorderly or careless dress
+ chaos, confusion, disorder, disorganization, havoc,
dis.agree-ment\-m:lnt\ n 1 + : the act or instance of dis- hell, jumble, mess, muddle, shambles - more at CHAOS
agreeing 2 a + : the state of being at variance: DISPARI1Y dls-es-sern-ble\,di-s:l-'sem-b:ll\ vb + : to take apart
b + : a usu. verbal conflict between antagonists: QUARREL + dismantle, knock down, strike, take down; also de-
+ [1] controversy, difference, dispute, dissension; also tach, disengage; disconnect, divide, disjoin, disunite,
clash, collision, conflict, discord, strife; debate, discus- separate Ant assemble, construct, put together
sion; altercation, argument, bicker, falling-out, fight, dls-as-sc-cl-ate \-'so-she-,at, -se-v vb : to detach from asso-
quarrel Ant accord, agreement, harmony + [2a] contrast, ciation
difference, discrepancy, disparity, distinction, diversity, di-sas-ter \di-'zas-t:lr, -'sas-\ n [MF desastre, fr. It disastro,
unlikeness- more at DIFFERENCE. [2b] altercation, ar- fro astro star. fro L aslrom] + : a sudden or great misfor-
gument, bicker, brawl, dispute, fight, hassle, misunder- tune -
standing, quarrel, row, scrap, spat, squabble, wrangle-
more at ARGUMENT + calamity, cataclysm, catastrophe, debacle, tragedy;
also collapse, crash, meltdown; convulsion, paroxysm,
dls-ai-tow\,di-s:l-'Iau\ vb 1 + : to deny the force, truth, or upheaval; accident, casualty, fatality; misadventure,
validity of : REJECf <,..._, a claim) 2 + : to refuse to allow mischance, misfortune, mishap, woe; bummer, downer
+ contradict, deny, disavow, disclaim, gainsay, negate, dl-sas-trcus \di-'zas-tf;)s\ adj + : attended by or causing
negative, reject, repudiate - more at DENY suffering or disaster
dts-al-tow-ance\,di-s:l-'Iau-:ln(t)s\ n + : the act of disallow- + calamitous, catastrophic, destructive, fatal, fateful,
ing ruinous, unfortunate - more at FATAL
+ contradiction, denial, disavowal, disclaimer, nega- dis-avow\,di-s:l-'vau\ vb 1 + : to deny responsibility for
tion, rejection, repudiation - more at DENIAL : REPUDIATE 2 + : to refuse to acknowledgeor accept: DIS-
dis-ap-pear \,di-s:l-'pir\ vb 1 + : to pass out of sight 2 : to CLAIM
cease to be : become lost - dis-ap-pear-ancen + [1, 2] contradict, deny, disallow, disclaim, gainsay,
+ dissolve, evaporate, fade, flee, go, melt, vanish; also negate, negative, reject, repudiate - more at DENY
clear, dissipate Ant appear, materialize dts-avow-al\,di-s:l-'vau-:ll\ n + : the act or an instance of
dis-ap-polnt \,di-s:l-'point\ vb + : to fail to fulfill the expec- disavowing
tation or hope of + contradiction, denial, disallowance, disclaimer, nega-
+ cheat, dissatisfy, fail, let down; also discontent, dis- tion, rejection, repudiation - more at DENIAL
gruntle, displease; disenchant, disillusion Ant satisfy dls-bend \dis-'band\ vb + : to break up the organization of
dls-ap-point-ment\-m:lnt\ n + : the act or an instance of : DISPERSE
disappointing: the state or emotion of being disappointed + break up, disperse, dissolve Ant band, join, unite
disbar 232
dis-bar \dis-'bar\ vb : to expel from the legal profession - 2dis-charge \ 'dis-,charj, dis-tcharj', n 1 + : the act of dis-
dis-bar-ment n charging, unloading, releasing, or relieving 2: something
dls-be-Ileve \,dis-ba-'Iev\ vb 1 : to hold not worthy of be- that discharges; esp : a certification of release or payment
lief: not believe 2 : to withhold or reject belief - dis-be- 3 : a firing off (as of a gun) 4: a flowing out (as of blood
lief \-'lef\ n from a wound); also: something that is emitted <a puru-
dis-be-liev-er \,dis-ba-'Ie-var\ n + : one that is not a be- lent ~> 5 + : release or dismissal esp. from an office or
liever employment; also : complete separation from military
+ doubter, questioner, skeptic, unbeliever - more at service 6: a flow of electricity (as through a gas)
SKEPTIC + [l] delivery, quietus, quittance, release - more at
dis-bur-den \dis-'bard-n\ vb + : to rid of a burden RELEASE + [5] dismissal, layoff - more at LAYOFF
+ clear, disencumber, free, relieve, rid, unburden- dls-cl-ple \di-'sI-pal\ n [ultimo fro LL discipulus follower of
more at RID Jesus in his lifetime, fro L, pupil] 1 + : one who accepts
dis-burse \dis-'bars\ vb dis-bursed; 1 +: to and helps to spread the teachings of another; also: a con-
payout: EXPEND 2: DISTRIBUTE vinced adherent 2 cap : a member of the Disciples of
+ expend, give, layout, pay, spend - more at SPEND Christ
dls-burse-rnent \-mant\ n 1 +: the act of disbursing + adherent, convert, follower, partisan, pupil, votary -
2 + : funds paid out more at FOLLOWER
+ [1] compensation, payment, remittance, remunera- dis-cl-pll-nar-l-an \,di-sa-pla-'ner-e-an\ n : one who enforces
tion - more at PAYMENT + [2] cost, expenditure, ex- order
pense, outgo, outlay - more at EXPENSE dls-cl-plln-ary \'di-sa-pla-,ner-e\ adj + : of or relating to dis-
'disc var O/DISK cipline; also: CORRECTIVE <take ~ action>
2disc abbr discount + corrective, penal, punitive - more at PUNITIVE
'dis-card \dis-'kard, 'dis-,kard\ vb 1 : to let go a playing 'dis-ci.pline \'di-sa-plan\ n 1 : suffering, pain, or loss that
card from one's hand; also: to play (a card) from a suit serves as retribution : PUNISHMENT 2 + : a field of study
other than a trump but different from the one led 2 + : to 3 : training that corrects, molds, or perfects 4: control
get rid of as unwanted gained by obedience or training : orderly conduct 5: a
+ cast, ditch, dump, fling, jettison, junk, lose, reject, system of rules governing conduct
scrap, shed, shuck, slough, throwaway, throw out, un- + area, arena, demesne, department, domain, field, line,
load; also abandon, desert, forsake; dismiss; abolish, an- province, realm, specialty, sphere - more at FIELD
nihilate, eliminate, eradicate, expunge, exterminate, 2discipline vb -plined; 1 + : to punish or penalize
extinguish, extirpate, liquidate, remove, root (out),
for the sake of discipline: PUNISH 2: to train or develop
stamp (out), wipe out
by instruction and exercise esp, in self-control 3: to
2discard Vdis-jkard', n + : one that is cast off or rejected
bring under control <~ troops>; also: to impose order
+ cull, reject, rejection - more at CULL upon
disc brake n : a brake that operates by the friction of a pair + castigate, chasten, chastise, correct, penalize, punish
of plates pressing against the sides of a rotating disc - more at PUNISH
dis-cern \di-'sarn, -'zarn\ vb 1 + : to detect with the eyes disc jockey or disk jockey n : an announcer of a radio show
: DISTINGUISH 2 + : to recognize or identify as separate of popular recorded music
and distinct: DISCRIMINATE 3: to come to know or recog- dis-claim \dis-'kHim\ vb 1: to declare untrue : DENY
nize mentally 2 + : to refuse to admit or acknowledge: DISAVOW
+ [l] behold, descry, distinguish, espy, eye, look, note, + disavow, disown, repudiate; also contradict, deny,
notice, observe, perceive, regard, remark, see, sight, spy, disallow, gainsay, negate, negative, refuse, reject; chal-
view, witness - more at SEE + [2] differentiate, discrim- lenge, confute, criticize, disprove, rebut, refute; dis-
inate, distinguish, separate - more at DISTINGUISH pute, question Ant acknowledge, avow, claim, own,
dls-cern-lble \di-'sar-na-bal, -'zar-\ n + : capable of being recognize
discerned dis-claim-er \dis-'kla.-mar\ n 1 : a denial or disavowal of le-
+ appreciable, detectable, distinguishable, palpable, gal claim; also: a writing that embodies a legal disclaimer
perceptible, sensible - more at PERCEPTmLE 2 + : a refusal to acknowledge or accept
dls-cern-lnq adj + : revealing insight and understanding + contradiction, denial, disallowance, disavowal, nega-
+ insightful, perceptive, sagacious, sage, sapient, wise tion, rejection, repudiation - more at DENIAL
- more at WISE dis-close \dis-'kI6z\ vb 1 : to expose to view 2 + : to make
dis-cern-ment \-mant\ n + : the ability to grasp and com- known or public - dis-clo-sure \-'k16-zhar\ n
prehend what is obscure
+ bare, discover, divulge, expose, reveal, spill, tell, un-
+ insight, perception, sagacity, sapience, wisdom- bosom, uncloak, uncover, unmask, unveil - more at
'dis-charge \dis-'charj, 'dis-,charj\ vb 1 + : to relieve of a dis-co \'dis-k6\ n, pi discos 1 + : a nightclub for dancing
charge, load, or burden: UNLOAD; esp : to remove the elec- to live or recorded music 2: popular dance music char-
trical energy from <~ a storage battery> 2 + : to let or acterized by hypnotic rhythm, repetitive lyrics, and elec-
put off <~ passengers> 3 + : to drive (as an arrow or bul- tronically produced sounds
let) forward quickly or forcibly: SHOOT 4: to set free <~
a prisoner> 5 + : to give outlet or vent to <~ emotions>
+ cafe, discotheque, nightclub - more at NIGHTCLUB
<~ fumes> 6: to dismiss from service or employment, dis-col-or or Can and Brit dis-col-our \dis-'ka-lar\ vb : to al-
service, or duty <~ a soldier> 7 + : to get rid of by pay- ter or change in hue or color esp. for the worse - dis-col-
ing or doing <~ a debt> 8: to give forth fluid <the river or-anon \-,ka-la-'ra.-shan\ n
~s into the ocean> dis-com-bcb-u-late \,dis-kam-'ba-byli-,la.t\ vb -lat-ed; -lat-
+ [1, 2] disburden, disencumber, unburden, unload- ing + : to disturb the composure of : CONFUSE
more at UNLOAD + [3] blast, fire, loose, shoot - more + addle, baffle, befog, befuddle, bemuse, bewilder, con-
at SHOOT + [5] cast, emit, exhale, expel, issue, release, found, confuse, disorient, muddle, muddy, mystify, per-
shoot, vent - more at EMIT + [7] clear, foot, liquidate, plex, puzzle - more at CONFUSE
pay, payoff, quit, recompense, settle, spring, stand- dis-com-fit \dis-'kam-fat, esp Southern ,dis-kam-'fit\ vb
more at PAY + : to put into a state of perplexity and embarrassment
233 discourage
+ abash, confound, confuse, disconcert, discounte- tinuity of : cease to operate, use, or take 2 + : to come or
nance, embarrass, faze, fluster, mortify, rattle - more bring to an end
at EMBARRASS + [1, 2) break, break off, cease, cut, desist, drop, end,
dis-com-fi-ture\dis-'kam-fa-,chur\ n + : the act of discom- halt, knock off, layoff, leave off, quit, shut off, stop -
fiting : the state of being discomfited more at STOP
+ abashment, confusion, embarrassment, fluster, mor- dis-con-ti-nu-i-ty \dis-,kiin-t;l-'nii-;l-te, -'nyii-\ n 1 : lack of
tification - more at EMBARRASSMENT continuityor cohesion 2 + : a break in continuity: GAP
'dlsoCom.fort \dis-'kam-fart\ vb : to make uncomfortableor + gap, hiatus, interim, interlude, intermission, interrup-
uneasy tion, interval - more at GAP
2discomfortn : mental or physical uneasiness dls-con-tln-u-ous\,dis-k;ln-'tin-ya-w;ls\ adj + : not continuous
dls-com-mode\,dis-ka-'m6d\ vb -rned-ed: -rnod-lnq+ : to + casual, choppy, erratic, fitful, intermittent, irregular,
cause inconvenience to : TROUBLE occasional, spasmodic, sporadic, spotty, unsteady-
+ disoblige, disturb, inconvenience, trouble - more at more at FITFUL
INCONVENIENCE dls-cord\'dis-,k6rd\ n 1 + : lack of agreement or harmony
dls-com-pose \-kam-'p6z\ vb 1 + : to destroy the compo- : DISSENSION 2: a harsh combination of musical sounds
sure of: AGITATE 2: to disturb the order of: DISARRANGE 3 : a harsh or unpleasant sound
- dis-com-po-sure\-'p6-zhar\ n + conflict, dissent, disunity, friction, schism, strife,
+ agitate, bother, concern, disquiet, distress, disturb, variance, war, warfare; also clash, collision, competi-
exercise, freak out, perturb, undo, unhinge, unsettle, tion, contention; altercation, argument, bicker, brawl,
upset, worry debate, disagreement, dispute, falling-out, fight, hassle,
dts-con-cert \,dis-kan-'s;lrt\ vb + : to disturb the compo- jar, quarrel, row, run-in, scrap, spat, squabble, tiff,
sure of : CONFUSE wrangle; incompatibility, incongruity, inconsistency;
+ abash, confound, confuse, discomfit, discounte- animosity, antagonism, antipathy, enmity, hostility, ill
nance, embarrass, faze, fluster, mortify, rattle - more will, rancor Ant accord, agreement, concord, concor-
at EMBARRASS dance, harmony, peace adj + : causing loss of composure or self= dis-cor-dant\dis-'k6rd-'nt\ adj 1 a + : being at variance
possession (- opinions) b: apt or disposed to quarrel in an often
+ awkward, embarrassing, uncomfortable - more at petty manner: QUARRELSOME 2 + : relating to a discord <a
AWKWARD - tone) - dis-cor-dant-lyadv
dis-con-nect\,dis-ka-'nekt\ vb + : to undo the connection + [la) discrepant, incompatible, incongruous, inhar-
of - dls-con-nec-tlcn \-'nek-sh;ln\ n monious + [2) dissonant, inharmonious, unmelodious,
+ break up, disjoint, dissever, dissociate, disunite, di- unmusical - more at DISSONANT
vide, divorce, part, resolve, separate, sever, split, sun- dis-co-thequeor discotheque \'dis-b-,tek\ n + : a night-
der, unyoke - more at SEPARATE club for dancing to live or recorded music: DISCO 1
dis-con-nect-ed adj 1 +: not connected : SEPARATE + cafe, disco, nightclub - more at NIGHTCLUB
2 + : lacking orderly continuity, arrangement, or rele- 'disoCount \'dis-,kaunt\ n 1 + : a reduction made from a
vance : INCOHERENT - die-con-nect-ed-ly adv - dis-con- regular or list price 2 + : a deduction of interest in ad-
nect-ed-nessn vance when lending money
+ [1) detached, discrete, freestanding, separate, single, + [1, 2) abatement, deduction, reduction - more at
unattached, unconnected - more at SEPARATE DEDUCTION
+ [2) disjointed, incoherent, unconnected - more at 2disoCount\'dis-,kaunt, dis-tkauntv vb 1 : to deduct from
INCOHERENT the amount of a bill, debt, or charge usu. for cash or
dis-con-so-late \dis-'kiin-s;l-I;lt\ adj : CHEERLESS prompt payment; also: to sell or offer for sale at a dis-
2 + : hopelessly sad - dis-con-so-late-lyadv count 2: to lend money after deducting the discount <-
+ brokenhearted, despondent, forlorn, heartsick, mis- a note) 3 a : DISREGARD b + : to minimizethe importance
erable, sad, unhappy, wretched - more at SAD of 4: to make allowance for bias or exaggeration 5: to
'disoContent\,dis-k;ln-'tent\ n + : uneasiness of mind: D1S- take into account (as a future event) in present calcula-
SATISFACTION tions - dis-count-ableadj - dis-count-ern
+ displeasure, disquiet, dissatisfaction; also bitterness, + belittle, cry down, decry, deprecate, depreciate, di-
resentment; perturbation, uneasiness; blues, dejection, minish, disparage, minimize, put down, write off-
depression, desolateness, desolation, despondency, dol- more at DECRY
drums, dolor, dumps; misery,sadness, sorrow, unhappi- 3disoCount\'dis-,kaunt\ adi : selling goods or services at a
ness, wretchedness Ant contentedness, contentment, discount; also: sold at or reflecting a discount
pleasure, satisfaction drs-coun-te-nance\dis-'kaunt-'n-;lnts\ vb 1 + : to disturb
2discontent vb + : to make dissatisfiedor displeased the composureof : DISCONCERT 2 + : to look with disfavoron
disaffect, disgruntle, displease, dissatisfy; also alien- + [1) abash, confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert,
ate, estrange; agitate, discompose, disturb, disquiet, embarrass, faze, fluster, mortify, rattle - more at EM-
perturb, upset; annoy, irk, irritate, nettle, peeve; de- BARRASS [2) deprecate, disapprove, disfavor (or dis-
press, sadden Ant content, gratify, please, satisfy favour), dislike, frown, reprove
dls-con-tent-edadj + : expressingor showing lack of satis- dts-cour-aqe \dis-'br-ij\ vb -aged; 1 + : to deprive
faction of courage or confidence : DISHEARTEN 2: to hinder by
+ aggrieved, discontent, dissatisfied, malcontent; also disfavoring 3 + : to dissuade or attempt to dissuade -
disappointed, frustrated, unfulfilled; disquieted, dis-
turbed, perturbed, upset; dejected, depressed, despair- + [1) daunt, demoralize, dishearten, dismay, dispirit,
ing, despondent, disconsolate, doleful, down, downcast, unman, unnerve; also browbeat, bully, cow, intimidate;
downhearted, forlorn, hangdog, inconsolable, joyless, depress, sadden, weigh; afflict, try; damp, dampen,
miserable, mournful, sad, sorrowful, unhappy Ant con- deaden; distress, trouble; bother, irk, vex, worry; debil-
tent, contented, gratified, pleased, satisfied itate, enfeeble, undermine, weaken; frighten, horrify,
dls-con-tln-u-ance\,dis-k;ln-'tin-y;l-w;lns\ n : the act or an scare Ant embolden, encourage, hearten, nerve, steel
instance of discontinuing [3) deter, dissuade, inhibit; also divert Ant encourage,
dis-con-tin-ue\,dis-k;ln-'tin-yii\ vb 1 : to break the con- persuade
discouragement 234
dis-cour-age-ment \-m:mt\ n + : the act of discouraging or state of being discrepant: DIFFERENCE 2: an instance
: the state of being discouraged of being discrepant
+ demoralization, despair, despondency, dismay; also + contrast, difference, disagreement, disparity, distinc-
blues, dejection, depression, dumps, gloom, melan- tion, diversity, unlikeness - more at DIFFERENCE
choly; defeatism, pessimism, resignation Ant encourage- dis-crep-ant\-p:lnt\ adi [ME discrepaunt, fro L discrepans,
ment prp. of discrepare to sound discordantly, fro erepare to rat-
'dis-course \'dis-,kors\ n [ME discours, fro ML & LL dis- tle, creak] + : being at variance
cursus; ML, argument, fro LL, conversation, fr. L, act of + discordant, incompatible, incongruous, inharmo-
running about, fro diseurrere to run about, fr. eurrere to nious
run] 1 + : verbal interchange of ideas 2: formal and usu. dis-crete \dis-'kret, 'dis-,kret\ adj 1 + : individually dis-
extended expression of thought on a subject tinct 2: NONCONTINUOUS
+ colloquy, conversation, dialogue, discussion, ex- + detached, disconnected, freestanding, separate, sin-
change - more at CONVERSATION gle, unattached, unconnected - more at SEPARATE
'dis-course \dis-'kors\ vb dis-coursed; dls-cours-inq 1 + : to dis-cre-tion\dis-'kre-sh:ln\ n 1 + : the quality of being dis-
express oneself in esp. oral discourse 2: TALK, CONVERSE creet : PRUDENCE 2 + : individual choice or judgment
+ declaim, descant, harangue, lecture, orate, speak, 3 : power of free decision or latitude of choice
talk - more at TALK + [l] common sense, horse sense, prudence - more at
dle-cour-te-ous\(,)dis-'k:lr-te-:ls\ adj + : lacking courtesy PRUDENCE + [2] alternative, choice, option, pick, pref-
: RUDE - dls-cour-te-ous-Iy adv erence, way - more at CHOICE
+ ill-bred, ill-mannered, impertinent, impolite, incon- dls-cre-non-ary\-'kre-sh:l-,ner-e\ adj 1 + : left to discre-
siderate, rude, thoughtless, uncivil, ungracious, unman- tion : exercised at one's own discretion 2: available for
nerly - more at IMPOLITE discretionary use
dis-cour-te-sy \-'k:lr-t:l-se\ n + : the quality or state of be- + elective, optional, voluntary - more at OPTIONAL
ing rude: RUDENESS; also: a rude act dis-crim-l-nate \dis-'kri-m:l-,niit\ vb -nat-ed: -nat-ing
+ brazenness, disrespect, impertinence, impudence, in- 1 + : to recognize or give expression to a difference : DIS-
civility, insolence, rudeness; also audacity, boldness, TINGUISH 2: to make a difference in treatment on a basis
sauciness; churlishness, clownishness, vulgarity; blunt- other than individual merit
ness, curtness, sharpness; disagreeableness, grumpiness, + differentiate, discern, distinguish, separate - more
sullenness. surliness: impropriety, incorrectness, inde- at DISTINGUISH
cency, unfitness; arrogance, conceit, presumption, pre- dis-crimoionatolng a4j : marked by discrimination; esp : DIS-
tense, pretension, pretentiousness Ant civility, consid- CERNING, JUDICIOUS
eration, courtesy, genteelness, gentility, graciousness, dls-crlm-l-na-tlon\dis-,kri-m:l-'nii-sh:ln \ n 1 a : the quality
politeness, thoughtfulness or power of finely distinguishing b + : recognition, per-
dis-cov-er\dis-'k:l-v:lr\ vb 1 + : to make known or visible ception, or identification esp, of differences 2 a : the act,
2 a + : to obtain sight or knowledge of for the first time practice, or an instance of discriminating categorically
b + : to learn by study, observation, or search: FIND OUT rather than individually b: prejudiced or prejudicial out-
- dis-cov-er-ern look, action, or treatment
+ [1] bare, disclose, divulge, expose, reveal, spill, tell, + demarcation, distinction, separation - more at SEPA-
unbosom, uncloak, uncover, unmask, unveil - more RATION
at REVEAL + [2a] ascertain, catch on, find out, hear, dls-crlm-l-na-to-ry\dis-'kri-m:l-n:l-,tor-e\ adi : marked by
learn, realize, see; also hit (on or upon), tumble (to); de- esp. unjust discrimination <,...". treatment>
scry, detect, encounter, espy, spot; dope (out), figure dis-cur-sive vdis-tkor-sivv adj + : moving from topic to
out, puzzle (out); discern, note, observe, perceive; di- topic without order : RAMBLING - dis-curosive-Iy adv-
vine + [2b] detect, determine, dig up, ferret out, find, dls-cur-slve-ness n
hit on, locate, track down - more at FIND + desultory, digressive, rambling; also circuitous, devi-
dis-covoery \dis-'k:l-v:l-re\ n, pi -er-les 1 +: the act or ating, devious, roundabout
process of discovering 2: something discovered 3: the dis-cus Vdis-kosv n, pi dts-cus-ee : a disk that is hurled for
disclosure usu. before a civil trial of pertinent facts or distance in a track-and-field contest
documents dis-cuss \di-'skas\ vb [ME, fro AF discusser, fro L discussus,
+ detection, finding; also disclosure, exposure, revela- pp. of discutere to disperse, fro dis- apart + quatere to
tion, uncovering, unveiling; creation, invention; explo- shake] 1 + : to argue or consider carefully by presenting
ration; rediscovery the various sides 2: to talk about
'dis-credoit \(,)dis-'kre-d:lt\ vb 1 : DISBELIEVE 2: to cause + argue, chew over, debate, dispute, hash, moot, talk
disbelief in the accuracy or authority of 3 + : to deprive over; also descant (on), lecture (on or about), speak
of good repute: DISGRACE (about), talk (about); broach, introduce; forge, hammer
+ abase, debase, degrade, demean, disgrace, dishonor (out), thrash (out); consider, deliberate, weigh; reason
(or dishonour), humble, humiliate, lower, shame, (with)
smirch, take down - more at HUMBLE dis-cus-sant \di-'skas-'nt\ n : one who takes part in a for-
'discredit n 1 + : loss of reputation 2: lack or loss of be- mal discussion
lief or confidence dis-cus-slon \di-'sk:l-sh:ln\ n + : consideration of a ques-
disgrace, dishonor (or dishonour), disrepute, ig- tion in open and usu. informal debate
nominy, infamy, odium, opprobrium, reproach, shame + argument, colloquy, conference, deliberation, dis-
- more at DISGRACE course, give-and-take, parley, talk; also debate, dia-
dis-cred-it-able \-t:l-bal\ adj + : not reputable or decent logue; forum, meeting, powwow, seminar, symposium;
: injurious to a reputation for decency chat, rap
+ disgraceful, dishonorable (or dishonourable), disrep- 'disodain \dis-'diin\ n + : a feeling of contempt for someone
utable, ignominious, infamous, notorious, shameful - or something regarded as unworthy or inferior: SCORN
more at DISREPUTABLE + contempt, despite, scorn - more at CONTEMPT
dis-creet \dis-'kret\ adj : showing good judgment; esp : ca- 'disdain vb 1 + : to look on with scorn 2: to reject or re-
pable of observing prudent silence - dis-creetoly adv frain from because of disdain
dts-crep-an-ey\dis-'kre-p:ln-se\ n, pi -cies 1 + : the quality + high-hat, scorn, slight, sniff at, snub - more at SCORN
235 dish
dls-daln-tu] \dis-'dan-f;ll\ adj + : full of or expressing dis- disfunction var of DYSFUNcrlON
dain - adv disogorge \-'gorj\ vb 1 : to discharge by the throat and
+ haughty, highfalutin, lofty, lordly, prideful, proud, mouth: VOMIT 2 + : to discharge forcefully or confusedly
superior - more at PROUD + contemptuous,degrading, + belch, eject, erupt, expel, jet, spew, spout, spurt-
derogatory, scornful, uncomplimentary - more at more at ERUPT
DEROGATORY ldisograce \di-'skriis, dis-'griis\ vb + : to bring reproach or
dis-ease \di-'zez\ n + : an abnormal bodily condition that shame to
impairs normal functioning and can usu. be recognized + abase, debase, degrade, demean, discredit, dishonor
by signs and symptoms : SICKNESS - dis-eased \-'zezd\ (or dishonour), humble, humiliate, lower, shame,
adj smirch, take down - more at HUMBLE
+ ailment, bug, complaint, complication, condition, 2disgrace n 1 a + : the condition of one fallen from grace
disorder, fever, ill, illness, infirmity, malady, sickness, or honor : SHAME b + : a source of shame 2: the condi-
trouble; also contagion, contagious disease; infection, tion of being out of favor: loss of respect
infectious disease; deficiency disease; attack, bout, fit,
spell; debility, decrepitude, feebleness, lameness, weak- + [la) discredit, dishonor (or dishonour), disrepute, ig-
ness; malaise, matter; pest, pestilence, plague Ant nominy, infamy, odium, opprobrium, reproach, shame;
health, wellness also contempt, disdain, scorn; deprecation, disapproba-
tion, disapproval, disfavor; abasement, debasement, de-
dis-em-bark\,di-s;lm-'blirk\ vb + : to go or put ashore from basing, degradation, humbling, humiliation; blot,
a ship - dis-em-bar-ka-tion \di-,sem-,bar-'kii-sh;ln\ n
brand, slur, smirch, spot, stain, stigma Ant esteem,
+ dock, land, moor, tie up honor, respect + [lb) dishonor, reflection, reproach,
dis-em.body\,di-s;lm-'ba-de\ vb : to deprive of bodily exis- scandal; also smirch, spot, stain, stigma Ant credit,
tence honor
dis-ern-bow-el\-'bau-;lI\ vb : to take out the bowels of disograce-ful \-f;ll\ adj + : bringing or involving disgrace -
: EVISCERATE - dis-em-bow-el-ment n adv
drs-em-power \,dis-im-'pau(-;l)r\ vb : to deprive of power, + discreditable, dishonorable (or dishonourable), dis-
authority, or influence reputable. ignominious. infamous, notorious, shameful
dis-en-chant \,dis-n-'ehant\ vb : to free from illusion - more at DISREPUTABLE
: DISILLUSION - dis-en-chant-mentn
disogruntle \dis-'gr;lnt-I\ vb disogrun.tled; disogrun.tling
+ disillusion, undeceive - more at DISILLUSION : to put in bad humor - usu. used as a participial ad-
dis-en-chant-ed \-'chan-t;ld\ adj : DISAPPOINTED, DISSATlS- jective (they were a very disgruntled crew)
+ alienate, disaffect, estrange, sour - more at ES-
dis-en-cum-ber\,dis-n-'k;lm-b;lr\ vb + : to free from some- TRANGE + disaffect, discontent, displease, dissatisfy-
thing that burdens more at DISCONTENT
+ disburden, discharge, unburden, unload - more at ldisoguise \dis-'gIz\ vb disoguised; 1 +: to
UNLOAD change the appearance of to conceal the identity or to re-
dis-en.fran-chise \,dis-in-'fran-,chlz\ vb : to deprive of a semble another 2: HIDE, CONCEAL
franchise, a legal right, or a privilege; esp : to deprive of + camouflage, cloak, dress up, mask; also blanket, blot
the right to vote - dls-en-tran-chlse-mentn out conceal, cover, curtain, enshroud, hide, obscure,
dis-enogage \,dis-n-'gaj\ vb + : to release from something occult, screen, shroud, veil; affect, assume, counterfeit,
that engages or involves: EXTRICATE - dis-enogage-ment dissemble, dissimulate, feign, pose, pretend, sham, sim-
n ulate
+ clear, disentangle, extricate, free, liberate, release, 2disguise n 1 + : clothing put on to conceal one's identity
untangle - more at EXTRICATE or counterfeit another's 2: an outward appearance that
dis-enogaged \-'giijd\ adj : IMPARTIAL, DETACHED (a ,.._ ob- hides what something really is
dis-en-tan-qle\,dis-n-'tal)-g;l1\ vb + : to free from entan- + camouflage, guise; also domino, mask, veil, vizard;
glement dress, getup, outfit, rig; coloring, cosmetic, makeup,
+ unravel, untangle, untwine - more at UNRAVEL
ldisogust \dis-'g;lst\ n +: marked aversion aroused by
dls-equl-tlb-rl-um \di-,se-kw;l-'li-bre-;lm\ n : loss or lack of something highly distasteful: REPUGNANCE - dls-qust-ful
equilibrium \-f;l1\ adj
dts-es-tab-nsh \,di-s;l-'sta-blish\ vb : to end the establish-
ment of; esp : to deprive of the status of an established + distaste, loathing, nausea, repugnance, repulsion, re-
church - dis-es-tab-Ilsh-ment n vulsion; also abhorrence, abomination, execration,
dis-es-teem \,di-s;l-'stem\ n : lack of esteem: DISFAVOR, DIS- hate, hatred; disapproval, disfavor, disinclination, dis-
like, disliking, displeasure
dis-fa-vor or Can and Brit dis-fa-vour \(,)dis-'fii-v;lr\ n 2disgust vb + : to provoke to loathing, repugnance, or aver-
1 + : a feeling of aversion or disapproval : DISLIKE 2: the sion : be offensive to - \-'g;ls-til)\ adj - dis-
state or fact of being no longer favored adv
+ aversion, disinclination, dislike - more at DISLIKE + nauseate, repel, repulse, revolt, sicken, turn off; also
+ deprecation, disapproval, dislike, displeasure - displease, distress; appall, horrify; affront, insult, of-
more at DISAPPROVAL fend, outrage, shock
dis.fig.ure \dis-'fi-gy;lr\ vb + : to spoil the appearance of dis-qust-ed adj : affected by disgust - dls-qust-ed-ly adv
(disfiguredby a scar) + sick, squeamish - more at SICK
+ blemish, break, cripple, damage, deface, flaw, harm, 'dish \'dish\ n [ME, fr. OE disc plate, fr. L discus quoit,
hurt, injure, mar, spoil, vitiate - more at DAMAGE disk, dish, fro Gk diskos, fro dikein to throw) 1 : a vessel
dis.fig.ure-ment \-m;lnt\ n 1 : the act of disfiguring or the used for serving food 2: the food served in a dish <a ,.._
state of being disfigured 2 : something that disfigures of berries) 3: food prepared in a particular way
+ blemish, defect, deformity, fault, flaw, imperfection, 4 : something resembling a dish esp. in being shallow and
mark, pockmark, scar - more at BLEMISH concave 5: SATELLITE DISH 6: GOSSIP 2
dls-tran-ehlse \dis-'fran-,chIz\ vb : DISENFRANCHISE - dis- 2dish vb 1 : to put into a dish 2: to make concave like a
fran-chise-mentn dish 3: GOSSIP
dishabille 236
dis-ha-bille "di-s;l-'bel\ n [F deshabillJ : the state of being disinoeline \,dis-n-'klin \ vb : to make unwilling
dressed in a casual or careless manner dis-inoelined adj : unwillingbecause of dislikeor disapproval
dis-har-mo-ny \(,)dis-'hiir-m;l-ne\ n : lack of harmony- dis-In-teet \,dis-n-'fekt\ vb : to cleanse of infection-causing
dls-har-mo-nl-ous \,dis-(,)hiir-'mo-ne-;ls\ adj germs - disinfectant \-'fek-t;lnt\ n - dls-ln-tec-tlon
dish-cloth \'dish-,kloth\ n : a cloth for washing dishes \-'fek-sh;ln\ n
dis-heart-en \dis-'hiirt-n\ vb + : to cause to lose spirit or dls-ln-tcr-ma-tlcn\-,in-f;lr-'ma-sh;ln\ n : false information
morale : DISCOURAGE deliberately and often covertly spread
+ daunt, demoralize, discourage, dismay, dispirit, un- dls-in-qen-u-ous \,dis-n-'jen-y;l-w;ls\ adj : lacking in can-
man, unnerve - more at DISCOURAGE dor; also: giving a false appearance of simple frankness
dished \'disht\ adj : CONCAVE dls-ln-her-lt\,dis-n-'her-:lt\ vb : to deprive of the right to
dl-shev-el\di-'she-v;ll\ vb -shevoeledor -shevoelled; -shev- inherit or -shev-el-llnq[ME discheveled bareheaded, with dls-ln-te-qrate\di-'sin-t;l-,grat\ vb 1 : to break or decom-
disordered hair, fro AF deschevele, fro des- apart + chevoil pose into constituent parts or small particles 2: to de-
hair, fro L capillus) + : to throw into disorder or disarray stroy the unity or integrity of -
+ derange, disarray, disorder, disrupt, disturb, mess, \-,sin-t;l-'gra-sh;ln\ n
mix, muddle, rumple, upset - more at DISORDER break down, corrupt, decay, decompose, molder, pu-
di-shev-eled or di-shev-elledadj + : marked by disorder or trefy, rot, spoil- more at DECAY
disarray dls-ln-ter \,dis-n-'t;lr\ vb 1: to take from the grave or
+ disordered, messy, muddled, unkempt, untidy- tomb 2: UNEARTH
more at MESSY dis-in-ter-est-ed \(,)dis-'in-t;l-r;ls-t:ld,-,res-\ adj 1 .: not
dis-hen-est \di-'sii-n;lst\ adi + : not honest - dishonoestly interested 2 : free from selfish motive or interest: UN-
+ lying, mendacious; also erroneous, fallacious, false, + [I) apathetic, casual, indifferent, insouciant, noncha-
misleading; double-dealing, hypocritical, two-faced Ant lant, perfunctory, unconcerned, uncurious, uninter-
honest, truthful, veracious + crooked, deceptive, fast, ested - more at INDIFFERENT [2) dispassionate,
fraudulent, shady, sharp, shifty, underhanded; also un- equal, equitable, fair, impartial, just, nonpartisan, ob-
conscionable, unethical, unprincipled, unscrupulous; jective, square, unbiased, unprejudiced - more at FAIR
deceiving, deceitful, deluding, delusive;artful, cunning; dls-tn-ter-est-ed-ness \(,)dis-'in-t:l-r;ls-t:ld-n:ls, -,res-\ n
devious, furtive, sneaking, sneaky, tricky; insidious, per- : the quality or state of being objective or impartial
fidious, treacherous Ant aboveboard, honest, straight detachment, impartiality, neutrality, objectivity-
dis-hon-es-ty \di-'sii-n;l-ste\ n + : lack of honesty or in- more at DETACHMENT
tegrity dis.join \(,)dis-'join\ vb: to end the joining of: SEPARATE
+ artifice, craft, craftiness, crookedness, cunning, de- dis-joint \(,)dis-'joint\ vb 1 : to disturb the orderly arrange-
ceit, deceitfulness, dissimulation, double-dealing, du- ment of 2 : to separate at the joints
plicity, guile, wiliness- more at DECEIT break up, disconnect, dissever, dissociate, disunite,
'dishon-or or Can and Brit dis-hon-our \di-'sii-n;lr\ vb divide, divorce, part, resolve, separate, sever, split, sun-
1 + : to bring reproach or shame on : DISGRACE 2: to re- der, unyoke - more at SEPARATE
fuse to accept or pay <- a check) disjointoedadi 1 .: lacking coherence or orderly se-
+ abase, debase, degrade, demean, discredit, disgrace, quence 2: separated at or as if at the joint
humble, humiliate, lower, shame, smirch, take down - disconnected, incoherent, unconnected - more at
2dishonor or Can and Brit dishonour n 1 : lack or loss of disk or disc \'disk\ n 1 : something round and flat; esp : a
honor 2 + : the state of one who has lost honor or prestige flat rounded anatomical structure (as the central part of
: SHAME 3 + : a cause of disgrace 4: the act of dishonoring the flower head of a composite plant or a pad of cartilage
a negotiable instrument when presented for payment between vertebrae) 2 usu disc: a phonograph record 3: a
+ [2) discredit, disgrace, disrepute, ignominy, infamy, round flat plate coated with a magnetic substance on
odium, opprobrium, reproach, shame - more at DIS- which data for a computer is stored 4 usu disc: OPTICAL
GRACE + [3) disgrace, reflection, reproach, scandal- DISK
more at DISGRACE disk drive n : a device for accessing or storing data on a
dls-hon-or-able or Can and Brit dis-hon-our-able\di-'sii-n;l- magnetic disk
ra-balv adj + : lacking honor - dts-hon-or-ebly\-ble\ adv dis-kette \,dis-'ket\ n : FLOPPY DISK
+ base, contemptible, despicable, detestable, dirty, ig- disk jockey var of DISC JOCKEY
noble, low, mean, snide, sordid, vile, wretched - more 'dislike \(,)dis-'lik\ n : a feeling of aversion or disap-
at IGNOBLE. discreditable, disgraceful, disreputable, ig- proval
nominious, infamous, notorious, shameful - more at deprecation, disapproval, disfavor (or disfavour), dis-
DISREPUTABLE pleasure - more at DISAPPROVAL aversion, disfavor
dish out vb : to give freely (or disfavour), disinclination; also disgust, distaste,
dish.rag \'dish-,rag\ n : DISHCLOTH loathing, nausea, repugnance, repulsion, revulsion;
dtsh-wash-er \-,wo-sh;lr, -,wii-\ n : a person or machine abomination, antipathy, detestation, hate, hatred; dep-
that washes dishes recation, disapproval, displeasure, dissatisfaction; jaun-
dtsh-wa-ter \-,wo-t;lr, -,wii-\ n : water used for washing dice Ant appetite, fondness, like, liking, partiality,
dishes preference, taste
dls-tl-lu-slon \,di-s:l-'Iii-zh;:m\vb : to leave without illu- 2dislike vb : to regard with dislike: DISAPPROVE
sion or naive faith and trust - dls-ll-lu-slcn-ment n deprecate, disapprove, c1iscountenance, disfavor (or
+ disenchant, undeceive;also debunk, expose, show up, disfavour), frown, reprove
uncloak, uncover, unmask; disclose, divulge, tell, unveil dts-to-cate \'dis-lo-,kat, dis-'Io-\ vb 1 .: to put out of
dis-il-lu-sloned adj : DISAPPOINTED, DISSATISFIED place; esp : to displace (a bone or joint) from normal con-
dis-in-cli-na-tion \di-,sin-kl:l-'na-sh;ln\ n .: a preference nections <,....., a shoulder> 2: to force a change in the
for avoiding something : slight aversion usual status, relationship, or order of : DISRUPT
+ hesitancy, reluctance, reticence - more at RELUC- budge, displace, disturb, move, remove, shift, trans-
TANCE fer - more at MOVE
237 dispatch
dls-lo-ca-tlon\,dis-{,)Io-'ka-sh:m\ n + : the act of dislocat- dis-obey \,di-sa-'ba\ vb : to fail to obey: be disobedient
ing : the state of being dislocated dis-oblige\,di-sa-'blIj\ vb 1 : to go counter to the wishes of
+ disruption, disturbance, upset - more at UPSET 2 + : to subject to inconvenience
dislodge \{,)dis-'Iiij\vb : to force out of a place esp. of rest, + discommode, disturb, inconvenience, trouble -
hiding, or defense more at INCONVENIENCE
dis-loy-a] \{,)dis-'16i-al\ adj + : lacking in loyalty 'dis-oroder \di-'s6r-dar\ vb 1 +: to disturb the order of
+ faithless, false. fickle, inconstant, loose, perfidious, 2 : to disturb the regular or normal functions of
recreant, traitorous, treacherous, unfaithful, untrue - + confuse, derange, disarray, discompose, dishevel, dis-
more at FAITHLESS locate, disrupt, disturb, jumble, mess, mix, muddle,\(,)dis-'16i-al-te\ n + : lack of loyalty rumple, scramble, shuffle, tumble, upset; also embroil,
+ betrayal, double cross, faithlessness,falseness, falsity, entangle, snarl, tangle; agitate, stir (up), unsettle Ant
infidelity, perfidy, treachery, treason, unfaithfulness - arrange, array, draw' up, marshal, order, organize,
more at BETRAYAL range, regulate, straighten (up), tidy
dis-mat \'diz-mal\ adj [ME, fro dismal, n., days marked as 2disorder n 1 + : lack of order: CONFUSION 2 : breach of the
unlucky in medieval calendars, fr. AF, fr ML dies mali, peace or public order: TUMULT 3 + : an abnormal physi-
lit., evil days) 1 + : showing or causing gloom or depres- cal or mental condition: AILMENT
sion 2: lacking merit - dis.mal.lyadv + [1) chaos, confusion, disarray, disorganization,
+ bleak, dark, dreary, gloomy, gray (or grey), somber havoc, hell, jumble, mess, muddle, shambles - more at
CHAOS + [3) ailment, bug, complaint, condition, disease,
(or sombre), wretched - more at GLOOMY
fever, ill, illness, infirmity, malady, sickness, trouble -
dis-man-tle \(,)dis-'mant-'l\ vb -tied; -tling 1 +: to take
more at DISEASE
apart 2: to strip of furniture and equipment - dis-man-
tle-mentn dis-or-deredadi 1 + : marked by disorder 2: not func-
tioning in a normal orderly healthy way
+ disassemble,knock down, strike, take down - more
at DISASSEMBLE + chaotic, confused, disheveled, messy, muddled,
sloppy, unkempt, untidy - more at MESSY
'dls.may \dis-'ma\ vb + : to cause to lose courage or resolu-
tion from alarm or fear: DAUNT - \-Ie\ adj 1 +: offensive to public order
2 ; marked by disorder <a ,._, desk) - dts-or-cer-tl-ness n
+ daunt, demoralize, discourage, dishearten, dispirit,
unman, unnerve - more at DISCOURAGE + anarchic, lawless, unruly - more at LAWLESS
2dismay n 1 + : sudden loss of courage or resolution from\di-,s6r-ga-na-'za-shan\ n + : the act of
alarm or fear 2 + : sudden disappointment disorganizingor the quality or state of being disorganized
+ [1) demoralization, despair, despondency, discour- + chaos, confusion, disarray, disorder, havoc, hell, jum-
agement - more at DISCOURAGEMENT + [2) disappoint- ble, mess, muddle, shambles - more at CHAOS
ment, dissatisfaction, frustration, letdown - more at dls-cr-qa-nlze \di-'s6r-ga-,niz\ vb : to break up the regular
DISAPPOINTMENT system of : throw into disorder
dis-mem-ber \dis-'mem-bar\ vb 1 : to cut off or separate dis-ori-ent \di-'sor-e-,ent\ vb + : to cause to be confused or
the limbs or parts of 2 : to break up or tear into pieces - lost - dls-orl-en-ta-tlcn\di-,sor-e-an-'ta-shan\ n
dis-mem-ber-mentn + addle, baffle, befog, befuddle, bemuse, bewilder, con-
dis-miss \dis-'mis\ vb 1 + : to send away 2 + : to dismiss found, confuse, muddle, muddy, mystify, perplex, puz-
from serviceor employment 3 : to put asideor out of mind zle - more at CONFUSE
4 : to put out of judicial consideration < <ed all charges) dis-own \di-'son\ vb + : to repudiate any connection or
- dis-rnls-sive \-'mi-siv\ adj - dis.mis.sive-Iyadv identification with: DISCLAIM
+ [1) banish, boot (out), bounce, cast, chase, drum, eject, + disavow, disclaim, repudiate - more at DISCLAIM
expel, oust, rout, run off, throw out - more at EJECT disparage \di-'spar-ij\ vb -aged; [ME to degrade
+ [2) cashier, fire, remove, retire, sack; also downsize, by marriage below one's class, disparage, fro AF despar-
furlough,lay off; boot (out), bounce Ant employ, hire ager to marry below one's class, fr. parage equality, line-
dls-mlss-at \'mi-sal\ n + : the act of dismissing: the fact or age, fr, per peer) 1: to lower in rank or reputation
state of being dismissed : DEGRADE 2 + : to depreciate by indirect means (as in-
+ discharge, layoff - more at LAYOFF vidious comparison) : BELITTLE -
dts-rnount \dis-'maimt\ vb 1 : to get down from something
+ belittle, cry down, decry, deprecate, depreciate, di-
minish, discount, minimize, put down, write off-
(as a horse or bicycle) 2: UNHORSE 3 : DISASSEMBLE
more at DECRY
dis-obe-di-ence \,di-sa-'be-de-ans\ n + : neglect or refusal
to obey dls-par-aqe-ment \-mant\ n + : diminution of esteem or
+ defiance, insubordination, rebelliousness, recalci- + deprecation, depreciation, detraction, put-down-
trance, refractoriness, unruliness; also disrespect, impu-
dence, insolence, rudeness; doggedness, hardheaded- more at DEPRECIATION
ness, mulishness, obstinacy, pertinacity, perversity, dis-pa-rate Vdis-po-rat, dis-tpar-etv adj + : distinct in qual-
stubbornness; mischievousness, naughtiness Ant com- ity or character
pliance, docility, obedience + different, dissimilar, distinct, distinctive, distinguish-
dis-obe-di-ent \-ant\ adj + : refusing or neglecting to obey able, diverse, other, unalike, unlike - more at DIFFER-
+ contrary, defiant, froward, intractable, rebellious, re-
calcitrant, refractory, unruly, untoward, wayward, will- dis.par.i.ty\di-'spar-a-te\ n + : the state of being disparate
ful; also insurgent, mutinous; dogged, hardheaded, + contrast, difference, disagreement, discrepancy, dis-
headstrong, mulish, obdurate, obstinate, peevish, perti- tinction, diversity, unlikeness - more at DIFFERENCE
nacious, pigheaded, stubborn, unyielding; obstreper- dis.pas.sion.ate \(,)dis-'pa-sha-nat\ adj + : not influenced
ous, uncontrollable, unmanageable, wild; perverse, by strong feeling: IMPARTIAL - dis-pas-sion \-'pa-shan\ n
resistant, wrongheaded; bad, disorderly, errant, misbe- - dls-pas-sion-ate-lyadv
having, mischievous, monkeying, naughty; undisci- + disinterested, equal, equitable, fair, impartial, just,
plined; dissident, nonconforming, nonconformist; nonpartisan, objective, square, unbiased, unprejudiced
disrespectful, ill-mannered, ill-natured, impolite, impu- - more at FAIR
dent, insolent, ornery, rude, uncouth Ant amenable, 'dis.patch \di-'spach\ vb 1 .: to send off or away with
compliant, docile, obedient, tractable promptness or speed esp. on official business 2 : to put
dispatch 238
to death 3: to attend to rapidly or efficiently 4: DEFEAT dis-plea-sure \-'ple-zhar\ n : a feeling of dislike and irri-
- dis-patch-er n tation : a display of disapproval
[1] consign, pack, send, ship, transfer, transmit, deprecation, disapproval, disfavor (or disfavour), dis-
transport - more at SEND [2] do in, execute, kill, liq- like - more at DISAPPROVAL
uidate, murder, slay - more at MURDER dis-port \di-'sport\ vb 1 .: to entertain or occupy in a
2dis'patch \di-'spach, 'dis-,pach\ n 1 .: a message sent light, playful, or pleasant manner: AMUSE 2 + : to amuse
with speed 2: a news item sent in by a correspondent to oneself in light or lively fashion : FROLIC 3: to make evi-
a newspaper 3: the act of dispatching; esp : SHIPMENT dent: DISPLAY
4 : the act of putting to death 5: promptness and effi- [1] amuse, divert, entertain, regale - more at AMUSE
ciency in performing a task [2] caper, cavort, frisk, frolic, gambol, lark, rollick,
letter, memorandum, missive, note - more at LETTER romp, sport - more at FROLIC
dis.pel \di-'spel\ vb dls-peued: dis.pel.ling : to drive away dis-pos-able \di-'spo-za-bal\ adi 1 : remaining after deduc-
by scattering: DISSIPATE tion of taxes <- income) 2: designed to be used once
dis-pens-able \di-'spen-sa-bal\ adj : capable of being dis- and then thrown away <- diapers) - disposable n
pensed with dls-pos-al \di-'spo-zal\ n 1 : CONTROL, COMMAND 2 : an
orderly arrangement 3 : a getting rid of 4: MANAGE-
dls-pen-ea-ry \di-'spen-sa-re\ n, pi -ries : a place where
MENT, ADMINISTRATION 5: presenting or bestowing some-
medicine or medical or dental aid is dispensed
thing <- of favors) 6: a device used to reduce waste
dis-pen-sa-tion \,dis-pan-'sa-shan\ n 1 : a system of rules
matter (as by grinding)
for ordering affairs 2: a particular arrangement or pro-
vision esp, of nature 3: an exemption from a rule or from [2] arrangement, array, disposition, distribution, or-
der, sequence, setup - more at ORDER. [3] disposition,
a vow or oath 4 : the act of dispensing 5: something
dumping, jettison, removal, riddance; also clearance,
dispensed or distributed
clearing; demolition, destruction
allocation, distribution, division, issuance - more at dis-pose \di-'spoz\ vb dis-posed; 1 : to give a
tendency to : INCLINE <disposed to accept) 2. : to put in
dis-pense \di-'spens\ vb dis-pensed; dls-pens-lnq 1 .: to place <troops disposed for withdrawal) 3: SETTLE - dis-
portion out 2: ADMlNISTER <- justice) 3: EXEMPT 4: to pos-er n - dispose of 1 : to transfer to the control of an-
make up and give out (remedies) - dis-pens-er n - dis- other 2: to get rid of 3 : to deal with conclusively
pense with 1 : SUSPEND 2: to do without
deposit, fix, lay, place, position, put, set, set up, stick
+ administer, allocate, apportion, deal, distribute, mete, - more at PLACE arrange, array, classify, codify,
parcel, portion, prorate - more at ADMINISTER draw up, marshal, order, organize, range, systematize
dis-per-sal \-'spar-sal\ n : the act or result of dispersing - more at ORDER
dis-perse \di-'spars\ vb dis-persed: .: to dls-pcsed adj + : having a particular temperament, dispo-
break up and. scatter about sition, or tendency: being in a particular frame of mind
clear out, disband, dissipate, scatter - more at SCAT- amenable, game, glad, inclined, ready, willing-
TER break up, disband, dissolve - more at DISBAND more at WILLING
dls-per-sion \-'spar-zhan\ n : the act or process of dispers- dls-po-si-tlon \,dis-pa-'zi-shan\ n 1 : the act or power of
ing : the state of being dispersed disposing : DISPOSAL 2: RELINQUISHMENT 3.: orderly
dis-pir-it \dis-'pir-at\ vb : to deprive of morale or enthu- arrangement 4 : prevailing tendency, mood, or inclina-
siasm : DISCOURAGE tion 5: natural attitude toward things <a cheerful+-c-)
daunt, demoralize, discourage, dishearten, dismay, [3] arrangement, array, disposal, distribution, order,
unman, unnerve - more at DISCOURAGE sequence, setup - more at ORDER [4] affinity, bent,
dis-place \dis-'pliis\ vb 1 : to remove from the usual or devices, genius, inclination, leaning, partiality, pen-
proper place; esp : to expel or force to flee from home or chant, predilection, predisposition, proclivity, propen-
native land <displaced persons) 2: to move out of posi- sity, talent, tendency, tum - more at INCLINATION
tion <water displaced by a floating object) 3 : to take [4] grain, nature, temper, temperament; also cheer,
the place of : REPLACE frame, humor, mode, mood; attitude, outlook, perspec-
tive, point of view, standpoint, viewpoint; emotion, feel-
[1] budge, dislocate, disturb, move, remove, shift,
ing, heart, passion, sentiment; strain; belief, conviction,
transfer - more at MOVE [1] banish, deport, exile,
mind, opinion, persuasion; expression, tone, vein; char-
expatriate, transport - more at BANISH [3] replace,
acter, individuality, personality; responsiveness, sensi-
substitute, supersede, supplant - more at REPLACE
bility, sensitiveness, sensitivity
dis-place-ment \-mant\ n 1 : the act of displacing: the
dls-pos-sess \,dis-pa-'zes\ vb : to put out of possession or
state of being displaced 2: the volume or weight of a
occupancy - dls-pos-ses-sion \-'ze-shan\ n
fluid (as water) displaced by a floating body (as a ship)
dis-praise \{,)dis-'priiz\ vb : DISPARAGE - dispraise n-
3 : the difference between the initial position of an object
dis-prais-er n
and a later position dls-proot \{,)dis-'priif\ n : evidence that disproves
banishment, deportation, exile, expulsion - more at dis-pro-por-tlon \,dis-pra-'por-shan\ n : lack of proportion,
EXILE symmetry, or proper relation - dis-pro-por-tion-ate \di-'spla\ vb : to present to view: make evident v-sha-notv adi
disport, exhibit, expose, flash, flaunt, parade, show, dis-prove \{,)dis-'priiv\ vb : to prove to be false or wrong
show off, sport, strut, unveil - more at SHOW belie, confute, rebut, refute; also overthrow, overturn
2display n 1 : a displaying of something 2 : an electronic Ant confirm, prove, verify
device (as a cathode-ray tube) that gives information in dls-put-able \di-'spyii-ta-bal, 'dis-pya-ta-balv adi : capa-
visual form; also: the visual information ble of being disputed or contested
demonstration, exhibition, show - more at SHOW arguable, debatable, doubtful, moot, questionable -
exhibit, exhibition, exposition, fair, show - more at more at DEBATABLE
EXHIBITION dis-pu-tant \di-'spyiit-'nt, 'dis-pyo-tantv n : one that is en-
dis-please \(,)dis-'plez\ vb 1 : to arouse the disapproval gaged in a dispute
and dislike of 2 : to be offensive to : give displeasure arguer, contender, debater, disputer; also advocate,
disaffect, discontent, disgruntle, dissatisfy - more at defendant, plaintiff, pleader; nitpicker, pettifogger,
239 dissident
dis-pu-ta-tion\,dis-pyil-'tii-sh:m\ n 1 : the action of disput- discourteous, ill-bred, ill-mannered, impertinent, im-
ing : DEBATE 2: an oral defense of an academic thesis polite, inconsiderate, rude, thoughtless, uncivil, ungra-
dis-pu-ta-tious \-sh~s\ adj : inclined to dispute : ARGU- cious, unmannerly - more at IMPOLITE
MENTATIVE dis-robe \dis-'rob\ vb : to strip of clothing or covering: UN-
argumentative,contentious, quarrelsome, scrappy - DRESS
more at ARGUMENTATIVE dls-rupt\dis-'r~pt\ vb 1 : to break apart 2 : to throw into
'dispute \di-'spyiit\ vb dis-put-ed; 1 : to en- disorder 3: INTERRUPT - dis-rup-tive \-'r:>p-tiv\ adj
gage in argument: ARGUE 2 : WRANGLE 3 : to question discompose, disorder, disturb, upset - more at DIS-
the truth or rightness of 4: to struggle against or over ORDER
: OPPOSE dls-rup-tion \-'r~p-sh~n\ n + : the act or process of disrupt-
[l] argue, chew over, debate, discuss, hash, moot, ing : the state of being disrupted
talk over - more at DISCUSS [3] challenge, contest, dislocation, disturbance, upset - more at UPSET
query, question - more at CHALLENGE dls-sat-is-fac-tlon \di-,sa-t~s-'fak-sh~n\ n : the quality or
'dis.pute n 1 : verbal controversy 2 : a usu. verbal con- state of being dissatisfied
flict between antagonists: QUARREL + disappointment, dismay, frustration, letdown -
[l] controversy, difference, disagreement, dissension more at DISAPPOINTMENT
[2] altercation, argument, bicker, brawl, disagree- dis-sat-is-fled \-lid\ : expressing or showing lack of satis-
ment, fight, hassle, misunderstanding, quarrel, row, faction: not pleased or satisfied
scrap, spat, squabble, wrangle- more at ARGUMENT + aggrieved, discontent, discontented, malcontent-
dis-put-er n : one that disputes more at DISCONTENTED
arguer, contender, debater, disputant - more at DIS-\di-'sa-t~s-,fi\ vb : to fail to satisfy
PUTANT disappoint, fail, let down - more at DISAPPOINT
disoqual.i.fy\(,)dis-'kwa-l~-,fi\ vb : to make or declare unfit dis-sect \di-'sekt\ vb 1 + : to divide into parts esp. for ex-
or not qualified - dls-qual-i-tl-ca-ticn \-,kwa-l~-f~-'kii- amination and study 2.: to analyze and interpret
shanv n minutely - dis-sec-tor \-'sek-t~r\ n
'disoquioet \(,)dis-'kwi-~t\ vb : to make uneasy or restless analyze, anatomize, assay, break down, break up-
agitate, bother, concern, discompose, distress, dis- dls-sect-ed adj : cut deeply into narrow lobes <a - leal)
turb, exercise, freak out, perturb, undo, unhinge, un- dis-sec-tion \-'sek-sh~n\ n : the act or process of dissect-
settle, upset, worry ing : the state of being dissected
'disquiet n : lack of peace or tranquillity analysis, assay, breakdown, breakup - more at
agitation, anxiety, apprehension, care, concern, nerv- ANALYSIS
ousness, perturbation, uneasiness, worry - more at dls-sem-bte\di-'sem-b~l\ vb -bled; -bling 1 : to hide un-
ANXIETY der or put on a false appearance : conceal facts, inten-
dis-qui-etude\(,)dis-'kwi-~-,tiid, -,tyiid\ n : AGITATION, ANX- tions, or feelings under some pretense 2: SIMULATE-
IETY dis-sem-bler n
dls-qul-sl-tlon \,dis-kw~-'zi-sh~n\ n : a formal inquiry or + dissimulate, let on, pretend
discussion dls-sem-l-nate \di-'se-m~-,niit\ vb -nat-ed: -nat-lnq .: to
' \,dis-ri-'gard\ vb : to pay no attention to spread abroad as if sowing seed <- ideas>- dls-sem-l-
: treat as unworthy of notice or regard na-tion\-,se-m~-'nii-sh~n\ n
forget, ignore, neglect, overlook, pass over, slight, broadcast, circulate, propagate, spread, strew-
slur - more at NEGLEGr condone, excuse, gloss over, more at SPREAD
ignore, pardon, pass over, shrug off, wink at - more at dis-sen-sion \di-'sen-ch~n\ n : disagreement in opinion
controversy, difference,disagreement, dispute
'disregard n : the act of disregarding: the state of being 'dis.sent \di-'sent\ vb 1 : to withhold assent 2 : to differ in
disregarded - adj opinion
apathy, disinterestedness, indifference, insouciance, 'dissent n 1 a : difference of opinion; esp : religious non-
nonchalance - more at INDIFFERENCE conformity b : contentious quarreling 2: a written
dis-re-pair \,dis-ri-'par\ n : the state of being in need of statement in which a justice disagrees with the opinion of
repair the majority
desolation, dilapidation, neglect - more at NEGLEGr [la] heresy, heterodoxy, nonconformity - more at
dis-rep-u-ta-ble\dis-'re-pyil-t~-b~l\ adj : having a bad HERESY [Ia, Ib] conflict, discord, disunity, friction,
reputation schism, strife, variance, war, warfare - more at DIS-
discreditable, disgraceful, dishonorable (or dishon- CORD
ourable), ignominious, infamous, notorious, shameful; dis-sent-er \di-'sen-t~r\ n 1 : one that dissents 2 cap: an
also bad, immoral, seamy, shady, sordid, unethical, un- English Nonconformist
savory, wicked; base, contemptible, despicable, de- + dissident, heretic, nonconformist - more at HERETIC
testable, dirty, low, mean, vile, wretched Ant honorable, dis-ser-ta-tion \,di-s~r-'tii-sh~n\ n : an extended usu. writ-
reputable, respectable ten treatment of a subject; esp : one submitted for a doc-
dis-re-pute \,dis-ri-'pyiit\ n : lack or decline of reputa- torate
tion : a state of being held in low esteem dls-ser-vlce \di-'s~r-v~s\ n : ill service: INJURY
discredit, disgrace, dishonor (or dishonour), ig- + injury, injustice, raw deal, wrong; also insult, offense,
nominy, infamy, odium, opprobrium, reproach, shame outrage; complaint, grievance Ant justice
- more at DISGRACE dis-sev-er\di-'se-v~r\ vb : to set or keep apart: SEPARATE
dis-re-spect \,dis-ri-'spekt\ n : lack of respect: DISCOUR- + break up, disconnect, disjoint, dissociate, disunite, di-
TESY vide, divorce, part, resolve, separate, sever, split, sun-
brazenness, discourtesy, impertinence, impudence, der, unyoke - more at SEPARATE
incivility, insolence, rudeness- more at DISCOURTESY dls-si-dence\'di-s~-d~ns\ n : difference of opinion: DISSENT
dis-re-spect-ful\,dis-ri-'spekt-f~l\ adi : lacking proper re- 'dis.siodent\-d~nt\ adj [L dissidens, prp. of dissidere to sit
spect in speech or action apart, disagree, fr. dis- apart + sedere to sit] + : disagree-
dissident 240
ing esp. with an established religious or political system, dis-so-nance \'di-sa-nans\ n : DISCORD
organization, or belief dis-so-nant \-nant\ adj + : marked by dissonance: DISCOR-
+ heretical, heterodox, nonconforming, noncon- DANT
formist, nonorthodox, unconventional, unorthodox- + discordant, inharmonious, unmelodious, unmusical;
more at HERETICAL also blaring, clashing, grating, harsh, jangling, jarring,
'dissident n : one that is dissident metallic, raucous, scratching, screeching, shrill,
dissim.i.lar \di-'si-ma-lar\ adi + : not like: UNLIKE squeaky, strident; disagreeable, unpleasant, unpleasing;
+ different, disparate, distinct, distinctive, distinguish- atonal Ant harmonious, harmonizing, melodious, musi-
able, diverse, other, unalike, unlike - more at DIFFER- cal
ENT dis-suade \di-'swad\ vb dis-suad-ed; + : to ad-
dissim.i.lar.i.ty \di-,si-ma-'lar-a-te\ n : the quality or state vise against a course of action: persuade or try to per-
of being dissimilar suade not to do something - dls-sua-slon \-'swa-zhan\ n
dls-stm-u-tate \di-'si-mya-,lat\ vb + : to hide under a false - dls-sue-sfve \-'swa-siv\ adi
appearance : DISSEMBLE + deter, discourage, inhibit - more at DISCOURAGE
+ dissemble, let on, pretend dist abbr 1 distance 2 district
dls-srm-u-la-tlon \di-,si-mya-'la-shan\ n + : the act of dis- 'distaff \'dis-,taf\ n, pi distaffs \-,tafs, -,tavz\ [ME distal. fr.
sembling or the fact of being dissembled OE distsef, fro dis- bunch of flax + stsef stick, staff) 1 : a
staff for holding the flax, tow, or wool in spinning 2: a
+ artifice, craft, craftiness, crookedness, cunning, de-
ceit, deceitfulness, dishonesty, double-dealing, duplic- woman's work or domain 3: the female branch or side of
a family
ity, guile, wiliness - more at DECEIT
2distaff adj 1 : MATERNAL 2 2: FEMALE 1
dls-si-pate \'di-sa-,pat\ vb -pat-ed; 1 + : to break
distal \'dist-Ol\ adj 1 : situated away from the point of at-
up and drive off: DISPERSE <the breeze dissipated the fog>
tachment or origin esp. on the body 2: of, relating to, or
2 + : to spend or use up wastefully or foolishly: SQUANDER
being the surface of a tooth that is farthest from the mid-
3 : to break up and vanish 4: to be dissolute; esp : to dle of the front of the jaw - adv
drink alcoholic beverages to excess - adi
'dis.tance \'dis-tans\ n 1 + : measure of separation in space
+ [1) clear out, disband, disperse, scatter - more at or time 2: EXPANSE 3: the full length <go the ~> 4: spa-
SCATTER + [2) blow, fritter, lavish, misspend, run tial remoteness 5: COLDNESS, RESERVE 6: DIFFERENCE, DIS-
through, spend, squander, throwaway, waste - more PARITY 7: a distant point
lead, length, remove. spread. stretch, way; also alti-
dts-sl-pa-tlcn \di-sa-'pa-shan\ n 1 : the action or process of tude, area, breadth, depth, height, rise, space, volume,
dissipating : the state of being dissipated 2 +: self, width; extension, extent; cast, range, reach, scope, shot,
indulgence and intemperate living sweep, throw; drop, fall, flight, haul; berth, clearance
+ corruption, debasement, debauchery, decadence, de- 2distanee vb dis-tanced: : to leave far behind
generacy, degeneration, degradation, demoralization, : OUTSTRIP
depravity, dissoluteness, perversion - more at CORRUP- 3distance adj : taking place via electronic media linking in-
TION structors and students <,..... learning>
dis-so-el-ate \di-'so-she-,at\ vb -at-ed; + : to set or dis-tant \'dis-tant\ adj 1 : separate in space: AWAY 2 + : sit-
keep apart : DISCONNECT - dis-so-el-a-tion \di-,so-she-'a- uated at a great distance: FAR-OFF 3 : far apart or behind
shsnv n - dls-so-cla-tive \di-'so-she-,a-tiv\ adj 4 : not close in relationship <a ~ cousin> 5: different in
+ break up, disconnect, disjoint, dissever, disunite, di- kind 6 + : reserved or aloof in personal relationship
vide, divorce, part, resolve, separate, sever, split, sun- : COLD <~ politeness> 7: going a long distance - dis-
der, unyoke - more at SEPARATE tant-ly adv - dis-tant-ness n
dls-so-tute \'di-sa-,liit\ adj + : loose in morals or conduct + [2) away, far, far-off, remote; also apart, isolated, ob-
- dis-so-lute-ly adv scure, outlying, out-of-the-way, retired, secluded, se-
+ corrupt, debauched, decadent, degenerate, perverse, cret, sequestered Ant close, near, nearby, nigh
perverted, reprobate - more at CORRUPT + [6) aloof, antisocial, cold, cool, detached, frosty, re-
dls-so-tute-ness \-nas\ n + : the quality or state of being mote, standoffish, unsociable - more at COOL
dissolute dts-taste \(,)dis-'tast\ n + : a settled dislike
+ corruption, debasement, debauchery, decadence, de- + disgust, loathing, nausea, repugnance, repulsion, re-
generacy, degeneration, degradation, demoralization, vulsion - more at DISGUST
depravity, dissipation, perversion - more at CORRUP- dls-taste-ful \-fal\ adj 1 +: objectionable because inap-
TION propriate, unethical, or offensive to taste 2 + : unpleas-
dls-sc-lu-tion \,di-sa-'lii-shan\ n 1 : the action or process of ant to the sense of taste <~ fruit>
dissolving 2 + : separation of a thing into its parts 3: DE- + [1) bad, disagreeable, nasty, offensive, rotten, sour,
CAY; also: DEATH 4: the termination or breaking up of (as uncongenial, unlovely, unpleasant, unwelcome - more
an assembly) at UNPLEASANT + [2) unappetizing, unsavory; also
+ breakup, division, partition, schism, separation, split abominable, awful, bad, filthy, foul, horrible, loath-
- more at SEPARATION some, nasty, nauseating, noisome, obnoxious, offensive,
dis-solve \di-'zalv\ vb 1 +: to separate into component repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, shocking,
parts 2: to pass or cause to pass into solution <sugar ,.....s sickening; bland, flat, flavorless, insipid, tasteless Ant
in water> 3.: to bring or come to an end <,..... parlia- appetizing, delectable, delicious, palatable, savory, tasty
ment> <the organization dissolved) 4: to waste or fade dis-tern-per \(,)dis-'tem-par\ n : a bodily disorder usu. of a
away <his courage dissolved) 5: to be overcome emo- domestic animal; esp : a contagious often fatal virus dis-
tionally <~ in tears> 6: to resolve itself as if by dissolu- ease of dogs
tion 7 + : to disperse or disappear or cause to disperse or dis-tend \di-'stend\ vb : EXPAND, SWELL - dis-ten-si-ble
disappear \-'sten-sa-bal\ adj - dls-ten-slon or dis-ten-tlon \-chan\ n
+ [I) break up, disband, disperse - more at DISBAND dls-tich \ 'dis-(,)tik\ n : a unit of two lines of poetry
+ [3) abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, invalidate, dis-till also distil \di-'stil\ vb dis-tilled; 1 : to fall
negate, nullify, quash, repeal, rescind, void - more at or let fall in drops 2 : to obtain or purify by distillation
ABOLISH + [7] disappear, evaporate, fade, flee, go, melt, - distilloer n - dis.tilloery \-'sti-l:l-re\ n
vanish - more at DISAPPEAR + clarify, clear, filter, purify - more at CLARIFY
241 distrust
dis-ttl-late \'dis-t~-,lat, -l~t\ n : a liquid product condensed dls-tract-ed \di-'strakt-~d\ adj + : mentally confused, trou-
from vapor during distillation bled, or remote
distillation \,dis-t~-'la-sh;m\ n : the process of purifying a + absent, absentminded, abstracted, preoccupied-
liquid by successive evaporation and condensation more at ABSENTMINDED
dis-tinct \di-'stilJkt\ adj 1 : distinguishable to the eye or dls-trac-tion \-'strak-sh~n\ n 1 + : the act of distracting or
mind as discrete: SEPARATE 2 + : presenting a clear un- the state of being distracted; esp : mental confusion
mistakable impression - adv (driven to ---> 2 + : something that distracts; esp : AMUSE-
+ apparent, broad, clear, clear-cut, evident, lucid, man- MENT (a harmless e--o
ifest, obvious, palpable, patent, perspicuous, plain, + [1] bafflement, bewilderment, confusion, muddle,
transparent, unambiguous, unequivocal, unmistakable mystification, perplexity, puzzlement, whirl - more at
- more at CLEAR CONFUSION + [2] amusement, diversion, entertainment
dls-tlnc-tlen \di-'stilJk-sh~n\ n 1 + : the distinguishing of a - more at ENTERTAINMENT
difference; also : the difference distinguished 2: some- dls-tralt \di-'stra\ adj : apprehensively divided or with-
thing that distinguishes 3 + : special honor or recognition drawn in attention
4 + : the quality or state of being distinguished or worthy dis-traught \di-'strot\ adj 1 +: agitated with doubt or
+ [1] contrast, difference, disagreement, discrepancy, mental conflict 2 : INSANE
disparity, diversity, unlikeness - more at DIFFERENCE + agitated, delirious, frantic, frenzied, hysterical-
+ [I] demarcation, discrimination, separation - more more at FRANTIC
at SEPARATION + [3] acclaim, accolade, award, credit,
'distress \di-'stres\ n 1 + : suffering of body or mind: PAIN
glory, homage, honor (or honour), laurels - more at
2 : TROUBLE, MISFORTUNE 3 + : a condition of danger or
GLORY + [4] excellence, merit, value, virtue - more at
desperate need
dls-tlnc-tlve \di-'stilJk-tiv\ adj 1 a + : serving to distinguish + [1] affliction, agony, anguish, misery, pain, torment,
b + : set apart from others 2 + : having or giving style or torture, tribulation, woe; also discomfort; cross, cru-
distinction - dis-tlnc-tive-ly adv cible, trial; heartbreak, sadness, sorrow, unhappiness;
emergency, pinch; asperity, difficulty, hardship, rigor;
+ [la, 2] characteristic, classic, distinct, individual, pe- ache. hurt, pang. smarting, soreness, stitch, throe,
culiar, proper. symptomatic, typical - more at CHAR-
twinge; danger, jeopardy, trouble + [3] danger, jeop-
ACTERISTIC + [Ib] different, disparate, dissimilar,
ardy, peril, risk, trouble - more at DANGER
distinct, distinguishable, diverse, other, unalike, unlike
- more at DlFFERENT 'distress vb 1 : to subject to great strain or difficulties
distinctive-ness \-n~s\ n : the quality or state of being dis- 2 + : to cause to worry or be troubled: UPSET
tinctive + agitate, bother, concern, discompose, disquiet, dis-
dis-tinct-ness \-n~s\ n : the quality or state of being distinct turb, exercise, freak out, perturb, undo, unhinge, un-
dis.tinoguish \di-'stilJ-gwish\ vb [alter. of ME distinguen, fro settle, upset, worry
AF distinguer, fro L distinguere, lit., to separate by prick- dis-tress-ed \-'strest\ adj : experiencing economic decline
ing] 1 + : to recognize by some mark or characteristic or difficulty
2 + : to hear or see clearly : DISCERN 3 + : to make dis- dls-treas-tul \-f~l\ adj + : causing distress: full of distress
tinctions (--- between right and wrong> 4: to give promi- + anxious, nervous, restless, tense, unsettling, upset-
nence or distinction to; also : to take special notice of ting, worrisome - more at NERVOUS
+ [I] behold, descry, discern, espy, eye, look, note, no- dls-trlb-ute \di-'stri-byiit\ vb -ut-ed; -ut-lnq 1 + : to divide
tice, observe, perceive, regard, remark, see, sight, spy, among several or many 2: to spread out: SCATTER; also
view, witness - more at SEE + [2, 3] differentiate, dis- : DELIVER 3: CLASSIFY
cern, discriminate, separate; also comprehend, grasp, + administer, allocate, apportion, deal, dispense, mete,
know, understand; divide, part, sever; demarcate, mark parcel, portion, prorate - more at ADMINISTER
(of 0, set off Ant confuse, mistake, mix (up) dls-trt-bu-tlon \,dis-tr~-'byii-sh~n\ n 1 + : the act or process
dis-tin-guish-able \di-'stilJ-gwi-sh~-b~l\ adj + : capable of of distributing 2 + : the position, arrangement, or fre-
being distinguished quency of occurrence (as of the members of a group)
+ appreciable, detectable, discernible, palpable, percep- over an area or throughout a space or unit of time
tible, sensible - more at PERCEPTlBLE + [I] allocation, dispensation, division, issuance; also
dls-tin-quished \-gwisht\ adj 1 + : marked by eminence or disbursement; reapportionment, redistribution + [2]
excellence 2: befitting an eminent person arrangement, array, disposal, disposition, order, se-
+ eminent. illustrious, noble, notable. noteworthy. out- quence, setup - more at ORDER
standing, preeminent, prestigious, signal, star, superior dls-trlb-u-tlve \di-'stri-byiJ-tiv\ adj 1 : of or relating to dis-
- more at EMINENT tribution 2: of, having, or being the property of produc-
dls-tort \di-'stort\ vb 1 + : to twist out of the true meaning ing the same value when an operation is carried out on a
2 + : to twist out of a natural, normal, or original shape or whole expression and when it is carried out on each part

condition 3: to cause to be perceived unnaturally
+ [1] color (or colour), falsify, garble, misinterpret,
of an expression with the results then collected together
(a(b + c) ab + ac because multiplication is ---> - dis-
misrepresent, misstate, pervert, twist, warp - more at
GARBLE + [2] contort, deform, screw, warp - more at
trib-u-tive-ly adv
dls-trlb-u-tor \di-'stri-byiJ-t~r\ n 1 : one that distributes
CONTORT 2 : one that markets goods 3: a device for directing cur-
distorted adi + : twisted or deformed in shape or condition
; + deformed, malformed, misshapen, monstrous, shape-
rent to the spark plugs of an engine
dis-trict \'dis-(,)trikt\ n 1 + : a fixed territorial division (as
i less - more at MALFORMED for administrative or electoral purposes) 2 + : an area, re-
;;; dls-tor-tion \di-'stor-sh~n\ n 1 +: the act of distorting gion, or section with a distinguishing character
2: the nualitv or state of being distorted :3 product of dis- neighborhood (or neighbourhood), quarter. section;
ii + contortion, deformation - more at CONTORTION
also belt, zone; department, division, part; precinct,
ward; area, locality, place, region; barrio, enclave,
distr abbr distribute; distribution
dis-tract \di-'strakt\ vb 1 : to draw (the attention or mind) district attorney n : the prosecuting attorney of a judicial
to a different object: DIVERT 2: to stir up or confuse with
conflicting emotions or motives "dis-trust \dis-'tr~st\ n + : a lack or absence of trust
distrust 242

doubt, incertitude, misgiving, mistrust, skepticism, dt-uret-ic \,di-Y:l-'re-tik\ adj : tending to increase urine flow
suspicion, uncertainty - more at DOUBT - diuretic n
2distrust vb : to hold as untrustworthy or unreliable di-ur-nal \di-':lrn-I\ adj 1 : DAILY 2: of, relating to, occur-
doubt, mistrust, question, suspect; also disbelieve, ring, or active in the daytime
discount, discredit, negate Ant trust div abbr 1 divided 2 dividend 3 division 4 divorced
dis-trust-ful \-f:ll\ adj. : having or showing distrust di-va \'de-v:l\ n, pi divas or dl-ve \-,va\ [It, lit., goddess, fro
L, fem. of divus divine, god] 1 : PRIMA DONNA 2: a usu.
incredulous, leery, mistrustful, skeptical, suspicious glamorous and successful female performer or personal-
- more at SKEPTICAL doubtful, dubious, mistrustful, ity (the current - of the popular music world)
skeptical, suspicious, uncertain, undecided, unsettled, di.vaogate \'di-v:l-,gat\ vb -gatoed; : to wander or
unsure - more at DOUBTFUL stray from a course or subject : DIVERGE - di.vaogation \-f:l-Ie\ adv : in a distrustful manner \,di-v:l-'ga-sh:ln\ n
askance, dubiously, mistrustfully, suspiciously- di-van \'di-,van, di-'van\ n : a large couch uSU. without
more at ASKANCE back or arms often designed for use as a bed
dis-turb \di-'st:lrb\ vb : to interfere with : INTERRUPT couch, davenport, lounge, settee, sofa - more at
2 : to alter the position or arrangement of; also: to up- COUCH
set the natural and esp, the ecological balance of 3 : to 'dive \'div\ vb dived \'divd\ or dove \'d6v\; dived;
destroy the tranquillity or composure of : make uneasy 1 : to plunge into water headfirst 2: SUBMERGE 3: to
4 : to throw into disorder 5 : to put to inconvenience - come or drop down precipitously 4: to descend in an air-
dis-turb-er n - \-'st:lr-bil)-Ie\ adv plane at a steep angle 5: to plunge into some matter or
[2] budge, dislocate, displace, move, remove, shift, activity 6: DART, LUNGE - div-er n
transfer - more at MOVE [3] agitate, bother, con- pitch, plunge, sound; also dip, immerse, submerge;
cern, discompose, disquiet, distress, exercise, freak out, belly flop
perturb, undo, unhinge, unsettle, upset, worry; also ag- 2dive n 1 : the act or an instance of diving 2 : a sharp
gravate, anger, annoy, bug, chafe, exasperate, fret, gall, decline 3: a disreputable bar or place of amusement
get, grate, harass, harry, irk, irritate, nettle, peeve, descent, dip, down, drop, fall, plunge - more at DE-
pester, pique, put out, rile, vex; bedevil, haunt, plague; SCENT
abash, confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, dis- dl-verqe \d:l-'v:lrj, di-\ vb diverged; 1 .: to
countenance, embarrass, faze, fluster, mortify, nonplus, move or extend in different directions from a common
rattle; daunt, demoralize, discourage, dishearten. dis- point: draw apart 2: to differ in character, form, or opin-
may, dispirit Ant calm, compose, quiet, settle, soothe, ion 3: DEVIATE 4: DEFLECT - di.verogence \-'v:lr-j:lns\ n
tranquilize [5] discommode, disoblige, inconven- - di.verogent \-j:lnt\ adj
ience, trouble - more at INCONVENIENCE
branch, fan, radiate - more at RADIATE. branch, di-
dis-tur-bance \-'st:lr-b:lns\ n : the act of disturbing: the vide, fork, separate - more at SEPARATE
state of being disturbed di-vers Vdi-varz', adi : of differing kinds: VARIOUS
dislocation, disruption, upset - more at UPSET di-verse \di-'v:lrs, da-, 'di-,v:lrs\ adi 1 .: differing from
commotion, furor, fuss, hubbub one another: UNLIKE 2: composed of distinct forms or
dis-turbed \-'st:lrbd\ adj : showing symptoms of emotional qualities - dl-verse-ty adv
illness different, disparate, dissimilar, distinct, distinctive,
dls-unlte \,dis-yii-'nit\ vb : to destroy the unity of : DIVIDE distinguishable, other, unalike, unlike - more at DIF-
break up, disconnect, disjoint, dissever, dissociate, di- FERENT
vide, divorce, part, resolve, separate, sever, split, sun- di-ver-si-ty \d:l-'v:lr-s:l-,fi, di-\ vb -fied; : to make dif-
der, unyoke - more at SEPARATE ferent or various in form or quality - dl-ver-sl-tl-ca-ttcn
dis-uni-ty \dis-'yii-n:l-te\ n : lack of unity; esp : DlSSENSIO \-,v:lr-s:l-f:l-'ka-sh:ln\ n
conflict, discord, dissent, friction, schism, strife, vari- di-ver-sion \d:l-'v:lr-zh:ln, di-\ n 1 : a turning aside from a
ance, war, warfare - more at DISCORD course, activity, or use: DEVIATION 2 : something that
diverts or amuses
dis-use \-'yiis\ n : a cessation of use or practice
dis-used \-'yiizd\ adj : no longer used or occupied delight, entertainment, fun, pleasure - more at FUN
'ditch \'dich\ n : a long narrow channel or trench dug in amusement, distraction, entertainment - more at
the earth
di-ver-si-ty \d:l-'v:lr-s:l-te, di-\ n, pi-ties 1 : the condition
dike, gutter, trench; also culvert, drain, draw, gully, of being diverse 2 : an instance of being diverse
ravine; drill, furrow
assortment, variety - more at VARIETY contrast,
2ditch vb 1 : to enclose with a ditch; also: to dig a ditch in
difference, disagreement, discrepancy, disparity, dis-
2 : to get rid of : DISCARD 3: to make a forced landing tinction, unlikeness - more at DIFFERENCE
of an airplane on water
di-vert \d:l-'v:lrt, di-\ vb 1 : to turn from a course or pur-
cast, discard, dump, fling, jettison, junk, lose, reject, pose: DEFLECT 2: DISTRACT 3 : to give pleasure to esp.
scrap, shed, shuck, slough, throwaway, throw out, un- by distracting the attention from what burdens or dis-
load - more at DISCARD tresses : ENTERT AlN
dithoer \'di-ill:lr\ n : a highly nervous, excited, or agitated [1] deflect, swerve, swing, turn, veer, wheel, whip -
state more at TURN. [3] amuse, disport, entertain, regale -
fluster, fret, fuss, huff, lather, pother, stew, tizzy, more at AMUSE
twitter - more at FRET \d:l-'v:lr-til), di-\ ad] : providing amusement or dit.zy \'dit-se\ adj dlts-i-er or dttz-l-er; -est: eccen- or entertainment
trically silly, giddy, or inane amusing, delightful, enjoyable, entertaining, fun,
dit-to \'di-t(j\ n, pi dittos [It ditto, detto, pp. of dire to say, pleasurable - more at FUN
fro L dicere] 1 : a thing mentioned previously or above - di-vest \di-'vest, d:l-\ vb 1 : to deprive or dispossess esp. of
used to avoid repeating a word 2: a mark" or " used as property, authority, or rights 2: to strip esp, of clothing,
a symbol for the word ditto ornament, or equipm.en\
dit-ty \'di-te\ n, pi ditties: a short Simple song 'divide \d:l-'vid\ vb di.vidoed; 1 a : to separate
dit.zy or ditsy \'dit-se\ adj dltz-l-er or dits-i-er: -est: eccen- into two or more parts, areas, or groups b: CLASSIFY
trically silly, giddy, or inane 2 : CLEAVE, PART 3: DISTRIBUTE, APPORTION 4: to possess
243 do
or make use of in common: share in 5 : to cause to be tract between (they were divorced last year) 3.: to
separate, distinct, or apart from one another 6: to sepa- make or keep separate
rate into opposing sides or parties 7: to mark divisions break up, disconnect, disjoint, dissever, dissociate,
on 8: to subject to or use in mathematical division; also disunite, divide, part, resolve, separate, sever, split, sun-
: to be used as a divisor with respect to 9 : to branch der, unyoke - more at SEPARATE
out diovoroee\da-,vor-'sa\ n [F] : a divorced man
[5] break up, disconnect, disjoint, dissever, dissoci- di-vor-cee \d:>-,vor-'sa, -'se\ n : a divorced woman
ate, disunite, divorce, part, resolve, separate, sever, div-ot \'di-vat\ n : a piece of turf dug from a golf fairway in
split, sunder, unyoke - more at SEPARATE [9] making a stroke
branch, diverge, fork, separate - more at SEPARATE di-vulge \da-'valj, di-\ vb di-vulged; diovulgoing : to make
2divide n : WATERSHED 1 known (as a confidence or secret) : REVEAL
div-i-dend \'di-va-,dend\ n 1 : an individual share of some- bare, disclose, discover, expose, reveal, spill, tell, un-
thing distributed 2 : something in addition to what is bosom, uncloak, uncover, unmask, unveil - more at
expected or strictly due: BONUS 3: a number to be di- REVEAL
vided 4: a sum or fund to be divided or distributed Dix-le-land \'dik-se-,Iand\ n : jazz music in duple time
bonus, extra, lagniappe, perquisite, tip - more at played in a style developed in New Orleans
BONUS dizozy \'di-ze\ adj diz-zi-er; -est [ME disy; fro OE dysig stu-
di-vid-er \da-'vi-dar\ n 1 : one that divides (as a partition) pid) 1 : FOOLISH, SILLY 2 : having a sensation of whirling
(room~) 2pl: COMPASS 5 : GIDDY 3 a : causing or caused by giddiness b.: con-
div-i-na-tion \,di-va-'na-sh:m\ n 1 : the art or practice of us- fusing or feeling confused mentally 4 : extremely rapid
ing omens or magic powers to foretell the future 2: un- - dizozioly\-za-Ie\ adv - dizozioness v-ze-nos', n
usual insight or intuitive perception [2) giddy, light-headed; also faint, weak; addled, be-
'diovine \da-'vin\ adj di-vin-er; -est 1 : of, relating to, or fuddled, confused, dazed [3b) confused, stunned;
being God or a god 2: supremely good : SUPERS; also also senseless, unconscious Ant clearheaded
: HEAVENLY - dl-vlne-ly adv [4) breakneck, breathless, brisk, fast, fleet, hasty,
lightning, nippy, quick, rapid, rattling, snappy. speedy.
blessed, godlike, heavenly, holy - more at HOLY
swift - more at FAST
2divine n 1 : a member of the clergy: CLERGYMAN 2: THE-
DJ n, often not cap : DISC JOCKEY
dk abbr 1 dark 2 deck 3 dock
3divine vb di-vined; diovinoing 1 : INFER, CONJECTURE 2 : to
dl abbr deciliter
predict with assurance or on the basis of mystic knowl- DLitt or DLit abbr [NL doctor litterarum) doctor of letters;
edge 3: DOWSE doctor of literature
anticipate, foreknow, foresee - more at FORESEE DLO abbr dead letter office
di-vin-er \da-'vi-nar\ n : a person who practices divina- dm abbr decimeter
tion DMD abbr [NL dentariae medicinae doctor) doctor of den-
augur, forecaster, fortune-teller, futurist, prognosti- tal medicine
cator, prophet, seer, soothsayer - more at PROPHET DMZabbr demilitarized zone
divining rod n : a forked rod believed to reveal the pres- dn abbr down
ence of water or minerals by dipping downward when DNA \,de-(,)en-'a\ n : any of various nucleic acids that are
held over a vein usu. the molecular basis of heredity and are localized esp,
diovinoioty \da-'vi-na-te\ n, pI -ties 1 : THEOLOGY 2 : the in cell nuclei
quality or state of being divine 3: a divine being; esp DNR abbr do not resuscitate
: GOD 1 'do \'dii\ vb did \'did\; done \'dan\; dOoing; does \'daz\
1 : to bring to pass: ACCOMPLISH 2: ACT, BEHAVE (~as
deity, godhead
1 say) 3: to be active or busy (up and ~ing) 4: HAPPEN
diovisoioble \da-'vi-za-bal\ adj : capable of being divided - (what's ~ing?) 5: to be engaged in the study or practice
diovisoiobiloioty \-,vi-za-'bi-Ia-te\ n of : work at (he does tailoring) 6: COOK (steak done rare)
di-vi-sion \da-'vi-zhan\ n 1 a : the act or process of di- 7 : to put in order (as by cleaning or arranging) (~ the
viding : SEPARATION b : the act, process, or an instance dishes) 8: to furnish with something ornamental: DECO-
of distributing among a number: DISTRIBUTION 2 : one RATE (did the hall in blue) 9: GET ALONG (~ well in
of the parts or groupings into which a whole is divided school) 10. : to deal with something successfully: MAN-
3 : DISAGREEMENT, DISUNITY 4: something that divides or AGE 11 : RENDER (sleep will ~ you good) 12: to bring to
separates 5: the mathematical operation of finding how an end: FINISH (when he had done) 13: EXERT (did my
many times one number is contained in another 6: a best) 14: PRODUCE (did a poem) 15: to play the part of
large self-contained military unit 7 : an administrative 16 : CHEAT (did him out of his share) 17: TRAVERSE, TOUR
or operating unit of a governmental, business, or educa- 18 : TRAVEL 19: to spend or serve out a period of time
tional organization - dl-vl-slon-at \-'vi-zha-nal\ adj (did ten years in prison) 20.: to serve the needs of
[la] breakup, dissolution, partition, schism, separa- 21 : to be fitting or proper 22: USE (doesn't ~ drugs)
tion, split - more at SEPARATION. [lb) allocation, dis- 23 - used as an auxiliary verb (1) before the subject in
pensation, distribution, issuance - more at DISTRIBU- an interrogative sentence (does he work?) and after some
TION (2) bracket, category, class, family, grade, group, adverbs (never did she say so), (2) in a negative statement
kind, order, set, species, type - more at CLASS. [7) bu- (I don't know), (3) for emphasis (you ~ know), and (4)
reau, department, desk, office as a substitute for a preceding predicate (he works harder
dl-vl-slve \da-'vi-siv, -'vi-ziv\ adj : creating disunity or dis- than 1 ~) - do away with 1 : to put an end to 2: DE-
sension - dl-vl-slve-ly adv - di-vl-sive-ness n STROY, KILL - do by : to deal with: TREAT (did right by
di-vi-sor \da-'vi-zar\ n : the number by which a dividend is her) - do for: to bring about the death or ruin of - do
divided the trick: to produce a desired result
'diovorce \da-'vors\ n 1 : an act or instance of legally dis- [1) accomplish, achieve, carry out, commit, compass,
solving a marriage 2: SEPARATION, SEVERANCE - di-vorce- execute, follow through, make, perform - more at
mentn PERFORM [lO) cope, fare, get along, make out, man-
2divorce vb 1 : to end marriage with (one's spouse) by di- age, shift - more at GET ALONG. [20,21) befit, fit, go,
vorce (divorced his wife) 2: to dissolve the marriage con- serve, suit; also satisfy, suffice; function, work
do 244
2do n 1 : AFFAIR, PARTY 2: a command or entreaty to do of knowledge or system of belief - doc-trt-nal \-tr;)n-I\
something (list of ~s and don'ts) 3: HAIRDO adj
3do abbr ditto creed, gospel, ideology, philosophy - more at CREED
DOA abbr dead on arrival docu-dra-ma \'dli-ky;)-,drli-m;), -,dra-\ n : a drama for tele-
do-able \'dii-;)-b;)l\ adi : that can be done: PRACTICABLE vision, motion pictures, or theater that deals freely with
achievable, attainable, feasible, possible, practicable, historical events
realizable, viable, workable - more at POSSlBLE "doc-u-ment \'dli-ky;)-m;)nt\ n 1 : a paper that furnishes in-
DOB abbr date of birth formation, proof, or support of something else 2: a com-
dob-bin \'dli-b;)n\ n [Dobbin, nickname for Robert) 1 : a puter file containing information input by a computer
farm horse 2: a quiet plodding horse user usu. via a word processor
Do-ber-man pin-scher \'do-b;)r-m;)n-'pin-ch;)r\ n : any of a 2document \-,ment\ vb : to furnish documentary evi-
German breed of short-haired medium-sized dogs dence of - doc-u-rnent-er n
'doc \'dlik\ n : DOCfOR demonstrate, establish, prove, substantiate, validate
2doc abbr document - more at PROVE
do-cent \'dos-nt, dot-tsentx n lobs. G (now Dozent), fr. L doc-u-men-ta-ry \,dli-ky;)-'men-t;)-re\ adj 1 : consisting of
docens, prp. of docere to teach) : TEACHER, LECTURER; also documents; also: being in writing (~proof) 2 a : giving
: a person who leads a guided tour a factual presentation in artistic form (a ~ movie)
doc-ile \'dli-s;)l\ adj [L docilis, fro docere to teach) : easily b : of or relating to facts - documentary n
taught, led, or managed: TRACTABLE factual, hard, historical, literal, matter-of-fact, non-
amenable, compliant, conformable, obedient, sub- fictional, objective, true - more at FACTUAL
missive, tractable - more at OBEDlENT dcc-u-men-ta-tion \,dli-ky;)-m;)n-'tii-sh;)n\ n 1 : the act or
do-cil.i.ty \dli-'si-I;)-te\ n : the quality or state of being an instance of furnishing or authenticating with docu-
docile ments 2 a : the provision of documents in substantiation
compliance, deference, obedience - more at COMPLI- b : documentary evidence
ANCE attestation, confirmation, corroboration, evidence,
'dock \'dlik\ n : any of a genus of coarse weedy herbs re- proof, substantiation, testament, testimony, validation,
lated to buckwheat witness - more at PROOF
2dock vb 1 : to cut off the end of : cut short 2: to take away DOD abbr Department of Defense
a part of : deduct from (~ a worker's wages) 'dododer \'dli-d;)r\ n : any of a genus of leafless parasitic
3dock n 1 : an artificial basin to receive ships 2: 'SLIP 2 twining vines that are highly deftcient in chlorophyll
3 : a wharf or platform for loading or unloading mate- 2dodder vb dododered; dod-der-lnq 1 : to tremble or shake
rials usu. from age 2 : to progress feebly and unsteadily
float, jetty, landing, levee, pier, quay, wharf; also careen, lurch, reel, stagger, teeter, totter - more at
berth, mooring, slip; dockyard, marina, shipyard STAGGER
'dock vb 1 : to bring or come into dock 2 : to join (as two 'dodge \'dlij\ n 1 : an act of evading by sudden bodily
spacecraft) mechanically in space movement 2.: an artful device to evade, deceive, or
disembark, land, moor, tie up trick 3: EXPEDIENT
5dock n : the place in a court where a prisoner stands or sits artifice, device, gimmick, jig, ploy, scheme, sleight,
during trial stratagem, trick, wile - more at TRICK
dock-age \'dli-kij\ n : docking facilities 2dodge vb dodged; 1 : to evade usu. by trickery
dock-et \'dli-k;)t\ n 1 : a formal abridged record of the pro- 2 : to move suddenly aside; also: to avoid or evade by
ceedings in a legal action; also: a register of such records so doing
2 : a list of legal causes to be tried 3 : a calendar of mat- [I) avoid, duck, elude, escape, eschew, evade, shake,
ters to be acted on : AGENDA 4 : a label attached to a doc- shirk, shun - more at ESCAPE. [2) duck, sidestep; also
ument containing identification or directions - docket avoid, elude, escape, evade, parry, shirk, skirt; deflect,
vb turn; slide, slip
agenda, calendar, program, schedule, timetable- dodg-er \'dli-j;)r\ n : one that dodges; esp : one who uses
more at PROGRAM tricky devices
dock-nand Vdak-jhandv n : LONGSHOREMAN cheat, hoaxer, shark, sharper, swindler, trickster-
dock-work-er \-,w;)r-k;)r\ n : LONGSHOREMAN more at TRICKSTER
dock-yard \-,yard\ n : SHIPYARD do-do \'do-do\ n, pi dodoes or dodos [Pg doudo, fro doudo
"dec-tor Vdak-tarv n [ME doctour teacher, doctor, fr. AF & silly, stupid) 1 : an extinct heavy flightless bird of the is-
ML; AF, fro ML doctor, fr. L, teacher, fro docere to teach) land of Mauritius related to the pigeons and larger than a
1 : a person holding one of the highest academic degrees turkey 2 : one hopelessly behind the times 3 : a stu-
(as a PhD) conferred by a university 2: a person skilled pid person
in healing arts; esp : one (as a physician, dentist, or vet- [2) antediluvian, fogy, fossil, fuddy-duddy, reac-
erinarian) academically and legally qualified to practice tionary - more at FOGY [3) blockhead, dope,
3 : a person who restores or repairs things - doc-tor-al dummy, idiot, imbecile, jackass, moron, numskull-
\-t;)-r;)l\ adi more at IDIOT
2doctor vb 1 : to give medical treatment to 2: to practice doe \'do\ n, pi does or doe: an adult female of various
medicine 3 : to restore to good condition: REPAIR 4: to mammals (as a deer, rabbit, or kangaroo) of which the
adapt or modify for a desired end 5: to alter deceptively male is called buck
fix, mend, patch, recondition, renovate, repair, re- DOE abbr Department of Energy
vamp - more at MEND do-er \'dii-;)r\ n : one that does
dec-tor-ate \'diik-t;)-r;)t\ n : the degree, title, or rank of a does pres 3d sing of DO; pi of DOE
doctor doff \'dlif\ vb [ME, fro don to do + of off) 1 : to take off (the
doc-tri-nalre \,dlik-tr;)-'nar\ n [F) : one who attempts to put hat) in greeting or as a sign of respect 2: to rid oneself of
an abstract theory into effect without regard to practical 3 : to remove (an article of wear) from the body
difficulties - doctrinaire adj peel, put off, remove, take off - more at REMOVE
doc-trine Vdak-trsnx n 1 : something that is taught 2 : a 'dog \'dog\ n 1 : a flesh-eating domestic mammal related to
principle or position or the body of principles in a branch the wolves; esp : a male of this animal 2: a worthless or
245 domain
contemptible person 3: FELLOW, CHAP (you lucky ~> dol-drums \'dol-dr;)ffiZ, 'dal-\ n pi 1 + : a spell of listless-
4 : a mechanical device for holding something 5: un- ness or despondency 2 often cap: a part of the ocean near
characteristic or affected stylishness or dignity (put on the equator known for calms 3: a state or period of in-
the ~> 6pl: RUIN (gone to the ~s> activity, stagnation, or slump
'dog vb dogged; dogoging 1 +: to hunt or track like a + blues, dejection, depression, desolation, despon-
hound 2: to worry as if by pursuit with dogs: PLAGUE dency, dumps, forlornness, gloom, heartsickness,
+ chase, follow, hound, pursue, shadow, tag, tail, trace, melancholy, sadness - more at SADNESS + boredom,
track, trail - more at FOLLOW ennui, listlessness, restlessness, tedium, tiredness,weari-
dog.bane \'dog-,blin\ n : any of a genus of mostly poison- ness - more at BOREDOM
ous herbs with milky juice and often showy flowers 'dole \'dol\ n 1 + : a distribution esp, of food, money, or
dogoeart\-,kart\ n : a light one-horse carriage with two clothing to the needy; also: something so distributed 2: a
seats back to back grant of government funds to the unemployed
doq-catch-er \-,ka-ch;)r, -,ke-\ n : a community official as- + charity, philanthropy - more at CHARITY
signed to catch and dispose of stray dogs 2dole vb doled; : to give or distribute as a charity -
dOQ-i!ar\'dog-,ir\ n : the turned-downcorner of a leaf of a usu. used with out
book - dOQ-i!arvb dole-ful \'dol-f;)l\ adi : full of grief: SAD - dole-ful-ly adv
dOQ-i!ared \'dog-,ird\ adi : ill-kept: SHABBY dole out vb 1 + : to give or deliver in small portions 2: to
dog.fight \'dog-,fit\ n : a fight between fighter planes at give or dispense freely: DISH OUT
close range \-,fish\ n : any of various small usu. bottom: + administer, allocate, apportion, deal, dispense, dis-
dwelling sharks tribute, mete, parcel, portion, prorate - more at AD-
dogoged\'do-g;)d\ adj + : stubbornly determined - dog-
ged.lyadv doll \'dal, 'dol\ n 1 : a small figure of a human being used
esp. as a child's plaything 2 + : a pretty woman 3: an at-
+ insistent, patient, persevering, persistent, pertina- tractive person - dolt-ish \'da-Iish, 'do-\ adj
cious, tenacious - more at PERSISTENT + determined,
grim, implacable, relentless, unflinching, unrelenting, + girl, lass, maid, maiden, miss - more at GIRL
unyielding- more at UNYIELDING dol-lar \'da-I;)r\ n [Dutch or LG daler, fro G Taler, short for
dogogedness \-n;)s\ n : the quality or state of being dogged Joachimstaler, fro Sankt Joachimsthal, Bohemia, where
dogogeroel \'do-g;)-r;)l\ n : verse that is loosely styled and ir- talers were first made] 1 : a basic monetary unit of any of
regular in measure esp. for comic effect several countries (as the U.S., Canada, Australia, and Sin-
dogogie bag or doggy bag \'do-ge-\ n : a container for car- gapore) 2: a coin, note, or token representing one dollar
rying home leftover food from a restaurant meal del-lop \'da-I;)p\ n 1 : LUMP, GLOB 2: PORTION 1 - dollop
'dogogyor dogogie \'do-ge\ n, pi doggies: a usu. small dog vb
2dogogy adi dogogioer; -est : of or resembling a dog (a ~ doll up vb 1 : to dress elegantly or extravagantly 2: to
odor> make more attractive 3: to get dolled up \'dog-,hatis\ n : a shelter for a dog - in the dog- dolly\'da-Ie\ n, pi dollies : a small cart or wheeled plat-
house: in a state of disfavor form (as for a television or movie camera)
doogie\ 'do-ge\ n, chiefly West: a motherless calf in a range dol-men \'dol-m;)n, 'daI-\ n : a prehistoric monument con-
herd sisting of two or more upright stones supporting a hori-
dog.leg \'dog-,Ieg\ n : a sharp bend or angle (as in a road zontal stone slab
or a golf fairway) - dogleg vb do-to-mite\'do-I;)-,mit, 'da-\ n : a mineral found in broad Vdog-mo', n, pi dogmas also doq-ma-ta v-rno-to', [L, layers as a compact limestone
fro Gk, fr. dok:ein to think, have an opinion] 1 : a tenet or do-lor or Can and Brit do-lour \'do-I;)r, 'da-\ n + : mental
code of tenets 2: a doctrine or body of doctrines for- suffering or anguish : SORROW
mally proclaimed by a church + affliction, anguish, grief, heartache, sorrow, woe-
dogmatism \'dog-m;)-,ti-z;)m\ n : positiveness in stating more at SORROW
matters of opinion esp. when unwarranted or arrogant - do-lor-ous \'do-I;)-r;)s, 'da-\ adi + : causing, marked by, or
dogmatic \dog-'ma-tik\ adj - \-ti- expressing misery or grief - do-lor-ous-ly adv
k(;)-)Ie\ adv + funeral, lugubrious, mournful, plaintive, regretful,
do-qood-er \'dii-,gU-d;)r\ n : an earnest often naive hu- rueful, sorrowful, weeping, woeful - more at MOURN-
manitarian or reformer FUL
dog.tooth violet \'dog-,tiith-\ n : any of a genus of small dol.phin \'dal-f;)n\ n 1 : any of various small whales with
spring-flowering bulbous herbs related to the lilies conical teeth and an elongated beaklike snout 2: either
dog.trot \'dog-,trat\ n : a gentle trot - dogtrot vb of two active food fishes of tropical and temperate seas
dog.wood \'dog-,wtid\ n : any of a genus of trees and dolt \'dolt\ n + : a stupid individual
shrubs having heads of small flowers often with showy + blockhead, dope, dummy, idiot, imbecile, jackass,
white, pink, or red bracts moron, numskull - more at IDIOT\'doi-Ie\ n, pi doilies: a small often decorative mat dolt-ish \'dol-tish\ adj : like a dolt: STUPID
do in vb 1 : to bring about the defeat or destruction of dott-lsh-ness \-n;)s\ n : the quality or state of being doltish
: RUIN 2 + : to deprive of life: KlLL 3 + : to tire extremely : STUPIDITY
or completely: EXHAUST (the climb did him in> 4: CHEAT dom abbr 1 domestic 2 dominant 3 dominion
+ [2] destroy, dispatch, fell, kill, slay - more at KlLL -dom n suffix 1 : dignity: office (dukedom) 2: realm: ju-
+ [3] burn out, drain, exhaust, fag, fatigue, tire, tucker, risdiction (kingdom) 3: state or fact of being (freedom)
wash out, wear, wear out, weary - more at EXHAUST 4 : those having a (specified) office, occupation, interest,
do-ing \'dii-il)\ n 1 + : the act or result of performing, ex- or character (officialdom>
ecuting, or creating (to achieve those plans will take do-main \do-'mlin\ n 1 : complete and absolute ownership
some ~> 2 do-ings \'dii-il)z\pl: things that go on or oc- of land 2: land completely owned 3: a territory over
cur (the daily ~s in the market> which dominion is exercised 4 + : a sphere of knowledge,
+ deed, exploit, feat, thing influence, or activity (the ~ of science) 5: a subdivision
do-it-yourself n : the activity of doing or making some- of the Internet made up of computers whose URLs share
thing without professional training or help - do-it-your- a characteristic abbreviation (as com or gov)
sett-er n + area, arena, demesne, department, discipline, field,
dol abbr dollar line, province, realm, specialty, sphere - more at FIELD
domain name 246
domain name n : a sequence of characters (as Merriam= de-min-len \da-'min-yan\ n 1 : DOMAIN 2 + : supreme au-
Webster. com) that specifies a group of online resources thority 3 often cap: a self-governing nation of the Com-
and forms part of its URL monwealth
dome \'dom\ n 1 : a large hemispherical roof or ceiling + ascendancy, dominance, predominance, preemi-
2 : a structure or natural formation that resembles the nence, supremacy - more at SUPREMACY
dome of a building 3: a roofed sports stadium - dome dorn-i-no \'da-ma-,no\ n, pi -noes or -nos 1 : a long loose
vb hooded cloak usu. worn with a half mask as a masquer-
"do-mes-tlc \da-'mes-tik\ adj 1 : living near or about hu- ade costume 2: a flat rectangular block used as a piece
man habitations 2: reduced from a state of native wild- in a game (dominoes)
ness esp, so as to be tractable and useful to humans 'don \'dan\ vb donned; don.ning [ME, fr. don to do + on]
: DOMESTICATED 3: relating and limited to one's own + : to put on (as clothes)
country or the country under consideration 4: of or re- + put on, slip, throw - more at PUT ON
lating to the household or the family 5: devoted to home
duties and pleasures 6: INDIGENOUS - do-mes-ti-cal-ly 2don n [Sp, fr. L dominus lord, master] 1 : a Spanish noble-
\-ti-k(a- )Hj\ adv man or gentleman - used as a title prefixed to the first
2domestic n + : a household servant name 2: a head, tutor, or fellow in an English university
do-i\a \'do-nya\ n : a Spanish woman of rank - used as a
+ girl, housemaid, maid, maidservant - more at MAID title prefixed to the first name
do-mes-ti-cate \da-'mes-ti-,kat\ vb -cat-ed: -cat-lnq : to do-nate \'do-,nat\ vb do-nat-ed; 1 + : to make a
adapt to life in association with and to the use of humans gift of : CONTRIBUTE 2: to make a donation
- dc-rnes-ti-ca-tion \-,mes-ti-'ka-shan\ n + bestow, contribute, give, present - more at GIVE
do-mes-tic-i-ty \,do-,mes-'ti-sa-te, da-\ n, pi -ties 1 : the
quality or state of being domestic or domesticated 2 : do- do-na-tion \do-'na-shan\ n 1 : the making of a gift esp. to a
mestic activities or life charity 2 + : a free contribution
domestic violence n : the inflicting of injury by one family + alms, benefaction, beneficence, charity, contribution,
or household member on another philanthropy - more at CONTRIBUTION + bestowal,
'do-mi-cile \'da-ma-,sTI, 'do-: 'da-ma-sal\ n + : a dwelling freebie, gift, lagniappe, largesse, present - more at GIFf
place : HOME - dorn-i-cil-i-ary \,da-ma-'si-Ie-,er-e, ,do-\ 'done \ 'dan \ past part 0/ DO
al(j 2done adi 1 : doomed to failure, defeat, or death 2 + : gone
+ abode, dwelling, home, house, lodging, quarters, resi- by : OVER <when day is ~> 3: cooked sufficiently
dence - more at HOME 4 : conformable to social convention
2domicile vb + : to establish in or provide with a domicile + complete, down, over, through, up - more at COM-
+ accommodate, billet, chamber, harbor (or harbour), PLETE
house, lodge, put up, quarter, roof, shelter, take in- done deal n : FAIT ACCOMPLI
more at HOUSE don-key \'daI)-ke, 'daI)-\ n, pi donkeys 1 + : a sturdy and
dom-i-nance Vda-ma-nansv n 1 + : dominant position esp. patient domestic mammal classified with the asses 2: a
in a social hierarchy 2 : the property of one of a pair of stupid or obstinate person
alleles or traits that suppresses expression of the other + ass, jackass; also jack, jenny; mule; pack animal
when both are present don-ny-brook \'da-ne-,bnik\ n, a/ten cap [Donnybrook Fair,
+ ascendancy, dominion, predominance, preeminence, annual Irish event known for its brawls] : an uproarious
supremacy - more at SUPREMACY brawl
idom-t-nant \-nant\ adi 1 + : controlling or prevailing over do-nor \'do-nar\ n : one that gives, donates, or presents
all others 2: overlooking from a high position 3: ex- donut var a/DOUGHNUT
hibiting genetic dominance doo-dad \'du-,dad\ n : an often small article whose com-
+ arch, cardinal, central, chief, first, foremost, grand, mon name is unknown or forgotten
key, main, paramount, predominant, preeminent, pre- doo-dle \'du-dOI\ vb doo-dled; doo-dling : to draw or scrib-
mier, primary, principal, sovereign, supreme - more at ble aimlessly while occupied with something else - doo-
FOREMOST dle n - doo-dler n
>dominant n : a dominant gene or trait 'doom \'dum\ n 1 + : a judicial decision; esp : a judicial
dcrn-l-nate \'da-ma-,nat\ vb -nat-ed; -nat-inq 1 + : to exert condemnation or sentence 2 + : something to which a
control, direction, or influence on 2 + : to have a com- person or thing is destined: DESTINY 3 a : RUIN b: a per-
manding position or controlling power over 3: to rise manent cessation of all vital functions: DEATH
high above in a position suggesting power to dominate - + [1] finding, holding, judgment (or judgement), ruling,
dom-i-na-tor \-,na-tar\ n sentence - more at SENTENCE + [2] circumstance, des-
+ [1] conquer, overpower, subdue, subject, vanquish tiny, fate, fortune, lot, portion - more at FATE
- more at CONQUER + [2] boss, captain, command, 2doom vb 1 + : to give judgment against: CONDEMN 2 + : to
head, lead, spearhead - more at LEAD fix the fate of : DESTINE
dorn-i-na-tlon \,da-ma-'na-shan\ n 1 : supremacy or preem- + [l] condemn, damn, sentence - more at SENTENCE
inence over another 2 + : exercise of mastery, ruling + [2] destine, foredoom, foreordain, ordain, predestine
power, or preponderant influence - more at DESTINE
+ conquest, subjection - more at CONQUEST dooms-day \'durnz-,da\ n : JUDGMENT DAY
do-mi-na-trix \,da-ma-'na-triks\ n, pi -trices \-'na-tra-,sez, door \'dor\ n 1 + : a usu. swinging or sliding barrier by
-ns-ttrt-sezv : a woman who dominates her sexual partner; which an entry is closed and opened; also: a similar part
also: a dominating woman of a piece of furniture 2 + : the opening that a door
dom-i-neer \,da-ma-'nir\ vb 1 : to rule in an arrogant man- closes: DOORWAY 3: a means of access or participation
ner 2: to be overbearing : OPPORTUNITY
dorn-i-neer-lnq \-'nir-iI)\ adj + : inclined to exercise arbi- + [l] gate, hatch, portal; also Dutch door, French door,
trary and overbearing control over others lattice, portcullis, postern, trapdoor, wicket + [2] door-
+ authoritarian, autocratic, bossy, despotic, dictatorial, way, entrance, gate, gateway, way; also hatch, hatchway
imperious, masterful, overbearing, peremptory, tyran- door-keep-er \-,ke-par\ n + : a person who tends a door
nical, tyrannous - more at BOSSY + gatekeeper, janitor
do-ml-me \1 usu 'da-rna-ne, 2 usu 'do-\ n 1 chiefly Scot door-knob \-,nab\ n : a knob that when turned releases a
: SCHOOLMASTER 2: a member of the clergy : CLERGYMAN door latch
247 double-cross
door-man \-,man, -monv n : a usu. uniformed attendant at do-ry \'dor-e\ n, pi dories: a flat-bottomed boat with high
the door of a building (as a hotel) flaring sides and a sharp bow
door-mat \-,mat\ n : a mat placed before or inside a door DOS abbr disk operating system
for wiping dirt from the shoes 'dose \'dos\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. LL dosis, fr. Gk, lit., act of
door-plate \-,plat\ n : a nameplate on a door giving, fr. didonai to give] 1 : a measured quantity (as of
door-step \-,step\ n : a step or series of steps before an medicine) to be taken or administered at one time 2: the
outer door quantity of radiation administered or absorbed - dos-
door-way \-,wa\ n 1 .: the opening that a door closes age \'do-sij\ n
2 + : a means of access or participation 2dose vb dosed; dos-ing 1 : to give in doses 2: to give med-
+ [I] door, entrance, gate, gateway, way - more at icine to
DOOR + [2] access, admission, entrance, entree, gateway do-sim-e-ter \do-'si-m;,-t;,r\ n : a device for measuring
- more at ENTRANCE doses of radiations (as X-rays) - do-sim-e-try \-ma-tre\ n
do-pa \'do-pa\ n : a fonn of an amino acid that is used esp. dos-sier \'dos-,ya, 'do-se-,a\ n [F, bundle of documents la-
in the treatment of Parkinson's disease beled on the back, dossier, fr. dos back, fr. OF, fr. L dor-
do-pa-mine \'do-pa-,men\ n : an organic compound that sum] : a file containing detailed records on a particular
occurs esp. as a neurotransmitter in the brain person or subject
'dope \'dop\ n 1 : a preparation for giving a desired qual- 'dot \'dlit\ n 1 : a small spot: SPECK 2: a small round
ity 2: an illicit, habit-forming, or narcotic drug; esp mark 3: a precise point esp. in time (be here on the ""')
: MARIJUANA 3 + : a stupid person 4 + : information esp, + blotch, fleck, mottle, patch, point, speck, spot-
from a reliable source more at SPOT
+ [3] blockhead, dummy, idiot, imbecile, jackass, mo- 2dot vb dot-ted; dot-ting 1 : to mark with a dot (""' an I)
ron, numskull - more at IDIOT + [4] lowdown, scoop, 2 + : to cover with or as if with dots - dot-ter n
tip; also dirt, gossip, rumor, story; hint, pointer; infor- blotch, dapple, fleck, freckle, mottle, pepper, speck,
mation, intelligence, news, tidings, word spot, sprinkle, stipple - more at SPOT
2dope vb doped; dopoing 1 : to treat with dope; esp : to give DOT abbr Department of Transportation
a narcotic to 2 + : to find a solution, explanation, or an- dot-age \'do-tij\ n : feebleness of mind esp. in old age: SE-
swer for: FIGURE OUT - usu. used with out 3: to take NILITY
dope dot-ard \-t;,rd\ n : a person in dotage
+ usu dope out answer, break, crack, figure out, puzzle, dot-com \'dlit-,klim\ n : a company that markets its prod-
resolve, riddle, solve, unravel, work, work out - more ucts or services usu. exclusively via a Web site
at SOLVE dote \'dot\ vb dot-ed: dot-ing 1 : to be feebleminded esp.
dop-er n + : an habitual or frequent drug user from old age 2 + : to be lavish or excessive in one's at-
+ addict, fiend, user; also pothead tention, affection, or fondness (doted on her niece)
dopoeyalso dopy \'do-pe\ adj dop-i-er; -est 1 : dulled by al- usu dote on adore, canonize, deify, idolize, worship
cohol or a narcotic 2: SLUGGISH 3: slow of mind: STUPID; - more at IDOLIZE
also: complacently or inanely foolish dot matrix n : a rectangular arrangement of dots from
dop-i-ness \-nas\ n + : the quality or state of being dopey which alphanumeric characters can be fonned (as by a
+ denseness, foolishness, imbecility, mindlessness, ob- computer printer)
tuseness, stupidity, vacuity - more at STUPIDITY Dou-ay Version \dii-'a-\ n : an English translation of the
doping n : the use of a substance or technique to illegally Vulgate used by Roman Catholics
improve athletic performance 'dou-ble \'d;,-bal\ adj [ME, fr. AF, fr. L duplus, fr. duo two
Doppoler effect \'dli-pl;,r-\ n : a change in the frequency at + -plus multiplied by] 1 : TWOFOLD, DUAL 2 + : consisting
which waves (as of sound) reach an observer from a of two members or parts 3: being twice as great or as
source in motion with respect to the observer many 4: folded in two 5: having more than one whorl
do-raq \'dii-,rag\ n + : a kerchief worn esp. to cover the of petals (""' roses)
hair + binary, bipartite, dual, duplex, twin; also mated,
babushka, bandanna, kerchief, mantilla - more at paired Ant single
BANDANNA 'double vb dou-bled; dou-bling 1 : to make, be, or become
dork \'dork\ n, slang: NERD; also: JERK 2 twice as great or as many 2: to make a call in bridge that
dorm \'donn\ n : DORMITORY increases the trick values and penalties of (an opponent's
dor-man-cy \-m;,n-se\ n + : the quality or state of being bid) 3: FOLD 4: CLENCH 5: to be or cause to be bent over
dormant 6 : to take the place of another 7: to hit a double 8 : to turn
+ abeyance, doldrums, latency, quiescence, suspension sharply and suddenly; esp : to turn back on one's course
- more at ABEYANCE + idleness, inaction, inactivity, in- 3double adv 1 : DOUBLY 2: two together
ertness, quiescence - more at INACfION 'double n 1: something twice another in size, strength,
dor-mant Vdor-rnantv adj 1 + : marked by a suspension of speed, quantity, or value 2: a base hit that enables the
activity 2 + : sleeping or drowsing batter to reach second base 3 + : one that is the counter-
[I] dead, fallow, free, idle, inactive, inert, inopera- part of another: DUPLICATE; esp : a person who closely re-
tive, latent, off, vacant - more at INACfNE [2] asleep sembles another 4: UNDERSTUDY, SUBSTITUTE 5: a sharp
- more at ASLEEP turn: REVERSAL 6: FOLD 7: a combined bet placed on two
dor-mer \'dor-m;,r\ n [MF dormeor dormitory, fr. L dormi- different contests 8 pi : a game between two pairs of play-
torium, fr. dormire to sleep] : a window built upright in a ers 9: an act of doubling in a card game
sloping roof; also: the roofed structure containing such a + carbon copy, counterpart, duplicate, duplication,
window facsimile, image, likeness, match, picture, replica,
dor-mi-to-ry \'dor-m;,-,tor-e\ n, pl-ries 1 : a room for sleep- ringer, spit - more at IMAGE
ing; esp : a large room containing a number of beds 2: a double bond n : a chemical bond in which two atoms in a
residence hall providing sleeping rooms molecule share two pairs of electrons
dor-mouse \'dor-,mails\ n : any of numerous Old World double cross n + : an act of betraying or cheating esp. an
rodents that resemble small squirrels associate - dou-ble-cross \,d;,-b;,I-'kros\ vb
dor-sal \'dor-s;,l\ adj : of, relating to, or located near or on + betrayal, disloyalty, faithlessness, falseness, falsity,
the surface of the body that in humans is the back but in infidelity, perfidy, treachery, treason, unfaithfulness -
most other animals is the upper surface - dor-sal-Iy adv more at BETRAYAL
double-crosser 248
dou-ble-cross-er n + : one that double-crosses doubt-able \'dau-ta-bal\ adj : capable of being doubted
+ apostate, betrayer, quisling, recreant, traitor, turn- : QUESTIONABLE
coat - more at TRAITOR doubt-er \'dau-tar\ n + : one that doubts
' \,da-bal-'de-lilJ\ n +: action contradic- + disbeliever, questioner, skeptic, unbeliever - more
tory to a professed attitude: DUPLICITY - dou-ble-deal-er at SKEPTIC
\-'de-Iar\ n doubt-tul \'daut-fal\ adj 1 + : giving rise to doubt: open to
+ artifice, craft, craftiness, crookedness, cunning, de- question 2 a : lacking a definite opinion, conviction, or
ceit, deceitfulness, dishonesty, dissimulation, duplicity, determination b: uncertain in outcome <the outcome of
guile, wiliness - more at DECEIT the election is ~> 3 + : marked by qualities that raise
2double-dealing adj + : given to or marked 'by duplicity doubts about worth, honesty, or validity - doubt-ful-
+ crooked, deceitful, dishonest, false, fraudulent- nessn
more at FRAUDULENT + [I, 3] debatable, disputable, dubious, equivocal,
dou-ble-deck-er \-'de-kar\ n : something having two decks, fishy, problematic, questionable, shady, shaky, suspect,
levels, or layers - dou-ble-deck \-,dek\ or deu-ble- suspicious; also moot; ambiguous, open, unclear; un-
decked \-,dekt\ adj certain, undecided, undetermined; flimsy, improbable,
dou-ble-diq-it \,da-bal-'di-jat\ adj : amounting to 10 per- unlikely Ant certain, incontestable, indisputable, indu-
cent or more bitable, sure, undeniable, undoubted, unquestionable
dou-ble en-ten-dre \,diib'l-an-'tand, .do-bol-, -'tand-r\ n, pi + [3] distrustful, dubious, mistrustful, skeptical, suspi-
double entendres ssame or -'tan-dmz\ robs. F, lit., double cious, uncertain, undecided, unsettled, unsure; also dif-
fident, insecure; hesitant, indecisive, irresolute, vacillat-
meaning] : a word or expression capable of two interpre-
ing, wavering Ant certain, convinced, positive, sure
tations with one usu. risque
dou-ble-head-er \,da-bal-'he-dar\ n : two games played con- doubt-ful-ly \-fa-Ie\ adv : in a doubtful manner
secutively on the same day 'doubtless \'daut-Ias\ adv 1 + : without doubt 2 : without
double helix n : a helix or spiral consisting of two strands much doubt: PROBABLY
(as of DNA) in the surface of a cylinder which coil + certainly, definitely, incontestably, indeed, indis-
around its axis putably, really, surely, truly, undeniably, undoubtedly,
dou-ble-hung \,da-bal-'halJ\ adj, of a window: having an unquestionably - more at INDEED
upper and a lower sash that can slide past each other 2doubtless adj + : free from doubt: CERTAIN - doubt-less-
dou-ble-jolnt-ed \-'join-tad\ adi : having a joint that per- Iyadv
mits an exceptional degree of freedom of motion of the + assured, certain, clear, cocksure, confident, positive,
parts joined <a ~ finger> sanguine, sure - more at CERTAIN
dou-ble-park \,da-bal-'park\ vb : to park a vehicle beside a douche \'diish\ n [F] 1 : a jet of fluid (as water) directed
row of vehicles already parked parallel to the curb against a part or into a cavity of the body; also: a cleans-
double play n : a play in baseball by which two players are ing with a douche 2: a device for giving douches-
put out douche vb
double pneumonia n : pneumonia affecting both lungs dough \'do\ n 1 : a mixture that consists of flour or meal
double standard n : a set of principles that applies differ- and a liquid (as milk or water) and is stiff enough to
ently and usu. more rigorously to one group of people or knead or roll 2: something resembling dough esp. in con-
circumstances than to another sistency 3 + : something generally accepted as a medium
dou-blet \'da-blat\ n 1 : a man's close-fitting jacket worn of exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment
in Europe esp, in the 16th century 2: one of two similar : MONEY - doughy \'do-e\ adj
or identical things + cash, currency, lucre, money, pelf, tender - more at
double take Vda-bal-jtakv n : a delayed reaction to a sur- MONEY
prising or Significant situation after an initial failure to dough.boy \-,boi\ n : an American infantryman esp. in
notice anything unusual World War I
double-talk \-,tok\ n +: language that appears to be douqh-nut also do-nut \-(,)nat\ n : a small usu. ring-shaped
meaningful but in fact is a mixture of sense and nonsense cake fried in fat
+ babble, bunk, claptrap, drivel, fudge, gabble, gibber- dough.ty \ 'dau-te', adj dough-ti-er; -est + : marked by fear-
ish, gobbledygook, hogwash, jabber, jabberwocky, jazz, less resolution: VALIANT
moonshine, mumbo jumbo, nonsense, piffle, prattle - + brave, courageous, dauntless, fearless, gallant, great-
more at GIBBERISH hearted, heroic, intrepid, lionhearted, manful, stalwart,
double up vb : to share accommodations designed for one stout, undaunted, valiant, valorous - more at BRAVE
double whammy n : a combination of two usu. adverse Doug.las fir \'da-glas-\ n : a tall evergreen timber tree of
forces, circumstances, or effects the western U.S.
dou-blcon \,da-'bliin\ n : a former gold coin of Spain and dou-la \'dii-Ia\ n : a woman who provides assistance to a
Spanish America mother before, during, and just after childbirth
dou.bly \'da-ble\ adv 1 : in a twofold manner 2: to twice do up vb 1 : to prepare (as by cleaning) for use 2: to wrap
the degree up 3: CLOTHE, DECORATE 4 : FASTEN
'doubt \'daut\ vb 1 : to be uncertain about 2 + : to lack dour \'dau(-a)r, 'dur\ adj [ME, fr. L durus hard]
confidence in : DISTRUST 3: to consider unlikely 1 + : marked by harsh sternness or severity 2: OBSTINATE
+ distrust, mistrust, question, suspect - more at DIS- 3 : SULLEN - adv
TRUST + austere, fierce, flinty, forbidding, grim, gruff, rough,
>doubt n 1 : uncertainty of belief or opinion 2: a condition rugged, severe, stark, steely, stem - more at GRIM
causing uncertainty, hesitation, or suspense <the out- douse \'daus, 'dauz', vb doused; 1 + : to plunge
come was in ~> 3 + : a lack of confidence: DISTRUST into water 2 + : to throw a liquid on : DRENCH 3 + : to
4 : an inclination not to believe or accept cause to cease burning: EXTINGUISH
+ distrust, incertitude, misgiving, mistrust, skepticism, + [I] dip, duck, dunk, immerse, souse, submerge-
suspicion, uncertainty; also disbelief, incredulity, unbe- more at DIP + [2] bathe, drench, soak, sop, souse, wash,
lief; anxiety, concern; compunction, qualm, scruple Ant water, wet - more at WET + [3] extinguish, put out,
assurance, belief, certainty, certitude, confidence, con- quench, snuff - more at EXTINGUISH
viction, sureness, surety, trust 'dove \'dav\ n 1 : any of numerous pigeons; esp : a small
249 downtrodden
wild pigeon 2: an advocate of peace or of a peaceful pol- down-beat \'daun-,bet\ n : the downward stroke of a con-
icy 3 + : a gentle woman or child - dov.ish \'da-vish\ adj ductor indicating the principally accented note of a mea-
angel, innocent, lamb, sheep - more at LAMB sure of music
2dove \ 'd6v\ past of DIVE down-burst \-,barst\ n : a powerful downdraft usu. associ-
'dove-tail \'dav-,tiil\ n : something that resembles a dove's ated with a thunderstorm that is a hazard for low-flying
tail; esp : a flaring tenon and a mortise into which it fits aircraft; also: MICROBURST
tightly down-cast \-,kast\ adj 1 : low in spirit: DEJECTED 2 + : di-
2dovetail vb 1 : to join by means of dovetails 2 + : to fit rected down (a - glance)
skillfully together to form a whole (our plans - nicely) + down, downward
accord, agree, answer, check, coincide, comport, downoclraft \-,draft\ n : a downward current of gas (as air)
conform, correspond, fit, go, harmonize, jibe, square, down-er \'dau-n;Jr\ n 1 : a depressant drug; esp : BARBITU-
tally - more at CHECK RATE 2: someone or something depressing
dow.aoger \'dau-i-jar\ n 1 : a widow owning property or a down-tall \'daun-,f61\ n 1 : a sudden fall (as from high
title from her deceased husband 2 + : a dignified elderly rank) 2: something that causes a downfall - down-tall-
woman en \-,f6-lan \ adj
+ dame, matriarch, matron - more at MATRIARCH + comedown, decline, descent, down, fall - more at
dowdy Vdau-dex adj dowd-i-er: -est 1 : lacking neatness COMEOOWN
and charm: UNTIDY 2 + : lacking smartness or taste 'downograde \'daun-,grad\ n 1 : a downward slope (as of a
road) 2: a decline toward a worse condition
[1] frowsy, sloppy, slovenly, unkempt, untidy-
more at SLOPPy + [2] inelegant, tacky, tasteless, trashy, 2downgrade vb + : to lower in quality, value, extent, or sta-
unfashionable, unstylish - more at TACKY tus
dowoel \'dau(-a)l\ n 1 : a pin used for fastening together + break, bust, degrade, demote, reduce - more at DE-
two pieces of wood 2: a round rod (as of wood) - dowel MOTE
vb down-heart-ed \-'har-tad\ adj : low in spirit: DEJECTED
'dowoer \'dau(-a)r\ n [ME dowere, fr. AF dower, douaire, fr. 'downhill \'daun-'hil\ adv : toward the bottom of a hill -
ML dotarium, fro L dot-, dos gift, marriage portion] 1 : the downhill \-,hil\ adj
part of a deceased husband's real estate which the law 'downhill \-,hil\ n : the sport of skiing downhill usu. in a
gives for life to his widow 2: OOWRY race against time
2dower vb : to supply with a dower or dowry: ENOOW 'down.load \'daun-,16d\ n : an act or instance of download-
dow-itch-er \'dau-i-char\ n : any of several long-billed wad- ing something; also: the item downloaded
ing birds related to the sandpipers 2download vb : to transfer (data) from a computer to an-
'down \'daun\ adv [ME doun, fr. OE dime, short for adiine, other device - down-load-able \-,16-da-b;JI\ adj
of diine, lit., from (the) hill] 1 + : toward or in a lower down payment n : a part of the full price paid at the time
physical position 2: to a lying or sitting position 3: to- of purchase or delivery with the balance to be paid later
ward or to the ground, floor, or bottom 4: as a down down-play \'daun-,pla\ vb : DE-EMPHASIZE (-ed the allega-
payment (paid $5 -) 5: on paper (put - what he says) tions)
6 : in a direction that is the opposite of up 7: SOUTH 8: to down-pour \'daun-,p6r\ n + : a heavy rain
or in a lower or worse condition or status 9: from a past + cloudburst, deluge, rain, rainstorm, storm, wet-
time 10: to or in a state of less activity 11 : into defeat more at RAIN
(voted the motion +-> down-ranqe \-'ranj\ adv : away from a launching site
+ below, downward, over; also facedown; low; down- 'down.right \-,Tit\ adv : THOROUGHLY
grade, downhill, downstairs Ant up, upward, upwardly 2downright adj 1 : being completely or exactly what is
2down prep : down in, on, along, or through : toward the stated: ABSOLUTE (a - lie) 2: abrupt in speech or man-
bottom of ner : BLUNT (a - man)
3down vb 1 : to go or cause to go or come down 2: DE- down-shltt \-,shift\ vb : to shift an automotive vehicle into
FEAT 3: to cause (a football) to be out of play a lower gear
+ bowl, drop, fell, floor, knock, level down-slze \-,siz\ vb : to reduce or undergo reduction in
size or numbers
'down adi 1 : occupying a low position; esp : lying on the
abate, de-escalate, decrease, diminish, dwindle,
ground 2 + : directed or going downward 3: being in a
lessen, lower, reduce
state of reduced or low activity 4: low in spirits : DE-
JECTED 5 + : affected with disease or ill health : SICK (- down-spout \-,spaut\ n : a vertical pipe used to drain rain-
with a cold) 6: arrived at or brought to an end: OONE water from a roof
7 : completely mastered (got her lines -) 8: being on Down's syndrome \'daunz-\ or Down syndrome \'daun-\ n
record (you're - for two tickets) : a birth defect characterized by mental retardation, slant-
ing eyes, a broad short skull, broad hands with short fin-
+ [2] downcast, downward - more at OOWNCAST
gers, and the presence of an extra chromosome
[5] bad, ill, indisposed, peaked, punk, sick, un-
down-staqe \'daun-'staj\ adv or adi : toward or at the front
healthy, unsound, unwell- more at SICK
of a theatrical stage
5down n 1 + : a low or falling period (as in activity, emo-
down-stairs \-'staTZ\ adv : on or to a lower floor and esp.
tional life, or fortunes) 2: one of a series of attempts to
the main or ground floor - down-stalrs \-,starz\ adj or n
advance a football 3: an instance of putting down 4: a
down-stream \-'strem\ adv or adj : in the direction of flow
quark with a charge of -'/' that is one of the constituents
of a stream
of the proton and neutron
down-stroke \-,str6k\ n : a downward stroke
comedown, decline, descent, downfall, fall - more down.swing \-,swil)\ n 1 : a swing downward 2: OOWN-
6down n : a rolling usu. treeless upland with sparse soil - down-to--earth adj + : having or showing concern for fact
usu. used in pI. or reality and rejection of the impractical and visionary
usu downs grassland, plain, prairie, savanna, steppe, + earthy, hardheaded, matter-of-fact, practical, prag-
veld - more at PLAIN matic, realistic - more at REALISTIC
~ 7down n 1 : a covering of soft fluffy feathers; also: such down-town \'daun-,taun\ n : the main business district of a
feathers 2 : a downlike covering or material town or city - downtown \'daun-'taun\ adj or adv

floss, fluff, fur, fuzz, lint, nap, pile - more at FUZZ down-trod-den \'daun-'trli-dOn\ adj : suffering oppression
downturn 250
down-turn \-,tam\ n : a downward tum esp. in economic 3draft vb 1 : to select usu. on a compulsory basis; esp : to
activity conscript for military service 2: to draw the preliminary
'downward Vdaun-wardv or down-wards \-wardz\ adv sketch, version, or plan of 3 + : to put into written form
1 + : from a higher to a lower place or condition 2: from : COMPOSE 4: to draw off or away - draftoee\draf-'te,
an earlier time 3: from an ancestor or predecessor draf-vn
+ below, down, over - more at DOWN + cast, compose, craft, draw, formulate, frame, prepare
2downward adj + : directed toward or situated in a lower - more at COMPOSE
place or condition draft-ee \draf-'te, 'draf-\ n : a person who is drafted
+ down, downcast - more at DOWNCAST drafts-man Vdraft-sman, 'draft-\ n : a person who draws
plans (as for buildings or machinery)
down-wind \'daun-'wind\ adv or adj : in the direction that drafty \'draf-te, 'draf-\ adj draft-i-er: -est: exposed to or
the wind is blowing abounding in drafts of air
downy Vdau-ne',adj down-i-er: -est + : resembling or cov- 'drag \'drag\ n 1 : a device pulled along under water for de-
ered with down tecting or gathering 2 : something (as a harrow or sledge)
+ cottony, satiny, silken, soft, velvety- more at SOFT that is dragged along over a surface 3 a : the act or an in-
downy mildew n : any of various parasitic fungi producing stance of dragging b: a draft of liquid 4 + : something
whitish masses esp, on the underside of plant leaves;also that hinders progress; also: something boring 5: an open
: a plant disease caused by downy mildew way for vehicles,persons, and animals: STREET <the main
downy woodpecker n : a small black-and-white wood- -> 6: clothing typical of one sex worn by a member of
pecker of No. America the opposite sex
dow.ry Vdaur-e',n, pi dowries [ME dowarie, fro AF, alter. + bar, block, clog, crimp, embarrassment, hindrance,
of dower, douaire dower] : the property that a woman let, obstacle, stop, stumbling block - more at OBSTACLE
brings to her husband in marriage 2drag vb dragged; dragoging 1 + : to draw slowly or heavily
dowse \'dam\ vb dowsed; : to use a diviningrod : HAUL 2 + : to move with painful or undue slowness or
esp, to find water - dows-ern difficulty 3: to force into or out of some situation, con-
doxoOloo-gy \dlik-'sa-la-je\ n, pi -gies : a usu. short hymn of dition, or course of action 4: PROTRACT <- a story out>
praise to God 5 : to hang or lag behind 6: to explore, search, or fish
doyoen \'d6i-an, 'dwa-,yan\ n : the senior or most experi- with a drag 7: to trail along on the ground 8: DRAW, PUFF
enced person in a group <- on a cigarette> 9: to move (items on a computer
doy-enne \d6i-'yen dwa-tyenv n : a woman who is a doyen
t screen) esp. by using a mouse - dragogern - drag one's
doy.leychiefly Brit var of DOllY feet also drag one's heels: to act slowlyor with hesitation
doz abbr dozen + [1] draw, hale, haul, lug, pull, tow, tug - more at
'doze \'doz\ vb dozed; + : to sleep lightly PULL + [2] crawl, creep, dally, dawdle, delay, dillydally,
+ catnap, drowse, nap, slumber, snooze - more at NAP lag, linger, loiter, poke, tarry - more at DELAY
2doze n + : a light sleep draq-net \-,net\ n 1 : NET, TRAWL 2: a network of planned
+ catnap, drowse, forty winks, nap, siesta, snooze, wink actions for pursuing and catching <a police ->
- more at NAP draq-o-man\'dra-ga-man\ n, pi-mans or -men \-man\ : an
doz-en \'da-z'n\ n, pi dozens or dozen [MEdozeine, fro AF interpreter employed esp. in the Near East
duzeine, fr. duze twelve, fr. L duodecim, fro duo two + de- dragoOn\'dra-gan\ n [ME, fro AF dragun, fro L dracon-,
cem ten] : a group of twelve - doz-enth\-znth\ adj draco serpent, dragon, fro Gk drakon serpent] : a fabulous
'OP \,de-'pe\ n, pi OP's or OPs 1: a displaced person animal usu. represented as a huge winged scaly serpent
with a crested head and large claws
20P abbr data processing dragoOnfly \-,fli\ n : any of a group of large harmless 4-
winged insects that hold the wings horizontal and un-
dpt abbr department
OPTabbr diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus(vaccines) folded in repose
'draogoon \dra-'giin, dra-\ n [F dragon dragon, dragoon, fro
dr abbr 1 debtor 2 dram 3 drive 4 drum MF] : a heavily armed mounted soldier
Drabbr doctor 2dragoon vb : to force or attempt to force into submission
DR abbr 1 dead reckoning 2 dining room : COERCE
drab \'drab\ adj drab-ber; drab-best 1 : being of a light drag race n : an acceleration contest between vehicles-
olive-brown color 2 + : characterized by dullness and drag racer n
monotony - drab-Iy adv - drab-ness n draq-ster \'drag-star\ n : a usu. high-poweredvehicle used
+ dreary, dry, dull, monotonous, uninteresting in a drag race
dra-cc-nl-an \drii-'ko-ne-an, dre-v adi, often cap : CRUEL; drag strip n : a site for drag races
also: SEVERE 'drain \'driin\ vb 1 : to draw off or flow off gradually or
'draft \'draft, 'draft\ n 1 : the act of drawing or hauling 2 completely 2 + : to exhaust physically or emotionally
a : the act or an instance of drinking or inhaling b + : the 3 : to make or become gradually dry or empty 4 + : to
portion drunk or inhaled in one such act 3: DOSE, POTION carry away the surface water of : dischargesurface or sur-
4: DELINEATION, PLAN, DESIGN; also: a preliminary sketch, plus water 5 + : to deplete or empty by or as if by draw-
outline, or version <a rough - of a speech> 5: the act of ing off by degreesor in increments: EXHAUST - drain-er n
drawing (as from a cask); also : a portion of liquid so + [2] bum out, do in, exhaust, fag, fatigue, tire, tucker,
drawn 6: the depth of water a ship draws esp. when wash out, wear, wear out, weary - more at EXHAUST
loaded 7: a system for or act of selecting persons (as for + [4] bleed, draw off, pump, siphon, tap; also milk;
compulsory military service or sports teams); also : the suck; clear, empty, evacuate, exhaust, vacate, void Ant
persons so selected 8: an order for the payment of fill + [5] clean, consume, deplete, exhaust, expend,
money drawn by one person or bank on another 9: a spend, use up - more at DEPLETE
heavy demand: STRAIN 10: a current of air; also: a device 2drain n 1 : a means (as a channel or sewer) of draining
to regulate air supply (as in a stove) - on draft: ready to 2 : the act of draining 3: a gradual outflow; also: some-
be drawn from a receptacle <beer on draft> thing causing an outflow <a - on our savings>
+ drag, drink, nip, quaff, shot, slug, snort, swallow, swig drain-age \'drii-nij\ n 1 : the act or process of draining;
- more at DRINK also: something that is drained off 2 : a means for drain-
2draft adj 1 : used or adapted for drawing loads <- horses> ing : DRAIN, SEWER 3: an area drained
2: being or having been on draft <- beer> drained adj + : exhausted physicallyor emotionally
251 dream
+ beat, bushed, dead, effete, jaded, limp, prostrate, 2draw n 1 + : the act, process, or result of drawing 2 : a lot
spent, tired, weary, worn-out - more at WEARY or chance drawn at random 3 + : a contest left undecided
draln-plpe \'dran-,pip\ n : a pipe for drainage or deadlocked: TIE 4 + : one that draws attention or pa-
drake \'drak\ n : a male duck tronage
dram \'dram\ n 1 : a unit of measure equal to 1',. ounce + [1) haul, jerk, pluck, pull, tug, wrench - more at PULL
2 : FLUID DRAM 3: a small drink + [3) dead heat, stalemate, standoff, tie - more at TIE
dra-ma \'dra-ma, 'dra-\ n [LL. fr. Gk, deed. drama, fro dran + [4] attraction, lodestone, magnet - more at MAGNET
to do. act) 1 a : a literary composition designed for the- draw-back \'dro-,bak\ n + : an unfavorable, inferior, or
atrical presentation b: a play, movie, or television pro- prejudicial condition: DISADVANTAGE
duction with a serious tone or subject 2: dramatic art, + disadvantage, handicap, liability, minus, penalty,
literature, or affairs 3: a series of events involving con- strike - more at DISADVANTAGE
flicting forces - dra-ma-tist \'dra-ma-tist, 'dra-\ n
draw.bridge \-,brij\ n : a bridge made to be raised, lowered,
dra-mat-ic \dra-'ma-tik\ adj 1 : of or relating to the drama
or turned to permit or deny passage
2 a +: suitable to or characteristic of the drama
draw-er \'dror, 'dro-arv n 1 : one that draws 2 pi : an un-
b + : striking in appearance or effect - dra-mat-i-cal-ly dergarment for the lower part of the body 3: a sliding
\-ti-k(a- )Ie\ adv
boxlike compartment (as in a table or desk)
+ [2a) histrionic, melodramatic, theatrical; also af- drawing \'dro-il)\ n 1 : an act or instance of drawing; esp
fected, emotional, sensational + [2b) catchy. conspicu- : an occasion when something is decided by drawing lots
ous, flamboyant, showy, striking - more at SHOWY (tonight's lottery ~) 2 : the act or art of making a figure,
dram-a-ti-sa-tion, dra-rna-tlse Brit var of DRAMATIZATION, plan, or sketch by means of lines 3 + : a representation
dramatize made by drawing: SKETCH
dra-ma-tize \'dra-ma-,Hz, 'dra-\ vb -tized; 1: to + cartoon, delineation, sketch; also outline, silhouette;
adapt for or be suitable for theatrical presentation 2: to caricature, doodle, illustration; depiction, image, like-
present or represent in a dramatic manner - dram-a-n- ness, portrait, representation; engraving, etching; blue-
za-tlon \,dra-ma-ta-'za-shan, ,dra-\ n print
dra-me-dy \'dra-ma-de, 'dra-\ n : a comedy having dra- drawing card n : DRAW 4
matic moments drawing room n : a formal reception room
drank past and past part of DRINK drawl \'drol\ vb : to speak or utter slowly with vowels
'drape \'drap\ vb draped; drapoing 1 : to cover or adorn greatly prolonged - drawl n
with or as if with folds of cloth 2: to cause to hang or draw off vb + : to remove esp. from an environment or
stretch out loosely or carelessly 3: to arrange or become container
arranged in flowing lines or folds
2drape n 1 : CURTAJN 2: arrangement in or of folds 3 : the
+ bleed, drain, pump, siphon, tap - more at DRAlN
cut or hang of clothing draw on vb : to draw nearer: APPROACH (night draws on)
drap-er \'dra-par\ n, chiefly Brit : a dealer in cloth and draw out vb 1 + : to extend beyond a minimum in time
sometimes in clothing and dry goods : PROLONG 2: to cause to speak freely
drapoery Vdra-po-re', n, pi -er.ies 1 Brit: DRY GOODS 2: a + elongate, extend, lengthen, prolong, protract, stretch
decorative fabric esp. when hung loosely and in folds; - more at EXTEND
also: hangings of heavy fabric used as a curtain draw.string \'dro-,stril)\ n : a string, cord, or tape for use in
dras-tic \'dras-tik\ adj : HARSH, RIGOROUS, SEVERE (~ pun- closing a bag or controlling fullness in garments or cur-
ishment) - drasti-cally \-ti-k(a- )Ie\ adv tains
draught \'draft\, draughty \'draf-te\ chiefly Brit var of draw up vb 1 + : to prepare a draft or version of 2: to pull
DRAFT, drafty oneself erect 3 + : to bring or come to a stop 4 + : to
draughts \ 'drafts', n, Brit: CHECKERS bring (as troops) into array
'draw \'dro\ vb drew \'drii\; drawn \'dron\; drawing 1 + : to + [l) cast, compose, craft, draft, formulate, frame, pre-
cause to move toward a force exerted 2: to cause to go in pare - more at COMPOSE + [3) arrest, catch, check,
a certain direction (drew him aside) 3: to move or go fetch up, halt, hold up, stall, stay, still, stop - more at
steadily or gradually (night ~s near) 4: ATTRACT, ENTICE HALT + [4) arrange, array, classify, codify, dispose, mar-
5 : PROVOKE, ROUSE (drew enemy fire) 6: INHALE (~ a shal, order, organize, range, systematize - more at OR-
deep breath) 7: to bring or pull out (drew a gun) 8: to DER
cause to come out of a container (~ water for a bath) dray \'dra\ n : a strong low cart for carrying heavy loads
9: to take out the entrails of: EVISCERATE 10: to require 'dread \'dred\ vb 1 : to fear greatly 2: to feel extreme re-
(a specified depth) to float in 11: ACCUMULATE, GAIN luctance to meet or face
(~ing interest) 12: to take money from a place of de- 2dread n + : great fear esp. of some harm to come
posit: WITHDRAW 13 + : to receive regularly (~a salary) + alarm, anxiety, apprehension, fear, fright, horror,
14 : to take (cards) from a stack or the dealer 15: to re- panic, terror, trepidation - more at FEAR
ceive or take at random (~ a winning number) 16: to 3d read adj 1 : causing great fear or anxiety 2: inspiring
bend (a bow) by pulling back the string 17: WRINKLE, awe
SHRINK 18: to change shape by or as if by pulling or dread-ful \'dred-fal\ adj 1 +: inspiring dread or awe
stretching (a face drawn with sorrow) 19: to leave (a con- : FRIGHTENING 2 + : extremely distasteful, unpleasant, or
test) undecided: TIE 20 + : to give a portrayal of : DELIN- shocking - dread-ful-ly adv
EATE 21 : to write out in due form: DRAFT (~ up a will) + [1] dire, fearful, fearsome, forbidding, formidable,
i 22: FORMULATE (~comparisons) 23: INFER (~ a con- frightful, hair-raising, horrible, redoubtable, scary,
I clusion) 24: to spread or elongate (metal) by hammering shocking, terrible, terrifying - more at FEARFUL
or by pulling through dies 25 : to produce or allow a draft + [2] appalling, atrocious, awful, frightful, ghastly,
I or current of air (the chimney ~s well) 26: to swell out
in a wind (all sails ~ing) - draw the line or draw a line
grisly, gruesome, hideous, horrible, horrid, lurid,
macabre, monstrous, nightmarish, shocking, terrible -
: to fix an arbitrary boundary usu. between two things more at HORRIBLE
~ + [1) drag, hale, haul, lug, pull, tow, tug - more at PULL dread-locks \ 'dred-jlaksv n pi : long braids of hair over the
+ [13] acquire, attain, capture, carry, earn, gain, garner, entire head
get, land, make, obtain, procure, realize, secure, win - dread-nought \'dred-,not\ n : BATTLESHIP
more at EARN + [20) delineate, depict, describe, image, 'dream \'drem\ n [ME dreem, fro OE dream noise, joy, and
paint, picture, portray, sketch - more at DESCRIBE ON draumr dream) 1 : a series of thoughts, images, or
dream 252
emotions occurring during sleep 2 : a dreamlike vision [3) adorn, array, beautify, bedeck, deck, decorate,
3 : something notable for its beauty, excellence, or en- do, embellish, enrich, garnish, grace, ornament, trim -
joyable quality 4 a : a strongly desired goal or purpose more at DECORATE [4) apparel, array, attire, capari-
b : IDEAL - dream-like \-,lik\ adj son, clothe, deck, garb, invest, rig, suit - more at
[2) chimera, conceit, daydream, delusion, fancy, fan- CLOTHE [8) buff, burnish, gloss, grind, polish, rub,
tasy, figment, hallucination, illusion, phantasm, pipe shine, smooth - more at POLISH
dream, unreality, vision. [3) beauty, enchantress, fox, 'dress n 1 : personal attire: CLOTHING 2: a garment uSU.
goddess, knockout, queen - more at BEAlITY consisting of a one-piece bodice and skirt 3 : covering,
[4a) aim, ambition, aspiration, design, end, goal, in- adornment, or appearance appropriate or peculiar to a
tent, mark, meaning, object, objective, plan, pretension, particular time - dress-mak-er \-,mil-k;)r\ n - dress-
purpose, thing - more at GOAL \-,mil-ki!)\ n
'dream \'drem\ vb dreamed \'dremt, 'dremdv or dreamt [1) apparel, attire, clothing, duds, raiment, wear-
\'dremt\; 1 : to have a dream of 2 : to indulge more at CLOTHING [3) garb, getup, guise, outfit-
in daydreams or fantasies: pass (time) in reverie or inac- more at OUTFIT
tion 3 : to consider as a possibility: IMAGINE 3dress adi : suitable for a formal occasion; also: requiring
conceive, envisage, fancy, imagine, picture, vision, vi- formal dress
sualize - more at IMAGINE dres-sage \dr;)-'siizh\ n [F) : the execution by a trained
dream-boat Vdrern-jbot', n, slang: something highly desir- horse of complex movements in response to barely per-
able; esp : a very attractive person ceptible signals from its rider
dream-er \'dre-m;}r\ n 1 : one that dreams 2 : one who dress down vb : to scold severely
lives in a world of fancy and imagination 3 : one who admonish, chide, lecture, rail (at or against), rate, re-
has ideas or conceives projects regarded as impractical buke, reprimand, scold - more at SCOLD
'dressoer \'dre-s;)r\ n : a chest of drawers or bureau with a
idealist, romantic, utopian, visionary - more at IDE-
ALIST mirror
'dresser n : one that dresses
dream-land \'drem-,land\ n : an unreal delightful country
dressing \'dre-sil)\ n 1: the act or process of one who
that exists in imagination or in dreams
dresses 2: a sauce for adding to a dish (as a salad) 3: a
dream up vb : INVENT, CONCocr
seasoned mixture usu. used as stuffing 4: material used
dream-world \-,w;)rld\ n : a world of illusion or fantasy
to cover an injury
dreamy \'dre-rne\ acij ; quiet and soothing; also; pleasant
dreSSing gown n : a loose robe worn esp. while dressing or
comforting, narcotic, sedative, soothing - more at resting
SOOTHING agreeable, congenial, delectable, delicious, dress up vb 1 : to change the customary dress or appear-
delightful, felicitous, good, grateful, gratifying, nice, ance of 2 : furnish with a false appearance
palatable, pleasant, pleasurable, satisfying
camouflage, cloak, disguise, mask - more at DIS-
drear \'drir\ adj : DREARY
drea-ry \'drir-e\ adj drea-ri-er; -est [ME drery ; fro OE
dressy \ 'dre-sex adj dress-i-er: -est 1 : showy in dress
dreorig sad, bloody, fro dreor gore) 1 : feeling, displaying,
or reflecting listlessness or discouragement 2 : having drew past 0/ DRAW
nothing likely to provide cheer, comfort, or interest- 'drib-ble \'dri-b;)l\ vb drib-bled; drib-bling 1 : to fall or
drea-ri-ly \-;)-le\ adv flow in drops: TRICKLE 2 : to let saliva trickle from the
bleak, dark, dismal, gloomy, gray (or grey), somber comer of the mouth: DROOL 3: to propel by successive
(or sombre), wretched - more at GLOOMY slight taps or bounces
'dredge \'drej\ vb dredged; dredging .: to gather or [1) gurgle, lap, plash, ripple, slosh, splash, trickle,
search with or as if with a dredge; esp : to bring to light or wash - more at GURGLE [2) drivel, drool, salivate,
gather by deep searching - often used with up - dredg- slaver, slobber - more at DROOL
er n 'dribble n 1 : a small trickling stream or flow 2: a drizzling
dig, hunt, rake, ransack, rifle, rummage, scour, shower 3: the dribbling of a ball or puck
search - more at SEARCH often dredge up detect, de- drib-let \'dri-bl;)t\ n 1 : a trifling amount 2 : a drop of
termine, dig up, discover, ferret out, find, hit on, locate, liquid
track down - more at FIND blob, drip, drop, droplet, glob - more at DROP
'dredge n : a machine or barge for removing earth or silt
cri-er or dry-er \'dri-;)r\ n 1 : a substance that speeds dry-
3dredge vb dredged; : to coat (food) by sprinkling
ing (as of paint or ink) 2 usu dryer: a device for drying
(as with flour) 'drift \'drift\ n 1 .: the motion or course of something
dregs \'dregz\ n pI 1 : the matter that settles to the bot- drifting; also: a gradual shift of position 2 : a mass of
tom of a liquid: SEDIMENT 2: the most undesirable part matter (as snow or sand) piled up esp. by wind 3: earth,
<the - of humanity) gravel, and rock deposited by a glacier 4 : a general un-
deposit, grounds, lees, precipitate, sediment - more derlying design or tendency: MEANING <if you catch my
drench \'drench\ vb : to wet thoroughly
[1) current, leaning, run, tendency, tide, trend, wind
bathe, douse, soak, sop, souse, wash, water, wet- - more at TREND [2) bank, bar, mound - more at
more at WET BANK [4) denotation, import, intent, meaning, pur-
'dress \'dres\ vb [ME, fro AF drescer to direct, put right, fro port, sense, significance, signification - more at MEAN-
VL *directiare, fro L directus direct) 1 : to make or set !NG
straight : ALIGN 2: to prepare for use; esp : BUTCHER 'drift vb 1 : to float or be driven along by or as if by a cur-
3 : to add decorative details or accessories to : EMBEL- rent of water or air; also: to move along smoothly as if
LISH <- a store window) 4 : to put clothes on : CLOTHE; drifting on a current of water or air 2: to become piled
also: to put on or wear formal or fancy clothes 5: to ap- up by wind or water
ply dressings or medicine to 6: to arrange (the hair) by float, glide, hang, hover, poise, ride, sail, waft-
combing, brushing, or curling 7: to apply fertilizer to more at FLOAT
8 : to put through a finishing process: SMOOTH <- drltt-er Vdrif-tar', n : a person without aim, ambition, or
leather) initiative
253 droop
nomad, rambler, rover, stroller, vagabond, wanderer : the flight of a ball 5: DRIVEWAY 6: a public road for
- more at NOMAD driving (as in a park) 7: the state of being hurried and
drift net n : a fishing net often miles in extent arranged to under pressure 8 + : a strong systematic group effort
drift with the tide or current (membership -) 9: the apparatus by which motion is
driftwood \'drift-,wUd\ n : wood drifted or floated by wa- imparted to a machine 10: an offensive or aggressive
ter move: a military attack 11 a + : an urgent, basic, or in-
'drill \'dril\ n 1 : a tool for boring holes 2: the training of stinctual need b + : an impelling culturally acquired con-
soldiers in marching and the handling of arms 3 : a reg- cern, interest, or longing 12 : dynamic quality 13: a
ularly practiced exercise device for reading and writing on magnetic media (as
exercise, practice, routine, training, workout- magnetic tape or disks)
more at EXERCISE + [8) bandwagon, campaign, cause, crusade, movement
2drill vb 1 : to instruct and exercise by repetition 2: to train - more at CAMPAIGN + [lla, llb] appetite, craving, de-
in or practice military drill 3.: to bore or drive a hole sire, hankering, hunger, itch, longing, lust, passion,
in 4: to shoot with or as if with a gun - drill-er n thirst, urge, yearning, yen - more at DESIRE (12) ag-
bore, hole, perforate, pierce, punch, puncture- gressiveness, ambition, enterprise, go, hustle, initiative
more at PERFORATE - more at ENTERPRISE
3drill n 1 : a shallow furrow or trench in which seed is sown drive-in \'dIi-,vin\ adj : accommodating patrons while
2 : an agricultural implement for making furrows and they remain in their automobiles - drive-in n
dropping seed into them 'driv-el \'dri-v~l\ vb -eled or -elled; or -el.ling 1 : to let
'drill n : a firm cotton twilled fabric saliva dribble from the mouth: DROOL 2 : to talk or ut-
drln-mas-ter Vdril-jmas-tarv n : an instructor in military ter stupidly, carelessly, or in an infantile way - driv-el-er
drill n
drill press n : an upright drilling machine in which the drill + babble, chatter, gabble, gibber, jabber, prattle, sput-
is pressed to the work usu. by a hand lever ter - more at BABBLE
drily var O/DRYLY 2drivel n + : language, conduct, or an idea that is absurd or
'drink \'dril)k\ vb drank \'dral)k\; drunk \'dr~l)k\ or drank; contrary to good sense: NONSENSE 1 : to swallow liquid: IMBIBE 2 : to take in bunk, claptrap, fiddlesticks, folly, foolishness, fudge,
or suck up : ABSORB 3: to take in through the senses (- hogwash, humbug, nonsense, piffle, rot, silliness, slush,
in the beautiful scenery) 4: to give or join in a toast stupidity, trash - more at NONSENSE
5 : to drink alcoholic beverages esp, to excess - drink- drive-shaft \'dIiv-,shaft\ n : a shaft that transmits mechan-
able adj - drink-er n ical power
(1) guzzle, imbibe, quaff, sup, swig, toss; also lap, drive-through also drive-thru \'driv-,thrii\ adj : designed
lick; consume, down, mouth (down); tipple; toast, wine for the service of patrons remaining in their automobiles
(2) absorb, imbibe, soak, sponge, suck - more at AB- - drive-through also drive-thru n
SORB drive-way \-,wa\ n : a short private road leading from the
2drink n 1 a : a liquid suitable for swallowing: BEVERAGE street to a house, garage, or parking lot
b : an alcoholic beverage 2 : a draft or portion of liq- 'drizzle Vdri-zalv n : a fine misty rain
uid 3: excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages 2drizzle vb driz-zled; driz.zling : to rain in very small drops
[La] beverage, libation, quencher; also potion; pop, drogue \'drog\ n : a small parachute for slowing down or
soda, soda pop, soft drink; alcohol, brew, intoxicant, stabilizing something (as a space capsule)
liquor, spirits. [1b] alcohol, booze, intoxicant, liquor, droll \'drol\ adj [F dreole, fr. dreole scamp, fr. MF drolle,
moonshine, spirits - more at ALCOHOL (2) draft, fr. MD, imp) + : having a humorous, whimsical, or odd
drag, nip, quaff, shot, slug, snort, swallow, swig quality (a - expression) - droll-ery \'dro-Ia-re\ n-
'drip \'drip\ vb dripped; drip-ping 1 : to fall or let fall in drol.lyadv
drops 2 : to let fall drops of moisture or liquid (a dripping + antic, comic, comical, farcical, funny, hilarious, hu-
faucet) 3: to overflow with or as if with moisture morous, hysterical, laughable, ludicrous, ridiculous, ri-
2drip n 1 : a falling in drops 2 : liquid that falls, over- otous, risible, screaming, uproarious - more at FUNNY
flows, or is extruded in drops 3: the sound made by or as drom-e-dary \'drli-m~-,der-e\ n, pi -dar-les [ME drome-
if by falling drops darie, fr. MF dromedaire, fr. LL dromedarius, fr. L dro-
blob, driblet, drop, droplet, glob - more at DROP mad-, dromas, fr. Gk, running] : CAMEL; esp : a
domesticated one-humped camel of western Asia and
'drive \'dIiv\ vb drove \'drov\; driv-en \'dri-v:m\;
northern Africa
1 : to urge, push, or force onward 2: to carry through
'drone \'dron\ n 1 : a male honeybee 2: one that lives on
strongly (- a bargain) 3 : to set or keep in motion or
the labors of others: PARASITE 3: an unmanned aircraft
operation 4: to direct the movement or course of 5 : to or ship guided by remote control
convey in a vehicle 6: to bring into a specified condition
2drone vb droned; dron.jng : to sound with a low dull mo-
(the noise -s me crazy) 7 : to exert inescapable or co- notonous murmuring sound; also: speak monotonously
ercive pressure on : FORCE (driven by hunger to steal)
8 : to project, inject. or impress forcefully (drove the les- buzz. hum. whir, whish, whiz, zip, ZOOm - more at
son home) 9: to produce by opening a way (,...,_, a well)
3drone n + : a deep monotonous sound
10 : to progress with strong momentum (a driving rain)
11 : to propel an object of play (as a golf ball) by a hard + buzz, hum, purr, whir, whiz. zoom - more at HUM
blow - driv-er n drool \'driil\ vb 1 : to let liquid flow from the mouth
[1] propel, push, shove, thrust - more at PUSH 2 : to talk foolishly
(1) herd, punch, run; also shepherd; wrangle; egg, ex- dribble, drivel, salivate, slaver, slobber; also water;
hort, goad, prick, prod, spur, urge [3) activate, actu- expectorate, spit; foam, froth; sputter
ate, crank, move, propel, run, set off, spark, start, touch 'droop \'driip\ vb 1 + : to hang or incline downward 2: to
off, trigger, turn on - more at ACTIVATE. [7) coerce, sink gradually 3 : to become depressed or weakened
compel, constrain, force, make, muscle, obligate, : LANGUISH
oblige, press, pressure - more at FORCE [1] flag, hang, loll, sag, wilt; also slouch, slump; col-
2drive n 1 : a trip in a carriage or automobile 2: a driving lapse, drop, fall, sink, subside + [3) decay, fail, flag, go,
or collecting of animals (a cattle -> 3: the guiding of lag, languish, sag, waste, weaken, wilt - more at
logs downstream to a mill 4: the act of driving a ball; also WEAKEN
droop 254
2droop n + : the condition or appearance of drooping - 'drove \'drov\ n 1 : a group of animals driven or moving in
droopyac(j a body 2 + : a large number : CROWD - usu. used in pl.
+ sag, slack, slackness - more at SAG <tourists arriving in ~s)
droopy \'drii-pe\ adj 1 : low in spirits 2 + : drooping or + usu droves army, crowd, crush, flock, horde, host, le-
tending to droop gion, mob, multitude, press, swarm, throng - more at
+ pendulous + flaccid, floppy, lank, limp, slack, yield- CROWD
ing - more at LIMP 2drove past of DRIVE
'drop \'drap\ n 1 + : the quantity of fluid that faUs in one drov-er \'dro-v:lr\ n : one that drives domestic animals usu.
spherical mass 2 pi : a dose of medicine measured by to market
drops 3: a smaU quantity of drink 4: the smaUest prac- drown \'draun\ vb drowned \'draund\; drown-lnq 1 : to suf-
tical unit of liquid measure 5: something (as a pendant focate by submersion esp. in water 2: to become
or a small round candy) that resembles a liquid drop drowned 3 + : to cover with water; also: to soak, drench,
6 + : the act or an instance of dropping: FALL 7 + : a de- or cover with a liquid 4: to cause to be muted (as a
cline in quantity or quality 8: a descent by parachute sound) by a loud noise 5: OVERPOWER, OVERWHELM
9 : the distance through which something drops 10: a slot + deluge, engulf, flood, inundate, overflow, overwhelm,
into which something is to be dropped 11 : something submerge, swamp - more at FLOOD + drench, impreg-
that drops or has dropped 12 + : an advantage or superi- nate, saturate, soak, sop, souse, steep - more at SOAK
ority over an opponent - usu. used in the phrase get the 'drowse \'drailz\ vb drowsed; + : to faU into a
drop on light slumber: DOZE
+ [1] blob, driblet, drip, droplet, glob; also raindrop, + catnap, doze, nap, slumber, snooze - more at NAP
tear; spatter; dribble, trickle + [6] descent, dip, dive, 2drowse n + : the act or an instance of drowsing
down, fall, plunge - more at DESCENT + [7] abatement, + catnap, doze, forty winks, nap, siesta, snooze, wink
decline, decrease, decrement, diminution, fall, loss, re- -more at NAP
duction, shrinkage - more at DECREASE + [12] advan- drowsy \'drau-ze\ adj drows-i-er; -est 1 + : ready to faU
tage, better, edge, jump, upper hand, vantage - more asleep 2 + : making one sleepy - \-z;)-le\ adv
at ADVANTAGE - drows-i-ness \-ze-n;)s\ n
2drop vb dropped; drop-ping 1 : to faU or let faU in drops
+ [1] sleepy, slumberous - more at SLEEPY + [2] hyp-
2 : to let fall: LOWER <~ a glove) <dropped his voice)
notic, narcotic, opiate, slumberous - more at HYPNOTIC
3 : SEND<~ me a note) 4: to let gO : DISMISS <~ the sub-
drub \'dr"b\ vb drubbed; drub-bing 1 + : to beat severely
ject) 5: to knock down: cause to fall 6 + : to go lower
2 + : to defeat decisively
: become less <prices dropped) 7: to come or go unex-
pectedly or informally <~ in to call) 8: to pass from one + [I) bash, bat, batter, beat, pound - more at BEAT
state into a less active one <~ off to sleep) 9 + : to move + [2) clobber, rout, skunk, thrash, trim, trounce, wal-
downward or with a current 10 + : to desist from: QUIT lop, whip
11 : to give birth to - drop back : to move toward the 'drudge \'dr;)j\ vb drudged; + : to do hard, me-
rear - drop behind: to fail to keep up nial, or monotonous work
+ [6] decline, descend, dip, fall, lower, plummet, + endeavor (or endeavour), fag, grub, hustle, labor (or
plunge, sink, tumble; also decrease, diminish, lessen; re- labour), peg, plod, plug, slave, slog, strain, strive, strug-
cede, retreat Ant arise, lift, rise, soar + [9] decline, de- gle, sweat, toil, work - more at LABOR
scend, dip, fall, plunge - more at DESCEND 2drudge n + : one whose work is menial or routine and bor-
+ [IO] discontinue, give up, knock off, layoff, quit - ing
more at QUIT + fag, peon, slave, toiler, worker - more at SLAVE
drop by vb + : to pay a brief casual visit drudgoery \'dr:rj;)-re\ n + : duU, irksome, and fatiguing
+ drop by or drop in call, pop (in), stop (by or in), visit work
- more at CALL + grind, labor (or labour), slavery, sweat, toil, travail -
drop in vb : to pay an unexpected or casual visit more at TOIL
+ call, pop (in), stop (by or in), visit - more at CALL 'drug \'dr;)g\ n 1 + : a substance used as or in medicine
drop-kick \-'kik\ n : a kick made by dropping a baU to the 2 : a substance (as heroin or marijuana) that can cause ad-
ground and kicking it at the moment it starts to rebound diction, habituation, or a marked change in mental status
- drop-kick vb + cure, medicine, pharmaceutical, remedy, specific-
drop-let \ 'dra-pl;)t\ n + : a tiny drop more at MEDICINE
+ blob, driblet, drip, drop, glob - more at DROP 2drug vb drugged; drug.ging : to affect with or as if with
drop-off \'drap-,of\ n 1 : a steep or perpendicular descent drugs; esp : to stupefy with a narcotic
2 : a marked decline <a ~ in attendance) drug.gist \'dra-gist\ n : a dealer in drugs and medicines;
drop off vb : to faU asleep also : PHARMACIST
drop out vb : to withdraw from participation or member- druq-store \'drag-,stor\ n : a retail shop where medicines
ship; esp : to leave school before graduation - drop-out and misceUaneous articles are sold
\'drap-,aut\ n druid \'drii-ad\ n, often cap : one of an ancient Celtic
drop-per \'dra-p:lr\ n 1 : one that drops 2: a short glass priesthood appearing in Irish, Welsh, and Christian leg-
tube with a rubber bulb used to measure out liquids by ends as magicians and wizards
drops 'drum \'dram\ n 1 : a percussion instrument uou. con.btins
drop-pings n pi + : the feces of an animal : DUNG of a hoUow cylinder with a skin or plastic head stretched
dung, slops, waste; also stool; dunghill, guano, ma- over one or both ends that is beaten with the hands or
nure, muck; spoor; sewage with a stick 2: the sound of a drum; also: a similar sound 1
drop-sy Vdrap-se', n [ME dropesie, short for ydropesie, fr. 3 + : a drum-shaped object
OF, fr. L hydropisis, fr. Gk hydrops, fr. hydor water] + can, canister, tin - more at CAN
: EDEMA - drop-si-cal v-si-kel', adi
dross \'dras\ n 1 : the scum that forms on the surface of a
molten metal 2: waste matter: REFUSE
drought Vdrautv also drouth Vdrauthv n : a long spell of
2drum vb drummed; drum.ming 1 : to beat a drum 2: to
sound rhythmically: THROB, BEAT 3: to summon or enlist
by or as if by beating a drum <drummed into service)
4 + : to dismiss ignominiously: EXPEL - usu. used with
dry weather out 5 : to drive or force by steady effort <~ the facts into

255 ducks
memory) 6 : to strike or tap repeatedly so as to pro- dry rot n : decay of timber in which fungi consume the
duce rhythmic sounds wood's cellulose
[4] banish, boot (out), bounce, cast, chase, dismiss, dry run n : a practice exercise : REHEARSAL
eject, expel, oust, rout, run off, throw out - more at practice, rehearsal, trial - more at REHEARSAL
EJECT [6] beat, rap, tap - more at TAP drywall \'dri-,w61\ n : a wallboard consisting of fiber-
drum-beat \'dr;:lm-,bet\ n : a stroke on a drum or its sound board, paper, or felt over a plaster core
drum major n : the leader of a marching band Os symbol darmstadtium
drum ma-ior-ette \-,mii-j;:l-'rat\ n : a girl or woman who OSC abbr 1 Distinguished Service Cross 2 doctor of sur-
leads a marching band; also: a baton twirler who accom- gical chiropody
panies a marching band OSM abbr Distinguished Service Medal
drum-mer Vdra-marv n 1 : one that plays a drum 2: a trav- OST abbr daylight saving time
eling salesman OTP abbr diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (vaccines)
drum-stick \'dr;:lm-,stik\ n 1 : a stick for beating a drum d.t.'s \,de-'tez\ n pi, often cap D&T : DELIRIUM TREMENS
2 : the lower segment of a fowl's leg du-al \'dii-al, 'dyii-\ adi 1 : consisting of two parts or el-
drum up vb 1 : to bring about by persistent effort <drum ements or having two like parts: DOUBLE 2: having a dou-
up business) 2: INVENT, ORIGINATE ble character or nature - du-et-ism \-a-,li-zam\ n - du-
'drunk past part a/DRINK al.i.ty \dii-'a-Ia-te, dyii-\ n
2drunk \'dral)k\ adi 1 : having the faculties impaired by
binary, bipartite, double, duplex, twin - more at
alcohol <""' drivers) 2: dominated by an intense feeling
<""' with power) 3: of, relating to, or caused by intoxi-
cation 'dub \'dab\ vb dubbed; dub-bing 1 : to confer knighthood
upon 2 : to call by a distinctive title, epithet, or nick-
high, inebriate, intoxicated, tipsy; also maudlin; be-
name : NAME
fuddled, stupefied; debauched, dissipated, dissolute Ant
sober baptize, call, christen, denominate, designate, entitle,
3drunk n 1 : a period of excessive drinking 2 : a drunken label, name, style, term, title - more at NAME
person 2dub n : a clumsy person: DUFFER
inebriate, soak, sot, souse, tippler; also alcoholic, sub- 3dub vb dubbed; dub-bing: to add (sound effects) to a mo-
stance abuser; drinker tion picture or to a radio or television production
drunk-ard \'dral)-kard\ n : one who is habitually drunk du-bi-ety \dii-'bi-;:l-te, dyii-\ n, pi -eties 1 : UNCERTAINTY
2 : a matter of doubt
inebriate, soak, sot, souse, tippler - more at DRUNK
du-bl-ous \'dii-be-as, 'dyii-\ adi 1 : of doubtful promise
drunk-en \'dral)-kan\ adj 1 : being under the influence of or outcome 2 : questionable or suspect as to true na-
alcohol: DRUNK 2: given to habitual excessive use of al- ture or quality: QUESTIONABLE 3 : feeling doubt - du-
cohol 3: of, relating to, or resulting from intoxication <a bi-ous-ness n
""' brawl) 4: unsteady or lurching as if from intoxication
[1] doubtful, flimsy, improbable, questionable, un-
- drunk-en-ly adv - drunk-en-ness n
likely - more at IMPROBABLE [2] debatable, dis-
drupe \'driip\ n : a partly fleshy fruit (as a plum or cherry)
putable, doubtful, equivocal, fishy, problematic,
having one seed enclosed in a hard inner shell
questionable, shady, shaky, suspect, suspicious - more
'dry \'dri\ adj dri-er \'dri-ar\; drl-est \-ast\ 1 : free or freed
at DOUBTFUL [3] distrustful, doubtful, mistrustful,
from water or liquid <""' fruits); also: not being in or un-
skeptical, suspicious, uncertain, undecided, unsettled,
der water 2 : characterized by lack of water or mois-
unsure - more at DOUBTFUL
ture <""' climate) 3: lacking freshness: STALE 4: devoid
du-bi-ous-ly \-Ie\ adv : in a manner expressive of doubt,
of natural moisture; also: THIRSTY 5: no longer liquid or
sticky <the ink is +-> 6: not giving milk <a ""' cow)
hesitation, or suspicion
askance, distrustfully, mistrustfully, suspiciously-
7 : marked by the absence of alcoholic beverages 8: pro-
hibiting the making or distributing of alcoholic beverages more at ASKANCE
9 : not sweet <""' wine) 10: solid as opposed to liquid <""' dub-m-um Vdub-ne-orn, 'dab-\ n : a short-lived radioactive
groceries) 11 : containing or employing no liquid 12 chemical element produced artificially
a : not showing or communicating warmth, enthusiasm, du-cal \'dii-kal, 'dyii-\ adj : of or relating to a duke or
or tender feeling: SEVERE b: causing weariness or lack of dukedom
interest: UNlNTERESTING 13: not productive 14: marked due-at \'da-kat\ n : a gold coin formerly used in various
by a matter-of-fact, ironic, or terse manner of expression European countries
<""' humor) - or adv - dry.ness n duch-ess \'da-chas\ n 1 : the wife or widow of a duke 2: a
arid, sere, thirsty; also baked, dehydrated, parched woman holding the rank of duke in her own right
Ant damp, dank, humid, moist, wet duchy \'da-che\ n, pi duch-ies : the territory of a duke or
2dry vb dried; : to make or become dry duchess: DUKEDOM
dehydrate, parch, sear; also dehumidify; evaporate; 'duck \'dak\ n, pi ducks: any of various swimming birds re-
shrivel, wither Ant hydrate, wet lated to but smaller than geese and swans
3dry n, pi drys: PROHIBITIONIST 2duck vb 1 .: to thrust or plunge under water 2 a : to
dryad \'dri-ad, -,ad\ n : WOOD NYMPH lower the head or body suddenly: BOW b : to make a
dry cell n : a battery whose contents are not spillable sudden movement in a new direction : DODGE 3 : to
dry-clean \'dri-,kH:n\ vb : to clean (fabrics) chiefly with evade a duty, question, or responsibility <""' the issue)
solvents other than water - dry cleaning n [l] dip, douse, dunk, immerse, souse, submerge-
dry dock \'dri-,dlik\ n : a dock that can be kept dry during more at DIP [2b] dodge, Sidestep - more at DODGE
ship construction or repair [3] avoid, dodge, elude, escape, eschew, evade, shake,
dryer var O/DRIER shirk, shun - more at ESCAPE
dry n : farming without irrigation in areas of lim- 3duck n 1 : a durable closely woven usu. cotton fabric 2 pi
ited rainfall - dry-farm vb - dry tann-er n : light clothes made of duck
dry goods \'dri-,giIdz\ n pi: cloth goods (as fabrics, ribbon, duck-bill \'dak-,bil\ n : PLATYPUS
and ready-to-wear clothing) duck.ling \-lil)\ n : a young duck
dry ice n : solid carbon dioxide duck-pin \-,pin\ n 1: a small bowling pin shorter and
dry measure n : a series of units of capacity for dry com- wider in the middle than a tenpin 2pl but sing in constr : a
modities bowling game using duckpins
duck sauce 256
duck sauce n : a thick sweet sauce made with fruits and dug past and past part of DIG
seasonings and used in Chinese cuisine dug-out \'d:lg-,aut\ n 1 : a boat made by hollowing out a
duct \'d:lkt\ n 1 : a tube or canal for conveying a bodily log 2: a shelter dug in the ground 3: a low shelter fac-
fluid 2 : a pipe or tube through which a fluid (as air) ing a baseball diamond that contains the players' bench
flows - duct-less adj CUI n : the act or crime of driving while under the influ-
channel, conduit, leader, line, penstock, pipe, tube - ence of alcohol
more at PIPE duke \'duk, 'dyiikv n 1 : a sovereign ruler of a continental
duc-tile \'d:lkt-'I\ adj 1 : capable of being drawn out into European duchy 2: a nobleman of the highest rank; esp
wire or thread 2: easily led: DOCILE - duc-til-i-ty \,d:lk- : a member of the highest grade of the British peerage
'tl-lo-tev n 3 slang: FIST I (put up your ~s) - duke-dom n
ductless gland n : an endocrine gland dul-cet \'d:ll-s:lt\ adj 1 : pleasing to the ear 2 : AGREEABLE,
duct tape n : a cloth adhesive tape orig. designed for seal- SOOTHING
ing certain ducts and joints - duct tape vb dul-ci-mer \'d:ll-s:l-m:lr\ n 1: a stringed instrument of
dud \'d:ld\ n 1 pi : personal attire: CLOTHING 2 : one trapezoidal shape played with light hammers held in the
that fails completely; also: a bomb or missile that fails to hands 2 or dul-ci-more \-,mor\ : an American folk instru-
explode ment with three or four strings that is held on the lap and
played by plucking or strumming
duds[l] apparel, attire, clothing, dress, raiment, wear 'dull \'d:ll\ adj 1 : mentally slow: STUPID 2: slow in per-
- more at CLOTHlNG [2] bummer, bust, catastrophe, ception or sensibility 3: LISTLESS 4: slow in action: SLUG-
debacle, failure, fiasco, fizzle, flop, lemon, loser, GISH <a ~ market) 5: lacking in force or intensity; also
turkey, washout - more at FAILURE : not resonant or ringing 6 : lacking sharpness of edge
dude \'dud, 'dyud\ n 1 : a man who gives exaggerated or point : BLUNT 7.: lacking brilliance or luster
attention to personal appearance : DANDY 2: a city 8 : low in saturation and lightness <~ color) 9: over-
dweller; esp : an Easterner in the West 3 : a male hu- cast with clouds : CLOUDY 10.: causing weariness or
man: GUY - sometimes used as an informal form of ad- lack of interest: UNINTERESTING - dully adv
dress [6] blunt, obtuse; also rounded Ant keen, pointed,
[l] buck, dandy, fop, gallant - more at DANDY sharp, whetted [7] dim, flat, lusterless [8] light,
[3] buck, chap, fellow, gent, gentleman, guy, hombre, pale, pastel, washed-out - more at PALE [10] dry,
jack, joker, lad, male, man - more at MAN flat, monotonous, uninteresting, weary
dude ranch n : a vacation resort offering activities (as 2dull vb : to make or become dull
horseback riding) typical of western ranches blunt, dampen, deaden, numb; also muffle, mute,
dudogeon \'d:l-j:ln\ n : a fit or state of indignation <in tone (down); decrease, diminish, lessen, let up (on), re-
high ~) duce, subdue; debilitate, enfeeble, weaken; dwindle, re-
huff, offense, peeve, pique, resentment, umbrage - cede, subside, taper (of I), wane; alleviate, ease, lighten;
more at PIQUE abate, moderate Ant sharpen, whet
'due \'du, 'dyil\ adj [ME, fro AF deu, pp. of dever to owe, fr. dullard \'d:l-Iard\ n : a stupid person
L deberei 1 : owed or owing as a debt 2 : owed or owing as dull-ness also dul-ness \'dal-n:ls\ n : the quality or state of
5 : being in accordance with some established rule, law, \'du-Ie, 'dyil-\ adv : in a due manner or time
or principle <~ process of law) 6 : capable of being at- dumb \'d:lm\ adj 1 often offensive: lacking the power of
tributed - used with to <~ to negligence) 7: PAYABLE <a speech 2 : making no utterance: SILENT 3 : not hav-
bill ~ today) 8: SCHEDULED <~ to arrive soon) ing or showing intelligence: STUPID - dumb-ly adv
[5] just, right - more at JUST usu due to [6] atten- [2] mum, mute, silent, speechless, uncommunicative
dant, consequent, consequential, resultant - more at - more at SILENT [3] mindless, senseless, simple, stu-
RESULTANT pid, unintelligent - more at STUPID
2due n 1 : something that rightfully belongs to one <give dumb-bell \'d:lm-,bel\ n 1 : a bar with weights at the end
everyone their e-c-) 2: DEBT 3pl: FEES, CHARGES used for exercise 2: one who is stupid: DUMMY
3due adv : in a direct manner: DIRECTLY (~north) dumb down vb : to lower the level of difficulty or intellec-
dead, direct, directly, plump, right, straight - more tual content of
at DIRECTLY dumb-found also durn-found \,dam-'faund\ vb : to con-
du-el \'du-:lI, 'dyil-\ n 1 : a combat between two persons; found briefly and usu. with astonishment: ASTONISH
esp : one fought with weapons in the presence of wit- amaze, astonish, astound, bowl, flabbergast, floor,
nesses 2.: a conflict between antagonistic persons, shock, startle, stun, stupefy, surprise - more at SUR-
ideas, or forces; also: a hard-fought contest between two PRISE
opponents - duel vb - du-el-ist \-:l-Iist\ n dumb-wait-er Vdom-jwa-tar', n : a small elevator for con-
battle, combat, conflict, confrontation, contest, face= veying food and dishes from one floor to another
off, rivalry, struggle, tug-of-war, warfare - more at durn-my \'da-me\ n, pi dummies 1 a : a person who cannot
CONTEST speak b.: a stupid person 2: the exposed hand in
du-en-de \du-'en-dii\ n [Sp dial., charm, fr. Sp, ghost, gob- bridge played by the declarer in addition to that player's
lin, fro duen de casa, prob. fr. dueiio de casa owner of a own hand; also: a bridge player whose hand is a dummy
house] : the power to attract through personal magnetism 3 a : an imitative substitute for something b : a form
and charm representing the human figure used esp. for displaying
du-en-na \dii-'e-n:l, dyil-\ n 1 : an elderly woman in charge clothes: MANNEQUIN 4: one seeming to act alone but re-
of the younger ladies in a Spanish or Portuguese family ally acting for another 5: a mock-Up of matter to be re-
2 : CHAPERONE produced esp. by printing
du-et \du-'et, dyu-\ n : a musical composition for two per- [Ib] blockhead, dope, idiot, imbecile, jackass, mo-
formers ron, numskull - more at IDIOT [3b] figure, form,
due to prep : as a result of : BECAUSE OF manikin, mannequin - more at MANNEQUIN
because of, owing to, through, with - more at BE- 'dump \'damp\ vb 1 : to let fall in a pile 2 : to get rid of
CAUSE OF unceremoniously
dufofel bag \'d:l-f:ll-\ n : a large cylindrical bag for personal cast, discard, ditch, fling, jettison, junk, lose, reject,
belongings scrap, shed, shuck, slough, throwaway, throw out, un-
duffer \'d:l-f:lr\ n : an incompetent or clumsy person load - more at DISCARD
257 dust

2dump n 1 : a place for dumping something (as refuse) 2 + beguile, bluff, cozen, deceive, delude, fool, gull, have,
a : a reserve supply b + : a place where reserve supplies hoax, hoodwink, humbug, misinform, mislead, string
are kept <an ammunition -> 3: a messy or objection- along, take in, trick - more at DECEIVE
able place du-ple Vdii-pol, 'dyii-\ adj : having two beats or a multiple
+ armory, arsenal, depot, magazine - more at ARMORY of two beats to the measure <- time)
'du'plex \'dii-,pleks, 'dyii-\ adj + : having two principal ele-
dump-ing \'d;)m-pil)\ n + : the act of one that dumps; esp
ments or parts : DOUBLE
: the selling of goods in quantity at below market price
+ binary, bipartite, double, dual, twin - more at DOU-
+ disposal, disposition, jettison, removal, riddance-
more at DISPOSAL
2duplex n : something duplex; esp : a 2-family house
dump-ling \'d;)m-plil)\ n 1 : a small mass of boiled or
'du'plioeate \'dii-pli-k;)t, 'dyii-\ adi 1 : consisting of or ex-
steamed dough 2: a dessert of fruit baked in biscuit
isting in two corresponding or identical parts or examples
dough 2 + : being the same as another
dumps \'d;)mps\ n pi + : a gloomy state of mind: low spir-
its (in the -)
+ equal, even, identical, indistinguishable, same-
more at SAME
+ blues, dejection, depression, desolation, despon- 2du'plioeate \'dii-pli-,kat, 'dyii-\ vb -cat-ed: -cat-lnq 1 : to
dency, doldrums, forlornness, gloom, heartsickness,
make double or twofold 2 + : to make a copy of
melancholy, sadness - more at SADNESS
dump truck n : a truck for transporting and dumping bulk
+ copy, imitate, replicate, reproduce - more at COpy
material 3du'plioeate \-k;)t\ n + : a thing that exactly resembles an-
dumpy \'dam-pe\ adj dump-i-er; -est 1 + : short and thick other in appearance, pattern, or content: COpy
in build 2: SHABBY + carbon copy, copy, duplication, facsimile, imitation,
+ chunky, heavyset, squat, stocky, stout, stubby, replica, replication, reproduction - more at COPY
stumpy, thickset - more at STOCKY du-pli-ca-tion \,dii-pli-'ka-sh;)n, ,dyii-\ n 1 : the act or
'dun \'d;)n\ n : a brownish dark gray process of duplicating 2 + : a thing that exactly resem-
2dun vb dunned; dun.ning 1 : to make persistent demands bles another in appearance, pattern, or content
for payment 2: PLAGUE, PESTER - dun n + carbon copy, counterpart, double, duplicate, facsim-
3dun n + : an urgent request ile, image, likeness, match, picture, replica, ringer, spit
- more at IMAGE
+ claim, demand, requisition - more at DEMAND du-pli-ca-tor \'dii-pli-,ka-t;)r, 'dyii-\ n : COPIER
dunce \'dans\ n [John Duns Scotus, whose once accepted du-plic-i-ty \du-'pli-s;)-te, dyu-', n, pi -ties + : the disguising
writings were ridiculed in the 16th cent.] + : a slow stupid of true intentions by deceptive words or action - du-plic-
person i-tous \-t;)s\ adj - du-pltc-l-tous-Iy adv
+ blockhead, dope, dummy, idiot, imbecile, jackass, + artifice, craft, craftiness, crookedness, cunning, de-
moron, numskull - more at rmor ceit, deceitfulness, dishonesty, dissimulation, double-
dun-der-head \'d;)n-d;)r-,hed\ n : DUNCE, BLOCKHEAD dealing, guile, wiliness - more at DECEIT
dune \'diin, 'dyiin\ n : a hill or ridge of sand piled up by du.ra.bil.i.ty \,dur-;)-'bi-l;)-te, ,dylir-\ n + : the quality or
the wind state of being durable
dune buggy n : a motor vehicle with oversize tires for use + endurance, persistence
on sand
du-ra-ble \'dur-;)-b;)I, 'dylir-\ adi : able to exist for a long
'dung \'d;)l)\ n + : the feces of an animal: MANURE
time without significant deterioration of qualities or ca-
+ droppings, slops, waste - more at DROPPINGS pabilities (- goods)
2dung vb : to dress (land) with dung du-rance \'dur-;)ns, 'dylir-\ n : restraint by or as if by phys-
dun-qa-ree \,d;)l)-g;)-'re\ n 1 : a heavy coarse cotton twill; ical force (held in - vile>
esp : blue denim 2pl: clothes made of blue denim du-ra-tlon \diI-'ra-sh:>n. dyu-', n 1 : continuance in time
dun.geon \'d:>n-j:>n\ n [ME dongeourt fortress, prison, fr. 2 + : the time during which something exists or lasts
AF donjun, fro VL +domnion-, *domnio keep, mastery, fr. [l] continuance, continuation, endurance, persist-
L dominus lord] : a dark prison commonly underground ence, subsistence - more at CONTINUATION [2] date,
dunq-hlll \'d;)I)-,hil\ n : a manure pile life, lifetime, run, standing, time; also spell, stretch;
dunk \'dal)k\ vb 1 + : to dip or submerge temporarily in span, tenure, term; hitch, tour, tum
liquid 2: to submerge oneself in water 3: to shoot a bas- du-ress \du-'res, dyu-\ n + : compulsion by threat (con-
ketball into the basket from above the rim fession made under -)
+ dip, douse, duck, immerse, souse, submerge - more + coercion, compulsion, constraint, force, pressure-
at DIP more at FORCE
duo \'dii-(,)6, 'dyii-\ n, pi du-os 1 : DUET 2 + : two similar \'diIr-il), 'dyur-\ prep 1 : throughout the dura-
or associated things: PAIR tion of (swims every day - the summer) 2: at some
+ brace, couple, pair, twain, twosome - more at PAIR point in (broke in - the night)
duo-dec-i-mal \,dii-;)-'de-s;)-m;)l, ,dyii-\ adi : of, relating to, over, through, throughout
or being a system of numbers with a base of 12 dusk \'d;)sk\ n 1 : the darker part of twilight esp. at
du-o-de-num \,dii-;)-'de-n;)m, ,dyii-, du-Iad-Pn-em, dyii-\ n, night 2: partial darkness
pi -de-na \-'de-n;), -'n-;)\ or -denums : the first part of the + evening, gloaming, nightfall, sundown, sunset, twi-
small intestine extending from the stomach to the je- light; also dark, darkness, night, nighttime Ant aurora,
junum - du-o-de-nal \-'den-'l, -'n-;)I\ adj cockcrow, dawn, dawning, daybreak, daylight, morn,
dup abbr 1 duplex 2 duplicate morning, sunrise, sunup
'dupe \'diip, 'dyiip\ n + : one who is easily deceived or dusky \'d;)s-ke\ adj dusk-i-er; -est 1 : somewhat dark in
cheated color 2 : marked by slight or deficient light - duski-
+ gull, pigeon, sap, sucker, tool; also victim; schlemiel; ness n
butt, derision, laughingstock, mark, mock, mockery; dark, darkling, dim, gloomy, murky, obscure, somber
booby, dodo, fool, goose, half-wit, jackass, lunatic, (or sombre) - more at DARK
monkey, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, simpleton, turkey; 'dust \'d;)st\ n 1 : fine particles of matter 2: the particles
pushover; loser into which something disintegrates 3 +: something
2dupe vb duped; dup-ing + : to make a dupe of : DECEIVE worthless 4 : the surface of the ground - dust-less adj
dust 258
[3] chaff, deadwood, garbage, junk, litter, refuse, : RESIDE 3 : to keep the attention directed 4: to write or
riffraff, rubbish, scrap, trash, waste - more at GARBAGE speak insistently - used with on or upon
[4] dirt, earth, ground, land, soil - more at EARTH [l] abide, hang around, remain, stay, stick around,
2dust vb 1 : to make free of or remove dust 2: to sprinkle tarry - more at STAY. [2] abide, live, reside - more
with fine particles 3: to sprinkle in the form of dust at LIVE
dust bowl n : a region suffering from long droughts and dwell-er \'dwe-Iar\ n : one that dwells: INHABITANT
dust storms denizen, inhabitant, occupant, resident - more at IN-
dust devil n : a small whirlwind containing sand or dust HABITANT
dust-er Vdas-tarx n 1 : one that removes dust 2: a dress- Vdwe-linv n : a shelter (as a house) in which
length housecoat 3: one that scatters fine particles; esp people live: RESIDENCE
: a device for applying insecticides to crops abode, domicile, home, house, lodging, quarters, res-
dust-pan \'dast-,pan\ n : a flat-ended pan for sweepings idence - more at HOME
dust storm n : a violent wind carrying dust across a dry re- OWl \,de-,dab-al-(,)yii-'i\ n [driving while intoxicated]
gion :DUI
dusty \'das-tt!\ adj 1 .: consisting of dust : POWDERY dwinodle \'dwin-dl\ vb dwin-dled; dwinodling : to make
2 : covered or abounding with dust or become steadily less
fine, floury, powdery - more at FINE abate, de-escalate, decline, decrease, die, diminish,
dutch \'dach\ adv, often cap: with each person paying his ebb, fall, lessen, let up, lower, moderate, recede, relent,
or her own way <go ~) shrink, subside, taper, wane - more at DECREASE
Dutch \'dach\ n 1 Dutch pi : the people of the Netherlands dwt abbr pennyweight
2 : the language of the Netherlands - Dutch adj- Dy symbol dysprosium
Dutch-man \-man\ n dybobuk \'di-bak\ n, pi \,di-bli-'kem\ also dyb-
Dutch elm disease n : a fungus disease of elms character- buks : a wandering soul believed in Jewish folklore to en-
ized by yellowing of the foliage, defoliation, and death ter and possess a person
dutch treat n, often cap D : an entertainment (as a meal) for 'dye \'di\ n 1 : color produced by dyeing 2 : material
which each person pays his or her own way - dutch treat used for coloring or staining
adv, often cap D color (or colour), pigment, stain - more at PIGMENT
du-te-ous Vdu-te-as, 'dyii-\ adj : DUTIFUL, OBEDIENT 2dye vb dyed; dye-ing 1 : to impart a new color to esp, by
du-ti-able \'dii-te-a-bal, 'dyii-\ adj : subject to a duty <~ impregnating with a dye 2: to take up or impart color in
imports) dyeing - dyoer \'di(-a)r\ n
du-ti-tul \'dii-ti-fal, 'dyii-\ adj 1 : motivated by a sense of
color (or colour), paint, stain, tinge, tint - more at
duty <a ~ son) 2 : coming from or showing a sense of
duty (~affection) - du-ti-ful-ly adv - du-ti-fubness n
dye-stuff \'di-,staf\ n : material used for coloring or stain-
deferential, regardful, respectful - more at RESPECT- ing: DYE
FUL dying pres part of DIE
du.ty \'dii-te, 'dyii-\ n, pi duties 1 : conduct or action re- dy-nam-ic \di-'na-mik\ also dy-narn-l-cal \-mi-kal\ adj 1 : of
quired by one's occupation or position; also: obligatory or relating to physical force producing motion 2 : op-
tasks, conduct, or functions required by order or usage erating with or marked by vigor or effect: ENERGETIC
2 : assigned service or business; esp : active military serv-
energetic, flush, lusty, peppy, robust, strenuous, vig-
ice 3 : a moral or legal obligation 4 : a charge usu. orous, vital - more at VIGOROUS. aggressive, assertive,
of money imposed by authority on persons or property emphatic, forceful, resounding, vehement - more at
for public purposes: TAX 5: the service required (as of a EMPHATIC
machine) : USE (a heavy-duty tire) \di-'na-mi-ka-Ie\ adv : in a dynamic manner
[1] assignment, chore, job, stint, task - more at
energetically, firmly, forcefully, forcibly, hard,
CHORE. [3] burden, charge, commitment, need, obliga-
mightily, powerfully, stiffly, stoutly, strenuously,
tion, responsibility - more at OBLIGATION. [4] assess-
strongly, sturdily, vigorously - more at HARD
ment, impost, levy, tax - more at TAX
' \'di-na-,mit\ n : an explosive made of nitroglyc-
DVabbr 1 God willing 2 Douay Version erin absorbed in a porous material; also : an explosive
DVD \,de-,ve-'de\ n [digital video disk] : a high-capacity op-
made without nitroglycerin
tical disk format; also: an optical disk using such a for- 2dynamite vb -mlt-ed; -rnlt-lnq : to blow up with dynamite
mat 3dynamite adi : TERRIFIC, WONDERFUL
DVM abbr doctor of veterinary medicine dynamo \'di-na-,m6\ n, pl-mos 1 : an electrical generator
'dwarf \'dw6rf\ n, pi dwarfs \'dw6rfs\ also dwarves \'d- 2 : a forceful energetic individual
w6rvz\ 1 : one that is much below normal size 2 : a dy-na-mom-e-ter \,di-na-'ma-ma-tar\ n : an instrument for
small legendary manlike being who is usu. misshapen and measuring mechanical power (as of an engine)
ugly and skilled as a craftsman dy.nas.ty \'di-nas-te, -,nas-\ n, pi -ties 1 : a succession of
[1] midget, mite, peewee, pygmy, runt, scrub, shrimp; rulers of the same family 2: a powerful group or family
also mini, miniature Ant behemoth, colossus, giant, that maintains its position for a long time - dy.nas.tic
jumbo, leviathan, mammoth, monster, titan \di-'nas-tik\ adj
[2] brownie, elf, fairy, fay, gnome, hobgoblin, lep- dysoentery \'dis-n-,ter-e\ n, pi -ter.ies : a disease marked
rechaun, pixie, puck, troll by diarrhea with blood and mucus in the feces; also: DI-
2dwarf vb 1 : to restrict the growth or development of ARRHEA
: STUNT 2 : to cause to appear smaller (dwarfed by com- dysfunc.tion also ols-func-tlcn \dis-'f;'l)k-shan\ n 1 : im-
parison) paired or abnormal functioning (liver~) 2: abnormal
3dwarf adj : characterized by smallness or insignificance of or unhealthy behavior within a group (family~) - dys-
size, proportion, scope, strength, or power func-tlon-at \-sha-nal\ adj
dwarfish \'dw6r-fish\ adj : of or like a dwarf dyslexia \dis-'lek-se-a\ n : a learning disability marked by
dwarf, fine, little, pocket, pygmy, slight, small, under- difficulty in reading, writing, and spelling - dys-tex-lc
sized - more at SMALL \-sik\ adj or n
dwell \'dwel\ vb dwelt \'dwelt\ or dwelled \'dweld, 'dwelt\; dys-pep-sia \dis-'pep-sh;" -se-a\ n : INDIGESTION - dys-pep- [ME, fr. OE dwellan to go astray, hinder] tic \-'pep-tik\ n
1 : to remain for a time: ABIDE 2 : to live as a resident dys.pepotic adj : having or showing ill humor
259 earring
+ bearish, bilious, cantankerous, disagreeable, ill-hu- dys-pro-si-um\dis-'pro-ze-;)m\ n : a metallic chemical ele-
mored, ill-tempered, ornery, splenetic, surly - more at ment that forms highly magnetic compounds
ILL-TEMPERED dys-tro-phyVdis-tra-Iev n, pi -phies : a disorder involving
dys-pla-sia \dis-'pla-zh(e-);)\n : abnormal growth or devel- atrophy of muscular tissue; esp : MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY
opment dz abbr dozen

'e \'e\ n, pi e's or es \'ez\ often cap 1 : the 5th letter of the
English alphabet 2: the base of the system of natural log-
arithms having the approximate value 2.71828 3: a grade
+ [1) ancient, primal, primeval, primitive; also aged,
antediluvian, antiquated, antique, hoary Ant late
+ [2] precocious, premature, unseasonable, untimely;
rating a student's work as poor or failing also unanticipated,unexpected;abrupt, sudden Ant late
'e abbr, often cap 1 east; eastern 2 error 3 excellent 'ear-mark \'ir-,mark\ n : an identification mark (as on the
e- comb form: electronic <e-commerce) ear of an animal); also : a distinguishing mark <---s of
ea abbr each poverty)
'each \'ech\ adj : being one of the class named <--- player) 'earmarkvb 1 : to mark with an earmark 2 + : to designate
'each pron : every individual one for a specific purpose
3each adv : to or for each: APIECE <cost five cents ---) + allocate, consecrate, dedicate, devote, reserve, save
each other pron : each of two or more in reciprocal action - more at DEVOTE
or relation <looked at each other) ear-muff\-,maf\ n : one of a pair of ear coveringsworn to
eaoger\'e-g;)r\adj + : marked by urgent or enthusiastic de- protect against cold
sire or interest <--- to learn> - eaoger-Iyadv earn \'am\ vb 1 +: to receive as a return for service
+ avid, enthusiastic, hungry, keen, raring, thirsty; also 2 + : to make or come to be duly worthy of : DESERVE,
engaged,interested; hung up, obsessed; ambitious, cov- MERIT - earn-er n
etous, craving, hankering, longing,pining; restive, rest- + (1) acquire, attain, draw, gain, gamer, get, land,
less; disposed, inclined, ready, willing Ant apathetic, make, secure, win; also clear, net; accomplish, achieve,
indifferent notch (up), score; accumulate, draw, rack up; catch,
eaoger-ness n + : the quality or state of being eager; also pick up; occupy, take over; reacquire, recapture, re-
: an act or instance of being eager gain, remake Ant forfeit, lose + (2) deserve,merit, rate;
+ alacrity, ambition, appetite, ardor, avidity, enthusi- also entitle, qualify
asm, excitement, hunger, impatience, keenness, quick- earned run n : a run in baseball that scores without benefit
ness, thirst Ant apathy, indifference of an error before the fielding team has had a chance to
make the third putout of the inning
'eaogle \'e-g;)l\ n 1: a large bird of prey related to the
earned run average n : the average number of earned runs
hawks 2 : a score of two under par on a hole in golf per game scored against a pitcher in baseball
'eagle vb eaogled; eaogling: to score an eagle on a golf hole 'ear-nest \'ar-n:lst\ n + : an intensely serious state of mind
eaoglet\ 'e-gl;)t\n : a young eagle
-ean - see -AN <spoke in --->
earnestness, gravity, intentness, seriousness, sobriety,
E and OE abbr errors and omissions excepted
solemnity - more at EARNESTNESS
'ear \'ir\ n 1 : the organ of hearing;also: the outer part of
this in a vertebrate 2: something resembling a mammal's 'earnest adi 1 + : seriously intent and sober <an --- face)
<an --- attempt) 2 + : marked by importance: GRAVE-
ear in shape, position, or function 3: an ability to under- ear-nest-ly adv
stand and appreciate somethingheard <a good --- for mu-
sic> 4 + : sympathetic attention + [1, 2) grave, humorless (or humourless), serious, se-
vere, sober, solemn, staid, unsmiling, weighty - more
+ attention, awareness, cognizance, eye, heed, notice, at SERIOUS
observance, observation - more at ATTENTION 3earnest n 1 : something of value given by a buyer to a
'ear n : the fruiting spike of a cereal (as wheat) seller to bind a bargain 2: PLEDGE
ear-ache \-,ak\ n : an ache or pain in the ear ear-nest-nessn + : intent and serious state or quality (as of
ear-drum \-,dr;)m\ n : a thin membrane that receives and mind)
transmits sound waves in the ear + gravity, intentness, seriousness, sobriety, solemnity;
eared \'ird\ adj : having ears esp. of a specified kind or also deliberation, determination, firmness, resolve Ant
number <a long-eared dog> frivolity, levity, lightheartedness
ear-ful\'ir-,ful\ n : a verbal outpouring (as of news, gossip, earn-ings \':lr-nil)z\n pi 1 + : something (as wages)earned
anger, or complaint) 2 + : the balance of revenue after deduction of costs and
earl \';)rl\ n [ME erl, fr. OE earl warrior, nobleman) : a expenses
member of the British peerage ranking below a marquess + (1) income, proceeds, profit, return, revenue, yield
and above a viscount - earl-dom\-d;)m\ n - more at INCOME + (2) gain, lucre, net, payoff, pro-
ear-lobe\'ir-,Iob\ n : the pendent part of the ear ceeds, profit, return - more at PROFIT
'ear-Iy\';)r-Ie\ adv ear-li-er; -est + : at an ealy time ear-phone\'ir-,ron\ n : a device that reproduces sound and
+ beforehand, precociously, prematurely, unseason- is worn over or in the ear
ably; also immediately, promptly, punctually Ant late ear-piece\-,pes\ n : a part of an instrument which is placed
'early adi ear-li-er; -est 1 +: of, relating to, or occurring against or in the ear; esp : EARPHONE
near the beginning; also: ANCIENT, PRlMITIVE 2 + : occur- ear-plug \-,pl:lg\ n : a protective device for insertion into
ring before the usual time <an --- breakfast>; also : oc- the opening of the ear
curring in the near future ear-ring\-,ril)\ n : an ornament for the earlobe
earshot 260
ear-shot \-,shiit\ n + : range of hearing point directly opposite to west 3 cap: regions or coun-
+ hail, hearing, sound tries east of a specified or implied point - east-er-ly \'e-
ear-split-ting \-,spli-til)\ adj + : intolerably loud or shrill star-lev adv or adj - east-ward adv or adj - east-wards
+ booming, clamorous (or clamourous), deafening, adv
loud, piercing, roaring, thunderous - more at LOUD Easter \'e-st:lr\ n : a church feast observed on a Sunday in
March or April in commemoration of Christ's resurrec-
earth \':lrth\ n 1 +: the fragmental material composing
part of the surface of the globe: SOIL, DIRT 2 + : areas of
land as distinguished from sea and air : LAND, GROUND east-ern \'e-st:lrn\ adj 1 often cap: of, relating to, or char-
3 often cap + : the planet on which we live that is 3d in or- acteristic of a region designated East 2 cap : of, relating
to, or being the Christian churches originating in the
der from the sun
Church of the Eastern Roman Empire 3: lying toward or
+ [1, 2] dirt, dust, ground, land, soil; also continent, coming from the east - Eastoernoer n
landmass + [3] planet, world; also cosmos, creation,
easy \'e-ze\ adj eas-i-er: -est 1 + : marked by ease (an ~
universe; orb, sphere; macrocosm, microcosm
life>; esp : not causing distress or difficulty (~ tasks>
earth-en \':lr-th:ln\ adj : made of earth or baked clay
2 : MILD, LENIENT (be ~ on him> 3: GRADUAL (an ~
earth-en-ware \-,war\ n : slightly porous opaque pottery
fired at low heat
slope> 4: free from pain, trouble, or worry (rest +->
5: LEISURELY (an ~ pace> 6: NATURAL (an ~ manner>
earth.ling \':lrth-lil)\ n : an inhabitant of the earth
7 + : giving ease, comfort, or relaxation: COMFORTABLE
earth-ly \':lrth-Ie\ adj + : characteristic of or belonging to
(an ~ chair> 8 + : readily taken advantage of - eas-i-
this earth; also: relating to the human race's actual life on
ness \-ze-n:ls\ n
this earth - earth-ll-ness n
+ [1] effortless, facile, fluent, fluid, light, painless,
+ material, mundane, temporal, terrestrial, worldly; ready, simple, smooth, snap, soft; also apparent, clear,
also physical Ant heavenly, nontemporal
distinct, evident, manifest, obvious, plain; clear-cut,
earthoquake \-,kwiik\ n : a shaking or trembling of a por- straightforward Ant arduous, difficult, hard, labored
tion of the earth + [7] comfortable, snug, soft - more at COMFORTABLE
earth science n : any of the sciences (as geology or mete- + [8] gullible, susceptible
orology) that deal with the earth or one of its parts
easY'900ing \,e-ze-'go-il)\ adj + : relaxed and casual in style
earth-shak-ing \':lrth-,shii-kil)\ adj : of great importance
or manner
earth-ward \-w:lrd\ also earth-wards v-wordz', adv : toward + affable, breezy, carefree, happy-go-lucky, informal,
the earth laid-back Ant uptight + flexible, lax, loose, relaxed,
earth-work \':lrth-,w:lrk\ n : an embankment or fortifica- slack, unrestrained, unrestricted; also careless, heed-
tion of earth less, negligent, slipshod, sloppy, slovenly, unfussy Ant
earth-worm \-,w:lrm\ n : a long segmented worm found in rigorous + carefree, careless, cavalier, gay, happy'
damp soil go-lucky, insouciant, lighthearted, unconcerned-
more at CAREFREE
earthy \':lr-the\ adj earth-i-er: -est 1 : of, relating to, or
consisting of earth; also: suggesting earth (~ flavors> eat \'et\ vb ate \'iit\; eat-en \'et-'n\; eat-lnq 1 + : to take in
2 + : not theoretical or ideal: PRACTICAL 3 : COARSE, GROSS as food: take food 2: to use up : DEVOUR 3 + : to con-
- earth-i-ness n sume gradually: CORRODE - eat-able adj or n - eat-er n
+ down-to-earth, hardheaded, matter-of-fact, practical, + [1] dine, fare, feed - more at DINE + [3] bite, cor-
pragmatic, realistic - more at REALISTIC rode, erode, fret; also break down, break up, decom-
ear-wax \'ir-,waks\ n : the yellow waxy secretion from the pose, disintegrate, dissolve; destroy, ruin, wreck
ear eatoery \'e-t:l-re\ n, pi -er-tes : LUNCHEONlITrE, RESTAURANT
ear.wig \-,wig\ n : any of numerous insects with slender eaves \'evz\ n pl : the overhanging lower edge of a roof
many-jointed antennae and a pair of appendages resem- eavesodrop \'evz-,driip\ vb : to listen secretly - eaves-
bling forceps at the end of the body drop-per n '
'ease \'ez\ n 1 + : comfort of body or mind: freedom from 'ebb \'eb\ n 1: the flowing back from shore of water
pain, discomfort, or concern 2: naturalness of manner brought in by the tide 2: a point or state of decline
3 + : freedom from difficulty or effort 'ebb vb 1 : to recede from the flood 2 + : to fall from a
higher to a lower level or from a better to a worse state
+ [1] alleviation, comfort, decrease, relief; also calm-
: DECLINE (his fortunes <ed
ing, salving, soothing + [3] leisure, relaxation, repose,
rest - more at REST + abate, decline, decrease, diminish, dwindle, fall,
"ease vb eased; eas-lnq 1 +: to relieve from distress lessen, recede, subside, taper - more at DECREASE
2 + : to lessen the pressure or tension of 3 + : to make or EBCDIC \'eb-s:l-,dik\ n [extended binary coded decimal in-
become less difficult (~ credit> terchange code] : a computer code for representing al-
+ [1] allay, alleviate, assuage, help, mitigate, mollify, phanumeric information
palliate, relieve, soothe - more at HELP + [2] loosen, EbOola \e-bo-I:l\ n : an often fatal hemorrhagic fever
relax, slack, slacken - more at SLACKEN + [3] assist, fa- caused by a virus (Ebola virus) of African origin
cilitate, further, hasten, help, improve, loosen, promote; 'ebooony \'e-b:l-ne\ n, pi -nies : a hard heavy wood of Old
also aid, smooth, speed; advance, unclog Ant compli- World tropical trees related to the persimmon
cate "ebony adj 1 : made of or resembling ebony 2 + : of the
ea-set \'e-z:ll\ n [Dutch ezel, lit., ass] : a frame for support- color black
ing something (as an artist's canvas) + black, raven - more at BLACK
eas-i-ly \'e-z:l-le\ adv + : in an easy manner: without diffi- ebullient \i-'blil-y:lnt, -'b:ll-\ adj 1 : BOILING, AGITATED
culty 2 : EXUBERANT - ebul-tlence \-Y:lns\ n
+ effortlessly, fluently, freely, handily, lightly, pain- EC abbr European Community
lessly, readily, smoothly; also ably, adeptly, adroitly, 'ecoeentric \ik-'sen-trik\ adj 1 : deviating from a usual or
proficiently, skillfully Ant arduously, laboriously accepted pattern 2: deviating from a circular path (~
'east \,est\ adv : to or toward the east orbits> 3: set with axis or support off center (an ~
'east adi 1 : situated toward or at the east 2: coming from cam>; also : being off center - ec-cen-trl-cat-ty \-tri-
the east . k(:l-)le\ adv
3east n 1 : the general direction of sunrise 2: the compass 'eccentric n + : an eccentric person
261 eczema
character, crackpot, crank, kook, nut, oddball, ecol abbr ecological; ecology
screwball, weirdo; also bohemian, maverick, noncon- E. coli \,e-'ko-,li\ n, pi E. coli : a rod-shaped bacterium that
formist sometimes causes intestinal illness
ec-cen-tric-i-ty\,ek-,sen-'tri-s~-te\ n : the quality or state ecol-o-gy \i-'ka-I:l-je, e-\ n, pi -gies [G Okologie, fr. Gk
of being eccentric; also: odd or whimsical behavior oikos house + logos word] 1 : a branch of science con-
crotchet, idiosyncrasy, mannerism, oddity, peculiar- cerned with the relationships between organisms and
ity, quirk, singularity, trick - more at IDIOSYNCRASY their environment 2: the pattern of relations between
Eccles abbr Ecclesiastes one or more organisms and the environment - eco-toq-i- \i-,kle-ze-'as-tez\ n : a book of wisdom lit- cal \,e-k<l-'la-ji-k~I, ,e-\ also eco-toq-lc \-jik\ adi - eco-
erature in canonical Jewish and Christian Scripture\-ji-k(:l-)Ie\ adv - ecol-o-gist \i-'ka-I:l-jist, e-\ n
ec-cle-si-as-tic \i-,kle-ze-'as-tik\ n .: a member of the e-com-merce \'e-,ka-{,)m:lrs\ n : commerce conducted via
clergy: CLERGYMAN the Internet
clergyman, divine, father, minister, preacher, priest, econ abbr economics; economist; economy
reverend - more at CLERGYMAN eco-ncm-ic \,e-k:l-'na-mik, ,e-\ adj : of or relating to the
ec-cte-sl-as-ti-cal\-ti-k:ll\ or ec-cle-sl-as-tlc \-tik\ adi : of or production, distribution, and consumption of goods and
relating to a church esp. as an institution ('""-' art) - ec- services
cle-si-as-ti-cal-ly \-ti-k(~-)Ie\ adv eco-nom-i-cal\-'na-mi-k:ll\ adj 1 : marked by careful use
Ec-cle-siasti-cus \i-,kle-ze-'as-ti-k:ls\ n : a didactic book of resources: THRIFJ'Y 2 : operating with little waste or at
included in the Protestant Apocrypha and as Sirach in the a saving - ec-o-nom-i-cal-ly\-k{:l-)Ie\ adv
Roman Catholic canon of the Old Testament frugal, provident, sparing, thrifty - more at FRUGAL
Ecclus abbr Ecclesiasticus eco-nom-les \,e-k<l-'na-miks, ,e-\ n sing or pi : a social
ECGabbr electrocardiogram science dealing with the production, distribution, and
ech-e-lon \'e-sh~-,Hin\ n [F echelon, lit., rung of a ladder] consumption of goods and services - econ-o-mist \i-'ka-
1 : a steplike arrangement (as of troops or airplanes) na-mistv n
2 : a level (as of authority or responsibility) within an econ-o-miseBrit var O/ECONOMIZE
organization econ-o-mize\i-'ka-n~-,miz\ vb -mized; -mizing : to prac-
degree, footing, level, place, position, rank, situation, tice economy : be frugal - econ-o-miz-er n
standing, station, status - see RANK save, scrimp, skimp; also conserve, husband, manage;
ech-t-na-cea\,e-ki-'na-se-:l, -sh:l\ n : the dried root of three scrape; cut back, cut down, retrench Ant waste
composite herbs that is used primarily in herbal remedies 'econ-o-my\i-'ka-n~-me\ n, pi -mies [MF yconomie, fro ML
to boost the immune system; also: any of these herbs oeconomia, fro Gk oikonomia, fr. oikonomos household
echi-no-derm\i-'ki-n~-,d~rm\ n : any of a phylum of ma-
rine animals (as starfishes and sea urchins) having similar manager, fro oikos house + nemein to manage]
body parts (as the arms of a starfish) arranged around a 1 : thrifty and efficient use of resources; also: an in-
central axis and often having a calcium-containing outer stance of this 2: manner of arrangement or functioning
: ORGANIZATION 3: an economic system (a money '""-')
'echo \'e-ko\ n, pi ech-oes also ech-os 1 : repetition of a frugality, husbandry, providence, thrift; also conser-
sound caused by a reflection of the sound waves; also . vation, saving; miserliness, stinginess; discretion, pru-
: the reflection of a radar signal by an object 2 : one who dence Ant wastefulness
closely imitates or repeats another's words, ideas, or acts >economy adi : ECONOMICAL ('""-' cars)
- echo-ic \e-'ko-ik\ adj eco-sys-tem\'e-ko-,sis-t:lm, 'e-\ n : the complex of an eco-
>echo vb : to produce an echo; also: to repeat or imitate logical community and its environment functioning as a
(as a sound) unit in nature
repeat, resonate, resound, reverberate - more at RE- eco-tour-ism\,e-ko-'tur-,i-z~m, ,e-\ n : the touring of natu-
VERBERATE ral habitats in a manner meant to minimize ecological im-
eeho-lc-ca-tlon \,e-ko-Io-'ka-sh:ln\ n : a process for locating pact - eco-tour-lst \-'tur-ist\ n
distant or invisible objects by sound waves reflected back ecru \'e-krii, 'a-\ n [F ecru, lit., unbleached] : BEIGE - ecru
to the sender (as a bat) from the objects ac(j
echt \'ekt\ adj [G] : TRUE, GENUINE <an '""-' New Yorker) ec-sta-sy \'ek-st<l-se\ n, pl-sies 1 : extreme and usu. rap-
eclair \a-'klar\ n [F, lit., lightning]: an oblong shell of light turous emotional excitement 2 often cap: an illicit drug
pastry with whipped cream or custard filling with hallucinogenic properties that is chemically related
eclat \a-'kla\ n [F] 1 : a dazzling effect or success 2: AC- to amphetamine
CLAIM elation, euphoria, exhilaration, heaven, intoxication,
eclec-tic \e-'klek-tik\ adj 1 : selecting or made up of what paradise, rapture, rhapsody, transport; also exaltation;
seems best of varied sources 2 : composed of elements bliss, delight, enchantment, gladness, happiness, joy,
drawn from various sources; also: consisting of dissimilar pleasure; reverie, trance; inspiration; fervor, frenzy,
ingredients or constituents - eclectic n - eclec-tl-clsrn madness, passion Ant depression
\-'klek-t~-,si-z~m\ n ec-stat-ic \ek-'sta-tik, ik-\ adj. : of, relating to, or marked
assorted, heterogeneous, miscellaneous, mixed, mot- by ecstasy -\-ti-k{:l- )Ie\ adv
ley, varied - more at MISCELLANEOUS elated, euphoric, intoxicated, rapturous, rhapsodic;
'eclipse \i-'klips\ n 1 : the total or partial obscuring of one also exultant, jubilant, triumphant; enthusiastic, ex-
heavenly body by another; also : a passing into the cited, gung ho, thrilled; blissful, delighted, glad, grati-
shadow of a heavenly body 2: a falling into obscurity or fied, happy, joyful, joyous, pleased, satisfied, tickled
decline Ant depressed
2eclipse vb eclipsed; eclips-inq 1 : to cause an eclipse of Ecua abbr Ecuador
2 : to go beyond in accomplishment: SURPASS Ecuaodoran\,e-kw:l-'d6r-:ln\ or Ecuaodor-ean or
beat, better, excel, outdistance, outdo, outshine, out- dor-lan \-e-~n\ n : a native or inhabitant of Ecuador-
strip, surpass, top, transcend - more at SURPASS Ecuadorean or Ecuadorian adj
eclip-tic \i-'klip-tik\ n : the great circle of the celestial ac-u-men-t-eat\,e-kyu-'me-ni-k~l\ adj : general in extent or
sphere that is the apparent path of the sun influence; esp : promoting or tending toward worldwide
ec-loque \'ek-,16g, -,Iag\ n : a pastoral poem Christian unity - ec-u-men-i-cal-ly\-k{~-)Ie\ adv
ECM abbr European Common Market ec-ze-ma \ig-'ze-m<l, 'eg-zo-ma, 'ek-sa-v n : an itching skin
eczematous 262
inflammation with oozing and then crusted lesions - ec- tor or editing 2 : being or resembling an editorial - ed-I-
zern-a-tcus \ig-'ze-m~-t~s\ adj to-rl-at-ly adv
ed abbr 1 edited; edition; editor 2 education 2editorial n : an article (as in a newspaper) giving the views
'oed \d after a vowel or b, g, j, I, rn, n, I), r, th, v, Z, zh; ad, id of the editors or publishers; also: an expression of opin-
after d, t; t after other sounds\ vb suffix or adj suffix 1 - ion resembling an editorial <a television "")
used to form the past participle of regular weak verbs ed-l-to-rl-el-lze \,e-d~-'t6r-e-~-,liz\ vb -ized; 1 : to ex-
<ended) <faded) <tried) <patted) 2: having: character- press an opinion in an editorial 2: to introduce opinions
ized by <cultured) <2-legged); also: having the charac- into factual reporting 3: to express an opinion - ed-t-to-
teristics of <bigoted) rialization \-,t6r-e-~-I~-'zii-sh~n\ n - ed-l-to-rl-al-iz-er n
2-ed vb suffix - used to form the past tense of regular weak EDP abbr electronic data processing
verbs (judged) <denied) <dropped) EDT abbr Eastern daylight (saving) time
Edam \'e-d~m, -,dam\ n : a yellow Dutch pressed cheese educ abbr education; educational
made in balls ed-u-ce-ble \'e-j~-b-b~l\ adj : capable of being educated
edody \'e-de\ n, pi eddies: WHIRLPOOL - eddy vb ed-u-cate \'e-j~-,kiit\ vb -cat-ed; -cat-inq [ME, to rear, fro L
edel-weiss \'ad-'I-,wIs, -,vis\ n [G, fro edel noble + weiss educatus, pp. of educare, fr. educere to lead forth, draw
white] : a small perennial woolly composite herb that out] 1 .: to provide with schooling 2.: to develop
grows high in the Alps mentally and morally; also: to provide with information
ede-ma \i-'de-m~\ n : abnormal accumulation of watery [l] indoctrinate, instruct, school, teach, train, tutor
fluid in connective tissue or in a serous cavity - edem-a- - more at TEACH [2] edify, enlighten, nurture-
tous \-'de-m~-t~s\ adj more at ENLIGHTEN
Eden \'ed-'n\ n : a place or state of bliss or delight: PAR- educated adj. : having an education; esp : having an edu-
ADISE cation beyond the average
Elysium, heaven, paradise, utopia - more at PARA- erudite, knowledgeable, learned, literate, scholarly,
DISE well-read; also civilized, cultivated, cultured; cerebral,
'edge \'ej\ n 1 : the cutting side of a blade 2: a noticeably highbrow, intellectual; polished, refined, well-bred; aca-
harsh or sharp quality; also : FORCE, EFFECfIVENESS demic, bookish, didactic, pedantic, professorial; in-
3 : the line where something begins or ends; also : the structed, schooled, skilled, trained; homeschooled,
area adjoining such an edge 4 : a favorable margin: AD- self-educated, self-taught; briefed, enlightened, in-
VANTAGE - edged \'ejd\ adj formed, versed Ant ignorant, illiterate, uneducated
[3] border, bound, boundary, fringe, margin, perime- ed-u-ca-tion \,e-j~-'kii-sh~n\ n 1 : the action or process of
ter, periphery, rim, skirt, verge - more at BORDER educating or being educated; also: the knowledge and de-
[4] advantage, better, drop, jump, upper hand, van- velopment resulting from an educational process 2: a
tage - more at ADVANTAGE field of study dealing with methods of teaching and learn-
'edge vb edged; 1 : to give or form an edge 2: to ing
move or force gradually <"" into a crowd) 3: to defeat instruction, teaching, training, tutelage; also coach-
by a small margin <edged out her opponent) - edg-er n ing, conditioning, cultivation, preparation erudition,
grind, hone, sharpen, strop, whet - more at SHARPEN knowledge, learning, scholarship, science; also culture,
edge-wise \'ej-,wiz\ adv : SIDEWAYS edification, enlightenment; literacy, reading; pedantry \'e-jil)\ n : something that forms an edge or border ed-u-ca-tion-al \-sh~-n~l\ adj : of, relating to, or con-
<a lace "") cerned with education; also: serving to further education
edgy \'e-je\ adj edg.i-er; -est 1 : having an edge: SHARP - ed-u-ce-tion-al-ty adv
<an - tone) 2.: being on edge : TENSE, NERVOUS informative, instructive - more at INFORMATIVE
3 : having a bold, provocative, or unconventional quality educational television n : PUBLIC TELEVISION
- edg.i.ness n ed-u-ca-tor \-,kii-t~r\ n : one skilled in teaching
[l] cutting, ground, keen, sharp - more at SHARP instructor, pedagogue, schoolteacher, teacher-
[2] aflutter, anxious, jittery, jumpy, nervous, nervy, more at TEACHER
tense, troubled, upset, worried - more at NERVOUS educe \i-'dUs, -'dYlls\ vb educed; educing 1 : to bring out
ed-i-ble \'e-d~-b~l\ adj : fit or safe to be eaten - ed.i.bil.i.ty (as something latent) : ELICIT, EVOKE 2: DEDUCE
\,e-d~-'bi-I~-te\ n - edible n ed-u-tatn-rnent \,e-j~-'tiin-m~nt\ n : entertainment that is
edict \'e-,dikt\ n : a proclamation having the force of designed to be educational
law; also: ORDER, DECREE t-ee \'e, (,)e\ n suffix 1 : one that receives or benefits from
decree, directive, fiat, order, ruling; also call, deci- (a specified action or thing) <grantee) <patentee) 2: a
sion, judgment; announcement, declaration, dictum, person who does (a specified action) <escapee)
manifesto, proclamation, pronouncement; canon, en- 2-ee n suffix 1 : a particular esp, small kind of <bootee)
cyclical 2 : one resembling or suggestive of <goatee)
ed-l-fl-ca-tlon \,e-d~-f~-'kii-sh~n\ n : instruction and im- EE abbr electrical engineer
provement esp. in morality EEC abbr European Economic Community
ed-l-tice \'e-d~-f~s\ n : a usu. large building EEG abbr 1 electroencephalogram 2 electroencephalo-
ed.i.fy \'e-d~-,fi\ vb : to instruct and improve esp. in graph
moral and religious knowledge eel \'el\ n : any of numerous snakelike bony fishes with a
educate, enlighten, nurture - more at ENLIGHTEN smooth slimy skin
ed-it \'e-d~t\ vb 1 : to revise, assemble, or prepare for EEO abbr equal employment opportunity
publication or release (as a motion picture) 2: to direct eerie also ee-ry \'ir-e\ adj ee-ri-er: -est : so mysterious,
the publication and policies of (as a newspaper) strange, or unexpected as to send a chill up the spine
3 : DELETE - ed-i-tor Ve-da-tor', n - ed-i-tor-ship n - ed- : WEIRD, UNCANNY - \'ir-~-Ie\ adv
l-tress \-tr~s\ n creepy, haunting, odd, spooky, strange, uncanny, un-
redraft, revamp, revise, rework; also amend, correct, earthly, weird; also ghostly, spectral
emend, rectify eff abbr efficiency
edi-tion \i-'di-sh~n\ n 1 : the form in which a text is pub- efface \i-'fas, e-\ vb efofaced; : to obliterate or
lished 2: the total number of copies (as of a book) pub- obscure by or as if by rubbing out - ef.face-able adj -
lished at one time 3: VERSION ef.face-ment n
'edi.teorial \,e-d~-'t6r-e-~I\ adj 1 : of or relating to an edi- 'efofect \i-'fekt\ n 1 : MEANING, INTENT 2 : something that
263 egg on
inevitably follows an antecedent: RESULT 3: APPEARANCE effectiveness, efficacy, productiveness - more at EF-
4 : power to bring about a result : INFLUENCE 5 pi FICACY
: movable property : GOODS, POSSESSIONS 6: the quality ef.fioeient \i-'fi-shant\ adj : productive of desired effects
or state of being operative: OPERATION esp. without waste - adv
[2] aftermath, conclusion, consequence, issue, out- effective, effectual, efficacious, fruitful, potent, pro-
come, outgrowth, product, result, upshot; also ramifi- ductive - more at EFFECTIVE
cation; denouement, repercussion; conclusion, end; ef.fiogy \'e-fa-je\ n, pl-gies : IMAGE; esp : a crude figure of a
by-product, side effect Ant antecedent, cause, occasion, hated person
reason [4] impact, influence, mark, repercussion, efofl()oresoeenee\,e-fla-'res-ns\ n 1 : the period or state of
sway; also authority, clout, prestige, weight usu ef- flowering 2: the action or process of developing 3: full-
fects [5] belongings, chattels, holdings, paraphernalia, ness of development: FLOWERING
possessions, things - more at POSSESSION effluoence \'e-,flti-ans\ n : something that flows out
2effect vb : to cause to happen <- repairs) <- changes) efofluoent \'e-,flti-ant\ n : something that flows out; esp : a
bring about, cause, create, effectuate, generate, in- fluid (as sewage) discharged as waste - effluent adi
duce, make, produce, prompt, result; also decide, deter- \e-'flti-ve-am\ n, pi -via \-ve-a\ also -vl-ums [L,
mine; advance, encourage, forward, foster, promote; outflow] 1 : a usu. Unpleasant emanation 2: a by-prod-
enact, render, turn out uct usu. in the form of waste
ef.fective \i-'fek-tiv\ adj 1 : producing a decisive or de- efofort Ve-Iartv n 1 : hard work: EXERTION; also: a prod-
sired effect; also: marked by the quality of being influen- uct of effort 2: active or applied force
tial or exerting positive influence <an - presentation) exertion, expenditure, labor (or labour), pains, sweat,
2 : IMPRESSIVE, STRIKING 3: ready for service or action trouble, work; also toil, travail
4 : being in effect - efofec.tive-Iy adv ef.fort.less adj : showing or requiring little or no effort
convincing, decisive, effectual, efficacious, efficient, easy, facile, fluent, fluid, light, painless, ready,
forceful, fruitful, persuasive, potent, productive; also smooth, snap - more at EASY
adequate, capable, competent Ant ineffective, ineffec- adv : in an effortless manner
tual, inefficient, fruitless, unproductive easily, fluently, freely, handily, lightly, painlessly,
efofective-ness n : the quality or state of being effective; readily, smoothly - more at EASILY
also: power to be effective efofron.tery \i-'fran-t;rre\ n, pl-terles : shameless and of-
efficacy, efficiency, force, impact, productiveness- fensive boldness
more at EFFICACY + audacity, brass, brazenness, cheek, chutzpah, gall,
ef.fectual \i-'fek-ch;rwal\ adj : producing an intended nerve, presumption, temerity; also arrogance, cocki-
effect - adv ness, overconfidence; impertinence, impudence, inso-
effective, efficacious, efficient, fruitful, potent, pro- lence, rudeness
ductive - more at EFFECTIVE ef.fulogenee \i-'ful-jans, -'fal-\ n : radiant splendor: BRIL-
efofectuate \i-'fek-cha-,wat\ vb -at-ed: : to cause LIANCE
to come into being: BRING ABOUT, EFFECT + brilliance, dazzle, illumination, luminosity, radiance,
bring about, cause, create, effect, generate, induce, splendor - more at BRILLIANCE
make, produce, prompt, result, work, yield - more at ef.fulogent \-jant\ adj : extremely radiant
EFFECT beaming, bright, brilliant, glowing, incandescent, lu-
efofemi.nate \a-'fe-ma-nat\ adj .: marked by qualities minous, lustrous, radiant - more at BRIGHT
more typical of women than men - et-tem-l-na-ey \-na- efofu'sion \i-'fyii-zhan, e-\ n : a gushing forth; also: unre-
se\ n strained utterance - eMuse \-'fyiiz, e-\ vb
feminine, girlish, unmanly, womanly Ant manly, eMu'sive \i-'fyii-siv, e-\ adj : marked by the expression
of great or excessive emotion or enthusiasm - et-fu-eive-
mannish, masculine
ef.fenodi \e-'fen-de\ n [Turk efendi master, fro ModOk
aphentes, alter. of Gk authentest : a man of property, au- + demonstrative, emotional, uninhibited, unreserved,
thority, or education in an eastern Mediterranean coun- unrestrained - more at DEMONSTRATIVE
try eft \'eft\ n : NEWT
et-ter-ent Ve-fa-rantv adj : bearing or conducting outward EFT or EFTS abbr electronic funds transfer (system)
from a more central part <- nerves) e.g. abbr [L exempli gratia] for example
efofer.vesee \,e-far-'ves\ vb -veseed; -vesc-lng 1 : to bubble Eg abbr Egypt; Egyptian
and hiss as gas escapes 2: to show liveliness or exhilara- \i-,ga-la-'ter-e-a-,ni-zam\ n : a belief in
human equality esp, in social, political, and economic af-
tion - efofervesoeenee \-'ve-sns\ n
fairs - adj or n
efofer.vesoeent \-nt\ adj : impossible or difficult to re-
1egg \'eg\ vb [ME, fr, ON eggja; akin to OE ecg edge] + : to
strain or suppress - adv
urge to action - usu. used with on
bubbly, buoyant, exuberant, frolicsome, high"
+ usu egg on encourage, exhort, goad, press, prod,
spirited, vivacious - more at EXUBERANT
prompt, urge - more at URGE
efofete \e-'fet\ adi 1 : having lost character, vitality, or
'egg n [ME egge, fr. ON egg; akin to OE reg egg, L ovum]
strength; also: DECADENT 2: EFFEMINATE
1 : a rounded usu. hard-shelled reproductive body esp. of
decadent, degenerate, soft, weak; also decaying, de- birds and reptiles from which the young hatches; also
clining, dying, failing : the egg of the common domestic chicken as an article of
efofioeaoeious \,e-fa-'ka-shas\ adj : producing an intended food 2: a germ cell produced by a female
effect <- remedies) egg.beatoer \'eg-,be-tar\ n : a hand-operated kitchen uten-
effective, effectual, efficient, fruitful, potent, produc- sil for beating, stirring, or whipping
tive - more at EFFECTIVE egg cell n : EGG 2
efofioeaoey Ve-fi-kc-se', n : the power to produce an effect egg.head \-,hed\ n : an intellectual person : INTELLEC-
effectiveness, efficiency, productiveness; also ability, TUAL, HIGHBROW
capability, capacity Ant ineffectiveness, inefficiency highbrow, intellectual, nerd - more at INTELLECTUAL
efofioeienoey v-shcn-se', n : the quality or degree of being egg.nog \-,nag\ n : a drink consisting of eggs beaten with
efficient; also: efficient operation sugar, milk or cream, and often alcoholic liquor
eggplant 264
egg.plant \-,plant\ n : the edible usu. large and purplish eln-stel-nl-um \in-'sti-ne-am\ n : an artificially produced ra-
fruit of a plant related to the potato; also: the plant dioactive element
egg roll n : a thin egg-dough casing filled with minced veg- 'either \'e-thar, 'i-\ adj 1 : being the one and the other of
etables and often bits of meat and usu. deep-fried two : EACH <trees on - side) 2: being the one or the \'eg-,shel\ n : the hard exterior covering of an egg other of two <take - road)
egis var of AEGIS 2either pron : the one or the other
eg.lan.tine \'e-gl:m-,tin, -,ten\ n : SWEETBRIER 3either conj - used as a function word before the first of
ego \'e-go\ n, pi egos [L, I] 1 : the self as distinguished two or more words or word groups of which the last is
from others 2: the one of the three divisions of the psy- preceded by or to indicate that they represent alternatives
che in psychoanalytic theory that is the organized con- <a statement is - true or false)
scious mediator between the person and reality 3 : an ejac.u.late \i-'ja-kya-,Iat\ vb -lat-ed; -laNng 1 : to eject a
exaggerated sense of self-importance; also: a confidence fluid (as semen) 2 + : to utter suddenly: EXCLAIM - ejac-
and satisfaction in oneself u-ta-to-ry \-'ja-kya-Ia-,tor-e\ adj
complacence, conceit, pride, self-importance, self: + blurt, bolt, cry, spout
regard, self-respect, self-satisfaction, smugness, vain- ejac-u-la-tlon \i-Ja-kya-'Ia-shan\ n : something ejaculated;
glory, vanity - more at COMPLACENCE esp + : a short sudden emotional utterance
egOoCen.tric \,e-go-'sen-trik\ adj : concerned or overly + cry, exclamation, interjection - more at EXCLAMA-
concerned with the self; esp : SELF-CENTERED TION
+ egotistic, self-seeking, selfish; a/so complacent, con- eject \i'jekt\ vb + : to drive or throw out or off - ejec-
ceited, self-important, self-indulgent, self-satisfied, tion \-'jek-shan\ n
smug, vain Ant selfless
+ banish, boot (out), bounce, cast, expel, oust, rout,
egO-ism \'e-go-,i-zam\ n 1 : a doctrine holding self-interest run off, throw out + belch, disgorge, erupt, jet, spew,
to be the motive or the valid end of action 2 : excessive spout, spurt - more at ERUPT
concern for oneself with or without exaggerated feelings eke \'ek\ vb eked; eking + : to gain, supplement, or extend
of self-importance - ego-ist \-ist\ n usu. with effort - usu. used with out <- out a living)
+ egotism, self-centeredness, self-interest, self-regard, + usu eke out scrape, squeeze, wrest, wring; also ac-
selfishness; also conceit, self-importance, self-indulgence, quire, earn, gain, obtain, procure, secure
self-satisfaction Ant selflessness
EKG abbr [G Elektrokardiogramm] electrocardiogram;
ego-is.tic \,e-go-'is-tik\ adj : having an exaggerated sense electrocardiograph
of self-importance - adv el abbr elevation
ego-tism \'e-ga-,ti-zam\ n 1 : the practice of talking about 'elabooorate \i-'Ia-ba-rat, -'Ia-brat\ adi 1 + : planned or car-
oneself too much 2 + : an exaggerated sense of self: ried out with great care 2 + : being complex and usu. or-
importance: CONCEIT - ego-tist \-tist\ n nate - elab-o-rate-ly adv
+ complacence, conceit, pride, self-esteem, self: + [1, 2] complex, complicated, detailed, fancy, intri-
importance, self-satisfaction, smugness, vainglory, van- cate, involved, sophisticated; also elegant, grand, or-
ity - more at COMPLACENCE nate, magnificent, splendid Ant simple
ego-tis.tic \,e-ga-'tis-tik\ or ego-tis.ti-cal \-ti-kal\ adj : an
'elaboo.rate \i-'Ia-ba-,rat\ vb -rat-ed: 1 : to build up
exaggerated sense of self-importance -
from simpler ingredients 2 + : to work out in detail: de-
adv velop fully
+ complacent, conceited, important, prideful, proud,
+ usu elaborate on amplify, develop, embellish, enlarge
self-important, self-satisfied, smug, stuck-up, vain-
(on), expand - more at EXPAND
elabooorateoness n + : the state or quality of being elabo-
ego trip n : an act that enhances and satisfies one's ego
egreogious \i-'gre-jas\ adi [L egregius outstanding, fro ex, e
out of + greg-, grex flock, herd] + : notably bad : FLA- + complexity, intricacy, sophistication - more at COM-
GRANT - egreogiously adv - egreogious.ness n
elab-o-ra-tion \-,Ia-ba-'ra-shan\ n 1 + : the act or process of
+ blatant, flagrant, glaring, gross, obvious, patent, pro-
elaborating 2: something produced by elaborating
nounced, rank, striking; also salient; atrocious, awful,
deplorable + development, evolution, expansion, growth, progress,
egress \'e-,gres\ n + : a way out: EXIT progression - more at DEVELOPMENT
elan \a_'lllO\ n [F] : ARDOR, SPIRIT
exit, issue, outlet - more at EXIT
eland \'e-Iand, -,Iand\ n, pi eland a/so elands [Afrikaans]
egret \'e-grat, i-'gret\ n : any of various herons that bear : either of two large African antelopes with spirally
long plumes during the breeding season twisted horns in both sexes
Egyp-tian \i-'jip-shan\ n 1 : a native or inhabitant of Egypt elapse \i-'Iaps\ vb elapsed; elaps-ing + : to slip by : PASS
2 : the language of the ancient Egyptians from earliest
+ cease, end, expire, finish, pass, quit, stop, terminate,
times to about the 3d century A.D. - Egyptian adj
wind up - more at CEASE
el-der \'i-dar\ n : any of several northern sea ducks that
'elastic \i-'Ias-tik\ adi 1 + : capable of recovering size and
yield a soft down
shape after deformation: SPRINGY 2 + : capable of ready
eioderodown\-,daun\ n 1 : the down of the eider 2: a com-
forter filled with eiderdown change or easy expansion or contraction : FLEXIBLE; also
el-do-lon \I-'do-Ian\ n, pi -Ions or -la \-Ia\ 1 : PHANTOM ADAPTABLE - elas-tlc-l-tv \-,Ias-'ti-sa-te, ,e-,Ias-\ n
2: IDEAL + [1] flexible, resilient, rubbery, springy, stretch, sup-
eight \'at\ n 1 : one more than seven 2: the 8th in a set or ple; also adaptable, ductile, malleable, plastic, pliable,
series 3: something having eight units - eight adj or pliant Ant inelastic, inflexible, rigid, stiff + [2] adapt-
pron - eighth \'atth\ adj or adv or n able, adjustable, changeable, flexible, fluid, malleable,
eight ball n : a black pool ball numbered 8 - behind the variable - more at FLEXIBLE
eight ball: in a highly disadvantageous position 'elastic n 1 : elastic material 2: a rubber band
elqh-teen \'at-'ten\ n : one more than 17 - eighteen adj or elate \i-'Iat\ vb elat-ed; elat-ing + : to fill with joy
pron - eigh.teenth \-'tenth\ adj or n + elevate, enrapture, exhilarate, transport; also excite,
eighty \'a-te\ n, pi eiqht-les : eight times 10 - eight.ioeth inspire, stimulate, uplift Ant depress
\'a-te-ath\ adj or n - eighty adj or pron elated adj + : marked by high spirits
265 electronic

ecstatic, euphoric, intoxicated, rapturous, rhapsodic breathtaking, exciting, exhilarating, rousing, stirring,
- more at ECSTATIC thrilling - more at EXCITING
ela-tion\-'Ia-sh:m\ n : the quality or state of being elated electrical storm n : THUNDERSTORM
ecstasy, euphoria, exhilaration, heaven, intoxication, electric chair n : a chair used to carry out the death penalty
paradise, rapture, rhapsody, transport - more at EC- by electrocution
'el.bow \'el-,bo\ n [ME elbowe, fro OE elboga, fr. el- (akin to elec-tri-cian \i-,lek-'tri-sh<ln\ n : a person who installs, op-
eln ell) + boga bow] 1 : the joint of the arm; also: the erates, or repairs electrical equipment
outer curve of the bent arm 2 : a bend or joint resembling elec-tric-i-ty\i-,lek-'tri-s<l-te\ n, pi -ties 1 : a form of energy
an elbow in shape that occurs naturally (as in lightning) or is produced (as
>elbow vb : to push aside with the elbow; also : to make in a generator) and that is expressed in terms of the
one's way by elbowing movement and interaction of electrons 2: electric cur-
bulldoze, muscle, press, push - more at PRESS rent
elbow room \'el-,bo-,rum, -,rum\ n : enough space for eleeotri.fy\i-'lek-tr<l-,fi\ vb -fied; 1 : to charge with
work or operation electricity 2: to equip for use of electric power 3 : to
'eloder Vel-dar', n : ELDERBERRY 2 excite intensely or suddenly : THRILL - elec-tri-fi-ca-tion
2elder adj 1 : being the older one 2: EARLIER, FORMER 3: of \i-,lek-tr<l-f:l-'ka-sh<ln\ n
higher rank: SENIOR excite, exhilarate, galvanize, intoxicate, thrill, titil-
3elder n 1 : an older individual: SENIOR 2 : one having late, turn on - more at THRILL
authority by reason of age and experience 3: a church elec-tro-car-dlo-qram \i-,lek-tro-'klir-de-<l-,gram\ n : the
officer tracing made by an electrocardiograph
[1] ancient, golden-ager, oldster, senior citizen- elec-tro-car-dlo-qraph\-,graf\ n : a device for recording the
more at SENIOR CITIZEN [2] dean, senior - more at changes of electrical potential occurring during the
DEAN heartbeat - elec-tro-car-dio-graph-ic\-,klir-de-<l-'gra-fik\
el-der-ber-ryVel-dar-jber-ev n 1 : the edible black or red adj - elec-tro-car-el-oq-ra-phy \-de-'li-gr<l-fe\ n
fruit of a shrub or tree related to the honeysuckle and elec-tro-chem-ls-try\-'ke-m<l-stre\ n : a branch of chem-
bearing flat clusters of small white or pink flowers 2: a istry that deals with the relation of electricity to chemical
tree or shrub bearing elderberries changes - elec-tro-chern-l-cal \-'ke-mi-k<ll\ adi\'el-d<lr-le\ adj 1 : rather old; esp : past middle elec-tro-cute \i-'lek-trn-,kyiit\ vb -cut-ed: -cut-lnq 1 : to kill
age 2: of, relating to, or characteristic of later life (a criminal) by electricity 2: to kill by electric shock -
ancient, geriatric, old, senior; also pensioned, retired, etec-tro-cu-tlon \-,lek-tr:l-'kyii-sh<ln\ n
superannuated Ant young, youthful elec-trode \i-'lek-,trod\ n : a conductor used to establish
el-dest \'el-d<lst\ adj : of the greatest age electrical contact with a nonmetallic part of a circuit
EI Oo-raodo \,el-d:l-'rli-do, -'ra-\ n [Sp, lit., the gilded one] etec-tro-en-ceph-a-tc-qram \i-,lek-tro-in-'se-f<l-l<l-,gram\ n
: a place of vast riches, abundance, or opportunity : the tracing made by an electroencephalograph
elec abbr electric; electrical; electricity elec-tro-en-ceph-a-lo-qrapn\-,graf\ n : an apparatus for de-
'elect \i-'lekt\ adj 1 .: carefully selected : CHOSEN tecting and recording brain waves - elec-tro-en-ceph-a-
2 : elected but not yet installed in office <the president= lo-graph.ic \-,se-fa-la-'gra-fik\ adj - elec-tro-en-ceph-a-
elect) log.ra.phy \-'lli-gr<l-fe\ n
chosen, select - more at SELECT elec-trot-o-qtst\i-,lek-'trli-l<l-jist\ n : one that uses electrical
means to remove hair, warts, moles, and birthmarks from
2elect n, pi elect 1 : a selected person 2pl : a select or ex- the body
clusive group
elec-trol-y-sis \i-,lek-'trli-l<l-s<ls\ n 1: the production of
best, choice, cream, elite, fat, flower, pick, prime- chemical changes by passage of an electric current
more at ELITE through an electrolyte 2: the destruction of hair roots
3elect vb 1 : to select by vote (as for office or membership) with an electric current - elec-tro-lyt-le\-tra-'li-tik\ adj
2 : to select or choose esp, by preference: PICK elec-tro-lyte\i-'lek-tr<l-,Ht\ n : a nonmetallic electric con-
choose, cull, handpick, name, opt, pick, prefer, se- ductor in which current is carried by the movement of
lect, single, take - more at CHOOSE ions; also: a substance whose solution or molten form is
etec-tlon \i-'lek-sh<ln\ n 1 : an act or process of electing such a conductor
2 : the fact of being elected elec-tro-mag-net\i-,lek-tro-'mag-n<lt\ n : a core of magnetic
choice, selection - more at SELECTION material (as iron) surrounded by a coil of wire through
elec-ticn-eer \i-,lek-sh<l-'nir\ vb: to work for the election of which an electric current is passed to magnetize the core
a candidate or party elec-tro-mag-net-Ic \-mag-'ne-tik\ adj : of, relating to, or
'elective \i-'lek-tiv\ adj 1 : chosen or filled by election produced by electromagnetism - elec-tro-maq-net-l-cal-ly
2 : permitting a choice: OPTIONAL adv
discretionary, optional, voluntary - more at OP- electromagneticradiation n : energy in the form of electro-
TIONAL magnetic waves; also: a series of electromagnetic waves
>elective n : an elective course or subject of study electromagnetic wave n : a wave (as a radio wave, an X~
elec-tor \i-'lek-t<lr\ n 1 : one qualified to vote in an elec- ray, or a wave of visible light) that consists of associated
tion 2: one elected to an electoral college - etec-tor-at electric and magnetic effects and that travels at the speed
\i-'lek-ta-ral\ adi of light
electoral college n : a body of electors who elect the presi- elec-tro-rnaq-ne-ttsm\i-,lek-tro-'mag-n<l-,ti-z<lm\ n 1 : mag-
dent and vice president of the U.S. netism developed by a current of electricity 2 : a natural
elec-tor-ate\i-'lek-t<l-r<lt\ n : a body of persons entitled to force responsible for interactions between charged parti-
vote cles which result from their charge
elec-tric \i-'lek-trik\ adj [NL electricus produced from am- elec-tro-mo-tive force \i-,lek-tra-'mo-tiv-\ n : the potential
ber by friction, electric, fro ML, of amber, fr. L electrum difference derived from an electrical source per unit
amber, fro Gk elektroni 1 or elec-trl-cal x-tri-kel', : of, re- quantity of electricity passing through the source
lating to, operated by, or produced by electricity 2 : ex- elec-tron \i-'lek-,trlin\ n : a negatively charged elementary
citing as if by electric shock : ELECTRIFYtNG, THRlLLfNG; particle
also: charged with strong emotion - elec-tri-cal-ly adv elec-tron-Ic \i-,Iek-'trli-nik\ adj 1 : of or relating to elec-
electronically 266
trons or electronics 2: involving a computer - elec-tron- elementary school n : a school usu. including the first six\-ni-k(:l- )le\ adv or the first eight grades
electronic mail n : E-MAIL el-e-phant\'e-l:l-f:lnt\ n, p/ elephants also elephant: any of
elec-tron-ics \i-,lek-'trii-niks\ n 1 : the physics of electrons a family of huge thickset nearly hairless mammals that
and electronic devices 2: electronic components, de- have the snout lengthened into a trunk and two long
vices, or equipment curving pointed ivory tusks
electron microscope n : an instrument in which a beam of el-e-phan-ti-a-sis\,e-l:l-f:ln-'ti-:l-s:ls\ n, pl -a-ses \-,sez\ : en-
electrons is used to produce an enlarged image of a largement and thickening of tissues in response esp. to in-
minute object fection by minute parasitic worms
electron tube n : a device in which electrical conduction by el-e-phan-tine\,e-l::l-'fan-,ten, -,tin, 'e-lo-fon-v adj 1 + : of
electrons takes place within a sealed container and which great size or strength 2: CLUMSY, PONDEROUS
is used for the controlled flow of electrons + enormous, giant, gigantic, ginormous, huge, jumbo,
electron volt n : a unit of energy equal to 1.60 x 10.19 joule mammoth, monumental, titanic, tremendous, vast,
elec-tro-pho-re-sls \i-,lek-tr:l-f:l-'re-s:ls\ n : the movement whopping - more at HUGE
of suspended particles through a medium (as paper or elev abbr elevation
gel) by an electromotive force - elec-tro-pho-ret-ic\-'re- eloe-vate\ 'e-l::l-, vat\ vb -vat-ed; 1 +: to lift up
: RAiSE 2 + : to raise in rank or status 3 + : to raise the
tik\ adi
elec-tro-plate\i-'lek-tr:l-,plat\ vb : to coat (as with metal) by spirits of : ELATE
electrolysis + [l] boost, hike, hoist, jack, lift, raise + [2] advance,
elec-tro-shocktherapy \i-'lek-tro-,shiik-\ n : the treatment promote, raise, upgrade - more at PROMOTE
of mental disorder by applying electric current to the + [3] elate, enrapture, exhilarate, transport - more at
head and inducing convulsions ELATE
elec-tro-stat-ics \i-,lek-tr:l-'sta-tiks\ n : physics dealing with el-e-va-tlon\,e-l:l-'va-sh:ln\ n 1 : the height to which some-
the interactions of stationary electric charges thing is raised (as above sea level) 2 +: a lifting up
el-ee-mos-y-nary\,e-li-'miis-'n-,er-e\ adj : CHARITABLE 3 + : something (as a hill or swelling) that is elevated
el-e-gance \'e-li-g:lns\ n 1 a +: refined gracefulness + [2] advancement,ascent, promotion, rise, upgrade -
b + : tasteful richness (as of design) 2: something marked more at ADVANCEMENT + [3] eminence, height, high-
by elegance - adv land, hill, mound, prominence, rise - more at HEIGHT
+ [la, 1b] class, grace, handsomeness, majesty, refine- el-e-va-tor\'e-l:l-,va-t:lr\ n 1 : a cage or platform for con-
ment, stateliness; a/so grandeur, lavishness, magnifi- veying people or things from one level to another 2: a
cence, ornateness, richness, splendor building for storing and discharging grain 3: a movable
surface on an airplane to produce motion up or down
el-e-gant \-g:lnt\ adj + : marked by elegance; a/so : of a
elev-en \i-'le-v::ln \ n 1 : one more than 10 2: the 11th in a
high grade or quality set or series 3: something having 11 units; esp : a football
+ graceful, handsome, majestic, refined, stately, taste- team - eleven adj or pron - elev-enth v-vantbv adj or n
ful; also grand, lavish, luxurious, magnificent, ornate, elf \'elf\ n, p/ elves \'elvz\ + : a mischievous fairy
rich, splendid; polished, sophisticated; classic, exquisite; + brownie, dwarf, fairy, fay, gnome, hobgoblin, lep-
fashionable, posh, smart, stylish Ant graceless, inele- rechaun, pixie, puck, troll
gant, tasteless, unhandsome + choice, dainty, delicate,
ELF abbr extremely low frequency
exquisite, rare, select - more at CHOICE
elf-in \'el-f:ln\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or resembling an elf
ele-giac \,e-l:l-'ji-:lk, -,ak\ adj : of or relating to an elegy 2 + : having an otherworldly or magical quality or charm
el-e-gy\'e-I:l-je\ n, pi -gles + : a song, poem, or speech ex-
pressing grief for one who is dead; a/so: a reflective poem + alluring, attractive, charming, engaging, fascinating,
fetching - more at FASCINATING
usu, melancholy in tone
elf-ish \'el-fish\ adj + : of, relating to, or like an elf; also
+ dirge, lament, requiem, threnody - more at LAMENT : irresponsibly playful
elem abbr elementary + antic, coltish, fay, frisky, frolicsome, playful, sportive
eloe-mentVe-la-mont', n 1 p/ : weather conditions; esp : se- - more at PLAYFUL
vere weather <boards exposed to the ~s> 2: natural en- elic-it\i-'li-s::lt\ vb + : to draw out or forth
vironment <in her =--> 3 + : a constituent part 4p/ + : the + evoke, raise
simplest principles (as of an art or science) : RUDIMENTS
elide \i-'Iid\ vb elidoed; elid-ing : to suppress or alter by eli-
5 : a member of a mathematical set 6: any of more than
100 fundamental substances that consist of atoms of only el-iogJ.ble \'e-I:l-j:l-b:ll\ adj : qualified to participate or to be
one kind chosen - el-Iogi-bil-i-ty \,e-l:l-j:l-'bi-l:l-te\ n - eligible n
+ [3] component, constituent, factor, ingredient, mem- elim-i-nate \i-'li-m:l-,nat\ vb -nat-ed; -nat-lnq [L eliminatus,
ber; a/so detail, item, particular, point Ant whole + usu pp. of eliminare, fro limen threshold] 1 : REMOVE, ERADI-
elements[4] essentials, principles, rudiments; a/so CATE 2: to pass (wastes) from the body 3: to leave out
ropes; precept, rule; basis, foundation, groundwork; 4 + : to bar from participation, enjoyment, consideration,
nitty-gritty; introduction, preface; outline, summary or inclusion - etim-i-na-tlcn \-,li-m:l-'na-sh:ln\ n
el-e-men-tal\,e-l:l-'ment-'l\ adj + : of, relating to, or being + ban, bar, count out, debar, except, exclude, rule out
an element - more at EXCLUDE
+ basic, elementary, essential, fundamental, rudimen- eli-slon \i-'li-zh:ln\ n : the omission of a final or initial
tary, underlying - more at ELEMENTARY sound or a word; esp : the omission of an unstressed
el-e-men-ta-ry\,e-1:l-'men-tre, -ta-rev adj 1 + : of, relating vowel or syllable in a verse to achieve a uniform rhythm
to, or dealing with the simplest elements or principles of elite \a-'Iet, e-\ n [F elite] 1 : the choice part; a/so: a su-
something: RUDIMENTARY 2 : of, relating to, or teaching perior group 2 : a typewriter type providing 12 characters
the basic subjects of education to the inch - elite adj
+ basic, elemental, essential, fundamental, rudimen- + best, choice, cream, elect, fat, flower, pick, prime;
tary, underlying; also primal, primary, prime Ant ad- also aristocracy, upper class
vanced elit-lsm\-'le-, ti-zam\ n : leadership or rule by an elite; a/so
elementary particle n : a subatomic particle of matter and : advocacy of such elitism - ellt-lst \-tist\ n or adj
energy that does not appear to be made up of other ellx-lr \i-'lik-s:lr\ n [ME, fro ML, fro Ar al-iksir the elixir, f'r,
smaller particles al the + iksir elixir] 1 : a substance held capable of pro-
267 embarrassment
longing life indefinitely; also: PANACEA 2: a sweetened al- elu-sive \e-'Iil-siv\ adj + : tending to elude: EVASrvE - elu-
coholic medicinal solution sive-Iy adv - elu-sive-ness n \i-,Ii-z;}-'be-th;}n\ adj : of, relating to, or + evasive, fugitive, slippery; also cagey, shifty
characteristic of Elizabeth I of England or her times el-ver Vel-vorv n [alter. of eelfare migration of eels) a
elk \'elk\ n, pi elk or elks 1 : MOOSE - used for one of the young eel
Old World 2 : a large gregarious deer of No. America, Eu-
elves pi O/ELF
rope, Asia, and northwestern Africa with curved antlers Ely.sian \-'Ii-zh;}n\ adj + : of or relating to Elysium; esp
having many branches : full of bliss or delight
ell n : an extension at right angles to a building
el-lipse \i-'lips, e-\ n : a closed curve of oval shape
+ celestial, empyrean, heavenly, supernal - more at
el-lip-sis \i-'lip-s;}S, e-v n, pi el-Hp-ses \-,sez\ 1 : omission
from an expression of a word clearly implied 2: marks \i-'Ii-zhe-;}m, -ze-v n, pi -sl-ums or -sia \-zhe-;},
(as ... ) to show omission -ze-\ + : a place or state of bliss or delight: PARADISE
el-Ilp-sold \i-'lip-,s6id, e-\ n : a surface all plane sections of + Eden, heaven, paradise, utopia - more at PARADISE
which are circles or ellipses - el-lip-soi-dal \-,lip-'s6id-I\ em \'em\ n : a length approximately the width of the letter
also ellipsoid adj M
el.lipoti-cal \i-'lip-ti-k;}I, e-\ or el-llp-tlc \-tik\ adj 1 : of, re- EM abbr 1 electromagnetic 2 electron microscope 3 en-
lating to, or shaped like an ellipse 2: of, relating to, or listed man
marked by ellipsis - el-lip-ti-cal-ly \-ti-k(;}-)Ie\ adv ema-ci-ate \i-'ma-she-,at\ vb -at-ed: -at-lnq : to become or
elm \'elm\ n : any of a genus of large trees that have cause to become very thin - erna-cl-a-tlon \-,ma-she-'a-
toothed leaves and nearly circular one-seeded winged shan, -se-\ n
fruits and are often grown as shade trees; also: the wood e-mail \.e-.mal\ n 1 : a system for transmitting messages
of an elm between computers on a network 2: a message or mes-
EI Ni.iio \el-'ne-nyo\ n : a flow of unusually warm Pacific sages sent and received through an e-mail system
Ocean water moving toward and along the west coast of em-a-nato Ve-ma-jnat', vb -nat-ed; -nat-ing : to come out
So. America from a source - em-a-na-tion \,e-ma-'na-sh;}n\ n
el-o-cu-tion \,e-I;}-'kyii.-sh;}n\ n : the art of effective public eman-ci-pate \i-'man-s;}-,pat\ vb -pat-ed; -pat-inq + : to set
speaking - el-o-cu-tlon-ist v-shc-mstv n free - eman-ci-pa-tor \-'man-s;}-,pa-t;}r\ n
elonogate \i-'16l)-,gat\ vb -gatoed; + : to make or + discharge, enfranchise, free, liberate, loose, loosen,
grow longer manumit, release, spring, unbind, unchain, unfetter-
+ draw out, extend, lengthen, prolong, protract, stretch more at FREE
- more at EXTEND eman-cl-pa-tlon \-,man-sa-'pa-sh;}n\ n + : the act or process
elon-qa-tion \(,)e-,16l)-'ga-sh;}n\ n +: the state of being of emancipating
elongated or lengthened; also : the process of growing or + enfranchisement, liberation, manumission - more
increasing in length at LIBERATION
+ extension, prolongation - more at EXTENSION emas-cu-late \i-'mas-kyU-,lat\ vb -lat-ed; 1 : to de-
elope \i-'Iop\ vb eloped; elop-ing : to run away esp. to be prive of virility: CASTRATE 2: to deprive of strength or
married - elope-ment n - elop-er n spirit: WEAKEN - emas-cu-la-tion \-,mas-kyu-'Ia-shan\ n
el-o-quence x-kwons', n + : forceful and persuasive expres- em-balm \im-'barn, -'balm\ vb : to treat (a corpse) so as to
sion; also: the art or power of using such expression protect from decay - em-balm-er n
+ articulateness, persuasiveness, poetry, power, rheto- em-bank-ment \im-'bal)k-m;}nt\ n + : a raised structure (as
ric; also expression, expressiveness of earth) to hold back water or carry a roadway
el-o-quent \'e-I;}-kw;}nt\ adj 1 + : having or showing clear + dam, dike, levee - more at DAM
and forceful expression 2 + : clearly showing some feel- em-bar-go \im-'bar-go\ n, pi -goes [Sp, fr, embargar to bar)
ing or meaning - el-o-quent-Iy adv + : a prohibition on commerce - embargo vb
+ [1) articulate, fluent, well-spoken - more at ARTICU- + ban, interdict, interdiction, prohibition, proscription,
LATE + [2) expressive, meaning, meaningful, pregnant, veto - more at PROHIBITION
significant, suggestive - more at EXPRESSIVE ern-bark \im-'bark\ vb 1 : to put or go on board a ship or
'else \'els\ adv 1 + : in a different or additional manner or airplane 2 + : to make a start - em-bar-ka-tlon \,em-,bar-
place or at a different or additional time <where ~ can 'ka-shonv n
we meet> 2: if not <obey or ~ you'll be sorry>
+ begin, commence, enter, launch, open, start - more
+ differently, other, otherwise - more at OTKERWISE at BEGIN
2else adj + : being another: OTHER; esp : being in addition em-bar-rass \im-'bar-as\ vb 1 : CONFUSE, DISCONCERT 2 : to
<what ~ do you want> involve in financial difficulties 3 + : to cause to experi-
+ additional, another, farther, further, more, other- ence self-conscious distress 4 + : to hamper or impede
more at ADDITIONAL the movement or freedom of movement of : HINDER, IM-
else-where \-,hwer\ adv : in or to another place PEDE - em-bar-rass-Ing-ly adv
elu-cl-date \i-'Iil-s;}-,dat\ vb -dat-ed; + : to make + [3) abash, confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert,
clear usu. by explanation discountenance, faze, fluster, mortify, rattle; also agi-
+ clarify, clear (up), demonstrate, explain, explicate, tate, bother, disquiet, distress, disturb, perturb, un-
expound, illuminate, illustrate, interpret, spell out- hinge, unsettle, upset + [4) encumber, hamper, hinder,
more at EXPLAIN hold up, impede, inhibit, interfere with, obstruct, tie up
elu-cl-da-tlon \-,Iil-s;}-'da-sh;}n\ n + : the act, process, or - more at HAMPER
means of elucidating ern-bar-raas-lnq adj + : causing embarrassment
+ clarification, explanation, explication, exposition, il- + awkward, disconcerting, uncomfortable - more at
lumination, illustration, interpretation - more at EX- AWKWARD
PLANATION em-bar-rass-ment n 1 : something that embarrasses; esp : a
elude \e-'Iild\ vb elud-ed; elud-ing 1 + : to avoid adroitly burden that impedes action or renders it difficult 2: the
: EVADE 2: to escape the notice of state of being embarrassed: as a + : confusion or distur-
+ avoid, dodge, duck, escape, eschew, evade, shake, bance of mind b + : difficulty in making progress or
shirk, shun - more at ESCAPE functioning (as from lack of resources or from disease)
embassy 268
[2a) abashment, confusion, discomfiture, fluster, em-bon-point \iin-bon-'pwan\ n IF) : plumpness of person
mortification; also agitation, bother, chagrin, discom- : STOUTNESS
fort, discomposure, dismay, disquiet, distress, distur- em-boss \im-'biis, -'bas\ vb : to ornament with raised work
bance, perturbation, uneasiness, upset [2b) bar, em-bou-chure \'iim-bu-,shur, ,iim-bu-'shur\ n IF, ultim. fr.
block, encumbrance, hindrance, inhibition, obstacle - bouche mouth) : the position and use of the lips, tongue,
more at ENCUMBRANCE and teeth in playing a wind instrument
em-bas-sy \'em-b:l-se\ n, pI -sies 1 : a group of represen- ern-bow-er \im-'bau(-:l)r\ vb : to shelter or enclose in a
tatives headed by an ambassador 2: the function, posi- bower
tion, or mission of an ambassador 3: the official 'embrace \im-'bras\ vb ern-braced: em-brac-inq 1 .: to
residence and offices of an ambassador clasp in the arms; also : CHERISH, LOVE 2: to surround or
ern-bat-tle \im-'bat-'I\ vb : to arrange in order for battle; close in 3 : to take up esp. readily or gladly : ADOPT
also: FORTIFY (embraced the cause); also: WELCOME (embraced the op-
ern-bat-tled adj 1 : engaged in battle, conflict, or contro- portunity) 4 : to take in or include as a part of a whole
versy 2: being a site of battle, conflict, or controversy 5 : to participate in an embrace
3 : characterized by conflict or controversy [I) caress, clasp, enfold, grasp, hug; also cradle, grip,
ern-bed \im-'bed\ vb ern-bed-dad; em.bedoding 1 : to en- hold; encircle, entwine, envelop; fold, lock, twine, wrap;
close closely in a surrounding mass 2: to make some- cuddle, fondle, nestle, nuzzle, pat, pet, snuggle, stroke
thing an integral part of (3) adopt, borrow, take up - more at ADOPT
entrench, fix, implant, ingrain, lodge, root - more at [4) carry, comprehend, contain, encompass, entail,
ENTRENCH include, involve, number, take in - more at INCLUDE
em-bel-ttsh \im-'be-Iish\ vb 1 : to make beautiful with >embrace n : an encircling with the arms
ornamentation: DECORATE 2 : to heighten the attrac- em-bra-sure \im-'brii-zh:lr\ n 1: an opening in a wall
tiveness of by adding decorative or fanciful details through which a cannon is fired 2: a recess of a door or
[I, 2) adorn, array, beautify, decorate, dress, enrich,
garnish, grace, ornament, trim - more at DECORATE em-bro-ca-tion \,em-br:l-'ka-sh:ln\ n : LINIMENT
(2) color (or colour), elaborate, embroider, exagger- em-brol-der \im-'br6i-d:lr\ vb 1 : to ornament with or do
ate, magnify, pad, stretch - more at EMBROIDER needlework 2 : to elaborate with exaggerated detail
ern-bel-tish-ment n : the act or process of embellishing; color (or colour), elaborate, embellish, exaggerate,
also : something serving to embellish magnify, stretch; also amplify, enhance, enlarge (upon),
expand, flesh (out)
adornment, caparison, decoration, frill, garnish, or-
nament, trim - more at DECORATION. elaboration, ex- em-broi-dery \im-'br6i-d:l-re\ n, pl -der-ies 1 : the forming
aggeration, hyperbole, overstatement, padding - more of decorative designs with needlework 2: something em-
em-brett \im-'br6i1\ vb 1 : to throw into confusion or dis-
em-ber \'em-b:lr\ n 1 : a glowing or smoldering fragment
order 2 : to involve in conflict or difficulties - ern-broll-
from a fire 2 pl : the smoldering remains of a fire
em-bez-zle \im-'be-z:ll\ vb -zled; -zling : to steal (as money)
em-bryo \'em-bre-,o\ n, t embryos : a living thing in its
by falsifying records - em-bez-zle-ment n - em-bez-zler
earliest stages of development - em-bry-on-Ic \,em-bre-
n 'ii-nik\ adi
em-bit-ter \im-'bi-t:lr\ vb 1: to arouse bitter feelings in em.bry-ol-o-gy \,em-bre-'ii-I:I-je\ n : a branch of biology
2 : to make bitter dealing with embryos and their development - em-bry-o-
em-bla-zon \-'bliiz-'n\ vb 1 : to adorn with heraldic devices log-i-caI \-bre-,,-'Iii-ii-bl\ adi - em-bry-ct-e-qlst \-bre-'ii-
2 : to display conspicuously la-iistv n
em-blem \'em-bl:lm\ n : something (as an object or pic- em-cee \,em-'se\ n : MASTER OF CEREMONIES - emcee vb
ture) suggesting another object or an idea: SYMBOL - em- emend \e-'mend\ vb : to correct usu. by altering the text
blern-at-lc \,em-bl:l-'ma-tik\ also em-blern-at-l-cal v-ti-kelv of - emen-da-tion \,e-,men-'da-sh:ln\ n
a4i amend, correct, debug, rectify, reform, remedy-
hallmark, logo, symbol, trademark; also icon; badge, more at CORRECT
coat of arms, crest, insignia emer abbr emeritus
em-bodi-ment v-dt-mantv n 1 : a thing in which some- 'em-erald \'em-r:lld, 'e-m:l-\ n : a green beryl prized as a
thing (as a soul, idea, principle, or type) is embodied gem
2 : the act of embodying; also: the state of being embod- >emerald adi : brightly or richly green
ied emerge \i-'m:lrj\ vb emerged; : to rise, come
epitome, incarnation, manifestation, personification; forth, or come out into view - emerogence \-'m:lr-j:lns\ n
also exemplification, incorporation, substantiation; - emerogent \-j:lnt\ adj
essence, quintessence; archetype, exemplar, model, par- arise, crop, materialize, spring, surface - more at
adigm, pattern; acme, apex, culmination, peak, pinna- ARISE
cle, summit, zenith emer-gen-cy \i-'m:lr-j:ln-se\ n, t -cies : an unforeseen
ern-body \im-'bii-de\ vb em-bod-ied; 1 : IN- event or condition requiring prompt action
CARNATE 2: to express in definite form 3 : to incorpo- clutch, crisis, crunch, fix, hole, jam; also climax,
rate into a system or body 4 : to represent in human or landmark, milestone, turning point; predicament
animal form: PERSONIFY emergency room n : a hospital room for receiving and
[3) assimilate, incorporate, integrate; also amalga- treating persons needing immediate medical care
mate, blend, combine, commingle, fuse, intermingle, emer-i-ta \i-'mer-:l-t:l\ adj : EMERITUS - used of a woman
merge, mingle (4) epitomize, manifest, materialize, emer-i-tus \i-'mer-:l-t:ls\ adj [L) : retired from active duty
personify, substantiate; also actualize, realize; symbol- (professor ......,)
ize; exemplify, illustrate em-ery \'e-m:l-re\ n, pl em-er-ies : a dark granular mineral
em-bold-en vim-tbol-danv vb : to inspire with courage consisting primarily of corundum and used as an abrasive
buoy (up), cheer, comfort, encourage, hearten, in- emet-ic \i-'me-tik\ n : an agent that induces vomiting-
spire, steel - more at ENCOURAGE emetic adj
em-bo-llsm \'em-b:l-,Ii-z:lm\ n : the obstruction of a blood emf n [electromotive/orce) : POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE
vessel by a foreign or abnormal particle em-i-qrant x-mi-gronr', n : one who emigrates
269 empress
emigre, immigrant, migrant, settler; also defector, the feelings of another; also: the capacity for this - em-
evacuee, exile, expatriate, refugee path-ic \em-'pa-thik\ adj
em-l-qrate \'e-m~-,griit\ vb -grat-ed; -grat-ing : to leave a em-pen-nage \,iim-p~-'nlizh, ,em-\ n [F] : the tail assembly
place (as a country) to settle elsewhere - em-i-gra-tion of an airplane
\,e-m~-'grii-sh~n\ n em-per-or \ 'em-per-or', n : the sovereign male ruler of an
emillre also emillre \'e-mi-,grii, ,e-mi-'grii\ n [F] : a per- empire
son who emigrates esp. because of political conditions em-ph a-sis Vem-fe-sesv n, pi -pha-ses \-,sez\ : a forceful-
emigrant, evacuee, exile, expatriate, refugee; also ness of expression that gives special significance or
alien, fugitive prominence (as to a syllable in speaking or to a phase of
em-i-nence Ve-ma-nansx n 1 : high rank or position; also action)
: a person of high rank or attainments 2 : a lofty place accent, accentuation, stress, weight; also attention,
[l] distinction, dominance, preeminence, superiority; concentration, consideration, heed, note, regard
also celebrity, fame, glory, honor (or honour), renown, em-pha-sise Brit var of EMPHASIZE
reputation, repute; authority, greatness, influence, em-pha-size \-,siz\ vb -sized; -siz-ing : to place emphasis
power, weight [2] elevation, height, highland, hill, on: STRESS
mound, prominence, rise - more at HEIGHT accent, accentuate, feature, highlight, play, point,
em-i-nent \'e-m~-n~nt\ adj 1: CONSPICUOUS, EVIDENT stress, underline, underscore; also focus, identify, pin-
2 : exhibiting eminence esp. in standing above others in point, spotlight Ant play (down)
some quality or position : DISTINGUISHED, PROMINENT- em-phat-ic \im-'fa-tik, em-\ adj 1 : uttered with empha-
em-i-nent-ly adv sis 2 .: attracting special attention - ern-phat-l-cal-ly
distinguished, illustrious, noble, notable, noteworthy, \-'ti-k(~- )le\ adv
outstanding, preeminent, prestigious, prominent, supe- [l] aggressive, assertive, dynamic, energetic, forceful,
rior; also celebrated, famed, famous, glorious, honored, resounding, strenuous, vehement, vigorous; also de-
renowned, reputable cided, insistent, marked, pointed Ant unemphatic
eminent domain n : a right of a government to take private [2] bold, catchy, conspicuous, marked, noticeable,
property for public use prominent, pronounced, remarkable, striking - more
emir or amir \~-'mir, ii-\ n [Ar amir commander] : a ruler, at NOTICEABLE
chief, or commander in Islamic countries - emir-ate \'e- em-phy-se-ma \,em-f~-'ze-m~, -'se-\ n : a condition marked
mar-atv n esp, by abnormal expansion of the air spaces of the lungs
em-is-sary \'e-m~-,ser-e\ n, pl-sar-ies 1 : one designated and often by impairment of heart action
as the agent of another 2: a secret agent em-pire \ 'em-,pi( -o )r\ n 1 : a large state or a group of states
ambassador, delegate, envoy, legate, minister, repre- under a single sovereign who is usu. an emperor; also
sentative - more at AMBASSADOR : something resembling a political empire 2: imperial
emis-sion \e-'mi-sh~n\ n : something emitted; esp : sub- sovereignty or dominion
stances discharged into the air em-pir-i-cal \im-'pir-i-k~l\ also em-pir-ic \-ik\ adj : based on
emit \e-'mit\ vb emit-ted; emit-ting 1 : to give off or out observation; also: subject to verification by observation
<---light>; also: EJECT 2: EXPRESS, UTTER - emit-ter n or experiment <---laws> - em-pir-i-cal-ly \-i-k(~-)le\ adv
cast, discharge, eject, exhale, expel, issue, release, em-pir-i-cism \im-'pir-~-,si-z~m, em-\ n : the practice of re-
shoot, vent lying on observation and experiment esp, in the natural
emol-lient \i-'miil-y~nt\ adj : making soft or supple; also sciences - em-pir-i-cist \-sist\ n
: soothing esp. to the skin or mucous membrane - emol- em-place-ment \im-'pliis-m~nt\ n 1 : a prepared position
lient n for weapons or military equipment 2: PLACEMENT
emol-u-ment \i-'miil-y~-m~nt\ n [ME, fro L emolumentum 'em-ploy \im-'ploi\ vb 1 : to make use of 2 : to use the
advantage, fro emolere to produce by grinding] : the services of 3: OCCUPY. DEVOTE - em-ploy -er n
product (as salary or fees) of an employment [I] apply, exercise, exploit, harness, operate, use, uti-
hire, pay, payment, salary, stipend, wage - more at lize - more at USE [2] engage, hire, retain, take on;
WAGE also recruit, sign on Ant discharge, dismiss, fire, sack
emote \i-'m6t\ vb emot-ed; emot-ing : to give expression to 2em-ploy \im-'ploi; 'im-,ploi, 'em-\ n : the state of being
emotion in or as if in a play employed: EMPLOYMENT
erne-n-eon \i-'mo-ti-,kiin\ n : a group of keyboard charac- employment, engagement, hire - more at HIRE
ters (as :-) ) that represents a facial expression esp. in on- em-ploy-ee also em-ploye \im-,ploi-'e, ,em-; im-lploi-je,
line communications em-\ n : a person who works for another
emo-tion \i-'mo-sh~n\ n : a USU. intense feeling (as of
hand, hireling, jobholder, worker; also assistant, cog,
love, hate, or despair)
flunky, subordinate, underling Ant employer
feeling, passion, sentiment - more at FEELING ar- em-ploy-ment \im-'ploi-m~nt\ n 1 : activity in which one
dor, fervency, fervor, heat, intensity, passion, vehe- engages or is employed: OCCUPATION 2 : the act of em-
mence, warmth - more at ARDOR ploying : the condition of being employed
emo-tion-al \-sh~-n~l\ adj 1 : of or relating to emotion
[l] calling, line, occupation, profession, trade, voca-
2 : dominated by or prone to emotion 3 : appealing
tion, work - more at OCCUPATION. [2] application, ex-
to or arousing emotion 4.: markedly aroused or agi-
ercise, operation, play, use - more at USE [2] em-
tated in feeling or sensibilities - emootion-al-Iy adv
ploy, engagement, hire - more at fURE
[2] demonstrative, effusive, uninhibited, unreserved,
unrestrained - more at DEMONSTRATIVE [3] affect- em-po-ri-um \im-'por-e-~m, em-\ n, pi -rl-urns also -ria \-e-
ing, impressive, moving, poignant, stirring, touching - ~\ [L, fro Gk emporion, fro emporos traveler, trader) : a
commercial center; esp : a store carrying varied articles
more at MOVING [4] ardent, burning, charged, fer-
vent, fiery, impassioned, passionate, red-hot, vehement shop, store - more at SHOP
- more at FERVENT em-pow-er \im-'pau(-~)r\ vb : to give authority or power
emot-ive \i-'mo-tiv\ ad} 1 : of or relating to the emotions to; also: ENABLE - em-pow-er-ment v-mont', n
2 : appealing to or expressing emotion accredit, authorize, certify, commission, enable, in-
emp abbr emperor; empress vest, license, qualify - more at AUTHORIZE
empanel var of IMPANEL em-press \'em-pr~s\ n 1 : the wife or widow of an emperor
em-pa-thy \'em-p~-the\ n : the experiencing as one's own of 2 : a sovereign female ruler of an empire
emptied 270
emp-ti-ness n + : the quality or state of being empty en bloc \lin-'bllik\ adv or adj : as a whole: in a mass
+ blank, blankness, vacancy, vacuity, void - more at enc or encl abbr enclosure
VACANCY en-camp \in-'kamp\ vb : to make camp
'emp-ty \'emp-te\ adj emp-ti-er; -est [ME, fro OE remettig en-camp-ment n + : the place where a group (as a body of
unoccupied, fr. remetta leisure] 1 + : containing nothing troops) is encamped
2 : UNOCCUPIED, UNINHABITED 3 + : lacking value, force, + bivouac, camp - more at CAMP
sense, or purpose 4 + : feeling the need for food
en-cap-su-late \in-'kap-s:l-,Iat\ vb -lat-ed; -Iat-ing 1 : to en-
+ [l] bare, blank, devoid, stark, vacant, void; also bar- case or become encased in a capsule 2 + : to give an ab-
ren, hollow Ant full + [3] meaningless, pointless, sense- stract of : SUMMARIZE
less, worthless - more at MEANINGLESS + [3] fruitless,
futile, ineffective, unproductive, unsuccessful - more
+ abstract, digest, outline, recapitulate, sum up, sum-
marize, wrap up - more at SUMMARIZE
at FUTILE + [4] famished, hungry - more at HUNGRY
en-cap-su-la-tion \-,kap-s:l-'Ia-sh:ln\ n + : an act, instance,
"empty vb emp-tied; emp-ty-inq 1: to make or become or result of encapsulating
empty 2 + : to discharge contents; also: to remove from
what holds or encloses + abstract, digest, outline, precis, resume (or resume),
summary, synopsis, wrap-up - more at SUMMARY
+ clear, evacuate, vacate, void; also deplete, drain,
en-case \in-'kas\ vb + : to enclose in or as if in a case -
eliminate, exhaust Ant fill, load
en-case-ment \-'ka-sm:lnt\ n
3empty n, pi empties: an empty bottle or can
emp-ty-hand-ed \,emp-te-'han-d:ld\ adj 1: having or + cage, coop up, corral, enclose, fence, hedge, hem,
bringing nothing 2: having acquired or gained nothing house, pen, wall - more at ENCLOSE
'empyre-an \,em-,pi-'re-:ln, -pa-v n 1 : the highest heaven; -ence n suffix 1 : action or process <emergence) : instance
also : FIRMAMENT 2: an ideal place or state of an action or process (reference) 2: quality or state
"empyrean adi + : of or relating to the empyrean (dependence)
+ celestial, Elysian, heavenly, supernal- more at CE- en-ceinte \linn-'sant\ adj : PREGNANT 1
LESTIAL en-ceph-a-li-tis \in-,se-f:l-'Ii-t:ls\ n, pi -nt-l-des \-'Ii-t:l-,dez\
EMT \,e-(,)em-'te\ n [emergency medical technician] : a : inflammation of the brain - en-ceph-a-llt-lc \-'Ii-tik\ adi
specially trained medical technician certified to provide en-ceph-a-lop-a-thy \in-,se-f:l-'Ili-p:l-the\ n, pi -thies : a dis-
basic medical services before and during transport to a ease of the brain
hospital en-chain \in-'chan\ vb + : to bind or hold with or as if with
'emu \'e-myii, -mii\ n : a swift-running flightless Australian chains: FETTER, CHAIN
bird smaller than the related ostrich + bind, chain, fetter, handcuff, manacle, shackle, tram-
"emu abbr electromagnetic unit mel
em-u-late \'em-yiI-,Hit\ vb -lat-ed; + : to strive to en-chant \in-'chant\ vb 1 +: to influence by or as if by
equal or excel: IMITATE - em-u-la-tion \,em-yiI-'Hi-sh:ln\ charms and incantation : BEWITCH 2 + : to attract and
n - em-u-lous \'em-yiI-l:ls\ adj move deeply - adv
+ ape, copy, imitate, mime, mimic - more at IMITATE + [l] allure, beguile, bewitch, captivate, charm, fasci-
emul-sl-fl-er \i-'m:ll-s:l-,fi(-:l)r\ n : a substance (as a soap) nate, wile - more at CHARM + [2] arrest, enthrall, fas-
that helps to form and stabilize an emulsion cinate, grip, hypnotize, mesmerize - more at ENTHRALL \-,fi\ vb -fied; : to disperse (as an oil) in an en-chant-er n + : one that enchants
emulsion - emul-si-fl-ca-ticn \i-,m:ll-s:l-f:l-'ka-sh:ln\ n + conjurer, magician, necromancer, sorcerer, voodoo,
emut-slon \i-'m:ll-sh:ln\ n 1 : a mixture of mutually insol- witch, wizard - more at MAGICIAN
uble liquids in which one is dispersed in droplets through- en-chant-ment n 1 + : the act or art of enchanting: also
out the other (an - of oil in water) 2: a light-sensitive : the quality or state of being enchanted 2 + : something
coating on photographic film or paper that enchants
en \'en\ n : a length approximately half the width of the
letter M
+ [1] allure, appeal, attractiveness, captivation,
charisma, charm, fascination, glamour, magic, magnet-
'-en also -n ad) suffix : made of : consisting of (earthen)
ism - more at CHARM + [2] bewitchment, charm, con-
2-en vb suffix 1 : become or cause to be (sharpen) 2: cause
juration, incantation, spell - more at SPELL
or come to have (lengthen)
en-chant-ress \-'chan-tr:ls\ n 1 + : a woman who practices
en-able \i-'na-b:ll\ vb en-abled; en-abling 1 +: to make
able or feasible 2 + : to give legal power, capacity, or magic 2 + : a fascinating or beautiful woman
sanction to + [l] hag, hex, witch - more at WITCH + [2] beauty,
+ [1] allow, let, permit; also fit, prepare, qualify, ready fox, goddess, knockout, queen - more at BEAUTY
Ant prevent + [2] accredit, authorize, certify, commis- en-chi-la-da \,en-ch:l-'Ili-d:l\ n : a rolled filled tortilla cov-
sion, empower, invest, license, qualify - more at AU- ered with chili sauce and usu. baked
THORIZE en-ci-pher \in-'si-f:lr, en-\ vb : ENCODE
en-act \i-'nakt\ vb 1 + : to make into law 2: to act out en-cir-cle \in-'s:lr-k:ll\ vb + : to pass completely around
: SURROUND - en-cir-cle-ment n
+ lay down, legislate, make, pass; also bring about, ef-
fect Ant repeal, rescind, revoke + circle, circumnavigate, coil, compass, enclose, en-
en-act-ment n + : the act of enacting; also: something (as a compass, girdle, ring, round, surround
law) that has been enacted en-clave \'en-,klav; 'lin-,klav\ n : a distinct territorial, cul-
+ act, law, ordinance, statute - more at LAW + accom- tural, or social unit enclosed within or as if within foreign
plishment, achievement, commission, discharge, execu- territory
tion, fulfillment, implementation, performance - more en-close \in-'kI6z\ vb 1 + : to shut up or in; esp : to sur-
at COMMISSION round with a fence 2: to include along with something
enam-el \i-'na-m:ll\ n 1 : a glasslike substance used to coat else in a parcel or envelope <- a check) - en-clo-sure
the surface of metal or pottery 2: the hard outer layer of \-'kI6-zh:lr\ n
a tooth 3: a usu. glossy paint that forms a hard coat- + cage, coop up, corral, encase, envelop, fence, hedge,
enamel vb hem, pen; also bound, confine, contain, limit, restrict
enam-el-ware \-,wer\ n : metal utensils coated with enamel + circle, encircle, encompass, ring, surround - more
en-am-or or Can and Brit en-am-our \i-'na-m:lr\ vb : to in- at SURROUND
flame with love en-code \in-'k6d, en-\ vb : to convert (a message) into code
271 ending

en-co-mi-um\en-'ko-me-am\ n, pi -ml-umsalso -mia x-me- "encyclical n : an encyclical letter; esp : a papal letter to the
:l\ : high or glowingpraise bishops of the church
accolade, citation, commendation, eulogy, homage, en-cy-clo-pe-diaalso en-cy-clo-pae-dia\in-,si-kl:l-'pe-de-a\
paean, panegyric, salutation, tribute; also award, deco- n [ML encyclopaedia course of general education, fr. Gk
ration, honor, prize enkyklios paideia general education] : a work treating the
en-com-pass\in-'kam-p:ls\ vb 1 : to form a circle about various branches of learning
: ENCIRCLE 2: to enclose or enfold completely with or as an-cy-clo-pe-dic also en-cy-clo-pae-dic\-'pe-dik\ adj : of,
if with a covering: ENVELOP, fNCLUDE 3 : to contain or relating to, or suggestive of an encyclopedia or its meth-
hold within a total scope, significance, or amount ods of treating or covering a subject
[1] circle, encircle, enclose, ring, surround - more compendious, complete, comprehensive, full, global,
at SURROUND [3] carry, comprehend, contain, em- inclusive, omnibus, panoramic, universal; also broad,
brace, entail, include, involve, number, take in - more catholic, extensive, far-reaching, general, overall,
at INCLUDE sweeping,vast, wide
en-core \'an-,k6r\ n 1 : a demand for repetition or reap- en-cyst \in-'sist, en-\ vb : to form or become enclosed in a
pearance 2: a further performance or appearance de- cyst - en-cyst-mentn
manded by an audience 3: a second achievement that 'end \'end\ n 1 .: the part of an area that lies at the
usu. surpasses the first - encore vb boundary; also: a point which marks the extent or limit
'en-counter \in-'kaim-t:lr\ vb 1: to meet as an enemy of something or at which something ceases to exist 2 : a
: FIGHT 2 : to meet usu. unexpectedly ceasing of a course (as of action or activity); also: DEATH
chance, find, happen (on or upon), hit, meet, stumble 3 : the ultimate state; also: RESULT, ISSUE 4 : something
- more at HAPPEN (on or upon) incomplete, fragmentary, or undersized : REMNANT
>encounter n 1 : a hostile meeting: COMBAT 2 : a chance 5 : an outcome worked toward : PURPOSE, OBJECTIVE
meeting 3: an experience shared with another <a roman- 6 : a player stationed at the extremity of a line (as in foot-
tic~) ball) 7: a share, operation, or aspect of an undertaking
brush, run-in, scrape, skirmish; also argument, fight, [1] bound, boundary, ceiling, confines, extent, limit,
quarrel limitation, line, termination - more at LIMIT [2]
en-cour-age \in-'k:lr-ij\ vb -aged; 1 : to inspire death, decease, demise, doom, passing, quietus - more
with courage and hope 2 : to spur on : STIMULATE, fN- at DEATH [2] cessation, close, closure, conclusion, fin-
CITE; also: to attempt to persuade 3 : to give help or pa-
ish, halt, lapse, shutdown, stop, stoppage, termination
Ant continuation [4] fag end, leftover, remainder,
tronage to : FOSTER
remnant, scrap - more at SCRAP [5] aim, ambition,
[1] buoy (up), cheer, comfort, embolden, hearten, in- aspiration, goal, intent, mark, meaning, object, objec-
spire, steel; also animate, enliven, invigorate; provoke, tive, plan, purpose - more at GOAL
quicken, rally, stimulate, stir Ant daunt, discourage, dis-
"end vb 1 : to bring or come to an end 2 : DESTROY; also
hearten, dispirit [2] arouse, excite, fire, incite, insti-
: DIE 3: to form or be at the end of
gate, move, pique, provoke, stimulate, stir. [2] egg on,
exhort, goad, press, prod, prompt, urge - more at close, conclude, finish, round, terminate, wind up,
URGE [3] advance, cultivate, forward, foster, further, wrap up - more at CWSE break, break off, cease,
nourish, nurture, promote - more at FOSTER cut, desist, discontinue, drop, halt, knock off, layoff,
en-cour-age-mentn : the act of encouraging: the state of leave off, quit, shut off, stop - more at STOP
being encouraged; also: something that encourages enodanoger\in-'dan-j:lr\ vb : to bring into danger; also
: to create danger
boost, goad, impetus, impulse, incentive, instigation,
motivation, provocation, spur, stimulus compromise, gamble with, hazard, imperil, jeopard-\-i-jilJ,-ri-jin'xad} : giving hope or prom- ize, menace, risk, venture
ise - enodanogered adi : being or relating to an endangered
auspicious, bright, fair, golden, heartening, hopeful,
likely, promising, propitious, rosy, upbeat - more at endangered species n : a species threatened with extinc-
HOPEFUL comforting, gratifying, heartening, heart-
warming, rewarding, satisfying - more at HEARTWARM- en-dear \in-'dir\ vb : to cause to become beloved or ad-
en-croach \in-'kroch\ vb [ME encrochen to seize, fro AF en- endearing adj : arousing affection, tenderness, or admi-
crocher, fro croche hook] : to enter gradually or stealthily ration
upon another's property or rights - en-croach-er n- adorable, darling, dear, lovable, precious, sweet, win-
en-croach-mentn ning - more at WVABLE
en-crust also in-crust \in-'kr:lst\ vb : to provide with or en-dear-ment\-m:lnt\ n : a sign of affection : CARESS
form a crust 'enodeav-oror Can and Brit enodeavour \in-'de-v:lr\ vb : to
en-crus-ta-tion\(,)in-,kr:ls-'ta-sh:ln, ,en-\ var of fNCRU5TA- attempt (as the fulfillment of an obligation) by exertion
TION of effort; also: to work with set purpose
en-cum-ber\in-'k:lm-bar\ vb 1 : to weigh down: BURDEN assay, attempt, essay, seek, strive, try - more at AT-
2 : to hinder the function or activity of TEMPT
[1] burden, load, lumber, saddle, weight - more at >endeavor or Can and Brit endeavour n : serious deter-
WAD [2] hamper, hinder, hobble, hold back, hold up, mined effort; also: activity directed toward a goal
impede, inhibit, interfere with, obstruct, tie up - more attempt, bid, crack, essay, fling, go, pass, shot, stab,
at HAMPER trial, try, whack, whirl- more at ATTEMPT
en-cum-brancev-brons', n 1 : something that encumbers en-dem-Ic \en-'de-mik, in-\ ad} : restricted to a particular
2 : a claim (as a mortgage) against property place <~ plants) <an ~ disease) - endemic n
bar, block, hindrance, inhibition, obstacle - more at aboriginal, born, indigenous, native - more at NA-
ENCUMBRANCE; also catch, hitch, rub, snag TIVE
ency or encyc abbr encyclopedia Veri-diu', n 1 .: something that forms an end
-en-cyn suffix : quality or state <despondency) 2: SUFFIX
'en-cycli-cal \in-'si-kli-k:ll, en-\ ad} : addressed to all the in- close, conclusion, consummation, end, finale, finis,
dividuals of a group finish, windup - more at FINALE
- - - - - - ------------------

endive 272
enodive \'en-,dIv\ n 1 : an herb related to chicory and end-ways Vend-jwaz', adv or am 1 : LENGTHWlSE 2: with
grown as a salad plant 2: the blanched shoot of chicory the end forward 3: on end
end-less \'end-I;)s\ am 1 + : having or seeming to have no end-wlse \-,wIz\ adv or am: ENDWAYS
end: ETERNAL 2: united at the ends: CONTINUOUS <an ~ ENE abbr east-northeast
belt) - end-less-ly adv en-e-ma \'e-n;)-m:J\ n, pi enemas also ene-ma-ta \,e-n;)-'ma-
+ boundless, illimitable, immeasurable, indefinite, infi- ta, 'e-n;)-m;)-t;)\ : injection of liquid into the rectum; also
nite, limitless, measureless, unbounded, unfathomable, : material so injected
unlimited - more at INFINITE + ceaseless, dateless, en-e-my \'e-n;)-me\ n, pi -mies [ME enemi, fr. AF, fro L in-
deathless, eternal, everlasting, immortal, permanent, imicus, fr. in- not + amicus friend) + : one that attacks or
perpetual, undying, unending - more at EVERLASTING tries to harm another: FOE; esp : a military opponent
end-most \-,most\ am : situated at the very end + adversary, antagonist, foe, opponent; also assailant,
end-note \-,not\ n : a note placed at the end of a text combatant, invader; competitor, rival Ant friend
en-do-crine \'en-d;)-kr;)n, -,krIn, -,kren\ am: producing se- en-er-qet-lc \,e-n"r-'je-tik\ am + : marked by energy: AC-
cretions that are distributed by way of the bloodstream TIVE, VIGOROUS
<~ glands) - endocrine n - en-do-crl-nol-o-qlet \-kri- + active, animated, jaunty, lively, peppy, spirited,
'na-I;)-jist\ n - en-do-cn-not-o-qy \-je\ n sprightly, springy, vigorous, vital, vivacious
en-dog-e-nous \en-'da-j:J-n:Js\ adj : caused or produced by en-er-qet-l-cal-ly \-ti-k(;)- )Ie\ adv + : in an energetic manner
factors inside the organism or system <~ psychic depres-
+ forcefully, powerfully, strongly, sturdily, vigorously
sion) - en-dog-e-nous-ly adv
- more at HARD
en-do-me-tri-um \,en-do-'me-tre-;)m\ n, pi-tria \-tre-;)\ : the
en-er-qise chiefly Brit var of ENERGIZE
mucous membrane lining the uterus - en-do-me-tri-al
\-tre-;)I\ am en-er-qize \'e-n;)r-JIz\ vb -gized; + : to give energy
en-dor-phin \en-'dor-f;)n\ n : any of a group of endogenous to
morphinelike proteins found esp. in the brain + animate, brace, enliven, fire, invigorate, jazz up, liven
en-dorse also in-dorse \in-'dors\ vb enodorsed; en-dors-lnq up, pep up, quicken, stimulate, vitalize, vivify, zip (up)
[ME endosen, fro AF endosser to put on, don, write on the - more at ANIMATE
back of, fr. dos back, fr. L dorsum] 1 : to sign one's name \'e-n;)r-je\ n, pi -gies 1 : vigorous action: EFFORT
on the back of (as a check) 2 + : to express support or ap- 2 + : capacity for action 3 + : capacity for performing
proval of publicly and definitely; esp : to recommend (as work 4: usable power (as heat or electricity); also: the
a product) usu. for financial compensation - en-dorse- resources for producing such power
ment also ln-dorse-ment n + [2) force, main, might, muscle, potency, power,
+ advocate, back, champion, patronize, support- strength, vigor (or vigour) - more at POWER + [2,
more at SUPPORT 3) force, main, might, muscle, potency, power,
en-do-scope \'en-d;)-,skop\ n : an illuminated usu. fiber- strength, vigor (or vigour) - more at POWER + [3) dash,
optic instrument for visualizing the interior of a hollow life, pep, vigor (or vigour), vim, vitality - more at
organ or part (as the colon or esophagus) - en-do-seep- VIGOR
ic \,en-d;)-'ska-pik\ am - en-dos-co-py ven-tdas-ko-pe', n energy level n : one of the stable states of constant energy
en-do-ther-mic \,en-d;)-'th:Jr-mik\ adj : characterized by or that may be assumed by a physical system (as the elec-
formed with absorption of heat trons in an atom)
enodow \in-'dau\ vb 1 + : to furnish with funds for support en-er-vate \'e-n:Jr-,vat\ vb -vat-ed; -vat-lnq + : to lessen the
<~ a school) 2 + : to furnish with something freely or strength or vigor of : weaken in mind or body - en-er-
naturally \-,va-til)-le\ adv - en-er-va-tion \,e-n:Jr-'va-
+ [l) finance, fund, subsidize; also establish, found, or- sh:m\n
ganize; bequeath, contribute, donate, subscribe, sup- + debilitate, enfeeble, prostrate, sap, soften, tire, waste,
port; award, grant; back, promote, sponsor + [2] invest; weaken - more at WEAKEN
also equip, provide, supply en-er-vat-ed \'e-n:Jr-,vat-:Jd\ + : lacking physical, mental,
en-dow-ment n : something that is endowed: as a : the part or moral vigor
of an institution's income derived from donations + lackadaisical, languid, languorous, limp, listless, spir-
b + : natural capacity, power, or ability itless - more at LISTLESS
+ aptitude, faculty, flair, genius, gift, knack, talent- enfee-ble \in-'fe-b;)l\ vb -bled; -bling + : to make feeble
more at TALENT + debilitate, enervate, prostrate, sap, soften, tire, waste,
en-due \in-'dii, -'dyll\ vb enodued; en-du-ing : PROVIDE, ENDOW weaken - more at WEAKEN
en-dur-able am + : capable of being borne or endured en-fee-ble-ment n + : the action of enfeebling; also : the
+ bearable, sufferable, supportable, sustainable, tolera- quality or state of being enfeebled
ble - more at BEARABLE + debility, delicacy, faintness, feebleness, frailty, infir-
en-dur-ance \in-'dur-;)ns, -'dyur-\ n 1 + : continuation in mity, languor, lowness, weakness - more at WEAKNESS
the same state: DURATION 2: the ability to withstand en-fi-lade \'en-f:J-,lad, -,Iad\ n : gunfire directed along the
hardship or stress: FORTITUDE length of an enemy battle line - enfilade vb
+ continuance, continuation, duration, persistence, en-told \in-'f6ld\ vb 1 + : to cover with or as if with folds
subsistence - more at CONTINUATION : ENVELOP 2 + : to clasp within the arms : EMBRACE
en-dure \in-'dilr, -'dyilr\ vb enodured; 1 + : to + [1) caress, clasp, embrace, grasp, hug - more at EM-
continue in the same state: LAST, PERSIST 2 + : to suffer BRACE + [2] enclose, encompass, enshroud, envelop, in-
firmly or patiently: BEAR 3: TOLERATE vest, lap, mantle, shroud, swathe, veil, wrap; also
+ [1) abide, continue, hold, keep up, last, persist, run curtain, drape; encase; swaddle; blanket, overlay, over-
on - more at CONTINUE + [2] abide, bear, brook, coun- spread; camouflage, cloak, disguise, mask; circle, encir-
tenance, meet, stand, stick out, stomach, support, sus- cle, encompass
tain, take, tolerate - more at BEAR en-force \in-'fors\ vb 1 : COMPEL <~ obedience by threats)
enduring am + : existing or continuing a long while: LAST- 2 + : to execute effectively <~ the law) - en-force-able
ING am - en-force-ment n
+ abiding, ageless, continuing, dateless, eternal, ever- + administer, apply, execute, implement; also effect, ef-
lasting, immortal, imperishable, lasting, perennial, per- fectuate; discharge, fulfill, render; cite, invoke; enact,
petual, timeless, undying - more at ABIDING legislate; honor, observe; prosecute; promulgate
273 enjoyable
en-forc-er \in-'f6r-sar\ n : one that enforces; esp : an ag- English setter n : any of a breed of hunting dogs with a flat
gressive player (as in ice hockey) known for rough play silky coat of white or white with color
en-tran-chlse \in-'fran-,chIz\ vb -chised; -chls-inq 1 + : to English sparrow n : HOUSE SPARROW
set free (as from slavery) 2: to admit to the rights of cit- English system n : a system of weights and measures in
izenship; also : to grant the vote to which the foot is the principal unit of length and the
+ discharge, emancipate, free, liberate, loose, loosen, pound is the principal unit of weight
manumit, release, spring, unbind, unchain, unfetter- engr abbr 1 engineer 2 engraved
more at FREE en-gram \'en-,gram\ n : a hypothetical change in neural tis-
en-tran-chise-ment \-,chIz-mant, -chez-v n : the act or result sue postulated in order to account for persistence of
of enfranchising: as a + : the releasing from slavery or memory
custody b + : admission to citizenship and its rights enograve \in-'grav\ vb enograved; 1 + : to pro-
+ [a] emancipation, liberation, manumission - more duce (as letters or lines) by incising a surface 2: to cut
at LIBERATION + [b] franchise, suffrage, vote - more at figures, letters, or designs on for printing; also: to print
VOTE from an engraved plate 3: PHOTOENGRAVE 4 + : to im-
eng abbr engine; engineer; engineering press deeply as if with an engraving tool - en-qrav-er n
Eng abbr England; English + [1] etch. grave, inscribe; also carve, chisel, sculpt,
engage \in-'gaj\ vb enogaged; 1 + : to bind (as sculpture; chase; score + [4] etch, impress, imprint, in-
oneself) by a pledge to do something; esp : to bind by a grain, inscribe; also imbue, implant, inculcate, infuse,
pledge to marry 2 + : to use the services of : EMPLOY, HIRE instill
3 + : to attract and hold esp. by interesting; also: to cause \in-'gra-vil]\ n 1 : the art of one who engraves
to participate 4: to commence or take part in a venture 2 : an engraved plate; also: a print made from it
5 + : to bring or enter into conflict 6: to connect or in- enogross \in-'gr6s\ vb + : to take up the whole interest or
terlock with: MESH; also: to cause to mesh attention of
[l] commit, pledge, troth - more at PLEDGE + [2] em- + absorb, busy, engage, enthrall, fascinate, grip, im-
ploy, hire, retain, take on - more at EMPLOY [3] ab- merse, interest, intrigue, involve, occupy - more at EN-
sorb, busy, engross, enthrall, fascinate, grip, immerse, GAGE
interest, intrigue, involve, occupy; also allure, attract, be- enogrossed \in-'gr6st\ adj + : completely occupied or ab-
witch, captivate, charm, enchant + [5] battle, encounter, sorbed
face, meet, take on; also contend, fight, oppose + absorbed, attentive, intent. observant, rapt - more
enogaged \in-'gajd, en-\ 1 +: involved in activity at ATTENTrvE
2 : pledged to be married adj + : taking up the time or attention com-
+ active, assiduous, busy, diligent, laborious, occupied, pletely
sedulous, working - more at BUSY + absorbing, engaging, enthralling, fascinating, inter-
enogageoment \in-'gaj-mant\ n 1 +: an arrangement to esting, intriguing - more at INTERESTING
meet or be present at a specified time and place 2 : a enogulf \in-'galf\ vb : to flow over and enclose
job or period of employment esp, as a performer 3 : a deluge, drown, flood, inundate, overflow, over-
mutual promise to marry 4: a hostile encounter whelm, submerge, swamp - more at FLOOD
[1] appointment, date, rendezvous, tryst; also en-hance \in-'hans\ vb en-hanced; en-hane-lnq + : to in-
arrangement; invitation; interview; get-together, meet- crease or improve (as in value or desirability)
ing; call, visit; schedule + [2] employ, employment, hire + ameliorate, amend, better, enrich, improve, perfect,
- more at HIRE + [3] espousal, troth Ant disengage- refine - more at IMPROVE
ment en-hance-ment n + : the act of enhancing or state of being adj + : tending to draw favorable attention or enhanced
interest: ATIRACflVE - adv + advance. advancement, breakthrough, improvement.
+ alluring, attractive. captivating. charming, fascinat- refinement - more at ADVANCE
ing, fetching, glamorous absorbing, engrossing, en- \i-'nig-ma\ n [L aenigma, fr. Gk ainigma, fro
thralling, fascinating, interesting, intriguing - more at ainissesthai to speak in riddles, fro ainos fable] + : some-
INTERESTING thing obscure or hard to understand
enogenoder \in-'jen-dar\ vb 1 : BEGET 2 + : to cause to ex-
+ conundrum, mystery, mystification, puzzle, puzzle-
ist or to develop: CREATE
ment, riddle, secret - more at MYSTERY
+ create, generate, induce, make, produce, spawn- \,en-ig-'ma-tik\ adj + : resembling an enigma
more at GENERATE - en-iq-rnat-i-cal-ly \-ti-k(a-)le\ adv
enogine \'en-jan\ n [ME engin, fro OF, fr. L ingenium natu-
ambiguous, cryptic, deep, equivocal, inscrutable,
ral disposition, talent] 1 : a mechanical device 2: a ma-
murky, mysterious, mystic, nebulous, obscure, occult
chine for converting energy into mechanical motion
- more at OBSCURE
3 : LOCOMOTrvE 4 : software that performs a fundamental
en-join \in-'j6in\ vb 1 : to direct or impose by authorita-
function esp. of a larger program - enogineoless adj
tive order or with urgent warning: COMMAND 2 : to for-
'enogi.neer \,en-ja-'nir\ n 1 : a member of a military unit
bid by authority
specializing in engineering work 2: a designer or builder
of engines 3: one trained in engineering 4: one that op- + [1] call, charge, command, demand, direct, exact, in-
erates an engine sist, instruct, order, press, stipulate (for) - more at DE-
2engineer vb 1 : to layout or manage as an engineer 2: to MAND + [1, 2] ban, bar, forbid, interdict, outlaw,
guide the course of prohibit, proscribe - more at FORBID n : the practical applications of scientific \in-'j6i\ vb 1 : to have for one's benefit or use <-
and mathematical principles good health) 2 + : to take pleasure or satisfaction in
English Vin-glish'c n 1 : the language of England, the U.S., <-ed the concert)
and many areas now or formerly under British rule [1] command, have, hold, occupy, own, possess, re-
2 English pi : the people of England 3: spin imparted to tain - more at HAVE + [2] adore, delight, dig, fancy,
a ball that is driven or rolled - English adj - Enoglish- like, love, relish, revel; also admire, appreciate, cherish;
man \-man\ n - Enoglish.woman \-,wU-man\ n prize, treasure, value; devour, drink (in), savor; dote
English horn n : a woodwind instrument longer than and (on), idolize; cotton (to), favor, prefer
having a range lower than the oboe en-joy-able adi + : being a source of pleasure or enjoyment
enjoyment 274
agreeable, amusing, delectable, delicious, delightful, norma rule] 1 : exceedingly wicked 2 + : great in size,
entertaining, fun, heavenly, luscious, pleasurable number, or degree: HUGE - enor-mous-ly adv
en-joy-ment n 1 .: the action or state of enjoying astronomical, colossal, elephantine, giant, gigantic,
2 : something that gives keen satisfaction ginormous, huge, jumbo, mammoth, massive, prodi-
contentment, delectation, delight, gladness, gratifica- gious, titanic, tremendous, whopping - more at HUGE
tion, pleasure, relish, satisfaction - more at PLEASURE 'enough \i-'naf\ adj : SUFFICIENT
enl abbr 1 enlarged 2 enlisted 2enough adv 1 : in or to a degree or quantity that suffices
en.large \in-'larj\ vb en-larged; 1 : to make or : SUFFICIENTLY 2: FULLY, QUITE 3 : in a tolerable degree
grow larger 2 : to give greater scope to; also: to speak + [1] adequately, satisfactorily; also decently, fairly,
or write at length: ELABORATE - often used with on or moderately, passably Ant inadequately, insufficiently
upon - en-large-ment n [3] fairly, kind of, moderately, so-so, somewhat, sort
[1] add, aggrandize, amplify, augment, boost, com- of
pound, escalate, expand, extend, increase, multiply, 3enough pron : a sufficient number, quantity, or amount
raise, swell, up - more at INCREASE usu enlarge on en.quire \in-'kwi(-a)r\, en-qui-ry \'in-,kwi(-a)r-e, in-'; 'in-
[2] amplify, develop, elaborate (on), expand - more at kwc-re, 'il)-\ chiefly Brit var O/INQUIRE, inquiry
EXPAND en-rage \in-'raj\ vb : to fill with rage
en-liqht-en \in-'Ilt-'n\ vb 1 : to give knowledge to : IN- + anger, antagonize, incense, inflame, infuriate, mad-
STRUCT, INFORM 2.: to give spiritual insight to - en- den, outrage, rankle, rile, roil - more at ANGER
lightoen.ment n en-raqed \in-'rajd\ adj : full of fury or rage
[1] acquaint, advise, apprise, brief, clue, familiarize, angry, boiling, furious, irate - more at ANGRY
fill in, inform, instruct, tell, wise; also clarify, clear (up), en-rap-ture \in-'rap-ch;1r\ vb en-rap-tured: en-rap-tur-ing
construe, elucidate, explain, explicate, expound, illumi- : to fill with delight
nate, illustrate, interpret, spell out; announce, disclose,
carry away, elate, elevate, enthrall, exhilarate, trans-
report; disabuse, disenchant, disillusion [2] edify, ed-
port - more at ELATE
ucate, nurture; also elevate, ennoble, lift, uplift; better,
improve, transform; exalt, glorify, transfigure en-rich \in-'rich\ vb 1 a : to make rich or richer b : to
add to or improve with additions 2 : to add beauty to
en-list \in-'list\ vb 1: to secure the aid or support of
: ORNAMENT, ADORN - en-rich-ment n
2 : to engage for service in the armed forces 3 : to
participate heartily (as in a cause or effort) <~ed in the [lb] ameliorate, amend, better, enhance, improve,
cause of world peace) - en-llst-ee \-,lis-'te\ n - en-list- perfect, refine - more at IMPROVE [2] adorn, array,
ment \-'list-m;mt\ n beautify, bedeck, deck, decorate, do, dress, embellish,
garnish, grace, ornament, trim - more at DECORATE
usu enlist in [2, 3] enroll, enter, join, sign on, sign up en-roll or Can and Brit en-rol \in-'rcl\ vb en-rolled; en-roll-
- more at ENTER
ing 1 : to enter or register on a roll or list 2 : to of-
en-list-ed \in-'lis-tad\ adj : of, relating to, or forming the
fer (oneself) for enrolling - en-roll-ment n
part of a military force below commissioned or warrant
[1] inscribe, itemize, list, matriculate, register; also
catalog, tabulate, tally [1] catalog, enter, index, in-
enlisted man n : a man or woman in the armed forces
scribe, list, put down, record - more at LIST [2] en-
ranking below a commissioned or warrant officer list, enter, join, sign on, sign up - more at ENTER
en-liv-en \in-'ll-van\ vb : to give life, action, or spirit to
en-ron-ment or chiefly Can and Brit en-rol-ment n 1 : the act
or process of enrolling (as at enlistment or registration)
animate, brace, energize, fire, invigorate, jazz up, 2 : the number enrolled
liven up, pep up, quicken, stimulate, vitalize, vivify, zip en route \an-'rut, en-\ adv or adi : on or along the way
(up) - more at ANlMATE
ENS abbr ensign
en masse \ann-'mas\ adv IF] : in a body: as a whole en-sconce \in-'skans\ vb en-sconced; en-sconc-ing 1 : to
en-mesh \in-'mesh\ vb : to catch or entangle in or as if in place out of sight: CONCEAL 2 : to settle snugly or se-
meshes curely
ensnare, entangle, entrap, mesh, snare, tangle, trap - [1] bury, cache, conceal, hide, secrete - more at
more at ENTANGLE HIDE [2] install, lodge, perch, roost, settle; also curl
en-mi-ty \'en-ma-te\ n, pi -ties : positive, active, and typ- up; park, plant
ically mutual hatred or ill will en-sem-ble \an-'sam-bal\ n [F, fr. ensemble together, fro L
animosity, antagonism, antipathy, bitterness, gall, insimul at the same time] : a group (as of singers, dancers,
grudge, hostility, rancor Ant amity or players) or a set (as of clothes) producing a single ef-
en-no-ble \i-'nc-bal\ vb -bled; -bling + : to raise in rank or fect
status : EXALT; esp : to raise to noble rank - en-no-ble- en-sheathe \in-'she1h\ vb : to cover with or as if with a
mentn sheath
aggrandize, dignify, exalt, glorify, magnify - more at en-shrine \in-'shrin\ vb 1 : to enclose in or as if in a shrine
EXALT 2 : to cherish as sacred - en-shrine-ment x-mont', n
en-nui \,an-'we\ n [F] : a feeling of weariness and dissat- en-shroud \in-'shraud\ vb : to cover or enclose with or as
isfaction : BOREDOM if with a shroud: OBSCURE
boredom, doldrums, listlessness, restlessness, tedium, blanket, blot out, cloak, conceal, cover, curtain, hide,
tiredness, weariness - more at BOREDOM mask, obscure, occult, screen, shroud, veil - more at
enor-mi-ty \i-'nor-ma-te\ n, pi -ties 1 : an outrageous, vi- HIDE
cious, or immoral act 2 : great wickedness 3 : the en-siqn \ 'en-san, J also 'en-jsin \ n 1 : a flag that is flown
quality or state of being huge: IMMENSITY (as by a ship) as the symbol of nationality and that may
[2] atrociousness, atrocity, depravity, heinousness, also be flown with a distinctive badge added to its design;
monstrosity, vileness, wickedness; also baseness, devil- also : BADGE, EMBLEM 2: a commissioned officer in the
ishness; corruption, decadence, degeneracy; immoral- navy ranking next below a lieutenant junior grade
ity; infamy, notoriety [3] hugeness, immensity, banner, colors (or colours), flag, jack, pennant, stan-
magnitude, massiveness, vastness - more at IMMENSITY dard, streamer - more at FLAG
enor-mous \i-'nor-mas\ adj [L enormis, fro e, ex out of + en-slave \in-'slav\ vb : to make a slave of
275 entitled
en-slave-ment n 1: the act or process of enslaving [2] amuse, disport, divert, regale - more at AMUSE
2 : the state of being enslaved [3] consider, contemplate, debate, deliberate, medi-
bondage, servitude, slavery, thrall, yoke - more at tate, mull, ponder, question, ruminate, study, think,
SLAVERY weigh - more at PONDER
en-snare \in-'snar\ vb : to take in or as if in a snare: TRAP en-ter-tain-lnq \-'ta-nil)\ adj + : providing entertainment
enmesh, entangle, entrap, mesh, snare, tangle, trap - amusing, delightful, diverting, enjoyable, fun, pleas-
more at ENTANGLE urable - more at FUN
en-sue \in-'sii\ vb en-sued: en-su-inq : to follow in time or en-ter-tain-ment n 1.: the act of entertaining
as a result <the birds escaped and chaos ensued) 2 : amusement or diversion provided esp. by perform-
en-sure \in-'shur\ vb en-sured; en-sur-ing : to give secu- ers; also : something or someone diverting or engaging
rity to : INSURE, GUARANTEE [1] amusement, distraction, diversion; also show
assure, cinch, guarantee, guaranty, insure, secure; business; delectation, delight, enjoyment, joy, mirth;
also attest, certify, vouch, warrant, witness; pledge, performance, presentation, production, show, spectacle
promise, swear [2] delight, diversion, fun, pleasure - more at FUN
en-tall \in-'tal\ vb 1 : to limit the inheritance of (property) en-thrall or en-thral \in-'thr61\ vb en-thratled;
to the owner's lineal descendants or to a class thereof 1 : ENSLAVE 2.: to hold the attention of as if under a
2 : to include or involve as a necessary step or result - spell: hold spellbound
en-tail-ment n arrest, enchant, fascinate, grip, hypnotize, interest,
carry, comprehend, contain, embrace, encompass, in- intrigue, involve, mesmerize; also enrapture, entrance,
clude, involve, number, take in - more at INCLUDE thrill; beguile, bewitch, charm
en-tan-qle \in-'tal)-gal\ vb 1 : to wrap or twist together en.thralling adi : capable of holding spellbound : in-
: TANGLE; also: to make complicated 2 : to take in or as tensely absorbing or interesting
if in a snare; also: to involve in a perplexing or trouble- absorbing, engaging, engrossing, fascinating, interest-
some situation ing, intriguing - more at INTERESTING
[1] interlace, intertwine, interweave, knot, snarl, tan- en-throne \in-'thran\ vb 1 : to seat on or as if on a throne
gle; also weave, wind, wreathe; braid, plait [2] en- 2: EXALT
mesh, ensnare, entrap, mesh, snare, tangle, trap; also en-thuse \in-'thiiz, -'thyiiz\ vb en-thused; 1 : to
bag, capture, collar; embroil, implicate, involve, mire
make enthusiastic 2 : to show enthusiasm
Ant disentangle
fuss, gush, rave, rhapsodize
en-tan-qle-ment n 1 : the action of entangling: the state of
being entangled 2 : something that entangles, confuses, en-thu-sj-asm \in-'thii-ze-,a-zam, -'thyii-\ n [Gk enthousias-
or ensnares mas, fro enthousiazein to be inspired, irreg. fro entheos in-
net, snare, web - more at WEB spired, fro theos god] 1 : strong warmth of feeling: keen
interest: FERVOR 2 : something that inspires or is pur-
en-tente \an-'tant\ n [F] : an understanding providing for
sued or regarded with ardent zeal or fervor
joint action; also: parties linked by such an entente
en-ter \'en-tar\ vb 1 : to go or come in or into 2 : to be- [I] appetite, ardor, avidity, eagerness, excitement,
come a member of : JOIN <- the ministry) 3 : to make fervor, hunger, impatience, keenness, thirst - more at
EAGERNESS [2] craze, fad, fashion, go, mode, rage,
a beginning: to begin to consider a subject - usu. used
with into or upon 4: to take part in : CONTRIBUTE 5: to go sensation, style, trend, vogue - more at FASHION
into or upon and take possession 6 : to set down (as in en-mu-sl-ast \-,ast, -ast\ n : a person filled with enthusi-
a list) : REGISTER <- the data) 7: to place (a complaint) asm
before a court; also: to put on record <- a complaint) + addict, aficionado, buff, bug, devotee, fan, fancier,
[2] enlist, enroll, join, sign on, sign up; also reenlist. lover, nut - more at FAN
reenter usu enter Into or enter upon [3] begin, com- en-thu-si-as-tic \in-,thii-ze-'as-tik, -,thyii-\ adj .: filled
mence, embark (on or upon), get off, launch, open, with or marked by enthusiasm - en-thu-si-as-ti-cal-ly \-ti-
start, strike - more at BEGIN [6] catalog, enroll, in- k(a- )Ie\ adv
dex, inscribe, list, put down, record, register, schedule, ardent, athirst, avid, eager, gung ho, keen, nuts, rar-
slate - more at LIST ing, thirsty - more at EAGER
en-ter-l-tls \,en-ta-'ri-tas\ n : intestinal inflammation; also en-tice \in-'tis\ vb en-ticed: en-tic-ing : to attract cun-
: a disease marked by this ningly or by arousing hope or desire: ALLURE, TEMPT
en-ter-prise \'en-tar-,priz\ n 1 : a project or undertaking allure, beguile, decoy, lead on, lure, seduce, tempt -
that is esp. difficult, complicated, or risky 2 : readiness more at LURE
for daring action: INITIATIVE 3 : a business organization en-tice-ment n 1 : the act of enticing 2 : something
[I] chance, flier, gamble, speculation, venture- that entices: a means or method of enticing
more at GAMBLE [2] aggressiveness, ambition, drive,
lure, seduction, solicitation, temptation - more at
go, hustle, initiative; also gumption, pluck, snap, spirit,
spunk, starch; assertiveness, self-reliance; energy,
hardihood, pep, vigor, vitality. [3] business, company, en-tire \in-'ti(-a)r\ adj having no element or part left out
concern, establishment, firm, house, outfit; also con- : COMPLETE, WHOLE
glomerate, corporation, multinational; association, car- complete, comprehensive, full, grand, intact, integral,
tel, chain, combine, syndicate, trust; agency, dealer, perfect, plenary, total, undivided, whole - more at
en-ter-pris-inq \-,pri-zil)\ adj + : bold and vigorous in ac- en-tire-ly adv + : to the full or entire extent
tion altogether, completely, dead, fast, flat, full, fully, per-
adventurous, audacious, bold, daring, gutsy, hardy, fectly, quite, thoroughly, well, wholly - more at FULLY
nervy, venturesome - more at BOLD en-tire-ty \in-'ti-ra-te, -'tie -a)r-te\ n, pi -ties 1 : COMPLETE-
en-ter-tain \,en-tar-'tan\ vb 1 : to treat or receive as a guest NESS 2: WHOLE, TOTALITY
2 + : to provide entertainment for: AMUSE, DNERT 3 : to en-ti-tle \in-'tH'I\ vb en-ti-tled: eMi.tHng 1 : to give a ti-
hold in mind; also: to receive and take into consideration tle to : DESIGNATE 2 : to furnish with proper grounds for
- en-ter-tain-er n seeking or claiming something <entitled to a fair trial)
entitlement 276
[1] baptize, call, christen, denominate, designate, en-try "en-tre\ n, pi entries 1 : a place of entrance; also
dub, label, name, style, term, title - more at NAME : the act, means, right, or privilege of entering 2: an en-
[2] authorize, qualify; also empower, enable, license; tering in a record; also: an item so entered 3: a head-
approve, endorse; allow, let, permit; certify, ratify, word with its definition or identification; also
sanction, validate Ant disqualify : VOCABULARY ENTRY 4: one entered in a contest
en-ti-tle-ment \in-'tit-I-m:lnt\ n : a government program foyer, hall, lobby, vestibule - more at HALL access,
providing benefits to members of a specified group admission, doorway, entree, entrance, gateway - more
en-ti-ty \'en-t:l-te\ n, pi -ties 1: EXISTENCE, BEING at ENTRANCE
2 : something with separate and real existence en-twine \in-'twin\ vb : to twine together or around
being, individual, object, substance, thing; also body; coil, curl, spiral, twine, twist, wind - more at WIND
material, matter, stuff enu-mer-ate \i-'nu-m:l-,rat, -'nyii-\ vb -at-ed; 1 : to
en-tomb \in-'tum\ vb: to place in a tomb: BURY determine the number of : COUNT 2 + : to specify one af-
en-tomb-ment n : the act or process of entombing ter another : LIST - enu-mer-a-tion \-,nu-m:l-'ra-sh:ln,
burial, interment, sepulture - more at BURIAL -,nyu-\ n
en-to-mol-o-qy \,en-tOl-'ma-IOl-je\ n : a branch of zoology [1] count, number, tell - more at COUNT [2] de-
that deals with insects - en-to-rno-lcq-i-cal \-mOl-'la-ji-kOlI\ tail, itemize, list, numerate, rehearse, tick (off); also
adi - en-to-mcl-o-qtst \-jist\ n outline; tabulate, tally; catalog, inventory; chart, dia-
en-tou-raqe \,an-tu-'riizh\ n [F] : RETINUE gram, graph; calculate, compute, estimate, figure,
en-tr'acte \'ann-,trakt\ n [F] 1 : something (as a dance) per- reckon; cite, mention, name
formed between two acts of a play 2: the interval be- enun-ci-ate \e-'n;m-se-,iit\ vb -at-ed; -at-lnq 1 a : to state
tween two acts of a play definitely b : to make known publicly: ANNOUNCE, PRO-
en-traits \'en-,triilz\ n pi : the internal organs esp. in the CLAIM 2 : to say clearly and effectively: PRONOUNCE, AR-
trunk of the body: VlSCERA; esp : the tubular part of the al- TICULATE - enun-cl-a-tlon \-,nOln-se-'a-shOln\ n
imentary canal that extends from the stomach to the anus advertise, announce, blaze, broadcast, declare, plac-
'entrance \'en-tr:lns\ n 1 : permission or right to enter ard, post, proclaim, promulgate, publicize, publish,
2 : the act of entering 3 : a means or place of entry sound - more at ANNOUNCE
[1] access, admission, doorway, entree, entry, gateway en-ure-sis \,en-yu-'re-s:ls\ n : involuntary discharge of
[3] door, doorway, gate, gateway, way - more at DOOR urine: BED-WETTING
2entrance \in-'trans\ vb en-tranced; en-tranc-inq : to carry env abbr envelope
away with delight, wonder, or rapture en-vel-op \in-'ve-I:lp\ vb : to enclose completely with or
carry away, enrapture, enthrall, ravish, transport; as if with a covering - en-vel-op-ment n
also delight, gladden, gratify, please, satisfy; bewitch, embrace, enclose, encompass, enfold, enshroud, in-
captivate, charm, enchant, fascinate; elate, excite, ex- vest, lap, mantle, shroud, swathe, veil, wrap - more at
hilarate, stir ENFOLD
en-trant Ven-trantv n : one that enters esp. as a competitor en-ve-lope \'en-v:l-,16p, 'an-\ n 1 : a usu. paper container
en-trap \in-'trap\ vb : to catch in or as if in a trap: EN- for a letter 2: WRAPPER, COVERING 3: a conventionally ac-
SNARE, TRAP - en-trap-ment n cepted limit <fashions that push the ~>
enmesh, ensnare, entangle, mesh, snare, tangle, trap en-ven-om vin-we-nam', vb 1 : to make poisonous 2: EM-
en-treat \in-'tret\ vb : to ask urgently: BESEECH en-vi-able \'en-ve-Ol-bOlI\ adj : highly desirable - en-vl-ably
appeal, beg, beseech, implore, importune, petition, \-ble\ adv
plead, pray, solicit, supplicate - more at BEG en-vl-ous \'en-ve-:ls\ adj : feeling or showing envy - en-
en-treaty \-'tre-te\ n : an act of entreating vl-cus-ty adv
appeal, cry, petition, plea, prayer, solicitation, suit, covetous, jaundiced, jealous, resentful; also begrudg-
supplication - more at PLEA ing, grudging; malicious, petty, spiteful
en-tree or en-tree \'an-,tra\ n [F entree] 1 : freedom of en-vl-ous-ness n + : the quality or state of being envious
entry or access 2: the main course of a meal in the U.S. covetousness, envy, jealousy, resentment - more at
access, admission, doorway, entrance, entry, gateway ENVY
- more at ENTRANCE en-vi-ron-ment \in-'vI-r:ln-mOlnt, -'vI(-:l)rn-\ n 1 : the cir-
en-trench \in-'trench\ vb 1 a : to place within or surround cumstances, objects, or conditions surrounding someone
with a trench esp. for defense b.: to establish solidly or something : SURROUNDINGS 2: the whole complex of
<~ed customs> 2: ENCROACH, TRESPASS - en-trench- factors (as soil, climate, and living things) that influence
mentn the form and the ability to survive of a plant or animal or
ecological community - en-vi-ron-men-tal \-,vI-rOln-
embed, fix, implant, ingrain, lodge, root; also imbue,
infuse, instill; establish, place, put, settle, stick Ant dis- 'ment-I, -,vi(-:l)rn-\ adj - en-vi-ron-men-tal-ly \-tOI-e\ adv
lodge, root (out), uproot atmosphere, climate, environs, medium, milieu, set-
en-tre-pre-neur \,an-trOl-prOl-'n:lr, -'nur, -'nyilr\ n [F, fro OF, ting, surroundings; also backdrop, background, con-
fr. entreprendre to undertake] : one who organizes and as- text; element; situation, status; habitat
sumes the risk of a business or enterprise - en-tre-pre- en-vi-ron-men-tal-ist \-,vi-r:ln-'ment-I-ist, -,virn-\ n : a per-
neur-lal \-'mir-e-:>I, -'nyur-, -'n:lr-\ adj - en-tre-pre-neur- son concerned about environmental quality esp. with re-
ship \-,ship\ n spect to control of pollution
en-tro-py \'en-tr:l-pe\ n, pi -pies 1 : the degree of disorder en-vi-rons \in-'vi-rOlnz\ n pi 1 + : the districts around a city
in a system 2: an ultimate state of inert uniformity 2 : the circumstances, conditions, or objects by which
en-trust \in-'trOlst\ vb 1 : to commit something to as a one is surrounded: SURROUNDINGS; also: VICINITY
trust 2 + : to commit to another with confidence [l] exurbia, outskirts, suburbia + [2] atmosphere,
+ [1] assign, charge, commission, trust; also confer, im- climate, environment, medium, milieu, setting, sur-
pose; commit, consign, delegate, relegate; allocate, al- roundings - more at ENVIRONMENT
lot; authorize, empower, invest + [2] commend, en-vis-age \in-'vi-zij\ vb -aged; : to have a mental
commit, consign, delegate, deliver, give, hand over, picture of
leave, pass, transfer, transmit, trust, turn over, vest - conceive, dream, fancy, imagine, picture, vision, visu-
more at GIVE alize - more at IMAGiNE
l world peace)
envision \in-'vi-zh;m, en-\ vb : to picture to oneself <"'s

en-voy \'en-,v6i, 'iin_\ n 1 : a diplomatic agent 2 : one

who bears a message or does an errand: REPRESENTATIVE
epi-glot.~is \'e-pa-'glii-tas\
pr?tectmg, the tracheal opening during swallowing
n : a thin plate of flexible tissue

epol-gram \ e-po-jgramv n 1 : a short often satirical poem

[I] amb~sador, delegate, emissary, legate, minister, 2 : a terse, sage, or witty often paradoxical saying
representatIve:- more at AMBASSADOR [2] agent, at- adage, aphorism, byword, maxim, proverb saying-
more at SAVING '
torney, commissary, delegate, deputy, factor, proxy,
representative - more at AGENT ep-i-grammat.ic \,e-p;l-gr;l-'ma-tik\ ad} + : of, relating to,
or resembling an epigram; also: marked by or given to
'r;n'vl l tin-vel n,pi envies [ME emie, fr. OF, fr. L invidia,
the USC of cpisrams
t.. Im1J"" = ....!oo, fro :,wlJ:yc i~ I~~k Mk(\M~ a.t, ~t\VY, brief, compact, compendious, concise. crisp, laconic,
fro videre to see] : painful or resentful awareness of an- pithy, succinct, summary, terse - more at CONCISE
other's advantages; also: an object of envy ep-l-lep-sy \'e-pa-,Iep-se\ n, pl-sies [ultimo fr. Gk epilepsia,
covetousness, enviousness, jealousy. resentment; also fro epilambanein to seize] : a disorder marked by abnor-
animosity, enmity, hatred, ill will; malice, spitefulness mal electrical discharges in the brain and typically mani-
>envy vb en-vied: : to feel envy toward or on ac- fested by sudden periods of diminished consciousness or
c.oun.'- of
by convulsions - ep-i-lep-tlc \,e-pa-'Iep-tik\ adj or n
en-zyme \'en-,zim\ n : any of various complex proteins
ep-i-logue also ep-l-toq \'e-p:l-,16g, -,Iag\ n 1 : a concluding
produced by living cells that catalyze specific biochemi-
section of a literary work 2: a speech addressed to the
cal reactions at body temperatures - en-zy-rnat-le \.en-
spectators by an actor at the end of a play
za-'ma-tik\ adj
Eo-cene \'e-a-Isen\ adj : of, relating to, or being the epoch epi-neph-rine \,e-pa-'ne-fran\ n : an adrenal hormone used
of the Tertiary between the Paleocene and the Oligocene medicinally esp. as a heart stimulant, a muscle relaxant,
- Eocenen and a vasoconstrictor
EOE abbr equal opportunity employer epiph-a-ny \i-'pi-fa-ne\ n, pI -nies 1 cap : January 6 ob-
eo-lian \e-'6-le-:m\ adj : borne, deposited, or produced by served as a church festival in commemoration of the
the wind coming of the Magi to Jesus at Bethlehem 2: a sudden
EOM abbr end of month striking understanding of something
eon var of AEON epis-co-pa-cy \i-'pis-b-pa-se\ n, pi -cies 1 : government of
EP abbr European plan a church by bishops 2: EPISCOPATE
EPA abbr Environmental Protection Agency epis-co-pal \i-'pis-ka-pal\ adj 1 : of or relating to a bishop
ep-au-let also ep-au-tette \,e-pa-'Iet\ n [F epaulette, dim. of or episcopacy 2 cap: of or relating to the Protestant Epis-
epaule shoulder) : a shoulder ornament esp. on a coat or copal Church
military uniform Epis-co-pa'lIan \i-,pis-b-'pal-yan\ n : a member of the
epee \'e-,pa. a-'pa\ n [F] : a fencing or dueling sword Protestant Episcopal Church
Eph or Ephes abbr Ephesians epis-co-pate \i-'pis-ka-pat, -Ipat\ n : the rank, office, or
ephed-rine \i-'fe-dran\ n : a stimulant drug used to treat term of a bishop 2: a body of bishops
asthma and nasal congestion ep-i-sode \'e-pa-,s6d\ n [Gk epeisodion, fro epeisodios com-
ephem-era \i-'fe-mar-a\ n pl : collectibles (as posters or ing in bestdes, fr. eisodios coming in, fro eis into + hodos
tickets) not intended to have lasting value road, journey] 1 : a unit of action in a dramatic or liter-
ephem-er-al \i-'fe-ma-ral\ adj [Gk ephemeros lasting a day, ary work 2 : an incident in a course of events: OCCUR-
daily, fro epi- on + hemera day] : lasting a very short RENCE <a feverish "')
time : SHORT-LIVED, TRANSITORY - ephem-er-al-l-tv \i-,fe-
affair, circumstance, event, happening, incident, oc-
ma-tra-la-tev n
casion, occurrence, thing - more at EVENT
evanescent, flash, fleeting, impermanent, momen- ep-l-sod-lc \,e-pa-'sa-dik\ adj : made up of separate esp,
tary, short-lived, transient - more at MOMENTARY loosely connected episodes
Ephe-sians \i-'fe-zhanz\ n : a letter addressed to early
Christians and included as a book in the New Testament periodic, serial - more at SERIAL
ep-Ic \'e-pik\ n : a long poem in elevated style narrating the epis-tle \i-'pi-sal\ n 1 cap : one of the letters of the New
deeds of a hero - epic adj Testament 2: a direct or personal written or printed mes-
epi-cen-ter or Can and Brit epi-een-tre \'e-pi-,sen-tar\ n : the sage addressed to a person or organization: LETTER; esp : a
point on the earth's surface directly above the point of formal or elegant letter - epls-to-lary \i-'pis-t:l-,Ier-e\ adj
origin of an earthquake ep-i-taph \'e-pa-,taf\ n : an inscription in memory of a dead
ep-i-cure \'e-pi-,kyur\ n : a person with sensitive and dis- person
criminating tastes esp. in food and wine ep-i-tha-la-mi-um \,e-pa-tha-'Ia-me-am\ or ep-i-tha-la-mi-on
epicurean, gourmand. gourmet \-me-:ln\ n, pl-miums or -rnla \-me-a\ : a song or poem in
ep-i-cu-re-an \,e-pi-kyU-'re-an, -'kyiJr-e-\ n .: a person honor of a bride and bridegroom
with sensitive and discriminating tastes esp, in food and ep-i-the-ll-um \,e-p;r'the-Ie-am\ n, pI -lia \-Ie-a\ : a cellular
wine: EPICURE - epicurean adj membrane covering a bodily surface or lining a cavity -
epicure, gourmand, gourmet ep-l-the-ll-al \-Ie-al\ adj
'epoi-dem.ic \.e-pa-'de-mik\ adj : affecting many persons at ep-i-thet Ve-pa-jthet, -thotv n : a characterizing and often
one time <'" disease); also: excessively prevalent abusive word or phrase
>epidemic n : an epidemic outbreak esp, of disease epit-o-me \i-'pi-ta-me\ n 1 : a brief presentation or state-
epoi-de-mi-ol-o-gy \.ep-a-,de-me-'ii-Ia-je\ n : the study of the ment of something: ABSTRACT, SUMMARY 2 : a typical or
incidence, distribution, and control of disease in a popu- ideal example: EMBODIMENT
lation - ep-l-de-rnl-o-toq-l-cal \-,de-me-a-'Iii-ji-bl\ also [I] abstract, digest, encapsulation. outline, precis, re-
ep-l-de-mi-o-loq-ic \-jik\ adj - ep-l-de-mi-ol-o-qlst \-'a-Ia- capitulation, resume (or resume). roundup, sum, sum-
jist\ n mary, synopsis, wrap-up - more at SUMMARY
epi-der-mis \,e-pa-'dar-mas\ n : an outer layer esp. of skin [2] embodiment, exemplar, ideal, incarnation, mani-
- epi-der-mal \-mal\ adj festation, personification, quintessence - more at EM-
epi-du-ral \.e-pi-'d(y)ur-al\ adj : administered into the BODIMENT
space outside the membrane that envelops the spinal cord epit-o-mize \-,miz\ vb 1 : to make or give an epitome of
<'" anesthesia) - epidural n 2 : to serve as the typical or ideal example of
equa tlIon \.1-'kwa- - zhanv

n 1 . an act of equating: fthe state

[1] abstract, digest, encapsulate, outline, recaPit~= of being equated 2: a usu. forma~ statement 0 equiva-
late, sum up, summarize, wrap up [2] embody, man
lence esp. of mathematical expre.sslO~s. d.
fest, materialize. 'Personif'Y - more at EM"BODY .
equa-tor \i-'kwii-t:lr, 'e-,\ n : an Imagl~ary circle aTQUn
ep-och \'e-p~k, -,pak\ n + : a usu. extended penod : ERA,
AGE - ep-och-al \-p~-bl, -,pa-\ adi the earth thatis everywhere equa\\")1 d.istant from the two
a't,e, era, period, time ~~\la'\~l\'a\\e'f..~~'\~\~~\ \~"\~~)
\)()\e'1. -
el'-Onym Ve-p-a-,nlm\ n 1 : one for whom something is or "<!UCNY \'c-l"y-,,-r-o, !.Il>m;;r-e\ II, pC "[tel) 1 ; an orncer III
is believed to be named 2: a name (as of a disease) based charge of the horses of a prince or noble 2 : a personal at-
on or derived from an eponym - epon-y-mous \i-'pa-n~- tendant of a member of the British royal family
masv adj 'eques.trian \i-'kwes-tre-:ln\ adj : of or relating to horse- ,,
ep-oxy \i-'pak-se\ vb ep-ox-ied or ep-oxyed; : to back riding; also : representing a person on horseback
glue, fill, or coat with epoxy resin <an,...., statue)
2equestrian It : one who rides a horse
epoxy resin n : a synthetic resin used in coatings and ad-
eques-tri-enne \i-,kwes-tn!-'en\ n : a female rider on horse-
ep-si-lon \'ep-s:rlan, -lonv n : the 5th letter of the Greek al-
equi-dis-tant \,e-kw:l-'dis-t-ant\ adj : equally distant
phabet - E or
equi-lat-er-al \,e-kw:l-'la-t:l-r:ll\ adj : having all sides or
Eposom salts \'ep-s:lm-\ n : a bitter colorless or white mag-
faces equal <--- triangles)
nesium salt with cathartic properties
equl-lib-ri-urn \,e-kw:l-'li-bre-om, ,e-\ n, pi -rl-ums or -ria
eq abbr 1 equal 2 equation
\-bre-a\ 1 : a state of intellectual or emotional balance
equa-ble \'e-kw:l-b:ll, 'e-\ adj + : showing regular or con-
2 + : a state of balance between opposing forces or ac-
sistent movement, occurrence, operation, or character;
esp : free from unpleasant extremes - eq-ua-bil-i-ty \,e-
balance, equipoise, poise - more at BALANCE
kwc-tbi-la-te, ,e-\ n - eq-ua-bly \'e-kw:l-ble, 'e-\ adv
'equine \'e-,kwln, 'e-\ adj [L equinus, fro equus horse] : of or
+ balmy, clement, gentle, mild, moderate, temperate -
more at CLEMENT relating to the horse
2equine n : a member of the family of hoofed mammals
'equal \'e-kw:lI\ adj 1 + : of the same measure, quantity,
consisting of the horses, asses, and zebras and extinct re-
value, quality, number, degree, or status as another
lated animals; specif : HORSE
2 : regarding or affecting all objects in the same way
equi-noc-tial \,e-kw:l-'nak-sh-al, ,e-\ adj : relating to an
: IMPARTIAL <all citizens are due --- treatment under the
law) 3: free from extremes 4: able to cope with a situa-
equi-nox \'e-kw:l-,naks, 'e-\ n : either of the two times each
tion or task - adv
year when the sun appears directly overhead at the equa-
+ [1] duplicate, even, identical, indistinguishable, same tor and day and night are everywhere of equal length
- more at SAME [2] disinterested, dispassionate, eq- equip \i-'kwip\ vb equipped; equip-ping [AF eskiper to load
uitable, fair, impartial, just, nonpartisan, objective, on board a ship, outfit, man, of Gmc origin) 1 + : to sup-
square, unbiased, unprejudiced - more at FAIR
ply with needed resources 2 + : to make ready: PREPARE
2equal vb equaled or equalled; or equal-linq
+ [1] accoutre, fit, furnish, outfit, rig, supply - more
1 : to be or become equal to; also : to be identical in
at FURNISH [2] fit, prepare, qualify, ready, season-
value to 2 : to make or produce something equal to more at QUALIFY
[1, 2] correspond, match, parallel- more at ~TCH eq-ui-page \'e-kw:l-pij\ n : a horse-drawn carriage usu.
+ [1,2] add up, amount, come, correspond, meet, nval, with its servants
tie, touch - more at AMOUNT (TO) equipoment \i-'kwip-mant\ n 1 + : things used in equipping
3equal n : one that is equal : OUTFIT 2: the equipping of a person or thing: the state
coordinate, counterpart, equivalent, fellow, like, of being equipped
match, parallel, peer, rival; also analogue; double, mate, + accoutrements (or accouterments), apparatus, gear,
twin; associate, colleague, companion, partner; com- materiel, outfit, paraphernalia, tackle; also accessories,
petitor attachments, fittings; baggage, belongings, impedi-
equal-ise, equal-le-er Brit var of EQUALIZE, equalizer menta; appliances, facilities, instruments, machinery,
equal-i-ty \i-'kwa-I:l-te\ n : the quality or state of being tools; apparel, attire, habiliments, raiment, trappings;
equal battery
+ equivalence, par, parity, sameness - more at EQUIVA- equi-poise \'e-kw:l-,p6iz, 'e-\ n 1 + : a state of equilibrium
LENCE : BALANCE 2 + : a weight or force that offsets another
equal-ize \'e-kw:l-,Iiz\ vb -ized; : to make equal, : COUNTERBALANCE
uniform, or constant - equal-i-za-tion \,e-kw:l-I:l-'zii- + [1] balance, equilibrium, poise - more at BALANCE
shanv n - equal-iz-er n [2] balance, counterbalance, counterweight, offset
balance, equate, even, level; also accommodate, ad- eq-ui-ta-ble \'e-kwo-t:l-b:ll\ adj + : having or exhibiting eq-
just, compensate, fit; homogenize, normalize, regular- uity : JUST, FAIR - eq-ui-ta-bly \-ble\ adv
ize, standardize; democratize disinterested, dispassionate, equal, fair, impartial,
equals sign or equal sign n : a sign = indicating equiva- just, nonpartisan, objective, square, unbiased, unpreju-
lence diced - more at FAIR
equa-nlm-l-ty \,e-kw:l-'ni-m:l-te, ,e-\ n, pi -ties + : evenness eq-ui-ta-tion \,e-kw:l-'tii-shon\ n : the act or art of riding on
of mind esp, under stress: COMPOSURE horseback
aplomb, calmness, composure, coolness, placidity, eq-ui-ty Ve-kwa-tev n, pi -ties 1 : ruSTNESS, IMPARTIALITY
self-possession, serenity, tranquillity; also assurance, 2 : value of a property or of an interest in it in excess of
confidence, poise, self-assurance, self-confidence Ant claims against it
agitation, discomposure, perturbation equiv abbr equivalent
equate \i-'kwiit\ vb equat-ed: equat-lnq 1 +: to make, equiv-a-lence \-I:lns\ n + : the state or property of being
treat, or regard as equal or comparable 2: show the rela- equivalent
tionship between equality, par, parity, sameness; also compatibility,
+ balance, equalize, even, level - more at EQUALIZE correlation, correspondence; likeness, similarity Ant in-
bracket, compare, liken - more at COMPARE equality
279 erroneous
'equiv.a.lent \i-'kwi-va-l;mt\ adj : EQUAL; also : virtually [l] assemble, build, construct, fabricate, make, make
identical up, piece, put up, raise - more at BUILD [2] pitch,
>equivalent n : one that is equivalent (as in value, mean- put up, raise, rear, set up; also brace, buttress, prop
ing, or effect) (up), shore (up), support; elevate, hoist, lift
coordinate, counterpart, equal, fellow, like, match, erec-tile \i-'rekt-Ol, -'rek-,tTI\ adj : capable of becoming
parallel, peer, rival - more at EQUAL erect (- tissue) (- feathers of a bird)
equiv-o-cal \i-'kwi-v:rkal\ adj 1 : subject to two or more erec-tion \i-'rek-shan\ n 1 : the turgid state of a previously
interpretations and usu. used to mislead or confuse: AM- flaccid bodily part when it becomes dilated with blood
vantage, genuineness, or morality : SUSPICIOUS, DUBIOUS ere-long \er-'lolJ\ adv : before long
(- behavior) - adv eroeomite \'er-a-,mIt\ n : a religious recluse: HERMIT
[1] ambiguous, cryptic, enigmatic, inscrutable, mys-
erogo\'er-go, 'ar-\ adv [L] : because of a preceding fact
terious, mystic, nebulous, obscure, occult - more at or premise: THEREFORE
OBSCURE. [3] debatable, disputable, doubtful, dubious, accordingly, consequently, hence, so, therefore, thus,
fishy, problematic, questionable, shady, shaky, suspect, wherefore - more at THEREFORE
suspicious - more at DOUBTFUL er-qo-nom-lcs\,ar-ga-'na-miks\ n sing or pi : an applied sci-
equlv-o-cate\i-'kwi-va-,kat\ vb -cat-ed; -cat-lnq 1 : to use ence concerned with designing and arranging things peo-
misleading language 2 : to avoid committing oneself in ple use in order to improve efficiency and safety - erogo-
what one says nom-ic \-mik\ adj
fudge, hedge, pussyfoot; also dodge, duck, evade, erogot \'ar-g:lt, -,gat\ n 1 : a disease of rye and other cere-
sidestep, skirt; bypass, circumvent; cavil, quibble als caused by a fungus; also : this fungus 2: a medicinal
compound or preparation derived from an ergot fungus
equlv-o-ca-tion \-,kwi-va-'ka-shan\ n : an equivocal state or Er.itre-an \,er-:l-'tre-an, -'tra-\ n : a native or inhabitant of
character; esp : the state of having more than one mean- Eritrea - Eritrean adj
ing er-mine \'ar-man\ n, pi ermines 1 : any of several weasels
'-er \ar\ adj suffix or adv suffix - used to form the com- with winter fur mostly white; also: this white fur 2: a
parative degree of adjectives and adverbs of one or two rank or office whose official robe is ornamented with er-
syllables (hotter) (drier) (sillier) and sometimes of mine
longer ones erode \i-'rod\ vb erod-ed; : to diminish or de- \ar\ also -ier \e-ar, yar\ or oyer \yar\ n suffix 1 : a per- stroy by degrees; esp : to gradually eat into or wear away
son occupationally connected with (hatter) (lawyer) (soil eroded by wind and water) - erod-tble also erod-
2 : a person or thing belonging to or associated with (old, able \-'ro-d:l-b:ll\ adj
timer) 3: a native of : resident of (New Zealander)
abrade, bite, chafe, corrode, eat, fray, fret, gall, rub,
4 : one that has (double-decker) 5: one that produces or wear - more at ABRADE
yields (porker) 6: one that does or performs (a specified erogoeonous \i-'ra-ja-nas\ adj 1 : sexually sensitive (-
action) (reporter) 7: one that is a suitable object of (a zones) 2: of, relating to, or arousing sexual feelings
specified action) (broiler) 8: one that is (foreigner) era-sion \i-'ro-zhan \ n : the process or state of being
Er symbol erbium eroded - ero-sicn-al \-'ro-zha-nal\ adj - ero-ston-al-ly
ER abbr emergency room adv
era \,ir-a, 'er-a, 'e-ra\ n [LL aera, fro L, counters, pl. of aes era-sive \i-'ro-siv\ adj : tending to erode - ero-slve-ness n
copper, money] 1 : a chronological order or system of no- erot-tc \i-'ra-tik\ adj : relating to or dealing with sexual
tation reckoned from a given date as basis 2 : a period love : AMATORY - erot-t-cat-ly \-ti-k(a-)Ie\ adv - erot.i-
identified by some special feature 3: any of the four ma- cism \-ta-,si-zam\ n
jor divisions of geologic time amatory, amorous, sexy; also carnal, sensual, sensu-
age, epoch, period, time ous; bawdy, lascivious, lewd, lustful, obscene, prurient,
ERAabbr 1 earned run average 2 Equal Rights Amend- spicy
ment err \';)r, 'er\ vb : to be or do wrong
erad-i-cate \i-'ra-da-,kat\ vb -cat-ed; -cat-lnq [L eradicatus, offend, sin, transgress, trespass - more at OFFEND
pp. of eradicare, fro e- out + radix root] 1 : to pull up (as er-rand \ 'er-andv n : a short trip taken to do something;
a weed) by the roots : UPROOT 2 : destroy completely also: the object or purpose of such a trip
: ELIMINATE - erad-i-ca-ble \-di-b-bal\ adi - erad-i-ca- er-rant Ver-antv adj 1 : traveling or given to traveling
tion \-,ra-da-'ka-shan\ n : WANDERING (an - knight) 2: straying outside proper
annihilate, blot out, demolish, eliminate, extermi- bounds (an - throw) 3 : deviating from an accepted
nate, liquidate, obliterate, root, rub out, snuff, stamp, pattern or standard (as of behavior) (an - child)
wipe out - more at ANNIHILATE [1] itinerant, nomad, peripatetic, roaming, vagabond,
erase \i-'rils\ vb erased; eras-inq : to rub or scratch out (as vagrant - more at ITINERANT [3] bad, contrary,
written words); also: OBLITERATE - erasoer n - erasure froward, mischievous, naughty - more at NAUGHTY
\i-'ra-shar\ n er-ra-ta \e-'ra-ta\ n : a list of corrigenda
er-bi-um \'ar-be-am\ n : a rare metallic element found with er-rat-ic \i-'ra-tik\ adj 1: having no fixed course 2
yttrium a : characterized by lack of consistency, regularity, or
'ere \,er\prep : preceding in time: BEFORE uniformity : INCONSISTENT b: ECCENTRIC - er-rat-i-cal-ly
ahead of, before, of, previous to, prior to, to - more \-ti-k(a-)Ie\ adv
at BEFORE aimless, arbitrary, desultory, haphazard, random,
2ere coni : BEFORE scattered, stray - more at RANDOM choppy, discon-
'erect \i-'rekt\ adj 1 : not leaning or lying down: UPRIGHT tinuous, fitful, intermittent, irregular, occasional, spas-
2 : being in a state of physiological erection modic, sporadic, spotty, uneven, unsteady - more at
perpendicular, standing, upright, upstanding, verti- FITFUL
cal; also elevated, lifted, upended, upraised; freestand- er-ra-tum \e-'ra-tam\ n, pi -ta \-ta\ : CORRIGENDUM
ing Ant flat, recumbent er-ro-ne-ous \i-'ro-ne-as, e-'ro-\ adj : containing or char-
'erect vb 1 : to put up by the fitting together of materials acterized by error: INCORRECT
or parts: BUILD 2 : to fix or set in an upright position false, inaccurate, incorrect, inexact, invalid, off, un-
3 : SET UP; also: ESTABLISH, DEVELOP sound, untrue, wrong - more at FALSE
erroneously 280
er-ro-ne-ous-ly adv + : in an erroneous manner present of most verbs that end in s (blesses), z (fizzes), sh
+ amiss, faultily, improperly, inaptly, incorrectly, mis- (hushes), ch (catches), or a final y that changes to i (de-
takenly, wrongly fies)
er-ror \'er-ar\ n 1 + : a usu. ignorant or unintentional de- es-ca-late \'es-ka-,lat\ vb -Iat-ed; -lat-inq + : to increase in
viating from accuracy or truth (made an ~ in adding) extent, volume, number, intensity, or scope - es-ca-la-
2 : a defensive misplay in baseball 3: the state of one that tion \,es-ka-'Ia-shan\ n
errs (to be in~) 4: a product of mistake (a typograph- + accumulate, appreciate, balloon, build, burgeon, en-
ical~) 5 + : an act or condition of ignorant or impru- large, expand, increase, mount, multiply, mushroom,
dent deviation from a code of behavior 6 + : an instance proliferate, rise, snowball, swell, wax - more at IN-
of false belief: a mistaken idea or system of ideas CREASE
+ [I) blunder, fault, flub, fumble, goof, lapse, misstep, es-ca-la-tor Ves-ka-ila-tar', n : a moving set of stairs
mistake, oversight, slip, stumble; also foul-up, muff; es-ca-pade Ves-ko-jpad', n [F, action of escaping) + : a mis-
misapprehension, miscalculation, misconception, mis- chievous adventure
judgment, misstatement, misunderstanding + [5) crime, + antic, caper, frolic, monkeyshine, practical joke,
malefaction, misdeed, misdoing, offense, sin, transgres- prank, trick - more at PRANK
sion, violation, wrongdoing - more at OFFENSE + [6) 'es-cape \is-'kap\ vb es-caped; es-cap-inq [ME, fr. OF es-
fallacy, falsehood, falsity, illusion, misconception, un- caper, fro (assumed) VL excappare, fr, L ex- out + LL
truth - more at FALLACY cappa head covering, cloak] 1 +: to get free or away
er-ror-tess adj : done, played, or performed without an er- 2 : to avoid a threatening evil 3 + : miss or succeed in
ror averting : AVOID 2 (~ injury) (escaped punishment)
er-satz \'er-,zats\ adj [G ersatz-, fro Ersatz, n., substitute) 4 : to fail to be noticed or recallable by : ELUDE (his name
: being uSU. an artificial and inferior substitute r--s me) 5: to be produced or uttered involuntarily by
erst \'arst\ adv, archaic: ERSTWHILE (let a sob ~ him)
'erst-while \-,hw11\ adv : in the past: FORMERLY + [1] abscond, clear out, flee, fly, get out, lam, run
>erstwhile adj + : having been or existed at some past time away, run off; also avoid, elude, evade, lose, shun; de-
: FORMER camp, depart, exit, leave; disentangle, extricate; eman-
+ former, late, old, onetime, past, sometime, whilom - cipate, free, liberate, redeem, release + [3) avoid,
more at FORMER dodge, duck, elude, eschew, evade, shake, shirk, shun;
er-u-dite \'er-a-,dit, 'er-ya-\ adj + : possessing or displaying also miss; avert, deflect, divert, obviate, parry, prevent,
erudition ward (of 0; debar, exclude, preclude; bypass, circum-
+ educated, knowledgeable, learned, literate, scholarly, vent, skirt; foil, frustrate, outwit, thwart
well-read - more at EDUCATED + bookish, learned, lit- 2escape n 1 + : flight from or avoidance of something un-
erary - more at BOOKISH pleasant 2: LEAKAGE 3 + : a means of escape
er-u-di-tion \,er-a-'di-shan, ,er-ya-\ n + : extensive knowl- + [1) avoidance, cop-out, evasion, out; also bypassing,
edge acquired chiefly from books : SCHOLARSHIP, LEARN- circumvention; averting, deflection, prevention + [3)
ING flight, getaway, lam, slip; also deliverance, liberation,
+ education, knowledge, learning, scholarship, science redemption, release, rescue, salvation
- more at EDUCATION 3escape adj : providing a means or way of escape
erupt \i-'rapt\ vb 1 a + : to burst forth: emerge with a sud- es-cap-ee \is-,ka-'pe, ,es-(,)ka-\ n : one that has escaped
den often violent rush b + : to cause to burst forth: force esp. from prison
out or release usu. suddenly and violently 2: to break escape velocity n : the minimum velocity needed by a
through a surface (teeth -r--ing through the gum) 3: to body (as a rocket) to escape from the gravitational field
break out with or as if with a skin rash - erup-tive \-tiv\ of a celestial body (as the earth)
aqj es-cap-lsm \is-'ka-,pi-zam\ n : diversion of the mind to
+ [Ia) break out, burst, explode, flame, flare, go off; imaginative activity as an escape from routine - es-cap-
also burgeon, mushroom, snowball; blow up, detonate, ist \-pist\ adj or n
touch off + [Ib] belch, disgorge, eject, expel, jet, spew, es-car-got \,es-,kiir-'g6\ n, pi -gots \-'g6(z)\ : a snail pre-
spout, spurt; also gush, pour, stream, surge; emanate, is- pared for use as food
sue, spring; discharge, emit, fire; cast, fling, heave, hurl, es-ca-role \'es-ka-,r6l\ n : ENDIVE 1
launch, pitch, toss es-carp-ment \es-'karp-mant\ n 1 : a steep slope in front of
erup-tion \-'rap-shan\ n + : an act, process, or instance of a fortification 2 + : a long cliff
erupting; also: a product of erupting (as a skin rash) + bluff, cliff, crag, palisade, precipice, scarp - more at
+ agony, burst, explosion, fit, flare, flush, gush, out- CLIFF
burst, paroxysm, spasm, storm - more at OUTBURST es-chew \is-'chii\ vb + : to avoid habitually esp. on moral
+ blast, detonation, explosion - more at EXPLOSION or practical grounds: SHUN, AVOID
-ery n suffix 1 : qualities collectively : character : -NESS + avoid, dodge, duck, elude, escape, evade, shake,
(snobbery) 2: art : practice (cookery) 3: place of doing, shirk, shun - more at ESCAPE
keeping, producing, or selling (the thing specified) (fish- 'es-cort \'es-,k6rt\ n + : one (as a person or warship) ac-
ery) (bakery) 4: collection: aggregate (finery) 5: state companying another esp. as a protection or courtesy
or condition (slavery) + attendant, companion, guard, guide; also chaperon,
ery-sfp-e-tas \,er-a-'si-pa-Ias, ,ir-\ n : an acute bacterial dis- squire; shadow, sidekick; conductor, leader, pilot
ease marked by fever and severe skin inflammation >es-cort \is-'k6rt, es-\ vb + : to accompany as an escort
er-y-the-ma \,er-a-'the-ma\ n : abnormal redness of the skin + accompany, attend, convoy, squire - more at AC-
due to capillary congestion (as in inflammation) COMPANY
ery1h-ro-cyte \i-'ri-thra-,sit\ n : RED BLOOD CELL es-crow \'es-,kr6\ n : something (as a deed or a sum of
Es symbol einsteinium money) delivered by one person to another to be deliv-
'-es \az, iz after s, z, sh, ch; z after v or a vowe/\ n pi suffix ered to a third party only upon the fulfillment of a condi-
- used to form the pl. of most nouns that end in s tion; also: a fund or deposit serving as an escrow
(glasses), z (fuzzes), sh (bushes), ch (peaches), or a final es-cutch-eon \is-'ka-chan \ n : the uSU. shield-shaped sur-
y that changes to i (ladies) and of some nouns ending in face on which a coat of arms is shown
f that changes to v (loaves) Esd abbr Esdras
2-es vb suffix - used to form the third person singular Esodras \'ez-dras\ n 1 : either of two books of the Roman
281 estate
Catholic canon of the Old Testament: a: a narrative [l) attempt, bid, crack, endeavor (or endeavour),
book of canonical Jewish and Christian Scripture b: nar- fling, go, pass, shot, stab, trial, try, whack, whirl-
rative and historical book of canonical Jewish and Chris- more at ATTEMPT [2] article, composition, paper,
tian Scripture 2: either of two uncanonical books of theme; also column, commentary, editorial, feature, re-
Scripture included in the Protestant Apocrypha port, review, write-up; dissertation, thesis; tract, trea-
ESEabbr east-southeast tise; discourse, discussion, exposition, study
EskimoVes-ko-jmo', n 1 : a member of a group of peoples es-sence \'es-'ns\ n 1 : fundamental nature or quality
of northern Canada, Greenland, Alaska, and eastern 2 : a substance distilled or extracted from another sub-
Siberia 2: any of the languages of the Eskimo peoples stance (as a plant or drug) and having the special qualities
Eskimodog n : a sled dog of American origin of the original substance 3: PERFUME 4 : the most sig-
ESLabbr English as a second language nificant element or aspect of something <the - of the is-
esoph-a-qus \i-'sa-fa-gas\ n, pi -gi \-,gi, -Ji\ : a muscular sue)
tube that leads from the cavity behind the mouth to the [I, 4] nature, quintessence, soul, stuff, substance;
stomach - esopb-a-qeat\-,sa-fa-'je-al\ adj also heart, spirit; center, core, keynote, marrow, pith,
es-o-ter-ic \,e-sa-'ter-ik\ adi 1 : designed for or under- seat; embodiment, epitome, incarnation, manifestation,
stood only by the specially initiated; broadly: difficult to personification; aspect, attribute, feature, property;
understand 2: PRNATE, SECRET gist, kernel, nub
abstruse, deep, profound - more at PROFOUND 'essential \i-'sen-chal\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or consti-
esp abbr especially tuting an essence <voting is an - right of citizenship)
ESP \,e-(,)es-'pe\ n : EXTRASENSORY PERCEPTION <- oils) 2 : of the utmost importance: INDISPENSABLE;
es-pa-drtue \ 'es-pa-,dril\ n [F] : a flat sandal usu. having a also: of, relating to, or formingthe base or essence 3: be-
fabric upper and a flexible sole ing a substance that must be obtained from the diet be-
es-pal-ier \is-'pal-yar, -,ya\ n : a plant (as a fruit tree) cause it is not sufficiently produced by the body <-
trained to grow flat against a support - espalier vb amino acids) - es-sen-tlal-Iy adv
es-pe-cial\is-'pe-shal\ adi : being distinctive: SPECIAL [1) ingrained, inherent, innate, integral, intrinsic, natu-
distinct, express, precise, set, special, specific- ral - more at INHERENT [1) basic, elemental, elemen-
more at EXPRESS tary, fundamental, underlying- more at ELEMENTARY
es-pe-cial-lyadv 1 : in a special manner; also: in particular [2) imperative, indispensable, integral, necessary,
needful, requisite, vital; also prerequisite; compulsory,
2 : in a particularly strong or good way - used as an mandatory, obligatory; important, momentous, signifi-
intensive cant; basic, central, fundamental,key, organic; insistent,
extra, extremely, greatly, highly, hugely, mightily, persistent, pressing, urgent Ant dispensable, needless,
mighty, mortally, most, much, real, right, so, very- nonessential
more at VERY "essential n : something indispensable\,es-pa-'ran-t6, -'ran-\ n : an artificial interna- condition, demand, must, necessity, need, require-
tionallanguage based esp. on words common to the chief ment, requisite; also precondition, prerequisite Ant
European languages nonessential + usu essentials elements,principles, rudi-
es-pi-o-nage \'es-pe-a-,niizh, -nij\ n [F espionnage) : the ments - more at ELEMENT
practice of spying est abbr 1 established 2 estimate; estimated
es-pla-nede \'es-pla-,nad\ n : a level open stretch or area; ESTabbr eastern standard time
esp : one for walking or driving along a shore '-est \ast, ist\ adj suffix or adv suffix - used to form the su-
es-pous-al\i-'spau-zal\ n 1 : the act of betrothing or fact perlative degree of adjectives and adverbs of one or two
of being betrothed: BETROTHAL; also: WEDDING 2: a tak- syllables <fattest) <latest) <luckiest) <oftenest) and less
ing up (as of a cause) as a supporter - es-pouse \-'spaliz\ often of longer ones
vb "-est \"st, ist\ or -st \st\ vb suffix- used to form the ar-
marriage, wedding - more at WEDDING betrothal, chaic second person singular of English verbs (with thou)
engagement, troth - more at ENGAGEMENT <didst)
espres-so \e-'spre-s6\ n, pi -sos : coffee brewed by forcing es-tab-llsh \i-'sta-blish\ vb 1 : to institute permanently <-
steam through finely ground darkly roasted coffee beans a law) 2 : to bring into existence: FOUND <- a settle-
es-prit \i-'spre\ n : sprightly wit ment); also: EFFECT 3: to make firm or stable 4: to put
bounce, dash, drive, pep, punch, snap, spirit, verve, on a firm basis: SET UP <- a son in business) 5 : to gain
vim, zing, zip - more at SPLRIT acceptance or recognition of <the movie -ced her as a
es-prit de corps \i-,spre-d::.-'k6r\ n [F] : the common spirit star); also: PROVE
existing in the members of a group + [2) constitute, effect, found, inaugurate, initiate, in- \i-'spi\ vb es-pied; : to catch sight of novate, institute, introduce, launch, pioneer, set up,
discern, eye, notice, observe, perceive, regard, see, start - more at FOUND. [5) demonstrate, prove, show,
sight, spy, view- more at SEE substantiate; also attest, authenticate, bear out, docu-
Esq or Esqr abbr esquire ment, evidence, support, sustain, uphold; confirm, cor-
es-quire \'es-,kwi(-a)r\ n [ME, fro MF esquier squire, fro LL roborate, justify, validate, verify Ant disprove
scutarius, fro L scutum shield) 1 : a man of the English es-tab-lish-ment \-mant\ n 1: something established: as
gentry ranking next below a knight 2: a candidate for a : a permanent civil or military organization b + : a
knighthood serving as attendant to a knight 3 - used as public or private institution 2: a place of residence or
a title of courtesy business with its furnishings and staff 3: an established
-ess \as, ,es\ n suffix: female <authoress) ruling or controllinggroup <the literary -) 4: the act or
'essay \e-'sa, 'e-,sa\ vb : to make an often tentative or ex- state of establishing or being established
perimental effort to perform: ATTEMPT, TRY [la, Ib] foundation, institute, institution - more at
assay, attempt, endeavor (or endeavour), seek, strive, INSTITUTION. [lb) business, company, concern, enter-
try - more at ATTEMPT prise, firm, house, outfit - more at ENTERPRISE
"es.say n 1 \'e-,sa, e-'sa\ : an initial tentative effort: AT- es-tate \i-'stat\ n 1 a : mode or condition of being: STATE
TEMPT 2 \'e-,sa\ : a literary composition usu. dealing b : social standing: STATUS 2 : a social or political class
with a subject from a limited or personal point of view - <the three -sof nobility, clergy, and commons) 3: a
es-say-ist\'e-,sa-ist\ n person's possessions: FORTUNE 4 : a landed property
esteem 282
[la] condition, fettle, form, order, repair, shape, es-trus Ves-tresv n : a periodic state of sexual excitability
state, trim - more at CONDITION [2] caste, class, folk, during which the female of most mammals is willing to
order, stratum - more at CLASS [4] castle, hall, mate with the male and is capable of becoming pregnant
manor, mansion, palace, villa - more at MANSION : HEAT - es-trous \-tras\ adj
"es-teem \i-'stem\ n : high regard es-tu-ary Ves-chu-jwer-ex n, ot -ar-les : an arm of the sea
admiration, appreciation, estimation, favor (or at the mouth of a river
favour), regard, respect - more at ADMIRATION bay, bight, cove, gulf, inlet - more at GULF
'esteem vb 1 : to view as : REGARD 2 : to set a high ET abbr eastern time
value on eta \'ii-ta\ n : the 7th letter of the Greek alphabet - H or
[1] account, call, consider, count, hold, rate, reckon, T/
regard, take - more at CONSIDER [2] admire, appre- ETA abbr estimated time of arrival
ciate, regard, respect - more at ADMIRE et al \et-'al\ abbr IL et alii (masc.), et aliae (fem.), or et alia
es-ter Ves-ter', n : an often fragrant organic compound (neut.)] and others
formed by the reaction of an acid and an alcohol etc abbr et cetera
Esth abbr Esther et cet-era xet-tset-e-rav IL] : and others esp. of the same
Esther \'es-t;)r\ n : a narrative book of canonical Jewish kind - used to imply that other items are to be under-
and Christian Scripture stood
esthete, esthetic, esthetically, esthetics var of AESTHETE, etch \'ech\ vb [D etsen, fro G iitzen to etch, corrode, fro
aesthetic, AESTHETICALLY, aesthetics OHG azzen to feed] 1 : to produce (as a design) on a
es-ti-ma-ble \'es-t;)-m;)-b;)l\ adj : worthy of esteem hard material by corroding its surface (as by acid)
'estimate \'es-t;)-,miit\ vb -mat-ed: -rnat-inq 1 : to give or 2 : to delineate or impress clearly - etch-er n
form an approximation (as of value, size, or cost) [1] engrave, grave, inscribe - more at ENGRAVE
2 : JUDGE, CONCLUDE - es-ti-ma-tor \-,mii-t;)r\ n [2] engrave, impress, imprint, ingrain, inscribe-
appraise, assess, evaluate, rate, set, value; also ad- more at ENGRAVE
judge, deem, judge; ascertain, determine, discover, etch-ing n 1 : the action, process, or art of etching 2: a de-
learn; price, prize; decide, settle; assay, analyze, survey, sign produced on or print made from an etched plate
test; reappraise, reassess, reevaluate, revalue calcu- ETD abbr estimated time of departure
late, call, conjecture, figure, gauge, guess, judge, make, eter-nal \i-'t;)m-Ol\ adj : having infinite duration: EVER-
place, put, reckon, suppose LASTING, PERPETUAL
'estimate Ves-te-motv n 1 : an opinion or judgment of ceaseless, dateless, deathless, endless, everlasting, im-
the nature, character, or quality of a person or thing mortal, permanent, perpetual, undying, unending-
2 : a rough or approximate calculation 3: a statement more at EVERLASTING
of the cost of work to be done adv : throughout eternity
Il] appraisal, assessment, estimation, evaluation, always, ever, everlastingly, forever, permanently, per-
judgment (or judgement) - more at ESTIMATION petually - more at EVER
[2] calculation, computation, measurement, reckon- eter-ni-ty \i-'tar-na-te\ n, pl -ties 1: infinite duration
ing, valuation
2 : the state after death: IMMORTALITY 3 : a seemingly
es-ti-ma-tion \,es-ta-'mii-shan\ n 1 : a view, judgment, or endless or immeasurable time
appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter
[2] afterlife, hereafter, immortality; also otherworld
: JUDGMENT 2 : the value, amount, or size arrived at in
[3] aeon (or eon), age, cycle - more at AGE
an estimate: ESTIMATE; also: the act of estimating some-
thing 3 : high regard : ESTEEM '-eth \~th, ith\ or -th \th\ vb suffix- used to form the ar-
chaic third person singular present of verbs <doth)
Il] appraisal, assessment, estimate, evaluation, judg-
ment (or judgement), reckoning, valuation - more at eth-ane \'e-,thiin\ n : a colorless odorless gaseous hydro-
ESTIMATE. [2] appraisal, assessment, estimate, evalua- carbon found in natural gas and used esp. as a fuel
tion, judgment (or judgement); also impression, notion, eth-a-ne! \'e-tha-,nol\ n : ALCOHOL 1
perception; confidence, faith, stock, trust [3] admira- ether \'e-thar\ n 1 : the upper regions of space; also: the
tion, appreciation, esteem, favor (or favour), regard, re- gaseous element formerly held to fill these regions 2: a
spect - more at ADMIRATION light flammable liquid used as an anesthetic and solvent
es-ti-vate \'es-ta-,viit\ vb -vat-sd: -vat-inq : to pass the sum- etheoreoal \i-'thir-e-al\ ad) 1: CELESTIAL, HEAVENLY
mer in an inactive or resting state - es-tl-va-tlon \,es-ta- 2 : exceptionally delicate: AIRY, DAINTY -
'vii-shan\ n adv - ethe-re-al-ness n
Esto-nian \e-'st6-ne-;)n\ n : a native or inhabitant of Esto- airy, dainty, fluffy, light - more at AIRY
nia - Estonian adj Ether'net \'e-thar-,net\ n : a computer network architec-
es-tranqe \i-'striinj\ vb es-tranged: : to alien- ture for local area networks
ate the affections or confidence of eth-l-cat \'e-thi-kal\ adj 1: of or relating to ethics
alienate, disaffect, disgruntle, sour; also antagonize, 2 : conforming to accepted and esp. professional stan-
embitter; anger, disunite, divide, separate, sever, sun- dards of conduct - eth-i-cal-ly adv
der; disappoint, disenchant, disillusion Ant reconcile decent, good, honest, honorable (or honourable),
es-trange-ment n : the act of estranging or the condition just, moral, principled, right, straight, upright, virtuous
of being estranged: alienation esp. in friendship - more at GOOD. conscientious, honest, honorable (or
alienation, disaffection; also antagonism, division, di- honourable), just, moral, principled, scrupulous-
vorce, schism, separation; disenchantment, disillusion- more at CONSCIENTIOUS
ment Ant reconciliation eth-lcs \'e-thiks\ n sing or pI 1 : a discipline dealing with
es-tro-qen \'es-tea-jan\ n : a steroid (as a sex hormone) that good and evil and with moral duty 2 : moral principles
tends to cause estrus and the development of female sec- or practice
ondary sex characteristics - es-tro-qen-ic \,es-tra-'je-nik\ morality, morals, principles, standards; also customs,
aqj etiquette, manners, mores; beliefs, dogma, faith, tenets
estrous cycle n : the cycle of changes in the endocrine and Ethi-o-pi'an \,e-the-'6-pe-an\ n : a native or inhabitant of
reproductive systems of a female mammal from the be- Ethiopia - Ethiopian adj
ginning of one period of estrus to the beginning of the 'eth.nic \'eth-nik\ adj [ME, heathen, fr. LL ethnicus, fro Gk
next ethnikos national, gentile, fr. ethnos nation, people] : of or
283 evaluation

relating to races or large groups of people classed ac- eu-pho-ria \yu-'f6r-e-a\ n + : a marked feeling of well-be-
cording to common traits and customs - eth-nl-cal-ty adv ing or elation
"ethnic n : a member of a minority ethnic group who re- + ecstasy, elation, exhilaration, heaven, intoxication,
tains its customs, language, or social views paradise, rapture, rhapsody, transport - more at EC-
eth.nol-o-gy \eth-'nii-l;l-je\ n : a science dealing with the STASY
races of human beings, their origin, distribution, charac- eu-phor-ic \-'f6r-ik\ adj + : characterized by or based on
teristics, and relations - eth-no-loq-l-cal \,eth-n;l-'lii-ji- euphoria
k;ll\ adi - eth-nol-o-qist \eth-'nii-la-jist\ n + ecstatic, elated, intoxicated, rapturous, rhapsodic-
ethol-o-gy \e-'thii-la-je\ n : the scientific and objective more at ECSTATIC
study of animal behavior - etho-loq-l-cal \,e-tha-'lii-ji- Eur abbr Europe; European
kol, ,e-\ adi - ethol-o-qist \e-'thii-la-jist\ n Eur.asian \yu-'ra-zhan, -shanv adj 1 : of mixed European
ethos \'e-,thiis\ n : the distinguishing character, sentiment, and Asian origin 2: of or relating to Europe and Asia -
moral nature, or guiding beliefs of a person, group, or in- Eurasian n
stitution eu-re-ka \yli-'re-ka\ interj [Gk heureka I have found, fr.
ethyl alcohol n : ALCOHOL 1 heuriskein to find; fr. the exclamation attributed to
eth-yl-ene Ve-tha-jlen', n : a colorless flammable gas found Archimedes on discovering a method for determining the
in coal gas or obtained from petroleum purity of gold]- used to express triumph on a discovery
eti-ol-o-gy \,e-te-'ii-Ia-je\ n : the causes of a disease or ab- eu-ro \'ylir-o\ n, pi euros : the common basic monetary
normal condition; also: a branch of medicine concerned unit of most countries of the European Union
with the causes and origins of diseases - eti-o-log-ic \,e- \,yur-o-;l-'mer-;l-kan\ n 1 : a person of
te-a-'lii-jik\ or etl-o-loq-l-cal \-ji-kal\ adj mixed European and American ancestry 2 : CAUCASIAN
et-i-quette \'e-ti-bt, -,ket\ n [F etiquette, lit., label, list] \'ylir-o-,biind\ n : a bond of a U.S. corporation
+ : the forms prescribed by custom or authority to be ob- that is sold outside the U.S. but that is valued and paid for
served in social, official, or professional life in dollars and yields interest in dollars
manners, mores \,ylir-o-'kar-an-se\ n : moneys (as of the
Etrus-can \i-'tras-kan\ n 1 : the language of the Etruscans U.S. and Japan) held outside their countries of origin and
2 : an inhabitant of ancient Etruria - Etruscan adj used in the money markets of Europe
et seq abbr [L et sequens] and the following one and the \'yur-o-,dii-lar\ n : a U.S. dollar held as Eu-
following ones rocurrency
-ette Vet, ,et, at, it\ n suffix 1 : little one (dinette) 2: fe- EU'ro-pe-an \,yur-a-'pe-an\ n 1 : a native or inhabitant of
male (usherette) Europe 2: a person of European descent - European
etude \'a-,lUd, -,tyiid\ n [F, lit., study] : a musical composi- adj - \-a-,niz\ vb
tion for practice to develop technical skill European-American n : EURD-AMERICAN
et.y.mol-o-gy \,e-ta-'mii-la-je\ n, pi -gies 1 : the history of a \ylir-,o-'pe-a-ni-zam\ n 1 : allegiance to
linguistic form (as a word) shown by tracing its develop- the traditions, interests, or ideals of Europeans 2: advo-
ment and relationships 2: a branch of linguistics dealing cacy of political and economic integration of Europe -
with etymologies - et-y-mo-log-i-cal \-ma-'lii-ji-kal\ adj eu-ro-pe-an-let \-nist\ n
- et.y.mol-o-gist \-'mii-I;l-jist\ n European plan n : a hotel plan whereby the daily rates
Eu symbol europium cover only the cost of the room
eu-ca-lyp-tus \,yii-b-'lip-tas\ n, pi -tl \-,ti\ or -tus-es : any eu-ro-pi-um \yu-'ro-pe-;lm\ n : a rare metallic chemical ele-
of a genus of mostly Australian evergreen trees widely ment
grown for shade or their wood, oils, resins, and gums eu-sta-chlan tube \yu-'sta-shan-\ n, often cap E : a tube
Eu-cha'rist \'yii-b-r;lst\ n : COMMUNION 2 - eu-cha-ris-tic connecting the inner cavity of the ear with the throat and
\,yii-ka-'ris-tik\ adj, often cap equalizing air pressure on both sides of the eardrum
'eu-chre \'yii-kar\ n : a card game in which the side naming eu-tha-na-sia \,yii-tha-'na-zha\ n [Gk, easy death. fro eu-
the trump must take three of five tricks to win good + thanatos death] : the act or practice of killing or
2euchre vb eu-chred; eu-chring : CHEAT, TRICK permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured persons
eu-clid-e-an also eu-elld-l-an \yli-'kli-de-an\ adj, often cap or animals with as little pain as possible for reasons of
: of or relating to the geometry of Euclid or a geometry mercy
based on similar axioms EVA abbr extravehicular activity
eu-gen.ics \yu-'je-niks\ n : a science dealing with the im- evac-u-ate \i-'va-kya-,wat\ vb -at-ed: -at-inq 1 +: to to
provement (as by selective breeding) of hereditary quali- make empty: empty out 2: to discharge wastes from the
ties esp. of human beings - eu-qen-ic \-nik\ adi body 3: to remove or withdraw from: VACATE - evae-u-
eu.lo-gy \'yii-la-je\ n, pi -gies 1 + : a speech in praise of a-tlon \-,va-kya-'wa-shan\ n
some person or thing esp. in honor of a deceased person + clear, empty, vacate, void - more at EMP1Y
2 : high praise - eu-lo-gis-tic \,yii-la-'jis-tik\ adj - eu-lo- evac-u-ee \i-,va-kya-'we\ n + : a person removed from a
gize \'yii-la-Jiz\ vb dangerous place
+ accolade, citation, commendation, encomium, hom- + emigre, exile, expatriate, refugee - more at eMIGRe
age, paean, panegyric, salutation, tribute - more at EN-
evade \i-'vad\ vb evad-ed; evading + : to manage to avoid
esp. by dexterity or slyness: ELUDE, ESCAPE
eu-nuch \'yii-nak\ n : a castrated man
eu-phe-mism \'yii-fa-,mi-zam\ n [Gk euphemismos, fr, eu- + avoid, dodge, duck, elude, escape, eschew, shake,
phemos auspicious, sounding good, fr. eu- good + pheme shirk, shun - more at ESCAPE
speech] : the substitution of a mild or pleasant expression eval-u-ate \i-'val-yli-,wat\ vb -at-ed; + : to determine
for one offensive or unpleasant; also: the expression sub- or fix the value of : APPRAISE, VALUE; also: to determine
stituted - eu-pne-mts-ttc \,yii-fa-'mis-tik\ adj - eu-phe- the significance, worth, or condition of usu. by careful \-ti-k(a- )le\ adv appraisal and study
eu-pho-ni-ous \yli-'fo-ne-as\ adj + : pleasing to the ear- + appraise, assess, estimate, rate, set, value - more at
eu-pho-ni-cus-Iy adv ESTIMATE
+ harmonious, lyric, melodious, musical, symphonic, eval-u-a-tion \-,val-yli-'wa-shan\ n + : the act or result of
tuneful - more at HARMONIOUS evaluating
eu-pho-ny \'yii-f;l-ne\ n, pi -ntes : the effect produced by + appraisal, assessment, estimate, estimation, judgment
words so combined as to please the ear (or judgement) - more at ESTIMATION
evanescence 284
ev-a-nes-cent\,e-va-'nes-'nt\ am + : tending to vanish like + dusk, gloaming, nightfall, sundown, sunset, twilight
vapor - evanes-cence \-'ns\ n - more at DUSK
+ ephemeral, flash, fleeting, impermanent, momentary, evening primrose n : a coarse biennial herb with yellow
short-lived, transient - more at MOMENTARY flowers that open in the evening
evan-gel-i-cal \,e-,van-'je-li-bl, .e-van-v [LLevangelium evening star n : a bright planet (as Venus) seen esp. in the
western sky at or after sunset
gospel, fr. Gk evangelion, fr. eu- good + angeles messen-
ger] 1 : of or relating to the Christian gospel esp. as pre- even-song \'e-van-,sol)\ n, often cap 1 : VESPERS 2 : evening
sented in the four Gospels 2: of or relating to certain prayer esp. when sung
Protestant churches emphasizing the authority of Scrip- event \i-'vent\ n [MF or L; MF, fro L eventus, fro evenire to
ture and the importance of preaching as contrasted with happen, fro venire to come] 1 + : something that happens
ritual 3: ZEALOUS <~ fervor) - Evangelical n - Evan- : OCCURRENCE 2 + : a noteworthy happening; also: a so-
gel.i-cal.ism \-b-,li-zam\ n - evan-qel-i-cal-ly adv cial occasion or activity 3 + : a postulated outcome, con-
evan-qe-fisrn \i-'van-ja-,li-zam\ n 1 : the winning or revival dition, or eventuality: CONTINGENCY <in the ~ of rain)
of personal commitments to Christ 2: militant or cru- 4 + : a contest in a program of sports
sading zeal - \-,van-ja-'lis-tik\ adj - evan- + [l] affair, circumstance, deed, episode, experience, adv occurrence; also achievement, exploit, feat; news, hap,
evan-qe-hst\i-'van-ja-list\ n 1 often cap: the writer of any happening, incident, landmark, milestone, occasion, oc-
of the four Gospels 2: a person who evangelizes; esp : a currence, page, phenomenon, tidings, turning point; ad-
Protestant minister or layman who preaches at special venture + [2] affair, fete, function, get-together, party
services - more at PARTY + [3] case, contingency, eventuality,
evan-qe-lize \i-'van-ja-,liz\ vb -lized; 1 : to preach possibility;also probability; chance, risk + [4] bout, com-
the gospel 2: to convert to Christianity petition, contest, game, match, meet, tournament-
evap abbr evaporate more at GAME
evap-o-rate \i-'va-pa-,rat\ vb -rat-ed: -rat-inq 1 : to pass off event-ful adj 1 : full of or rich in events 2 + : very important
or cause to pass off in vapor 2 + : to disappear quickly + big, consequential, important, major, material, mean-
3 : to drive out the moisture from (as by heat) - evap-o- ingful, momentous, significant, substantial, weighty-
ra-tion \-,va-pa-'ra-shan\ n - evap-c-ra-tor \-,ra-tar\ n more at IMPORTANT
+ disappear, dissolve, fade, flee, go, melt, vanish- even-tide \'e-van-,tid\ n : the time of evening: EVENING
more at DISAPPEAR even-tu-al \i-'ven-chu-wal\ adj : coming at some later time
evap-o-rite \i-'va-pa-,rit\ n : a sedimentary rock that origi-
nates by the evaporation of seawater in an enclosed basin even-tu-al-i-ty \i-,ven-chu-'wa-Ia-te\ n, pI-ties + : a possible
eva-ston \i-'va-zhan\ n 1 + : a means of evading 2 + : an
event or outcome
act or instance of evading - eva-slve-ness n + case, contingency,event, possibility - more at EVENT
+ [1, 2] avoidance, cop-out, escape, out - more at ES- even.tu-al.lyadv + : at an unspecified later time: in the end
CAPE + someday, sometime, ultimately, yet - more at YET
eva-sive \i-'va-siv\ am + : tending or intended to evade; even-tu-ate \i-'ven-chu-,wat\ vb -at-ed; -at-lnq : to result fi-
also: not easily caught nally
+ elusive, fugitive, slippery - more at ELUSIVE ev-er \'e-var\ adv 1 + : at all times: ALWAYS 2 + : at any
eve \'ev\ n 1 : EVENING 2: the period just before some im- time 3: in any way: AT ALL
portant event + [l] always, eternally, everlastingly, forever, perma-
1even \'e-v:m\ adi 1 + : having a horizontal surface: LEVEL, nently, perpetually; also long, perennially Ant never,
FLAT 2 : REGULAR, SMOOTH 3: EQUAL, FAIR 4: BALANCED; nevermore + [2] always, invariably, unfailingly-
also : fully revenged 5: divisible by two 6 + : having no more at ALWAYS
fraction either lacking or in excess: EXACT - even.lyadv\ 'e-var-,glad\ n : a low-lying tract of swampy or
- evenness n marshy land
+ [l] flat, flush, level, plane, smooth - more at LEVEL ev-er-green \-,gren\ am : having foliage that remains green
<most coniferous trees are ~) - evergreen n
+ [6] exact, flat, precise, round ' \,e-var-'Ias-til)\ adj 1 +: enduring forever
>even adv 1 : EXACTLY, PRECISELY 2: FULLY, QUITE 3: at the : ETERNAL 2: having or being flowers or foliage that re-
very time 4 + - used as an intensive to stress the iden- tain form or color for a long time when dried
tity or character of something <~ I know that) <he + ceaseless, dateless, deathless, endless, eternal, immor-
looked content, ~ happy) 5 - used as an intensive to tal, permanent, perpetual, undying, unending; also
emphasize something extreme or highly unlikely <so sim- durable, enduring, lasting, persistent; imperishable, in-
ple ~ a child can do it) 6 - used as an intensive to destructible; timeless; abiding, steadfast, steady, unfail-
stress the comparative degree <did ~ better) 7 - used ing, unfaltering Ant impermanent, mortal, temporary
as an intensive to indicate a small or minimum degree 'everlasting n 1 : ETER ITY <from~) 2: a plant with ever-
<didn't ~ try) lasting flowers; also: its flower
+ indeed, nay, truly, verily, yea; also certainly, decid- ev-er-last-ing-lyadv + : in an everlasting manner
edly, definitely, positively, really, surely, undeniably, + always, eternally, ever, forever, permanently, perpet-
unquestionably ually - more at EVER
"even vb + : to make or become even ev-er.more\,e-var-'m6r\ adv : for a limitless time: FOREVER
+ balance, equalize, equate, level- more at EQUALIZE ev-ery \'ev-re\ am [ME everich, every, fr. OE rejre relc, fr.
+ level, plane, smooth; also clip, crop, pare, prune, rejreever + relc each] 1 : being each one of a group 2: all
shave, trim Ant rough, roughen possible <given ~ chance); also: COMPLETE <have ~ con-
even-hand-ed \,e-van-'han-dad\ am + : marked by justice, fidence)
honesty, and freedom from bias: FAIR, IMPARTIAL - even- ev-ery-body\'ev-ri-,ba-de, -ba-\pron : every person
hand-ed-ly adv ev-eryoday \'ev-re-,da\ adi + : encountered or used rou-
+ disinterested, dispassionate, equal, equitable, fair, im- tinely : ORDINARY
partial, just, nonpartisan, objective, square, unbiased, + average, common, commonplace, customary, famil-
unprejudiced - more at FAIR iar, normal, ordinary, prosaic, routine, run-of-the-mill,
eve-ning\'ev-nil)\ n 1 + : the end of the day and early part standard, unexceptional, unremarkable, usual, worka-
of the night 2 chiefly Southern & Midland: AFTERNOON day - more at ORDINARY
285 examination
ev-ery-one \-(,)w;)n\pron : every person: EVERYBODY evolve \i-'valv\ vb evolved; evolv-lnq [L evolvere to unroll]
ev-ery.thing \'ev-re-,thil)\pron 1 : all that exists 2: all that : to develop or change by or as if by evolution
is relevant EW abbr enlisted woman
ev-ery.where Vev-re-jhwerv adv : in every place or part ewe \'yii\ n : a female sheep
evg abbr evening ew-er \'yii-;)r\ n + : a water pitcher
evict \i-'vikt\ vb 1 : to put (a person) out from a property + flagon, jug, pitcher - more at PITCHER
by legal process 2: EXPEL - evlc-tlon \-'vik-sh;)n\ n 'ex \'eks\prep [L] : out of: FROM
'ev.iodence \'e-v;)-d;)ns\ n 1: an outward sign 2 : some- 2ex n : a former spouse
thing that furnishes proof: PROOF, TESTIMONY; esp : matter 3ex abbr 1 example 2 express 3 extra
submitted in court to determine the truth of alleged facts Ex abbr Exodus
attestation, confirmation, corroboration, documenta- ex- \e also occurs in this prefix where only i is shown below
tion, proof, substantiation, testament, testimony, vali- (as in "express") and ks sometimes occurs where only gz is
dation, witness - more at PROOF shown (as in "exact")\prefix 1 : out of : outside 2: former
2evidence vb : PROVE, EVINCE (ex-president>
ev-i-dent \-d;)nt\ adj : clear to the vision and under- ex-ac-er-bate \ig-'za-s;)r-,bat\ vb -bat-ed; -bat-lnq : to make
standing more violent, bitter, or severe - ex-ac-er-ba-tion \-,za-
apparent, broad, clear, clear-cut, distinct, lucid, man- sor-tba-shan', n
ifest, obvious, palpable, patent, perspicuous, plain, 'exact \ig-'zakt\ vb 1 + : to demand and force or compel
transparent, unambiguous, unequivocal, unmistakable (as payment, surrender, concession, performance, or
- more at CLEAR compliance) 2: to call for or establish as suitable or nec-
ev-I-dent-ly \'e-v;)-d;)nt-Ie, ,e-v;)-'dent-\ adv 1 : in an evident essary - ex-ac-tion \-'zak-sh;)n\ n
manner 2 : on the basis of available evidence (he was + call, claim, command, demand, enjoin, extort, insist,
born ~ in Texas> press + assess, charge, fine, impose, lay, levy, put-
apparently, ostensibly, presumably, seemingly, sup- more at IMPOSE
posedly - more at APPARENTLY 2exact adj : precisely accurate or correct
'evil \'e-v;)l\ adj evil-er or eviller; eviloest or evil-lest + accurate, correct, precise, proper, right, so, true-
1 .: morally reprehensible : WICKED 2 + : causing or more at CORRECT. delicate, fine, minute, nice, refined,
threatening distress or harm: PERNICIOUS - adv subtle - more at FINE
+ [1] bad, black, immoral, iniquitous, nefarious, rot- ex-act-ing \ig-'zak-til)\ adj 1 + : greatly demanding (an ~
ten, sinful, vicious, vile, villainous, wicked, wrong taskmaster> 2 + : requiring close attention and precision
[2] bad, damaging, deleterious, detrimental, harmful, [1] choosy, demanding, fastidious, finicky, particu-
hurtful, injurious, noxious, pernicious - more at lar, picky - more at FINICKY + [l] inflexible, rigid, rig-
HARMFUL orous, strict, stringent, uncompromising - more at
'evil n 1 + : the fact of suffering, misfortune, and wrong- RIGID + [2] arduous, burdensome, challenging, de-
doing; also: evil actions or deeds 2: a source of sorrow, manding, grueling, laborious, onerous, taxing, toilsome
distress, or calamity - more at DEMANDING
+ bad, ill, immorality, iniquity, sin, villainy, wrong; also ex-ac-ti-tude \ig-'zak-t;)-,tiid, -,tyiid\ n : the quality or state
atrociousness, badness, heinousness, sinfulness, vile- of being exact
ness, wickedness; devilry; cancer, decay, rot, squalor; ex-act-ly adv 1 + : in a manner or measure or to a degree
corruption, debauchery, degeneracy, depravity, inde- or number that strictly conforms to a fact or condition;
cency, perversion; abomination, anathema, taboo Ant also: in every respect 2: quite so : as you say or state -
good, morality, right, virtue used to express agreement
evil-do-er \,e-v;)I-'dii-;)r\ n + : one who does evil accurately, just, precisely, right, sharp, squarely,
+ beast, devil, fiend, no-good, reprobate, rogue, varlet,
ex-act-neee n + ; the quality or an instance of being exact
villain, wretch - more at VILLAIN. malefactor, Sinner,
wrongdoer; also criminal, crook, felon, lawbreaker, + accuracy, closeness, delicacy, fineness, precision, ve-
miscreant, reprobate, transgressor, villain racity - more at PRECISION
evil-mind-ed \-'min-d;)d\ adj : having an evil disposition or ex.agoger.ate \ig-'za-j;)-,rat\ vb -at-ed; [L exaggera-
evil thoughts - evil-rnind-ed-ly adv tus, pp. of exaggerare, lit., to heap up, fro agger heap]
evince \i-'vins\ vb evinced; evinc-inq + : to constitute out- + : to enlarge (as a statement) beyond normal - ex-aq-
ward evidence of : SHOW, REVEAL adv - exagogera.tor \-'za-j;)-,ra-t;)r\ n
+ bespeak, betray, demonstrate, display, expose, give color (or colour), elaborate, embellish, embroider,
away, manifest, reveal, show - more at SHOW magnify, pad, stretch - more at EMBROIDER
evis-cer-ate \i-'vi-s;)-,rat\ vb -at-ed; -at-lnq 1 + : to remove ex.agoger.a.tion \-,za-j;)-'ra-sh;)n\ n + : the act of exagger-
the entrails of 2 : to deprive of vital content or force - ating; also: the state or an instance of being exaggerated
evis-cer-a-tlon \-, vi-sa-ira-shan \ n elaboration, embellishment, hyperbole, magnifica-
+ clean, draw, gut - more at GUT tion, overstatement, padding; also amplification, en-
hancement; fabrication, misrepresentation; fudging,
evoke \i-'vok\ vb evoked; + : to call forth or up - hedging Ant understatement
evo-ca-tion \,e-vo-'ka-sh;)n, .e-va-v n - evoc-a-tive \i-'va-
ex-alt \ig-'z6It\ vb 1 + : to raise up esp. in rank, power, or
ka-tivv adj
dignity 2 + : to elevate in estimation: GLORIFY - ex-al-ta-
elicit, raise tion \,eg-,z61-'ta-sh;)n, ,ek-,s61-\ n
evo-lu-tion \,e-v;)-'lii-sh;)n\ n 1 : one of a set of prescribed [1,2] aggrandize, dignify, ennoble, glorify, magnify;
movements (as in a dance) 2 + : a process of change in a also boost, elevate, lift, promote, raise, upgrade, uplift;
particular direction 3: a theory that the various kinds of heighten, intensify; idealize, sanitize; canonize, deify;
plants and animals are descended from other kinds that acclaim, extol, honor, laud, praise Ant abase, debase,
lived in earlier times and that the differences are due to degrade, demean, humble, humiliate
inherited changes that occurred over many generations ex-am \ig-'zam \ n : an exercise or a series of exercises de-
- evo-lu-tion-ary v-sha-jner-e', adj - evo-lu-tlon-lst \-sh;)- signed to examine progress or test qualification : EXAMI-
nist\ n NATION
+ development, elaboration, expansion, growth, progress, ex-arn-l-na-tion \-,za-m;)-'na-sh;)n\ n 1 +: the act or
progression - more at DEVELOPMENT process of examining; also: the state of being examined
examine 286
2 : an exercise designed to examine progress or test AI, bang-up, banner, fabulous, fine, grand, great,
qualification or knowledge 3: a formal interrogation marvelous (or marvellous), prime, sensational, splendid,
[1] check, checkup, examination, inspection, review, superb, superior, unsurpassed, wonderful; also better,
scan, scrutiny, survey - more at INSPECTION [1] ex- exceptional, fancy, premium, special Ant poor
ploration, inquiry, investigation, probe, research, study ex-cel-si-or \ik-'sel-se-ar\ n : fine curled wood shavings
- more at INQUIRY. [2] quiz, test; also catechism; au- used esp. for packing fragile items
dition; final; checkup, inspection, review; inquiry, in- 'exoeept \ik-'sept\ also ex-cept-ing prep : with the exclu-
terrogation, investigation, probe, research sion or exception of <daily - Sundays>
ex-am-ine \ig-'za-m;Jn\ vb ex-am-Ined; 1 : to aside from, bar, barring, besides, but, except for, ex-
inspect closely 2 : to attempt to determine or test by clusive of, outside (of), save
questioning 'except vb 1 : to take or leave out 2 : OBJECT
[1] audit, check, inspect, review, scan, scrutinize, ban, bar, count out, debar, eliminate, exclude, rule
survey - more at INSPECT [2] grill, interrogate, out - more at EXCLUDE
pump, query, question, quiz; also debrief; cross' 3except also excepting conj 1 : UNLESS <- you repent>
examine; catechize; annoy, harass, hound, pester 2 : were it not that: ONLY <I'd go, - it's too far>
ex-am-ple\ig-'zam-p;JI\ n 1 : something forming a model but, only, yet
to be followed or avoided 2.: a representative sample except for prep 1 : with the exception of <everyone was
3 : a problem to be solved in order to show the applica-
gone except/or me> 2: were it not for <except/or you I
tion of some rule would be dead>
case, exemplar, illustration, instance, representative, aside from, bar, barring, besides, but, exclusive of,
sample, specimen; also cross section; evidence, indica- other than, outside (of), save
tion, manifestation, sign
ex-cep-tion \ik -'sep-sh;Jn \ n 1: the act of excepting
ex-as-per-ate \ig-'zas-p;J-,rat\ vb -at-ed: : to excite 2 : something excepted 3: OBJECTION
the anger of: VEX, IRRITATE ex-cep-tion-able \ik-'sep-sh;J-n;J-b;JI\ adj : being likely to
aggravate, annoy, bother, bug, grate, irk, irritate, vex cause objection: OBJECTIONABLE
- more at IRRITATE ex-cep-tion-al\ik-'sep-sha-nal\ adj 1 : forming an excep-
ex-as-per-a-ting ad] : causing irritation: ANNOYING tion : UNUSUAL <an - number of rainy days> 2: SUPERIOR
aggravating, annoying, frustrating, irksome, irritat- <- skill>- ex-cep-tion-al-lyadv
ing, pesty, vexatious - more at ANNOYING abnormal, atypical, rare, singular, uncommon, un-
ex-as-per-a-tlon\ig-,zas-p;J-'ra-sh;Jn\ n : the state of be- customary, unique, unusual, unwonted; also conspicu-
ing exasperated; also: the act or source of being exasper- ous, notable, noticeable, outstanding, prominent, re-
ated markable, salient, striking; bizarre, deviant, eccentric,
aggravation, annoyance, bother, frustration, hassle, outlandish, quaint, strange, weird; incomprehensible,
headache, irritant, nuisance, problem, thorn, vexation inconceivable, incredible, unimaginable, unthinkable
- more at ANNOYANCE Ant common, customary, normal, ordinary, typical
exc abbr 1 excellent 2 except ex-cerpt Vek-jsorpt, 'eg-,z;Jrpt\ n : a passage selected or
ex-ca-vate \'ek-sk;J-,vat\ vb -vatoed; 1 : to hollow copied : EXTRACT - excerpt \ek-'sarpt, eg-lzarpt; 'ek-
out; also: to form by hollowing out 2: to dig out and re- .serpt, 'eg-jzarpt'; vb
move (as earth) 3: to reveal to view by digging away a 'excess \ik-'ses, 'ek-,ses\ n 1 : the state or an instance of
covering - ex-ca-va-tion\,ek-sk;J-'va-sh;Jn\ n - surpassing usual, proper, or specified limits: SUPERFLUITY,
tor \'ek-sk;J-,va-t;Jr\ n SURPLUS 2: the amount by which one quantity exceeds
ex-ceed \ik-'sM\ vb 1 + : to go or be beyond the limit of another 3: INTEMPERANCE; also: an instance of intemper-
2 : to be greater than or superior to : SURPASS ance
+ [1, 2] overreach, overrun, overshoot, overstep, sur- fat, overabundance, overflow, superfluity, surfeit,
pass; also encroach, entrench, infringe, invade, trespass; surplus; also abundance, bounty, plenty, profusion, suf-
overdo,overuse,overwork ficiency; overproduction, overstock Ant deficiency,
ex-ceed-Ing \-'se-dil)\ adj + : exceptional in amount, qual- deficit, insufficiency
ity, or degree >excess adj : more than the usual, proper, or specified
aberrant, abnormal, atypical, exceptional, extraordi- amount
nary, freak, odd, peculiar, phenomenal, rare, singular, extra, spare, superfluous, supernumerary, surplus -
uncommon, uncustomary, unique, unusual, unwonted more at SPARE
- more at EXCEPTIONAL ex-ces-sive \ik-'se-siv\ adj : exceeding what is usual,\-'se-dil)-Ie\ also adv : to an ex- proper, necessary, or normal
treme degree: EXTREMELY, VERY extravagant, extreme, immoderate, inordinate, lavish,
ex-cel \ik-'sel\ vb ex-celled: exoeel.ling : to be superior to overmuch, steep, stiff; also boundless, endless, immeas-
: SURPASS, oUTDO urable, infinite, limitless; intolerable, unbearable, un-
beat, better, eclipse, outdistance, outdo, outshine, justifiable, unwarranted; improper, inappropriate,
outstrip, surpass, top, transcend - more at SURPASS thick, unseemly Ant moderate, modest, reasonable,
ex-cel-lence Vek-se-lansv n 1 : the quality of being ex- temperate
cellent 2 + : an excellent or valuable quality : VIRTUE ex-ces-sive-lyadv + : to an exceptional or even improper
3 : EXCELLENCY 2 degree
+ [1] distinction, greatness, preeminence, superiority, inordinately, overly, overmuch, too - more at TOO
supremacy; also flawlessness, impeccability, perfection; exch abbr exchange; exchanged
goodness, value, worth; consequence, importance, no- 'ex-change \iks-'chanj\ n 1 : the giving or taking of one
tability [2] distinction, merit, value, virtue; also ad- thing in return for another: TRADE 2: a substituting of
vantage, edge, superiority Ant deficiency one thing for another 3: interchange of valuables and
ex-cel-len-cy \-I;Jn-se\ n, pi -cies 1 : outstanding or valu- esp, of bills of exchange or money of different countries
able quality: EXCELLENCE 2 - used as a title of honor 4 : a place where things and services are exchanged; esp : a
ex-cel-lent \-Iant\ adj : very good of its kind - ex-cet- marketplace for securities 5: a central office in which
lent.lyadv telephone lines are connected for communication 6 + : a
287 excuse

reciprocal interchange (as of things or ideas); also : the sharer: SOLE <~ rights>; also: UNDIVIDED - exclusive n
act of such an interchange - ex-clu-slve-ness n - ex-clu-siv-i-ty \,eks-,klii-si-va-te,
[l] barter, commutation, swap, trade, truck; also re- iks-, -zi-\ n
placement, substitution; reciprocation, recompense, re- ex-clu-sive-ly adv : in an exclusive manner
quital; bargain, deal, horse trade, negotiation, alone, just, only, simply, solely - more at SOLELY
transaction; bargaining, dealing, dickering, haggling, exclusive of prep : not taking into account
horse trading; logrolling [6] colloquy, conversation,
dialogue, discourse, discussion - more at CONVERSA- aside from, bar, barring, besides, but, except for,
other than, outside (of), save
2exchange vb ex-changed; : to transfer in re- ex-cog-i-tate \ek-'ska-ja-,tat\ vb : to think out: DEVISE
turn for some equivalent: SWAP - exoehangeoable \iks- ex-corn-rnu-nl-cate \,ek-sk;r'myii-na-,kat\ vb : to cut off of-
'chan-is-bel', ad} ficially from the rites of the church - ex-corn-rnu-nl-ca-
change, commute, shift, substitute, swap, switch, tion \-,myii-na-'ka-shan\ n
trade - more at CHANGE ex-co-el-ate \ek-'skor-e-,at\ vb -at-ed: : to criticize
ex-che-quer Veks-jche-kar', n [ME escheker, fr. AF, chess- severely
board, counting table, office charged with revenue col- abuse, assail, attack, belabor, blast, castigate, jump,
lection, fro eschec check (in chess), chess] : TREASURY; esp lambaste, slam, vituperate - more at ATTACK
: a national treasury ex-co-ri-a-tion \(,)ek-,skor-e-'a-shan\ n : a harsh and usu.
ex-cise \'ek-,siz\ n : a tax on the manufacture, sale, or con- public criticism
sumption of a commodity denunciation, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reproof,
ex-cl-slon \ik-'si-zhan\ n : removal by or as if by cutting stricture - more at CENSURE
out esp. by surgical means - ex-else \ik-'sIz\ vb ex-cre-ment Vek-skra-mantv n : waste discharged from the
ex-cit-able \ik-'si-ta-bal\ ad} : easily excited - ex-cit-abll- body and esp. from the alimentary canal; esp : FECES -
i.ty \-,si-ta-'bi-Ia-te\ n ex-ere-men-tat \,ek-skra-'ment-'I\ ad)
flighty, fluttery, high-strung, jittery, jumpy, nervous, ex-cres-cence \ik-'skres-'ns\ n : OUTGROWTH; esp : an ab-
skittish, spooky; also hot-blooded, mercurial, tempera-
normal outgrowth (as a wart)
mental, unstable, volatile; anxious, edgy, jumpy, nervy,
tense, uptight; emotional, hypersensitive, intense, sensi- + growth, lump, neoplasm, tumor - more at GROWTH
tive, soulful; dramatic, histrionic, melodramatic; irasci- ex-cre-ta \ik-'skre-ta\ n pl : waste matter separated or elim-
ble, irritable, prickly, testy, touchy Ant unflappable inated from an organism
ex-cite \ik-'sit\ vb ex-cit-ed; ex-cit-lnq 1 : to stir up the ex-crete \ik-'skret\ vb ex-cret-ed; ex-eret-lnq : to separate
emotions of 2 : to increase the activity of : STIMULATE and eliminate wastes from the body esp. in urine or sweat
- ex-ci-ta-tion \,ek-,si-'ta-shan, .ek-sc-v n - - ex-cre-tion \-'skre-shan\ n - ex-cre-to-ry Vek-skra-
adv - ex-cit-lnq-ly adv ,tor-e\ ad}
[1] electrify, exhilarate, galvanize, intoxicate, thrill, ex-cru-ci-at-ing \ik-'skrii-she-,a-tilJ\ ad} [L excruciare, fr.
titillate, turn on - more at THRILL [2] arouse, en- cruciare to crucify, fro crux cross] + : intensely painful,
courage, fire, incite, instigate, move, pique, provoke, distressing, or difficult to bear - ex-cru-cl-at-lnq-ty adv
stimulate, stir agonizing, harrowing; also acute, exquisite, extreme,
ex-cite-ment \ik-'sit-mant\ n 1 : something that excites fierce, intense, vehement, violent; piercing, sharp,
or rouses 2 : the action of exciting: the state of being shooting, stabbing, stinging, tearing, tingling
excited ex-cut-pate \'ek-(,)skal-,pat\ vb -pat-ed; -pat-inq : to clear
[1] incitement, instigation, provocation, stimulus- from alleged fault or guilt
more at PROVOCATION. [2] appetite, ardor, avidity, ea-
gerness, enthusiasm, hunger, impatience, keenness,
+ absolve, acquit, clear, exonerate, vindicate; also
atone (for), expiate; discharge, liberate, redeem, re-
thirst - more at EAGERNESS lease, unburden; condone, excuse, forgive, pardon, re- ad} + : producing excitement mit; avenge, redress, revenge Ant incriminate
breathtaking, electric, exhilarating, rousing, stirring, ex-cut-pa-tten \,ek-(,)skal-'pa-shan\ n : the act or fact of
thrilling; also arresting, interesting, intriguing, provoca- exculpating from alleged fault or crime
tive, tantalizing; absorbing, engrossing, gripping, rivet-
ing; moving, poignant, touching; enthralling, acquittal, exoneration, vindication - more at AC-
fascinating Ant unexciting
ex-claim \iks-'klam\ vb : to cry out, speak, or utter sharply ex-cur-slon \ik-'skar-zhan\ n 1 a : EXPEDmON b : a pleas-
or vehemently - ex-clam-a-to-ry \iks-'kla-ma-,tor-e\ ad} ure trip 2: deviation from a direct, definite, or proper
ex-cta-ma-non \,eks-kla-'ma-shan\ n : a sharp or sudden course: DIGRESSION
utterance jaunt, junket, outing, sally; also journey; circuit, tour;
cry, ejaculation, interjection; also ah, ooh; holler, expedition, odyssey, safari; detour; hike, peregrination,
hoot, howl, shout, whoop, yell; scream, screech, shriek, trek, walk; pilgrimage
squall, squeak, squeal ex-cur-slon-tst v-zha-ntsr, n : a person who goes on an ex-
exclamation point n : a punctuation mark! used esp. after cursion
an interjection or exclamation sightseer, tourist, traveler - more at TOURIST
ex-clude \iks-'kliid\ vb ex-clud-ed; ex-clud-ing 1 : to pre- ex-cur-sive \-'skar-siv\ ad} : constituting or characterized
vent from using or participating: BAR 2: to put out: EX- by digression
PEL - ex-clu-sion \-'klii-zhan\ n
ex-cus-able ad} + : capable of or fit for being excused, for-
ban, bar, count out, debar, eliminate, except, rule given, justified, or acquitted of blame
out; also blackball, blacklist, ostracize; banish, deport,
exile, expel, oust, throw out; block, hinder, impede, ob- forgivable, pardonable, venial - more at VENIAL
struct; cease, discontinue, halt, suspend; deter, stave 'ex-cuse \ik-'skyiiz\ vb ex-cused; ex-cus-inq [ME, fro OF ex-
off, ward (off) Ant admit, include cuser, fro L excusare, fro causa cause, explanation] 1 a : to ad} : being prevented from using or participat- make excuse for: offer apology for b: to try to remove
ing blame from 2 : to forgive entirely or overlook as of lit-
ex-ctu-slve \iks-'klii-siv\ ad} 1 : reserved for particular per- tle consequence: PARDON 3: to release from an obliga-
sons 2: snobbishly aloof; also : STYLISH 3: having no tion 4: JUSTIFY
excuse 288
+ disregard, forgive, gloss over, pardon, pass over, ex-em-pla-ry \ig-'zem-pla-re\ adj : serving as a pattern; also
shrug off, wink at; also explain, justify, rationalize, : COMMENDABLE
whitewash; absolve, acquit, clear, exculpate, exonerate, exoem.pli.fy \ig-'zem-pla-,fi\ vb -fied; + : to illustrate
vindicate by example: serve as an example of - ex-em-pu-tl-ca-tlon
2excuse \ik-'skyiis\ n 1 : an act of excusing 2 + : something \-,zem-pla-fa-'ka-shan\ n
that excuses or is a reason for excusing: JUSTIFICATION + demonstrate, illustrate, instance - more at ILLUS-
+ alibi, defense (or defence), justification, plea, reason; TRATE
also guise, pretense, pretext, rationale, rationalization; 'exoempt \ig-'zempt\ adj : free from some liability to which
cop-out, out; acknowledgment, apology, atonement, others are subject
confession 2exempt vb : to make exempt : EXCUSE - ex-emp-tion \ig-
exec n : EXECUTIVE 'zemp-shanv n
ex-e-cra-ble Vek-si-kre-bolv adj 1 : DETESTABLE 2 : very 'exoeroeise \'ek-sar-,sIz\ n 1 + : the act of bringing into play
bad <---spelling) or realizing in action: EMPLOYMENT, USE <--- of authority)
+ atrocious, awful, lousy, punk, rotten, terrible, 2 : exertion made for the sake of training or physical
wretched fitness 3 + : a task or problem done to develop skill 4 pi
ex-e-crate \'ek-s:l-,krat\ vb -crat-ed; -crat-inq [L exsecratus, : a public exhibition or ceremony
pp. of exsecrari to put under a curse, fr. ex- out of + sacer + [l] application, employment, operation, play, use-
sacred] + : to denounce as evil or detestable; also: DETEST more at USE. [2] activity, exertion; also training, work-
condemn, damn, denounce; also curse, imprecate; out; toning, trimming; aerobics, calisthenics, isometrics,
abhor, abominate, detest, hate, loathe; berate, lambaste, weight lifting; physical therapy [3] drill, practice,
revile, scold; blame, censure, criticize, rebuke Ant bless routine, training, workout; also assignment, homework,
+ abhor, abominate, despise, detest, hate, loathe- lesson
more at HATE >exercise vb -cised; -cis-lnq 1 + : to make effective in ac-
ex-e-cra-tlon \,ek -so-tkra-shan \ n 1 + : the act of cursing or tion; also: to bring to bear: EXERT <--- control) 2: to
denouncing; also: the curse so uttered 2: an object of train by or engage in exercise 3: to cause anxiety, alarm,
curses : something detested or indignation in: WORRY, DISTRESS - ex-er-cis-er n
+ anathema, curse, imprecation, malediction - more + [1] apply, exert, put out, wield - more at EXERT
at CURSE + [1] apply, employ, exploit, harness, operate, use, uti-
ex-e-cute \'ek-si-,kyiit\ vb -cut-ed; -cut-lnq 1 + : to carry lize - more at USE
out fully: put completely into effect 2 + : to do what is ex-ert \ig-'zert\ vb + : to bring or put into action < --- influ-
called for by (as a law) 3 + : to put to death esp. in ac- ence) <---ed himself)
cordance with a legal sentence 4: to produce by carrying + apply, exercise, put out, wield; also employ, use, uti-
out a design 5: to do what is needed to give validity to lize
<---a deed) - ex-e-cu-tion-er n ex-er-tion \-'zar-shan\ n + : the act or an instance of exert-
+ [l] accomplish, achieve, carry out, commit, compass, ing; esp : a laborious or perceptible effort
do, follow through, make, perform - more at PERFORM + activity, exercise - more at EXERCISE + effort, labor
[I, 2] administer, apply, enforce, implement - more (or labour), pains, sweat, trouble, work - more at EF-
at ENFORCE + [3] dispatch, do in, liquidate, murder, slay FORT
- more at MURDER ex-to-ll-ate \eks-'fo-Ie-,at\ vb -at-ed; -ating : to cast off in
ex-e-cu-tion \,ek-si-'kyii-shan\ n + : the act or process of scales, layers, or splinters - ex-to-na-tton \-,fo-Ie-'a-shan\
executing n
+ accomplishment, achievement, commission, dis- ex-hale \eks-'hal\ vb ex-haled; ex-hal-inq 1 + : to breathe
charge, enactment, fulfillment, implementation, per- out 2 + : to give or pass off in the form of vapor - ex-ha-
formance, perpetration - more at COMMISSION ta-tion \,eks-ha-'la-shan\ n
'ex-ec-u-tive \ig-'ze-kya-tiv\ adj 1 + : of or relating to the + [1] blow, breathe, expire Ant inhale, inspire
enforcement of laws and the conduct of affairs 2: de- + [2] cast, discharge, emit, expel, issue, release, shoot,
signed for or related to carrying out plans or purposes vent - more at EMIT
+ directorial, managerial, supervisory; also bureau- 'ex.haust \ig-'z6st\ vb 1 + : to use up wholly 2 + : to tire or
cratic, governmental, ministerial, official, parliamen- wear out 3: to draw off or let out completely; also
tary; regulatory; authoritarian, despotic, dictatorial : EMPTY 4: to develop (a subject) completely
2executive n 1 : the branch of government with executive + [1] clean, consume, deplete, drain, expend, spend,
duties 2 + : one having administrative or managerial re- use up - more at DEPLETE + [2] burn out, do in, drain,
sponsibility fag, fatigue, tire, tucker, wash out, wear, wear out,
+ administrator, director, manager, superintendent, su- weary; also debilitate, enervate, enfeeble, sap, waste,
pervisor; also officer, official; commissioner, minister; weaken
boss, chief, head, leader, president 2exhaust n 1 : the escape of used vapor or gas from an en-
ex-ec-u-tor \ig-'ze-kya-tar\ n : the person named in a will to gine; also : the gas that escapes 2: a system of pipes
execute it through which exhaust escapes
ex-ec-u-trix \ig-'ze-kya-,triks\ n, pi ex-ec-u-tri-ces \-,ze-kya- ex-haust-ed adj : being tired, worn out, or completely used
'tr1-,sez\ or ex-ec-u-trix-es \-'ze-kya-,trik-saz\ : a woman up
who is an executor + bushed, dead, drained, prostrate, spent, weary, worn=
exoe-geosis \,ek-sa-'je-sas\ n, pl-gl!oses \-'je-,sez\ : explana- out - more at WEARY
tion or critical interpretation of a text ex-haus-tion \ig-'z6s-chan\ n + : extreme weariness: FA-
exoe-gete \'ek-sa-Jet\ n : one who practices exegesis - ex- TIGUE \,ek-sa-'je-ti-kal\ adj + burnout, collapse, fatigue, lassitude, prostration,
ex-em-plar \ig-'zem-,pliir, -plarv n 1 + : one that serves as tiredness, weariness - more at FATIGUE
a model or example; esp : an ideal model 2 + : a typical ex-haus-tive \ig-'z6-stiv\ adj + : covering all possibilities
instance or example : THOROUGH
+ [1] beau ideal, classic, epitome, ideal, model, non- + ali-out, clean, complete, comprehensive, full-scale,
pareil, paragon, perfection, quintessence - more at out-and-out, thorough, thoroughgoing, total; also
QUINTESSENCE [2] case, example, illustration, instance, broad, extensive, far-reaching, wide; general, global, in-
representative, sample, specimen - more at EXAMPLE clusive
289 expanse
ex-haus-tive-ly adv + : in a thorough or exhaustive manner ing to existence 2 : EMPIRICAL 3 : having being in time and
+ completely, fully, minutely, roundly, thoroughly, to- space 4: of or relating to existentialism or existentialists
tally - more at THOROUGHLY ex-is-ten-tial-ism \,eg-zis-'ten-ch:l-,Ii-z:lm \ n : a philosophy
'ex-hib-it \ig-'zi-b:lt\ vb 1 : to display esp, publicly 2: to centered on individual existence and personal responsi-
present to a court in legal form - ex-hib-i-tor \ig-'zi-ba- bility for acts of free will in the absence of certain knowl-
t:lr\ n edge of what is right or wrong - ex-is-ten-tial-ist \-list\
2exhibit n 1 + : an act or instance of exhibiting; a/so: some- adj orn
thing exhibited 2: something produced and identified in 'ex-it Veg-zat, 'ek-setx n 1 : a departure from a stage 2 + : a
court for use as evidence going out or away; a/so: DEATH 3 + : a way out of an en-
+ display, exhibition, exposition, fair, show - more at closed space 4 : a point of departure from an expressway
EXHIBITION + [2] departure, farewell, leave-taking, parting - more
ex-hi-bi-tion \,ek-s:l-'bi-sh:ln\ n + : an act or instance of ex- at DEPARTURE + [3] egress, issue, outlet; a/so escape, re-
hibiting; also: a public showing (as of works of art, ob- lease; opening, passage, vent Ant entrance, entry;
jects of manufacture, or athletic skill) ingress
+ demonstration, display, show - more at SHOW + dis- 2exit vb + : to go out or away from
play, exhibit, exposition, fair, show; also demonstration, + clear out, depart, get off, go, move, pull, quit, sally,
performance, presentation, production; extravaganza, shove, take off - more at GO
pageant, spectacle; auction, offering, sale exo-bi-ol-o-gy \,ek-so-bl-'a-l:l-je\ n : biology concerned
ex-hi-bi-tion-ism \,ek-s:l-'bi-sh:l-,ni-z:lm\ n 1 : a perversion with life originating or existing outside the earth or its
marked by a tendency to indecently expose one's genitals atmosphere - exo-bi-ol-o-gist \-jist\ n
2 : the act or practice of behaving so as to attract atten- exo-crine gland \'ek-s:l-kr:ln-, -,knn-, -,kren-\ n : a gland
tion to oneself - ex-hi-bi-tion-ist \-nist\ n or adj (as a salivary gland) that releases a secretion externally by
ex-hil-a-rate \ig-'zi-I:l-,riit\ vb -rat-ed; -rat-inq + : to make means of a canal or duct
cheerful and excited Exod abbr Exodus
+ elate, elevate, enrapture, thrill, transport - more at ex-o-dus \'ek-s:l-d:ls\ n 1 cap: the mainly narrative second
ELATE book of canonical Jewish and Christian Scripture 2: a
exhilarating adj + : serving to exhilarate mass departure: EMlGRATION
+ breathtaking, exciting, rousing, stirring, thrilling- ex of-fi-cio \,ek-s:l-'fi-she-,o\ adv or adj : by virtue of or be-
more at EXCITING cause of an office <ex officio chairman)
ex-hit-a-ra-ticn \-,zi-I:l-'rii-sh:ln\ n 1 : the action of exhila- ex-og-e-nous \ek-'sa-j:l-n:ls\ adj : caused or produced by
rating 2 + : the feeling or the state of being exhilarated factors outside the organism or system - ex-og-e-nous-Iy
+ ecstasy, elation, euphoria, heaven, intoxication, para- ex-on-er-ate \ig-'za-M-,riit\ vb -at-ed; -at-ing [ME, fro L ex-
dise, rapture, rhapsody, thrill, transport - more at EC-
oneratus, pp. of exonerare to unburden, fro ex- out + onus
load] + : to free from blame
ex-hort \ig-'zort\ vb + : to urge, advise, or warn earnestly
- ex-hor-ta-tion \,ek-,sor-'tii-sh:ln, ,eg-,zor-, -zar-v n + absolve, acquit, clear, exculpate, vindicate - more at
+ egg on, encourage, goad, press, prod, prompt, urge -
ex-on-er-a-tion \-,za-na-'rii-sh:ln\ n + : the act or state of ex-
more at URGE
ex-hume \ig-'ziim, iks-'hyiim\ vb ex-humed; ex-hum-ing
[ME fro ML exhumare, fro L ex out of + humus earth] : DIS- + acquittal, exculpation, vindication - more at AC-
INTER - ex-hu-ma-tion \,eks-hyii-'mii-sh:ln, ,eg-zii-\ n
ex-iogen-cy Vek-sa-ian-se, ig-'zi-j:ln-\ n, p/ -cies 1 p/ : RE- ex-or-bi-tant \ig-'zor-b:l-t:lnt\ adj +: exceeding what is
QUIREMENTS 2: urgent need - ex-iogent \'ek-s:l-j:lnt\ adj usual or proper
ex-ig-u-ous \ig-'zi-gy:l-w:ls\ adi : scanty in amount - ex-i- excessive. extravagant, extreme, immoderate, inordi-
gu-i-ty \,eg-zi-'gyii-:l-te\ n nate, lavish, steep, stiff - more at EXCESSIVE
'ex-ile \'eg-,zil, 'ek-,sil\ n 1 +: the state or a period of ex-or-cise \'ek-,sor-,slz, -sar-v vb -cised; -cis-Ing 1 : to get
forced absence from one's country or home: BANISHMENT; rid of by or as if by solemn command 2 : to free of an evil
a/so : voluntary absence from one's country or home spirit - ex-or-cism \-,si-z:lm \ n - ex-or-cist \-,sist\ n
2 + : a person driven from his or her native place exo-sphere \'ek-so-,sfir\ n : the outermost region of the
+ [1] banishment, deportation, displacement, expul- atmosphere
sion; also ostracism; extradition; dispersion, scattering; exo-ther-mic \,ek-so-'th:lr-mik\ adj : characterized by or
emigration, migration; evacuation + [2] emigre, evac- formed with evolution of heat
uee, expatriate, refugee - more at eMlGRe ex-ot-ic \ig-'za-tik\ adj 1 : introduced from another coun-
2exile vb ex-iled; ex-ii-ing + : to expel from one's own coun- try 2 + : strikingly, excitingly, or mysteriously different
try or home : BANISH or unusual
+ banish, deport, displace, expatriate, transport- + fantastic, glamorous, marvelous (or marvellous), out-
more at BANISH landish, romantic, strange; a/so colorful, picturesque,
ex-ist \ig-'zist\ vb 1 : to have being 2 + : to continue to be quaint; alien, foreign; distant, faraway, remote; alluring,
: LIVE captivating, fascinating
exp abbr 1 expense 2 experiment 3 export 4 express
+ be, breathe, live, subsist - more at BE
ex-pand \ik-'spand\ vb 1 + : to open up : UNFOLD 2 + : to
ex-is-tence \ig-'zis-t:lns\ n 1: continuance in living increase in extent, number, volume, or scope : ENLARGE
2 + : actual or present occurrence <- of a state of war) 3 + : to develop in detail - ex-pand-er n
3 : something existing
+ [1] extend, fan, flare, open, spread, stretch, unfold
+ actuality, reality, subsistence; a/so genuineness, real- + [2] add, aggrandize, amplify, augment, boost, com-
ness; activity, animation, life; currency, presence, pound, enlarge, escalate, extend, increase, multiply,
prevalence Ant nonexistence raise, swell, up - more at INCREASE + [3] amplify, de-
ex-is-tent \-t:lnt\ ad] + : having being; also: existing now velop, elaborate (on), enlarge (on); a/so add (to), com-
+ actual, concrete, factual, real, true, very - more at plement, supplement; discourse, expatiate, ramble, run
ACTUAL + alive, extant, living - more at EXTANT on Ant abbreviate, abridge, condense, shorten
ex-is-ten-tial \,eg-zis-'ten-ch:ll, ,ek-sis-\ adj 1 : of or relat- ex-panse \ik-'spans\ n + : a broad extent (as of land or sea)
expansion 290
breadth, extent, reach, spread, stretch; also domain, 'expedient n : something expedient; esp : a temporary
field, sphere, territory; compass, range, scope, sweep; means to an end
gamut, scale, spectrum; depth, emptiness, void; dis- measure, move, shift, step - more at MEASURE re-
tance, extension, latitude, length, span; amplitude, im- course, resort, resource - more at RESOURCE
mensity, magnitude ex-pe-dite \'ek-spa-,dit\ vb -dit-ed; : to carry out
ex-pan-sion \ik -'span-ch:m \ n 1 : the act or process of promptly; also: to speed up
expanding 2: the quality or state of being expanded ex-pe-dit-er \-,elI-tar\ n : one that expedites; esp : one em-
3 : an expanded part or thing ployed to ensure efficient movement of goods or supplies
[1) development, elaboration, evolution, growth, in a business
progress, progression - more at DEVELOPMENT [3) ex-pe-di-tion \,ek-spa-'di-shan\ n 1 : a journey for a par-
accretion, addition, augmentation, boost, gain, in- ticular purpose; also: the persons making it 2: efficient
crease, increment, plus, proliferation, raise, rise, sup- promptness
plement - more at INCREASE journey, passage, peregrination, trek, trip - more at
expansion slot n : a socket on a motherboard for a circuit JOURNEY
board (expansion card) offering additional capabilities ex-pe-el-ttcn-ary \-'di-sha-,ner-e\ adj : of, relating to, or
ex-pan-sive \ik-'span-siv\ adj 1 : tending to expand or to constituting an expedition; also: sent on military service
cause expansion 2: warmly benevolent, generous, or abroad
ready to talk 3 : of large extent or scope - ex-pan-sive- ex-pe-dl-tious \-'di-shas\ adj : marked by or acting with
Iy adv - ex-pan-sive-ness n prompt efficiency
broad, extended, extensive, far-flung, far-reaching, alert, prompt, quick, ready, willing - more at QUICK
wide, widespread - more at EXTENSIVE
ex-pel \ik-'spel\ vb ex-pelled: ex.pel.ling : to drive or
ex par-te \eks-'par-te\ adv or adj [ML) : from a one-sided
force out
point of view
ex-pa-ti-ate \ek-'spa-she-,iit\ vb -at-ed: : to talk or banish, boot (out), bounce, cast, chase, dismiss,
write at length - ex-pa-tl-a-tlon \ek-,spa-she-'ii-sh:m\ n drum, eject, oust, rout, run off, throw out - more at
' \ek-'spii-tre-,iit\ vb -at-ed: 1 : to leave EJECT. belch, disgorge, eject, erupt, jet, spew, spout,
one's native country to live elsewhere : EXILE 2 : to spurt - more at ERUPT
drive into exile ex-pend \ik-'spend\ vb 1 : to payout: SPEND 2 : to
banish, deport, displace, exile, transport - more at make use of; also: USE UP - ex-pend-able adj
BANISH [1) disburse, give, layout, pay, spend - more at
2expa.tri.ate \ek-'spa-tre-,iit, -tre-atv adj : living in a foreign SPEND (2) clean, consume, deplete, drain, exhaust,
country spend, use up - more at DEPLETE
3expatriate n : one who lives in a foreign country; specif ex-pen-di-ture \ik-'spen-di-char, -,chur\ n 1: the act or
: one who has renounced his native country process of expending 2 : something expended
ex-pa-tri-a-tion \ek-,spii-tre-'ii-shan\ n : the act or action of cost, disbursement, expense, outgo, outlay - more
expatriating at EXPENSE
ex-pect \ik-'spekt\ vb 1 : SUPPOSE, THINK 2 : to look for- ex-pense \ik-'spens\ n 1 : something expended to secure
ward to : ANTICIPATE 3: to consider reasonable, due, or a benefit or bring about a result: EXPENDITURE 2: COST
necessary 4: to consider to be obliged 3 : a cause of expenditure 4: a loss, detriment, or embar-
anticipate, await, hope, watch; also bank on, count rassment that results from some action or gain (had a
(on or upon), depend (on or upon), rely (on or upon); laugh at my ->
envisage, foresee; assume, presume, presuppose: con- cost, disbursement, expenditure, outgo, outlay; also
template, eye, view overhead; outflow; spending money; charge, price, rate,
ex-pec-tan-cy \-'spek-tan-se\ n, pi -eies 1 : EXPECTATION tab, tariff, toll
2 : the expected amount (as of years of life) ex-pen-aive \ik-'spen-siv\ adj : involving high cost or sac-
ex-pec-tant \-tant\ adj : marked by expectation; esp : ex- rifice : COSTLY, DEAR
pecting the birth of a child - ex-pec-tant-ly adv costly, dear, high, precious, valuable - more at
agape, agog, anticipatory; also alert, vigilant, watch- COSTLY
ful; anxious, breathless, eager, enthusiastic, raring; im- ex-pen-sive-ly adv : in an expensive manner
patient, restive, restless extravagantly, grandly, high, lavishly, luxuriously,
ex-pec-ta-tion \,ek-,spek-'tii-shan\ n 1 : the act or state of opulently, richly - more at HIGH
expecting 2: prospect of good or bad fortune - usu. 'ex'pe-ri-enee \ik-'spir-e-ans\ n 1 : observation of or partic-
used in pl. 3: something expected ipation in events resulting in or tending toward knowl-
ex-pec-to-rant \ik-'spek-ta-r:mt\ n : an agent that promotes edge 2 : knowledge, practice, or skill derived from
the discharge or expulsion of mucus from the respiratory observation or participation in events; also: the length of
tract - expectorant adj such participation 3 : something encountered, under-
ex-pec-to-rate \-,rat\ vb -rat-ed: -rat-lnq : SPIT - ex-pee-to-
gone, or lived through (as by a person or community)
ra-tion \-,spek-ta-'rii-shan\ n
ex-pe-di-ence \ik-'spe-de-ans\ n : EXPEDIENCY [2) expertise, know-how, proficiency, savvy; also
ex-pe-di-en-cy \-an-se\ n, pi -eies 1 : fitness to some end background; command, mastery; acquaintance, famil-
2 : use of expedient means and methods; also: something iarity, intimacy Ant inexperience [3) adventure, hap-
expedient pening, time - more at ADVENTURE
tex-pe-dl-ent \-ant\ adj [ME, fro AF or L; AF, fro L expedi- 'experlenee vb -eneed; -enc-inq 1: FeND OUT, DISCOVER
ens, prp. of expedire to extricate, prepare, be useful, fro 2 : to have experience of : UNDERGO
ex- out + ped-, pes foot) 1 : adapted for achieving a par- endure, feel, have, know, see, suffer, sustain, taste,
ticular end 2: marked by concern with what is advanta- undergo; also encounter, meet; accept, receive
geous; esp : governed by self-interest ex-pe-ri-enced adi : made capable through experience
advisable, desirable, judicious, politic, prudent, tacti- accomplished, adept, expert, masterful, masterly,
cal, wise; also advantageous, beneficial, profitable; use- practiced, proficient, seasoned, skilled, skillful, versed;
ful, utilitarian; feasible, possible, practicable, practical; also able, capable, competent, fit, good, qualified; edu-
opportune, seasonable, timely; opportunistic, self-seeking cated, prepared, schooled, trained; long-term, old Ant
Ant imprudent, inadvisable, inexpedient, injudicious, amateurish, inexperienced, inexpert, unseasoned, un-
unwise skilled
291 exploring

'ex.per.i.ment \ik-'sper-~-m~nt\ n + : a controlled proce- + clarification, construction, elucidation, explication,

dure carried out to discover, test, or demonstrate some- exposition, illumination, illustration, interpretation;
thing; also: the process of testing also paraphrase, restatement, translation; deciphering,
+ test, trial; also trial and error; dry run, shakedown; decoding; unscrambling; analysis; definition, meaning;
exercise, practice, rehearsal, workout; crucible, ordeal; demonstration, enactment; justification, rationale, ra-
attempt, effort, try tionalization, reasoning + argument, case, defense (or
'ex.per.i.ment \-,ment\ vb : to make experiments - ex-per- defence), rationale, reason - more at REASON
ex-ple-tive Vek-spla-tivv n : a USU. profane exclamation
ex-pli-ca-ble \ek-'spli-k~-b~l, 'ek-(,)spli-\ adj + : capable of
ex-per-i-men-tal\-,sper-~-'ment-I\ adj : of, relating to, or
based on experience or experiment; also: serving the ends being explained
of or used as a means of experimentation - ex-per-i-men- + answerable, resolvable, soluble, solvable - more at
SOLVABLE \-'men-t'l-e\ adv
ex-per-i-men-ta-tion\ik-,sper-~-m~n-'ta-sh~n\ n : the act, ex-pli-cate \'ek-spl~-,kat\ vb -cat-ed; -cat-ing + : to give a
process, or practice of making experiments; also: an in- detailed explanation of; esp : to interpret the meaning or
stance of experimentation sense of
'ex.pert \'ek-,sp~rt\ adj + : showing special skill or knowl- + clarify, clear (up), construe, demonstrate, elucidate,
edge - ex-pert-ness n explain, expound, illuminate, illustrate, interpret, spell
out - more at EXPLAIN
+ accomplished, ace, adept, crack, experienced, mas-
ex-pli-ca-tion \,ek -spli-lka-shan \ n 1 : the act or process of
ter, masterful, masterly, practiced, proficient, seasoned,
skilled, skillful, versed - more at EXPERIENCED explicating 2 + : something that explicates or that results
from the act or process of explicating
'ex.pert Vek-jspart', n + : an expert person
+ ace, artist, authority, master, scholar, shark, virtuoso,
+ clarification, construction, elucidation, explanation,
exposition, illumination, illustration, interpretation-
whiz, wizard; also pro, professional; specialist; addict, more at EXPLANATION
aficionado, buff, devotee, enthusiast, fan; craftsman,
ex-plic-it \ik-'spli-s~t\ adj +: clearly and precisely ex-
journeyman; jack-of-all-trades Ant amateur
pressed - ex-pllc-it-ly adv
ex-per-tise\,ek-(,)sp~r-'tez\ n + : the skill of an expert
+ clear-cut, definite, definitive, express, specific, unam-
+ experience, know-how, proficiency, savvy - more at biguous, unequivocal; also declared, stated; categorical,
EXPERIENCE complete, comprehensive, exhaustive, full; certain,
ex-pert-lyadv + : in an expert manner sure, unmistakable; clear, distinct, lucid, exact, precise;
+ ably, adeptly, capably, masterfully, proficiently, skill- direct, literal, plain, simple, straightforward; compre-
fully, well - more at WELL hensible, intelligible, understandable Ant implicit, im-
expert system n : computer software that attempts to plied, inferred; ambiguous, circuitous
mimic the reasoning of a human specialist ex-pllc-it-ness n + : the quality or state of being explicit
ex-pi-ate \'ek-spe-,at\ vb -at-ed; -at-inq : to give satisfaction + clarity, lucidity, perspicuity, simplicity - more at
for: ATONE - ex-pi-a-tion \,ek-spe-'a-sh~n\ n SIMPLICITY
ex-pi-a-to-ry\'ek-spe-a-,t6r-e\ adj : serving to expiate ex-plode \ik-'spI6d\ vb ex-plod-ed; [L explodere
ex-pi-ra-tion \,ek-spa-'ra-sh~n\ n 1 : the last emission of to drive off the stage by clapping, fro ex- out + plaudere to
breath; also : the act or process of releasing air from the clap] 1 : DISCREDIT <~ a belief) 2 + : to burst or cause to
lungs through the nose or mouth 2 + : the fact of coming burst violently and noisily <~ a bomb) <the boiler ex-
to an end or the point at which something ends ploded) 3: to undergo a rapid chemical or nuclear reac-
+ death, demise, termination - more at DEATH + cessa- tion with production of heat and violent expansion of gas
tion, close, conclusion, end, ending, finish, shutdown, <dynamite ~s) 4: to give forth a sudden strong and
stop, stoppage, termination - more at END noisy outburst of emotion 5: to increase rapidly <the
expiration date n 1 : the date after which something is no city's population exploded) 6 + : to suggest an explosion
longer in effect 2: the date after which a product is ex- (as in appearance or effect)
pected to decline in quality or effectiveness + [2] blow up, burst, detonate, go off, pop; also frag-
ex-pire \ik-'spir, ek-v vb ex-pired; ex-pir-ing 1 + : to breathe ment, shatter, smash, splinter; discharge, fire, shoot;
one's last breath: DIE 2 + : to come to an end 3 + : to balloon, burgeon, mushroom Ant implode + [6] break
breathe out from or as if from the lungs out, burst, erupt, flame, flare, go off - more at ERUPT
+ [1] decease, depart, die, pass, pass away, perish, suc- ex-plod-edadj : showing the parts separated but in correct
cumb - more at DIE + [2] cease, close, conclude, die, relationship to each other <an ~ view of a carburetor)
discontinue, end, finish, halt, pass, quit, stop, terminate 'ex.ploit\ 'ek -,spI6it\ n + : something that is done; esp : a no-
- more at CEASE + [3] blow, breathe, exhale - more table or heroic act
at EXHALE + deed, feat, stunt, trick - more at FEAT
ex-plain \ik-'splan\ vb [ME explanen, fro L explanare, lit., 'ex.ploit \ik-'spI6it\ vb 1 +: to make productive use of
to make level, fro planus level, flat] 1 + : to make clear : UTILIZE 2 + : to use unfairly for one's own advantage -
2 + : to give the reason for - ex-plan-a-to-ry\ik-'spla-n~- ex-ploi-ta-tion \,ek-,spI6i-'ta-sh~n\ n
,t6r-e\ adi + [I] apply, employ, exercise, harness, operate, use,
+ [1] clarify, clear (up), construe, demonstrate, eluci- utilize - more at USE + [2] abuse, capitalize, cash in,
date, explicate, expound, illuminate, illustrate, inter- impose, play, use; also manipulate, mistreat; bleed,
pret, spell out; also decipher, decode; analyze, break cheat, fleece, overcharge, skin, soak, stick; commercial-
down; disentangle, undo, unravel, unscramble, untan- ize
gle; resolve, solve; define, specify Ant obscure + [2] ac- ex-plo-ra-tion\,ek-spla-'ra-shan\ n +: the act or an in-
count, rationalize; also condone, excuse, forgive, stance of exploring
justify; absolve, acquit, exculpate, exonerate, vindicate + examination, inquiry, investigation, probe, research,
explain away vb : to get rid of by or as if by explanation; study - more at INQUIRY
also: to minimize the significanceof by or as if by expla- ex-plore \ik-'spI6r\ vb ex-plored; ex-plor-lnq 1 + : to look
nation into or travel over thoroughly 2 + : to examine carefully
ex-pla-na-tion\,ek-spl~-'na-shan\ n 1 : the act or process of <~ a wound) - ex-plor-ato-ry\ik-'spI6r-~-,t6r-e\ adj -
explaining 2 + : something that explains ex-plor-er n
explosion 292
[1] hunt, probe, prospect, search; also reconnoiter, ex-pos-tu-la-tion \-,spas-ch:)-'Iii-sh:)n \ n : an act or an in-
scout; disclose, discover, reveal, unearth; fathom, stance of expostulating
plumb, sound (2) delve, dig, go, inquire into, investi- challenge, complaint, demur, fuss, kick, objection,
gate, look, probe, research; also examine, inspect, sift, protest, question, remonstrance - more at OBJECTION
study, view; browse, peruse, scan, skim (through), ex-po-sure \ik-'spo-zh:)r\ n 1 : the fact or condition of
thumb (through) being exposed 2: the act or an instance of exposing
ex-plo-slon \ik-'splo-zh:)n\ n : the act or an instance of 3 : the length of time for which a film is exposed 4: a sec-
exploding tion of a photographic film for one picture
agony, burst, fit, flash, flush, outburst, paroxysm, liability, openness, vulnerability; also susceptibility;
spasm, storm - more at OUTBURST blast, detonation, helplessness, weakness; danger, jeopardy, peril, risk
eruption; also discharge, firing, shooting; blowout, ex-pound \ik-'spaimd\ vb 1 : STATE 2 : to explain by set-
flare-up; bang, boom, pop Ant implosion ting forth in careful and often elaborate detail: INTERPRET
ex-plo-sive \ik-'splo-siv\ adj 1 a : relating to or able to - ex-pound-er n
cause explosion b: characterized by or like an explosion clarify, clear (up), construe, demonstrate, elucidate,
2 : tending to explode; also: likely to erupt in or pro- explain, explicate, illuminate, illustrate, interpret, spell
duce hostile reaction or violence - explosive n - ex-pte- out - more at EXPLAfN
sive-Iyadv 'express \ik-'spres\ adj 1 : directly, firmly, and explic-
ferocious, fierce, furious, hot, rabid, rough, stormy, itly stated; also: EXACT, PRECISE 2 : of a particular sort
tempestuous, turbulent, violent, volcanic - more at V1- : SPECIFIC <this - purpose) 3: traveling at high speed and
OLENf esp. with few stops <an - train); also: adapted to high
ex-po \'ek-,spo\ n, pi expos: EXPOSITION 2 speed use <- roads) - ex-press-ly adv
ex-po-nent \ik-'spo-mmt, 'ek-,spo-\ n 1: a symbol writ- [1] clear-cut, definite, definitive, explicit, specific,
ten above and to the right of a mathematical expression unambiguous, unequivocal- more at EXPLICIT [1,
(as 3 in a3) to signify how many times it is to be used as a 2] distinct, especial, exact, precise, set, special, specific;
factor 2: INTERPRETER, EXPOUNDER 3 : one that cham- also lone, only, separate, single, sole, solitary; distinc-
pions, practices, or exemplifies: ADVOCATE - ex-po-nen- tive, exclusive, individual, peculiar, unique; limited, re-
tial \,ek-sp:)-'nen-ch:)l\ adj - ex-po-nen-tial-ly adv stricted; specified Ant nonspecific
advocate, apostle, backer, booster, champion, friend, 2express adv : by express <ship it -)
promoter, proponent, supporter; also loyalist, partisan, 3express n 1 : a system for the prompt transportation of
stalwart; adherent, cohort, disciple, follower; ex- goods; also: a company operating such a service or the
pounder, interpreter; cheerleader Ant adversary, antag- shipments so transported 2: an express vehicle
onist, opponent 4express vb 1 : to make known: STATE <- regret); also
ex-po-nen-ti-a-tion \,ek-sp:)-,nen-che-'ii-shen\ n : the mathe- : to represent by a sign or symbol 2.: to squeeze out
matical operation of raising a quantity to a power : extract by pressing 3: to send by express 4: to manifest
'ex'port \ek-'sport, 'ek-jsport', vb : to send (as merchandise) or produce by a genetic process
to foreign countries - ex-por-ta-tlon \,ek-,spor-'tii-sh:)n, [1] denote, import, mean, signify, spell- more at
-spor- \ n - ex-port-er n MEA."I [1] articulate, clothe, couch, formulate, phrase,
2ex'port \ 'ek -,spOrt\ n 1 : something exported esp. for trade put, say, state, word - more at PHRASE 11] air, give,
2 : the act of exporting sound, state, voice; also announce, declare, enunciate,
ex-pose \ik-'spoz\ vb ex-posed: ex-pos-lnq 1 : to deprive of proclaim; describe, write, write up; sound off, speak
shelter or protection 2: to submit or subject to an action out, speak up; communicate, convey, put across, put
or influence; esp : to subject (as photographic film) to ra- over; offer, submit Ant stifle, suppress [2] crush,
diant energy (as light) 3 : to bring to light; esp : to dis- mash, press, squeeze - more at PRESS
close or reveal the true nature of 4 : to cause to be ex-pres-sion \ik-'spre-sh:)n\ n 1 : an act, process, or in-
open to view stance of representing in a medium (as words) : UTTER-
[3] bare, disclose, discover, divulge, reveal, spill, tell ANCE 2: something that represents or symbolizes: SIGN;
[3] debunk, show up, uncloak, uncover, unmask; esp : a mathematical symbol or combination of signs and
also discredit, disprove; disclose, divulge, tell, unveil symbols representing a quantity or operation 3: a signif-
Ant camouflage, cloak, disguise, mask. [4] display, ex- icant word or phrase; also: manner of expressing (as in
hibit, show, unveil - more at SHOW writing or music) 4.: facial aspect or vocal intonation
ex-po-se \,ek-spo-'zii\ n : an exposure of something dis- indicative of feeling
creditable 11] articulation, formulation, statement, utterance,
ex-posed \ik-'spozd\ adj .: open to view; also : not voice; also outlet, vent; observation, reflection, remark,
shielded or protected thought; speech, tongue [4] cast, countenance, face,
liable, open, sensitive, subject, susceptible, unpro- look, visage - more at LOOK
tected, vulnerable - more at LIABLE bald, bare, ex-pres-slon-less adj : lacking expression
naked, open, uncovered - more at NAKED blank, deadpan, impassive, inexpressive, stolid, va-
ex-po-si-tion \,ek-sp:)-'zi-sh:)n\ n 1 : a setting forth of the cant - more at BLANK
meaning or purpose (as of a writing); also: discourse de- ex-pres-slon-lsrn \ik-'spre-sh:)-,ni-z:)m\ n : a theory or prac-
signed to convey information 2 : a public exhibition tice in art of seeking to depict the artist's subjective re-
Il] clarification, construction, elucidation, explana- sponses to objects and events - ex-pres-slon-lst \-nist\ n
tion, explication, illumination, illustration, interpreta- or adj - ex-pres-slcn-ls-t!c \-,spre-sh:)-'nis-tik\ adj
tion - more at EXPLANATION Il] analysis, comment, ex-pres-sive \ik-'spre-siv\ adj 1 : of or relating to expres-
commentary - more at COMMENfARY [2] display, ex- sion 2 : serving to express - ex-pres-slve-ty adv - ex-
hibit, exhibition, fair, show - more at EXHIBITION pres-sive-ness n
ex-pos-i-tor \ik-'spa-z:)-t:)r\ n : one who explains: COMMEN- eloquent, meaning, meaningful, pregnant, significant,
TATOR suggestive; also graphic, pictorial, vivid; evocative,
ex-pos-t-tory \ik-'spa-z:)-t:)-re\ adj : serving to explain redolent, reminiscent; sententious, weighty; flavorful,
ex posl fac-to \,eks-'post-,fak-to\ adv or adj : after the fact rich
ex-pos-tu-late \ik-'spas-ch:)-,liit\ vb : to reason earnestly ex-press-way \ik-'spres-,wii\ n : a divided superhighway
with a person esp. in dissuading: REMONSTRATE with limited access
293 extortionist

ex-pro-pri-ate \ek-'spro-pre-,iit\ vb -at-ed: : to de- ex-tent \ik-'stent\ n 1 : the range or space over which
prive of possession or the right to own - ex-pro-pri-a-tlon something extends <a property of large ~> 2.: the
\(,)ek-,spro-pre-'ii-sh:m\ n point or degree to which something extends <to the
expt abbr experiment fullest ~ of the law> <exerting the full ~ of his power>
ex-pul-sion \ik-'sp;ll-sh:m\ n : an expelling or being ex- [1] amplitude, breadth, compass, range, reach, realm,
pelled scope, sweep, width - more at RANGE. [l] dimension,
banishment, deportation, displacement, exile - magnitude, measure, measurement, proportion, size -
more at EXILE more at SIZE [2] bound, boundary, ceiling, confines,
ex-punge \ik-'spanj\ vb ex-punged; [L expun- end, limit, limitation, line, termination - more at LIMIT
sere to mark for deletion by dots, fr. ex- out + pungere to ex-ten-u-ate \ik-'sten-y\i-,wiit\ vb -at-ed; : to lessen
prick] : to efface completely: OBLITERATE the seriousness of - ex-ten-u-a-tion \-,sten-y\i-'wii-sh;ln\ n
ex-pur-gate\'ek-spar-,giit\ vb -qat-ed: : to clear (as tex-te-ri-or \ek-'stir-e-ar\ adj 1 : being on an outside sur-
a book) of objectionable passages - ex.puroga.tion \,ek- face: EXTERNAL 2: suitable for use on an outside surface
spar-iga-shan \ n <"" paint> \ek-'skwi-zat, 'ek-(,)skwi-\ adj [ME exquisit, fro external, outer, outside, outward - more at OUTER
L exquisitus, pp. of exquirere to search out, fr. ex out + 'exterior n + : an exterior part or surface
quaerere to seek] 1 : marked by flawless form or work- face, outside, skin, surface, veneer; also facade, front,
manship 2: keenly appreciative or sensitive 3 + : pleas- top; cover, covering, facing; appearance, disguise, guise,
ingly beautiful or delicate 4 : characterized by sharpness mask, semblance, show Ant inside, interior
or severity: INTENSE <~ pain> ex-ter-ml-nete \ik-'star-ma-,niit\ vb -nat-ed; -nat-inq + : to
+ dainty, delicate, refined, subtle - more at DELICATE get rid of completely USU. by killing off - ex-ter-ml-na-tcr
ext abbr 1 extension 2 exterior 3 external 4 extra 5 ex- \-'star-ma-,nii-tar\ n
tract annihilate, blot out, demolish, eradicate, liquidate,
ex-tant \'ek-st;lnt; ek-'stant\ adj : currently or actually obliterate, root, rub out, snuff, stamp, wipe out-
existing; esp : not lost or destroyed more at ANNIHILATE
current, ongoing, present - more at PRESENT. alive, ex-ter-mt-na-tlon \-,st;lr-ma-'nii-shan\ n : the act of extermi-
existent, living; also active, busy, functioning, operat- nating or the condition of being exterminated
ing, working Ant dead, extinct tex-ter-nat \ek-'starn-'l\ adj 1 : outwardly perceivable; also
ex-tem-po-ra-ne-ous \ek-,stem-p;l-'rii-ne-as\ adj .: not : SUPERFICIAL 2 : of, relating to, or located on the out-
planned beforehand : IMPROMPTU - ex-tem-po-ra-ne-ous- side or an outer part 3: arising or acting from without;
Iyadv also: FOREIGN <"" affairs> - ex-ter-nal-ly adv
ad-lib, impromptu, informal, offhand, spontaneous, exterior, outer, outside, outward - more at OUTER
unplanned, unprepared, unrehearsed; also casual Ant >external n : an external feature
considered, planned, premeditated, prepared, rehearsed ex-tinct \ik-'stilJkt\ adj 1 : EXTINGUISHED; also: no longer
ex-tem-po-rary\ik-'stem-pa-,rer-e\ adj : EXTEMPORANEOUS active <an"" volcano> 2 : no longer existing or in use
ex-tem-po-re \ik-'stem-pa-(,)re\ adv : EXTEMPORANEOUSLY <dinosaurs are ""> <"" languages>
ex-tem-po-risechieflyBrit var O/EXTEMPORIZE bygone, dead, defunct, gone; also nonexistent; obso-
ex-tem-po-rize\ik-'stem-p;l-,riz\ vb -rized; : to do lete, passe; finished, lapsed, terminated; lost, missing
something extemporaneously Ant alive, existent, existing, extant, living
ex-tend \ik-'stend\ vb 1 : to spread or stretch forth or ex-tlnc-tlon \ik-'stilJk-shan\ n 1 : the act of making extinct
out (as in reaching) 2: to exert or cause to exert to full or causing to be extinguished 2: the condition or fact of
capacity 3 + : to make the offer of : PROFFER <~ credit> being extinct or extinguished; also : the process of be-
4 : PROLONG <~ a note> 5: to make greater or broader coming extinct
<~ knowledge> <~ a business> 6: to stretch out or ex.tin-guish \ik-'stilJ-gwish\ vb 1 : to cause to stop burn-
reach across a distance, space, or time - ex-tend-able ing 2 : to bring to an end: cause to die out <disease that
also ex-tand-lble \-'sten-da-bal\ adj extinguished an entire population> <extinguishing the last
[l] expand, fan, flare, open, spread, stretch, unfold glimmer of hope> - ex-tin-qulsh-abte adj - ex.tinoguish-
[l] draw out, elongate, lengthen, prolong, protract, er n
stretch; also amplify, enlarge, expand, increase; attenu- [I] douse, put out, quench, snuff; also choke,
ate, thin Ant abbreviate, abridge, curtail, cut, cut back, smother, suffocate; stamp (out) Ant fire, ignite, inflame,
shorten. [3] give, offer, proffer, tender - more at OF- kindle [2] annihilate, blot out, demolish, desolate, de-
FER stroy, devastate, do in, obliterate, ruin, shatter, smash,
ex-tend-ed adj 1 .: drawn out in length esp. of time wipe out, wreck - more at DESTROY
2 : fully stretched out 3 : having wide or considerable ex-tir-pate \'ek-star-,piit\ vb -pat-ed; [L exstirpatus,
extent pp. of exstirpare, fro ex- out + stirps trunk, root] 1 : to de-
[1] far, great, lengthy, long, marathon - more at stroy completely 2: UPROOT - ex-tir-pa-tion \,ek-star-'pii-
LONG [3] broad, expansive, extensive, far-flung, far= shan\ n
reaching, wide, widespread - more at EXTENSIVE ex-tol also ex-toll \ik-'stol\ vb ex-tolled; ex.tol.ling : to
ex-ten-slon \ik-'sten-chan\ n 1 : an extending or being praise highly: GLORIFY
extended 2: a program that geographically extends the bless, glorify, laud, magnify, praise - more at PRAISE
educational resources of an institution 3.: an addi- ex-tort \ik-'stort\ vb [L extortus, pp. of extorquere to
tional part; also : an extra telephone connected to a line wrench out, extort, fro ex- out + torquere to twist] : to
[1] elongation, prolongation Ant abbreviation, obtain by force or improper pressure <"" a bribe) - ex-
abridgment, curtailment, cutback, shortening + [3] ad- tor-tlon \-'stor-shan\ n - ex-tor-tion-ern
dition, annex, penthouse - more at ANNEX exact, wrest, wring; also bleed, fleece, gouge, milk,
ex-ten-sive \ik-'sten-siv\ adj .: of considerable extent skin, squeeze; cheat, gyp, racketeer, swindle; coerce,
: FAR-REACHING, BROAD - ex-ten-sive-lyadv compel, force
broad, expansive, extended, far-flung, far-reaching, ex-tor-tlon-ate \ik-'stor-sh;l-nat\ adj : EXCESSIVE, EXORBITANT
wide, widespread; also comprehensive, general, global, - ex-tor-tlon-ate-lyadv
inclusive; boundless, endless, limitless, unlimited; capa- ex-tor-tion-let n : one that practices or is given to extor-
cious, commodious, roomy, spacious Ant narrow tion
extra 294

racketeer - more at RACKETEER ex-trav-a-gance \-gans\ n + : an instance of excess or prodi-

'extra \'ek-str:l\ adj 1 : more than is due, usual, or nec- gality; specij: an excessive outlay of money
essary 2: SUPERIOR lavishness, prodigality, wastefulness; also bountiful-
excess, spare, superfluous, supernumerary, surplus ness, generosity, liberality; improvidence, squandering;
- more at SPARE indulgence, overindulgence, self-indulgence; excess, im-
2ex1ra n : one that is extra or additional: as a : a special moderacy, overkill Ant economy, frugality
edition of a newspaper b: an added charge c: an addi- ex-trav-a-qant \ik-'stra-vi-gant\ adj 1 : exceeding the lim-
tional worker or performer (as in a motion picture) its of reason or necessity : EXCESSIVE (- claims>
amenity, comfort, frill, indulgence, luxury, super- 2 + : spending or tending to spend much more than nec-
fluity - more at LUXURY + bonus, dividend, lagniappe, essary : spending lavishly, recklessly, or wastefully 3: too
perquisite, tip - more at BOl''US costly
3extra adv : beyond what is usual [1) excessive, extreme, immoderate, inordinate, lav-
extremely, greatly, highly, hugely, mightily, migbty, ish, overmuch, steep, stiff - more at EXCESSIVE (2)
mortally, most, much, real, right, so, very - more at prodigal, profligate, spendthrift, thriftless, unthrifty,
VERY wasteful - more at PRODIGAL
'exolract \ik-'strakt, esp jar 3 'ek-,strakt\ vb 1 : to draw ex.trav.aogant.lyadv : in an extravagant manner
out; esp : to pull out forcibly (- a tooth> 2: to withdraw
expensively, grandly, high, lavishly, luxuriously, opu-
(as a juice or a constituent) by a physical or chemical
lently, richly - more at HIGH
process 3: to select for citation : QUOTE - ex-tract-ante
adj - ex-trac-tor \-t:lr\ n ex-trav-a-qan-za \ik-,stra-va-'gan-za\ n 1 : a literary or mu-
prize, pry, pull, root, tear, uproot, wrest; also remove, sical work marked by extreme freedom of style and struc-
take (out), withdraw ture 2: a spectacular show
2extract \'ek-,strakt\ n 1 : EXCERPT, CITATION 2: a product ex-tra-ve-hic-u-lar \,ek-stra-ve-'hi-kya-Iar\ adj : taking place
(as a juice or concentrate) obtained by extracting outside a vehicle (as a spacecraft) (- activity)
ex-trac-tion \ik-'strak-shan\ n 1 : the act or process of ex- 'ex-treme \ik-'strem\ adj 1 : very great or intense (- cold)
tracting something 2 : line of descent 2 : very severe or radical (- measures) 3.: going to
ancestry, birth, descent, line, lineage, origin, parent- great lengths or beyond normal limits (politically -)
age - more at ANCESTRY 4 : most remote (the - end) 5: UTMOST; also: MAXI-
ex-tra-cur-ric-u-lar \,ek-stra-ka-'ri-kya-Iar\ adj : lying out- MUM
side the regular curriculum; esp : of or relating to school- (3) excessive, immoderate, inordinate, overmuch,
connected activities (as sports) usu. carrying no academic unconscionable - more at EXCESSIVE (3) extremist,
credit fanatic, rabid, radical, revolutionary, ultra; also subver-
ex-tra-dite \'ek-strn-,dit\ vb -dit-ed; -dit-inq : to obtain by or sive, violent, wild; reactionary Ant middle-of-the-road
deliver up to extradition (4) farthest, furthest, outermost, ultimate, utmost
ex-tra-dl-tlon \,ek-stra-'di-shan\ n : the surrender of an al- Ant inmost, innermost
leged criminal to a different jurisdiction for trial 2extreme n 1 : something located at one end or the other of
ex-tra-mar-l-tal \,ek-stra-'mar-at->I\ adj : of or relating to a range or series 2 : EXTREMITY 4
sexual intercourse by a married person with someone
ex-treme-ly adv : in an extreme manner: to an extreme
otber than his or her spouse
ex-tra-mu-ral \-'myilr-al\ adj : existing or functioning be-
yond the bounds of an organized unit extra, greatly, highly, hugely, mightily, mighty, mor-
ex-tra-ne-ous \ek-'stra-ne-as\ adj 1 : coming from without tally, most, much, real, right, so, very - more at VERY
2 : not forming a vital part; also: IRRELEVANT - ex-tra- extremely low frequency n : a radio frequency in the lowest
ne-ous-ly adv range of the radio spectrum
+ immaterial, irrelevant - more at IRRELEVANT ex-trem-Ism \ik-'stre-,mi-zam\ n : the quality or state of be-
ex-tra-net \'ek-stra-,net\ n : a network like an intranet but ing extreme; esp : advocacy of extreme political measures
also allowing access by certain outside parties 'extremist \-mist\ n + : an adherent or advocate of ex-
ex-traor-di-nary \ik-'str6r-da-,ner-e, .ek-stra-sor-v adj tremism
1 : notably unusual or exceptional (did - work on the radical, revolutionary - more at RADICAL
project> 2: employed on special service (an ambassador "extremist adj. : of, relating to, or favoring extremism or
-> - ex-traor-dl-narl-ly \-,str6r-da-'ner-a-Ie, .ek-stra-jor-v
extreme, fanatic, rabid, radical, revolutionary, ultra
atypical, exceptional, phenomenal, rare, uncustom-
ary, unique, unusual - more at EXCEPTIONAL - more at EXTREME
ex-trap-o-late \ik-'stra-pa-,Iat\ vb -lat-ed: + : to infer ex-trem-i-ty \ik-'stre-ma-te\ n, pi -ties 1 +: the most re-
(unknown data) from known data - ex-trap-o-la-tion \-,s- mote part or point 2: a limb of the body; esp : a human
tra-pa-tla-shanx n band or foot 3: the greatest need or danger 4: the ut-
conclude, deduce, gather, infer, judge, reason, under- most degree; also: a drastic or desperate measure
stand - more at INFER depth, extremity, limit - more at HEIGHT
ex-tra-sen-so-ry \,ek-stra-'sen-sa-re\ adj : not acting or oc- ex-tri-cate \'ek-str:l-,kat\ vb -cat-ed: -cat-lnq [L extricatus,
curring through the known senses pp. of extricare, fro ex- out + tricae trifles, perplexities]
ex1rasensory perception n : perception (as in telepatby) of + : to free from an entanglement or difficulty - ex-trt-ca-
events external to the self not gained through the senses ble \ik-'stri-ka-b:ll, ek-; 'ek-(,)stri-\ adj - ex-tri-ca-tion
and not deducible from previous experience
ex-tra-ter-res-trl-al \-ta-'res-tre-al\ adj : originating or exist-
\,ek-stra-'ka-shan\ n
ing outside the earth or its atmosphere (- life> - extra- clear, disengage, disentangle, free, liberate, release,
terrestrial n untangle; also deliver, redeem, rescue, save; disburden,
ex-tra-ter-ri-to-rl-al \-,ter-a-'tor-e-al\ adj : existing or taking disencumber, unburden; unravel, unsnarl, untie, un-
place outside the territorial limits of a jurisdiction twine Ant embroil, entangle
ex-tra-ter-rl-to-rl-al-l-ty \-,tor-e-'a-Ia-te\ n : exemption from ex-trln-slc \ek-'strin-zik, -sik\ adj 1 + : not forming part of
the application or jurisdiction of local law or tribunals or belonging to a thing 2: EXTERNAL - ex-trin-si-cal-ly
(diplomats enjoy-> \-zi-k(a-)Ie, -si-\ adv
295 Ezra

+ adventitious, alien, extraneous, foreign; also exterior, about something: JUDGMENT - often used in pl. (in the
external, outside: immaterial, inapplicable, insignifi- ~s of the law> b + : an attentive or critical observation
cant, irrelevant: nonessential, unessential Ant inherent, 4 a : something having an appearance suggesting an eye
innate, intrinsic <the ~ of a needle) b: an undeveloped bud (as on a po-
ex-tro-vert also ex-tra-vert \'ek-str"-,v,,rt\ n : a gregarious tato) 5 a : the calm center of a cyclone b + : an impor-
and unreserved person - ex-tro-ver-slon or ex-tra-ver- tant or pivotal point - eyed \'id\ adj
sion \,ek -stro-tvar-zhon \ n + [3a] belief, conviction, feeling, judgment (or judge-
ex-tro-vert-ed also ex-tra-vert-ed adj + : having the charac- ment), mind, notion, opinion, persuasion, sentiment,
teristics of an extrovert: marked by extroversion verdict, view - more at OPINION + [3bJ cast, gander,
+ boon, companionable, convivial, gregarious, outgo- glance, glimpse, look, regard, sight, view - more at
ing, sociable, social - more at CONVIVIAL LOOK + [5bJ base, center (or centre), core, cynosure, fo-
ex-trude \ik-'striid\ vb ex-trud-ed; ex.trud.lng 1 : to force, cus, heart, hub, mecca, nucleus, seat - more at CENTER
press, or push out 2: to shape (as plastic) by forcing >eye vb eyed; eye-ing or eying + : to look at
through a die - ex-tru-sion \-'strii-zh::ln\ n - ex-trud-er n + distinguish, espy, look, note, notice, observe, per-
ex-u-ber-ance \-rnns\ n 1 + : the quality or state of being ceive, regard, remark, see, sight, spy, view, witness-
exuberant 2: an exuberant act or expression more at SEE
+ [1] animation, briskness, liveliness, lustiness, robust- 'eye-ball \'i-,bol\ n : the globular capsule of the vertebrate
ness, sprightliness, vibrancy, vitality - more at VITAL- eye
ITY 2eyeball vb : to look at intently
ex-u-ber-ant \ig-'zli-b::l-r::lnt\ adj 1 + : unrestrained in en- eye-brow \-,brali.\ n : the ridge over the eye or the hair
thusiasm or style 2: PROFUSE growing on it
+ bubbly, buoyant, effervescent, frolicsome, high= eye-dropoper \-,dra-p::lr\ n : DROPPER 2
spirited, vivacious; also extroverted, outgoing, uninhib- eye-glass \-,glas\ n + : a lens worn to aid vision; also, pi
ited: carefree, insouciant, joyful, lighthearted, lively, : GLASSES
sprightly; boisterous, raucous, rollicking, rowdy: giddy, + eyeglasses glasses, spectacles - more at GLASSES
light-headed, silly: ecstatic, euphoric, rapturous: auda- eye-lash \-,lash \ n 1 : the fringe of hair edging the eyelid
cious, bold, brash, brazen, impertinent, impudent, inso- - usu. used in pl. 2: a single hair of the eyelashes
lent, saucy Ant sullen eye-let \-I::It\ n 1 : a small hole intended for ornament or
ex-u-ber-ant-ly adv + : in an exuberant manner for passage of a cord or lace 2 : a typically metal ring for
+ gaily, jauntily, sprightly - more at GAILY reinforcing an eyelet: GROMMET
ex-ude \ig-'ziid\ vb ex-ud-ed; [L exsudare, fro ex- eye-lid \-,lid\ n : either of the movable folds of skin and
out + sudare to sweat] 1 + : to discharge slowly through muscle that can be closed over the eyeball
pores or cuts: OOZE 2: to display conspicuously or abun- eye-Iinoer \-,I1-n::lr\ n : makeup used to emphasize the con-
dantly <~s charm) - ex-u-date Vek-su-jdat, -syli.-\ n- tour of the eyes
ex-u-da-tlon \,ek-sli.-'da-sh::ln, -syli.-\ n eye-open-er \-,o-p::l-n::lr\ n : something startling or surpris-
+ bleed, ooze, percolate, seep, strain, sweat, weep: also adj + : that which opens the eyes (as with as-
dribble, drip, trickle: discharge, emit, give off, vent; em-
tonishment) : surprising or enlightening
anate, flow, spring
ex-ult \ig-'z::llt\ vb +: to be extremely joyful : REJOICE,
+ amazing, astonishing, astounding, startling, stunning,
GLORY - ex-ul-tant-ly adv - ex-ul-ta-tion \,ek-(,)s::lI-'ta- surprising - more at SURPRISING
shon, ,eg-(,)zal-\ n eye-piece \-,pes\ n : the lens or combination of lenses at
the eye end of an optical instrument
+ crow, delight, glory, joy, rejoice, triumph; also gloat; eye shadow n : a colored cosmetic applied to the eyelids to
boast, brag; flaunt, parade, show off, strut, swagger
accent the eyes
ex-ul-tant \-'zalt-'nt\ adj + : filled with or expressing great eye-sight \-,sIt\ n : the process, power, or function of see-
joy or triumph ing : SIGHT, VISION
+ jubilant, rejoicing, triumphant: also ecstatic, elated, eye-sore \-,sor\ n + : something offensive to view
euphoric; arrogant, boastful, cocky; conquering, victo- + fright, horror, mess, monstrosity, sight; also blot,
rious, winning smear, smudge, spot, stain
ex-urb \'ek-,s::lrb, 'eg-,z::lrb\ n : a region outside a city and eye-strain \-,stran\ n : weariness or a strained state of the
its suburbs inhabited chiefly by well-to-do families - ex- eye
ur-ban \ek-'s::lr-b::ln, eg-tzar-v adi eye-tooth \-'tlith\ n : a canine tooth of the upper jaw
ex-ur-ban-ite \ek-'s::lr-b::l-,nlt; eg-izar-v n : one who lives in
eye-wash \-,wosh, -,wash\ n 1 : an eye lotion 2: mislead-
an exurb ing or deceptive statements, actions, or procedures
ex-ur-bia \ek-'s::lr-be-::I, eg-tzer-v n + : the generalized re- eye-wit.ness \-'wit-n::ls\ n : a person who actually sees
gion of exurbs something happen
+ environs, outskirts, suburbia - more at ENVIRONS Ez or Ezr abbr Ezra
-ey -see-Y Ezech abbr Ezechiel
'eye \'i\ n 1 : an organ of sight typically consisting in ver- Eze-chiel \i-'ze-kY::l1\ n : EZEKIEL
tebrates of a globular structure that is located in a socket Ezek abbr Ezekiel
of the skull, is lined with a sensitive retina, and is nor- Eze-kiel \i-'ze-kY::l1\ n : a book of Jewish and Christian
mally paired 2: skill or ability dependent upon eyesight Scripture
: VISION, PERCEPTION; also: faculty of discrimination <an e-zine \'e-,zen\ n : an online magazine
~ for bargains) 3 a + : a way of looking at or thinking Ezra \'ez-r::l\ n : a book of Jewish and Christian Scripture
English alphabet 2: a grade rating a student's work as

'f \'ef\ n, t f's or fs \'efs\ often cap 1 : the 6th letter of the or a surface presented to view or regarded as principal
: SURFACE; esp : a front, principal, or bounding surface (-
of a cliff) (the -s of a cube> - faced \'fast, 'fa-sad\ adj
2f abbr, often cap 1 Fahrenheit 2 false 3 family 4 farad [3] cast, countenance, expression, look, visage-
5 female 6 feminine 7 forte 8 French 9 frequency more at LOOK [4] frown, grimace, pout, scowl-
10 Friday more at GRIMACE [8] facade, front - more at FRONT
3f symbol focal length [8] exterior, outside, skin, surface, veneer - more at
F symbol fluorine EXTERIOR
FAA abbr Federal Aviation Administration 2face vb faced; fac.iog 1 : to confront brazenly 2: to line
fab \'fab\ adj : FABULOUS near the edge esp. with a different material; also: to cover \'Hi-be-an\ adj : of, relating to, or being a society the front or surface of (- a building with marble>
of socialists organized in England in 1884 to spread so- 3 : to meet or bring in direct contact or confrontation
cialist principles gradually - Fabiao n - Fabianism n <facedthe problem> 4 : to stand or sit with the face to-
fa-ble \'Hi-bal\ n 1 : a legendary story of supernatural hap- ward (- the sun> 5: to have the front oriented toward
penings 2: a narration intended to teach a lesson; esp (a house facing the park> 6: to have as or be a prospect
: one in which animals speak and act like people (- a grim future> 7: to tum the face or body in a spec-
3 : FALSEHOOD 4: the plot, story, or connected series of ified direction 8: to bring directly to the attention of -
events forming the theme of a literary work face the music: to meet the unpleasant consequences of
ta-bled \'fa-bald\ adj 1 : FIcrrrIOUS 2 : told or celebrated one's actions
in fable Il] beard. brave, brazen. confront, dare, defy
fabulous, legendary, mythical- more at MYTHICAL [3] battle. encounter, engage, meet, take on - more
fab-ric \'fa-brik\ n [MF fabrique, fro L fabrica workshop, at ENGAGE. [4] front, look, point
structure] 1 : STRUCTURE, FRAMEWORK (the - of society> face-down \,fas-'daun\ adv : with the face downward
2 : CLOTH; also: a material that resembles cloth face-less \-Ids\ n 1 : lacking a face 2: lacking character or
tab-rl-cate \'fa-bri-,kat\ vb -cat-ed; -cat-lnq 1 : to think individuality
up or imagine: concoct mentally: INVENT 2 : to make face-lift \'fas-,Iift\ n 1 : plastic surgery on the face and
up for the sake of deception 3: to form, make, or create neck to remove defects (as wrinkles) typical of aging: a
by combining parts or elements: CONSTRUCT 4 : to form cosmetic surgical operation for removal of facial defects
by art and labor (as wrinkles) typical of aging 2: MODERNIZATION - face-
[1] concoct, contrive, cook up, devise, invent, make lift vb
up, manufacture, think up - more at rNVENT [2] fib, face-off \'fas-,of\ n 1: a method of beginning play by
lie, prevaricate - more at LIE [4] fashion, form, dropping a ball or puck (as in hockey) between two op-
frame. make. manufacture, produce - more at MAKE posing players each of whom attempts to control it
tab-rl-ca-tion n 1 : the invention or utterance of some- 2 : the clashing of forces or ideas: CONFRONTATION
thing calculated to deceive 2 : a product of the imagi- battle, combat, conflict, confrontation, contest, duel,
nation rivalry, struggle - more at CONTEST
Il] falsehood, fib, lie, story, tale, untruth, whopper face off vb : to be or come into opposition or competi-
- more at LIE [2] fantasy, fiction, figment, invention tion
- more at FiCTION battle, compete, contend, fight, race, vie - more at
fab-u-lous Vfa-bya-lasv adj 1 : resembling a fable 2 : told COMPETE
in or based on fable 3: like the contents of fables in be- fac-et \'fa-sdt\ n [F facette, dim. of face] 1 : a small plane
ing so marvelous, incredible, absurd, extreme, exagger- surface of a cut gem 2 : any of the definable aspects
ated, or approaching the impossible 4: not real, actual,
that make up a subject (as of contemplation) or an object
or historical 5.: outstanding or remarkable esp. in (as of consideration) : ASPECT, PHASE
some acceptable or pleasing quality - fab-u-lous-ly adv
[2] angle, aspect, hand, phase, side - more at ASPECT
[2] fabled, legendary. mythical- more at MYTHICAL
[5] excellent, grand, great, sensational, splendid, su- fa-ce-tious \fd-'se-shas\ adj 1 : joking often inappropri-
perb, superior, swell, terrific, unsurpassed, wonderful ately 2 : characterized by pleasantry or levity: exciting
- more at EXCELLENT laughter: JOCULAR - ta-ce-tlous-ty adv
fac abbr 1 facsimile 2 faculty [l] flip, flippant, pert, smart - more at FLIPPANT
fa-cade also faoe;ade \fd-'siid\ n [F facade, fr. It facciata, fro [2] clever, humorous. jocular, smart, witty - more
faccia face] 1 : the principal face or front of a building at WITTY
2 : a false, superficial, or artificial appearance or effect ta-ce-tlcus-ness n : the quality or state of being facetious
(a - of composure> 3 : a surface or front flightiness, flippancy, frivolity, levity, lightness-
[2] act, airs, front, guise, masquerade, pose, pretense, more at FRIVOLITY
put-on, semblance. show - more at MASQUERADE 'fa-cial \ 'fa-shal\ adi 1 : of or relating to the face 2: used
[3] face, front - more at FRONT to improve the appearance of the face
'face \'fas\ n 1 : the front part of the head 2 : PRESENCE (in 2facial n : a facial treatment
the - of danger> 3 : facial expression: LOOK (put a sad tac-lle \'fa-sdl\ adj 1 : easily accomplished, handled, or
- on> 4 : a deliberate or involuntary distortion of the attained 2: SIMPLISTIC 3: readily manifested and often in-
countenance expressive of some feeling: GRIMACE (made sincere (- prose> 4: READY, FLUENT (a - writer>
a - > 5: ou tward appearance (looks easy on the - of it> easy, effortless, fluent, fluid, light, painless, ready.
6 : CONFIDENCE; also: BOLDNESS 7: DIGNITY, PRESTIGE simple, smooth, snap, soft - more at EASY
(afraid to lose -> 8 : a front, upper, or outer surface ta-cll-i-tate \fd-'si-ld-,tat\ vb -tat-ed; -tat-inq : to make eas-
297 faille
ier - ta-cil-l-ta-tlen \-,si-la-'ta-shan\ n - ta-cll-l-ta-tor \-'si- or body <the --- of hearing) 3: the teachers in a school
la-,tii-tar\ n or college or one of its divisions
+ ease, loosen, smooth, unclog - more at EASE + [1a] ability, capability, capacity, competence -
faooCiI-i-ty \fa-'si-la-te\ n, pi -ties 1 : the quality of being eas- more at ABILITY + [lb] aptitude, endowment, flair, ge-
ily performed 2: ease in performance: APTITUDE 3: PLI- nius, gift, knack, talent - more at TALENT
ANCY 4: something that makes easier an action, fad \'fad\ n + : a practice or interest followed for a time
operation, or course of conduct; also: REST ROOM - often with exaggerated zeal: CRAZE - fad-dist n
used in pI. 5 + : something (as a hospital) built or in- + craze, mode, rage, style, trend, vogue
stalled for a particular purpose fad-dish \'fa-dish\ adj + : constituting or resembling a fad
+ complex, establishment, installation - fad-dish-Iy adv
fac-ing \'fa-sil)\ n 1 : a lining at the edge esp. of a garment + fashionable, hot, in, modish, popular, vogue - more
2 pi : the collar, cuffs, and trimmings of a uniform coat at POPULAR
3 : an ornamental or protective layer 4 : material for fac- 'fade \'fad\ vb fad-ed; fad-ing 1 : WITHER 2 + : to lose or
ing cause to lose freshness or brilliance of color 3 + : to sink
tac-strn-l-te \fak-'si-ma-le\ n [L fac simile make similar] away: VANISH 4: to grow dim or faint
1 + : an exact copy 2: a system of transmitting and re- + [2] blanch, bleach, blench, dull, pale, wash out,
producing printed matter or pictures by means of signals whiten + [3] disappear, dissolve, evaporate, flee, go,
sent over telephone lines melt, vanish - more at DISAPPEAR
+ carbon copy, double, duplicate, image, match, 2fade n : a short haircut in which hair on top of the head
replica, reproduction - more at IMAGE stands high
fact \'fakt\ n 1 : DEED; esp : CRIME <accessory after the ---) FADM abbr fleet admiral
2 : the quality of being actual 3: something that exists or fae-cal, fae-ces chiefly Brit var of FECAL, feces
occurs 4 + : a piece of information - in fact: in truth fa-er-ie also fa-ery \'fa-re, 'far-e\ n, pi fa-er-ies 1 : FAIRY-
+ detail, particular, point LAND 2: FAIRY
tac-tion \'fak-shan\ n + : a group or combination (as in a 'fag \'fag\ vb fagged; fag-ging 1 : to work hard : DRUDGE
government) acting together within and usu. against a 2 : to act as a fag 3 + : to tire by strenuous activity: TIRE,
larger body - fac-tion-al-lsrn \-sha-na-,Ii-zam\ n EXHAUST
+ bloc, body, coalition, combination, combine, party, + bum out, do in, drain, exhaust, fatigue, tire, tucker,
sect, set, side, wing wash out, wear, wear out, weary - more at EXHAUST
fac-tlous \'fak-shas\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or caused by 2fag n + : one who is obliged to do menial work: DRUDGE
faction 2: inclined to faction or the formation of factions + drudge, peon, slave, toiler, worker - more at SLAVE
: causing dissension 3fag n : an English public-school boy who acts as servant to
tac-tl-tlous \fak-'ti-shas\ adj 1 a + : produced by human another
art, skill, or effort b + : not natural or real: SHAM <a --- 4fag vb : to act as a fag
display of grief) 2: not natural or spontaneous Sfag n : CIGARETTE
+ artificial, fake, faux, imitation, mock, sham, synthetic fag end n 1 + : a worn, poor, or useless ending or remnant
- more at IMITATION unlikely to afford either pleasure or profit : REMNANT
tac-toid \'fak-,t6id\ n 1 : an invented fact believed to be 2 : the extreme end 3: the last part or coarser end of a
true because of its appearance in print 2: a brief usu. web of cloth 4: the untwisted end of a rope
trivial fact + end, leftover, remainder, remnant, scrap - more at
'fae-tor \'fak-t<lr\ n 1 +: a person that acts or transacts SCRAP
business for another: AGENT 2 + : something that actively fag-ot or fag-got \'fa-g<lt\ n : a bundle of sticks or twigs
contributes to a result <a --- in her decision) 3: GENE fag-ot-ing or fag-got-ing n : an embroidery produced by ty-
4 : any of the numbers or symbols in mathematics that ing threads in hourglass-shaped clusters
when multiplied together form a product; esp : any of the Fah or Fahr abbr Fahrenheit
integers that divide a given integer without a remainder Fahr-en-heit Vfar-an-jhit'; adj : relating to, conforming to,
+ [1] agent, attorney, delegate, deputy, representative or having a thermometer scale with the boiling point of
- more at AGENT + [2] component, constituent, ele- water at 212 degrees and the freezing point at 32 degrees
ment, ingredient, member - more at ELEMENT above zero
2faetor vb 1 : to work as a factor 2: to find the mathemat- fa-ience or fa-Ienee \fa-'ans\ n [F] : earthenware decorated
ica~ factors of and esp. the prime mathematical factors of with opaque colored glazes
'fae-ta-ri-al \fak-'tor-e-al\ adj : of, relating to, or being a fac- 'fail \'fal\ vb 1 +: to become feeble; esp : to decline in
tor health 2: to die away 3 + : to stop functioning 4 + : to
2factorial n : the product of all the positive integers from 1
to a given integer n
fall short<---ed in his duty) 5: to be or become absent
or inadequate 6 + : to be unsuccessful 7: to become
fac-to-ry \'fak-tre, -ta-re\ n, pl-ries 1 : a trading post where bankrupt 8 + : to disappoint the expectations or trust of
resident brokers trade 2 + : a building or group of build- 9: NEGLECT
ings used for manufacturing + [1] decay, droop, flag, go, lag, languish, sag, waste,
+ mill, plant, shop, works, workshop weaken, wilt - more at WEAKEN + [3] break, break
fac-to-tum \fak-'to-t<lm\ n [NL, lit., do everything, fro Lfac down, conk, crash, cut out, die, stall Ant start (up) + [4,
do + totum everything] : a person (as a servant) having nu- 8] cheat, disappoint, dissatisfy,let down - more at DIS-
merous or varied duties APPOINT + [6] collapse, flop, flunk, fold, wash out Ant
facts of life: the physiological processes and behavior in- succeed
volved in sex and reproduction 2fail n : FAILURE (without +->
tac-tu-al \'fak-ch<l-w<ll\ adj 1 +: of or relating to facts 'fail-ing \'fa-lil)\ n + : a usu. slight or insignificant defect in
2 + : based on fact - tac-tu-al-ly adv character, conduct, or ability: WEAKNESS, SHORTCOMING
+ [1] actual, concrete, existent, real, true, very - more + demerit, fault, foible, frailty, shortcoming, vice,
at ACTUAL + [2] documentary, literal, nonfictional, ob- weakness - more at FAULT
jective, true 2failing prep : in the absence or lack of
fac-ul-ty \'fa-k<ll-te\ n, pi -ties 1 a + : ability to act or do faille \'fi(-<l}I\ n : a somewhat shiny closely woven ribbed
b + : natural aptitude 2: one of the powers of the mind fabric (as silk)
fail-safe 298
fail-safe \'fiil-,siif\ adj 1 : incorporating a counteractive promote available or planned products or services <a
feature for a possible source of failure 2: having no book ~) <a job ~)
chance of failure - fail-safe n + [I, 2, 3, 4] display, exhibit, exhibition, exposition,
tall-ure \'fiil-yar\ n 1 + : a failing to do or perform 2: a show - more at EXHIBITION
state of inability to perform a normal function ade- fairoground\-,graiInd\ n : an area where outdoor fairs, cir-
quately <heart ~); also: an abrupt cessation of func- cuses, or exhibitions are held
tioning <a power e-s-) 3: a fracturing or giving way under \'far-ilJ\ n : a structure for producing a smooth
stress 4 + : a lack of success 5: BANKRUPTCY 6 + : a outline and reducing drag (as on an airplane)
falling short : DEFICIENCY 7: DETERIORATION, DECAY \'far-Ie\ adv 1 : HANDSOMELY 2: in a manner of
8 + : one that has failed speaking <~ bursting with pride) 3: without bias 4: to
+ [1] default, delinquency, dereliction, neglect, negli- a full degree or extent: PLAINLY, DISTINCTLY 5 + : moder-
gence, oversight + [4] collapse, crash, cropper, defeat, ately well: SOMEWHAT, RATHER <a ~ easy job)
fizzle, nonsuccess Ant accomplishment, achievement, + enough, kind of, moderately,pretty, quite, rather, so=
success + [6] dearth, deficiency, deficit, famine, inade- so, somewhat, sort of
quacy, insufficiency, lack, paucity, poverty, scantiness, fair-spo-ken \'far-'sp6-kan\ adj : pleasant and courteous in
scarcity, shortage, want - more at DEFICIENCY speech
+ [8] bust, catastrophe, debacle, dud, fiasco, fizzle, fair-trade \-'triid\ adj : of, relating to, or being an agreement
flop, loser, washout Ant hit, smash, success, winner between a producer and a seller that branded merchandise
'fain \'fiin\ adi 1 archaic: GLAD; also: INCLINED 2: being will be sold at or above a specified price - fair-trade vb
obliged or compelled fair.way \-,wii\ n : the mowed part of a golf course between
'fain adv 1 : with pleasure 2: by preference tee and green
'faint \'fiint\ adj [MEfaint,feint, fro OF, ir.faindre.feindre fairy \'fer-e\ n, pi talr-les [ME fairie fairyland, enchant-
to feign, lose heart) 1 : COWARDLY, SPIRITLESS 2: weak, ment, fro AFfaerie, it.feefairy, fro LFala, goddess of fate,
dizzy, and likely to faint 3 + : lacking vigor or strength fro fatum fate] + : an imaginary being of folklore and ro-
: FEEBLE <~ praise) 4 + : hardly perceptible: INDISTINCT, mance usu. having diminutive human form and magic
DIM - faint.lyadv powers - fairy adj
+ [3] delicate, feeble, frail, infirm, slight, soft, wasted, + brownie, dwarf, elf, fay, gnome, hobgoblin, lep-
weak - more at WEAK + (4) bleary, dim, foggy, fuzzy, rechaun, pixie, puck, troll
hazy, indistinct, obscure, opaque, shadowy, unclear, \-,Iand\ n 1 : the land of fairies 2: a beautiful or
vague Ant clear, definite charming place
'faint vb + : to lose consciousness fairy tale n 1 : a children's story usu. about mythical be-
+ black out, pass out, swoon Ant come around, come ings (as fairies) 2 + : an implausible, incredible, or lying
round, come to, revive story: a statement designed to delude or mislead: FIB
3faint n 1 : the action of fainting 2 + : the condition of one + fabrication, falsehood, falsity, fib, lie, story, untruth
who has fainted fait ac-com-ptl \'fiit-,a-,k6D-'ple\ n, pi faits accomplis \same
+ blackout, knockout, swoon or -'plez\ IF, accomplished fact) : a thing accomplished
taint-heart-ed \,fiint-'hlir-tad\ adj +: lacking courage and presumably irreversible
: TIMID faith \'fiith\ n, pi faiths \'fiiths, 'fiilbz\ [ME feith, fro OF
+ fearful, mousy, shy, skittish, timid - more at SHY feid, foi, fro L fides] 1 + : allegiance to duty or a person
: LOYALTY 2 + : belief and trust in God 3 + : complete
taint-ness n + : the quality or state of being faint; esp : a
loss of strength or near loss of consciousness trust 4 + : a system of religious beliefs
+ debility, feebleness, frailty, infirmity, languor, weak- [1] allegiance, constancy,dedication, devotion, faith-
ness - more at WEAKNESS fulness, fastness, fealty, fidelity, loyalty, steadfastness
'fair \'fer\ adj 1 +: pleasing in appearance : BEAUTIFUL - more at FIDELITY + [2] devotion, piety, religion Ant
2 : superficially pleasing : SPECIOUS 3: CLEAN, PURE atheism, godlessness + [3] confidence, credence, stock,
trust - more at TRUST + [4] creed, cult, persuasion, re-
4 : CLEAR, LEGIBLE 5 +: not stormy or cloudy ligion - more at RELIGION
6 + : marked by impartiality and honesty: free from self=
interest, prejudice, or favoritism : JUST 7: conforming faith-ful\-fal\ adi 1 + : true and constant in affection or al-
with the rules: ALLOWED; also: being within the foul lines legiance 2 + : conforming to the facts or to an original to
<~ ball) 8: open to legitimate pursuit or attack <~ - adv
game) 9: giving promise of success or excellence: PROM- + Il] constant, devoted, loyal, pious, staunch, steadfast,
ISING, LIKELY <a ~ chance of winning) 10: favorable to steady, true, true-blue Ant disloyal, false, fickle, incon-
a ship's course <a ~ wind) 11 + : light colored 12 + : of stant, perfidious, traitorous, treacherous + (2) accu-
middling quality 13: significant in size <a ~ amount of rate, authentic, exact, precise, right, strict, true,
traffic) - tair-ness n veracious Ant false, imprecise, inaccurate, inexact
+ [1] attractive, beautiful, cute, handsome, lovely, talth-tul-nessn + : the quality or state of being faithful
pretty - more at BEAUTIFUL + [5] clear, cloudless, + allegiance, constancy, dedication, devotion, fealty, fi-
sunny, sunshiny, unclouded Ant bleak, cloudy, over- delity, loyalty, steadfastness- more at FIDELITY
cast, stormy, sunless + (6) disinterested, dispassionate, faithless \'fiith-Ias\ adj 1 + : false to promises or agree-
equal, equitable, impartial, just, nonpartisan, objective, ments : DISLOYAL 2: not to be relied on - adv
square, unbiased, unprejudiced Ant biased, partisan, + disloyal, false, fickle, inconstant, perfidious, traitor-
prejudiced, unequal, unjust + [11] blond, flaxen, ous, treacherous, unfaithful, untrue Ant constant, de-
golden, sandy, straw - more at BLOND + (12) common, voted, loyal, staunch, steadfast, steady, true
indifferent, mediocre, medium, middling, ordinary, faith.lessness n + : the quality or condition of being faith-
passable, run-of-the-mill, second-rate, so-so - more at less
MEDIOCRE + betrayal, disloyalty, falsity, infidelity, perfidy, treach-
'fair adv 1 : in a fair manner <play~) 2 chiefly Brit ery, treason
: FAIRLY 4 faji.ta \fa-'M-ta\ n : a marinated strip uSU. of beef or
3fair n 1 +: a gathering of buyers and sellers at a stated chicken grilled or broiled and served usu. with a flour
time and place for trade 2 + : a competitive exhibition tortilla and savory fillings
(as of farm products) 3 + : a sale of assorted articles uSU. 'fake \'fiik\ adj + : one that is not what it purports to be
for a charitable purpose 4 + : an exhibition designed to : SHAM
299 falsity
bogus, counterfeit, false, inauthentic, phony, sham, fal-la-cious \f;)-'Ia-sh;)s\ adj 1 : embodying a fallacy (a
spurious - more at COUNTERFEIT. artificial, faux, imi- ""'-' argument) 2 : tending to deceive or mislead
tation, mock, sham, synthetic - more at IMITATION [1] illogical, invalid, irrational, unsound, weak-
2fake n 1 a : someone or something that is not genuine more at ILLOGICAL [2] deceptive, false, misleading,
b : one that assumes false identity or title for the pur- specious - more at DECEPTIVE
pose of deception 2: a simulated move in sports (as a pre- Vfa-lo-se', n, pi -cies 1 : a false or mistaken idea
tended pass) 2 : an often plausible argument using false or illogical rea-
[la] counterfeit, forgery, hoax, humbug, phony, soning 3: erroneous or fallacious character
sham. [lb] charlatan, fraud, hoaxer, humbug, phony, error, falsehood, falsity, illusion, misconception,
pretender, quack myth, untruth Ant truth, verity
3fake vb faked; 1 : to treat so as to falsify 2 : to fall back vb : to give way: RETREAT, RECEDE
counterfeit or make a counterfeit of in order to deceive + back, recede, retire, retreat, withdraw - more at RE-
3 : to deceive (an opponent) in a sports contest by making TREAT
a fake - fak-er n fall guy n 1 : one that is easily duped 2: one who assumes
affect, assume, counterfeit, feign, pretend, profess, or on whom is placed the blame or responsibility: SCAPE-
put on, sham, simulate - more at FEIGN GOAT
fa-kir \f;)-'kir\ n [Ar faqir, lit., poor man] 1 : a Muslim men- fallible \'fa-I;)-b;)l\ adi 1 : liable to be erroneous 2 : capa-
dicant : DERVISH 2: a wandering Hindu ascetic ble of making a mistake - fal.!i.bly \-ble\ adv
fal-con \'fal-k;)n, 'f61-\ n 1 : a hawk trained for use in fal- \,fo-lil)-'aut\ n, pi fallings-out or falling-outs
conry 2: any of various swift long-winged long-tailed : QUARREL
hawks having a notched beak and usu. inhabiting open falling star n : METEOR
areas fal-lo-pi-an tube \f;)-'16-pe-;)n-\ n, often cap F : either of the
fal-con-ry Vfal-kon-re, 'fol-\ n 1 : the art of training hawks pair of anatomical tubes that carry the eggs from the
to hunt in cooperation with a person 2: the sport of ovary to the uterus
hunting with hawks - fal-con-er n fall-out \'fo-,Iaut\ n 1 : the often radioactive particles that
'fall \'fol\ vb fell \'fel\; fall-en \'fo-I;)n\; 1 : to de- result from a nuclear explosion and descend through the
scend freely by the force of gravity 2: to hang freely air 2: a secondary and often lingering effect or result
3: to come or go as if by falling (darkness Jell) 4: to be- fall out vb : to have a quarrel: QUARREL
come uttered 5 : to lower or become lowered : DROP argue, bicker, dispute, quarrel, row, scrap, spat,
(her eyes Jell) 6 : to leave an erect position suddenly squabble, wrangle - more at ARGUE
and involuntarily 7: STUMBLE, STRAY 8: to drop down 'fallow \'fa-(,)16\ n : fallow land; also: the state or period of
wounded or dead esp. in battle 9 : to become captured being fallow - fallow vb
(the city Jell to the enemy) 10: to suffer ruin, defeat, or 2fallow adi 1 : left without tilling or sowing after plowing
failure 11 : to commit an immoral act 12: to move or ex- 2 + : characterized by a state of creative or recuperative
tend in a downward direction 13.: to become quiet or rest or dormancy: DORMANT, INACTIVE (a writer'S ~ pe-
less: SUBSTDE, ABATE 14: to decline in quality, activity, riod)
quantity, or value 15: to assume a look of shame or de- dead, dormant, idle, inactive, inert, inoperative
jection (her face Jell) 16: to occur at a certain time false \'f6Is\ adj fals-er; fals-est 1 : not genuine: artifi-
17 : to come by chance 18: DEVOLVE (the duties Jell to cially made or assumed 2: intentionally untrue 3 : ad-
him) 19: to have the proper place or station (the accent justed or made so as to deceive (- scales) 4
""'-'s on the first syllable) 20: to come within the scope of a .: tending to mislead : DECEPTIVE (""'-' promises)
something 21 : to pass from one condition to another b : assumed or designed to deceive 5 : not true (""'-'
<Jell ill) 22: to set about heartily or actively (~to work) concepts) 6.: not faithful or loyal : TREACHEROUS
- fall all over oneself or fall over backward: to display ex- 7: not essential or permanent (~front> 8: inaccurate in
cessive eagerness - fall flat: to produce no response or pitch 9: based on mistaken ideas - false-Iy adv
result - fall for 1 : to fall in love with 2 : to become a vic- [1] artificial, bogus, fake, imitation, mechanical,
tim of - fall foul : to have a quarrel : CLASH - fall from mock, phony, sham, synthetic, unnatural [3,
grace : BACKSLIDE - fall into line : to comply with a cer- 4b] counterfeit, crooked, deceitful, dishonest, fraudu-
tain course of action - fall short 1 : to be deficient 2: to lent, phony, sham, spurious. [4a] deceitful, deceptive,
fail to attain misleading, specious - more at DECEPTIVE [5] erro-
[1, 5] decline, descend, drop, lower, settle, sink Ant neous, inaccurate, incorrect, inexact, untrue, wrong
rise. [6] slip, stumble, topple, trip, tumble Ant get up, Ant accurate, correct, right, sound, true [6] disloyal,
rise, stand (up) [9] capitulate, give up, knuckle un- faithless, traitorous, treacherous, unfaithful
der, submit, succumb, surrender Ant stand false-hood \'f6Is-,hud\ n 1 : something that is untrue;
[13] abate, decline, decrease, diminish, dwindle, ebb, esp : an untrue statement: LIE 2: absence of truth or ac-
lessen, recede, subside, wane - more at DECREASE curacy 3: the practice of lying
2fall n 1 : the act of falling 2: a falling out, off, or away error, fallacy, falsity, illusion, misconception, myth,
: DROPPING 3: AUTUMN 4: a thing or quantity that falls (a untruth - more at FALLACY fabrication, fairy tale,
light ~ of snow) (a ""'-' of 20% in the value of the stock) falsity, fib, lie, mendacity, prevarication, story, tale, un-
5 : loss of greatness, power, status, influence, or domin- truth, whopper - more at LIE
ion 6: the surrender or capture of a besieged place false-ness n 1 .: the quality or state of being false
7 : departure from virtue or goodness 8: SLOPE 9: WA- 2 : an instance of treachery : an act of perfidy or trea-
TERFALL - usu. used in pl. 10.: a decrease in size, son
quantity, degree, or value (a - in price) 11 : the distance [l] fallacy, falsity, untruth. [2] betrayal, disloyalty,
which something falls 12: an act of forcing a wrestler's infidelity, perfidy, treachery, treason, unfaithfulness -
shoulders to the mat; also: a bout of wrestling more at BETRAYAL
[1] descent, dip, dive, down, drop, plunge - more at tal-set-to \fol-'se-t6\ n, pl-tos [It, fr, dim. oi falso false] : an
DESCENT [l] slip, spill, stumble, tumble + [5] come- artificially high voice; esp : an artificial singing voice that
down, decline, descent, down, downfall - more at overlaps and extends above the range of the full voice
COMEDOWN [5] decline, degradation - more at DE- esp. of a tenor
CLINE [10] decline, decrease, drop, loss, reduction, \'fol-s;)-,fi\ vb -fied; 1 : to prove to be false
shrinkage - more at DECREASE 2 : to alter so as to deceive 3: LIE; also : MISREPRESENT
falsity 300
- \,fol-sa-'fi-a-bal\ adj - fal-si-tl-ca-tion number and spacing of one's children by using birth con-
\,fol-sa-fa-'ka-shan\ n trol
+ color (or colour), distort, garble, misinterpret, mis- familytree n + : an account or history of the descent of a
represent, misstate, pervert, twist, warp - more at GAR- person, family, or group from an ancestor or ancestors or
BLE from older forms : GENEALOGY; also: a genealogicaldia- \'fol-sa-te\ n 1 + : something false 2 + : the qual- gram
ity or state of being false + ancestry, bloodline, descent, genealogy, lineage, ori-
+ [1] fallacy, falsehood, fib, lie, myth, tale, untruth gin - more at ANCESTRY
+ [2] betrayal, disloyalty, infidelity, perfidy, treachery, fam-ine\'fa-man\ n 1 : an extreme scarcity of food 2 + : a
treason, unfaithfulness- more at BETRAYAL great shortage
tat-ter \'fol-tar\ vb 1 + : to move unsteadily: T01TER 2: to + dearth, deficiency, deficit, failure, inadequacy, insuf-
hesitate in speech: STAMMER 3 + : to hesitate in purpose ficiency, lack, paucity, poverty, scantiness, scarcity,
or action: WAVER 4: to lose effectiveness<a ~ing busi- shortage, want - more at DEFICIENCY
ness> - adv tarn-ish\'fa-mish\ vb 1 : STARVE 2: to suffer for lack of
+ [1] seesaw, sway, teeter, totter, waver, wobble- something necessary
more at TEETER + [3] hesitate, shilly-shally, teeter, vac- tam-ished adi + : intensely hungry
illate, waver - more at HESITATE + empty, hungry - more at HUNGRY
fam abbr 1 familiar 2 family ta-rnous\'fa-mas\ adj 1 + : widely known 2: honored for
fame \'fam\ n + : public reputation: RENOWN achievement 3: EXCELLENT, FIRST-RATE
+ celebrity, notoriety, renown Ant anonymity, obscu- + celebrated, famed, noted, notorious, prominent,
rity renowned, well-known Ant anonymous, obscure, un-
famed \'fiimd\ adj + : known widely and well known
+ celebrated, famous, noted, prominent, renowned, fa.mous.lyadv : SPLENDIDLY, EXCELLENTLY
well-known- more at FAMOUS 'fan \'fan\ n : a device (as a hand-waved triangular piece or
fa-mil-ial\fa-'mil-yal\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or suggestive a mechanism with blades) for producing a current of air
of a family 2: tending to occur in more members of a 2fan vb fanned; tan-nlnq 1 : to drive away the chaff from
family than expected by chance alone <a ~ disorder> grain by winnowing 2: to move (air) with or as if with a
'familiar\fa-'mil-yar\ n 1 + : an intimate associate 2: a fan 3: to direct a current of air upon <~ a fire> 4: to
spirit held to attend and serve or guard a person 3: one stir up to activity: STIMULATE 5 + : to spread like a fan -
who frequents a place often used with out 6 : to strike out in baseball
+ comrade, friend, intimate - more at FRIEND + usu fan out expand, extend, flare, open, radiate,
2familiaradj 1 + : closely acquainted: INTIMATE 2: of or re- spread, unfold
lating to a family 3: INFORMAL 4 + : overly free and un- 3fan n + : an enthusiastic follower or admirer
restrained : PRESUMPTUOUS 5 +: frequently seen or + addict, aficionado, buff, devotee, enthusiast, fancier,
experienced 6: of everyday occurrence 7 + : having per- lover
sonal or intimate knowledge- often used with with - 'fanatic\fa-'na-tik\ or fa-nat-l-eal \-ti-kal\ adi [Lfanaticus adv inspired by a deity, frenzied, fro fanum temple]
+ [1] chummy, close, friendly, intimate, thick Ant dis- + : marked by excessiveenthusiasm and often intense un-
tant + [4] bold, forward, free, immodest, presumptuous critical devotion - fa-nat-i-cism \-ta-,si-zam\ n
- more at PRESUMPTUOUS + [5] common, customary, + extreme, extremist, rabid, radical, revolutionary, ul-
everyday, frequent, ordinary, routine, usual - more at tra - more at EXTREME
COMMON + [7] conversant, informed, knowledgeable, 2fanaticn + : a person who is ardently attached to a cause,
up-to-date Ant ignorant, unacquainted, unfamiliar, un- object, or pursuit; esp : a person exhibiting excessiveen-
informed thusiasm and intense uncritical devotion usu. toward
fa-mll-iar-lse Brit var of FAMILIARIZE some controversial matter
ta-mil-iar-l-ty \fa-,mil-'yar-a-te, -,mi-Ie-'ar-\ n, pi -ties + crusader, militant, partisan, zealot - more at ZEALOT
1 + : close friendship: INTIMACY 2: INFORMALITY 3 + : an
unduly bold or forward act or expression : IMPROPRIETY fan-ci-erVfan-se-arvn 1 + : one that has a special liking or
4 : close acquaintance with something interest 2: a person who breeds or grows some kind of
+ [1] closeness, intimacy, nearness Ant distance animal or plant for points of excellence
+ [3] gaffe, impropriety, indiscretion - more at IMPRO- + aficionado, buff, devotee, enthusiast, fan, lover-
PRIETY more at FAN
ta-mit-iar-ize \fa-'mil-ya-,r1z\vb -ized; 1 : to make tan-cl-tul \'fan-si-fal\ adj 1 + : marked by, existing in, or
known through experience or repetition : remove given to unrestrained imagination or whim rather than
strangenessfrom 2 + : to make (someone) thoroughly ac- reason 2: curiously made or shaped -
quainted + fantastic, fictitious, imaginary,made-up, pretend, un-
+ acquaint, apprise, brief, clue, enlighten, fill in, in- real - more at IMAGINARY
form, instruct, tell - more at ENLIGIITEN 'fanoey\'fan-se\ vb fan-cied; 1 + : to be pleased Vfam-le, 'fa-ma-\ n, pi -lies [MEfamilie, fro Lfa- with esp, on account of external appearance or manners
milia household, fro famulus servant] 1 : a group of indi- : LIKE 2 + : to form a conception of : IMAGINE 3: to be-
viduals living under one roof and under one head lieve without evidence or certainty 4: to visualize or in-
: HOUSEHOLD 2 + : a group of persons of common ances- terpret as
try : CLAN 3 + : a group of things having common char- + [1] delight, enjoy, like, love, relish - more at ENJOY
acteristics; esp : a group of related plants or animals + [2] conceive, imagine, picture, visualize
ranking in biological classificationabove a genus and be- 2fancy n, pi fancies [MEfantasieJantsy imagination, image,
Iowan order 4: a social unit usu. consisting of one or preference, fro AFfantasie illusion, fr. Lphantasia, fro Gk,
two parents and their children appearance, imagination] 1 + : amorous fondness : love
+ [2] blood, clan, folks, house, kin, kindred, kinfolk, or desire; also : LOVE 2 + : an opinion or notion formed
line, lineage, people, race, stock, tribe + [3] category, without much reflection: WHIM, NOTION <a passing ~>
class, division,group, kind, set, type - more at CLASS 3 + : an image or representation of something formed in
family planning n : planning intended to determine the the mind 4: TASTE, JUDGMENT
301 far-out
+ [1] favor (or favour), fondness, like, liking, love, par- tar-ad \'far-,ad, -::>d\ n : a unit of capacitance equal to the
tiality, preference - more at LIKING + [2] caprice, no- capacitance of a capacitor having a potential difference
tion, whim + [3] chimera, conceit, delusion, dream, of one volt between its plates when it is charged with one
fantasy, figment, hallucination, illusion, phantasm, pipe coulomb of electricity
dream, unreality, vision far.away\'far-::>-,wa\ adi 1 : distant in space or time: DIS-
3fancy adj tan-cl-er: -est 1 : WHIMSICAL 2: not plain: orna- TANT, REMOTE 2: DREAMY
mented and often elegant 3: of particular excellence farce \'fars\ n 1 + : a broadly satirical comedy with an im-
4 : bred esp. for a showy appearance 5: EXCESSIVE probable plot 2 : the humor characteristic of farce or pre-
6 + : executed with technical skill and style - tan-ci-ty tense 3 + : a ridiculous or empty display
\'fan-s::>-Ie\ adv + [l] comedy, humor (or humour), slapstick - more
+ complex, complicated, detailed, elaborate, intricate at COMEDY + [3] caricature, joke, mockery, parody,
- more at ELABORATE sham, travesty - more at MOCKERY
fancy dress n : a costume (as for a masquerade) chosen to far-ci-cal Vfar-si-kalv adj + : of, relating to, or resembling
suit a fancy farce
fan-cy-free \.fan-se-'fre\ adj : free from amorous attach- absurd, comical, funny, humorous, laughable, ludi-
ment; also : free to imagine crous, ridiculous, silly
fan-cy-work\'fan-se-,w::>rk\ n : ornamental needlework (as far cry n 1 : a long distance 2: something notably differ-
embroidery) ent <afar cry from what we expected)
fan-dan-go\fan-'dal)-go\ n, pi -gos 1 : a lively Spanish or 'fare \'far\ vb fared; 1 + : to go or travel: GO, TRAVEL
Spanish-American dance 2: TOMFOOLERY 2 + : to get along: make out or turn out: GET ALONG 3: to
fane \'fan\ n 1 : TEMPLE 2: CHURCH consume food: EAT, DINE
tan-tare \'fan-,far\ n 1 : a flourish of trumpets 2: a showy + [l] advance, go, proceed, progress, travel + [2] cope,
display do, get along, make out, manage
fang \'fal)\ n : a long sharp tooth; esp : a grooved or hollow 'fare n 1 a + : a range or stock of food b: material pro-
tooth of a venomous snake - fanged \'fal)d\ adi vided for use, consumption, or enjoyment <fine theatrical
fan.light\'fan-,lit\ n : a semicircular window with radiating -) 2: the price charged to transport a person 3: a per-
bars like a fan that is set over a door or window
son paying a fare: PASSENGER
fan.ny Vfa-ne', n, pi fannies: BUTTOCKS
tan-tau\'fan-,tii!\ n 1 : a fan-shaped tail or end 2: an over- + food, provender, provisions, viands, victuals
hang at the stern of a ship 'fare-well \far-'wel\ vb imper : get along well - used inter-
tan-ta-sla\fan-'ta-zh::>, -zhe-o, -ze-a; ,fan-t::>-'ze-::>\ n : a mu- jectionally to or by one departing
sical composition free and fanciful in form 'farewelln 1 + : a wish of well-being at parting: GOOD-BYE
tan-ta-slse chiefly Brit var of FANTASIZE 2 + : act of departure: LEAVE-TAKING
tan-ta-slze \'fan-t::>-,siz\ vb -sized; : IMAGINE, DAY- + [1] adieu, au revoir, bon voyage, good-bye- more
DREAM at GOOD-BYE. [2] departure, leave-taking, parting
fan-tas-tic \fan-'tas-tik\ also tan-tas-ti-cal \-ti-k::>l\ adj 3fare-well \'far-,wel\ adj : PARTING, FINAL <a - concert)
1 + : based on fantasy rather than reason: IMAGINARY, UN- far-fetched \'far-'fecht\ adj : not easily or naturally de-
REAL 2 + : conceived by unrestrained fancy 3 + : ex- duced or introduced: IMPROBABLE <- story)
ceedingly or unbelievably great 4 + : exhibiting strange, far-flung \-'fl::>l)\ adj + : widely spread or distributed
grotesque, inappropriate, or startlingly novel characteris- + broad, expansive, extensive, far-reaching, widespread
tics - fan-tas-ti-cal-ly \-ti-k(::>- )Ie\ adv - more at EXTENSIVE
+ [1] fanciful, imaginary, made-up, unreal - more at fa-ri-na\f::>-'re-n::>\ n [L, meal, flour] : a fine meal (as of
IMAGINARY + [2] absurd, bizarre, crazy, fanciful, fool- wheat) used in puddings or as a breakfast cereal
ish, preposterous, unreal Ant realistic, reasonable tar-l-ne-ceous\,far-::>-'na-sh:ls\ adi 1 : having a mealy tex-
+ [3] inconceivable, incredible, unbelievable. unimag- ture or surface 2: containing or rich in starch
inable [4] exotic, glamorous, marvelous (or marvel- 'farm \'farm\ n [MEferme rent, lease, fr. AF, ir.Termer to
lous), outlandish, romantic, strange - more at EXOTIC fix, rent, fr. Lfirmare to make firm, fro firmus firm] 1 : a
fan-ta-sy also phan-ta-sy \'fan-t::>-se\ n, pi -sies 1 + : the tract of land used for raising crops or livestock 2: a mi-
free play of creative imagination as it affects perception nor-league subsidiary of a major-league team
and productivity usu. as expressed in an art form or as 2farm vb + : to use (land) as a farm <-ed 200 acres); also
elicited by projective techniques of formal psychology : to raise crops or livestock
: IMAGINATION, FANCY 2 + : a product of the imagination
+ cultivate, tend
: ILLUSION 3 + : a chimerical or fantastic notion - fan-
tasy vb farm-er n : a person who cultivates land or crops or
+ [l] creativity, fancy, imagination, invention - more raises livestock
at IMAGINATION + [2, 3] chimera, conceit, delusion, + agriculturist, cultivator, grower, planter, tiller
dream, fancy, fantasy, figment, hallucination, illusion, farm-hand\'farm-,hand\ n : a farm laborer
phantasm, pipe dream, unreality, vision tarrn-hcuse \-,halis\ n : a dwelling on a farm
FAQ abbr frequently asked question\'far-mil)\ n : the occupation or business of a per-
'far \'far\ adv far-ther \-th::>r\ or fur-ther \'f::>r-\; far-thest or son who farms
fur-thest \-th::>st\ 1 : at or to a considerable distance in farm-land\'farm-,Iand\ n : land used or suitable for farm-
space or time <- from home) 2: by a broad interval ing
: WIDELY, MUCH <- better) 3: to or at a definite distance, farm out vb : to turn over (as a task) to another
point, or degree <as - as I know) 4: to an advanced farm-stead\'farm-,sted\ n : a fann with its buildings
point or extent <go- in his field) 5: to a great extent - tarm-yard \-,yard\ n : land around or enclosed by farm
by far: by a considerable margin - far and away : DECID- buildings
EDLY - so far: until now far-off \'far-'6f\ adj + : remote in time or space: DISTANT
'far adj farther or further; farthest or furthest 1 : remote distant, remote - more at DISTANT
in space or time 2: DIFFERENT 3: involving a long dis- ta-roucne\f::>-'riish\ adj [F] 1 : WILD 2: marked by shyness
tance <a - journey) 4: being the more distant of two and lack of polish
<on the - side of the lake) far-out \'far-'alit\ adj +: very unconventional <-
+ distant, far-off, remote Ant close, near, nearby clothes)
farrago 302
+ bizarre, odd, outlandish, outre, peculiar, strange, 2fashion vb 1 : to make or construct usu. with the use of
wacky, weird, wild - more at ODD imagination and ingenuity 2: FIT, ADAPT
far.ra.go \fa-'ra-go, -'ra-\ n, pi -goes [L, mixed fodder, mix- + fabricate, form, frame, make, manufacture, produce
ture] : a confused collection: MIXTURE - more at MAKE \'fiir-'re-chi!)\ adj + : having a wide range or tash-lon-able Vfa-sho-na-balv adj 1 + : dressing or behav-
effect ing according to fashion 2 + : of, relating to, or being
+ broad, extensive, widespread - more at EXTENSIVE something in fashion <'" resorts) - fash-ion-ably \-ble\
tar-ri-er Vfer-e-orv n [alter. of ME ferrour, fro AF, black- adv
smith, fro ferrer to shoe (horses)] : a person who shoes + [1] a la mode, chic, in, modish, sharp, smart, snappy,
horses stylish - more at STYLISH [2] hot, in, popular
'farrow \'far-o\ vb : to give birth to a litter of pigs 'fast \'fast\ adj 1 + : firmly fixed 2: tightly shut 3: ad-
2farrow n : a litter of pigs hering firmly 4: STUCK 5 + : firmly loyal: STAUNCH <'"
tar-see-inq \'fiir-,se-i!)\ adi 1 : FARSIGHTED 1 2: FARSIGHTED friends) 6 a + : characterized by quick motion, opera-
2 tion, or effect <a '" trip) <a '" track) b + : unusually
tar-slqht-ed \'far-,si-tad\ adj 1 a : seeing or able to see to a quick and ingenious or cunning in finding or recognizing
great distance b + : having foresight: able to anticipate and profiting by easy and often shady ways of making or
and plan for the future 2: JUDICIOUS, WISE, SHREWD 3: af- acquiring money 7 : indicating ahead of the correct time
fected with an eye condition in which vision is better for <the clock is=-> 8 + : not easily disturbed: SOUND <a '"
distant than near objects - far.sightoed.ness n sleep) 9: permanently dyed; also: being proof against
+ foresighted, prescient, provident - more at FORE- fading <colors '" to sunlight) 10: DISSIPATED, WILD
SIGHTED 11 : sexually promiscuous
'farther \'fiir-thar\ adv 1 + : at or to a greater distance or [I, 8] firm, secure, set, snug, sound, stable, tight-
more advanced point 2: to a greater degree or extent more at TIGHT [5] constant, devoted, faithful, loyal,
+ beyond, further, yonder staunch, steadfast, steady, true - more at FAITHFUL
>farther adj 1 : more distant 2 + : going or extending be- [6a] brisk, fleet, hasty, quick, rapid, speedy, swift Ant
slow + [6b] deceptive, dishonest, shady, sharp, shifty
yond what exists: ADDITIONAL
+ additional, another, more >fast adv 1 : in a fast manner <stuck", in the mud) <'"
asleep) 2 : in a rapid manner: SWIFTLY 3: RECKLESSLY
far-ther-most \-,most\ adj : most remote: FARTHEST
[1] completely, entirely, fully, thoroughly, well,
'farthest \'far-thast\ adj : most distant
wholly - more at FULLY. [2] briskly, hastily, presto,
+ extreme, outermost, ultimate, utmost - more at EX- pronto, quick, quickly, rapidly, speedily, swiftly Ant
TREME slow, slowly
2farthest adv 1 : to or at the greatest distance : REMOTEST 3fast vb 1 : to abstain from food 2: to eat sparingly or ab-
2 : to the most advanced point 3: by the greatest degree stain from some foods
or extent: MOST 4fast n 1 : the act or practice of fasting 2 : a time of fasting
fasoeia \1 is usu 'fa-shfe- )a, 2 is usu 'fa-\ n, pi -ci-ae \-she-,e\ tast-back \'fast-,bak\ n : an automobile having a roof with
or -cias 1 : a flat usu. horizontal part (as a band or board) a long slope to the rear
of or on a building 2 : a sheet of connective tissue cover- fast-ball \-,bol\ n : a baseball pitch thrown at full speed
ing body structures (as muscles) fas-ten \'fas-n\ vb 1 : to attach or join by or as if by pin-
fas-ci-cle \'fa-si-kal\ n 1 : a small or slender bundle (as of ning, tying, or nailing 2 : to make fast : fix securely
pine needles or nerve fiber) 2: one of the divisions of a 3 : to become fixed or joined 4 + : to focus attention
book published in parts - tas-ct-clec \-kald\ adj <"'ed onto the newest trends) - fas-ten-er n
fas-ci-nate \'fas-n-,at\ vb -nat-ed; -nat-inq [Ljascinare, fr.
[1,2] attach, fix, secure, tie; also adhere, bolt, clamp,
fascinum evil spell] 1 : to transfix and hold spellbound by clasp, clinch, clip, glue, hang, harness, lace, lash, latch,
an irresistible power 2 a + : to have or exercise the power nail, paste, pin, rivet, screw, staple, stick, strap, tack,
of charming, alluring, or enthralling b + : engage and tie, yoke; connect, join, link, unite; reattach, refix Ant
powerfully hold the attention or interest 3: to be irre- detach, loose, loosen, undo [4] concentrate, focus,
sistibly attractive rivet, train - more at CONCENTRATE
+ [2a, 2b] allure, beguile, captivate, charm, enchant, tas-ten-tnq n : something that fastens: FASTENER
enthrall + [2b] engage, engross, grip, interest, intrigue, fast-food \,fast-'fiid\ adj : specializing in food that is pre-
involve, occupy - more at ENGAGE pared and served quickly <a '" restaurant)
faSCinating + : holding the interest as if by a spell fast-tor-ward \-'for-ward\ n 1 : a function of an electronic
+ alluring, attractive, captivating, charming, engaging, device that advances a recording rapidly 2: a state of
enthralling, interesting, intriguing Ant repellant, re- rapid advancement - fast-forward vb
pelling, repugnant tas-tid-l-ous \fa-'sti-de-as\ adj 1 .: overly difficult to
tas-cl-na-tlon \,fas-n-'a-shan\ n + : the quality of fascinat- please 2 : showing a meticulous or demanding attitude
ing : the ability to enthrall <'" workmanship) - adv - tas-tld-l-ous-
+ allure, appeal, attractiveness, charisma, charm, en- ness n
chantment, glamour - more at CHARM [1, 2] choosy, demanding, exacting, finicky, fussy,
fas-cism \'fa-,shi-zam\ n, often cap: a political philosophy, particular, picky - more at FINICKY
movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race tast-nese \'fast-nas\ n 1 a : the quality or state of being fast
and stands for a centralized autocratic often militaristic b : fixed attachment c + : the quality or state of being
government - tas-cist \-shist\ n or adj, often cap - tas- swift 2 : a fortified or secure place: STRONGHOLD
cls-tlc \fa-'shis-tik\ adj. often cap [lc] celerity, fleetness, haste, hurry, quickness, rapid-
'fashion \'fa-shan\ n 1 : the make or form of something ity, speed, swiftness, velocity - more at SPEED
2 + : a distinctive or peculiar and often habitual manner + [2] bastion, citadel, fort, fortification, fortress,
or way: MANNER, WAY 3 + : a prevailing usu. short-lived stronghold - more at FORT
custom, usage, or style 4: the prevailing style (as in dress) fast-talk \'fast-,tok\ vb : to influence by persuasive and
+ [2] custom, habit, manner, pattern, practice, way usu. deceptive talk
+ [3] craze, enthusiasm, fad, mode, rage, sensation, fast-track \'fast-,trak\ vb : to speed up the processing or
style, trend, vogue production of
303 faucet
+ accelerate, hasten, hurry, quicken, rush, speed (up), + [1] daddy, papa, pop + [3] ancestor, forefather,
whisk - more at HURRY grandfather - more at ANCESTOR + [6] author, creator,
fast track n : a course leading to rapid advancement or suc- founder, originator; also contriver, designer, innovator,
cess inventor, spawner; builder, maker, producer; devel-
'fat \'fat\ adj tat-ter; tat-test 1 + : notable for having an un- oper, pioneer, researcher; organizer, promoter; inspira-
usual amount of fat: PLUMP, OBESE 2: OlLY, GREASY tion, inspirer + [7] clergyman, minister, preacher,
3 + : well filled out: unusually large 4 + : well furnished, priest, reverend - more at CLERGYMAN
filled, or stocked : ABUNDANT 5 +: richly rewarding 2father vb 1 + : to make oneself the father of : BEGET 2 : to
6 + : having the quality or power of producing esp. in be the founder, producer, or author of 3: to treat or care
abundance for as a f;"ther
+ [1] chubby, corpulent, obese, overweight, plump, beget, get, produce, sire; also breed, multiply, procre-
portly, rotund, round Ant lean, slender, slim, spare, thin ate, propagate, reproduce, spawn; bear, engender, gen-
+ [3] broad, thick, wide - more at WIDE + [4) abun- erate
dant, chock-full, full, packed, replete - more at FULL father-in-law \'fa-ih:l-r:ln-,16\ n, pi fa-thers-In-law vthor-
+ [5] gainful, lucrative, profitable, remunerative- zan-v : the father of one's husband or wife
more at PROFITABLE + [6] fertile, fruitful, productive, ta-ther-land \'fa-ili:lr-,land\ n 1 : the native land of one's
prolific, rich - more at FERTILE ancestors 2 + : one's native land
2fat n 1 : animal tissue rich in greasy or oily matter 2: any country, home, homeland - more at COUNTRY
of various energy-rich esters that occur naturally in ani-
'fath-om \'fa-iliam\ n [ME fadme, fr. OE ftethm length of
mal fats and in plants and are soluble in organic solvents
(as ether) but not in water 3 + : the best or richest por- the outstretched arms) : a unit of length equal to 6 feet
(about 1.8 meters) used esp. for measuring the depth of
tion <lived on the '"'-' of the land) 4: OBESITY 5 + : some-
thing in excess or expendable water
2fathom vb 1: to measure by a sounding line 2: PROBE
+ [3] best, choice, elite, pick, prime - more at ELITE 3 : to penetrate and come to understand - fath-om-able
+ [5] excess, overflow, surfeit, surplus - more at EX-
\'fa-ili:)-m:l-b:ll\ adj
fath-om-less \'fa-ili:lm-l:ls\ adj : incapable of being fath-
ta-tat \'fiit-I\ adj 1 : FATEFUL <that '"'-' day) 2 + : causing
death or ruin <a '"'-' mistake) - adv
'fa.tigue \f:l-'teg\ n [F] 1: manual or menial work per-
+ deadly, deathly, lethal, mortal, murderous, pestilent formed by military personnel 2 pi : the uniform or work
- more at DEADLY + calamitous, catastrophic, destruc- clothing worn on fatigue and in the field 3 + : weariness
tive, disastrous, fateful, ruinous from labor or stress 4: the tendency of a material to
fa-tal-lsrn \-,i-z:)m\ n : the belief that events are determined break under repeated stress
by fate - \-ist\ n - fa-tal-ls-tlc \,fiit-'I-'is-tik\ adj
- fa-tal-is-ti-cal-ly\-ti-k(:l- )Ie\ adv
+ burnout, collapse, exhaustion, lassitude, prostration,
tiredness, weariness; also enervation, faintness, feeble-
fa-tal-i-ty \fii-'ta-l:l-te, f:l-\ n, pi-ties 1 : DEADLINESS 2: FATE
ness, weakness; languor, lethargy, listlessness; sluggish-
3 a : death resulting from a disaster or accident b + : one
ness, slumber, stupor, torpor; apathy, inertia, passivity
who suffers a death from a disaster or accident
Ant refreshment, rejuvenation, revitalization
+ casualty, loss, victim - more at CASUALTY 2fatigue vb fa.tigued; + : to weary with labor or
tat-back \'fat-,bak\ n : a fatty strip from the back of the exertion: WEARY, TIRE
hog usu. cured by salting and drying
fat cat n 1 : a wealthy contributor to a political campaign
+ bum out, do in, drain, exhaust, tire, wear out, weary
- more at EXHAUST
2 : a wealthy privileged person
tat-ness n + : the quality or state of being fat or rich in fats
fate \'fiit\ n [ME, fr. MF or L; MF, fro L fatum, lit., what
: fullness of flesh
has been spoken, fr.jari to speak] 1 + : the cause or will
that is held to determine events: DESTINY 2 + : LOT. FOR- + corpulence. obesity, plumpness - more at CORPU-
TUNE 3: DISASTER; esp ; DEATH 4: ultimate lot or disposi- LENCE
tion : final outcome 5 cap, pi : the three goddesses of tat-ten \'fat-On\ vb : to make or grow fat
classical mythology who determine the course of human Fat Tuesday n : MARDI GRAS
life 'fat.ty \'fa-te\ adj tat-ti-er; -est 1 : containing fat esp, in un-
+ [1, 2] circumstance, destiny, doom, fortune, lot usual amounts 2: GREASY
2fatty n, pi tat-tles : a fat person
fat-ed \'fii-t:)d\ adj : decreed, controlled, or marked by fate
fatty acid n : any of numerous acids that contain only car-
fate-ful \'fiit-f:ll\ ad} 1 : OMINOUS, PROPHETIC 2: IMPORTANT,
bon, hydrogen, and oxygen and that occur naturally in
DECISIVE 3 + : bringing on adverse fate : DESTRUCTIVE
fats and various oils
4 : determined by fate - adv
fa.tuity \f:l-'tii-:)-te, -'tyii-\ n, pl-ities 1 + : something fool-
+ calamitous, catastrophic, destructive, disastrous, fa- ish or stupid 2 + : the quality or state of being stupid
tal, ruinous
fath abbr fathom
+ [1] absurdity, folly, foolery, foolishness, idiocy,
inanity, madness, stupidity + [2] absurdity, foolishness,
tat-head \'fat-,hed\ n +: a stupid person - tat-bead-ed
inanity, insanity, lunacy, madness, silliness, simplicity,
\-'he-d:ld\ adj
+ blockhead, dope, dummy, idiot, imbecile, jackass, fat-u-ous \'fa-chil-w:ls\ adj + : marked by lack of intelli-
moron, numskull - more at IDIOT
gence and rational consideration - fat-u-ous-ly adv
'father \'fa-ili:lr\ n 1 + : a male parent 2 cap: God esp. as
the first person of the Trinity 3 + : a male ancestor more + dense, dull, dumb, obtuse, stupid, unintelligent, vac-
remote than a parent: FOREFATHER 4: one deserving the uous, witless - more at STUPID
respect and love given to a father 5 often cap: an early fau-bourq \fO-'bur\ n 1; a suburb esp, of a French city
Christian writer accepted by the church as an authorita- 2 : a city quarter
tive witness to its teaching and practice 6 + : one that fau-ces \'f6-,sez\ n pi [L, throat] : the narrow passage lo-
originates or institutes: ORlGlNATOR <the '"'-' of modem cated between the soft palate and the base of the tongue
radio); also : SOURCE 7 + : a priest of the regular clergy that joins the mouth to the pharynx
: PRIEST - used esp. as a title 8: one of the leading men fau-cet \'f6-s:lt, 'fa-\ n + : a fixture for drawing off a liquid
<city '"'-'s) - fatherhood \-,hild\ n - fa-ther-less adj- (as from a pipe)
fa.therly adj + cock, gate, spigot, tap, valve
fault 304
'fault \'folt\ n 1 : a weakness in character: FAlLING 2 : a 2favor or Can and Brit favour vb 1 : to regard or treat with
physical or intellectual imperfection or impairment: IMPER- favor 2: to do a kindness for or oblige esp. with a gift
FECTION, DEFECT 3: an error esp. in service in a net or : OBLIGE 3: ENDOW <-ed by nature) 4: to treat gently or
racket game 4 : a failure to do what is right: an uninten- carefully: SPARE <- a lame leg) 5 : to show partiality
tional error : MISTAKE 5.: responsibility for something toward: PREFER 6: SUPPORT, SUSTAIN 7: FACILITATE <dark-
wrong 6: a fracture in the earth's crust accompanied by a ness -sattack) 8: RESEMBLE (he -shis father)
displacement of one side relative to the other [1] accept, approve, care, countenance, OK, sub-
[1] demerit, failing, foible, frailty, shortcoming, vice, scribe. [5] lean, like, prefer - more at PREFER
weakness; also blot, spot, stain; blemish, deficiency, ta-vor-abte or Can and Brit fa-vour-able \'fa-va-ra-bal\ adj
flaw; Achilles' heel; corruption, depravity, evil, im- 1 .: expressing approval : APPROVING 2.: tending to
morality, sinfulness, wickedness Ant merit, virtue promote or facilitate : HELPFUL, ADVANTAGEOUS <-
[2] blemish, defect, flaw, imperfection - more at weather) 3 : marked by success
BLEMISH [4] blunder, error, fumble, goof, misstep,
(1) appreciative, complimentary, friendly, good, pos-
mistake, oversight, slip - more at ERROR [5] blame, itive; also eulogistic, laudatory; respectful; adulatory,
culpability, guilt, rap - more at BLAME worshipful Ant adverse, disapproving, negative
2fault vb 1 : to commit a fault: ERR 2: to fracture so as to (2) advantageous, beneficial, helpful, profitable, salu-
produce a geologic fault 3 : to find a fault in tary - more at BENEFICIAL. [3] auspicious, bright, en-
blame, condemn, criticize, denounce, knock, pan - couraging, hopeful, promismg, propitious; also
more at CRlTICIZE fortunate, happy, lucky, providential; advantageous,
tault-flnd-er \'folt-,fin-dar\ n : a person who tends to find beneficial, profitable Ant discouraging, inauspicious,
fault or complain - n or adj unfavorable, unpromising
carper, castigator, censurer, critic, nitpicker, scold - ta-vor-abty or Can and Brit fa-vour-ably \-ble\ adv : in a
more at CRlTIC favorable manner Vfol-ta-lev adv : in a faulty or blamable manner agreeably, nicely, pleasantly, pleasingly, satisfyingly,
erroneously, improperly, incorrectly, wrongly well
tautt-tess adj : having no fault: free from defect, imper- 'favorite or Can and Brit ta-vour-tte \'fa-va-rat, -vratv n
fection, failing, blemish, or error 1 : a person or a thing that is favored above others 2: a
flawless, impeccable, perfect, unblemished - more competitor regarded as most likely to win
at PERFECT blameless, innocent, irreproachable- darling, pet, preference, prize, treasure
more at INNOCENT 2favorite or Can and Brit favourite adj. : being a favorite
fault-less-ly adv : in a manner having no fault dear, loved, precious, special
flawlessly, ideally, impeccably, perfectly - more at favorite son n : a candidate supported by the delegates of
PERFECTLY his state at a presidential nominating convention
faultyadj : marked by a fault: having a fault, blemish, or ta-vor-lt-ism \'fa-va-ra-,ti-zam\ or Can and Brit ta-vour-lt-
defect ism n : PARTIALITY, BIAS
bad, defective, imperfect; also fallible; blemished, 'fawn Vfon, 'fan\ vb 1 : to show affection <a dog -ing on
broken, damaged, defaced, disfigured, impaired, in- its master) 2 : to court favor by a cringing or flattering
jured, marred, spoiled; deficient, inadequate, incom- manner
plete, insufficient, wanting Ant faultless, flawless, fuss, kowtow, toady; also drool, gush, slaver, slobber;
perfect endear, ingratiate; court, woo; adulate, idolize, worship;
faun \'fon\ n ; a Roman god similar to but gentler than a cajole, coax, flatter; cower, cringe, grovel; abase, de-
satyr base, demean; defer, SUbmit, yield
fau-na \'fo-na\ n, pi faunas also fau-nae \-,ne, -,ni\ [NL, fr. 2fawn n 1 : a young deer 2 : a light grayish brown - fawny
L Fauna, sister of Faunus (the Roman god of animals)] Vfo-ne, 'fa-\ adj
: animals or animal life esp. of a region, period, or envi-
ronment - tau-nat \-nal\ adj
fau-vism \'[6-,vi-zam\ n, often cap: a movement in painting
fax \'faks\ n 1 : FACSIMILE 2 2: a device used to send or re-
ceive facsimile communications; also: such a communi-
cation - fax vb

characterized by vivid colors, free treatment of form, and
a vibrant and decorative effect - fau-vist \-vist\ n, often cap
'fay \'fa\ n : a mythical being of folklore and romance !
usu. having diminutive human form and magic powers
faux \'[6\ adj : resembling something else that is usu. and given to beneficial or mischievous interference in hu- ~
genuine and of better quality
man affairs
artificial, fake, imitation, mock, sham, synthetic-
brownie, dwarf, elf, fairy, gnome, hobgoblin, lep-
more at IMITATION rechaun, pixie, puck, troll
faux pas \'f6-,pa, fo-'\ n, pi faux pas \same or -,paz, -'paz\ ;;
2fay adj : like an elf
[F, lit., false step) : BLUNDER; esp : a social blunder
ta-va bean \'fa-va-\ n : the large flat edible seed of an Old antic, elfish, frisky, frolicsome, playful- more at
World vetch; also: this plant PLAYFUL
'fa.vor or Can and Brit fa-vour \'fii-var\ n 1 : friendly re- faze \'fliz\ vb fazed; : to disturb the composure or
gard shown toward another esp. by a superior 2 : the act courage of
of approving or the state of being approved of: APPROVAL confound, confuse, disconcert, embarrass, fluster,
3 ; bias in favor: PARTIALITY 4: POPULARITY 5: gracious rattle - more at EMBARRASS
kindness; also : an act of such kindness 6 pi : effort in FBI abbr Federal Bureau of Investigation
one's behalf: AITEN110N 7: a token of love (as a ribbon) FCC abbr Federal Communications Commission
usu. worn conspicuously 8: a small gift or decorative item FD abbr fire department
given out at a party 9: a special privilege 10: sexual priv- FDA abbr Food and Drug Administration
ileges - usu. used in pl. 11 : BEHALF, INTEREST FDIC abbr Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
[1] admiration, appreciation, esteem, estimation, re-
gard, respect - more at ADMIRATION. (2) approbation,
Fe symbol [Lferrum] iron
fe-al.ty \'fel-te\ n, pi-ties. : intense fidelity: LOYALTY, AL-
approval, blessing, imprimatur, OK - more at AP-
PROVAL (3) bias, partiality, partisanship, prejudice-
allegiance, constancy, dedication, devotion, faith,
more at BIAS (6) boon, courtesy, grace, indulgence, faithfulness, fastness, fidelity, loyalty, steadfastness- ~
kindness, mercy, service, tum more at FIDELITY


305 federalist
'fear \'fir\ vb 1 : to have a reverent awe of <~ God) 2: to 'feather vb 1 : to furnish with a feather <~ an arrow> 2: to
be afraid of : have fear <~s spiders) 3 : to be appre- cover, clothe, line, or adorn with or as if with feathers -
hensive feather one's nest: to provide for oneself financially esp.
bother, fret, stew, sweat, trouble, worry - more at while exploiting a position of trust
WORRY feath-er.bedoding \'fe-thar-,be-dil)\ n : the requiring of an
'fear n 1 : an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by employer usu. under a union rule or safety statute to em-
expectation or awareness of danger; also: an instance of ploy more workers than are needed
or a state marked by this emotion 2: anxious concern feath-er-edge \-,ej\ n : a very thin sharp edge
: SOLICITUDE 3: profound reverence esp. toward God feath-er-weiqht \-,wat\ n : one that is very light in weight;
alarm, anxiety, apprehension, dread, fright, trepida- esp : a boxer weighing more than 118 but not over 126
tion; also phobia; jitters, nervousness, willies; pang, pounds
qualm, twinge; agitation, discomposure, disquiet, per- feath-eryam + : light and delicate
turbation; concern, dismay, worry; cowardice, timidity, airy, light - more at LIGHT
timorousness 'fea.ture \'fe-char\ n [ME/eture, fro AF, fr. L/actura act of
tear-ful \-fal\ 1 : causing fear 2 : filled with fear making, fro facere to make] 1 : the shape or appearance
3 + : showing or caused by fear 4 : extremely bad, in- of the face or its parts 2: a part of the face: LINEAMENT
tense, or large - adv 3 + : a prominent part or characteristic 4: a special at-
+ [1] dire, dreadful, fearsome, forbidding, formidable, traction (as in a newspaper) 5: something offered to the
frightful, hair-raising, horrible, redoubtable, scary, public or advertised as particularly attractive - tea-ture-
shocking, terrible, terrifying; also daunting, disconcert- less adj
ing, discouraging, dismaying, disquieting, distressing, attribute, character, characteristic, mark, peculiarity,
perturbing, startling, threatening, troubling, trying; point, property, quality, trait - more at CHARACTERIS-
creepy, eerie, weird; ghastly, gruesome, nightmarish TIC
+ [2, 3] afraid, scared, skittish, timid - more at AFRAID >feature vb 1 : to picture in the mind: IMAGINE 2 + : to give
[4] deep, fierce, furious, hard, intense, profound, ter- special prominence to <the show ~s new artists> 3: to
rible, violent - more at INTENSE
play an important part
fear.less \-Ias\ am : free from fear: BRAVE - tear-less-ly
accent, accentuate, emphasize, highlight, stress, un-
derline, underscore - more at EMPHASIZE
+ brave, courageous, heroic, intrepid, lionhearted, stal- Feb abbr February
wart, stout, undaunted, valiant
fear.lessness n + : the quality or state of being without
am :
fe-brile \'fe-,bti(-a)l\ FEVERISH
Feb-ru-ary \'fe-b(y)a-,wer-e, 'fe-bra-\ n [ME Februarie, fr. L
Februarius, fro Februa, pl., feast of purification] : the 2d
bravery, courage, daring, heroism, nerve, stoutness, month of the year
valor - more at COURAGE te-ces \'fe-,sez\ n pi : bodily waste discharged from the in-
tear-scme \-sam\ am 1 + : causing fear 2 : TIMID 3: IN- testine : EXCREMENT - fe-cal \-kal\ adj
TENSE <~ determination) feek.less \'fek-Ias\ adj 1 : WEAK, INEFFECTIVE 2: WORTH-
fearful, formidable, hair-raising, scary, shocking, ter- LESS, IRRESPONSIBLE
rifying - more at FEARFUL
fea-si-ble \'fe-za-bal\ adj [ME faisible, fr. AF [aisable, fr.
fe-cund \'fe-k:md, 'fe-\ am + : fruitful in offspring or vege-
tation : FRUITFUL, PROLIFIC - feocunodi.ty \fi-'kan-da-te,
fais-, stem of faire to make, do] 1 + : capable of being fe-\ n
done or carried out <a ~ plan) 2: SUITABLE 3: REASON-
fat, fertile, fruitful, luxuriant, productive, prolific,
ABLE, LIKELY - fea-si-bil-i-ty \,fe-za-'bi-Ia-te\ n - feasi- rich - more at FERTILE
bly \'fe-za-ble\ adv fe-cun-date \'fe-kan-,dat, 'fe-\ vb -dat-ed: -dating 1: to
achievable, attainable, doable, possible, practicable, make fecund 2: IMPREGNATE - feocunoda.tion \,fe-kan-
viable, workable - more at POSSIBLE Ida-shan, ,fe-\ n
'feast \'fest\ n 1 : an elaborate meal: BANQUET 2 : ABUN- fed abbr federal; federation
DANCE <a ~ of good books) 3: FESITVAL 1 fed-er-al \'fe-da-ral, -dralv am 1 : formed by a compact be-
banquet, dinner, feed, spread; also chow, repast; tween political units that surrender individual sover-
blowout, festival, fete, gala, party; festivity; barbecue, eignty to a central authority but retain certain limited
clambake, cookout, fry, luau, roast powers 2: of or constituting a form of government in
>feast vb 1 a : to take part in a feast b : to give a feast for which power is distributed between a central authority
2 : to enjoy some unusual pleasure or delight 3: DELIGHT, and constituent territorial units 3: of or relating to the
GRATIFY central government of a federation 4 cap : FEDERALIST
+ banquet, dine, junket, regale; also cater, feed; fete, 5 often cap: of, relating to, or loyal to the federal govern-
honor ment or the Union armies of the U.S. in the American
feat \'fet\ n + : a deed notable esp, for courage: a heroic Civil War - adv
achievement; esp : an act notable for courage, skill, en- Federal n : a supporter of the U.S. government in the Civil
durance, or ingenuity War; esp : a soldier in the federal armies
deed, exploit, stunt, trick; also accomplishment, federal district n : a district (as the District of Columbia)
achievement, coup; adventure; performance set apart as the seat of the central government of a feder-
'feath-er \'fe-thar\ n 1 : any of the light horny outgrowths ation
that form the external covering of the body of a bird fed-eral.ism \'fe-da-ra-li-zam, -dro-', n 1 often cap: the dis-
2 : the vane of an arrow 3: the entire clothing of feathers tribution of power in an organization (as a government)
of a bird : PLUMAGE 4.: a group united by common between a central authority and the constituent units
traits or interests <birds of a~) 5 + : elaborate, showy, 2 : support or advocacy of federalism 3 cap: the princi-
or ceremonial dress <in full~) 6: CONDITION, MOOD <in ples of the Federalists
Ii fine ~) - feath-ered \-thard\ am - feath-erlessam- ted-er-al-lst \-list\ n 1 : an advocate of federalism 2 often
; a feather in one's cap: a mark of distinction: HONOR cap: an advocate of a federal union between the Ameri-
= + [4] class, ilk, kind, like, sort, type - more at SORT can colonies after the Revolution and of adoption of
[5] array, best, finery, full dress, regalia - more at the U.S. Constitution 3 cap '. a mem\)et ot a ma\o! '\)()\\\\-
r~",{ cal party in the early years of the U.S. favoring a strong

federalist 306
centralized national government - federalist adj, often + (2) endure, experience, have, know, see, suffer, sus-
cap tain, taste, undergo - more at EXPERIENCE + (4) per- Vfe-da-ra-diz, -dro-v vb -ized; -lz-lng 1: to ceive, scent, see, sense, smell, taste; also discern,
unite in or under a federal system 2: to bring under the observe, view; ascertain, discover, learn; anticipate, ex-
jurisdiction of a federal government pect, foresee (6) believe, consider, deem, figure, guess,
fed-er-ate \'fe-d;)-,rat\ vb -at-ed: -at-inq + : to join in a fed- hold, imagine, suppose, think - more at BELIEVE
eration + (7) fish, fumble, grope - more at GROPE + usu feel
+ ally, associate, band, club, confederate, conjoin, co- for [9] commiserate, pity, sympathize - more at PITY
operate, league, unite - more at ALLY 'feel n 1 : the sense of touch 2 : a sensation experienced
fed-er.a.tion \,fe-d;:l-'ra-sh;)n\ n 1 : a political or societal through the sense of feeling 3: the quality of a thing as
entity formed by uniting smaller entities 2 : a federal gov- imparted through touch
ernment 3 : a union of organizations 4: the forming of + (2) feeling, sensation, sense - more at SENSATION
a federal union feel-er \'fe-l;:Ir\ n 1 : one that feels; esp : a tactile organ (as
+ alliance, bloc, coalition, combination, combine, con- on the head of an insect) 2: a proposal or remark made
federacy, confederation, league, union - more at CON- to find out the views of other people
FEDERACY ' \'fe-lil)\ n 1 a : the sense of touch b + : a sensation
fedn abbr federation perceived by touch 2 + : a state of mind <a ~ of loneli-
te-do-ra \fi-'dor-;)\ n : a low soft felt hat with the crown ness) 3 pi : general emotional condition : SENSIBILITIES
creased lengthwise <hurt their ~s) 4 + : often unreasoned opinion or belief
fed up adi + : satiated, tired, or disgusted beyond en- : OPlNION, BELiEF 5 + : capacity to respond emotionally
durance + [Ib] feel, sensation, sense - more at SENSATION
+ jaded, sick, tired, weary - more at WEARY + (2) emotion, sentiment; also impression, perception,
sense + (4) belief, conviction, eye, judgment (or judge-
fee \'fe\ n [ME, fro AF fe, fief, of Grnc origin; akin to OE ment), mind, notion, opinion, persuasion, sentiment,
feoh cattle, property) 1 : an estate in land held from a feu- verdict, view - more at OPINION + (5) compassion,
dallord 2: an inherited or heritable estate in land 3 + : a heart, humanity, kindness, sympathy - more at HEART
fixed charge; also : a charge for a service 'feeling adj 1 : having the capacity to feel or respond emo-
+ charge, cost, figure, price - more at PRICE tionally : SENSITIVE; esp : easily moved emotionally 2: ex-
fee-ble \'fe-b;:ll\ adj fee-bier \-b;)-I;)r\; fee-blest \-b;)-l;)st\ pressing emotion or sensitivity - adv
[MEfeble, fro OF, fr. Ljlebi/is lamentable, wretched, fr. feet pi of FOOT
flere to weep) 1 + : markedly lacking in strength: FRAIL feign \'fan\ vb 1 + : to give a false appearance of : SHAM
2 : INEFFEcrlVE, INADEQUATE <a ~ protest) - fee-bly <~ illness) 2: to assert as if true: PRETEND
\-ble\ adv + affect, assume, fake, pretend, put on, sham, simulate;
+ faint, frail, infirm, wasted, weak also act, dissemble, impersonate, masquerade; forge,
fee-ble-mind-ed \,fe-b;)l-'min-d;:ld\ adi : lacking normal in- imitate; camouflage, conceal, disguise, mask; bluff,
telligence - tee-ble-mtnd-ed-ness n feint
fee-ble-ness n + : the quality or state of being feeble feigned \'fand\ adj 1 : not genuine or real 2 + : not gen-
uinely felt
+ debility, frailty, infirmity, weakness
+ artificial, hypocritical, insincere, two-faced - more
'feed \'fed\ vb fed \'fed\; 1 + : to give food to; also
: to give as food 2 a + : to consume food: EAT 1 b: to
feint \'fant\ n : something feigned; esp : a mock blow or at-
seize and devour prey - used with on, upon, or off 3 : to
tack intended to distract attention from the real point of
furnish what is necessary to the growth or function of
attack - feint vb
4 : to supply for use or consumption - feed-er n
feisty \'fi-ste\ adi tetst-i-er: -est: having or showing a lively
+ [1) board, cater, provision, victual; also serve, wait; aggressiveness <a ~ heroine)
nourish, nurture; banquet, dine, feast, regale; mess feld.spar \'feld-,spiir\ n : any of a group of crystalline min-
+ [2a) dine, eat, fare - more at DINE erals consisting of silicates of aluminum with another el-
2feed n 1 a + : a usu. large meal; esp : a sumptuous meal ement (as potassium or sodium)
b +: the portion or serving of food eaten at a meal te-llc-l-tate \fi-'Ii-s;)-,tat\ vb -tat-ed: -tat-inq : to offer con-
2 : food for livestock 3: a mechanism for feeding mate- gratulations to : CONGRATULATE
rial to a machine te-lic-t-ta-tton \fi-,li-s;:l-'ta-sh;)n\ n : the act or an instance of
+ [la) banquet, dinner, feast, spread - more at FEAST congratulating: CONGRATULATION
+ [Ib] board, chow, meal, mess, repast, table - more fe-lic.i.tous \fi-'Ii-s;)-t;)s\ adj 1 + : suitably expressed: APT
at MEAL 2 + : highly pleasing: affording great pleasure and satis-
teed-back \'fed-,bak\ n 1 : the return to the input of a part faction: PLEASANT, DELIGHTFUL
of the output of a machine, system, or process 2: re- + [I) applicable, appropriate, apt, fit, fitting, proper,
sponse esp. to one in authority about an activity or policy right, suitable - more at FIT, BECOMING + (2) agree-
3 : sound (as whistling) resulting from the retransmission able, congenial, delightful, pleasant, pleasurable, satis-
of an amplified or broadcast signal fying
teed-lot \'fed-,liit\ n : land on which cattle are fattened for adv + : in a felicitous manner
market + agreeably, favorably (or favourably), nicely, pleas-
teed-stutt \-,st;)[\ n : FEED 2 antly, pleasingly, satisfyingly, splendidly, well
'feel \'fel\ vb felt \'felt\; feeling 1 : to perceive or examine fe-lic.ity \fi-'Ii-sa-te\ n, pi -ties 1 + : the quality or state of
through physical contact : TOUCH, HANDLE 2 + : to un- being happy; esp : great happiness 2 + : something that
dergo passive experience of : EXPERIENCE; also: to suffer causes happiness 3: a pleasing manner or quality esp. in
from 3: to ascertain by cautious trial <~ out public sen- art or language 4: an apt expression
timent) 4 + : to be aware of 5: to be conscious of an in- + Il) blessedness, bliss, gladness, happiness, joy-
ward impression, state of mind, or physical condition more at HAPPINESS [2J benefit, blessing, boon, god-
6 : to be aware of by instinct or inference : BELIEVE,
THINK <say what you~) 7 + : to search for something
send, good, manna, windfall- more at
fe-line \'fe-,lln\ adj [Lfelinus, fr.felis cat] 1 : of or relating
with the fingers : GROPE 8: SEEM <it ~s like spring) to cats or their kin 2: SLY, TREACHEROUS 3: STEALTHY
9 + : to have sympathy or pity <1 ~ for you) feline n + : a feline animal
307 fermentation
cat, kitty, puss - more at CAT b .: characteristic of or appropriate or peculiar to
'fell \'fel\ n : SKIN, HIDE, PELT women 2: of, relating to, or constituting the gender that
2feU vb 1 a : to cut, beat, or knock down b: to deprive of includes most words or grammatical forms referring to
life 2: to sew (a seam) by folding one raw edge under the females - fem.i.nin.i.ty\,fe-ma-'ni-na-te\ n
other female, womanly; also girlish, sissy, unmanly; lady-
chop, cut, hew like Ant male, manly, mannish, masculine
3feU past 0/ FALL 2feminine n : a noun, pronoun, adjective, or inflectional
'feU adj 1 .: violently hostile or aggressivein tempera- form or class of the feminine gender; also: the feminine
ment : FIERCE 2 : killing or markedly sickening or de- gender
stroying : DEADLY - in one fell swoop also at one fell fem.i.nismVfe-rna-jni-zamx n 1 : the theory of the politi-
swoop: all at once: with a single effort cal, economic, and social equality of the sexes 2: organ-
[1) ferocious, fierce, grim, savage,vicious - more at ized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests -
FIERCE [2) deadly, fatal, lethal, mortal, murderous, fem.i.nist\-nist\ n or adi
pestilent, vital- more at DEADLY femme ta-tale \,fem-fa-'tal\ n, pi femmes ta-tates sameor
fellah \'fe-la, fa-'Iii\ n, pi or tel-ta-heen \,fe-Ia- -'taJz\ [p, lit., disastrous woman) : a seductive woman
'hen\ : a peasant or agricultural laborer in Arab countries fe-mur\'fe-mar\ n, pi fe-murs or fem-o-raVfe-ma-rav : the
(as Egypt or Syria) long leg bone extending from the hip to the knee - fem-
tel-ta-tio \fa-'Ia-she-,o\ also fel-la-tlcn \-shan\ n : oral stimu- o-ralVfe-ma-ralx adj
lation of the penis fen \'fen\ n : low swampy land
fellow \'fe-Io\ n [ME/eiawe, fro OEfoolaga, fro ON Ielagi, bog, marsh, mire, morass, slough, swamp - more at
fro folag partnership (fr. fo cattle, money) + lag act of lay- SWAMP
ing) 1 : one that accompanies or is in the company of 'fence \'fens\ n [ME/ens, short for de/ens defense) 1 : a
another: one much in the company of another 2 : an barrier (as of wood or wire) to prevent escape or entry or
equal in rank, power, or character: EQUAL, PEER 3: one to mark a boundary 2: a person who receives stolen
of a pair: MATE 4: a member of an incorporated literary goods;also: a place where stolen goods are disposed of -
or scientific society 5 : an individual human: an adult on the fence: in a position of neutrality or indecision
male human: MAN 6 : a frequent, regular, or favorite barrier, hedge, wall- more at BARRIER
escort or male companion : BOYFRIEND 7: a person
granted a stipend for advanced study 2fenee vb fenced; 1 .: to enclose with a fence
2 : to keep in or out with a fence 3: to practice fencing
[1) associate, cohort, companion, comrade, crony,
mate - more at ASSOCIATE [2) equal, like, match, 4 : to use tactics of attack and defense esp. in debate -
parallel, peer. [5) buck, chap, dude, gent, gentleman, tenc-er n
guy, hombre, jack, joker, lad, male, man - more at usu fence in cage, corral, enclose, hedge, pen
MAN [6) beau, boyfriend, man, swain - more at fene.ingn 1 : the art or practice of attack and defense with
BOYFRIEND the foil, epee, or saber 2: the fences of a property or re-
fel.lowman \,fe-Io-'man\ n : a kindred human being gion 3: material used for building fences
fel.low.ship \'fe-Io-,ship\ n 1 : the condition of friendly fend \'fend\ vb 1 : to keep or ward off: REPEL 2: SHIFT
relationship existing among persons 2 : a community <- for yourself>
of interest or feeling 3 : a group with similar interests usu fend off repel, repulse, stave off - more at REPEL
4 : the position of a fellow (as of a university) 5: the tend-erVfen-dcrv n : a protective device (as a guard over
stipend granted a fellow the wheel of an automobile)
[1) camaraderie,companionship, company, comrade-
ship, society - more at COMPANIONSHIP [2) brother- buffer, bumper, cushion, pad - more at CUSHION
hood, community, corps, fraternity - more at CORPS ten-es-tra-tton\,fe-n:l-'stra-sh:ln\ n : the arrangement and
[3) association, club, college. congress, council, fra- design of windows and doors in a building
ternity, league, order, organization, society - more at Fe-ni-an \'fe-ne-:m\ n : a member of a secret 19th century
ASSOCIATION Irish and Irish-American organization dedicated to over-
fellow traveler n : a sympathetic supporter of another's throwing British rule in Ireland
cause; esp : a person who sympathizes with and often fur- fennel\'fen-'I\ n : a garden plant related to the carrot and
thers the ideals and program of an organized group (as grown for its aromatic foliage and seeds
the Communist party) without joining it FEPCabbr Fair Employment Practices Commission
tel-on \'fe-Ian\ n 1 : one who has committed a felony fe-ral\'fir-al, 'fer-\ adj 1 : SAVAGE 2 : not domesticated
2: WHITLOW or cultivated: WILD 1 3: having escaped from domestica-
criminal, crook, culprit, lawbreaker, malefactor, of- tion and become wild
fender - more at CRIMINAL savage,unbroken, undomesticated, untamed, wild -
fe-lc-ni-ous\fa-'Io-ne-as\ adj : of, relating to, or having the more at WILD
nature of a felony fer-<te-IaneeVfer-dc-tlansx n, pi fer-<te-Ianee[p, lit., lance
fel-o-ny\'fe-Ia-ne\ n, pi -nies : a serious crime punishable iron, spearhead) : a large venomous pit viper of Central
by a heavy sentence and So. America
tel-spar chiefly Brit var O/FELDSPAR 'fer.ment \f:lr-'ment\ vb 1 : to cause or undergo fermenta-
'felt \'felt\ n 1 : a cloth made of wool and fur often mixed tion 2: to be or cause to be in a state of agitation or in-
with natural or synthetic fibers 2: a material resembling tense activity
felt 2ferment\'f:lr-,ment\ n 1: a living organism (as a yeast)
2feltpast and past part 0/ FEEL causing fermentation by its enzymes; also : ENZVME
fem abbr 1 female 2 feminine 2 : a state of unrest
fe-male\'fe-,maJ\ adj [ME, alter. of femel, fro MF femelle, restlessness, turmoil, uneasiness, unrest - more at
fro MLfemella, fro L, girl, dim. of femina woman) 1 : of, UNREST
relating to, or being the sex that bears young; also: PIS- ter-men-ta-ttcn\,far-m:ln-'ta-sh:ln, -,men-\ n 1 : chemical
TILLATE 2 : characteristicof girls or women <- voices> decomposition of an organic substance (as in the souring
feminine, womanly - more at FEMININE of milk or the formation of alcohol from sugar) by enzy-
female n : a female person: a woman matic action in the absence of oxygen often with forma-
'feminine \'fe-ma-nan\ adj 1 a : of the female sex tion of gas 2: FERMENT 2
fermium 308
fermium Vfer-me-am, 'far-\ n : an artificially produced ra- ardent, burning, charged, emotional, fervent, fiery,
dioactive metallic chemical element hot-blooded, impassioned, intense, passionate, red-hot,
fern \'farn\ n : any of an order of vascular plants resem- vehement - more at FERVENT
bling seed plants in having roots, stems, and leafJike fer-vor or Can and Brit fer-vour \'far-var\ n 1 : intense heat
fronds but reproducing by spores instead of by flowers 2 : intensity of feeling or expression
and seeds ardor, emotion, fervency, heat, intensity, passion, ve-
fern-ery \'far-na-re\ n, pi -er-les 1 : a place for growing hemence, warmth - more at ARDOR
ferns 2: a collection of growing ferns fes-cue \'fes-kyli\ n : any of a genus of tufted perennial
fe-ro-cious \fa-'ro-shas\ adj 1 : exhibiting or given to ex- grasses
treme fierceness and unrestrained violence and brutality festal \'fest-Ol\ adj : FESTIVE
2 .: extremely intense - te-ro-cleus-ly adv - te-ro- fester \'fes-tar\ vb 1 : to form pus 2: PUTREFY, ROT 3: RAN-
claus-ness n KLE
(1) fell, fierce, grim, savage, vicious - more at fes-ti-val \'fes-ta-val\ n 1 : a time of celebration marked
FIERCE. [2] deep, fearful, heavy, intense, profound by special observances; esp : an occasion marked with re-
fe-roc-i-ty \fa-'rii-sa-te\ n : the quality or state of being fe- ligious ceremonies 2: a periodic season or program of
rocious cultural events or entertainment <a dance ~)
lfer.ret \'fer-at\ n : a partially domesticated usu. white Eu- carnival, celebration, festivity, fete, fiesta, gala, ju-
ropean mammal related to the weasels bilee; also jollification, merrymaking, revel, revelry; ex-
2ferret vb 1 : to hunt game with ferrets 2 : to drive out of a hibit, exhibition, exposition, fair, show; exercises,
hiding place 3 : to find and bring to light by searching honors
- usu. used with out <~ out the truth) festive \'fes-tiv\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or suitable for a
usu ferret out detect, determine, dig up, discover, feast or festival 2 : marked by gaiety, conviviality, or
find, hit on, locate, track down - more at FIND revelry - tes-tlve-ly adv
ter-rlc \'fer-ik\ adj : of, relating to, or containing iron gay, gleeful, jolly, jovial, merry, mirthful, sunny-
ferric oxide n : an oxide of iron found in nature as hematite more at MERRY
and as rust and used esp. as a pigment, for polishing, and fes.tiv.i.ty \fes-'ti-va-te\ n, pi -ties 1 : a time of celebra-
in magnetic materials tion marked by special observances: FESTIVAL 1 2: the
Fer.ris wheel \'fer-as-\ n : an amusement device consisting quality or state of being festive 3 : festive activity
of a large upright power-driven wheel with seats that re- [1] carnival, celebration, festival, fete, fiesta, gala, ju-
main horizontal around its rim bilee - more at FESTIVAL [3] conviviality, gaiety, jol-
ter-ro-maq-net-lc \,fer-o-mag-'ne-tik\ adi : of or relating to lification, merriment, merrymaking, revelry - more at
substances that are easily magnetized MERRYMAK.lNG
ter-rous \'fer-as\ adj : of, relating to, or containing iron 'festoon \fes-'Wn\ n [F feston, fro It festone, it.Testa festi-
ter-rute Vfer-olv n : a metal ring or cap around a slender val] 1 : a decorative chain or strip hanging between two
wooden shaft to prevent splitting points 2: a carved, molded, or painted ornament repre-
lfer.ry \'fer-e\ vb fer-ried; [MEferien, fr. OEferian senting a decorative chain
to carry, convey) 1 : to carry by boat across a body of wa- 2festoon vb 1 : to hang or form festoons on 2 : to shape into
ter 2 : to cross by a ferry 3 : to convey from one place festoons
to another fe-ta \'fe-ta\ n : a white crumbly Greek cheese made from
+ bear, carry, convey. haul. transport - more at CARRY sheep's or goat's milk
fe-tal ,'fet-" adi : of. relating to, or being a fetus
2ferry n, pi ferries 1 : a place where persons or things are
fetch \ 'fech \ vb 1 : to go or come after and bring or take
ferried 2: FERRYBOAT
back <teach a dog to ~ a stick) 2 : to have as a price
fer.ry.boat \'fer-e-,bot\ n : a boat used in ferrying 3: to cause to come: bring out <~ed tears from the eyes)
ter-tlle \'fart-I\ adj 1 : producing plentifully: PRODUC- 4 : to give by striking <~ him a blow)
TIVE <~ soils) <a ~ mind) 2: capable of developing or
bring, cost, go, sell - more at COST
reproducing <~ seed) <a ~ bull) - ter-tll-i-ty \(,)far-'ti-
I;He\n fetch-ing adj : tending to win interest or admiration: AT-
fecund, fruitful, luxuriant, productive, prolific, rich;
also bearing, producing, yielding; abounding, abundant, alluring, attractive, charming, engaging, fascinating
bountiful; copious, plenteous, plentiful; blooming, fetch up vb : to bring to a stop
bursting, swarming, teeming, thriving; creative, inven- draw up, halt, hold up, stay, still, stop - more at
tive, original Ant barren, infertile, sterile, unfruitful, un- HALT
productive 'fete or fete \'fat, 'fet\ n [Ffote, fr. OF feste] 1 : a festive
fertilize \'fart-Ol-,Iz\ vb -ized; 1 : to unite with in the celebration or entertainment: FESTIVAL 2 : a large elab-
process of fertilization <a sperm ~s an egg) 2: to apply orate entertainment or party
fertilizer to - fer.tiI.ization \,fart-Ol-a-'za-shan\ n [1] carnival, celebration, festival, festivity, fiesta,
ter-tll-lz-er \-,i-zar\ n : material (as manure or a chemical gala, jubilee - more at FESTIVAL. [2] affair, blowout,
mixture) for enriching land event, function, get-together, party - more at PARTY
ter-ute \'fer-al\ n : a rod or ruler used to punish children 2fete or fete vb fet-ed or fet-ed; or 1 : to honor
fer.ven-cy \'far-van-se\ n, p[-cies + : deep interest in or en- or commemorate with a fete 2: to pay high honor to
thusiasm for something: FERVOR tet-ld \'fe-tad\ adj : having an offensive smell
ardor, emotion, fervor, heat, intensity, passion, vehe- foul, malodorous, noisome, rank, reeky, smelly,
mence, warmth - more at ARDOR strong - more at MALODOROUS
fer-vent \'far-vant\ adj 1 : very hot: GLOWING 2 : marked fe-tish also fe-tich \'fe-tish\ n [F & Ps: F fetiche, fro Pg
by great intensity of feeling - adv feitico, ir.feitico artificial, false, fro Lfacticius factitious]
ardent, burning, charged, emotional, fiery, hot- 1 + : an object (as an idol or image) believed to have mag-
blooded, impassioned, passionate, red-hot, vehement ical powers (as in curing disease) 2 : an object of un-
Ant cold, cool, dispassionate, impassive, unemotional reasoning devotion or concern 3: an object whose real or
fer.vid \-vad\ adj 1 : very hot 2 : marked by often ex- fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual
treme fervor: ARDENT - adv gratification
309 fickleness

+ [l) amulet, charm, mascot, talisman - more at ture : VISIONARY 3: marked by an otherworldly air or at-
CHARM + (2) fixation, mania, obsession, preoccupation, titude 4: CRAZY, TOUCHED
prepossession - more at FIXATION fez \'fez\ n, pi tez-zes also fez-es : a round red felt hat that
fe-tlshism \ti,shiZOlm\ n 1: belief in or devotion to has a flat top and a tassel but no brim
fetishes 2: the pathological transfer of sexual interest If abbr 1 folios 2 and the following ones 3 fortissimo
and gratification to a fetish - te-tlsh-lst v-shist', n - fe FHA abbr Federal Housing Administration
tlsh-ts-tie \,feti'shistik\ adj n-an-ce \,fe,iin'sa\ n IF, fro MF, fro pp. oi fiancer to prom-
fe-tish.ize \ti,shiz\ vb -lzed; : to make a fetish of ise, betroth, fr. OF fiancier, fro fiance promise, trust, fro
fetlock \'fet,liik\ n : a projection on the back of a horse's fier to trust, ultim. fro Lfidere] : a man engaged to be mar-
leg above the hoof; also : a tuft of hair on this ried
tet-ter \'fetOlr\ n 1 +: a chain or shackle for the feet fi-an-cee \,fe,iin'sa\ n : a woman engaged to be married
2 + : something that confines fl-as-co \fe'ask6\ n, pi -coes [F] + : a complete failure
+ Il) band, bond, chain, irons, ligature, manacle, bust, catastrophe, debacle, failure, flop, washout-
shackle - more at BOND + [2] check, condition, con- more at FAILURE
straint, curb, limitation, restraint, restriction - more fi-at \'feOlt, ,at, ,iit; 'fiOlt, ,at\ n [L, let it be done] + : an
at RESTRICTION authoritative and often arbitrary order or decree
fetter vb 1 + : to put fetters on 2 + : to restrain from mo- + decree, directive, edict, ruling - more at EDICT
tion, action, or progress 1fib \'fib\ n + : a trivial or childish lie
+ [1] bind, chain, enchain, handcuff, manacle, shackle, + fabrication, falsehood, falsity, lie, story, tale, untruth
trammel + [2) delay, encumber, hamper, handicap, 2fib vb fibbed; fib-bing + : to tell a fib
hinder, hobble, hold back, impede, inhibit, interfere
with, obstruct
+ fabricate, lie, prevaricate - more at LIE
tet-tte \'fetol\ n + : a state of fitness or order: CONDITION fibober n + : one that tells fibs
(in fine,....,> + liar, prevaricator - more at LIAR
+ condition, form, order, repair, shape, trim - more at fi-ber or Can and Brit fi-bre \'fibOlr\ n 1 : a threadlike sub-
CONDITION stance or structure (as a muscle cell or fine root); esp : a
fe-tus \'fetOlS\ n : an unborn or unhatched vertebrate esp, natural (as wool or flax) or artificial (as rayon) filament
after its basic structure is laid down; esp : a developing capable of being spun or woven 2: indigestible material
human in the uterus from usu. three months after con- in human food that stimulates the intestine to move its
ception to birth contents along 3: an element that gives texture or sub-
feud \'fyiid\ n : a prolonged quarrel; esp : a lasting conflict stance 4 +: basic toughness : STRENGTH - fibrous
between families or clans marked by violent attacks made \brOls\ am
for revenge - feud vb + backbone, fortitude, grit, guts, pluck, spunk - more
feuodal \'fyudOI\ am 1 : of, relating to, or having the char- at FORTITUDE
acteristics of a medieval fee 2: of, relating to, or charac- fiberboard or Can and Brit ti-bre-board Vfi-bar-jbord', n : a
teristic of feudalism material made by compressing fibers (as of wood) into
feuodalism \'fyiidOl,lizOlm\ n : a system of political organ- stiff sheets
ization prevailing in medieval Europe in which a vassal fiber.fill or Can and Brit fi.bre-fill \,fil\ n : synthetic fibers
renders service to a lord and receives protection and land used as a filling material (as for cushions)
in return; also : a similar political or social system - feu fi.beroglass or Can and Brit fi.bre-glass \,glas\ n : glass in \,fyudol'istik\ am fibrous form used in making various products (as insula-
1feuoda.ta-ry \'fyiidOl,tore\ adj : owing feudal allegiance tion)
>feudatory n, pi -rles 1 : FIEF 2: a person who holds lands fiber optics n 1 pi : thin transparent fibers of glass or plas-
by feudal law or usage tic that are enclosed by a less refractive material and that
fe-ver \'fevar\ n 1 a : a rise in body temperature above the transmit light by internal reflection; also : a bundle of
normal b + : an abnormal bodily state characterized by such fibers used in an instrument 2: the technique of the
increased heat, accelerated pulse, and systemic debility use of fiber optics - fiber~ptic adj
c + : a disease of which a high body temperature is a chief fibril \'fibrOlI, 'fi\ n : a small fiber
symptom 2: a state of heightened emotion or activity fibrillation \,fibfOl'lashOln, ,fi\ n : rapid irregular con-
3 : CRAZE - adv tractions of the heart muscle fibers resulting in a lack of
synchronism between heartbeat and pulse - fib-ril-late
+ [lb, lc] ailment, bug, complaint, condition, disease,
\'fibrOl,lat, 'fi\ vb
disorder, ill, illness, infirmity, malady, sickness, trouble
fi.brin \'fibran\ n : a white insoluble fibrous protein
- more at DISEASE
formed in the clotting of blood
te-ver-lsh am + : marked by intense emotion, activity, or
fibroid \'fibraid, 'fi\ am : resembling, forming, or con-
instability sisting of fibrous tissue (,...., tumors)
+ agitated, frenzied, heated, hectic, overactive, over- fi.bra-my.alogia \,fi,bro,mi'alja\ n : any of a group of
wrought; also fiery, impassioned; high-strung, jittery, rheumatic disorders affecting soft tissues (as muscles or
jumpy, nervous + delirious, fierce, frantic, frenetic, tendons)
frenzied, furious, mad, violent, wild - more at FURIOUS fibra-sis \fi'brosOls\ n : a condition marked by abnormal
1few \'fyu\pron : not many: a small number increase of fiber-containing tissue
>few am 1 : consisting of or amounting to a small number fib-u-la \'fibyala\ n, pi Iae \Ie, Ii\ or -tas : the outer and
2 : not many but some (caught a ,...., fish) - fewness n usu. the smaller of the two bones between the knee and
- few and far between : RARE 3 ankle - flb-u-lar \Iar\ am
3few n 1 + : a small number of units or individuals (a ,...., of FICA abbr Federal Insurance Contributions Act
them) 2: a special limited number (among the ,....,> -tlcatlon n comb form : making : production (simplifica
+ handful, smattering, sprinkle, sprinkling; also minor- tion)
ity Ant crowd, horde, many fiche \'fesh\ n, pi fiche: MICROFICHE
few-er \'fyuar\ pron : a smaller number of persons or fi-chu \'fishu\ n IF] : a woman's light triangular scarf
things draped over the shoulders and fastened in front
fey \'fa\ am 1 chiefly Scot: fated to die; also: marked by a tick-le \'fikal\ am + : not firm or steadfast in disposition
foreboding of death or calamity 2 : able to see into the fu- or character: INCONSTANT - fick-le-ness n
fiction 310
+ capricious, changeable, inconstant, mercurial, uncer- + [1] ground, lot, parcel, plat, plot, tract; also grass,
tain, unpredictable, unsteady, variable; also aimless, er- green, greensward, lawn; glade, grassland, heath, lea,
ratic, haphazard, irregular, random; hesitating, meadow, moor, pasture + [5] area, arena, department,
shilly-shallying, vacillating, wavering; undependable, discipline, domain, line, province, realm, specialty,
unreliable, untrustworthy; adaptable, mobile, protean, sphere; also study, subject; territory, turf; business, oc-
versatile Ant certain, constant, steady, unchangeable cupation, profession, pursuit, racket, vocation
+ disloyal, faithless, false, inconstant, unfaithful, un- >field vb 1 : to handle a batted or thrown baseball while on
true - more at FAITHLESS defense 2: to put into the field 3: to answer satisfacto-
nc-ucn \'fik-sh,m\ n 1 + : something (as a story) invented rily (~ a tough question) - fieldoer n
by the imagination 2 + : fictitious literature (as novels) field day n 1 : a day devoted to outdoor sports and athletic
+ [1, 2] fabrication, fantasy, figment, invention; also competition 2: a time of extraordinary pleasure or op-
novel, story, tale Ant fact portunity
flc-tlon-al Vfik-sha-nalv adj : of, relating to, or characteris- field event n : a track-and-field event (as weight-throwing)
tic of fiction - adv other than a race
tlc-tl-tlous \fik-'ti-sh:ls\ adj 1 + : of, relating to, or charac- field glass n : a hand-held binocular telescope - usu. used
teristic of fiction : IMAGINARY 2 : FALSE, ASSUMED <a ~ in pl.
name) 3: FEIGNED field guide n : a manual for identifying natural objects,
+ imaginary, made-up, mythical, pretend, unreal- plants, or animals
more at IMAGINARY field hockey n : a field game played between two teams of
'fidodle \'fid-'I\ n : VIOLIN 11 players each whose object is to knock a ball into the
'fiddle vb fidodled; fidodling 1 : to play on a fiddle 2 + : to opponent's goal with a curved stick
move the hands or fingers restlessly 3 + : to move or act field marshal n : an officer (as in the British army) of the
aimlessly or idly - often used with around 4 + : to inter- highest rank
est oneself in what is not one's concern - fidodler n field-test \-,test\ vb : to test (as a new product) in actual
situations reflecting intended use - field test n
+ [2) fidget, jerk, squirm, twitch, wiggle - more at
fiend \'fend\ n 1 : DEVIL 1 2 + : an infernal being : DEMON
FIDGET + usu fiddle around [3) fool, mess, monkey,
play, putter; also dally, dawdle, dillydally, hang around, 3 + : an extremely wicked or cruel person 4 + : a person
hang out, idle, loaf, loll, lounge; clown (around); tinker excessively devoted to a pursuit <a golf e---) 5 + : one who
+ usu fiddle with [4) fool, mess, monkey, play, tamper, is addicted esp. to a substance: ADDICf <dope~)
tinker - more at TAMPER + [2) demon, devil, ghoul, imp - more at DEMON
fidodle-head \'fi-d'I-,hed\ n : one of the young unfurling + [3) beast, devil, evildoer, no-good, reprobate, rogue,
fronds of some ferns that are often eaten as greens varlet, villain, wretch - more at VILLAIN [4) addict,
fiddler crab n : any of a genus of burrowing crabs with one enthusiast, fan, fanatic, freak, lover, maniac, nut-
more at FAN + [5) addict, doper, user - more at DOPER
claw much enlarged in the male
fidodle-stick \'fid-'I-,stik\ n 1 archaic : a violin bow 2 pi fiend.ish adj + : perversely diabolical - adv
+ : language, conduct, or an idea that is absurd or + demonic, devilish, diabolical, satanic; also hellish, in-
contrary to good sense: NONSENSE - used as an interjec- fernal; baleful, evil, sinister; malevolent, malicious, ma-
tion lignant; heinous, monstrous; barbarous, cruel,
ferocious, inhuman, savage, vicious Ant angelic
+ fiddlesticks foolishness, hogwash, humbug, nonsense,
silliness - more at NONSENSE fierce \'firs\ adj fiercoer; fiercoest 1 + : violently hostile or
fiodel.i.ty \f;l-'de-I:l-te, fi-\ n, pi -ties 1 + : the quality or aggressive in temperament 2 : given to fighting or killing
: PUGNACIOUS 3 + : marked by unrestrained zeal or vehe-
state of being faithful 2: ACCURACY <~ in sound repro-
duction) mence : INTENSE 4 + : furiously active or determined
5 + : wild or menacing in appearance - fierce-Iy adv
+ allegiance, constancy, dedication, devotion, faith,
faithfulness, fastness, fealty, loyalty, steadfastness; also + [1) fell, ferocious, grim, savage, vicious; also belli-
affection, attachment, fondness; determination, firm- cose, belligerent, pugnacious, warlike; contentious,
ness, resolution; dependability, reliability, trustworthi- quarrelsome, truculent; menacing, threatening; bestial,
ness Ant disloyalty, infidelity, perfidy, treachery brute, inhuman, inhumane; barbaric, uncivilized, wild;
heartless, implacable, merciless, pitiless, relentless,
'fidgoet \'fi-j;lt\ n 1 : uneasiness or restlessness as shown by
ruthless, unrelenting, wanton; bloodthirsty, bloody,
nervous movements - usu. used in pl. 2: one that fidg- murderous; rapacious, ravenous, voracious Ant gentle,
ets - fidgoety adj mild + [3) explosive, ferocious, furious, intense, terri-
'fidget vb + : to move or cause to move or act restlessly or ble, vehement, vicious, violent - more at INTENSE
nervously + [4) aggressive, ambitious, assertive, enterprising, go-
+ fiddle, jerk, squirm, twitch, wiggle; also flit, flutter, getting, high-pressure, militant, self-assertive - more
twitter; quake, quiver, shake, shiver, tremble; pace at AGGRESSIVE + [5) austere, forbidding, grim, rough,
fi-du-cia-ry \f:l-'dii-she-,er-e, -'dyii-, -sha-rev adj 1 : involv- rugged, severe, steely, stern - more at GRIM
ing a confidence or trust 2: held or holding in trust for fierce-ness n + : the quality or state of being fierce
another <~ accounts) - fiduciary n + aggressiveness, assertiveness, emphasis, intensity, ve-
fie \'fi\ interj - used to express disgust or disapproval hemence - more at VEHEMENCE
fief \'fef\ n [F, fro OF) : a feudal estate: FEE fioery \'fi-:l-re\ adj tl-er-l-er; -est 1: consisting of fire
'field \'feld\ n 1 + : open country 2: a piece of cleared land 2 + : on fire: BURNING, BLAZING 3: FLAMMABLE 4 + : hot
for cultivation or pasture 3: a piece of land yielding like a fire 5: RED (a ~ sunset) 6 : full of emotion or
some special product 4: the place where a battle is spirit 7: IRRITABLE - fl-eri-ness \-re-nas\ n
fought; also: BATTLE 5 + : an area, division, or sphere of + [2) ablaze, afire, burning - more at ABLAZE
activity <the ~ of science) <salesmen in the r--o 6: an + [4) broiling, burning, hot, torrid - more at HOT
area for military exercises 7: an area for sports 8: a + [6) ardent, emotional, fervent, feverish, hot-blooded,
background on which something is drawn or projected impassioned, passionate, red-hot, vehement - more at
<a flag with white stars on a ~ of blue) 9: a region or FERVENT
space in which a given effect (as magnetism) exists- fi-es-ta \fe-'es-ta\ n [Sp) + : a time of celebration marked
field adj by special observances: FESTIVAL
311 file
carnival, celebration, festival, festivity, fete, gala, ju- apparent chiefly in outline : an object Significant or no-
bilee - more at FESTIVAL ticeable only in its form: SHAPE, FORM, OUTLINE 6 a : the
fife I 'ff~ n [0 Pfeijepipe, fife] : a small flute graphic representation of a form esp. of a person b; a
,.,,. 0 aooreU)l
fif-teen \fif-'ten\
Ill, !1m. ,,,
one more than 14 - fifteen adj or
n : pron
reoresentation of the human figure used esp. for display-
ing clothes 7 : a diagram or pictorial Illustration of tex-
- fif-teenth \-'tenth\ adj or n tual matter 8: an often repetitive pattern or design in a
fifth \'fifth\ n 1 : one that is number five in a countable se- manufactured article (as cloth) or natural product (as
ries 2: one of five equal parts of something 3: a unit of wood) : PATTERN, DESIGN 9: appearance made or impres-
measure for liquor equal to ,/, U.S. gallon - fifth adi or sion produced <they cut quite a~) 10: a series of move-
adv ments (as in a dance) 11 .: a prominent personality
fifth column n : a group of secret supporters of a nation's : PERSONAGE 12 : the shape of the human body
enemy that engage in espionage or sabotage within the [l] digit, integer, number, numeral, whole number
country - fifth columnist n - more at NUMBER [3] charge, cost, fee, price-
fifth wheel n : one that is unnecessary and often burden- more at PRICE [5] cast, configuration, form, outline,
some shape [7] diagram, graphic, illustration, plate-
fif-ty \'fif-te\ n, pi fifties: five times 10 - m-ti-eth \-te-~th\ more at ILLUSTRATION. [11] celebrity, notable, person-
adj or n - fifty adj or pron age, personality - more at CELEBRITY [12] build,
fif-ty-fif-ty \,fif-te-'fif-te\ adj 1: shared equally <a ~ constitution, form, frame, physique, shape - more at
proposition) 2: half favorable and half unfavorable PHYSIQUE
'fig \'fig\ n : a soft usu. pear-shaped edible fruit of a tree re- 'figure vb fig-ured; fig-ur-ing 1 : to represent by or as if by
lated to the mulberry; also: a tree bearing figs a figure or outline 2: to decorate with a pattern 3: to in-
>fig abbr 1 figurative; figuratively 2 figure dicate or represent by numerals 4.: to think of esp.
'fight \'fit\ vb fought \'f6t\; fight-ing 1.: to contend with regard to taking some action 5: to be or appear im-
against another in battle or physical combat 2 : BOX 3: to portant or conspicuous 6 : to determine esp. by math-
put forth a determined effort 4 : to contend in dis- ematical means: COMPUTE, CALCULATE 7: to reckon by
agreement or competition 5 : to attempt to prevent the exercise of practical judgment 8 : to take as granted or
success or effectiveness of 6: WAGE 7: to gain by strug- true
[4] choose, conclude, decide, determine, opt, resolve
[1] battle, clash, combat, scrimmage, skirmish, war; - more at DECIDE [6] calculate, compute, reckon,
also beat, buffet, hit, punch, slug, strike; box, spar; work out - more at CALCULATE. [8] believe, consider,
brawl; grapple, scuffle, tussle, wrestle; bump, collide feel, imagine, suppose, think - more at BELIEVE
[4] battIe, compete, contend, race, vie - more at fig-ure-head \'fi-gyar-,hed, -gar-v n 1 : a figure on the bow
COMPETE [4] argue, brawl, dispute, quarrel, row, of a ship 2: a head or chief in name only
scrap, spat, squabble - more at ARGUE [5] battle,
figure of speech : a form of expression (as a simile or
combat, contend, counter, oppose; also baffle, foil,
metaphor) that often compares or identifies one thing
frustrate, resist, thwart, withstand; confront, defy, face,
with another to convey meaning or heighten effect
meet Ant advance, encourage, promote
figure out vb 1 : FfND OUT, DISCOVER 2 : to find a solu-
>fight n 1 : a hostile encounter: BATTLE 2: a boxing
tion, explanation, or answer for: SOLVE
match 3 : a verbal disagreement 4 : a struggle for a
goal or an objective 5.: strength or disposition for answer, puzzle, resolve, riddle, solve, unravel, work,
work out - more at SOLVE
fighting <full of ~)
figure skating n : skating that includes various jumps,
[1] battle, clash, combat, conflict, contest, skirmish,
spins, and dance movements
struggle; also brawl, free-for-all, melee; fisticuffs; con-
fig-u-rine \,fi-gya-'ren, -ga-\ n : a small carved or molded
frontation, duel, face-off; altercation, argument, dis-
agreement. quarrel. row. wrangle [3] argument. Vfe~Je-an, fi-lje-3n\ n : a native or inhabitant of the
brawl, disagreement, dispute, quarrel, row, scrap, spat,
Pacific island country of Fiji - Fijian adj
squabble - more at ARGUMENT [4] battle, fray,
scrabble, struggle - more at STRUGGLE [5] aggres- fil-a-ment \'fi-Ia-mant\ n : a fine thread or threadlike ob-
sion, aggressiveness, belligerence, militancy, pugnacity, ject, part, or process - fil-a-men-tous \,fi-Ia-'men-tas\ adj
truculence - more at BELLIGERENCE til-bert Vfil-bartv n : the sweet thick-shelled nut of either of
two European hazels; also: a shrub or small tree bearing
fight-er \'fi-t~r\ n 1 .: one that fights; esp : WARRIOR
2 : one that engages in the sport of boxing: BOXER 3: a filberts
fast maneuverable warplane for destroying enemy air- filch \'filch\ vb : to steal furtively
craft appropriate, pilfer, pocket, steal, swipe, thieve-
more at STEAL
[l] legionnaire, man-at-arms, regular, serviceman,
soldier, warrior - more at SOLDIER [2] boxer, prize- 'file \'m\ n : a usu. steel tool with a ridged or toothed sur-
fighter, pugilist - more at BOXER face used esp. for smoothing a hard substance
fig-ment \'fig-m~nt\ n : something imagined or made up 'file vb filed; fil-ing : to rub, smooth, or cut away with a
chimera, conceit, delusion, dream, fancy, fantasy,
hallucination, illusion, phantasm, pipe dream, unreal- buff, grind, hone, rasp, rub, sand - more at GRIND
ity, vision 3file vb filed; fil-ing [ME, fro ML filare to string documents
fig-u-ra-tion \,fi-gya-'ra-shan, -ga-\ n 1: FORM, OUTLINE on a string or wire, It.filum file of documents, lit., thread,
2 : an act or instance of representation in figures and fro L] 1 : to arrange in order 2 : to enter or record offi-
shapes cially or as prescribed by law <~ a lawsuit) 3: to send
fig-u-ra-live \'fi-gy~-r:>-tiv. -g~-\ adi 1 : EMBLEMATIC 2: ex- (copy) to a newspaper
pressing one thing in terms normally denoting another 'file n 1 : a device (as a folder or cabinet) by means of
with which it may be regarded as analogous : SYMBOLIC, which papers may be kept in order 2: a collection of pa-
METAPHORICAL <~ language) - fig-u-ra-tive-Iyadv pers or publications usu. arranged or classified 3: a col-
'fig-ure \'fi-gyar, -gar\ n [ME, fro AF, fro Ljigura, fr.jingere lection of data (as text) treated by a computer as a unit
to shape] 1 : a number symbol: NUMERAL 2 : a written 5file n : a row of persons. animals. or things arranged one
or printed character 3 : value esp. as expressed in num- behind the other
bers : PRICE 4 : a combination of points, lines, or surfaces column, cue, line, queue, range, string, train - more
in geometry <a circle is a closed ptane e--) 5 : a body at LINE

&I"e vb tiled; tiI.in9 : to march or proceed tn me pictureS' /catu.dns (he WOlf\.or a film figure or a particu-
march, pace, parade, stride - more at MARCH lar topic
fi-let miognon \,fi-(,)Ia-men-'yon, fi-,Ia-\ n, pi filets mignons film.strip \'film-,strip\ n : a strip of film bearing a sequence
\-(,)Ia-men-'yonz, -,Ia-\ [F, lit., dainty fillet] : a thick slice of images for projection as still pictures
of beef cut from the narrow end of a beef tenderloin filmy ad] : light, transparent, and fluffy
filial Vfi-Ie-al, 'fil-y;)l\ adj : of, relating to, or befitting a son fils \'fes\ n [F] : SON - used after a family name to distin-
or daughter guish a son from his father
fil-i-bus-ter \'fi-I;)-,b;)s-t;)r\ n [Spfilibustero, lit., freebooter] 'fiIter Vfil-tar', n 1: a porous material through which a
1 : a military adventurer; esp : an American engaged in fo- fluid is passed to separate out matter in suspension; also
menting 19th century Latin American uprisings 2: the : a device containing such material 2: a device for sup-
use of delaying tactics (as extremely long speeches) esp, pressing waves of certain frequencies; esp : one (as for a
in a legislative assembly; also: an instance of this practice camera) that absorbs light of certain colors 3: software
- filibuster vb - fll-i-bus-ter-er n for sorting or blocking certain online material
fil.iogree \'fi-I;)-,gre\ n [F filigrane] : ornamental openwork 2fi1ter vb 1 + : to remove by means of a filter 2: to pass
(as of fine wire) - fil.iogreed \-,gred\ adj through a filter - fiMerable also fll-tra-bte v-te-re-bel, \'fi-lil)\ n 1 : the act or instance of using a file 2: a -tra-v adi - fiItration \fil-'tra-sh;)n\ n
small piece scraped off by a file <iron ~s) + clarify, clear, distill, purify - more at CLARIFY
Fil-i-pi-no \,fi-I;)-'pe-no\ n, pi Filipinos: a native or inhabi- filth \'filth\ n [ME, fr. OEfYlth, fr.fii/ foul] 1 + : foul mat-
tant of the Philippines - Filipino ad] ter; esp : loathsome dirt or refuse 2 + : moral corruption
'fill \ 'fil\ vb 1 + : to make or become full 2 + : to stop up 3 : something that tends to corrupt or disgust: OBSCENITY
: PLUG <~ a cavity) 3: FEED, SATIATE 4 + : to carry out + [1] dirt, grime, muck, refuse, smut, soil; also scum,
the terms of (as a contract) : SATISFY, FULFILL <~ all re- sewage, slime, sludge, swill; garbage, trash; soot; dirti-
quirements) 5: to occupy fully 6: to spread through ness, filthiness, foulness, grubbiness, nastiness, unclean-
<laughter -ced the room) 7: occupy <~ the office of liness, uncleanness + [2] coarseness, dirt, grossness,
president) 8: to put a person in <~ a vacancy) 9: to indecency, lewdness, obscenity, smut, vulgarity-
supply as directed <~ a prescription) more at OBSCENITY
+ [1] charge, cram, heap, jam, jam-pack, load, pack, filth-i-nesa n + : the quality or state of being filthy
stuff; also flood, glut, swamp; crowd, crush, press, ram, + dinginess, dirtiness, foulness, grubbiness, nastiness,
shove, squash, squeeze; refill, reload, repack Ant empty uncleanliness - more at DIRTINESS
+ [2] block, dam, pack, plug, stop, stuff; also choke, 'filthy \'fil-the\ adj 1 + : covered with, having the appear-
clog, obstruct; caulk, chink + [4] answer, comply, ful- ance of, or containing filth: very dirty 2 + : abhorrent to
fill, keep, meet, redeem, satisfy - more at FULFILL morality or virtue : designed to incite to lust or depravity
2fill n 1 : a full supply; esp : a quantity that satisfies or sati- + [1] dirty, grubby, grungy, mucky, muddy, unclean-
ates 2: material used esp. for filling a low place more at DIRTY + [2] bawdy, coarse, crude, dirty, gross,
fill-er \'fi-I;)r\ n 1 : one that fills 2 + : a substance added to indecent, lewd, obscene, pornographic, vulgar - more
another substance (as to increase bulk or weight) 3: a at OBSCENE
material used for filling cracks and pores in wood before 2filthy adv : VERY, EXTREMELY <~ dirty) <~ rich)
painting fil-trate \'fil-,trat\ n : fluid that has passed through a filter
+ fill, filling, padding, stuffing - more at FILLING 'fin \'fin\ n 1 : one of the thin external processes by which
'fillet \'fi-I;)t, in sense 2 fi-'Ia, 'fi-(,)Ia\ also fi-let \fi-'Ia, 'fi- an aquatic animal (as a fish) moves through water 2: a
(,)Ia\ n [MEfilet, fr. MF, dim. of fil thread] 1 : a narrow fin-shaped part (as on an airplane) 3: FLIPPER 2 - finned
band, strip, or ribbon 2: a piece or slice of boneless meat "find\ adj
or fish; esp : the tenderloin of beef 2fin abbr 1 finance; financial 2 finish
2fil.let Wi-I;)t, in sense 2 also fi-'Ia, 'fi-(,)Ia\ vb 1 : to bind or fi.naogle \f;)-'na-g;)l\ vb -gled; -gling 1 + : to obtain by in-
adorn with or as if with a fillet 2: to cut into fillets direct or dishonest means: WANGLE 2 + : to use devious
fill in vb 1 + : to provide necessary or recent information dishonest methods to achieve one's ends - fi.naogler n
2 + : to serve as a temporary substitute + [I, 2] contrive, finesse, frame, machinate, maneuver,
+ [1] acquaint, brief, enlighten, familiarize, inform, in- wangle
struct - more at ENLIGHTEN + [2] cover, pinch-hit, 'final \'fin-I\ adj 1 +: not to be altered or undone
stand in, sub, substitute, take over - more at COVER 2 + : coming at the end: being the last in a series, process, \'fi-lil)\ n 1 + : material used to fill something <a ~ or progress 3 : relating to or occurring at the end or con-
for a tooth) 2: the yarn interlacing the warp in a fabric clusion - fi.nal.i.ty \fi-'na-I;)-te, f;)-\ n - adv
3 : a food mixture used to fill pastry or sandwiches + [1] certain, firm, fixed, hard, hard-and-fast, set, set-
+ fill, filler, padding, stuffing; also interlining, lining, tled, stable - more at FIXED + [2] hindmost, last, latter,
wadding; cushion terminal, ultimate - more at LAST
filling station n : a retail station for servicing motor vehi- 2final n 1: a deciding match or game - usu. used in pl.
cles esp. with gasoline and oil 2 : the last examination in a course - often used in pl.
fll-llp \'fi-I;)p\ n 1 : a blow or gesture made by a flick or fi.nale \f;)-'na-Ie, fi-'na-\ n + : the close or end of some-
snap of the finger across the thumb 2: something that thing; esp : the last section of a musical composition
serves to arouse or excite - fillip vb + close, conclusion, consummation, end, ending, finis,
fill-up \'fil-,;)p\ n : an act or instance of filling something finish, windup; also apex, climax, crescendo, culmina- "fi-Ie\ n, pi fillies: a young female horse usu. less than tion, peak, summit, zenith; aftermath, anticlimax, coda,
four years old epilogue, postscript; tag end, tail end Ant beginning,
'film \'film\ n 1 : a thin skin or membrane 2: a thin coat- dawn, opening, start
ing or layer 3: a flexible strip of chemically treated ma- finalise Brit var of FINALIZE
terial used in taking pictures 4 + : a representation (as of fi-nal-let \'fin-'I-;)st\ n : a contestant in the finals of a com-
a story) by means of motion pictures petition
+ motion picture, movie, picture - more at MOVIE fi.nal.ize \'fin-'I-,iz\ vb -ized; + : to put in final or
2film vb 1 : to cover with a film 2: to make a motion pic- finished form
ture of + complete, consummate, finish, perfect - more at
filmodom \'film-d;)m\ n : the motion-picture industry FINISH
film-og.ra.phy \fil-'ma-gr;)-fe\ n, pi -phies : a list of motion 'fi.nance \f;)-'nans, 'fi-,nans\ n [ME, ending, payment, fr. ..1
313 finish
AF, fr.finer to end, pay, fr.fin end, fr. Lfinis boundary, all right, good, nicely, OK, satisfactorily, well-
end) 1 pi : money resources available esp. to a govern- more at WELL
ment or business 2: management of money affairs fine art n : art (as painting, sculpture, or music) concerned
usu finances funds, resources, wherewithal - more primarily with the creation of beautiful objects - usu .
at FUND used in pl.
2finance vb fi-nanced; fl-nanc-lnq 1 : to raise or provide fine-ness n 1 + : exquisite perfection or elaborateness of
funds for 2 + : to furnish with necessary funds 3: to sell form, texture, or construction: superior quality 2 + : del-
or supply on credit icate, subtle, or sensitive in quality, perception, or dis-
+ [I) capitalize, endow, fund, stake, subsidize, under- crimination
write; also grubstake; aid, back, patronize, sponsor, + [1) accuracy, closeness, delicacy, exactness, preci-
support + [I, 2) endow, fund, subsidize - more at EN- sion, veracity - more at PRECISION [2] daintiness,
DOW delicacy, fragility - more at DELICACY
finance company n : a company that makes usu. small fin-ery \'fi-n;)-re\ n, pi -eries 1 : ORNAMENT, DECORATION
short-term loans usu. to individuals 2 + : showy clothing and jewels
fl-nan-clat \f;)-'nan-ch;)l, fi- \ adj + : relating to finance or + array, best, feather, frippery, full dress, regalia; also
financiers - tl-nan-clel-ly adv apparel, attire, costume, duds, raiment
+ fiscal, monetary, pecuniary; also capitalist, commer- fine-spun \'fin-'sp;)n\ adj : developed with extremely or ex-
cial, economic cessively fine delicacy or detail
fl-nan-cials \-sh;)lz\ n pi : financial statistics 'fi.nesse \f;)-'nes\ n 1: refinement or delicacy of work-
fl-nan-cier \,fi-n;)n-'sir, ,fi-,nan-\ n 1 : a person skilled in manship, structure, or texture 2 : skillful handling of a
managing public moneys 2: a person who deals with situation: adroit maneuvering
large-scale finance and investment adroitness, cleverness, craft, dexterity, sleight-
finch \'finch\ n : any of numerous songbirds with strong more at DEXTERITY
conical bills 2finesse vb : to bring about, direct, or manage by adroit
'find \'find\ vb found \'faund\; 1 + : to meet with maneuvering
either by chance or by searching or study 2: to obtain by finagle, maneuver, mastermind, negotiate, wangle
effort or management <'" time to read) 3: to arrive at fine-tune \'fin-'tun\ vb : to adjust so as to bring to the high-
: REACH <the bullet found its mark) 4: EXPERIENCE, FEEL est level of performance or effectiveness
<found happiness) 5: to gain or regain the use of <found finfish \'fin-,fish\ n : FISH 2
his voice again) 6: to determine and make a statement 'fin.ger Vfin-garv n 1 : any of the five divisions at the end of
about <'" a verdict) the hand; esp : one other than the thumb 2: something
+ detect, determine, dig up, discover, ferret out, hit on, that resembles or does the work of a finger 3: a part of a
locate, track down; also spot; look for, search (for or glove into which a finger is inserted
out), seek Ant miss, overlook, pass over 2finger vb finogered; 1 : to touch or feel with the
2find n 1: an act or instance of finding 2: something fingers: HANDLE 2 : to perform with the fingers or with a
found; esp : a valuable item of discovery certain fingering 3: to mark the notes of a piece of mu-
find-er \'fin-d;)r\ n : one that finds; esp : VIEWFINDER sic as a guide in playing 4: to point out
fin de sle-cle \,fan-d;)-se-'ekIO\ adj [F, end of century) 1 : of, finoger.board \'fil)-g;)r-,b6rd\ n : the part of a stringed in-
relating to, or characteristic of the close of the 19th cen- strument against which the fingers press the strings to
tury 2: of or relating to the end of a century vary the pitch \'fin-dil)\ n 1 +: the act of finding 2: FIND 2 finger bowl n : a small water bowl for rinsing the fingers at
3 : the result of a judicial proceeding or inquiry the table
+ detection, discovery - more at DISCOVERY \'fil)-g;)-ril)\ n 1 : handling or touching with the
fingers 2: the act or method of using the fingers in play-
find out vb + : to learn by study, observation, or search
ing an instrument 3: the marking of the method of fin-
+ ascertain, catch on, discover, hear, learn, realize, see finoger.ling \'fil)-g;)r-Iil)\ n : a small fish
- more at DISCOVER finogernail Vfin-gar-jnal', n : the nail of a finger
'fine \'fin\ n + : money exacted as a penalty for an offense finoger.print \-,print\ n : the pattern of marks made by
+ damages, forfeit, mulct, penalty; also reparations; pressing the tip of a finger or thumb on a surface; esp : an
award, compensation; indemnity ink impression of such a pattern taken for the purpose of
2fine vb fined; + : to impose a fine on : punish by a identification - fingerprint vb
fine finoger.tip \-.tip\ n : the tip of a finger
+ assess, charge, exact, impose, lay, levy, put - more fln-l-at \'fi-ne-;)l\ n : an ornamental projection or end (as on
at IMPOSE a spire)
3fine adj fin-er; fin-est 1 + : free from impurity 2 a + : very \'fi-ni-kil)\ adj : FINICKY
thin in gauge or texture b + : very small 3: not coarse fin.icky Vfi-ni-kev adi + : excessively particular in taste or
4 : SUBTLE, SENSITNE <a '" distinction) 5 + : superior in standards
quality or appearance: eminently good 6 + : very precise choosy, dainty, delicate, demanding, exacting, fastid-
or accurate: REFINED 7 + : very well - fine-Iy adv ious, fussy, particular, picky; also discerning, discrimi-
+ [I) pure, refined, unadulterated, undiluted - more nating, insightful, knowledgeable; carping, critical;
at PURE + [2a) dusty, floury, powdery; also smooth; fil- careful, meticulous, punctilious, scrupulous; queasy,
tered, pulverized, refined Ant coarse, grainy, granular squeamish; peevish, petulant, prickly, touchy Ant unde-
+ [2b) narrow, skinny, slender, slim, thin - more at manding, unfussy
NARROW + [5) AI, excellent, grand, great, heavenly, ti-nts \'fi-n;)s\ n 1 : a point that marks the extent of some-
prime, splendid, superb, superior, unsurpassed, won- thing 2 : cessation of a course of action, pursuit, or ac-
derful - more at EXCELLENT + [6) delicate, exact, tivity : END, CONCLUSION
minute, precise, refined, subtle; also petty, piddling, tri- close, conclusion, consummation, end, ending, finale,
fling, trivial; fastidious, finicky, fussy, particular Ant finish, windup - more at FINALE
coarse, inexact, rough + [7) agreeable, all right, alright, 'fin.ish \'fi-nish\ vb 1 +: to come to an end: TERMINATE
good, OK, satisfactory - more at SATISFAcrORY 2 : to use or dispose of entirely 3 : to bring to comple-
'fine adv 1 + : very well 2 - used to express agreement tion 4: to put a final coat or surface on - fln-lsh-er n
finish 314

[1] break off, cease, close, conclude, die, end, expire, fire-break \-,brai<:\ n ; a barrier of cleared or plowed land
quit, stop, terminate - more at CEASE (3) complete, intended to check a forest or grass fire
consummate, finalize, perfect; also follow through, see fire-bug \-,b;lg\ n : a person who deliberately sets destruc-
out, stick out; accomplish, achieve, effect; discharge, tive fires
execute, fulfill, perform; machine, polish, refine, round fire-crack-er \-,kra-k;lr\ n : a paper tube containing an ex-
(off or out), shine, touch up plosive and a fuse and set off to make a noise
'finish n 1 : final stage: END, CONCLUSION 2: something fire department n : an organization for preventing or extin-
that completes or perfects 3: the final treatment or coat- guishing fires; also: its members
ing of a surface fire engine n : a motor vehicle with equipment for extin-
close, conclusion, consummation, end, ending, finale, guishing fires
finis, windup - more at FINALE fire escape n : a stairway or ladder for escape from a burn-
li-nite \'fi-,nll\ adj 1 : having definite or definable limits; ing building
lire-fight-er \'fi(-;l)r-,fi-t;lr\ n : a person who fights fires; esp
also : having a limited nature or existence 2; being less
: a member of a fire department
than some positive integer in number or measure and
fire-fly \-,fli\ n : any of various small night-flying beetles
greater than its negative 3: showing distinction of gram-
that produce flashes of light for courtship purposes
matical person and number <a ~ verb)
fire-house \-,halis\ n : FIRE STATION
definite, determinate, limited, measured, narrow, re- fire irons n pi : tools for tending a fire esp. in a fireplace
stricted - more at LIMITED fire-man \'fi(-;l)r-m;ln\ n 1 : STOKER 2: FIREFIGHTER
fink \'fil)k\ n 1 : a contemptible person 2: STRIKEBREAKER fire off vb : to write and send
3: INFORMER fire-place \-,pHis\ n 1 : a framed opening made in a chim-
Finn \'fin\ n : a native or inhabitant of Finland ney to hold an open fire 2: an outdoor structure of brick
tin-nan hadodie \,fi-n;m-'ha-de\ n : smoked haddock or stone for an open fire
'Finn-ish \'fi-nish\ adj : of or relating to Finland, the Finns, fire-plug \-,pl;lg\ n : HYDRANT
or Finnish fire-pow-er \-,pali(-;l)r\ n : the ability to deliver gunfire or
'Finnish n : the language of the Finns warheads on a target
fin-ny \'fi-ne\ adj 1 : having or characterized by fins 2: re- 'fire-proof \-'priif\ adj : resistant to fire
lating to or being fish noncombustible, nonflammable, noninflammable
fiord var O/FJORD
>fireproof vb : to make fireproof
lir \ 'f;lr\ n : any of a genus of usu. large evergreen trees re-
fire-sale \-,sal\ adj : heavily discounted <~ prices)
lated to the pines; also: the light soft wood of a fir
fire screen n : a protective screen before a fireplace
'fire \'fir\ n 1 : the light or heat and esp. the flame of some-
'fire-side \'fi(-;l)r-,sId\ n 1 : a place near the fire or hearth
thing burning 2: ENTHUSIASM, ZEAL 3: fuel that is burn-
2 : one's place of residence: HOME
ing (as in a stove or fireplace) 4 : destructive burning
(as of a house) 5: the firing of weapons - fire-less adj abode, domicile, dwelling, home, house, lodging-
more at HOME
conflagration, holocaust, inferno; also blaze, flare-up;
'fireside adj : having an informal or intimate quality
backfire, bonfire, forest fire, wildfire; arson
fire station n : a building housing fire engines and usu. fire-
>fire vb fired; fir-ing 1 : to set on fire: set fire to : KINDLE,
IGNITE <~ a house) 2 a : to give life or spirit to : STIR, fire-storm \'fi(-;l)r-,storm\ n 1 : a large destructive very hot
ENLIVEN <~ the imagination) b.: to become irritated fire 2: a sudden or violent outburst <~ of criticism)
: become angry or inflamed with passion 3 + : to dismiss fire tower n : a tower (as in a forest) from which a watch
from employment 4 : to cause to be driven forward for fires is kept
with force from a bow, sling, or similar device or from a fire-trap \'fi(-;l)r-,trap\ n : a building or place apt to catch
firearm: SHOOT <~ a gun) <~ an arrow) 5: BAKE <firing on fire or difficult to escape from in case of fire
pottery in a kiln) 6: to apply fire or fuel to something fire truck n : FIRE ENGINE
<~ a furnace) 7 : to throw with speed or force fire-wall \-,wol\ n : computer hardware or software for pre-
Il) bum, ignite, inflame, kindle, light - more at venting unauthorized access to data
BURN [2a) animate, brace, energize, enliven, invigor- fire-wa-ter \'fi(-;l)r-,wo-t;lr, -,wa-\ n : intoxicating liquor
ate, jazz up, liven up, pep up, quicken, stimulate, vital- fire-wood \-,wild\ n : wood used for fuel
ize, vivify, zip (up) - more at ANIMATE. usu fire (up) fire-work \-,w;lrk\ n 1: a device designed to produce a
[2b) arouse, encourage, excite, incite, instigate, move, striking display by the burning of explosive or flammable
pique, provoke, stimulate, stir. (3) cashier, dismiss, re- materials - usu. used in pl. <a display of ~s at the end of
move, retire, sack - more at DISMISS (4) blast, dis- the festival) 2 i pl a display of temper or intense conflict
charge, loose, shoot - more at SHOOT [7] dash, fling, usu fireworks blowup, dudgeon, explosion, fit, huff,
heave, hurl, hurtle, launch, pitch, sling, throw, toss - scene, tantrum - more at TANTRUM
more at THROW firing line n 1 : a line from which fire is delivered against a
fire ant n : either of two small fiercely stinging So. Ameri- target 2 : the forefront of an activity
can ants introduced into the southeastern U.S. where 'firm \'f;lrm\ adj 1 + : securely fixed in place 2: SOLID, VIG-
they are agricultural pests OROUS <a ~ handshake) 3 + : having a solid or compact
fire-arm \'fi(-;l)r-,iirm\ n + : a weapon (as a pistol) from texture 4 +: not subject to change or fluctuation
which a shot is discharged by gunpowder : STEADY <~ prices) 5 : not easily moved or disturbed
arm, gun, piece - more at GUN : STEADFAST 6 + : indicating firmness or resolution
fire-ball \-,bol\ n 1 : a ball of fire 2: a very bright meteor [I) fast, frozen, secure, set, snug, tight - more at TIGHT
3 : the highly luminous cloud of vapor and dust created + (3) compact, hard, rigid, solid, stiff, unyielding; also
by a nuclear explosion 4: a highly energetic person compacted, compressed, hardened, indurated, tempered;
fire-boat \-,bot\ n : a boat equipped for fighting fires close, dense, heavy, thick, thickset; inelastic, inflexible,
fire-bomb \-,bam\ n : an incendiary bomb - firebomb vb ramrod, unbending; compressed, condensed; sturdy, sub-
lire-box \-,baks\ n 1 : a chamber (as of a furnace) that con- stantial; impenetrable, impermeable, nonporous Ant
tains a fire 2: a box containing a fire alarm flabby, soft, spongy + (4) certain, fixed, hard, hard-and-
fire-brand \-,brand\ n 1 : a piece of burning wood 2 : a fast, set, settled, stable - more at FIXED (5) fast, sound,
person who creates unrest or strife: AGITATOR stable, stalwart, steady, strong, sturdy - more at STABLE
agitator, demagogue, incendiary, inciter, rabble= + (6) decisive, determined, intent, purposeful, resolute,
rouser - more at AGrrATOR set, single-minded - more at DETERMINED
315 fit

>firm vb + : to make or become firm fishes and usu. the cartilaginous and jawless fishes 3: the
+ usu firm up concrete, congeal, freeze, harden, set, so- flesh of fish used as food
lidify - more at HARDEN 2fish vb 1 : to attempt to catch fish 2: to seek something
3firm n [G Firma, fr. It, signature, ultim. fr. L firmare to by roundabout means <""' for praise) 3: to search for
make firm, confirm] 1 : the name under which a com- something underwater 4 + : to engage in a search by
pany transacts business 2: a business partnership of two groping 5: to draw forth
or more persons 3 + : a business enterprise + feel, fumble, grope - more at GROPE
+ business, company, concern, enterprise, establish- fish-and-chips n pi : fried fish and french fried potatoes
ment, house, outfit - more at ENTERPRISE tish-bowl \'fish-,bol\ n 1 : a bowl for the keeping of live
flr-ma-ment \'far-ma-mant\ n : the arch of the sky: HEAYENS fish 2: a place or condition that affords no privacy adv + : in a firm manner fish-er Vfi-shorv n 1 : one that fishes 2: a dark brown No.
+ forcefully, forcibly, hard, stoutly, strenuously, American carnivorous mammal related to the weasels
strongly, vigorously - more at HARD flsh-er-man \-man\ n 1 : a person engaged in fishing 2: a
nrrn-ness n + : the quality or state of being firm fishing boat
+ decision, decisiveness, determination, resolution, re- fishoery Vfi-sho-re', n, pl-eries 1 : the business of catching
solve, stability, strength - more at DETERMINATION fish 2: a place for catching fish
firm.ware \'firm-,wer\ n : computer programs contained fish-hook \'fish-,hilk\ n : a usu. barbed hook for catching
permanently in a hardware device fish
'first \'farst\ adj + : preceding all others as in time, order, fish ladder n : an arrangement of pools in steps by which
or importance fish can pass over a dam in going upstream
flsh-net \'fish-,net\ n 1: netting for catching fish 2: a
+ chief, dominant, foremost, key, paramount, predom-
coarse open-mesh fabric
inant, primary, principal - more at FOREMOST + initial,
original, pioneer, premier; also ancient, early, primal, tlsh-tall \-,tiil\ vb : to have the rear end slide from side to
primary, primeval, primitive, primordial; antecedent, side out of control while moving forward
preceding, previous Ant final, last, terminal, ultimate fishwife \-,wif\ n 1 : a woman who sells fish 2 : a vulgar
abusive woman
2first adv 1 : before any other 2: for the first time 3 + : in
fishy \'fi-she\ adi tish-l-er: -est 1 : of or resembling fish
preference to something else
2 + : inspiring doubt or suspicion : QUESTIONABLE <the
+ preferably, rather, readily, soon - more at RATHER story sounds ""' to me)
3first n 1 : number one in a countable series 2: something + debatable, doubtful, problematic, questionable,
that is first 3: the lowest forward gear in an automotive shady, shaky, suspect, suspicious - more at DOUBTFUL
vehicle 4: the winning or highest place in a competition fis-sion Vfi-shsn, -zhanv n [Lfissio, fr.findere to split] 1 : a
or examination cleaving into parts 2: a method of reproduction in which
first aid n : emergency care or treatment given an injured a living cell or body divides into two or more parts each
or ill person of which grows into a whole new individual 3: the split-
tlrst-born \'farst-'bom\ adi : ELDEST - firstborn n ting of an atomic nucleus resulting in the release of large
first class n : the best or highest group in a classification - amounts of energy - fls-sion-able \'fi-sha-na-bal, -zho-v
first-class adj or adv acij
firsthand \'farst-'hand\ adj + : coming from direct per- fis-sure \'fi-shar\ n + : a narrow opening or crack
sonal observation or experience - firsthand adv
+ chink, cleft, crack, cranny, crevice, rift, split - more
+ direct, immediate, primary - more at DIRECf at CRACK
first lady n, often cap F&L : the wife or hostess of the chief fist \'fist\ n 1 : the hand with fingers folded into the palm
executive of a political unit (as a country) 2: INDEX 6
first lieutenant n : a commissioned officer (as in the army) fist-ful \'fist-,fill\ n : HANDFUL
ranking next below a captain fisti-cuffs \'fis-ti-,kafs\ n pi : a fight with the fists
first.ling \'farst-lil)\ n : one that comes or is produced first fis-tu-la \'fis-cha-Ia\ n, pi-las or -Iae : an abnormal passage \-Ie\ adv + : in the first place: FIRST leading from an abscess or hollow organ - fis-tu-lous
+ first, initially, originally, primarily - more at ORIGI- \-Ias\ adj
NALLY 'fit \'fit\ adj fit-ter; flt-test 1 +: adapted to a purpose
'first-rate \-'nit\ adj + : of the first order of size, impor- 2 : PROPER, RIGHT <a movie "-' for children) 3 + : put into
tance, or quality a suitable state : made ready 4 + : physically and men-
+ excellent, fabulous, fantastic, great, superb, terrific, tally sound - adv
wonderful - more at EXCELLENT + [1] appropriate, apt, good, happy, proper, right, suit-
2first-rate adv : very well able; also just, justified, right; needed, required, requi-
first sergeant n 1 : a noncommissioned officer serving as site; able, capable, competent, qualified, trained;
the chief assistant to the commander of a military unit acceptable, adequate, decent, satisfactory, tolerable;
2 : a rank in the army below a sergeant major and in the correct, decorous, respectable, seemly Ant inapplicable,
marine corps below a master gunnery sergeant inappropriate, unsuitable, wrong + [1,3] go, ready, set
first strike n : a preemptive nuclear attack - more at READY + [3] available, functional, operable,
first-string \'farst-'stril)\ ad) : being a regular as distin- practicable, serviceable, usable, useful - more at us-
guished from a substitute - first-stringoer \-,stril)-ar\ n ABLE + [4] able-bodied, hale, healthy, hearty, robust,
firth \'farth\ n [ME, fr. ON jjQrthr] : a narrow arm of the sound, well- more at HEALTHY
sea: the opening of a river into the sea: ESTUARY 2fit n 1 + : a sudden violent attack (as in epilepsy) 2 + : a
fls-eal \'fis-kal\ adj [L fiscalis, fr. fiscus basket, treasury] sudden outburst
1 : of or relating to taxation, public revenues, or public + [I] attack, bout, case, seizure, siege, spell - more at
debt 2 + : of or relating to financial matters - ATTACK + [2] blowup, dudgeon, explosion, fireworks,
adv huff, outburst, scene, tantrum - more at TANTRUM
+ financial, monetary, pecuniary - more at FINANCIAL 3fit vb fitted also fit; fit.ting 1 + : to be suitable for or to
'fish \ 'fish \ n, pi fish or fishoes 1 : a water-dwelling animal 2 : to be correctly adjusted to or shaped for 3 + : to insert
- usu. used in combination <starfish) <shellfish) 2: any or adjust until correctly in place 4 + : to make a place or
of numerous cold-blooded water-breathing vertebrates room for 5 + : to be in agreement or accord with 6 + : to
with fins, gills, and usu. scales that include the bony put into a condition of readiness: PREPARE 7 + : to make
fit 316
or adjust to the right shape and size: ADJUST 8: to supply fixed \'fikst\ adj 1 : securely placed or fastened: STATION-
with something that is adjusted or designed for the use re- ARY 2: not volatile 3 + : not subject to change or fluctu-
quired - usu. used with out 9: to be in harmony or ac- ation 4: INTENT, CONCENTRATED <a - stare) 5: supplied
cord : BELONG - fit-ter n with a definite amount of something needed (as money)
+ [I] befit, do, go, serve, suit - more at DO + [I, - \'fik-s:ld-Ie\ adv
6] equip, prepare, qualify, ready, season - more at + certain, determinate, final, finn, flat, frozen, hard,
QUALIFY + usu fit in or fit into [3] inject, insert, insinu- hard-and-fast, set, settled, stable; also nonadjustable,
ate, interject, interpose, introduce - more at INSERT nonnegotiable, unchangeable; constant, steady, un-
+ [4] accommodate, hold, take - more at ACCOMMO- changing, uniform, unwavering; definite, exact, ex-
DATE + [5] agree, answer, check, conform, correspond, plicit, specific; stated, stipulated + fast, hard-and-fast,
dovetail, go, harmonize - more at CHECK + [7] accli- immutable, inflexible, unalterable, unchangeable-
mate, accommodate, adapt, adjust, condition, conform, more at INFLEXIBLE
shape - more at ADAPT fixed-ness Vfik-sad-nasv n + : the quality or state of being
'lit n ; the fact, condition, or manner of fitting or being fit- fixed
ted + constancy, immutability, stability, steadiness - more
lit.ful \'fit-f:ll\ adi + ; not regular; INTERMITTENT <- sleep) at CONSTANCY
- adv fix.i.ty \'fik-s:l-te\ n, pi -tles : the quality or state of being
+ erratic, intermittent, irregular, occasional, spas- fixed or stable
modic, sporadic, spotty, unsteady; also convulsive, sud- fix-ture \'fiks-ch:lr\ n 1 : something firmly attached as a
den, violent; broken, disconnected, fragmentary, permanent part of some other thing 2: a familiar feature
interrupted; desultory, haphazard, random; changing, in a particular setting; esp : a person associated with a
fluctuating, unstable, varying, wavering; changeable, place or activity
fickle, variable Ant constant, continuous, regular, '1Izz \'fiz\ vb + : to make a hissing or sputtering sound
steady + hiss, sizzle, swish, whish, whiz
tit-ness n + : the quality or state of being fit 21izz n 1 : a hissing sound 2: an effervescent beverage
+ health, robustness, soundness, wellness - more at 'fizzle \'fi-z:ll\ vb fiz-zled; lizzling 1 : FIZZ 2 : to fail after a
HEALTH + appropriateness, aptness, rightness, suitabil- good start - often used with out
ity - more at APPROPRIATENESS 2fizzle n +: lack of satisfactory performance or effect
'fit.tlng \'fi-til)\ adj + ; of a kind appropriate to the situa- : FAILURE
tion ; APPROPRIATE, SUITABLE + collapse, crash, cropper, defeat, failure, nonsuccess
+ applicable, appropriate, apt, fit, proper, right, suit- - more at FAILURE
able - more at FIT Ijord or fiord \fe-'ord\ n [Norw] + : a narrow inlet of the
2fitting n 1 ; the action or act of one that fits; esp ; a trying sea between cliffs or steep slopes
on of clothes being made or altered 2: a small often stan- + bay, bight, cove, estuary, gulf, inlet - more at GULF
dardized part <a plumbing -) fl abbr 1 flourished 2 fluid adv + ; in a fitting manner FL or Fla abbr Florida
+ appropriately, correctly, happily, properly, rightly, flab \'f1ab\ n : soft flabby body tissue
suitably - more at PROPERLY flab-ber-qaet \'fla-b:lr-,gast\ vb +; to overwhelm with
flt-tlnq-ness n ; the quality or state of being appropriate to shock, surprise, or wonder: ASTOUND
the situation + amaze, astonish, astound, bowl, dumbfound, floor,
five \'flv\ n 1 ; one more than four 2; the 5th in a set or shock, startle, stun, stupefy, surprise - more at SUR-
series 3; something having five units; esp ; a basketball PRISE
team 4; a 5-dollar bill - five adj or pron flab-by \'fla-be\ adj flab-bi-er; -est + : lacking finn ness
'fix \'fiks\ vb 1 ; to make finn, stable, or fast 2: to give a ; FLACCID <- muscles) - flab-bi-ness \-be-n:ls\ n
permanent or final fonn to 3 + ; to attach physically; AF-
+ flaccid, mushy, pulpy, soft, spongy - more at SOFT
FIX, ATIACH 4: to hold or direct steadily <-es his eyes on
the horizon) 5 + : to set or place definitely; SET 6; AS- flac-cid \'flak-s:ld\ adj + : lacking firmness <- muscles)
SIGN <- the blame) 7; to set in order; ADJUST 8; to get + droopy, floppy, lank, limp, slack, yielding - more at
ready ; PREPARE 9 + ; to make whole or sound again LIMP
10 ; to get even with 11 ; to influence by improper or il- 'flag \ 'flag\ n : any of various irises; esp : a wild iris
legal methods <- a race) 12 + ; to assign precisely: set- 2flag n 1 : a usu. rectangular piece of fabric of distinctive
tle on : arrange - fix-er n design that is used as a symbol (as of a nation) or as a sig-
+ [3] affix, attach, fasten - more at FASTEN + [5] de- naling device 2 + : something used like a flag to signal or
posit, place, position, put, set, set up, stick - more at attract attention 3: one of the cross strokes of a musical
PLACE + [9] doctor, mend, patch, recondition, renovate, note less than a quarter note in value
repair, revamp - more at MEND + [12] arrange, decide, + banner, colors (or colours), ensign, pennant, stan-
set, settle - more at ARRANGE dard, streamer; also bunting; black flag, Jolly Roger,
2fix n 1 +; a position of difficulty or embarrassment union jack, white flag; semaphore; badge, coat of arms,
: PREDICAMENT 2: a determination of position (as of a crest, insignia
ship) 3: an accurate determination or understanding 3flag vb flagged; flag'9ing 1 + : to signal with or as if with a
4 : an act of improper influence 5: a supply or dose of flag; esp : to signal to stop <- a taxi) 2: to mark or iden-
something (as an addictive drug) strongly desired or tify with or as if with a flag 3: to call a penalty on
craved 6: something that fixes or restores + gesture, motion, signal, wave - more at MOTION
+ comer, hole, jam, pickle, predicament, spot - more 'flag vb flagged; flag'9ing 1 +; to hang loose or limp
at PREDICAMENT 2 : to become unsteady, feeble, or spiritless 3: to de-
flx-a-tlon \fik-'sa-sh:m\ n + : an obsessive or unhealthy pre- cline in interest or attraction <the topic flagged)
occupation or attachment - fix-ate \'fik-,sat\ vb + [I] droop, hang, loll, sag, wilt - more at DROOP
+ fetish, mania, obsession, preoccupation, preposses- + [2] decay, droop, fail, go, lag, languish, sag, waste,
sion; also complex, hang-up, problem; compulsion, weaken, wilt - more at WEAKEN
craving, enthusiasm, fascination, infatuation, passion; Sflag n ; a hard flat stone suitable for paving
idiosyncrasy, quirk; penchant, predilection, proclivity flag-el.late \'fla-j:l-,lat\ vb -Iat-ed: : to punish by
fix.a.tive \'fik-s:l-tiv\ n ; something that stabilizes or sets whipping - \,fla-j:l-'la-sh:ln\ n
317 flash

flaogel-Ium \fla-'je-Iam\ n, pi -la \-Ia\ also -Iums : a long fla-men-co \fla-'mel)-ko\ n, pi -cos [Sp, fro jlamenco of the
whiplike process that is the primary organ of motion of Gypsies, lit., Flemish, fro MD Vlaminc Fleming) : a vigor-
many microorganisms - fla-gel-Iar \-Iar\ adj ous rhythmic dance style of the Spanish Gypsies
flaogeo-let \,fla-ja-'let, -'la\ n [P] : a small woodwind instru- flame-throw-er \'flam-,thro-ar\ n : a device that expels from
ment belonging to the flute class a nozzle a burning stream of liquid or semiliquid fuel un-
flaogi-tious \fla-'ji-shas\ adj : grossly wicked: VILLAINOUS der pressure
flag-on \'fla-gan\ n : a container for liquids usu. with a fla-min-go \fla-'mil)-go\ n, pi -gas also -goes: any of sev-
handle, spout, and lid eral long-legged long-necked tropical water birds with
scarlet wings and a broad bill bent downward
ewer, jug, pitcher - more at PITCHER flam-ma-ble Vfla-ma-bclv adj : easily ignited and quick'
flag-pole \'flag-,pol\ n : a pole on which to raise a flag burning - flam-ma-bil-i-ty \,fla-ma-'bi-Ia-te\ n - flamma-
flaogrant \'fla-grant\ adj [L jlagrans, prp. of flagrare to bien
burn) : conspicuously bad <~ abuse of power) - fla- combustible, ignitable, inflammable - more at COM-
grant-Iy adv BUSTIBLE
blatant, conspicuous, egregious, gross, pronounced, flan \'flan, 'flan\ n 1 : an open pie with a sweet or savory
rank, striking - more at EGREGIOUS filling 2: custard baked with a caramel glaze
na-qran-te de-lic-to \fla-,gran-te-di-'lik-to\ adv : the act of flange \'flanj\ n : a rim used for strengthening or guiding
committing a misdeed - used in the phrase in jlagrante something or for attachment to another object
delicto 'flank \'fl8l)k\ n 1 : the fleshy part of the side between the
flag-ship \'flag-,ship\ n 1 : the ship that carries the com- ribs and the hip; also: the side of a quadruped 2: SIDE
mander of a fleet or subdivision thereof and flies his flag 3 : the right or left of a formation
2 : the most important one of a group 2flank vb 1 : to attack or threaten the flank of 2 : to be
flag-staff \-,staf\ n : FLAGPOLE situated on the side of
flag-stone \-,ston\ n : 'FLAG abut, adjoin, border (on), fringe, join, skirt, touch,
'flail \'flal\ n : a tool for threshing grain by hand verge (on) - more at ADJOIN
2flail vb : to strike or swing with or as if with a flail flank-er \'flal)-kar\ n : a football player stationed wide of
flog, hide, lash, switch, thrash, whale, whip the formation slightly behind the line of scrimmage as a
flair \'flar\ n [F, lit., sense of smell, fr. OF, odor, fr.jlairier pass receiver
to give off an odor, fr. VL "flagrare, alter. of L fragrare] flan-nel \'flan-Ol\ n 1 : a soft twilled wool or worsted fab-
1 : ability to appreciate or make good use of something ric with a napped surface 2: a stout cotton fabric napped
: TALENT 2: a unique style on one side 3 pi : flannel underwear or pants
'flap \'flap\ n 1: a stroke with something broad : SLAP
aptitude, endowment, faculty, genius, gift, knack, tal-
2 : something broad, limber, or flat and usu. thin that
ent - more at TALENT
hangs loose 3: the motion or sound of something broad
flak \'flak\ n, pi flak [G, fro Fliegerabwehrkanonen, fro and limber as it swings to and fro 4: a state of excitement
Flieger flyer + Abwehr defense + Kanonen cannons] or confusion
1 : antiaircraft guns or bursting shells fired from them 2flap vb flapped; flap-ping 1 : to beat with something broad
2 : CRmClsM, OPPOSITION and flat 2 : FLING 3 : to move (as wings) with a beating
'flake \'flak\ n 1 : a small loose mass or bit 2 : a thin flat- motion 4: to sway loosely usu. with a noise of striking
tened piece or layer: CHIP beat, flail, flop, flutter, whip; also bang, batter, buf-
chip, splinter - more at CHIP fet, knock, pound, smack, spank, thump; flick, flicker,
2f1ake vb flaked; flak-ing : to form or separate into flakes flit; oscillate, sway, swing; undulate, wave; palpitate,
3flake n : a markedly eccentric person : ODDBALL - flak-i- pulse, throb
ness \'fla-ke-nas\ n - flaky adj flap-jack \'flap-Jak\ n : a flat cake made of thin batter
flaky adj : tending to flake and cooked (as on a griddle) on both sides: PANCAKE
brittle, crisp, crumbly, friable - more at CRISP griddle cake, pancake - more at PANCAKE
flam-beau \'flam-,bo\ n, pi flambeaux \-,boz\ or flambeaus flap-per \ 'fla-parv n 1 : one that flaps 2: a young woman
[F, fro MF, fr.jlambe flame) : a flaming torch of the 1920s who showed freedom from conventions (as
flam-boy-ance \-ans\ n : the quality or state of being in conduct)
flamboyant - flam-boy-an-cy \-an-se\ n 'flare \'flar\ n 1 : a blaze of light used esp, to signal or il-
flashiness, gaudiness, glitz, ostentation, pretentious- luminate; also: a device for producing such a blaze 2: an
ness, showiness, swank - more at OSTENTATION unsteady glaring light 3.: a sudden outburst (as of
flam-boy-ant \flam-'b6i-ant\ adj. : marked by or given to sound, excitement, or anger)
strikingly elaborate or colorful display or behavior [l) blaze, illumination, incandescence, light, lumines-
cence, radiance, shine - more at LIGHT [3] agony,
flashy, garish, gaudy, glitzy, loud, ostentatious,
burst, eruption, explosion, fit, flare-up, flash, outburst,
swank, tawdry - more at GAUDY
spasm, storm - more at OUTBURST
flam-boy-ant-Iyadv : in a flamboyant manner: with flam-
2f1are vb flared; flar-ing 1 .: to flame with a sudden un-
steady light 2 : to spread outward <her skirtjlaring at
flashily, gaily, jauntily, rakishly - more at GAILY the bottom) <a boat with the gunwalesjlaring out) 3: to
flame \'flam\ n 1 : the glowing gaseous part of a fire 2: a become suddenly excited or angry - usu. used with up
state of blazing combustion 3: a flamelike condition <she ~s up at the slightest provocation) 4 : to break
4 : burning zeal or passion 5: BRILLIANCE 6 : a person out or intensify usu. suddenly or violently - often used
beloved: SWEETHEART 7: an angry, hostile, or abusive with up <fightingjlared up after a 2-week lull)
electronic message III beat, blaze, burn, flame, glare - more at GLARE
beloved, darling, dear, honey, love, sweet, sweetheart usu flare out [2] expand, extend, fan, open, spread,
- more at SWEETHEART stretch, unfold usu flare up [4] break out, burst,
flame vb 1 : to burn with a flame 2 : to burst or break erupt, explode, flame, go off - more at ERUPT
out violently or passionately 3 : to shine brightly flare-up \-,ap\ n : a sudden outburst or intensification
[1) blaze, burn, glow - more at BURN [2] break burst, flare, flash, outbreak, outburst, spurt - more
out, burst, erupt, explode, flare, go off - more at ERUPT at OUTBREAK
[3) beat, blaze, burn, glare - more at GLARE 'flash \'flash\ vb 1 : to break forth in or like a sudden flame
flash 318
2 : to appear or pass suddenly or with great speed 3 + : to + [2] even, flush, level, plane, smooth - more at LEVEL
send out in or as if in flashes <"'"' a message) 4: to make a + [6] even, exact, precise, round - more at EVEN
sudden display (as of brilliance or feeling) 5: to gleam or + [7a] dull, monotonous, uninteresting + [7b] flavor-
glow intermittently 6: to fill by a sudden rush of water less (or flavourless), insipid, tasteless - more at INSIPID
7: to expose to view very briefly <"'"' a badge) - flash-er n [10] dim, dull, lusterless
flame, gleam, glimmer, glisten, glitter, shimmer, 2flat n 1 : a level surface of land: PLAIN 2: a flat part or sur-
sparkle, twinkle, wink; also beam, radiate, shine; blind, face 3: a character I> that indicates that a specified note
bedazzle, daze, dazzle; blaze, burn, flare, glare, glow is to be lowered by a half step; also : the resulting note
2flash n 1 : a sudden burst of light 2: a movement of a flag 4 : something flat 5: an apartment on one floor 6: a de-
or light in signaling 3 : a sudden and brilliant burst (as of flated tire
wit) 4 : a brief time 5: SHOW, DISPLAY; esp: ostentatious 31lat adv 1 : FLATLY 2 + : without Qualification or reserva-
display 6 + : something or someone that attracts notice; tion : COMPLETELY <""-' broke) 3: below the true musical
esp : an outstanding athlete 7: GLIMPSE, LOOK 8: a first pitch
brief news report 9: FLASHLIGHT 10: a device for pro- + completely, entirely, fully, perfectly, quite, thor-
ducing a brief and very bright flash of light for taking oughly, wholly - more at FULLY
photographs 11 : a quick-spreading flame or momentary "flat vb fiat-ted; flat-ting 1 : FLATTEN 2: to lower in pitch
intense outburst of radiant heat esp. by a half step
[4] instant, jiffy, minute, moment, second, shake, flat-bed \'flat-,bed\ n : a truck or trailer with a body in the
twinkling, wink - more at INSTANT + [6] marvel, mira- form of a platform or shallow box
cle, phenomenon, prodigy, sensation, wonder - more flat-boat \-,bot\ n : a flat-bottomed boat used esp. for car-
at WONDER rying bulky freight
31lash adj : of sudden origin and short duration (a",", flood) flat-car \-,kar\ n : a railroad freight car without sides or
+ fleeting, momentary, short-lived, transient - more roof
at MOMENTARY fiat-fiSh \-,fish\ n : any of an order of flattened marine
"flash adv : by very brief exposure to an intense agent (as bony fishes with both eyes on the upper side
heat or cold) ("'"' freeze) fiat-foot \-,fut, -'fut\ n, p/ flat-feet \-,fet, -'fet\ : a condition
flash-back \'flash-,bak\ n 1 : interruption of the chrono- in which the arch of the foot is flattened so that the entire
logical sequence (as of a film or literary work) by an sole rests upon the ground - flat-toot-ed \-'fu-t<ld\ adi
event of earlier occurrence 2: a past event remembered Flat-head \-,hed\ n, p/ Flatheads or Flathead : a member of
vividly an American Indian people of Montana
flash back vb 1 : to vividly remember a past incident 2: to flat-iron \-,i(-<l)rn\ n : IRON 3
employ a flashback flat-land \-,land\ n : land lacking significant variation in el-
flash-bulb \-,b<llb\ n : an electric bulb that can be used only evation
once to produce a brief and very bright flash of light for flat-out \'flat-,aut\ adj 1 : being or going at maximum ef-
taking photographs fort or speed 2: OUT-AND-OUT, DOWNRlGHT <it was a ""-'
flash card n : a card bearing words, numbers, or pictures lie)
briefly displayed usu. as a learning aid flat out adv 1 : BLUNTLY, DIRECTLY 2: at top speed 3 usu
flash-cube \'flash-,kyiib\ n : a cubical device incorporating flat-out : to the greatest degree: COMPLETELY (is justflat~
four flashbulbs out confusing)
flashogun \-,g<ln\ n : a device for producing a bright flash tlat-pan-el \-'pa-n'l\ adi : relating to or being a thin flat
of light for photography video display
flash-i-Iy \-sh<l-Ie\ adv + : In a flashy manner or style flat-ten \'flat-'n\ vb : to make or become flat
+ flamboyantly, gaily, jauntily, rakishly - more at flat-ter \'fla-t<lr\ vb [MEflateren, fro AF flater to lap, flatter]
GAILY 1 + : to praise too much or without sincerity 2 : to repre-
flaSh-i-ness \-she-n<ls\ n + : the quality or state of being sent too favorably (the portrait ""-'s him) 3: to display to
flashy advantage 4: to judge (oneself) favorably or too favor-
ably - flat-ter-er n
+ flamboyance, gaudiness, glitz, ostentation, preten-
tiousness, showiness, swank - more at OSTENTATION + blarney, overpraise; a/so cajole, coax, wheedle; fawn,
flash-ing Vfla-shin', n : sheet metal used in waterproofing kowtow, toady; idolize, worship; eulogize, extol, laud,
praise; applaud, commend, compliment; congratulate,
(as at the angle between a chimney and a roof)
felicitate; drool, gush, slaver, slobber; endear, ingrati-
flash-light \'flash-,IIt\ n : a battery-operated portable elec-
ate; court, woo
tric light
flash memory n : a computer memory chip not requiring flat-tery \'fla-t:rre\ n, p/ -ter-ies + : flattering speech or at-
connection to a power source to retain its data tentions : insincere or excessive praise
flashy \'fla-she\ adj flash-i-er: -est 1 : momentarily daz- + adulation, blarney, overpraise; also endearments;
zling 2 + : superficially attractive or impressive: SHOWY compliments, greetings, regards, respects; adoration,
idolatry, worship; cajolery, endearment; acclaim, ap-
+ flamboyant, garish, gaudy, glitzy, loud, ostentatious,
plause, commendation, praise
showy, swank, tawdry - more at GAUDY
flat-top \'flat-,tap\ n 1 : AIRCRAFT CARRIER 2: CREW CUT
flask \'flask\ n : a flattened bottle-shaped container (a
whiskey r-c-) flat-u-lent \'fla-ch<l-I<lnt\ adj 1 : full of gas (a ""-' stomach)
'flat \'flat\ adj flat-ter; flat-test 1 : spread out along a sur- 2 : INFLATED, POMPOUS - flat-u-lence \-l<lns\ n
face; also : being or characterized by a horizontal line fla-tus \'flliA<ls\ n : gas formed in the intestine or stomach
flat-ware \'flat-,wer\ n + : eating and serving utensils
2 + : having a smooth, level, or even surface 3: having a
broad smooth surface and little thickness 4: clearly un- + silver, tableware - more at TABLEWARE
mistakable : DOWNRIGHT (a ""-' refusal) 5: not varying flat-worm \-,wurm\ n : any of a phylum of flattened mostly
: FIXED (charge a ""-' rate) 6 + : having no fraction either parasitic segmented worms (as trematodes and tape-
lacking or in excess: EXACT, PRECISE (in four minutes ""-') worms)
7 a + : lacking in animation, zest, or vigor: DULL, UNIN- flaunt \'flont\ vb 1 + : to display oneself to public notice
TERESTING b + : lacking savor: INSIPID 8: DEFLATED (a ""-' 2 : to wave or flutter showily 3 : to display ostentatiously
tire) 9: lower than the true pitch; a/so: lower by a half or impudently: PARADE - flaunt n
step 10 + : free from gloss (a ""-' paint) 11 : lacking depth + display, disport, exhibit, flash, parade, show, show off
of characterization - flat-Iy adv - flat-ness n - more at SHOW
319 flexible
flau-ta \'flau-t:l\ n : a tortilla rolled around a filling and coat, fur, hair, pelage, pile, wool
deep-fried 2f1eece vb fleeced; fleecing 1 + : to strip of money or prop-
tlau-tist Vflo-tist, 'flau-\ n [Itjlautista] : FLUTIST erty by fraud or extortion 2: SHEAR
'flavor or Can and Brit flavour \'fla-v:lr\ n 1 : the quality of + cheat, defraud, rook, shortchange, skin, squeeze,
something that affects the sense of taste or of taste and stick, sting, swindle, victimize; also extort, wrench,
smell 2 : a substance that adds flavor 3 : character- wrest, wring; gouge, overcharge, soak; exploit, milk; de-
istic or predominant quality - flavored \-v:lrd\ adj- ceive, dupe, fool, gull, trick; rope (in); betray
fla-vor-some adj
fleecy adj + : covered with, made of, or resembling fleece
[2] seasoning, spice - more at SEASONING [3] air,
atmosphere, aura, climate, mood, note, temper - more
+ furry, hairy, unshorn, woolly - more at HAIRY
at AURA 'fleet \'flet\ vb : to pass rapidly
2flavor or Can and Brit flavour vb + : to give or add flavor to 2fleet n [MEjlete, fr. OEjleot ship, fr, fleotan to float] 1 : a
+ savor, season, spice - more at SEASON group of warships under one command 2 + : a group (as
of ships, planes, or trucks) under one management
fla.vor.ful or Can and Brit flavourful adj + : full of flavor
+ armada, caravan, cavalcade, motorcade, train; also
appetizing, delectable, delicious, savory, tasty, tooth-
convoy, flotilla, navy; column, cortege, parade, proces-
some, yummy - more at DELICIOUS
sion or Can and Brit flavouring n : a substance that
flavors: FLAVOR 2 'fleet adj 1 + : swift in motion: SWIFT, NIMBLE 2: not en-
tta-vor-tess or Can and Brit flavourless adj + : lacking in during: FLEETING
flavor breakneck, fast, hasty, lightning, nimble, nippy,
flat, insipid, tasteless - more at INSIPID quick, rapid, speedy, swift - more at FAST
fleet admiral n : an admiral of the highest rank in the navy
flaw \'flo\ n : a small often hidden defect - flaw-less- \'fle-til)\ adj. : passing swiftly
ness n
+ blemish, defect, fault, imperfection, mark - more at + ephemeral, evanescent, momentary, short-lived, tran-
sient - more at MOMENTARY
tlaw-less adj + : lacking any flaw or imperfection tleet-ness n : the quality or state of being fleet
absolute, faultless, ideal, impeccable, letter-perfect, celerity, fastness, haste, hurry, quickness, rapidity,
perfect, unblemished - more at PERFECT speed, swiftness, velocity - more at SPEED
flawlessly \-Ie\ adv : in a flawless manner \'fle-mil)\ n : a member of a Germanic people in-
habiting chiefly northern Belgium
faultlessly, ideally, impeccably, perfectly - more at
Flemish \'fle-mish\ n 1 : the Dutch language as spoken by
flax \'flaks\ n : a fiber that is the source of linen; also: a the Flemings 2 Flemish pi : FLEMINGS - Flemish adj
blue-flowered plant grown for this fiber and its oily seeds 'flesh \'flesh\ n 1 : the soft parts of an animal's body; esp
flax-en \'flak-s:ln\ adj 1 : made of flax 2 + : resembling : muscular tissue 2: MEAT 3: the physical nature of hu-
flax esp. in pale soft straw color mans as distinguished from the soul 4: human beings;
blond, fair, golden, sandy, straw - more at BLOND
also: living beings 5: STOCK, KINDRED 6: fleshy plant tis-
sue (as fruit pulp) - fleshed \'flesht\ adj
flay \'fla\ vb 1 + : to strip off the skin or surface of 2 : to
2flesh vb : to make fuller or more nearly complete-
criticize harshly
usu. used with out
[1] bark, hull, husk, peel, shell, skin. [2] admonish,
chide, lecture, rail (at or against), rate, rebuke, repri- usu flesh out amplify, develop, elaborate (on), enlarge
(on), expand - more at EXPAND
mand, scold - more at SCOLD
flesh fly n : a dipteran fly whose maggots feed on flesh
fl dr abbr fluid dram
flea \'fle\ n : any of an order of small wingless leaping \'flesh-le\ adj 1 : of or relating to the flesh or
bloodsucking insects body: CORPOREAL. BODlLV 2 : not spiritual: WORLDLY
flea-bane \'f1e-,ban\ n : any of various plants of the daisy 3 + : of or relating to bodily appetites: CARNAL, SENSUAL
family once believed to drive away fleas + [1] animal, bodily, carnal, corporal, material, physi-
flea-bit.ten \-,bit-'n\ adj : bitten by or infested with fleas cal, somatic - more at PHYSICAL + [2] carnal, earthly,
flea market n : a usu. open-air market for secondhand arti- material, mundane, temporal, terrestrial, worldly-
cles and antiques more at EARTHLY. [3] carnal, luscious, sensual, sensu-
'fleck \'flek\ vb : to mark in or with spots: STREAK, SPOT ous, voluptuous - more at SENSUAL
2fleck n 1 : a small area visibly different (as in color, fin- fleshpot \'flesh-,pat\ n 1 pi : bodily comfort: LUXURY 2 : a
ish, or material) from the surrounding area: SPOT, MARK place of lascivious entertainment - usu. used in pl.
2 : a small loose mass or bit: PARTICLE fleshy \'fle-she\ adj flesh.i-er; -est 1 : consisting of or re-
[1] blotch, dapple, dot, mark, speck, spot - more at sembling animal flesh 2 : marked by abundant flesh
SPOT + [2] atom, bit, crumb, grain, granule, molecule, : PLUMP, FAT 3 : full of juice
particle, speck [2] chubby, fat, plump, portly, rotund, round-
fledge \'flej\ vb fledged; : to develop the feathers more at FAT [3] juicy, pulpy, succulent - more at
necessary for flying or independent activity JUICY
fledg.ling \'flej-lil)\ n 1 : a young bird with flight feathers flewpasto!'FLY
newly developed 2 : an immature or inexperienced per- flex \'fleks\ vb : to bend esp. repeatedly - flex n
son flex-i-ble \'flek-s:l-b:l1\ adj 1 .: capable of being flexed
beginner, greenhorn, neophyte, newcomer, novice, 2 : yielding to influence 3 : readily changed or chang-
tyro - more at BEGINNER ing - flex.i.bil.i.ty \,flek-s:l-'bi-l:l-te\ n
flee \'fle\ vb fled \'fled\; flee-ing 1 + : to run away often + [1] limber, lissome, lithe, pliable, supple, willowy -
from danger or evil 2 : to pass away swiftly from per- more at WILLOWY [l] elastic, resilient, rubbery,
ception springy, stretch, supple - more at ELASTIC [2,
[l] clear out, escape, fly, get out, lam, run away, run 3] easygoing, relaxed, unrestrained, unrestricted-
off - more at ESCAPE [2] disappear, dissolve, evapo- more at EASYGOING. [3] adaptable, adjustable, change-
rate, fade, go, melt, vanish - more at DISAPPEAR able, elastic, fluid, malleable, variable; also changing,
'fleece \'fles\ n 1 + : the woolly coat of an animal and esp, fluctuating, inconstant, unstable, unsteady Ant estab-
a sheep 2: a soft or woolly covering lished, fixed, immutable
flexor 320
flexoOr Vflek-sar, -,sor\ n : a muscle serving to bend a body lessness b + : to cast as if by throwing 4: to put suddenly
part into a state or condition
flex-ure \'flek-shar\ n : TURN, FOLD + cast, catapult, chuck, hurl, hurtle, launch, pitch,
flibober.tiogibobet \,fIi-bar-te-'ji-bat\ n : a silly flighty person sling, throw, toss - more at THROW
'flick \'flik\ n 1: a light sharp jerky stroke or movement 2fling n 1 : an act or instance of flinging 2 + : a casual try
2 : a sound produced by a flick 3: 'FLICKER : ATTEMPT 3 + : a period of self-indulgence
2flick vb 1 : to strike lightly with a quick sharp motion + [2] attempt, bid, endeavor (or endeavour), essay, go,
pass, shot, stab, trial, try, whack, whirl - more at AT-
'flick n : MOVIE (can't wait to catch the new flick at the the- TEMPT + [3] frolic, gambol, lark, revel, rollick, romp; also
ater) caper, escapade, prank; antic; merriment, merrymak-
'flick-er \'fIi-br\ vb 1 : to move irregularly or unsteadily ing; enjoyment, indulgence, pleasure, self-indulgence;
: FLUITER 2: to bum fitfully or with a fluctuating light - amusement, diversion, entertainment adv flint \'fIint\ n 1 : a hard quartz that produces a spark when
2flicker n 1 : an act of flickering 2: a sudden brief move- struck by steel 2: an alloy used for producing a spark in
ment <a -- of an eyelid) 3: a momentary stirring <a -- lighters
of interest) 4: a slight indication : HINT 5: a wavering
flint glass n : heavy glass containing an oxide of lead and
used in lenses and prisms
'flicker n : a large barred and spotted No. American wood-
flintlock \'fIint-,liik\ n 1 : a lock for a gun using a flint to
pecker with a brown back that occurs as an eastern form
ignite the charge 2: a firearm fitted with a flintlock
with yellow on the underside of the wings and tail and a
flinty adj + : harsh and unyielding: rigorous and stern
western form with red in these areas
flied past and past part of 'FLY + austere, authoritarian, hard, harsh, rigorous, severe,
fIi-er \'m-ar\ n 1 + : one that flies; esp : PILOT 2 + : a reck- stern, strict - more at SEVERE
less or speculative undertaking 3 usu fly-er + : an adver- 'flip \'fIip\ vb flipped; flip-ping 1 : to tum by tossing <-- a
tising circular coin) 2 + : to tum over; also : to leaf through 3: FLICK,
JERK <-- a light switch) 4 + : to lose self-control- flip n
+ [1] airman, aviator, pilot - more at PILOT
+ [2] chance, enterprise, gamble, speculation, venture + [2] reverse, tum - more at REVERSE + [4] break,
- more at GAMBLE + usu flyer [3] circular, leaflet, pam- crack, freak - more at CRACK
phlet - more at PAMPHLET 2f1ip adj : glib or pert in speech: FLIPPANT
'flight \'mt\ n 1 : an act or instance of flying 2: the ability fllp-pan-cy \'fli-pan-se\ n + : the quality or state of being
to fly 3: a passing through air or space 4: the distance flippant
covered in a flight 5: swift movement 6: a trip made by + facetiousness, flightiness, frivolity, levity, Iightness-
or in an airplane or spacecraft 7: a group of similar in- more at FRIVOLITY
dividuals (as birds or airplanes) flying as a unit 8: a pass- flip-pant \'fli-pant\ adj + : lacking proper respect or seri-
ing (as of the imagination) beyond ordinary limits 9: a ousness
series of stairs from one landing to another - flight.less + facetious, flip, pert, smart; also flighty, frivolous;
adj cheeky, cocky, cute, fresh, impertinent, impish, impu-
2flight n + : an act or instance of running away dent, mischievous, playful, roguish, sassy, saucy, wag-
+ escape, getaway, lam, slip - more at ESCAPE gish; disrespectful, rude; breezy, casual, glib,
flight bag n 1 : a lightweight traveling bag with zippered inappropriate, thoughtless Ant earnest, sincere
outside pockets 2: a small canvas satchel flip-per \'fli-par\ n 1: a broad flat limb (as of a seal)
flightiness \-te-nas\ n : the quality or state of being adapted for swimming 2: a paddlelike shoe used in skin
flighty diving
+ facetiousness, flippancy, frivolity, levity, lightness - flip side n : the reverse and usu. less popular side of a
more at FRIVOLITY phonograph record
flight line n : a parking and servicing area for airplanes 'flirt \'flart\ vb 1 : to move erratically: FLIT 2: to behave
flighty \'fIi-te\ adj flight.i-er; -est 1 : easily upset: VOLATILE amorously without serious intent 3: to show casual in-
2 + : easily excited: SKITTISH 3 + : governed or character- terest <--ed with the idea); also: to come close to <--
ized by caprice: CAPRICIOUS, SILLY with danger) - tllr-ta-tlon \,flar-'ta-shan\ n - tllr-ta-tlcus
+ [2] excitable, fluttery, high-strung, jittery, jumpy, \-shas\ adj
nervous, skittish, spooky - more at EXCITABLE + [3] 2f1irt n 1 : an act or instance of flirting 2: a person who
capncious, frivolous, giddy, harebrained, scatter- flirts
brained, silly - more at GIDDY flit \'fIit\ vb tllt-ted; flit.ting : to pass or move quickly or
flim.flam \'fljm-,flam\ n : DECEPTION, FRAUD - flim.flam- abruptly from place to place: DART - flit n
mery \-,fla-ma-re\ n + dance, dart, flutter, zip; also dash, fly, sail, shoot, \'flim-ze\ adj tllm-sl-er: -est 1 + : lacking strength speed, sprint, zoom; scamper, scud, scurry, scuttle,
or substance 2 + : of inferior materials and workmanship skip, skitter; meander, ramble, roam, wander
3 + : having little worth or plausibility (a -- excuse) - flitch \'fIich\ n : a side of cured meat; esp : a side of bacon \-za-Ie\ adv - tllrn-sl-ness \-ze-nas\ n fliv.ver \'fIi-var\ n : a small cheap usu. old automobile
+ [1,2] gauzy, insubstantial, unsubstantial; also dainty, 'float \'flot\ n 1 + : something (as a raft) that floats; also: a
delicate, fine; feeble, fragile, frail; sheer, transparent floating platform anchored near a shoreline for use by
Ant sturdy, substantial [3] doubtful, dubious, im- swimmers or boats 2: a cork buoying up the baited end
probable, questionable, unlikely - more at IMPROBABLE of a fishing line 3: a hollow ball that floats at the end of
flinch \'flinch\ vb [MF flenchir to bend] + : to shrink from a lever in a cistern or tank and regulates the liquid level
or as if from pain: WINCE - flinch n 4 : a vehicle with a platform to carry an exhibit 5: a soft
+ blench, quail, recoil, shrink, wince; also blanch, pale, drink with ice cream floating in it
whiten; quake, quiver, shake, shudder, tremble; crouch; + dock, jetty, landing, levee, pier, quay, wharf - more
jerk, start, twitch; recede, retire, retreat, withdraw; fal- at DOCK
ter, hesitate, reel, waver 2float vb 1 : to rest on the surface of or be suspended in a
'fling \'fIil)\ vb flung \'flal)\; 1 : to move hastily, fluid 2 + : to move gently on or through a fluid 3: to
brusquely, or violently <flung out of the room) 2: to kick cause to float 4: WANDER 5: to offer (securities) in order
or plunge vigorously 3 a : to throw with force or reck- to finance an enterprise 6: to finance by floating an issue
321 flour
of stocks or bonds 7: to arrange for <- a loan) - float- sily, or in a relaxed manner <flopped into a chair) 3 : to
er n fall short of success: FAlL <the show /lopped) - flop adv
drift, glide, hang, hover, poise, ride, sail, waft; also -flop-per n
bob, dangle, suspend; buoy; balloon, raft Ant settle, sink + [1) beat, flail, flap, flutter, whip - more at FlAP
'flock \'fHik\ n 1 : a group of birds or mammals assembled [2) plop, plump, plunk; also fling, heave, sling, toss;
or herded together 2: a group of people under the guid- ensconce, install, plant, settle + [3) collapse, fail, flunk,
ance of a leader; esp : CONGREGATION 3 + : a large number fold, wash out - more at FAlL
<a - of tourists) 2flop n : something that is a failure
army, crowd, crush, drove, horde, host, legion, mob, bust, debacle, dud, failure, fiasco, fizzle, loser,
multitude, press, swarm, throng - more at CROWD washout - more at FAILURE
'flock vb : to gather or move in a flock (people -ed to flop-house \'flap-,haus\ n : a cheap hotel
the beach) 'flop-py \'flli-pe\ adj flop-pl-er; -est e : tending to flop; esp
+ crowd, mob, swarm, throng - more at CROWD : soft and flexible - \-pa-Ie\ adv
floe \'flo\ n : a flat mass of floating ice droopy, flaccid,lank,limp, slack, yielding - more at
flog \'flag\ vb flogged; flogoging 1 : to beat with or as if LIMP
with a rod or whip 2: SELL <- encyclopedias) - flog- 2floppy n, pi flop-pies : FLOPPY DISK
ger n floppy disk n : a thin plastic disk with a magnetic coating
bash, bat, batter, beat, belt, bludgeon, buffet, club, on which computer data can be stored
drub, hammer, hide, lace, lambaste, lick, maul, pelt, flop sweat n : sweat caused by the fear of failing
pound, thrash, thump, wallop, whale, whip - more at flo-ra \'fl6r-a\ n, pi floras also flo-rae \-,e, -,i\ [L Flora, Ro-
BEAT man goddess of flowers) : plants or plant life esp. of a
'flood \'flad\ n 1 : a great flow of water over the land region or period
2 : the flowing in of the tide 3 : an overwhelming vol- foliage, green, greenery, herbage, leafage, vegetation,
ume verdure - more at GREENERY
[I, 3) cataclysm, cataract, deluge, inundation, over- flOoral \'flor-al\ adj : of, relating to, or depicting flowers <a
flow, spate, torrent; also current, river, stream, tide; dis- - design)
charge, flush, gush, outflow, outpouring; flux, inflow, flo-res-cence \flo-'res-ns, fla-\ n : a state or period of be-
influx; washout; avalanche; cascade, waterfall; excess, ing in bloom or flourishing - ne-ree-eent \-nt\ adj
glut, overabundance, overage, overkill, overmuch, florid \'flor-ad\ adj 1 : very flowery in style <- prose)
oversupply, superabundance, superfluity, surfeit, sur- 2 : tinged with red: RUDDY 3: marked by emotional or
plus Ant drought sexual fervor
2flood vb 1 : to cover or become filled with a flood 2: to [1) flowery, grandiloquent, high-flown, highfalutin
fill abundantly or excessively; esp : to supply an excess of - more at FLOWERY. [2) flush, glowing, rosy, ruddy,
fuel to <-ed the engine) 3: to pour forth in a flood - sanguine - more at RUDDY
floodoer n flo-rtn \'flor-an\ n 1 : an old gold coin first struck at Flo-
deluge, drown, engulf, inundate, overflow, over- rence, Italy, in 1252 2: a gold coin of a European coun-
whelm, submerge, swamp; also overcome, flow, flush, try patterned after the florin of Florence 3: any of
gush, pour, sluice, spout, spurt, stream; douse, drench several modern silver coins issued in Commonwealth
Ant drain countries
floodogate \'flad-,gat\ n : a gate for controlling a body of tlo-rlst \ 'flor-ist\ n : a person who sells flowers or orna-
water: SLUICE mental plants
flood.light \-,lit\ n : a lamp that throws a broad beam of 'floss \'flils\ n 1 : soft thread of silk or mercerized cotton
light; also: the beam itself - floodlight vb for embroidery 2: DENTAL FLOSS 3 : fluffy fibrous ma-
flood-plain \-,plan\ n : a plain along a river or stream sub- terial
ject to periodic flooding down, fluff, fur, fuzz, lint, nap, pile - more at FUZZ
flood tide n 1 : a rising tide 2: an overwhelming quantity
2floss vb : to use dental floss on (one's teeth)
3 : a high point
flossy \'flli-se\ adj tloss-i-er; -est 1 : of, relating to, or hav-
flood-wa-ter \'flad-,wo-tar, -,wli-\ n : the water of a flood
ing the characteristics of floss 2: STYLISH, GLAMOROUS -
'floor \'flor\ n 1 : the bottom of a room on which one \-sa-Ie\ adv
stands 2: a ground surface 3: a story of a building 4: a
flOota.tion \flo-'m-shan \ n : the process or an instance of
main level space (as in a legislative chamber) distin-
guished from a platform or gallery 5: AUDIENCE 6: the
flOotilola \flo-'ti-Ia\ n [Sp, dim. of flota fleet) : a fleet esp. of
right to address an assembly 7: a lower limit <put a -
small ships
under wheat prices) - n
'floor vb 1 : to furnish with a floor 2 : to knock down flot-sem \'fllit-s;>m\ n : floating wreckage of a ship or its
3 : to overwhelm with shock, surprise, or wonder 4: to cargo
press (a vehicle's accelerator) to the floorboard esp. rap- 'flounce Vflaunsv vb flounced; flcunc-lng 1 : to move with
idly exaggerated jerky or bouncy motions 2: to go with sud-
den determination
[2) bowl, down, drop, fell, knock, level [3) amaze,
'flounce n : an act or instance of flouncing - flouncy
astonish, astound, bowl, dumbfound, flabbergast, over-
\'flaim-se\ ad)
whelm, shock, startle, stun, surprise
>flounce n : a strip of fabric attached by one edge; also: a
floor-board \-,bord\ n 1 : a board in a floor 2: the floor of
wide ruffle
an automobile
floor leader n : a member of a legislative body who has frill, furbelow, ruffle - more at RUFFLE
charge of a party's organization and strategy on the floor 1flounoder \'flaun-d"r\ n, pi flounder or flounders: FLATFISH;
floor show n : a series of acts presented in a nightclub esp : any of various important marine food fishes
floor.walkoer \'flor-,wo-k;>r\ n : a person employed in a re- 2flounder vb 1: to struggle to move or obtain footing
tail store to oversee the sales force and aid customers 2 : to proceed clumsily <-ed through the speech)
floOozy or tlco-zte \'flii-ze\ n, pi floozies : a usu. young limp, lumber, plod, stumble; also shamble, shuffle;
woman of loose morals wallow, welter; falter, lurch, reel, stagger, sway, teeter,
'flop \'fllip\ vb flopped; flop-ping 1 : to swing or move totter; blunder, fumble, muddle
loosely: FLAP 2 : to throw oneself down heavily, clum- 'flour \'flaur\ n [ME, flower, best of anything, flour, fro AF
flour 322
flur flower] : finely ground and sifted meal of a grain (as flu \'flU\ n 1 : INFLUENZA 2: any of several virus diseases
wheat); also : a fine soft powder marked esp. by respiratory or intestinal symptoms - flu-
2flour vb : to coat with or as if with flour like \-,lik\ adi
'flour-ish Vflor-lsh', vb 1 : to grow luxuriantly: THRIVE, 'flub \'fl"b\ vb flubbed; flub-bing + : to make a mess of
PROSPER 2: to be in a state of activity or production : BOTCH
(""ed about 1850) 3 : to reach a height of development bobble, botch, bungle, foul up, fumble, mangle, mess
or influence 4: to make bold and sweeping gestures up, screw up
5 : BRANDISH 2flub n + : a clumsy or stupid failure
+ [1] burgeon, prosper, thrive - more at THRIVE blunder, error, fault, fumble, goof, mistake, slip,
+ [3] prosper, succeed, thrive - more at SUCCEED stumble - more at ERROR
2flourish n 1 : a florid bit of speech or writing; also: an or- ftuc-tu-ate \'flak-cha-,wiit\ vb -at-ed; 1 .: to be-
namental touch or decorative detail 2: FANFARE 3: WAVE come wavering, unsteady, irresolute, or undetermined
(with a "" of his cane) 4: showiness in doing something 2 : to move up and down or back and forth - fluc.tua-
floury adj + : of or resembling flour esp. in fine powdery tion \,fI:lk-ch:l-'wa-shan\ n
texture change, mutate, shift, vary - more at CHANGE
+ dusty, fine, powdery - more at FINE flue \'flU\ n : a passage (as in a chimney) for directing a
'flout \'flaut\ vb + : to treat with contemptuous disregard current (as of smoke or gases)
<"" the law) - flout-er n flu-ent \'flU-:lnt\ adi 1: capable of flowing : FLUID
+ despise, disregard, scorn - more at SCORN 2 + : ready or facile in speech <"" in French); also: hav-
2flout n : TAUNT ing or showing mastery in a subject or skill 3 + : effort-
'flow \'flo\ vb 1 + : to issue or move in a stream 2: RISE lessly smooth and rapid <"" speech) - flu-en-cy \-an-se\
<the tide ebbs and ""s) 3: ABOUND 4 + : to proceed n
smoothly and readily 5: to have a smooth continuity + [2] articulate, eloquent, well-spoken - more at AR-
6 : to hang loose and billowing 7: COME, ARISE 8: MEN- TICULATE [3] easy, effortless, facile, fluid, ready, sim-
STRUATE ple, smooth
+ [1] pour, roll, run, stream; also arise, emanate, issue, \-Ie\ adv + : in a fluent manner
spring; course, race, rush; gush, spout, spurt; deluge, easily, effortlessly, freely, handily, lightly, painlessly,
engulf, flood, inundate, overflow, swamp; cascade, readily, smoothly - more at EASILY
dribble, drip, gutter, ripple, trickle; flush Ant back up flue pipe n : an organ pipe whose tone is produced by an
+ [4] breeze, coast, glide, roll, sail, slide, slip, stream, air current striking the beveled opening of the pipe
sweep Ant flounder, struggle 'fluff \'flaf\ n 1 : 7DOWN 1 <"" from a pillow) 2 : some-
2flow n 1 : an act of flowing 2: FLOOD 1,2 3: a smooth un- thing fluffy 3: something inconsequential 4: BLUNDER;
interrupted movement 4: STREAM; also: a mass of mate- esp : an actor's lapse of memory
rial that has flowed when molten 5: the quantity that + down, floss, fur, fuzz, lint, nap, pile - more at FUZZ
flows in a certain time 6: MENSTRUATION 7 : a continuous 2fluff vb 1 : to make or become fluffy <"" up a pillow)
transfer of energy - flow-age \'flo-ij\ n 2 : to make a mistake
flow-chart \'flo-,chart\ n : a symbolic diagram showing fluffy \'fl,,-fe\ adj Iluff-i-er; -est 1 : covered with or resem-
step-by-step progression through a procedure bling fluff 2 + : being light and soft or airy 3 : lacking in
flow diagram n : FLOWCHART meaning or substance - \-fa-Ie\ adv
'flow-er \'flau(-:l)r\ n [MEflour, fro AF flur.flour, fr. Lflor-,
flosl 1 : a plant shoot modified for reproduction and + airy, ethereal, light - more at AlRY
bearing leaves specialized into floral organs; esp : one of a 'flu-id \'flll-ad\ adi 1 : capable of flowing 2 + : subject to
seed plant consisting of a calyx, corolla, stamens, and change or movement 3 : showing a smooth easy style
carpels 2: a plant cultivated for its blossoms 3 + : the <"" movements) 4: available for a different use; esp : LIQ-
best part or example 4 + : the finest most vigorous period UID 5 <"" assets) - fluidi.ty \flU-'i-da-te\ n -
5 : a state of blooming or flourishing - flow-ered adv
\'flau(-:l)rd\ adj - flow-er-Iess adi - ttow-er-uke \-,Ilk\ + [l] fluent, liquid, runny; also diluted, thin, watery,
a4j weak Ant hard, solid + [2] adaptable, adjustable,
+ [3] best, choice, cream, elite, pick, prime - more at changeable, elastic, flexible, malleable, variable-
ELITE + [4] bloom, blossom, flush, heyday, prime- more at FLEXIBLE + [3] easy, effortless, facile, fluent,
more at BLOOM light, ready, smooth
2flower vb 1: DEVELOP; also: FLOURISH 2 + : to produce 2fluid n : a substance (as a liquid or gas) tending to flow or
flowers: BLOOM take the shape of its container
+ bloom, blossom, blow, burgeon, unfold - more at fluid dram or flu.iodram \,flU-a-'dram\ n : a unit of liquid
BLOOM measure equal to 'I. fluid ounce
flower girl n : a little girl who carries flowers at a wedding fluid ounce n : a unit of liquid measure equal to '1'6 pint in
flower head n : a compact cluster of small flowers without the U.S. or '/20 pint in the U.K.
stems suggesting a single flower 'fluke \'flUk\ n : any of various trematode flatworms
flowering plant n : any of a major group of vascular plants 2fluke n 1 : the part of an anchor that fastens in the ground
(as magnolias, grasses, or roses) that produce flowers and 2 : a lobe of a whale's tail
fruit and have the seeds enclosed in an ovary 3fluke n : a stroke of luck
flow-er-pot \'flau(-:l)r-,pat\ n : a pot in which to grow fluky also fluk-ey \'flU-ke\ adj 1 : happening or depend-
plants ing on chance rather than skill 2: light and uncertain
flow-ery \'flau(-:l)r-e\ ad) 1 : of, relating to, or resembling + accidental, casual, chance, fortuitous, incidental, un-
flowers 2 : full of fine words or phrases - planned
\-a-Ie\ adv - tlow-er-i-ness \-e-nas\ n flume \'flUm\ n 1 + : an inclined channel for carrying wa-
florid, grandiloquent, high-flown, highfalutin; also af- ter 2 + : a ravine or gorge with a stream running through
fected, grandiose, inflated, pompous, pretentious, it
stilted; excessive, fulsome; boastful, bombastic; ele- + [1] aqueduct, canal, channel, conduit, raceway, wa-
vated, eloquent, lofty tercourse - more at CHANNEL + [2] canyon, defile,
flown \'flon\pastpart of 'FLY gap, gorge, gulch, notch, pass, ravine - more at
fl oz abbr fluid ounce CANYON
323 flyby

flung past and past part of FLING 7 : directly abutting: immediately adjacent 8: set even
flunk \'flal)k\ vb + : to fail esp, in an examination or course with an edge of a type page or column - flushness n
-flunkn + [1) florid, glowing, rosy, ruddy + [3) fraught, replete,
+ collapse, fail, flop, fold, wash out - more at FAIL rife, thick + [4) affluent, loaded, moneyed, opulent,
rich, wealthy, well-fixed, well-heeled, well-off, well-to, also flun.key or tlun-kie \'flal)-ke\ n, pi flunkies also
flunkeys 1 a : a liveried servant b + : one performing me- do - more at RICH. [6) even, flat, level, plane, smooth
- more at LEVEL
nial or miscellaneous duties 2: YES-MAN
&flush adv 1 : in a flush manner 2: SQUARELY (a blow e->
+ domestic, lackey, menial, retainer, servant, steward on the chin)
- more at SERVANT 7flush vb : to make flush
ttuo-res-cence \fl6-'res-'ns\ n 1 : luminescence caused by 'flus.ter Vflas-tarv vb + : to put into a state of agitated con-
radiation absorption that ceases almost immediately after
the incident radiation has stopped 2 + : visible emitted
radiation - fluo-resce \-'res\ vb - nuo-res-cent \-'res-
+ abash, confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, em-
barrass, rattle - more at EMBARRASS
'nt\ adj
2fluster n + : a state of agitated confusion
+ glow, illumination, incandescence, light, lumines-
cence, radiance, shine - more at LIGHT
+ abashment, confusion, discomfiture, dither, embar-
rassment, fret
fluorescent lamp n : a tubular electric lamp in which light
flute \'flut\ n 1 : a hollow pipelike musical instrument
is produced by the action of ultraviolet light on a fluores-
2 : a grooved pleat 3: GROOVE - flute vb - flutoed adj
cent material that coats the inner surface of the lamp
flut-lnq n : fluted decoration
nuo-rt-date \'fl6r-a-,diit\ vb -dat-ed; : to add a fluo- \'flu-tist\ n : a flute player
ride to (as drinking water) to reduce tooth decay - fluo-
'flut.ter \'fla-tar\ vb [MEj1oteren to float, flutter, fro OEj1o-
rl-da-tton \,fl6r-a-'dii-shan\ n terian, fr. flotian to float) 1 : to flap the wings rapidly
fluo-ride \'flor-,id\ n : a compound of fluorine 2 + : to move with quick wavering or flapping motions
fluo-ri.nate \'flor-a-,niit\ vb -nat-ed; -nat-lnq : to treat or 3 : to vibrate in irregular spasms 4: to move about or be-
cause to combine with fluorine or a compound of fluo- have in an agitated aimless manner
rine - \,flor-:l-'nii-shan \ n
+ beat, flail, flap, flop, whip - more at FLAP
fluo-rine \'flor-,en, -onv n : a pale yellowish flammable irri-
tating toxic gaseous chemical element 2flutter n 1 : an act of fluttering 2: a state of nervous con-
fluo-rite \'flor-,it\ n : a mineral that consists of the fluoride fusion 3: a sudden but uSU. slight stir: FLURRY
of calcium used as a flux and in making glass flut-tery \-ta-re\ adj + : given to or characterized by flut-
fluo-rooear.bon \,flor-o-'kiir-ban\ n : a compound contain- tering
ing fluorine and carbon used chiefly as a lubricant, re- + excitable, flighty, high-strung, jittery, jumpy, ner-
frigerant, or nonstick coating; also : CHLOROFLUOROCAR- vous, skittish, spooky - more at EXCITABLE
BON 'flux \'f1aks\ n 1 : an act of flowing 2: a state of continu-
fluo-ro-scope \'flor-a-,skop\ n : an instrument for observ- ous change 3: a substance used to aid in fusing metals
ing the internal structure of an opaque object (as the liv- 2flux vb + : to become or cause to become fluid
ing body) by means of X-rays - tluc-ro-scop-lc + deliquesce, fuse, liquefy, melt, run, thaw - more at
\,flor-a-'ska-pik\ adj - fluo-rcs-co-py \-'a-ska-pe\ n LIQUEFY
fluo-ro-sis "flu-'ro-sas, ,flo-\ n : an abnormal condition (as 'fly \'f11\ vb flew \'f1u\; flown \'flon\; 1 + : to move in
spotting of the teeth) caused by fluorine or its com- or pass through the air with wings 2: to move through
pounds the air or before the wind 3: to float or cause to float,
tlu-ox-e-ttne \flu-'ak-s:l-,ten\ n : an antidepressant drug that wave, or soar in the air 4 + : to take flight: FLEE 5: to
enhances serotonin activity fade and disappear: VANISH 6 + : to move or pass swiftly
flur.ry \'flar-e\ n, pi flurries 1 + : a gust of wind 2: a brief 7 : to become expended or dissipated rapidly 6: to oper-
light snowfall 3: COMMOTION, BUSTLE 4 + : a brief out- ate or travel in an aircraft or spacecraft 9: to journey
burst of activity (a "" of trading) - flurry vb over by flying 10: AVOID, SHUN 11 : to transport by flying
+ [1) blast, blow, gust, williwaw - more at GUST + [1) glide, plane, soar, wing; also drift, float, hang,
+ [4) burst, flash, outbreak, outburst, spurt - more at hover, waft; coast, cruise, sail, sweep; dart, flit, flutter;
catapult, jet, orbit, rocket + [4) abscond, clear out, es-
'flush \'flash\ vb : to cause (a bird) to flyaway suddenly cape, flee, get out, lam, run away, run off - more at ES-
CAPE + [6) barrel, bolt, career, course, dash, hasten,
2flush n : a hand of cards all of the same suit
hurry, pelt, race, run, rush, speed, tear, zip, zoom-
3flush n 1 : a sudden flow (as of water) 2: a surge esp, of
more at HURRY
emotion (a "" of triumph) 3: a tinge of red : BLUSH
2fly n, pi flies 1 : the action or process of flying: FLIGHT 2pl
4 + : a fresh and vigorous state (in the+-> of youth) 5: a
: the space over a theater stage 3: a garment closing con-
passing sensation of extreme heat
cealed by a fold of cloth 4: the length of an extended flag
+ bloom, blossom, flower, heyday, prime - more at from its staff or support 5: a baseball hit high into the air
BLOOM 6 : the outer canvas of a tent with a double top - on the
'flush vb 1 : to flow and spread suddenly and freely 2: to fly: while still in the air
glow brightly 3 + : to become red in the face esp, from 3fly vb flied; : to hit a fly in baseball
shame, modesty, or confusion: BLUSH 4 + : to wash out <fly n, pi flies 1 : a winged insect - usu. used in combina-
with a rush of fluid 5: INFLAME, EXCITE 6: to cause to tion (butteIfiy) 2: any of a large order of insects mostly
blush with one pair of functional wings and another pair that if
+ [3) bloom, blush, color (or colour), crimson, glow, present are reduced to balancing organs and often with
redden - more at BLUSH + [4) irrigate, rinse, sluice, larvae without a head, eyes, or legs; esp : one (as a house-
wash; also deluge, engulf, flood, inundate, swamp; flow, fly) that is large and stout-bodied 3: a fishhook dressed
gush, rush, stream; douche, hose; drench, saturate, to suggest an insect
soak; douse, slosh, splash \'flI-a-bal\ adj : suitable for flying or being flown
Sflush adj 1 + : of a ruddy healthy color 2: full of life and fly ball n : 'FLY 5
vigor 3 + : filled to overflowing 4 + : fully or generously fly.blown \'m-,blon\ adj : not pure: TAINTED, CORRUPT
supplied usu. with money: AFFLUENT 5: readily available \-,bl\ n, pi flybys 1 : a usu. low-altitude flight by an
: ABUNDANT 6 + : having an unbroken or even surface aircraft over a public gathering 2 : a flight of a spacecraft
fly-by-night 324
past a heavenly body (as Jupiter) close enough to obtain fododer \'fii-d;,r\ n 1 : coarse dry food (as cornstalks) for
scientific data livestock 2: available material used to supply a heavy de-
fly-by-night \-bi-,nit\ adi 1 : seeking a quick profit usu. by mand
shady acts 2: TRANSITORY, PASSING foe \'fo\ n [MEfo, fro OEftih, fr,ftih hostile) + : one who
fly casting n : the casting of artificial flies in fly-fishing or has personal enmity for another: ENEMY
as a competitive sport + adversary, antagonist, enemy, opponent - more at
fly-catchoer \-,ka-ch;,r, -,ke-\ n : any of various passerine ENEMY
birds that feed on insects caught in flight FOE abbr Fraternal Order of Eagles
flyer var of FLIER foehn or fohn \'f;,rn, 'fren, 'fiin\ n [G Fohn) : a warm dry \'m-,fi-shil)\ n : a method of fishing in which an wind blowing down a mountainside
artificial fly is used for bait foe-man \'fo-m;,n\ n : FOE
flying boat n : a seaplane with a hull designed for floating foe-tal, foe-tus chiefly Brit var of FETAL, fetus
flying buttress n : a projecting arched structure to support 'fog \'f6g, 'fiig\ n 1 + : fine particles of water suspended in
a wall or building the lower atmosphere 2 + : mental confusion
flying fish n : any of numerous marine bony fishes capable + [1] haze, murk, smog, soup - more at HAZE
of long gliding flights out of water by spreading their + [2] daze, haze, muddle, spin - more at HAZE
large fins like wings
2fog vb fogged; fog.ging + : to obscure or be obscured with
flying saucer n : an unidentified flying object reported to
or as if with fog
be saucer-shaped or disk-shaped
flying squirrel n : either of two small nocturnal No. Amer- + blur, cloud, confuse, dim, haze, mist, obscure + be-
ican squirrels with folds of skin connecting the forelegs cloud, befog, blur, cloud, confuse, muddy - more at
and hind legs that enable them to make long gliding leaps CONFUSE
fly.leaf \'m-,let\ n, pI fly.leaves \-,levz\ : a blank leaf at the \'fo-ge, 'fii-\ adj 1 a : filled or abounding with fog
beginning or end of a book b +: covered or made opaque by moisture or grime \-,pii-p;,r\ n : paper poisoned or coated with a 2 + : blurred or obscured as if by fog
sticky substance for killing or catching flies + [lb] cloudy, hazy, misty, murky, smoggy, soupy-
fly.speck \-,spek\ n 1 : a speck of fly dung 2 + : something more at HAZY + [2] bleary, dim, faint, fuzzy, hazy, in-
small and insignificant definite, indistinct, murky, obscure, unclear
+ atom, bit, crumb, fleck, grain, particle, speck fog.horn \'fog-,horn, 'fiig-\ n : a horn sounded in a fog to
give warning
fly.way \-,wii\ n : an established air route of migratory also fo.gey \ 'fo-ge\ n, pI fogies also fogeys + : a per-
son with old-fashioned ideas (an old ~>
fly.wheel \-,hwel\ n : a heavy wheel for regulating the
speed of machinery + antediluvian, dodo, fossil, fuddy-duddy, reactionary;
fm abbr fathom also conservative; old hand, old-timer, veteran; old
Fm symbol fermium maid Ant modern
FM \'ef-,em\ n : a broadcasting system using frequency foi-ble \'foi-b;,l\ n + : a minor failing or weakness in char-
modulation; also: a radio receiver of such a system acter or behavior
fn abbr footnote + demerit, failing, fault, frailty, shortcoming, vice,
fo or fol abbr folio weakness - more at FAULT
FO abbr foreign office foie gras \'fwii-'grii\ n [F, lit., fat liver) : the fattened liver
'foal \'fol\ n : a young horse or related animal; esp : one un- of an animal and esp. of a goose usu. served as a pate
der one year 'foil \'foil\ vb [ME, alter. oi fullen to full cloth, fr. AF faller]
2foal vb : to give birth to a foal 1 : to prevent from attaining an end 2 + : to bring to
'foam \'fom\ n 1 + : a mass of bubbles formed on the sur- naught: THWART
face of a liquid: FROTH, SPUME 2: material (as rubber) in + [I, 2] baffle, balk, beat, checkmate, frustrate, thwart
a lightweight cellular form - foamy adj - more at FRUSTRATE
+ froth, head, lather, spume; also mousse; mist, spin- 2foil n [ME,leaf, fro AF fuille.foille, fro Lfolia, pl. oi folium
drift, spray; scum leaf) 1 : a very thin sheet of metal (aluminum +-> 2: one
2foam vb : to form foam : FROTH that serves as a contrast to another (acted as a ~ for a
fob \'fiib\ n 1 : a short strap, ribbon, or chain attached esp. comedian>
to a pocket watch 2: a small ornament worn on a fob 3foil n : a light fencing sword with a flexible blade tapering
FOB abbr free on board to a blunt point
fob off vb 1 : to put off with a trick, excuse, or inferior foist \'foist\ vb : to pass off (something false or worthless)
substitute 2: to pass or offer as genuine 3: to put aside as genuine
FOe abbr free of charge 'fold \'fold\ n 1 : an enclosure for sheep 2 + : a group of
focal length n : the distance of a focus from a lens or people with a common faith, belief, or interest
curved mirror + body, circle, clan, clique, community, coterie, set-
fo'c'sle var of FORECASTLE more at GANG
'fo-cus \'fo-k;,s\ n, pI fo-ci \-,sl\ also fo-cus-es [NL, fr. L, 2fold vb : to house (sheep) in a fold
hearth) 1: a point at which rays (as of light, heat, or 3fold vb 1 : to lay one part over or against another part 2: to
sound) meet or diverge or appear to diverge; esp : the clasp together 3: EMBRACE 4: to bend (as a layer of rock)
point at which an image is formed by a mirror, lens, or into folds 5: to incorporate into a mixture by overturning
optical system 2: FOCAL LENGTH 3: adjustment (as of repeatedly without stirring or beating 6: to become dou-
eyes or eyeglasses) that gives clear vision 4 + : a central bled or pleated 7 + : to fail completely: FAIL, COLLAPSE
point: CENTER - fo-cal \'fo-k;,l\ adj - adv + collapse, fail, flop, flunk, wash out - more at FAIL
+ base, center (or centre), core, heart, hub, nucleus, 'fold n 1 : a doubling or folding over 2: a part doubled or
seat - more at CENTER laid over another part
2focus vb -cused also -cussed; -cus-lnq also -cus-slnq 1 : to foldaway \'fol-d;,-,wii\ adj : designed to fold out of the way
bring or come to a focus (~ rays of light> 2 + : to cause or out of sight
to be concentrated (~ attention on a problem> 3: to ad- fold-er \'fol-d;,r\ n 1 : one that folds 2 + : a folded printed
just the focus of circular 3: a folded cover or large envelope for loose pa-
+ concentrate, fasten, rivet, train - more at CONCEN- pers 4: an object in a computer operating system used to
TRATE organize files or other folders
325 food chain

booklet, brochure, circular, leaflet, pamphlet- ' \'fa-Ia-wil)\ adj 1 .: next after : SUCCEEDING
more at PAMPHLET <the --- day) 2: that immediately follows <trains will
folode-rol \'flil-da-,ral\ n 1 : a useless trifle 2 : NONSENSE leave at the --- times)
told-out \'fol-,dailt\ n : a folded leaf (as in a magazine) coming, next, succeeding - more at NEXT
larger in some dimension than the page 2following n : a group of followers, adherents, or parti-
fo-liage \'f6-le-ij\ n : a mass of leaves (as of a plant or sans
forest) cortege, retinue, suite, train - more at CORTEGE
flora, green, greenery, herbage, leafage, vegetation, 3following prep: subsequent to : AFTER
verdure - more at GREENERY follow through vb : to press on in an activity or process
fo-liatoed \'fo-Ie-,a-tad\ adj : composed of or separable into esp. to a conclusion
layers accomplish, achieve, carry out, commit, compass, do,
fo-lic acid \,fo-lik-\ n : a vitamin of the vitamin B complex execute, fulfill, make, perform - more at PERFORM
used esp, to treat nutritional anemias tololow-up \'fa-la-,wap\ n : a system or instance of pursu-
fo-lio \'fo-Ie-,o\ n, pi to-u-os 1 : a leaf of a book; also: a ing an initial effort by supplementary action
page number 2: the size of a piece of paper cut two from \'fa-Ie\ n, pi follies [ME folie, fr, OF, fr. /01 fool)
a sheet 3: a book printed on folio pages 1 : lack of good sense 2 : a foolish act or idea 3: an ex-
'folk Wok\ n, pi folk or folks 1 : the largest number or most cessively costly or unprofitable undertaking
characteristic part of a group of people forming a tribe or absurdity, fatuity, foolery, foolishness, idiocy,
nation 2 a pi : a certain kind, class, or group of people inanity, madness, stupidity
: PEOPLE, PERSONS <country ~> <old ~s> b.: people
fo-ment \fo-'ment\ vb : to promote the growth or devel-
generally 3/olkspl. : the persons of one's own family opment of : INCITE
usu folks[2a, 2b) humanity, humankind, people, per- abet, ferment, incite, instigate, provoke, raise, stir,
sons, public, society, world - more at PEOPLE USU whip - more at INCITE
folks(3) blood, clan, family, house, kin, kindred, kin-
fo-men-ta-tlon \,fo-man-'ta-shan, -,men-\ n 1 : a hot moist
folk, line, lineage, people, race, stock, tribe material (as a damp cloth) applied to the body to ease
2folk adi : of, relating to, or originating among the common pain 2: the act of fomenting: INSTIGATION
people <--- music> fond \'fand\ adj [ME, ir.fonne fool) 1 : FOOLISH, SILLY <---
folk art n : the traditional anonymous art of usu. untrained pride) 2: prizing highly : DESIROUS <~ of praise)
people 3 + : strongly attracted or predisposed <--- of music) 4
folk.lore \'fok-,Ior\ n : customs, beliefs, stories, and say- a : foolishly tender : INDULGENT b : feeling or express-
ings of a people handed down from generation to genera- ing love: LOVING, AFFECTIONATE 5: CHERISHED, DEAR <his
tion - folk-lor-lc \-,Ior-ik\ adj - folk-lor-ist \-ist\ n <est hopes) - adv
legend, lore, myth, mythology, tradition; also infor- + (3) inclined, partial; also crazy (about or over), en-
mation, knowledge, wisdom; anecdote, fable, old wives' amored, enraptured, gone (on), infatuated, mad
tale, tale, yarn (about), nuts (about); desirous, eager, enthusiastic, ex-
folk mass n : a mass in which traditional liturgical music is cited, gung ho, keen Ant averse, disinclined + [4b) af-
replaced by folk music fectionate, devoted, loving, tender, tenderhearted-
folk.singoer \'fok-,siI)-ar\ n : a singer of folk songs - folk- more at LOVING n fonodant \'fan-dant\ n : a creamy preparation of sugar used
folksy \'f6k-se\ adj fotks-i-er; -est 1 : SOCIABLE, FRIENDLY as a basis for candies or icings
2 : informal, casual, or familiar in manner or style fonodle \'fand-'I\ vb fonodled; fonodling + : to touch or han-
folk.way \'fok-,wa\ n : a way of thinking, feeling, or acting dle lovingly : CARESS
common to a given group of people; esp : a traditional so- caress, love, pat, pet, stroke; also cuddle, nestle, nose,
cial custom nuzzle, snuggle; cradle, embrace, enfold, hug; bounce, \'fa-li-kal\ n 1 : a small anatomical cavity or gland dandle; knead, massage; baby, coddle, indulge, molly-
<a hair ---> 2: a small fluid-filled cavity in the ovary of a coddle, pamper, spoil
mammal enclosing a developing egg fond-ness \'fiin(d)-nas\ n 1 : tender affection 2 : en-
tol-tow \'fa-Io\ vb 1 : to go or come after 2 : to pro- joyment of or delight in something that satisfies one's
ceed along 3: to engage in as a way of life <--- the sea> tastes, inclinations, or desires
<~ a profession) 4 : to be or act in accordance with [I) affection, attachment, devotion, love, passion-
: to accept as authority: OBEY 5 : to pursue in an effort more at LOVE. [1,2) appetite, fancy, favor (or favour),
to overtake: PURSUE 6: to come after in order or rank or like, liking, love, partiality, preference - more at LIK-
natural sequence 7 : to keep one's attention fixed on ING
8 : to result from - follow suit 1 : to play a card of the fonodue also fonodu \fan-'du, -'dyii\ n [F) : a preparation of
same suit as the card led 2: to follow an example set melted cheese often flavored with white wine
[1) succeed; also displace, replace, supersede, sup- 'font \'fiint\ n 1 : a receptacle for baptismal or holy water
plant; ensue Ant antedate, precede, predate (2) go, 2 : FOUNTAIN, SOURCE
pass, proceed, travel, traverse - more at TRAVERSE 2font n : an assortment of printing type of one size and style
(4) comply, conform, mind, obey, observe - more at food \'fUd\ n 1 : material taken into an organism and used
OBEY. (5) chase, pursue, tail, trace, track, trail; also ac- for growth, repair, and vital processes and as a source of
company, chaperon, escort; hunt, search (for), seek; energy; also : organic material produced by green plants
eye, observe, watch Ant guide, lead, pilot (7) heed, and used by them as food 2 : nourishment in solid form
listen, mind, note, observe, regard, watch - more at 3 : something that nourishes, sustains, or supplies <--- for
HEED thought)
fol-low-er n : one that follows the opinions or teachings chow, fare, meat, provisions, viands, victuals; also ra-
of another tions; aliment, nutriment; diet, nurture, sustenance;
adherent, convert, disciple, partisan, pupil, votary; mess, pap; feed, fodder, forage, slop, swill; feast, meal,
also apostle; faithful, loyalist; advocate, backer, cham- refreshments, repast, spread; board; dish, plate, serving
pion, supporter; scholar, student; ideologist, sectarian; food chain n 1 : a hierarchical arrangement of organisms
admirer, cultist, devotee, enthusiast, fan, idolater, wor- in an ecological community such that each uses the next
shiper, zealot; flunky, hanger-on, henchman, lackey, usu. lower member as a food source 2: a hierarchy based
satellite, stooge, sycophant, toady, yes-man Ant leader on power or importance
food court 326
food court n : an area (as within a shopping mall) set apart 2100t vb 1 : to tread to music: DANCE 2 : to go on foot
for food concessions 3 : to add up 4 : to payor provide for paying
food poisoning n : a digestive illness caused by bacteria or usu foot it [1] dance, step - more at DANCE usu
by chemicals in food foot it [2] leg, pad, step, traipse, tread, walk - more at
feed-stuff \'fiid-,staft\ n : a substance with food value; esp WALK [4] clear, discharge, liquidate, pay, recom-
: a specific nutrient (as fat or protein) pense, settle, spring, stand - more at PAY
'fool \'fiil\ n [ME, fr. AF Iol, fro LLfollis, fr. L, bellows, bag] toot-aqe \'fiHij\ n 1: length expressed in feet 2: the
1 .: a person who lacks sense or judgment 2: JESTER length of film used for a scene; also : the material con-
3 : DUPE 4: IDIOT tained on such footage
booby, goose, jackass, lunatic, nitwit, nut, simpleton; foot-and-mouth disease n : an acute contagious viral dis-
also daredevil; madman, madwoman; blockhead, ease esp. of cattle
cretin, dodo, dolt, dope, dumbbell, dummy, dunce, id- football \'fut-,bol\ n 1 : any of several games played by
iot, imbecile, moron; scatterbrain; butt, dupe, laughing- two teams on a rectangular field with goalposts at each
stock, mockery, monkey; chump, loser, schlemiel end in which the object is to get the ball over the goal line
2fool vb 1 : to meddle or tamper thoughtlessly or igno- or between goalposts by running, passing, or kicking
rantly 2 : to speak in jest: JOKE 3 : to make a fool of 2 : the ball used in football
: DECEIVE 4: FRITIER <~ed away his time) toot-board \-,bord\ n 1 : a narrow platform on which to
stand or brace the feet 2: a board forming the foot of a
[1] fiddle (around), mess, monkey, play, tamper, tin-
ker - more at TAMPER. [2] banter, fun, jest, jive, joke, bed
josh, kid, quip, wisecrack - more at JOKE [3] de- foot.bridge \-,brij\ n : a bridge for pedestrians
ceive, delude, dupe, gull, hoodwink, mislead, take in, foot-ed \'fu-tad\ adj : having a foot or feet of a specified
kind or number (flat-footed) (four-footed)
trick - more at DECEIVE
-toot-er \'fu-tar\ combform: one that is a specified number
fool around vb 1 : to spend time idly, aimlessly, or frivo-
of feet in height, length, or breadth (a six-footer)
lously 2: to engage in casual sexual activity
toot-tall \'fut-,fol\ n : the sound of a footstep
fiddle (around), monkey, play, trifle foothill \-,hil\ n : a hill at the foot of higher hills or moun-
fooloery \'fii-Ia-re\ n, pi -er.ies 1 : a foolish act, utter- tains
ance, or belief 2 : foolish behavior foothold \-,hold\ n 1 : a hold for the feet: FOOTING 2: a
[1] absurdity, fatuity, folly, foolishness, idiocy, position usable as a base for further advance
inanity, madness, stupidity. [2] high jinks, horseplay, n 1 : the placing of one's feet in a stable position
monkeyshines, shenanigans, tomfoolery - more at 2 : the act of moving on foot 3: a place or space for
HORSEPLAY standing: FOOTHOLD 4 : position with respect to one an-
fool.harody \'fiil-,hiir-de\ adj + : foolishly daring: RASH - other: STATUS 5 : an underlying condition or state of af-
tool-har-di-ness \-de-nas\ n fairs: BASIS
brash, madcap, overbold, overconfident, rash, reck- [4] degree, level, place, position, rank, situation,
less; also adventuresome, adventurous, audacious, bold, standing, station, status - more at RANK [5] base, ba-
daring, venturesome, venturous; brave, courageous, sis, bedrock, cornerstone, foundation, ground, ground-
dauntless, fearless, intrepid, lionhearted, undaunted, work, keystone, underpinning - more at CORNERSTONE
valiant; hotheaded; impetuous, impulsive, rash; brain- foot-less \'fut-las\ adj 1 : having no feet 2: INEPT, INEF-
less, foolish, harebrained, scatterbrained; careless, FECTUAL
heedless, thoughtless; hasty, headlong, precipitate Ant foot.lights \-,!Its\ n pi 1 : a row of lights along the front of
careful, cautious, heedful, prudent a stage floor 2: the stage as a profession
tool-tsn \'fii-lish\ adj 1 : showing or arising from folly or roo-tnnq \'COt-lil)\ adj 1 : INEPT 2 : TRIVIAL
lack of judgment 2 : ridiculously unreasonable, un- toot-lock-er \'fut-,lii-br\ n : a small trunk designed to be
sound, or incongruous: ABSURD 3: ABASHED - placed at the foot of a bed (as in a barracks)
adv footloose \-,liis\ adj : having no ties : FREE
[1] absurd, bizarre, crazy, fanciful, fantastic, insane, free, loose, unbound, unconfined, unrestrained-
nonsensical, preposterous, unreal, wild - more at FAN- more at FREE
TASTIC [2] absurd, asinine, crazy, cuckoo, daft, fatu- foot-man \-man\ n : a male servant who attends a carriage
ous, insane, kooky, mad, nonsensical, nutty, or waits on table, admits visitors, and runs errands
preposterous, senseless, silly, stupid; also dumb, idiotic, foot-note \-,not\ n 1 : a note of reference, explanation, or
imbecilic, moronic, fallacious, illogical, invalid, irra- comment placed usu. at the bottom of a page 2: COM-
tional, unreasonable; farcical, laughable, ludicrous, MENTARY
ridiculous Ant judicious, prudent, sensible, sound, wise toot-pad \-,pad\ n : a round somewhat flat foot on the leg
feel-ish-ness n 1 : foolish behavior 2 : a foolish act or of a spacecraft for distributing weight to minimize sink-
ing into a surface
toot-path \-,path, -,path\ n : a narrow path for pedestri-
folly, nonsense, piffle, rot, silliness - more at NON- ans
path, trace, track, trail - more at TRAIL
fool-proot \'fiil-,priif\ adj : so simple or reliable as to leave
no opportunity for error, misuse, or failure (a ~ plan) foot-print \-,print\ n 1 : an impression of the foot 2: the
fools-cap \'fiil-,skap\ n [fro the watermark of a fool's cap area on a surface covered by something
formerly applied to such paper] : a size of paper typically toot-race \-,rlis\ n : a race run on foot
toot-rest \-,rest\ n : a support for the feet
16x 13 inches
toot-sere \-,sor\ adj : having sore or tender feet (as from
fool's gold n : PYRITE
much walking)
1foot \'fut\ n, pi feet \'fet\ also foot 1 : the end part of a leg
toot-step \-,step\ n 1: the mark of the foot : TRACK
below the ankle of a vertebrate animal 2: a unit of meas-
2 : TREAD 3: distance covered by a step : PACE 4: a step
ure equal to 12 inches 3 ~ a group of syllables forming the
on which to ascend or descend 5: a way of life, conduct,
basic unit of verse meter 4 : something resembling an an-
or action
imal's foot in position or use 5 : the lowest part: BOT-
foot-stool \-,stiil\ n : a low stool to support the feet
TOM 6: the part at the opposite end from the head 7: the
toot-wear \-,war\ n : apparel (as shoes or boots) for the feet
part (as of a stocking) that covers the foot toot-work \-,wark\ n : the management of the feet (as in
base, bottom - more at BOTTOM boxing)
327 forecast
fop \'fap\ n + : a man who is devoted to or vain about his that causes motion or a change of motion - in force
appearance or dress : DANDY - fop-pery \'fa-p~-re\ n - 1 : in great numbers 2: VALID, OPERATIVE
fop-pish adj + [II energy, main, might, muscle, potency, power,
+ buck, dandy, dude, gallant - more at DANDY strength, vigor (or vigour) - more at POWER + [2] co-
'for \f~r, 'for\ prep 1 : as a preparation toward (dress - gency, effectiveness, persuasiveness - more at co-
dinner) 2: toward the purpose or goal of (need time - GENCY + [41 help, personnel, pool, staff; also labor,
study) (money - a trip) 3: so as to reach or attain (run proletariat, rank and file; band, company, crew, gang,
- cover) 4: as being (took him - a fool) 5: because outfit, party, team; employee, helper, hireling, worker
of (cry - joy) 6 - used to indicate a recipient (a letter + [5] coercion, compulsion, constraint, duress, pres-
- you) 7: in support of (fought,....., his country) 8: di- sure; also browbeating, bullying; fear, intimidation,
rected at : AFFECfING (a cure - what ails you) 9 - used menace, sword, terror, terrorism, threat, violence;
with a noun or pronoun followed by an infinitive to form might, muscle, strength; hardheadedness, self-will;
the equivalent of a noun clause (- you to go would be strain, stress
silly) 10: in exchange as equal to : so as to return the 2force vb forced; + : to compel by physical,
value of <a lot of trouble - nothing) (pay $lO ,....., a hat) moral, or intellectual means: COERCE 2 : to cause through
11 : CONCERNING (a stickler e-> detail) 12: CONSIDERING necessity <forced to admit defeat) 3: to press, attain to,
(tall - her age) 13: through the period of (served ,....., or effect against resistance or inertia (- your way
three years) 14: in honor of through) 4: to raise or accelerate to the utmost (,....., the
2for con} + : for the reason that : BECAUSE pace) 5: to produce with unnatural or unwilling effort
+ because, now, since, whereas - more at SINCE <forced a smile) 6: to hasten (as in growth) by artificial
3for abbr 1 foreign 2 forestry means
fora pi 0/ FORUM + coerce, compel, constrain, drive, make, muscle, obli-
'for.age \'for-ij\ n [ME, fr. AF, ir.fuerre, foer fodder, straw, gate, oblige, press, pressure; also browbeat, bulldoze,
of Grnc origin] 1 : food for animals esp, when taken by bully; high-pressure, intimidate, menace, terrorize,
browsing or grazing 2: a search for food or supplies threaten
2forage vb for.aged; 1: to collect forage from force-ful \'fOrs-f~l\ adj + : possessing or filled with force -
2 : to search for food or supplies 3: to get by foraging force-ful-ness \-n~s\ n
4 + : to make a search: RUMMAGE + cogent, compelling, convincing, decisive, emphatic,
+ usu forage for cast about, hunt, pursue, quest, rum- persuasive, strong - more at COGENT + authoritative,
mage, search (for or out), seek - more at SEEK influential, weighty - more at INFLUENTIAL
for.ay \'for-,a, fo-'ra\ vb + : to raid esp, in search of plun- torce-tul-Iy \-f~-le\ adv + : in a forceful manner
der + firmly, forcibly, hard, mightily, powerfully, strongly,
+ usu foray into invade, overrun, raid - more at INVADE vigorously - more at HARD
foray n + : a sudden or irregular incursion for war or spoils for-ceps Vfor-sopsv n, pi forceps IL] : a hand-held instru-
+ descent, incursion, invasion, irruption, raid - more ment for grasping, holding, or pulling objects esp, for del-
at RAID icate operations (as by a surgeon)
'forbear \for-'ber\ vb -bore \-'bor\; -borne \-'born\; -bear- forcible \'fOr-s~-b~l\ adj 1 : obtained or done by force
ing 1 + : to refrain from: ABSTAIN 2: to be patient 2 : showing force or energy: POWERFUL
+ abstain (from), forgo, keep, refrain; also avoid, es- forc.i.bly \-ble\ adv + : in a forcible manner
chew, shun; check, constrain, curb, inhibit; deny, re- + energetically, firmly, forcefully, hard, mightily, pow-
fuse, withhold; buck, combat Ant give in (to), succumb erfully, vigorously - more at HARD
(to), yield (to) 'ford \'fOrd\ n : a place where a stream may be crossed by
2forbear var 0/ FOREBEAR wading
for-bear-ance v-'ber-ensv n + : the act of forbearing 2ford vb : to cross (a body of water) by wading
+ long-suffering, patience, sufferance, tolerance - 'fore \'fOr\ adv : in, toward, or adjacent to the front: FOR-
forbearing adi + : marked by calm patience 2fore adj : being or coming before in time, order, or space
+ long-suffering, patient, stoic, tolerant, uncomplaining 3fore n : something that occupies a front position
- more at PATIENT 'fore interj - used by a golfer to warn anyone within range
tor-bid \f~r-'bid\ vb -bade \-'bad, -'bad\ also -bad \-'bad\; of the probable line of flight of the ball
-bld-den \-'bi-d'n\; -bidoding 1 + : to command against fore-and-aft \,for-~-'naft\ adj : lying, running, or acting
: PROHIBIT 2 : HINDER, PREVENT along the length of a structure (as a ship)
+ ban, bar, enjoin, interdict, outlaw, prohibit, pro- 'fore-arm \(,)for-'arm\ vb + : to arm in advance: PREPARE
scribe; also deter, discourage, dissuade; repress, sup- + brace, fortify, nerve, prepare, psych (up), ready, steel,
press; halt, preclude, prevent, stop; embargo, exclude, strengthen - more at FORTIFY
rule out, shut out; debar, deprive, disallow, reject, veto; 2fore-arm \'fOr-,arm\ n : the part of the arm between the el-
check, curb, inhibit, restrain; block, hinder, impede, bow and the wrist
obstruct Ant allow, let, permit, suffer fore-bear \-,bar\ n + : one from whom a person is de-
forbidden adj + : not allowed: not permitted scended and who is usu. more remote in the line of de-
+ impermissible, taboo - more at IMPERMISSmLE scent than a grandparent: ANCESTOR, FOREFATHER
forbidding adi 1 : causing discomfort 2 + : presenting, + ancestor, father, forefather, grandfather - more at
suggesting, or constituting a menace ANCESTOR
+ austere, grim, menacing, scary, severe - more at fore-bode \fOr-'bod\ vb 1 : to give promise of 2 : FORETELL,
'force \'fors\ n 1 + : strength or energy esp. of an excep- tore-bod-lnq n + : an omen, prediction, or presentiment
tional degree: active power 2 + : capacity to persuade or esp. of coming evil - adv
convince 3: military strength; also, pi: the whole military + omen, portent, premonition, presage, presentiment
strength (as of a nation) 4 + : a body (as of persons or - more at PREMONITION + alarm, apprehension, dread,
ships) available for a particular purpose 5 + : violence, misgiving
compulsion, or constraint used on or against a person or 'foreoeast \'for-,kast\ vb -cast also -cast-ed; -cast-lnq
thing : COMPULSION 6: an influence (as a push or pull) 1 + : to calculate or predict (some future event or condi-
forecast 328
tion) : PREDICT <,.._, weather conditions) 2 + : to indicate -know.jng +: to have previous knowledge of - fore-
as likely to occur knowl-edge\'for-,na-lij, for-'na-\ n
+ [1, 2] augur, foretell, predict, presage, prognosticate, + anticipate, divine, foresee - more at FORESEE
prophesy - more at FORETELL tore-la-dy\'for-,Ia-de\ n : FOREWOMAN
2forecast n + : a prophecy, estimate, or prediction of a fu- fore-leg\-.Ieg\ n : a front leg
ture happening or condition fore-limb\-,lim\ n : a front or upper limb (as a wing, arm,
+ prediction, prognostication, prophecy fin, or leg)
fore-cast-ern + : one that forecasts fore-lock\-,Iak\ n : a lock of hair growing from the front
+ diviner, fortune-teller, futurist, prognosticator, part of the head
prophet, seer fore-man\-m::>n\n 1 : a spokespersonof a jury 2 + : a per-
tore-cas-tle or fo'-c'sle \'f6k-s:ll\ n 1 : the forward part of son in charge of a group of workers
the upper deck of a ship 2: the crew's quarters usu. in a + boss, captain, chief, head, headman, leader, master,
ship's bow taskmaster - more at BOSS
fore-close \for-'kloz\ vb 1 : to shut out: PRECLUDE 2: to fore-mast\-,mast\ n : the mast nearest the bow of a ship
take legal measures to terminate a mortgage and take fore-most \-,most\ adj + : first in time, place, or order
possession of the mortgaged property : most important: PREEMINENT - foremost adv
fore-clo-sure\-'klo-zh:lr\ n : the act of foreclosing; esp : the + chief, dominant, first, key, main, predominant, pre-
legal procedure of foreclosing a mortgage eminent, primary, principal Ant last, least
fore-doom \for-'dum\ vb + : to doom beforehand fore-name\-,nam\ n : a first name
+ destine, doom, foreordain, ordain, predestine- fore-named\-,niimd\ adj : previously named: AFORESAID
more at DESTINE fore-noon \-,nun\ n : MORNING
tore-te-ther\'for-,fa-1h::>r\ n 1 + : one from whom a person lfo-rensic \f::>-'ren-sik\ adj [L forensis public, forensic, fr.
is descended and who is usu. more remote in the line of forum forum] 1 : belonging to, used in, or suitable to
descent than a grandparent: ANCESTOR 2: a person of an courts of law or to public speaking or debate 2: relating
earlier period and common heritage to the application of scientific knowledge to legal prob-
+ ancestor, father, forebear, grandfather - more at lems <,.._, medicine)
ANCESTOR 2forensic n 1 : an argumentative exercise 2 pi : the art or
forefend var of FORFEND study of argumentative discourse 3 pi : scientific analysis
fore-fin-ger \-,fil}-g::>r\ n : INDEX FINGER of physical evidence (as from a crime scene)
fore-foot\-,fut\ n : either of the front feet of a quadruped; tore-or-dain "for-or-'dan\ vb + : to ordain or decree be-
also: the front part of the human foot forehand : PREDESTINE
fore-front\-,fr::>nt\n : the foremost part or place + destine, doorn, foredoom, ordain, predestine - more
foregather var of FORGATHER at DESTINE
lfore-go \fOr-'go\ vb -went \-'went\; -gone \-'gon\; -go-ing fore-part\'for-,part\ n 1 : the anterior part of something
+ : to go before : PRECEDE 2 : the earlier part of a period of time
+ antedate, precede - more at PRECEDE tore-quar-ter \-,kwor-t::>r\n : the front half of a lateral half
2forego var of FORGO of the body or carcass of a quadruped <a,.._, of beef)
fore-go-ing adj + : listed, mentioned, or occurring before tore-run-ner \-.r::>-n::>r\ n 1 + : one that goes before to give
: PRECEDING notice of the approach of others: HARBINGER 2 + : some-
antecedent, anterior. preceding, previous, prior- thing belongingto a relativelyearly developmentalperiod
more at PREVIOUS of a contemporary or fully developed object or phenom-
fore-gone \'for-,gon\ adj : determined in advance <a ,.._, enon : PREDECESSOR, ANCESTOR
conclusion) + [l] angel, harbinger, herald, precursor + [2] ances-
fore-ground \-,graund\ n 1: the part of a scene or repre- tor, antecedent, precursor - more at ANCESTOR
sentation that appears nearest to and in front of the spec- fore-sail\-,sal, -s::>l\ n 1 : the lowest sail on the foremast of
tator 2: a position of prominence a square-riggedship or schooner 2 : the principal sail for-
fore-hand \-,hand\ n : a stroke (as in tennis) made with the ward of the foremast (as of a sloop)
palm of the hand turned in the direction in which the fore-see \for-'se\ vb -saw \-'so\; -seen \-'sen\; -see-ing
hand is moving; also: the side on which such a stroke is + : to see or realize beforehand - fore-see-able adj
made - forehand adj + anticipate, divine, foreknow
fore-hand-ed \(,)for-'han-d::>d\ adj + : mindful of the future
: PRUDENT fore-shad-ow\-'sha-do\ vb + : to give a hint or suggestion
+ farsighted, foresighted, prescient, provident, prudent of beforehand
- more at FORESIGHTED + harbinger, prefigure; also anticipate, foreknow, fore-
fore-head\'for-::>d, 'for-,hed\ n : the part of the face above see; forecast, foretell, predict, prophesy; forewarn; au-
the eyes gur, bode,forebodepresage
for-eign \'for-::>n\ adj [MEforein, fr. OF, fr. LLforanus on fore-short-en \for-'short-On\ vb : to shorten (a detail) in a
the outside, fro Lforis outside] 1 : situated outside a place drawing or painting so that it appears to have depth
or country and esp. one's own country 2: born in, be- fore-sight \'for-,sH\ n 1 : the act or power of foreseeing
longing 10, or characteristic of some place or country 2 + : care or provision for the future: PRUDENCE 3: an act
other than the one under consideration <,.._, language) of looking forward; also: a view forward
3 + : not connected, pertinent, or characteristically pres- + forethought, prescience, providence, prudence Ant
ent 4: related to or dealing with other nations <,.._, af- improvidence, shortsightedness
fairs) 5: occurring in an abnormal situation in the living fore-sight-ed \-,si-t::>d\ adj +: having foresight - fore-
body <a ,.._, body in the eye) slqht-ed-neas n
+ alien, extraneous, extrinsic - more at EXTRINSIC + farsighted, prescient, provident, prudent Ant improv-
for-eign-erVfor-s-narv n : a person belonging to or owing ident, shortsighted
allegianceto a foreign country fore-skin \-,skin\ n : a fold of skin enclosingthe end of the
foreign ministern : a governmental minister for foreign af- penis
fairs for-est \'for-::>sl\ n [ME, fro AF, fro LLforestis (silva) unen-
fore-know\for-'no\ vb -knew\-'nu, -'nyii\; -known\-'non\; closed (woodland), fro L foris outside] + : a large thick
329 form
growth of trees and underbrush - for-est-ed Vfor-a-stadv [l] beat, hammer, pound - more at HAMMER
adj - tor-est-land \'for-ast-,Iand\ n [2] build, carve, fashion, grind, hammer, shape, work
timberland, woodland out
fore-stall \for-'stol, for-\ vb 1 : to keep out, hinder, or 3forge vb forged; + : to move ahead steadily but
prevent by measures taken in advance 2: ANTICIPATE gradually
avert, help, obviate, preclude, prevent - more at
+ advance, fare, get along, go, march, proceed, progress
-more at GO
forest ranger n : a person in charge of the management and forgoery \'for-ja-re\ n : something forged
protection of a portion of a forest counterfeit, fake, hoax, humbug, phony, sham-
for-est-ry Vfor-e-strex n : the science of growing and caring more at FAKE
for forests - tor-est-er \'for-a-star\ n foroget \far-'get\ vb -got \-'gat\; -qot-ten \-'gat_On\ or -got;
foreswear var of FORSWEAR -get.ting 1 : to be unable to think of or recall 2 + : to fail
'fore-taste \'for-,tast\ n : an advance indication, warning, or to become mindful of at the proper time 3.: to treat
notion with inattention or disregard: NEGLECT, DISREGARD 4: to
2fore-taste \for-'tast\ vb : to taste beforehand: ANTICIPATE give up hope for or expectation of
fore-tell \for-'tel\ vb -told \-'told\; -tell-lnq : to tell of be- + [2] fail, neglect, omit - more at NEGLECT. [3] disre-
forehand: PREDICT gard, ignore, neglect, overlook, pass over, slight, slur -
augur, forecast, predict, presage, prognosticate, more at NEGLECT
prophesy forogetoful \-'get-fal\ adj : likely to forget -
fore-thought \'for-,thot\ n 1 : PREMEDITATION 2 : consid- adv - forogetoful.ness n
eration for the future foroget-me-not \far-'get-me-,nat\ n : any of a genus of
small herbs with bright blue or white flowers
foresight, prescience, providence - more at FORE- n : a piece of forged work
SIGHT adj + : being of a kind that can be forgiven
tore-to-ken \for-'to-kan\ vb : to indicate in advance
excusable, pardonable, venial - more at VENIAL
fore-top \'for-,tap\ n : a platform near the top of a ship's
foremast forogive \far-'giv\ vb -gave \-'gav\; -givoen \-'gi-van\; -giv-
tor-ev-er \for-'e-var\ adv 1 : for a limitless time 2 : at ing 1 : to give up resentment of or claim to requital for
all times: ALWAYS 2 : to give up resentment of: PARDON, ABSOLVE 3: to grant
relief from payment of
[1] always, eternally, ever, everlastingly, perma-
forogive-ness n : an act of forgiving or state of being for-
nently, perpetually - more at EVER [2] always, con-
stantly, continually, incessantly, invariably, unfailingly
- more at ALWAYS absolution, amnesty, pardon, remission - more at
tor-ev-er-more \-,e-var-'mor\ adv : for a limitless time or
endless ages : FOREVER adj 1 : willing or able to forgive 2: allowing
fore-warn \for-'worn\ vb : to warn beforehand room for error or weakness
forogo \for-'go\ vb -went \-'went\; -gone \-'gon\; -go-ing
alert, caution, warn - more at WARN
: to give up the enjoyment or advantage of : do without
forewent past of FOREGO
abstain (from), forbear, keep, refrain - more at FOR-
fore-wing \'for-,wil)\ n : either of the anterior wings of a BEAR
4-winged insect
'fork \'fork\ n 1 : an implement with two or more prongs
tore-wem-an \'for-,wU-man\ n : a woman having the re- for taking up (as in eating), pitching, or digging 2: a
sponsibilities of a foreman forked part, tool, or piece of equipment 3: a dividing
fore-word \-,ward\ n .: prefatory comments (as for a into branches or a place where something branches; also
book) esp. when written by someone other than the au- : a branch of such a fork
thor: PREFACE 2fork vb 1 : to divide into two or more branches 2: to
introduction, preamble, preface, prologue - more at give the form of a fork to <-ing her fingers) 3: to raise
INTRODUCTION or pitch with a fork <- hay) 4 : to make a disposal or
'for.feit \'for-fat\ n [ME for/ail, fro AF, fro pp. of forfaire, transfer of: PAY - used with over, out, or up
forsfaire to commit a crime, forfeit, it.fors outside + faire [l] branch, diverge, divide, separate - more at SEPA-
to do] 1 : something forfeited: PENALTY, FINE 2: FOR- RATE + usu fork over or fork out [4] disburse, expend,
FEITURE 3: something deposited and then redeemed on give, layout, pay
payment of a fine 4 pi : a game in which forfeits are ex- forked \'forkt, 'for-kadv adj : having a fork: shaped like a
acted fork <- lightning)
damages, fine, mulct, penalty - more at FINE fork-lltt \'fork-,lift\ n : a machine for lifting heavy objects
2forfeit vb : to lose or lose the right to by some error, of- by means of steel fingers inserted under the load
fense, or crime tor-torn \far-'Iorn, for-', adj 1 : sad and lonely because of
tor-tel-ture \'for-fa-,chiIr\ n 1: the act of forfeiting isolation or desertion 2: being in poor condition
2 : something forfeited: PENALTY : WRETCHED 3: nearly hopeless - adv
tor-tend \for-'fend\ vb 1 : PREVEl'.'T 2: PROTECT, PRESERVE desolate, lonely, lonesome, sad - more at LONESOME
forogathoer \for-'ga-thar\ vb 1 .: to come together: AS- tor-tern-ness n : forlorn quality or state
SEMBLE 2: to meet someone usu. by chance blues, dejection, desolation, melancholy, sadness-
assemble, collect, congregate, convene, gather, meet, more at SADNESS
rendezvous - more at ASSEMBLE 'form Vform'; n 1 : SHAPE. STRUcrURE 2 : a body esp. of a
'forge \'forj\ n [ME, fro OF, fro Lfabrica. fr.faber smith] : a person: FIGURE 3: the essential nature of a thing 4 + : an
furnace or shop with its furnace where metal is heated established manner of doing or saying something 5: FOR-
and worked MULA 6 : a document with blank spaces for insertion of
'forge vb forged; forging 1 : to form (metal) by heating information <tax -) 7 + : conduct regulated by extra-
and hammering 2 + : to form or bring into being esp. by neous controls (as of custom or etiquette) : CEREMONY
an expenditure of effort: FASHION, SHAPE <- an agree- 8 : manner of performing according to recognized stan-
ment) 3: to make or imitate falsely esp. with intent to de- dards 9: a long seat: BENCH 10 : a model of the human
fraud <- a signature) - forgoer n figure used for displaying clothes 11 : MOLD <a - for
form 330
concrete) 12: type or plates in a frame ready for print- something : DEVELOPMENT 2: something that is formed
ing 13: one of the different modes of existence, action, 3 : the manner in which a thing is formed : STRUCTURE,
or manifestation of a particular thing or substance SHAPE 4: an arrangement of persons or things in a pre-
: MODE, KIND, VARIETY <coal is a ~ of carbon) 14: orderly scribed manner or for a certain purpose
method of arrangement; also : a particular kind or in- for-ma-tive\'for-ma-tiv\ adi 1 : giving or capable of giving
stance of such arrangement <the sonnet ~ in poetry) form: CONSTRUCTIVE 2: of, relating to, or characterized
15 : the structural element, plan, or design of a work of by important growth or formation <a child's ~ years)
art 16: a bounded surface or volume 17: a grade in a tor-mer Vfor-rnarvadj 1 : PREVIOUS, EARLIER 2: FOREGOING
British school or in some American private schools 3 : being first mentioned or in order of two or more things
18 : RACING FORM 19 a : known ability to perform 4 + : having been previously
b + : condition (as of an athlete) suitable for performing + erstwhile, late, old, onetime, past, sometime
20 : one of the ways in which a word is changed to show ter-mer-ly \-Ie\ adv : in time past: PREVIOUSLY
difference in use <the pl. ~ of a noun) form.fitting "form-,fi-til)\ adj : conforming to the outline
+ (2) build, constitution, figure, frame, physique, shape of the body
- more at PHYSIQUE (4) manner, method, style, sys- for-ml-da-bte \'for-ma-da-bal, for-tmi-v adi 1 : exciting
tem, technique, way - more at METIlOD [6] blank, fear, dread, or awe 2 : imposing serious difficulties -
document, paper + [7) ceremonial, ceremony, formal- for-ml-da-bly\-ble\ adv
ity, observance, rite - more at RITE + [10) dummy, fig- + (1) dreadful, fearful, fearsome, forbidding, frightful,
ure, mannequin [15) arrangement, composition, redoubtable, scary + [2) arduous, demanding, difficult,
configuration, design, format, layout, makeup, pattern exacting, hard, strenuous, tall, toilsome, tough - more
- more at COMPOsmON [19b) condition, estate, fet- at HARD
tle, order, repair, shape, trim - more at CONDmON
form-less adj : having no regular form or shape
2form vb 1 .: to give form or shape to : FASHION, MAKE
2: TRAIN, INSTRUCT 3 : to serve to make up or constitute amorphous, shapeless, unformed, unshaped, unstruc-
: CONSTITUTE, COMPOSE 4 + : to acquire gradually : DE- tured Ant formed, shaped, structured
VELOP, ACQUIRE <~ a habit) 5: to arrange in order <~ a form letter n 1 : a letter on a frequently recurring topic
battle line) 6 + : to take form: ARISE <clouds are ~ing) that can be sent to different people at different times 2 : a
7 : to take a definite form, shape, or arrangement letter for mass circulation sent out in many printed
[1) fabricate, fashion, frame, make, manufacture, copies
produce - more at MAKE + [3) compose, comprise, for-mu-laVfor-mya-lo',n, pi -las or -Iae \-,Ie, -,11\ 1 : a set
constitute, make up - more at CONSTITtITE + [4) ac- form of words for ceremonial use 2 : RECIPE, PRESCRIPTION
quire, cultivate, develop - more at DEVELOP 3 : a milk mixture or substitute for a baby 4: a group of
+ [6) arise, begin, materialize, originate symbols or figures joined to express information con-
cisely 5: a customary or set form or method
'for.mal \'for-mal\ adj 1 : according with conventional tor-mu-tate\-,Iat\ vb -Iat-ed; 1 : to express in a for-
forms and rules <a ~ dinner party) 2: done in due or mula 2 : to put into a systematized statement or ex-
lawful form <a ~ contract) 3 + : rigidly ceremonious pression <~ a policy) 3: to prepare according to a
: CEREMONIOUS <a ~ manner) 4 + : having the appear- formula
ance without the substance: NOMINAL - adv
+ articulate, clothe, couch, express, phrase, put, say,
[1, 3) ceremonial, ceremonious, conventional, cor- state, word - more at PHRASE + cast, compose, craft,
rect, decorous, proper, regular Ant informal, irregular, draft, draw, frame, prepare - more at COMPOSE
unceremonious (4) nominal, paper, titular - more
at NOMINAL tor-mu-ta-tlon \,for-mya-'Ia-shan\ n + : an act or the prod-
uct of formulating
2formal n + : something (as a social event) formal in char-
acter + articulation, expression, statement, utterance, voice
- more at EXPRESSION
+ ball, dance, prom - more at DANCE
for-nl-ca-tlon \,for-na-'ka-shan\ n : consensual sexual inter-
form.alode-hyde\for-'mal-da-,hid\ n : a colorless pungent course between two persons not married to each other -
gas used in water solution as a preservative and disinfec- tor-m-cate "for-na-,kat\ vb - for-nl-ca-tcr \-,ka-tar\ n
tant tor-sake \far-'sak, for-\ vb for-sook \-'silk\; for-sak-en \-'sa-
for-mal-ise chiefly Brit var O/FORMALIZE kan\; [ME, fro OE forsacan, fr. sacan to dis-
for-mat-lsm \'for-ma-,li-zam\ n : strict adherence to set pute) + : to renounce or turn away from entirely
forms abandon, desert, leave, quit - more at LEAVE
for.mal.i.ty \for-'ma-Ia-te\ n, pi-ties 1 : compliance with
formal or conventional rules 2: the quality or state of be- forsaken adj + : left desolate or empty
ing formal 3 + : an established form that is required or + abandoned, derelict, deserted - more at ABANDONED
conventional tor-swear \for-'swar\ vb -swore \-'swor\; -sworn \-'sworn\;
+ [1, 3) ceremonial, ceremony, form, observance, rite, -swear-lnq 1 : to swear falsely: commit perjury 2: to re-
ritual, solemnity - more at RITE [3) amenity, civility, nounce earnestly or under oath 3: to deny under oath
courtesy, gesture - more at CIVILITY tor-syth-la \far-'si-the-a\ n, pi -ias also -la : any of a genus
tor-mal-lze\'for-ma-,Iiz\ vb -ized; 1 : to give a cer- of shrubs related to the olive and having yellow bell=
tain or definite form to 2: to make formal; also: to give shaped flowers appearing before the leaves in early spring
fonnal status or approval to fort \'fort\ n [ME/orte, fro MF fort, fr.fort strong, fro L/or-
+ homogenize, normalize, regularize, standardize- tis) 1 : a fortified place 2: a permanent army post
more at STANDARDIZE bastion, bulwark, citadel, fastness, fortification,
'format \'for-,mat\ n 1 + : the general composition or style fortress, hold, stronghold
of a publication 2 + : the general plan or arrangement of 'forte \'fort, 'for-,ta\ n [F fort, fro fort, adj., strong) : one's
something 3 + : a method of organizing data <various file strong point
~s) 2forte \'for-,ta\ adv or adj [It, it.forte strong) : LOUD - used
arrangement, composition, configuration, design, as a direction in music
form, layout, makeup, pattern - more at COMPOSITION forth \'forth\ adv 1 +: onward in time, place, or order
2format vb tor-mat-tee: for.mat.ting : to arrange (as material : FORWARD, ONWARD <from that day ~> 2: out into view
to be printed) in a particular format - tor-mat-tern or notice <put ~ leaves>
for-ma-tion \for-'ma-shan\ n 1 : an act of giving form to + ahead, along, forward, on, onward - more at ALONG
331 foster
torth-com-lnq \fOrth-'k;!-mil)\ adj 1 .: coming or avail- of events often held to be an irresistible power or agency
able soon <the ~ holidays) 2: marked by openness and : FATE, DESTINY 4 : abundance of valuable material pos-
candor: OUTGOING sessions or resources: RICHES, WEALTH
coming, imminent, impending, oncoming, pending (3) circumstance, destiny, doom, fate, lot, portion-
Ant late, recent more at FATE (4) assets, capital, means, opulence,
forth.right \'fOrth-,rit\ adj 1 .: free from ambiguity or riches, substance, wealth, wherewithal - more at
evasiveness 2 : going straight to the point <a ~ an- WEALTH
swer) fortune hunter n : a person who seeks wealth esp. by mar-
candid, direct, frank, honest, open, plain, straight, riage
straightforward, unreserved - more at FRANK fortune-tell-er \-,te-I:lr\ n : a person who professes to
forth.right-ly adv : in a forthright manner foretell future events - tor-tune-tett-Inq n or adj
directly, foursquare, plain, plainly, straight, straight- augur, diviner, forecaster, futurist, prognosticator,
forward prophet, seer, soothsayer - more at PROPHET
forth-riqht-ness n : the quality or state of being forth- for.ty \'for-te\ n, pi forties: four times 10 - tor-tl-eth Vfor-
right te-athv adj or n - forty adj or pron
for.ty-five \,for-te-'ffv\ n 1 : a .45 caliber handgun - usu.
candor (or candour), directness, frankness, openness,
plainness - more at CANDOR written .45 2: a phonograph record designed to be played
at 45 revolutions per minute
forthwith \,forth-'with\ adv : with dispatch: without de-
tor-tv-nin-er \-'n1-n:lr\ n : a person in the rush to California
for gold in 1849
directly, immediately, instantly, now, promptly, forty winks n sing or pi : a short sleep
pronto, right away, right now
catnap, doze, drowse, nap, siesta, snooze, wink-
for-ti-ti-ca-tlon \,for-t:l-f:l-'ka-sh:ln\ n .: something that more at NAP
fortifies, defends, or strengthens; esp : works erected to
fo-rum \'fOr-:lm\ n, pl forums also fo-ra \-:1\ [L) 1 : the mar-
defend a place or position
ketplace or central meeting place of an ancient Roman
bastion, citadel, fastness, fort, fortress, hold, strong- city 2: a medium (as a publication) of open discussion
hold - more at FORT 3 : COURT 4 : a public assembly, lecture, or program in-
fortify \'for-t:l-,fi\ vb -fied; 1 : to strengthen by mil- volving audience or panel discussion
itary defenses 2.: to give physical strength or en- colloquy, panel, parley, powwow, seminar, sympo-
durance to 3.: to add mental or moral strength to sium
: ENCOURAGE 4: to strengthen or enrich with a material 'for.ward \'for-w:lrd\ adj 1 : being near or at or belonging
<~ bread with vitamins) to the front 2: EAGER, READY 3 : lacking modesty or re-
(2) harden, season, steel, strengthen, toughen- serve : BOLD 4: notably advanced or developed : PRECO-
more at HARDEN (3) brace, encourage, forearm, CIOUS 5: moving, tending, or leading toward a position in
nerve, psych (up), ready, steel, strengthen; also season, front 6: EXTREME, RADICAL 7: of, relating to, or getting
toughen; bolster, boost, buoy (up), buttress, prop (up), ready for the future - tor-ward-ness n
reinforce, support, sustain bold, familiar, free, immodest, presumptuous-
for-tls-sl-mo \for-'ti-s:l-,mo\ adv or adj : very loud - used more at PRESUMPTUOUS
as a direction in music >forward adv : to or toward what is ahead or in front
ter-ti-tude \'for-t:l-,tlid, -,tyiid\ n : strength of mind that
ahead, along, forth, on, onward - more at ALONG
enables one to meet danger or bear pain or adversity with
courage >forward vb 1 : to help onward: ADVANCE 2 : to send for-
ward: TRANSMIT 3 : to send or ship onward
backbone, fiber (or fibre), grit, guts, pluck, spunk;
also determination, resoluteness, resolution; bravery, advance, cultivate, encourage, foster, further, nour-
courage, fearlessness, intrepidity; endurance, stamina, ish, nurture, promote - more at FOSTER
tolerance; heart, mettle, spirit; audacity, boldness, "forward n : a player who plays at the front of a team's of-
brass, cheek, chutzpah, effrontery, hardihood, nerve, fensive formation near the opponent's goal
temerity tor-ward-er v-war-derv n : one that forwards; esp : an agent
fort.night \'fort-,nlt\ n [ME fourtenight, alter. of fourtene who forwards goods
night fourteen nights) : two weeks - \-Ie\ adj for-wards Vfor-wardzx adv : to or toward what is ahead or
oradv in front: FORWARD
forwent past of FORGO
tor-tress \'for-tms\ n : a fortified place: FORT
'fos'sil \'fa-s:ll\ adj [Lfossilis obtained by digging, ir.fodere
bastion, citadel, fastness, fort, fortification, hold, to dig) 1 : preserved from a past geologic age <~ plants)
stronghold - more at FORT 2 : of or relating to fossil fuels
for-tu-itous \for-'tli-:l-t:ls, -'tyii-\ adj 1 .: happening by 2fossil n 1 : a trace or impression or the remains of a plant
chance 2.: producing or resulting in good by chance or animal of a past geologic age preserved in the earth's
: FORTUNATE crust 2 : a person whose ideas are out-of-date - fos-
[1) accidental, casual, chance, fluky, unplanned sll-ize \'fii-s:l-,Hz\ vb
(2) fortunate, happy, lucky, providential - more at antediluvian, dodo, fogy, fuddy-duddy, reactionary
for.tu.ity \-:l-te\ n, pi -ities 1 : the quality or state of being fossil fuel n : a fuel (as coal or oil) that is formed in the
fortuitous 2: a chance event or occurrence earth from plant or animal remains
for-tu-nate Vfor-cha-nstv adj 1 .: bringing some good 'foster \'fos-t:lr\ adj [ME, fr. OE fostor-, fr. fiistor food,
thing not foreseen 2: receiving some unforeseen or un- feeding) : affording, receiving, or sharing nourishment or
expected good parental care though not related by blood or legal ties
fluky, fortuitous, happy, lucky, providential Ant <~ parent) <~ child)
luckless, unfortunate, unhappy, unlucky 2foster vb 1 : to give parental care to 2 : to promote the
for-tu-nate-ly \-Ie\ adv 1 : in a fortunate manner 2: it is growth or development of : ENCOURAGE
fortunate that (1) breed, bring up, raise, rear - more at BRING UP
tor-tune \'for-ch:ln\ n 1: prosperity attained partly (2) advance, cultivate, encourage, forward, further,
through luck; also: CHANCE, LUCK 2: what happens to a nourish, nurture, promote Ant discourage, frustrate,
person: good or bad luck 3.: a predetermined course hinder, inhibit
foster home 332
foster home n : a household in which an orphaned, neg- found.ling \'failnd-Iil)\ n : an infant found after its un-
lected, or delinquent child is placed for care known parents have abandoned it
tos-ter-tlnq\-tar-Iil)\ n : a foster child found.ry \'failn-dre\ n, pi foundries: a building or works
Fouoeaultpendulum\,fii-'ko-\ n : a device that consists of a where metal is cast
heavy weight hung by a long wire and that swings in a fount \'failnt\ n : SOURCE, FOUNTAIN
constant direction which appears to change showing that tcun-taln \'failnt-'n\ n 1 : a spring of water 2: SOURCE
the earth rotates 3 : an artificial jet of water 4: a container for liquid that
foughtpast and past part of FIGHT can be drawn off as needed
'foul \'fail(-a)l\ adj 1 a .: offensive to the senses toun-taln-head\-,hed\ n : SOURCE
b : clogged with dirt 2 : arousing or deservinghatred fountainpen n : a pen with a reservoir that feeds the writ-
or repugnance : ODIOUS 3 : abhorrent to morality or ing point with ink
virtue: OBSCENE 4 : being wet and stormy: STORMY <--- four \'for\ n 1 : one more than three 2: the 4th in a set or
weather) 5: characterized by or manifesting treachery series 3 : something having four units - four adi or pron
: DISHONORABLE, UNFAIR 6: marking the bounds of a play- 4x4 also four-by-four \'f6r-bi-,f6r\ n : a four-wheel auto-
ing field <--- lines); also: being outside the foul line <--- mobile with four-wheel drive
ball) <--- territory) 7: containing marked-up corrections four-flush \-,f1ash\vb : to make a false claim: BLUFF
8 : ENTANGLED - foul.lyadv four-flushoern : one that cannot back up his pretensions
[la] fetid, malodorous, noisome, rank, reeky, smelly, tour-told\-,fold, -'fold\ adj 1 : being four times as great or
strong - more at MALODOROUS [lb] dirty, filthy, as many 2: having four units or members - tour-told
muddy, unclean [2, 3] abhorrent, awful, distasteful, \-'fOld\ adv
obnoxious, odious, offensive, repellent, repugnant, re- 4-H \'for-'ach\ adj [fro the fourfold aim of improving the
pulsive [4] bleak, dirty, inclement, nasty, raw, rough, head, heart, hands, and health] : of or relating to a pro-
squally, stormy, tempestuous, turbulent Ant clement, gram set up by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to
fair help young people become productive citizens - 4-H'oer
2foul n 1 : an entanglement or collision in fishing or sailing n
2 : an infraction of the rules in a game or sport; also: a Four Hundredor 400 n : the exclusive social set of a com-
baseball hit outside the foul line munity - used with the
3foul vb 1 : to make or become foul or filthy 2: to en- four-in-hand \'fOr-an-,hand\ n 1 : a team of four horses
tangle or become entangled 3: OBSTRUCT, BLOCK 4: to driven by one person; also : a vehicle drawn by such a
collide with 5: to make or hit a foul team 2: a necktie tied in a slipknot with long ends over-
befoul, blacken, contaminate, dirty, muddy, smirch, lapping vertically in front
soil, stain, taint four-o'clock \'for-a-,kliik\ n : a garden plant with fragrant
'foul adv : in a foul manner yellow, red, or white flowers without petals that open late
fou-lard \fil-'Iiird\ n : a lightweight silk of plain or twill in the afternoon
weave usu. decorated with a printed pattern four-postoer \,fOr-'p6-star\ n : a bed with tall comer posts
foul-mouthed \'fail(-a)I-'maiithd, -'mailtht\ adi : given to orig. designedto support curtains or a canopy
the use of obscene, profane, or abusive language tour-score \'for-'skor\ adi : being four times twenty
toul-ness n : the quality or state of being foul : EIGIITY
dirtiness, filth, filthiness, grossness, nastiness,obscen- tour-some \'fOr-sam\ n 1 : a group of four persons or
ity, smut, vulgarity - more at OBSCENITY things 2: a golf match between two pairs of partners
foul playn 1 : unfair, dishonest, or treacherous conduct or 'four-square \-'skwer\ adj 1 : SQUARE 2 : marked by bold-
dealing: VIOLENCE 2: the crime of unlawfully killing a ness and conviction: FORTHRIGHT
person esp. with malice aforethought: MURDER candid, direct, forthright, frank, honest, open, out-
foul-up \'fail(-a)I-,ap\ n 1 : a state of being fouled up 2: a spoken, plain, straightforward, unreserved - more at
mechanical difficulty FRANK
foul up vb 1 .: to spoil by mistakes or poor judgment 2foursquare adv : in a foursquare manner
2 : to cause a foul-up: BUNGLE directly, forthrightly, plain, plainly, straight, straight-
bobble, botch, bungle, butcher, flub, fumble, mangle, forward
mess up, screw up - more at BOTCH tour-teen \for-'ten\ n : one more than 13 - fourteen adj or
'found \ 'failnd\ past and past part of FIND pron - four-teenth \-'tenth\ adj or n
2found vb [ME, fro AF funder, fonder, fr. Lfundare, fourth \'fOrth\ n 1 : one that is number four in a counta-
dus bottom] 1 : to take the first steps in building 2 : to set ble series 2: one of four equal parts of something-
or ground on something solid : BASE 3 : to establish (as fourth adj or adv
an institution) often with provision for future mainte- fourth estate n, often cap F&E : the public press
nance fourth wall n : an imaginary wall that keeps performers
establish, inaugurate, initiate, institute, introduce, from recognizingor directly addressing their audience
launch, pioneer, set up, start Ant close (down), phase 4WD abbr four-wheel drive
out, shut (up) four-wheel\'for-,hwel\ or tour-wheeted \-,hweld\ adj : act-
foun-da-tlcn \failn-'da-shan\ n 1: the act of founding ing on or by means of four wheels of a motor vehicle
2 : a basis upon which something stands or is supported four-wheel drive n : an automotive drive mechanism that
(suspicions without ---) 3 a : funds given for the perma- acts on all four wheels of the vehicle;also: a vehicle with
nent support of an institution or cause : ENDOWMENT such a drive
b : an endowed institution 4: supporting structure 'fowl \'fail(-a)l\ n, pi fowlor fowls 1 : BIRD 2 : a cock or hen
: BASE 5: CORSET - foun-da-tion-al \-sha-nal\ adj of the domestic chicken; also : the flesh of these used as
[2] base, basis, bedrock, cornerstone, footing, food
ground, groundwork, keystone, underpinning - more 2fowl vb : to hunt wildfowl
at CORNERSTONE. [3b] establishment, institute, institu- 'fox \'fiiks\ n, pi fox-es also fox 1 : any of various flesh-eat-
tion - more at INSTITUTION ing mammals related to the wolves but smaller and with
founocler\'failn-dar\ vb 1 : to make or become lame <the shorter legs and a more pointed muzzle;also: the fur of a
horse ---ed) 2: COLLAPSE 3: SINK (a ---ing ship) 4: FAIL fox 2: a clever crafty person 3 cap : a member of an
foundoern : one that founds or establishes American Indian people formerly living in what is now
author, creator, father, originator - more at FATHER Wisconsin 4 : a good-lookingyoung woman
333 frangible
+ beauty, dream, enchantress, knockout, queen- fraogrant \'fra-grant\ adj + : sweet or agreeable in smell -
more at BEAUTY adv
2fox vb + : to trick by ingenuity or cunning: OUTWIT + ambrosial, aromatic, redolent, savory, scented; also
+ outfox, outmaneuver, outsmart, outwit, overreach - sweet, pungent, spicy; odorous; clean, fresh, pure Ant
more at OUTWIT fetid, foul, malodorous, noisome, putrid, smelly, stink-
foxoglove \'fiiks-,glav\ n : a common plant related to the ing
snapdragons that is grown for its showy spikes of dotted frail \'fral\ adj [ME, fro AF fraile, fro L fragilis fragile, fro
white or purple tubular flowers and as a source of digi- frangere to break] 1 +: morally or physically weak
talis 2 + : easily broken or destroyed: FRAGILE, DELICATE
fox-hole \-,hol\ n : a pit dug for protection against enemy + [1] delicate, feeble, infirm, tender, wasted, weak
fire + [2] breakable, delicate, fragile - more at FRAGILE
tox-hound \-,haund\ n : any of various large swift powerful frail.ty \'fral-te\ n, pi frailties 1 + : the quality or state of
hounds used in hunting foxes being frail 2 + : a fault due to weakness \'fiik-sil)\ n : brownish spots on old paper + [1] debility, delicacy, faintness, feebleness, infirmity,
fox terrier n : a small lively terrier that occurs in varieties weakness + [2] demerit, failing, fault, foible, shortcom-
with smooth dense coats or with harsh wiry coats ing, vice, weakness - more at FAULT
fox-trot \'fiiks-,triit\ n 1 : a short broken slow trotting gait 'frame \'fram\ vb framed; 1 +: to make plans
2 : a ballroom dance in duple time 2 + : to form, make, or create by combining parts or ele-
foxy \'fiik-se\ adj fox-i-er; -est 1 : resembling or suggestive ments : SHAPE, CONSTRUCT 3 + : to give expression to
of a fox 2 + : cunningly shrewd: WILY 3: physically at- : FORMULATE 4 + : to make a draft of or draw up <~ a
tractive . constitution) 5: to make appear guilty 6 : to fit or adjust
+ artful, cagey, crafty, cunning, devious, guileful, slick, for a purpose: ARRANGE 7: to provide with or enclose in
sly, subtle, wily - more at ARTFUL a frame - fram-er n
foyoer \'foi-ar, 'foi-,ya\ n [F, lit., fireplace, fro OF foier, fro + [1] arrange, blueprint, calculate, chart, design, lay
VL "focarium, fro L focus hearth] 1 + : an anteroom or out, map, plan, project, scheme - more at PLAN
lobby esp. of a theater 2 + : an entrance hallway + [2] construct, fabricate, fashion, form, make, manu-
+ [1, 2] entry, hall, lobby, vestibule - more at HALL facture, produce, shape - more at MAKE + [3, 4] cast,
fpm abbr feet per minute compose, craft, draft, draw, formulate, prepare-
FPO abbr fleet post office more at COMPOSE
fps abbr feet per second 2frame n 1 : something made of parts fitted and joined to-
fr abbr 1 father 2 franc 3 friar 4 from gether 2 + : the physical makeup of the body 3 + : an
'Fr abbr 1 France; French 2 Friday arrangement of structural parts that gives form or sup-
2Fr symbol francium port 4: a supporting or enclosing border or open case (as
fra-cas \'fra-kas, 'fra-\ n, pi fra-cas-es x-ko-soz', [F, din, for a window or picture) 5: one picture of a series (as on
row, fro It fracasso; fro fracassare to shatter] + : a noisy a length of film) 6: FRAME-UP
quarrel + [2] build, constitution, figure, form, physique, shape
+ brawl, fray, free-for-all, melee, row - more at BRAWL - more at PHYSIQUE + [3] configuration, framework,
shell, skeleton, structure
frac-tal \'frak-tl\ n : an irregular curve or shape that re-
'frame adj : having a wood frame
peats itself at any scale on which it is examined - fractal
frame of mind n : mental attitude or outlook: MOOD
frame-up \'fra-,map\ n 1 : an act or series of actions in
trac-tion Vfrak-shonv n 1 : a numerical representation (as
which someone is framed 2: an action that is planned,
'12, 3/., or 3.323) indicating the quotient of two numbers
contrived, or formulated
2 : FRAGMENT 3: PORTION - trac-ttcn-al \-sha-nal\ adj -
frame-work \'Cra.m-,wark\ n + : a basic supporting part or
frac-tlon-al-tv adv structure
trac-tlous \'frak-shas\ adj 1 : tending to be troublesome
: hard to handle or control 2: QUARRELSOME, IRRITABLE + configuration, frame, shell, skeleton, structure-
'fracture \'frak-char\ n 1 : a breaking of something and more at FRAME
esp. a bone 2 : CRACK, CLEFT franc \'fral)k\ n 1 : any of various former basic monetary
2fracture vb + : to break or cause to break units (as of Belgium, France, and Luxembourg) 2: a ba-
sic monetary unit of any of several countries esp. in
+ break, bust, fragment - more at BREAK Africa
frag.ile \'fra-jal, -,.in\ adj + : easily broken: DELICATE fran-chise \'fran-,chiz\ n [ME, fro MF, fro franchir to free,
+ breakable, delicate, frail Ant nonbreakable, strong, fro OF franc free] 1 : a right or license granted to an indi-
sturdy, tough, unbreakable vidual or group <a ~ to operate a ferry) 2 a : a constitu-
fraogil.i.ty \fra-'ji-la-te\ n + : the quality or state of being tional or statutory right or privilege b + : the right to
fragile vote 3: the right of membership in a professional sports
+ daintiness, delicacy, fineness - more at DELICACY league; also: a team having such membership
'frag.ment Vfrag-mantv n + : a part broken off, detached, or + enfranchisement, suffrage, vote - more at VOTE
incomplete fran-chi-see \,fran-,chi-'ze, -cha-v n : one granted a fran-
+ piece, scrap chise
2frag.ment \-,ment\ vb + : to break into fragments - frag- fran-chis-er Vfran-jchi-zarv n 1: FRANCHISEE 2: FRAN-
rnen-ta-tlon \,frag-man-'ta-shan, -,man-\ n CHISOR
fran-chi-sor \,fran-,chi-'zor, -cha-x n : one that grants a
+ break, bust, fracture - more at BREAK
franchise Vfrag-man-jter-e', adj + : made up of frag- fran-ci-um Vfran-se-omx n : a radioactive metallic chemical
ments : INCOMPLETE element
+ deficient, halfway, incomplete, partial - more at IN- Fran-co-Amer.i-can \,fral)-k6-a-'mer-a-kan\ n : an Ameri-
COMPLETE can of French or esp, French-Canadian descent - Fran-
fraogrance \-grans\ n + : a sweet or delicate odor co-American adj
+ aroma, bouquet, incense, perfume, redolence, scent, franogi.ble \'fran-ja-bal\ adj : BREAKABLE - franogibility
spice; also odor Ant reek, stench, stink \,fran-j,,-'bi-la-te\ n
frank 334
'frank \'fral)k\ adi + : marked by free, forthright, and sin- separate the threads at the edge of 3: STRAIN, IRRITATE
cere expression <-ed nerves)
+ candid, direct, forthright, honest, open, outspoken, + abrade, chafe, erode, fret, gall, rub, wear - more at
plain, straight, straightforward Ant dissembling ABRADE
2frank vb : to mark (a piece of mail) with an official sign so fraz.zle \'fra-z:ll\ vb fraz-zled: fraz.zling 1 : FRAY 2: to put
that it can be mailed free; also: to mail free in a state of extreme physical or nervous fatigue - fraz-
3frank n 1 : the signature or mark on a piece of mail indi- zle n
cating free or paid postage 2: the privilege of sending 'freak \'frek\ n 1 + : a sudden and odd or seemingly point-
mail free less idea or tum of the mind: a seemingly capricious ac-
'frank n : FRANKFURTER tion or event 2 +: a strange, abnormal, or unusual
Frankenstein Vfran-kan-jstinv n 1 : a monstrous creation person or thing 3 slang: a person who uses an illicit drug
that usu. ruins its originator 2 : a monster in the shape of 4 + : an ardent enthusiast - freaky \'fre-ke\ adj
a man + [l] caprice, fancy, notion, vagary, whim - more at
trank-turt-er Vfrank-for-tar, -,f:lr-\ or frank-furt \-f:lrt\ n : a WHIM + [2] abnormality, monster, monstrosity Ant av-
seasoned sausage (as of beef or beef and pork) erage, norm + [4] addict, aficionado, buff, bug, devo-
frank-in-cense \'fral)-k:ln-,sens\ n : a fragrant resin burned tee, enthusiast, fan, fanatic, fancier, fiend, lover,
as incense maniac, nut - more at FAN \'fral)-kle\ adv 1 : in a frank manner 2 + : in truth 2freak vb 1 : to experience the effects (as hallucinations) of
+ actually, honestly, really, truly, truthfully, verily- taking illicit drugs - often used with out 2 + : to distress
more at ACfUALLY or become distressed - often used with out - freak-out
frank-ness n + : the quality or state of being frank \'fre-,kailt\ n
+ candor (or candour), directness, forthrightness, open- + usu freak out agitate, bother, concern, distress, dis-
ness, plainness - more at CANDOR turb, exercise, perturb, unsettle, upset, worry
tran-tlc \'fran-tik\ adj + : marked by or showing uncon- 3freak adj + : having the character of a freak
trolled emotion or disordered anxious activity + aberrant, abnormal, atypical, exceeding, exceptional,
+ agitated, distraught, feverish, frenetic, frenzied, hys- extraordinary, odd, peculiar, phenomenal, rare, singu-
terical Ant collected, composed, self-possessed lar, uncommon, uncustomary, unique, unusual, un- \-ti-k(:l- )le\ adv + : in a frantic manner wonted - more at EXCEPTIONAL
+ berserk, hectically, helter-skelter, madly, pell-mell, 'freck.le \'fre-k:ll\ n : a brownish spot on the skin
wild, wildly - more at HELTER-SKELTER 2freckle vb + : to sprinkle or mark with freckles or small
frap-pe \fra-'pa\ or frappe \same or 'frap\ n [F frappe, fr. spots
pp. of frapper to strike, chill] 1 : an iced or frozen drink + dot, fleck, pepper, speck, spot, sprinkle
2 : a thick milk shake - frap-pe \fra-'pa\ adj 'free \'fre\ adj fre-er; fre-est 1 + : having liberty 2 + : en-
fra-ter-nal \fr:l-'t:lrn-Ol\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or involving joying political or personal independence; also: not sub-
brothers 2: of, relating to, or being a fraternity or soci- ject to or allowing slavery 3 : made or done voluntarily
ety 3: derived from two ova <- twins) 4: FRIENDLY, : SPONTANEOUS 4: relieved from or lacking something un-
BROTHERLY - fra-ter-nal-ly adv pleasant 5: not subject to a duty, tax, or charge 6 + : not
fra-ter-ni-ty \fr:l-'t:lr-n:l-te\ n, pi -ties 1 +: a social, hon- obstructed: CLEAR 7: not being used or occupied 8: not
orary, or professional group; esp : a men's student orga- fastened 9: LAVISH 10: OPEN, FRANK 11 a + : given with-
nization 2: BROTHERLINESS 3: persons of the same class, out charge b + : made, done, or given voluntarily or
profession, or tastes spontaneously 12: not literal or exact 13: not restricted
+ association, brotherhood, club, council, fellowship, by conventional forms 14 : overly familiar or forward
guild, league, order, organization, society - more at in action or attitude
ASSOCIATION + [l] footloose, loose, unbound, unconfined, unre-
frat-er-nize \'fra-t:lr-,niz\ vb -nized; 1 + : to mingle strained Ant bound, confined, restrained, unfree
as friends 2: to associate on close terms with members of + [2] autonomous, independent, self-governing, sepa-
a hostile group - frat-er-ni-za-tion \,fra-t:lr-n:l-'za-sh:ln\ n rate, sovereign Ant dependent, subject, unfree
+ associate, chum, consort, hang around, hobnob, pal + [6] clear, open, unobstructed - more at OPEN
- more at ASSOCIATE + [lIa] complimentary, gratuitous + [lib] bountiful,
trat-rl-clde Vfra-tra-jsldv n 1 : one that kills a sibling or charitable, generous, liberal, munificent, openhanded,
countryman 2: the act of a fratricide - frat-rl-cld-al unselfish, unsparing - more at GENEROUS + [l4] bold,
\,fra-tr:l-'sid-Ol\ adj familiar, forward, immodest, presumptuous - more at
fraud \'frod\ n 1 : DECEIT, TRICKERY 2: TRICK 3 + : a per- PRESUMPTUOUS
son who is not what he or she pretends to be : IMPOSTOR 2free vb freed; free-ing 1 + : to set free 2 + : to relieve or
+ charlatan, fake, hoaxer, humbug, impostor, mounte- rid of what restrains, confines, restricts, or embarrasses
bank, phony, pretender, quack 3 + : to clear from what obstructs or is unneeded: CLEAR
frauo-ster \'frod-st:lr\ n, chiefly Brit: a person who engages + [I, 2] discharge, emancipate, enfranchise, liberate,
in fraud manumit, release, unchain, unfetter Ant bind, confine,
fraud-u-lent \'fro-j:l-l:lnt\ adj + : characterized by, based enchain, fetter, restrain + [2] clear, disburden, disen-
on, or done by fraud - traud-u-lent-Iy adv cumber, relieve, rid, unburden - more at RID + [2,
3] clear, disengage, disentangle, extricate, liberate, re-
+ crooked, deceitful, deceptive, dishonest, double-
lease, untangle - more at EXTRICATE. [3] clear, open,
dealing, false, misleading, specious Ant aboveboard,
unclog, unstop
honest, truthful
3free adv 1 : FREELY 2: without charge
fraught \'frot\ adj + : full of or accompanied by something
specified <- with danger)
free-base \'fre-,biis\ n : purified cocaine smoked as crack
or heated to produce vapors for inhalation - free base vb
+ flush, replete, rife free-bie or free-bee \'fre-be\ n + : something given without
'fray \'fra\ n + : a usu. disorderly or protracted fight, strug- charge
gle, or dispute: FIGHT, STRUGGLE + bestowal, donation, gift, lagniappe, present - more
+ battle, clash, combat, conflict, contest, fight, fracas, at GIFT
hassle, struggle free-board \'fre-,bord\ n : the vertical distance between the
2fray vb 1 + : to wear (as an edge of cloth) by rubbing 2 : to waterline and the upper edge of the side of a boat
335 frenetically
free-boa-ter \-,bii-t:;,r\ n [D vrijbuiter, fro vrijbuit plunder, fro basis of reason independently of authority; esp : one who
vrij free + buit booty) + : one who commits or practices doubts or denies religious dogma - free-thlnk-lnq n or adj
piracy: PIRATE free trade n : trade between nations without restrictions (as
+ buccaneer, corsair, pirate, rover - more at PIRATE high taxes on imports)
free-born \-'born\ am 1 : not born in vassalage or slavery free verse n : verse whose meter is irregular or whose
rhythm is not metrical
2 : of, relating to, or befitting one that is freeborn
freed-man \'fred-m:;,n, -,man\ n : a person freed from slav- free-ware \'fre-,wer\ n : software that is free or that has a
ery small usu. optional cost
free-dom \'fre-d:;,m\ n 1 + : the quality or state of being free-way \'fre-,wa\ n : an expressway without tolls
free: INDEPENDENCE 2: EXEMPTION, RELEASE 3: EASE, FA- free-wheel \-'hwel\ vb : to move, live, or play freely or irre-
CILITY 4: FRANKNESS 5: unrestricted use 6: a political
right; also: FRA CHISE, PRMLEGE 7 + : the ability or ca- \,fre-'hwe-lil)\ am: free and loose in form or
pacity to act without undue hindrance or restraint manner
+ [1) autonomy, independence, liberty, self-government,
free-will \'fre-,wil\am + : produced in or by an act of
sovereignty Ant dependence, subjection + [7) authori-
zation, latitude, license (or licence), run; also authority, + deliberate, intentional, purposeful, voluntary, willful,
mandate, power willing - more at DELIBERATE
freedom fighter n : a person who takes part in a resistance free will n + : voluntary choice or decision
movement against an oppressive political or social estab- accord, choice, option, self-determination, volition,
lishment will
free enterprise n : freedom of private business to operate 'freeze \'frez\ vb froze \'froz\; fro-zen \'froz-On\ 1 + : to
with little regulation by the government harden or cause to harden into a solid (as ice) by loss of
'free-for-all \'fre-f:;,-,rol\ am + : unrestricted as to entries, heat 2: to withstand freezing 3: to chill or become
chilled with cold 4: to damage by frost 5: to adhere
participants, or users
+ open, public, unrestricted - more at OPEN solidly by or as if by freezing 6: to become fixed, mo-
tionless, or incapable of speech 7: to cause to grip tightly
2free-for-all n + : a competition or fight open to all comers 8 : to become clogged with ice 9: to fix at a certain stage
and usu. with no rules: BRAWL or level
+ brawl, fracas, fray, melee, row - more at BRAWL + concrete, congeal, firm, harden, set, solidify - more
free-hand \-,hand\ adj : done without mechanical aids or at HARDEN
devices 2freeze n 1 : an act or instance of freezing 2: the state of
free-hold \'fre-,hold\ n : ownership of an estate for life usu. being frozen 3: a state of weather marked by low tem-
with the right to bequeath it to one's heirs; also: an estate perature
thus owned - free-hold-er n freeze-dry \'frez-'dn, vb : to dry in a frozen state under
free-lance \-,lans\ n : one who pursues a profession (as vacuum esp. for preservation - freeze-dried am
writing) without a long-term commitment to anyone em- freez-er \'fre-z:;,r\ n : a compartment, device, or room for
ployer - free-lance am or vb freezing food or keeping it frozen
free-living \'fre-'li-vil)\ adj 1 : unrestricted in pursuing am
freez-ing + : very cold
personal pleasures 2: being neither parasitic nor symbi- + arctic, cold, frigid, frosty, glacial, icy, polar, wintry
otic organisms) 'freight \'frat\ n 1 : payment for carrying goods 2 + : some-
free-load \'fre-,lod\ vb : to impose upon another's hospital-
thing that is loaded for transportation: CARGO 3 : BURDEN
ity - free-Ioad-er n
4 : the carrying of goods by a common carrier 5: a train
free love n 1 : the practice of living openly with one of the that carries freight
opposite sex without marriage 2: sexual relations with-
+ burden. cargo, haul, lading, load, payload, weight -
out any commitments by either partner more at LOAD
free-Iy adv + : in a free manner
2freight vb 1 : to load with goods for transportation 2: BUR-
+ easily, effortlessly, fluently, handily, lightly, pain- DEN, CHARGE 3: to ship or transport by freight
lessly, readily, smoothly - more at EASILY
freight-er \'fra-t:;,r\ n : a ship or airplane used chiefly to
free-man \'fre-m:;,n, -,man\ n 1 : one who has civil or po- carry freight
litical liberty 2: one having the full rights of a citizen French \'french\ n 1 : the language of France 2 French pI
Free-ma.son \-,mas-On\ n : a member of a secret fraternal : the people of France 3: strong language - French adj
society called Free and Accepted Masons - Free-rnason- - Frenchrnan \-m:;,n\ n - French.wornan \-,wU-m:;,n\ n
ry \-re\ n French Canadian n : one of the descendants of French set-
free radical n : an esp. reactive atom or group of atoms
with one or more unpaired electrons; esp : one that can
tlers in Lower Canada - French-Canadian am
French door n : a door with small panes of glass extending
cause bodily damage (as by altering the chemical struc- the full length
ture of cells) French dressing n 1 : a thin salad dressing usu. made of
free-range \'fre-,ranj\ am : allowed to range and forage vinegar and oil with spices 2 : a creamy salad dressing fla-
with relative freedom <- chickens); also: produced by vored with tomatoes
free-range animals <- eggs) french fry n, often cap 1st F : a strip of potato fried in deep
free speech n : speech that is protected by the First fat until brown - french fry vb, often cap 1st F
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution French horn n : a curved brass instrument with a funnel.
free spirit n : NONCONFORMIST shaped mouthpiece and a flaring bell
free-stand-lnq \'fre-'stan-dil)\ am + : standing alone or on French press n : a coffeepot in which ground beans are in-
its own foundation free of support fused and then pressed by a plunger
+ detached, disconnected, discrete, separate, single, u n- French toast n : bread dipped in a mixture of eggs and milk
attached, unconnected - more at SEPARATE and fried at a low heat
free-stone \'fre-,ston\ n 1 : a stone that may be cut freely French twist n : a woman's hairstyle in which the hair is
without splitting 2 : a fruit stone to which the flesh does coiled at the rear and secured in place
not cling; also: a fruit (as a peach or cherry) having such tre-net-lc \fri-'ne-tik\ adj + : marked by fast and nervous,
a stone disordered, or anxiety-driven activity: FRANTIC - fre-net-
free-think-er \-'thil)-k:;,r\ n : one who forms opinions on the \-ti-k(:;,- )le\ adv
frenzied 336
delirious, feverish, fierce, frantic, frenzied, furious, fresh-wa-ter\-,wo-tar, -,wa-\ n : water that is not salty-
mad, rabid, violent, wild - more at FURIOUS freshwateradj
frenzied Vfren-zedvadj : feeling or showinggreat or ab- 'fret \'fret\ vb fret-ted; fret.ting [ME, to devour, fret, fr. OE
normal excitement or emotional disturbance fretan to devour] 1 : to eat or gnaw into 2 + : to chafe with
delirious, feverish, frantic, frenetic, furious, hectic, or as if with friction : RUB 3: to make by wearing away
hysterical 4 : to become irritated: WORRY 5: GRATE; also: AGITATE
fren.zy\'fren-ze\ n, pi frenzies 1 : temporary madness or [2] abrade, chafe, erode, fray, gall, rub, wear - more
a violently agitated state 2 : intense often disordered at ABRADE [4] bother, fear, stew, sweat, trouble,
activity worry - more at WORRY
[1, 2] agitation, chaos, confusion, disorder, furor, fret n : an irritated or worried state <in a ~ about the in-
fury, hysteria, rage, rampage, tumult, turmoil, uproar terview>
freq abbr frequency; frequent; frequently dither, fluster, fuss, huff, lather, pother, stew, tizzy,
fre-quen-cy\'fre-kw:m-se\ n, pI -cles 1 : the fact or condi- twitter
tion of occurring frequently 2: rate of occurrence 3: the 'fret n : ornamental work esp. of straight lines in symmetri-
number of cycles per second of an alternating current cal patterns
4 : the number of waves (as of sound or electromagnetic 'fret n : one of a series of ridges across the fingerboard of a
energy) that pass a fixed point each second stringed musical instrument - fret-tedadj
frequency modulation n : variation of the frequency of a fret-ful\'fret-fal\ adj : IRRITABLE - fret.ful.lyadv - fret-ful-
carrier wave according to another signal; a/so: FM nessn
'fre-quent \fre-'kwent, 'fre-kwant\ vb : to associate with, fret-saw \-,so\ n : a narrow-bladed saw used for cutting
be in, or resort to habitually curved outlines
hang around, hang out, haunt, resort, visit Ant avoid, fret-work\-,wark\ n 1: decoration consisting of frets
shun 2 : ornamental openwork or work in relief
fre-quent \'fre-kwant\ adj 1 +: happening often or at Fri abbr Friday
short intervals 2 + : done or happening on a regular or friableVfrl-a-balv adj : easily crumbled or pulverized
recurring basis <~soil>
[1] common, commonplace, customary, everyday, brittle, crisp, crumbly, flaky - more at CRISP
familiar, ordinary, routine, usual - more at COMMON fri-ar \'fri-ar\ n [ME frere, fryer, fr, AF frere, friere, lit.,
[2] constant, habitual, periodic, regular, repeated, brother, fr. Lfrater] : a member of a religious order that
steady - more at REGULAR orig. lived by alms
fre-quent-ern : one that frequents fri.ary\'fri-ar-e\ n, p/ -ar-les + : a monastery of friars
fre-quent-fli-erVfre-kwont-Tll-arvadj : of, relating to, or + abbey, cloister, monastery, priory - more at
being an airline program offering awards for specified MONASTERY
numbers of air miles traveled 'fricassee \'fri-ka-,se, ,fri-ka-'se\ n : a dish made of meat
fre-quent-lyadv : at frequent or short intervals (as chicken) cut into pieces, stewed in stock, and served
constantly, continually, often, repeatedly- more at in sauce
OFTEN >fricassee vb -seed; -see-ing : to cook as a fricassee
fres-co \'fres-ko\ n, pi frescoes [It, it.fresco fresh] : the art trlc-tlon \'frik-shan\ n 1 : the rubbing of one body against
of painting on fresh plaster; a/so: a painting done by this another 2: the force that resists motion between bodies
method in contact 3 : clash in opinions between persons or
fresh \'fresh\ adj 1 : VIGOROUS, REFRESHED 2: not contain- groups: DISAGREEMENT - frlc-tlon-aladj
ing salt 3: not altered by processing (as freezingor can- conflict, discord, dissent, disunity, schism, strife, vari-
ning) 4: free from taint: PURE 5: fairly strong: BRISK <~ ance - more at DISCORD
breeze> 6 + : not stale, sour, or decayed <~ bread> friction tape n : a usu. cloth adhesive tape impregnated
7 : not faded 8.: not worn or rumpled 9 + : experi- with insulating material and used esp. to protect and in-
enced, made, or received newly or anew 10: ADDITIONAL, sulate electrical conductors
ANOTHER <made a ~ start> 11 : ORIGINAL, VlYlD 12: IN- Frioday\'fri-de, -(,)dii\ n : the sixth day of the week
EXPERIENCED 13: newly come or arrived <~ from fridge \'frij\ n : REFRIGERATOR
school> 14 : disposed to take liberties: IMPUDENT fried-cake\'frid-,kiik\ n : DOUGHNUT, CRULLER
[6, 8] brand-new, pristine, virgin; also unaltered, un- fried rice n : a dish of boiled or steamed rice that is stir-
blemished, unbruised, uncontaminated, undamaged, fried with soy sauce and typicallyincludes egg, meat, and
undefiled, unharmed, unhurt, unimpaired, uninjured, vegetables
unpolluted, unsoiled, unspoiled, unsullied, untainted, friend \ 'frend\ n 1 : one attached to another by respect
untouched, unused, unworn Ant stale. [9] new, novel, or affection 2: ACQUAINTANCE 3: one who is not hostile
original, unfamiliar - more at NEW. [14] bold, brash, 4 : one who supports or favors something <a '" of art>
5 cap : a member of the Society of Friends : QUAKER -
brazen, cheeky, impudent, insolent, nervy, sassy, saucy
- more at NERVY
fresh-en \'fre-shan\ vb : to make, grow, or become fresh
friendless adj
[1] buddy, chum, comrade, crony, familiar, intimate,
pal Ant enemy, foe [4] advocate, apostle, backer,
refresh, rejuvenate, renew, restore, revitalize, revive
booster, champion, exponent, promoter, proponent, =:
- more at RENEW
fresh-et Vfre-shatv n : an overflowing of a stream (as by supporter - more at EXPONENT !!
heavy rains) trlend-tl-ness \-Ie-nas\ n + : the quality or state of being
fresh-lyadv + : in a fresh manner ;
+ just, late, lately, new, newly, now, only, recently-
more at NEWLY
fresh-man\'fresh-man\ n 1 : a Ist-year student 2 + : one
amity, benevolence, cordiality, fellowship, friendship,
goodwill, kindliness- more at GOODWILL\'fren(d)-le\ adj + : of, relating to, or befitting a

that begins something; esp : an inexperienced person i
+ appreciative, complimentary, favorable (or favour-
+ beginner, greenhorn, neophyte, newcomer, novice,
recruit, rookie, tenderfoot, tyro - more at BEGINNER
able), good, positive - more at FAVORABLE + amicable, i
fresh-ness n + : the quality or state of being fresh
companionable, comradely, cordial, genial, hearty, =
neighborly, warm, warmhearted Ant antagonistic, hos-
newness, novelty, originality - more at NOVELTY tile, unfriendly


337 from
friend-ship \-,ship\ n : the state of being friends + caper, cavort, disport, frolic, gambol, lark, roUick,
amity, benevolence, cordiality, fellowship, friendli- romp, sport - more at FROLIC
ness, goodwill, kindliness - more at GOODWILL frisk-i-neas \-ke-n;:>s\ n : the quality or state of being in-
frieze \'frez\ n : an ornamental often sculptured band ex- clined to frisk
tending around something (as a building or room) impishness, mischief, mischievousness, playfulness
frig.ate \'fri-g;:>t\ n 1 : a square-rigged warship 2: a war- - more at PLAYFULNESS
ship smaller than a destroyer frisky Vfris-ke', adi frisk-i-er; -est .: inclined to frisk
fright \'flit\ n 1 : sudden terror: ALARM 2 + : something : PLAYFUL - \-k;)-lii\ adv
that is ugly or shocking antic, coltish, elfish, fay, frolicsome, playful, sportive
[1] alarm, anxiety, apprehension, dread, fear, horror, - more at PLAYFUL active, animated, energetic,
panic, terror, trepidation - more at FEAR [2] eye- lively, peppy, perky, spirited, sprightly
sore, horror, mess, monstrosity, sight - more at EYE- 'fritter \'fri-t;:>r\ n : a small lump of fried batter often con-
SORE taining fruit or meat
fright-en \'ftit-'n\ vb 1 : to make afraid 2: to drive away >fritter vb 1 : to reduce or waste piecemeal - usu. used
or out by frightening 3: to become frightened - fright- with away 2: to break into small fragments adi - adv usu fritter away blow, dissipate, lavish, misspend, run
alarm, horrify, panic, scare, shock, spook, startle, ter- through, spend, squander, throwaway, waste - more
rify, terrorize Ant reassure at WASTE
fright.ful \'ftit-f;:>1\ adj 1 : causing intense fear or alarm fritz \'frits\ n : a state of disorder or disrepair - used in
: TERRIFYING 2: startling esp. in being bad or objection- the phrase on the fritz
able 3: EXTREME ("'" thirst) fri.vol.i.ty \fri-'va-l;:>-te\ n : the quality or state of being
fearful, fearsome, forbidding, formidable, hair-rais- frivolous
ing, scary, shocking, terrifying - more at FEARFUL facetiousness, flightiness, flippancy, levity, lightness adv : in a frightful manner Ant gravity, seriousness, soberness, sobriety
especially, extremely, greatly, highly, hugely, mightily, friv-o-lous \'fri-v;:>-I;:>s\ adj 1 : of little importance: TRIV-
mighty, mortally, most, much, real, right, so, very- IAL 2 : lacking in seriousness - trlv-o-lous-Iy adv
more at VERY [l] insignificant, little, minor, minute, negligible,
fright.ful.ness n : the quality or state of being frightful slight, small, trifling, trivial, unimportant - more at
atrociousness, atrocity, hideousness, horror, mon- UNIMPORTANT [2] flighty, giddy, goofy, harebrained,
strosity, repulsiveness - more at HORROR light-headed, scatterbrained, silly - more at GIDDY \'fri-j;:>d\ adi 1 +: intensely cold 2.: lacking frizz \'friz\ vb : to form into small tight curls - frizz n -
warmth or ardor: INDIFFERENT 3: abnormally averse to frizzyaclj
or unable to achieve orgasm during sexual intercourse - Iriz-zias \'fri-zez\ n pi : hair which has become difficult to
used esp. of women - friogid.i.ty \fri-'ji-d;:>-te\ n manage (as due to humidity)
[1] arctic, bitter, cold, freezing, frosty, glacial, icy, 'frizzle Vfri-zal', vb trlz-zled: friz.zling : FRIZZ, CURL - frizzle
polar, wintry - more at COLD [2] chill, chilly, cold, n
cool, frosty, icy, indifferent, unfriendly, wintry 2frizzle vb frizzled; friz.zling 1 : to fry until crisp and curled
frigid zone n : the area or region between the arctic circle 2 : to cook with a sizzling noise
and the north pole or between the antarctic circle and the fro \'fro\ adv : BACK, AWAY - used in the phrase to and fro
south pole frock \'frak\ n 1 : an outer garment worn by monks and
frill \'fril\ n 1 : a gathered, pleated, or ruffled edging friars 2: an outer garment worn esp, by men 3: a
2 : something unessential - frilly adj woman's or girl's dress
[1] flounce, furbelow, ruffle - more at RUFFLE frock coat n : a man's knee-length usu. double-breasted
[2] amenity, comfort, extra, indulgence, luxury, su- coat with knee-length skirts
perfluity - more at LUXURY frog \'frog, 'frag\ n 1: any of various largely aquatic
'fringe \'frinj\ n [MEfrenge, fro AF, fro VL "frimbia, alter. of smooth-skinned tailless leaping amphibians 2: an orna-
L fimbriae (pl.)] 1 : an ornamental border consisting of mental braiding for fastening the front of a garment by a
short threads or strips hanging from an edge or band loop through which a button passes 3: a condition in the
2 : something that resembles a fringe: EDGE 3: some- throat causing hoarseness 4 : a small holder (as of metal,
thing that is additional or secondary to an activity, glass, or plastic) with perforations or spikes that is placed
process, or subject in a bowl or vase to keep cut flowers in position
+ border, boundary, edge, margin, perimeter, periphery \'frog-,man, 'frag-, -monv n : a swimmer
- more at BORDER equipped to work underwater for long periods of time
2fringe vb 1 : to furnish or adorn with a fringe 2 : to serve ' \'fra-lik\ vb frolieked; trol-lck-lnq 1 .: to make
as a border or fringe for merry 2 + : to play about happily: ROMP
border, bound, margin, rim, skirt - more at BORDER caper, cavort, disport, frisk, gambol, lark, play, rol-
fringe benefit n 1 : an employment benefit paid for by an lick, romp, sport
employer without affecting basic wage rates 2: any addi- >frolic n 1 : a playful or mischievous action 2 : an oc-
tional benefit casion or scene of fun
fripopery \'fri-p;:>-re\ n, pi -per-ies [MF friperiei + [l] dalliance, fun, play, relaxation, sport - more at
a .: dressy or showy clothing and jewels : FINERY PLAY. [1] antic, caper, escapade, monkeyshine, practi-
b : something showy, frivolous, or nonessential 2 : pre- cal joke, prank, trick - more at PRANK [2] binge,
tentious display fling, gambol, lark, revel, rollick, romp - more at
[la] array, best, bravery, caparison, feather, finery, FLING
full dress, gaiety, regalia - more at FINERY frol-lc-scme \-s;)m \ adj + : full of gaiety
+ [lb] child's play, nothing, trifle, triviality - more at antic, coltish, elfish, fay, frisky, playful, sportive-
frisk \'frisk\ vb 1 + : to leap, skip, or dance in a lively or from Vfram, 'fram\ prep 1 - used to show a starting
playful way: GAMBOL 2 : to search (a person) esp, for con- point (a Ietter e-> home) 2 - used to show removal or
cealed weapons by running the hand rapidly over the separation (subtract 3 "'" 9) 3 - used to show a mate-
clothing rial, source, or cause (suffering"'" a cold)
frond 338
frond \'frand\ n : a usu. large divided leaf esp. of a fern or usu. used with on in transitive senses 3: to express with
palm tree a frown
1front \'fr:mt\ n 1 : FOREHEAD; also: the whole face 2 : ex- glare, gloom, glower, lower, scowl; also gape, gaze,
ternal and often feigned appearance 3: a region of active ogle, stare; grimace, pout; growl, snarl, sneer Ant beam,
fighting; also: a sphere of activity 4: a political coalition smile usu frown on deprecate, disapprove, discounte-
5 : the side of a building containing the main entrance nance, disfavor (or disfavour), dislike, reprove
6 : the forward part or surface 7: FRONTAGE 8: a 2frown n : a wrinkling of the brow esp. in a severe, re-
boundary between two dissimilar air masses 9: a position proving, or stern look
directly before or ahead of something else 10: a person, face, grimace, lower, mouth, pout, scowl - more at
group, or thing used to mask the identity of the actual GRIMACE
controlling agent or frow.zy \'frau-ze\ adj frow-si-er or frow-zi-er: -est
[2] act, airs, facade, guise, masquerade, pose, pre- : having a slovenly or uncared-for appearance
tense, put-on, semblance, show - more at MASQUERADE dowdy, sloppy, slovenly, unkempt, untidy - more at
[6] facade, face; also exterior, outside, skin, surface, SLOPPY
veneer Ant back, rear, reverse froze past of FREEZE
2front vb 1 : to have the principal side adjacent to some- fro-zen \'froz-'n\ adj 1 : treated, affected, or crusted over
thing 2: to serve as a front 3: CO FRONT by freezing 2: subject to long and severe cold 3.: in-
front-age \'fr:m-tij\ n 1 : a piece of land lying adjacent (as capable of being changed, moved, or undone <- wages)
to a street or the ocean) 2: the length of a frontage 4 : not available for present use <- capital) 5: express-
3 : the front side of a building ing or characterized by cold unfriendliness
front-al \'fr:mt-'I\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or next to the fore- certain, determinate, final, firm, fixed, flat, hard,
head 2: of, relating to, or directed at the front <a - at- hard-and-fast, set, settled, stable
tack) - fron-tal-ly adv FRS abbr Federal Reserve System
fron-tier \,fr~n-'tir\ n 1 : a border between two countries frt abbr freight
2 : a region that forms the margin of settled territory \'fr~k-t~-,fi, 'fruk-', vb -fied; 1 : to bear
3 : the outer limits of knowledge or achievement <the <-s fruit 2: to make fruitful or productive
of science) fruc-tose Vfrak-jtos, 'friik-\ n : a very sweet soluble sugar
[l] border, borderland, march; also no-man's-land that occurs esp. in fruit juices and honey
[2] backwoods, bush, hinterland, sticks, up-country; fruogal \'frii-g~l\ adj .: characterized by or reflecting
also country, countryside economy in the use of resources : ECONOMICAL, THRIFTY
tron-tters-man \-'tirz-m~n\ n .: a person who lives or - fruogallyadv
works on a frontier economical, provident, sparing, thrifty; also conserv-
colonist, homesteader, pioneer, settler; also explorer, ing, preserving, saving; forehanded, foresighted, pru-
pathfinder, trailblazer dent; penny-wise; cheap, close, closefisted, miserly,
fron-tls-plece \'fr~n-t~-,spes\ n : an illustration preceding niggardly, parsimonious, stingy, stinting, tight, tight-
and usu. facing the title page of a book fisted Ant prodigal, wasteful
front man n : a person serving as a front or figurehead fruogal.i.ty \frii-'ga-l~-te\ n : the quality or state of being
front-ward \'fr~nt-w~rd\ or trent-wards \-w~rdz\ adv or adj frugal
: toward the front economy, husbandry, providence, thrift - more at
'frost Vfrost', n 1 : freezing temperature 2: a covering of ECONOMY
tiny ice crystals on a cold surface 'fruit \'friit\ n [ME, fro AF frut, fruit, fro Lfructus fruit, use,
2frost vb 1 : to cover with frost 2: to put icing on (as a fro flu; to enjoy, have the use of] 1 : a product of plant
cake) 3: to produce a slightly roughened surface on (as growth; esp : a usu. edible and sweet reproductive body
glass) 4: to injure or kill by frost (as a strawberry or apple) of a seed plant 2: a product of
'frostbite \'frost-,bit\ vb -bit \-,bit\; -blt-ten \-,bit-'n\; -bit- fertilization in a plant; esp : the ripe ovary of a seed plant
ing : to injure by frost or frostbite with its contents and appendages 3: the effect or conse-
2frostbite n : the freezing or the local effect of a partial quence of an action or operation - fruit-ed \'frii-t~d\ adj
freezing of some part of the body 2fruit vb : to bear or cause to bear fruit
frost heave n : an upthrust of pavement caused by freezing fruit-cake \'friit-,kak\ n : a rich cake containing nuts, dried
of moist soil or candied fruits, and spices \'fro-stil)\ n 1 : ICING 2: dull finish on metal or fruit fly n : any of various small dipteran flies whose larvae
glass feed on fruit or decaying vegetable matter
frosty adj 1 : briskly cold 2: covered or appearing as if fruit-ful \'friit-f~l\ adj 1 .: yielding or producing fruit
covered with frost 3 : marked by coolness or extreme 2 : very productive <a - soil); also: bringing results <a
reserve in manner - idea) - adv - frult-ful-ness n
[1] chill, chilly, cold, cool, nippy, raw, snappy, wintry [1] fat, fecund, fertile, luxuriant, productive, prolific,
- more at COLD [3] aloof, antisocial, cold, cool, de- rich - more at FERTlLE [2] effective, effectual, effi-
tached, distant, remote, standoffish, unfriendly, unso- cacious, efficient, potent, productive - more at EFFEC-
ciable - more at COOL TIVE
froth Vfroth', n, pi froths \'froths, 'fro1hz\ [ME, fro ON fru-ltion \frii-'i-sh~n\ n 1 : ENJOYMENT 2: the state of bear-
frotha] 1 : bubbles formed in or on a liquid 2: some- ing fruit 3 : the state of being realized: REALIZATION,
thing light or worthless - frothy adj ACCOMPLISHMENT
foam, head, lather, spume - more at FOAM accomplishment, achievement, actuality, attainment,
frou-frou \'frii-,frii\ n [FJ 1 : a rustling esp. of a woman's consummation, fulfillment, realization Ant naught,
skirts 2: showy or frilly ornamentation nonfulfillment
fro-ward \'fro-w~rd\ ad} : habitually disposed to disobe- fruit-less \'friit-l~s\ adj 1 : not bearing fruit 2 : not suc-
dience and opposition cessful : UNSUCCESSFUL <a - attempt) - fruit-less-ly adv
contrary, defiant, disobedient, headstrong, in- futile, ineffective, unproductive, unsuccessful-
tractable, rebellious, unruly, untoward, wayward, will- more at FUTILE
ful - more at DISOBEDIENT fruity \'frii-te\ adj fruit-i-er; -est: resembling a fruit esp. in
'frown Vfraunv vb 1 : to wrinkle the forehead (as in dis- flavor
pleasure or thought) 2.: to look with disapproval- frumpy \'fr~m-pe\ adj frump-i-er; -est: DOWDY, DRAB
339 fuller
frus-trate \'fras-,trat\ vb frus-trat-ed: 1 + : to state of consciousness characterized by acts that are not
balk or defeat in an endeavor 2: to induce feelings of in- recalled upon recovery
security, discouragement, or dissatisfaction in 3: to bring ffihrer or fueh-rer Vfyur-sr, 'fir-\ n [G] : LEADER; esp
to nothing - adv : TYRANT
+ baffle, balk, beat, checkmate, foil, thwart '-ful \f;ll\ adi suffix, sometimes -ful-ler sometimes -ful-lest
trus-trat-inq adj. : tending to produce or characterized by 1 : full of <pridcyul) 2: characterized by <peaccyul)
frustration 3 : having the qualities of <master:tUl) 4: tending, given,
aggravating, annoying, bothersome, galling, irksome, or liable to <helpjUl)
irritating, pesty, vexatious - more at ANNOYING 2..ful \,ful\ n suffix : number or quantity that fills or would
frus-tra-tlon \,fr;ls-'tra-sh::m \ n 1 +: the state or an in- fill <roomful)
stance of being frustrated 2 + : something that frustrates ful-crum \'ful-kr;lm, 'f;ll-\ n, pi ful-crums or ful-cra \-kra\
[l] disappointment, dismay, dissatisfaction, letdown ILL, fro L, bedpost] : the support on which a lever turns
- more at DISAPPOINTMENT [2] aggravation, annoy- fulfill or ful-til \ful-'fil\ vb fulfilled; 1 : to put into
ance, bother, exasperation, vexation - more at ANNOY- effect 2 : to bring to an end 3 + : to meet the require-
ANCE ments of: SATISFY
frus-tum \'fr;ls-t;lm\ n, pi frustums or frus-ta \-t;l\ : the part [2] accomplish, achieve, carry out, commit, compass,
of a cone or pyramid formed by cutting off the top by a do, execute, follow through, make, perform - more at
plane parallel to the base PERFORM + [3] answer, comply, fill, keep, meet, re-
frwy abbr freeway deem, satisfy; also complete, conclude, finalize, finish;
'fry \'fnl vb fried; [MEfrien, fro AF frire, fro Lfrigere accomplish, achieve, bring about, bring off, effect; dis-
to roast] 1 : to cook in a pan or on a griddle over heat esp, charge, execute, perform Ant breach, break, violate
with the use of fat 2: to undergo frying fut-fill-ment n : the act or process of fulfilling
2fry n, pi fries 1 : a social gathering where fried food is accomplishment, achievement, actuality, attainment,
eaten 2: a dish of something fried; esp, pi : FRENCH FRIES consummation, fruition, realization - more at
3fry n, pi fry [ME, fro AF me, fro freier, frier to rub, spawn, FRUITION
fro Lfricare to rub] 1 : recently hatched fishes; also: very 'full \'ful\ adi 1 + : containing as much or as many as is
small adult fishes 2: members of a group or class <small possible or normal : FILLED 2 + : complete esp. in detail,
fryoer \'frt-ar\ n 1 : something (as a young chicken) suit-
number, or duration 3.: having all the distinguishing
characteristics <a --- member> 4 + : being at the highest
able for frying 2: a deep utensil for frying foods
or greatest degree: MAXIMUM 5: rounded in outline: be-
FSLlC abbr Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corpora-
tion ing full or plump in form <a --- figure> 6: possessing or
ft abbr 1 feet; foot 2 fort containing an abundance <--- of wrinkles> 7: having an
FTC abbr Federal Trade Commission abundance of material <a --- skirt> 8.: satisfied esp.
FTP \,ef-,te-'pe\ n [file transfer protocol] : a system for with food or drink 9: having volume or depth of sound
transferring computer files esp. via the Internet - FTP vb 10 : completely occupied with a thought or plan - full-
fuch-sia \'fyii-sh;l\ n 1 : any of a genus of shrubs related to ness also ful-ness n
the evening primrose and grown for their showy nodding [1] brimful, crowded, loaded, packed, replete, rife
often red or purple flowers 2: a vivid reddish purple Ant bare, empty, stark, vacant. [2] complete, compre-
color hensive, detailed, encyclopedic, inclusive, universal-
fudodle \'f;ld-'I\ vb fud-dled: fudodling : MUDDLE, CONFUSE more at ENCYCLOPEDIC [3] complete, comprehensive,
fudody-dudody \'f;l-de-,da-de\ n, pi -dies + : one that is old, entire, total, whole - more at COMPLETE + [4] maxi-
fashioned, unimaginative, or conservative mum, top, utmost; also high Ant least, lowest, minimal,
antediluvian, dodo, fogy, fossil, reactionary - more minimum [8] sated, satiate, satiated; also glutted,
at FOGY gorged Ant empty, hungry, starving
'fudge \'faj\ vb fudged; 1 : to exceed the proper 'full adv 1 : to a high degree: VERY, EXTREMELY 2 : to a
bounds of something 2: to act dishonestly: CHEAT; also complete degree: ENTIRELY 3: STRAIGHT, SQUARELY <hit
: FALSIFY 3 + : to fail to come to grips with him r--> in the face>
equivocate, hedge, pussyfoot - more at EQUIVOCATE + altogether, completely, entirely, fully, perfectly,
'fudge n 1 : a piece of foolish nonsense 2: a soft candy quite, thoroughly, well, wholly - more at FULLY
of milk, sugar, butter, and flavoring >full n 1 : the highest or fullest state or degree 2: the ut-
+ bunk, folly, foolishness, hogwash, humbug, nonsense, most extent 3 : the requisite or complete amount
piffle, rot, silliness - more at NONSENSE aggregate, sum, total, totality, whole - more at
'fuoel \'fyii-;lI, 'fyiil\ n : a material used to produce heat or WHOLE
power by burning; also : a material from which nuclear 'full vb : to shrink and thicken (woolen cloth) by moisten-
energy can be liberated ing, heating, and pressing - full-er n
'fuel vb -eled or -elled; or -el.ling : to provide with or fullback \'ful-,bak\ n : a football back stationed between
take in fuel the halfbacks
fuel cell n : a device that continuously changes the chemi- full-blood-ed \'ful-'bla-d;ld\ adj : of unmixed ancestry
ca! energy of a fuel directly into electrical energy : PUREBRED
fuel injection n : a system for injecting a precise amount of purebred, thoroughbred - more at PUREBRED
atomized fuel into an internal combustion engine - fu-
full-blown \-'blon\ adj 1 : being at the height of bloom
el-In-ject-ed \'fyiil-in-'jek-t;ld\ adj
2 : fully mature or developed
'fuogi.tive \'fyii-j;l-tiv\ n 1 : one who flees or tries to escape
2 : something elusive or hard to find adult, full-fledged, mature, ripe - more at MATURE
'fugitive adj 1: running away or trying to escape full-bod-led \-'bii-ded\ adj + : marked by richness and full-
2 + : likely to vanish suddenly: not fixed or lasting ness
+ ephemeral, evanescent, flash, fleeting, impermanent, concentrated, full, potent, rich, robust, strong; also
momentary, short-lived, transient - more at MOMEN- heavy; straight, undiluted, unmixed Ant light, mild,
TARY thin, weak
fugue \'fyiig\ n 1 : a musical composition in which differ- full dress n + : the style of dress worn for ceremonial or
ent parts successively repeat the theme 2: a disturbed formal occasions
full-fledged 340
array, best, bravery, caparison, feather, finery, frip- 'function \'f;'J)k-sh;,n\ n 1 : professional or official posi-
pery, gaiety, regalia - more at FINERY tion of employment 2: special purpose 3 : the partic-
full-fledged \'ful-'f1ejd\ a4j 1 : fully developed 2: hav- ular purpose for which a person or thing is specially fitted
ing attained complete status <a ~ lawyer) or used or for which a thing exists <the ~ of a hammer);
adult, full-blown, mature, ripe - more at MATURE also: the natural or proper action of a bodily part in a liv-
full house n : a poker hand containing three of a kind and ing thing <the ~ of the heart) 4 : a formal ceremony
a pair or social affair 5: a mathematical relationship that as-
full moon n : the moon with its whole disk illuminated signs to each element of a set one and only one element
full-on \-,on, -,iin\ adj : COMPLETE, FULL-FLEDGED of the same or another set 6: a variable (as a quality,
full-scale \'ful-'skiil\ adj 1 : identical to an original in pro- trait, or measurement) that depends on and varies with
portion and size <~ drawing) 2 : involving full use of another <height is a ~ of age in children) 7: a computer
available resources <a ~ revolt) subroutine that performs a calculation with variables
ali-out, clean, complete, comprehensive, exhaustive, provided by a program - func-tion-al-ly adv
out-and-out, thorough, thoroughgoing, total - more at [I] appointment, billet, capacity, job, place, position,
EXHAUSTIVE post, situation - more at JOB. [3] capacity, job, part,
full-term \-,t;,rm\ adj : retained in the uterus for the nor- place, position, purpose, role, task, work - more at
mal period of gestation before birth <a ~ baby) ROLE [4] affair, blowout, event, fete, get-together,
full tilt adv : at high speed: with a rush party - more at PARTY
fast, hastily, posthaste, rapidly, speedily, swiftly- 2function vb : to have or carry on a function
more at FAST act, perform, serve, work; also operate, run; control,
run-ttme \'ful-'tim\ adj or adv : involving or working a nor- direct, manage
mal or standard schedule func-tion-al \-sh;,-n;,l\ adj 1 : performing or able to per-
fuloly \'fu-Ie\ adv 1 : in a full manner or degree: COM- form a regular function 2: of, connected with, or being
PLETEL Y 2: at least a function
altogether, chiefly, completely, entirely, generally, active, alive, living, on, operational, operative, run-
largely, mainly, mostly, perfectly, primarily, princi- ning, working - more at ACfIVE applicable, practica-
pally, quite, thoroughly, well, wholly Ant partially, ble, practical, serviceable, usable, useful, workable-
partly more at PRACfICAL
ful-mi-nate \'ful-m;,-,niit, 'f;,I-\ vb -nat-ed; [ME, fro func-tion-ary \'f;'J)k-sh;,-,ner-e\ n, pi -ar.ies : one who
MLfulminatus, pp. oi fulminare. fro L, to strike (of light- performs a certain function; esp : one who holds a public
ning), fro fulmen lightning] : to utter or send out cen- office
sure or invective: condemn severely officeholder, officer, official, public servant - more
bluster, rant, rave, spout - more at RANT at OFFICIAL
ful-mi-na-tion \,ful-m;,-'na-sh;,n, ,f;,I-\ n : vehement men- function word n : a word (as a preposition, auxiliary verb,
ace or censure or conjunction) expressing the grammatical relationship
abuse, invective, vitriol, vituperation - more at between other words
ABUSE 'fund \'fand\ n [L fundus bottom, country estate] 1 : a
ful-some Vful-semv adj 1 : COPIOUS, ABUNDANT <~ detail) sum of money or resources intended for a special purpose
2 : generous in amount or extent <a ~ victory) 3 : ex- 2: STORE, SUPPLY 3 apl : available money b : an avail-
cessively flattering <~ praise) able quantity of material or intangible resources 4: an
adulatory, unctuous organization administering a special fund
tu-ma-rcle \'fyii-m;,-,r61\ n : a hole in a volcanic region [1) account, budget, deposit, kitty. nest egg, pool
from which hot gases issue usu funds[3a] finances, pocket, resources, where-
'fumble \'fam-bal\ vb tum-bled; fum.bling 1 a : to grope withal. [3b] budget, pool, supply - more at SUPPLY
about clumsily b: make awkward attempts to do or find 2fund vb 1 : to provide funds for 2 : to convert (a short'
something 2 : to fail to hold, catch, or handle properly term obligation) into a long-term interest-bearing debt -
[Ia] feel, fish, grope - more at GROPE. [2] bobble, tund-er n
botch, bungle, flub, foul up, mangle, mess up, screw up capitalize, endow, finance, stake, subsidize, under-
2fumble n : an act or instance of fumbling write - more at FINANCE
'fume \'fyiim\ n : a usu. irritating smoke, vapor, or gas fun-da-men-tal \,fan-da-'ment-Ol\ adj 1 : serving as an ori-
2fume vb fumed; 1 : to treat with fumes 2: to give gin : PRIMARY 2 : serving as a basis supporting existence
off fumes 3 a : to express anger or annoyance b : to or determining essential structure or function: BASIC, ES-
be in a state of excited irritation or anger SENTIAL 3: RADICAL <~ change) 4: of central impor-
[3a] rage, storm - more at RAGE. [3b] boil, burn, tance : PRINCIPAL - fundamental n - tun-oa-men-tal-ly
rage, seethe, steam - more at BOIL adv
fu-ml-qant \'fyu-mi-gant\ n : a substance used for fumiga- basic, elemental, elementary, essential, rudimentary,
tion underlying - more at ELEMENTARY
fu.miogate \'fyu-ma-,giit\ vb -gatoed; -gat'ing : to treat with fun-da-men-tal-ism \-t;,-,i-zam\ n 1 oftencap: a Protestant
fumes to disinfect or destroy pests - fu-ml-qa-tlon \,fyu- religious movement emphasizing the literal infallibility of
mo-tga-shcn', n - fu.mioga.tor \'fyii-ma-,ga-tar\ n the Bible 2: a movement or attitude stressing strict ad-
'fun \'f;,n\ n [E dial. fun to hoax] 1 : something that pro- herence to a set of basic principles - fun-da-men-tal-lst
vides amusement or enjoyment 2: the action or state of \-ist\ adj or n
enjoying: ENJOYMENT 3 : a mood for finding or making 'funeral \'fyii-na-ral\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or constituting
amusement a funeral 2.: befitting or suggesting a funeral : FUNE-
[I] delight, diversion, entertainment, pleasure Ant REAL
bore, bummer, downer, drag [I] frolic, fun, play, re- dolorous, funereal, lugubrious, mournful, plaintive,
laxation, sport - more at PLAY. [3] game, jest, play, sorrowful, woeful
sport; also facetiousness, flippancy, levity Ant earnest 2funeral n : the ceremonies held for a dead person usu. be-
2fun adj. : full of fun <a ~ person) <had a ~ time) fore burial
amusing, delightful, diverting, enjoyable, entertain- fu-ner-ary \'fyii-na-,rer-e\ adi : of, used for, or associated
ing, pleasurable with burial
341 furtiveness
tu-ne-re-al\fyil-'nir-e-;l1\ ad} 1 : of or relating to a funeral lang long) : a unit of distance equal to 220 yards (about
2 + : suggesting a funeral 201 meters)
+ bleak, dark, dismal, dreary, gloomy, gray (or grey), fur.lough \'f:lr-Io\ n [D verlof, lit., permission) 1 : a leave of
somber (or sombre), wretched - more at GLOOMY absence from duty granted esp. to a soldier 2: a leave of
funogi-Cide\'f;ln-j;l-,sid, 'f;ll]-g;l-\ n : an agent that kills or absence granted by an employer to an employee - fur-
checks the growth of fungi - funogi-cid'al \,f;ln-j;l-'sid-'I, lough vb
,f;ln-g;l-\ adi fur-nace \'f::lr-n::ls\ n : an enclosed structure in which heat
fun-gus \'f<1l)-g<1s\ n, pi fun.g; \'f;)n-Ji, '{;lI)-,gI-\ also fun- is produced
(JUS-AR fur-nish \'f;lr-nish\ vb 1 + : to provide with what is needed
\lf~t)_Q.~_c:.'31\. 'I. o.n.~ Qr 0. \\ingoom 01 parasitic spore=
producing organisms (as molds, mildews, and mush- : EQUIP 2 + : to make available for use: SUPPLY, GIVE
rooms) formerly classified as plants - funogal\-g:ll\ adi + (1) accoutre, allocate, allot, assign, bestow, deal, dis-
- funogous\-g:ls\ adj pense, distribute, donate, equip, fit, give, outfit, present,
tu-nlc-u-lar \fyu-'ni-kY:l-I:lr, f:l-\ n : a cable railway ascend- rig, store, supply + [2) deliver, feed, give, hand, hand
ing a mountain over, provide, supply Ant hold (back), keep (back), re-
'funk \'f;ll]k\ n : a strong offensive smell serve, retain, withhold
2funk n : a depressed state of mind fur.nish.ings \-ni-shil]z\ n pi 1 : articles or accessories of
funky \'f;ll]-ke\ adj funk-I-er; -est 1 : having an earthy un- dress 2: an object that tends to increase comfort or util-
sophisticated style and feeling; esp : having the style and ity; esp : an article of furniture
feeling of older black American music 2: odd or quaint fur-ni-ture \'far-ni-char\ n 1 : equipment that is necessary
in appearance or style or desirable 2: movable articles (as chairs or beds) for a
'fun.nel \'f:ln-'I\ n 1 : a cone-shaped utensil with a tube room
used for catching and directing a downward flow (as of fu-ror \'fyilr-,or\ n 1 + : an angry or maniacal fit : RAGE
liquid) 2: FLUE, SMOKESTACK 2 : a contagious excitement; esp : a fashionable craze
2funnel vb -neled also -neUed; -nel-ing also -nel.ling 1 : to 3 + : furious or hectic activity: UPROAR
pass through or as if through a funnel 2 + : to move to a + [l) anger, fury, indignation, ire, outrage, rage, spleen,
central point or into a central channel wrath, wrathfulness - more at ANGER + [3) commo-
+ channel, conduct, direct, pipe, siphon - more at tion, disturbance, pandemonium, tumult, turmoil, up-
CHANNEL roar - more at COMMOTION
fun-nies \'f;l-nez\ n pl : a comic strip or a comic section (as fu-rore \-,or\ n [It) 1 : a contagious excitement; esp : a fash-
of a newspaper) - used with the ionable craze 2: furious or hectic activity: UPROAR
'fun.ny \'f;l-ne\ adj fun-ni-er: -est 1 + : affording light mirth tur-n-er \'far-e-ar\ n : one who prepares or deals in fur
and laughter 2 + : seeking or intended to amuse 3 + : dif- fur.ring \'far-il]\ n : wood or metal strips applied to a wall
fering from the ordinary in a suspicious, perplexing, or ceiling to form a level surface or an air space
quaint, or eccentric way: PECULIAR 4: UNDERHANDED - 'fur.row \'far-o\ n 1 : a trench in the earth made by a plow
funnyadv 2 + : a narrow groove or wrinkle
+ [1, 2] amusing, antic, comic, comical, droll, farcical, + crease, crimp, crinkle, wrinkle - more at WRINKLE
hilarious, humorous, laughable, ludicrous, mirthful, ris- 2furrow vb : to make or form furrows, grooves, wrinkles, or
ible Ant humorless, lame, uncomic, unfunny lines
+ [3) bizarre, curious, odd, peculiar, quaint, queer, fur.ry \'far-e\ adj tur-n-er: -est 1 + : resembling or consist-
quirky, strange, weird
ing of fur 2 + : covered with fur
2funny n, pi funnies: a comic strip or a comic section (as of
a newspaper) + [1] fuzzy, hairy, rough, shaggy, woolly - more at
funny bone n : a place at the back of the elbow where a HAIRY + [2) fleecy, hairy, hirsute, rough, shaggy, un-
blow easily compresses a nerve and causes a painful tin- shorn, woolly - more at HAIRY
gling sensation 'further \'far-!bar\ adv 1 : at or to a greater distance or
fun-plex \'f:m-,pleks\ n : a center containing various enter- more advanced point: FARTHER 2 + : in addition: MORE-
tainment facilities OVER 3: to a greater extent or degree
'fur \'f;lr\ n 1 : an article of clothing made of or with fur + (1) beyond, farther, yonder - more at FARTHER
2 + : the hairy coat of a mammal esp. when fine, soft, and + [2) additionally, again, also, besides, more, moreover,
thick 3 + : an animal's coat dressed for use 4: a coating then, too
resembling fur - fur adj - furred \'f;lrd\ adj 2further vb + : to promote or help advance
+ [2) coat, fleece, hair, pelage, pile, wool; also hide, + advance, cultivate, encourage, forward, foster, nour-
pelt, skin + [3) hide, pelt, skin - more at HIDE ish, nurture, promote - more at FOSTER
2fur abbr furlong 3further adj 1 : FARTHER 1 2 + : going or extending beyond
fur-be-low\'f;lr-b:l-,Io\ n 1 + : a pleated or gathered piece what exists : ADDITIONAL
of material 2: showy trimming + additional, another, else, farther, more, other-
+ flounce, frill, ruffle - more at RUFFLE more at ADDITIONAL
furbish \'f:lr-bish\ vb 1 : to make lustrous: POLISH 2: to fur-ther-ance \'far-ilia-mns\ n + : the act of furthering
give a new look to : RENOVATE + advance, advancement, passage, process, procession,
fu-ri-ous \'fyilr-e-:ls\ adj 1 +: exhibiting or goaded by progress, progression - more at ADVANCE
anger: indicative of or proceeding from anger 2: BOIS- fur-ther-more \'far-ihar-,mor\ adv + : in addition to what
TEROUS 3 + : existing in an extreme degree lNTENSE precedes : BESIDES
4 + : full of activity - fu-ri-ous-lyadv + additionally, again, also, besides, more, too, withal,
+ (1) angry, enraged, irate - more at ANGRY yet
+ [3) deep, ferocious, fierce, hard, heavy, intense, pro- fur-ther-most \-,most\ adj : most distant: FARTHEST
found, terrible - more at INTENSE + [4) crazy, deliri- fur-thest \ 'far-!bast\ adv or adj + : to or at the greatest dis-
ous, excessive, extreme, feverish, fierce, frantic, tance in space: FARTHEST
frenetic, frenzied, inordinate, insane, intense, irrational, extreme, farthest, outermost, ultimate, utmost-
mad, rabid, vehement, violent, wild Ant relaxed more at EXTREME
furl \'f;lrl\ vb 1 : to wrap or roll (as a sail or a flag) close to fur-tive \'far-tiv\ adj [F or L; F furtif, fr. L furtivus, fro fur-
or around something 2: to curl in furls - furl n tum theft, fro fur thief) + : done by stealth - fur-tive-ly
fur.long \'f;lr-,Iol]\ n [ME, fro OE/urlang, fr.furh furrow + adv - fur-tive-ness n
fury 342
clandestine, covert, secret, sneaky, stealthy, surrepti- tention or concern to details or niceties; also: overly dif-
tious, undercover ficult (0 please - fuss-l-ly \-s:l-le\ adv - fuss-i-ness \-se-
fu.ry \'fyur-e\ n, pi furies 1 : intense and often destruc- nasv n
trve rage 2: extreme fierceness or violence 3 : a state [1] crabby, cranky, grouchy, grumpy, querulous;
or {nsp{fM f!Kaltatian : FllCNzr ~ ~ ; one who resembles also fidgety, restive, restless, uneasy; discontented. dis-
an avenging spirit; esp : a spiteful woman gruntled, displeasea, urssarrsrre, fcv<fuJ, ~~~'~~g. '''~r_
[1] anger, furor, indignation, ire, outrage, rage, risome; cantankerous. crotchety, irascible, irritable,
spleen, wrath, wrathfulness - more at ANGER [3] ag- ornery Ant uncomplaining + [3] choosy, dainty, deli-
itation, delirium, distraction, frenzy, furor, hysteria, cate, demanding, exacting, fastidious, finicky, meticu-
rage, rampage, uproar - more at FRENZY [4] harpy, lous, painstaking, particular, picky - more at FINICKY
shrew, termagant, virago - more at SHREW fus-tian \'f:ls-ch:ln\ n 1 : a strong usu, cotton fabric 2: pre-
furze \'f:lrz\ n : GORSE tentious writing or speech - fustian adj
'fuse \'f)'liz\ vb fused; 1 : to reduce to a liquid or fus-ty \'f:ls-te\ adj fus-ti-er; -est [prob. alter. of MEfoisted,
plastic state by heat: MELT 2 : to unite by or as if by foist musty, it.foist wine cask, fr. AF fust.fuist wood, tree
melting together - fusible adj trunk, cask] 1 .: saturated with dust and stale odors
[l] deliquesce, flux, liquefy, melt, run, thaw - more : MUSTY 2: OLD-FASHIONED
at LIQUEFY [2] associate, coalesce, combine, couple, + malodorous, musty, smelly - more at MALODOROUS
join, link, marry, unify, unite - more at UNITE fut abbr future
[2] amalgamate, blend, commingle, merge, mingle - tu-tile \'fyiit-I, 'fyii-,tTI\ adj 1 + : serving no useful pur-
more at MIX pose: USELESS, VAIN 2: FRIVOLOUS, TRIVIAL - fu-tile-ly adv
2fuse n : an electrical safety device having a metal wire or - fu-til-i-ty \fyii-'ti-I:l-te\ n
strip that melts and interrupts the circuit when the cur- + empty, fruitless, hopeless, ineffective, meaningless,
rent becomes too strong pointless, unproductive, unsuccessful, useless, vain Ant
3fuse n 1 : a cord or cable that is set afire to ignite an ex- effective, fruitful, productive, profitable, successful
plosive charge 2 usu fuze : a mechanical or electrical de- fu-ton \'[ii-,tlln\ n [Jp] : a usu. cotton-filled mattress used
vice for setting off the explosive charge of a projectile, on the floor or in a frame as a bed, couch, or chair
bomb, or torpedo
'future \'fyii-ch:lr\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or constituting a
'fuse also fuze \'fyiiz\ vb fused or fuzed; fusing or fuz'ing verb tense that expresses time yet to come 2: coming af-
: to equip with a fuse
ter the present
tu-se-laqe \'fyii-s:l-,lllzh, -zo-v n : the central body portion 2future n 1 : time that is to come 2: what is going to hap-
of an aircraft
pen 3: an expectation of advancement or progressive de-
tu-stl-lade \'fyii-s:l-,llld, -,Hid\ n 1 : a number of shots fired velopment 4: the future tense; also: a verb form in it
simultaneously or in rapid succession 2.: something
that gives the effect of a fusillade + hereafter; also eventuality, finality; posterity Ant past
barrage, bombardment, cannonade, hail, salvo, fu-tur-ism \'fyii-ch:l-,ri-z:lm\ n : a modem movement in art,
shower, storm, volley - more at BARRAGE music, and literature that tries esp. to express the energy
tu-slon \'fyii-zh:ln\ n 1 : the act or process of melting or and activity of mechanical processes
making plastic by heat 2 : union by or as if by melting fu-tur-ist \'fyii-ch:l-rist\ n + : one who studies and predicts
3 : the union of light atomic nuclei to form heavier nuclei the future esp. on the basis of current trends
with the release of huge quantities of energy + augur, diviner, forecaster, fortune-teller, prognosti-
+ [2] admixture, amalgam, blend, combination, com- cator, prophet, seer, soothsayer - more at PROPHET
posite, compound, intermixture, mix, mixture - more fu-tur-Is-tic \,fyii-ch:l-'ris-tik\ adj : of or relating to the fu-
at BLEND ture or to futurism; also: very modern
'fuss \'f:ls\ n 1 : needless bustle or excitement: COMMO- fu-tu-ri-ty \fyil-'tur-:l-te, -'tyilr-\ n, pi-ties 1 : time that is to
TION 2: effusive praise 3 + : a state of agitation 4 + : an come: FUTURE 2: the quality or state of being future 3 pi
act of objecting 5: DISPUTE : future events or prospects
fuze var of FUSE
[l] bother, bustle, commotion, furor, hubbub, hulla-
baloo, pandemonium, stir, tumult, turmoil, uproar- fuzz \'fn\ n : fine light particles or fibers (as of down or
more at COMMOTION [3] dither, fluster, fret, huff, fluff)
lather, pother, stew, tizzy, twitter - more at FRET + down, floss, fluff, fur, lint, nap, pile; also batting
[4] challenge, complaint, demur, expostulation, kick, fuzzy \'f:l-ze\ adj fuzz-i-er: -est 1 : having or resembling
objection, protest, question, remonstrance - more at fuzz 2 : lacking in clarity or definition 3: being or re-
OBJECTION lating to pleasant usu. sentimental emotions <~ feelings>
2fuss vb 1 : to make a fuss 2 a : to give flattering or dot- - fuzz-i-ness \-ze-n:ls\ n
ing attention to b: to pay close or undue attention to [l] furry, hairy, rough, shaggy, woolly - more at
small details 3 : to express annoyance or complaint HAJRY + [2] indefinite, unclear, vague - more at VAGUE
[2a] enthuse, fawn, gush, rave, rhapsodize, slobber fuzzy logic n : a system of logic in which a statement can
- more at GUSH. [3] beef, carp, complain, crab, gripe, be true, false, or any of a continuum of values in between
grouse, moan, squawk fwd abbr forward
fuas-bud-qet \'f:ls-,b:l-j:lt\ n : one who fusses or is fussy FWD abbr front-wheel drive
about trifles FY abbr fiscal year
fussy \'f:l-se\ adj fuss-i-er; -est 1 : nervous or easily up- -fy vb suffix : make: form into <dandifY>
set 2: overly decorated 3 + : requiring or giving close at- FYI abbr for your information
19 \'je\ n, pi g's or gs \'jez\ often cap 1 : the 7th letter of the : a metal hook for holding or lifting heavy fish 2: the spar
English alphabet 2 : a unit of force equal to the force ex- supporting the top of a fore-and-aft sail 3: rough treat-
erted by gravity on a body at rest and used to indicate the ment : ABUSE - gaff vb
force to which a body is subjected when accelerated gaffe \'gaf\ n 1 : a usu. social blunder 2 : a noticeable
3 slang: a sum of $1000 mistake
2g abbr. often cap 1 game 2 gauge 3 good 4 gram 5 grav- [1] familiarity, impropriety, indiscretion - more at
ity IMPROPRJETY [2] blunder, error, fault, flub, fumble,
ga abbr gauge goof, lapse, miscue, misstep, mistake, oversight,
'Ga abbr Georgia screwup, slip, stumble, trip - more at ERROR
2Ga symbol gallium
gaf,fer \'ga-far\ n 1 : an old man 2: a lighting electrician
GA abbr 1 general assembly 2 general average 3 general
on a motion-picture or television set
of the army 4 Georgia
'gag \'gag\ vb gagged; gag-ging 1 : to restrict use of the
gab \'gab\ vb gabbed; gab-bing : to talk in a rapid or
thoughtless manner: CHA1TER - gab n mouth with a gag 2: to prevent from speaking freely
3 : to retch or cause to retch 4: OBSTRUCT, CHOKE
chat, converse, gab, jaw, palaver, patter, prattle, rat-
5 : BALK 6: to make quips - gag-ger n
tle, talk, visit - more at CHAT
gab-arodine \'ga-bar-,den\ n 1 : GABERDINE 1 2: a firm heave, spit up, throw up, vomit - more at VOMIT
durable twilled fabric having diagonal ribs and made of 2gag n 1 : something thrust into the mouth esp, to prevent
various fibers; also: a garment of gabardine speech or outcry 2 : an official check or restraint on free
gab-ble \'ga-bal\ vb gab-bled; gab-bling : to talk fast or speech 3 : a laugh-provoking remark or act 4: PRANK,
babble, chatter, drivel, gibber, jabber, prattle, sputter crack, jest, joke, laugh, pleasantry, quip, sally, wag-
- more at BABBLE gery, wisecrack, witticism - more at JOKE
gab-by \'ga-be\ adj gab-bioer; -est e : pointlessly or annoy- 19age \'gaj\ n 1 : a token of defiance; esp : a glove or cap
ingly talkative: GARRULOUS cast on the ground as a pledge of combat 2 : something
chatty, conversational, garrulous, loquacious, talka- deposited as a pledge of performance : SECURITY
tive - more at TALKATIVE guarantee, guaranty, pawn, pledge, security - more
gaboerodine \'ga-bar-,den\ n 1 : a long loose outer garment at PLEDGE
worn in medieval times and associated esp. with Jews 2gage var of GAUGE
2 : GABARDINE 2 gag-gle \'ga-gal\ n [ME gagyll, fr. gagelen to cackle] 1 : a
gab-fest \'gab-,fest\ n 1 : an informal gathering for general
flock of geese 2: an unorganized group
talk 2 : an extended conversation
gaioety \'ga-a-te\ n, pi -eties 1 : festive activity: MERRY-
chat, chatter, chitchat, gossip, palaver, rap, talk-
MAKlNG 2: MERRIMENT 3 : dressy or showy clothing and
more at CHAT
jewels: FINERY
ga-ble \'ga-bal\ n : the vertical triangular end of a building
formed by the sides of the roof sloping from the ridge [1] conviviality, festivity, jollification, merriment,
merrymaking, revelry - more at MERRYMAKING
down to the eaves - ga-bled \-bald\ adi
Gab-o-nese \,ga-ba-'nez, -'nes\ n : a native or inhabitant of [3] array, best, bravery, caparison, feather, finery,
Gabon - Gabonese adj frippery, full dress, regalia - more at FINERY
gad \'gad\ vb gadoded; gadoding : to be constantly active gai-Iy \'ga-Ie\ adv : in a gay manner
without specific purpose - usu. used with about - gad- cheerfully, happily, heartily, jovially, merrily, mirth-
der n fully; also blithely, breezily, brightly; cheerily, gladly;
usu gad about gallivant, knock, meander, rove, good-naturedly Ant bleakly, cheerlessly, darkly, heavily,
traipse, wander - more at WANDER miserably, morosely, unhappily. exuberantly, jauntily,
gad,about \'ga-da-,baut\ n : a person who flits about in so- sprightly; also friskily, playfully; briskly, crisply;
cial activity breezily Ant dully, inanimately, sluggishly, tardily
gad-fly \'gad-,fli\ n 1 : a fly that bites or harasses livestock flamboyantly, flashily, jauntily, rakishly; also gaudily,
2 : a person who annoys esp. by persistent criticism
loud, loudly; fancily, gallantly, ornately; nattily, neatly,
smartly; conspicuously, luridly, strikingly; splendidly
annoyance, bother, nuisance, persecutor, pest, tease
Ant conservatively, plain, quietly
- more at NUISANCE
19ain \'gan\ n 1 : resources or advantage acquired or in-
gad-get \'ga-jat\ n : an often small mechanical or elec-
tronic device with a practical use but often thought of as creased: PROFIT 2: ACQUISITION, ACCUMULATION 3 : an
a novelty: CONTRIVANCE - gad-get-ry \'ga-ja-tre\ n increase in amount, magnitude, or degree
contraption, contrivance, gimmick, gizmo, jigger; [1] earnings, lucre, net, payoff, proceeds, profit, re-
also implement, instrument, tool, utensil; ingenuity, in- turn - more at PROFIT [3] accretion, addition, aug-
novation, invention; accessory, adjunct; mechanism, mentation, boost, expansion, increase, increment, plus,
trick proliferation, raise, rise, supplement - more at IN-
gad-o-lin'i,um \,ga-da-'Ii-ne-am\ n : a magnetic metallic CREASE
chemical element 2gain vb 1 : to get possession of usu. by effort, merit, or
'Gael \'gal\ n : a Celtic inhabitant of Ireland or Scotland craft: EARN 2: WIN <~ a victory> 3 : to increase in <~
2Gael abbr Gaelic momentum> 4: PERSUADE 5: to arrive at 6: ACHIEVE <~
Gael,ic \'ga-Iik\ adj : of or relating to the Gaels or their strength> 7: to run fast <the watch ~s a minute a day>
languages - Gaelic n 8 : PROFIT 9: INCREASE 10.: to improve in health-
gaff \'gaf\ n 1 : a spear used in taking fish or turtles; also gainoer n
gainful 344
[1] acquire, attain, capture, carry, draw, earn, garner, sive in size or splendor: SPLENDID, STATELY 3 + : full of
get, land, make, obtain, procure, realize, secure, win - energy, animation, or courage : SPIRITED, BRAVE
more at EARN + [3] build, gather, grow, pick up; also 4 + : nobly chivalrous and often self-sacrificing 5; polite
accrue, accumulate, amass; excite, stimulate; enhance, and attentive to women
enrich, maximize; boost, jack (up), mount, step up Ant [3] brave, courageous, dauntless, doughty, fearless,
decrease (in), lose + [10] convalesce, heal, mend, rally, heroic, intrepid, spirited, stalwart, stout, undaunted,
recover, recuperate, snap back - more at CONVALESCE valiant, valorous - more at BRAVE [4] chivalrous,
gain.ful \'gan-f l\ adj. : productive of gain: PROFITABLE great, greathearted, high, high-minded, lofty, lordly,
- adv magnanimous, noble, sublime - more at NOBLE
+ fat, lucrative, profitable, remunerative - more at adv + : in a gallant manner
PROFITABLE + grandly, greatly, heroically, honorably (or hon-
gain.say \,gan-'sa\ vb -said \-'sad, -'sed\; -say-ing; -says ourably), magnanimously, nobly - more at GREATLY
\-'saz, -'sez\ [ME gainsayen, fro gain- against + -sayen to gal.lant.ry \'ga-I:ln-tre\ n, pi -ries 1 archaic : gallant ap-
say] 1 : to declare to be untrue or invalid: DENY 2: to pearance 2: an act of marked courtesy 3: courteous at-
speak against - gainsayoer n tention to a woman 4 + : conspicuous bravery
contradict, deny, disallow, disavow, disclaim, negate, bravery, courage, daring, fearlessness, guts, hardi-
negative, reject, repudiate - more at DENY hood, heart, heroism, nerve, stoutness, valor - more at
gail \'gal\ n : manner of moving on foot; also: a particular COURAGE
pattern or style of such moving - gailoed adj gall.bladoder \'g61-,bla-d:lr\ n : a membranous muscular
gai.ler Vga-t r\ n 1 : a leg covering reaching from the in- sac attached to the liver and serving to store bile
step to ankle, mid-calf, or knee 2: an overshoe with a gal.leoon \'ga-Ie-:ln\ n : a large square-rigged sailing ship
fabric upper 3: an ankle-high shoe with elastic gores in formerly used esp. by the Spanish
the sides gal.le-ria \,ga-I:l-'re-:l\ n [It] : a roofed and usu. glass-en-
'gal \'gal\ n : a young unmarried woman: GIRL closed promenade or court
2gal abbr gallon gallery \'ga-I -re\ n, pl-Ieries 1 : an outdoor balcony; also
Gal abbr Galatians : PORCH, VERANDA 2 : a long narrow passage, apartment, \'ga-I , 'ga-, 'ga-\ n : a festive celebration: FESTIVITY or hall 3: a narrow passage (as one made underground
-galaadj by a miner or through wood by an insect) 4: a room
carnival, celebration, festival, festivity, fete, fiesta, ju- where works of art are exhibited; also: an organization
bilee - more at FESTrvAL dealing in works of art 5 : a balcony in a theater, audito-
ga.lae.lie \g -'Iak-tik\ adj : of or relating to a galaxy rium, or church; esp : the highest one in a theater 6 : the \g:l-'la-sh:lnz\ n : an argumentative letter of St. spectators at a tennis or golf match 7: a photographer's
Paul written to the Christians of Galatia and included as studio - gal.ler.ied \-red\ adj
a book in the New Testament corridor, hall, hallway, passage - more at HALL
gal.axy \'ga-I:lk-se\ n, pi -ax-ies [ME galaxie, galaxias, fro gal.ley \'ga-Ie\ n, pi galleys 1 : a long low ship propelled
LL galaxias, fro Gk, fro gaiakt-, gala milk] 1 often cap esp. by oars and formerly used esp, in the Mediterranean
: MILKY WAY GALAXY - used with the 2: a very large Sea 2 : the kitchen esp. of a ship or airplane 3: a proof
group of stars 3: an assemblage of brilliant or famous of typeset matter esp. in a single column
persons or things Gal.lie \'ga-Iik\ adj : of or relating to Gaul or France
gale \'gal\ n 1 : a strong wind 2 : an emotional outburst gal.!i.mau.fry \,ga-I:l-'m6-fre\ n, pi -fries [MF galimafree
<~s of laughter) stew] : HODGEPODGE
agony, burst, eruption, explosion, fit, flare, flare-up, gall-;n9 \'go-lil)\ : markedly irritating
flash, flush, gush, gust, outburst, paroxysm, spasm, aggravating, annoying, bothersome, frustrating, irk-
storm - more at OUTBURST some, irritating, pesty, vexatious - more at ANNOYlNG
gale-na \g:l-'Ie-n:l\ n : a lustrous bluish gray mineral that gal.!i.nule \'ga-I:l-,niil, -,nyiil\ n : any of several aquatic
consists of the sulfide of lead and is the chief ore of lead birds related to the rails
'gall \'g61\ n 1: BILE 2: something bitter to endure \'ga-Ie-:lm\ n : a bluish white metallic chemical el-
3 + : bitterness of spirit: RANCOR 4 : brazen boldness ement
coupled with impudent assurance and insolence : IMPU- galiivanl \'ga-I -,vant\ vb : to travel, roam, or move
DENCE about for pleasure
[3] animosity, antagonism, antipathy, bitterness, en- gad, knock, maunder, meander, mope, ramble, range,
mity, grudge, hostility, rancor - more at ENMITY roam, rove, traipse, wander - more at WANDER
[4] audacity, brass, brazenness, cheek, chutzpah, ef- gal.lon \'ga-I:ln\ n : a unit of liquid capacity equal to 231
frontery, impudence, nerve, presumption, sauce, sauci- cubic inches or four quarts
ness, temerity - more at EFFRONTERY 'gal.lop \'ga-I:lp\ vb 1 : to go or cause to go at a gallop
2gall n : a skin sore caused by chafing 2 : to run fast - gal.lopoer n
3gall vb 1 : to make or become sore or worn by rubbing dash, jog, run, scamper, sprint, trip - more at RUN
: CHAFE 2 : to provoke impatience, anger, or displeasure
2gallop n 1 : a bounding gait of a quadruped; esp : a fast 3,
in : VEX
beat gait of a horse 2 : a ride or run at a gallop
[1] abrade, chafe, erode, fray, fret, rub, wear - more gal.lows \'ga-Ioz\ n, pi gallows or galolowsoes : a frame usu.
at ABRADE. [2] aggravate, annoy, bother, bug, chafe, of two upright posts and a crosspiece from which crimi-
exasperate, get, grate, irk, irritate, nettle, peeve, perse- nals are hanged; also: the punishment of hanging
cute, pique, put out, rasp, rile, vex - more at IRRITATE gallslone \'g61-,ston\ n : an abnormal concretion occur-
4gall n : an abnormal outgrowth of plant tissue usu. due to ring in the gallbladder or bile passages
parasites gallusoes \'ga-I -S z\ n pi : SUSPENDERS
'gallanl \g:l-'Iant, -'Iant; 'ga-lantv n 1 : a young man of ga.lore \g:l-'Ior\ adj [Ir go leor enough] : amply supplied
fashion 2: a man who shows a marked fondness for the : characterized by, constituting, or existing in plenty
company of women and who is esp. attentive to them ga.losh \ga-'Iash\ n : a high overshoe
3 : one who courts a woman or seeks to marry her: surron galv abbr galvanized
buck, dandy, dude, fop - more at DANDY chiefly Brit var 0/ GALVANIZE
2gallanl \'ga-I:lnt (usual/or 2,3, 4); g:l-'Iant, -'Iant (usual/or \'gal-V:l-,nlz\ vb -nized; 1 : to stimu-
5)\ adj 1 : showy in dress or bearing: SMART 2: impres- late as if by an electric shock 2: to coat (iron or steel)
345 gap
with zinc - gal-va-ni-za-tion \,gal-va-na-'za-sh:m\ n- gam-rna \'ga-ma\ n : the 3d letter of the Greek alphabet -
gal-va-niz-er n - or y
electrify, excite, exhilarate, intoxicate, thrill, titillate, gamma globulin n : a blood protein fraction rich in anti-
tum on - more at THRILL bodies; also: a solution of this from human blood donors
gal-va-nom-e-ter \,gal-va-'na-ma-tar\ n : an instrument for that is given to provide immunity against some infectious
detecting or measuring a small electric current diseases (as measles)
Gam-bi-an \'gam-be-an\ n : a native or inhabitant of Gam- gamma ray n : a photon emitted by a radioactive sub-
bia - Gambianadj stance; also : a high-energyphoton - usu. used in pl.
gam-bit \'gam-bat\ n [It gambetto, lit., act of tripping some- gam-mer\'ga-mar\ n, archaic: an old woman
one, fr. gamba leg) 1 : a chess opening in which a player gam-monVga-manvn, chiefly Brit: a cured ham or side of
risks one or more minor pieces to gain an advantage in bacon
position 2: a calculated move: STRATAGEM gam-ut\'ga-mat\ n : an entire range or series
'gam-ble \'gam-bal\ vb gam-bled; gam-bling 1: to playa range, scale, spectrum, spread, stretch - more at
game for money or property 2 : to bet on an uncertain RANGE
outcome: WAGER 3 : to expose to hazard: VENTURE, gamy or gam-ey \'ga-me\ adj gam-i-er; -est 1 : GAME,
HAZARD PLUCKY 2: having the flavor of game esp. when near
[2) bet, go, lay, stake, wager - more at BET USU tainting 3: SCANDALOUS; also: DISREPUTABLE - gam-i-
gamble on [2) chance, hazard, risk, venture - more at ness v-rne-nas', n
RISK usu gamble with [3) adventure, compromise, 'ganoderVgan-darvn : a male goose
hazard, imperil, jeopardize, menace, risk, venture 2gander n : the act of looking: GLANCE
2gamble n : something chancy cast, eye, glance, glimpse, look, peek, peep, regard,
chance, enterprise, flier, speculation, venture; also sight, view- more at LOOK
bet, hazard, stake, wager; dark horse, long shot, play 'gang \'gal)\ n 1 : a set of implements or devices arranged
gam-bol \'gam-bal\ vb -boled or -balled; -bol-ingor -bol-ling to operate together 2 a : a group of persons working or
associated together b : a group of criminals or young
: to skip about in play: FRISK
caper, cavort, disport, frisk, frolic, lark, rollick, [2a) band, company, crew, outfit, party, squad, team;
romp, sport - more at FROLIC also army, battalion, brigade, corps, troop; force, host,
gambol n : a skipping or leaping about in play posse, stable, troupe; administration, department, help,
gam-breiroof \'gam-bral-\ n : a roof with a lower steeper personnel, staff [2a) circle, clan, clique, coterie,
slope and an upper flatter one on each side crowd, fold, ring, set; also bevy, covey, flock, herd,
'game \'gam\ n 1 : AMUSEMENT, DrVERSION 2 : often deri- horde, mob, swarm, throng; club, college, fellowship,
sive or mocking jesting: SPORT, FUN 3 : a procedure or guild, league, organization, society; cohort, pack; camp,
strategy for gaining an end: SCHEME, PROJECT 4: a line of faction, sect, side, tribe; mess, squad; brotherhood, fra-
work: PROFESSION 5 : a physical or mental competition ternity, order, sisterhood, sorority; commune; alliance,
conducted according to rules with the participants in di- bloc, coalition, confederation, congress, council, feder-
rect opposition to each other : CONTEST 6: animals ation, union. [2b) cabal, conspiracy, mob, ring, syndi-
hunted for sport or food; also: the flesh of a game animal cate - more at RING
[2) fun, jest, play, sport - more at FUN [3) 2gang vb 1 : to attack in a gang - usu. used with up 2: to
arrangement, blueprint, design, plan, project, scheme, form into or move or act as a gang
strategy, system - more at PLAN [5) bout, competi- gang-land \'gal)-,land\ n : the world of organized crime
tion, contest, event, match, meet, tournament; also gan.gling Vgan-glin', adi : loosely and awkwardly built
athletics, sport; battle, conflict, scrimmage, skirmish, : LANKY
struggle, tug-of-war, tussle; championship, final, night- lanky, rangy, spindly - more at LANKY
cap, play-off, semifinal; derby, field day, open; gan.gli-on \'gal)-gle-an\ n, pi -glia\-a\ also -qli-ons : a mass
marathon. race; heat, round, run, set; rally, volley; rub-
ber, runoff, sudden death; dead heat, photo finish, see- of nerve tissue containing cell bodies of neurons outside
saw; classic the central nervous system; also: NUCLEUS 3 - gan.gli-on-
ic \,g8l)-gle-'a-nik\ adi
2game vb gamed; gam-ing: to play for a stake: GAMBLE gan-gly \'gal)-gle\ adj : GANGLING
3game adj : having or showing a resolute unyielding gang-plank\'gal)-,plal)k\ n : a movable bridge from a ship
spirit; also: willing or ready to proceed - game-Iyadv to the shore
amenable, disposed, glad, inclined, ready, willing- gang-plow\-,plau\ n : a plow that turns two or more fur-
more at WILLING rows at one time
'game a4i : LAME (a ~ leg) gan-grene \'gal)-,gren, gan-tgrenv n : the death of soft tis-
game-cock \'gam-,kak\ n : a rooster trained for fighting sues in a local area of the body due to loss of the blood
game fish n : SPORT FISH supply - gangrene vb - gan-gre-nous\'gal)-gra-nas\ adj
game-keep-er\'gam-,ke-par\ n : a person in charge of the gang-ster\'gal)-star\ n : a member of a gang of criminals
breeding and protection of game animals or birds on a : RACKETEER
private preserve bully, goon, hood, hoodlum, mobster, mug, punk,
game-ness n : the state or quality of being game rowdy, ruffian, thug, tough - more at HOODLUM
alacrity, goodwill, willingness - more at ALACRITY gang-way\'g8l)-,wa\ n 1 : PASSAGEWAY; also: GANGPLANK
game-some\'gam-sam\ adj : MERRY 2 : clear passage through a crowd
game-ster \'gam-star\ n : a person who gambles gan-net \'ga-nat\ n, pi gannets also gannet: any of several
gam-ete \'ga-,met\ n : a mature germ cell - ga-met-ic \ga- large fish-eating usu. white and black seabirds that breed
'me-tik\ adj chiefly on offshore islands
game theory n : the analysis of a situation involving con- gantlet var of GAUNTLET
flicting interests (as in business) in terms of gains and gan-try \'gan-tre\ n, pi gantries: a frame structure on side
losses among opposing players supports over or around something
gam-inVga-manvn [F) 1 : a boy who hangs around on the GAOabbr General Accounting Office
streets 2: GAMINE 2 gaol \'jal\, gaol-er \'ja-Iar\ chieflyBrit var of JAIL, jailer
ga-mine \ga-'men\ n 1: a girl who hangs around on the gap \'gap\ n 1: BREACH, CLEFT 2 : a mountain pass
streets 2: a small playfully mischievous girl 3 : a blank space; also: an incomplete or deficient area
gape 346
4 : a wide difference in character or attitude 5: a prob- sively or disturbingly vivid 2.: tastelessly showy
lem caused by a disparity (credibility _) : FLASHY, GAUDY
[2) canyon, defile, flume, gorge, gulch, notch, pass, flamboyant, flashy, gaudy, glitzy, loud, ostentatious,
ravine - more at CANYON [3) breach, break, gulf, swank, tawdry - more at GAUDY
hole, opening, rent, rift, separation; also chink, cleft, gar.ish.ness n : the quality or state of being garish
crack, cranny, crevice, fissure; notch, slit, slot, split; ' \'gar-Iand\ n : WREATH, CHAPLET
pore, space; abyss, aperture, cavity, chasm, gape, ori- 2garland vb : to form into or deck with a garland
fice; fracture, rupture, severance, sundering [3) dis- gar.lie \'gar-lik\ n [ME garlek, fro OE giirleac; fro gar spear
continuity, hiatus, interim, interlude, intermission, in- + leac leek) : an herb related to the lilies and grown for its
terruption, interval; also caesura, pause, space; lapse, pungent bulbs used in cooking; also: its bulb - gar.lieky
suspension; lull, recess, respite, rest Ant continuation, \-li-ke\ adi
continuity garment \'gar-mant\ n : an article of clothing
gape \'gap\ vb gaped; gap-ing 1 : to open the mouth wide gar.ner Vgar-narv vb 1 : to gather into storage 2 : to ac-
2 : to open or part widely 3 : to stare with mouth open quire by effort 3 : to pick up : ACCUMULATE, COLLECf
4: YAWN - gape n [2) acquire, attain, capture, carry, draw, earn, gain,
gawk, gaze, goggle, peer, rubberneck, stare; also get, land, make, obtain, procure, realize, secure, win -
glare, gloat, glower; eye, observe, watch; leer, ogle more at EARN [3) accumulate, amass, assemble, col-
'gar \'gar\ n : any of several fishes that have a long body re- lect, concentrate, gather, group, lump, pick up, round
sembling that of a pike and long narrow jaws up, scrape - more at GATHER
2gar abbr garage garnet \'gar-nat\ n [ME gernet, fro AF gernete, fro gernet,
GAR abbr Grand Army of the Republic dark red, fro pume gernete pomegranate) : a transparent
'ga.rage \ga-'riizh, -'raj\ n [F, act of docking, garage, fro deep red mineral sometimes used as a gem
garer to dock, fro MF garrer, prob, ultim. fro ON vara to 'gar.nish \'gar-nish\ vb 1 : to furnish with something or-
beware, take care) : a shelter or repair shop for automo- namental : DECORATE, EMBELLISH 2: to add decorative or
biles savory touches to (food) 3: GARNISHEE
2garage vb garaged; : to keep or put in a garage
adorn, array, beautify, bedeck, deck, decorate, do,
garage sale n : a sale of used household or personal arti- dress, embellish, enrich, grace, ornament, trim - more
cles held on the seller's own premises at DECORATE
'garb \'garb\ n 1 : style of dress 2: outward form: AP-
2garnish n 1 .: something that lends grace or beauty
2 : something (as lemon wedges or parsley) used to gar-
dress, getup, guise, outfit - more at OlITFIT nish food or drink
2garb vb : to cover with or as if with clothing adornment, caparison, decoration, embellishment,
apparel, array, attire, caparison, clothe, deck, dress, frill, ornament, trim - more at DECORATION
invest, rig, suit - more at CLOTHE gar.nish-ee \,gar-na-'she\ vb -eed; -ee-ing 1 : to serve with
gar.bage \'gar-bij\ n 1 : food waste 2 : unwanted or use- a garnishment 2: to take (as a debtor's wages) by legal
less material- gar.bage-man \-,man\ n authority
chaff, deadwood, dust, junk, litter, refuse, riffraff, gar.nish.ment \'gar-nish-mant\ n 1 : GARNISH 2: a legal
rubbish, scrap, trash, waste; also offal, sewage, slop, warning concerning the attachment of property to satisfy
swill, wash; debris, detritus, rubble, ruins; odds and a debt; also: the attachment of such property
ends; flotsam, jetsam; cull, discard, reject, throwaway v-nt-chor, -,chilr\ n : EMBELLISHMENT, TRIMMING
Ant find, prize garret \'gar-at\ n : the part of a house just under the roof
gar.ble \'gar-bal\ vb garbled; gar.bllng : to distort the : ATTIC
meaning of (- a story) gar.ri.son \'gar-a-san\ n [ME garisoun protection, fro AF
color (or colour), distort, falsify, misinterpret, mis- garisun healing, protection, fro garir to heal, protect, of
represent, misstate, pervert, twist, warp; also belie, cam- Gmc origin) 1 : a military post; esp : a permanent military
ouflage, disguise, mask, veil; complicate, confound, installation 2: the troops stationed at a garrison - garri-
confuse, mix up; mystify, obscure, puzzle; equivocate, son vb
fib, lie, palter, prevaricate garrison state n : a state organized on a primarily military
gar~on \gar-'so"\ n, pi garyons \same or -'so"z\ [F, boy, basis
servant) : WAITER 'garrote or garotte \ga-'rat, -'rot\ n [Sp ga"Ole) 1: a
'garoden \'gar-d'n\ n 1 : a plot for growing fruits, flowers, method of execution by strangulation; also: the appara-
or vegetables 2: a public recreation area; esp : one for tus used 2: an implement (as a wire with handles) for
displaying plants or animals strangulation
2garden vb : to layout or work in a garden - garoden-er n 2garrote or garotte vb : to strangle with or as if with a gar-
garode-nia\gar-'de-nya\ n [NL, genus name, fro Alexander rote
Garden t1791 Scot. naturalist) : any of a genus of tropical choke, strangle, throttle - more at CHOKE
trees or shrubs that are related to the madder and have
fragant white or yellow flowers; also: one of these trees gar.rulous Vgar-c-Iosv adj 1 : WORDY 2 : pointlessly or
garden-variety adj : COMMONPLACE, ORDINARY annoyingly talkative - \ga-'rii-Ia-te\ n - gar- \'gar-,fish\ n : GAR ru-lous-Iyadv - garrulousness n
garogan.tuan \giir-'gan-cha-wan\ adj. often cap .: of chatty, conversational, gabby, loquacious, talkative
tremendous size or volume - more at TALKATIVE
colossal, enormous, giant, ginormous, huge, jumbo, garter \'gar-tar\ n : a band or strap worn to hold up a
mammoth, massive, prodigious, titanic, tremendous - stocking or sock
more at HUGE garter snake n : any of a genus of harmless American
garogle \'gar-gal\ vb garogled; garogling : to rinse the throat snakes with longitudinal stripes on the back
with liquid agitated by air forced through it from the 'gas \'gas\ n, pi gas-es also gasses [NL, alter. of L chaos
lungs - gargle n space, chaos) 1 : a fluid (as hydrogen or air) that tends to
garogoyle\'gar-,g6(-a)il\ n 1 : a waterspout in the form of expand indefinitely 2: a gas or mixture of gases used as
a grotesque human or animal figure projecting from the a fuel or anesthetic 3: a substance that can be used to
roof or eaves of a building 2: a grotesquely carved figure produce a poisonous, asphyxiating, or irritant atmo-
gar.ish \'gar-ish\ adj 1 : clothed in vivid colors: exces- sphere 4: GASOLINE 5 : empty talk
347 gauging

bombast, grandiloquence, hot air, rhetoric, wind- access, admission, doorway, entrance, entry, entree
more at RHETORIC - more at ENTRANCE
2gas vb gassed; gas.sing 1 : to treat with gas; also: to poi- 'gathoer \'ga-tb::>r\ vb 1 : to bring or come together: COL-
son with gas 2: to fill with gasoline <~ up the car) 3: to LECT 2 : to bring in a crop: PICK, HARVEST 3 : to pick
talk idly or garrulously up little by little 4: to gain or win by gradual increase
gasoeous Vga-se-os, -shasv adj 1 : having the form of or be- <~
: ACCUMULATE speed) 5: to summon up <~ courage
ing gas 2 : characterized by many words but little con- to dive) 6: to draw about or close to something 7: to
tent pull (fabric) along a line of stitching into puckers 8 : to
bombastic, grandiloquent, oratorical, rhetorical, reach a conclusion often intuitively from hints or
windy - more at RHETORICAL through inferences: DEDUCE, INFER 9: ASSEMBLE 10: to
'gash \'gash\ n : a deep long cut swell out and fill with pus 11 : GROW, INCREASE - gathoer-
laceration, rent, rip, slash, slit, tear; also abrasion, er n
score, scrape, scratch; injury, wound [1] accumulate, amass, assemble, collect, concen-
2gash vb : to make a gash in trate, garner, group, lump, pick up, round up, scrape;
gas.ket \'gas-k::>t\ n : material (as rubber) or a part used to also aggregate, agglomerate, ball, bunch, cluster, hud-
seal a joint dle; heap, pile, stack; muster, raise, rally; flock, herd,
gas.light \'gas-,Iit\ n 1 : light made by burning illuminat- hive, pack, press, swarm, throng, troop; congregate, for-
ing gas 2: a gas flame; also: a gas lighting fixture gather, meet, rendezvous; affiliate, ally, combine, con-
gas mask n : a mask with a chemical air filter used to pro- nect, join, link, merge, unite; arrange, organize, system-
tect the face and lungs against poison gas atize; regather, regroup Ant dispel, disperse, dissipate,
gasoOoline \'ga-s::>-,len, ,ga-s::>-'Ien\ n : a flammable liquid scatter. [l] assemble, congregate, convene, forgather,
mixture made from petroleum and used esp. as a motor meet, rendezvous - more at ASSEMBLE [2) harvest,
fuel pick, reap - more at HARVEST [3) build, gain, grow,
gasp \'gasp\ vb 1 : to catch the breath audibly (as with pick up - more at GAIN [8) conclude, deduce, ex-
shock) 2 : to breathe laboriously: PANT 3: to utter in
trapolate, infer, judge, reason, understand - more at
a gasping manner - gasp n
2gather n : a puckering in cloth made by gathering
blow, pant, puff, wheeze; also choke, gulp, huff; ex-
gathering n 1 : a company of persons gathered for de-
hale, expire
liberation and legislation, worship, or entertainment
gas.tric \'gas-trik\ adj : of or relating to the stomach
2 : something compiled
gastric juice n : the acid digestive secretion of the stomach
gas.tri.tis \gas-'tri-t::>s\ n : inflammation of the lining of the (1) assemblage, assembly, conference, congregation,
stomach convocation, meeting, muster; also aggregation, collec-
gastrooenteroOl-oogy \,gas-tro-,en-t::>-'ra-I::>-je\ n : a branch tion, conglomeration; company, coterie, gang, pack;
of medicine concerned with the structure, functions, and caucus, forum, market, panel, rally, symposium, synod;
diseases of the stomach and intestines - gas.trooenteroOl- crowd, flock, horde, legion, multitude, press, swarm,
throng; crush, mob, rabble [2) accumulation, assem-
o-qlst \-jist\ n
blage, collection - more at ACCUMULATION
gas.tro-in.tes.ti.nal \,gas-tro-in-'tes-t::>n-'I\ adj : of, relating
to, affecting, or including both the stomach and intestine GATT \'gat\ abbr General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
gauche \'gosh\ adj [F, lit., left) 1 : lacking social experi-
<~ <-
tract) distress)
ence or grace; also: not tactful 2: crudely made or done
gastronoOomy \gas-'tra-n::>-me\ n [F gastronomie, fro Gk
Gastronomia, title of a 4th cent. B.C. poem, fr. gaster belly awkward, clumsy, graceless, inelegant, stiff, stilted,
+ -nomia system of laws] : the art of good eating - gas- uncomfortable, uneasy, ungraceful, wooden - more at
tro-nom-lc \,gas-tr::>-'na-mik\ also gas.tro-nom.ioeal \-mi- AWKWARD
k::>l\ adj gauoeheorie \,go-sh,,-'re\ n : a tactless or awkward action
gas.lro-pod \'gas-tr<l-,pad\ n : any of a large class of mol- gauoeho Vgau-cho', n, pi gauchos : a cowboy of the So.
lusks (as snails and slugs) with a muscular foot and a spi- American pampas
ral shell or none - gastropod adj gaud \'god\ n : a small ornament (as a jewel or ring) \'gas-,w::>rks\ n sing or pi : a plant for manufac- gaudi.ness \-de-n::>s\ n : the quality or state of being
turing gas gaudy
gate \'gat\ n 1 : an opening for passage in a wall or fence flamboyance, flashiness, glitz, ostentation, preten-
2 : a city or castle entrance often with defensive struc- tiousness, showiness, swank - more at OSTENTATIO
tures 3: the frame or door that closes a gate 4 : a de- gaudy \'go-de\ adj gaud.ioer; -est 1 : ostentatiously or
vice (as a valve) for controlling the passage of a fluid or tastelessly ornamented 2: marked by showiness or ex-
signal 5: the total admission receipts or the number of travagance - \-d::>-Ie\ adv
people at an event flamboyant, flashy, garish, glitzy, loud, ostentatious,
[l] door, hatch, portal- more at DOOR [l] door, swank, tawdry; also meretricious, pretentious; grace-
doorway, entrance, way - more at DOOR [4] cock, less, inelegant, tacky, tasteless, vulgar; extravagant,
faucet, spigot, tap, valve - more at FAUCET fancy, florid, glittery, spectacular; lurid, ornate, over-
-gate \,gat\ n comb form [Watergate, scandal that resulted done, overwrought Ant conservative, quiet, understated
in the resignation of President Richard Nixon in 1974] 'gauge also gage \'gaj\ n 1: measurement according to
: usu. political scandal often involving the concealment of some standard or system 2: DIMENSIONS, SIZE 3 usu gage
wrongdoing : an instrument for measuring, testing, or registering
gate-crashoer \'gat-,kra-sh::>r\ n : a person who enters with- 2gauge also gage vb gauged also gaged; also gag-
out paying admission or attends without invitation ing 1 : to measure precisely the size, dimensions, or
gate-keepoer \-,ke-p::>r\ n : a person who tends or guards other measurable quantity of 2 : to determine the capac-
a gate ity or contents of 3 : to determine roughly the size, ex-
doorkeeper, janitor - more at DOORKEEPER tent, or nature of : ESTIMATE, JUDGE
gate-post \-,post\ n : the post to which a gate is hung or the [l) measure, scale, span - more at MEASURE [3)
one against which it closes calculate, call, conjecture, estimate, figure, guess,
gate-way \-,wa\ n 1 : an opening for a gate 2 : a means judge, make, place, put, reckon, suppose - more at ES-
of entrance or exit TIMATE
gaunt 348
gaunt \'gont\ adj 1 .: excessively thin and angular accoutrements (or accouterments), apparatus, equip-
2 : BARREN, DESOLATE - gauntness n ment, materiel, outfit, paraphernalia, tackle - more at
cadaverous, haggard, skeletal, wasted EQUIPMENT
'gaunt.let \'gont-Iat\ n 1 : a protective glove 2: an open \'gir-,biiks\ n : TRANSMISSION 3
challenge (as to combat) 3: a dress glove extending gear.shift \-,shift\ n : a mechanism by which transmission
above the wrist gears are shifted
2gauntlet n 1 : a severe trial: ORDEAL 2: a double file of gear.wheel \-,hwel\ n : GEAR 5
men armed with weapons (as clubs) with which to strike gecko \'ge-k6\ n, pi geck-os also geck-oes : any of numer-
at an individual who is made to run between them ous small chiefly tropical insect-eating lizards
GEO abbr 1 General Educational Development (tests)
cross, ordeal, trial - more at TRIAL 2 general equivalency diploma
gauze \'goz\ n : a very thin often transparent fabric used geek \'gek\ n : a person of an intellectual bent who is of-
esp, for draperies and surgical dressings ten disliked - geeky adj
gauzy adj gauz.ioer; -est : made of or resembling gauze; geese pi oj GOOSE
also: marked by vagueness, elusiveness, or fuzziness gee-zer \'ge-zar\ n : an odd or eccentric person usu. of old
flimsy, insubstantial, sheer, unsubstantial- more at age
FLIMSY Geioger counter \'gl-gar-\ n : an electronic instrument for
gave past oj crvs detecting the presence of cosmic rays or radioactive sub-
gavoel \'ga-val\ n : the mallet of a presiding officer or auc- stances
tioneer gei.sha \'ga-sha, 'ge-\ n, pi geisha or geishas [Jp, fr. gei art
gavotte \ga-'viit\ n : a dance of French peasant origin + osha person] : a Japanese girl or woman who is trained
marked by the raising rather than sliding of the feet to provide entertaining company for men
gawk \'gok\ vb : to gape or stare stupidly - gawkoer n 'gel \'jel\ n : a solid jellylike colloid (as gelatin dessert)
gape, gaze, goggle, peer, rubberneck, stare - more at 2gel vb : to change into or take on the form of a gel
GAPE clot, coagulate, congeal, jell, set - more at COAGU-
gawky \'go-ke\ adj gawk.ioer; -est e : lacking ease or grace LATE
(as of movement or expression) : AWKWARD, CLUMSY- gel.a.tin also gelatine \'je-Iat-'n\ n : glutinous material \-ka-Ie\ adv and esp, protein obtained from animal tissues by boiling
awkward, clumsy, graceless, heavy-handed, lubberly, and used as a food, in dyeing, and in photography; also
lumpish, ungainly, unhandy - more at CLUMSY : an edible jelly formed with gelatin
gay \'ga\ adj 1 : happily excited: MERRY 2 : bright and ge-Iat.i.nous \ja-'Iat-n-as\ adj : resembling gelatin or
lively in appearance 3: brilliant in color 4: given to so-
cial pleasures; also: LICENTIOUS 5 : HOMOSEXUAL; also : of, adhesive, gluey, glutinous, gooey, gummy, sticky, vis-
relating to, or used by homosexuals cid, viscous - more at STICKY
geld \'geld\ vb : CASTRATE
[I] active, animate, animated, brisk, energetic, frisky,
jaunty, jazzy, lively, peppy, perky, pert, racy, snappy, n : a castrated male horse \,je-Iad\ adi : extremely cold
spirited, sprightly, springy, vital, vivacious - more at
LIVELY. [I] blithe, boon, festive, gleeful, jocund, jolly,
gem \'jem\ n 1 : a usu. valuable stone cut and polished
for ornament 2 : something valued for beauty or per-
jovial, merry, mirthful, sunny - more at MERRY
[2] bright, cheerful, cheery, glad, upbeat - more at
CHEERFUL [I] brilliant, gemstone, jewel; also birthstone; baguette,
gayety, gayly var oj GAIETY, gaily cameo, scarab. solitaire; paste, rhinestone, zircon
gaz abbr gazette [2] catch, jewel, pearl, plum, prize, treasure - more at
gaze \'giiz\ vb gazed; : to fix the eyes in a steady
intent look - gaze n - gazoer n \'je-ma-(,)ne, -,nl; 'ge-ma-,ne\ n 1 : a zodiacal
constellation between Taurus and Cancer usu. pictured
gape, gawk, goggle, peer, rubberneck, stare - more
as twins sitting together 2 : the 3d sign of the zodiac in as-
trology; also : one born under this sign
gaze-bo \ga-'ze-b6\ n, pi -bos 1 : BELVEDERE 2: a free- gem-ol-oogy or gemmol-oogy \je-'mii-Ia-je, ja-\ n : the sci-
standing roofed structure usu. open on the sides ence of gems - gem-olog.i-cal \,je-ma-'I1i-ji-kal\ a4j-
ga.zelle \ga-'zel\ n, pi gazelles also gazelle: any of numer- gem-ol-oogist also gem.moloOogist\je-'mii-Ia-jist\ n
ous small swift graceful antelopes gemstone \'jem-,st6n\ n : a mineral or petrified material
ga,zette \ga-'zet\ n 1 : NEWSPAPER 2: an official journal that when cut and polished can be used in jewelry
gazoetteer \,ga-za-'tir\ n : a geographical dictionary gen abbr 1 general 2 genitive
ga.zil.lion \ga-'zn-yan\ n : ZILLION - gazillion adj - ga,zil- Gen abbr Genesis
lionth \-yanth\ adj Gen AF abbr general of the air force
gazpa-cho \gaz-'pii-(,)ch6, ga-'sp1i-\ n, pi -chos [Sp] : a genodarme \'zhan-,diirm, 'jan-\ n [p, intended as sing. of
spicy soup usu. made from raw vegetables and served gensdarmes, pl. of gent d'armes, lit., armed people] : a
cold member of a body of soldiers esp. in France serving as an
GB abbr Great Britain armed police force
GCA abbr ground-controlled approach genoder \'jen-dar\ n [ME gendre, fro AF genre, gendre, fr. L
gd abbr good gener-, genus birth, race, kind, gender] 1 : any of two or
Gd symbol gadolinium more divisions within a grammatical class that determine
GOR abbr German Democratic Republic agreement with and selection of other words or gram-
Ge symbol germanium matical forms 2: SEX 1
gear \'gir\ n 1 : CLOTHING 2: movable property: GOODS gene \'jen\ n : a part of DNA or RNA that contains chem-
3 : the implements used in an operation or activity ical information needed to make a particular protein (as
: EQUIPMENT (fishing -> 4: a mechanism that per- an enzyme) controlling or influencing an inherited bodily
forms a specific function (steering -> 5: a toothed trait (as eye color) or activity or that influences or con-
wheel 6: working adjustment of gears (in -> 7: an ad- trols the activity of another gene or genes - gen.ic \'je-
justment of transmission gears (as of an automobile or bi- nik, 'je-\ adj
cycle) that determines speed and direction of travel- geoneoal-oogy\,je-ne-'1i-la-je, ,je-, -'a-\ n, pi -gies : an an-
gear vb cestral line: PEDIGREE, LINEAGE; also: the study of family
349 genetics

pedigrees - geoneoa.log.i-cal \Je-ne-a-'la-ji-kal, Je-\ adj create, engender, induce, make, produce, spawn; also
- \-k(a- )le\ adv - geoneoal-o-gist \Je- begin, establish, father, found, inaugurate, initiate, in-
ne-'a-la-jist, Je-; -'a-\ n stitute, introduce, set, set up; bring about, effect; con-
coct, contrive, cook (up), design, devise, fabricate,
ancestry, birth, blood, bloodline, breeding, descent,
extraction, family tree, line, lineage, origin, parentage, hatch, make up
pedigree, stock, strain - more at ANCESTRY gen-er-a.tion \Je-na-'ra-shan\ n 1 : a body of living beings
constituting a single step in the line of descent from an
genera pI of GENUS
ancestor; also : the average period between generations
' \'je-na-ral, 'jen-ral\ adj 1 : of or relating to the
whole 2: taken as a whole 3: relating to or covering all
Generation X n : the generation of Americans born in the
instances 4 : not special or specialized 5 : common
1960s and 1970s
to many <a - custom> 6: not limited in meaning: not
gen-er.a.tive \'je-na-ra-tiv, -,ra-tiv\ adj : having the power
specific 7: holding superior rank <inspector -> or function of generating, originating, producing, or re-
[1] blanket, common, generic, global, overall, univer- producing <- organs>
sal; also broad, collective, comprehensive, extensive, gen-er.a.tor \'je-na-,ra-tar\ n 1 : one that generates 2: a
pervasive, sweeping, ubiquitous, wholesale, wide, wide- machine by which mechanical energy is changed into
spread; complete, full, plenary; planetary, worldwide electrical energy
Ant individual, particular [4] broad, nonspecific, geoneric \ia-'ner-ik\ adj 1 .: not specific : GENERAL
overall, unlimited, wide; also comprehensive, inclusive; 2 : not protected by a trademark <a - drug> 3: of or re-
absolute, boundless, expansive, extensive, infinite, lating to a biological genus - generiC n -
panoramic, sweeping, vast; indeterminate, nebulous,
\-i-k(a- )le\ adv
nondescript, vague; nonspecific, unrestricted, unspeci-
fied Ant delineated, detailed, particularized, specific blanket, common, general, global, overall, universal
- more at GENERAL
[5] characteristic, common, communal, contempo-
rary, current, dominant, everyday, familiar, household, gen-eroos.i.ty \Je-na-'ra-sa-te\ n 1 : the quality or fact of
popular, predominant, present, public, rife, typical, uni- being generous 2: a generous act
versal, usual, well-known, widespread Ant uncommon, bounty, liberality, philanthropy, unselfishness-
unpopular more at LIBERALITY
2general n 1 : something that involves or is applicable to gen-eroous \'je-na-ras\ adj 1 : free in giving or sharing
the whole 2: a commissioned officer ranking next below 2 : HIGH-MTNDED, NOBLE 3 : marked by abundance or
a general of the army or a general of the air force 3: a ample proportions: COPIOUS - gen-eroousness n
commissioned officer of the highest rank in the marine [1] bountiful, charitable, free, liberal, munificent,
corps - in general: for the most part openhanded, unselfish, unsparing; also extravagant,
general assembly n 1 : a legislative assembly; esp : a U.S. handsome, lavish, profuse, unstinting; altruistic, benefi-
state legislature 2 cap G&A : the supreme deliberative cent, benevolent, hospitable, humanitarian, philan-
body of the United Nations thropic; compassionate, good-hearted, greathearted,, chiefly Brit var of GENERAL- kindly, magnanimous Ant cheap, close, closefisted,
miserly, niggardly, parsimonious, penurious, selfish,
IZATION, generalize
stingy, tight, tightfisted, uncharitable [3] abundant, \Je-na-ra-'li-sa-,m6\ n, pl -mos [It, fr.
ample, bountiful, comfortable, copious, liberal, plenti-
generale general] : the chief commander of an army ful- more at PLENTIFUL \Je-na-'ra-Ia-te\ n, t -ties 1 : the quality or \'je-na-ras-le\ adv : in a generous manner
state of being general 2: a general statement, law, prin-
ciple, or proposition: GENERALIZATION 2 3: a vague or in- bountifully, handsomely, liberally, well- more at
adequate statement 4 : the greatest part: BULK
genoe-sis \'je-na-sas\ n, pI -eoses \-,sez\ : the origin or
body, bulk, core, main, mass, staple, weight - more coming into existence of something
beginning, birth, commencement, dawn, launch, \Je-na-ra-la-'za-shan, Jen-ra-\ n 1 : the
morning, onset, outset, start, threshold - more at BE-
act or process of generalizing 2: a general statement, law, GTNNTNG
principle, or proposition Genesis n : the mainly narrative first book of canonical \'je-na-ra-Hz, 'jen-ra-\ vb -ized; 1 : to Jewish and Christian Scriptures
make general 2: to draw general conclusions from 3: to \-,spli-sil)\ n : the process of preparing re-
reach a general conclusion esp. on the basis of particular combinant DNA
instances 4: to extend throughout the body gene therapy n : the insertion of normal or altered genes \'jen-ra-le, 'je-na-\ adv 1 : in a general manner into cells usu. to replace defective genes esp. in the treat-
2. : as a rule ment of genetic disorders
commonly, ordinarily, typically, usu. - more at NAT- geonet.ic \ia-'ne-tik\ adj 1 : of or relating to the origin, de-
URALLY altogether, basically, chiefly, largely, mainly, velopment, or causes of something 2 a : of or relating to
mostly, overall, predominantly, primarily, principally genetics b : of, relating to, caused by, or controlled by
- more at CHIEFLY genes - \-ti-k(a-)le\ adv
general of the air force : a commissioned officer of the hereditary, heritable, inborn, inherited - more at
highest rank in the air force HEREDITARY
general of the army: a commissioned officer of the highest genetiC code n : the chemical code that is the basis of ge-
rank in the army netic inheritance and consists of units of three linked
general practitioner n : a physician or veterinarian whose chemical groups in DNA and RNA which specify partic-
practice is not limited to a specialty ular amino acids used to make proteins or which start or \'je-na-ral-,ship, 'jen-ral-\ n 1: office or stop the process of making proteins
tenure of office of a general 2: LEADERSHIP 3: military genetic engineering n : the alteration of genetic material
skill as a high commander esp. by cutting up and joining together DNA from one or
general store n : a retail store that carries a wide variety of more species of organism and inserting the result into an
goods but is not divided into departments organism - genetically engineered adj
gen-er.ate \'je-na-,rat\ vb -at-ed; -at-lnq : to bring into ex- \ia-'ne-tiks\ n : a branch of biology dealing with
istence : PRODUCE heredity and variation - x-ta-ststv n
genial 350
ge-nial \'je-nyal, 'je-ne-al\ adi 1 : favorable to growth or buck, chap, dude, fellow, gentleman, guy, hombre,
comfort (--- sunshine) 2 : marked by or diffusing sym- jack, joker, lad, male, man - more at MAN
pathy or friendliness (a --- host) - adv gen.teel \jen-'tel\ adj 1 : having an aristocratic quality
affable, agreeable, amiable, good-natured, gracious, or flavor; also: of or relating to the gentry or upper class
nice, sweet, well-disposed - more at AMIABLE amica- 2 : ELEGANT, STYLISH 3 : free from vulgarity or rudeness
ble, companionable, comradely, cordial, friendly, : POLITE 4: maintaining the appearance of superior social
hearty, hospitable, neighborly, sociable, warm, warm- status 5: marked by false delicacy, prudery, or affecta-
hearted - more at FRIENDLY tion - genteelly adv - gen.teel.ness n
ge-nial.i.ty \Je-ne-'a-la-te, jen-'ya-\ n : the quality of be- [I] aristocratic, gentle, grand, highborn, noble, patri-
ing genial; esp : warmth of disposition and manners cian, wellborn - more at NOBLE [I] civilized, culti-
agreeableness, amenity, amiability, graciousness, vated, cultured, polished, refined - more at CULTI-
niceness, pleasantness, sweetness - more at AMIABILITY VATED. [3] civil, courteous, gracious, mannerly, polite,
-gen.ic \'je-nik\ adj comb form 1 : producing : forming well-bred - more at POLITE. [3] correct, decent, deco-
2 : produced by : formed from 3: suitable for production rous, nice, polite, proper, respectable, seemly - more
or reproduction by (such) a medium at PROPER
ge-nie \'je-ne\ n, pi ge-nies also ge-nii \-ne-,i\ [F genie, fro gen.tian \'jen-chan\ n : any of numerous herbs with oppo-
Ar jinniy] : a supernatural spirit that often takes human site leaves and showy usu. blue flowers in the fall
form usu. serving the person who calls on it gen.tile \'jen-,ti(-a)l\ n [ME, fro LL gentilis heathen, pagan,
gen.i.tal \'je-n:l-tOl\ adj 1 : concerned with reproduction fr. Lgent-, gens clan, nation] 1 often cap: a person who is
(--- organs) 2: of, relating to, or characterized by the not Jewish; esp : a Christian as distinguished from a Jew
stage of psychosexual development in psychoanalytic the- 2 : a person who does not acknowledge the God of the
ory in which oral and anal impulses are subordinated to Bible: HEATHEN, PAGAN - gentile adj. often cap
adaptive interpersonal mechanisms - adv gen.til.j.ty \jen-'ti-la-te\ n, pi -ties 1 : good birth and fam-
gen.i.ta.lia \Je-na-'tal-ya\ n pi : reproductive organs; esp ily 2 : the qualities characteristic of a well-bred person
: the external genital organs - gen.i.ta.lic \-'ta-lik, -'ta-\ 3 : good manners 4: superior social status shown in man-
ac(j ners or mode of life
gen.i.tals \'je-na-tlz\ n pl : GENITALIA civility, courtesy, graciousness, mannerliness, polite-
gen.i.tive \'je-na-tiv\ adi : of, relating to, or constituting a ness - more at POLITENESS
grammatical case marking typically a relationship of pos- 'gen.tle \'jen-r-l\ adj gen.tler \'jent-lar, -1"I-ar\; gen.tlest
sessor or source - genitive n \'jent-last, -1"I-ast\ 1 : belonging to a family of high so- \Je-na-to-'yiJr-a-,ner-e\ adj : of or relating cial station 2: of, relating to, or characteristic of a gen-
to the genital and urinary organs or functions tleman 3: KIND, AMIABLE 4: TRACTABLE, DOCILE 5 : not
ge-nius \'je-nyas\ n, pi ge-nius-es or ge-nii \-ne-,i\ [L, tute- harsh, stern, or violent 6: SOFT, DELICATE 7 : marked
lary spirit, natural inclinations, fro gignere to beget] 1 pi by moderation : MODERATE - gen.tle-ness n - gen.tly
genii: an attendant spirit of a person or place; also: a per- adv
son who influences another for good or evil 2 : a strong
[I] aristocratic, genteel, grand, highborn, noble, pa-
leaning or inclination 3 : a peculiar or distinctive char-
trician, wellborn - more at NOBLE. [5] balmy, benign,
acter or spirit (as of a nation or a language) 4 pi usu genii
bland, delicate, light, mellow, mild, soft, soothing, ten-
: SPIRIT, GENIE 5 pi usu geniuses : a single strongly
der; also sleek, slick, smooth; calm, pacific, peaceful,
marked capacity or aptitude 6 a : extraordinary intellec-
placid, quiet, serene, tranquil; clement, compassionate,
tual power b : a person having extraordinary intellec-
easy, lenient, merciful; cushioning, softening Ant abra-
tual power
sive, caustic, coarse, hard, harsh, rough + [7] balmy,
[2] affinity, bent, devices, disposition, inclination, clement, equable, mild, moderate, temperate - more
leaning, partiality, penchant, predilection, predisposi- at CLEMENT
tion, proclivity, propensity, talent, tendency, turn- 2gentle vb gen.tled; gen.tling 1 : to make or become mild,
more at INCLINATION [3] character, complexion, con- docile, soft, or moderate 2: MOLLIFY, PLACATE
stitution, nature, personality, tone - more at NATURE gen.tle-folk \'jen-tOl-,fok\ also gen.tle-folks \-,foks\ n : per-
[5] aptitude, endowment, faculty, flair, gift, knack, sons of good family and breeding
talent - more at TALENT [6b] brain, intellect,
gen.tle-man \-man\ n 1 : a man of good family 2: a well:
thinker, whiz, wizard; also egghead, highbrow, intellec-
bred man 3 : an adult male human being: MAN - used
tual; master, virtuoso; ace, crackerjack, natural; sage,
in pl. as a form of address - adj
savant Ant dumbbell, dummy, dunce, idiot, imbecile,
moron [I] aristocrat, grandee, noble, patrician; also squire;
genl abbr general cavalier, knight; don, seigneur, sheikh; baron, baronet,
geno-cide \'je-na-,sid\ n : the deliberate and systematic de- count, duke, earl, esquire, lord, marquess, marquis,
prince, thane, viscount; magnate, mogul, nabob, czar;
struction of a racial, political, or cultural group
ge-nome \'je-,nom\ n 1 : one haploid set of chromosomes socialite, swell [3] buck, chap, dude, fellow, gent,
guy, hombre, jack, joker, lad, male, man - more at
2 : the genetic material of an organism
ge-no-mics \je-'no-miks\ n : a branch of biotechnology
concerned esp. with investigating and collecting data gentle-woman \-,WIi-man\ n 1 : a woman of good fam-
about the structure and function of all or part of an or- ily 2 : a woman attending a lady of rank 3: a woman with
ganism's genome very good manners: LADY
-genous \ja-nas\ adj comb form 1 : producing : yielding dame, lady, noblewoman; also ladyship, madam;
(erogenous) 2: having (such) an origin (endogenous) baroness, countess, duchess, marchioness; czarina, em-
genre \'zhan-ra, 'zha"-; 'zha"r; 'jan-ra\ n 1 : a distinctive press, queen; dowager, matriarch, matron, mistress
type or category esp. of literary composition 2: a style of \Jen-tra-f;r'ka-shan\ n : the process of re-
painting in which everyday subjects are treated realisti- newal accompanying the influx of middle-class people
cally into deteriorating areas that often displaces earlier usu.
gens \'jenz, 'gens\ n, pi gentes \'jen-,tez, 'gen-,tiis\ [L] : a poorer residents - gen.tri.fy \'jen-tra-fi\ vb
Roman clan embracing the families of the same stock in gentry \'jen-tre\ n, pi gentries 1 : people of good birth,
the male line breeding, and education: ARISTOCRACY 2: the class of En-
gent n : a man of any social class or condition: GENTLE- glish people between the nobility and the yeomanry
MAN 3 : persons of a designated class
351 gesture
gen.u.flect \'jen-y1i-,flekt\ vb : to bend the knee esp. in geOother.mal\,je-o-'th:lr-m:ll\ adj : of, relating to, or using
worship - gen.u.flec.tion\,jen-yu-'flek-sh:m\ n the heat of the earth's interior
gen.u.ine \'jen-ya-w;m\ adj 1 : actually having the re- ger abbr gerund
puted or apparent Qualities or character : AUTHENTIC, Ger abbr German; Germany
REAL 2 : free from hypocrisy or pretense: SINCERE, HON-\i:l-'ra-ne-:lm\ n [L, fro Gk geranion, fro geranos
EST - gen.u.ineonessn crane] : any of a genus of herbs with usu. deeply cut
[1] authentic, bona fide, real, right, true - more at leaves and typically pink, purple, or white flowers; also
AUTHENTIC [2] artless, honest, ingenuous, innocent, : any of a related genus of herbs that are native to south-
naive, natural, real, simple, sincere, true, unaffected, ern Africa and are widely grown for their clusters of
unpretentious showy usu. red, pink, or white flowers
gen.u.ineolyadv : in a genuine manner: ACfUALLY ger.bil also ger.bile \'j:lr-b:ll\ n : any of numerous Old
actually, authentically, really, veritably, very - more World burrowing desert rodents with long hind legs
at VERY\,jer-e-'a-trik\ adj 1 : of or relating to geriatrics
geonus \'je-n:ls\ n, pi genoera \'je-n:l-r:l\ [L, birth, race, or the process of aging 2: of, relating to, or appropriate
kind] : a category of biological classification that ranks for elderly people 3 : advanced in years or age: OLD
between the family and the species and contains related ancient, elderly, old, senior - more at ELDERLY
species \-triks\ n : a branch of medicine dealing with
geo-cen.tric\,je-o-'sen-trik\ adj 1 : relating to or measured the problems and diseases of old age and aging
from the earth's center 2 : having or relating to the earth germ \'j:lrm\ n 1 : a bit of living matter capable of growth
as a center and development (as into an organism) 2: SOURCE, RUDI-\-'ke-m:l-stre\ n : a branch of geology that MENTS 3: MICROORGANISM; esp : one causing disease
deals with the chemical composition of and chemical German\'j:lr-m:ln\ n 1 : a native or inhabitant of Ger-
changes in the earth - geo-chem.ioeal v-rni-kal', adj- many 2: the language of Germany, Austria, and parts of \-mist\ n Switzerland - German adj - Germanic \i:lr-'ma-nik\
geoode\'je-,od\ n : a nodule of stone having a cavity lined adj
with mineral matter germane\i:lr-'man\ adj [MEgermain,lit., having the same
'geOodeosic\,je-:l-'de-sik\ adj : made of light straight struc- parents, fro AF, fro L germanus, fro germen sprout, bud]
tural elements <a ,...__ dome) : being at once relevant and appropriate
'geodesic n : the shortest line between two points on a sur-
face applicable, apposite, apropos, material, pertinent,
geOodet.ic \,je-:l-'de-tik\ adj : of, relating to, or being pre- pointed, relative, relevant - more at PERTINENT
cise measurement of the earth and its features <a ,...__ sur- \i:lr-'ma-ne-:lm\ n : a grayish white hard
vey) chemical element used esp, in semiconductors
geog abbr geographic; geographical; geography German measles n sing or pi : an acute contagious virus
geoog.ra.phy \ie-'li-gr:l-fe\ n, pi -phies 1 : a science that disease milder than typical measles but damaging to the
deals with the natural features of the earth and the cli- fetus when occurring early in pregnancy
mate, products, and inhabitants 2: the natural features German shepherd n : any of a breed of intelligent respon-
of a region - geoog.ra.pher\-f:lr\ n - geoograph.ic \,je-:l- sive working dogs of German origin often used in police
'gra-fik\ or geoograph.ioeal\-fi-k:ll\ adj - geoograph.ioeal- work and as guide dogs for the blind
Iy \-fi-k(a- )le\ adv germ cell n : an egg or sperm or one of their antecedent
geol abbr geologic; geological; geology cells
geoolooogy \ie-'li-I:l-je\ n, pi -gies 1 : a science that deals ger.mioeide\'j:lr-m:l-,sid\ n : an agent that destroys germs
with the history of the earth and its life esp. as recorded - ger.mioeidal \,j:lr-m:l-'sid-'1\ adj
in rocks; also: a study of the features of a celestial body germinal\'j:lr-ma-n:l1\ adj : of or relating to a germ or
(as the moon) 2: the geologic features of an area - geo- germ cell; also: EMBRYONIC
germinate\'j:lr-m:l-,nat\ vb -nat-ed; -nat-lnq 1 : to cause
log.ic \,je-:l-'lli-jik\ or geo-log.ioCal \-ji-k,,1\ adj - geo-\-ji-k(:l-)Ie\ adv - geoolooogist to develop: begin to develop: SPROUT 2 : to come into be-
\ie-'li-I:l-jist\ n
geom abbr geometric;geometrical; geometry ing : EVOLVE -\,j:lr-m:l-'na-sh:ln\ n\,je-o-mag-'ne-tik\adj : of or relating to the ger-ontolooogy\,jer-an-'tli-I:l-je\ n : a scientific study of ag-
magnetism of the earth - geOomag.neotism \-'mag-n:l-,ti- ing and the problems of the aged - georon.tOolog.ioeal \i:l-
z:lm\n ,rlint-'I-'li-ji-k:ll\ adj - ger-ontolooogist \,jer-:ln-'tli-l:l-jist\
geometric mean n : the nth root of the product of n num- n
bers; esp : a number that is the second term of three con- gerrymanoder \'jer-e-,man-dar\ vb : to divide into election
secutive terms of a geometric progression <the geometric districts so as to give one political party an advantage -
mean of 9 and 4 is 6) gerrymander n
geometric progression n : a progression (as I, '/" 'I.) in ger.und \,jer-:lnd\ n : a word having the characteristics of
which the ratio of a term to its predecessor is always the both verb and noun
same geostapo \g:l-'stli-po\ n, pi -pos [G, fr. GeheimeStaat-
geoomoeotry \ie-'li-m:l-tre\ n, pi -tries [ultim. fr. Gk ge6me-
spolizei, lit., secret state police] : a usu. terrorist secret-po-
tria, fr. geometrein to measure the earth, fro ge earth + lice organization operating against persons suspected of
metron measure] 1 : a branch of mathematics dealing disloyalty
with the relations, properties, and measurements of gesta.tion \ie-'sta-sh:ln\ n : PREGNANCY, INCUBATION-
solids, surfaces, lines, points, and angles 2.: relative ges.tate \'jes-,tat\ vb
arrangement of parts or elements - geoomoeoter \-t:lr\ n ges.tic.u.late \ie-'sti-ky:l-,lat\ vb -lat-ed; -Iat-inq : to make
- geoo-metric \,je-:l-'me-trik\ or geoo-met.rioeal \-tri-k:ll\ gestures esp, when speaking
adj ges.tic.u.latlon \-,sti-kY:l-'la-sh:ln \ n : the act of making
cast, configuration, conformation, figure, form, gestures; also : an expressive gesture made in showing
shape strong feeling or in enforcing an argument
geOophys.ics\,je-o-'fi-ziks\ n : the physics of the earth - 'ges.ture \,jes-ch:lr\ n 1 : a movement usu. of the body or
geOophys.ioeal v-zi-kcl', adj - geOophys.ioeist\-z:l-sist\ n limbs that expresses or emphasizes an idea, sentiment, or
geOopol.i.tics\-'pli-I:l-,tiks\ n : a combination of political attitude 2 : something said or done by way of formal-
and geographic factors relating to a state - geOopOolit.i- ity or courtesy, as a symbol or token, or for its effect on
cal \-p:l-'li-ti-k:ll\ adj the attitudes of others - gestural\-ch:l-r:ll\ adj
gesture 352
[I] pantomime, sign, signal; a/so beck, flourish, lease for distribution 2 : to get away (as by flight); a/so
shrug, wave; body language, posture; indication, mo- : to cause to leave or escape
tion [2] amenity, civility, courtesy, formality - more [l] come out, leak out, out, spread; a/so break, de-
at ClVlLlTY velop, transpire, unfold; circulate, disclose, reveal, spill,
2gesture vb : to make a gesture; also: to express or direct tell [l] issue, print, publish - more at PUBLISH
by a gesture [2] abscond, clear out, escape, flee, fly, lam, run
flag, motion, signal, wave - more at MOTION away, run off - more at ESCAPE
geosundheit \g~-'zUnt-,hit\ interj [G, lit., health]- used to get-to-gethoer \'get-t~-,ge-lh~r\ n : an assembly for a
wish good health esp. to one who has just sneezed common purpose; esp : an informal social gathering
1get \'get\ vb got \'gat\; got or gotten \'gat-On\; get.ting assembly, conference, congress, convention, convo-
1 .: to gain possession of (as by receiving, acquiring, cation, council, gathering, huddle, meeting, powwow,
earning, buying, or winning) : PROCURE, OBTAIN 2: to suc- seminar - more at MEETING
ceed in coming or going (got away to the lake> 3: to getup \'get-,~p\ n 1 : a clothing ensemble often for a
cause to come or go (got the car to the station> 4 : to special occasion or activity: OUTFIT, COSTUME 2: general
become the father of : BEGET 5: to cause to be in a cer- composition or structure
tain condition or position (don't -- wet> 6.: to un- dress, garb, guise, outfit - more at OUTFIT
dergo change or development: BECOME (-- sick> 7: to gewogaw \'gU-,go, 'gyii-\ n : a showy trifle: BAUBLE, TRIN-
make ready : PREPARE 8 : to take possession of : SEIZE KET
9: to move emotionally; a/so: IRRITATE 10: BAFFLE, PUZ-
bauble, curiosity, knickknack, novelty, trinket-
ZLE 11 : KILL 12: HIT 13 : to be subjected to (-- the
measles> 14: to receive as punishment 15 : to find out
geyser \'gi-z~r\ n [Icelandic Geysir, hot spring in Iceland]
esp. by calculation 16 a : HEAR b. : to grasp the mean-
: a spring that intermittently shoots up hot water and
ing of: UNDERSTAND 17: to prevail on: PERSUADE, INDUCE
18 : HAVE (he's got no money> 19: to have as an obliga-
g-force \'je-,fors\ n : the force of gravity or acceleration
tion or necessity (you have got to come> 20: to establish
on a body
communication with 21 : to be able (finally got to go to
Gha-na-ian \gii-'nii-~n\ n : a native or inhabitant of Ghana
med school> 22: to come to be (got talking about old
- Ghanaian adi
times> 23: to leave at once \'gast-le\ adj ghast.lioer; -est 1 : terrifyingly hor-
[I] acquire, attain, capture, carry, draw, earn, gain, rible to the senses : SHOCKING 2: resembling a ghost
garner, land, make, obtain, procure, realize, secure, win : DEATHLIKE, PALE
- more at EARN [4] beget, father, produce, sire-
more at FATHER [6] become, come, go, grow, run, appalling, atrocious, awful, dreadful, frightful, horri-
ble, horrid, nightmarish, shocking, terrible - more at
turn, wax - more at BECOME. [8] bag, capture, catch,
collar, corral, grab, grapple, hook, land, nab, seize,
snare, trap - more at CATCH. [l3] catch, come down, ghat \'got\ n [Hindi & Urdu ghat] : a broad flight of steps
contract, sicken, take - more at CONTRACT [l5] de- on an Indian riverbank that provides access to the water
tect, determine, dig up, discover, ferret out, find, hit on, gherkin \'g~r-k~n\ n 1 : a small prickly fruit of a vine re-
locate, track down - more at FIND. [16b] appreciate, lated to the cucumber used to make pickles 2: an imma-
apprehend, catch, catch on (to), comprehend, grasp, ture cucumber
make, make out, perceive, see, seize, understand- \'ge-to\ n, p/ ghettos or ghettoes: a quarter of a
more at COMPREHEND city in which members of a minority group live because
2get \'get\ n : OFFSPRING, PROGENY of social, legal, or economic pressure
get across vb : to make clear or convincing 'ghost \'gost\ n 1 : the seat of life: SOUL 2 : a disembod-
ied soul; esp : the soul of a dead person believed to be an
clarify, clear (up), construe, demonstrate, elucidate,
inhabitant of the unseen world or to appear in bodily
explain, explicate, expound, illuminate, illustrate, inter-
form to living people 3: SPIRIT, DEMON 4: a faint trace (a
pret, spell out - more at EXPLAIN
-- of a smile> 5: a false image in a photographic nega-
get along vb 1 : to meet one's needs 2: to be on friendly tive or on a television screen - adv
terms 3 : to proceed toward a destination
apparition, bogey, phantasm, phantom, poltergeist,
[l] cope, do, fare, make out, manage, shift; a/so carry shade, shadow, specter, spirit, spook, vision, wraith;
on, contrive, fend, handle, scrape (by or through), sur- a/so banshee, demon, familiar, genie, imp, incubus,
vive; eke out, scrape (out), scrounge, squeeze, wrest,
puck; vampire, zombie
wring; afford, swing [3] advance, fare, forge, go,
2ghost vb : GHOSTWRITE
march, proceed, progress - more at GO
ghost.write \-,fit\ vb -wrote \-,rot\; -wrlt-ten \-,ri-tn\ : to
get around vb 1 : to manage to avoid the intent, effect,
write for and in the name of another - ghost.writoer n
or force of something esp. by ingenuity or stratagem: CIR- ghoul \'gUI\ n [Ar ghiil] : a legendary evil being that robs
CUMVENT 2 : to become known or current
graves and feeds on corpses - ghoul.ish adi
[I] circumvent, dodge, shortcut, sidestep, skirt-
demon, devil, fiend, imp - more at DEMON
more at CIRCUMVENT. [2] circulate, come out, get out,
leak out, out, spread - more at GET OUT GHQ abbr general headquarters
get.away \'ge-t~-,wii\ n 1 : an act or instance of getting gi abbr gill
away: ESCAPE 2: START 1GI \Je-'i\ adj [galvanized iron; fro abbr. used in listing such
articles as garbage cans, but taken as abbr. for govern-
escape, flight, lam, slip - more at ESCAPE
ment issue] 1 : provided by an official U.S. military sup-
get by vb : to meet one's needs: GET ALONG ply department (-- shoes> 2: of, relating to, or
get off vb : to go away from; also : to do or experience characteristic of U.S. military personnel 3: conforming
the first stages or actions of (got off on the trip early> to military regulations or customs (a -- haircut>
clear out, depart, exit, go, move, pull, quit, sally, 2GI n, p/ Gis or Gl's \-'iz\ : a member or former member of
shove, take off - more at GO begin, commence, em- the U.S. armed forces; esp : an enlisted man
bark (on or upon), enter, launch, open, start, strike - 3GI abbr 1 galvanized iron 2 gastrointestinal 3 general is-
more at BEGIN sue 4 government issue
get on vb 1 : to proceed toward a destination 2: to meet 'gi.ant \'ji-~nt\ n 1 : a legendary humanlike being of great
one's needs: GET ALONG size and strength 2 : a living being or thing of extraor-
get out vb 1 : to become known; a/so: to produce or re- dinary size or powers
353 ginseng
+ behemoth, blockbuster, colossus, jumbo, leviathan, + colossal, enormous, giant, ginormous, huge, jumbo,
mammoth, monster, titan, whale, whopper; also ama- mammoth, massive, prodigious, titanic, tremendous -
zon; bulk, hulk; heavyweight Ant dwarf, midget, mini, more at HUGE
miniature, peewee, pygmy, runt, shrimp gigogle \'gi-g:JI\ vb gig'gled; gigogling : to laugh with re-
2giant adi + : having extremely large size, proportion, or peated short catches of the breath - gigogly \-g:J-Ie\ adj
power giggle n : the act of giggling
+ astronomical, colossal, enormous, gigantic, ginor- GIGO abbr garbage in, garbage out
mous, grand, huge, jumbo, mammoth, massive, monu- gigoOolo \'ji-g:J-,lo\ n, pi -los 1: a man supported by a
mental, prodigious, titanic, tremendous - more at woman usu. in return for his attentions 2: a professional
HUGE dancing partner or male escort
gi.antoess \'ji-;m-t:Js\ n : a female giant Gi-la monster \'he-I:J-\ n : a large orange and black ven-
giant panda n : PANDA 2 omous lizard of the southwestern U.S.
gibober \'ji-b:Jr\ vb + : to speak rapidly, inarticulately, and 'gild \'gild\ vb gildoed or gilt \'gilt\; 1 : to overlay
often foolishly with or as if with a thin covering of gold 2: to give an at-
+ babble, chatter, drivel, gabble, jabber, prattle, sputter tractive but often deceptive appearance to
- more at BABBLE 2gild var 0/ GUILD
gibober.ish \'ji-b:J-rish\ n +: unintelligible or confused 'gill \'jil\ n : a British measure of capacity equal to 5 fluid
speech or language ounces; also: a U.S. measure of capacity equal to 5 fluid
+ babble, bunk, claptrap, drivel, gabble, gobbledygook, 'gill \'gil\ n : an organ (as of a fish) for obtaining oxygen
hogwash, nonsense, piffle, prattle, rot; also abra- from water
cadabra; chatter, clatter, gab, gibber, prate, tattle, twad- 'gilt \'gilt\ adj : of the color of gold
dle; double-talk, hocus-pocus, jive; hot air, gas, wind
2gilt n : gold or a substance resembling gold laid on the sur-
'gibobet \'ji-b:Jt\ n : GALLOWS face of an object
2gibbet vb 1 : to hang on a gibbet 2: to expose to public 3gilt n : a young female swine
scorn 3: to execute by hanging gimoerack \'jim-,krak\ n : a showy object of little use or
gibobon \'gi-b:Jn\ n : any of several tailless apes of south- value
eastern Asia 2gimcrack adj : CHEAP, SHODDY
gibobous \'ji-b:Js, 'gi-\ adj 1 : rounded like the exterior of gim.let \'gim-l:Jt\ n : a small tool with screw point and
a sphere or circle 2 : seen with more than half but not all cross handle for boring holes
of the apparent disk illuminated <- moon) 3: having a gim.mick Vgi-mikv n 1 + : an ingenious or novel mechan-
hump: HUMPBACKED ical device: CONTRIVANCE, GADGET 2: an important fea-
gibe or jibe "jib\ vb gibed or jibed; giboing or jiboing + : to ture that is not immediately apparent: CATCH 3 + : a new
utter taunting words: SNEER - gibe or jibe n and ingenious scheme - gim.micky \-mi-ke\ adj
+ deride, jeer, laugh, mock, ridicule, scout - more at + [1] contraption, contrivance, gadget, gizmo, jigger -
RIDICULE more at GADGET + [3] artifice, device, dodge, jig, ploy,
gibolets \'jib-l:Jts\ n pi : the edible viscera of a fowl scheme, sleight, stratagem, trick, wile - more at TRICK
Giboson girl Vgib-san-v adj : of or relating to a style in gim.miek.ry \'gi-mi-kre\ n, pi -ries : an array of or the use
women's clothing characterized by high necks, full of gimmicks
sleeves, and slender waistlines gimpy \'gim-pe\ adi : LAME 1
gidody \'gi-de\ adj gidodioer; -est 1 + : having a whirling 'gin \'jin\ n [ME gin, fro AF, short for engin engine]
sensation in the head with a tendency to fall : DIZZY 1 : TRAP, SNARE 2: a machine to separate seeds from cot-
2 : causing dizziness 3 + : not serious: FRIVOLOUS, SILLY ton-gin vb
- gidodiness \-de-n:Js\ n 2gin n [by shortening & alter. fro geneva, kind of gin] : a
+ [1] dizzy, light-headed - more at DIZZY + [3] flighty, liquor distilled from a grain mash and flavored with ju-
frivolous, goofy, harebrained, light-headed, scatter- niper berries
brained, silly; also foolish, fatuous, inane, nonsensical, ginoger \'jin-j:Jr\ n 1 : the pungent aromatic rootstock of a
thoughtless, witless; crazy, daffy, daft, exuberant, flip- tropical plant used esp. as a spice and in medicine; also
pant, fluttery, light, lighthearted, playful; sappy, shal- : the spice or the plant 2: brisk energy or initiative and
low, superficial Anteamest, serious, sober high spirits
GIF \'gif, 'jif\ n [graphic interchange/ormat] : a computer ginger ale n : a carbonated soft drink flavored with ginger
file format for digital images; also: the image itself ginoger.bread \'jin-j:Jr-,bred\ n 1 : a cake made with mo-
gift \'gift\ n 1 + : a special ability: TALENT 2 + : something lasses and flavored with ginger 2: lavish or superfluous
given: PRESENT 3: the act or power of giving ornament
+ [1] aptitude, endowment, faculty, flair, genius, \'jin-j:Jr-le\ adj + : very cautious or careful-
knack, talent - more at TALENT + [2] bestowal, dona- gingerly adv
tion, freebie, lagniappe, present; also alms, benefaction, + alert, careful, cautious, circumspect, considerate,
beneficence, benevolence, charity, contribution, dole, guarded, heedful, safe, wary - more at CAREFUL
generosity, offering, philanthropy; grant, subsidy; re- ginoger.snap \-,snap\ n : a thin brittle molasses cookie fla-
membrance, tribute; bonus, boon, windfall; favor, vored with ginger
valentine; gratuity, tip; award, prize, reward; bequest, ging.ham \'giI)-:Jm\ n : a clothing fabric usu. of yarn-dyed
legacy; sacrifice cotton in plain weave
giftoed \'gif-t:Jd\ ad) : TALENTED \,jin-j:J-'vi-t:Js\ n : inflammation of the gums
'gig \'gig\ n 1 : a long light ship's boat 2: a light 2-wheeled ginkogo also ging.ko \'giI)-(,)k6\ n, pi ginkgoes or ginkgos
one-horse carriage : a tree of eastern China with fan-shaped leaves often
2gig n : a pronged spear for catching fish - gig vb grown as a shade tree
3glg n : a job for a specified time; esp : an entertainer's en- ginkgo bl-lo-ba \-,bi-'lo-b:J\ n : an extract of the leaves of
gagement ginkgo that is held to enhance mental functioning
4gig n : a military demerit - gig vb gi.nor.mous \ji-'n6r-m:Js\ n + : extremely large: HUGE
giga.byte \'ji-g:J-,bit, 'gi-\ n 1024 megabytes or + colossal, enormous, giant, huge, jumbo, mammoth,
1,073,741,824 bytes; also: one billion bytes massive, prodigious, titanic, tremendous - more at
giogan.tic \ji-'gan-tik\ adj + : exceeding the usual (as in size HUGE
or force) gin.seng \'jin-,seI)\ n : an aromatic root of a Chinese or
Gipsy 354
No. American herb used esp. in Chinese medicine; also 2give n 1 : capacity or tendency to yield to force or strain
: one of these herbs 2 : the quality or state of being springy
Giposy chiefly Brit var 0/ GYPSY give-and-take \,giv-an-'tak\ n 1 : the practice of making
gi.raffe \ia-'raf\ n, pi giraffes [It girajfa,fr. Ar zirtifah] : an mutual concessions: COMPROMISE 2 : a usu. good-na-
African ruminant mammal with a very long neck and a tured exchange (as of remarks or ideas)
short coat with dark blotches [1] accommodation, compromise, concession, nego-
gird \'gard\ vb gird-ed or girt \'gart\; 1 : to en- tiation - more at CONCESSION [2] argument, collo-
circle or fasten (as a sword) with or as if with a belt 2: to quy, conference, deliberation, discourse, discussion,
invest esp. with power or authority 3: PREPARE, BRACE parley, talk - more at DISCUSSION
band, belt, girdle, wrap; also tie up, truss; circle, loop, give-away \'gi-va-,wa\ n 1: an unintentional revelation
wind, wreathe; bandage, swathe; chain, cord, enchain, or betrayal 2: something given away free; esp :
lash, rope, shackle, tape, wire Ant unwrap band, bind,
tie, truss - more at TIE
give away vb 1: to make a present of 2: to deliver
gird-er \'gar-dar\ n : a horizontal main supporting beam
(a bride) ceremonially to the bridegroom at a
'girodle \'gar-d'l\ n 1 : something (as a belt or sash) that en-
wedding 3 : to reveal or make known sometimes unin-
circles or confines 2: a woman's supporting undergar-
ment that extends from the waist to below the hips
2girdle vb girodled girodling \'gar-d'l-il)\ 1 .: to encircle bespeak, betray, demonstrate, display, evince, ex-
with or as if with a girdle 2 : to move around pose, manifest, reveal, show - more at SHOW
[1] band, belt, gird, wrap - more at GIRD [2] cir- give in vb : to yield under insistence or entreaty: SUBMIT,
cle, circumnavigate, coil, compass, encircle, loop, orbit, SURRENDER
ring, round - more at ENCIRCLE bow, budge, capitulate, concede, knuckle under,
girl \'garl\ n 1: a female child 2.: a young woman quit, submit, succumb, surrender, yield - more at
3 : SWEETHEART - girl.hood \-,hud\ n YIELD
doll, lass, maid, maiden, miss; also gamine; hoyden, 'giv-en \'gi-van\ adj 1 : having a tendency or inclination
tomboy; hussy; ingenue; belle, deb, debutante, sylph; : INCLINED <~ to swearing) 2: SPECIFIED, PARTICULAR <at
schoolgirl a ~ time)
girl Friday n : a female assistant (as in an office) entrusted apt, inclined, prone - more at PRONE accustomed,
with a wide variety of tasks used, wont - more at ACCUSTOMED
girl.friend \'garl-,frend\ n 1 : a female friend 2: a regular 2given prep : CONSIDERING
female companion in a romantic or sexual relationship given name n : a name that precedes one's surname
girl.ish adj : of, relating to, or having the characteristics give out vb 1 : EMIT 2: BREAK DOWN 3: to become ex-
of a girl or girlhood hausted : COLLAPSE
effeminate, feminine, unmanly, womanly - more at give up vb 1 : to yield control or possession of : SURREN-
EFFEMINATE DER 2 : to abandon (oneself) to a feeling, influence, or ac-
Girl Scout n : a member of any of the scouting programs of tivity 3 : to cease doing or attempting something esp. as
the Girl Scouts of the United States of America
an admission of defeat: QUIT
girth \'garth\ n 1 : a band around an animal by which
something (as a saddle) may be fastened on its back 2: a [1] cede, deliver, hand over, leave, relinquish, render,
measure around something surrender, turn over, yield - more at SURRENDER
gist \'jist\ n lAF. it lies, fro gesir to lie, ultimo fro Ljacere] [3] discontinue, drop, knock off, layoff, quit-
: the main point or part more at QUIT
git dial var 0/ GET also gismo \'giz-m6\ n, pi gizmos also gismos
core, crux, heart, nub, pith, pivot - more at CRUX : an often small mechanical or electronic device
with a practical use but often thought of as a novelty
'give \'giv\ vb gave \'gav\; giv-en \'gi-van\; giving 1 : to
make a present of 2: to bestow by formal action 3: to
accord or yield to another 4 : to yield to force, strain, contraption, contrivance, gadget, gimmick, jigger -
or pressure 5 : to put into the possession or keeping of more at GADGET
another 6 : to offer to the action of another: PROFFER giz.zard \'gi-zard\ n : the muscular usu. horny-lined en-
7 : to put into the possession of another: DELIVER 8 : to largement of the alimentary canal of a bird used for
present in public performance or to view 9: PROVIDE <~ churning and grinding up food
a party) 10: ATTRIBUTE 11 : to make, form, or yield as a gla-cial \'gla-shal\ adj 1 : suggestive of ice: as a : ex-
product or result <cows ~ milk) 12: to yield possession tremely cold b : devoid of warmth and cordiality 2 : of
of by way of exchange: PAY 13: to deliver by some bod- or relating to glaciers 3: being or relating to a past period
ily action (gave me a push) 14: to offer as a pledge <I ~ of time when a large part of the earth was covered by gla-
you my word) 15: to apply freely or fully: DEVOTE 16: to ciers 4 cap: PLEISTOCENE 5: very slow <a ~ pace) - gla-
cause to have or receive cial.lyadv
[1] bestow, contribute, donate, present; also chip in, [la] arctic, bitter, cold, freezing, frigid, polar, raw,
kick in, pitch in; award, confer, dole (out), endow; af- wintry - more at COLD. [lb] chill, chilly, cold, cold=
ford, furnish, provide; lavish, regale; aid, assist, benefit, blooded, cool, frigid, frosty, icy, unfriendly, unsympa-
help; administer, dispense, issue, impart, render; ex- thetic, wintry - more at COLD
tend, offer, pay, proffer, tender; sacrifice [4] cave in, gla-ci.ate \'gla-she-,at\ vb -at-ed: -at-lnq 1 : to subject to
collapse, crumple, go, yield - more at COLLAPSE
glacial action 2: to produce glacial effects in or on -
[5] commend, commit, consign, delegate, deliver, en-
gla-ci.a.tion \,gla-she-'a-shan, -se-\ n
trust, hand over, leave, pass, transfer, transmit, trust,
turn over, vest; also confer, grant; assign, deal (out), dis- gla-cier \'gla-shar\ n [F, fro MF dial. (Savoy), fro glace ice,
pense, disperse, distribute, divide; release, relinquish, fro L glades] : a large body of ice moving slowly down a
submit, surrender, turn in, yield; bequeath, hand down, slope or spreading outward on a land surface
will; advance, lend, loan; furnish, supply Ant hold, keep, 'glad \'glad\ adj gladoder; gladodest 1 : experiencing plea-
retain [6] extend, offer, proffer, tender - more at sure, joy, or delight 2: PLEASED 3.: very willing
OFFER. [8) carry, mount, offer, present, stage - more 4 : PLEASANT, JOYFUL 5.: causing happiness and joy
at PRESENT : CHEERFUL - gladly adv
355 glide

[1] blissful, delighted, happy, joyful, pleased; also secretes a substance (as saliva or sweat) for further use in
beaming, blithe, blithesome, buoyant, cheerful, cheery, or discharge from the body
gay, gladsome, lighthearted, sunny, upbeat; gleeful, joc- glanodular \'glan-ja-Iar\ adj : of, relating to, or involving
und, jolly, jovial, laughing, merry, mirthful, smiling; glands
carried away, ecstatic, elated, enraptured, entranced, glans \'glanz\ n, pi glanodes \'glan-,dez\ [L, lit" acorn] : a
euphoric, exhilarated, intoxicated, rapturous, rhap- conical vascular body forming the extremity of the penis
sodic; exuberant, exultant, jubilant, rapt, rejoicing, or clitoris
thrilled; hopeful, rosy, sanguine Ant displeased, joyless, 'glare \'gler\ vb glared; 1 : to shine with a harsh
sad, unhappy, unsatisfied [3] amenable, disposed, dazzling light 2 : to stare fiercely or angrily
game, inclined, ready, willing- more at WILLING [1] beat, blaze, burn, flame, flare; also beam, glow,
[5] bright, cheerful, cheery, gay - more at CHEERFUL radiate; flash, glance, gleam, glimmer,glint, glisten, glis-
'glad n : GLADIOLUS ter, glitter, scintillate, shimmer, sparkle, twinkle; bedaz-
gladoden \'glad-'n\ vb : to make glad zle, blind, daze, dazzle [2] frown, gloom, glower,
content, delight, gratify, please, rejoice, satisfy, suit, lower, scowl- more at FROWN
warm - more at PLEASE 2glare n 1 : a harsh dazzling light 2: an angry or fierce
glade \'glad\ n : a grassy open space surrounded by woods stare
glad.i.a.tor \'gla-de-,a-tar\ n 1 : a person engaged in a fight glaring adi : very conspicuous (a ~ error) -
to the death for public entertainment in ancient Rome adv
2 : a person engagingin a public fight or controversy; also blatant, conspicuous, egregious,flagrant, gross, obvi-
: PRIZEFIGHTER ous, patent, prominent, pronounced, rank, striking- \,gla-de-:r'tor-e-al\ adi 1 : of, relating to, or more at EGREGIOUS
suggestive of gladiators or the combats of gladiators glass \'glas\ n 1 : a hard brittle amorphous usu. transpar-
2 : inclined toward controversy or contention ent or translucent material consisting typically of silica
glad.i-o.lus \,gla-de-'o-Ias\ n, pi -o-Ii \-(')o-(,)Ie, -,Ii\ or -olus 2 : something made of glass; esp : TUMBLER 2 3 pi : a pair
[L, fr. dim, of gladius sword] : any of a genus of chiefly of lenses used to correct defects of vision : SPECTACLES
African plants related to the irises and having erect 4 : the quantity held by a glass container - glass adj -
sword-shaped leaves and stalks of bright colored flowers glass.ful \-,hil\ n - glassy adj
glad.ness n : the quality or state of being glad glasses eyeglasses,spectacles; also bifocals; monocle,
blessedness, bliss, felicity, happiness, joy - more at pince-nez:sunglasses; goggles; contact lens
HAPPINESS contentment, delectation, delight, enjoy- \-,blo-iI]\ n : the art of shaping a mass of
ment, gratification, pleasure, relish, satisfaction- glass that has been softened by heat by blowing air into it
more at PLEASURE through a tube - glass.blow-er n
glad.some \'glad-sam\ adj : giving or showing joy: CHEER- glass.ware \-,wer\ n : articles made of glass
glau-co-ma \glau-'ko-ma, gI6-\ n : a disease of the eye
glad.stone Vglad-jston', n, often cap: a suitcase with flexi-
marked by increased pressure within the eyeball resulting
ble sides on a rigid frame that opens flat into two com-
in damage to the retina and gradual loss of vision
glam \'glam\ n : extravagantly showy glamour - glam adj 'glaze \'glaz\ vb glazed; 1 : to furnish (as a window
glam-or.ise chiefly Brit var of GLAMORIZE frame) with glass 2: to apply glaze to
glam-or.ize also glam-our.ize\'gla-ma-,r1z\ vb -ized; 2glaze n : a glassy coating or surface
: to make or look upon as glamorous; also: treat as ide- gla.zier \'gla-zhar\ n : a person who sets glass in window
alized or heroic frames
'gleam \'glem\ n 1 : a transient subdued or partly obscured
dream, glorify, idealize - more at IDEALIZE light 2 a : a small bright light b: GLINT 3: a faint trace
glam-or-ous x-ma-rasv adj : full of glamour : excitingly (a ~ of hope)
attractive blaze, flare, fluorescence, glare, glow, illumination,
exotic, fantastic, marvelous (or marvellous), out- incandescence, light, luminescence, radiance, shine-
landish, romantic,strange - more at EXOTIC. alluring, more at LIGHT
attractive, captivating, charming, elfin, engaging, fasci- 2gleam vb 1 : to shine with subdued light or moderate
nating, fetching, magnetic, seductive - more at FASCI- brightness 2: to appear briefly or faintly
glam-our\'gla-mar\ n [Sc glamour magic spell, alter. of E flame, flash, glance, glimmer, glisten, glitter, scintil-
grammar; fr, the popular association of erudition with oc- late, shimmer, sparkle, twinkle, wink - more at FLASH
cult practices] : an exciting and often illusory and ro- glean \'glen\ vb 1 : to gather grain left by reapers 2: to
mantic attractiveness;esp : alluring personal attraction collect little by little or with patient effort -
ad) - glean-ern
allure, appeal, attractiveness, captivation, charisma,
charm, enchantment, fascination, magic, magnetism - glean.ings \'gle-niI]z\ n pl : things acquired by gleaning
more at CHARM glee \'gle\ n [ME, fro OE gleo entertainment, music]
'glance \'glans\ vb glanced; 1 : to strike and fly 1 : exultant high-spirited joy: HILARITY 2: a part-song
off to one side 2 : to flash or gleam with quick inter- for three usu. male voices
mittent rays of light 3 : to give a quick look cheer, cheerfulness, hilarity, joviality, merriment,
[1] bounce, carom, rebound, ricochet, skim, skip; mirth - more at MlRTH
also brush, graze, nudge, shave, sweep; bump, contact, glee club n : a chorus organized for singing usu. short
hit, kiss, touch; sideswipe; reflect [2] flame, flash, choral pieces
gleam, glimmer, glisten, glitter, scintillate, shimmer, glee-fuladj : full of glee
sparkle, twinkle, wink - more at FLASH [3] browse, blithe, boon, festive, gay, jocund, jolly, jovial, merry,
dip, glimpse, peek, skim; also peep; blink, squint; look mirthful, sunny - more at MERRY
over, scan Ant stare, gaze glen \'glen\ n : a narrow hidden valley
2glance n 1 : a quick intermittent flash or gleam 2: a de- glen-gar.ry \glen-'ga-re\ n, pi -ries often cap: a woolen cap
flected impact or blow 3 : a quick look of Scottish origin
cast, eye, gander, glimpse, look, peek, peep, regard, glib \'glib\ adj glib-ber; glib-best: speaking or spoken with
sight, view - more at LOOK careless ease - glib-Iyadv
gland \'gland\ n : a cell or group of cells that prepares and glide \'glld\ vb glid-ed; 1 : to move smoothly and
glide 356
effortlessly 2 + : to descend gradually without engine Global Positioning System n : GPS
power <- in an airplane) - glide n global warming n : an increase in the earth's atmospheric
+ [1] bowl, breeze, coast, drift, flow, roll, sail, skim, and oceanic temperatures due to an increase in the green-
slide, slip, stream, sweep, whisk - more at FWW house effect
+ [2] fly, plane, soar, wing - more at FLY globe \'glob\ n 1 : a round body : BALL, SPHERE 2: the
glid-er \,gli-dar\ n 1 : one that glides 2: an aircraft resem- planet on which we live that is third in order from the sun
bling an airplane but having no engine 3: a porch seat : EARTH; also: a spherical representation of the earth
suspended from an upright frame globe-troNer \'glob-,tra-tar\ n : a person who travels
19lim.mer Vgll-marv vb + : to shine faintly or unsteadily widely - globe-trot.ting n or adj
flame, flash, glance, gleam, glisten, glitter, scintillate, globou.lar \'glii-bya-Iar\ adj : having the shape of a globe or
shimmer, sparkle, twinkle, wink - more at FLASH globule
2glimmer n 1 : a faint unsteady light 2: INKLING 3 : a globoule \'glii-(,)byiil\ n : a tiny globe or ball esp. of a liq-
small amount: HINT uid
hint, little, mite, particle, touch, trace - more at PAR- globoulin \'glii-bya-lan\ n : any of a class of Simple proteins
TICLE insoluble in pure water but soluble in dilute salt solutions
'glimpse \'glimps\ vb glimpsed; : to take a that occur widely in plant and animal tissues
brief look: see momentarily or incompletely glock-en.spiel \'glii-kan-,shpel, -,spel\ n [G, fr. Glocke bell
+ Spiel play] : a percussion musical instrument consisting
browse, dip, glance, peek, skim - more at GLANCE
of a series of metal bars played with two hammers
2glimpse n 1 : a faint idea: GLIMMER 2 + : a short hurried gloom \'gliim\ n 1 : partial or total darkness 2 : low-
look ness of spirits: DEJECTION 3: an atmosphere of despon-
cast, eye, gander, glance, look, peek, peep, regard, dency
sight, view - more at WOK
[1] dark, darkness, dusk, gloaming, murk, night,
glint \'glint\ vb 1 : to shine by reflection: SPARKLE, GLEAM semidarkness, shade, shadows, twilight - more at DARK
2 : to appear briefly or faintly - glint n [2] blues, dejection, depression, doldrums, dumps,
glis.sanodo \gli-'siin-(,)do\ n, pi -dl \-(,)de\ or -dos : a rapid melancholy, sadness - more at SADNESS
sliding up or down the musical scale gloom.i.ness \-me-nas\ n : the quality or state of being
'glis.ten \'gli-sn\ vb + : to shine by reflection with a soft gloomy
luster or sparkle gloomy \'glii-me\ adj gloom.i-er; -est 1 : partially or to-
flame, flash, glance, gleam, glimmer, glitter, scintil- tally dark 2.: causing gloom; also: lacking in promise
late, shimmer, sparkle, twinkle, wink - more at FLASH or hopefulness 3 + : low in spirits - \'glii-ma-
2glisten n : GLI1TER, SPARKLE le\ adv
glis.ter \'glis-tar\ vb : to shine by reflection with many
[1] dark, darkling, dim, dusky, murky, obscure,
small flashes of brilliant light: GLI1TER somber (or sombre) - more at DARK [2] bleak, dark,
glitch \'glich\ n : MALFUNCTION; also: SNAG 2 depressing, desolate, dismal, dreary, glum, gray (or
19lit.ter Vgli-tar', vb 1 : to shine with brilliant or metallic grey), miserable, murky, somber (or sombre); also dis-
luster: SPARKLE 2: to shine with strong emotion: FLASH comfiting, discouraging, disheartening, dismaying,
(eyes -ing in anger) 3: to be brilliantly attractive esp. dispiriting, distressful, distressing, upsetting; desperate,
in a superficial way hopeless, pessimistic; dour, grim, lowering, menacing,
flame, flash, glance, gleam, glimmer, glisten, scintil- negative, oppressive, threatening Ant bright, cheerful,
late, Shimmer, sparkle, twinkle, wink - more at FLASH gay, festive, friendly, heartwarming, sunshiny [3]
2glitter n 1 : sparkling brilliancy, showiness, or attractive- blue, dejected, depressed, down, downcast, forlorn,
ness 2: small glittering objects used for ornamentation glum, low, melancholy, miserable, sad, sorrowful, un-
- glit.tery \'gli-ta-re\ adj happy - more at SAD
glitz \'glits\ n : extravagant showiness Gloomy Gus \-'gas\ n, pi Gloomy Gus-es : a person who is
flamboyance, flashiness, gaudiness, ostentation, pre- habitually gloomy
tentiousness, showiness, swank - more at OSTENTATION glop \'gliip\ n : a messy mass or mixture
glitzy \'glit-se\ adj + : having glitz gloori.fy \'gI6r-a-,fi\ vb -fied; 1 : to raise to heavenly
flamboyant, flashy, garish, gaudy, loud, ostentatious, glory 2 : to light up brilliantly 3 : to represent as glori-
swank, tawdry - more at GAUDY ous : EXTOL 4 : to give glory to (as in worship) 5 : to
gloaming \'glo-milJ\ n + : the light from the sky between cause to be or seem to be better than the actual condition
full night and sunrise or between sunset and full night 6 : to make glorious by bestowing honor, praise, or ad-
: 1WILIGHT, DUSK miration - gloori.fioea.tion \,gI6r-a-fa-'ka-shan\ n
dusk, evening, nightfall, sundown, sunset, twilight - [3] bless, extol, laud, magnify, praise - more at
more at DUSK PRAISE [4] adore, deify, revere, venerate, worship-
gloat \'glot\ vb : to think about something with triumphant more at WORSHIP [5] dream, glamorize, idealize-
and often malicious delight more at IDEALIZE. [6] aggrandize, dignify, ennoble, ex-
glob \'gliib\ n 1 : a small drop 2.: a large rounded alt, magnify - more at EXALT
mass gloorio()us \'gI6r-e-as\ adj 1 : possessing or deserving glory
+ [I] blob, driblet, drip, drop, droplet - more at DROP : PRAISEWORTHY 2: conferring glory 3.: marked by
[2] blob, chunk, clod, clump, gob, hunk, lump, nub, great beauty or splendor: MAGNIFICENT 4: DELIGHTFUL,
wad - more at LUMP WONDERFUL
globoal \'glo-bal\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or involving the en- + august, baronial, gallant, grand, grandiose, heroic,
tire world: WORLDWIDE 2 : of, relating to, or applying to imposing, magnificent, majestic, monumental, noble,
a whole: COMPREHENSIVE, GENERAL - adv proud, regal, royal, splendid, stately - more at GRAND
blanket, common, general, generic, overall, universal gloorio()usly adv : in a glorious manner
- more at GENERAL compendious, complete, com- + agreeably, delightfully, favorably (or favourably), fe-
prehensive, encyclopedic, full, inclusive, omnibus, licitously, nicely, pleasantly, pleasingly, satisfyingly,
panoramic, universal - more at ENCYCLOPEDIC splendidly, well
globoaliza.tion \,glo-ba-Ia-'za-shan\ n : the development of 'glo.ry \'gI6r-e\ n, pi glories 1 : praise, honor, or distinc-
an increasingly integrated global economy tion extended by common consent : RENOWN 2: honor
357 gnarled

and praise rendered in worship 3 + : something that se- blaze, flare, fluorescence, glare, gleam, illumination,
cures praise or renown 4: a distinguishing quality or as- incandescence, light, luminescence, radiance, shine-
set 5 +: great beauty and splendor : RESPLENDENCE, more at LIGHT
MAGNIFICENCE 6: heavenly bliss 7: a height of prosperity glow-er \'glail( -a)r\ vb : to stare angrily: SCOWL - glower
or achievement n
+ [1) acclaim, accolade, credit, distinction, fame, hom- frown, glare, gloom, lower, scowl- more at FROWN
age, honor (or honour), laurels, praise, renown; also glowing adj 1 .: giving off light esp. because of heat
compliment, encomium, eulogy, panegyric, toast, trib- 2 : marked by a rich warm coloration; also: marked by
ute; acclamation, ovation, plaudit, rave, rhapsody; cita- a radiant healthfully ruddy coloration 3: highly enthusi-
tion, commendation, note, recommendation; elevation, astic
exaltation, glorification [3) boast, credit, honor (or [l) beaming, bright, brilliant, effulgent, incandes-
honour), jewel, pride, treasure; also piece de resistance, cent, lambent, lucent, lucid, luminous, lustrous, radi-
showpiece; attraction, feature, highlight; distinction, ant, refulgent, shiny - more at BRIGHT [2) florid,
excellence, merit, value, virtue + [5) augustness, bril- flush, rosy, ruddy, sanguine - more at RUDDY
liance, grandeur, grandness, magnificence, majesty, no-
glow.worm \'glo-,warm\ n : any of various insect larvae or
bility, nobleness, resplendence, splendor, stateliness -
adults that give off light
more at MAGNIFICENCE \gliik-'si-ne-a\ n : any of a genus of tropical herbs
2glory vb glo-ried; + : to rejoice proudly: EXULT related to the African violets; esp : one with showy bell:
+ crow, delight, exult, joy, rejoice, triumph - more at shaped or slipper-shaped flowers
EXULT gloze \'gloz\ vb glozed; : to make appear right or
'gloss \'glas, 'gl6s\ n 1 : a surface luster or brightness acceptable: GLOSS
: SHEEN 2: outward show gluoCose \'glii-,kos\ n 1 : a form of crystalline sugar; esp
luster (or lustre), polish, sheen, shine - more at : DEXTROSE 2: a sweet light-colored syrup made from
SHINE cornstarch
2gloss vb 1 + : to give a false appearance of acceptableness glue \'glii\ n : a jellylike protein substance made from
to <~ over inadequacies> 2 + : to deal with too lightly or animal materials and used for sticking things
not at all - usu. used with over 3 + : to give a gloss to together; also : any of various other strong adhesives -
+ usu gloss over [1) excuse, palliate, whitewash- glue vb
more at PALLIATE usu gloss over [2) condone, disre- adhesive, cement, size; also epoxy, epoxy resin, mu-
gard, excuse, forgive, ignore, pardon, pass over, shrug cilage; dope, goo, gum
off, wink at - more at EXCUSE [3) buff, burnish, gluo8y \'glii-e\ adj 1 : having the quality of glue; also: re-
dress, grind, polish, rub, shine, smooth - more at POL- sembling or suggestive of glue (as in stickiness or consis-
ISH tency) 2: daubed, smeared, or covered with glue
3gloss n [alter. of gloze, fro ME glose, fr. AF, fr. ML glosa, adhesive, gelatinous, glutinous, gooey, gummy,
glossa, fr. Gk glossa, glotta tongue, language, unusual sticky, viscid, viscous - more at STICKY
word) 1 : an explanatory note (as in the margin of a text) glum \'glam\ adj glum.mer; glum.mest 1 .: broodingly
2 : GLOSSARY 3: an interlinear translation 4: a continu- morose : SULLEN 2.: having nothing likely to provide
ous commentary accompanying a text cheer, comfort, or interest: DREARY, GLOOMY
4gloss vb : to furnish glosses for [1) moody, morose, sulky, sullen, surly - more at \'glii-sa-re, 'gI6-\ n, pi -ries : a collection of diffi- SULKY. [1,2) bleak, dark, dismal, dreary, gloomy, gray
cult or specialized terms with their meanings - glos.sar- (or grey), somber (or sombre), wretched - more at \glii-'ser-e-al, gI6-\ adj GLOOMY \,glii-sa-'Ia-Ie-a, ,gI6-\ n [ultimo fro Gk glossa 'glut \'glat\ vb glut.ted; glut.ting 1 : to supply with more
tongue, language + lalia chatter] : TONGUE 6 than is needed or than can be handled 2 : to fill esp.
'glossy \'glii-se, 'gI6-\ adj glosslo8r; -est + : having a sur- with food to satiety: SATIATE
face luster or brightness - \-sa-Ie\ adv- gorge, sate, satiate, stuff, surfeit - more at GORGE
gloss.i.ness v-se-nas', n 2glut n : an excessive supply
+ lustrous, polished, satiny, sleek; also silken, silky, glu.ten \'gliit-'n\ n : a gluey protein substance that causes
slick, slippery; glassy, glazed, shellacked, varnished; dough to be sticky
gleaming, reflective, glittering, shining Ant dim, dull, glu.ti.nous Vglu-ts-nas', adj : having the quality of glue
flat, lusterless, matte : STICKY
2glossy n, pi gloss.ies : a photograph printed on smooth adhesive, gelatinous, gluey, gooey, gummy, sticky,
shiny paper viscid, viscous - more at STICKY
glot.tis \'glii-tas\ n, pi glot.tiso8s or glototiodes \-ta-,dez\ glut.ton \'gla-t'n\ n : one that eats to excess - gluttony
: the slitlike opening between the vocal cords in the lar- \'gla-ta-ne\ n
ynx - glot.tal \'glii-t'l\ ad) glut.ton-ous \'glat-'n-as\ adj : marked by or given to ex-
glove \'glav\ n 1 : a covering for the hand having separate cessive eating or drinking
sections for each finger 2: a padded leather covering for greedy, hoggish, piggish, rapacious, ravenous, vora-
the hand for use in a sport cious - more at VORACIOUS
'glow \'gUi\ vb 1 : to shine with or as if with intense heat or glyc-er.ine \'gli-sa-ran\ n : GLYCEROL
2 + : to have a rich warm usu. ruddy color: FLUSH, BLUSH glyc-er-ol \'gli-sa-,r6I, -,rol\ n : a sweet syrupy alcohol usu.
3 : to feel hot 4: to show exuberance or elation <~ with obtained from fats and used esp, as a solvent
pride> gly-co-gen Vgli-ka-jon', n : a white tasteless substance that
+ [I] blaze, bum, flame - more at BURN [2) bloom, is the chief storage carbohydrate of animals
blush, color (or colour), crimson, flush, redden - more gm abbr gram
at BLUSH GM abbr 1 general manager 2 guided missile
2glow n 1: brightness or warmth of color; esp : REDNESS G-man \'je-,man\ n : a special agent of the Federal Bureau
2 : warmth of feeling or emotion 3: a sensation of of Investigation
warmth 4 : light such as is emitted from a heated sub- GMT abbr Greenwich mean time
stance gnarled \'narld\ adj 1 : KNOTTY 2 : GLOOMY, SULLEN
gnash 358
gnash \'nash\ vb + : to grind (as teeth) together [1] advance, fare, forge, get along, march, proceed,
+ crunch, grate, grind, grit, scrape - more at GRIND progress; also accelerate, fast-forward, speed; approach,
gnat \'nat\ n : any of various small usu. biting dipteran near; journey, pass, repair, run, travel, wend; actuate,
drive, impel, propel, push; do, go off, take out Ant re-
main, stand, stay, stop [2] clear out, depart, exit, get
gnaw \'n6\ vb 1 + : to consume, wear away, or make by
off, leave, move, pull, quit, sally, shove, take off; also
persistent biting or nibbling 2: to affect as if by gnawing
set out, start, strike out; abscond, decamp, escape, evac-
+ usu gnaw on bite, champ, chew, chomp, crunch, nib- uate, flee, fly, get out, run away, scram, skip; go out,
ble light out, step out; abandon, desert, forsake, vacate; em-
gnawoer n : one that gnaws igrate; remove, retire, retreat, withdraw Ant arrive,
gneiss \'n1S\ n : a layered rock similar in composition to come, show up, tum up + [4] extend, head, lead, lie,
granite run - more at RUN USU go for [8] bring, cost, fetch,
gnome \'nom\ n + : a dwarf of folklore who lives inside sell- more at COST + usu go to [15] refer, resort, turn
the earth and guards precious ore or treasure - gnom- + [35] cover, crisscross, cross, cut, follow, pass, pro-
ish adj ceed, travel, traverse - more at TRAVERSE
+ brownie, dwarf, elf, fairy, fay, hobgoblin, leprechaun, 2go n, pl goes 1 : the act or manner of going 2 : the height
pixie, puck, troll of fashion (boots are all the~) 3: a tum of affairs: OC-
GNP abbr gross national product CURRENCE 4: active bodily or mental strength or force
gnu \'nii\ n, pl gnu or gnus: WILDEBEEST : ENERGY, VIGOR 5 : an experimental trial or attempt
'go \'go\ vb went \'went\; gone \'g6n, 'gan\;; goes 6 : a spell of activity - no go : USELESS, HOPELESS - on the
\'goz\ 1 : to move on a course: PROCEED (~ slow) go : constantly active
2 + : to move out of or away from a place expressed or attempt, bid, crack, endeavor (or endeavour), essay,
implied: LEAVE, DEPART 3: to take a certain course or fol- fling, pass, shot, stab, trial, try, whack, whirl - more at
Iowa certain procedure (reports ~ through department ATTEMPT
channels) 4 : to extend from point to point or in a cer- 3go adj : functioning properly
tain direction : RUN (his land <es to the river); also fit, ready, set - more at READY
: LEAD (that door ~es to the cellar) 5: to be habitually
'goad \'god\ n [ME gode, fr. OE gad spear, goad] 1 : a
in a certain state (~es armed after dark) 6: to become pointed rod used to urge on an animal 2.: something
lost, consumed, or spent; also : DIE 7: ELAPSE, PASS that urges
8 : to pass by sale (went for a good price) 9: to become
boost, encouragement, impetus, impulse, incentive,
impaired or weakened 10: to give way under force or
incitement, instigation, momentum, motivation, provo-
pressure 11 : to move along in a specified manner (it went
cation, spur, stimulus, yeast - more at IMPULSE
well) 12: to be in general or on an average (cheap, as
2goad vb : to incite or rouse as if with a goad
vachts e--o 13: to become esp, as the result of a contest
(the decision went against him) 14: to put or subject egg on, encourage, exhort, press, prod, prompt, urge
oneself (~ to great expense) 15 + : to have recourse to - more at URGE
another : RESORT (went to court to recover damages) go-ahead \'go-;)-,hed\ n : authority to proceed
16: to begin or maintain an action or motion (here ~es) goal \'gol\ n 1 : the mark set as limit to a race; also: an
17 : to function properly (the clock doesn't e-v) 18: to be area to be reached safely in children's games 2 : the
known (~es by an alias) 19: to be or act in accordance end toward which effort is directed: AIM, PURPOSE 3: an
<a good rule to ~ by) 20: to come to be applied 21 : to area or object toward which play is directed to score; also
pass by award, assignment, or lot 22: to contribute to a : a successful attempt to score
result (qualities that ~ to make a hero) 23: to be about, aim, ambition, aspiration, design, dream, end, intent,
intending, or expecting something (is ~ing to leave mark, meaning, object, objective, plan, pretension, pur-
town) 24: to arrive at a certain state or condition (~ to pose, thing; also plot, project, scheme; desire, hope,
sleep) 25: to come to be (the tire went flat) 26: to be ca- wish; destination, terminus
pable of being sung or played (the tune -ces like this) \'go-Ie\ n : GOALKEEPER
27 : to be suitable or becoming: HARMONIZE 28: to be ca- goal.keepoer \'gol-,ke-p;)r\ n : a player who defends the
pable of passing, extending, or being contained or in- goal in various games
serted (this coat will ~ in the trunk) 29: to have a usual goalpost \-,post\ n : one of the two vertical posts with a
or proper place or position: BELONG <these books ~ on crossbar that constitute the goal in various games
the top shelf) 30: to be capable of being divided (3 -ces goat \'got\ n, pI goats or goat: any of various hollow'
into 6 twice) 31 : to have a tendency (that <-es to show horned ruminant mammals related to the sheep that have
that he is honest) 32: to be acceptable, satisfactory, or backward-curving horns, a short tail, and usu. straight
adequate 33: to empty the bladder or bowels 34: to pro- hair
ceed along or according to : FOLLOW 35.: to travel goatee \go-'te\ n : a small trim pointed or tufted beard on
through or along: TRAVERSE 36: to make a wager or of- a man's chin
fer of : BET, BID <willing to ~ $50) 37: to assume the goat.herd \'got-,h;)rd\ n : a person who tends goats
function or obligation of (~ bail for a friend) 38: to \-,skin\ n : the skin of a goat or a leather made
participate to the extent of (~halves) 39: WEIGH from it
40 : ENDURE, TOLERATE 41 : AFFORD (can't ~ the price) 'gob \'gab\ n 1 : a piece or mass of indefinite size and
42 : SAY - used chiefly in oral narration of speech 43: to shape: LUMP, MASS 2 : a large amount - usu. used in
engage in (don't ~ telling everyone) - go at 1 : ATTACK, pl.<~s of money)
ATTEMPT 2 : UNDERTAKE - go back on 1 : ABANDON 2: BE- [1] blob, chunk, clod, clump, glob, hunk, lump,
TRAY 3: FAIL - go by the board: to be discarded - go mass, nub, wad - more at LUMP usu gobs [2] abun-
for 1 : to pass for or serve as 2: to try to secure 3: FA- dance, deal, heap, loads.Jot, pile, plenty, quantity, scads
VOR - go one better: OUTDO, SURPASS - go over 1 : EX- -more at LOT
AMINE 2: REPEAT 3: STUDY, REVIEW - go places: to be on 2gob n : a member of a ship's crew: SAILOR
the way to success - go steady: to date one person ex- jack, jack-tar, mariner, sailor, seaman, swab, tar-
clusively - go to bat for : DEFEND, CHAMPION - go to more at SAILOR
town 1 : to work or act efficiently 2: to be very success- gob-bet \'ga-b;)t\ n : a piece or mass of indefinite size and
ful shape: LUMP, MASS
359 -gon
'gob-ble \'gii-b;ll\ vb gob-bled; gob-bling 1 : to swallow or hustler, live wire, powerhouse, self-starter; also
eat greedily 2: to take eagerly: GRAB dasher; doer; he-man
bolt, devour, gorge, gormandize, gulp, scarf, scoff, go-get.ting adj : marked by driving forceful energy, am-
wolf; also overeat, pig out, swill bition, or initiative - go-getting n
'gobble vb gob-bled; gob-bling : to make the natural gut- aggressive, ambitious, assertive, enterprising, fierce,
tural noise of a male turkey high-pressure, militant, self-assertive - more at AG-
gob-ble-dyogook also gob-ble-deogook \'gii-b;)l-de-,glik, GRESSIVE
-,giik\ n : generally unintelligible jargon gogogle \'ga-g;ll\ vb gogogled; gog'9ling : to stare with
babble, gabble, gibberish, hogwash, jabber, jabber- wide or protuberant eyes
wocky, nonsense - more at GIBBERISH gape, gawk, gaze, peer, rubberneck, stare - more at
gob-bier \'gii-bl;)r\ n : a male turkey GAPE
go-beotween \'go-b;)-,twen\ n : an intermediate agent gogogles \'ga-g;)lz\ n pi : protective glasses set in a flexible
: BROKER frame that fits snugly against the face
arbiter, arbitrator, broker, intercessor, intermediary, go-go \'go-,go\ adi 1 : related to, being, or employed to
mediator, middleman, peacemaker - more at MEDIA- entertain in a disco <,..._, dancers> 2: aggressively enter-
TOR prising and energetic
gob-let \'ga-bl;)t\ n : a drinking glass with a foot and stern go-ings-on \,go-iI)-'zon, -'ziin\ n pi: ACTIONS, EVENTS
gob-lin Vga-blan', n : an ugly or grotesque sprite that is goi.ter or Can and Brit goi.tre Vgoi-tar', n : an abnormally
mischievous and sometimes evil and malicious enlarged thyroid gland visible as a swelling at the base of
the neck - goi.trous v-tros, -tc-rcsv adj
go-by \'go-be\ n, pi gobies also goby : any of numerous
go-kart \ 'go-,kart\ n : a small motorized vehicle used esp,
spiny-finned fishes usu. having the pelvic fins united to
for racing
form a ventral sucking disk
gold \ 'gold\ n 1 : a malleable yellow metallic chemical el-
god \'gad, 'god\ n 1 cap: the supreme reality; esp : the Be- ement used esp. for coins and jewelry 2: gold coins; also
ing worshiped as the creator and ruler of the universe : MONEY 3: a yellow color
2 : a being or object believed to have supernatural attrib- gold.brick \'gold-,brik\ n : a person who shirks assigned
utes and powers and to require worship 3: a thing of work - goldbrick vb
supreme value 4: an extraordinarily attractive person gold coast n, often cap G&C : an exclusive residential dis-
god-child \'gad-,child, 'god-\ n : a person for whom an- trict
other person stands as sponsor at baptism gold digger n : a person who uses charm to extract money
gododaugh.ter \-,do-t;)r\ n : a female godchild or gifts from others
gododess \'ga-d;)s, 'go-\ n 1 : a female god 2 : a woman goldoen \'gol-d;)n\ adl 1 : made of or relating to gold
whose charm or beauty arouses adoration 2 : having the color of gold; also: BLOND 3: SHINING,
beauty, enchantress, fox, knockout, queen - more LUSTROUS 4: SUPERB 5.: marked by success or eco-
at BEAUTY nomic well-being: PROSPEROUS 6 : radiantly youthful and
god.faolher \'gad-,fa-lli;)r, 'god-\ n 1 : a man who sponsors vigorous 7 : tending to promote or facilitate: FAVOR-
a person at baptism 2: the leader of an organized crime ABLE, ADVANTAGEOUS (a,..._, opportunity> 8: rich and full
syndicate but free from garishness or stridency: MELLOW, RESONANT
godhead \-,hed\ n 1 : divine nature or essence 2 cap [2] blond, fair, flaxen, sandy, straw - more at BLOND
: GOD 1; also: the nature of God esp. as existing in three [5] booming, palmy, prosperous, roaring, successful
persons - more at PROSPEROUS [7] advantageous, auspicious,
deity, divinity - more at DIVINITY bright, encouraging, favorable (or favourable), hearten-
ing, hopeful, promising, propitious - more at FAVOR-
god.hood \-,hud\ n : the quality or state of being a god: DI-
gold-en-8g-er \'go)-d;)n-'a-j;)r\ n : an elderly and often
god.less \-I;)s\ adi : not ackriowledging a deity or divine
retired person usu. engaging in club activities
law - god.less.ness n \-,IIk\ adj : resembling or having the qualities of ancient, elder, oldster, senior citizen - more at SEN-
God or a god
golden hamster n : a small tawny hamster often kept as a
+ blessed, divine, heavenly, holy - more at HOLY pet n : the quality or state of living a godly life golden handcuffs n pi : special benefits offered to an em-
blessedness, devoutness, holiness, piety, sainthood, ployee as an inducement to continue service
sanctity - more at HOLINESS golden handshake n : a generous severance agreement \-Ie\ adj god.lioer; -est 1 : DIVINE 2 : marked by or given esp. as an inducement to early retirement
showing reverence for deity and devotion to divine wor- golden retriever n : any of a breed of retrievers with a flat
ship: PIOUS, DEVOUT golden coat
devout, faithful, holy, pious, religious, sainted, saintly goldoen.rod \'giil-d;)n-,rad\ n : any of numerous herbs re-
- more at HOLY lated to the daisies that have tall slender stalks with many
god.mothoer \-,m;)-lli;)r\ n : a woman who sponsors a per- tiny usu. yellow flower heads
son at baptism golden years n pi : the advanced years in a lifetime
godparoent \-,par-;)nt\ n : a sponsor at baptism gold.finch \-,finch\ n 1 : a small largely red, black, and yel-
god.send \-,send\ n .: a desirable or needed thing or low Old World finch often kept in a cage 2 : any of three
small related American finches of which the males usu.
event that comes unexpectedly
become bright yellow and black in summer
benefit, blessing, boon, felicity, good, manna, wind- \-,fish\ n : a small usu. golden-orange carp often
fall - more at BLESSING kept as an aquarium or pond fish
god.son \-,s;)n\ n : a male godchild gold'smith \-,smith\ n : a person who makes or deals in ar-
God.speed \-'sped\ n : a prosperous journey : SUCCESS ticles of gold
(bade him-> golf \'galf, 'golf\ n : a game played with a small ball and
go-fer or go-pher \'go-f;)r\ n [alter. of go for] : an employee various clubs on a course having 9 or 18 holes - golf vb
whose duties include running errands - golfoer n
go-getter \'go-,ge-t;)r\ n + : an aggressively enterprising -gon \,gan\ n comb form: figure having (so many) angles
person - adj or n (hexagon>
gonad 360
go-nad \'go-,nad\ n : a sperm- or egg-producing gland manufactured or produced for sale: WARES, MERCHANDISE
: OVARY, TESTIS - \go-'na-dOI\ adj 8 : good persons (the ~ die young) 9 pl : proof of wrong-
go-nad-o-tropoic \go-,na-d~-'tra-pik\ also go-nad-o-tro-phic doing - for good : FOREVER, PERMANENTLY - to the good
\-'tro-fik, -'tra-\ adj : acting on or stimulating the gonads : in a position of net gain or profit ($10 to the good)
go-nad-o-tropin \-'tro-p~n\ also go-nad-o-tro-phin \-f~n\ n [1) blessing, boon, felicity, godsend, manna, windfall
: a gonadotropic hormone - more at BLESSING (3) benefit, interest, weal, wel-
gonodo-Ia \'gan-d~-I~ (usual/or I), glin-'do-\ n [It. dial. fare, well-being - more at WELFARE
(Venice), prob, fro MGk kontoura small vessel) 1 : a long 3good adv : in a good or proper manner: WELL
narrow boat used on the canals of Venice 2: a railroad
OK, adequately, all right, fine, nicely, passably, satis-
car used for hauling loose freight (as coal) 3: an enclo- factorily, so-so, tolerably, well - more at WELL
sure beneath an airship or balloon 4: an enclosed car
good-bye or good-by \gild-'bi, g~-\ n : a concluding re-
suspended from a cable and used esp. for transporting
mark at parting
gonodo-lier \,gan-d~-'lir\ n : a person who propels a gon- adieu, au revoir, bon voyage, farewell; also leave-tak-
dola ing, send-off Ant hello
'gone \'gon\pastpart o/GO good cholesterol n : HDL
2gone adj 1 : no longer alive : DEAD 2: no longer pos- \'gild-f~r-,n:l-thil)\ adj : of no use or
sessed : LOST, RUINED 3: SINKING, WEAK 4: INVOLVED, AB- value - good-for-nothing n
SORBED 5: INFATUATED 6: PREGNANT 7: having existed or Good Friday n : the Friday before Easter observed as the
taken place in a period before the present: PAST anniversary of the crucifixion of Christ
bygone, dead, deceased, defunct, extinct - more at good-heartoed \-'hlir-t:ld\ adj : having a kindly generous
EXTINCT disposition
gonoer \'go-n~r\ n : one whose case is hopeless beneficent, benevolent, compassionate, humane, kind,
gong \'gal), 'gol)\ n : a metallic disk that produces a re- kindly, sympathetic, tender, tenderhearted, warm-
sounding tone when struck hearted - more at HUMANE
gono-coc-cus \,ga-n~-'ka-k~s\ n, pi -coc-cl \-'kak-,si, -(,)se, Vgud-le', adj good.lioer; -est 1 : of pleasing appear-
-'ka-,ki, -(,)ke\ : a pus-producing bacterium causing gon- ance 2 : significantly large: CONSIDERABLE
orrhea - gono-coc-cal \-'ka-k~l\ adj considerable, good, healthy, respectable, Significant,
gon-orrhea \,ga-n~-'re-~\ n : a contagious sexually trans- sizable, substantial, tidy - more at CONSIDERABLE
mitted inflammation of the genital tract caused by the \'gild-m:ln\ n, archaic: MR.
gonococcus - gon-orrhe-al \-'re-~I\ adj good-na.tured Vgud-tna-chordv adj : of a cheerful dispo-
goo \'gii\ n 1 : a viscid or sticky substance 2: sentimental sition - x-chard-le', adv
tripe affable, agreeable, amiable, genial, gracious, nice,
goo-ber \'gii-b~r, 'gil-\ n, Southern & Midland: PEANUT sweet, well-disposed - more at AMIABLE
'good \'gild\ adj bet-ter \'be-t~r\; best \'best\ 1 : of a fa- goodness \-n~s\ n : the quality or state of being good
vorable character or tendency 2: BOUNTIFUL, FERTILE : VIRTUE
3: COMELY, ATTRACTIVE 4 : adapted to a use or purpose
: SUITABLE, FIT 5: SOUND, WHOLE 6 : having qualities
character, decency, honesty, honor (or honour), in-
tegrity, morality, probity, rectitude, righteousness, up-
that tend to give pleasure: AGREEABLE, PLEASANT 7: SALU-
rightness, virtue - more at MORALITY
TARY, WHOLESOME 8: of a noticeably large size or quan-
tity : CONSIDERABLE 9: FULL 10 : based on excellent good-tem.pered \-'tem-p~rd\ adj : not easily angered or
reasoning, information, judgment, or grounds 11 : TRUE upset
(holds ~ for everybody) 12: legally valid or effectual good.wlfe \-,wif\ n, archaic: MRS.
13 : sufficient for a specific requirement: SATISFACTORY goodwill \-'wil\ n 1 : kindly feeling of approval and sup-
14 .: conforming to a standard 15: DISCRIMINATING port : BENEVOLENCE 2: the value of the trade a business
16 : worthy of being commended 17: KIND 18: UPPER' has built up over time 3: cheerful consent 4 : willing
CLASS 19.: having or displaying competence or skill effort
20 : unswerving in allegiance: LOYAL, CLOSE - good.ish [1) amity, benevolence, cordiality, fellowship, friend-
adj - \-'Iil-kil)\ adj liness, friendship, kindliness; also camaraderie, commu-
(1) appreciative, complimentary, favorable (or nity, companionship, comradeship; civility, comity,
favourable), friendly, positive - more at FAVORABLE concord, harmony, rapport; charity, generosity, neigh-
(4) applicable, appropriate, apt, felicitous, fit, fitting, borliness; affinity, communion, empathy, sympathy,
happy, meet, proper, right, suitable - more at FIT tolerance; altruism, philanthropy, selflessness Ant ill
(6) agreeable, congenial, delightful, felicitous, grate- will, malevolence. (4) alacrity, gameness, willingness
ful, gratifying, nice, palatable, pleasant, pleasurable, - more at ALACRITY
satisfying. (10) hard, informed, just, logical, rational, goody or \'gil-de\ n, pI good.ies : something that
reasonable, reasoned, sensible, solid, valid, well, is good esp. to eat
founded; also actual, real, true; certain, sure; certified, dainty, delicacy, tidbit, treat - more at DELICACY
validated, verified; confirmed, substantiated; cogent, goody-goody \,gU-de-'gil-de\ adj : affectedly good-
convincing, credible Ant baseless, illogical, invalid, un- goody-goody n
founded, uninformed, unreasonable, unsound (14) goooey \'gii-e\ adj. : having a sticky or thick quality
decent, ethical, honest, honorable (or honourable), just,
adhesive, gelatinous, gluey, glutinous, gummy, sticky,
moral, right, straight, virtuous; also correct, decorous,
viscid, viscous - more at STICKY
proper, seemly; high-minded, noble, principled; com-
mendable, creditable, exemplary, legitimate; esteemed, 'goof \'giif\ vb 1 : to spend time idly or foolishly - usu.
reputable, respected, upstanding, worthy Ant bad, evil, used with off 2 : BLUNDER - often used with up
unethical, wrong. (19) accomplished, adept, capable, usu goof off dally, dawdle, dillydally, hang around,
competent, proficient, skilled, skillful - more at PROFI- hang out, idle, loaf, loll, lounge - more at IDLE
CIENT 2goof n 1 : a silly or stupid person 2 : a gross error or
2good n 1 : something good 2: GOODNESS 3 : advance- mistake resulting USU. from stupidity, ignorance, or care-
ment of prosperity or well-being: BENEFIT, WELFARE (for lessness
the ~ of mankind) 4: something that has economic util- blunder, error, fault, flub, fumble, lapse, miscue, mis-
ity 5 pi : personal property 6 pI : CLOTH 7 pl : something step, mistake, oversight, slip, stumble - more at ERROR
361 gourmet

goof.ball \'giihbol\ n 1 slang: a barbiturate sleeping pill gor.manodisechiefly Brit var of GORMANDIZE
2 : a goofy person gor.manodize Vgor-man-jdlzv vb -dized; + : to eat
go off vb 1 + : to burst forth with sudden violenceor noise ravenously
from internal energy: EXPLODE 2: to followa course (the + bolt, devour, gobble, gorge,gulp, scarf, scoff, wolf -
party went off well) more at GOBBLE
blow up, burst, detonate, explode, pop - more at EX- gor.manodizoer \,di-z;,(r)\ n : one who eats gluttonously or
PLODE ravenously
goof~ff \'gti-,fof\ n : one who evadeswork or responsibility gorp \'gorp\ n : a snack consisting of high-caloriefood (as
goofy\'gii-fe\ adj goof.ioer; -est + : being crazy, ridiculous, raisins and nuts)
or mildly ludicrous: SILLY - gooN.ness \-fe-n;,s\ n gorse \'gors\ n : a spiny yellow-flowered European ever-
+ flighty, frivolous, giddy, harebrained, light-headed, green shrub of the legume family
scatterbrained,silly- more at GIDDY gory \'gor-e\ adj gor.ioer; -est 1 : BLooDSTATNED 2: HORRI-
goon \'giin\ n 1 + : a man hired to terrorize or kill oppo- BLE, SENSATIONAL
nents 2 + : a stupid person gos.hawk \'giis-,hok\ n : any of several long-tailed hawks
+ [II bully, gangster, hood, hoodlum, mobster, mug, with short rounded wings
punk, rowdy, ruffian, thug, tough - more at HOODLUM gos.ling\'gaz-Iil), 'goz-', n : a young goose
+ [2] blockhead, dope, dummy, idiot, imbecile, jackass, 'gos.pel \'gas-p;,l\ n [ME, fr. OE godspel, fro god good +
moron, numskull - more at IDIOT spell message, news) 1 : the teachings of Christ and the
go on vb 1 : to continue in a course of action 2 + : to take apostles 2 cap : any of the first four books of the New
place : HAPPEN Testament 3 + : something accepted as infallibletruth
be, befall, betide, chance, come, happen, occur, pass, + creed, doctrine, ideology, philosophy - more at
transpire - more at HAPPEN CREED
goose \'giis\ n, pi geese \'ges\ 1 : any of numerous long' 'gospel adj 1 : of, relating to, or emphasizing the gospel
necked web-footed birds related to the swans and ducks; 2 : relating to or being American religious songs associ-
also : a female goose as distinguished from a gander ated with evangelism
2 + : a foolish person 3 pi goosoes : a tailor'S smoothing gos.samer \'ga-s;,-m;,r\n [ME gossomer, fro gos goose +
iron somer summer] 1 : a film of cobwebs floating in the air
+ booby, fool, half-wit, jackass, lunatic, nitwit, nut, 2 : something light, delicate, or tenuous
'gos.sip \'ga-sap\ n 1 : a person who habitually revealsper-
simpleton, turkey - more at FOOL sonal or sensational facts 2: rumor or report of an inti-
goose-ber.ry\'giis-,ber-e, 'guz-, -ba-rex n : the acid berry of mate nature 3 + : an informal conversation
any of several shrubs related to the currant and used esp.
in jams and pies + chat, chatter, chitchat, gabfest, palaver, rap, talk-
goose bumps n pi : roughening of the skin caused usu, by more at CHAT
cold, fear, or a sudden feelingof excitement 'gossip vb + : to spread gossip
goose-flesh \-,f1esh\ n : GOOSE BUMPS + blab, talk, tattle; also bandy (about), circulate, noise
goose pimplesn pi : GOOSE BUMPS (about), rumor; disclose, divulge, reveal, tell; hint, im-
go out vb 1 : to become extinguished 2: to become a can- ply, insinuate, intimate, let on, suggest;inform, report,
didate (went out for the football team) snitch, squeal, tip (00; babble, spill; confide
go over vb + : to win approval : SUCCEED gos.sipy adj : characterized by, full of, or given to gossip
+ click, deliver, llIf out, succeed, work out - more at got past and past part of GET
SUCCEED Goth \'gath\ n : a member of a Germanic people that early
GOPabbr Grand Old Party (Republican) in the Christian era overran the Roman Empire
'go-pher \'go-f;,r\ n 1 : a burrowing American land tortoise 'Gothic\'ga-thik\ adj 1 : of or relating to the Goths 2: of
2 : any of a family of No. American burrowing rodents or relating to a style of architecture prevalent in western
with large cheek pouches opening beside the mouth Europe from the middle 12th to the early 16th century
3 : any of several small ground squirrels of the prairie re- 'Gothic n 1 : the Germanic language of the Goths 2: the
gion of No. America Gothic architectural style or decoration
'gopher var of GOFER gottenpast part of GET
'gore \'gor\ n 1 : BLOOD 2: vivid gruesomeness Gouoda\'gii-d;,\ n : a mild Dutch milk cheese shaped in
'gore n : a tapering or triangular piece (as of cloth in a balls
skirt) 'gouge \'gauj\ n 1 : a rounded troughlike chisel 2: a hole
3gore vb gored; + : to pierce or wound with some- or groove made with or as if with a gouge
thing pointed 'gouge vb gouged; 1 : to cut holes or grooves in
+ harpoon, impale, lance, pierce, puncture, skewer, with or as if with a gouge 2 + : to charge too much or too
spear, spike, stab, stick, transfix - more at IMPALE fully
'gorge \'gorj\ n 1 : THROAT 2 + : a narrow ravine 3: a mass + overcharge, soak, sting - more at OVERCHARGE
of matter that chokes up a passage gou.lash \'gii-,lash, -,lash\ n [Hungarian gulyds] : a stew
+ canyon, defile, flume, gap, gulch, notch, pass, ravine made with meat, assorted vegetables,and paprika
- more at CANYON go under vb : to be overwhelmed, defeated, or destroyed
'gorge vb gorged; + : to eat greedily, hurridly, or : FAIL
to capacity gourd \'gord, 'gurd\ n 1 : any of a familyof tendril-bearing
+ glut, sate, stuff, surfeit + bolt, devour, gobble, gor- vines including the cucumber, squash, and melon 2: the
mandize, gulp, scarf, scoff, wolf - more at GOBBLE fruit of a gourd; esp : any of various inedible hard-shelled
fruits used esp. for ornament or implements
gorogeous\'gor-jas\ adj + : resplendentlybeautiful gourmand\'gur-,mand\ n 1 : one who is excessivelyfond
+ attractive, beautiful, cute, fair, handsome, knockout, of eating and drinking 2 + : a connoisseur of food and
lovely, pretty, ravishing, stunning - more at BEAUTIFUL drink: GOURMET
Gorogon.zo-Ia\,gor-g;,n-'zo-I;,\ n : a blue cheese of Italian + epicure, epicurean, gourmet
origin \ga-'ri-I;,\ n [NL, fr. Gk Gorillai, a tribe of hairy gour.met \'gur-,ma, gUr-'ma\ n [F, fr. MF, alter. of gromet
women in an account of a voyage around Africa] : an boy servant, vintner's assistant] + : a connoisseur of food
African anthropoid ape related to but much larger than and drink
the chimpanzee + epicure, epicurean, gourmand
gout 362
gout \'gaut\ n : a metabolic disease marked by painful in- (10) class, elegance, handsomeness, majesty, refine-
flammation and swelling of the joints - gouty adj ment, stateliness - more at ELEGANCE [13) boon,
govabbr 1 government 2 governor courtesy, favor (or favour), indulgence, kindness,
gov-ern \'g:l-v:lrn\ vb [ME, fr. AF govemer, fro Lgubemare mercy I service, turn
to steer, govern, fr. Gk kybeman] 1 : to control and di- 2grace vb graced; 1 : HONOR 2 : to endow with
rect the making and administration of policy in : RULE grace: ADORN, EMBELLISH
2 : to prevail or have decisive influence over: CONTROL, adorn, array, beautify, bedeck, deck, decorate, do,
DIRECf 3: DETERMINE, REGULATE 4 : to hold in check dress, embellish, enrich, garnish, ornament, trim-
[1) boss, captain, command, control, preside, rule; grace-ful \-fal\ adj : displaying grace in form or action
also conduct, direct, head, lead; administer, manage, : pleasing or attractive in line, proportion, or movement
oversee, regulate, superintend, supervise; dictate, domi- elegant, handsome, majestic, refined, stately, tasteful
nate, domineer, lord (it over), master, oppress, reign - more at ELEGANT. agile, light, lissome, lithe, nimble,
(over), tyrannize; conquer, subdue, subjugate. [2) ad- spry; a/so flexible, limber, pliable, pliant, supple; adroit,
minister, carry on, conduct, control, direct, guide, han- deft, dexterous Ant awkward, clumsy, gawky, graceless,
dle, manage, operate, oversee, regulate, run, superin- lumbering, ungainly, ungraceful
tend, supervise - more at CONDUCf [4) bridle, check, grace-ful.ness n : the quality or state of being graceful
constrain, contain, control, curb, inhibit, regulate, rein, grace-less adj 1 .: artistically inept or unbeautiful
restrain, tame - more at CONTROL 2 : lacking a sense of propriety
gov-er.nance v-ver-nensv n : the act or process of govern- [1) awkward, clumsy, gawky, heavy-handed, lub-
ing; specif : authoritative direction or control berly, lumpish, ungainly, unhandy - more at CLUMSY
gov-ern-ess Vgo-var-nasv n : a woman who teaches and [1) gauche, inelegant, stiff, stilted, uncomfortable,
trains a child esp. in a private home uneasy, ungraceful, wooden - more at AWKWARD
gov-ernment \'ga-varn-mant\ n 1 : authoritative direc- [2) improper, inappropriate, inapt, infelicitous, unbe-
tion or control: RULE 2 : the making of policy 3: the coming, unfit, unseemly, unsuitable, wrong - more at
organization or agency through which a political unit ex- INAPPROPRIATE
ercises authority 4: the complex of institutions, laws, and gra-cious \'gra-shas\ adj 1 .: marked by kindness and
customs through which a political unit is governed 5: the courtesy 2: GRACEFUL 3: characterized by charm and
governing body - \,ga-varn-'ment-'I\ adi good taste 4: MERCIFUL - adv
[I] administration, authority, jurisdiction, regime, affable, agreeable, amiable, congenial, convivial, cor-
rule - more at RULE [2) conduct, control, direction, dial, friendly, genial, hospitable, kind, kindly, sociable
guidance, management, operation, oversight, regula- Ant inhospitable, ungracious, unsociable civil, cour-
tion, running, superintendence, supervision - more at teous, genteel, mannerly, polite, well-bred - more at
gov-er.nor Vga-vor-narv n 1: one that governs; esp : a gra-cious.ness n : the quality or state of being gracious
ruler, chief executive, or head of a political unit (as a civility, courtesy, gentility, mannerliness, politeness
state) 2: an attachment to a machine for automatic con- - more at POLITENESS. agreeableness, amenity, amia-
trol of speed - gov-er.nor.ship n bility, geniality, niceness, pleasantness, sweetness-
govt abbr government more at AMIABILITY
'gown \'gaun\ n 1 : a loose flowing outer garment 2 : an of- grack.le \'gra-kal\ n : any of several I e American black-
ficial robe worn esp. by a judge, clergyman, or teacher birds with glossy iridescent plumage
3: a woman's dress (evening -s) 4: a loose robe grad abbr graduate; graduated
2gown vb : to dress in or invest with a gown gra-da.tion \&fa-'da-shan, gra-\ n 1 : a series forming suc-
gp abbr group cessive stages 2 : a step, degree, or stage in a series 3: an
GP abbr general practitioner advance by regular degrees 4: the act or process of grad-
GPO abbr 1 general post office 2 Government Printing ing
Office 'grade \'grad\ vb grad-ed; 1 .: to arrange in
GPS \,je-,pe-'es\ n [Global Positioning System) : a naviga- grades : SORT; also : to arrange in a scale or series 2: to
tion system that uses satellite signals to fix location; also make level or evenly sloping (- a highway) 3: to give a
: the signal receiver itself grade to (- a pupil in history) 4: to assign to a grade
GO abbr general quarters assort, break down, categorize, class, classify, group,
gr abbr 1 grade 2 grain 3 gram 4 gravity 5 gross peg, place, range, rank, rate, separate, sort - more at
'grab \'grab\ vb grabbed; grab-bing .: to take hastily CLASSIFY
: SNATCH 2grade n [L gradus step, degree, fro gradi to step, go) 1 : a
bag, capture, catch, collar, corral, get, grapple, hook, degree or stage in a series, order, or ranking 2 : a posi-
land, nab, seize, snare, trap - more at CATCH tion in a scale of rank, quality, or order 3 : a class of
2grab n 1 : something grabbed; a/so : an act or instance of persons Or things of the same rank or quality 4: a divi-
grabbing 2 : an unlawful or unscrupulous seizure sion of the school course representing one year's work;
also : the pupils in such a division 5 pi : the elementary
rip-off, theft - more at THEfT
school system 6: a mark or rating esp. of accomplish-
'grace \'gras\ n 1 : unmerited help given to people by God ment in school 7 : the degree of slope (as of a road);
(as in overcoming temptation) 2: freedom from sin also : SLOPE 8 : a reference level or starting point used
through divine grace 3: a virtue coming from God 4 - for measuring or calculating
used as a title for a duke, a duchess, or an archbishop [1) cut, degree, inch, notch, peg, phase, point, stage,
5 : a short prayer at a meal 6: a temporary respite (as step - more at DEGREE [2) caliber (or calibre), class,
from the payment of a debt) 7: APPROVAL, ACCEPTANCE quality, rate - more at QUALITY [3) bracket, cate-
(in his good -s> 8: CHARM 9: ATTRACTIVENESS, BEAUTY gory, class, division, family, group, kind, order, set,
10 : fitness or proportion of line or expression 11 : ease species, type - more at CLASS [7) cant, diagonal, in-
of movement 12: a musical trill or ornament 13 : dis- clination, incline, lean, pitch, slant, slope, tilt, upgrade
position to Or an act or instance of kindness, courtesy, or - more at SLANT [8) criterion, mark, measure, par,
clemency - adv - grace-ful.ness n standard, touchstone, yardstick - more at STANDARD
363 grandiosely
grad-er \'gra-d:lr\ n : a machine for leveling earth college preparatory school 2: a school intermediate be-
grade school n : ELEMENTARY SCHOOL tween the primary grades and high school 3: ELEMEN-
graodi-ent \'gra-de-:lnt\ n : the rate of regular or graded as- TARY SCHOOL
cent or descent: SLOPE, GRADE gramme \'gram\ chiefly Brit var of GRAM \'gra-j:l-w:ll\ ad} : proceeding or changing by gram-oophone \'gra-m:l-,fOn\ n : PHONOGRAPH
steps or degrees - adv gra.nary \'gra-n:l-re, 'gra-\ n, pi -ries 1 : a storehouse for
imperceptible, progressive Ant sudden grain 2: a region producing grain in abundance \-W:l-,Ii-z:lm\ n : the policy of approaching a 19rand \'grand\ adj 1 .: higher in rank or importance
desired end gradually : FOREMOST, CHIEF 2 : large and striking in size, scope,
19rad.u.ate \'gra-j:l-w:lt\ n 1 : a holder of an academic de- extent, or conception 3 : covering or intended to cover
gree or diploma 2: a graduated container for measuring all items, costs, or services : COMPLETE <a ~ total)
contents 4 : MAGNIFICENT, SPLENDID 5 : showing wealth or high
'graduate adj 1 : holding an academic degree or diploma social standing 6: fine or imposing in appearance or im-
2 : of or relating to studies beyond the first or bachelor's pression: IMPRESSIVE, STATELY 7: very good: FINE
degree<~ school) [1] chief, dominant, first, foremost, key, main, para-
3grad.u.ate \'gra-j:l-,wat\ vb -at-ed; -at-lnq 1 : to grant or re- mount, predominant, preeminent, premier, primary,
ceive an academic degree or diploma 2: to divide into principal - more at FOREMOST [2] august, baronial,
grades, classes, or intervals 3: to admit to a particular gallant, glorious, grandiose, heroic, imposing, magnifi-
standing or grade cent, majestic, monumental, noble, proud, regal, royal,
grad.u.a.tion \,gra-j:l-'wa-sh:ln\ n 1 : a mark that graduates splendid, stately; also colossal, monstrous, prodigious,
something 2 : arrangement in degrees or ranks 3: COM- stupendous, tremendous; impressive, prepossessing, re-
MENCEMENT 2 doubtable; marvelous, superb, terrific, wonderful; ex-
ladder, scale - more at SCALE travagant, lavish, luxurious, opulent, sumptuous Ant \gr:l-'fe-(,)te\ n : unauthorized writing or drawing humble, unheroic, unimposing, unimpressive. [2] big,
on a public surface considerable, goodly, great, large, outsize, oversize, siz- \gra-'fe-to, gro-v n, pi -ti \-(,)te\ : an inscription or able, substantial. [3] complete, comprehensive, entire,
drawing made on a public surface (as a wall) full, intact, integral, perfect, plenary, total, whole-
19raft \'graft\ n 1 : a grafted plant; also: the point of union more at COMPLETE [5] aristocratic, genteel, gentle,
in this 2: material (as skin) used in grafting 3: the get- highborn, noble, patrician, wellborn - more at NOBLE
ting of money or advantage dishonestly; also: the money 'grand n, pi grand slang: a thousand dollars
or advantage so gained granodam \'gran-,dam, -damv or granodame \-,dam, -damv n
'graft vb 1 : to insert a shoot from one plant into another : an old woman
so that they join and grow; also : to join one thing to an- grandoehild \'grand-,chi(-:l)ld\ n : a child of one's son or
other as in plant grafting <~ skin over a bum) 2: to get daughter
(as money) dishonestly - graft-er n grandodaugh.ter Vgran-jdo-tarv n : a daughter of one's son
gra.ham cracker \'gra-:lm-, 'gram-\ n : a slightly sweet or daughter
cracker made chiefly of whole wheat flour grande dame \'griin-'diim\ n, pi grandes dames : a usu.
Grail \'graJ\ n : the cup or platter used according to me- elderly woman of great prestige or ability
dieval legend by Christ at the Last Supper and thereafter granodee \gran-'de\ n : a high-ranking Spanish or Por-
the object of knightly quests tuguese nobleman
grain \'gran\ n 1 : a seed or fruit of a cereal grass 2 : seeds aristocrat, gentleman, noble, patrician - more at
or fruits of various food plants and esp. cereal grasses; GENTLEMAN
also : a plant (as wheat) producing grain 3.: a small granodeur \'gran-j:lr\ n 1 : the quality or state of being
hard particle 4: a unit of weight based on the weight of grand: MAGNIFICENCE 2: something that is grand
a grain of wheat 5: TEXTURE; also: the arrangement of augustness, brilliance, glory, grandness, magnifi-
fibers in wood 6.: natural disposition - grained cence, majesty, nobility, nobleness, resplendence,
\ 'grandv ad} splendor, stateliness - more at MAGNIFICENCE
[3] bit, granule, molecule, particle [6] disposition, grand.fa.ther \'grand-,fii-ili:lr\ n : the father of one's fa-
nature, temper, temperament - more at DISPOSITION ther or mother; also: ANCESTOR
grain alcohol n : ALCOHOL 1
ancestor, father, forebear, forefather - more at AN-
grainy \'gra-ne\ ad} grain.i-er; -est 1 : resembling or hav-
ing some characteristic of grain : not smooth or fine 2 of
a photograph : appearing to be composed of grain-like grandfather clock n : a tall clock that stands on the floor
particles granodiloo-quence \gran-'di-I:l-kw:lns\ n : pompous elo-
coarse, granular - more at COARSE
bombast, gas, hot air, rhetoric, wind - more at RHET-
19ram \'gram\ n [F gramme, fr. LL gramma, a small weight,
fro Gk gramma letter, writing, a small weight, fro graphein
granodiloo-quent v-kwont', ad} : marked by a lofty, ex-
to write] : a metric unit of mass and weight equal to '11000
travagantly colorful, pompous, or bombastic style, man-
ner, or quality esp. in language
'gram abbr grammar; grammatical
-gram \,gram\ n comb form : drawing : writing : record florid, flowery, high-flown, highfalutin - more at
<telegram) FLOWERY bombastic, gaseous, oratorical, rhetorical,
grammar \'gra-m:lr\ n 1: the study of the classes of windy - more at RHETORICAL
words, their inflections, and their functions and relations granodi-ose \'gran-de-,os, .gran-de-tosv adj : impressive
in the sentence 2: a study of what is to be preferred and because of uncommon largeness, scope, effect, or
what avoided in inflection and syntax 3: speech or writ- grandeur: IMPOSING; also: affectedly splendid - granodi-
ing evaluated according to its conformity to grammatical oseolyadv
rules - \gr:l-'mer-e-:ln, -'mar-\ n - gram- august, baronial, gallant, glorious, grand, heroic, im-
mat-l-eal \-'ma-ti-bl\ adj - \-k(:l-)le\ posing, magnificent, majestic, monumental, noble,
adv proud, regal, royal, splendid, stately - more at GRAND
grammar school n 1: a secondary school emphasizing affected, highfalutin, ostentatious, pompous, preten-
Latin and Greek in preparation for college; also: a British tious - more at PRETENTIOUS
grandiosity 364
granodi-os.i.ty \,gran-de-'a-s:He\ n : the quality or state of grape hyacinth n : any of several small bulbous spring.
being grandiose flowering herbs with clusters of usu. blue flowers that are
grand jury n : a jury that examines accusations of crime related to the lilies
against persons and makes formal charges on which the grape-shot \'grap-,shiit\ n : a cluster of small iron balls for-
persons are later tried merly fired at people from short range by a cannon \-ndle, -li\ adv : in a grand manner grape-vine \-,vin\ n 1 : GRAPE 2 2: RUMOR; also: an infor-
expensively, extravagantly, high, lavishly, luxuri- mal means of circulating information or gossip
ously, opulently, richly - more at HIGH gallantly, graph \'graf\ n : a diagram that usu. by means of dots and
greatly, heroically, honorably (or honourably), mag- lines shows change in one variable factor in comparison
nanimously. nobly - more at GREATLY with one or more other factors - graph vb
grand mal \'gran-,miil; 'grand-,mal\ n [F, lit., great illness] -graph \,graf\ n comb form 1 : something written (auto-
: severe epilepsy graph) 2: instrument for making or transmitting records
grand.mothoer \'grand-,m:l-ili:lr\ n : the mother of one's fa- (seismograph)
ther or mother; also : a female ancestor 'graph.ic \'gra-fik\ also graph.i-cal \-fi-k:ll\ adj 1 : being
grand.ness \'gran(d)nas\ n : the quality or state of being written, drawn, or engraved 2: vividly described 3: of or
grand relating to the arts (graphic arts) of representation, deco-
augustness, brilliance, glory, grandeur, magnificence, ration, and printing on flat surfaces - \-fi-
majesty, nobility, nobleness, resplendence, splendor, k(:I-)le\ adv
stateliness - more at MAGNIFICENCE bigness, great- 2graphic n 1 + : a picture, map, or graph used for illustra-
ness, largeness - more at LARGENESS tion 2 pi : a pictorial image displayed on a computer
grand.paroent \-,par-:lnt\ n : a parent of one's father or screen
mother + diagram, figure, illustration, plate - more at ILLUS-
grand plano n : a piano with horizontal frame and strings TRATION
grand prix \'griin-'pre\ n, pi grand prix Ssarne or -'prez\ of- graphical user interface n : a computer program designed
ten cap G&P : a long-distance auto race over a road to allow easy user interaction esp. by having graphic
course menus or icons
grand slam n 1 : a total victory or success 2: a home run graph.ics tablet \-fiks-\ n : a computer input device for en-
hit with three runners on base tering pictorial information by drawing or tracing
grand.son Vgrand-json', n : a son of one's son or daughter graph.ite \'gra-,fit\ n [G Graphit, fro Gk graphein to write)
grand.stand \-,stand\ n : a usu. roofed stand for spectators : a soft black form of carbon used esp. for lead pencils
at a racecourse or stadium and lubricants
grange \'granj\ n 1 : a farm or farmhousewith its various grap-nel \'grap-n:ll\ n : a small anchor with uSU. four claws
buildings 2 cap : one of the lodges of a national associa- used esp. in dragging or grappling operations
tion originally made up of farmers; also: the association 'grap-ple \'gra-p:ll\ n [MF grappel/e, dim. of grape hook)
itself - grangoer\'gran-j:lr\ n + : the act of grappling
gran.ite Vgra-natv n 1 : a hard granular igneous rock used + clasp, grasp, grip, hold - more at HOLD
esp, for building 2 + : unyielding firmness or endurance 2grapple vb grap-pled; grap-pling 1 : to seize or hold with
- gra.nit.ic \gra-'ni-tik\ adj or as if with a hooked implement 2 + : to engage in a
decision, decisiveness, determination, firmness, reso- hand-to-hand struggle: WRESTLE 3 : to attempt to deal
lution, resolve - more at DETERMINATION with something - used with with
gran.ite-ware \'gra-n:lt-,war\ n : ironware with mottled [I) bag, capture, catch, collar, corral, get, grab, hook,
enamel land, nab. seize, snare, trap - more at CATCH \gr:l-'n6-l:l\ n : a cereal made of rolled oats and + [2) scuffle, tussle, wrestle - more at WRESTLE usu
usu. raisins and nuts grapple with [3] contend with, cope with, handle, man-
'grant \'grant\ vb 1 : to consent to : ALLOW, PERMlT 2 + : to age, maneuver (or manoeuvre), negotiate, swing, treat
bestow or transfer formally : GIVE 3 + : to admit as true - more at HANDLE
- grantoer n - grant-or \'gran-t:lr, -,tor\ n 'grasp \'grasp\ vb 1 : to make the motion of seizing 2: to
+ [2) accord, award, confer, give - more at CONFER take or seize firmly 3 + : to enclose and hold with the fin-
+ [3) acknowledge, admit, agree, allow, concede, con- gers or arms 4 + : to lay hold of with the mind : COMPRE-
fess, own - more at ADMlT HEND
2grant n 1 : the act of granting 2 : something granted; esp + [3] clasp, grip, hold, take - more at TAKE [4] ap-
: a gift for a particular purpose (a - for study abroad) preciate, apprehend, catch, catch on (to), comprehend,
3 : a transfer of property by deed or writing; also: the in- get, make, make out, perceive, see, seize, understand -
strument by which such a transfer is made 4: the prop- more at COMPREHEND
erty transferred by grant - grantoee \gran-'te\ n 2grasp n 1 : HANDLE 2: EMBRACE 3: HOLD, CONTROL 4: the
allocation, allotment, appropriation, subsidy - more reach of the arms 5 a + : the act or manner of holding
at APPROPRIATION b : the power of seizing and holding 6 + : mental hold or
gran.u.lar \'gra-nY:l-l:lr\ adj + : consisting of or appearing comprehension esp. when broad
to consist of granules - gran-u.lar.i.ty\,gra-nY:l-'lar-:l-te\ n + [Sa] clasp, grapple, grip, hold - more at HOLD
+ coarse, grainy - more at COARSE + [6] appreciation, apprehension, comprehension, grip,
gran.u.late \'gra-nY:I-,lat\ vb -Iat-ed: -lat-inq : to form into perception, understanding- more at COMPREHENSION
grains or crystals - \,gra-nY:l-'la-sh:ln\ n grasp-ing adj + : desiring material possessions urgently
granule \'gra-nyiil\ n + : a small grain or particle and excessively and often to the point of ruthlessness
+ bit, grain, molecule, particle : GREEDY, AVARICIOUS
grape \'grap\ n [ME, fro AF, grape stalk, bunch of grapes, + acquisitive, avaricious, avid, covetous, greedy, mer-
grape, of Gmc origin) 1 : a smooth-skinned juicy edible cenary, rapacious - more at GREEDY
greenish white, deep red, or purple berry that is the chief grass \'gras\ n 1 : herbage for grazing animals 2: any of
source of wine 2: any of numerous woody vines widely a large family of plants (as wheat, bamboo, or sugarcane)
grown for their bunches of grapes with jointed stems and narrow leaves 3: grass-covered
grape-fruit \'grap-,friit\ n 1 pi grapefruit or grapefruits: a land 4: MARIJUANA - grassy adj
large edible yellow-skinned citrus fruit 2: a tree bearing grass.hop-per\-,hii-p:lr\ n : any of numerous leaping plant.
grapefruit eating insects
365 grease \-,Iand\ n + : land covered naturally or under grav-elVgra-valv n : pebbles and small pieces of rock larger
cultivation with grasses and low-growingherbs than grains of sand
+ down, plain, prairie, savanna, steppe, veld - more at grav-ellyadj 1 : of, containing, or covered with gravel
PLAIN 2 + : having a rough or grating sound
grass roots n pi : society at the local level as distinguished + coarse, gruff, hoarse, husky, scratchy, throaty-
from the centers of political leadership more at HOARSE
'grate \'grat\ vb grat-ed; 1 : to pulverize by rubbing Graves' disease \'gravz-\ n : hyperthyroidism character-
against something rough 2 + : to grind or rub against ized by goiter and often protrusion of the eyeballs
with a rasping noise 3 + : to provoke impatience, anger, grave-stone\'grav-,ston\ n : a burial monument
or displeasure in : IRRlTATE - grat-er n - headstone, monument, tombstone - more at TOMB-
+ [2] grind, rasp, scrape, scratch - more at SCRAPE STONE
[3) aggravate,annoy, bother, exasperate, irk, irritate, grave-yard\-,yard\ n : CEMETERY
nettle, peeve, put out, vex - more at IRRITATE \'gra-v:ld\ adi [L gravidus, fro gravis heavy) : PREG-
2grate n 1 : GRATING 2: a frame of iron bars for holding NANT
fuel while it bums gravime-ter \gra-'vi-ma-tar, 'gra-va-,me-\ n : a device for
grate-ful \'grat-f:ll\ adi 1 + : appreciative of benefits re- measuring variations in a gravitational field
ceived : THANKFUL; also: expressing gratitude 2: giving grav.i.tate \'gra-v:l-,tat\ vb -tat-ed; -tat-lnq : to move or tend
pleasure or contentment: PLEASING - grate-ful.lyadv to move toward something
appreciative, obliged, thankful; also beholden, in- gravi.tation \,gra-v:l-'ta-sh:ln\ n 1 : a natural force of at-
debted; gratified, pleased Ant thankless, unappreciative, traction that tends to draw bodies together and that oc-
ungrateful curs because of the mass of the bodies 2: the action or
grate-ful.ness n + : the quality or state of being grateful process of gravitating - \-sha-n:ll\ ad] -
+ appreciation, gratitude, thanks - more at THANKS
grav.i.ty \'gra-v:l-te\ n, pi -ties 1 a : IMPORTANCE b + : the
grat.i.fioea.tion \,gra-t:l-fa-'ka-sh:ln\ n + : the act of gratify- quality or state of being serious 2 : 2MASS 5 3: the gravi-
ing : the state of being gratified tational attraction of the mass of a celestial object (as
+ contentment, delectation, delight, enjoyment, glad- earth) for bodies close to it; also: GRAVITATION 1
ness, pleasure, relish, satisfaction - more at PLEASURE + earnest, earnestness, intentness,seriousness, sobriety,
grat.i.fy \'gra-t:l-,fi\ vb -fied; 1 + : to afford pleasure solemnity - more at EARNESTNESS
to 2 + : to give in to gravure\gra-'vyUr\ n [F] : PHOTOGRAVURE
+ [1] content, delight, gladden, please, rejoice, satisfy, gra.vy \'gra-vi:\ n, pi gravies 1 : a sauce made from the
suit, warm - more at PLEASE + [2] cater to, humor (or thickened and seasoned juices of cooked meat 2: un-
humour), indulge - more at INDULGE earned or illicit gain: GRAFT
grat.i.fy.ingadi + : giving pleasure or satisfaction 'gray or chiefly Can and Brit grey \'gra\ adj 1 +: of the
agreeable, felicitous, good, grateful, pleasant, plea- color gray; also : dull in color 2: having gray hair
surable, satisfying comforting, encouraging, hearten- 3 + : lacking cheer or brightness in mood, outlook, style,
ing, heartwarming, rewarding, satisfying - more at or flavor: CHEERLESS, DISMAL 4: intermediate in position
HEARTWARMING or character - grayness n \'gra-til)\ n : a framework with parallel bars or [1] leaden, pewter, silver, silvery, slate, steely; also
crossbars achromatic, neutral; dirty, dull, faded, washed-out;
gra.tis \'gra-t:ls, 'gra-\ adv or adj : without charge or rec- ashen, ashy, chalky, livid, mousy, pale, white, whitish
ompense : FREE + [3] bleak, dark, dismal, dreary, gloomy, somber (or
grat.i.tude \'gra-ta-,tiid, -,tyiid\ n +: the state of being sombre), wretched - more at GLOOMY
grateful : THANKFULNESS 2gray or chiefly Can and Brit grey n 1 : something of a gray
+ appreciation, gratefulness, thanks - more at THANKS color 2 : a neutral color ranging between black and white
gratultous \gr:l-'tii-a-tas, -'tvii-\ adj 1 + : done or pro- 3gray or chiefly Can and Brit grey vb : to make or become
vided without recompense: FREE 2: UNWARRANTED gray
+ complimentary, free - more at FREE gray.beard or chiefly Can and Brit greybeard \'gra-,bird\ n
:an old man
gra.tu.ity \-:l-te\ n, pl-ities : something given voluntarily or gray.ish or chiefly Can and Brit greyish adj : somewhat
beyond obligation usu. for some service: TIP gray \gra-'va-man\ n, pl-vamens or -vam-l-na \-'va- gray.ling \'gra-lil)\ n, pi grayling also graylings : any of sev-
ma-nov [LL, burden] : the basic or significant part of a eral slender freshwater food and sport fishes related to
grievance or complaint the trouts
'grave \'grav\ vb graved; grav-en\'gra-v:ln\ or graved; grav- gray matter n 1 : the grayish part of nervous tissue con-
ing 1 : to carve or shape with a chisel: SCULPTURE 2: to sisting mostly of nerve cell bodies 2 + : capacity for
carve or cut (as letters or figures) into a hard surface: EN- knowledgeand learning : INTELLIGENCE
+ brains, intellect, intelligence, reason, sense - more
2grave n : an excavation in the earth as a place of burial; at INTELLIGENCE
gray wolf n : a large wolf of northern No. America and
3grave \'grav; 5 also 'grav\ adj 1 + : deserving serious con- Asia that is usu. gray
sideration 2 +: threatening great harm or danger 'graze \'griiz\ vb grazed; grazing [ME grasen, fro OE
3 + : having a serious and dignified quality or demeanor
grasian, fr. grees grass] 1 + : to feed on herbage or pasture
: SOLEMN 4: drab in color: SOMBER 5: of, marked by, or
2 : to feed (livestock) on grass or pasture - graz-er n
being an accent mark having the form' - grave-Iyadv -
+ browse, forage, pasture; also eat, feed, nibble
grave-ness n
+ [1] heavy, serious, weighty- more at SERIOUS + [2] 2graze vb grazed; 1 + : to touch lightly in passing
dangerous, grievous, hazardous, menacing, parlous, 2 + : to irritate or roughen by rubbing: SCRATCH, ABRADE
perilous, risky, serious, unhealthy, unsafe, venturesome + [1] brush, kiss, nick, shave, skim - more at BRUSH
- more at DANGEROUS + [3] earnest, humorless (or hu- + [2] abrade, scrape, scratch, scuff - more at SCRAPE
mourless), serious, severe, sober, solemn, staid, unsmil- 'grease \'gres\ n 1 : rendered animal fat 2: oily material
ing, weighty - more at SERlOUS 3 : a thick lubricant
grease 366
2grease \'gres, 'grez\ vb greased; greas-ing + : to smear or greedy \'gre-de\ adj 1 + : having a strong desire for food
lubricate with grease or drink 2 + : marked by greed: having or showing a self-
+ lubricate, oil, slick, wax - more at LUBRICATE ish desire for wealth and possessions
grease-paint \'gres-,pant\ n : theater makeup + [l] gluttonous, hoggish, piggish, rapacious, ravenous,
greasy \'gre-se, -ze\ adj 1 : smeared or soiled with grease; voracious - more at VORACIOUS + [2] acquisitive, avari-
also: oily in appearance, texture, or manner 2 + : caus- cious, avid, covetous, grasping, mercenary, rapacious;
ing or tending to cause something to slide or fall 3: con- also materialistic; desirous, eager, itchy, miserly; hog-
taining an unusual amount of grease gish, piggish, swinish; devouring, gluttonous, gobbling,
insatiable, ravenous, voracious, unquenchable; discon-
+ slick, slippery, slithery - more at SLICK tent, discontented, malcontent, unsatisfied; begrudging,
great \'grat\ adj 1 + : large in size: BIG 2 : ELABORATE, AM- grudging, resentful
PLE 3: large in number: NUMEROUS 4: being beyond the 'Greek \'grek\ n 1 : a native or inhabitant of Greece 2: the
average : MIGHTY, INTENSE <a ""' weight) <in,,", pain) ancient or modern language of Greece
5 : EMINENT, GRAND 6 + : long continued <a ""' while> 2Greek adj 1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of Greece,
7 : MAIN, PRINCIPAL 8: more distant in a family relation- the Greeks, or Greek 2 : ORTHODOX 3
ship by one generation <a great-grandfather) 'green \'gren\ adj 1 : of the color green 2 + : covered with
9 + : markedly superior in character, quality, or skill < ""' verdure; also: consisting of green plants or of the leafy
at bridge) 10 + : very good of its kind: EXCELLENT, FINE parts of plants <a ,...., salad) 3: UNRIPE; also: IMMATURE
<had a,...., time) 4 + : having a sickly appearance 5: not fully processed or
+ [l] big, hefty, large, outsize, oversize, sizable, sub- treated <,...., liquor) <,...., hides) 6 + : lacking in training,
stantial + [6] extended, far, lengthy, long, marathon- knowledge, or experience : INEXPERIENCED; also: AIVE
more at LONG + [9] accomplished, adept, consummate, 7 : concerned with or supporting environmentalism-
crack, crackerjack, expert, good, master, masterful, green-ish adi
masterly, proficient, skilled, skillful, virtuoso - more + [2] leafy, lush, luxuriant, verdant + [4] cadaverous,
at PROFICIENT + [lO] excellent, fabulous, fine, grand, lurid, pale, pasty, peaked, sallow, sickly - more at
splendid, superb, superior, swell, terrific, wonderful - SICKLY + [6] adolescent, callow, immature, inexperi-
more at EXCELLENT enced, juvenile, raw - more at CALLOW + [6] ingenu-
great ape n : any of a family of primates including the go- ous, innocent, naive, simple, unknowing, unsophisti-
rilla, orangutan, and chimpanzees cated, unwary, unworldly - more at NAIVE
great blue heron n : a large crested grayish blue American 2green vb : to make or become green
heron 'green n 1 : a color between blue and yellow in the spec-
great circle n : a circle on the surface of a sphere that has trum : the color of growing fresh grass or of the emerald
the same center as the sphere; esp : one on the surface of 2 : something of a green color 3: green vegetation; esp, pI
the earth an arc of which is the shortest travel distance : leafy herbs or leafy parts of a vegetable <collard ,,-,s)
between two points <beet ,,-,s) 4: a grassy plot; esp : a smooth grassy area
great-coat \'grat-,k6t\ n : a heavy overcoat around the hole into which the ball must be played in golf
Great Dane n : any of a breed of tall massive powerful green-back \'gren-,bak\ n : a U.S. legal-tender note
smooth-coated dogs green bean n : a kidney bean that is used as a snap bean
great-heart-ed \'grat-'har-tad\ adj 1 + : characterized by when the pods are colored green
bravery: COURAGEOUS 2: characterized by a noble or for- green-belt \'gren-,belt\ n : a belt of parks or farmlands
bearing spirit: MAGNANIMOUS around a community
+ brave, courageous, dauntless, doughty, fearless, gal- green card n : an identity card attesting the permanent res-
lant, heroic, intrepid, lionhearted, manful, stalwart, ident status of an alien in the U.S.
stout, undaunted, valiant, valorous - more at BRAVE green-ery \'gre-na-re\ n, pl -er-ies +: green foliage or
great-Iy adv 1 + : to a great extent or degree: very much plants
2 + : in a great manner + flora, foliage, green, herbage, leafage, vegetation, ver-
+ [l] broadly, considerably, extremely, highly, hugely, dure; also grassland, prairie
largely, much, sizably, tremendously, very Ant slightly green-eyed \'gre-'nid\ adj : JEALOUS
+ [2] gallantly, grandly, heroically, honorably (or hon- green.gro-cer \'gren-,gr6-sar\ n : a retailer of fresh vegeta-
ourably), magnanimously, nobly; also loftily; magnifi- bles and fruit
cently, majestically Ant basely, dishonorably, ignobly green-horn \-,horn\ n + : an inexperienced person; also
great-ness n + : the quality or state of being great : NEWCOMER
+ distinction, excellence, preeminence, superiority, su- + beginner, fledgling, freshman, neophyte, newcomer,
premacy - more at EXCELLENCE + bigness, grandness, novice, recruit, rookie, tenderfoot, tyro - more at BE-
largeness - more at LARGENESS GINNER
great power n, often cap G&P : one of the nations that fig- green-house \-,hails\ n : a glass structure for the growing
ure most decisively in international affairs of tender plants
great white shark n : a large and dangerous shark of warm greenhouse effect n : warming of a planet's atmosphere
seas that has large saw-edged teeth and is whitish below that occurs when the sun's radiation passes through the
and bluish or brownish above atmosphere, is absorbed by the planet, and is reradiated
grebe \'greb\ n : any of a family of lobe-toed diving birds as radiation of longer wavelength that can be absorbed by
related to the loons atmospheric gases
Gre-cian \'gre-shan\ adj : GREEK green manure n : an herbaceous crop (as clover) plowed
greed \'gred\ n + : acquisitive or selfish desire beyond rea- under when green to enrich the soil
son - greed-i-Iy \'gre-da-le\ adv green-ness n + : the quality or state of being green; esp
+ acquisitiveness, avarice, avidity, covetousness, cupid- : being unaffectedly simple and candid
ity, rapaciousness; also materialism, possessiveness; ap- + artlessness, ingenuousness, innocence, naturalness,
petite, craving, hankering, hunger, itch, longing, lust, naivete, simplicity, unworldliness - more at NAiVETe
passion, ravenousness, thirst, voracity, yearning, yen green onion n : a young onion pulled before the bulb has
greed-i-ness \-de-nas\ n : the quality or state of being enlarged and used esp. in salads; also : SCALLION
greedy; esp : extreme or excessive desire for wealth or green pepper n : a sweet pepper before it turns red at ma-
gain turity
367 grind

greenroom \'gren-,riim, -,rum\ n : a room in a theater or agonize, bleed, feel, hurt, mourn, sorrow, suffer; also
concert hall where actors or musicians relax before, be- ache, long (for), pine (away); rack, torment, torture; be-
tween, or after appearances moan, bewail, deplore, lament, rue; bawl, cry, groan,
green.sward \-,sword\ n : turf that is green with growing howl, keen, moan, take on, wail, weep, yammer usu
grass grievefor bemoan, bewail, deplore, lament, mourn, wail
green thumb n : an unusual ability to make plants grow - more at LAMENT \'gren-,wo-shil), -,wa-\ n : expressions of grievo()us\'gre-vas\ adj 1 : causing or characterized by
environmentalist concerns as a cover for products, poli- severe suffering, grief, or sorrow: SEVERE (a ~ wound)
cies, or activities deleterious to the environment 2 : unreasonably burdensome or severe : OPPRESSIVE,
Green.wich mean time \'gri-nii-. 'gre-, -nich-\ n [Greenwich, ONEROUS 3.: having important or dangerous possible
England) : the time of the meridian of Greenwich used as consequences: SERIOUS, GRAVE
the basis of worldwide standard time [1, 2) bitter, brutal, burdensome, cruel, excruciating,
Greenwich time n : GREENWICH MEAN TIME grim, hard, harsh, heavy, onerous, oppressive, rough,
green.wood Vgren-jwud', n : a forest green with foliage rugged, severe, stiff, tough, trying - more at HARSH
greet \'gret\ vb 1 : to address with expressions of kind [3) dangerous, grave, hazardous, menacing, parlous,
wishes 2: to meet or react to in a specified manner 3 : to perilous, risky, serious, unhealthy, unsafe, venturesome
be perceived by - greet-er n - more at DANGEROUS n 1 .: a salutation on meeting 2 pi : best griev-ous.lyadv 1 .: in a grievous manner : in a man-
wishes : REGARDS ner characterized by sorrow or grief 2 : to a grievous de-
[1) hello, salutation, salute - more at HELLO. greet- gree
ings [2) compliments, regards, respects - more at
agonizingly,bitterly, hard, hardly, sadly, sorrowfully,
greeting card n : a card that bears a message usu. sent on a unhappily, woefully, wretchedly - more at HARD
special occasion 'grill \'gril\ vb 1 : to broil on a grin; also: to fry or toast on
gre-gar.i-ous \gri-'gar-e-as\ adj [L gregarius of a flock or a griddle 2 : to question intensely
herd, fr. grego, grex flock, herd) 1 : marked by or indi- examine, interrogate, pump, query, question, quiz-
cating a liking for companionship : SOCIAL, COMPANION- more at EXAMINE
ABLE 2: tending to flock together - adv 2grill n 1 : a cooking utensil of parallel bars on which food
- gre-gar.i-ous.ness n is grilled 2 : an informal restaurant
boon, companionable, convivial, extroverted, outgo- cafe, diner, restaurant - more at RESTAURANT
ing, sociable, social - more at CONVIVIAL grille or grill \'gril\ n : a grating that forms a barrier or
grem.linVgrem-lonv n : a cause of error or equipment mal- screen
function conceived of as a small gnome\'gril-,wark\ n : work constitutingor resembling
gre-nade \gra-'niid\ n [MF, lit., pomegranate, fr. LL a grille
granata, fro L, fem. of granatus seedy, fro granum grain) : a grim \'grim\ adj grim.mer; grim.mes! 1 : fierce in dispo-
small bomb that is thrown by hand or launched (as by a sition or action: CRUEL 2 : harsh and forbidding in ap-
rifle) pearance 3: ghastly or repellent in character 4 : not
gren.aodier\,gre-na-'dir\ n : a member of a European regi-
flinching or shrinking: RELENTLESS - adv - grim-
ment formerly armed with grenades
gren.aodine\,gre-na-'den, 'gre-na-jdenv n : a syrup flavored ness n
with pomegranates and used in mixed drinks [1) cruel, fen, ferocious, fierce, savage, vicious-
grewpast of GROW more at FIERCE [2) austere, dour, fierce, flinty, for-
grey VarOfGRAY bidding, gruff, rough, rugged, severe, stark, steely,
grey.hound \'grii-,haund\ n : any of a breed of tan slender stem; also bleak, cold, hostile, unfriendly; adamant, de-
dogs noted for speed and keen sight termined, firm, resolute, steadfast, unflinching; fixed.
grid \'grid\ n 1 : GRATING 2: a network: of conductors for hard, immovable, implacable, inflexible, obdurate,
distributing electric power 3: a network of horizontal rigid, set, stiff, unbending, uncompromising, unyield-
and perpendicular lines (as for locating points on a map) ing; immutable, unchangeable; black, cheerless, dark,
4 : GRIDIRON 2; also : FOOTBALL gloomy, glum, joyless, moody, morose, sulky, sullen,
gridodle \'grid-'I\ n : a flat usu. metal surface for cooking surly; brooding, grave, melancholy, serious, sober,
food solemn, somber, unsmiling, weighty Ant benign, benig-
griddle cake n : a flat cake made of thin batter and nant, gentle, mild, tender. [4) determined, dogged, im-
cooked (as on a griddle) on both sides: PANCAKE placable, relentless, unflinching, unrelenting, unyield-
ing - more at UNYIELDING
flapjack, pancake - more at PANCAKE 'gri.mace \'gri-mas, gri-trnas', n : a facial expression usu.
grid.iron \'grid-,Im, -,I-am\ n 1 : a grate for broiling food of disgust or disapproval - grimace vb
2 : a football field
grid.lock\-,lak\ n : a traffic jam in which an intersection is face, frown, lower, mouth, pout, scowl; also flinch,
so blocked that vehicles cannot move wince; growl, snarl; simper, smirk; scoff, sneer; glare,
grief \'gre[\ n 1 : emotional distress caused by or as if by glower, look, stare
bereavement; also : a cause of such distress 2: MISHAP grime \'grim\ n : soot, smut, or dirt adhering to or em-
3: DISASTER bedded in a surface; also: accumulated dirtiness and dis-
affliction, anguish, dolor, heartache, sorrow, woe - order
more at SORROW dirt, filth, muck, smut, soil - more at FILTH
griev.ance\'gre-vans\ n 1 : a cause of distress affording grimyadj : full of or covered with grime
reason for complaint or resistance 2 : the formal ex- grin \,grin\ vb grinned; grin.ning : to draw back the lips so
pression of a grievance : COMPLAINT as to show the teeth esp, in amusement - grin n
[1) grudge, resentment, score - more at GRUDGE 'grind \'grind\ vb ground \'graund\; grind.lng 1 : to re-
[2) beef, complaint, fuss, gripe, grumble, murmur, duce to small particles 2.: to wear down, polish, or
plaint, squawk - more at COMPLAINT sharpen by friction 3: OPPRESS 4 : to press with a grat-
grieve \'grev\ vb grieved; [ME greven, fr. OF gr- ing noise: GRIT (~ the teeth) 5: to operate or produce
ever, fro L gravare to burden, fro gravis heavy, grave) 1 : to by turning a crank 6: DRUDGE; esp : to study hard 7: to
cause grief or sorrow to : DISTRESS 2 : to feel grief move with difficulty or friction (gears ~ing)
grind 368
[1] atomize, crush, powder, pulverize- more at gro abbr gross
POWDER [2] buff, burnish, edge, file, hone, plane, pol- groan \'gron\ vb 1 : to utter a deep moan indicative of
ish, rasp, rub, sand, sharpen, whet. [4] crunch, gnash, pain, grief, or annoyance : MOAN 2: to make a harsh
grate, grit, rasp, scrape, scratch sound under sudden or prolonged strain <the chair -ed
2grind n 1 : dreary monotonous labor, routine, or study under his weight) - groan n
2 : one who works or studies excessively 3 : the act or howl, keen, lament, moan, plaint, wai!- more at
sound of grinding LAMENT
[l] drudgery, labor (or labour), slavery, sweat, toil, groat \'grot\ n : an old British coin worth four pennies
travail - more at TOIL [3] rasp, scrape, scratch- gro-cer \'gro-sar\ n [ME, fr. AF groser wholesaler, fr. gros
more at RASP coarse, wholesale, fro L grossus coarse] : a dealer esp. in
grindoer\'grln-dar\ n 1 : MOLAR 2 pi : TEETH 3: one that staple foodstuffs - gro-cery\'gros-re, 'grosh-, 'gro-sa-\ n
grinds 4 : a large sandwich on a long split roll: SUBMA- grog \'grag\ n [Old Grog, nickname of Edward Vernon
RINE2 t1757 Eng. admiral responsible for diluting the sailors'
hoagie, poor boy, sub, submarine - more at SUBMA- rum] : alcoholic liquor; esp : liquor (as rum) mixed with
RINE water
grind out vb : to produce in a mechanical way grogogy\'gra-ge\ adj grogogi-er; -est: weak and unsteady
build, carve, forge, hammer, work out on the feet or in action -\-ga-Ie\ adv - grog-
gi.ness \-ge-nas\ n
grind.stone Vgrind-sston', n : a flat circular stone of natu- groin Vgroin', n 1 : the juncture of the lower abdomen and
ral sandstone that revolves on an axle and is used for inner part of the thigh; also: the region of this juncture
grinding, shaping, or smoothing 2 : the curved line or rib on a ceiling along which two
'grip \'grip\ vb gripped; gripoping 1 .: to seize or hold vaults meet
firmly 2 : to hold the interest of strongly grok \'grak\ vb grokked grok.king : to understand pro-
[1] clasp, clench, cling, clutch, grasp, hang on, hold, foundly and intuitively
hold on - more at HOLD [2] absorb, busy, engage, grom.met\'gra-mat, 'gra-\ n 1 : a ring of rope 2: an eye-
engross, enthrall, fascinate, immerse, interest, intrigue, let of firm material to strengthen or protect an opening
involve, occupy - more at ENGAGE 'groom \'griim, 'gnim\ n 1 : a person responsible for the
2grip n 1 : GRASP; also : strength in gripping 2 : a firm care of horses 2: BRIDEGROOM
tenacious hold typically giving control, mastery, or un- 2groom vb 1 : to clean and care for (an animal) 2 : to make
derstanding 3 : mental grasp: UNDERSTANDING 4: a de- neat or attractive 3: PREPARE
vice for gripping 5 : portable case designed to hold a\'grurnz-man, 'grumz-', n : a male friend who
traveler's clothing and personal articles : TRAVELING BAG attends a bridegroom at his wedding
[2] arm, authority, clutch, command, control, do- 'groove \'gruv\ n 1 : a long narrow channel 2 : a fixed
minion, hold, mastery, power, sway - more at POWER routine
[3] appreciation, apprehension, comprehension, pattern, rote, routine, rut, treadmill - more at ROU-
grasp, perception, understanding- more at COMPRE- TINE
HENSION. [5] carryall, handbag, portmanteau, suitcase, 2groove vb 1 .: to make a groove in; also : to form a
traveling bag - more at TRAVELING BAG groove 2 : to enjoy oneself intensely
'gripe \'grip\ vb griped; gripoing 1 : IRRITATE, VEX 2: to [1] score, scribe - more at SCORE usu groove on
cause or experience spasmodic pains in the bowels [2] adore, delight, dig, enjoy, fancy, like, love, relish,
3 : to complain with grumbling revel - more at ENJOY
beef, bellyache, carp, complain, crab, croak, fuss, groovy \'grii-ve\ adj groov.i-er; -est 1 : unusually good
grouse, growl, grumble, kick, moan, murmur, mutter, : EXCELLENT 2: HIP
repine, squawk, wail, whine - more at COMPLAIN grope \'grop\ vb groped; gropoing 1 : to feel about or
2gripe n : expression of grief, pain, or dissatisfaction search for blindly or uncertainly <- for the right word)
beef, complaint, fuss, grievance, grumble, murmur, 2 : to feel one's way by groping
plaint, squawk - more at COMPLAINT feel, fish, fumble; also cast about, hunt, look, reach,
grippe \'grip\ n : INFLUENZA seek (out); clutch, grab, scrabble, snatch
gris-gris \'gre-,gre\ n, pi gris-gris \-,grez\ [F] : an amulet gros.beak \'gros-,bek\ n : any of several finches of Europe
or incantation used chiefly by people of black African an- or America with large stout conical bills
cestry grosograin\'gro-,gran\ n [F gros grain coarse texture] : a \,griz-le\ adj gris.lioer; -est : inspiring horror, in- silk or rayon fabric with crosswise cotton ribs
tense fear, disgust, or distaste: HORRIBLE, GRUESOME 'gross \'gros\ adj 1 : glaringly noticeable 2: OUT-AND'
appalling, atrocious, awful, dreadful, frightful, OUT, UTTER 3 : physically large: BIG, BULKY; esp : exces-
ghastly, gruesome, hideous, horrible, horrid, lurid, sively fat 4: GENERAL, BROAD 5: consisting of an overall
macabre, monstrous, nightmarish, shocking, terrible - total exclusive of deductions <- earnings) 6: CARNAL,
more at HORRIBLE
grist \'grist\ n : grain to be ground or already ground
gris.tle Vgri-salvn : CARTILAGE - gris.tly \'gris-Ie\ adj
EARTHY <- pleasures) 7 : coarse in nature or behavior
: UNREFINED; also : crudely vulgar 8: lacking knowledge
- adv
grist.mill \'grist-,mi!\ n : a mill for grinding grain Il] blatant, conspicuous, egregious, flagrant, glaring, i
'grit \'grit\ n 1 : a hard sharp granule (as of sand); also: ma-
terial composed of such granules 2.: unyielding
obvious, patent, prominent, pronounced, rank, striking
- more at EGREGIOUS [3] chubby, corpulent, fat, -~

courage - grit.ty adj
backbone, fiber (or fibre), fortitude, guts, pluck,
spunk - more at FORTITUDE
2grit vb grit.ted; grit.ting : to give forth a grating sound
fleshy, full, obese, overweight, plump, portly, rotund,
round - more at FAT [7] coarse, common, crass,
crude, ill-bred, low, rough, rude, tasteless, uncouth, un-
cultivated, uncultured, unpolished, unrefined, vulgar
grits \'grits\ n pi : coarsely ground hulled grain <hominy 2gross n : an overall total exclusive of deductions - gross
-) vb
griz.zledVgri-zaldvadj : streaked or mixed with gray 3gross n, pi gross: a total of 12 dozen things <a - of pen-
griz.zly\'griz-le\ adj griz.zli-er; -est: GRIZZLED cils)
grizzly bear n : a large pale-coated bear of western No. gross domestic product n : the gross national product ex-
America cluding the value of net income earned abroad
369 growing pains
gross national product n : the total value of the goods and often distant gale or earthquake 2 usu ground.swell : a
services produced in a nation during a year rapid spontaneous growth (as of political opinion)
grossness n : the quality or state of being gross ground.wa.ter \'graund-,w6-tar, -,wa-\ n : water within the
corpulence, fatness, obesity, plumpness - more at earth that supplies wells and springs
CORPULENCE coarseness, indelicacy, lowness, rude- groundwork \-,w:lrk\ n : something that forms a foun-
ness, vulgarity - more at VULGARrrv dation or support: BASIS; also: preparation made before-
grot \'grat\ n : a natural underground chamber or series of hand
chambers open to the surface: GROTIO base, basis, bedrock, footing, foundation, ground,
grotesque \gro-'tesk\ adj 1 : FANCIFUL, BIZARRE 2 : ab- keystone, underpinning - more at CORNERSTONE
surdly incongruous 3.: departing markedly from the ground zero n 1 : the point above, below, or at which a nu-
natural, the expected, or the typical - gro-tesque-Iy adv clear explosion occurs 2: the center or origin of rapid,
(2) harsh, unaesthetic - more at HARSH intense, or violent activity
(3) hideous, ugly, unappealing, unattractive 19roup \'griip\ n 1 : a number of individuals related by a
grotto \'gra-to\ n, pi grottoes also grottos 1 : a natural un- common factor (as physical association, community of
derground chamber or series of chambers open to the interests, or blood) 2: a combination of atoms com-
surface : CA YE 2: an artificial cavelike structure monly found together in a molecule (a methyl ~>
grouch \'grauch\ n 1 : a fit of bad temper 2 : an habit- bracket, category, class, division, family, grade, kind,
ually irritable or complaining person - grouch vb order, set, species, type - more at CLASS
bear, complainer, crab, crank, curmudgeon, grum- 2group vb : to associate in groups
bler, whiner; also malcontent, sorehead; killjoy, spoil- assort, break down, categorize, class, classify, grade,
sport; defeatist, pessimist; faultfinder, kicker, nitpicker, peg, place, range, rank, separate, sort - more at CLAS-
quibbler SIFY accumulate, amass, assemble, collect, concen-
grouchy adj : given to grumbling: marked by ill temper trate, gamer, gather, lump, pick up, round up, scrape
choleric, cross, crotchety, irascible, irritable, peevish, - more at GATHER
snappy, snippy, testy, waspish - more at IRRITABLE grouper \'gru-p:lr\ n, pi groupers also grouper: any of nu-
crabby, cranky, fussy, grumpy, querulous - more at merous large solitary bottom fishes of warm seas
FUSSY group home n : a residence for persons requiring care or
'ground \'graund\ n 1 : the bottom of a body of water 2pl . supervision
: sediment at the bottom of a liquid 3 : a basis for be- groupoie \'grii-pe\ n : a fan of a rock group who usu. fol-
lief, action, or argument 4: a surrounding area: BACK- lows the group around on concert tours; also: ENTHUSI-
GROUND 5 : the surface of the earth; also: SOIL 6: an AST, FAN
area with a particular use (fishing ~s> 7 pi : the area Vgru-pin', n 1 : the act or process of combining
about and belonging to a building 8: a conductor that in groups 2: a set of objects combined in a group
makes electrical connection with the earth group therapy n : therapy in the presence of a therapist in
grounds (2) deposit, dregs, lees, precipitate, sediment which several patients discuss their personal problems
- more at DEPOSIT (3) base, basis, bedrock, corner- groupware \'griip-,wer\ n : software that enables users to
stone, footing, foundation, groundwork, keystone, un- work jointly via a network on projects or files
derpinning - more at CORNERSTONE usu grounds 'grouse Vgraus', n, pi grouse or grouses: any of numerous
[3) motive, reason, wherefore, why - more at REASON ground-dwelling game birds that have feathered legs and
[5) dirt, earth, soil - more at DIRT grounds are usu. of reddish brown or other protective color
[7] demesne, park, premises, yard; also acres, estate, 2grouse vb groused; : to mutter in discontent
land, lot, parcel, plot, property, real estate, realty; cam- :COMPLAIN,GRUMBLE
pus; churchyard beef, bellyache, carp, complain, crab, fuss, gripe,
2ground vb 1 : to bring to or place on the ground 2: to run grumble, kick, moan, squawk, wail, whine - more at
or cause to run aground 3 : to provide a reason or jus- CO]l.IPLAIN
tification for 4: to furnish with a foundation of knowl- grout \'graut\ n : material (as mortar) used for filling
edge 5: to connect electrically with a ground 6: to spaces - grout vb
restrict to the ground; also: prohibit from some activity grove \'grov\ n : a small wood usu. without underbrush
base, rest - more at BASE grov-el \'gra-v:ll, 'gr:l-\ vb -eled or -elled; or -el.ling
3ground past and past part of GRIND 1 : to creep or lie with the body prostrate in fear or hu-
ground ball n : a batted baseball that rolls or bounces along mility 2: to abase oneself
the ground crawl, creep, slither, snake, worm - more at CRAWL
ground cover n : low plants that grow over and cover the grow \'gro\ vb grew \'grii\; grown \'gron\; 1 : to
soil; also: a plant suitable for use as ground cover spring up and develop to maturity 2: to be able to grow

ground-ed \'graun-dad\ adj : mentally and emotionally sta-
ground-er \'graun-dar\ n : GROUND BALL
: THRlYE 3: to take on some relation through or as if
through growth (tree limbs grown together> 4 : to be-
come progressively greater 5: to develop from a parent
i ground.hog \'graund-,h6g, -,hag\ n : WOODCHUCK source 6 : to pass into a condition: BECOME 7: to have

ground.less \'graun(d)-las\ adj : having no ground or
an increasing influence 8 : to cause to grow
[1) age, develop, grow up, mature, progress, ripen -

5 baseless, invalid, unfounded, unreasonable, unsub-

stantiated, unsupported, unwarranted - more at BASE-
more at MATURE. usu grow in (4) build, gain, gather,
pick up - more at GAIN [6] become, come, get, go,
LESS run, tum, wax - more at BECOME [8) crop, cultivate,
ground.ling \'graund-lil)\ n : a spectator in the pit of an culture, promote, raise, rear, tend; also breed, produce,
propagate; plant, sow; gather, glean, harvest, reap; ger-

Elizabethan theater
ground rule n 1 : a sports rule adopted to modify play on
a particular field, court, or course 2: a rule of procedure
ground squirrel n : any of various burrowing rodents of
minate, quicken, root, sprout
grow-er n 1 : one that grows esp. in a specified way 2 : a
person who grows a specified fruit or other product
i No. America and Eurasia that are related to the squirrels agriculturist, cultivator, farmer, planter, tiller-
= and live in colonies in open areas
ground swell n 1 : a broad deep ocean swell caused by an
more at FARMER
growing pains n pl 1 : pains in the legs of growing children

growl 370
having no known relation to growth 2: the stresses and grum.bler n + : one that grumbles
strains attending a new project or development + bear, complainer, crab, crank, curmudgeon, grouch,
growl \'graul\ vb 1 : RUMBLE 2 + : to utter a deep throaty whiner - more at GROUCH
sound 3: to complain angrily: GRUMBLE - growl n grumpoi.ness \-pe-nas\ n + : the quality or state of being
+ bellow, boom, roar, thunder - more at ROAR grumpy
grown-up \'gro-,nap\ adj : not childish: ADULT - grown- + biliousness, irritability, peevishness, perverseness,
upn perversity
growth \'groth\ n 1 : stage or condition attained in grow- grumpy \'gram-pe\ adj grumpoioer; -est + : moodily cross
ing 2 + : a process of growing esp, through progressive : SURLY - grumpoily \-pa-Ie\ adv
development or increase 3 a : a result or product of grow- choleric, crabby, cranky, cross, crotchety, grouchy,
ing (a fine "'"-' of hair) b + : an abnormal mass of tissue irascible, irritable, peevish, petulant, short-tempered,
(as a tumor) surly, testy, waspish - more at IRRITABLE
[2] development, elaboration, evolution, expansion, grunge \'granj\ n 1 : one that is grungy 2: heavy metal
maturation, progress, progression - more at DEVELOP- rock music expressing alienation and discontent 3: un-
MENT [3b] excrescence, lump, neoplasm, tumor; also tidy or tattered clothing typically worn by grunge fans
outgrowth; cancer, carcinoma, lymphoma, malignancy, grunogy \'gran-je\ adj grunogioer; -est. : shabby or dirty in
melanoma; cyst, tubercle, wart character or condition
growth hormone n : a vertebrate hormone that is secreted + dirty, grubby, mucky, muddy, unclean - more at
by the pituitary gland and regulates growth DIRTY + dilapidated, mean, neglected, ratty, seedy,
growth industry n : a business, interest, or activity that is shabby - more at SHABBY
increasingly popular, profitable, or trendy grun.ion \'gran-yan\ n : a fish of the California coast which
grow up vb : to grow toward or arrive at full stature or comes inshore to spawn at nearly full moon
physical or mental maturity 'grunt \'grant\ n : a deep throaty sound (as that of a hog)
+ age, develop, grow, mature, progress, ripen - more 2grunt vb : to utter a grunt; also: to utter with a grunt
at MATURE GSA abbr 1 General Services Administration 2 Girl
'grub \'grab\ vb grubbed; grub-bing 1 : to clear or root out Scouts of America
by digging 2: to dig in the ground usu. for a hidden ob- G suit n [gravity suit] : a suit for a pilot or astronaut de-
ject 3: to search about 4: to work hard and long signed to counteract the physiological effects of accelera-
2grub n 1 : a soft thick wormlike insect larva (beetle "'"-'s) tion
2 : DRUDGE; also: a slovenly person 3 : nourishment in GSUSA abbr Girl Scouts of the United States of America
solid form: FOOD gt abbr great
+ chow, fare, food, meat, provender, provisions, viands, Gt Brit abbr Great Britain
victuals - more at FOOD gtd abbr guaranteed
grub-bi.ness \-be-nas\ n : the state of being grubby GU abbrGuam
guaoea.mOole\,gwii-ka-'mo-le\ n [MexSp, fr. Nahuatl dhua-
dinginess, dirtiness, filthiness, foulness, nastiness, un- camolli, fro iihuacatl avocado + molli sauce] : mashed and
cleanliness - more at DIRTINESS
seasoned avocado
grub-by \'gra-be\ adj grub-bioer; -est : full of or covered gua.nine \'gwii-,nen\ n : a purine base that codes genetic
with grime: DIRTY, SLOVENLY information in the molecular chain of DNA and RNA
dirty, filthy, foul, grungy, mucky, muddy, slovenly, \'gwii-no\ n [Sp, fro Quechua wanu fertilizer, dung)
unclean - more at DIRTY : excrement esp. of seabirds or bats; also: a fertilizer com-
grub-stake \'grab-,stak\ n : supplies or funds furnished a posed chiefly of this excrement
mining prospector in return for a share in his finds 'guarantee \,gar-an-'te\ n 1 : GUARANTOR 2: GUARANTY 1
'grudge \'graj\ vb grudged; : to be reluctant to 3 + : an agreement by which one person undertakes to se-
give: BEGRUDGE cure another in the possession or enjoyment of something
2grudge n + : a feeling of deep-seated resentment or ill will 4 : an assurance of the quality of or of the length of use to
+ animosity, antagonism, antipathy, bitterness, enmity, be expected from a product offered for sale 5 : some-
gall, hostility, rancor - more at ENMITY grievance, thing given as security: GUARANTY
resentment, score; also offense, umbrage; complaint; [3] bond, contract, covenant, guaranty, surety, war-
pique, peeve ranty; also oath, pledge, vow, word; bargain, compact,
gruoel \'grii-al\ n : a thin porridge pact, treaty; assurance, insurance; bail, deposit, pawn, or gruoel.ling \'grii-lil), 'grii-a-\ adi : requiring security. [5) gage, guaranty, pawn, pledge, security -
extreme effort: EXHAUSTING more at PLEDGE
arduous, demanding, difficult, exacting, formidable, 2guarantee vb -teed; -tee-ing 1 : to undertake to answer for
hard, herculean, laborious, murderous, rough, stiff, the debt, failure to perform, or faulty performance of
strenuous, tall, toilsome, tough - more at HARD (another) 2: to undertake an obligation to establish, per-
grue-some \'grii-sam\ adj [fro earlier growsome, fro E dial. form, or continue 3 + : to give security to
grow, grue to shiver] : inspiring horror or repulsion assure, cinch, ensure, guaranty, insure, secure-
+ appalling, atrocious, awful, dreadful, frightful, ghastly, more at ENSURE
grisly, hideous, horrible, horrid, lurid, macabre, mon- \,gar-an-'tor\ n + : one who gives a guarantee
strous, nightmarish, shocking, terrible - more at HORRI- backer, patron, sponsor, surety - more at SPONSOR
BLE ' \'gar-an-te\ n, pi -ties 1 : an undertaking to an-
gruff \'graf\ adj 1 : rough in speech or manner 2 : be- swer for another'S failure to pay a debt or perform a duty
ing deep and harsh : HOARSE - adv 2 : an agreement by which one person undertakes to se-
+ [I] flinty, grim, rough, rugged, severe, stark, steely, cure another in the possession or enjoyment of something
stern - more at GRIM [2] coarse, gravelly, hoarse, : GUARANTEE 3 : GUARANTOR 4 : something given as se-
husky, scratchy, throaty - more at HOARSE curity : PLEDGE
grumble \'gram-bal\ vb grumbled; grumbling 1 .: to [2] bond, contract, covenant, guarantee, surety, war-
mutter in discontent 2 : to utter a growl: GROWL, RUMBLE ranty - more at GUARANTEE [4] gage, guarantee,
+ [1] beef, bellyache, complain, fuss, gripe, grouse, pawn, pledge, security - more at PLEDGE
kick, moan, squawk, wail, whine - more at COMPLAIN 2guaranty vb -tied; : to give security to : GUARANTEE
+ [2] growl, lumber, roll, rumble - more at RUMBLE 'guard \'giird\ n 1 + : a person or a body of persons on sen-
371 guilt

tinel duty 2 pi : troops assigned to protect a sovereign house or a club) is extended 2 + : a patron of a commer-
3 : a defensive position (as in boxing) 4 + : the act or duty cial establishment (as a hotel) 3: a person not a regular
of protecting or defending 5 + : one that protects : PRO- member of a cast who appears on a program
TECTION 6: a protective or safety device 7: a football + customer, patron - more at CUSTOMER
lineman playing between center and tackle; also : a bas- \'gest-,haus\ n : a house run as a boarding
ketball player stationed toward the rear - on guard house or bed-and-breakfast
: WATCHFUL, ALERT gut.taw\(,)ga-'fo\ n : a loud burst of laughter - guttaw vb
+ [1] custodian, guardian, keeper, lookout, picket, sen- guid.ance \'gid-Ons\ n 1 : the act or process of guiding
try, warden, warder, watch, watchman; also observer, 2 : the direction provided by a guide : ADVICE
patrol, spotter, watchdog; bodyguard, convoy, de- administration, conduct, control, direction, govern-
fender, escort + [4] aegis, armor, cover, defense (or de- ment, management, operation, oversight, regulation,
fence), protection, safeguard, screen, security, shield, running, superintendence, supervision - more at CON-
wall, ward - more at DEFENSE + [5) custodian, de- DUCT
fender, defense (or defence), protection, protector- 'guide \'gid\ n 1 +: one who leads or directs another's
more at PROTECTOR course 2 : one who shows and explains points of inter-
'guard vb 1 : to protect from danger esp, by watchful at- est 3: something that provides guiding information; also
tention : DEFEND 2: to watch over 3 + : to be on guard : SIGNPOST 4: a device to direct the motion of something
[1] cover, defend, protect, safeguard, screen, secure, [1,2] attendant, companion, escort, guard - more at
shield, ward - more at DEFEND usu guard against ESCORT
[3] beware (00, mind, watch out (for) - more at BE- 'guide vb guid-ed; 1 : to act as a guide to 2 : to
direct, supervise, or influence usu. to a particular end
guard-ed \'gar-dad\ adi : careful to consider all circum- 3 : to superintend the training of - \'gi-da-bal\
stances and possible consequences adj
alert, careful, cautious, circumspect, considerate, [1) conduct, direct, lead, marshal, pilot, route, show,
gingerly, heedful, safe, wary - more at CAREFUL steer, usher - more at LEAD. [1, 2) administer, carry \'gard-,haus\ n 1 : a building occupied by a on, conduct, control, direct, govern, handle, manage,
guard or used as a headquarters by soldiers on guard duty operate, oversee, regulate, run, superintend, supervise
2 : a military jail - more at CONOUCT [2) coach, counsel, lead, mentor,
guard.ian \'gar-de-an\ n 1 : one that guards: CUSTODIAN pilot, shepherd, show, tutor; also direct, steer; accom-
2 : one who has the care of the person or property of pany, escort, see; oversee, superintend, supervise; drill,
another train; brief, enlighten, inform; instruct, school, teach;
caretaker, custodian, janitor, keeper, warden, watch- inculcate, indoctrinate;cultivate, foster, nurture
man - more at CUSTODIAN guide-book \'gid-,buk\ n : a book of information for trav-
guard.ian.ship n : supervision or support of one that is elers
smaller and weaker; specif : the relationship existing be- guided missile n : a missile whose course may be altered
tween guardian and ward during flight
care, custody, keeping, safekeeping, trust, ward- guide dog n : a dog trained to lead the blind
more at CUSTODY guide-line\'gid-,lin\ n : an indication or outline of policy \'gard-,riim\ n 1 : a room used by a military or conduct
guard while on duty 2: a room where military prisoners guide wordn : a term at the head of a page of an alphabet-
are confined ical reference work that indicates the alphabetically first\'gardz-man\ n : a member of a military body or last word on that page
called guard or guards guiodon\'gi-,diin, 'g"id-On\ n : a small flag (as of a military
Gua.te-ma.lan \,gwa-ta-'ma-Ian\ n : a native or inhabitant unit)
of Guatemala - Guatemalan adi guild \'gild\ n + : an association of people with common
guava \'gwa-va\ n : the sweet yellow or pink acid fruit of aims and interests; esp : a medieval association of mer-
a shrubby tropical American tree used esp, for making chants or craftsmen - guild.hall\-,hol\ n
jam and jelly; also: the tree association, brotherhood, club, college, congress, \,gii-bar-na-'tor-e-al\ adj : of or relating to council, fellowship, fraternity, institute, institution,
a governor league, order, organization, society - more at ASSOCIA-
guerodon \'gard-On\ n : REWARD, RECOMPENSE TION
Guern.sey \'garn-ze\ n, pi Guernseys : any of a breed of guile \'811\ n : deceitful cunning: DUPLICITY
usu. reddish brown and white dairy cattle that produce artfulness, artifice, caginess, canniness, craft, crafti-
rich yellowish milk ness, cunning, slyness, wiliness - more at CUNNING or \ga-'ri-Ia\ n [Spguerrilla, fr. dim. of craft, craftiness, crookedness, deceit, deceitfulness,
guerra war, of Gmc origin) : one who engages in irregular dishonesty, dissimulation, double-dealing, duplicity-
warfare esp, as a member of an independent unit more at DECEIT
'guess \'ges\ vb 1 : to form an opinion from little or no guile-tuladj : full of guile: characterized by cunning, de-
evidence 2 : to hold as an opinion : BELIEVE, SUPPOSE ceit, or treachery
3 : to conjecture correctly about artful, cagey, crafty, cunning, devious, foxy, slick,
[1] assume, conjecture, presume, speculate, suppose, sly, subtle, wily - more at ARTFUL
surmise, suspect; also conclude, deduce, gather, infer; guil.lo.tine\'gi-Ia-,ten, ,ge-a-'ten\ n [F, fr. Joseph Guillotin
hypothesize, theorize; believe, conceive, expect, imag- t1814 Fr. physician) : a machine for beheading persons-
ine, take, think + [2) believe, consider, deem, feel, fig- guillotine vb
ure, hold, imagine, suppose, think - more at BELIEVE guilt \'gilt\ n 1 : the fact of having committed an offense
+ [3) calculate, call, conjecture, estimate, figure, gauge, esp. against the law 2 : the state of one who has com-
judge, make, place, put, reckon, suppose - more at ES- mitted an offense esp, consciously 3 : a feeling of re-
T1MATE sponsibility for wrongdoing
'guess n : a conclusion deduced by surmise or guesswork [2] blame, culpability, fault, rap - more at BLAME
conjecture, supposition, surmise - more at CONJEC- + (3) contrition, penitence, remorse, repentance, self=
TURE reproach, shame; also misgiving, qualm, scruple; com-
guest \'gest\ n 1: a person to whom hospitality (as of a punction; blame, fault, responsibility; chagrin, regret
guiltless 372
guilt.less adj + : free from guilt or evil gumodrop \'g:lm-,driip\ n : a candy made usu. from com
+ blameless, clear, faultless, impeccable, innocent, irre- syrup with gelatin and coated with sugar crystals
proachable - more at INNOCENT gum.myadj + : having a thick or sticky quality; also: con-
guilt-trip \'gilt-,trip\ vb : to cause feelings of guilt in sisting, containing, or covered with gum
guilty \'gil-te\ adj guilt.ioer; -est 1 + : having committed a + adhesive, gelatinous, gluey, glutinous, gooey, sticky,
breach of conduct or a crime 2: suggesting or involving viscid, viscous - more at STICKY
guilt 3 + : aware of or suffering from guilt - gumpotion \'g:lmp-sh:ln\ n 1: shrewd common sense
\-t:l-Ie\ adv - guilt.i.ness \-te-n:ls\ n 2: ENTERPRISE, INITIATIVE
+ [I] accountable, answerable, blamable, blamewor- gumshoe \'g:lm-,shii\ n : DETECTIVE - gumshoe vb
thy, censurable, culpable, reprehensible Ant blameless, 'gun \'g;m\ n 1 : CANNON 2 + : a portable firearm 3: a dis-
guiltless, innocent + [3] ashamed, contrite, hangdog, charge of a gun 4: something suggesting a gun in shape
penitent, remorseful, repentant, shamefaced; also or function 5: THROTTLE - gunned \'g"nd\ adj
apologetic, sorry; regretful, rueful; penitential; cha- + arm, firearm, piece; also handgun, pistol, revolver,
grined, embarrassed, sheepish Ant impenitent, remorse- six-gun, six-shooter; blunderbuss, flintlock, matchlock,
less, shameless, unashamed, unrepentant musket, rifle, shotgun; automatic, machine gun, re-
guinoea \'gi-ne\ n 1 : a British gold coin no longer issued peater, submachine gun, tommy gun
worth 21 shillings 2: a unit of value equal to 21 shillings 2gun vb gunned; gun.ning 1 : to hunt with a gun 2: to hit
guinea fowl n : a gray and white spotted West African bird with a missile (as a bullet) from a gun: SHOOT 3: to open
related to the pheasants and widely raised for food; also up the throttle of so as to increase speed
: any of several related birds gunboat \'g"n-,b6t\ n : a small lightly armed ship for use
guinea hen n : a female guinea fowl; also: GUINEA FOWL in shallow waters
Guinoean Vgi-ne-an', n : a native or inhabitant of Guinea- gun.fight \-,fit\ n : a duel with guns - gun.fightoer n
Guinean adj \-,fir\ n : the firing of guns
guinea pig n 1 : a small stocky short-eared and nearly tail- gung ho \'g:lI)-'h6\ adj [Gung hol, motto (taken to mean
less So. American rodent often kept as a pet or used in lab "work together") adopted by certain U.S. marines in
research 2: a subject of research or testing World War II, fr. Chin g6nghe, short for Zhongguo
guise \'gIz\ n 1 +: a form or style of dress : COSTUME G6ngye Hezuo She Chinese Industrial Cooperatives Soci-
2 + : external appearance: SEMBLANCE ety] + : extremely zealous or enthusiastic
+ [1] dress, garb, getup, outfit - more at OUTFIT avid, eager, enthusiastic, keen, nuts, raring - more
+ [2] appearance, face, name, semblance, show- at EAGER
more at APPEARANCE \-m:ln\ n : a man armed with a gun; esp : a pro-
gui.tar \gi-'tiir\ n : a musical instrument with usu. six fessional killer
strings plucked with a pick or with the fingers gunner \'g:l-n"r\ n 1 : a soldier or airman who operates or
gulch \'g:llch\ n + : a deep or precipitous cleft: RAVINE aims a gun 2: one who hunts with a gun
+ canyon, defile, flume, gap, gorge, notch, pass, ravine gun.nery \'g,,-n,,-re\ n : the use of guns; esp : the science of
- more at CANYON the flight of projectiles and effective use of guns
gulf \'g:llf\ n [ME goul/, fr. MF golfe,fr. It golfo, fro LL col- gunnery sergeant n : a noncommissioned officer in the
pus, fr. Gk kolpos bosom, gulf] 1 + : a part of an ocean or marine corps ranking next below a master sergeant
sea partly or mostly surrounded by land 2: ABYSS, CHASM gun.ny.sack \'g:l-ne-,sak\ n : a sack made of a coarse heavy
3 : a wide separation fabric (as burlap)
bay, bight, cove, estuary, fjord, inlet; also harbor, gunpoint \'g:m-,p6int\ n : the muzzle of a gun - at gun-
port, roadstead; narrow, sound, strait; bayou point: under a threat of death by being shot
gunpowoder \-,pail-d"r\ n : an explosive powder used in
'gull \'g:ll\ n : any of numerous mostly white or gray long=
guns and blasting
winged web-footed seabirds
gunshot \-,shiit\ n 1 : shot fired from a gun 2: the range
2gull vb + : to make a dupe of : DECEIVE
+ deceive, delude, dupe, fool, misinform, mislead, take of a gun <within +->
gun-shy \-,shi\ adj 1 : afraid of a loud noise 2: markedly
in, trick - more at DECEIVE distrustful
3gull n : a person who is easily deceived or cheated: DUPE gun.slingoer \-,sliI)-:lr\ n : a skilled gunman esp. in the old
gullet \'g:l-l:lt\ n : ESOPHAGUS; also: THROAT West
gull.ible \'g:l-l:l-b:ll\ adj + : easily duped or cheated gunsmith \-,smith\ n : one who designs, makes, or repairs
+ easy, susceptible - more at EASY firearms \'g:l-le\ n, pi gullies: a trench worn in the earth by gun.wale also gun.nel \'g:ln-'I\ n : the upper edge of a
and often filled with running water after rains ship's or boat's side
'gulp \'g:llp\ vb 1 +: to swallow hurriedly or greedily gupopy \'g:l-pe\ n, pi guppies [R.l.L. Guppy tI916 Trinida-
2: SUPPRESS <~ down a sob> 3: to catch the breath as if dian naturalist] : a small brightly colored tropical fish
in taking a long drink gurogle \'g:lr-g:ll\ vb gur.gled; gur.gling 1: to make a
+ gobble, bolt, devour, gorge, gormandize, scarf, scoff, sound like that of an irregularly flowing or gently splash-
wolf - more at GOBBLE ing liquid 2 : to flow in a broken irregular current -
2gulp n 1 : the act or an instance of gulping 2: the amount gurgle n
taken in a single large swallow + dribble, lap, plash, ripple, slosh, splash, trickle, wash;
'gum \'g:lm\ n : the oral tissue that surrounds the necks of also eddy, purl, swirl; swash, swish, whish; drip, drop;
the teeth gush, jet, spout, spurt, squirt, rush Ant roll, pour,
2gum n [ME gomme, fr. MF, fr. L cummi, gummi, fro Gk stream
kommi, fro Egyptian qmyt] 1 : a sticky plant exudate; esp Gur.kha \'gur-b, 'g:lr-\ n : a soldier from Nepal in the
: one that hardens on drying 2: a sticky substance 3: a British or Indian army
preparation usu. of a plant gum sweetened and flavored gur.ney \'g:lr-ne\ n, pi gurneys: a wheeled cot or stretcher
and used for chewing guru \'gur-ii\ n, pi gurus [ultim. Sanskrit guru, fro guru,
gum arabic n : a water-soluble gum obtained from several adj., heavy, venerable] 1 : a personal religious and spiri-
acacias and used esp. in making inks, adhesives, confec- tual teacher in Hinduism 2: a teacher in matters of fun-
tions, and pharmaceuticals damental concern 3 : a person who has knowledge or \'g:lm-b6\ n [AmerF gombo, of Bantu origin] : a skills acquired through actual practice: EXPERT <a fitness
rich thick soup usu. thickened with okra ~>
373 gyve

+ ace, adept, artist, authority, crackerjack, expert, 3guy n + : an adult male human: MAN, FELLOW; also, pi
hand, hotshot, maestro, master, scholar, shark, virtu- : PERSONS (all the "-'s came)
oso, whiz, wizard - more at EXPERT + buck, chap, dude, fellow, gent, gentleman, hombre,
gush \'g:lsh\ vb 1 + : to issue or pour forth copiously or vi- jack, joker, lad, male, man - more at MAN
olently : SPOUT 2 + : to make an effusive display of affec- 'guy vb : to make fun of : RIDICULE
tion or enthusiasm Guy.a.nese \,gi-:l-'nez\ n, pi Guyanese : a native or inhabi-
+ [1] jet, pour, rush, spew, spout, spurt, squirt; also cas- tant of Guyana - Guyanese adj
cade, issue. run. stream; plash, slosh, splash; surge, guz.zle\'g:l-z:ll\ vb guz.zled; guz.zling + : to drink greedily
swell; flush, sluice; deluge, engulf, flood, inundate, + drink, imbibe, quaff, sup, swig, toss - more at DRINK
overflow, overwhelm, submerge, swamp Ant dribble, gym \'jim\ n : GYMNASIUM
drip, drop, trickle + [2] enthuse, fuss, rave, rhapsodize, \iim-'ka-n:l\ n : a meet featuring sports con-
slobber; also dote (on), fawn; emote tests; esp : a contest of automobile-drivingskill
gushoerVgo-sharv n : one that gushes; esp : an oil well with Vor 1 jim-tna-ze-am, -zhcm.jor 2 gim-lna-ze-
a large natural flow :lm\ n, pl-nasiums or -na-sla \-'na-ze-:l, -'na-zh:l; -'na-ze-
gushy \'g:l-she\ adj gush.ioer; -est: marked by effusive sen- :1\ [L, exercise ground, school, fro Gk gymnasion, fro
timentality gymnazein to exercise naked, fr. gymnos naked] 1 : a
gus.set \'g:l-s:lt\ n : a triangular insert (as in a seam of a room or building for indoor sports 2: a European sec-
sleeve) to give width or strength - gusset vb ondary school that prepares students for the university up \'g:l-se-\ vb 1 : to dress up in best or formal gym.nas.tlcs \iim-'nas-tiks\ n : a competitive sport devel-
clothes 2: to make more attractive, glamorous or fancy oped from physical exercises designed to demonstrate
'gust \'g~st\ n 1 + : a sudden brief rush of wind 2: a sud- strength, balance, and body control - gym.nast \'jim-
den outburst: SURGE ,nast\ n - gym.nas.tic adj
+ blast, blow, flurry, williwaw; also breeze, zephyr; air, gymno-sperm\'jim-n:l-,sp~rm\ n : any of a class or subdi-
breath, waft; puff, whiff; gale. hurricane, squall, tem- vision of woody vascular seed plants (as conifers) that
pest, tornado, windstorm; northeaster, norther, produce naked seeds not enclosed in an ovary
northerly, westerly gyn or gynecol abbr gynecology
2gust vb : to blow in gusts gy.nae-coloQoQy chiefly Brit var a/GYNECOLOGY \'g:ls-t~-,t6r-e\ adj : relating to or associated \,gi-n:l-'ka-l~-je\ n : a branch of medicine
with the sense of taste dealing with the diseases and hygiene of women - gyne- \'g:l-,sto\ n : enthusiastic and vigorous enjoyment, co-loq-lc \-ni-k~-'la-jik\ or \-ji-k:ll\ adj
appreciation. or delight - gyne-coloQoQist \-n~-'ka-l~-jist\ n
gusty adj + : blowing in gusts gy.noocen.tric\,gi-n~-'sen-trik\ adj : emphasizing feminine
+ blowy, blustery, breezy, windy - more at WINDY interests or a feminine point of view
'gut \'g~t\ n 1 pi : internal organs of the body: BOWELS, EN- 19yp \'jip\ n 1 : CHEAT, SWINDLER 2: FRAUD, SWINDLE
TRAILS 2 + : the alimentary canal or a part of it (as the in- 2gyp vb + : to deprive of something valuable by the use of
testine); also: BELLY, ABDOMEN 3 pi : the inner essential deceit or fraud
parts 4 pi + : fortitude and stamina in coping with what + bleed, cheat, chisel, cozen, defraud, fleece, hustle,
alarms, repels, or discourages: COURAGE, PLUCK mulct, rook, shortchange, skin, squeeze, stick, sting,
+ [2] abdomen, belly, solar plexus, stomach, tummy - swindle, victimize - more at FLEECE
more at STOMACH + guts[4] bravery, courage, daring, gyp-sum \'jip-s:lm\ n : a calcium-containing mineral used
fearlessness, hardihood, nerve, stoutness - more at in making plaster of paris
COURAGE + guts[4] backbone, fiber (or fibre), fortitude, Gyp-sy \'jip-se\ n, pi Gypsies [by shortening & alter. fro
grit, pluck, spunk - more at FORTITUDE Egyptian] : a member of a traditionally traveling people
2gut vb gut.ted; gut.ting 1 + : to take out the entrails of coming orig. from India and living chiefly in Europe,
: EVISCERATE 2: to destroy the inside of Asia, and No. America; also: the language of the Gypsies
clean, draw, eviscerate; also bone, dress; cut, excise, gypsy moth n : an Old World moth that was introduced
extract, remove, withdraw; transplant into the U.S. where its caterpillar is a destructive defolia-
gut check n : a test of courage, character, or determination tor of many trees
gutsy \'g:l1-5e\ adj guts.ioer; -est + : marked by courage gy.rate \'ji-,rat\ vb gy.ratoed; 1 +: to revolve
and determination around a point or axis 2: to oscillate with or as if with a
+ adventurous, audacious, bold, daring, enterprising, circular or spiral motion
hardy, nervy, venturesome - more at BOLD + pirouette, revolve, roll, rotate, spin, turn, twirl,
gutter \'g~-t:lr\ n + : a groove or channel for carrying off wheel, whirl - more at SPIN
esp. rainwater gy.ra.tion \ii-'ra-sh:ln\ n : an act or instance of gyrating
+ dike, ditch, trench - more at DITCH + pirouette, reel, revolution, roll, rotation, spin, twirl,
gut.ter.snipe \-,snip\ n : a street urchin wheel, whirl - more at SPIN
gut.turalVga-ta-ralx adj 1 : sounded in the throat 2: be- gyr.falocon\'j:lr-,fal-k:ln, -,f61-\ n : an arctic falcon with
ing or marked by an utterance that is strange, unpleasant, several color forms that is the largest of all falcons
or disagreeable - guttural n \'ji-r6\ n, pi gyros: GYROSCOPE
gut.ty \'g:l-te\ adj gut.tioer; -est 1 : GUTSY 2: having a vig- \'ye-,r6, 'zhir-6\ n, pi gyros: a sandwich esp. of lamb
orous challenging quality and beef, tomato, onion, and yogurt sauce on pita bread \'g:lt-,ren-chil)\ adj : causing emotional an- gyro-scope\'ji-r6-,sk6p\ n : a wheel or disk mounted to
guish spin rapidly about an axis that is free to turn in various
'guy \'gi\ n : a rope, chain, or rod attached to something as directions
a brace or guide Gy Sgt abbr gunnery sergeant
2guy vb : to steady or reinforce with a guy gyve \'jiv, 'giv\ n : FETTER - gyve vb
the English alphabet
2h abbr. often cap 1 hard; hardness 2 heroin 3 hit 4 hus-

'h \'ach\ n, pI h's or hs \'a-ch:lz\ often cap: the 8th letter of may be regularly found in or at (as a place of entertain-
ha-ci-en-da \,hii.-se-,en-d:l\ n 1 : a large estate in a Spanish=
band speaking country 2 : the main building of a farm or ranch
H symbol hydrogen 'hack \'hak\ vb 1 : to cut or sever with repeated irregular
'ha \'hii.\ interj - used esp. to express surprise or joy blows 2: to cough in a short dry manner 3: to manage
2ha abbr hectare successfully; also : TOLERATE
Hab abbr Habacuc: Habakkuk 2hack n 1 : an implement for hacking 2: a short dry cough
Ha-ba-cuc \'ha-b:l-,k:lk, ha-iba-kck', n : HABAKKUK 3 : a hacking blow 4 + : a V-shaped indentation
Ha-bak-kuk Vha-bo-jkak, h:l-'ba-k:lk\ n : a book of the + chip, indentation, nick, notch - more at NOTCH
canonical Jewish and Christian Scriptures 3hack n 1 : a horse hired or used for varied work 2: a horse
ha-ba-ne-ra \,hii-b:l-'ner-:l\ n [Sp (danza) habanera, lit., worn out in service 3: a light easy often 3-gaited saddle
dance of Havana] : a Cuban dance in slow time; also: the horse 4 a : HACKNEY b: an automobile that carries pas-
music for this dance sengers for a fare uSU. determined by the distance trav-
ba-ba-ne-ro also ha-ba-ne-ro \,(h)ii.-b:l-'n(y)er-6\ n : a very eled : TAXICAB 5: a person who works solely for
hot chili pepper that is usu. orange when mature mercenary reasons; esp : a writer working solely for com-
ba-be-as cor-pus \'ha-be-:ls-'k6r-p:ls\ n [ME, fro ML, lit., mercial success - hack adj
you should have the body (the opening words of the
'hack vb : to operate a taxicab
writ)] : a writ issued to bring a party before a court
hack-er Vha-karx n 1 : one that hacks; also: a person un-
hab-er-dash-er \'ha-b:lr-,da-sh:lr\ n : a dealer in men's skilled at something 2: an expert at using a computer
clothing and accessories
3 : a person who illegally gains access to and sometimes
hab-er-dash-ery \-,da-sh:l-re\ n, pl -er-les 1 : goods sold by
tampers with information in a computer system
a haberdasher 2: a haberdasher's shop
hack-ie \'ha-ke\ n : a taxicab driver
ha-bil-i-ment \h:l-'bi-I:l-m:mt\ n 1 pI : TRAPPINGS, EQUIPMENT
hack-le \'ha-k:ll\ n 1 : one of the long feathers on the neck
2 : DRESS; esp : the dress characteristic of an occupation or
or back of a bird 2 pi : hairs (as on a dog's neck) that can
occasion - usu. used in pl.
be erected 3 pI : TEMPER, DANDER
hab-it \'ha-b:lt\ n 1 : DRESS, GARB 2: BEARING, CONDUCf
hack-man \'hak-m:ln\ n : HACKlE
3 : PHYSIQUE 4: mental makeup 5 + : a usual manner of
thack-ney \'hak-ne\ n, t hackneys 1 : a horse for riding or
behavior: CUSTOM 6: a behavior pattern acquired by fre-
driving 2 : a carriage or automobile kept for hire
quent repetition 7: ADDICTION 8: mode of growth or oc-
2hackney vb : to make trite
currence (trees with a spreading ->
hack-neyed Vhak-nedv adj + : lacking in freshness or orig-
+ custom, fashion, pattern, practice, trick, way, wont; inality
also addiction; disposition; bent, inclination, proclivity,
tendency, turn; convention. form, mode, style; usage; + banal, commonplace, musty, stale, stereotyped, thread-
manners, mores; groove, rote, routine, rut; affectation, bare, tired, trite - more at STALE
airs, pose; attribute, characteristic, mark, trait; oddity, hack-saw \'hak-,s6\ n : a fine-tooth saw in a frame for cut-
peculiarity, quirk, singularity, tic; strangeness, weird- ting metal
ness hack-work \-,w:lrk\ n : work done on order usu. according
hab-it-able \'ha-b:l-t:l-b:ll\ adi : capable of being lived in - to a formula
hab-it-abil-i-ty \,ha-b:l-t:l-'bi-l:l-te\ n had past and past part of HAVE
hab-i-tat \'ha-b:l-,tat\ n [L, it inhabits] + : the place or envi- had-dock \'ha-d:lk\ n, t haddock also haddocks : an At-
ronment where a plant or animal naturally occurs lantic food fish usu. smaller than the related cod
+ home, niche, range, territory - more at HOME Ha-des \'ha-(,)dez\ n 1 : the abode of the dead in Greek
mythology 2 often not cap : HELL
hab-i-ta-tion \,ha-b:l-'ta-sh:ln\ n 1 : OCCUPANCY 2 + : a hae-ma-tlte chiefly Brit var of HEMATITE
dwelling place: RESIDENCE 3 : SETTLEMENT haf-ni-um Vhaf-ne-ernv n : a gray metallic chemical ele-
+ abode, domicile, dwelling, home, house, lodging, ment
quarters, residence - more at HOME haft \'haft\ n : the handle of a weapon or tool
hab-it-torrn-inq \'ha-b:lt-,f6r-mil)\ adj : causing addiction hag \'hag\ n 1 + : an ugly or evil-looking old woman 2: a
: ADDICfIVE woman that is credited with usu. malignant supernatural
ha-bit-u-al \h:l-'bi-ch:l-w:lI\ adj 1 + : having the nature of a powers
habit 2 + : doing, practicing, or acting by force of habit crone, witch - more at CRONE
(- drunkards> 3: inherent in an individual- ha-bit-u- adv - ha-btt-u-at-ness n Hag abbr Haggai
Hag.gai \'ha-ge-,i, 'ha-,gi\ n : a book of the canonical Jew-
+ [1] constant, frequent, periodic, regular, repeated, ish and Christian Scriptures
steady + [2] chronic, confirmed, inveterate; also incor-
hag-gard Vha-gcrdv adj + : having a worn or emaciated ap-
rigible, unregenerate; born, natural; persistent, regular,
pearance - adv - haggard.ness n
steady, unfailing; addicted; accustomed, habituated,
used; deep-rooted, entrenched, inbred, inherent, innate cadaverous, gaunt, skeletal, wasted
ha-bit-u-ate \h:l-'bi-ch:l-,wat\ vb -at-ed; 1 : ACCUSTOM hag-gis \'ha-g:ls\ n : a traditionally Scottish dish made of
2 : to cause or undergo habituation the heart, liver, and lungs of a sheep or a calf minced with
ha-bit-u-a-tion \h:l-,bi-ch:l-'wa-sh:ln\ n 1 : the process of be- suet, onions, oatmeal, and seasonings
coming or state of being accustomed to or dependent on hag-gle \'ha-g:ll\ vb hag-gled; haggling + : to argue in bar-
something 2: psychological dependence on a drug after gaining - hag.gler n
a period of use + bargain, chaffer, deal, dicker, negotiate, palter-
ha-bi-tue also ha-bi-tue \h:l-'bi-ch:l-,wa\ n IF] : one who more at BARGAIN
375 half-sole
Halli-og.ra.pha \,ha-ge-'a-gra-fa, ,ha-je-\ n pi : the third moments> 3 + : composed of or being like hair - hair-i-
part of the Jewish Scriptures ness \-e-nas\ n
hallio-graph.ic \,ha-ge-a-'gra-fik, ,ha-, -je-\ adi : of or re- + [1) fleecy, furry, hirsute, rough, shaggy, unshorn,
lating to hagiography;esp : excessively flattering woolly; also bearded, whiskered; downy, fluffy, fuzzy
halli-og.ra.phy\,ha-ge-'ii-gra-fe, ,M-je-\ n 1 : biography of Ant bald, hairless, shorn, smooth + [3] furry, fuzzy,
saints or venerated persons 2: idealizingor idolizingbi- rough, shaggy, woolly; also downy, fluffy
ography - halli-ographer\-fOlr\ n hairy woodpecker n : a common No. American wood-
hai-ku \'hI-(,)kii\ n, pi haiku [Jp] : an unrhymed Japanese pecker with a white back that is larger than the similarly
verse form of three lines containing usu. 5, 7, and 5 sylla- marked downy woodpecker
bles respectively; also: a poem in this form Hal-tlanVha-shsn', n : a native or inhabitant of Haiti-
lhail \'hal\ n 1 : precipitation in the form of small lumps of Haitianadi
ice 2 + : something that gives the effect of falling hail hajj \'haj\ n : a pilgrimage to Mecca prescribed as a reli-
+ rain, shower, storm - more at RAIN + barrage, bom- gious duty for Muslims
bardment, cannonade, fusillade, salvo, shower, storm, hajji \'ha-je\ n : one who has made a pilgrimage to Mecca
volley - more at BARRAGE - often used as a title
2hail vb 1 : to precipitate hail 2: to pour down and strike hake \'hak\ n : any of several marine food fishes related to
like hail the cod
3hail interj [ME, fro ON heill, fro heill healthy)- used to ex- hal-berd\'hal-bard, 'hol-', also hal-bert\-bart\ n : a weapon
press acclamation esp. of the 15th and 16th centuries consisting of a battle.
'hail vb 1 a : SALUTE, GREET b + : to greet with enthusiastic ax and pike on a long handle
approval : ACCLAIM 2: SUMMON hal-cy-on\'hal-se-an\ adj [Gk halkyon, alkyon a mythical
+ acclaim, applaud, cheer, crack up, laud, praise, bird believed to nest at sea and to calm the waves]
salute, tout - more at ACCLAIM + : marked by calm: PEACEFUL
Shall n 1 : an expression of greeting, approval, or praise calm, hushed, peaceful, placid, quiet, serene, still,
2 + : hearing distance tranquil, untroubled - more at CALM
+ earshot, hearing, sound lhale \'hal\ adi + : free from defect, disease, or infirmity
+ hearing, sound + able-bodied, chipper, fit, healthy, hearty, robust,
sound, well, whole, wholesome - more at HEALTHY
HailMaryn : a salutation and prayer to the Virgin Mary 2hale vb haled; hal-lnq 1 : to exert force upon so as to
halt-stone \'hal-,ston\ n : a pellet of hail cause or tend to cause motion toward the force : HAUL,
hall-storm v.storm', n : a storm accompanied by hail PULL 2 : to compel to go
hair \'har\ n 1 a : a threadlike outgrowth esp. from the
skin of a mammal b + : a covering or growth of hairs of + drag, draw, haul, lug, pull, tow, tug - more at PULL
an animal or a body part 2 + : a minute distance or lhalf \'haf, 'hat\ n, pi halves \'havz, 'hilVz\ 1 : either of two
amount - haired \'hard\ adj - hair-less adi equal parts that compose something 2 + : one of a pair
+ [1b) coat, fleece, fur, pelage, pile, wool + [2] ace, + companion, match, mate, twin - more at MATE
inch, step, stone's throw; also bit, crumb, mite, jot, par- 2half adj 1 : being one of two equal parts 2: amounting to
ticle, smidgen, trace, trifle nearly half 3 : PARTIAL, INCOMPLETE
hair-breadth\'har-,bredth\ or hairs-breadth \'harz-\ n + : a 3half adv 1 a : in an equal part or degree b: not completely
very small distance or margin 2 : by any means: AT ALL
+ or hairsbreadth + ace, hair, inch, step, stone's throw half-and-half\,haf-'n-'haf, ,hM-'n-'hat\ n : something that
- more at HAIR is half one thing and half another
hair-brush \-,brash\ n : a brush for the hair half-back\'haf-,bak, 'hM-\ n 1 : a football back stationed
hair-cloth \-,kloth\ n : a stiff wiry fabric used esp. for up- on or near the flank 2: a player stationed immediately
holstery behind the forward line
hair-cut \-,kat\ n : the act, process, or style of cutting and half-baked \-'bakt\ adj 1: not thoroughly baked
shaping the hair 2 + : poorly planned; also: lacking common sense
hair-do\-,dii\ n, pi hairdos: a way of wearing the hair + absurd, crazy, cuckoo, fatuous, foolish, mad, nonsen-
hair-dress-erx-.dre-sar', n : one who dressesor cuts hair - sical, nutty, senseless, silly, stupid - more at FOOLISH n half-breed \-,bred\ n, often disparaging : one of mixed
hair-line \-,lIn\ n 1 : a very thin line 2: the outline of the racial descent - half-breed adj, often disparaging
hair on the head half brother n : a brother related through one parent only
halr-plece \-,pes\ n 1 : supplementary hair (as a switch) half-caste \'haf-,kast, 'hM-\ n : one of mixed racial descent
used in some women's hairdos 2: TOUPEE : HALF-BREED - half-caste adj
hair-pin \-,pin\ n 1 : a U-shaped pin to hold the hair in halt-dol-lar \-'da-Iar\ n 1 : a coin representing one half of
place 2: a sharp U-shaped tum in a road - hairpin adj a dollar 2: the sum of fifty cents \'har-,ra-zil)\ adj + : causing terror or aston- half-heart-ed\-'har-tad\ adj + : lacking spirit or interest -
ishment hatf-heart-ed-ly adv - halt-heart-ed-ness n
+ fearful, fearsome, forbidding, formidable, frightful, tepid, uneager, unenthusiastic- more at TEPID
scary, shocking, terrible, terrifying - more at FEARFUL half-life\-,lIft\ n : the time required for half of something
hair-split-ter \-,spli-tar\ n : a person who makes excessively (as atoms or a drug) to undergo a process
fine distinctions in reasoning - hair-split-ting \-,spli-til)\ half-mast \-'mast\ n : a point about halfway down from
n the top of a mast or staff
hair.split.ting adi : made or done with extreme care and ac- half note n : a musical note equal in time to one half of a
curacy whole note
hatr-spray \'her-,spra\ n : a liquid sprayed onto the hair to nan-pen-ny\'hap-ne\ n, pi halt-pence\'ha-pans\ or halfpen-
hold it in place nies : a formerly used British coin representing one half
hairstyle\-,sH(-a)l\ n : HAIRDO - n of a penny
halr-styl-lst\-,sH-list\ n : HAIRDRESSER half-pint \'haf-,pint, 'hM-\ adj : of less than average size -
hair-trigger adj : immediately responsive to the slightest half-pint n
stimulus half sister n : a sister related through one parent only
hairy \'har-e\ adi hair-i-er: -est 1 + : covered with or as if half sole n : a shoe sole extending from the shank forward
with hair 2: tending to cause nervous tension <a few -- - half-sole vb
half-staff 376
half-staff \'haf-'slaf, 'haf-v n : HALF-MAST duces hallucinations - nal-tu-cl-nc-qen-te \-,Iiis-n-;)-'je-
half step n : a musical interval equivalent to one twelfth of nik\ adj orn
an octave hall.way \'hol-,wii\ n 1 : an entrance hall 2 : a passage-
halt-time \'haf-,tim, 'hilf-\ n : an intermission between way into which compartments or rooms open: CORRIDOR
halves of a game corridor, gallery, hall, passage - more at HALL
half-track \-, trak\ n : a motor vehicle propelled by an end- ha-lo \'ha-Io\ n, pi halos or haloes [L halos, fro Gk halos
less chain-track drive system; esp : such a vehicle lightly threshing floor, disk, halo] 1 : a circle of light appearing
armored for military use to surround a shining body (as the sun) 2: the aura of
half-truth \-,triith\ n : a statement that is only partially glory surrounding an idealized person or thing
true; esp : one that deliberately mixes truth and falsehood 'haloo-gen \'ha-I;)-j;)n\ n : any of the five elements fluorine,
half.way \-'wii\ adj 1 : midway between two points 2 : of chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine
or relating to a part rather than the whole: not general or 2haloo-gen ad) : containing, using, or being a halogen (a --
total: PARTIAL - halfway adv lamp)
intermediary, intermediate, median, medium, middle, 'halt Vholtv aeli : LAME
midmost - more at MIDDLE 2halt n : a stop in an action or process
half-wit \-,wit\ n : a foolish or imbecilic person cessation, close, closure, conclusion, end, ending, ex-
booby, fool, goose, jackass, lunatic, nitwit, nut, sim- piration, finish, lapse, shutdown, stop, stoppage, termi-
pleton, turkey - more at FOOL blockhead, dope, nation - more at END
dummy, idiot, imbecile, jackass, moron, numskull- 3halt vb 1 : to stop marching or traveling 2 : to come or
more at IDIOT bring to an end: DISCONTINUE
halt-wit-ted \-'wi-t;)d\ adj 1 : exhibiting or indicative of a break, break off, cease, cut, desist, discontinue, drop,
lack of common sense or sound judgment 2: mentally end, knock off, layoff, leave off, quit, shut off, stop -
deficient - halt-wit-ted-ness n more at STOP. arrest, catch, check, draw up, fetch up,
bal-l-but \'ha-I;)-b;)t\ n, pi halibut also halibuts [ME haly- hold up, stall, stay, still, stop; also balk, block, block-
butte, fro haly, holy holy + butte flatfish; fro its being eaten ade, dam, detain, hinder, hold, hold back, impede, ob-
on holy days] : any of several large edible marine flat- struct, stem; conclude, end, terminate; call, discon-
fishes tinue, suspend; clamp down, rein (in), squelch, squash,
ha-lite \'ha-,lit, 'hii-\ n : ROCK SALT stamp, stanch, stunt, suppress, turn back
hal-l-to-sis \,ha-I;)-'t{>-S;)s\ n : the condition of having fetid 'hal.ter \'hol-t;)r\ n 1 : a rope or strap for leading or tying
breath an animal; also: HEADSTALL 2 : NOOSE 3: a brief blouse
hall \'hol\ n 1 : the residence of a medieval king or noble; held in place by straps around the neck and across the
also: the house of a landed proprietor 2: a large public back
building 3 : a college or university building; also: DORMI- 2halter vb hal-tered; hal-ter-Inq 1 : to catch with or as if with
TORY 4 a : the entrance room of a building : LOBBY a halter; also : to put a halter on (as a horse) 2: HANG
b : a corridor or passage in a building 5: a large room 3 : IMPEDE, RESTRAIN
for assembly: AUDITORIUM 6 : a place used for public halt-inq \'hol-til]\ adj : UNCERTAIN, FALTERING -
entertainment adv
[4a] entry, foyer, lobby, vestibule; also antechamber, halve \'hav, 'hav\ vb halved; 1 : to divide into two
anteroom, waiting room; doorway, entrance, threshold equal parts 2: to reduce to one half
[4b] corridor, gallery, hallway, passage; also arcade, halv-ers Vha-varz, 'ha-\ n pl : half shares: HALVES
breezeway, cloister. [6] arena, theater; also amphithe- halves pi of HALF
ater, hippodrome, house, playhouse; ballroom; lyceum; halyard \'hal-y;)rd\ n : a rope or tackle for hoisting and
chamber, senate lowering (as sails)
hal-le-lu-jah \,ha-I;)-'Iii-y;)\ interj [Heb halleJiiyiih praise (ye) 'ham \'ham\ n 1 : a buttock with its associated thigh-
the Lord] - used to express praise, joy, or thanks usu. used in pl. 2: a cut of meat and esp. pork from the
nall-mark \'hol-,miirk\ n 1 : a mark put on an article to thigh 3: a showy performer 4: an operator of an ama-
indicate origin, purity, or genuineness 2 : a distinguishing teur radio station - ham ad]
characteristic 2ham vb hammed; ham.ming : to overplay a part: OVERACT
emblem, logo, symbol, trademark - more at EMBLEM ham-burq-er \'ham-,b;)r-g;)r\ or ham-burg \-,b;)rg\ n [G
hallow \'ha-16\ vb 1 : to make holy or set apart for holy
Hamburger of Hamburg, Germany] 1 : ground beef 2 : a
sandwich consisting of a ground-beef patty in a round
use 2: REVERE
bless, consecrate, sanctify - more at BLESS ham-let \'ham-I;)t\ n : a small village
hallowed \'ha-16d, -la-wadv adj 1 : made or declared sa- rham-mer \'ha-m;)r\ n 1 : a hand tool used for pounding;
cred 2 : regarded as worthy of great honor also: something resembling a hammer in form or func-
[l] blessed, holy, sacred, sacrosanct, sanctified- tion 2: the part of a gun whose striking action causes ex-
more at HOLY. [2] reverend, venerable - more at VEN- plosion of the charge 3: a metal sphere hurled for
ERABLE distance in a track-and-field event (hammer throw) 4: AC-
Hal-low-een also Hal-low-e'en \,ha-I;)-'wen, ,hii-\ n : the CELERATOR 2
evening of October 31 observed esp. by children in mer- 2hammer vb 1 : to beat, drive, or shape with or as if with
rymaking and masquerading repeated blows of a hammer: POUND 2: to produce or
hal-lu-ci-nate \h;)-'Iiis-'n-,iit\ vb -nat-ed; -nat-inq : to have bring about as if by repeated blows - usu. used with out
hallucinations or experience as a hallucination 3 : to criticize severely
hal-lu-ci-na-tlon \h;)-,Iiis-'n-'ii-sh;)n\ n 1 : perception of ob- beat, forge, pound; also chase, fashion, form, knead,
jects with no reality due usu. to use of drugs or to disor- mold, model, work; coin, mint, stamp; carve, chisel,
der of the nervous system 2 : something perceived by hew, sculpt, sculpture
hallucination - hal-lu-ci-na-to-ry \-n-;)-,t6r-e\ adj ham-mer-head \'ha-m;)r-,hed\ n 1: the striking part of a
chimera, conceit, daydream, delusion, dream, fancy, hammer 2 : any of a family of medium-sized sharks with
fantasy, figment, illusion, phantasm, pipe dream, unre- eyes at the ends of lateral extensions of the flattened head
ality, vision ham-mer-lock \-,Iiik\ n : a wrestling hold in which an oppo-
hal-lu-cl-no-qen \h;)-'Iiis-n-;)-j;)n\ n : a substance that in- nent's arm is held bent behind the back
377 handle

hammer out vb + : to produce or bring about as if by re- + manual, primer, textbook - more at TEXTBOOK
peated blows hand-car \-,kar\ n : a small 4-wheeled railroad car pro-
+ build, carve, forge, grind, work out; also cobble (to- pelled by hand or by a small motor
gether or up), create, construct, fabricate, fashion, hand-clasp \-,klasp\ n : HANDSHAKE
form, frame, manufacture, model, shape, tailor; con- hand-craft \-,kraft\ vb : to fashion by manual skill
ceive, concoct, contrive, cook (up), devise, hatch, in- thand-cutt \-,kaf\ n : a metal fastening that can be locked
vent, originate; bring forth, effect; accomplish, achieve, around a wrist and is usu. connected with another such
bring off fastening - usu. used in pl.
ham-mer-toe \-,to\ n : a toe deformed by having one or 2handcuff vb 1 + : to apply handcuffs to : MANACLE 2 + : to
more joints permanently flexed hold in check : make ineffective or powerless
tham-mock \'ha-mak\ n [Sp hamaca, of Amerlnd origin) : a + [1, 2) bind, chain, enchain, fetter, manacle, shackle,
swinging couch hung by cords at each end trammel
2h ~~ock n ; " fcnllc elevated area of the southern U.S. hand-ed \'han-dad\ adj : having or using such or so many
and esp. Florida with hardwood vegetation and soil rich hands (a left-handed person) - hand-ed-ness n
in humus hand-tul \,hand-,ful\ n, pi hand-fuls \-,fulz\ also handsful
'ham'per \'ham-par\ vb 1 + : to restrict the movement or \'handz-,ful\ 1 : as much or as many as the hand will
operation of : IMPEDE 2: RESTRAIN grasp 2 + : a small number 3: as much as one can man-
+ clog, cramp, delay, embarrass, encumber, fetter, age
handicap, hinder, hobble, hold back, hold up, impede, + few, smattering, sprinkle, sprinkling - more at FEW
inhibit, interfere with, manacle, obstruct, shackle, tie hand-gun \-,gan\ n : a firearm held and fired with one hand
up, trammel; also arrest, brake, check, constrain, curb, thand-l-cap \'han-di-,kap\ n lobs. E handicap, a game in
rein, restrain, snag; bind, chain, handcuff, leash, muz- which forfeits were held in a cap, fro hand in cap) 1 : a
zle, strap, tether, tie; barricade, block, blockade, dam, contest in which an artificial advantage is given or disad-
head (off), plug; balk, choke, hurt, repress, retard, sti- vantage imposed on a contestant to equalize chances of
fle, strangle, straiten, stunt; baffle, foil, frustrate, inter- winning; also: the advantage given or disadvantage im-
rupt, thwart, sabotage; bog (down), confine, hedge (in),
posed 2 + : a disadvantage that makes achievement diffi-
hem (in), limit, tie (down) Ant aid, assist, facilitate, help
2hamper n : a large usu. lidded basket
+ disadvantage, drawback, liability, minus, penalty,
ham-ster \'ham-star\ n [G, fro OHG hamustro, of Slavic ori-
strike - more at DISADVANTAGE
gin) : any of a subfamily of small Old World rodents with
2handicap vb -capped; -cap-plng 1 : to give a handicap to
large cheek pouches
2 : to put at a disadvantage
'ham.string \'ham-,stril)\ n : any of several muscles at the
back of the thigh or tendons at the back of the knee + encumber, hamper, hinder, hold up, impede, inhibit,
2hamstring vb -strung \-,stral)\; 1 : to cripple by interfere with, obstruct, tie up - more at HAMPER
cutting the leg tendons 2 + : to make ineffective or pow- hand-l-capped adj, sometimes offensive + : having a physi-
erless calor mental disability
+ cripple, disable, immobilize, incapacitate, paralyze, challenged, disabled
prostrate - more at PARALYZE hand-l-cep-per \-,ka-par\ n : a person who predicts the win-
'hand \'hand\ n 1 : the end of a front limb when modified ners in a horse race usu. for a publication
(as in humans) for grasping 2 + : an indicator or pointer hand-i-craft \'han-di-,kraft\ n 1 : manual skill 2 + : an oc-
on a dial 3 + : personal possession - usu. used in pl. and cupation requiring manual skill 3: the articles fashioned
in the phrase in one's hands; also: CONTROL 4 + : a posi- by those engaged in handicraft - hano-l-cratts-men
tion regarded as opposite to another: SIDE - usu. used in \-,krafts-man\ n
the phrase on the other hand 5: a pledge esp. of betrothal craft, trade - more at CRAFT
6 : style of penmanship : HANDWRITING 7: SKILL, ABILITY; hand-i-cratt-er \'han-di-,kraf-tar\ n + : one that engages in
also: a significant part 8: ASSISTANCE; also: PARTICIPATION a handicraft usu. as a hobby or avocation
9 : an outburst of applause 10: a single round in a card + artificer, artisan, craftsman - more at ARTISAN
game; also : the cards held by a player after a deal \'han-da-le\ adv + : in an easy manner: without
11 + : one employed by another usu. for wages or salary difficulty
and in a position below the executive level: WORKER, EM-
+ easily, effortlessly, fluently. freely. lightly, painlessly.
PLOYEE; also: a member of a ship's crew - hand-less adj
readily, smoothly - more at EASILY
- at hand : near in time or place - on hand : in present
hand in glove or hand and glove adv : in an extremely close
possession or readily available
+ [2) index, indicator, needle, pointer - more at hand-l-work \'han-di-,wark\ n 1 : work done personally or
POINTER + usu hands[3) control, keeping, possession -
by the hands 2 + : the product of handiwork
more at POSSESSION + [4) angle, aspect, facet, phase, side
- more at ASPECT + [11) employee, hireling, jobholder, + affair. fruit, output, produce. product. thing, work.
yield - more at PRODUCT
worker - more at EMPLOYEE
hand-ker-chlet \'hal)-kar-chaf, -,cheft\ n, pi -chiefs \-chafs,
2hand vb 1 : to lead, guide, or assist with the hand 2 + : to
-,chefs\ also -chieves \-,chevz\ : a small piece of cloth
give, pass, or transmit with the hand
used for various personal purposes (as the wiping of the
+ deliver, feed, furnish, give, hand over, provide, sup- face)
ply - more at FURNISH + hand over, pass, reach, trans-
'han-dle \'hand-'l\ n 1 : a part (as of a tool) designed to be
fer - more at PASS grasped by the hand 2: a word or phrase that constitutes
hand-baq \'hand-,bag\ n + : a bag for carrying small per- the distinctive designation of a person or thing: NAME -
sonal articles and money han-dled \-'ld\ adj - off the handle: into a state of sud-
+ bag, pocketbook, purse - more at PURSE den and violent anger - usu. used with fly
hand-ban \-,b61\ n : a game played by striking a small rub- 2handle vb han-dled; han.dling 1 : to touch. hold. or man-
ber ball against a wall with the hand age with the hands 2 + : to have responsibility for 3: to
hand-bill \-,bil\ n : a small printed sheet for distribution by deal or trade in 4: to behave in a certain way when man-
hand aged or directed (a car that ,..._,.s well) 5 + : to act on or
hand-book \-,buk\ n + : a concise reference book: MANUAL perform a required function with regard to - han-dler n
handlebar 378
[2] contend with, cope with, grapple with, manage, [1] manuscript, penmanship, script; also lettering;
maneuver (or manoeuvre), negotiate, swing, treat; also shorthand Ant print, type [2] hand, penmanship,
bring off, carry out, pull, swing; command, direct, script; also scratch, scrawl, scribble; backhand, print;
guide, steer; control, regulate, run Ant fumble, muddle autograph, signature
(through) [2] administer, carry on, conduct, control, handy \'han-de\ adj hand-i-er; -est 1 : conveniently near
direct, govern, guide, manage, operate, oversee, regu- 2 : easily used 3 : clever in using the hands: DEXTEROUS
late, run, superintend, supervise - more at CONDUCf - hand-i-ness \-de-nas\ n
[5] act, be, deal, serve, treat, use - more at TREAT [1] accessible, convenient, reachable - more at CON-
han-dle-bar \'hand-~l-bar\ n : a usu. bent bar with a 8rip at VENlENl' [3] clever, cunning, deft, dexterous - more
each end (as for steering a bicycle) - usu. used in pl. at DEXTEROUS
hand-made \'hand-'mad\ adj : made by hand or by a hand handy-man \-,man\ n 1 : one who does odd jobs 2: one
process competent in a variety of small skills or repair work
hand-mald-en \-,mad-n\ also hand-maid \-,mad\ n : a fe- 'hang \'hal)\ vb hung \'hal)\ also hanged; 1 : to
male attendant fasten or remain fastened to an elevated point without
hand-me-down \-me-,daun\ adj : used by one person after support from below; also: to fasten or be fastened so as
having been used by another - hand-me-down n to allow free motion on the point of suspension <~ a
hand-out \'han-,daut\ n 1 : a portion (as of food) given to door) 2: to suspend by the neck until dead; also: to die
a beggar 2: a piece of printed information for free distri- by hanging 3: to hold or bear in a suspended or inclined
bution; also: a prepared statement released to the press manner: DROOP <hung his head in shame) 4: to fasten to
hand over vb : to yield control of a wall <~ wallpaper) 5: to prevent (a jury) from coming
cede, deliver, give up, leave, relinquish, render, sur- to a decision 6: to display (pictures) in a gallery 7 : to
render, tum over, yield - more at SURRENDER hand, remain stationary in the air 8 : to be imminent: IMPEND
pass, reach, transfer - more at PASS <doom hung over the nation) 9: DEPEND 10: to take hold
hand-pick \'hand-'pik\ vb : to select personally <a <ed for support 11 : to be burdensome 12: to undergo delay
candidate) 13 : to incline downward; also: to fit or fall from the fig-
choose, cull, elect, name, opt, pick, prefer, select, sin- ure in easy lines 14: to be raptly attentive 15: LINGER,
gle, take - more at CHOOSE LOITER - hang-er n
hand-rail \-,ral\ n : a narrow rail for grasping as a support [1] dangle, sling, suspend, swing; also hook, pin, tack;
hand-saw \-,s6\ n : a saw designed to be used with one drape, festoon, garland, string; extend (out), jut, proj-
hand ect, stick out; overhang, protrude; cascade, depend, fall
hands down adv 1 : with little effort 2: without question [7] drift, float, glide, hover, poise, ride, sail, waft -
hand-sel \'han-sal\ n 1 : a gift made as a token of good more at FLOAT. usu hang over [8] hover, menace, over-
luck 2: a first installment: earnest money hang, threaten - more at THREATEN
hand-set \'hand-,set\ n : a combined telephone transmitter 'hang n 1 : the manner in which a thing hangs 2: an un-
and receiver mounted on a handle derstanding of something
hand-shake \-,shak\ n : a clasping usu. of right hands by han.gar \ 'han-arv n [F] : a covered and usu. enclosed area
two people for, housing and repairing aircraft
hands-ott \'handz-'6f\ adj : characterized by noninterfer- hang around vb 1 : to pass time or stay aimlessly in or at
ence 2 : to spend one's time in company esp, idly
hand-some \'han-sam\ adj hand-som-er: -est [ME handsom usu hang around in [1] frequent, hang out, haunt, re-
easy to manipulate] 1 : moderately large: SIZABLE 2 : GEN- sort, visit - more at FREQUENT. [1] abide, dwell, re-
EROUS, LmERAL 3 : pleasing and usu. impressive in ap- main, stay, stick around, tarry - more at STAY. [2] as-
pearance sociate, chum, consort, fraternize, hobnob, pal - more
attractive, beautiful, fair, gorgeous, knockout,lovely,
pretty, ravishing, stunning - more at BEAUTIFUL hang back vb : to be reluctant
hand-some-ly \-li!\ adv : in a handsome manner falter, hesitate, shilly-shally, stagger, teeter, vacillate,
waver, wobble - more at HESITATE
bountifully, generously, liberally, well- more at
WELL hangodog \'hal)-,d6g\ adj 1 : affected by or showing em-
nand-some-ness \-nas\ n : the quality or state of being barrassment caused by consciousness of a fault
class, elegance, grace, majesty, refinement, stateliness ashamed, contrite, guilty, penitent, remorseful, re-
- more at ELEGANCE. attractiveness, beauty, comeli- pentant, shamefaced - more at GurLTY
ness, looks, loveliness, prettiness - more at BEAUTY hang-er \'hal)-ar\ n 1 : one that hangs 2: a device that fits
hands-on \'handz-'6n, -'iin\ adj 1 : being or providing di- inside or around a garment for hanging from a hook or
rect practical experience in the operation of something rod
2 : characterized by active personal involvement <~ hang-er-on Vhan-ar-ion, -'iin\ n, pi hangers-on : one
management) who hangs around a person or place esp. for personal
handspring \'hand-,spril)\ n : an acrobatic feat in which gain
the body turns in a full circle from a standing position leech, parasite, sponge - more at LEECH
and lands first on the hands and then on the feet hang in vb : to persist tenaciously
hand-stand \-,stand\ n : an act of supporting the body on n 1 : an execution by strangling or snapping the
the hands with the trunk and legs balanced in the air neck by a suspended noose 2: something hung
hand-ta-hand adj : involving physical contact or very hanq-rnan \'hal)-man\ n : a public executioner 2: a game
close range <~ fighting) - hand to hand adv in which players must identify an unknown word by
hand-ta-mouth adj : having or providing nothing to spare guessing the letters that comprise it within a designated
hand-wo-ven \'hand-,wo-van\ adi : produced on a hand-op- number of chances
erated loom hang-nail \-,niil\ n : a bit of skin hanging loose at the edge
hand-wrlt-inq \-,Ii-til)\ n 1 .: writing done by hand of a fingernail
2 : the form of writing peculiar to a person - hand hang on vb 1 : HANG IN 2: to keep a telephone connection
written \-,rit-n\ adj open 3 : to keep hold onto something
379 harbor

usu hang on to hold, keep, reserve, retain, withhold 2 : an event that is esp. interesting, entertaining. or im-
- more at KEEP. usu hang on to clench, cling, clutch, portant
grip, hold, hold on - more at HOLD [l] affair. circumstance, episode, event. incident, oc-
hang-out \'hal)-,alit\ n : a favorite place for spending casion. occurrence. thing - more at EVENT [2] ad-
time venture. experience. time - more at ADVENTURE
haunt, rendezvous, resort; also camp, canteen, club, 2happening adj 1 : very fashionable 2: offering much stim-
clubhouse, den, harbor, haven, nest, refuge, retreat ulating activity (a ,....., nightclub)
hang out vb : to spend time idly or in loitering around or \'ha-p;)-Ie\ adv 1 : LUCKILY 2 : in a happy man-
in a particular place ner or state (lived,....., ever after) 3 : in an adequate or
usu hang out at frequent, hang around, haunt, resort, fitting manner
visit - more at FREQUENT dally, dawdle, dillydally, [2] cheerfully. gaily. heartily. jovially, merrily. mirth-
hang around, idle, loaf, loll, lounge - more at IDLE fully - more at GAILY [3] appropriately, correctly.
hang-over \-,o-v;)r\ n 1 : something that remains from fittingly. properly. rightly. suitably - more at PROPERLY
what is past 2: disagreeable physical effects following hap-pi-ness \'ha-pe-n;)s\ n 1 a : a state of well-being and
heavy drinking or the use of drugs contentment b : a pleasurable satisfaction 2: APTNESS
hang-up \'hal)-,;)p\ n : a source of mental or emotional dif- [la] blessedness. bliss. felicity, gladness, joy; also ela-
ficulty tion, exhilaration, exultation, intoxication; ecstasy, eu-
hang up vb 1 : to place on a hook or hanger 2 : to end a phoria, heaven, rapture; delectation, delight, enjoy-
telephone conversation by breaking the connection 3: to ment, pleasure; cheer, cheerfulness, exuberance, gaiety,
keep delayed or suspended glee, jollity, joyousness, jubilation, lightheartedness;
hank \'hal)k\ n : COIL, LOOP content, contentedness, gratification, satisfaction Ant
han-ker \'hal)-k;)r\ vb : to desire strongly or persistently misery, sadness, unhappiness, wretchedness. [Ib] con-
- often used with/or or after tent, contentedness, contentment, gratification, plea-
usu hanker for or hanker after ache for, covet, crave, sure, satisfaction
desire, die for, hunger for, long for, lust (for or after), hapopy \'ha-pe\ adi hap-pi-er; -est 1 : favored by luck or
pine for, repine for, thirst for, want, wish for, yearn for fortune: FORTUNATE 2 : notably fitting, effective, or
- more at DESIRE well adapted: APT, FELICITOUS 3: enjoying well-being and n .: the experience of one that hankers contentment 4 a : PLEASANT b : made pleased, satisfied,
: strong desire or grateful
appetite, craving, desire, drive, hunger, itch, longing, [1] fluky, fortuitous, fortunate, lucky, providential
lust, passion, thirst, urge, yearning, yen - more at DE- - more at FORTUNATE [2] applicable, appropriate,
SIRE apt, felicitous, fit, fitting, good, meet, proper, right,
han-kie or \'hal)-ke\ n, pi hankies: HANDKERCHIEF suitable - more at FIT [4b] blissful, content, de- \,hal)-ke-'pal)-ke\ n 1 .: questionable or lighted. glad, joyful, pleased - more at GLAD
underhanded activity 2: sexual dalliance hapopy-go--Iucky \,ha-pe-go-'l;)-ke\ adj. : blithely uncon-
artifice, chicanery, subterfuge, trickery, wile - more cerned
at TRICKERY carefree, careless, cavalier, easygoing. gay, insou-
hansel var 0/ HANDSEL ciant, lighthearted, unconcerned
han-som \'han-s;)m\ n : a 2-wheeled covered carriage with happy hour n : a period of time when the price of drinks at
the driver'S seat elevated at the rear a bar is reduced
han-ta-vlrus \'han-t;)-,vl-r;)s, 'hon-, 'han-\ n : any of a genus hara-kiri \,har-i-'kir-e, -'kar-e\ n [Jp harakiri. fr. hara belly
of viruses including some transmitted by rodents that + kiri cutting] : ritual suicide by disembowelment
cause pneumonia or hemorrhagic fevers 'harangue \h;)-'ral)\ n 1 .: a ranting speech or writing
Ha-nuk-kah \'ka-n;)-k;), 'ha-\ n [Heb l)anukkiih dedication] 2 : a speech addressed to a public assembly
: an 8-day Jewish holiday commemorating the rededica- [I] diatribe, rant, tirade - more at TIRADE [2] ad-
tion of the Temple of Jerusalem after its defilement by dress, declamation, oration, speech, talk - more at
Antiochus of Syria SPEECH
hap \'hap\ n 1 : something that happens: HAPPENING 2: a 2harangue vb : to make a harangue - ha-rangu-er n
force which shapes events unpredictably: CHANCE declaim, descant, discourse, lecture, orate, speak,
'hapohaz.ard \hap-'ha-z;)rd\ n : CHANCE talk - more at TALK
2haphazard adj. : marked by lack of plan or order - hap-
ha-rass \h;)-'ras, 'har-esx vb IF harasser, fro MF, fro harer to
haz-ard-ly adv - hap-haz-ard-ness n set a dog on, fro OF hare, interj. used to incite dogs, of
aimless, arbitrary, desultory, erratic, random, scat- Gmc origin] 1 : EXHAUST, FATIGUE 2: to worry and im-
tered, stray - more at RANDOM pede by repeated raids 3: to annoy continually
hap-less \'hap-I;)s\ adj. : having no luck: UNFORTUNATE ha-rass-ment \-m;)nt\ n 1 : the act or an instance of ha-
- hap-less-ly adv - nap-tess-ness n rassing 2 : the condition of being harassed
ill-fated, ill-starred, luckless, unfortunate, unhappy, aggravation, annoyance, disturbance, vexation-
unlucky - more at UNLUCKY more at ANNOYANCE
hap-loid \'hap-,16id\ adj : having the number of chromo- 'har.binller \'har-b;)n-j;)r\ n 1 : one that announces or
somes characteristic of gametic cells - haploid n foreshadows what is coming: PRECURSOR 2: PORTENT
hapoly \'hap-Ie\ adv : by chance
angel, forerunner, herald, precursor - more at FORE-
hap-pen \'ha-p;)n\ vb 1 : to occur by chance 2 : to come
into being or occur as an event, process, or result 3 : to
2harbinger vb : to be a harbinger of
come casually or unexpectedly : CHANCE 2 - used with
on or upon foreshadow. prefigure - more at FORESHADOW
[2] be, befall, betide, chance, come, go, occur, pass, thar-bor or Can and Brit har-bour \'har-b;)r\ n 1 : a place
transpire; also arise, develop, materialize, crop (up), of security and comfort 2 : a part of a body of water
spring (up); intervene; fall out, go off, proceed, turn out protected and deep enough to furnish anchorage: PORT
usu happen on or happen upon [3] chance, en- [I] asylum, haven, refuge, retreat, sanctuary, shelter
counter, find, hit. meet. stumble; also confront. face; - more at SHELTER [2] anchorage, haven. port; also
discover, turn up seaport; roads. roadstead
' n 1 : something that happens: OCCURRENCE 2harbor or Can and Brit harbour vb 1 : to give or take refuge
harborage 380
: SHELTER 2 a : to be the home or habitat of b: LIVE ner as to cause hardship, difficulty, or pain b.: with
3 : to hold a thought or feeling <~ a grudge) rancor, bitterness, or grief 3 : close in time or space
[2a] accommodate, billet, chamber, domicile, house, [la) determinedly, diligently, hardly, laboriously,
lodge, put up, quarter, roof, shelter, take in - more at mightily, slavishly, strenuously, tirelessly; also actively,
HOUSE [3] bear, cherish, entertain, have, hold, nurse; briskly, busily, energetically, feverishly, vehemently,
also cultivate, foster, nurture, support, sustain; carry, vigorously, zealously; continuously, indefatigably, plod-
keep, maintain, preserve, remember, retain, treasure; dingly, steadily, unrelentingly, unremittingly; ardently,
cleave (to), cling (to), hang on (to), stick (to) attentively, conscientiously, earnestly, exhaustively,
har-bor-aqe or Can and Brit har-bour-age \'har-b:l-rij\ n meticulously, painstakingly, seriously, thoroughly
1 : a place of security and comfort 2: a part of a body of [1b] energetically, firmly, forcefully, forcibly, might-
water protected and deep enough to furnish anchorage ily, powerfully, stiffly, stoutly, strenuously, strongly,
sturdily, vigorously; also robustly, sharply, vehemently,
violently; briskly, crisply, heartily, lustily, vivaciously;
'hard \'hard\ adj 1 .: not easily penetrated: not easily
decidedly, determinedly, directly, emphatically, fast,
yielding to pressure 2 : high in alcoholic content 3 : con- fixedly, intensively, intently, resolutely, rigidly, smartly,
taining salts that prevent lathering with soap <~ water) solidly, soundly, squarely, steadfastly, steadily, surely;
4 : stable in value <~ currency) 5 a : physically fit aggressively, manfully Ant feebly, gently, softly, weakly
b : resistant to stress or disease 6 a : not subject to [2a] hardly, harshly, ill, oppressively, roughly, se-
change or revision: FIRM <~ agreement) b : based on verely, sternly, stiffly - more at HARDLY. [2b] agoniz-
clear fact <~ evidence) 7: CLOSE, SEARCHING <~ look) ingly, bitterly, grievously, hardly, sadly, sorrowfully,
8 : free from sentimentality or illusion: REALISTIC <good unhappily, woefully, wretchedly; also abjectly, deject-
~ sense) 9 : lacking in responsiveness: OBDURATE, UN- edly, despondently, blackly, darkly, forlornly, gloomily,
FEELING <~ heart) 10: difficult to bear <~ times); also miserably; acutely, harshly, keenly, severely, sharply;
: HARSH, SEVERE 11 : caused or marked by resentment cruelly, ill Ant gladly, happily, joyfully, joyously
: RESENTFUL <~ feelings) 12 a : making no concession (3) around, by, close, in, near, nearby, nigh - more
at NE>.R
: STRICT b: rigidly firm in will or purpose: UNRELENTING
13: INCLEMENT <~ winter) 14: intense in force, manner, hard-and-fast adj. : rigidly binding <a ~ rule)
or degree <~ blow) 15.: demanding the exertion of certain, determinate, final, firm, fixed, flat, frozen,
considerable effort : ARDUOUS, STRENUOUS <~ work) hard, set, settled, stable - more at FIXED fast, fixed,
immutable, inflexible, unalterable, unchangeable-
16 : sounding as in arcing and geese respectively - used
of c and g 17: TROUBLESOME <~ problem) 18: having
hard.back \'hard-,bak\ n : a hardcover book
difficulty in doing something <~ of hearing) 19: addic-
hardball \-,bol\ n 1 : BASEBALL 2 : forceful uncompromis-
tive and gravely detrimental to health <~ drugs) 20: of
ing methods
or relating to the natural sciences and esp, the physical
hard-bit-ten \-'bit-'n\ adi : seasoned or steeled by diffi-
cult experience: TOUGH <~ campaigners)
[1] compact, firm, rigid, solid, stiff, unyielding-
hard, hardy, rugged, stout, strong, sturdy, tough, vig-
more at FIRM. [5b] hard-bitten, hardy, rugged, stout,
orous - more at HARDY
strong, sturdy, tough, vigorous - more at HARDY
hard-board \-,b6rd\ n : a very dense fiberboard
[6a] certain, determinate, final, firm, fixed, flat,
frozen, hard-and-fast, set, settled, stable - more at hard-boiled \-'boi( -:l)ld\ adi 1 of an egg : boiled until both
FIXED [6b) documentary, factual, historical, literal. white and yolk have solidified 2 a : lacking sentiment
matter-of-fact, nonfictional, objective, true - more at b : HARDHEADED 2
FACTUAL (9) callous, cold-blooded, heartless, inhu- hard-bound \-,baund\ adj : HARDCOVER
man, inhumane, merciless, obdurate, pitiless, ruthless, hard copy n : copy of textual or graphic information (as
soulless, stony, uncharitable, unfeeling, unsparing, un- from computer storage) produced on paper
sympathetic; also inconsiderate, thoughtless, un- hard-core \'hard-'k6r\ adj 1 : extremely resistant to solu-
friendly, unloving, unthinking; hard-bitten, grim, harsh, tion or improvement 2: being the most determined or
heavy-handed, oppressive, rough, severe, stem, tough, dedicated members of a specified group 3: containing
ungentle; abusive, acrimonious, disagreeable, hateful, explicit depictions of sex acts - hard core n
ill-natured, ill-tempered, malevolent, malicious, mean,
rancorous, spiteful, surly, virulent; barbarous, brutal,
am :
hard-cov-er \-'k:l-v:lr\ having rigid boards on the sides
covered in cloth or paper <~ books)
brutish, bestial, cruel, evil-minded, savage, vicious Ant hard disk n : a sealed rigid metal disk used as a computer
charitable, compassionate, humane, merciful, sensitive, storage device
sympathetic, tender, tenderhearted, warm, warm-
hard-drive n : a data-storage device consisting of a drive
hearted [11] acrid, acrimonious, bitter, rancorous,
and one or more hard disks
resentful, sore - more at BITTER [12a] austere, au-
thoritarian, flinty, harsh, heavy-handed, ramrod, rigid, hard-drlv-inq \'har(d)-'dri-vil)\am : intensely ambitious,
rigorous, severe, stem, strict - more at SEVERE energetic, or hardworking
[15] arduous, demanding, difficult, exacting, formi- ambitious, go-getting, self-seeking - more at AMBI-
dable, grueling, herculean, laborious, murderous, TIOUS
rough, stiff, strenuous, tall, toilsome, tough; also ab- hard-en \'hard-'n\ vb 1 .: to make or become hard or
stract, abstruse, complex, complicated, insoluble, intri- harder 2 : to confirm or become confirmed in disposition
cate, involved, knotty, problematic, recondite, serious, or action 3 : to make hardy or robust - hard-en-er n
spiny, thorny, ticklish, tricky, stubborn; burdensome, [1] concrete, congeal, firm, freeze, set, solidify; also
exhausting, labored, onerous, oppressive, problem, cake, callus, encrust; coagulate, clot, gel, jell, jelly,
sore, stressful, taxing, tight, trying, uphill; annoying, stiffen, thicken; calcify, crystallize, ossify, petrify; an-
distressing, bothersome, irksome, troublesome, vexa- neal, temper Ant soften (3) fortify, season, steel,
tious; grievous, grim, heavy, strict, stringent; brutal, strengthen, toughen; also acclimate, acclimatize, adapt,
cruel, inhuman, painful Ant easy, effortless, facile, sim- adjust; anneal, temper; invigorate, vitalize; immunize;
ple, soft, undemanding bolster, boost, brace, buttress, forearm, prop (up), rein-
'hard adv 1 a : with great or utmost effort or energy force, support; break in, limber (up), train; accustom,
b : in a fierce or violent manner 2 a : in such a man- condition, habituate, naturalize Ant soften
381 harm
hard-hack \'hard-,hak\ n : an American spirea with dense nard-shtp \-,ship\ n 1 : SUFFERING, PRIVATION 2 : some-
clusters of pink or white flowers and leaves having a hairy thing that causes suffering or privation
rusty yellow underside adversity, asperity, difficulty, hardness, rigor - more
hard hat n 1 : a protective hat worn esp, by construction at DIFFICULTY
workers 2: a construction worker hard-tack \-,tak\ n : a saltless hard biscuit, bread, or
hard-head-ed \'hard-'he-d~d\ adj 1 .: unreasonably or cracker
perversely unyielding : STUBBORN, WILLFUL 2.: con- hard-top \-,tap\ n : an automobile having a permanent
cerned with or involving practical considerations - hard- rigid top
head-ed-ly adv hard up adj : short of money
[I) dogged, headstrong, mulish, obdurate, obstinate, broke, destitute, impecunious, impoverished, indigent,
opinionated, peevish, pertinacious, perverse, pig- needy, penniless, penurious, poor, poverty-stricken-
headed, stubborn, unyielding, willful- more at OBSTI- more at POOR
NATE [2) astute, canny, knowing, sharp, shrewd, hard-ware \-,war\ n 1 : ware (as cutlery or tools) made of
smart - more at SHREWD [2) down-to-earth, earthy, metal 2 : major items of equipment or their compo-
matter-of-fact, practical, pragmatic, realistic nents used for a particular purpose 3: the physical com-
hard-head-ed-ness \-n~s\ n : the quality or state of being ponents (as electronic devices) of a vehicle (as a
hardheaded spacecraft) or an apparatus (as a computer)
mulishness, obduracy, obstinacy, peevishness, perti- accoutrements (or accouterments), apparatus, equip-
nacity, self-will, stubbornness, tenacity - more at OB- ment, gear, materiel, outfit, paraphernalia, stuff, tackle
hard-heart-ed \-'har-t~d\ adj : PITILESS, CRUEL - hard- hard-wired \-,wi(-~)rd\ adj 1 : connected or incorporated
neart-ed-ly adv - baro-heart-ee-ness n by or as if by permanent electrical connections 2: genet-
har-dihood \'har-de-,hiJd\ n 1 : resolute courage and for- ically or innately determined or predisposed <~ reac-
titude 2 : active bodily or mental strength or force: VIGOR tions) <is ~ to avoid change)
hard-wood \-,wild\ n : the wood of a broad-leaved usu. de-
bravery, courage, daring, fearlessness, gallantry, guts, ciduous tree as distinguished from that of a conifer; also
heart, heroism, nerve, stoutness, valor - more at : such a tree - hardwood adj
hard-work-ing \-'w~r-kil)\ adj : INDUSTRIOUS
hard-line \'hard-'lfn\ adj : advocating or involving a rigidly har-dy \ 'har-de\ adj har-di-er; -est 1 : BOLD, BRAVE 2 : in-
uncompromising course of action - hard-lin-er \-'If-n~r\ trepidly daring : AUDACIOUS 3 a : ROBUST b : able to
n withstand adverse conditions <~ shrubs) - har-di-ly
hard-luck \-,I~k\ adj. : marked by or relating to bad luck \-d~-Ie\ adv - har-di-ness \-de-n~s\ n
<~ losing teams) [2) adventurous, audacious, bold, daring, enterpris-
hapless, ill-fated, ill-starred, luckless, unfortunate, ing, gutsy, nervy, venturesome - more at BOLD
unhappy, unlucky - more at UNLUCKY [3b) hard, hard-bitten, rugged, stout, strong, sturdy, \'hard-Ie\ adv 1 : with force 2 a : in a severe tough, vigorous; also flinty, leathery, resilient, stalwart;
manner : HARSHLY b: with great or excessive grief or re- durable, enduring, everlasting, immortal, imperishable,
sentment 3 : with difficulty: by hard work or struggle lasting, permanent, stable, staunch, staying, tenacious,
4 : only just : BARELY 5 : certainly not unyielding; prospering, thriving; able-bodied, brawny,
[2a) hard, harshly, ill, oppressively, roughly, severely, muscular; fit, fortified, hale, healthy, husky, lusty, ro-
sternly, stiffly; also callously, inhumanly, mercilessly, bust, sound, strapping, virile; annealed, seasoned, tem-
pitilessly, ruthlessly, uncharitably, unfeelingly, unmer- pered Ant delicate, soft, tender, weak
cifully, tyrannically; abusively, brutally, savagely, vi- hare \'har\ n, pi hare or hares: any of various swift timid
ciously; aggressively, decidedly, determinedly, firmly, long-eared mammals like the related rabbits but born
grimly, gruffly, resolutely, strongly, toughly Ant gently. with open eyes and fur
leniently, lightly, mildly, softly. [3) determinedly, dili- hare-bell \'har-,bel\ n : a slender herb with bright blue bell,
gently, hard, laboriously, mightily, slavishly, strenu- shaped flowers
ously, tirelessly - more at HARD [4) barely, just, hare-brained \-'brand\ adj : lacking in sense, judgment,
marginally, scarcely, slightly - more at JUST. [5) no, or discretion
none, scarcely; also near, never, nothing, nowhere, no- absurd, crazy, cuckoo, fatuous, foolish, mad, nonsen-
wise Ant absolutely, certainly, completely, definitely, sical, nutty, senseless, silly, stupid - more at FOOLISH
positively, surely hare-lip \-'lip\ n, sometimes offensive: a birth defect char-
hard-ness \-n~s\ n 1 : the quality or state of being hard acterized by one or more clefts in the upper lip - hare-
2 : a condition that makes life difficult, challenging, or lipped \-'lipt\ adj
uncomfortable ha-rem Vhar-omx n [Ar l,larim, lit., something forbidden &
[I) harshness, inflexibility, rigidity, severity, stern- l,laram, lit., sanctuary) 1 : a house or part of a house al-
ness, strictness - more at SEVERITY [2) adversity, as- lotted to women in a Muslim household 2: the women
perity, difficulty, hardship, rigor - more at DLFFICULTY and servants occupying a harem 3: a group of females
associated with one male
hard-nosed \'hard-'nozd\ adj : TOUGH, UNCOMPROMISING;
hark \'hark\ vb : to pay close attention: LISTE
hard palate n : the bony anterior part of the palate forming attend, hear, heed, listen, mind - more at LISTEN
the roof of the mouth harken var of HEARKEN
hard-pan \'hard-,pan\ n : a compact layer in soil that is im- har-le-quin \'har-li-k~n, -kwanv n 1 cap: a character (as in
penetrable by roots comedy) with a shaved head, masked face, variegated
hard-pressed \-'prest\ adj : HARD PUT; esp : being under fi- tights, and wooden sword 2 : a fool or comedian in an
entertainment (as a circus) : CLOWN
nancial strain
hard put adj 1 : barely able 2: faced with difficulty or per- buffoon, clown, zany - more at CLOWN
plexity har-lot \'har-l~t\ n : a woman who engages in sexual activ-
hard rock n : rock music marked by a heavy beat, high am- ities esp, for money: PROSTITIJTE
plification, and usu. frenzied performances 'harm Vharrn', n 1 : physical or mental damage: INJURY
hard-shell \'hard-,shel\ adj : HIDEBOUND, UNCOMPROMISING 2 : MISCHIEF, HURT
<a ~ conservative) damage, detriment, hurt, injury - more at INJURY
harm 382
2harm vb + : to cause harm to : rNJURE monie, fr, L harmonia, fro Gk, joint, harmony, fro harmos
+ damage, hurt, injure, wound - more at rNJURE joint] 1 : musical agreement of sounds; esp : the combi-
harm-ful \-fal\ adj + : of a kind likely to be damaging- nation of tones into chords and progressions of chords 2
harm-ful-ly adv - harm-ful-ness n a + : a pleasing arrangement of parts b + : balanced in-
terrelationship 3: internal calm
+ adverse, bad, baleful, baneful, damaging, deleterious,
detrimental, evil, hurtful, ill, injurious, mischievous,
+ [2a] balance, coherence, consonance, proportion,
symmetry, symphony, unity; also coordination, correla-
noxious, pernicious, prejudicial; also hostile, inimical,
tion, correspondence, equalization, equilibrium, even-
unfriendly; contagious, deadly, infectious, pestilent,
ness, order, orderliness, regularity, uniformity Antasym-
pestilential, poisonous, venomous; insidious, menacing,
merry, disproportion, disunity, imbalance, incoherence
ominous, sinister, threatening; dangerous, hazardous,
imperiling, parlous, perilous, risky, unsafe, unsound;
+ [2b] compatibility, concord, peace; also amity, conge-
niality, fellowship, fraternization, friendship; collabora-
nasty, noisome, unhealthful, unhealthy, unwholesome;
tion, reciprocity, symbiosis; consensus, unanimity,
destructive, fatal, lethal, malignant, ruinous Ant harm-
unity; affinity, connection, empathy, kinship, oneness,
less, innocent, innocuous, inoffensive, safe
rapport, solidarity, sympathy, understanding; serenity,
harm-less \-las\ adj + : lacking capacity or intent to injure
tranquillity Ant conflict, discord, dissension
- adv - harm-less-ness n
tnar-ness \'har-nas\ n 1 : the gear other than a yoke of a
+ innocent, innocuous, safe, white; also healthful, draft animal 2: something that resembles a harness
healthy, salubrious, wholesome; benign, benignant;
2harness vb 1 : to put a harness on; also: YOKE 2 + : to
sound, trustworthy; gentle, gracious, mild; nonthreat-
make use of : UTLLIZE
ening, painless, unobjectionable; noncorrosive, nonde-
structive, nonfatal, noninfectious, nonlethal, nonpoiso- + apply, employ, exercise, exploit, operate, use, utilize
nous, nontoxic, nonvenomous Ant adverse, bad, - more at USE
harmful, hurtful, ill, injurious 'harp \'harp\ n : a musical instrument consisting of a trian-
rnar-mon-tc \har-'ma-nik\ adj 1 : of or relating to musical gular frame set with strings plucked by the fingers-
harmony or harmonics 2: pleasing to the ear - har-mon- harp-ist \'har-pist\ n
2harp vb 1 : to play on a harp 2: to dwell on a subject tire-
ioeally\-ni-k(a-)le\ adv
somely - harp-er n
2harmonie n : a musical overtone
'har'poon \har-'pun\ n : a barbed spear used esp. in hunting
har-mon-i-ca \har-'ma-ni-ka\ n : a small wind instrument in
which the sound is produced by metal reeds
2harpoon vb + : to strike or capture with or as if with a har-
nar-rno-nl-ous \har-'m6-ne-as\ adi 1 + : musically concor-
poon - har-poon-er n
dant 2 + : having the parts agreeably related: CONGRUOUS
3 + : marked by accord in sentiment or action - har-rno-
+ gore, impale, lance, pierce, puncture, skewer, spear,
spike, stab, stick, transfix - more at IMPALE
nl-ous-ly adv - har-mo-nt-ous-ness n
harp-si-chord \'harp-si-,k6rd\ n : a keyboard instrument
+ [1] euphonious, melodious, musical, symphonic, producing tones by the plucking of its strings with quills
tuneful; also blending, chiming, flowing, mellifluous; or with leather or plastic points
dulcet, mellow, melodic, sweet; resonant, sonorous; har-py \'har-pe\ n, pi harpies [L Harpyia, a mythical preda-
quavering, trilling, warbling; agreeable, appealing,
tory monster having a woman's head and a bird's body,
pleasant; cadenced, lyric, lyrical, rhythmic; harmonic, fr, Gk] 1 : a predatory person : LEECH 2 + : a shrewish
orchestral, polyphonic, tonal Ant discordant, dissonant,
inharmonious, unmelodious, unmusical + [2] balanced,
congruous, consonant: also even. proportioned, regu- + fury, shrew, termagant, virago - more at SHREW
lar, symmetrical; aesthetic, artistic, becoming, elegant, har-ri-dan "har-ad-'n\ n : SHREW 2
graceful, tasteful; agreeable, felicitous, pleasant, pleas- 'har.rioer \'har-e-ar\ n 1 : any of a breed of medium-sized
ing, satisfying; compatible, coordinated, correspondent, foxhounds 2: a runner on a cross-country team
matched, matching Ant incongruous, inharmonious, 2harrier n : a slender long-legged hawk
unbalanced + [3] agreeable, amicable, compatible, thar-row \'har-6\ n : a cultivating tool that has spikes, spring
congenial, kindred, unanimous, united; also pacific, teeth, or disks and is used esp. to pulverize and smooth
peaceable, peaceful; collaborating, cooperative, symbi- the soil
otic; noncompeting, noncompetitive, nonconflicting; 2harrow vb 1 : to cultivate with a harrow 2 + : to cause dis-
sympathetic, tolerant, understanding; affable, amiable, tress or suffering to : TORMENT
cordial, friendly, genial, neighborly; collaborating Ant + afflict, agonize, bedevil, curse, martyr, persecute,
disagreeable, disunited, incompatible, inharmonious, plague, rack, torment, torture - more at AFFLICT
uncongenial harrowing adj + : acutely distressing or painful
har-mo-nise chiefly Brit var of HARMONIZE + agonizing, bitter, cruel, excruciating, galling, griev-
har-me-rs-um \har-'m6-ne-am\ n : a keyboard wind instru- ous, harsh, hurtful, painful, tortuous - more at BITTER
ment in which the wind acts on a set of metal reeds har-rurnph \ha-'ramf\ vb : to comment disapprovingly as
har-mo-nize \'har-ma-,niz\ vb -nized; 1 : to play or though clearing the throat
sing in harmony 2 + : to be in harmony 3 + : to bring har.ry \'har-e\ vb har-ried; 1 : RAID, PILLAGE 2: to
into consonance or accord - bar-rno-nl-za-tlon \,har-ma- torment by or as if by constant attack
no-tza-shan \ n harsh \'harsh\ adj 1 : disagreeably rough 2 + : causing dis-
+ [2, 3] agree, blend, conform, coordinate; also bal- comfort or pain 3 + : unduly exacting: SEVERE 4 + : lack-
ance, correlate, correspond, dovetail, match; meet, par- ing in aesthetic appeal or refinement
allel; bond, coalesce, cohere, conjoin, fuse, merge, + [2] bitter, brutal, burdensome, cruel, excruciating,
square, tally Ant clash, collide, conflict + [3] accommo- grievous, grim, hard, heavy, inhuman, murderous,
date, conciliate, conform, coordinate, key, reconcile; onerous, oppressive, rough, rugged, severe, stiff, tough,
also adapt, attune, tune; blend, combine, connect, cor- trying; also austere, bleak, discomforting, forbidding,
relate, dovetail, fit, fuse, integrate, join, match, merge, hostile, inhospitable, uncomfortable; biting, inclement,
orchestrate, pair, square, suit, synchronize, synthesize, intemperate; rigorous, strict, stringent; agonizing,
unify, unite; align, arrange, array, balance, equalize, heartbreaking, heartrending, painful, wretched; crush-
even, order, proportion, regularize, standardize Ant ing, grinding, overwhelming, wearing; insufferable, in-
alienate, disjoin supportable, intolerable, unbearable, unendurable; har-
har-mo-ny Vhar-ma-nev n, pi -nies [ME armony; fro AF ar- rowing, tortuous; bad, disagreeable, hostile, unpleasant,
383 hate
unfriendly Ant easy, light, soft + [3] austere, authori- + [la] altercation, argument, bicker, brawl, disagree-
tarian, flinty, hard, heavy-handed, ramrod, rigid, rigor- ment, dispute, fight, misunderstanding, Quarrel, row,
ous, severe, stem, strict - more at SEVERE + [4] scrap, spat, squabble, wrangle - more at ARGUMENT
grotesque, unaesthetic; also flashy, garish, gaudy, loud, + [2] aggravation, annoyance, bother, exasperation,
tawdry; tacky, tasteless, vulgar; inartistic, unartistic; frustration, headache, inconvenience, irritant, nui-
artless, clumsy, crude, graceless, inelegant, rude; un- sance, peeve, pest, problem, thorn - more at ANNOY-
couth, uncultured, unrefined; disgusting, gross, ob- ANCE
scene, repugnant, repulsive, ugly; disagreeable, jolting, 'hassle vb 1 + : to contend or disagree in words 2: to an-
unpleasant, unpleasing; blaring, clashing, discordant, noy persistently or acutely
dissonant, inharmonious, jangling, raucous, unmelodi- + argue, bicker, brawl, dispute, fall out, fight, Quarrel,
ous, unmusical; bizarre, kinky, odd, outlandish, shock- row, scrap, spat, squabble, wrangle - more at ARGUE
ing Ant aesthetic has-sock Vha-sakv n : a cushion that serves as a seat or leg
harsh-en \'har-sh:m\ vb : to make or become harsh <-ed rest; also : a cushion to kneel on in prayer
his voice> haste \'hast\ n 1 + : rapidity of motion or action : SPEED
harsh-ly \-Ie\ adv + : in a harsh manner 2 + : rash or headlong action 3: excessive eagerness
+ hard, hardly, ill, oppressively, roughly, severely, + [1] celerity, fastness, fleetness, hurry, Quickness, ra-
sternly, stiffly - more at HARDLY pidity, speed, swiftness, velocity - more at SPEED + [2]
harsh-ness \-nas\ n + : the quality or state of being harsh hurry, hustle, precipitation, rush - more at HURRY
+ bite, bitterness, pungency, sharpness, tartness has-ten \'has-'n\ vb 1 : to urge on 2 + : to move or act
+ hardness, inflexibility, rigidity, severity, sternness, quickly: HURRY; also: to cause to move or act faster
strictness - more at SEVERITY accelerate, hurry, Quicken, rush, speed (up), step up,
hart \'hart\ n, chiefly Brit: STAG whisk - more at HURRY
'harum-scarum \,har-am-'skar-am\ adj +: having or \'ha-sta-Ie\ adv + : in haste
showing a lack of concern for the consequences of one's
cursorily, headlong, hurriedly, pell-rnell, precipi-
actions: RECKLESS, IRRESPONSIBLE tately, rashly; also hotheadedly, impatiently, impetu-
+ daredevil, foolhardy, irresponsible, reckless - more ously, impulsively, recklessly, thoughtlessly; automati-
at RECKLESS cally, haphazardly; impromptu, spontaneously;
'harum-scarum adv + : in a rash or heedless way abruptly, suddenly; offhand Ant deliberately + apace,
+ amok, berserk, frantically, hectically, helter-skelter, briskly, fast, full tilt, posthaste, presto, pronto, quick,
madly, pell-rnell, wild, wildly - more at HELTER' Quickly, rapidly, soon, speedily, swift, swiftly - more
"har-vest Vhar-vastv n 1 : the season for gathering in crops; hast-l-ness \'ha-ste-nas\ n : the quality or state of being
also : the act of gathering in a crop 2: a mature crop hasty
3 : the product or reward of effort hasty \'ha-ste\ adj. : made, done, or acting in haste
'harvest vb 1 + : to gather in a crop: REAP 2 : to gather, + cursory, headlong, pell-mell, precipitate, precipitous,
hunt, or kill (as deer) for human use or population con- rash; also breakneck, breathtaking; heady, hotheaded,
trol - har-vest-er n headstrong, impatient, impetuous, impulsive, madcap,
+ gather, pick, reap; also clam, fish, shrimp, seal, whale; reckless; Quick, rapid, speedy, swift; impromptu,
accumulate, garner; glean; cut, hay, mow; bag, capture, makeshift, offhand, snap, spontaneous; abrupt, sudden
hunt, net, snare, trap; crop, grow, raise Ant deliberate, unhurried
has pres 3d sing a/HAVE hat \'hat\ n + : a covering for the head usu. having a
has-been \'haz-,bin\ n : one that has passed the peak of shaped crown and brim
ability, power, effectiveness, or popularity + cap, headgear; also beret, biretta, boater, bonnet,
'hash \'hash\ vb [F hacher, fro OF hachier, fro hache battle= bowler, derby, fedora, fez. hard hat, helm, helmet, hom-
ax, of Gmc origin) 1 + : to chop into small pieces 2 : to burg, hood, leghorn, miter, nightcap, panama, pillbox,
talk about - often used with over or out 3: to make a skullcap, sombrero, sou'wester, sunbonnet, tam-o'
confused muddle of shanter, top hat, toque, turban; coronet, crown, dia-
+ [1] chop, mince - more at CHOP + usu hash over dem, headband, tiara; coif, babushka, kerchief, man-
[2] argue, chew over, debate, discuss, dispute, moot, tilla, scarf, shawl, veil, wimple
talk over - more at DISCUSS hat-box \'hat-,baks\ n : a round piece of luggage esp. for
'hash n 1: chopped meat mixed with potatoes and carrying hats
browned 2 + : a mass of things mingled together without 'hatch \'hach\ n 1 + : a small door or opening 2 : a door or
order or plan: HODGEPODGE, JUMBLE cover for access down into a compartment of a ship
+ assortment, clutter, jumble, medley, melange, miscel- + door, gate, portal - more at DOOR
lany, motley, muddle, variety, welter - more at MISCEL- 'hatch vb 1 a : to produce by incubation b : to incubate
LANY eggs 2: to emerge from an egg or pupa; also : to give
3hash n : HASHISH forth young 3: ORIGINATE - hatchoery \'ha-cha-re\ n
hash browns n pi : boiled potatoes that have been brood, incubate, set, sit - more at SET
diced, mixed with chopped onions and shortening, and hatch-back \'hach-,bak\ n : an automobile with a rear
fried hatch that opens upward
hash-ish \'ha-,shesh, ha-rsheshv n [Ar 1;lashiSh] : the intoxi- hatch-et Vha-chotv n 1 : a short-handled ax with a ham-
cating concentrated resin from the flowering tops of the merlike part opposite the blade 2: TOMAHAWK
female hemp plant hatchet man n : a person hired for murder, coercion, or
hasp \'hasp\ n : a fastener (as for a door) consisting of a unscrupulous attack
hinged metal strap that fits over a staple and is secured by hatch-ing \'ha-chilJ\ n : the engraving or drawing of closely
a pin or padlock spaced fine lines chiefly to give an effect of shading; also
has-si-urn \'ha-se-am\ n : an artificially produced radioac- : the pattern so created
tive metallic chemical element hatch-way \'hach-,wa\ n : a hatch giving access usu. by a
'hassle \'ha-sal\ n 1 a + : a heated often protracted argu- ladder or stairs
ment b: a violent skirmish: FIGHT 2 + : an annoying or 'hate \'hat\ n 1 : intense hostility and aversion 2 + : an
troublesome concern object of hatred
hate 384
+ [1] abhorrence, abomination, execration, hatred, a disquieting effect on; also: to reappear continually in
loathing; also cattiness, despite, hatefulness, malevo- 3 : to visit or inhabit as a ghost - haunt-er n
lence, malice, malignancy, malignity, meanness, spite, + frequent, hang around, hang out, resort, visit-
spitefulness; aversion, disgust, distaste, horror, odium, more at FREQUENT
repugnance, repulsion, revulsion; animosity, antago- 2haunt \'hont, 2 is usu 'hant\ n 1 + : a place habitually fre-
nism, antipathy, bitterness, contempt, disdain, enmity, quented 2 chiefly dial: GHOST
grudge, hostility, jealousy, pique, resentment, scorn;
bile, jaundice, rancor, spleen, venom, virulence, vitriol
+ hangout, rendezvous, resort - more at HANGOUT
Ant affection, love, devotion, fondness + [2] abhor- haunting adj + : having a disquieting effect - haunt-ing-ly
rence, abomination, anathema, antipathy, aversion, adv
bete noire; also dread, hang-up, horror, phobia; bogey, + creepy, eerie, spooky, uncanny, unearthly, weird-
bugaboo, bugbear; enemy, adversary; annoyance, griev- more at EERIE
ance, hassle, nuisance, peeve Antlove haute cou-ture \,ot-ku-'tur\ n [F] : the establishments or
2hate vb hat-ed; 1 + : to express or feel extreme en- designers that create exclusive and often trend-setting
mity 2: to find distasteful - hat-er n fashions for women; also: the fashions created
+ abhor, abominate, despise, detest, execrate, loathe; haute cut-sine \-kwi-'zen\ n : artful or elaborate cuisine
also deplore, deprecate, disapprove (01), discounte- hau-teur \ho-'tar, 0-, ho-\ n : ARROGANCE, HAUGHTINESS
nance, disdain, disfavor (or disfavour), scorn Ant love 'have \'hav, hav, v; in sense 2 before "to" usu 'haf\ vb had
hate-ful \-fal\ adi + : full of hate: MALICIOUS \'had, hodv; hav-lnq; has \'haz, hoz, in sense 2 before "to"
catty, cruel, malevolent, malicious, malign, malig- usu 'has\ 1 + : to hold in possession; also: to hold in one's
nant, mean, nasty, spiteful, virulent; also devious, use, service, or regard 2 + : to be compelled or forced -
scurvy; acrimonious, bitter, envious, jaundiced, jealous, usu. used with an infinitive with to <~ to go now) 3: to
rancorous, resentful; contemptuous, deprecating, dis- stand in relationship to <has many enemies) 4: OBTAIN;
dainful, obnoxious, opprobrious, scornful, snide, un- also : RECEIVE, ACCEPT 5: to be marked by 6: SHOW; also
kind, unkindly, unloving; baleful, baneful, evil; harsh, : USE, EXERCISE 7 a + : to experience esp. by submitting to,
hostile, inimical; acrid, caustic, scathing, venomous Ant undergoing, or suffering <~ a cold) b: TAKE <~ a look)
benevolent, benign, benignant, loving, unmalicious 8 + : to entertain in the mind <~ an idea) 9: to cause to \-fa-Ie\ adv + : in a hateful manner 10 : to consent to : ALLOW <I won't ~ you jumping on the
+ maliciously, meanly, nastily, spitefully, viciously, bed) 11 : to be competent in 12 a : to hold in a disad-
wickedly - more at NASTILY vantageous position b + : to take advantage of : TRICK
hate-ful-ness \-nas\ n + : the quality or state of being hate- 13 : to give birth to 14: to partake of 15 - used as an
ful auxiliary with the past participle to form the present per-
fect, past perfect, or future perfect - have at : ATTACK -
+ cattiness, despite, malice, malignity, meanness, nasti-
ness, spite, spleen, venom, viciousness - more at MAL- have coming: DESERVE - have done with: to be finished
with - have had it : to have endured all one will permit
or can stand - have to do with: to have in the way of re-
ha-tred \'ha-trad\ n +: intense hostility and aversion
lation with or effect on
: HATE; also: prejudiced hostility or animosity
+ abhorrence, abomination, execration, hate, loathing + [1] command, enjoy, hold, occupy, own, possess, re-
tain; also keep, reserve, withhold; bear, carry; boast,
- more at HATE
show off, sport Ant lack, want + usu have to [2] must,
hat-ter \'ha-tar\ n : one that makes, sells, or cleans and re-
need, ought, shall, should - more at NEED + [7a] en-
pairs hats
dure, experience, feel, know, see, suffer, sustain, taste,
hau-berk Vho-barkv n : a coat of mail undergo - more at EXPERIENCE. [8] *'ear, cherish, en-
hauqh-ti-ness Vho-te-nos', n : the quality or state of be- tertain, harbor (or harbour), hold, nurse - more at
ing haughty HARBOR + [12b] beguile, bluff, cozen, deceive, delude,
+ arrogance, loftiness, pretense, pretension, preten- dupe, fool, gull, hoax, hoodwink, humbug, misinform,
tiousness, self-importance, superiority - more at AR- mislead, string along, take in, trick - more at DECEIVE
ROGANCE 'have \'hav\ n : one that has material wealth
haughty \'ho-te\ adj hauqh-ti-er; -est lobs. haught, fro ME ha-ven \'ha-van\ n 1 + : a part of a body of water pro-
haute, fro AF halt, haut, lit., high, fr. L altus] + : disdain- tected and deep enough to furnish anchorage: HARBOR,
fully proud - \-ta-Ie\ adv PORT 2 + : a place of safety 3: a place offering favorable
+ disdainful, highfalutin, lofty, lordly, prideful, proud, conditions <a tourist's ~)
superior - more at PROUD + [1] anchorage, harbor (or harbour), port - more at
'haul \'hol\ vb 1 +: to exert traction on : DRAW, PULL HARBOR + [2] asylum, refuge, retreat, sanctuary, shelter
2 + : to furnish transportation: CART - haul-er n - more at SHELTER
+ [1] drag, draw, hale, lug, pull, tow, tug - more at have-not \'hav-,nat, -'nat\ n : one that is poor in material
PULL + [2] bear, carry, cart, convey, ferry, lug, pack, wealth
tote, transport - more at CARRY hav-er-sack \'ha-var-,sak\ n [F havresac, fr. G Habersack
2haul n 1 : the act or process of hauling: PULL, TUG 2 + : the bag for oats] : a bag similar to a knapsack but worn over
result of an effort to obtain, collect, or win 3 a : the one shoulder
length or course of a transportation route b + : a quan- hav-oc \ 'ha-vakx n 1 +: wide and general destruction
tity transported: LOAD 2 + : great confusion and disorder
+ [2] catch, take, yield; also bag; earnings, gain, gross, + [1] annihilation, demolition, desolation, destruction,
income, net, payoff, proceeds, profit, receipts, return, devastation, loss, obliteration, ruin, wastage, wreckage
revenue, winnings; booty, loot, spoils, plunder, swag; - more at DESTRUCTION + [2] chaos, confusion, disar-
appropriation, collection. [3b] burden, cargo, freight, ray, disorder, disorganization, hell, jumble, mess, mud-
lading, load, payload, weight - more at WAD dle, shambles - more at CHAOS
haul-age \'ho-lij\ n 1 : the act or process of hauling 2: a haw \'ho\ n : a hawthorn berry; also: HAWfHORN
charge for hauling Ha-wai-ian \ha-'wa-yan\ n : the Polynesian language of
haunch \'honch\ n 1 : 'HIP 1 2: HINDQUARTER 2 - USU. Hawaii
used in pl. 3: HINDQUARTER 1 'hawk \'hok\ n 1: any of numerous mostly small or
'haunt \'hont\ vb 1 + : to visit often: FREQUENT 2 : to have medium-sized day-flying birds of prey (as a falcon or
385 headed

kite) 2: a supporter of a war or a warlike policy - hawk- H-bomb \'ach-,blim\ n : HYDROGEN BOMB
ish adj He abbr 1 Holy Communion 2 House of Commons
2hawk vb : to offer goods for sale by calling out in the street hd abbr head
- hawk-er n HD abbr heavy-duty
3hawk vb : to make a harsh coughing sound in or as if in hdbk abbr handbook
clearing the throat; also: to raise by hawking hdkf abbr handkerchief
hawk-weed \'h6k-,wed\ n : any of several plants related to HDL \,ach-(,)de-'el\ n [high-density lipoprotein] : a choles-
the daisies usu. having yellow flowers terol-poor protein-rich lipoprotein of blood plasma cor-
haw-ser \'h6-zar\ n : a large rope for towing, mooring, or related with reduced risk of atherosclerosis
securing a ship hdwe abbr hardware
haw-thorn \'h6-,th6rn\ n : any of a genus of spiny spring' he \'he\ pron 1 : that male one 2: a person: the person
flowering shrubs or small trees related to the apple <~ who hesitates is lost)
'hay \'ha\ n 1 : herbage (as grass) mowed and cured for He symbol helium
fodder 2: REWARD 3 slang: BED <hit the~) 4: a small HE abbr 1 Her Excellency 2 His Eminence 3 His Excel-
amount of money lency
2hay vb : to cut, cure, and store for hay 'head \'hed\ n 1 + : the front or upper part of the body
hay-cock \'ha-,k1ik\ n : a small conical pile of hay containing the brain, the chief sense organs, and the
hay fever n : an acute allergic reaction esp, to plant pollen mouth 2 a + : the seat of the intellect: MIND; also: men-
that resembles a cold tal or emotional control b: natural aptitude 3: POISE \'ha-,I6ft\ n : a loft for hay 4 : the obverse of a coin 5: a single human being: INDI-
VIDUAL; also, pi head : one of a number (as of cattle)
hay-mow \-,mail\ n : a mow of or for hay
hay.rick \-,rik\ n : a large sometimes thatched outdoor 6 : the end that is upper or higher or opposite the foot;
stack of hay
also: either end of something (as a drum) whose two ends
need not be distinguished 7: the source of a stream
hay-seed \-,sed\ n, pi hayseed or hayseeds 1 : clinging bits
8 + : a person who leads: LEADER; also: a leading element
of straw or chaff from hay 2: BUMPKIN, YOKEL
(as of a procession) 9: a projecting part; also : the strik-
hay-stack \-,stak\ n : a stack of hay
ing part of a weapon 10 + : the place of leadership or
hay-wire \-,wi(-a)r\ adi : being out of order or control
honor 11 : a separate part or topic 12 + : the foam on a
fermenting or effervescing liquid 13: culminating point
'haz.ard \'ha-zard\ n [ME, a dice game, fro AF hasard, fro Sp
of action : CRISIS - head-ed \'he-dad\ ad} - head-less
azar, Ar al-zahr the die) 1 + : a source of danger 2 + : the ad}
assumed impersonal purposeless determiner of unac-
countable happenings: CHANCE; also: ACCIDENT 3: an ob-
+ [1] noggin, pate, poll; also cranium, crown, scalp,
skull + [2a) mind, reason, sanity, wit - more at MIND
stacle on a golf course
+ [8] boss, captain, chief, foreman, headman, helms-
+ [1) danger, menace, peril, pitfall, risk, threat, trouble man, kingpin, leader, master, taskmaster - more at
- more at DANGER + [2) accident, chance, circum- BOSS + [10] chair, headship, helm, rein; also chieftain-
stance, luck - more at CHANCE ship, directorship; forefront, lead, preferment; chair-
2hazard vb 1 : to expose to possible risk of loss or damage manship, deanship, dictatorship, governorship, king-
: VENTURE, RISK 2 + : to undertake the risks and dangers ship, mastery, presidency, superintendency; dominance,
of 3 : to offer at the risk of rebuff, rejection, or censure dominion, jurisdiction, sovereignty, sway, upper hand;
+ chance, gamble, risk, venture - more at RISK eminence, height, pedestal, pinnacle, seat, throne, top
haz-erd-ous \'ha-zar-das\ adi + : involving or exposing one + [12) foam, froth, lather, spume - more at FOAM
to risk (as of loss or harm) 2head adi + : most important, consequential, or influential
+ dangerous, grave, grievous, menacing, parlous, per- : PRINCIPAL, CHIEF
ilous, risky, serious, unhealthy, unsafe, venturesome- + chief, first, foremost, high. lead. preeminent, premier,
more at DANGEROUS primary, prime, principal, supreme; also senior; con-
'haze \'hiiz\ n 1 : fine dust, smoke, or light vapor caus- trolling, directing, officiating, overseeing, reigning, rul-
ing lack of transparency in the air 2 + : vagueness of ing, supervisory; paramount, predominant, main, ma-
mind or perception jor; dominant, grand, superior, topmost, upmost,
+ [1] fog, murk, smog, soup; also cloud, fume, miasma, upper, uppermost
smoke, steam + [2] daze, fog, muddle, spin; also 'head vb 1 : to provide with or form a head; also: to form
reverie, stupor, trance; bewilderment, perplexity, puz- the head of 2 + : to act as leader or head to 3: to get in
zlement; delirium, malaise, paralysis; c1ouc:liness front of esp. so as to stop; also: SURPASS 4: to put or stand
2haze vb : to make or become hazy, dull, or cloudy at the head 5 + : to point or proceed in a certain direc-
3haze vb hazed; : to harass by abusive and humiliat- tion
ing tricks uSU. by way of initiation + [2] boss, captain, command, dominate, lead, spear-
ha-zel \'ha-zal\ n 1 : any of a genus of shrubs or small trees head, supervise - more at LEAD + [5) extend, go, lead,
related to the birches and bearing edible brown nuts (ha- lie, run - more at RUN
zel-nuts \-,nats\) 2: a light brown color head-ache \'he-,dak\ n 1 : pain in the head 2 + : a vexa-
hazy \'ha-ze\ ad} haz-i-er; -est 1 + : obscured or darkened tious or baffling situation or problem
by haze 2 +: not clearly perceived or understood + aggravation, annoyance, bother, exasperation, frus-
: VAGUE, INDEFINITE - \-za-Ie\ adv - haz-i-ness tration, hassle, inconvenience, irritant, nuisance, peeve,
\-ze-nas\ n pest, problem, thorn - more at ANNOYANCE
+ [1] cloudy, foggy, misty, murky, smoggy, soupy; also head-band \'hed-,band\ n : a band worn on or around the
overcast, rainy, stormy, thick; dirty, miry, mucky, head
muddy, slimy, slushy, turbid; smoky, sooty; filmy, head-banq-er \-,baJ)-ar\ n : one who performs or enjoys
milky, opaque Ant clear, cloudless, limpid, pellucid, un- hard rock
clouded + [2) bleary, dim, faint, foggy, fuzzy, indefi- head-board \-,bard\ n : a board forming the head (as of a
nite, indistinct, indistinguishable, murky, nebulous, ob- bed)
scure, opaque, shadowy, unclear, undefined, undeter- head cold n : a common cold centered in the nasal pas-
mined, vague - more at FAINT sages and adjacent mucous tissues
Hb abbr hemoglobin headodress \'hed-,dres\ n : an often elaborate covering for
HBM abbr Her Britannic Majesty; His Britannic Majesty the head
headfirst 386
head-first \-'f;)rst\ adv : HEADLONG 1 - headfirst adj head-stronq \-,strol) \ adj 1 .: not easily restrained
head-gear \-,gir\ n + : a covering or protective device for 2 : directed by ungovernable will
the head + [1] froward, intractable, recalcitrant, refractory, un-
+ cap, hat - more at HAT controllable, unmanageable, unruly, untoward, way-
head-bunt-Ing \-,h;m-til)\ n : the practice of seeking out ward, willful - more at UNCONTROLLABLE + [2] dogged,
and decapitating enemies and preserving their heads as hardheaded, mulish, obdurate, obstinate, opinionated,
trophies - head-hunt-er \-t;)r\ n peevish, pertinacious, perverse, pigheaded, stubborn, \'he-dil)\ n 1 : the compass direction in which the unyielding, willful - more at OBSTINATE
longitudinal axis of a ship or airplane points 2 + : some- heads-up \'hedz-';)p\ n : WARNING
thing that forms or serves as a head; esp : an inscription, head-wait-er \-'wii-t;)r\ n : the head of the dining-room staff
headline, or title standing at the top or beginning (as of a of a restaurant or hotel
letter or chapter) head-wa-ter \-,wo-t"r, -,wii-\ n : the source of a stream -
+ title; also subhead, subheading, subtitle; guide word, usu. used in pl.
legend; greeting, salutation head-way \-,wii\ n + : forward motion; also: PROGRESS
head-land \'hed-I;)nd, -,Iand\ n + : a high point of land or + advance, advancement, furtherance, march, onrush,
rock projecting into a body of water: PROMONTORY passage, process, procession, progress, progression-
+ cape, peninsula, point, promontory, spit - more at more at ADVANCE
CAPE head wind n : a wind blowing in a direction opposite to a
headlight \-,lit\ n : a light mounted on the front of a vehi- course esp, of a ship or aircraft
cle to illuminate the road ahead head-word \'hed-,w;)rd\ n 1 : a word or term placed at the
'headline \-,lin\ n : a head of a newspaper story or article beginning 2: a word qualified by a modifier
usu. printed in large type head-work \-,w;)rk\ n : mental work or effort: THINKING
2headline vb 1 : to provide with a headJine 2: to publicize heady \'he-de\ adj head-i-er: -est 1 : WILLFUL, RASH; also
highly 3: to be a leading performer in : IMPETUOUS 2: TNTOXICATING 3: SHREWD
head-lock \-,Iiik\ n : a wrestling hold in which one encircles heal \'hel\ vb 1 + : to make or become healthy, sound, or
the opponent's head with one arm whole 2 + : to restore to health : CURE - heal-er n
'head.long \-'101)\ adv 1: with the head foremost + [1] convalesce, gain, mend, rally, recover, recuper-
2 + : without deliberation: RASHLY 3: without delay ate, snap back - more at CONVALESCE + [2] cure,
+ cursorily, hastily, hurriedly, pell-mell, precipitately, mend, rehabilitate; also attend (to), care (for), doctor,
rashly - more at HASTILY minister (to), nurse, treat; fortify, rejuvenate, renew, re-
2head.long \-,101)\ adj 1 + : lacking in calmness or restraint vive, resuscitate; alleviate, fix, relieve, remedy, repair
: PRECIPITATE, RASH 2: plunging with the head foremost health \'helth\ n 1 + : sound physical or mental condition;
+ cursory, hasty, pell-mell, precipitate, precipitous, also: overall condition of the body (in poor e-s-) 2: WELU
rash - more at HASTY BEING 3: a toast to someone's health or prosperity
head-man \'hed-'man, -,man\ n + : one who is a leader fitness, heartiness, robustness, soundness, well ness,
: CHIEF wholeness, wholesomeness; also fettle, shape; cleanli-
+ boss, captain, chief, foreman, head, helmsman, king- ness, hygiene; hardiness, lustiness, stamina, ruggedness,
pin, leader, master, taskmaster - more at BOSS strength, toughness, vigor, vigorousness, vitality;
head-mas-ter \-,mas-t;)r\ n : a man who is head of a private bloom, flush, flushness; activeness, agility, liveliness;
school weal, welfare, well-being Ant illness, sickness, unsound-
head-mis-tress \-,mis-tr"s\ n : a woman who is head of a ness
private school health care n : efforts made to maintain or restore health
head of stream: strong driving force: MOMENTUM - usu. hyphenated when used attributively
head-on \'hed-'on, -'iin\ adj : having the front facing in the health club n : a commercial establishment providing
direction of initial contact or line of sight (~ collision) health and fitness facilities and equipment for members
- head-on adv healthful \'helth-f"l\ adj 1 + : beneficial to health 2: en-
head-phone \-,fOn\ n : an earphone held on by a band over joying good health - health-tul-ly adv - heatth-ful-ness
the head n
head-piece \-,pes\ n : a covering for the head + healthy, restorative, salubrious, salutary, wholesome;
head-pin \-,pin\ n : a bowling pin that stands foremost in also corrective, curative, remedial, tonic; advantageous,
the arrangement of pins beneficial, useful; antiseptic, clean, hygienic, sanitary;
head-quar-ters \-,kwor-t;)rz\ n sing or pi 1 : a place from nonfattening, nonpoisonous, nontoxic Ant insalubrious,
which a commander exercises command 2: the adminis- noxious, unhealthful, unhealthy, unwholesome
trative center of an enterprise health-i-ness \'hel-the-n;)s\ n : the quality or state of being
head-rest \-,rest\ n 1 : a support for the head 2: a pad at healthy
the top of the back of an automobile seat health maintenance organization n : HMO
head-room \-,rum, -,rum\ n : vertical space in which to healthy \'hel-the\ adj heatth-i-er: -est 1 + : enjoying or typ-
stand, sit, or move ical of good health: WELL 2 + : evincing or conducive to
head-scratcher \-,skra-ch;)r\ n : PUZZLE, MYSTERY health 3 a : PROSPEROUS b + : not small or feeble: CON-
head-set \-,set\ n : a pair of headphones SIDERABLE - health-l-ty \-th;)-Ie\ adv
head-ship \-,ship\ n + : the position, office, or dignity of a [1] able-bodied, chipper, fit, hale, hearty, robust,
head sound, well, whole, wholesome; also hardy, lusty,
+ care, charge, guidance, oversight, regulation, super- rugged, stalwart, strong, sturdy, tough; active, agile,
intendence, supervision - more at SUPERVISION + chair, lively, sprightly, spry, vigorous, vital; blooming, clean=
head, helm, rein - more at HEAD cut, flush, thriving; all right, good, right Ant ailing, dis-
heads-man \'hedz-m;)n\ n : EXECUTIONER eased, ill, sick, unfit, unhealthy, unsound, unwell
heed-stall \'hed-,stol\ n : a part of a bridle or halter that en- [2] healthful, restorative, salubrious, salutary, whole-
circles the head some - more at HEALTHFUL. [3b] considerable, good,
head-stone \-,sti'm\ n + : a memorial stone at the head of a goodly, respectable, significant, sizable, substantial,
grave tidy - more at CONSIDERABLE
+ gravestone, monument, tombstone - more at TOMB- 'heap \'hep\ n 1 : a collection of things thrown one on
STONE another: PILE 2 : a great number or large quantity: LOT
387 hearty
[1] cock, hill, mound, mountain, pile, rick, stack- heart disease n : an abnormal organic condition of the
more at PILE [2] abundance, deal, gobs, loads, lot, heart or of the heart and circulation
pile, plenty, quantity, scads - more at LOT heart-en \'hiirt-On\ vb : to give heart to : ENCOURAGE,
2heap vb 1 : to throw or lay in a heap : pile or collect in CHEER
great quantity 2 a : to give in large quantities b : to buoy (up), cheer, comfort, embolden, encourage, in-
load heavily spire, steel - more at ENCOURAGE
[1] accumulate, collect, conglomerate, gather, pile heartening adj : tending or serving to hearten, inspire, or
up - more at COLLECT. [1] hill, mound, pile, stack - give fresh courage
more at PILE [2a] lavish, pour, rain, shower - more auspicious, bright, encouraging, fair, golden, hopeful,
at RAIN [2b] charge, cram, fill, jam, jam-pack, load, likely, promising, propitious, rosy, upbeat - more at
pack, stuff - more at FILL HOPEFUL comforting, encouraging, gratifying, heart-
hear \'hir\ vb heard \'h;)rd\; 1 : to perceive by the warming, rewarding, satisfying - more at HEARTWARM-
ear 2 : to gain knowledge of by hearing: LEARN 3 : to ING
listen to with attention: HEED; also: A1TEND 4: to give a heart-ten \'hiirt-,felt\ adj : deeply felt: SINCERE
legal hearing to or take testimony from - hearoer n hearth \'hiirth\ n 1 : an area (as of brick) in front of a fire-
+ [2] ascertain, catch on, discover, find out, learn, real- place; also: the floor of a fireplace 2 : one's place of
ize, see - more at DISCOVER [3] attend, hark, heed, residence: HOME
listen, mind - more at LISTEN abode, domicile, dwelling, home, house, lodging, n 1 : the process, function, or power of perceiv- quarters, residence - more at HOME
ing sound; esp : the special sense by which noises and hearth-stone \'hiirth-,ston\ n 1: stone forming a hearth
tones are received as stimuli 2.: range of hearing 2 : one's place of residence: HOME
: EARSHOT 3 : opportunity to be heard 4: a listening to ar- \'hiir-t;)-le\ adv : in a hearty manner
guments (as in a court); also: a session (as of a legislative
+ cheerfully, gaily, happily, jovially, merrily, mirthfully
committee) in which testimony is taken from witnesses
- more at GAILY
+ earshot, hail, sound heart-i-ness \'hiir-te-n;)s\ n : the quality or state of being
hear-ken \'hiir-k;)n\ vb : to give attention: LISTEN hearty
hear-say \'hir-,sa\ n : RUMOR fitness, health, robustness, soundness, well ness,
hearse \'h;)rs\ n : a vehicle for carrying the dead to the wholeness, wholesomeness - more at HEALTH
grave heart-less Vhart-las', adj : lacking feeling or affection
heart \'hiirt\ n 1 : a hollow muscular organ that by rhyth-
mic contraction keeps up the circulation of the blood in callous, hard, inhuman, inhumane, pitiless, soulless,
unfeeling, unsympathetic - more at HARD
the body; also : something resembling a heart in shape
2 : any of a suit of playing cards marked with a red figure heart-rend-inq \-,ren-di1)\ adj : causing extreme sorrow or
of a heart; also, pi : a card game in which the object is to distress: HEARTBREAKING
avoid taking tricks containing hearts 3 a : the whole per- heart-sick \-,sik\ adj : very despondent
sonality b: the emotional or moral as distinguished f.rom bad, blue, brokenhearted, dejected, depressed, de-
the intellectual nature c : generous disposition : COM- spondent, disconsolate, miserable, mournful, sad,
PASSION 4 + : mental or moral strength to venture, perse- wretched - more at SAD
vere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty: COURAGE heart-sick-ness \-n;)s\ n + : the quality or state of being
5 : one's innermost being 6 a : CENTER b : the essen- heartsick
tial part 7: the younger central part of a compact leafy + blues, dejection, depression, desolation, despon-
cluster (as of lettuce) 8: a Single human being <dear "'-'> dency, doldrums, dumps, forlornness, gloom, melan-
- heart-ed \'hiir-t;)d\ adj - by heart : by rote or from choly, sadness - more at SADNESS
memory heart-stop-ping \-,stii-pil)\ adj : extremely shocking or ex-
[3c] charity, commiseration, compassion, feeling, hu- citing
manity, kindliness, kindness, mercy, pity, sympathy; heart-strinqs \-,striI)Z\ n pi : the deepest emotions or affec-
also responsiveness, sensitivity; affection, regard, love; tions
affinity, empathy, rapport; altruism, benevolence, be- heart-throb \-,thriib\ n 1 : the throb of a heart 2: senti-
nignity, generosity, goodwill, humanitarianism, philan- mental emotion 3: SWEETHEART 4: an entertainer noted
thropy Ant inhumanity. [4] bravery, courage, daring, for his sex appeal
fearlessness, gallantry, guts, hardihood, heroism, nerve, heart-to-heart adj : SINCERE, FRANK
stoutness, valor - more at COURAGE. [5] core, quick, heart-warm-ing \'hiirt-,w6r-mi1)\ adi : inspiring sympa-
soul + [6b] core, crux, gist, nub, pith, pivot - more at thetic feeling
CRUX comforting, encouraging, gratifying, heartening, re-
heart-ache \-,ak\ n + : anguish of mind warding, satisfying; also affecting, inspiring, moving,
affliction, anguish, dolor, grief, sorrow, woe - more poignant, stirring, touching; elevating, uplifting; sympa-
at SORROW thetic, tender; kind, kindly, loving, warm; exciting, ex-
heart attack n : an acute episode of heart disease due to in- hilarating, rousing, stimulating, thrilling; pleasing, wel-
sufficient blood supply to the heart muscle coming Ant depressing, discouraging, disheartening,
heart-beat \'hiirt-,bet\ n : one complete pulsation of the dispiriting
heart heart-weed \-,wiId\ n : the older harder nonliving and usu.
heart-break \-,briik\ n : crushing grief darker wood of the central part of a tree trunk
heart-break-inq \-,bra-ki1)\ adj + : causing extreme sorrow 'hearty \'har-te\ adj heart-i-er: -est 1 a : giving full support
or distress - heart-break-er \-,bra-k;)r\ n b + : enthusiastically or exuberantly corctial 2 + : vigor-
depressing, ctismal, dreary, melancholy, pathetic, sad, ously healthy 3: ABUNDANT; also: NOURISHING 4 : car-
sorry, tearful - more at SAD + deplorable, distressful, ried out forcefully and energetically
grievous, lamentable, regrettable, unfortunate, woeful [lb] amicable, companionable, comradely, corctial,
- more at REGRE1TABLE friendly, genial, neighborly, warm, warmhearted-
heart-bro-ken \-,bro-k;)n\ adj : overcome by sorrow more at FRIENDLY. [2] able-bodied, chipper, fit, hale,
heart-burn \-,b;)rn\ n : a burning distress behind the ster- healthy, robust, sound, well, whole, wholesome-
num due to the backward flow of acid from the stomach more at HEALTHY [4] firm, forceful, lusty, robust,
to the esophagus solid, stout, strong, sturdy, vigorous
hearty 388
2hearty n, pI heart-ies : an enthusiastic jovial fellow; also + [1] Elysian, celestial, empyrean, supernal - more at
: SAILOR CELESTIAL + [2b] agreeable, darling, delectable, deli-
'heat \'het\ vb 1 : to make or become warm or hot 2: EX- cious, delightful, enjoyable, luscious, pleasurable
CITE - heat-ed-ly adv - heat-er n \'he-v;)-Ie\ adv : to a large degree
2heat n 1 : a condition of being hot: WARMTH 2: a form of 'heavy \'he-ve\ adj heavi-er; -est 1 + : having great weight
energy that when added to a body causes the body to rise 2 + : hard to bear 3 : of weighty import: SERIOUS 4: char-
in temperature, to fuse, to evaporate, or to expand acterized by intensity of quality: DEEP, PROFOUND 5: bur-
3 : high temperature 4 a + : intensity of feeling b: sexual dened with something oppressive; also : PREGNANT
excitement esp. in a female mammal 5: a preliminary 6 : SLUGGISH 7 a : lacking sparkle or vivacity : DRAB
race for narrowing the competition 6: pungency of fla- b : DOLEFUL 8: DROWSY 9: greater than the average of its
vor 7 slang: POLICE 8: PRESSURE, COERCION; also : ABUSE, kind or class 10: very rich and hard to digest; also: not
CRITICISM properly raised or leavened 11 : producing goods (as
+ ardor, emotion, fervency, fervor, intensity, passion, steel) used in the production of other goods 12 + : threat-
vehemence, warmth - more at ARDOR ening to rain or snow - heavi-ness \-ve-n;)s\ n
heat-ed \'he-t;)d\ adj + : marked by anger or passion + [l] hefty, massive, ponderous, weighty; also burden-
+ agitated, feverish, frenzied, hectic, overactive, over- some, leaden, lumpish; bulky, elephantine, outsize;
wrought - more at FEVERISH overweight, top-heavy; solid, substantial Ant light, light-
heat exchanger n : a device (as an automobile radiator) for weight, weightless + [2] bitter, brutal, burdensome,
transferring heat from one fluid to another without al- cruel, excruciating, grievous, grim, hard, harsh, inhu-
lowing them to mix man, murderous, onerous, oppressive, rough, rugged,
heat exhaustion n : a condition marked by weakness, nau- severe, stiff, tough, trying - more at HARSH + [12]
sea, dizziness, and profuse sweating resulting from physi- cloudy, dull, hazy, overcast - more at OVERCAST
cal exertion in a hot environment 2heavy n, pI heav-ies 1 : a theatrical role representing a dig-
heath \'heth\ n 1 : any of a large family of often evergreen nified or imposing person 2: a villain esp. in a story
shrubby plants (as a blueberry or heather) of wet acid heavy-du-ty \,he-ve-'dii-te, -'dyii-\ adj : able to withstand
soils 2: a tract of wasteland - heathy adj unusual strain
'hea.then \'he-ili;)n\ adj 1 : of or relating to heathens, their heavy-handoed \-'han-d;)d\ adj 1 +: lacking dexterity,
religions, or their customs 2 + : not civilized nimbleness, or grace : CLUMSV 2 +: unduly exacting
+ Neanderthal, barbarous, heathenish, rude, savage, : HARSH
uncivil, uncivilized, uncultivated, wild - more at SAV- + [1] awkward, clumsy, gawky, graceless, lubberly,
AGE lumpish, ungainly, unhandy - more at CLUMSY
2heathen n, pI heathens or heathen 1: an unconverted + [2] austere, authoritarian, flinty, hard, harsh, ram-
member of a people or nation that does not acknowledge rod, rigid, rigorous, severe, stern, strict - more at SE-
the God of the Bible 2: an uncivilized or irreligious per- VERE
son - hea-then-dom n - hea-then-Ism n heavy.heart-ed \-'hiir-t;)d\ adj : SADDENED, DESPONDENT
hea-then-ish \'he-ili;)-nish\ adi + : resembling or charac- heavy lifting n : a burdensome or laborious duty
teristic of heathens : BARBAROUS heavy metal n : energetic and highly amplified electronic
+ Neanderthal, barbarous, heathen, rude, savage, un- rock music
civil, uncivilized, uncultivated, wild - more at SAVAGE heavy-set \,he-ve-'set\ adj + : stocky and compact in build
heath-er \'he-ili;)r\ n : a northern and alpine evergreen + chunky, dumpy, squat, stocky, stout, stubby, stumpy,
heath with usu. lavender flowers - heath-ery adj thickset - more at STOCKY
heat lightning n : flashes of light without thunder ascribed heavy water n : water enriched in deuterium
to distant lightning reflected by high clouds heavy,weight \'he-ve-,wat\ n : one above average in weight;
heat-stroke \'het-,strok\ n : a disorder marked esp. by high esp : a boxer weighing over 175 pounds
body temperature without sweating and by collapse that Heb abbr Hebrews
follows prolonged exposure to excessive heat He-bra-ism \'he-bra-,i-z;)m\ n : the thought, spirit, or prac-
'heave \'hev\ vb heaved or hove \'hov\; 1 + : to tice characteristic of the Hebrews - He-bra-ic \hi-'bra-
rise or lift upward 2 + : to propel through the air by a ik\ adj
forward motion of the hand and ann : THROW 3: to rise He-bra-ist \'he-,bra-ist\ n : a specialist in Hebrew and He-
and fall rhythmically; also: PANT 4: to disgorge the stom- braic studies
ach contents through the mouth; also: to make an effort He-brew \'he-brii\ n 1 : the language of the Hebrews 2: a
to vomit 5: PULL, PUSH - heav-er n member of or descendant from a group of Semitic peo-
+ [1] boost, heft, hoist, jack; also elevate, hike, raise, ples; esp : ISRAELITE - Hebrew adj
rear, up, uplift, upraise + [2] cast, catapult, chuck, He-brews \'he-(,)briiz\ n : a book of the New Testament in
dash, fire, fling, hurl, hurtle, launch, peg, pelt, pitch, Christian Scriptures
sling, throw, toss - more at THROW bee-a-tomb \'he-k;)-,tom\ n : an ancient Greek and Roman
2heave n 1 : an effort to lift or raise 2: THROW, CAST 3: an sacrifice of 100 oxen or cattle
upward motion 4 pl : a chronic lung disease of horses heck-le \'he-k;)l\ vb heck-led; heck.ling + : to harass with
marked by difficult breathing and persistent cough questions or gibes
heav-en \'he-v;)n\ n 1 : FIRMAMENT - usu. used in pl. 2 of- + bait, bug, hassle, needle, ride, taunt, tease - more at
ten cap: the abode of the Deity and of the blessed dead; TEASE
also: a spiritual state of everlasting communion with God heck-ler Vhe-kfo- )I;)r\ n : one that heckles
3 cap : GOD 1 4 + : a place or condition of supreme hap- + oppressor, persecutor, taunter, tormentor, torturer
piness - heav-en-ward adv or adj - more at TORMENTOR
+ Eden, Elysium, paradise, utopia - more at PARADISE hect-are \'hek-,tar\ n : a metric measure equal to 10,000
+ ecstasy, elation, euphoria, exhilaration, intoxication, square meters
paradise, rapture, rhapsody, transport - more at EC- hec-tic \'hek-tik\ adj 1 : being hot and flushed 2 + : filled
STASY with excitement, activity, or confusion
heav-en-ly \-Ie\ adj 1 + : of or relating to heaven or the + agitated, feverish, frenzied, heated, overactive, over-
heavens 2 a : suggesting the blessed state of heaven wrought - more at FEVERISH
b + : highly pleasing hec-ti-cal-ly \'hek-ti-k(;)-)Ie\ adv + : in a hectic manner
389 helicopter

+ amok, berserk, frantically, harum-scarum, helter= + boost, heave, hoist, jack - more at HEAVE
skelter, madly, pell-mell, wild, wildly - more at HELTER' hefty \'hef-te\ adj heft-i-er; -est 1 : marked by bigness,
SKELTER bulk, and usu. strength 2.: impressively large
hec-to-gram \'hek-t<l-,gram\ n : a metric measure equal to 3 + : quite heavy
100 grams [2] big, large, outsize, oversize, sizable, substantial -
hec-to-li-ter Vhek-ta-sle-tor', n : a metric measure equal to more at LARGE [3] heavy, massive, ponderous,
100 liters weighty - more at HEAVY
hec-to-rn ter \'hek-t<l-,me-t<lr, hek-tta-ma-torv n : a metric he-ge-mo-ny \hi-'je-m<l-ne\ n : preponderant influence or
measure equal to 100 meters authority over others: DOMINATION
hec-tor Vhek-tarv vb [hector bully, fro Hector, champion of he-gi-ra \hi-'jl-r<l\ n [the Hegira, flight of Muhammad from
Troy in Oreek legend] 1 : SWAGGER 2 + : to intimidate by Mecca in A.D. 622, fro ML, fr. Ar hijra, lit., departure] : a
bluster or personal pressure journey esp. when undertaken to escape a dangerous or
+ browbeat, bully, cow, intimidate - more at INTIMI- undesirable environment
DATE heif-er \'he-f<lr\ n : a young cow; esp : one that has not had
'hedge \'hej\ n 1 : a fence or boundary formed of shrubs a calf
or small trees 2 + : something that impedes or separates height \'hlt\ n 1 : the highest or most advanced part or
: BARRIER 3: a means of protection (as against financial point 2 + : the distance from the bottom to the top of
loss) something standing upright 3: ALTITUDE 4 + : an extent
+ barrier, fence, wall - more at BARRIER of land rising to a considerable degree above the sur-
2hedge vb hedged; hedg-ing 1 + : to enclose or protect with rounding country
or as if with a hedge 2: HINDER 3: to protect oneself fi- [1] acme, apex, climax, crown, culmination, head,
nancially by a counterbalancing action 4 : to evade the meridian, peak, pinnacle, summit, tip-top, top, zenith;
risk of commitment - hedg-er n also bloom, flood tide, flower, glory, heyday; high; cap,
[I] cage, closet, coop up, corral, encase, enclose, en- ceiling, crest, roof; crescendo, extremity, maximum,
velop, fence, hem, house, immure, pen, wall - more at tip, vertex Ant bottom, nadir + [1] depth, limit; also
ENCLOSE [4] equivocate, fudge, pussyfoot - more at consummation, epitome, quintessence, ultimate [2]
altitude, elevation; also rise; highness, loftiness, tallness
hedge-hog \'hej-,h6g, -,hag\ n : a small Old World insect=
+ [4] elevation, eminence, highland, hill, mound,
prominence, rise; also alp, mount, mountain, peak;
eating mammal covered with spines; also: PORCUPINE
butte, mesa, plateau, table, tableland, cliff, crag,
hedge-hop \-,hap\ vb : to fly an airplane very close to the
precipice, tor; ridge, sierra; dome; foothill, hillock,
knob, knoll; down Ant lowland
hedge-row \-,r6\ n : a row of shrubs or trees bounding or
height-en \'hlt-'n\ vb 1 + : to increase in amount or degree
separating fields
he-do-nism \'hed-'n-,i-z<lm\ n [Gk hedone pleasure] : the 2 + : to make or become high or higher
doctrine that pleasure is the chief good in life; also: a way + [I] amplify, beef, boost, consolidate, deepen, en-
of life based on this - he-do-nist \-ist\ n - he-do-nis-tic hance, intensify, magnify, redouble, step up, strengthen
\,hed-'n-'i-stik\ adi - more at INTENSIFY + [2] boost, crane, elevate, heave,
'heed \'hed\ vb : to pay attention heft, hike, hoist, jack, lift, pick up, raise, up, uphold -
more at RAISE
attend, hark, hear, listen, mind - more at LISTEN
Heim-lich maneuver \'hlm-Iik-\ n [Henry J. Heimlich bI920
follow, listen, mind, note, observe, regard, watch;
also consider, contemplate, mull, ponder, weigh; com- Am. surgeon] : the manual application of sudden upward
ply (with), keep, obey, respect; hark (to), hear, hearken pressure on the upper abdomen of a choking victim to
(to); mark, notice, see Ant disregard, ignore, tune out force a foreign object from the trachea
hei-nous \'ha-n<ls\ adj [ME, fro AF hainus, heinous, fro
2heed n + : the act or state of attending or noticing
haine hate, fro hair to hate] : hatefully or shockingly evil
attention. awareness, cognizance, ear, eye, notice, ob- - hei-nous-ly adv
servance, observation - more at ATTENTION hei-nous-ness \-n<ls\ n + : the state or quality of being
heed-ful \'hed-f<ll\ alij : taking heed - heed-ful-Iy adv heinous
alert, careful, cautious, circumspect, considerate, + atrociousness, atrocity, depravity, enormity, mon-
gingerly, guarded, safe, wary - more at CAREFUL strosity, vileness, wickedness - more at ENORMlTY
heed-ful-ness \-n<ls\ n + : the quality or state of being heir \'ar\ n : one who inherits or is entitled to inherit prop-
heedful erty, rank, title, or office - heir-ship n
alertness, care, carefulness, caution, circumspection heir apparent n, pi heirs apparent: an heir whose right to
- more at CAUTION care, carefulness, heed, pains, succeed (as to a title) cannot be taken away if he or she
scrupulousness - more at CARE survives the present holder
heed-less \-I<ls\ adj + : not taking h~ed - heed-less-ly adv heir-ess \'ar-<ls\ n : a female heir esp. to great wealth
careless, mindless, unguarded, unsafe, unwary- heir-loom \'ar-,Iiim\ n 1 : a piece of personal property that
more at CARELESS descends by inheritance 2: something handed on from
heed-less-ness \-I<ls-n<ls\ n + : the quality or state of being one generation to another
heedless heir presumptive n, pi heirs presumptive : an heir whose
carelessness, dereliction, laxness, negligence, remiss- present right to inherit could be lost through the birth of
ness, slackness - more at NEGLIGENCE a nearer relative
'heel \'hel\ n 1 : the hind part of the foot 2: one of the heist \'hIst\ vb, slang: to commit armed robbery on; also
crusty ends of a loaf of bread 3: a solid attachment form- : STEAL - heist n, slang
ing the back of the sole of a shoe 4: a rear, low, or bot- held past and past part of HOLD
tom part 5 : a contemptible person he-li-cal \'he-Ii-k<ll, 'he-\ adj : of, relating to, or having
beast, boor, churl, clown, creep, cretin, cur, jerk, the form of a helix: SPIRAL
joker, louse, lout, skunk, slob, snake - more at JERK spiral, winding - more at SPIRAL
2heel vb : to tilt to one side: LIST he-ll-cop-ter \'he-l<l-,kap-t<lr, 'he-\ n [F helicoptere, fro Gk
'heft \'heft\ n : WEIGHT, HEAVINESS helik-, helix spiral + pteron wing] : an aircraft that is sup-
2heft vb 1 : to heave up : HOIST 2 : to test the weight of by ported in the air by one or more rotors revolving on sub-
lifting stantially vertical axes
heliocentric 390
he-lio-cen-tric \,he-Ie-o-'sen-trik\ adj : having or relating to from b: to keep from occurring: PREVENT 6: to serve
the sun as center with food or drink <~ yourself)
he-ll-o-sphere \'he-Ie-a-,sfir, -0-\ n : the region in space in- + (1) abet, aid, assist, back, prop, support; also ad-
fluenced by the sun or solar wind vance, facilitate, forward, foster, further; champion, en-
he-lio-trope \'he-Ie-a-,trop\ n [L heliotropium, fro Gk dorse, patronize, promote, sponsor; attend, care (for),
heliotropion, fro helios sun + tropos turn; fr. its flowers' comfort, minister (to), succor; bolster, boost, buttress,
turning toward the sun) : any of a genus of herbs or reinforce; advise, counsel, guide, mentor, nurture; bail
shrubs related to the forget-me-not that have small white out, deliver, rescue, save; embolden, encourage,
or purple flowers hearten; benefit, favor, profit, serve Ant hinder + (2) al-
he-li-port \'he-Ia-,port\ n : a landing and takeoff place for a lay, alleviate, assuage, ease, mitigate, mollify, palliate,
helicopter relieve, soothe; also abate, lighten, moderate, soften,
he-li-um \'he-Ie-am\ n [NL, fro Gk helios sun) : a very light temper; cure, heal, remedy; amend, correct, emend, fix,
nonflammable gaseous chemical element occurring in mend, rectify, reform, repair; ameliorate, better, en-
various natural gases hance, enrich, improve, meliorate, perfect, refine Ant
he-lix \'he-liks\ n, pi he-li-ces \'he-Ia-,sez, 'he-\ also he-ll x- aggravate
es \'he-lik-saz\ : something spiral in form 2help n 1 a + : the act of helping: help given b : a source
hell \'hel\ n 1 : a nether world in which the dead continue of aid 2: REMEDY, RELIEF 3: one who assists another
to exist 2: the realm of the devil in which the damned 4 + : one employed by another uSU. for wages or salary
suffer everlasting punishment 3 + : a place or state of and in a position below the executive level - often used
torment or wickedness 4 : a place or state of turmoil, collectively
disorder, or destruction - hell-ish adj + [la) aid, assist, assistance, backing, boost, lift, sup-
(3) agony, horror, misery, murder, nightmare, tor- port; also advancement, encouragement, forwarding,
ment, torture; also cross, ordeal, trial, tribulation; gall, furtherance, furthering; benefaction, patronage, pro-
thorn; bummer, downer, drag Ant heaven, paradise motion, sponsorship; advice, care, counsel, guidance;
+ (4) bedlam, circus, madhouse - more at MADHOUSE attendance, attention, service; beneficence, charity, fa-
(4) chaos, confusion, disarray, disorder, disorganiza- vor, kindness, philanthropy; relief, succor Ant hin-
tion, havoc, jumble, mess, muddle, shambles - more at drance + [lb) advantage, aid, benefit, boon; also lift;
CHAOS support, sustenance; blessing, godsend, windfall; re-
hel-la-cious \,he-'Ia-shas\ adj 1 : exceptionally powerful or course, resort, resource; asset Ant disadvantage, draw-
violent 2: remarkably good 3: extremely difficult 4: ex- back, hindrance, impediment + (4) force, personnel,
traordinarily large pool, staff - more at FORCE
hell-bent \'hel-,bent\ adj + : stubbornly determined help-er \'hel-par\ n + : one that helps
bound, decisive, determined, firm, intent, purposeful, + aid, apprentice, assistant, deputy, helpmate, mate,
resolute, set, single-minded - more at DETERMINED sidekick; also attendant, handmaiden, maid, maidser-
hell-cat \-,kat\ n 1 : WITCH 2 2: a violently temperamental vant, scullion, servant; auxiliary, subordinate, under-
person; esp : an ill-tempered woman ling; employee, hand, help, hireling, laborer, worker
hel-le-bore \'he-la-,bor\ n 1 : any of a genus of poisonous helperT cell n : a T cell that participates in the immune re-
herbs related to the buttercups; also : the dried root of a sponse by recognizing foreign antigens and has a protein
hellebore 2: a poisonous plant related to the lilies; also on its surface to which HIV attaches
: its dried roots used in medicine and insecticides help-ful \-fal\ adj + : of service or assistance - help-ful-Iy
Hel-lene \'he-,len\ n : GREEK
adv - help-ful-ness n
Hel-le-nlsm \'he-Ia-,ni-zam\ n : a body of humanistic and
classical ideals associated with ancient Greece - Hel-len- + advantageous, beneficial, favorable (or favourable),
profitable, salutary - more at BENEFICIAL
ic \he-'Ie-nik\ adj - Hel-le-nist \'he-la-nist\ n
Hel-le-nis-tic \,he-Ia-'nis-tik\ adi : of or relating to Greek help-ing n : a portion of food
history, culture, or art after Alexander the Great help-less \-las\ adj 1 .: lacking protection or support
hell-for-leather adv : at full speed : DEFENSELESS 2 : marked by an inability to act or react
hell-gram-mite \'hel-gra-,mit\ n : an aquatic insect larva - help-less-ly adv - help-less-ness n
that is used as bait in fishing [1) defenseless (or defenceless), exposed, susceptible,
hell-hole \'hel-,hol\ n : a place of extreme misery or undefended, unguarded, unprotected, unresistant, vul-
squalor nerable; also indefensible, untenable; uncovered, un-
he I-lion Vhel-vanx n + : a troublesome or mischievous per- safe; overcome, preyed (on or upon); passive, resistless,
son unarmed; feeble, frail, weak; abandoned, marooned
+ devil, imp, mischief, monkey, rapscallion, rascal, Ant guarded, invulnerable, protected, resistant, shielded
rogue, scamp, urchin - more at SCAMP + (2) impotent, powerless, weak - more at POWERLESS
hel-lo \ha-'Io, he- \ n, pi hellos + : an expression of greeting help-mate \'help-,mat\ n 1 +: one that helps : HELPER
- used interjectionally 2 : a female partner in a marriage: WIFE
greeting, salutation, salute; also amenities, civilities, + [1] aid, apprentice, assistant, deputy, helper, mate,
pleasantries; regards, respects Ant adieu, bon voyage, sidekick - more at HELPER + (2) lady, old lady, wife-
farewell, Godspeed, good-bye more at WIFE
helm \'helm\ n 1 : a lever or wheel for steering a ship help-meet \-,met\ n 1 : one that helps: HELPMATE 2: a fe-
2 : a position of control male partner in a marriage : WIFE
+ chair, head, headship, rein - more at HEAD hel-ter-ekel-ter \,hel-tar-'skel-tar\ adv 1 : in undue haste or
he l-rnet \'hel-mat\ n : a protective covering for the head disorder 2 + : in a haphazard manner
helms-man \'helrnz-man\ n + : the person at the helm amok, berserk, frantically, harum-scarum, hectically,
boss, captain, chief, foreman, head, headman, king- madly, pell-rnell, wild, wildly; also confusedly, crazily,
pin, leader, master, taskmaster - more at BOSS desperately, feverishly, uncontrollably; heedlessly, hot-
hel-ot \ 'he-Iat\ n : SLAVE, SERF headedly, recklessly, wantonly; chaotically, turbulently;
'help \'help\ vb 1 + : to give assistance or support to : AID aimlessly, haphazardly
2 + : to make more pleasant or bearable 3: to be of use; helve \'helv\ n : a handle of a tool or weapon
also: PROMOTE 4: to change for the better 5 a : to refrain Hel-ve-tlan \hel-'ve-shan\ adj : SWISS - Helvetian n
391 hereafter
'hem \'hem\ n 1 : a border of an article (as of cloth) dou- he-pat-i-ca \hi-'pa-ti-k;l\ n : any of a genus of herbs related
bled back and stitched down 2: RIM, MARGIN to the buttercups that have lobed leaves and delicate
2hem vb hemmed; hem-rnlnq 1 : to make a hem in sewing; white, pink, or bluish flowers
also: BORDER, EDGE 2 : to surround restrictively hepoa.ti.tis \,he-p;l-'ti-t;ls\ n, pi -tit-l-des \-'ti-td-,dez\ : in-
cage, closet, coop up, corral, encase, enclose, en- flammation of the liver; also: a virus disease of which this
velop, fence, hedge, house, immure, pen, wall - more is a feature
at ENCLOSE hep-tam-e-terXhep-tta-rna-tarv n : a line of verse containing
he-man \'he-,man\ n : a strong virile man seven metrical feet
he-ma-tite \'he-m;l-,tit\ n : a mineral that consists of an ox- hep-tath-lonXhep-ttath-lan, -,liin\ n : a 7-event athletic con-
ide of iron and that constitutes an important iron ore test for women
he-ma.toloa-gy \,he-m;l-'tii-l;l-je\ n : a branch of biology 'her \ 'h;lr\ adj : of or relating to her or herself
that deals with the blood and blood-forming organs- 2her pron, objective case of SHE
he-rna-to-loq-tc \-t;l-'lii-jik\ also he-ma-to-log-i-cal \-ji-k;ll\ 'herald Vher-aldx n 1: an official crier or messenger
adj - he-rna-tol-o-qlst\-'tii-l;l-jist\ n 2 .: one that precedes or foreshadows : HARBINGER
he-ma-to-ma\-'Hi-m;l\ n, pi mas also -ma-ta v-ms-tav : a usu. 3 : ANNOUNCER 4: ADVOCATE
clotted mass of blood forming as a result of a broken angel, forerunner, harbinger, precursor - more at
blood vessel FORERUNNER
heme \'hem\ n : the deep red iron-containing part of he- 2herald vb 1 : to give notice of 2 : HAIL, GREET; also: PUBLI-
moglobin CIZE
hemi-sphere \ 'he-m;l-,sfir\ n 1 : one of the halves of the he-ral-dic\he-'ral-dik, h;l-\ adj : of or relating to heralds or
earth as divided by the equator into northern and south- heraldry
ern parts or by a meridian into eastern and western parts her-ald-ry \ 'her-;ll-dre\ n, pi -ries 1 : the practice of devis-
2 : either of two half spheres formed by a plane through ing and granting armorial insignia and of tracing genealo-
the sphere's center - heml-spher-lc \,he-m;l-'sfir-ik, -'s- gies 2: INSIGNIA 3: PAGEANTRY
fer-v or hemi-spher-i-cal\-'sfir-i-k;ll, -'sfer-\ adi herb \';lrb, 'harbv n 1 : a seed plant that lacks woody tis-
hem-line\'hem-,lln\ n : the line formed by the lower edge sue and dies to the ground at the end of a growing season
of a garment 2 : a plant or plant part valued for medicinal or savory
hem-lock\'hem-,llik\ n 1 : any of several poisonous herbs qualities - her-ba-ceous\,,,r-'ba-sh;ls, ,h;lr-\ adj
related to the carrot 2: an evergreen tree related to the herb-age \';lr-bij, 'h;lr-\ n : green plants esp. when used
pines; also: its soft light wood or fit for grazing
he-mo-qlo-bln \'he-m;l-,glo-b;ln\ n : an iron-containing flora, foliage, green, greenery, leafage, vegetation,
compound found in red blood cells that carries oxygen verdure - more at GREENERY
from the lungs to the body tissues herb-al \';lr-b;ll, 'h;lr-\ adi : of, relating to, utilizing, or
he-mo-phil-ia \,he-m;l-'fi-le-;l\ n : a hereditary blood defect made of herbs
usu. of males that slows blood clotting with resulting dif- herb-alist\';lr-b;l-list, 'h;lr-\ n 1 : a person who practices
ficulty in stopping bleeding - he-mo-phll-i-ac \-Ie-,ak\ adi healing by the use of herbs 2: a person who collects or
orn grows herbs
hem-or-rhage \'hem-rij, 'he-ma-x n : a large discharge of her-bar-i-um\,;lr-'bar-e-;lm, ,h;lr-\ n, pi -la \-e-;l\ 1 : a col-
blood from the blood vessels - hemorrhage vb - hem- lection of dried plant specimens 2: a place that houses an
ororhag.ic \,he-m;l-'ra-jik\ adj herbarium
hem-or-rhoid \'hem-,raid, 'he-m,,-\ n : a swollen mass of di- her-bi-cide \';lr-b;l-,sid, 'her-v n : an agent used to destroy
lated veins at or just within the anus - usu. used in pI. or inhibit plant growth - her-bi-cid-al \,;lr-b;l-'sid-l,
hemp \'hemp\ n : a tall widely grown Asian herb related to ,h;lr-\ ad]
the mulberry that is the source of a tough fiber used in her-biv-o-rous\,,,r-'bi-v,,-r,,s, ,h"r-\ adj : feeding on plants
rope and of marijuana and hashish from its flowers and - her-bi-vore\';lr-b;l-,vor, 'h"r-\ n
leaves; also: the fiber - hemp-enVhem-panvadi her-cu-te-an \,h;lr-kY;l-'le-;ln, ,h;lr-'kyii-le-\ adj, often cap
hem-stitch \'hem-,stich\ vb : to embroider (fabric) by [Hercules, hero of Greek myth renowned for his strength]
drawing out parallel threads and stitching the exposed : of extraordinary power, size, or difficulty
threads in groups to form designs arduous, demanding, difficult, exacting, formidable,
hen \'hen\ n : a female chicken esp. over a year old; also: a grueling, hard, laborious, murderous, rough, stiff,
female bird strenuous, tall, toilsome, tough - more at HARD
hence \'hens\ adv 1 : AWAY 2: from this time 3 : be- 'herd Vhardv n 1 : a group of animals of one kind kept or
cause of a preceding fact or premise: CONSEQUENTLY living together 2 : a group of people with a common bond
4 : from this source or origin 3 : the undistinguished masses : MOB
accordingly, consequently, ergo, so, therefore, thus, commoners, masses, mob, people, plebeians, popu-
wherefore - more at THEREFORE lace, rank and file - more at MASSES
hence-forth\hens-,forth\ adv : from this point on 2herd vb : to assemble or move in or as if in a herd-
hence-tor-ward\-'far-w;lrd\ adv : HENCEFORTH herd-ern
hench-man \'hench-m;ln\ n [ME hengestman groom, fro drive, punch, run - more at DRIVE
hengest stallion] : a trusted follower or supporter herds-man Vhardz-manv n : one who manages, breeds, or
hen-na Vhe-no', n 1 : an Old World tropical shrub with fra- tends livestock
grant white flowers; also: a reddish brown dye obtained 'here \'hir\ adv 1 : in or at this place; also: NOW 2 : at or in
from its leaves and used esp, on hair 2: the color of this point, particular, or case 3: in the present life or
henna dye state 4: to this place
hen-peek \'hen-,pek\ vb : to nag and boss one's husband 2here n : this place (get away from ~>
hound, nag, needle - more at NAG here-abouts Vhir-a-jbautsv or here-about \-,baut\ adv : in
hep \'hep\ adj : HlP this vicinity
hep-a-rin \'he-p;l-fdn\ n : a compound found esp. in liver 'here-af.ter \hir-'af-t;lr\ adv 1 : after this in sequence or in
that slows the clotting of blood and is used medically time 2: in some future time or state
he-pat-ic \hi-'pa-tik\ adj : of, relating to, or associated with 2hereafter n, often cap 1 : time that is to come : FUTURE
the liver 2 : an existence beyond earthly life
hereby 392
+ afterlife, eternity, immortality - more at ETERNITY her-nia Vhar-ne-av n, pi -nl-as or -nl-ae \-ne-,e, -ne-,1\ : a
here-by \hir-'bl\ adv : by means of this protrusion of a bodily part (as a loop of intestine) into a
he-red-i-tary \ha-'re-da-, ter-ev adi 1 + : genetically passed pouch of the weakened wall of a cavity in which it is nor-
or passable from parent to offspring 2: passing by inher- mally enclosed - her-ni-ate \-ne-,at\ vb - her-ni-a-tion
itance; also : having title or possession through inheri- \,har-ne-'a-sh:m \ n
tance 3: of a kind established by tradition he-ro \'he-ro\ n, pi heroes 1 : a mythological or legendary
+ genetic, heritable, inborn, inherited; also congenital, figure of great strength or ability 2: a man admired for
inbred, inherent, innate, native, natural his achievements and qualities 3: the chief male charac-
he-red-i-ty \-da-te\ n : the characteristics and potentialities ter in a literary or dramatic work 4 pi usu heros: a large
genetically derived from one's ancestors; also: the pass- sandwich on a long split roll : SUBMARINE 2
ing of these from ancestor to descendant he-ro-le \hi-'ro-ik\ adj 1 : of, relating to, resembling, or
Her-e-ford Vher-ferdv n : any of a breed of red-coated beef suggesting heroes esp. of antiquity 2 + : exhibiting or
cattle with white faces and markings marked by courage and daring 3 + : of impressive size,
here-in \hir-'in\ adv : in this power, extent, or effect
here-of \-'av, -'av\ adv : of this + [2] brave, courageous, dauntless, doughty, fearless,
here-on \-'on, -'iin\ adv : on this gallant, greathearted, intrepid, lionhearted, manful,
her-e-sy Vher-c-sev n, pi -sies [ME heresie, fr. AF, fro LL stalwart, stout, undaunted, valiant, valorous - more at
haeresis, fr. LOk hairesis, fr. Gk, action of taking, choice, BRAVE + [3) august, baronial, gallant, glorious, grand,
sect, fro hairein to take] 1 : adherence to a religious opin- grandiose, imposing, magnificent, majestic, monumen-
ion contrary to church dogma 2 : an opinion or doctrine tal, noble, proud, regal, royal, splendid, stately - more
contrary to church dogma 3 + : dissent from a dominant at GRAND
theory, opinion, or practice he-ro-l-cat-ly\hi-'ro-i-k(a- )Ie\ adv + : in a heroic manner
+ dissent, heterodoxy, nonconformity; also error, fal- + gallantly, grandly, greatly, honorably (or hon-
lacy, falsehood, misconception, myth; apostasy, defec- ourably), magnanimously, nobly - more at GREATLY
tion, schism, sectarianism, separatism; deviance, devia- heroic couplet n : a rhyming couplet in iambic pentameter
tion, unconventionality; disagreement, discord, dissen- he-ro-les \hi-'ro-iks\ n pi : heroic or showy behavior
sion Ant conformity, orthodoxy her-o-in \'her-a-wan\ n : an illicit addictive narcotic drug
her-e-tic \'her-a-,tik\ n + : one who dissents from an ac- made from morphine
cepted belief or doctrine her-o-ine \'her-a-wan\ n 1: a woman admired for her
+ dissenter, dissident, nonconformist; also apostate, de- achievements and qualities 2: the chief female character
fector, renegade; schismatic, sectarian, separatist; dis- in a literary or dramatic work
believer, infidel, unbeliever; bohemian, individualist her-o-ism \'her-a-,wi-zam\ n 1 + : heroic conduct 2: the
he-ret-i-cal \ha-'re-ti-kal\ adj + : of, relating to, or charac- qualities of a hero
terized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards + bravery, courage, daring, fearlessness, gallantry, guts,
+ dissident, heterodox, nonconforming, nonconform- hardihood, heart, nerve, stoutness, valor - more at
ist, nonorthodox, unconventional, unorthodox; also
nontraditional; apostate, defecting, renegade; schis- her-on Vher-anv n, pi herons also heron : any of various
matic, sectarian, separatist Ant conforming, conven- long-legged long-billed wading birds with soft plumage
tional, orthodox her-pes \'har-pez\ n : any of several virus diseases charac-
here-to \hir-'tii\ adv : to this document terized by the formation of blisters on the skin or mucous
here-te-rore \'hir-ta-,rOr\ adv + : up to this time membranes
herpes sim-plex \-'sim-,pleks\ n : either of two virus dis-
+ hitherto, yet - more at HITHERTO
eases marked in one by watery blisters above the waist (as
here-un-der \hir-'an-dar\ adv : under this or according to on the mouth and lips) and in the other on the sex organs
this writing herpes zos-ter \-'ziis-tar\ n : SHINGLES
here-un-to \hir-'an-tii\ adv : to this her-pe-tol-o-gy \,har-pa-'ta-Ia-je\ n : a branch of zoology
here-upon \'hir-a-,pon, -,pan\ adv : on this or immediately dealing with reptiles and amphibians - her-pe-tol-o-gist
after this \,har-pa-'ta-Ia-jist\ n
here-with \'hir-'with, -'with\ adv 1 : with this 2 : HEREBY her-ring \'her-h)\ n, pi herring or herrings: a valuable nar-
her-i-ta-ble \'her-a-ta-bal\ adj + : capable of being inherited row-bodied food fish of the north Atlantic; also: a related
+ genetic, hereditary, inborn, inherited - more at fish of the north Pacific harvested esp, for its roe
HEREDITARY her-ring-bone \'her-il)-,bon\ n : a pattern made up of rows
her-i-tage \'her-a-tij\ n 1 : property that descends to an of parallel lines with adjacent rows slanting in reverse di-
heir 2 + : something transmitted by or acquired from a rections; also: a twilled fabric with this pattern
predecessor: LEGACY 3: BIRTHRIGHT hers \'harz\pron : one or the ones belonging to her
+ bequest, birthright, inheritance, legacy - more at IN- her-self \har-'self\ pron : SHE, HER - used reflexively, for
HERITANCE emphasis, or in absolute constructions
her-maph-ro-dlte \(,)har-'ma-fra-,dit\ n : an animal or plant hertz \'harts, 'herts\ n, pi hertz: a unit of frequency equal
having both male and female reproductive organs - her- to one cycle per second
maphrodite adj - her-maph-ro-dit-ic \(,)har-,ma-fra-'di- hes-i-tance Vhe-za-tansv n : HESITANCY
tik\ adj hes-i-tan-cy \'he-za-tan-se\ n 1 + : the quality or state of
her-met-ic \har-'me-tik\ also her-met-i-cal \-ti-kal\ adj : AIR- being hesitant 2 + : an act or instance of hesitating
TIGHT - her-met-l-cat-ly \-ti-k(a- )Ie\ adv [1] disinclination, reluctance, reticence - more at
her-mit \'har-mat\ n [ME heremite, eremite, fro AF, fro LL RELUCTANCE [2] hesitation, indecision, irresolution,
eremita, fro LOk eremites, fr. Gk, adj., living in the desert, vacillation - more at HESITATION
fr. eremia desert, fro eremos desolate] + : one who lives in hes-i-tant \'he-za-tant\ adj + : tending to hesitate - nes-t-
solitude esp. for religious reasons tanNyadv
+ anchorite, recluse, solitary - more at RECLUSE afraid, dubious, indisposed, reluctant; also uneager,
her-mit-age \-ma-tij\ n 1 : the dwelling of a hermit 2: a se- unenthusiastic; averse, unwilling; doubtful, faltering, ir-
cluded dwelling resolute, questioning, uncertain, undecided, unsure,
hermit crab n : any of numerous crabs that occupy empty vacillating, wobbly; fainthearted, shy, timid Ant dis-
mollusk shells posed, inclined
393 hideously

hes-i-tate\'he-z~-,tat\ vb -tat-ed; 1 + : to hold back hgt abbr height

(as in doubt) 2: PAUSE hgwyabbr highway
falter, hang back, shilly-shally, stagger, teeter, vacil- HH abbr 1 Her Highness 2 His Highness 3 His Holiness
late, waver, wobble; also haw, hem; dally, dawdle, de- HHSabbr Department of Health and Human Services
lay, linger, procrastinate, pause, wait; back down, HI abbr 1 Hawaii 2 humidity index
chicken (out); consider, debate, deliberate, ponder, hi-a-tus \hi-'a-t~s\ n [L, fro hiare to yawn) 1 : a break in an
weigh; oscillate; equivocate, hedge, pussyfoot Ant dive object: GAP 2 + : a lapse in continuity
(in), plunge (in) discontinuity, gap, interim, interlude, intermission,
hes-l-ta-tion \,he-z~-'tii-sh~n \ n : an act or instance of interruption, interval - more at GAP
hesitating hi-ba-chl\hi-'ba-che\ n [Jp) : a charcoal brazier
hesitancy, indecision, irresolution, vacillation; also hi-ber-nate \'hi-b~r-,nat\ vb -nat-ed: -nat-inq : to pass the
delay, procrastination, waiting; consideration, debate, winter in a torpid or resting state - hi-ber-na-tion \,hi-
deliberation, doubt, incertitude, uncertainty; avoid- bar-tna-shanx n - hi-ber-na-tor \'hi-b~r-,nii-t~r\ n
ance, equivocation; aversion, disinclination, indisposi- hl-bis-cus \hi-'bis-k~s, h~-\ n : any of a genus of herbs,
tion, reluctance; shyness shrubs, and trees related to the mallows and noted for
het-ero-dox\'he-t~-rd-,daks\ adj 1 + : differing from an ac- large showy flowers
knowledged standard 2 : holding unorthodox opinions hic-cup also hic-cough \'hi-(,)k~p\ n 1: a spasmodic
[I, 2] dissident, heretical, nonconforming, noncon- breathing movement checked by sudden closing of the
formist, nonorthodox, unconventional, unorthodox- glottis accompanied by a peculiar sound; also, pi : an at-
more at HERETICAL tack of hiccuping 2: a slight irregularity, error, or mal-
het-er-o-doxy\'he-t~-r~-,dak-se\ n : the quality or state of function 3: a brief minor interruption or change-
being heterodox hiccup vb
+ dissent, heresy, nonconformity - more at HERESY hick \'hik\ n [Hick, nickname for Richard] + : an awkward
het-er-o-ge-neous\,he-t~-r~-'je-ne-~s, -nyasv adj + : consist- provincial person - hick adj
ing of dissimilar ingredients or constituents : MIXED- bumpkin, clodhopper, hillbilly, provincial, rustic,
het-er-o-ge-ne-ity \-j~-'ne-~-te\ n - het-er-o-qe-neous-ty yokel; also boor, clod, gawk, lout, oaf; greenhorn, ten-
adv derfoot; peasant, peon; mountaineer Ant cosmopolitan
+ assorted, miscellaneous, mixed, motley, varied- hick-o-ry \'hi-k~-re\ n, pi -ries : any of a genus of No.
more at MISCELLANEOUS American hardwood trees related to the walnuts; also
het-ero-qlos-sia\,he-t~-r6-'gla-se-~, -'gI6-\ n : a diversity of : the wood of a hickory - hickory adj
voices, styles of discourse, or points of view in a literary hi-dal-qo\hi-'dal-g6\ n, pi -gos often cap [Sp, fro earlier fijo
dalgo; lit., son of something) : a member of the lower no-
het-ero-sex-tsm \,he-t~-r6-'sek-si-z~m\ n : discrimination bility of Spain
or prejudice by heterosexuals against homosexuals hidden tax n 1 : a tax ultimately paid by someone other
het-ero-sex-u-at\,he-t~-r6-,sek-sh~-w~l\ adj 1 : of, relating than the person on whom it is formally levied 2: an eco-
to, or marked by sexual interest in the opposite sex; also nomic injustice that reduces one's income or buying
: of, relating to, or involving sexual intercourse between power
members of opposite sex 2: of or relating to different 'hide \'hid\ vb hid \'hid\; hid-den \'hid-On\ or hid;
sexes - heterosexual n - het-ero-sex-u-al-i-tyx-.sek-she- 1 : to put or remain out of sight 2: to conceal for shel-
'wa-la-tev n ter or protection; also : to seek protection 3 + : to keep
hew \'hyu\ vb hewed; hewed or hewn \'hyiin\; secret 4: to tum away in shame or anger - hid-ern
1 + : to cut or fell with blows (as of an ax) 2: to give [I) bury, cache, conceal, ensconce, secrete; also
shape to with or as if with an ax 3 + : to conform or ad- hoard, squirrel (away), stash; entomb, inter Ant display,
here strictly<- to tradition> - hew-ern exhibit [3) blanket, blot out, cloak, conceal, cover,
curtain, enshroud, mask, obscure, occult, screen,
[1] chop, cut, fell - more at FELL usu hew to
[3] adhere, cling, stick - more at STICK
shroud, veil; also camouflage, cover (up), disguise,
smother; gild, gloss (over), varnish, whitewash; becloud,
HEWabbr Department of Health, Education, and Welfare befog, cloud, darken, eclipse, overcast, overshadow,
'hex \'heks\ vb 1 : to practice witchcraft 2 : JINX 3 + : to shade Ant bare, disclose, display, divulge, expose, re-
put a hex on veal, show, uncloak, uncover, unmask, unveil
bewitch, charm, enchant, spell - more at BEWITCH 2hide n + : the skin of an animal
2hex n 1 .: a person who practices witchcraft : WITCH fur, pelt, skin; also badger, beaver, chamois, chin-
2 : SPELL, JINX chilla, ermine, fisher, fox, mink, muskrat, otter, Persian
+ enchantress, hag, witch - more at WITCH lamb, raccoon, sable, seal; calfskin, coonskin, cowhide,
3hex adj : HEXAGONAL bearskin, buckskin, deerskin, goatskin, horsehide, kid-
"hex abbr hexagon skin, lambskin, pigskin, rawhide, sealskin, sharkskin,
hexaogon\'hek-s~-,gan\ n [ultim. fro Gk hex six + gonia an- sheepskin; fleece, mouton; alligator; cordovan, mo-
gle] : a polygon having six angles and six sides - hex-aq- rocco, suede
o-nat \hek-'sa-g~n-Ol\ adj 3hide vb : to give a beating to
hex-am-e-ter\hek-'sa-m~-t~r\ n : a line of verse containing hide-and-seek \,hid-On-'sek\ n : a children's game in
six metrical feet which everyone hides from one player who tries to find
hey \'hii\ interj - used esp, to call attention or to express them
doubt, surprise, or joy hide-away\'hi-d~-,wii\ n : a place of refuge, retreat, or con-
heyoday\'hii-,dii\ n : a period of greatest strength, vigor, cealment : HIDEOUT
or prosperity hide-bound \'hTd-,baund\ adj + : being inflexible or con-
bloom, blossom, flower, flush, prime - more at servative
BLOOM conservative, old-fashioned, orthodox, reactionary,
hf abbr half traditional- more at CONSERVATIVE
Hf symbol hafnium hid-eous \'hi-de-~s\ adj [ME hidous, fro AF hidus, hisdos,
HF abbr high frequency fro hisde, hide terror) 1 + : offensive to one of the senses
hg abbr hectogram : UGLY 2 : morally offensive : SHOCKING - hld-eous-ly
Hgsymbol [NL hydrargyrum, lit., water silver) mercury adv
hideousness 394
+ [I) grotesque, ugly, unappealing, unattractive, unlovely, high beam n : the long-range focus of a vehicle headlight
unsightly, vile - more at UGLY + [2) appalling, atro- high.born \'hi-'born\ adj + : of noble birth
cious, awful, dreadful, frightful, ghastly, grisly, grue- + aristocratic, genteel, gentle, grand, noble, patrician,
some, horrible, horrid, lurid, macabre, monstrous, wellborn - more at NOBLE
nightmarish, shocking, terrible - more at HORRIBLE highboy \-,boi\ n : a high chest of drawers mounted on a
hld-eous-ness \-nas\ n + : the quality or state of being base with legs
hideous high.bred \-'bred\ adi : coming from superior stock
+ atrociousness, atrocity, frightfulness, horror, mon- high.brow \-,brau\ n + : a person of superior learning or
strosity, repulsiveness - more at HORROR culture - highbrow adj - high.brow.ism \-,brau-,i-zam\
hide-out \'hi-,daut\ n + : a place of refuge or concealment n
+ concealment, covert, den, lair, nest; also blind, cover, egghead, intellectual, nerd - more at INTELLECTUAL
nook, recess; hangout, harbor (or harbour), haunt, high-definition adj : being or relating to a television system
haven, refuge, retreat, shelter with twice as many scan lines per frame as a conventional
hie \'hi\ vb hied; or hie-ing +: to move or act system
quickly: HASTEN high-density ll-po-pro-teln \-,li-po-'pro-ten, -,Ii-\ n : HDL
accelerate, fast-track, hasten, hurry, quicken, rush, highoer-up \,hi-ar-'ap\ n : a superior officer or official
speed, whisk - more at HURRY high.fa.lutin \,hi-fa-'Iiit-n\ adj 1 + : characterized by or
hl-er-ar-chy \'hi-a-,rar-ke\ n, pl -chies 1 : a ruling body of reflecting an attitude of self-importance or supercilious-
clergy organized into ranks 2: persons or things arranged ness 2 + : expressed in or marked by the use of high:
in a graded series - hl-er-ar-chl-cat \,hI-a-'r1ir-ki-kal\ adj flown bombastic language
- hi-er-ar-chi-cal-ly \-k(a- )Ie\ adv + [I] disdainful, haughty, lofty, lordly, prideful, proud,
hioeroooglyph.ic \,hi-a-ra-'gli-fik\ n [MF hieroglyphique, superior - more at PROUD. [I, 2] affected, grandiose,
adj., ultim. fro Gk hieroglyphikos. fr. hieros sacred + ostentatious, pompous, pretentious - more at PRETEN-
TIOUS + [2) florid, flowery, grandiloquent, high-flown
glyphein to carve] 1 : a character in a system of picture
writing (as of the ancient Egyptians) 2: a symbol or sign - more at FLOWERY
difficult to decipher high fashion n 1 : HIGH STYLE 2: HAUTE COUTURE
hi-fi \'hI-'m n 1 : HIGH FIDELITY 2: equipment for repro- high fidelity n : the reproduction of sound or image with a
duction of sound with high fidelity high degree of faithfulness to the original
high five n : a slapping of upraised right hands by two peo-
'higogle-dy-pigogle-dy \,hi-gal-de-'pi-gal-de\ adv : in confu-
ple (as in celebration) - high-five vb
high-flown \'hi-'flon\ adj 1 + : exceedingly or excessively
2higgledy-piggledy a4j + : lacking order
high or favorable 2 + : having an excessively embellished
+ chaotic, disheveled, disordered, disorderly, hugger= or inflated character
mugger, messy, pell-mell, topsy-turvy, unkempt, untidy
+ Il) eloquent, formal, lofty, majestic, stately, towering
'high \'hi\ adj 1 a + : having large extension upward <a ,..., + [2) florid, flowery, grandiloquent, highfalutin-
wall> b: having a specified elevation: TALL <six feet r-c-) more at FLOWERY
2 : advanced toward fullness or culmination; also: slightly high frequency n : a radio frequency between 3 and 30
tainted 3: advanced esp. in complexity <,...,er mathemat- megahertz
ics> 4: long past 5: SHRILL, SHARP 6: far from the equa- high gear n 1 : HIGH 4 2: a state of intense or maximum
tor <,..., latitudes> 7: exalted in character 8 + : of greater activity
degree, Size, or amount than average <,..., in cholesterol> high-handoed \'hi-'han-dad\ adj + : having or showing no
<,..., prices> 9 +: of relatively great importance regard for the rights, concerns. or feelings of others -
10: FORCIBLE, STRONG <,..., winds> 11 : showing elation or adv - high-handoedness n
excitement 12 + : excited or stupefied by alcohol or a + arbitrary, dictatorial, imperious, peremptory, willful
drug : INTOXICATED; also: excited or stupefied as if by a - more at ARBITRARY
drug 13 + : dear in price : EXPENSIVE 'high-hat \-'hat\ adj + : assuming an attitude of superiority
+ [La] lofty, tall, towering; also dominant, dominating, : SUPERCILIOUS
eminent, prominent; elevated, lifted, raised, uplifted, + arrogant, cavalier, haughty, high-handed, highfalutin,
upswept; high-rise, statuesque Ant low, short, squat imperious, important, lofty, lordly, masterful, over-
+ [8] advanced, up; also extreme, full, maximized, weening, peremptory, pompous, presumptuous, preten-
maximum, peaked, utmost; inflated, over, overflowing, tious, supercilious, superior, uppity - more at ARRO-
overlarge, oversize, oversized Ant down, low + [9] GANT
chief, first, foremost, head, lead, preeminent, premier,
2high-hat vb + : to treat snobbishly
primary, prime, principal, supreme - more at HEAD
+ [12) drunk, inebriate, intoxicated, tipsy - more at disdain, scorn, slight, sniff at, snub - more at SCORN
DRUNK + [I3) costly, dear, expensive, precious, valu- high jinks \'hi-Jinks\ n pI + : boisterous or rambunctious
able - more at COSTLY carryings-on
2high adv 1 : at or to a high place or degree 2 + : in a lux- + foolery, horseplay, monkeyshines, roughhouse,
urious manner <living""'> shenanigans, tomfoolery - more at HORSEPLAY
+ expensively, extravagantly, grandly, lavishly, luxuri- \'hi-Iand\ n + : elevated or mountainous land
ously, opulently, richly; also imposingly, impressively, elevation, eminence, height, hill, mound, promi-
magnificently, splendidly; grandiosely, ostentatiously, nence, rise - more at HEIGHT
pretentiously; comfortably, fine; immoderately, indul- high.landoer \-I:lD-dar\ n 1 : an inhabitant of a highland
gently, wantonly, wastefully Ant austerely, humbly, 2 cap: an inhabitant of the Scottish Highlands
modestly, plainly, simply high-Ievoel \'hi-'Ie-val\ adj 1 : being of high importance or
3high n 1 a : an elevated place b: the space overhead: SKY rank 2: being or relating to highly concentrated and en-
2 : a region of high barometric pressure 3: a high point vironmentally hazardous nuclear waste
or level 4: the gear of a vehicle giving the highest speed 'high.light \-,lit\ n : an event or detail of major importance
5 : an excited or stupefied state produced by or as if by a 2highlight vb 1 + : to center attention on : EMPHASIZE 2: to
drug constitute a highlight of
high.ball \'hi-,bol\ n : a usu. tall drink of liquor mixed with + accent, accentuate, emphasize, feature, play, point,
water or a carbonated beverage stress, underline, underscore - more at EMPHASIZE
395 hint
high.lightoer \-,I,it-;:>r\ n : a pen with transparent ink used hill \'hil\ n 1 + : a usu. rounded elevation of land 2 + : a
for marking text passages little heap or mound (as of earth) - hilly ad} \'hi-Ie\ adv 1 : in or to a high place, level, or rank + [1] elevation, eminence, height, highland, mound,
2 + : in or to a high degree or amount 3: with approval prominence, rise - more at HEIGHT + [2] cock, heap,
: FAVORABLY mound, mountain, pile, rick, stack - more at PILE
+ especially, extremely, greatly, hugely, mightily, Vhil-jbi-le', n, pi -lies + : a person from a back-
mighty, mortally, most, much, real, right, so, very- woods area
more at VERY + bumpkin, clodhopper, hick, provincial, rustic, yokel
high-mindoed \-'min-d;'ld\ adj + : marked by elevated prin- - more at HlCK
ciples and feelings - high-mindoed.ness n hill-ock \'hi-I;'lk\ n : a small hill
+ chivalrous, gallant, great, greathearted, high, lofty, hill-side \'hil-,sid\ n : the part of a hill between the summit
lordly, magnanimous, noble, sublime - more at NOBLE and the foot
high.ness \'hi-n;'ls\ n 1 : the quality or state of being high hltl-top \-,tiip\ n : the top of a hill
2 - used as a title (as for kings) hilt \'hilt\ n : a handle esp. of a sword or dagger
high-pres.sure \-'pre-sh;'lr\ ad} + : using or involving ag- him \'him\pron, objective case of HE
gressive and insistent sales techniques Hi-ma-la-yan \,hi-m;'l-'Ia-;'ln, hi-tmal-yonv adj : of, relating
+ aggressive, ambitious, assertive, enterprising, fierce, to, or characteristic of the Himalaya mountains or the
go-getting, militant, self-assertive - more at AGGRES- people living there
SIVE him-self \him-'self\ pron : HE, HIM - used reflexively, for
high-rise \-'rtz\ adj : having several stories and being emphasis, or in absolute constructions
equipped with elevators <~ apartments); also: of or re- 'hind \'hind\ n, pi hinds also hind: a female of a common
Eurasian deer
lating to high-rise buildings
high road n : HIGHWAY 2hind adj + : of or forming the part that follows or is behind
high school n : a school usu. including grades 9 to 12 or 10
to 12 + back, hindmost, posterior, rear - more at BACK
high sea n : the open sea outside territorial waters - usu. 'hinoder \'hin-d;'lr\ vb 1 + : to impede the progress of 2: to
used in pl. hold back \'hi-'saun-dil)\ ad} : POMPOUS, IMPOSING + encumber, hamper, hold up, impede, inhibit, inter-
high-spir.itoed \-'spir-;'l-t;'ld\ adj + : characterized by a bold fere with, obstruct, tie up - more at HAMPER
or energetic spirit 2hind-er Vhin-dar', adj : HIND
+ bubbly, buoyant, effervescent, exuberant, frolic- Hinodi \'hin-de\ n : a literary and official language of north-
some, vivacious - more at EXUBERANT + fiery, mettle- ern India
some, peppery, spirited, spunky - more at SPIRITED hlnd-most \'hind-,most\ ad} + : farthest to the rear
high-strung \-'stml)\ adj + : having an extremely nervous + final, last, latter, terminal, ultimate - more at LAST
or sensitive temperament hind-quar-ter \-,kw6r-t;'lr\ n 1 : one side of the back half of
+ excitable, flighty, fluttery, jittery, jumpy, nervous, the carcass of a quadruped 2 pi : the part of the body of
skittish, spooky - more at EXCITABLE a quadruped behind the junction of hind limbs and trunk
high style n : the newest in fashion or design hin-drance Vhin-dransv n 1 : the state of being hindered;
high.tail \'hi-,tal\ vb : to retreat at full speed also: the action of hindering 2 + : something that im-
high tech \-'tek\ n : HIGH TECHNOLOGY pedes : IMPEDIMENT
high technology n : technology involving the use of ad- + bar, block, encumbrance, inhibition, obstacle-
vanced devices more at ENCUMBRANCE
high-ten,sion \'hi-'ten-ch;'ln\ adj : having or using a high hind.sight \'hind-,sit\ n : understanding of an event after it
voltage has happened
high-test \-'test\ adj : having a high octane number Hindu-Arabic adj : relating to, being, or composed of Ara-
high-tickoet \-'ti-k;'lt\ adj : EXPENSIVE bic numerals
high-toned \-'tond\ ad} 1 : high in social, moral, or intel- Hin-du-ism \'hin-dii-,i-z;'lm\ n : a body of religious beliefs
lectual quality 2 : PRETENTIOUS, POMPOUS and practices native to India - Hin-du n or adj
high.way \'hi-,wa\ n + : a main direct road hind wing n : either of the posterior wings of a 4-winged in-
+ artery, pike, road, thoroughfare, turnpike, way- sect
more at WAY 'hinge \'hinj\ n : a jointed device on which a swinging part \'hi-,wa-m;'ln\ n : a person who robs travel- (as a door, gate, or lid) turns
ers on a road 2hinge vb hinged; 1 : to attach by or furnish with
hi-jack also high.jack \'hi-Jak\ vb : to steal esp. by stopping hinges 2 : to be contingent on a single consideration
a vehicle on the highway; also: to commandeer a flying 'hint \'hint\ n 1 +: an indirect or summary suggestion
airplane - hijack n - hi-jack-er n 2 + : a slight indication of the existence, approach, or na-
'hike \'hik\ vb hiked; 1 + : to move or raise with a ture of something: CLUE 3 + : a very small amount
sudden motion 2: to take a long walk - hikoer n + [1, 2] clue, cue, indication, inkling, intimation, lead,
suggestion; also breath, flicker, glimmer, glimpse, men-
+ boost, crane, elevate, heave, heft, heighten, hoist,
tion, scent, whiff, wind; hunch, idea, inspiration, no-
jack, lift, pick up, raise, up, uphold - more at RAISE
tion; allusion, implication, innuendo, insinuation; evi-
2hike n 1 : a long walk 2: RISE, INCREASE
dence, mark, overtone, pointer, sign, signal, telltale,
hi-lar-i-ous \hi-'Iar-e-;'ls, hi-\ adj + : marked by or providing token; assistance, nod, prompt, tip, tip-off, wink; feel-
boisterous merriment - hi-lar-i-ous-ly adv ing, foreboding, intuition, premonition, presentiment,
+ antic, comic, comical, droll, farcical, funny, humor- suspicion; augury, foretaste, omen, portent, symptom
ous, hysterical, laughable, ludicrous, ridiculous, ri- + [3] bit, dab, little, particle, suspicion, touch, trace -
otous, risible, screaming, uproarious - more at FUNNY more at PARTICLE
hi.lar.i.ty \hi-'Iar-;'l-te, hi-\ n +: boisterous and high- 2hint vb : to give a hint
spirited merriment or laughter allude, imply, indicate, infer, insinuate, intimate, sug-
+ cheer, cheerfulness, cheeriness, glee, joviality, merri- gest; also advert, mention, point, refer, signal, signify;
ment, mirth - more at MIRTH smack (of), smell (of)
hinterland 396
hin-ter-land \'hin-t:lr-,land\ n 1 : a region behind a coast spread in animal tissues that plays a major role in allergic
2 + : a region remote from cities reactions (as hay fever)
+ backwoods, bush, frontier, sticks, up-country- hls-to-qrarn \'his-t:l-,gram\ n : a representation of statistical
more at FRONTIER data by rectangles whose widths represent class intervals
'hip \'hip\ n : the fruit of a rose and whose heights usu. represent corresponding frequen-
2hip n 1 : the part of the body on either side below the waist cies
consisting of the side of the pelvis and the upper thigh his.tol-og.y \his-'tii-I:l-je\ n, pi -gies 1: a branch of
2: HIP JOINT anatomy dealing with tissue structure 2: tissue structure
3hip adj hlp-per: hlp-pest : keenly aware of or interested in or organization - hls-to-loq-l-cal \,his-t:l-'Iii-ji-k:ll\ or his-
the newest developments or styles - hlp-ness n to-loq-lc \-'Iii-jik\ adj - hls-tol-o-qlst \-'tii-Ia-jist\ n
'hip vb hipped; hipoplng : TELL, INFORM his-to-n-en \hi-'stor-e-:ln\ n : a student or writer of history
hlp-bone \'hip-'bon, -,bon\ n : the large flaring bone that hls-tor-i-cat \hi-'stor-i-kal\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or having
makes a lateral half of the pelvis in mammals the character of history 2 + : based on history - his-tor-
hip-hop \'hip-,hiip\ n 1 : a subculture esp. of inner-city \-k(a- )Ie\ adv
youths who are devotees of rap music 2: the stylized + documentary, factual, hard, literal, matter-of-fact,
rhythmic music that accompanies rap nonfictional, objective, true - more at FACTUAL
hip-hug.gers \'hip-,h:l-g:lrz\ n pi : low-slung close-fitting his-to-ric-i-ty \,his-t:l-'ri-s:l-te\ n : historical actuality
pants that rest on the hips hts-to-rl-cq-ra-oher \hi-,stor-e-'ii-gr:l-f:lr\ n : HISTORIAN
hip joint n : the articulation between the femur and the his-to-ry \'his-t:l-re\ n, pi -ries [ultim. fro L historia, fr. Gk,
hipbone inquiry, history, fro histor, istor knowing, learned) 1 + : a
hipped \'hipt\ adj : having hips esp. of a specified kind chronological record of significant events often with an
(broad-hipped> explanation of their causes 2: a branch of knowledge
hip-pie or hipopy \'hi-pe\ n, pi hippies: a usu. young person that records and explains past events 3 + : events that
who rejects established mores and advocates nonvio- form the subject matter of history 4: an established
lence; also : a long-haired unconventionally dressed record (a convict's - of violence) - hls-tor-lc \hi-'stor-
young person
ik\ am
hip-po \'hi-po\ n, pi hippos: HIPPOPOTAMUS
hlp-po-drome \'hi-p:l-,drom\ n : an arena for equestrian + [1) annals, chronicle, record; also autobiography, di-
ary, journal, memoir; biography, life; epic, legend, nar-
rative, saga, story, tale; archives, documentation, log,
hip-po-pot-a-mus \,hi-p:l-'pii-t:l-m:ls\ n, pi -mus-es or -mi register, report; chronology, genealogy + [1) account,
\-,ml\ [L, fr. Gk hippopotamos, alter. of hippos potamios,
chronicle, narrative, record, report, story - more at
lit., river horse) : a large thick-skinned aquatic mammal ACCOUNT + [3) past, yesteryear, yore - more at PAST
of sub-Saharan Africa that is related to the swine
'hire \'hir\ n 1 : payment for labor or personal services his-trl-cn-lc \,his-tre-'ii-nik\ am [LL histrionicus, fro L
: WAGES 2 + : the state of being hired : EMPLOYMENT histrio actor) 1 + : deliberately affected 2: of or relating
3 : one who is hired to actors, acting, or the theater - his-tri-on-i-cal-ly \-ni-
k(:l-)Ie\ adv
+ employ, employment, engagement; also appointment,
assignment, conscription, enlistment, recruitment; in- + dramatic, melodramatic, theatrical - more at THE-
cumbency, tenure; occupation, place, position, post, sit- ATRICAL
uation, work Ant unemployment his-tri-on-ics \-niks\ n! 1 : theatrical performances 2 : de-
2hire vb hired; 1 : to employ for pay 2 + : to en- liberate display of emotion for effect
gage the temporary use of for pay 3: to take employment 'hit \'hit\ vb hit; hit.ting 1 + : to reach with a blow: STRIKE;
+ [I) employ, engage, retain, take on - more at EM- also: to arrive with a force like a blow <the storm +->
PLOY + [2) engage, lease, let, rent; also sublease, sublet; 2 + : to make or bring into contact: COLLIDE 3: to affect
check out; arrange (for), bespeak, book, contract (for), detrimentally (was - by the flu) 4: to make a request
order, reserve, sign up (for) of 5 + : to come upon : to discover or meet esp. by
hire-ling \'hir-lilJ\ n + : a hired person; esp : one with mer- chance 6: to accord with: SUIT 7 + : to reach as an end
cenary motives : ATTAIN 8: to indulge in often to excess 9 + : to succeed
+ employee, hand, jobholder, worker - more at EM- in attaining or coming up with something - often used
PLOYEE with on or upon - hit-ter n
hir-sute \'h:lr-,siit, 'hir-\ adj + : covered with hair or hair- + [1) bang, bash, bat, belt, clout, crack, knock, pound,
like material: HAIRY punch, slug, strike, swat, wallop, whack; also batter,
+ fleecy, furry, hairy, rough, shaggy, unshorn, woolly beat, buffet, bung, chop, drub, lace, lambaste, lick,
mangle, maul, pelt, pepper, pummel, rough; bunt, flick,
- more at HAIRY
stroke, tap; bump, butt, jab, jostle, kick, knee, poke,
'his \'hiz\ adj : of or relating to him or himself
prod, push, shove, stamp; bowl (over), knock (down);
2his pron : one or the ones belonging to him
cane, club, cudgel, flail, flog, lash, slash, spear, stab,
His-pan-ic \hi-'spa-nik\ adj : of, relating to, or being a per-
switch, thrash, whip; brain + [2) bang, bash, bump, col-
son of Latin-American descent living in the U.S. - His- lide, crash, impact, knock, ram, slam, smash, strike,
panic n swipe, thud; also bounce, carom, glance, rebound, rico-
'hiss \'his\ vb : to make a sharp sibilant sound; also: to ex- chet, skim, skip; contact, land, touch; brush, graze, kiss,
press disapproval of by hissing nudge, scrape, shave, sweep; bulldoze, jostle, muscle,
2hiss n 1 + : a prolonged sibilant sound 2 + : a hiss used to press, push + usu hit upon [5) chance, encounter, find,
express disapproval happen (on or upon), meet, stumble - more at HAPPEN
+ [1) fizz, sizzle, swish, whish, whiz; also wheeze, whis- (on or upon) + [7] achieve, attain, make, score, win -
tle, zip; sibilant + [2) boo, catcall, hoot, jeer, raspberry, more at ACHIEVE + often hit on or hit upon [9) detect, de-
snort - more at CATCALL termine, dig up, discover, ferret out, find, locate, track
hissy fit Vhi-se-v n + : a fit of bad temper: TANTRUM down - more at FIND
+ blowup, explosion, fireworks, fit, huff, scene, 2hit n 1 + : an act or instance of hitting or being hit 2 + : a
tantrum - more at TANTRUM great success 3: BASE HIT 4: a dose of a drug 5: a mur-
hist abbr historian; historical; history der committed by a gangster 6: a successful match in a
his-ta-mine \'his-t:l-,men, -manv n : a compound wide- search (as of the Internet)
397 hogging
+ [1] bat, blow, box, clout, punch, slug, thump, wallop, + beguile, bluff, cozen, deceive, delude, dupe, fool,
whack - more at BLOW + [2] blockbuster, smash, suc- gull, have, hoodwink, humbug, misinform, mislead,
cess, winner; also crackerjack, dandy, jim-dandy, pip, string along, take in, trick - more at DECEIVE
prizewinner; gem, jewel, treasure; marvel, phenome- 2hoax n 1: an act intended to trick or dupe 2 + : some-
non, sensation, wonder; coup, triumph, victory Ant thing accepted or established by fraud
bummer, bust, catastrophe, debacle, dud, failure, fi- + counterfeit, fake, forgery, humbug, phony, sham-
asco, flop, turkey, washout more at FAKE
'hitch \'hich\ vb 1 + : to move by jerks 2 + : to catch or hoax-ern + : one that hoaxes another
fasten esp. by a hook or knot 3 : HITCHHIKE + cheat, dodger, shark, sharper, swindler, trickster-
+ Il] buck, jerk, jolt, twitch - more at JERK + [2] an- more at TRICKSTER + charlatan, fake, fraud, humbug,
chor, catch, clamp, fasten, fix, moor, secure, set mountebank, phony, pretender, quack
2hitch n 1 : JERK, PULL 2: a sudden halt 3: a connection hob \'hab\ n : action that annoys or irritates: MISCHIEF -
between something towed and its mover 4: KNOT 5 + : a used with play and raise <always raising e-c-)
delimited period esp. of military service 'hob-ble \'ha-bal\ vb hob-bled, hob-bling 1 : to limp along;
+ stint, tenure, term, tour - more at TERM also: to make lame 2: to fasten together the legs of (as a
hitch.hike \'hich-,hIk\ vb : to travel by securing free rides horse) to prevent straying: FETTER 3 + : to place under
from passing vehicles - nltch-htk-ern handicap : HAMPER
'hith-er \'hi-thar\ adv : to this place + encumber, hamper, hinder, hold up, impede, inhibit,
2hither adj : being on the near or adjacent side interfere with, obstruct, tie up - more at HAMPER
hith-er-to\-,tii\ adv + : up to this time 2hobble n 1 : a hobbling movement 2: something used to
+ heretofore, yet; also before, formerly, previously Ant hobble an animal
henceforth, henceforward, hereafter, thenceforth, hob-by \'ha-be\ n, pI hobbies : a pursuit or interest en-
thenceforward, thereafter gaged in for relaxation - hob-by-lst\-ist\ n
HIV \,ach-(,)i-'ve\ n [human immunodeficiency virus] : any hob-by-horse \'ha-be-,hors\ n 1 : a stick with a horse's
of several retroviruses that infect and destroy helper T head on which children pretend to ride 2: a toy horse
cells causing the great reduction in their numbers that is mounted on rockers 3: a topic to which one constantly
diagnostic of AIDS reverts
hive \'hiv\ n 1 : a container for housing honeybees 2: a hob-qob-lin\'hab-,gab-lan\ n 1 + : a mischievous goblin
colony of bees 3: a place swarming with busy occupants 2 + : a source of fear, perplexity, or harassment: BOGEY
- hive vb + Il] brownie, dwarf, elf, fairy, fay, gnome, lep-
hives \'hivz\ n sing or pl : an allergic disorder marked by rechaun, pixie, puck, troll + [2] bete noire, bogey, bug-
raised itching patches on the skin or mucous membranes bear, ogre - more at BOGEY
hi abbr hectoliter hob-nail\-,na!\ n : a short large-headed nail for studding
HL abbr House of Lords shoe soles - hob-nailed\-,nald\ adj
hm abbr hectometer hob-nob\-,nab\ vb hob-nobbed; hob-nob-bing+ : to asso-
HM abbr 1 Her Majesty;Her Majesty's 2 His Majesty; His ciate familiarly
Majesty's + associate, chum, consort, fraternize, bang around, pal
HMO \,ach-(,)em-'o\ n [health maintenance organization] - more at ASSOCIATE + associate, fraternize, mingle,
: a comprehensive health-care organization financed by mix, socialize - more at SOCIALIZE
periodic fixed payments by voluntarily enrolled individu- ho-bc \'ho-bo\ n, pl hoboes also hobos + : a homeless and
als and families usu. penniless vagabond: TRAMP
HMSabbr 1 Her Majesty's ship 2 His Majesty's ship + bum, tramp, vagabond, vagrant - more at TRAMP
Hosymbol holmium
hoaogie also hoaogy\ 'ho-ge\ n, pl hoagies + : a large sand- 'hock \'hilk\ n : a joint or region in the hind limb of a
quadruped just above the foot and corresponding to the
wich on a long split roll : SUBMARINE human ankle
+ grinder, poor boy, sub, submarine - more at SUBMA- 2hock n [D hok pen, prison] : PAWN; also: DEBT 3 - hock vb
hock-ey \'ha-ke\ n 1 : FIELD HOCKEY 2: ICE HOCKEY
'hoard \'hord\ n + : a hidden accumulation ho-cus-po-cus \,ho-kas-'po-kas\ n 1: SLEIGHT OF HAND
+ cache, reserve, stash, stockpile, store; also nest egg, 2 : nonsense or sham used to conceal deception
treasure; reservoir hod \'had\ n : a long-handled carrier for mortar or bricks
2hoard vb + : to lay up a hoard - hoard-ern hodge-podge \'haj-,paj\ n +: a heterogeneous mixture
+ cache, layaway, lay up, put by, salt away, stash, : JUMBLE
stockpile, store; also accumulate, amass, assemble, col- + assortment, clutter, jumble, medley, melange, miscel-
lect, gamer, gather, round up; conserve, husband, pre- lany, motley, muddle, variety, welter - more at MISCEL-
serve; bank, deposit, hold, keep, reserve, retain, save, LANY
stock, withhold; conceal, ensconce, secrete Hodgkin's disease Vhai-kinz-x n : a neoplastic disease of
hoar-frost \ 'hor-,frost\ n : FROST 2 lymphoid tissue characterized esp. by enlargement of
hoarse \'hors\ adj hoars-er; hoars-est 1 +: rough and lymph nodes, spleen, and liver
harsh in sound 2: having a grating voice - hoarse-lyadv hoe \'ho\ n : a long-handled implement with a thin flat
- hoarse-ness n blade used esp, for cultivating, weeding, or loosening the
+ coarse, gravelly, gruff, husky, scratchy, throaty; also earth around plants - hoe vb
guttural; abrasive, cacophonous, discordant, grinding, hoe-cake\'ho-,kak\ n : a small cornmeal cake
jarring, rough, scraping, scratching; cawing, raucous, hoe-down\-,daun\ n 1 : SQUARE DANCE 2: a gathering fea-
strident; choked, cracked, strained, strangled turing hoedowns
hoary \'hor-e\ ad] hoar-i-er; -est 1 : gray or white with or 'hog \'hog, 'hag\ n, pI hogs also hog 1 : a domestic swine
as if with age 2 + : extremely old: ANCIENT - hoar-i-ness esp. when grown 2: a selfish, gluttonous, or filthy person
\'hor-e-nas\ n 2hog vb hogged; hogoging : to take or hold selfishly
+ age-old, ancient, antediluvian, antique, dateless, old, hoogan\'ho-,gan\ n : a Navajo Indian dwelling usu. made
venerable - more at ANCIENT of logs and mud
'hoax \'hoks\ vb + : to trick into believing or accepting as hog.back \'hog-,bak, 'hag-\ n : a ridge with a sharp summit
genuine something that is false and steep sides
hoggish 398
hog.gish \'h6-gish, 'hii-\ adj. : grossly selfish, gluttonous, encumber, hamper, hinder, hold up, impede, inhibit,
or filthy interfere with, obstruct, tie up - more at HAMPER
gluttonous, greedy, piggish, rapacious, ravenous, vo- hoi doer n 1 : a person that holds 2 : a device that holds
racious - more at VORACIOUS [l] owner, possessor, proprietor - more at PROPRl-
hognose snake \'h6g-,noz-, 'hag-\ or hognosed snake ETOR [2] container, receptacle, vessel - more at CON-
\-,nozd-\ n : any of a genus of rather small harmless stout- TAINER
bodied No. American snakes that seldom bite but hiss n 1 : land or other property owned - usu. used
wildly and often play dead when disturbed in pl. 2 : a ruling of a court esp, on an issue of law
hoqs-head \'h6gz-,hed, 'hagz-', n : a large cask or barrel usu holdings [l] belongings, chattels, effects, para-
barrel, cask, keg, pipe, puncheon - more at CASK phernalia, possessions, things - more at POSSESSION
hog-tie \'h6g-,ti, 'hiig-\ vb 1 : to tie together the feet of <--- [2] doom, finding, judgment (or judgement), ruling,
sentence - more at SENTENCE
a calf) 2: to make helpless
hogwash \-,w6sh, -,wash\ n 1 : SWILL, SLOP 2 : language, holding pattern n 1 : a course flown by an aircraft waiting
conduct, or an idea that is absurd or contrary to good to land 2 : a state of waiting or suspended activity or
sense: NONSENSE progress
bunk, claptrap, drivel, fiddlesticks, folly, foolishness, abeyance, doldrums, dormancy, latency, morato-
fudge, humbug, nonsense, piffle, rot, silliness, slush, rium, quiescence, suspension - more at ABEYANCE
stupidity, trash - more at NONSENSE hold on vb 1 : to maintain a condition or position: PERSIST
hog-wild \-'wild\ ad) : lacking in restraint 2 : to maintain a grasp on something 3 : to await some-
hoi pol-loi \,h6i-p;}-'16i\ n pi [Gk, the many] : the general thing (as a telephone connection) desired or requested
populace [1] endure, hold, last, persist usu hold on to
hol-sln sauce \'h6i-,sin-\ n : a thick reddish sauce of soy- [2] clench, cling, clutch, grip, hang on, hold - more at
beans, spices, and garlic used in Asian cookery HOLD. [3] await, bide, stay, wait - more at WAIT
'hoist \'h6ist\ vb : to raise from a lower to a higher posi- hold out vb 1 : to continue to fight or work 2: to refuse
tion to come to an agreement - hold-out \'hol-,daut\ n
boost, crane, elevate, heave, heft, heighten, hike, hold, keep up, last, prevail, survive; also bear up,
jack, lift, pick up, raise, up, uphold - more at RAISE carry on, cope, endure, go, hang in, persevere; con-
2hoist n 1 : LIB 2: an apparatus for hoisting tinue, draw out, hang on, linger, persist, remain, stretch
hoke \'hok\ vb hoked; hoking : FAKE - usu. used with up Antfail, fizzle, give out, go out, peter (out), run out
hokoey \'ho-ke\ adi hok-l-er; -est: CORNY; also: PHONY hold-over \'hol-,do-v;}r\ n : one that is held over
ho-kum Vho-karn', n : NONSENSE hold-up \'hol-,d;}p\ n 1 : DELAY 2: robbery at the point of
'hold \'hold\ vb held \'held\; 1 : to have posses- a gun
sion or ownership of or have at one's disposal 2: RE- hold up vb 1 : to rob at gunpoint 2 : to stop, delay, or
STRAIN 3 : to have a grasp on 4: to support, remain, or impede the course or advance of 3 : to call attention to
keep in a particular situation or position 5: SUSTAIN; also 4 : to continue in the same condition without failing or
: RESERVE 6: BEAR, COMPORT 7: to maintain in being or losing effectiveness or force
action: PERSIST 8: to enclose and keep in a container or [2] arrest, catch, check, draw up, fetch up, halt, stall,
within bounds: ACCOMMODATE 9 a : to have in the mind stay, still, stop - more at HALT [2] encumber, ham-
or express as a judgment, opinion, or belief b : to think per, hinder, impede, inhibit, interfere with, obstruct, tie
of in a particular way: CONSIDER, REGARD 10: to carry on up - more at HAMPER [4] abide, continue, endure,
by concerted action; also: CONVOKE 11 : to occupy esp. by keep up, last, persist, run on - more at CONTINUE
appointment or election 12: to be valid 13: HALT, PAUSE 'hole \'hol\ n 1 : an opening into or through something
- hold forth : to speak at length - hold to : to adhere to 2 : a hollow place (as a pit or cave) 3: the resting or liv-
: MAINTAIN - hold with: to agree with or approve of ing place of a wild animal : DE ,BURROW 4: a wretched
[1] hang on, keep, reserve, retain, withhold - more or dingy place 5: a unit of play from tee to cup in golf
at KEEP. [1] command, enjoy, have, occupy, own, pos- 6 : an awkward position
sess, retain - more at HAVE [3] clench, cling, clutch, [1] breach, break, discontinuity, gap, gulf, interval,
grip, hang on, hold on; also bear, carry; catch, grapple, opening, rent, rift, separation - more at GAP [1]
nab, seize, snatch, take; feel, finger, handle, paw; clasp, aperture, opening, orifice, perforation; also breach,
grasp, embrace, hug [9a] believe, consider, deem, break, chink, cleft, crack, cranny, crevice, cut, fissure,
feel, figure, guess, imagine, suppose, think - more at gash, notch, rent, rift, rupture, slash, slit, split; gap, slot,
BELIEVE [9a] bear, cherish, entertain, harbor (or har- space; exit, mouth, outlet, pore, vent [2] cavity, con-
bour), have, nurse - more at HARBOR. [9b] account, cavity, dent, depression, hollow, indentation, pit, recess;
call, consider, count, esteem, rate, reckon, regard, take also burrow, cave, cavern, ditch, excavation, furrow,
- more at CONSIDER groove, trench, trough; basin, bowl, valley; alcove, cleft,
2hold n 1 : a fortified place: STRONGHOLD 2: CONFINE- niche, nook, opening, recess, socket; chuckhole, crater,
MENT; also : PRISON 3 : the act or manner of holding posthole, pothole, sinkhole Ant bulge, convexity, pro-
: GRIP 4 : a restraining, dominating, or controlling in- trusion, protuberance [6] comer, fix, jam, pickle,
fluence 5: something that may be grasped as a support predicament, spot - more at PREDICAMENT
6 : an order or indication that something is to be reserved 2hole vb : to make a hole in
or delayed - on hold: in a temporary state of waiting (as bore, drill, perforate, pierce, punch, puncture-
during a phone call); also : in a state of postponement more at PERFORATE
(plans on hold) hol.ioday \'hii-I;}-,dii\ n [ME, fr. OE hdligdeeg, fr. hiilig holy
[1] bastion, citadel, fastness, fort, fortification, fortress, + dreg day] 1 : a day set aside for special religious obser-
stronghold - more at FORT [3] clasp, grapple, grasp, vance 2: a day of freedom from work; esp : one in com-
grip; also anchorage, leverage, purchase; grab, seizure; memoration of an event 3: VACATION - holiday vb
foothold, footing, toehold; embrace, hug. [4] arm, au- ho-li-ness \ 'ho-le-nas', n : the quality or state of being
thority, clutch, command, control, dominion, grip, holy - used as a title for various high religious officials
mastery, power, sway - more at POWER blessedness, devoutness, godliness, piety, sainthood,
3hold n 1 : the interior of a ship below decks; esp : a ship's sanctity; also asceticism, devotion, morality, spiritual-
cargo deck 2: an airplane's cargo compartment ity; righteousness Ant godlessness, impiety, ungodliness,
hold back vb : to hinder the progress or achievement of unholiness
399 homemaking
ho-lis-tic \ho-'lis-tik\ adi : relating to or concerned with in- ho-ly-stone \'ho-Ie-,ston\ n : a soft sandstone used to scrub
tegrated wholes or complete systems rather than with the a ship's wooden decks - holystone vb
analysis or treatment of separate parts <~ medicine> <~ hem-age \'a-mij, 'ha-\ n [ME, fro AF homage, omage, fr.
ecology> home man, vassal, fro L homo human being] + : expres-
hol-lan-daise \,ha-I:m-'diiz\ n : a rich sauce made basically sion of high regard; also: TRIBUTE
of butter, egg yolks, and lemon juice or vinegar + accolade, citation, commendation, encomium, eu-
'hol.ler \'ha-I::.r\ vb : to cry out: SHOUT logy, paean, panegyric, salutation, tribute - more at
2holler n + : a loud cry or call ENCOMIUM + acclaim, accolade, credit, distinction,
+ cry, hoot, howl, shout, whoop, yell, yowl- more at glory, honor (or honour), laurels - more at GLORY
SHOUT hom-bre \'am-bre, 'om-, -,bra\ n + : an adult male human
'hollow \'ha-Io\ n 1 : CAVITY, HOLE 2 + : a surface depres- : GUY, FELLOW
sion + buck, chap, dude, fellow, gent, gentleman, guy, jack,
+ dale, valley - more at VALLEY + cavity, concavity, joker,lad, male, man - more at MAN
dent, depression, hole, indentation, pit, recess - more hom.burg \'ham-,b:lrg\ n [Homburg, Germany] : a man's
at HOLE felt hat with a stiff curled brim and a high crown creased
2hollow adj hot-tow-er \'ha-I::.-w::.r\; hol-low-est v-lo-wast', lengthwise
1 + : having an indentation or inward curve: CONCAVE, 'home \'hom\ n 1 + : one's residence; also: HOUSE 2: the
SUNKEN 2: having a cavity within 3: lacking in real social unit formed by a family living together 3: a con-
genial environment; also: HABITAT 4 + : a place of origin
value, sincerity, or substance; also: FALSE 4: MUFFLED <a
5 : the objective in various games 6 + : the place or envi-
~ sound> - hol-low-ness n
ronment where a plant or animal naturally or normally
+ concave, depressed, sunken; also cavernous, cupped; lives and grows
dimpled, pockmarked; compressed, condensed, con-
+ [1) abode, domicile, dwelling, fireside, habitation,
tracted, diminished, reduced Ant convex, bulging, pro-
hearth, house, lodging, pad, place, quarters, residence,
truding, protuberant
roof; also accommodations, housing, nest, residency,
3hollow vb : to make or become hollow shelter; bungalow, cabin, chalet, cottage; duplex, ranch,
hol-low-ware or hot-to-ware \'ha-I::.-,war\ n : vessels (as town house, tract house, triplex; apartment, condo-
bowls or cups) with a significant depth and volume minium, flat, tenement, walk-up; penthouse, salon,
holly \'ha-Ie\ n, pi hollies : either of two trees or shrubs suite; barracks, boardinghouse, dorm, dormitory, lodg-
with branches of usu. evergreen glossy spiny-margined ment; castle, estate, manor, mansion, palace, villa;
leaves and red berries farmhouse, grange, hacienda, homestead, ranch house;
hol-ly-hock \'ha-Ie-,hak, -,h6k\ n [ME holihoc, fr. holi holy houseboat, mobile home, motor home, trailer; her-
+ hoc mallow) : a biennial or perennial herb related to the mitage, manse, parsonage, vicarage; hovel, hut, shack
mallows that is widely grown for its tall stalks of showy + [4] country, fatherland, homeland, motherland, sod
flowers - more at COUNTRY + (6) habitat, niche, range, terri-
hol-mi-um \'hol-me-::.m\ n : a metallic chemical element tory; also element, environment, environs, haunt, local-
ho-lo-caust \'ha-I::.-,k6st, 'ho-\ n 1 + : a thorough destruc- ity, milieu, neighborhood, setting, surroundings
tion esp. by fire 2 often cap: the killing of European Jews 2home vb homed; hom-inq 1 : to go or return home 2: to
by the Nazis during World War II; also: GENOCIDE proceed to or toward a source of radiated energy used as
+ conflagration, fire, inferno - more at FIRE a guide
Ho-lo-cene \'ho-I::.-,sen\ adj : of, relating to, or being the home-body \'hom-,ba-de\ n : one whose life centers on
present geologic epoch - Holocene n home
home-boy \-,b6i\ n 1 : a boy or man from one's neighbor-
ho-lo-gram \'ho-I::.-,gram, 'ha-\ n : a three-dimensional im-
hood, hometown, or region 2: a fellow member of a
age produced by an interference pattern of light (as laser
youth gang 3: an inner-city youth
light) home-bred \-'bred\ adj : produced at home: INDIGENOUS
he-to-graph \'ho-I::.-,graf, 'ha-\ n : a document wholly in the
home-corn-ing \-,k:l-mil)\ n 1 : a return home 2: an annual
handwriting of its author celebration for alumni at a college or university
ho.log.ra.phy \ho-'Ia-gr::.-fe\ n : the process of making a home computer n : a small inexpensive microcomputer
hologram - ho-lo-qraph-lc \,ho-I::.-'gra-fik, ,ha-\ adj home economics n : the theory and practice of homemak-
Hot-stem \'hol-,sten, -,stln\ n : any of a breed of large ing
black-and-white dairy cattle that produce large quantities homeogirl \'hom-g:lrl\ n 1 : a girl or woman from one's
of comparatively low-fat milk neighborhood, hometown, or region 2: a girl or woman
Hol-steln-Frle-slan \-'fre-zh::.n\ n : HOLSTEIN who is a member of one's peer group 3: an inner-city girl
hol-ster \'hol-st::.r\ n [D) : a usu. leather case for a firearm or woman \'ho-Ie\ adi ho-li-er; -est 1 + : worthy of absolute de- home-grown \'hom-'gron\ adj 1: grown domestically
votion 2 + : to be treated with veneration or the utmost 2 : LOCAL, INDIGENOUS
respect: SACRED 3 + : having a divine quality 4 + : de- home-land \-,Iand\ n 1 + : native land 2: an area set aside
voted to the deity or the work of the deity - \-1::.- to be a state for a people of a particular national, cultural,
le\ adv or racial origin
+ [1, 2) inviolable, sacred, sacrosanct - more at SA- + country, fatherland, home, motherland, sod - more
CRED + [1, 2) blessed, hallowed, sacred, sacrosanct, at COUNTRY
sanctified; also adored, glorified, revered, venerated, 'home-less \-I:ls\ adj : having no home or permanent resi-
worshiped; religious, ritual, spiritual Ant unconse- dence
crated, unhallowed + (3) blessed, divine, godlike, heav- 2homeless n pi : persons esp. in urban areas that have no
enly; also eternal, everlasting, immortal; almighty, om- home
nipotent, omniscient, supreme + (4) devout, faithful, home-ly \'hom-Ie\ adj home-li-er; -est 1 : FAMILIAR 2: un-
godly, pious, religious, sainted, saintly; also ascetic, affectedly natural 3: lacking beauty or proportion-
prayerful, reverent, reverential, spiritual, worshipful; home-n-ness \-Ie-n::.s\ n
beatified, blessed, canonized, venerable; angelic, cheru- home-made \'hom-,mad\ adj : made in the home, on the
bic; chaste, pure, righteous, virtuous Ant faithless, god- premises, or by one's own efforts
less, impious, irreligious, ungodly, unholy home-mak-er \-,ma-k::.r\ n : one who manages a household
Holy Spirit n : the third person of the Christian Trinity esp. as a wife and mother - home-mak-lnq \-kil)\ n
homeopathy 400

ho-me-op-a-thy\,ho-me-'ii-pa-the\ n : a system of medical sociated with an increased risk of heart disease when oc-
practice that treats disease esp. with minute doses of a curring at high levels in the blood
remedy that would in healthy persons produce symptoms ho-mo-erot-ic\,ho-mo-i-'rii-tik\ adj : marked by or por-
similar to those of the disease treated - ho-meo-path traying homosexual desire - ho-mo-erct-t-clsm \-'rii-ta-
\'ho-me-a-,path\ n - ho-meo-path-ic\,ho-me-a-'pa-thik\ ,si-zam\ n
adj ho-mo-ge-neous\,ho-ma-'je-ne-as, -nvasx adj : of the same
ho-meo-sta-sis \,ho-me-o-'stii-sas\ n : the maintence of a or a similar kind; also: of uniform structure - ho-mo-qe-
relatively stable state of equilibrium between interrelated ne-i-ty \-ja-'ne-a-te\ n - ho-me-qe-neous-lyadv
physiological, psychological, or social factors characteris- ho-moq-e-ni-sa-tlon, ho-moq-e-nlse chiefly Brit var of HO-
tic of an individual or group - ho-meo-stat-ic\-'sta-tik\ MOGENIZATION, homogenize
adj ho-rnoq-e-nlze \ho-'mii-ja-,niz, ha-\ vb -nized;
home page n : the page usu. encountered first at a Web site 1 + : to make homogeneous 2: to reduce the particles in
that usu. contains hyperlinks to the other pages of the site (as milk) to uniform size and distribute them evenly
home plate n : a slab at the apex of a baseball diamond that throughout the liquid - ho-mog-e-ni-za-tion\-,mii-ja-na-
a base runner must touch in order to score 'za-shanv n - ho-moq-e-nlz-er n
horn-er\'ho-mar\ n : HOME RUN - homer vb + formalize, normalize, regularize, standardize - more
home-room \'h6m-,riim, -,nim\ n : a classroom where at STANDARDIZE
pupils report at the beginning of each school day ho-mo-graph\'hii-ma-,graf, 'h6-\ n : one of two or more
home run n : a hit in baseball that enables the batter to go words spelled alike but different in origin, meaning, or
around all the bases and score a run pronunciation (as the bow of a ship, a bow and arrow)
home-school \'hom-,skiil\ vb : to teach school subjects to ho-moloOoQy \ho-'mii-Ia-je, ha-\ n, pi -gies 1 : structural
one's children at home - horne-school-er\-,skii-Iar\ n likeness between corresponding parts of different plants
home-sick \'h6m-,sik\ adj : longing for home and family or animals due to evolution from a common ancestor
while absent from them - hcme-slck-nessn 2 : structural likeness between different parts of the same
home-spun \-,sp::m\ adj 1 : spun or made at home; also
individual - ho-rnol-o-qous\-'mii-Ia-gas\ adj
: made of a loosely woven usu. woolen or linen fabric
hom-onym\'hii-ma-,nim, 'ho-\ n 1 : HOMOPHONE, HOMO-
GRAPH 2: one of two or more words spelled and pro-
'home-stead \-,sted\ n : the home and land occupied by a
family nounced alike but different in meaning (as pool of water
2homestead vb : to acquire or settle on public land and pool the game)
home-stead-er\,ste-dar\ n + : one who seeks, establishes, ho-mo-pho-bia\'ho-ma-'fO-be-a\ n : irrational fear of, aver-
or possesses a homestead under a homestead law sion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or ho-
mosexuals - ho-mo-phobe \'ho-ma-,fob\ n - ho-mo-
+ colonist, frontiersman, pioneer, settler - more at
pho-bic\-'fo-bik\ adj
ho-mo-phone\'hii-ma-,fOn, 'ho-\ n : one of two or more
home-stretch \-'strech \ n 1 : the part of a racecourse be- words (as to, too, two) pronounced alike but different in
tween the last curve and the winning post 2 + : a final
meaning or derivation or spelling
stage (as of a project)
Ho-mosa-pl-ene\,ho-mo-'sii-pe-anz, -'sa-\ n + : the human
+ close, conclusion, consummation, end, ending, finale, race : HUMANKIND
finis, finish, windup - more at FINALE
home theater n : an entertainment system (as a television + humanity, humankind, man, mankind - more at
with surround sound and a DVD player) for the home
home video n : prerecorded videocassettes or videodiscs ho-mo-sex-u-al\,ho-mo-'sek-sha-wal\ adj : of, relating to,
for home viewing or marked by sexual interest in the same sex as oneself;
'home-ward \-ward\ or home-wards \-wardz\ adv : toward a/so: of, relating to, or involving sexual intercourse be-
home tween members of the same sex - homosexual n - ho-
2homeward adj : being or going toward home me-sex-u-al-t-ty\-,sek-sha-'wa-Ia-te\ n
home-work \-,wark\ n 1 : an assignment given a student to hon abbr honor; honorable; honorary
be completed outside the classroom 2: preparatory read- Hon-du-ran\hiin-'dur-an\ or Hon-du-ra-ne-anor Hen-du-ra-
ing or research nl-an \,han-du-'rii-ne-an, -dyu-v n : a native or inhabitant
'homoey\'ho-me\ adj hom-i-er; -est: characteristic of home of Honduras - Honduran or Honduranean or Honduran-
2homey or nom-te \'ho-me\ n, pi homeys or homies : HOME- ian adj
BOY 'hone \'hon\ n : WHETSTONE
hom-i-cld-al \,hii-ma-'sid-Ol\adj + : of, relating to, or tend- 2hone vb 1 + : to sharpen or smooth with a whetstone 2: to
ing toward homicide make more acute, intense, or effective - hon-er n
+ bloodthirsty, bloody, murderous, sanguinary, san- edge, grind, sharpen, strop, whet - more at SHARPEN
guine - more at BLOODTHIRSTY hone in vb : to move toward or direct attention to an ob-
ho-mi-cide\'hii-ma-,sid, 'ho-\ n [L homicida murderer & jective
homicidium manslaughter; both fro homo human being + 'honoest \'ii-nast\ adj [ME, fr. AF, fro L honestus honorable,
caedere to cut, kill] 1 : a person who kills another 2 + : a fr. honos, honor honor] 1 + : free from deception: TRUTH-
killing of one human being by another FUL; a/so: GENUINE, REAL 2: REPUTABLE 3: CREDITABLE
murder; also killing, manslaughter; bloodshed, 4 + : marked by integrity 5 + : marked by free, forth-
butchery, carnage, destruction, massacre, slaughter; as- right, and sincere expression: FRANK
sassination, execution; euthanasia, mercy killing + [1] artless, genuine, ingenuous, innocent, naive, natu-
hom-i-ly\'hii-ma-Ie\ n, pi-lies: SERMON - hom-i-let-lc\,hii- ral, real, simple, sincere, true, unaffected, unpreten-
ma-'Ie-tik\ adj tious + [4] decent, ethical, good, honorable (or hon-
homing pigeon n : a racing pigeon trained to return home ourable), just, moral, principled, right, righteous,
hom-i-nid \'hii-ma-nad, -,nid\ n : any of a family of primate straight, upright, virtuous - more at GOOD + [4] con-
mammals that comprise all living humans and extinct an- scientious, honorable (or honourable),just, moral, prin-
cestral and related forms - hominidadj cipled, scrupulous - more at CONSCIENTIOUS + [5] can-
hom-i-ny \'hii-ma-ne\ n : hulled corn with the germ re- did, direct, forthright, foursquare, frank, open,
moved outspoken, plain, straight, straightforward, unguarded,
ho-mo-cys-te-ine\,ho-mo-'sis-ta-,en\ n : an amino acid as- unreserved - more at FRANK
401 hook
2honest adv : HONESTLY; also: with all sincerity (I didn't do decent, ethical, good, honest, just, moral, right, righ-
it, ,...._,) teous, straight, upright, virtuous - more at GOOD de-
hon-est-ty \'a-n;lst-le\ adv 1 : in an honest manner 2 : to cent, ethical, honest, just, noble, principled, respect-
be honest (,...._" I don't know) able, righteous, upright, upstanding; also decorous,
actually, frankly, really, truly, truthfully, verily- proper, seemly; blameless, guiltless, irreproachable,
more at AcruALL Y unassailable, unimpeachable; chivalrous, high-minded
hon-es-ty \'a-n;l-ste\ n 1 : fairness and straightforward- Ant base, dishonest, ignoble, low, unethical, unjust, un-
principled, unrighteous conscientious, honest, just,
ness of conduct 2 : adherence to the facts
moral, principled, scrupulous - more at CONSCIENTIOUS
[1] character, decency, goodness, honor (or honour),
integrity, morality, probity, rectitude, righteousness, hon-or-ably \'a-n;l-r;l-ble\ or Can and Brit hon-our-ably adv
uprightness, virtue - more at MORALITY. [2] integrity, : in an honorable manner
probity, truthfulness, veracity, verity; also honor, incor- gallantly, grandly, greatly, heroically, magnani-
ruptibility; candidness, candor (or candour), frankness, mously, nobly - more at GREATLY
good faith, sincerity; dependability, reliability, reliable- hon-o-rar-i-um \,a-n:l-'rer-e-;lm\ n, pi -la \-e-;l\ also -i-ums
ness, trustworthiness; accuracy, objectivity; authentic- : a reward usu. for services on which custom or propriety
ity, correctness, genuineness; credibility Ant deceit, de- forbids a price to be set
ceitfulness, dishonesty, lying, mendacity hon-or-ary \'a-n;l-,rer-e\ adj 1 : having or conferring dis-
hon-ey \'h:l-ne\ n, pi honeys 1 : a sweet sticky substance tinction 2: conferred in recognition of achievement
made by honeybees from the nectar of flowers 2 : a without the usual prerequisites (,...._, degree) 3: UNPAID,
loved one VOLUNTARY - hon-or-ari-ly \,a-n;l-'rer-;l-le\ adv
beloved, darling, dear, flame, love, sweet, sweetheart hon-or-lf-lc \,a-n:l-'ri-fik\ adj : conferring or conveying
- more at SWEETHEART honor (,...._, titles)
hon-ey-bee \'h;l-ne-,be\ n : a social and colonial 4-winged hon-our, hon-our-able Can and Brit var of HONOR, honor-
insect often kept in hives for the honey it produces able
'hon-eyoeomb \-,k6m\ n : a mass of 6-sided wax cells built 'hood \'hud\ n 1 : a covering for the head and neck and
by honeybees; also: something of similar structure or ap- sometimes the face 2: an ornamental fold (as at the back
pearance of an ecclesiastical vestment) 3 a : something resem-
2honeycomb vb : to make or become full of cavities like a bling a hood in form or use b: a cover for parts of mech-
honeycomb anisms; esp : the covering over an automobile engine -
hon-ey-dew \-,dii, -,dyii\ n : a sweetish deposit secreted on hood-ed \'hu-d:ld\ adj
plants by aphids, scale insects, or fungi cloak, curtain, mantle, mask, shroud, veil - more at
honeydew melon n : a smooth-skinned muskmelon with CLOAK
sweet green flesh 2hood Vhud, 'hiid\ n : a brutal ruffian: HOODLUM
honey locust n : a tall usu. spiny No. American legumi- 3hood \'hud\ n : an inner-city neighborhood
nous tree with hard durable wood and long twisted -hood \,hud\ n suffix 1 : state: condition: quality: char-
pods acter (boyhood) (hardihood) 2: instance of a (specified)
hon-ey-moon \'h:l-ne-,miin\ n 1 : a period of harmony esp. state or quality (falsehood) 3: individuals sharing a
just after marriage 2: a holiday taken by a newly married (specified) state or character (brotherhood)
couple - honeymoon vb hood-ie \'hii-de\ n : a hooded sweatshirt
hon-ey-suck-le \'h:l-ne-,s:l-k;ll\ n : any of a genus of shrubs hoed-turn Vhud-lam, 'hud-v n 1 : a brutal ruffian: THUG
with fragrant tube-shaped flowers rich in nectar 2 : a young ruffian or loafer
honk Vhank, 'hol)k\ n : the cry of a goose; also: a similar bully, gangster, goon, hood, mobster, mug, punk,
sound (as of a horn) - honk vb - honk-er n rowdy, ruffian, thug, tough; also cutthroat. scoundrel,
hon-ky-tonk \'hal)-ke-,tal)k, 'hol)-ke-,tol)k\ n : a tawdry villain; assassin, bandit, bravo, brigand, criminal, crook,
nightclub or dance hall - honky-tonk a4j desperado, felon, gunman, highwayman, lawbreaker,
inon-cr \'a-n:lr\ or Can and Brit hon-our n 1 : good name mafioso, outlaw, perpetrator, pickpocket, racketeer,
: REPUTATION; also: outward respect 2 : an exclusive or robber, swindler, thief
special right, power, or privilege 3: a person of superior hoo-doo \'hii-dii\ n, pi hoodoos 1 : a body of magical prac-
standing - used esp. as a title 4: one that brings respect tices traditional esp. among blacks in the southern U.S.
or fame 5.: an evidence or symbol of distinction 2 : something that brings bad luck - hoodoo vb
6 : CHASTITY, PURITY 7 : a keen sense of ethical conduct hood-wink \'hud-,wil)k\ vb : to deceive by false appear-
[l] boast, credit, glory, jewel, pride, treasure - more beguile, bluff, cozen, deceive, delude, dupe, fool,
at GWRY [2] boon, concession, privilege - more at gull, have, hoax, humbug, misinform, mislead, string
PRIVILEGE [5] acclaim, accolade, credit, distinction, along, take in, trick - more at DECEIVE
glory, homage, laurels - more at GWRY [5] award, hoo-ey \'hii-e\ n : NONSENSE
decoration, distinction, plume, prize - more at AWARD hoof Vhuf', 'hiif\ n, pi hooves \'huvz, 'hiivz\ or hoofs : a
[7] honesty, integrity, probity, rectitude, righteous- horny covering that protects the ends of the toes of un-
ness, uprightness; also blamelessness, character, de- gulate mammals (as horses or cattle); also: a hoofed foot
cency, fairness, high-rnindedness, incorruptibility, jus- - hoofed \'hMt, 'hiift\ adj
tice, morality, nobility, respectability, scrupulousness, 'hook \'huk\ n 1: a curved or bent device for catching,
virtue Ant baseness, lowness holding, or pulling 2: something curved or bent like a
2honor or Can and Brit honour vb 1 : to regard or treat with hook 3: a flight of a ball (as in golf) that curves in a di-
honor 2: to confer honor on 3: to fulfill the terms of; rection opposite to the dominant hand of the player pro-
also : to accept as payment - hon-or-ee \,a-n;l-'re\ n - pelling it 4: a short punch delivered with a circular
hon-or-er n motion and with the elbow bent and rigid
non-or-able \'a-n;l-r;l-b;ll\ or Can and Brit hon-our-able ad] 2hook vb 1 : to form into a hook: CURVE, CROOK 2 a : to
1 : deserving of honor 2: of great renown 3: accompa- seize or make fast with a hook b. : to connect by or as
nied with marks of honor 4: doing credit to the posses- if by a hook - often used with up 3 : to take the prop-
sor 5 : characterized by integrity - hon-or-able-ness erty of another wrongfully: STEAL 4: to work as a prosti-
n tute
hookah 402
[1] arc, arch, bend, bow, crook, curve, round, sweep, auspicious, bright, encouraging, fair, golden, hearten-
swerve, wheel- more at CURVE [2b] chain, com- ing, likely, promising, propitious, rosy, upbeat; also
pound, connect, couple, hitch, join, link, yoke - more cheering, comforting, reassuring; assured, confident,
at CONNECT [3] appropriate, filch, misappropriate, decisive, doubtless, positive, sure, unhesitating; bullish,
nip, pilfer, pocket, purloin, snitch, steal, swipe, thieve favorable, good Ant bleak, dark, desperate, discourag-
- more at STEAL ing, disheartening, dismal, dreary, gloomy, hopeless, in-
hoo-kah \'hil-ka, 'hii-\ n [Ar l;tuqqa bottle of a water pipe] auspicious, pessimistic, unlikely, unpromising
: WATER PIPE hope-ful-ly \'hop-fa-Ie\ adv 1 : in a hopeful manner 2: it is
hook-er \'hil-kar\ n 1 : one that hooks 2: PROSTITUTE hoped
hook-up \'hil-,kap\ n 1 : a state of cooperation or al- hope-less \'ho-plas\ ad} 1 .: having no expectation of
liance 2: an assemblage (as of apparatus or circuits) used good or success 2 a : incapable of solution, manage-
for a specific purpose (as in radio) ment, or accomplishment: IMPOSSIBLE b : not suscepti-
affiliation, alliance, association, collaboration, con- ble to remedy or cure; also: incapable of redemption or
federation, connection, cooperation, liaison, partner- improvement - hope-less-ly adv
ship, relation, relationship, union - more at ASSOCIA- [I] defeatist, despairing, pessimistic - more at PES-
TION SIMISTIC [2a] impossible, unattainable, unsolvable,
hook-worm \'hilk-,warm\ n : any of several parasitic intes- unworkable - more at IMPOSSIBLE [2b] incorrigible,
tinal nematode worms having hooks or plates around the incurable, irredeemable, irremediable, unrecoverable,
mouth; also: infestation with or disease caused by hook- unredeemable; also irreparable, irreversible; unpromis-
worms ing; impenitent, unregenerate, unrepentant Ant curable,
hoo-li-gan \'hii-Ii-gan\ n .: a brutal person : RUFFIAN, correctable, reclaimable, recoverable, redeemable, re-
HOODLUM formable, remediable, retrievable
bully, gangster, goon, homeboy, hood, hoodlum, hope-less-ness \-nas\ n : the quality or state of being
mobster, mug, punk, rowdy, ruffian, thug, tough- hopeless
more at hoodlum despair, desperation, despondency, forlornness-
hoop \'hilp, 'hiip\ n 1 : a circular strip used esp. for hold- more at DESPAIR
ing together the staves of a barrel 2 : a circular figure Ho-pi \'ho-pe\ n, pi Hopi or Hopis : a member of an Amer-
or object: RING 3: a circle of flexible material for ex- ican Indian people of Arizona; also: the language of the
panding a woman's skirt 4: BASKETBALL - usu. used in Hopi people
pI. hopped-up \'hapt-'ap\ ad} 1 : being under the influence of
band, circle, ring, round - more at RING a narcotic; also: full of enthusiasm or excitement 2 : hav-
hoop-la \'hiip-,Ia, 'hilp-\ n [F houp-la, interj.] : TO-DO; also ing more power than usual <a "'"' engine>
: BALLYHOO hop-per \'ha-p;)r\ n 1 : a usu. immature hopping insect (as
hoop-ster \'hiip-star\ n : a basketball player a grasshopper) 2: a usu. funnel-shaped container for de-
hoo-ray \hu-'rii\ interj - used to express joy, approval, or livering material (as grain) 3: a freight car with hinged
encouragement doors in a sloping bottom 4: a box into which a bill to be
hoose-gow \'hiis-,gail\ n [Sp juzgado panel of judges, considered by a legislative body is dropped 5: a tank
courtroom] : JAIL holding a liquid and having a device for releasing its con-
'hoot \'hiit\ vb 1 : to shout or laugh usu. in contempt 2: to tents through a pipe
make the natural throat noise of an owl - hoot-er n hop-scotch \'hap-,skach\ n : a child's game in which a
2hoot n 1 : a sound of hooting 2 : the least bit <don't player tosses an object (as a stone) into areas of a figure
give a"'"'> 3: something or someone amusing <the play is drawn on the ground and hops through the figure to pick
a real "'"'> up the object
hor abbr horizontal
[1] cry, holler, howl, shout, whoop, yell, yowl-
more at SHOUT [I] boo, catcall, hiss, jeer, raspberry, horde \'hord\ n : a teeming crowd or throng: SWARM
snort - more at CATCALL. [2] jot, lick, modicum, rap, army, crowd, crush, drove, flock, host, legion, mob,
tittle, whit - more at JOT multitude, press, swarm, throng - more at CROWD
hoot-e-nan-ny \'hii-ta-,na-ne\ n, pi -nies : a gathering at ho-ri-zon \ha-'riz-On\ n [ME, fr. LL, fr. Gk horizont-,
which folksingers entertain often with the audience join- horizon, fr. prp. of horizein to bound, fr. horos limit,
ing in boundary] 1 : the apparent junction of earth and sky
'hop \'hap\ vb hopped; hop-ping 1 : to move by a quick 2 : range of outlook or experience
springy leap or in a series of leaps 2: to make a quick trip hor-i-zon-tat \,hor-;)-'zant-Ol\ ad} : parallel to the horizon
3 : to ride on esp. surreptitiously and without authoriza- : LEVEL - horizontal n - hor-i-zon-tal-ly adv
tion hor-mon-al \hor-'mon-Ol\ ad} : of, relating to, or effected by
bound, jump, leap, spring, vault - more at JUMP hormones
hor-mone \'hor-,mon\ n [Gk hormon, prp. of horman to
2hop n 1 : a short brisk leap esp. on one leg 2: a social
stir up, fro horme impulse, assault] : a product of living
gathering for dancing: DANCE 3: a short trip by air
cells that circulates in body fluids and has a specific effect
bound, jump, leap, spring, vault - more at JUMP on the activity of cells remote from its point of origin
3hop n : a vine related to the mulberry whose ripe dried pis- horn \'horn\ n 1 : one of the hard projections of bone or
tillate catkins are used esp. in flavoring malt liquors; also, keratin on the head of many hoofed mammals 2: some-
pi : its pistillate catkins thing resembling or suggesting a horn 3: a brass wind in-
'hope \'hop\ vb hoped; hop-ing : to desire with expecta- strument 4: a uSU. electrical device that makes a noise
tion of fulfillment <hopes for a promotion> <automobile "'"'> - horned \'h6rnd\ ad} - norn-less
usu hope for anticipate, await, expect, watch - more ad}
at EXPECT hom-book \'h6rn-,buk\ n 1 : a child's primer consisting of
2hope n 1: TRUST, RELIANCE 2: desire accompanied by ex- a sheet of parchment or paper protected by a sheet of
pectation of fulfillment; also : something hoped for transparent horn 2: a rudimentary treatise
3 : one that gives promise for the future horned toad n : any of several small harmless insect-eating
HOPE abbr Health Opportunity for People Everywhere lizards with spines on the head resembling horns and
hope-ful \'hop-fal\ ad} 1 : having qualities which inspire spiny scales on the body
hope 2: full of hope - hope-ful-ness n hor-net \'hor-nat\ n : any of the larger social wasps
403 hosp
horn in vb : to participate without invitation: INTRUDE conical clusters of showy flowers, and large glossy brown
horn-pipe \'horn-,pip\ n : a lively folk dance of the British seeds enclosed in a prickly bur; also: its seed
Isles horse-flesh \'hors-,flesh\ n : horses for riding, driving, or
horny vhcr-nev adi horn-i-er: -est 1 : of or made of hom; racing
also: HARD, CALLOUS 2: having horns 3: desiring sexual horse-fly \-,fli\ n : any of a family of large dipteran flies
gratification; also: excited sexually with bloodsucking females
ho-rol-oogy \h:l-'di-l:l-je\ n : the science of measuring time horse-hair \-,har\ n 1 : the hair of a horse esp. from the
or constructing time-indicating instruments - hor-o-log- mane or tail 2: cloth made from horsehair
ic \,hor-a-'lii-jik\ adj - ho-rol-o-gist \ha-'rii-la-jist\ n horse-hide \-,hid\ n 1 : the dressed or raw hide of a horse
horo-scope \'hor-a-,sk6p\ n [ME horoscopum, fro L horo- 2 : the ball used in baseball
scopus, fr. Gk horoskopos, fro hora hour + skopos watcher) horse latitudes n pi : either of two calm regions near 300N
1 : a diagram of the relative positions of planets and signs and 300S latitude
of the zodiac at a particular time for use by astrologers to horse-laugh Vhors-jlaf, -,Iat\ n : a loud boisterous laugh
foretell events of a person's life 2: an astrological fore- horse-man \-m:ln\ n 1: one who rides horseback; also
cast : one skilled in managing horses 2: a breeder or raiser of
hor-ren-dous \ho-'ren-d:ls\ adj : inspiring horror: DREAD- horses - horse-man-ship n
FUL, HORRlBLE horse-play \-,pHi\ n : rough boisterous play
hor-ri-ble Vhor-o-bclv adj 1 : marked by or arousing hor- foolery, high jinks, monkeyshines, roughhouse,
ror 2 : highly disagreeable - hor-ri-ble-ness n - hor-rl- shenanigans, tomfoolery; also buffoonery, clownish-
bly \-ble\ adv ness, foolishness, joking, nonsense, waggery; rowdiness;
[1) dreadful, fearful, fearsome, hair-raising, scary, devilry, impishness, mischief, mischievousness, roguish-
terrifying - more at FEARFUL [2) abhorrent, abom- ness, trickery; cavorting, frivolity, frolicking, gambol-
inable, distasteful, horrid, obnoxious, odious, offensive, ing, merrymaking, playfulness, revelry, roistering,
repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, scandalous, romping, sporting
ugly - more at OFFENSIVE [2) appalling, atrocious, horse-play-er \-ar\ n : a bettor on horse races
awful, dreadful, frightful, ghastly, grisly, gruesome, horse-pow-er \'hors-,pau(-a)r\ n : a unit of power equal in
hideous, horrid, lurid, macabre, monstrous, nightmar- the U.S. to 746 watts
ish, shocking, terrible; also bloodcurdling, dire, direful, horse-rao-lsh \-,ra-dish\ n : a tall white-flowered herb re-
fearful, fearsome, forbidding, formidable, frightening, lated to the mustards whose pungent root is used as a
hair-raising, terrifying; abhorrent, deplorable, disagree- condiment; also: the pungent condiment
able, disgusting, distasteful, loathsome; abominable, horse sense n : sound and prudent judgment based on a
evil, foul, heinous, noxious, odious, unspeakable, vile simple perception of the situation or facts
hor-rid \'hor-ad\ adj 1: inspiring horror : HIDEOUS common sense, prudence, sense, wisdom, wit-
2 : highly disagreeable - hor-rid-ly adv more at COMMON SENSE
abhorrent, abominable, appalling, awful, distasteful, horse-shoe \'hors-,shii\ n 1 : a usu. U-shaped protective
dreadful, horrible, obnoxious, offensive, repugnant, re- metal plate fitted to the rim of a horse's hoof 2pl: a game
pulsive, revolting, scandalous, shocking, ugly - more in which horseshoes are pitched at a fixed object-
at OFFENSIVE horse-shoe vb - horse-sho-er n
hor-rlt-lc \ho-'ri-fik\ adj : having the power to horrify- horseshoe crab n : any of several marine arthropods with \-fi-k(:l-)Ie\ adv a broad crescent-shaped combined head and thorax
hor.ri.fy \'hor-a-,fi\ vb -fied; : to cause to feel hor- horse-tail \'hors-,tal\ n : any of a genus of primitive spore"
ror producing plants with hollow jointed stems and leaves re-
alarm, frighten, panic, scare, shock, spook, startle, duced to sheaths about the joints
terrify, terrorize - more at FRIGHTEN horse-whip \-,hwip\ vb : to flog with a whip made to be
hor-ror \'hor-ar\ n 1 : painful and intense fear, dread, or used on a horse
dismay 2: intense repugnance 3 a : something that horse-wom-an \-,wU-m:ln\ n : a woman skilled in riding
horrifies b: a repulsive or dismal quality or character horseback or in caring for or managing horses; also: a
4 : the quality of inspiring horror woman who breeds or raises horses
[1) alarm, anxiety, apprehension, dread, fear, fright, hors-ey also horsy \'hor-se\ adj hors-i-er; -est 1 : of, relat-
panic, terror, trepidation - more at FEAR [3a) agony, ing to, or suggesting a horse 2: having to do with horses
hell, misery, murder, nightmare, torment, torture- or horse racing
more at HELL [4) atrociousness, atrocity, frightful- hort abbr horticultural; horticulture
ness, hideousness, monstrosity, repulsiveness; also bad- hor-ta-tive Vhor-tc-tivv adj : giving exhortation
ness, baseness, evil, foulness, heinousness, immorality, hor-ta-to-ry \'hor-ta-,t6r-e\ adj : HORTATIVE
iniquity, ungodliness, viciousness, vileness, wickedness; hor-n-cul-ture Vhor-te-jkel-char', n : the science and art of
hatefulness; agony, misery, torment, torture growing fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamental
horror story n : an account of an unsettling or unfortunate plants - hor-ti-cul-tur-al \,hor-b-'bl-cha-r:ll\ adj - hor-
occurrence tl-cul-tur-ist \-rist\ n
hors de corn-bat \,or-d:l-k6D-'bii\ adv or adj : in a disabled Hos abbr Hosea
condition ho-san-na \h6-'za-na, -'zii-\ interj [Gk hosanna, fro Heb
hors d'oeuvre \or-'darv\ n, pi hors d'oeuvres \same or hi5shi'dh-nna pray, save (us)!)- used as a cry of accla-
-'d:lrvz\ also hors d'oeuvre [F hors-d'oeuvre, lit., outside of mation and adoration - hosanna n
the work) : any of various savory foods usu. served as ap- 'hose \'h6z\ n, pi hose or hos-es 1 pi hose: STOCKING, SOCK;
petizers also: a close-fitting garment covering the legs and waist
horse \'hors\ n, pi hors-es also horse 1 : a large solid" 2 : a flexible tube for conveying fluids (as from a faucet)
hoofed herbivorous mammal domesticated as a draft and 2hose vb hosed; : to spray, water, or wash with a
saddle animal 2: a supporting framework usu. with legs hose
- horse-less adj Ho-sea \h6-'za-:l, -'ze-\ n : a book of the canonical Jewish
'horse-back \'hors-,bak\ n : the back of a horse and Christian Scriptures
2horseback adv : on horseback ho-siery \'h6-zha-re, -zo- \ n : STOCKINGS, SOCKS
horse chestnut n : a large tree with palmate leaves, erect hosp abbr hospital
hospice 404
hos-plce \'has-p:ls\ n 1 + : a lodging for travelers or for + [1] broiling, burning, fiery, red-hot, scorching, sultry,
young persons or the underprivileged 2: a facility or pro- torrid; also blazing, glowing, molten, sizzling; heated,
gram for caring for dying persons warmed; snug, warm; feverish, flushed, inflamed;
+ hotel, inn, lodge, public house, tavern - more at HO- muggy, steamy, summery, tropical Ant arctic, chill.
TEL chilled, cold, freezing, frigid, frozen, glacial, iced, icy
hos-pi-ta-ble \hii-'spi-t:l-b:ll, 'has-(,)pi-\ ad} 1 + : given to
+ [5] agog, anxious, ardent, athirst, avid, crazy, eager,
enthusiastic, gung ho, hungry, keen, nuts, raring, solic-
generous and cordial reception of guests 2: readily re-
itous, thirsty, voracious - more at EAGER + (6) con-
ceptive - hos.pi.ta.bly \-ble\ adv temporary, current, mod, modem, new, newfangled,
+ affable, cordial, genial, gracious, sociable - more at red-hot, space-age, ultramodern, up-to-date - more at
GRACIOUS MODERN + [10] fashionable, in, modish, popular, vogue
hos-pi-tal \'has-,pit-l\ n [ME, fr. AF, fr. ML hospitale hos- - more at POPULAR + [11) explosive, ferocious, fierce,
pice, guest house, fro neut. of L hospitalis of a guest, fr. furious, rabid, rough, stormy, tempestuous, turbulent,
hospit-, hospes guest, host) : an institution where the sick violent, volcanic - more at VIOLENT
or injured receive medical or surgical care hot air n + : empty talk
hos-pl-tal-ise chiefly Brit var 0/ HOSPITALIZE + bombast, gas, grandiloquence, rhetoric, wind-
hos-pi-tal-i-ty \,has-p:l-'ta-I:I-te\ n, pi-ties: hospitable treat- more at RHETORIC
ment, reception, or disposition hot-bed \-,bed\ n 1 : a glass-covered bed of soil heated (as
hos-pl-tal-lze \'has-,pit-'I-,iz\ vb -ized; : to place in a by fermenting manure) and used esp. for raising seedlings
hospital as a patient - hos-pi-tal-i-za-tion \,has-,pit-I-:l- 2 : an environment that favors rapid growth or develop-
'zii-sh:ln\ n ment
'host \'host\ n [ME, fro AF ost, fr. LL hostis, fr. L, stranger, hot-blood-ed \-'bl:l-d:ld\ adj + : easily roused or excited
enemy) 1 : a large organized body of armed personnel + ardent, burning, charged, emotional, fervent, fiery,
trained for war esp. on land : ARMY 2 + : a very large impassioned, passionate, red-hot, vehement - more at
hot-box \-,biiks\ n : a bearing (as of a railroad car) over-
+ army, crowd, crush, drove, flock, horde, legion, mob, heated by friction
multitude, press, swarm, throng - more at CROWD hot button n : an emotional issue or concern that triggers
2host n [ME hoste host, guest, fr. AF, fr. L hospit-, hospes] immediate intense reaction
1 : one who receives or entertains guests 2: an animal or hot-cake \-,kiik\ n : a flat cake made of thin batter and
plant on or in which a parasite lives - host vb cooked (as on a griddle) on both sides: PANCAKE
3host n, often cap [ultim. fro L hostia sacrifice] : the eu- hot dog n : a cooked frankfurter usu. served in a long split
charistic bread roll
hos-tage \'has-tij\ n 1 : a person kept as a pledge pending ho-tel \ho-'tel\ n [F hiiotel, fro OF hostel, fro ML hospitale
the fulfillment of an agreement 2: a person taken by hospice) + : a building where lodging and USU. meals, en-
force to secure the taker's demands tertainment, and various personal services are provided
hos-tet \'hast-I\ n [ME, fro AF, fro ML hospitale hospice) for the public
1 : an establishment for the lodging and entertaining of + hospice, inn, lodge, public house, tavern; also bed.
travelers: INN 2: a supervised lodging for youth - hos- and-breakfast; accommodations, lodgings, rest; motel,
tel-er n motor court, resort, spa, youth hostel; camp, camp-
hos-teI.ry \-re\ n, pi -ries : an establishment for the lodging ground; dorm, dormitory; boardinghouse, lodging
and entertaining of travelers: INN, HOTEL house, rooming house
hot flash n : a sudden brief flushing and sensation of heat
host-ess \'ho-st:ls\ n : a woman who acts as host
usu. associated with menopausal endocrine imbalance
hos-tile \'hast-I, 'has-,m\ ad} + : marked by usu. overt an-
hot-head-ed \'hiit-'he-d:ld\ adj : FIERY, IMPETUOUS - hot-
tagonism : UNFRIENDLY - hostile n - hos-tile-ly adv head \-,hed\ n - adv - hot-head-ed-ness
+ antagonistic, inhospitable, inimical, jaundiced, nega- n
tive, unfriendly, unsympathetic; also adverse, bellicose, bet-house \-,hails\ n : a heated greenhouse esp. for raising
belligerent, clashing, conflicting, contentious, contrary, tropical plants
opposed, pugnacious, quarrelsome, resisting; antisocial, hot-tine \'hiit-,Iln\ n : a telephone line for emergency use
cold, cool, disagreeable, disapproving, distant, frigid, (as between governments or to a counseling service)
icy, biased, prejudiced; discourteous, impolite, rude, hot-ness \-n:ls\ n : the quality or state of being hot
surly, uncivil, unfavorable, unkind, unpleasant, unso- hot pants n pi : very short shorts
ciable; acrimonious, antipathetic, bitter, hateful, malev- hot pepper n : a small usu. thin-walled pepper with a pun-
olent, opprobrious, rancorous, spiteful, unloving, vin- gent taste; also: a plant bearing hot peppers
dictive, virulent Ant friendly, hospitable, sympathetic hot plate n : a simple portable appliance for heating or for
hos.til.i.ty \hii-'sti-l:l-te\ n, pi-ties 1 + : an unfriendly state cooking
or action 2 pi : overt acts of war hot potato n : an embarrassing or controversial issue
+ animosity, antagonism, antipathy, bitterness, enmity, hot rod n : an automobile modified for high speed and fast
gall, grudge, rancor - more at ENMITY acceleration - hot-red-der \-'rii-d:lr\ n
hos-tler Vhas-lor, 'as-\ n : one who takes care of horses or hots \'hats\ n pl : strong sexual desire - usu. used with the
hot seat n : a position of anxiety or embarrassment
hot-shot \'hat-,shat\ n + : a showily skillful person
hot \'hiit\ ad} hot-ter; hot-test 1 + : marked by a high tem-
perature or an uncomfortable degree of body heat 2 : giv-
+ ace, adept, artist, authority, crackerjack, expert,
guru, hand, maestro, master, scholar, shark, virtuoso,
ing a sensation of heat or of burning 3: ARDENT, FIERY whiz, wizard - more at EXPERT
4 : sexually excited 5 + : marked by enthusiastic or im- hot tub n : a large tub of hot water for one or more bathers
patient desire or interest: EAGER 6 + : newly made or re- hot water n : TROUBLE, DIFFICULTY
ceived 7: PUNGENT 8: unusually lucky or favorable <~ hot-wire \'hat-,wi(-:l)r\ vb : to start (an automobile) by
dice> 9: recently and illegally obtained <~ jewels> short-circuiting the ignition system
10 + : currently popular or in demand 11 + : marked by 'hound \'hailnd\ n 1 : a domestic mammal closely related
extreme force or sudden intense activity: VIOLENT - hot to the gray wolf; esp : any of various hunting dogs that
adv - hot-ly adv track prey by scent or sight 2 : FAN, ADDICT
405 howl
2hound vb + : to pursue relentlessly House of Commons : the lower house of the British or
+ chase, dog, follow, pursue, shadow, tag, tail, trace, Canadian parliaments
track, trail - more at FOLLOW + henpeck, nag, needle house-plant \-,plant\ n : a plant grown or kept indoors
-more at NAG house sparrow n : a Eurasian sparrow widely introduced in
hour \'ail(-a)r\ n 1 : the 24th part of a day: 60 minutes urban and agricultural areas
2 : the time of day 3: a particular or customary time 4: a house-top \'hails-,tap\ n : ROOF
class session - hour-ly adv or adj house-wares \-,warz\ n pi : small articles of household
hour-glass \'ail(-a)r-,glas\ n : a glass vessel for measuring equipment
time in which sand runs from an upper compartment to a house-warrn-lnq \-,wor-mit)\ n : a party to celebrate the
lower compartment in an hour taking possession of a house or premises
hou-ri \'hilr-e\ n [F, fro Pers hiiri, fro Ar l,liiriya] : one of the house-wife \-,wlf\ n : a married woman in charge of a
beautiful maidens of the Muslim paradise household - house-wife-ly adj - house-wif-ery \-,wi-fa-
'house \'hails\ n, pi hous-es Vhau-zazv 1 + : a building for re\ n
human habitation 2: an animal shelter (as a den or nest) house-work \-,wark\ n : the work of housekeeping
3 : a building in which something is stored 4 a : those who ' \'hail-zit)\ n 1 : SHELTER; also: dwellings provided
dwell under the same roof and compose a family: HOUSE- for people 2 + : something that covers or protects
HOLD b + : a family including ancestors, descendants, and + armor, capsule, case, casing, cocoon, cover, husk,
kindred: FAMILY 5: a residence for a religious commu- jacket, pod, sheath, shell- more at CASE
nity or for students; also: those in residence 6: a legisla- 2housing n : CAPARISON I
tive body 7: a place of business or entertainment 8 + : a HOV abbr high-occupancy vehicle
business organization 9: the audience in a theater or hove past and past part of HEAVE
concert hall - house-ful n hov-el \'ha-val, 'ha-\ n : a small, wretched, and often dirty
+ [1] abode, domicile, dwelling, home, lodging, quar- house: HUT
ters, residence - more at HOME + [4b] blood, clan, hov-er \'ha-var, 'ha-\ vb hov-ered; hov-er-ing 1 a : FLUTTER
family, folks, kin, kindred, kinfolk, line, lineage, peo- b + : to remain suspended over a place or object 2: to
ple, race, stock, tribe + [8] business, company, con- move to and fro 3 + : to be in an uncertain state of un-
cern, enterprise, establishment, firm, outfit - more at certainty, irresolution, or suspense
+ [Ib] drift, float, glide, hang, poise, ride, sail, waft-
2house \'hailz\ vb housed; hous-lnq 1 + : to provide with
more at FLOAT + [3] hang, menace, overhang, threaten
or take shelter: LODGE 2 + : to encase, enclose, or shelter
- more at THREATEN
as if by putting in a house
hov-er-craft \-,kraft\ n : a vehicle that rides on a cushion of
+ [1] accommodate, billet, chamber, domicile, harbor air over a surface
(or harbour), lodge, put up, quarter, roof, shelter, take 'how \'hail\ adv 1 : in what way or manner <,....., was it
in; also board, bunk, ensconce, home, roost, secure, sta-
done) 2: with what meaning <,....., do we interpret such
ble, tent + [2] cage, closet, coop up, corral, encase, en-
behavior) 3: for what reason <~ could you have done
close, envelop, fence, hedge, hem, immure, pen, wall -
such a thing) 4 : to what extent or degree <~ deep is it)
more at ENCLOSE
5 : in what state or condition <~ are you) - how about
house-boat Vhaus-jbot', n : a pleasure boat fitted for use as
a dwelling or for leisurely cruising : what do you say to or think of <how about coming with
me) - how come: why is it that
house-boy \-,boi\ n : a boy or man hired to act as a house-
2how coni 1 : the way or manner in which <remember ,.....,
hold servant
they fought) 2: HOWEVER <do it,....., you like)
house-break \-,brak\ vb -broke; -bro-ksn; -break-inq : to
train (a pet) in excretory habits acceptable in indoor liv- ' \hail-'be-at\ coni + : even though: ALTHOUGH
ing + albeit, although, though, when, while - more at AL-
house-break-ing \-,bra-kit)\ n : the act of breaking into a THOUGH
dwelling with the intent of committing a felony 2howbeil adv + : on the other hand : NEVERTHELESS
house-clean \-,klen\ vb : to clean a house and its furniture + but, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwith-
- house-etean-lnq n standing, still, though, withal, yet - more at HOWEVER
house-coat \-,kot\ n : a woman's often long-skirted infor- how-dah \'hail-da\ n [Hindi & Urdu hauda, fro Ar haudqJl
mal garment for wear around the house : a seat or covered pavilion on the back of an elephant or
house-fly \-,fli\ n : a dipteran fly that is common about hu- camel
man habitations 'how-ev-er xhau-te-vor', conj : in whatever manner that
'house-hold \-,hold\ n + : those who dwell as a family un- 2however adv 1 : to whatever degree; also : in whatever
der the same roof - house-hold-er n manner 2 + : on the other hand
+ house; also folks, kin, kindred, kinfolk, kith; brood; + but, howbeit, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwith-
nuclear family; clan, community standing, still, though, withal, yet; also after all, any-
2household adi 1 : DOMESTIC 2 + : frequently seen or expe- how, regardless
rienced : FAMILIAR, COMMON <a ,....., name) how-it-zer \'hail-at-sar\ n : a short cannon that shoots shells
+ common, commonplace, customary, everyday, famil- at a high angle
iar, frequent, ordinary, routine, usual- more at COM- 'howl \'hail(-a)l\ vb 1 + : to emit a loud long doleful sound
MON characteristic of dogs 2 + : to cry loudly
house-keep-er \-,ke-par\ n : a woman employed to take + [I] bay, keen, wail, yowl; also bawl, caterwaul,
care of a house squall, yawp, yell, yelp + [2] scream, shriek, shrill,
house-keep-ing \-,ke-pit)\ n : the care and management of squeal, yell, yelp - more at SCREAM
a house or institutional property 2howl n 1 : a loud protracted mournful cry characteristic of
house-lights \-,Uts\ n pi : the lights that illuminate the au- dogs 2 a + : a prolonged cry of distress b + : a yell or out-
ditorium of a theater cry of disappointment, rage, or protest
house-maid \-,mad\ n + : a female servant employed to do + [2a] groan, keen, lament, moan, plaint, wail - more
housework at LAMENT + [2b] cry, holler, hoot, shout, whoop, yell,
+ domestic, girl, maid, maidservant - more at MAID yowl - more at SHOUT + [2b] clamor (or clamour),
house-moth-er \-,ma-lhar\ n : a woman acting as hostess, hubbub, hue and cry, hullabaloo, noise, outcry, roar,
chaperone, and often housekeeper in a group residence tumult, uproar - more at CLAMOR
howler 406
howl-er \'hau-Iar\ n 1 : one that howls 2: a humorous and huff \'haf\ n : a fit of anger or pique - huff vb - huffy
ridiculous blunder adj adj 1 : DESOLATE, WILD 2: very great <a ....._, suc- dither, fluster, fret, fuss, lather, pother, stew, tizzy,
cess> twitter - more at FRET dudgeon, offense, peeve,
hew-so-ev-er \,hau-sa-'we-var\ adv : HOWEVER 1 pique, resentment, umbrage - more at PIQUE
hoy-den \'h6id-'n\ n : a girl or woman of saucy, boisterous, hug \'hag\ vb hugged; hugoging 1 : to press tightly esp.
or carefree behavior in the arms : EMBRACE 2: to stay close to - hug n
hoy-den-ish \-ish \ adj : being or acting as a hoyden caress, clasp, embrace, enfold, grasp - more at EM-
hp abbr horsepower BRACE
HP abbr high pressure huge \'hyuj\ adj hugoer; hugoest : very large or extensive
HPF abbr highest possible frequency
astronomical, colossal, enormous, giant, gigantic,
HQ abbr headquarters
grand, jumbo, mammoth, massive, prodigious, titanic,
hr abbr 1 here 2 hour
tremendous, vast, whopping; also big, bulky, consider-
HR abbr House of Representatives able, extensive, good, goodly, great, gross, handsome,
HRH abbr 1 Her Royal Highness 2 His Royal Highness hefty, hulking, major, sizable, substantial, voluminous;
hrzn abbr horizon august, formidable, grandiose, imposing, lofty, majes-
Hs symbol hassium tic; cavernous, monolithic, overwhelming, staggering,
HS abbr high school stupendous, towering; boundless, cosmic, immeasura-
HST abbr Hawaiian standard time ble, infinite Ant diminutive, microscopic, minute, teeny,
ht abbr height tiny, wee
HT abbr 1 Hawaii time 2 high-tension huge-Iy adv : to a great extent or degree
HTML \,ach-,te-,em-'el\ n [hypertext markup language) : a broadly, considerably, greatly, largely, massively,
computer language used to create World Wide Web doc- monstrously, much, sizably, stupendously, tremen-
uments dously, utterly, vastly - more at GREATLY
http abbr hypertext transfer protocol huge-ness \-n;;ls\ n : the quality or state of being huge
hua-ra-che \wa-'ra-che\ n [MexSp) : a sandal with an upper
enormity, immensity, magnitude, massiveness, vast-
made of interwoven leather strips
ness - more at IMMENSITY
hub \'hab\ n 1 : the central part of a circular object (as a
wheel) 2 a : a center of activity b: an airport or city 'hugoger-mugoger \'ha-gar-,ma-gar\ n 1 : SECRECY 2: CON-
through which an airline routes most of its traffic FUSION, MUDDLE
2hugger-mugger adi 1 .: kept from knowledge or view
base, center (or centre), core, cynosure, eye, focus,
heart, mecca, nucleus, seat - more at CENTER 2 : of a confused or disorderly nature
hub-bub \'ha-bab\ n 1 : a noisy confusion of sound: up- [I) clandestine, covert, furtive, private, secret, sneak,
ROAR 2 : a state of tumultuous confusion or excitement sneaky, stealthy, surreptitious, undercover, under-
ground, underhanded - more at SECRET [2) chaotic,
disheveled, disordered, disorderly, higgledy-piggledy,
[I) clamor (or clamour), howl, hue and cry, hulla- messy, pell-mell, topsy-turvy, unkempt, untidy
baloo, noise, outcry, roar, tumult, uproar - more at
CLAMOR [2) commotion, disturbance, furor, fuss,
Hu-que-not ,'hyu-ga-,nat\ n : a French Protestant of the
pandemonium, tumult, turmoil - more at COMMOTION 16th and 17th centuries
hub-cap ,'h"b-,kap\ 11 : a removable metal cap over the hu-la \'hu-la\ n : a sinuous Polynesian dance usu. accom-
end of an axle panied by chants
hu-bris \'hyu-bras' n : exaggerated pride or self-confidence hulk \'halk\ n 1 : a heavy clumsy ship 2: an old ship un-
huck-le-ber-ry \'ha-kal-,ber-e\ n 1: any of a genus of fit for service 3 : a bulky or unwieldy person or thing
American shrubs of the heath family; also: its edible dark clod, lout, lubber, lug, oaf - more at OAF
blue berry 2: BLUEBERRY "h;;ll-kil)\ adj : BURLY, MASSIVE
huck-ster \'hak-star\ n : PEDDLER, HAWKER - huckster vb 'hull "hal\ n 1 : the outer covering of a fruit or seed 2: the
HUD abbr Department of Housing and Urban Develop- frame or body esp. of a ship or boat
ment 2hull vb : to remove the hulls of - hull-er n
'hudodle \'had-'l\ vb hud-dled; hudodling 1 : to crowd to-
bark, flay, husk, peel, shell, skin - more at PEEL
gether 2 : CONFER 3 : to curl up : CROUCH
hul-ta-be-too \'ha-Ia-ba-,lu\ n, pi -loos : a confused noise
[1) bunch, cluster, crowd, press - more at PRESS
[3) crouch, hunch, squat - more at CROUCH
clamor (or clamour), howl, hubbub, hue and cry,
2huddle n 1 : a closely packed group 2 : an assembly
noise, outcry, roar, tumult, uproar - more at CLAMOR
for a common purpose: MEETING, CONFERENCE
hul-lo \,h;;l-'16\ chiefly Brit variant of HELLO
[1) array, assemblage, bank, batch, block, bunch,
'hum \'ham\ vb hummed; hum-ming 1: to utter a sound
clump, cluster, collection, group, knot, lot, package,
parcel, set, suite [2) assembly, conference, congress, like that of the speech sound m prolonged 2 : to make
convention, convocation, council, gathering, get-to- the natural noise of an insect in motion or a similar sound
gether, meeting, powwow, seminar - more at MEETING : DRONE 3: to be busily active 4: to run smoothly 5: to
hue \'hyii\ n 1 : a phenomenon of light or visual per- sing with closed lips
ception that enables one to differentiate otherwise identi- buzz, drone, whir, whish, whiz, zip, zoom - more at
cal objects : COLOR; also : gradation of color 2: the WHIR
attribute of colors that permits them to be classed as red, 2hum n : the act of humming or the sound made by hum-
yellow, green, blue, or an intermediate color - hued ming
\'hyud\ adj buzz, drone, purr, whir, whiz, zoom; also coo, babble,
cast, color (or colour), shade, tinge, tint, tone- gurgle, hiss, moan, murmur, rustle, sigh, whisper;
more at COLOR whish, zing, zip
hue and cry n : a clamor of pursuit or protest ihu-man Vhytl-man, 'yii-\ adj 1 : of, relating to, being, or
clamor (or clamour), howl, hubbub, hullabaloo, characteristic of humans 2: having human form or at-
noise, outcry, roar, tumult, uproar - more at CLAMOR tributes - hu-man-ly adv - hu-man-ness n
407 hummocky
2humann + : any of a species of bipedal primate mammals + abase, debase, degrade, demean, discredit, disgrace,
comprising all living persons and their recent ancestors; dishonor (or dishonour), humiliate, lower, shame,
also: HOMINID smirch, take down; also abash, discomfit, discounte-
+ being, body, creature, individual, man, mortal, per- nance, embarrass, fluster, mortify; belittle, castigate,
son, stiff; also hominid, homo, humanoid; brother, fel- criticize, decry, depreciate, detract, disparage, mini-
low, fellowman, neighbor; celebrity, personage, person- mize, put down, ridicule; bad-mouth, defame, defile, li-
ality, self, somebody bel, malign, slander; affront, insult; censure, condemn,
hu-mane \hyu-'man, yii-\ adj 1 + : marked by compassion, damn, denounce, reprobate Ant aggrandize, elevate, ex-
sympathy, or consideration for others 2: HUMANISTIC- alt
hu-mane-ly adv - hu-mane-ness n
hum-bie-ness \-nas\ n +: the Quality or state of being
+ beneficent, benevolent, compassionate, good,
hearted, kind, kindly, sympathetic, tender, tender- + humility, lowliness, meekness, modesty - more at
hearted, warmhearted; also attentive, considerate, HUMILITY
thoughtful; affable, benign, cordial, friendly, gentle, hum.bly \'ham-ble\ adv + : in a humble manner
good, good-natured, good-tempered, gracious, mild, + lowly, meekly, modestly, sheepishly
nice, pleasant; clement, forbearing, forgiving, lenient, 'hum.bug \'ham-,bag\ n 1 +: something designed to de-
merciful, soft; patient, pitying, tolerant, understanding; ceive and mislead : HOAX 2 + : language, conduct, or an
altruistic, brotherly, charitable, generous, greathearted, idea that is absurd or contrary to good sense: NONSENSE
humanitarian, magnanimous, noble, philanthropic, un- 3 + : a willfully false, deceptive, or insincere person
selfish, unsparing Ant barbarous, bestial, brutal, + [l] counterfeit, fake, forgery, hoax, phony, sham-
brutish, callous, cold-blooded, cruel, heartless, inhu- more at FAKE + [2] bunk, claptrap, drivel, fiddlesticks,
man, inhumane, insensate, savage, unfeeling, unkind, folly, foolishness, fudge, hogwash, nonsense, piffle, rot,
unkindly, unsympathetic silliness, slush, stupidity, trash - more at NONSENSE
human immunodeficiency virus n : HlV + [3] charlatan, fake, fraud, hoaxer, mountebank,
hu-man-ismVhyti-ma-jni-zam, 'yii-\ n 1 : devotion to the phony, pretender, Quack
humanities;also: the revival of classical letters character- 2humbug vb hum.bugged; hum.bug.ging + : to cause to ac-
istic of the Renaissance 2: a doctrine or way of life cen- cept as true or valid what is false or invalid: DECEIVE
tered on human interests or values - hu-man-ist \-nist\ n + beguile, bluff, cozen, deceive, delude, dupe, fool,
or adj - hu-man-is-tic \,hyii-ma-'nis-tik, ,yii-\ adj gull, have, hoax, hoodwink, misinform, mislead, string
' \hyu-,ma-na-'ter-e-an, yii-\ n : one who along, take in, trick - more at DECEIVE
practices philanthropy- hu-man-i-tar-i-an-ism n humodingoar \'ham-'dil)-ar\ n : a person or thing of striking
2humanitarian adj + : concerned for or active in the pro- excellence
motion of human welfare hum-drum Vhom-jdram', adj + : tediously uniform or un-
+ altruistic, beneficent, benevolent, charitable, philan- varying: MO OTONOUS, DULL - humdrum n
thropic - more at CHARITABLE + drab, dull, flat, monotonous, ponderous,stuffy, unin- \hyu-'ma-na-te, yii-\ n, pi -ties 1 + : the Qual- teresting
ity or state of being human or humane 2pl: the branches hu-mer-us \'hyu-ma-ras\ n, pi hu-meri \'hyii-ma-,rI, -,re\
of learning dealing with human concerns (as philosophy) : the long bone extending from shoulder to elbow
as opposed to natural processes (as physics) 3 + : the hu- hu-mid \'hyii-mad, 'yii-\ adj + : containing or character-
man race ized by perceptible moisture - hu.mid.Iyadv
+ [l] charity, commiseration, compassion, feeling, + muggy, sticky, sultry; also summery, sweltering, tor-
heart, kindliness, kindness, mercy, pity, sympathy- rid; subtropical, tropic, tropical; close, heavy, oppres-
more at HEART + [3] folks, humankind, people, persons, sive, smothering, stifling, stuffy, suffocating; clammy,
public, society, world - more at PEOPLE damp, dank, moist; drenched, dripping, soaked, sodden,
hu-man-ize \'hyii-ma-,nIz, 'yii-\ vb -ized; -IzIng : to make soggy, sopping, waterlogged,wet Ant dry
human or humane - nu-man-lza-tion \,hyii-ma-na-'za- hu.mid.i.fy \hyii-'mi-da-,fi\ vb -tied; to make humid
shan, ,yu-\ n - hu-man-iz-er n - hu-mld-i-tl-ca-ticn \-,mi-da-fa-'ka-shan\ n - hu.midifi-
hu-man-kind \'hyii-man-,kInd, 'yii-\ n + : the human race er \-'mi-da-,fi-ar\ n
hu-mid-i-ty \hyii-'mi-da-te, yii-\ n, pi -ties: the amount of
+ Homo sapiens, humanity, man, mankind - more at atmospheric moisture
MANKIND hu-mi-dor Vhyti-ma-jdor, 'yii-\ n : a case (as for storing ci-
nu-man-otd \'hyu-ma-,n6id, 'yii-\ adj : having human form gars) in which the air is kept properly humidified
or characteristics - humanoid n hu-mu-i-ate \hyu-'mi-Ie-,at, yu-\ vb -at-ed; + : to in-
human pap-tl-lo-ma-virus \-,pa-pa-'16-ma-,vi-ras\ n : any of jure the self-respect of - adv - hu-mil-l-
numerous DNA-containingviruses that cause various hu- a-non \-,mi-Ie-'a-shan\ n
man warts + abase, debase, degrade, demean, discredit, disgrace,
"hum-ble Vham-bolv adj hum-bler \-ba-Iar\; hum-blest v-ba- dishonor (or dishonour), humble, lower, shame, smirch,
last\ [ME, fr. AF, fro L humilis low, humble, fro humus take down - more at HUMBLE
earth] 1: not proud or haughty 2 + : not pretentious hu-mil-i-ty \hyu-'mi-Ia-te, yii-\ n + : the Quality or state of
: UNASSUMING 3 + : ranking low in a hierarchy or scale being humble
+ [2] demure, lowly, meek, modest, retiring, unassum- + humbleness, lowliness, meekness, modesty; also ac-
ing, unpretentious; also acquiescent, compliant, defer- Quiescence, compliance, deference, submission; ingenu-
ential, resigned, submissive, unaggressive, unassertive, ousness, naivete; directness, plainness, simpleness;
yielding; cowering, cringing, shrinking; ingenuous, bashfulness, diffidence, passivity, Quietness, reserve, re-
naive, plain, simple, unaffected; bashful, diffident, servedness, shyness, timidity Ant arrogance, conceit,
mousy, overmodest, passive, Quiet, reserved, shy, sub- egoism, egotism, haughtiness,pretense, pretension, pre-
dued, timid, unobtrusive Ant arrogant, conceited, pre- tentiousness, pride, superiority
sumptuous, proud, self-important + [3] common, igno- hum-mer\'ha-mar\ n : one that hums
ble, inferior, low, lowly, mean, plebeian, vulgar- hum-rnlnq-blrd\'ha-mil)-,bard\ n : any of a family of tiny
more at IGNOBLE brightly colored American birds related to the swifts
2humble vb hum-bled; hum.bling 1: to make humble hum-mock \'ha-mak\ n : a rounded mound : KNOLL-
2 + : to destroy the power or prestige of - hum-bler n hum-mocky\-ma-ke\ adj
hummus 408
hum-mus \'ha-mas, 'hu-\ n [Ar bummu~ chickpeas] : a + appetite, craving, desire, drive, hankering, itch, long-
paste of pureed chickpeas usu. mixed with sesame oil or ing, lust, passion, thirst, urge, yearning, yen - more at
paste DESIRE + appetite, ardor, avidity, eagerness,enthusiasm,
hu-mon-qous \hyii-'mal)-gas, -'miil)-\ adj [perh. alter. of excitement, impatience, keenness, thirst - more at EA-
huge + monstrous] : extremely large GERNESS
thu-mor or Can and Brit hu-mour Vhyii-mar, 'yii-\ n 1 : TEM- 2hunger vb 1 : to feel or suffer hunger 2 + : to have an ea-
PERAMENT 2 : a conscious state of mind or predominant ger desire
emotion : MOOD 3 : WHIM 4: a quality that appeals to a ache, die, hanker, itch, long, pant, pine, sigh, thirst,
sense of the ludicrous or incongruous; also: a keen per- yearn + usu hunger for ache for, covet, crave, desire,
ception of the ludicrous or incongruous 5 : comical or die for, hanker for, long for, lust (for or after), pine for,
amusing entertainment repine for, thirst for, want, wish for, yearn for - more
[2] cheer, frame, mode, mood, spirit, temper - more at DESIRE
at MOOD. [5] comedy, farce, slapstick - more at COM- hung-over\'hal)-'o-var\ adj : having a hangover
EDY hun.gry \'hal)-gre\ adj 1 : feeling hunger 2 : marked
2humor or Can and Brit humour vb : to comply with the by enthusiastic or impatient desire or interest - hun.gri-
wishesor mood of Iyadv
cater to, gratify, indulge - more at INDULGE [1] empty, famished; also rapacious, ravenous, vora-
hu-rnor-lst\'hyii-ma-rist,'yii-\ n + : a person specializingin cious, wolfish; malnourished, undernourished, under-
fed; gluttonous, gormandizing, greedy, hoggish, insa-
or noted for humor tiable, piggish Ant full, satisfied [2] agog, anxious,
card, comedian, comic, jester, joker, wag, wit; also ardent, athirst, avid, crazy, eager, enthusiastic, gung ho,
comedienne, entertainer; cut up, kidder, practical hot, keen, nuts, raring, solicitous, thirsty, voracious -
joker, prankster; clown, buffoon, fool, harlequin, zany; more at EAGER
caricaturist, satirist hung up adj 1 : DELAYED 2: ENTHUSIASTIC; also: PREOCCU-
hu-mor-less or Can and Brit hu-mour-less \'hyii-mar-las, PIED 3: anxiously nervous
'yii-\ adj 1 : lacking a sense of humor 2: lacking hu- hunk \'hal)k\ n 1 : a large piece 2: an attractive well=
morous characteristics - hu-rnor-tsss-ly adv - hu-mor- built man - hunky adj
lese-ness n
+ blob, chunk, clod, clump, glob, gob, lump, nub, wad
+ earnest, grave, serious, severe, sober, solemn, staid, - more at LUMP
unsmiling, weighty- more at SERIOUS hun-ker\'hal)-kar\ vb 1 : CROUCH, SQUAT - usu. used with
hu-mor-ous\'hyii-ma-ras, 'yii-\ adj 1 : full of or charac- down 2: to settle in for a sustained period - used with
terized by humor 2 : indicating or expressiveof a sense down
of humor - hu-mor-ous-lyadv hun-kv-do-ry\,hal)-ke-'dor-e\ adi : quite satisfactory: FINE
+ [1] antic, comic, comical, droll, farcical, funny, hilar- 'hunt \'hant\ vb 1 : to pursue for food or in sport; also: to
ious, hysterical, laughable, ludicrous, ridiculous, ri- take part in a hunt 2 : to try to find: SEEK 3: to drive
otous, risible, screaming, uproarious - more at FUNNY or chase esp. by harrying 4: to traverse or go over in
+ [2] clever, facetious, jocular, smart, witty - more at search of prey or quarry 5 : to find, uncover, or obtain
after diligent search - used with through, up, or down -
hu-rnor-cus-nessn : the quality or state of being humorous hunt-ern
hu-mour Can and Brit var 0/ HUMOR
[2] cast about, forage, pursue, quest, search (for or
hump \'hamp\ n 1 : a rounded protuberance (as on the out), seek - more at SEEK usu hunt through [5] dig,
back of a camel) 2: a difficult phase or obstacle <over dredge, rake, ransack, rifle, rummage, scour, search -
the +-> - humped adj more at SEARCH usu hunt down or hunt up [5] detect,
hump-back \'hamp-,bak; J also -'bak\ n 1: HUNCHBACK determine, dig up, discover, ferret out, find, hit on, lo-
2 : HUMPBACK WHALE - hump-backedadj cate, track down - more at FIND
humpbackwhale n : a large baleen whale having very long 2hunt n : an act, practice, or instance of hunting
flippers Hun-ting-ton's disease \'han-til)-tanz-\ n : a chorea that
hu-mus \'hyii-mas, 'yii-\ n : the dark organic part of soil usu. begins in middle age and leads to dementia
formed from decaying matter hunt-ress \'han-tras\ n : a woman who hunts game
Hun \'han\ n : a member of an Asian people that invaded hunts-man Vhents-monv n 1 : HUNTER 2: a person who
Europe about A.D. 450 manages a hunt and looks after the hounds
'hunch \'hanch\ vb 1 : to thrust oneself forward 2 : to as- hur-dle \'hard-'l\ n 1: a barrier to leap over in a race
sume or cause to assume a bent or crooked posture 2 : something that impedes progress or achievement : OB-
crouch, huddle, squat - more at CROUCH STACLE - hurdle vb - hur-dlern
2hunch n 1 : PUSH 2: a strong intuitive feeling about what hurody-gurody\,har-de-'gar-de, 'hor-de-jgcr-dev n, pi -gur-
will happen dies : a musical instrument in which the sound is pro-
hunch-back \'hanch-,bak\ n : a person with a crooked duced by turning a crank
back; also: a back with a hump - hunchbackedadj hurl \'har!\ vb 1 : to move or cause to move vigorously
hun-dred Vhan-dradv n, pi hundreds or hundred: 10 times 2 : to throw down with violence 3 a + : to throw force-
10 - hundred adj - hun-dredth x-dradthv adj or n fully: FLING b: to throw (a baseball) to a batter: PITCH -
hunodredweight\-,wat\ n, pi hundredweight or hundred- hurl n - hurl-ern
weights: a unit of measurement typically equal to 100 cast, catapult, chuck, dash, fire, fling, heave, hurtle,
pounds launch, peg, pelt, pitch, sling, throw, toss - more at
'hung past and past part o/HANG THROW
2hung adj : unable to reach a decision or verdict <a ~ jury>\,har-le-'bar-le\ n : a state of commotion, ex-
Hungabbr Hungarian; Hungary citement, or violent disturbance: UPROAR
Hun-qat-i-an \,hal)-'ger-e-an\ n 1 : a native or inhabitant of Hu-ron \'hyur-an, 'hyur-,an\ n, pi Hurons or Huron : a
Hungary 2: the language of the Hungarians - Hungar- member of a confederacy of American Indian peoples
ian adj formerly living between Georgian Bay and Lake Ontario
'hun.ger \'hal)-gar\ n 1 : a craving or urgent need for food hur-rah \hu-'r6, -'ra\ also hur-ray\hu-'ra\ interj - used to
2 + : a strong desire expressjoy, approval, or encouragement
409 hyacinth
hur-ri-cane \'h~r-~-,kan\ n [Sp huracan, of Amerlnd origin] + calm, calmness, peace, placidity, quiet, quietness, re-
: a tropical cyclone with winds of 74 miles (118 kilome- pose, serenity, still, stillness, tranquillity - more at
ters) per hour or greater that is usu. accompanied by rain, CALM
thunder, and lightning hushed Vhsshtv adj 1 .: free of noise or agitation \'h~r-~d-Ie\ adv + : in a hurried manner 2 + : marked by secrecy or caution
+ cursorily, hastily, headlong, pell-rnell, precipitately, [1] calm, halcyon, peaceful, placid, quiet, serene, still,
rashly - more at HASTILY tranquil, untroubled - more at CALM [1] muted, noise-
'hur.ry \'h~r-e\ vb hur-ried; 1 +: to carry or less, quiet, silent, soundless, still - more at SILENT
cause to go with haste 2: to impel to a greater speed + [2] confidential, inside, intimate, private, secret-
more at PRIVATE
3 + : to move or act with haste - hur-rled-ness n
hush-hush \'h~sh-,h~sh\ adj : SECRET, CONFIDENTIAL
+ [1, 3] accelerate, hasten, quicken, rush, speed (up), 'husk \'h~sk\ n 1 : a uSU. thin dry outer covering of a seed
step up, whisk; also drive, goad, prod, propel, push, or fruit 2 + : an outer layer: SHELL
race, spur, stir, urge; advance, aid, dispatch, ease, en-
courage, expedite, facilitate, forward, further Ant decel-
+ armor, capsule, case, casing, cocoon, cover, housing,
jacket, pod, sheath, shell - more at CASE
erate, retard, slow (down) + [3] course, dash, fly, has-
ten, hurtle, hustle, pelt, race, rocket, run, rush, shoot, 2husk vb : to strip the husk from - husk-er n
speed, step, tear, zip, zoom; also dart, flit, scamper, + bark, flay, hull, peel, shell, skin
scud, scuffle; stampede, streak, whiz; gallop, jog, sprint; ' \'h~s-ke\ adj hus-ki-er: -est + : hoarse with or as if
accelerate, quicken; catch up, fast-forward, outrun, with emotion - \-k~-Ie\ adv - hus-kl-ness \-ke-
outstrip, overtake Ant crawl, creep, poke n~s\ n
2hurry n + : extreme haste or eagerness + coarse, gravelly, gruff, hoarse, scratchy, throaty-
+ celerity, fastness, fleetness, haste, quickness, rapidity, more at HOARSE
speed, swiftness, velocity - more at SPEED + haste, hus- 2husky adj 1 + : strongly formed or constructed : BURLY
tle, precipitation, rush; also bustle, flurry, flutter, 2: LARGE
scurry, scuttle, stir, whirl; beeline, dash, scramble, + beefy, brawny, burly; also able-bodied, athletic,
stampede; hotheadedness, impetuosity, impulsiveness, heavy, hefty, herculean, mighty, muscle-bound, muscu-
rashness; fleetness, quickness, rapidity, speed, swift- lar, powerful, robust, rugged, stalwart, strapping,
ness; celerity, dispatch, promptness Ant deliberateness, strong, sturdy; chunky, compact, heavyset, solid, squat,
deliberation stocky, thickset; dumpy, lumpish, portly, pudgy, stout
'hurt \'h~rt\ vb hurt; 1 + : to feel or cause to feel 3husky n, pi huskies : a heavy-coated working dog of the
physical or emotional pain 2 + : to do harm to : DAMAGE New World arctic region
3 : OFFEND 4: HAMPER 5: to be in need - usu. used with hus-sar \(,)h~-'zar\ n [Hung huszar] : a member of any of
for - hurt adj various European cavalry units
hus-sy \'h~-ze, -se\ n, pi hussies [alter. of housewife] 1 : a
+ [1] agonize, bleed, feel, grieve, mourn, sorrow, suffer
lewd or brazen woman 2: a pert or mischievous girl
- more at GRIEVE + [1] ache, pain, smart; also bleed,
hus-tinqs Vhos-tinzv n pl : a place where political campaign
bite, burn, chafe, cramp, fester, itch, nag, pinch, pound,
speeches are made; also : the proceedings in an election
rack, sting, swell, throb, tingle, twinge; agonize, suffer
[2] damage, harm, injure, wound - more at INJURE
'hustle \'h~-s~l\ vb hus-tled; hus.tling 1 : JOSTLE, SHOVE
+ [2] blemish, break, cripple, damage, deface, disfig- 2: to move or act quickly: HASTEN, HURRY 3: to work en-
ure, flaw, harm, injure, mar, spoil, vitiate - more at
ergetically 4 + : to sell something to or obtain something
from by energetic and esp. underhanded activity
2hurt n 1: a bodily injury or wound 2: SUFFERING
bleed, cheat, chisel, cozen, defraud, fleece. gyp,
3 + : physical or mental damage: HARM
mulct. rook. shortchange, skin, squeeze, stick, sting,
damage, detriment, harm. injury - more at IN1URY swindle, victimize - more at FLEECE
hurt-ful Vhart-falv adj. : causing injury, detriment, or suf- 2hustle n 1 + : energetic activity 2 : an act or instance of
fering - hurt-ful-ness n fraud
+ adverse, bad, baleful, baneful, damaging, deleterious, [1] haste, hurry, precipitation, rush - more at
detrimental, evil, harmful, ill, injurious, mischievous, HURRY + [2] racket, swindle
noxious, pernicious, prejudicial - more at HARMFUL hus-tler \'h~s-l~r\ n + : one that hustles
hur-tle \'h~rt-'I\ vb hur-tled; hur.tling 1 + : to move rapidly + go-getter, live wire, powerhouse, self-starter - more
or forcefully 2: to throw forcefully: HURL, FLING at GO-GETTER
dash, fly, hasten, hurry, rocket, run, rush, speed, tear, hut \ 'h~t\ n + : an often small and temporary dwelling of
zip, zoom - more at HURRY simple construction : SHACK
'husband \'h~z-b~nd\ n [ME husbonde, fro OE hissbonda cabin, camp, hutch, shack, shanty - more at SHACK
master of a house, fr. ON hixsbondi, fr. hiss house + bondi hutch \'h~ch\ n 1 : a chest or compartment for storage
householder] : a male partner in a marriage 2 + : a cupboard usu. surmounted with open shelves 3: a
2husband vb : to manage prudently pen or coop for an animal 4: a small and often tempo-
hus-band-man Vhaz-band-manv n : FARMER rary dwelling: HUT
hus-band-ry Vhaz-ban-drev n 1 : the control or judicious + buffet, cabinet, closet, cupboard, locker, sideboard
use of resources 2: AGRICULTURE 3: the production and - more at CABINET
care of domestic animals nuz-zah or huz-za \(,)h~-'za\ n : a shout of acclaim - often
economy, frugality, providence, thrift - more at used interjectionally to express joy or approbation
ECONOMY HV abbr 1 high velocity 2 high voltage
HVAC abbr heating, ventilating and air-conditioning
'hush \'h~sh\ vb 1 + : to make or become quiet or calm
hvy abbr heavy
HW abbr hot water
+ calm (down), cool (off or down), quiet, settle (down) hwy abbr highway
- more at QUIET mute, quell, settle, silence, still- hyaoeinth \'hi-~-(,)sinth\ n : a bulbous Mediterranean herb
more at SILENCE related to the lilies that is widely grown for its spikes of
2hush n : a silence or calm esp. following noise fragrant bell-shaped flowers
hybrid 410
'hy.brid Vhi-brsd', n 1 + : an offspring of genetically differ- hy-dro-pho-bia\,hi-dr:l-'fO-be-:l\ n [LL, fro Gk, fro hydi5r wa-
ing parents (as members of different breeds or species) ter + phobos fear) : RABIES
2 : one of mixed origin or composition - hy-dro-phone\'hi-dr:l-,fon\ n : an underwater listening de-
\,hi-br:l-d:l-'za-sh::m\ n - hy-brid-ize \'hi-br:l-,diz\ vb- vice
hy.brid.iz-ern 'hy.ctro'plane\'hi-dr:l-,plan\ n 1 : a powerboat designed for
+ cross, mongrel racing that skims the surface of the water 2: SEAPLANE
2hybrid adj + : of, relating to, or being a hybrid 2hydroplanevb : to skid on a wet road due to loss of contact
+ mixed, mongrel- more at MIXED between the tires and road
hy-dro-pon-Ics \,hi-dr::l-'pa-niks\ n : the growing of plants
hy.ctra\'hi-dr:l\ n : any of numerous small tubular fresh- in nutrient solutions - hy-dro-pon-icadj
water coelenterates that are polyps having at one end a hy-dro-pow-er\'hi-dr::l-,pau(-::l)r\ n : hydroelectric power
mouth surrounded by tentacles hy-dro-sphere \'hi-dr:l-,sfir\ n : the water (as vapor or
hy.ctranllea \hi-'dran-j:l\ n : any of a genus of shrubs re- lakes) of the earth
lated to the currants and grown for their showy clusters \,hI-dr:l-'sta-tik\ adi : of or relating to fluids
of white or tinted flowers at rest or to the pressures they exert or transmit
hy.ctrant\'hi-dr:lnt\ n : a pipe with a valve and spout at\,hi-dr:l-'ther-:l-pe\ n : the use of water esp.
which water may be drawn from a main pipe externally in the treatment of disease or disability
hy.ctrate\'hi-,drat\ n : a compound formed by union of wa- hy.ctro-ther.mal\,hi-dr::l-'th::lr-m::ll\ adj : of or relating to
ter with some other substance - hydrate vb hot water
hy.ctrau.lie\hi-'dr6-lik\ adj [ultim. fr. Gk hydraulis pipe or- hy.ctrous\'hi-dr:ls\ adj : containing water
gan using water pressure, fr. hydor water + aulos reed in- hy.ctrox.ide\hi-'drak-,sid\ n 1: a negatively charged ion
strument) 1 : operated, moved, or effected by means of consisting of one atom of oxygen and one atom of hydro-
water 2 : of or relating to hydraulics 3: operated by the gen 2: a compound of hydroxide with an element or
resistance offered or the pressure transmitted when a group
quantity of liquid is forced through a small orifice or hy-e-na\hi-'e-n:l\ n [MEhyene, fro L hyaena, fro Gk hyaina,
through a tube 4 : hardening or setting under water fro hys hog) : any of several large doglike carnivorous
hy.ctrau.lies\-liks\ n : a science that deals with practical mammals of Asia and Africa
applications of liquid (as water) in motion hYlliene \'hi-Jen\ n 1 : a science concerned with estab-
hydro \'hI-dro\ n : HYDROPOWER lishing and maintaining good health 2: conditions or
hy-dro-car-ben\'hi-dro-,kar-b:ln\ n : an organic compound practices conducive to health - \-ni-
containing only carbon and hydrogen k(:I-)Ie\ adv - \hi-'je-nist, 'hi-Je-, hI-'je-\ n
hy.ctro-ceph.a.lus\,hi-dro-'se-f:l-I:ls\ n : abnormal increase hYllien'ie \hi-'je-nik, -'je-\ adj + : having or showing good
in the amount of fluid in the cranial cavity accompanied hygiene
by enlargement of the skull and atrophy of the brain + aseptic, sanitary, sterile - more at SANITARY
hy.ctro-chlo-rie acid \,hi-dr::l-'klor-ik-\ n : a sharp-smelling
corrosive acid used in the laboratory and in industry and hYllrom-e-ter \hi-'gra-m:l-t::lr\ n : any of several instru-
present in dilute form in gastric juice ments for measuring the humidity of the atmosphere
hy.ctro.cty.nam.ies \,hi-dro-di-'na-miks\ n : a science that hYllro-seopoie \,hi-gr::l-'ska-pik\ adj : readily taking up and
deals with the motion of fluids and the forces acting on retaining moisture
moving bodies immersed in fluids - adj hying prespart of HIE
hv-dro-etec-trtc\,hi-dro-i-'Iek-trik\ adj : of or relating to hy-men \'hi-m:ln\ n : a fold of mucous membrane partly
production of electricity by waterpower - hy.ctro-elee- closing the opening of the vagina
tric-i-ty\-,Iek-'tri-s:l-te\ n hy-me-ne-al \,hi-m::l-'ne-::ll\ adj : NUPTIAL
hy.ctro-foil \'hi-dr:l-,f6i(-:l)I\n : a boat that has fins attached hymn \'him\ n + : a song of praise esp, to God - hymn vb
to the bottom by struts for lifting the hull clear of the wa- + anthem, canticle, carol, chorale, psalm, spiritual; also
ter to allow faster speeds dirge, lament, requiem, threnody; hallelujah, paean;
hy.ctro-genVhi-drc-jan',n [F hydrogene, fr. Gk hydor water mass, oratorio; processional, recessional
+ -genes born; fro the fact that water is generated by its hym-nal\'him-n::ll\ n : a book of hymns
combustion) : a gaseous colorless odorless highly flam- hyp abbr hypothesis; hypothetical
mable chemical element that is the lightest of the ele- 'hype \'hip\ vb hyped; hypoing 1 : STIMULATE - usu. used
ments - hy.ctrog-e-nous\hi-'dra-j:l-n:ls\ adj with up 2: INCREASE - hyped-up adj
hy.ctro-ge-nate\hi-'dra-j:l-,nat, 'hi-dr:l-\ vb -nat-ed; -nat-lnq 2hype vb hyped; hyping 1 : DECEIVE 2: PUBLICIZE
: to combine or treat with hydrogen; esp : to add hydrogen 3hype n 1 : DECEPTION, PUT-ON 2: PUBLICITY
to the molecule of - hy.ctro-ge-na.tion\hi-,dra-j:l-'na- hy.per \'hi-p::>r\ adj 1 : HIGH-STRUNG, EXCITABLE 2: ex-
shan, ,hi-dr::l-\ n tremely active
hydrogen bomb n : a bomb whose violent explosive power hy.per.aeid.i.ty\,hi-p:lr-:l-'si-d:l-te\ n : the condition of con-
is due to the sudden release of atomic energy resulting taining excessive acid esp. in the stomach -
from the fusion of light nuclei (as of hydrogen atoms) \-'a-s::ld\ adj
hydrogen peroxiden : an unstable compound of hydrogen hy-per-ac-tive\-'ak-tiv\ adj + : excessively or pathologi-
and oxygen used esp, as an oxidizingand bleaching agent, cally active - \-,ak-'ti-v::l-te\ n
an antiseptic, and a propellant + agitated, feverish, frenzied, heated, hectic, overac-
hy.ctro-graph-ie \,hi-dr::l-'gra-fik\ adj : of or relating to the tive, overwrought - more at FEVERISH
description and study of bodies of water - hy.ctrogra- hy-per-bar-le\,hi-p::lr-'bar-ik\ adj : of, relating to, or utiliz-
pher n - hy.ctrography\hi-'dra-gr::l-fe\ n ing greater than normal pressure (as of oxygen)
hy.ctrol-o-gy\hi-'dra-I::l-je\ n : a science dealing with the\hi-'p:lr-b:l-I:I\ n, pi -Ias or -Iae \-(,)Ie\ : a curve
properties, distribution, and circulation of water - hy- formed by the intersection of a double right circular cone
dro-loq-lc\,hi-dr::l-'Ia-jik\ or hy.ctro-Iogi-cal\-ji-k:ll\ adj - with a plane that cuts both halves of the cone - hy.per-
hy.ctrol-o-gist \hI-'dra-I:I-jist\ n \,hi-p:lr-'ba-lik\ adj
hy-dro-ly-sis \hi-'dra-l::l-s::ls\ n : a chemical decomposition hy-per-bo-le \hi-'p:lr-b:l-(,)Ie\ n + : extravagant exaggera-
involving the addition of the elements of water tion used as a figure of speech
hy-drom-e-ter \hi-'dra-m:l-t::>r\ n : a floating instrument for caricature, elaboration, embellishment, exaggeration,
determining specific gravities of liquids and hence the magnification, overstatement, padding - more at EX-
strength (as of alcoholic liquors) AGGERATION
411 Hz
hy.per-crit.i-cal \,hi-p:lr-'kri-ti-k:ll\ adj + : excessively criti- breastbone), fro hypo- under + chondros cartilage] : de-
cal - hy-per-crit-i-cal-ly \-k(:l- )Ie\ adv pression of mind often centered on imaginary physical
+ captious, carping, critical, overcritical - more at ailments - \-dre-,ak\ adj or n
CRITICAL \hi-'pii-kr:l-se\ n, t -sies + : a feigning to be
hy-per-drive \'hi-p:lr-,driv\ n : a state of extremely height- what one is not or to believe wh.a.t QU~ doc'1l UOt, I!~J) ~ l'nl!
false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion
ened "ctivitv
hy-per-ex-tend \,hi-p:lr-ik-'stend\ vb : to extend beyond the + cant, dissimulation, insincerity, piery; also U<l~c;Pt~I)\\.
normal range of motion - hV,"Qr ".ton-"ion \-'sten- deceptiveness, dishonesty, falsity, pretense, pretension,
snsm n pretentiousness, self-satisfaction; duplicity, falseness,
hY'perogly-ce-mia \,hi-p:lr-gli-'se-me-:l\ n : excess of sugar shamming; artificiality, oiliness, smoothness Ant gen-
in the blood - hy.perogly-ce.mic \-mik\ adj uineness, sincerity \-k:l-'ne-tik\ adj : characterized by fast= hypoo-crit.i-cal \,hi-p:l-'kri-ti-k:ll\ adj + : characterized by
paced or frenetic activity hypocrisy; also: being a hypocrite - hypoo-crite \'hi-p:l- \'hi-p:lr-,lil)k\ n : a connecting element (as high- ,krit\ n - hyp-o-crit-i-cal-ly \-k(:l- )Ie\ adv
lighted text) between one place in a hypertext or hyper- + artificial, double-dealing, feigned, insincere, left=
media document and another handed, mealy, mealymouthed, two-faced, unctuous -
hy.per.meodia \'hi-p:lr-,me-de-:l\ n : a database format of- more at INSINCERE
fering direct access to text, sound, or images related to 'hY'pooder.mic \,hI-p:l-'d:lr-mik\ adj : administered by or
that on display used in making an injection beneath the skin
hy-per-opia \,hi-p:l-'ro-pe-:l\ n : a condition in which visual 2hypodermic n : a small syringe with a hollow needle for in-
images come to focus behind the retina resulting esp. in jecting material into or through the skin: HYPODERMIC SY-
defective vision for near objects - hy-per-opic \-'ro-pik, RINGE; also: an injection made with this
-'rii-\ adj hypodermic needle n 1 : NEEDLE 3 2: a small syringe with \-'sen-s:l-tiv\ adj t : excessively or ab- a hollow needle for injecting material into or through the
normally sensitive 2: abnormally susceptible physiologi- skin: HYPODERMIC SYRINGE
cally to a specific agent (as a drug) - hy-per-sen-si-tive- hypodermic syringe n + : a small syringe with a hollow
ness n - hY' \-,sen-s:l-'ti-v:l-te\ n needle for injecting material into or through the skin
hy.per.ten.sion \'hi-p:lr-,ten-ch:ln\ n : high blood pressure + needle, syringe - more at NEEDLE
- hy.per.ten.sive \,hi-p:lr-'ten-siv\ adj or n hy.poogly-ce-mia \,hi-po-gli-'se-me-:l\ n : abnormal de-
hy.per.text \'hi-p:lr-,tekst\ n : a database format in which crease of sugar in the blood - hy.poogly-ce-mic \-mik\
information related to that on display can be accessed di-
rectly from the display hyopot-e-nuse \hi-'piit-On-,us, -,yUs, -,Uz, -,yUZ\ n : the side
hy.per.thy.roid.ism \,hi-p:lr-'thi-,r6i-,di-z:lm\ n : excessive of a triangle having a right angle that is opposite the right
activity of the thyroid gland; also : the resulting bodily
angle; also: its length
condition - hyper.thy.roid \-'thi-,r6id\ adj hY'pOothal.a.mus \,hi-po-'tha-I:l-m:ls\ n : a part of the brain
hY'per.trOophy \hi-'p:lr-trn-fe\ n, pl -phies : excessive devel-
that lies beneath the thalamus and is a control center for
opment of a body part - hyper.trOophic \,hi-p:lr-'tro-fik\
the autonomic nervous system
adj - hypertrophy vb hY'pothoe'sis \hi-'pii-th:l-s:ls\ n, pI -e-ses \-,sez\ + : an as-
hy.per.ven.ti.late \,hi-p:lr-'ven-t:l-,Iat\ vb : to breathe rap-
sumption made esp. in order to test its logical or empiri-
idly and deeply esp. to the point of losing an abnormal
cal consequences
amount of carbon dioxide from the blood - hy.perven-
tl-la-tlon \-,ven-t:l-'Ia-sh:ln\ n
+ conjecture, proposition, supposition, theory - more
hy-phen \'hi-f:ln\ n : a punctuation mark - used esp. to di- at THEORY
vide or to compound words or word parts - hyphen vb hy-poth-e-size \-,siz\ vb -sized; : to adopt as a hy-
hy.phen.ate \'hi-f:l-,nat\ vb -at-ed; -at-inq : to connect or di- pothesis
vide with a hyphen - hy-phen-ation \,hi-f,,-'na-sh:ln\ n ny-po-tnet-i-cal \,hi-p:l-'the-ti-k:ll\ adj + : being or involv-
hyponOosis \hip-'no-s:ls\ n, pI -no-ses \-,sez\ : an induced ing a hypothesis - \-k(:l- )Ie\ adv
state that resembles sleep and in which the subject is re- + conjectural, speculative, theoretical - more at THEO-
sponsive to suggestions of the inducer (hyp-no-tist \'hip- RETICAL
na-tistv) - hyp-no-tism \'hip-n:l-,ti-z:lm\ n hy.pOothy.roid.ism \,hi-po-'thi-,r6i-,di-z:lm\ n : deficient ac-
'hyponot.ic \hip-'nii-tik\ adj 1 + : inducing sleep 2: of or tivity of the thyroid gland; also: a resultant lowered meta-
relating to hypnosis or hypnotism 3: readily holding the bolic rate and general loss of vigor - hY'pOothy.roid adj
attention - \-ti-k(:l-)Ie\ adv hyssop Vhi-sapv n : a European mint sometimes used as a
+ drowsy, narcotic, opiate, slumberous; also depres- potherb
sant, relaxant, sedative, tranquilizing; calming, lulling, hys.teroec.tOomy \,his-t:l-'rek-t:l-me\ n, pI -mies : surgical
quieting, relaxing, restful, settling, soothing; analgesic, removal of the uterus
anesthetic, benumbing, deadening, dulling; mesmeriz- hys.te-ria \hi-'ster-e-:l, -'stir-\ n [NL, fro E hysteric, adj., fr.
ing, stupefying Ant stimulant L hystericus, fro Gk hysterikos, fr. hystera womb; fr. the
2hypnotic n : a sleep-inducing drug Oreek notion that hysteria was peculiar to women and
hyponOotise chieflyBrit var of HYPNOTIZE caused by disturbances in the uterus] 1 : a nervous disor-
hyp-no-tlae \'hip-n:l-,tiz\ vb 1: to induce hypnosis in der marked esp. by defective emotional control 2 + : un-
2 + : to dazzle or overcome by or as if by suggestion - manageable fear or outburst of emotion - hys-ter-ic \'hip-n:l-,ti-z:l-b:ll\ adj \-'ster-ik\ n - \-k(:l- )Ie\ adv
+ arrest, enchant, enthrall, fascinate, grip, mesmerize + agitation, delirium, distraction, frenzy, furor, fury,
- more at ENTHRALL rage, rampage, uproar - more at FRENZY
hy.po \'hi-po\ n, t hypos: SODIUM THIOSULFATE hys.ter.ioeal \-'ster-i-k:ll\ also hysteric adj 1 : of, relating
hY'pOoal.ler.gen.ic \,hi-pO-,a-l:lr-'je-nik\ adj : having little to, or marked by hysteria 2 + : exhibiting unrestrained
likelihood of causing an allergic response emotionalism
hy.po-cen.ter \'hi-p:l-,sen-t:lr\ n : the point of origin of an + agitated, delirious, distraught, frantic, frenzied-
earthquake more at FRANTIC
hy.po-chonodria \,hi-p:l-'kiin-dre-:l\ n [NL, fr. LL, pl., upper hys.ter.ics \-'ster-iks\ n t : a fit of uncontrollable laughter
abdomen (formerly regarded as the seat of hypochon- or crying
dria), fro Gk, lit., the parts under the cartilage (of the Hz abbr hertz
glish alphabet
'i \'1\ n, pI i's or is \'iz\ often cap: the 9th letter of the En- ice cream n : a frozen food containing sweetened or fla-
vored cream or butterfat
2i abbr, often cap island; isle ice hockey n : a game in which two teams of ice-skating
3i symbol imaginary unit players try to shoot a puck into the opponent's goal
'I \'i, a\pron : the one speaking or writing ice-house \'is-,haus\ n : a building in which ice is made or
21 abbr interstate stored
31 symbol iodine Ice-Iandoer \-,lan-dar, -lsn-v n : a native or inhabitant of
la or IA abbr Iowa Iceland
-ial adj suffix : '-AL (manorial) 'Iee-Ianodie \is-'lan-dik\ adj : of, relating to, or characteris-
iamb \'i-,am\ or lam-bus \i-'am-bas\ n, pI iambs \'i-,amz\ or tic of Iceland, the Icelanders, or their language
iam-bus-es : a metrical foot of one unaccented syllable 21eelandlc n : the language of Iceland
followed by one accented syllable - Iam-bic \i-'am-bik\ ice-man \'is-,man\ n : one who sells or delivers ice
adj or n ice milk n : a sweetened frozen food made of skim milk
-l-at-rlc \e-'a-trik\ also -l-at-rl-cal \-tri-kal\ adj comb form ice pick n : a hand tool ending in a spike for chipping ice
: of or relating to (such) medical treatment or healing ice-skate \'is-,skiit\ vb : to skate on ice - ice-skater n
(pediatric) ice storm n : a storm in which falling rain freezes on con-
-i-at-rlcs \e-'a-triks\ n pI comb form : medical treatment tact
(pediatrics) ice water n : chilled or iced water esp. for drinking
ib or ibid abbr ibidem ieh.thyoaloo-gy \,ik-the-'ii-la-je\ n : a branch of zoology
ibex \'i-,beks\ n, pI ibex or ibex-es [L] : any of several Old dealing with fishes - lch-thy-ol-o-qlst \-jist\ n
World wild goats with large curved horns ici-cle \'i-,si-kal\ n [ME isikel, fro is ice + ikel icicle, fro OE
ibiodem \'i-ba-,dem, i-'bi-dam\ adv [L] : in the same place gicel] : a hanging mass of ice formed by the freezing of
ibis \'i-bas\ n, pI ibis or ibis-es [L, fro Gk, fro Egypt hbw] dripping water
: any of various wading birds related to the herons but ieing \'i-sirl\ n : a sweet usu. creamy mixture used to coat
having a downwardly curved bill baked goods
ibu-pro-fen \,i-by1i-'pro-fan\ n : a nonsteroidal anti= ICJ abbr International Court of Justice
inflammatory drug used to relieve pain and fever icky \'i-ke\ adj ick-i-er; -est: OFFENSfVE, DISTASTEFUL - ick-
IC \,i-'se\ n : INTEGRATED CIRCUIT l-ness n
'-ie \ik\ adj suffix 1 : of, relating to, or having the form of icon \'i-,kiin\ n 1 : IMAGE; esp : a religious image painted on
: being (panoramic) 2: related to, derived from, or con- a wood panel 2 : a sign (as a word or graphic symbol)
taining (alcoholic) 3: in the manner of : like that of whose form suggests its meaning 3: a small picture on a
: characteristic of 4 : associated or dealing with: utilizing computer display that suggests the purpose of an avail-
(electronic) 5: characterized by : exhibiting (nostalgic) able function
: affected with <allergic) 6; caused by 7: tending to pro- character, sign. symbol- more at CHARACTER
duce (analgesic)
"-ie n suffix : one having the character or nature of : one be- Icon-o-clasm \i-'kii-na-,kla-zam\ n : the doctrine, practice,
longing to or associated with: one exhibiting or affected or attitude of an iconoclast
by : one that produces icon-o-clast \-,klast\ n [ML iconociastes, fro MGk eikonok-
-l-cal \i-kal\ adj suffix : -IC (symmetrical) (geological)- tastes, lit., image destroyer, fro Gk eikon image + klan to \i-ka-le, -klev adv suffix break] 1 : one who destroys religious images or opposes
ICBM \,i-,se-(,)be-'em\ n, pI ICBM's or ICBMs \-'emz\ : an their veneration 2: one who attacks cherished beliefs or
intercontinental ballistic missile institutions
ICC abbr Interstate Commerce Commission -ies \iks\ n sing or pi suffix 1 : study : knowledge : skill
'ice \'is\ n 1 : frozen water 2: a substance resembling ice : practice (linguistics) (electronics) 2: characteristic ac-
3 : a state of coldness (as from formality or reserve) 4: a tions or activities (acrobatics) 3: characteristic qualities,
flavored frozen dessert; esp : one containing no milk or operations, or phenomena (mechanics)
cream ic-tus \'ik-tas\ n : the recurring stress or beat in a rhythmic
2iee vb iced; 1 : FREEZE 2 : CHfLL 3 : to cover with or or metrical series of sounds
as if with icing ICU abbr intensive care unit
ice age n : a time of widespread glaciation icy \'i-se\ adj ic-i-er; -est 1 : covered with, abounding in, or
ice bag n : a waterproof bag to hold ice for local applica- consisting of ice 2 : intensely cold 3 : being cold and
tion of cold to the body unfriendly - \'i-sa-le\ adv - ic-i-ness \-se-nas\ n
ice-berg \'is-,barg\ n : a large floating mass of ice broken [2] arctic, bitter, chill, cold, freezing, frigid, frosty,
off from a glacier glacial, polar, raw, wintry - more at COLD. [3] chill,
iceberg lettuce n : any of various crisp light green lettuces chilly, cold, cold-blooded, cool, frigid, frosty, glacial,
that form a compact head like a cabbage unfriendly, unsympathetic, wintry - more at COLD
ice-boat \'is-,bot\ n : a boatlike frame on runners propelled 'id \'id\ n [L, it] : the part of the psyche in psychoanalytic
on ice by sails theory that is completely unconscious and concerned
ice-bound \-,baimd\ adj : surrounded, obstructed, or cov- with instinctual needs and drives
ered by ice 2id abbr idem
ice-box \-,biiks\ n : REFRIGERATOR '10 \'i-'de\ vb 10'd or 10ed; 10'ing or 10ing : IDENTIFY
lee-break-er \-,brii-kar\ n : a ship equipped to make a chan- 210 abbr 1 Idaho 2 identification
nel through ice idea \i-'de-a\ n 1 : a plan for action: DESIGN 2 : some-
ice cap n : a glacier forming on relatively level land and thing (as a thought, concept, sensation, or image) present
flowing outward from its center in the mind 3: a central meaning or purpose
413 idled

concept, image, impression, notion, picture, thought; identity theft n : the illegal use of someone else's personal
also apprehension, premonition, presentiment; chimera, information to obtain money or credit
illusion, phantasm; caprice, conceit, fancy, freak, no- ideo-gram \'i-de-;)-,gram, 'i-\ n 1 : a picture or symbol used
tion, vagary, whim; observation, perception, reflection; in a system of writing to represent a thing or an idea 2 : a
assumption, belief, conclusion, conviction; conjecture, character or symbol used in a system of writing to repre-
guess, hunch, hypothesis, speculation, supposition, sur- sent an entire word
mise, theory; brainstorm, inspiration ideo-Iogue also idea-logue \'i-de-;)-,16g\ n : a partisan advo-
'ide-al \i-'del\ adj 1 : existing only in the mind: IMAGINARY; cate or adherent of a particular ideology
also : lacking practicality 2 : of or relating to an ideal ide-ol.o-gy \,i-de-'ii-l;)-je, ,i-\ also ide-al.o-gy \-'ii-l;)-je, -'a-\
or to perfection : PERFECT n, pi -gies 1 : the body of ideas characteristic of a par-
absolute, faultless, flawless, impeccable, letter-per- ticular individual, group, or culture 2: the assertions,
fect, perfect, unblemished - more at PERFECT theories, and aims that constitute a political, social, and
2ideal n 1 : a standard of excellence 2 : one regarded economic program - lde-o-lcq-i-cal \,i-de-;)-'Iii-ji-k;)l, ,i-\
as a model worthy of imitation 3: GOAL adj - lde-ol-o-qlst \-de-'ii-I;)-jist\ n
[1] classic, epitome, exemplar, perfection, quintes- creed, doctrine, gospel, philosophy - more at CREED
sence - more at QUINTESSENCE. [2] beau ideal, classic, ides \'idz\ n sing or pi : the 15th day of March, May, July,
exemplar, model, nonpareil, paragon; also role model; or October or the 13th day of any other month in the an-
embodiment, epitome, incarnation, manifestation, per- cient Roman calendar
sonification; archetype, example, paradigm, pattern; id-i-o-cy \'i-de-;)-se\ n, pi -cies 1 usu offensive : extreme
guideline, principle, rule; gauge, standard, touchstone; mental retardation 2.: something notably stupid or
essence, quintessence; acme, apex, culmination, peak, foolish
pinnacle, summit, zenith absurdity, fatuity, folly, foolery, foolishness, inanity,
ide-al-lee chiefly Brit var of IDEALIZE madness, stupidity
ide-al-ism \i-'de-;)-,Ii-z;)m\ n : the practice of forming ideals idi-om \'i-de-;)m\ n 1 : the language peculiar to a person
or living under their influence; also: an idealized repre- or group 2: the characteristic form or structure of a lan-
sentation - lde-al-ls-tlc \i-,de-;)-'lis-tik\ adj - lde-al-is-ti- guage 3: an expression that cannot be understood from \-ti-k(;)- )Ie\ adv the meanings of its separate words (as give way) - ld-l-o-
lde-al-lst \-list\ n : one guided by ideals; also: one that mat-te \,i-de-;)-'ma-tik\ adj - id-l-o-rnat-l-cal-ly \-ti-k(;)-)Ie\
places ideals before practical considerations adv
dreamer, romantic, utopian, visionary; also sentimen- id-i-o-path-lc \,i-de-;)-'pa-thik\ adj : arising spontaneously
talist; theorist; perfectionist; thinker Ant realist or from an obscure or unknown cause <an - disease)
lde-al-ize \i-'de-;)-,liz\ vb -ized; -izing : to think of or rep- id-i-o-syn-cra-sy \,i-de-;)-'silJ-kr;)-se\ n, pi -sies : personal
resent as ideal- lde-al-l-za-tlon \-,de-;)-I;)-'zii-sh;)n\ n peculiarity - id-i-o-syn-crat-ic \,i-de-6-sin-'kra-tik\ adj -
dream, glamorize, glorify; also daydream, imagine, \-'kra-ti-k(;)- )Ie\ adv
romance, theorize crotchet, eccentricity, mannerism, oddity, peculiar-
ide-ally \i-'de-Ie, -'de-;)-le\ adv 1 : in idea or imagination ity, quirk, singularity, trick; also affectation, airs; at-
: MENTALLY 2 : in agreement with an ideal: PERFECTLY tribute, characteristic, property, mark, trait; custom,
faultlessly, flawlessly, impeccably, perfectly - more habit, pattern, practice, way, wont; addiction; abnor-
at PERFECTLY mality, perversion; disposition, genius, leaning, partial-
ide-a-tion \,i-de-'ii-sh;)n \ n : the forming of ideas - ide-ate ity; bent, inclination, penchant, predilection, predispo-
\'I-de-,iit\ vb - ide-a-tlon-al \,I-de-'ii-sh;)-n;)l\ adj sition, proclivity, propensity, tendency, tum; attitude,
idem \'I-,dem, 'e-, 'i-\ pron [L, same] : the same as some- character, humor, identity, individuality, nature, per-
thing previously mentioned sonality, temperament
lden-ti-cal \i-'den-ti-k;)l\ adj 1 : being the same 2 : es- idi-ot \'i-de-;)t\ n [ME, fr. AF ydiote, fro L idiota ignorant
sentially alike person, fro Gk tatotes one in a private station, layman, ig-
duplicate, equal, even, indistinguishable, same- norant person, fro idios one's own, private] 1 usu offensive
more at SAME : a person affected with extreme mental retardation
lden-ti-ti-ce-tton \I-,den-t;)-f;)-'kii-sh;)n\ n 1 : an act of iden- 2 : a foolish or stupid person - ld-l-ot-lc \,i-de-'ii-tik\
tifying : the state of being identified 2: evidence of iden- adj - id-i-ot-i-cal-ly \-ti-k(;)- )Ie\ adv
tity 3 : an unconscious psychological process by which an blockhead, cretin, dodo, dolt, dope, dummy, imbe-
individual models thoughts, feelings, and actions after an- cile, jackass, moron, nitwit, numskull, simpleton; also
other person or an object booby, fool, goose, lunatic, madman, nut, zany; gawk,
lden-ti-fy \i-'den-t;)-,fi\ vb -fied; 1 : to regard as iden- loser; scatterbrain; beast, boor, cad, churl, clown,
tical 2 : to think of as united (as in spirit, outlook, or creep, cur, heel, jerk, skunk, snake, stinker, villain Ant
principle) : ASSOCIATE 3 : to establish the identity of brain, genius
4 : to practice psychological identification - id-i-ot-proof \'i-de-;)t-,prlif\ adj : extremely easy to operate
able \-,den-t;)-'fi-;)-b;)l\ adj - iden-ti-fi-ably \-ble\ adv- or maintain
lden-tl-tl-er \-,fi(-;)r\ n 'idle \'id-'I\ adi idler \'i-d;)-I;)r\; idlest \'i-d;)-l;)st\
[2] associate, connect, correlate, link, relate - more 1 : GROUNDLESS, WORTHLESS, USELESS <- talk) 2 : not
at ASSOCIATE. [3] distinguish, pinpoint, single; also di- occupied or employed : INACTIVE 3 : lacking in ambi-
agnose; find, determine; locate, pick out, place, recog- tion or incentive: LAZY - idly \'id-Ie\ adv
nize, spot; check, examine, inspect, investigate, notice, [2) dead, dormant, fallow, free, inactive, inert, inop-
observe, scrutinize; betray, disclose, discover, reveal erative, latent, off, vacant - more at INACTIVE. [3] in-
lden-ti-ty \i-'den-t;)-te\ n, pi -ties 1 : sameness of essential dolent, lazy, shiftless, slothful- more at LAZY
character 2 : the distinguishing character or personal- 2idle vb idled; idling 1 : to spend time doing nothing 2: to
ity of an individual : INDIVIDUALITY 3: the fact of being make idle 3: to run without being connected so that
the same person or thing as claimed power is not used for useful work
character, individuality, personality, self-identity- dally, dawdle, dillydally, hang around, hang out, loaf,
more at INDIVIDUALITY loll, lounge; also fiddle, fool, mess, monkey, play, pot-
identity crisis n : psychological conflict esp. in adolescence ter, putter, trifle; estivate, hibernate; lag, loiter, linger,
involving confusion about one's social role and one's per- poke, relax, rest; amble, mosey, saunter, stroll; bum,
sonality furlough, goldbrick, malinger
idleness 414

idle-ness n + : the quality or state of being idle (as through 2 : DESPICABLE 3: HUMILIATING, DEGRADING -
lack of worth, occupation, employment, industry) ous.lyadv
+ indolence, inertia, laziness, sloth - more at LAZINESS discreditable, disgraceful, dishonorable (or dishon-
dormancy, inaction, inactivity, inertness, quiescence ourable), disreputable, infamous, notorious, shameful
- more at INAGnON - more at DISREPUTABLE
idler n + : one that idles or is unoccupied: a lazy person \'ig-n~-,mi-ne, ig-tna-ma-nev n 1 : deep per-
+ lazybones, loafer, slouch, slug, sluggard - more at sonal humiliation and disgrace 2: disgraceful or dishon-
LAZYBONES orable conduct, quality, or action
idol \'id-'J\ n 1 : an image worshipped as a god; also: a + discredit, disgrace, dishonor (or dishonour), disre-
false god 2: an object of passionate devotion pute, infamy, odium, opprobrium, reproach, shame -
idol-a-ter or Idol-a-ter \i-'da-la-tar\ n : a worshiper of idols more at DISGRACE
idol-a-try \-tre\ n, pl -tries 1 : the worship of a physical ob- \,ig-n:l-'ra-m:ls\ n [Ignoramus, ignorant
ject as a god 2 +: excessive devotion - ldol-e-trous lawyer in Ignoramus (1615), play by George Ruggle] : an
\-tras\ adj utterly ignorant person
+ adulation, deification, worship - more at WORSHIP \'ig-n:l-r:lns\ n : the state of being ignorant
ldol-l-za-tlon \,id-'l-a-'za-shan\ n : the act of idolizing or + obliviousness, unawareness; also callowness, green-
state of being idolized ness, inexperience, innocence, naivete, rawness, simple-
idol-ize \'id-'l-,iz\ vb -ized; + : to make an idol of ness Ant acquaintance, awareness, familiarity
+ adore, canonize, deify, dote on, worship; also appre- Vig-na-rcnt', adj 1 + : lacking knowledge 2: re-
ciate, cherish, esteem, prize, treasure, value; fancy, fa- sulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence
vor, like, prefer; regard; respect, revere, venerate; ap- 3 : not aware: UNAWARE, UNINFORMED -
prove, endorse, support adv
idyll \'id-'l\ n 1 : a simple work of writing or poetry that + [l] dark, illiterate, simple, uneducated, unlearned,
describes country life or suggests a peaceful setting untaught; also lowbrow, uncultivated, uncultured; cal-
2 + : a lighthearted carefree episode that is a fit subject low, green, inexperienced, innocent, naive; unsophisti-
for an idyll - idyllie \i-'di-lik\ adj cated; raw, untrained; brainless, dumb, idiotic, imbe-
+ binge, fling, frolic, gambol, lark, revel, rollick, romp cilic, moronic, stupid, witless; foolish, senseless, silly
- more at FLING Ant educated, knowledgeable, literate, schooled + [3]
i.e. \'i-'e\ abbr [L id est] that is oblivious, unaware, unconscious, uninformed, un-
IE abbr industrial engineer knowing, unwitting; also uneducated, unschooled, un-
if \'if\ coni 1 : in the event that <- he stays, I leave) taught; absent, absentminded, abstracted, heedless,
2 : WHETHER <ask - he left) 3 - used as a function inattentive Ant acquainted, aware, cognizant, con-
word to introduce an exclamation expressing a wish <- scious, conversant, grounded, informed, knowing, mind-
it would only rain) 4: even though <an interesting - un- ful, witting
tenable argument) ig.nore \ig-'nor\ vb ig.nored; + : to refuse to take
IF abbr intermediate frequency notice of
ifofy \'i-fe\ adj : full of contingencies or unknown condi- disregard, forget, neglect, overlook, pass over, slight,
tions slur - more at NEGLECf + condone, disregard, excuse,
-i.fy \a-,fi\ vb suffix : -FY gloss over, pardon, pass over, shrug off, wink at-
IG abbr inspector general more at EXCUSE
i9-loo \'i-glii\ n, pi igloos [Inuit (an Eskimo language) iglu \i-'gwa-n:l\ n : any of various large tropical Amer-
house] : an Eskimo house or hut often made of snow ican lizards
blocks and in the shape of a dome ihp abbr indicated horsepower \'ig-ne-as\ adj 1 : FIERY 2: formed by solidifica- IHS \,i-,ach-'es\ [LL, part transliteration of Gk nu:, abbr.
tion of molten rock for ImOn Iesous Jesus]- used as a Christian symbol \-'ni-ta-bal\ adj + : capable of being ignited and monogram for Jesus
+ combustible, flammable, inflammable - more at ikon var a/ICON
COMBUSTIBLE IL abbr lllinois
ig.nite \ig-'ni!\ vb ig.nit-ed; +: to set afire or ll-e-ltls \,i-le-'i-t:ls\ n : inflammation of the ileum
catch fire n-e-um \'i-le-am\ n, pI il-ea \-le-:l\ : the part of the small in-
+ burn, fire, inflame, kindle, light - more at BURN testine between the jejunum and the large intestine \ig-'ni-shan \ n 1 : a setting on fire 2: the process Il-i-ac \'i-le-,ak\ adj : of, relating to, or located near the il-
or means (as an electric spark) of igniting the fuel mix- ium
ture in an engine ll-l-urn \'i-le-:lm\ n : the uppermost and largest of the three \ig-'no-bal\ adi 1 : of common birth 2 : not bones making up either side of the pelvis
honorable: BASE, MEAN - adv ilk \'ilk\ n + : a group set up on the basis of any character-
[l] common, humble, inferior, low, lowly, mean, ple- istic in common: SORT, KIND
beian, vulgar; also bourgeois; peasant, plain, poor, sim- breed, class, description, feather, kind, like, manner,
ple Ant aristocratic, high, highborn, lofty, noble, well, nature, order, sort, species, type - more at SORT
born [2] base, contemptible, despicable, detestable, 'ill \'il\ adj worse \'w:lrs\; worst Vwarstv 1 : attended or
dirty, dishonorable (or dishonourable), low, mean, caused by an evil intent <- deeds) 2 a : not normal or
snide, sordid, vile, wretched; also bad, black, evil, foul, sound<- health) b.: not in good health: SICK; also
immoral, iniquitous, wicked, wrong; cruel, nasty, vi- : feeling nauseated 3: BAD, UNLUCKY <- omen) 4: not
cious; blamable, blameworthy, censurable, reprehensi- right or proper <- manners) 5: UNFRIENDLY, HOSTILE
ble; corrupt, debased, debauched, degenerate, de- (- feeling)
praved, dissolute, perverted; atrocious, villainous; + [l] adverse, bad, baleful, baneful, damaging, deleteri-
unethical, unprincipled, unscrupulous; discreditable, ous, detrimental, evil, harmful, hurtful, injurious, mis-
disgraceful, disreputable, ignominious, shameful Ant chievous, noxious, pernicious, prejudicial - more at
high, high-minded, honorable, lofty, noble, straight, up- HARMFUL [2b] nauseous, queasy, queer, sick, squeam-
right, venerable, virtuous ish - more at NAUSEOUS. [2b] bad, down, indisposed, \,ig-na-'mi-ne-as\ adj 1 marked with or peaked, punk, sick, unhealthy, unsound, unwell-
characterized by disgrace or shame : DISHONORABLE more at SICK
415 illusion

2i11 adv worse; worst 1 : with displeasure 2 + : in a harsh ill-man-nered \'iI-'ma-nard\ adi + : marked by bad man-
manner 3: probably not: HARDLY <can ~ afford it> ners : RUDE
4: BADLY, UNLUCKILY 5: in a faulty way + discourteous, ill-bred, impertinent, impolite, incon-
+ hard, hardly, harshly, oppressively, roughly, severely, siderate, rude, thoughtless, uncivil, ungracious, unman-
sternly, stiffly - more at HARDLY nerly - more at IMPOLITE
3i11 n 1 + : the reverse of good : EVIL 2: MISFORTUNE, DIS- ill-ne-tured \-'na-chard\ adj : having a bad disposition
+ bad, evil, immorality, iniquity, sin, villainy, wrong e=
ill-ness \'iI-nas\ n + : an unhealthy condition of body or
more at EVIL mind: SICKNESS; also: a specific disease
'ill abbr illustrated; illustration; illustrator + ailment, bug, complaint, complication, condition,
III abbr Illinois disease, disorder, fever, infirmity, malady, sickness,
iII-ad.vised \,iI-ad-'vizd\ ad} + : not well counseled <~ ef- trouble - more at DISEASE
forts> - ill-advis-edly \-'vi-zad-Ie\ adv ll-loq-l-cal \il-'Ili-ji-bl\ ad} + : lacking sound reasoning;
+ imprudent, indiscreet, tactless, unwise - more at TN- also: SENSELESS - \-ji-k(a-)le\ adv
DISCREET + fallacious, invalid, irrational, senseless, unreasonable,
ill-bred \-'bred\ adj + : showing bad upbringing: IMPOLITE unsound, weak; also misleading, specious; ill-advised,
+ discourteous, ill-mannered, impertinent, impolite, in- unconsidered, unreasoned; inconsistent; absurd, asi-
considerate, rude, thoughtless, uncivil, ungracious, un- nine, foolish, meaningless, nonsensical, preposterous,
mannerly - more at IMPOLITE silly; odd, peculiar, strange, unusual, weird; insane,
il.le-gal \il-'Ie-gal\ ad} + : not lawful; also: not sanctioned nutty, mad, wacky; disordered, disorganized, rambling,
by official rules - il.le-gal.i.ty \,i-li-'ga-Ia-te\ n - ille-gal- random; unconvincing; inexplicable, unaccountable
Iyadv ill-starred \'iI-'stlird\ adj + : having or meeting with mis-
fortune: UNLUCKY
+ criminal, illegitimate, illicit, unlawful, wrongful; also
bad, evil, immoral, shameful, sinful, unethical, wicked, + hapless, ill-fated, luckless, unfortunate, unhappy, un-
wrong; blameworthy, censurable, reprehensible; banned, lucky - more at UNLUCKY
barred, disallowed, discouraged, forbidden, interdicted, ill-tem-pered \-'tem-pard\ adj + : having a bad disposition
outlawed, prohibited, proscribed; unauthorized, unli- : CROSS
censed, unsanctioned; corrupt, unprincipled, unscrupu- bearish, bilious, cantankerous, cross, disagreeable,
lous, villainous Ant lawful, legal, legitimate + dirty, dyspeptic, ill-humored, ornery, splenetic, surly - more
foul, unfair, unsportsmanlike at ILL-TEMPERED; also choleric, crabby, cranky, crotch-
il.leg.i.ble \iI-'le-ja-bal\ adj : not legible - iI.leg.i.bil.i.ty \iI- ety, fussy, grouchy, grumpy, querulous; irascible, irrita-
,Ie-ja-'bi-Ia-te\ n - iI.leg.i.bly \iI-'le-ja-ble\ adv ble, peevish, petulant, snappish, testy, touchy; argu-
mentative, contrary, contentious; angry, indignant,
iI.le-git.i.mate \,i-li-'ji-ta-mat\ adj 1 + : born of unmarried
irate, mad, upset, uptight; depressed, dour, glum, mo-
parents 2: ILLOGICAL 3 + : not sanctioned by law: ILLE-
rose, sullen Ant amiable, good-natured, good-tempered
GAL - il.le-git.i.maoey \-'ji-ta-ma-se\ n - il-le-qlt-i-mate-ly
adv ill-treat \-'tret\ vb + : to treat cruelly or improperly: MAL-
TREAT - iII-treatment n
+ [1] natural; also fatherless, motherless; adopted Ant
legitimate + [3] criminal, illegal, illicit, unlawful, + abuse, maltreat, manhandle, mishandle, mistreat,
wrongful - more at ILLEGAL misuse - more at ABUSE
iII-fat-ed \'iI-'fa-tad\ ad} + : having or destined to a hapless illuminate \i-'lil-ma-,niit\ vb -nat-ed; -nat-inq 1 + : to sup-
fate: UNFORTUNATE ply or brighten with light: light up 2 + : to make clear
: ELUCIDATE 3 : to decorate (as a manuscript) with designs
+ hapless, ill-starred, luckless, unfortunate, unhappy, or pictures in gold or colors - adv - il-
unlucky - more at UNLUCKY
lu-mi-na-tor \-'lil-ma-,na-tar\ n
lll-ta-vored \-'fa-vard\ adj : unattractive in physical ap-
[l] light; also brighten; beam, beat (down), radiate,
pearance : UGLY shine; floodlight; highlight, spotlight; blaze, burn, fire,
iII-gotten \-'glit-'n\ ad} : acquired by improper means <~
flame, glare, glow, ignite, incinerate, kindle; bedazzle,
gains> blind, daze, dazzle; gleam, glisten, glitter Ant blacken,
iII-humored \-'hyii-mard, -'yil-\ adj + : irritably sullen and
darken + [2] clarify, clear (up), construe, demonstrate,
churlish in mood or manner: SURLY
elucidate, explain, explicate, expound, illustrate, inter-
+ bearish, bilious, cantankerous, disagreeable, dyspep- pret, spell out - more at EXPLAIN
tic, ill-tempered, ornery, splenetic, surly - more at ILL' ll-lu-mi-na-tlon \-,Iil-ma-'na-shan\ n 1 + : the action of illu-
minating 2 + : the state of being illuminated
iI.lib-eral \iI-'Ii-ba-ral\ ad} : not liberal: NARROW, BIGOTED
+ [l] blaze, flare, fluorescence, glare, gleam, glow, in-
iIlicit \iI-'Ii-sat\ ad} + : not permitted: UNLAWFUL - il-llc- candescence, light, luminescence, radiance, shine-
it.lyadv more at LIGHT + [2] brilliance, dazzle, effulgence, light-
+ criminal, illegal, illegitimate, unlawful, wrongful- ness, lucidity, luminosity, radiance, refulgence, splen-
more at ILLEGAL dor - more at BRILLIANCE \iI-'Ii-ma-ta-bal\ adj + : incapable of being lim- illumine \i-'Iii-man\ vb -mined; -rnln-inq : to make clear or
ited or bounded: BOUNDLESS, MEASURELESS - il-llm-lt-ably bright: ILLUMINATE
\-ble\ adv iII-us.age \'iI-'yii-sij\ n : harsh, unkind, or abusive treat-
+ boundless, endless, immeasurable, indefinite, infinite, ment
limitless, measureless, unbounded, unfathomable, un- ill-use \-'yilz\ vb: to use badly: MALTREAT, ABUSE
limited - more at TNF[NJTE il.lusion \i-'Iii-zhan\ n [ME, fro AF, fro LL illusio, fr. L, ac- \,i-la-'n6i also -'n6iz\ n, pi Illinois : a member of an tion of mocking, fro illudere to mock at, fro ludere to play,
American Indian people of Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin mock] 1 + : a mistaken idea: MISCONCEPTION 2 + : a mis-
ll-ltt-er-ate \i1-'li-ta-rat\ adj 1 + : having little or no educa- leading visual image; also: HALLUCTNATION
tion; esp : unable to read or write 2: showing a lack of fa- + [1] error, fallacy, falsehood, falsity, misconception,
miliarity with the fundamentals of a particular field of myth, untruth - more at FALLACY + [2] chimera, con-
knowledge - Il-llt-er-a-cy \-'Ii-ta-ra-se\ n - illiterate n ceit, daydream, delusion, dream, fancy, fantasy, fig-
+ dark, ignorant, simple, uneducated, unlearned, un- ment, hallucination, phantasm, pipe dream, unreality,
taught - more at IGNORANT vision
illusionist 416
il-lu-sion-ist \i-'Iii-zha-nist\ n + : one that produces illu- nonzero term (imaginary part) containing the imaginary
sions; esp : a sleight-of-hand performer unit as a factor
+ conjurer, magician, trickster imag-i-na-tion \i-,ma-ja-'na-shan\ n 1 + : the act or power
il-lu-sive \i-'Iii-siv\ adj : DECEPTIVE of forming a mental image of something not present to \i-'Iii-sa-re, -za-v adj : DECEPTIVE the senses or not previously known or experienced
iIIust or illus abbr illustrated; illustration 2 : creative ability 3: RESOURCEFULNESS 4: a mental im-
il.lustrate \'i-Ias-,trat\ vb -trat-ed: -trat-lnq [L illustrare, fr. age : a creation of the mind
lustrare to purify, make bright] 1 + : to explain by use of + creativity, fancy, fantasy, invention, inventiveness;
examples; also: DEMONSTRATE 2: to provide with pictures also brainstorm, inspiration; fecundity, fertility; ingenu-
or figures that explain or decorate 3: to serve to explain ity, originality; versatility; chimera, daydream, delu-
or decorate - il-lus-tra-tor \'i-Ia-,stra-tar\ n sion, dream, figment, hallucination, illusion, mirage,
+ demonstrate, exemplify, instance; also cite, instance, phantasm, pipe dream; envisaging, visualization
mention, quote; name, specify; analyze, break down; lrnaq-l-na-tive \i-'ma-ja-na-tiv, -,na-\ adj + : of, relating to,
clarify, clear (up), explain, explicate, expound; edify, or characterized by imagination - adv
elucidate, enlighten; illuminate; construe, interpret; creative, ingenious, innovative, inventive, original -
simplify, spell out; detail, enumerate, list more at CREATIVE
il-lus-tra-tton \,i-Ia-'stra-shan\ n 1 : the act of illustrating lmaq-lne \i-'ma-jan\ vb imaq-lned; 1 + : to form
: the condition of being illustrated 2 : an example or in- a mental picture of something not present 2 + : to hold
stance that helps make something clear 3 + : a picture or as an opinion: THINK, GUESS (I ~ it will rain)
diagram that explains or decorates [1] conceive, dream, envisage, fancy, picture, vision,
+ [2] clarification, construction, elucidation, explana- visualize; also daydream; hallucinate; reflect, relive,
tion, explication, exposition, illumination, interpreta- reminisce; contemplate, meditate, muse, ponder, rumi-
tion - more at EXPLANATION + [3] diagram, figure, nate; concoct, fabricate, invent, make up, manufacture,
graphic, plate; also drawing, illumination, image, pic- plan, project + [2] believe, consider, deem, feel, figure,
ture; caption, key,legend; depiction, portrait, portrayal, guess, hold, suppose, think - more at BELIEVE
representation; clarification, elucidation, explanation, \-'maj-nilJz, -'ma-ja-\ n t : products of the
explication, exposition imagination
Il-lus-tra-tive \i-'Ias-tra-tiv, 'i-Ia-,stra-\ adj : serving, tending, im-ag-ism \'i-mi-Ji-zam\ n, often cap: a movement in po-
or designed to illustrate - il-lus-tra-tive-ly adv etry advocating free verse and the expression of ideas and
il-lus-trl-cus \i-'Ias-tre-as\ adi + : notably outstanding be- emotions through clear precise images - im-ag-ist \-jist\
cause of rank or achievement - il-lus-trj-ous-ness n n
distinguished, eminent, noble, notable, noteworthy, ima.go \i-'ma-go, -'ma-\ n, pl imagoes or \-'ma-
outstanding, preeminent, prestigious, signal, star, supe- ga-jnez, -'ma-\ [NL, fr. L, image] : an insect in its final
rior - more at EMINENT adult stage - irna-qi-nal \i-'ma-gan-'I, -'ma-\ adj
ill will n : unfriendly feeling im-bal-ance \'im-'ba-Ians\ n : lack of balance: the state of
ILS abbr instrument landing system being out of equilibrium or out of proportion
'im.age \'i-mij\ n 1 : a likeness or imitation of a person or lm-be-clle \'im-ba-sal, -,si!\ n 1 usu offensive: a person af-
thing; esp : STATUE 2: a picture of an object formed by a fected with moderate mental retardation 2 + : a person
device (as a mirror or lens) 3 + : a person strikingly like lacking in judgment or prudence: IDIOT - imbecile or im-
another person (he is the ~ of his father) 4 : a mental be-cil-Ic \,im-ba-'si-lik\ adj
picture or conception : IMPRESSION, IDEA, CONCEPT 5: a
vivid representation or description
+ blockhead, dope, dummy, idiot, jackass, nitwit, num-
skull, simpleton - more at IDIOT
+ [3] carbon copy, counterpart, double, duplicate, du- im-be-cil-i-ty \,im-ba-'si-Ia-te\ n 1 : the quality or state of
plication, facsimile, likeness, match, picture, replica,
being imbecile or an imbecile 2: something that is fool-
ringer, spit; also effigy, portrait, portrayal; companion,
ish or nonsensical
counterpart, fellow, mate; equal, equivalent, identical
imbed var oj EMBED
twin; analogue, parallel + [4] concept, idea, impression,
lm-blbe \im-'bib\ vb imbibed; imbiboing 1 : to receive and
notion, picture, thought - more at IDEA
retain in the mind 2 + : to take through the mouth and
2image vb im-aged; 1 : to call up a mental picture
esophagus into the stomach: DRINK 3 : to take in or up
of 2 + : to describe or portray in words 3 + : to create a
: ABSORB - im-blb-er n
representation of 4 : REFLECT, MIRROR 5: to make appear
: PROJECT + [2] drink, guzzle, quaff, sup, swig, toss - more at
DRINK + [3] absorb, drink, soak, sponge, suck - more
+ [2] delineate, depict, describe, draw, paint, picture,
portray, sketch - more at DESCRIBE + [3] depict, pic-
ture, portray, represent - more at PICTURE lrn-brt-ca-ticn \,im-bra-'ka-shan\ n 1: an overlapping of \'i-mij-re\ n, pI -er-les 1 : IMAGES; also: the art of edges (as of tiles) 2: a pattern showing imbrication - im-
making images 2: figurative language 3 : mental images; bri-cate Vim-bri-katv adj
esp : the products of imagination im-bro-qho \im-'brol-yo\ n, pl -glios [It, fro imbrogliare to
imaq-ln-able \i-'ma-ja-na-bal\ adj : capable of being imag- entangle] 1 : a confused mass 2: a complicated situation;
ined : CONCEIVABLE - imag-inably adv also: a serious or embarrassing misunderstanding
imaginary \i-'ma-ja-,ner-e\ adj 1 : existing only in the im-brue \im-'brU\ vb im-brued; im-bru-lnq : STAIN (hands
imagination 2: containing or relating to a quantity imbrued with blood)
(imaginary unit) that is the positive square root of minus im-bue \-'byii\ vb im-bued; 1 : to permeate or
1 - influence as if by dyeing 2: to tinge or dye deeply
inculcate, infuse, ingrain, invest, steep, suffuse-
+ chimerical, fabulous, fanciful, fantastic, fictitious,
made-up, mythical, phantom, pretend, unreal; also fa- more at INFUSE
bled, legendary, romantic; abstract, hypothetical, theo- IMF abbr International Monetary Fund
retical; unbelievable, unconvincing, unlikely; con- imit abbr imitative
ceived, envisaged, pictured, visualized; deceptive, Im-i-ta-ble \'i-ma-ta-bal\ adj : capable or worthy of being
delusive, delusional, hallucinatory, illusory; concocted, imitated or copied
fabricated Ant actual, existent, existing, real im-i-tate \'i-ma-,tat\ vb -tat-ed; -tat-ing 1 : to follow as a
imaginary number n : a complex number (as 2 + 31) with a model 2: RESEMBLE 3 : to produce a copy of : REPRO-
417 immoderately
DUCE 4 : to copy or feign esp. with intent to deceive tant : CLOSE 4 : made or done at once (an - response)
: MIMIC 5 : near to or related to the present time (the - future)
[1) ape, copy, emulate, mime, mimic; also burlesque, [1) direct, firsthand, primary - more at DIRECT [3, 5)
caricature, lampoon, mock, parody, travesty; imperson- close, near, nearby, nigh - more at CLOSE [4)
ate, perform, play; pantomime [3) copy, duplicate, prompt, punctual, timely - more at PROMPT [4) in-
replicate, reproduce - more at COpy [4) burlesque, stant, instantaneous, straightaway - more at INSTANTA-
caricature, mimic, mock, parody, take off, travesty- NEOUS
more at MIMIC im.meodi.ate-Iy adv 1 : in direct connection or relation
'imitation \,i-ma-'ta-sh:m\ n 1: an act of imitating 2 : without interval of time
2 : something produced as a copy 3: a literary work directly, forthwith, instantly, now, promptly, pronto,
that reproduces the style of another author right away, right now; also away, freely; anon, momen-
carbon copy, copy, duplicate, duplication, facsimile, tarily, shortly, soon; apace, briskly, fast, posthaste,
replica, replication, reproduction - more at COpy quick, quickly, rapidly, readily, speedily, swift, swiftly;
2imitation adj : resembling something else that is usu. abruptly, presto, suddenly, unexpectedly; hastily, im-
genuine and of better quality: not real petuously, impulsively, rashly, recklessly; exactly, op-
artificial, bogus, factitious, fake, false, mimic, mock, portunely, punctually, seasonably
sham, substitute, synthetic; also dummy, phony; cul- trn-me-mo-rl-al \,i-ma-'mor-e-al\ adj : extending beyond
tured, manufactured; unauthentic; adulterated, doc- the reach of memory, record, or tradition
tored, fudged, juggled, manipulated, tampered (with); age-old, ancient, antediluvian, antique, dateless,
concocted, fabricated; counterfeit, deceptive, forged, hoary, old, venerable - more at ANCIENT
fraudulent, misleading; affected, feigned, pseudo, spuri- im-mense \i-'mens\ adj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L immensus im-
ous Ant genuine, natural, real measurable, fr. mensus, pp. of metiri to measure] 1 : very
lm-i-ta-tive \'i-ma-,ta-tiv\ adj 1 .: marked by imitation great in size or degree: VAST 2 : EXCELLENT - lm-mense-
2 : inclined to imitate 3: COUNTERFEIT Iyadv
mimic, slavish, unoriginal; also copied, cribbed, pla- im-men-si-ty \-'men-sa-te\ n 1 : the quality or state of be-
giarized; artificial, bogus, factitious, fake, false, imita- ing immense 2: something immense
tion, man-made, mock, sham, substitute, synthetic; du- enormity, hugeness, magnitude, massiveness, vast-
plicated, reproduced, transcribed; backup; counterfeit, ness; also bigness, greatness, largeness, voluminousness;
deceptive, forged, fraudulent, misleading; uninspired grandness; extravagance, immoderacy Ant minuteness
Ant original im-merse \i-'mars\ vb im-mersed; immersing 1 .: to
imitator \-,ta-tar\ n : one that imitates plunge or dip esp, into a fluid 2 : to take or engage the
impersonator, impressionist, mimic - more at MJMIC whole attention of : ENGROSS, ABSORB 3: to baptize by im-
im-mac-u-late \i-'ma-kya-Iat\ adj 1 : being without stain mersing
or blemish: PURE 2 : spotlessly clean (- linen) - lrn- [1) dip, douse, duck, dunk, souse, submerge - more
mac-u-late-ly adv at DIP. (2) absorb, busy, engage, engross, enthrall, fas-
[1) chaste, clean, decent, modest, pure - more at cinate, grip, interest, intrigue, involve, occupy - more
CHASfE (2) clean, spick-and-span, spotless, stainless, at ENGAGE
unsoiled, unsullied - more at CLEAN lrn-rner-slon \-'mar-zhan\ n : the act of immersing or the
irn-rna-nent \'i-ma-nant\ adj 1 : INHERENT 2: being within state of being immersed; esp : absorbing involvement
the limits of experience or knowledge - lm-ma-nence im'miogrant \'i-mi-grant\ n 1 : a person who immigrates
\-nans\ n - im-ma-nen-cy v-non-se', n 2 : a plant or animal that becomes established where it did \,i-ma-'tir-e-al\ adj 1 .: not consisting of not previously occur
matter : SPIRITUAL 2: of no substantial consequence emigrant, emigre, migrant, settler - more at EMI-
: UNiMPORTANT, TRIFLING 3 : not material or essential- GRANT
im-ma-te-ri-al-t-ty \-.tir-e-'a-I,,-te\ n im.miograte \'i-ma-,grat\ vb -gratoed; : to come into
[1) bodiless, incorporeal, insubstantial, nonmaterial, a foreign country and take up residence - tm-rnl-qre-tton
nonphysical, spiritual, unsubstantial; also metaphysical, \,i-ma-'gra-shan\ n
supernatural; impalpable, insensible, intangible, invisi- lrn-rnl-nent \'i-ma-nant\ adj : ready to take place; esp
ble; airy, diaphanous, ethereal, tenuous, thin, vaporous : hanging threateningly over one's head - lm-mt-nence
Ant bodily, corporeal, material, physical, substantial \-nans\ n - im-mi-nent-ly adv
(3) extraneous, irrelevant - more at iRRELEVANT coming, forthcoming, impending, oncoming, pending
im-ma-ture \,i-ma-'tur, -'tyiJr\ adj : lacking complete de- - more at FORTHCOMlNG impending, pending; also
velopment : not yet mature - im-ma-tu-ri-ty \-'tur-a-te, approaching, coming, forthcoming, future, near, near-
-'tyiJr-\ n ing, oncoming, upcoming; brewing, gathering; likely,
adolescent, babyish, childish, infantile, juvenile, kid- possible, probable; inevitable, unavoidable; menacing,
dish - more at CHILDISH adolescent, callow, green, ominous, portentous; anticipated, awaited, expected,
inexperienced, juvenile, raw - more at CALLOW foreseen, predicted
im-mea-sur-able \(,)i-'me-zha-ra-bal\ adj. : not capable of im-mls-ci-ble \(,)i-'mi-sa-bal\ adj : incapable of mixing-
being measured : indefinitely extensive - lm-rnea-sur- im.misoei.bil.i.ty \-,mi-sa-'bi-Ia-te\ n
ably \-ble\ adv lrn-rnis-er-a-tion \(,)i-,mi-za-'ra-shan\ n : IMPOVERISHMENT
boundless, endless, illimitable, indefinite, infinite, tm-mo-blle \(,)i-'mo-bal\ adj : incapable of moving or be-
limitless, measureless, unbounded, unfathomable, un- ing moved: IMMOVABLE - \,i-mo-'bi-I:He\ n
limited - more at INFINITE immovable, standing, static, stationary, unmovable
im-me-di-a-cy \i-'me-de-a-se\ n, t -cies 1 : the quality or - more at STATIONARY
state of being immediate 2: something that is of immedi- tm-mo-bl-uae \i-'mo-ba-,Hz\ vb : to make immobile - im-
ate importance mo-bilization \i-,mo-ba-Ia-'za-shan\ n
closeness, contiguity, nearness, proximity - more at cripple, disable, hamstring, incapacitate, paralyze,
PROXlMITY prostrate - more at PARALYZE
Im-me-dl-ate \i-'me-de-at\ adj 1 .: acting directly and tm-mod-er-ate \(,)i-'mli-da-rat\ adj : lacking in modera-
alone: DIRECT (the - cause of death) 2: being next in tion : EXCESSIVE - im-mod-er-a-cy \-ra-se\ n - im-mcd-er-
line or relation (members of the - family) 3 : not dis- ate-Iyadv
immodest 418
devilish, excessive, exorbitant, extravagant, extreme, cal \-ji-kal\ adj - im-mu-no-log-i-cal-ly \-ji-k(a-)Ie\ adv-
inordinate, lavish, overmuch, overweening, steep, stiff, im-mu-not-o-qist \-'nii-Ia-jist\ n
towering, unconscionable - more at EXCESSIVE lm-mu-no-sup-pres-sion \,i-mya-n6-sa-'pre-shan\ n : sup-
irn-rncd-est \(,)i-'mii-dast\ ad) : not modest <~ con- pression (as by drugs) of natural immune responses-
duct); specif : not conforming to the sexual mores of a im-mu-no-sup-press \-'pres\ vb - im-mu-no-sup-pres-sive
particular time or place <an - dress) - im-mod-est-ly \-'pre-siv\ adj
adv - im-mod-es-ty x-do-ste', n im-mu-no-ther-a-py \-'ther-a-pe\ n : treatment or preven-
bold, familiar, forward, free, presumptuous - more tion of disease by attempting to induce immunity
at PRESUMPTUOUS im-mure \i-'myur\ vb im-mured; im-mur-inq 1 : to enclose
im-mo-late \'i-ma-,Iat\ vb -lat-ed; [L immolare, to within or as if within walls; also: IMPRISON 2: to build
sprinkle with meal before sacrificing, sacrifice, fro mala into a wall; esp : to entomb in a wall
sacrificial barley cake, lit., millstone) : to offer in sacri- cage, closet, coop up, corral, encase, enclose, envelop,
fice; esp : to kill as a sacrificial victim fence, hedge, hem, house, pen, wall- more at ENCLOSE
lrn-mo-ta-tion \,i-ma-'Ia-shan\ n 1 : the act of immolating commit, confine, imprison, jail- more at IMPRISON
: the state of being immolated 2: something that is im- im-mu-ta-bil-i-ty \-,myii-ta-'bi-Ia-te\ n .: the quality or
molated state of being immutable
im-mor-al \(,)i-'m6r-al\ adj : not moral - adv constancy, fixedness, stability, steadiness - more at
bad, black, evil, iniquitous, nefarious, rotten, sinful, CONSTANCY
unethical, unsavory, vicious, vile, villainous, wicked, im-mu-ta-ble \(,)i-'myii-ta-bal\ adj : not capable of or sus-
wrong. cutthroat, Machiavellian, unconscionable, un- ceptible to change : UNCHANGEABLE, UNCHANGING - lrn-
ethical, unprincipled, unscrupulous - more at UNPRIN- mu-ta-bly \-'myii-ta-ble\ adv
CIPLED fast, fixed, hard-and-fast, inflexible, unalterable, un-
immooral.ity \,i-m6-'ra-la-te, ,i-ma-\ n 1 : the quality or changeable, unchanging - more at INFLEXIBLE
state of being immoral; esp : UNCHASTITY 2 : an immoral 'imp \'imp\ n 1 : a small demon: FIEND 2 : a mischie-
act or practice vouschild
[I) bad, evil, ill, iniquity, sin, villainy, wrong - more [1) demon, devil, fiend, ghoul - more at DEMON
at EVIL (2) corruption, debauchery, depravity, iniq- (2) devil, hellion, mischief, monkey, rapscallion, ras-
uity, licentiousness, sin, vice - more at VICE cal, rogue, scamp, urchin - more at SCAMP
'immortal \(,)i-'m6rt-'I\ ad) 1 .: not mortal : exempt 2imp abbr 1 imperative 2 imperfect 3 imperial 4 import;
from death <- gods) 2 : destined to be remembered imported
forever <those ~ words) - im-mor-tal-ly adv urn-pact \im-'pakt\ vb 1 : to press together 2 : to have an
[l, 2) ceaseless, dateless, deathless, endless, eternal, impact on 3 : to strike forcefully
everlasting, permanent, perpetual, undying, unending (2) affect, impress, influence, move, strike, sway, tell,
- more at EVERLASTING touch - more at AFFECT (3) bang, bash, bump, col-
2immortal n 1 : one exempt from death 2pl, often cap: the lide, crash, hit, knock, ram, slam, smash, strike, swipe,
gods in Greek and Roman mythology 3 : a person whose thud - more at HIT
fame is lasting <an ~ of baseball) 2im.pact \'im-,pakt\ n 1 : a forceful contact, collision, or
lm-mcr-tal-ise chiefly Brit var a! IMMORTALIZE onset; also: the impetus communicated in or as if in a col-
tm-mor-tal-l-ty \,i-,m6r-'ta-la-te\ n : the quality or state of lision 2 : the force of impression of one thing on an-
being immortal; esp : unending existence other: EFFECT
afterlife, eter-nity, hereafter, immortality - more at [1) bump, collision, concussion, crash, jar, jolt,
ETERNITY shock, smash, strike. wallop; also blow, buffet, hit,
tm-mor-tal-lze \i-'m6rt-I-,iz\ vb -ized; : to make im- knock, punch, rap, slap, thump; bashing, bludgeoning,
mortal clobbering, hammering, licking, pounding, pum-
tm-mov-abie \(,)i-'mii-va-bal\ adj 1 : firmly fixed, settled, melling, thrashing; contact, encounter, meeting, touch
or fastened <- mountains) 2 : firm in belief, determina- (2) effect, influence, mark, repercussion, sway-
tion, or adherence: UNYIELDING 3: IMPASSIVE - lm-mov- more at EFFECT
abil-ity \-,mii-va-'bi-Ia-te\ n - tm-mov-ably \-bH:\ adv im-pact-ed \im-'pak-tad\ ad} : packed or wedged in
2 : wedged between the jawbone and another tooth
immobile, nonmotile, unbudging, unmovable; also
im-pair \im-'par\ vb : to diminish in quantity, value, excel-
motionless, static, stationary, still; fast, fixed, rooted,
lence, or strength: DAMAGE, LESSEN - lrn-palr-ment n
steadfast, stuck, wedged Ant mobile, motile, movable,
im-paired \-'pard\ ad} : being in a less than perfect or
whole condition; esp : disabled or functionally defective
im-mune \i-'myiin\ ad} 1 : EXEMPT 2: having a special ca- - often used in combination <hearing-impaired)
pacity for resistance (as to a disease) 3: containing or
challenged, disabled, impaired - more at DISABLED
producing antibodies - Im-mu-ni-ty \-'myii-na-te\ n
immune response n : a response of the body to an antigen trn-pa-la \im-'pa-Ia\ n, pI impalas or impala: a large brown-
resulting in the formation of antibodies and cells de- ish African antelope that in the male has slender curved
signed to react with the antigen and render it harmless horns with ridges
immune system n : the bodily system that protects the im-pale \im-'pal\ vb im-paled: : to pierce with
body from foreign substances, cells, and tissues by pro- or as if with something pointed - im-pale-ment n
ducing the immune response and that includes esp. the gore, harpoon, lance, pierce, puncture, skewer, spear,
thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, and lymphocytes spike, stab, stick, transfix; also spindle; perforate; jab,
im-mu-nlze \'i-mya-,niz\ vb -nized; : to make im- poke, prick, punch, thrust; cut, knife, slice
mune - lm-mu-nl-za-tion \,i-mya-na-'za-shan\ n im-pal-pa-ble \(,)im-'pal-pa-bal\ adj 1 : unable to be felt by
im-mu-no-de-fi-cien-cy \,i-mya-n6-di-'fi-shan-se\ n : inabil- touch: INTANGIBLE 2 : not easily seen or understood -
ity to produce the normal number of antibodies or im- impalpably \-ble\ adv
munologically sensitized cells esp, in response to specific imperceptible, inappreciable, indistinguishable -
antigens - im-rnu-no-de-tl-clent \-'fi-shant\ adj more at IMPERCEPTIBLE \,i-mya-n6-'glii-bya-lan\ n : ANTIBODY im-pan-el \im-'pan-'I\ vb : to enter in or on a panel: ENROLL
lm-mu-nol-o-qy \,i-mya-'nii-Ia-je\ n : a science that deals <- a jury)
with the immune system, immunity, and the immune re- im-part \im-'piirt\ vb 1 .: to give from one's store or
sponse - im-mu-no-loq-lc \-na-'Iii-jik\ or lm-mu-no-Iog-I- abundance <the sun <-s warmth) 2 : to make known
419 imperceptibly
+ [I, 2] communicate, convey, spread, transfer, trans- ning or wrongdoing 2 +: free from fault or blame
fuse, transmit - more at COMMUNICATE : FAULTLESS (a man of ~ character)
im-par-tial \(,)im-'par-shal\ adj + : not partial : UNBIASED, + faultless, flawless, irreproachable; also accurate, cor-
JUST - im-par-tlal-ly adv rect, exact, perfect, precise; appropriate, becoming,
+ disinterested, dispassionate, equal, equitable, fair, decorous, fitting, proper, right, seemly; immaculate,
just, nonpartisan, objective, square, unbiased, unpreju- unblemished, unmarred, unspoiled; infallible, unerring,
diced - more at FAIR unfailing Ant censurable, defective, faulty, reproach-
tm-par-ttal-l-ty \-,par-she-'a-Ia-te\ n + : the quality or state able + absolute, ideal, letter-perfect, perfect, unblem-
of being impartial: freedom from bias or favoritism ished - more at PERFECT
+ detachment, disinterestedness, neutrality, objectivity im.pec-cably \(,)im-'pe-k:l-ble\ adv + : in an impeccable
- more at DETACHMENT manner
im-pass-able \(,)im-'pa-sa-bal\ adj + : incapable of being + faultlessly, flawlessly, ideally, perfectly - more at
passed, traversed, or crossed (~ roads) - im.passably PERFECTLY
\-ble\ adv im-pe-cu-nious \,im-pi-'kyu-nY:ls, -ne-asv adj + : having lit-
+ impenetrable, impervious tle or no money
im-passe \'im-,pas\ n 1 : an impassable road or way 2 + : a + broke, destitute, indigent, needy, penniless, penuri-
predicament from which there is no obvious escape ous, poor, poverty-stricken - more at POOR
+ deadlock, halt, stalemate, standstill; also dead end; lm-pe-cu-ntous-ness n + : the quality or state of being im-
bottleneck, corner, dilemma, fix, hole, jam, pickle,
pinch, plight, predicament, quagmire, quandary, spot; + beggary, destitution, impoverishment, indigence,
difficulty; problem need, pauperism, penury, poverty, want - more at
im-pas-si-ble \(,)im-'pa-sa-bal\ adj : incapable of feeling
: IMPASSIVE im-ped-ance \im-'ped-ns\ n : the opposition in an electri-
lrn-pas-sloned \im-'pa-shand\ adj + : filled with passion or cal circuit to the flow of an alternating current
zeal: showing great warmth or intensity of feeling im-pede \im-'ped\ vb im'ped-ed; [L impedire, fr.
+ ardent, burning, charged, emotional, fervent, fiery, ped-, pes foot] + : to interfere with the progress of
hot-blooded, passionate, red-hot, vehement - more at encumber, fetter, hamper, hinder, hold back, hold
FERVENT up, inhibit, interfere with, obstruct - more at HAMPER
lrn-pas-sive \(,)im-'pa-siv\ adj + : showing no signs of feel- im-ped-i-ment \im-'pe-d:l-m:lnt\ n 1 : something that im-
ing, emotion, or interest: EXPRESSIONLESS; also: lacking or pedes, hinders, or obstructs 2: a speech defect
not feeling emotion - lrn-pas-slve-ly adv im-ped-i-men-ta \im-,pe-d:l-'men-t:l\ n pi : things that im-
+ blank, deadpan, expressionless, inexpressive, stolid,
vacant - more at BLANK + apathetic, cold-blooded, im-pel \im-'pel\ vb lrn-peued: im.pel.ling + : to urge or drive
phlegmatic, stoic, stolid, unemotional; also cold, cool, forward or on; also: PROPEL
dispassionate, unmoved; calm, collected, composed; + actuate, drive, move, propel, work
unflappable; reserved, reticent, taciturn; blank, empty, im-pel-ler also irn-pel-tor \im-'pe-I:lr\ n : a rotor esp. in a
deadpan, dry, expressionless, inexpressive, vacant, pump
wooden; enigmatic, impenetrable, inscrutable; aloof, im-pend \im-'pend\ vb 1 : to hover or hang over threaten-
detached, unconcerned, unsentimental; impersonal, ob- ingly : MENACE 2: to be about to occur
jective, unresponsive; unfeeling, pitiless; inconsiderate, impending adj : that is about to occur
thoughtless Ant demonstrative, emotional, fervent, fer- + coming, forthcoming, imminent, oncoming, pending
vid, hot-blooded, impassioned, passionate - more at FORTHCOMING
im.pas.siv.i.ty \,im-,pa-'si-va-te\ n + : the quality or state of im-pen-e-tra-ble \(,)im-'pe-n:l-tr:l-b:ll\ adl 1 + : incapable
being impassive: lack or absence of feeling or expression of being penetrated or pierced (an ~ jungle) 2 + : inca-
+ apathy, numbness, phlegm, stupor - more at APATHY pable of being comprehended: INSCRUTABLE (an ~ mys-
Im-pas-to \im-'pas-to, -'pils-\ n : the thick application of a tery) - lrn-pen-e-tra-bil-i-ty \-,pe-n:l-tra-'bi-I:l-te\ n - lm-
pigment to a canvas or panel in painting; also: the body pen-e-tra-bly \-'pe-n:l-tr:l-ble\ adv
of pigment so applied + [l] impervious, tight - more at TIGHT + [2] cryptic,
lm-pa-tlence \-shans\ n + : the quality or state of being im- darkling, deep, enigmatic, inscrutable, mysterious, mys-
patient tic, occult, uncanny - more at MYSTERIOUS + [2] in-
+ appetite, ardor, avidity, eagerness, enthusiasm, ex- comprehensible, unfathomable - more at INCOMPRE-
citement, hunger, keenness, thirst - more at EAGER- HENSIBLE
NESS im-pen-i-tent \(,)im-'pe-na-t:lnt\ adj : not penitent: not re-
lm-pa-tlens \im-'pa-shanz, -shansx n : any of a genus of penting of sin - im-pen-i-tence \-t:lns\ n
herbs with usu. spurred flowers and seed capsules that trn-per-a-tlve \im-'per-:l-tiv\ adj 1 : expressing a command,
readily split open request, or encouragement (~sentence) 2 : having
im-pa-tient \(,)im-'pa-shant\ adj 1 : not patient: restless or power to restrain, control, or direct 3 + : not to be
short of temper esp. under irritation, delay, or opposition avoided or evaded - imperative n - im-per-a-tive-ly adv
2 : INTOLERANT (~ of poverty) 3: prompted or marked + [2] compulsory, incumbent, involuntary, mandatory,
by impatience 4: eagerly desirous : ANXlOUS - lm-pa- necessary, nonelective, obligatory, peremptory - more adv at MANDATORY. [3] acute, critical, dire, imperious, in-
im-peach \im-'pech\ vb [ME empechen to accuse, fro MF stant, pressing, urgent - more at ACUTE
empeechier to hinder, fr. LL impedicare to fetter, fro L lrn-per-cep-tl-bte \,im-p:lr-'sep-t:l-b:ll\ adj + : not percepti-
pedica fetter, fro ped-, pes foot] 1 : to charge (a public of- ble; esp : too slight to be perceived (~ changes> - lrn-
ficial) before an authorized tribunal with misconduct in per-cep-ti-bly \-ble\ adv
office 2: to challenge the credibility or validity of 3: to + impalpable, inappreciable, indistinguishable; also in-
remove from public office for misconduct - im-peacb- audible, intangible, invisible, inconspicuous, indistinct,
mentn unnoticeable, unseen; faint, insignificant, slight, trivial;
im-pec-ca-bll-l-ty \(,)im-,pe-ka-'bi-Ia-te\ n : the quality or buried, concealed, covert, disguised, hidden, obscure,
state of being impeccable shrouded, unapparent, vague Ant appreciable, dis-
im-pec-ca-ble \(,)im-'pe-ka-bal\ adj 1 : not capable of sin- cernible, palpable, perceptible, sensible
imperceptive 420
Im-per-cep-tive \,im-par-'sep-tiv\ adj : not perceptive + act, perform, play, portray - more at ACT + mas-
imperf abbr imperfect querade, play, pose; also ape, copy, imitate, mine,
lim.per.fect \(,)im-'par-fikt\ adj 1 +: not perfect esp, by mimic, mock, parody, travesty; act, perform, portray
having a fault or a lack 2 : of, relating to, or being a verb lm-per-son-a-tor \-'par-sa-,na-tar\ n + : one that imperson-
tense used to designate a continuing state or an incom- ates; esp : an entertainer who impersonates an individual,
plete action esp. in the past - lrn-per-tect-ly adv a type of person, an animal, or an inanimate object
+ bad, defective, faulty - more at FAULTY + imitator, impressionist, mimic - more at MIMIC
2imperfect n : the imperfect tense; a/so: a verb form in it im-per-ti-nence \(,)im-'part-'n-ans\ n +: the quality or
im-per-tec-tlcn \,im-par-'fek-shan\ n 1 : the quality or state state of being impertinent; a/so: an instance of imperti-
of being imperfect 2 + : the quality or aspect which nence
makes something incomplete or defective: FAULT, BLEM- + brazenness, discourtesy, disrespect, impudence, inci-
ISH vility, insolence, rudeness - more at DISCOURTESY
+ blemish, defect, deformity, disfigurement, fault, flaw, im-per-ti-nent \(,)im-'part-'n-ant\ adj 1: IRRELEVANT
mark, pockmark, scar - more at BLEMISH 2 : not restrained within due or proper bounds - irn-
Im-pe-ri-al \im-'pir-e-al\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or befitting per-ti-nent-ly adv
an empire or an emperor; also : of or relating to the + arch, bold, brash, brazen, cheeky, cocky, fresh, im-
United Kingdom or to the Commonwealth or British Em- pudent, insolent, nervy, sassy, saucy - more at NERVY
pire 2: ROYAL, SOVEREIGN; a/so: REGAL, IMPERIOUS 3 + : of + discourteous, ill-bred, ill-mannered, impolite, incon-
unusual size or excellence siderate, rude, thoughtless, uncivil, ungracious, unman-
+ august, baronial, gallant, glorious, grand, grandiose, nerly - more at IMPOLITE
heroic, imposing, magnificent, majestic, monumental, im-per-turb-abte \,im-par-'tar-ba-bal\ adj + : marked by ex-
noble, proud, regal, royal, splendid, stately - more at treme calm, impassivity, and steadiness
GRAND + nerveless, unflappable, unshakable - more at UN-
im-pe-rl-al-iem \im-'pir-e-a-,li-zam\ n : the policy of seeking FLAPPABLE
to extend the power, dominion, or territories of a nation Im-per-vi-ous \(,)im-'par-ve-as\ adj 1 + : incapable of being
- im-pe-ri-al-lst \-list\ n or adj - tm-pe-rl-al-ls-tlc \-,pir-e- penetrated (as by moisture) 2: not capable of being af-
a-'lis-tik\ adj - rm-pe-rl-al-ls-tl-cel-ly v-ti-kfo- )le\ adv fected or disturbed <~ to criticism)
Im-per-il \im-'per-a)\ vb -iled or -iIIed; -ll-inq or -il.ling + : to + impenetrable, tight - more at TIGHT
bring into peril: ENDANGER \,im-pa-'te-g6, -'ti-\ n : a contagious skin disease
+ adventure, compromise, gamble with, hazard, jeop- characterized by vesicles, pustules, and yellowish crusts
ardize, menace, risk, venture im-pet-u-ous \im-'pe-cha-was\ adj 1 : marked by impulsive
im-pe-ri-oue \im-'pir-e-as\ adi 1 : befitting or characteristic vehemence <~ temper) 2: marked by force and vio-
of one of eminent rank or attainments : COMMANDING, lence <with ~ speed) - im-pet-u-os-i-ty \(,)im-,pe-cha-
LORDLY 2 + : marked by arrogant assurance: DOMINEER- 'wa-sa-te\ n - im-pet-u-ous-ly adv
ING 3 + : intensely compelling : IMPERATIVE, URGENT- lm-pe-tus \'im-pa-tas\ n [L, assault, impetus, fro impetere to
im-pe-ri-ous-ly adv attack, fro petere to go to, seek) 1 + : a driving force: IM-
+ [2) authoritarian, autocratic, bossy, despotic, dictato-
rial, domineering, masterful, overbearing, peremptory, + boost, encouragement, goad, impulse, incentive, in-
tyrannical, tyrannous - more at BOSSY + [2) arbitrary, citement, instigation, momentum, motivation, provoca-
dictatorial, high-handed, peremptory, willful - more tion, spur, stimulus, yeast - more at IMPULSE
at ARBITRARY + [3) acute, critical, dire, imperative, in- im'pioe-ty \(,)im-'pi-a-te\ n, p/ -ties 1 : the quality or state
stant, pressing, urgent - more at ACUTE of being impious 2 + : an impious act
im-per-ish-able \(,)im-'per-i-sha-bal\ adj : not perishable or + blasphemy, defilement, desecration, irreverence, sac-
subject to decay rilege - more at BLASPHEMY
im-per-ma-nent \(,)im-'par-ma-nant\ adj + : not permanent lrn-plnqe \im-'pinj\ vb im.pinged; 1 : to strike
- im-per-ma-nent-ly adv or dash esp, with a sharp collision 2: ENCROACH, INFRINGE
+ interim, provisional, short-term, temporary - more - lrn-pinqe-rnent n
at TEMPORARY + ephemeral, evanescent, flash, fleeting, im-pi-ous Vim-pe-as, (,)im-'pi-\ adj : not pious: IRREVER-
momentary, short-lived, transient - more at MOMEN- ENT, PROFANE
TARY imp-ish \'im-pish\ adj + : of, relating to, or befitting an
im-per-me-able \(,)im-'par-me-a-bal\ adj : not permitting imp; esp : MISCHIEVOUS - irnp-lsh-ly adv
passage (as of a fluid) through its substance + devilish, knavish, mischievous, rascally, roguish, sly,
im-per-mls-sl-ble \,im-par-'mi-sa-bal\ adj + : not permissi- waggish, wicked - more at MISCHIEVOUS
ble imp-ish-ness n + : the quality or state of being impish
+ forbidden, taboo; a/so intolerable, unacceptable, un- + friskiness, mischief, mischievousness, playfulness-
bearable, unendurable; illegal, illegitimate, illicit, im- more at PLAYFULNESS
proper, inappropriate, unauthorized, unlawful, unli- im-pta-ca-ble \(,)im-'pla-ka-bal, -'pla-\ adj + : not capable
censed, unmentionable; unseemly, unsuitable; objec- of being appeased, pacified, mitigated, or changed <an ~
tionable; disallowed, disapproved, discouraged; refused, enemy) - lm-pla-ca-bil-l-ty \-,pla-ka-'bi-Ia-te, -,pla-\ n -
rejected, revoked, unsanctioned, vetoed; repressed, im-pla-ca-bly \-'pla-ka-b1e\ adv
suppressed; precluded, prevented, stopped; excluded, + adamant, hard, immovable, inflexible, pat, rigid, un-
ruled out, shut out; blocked, hindered, impeded, ob- bending, uncompromising, unrelenting, unyielding
structed Ant allowable, permissible, permissive, suffer- im-plant \im-'plant\ vb 1 + : to set firmly or deeply 2: to
able fix in the mind or spirit 3: to insert in living tissue (as for
im-per-son-al \(,)im-'par-sa-nal\ adj 1 : not referring to any growth or absorption) - im-ptant \'im-,plant\ n - irn-
particular person or thing 2: not involving human emo- plan-ta-tion \,im-,plan-'ta-shan\ n
tions - im-per-son-al-l-ty \-,par-sa-'na-la-te\ n - lrn-per- + embed. entrench, fix, ingrain, lodge, root - more at
son-at-ty adv ENTRENCH
im-per-son-ate \im-'par-sa-,nat\ vb -at-ed; -at-lnq + : to as- im-plau-si-ble \(,)im-'pI6-za-bal\ adj + : not plausible-
sume or act the character of - tm-per-son-a-tion \-,par- im-plau-si-bil-i-ty \-,pI6-za-'bi-la-te\ n - im-plau-si-bly
sa-'na-shan\ n \-'pI6-za-ble\ adv
421 imposture
+ fantastic, inconceivable, incredible, unbelievable, un- im-por-tance \im-'p6rt-'ns\ n : the quality or state of being
convincing, unimaginable, unthinkable - more at IN- important: MOMENT, SIGNIFICANCE
CREDIBLE im-por-tant \im-'p6rt-'nt\ adi 1 + : marked by importance
llm.pie-ment \'im-pl:l-m:lnt\ n [ME, fro AF, fr. ML imple- : SIGNIFICANT 2 +: giving an impression of self-
mentum item making a full complement, appurtenance, importance - Im-por-tant-ly adv
tool, fro LL, act of filling up, fr. L implere to fill up] + : a + [1] big, consequential, eventful, major, material,
device used in the performance of a task: TOOL, UTENSIL meaningful, momentous, significant, substantial,
+ device, instrument, tool, utensil; also apparatus, ap- weighty; also decisive, fatal, fateful, strategic; earnest,
pliance, mechanism; contraption, contrivance, gadget, grave, serious, sincere; distinctive, exceptional, impres-
gizmo, jigger sive, outstanding, prominent, remarkable; valuable,
2Im.ple-ment \-,ment\ vb 1 +: to put into execution or w?rthwhile, worthy; distinguished, eminent, great, illus-
bring to completion 2: to provide implements for tnous, preeminent, prestigious; famous, notorious,
+ administer, apply, enforce, execute - more at EN- renowned all-important, critical, crucial Ant insignifi-
FORCE cant, little, minor, slight, small, trivial, unimportant
im-pte-rnen-ta-ticn \,im-pl:l-m:ln-'ta-sh:ln\ n + : the act of + Il] influential, mighty, potent, powerful, significant,
implementing or the state of being implemented s~rong; also senior, top; able, capable, competent, effec-
+ accomplishment, achievement, commission, dis- trve, efficient; authoritarian, autocratic, despotic, dicta-
charge, enactment, execution, fulfillment, perfor- torial, magisterial, tyrannical, distinguished, dominant,
mance, perpetration - more at COMMISSION eminent, famous, great, illustrious, notorious, preemi-
nent, prestigious, renowned; dynamic, energetic, force-
im-pli-cate \'im-pl:l-,kat\ vb -cat-ed; -cat-inq 1: IMPLY
ful, robust, sturdy, tough, vigorous Ant impotent, in-
2 : INVOLVE - Im.plloea.tlon \,im-pl:l-'ka-sh:ln\ n
significant, little, powerless, unimportant, weak + [2]
lrn-pllc-lt \Im-'pli-s:lt\ adj 1 + : understood though not di-
complacent, conceited, egotistic, overweening, pompous,
rectly stated or expressed : IMPLIED; also : POTENTIAL
prideful, proud, self-important, self-satisfied, smug,
stuck-Up, vain - more at CONCEITED adv
lm-por-ta-tlon \,im-,p6r-'ta-sh:ln, -par-v n 1 : the act or
+ potential, tacit, unexpressed, unspoken, unvoiced, practice of importing 2 : something imported
wordless; also inferred; unannounced, undeclared, un-
im-por-tu-nate \im-'p6r-ch:l-n:lt\ adj 1 : troublesomely ur-
said, untold; intimated, suggested Ant explicit, express,
gent or persistent 2: BURDENSOME, TROUBLESOME
expressed, spoken, stated
im-por-tune \,im-p:lr-'tiin, -'tyiin; im-tpor-chanv vb -tuned;
im-plode \im-'pI6d\ vb im-plod-ed; Im.plod.lng 1 +: to
-tun-lnq + : to urge or beg with troublesome persistence
burst or collapse inward 2: SELF-DESTRUCT - lm-plo-slon
- tm-por-tu-nl-ty \-p:lr-'tii-n:l-te, -'tyii-\ n
\-'pI6-zh:ln \ n - im-plo-sive \-siv\ adj
+ appeal, beg, beseech, entreat, implore, petition,
+ buckle, cave in, collapse, crumple, give, go, yield - plead, pray, solicit, supplicate - more at BEG
more at COLLAPSE
im-pose \im-'p6z\ vb Im.posed; Im.pos.lng 1 + : to estab-
im-plore \im-'pI6r\ vb im-plored; Im.plor.lng +: to call
lish or apply by authority (- a tax); also: to establish by
upon in supplication: BESEECH, ENTREAT
force (imposed a government) 2: OBTRUDE (imposed her-
+ appeal, beg, beseech, entreat, importune, petition, self on others) 3: to take unwarranted advantage of
plead, pray, solicit, supplicate - more at BEG something (- on her good nature)
lrn-pty \im-'pli\ vb im-plled; Im.ply.lng 1 : to involve or in-
+ assess, charge, exact, fine, lay, levy, put; also dock,
dicate by inference, association, or necessary conse-
mulct, penalize, tax; extort, shake down, wrest, wring;
quence rather than by direct statement (war implies
bleed, fleece, gouge, milk, skin, squeeze; coerce, com-
fighting) 2 + : to express indirectly: hint at
pel, force; inflict, wreak; set Ant remit
+ allude, hint, indicate, infer, insinuate, intimate, sug- im-pos-ing adj + : impressive because of size, bearing, dig-
gest - more at H1NT nity, or grandeur - adv
lrn-po-llte \,im-p:l-'Iit\ adi + : not potite : RUDE, DISCOURTE-
+ august, baronial, gallant, glorious, grand, grandiose,
heroic, magnificent, majestic, monumental, noble,
+ discourteous, ill-bred, ill-mannered, impertinent, in- proud, regal, royal, splendid, stately - more at GRAND
considerate, rude, thoughtless, uncivil, ungracious, un-
mannerly; also audacious, bold, bold-faced, brash,
irn-po-el-tlon \,im-p:l-'zi-sh:ln\ n : something imposed: as
a : an amount levied b: an excessive or uncalled-for re-
brassy, disrespectful, impudent, insolent, saucy, shame-
quirement or burden
less; boorish, churlish, clownish, loutish, uncouth, vul-
lrn-pos-sl-ble \(,)im-'pa-s:l-b:ll\ adj 1 : incapable of being
gar; undiplomatic, unsportsmanlike; abrupt, blunt,
brusque, crusty, curt, gruff, sharp, snippy; antisocial, or of occurring 2 + : enormously difficult: felt to be in-
crabbed, cross, disagreeable, grumpy, sullen, surly; im- capable of being done, attained, or fulfilled 3: extremely
proper, inappropriate, incorrect, indecent, indecorous, undesirable : UNACCEPTABLE - \-,pa-s:l-
unseemly; arrogant, conceited, presumptuous, preten- 'bi-I:l-te\ n - Im-pos-sl-bly \-'pa-s:l-ble\ adv
tious Ant civil, considerate, courteous, genteel, gra- + hopeless, unattainable, unsolvable, unworkable; also
cious, mannerly, polite, thoughtful, well-bred impracticable, impractical; doubtful, dubious, improb-
lm-pol-i-tlc \(,)im-'pa-l:l-,tik\ adj : not politic: UNWISE able, unlikely; implausible, inconceivable, incredible,
im-pon-der-a-ble \(,)im-'pan-d:l-r:l-b:ll\ adj : incapable of unbelievable, unthinkable; futile, useless; absurd fan-
being weighed or evaluated with exactness - Imponder- tastic, outlandish, preposterous, ridiculous Ant achiev-
ablen able, attainable, doable, feasible, possible, realizable,
llm.port \im-'p6rt\ vb 1 : to bear or convey as meaning or workable
portent: MEAN 2: to bring (as merchandise) into a place \'im-,p6st\ n +: something imposed or levied
or country from a foreign or external source - im-port-er : TAX, DUTY
n + assessment, duty, levy, tax - more at TAX
2lm.port \'im-,p6rt\ n 1: IMPORTANCE, SIGNIFICANCE 2impost n : a block, capital, or molding from which an arch
2 + : meaning conveyed, professed, or implied: SIGNIFICA- springs
TION 3: something (as merchandise) brought in from an- im-pos-tor or im-pos-ter \im-'piis-t:lr\ n : one that assumes
other country an identity or title not one's own in order to deceive
+ denotation, drift, intent, meaning, purport, sense, sig- im-pcs-ture \im-'piis-ch:lr\ n : DECEPTION; esp : fraudulent
nificance, signification - more at MEANING impersonation
impotence 422
im-po-tence \-t;lns\ n + : the quality or state of being im- of something formed by or as if by pressure; esp : SEAL
potent 5 : a product of pressure or influence
inability, inadequacy, incapability, incompetence, in- \im-'pres\ vb 1 : to force into naval service 2 : to
eptitude - more at INABILITY get the aid or services of by forcible argument or persua-
im-po-tent Vim-pa-tant'; adj 1 .: lacking in power or sion - im-press-ment n
strength : deficient in capacity 2 a : unable to copulate lrn-pres-ston \im-'pre-sh;ln\ n 1 : a characteristic trait or
b : failing to produce or incapable of producing off- feature resulting from influence: IMPRESS 2 : a stamp,
spring: STERILE - im-po-ten-cy \-t;ln-Se\ n - im-po-tent-ly form, or figure made by impressing: IMPRINT 3: an esp,
adv marked influence or effect on feeling, sense, or mind 4: a
single print or copy (as from type or from an engraved
[1] helpless, powerless, weak - more at POWERLESS
plate or book) 5: all the copies of a publication (as a
[2b] barren, infertile, sterile - more at STERILE
book) printed for one issue: PRINTING 6 : a usu. vague
Im-pound \im-'paund\ vb 1 : CONFINE, ENCLOSE (- stray notion or remembrance 7: an imitation in caricature of
dogs) 2: to seize and hold in legal custody 3: to collect a noted personality as a form of entertainment
in a reservoir <- water) - im-pound-ment n
Im-pov-er-ish \im-'pii-v;l-rish\ vb : to make poor; also: to
+ [2] impress, imprint, print, stamp - more at PRINT
[6] concept, idea, image, notion. picture, thought-
deprive of strength, richness, or fertility more at IDEA
impoverished ad} 1 of a fauna or flora: represented by few
im-pres-sion-abte \im-'pre-sh;l-n;l-b;ll\ ad} : capable of be-
species or individuals 2: deprived of strength, richness,
ing easily impressed: easily molded or influenced
or fertility
im-pres-sion-isrn \im-'pre-sh;l-,ni-z;lm\ n, often cap: a the-
im-pov-er-ish-ment n + : the act of impoverishing or the
ory or practice in modem art of depicting the natural ap-
state of being impoverished pearances of objects by dabs or strokes of primary
beggary, destitution, impecuniousness, indigence, unmixed colors in order to simulate actual reflected light
need, pauperism, penury, poverty, want - more at - im-pres-sion-is-tlc \-,pre-sh;l-'nis-tik\ adj
POVERTY im-pres-sion-ist \im-'pre-sh;l-nist\ n 1 often cap: a painter
im-prac-ti-ca-ble \(,)im-'prak-ti-k;l-b;ll\ adj : not practicable who practices impressionism 2.: an entertainer who
: incapable of being put into practice or use does impressions
im-prac-ti-cal \(,)im-'prak-ti-k;ll\ ad} 1: not practical + imitator, impersonator, impressionist, mimic -
2 : incapable of being done by the means available: IM- more at MIMIC
PRACfICABLE im-pres-sive \im-'pre-siv\ ad} : making or tending to
+ inoperable, unusable, unworkable, useless; also un- make a marked impression <an - speech) - im-pres-
suitable; inaccessible, unattainable, unavailable, unob- siveoly adv - im-pres-sive-ness n
tainable, unreachable; dead, dormant, fallow, free, idle, + affecting, emotional, moving, poignant, stirring,
inactive, inert, inoperative, latent; arrested, interrupted; touching - more at MOVING
unrealistic Ant practicable, practical, usable, useful, im-pri-ma-tur \,im-pr;l-'ma-,tur\ n [NL, let it be printed]
workable 1 : a license to print or publish; also: official approval of
Im-pre-cate \'im-pri-,kiit\ vb -cat-ed; -cat-lnq : CURSE a publication by a censor 2 : explicit or official ap-
lm-pre-ea-tlon \,im-pri-'kii-sh;ln\ n : a prayer or invoca- proval, permission, or ratification
tion for harm or injury to come upon one; also: the act of approbation, approval, blessing, favor (or favour),
imprecating OK - more at APPROVAL
+ anathema, curse, execration, malediction - more at 'im.print \im-'print, 'im-,print\ vb 1 : to stamp or mark by
CURSE or as if by pressure: IMPRESS 2 + : to fix firmly (as on the
im-pre-cise \,im-pri-'sis\ adj + : not precise - Im-pre-cise- memory)
ly adv - un-ore-clse-ness n - lrn-pre-cl-slon \-'si-zh;ln\ n + engrave, etch, impress, ingrain, inscribe - more at
+ inaccurate, inexact, loose - more at INEXACf ENGRAVE
im-preq-na-ble \im-'preg-n;l-b;lI\ ad} 1 + : incapable of be- 2imprint \'im-,print\ n : something imprinted or
ing taken by assault : UNCONQUERABLE 2: not liable to printed; also : a mark or depression made by pressure
doubt, attack, or question - im.preg.naobil.i.ty \(,)im- 2 : a publisher's name printed at the foot of a title page
,preg-n;l-'bi-l;l-te\ n 3 : an indelible distinguishing effect or influence
indomitable, insurmountable, invincible, invulnera- trace, track, trail - more at TRACK impress, im-
ble, unbeatable, unconquerable - more at INVINCIBLE pression, print, stamp - more at PRINT
im-preg-nate \im-'preg-,niit\ vb -nat-ed: -nat-inq 1 : to fer- im-pris-on \im-'priz-'n\ vb + : to put in or as if in prison
tilize or make pregnant 2 : to cause to be filled, per- : CO FINE
meated, or saturated - irn-preq-na-tlon commit, confine, immure, jail; also constrain, limit,
\,im-,preg-'nii-sh;ln\ n restrain, restrict, shut; apprehend, arrest, capture, catch,
drench, drown, saturate, soak, sop, souse, steep- detain; impress, shanghai; hold, keep; enslave, subju-
more at SOAK gate Ant discharge, free, liberate, release
trn-pre-sa-rto \,im-prn-'sar-e-,o\ n, pi -ri-os [It, fr. impresa im-pris-on-ment n : the act of imprisoning or the state of
undertaking, fro imprendere to undertake] 1 : the man- being imprisoned
ager or conductor of an opera or concert company captivity, confinement, incarceration, internment-
2 : one who puts on an entertainment 3: MANAGER, PRO- more at INTERNMENT
DUCER Irn-prob-a-bte \(,)im-'pra-b;l-b;ll\ ad} : unlikely to be true
' \im-'pres\ vb 1 : to apply with or produce (as a or to occur - im-prob-a-bil-i-ty \-,pra-b;l-'bi-I,,-te\ n-
mark) by pressure: IMPRINT 2: to press, stamp, or print imoproboa.bly \-'pra-b;l-ble\ adv
in or upon 3 : to imprint a vivid impression of (as on + doubtful, dubious, flimsy, questionable, unlikely;
the memory) 4 : to affect esp. forcibly or deeply - im- also implausible, impossible, inconceivable, incredible,
pressible ad} last, unbelievable, unthinkable; absurd, outlandish, pre-
+ [3] engrave, etch, imprint, ingrain, inscribe - more posterous, ridiculous; outside, remote, slight Ant likely,
at ENGRAVE [4) affect, impact, influence, move, probable
strike, sway, tell, touch - more at AFFECf im-promp-tu \im-'pramp-tii, -tyii\ adj [F, fr. impromptu ex-
2impress \'im-,pres\ n 1: a characteristic or distinctive temporaneously, fr. L in promptu in readiness) 1 : made
mark 2: IMPRESSION, EFFECf 3: IMPRESSION 2 4: an image or done on or as if on the spur of the moment 2 : com-
423 In
posed or uttered without previous preparation: EXTEMPO- arguments : oppose or attack as false or as lacking in-
RANEOUS, UNREHEARSED - impromptu adv or n tegrity
+ ad-lib, extemporaneous, offhand, snap, unplanned, lrn-puls-sance \im-'pwis-'ns, -'pyii-.,-s.,ns\ n [ME, fro MF]
unpremeditated, unprepared, unrehearsed - more at : the quality or state of being powerless: WEAKNESS
EXTEMPORANEOUS im-pulse \'im-,p.,ls\ n 1: a force that starts a body into
im-prop-er \(,)im-'pra-p.,r\ adj 1 + : not proper, fit, or suit- motion; also : the motion produced by such a force
able 2: INCORRECT, INACCURATE 3: not in accord with 2 + : an arousing of the mind and spirit to some usu. un-
propriety, modesty, or good manners premeditated action 3: NERVE IMPULSE
+ inappropriate, inapt, infelicitous, unbecoming, unfit, + boost, encouragement, goad, impetus, incentive, in-
unseemly, unsuitable, wrong - more at INAPPROPRIATE c.itement, instigation, momentum, motivation, provoca-
improper fraction n : a fraction whose numerator is equal tton, spur, stimulus, yeast; also inducement, invitation;
to or larger than the denominator cause, consideration, motive, reason
im-prop-er-ly adv + : in an improper manner lm-pul-slcn \im-'p.,l-sh.,n\ n 1 : the act of impelling: the
state of being impelled 2: a force that impels 3: IMPULSE
+ amiss, erroneously, faultily, inaptly, incorrectly, mis-
takenly, wrongly 2; also : COMPULSION 3
Im-pul-sive \im-'p.,l-siv\ adj 1 : having the power of or ac-
im-pro-pri-e-ty \,im-prn-'pri-.,-te\ n, pi -ties 1 +: an im-
tually driving or impelling 2 + : acting or prone to act on
proper act or remark; esp : an unacceptable use of a word
impulse <~ buying> - Im-pul-slve-ly adv - lm-put-slve-
or of language 2 + : the quality or state of being im- ness n
+ capricious, whimsical - more at WHIMSICAL
+ III familiarity, gaffe, indiscretion; also blunder, er-
ror, flub, fumble, goof, lapse, miscue, misstep, mistake, \im-'pyii-na-te\ n [MF or L; MF impunite, fr. L
slip, slipup, stumble; discourtesy, incivility, offense; impunitas, fro impune without punishment, fro poena
boner, howler; foul-up, muff; misapprehension, miscal- penalty, punishment) : exemption from punishment,
c~lation, misconception, misjudgment, misstatement, harm, or loss
misunderstanding Ant amenity, civility, courtesy, formal- im-pure \(,)im-'pyitr\ adi 1 : not pure: UNCHASTE, OBSCENE
ity, gesture + (2) incorrectness, indecency; also coarse- 2 : DIRTY, FOUL 3 + : mixed or impregnated with an ex-
ness; imprudence, indiscretion Ant appropriateness, traneous and usu. unwanted substance: ADULTERATED
correctness, decency, fitness, propriety, rightness, suit- + dilute, polluted; also befouled, corrupted, debased,
ability defile~, dirtied, fouled, soiled, spoiled, sullied; blended,
lm-prov \'im-,prav\ adj : of, relating to, or being an impro- commingled, incorporated, intermingled, intermixed,
vised comedy routine - improv n merged, mingled, mixed; coalesced, combined, com-
im-prove \im-'priiv\ vb Im-proved; 1 + : to en- pounded; cheapened, doctored Ant pure, unadulter-
hance or increase in value or quality 2: to grow or be- ated, unalloyed, uncontaminated, undiluted, unpol-
luted, untainted
come better <your work is improving> 3: to make good
use of <~ the time by reading> - im-prov-able \-'prii-vO!- im.pu.ri.ty \-'pyitr-a-te\ n + : something that is impure or
b.,l\ adi makes something else impure; also: the quality or state of
being impure
+ ameliorate, amend, better, enhance, enrich, perfect,
refine; ~lso correct, emend, rectify, reform, remedy; + adulterant, contaminant, defilement, pollutant; also
help; edit, revise; upgrade; fortify, intensify, strengthen; blot, blotch, spot, stain, taint; dirt, filth, grime; blemish,
retouch, touch up Ant worsen defect, disfigurement, fault, flaw; abnormality, imper-
fection, irregularity
Im-prove-ment \im-'priiv-m.,nt\ n 1 : the act or process of
im-pute \im-'pyiit\ vb im-put-ed; 1 : to lay the re-
improving 2: increased value or excellence of something
sponsibility or blame for often falsely or unjustly 2 + : to
3 + : something that adds to the value or appearance of a
credit to a person or a cause: ATTRIBUTE - trn-put-abte
thing \-'pyii-ta-bal\ adj - im.pu.tation \,im-pyit-'tii-sh.,n\ n
+ ~dvance, advancement, breakthrough, enhancement, + accredit, ascribe, attribute, credit - more at CREDIT
refmement - more at ADVANCE
tm-prov-l-dent \(,)im-'pra-v.,-d.,nt\ adj : not providing for 'in \'in\ prep 1 - used to indicate physical surroundings
the future - im-prov-i-dence \-d.,ns\ n <swim ~ the lake> 2: INTO 1 <ran ~ the house> 3: DUR-
ING <~ the summer> 4: WITH <written ~ pencil> 5 -
Im-pro-vise \'im-pr.,-,viz\ vb -vised; -vising [F improviser,
fro It improvvisare, fro improvviso sudden, fro L improvisus, used to indicate one's situation or state of being <~
luck> <~ love> 6 - used to indicate manner or purpose
lit., unforeseen) 1 : to compose, recite, play, or sing on
. <~ a hurry> <said ~ reply> 7: INTO 2 <broke - pieces>
the spur of the moment: EXTEMPORIZE <~ on the piano>
210 adv 1 : to or toward the inside <come ~>; also: to or
2 : to make, invent, or arrange offhand <~ a sail out of
toward some destination or place <flew - from the
shirts> - Im-pro-vi-sa-tion \im-,pra-v.,-'za-sh.,n, ,im-pr.,-
South> 2 + : at close quarters: NEAR <the enemy closed
V.,-\ n - un-pro-vls-er or im-pro-vi-sor \,im-pr.,-'vI-z.,r, ~> 3: into the midst of something <mix - the flour>
'im-pra-jvi-', n
im-pru-dent \(,)im-'priid-'nt\ adj + : not prudent: lacking
4 : to or at its proper place <fit a piece +--> 5: WITHIN
<Iocke~ ~> 6: in vogue or season 7: in one's presence,
discretion - im-pru-dence \-'ns\ n possession, or control <the results are ~>
+ ill-advised, indiscreet, tactless, unwise - more at IN- + around, by, close, hard, near, nearby, nigh - more at
im-pu-dence \-d.,ns\ n + : the quality or state of being im- 3in a4i_ 1 : located inside or within 2 : that is in position, op-
pudent; also: an impudent remark or act eration, or power <the ~ party> 3: directed inward: IN-
+ brazenness, discourtesy, disrespect, impertinence, in- COMING <the ~ train> 4 +: keenly aware of and
civility, insolence, rudeness - more at DISCOURTESY responsive to what is new and fashionable <the ~
im-pu-dent \'im-pyU-d.,nt\ adj + : marked by contemptu- crowd>; also: extremely fashionable <the ~ thing to do>
ous boldness or disregard of others - im-pu-dent-ly adv + a la mode, chic, fashionable, modish, popular, sharp,
+ arch, bold, brash, brazen, cheeky, cocky, fresh, im- smart, snappy, stylish - more at STYLISH
pertinent, insolent, nervy, sassy, saucy - more at 'in n 1: one who is in office or power or on the inside
NERVY 2 : INFLUENCE, PULL <he has an - with the owner>
im.pugn \im-'pyiin\ vb [ME, to assail, fr. AF empugner, fro Sin abbr 1 inch 2 inlet
L inpugnare, fr. pugnare to fight) : to attack by words or In symbol indium
IN 424
IN abbr Indiana inane \i-'nan\ adj inan-er; -est 1 : EMPTY, INSUBSTANTIAL
in- \{,)in\prejix : not: absence of : NON-, UN- 2 : lacking significance, meaning, or point
inability \,i-n:;,-'bi-I:;,-te\ n + : the quality or state of being in-an-i-mate \(,}i-'na-na-mat\ adj : not animate or animated
unable : lacking the qualities of living things - in-an-i-mate-ly
+ impotence, inadequacy, incapability, incompetence, adv - ln-an-l-mate-nsss n
ineptitude; also inaptitude; ineffectiveness, inefficiency man-t-ty \i-'na-n:l-te\ n 1 + : the quality or state of being
Ant ability, adequacy, capability, capacity, competence, inane 2 + : something that is inane
potency + [1, 2) absurdity, asininity, balminess, craziness, daft-
in ab-sen-tia \,in-ab-'sen-ch:;" -che-ax adv : in one's absence ness, fatuity, folly, foolishness, insanity, lunacy, mad-
in-ac-ces-sl-bte \,i-nik-'se-s:;,-b:;,l, {,)i-,nak-\ adj + : not ac- ness, silliness, simplicity, zaniness + (2) absurdity, fatu-
cessible - ln-ac-ces-si-bil-i-ty \-,se-s:l-'bi-I:l-le\ n ity, folly, foolery, foolishness, idiocy, madness,
+ inconvenient, unapproachable, unattainable, unavail- stupidity
able, unobtainable, unreachable, untouchable; also dis- in-ap-pre-cia-ble \,i-n:;,-'pre-sh:;,-bal\ adj + : too small to be
tant, far, faraway, far-off, remote, removed; apart, hid- perceived - ln-ap-pre-cia-bty \-ble\ adv
den, isolated, out-of-the-way, secluded Ant accessible, + impalpable, imperceptible, indistinguishable - more
approachable, attainable, convenient, obtainable, reach- at IMPERCEPTIBLE
able in-ap-pro-pri-ate \,i-na-'pro-pre-,:lt\ adj : not in good taste
in-ac-cu-ra-cy \{,)i-'na-ky:;,-r:;,-se, -k{:;,- )r:l-se\ n, pi -cies or suitaJe for a particular occasion or situation
1 : the quality or state of being inaccurate 2: something + amiss, graceless, improper, inapt, incongruous, incor-
(as a statement or act) that is inaccurate rect, indecorous, inept, infelicitous, unapt, unbecom-
in-ac-cu-rate \-'a-ky:;,-r:;,t, -k{:;,- )r:;,t\ adj + : not accurate ing, unfit, unhappy, unseemly, unsuitable, wrong; also
+ erroneous, false, incorrect, inexact, invalid, off, un- inopportune, unfortunate, unseasonable, untimely;
sound, untrue, wrong - more at FALSE bad, naughty; awkward, gauche, ungraceful; unaccept-
ln-ac-tlon \{,)i-'nak-sh:;,n\ n + : not occupied or employed able, unsatisfactory Ant appropriate, becoming, befit-
ting, correct, fit, fitting, proper, right, seemly, suitable
+ dormancy, idleness, inactivity, inertness, quiescence;
also indolence, languor, lassitude, laziness, lethargy, in-apt \(,}i-'napt\ adj 1 + : not suitable 2 + : inappropriate
listlessness, sleepiness, sloth, sluggishness Ant action, or incompetent often to an absurd degree : INEPT - in-
activeness, activity apt-ness n
In-ac-ti-vate \{,)i-'nak-t:;,-,vat\ vb : to make inactive - in-ac- + [I, 2) improper, inappropriate, infelicitous, unbe-
ti-va-tlon \{,)i-,nak-t:;,-'va-sh:;,n\ n coming, unfit, unseemly, unsuitable, wrong - more at
tn-ac-tive \{,)i-'nak-tiv\ + : not active, energetic, or in use
in-apt-ly adv + : in an inapt manner
+ dull, inert, lethargic, quiescent, sleepy, sluggish, tor-
pid; also apathetic, indolent, languorous, lazy, listless, + amiss, erroneously, faultily, improperly, incorrectly,
slothful; dormant, inanimate, motionless, sedentary, mistakenly, wrongly
static, still; dead; dopey, drugged Ant active + dead, in-ar-tic-u-late \,i-nar-'ti-kY:l-I:lt\ adj 1 : not understandable
dormant, fallow, free, idle, inert, inoperative, latent, as spoken words 2 + : incapable of speech esp. under
off, vacant; also arrested, interrupted; asleep, lifeless, stress of emotion : MUTE 3: incapable of being expressed
quiescent, sleepy; inoperable, unusable, unworkable, by speech; also : UNSPOKEN 4: not having the power of
useless; dead, dull, slow Ant active, alive, busy, em- distinct utterance or effective expression - in-ar-tlc-u-
ployed, functioning, on, operating, operative, running, late-Iyadv
working + dumb, mute, speechless, voiceless - more at MUTE
in-ac-tlv-l-ty \-,nak-'ti-v:;,-te\ n + : the quality or state of be- m-as-muchas \,i-n:;,z-'m:lch-\ coni : seeing that: SINCE
ing inactive m-at-ten-tlon \,i-n:l-'ten-ch:ln\ n : failure to pay attention
+ dormancy, idleness, inaction, inertness, quiescence : DISREGARD
- more at INACTION in-at-ten-tive \-'ten-tiv\ adj : not paying attention : not at-
in-ad-e-qua-cy v-kws-se', n + : the quality or state of being tentive
inadequate or insufficient ' \i-'n6-gy:l-r:lI, -g:l-\ adj 1 : of or relating to an
+ dearth, deficiency, deficit, failure, famine, insuffi- inauguration 2 + : marking a beginning
ciency, lack, paucity, poverty, scantiness, scarcity, + first, initial, maiden, original, pioneer, premier-
shortage, want - more at DEFICIENCY + impotence, in- more at FIRST
ability, incapability, incompetence, ineptitude - more 2inaugural n 1 : an inaugural address 2: an act of inaugu-
at INABILITY rating: INAUGURATION; esp : a ceremonial induction into
in-ad-e-quate \{,}i-'na-di-kwat\ adj + : not adequate: INSUF- office
FICIENT - in-ad-e-quate-ly adv - m-ad-e-quate-ness n In-au-gu-rate \i-'n6-gY:l-,rii.t, -g:;,-\ vb -rat-sd: -rat-lnq
+ deficient, insufficient, scarce, short, shy, wanting- 1 + : to introduce into an office with suitable ceremonies
more at SHORT : INSTALL 2: to dedicate ceremoniously 3 + : to bring
in-ad-ver-tent \,i-nad-'v:;,rt-nt\ adj 1 : HEEDLESS, INATTEN- about the beginning of : INITIATE
TIVE 2 : not intentional: UNINTENTIONAL - ln-ad-ver-tence + [1) baptize, induct, initiate, install, invest - more at
\-ns\ n - in-ad-ver-ten-cy \-n-se\ n - in-ad-ver-tent-ly INSTALL + (3) constitute, establish, found, initiate, inno-
adv vate, institute, introduce, launch, pioneer, set up, start
in-allen-able \{,}i-'nal-y:;,-na-b:ll, -'na-Ie-:;,-\ adj : incapable - more at FOUND
of being alienated, surrendered, or transferred <~ m-au-qu-ra-tion \-,n6-gy:l-'ra-sh:ln, -ga-\ n + : an act of in-
rights> - in-alien-abil-i-ty \{,}i-,niil-ya-na-'bi-Ia-te, -,na-Ie- augurating; also: a ceremonial induction into office
:;,-\ n - m-allen-ably adv + inaugural, induction, installation, investiture -
ln-amo-ra-ta \i-,na-ma-'rii.-t:;,\ n : a woman with whom one more at INSTALLATION
is in love in-aus-pi-cious \,i-,n6-'spi-sh:ls\ adj + : not auspicious

List of self-explanatory words with the prefix in-

inadmissibility inadvisability inapparent inapposite

inadmissible inadvisable inapplicable inapproachable
425 inch
+ foreboding, ominous, portentous, prophetic in-car-cer-ate \in'kiirsa,rat\ vb -at-ed: -at-lnq : to put in
in-au-then-tic \,i,no'thentik\ adj + : not authentic prison: IMPRISON, CONFINE
+ bogus, counterfeit, fake, false, phony, sham, spuri- ln-car-cer-a-tion \(,)in,kars;)'rashan\ n + : a confining or
ous unauthentic - more at COUNTERFEIT state of being confined
in-board \'in,bord\ adv 1 : inside the hull of a ship + captivity, confinement, imprisonment, internment -
2 : close or closest to the center line of a vehicle or craft more at INTERNMENT
- inboard adj in-car-na-dlne \in'karna,din, ,den\ vb -dlned; -dln-ing
in-born Vin-tborn', adj 1 +: present from or as if from : REDDEN
birth 2 + : genetically transmitted or transmittable from 'inoear-nate \in'karn;)t, ,nat\ adj 1 : having bodily and
parent to offspring: HEREDITARY, INHERITED esp. human form and substance 2: PERSONIFIED
2inoear-nate \,nat\ vb : to make incarnate: as a: to give bod-
+ [1] essential, ingrained, inherent, innate, integral, i.n.
ily form and substance to b: to give a concrete or actual
trinsic, natural - more at INHERENT + [2] genetic,
form to
hereditary, heritable, inherited - more at HEREDITARY
ln-car-na-tlon \,in,kar'nash;)n\ n 1 a : the embodiment of
in-bound \'in,baimd\ adi : inward bound <~ traffic) a deity or spirit in an earthly form b + : a concrete or ac-
in-box \'in,biiks\ n : a receptacle for incoming interoffice tual form of a quality or concept 2 cap : the union of di-
letters; also: a computer folder for incoming e-mail vine and human natures in Jesus Christ 3: a person
in-bred \'in'bred\ adj 1 : ingrained in one's nature as showing a trait or typical character to a marked degree
deeply as if by heredity 2: subjected to or produced by 4 : the act of incarnating : the state of being incarnate
+ embodiment, epitome, manifestation, personification
in-breed-ing \'in,bredil)\ n 1 : the interbreeding of closely
- more at EMBODIMENT
related individuals esp. to preserve and fix desirable char-
'inoeenodi-ary\in'sende,ere\ adj 1 : of or relating to a de-
acters of and to eliminate unfavorable characters from a
liberate burning of property 2: tending to excite or in-
stock 2: confinement to a narrow range or a local or lim- flame 3: designed to start fires <an ~ bomb)
ited field of choice - in-breed \'bred\ vb 2incendiary n 1 a : a person who commits arson b:
inc abbr 1 incomplete 2 incorporated 3 increase cendiary agent (as a bomb) 2 + : a person who excites
tn-ca \'il)b\ n [Sp, fro Quechua inka ruler of the Inca ern- factions, quarrels, or sedition
pire] 1 : a noble or a member of the ruling family of an
agitator, demagogue, firebrand, inciter, rabble-rouser
Indian empire of Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador until the
- more at AGITATOR
Spanish conquest 2 : a member of any people under Inca
'inoeense \'in,sens\ n 1 : material used to produce a fra-
grant odor when burned 2 + : the perfume or smoke
In-cal-cu-la-ble \(,)in'kalky;)I;)b;)l\ adj : not capable of
from some spices and gums when burned
being calculated; esp : too large or numerous to be calcu-
lated - in-cal-cu-la-bly \ble\ adv
+ aroma, bouquet, fragrance, perfume, redolence,
in-can-des-cence \,ink;)n'desns\ n +: the quality or scent, spice - more at FRAGRANCE
state of being incandescent; esp : emission by a hot body 2inoeense \in'sens\ vb in-censed: m-cens-lnq + : to make
extremely angry
of radiation that makes it visible
+ blaze, flare, fluorescence, glare, gleam, glow, illumi- + anger, antagonize, enrage, inflame, infuriate, mad-
den, outrage, rankle, rile, roil - more at ANGER
nation, light, luminescence, radiance, shine - more at
ln-cen-tive \in'sentiv\ n [ME, fr. LL incentivum, fro incen-
in-can-des-cent \,ink;)n'desnt\ adj 1 : glowing with heat
tivus stimulating, fro L, setting the tune, fr. incinere to
play (a tune), fr. canere to sing] + : something that incites
2 + : strikingly bright, radiant, or clear : SHINING, BRIL
or is likely to incite to determination or action
+ beaming, bright, brilliant, effulgent, glowing, lam- + boost, encouragement, goad, impetus, impulse, in-
citement, instigation, momentum, motivation, provoca-
bent, lucent, lucid, luminous, lustrous, radiant, reful- tion, spur, stimulus, yeast - more at IMPULSE
gent, shiny - more at BRIGIIT .
in-cep-tion \in'sepsh;)n\ n : an act, process, or instance of
incandescent lamp n : a lamp in which an electrically
heated filament emits light
in-cer-ti-tude \(,)in's;)rta,tud, ,tytid\ n 1 + : absence of
in-can-ta-tion \,in,kan'tash;)n\ n + : a use of spells or v~r assurance or confidence: UNCERTAINTY, DOUBT 2: INSE
bal charms spoken or sung as a part of a ritual of magic; CURITY, INSTABILITY
also: a formula of words used in or as if in such a ritual
+ distrust, doubt, misgiving, mistrust, skepticism, suspi-
+ bewitchment, charm, conjuration, enchantment, in- cion, uncertainty - more at DOUBT
cantation, spell - more at SPELL
in-ces-sant \(,)in'sesnt\ adj + : continuing or flowing
in-ca-pa-bil-i-ty \(,)in,kapa'bil;)te\ n + : the quality or without interruption <~ rains)
state of being incapable
+ ceaseless, continual, continuous, unbroken, unceas-
+ impotence, inability, inadequacy, incompetence, in- ing, uninterrupted - more at CONTINUOUS
eptitude - more at INABILITY in-ces-sant-ly adv + : in an unceasing manner or course
in-ca-pa-ble \(,)in'kapabal\ adj +: lacking ability or : without intermission or relief
qualification for a particular purpose; also : UNQUALIFIED + always, constantly, continually, ever, forever, invari-
+ incompetent, inept, inexpert, unfit, unqualified, un- ably, perpetually, unfailingly - more at ALWAYS
skilled, unskillful - more at INCOMPETENT In-cest \'in,sest\ n [ME, fr. L incestus sexual impurity, fro
in-ca-pac-I-tate \,inka'pas;),tat\ vb -tat-eo: tat-ing + : to incestus impure, fro castus pure] : sexual intercourse be-
make incapable or unfit: DISABLE tween persons so closely related that marriage is illegal -
+ cripple, disable, hamstring, immobilize, paralyze, ln-ces-tu-cus \in'seschuw:>s\ adi
prostrate - more at PARALYZE 'inch \'inch\ n [ME, fr. OE ynce, fro L uncia twelfth part,
ln-ca-pac-l-ty \,ink;)'pas;)te\ n, pi ties : the quality or inch, ounce] 1 : a unit of length equal to '/,6 yard 2 + : a
state of being incapable small amount, distance, or degree

List of self-explanatory words with the prefix in- (continued)

inaptitude inartistic inaudibly incombustible

inarguable inaudible incautious incomprehension
inch 426
+ ace, hair, step, stone's throw - more at HAIR in-clination \,in-kl<>-'nii-sh<>n\ n 1 + : a particular disposi-
2inchvb + : to move by small degrees tion of mind or character : PROPENSITY; esp : LIKING
+ crawl, creep, drag, plod, poke - more at CRAWL 2: BOW, NOD <an "'-' of the head) 3: a tilting of something
in-cho-ate \in-'k6-<>t, 'in-k<>-,wiit\ adj : being only partly in 4 + : the degree of deviation from the true vertical or hor-
existence or operation: lNCOMPLETE, INCIPIENT izontal : SLANT, SLOPE
inch-worm \'inch-,w<>rm\ n : LOOPER + [l] affinity, bent, devices, disposition, genius, lean-
m-et-deuce Vin-sa-dansv n : rate of occurrence or effect ing, partiality, penchant, predilection, predisposition,
un-ci-dent \-d<>nt\n 1 + : an occurrence of an action or sit- proclivity, propensity, talent, tendency, turn; also bias,
uation that is a separate unit of experience : HAPPENING prejudice; aptitude, faculty, flair, gift, knack, talent; ad-
2 : an action likely to lead to grave consequences esp. in diction, fondness, liking; forte, specialty; convention,
diplomatic matters custom, habit, pattern, practice, routine, trick, way,
+ affair, circumstance, episode, event, happening, occa- wont; oddity, peculiarity, quirk, singularity + [4] cant,
sion, occurrence, thing - more at EVENT diagonal,grade, incline, lean, pitch, slant, slope, tilt, up-
2incident adj 1 : occurring or likely to occur esp, in con- grade - more at SLANT
nection with some other happening 2: falling or striking 'in-cline \in-'klln\ vb in-clined; 1: BOW, BEND
on something <"'-' light rays) 2 + : to be drawn toward an opinion or course of action
'in-ciodental\,in-s<>-'dent-'l\ adj 1 : subordinate, nonessen- 3 + : to deviate from the vertical or horizontal : SLOPE
tial, or attendant in position or significance <"'-' ex- 4 : INFLUENCE, PERSUADE - In-clin-er n
penses) 2 + : occurring merely by chance or without + [2] lean, run, tend, trend - more at LEAN + [3] an-
intention or planning: CASUAL, CHANCE gle, cant, cock, heel, lean, list, slant, slope, tilt, tip-
+ accidental, casual, chance, fluky, fortuitous, unin- more at LEAN
tended, unintentional, unplanned, unpremeditated, un- 2in-cline \'in-,klln\ n : an inclined plane: SLOPE
witting - more at ACCIDENTAL in-clined adi 1 + : having inclination, disposition, or ten-
2incidental n 1 pl : minor items (as of expense) that are not dency 2 a + : having a leaning or slope b + : making an
individually accounted for 2 : something incidental angle with a line or plane
In-ci-den-tal-ly \,in-s<>-'den-t<>-Ie,-'dent-Ie\ adv 1 : in an in- + [l] amenable, disposed, game, glad, ready, willing-
cidental manner 2: by the way more at WILLING + [1] apt, given, prone - more at
in-cin-er-ate \in-'si-n<>-,riit\ vb -at-ed; : to burn to PRONE + [2a, b] canted, diagonal, listing, oblique, slant-
ashes wise - more at DIAGONAL
ln-cln-er-a-tor \in-'si-n<>-,rii-t<>r\ n : a furnace for burning inclose, inclosure var O/ENCLOSE, enclosure
waste in-clude \in-'kliid\ vb in-clud-ed; + : to take in
in-clp-l-ent\in-'si-pe-<>nt\ adi : beginning to be or become or comprise as a part of a whole <the price "'-'s tax) - in-
ctu-ston \in-'klii-zh<>n\ n
ln-clse \in-'sIz\ vb in-cised; 1 : to cut into 2: to
carve figures, letters, or devices into: ENGRAVE + carry, comprehend, contain, embrace, encompass,
ln-ci-slon \in-'si-zh<>n\ n : a wound made by something entail, involve, number, take in; also comprise, consist
sharp: GASH; esp : a surgical cut (of); have, hold, own, possess; admit, receive; compose,
ln-cl-slve \in-'si-siv\ adi : impressively direct and decisive constitute, form, make; assimilate, embody, incorpo-
- in-ci.sive-Iyadv rate, integrate Ant exclude, omit
in-cl-scr \in-'si-z<>r\ n : a front tooth typically adapted for ln-elu-slve\-'klii-siv\ adj 1 : comprehending stated limits
cutting or extremes 2 + : broad in orientation or scope; also
in-cite \in-'sH\ vb in-cit-ed; + : to arouse to action : covering or intended to cover all items, costs, or services
+ abet, ferment, foment, instigate, provoke, raise, stir, + compendious, complete, comprehensive, encyclope-
whip; also forward, foster, further, promote, sow, stim- dic, full, global, omnibus, panoramic, universal-
ulate; set off, trigger; excite, galvanize, inflame, inspire, more at ENCYCLOPEDIC
motivate, rouse; activate, energize, quicken, vitalize incog abbr incognito
+ arouse, encourage, excite, fire, instigate, move, ' \,in-,klig-'ne-t6, in-'klig-n<>-,t6\ n, pi -tos
pique, provoke, stimulate, stir 1 : one appearing or living incognito 2: the state or dis-
in-cite-ment n + : the act of inciting or the state of being in- guise of an incognito
cited 2incognito adv or adj [It, fro L incognitus unknown, fro
+ excitement, instigation, provocation, stimulus- cognoscere to know] : with one's identity concealed
more at PROVOCATION in-co-her-ent\,in-k6-'hir-<>nt, -'her-\ adj 1 : not sticking
in-cit-er n + : one that incites closely or compactly together: LOOSE 2 + : not clearly or
+ agitator, demagogue, firebrand, incendiary, rabble: logically connected: RAMBLING - in-co-her-ence \-<>ns\ n
rouser - more at AGITATOR - ln-co-her-ent-lyadv
in-ci.vil.i.ty \,in-s<>-'vi-I<>-te\ n 1 + : the quality or state of + disconnected, disjointed, rambling, unconnected;
being uncivil: RUDENESS, DISCOURTESY 2: a rude or dis- also baffling, bewildering, confounding, confused, con-
courteous act fusing, disordered, disorderly, disorganized, muddled,
+ brazenness, discourtesy, disrespect, impertinence, perplexing, puzzling; disconcerting, frustrating; falla-
impudence, insolence, rudeness- more at DISCOUR- cious, illogical, inconsistent, invalid, irrational, un-
TESY sound; asinine, absurd, eccentric, foolish, odd, peculiar,
incl abbr include; included; including; inclusive strange, unreasonable, unusual, weird; meaningless,
in-clem-ent\(,)in-'kle-m<>nt\ adj + : lacking mildness; esp nonsensical, nutty, preposterous, ridiculous, senseless,
: physically severe: STORMY <"'-' weather) - in-clem-en-cy silly; unconvincing; inexplicable, unaccountable Ant
\-m<>n-se\ n coherent, connected
+ bleak, dirty, foul, nasty, raw, rough, squally, stormy, in-come \'in-,k<>m\ n + : a gain usu. measured in money
tempestuous, turbulent - more at FOUL that derives from labor, business, or property
List of self-explanatory words with the prefix in- (continued)

inconclusive inconsistency indecipherable indestructible

incongruent incoordination indemonstrable indeterminable
427 inconvenient
+ earnings,proceeds, profit, return, revenue, yield; also in-con-se-quen-tial \,in-,kan-sa-'kwen-chal\ adj 1 : ILLOGI-
killing, windfall; salary, tips, wages; capital finances, CAL; also: IRRELEVANT 2 + : of no significance: UNIMPOR-
funds, money TANT - in-con-se-quence \(,)in-'kiin-s:l-,kwens\ n - in-
income tax n : a tax on the net income of an individual or con-se-quen-tial-lyadv
business concern + frivolous, inconsiderable, insignificant, little, minor,
ln-corn-inq \'in-,ka-mil)\ am : coming in <the - tide> <- minute, negligible, slight, small, trifling, trivial, unim-
freshmen> portant - more at UNIMPORTANT
in-com-men-su-rate \,in-ka-'men-sa-rat, -'men-cha-\ am ln-con-sid-er-able\,in-kan-'si-da-ra-bal\ adj + : not consid-
: not commensurate; esp : INADEQUATE erable : SLIGHT, TRIVIAL
in-com-mode\,in-ka-'m6d\ vb -mod-ed: : to give + inconsequential, insignificant, measly, minute, negli-
inconvenience or distressto : DISTURB gible, nominal, paltry, petty, slight, trifling, trivial-
ln-corn-mu-nl-ca-ble\,in-ka-'myii-ni-b-bal\ am :
not capa- more at NEGLIGIBLE
ble of being communicated or imparted; also: UNCOMMU-
tn-ccn-sld-er-ate\,in-kan-'si-da-rat\ am + : not taking heed
: THOUGHTLESS; esp : not respecting the rights or feelings of
ln-com-mu-ru-ca-do\,in-b-,myii-na-'ka-d6\ adv or adj
: without means of communication; also: in solitary con- others - in-ccn-std-er-ate-ty adv - in-con-sid-er-ate-ness
finement <a prisoner held e--) n
in-com-pa-ra-ble\(,)in-'kam-pa-ra-bal, -pra-v am 1 + : em- + discourteous, ill-bred, ill-mannered, impertinent, im-
polite, rude, thoughtless, uncivil, ungracious, unman-
inent beyond comparison: MATCHLESS 2 : not suitable for
comparison - tn-com-pa-ra-bly\-ble\ adv nerly - more at IMPOLITE
+ inimitable, matchless, nonpareil, only, peerless, un- tn-con-sls-tent\,in-kan-'sis-tant\ : lacking consistency: not
equaled, unmatched, unparalleled, unrivaled, unsur- compatible with facts or claims
passed - more at ONLY m-ccn-sol-able \,in-k:m-'so-la-bal\ am : incapable of being
in-com-pat-i-ble \,in-kam-'pa-ta-bal\ am + : incapable of or consoled - m-oon-sol-ably \-ble\ adv
in-con-splc-u-ous \,in-kan-'spi-kya-was\ am : not readily
unsuitable for association or use together <......., colors)
(temperamentally -) - ln-com-pat-i-bil-l-ty \,in-kam- noticeable - in-con-spic-u-ous-lyadv
,pa-ta-'bi-I:He\ n in-con-stan-cyv-stan-se', n + : the quality or state of being
+ discordant, discrepant, incongruous, inharmonious inconstant
in-com-pe-tence\-tans\ n + : the state or fact of being in- + disloyalty, faithlessness, falseness, falsity, infidelity,
competent perfidy, unfaithfulness- more at rNFlDELlTY
+ impotence, inability,inadequacy, incapability, inepti- in-con-stant \(,)in-'kiin-stant\ am +: not constant
: CHANGEABLE - in-con-stant-lyadv
tude - more at rNABlLlTY
in-com-pe-tent \(,)in-'kiim-pa-tant\ am 1 : not legally qual- + capricious, changeable, fickle, fluid, mercurial, muta-
ble, temperamental, uncertain, unpredictable, unset-
ified 2 + : not competent: lacking sufficient knowledge,
skill, or ability - in-com-pe-ten-cy\-tan-se\ n - incom- tled, unstable, unsteady, variable, volatile - more at
petent n FICKLE
+ incapable, inept, inexpert, unfit, unqualified, un- ln-con-test-able \,in-kan-'tes-ta-bal\ adj + : not contestable
skilled, unskillful; also ineffective, ineffectual, ineffi-
cient; callow, green, inexperienced, raw; unequipped, + indisputable, indubitable, irrefutable, unanswerable,
unprepared, untrained; useless, worthless; ineligible; undeniable, unquestionable - more at IRREFUTABLE
wanting Ant able, capable, competent, expert, fit, qual- In-con-test-ably \-'tes-ta-ble\ adv + : in an incontestable
ified, skilled, skillful manner or to an incontestable degree or level: with cer-
in-com-plete\,in-kam-'plet\ am + : lacking a part or parts tainty
: UNFfNlSHED, IMPERFECT - in-com-plete-ness n + certainly, definitely, doubtless, indeed, indisputably,
+ deficient, fragmentary, halfway, imperfect, partial; really, surely, truly, undeniably, undoubtedly, unques-
also broken, damaged, impaired Ant complete, entire, tionably - more at rNDEED
full, intact, whole ln-con-ti-nent \(,)in-'kiint-'n-ant\ adj 1 : lacking self-re-
in-com-plete-ly adv : in an incomplete manner or to an in- straint 2: unable to retain urine or feces voluntarily-
complete degree: not wholly, perfectly, or fully in-ccn-tl-nence\-ans\ n
in-com-pre-hen-si-ble\,in-,kiim-pre-'hen-sa-bal\ am + : im- m-con-tro-vert-lbte \,in-,kiin-tra-'var-ta-bal\ am : not open
possible to comprehend: UNrNTELLIGtBLE to question: rNDISPUTABLE (......., evidence)
+ impenetrable, unfathomable; also abstruse, enig- ln-con-tro-vert-lbly\-ble\ adv : not open to question
matic, esoteric, inscrutable, recondite; cryptic, mysteri- 'in-con.veonience \,in-kan-'ve-nyans\ n 1 +: something
ous, obscure; unanswerable, unknowable; baffling, that is inconvenient 2: the quality or state of being in-
bewildering, confounding, confusing, mystifying, per- convenient
plexing, puzzling Ant fathomable, intelligible, under- + aggravation, annoyance, bother, exasperation, frus-
standable tration, hassle, headache, irritant, nuisance, peeve, pest,
ln-con-celv-able \,in-kan-'se-va-bal\ am 1 : impossible to problem, thorn - more at ANNOYANCE
comprehend 2 + : impossible to believe: UNBELIEVABLE 2inconvenience vb -nienced; -niencing + : to subject to in-
+ fantastic, implausible, incredible, unbelievable, un- convenience
convincing, unimaginable, unthinkable- more at rN- + discommode, disoblige,disturb, trouble; also burden,
CREDIBLE encumber, saddle, weigh; hamper, hamstring, hinder,
ln-con-qru-cus \(,)in-'kal)-gru-was\ adj 1 : not consistent hobble, impede; aggravate, anger, annoy, bother, bug,
with or suitable to the surroundings or associations exasperate, gall, get, nettle, peeve, pique, put out, rile,
2 + : lacking harmony - in-conogru.i.ty\,in-kan-'gru-a-te, vex; grate, inflame, provoke; agitate, perturb, upset Ant
-,kan-\ n - in-con-qru-ous-lyadv accommodate, oblige
+ discordant, discrepant, incompatible, inharmonious ln-con-ve-ntent \,in-kan-'ve-nyant\ am 1 + : not conven-

List of self-explanatorywords withthe prefix in- (continued)

indiscernible ineducable inefficacious inelastic
inedible ineffaceable inefficacy inelasticity
inconveniently 428
ient 2.: causing trouble or annoyance - m-cen-ve- accretion, addition, augmentation, boost, expansion,
njenNyadv gain, growth, increment, plus, proliferation, raise, rise,
[1] inaccessible, unapproachable, unattainable, un- supplement; also accumulation; complement; appendix,
available, unobtainable, unreachable, untouchable- continuation, extension uptrend, upturn; jump Ant
more at INACCESSIBLE [2] awkward; also bothersome, abatement, decrease, lessening, lowering, reduction
burdensome, onerous, troublesome; annoying, irritat- inocred.i.ble \{,)in'kred;Jb;Jl\ adj : too extraordinary
ing Ant convenient and improbable to be believed; also : hard to believe -
ln-cred-l-bil-i-ty \{,)in,kred;J'biI;Jte\ n
in-cor-po-rate \in'k6rp;J,rat\ vb -rat-ed; 1 : to
unite closely or so as to form one body 2: to form, form fantastic, implausible, inconceivable, unbelievable,
unconvincing, unimaginable, unthinkable; also doubt-
into, or become a corporation 3: to give material form to
ful, dubious, fishy, flimsy, questionable, suspect, un
: EMBODY - ln-cor-po-ra-tlon \,k6r,p;J'rash;Jn\ n likely, unreasonable; absurd, outlandish, preposterous,
assimilate, commingle, integrate, intermingle, merge ridiculous Ant believable, conceivable, convincing,
in-cor-po-re-al \,ink6r'pore;J1\ adj : having no material credible, imaginable, plausible
body or form inocred.i.bly \{,)in'kred;Jble\ adv .: in an incredible
manner: to an incredible extent: EXTREMELY
bodiless, immaterial, insubstantial, nonmaterial, non-
physical, spiritual, unsubstantial- more at IMMATERIAL extremely, greatly, highly, hugely, mightily, mighty,
mortally, most, much, real, right, so, very - more at
ln-cor-rect \,ink;J'rekt\ adj 1 : marked by fault or defect VERY
: INACCURATE 2 : not true: WRONG 3 : not according
in-cred-u-lous \.'krej;JI;Js\ adj 1 : unwilling to admit or
with appropriate standards: UNBECOMING, IMPROPER accept what is offered as true : SKEPTICAL 2: expressing
[2] erroneous, false, inaccurate, inexact, invalid, off, disbelief - in-cre-du-li-ty \,inkri'diiI;Jte, 'dyii\ n - ln-
unsound, untrue, wrong - more at FALSE [3] irn- cred-u-lous-ly adv
proper, inappropriate, inapt, infelicitous, unbecoming, distrustful, leery, mistrustful, skeptical, suspicious -
unfit, unseemly, unsuitable, wrong - more at INAPPRO' more at SKEPTICAL
PRtATE in-cre-ment \'iJ)kr;Jm;Jnt, 'in\ n 1 : the action or process
ln-cor-rect-ly adv : in an incorrect manner of increasing esp. in quantity or value : ENLARGEMENT;
amiss, erroneously, faultily, improperly, inaptly, mis- also: QUANTITY 2 : something gained or added; esp : one
takenly, wrongly of a series of regular consecutive additions
in-cor-rect-ness n : the quality or state of being incorrect accretion, addition, augmentation, boost, expansion,
impropriety, indecency - more at IMPROPRIETY gain, increase, plus, proliferation, raise, rise, supple-
ment - more at INCREASE
inocor.riogi.ble \{,)in'k6r;Jj;Jb;J1\ adj : incapable of be- in-ere-men-tat \,il)kr;J'ment'I, ,in\ adj : of, relating to,
ing corrected, amended, or reformed - inocor.riogi.bil.i.ty being, or occurring in esp. small increments - inocre-
\(,)in,k6r;Jj;J'biI;Jte\ n - inocor.riogi.bly \'kor;Jj;J men-tal-ly adv
ble\adv ln-ertm-l-nate \in'krim;J,nat\ vb -nat-ed; -nat-inq : to
hopeless, incurable, irredeemable, irremediable, un- charge with or prove involvement in a crime or fault: AC'
recoverable, unredeemable - more at HOPELESS CUSE - in-crim-l-na-tlcn \,krim;J'nash;Jn\ n - ln-crim-l-
in-cor-rupt-lble \,ink;J'r;Jpt;Jb;Jl\ adj 1 : not subject to de- na-te-ry \-,krim;Jn;J,tore\ adj
cay or dissolution 2: incapable of being bribed or accuse, charge, indict - more at ACCUSE
morally corrupted - In-cor-rupt-ibil-i-ty \,r;Jpt;J'biI;Jte\ incrust var of ENCRUST
n - in-cor-rupt-lbly \'r;Jpt;Jble\ adv in-crus-ta-tion \,in-,kr"s-'ta-sh;Jn\ n 1 : CRUST; also: an accu-
incr abbr increase; increased mulation (as of habits, opinions, or customs) resembling a
crust 2: the act of encrusting: the state of being encrusted
"In-crease \in'kres, 'in,kres\ vb inocreased; in-creas-lng
in-cu-bate \'il)kyli,bat, 'in-\ vb -bat-ed; -bat-lnq : to sit
[ME encresen, fr. AF encreistre, fro L. increscere, fro on (eggs) to hatch by the warmth of the body; also: to
crescere to grow] 1 : to become greater: GROW 2: to keep (as an embryo) under conditions favorable for de-
multiply by the production of young <rabbits,..._, rapidly) velopment - m-cu-ba-tton \,il)kyli-'ba-sh;Jn, ,in\ n
3 : to make greater - \'kresiJ)le\ adv brood, hatch, set, sit - more at SET
[1] accumulate, appreciate, balloon, build, burgeon, in-cu-ba-tor \'iJ)kyli,bat;Jr, 'in\ n : one that incubates;
enlarge, escalate, expand, grow, mount, multiply, esp : an apparatus providing suitable conditions (as of
mushroom, proliferate, rise, snowball, swell, wax; also warmth and moisture) for incubating something (as a
rocket, skyrocket; heighten, intensify; blow up, distend, premature baby)
inflate; crest, peak, surge Ant contract, decrease, dirnin- in-cu-bus Vin-kya-bas, 'in-\ n, plbi \,bi, ,be\ also -bus-es
ish, lessen, wane. [3] add, aggrandize, amplify, aug- [ME, fro LL, fro L incubare to lie on] 1 : a spirit supposed
ment, boost, compound, enlarge, escalate, expand, ex- to work evil on persons in their sleep 2: NIGHTMARE 1
tend, multiply, raise, swell, up; also skyrocket; blow up, 3 : one that oppresses like a nightmare
dilate, distend, inflate; elongate, lengthen, prolong, pro- In-cul-cate \in'k;Jl,kat, 'in-{,)k;Jl-\ vb -cat-ed; -cat-lnq [L in-
tract; enhance, heighten, intensify, magnify; cornple- culcare, Iit., to tread on, fro calcare to trample, fr. calx
ment, supplement; beef (up), reinforce, strengthen; heel] : to teach and impress by frequent repetitions or
maximize; accumulate, amass, collect; follow up, parlay admonitions - ln-cul-ca-tlon \,in{,)k;Jl'ka-sh;Jn\ n
Ant abate, contract, decrease, diminish, lessen, lower,
imbue, infuse, ingrain, invest, steep, suffuse - more
reduce, subtract (from) at INFUSE
2inocrease \'in,kres, in-tkres', n 1 : addition or enlarge- in-cul-pa-ble \{,)in-'k;Jl-p;J-b;JJ\ adj : free from guilt: INNO-
ment in size, extent, or quantity : GROWfH 2.: some- CENT
thing that is added to an original stock or amount (as by in-cul-pate \in-'k;JI-,pat, 'in-{,)k;JJ-\ vb -pat-ed: : IN

List of selfexplanatory words with the prefix in- (continued)

inequitable ineradicable inexpedient infeasible

inequity inerrant inextinguishable injudicious
429 indenture
in-cum-ben-cy \in-'kam-ban-se\ n, pi -cies 1 : something inode-fat.ioga.bly \-ble\ adv : in an indefatigable manner
that is incumbent 2: the quality or state of being incum- in-de-fea-si-ble \-'fe-za-bal\ adj : not capable of being an-
bent 3: the office or period of office of an incumbent nulled or voided - \-ble\ adv
'inoeumbent \in-'bm-bant\ n : the holder of an office or in-de-ten-sl-ble \-'fen-sa-bal\ adj 1 : incapable of being
position maintained as right or valid 2 + : incapable of being jus-
2incumbent adj 1 + : imposed as a duty 2: occupying a tified or excused: INEXCUSABLE 3 : incapable of being pro-
specified office 3: lying or resting on something else tected against physical attack
+ compulsory, imperative, involuntary, mandatory, inexcusable, unforgivable. unjustifiable. unpardon-
necessary, nonelective. obligatory. peremptory - more able. unwarrantable - more at INEXCUSABLE
at MANDATORY ln-de-fln-able \-'fi-na-bal\ adj : incapable of being precisely
in-cu-nab-u-lum \,in-kya-'na-bya-Iam, il)-\ n, pi -la \-Ia\ described or analyzed - in-de-fin-ably \-ble\ adv
[NL, fr. L incunabula, pl., bands holding the baby in a
in-def-i-nite \(,)in-'de-fa-nat\ adj 1 : not defining or identi-
cradle, fr. cunae cradle) : a book printed before 1501
fying <an is an - article> 2 + : not precise : VAGUE
in-cur \in-'kar\ vb in-curred; inoeur.ring : to become liable
3 + : having no fixed limit - inodef.i.nite-Iy adv - inodef-
or subject to : bring down upon oneself
in-cur-able \(,)in-'kyiJr-a-bal\ adj 1 +: not curable I-n ite-ness n
2 + : not likely to be changed - incurable n - m-cur-ably + (2) bleary. dim, faint. foggy. fuzzy, hazy. indistinct,
\(,)in-'kyur-a-ble\ adv indistinguishable. murky, nebulous, obscure, opaque.
+ [1.2] hopeless. incorrigible, irredeemable. irremedia- shadowy, unclear, undefined. undetermined, vague-
ble. unrecoverable. unredeemable - more at HOPELESS more at FAINT + (3) boundless, endless. illimitable. im-
in-cu-rl-ous \(,)in-'kyur-e-as\ adj : lacking a normal or measurable. infinite. limitless. measureless. unbounded.
usual curiosity unfathomable. unlimited - more at INFINITE
ln-cur-slon \in-'kar-zhan\ n 1 + : a sudden hostile invasion in-del-i-ble \in-'de-Ia-b::>l\ adj [ME. fr. ML indelibilis, alter.
: RAID 2: an entering in or into (as an activity) of L indelebilis, fr. delere to delete, destroy) 1 : not capa-
+ descent. foray, invasion, irruption, raid - more at RAID ble of being removed or erased 2: making marks that
cannot be erased 3: LASTING. UNFORGETTABLE - in-del-i-
in-cus \'il)-bs\ n, pi in-cu-des \il)-'kyU-(,)dez\ [NL, fro L,
bly \in-'de-I::>-ble\ adv
anvil] : the middle bone of a chain of three small bones in
the middle ear of a mammal
ln-oel-l-ca-cy \in-'de-Ia-ka-se\ n 1 + : the quality or state of
being indelicate 2: something that is indelicate
ind abbr 1 independent 2 index 3 industrial: industry
Ind abbr 1 Indian 2 Indiana coarseness, grossness. lowness, rudeness, vulgarity -
in-debt-ed \in-'de-tad\ adj 1 + : owing gratitude or recog- more at VULGARITY
nition to another 2 + : owing money - ln-debt-ed-ness n in-del-i-cate \(,)in-'de-li-kat\ adj : not delicate; esp : IM-
+ [I. 2] beholden. obligated. obliged - more at BE- PROPER, COARSE. TACTLESS
HOLDEN ln-dem-ni-tl-ca-tlon \-,dem-na-fa-'ka-shan\ n 1 : the action
in-de-cen-cy \(,)in-'des-'n-se\ n + : the quality or state of of indemnifying; also: the condition of being indemnified
being indecent 2 : something that indemnifies
+ impropriety. incorrectness - more at IMPROPRIETY in-dem-ni-fy \in-'dem-na-,fi\ vb -fied; [L indemnis
in-de-cent \(,)in-'des-'nt\ adj + : not decent: esp : morally unharmed. fro in- not + damnum damage) 1 : to secure
offensive - in-de-cent-ly adv against hurt. loss, or damage 2 + : to make compensation
to for hurt. loss, or damage
+ bawdy, coarse. crude. dirty. filthy. foul. gross. lascivi-
ous, lewd, nasty, obscene, pornographic. ribald, smutty, + compensate. recompense. recoup, remunerate, re-
unprintable. vulgar, wanton - more at OBSCENE quite - more at COMPENSATE
in-de-cl-slon \,in-di-'si-zhan\ n + : a wavering between two \in-'dem-na-te\ n, pi -ties 1 : security against
or more possible courses of action: IRRESOLUTION hurt, loss, or damage; also : exemption from incurred
+ hesitancy. hesitation, irresolution, vacillation - penalties or liabilities 2 + : something that indemnifies
more at HESITATION + compensation. damages. quittance, recompense. re-
In-de-ci-sive \,in-di-'si-siv\ adj 1 : leading to no conclusion dress. remuneration. reparation, requital. restitution.
or definite result 2: marked by or prone to indecision satisfaction - more at COMPENSATION
3 : INDEFINITE - m-de-ci-sive-ly adv - m-de-cl-slve-ness n "in-dent \in-'dent\ vb [ME, fro AF endenter, fr. dent tooth. fr.
in-de-ce-rcus \(,)in-'de-ka-ras; ,in-di-'kor-as\ adi + : not L dent-, dens) 1 : to notch the edge of 2 : INDENTURE 3: to
decorous - ln-de-co-rous-ly adv - in-de-co-rous-ness n set (as a line of a paragraph) in from the margin
+ improper. inappropriate. inapt, infelicitous. unbe- 2indent vb 1 : to force inward so as to form a depression
coming. unfit. unseemly. unsuitable. wrong - more at 2 : to form a dent in
INAPPROPRIATE in-den-ta-tion \,in-,den-'ta-shan\ n 1 +: a V-shaped cut
inodeed \in-'ded\ adv 1 + : without any question - often usu. on an edge or a surface: NOTCH; also: a usu. deep re-
used interjectionally to express irony. disbelief, or sur- cess (as in a coastline) 2: the action of indenting: the
prise 2 + : in reality 3: all things considered condition of being indented 3 + : a depression or hollow
+ [1) certainly. definitely, doubtless. incontestably. in- made by a blow or by pressure: DENT 4: INDENTION 2
disputably. really. surely, truly. undeniably. undoubt- + (1) chip, hack. nick. notch - more at NOTCH + (3)
edly. unquestionably; also conceivably. likely. perhaps. cavity, concavity. dent, depression, hole, hollow. pit, re-
possibly, probably; clearly, obviously, unmistakably cess - more at HOLE
+ (2) even, nay, truly, verily. yea - more at EVEN tn-den-tlon \in-'den-chan\ n 1: INDENTATION 2 2: the
indef abbr indefinite blank space produced by indenting
inode-fat.ioga.ble \,in-di-'fa-ti-g:l-bal\ adi + : incapable of 'inodenture \in-'den-char\ n 1: a written certificate or
being fatigued: UNTIRING agreement; esp : a contract binding one person (as an ap-
+ inexhaustible. tireless, unflagging. untiring - more prentice) to work for another for a given period of time
at TIRELESS - usu. used in pl. 2: INDENTATION 1 3: DENT

List of self-explanatory words with the prefix in- (continued)

inoffensive insensitive insignificance insusceptible

insanitary insenSitivity insolvable
indenture 430
2indenture vb in-den-tured: : to bind (as an ap- Indian meal n : CORNMEAL
prentice) by indentures Indian paintbrush n : any of a genus of herbaceous plants
in-de-pen-dence \,in-d::l-'pen-d:ms\ n + : the quality or state related to the snapdragon that have brightly colored
of being independent: FREEDOM bracts
+ autonomy, freedom, liberty, self-government, sover- Indian pipe n : a waxy white leafless saprophytic herb of
eignty - more at FREEDOM Asia and the U.S.
Independence Day n : July 4 observed as a legal holiday in Indian summer n : a period of mild weather in late autumn
commemoration of the adoption of the Declaration of In- or early winter
dependence in 1776 ln-dia paper \'in-de-::l-\ n 1 : a thin absorbent paper used
in-de-pen-dent \,in-d::l-'pen-d::lnt\ adj 1 + : not subject to esp. for taking impressions (as of steel engravings) 2: a
control by others : SELF-GOVERNfNG; also : not affiliated thin tough opaque printing paper
with a larger controlling unit 2 + : not requiring or rely- indic abbr indicative
ing on something else or somebody else (an""' conclu- in-di-cate Vin-da-jkat', vb -eat-ed; -cat-tnq 1 : to point out
sion) (""' of her parents) 3: not easily influenced or to 2 + : to show indirectly 3 : to state briefly
: showing self-reliance and personal freedom (an + allude, hint, imply, infer, insinuate, intimate, suggest
mind) 4: not committed to a political party (an ""' - more at HfNT
voter) 5: MAIN (an ""' clause) - independent n ln-dl-ca-tlon \,in-d::l-'ka-sh::ln\ n 1 + : something that serves
+ [1] autonomous, free, self-governing, separate, sover- to indicate; also: something that is indicated as advisable
eign - more at FREE + [2] self-reliant, self-sufficient, or necessary 2: the action of indicating
self-supporting - more at SELF-SUFFICIENT + clue, cue, hint, inkling, intimation, lead, suggestion
in-de-pen-dent-ly adv + : in an independent manner: with- - more at HfNT
out dependence on another 'inodicative \in-'di-k::l-tiv\ adi 1 : of, relating to, or being a
+ alone, Singly, solely, unaided, unassisted - more at verb form that represents an act or state as a fact (""'
ALONE mood) 2 + : serving to indicate (actions""' of fear)
independent variable n : a variable whose value is not de- + denotative, significant, telltale; also alluding, allusive,
termined by that of any other variable in a function referring; characteristic, symptomatic; demonstrative,
inode-scriboable \,in-di-'skri-b;}-b::ll\ adj 1 + : that cannot exhibiting, expressive; symbolic; connoting, implying,
be described 2 : being too intense or great for description insinuating, suggestive
- inode-scriboably \-ble\ adv 2indicative n 1 : the indicative mood of a language 2: a
+ ineffable, inexpressible, nameless, unspeakable, un- form in the indicative mood
utterable; also inconceivable, incredible, unbelievable, inodioea.tor \'in-d::l-,ka-t::lr\ n + : one that indicates; esp : an
unimaginable, unthinkable; featureless, nondescript index hand (as on a dial)
Ant communicable, definable + hand, index, needle, pointer - more at POfNTER
in-de-ter-mi-nate \,in-di-'t::lr-m::l-n::lt\ adi 1 : VAGUE; also ln-di-cla \in-'di-sh::l, -she-ov n pI 1: distinctive marks
: not known in advance 2: not limited in advance; also 2 : postal markings often imprinted on mail or mailing la-
: not leading to a definite end or result - ln-de-ter-mi-na- bels
cy \-n::l-se\ n - tn-de-ter-ml-nate-ty adv inodict \in-'dit\ vb [alter. of earlier indite, fro ME, fro AF to
'inodex \'in-,deks\ n, pI In-dex-es or in-di-ces \-d::l-,sez\ write, point out, indict, ultim. fr. L indicere to make
1 + : a device (as the pointer on a scale) that serves to in- known formally, fro dicere to say] 1 + : to charge with a
dicate a value or quantity 2: SIGN, fNDICATION (an""' of fault or offense 2: to charge with a crime by the finding
character) 3: a guide for facilitating references; esp : an of a jury - m-dlct-eble adj
alphabetical list of items treated in a printed work with
accuse, charge. incriminate, indict - more at ACCUSE
the page number where each item may be found 4: a list
of restricted or prohibited material 5 t usu indices : a ln-dlct-ment v-rnont', n + : the action or the legal process of
number or symbol or expression (as an exponent) associ- indicting
ated with another to indicate a mathematical operation + charge, complaint, count, rap - more at CHARGE
or use or position in an arrangement or expansion 6: a In-die \'in-de\ n 1 : one that is independent; esp : an unaf-
character cr used to direct attention (as to a note) 7: IN- filiated record or motion-picture production company
DEX NUMBER 2 : something produced by an indie - indie adj
+ index, indicator, needle, pointer - more at POINTER inodifofer-ence\-fr::lns, -fe-rensv n + : the quality, state, or
2index vb 1 + : to provide with or put into an index 2: to fact of being indifferent; also: absence of compulsion to
serve as an index of 3 : to regulate by indexation or toward one thing or another
+ catalog, enroll, enter, inscribe, list, put down, record, + apathy, disinterestedness, disregard, insouciance,
register, schedule, slate - more at LIST nonchalance; also halfheartedness; carelessness, heed-
tn-dex-atlon \,in-,dek-'sa-sh::ln\ n : a system of economic lessness, recklessness, unawareness; lethargy, listless-
control in which a body of variables (as wages and inter- ness; calmness, detachment, dispassion; callousness,
est) rise or fall at the same rate as an index of the cost of hardness, insensitivity; impassivity, phlegm; aloofness,
living coldness Ant concern, interest, regard
index finger n : the finger next to the thumb inodifofer-ent \in-'di-fr::lnt, -fa-rantv adj 1 : UNBIASED, UN- n : fNDEXATION PREJUDICED 2: of no importance one way or the other
index number n : a number used to indicate change in mag- 3 + : marked by no special liking for or dislike of some-
nitude (as of cost) as compared with the magnitude at thing 4: being neither excessive nor inadequate 5 + : be-
some specified time usu. taken as 100 ing neither good nor bad : PASSABLE, MEDIOCRE 6: being
index of refraction: REFRACTIVE fNDEX neither right nor wrong - adv
inodia ink \'in-de-::l-\ n, often cap 1st 1 1 : a solid black pig- + [3] apathetic, casual, disinterested, insouciant, non-
ment used in drawing 2: a fluid made from india ink chalant, perfunctory, unconcerned, uncurious, uninter-
ln-dl-an Vin-de-an', n 1 : a native or inhabitant of India or ested; also halfhearted, lukewarm; aloof, cold, numb,
of the East Indies 2: a person of Indian descent 3: a remote, unemotional; calm, detached, dispassionate;
member of any of the native peoples of the western hemi- careless, heedless, mindless; impassive, phlegmatic,
sphere except often the Eskimos : AMERICAN INDIAN - In- stoic, stolid; lethargic, listless; unimpressed Ant con-
dian adj cerned, interested + [5] common, fair, mediocre,
Indian corn n : a tall widely grown American cereal grass medium, middling, ordinary, passable, run-of-the-mill,
bearing seeds on long ears; also : its ears or seeds second-rate, so-so - more at MEDIOCRE
431 individualize
in-di-gence \-j:ms\ n + : a level of poverty in which real in-dis.poosi.tion \(,)in-,dis-p;)-'zi-sh;)n\ n : the condition of
hardship and deprivation are suffered and comforts of being indisposed: as a: slight aversion b: a usu. slight ill-
life are wholly lacking ness
+ beggary, destitution, impecuniousness, impoverish- in-dis-put-able \,in-di-'spyii-t;)-b;)l, (,)in-'dis-py;)-\ adj
ment, need, pauperism, penury, poverty, want - more + : not disputable: UNQUESTIONABLE <~ proof)
at POVERTY + incontestable, indubitable, irrefutable, unanswerable,
in-dig-e-nous \in-'di-j;)-n;)s\ adj + : produced, growing, or undeniable, unquestionable - more at lRREFlTfABLE
living naturally in a particular region ln-dls-put-ebty \-ble\ adv + : not open to question
+ aboriginal, born, endemic, native - more at NATIVE + certainly, definitely, doubtless, incontestably, indeed,
in-di-gent Vin-di-jsntv adj +: suffering from indigence really, surely, truly, undeniably, undoubtedly, unques-
: NEEDY tionably - more at INDEED
+ broke, destitute, impecunious, needy, penniless, ln-dls-scl-u-ble \,in-di-'siil-y;)-b;)l\ adj : not capable of being
penurious, poor, poverty-stricken - more at POOR dissolved, undone, or broken: PERMANENT
ln-dl-qest-lble \,in-di-'jes-t;)-b;)l, -da-v adj : not readily di- ln-dis-tinct \,in-di-'stil)kt\ adj 1 : not sharply outlined or
gested separable: BLURRED, FAINT, DIM 2 + : not readily distin-
in-di-qes-tion \-'jes-ch;)n\ n : inadequate or difficult diges- guishable - ln-dls-tlnct-ly adv - in-distinctness n
tion : DYSPEPSIA bleary, dim, faint, foggy, fuzzy, hazy, indefinite, in-
in-dig.nant \in-'dig-n;)nt\ adj : filled with or marked by in- distinguishable, murky, nebulous. obscure, opaque,
dignation - adv shadowy, unclear, undefined, undetermined, vague- \,in-dig-'na-sh;)n\ n +: anger aroused by more at FAINT
something unjust, unworthy, or mean ln-dls-tin-quish-able \,in-di-'stil)-gwi-sh;)-b;)l, -'stil)-wi-\ adj
+ anger, furor, fury, ire, outrage, rage, spleen, wrath, : not distinguishable: as a: indeterminate in shape or
wrathfulness - more at ANGER structure b + : not clearly recognizable or understand- \in-'dig-n;)-te\ n, pi -ties + : an offense against able c + : lacking identifying or individualizing qualities
personal dignity or self-respect; also: humiliating treat-
+ [b] impalpable, imperceptible, inappreciable - more
at IMPERCEPTIBLE + [c] duplicate, equal, even, identical,
+ affront, barb, dart, dig, insult, name, offense, out- same - more at SAME
rage, put-down, sarcasm, slight, slur, wound - more at in-dite \in-'dit\ vb In-dit-ed; : COMPOSE <~ a
poem); also: to put in writing <~ a letter)
in-di-go \'in-di-,go\ n, pi -gos or -goes [It dial., fro L in- in-dl-urn \'in-de-;)m\ n : a malleable silvery metallic chemi-
dicum, fro Gk indikon, fr. indikos Jndic, fr. Indos India] cal element
1 : a blue dye obtained from plants or synthesized 2: a
indiv abbr individual
deep reddish blue color
in-dl-rect \,in-d;)-'rekt, -di-\ adj 1 : not straight <an ~
' \,in-d:r'vi-j;)-w;)l\ adj 1 + : of, relating to, or
route) 2 + : not straightforward and open <~ methods) associated with an individual <~ traits) 2: being an in-
3 : not having a plainly seen connection <an ~ cause) dividual : existing as an indivisible whole 3: intended for
4 : not directly to the point <an ~ answer) - in-direc- one person 4: SEPARATE <~ copies) 5 + : having marked
tion \-'rek-sh;)n\ n - in-di-rect-ly adv - in-di.rectness n individuality <an ~ style) - adv
+ circuitous, circular, roundabout; also crooked, ser- + [l] particular, peculiar, personal, private, separate,
pentine, sinuous, tortuous, twisting, winding; meander- singular, unique; also characteristic, distinctive, inti-
ing, rambling, wandering; long-winded, prolix, verbose; mate; identifying, idiosyncratic; special, specific; inde-
deceitful, deceptive, devious, dishonest, insidious, mis- pendent, nonconformist, self-sufficient; custom, cus-
leading, sneaky, underhand, underhanded; calculating, tomized, specialized Ant general, generic, public,
crafty, cunning, subtle, tricky Ant direct, straight, popular, shared, universal + [5] different, respective.
straightforward separate - more at SEPARATE
in-dis-creet \,in-di-'skret\ adj : not discreet: IMPRUDENT 2individual n 1 + : a single member of a category: a partic-
- ln-dls-creet-ly adv ular person, animal, or thing 2 + : a single human being
+ ill-advised, imprudent, tactless, unwise; also dumb, <a disagreeable ~)
idiotic, moronic, stupid; inconsiderate, thoughtless; ill- + [1] being, entity, object, substance, thing - more at
mannered, improper, inappropriate, indecorous, unbe- ENTITY + [2] being, body, creature, human, man, mortal,
coming, uncivil, unseemly; foolish, harebrained, non- person - more at HUMAN
sensical, preposterous, senseless, silly Ant advisable, in-di-vld-u-al-ise chieflyBrit var O!INDIVlDUALIZE
discreet, judicious, prudent, tactful, wise ln-dl-vld-u-al-ism \,in-d;)-'vi-j;)-w;)-,li-z;)m\ n 1 : a doctrine
in-dis-cre-tion \,in-di-'skre-sh;)n\ n 1: IMPRUDENCE that the interests of the individual are primary 2: a doc-
2 + : something marked by lack of discretion; esp : an act trine holding that the individual has political or economic
deviating from accepted morality rights with which the state must not interfere 3: INDIVID-
+ familiarity, gaffe, impropriety - more at IMPROPRIETY UALITY
ln-dis-cnm-i-nate \,in-di-'skri-m;)-n;)t\ adj 1 : not marked in-dl-vid-u-at-lst \-list\ n 1 + : one that pursues a markedly
by discrimination or careful distinction 2: HAPHAZARD, independent course in thought or action 2: one that ad-
RANDOM 3: UNRESTRAINED 4: MOTLEY - in-dls-crlm-l- vocates or practices individualism - individualist or in-
nate-Iyadv di-vld-u-al-ts-tte \-,vi-j;)-w;)-'lis-tik\ adj
in-dis-pens-able \,in-di-'spen-s;)-b;)l\ adj + : absolutely es- + bohemian, deviant, loner, maverick, nonconformist
sential : REQUISITE - in-dis-pens-abil-i-ty \-,spen-s:r'bi-la- - more at NONCONFORMIST
H:\ n - indispensable n - in-dis-pens-ably \-'spen-s:rble\ in-di-vid-u-al-l-ty \-,vi-j;)-'wa-l;)-te\ n, pi -ties 1 + : the sum
adv of qualities that characterize and distinguish an individ-
+ essential, imperative, integral, necessary, needful, ual from all others; also: PERSONALITY 2: separate or dis-
requisite, vital - more at ESSENTIAL tinct existence 3: INDIVIDUAL, PERSON
in-dis-posed \-'spozd\ adj 1 + : slightly ill 2 + : having an + character, identity, personality, self-identity; also dis-
active feeling of reluctance or dislike: A VERSE tinctiveness, oneness, peculiarity, singleness, singular-
+ [1] bad, down, ill, peaked, punk, sick, unhealthy, un- ity, uniqueness; disposition, humor, nature, temper,
sound, unwell - more at SICK + [2] afraid, dubious, temperament; independence
hesitant, reluctant - more at HESITANT ln-dl-vid-u-al-lze \-'vi-j;)-w;)-,liz\ vb -ized; 1 : to make
individual retirement account 432
individual in character 2: to treat or notice individually generalized conclusion from particular instances; also: a
: PARTICULARIZE 3: to adapt to the needs of an individual conclusion so reached 4: the act of causing or bringing
individual retirement account n : IRA on or about 5: the process by which an electric current,
in-di-vid-u-ate \,in-d~-'vi-j~-,wat\ vb -at-ed: : to give an electric charge, or magnetism is produced in a body by
individuality to : form into an individual - ln-dl-vid-u-a- the proximity of an electric or magnetic field
tion \-,vi-j:l-'wa-sh:ln\ n inaugural, inauguration, installation, investiture-
in-dl-vis-i-ble \,in-d~-'vi-z~-b:ll\ adj : impossible to divide or more at INSTALLATION
separate - inodi.visibil.i.ty \-,vi-z~-'bi-I:I-te\ n - in-di- ln-duc-tlve \in-'d:lk-tiv\ adj : of, relating to, or employing
vis.i.bly adv induction
ln-do-Ar-y-an \,in-do-'er-e-:ln\ n : a branch of the Indo-Eu- in-duc-tor \in-'d:lk-t:lr\ n : an electrical component that
ropean language family that includes Hindi and other acts upon another or is itself acted upon by induction
languages of south Asia inodulge \in-'d:llj\ vb inodulged; 1 .: to give
ln-doc-trl-nate \in-'diik-tr:l-,nat\ vb -nat-ed; -nat-lnq 1 : to free rein to : GRATIFY 2: HUMOR 3: to gratify one's taste
instruct esp, in fundamentals or rudiments: TEACH 2: to
teach the beliefs and doctrines of a particular group -
or desire for <- in alcohol)
cater to, gratify, humor (or humour); also bask, luxu-
ln-doc-tn-na-tlon \(,)in-,diik-tr"-'na-sh,,n\ n - ln-doc-trl- riate, revel, wallow; coddle, mollycoddle, pamper, spoil;
na-tor n sate, satiate, satisfy
educate, instruct, school, teach, train, tutor - more inodul-gence \in-'d:ll-j:lns\ n 1 : remission of temporal pun-
at TEACH ishment due in Roman Catholic doctrine for sins whose
in-do-Eu-ro-pe-an \,in-do-,yitr-~-'pe-~n\ ad) : of, relating to, eternal punishment has been remitted by reception of the
or constituting a family of languages comprising those sacrament of penance 2: the act of indulging: the state
spoken in most of Europe and in the parts of the world of being indulgent 3 : an indulgent act 4 : the thing in-
colonized by Europeans since ISOO and also in Persia, the dulged in 5: SELF-INDULGENCE
subcontinent of India, and some other parts of Asia
amenity, comfort, extra, frill, luxury, superfluity-
tn-do-lence \-I:lns\ n : inclination to laziness more at LUXURY
idleness, inertia, laziness, sloth - more at LAZINESS inodulogent \in-'d~l-j~nt\ adj : indulging or characterized
in-do-lent \'in-d:l-I:lnt\ adj [LL indolens insensitive to pain, by indulgence - adv
fr. L dolere to feel pain] 1 : slow to develop or heal <- accommodating, friendly, obliging - more at AC-
ulcers) 2.: averse to activity, effort, or movement COMMODATING
: LAZY - in-do-lent-ly adv in-du-rat-ed \'in-dyit-,ra-t:ld, -du-v adi : physically or emo-
idle, lazy, shiftless, slothful- more at LAZY tionally hardened - in-du-ra-tion \,in-dyit-'ra-sh:ln, -du-v
ln-dcm-l-ta-ble \in-'dii-m~-t~-b~l\ adj. : incapable of being n
subdued : UNCONQUERABLE <- courage) - ln-dcm-l-ta- in-dus-ttl-at \in-'d~s-tre-~I\ adj 1 : of or relating to indus-
bly \-ble\ adv try; also: HEAVY-DUTY 2: characterized by highly devel-
impregnable, insurmountable, invincible, invulnera- oped industries - ln-dus-trl-al-ly adv
ble, unbeatable, unconquerable - more at lNVlNcmLE in-dus-trl-el-lse chiefly Brit var 0/ INDUSTRIALIZE
ln-oo-ne-slen \,in-d~-'ne-zh"n\ n : a native or inhabitant of tn-dus-tn-al-lst \-~-list\ n : a person owning or engaged in
the Republic of Indonesia - Indonesian adj the management of an industry
inodoor \'in-'dor\ adj 1 : of or relating to the inside of a In-dus-tri-al-ize \in-'d:ls-tre-~-,nz\ vb -ized; : to make
building 2: living, located, or carried on within a build- or become industrial - in-dus-trl-al-l-za-tlon \-,d:ls-tre-:l-
ing I~-'za-sh~n \ n
in-doers \in-'dorz\ adv : in or into a building ln-dus-trf-oue \in-'d"s-tre-"s\ adj : constantly, regularly, or
indorse, indorsement var a/ENDORSE, endorsement habitually active or occupied: DILIGENT, BUSY
in-du-bi-ta-ble \(,)in-'dii-b~-t~-b~l, -'dyii-\ adj : too evi- ln-dus-trl-ous-ty adv : in an industrious manner
dent to be doubted : UNQUESTIONABLE - in-du-bi-ta-bly ln-dus-trl-ous-ness n : the quality or state of being indus-
\-ble\ adv trious
incontestable, indisputable, irrefutable, unanswer- in-dus-try \'in-(,)d~s-tre\ n, pi -tries 1 : steady or habit-
able, undeniable, unquestionable - more at IR- ual effort : DILIGENCE 2: a department or branch of a
REFUTABLE craft, art, business, or manufacture; esp : one that em-
in-duce \in-'diis, -'dyiis\ vb in-duced; ln-duc-lnq 1 .: to ploys a large personnel and capital 3: a distinct group of
move by persuasion or influence : PERSUADE 2: to serve productive enterprises 4: manufacturing activity as a
as the cause of : BRING ABOUT 3: to produce (as an elec- whole
tric current) by induction 4: to determine by induction; assiduity, diligence - more at DILIGENCE
esp : to infer from particulars - in-duc-er n inodwell \(,)in-'dwel\ vb : to exist within as an activating
argue, convince, get, move, persuade, prevail, satisfy, spirit or force
talk, win - more at PERSUADE Inodycar \'in-de-\ n : a single-seat, open-cockpit racing car
in-duce-ment \-m~nt\ n 1 : something that induces: MOTlYE with the engine in the rear
2 : the act or process of inducing 'in-ebri.ate \i-'ne-bre-,at\ vb -at-ed: : to make drunk
convincing, persuasion - more at PERSUASION : lNTOXlCATE - m-ebrt-a-tion \-,ne-bre-'a-sh:ln\ n
in-duct \in-'d~kt\ vb 1 : to place in office 2 : to admit 2in-ebri.ate \-~t\ n : one that is drunk; esp : DRUNKARD
as a member 3: to enroll for military training or service drunk, drunkard, soak, sot, souse, tippler - more at
- In-duct-ee \-,d:lk-'te\ n DRUNK
[I, 2] baptize, inaugurate, initiate, install, invest- in-et-ta-bte \(,)in-'e-f~-b~l\ adj 1 : incapable of being ex-
more at INSTALL pressed in words: INDESCRmABLE <- joy) 2: UNSPEAK-
in-duc-tance \in-'d:lk-t~ns\ n : a property of an electric cir- ABLE <- disgust) 3: not to be uttered: TABOO - ln-et-ta-
cuit by which a varying current produces an electromo- bly \-ble\ adv
tive force in that circuit or in a nearby circuit; also: the indescribable, inexpressible, nameless, unspeakable,
measure of this property unutterable - more at INDESCRIBABLE
In-duc-tion \in-'d:lk-sh:ln\ n 1 : the act or process of in- in-ef.fec.tive \,i-n~-'fek-tiv\ adj 1 : not producing an in-
ducting; also : INITIATION 2: the formality by which a tended effect: INEFFECTUAL 2: incapable of performing
civilian is inducted into military service 3: inference of a efficiently - in-ef.fec.tive-Iy adv - in-ef.fec.tive-ness n
433 infallibly

in-ef-fec-tu-al\-'fek-ch:l-w:ll\ adj : INEFFECfIVE - ln-et-tec- true: INACCURATE 2: not rigorous and careful- in-ex-
tuallyadv act-ly adv - in-ex-act-nessn
in-et-fl-clent\,i-n:l-'fi-sh:lnt\ adj 1 : not producing the de- erroneous, false, inaccurate, incorrect, invalid, off,
sired effect 2: wasteful of time or energy 3: INCAPABLE, unsound, untrue, wrong - more at FALSE imprecise,
INCOMPETENT - in-effi-cien-cy \-'fi-sh:m-se\ n - in-ef-fl- inaccurate, loose; also approximate; erroneous, false,
cient-ly adv incorrect, off, wrong; general, indefinable, indefinite,
in-el-e-gant \(,)i-'ne-li-g:lnt\ adj : lacking in refinement, indeterminate, indistinct, undefined, undetermined, un-
grace, or good taste - in-el-e-gance \-g:lns\ n - in-el-e- settled, vague; faulty, mistaken; specious; distorted, fal-
gant.lyadv lacious, misleading; doubtful, dubious, questionable,
awkward, clumsy, gauche, graceless, stiff, stilted, un- uncertain; inconclusive, indecisive; debatable, dis-
comfortable, uneasy, ungraceful, wooden - more at putable; unconfirmed, unsubstantiated, unsupported
AWKWARD. dowdy, tacky, tasteless, trashy, unfashion- Ant accurate, dead, exact, precise
able, unstylish - more at TACKY in-ex-cus-able\,i-nik-'skyii-za-bal\ adj + : being without
in-el.i-gi.ble\(,)i-'ne-I:l-j:l-bal\ adj : not qualified for an of- excuse or justification - m-ex-cus-ably\-ble\ adv
fice or position - in-el.i-gi.bil.i.ty\(,)i-,ne-I:l-j:l-'bi-l:l-H:\ n + indefensible, unforgivable, unjustifiable, unpardon-
in-eluc-ta-ble\,i-ni-'lak-ta-b:ll\ adj : not to be avoided, able, unwarrantable; also insufferable, insupportable,
changed, or resisted - in-eluc.tably\-ble\ adv intolerable, unbearable, unendurable; abominable,
in-ept\i-'nept\ adj 1 : lacking in fitness or aptitude: UN- atrocious, heinous, monstrous, outrageous,scandalous,
FIT 2: FOOLISH 3 : inappropriate to the time or circum- shocking; egregious, flagrant, glaring, gross, rank; un-
stances 4 : generally incompetent: BUNGLING - in-ept- acceptable, untenable; black, evil, iniquitous, vicious,
Iy adv - in-ept-nessn wicked; base, contemptible, deplorable, despicable,
[I, 4] incapable, incompetent, inexpert, unfit, un- dirty, execrable, ignoble, vile, reprobate, wretched;
qualified, unskilled, unskillful- more at INCOMPETENT cruel, nasty; blamable, blameworthy,censurable, repre-
[3] improper, inappropriate, inapt, infelicitous, unbe- hensible; banned, barred, condemned, disallowed, for-
coming, unfit, unseemly, unsuitable, wrong - more at bidden, interdicted, outlawed, prohibited, proscribed
INAPPROPRlA TE Ant defensible, excusable, forgivable, justifiable, par-
in-ep-ti-tude\(,)i-'nep-ti-,tiid, -,tyiid\ n : the quality or donable
state of being inept; esp : INCOMPETENCE ln-ex-haust-ible\,i-nig-'z6-st:l-b:ll\ adj 1 : incapable of be-
impotence, inability, inadequacy, incapability, in- ing used up <an ~ supply) 2 + : incapable of being wea-
competence - more at INABILITY ried or worn out: UNTIRING - in-ex-haust-ibly\-ble\ adv
in-equal-i-ty\,i-ni-'kwii-Ia-te\ n 1 : the quality of being un- indefatigable, tireless, unflagging, untiring - more at
equal or uneven; esp : UNEVENNESS, DISPARITY 2: an in- TIRELESS
stance of being unequal tn-ex-o-ra-bte
\(,)i-'nek-sa-r:l-bal\ adj : not to be moved by
in-ert\i-'n:lrt\ adj [L inert-, iners unskilled, idle, fr. art-, ars entreaty: RELENTLESS - in-ex-o-rably adv
skill] 1 : powerless to move 2 + : averse to activity or in-ex-pen-sive\,i-nik-'spen(t)-siv\ adj : reasonable in price
exertion : SLUGGISH 3: lacking in active properties in-ex-pe-ri-ence\,i-nik-'spir-e-ans\ n : lack of experience or
<chemically ~) - in-ert-lyadv of knowledge gained by experience
[1] dead, dormant, fallow, free, idle, inactive, inoper- in-ex-pe-ri-enced\-:lnst\ adj : lacking practical experi-
ative, latent, off, vacant - more at INACfIVE [2] dull, ence
inactive,lethargic,quiescent, sleepy, sluggish, torpid- amateur, amateurish, inexpert, nonprofessional, un-
more at INACfIVE professional, unskilled, unskillful - more at AMATEUR-
in-er-tia \i-'n:lr-sha, -she-ox n 1 : a property of matter ISH
whereby it remains at rest or continues in uniform mo- in-ex-pert\(,)i-'nek-,sp:lrt\ adj : not expert : UNSKILLED
tion unless acted upon by some outside force 2 + : indis- - ln-ex-pert-tv adv
position to motion, exertion, or change - in-er.tial\-sh"l\
am amateur, amateurish, inexperienced, nonprofes-
sional, unprofessional, unskilled, unskillful - more at
ii idleness, indolence, laziness, sloth - more at LAZI-
In-ert-nessn : the quality or state of being inert: lack of In-ex-pi-a-ble \(,)i-'nek-spe-a-b:ll\ adj : not capable of being
activity atoned for
in-ex-pli-ca-ble \,i-nik-'sp!i-k:l-bal, (,)i-'nek-(,)sp!i-\ adj : in-
dormancy, idleness, inaction, inactivity, quiescence capable of being explained or accounted for - ln-ex-ptt-
- more at INACfION
in-es-cap-able\,i-n:l-'skii-p:l-bal\ adj : incapable of being
escaped : INEVITABLE
tn-es-cap-ably\-ble\ adv : in an inevitable way
ca-bly\-ble\ adv
in-ex-press-lble\-'spre-sa-bal\ adj : not capable of being
expressed - in-ex-press-ibly\-ble\ adv

- ii
ln-es-tl-ma-bte\(,)i-'nes-ta-ma-b:ll\ adj 1 : incapable of be-
ing estimated or computed <~ errors) 2: too valuable or
excellent to be fully appreciated - in-es.timably\-ble\
indescribable, ineffable, nameless, unspeakable, un-
utterable - more at INDESCRIBABLE
tn-ex-pres-slve\-'spre-siv\ adj : lacking expression or
in-ev-i-ta-ble\i-'ne-v:l-ta-bal\ adj .: incapable of being blank, deadpan, expressionless, impassive, stolid, va-
avoided or evaded : bound to happen - in-ev.i.ta.bil.i.ty cant - more at BLANK
\(,)i-,ne-va-t:l-'bi-Ia-te\ n in ex-tre-mis \,in-ik-'strii-mas, -'stre-\ adv : in extreme cir-

certain, necessary, sure, unavoidable; also decided, cumstances; esp : at the point of death
definite, settled; likely, possible, probable; destined, In-ex-tri-ca-ble \,i-nik-'stri-k:l-b:ll, (,)i-'nek-(,)stri-\ adj
fated, foreordained, predestined, preordained; inex- 1 : forming a maze or tangle from which it is impossible
orable, relentless, unremitting Ant avoidable, uncertain, to get free 2: incapable of being disentangled or untied
in-ev.i.ta.bly \-ble\ adv 1 : in an inevitable way 2 : as is
to be expected
- ln-ex-trl-ca-bly \-ble\ adv
inf abbr 1 infantry 2 infinitive\(,)in-'fa-I:l-b:ll\ adj 1 : incapable of error: UN-
necessarily, needs, perforce, unavoidably - more at ERRING 2 : not liable to mislead, deceive, or disappoint
NEEDS : SURE, CERTAIN <an ~ remedy) - infallibil.i.ty\(,)in-,fa-
in-ex-act\,i-nig-'zakt\ adj 1 .: not precisely correct or l:l-'bi-I:l-te\ n -\(,)in-'fa-Ia-ble\ adv

infamous 434
+ certain, sure, unfailing; also dependable, reliable, 4 + : of little or less importance, value, or merit - in.fe-ri-
surefire; deadly, unerring Ant fallible or-i-ty \(,)in-,fir-e-'6r-~-tl!\ n
in-ta-mous \'in-f~-m~s\ adj 1 + : having a reputation of the [2] common, humble, ignoble, low, lowly, mean, ple-
worst kind 2 + : causing or bringing infamy: DISGRACE- beian, vulgar - more at IGNOBLE + [3] cheap, cut-rate,
FUL - In-ta-mcus-ly adv junky, lousy, mediocre, shoddy, sleazy, trashy - more
+ [1, 2] discreditable, disgraceful, dishonorable (or dis- at CHEAP + [4] junior, less, lesser, lower, minor, subor-
honourable), disreputable, ignominious, notorious, dinate, under - more at LESSER + [4] mean, minor,
shameful - more at DISREPUTABLE second-rate, secondary; also junior, lesser, lower, petty,
in-ta-rny \-me\ n, pl-mies 1 : evil reputation brought about subordinate, under; average, common, fair, middling,
by something grossly criminal, shocking, or brutal 2: an ordinary; amiss, bad, defective, unsatisfactory, wrong:
extreme and publicly known criminal or evil act 3 + : the deficient, inadequate, insufficient, unacceptable; littler;
state of being infamous jerkwater Ant superior
2inferior n + : a person or thing inferior to another (as in
+ discredit, disgrace, dishonor (or dishonour), disre-
worth, status, or importance)
pute, ignominy, odium, opprobrium, reproach, shame
- more at DISGRACE + junior, subordinate, underling - more at UNDERLING
in-fan-cy \'in-f~n-se\ n, pl-eies 1 : early childhood 2: a be- in-fer-nal \in-'f~m-I\ adj 1 : of or relatingto hell 2: HELL-
ginning or early period of existence ISH, FIENDISH <......, schemes) 3: DAMNABLE <an......, pest) -
in-tant \'in-f~nt\ n [ME enfaunt, fr. AF en/ant, fr. L infant-, adv
infans, adj., incapable of speech, young, fro fant-, fans, in-ter-no \in-'f~r-n6\ n, pi -nos [It, hell, fro LL infernus, fr.
prp. of fari to speak] + : a child in the first period of life L, lower] : a place or a state that resembles or suggests
: BABY; also : a person who is a legal minor hell; also: intense heat
+ baby, child, newborn - more at BABY + conflagration, fire, holocaust - more at FIRE
in-tan-tl-cide \in-'fan-t~-,sld\ n : the killing of an infant ln-ter-tlle \(,)in-'f~rt-I\ adj + : not fertile or productive
In-tan-tue \'in-f~n-,m, -t"I, -,tel\ adj + : of or relating to in- : BARREN - in.fer.tiI.ity \,in-f~r-'ti-I~-te\ n
fan ts; also : CHILDISH + barren, impotent, sterile, unproductive - more at
+ adolescent, babyish, childish, immature, juvenile, STERILE
kiddish - more at CHILDISH in-test \in-'fest\ vb : to trouble by spreading or swarming in
infantile paralysis n : POLIOMYELITIS or over; also: to live in or on as a parasite - in-tes-ta-tion
in-tan-try \'in-f~n-tre\ n, pi -trles [MF & It; MF infanterie, \,in-,fes-'ta-sh~n\ n
fr. It infanteria, fr. infante boy, foot soldier] : soldiers in.fiodel \'in-f~d-'I, -fa-,del\ n 1 : one who is not a Christian
trained, armed, and equipped to fight on foot - in-tan- or opposes Christianity 2: an unbeliever esp, with re-
try-man \-m~n\ n spect to a particular religion
ln-tarct \'in-,farkt\ n [L infarctus, pp. of infarcire to stuff] in-fi-del-i-ty \,in-fa-'de-Ia-te, -fi-', n, pi -ties 1 : lack of belief
: an area of dead tissue (as of the heart wall) caused by in a religion 2 + : unfaithfulness to a moral obligation
: DlSWYALTY 3 + : marital unfaithfulness or an instance
blocking of local blood circulation - ln-tarc-tlon \in-
'fark-shanx n of it
in-tat-u-ate \in-'fa-ch~-,wat\ vb -at-ed; -at-inq : to inspire + [2, 3) betrayal, disloyalty, double cross, treachery,
with a foolish or extravagant love or admiration - in-tat- treason - more at BETRAYAL + [3] disloyalty, faithless-
u-a-tlon \-,fa-ch~-'wa-sh~n\ n ness, falseness, falsity, inconstancy, perfidy, unfaithful-
tn-tect \in-'fekt\ vb 1 : to contaminate with disease-pro- ness; also adultery; betrayal, double-dealing, duplicity,
ducing matter 2 : to communicate a pathogen or disease treachery. treason; deceit, deception, lying Ant alle-
giance, constancy, devotion, faith, faithfulness, fealty,
to 3: to cause to share one's feelings
fidelity, loyalty
m-tec-tlon \in-'fek-sh~n\ n 1: a disease or condition
in.field \'in-,feld\ n : the part of a baseball field inside the
caused by a germ or parasite; also : such a germ or para-
baselines - in-tield-er n
site 2: an act or process of infecting - ln-tec-tlve \-'fek-
tiv\ adj \'in-,fi-til)\ n 1: fighting at close quarters
2 : dissension or rivalry among members of a group
ln-tec-tlcus \-sh~s\ adj 1 : capable of causing infection;
in-til-trate \in-'fiI-,trat, 'in-(,)fiI-\ vb -trat-ed; -trat-inq 1 : to
also: communicable by infection 2 + : spreading or ca-
enter or filter into or through something 2 + : to pass
pable of spreading rapidly to others
into or through by or as if by filtering or permeating -
+ catching, contagious - more at CONTAGIOUS in.fiItration \,in-(,)fiI-'tra-shan\ n - ln-tll-tra-tor n
infectious mononucleosis n : an acute infectious disease insinuate, slip, sneak, work, worm - more at INSINU-
characterized by fever, swelling of lymph glands, and in- ATE
creased numbers of lymph cells in the blood ln-fl-nlte \'in-f~-n~t\ adj 1 : extending indefinitely: LIM-
ln-te-lic-t-tous \,in-fi-'Ii-s~-t~s\ adj + : not appropriate in ITLESS, ENDLESS <......, space) <......, patience) 2: VAST, IM-
application or expression - in.fe.lie.i.ty \-s~-te\ n MENSE; also: INEXHAUSTIBLE <......, wealth) 3: greater than
+ improper, inappropriate, inapt, unbecoming, unfit, any preassigned finite value however large <......, number of
unseemly, unsuitable, wrong - more at INAPPROPRIATE positive integers); also: extending to infinity <......, plane
ln-ter \in-'f~r\ vb in.ferred; in.fer.ring 1 + : to derive as a surface) - infinite n - adv
conclusion from facts or premises 2: GUESS, SURMISE + boundless, endless, illimitable, immeasurable, indefi-
3 : to lead to as a conclusion or consequence 4 + : to con- nite, limitless, measureless, unbounded, unfathomable,
vey indirectly and by allusion rather than explicitly: HINT, unlimited; also abysmal, bottomless; countless, incalcu-
SUGGEST lable, inestimable, innumerable, unmeasured; inex-
+ [1] conclude, deduce, extrapolate, gather, judge, rea- haustible; far-flung, immense, vast Ant bounded, cir-
son, understand; also conjecture, guess, speculate, sur- cumscribed, confined, definite, finite, limited, restricted
mise; construe, interpret; contemplate, rationalize,
think; ascertain, dope (out), find out. [4] allude. hint, ln-tln-l-tes-i-ma! \(,)in-,fi-na-'te-sa-m~l\ adj + : immeasur-
imply, indicate, insinuate, intimate, suggest - more at ably or incalculably small - tn-tln-l-tes-i-mat-ty adv
HINT atomic, microscopic, miniature, minute, teeny, tiny,
'infe-ri-or \in-'fir-e-~r\ adj 1 : situated lower down 2 : of wee - more at TINY
low or lower degree or rank 3 +: of lesser quality infin.i.tive \in-'fi-n~-tiv\ n : a verb form having the charac-
435 informally

teristics of both verb and noun and in English usu. being or purpose : UNYIELDING 2.: not readily bent : RIGID
used with to 3 : incapable of change - inflex.i.bly \-'flek-s;l-ble\ adv
ln-fln-l-tude \in-'fi-n;l-,tiid, -,tyiid\ n 1 : the quality or state [I, 2] adamant, hard, immovable, implacable, pat,
of being infinite 2: something that is infinite esp, in ex- rigid, steadfast, unbending, uncompromising, unflinch-
tent ing, unrelenting, unyielding; also grim, severe, stern,
in-fin.i.ty \in-'fi-n;l-te\ n, pi -ties 1 : the quality of being in- strict; determined, firm; dogged, intractable, obdurate,
finite 2: unlimited extent of time, space, or quantity obstinate, relentless, stubborn, tenacious; confirmed,
: BOUNDLESSNESS 3: an indefinitely great number or inveterate, unregenerate; demanding, exacting Ant ac-
amount quiescent, agreeable, amenable, compliant, flexible, pli-
ln-flrm \in-'f;lrm\ adj 1 : deficient in vitality; esp : feeble ant, pliable [3] fast, fixed, hard-and-fast, immutable,
from age 2: weak of mind, will, or character: IRRESOLUTE unalterable, unchangeable; also constant, determinate,
3 : not solid or stable : INSECURE established, set, settled, stable, steadfast, steady, unal-
delicate, faint, feeble, frail, wasted, weak - more at tered, unchanging, unvarying; immovable, unmovable
WEAK Ant changeable, flexible, mutable, variable \in-'f;lr-m;l-re\ n, pi -ries : a place for the care ln-tlex-lon \in-'flek-sh;ln\ chiefly Brit var ojINFLECfION
of the infirm or sick in-flict \in-'flikt\ vb : AFFLlCf; also : to give by or as if by
in-fir.mi.ty \in-'f;lr-m;l-te\ n, pi -ties 1 : the condition of striking - ln-tllc-tlon \-'flik-sh;ln\ n
being feeble: FEEBLENESS 2 : a disease or disorder of the in-flo-res-cence \,in-fl;l-'res-ns\ n : the manner of develop-
animal body: AILMENT 3: a personal failing: FOIBLE ment and arrangement of flowers on a stem; also: a flow-
[I] debility, delicacy, enfeeblement, faintness, feeble- ering stem with its appendages: a flower cluster
ness, frailty, languor, lowness, weakness - more at inflow \'in-,flo\ n : a flowing in
WEAKNESS [2] ailment, bug, complaint, complication, 'in.flu-ence \'in-,flii-;lns\ n 1 : the act or power of pro-
condition, disease, disorder, fever, illness, malady, sick- ducing an effect without apparent force or direct author-
ness, trouble ity 2 : the power or capacity of causing an effect in
infl abbr influenced indirect or intangible ways <under the ~ of liquor) 3: a
in flagrante de-lle-to \,in-fl;l-'gran-te-di-'lik-to, -'gran-\ adv person or thing that exerts influence
1 : in the very act of committing a misdeed 2: in the [I] authority, clout, pull, sway, weight; also com-
midst of sexual activity mand, dominance, dominion, mastery, predominance,
in-flame \in-'fliim\ vb ln-tlamed; 1 : to set on scepter, sovereignty, supremacy; consequence, emi-
fire: KINDLE 2 : to excite to excessive or uncontrollable nence, importance, moment; impact, impression, mark
action or feeling; also : INTENSIFY 3: to affect or become [2] effect, impact, mark, repercussion, sway - more
affected with inflammation atEFFECf
[I] burn, fire, ignite, kindle, light - more at BURN 'influence vb -eneed; -enc-lng 1 : to affect or alter by in-
[2] anger, antagonize, enrage, incense, infuriate, in- fluence : SWAY 2: to have an effect on the condition or
tensify, madden, outrage, rankle, rile, roil- more at development of : MODIFY
ANGER affect, impact, impress, move, strike, sway, tell, touch
ln-tlarn-rna-ble \in-'fla-m;l-b;ll\ adj 1 : capable of being - more at AFFECf
easily ignited and of burning quickly: FLAMMABLE 2: eas- ln-tlu-en-tlal \,in-flii-'en-ch;ll\ adj : exerting or possessing
ily inflamed, excited, or angered: IRASCIBLE influence; also: having authority or ascendancy
combustible, flammable, ignitable - more at COM-
important, mighty, potent, powerful, significant,
BUSTIBLE strong - more at IMPORTANT authoritative, forceful,
tn-ttam-rna-tton \,in-fl;l-'ma-sh;ln\ n : a bodily response to weighty; also controlling, dominating, masterful; domi-
injury in which an affected area becomes red, hot, and nant, predominant, sovereign, supreme; eminent, im-
painful and congested with blood portant, momentous
ln-flam-ma-to-ry \in-'fla-ma-,tor-e\ adj 1 : tending to excite ln-tlu-en-za \,in-flii-'en-z;I\ n [It, lit., influence, fro ML in-
the senses or to arouse anger, disorder, or tumult: SEDI- fluentia; fro the belief that epidemics were due to the in-
TIOUS 2: causing or accompanied by inflammation <an
fluence of the stars] : an acute and highly contagious
~ disease)
virus disease marked by fever, prostration, aches and
ln-tlate \in-'flat\ vb In-flat-ed: 1 : to swell with
pains, and respiratory inflammation; also: any of various
air or gas <- a balloon) 2: to puff up : ELATE 3: to ex-
feverish usu. virus diseases typically with respiratory
pand or increase abnormally <~ prices) - ln-tlat-able
ln-tla-tlon \in-'fla-sh;ln\ n 1 : an act of inflating: the state in-flux \'in-,fl;lks\ n : a coming in
of being inflated 2: empty pretentiousness : POMPOSITY in-fo \'in-(,)fO\ n : INFORMATION
3 : a continuing rise in the general price level usu. attrib- Infold \in-'fold\ vb 1 : ENFOLD 2 : to fold inward or toward
uted to an increase in the volume of money and credit one another
in-tla-tlon-ary \-sh;l-,ner-e\ adj : of, characterized by, or ln-to-mer-clal \'in-fO-,m;lr-sh;ll\ n : a television program
productive of inflation that is an extended advertisement often including a dis-
in.fleet \in-'flekt\ vb 1 : to turn from a direct line or course cussion or demonstration
: CURVE 2: to vary a word by inflection 3: to change or in-form \in-'form\ vb 1 : to communicate knowledge to
vary the pitch of the voice : TELL 2: to give information or knowledge 3 : to act as
tn-tlec-ttcn \in-'flek-sh;ln\ n 1 : the act or result of curving an informer
or bending 2: a change in pitch or loudness of the voice [I] acquaint, advise, apprise, brief, clue, enlighten,
3 : the change of form that words undergo to mark case, familiarize, fill in, instruct, tell, wise - more at EN-
gender, number, tense, person, mood, or voice - in-flee- LIGHTEN [3] snitch, squeal, talk, tell- more at
tlon-al x-sho-nalv adj SQUEAL
in-flex.i.billty \-,flek-s;I-'bi-I;I-te\ n : the quality or state in-tor-mat \(,)in-'for-m;ll\ adj 1 : conducted or carried
of being inflexible out without formality or ceremony <an ~ party)
hardness, harshness, rigidity, severity, sternness, 2 : characteristic of or appropriate to ordinary, casual,
strictness - more at SEVERITY or familiar use <~ clothes) - in-for-mal-i-ty \,in-for-'ma-
ln-tlex-l-ble \(,)in-'flek-s;l-b;ll\ adi 1 : rigidly firm in will la-te, -far-v n - in.for.mally \(,)in-'for-m;l-le\ adv
informant 436
+ [l] irregular, unceremonious, unconventional, un- + anger, antagonize, enrage, incense, inflame, madden,
orthodox; also unauthorized, unofficial; casual, easygo- outrage, rankle, rile, roil - more at ANGER
ing, lax, loose, relaxed Ant ceremonial, ceremonious, in-fuse \in-'fyiiz\ vb ln-tused; inofusoing 1 + : to instill a
conventional, formal, orthodox, regular, routine + [2] principle or quality in 2: INSPIRE, ANIMATE 3 : to steep (as
casual, everyday, workaday - more at CASUAL tea) without boiling - tn-tu-slon \-'fyU-zh;;,n\ n
tn-tor-mant \in-'for-m;;,nt\ n : a person who gives informa- imbue, inculcate, ingrain, invest, steep, suffuse; also
tion : INFORMER animate, enliven, invigorate; implant, instill, plant; im-
tn-tor-ma-tlon \,in-f;;,r-'mii-sh;;,n\ n 1 : the communication pregnate, permeate, pervade, saturate; deluge, drown,
or reception of knowledge or intelligence 2: knowledge fill, flood, inundate, overwhelm, submerge
obtained from investigation, study, or instruction: FACfS, ling \il)\ n suffix 1 : action or process (sleeping) : instance
DATA of an action or process (a meeting) 2: product or result
in-tor-ma-tion-al \-sh;;,-n;;,l\ adj : relating to or giving infor- of an action or process (an engraving) (earnings)
mation 3 : something used in an action or process (a bed cover-
information superhighway n : INTERNET ing) 4: something connected with, consisting of, or used
ln-tor-ma-tlve \in-'for-ma-tiv\ adj + : imparting knowledge in making (a specified thing) (scaffolding) 5: something
related to (a specified concept) (offing)
+ educational, instructive; also comprehensive, de- "-ing n suffix: one of a (specified) kind
tailed, full; enlightening, explanatory, illuminating; 3-ing vb suffix or adj suffix- used to form the present par-
chatty, gossipy, newsy; availing, beneficial, construc- ticiple (sailing) and sometimes to form an adjective re-
tive, helpful, profitable; practical, serviceable, usable, sembling a present participle but not derived from a verb
useful, worthwhile Ant uninstructive
in-termed \in-'formd\ ad} 1 + : having or based on infor-
in-gaother\'in-,ga-th;;,r\ vb : to gather in : ASSEMBLE
mation 2 + : having an education: K OWLEDGEABLE in-ge-nious \in-'jen-y;;,s\ adj 1 + : marked by special apti-
+ [l] good, hard, just, levelheaded, logical, rational, tude at discovering, inventing, or contriving 2 + : marked
reasonable, reasoned, sensible, sober, solid, valid, well, by originality, resourcefulness, and cleverness in concep-
founded - more at GOOD + [2] abreast, conversant, fa- tion or execution - ln-qe-nicus-lyadv
miliar, knowledgeable, up, up-to-date, versed - more
at FAM1LIAR + [1, 2] creative, imaginative, innovative, inventive,
informed consent n : consent to a medical procedure by original- more at CREATIVE + [2] artful, clever, cre-
someone who understands what is involved ative, imaginative- more at CLEVER
in-term-er \-'for-mar\ n + : one that informs; esp : a person in-ge-niousoness n : the power or quality of ready inven-
who informs against others for illegalities esp. for finan- tion
cial gain in-ge-nue or in-ge-nue \'an-j;)-,nU, 'an-; 'an-zh;;,-, 'an_\ n : a
+ betrayer, blabbermouth, rat, snitch, stool pigeon, tat- naive girl or young woman; esp : an actress portraying
tler, tattletale; also collaborator; gossip; snoop, spy such a person
tn-to-taln-ment \,in-fO-'tiin-mant\ n : a television program ln-qe-nu-l-ty \,in-ja-'nU-a-te, -'nyU-\ n, pi -ties + : skill or
that presents information (as news) in a manner intended cleverness in planning or inventing: INVENTIVENESS
to be entertaining + creativity, invention, inventiveness, originality-
in-trac-tion \in-'frak-shan\ n [ME, fr. ML infractio ; fro L, more at CREATMTY
subduing, fr. infringere to break, crush] + : the act of in- ln-qen-u-cus \in-'jen-ya-was\ adi [L ingenuus native, free-
fringing: VIOLATION born, fro gignere to beget] 1 : STRAIGHTFORWARD, FRANK
+ breach, infringement, offense, transgression, trespass, 2 + : showing innocent or childlike simplicity and can-
violation - more at BREACH didness : NAIVE
in-fra dig \,in-fra-'dig\ adj [short for L infra dignitatem] + green, innocent, naive, simple, unknowing, unsophis-
: being beneath one's dignity ticated, unwary, unworldly - more at NAIVE
in-fra-red \,in-fr;;,-'red\ adj : being, relating to, or using ra- in-genou-ousoly adv + : in an ingenuous manner
diation having wavelengths longer than those of red light + artlessly, naively, naturally, unaffectedly- more at
- infrared n NATURALLY
In-fra-struc-ture \'in-fra-,strak-ch;;,r\ n 1 : the underlying
ln-qen-u-ous-ness n + : the quality of being ingenuous: ab-
foundation or basic framework (as of a system or organi- sence of guile, reserve, or disguise
zation) 2 : the system of public works of a country, state,
or region; also: the resources (as buildings or equipment) + artlessness, greenness, innocence, naivete, natural-
required for an activity ness, simplicity, unworldliness- more at NAIVETe
in-tre-quent \(,)in-'fre-kw;;,nt\ ad) 1 + : seldom happening in-gest \in-'jest\ vb : to take in for or as if for digestion -
: RARE 2: placed or occurring at wide intervals in space in-ges.tion Vjes-chan\ n
or time in-gle-nook\'il)-g;;,l-,nuk\ n : a nook by a large open fire-
+ occasional, rare, sporadic; also scarce, scattered, un- place; also : a bench occupying this nook
common, unique, unusual; choppy, discontinuous, er- in-glo-ri-ous \(,)in-'g1or-e-as\ adj 1 : SHAMEFUL 2: not glo-
ratic, fitful, intermittent, irregular, spasmodic, spotty, rious : lacking fame or honor - in-glo-ri-ousoly adv
unsteady Ant frequent in-got \'il)-g;;,t\ n : a mass of metal cast in a form conven-
In-fre-quent-ly \-Ie\ adv + : in an infrequent manner ient for storage or transportation
+ little, rarely, seldom - more at SELDOM 'in-grain \(,)in-'grm\ vb + : to work indelibly into the natu-
inofringe \in-'frinj\ vb in-frlnqed; inofringoing 1: to en- ral texture or mental or moral constitution
croach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of an- + imbue, inculcate, infuse, invest, steep, suffuse-
other: VIOLATE, TRANSGRESS (""' a patent) 2: ENCROACH, more at INFUSE
TRESPASS 2inograin \'in-,griin\ adj 1 : made of fiber that is dyed before
inofringe-ment n +: the act of infringing; also : an en- being spun into yarn 2 : made of yarn that is dyed before
croachment or trespass on a right or privilege being woven or knitted 3: INNATE - in-grain n
+ breach, infraction, offense, transgression, trespass, vi- in-grained adj 1: worked into the grain or fiber
olation - more at BREACH 2 + : forming a part of the essence or inmost being
inofuorioate \in-'fyiIr-e-,iit\ vb -at-ed: -at-ing + : to make fu- + essential, inborn, inherent, innate, integral, intrinsic,
rious : ENRAGE - inofuorioatoingolyadv natural - more at INHERENT
437 initiate
inograte\'in-,grat\ n : an ungrateful person in-hib-it \in-'hi-b:lt\ vb 1 : PROHIBIT, FORBID 2 + : to hold in
ln-qra-tl-ate \in-'gra-she-,at\ vb -at-ed: -at-inq : to gain favor check
by deliberate effort + bridle, check, constrain, contain, control, curb, gov- 1 + : capable of winning favor <an ~ ern, regulate, rein, restrain, tame - more at CONTROL
smile) 2: FLAlTERING <an ~ manner) ln-ht-bl-tlon \,in-h:l-'bi-sh:ln\ n 1 : something that forbids
+ endearing, winning, winsome; also adorable, charm- or restricts 2 + : a usu. inner check on free activity, ex-
ing, likable, lovable; affecting, poignant, touching; adu- pression, or functioning
latory, deferential, groveling, kowtowing, obsequious, + repression, restraint, self-control, self-restraint, sup-
servile, sycophantic; drooling, slobbering; soapy, sug- pression
ary, unctuous in-hos-pi-ta-ble \,in-(,)hli-'spi-t:l-b:ll, (,)in-'hlis-(,)pi-\ adj
inograt.i.tude \(,)in-'gra-t:l-,tiid, -,tyiid\ n : lack of gratitude 1 +: not showing hospitality : not friendly or receptive
: UNGRATEFULNESS 2 : providing no shelter or sustenance
inogreodioent \in-'gre-de-:lnt\ n + : one of the substances + antagonistic, hostile, inimical, jaundiced, negative,
that make up a mixture or compound: CONSTITUENT unfriendly, unsympathetic - more at HOSTILE
+ component, constituent, element, factor, member- in-house \'in-,halis, -'halis\ adj : existing, originating, or
more at ELEMENT carried on within a group or organization
inogress \'in-,gres\ n : + : a means or place of entry: EN- in-hu-man \(,)in-'hyii-m:ln, -'yii-\ adj 1 +: lacking pity,
TRANCE, ACCESS - ln-qres-slon \in-'gre-sh:ln\ n kindness, or mercy 2: not engaging the human personal-
+ access, admission, doorway, entrance, entree, entry, ity or emotions 3 + : not worthy of or conformingto the
gateway- more at ENTRANCE needs of human beings <~ conditions) 4: of or suggest- \'in-,gro-il)\ adj : growing or tending inward ing a nonhuman class of beings - in-hu-man-ly adv - in-
inogrown\-,gron\ adj : grown in; esp : having the free tip or hu-man-ness n
edge embedded in the flesh <~ toenail) + [1] callous, hard, heartless, inhumane, pitiless, soul-
in.gui.nal\'il)-gw:ln-I\ adj : of, relating to, or situated in or less, unfeeling, unsympathetic - more at HARD
near the region of the groin + [3] bitter, brutal, burdensome, cruel, excruciating,
ln-hab-it \in-'ha-b:lt\ vb : to live or dwell in - ln-hab-it-able grievous, grim, hard, harsh, heavy, murderous, oner-
adi ous, oppressive, rough, rugged, severe, stiff, tough, try-
in-hab-i-tant \in-'ha-b:l-t:lnt\ n + : a permanent resident in ing - more at HARSH
a place in-hu-mane \,in-hyii-'man, -yii-\ adj + : not humane : not
+ denizen, dweller, occupant, resident; also aborigine, devoted or sympathetic to humans or human needs
native; citizen, national, subject; colonist, emigre, mi- + barbarous, brutal, cruel, heartless, sadistic, savage,
grant, newcomer, settler; burgher, townie, villager Ant vicious, wanton - more at CRUEL
transient in-hu-man-i-ty \-'ma-n:l-te\ n, pi -ties 1 + : the quality or
In-hal-ant \in-'ha-I:lnt\ n : something (as a medicine) that is state of being cruel or barbarous 2 : a cruel or barbarous
inhaled act
in-ha-la-tor \'in-h:l-,Ia-t:lr\ n : a device that provides a mix- + barbarity, brutality, cruelty, sadism, savagery, vi-
ture of carbon dioxide and oxygen for breathing ciousness, wantonness- more at CRUELTY
ln-hale \in-'hal\ vb in-haled; : to breathe in - in- ln-im-l-cat \i-'ni-mi-k:ll\ adj 1 : being adverse often by rea-
ha-la-tlon \,in-h:l-'Ia-sh:ln\ n son of hostility 2 + : having the disposition of an enemy
in.haloer \in-'ha-I:lr\ n : a device by means of which medic- : HOSTILE, UNFRIENDLY - ln-lm-i-cal-ly adv
inal material is inhaled + antagonistic, hostile, inhospitable, jaundiced, nega-
ln-har-mo-nl-cus \-'mo-ne-:ls\ adj 1 +: not harmonious tive, unfriendly, unsympathetic - more at HOSTILE
2 + : not fitting or congenial \(,)i-'ni-m:l-t:l-b:ll\ adj + : not capable of being
+ discordant, discrepant, incompatible, incongruous, imitated
inharmonious + incomparable, matchless, nonpareil, only, peerless,
in-here \in-'hir\ vb in-hered; ln-her-lnq : to be inherent unequaled, unmatched, unparalleled, unrivaled, unsur-
In-her-ent vin-thir-snt, -'her-\ adj + : established as an es- passed - more at ONLY
sential part of something: rNTRINSIC in-iq-ui-tous \i-'ni-kw:l-t:ls\ adj + : characterized by iniq-
+ essential, inborn, ingrained, innate, integral, intrinsic, uity
natural; also basic, constitutional, elemental, funda- + bad, black, evil, immoral, nefarious, rotten, sinful,
mental; congenital, hereditary, inherited, inmost, inner, unethical, unsavory, vicious, vile, villainous, wicked,
interior; internal; characteristic, distinctive, peculiar; wrong
normal, regular, typical Ant adventitious, extraneous, in.iqui.ty \i-'ni-kw:l-te\ n, pi-ties [ME iniquite, fro AF iniq-
extrinsic uite, fro L iniquitas, fr. iniquus uneven, fr. aequus equal]
in-her-ent-ly\-le\ adv + : in an inherent manner 1 : gross injustice: WICKEDNESS 2 + : a wicked act
+ constitutionally, innately, intrinsically, naturally- + corruption, debauchery, depravity, immorality,licen-
more at NATURALLY tiousness, sin, vice - more at VICE
in-her-it \in-'her-:lt\ vb 1 : to receive esp. from one's an- 'initial \i-'ni-sh:ll\ adj 1 : of or relating to the beginning
cestors 2: to receive by genetic transmission - ln-her-l- : rNCIPIENT 2 + : placed at the beginning: FIRST
tor \-:l-t:lr\ n + first, inaugural, maiden, original, pioneer, premier -
in-her-it-able \-:l-t:l-b:ll\ adj 1 : capable of being inherited more at FIRST
2 : capable of taking by inheritance 2initial n : the first letter of a word or name
tn-ner-t-tance \-:l-t:lns\ n 1: the act of inheriting "initial vb -tialed or -tialled; or -tial.ling : to affix an
2 + : something that is or may be passed on to another initial to
generation adv + : in the first place: at the beginning
+ bequest, birthright, heritage, legacy; also heirloom; + firstly, originally, primarily- more at ORIGrNALLY
bestowal, gift, offering, present 'initioate \i-'ni-she-,at\ vb -at-ed; 1 +: set going
inheritedadi + : being something received by inheritance : START, BEGrN 2 + : to induct into membership by or as if
+ genetic, hereditary, heritable, inborn, inherited- by special ceremonies 3 + : to instruct in the rudiments
more at HEREDITARY or principles of something
initiate 438
[I] begin, constitute, establish, found, inaugurate, in- inkwell \-,wel\ n : a container for ink
novate, institute, introduce, launch, pioneer, set up, inlaid \'in-'Iad\ adj : decorated with material set into a sur-
start - more at FOUND [2] baptize, inaugurate, in- face
duct, install, invest - more at INSTALL [3] acquaint, ' \'in-,Iand, -landv adj 1 chiefly Brit: not foreign: D0-
familiarize, introduce, orient - more at ACQUAINT MESTIC (""' revenue) 2: of or relating to the interior of a
2initiate \i-'ni-she-:lt\ n 1 : a person who is undergoing or country
has passed an initiation 2: a person who is instructed or 2inland n : the interior of a country
adept in some special field 3inland adv : into or toward the interior
ini-tl-a-tion \-,ni-she-'a-sh:ln\ n 1 : the act or an instance of in-law \'in-,Ii>\ n : a relative by marriage
initiating 2: the process of being initiated; specif : the 'In.lay \(,)in-'Ia, 'in-,Ia\ vb inlaid \-'Iad\; : to set (a
rites, ceremonies, ordeals, or instructions with which one material) into a surface or ground material esp, for deco-
is made a member of a sect or society or is invested with ration
a particular function or status 2in.lay \'in-,Ia\ n 1 : inlaid work 2: a shaped filling ce-
initiative \i-'ni-sh:l-tiv\ n 1: an introductory step mented into a tooth
2 .: self-reliant enterprise (showed great ""') 3: a in.let \'in-,Iet, -I:lt\ n 1 : a small or narrow bay 2: an
process by which laws may be introduced or enacted di- opening for intake esp. of a fluid
rectly by vote of the people bay, bight, cove, estuary, fjord, gulf - more at GULF
aggressiveness, ambition, drive, enterprise, go, hustle in-line skate n : a roller skate whose four wheels are set in
- more at ENTERPRISE a straight line
ini-tia-to-ry \i-'ni-she-:l-,tor-e\ adi 1: INTRODUCTORY in-mate \'in-,mat\ n : any of a group occupying a single
2 : tending or serving to initiate (""' rites) place of residence; esp : a person confined (as in a hospi-
in-ject \in-'jekt\ vb 1 : to force into something (""' serum tal or prison)
with a needle) 2 : to introduce as an element into some in me-di-as res \in-,ma-de-as-'ras\ adv [L, lit., into the
situation or subject (""' a note of suspicion) - in-jec-tion midst of things] : in or into the middle of a narrative or
\-'jek-sh:ln\ n plot
fit, insert, insinuate, interject, interpose, introduce - in me-mo-ri-am \,in-m:l-'mor-e-am\prep [L] : in memory of
more at INSERT in-most \'in-,most\ adj : deepest within: INl\'ERMOST
in.junc.tion \in-'j:ll)k-sh:ln\ n 1 : ORDER, ADMONITION 2: a inn \'in\ n : an establishment for the lodging and enter-
court writ whereby one is required to do or to refrain taining of travelers: HOTEL, TAVERN
from doing a specified act hospice, hotel, lodge, public house, tavern - more at
in-jure \'in-j:lr\ vb in.jured; 1 : to do an injustice HOTEL
to : WRONG 2 : to inflict bodily hurt on : HURT; also: to in-nards \'i-nardz\ n pi [alter. of inwards] 1 : the internal
impair the soundness of organs of a human being or animal; esp : VISCERA 2: the
damage, harm, hurt, wound; also batter, bruise, con- internal parts of a structure or mechanism
tuse, gash, gore, lacerate, scald, scar, tear; cripple, lame, in-nata \i-'nat\ adj 1 : existing in, belonging to, or deter-
maim, mangle, mutilate; afflict, torment, torture; lay mined by factors present in an individual from birth: NA-
up; blemish, impair, mar, scrape, spoil TIVE 2 : belonging to the essential nature of something
in-ju-ri-ous \in-'jur-e-:ls\ adj : inflicting or tending to in- : INHERENT, INTRINSIC
flict injury essential, inborn, ingrained, inherent, integral, intrin-
adverse, bad, baleful, baneful, damaging, deleterious, sic, natural- more at INHERENT
detrimental, evil, harmful, hurtful, ill, mischievous, ln-nate-ly adv : in an innate manner
noxious, pernicious, prejudicial - more at HARMFUL constitutionally, inherently, intrinsically, naturally
in.ju.ry \'in-j:l-re\ n, pi -ries 1 : an act that damages or - more at NATURALLY
hurts 2 : hurt, damage, or loss sustained m-ner \,i-nar\ adj 1 : located farther in (the""' bark)
damage, detriment, harm, hurt; also disservice, injus- 2 : near a center esp. of influence (the""' circle) 3 : of
tice, outrage, wrong; affront, dart, indignity, insult, of- or relating to the mind or spirit
fense; crippling, mayhem, mutilation; defacement, dis- [l) inside, interior, internal, inward; also inmost, in-
ability, disfigurement; abrasion, bruise, bump, nermost; central, mid, middle Ant exterior, external,
contusion, scald, scar, scrape, scratch, sear outer, outside, outward [3) cerebral, intellectual,
in-jus-tice \(,)in-'j:ls-t:ls\ n 1 .: violation of a person's mental, psychological- more at MENTAL
rights: UNFAIRNESS 2 : an unjust act or deed: WRONG inner city n : the uSU. older, poorer, and more densely pop-
[I, 2] disservice, injury, raw deal, wrong - more at ulated section of a city - inner-city adj
DISSERVICE in-ner-di-rect-ed \,i-n:lr-d:l-'rek-t:ld, -(,)di-\ adj : directed in
'ink \'il)k\ n [ME enke, fro AF encre, enke, fro LL encaustum, thought and action by one's own scale of values as op-
fro L encaustus burned in, fro Gk enkaustos, fr. enkaiein to posed to external norms
bum in] : a usu. liquid and colored material for writing inner ear n : the part of the ear that is most important for
and printing - inky adj hearing, is located in a cavity in the temporal bone, and
2ink vb : to put ink on; esp : SIGN contains sense organs of hearing and of awareness of po-
ink-blot test \'il)k-,blat-\ n : any of several psychological sition in space
tests based on the interpretation of irregular figures tn-ner-most \'i-n:lr-,most\ adj : farthest inward: INMOST
ink-horn \-,hom\ n : a small bottle (as of hom) for holding tn-ner-sete \ 'i-n:lr-'sol\ n : INSOLE
ink in.ner.spring \'i-n:lr-'spril)\ adj : having coil springs inside
in-kind \'in-'kind\ adj : consisting of something (as goods) a padded casing
other than money inner tube n : an airtight rubber tube inside a tire to hold
ink-jet n : a computer printer that sprays electrically air under pressure
charged droplets of ink onto paper - ink-jet adj in'ning \'i-nil)\ n 1 sing or pi : a division of a cricket match
in.kling \'il)-klil)\ n 1 : a slight indication or suggestion 2 : a baseball team's turn at bat; also: a division of a base-
: HINT, INTIMATION 2 : a vague idea ball game consisting of a turn at bat for each team
clue, cue, hint, indication, intimation, lead, sugges- inn-keep-er \'in-'ke-p:lr\ n 1 : a proprietor of an inn 2: a
tion - more at HlNT hotel manager
ink-stand \'il)k-,stand\ n : INKWELL; also : a pen and ink ln-no-cence \'i-n:l-s:lns\ n 1 : freedom from guilt or sin
stand through being unacquainted with evil : BLAMELESSNESS;
439 insanely
also: freedom from legal guilt 2 + : freedom from guile in-op-por-tune\(,)i-,nli-par-'tiin, -'tyiin\ adj : not oppor-
+ [1) decency, goodness, honesty, integrity, righteous- ln-op-por-tune-ty\-le\ adv : in an inopportune manner
ness Ant blameworthiness, culpability, guilt, guiltiness in-or-di-nate \i-'nord-'n-at\ adj + : exceeding reasonable
+ [2) artlessness, greenness, ignorance, ingenuousness, limits: IMMODERATE (an,._, curiosity)
naivete. naturalness. simplicity, unworldliness - more + devilish, excessive, exorbitant, extravagant, extreme,
at NAlVETe immoderate, lavish, overmuch, overweening, steetl,
un-no-cent \-s::lnt\ adj [ME, fro AF, fro L innocens, fro nocens stiff, towering, unconscionable - more at EXCESSIVE
wicked, fro nocere to harm) 1 + : free from guilt or sin in-or-dl-nate-ly adv + : to an excessive or unreasonable de-
: BLAMELESS 2 + : harmless in effect or intention; also gree
: CANDID 3: free from legal guilt or fault : LAWFUL + devilishly, excessively, monstrously, overly, over-
4 + : lacking or reflecting a lack of sophistication, guile, much, too - more at TOO
or self-consciousness: INGENUOUS 5: UNAWARE tn-or-qan-lc \,i-,nor-'ga-nik\ adj : being or composed of
+ [1) blameless, clear, faultless, guiltless, impeccable, matter of other than plant or animal origin: MINERAL
irreproachable; also absolved, acquitted, cleared, exon- m-pa-tlent \'in-,pa-shant\ n : a hospital patient who re-
erated, vindicated; ethical, moral, righteous, upright, ceives lodging and food as well as treatment
virtuous Ant guilty + [2) candid, harmless, innocuous, in-put \'in-,put\ n 1 : something put in 2: power or energy
safe, white - more at HARMLESS + [4) green, ingenu- put into a machine or system 3: information fed into a
ous, naive, simple, unknowing, unsophisticated, un- computer or data processing system 4 + : recommenda-
wary, unworldly - more at NAIVE tion with regard to a course of action: ADVICE - input vb
21nnocent n + : an innocent one + advice, counsel, guidance - more at ADVICE
+ angel, dove, lamb, sheep - more at LAMB in-quest \'in-,kwest\ n 1 : an official inquiry or examina-
in-no-cent-ly \-le\ adv : in an innocent manner tion esp. before a jury 2: a systematic investigation: IN-
ln-noc-u-ous\i-'na-kY::l-w::ls\ adi 1 + : producing no injury QUIRY, INVESTIGATION
: HARMLESS 2: not offensive; also : INSIPID in-qui-etude \(,)in-'kwi-a-,tiid, -,tyiid\ n : UNEASINESS, REST-
+ harmless, innocent, safe, white - more at HARMLESS LESSNESS
ln-nom-l-nate \i-'na-m::l-n::lt\ adj : having no name; also in-quire \in-'kwir\ vb in-quired; 1 + : to ask or
: ANONYMOUS ask about 2 + : to make investigation or inquiry: INVES-
in-no-vate \'i-n::l-,vat\ vb -vat-ed; -vat-lnq + : to introduce as TIGATE - often used with into - in-quir-er n - in-quir-
or as if new; also: to make changes ing.lyadv
+ constitute, establish, found, inaugurate, initiate, insti- + usu inquire of [1) ask, query, question, quiz - more
tute, introduce, launch, pioneer, set up, start - more at at ASK + usu inquire into [2) delve, dig, explore, go, in-
FOUND vestigate, look, probe, research - more at EXPLORE
in-no-va-tion \,i-n::l-'va-sh::ln\ n 1: the introduction of in-qui.ry \'in-,kwir-e, in-tkwir-e; 'In-kwo-re, 'il)-\ n, pi -ries
something new 2 + : a new idea, method, or device 1 : a request for information; also : RESEARCH 2.: a
+ coinage, concoction, contrivance, creation, inven- systematic investigation of a matter of public interest
tion, wrinkle - more at INVENTION [1) query, question, request - more at QUESTION
in-no-va-tive \-,va-tiv\ acV + : characterized by, tending to, [2) examination, exploration, investigation, probe,
or introducing innovations research, study; also quest; audit, check; checkup, diag-
nosis, inspection; hearing, interrogation, trial; feeler,
+ creative, imaginative, ingenious, inventive, original query, question; poll, questionnaire; challenge, cross=
- more at CREATIVE examination, grilling, quiz
m-no-va-tor \-,va-t::lr\ n + : one that innovates ln-qui-sl-tlcn \,in-kwa-'zi-sb::ln, ,il)-\ n 1 : a judicial or offi-
designer, developer, inventor, originator - more at cial inquiry usu , before a jury 2 cap : a former Roman
INVENTOR Catholic tribunal for the discovery and punishment of
in-nu-en-do\,in-Y::l-'wen-da\n, pi -dos or -does [L, by nod- heresy 3: a severe questioning 4: the act of inquiring -
ding, fro innuere to nod to, make a sign to, fro nuere to ln-quls-l-tor \in-'kwi-za-t::lr\ n - in-quls-l-to-rl-al \-,kwi-za-
nod) : HINT, INSINUATION; esp : a veiled reflection on char- 'tar-e-al\ adj
acter or reputation in-quis-i-tive \in-'kwi-za-tiv\ adj 1 : given to examination
in-nu-mer-a-ble\i-'nii-m::l-r::l-b::ll, -'nyii-\ adj + : too many or investigation Can r-> mind) 2 : unduly curious - in-
to be numbered quis.i.tive-Iy adv
+ countless, numberless, uncountable, unnumbered, curious, nosy, prying - more at CURIOUS
untold - more at COUNTLESS m-quis-i-tlve-ness n : the quality or state of being inquisi-
in-oc-u-late\i-'nli-kY::l-lat\ vb -lat-ed; [ME, to insert tive
a bud in a plant, fro L inoculare, fro oculus eye, bud) : to in re \in-'ra, -'re\ prep: in the matter of
introduce something into: as a: to introduce a serum or INRI abbr [L Jesus Nazarenus Rex ludaeorum) Jesus of
antibody into (an organism) to treat or prevent a disease Nazareth, King of the Jews
b : to introduce information to - in-oc-u-la-tion \-,nli- in.road \'in-,rad\ n 1 : a sudden hostile incursion: INVA-
ky;)-'Ia-sh::ln\ n SION, RAID 2: an advance made usu. at the expense of an-
tn-op-er-a-ble \(,)i-'nli-p::l-r::l-b::ll\ adj 1 : not suitable for other
surgery 2 + : not operable in-rush \'in-,r::lsh\ n : a crowding or flooding in
+ inoperative, nonfunctional; also broken; off; deacti- ins abbr 1 inches 2 insurance
vated, ineffective, ineffectual, nonproductive, unpro- INS abbr Immigration and Naturalization Service
ductive, unusable, unworkable, useless Ant functional, in-sa-lu-brl-ous \,in-sa-'lii-bre-as\ adj : UNWHOLESOME, NOX-
functioning, operable, operating, operational, opera- IOUS
tive, running, working + impractical, unusable, un- ins and outs n pi 1 : characteristic peculiarities 2: RAMlFI-
workable, useless - more at IMPRACTICAL CATIONS
in-op-er-a-tive \-'nli-p::l-r::l-tiv, -'nli-pa-,ra-\ adj + : not func- m-sane \(,)in-'san\ acV 1 + : exhibiting serious and debili-
tioning tating mental disorder; also : used by or for the insane
+ dead, dormant, fallow, free, idle, inactive, inert, la- 2 : ridiculously unreasonable, unsound, or incongruous
tent, off, vacant - more at INACTIVE : ABSURD - insane-Iy adv
insanity 440
+ (1) crazy, cuckoo, deranged, loco, lunatic, mad, nuts, m-sen-tlent \(,)in-'sen-che-:lnt\ adj : lacking perception,
nutty, screwy, unsound, wacky; also off; aberrant, delu- consciousness, or animation - ln-sen-tience v-che-ansv n
sional, disordered; eccentric, odd, queer, strange; fool- in.sepoa.ra.bil.i.ty \-,se-Pf;)-'bi-\;)-te. -D:I-f:l-\ J1 ~ th~ Qll!ll;ty
i~h, lcmcless, witless; irrational, unreasonable; berserk, or state of being inseparable
delirious; depressed; distraught, frantic, frenzied, hys- in-sep-a-ra-ble \(,)in-'se-pr:l-b:ll, -po-ro-v adj 1 : incapable
terical Ant balanced, sane, sound + [2) absurd, bizarre, of being separated or disjoined 2 very close or intimate
crazy, fanciful, fantastic, foolish, nonsensical, prepos- - inseparable n - in-sep-a-ra-bly v'se-pre-bte, -po-ro-v adv
terous, unreal, wild - more at FANTASTIC "in-sert \in-'s:lrt\ vb 1 : to put or thrust in (~ a key in a
in-san-i-ty \in-'sa-n:l-te\ n 1 +: a deranged state of the lock> (~ a comma> 2 + : to put or introduce into the
mind usu. occurring as a specific disorder (as schizophre- body of something: INTERPOLATE 3: to set in (as a piece
nia) 2 + : extreme folly or unreasonableness; also: some- of fabric) and make fast
thing utterly foolish or unreasonable + fit, inject, insinuate, interject, interpose, introduce;
+ (1) aberration, dementia, derangement, lunacy, mad- also inlay, inset, install, weave, work (in); cram, sand-
ness, mania; also irrationality, unreasonableness; delir- wich, shove, thrust, wedge; add, append, attach
ium, frenzy, hysteria; neurosis, psychosis, schizophre- 2insert \'in-,s:lrt\ n : something that is inserted or is for in-
nia; delusion, hallucination, obsession, phobia; abnor- sertion; esp : written or printed material inserted (as be-
mality, unsoundness Ant mind, sanity + [2) absurdity, tween the leaves of a book)
asininity, balminess, craziness, daftness, fatuity, folly, ln-ser-tlon \in-'s:lr-sh:ln\ n 1: something that is inserted
foolishness, inanity, lunacy, madness, silliness, simplic- 2 : the act or process of inserting
ity, zaniness in-set \'in-,set\ vb inset or in-set-ted; in.set.ting : to set in
in-sa-tia-ble \(,)in-'sa-sh:l-b:ll\ adj : incapable of being satis- : INSERT - inset n
fied - \(,)in-,sa-sh:l-'bi-I:l-te\ n - in-sa- 'inshore \'in-'shor\ adj 1 : situated, living, or carried on
tia.blyadv near shore 2: moving toward shore
m-sa-tlate \(,)in-'sa-she-:lt, -shatv adi : INSATIABLE - in-sa- 2inshore adv : to or toward shore
tiate-Iy adv 'in.side \in-'sId, 'in-,sId\ n 1 : an inner side or surface: IN-
in-scribe \in-'skno\ vb 1 : to write, engrave, or print as a TERIOR 2: inward nature, thoughts, or feeling 3 pi : VIS-
lasting record 2 + : to enter on a list : ENROLL 3 + : to CERA, ENTRAILS 4: a position of power, trust, or
write, engrave, or print characters upon 4 : to dedicate to familiarity
someone 5: to draw within a figure so as to touch in as 2inside adv 1 : on the inner side 2: in or into the interior
many places as possible - In-scrip-tion \-'skrip-sh:ln\ n 3inside prep 1: in or into the inside of 2: WITHIN (~ an
+ [2) catalog, enroll, enter, index, list, put down, hour>
record, register, schedule, slate - more at LIST 'inside adj 1 + : of, relating to, or being on or near the in-
+ [3) engrave, etch, grave, inscribe - more at ENGRAVE side 2 + : relating or known to a select group
in-scru-ta-ble \in-'skrii-t:l-b:ll\ adi + : not readily compre- + (1) inner, interior, internal, inward - more at INNER
hensible : MYSTERIOUS - in-scru-ta-bly \-ble\ adv + [2) confidential, hushed, intimate, private, secret-
+ cryptic, darkling, deep, enigmatic, impenetrable, more at PRIVATE
mysterious, mystic, occult, uncanny - more at MYSTE- inside of prep: INSIDE
RIOUS inside out adv 1 : in such a manner that the inner surface
in-seam \'in-,sem\ n : the seam on the inside of the leg of a becomes the outer (turned the shirt inside out> 2: in a
pair of pants; also: the length of this seam state of disarray or reorganization <turned her life inside
tri-sect \'in-,sekt\ n [L insectum, fr. insectus, pp. of insecare out>
to cut into, fro secare to cut] : any of a class of small usu. in-ste-er \in-'sl-d:lr\ n : a person who is in a position of
winged arthropod animals (as flies, bees, beetles, and power or has access to confidential information
moths) with usu. three pairs of legs as adults in-sld-l-ous \in-'si-de-:ls\ adj [L insidiosus, fro insidiae am-
m-sec-tl-clde \in-'sek-t:l-,sId\ n : an agent for destroying in- bush, fro insidere to sit in, sit on, fr. sedere to sit) 1 : SLY,
sects - ln-sec-ti-cld-at \(,)in-,sek-t:l-'sId-'I\ adj TREACHEROUS 2: SEDUCTIVE 3: having a gradual and cu-
in-sec-tiv-o-rous \,in-,sek-'ti-v:l-r:ls\ adj : feeding on insects mulative effect : SUBTLE - in-sid-i-ous-ly adv - insidi-
in-se-cure \,in-si-'kyur\ adj 1 : UNCERTAIN 2: not protected oua-nese n
: UNSAFE 3 + : not firmly fastened or fixed: LOOSE 4: not in.sight \'in-,sIt\ n + : the power, act, or result of seeing
highly stable; also : lacking assurance : ANXIOUS, FEARFUL into a situation
- in-se-cure-ly adv + discernment, perception, sagacity, sapience, wisdom
+ lax, loose, relaxed, slack - more at LOOSE - more at WISDOM
in-se-cu-ri-ty \-'kyiJr-:l-te\ n + : the quality or state of being in.sight.ful \'in-,sIt-f:lI, in-'sIt-\ adj + : exhibiting or charac-
insecure terized by insight
+ instability, precariousness, shakiness, unsteadiness - + discerning, perceptive, sagacious, sage, sapient, wise
more at INSTABILITY - more at WISE
tn-sem-l-nate \in-'se-m:l-,nat\ vb -nat-ed; -nat-inq : to intro- in.sig.nia \in-'sig-ne-:l\ also in-slq-ne \-(,)ne\ n, pi -nia or
duce semen into the genital tract of (a female) - ln-sem- -ni-as : a distinguishing mark esp. of authority or honor
l-na-tlon \-,se-m:l-'na-sh:ln\ n : BADGE
m-sen-sate \(,)in-'sen-,sat, -satv adj 1 : lacking sense or un- in.sig.nlf.i-cant \-k:lnt\ adi : not significant: as a + : lack-
derstanding; also: FOOLISH 2: INANIMATE 3: lacking hu- ing meaning or import b + : not worth considering
mane feeling: INHUMAN <~ rage> + frivolous, inconsequential, inconsiderable, little, mi-
m-sen-si-bil-l-ty \-,sen-s:l-'bi-I:l-te\ n : the quality or state of nor, minute, negligible, slight, small, trifling, trivial,
being insensible: as a: lack of mental or emotional feel- unimportant - more at UNIMPORTANT
ing or response b: an unconscious or comatose state m-ain-cere \,in-sin-'sir\ adj + : not sincere : HYPOCRITICAL
ln-sen-sf-ble \(,)in-'sen-s:l-b:ll\ adj 1 : not perceptible by a - m-sln-cere-ly adv
sense or by the mind: IMPERCEPTIBLE; also: SLIGHT, GRAD- + artificial, double-dealing, feigned, hypocritical, left-
UAL 2: INANIMATE 3: not knowing or perceiving: UN- handed, mealy, mealymouthed, two-faced, unctuous;
CONSCIOUS 4: lacking sensory perception or ability to also empty, hollow, meaningless; deceitful, devious, dis-
react <~ to pain> 5: APATHETIC, INDIFFERENT; also: UN- honest, untruthful; facile, glib, superficial; bogus, coun-
AWARE <~ of their danger> 6: MEANINGLESS 7: lacking terfeit, fake, false, phony, sham; facetious, jocular Ant
delicacy or refinement - in-sen-si-bly \-'sen-s:l-ble\ adv genuine, heartfelt, honest, sincere, unfeigned
441 instant

tn-sln-cer-l-ty \-'ser-;,-te\ n + : the quality or state of being + carefree, careless, cavalier, easygoing, gay, happy-go:
insincere lucky, lighthearted, nonchalant, unconcerned
+ cant, dissimulation, hypocrisy, piety - more at insp abbr inspector
HYPOCRISY in-spect \in-'spekt\ vb + : to view closely and critically: EX-
in-sin-u-ate \in-'sin-Y:l-,wat\ vb -at-ed: -at-lnq [L insinuare, AMINE - in-spec-tor \-t:lr\ n
fr. sinuare to bend, curve, fr. sinus curve] 1 + : to intro- + audit, check, examine, review, scan, scrutinize, sur-
duce gradually or in a subtle, indirect, or artful way vey; also notice, observe, watch; peruse, pore (over); an-
2 + : to imply in a subtle or devious way - in-sln-u-a-tlcn alyze, dissect; delve (into), explore, investigate, probe,
\(,)in-,sin-Y:l-'wa-sh:ln\ n research, study; categorize, classify
+ [1] infiltrate, insert, interpose, introduce, slip, sneak, in-spec-tion\-'spek-sh:ln\ n 1 : the act of inspecting 2 + : a
work, worm + [2] allude, hint, imply, indicate, infer, checking or testing of an individual against established
intimate, suggest - more at HINT standards 1 : winning favor and confidence by im- + audit, check, checkup, examination, review, scan,
perceptible degrees 2: tending gradually to cause doubt, scrutiny, survey; also analysis, dissection; exploration,
distrust, or change of outlook investigation, probe, research, study; inquisition, inter-
ln-slp-ld \in-'si-p:ld\ adj 1 +: lacking taste or savor rogation; perusal; observation, surveillance, watch
2 + : lacking in qualities that interest, stimulate, or chal- inspector general n : the head of a system of inspection (as
lenge : FLAT - in-si-pid-i-ty \,in-s:l-'pi-d;l-te\n of an army)
+ [l] flat, flavorless (or flavourless), tasteless; also ln-spl-ra-tlon \,in-sp:l-'ra-sh;ln\ n 1 : the act or power of
bland, dilute, thin, watery, weak; plain, unflavored Ant moving the intellect or emotions 2: INHALATION 3: the
flavorful, savory, tasty + [2] banal, flat, wishy-washy - quality or state of being inspired; also : something that is
more at WISHY-WASHY inspired 4: an inspiring agent or influence - ln-spl-ra-
in-slst \in-'sist\ vb [MF or L; MF insister, fro L insistere to tion-al \-sh;l-n;ll\ adj
stand upon, persist, fr. sistere to take a stand] + : to take tn-sptre \in-'spir\ vb in-splred: 1 : to influence,
a resolute stand move, or guide by divine or supernatural inspiration
+ affirm, allege, assert, aver, avouch, avow, claim, con- 2 + : to exert an animating, enlivening, or exalting influ-
tend, declare, maintain, profess, protest, warrant- ence upon; also: AFFECT 3: to communicate to an agent
more at CLAIM + usu insist on call, claim, clamor (or supernaturally; also : to bring out or about 4: INHALE
clamour), command, demand, enjoin, exact, press, 5 : INCITE 6: to spread by indirect means - in-spir-er n
quest, stipulate (for) - more at DEMAND + buoy (up), cheer, comfort, embolden, encourage,
ln-sts-tence \in-'sis-t:lns\ n : the act of insisting; also: an in- hearten, steel - more at ENCOURAGE
sistent attitude or quality: URGENCY in-spir-it \in-'spir-:lt\ vb : ENCOURAGE, HEARTEN
ln-sis-tent \in-'sis-t:lnt\ adj + : disposed to insist - ln-sls- inst abbr 1 instant 2 institute; institution; institutional
tent.lyadv ln-sta-bll-i-ty \,in-st:l-'bi-I;I-te\ n + : lack of steadiness; esp
+ dogged, patient, persevering, persistent, pertinacious, : lack of emotional or mental stability
tenacious - more at PERSISTENT + insecurity, precariousness, shakiness, unsteadiness;
in sl-tu \in-'si-tii, -'se-\ adv or adj [L, in position] : in the also unsoundness; inconstancy, mutability Ant fixed-
natural or original position ness, security, stability, steadiness
In-so-tar as \,in-s:l-'flir-\ conj : to the extent or degree that in-stall or in-stal \in-'st61\ vb ln-staued: 1 + : to
insol abbr insoluble place formally in office : induct into an office, rank, or
m-so-ta-tlon \,in-(,)so-'Ia-sh:ln\ n : solar radiation that has order 2 + : to establish in an indicated place, condition,
been received or status 3: to set up for use or service
in-sole \'in-,sol\ n 1 : an inside sole of a shoe 2: a loose + [l] baptize, inaugurate, induct, initiate, invest; also
thin strip placed inside a shoe for warmth or comfort swear in; accept, admit, receive, take in; enlist, enroll
tn-so-lence \-l-ans\ n 1 : the quality or state of being inso- [2] ensconce, lodge, perch, roost, settle - more at
lent 2 + : an instance of insolent conduct or treatment ENSCONCE
+ back talk, cheek, impertinence, impudence,sauce - in-stal-la-tion \,in-st:l-'Ia-sh;ln\ n 1 + : the act of installing
more at BACK TALK + brazenness, discourtesy, disre- : the state of being installed 2 + : a military camp, fort, or
spect, impertinence, impudence, incivility, rudeness- base
more at DISCOURTESY + [l] inaugural, inauguration, induction, investiture;
in-so-lent \'in-s:l-I:lnt\ adj + : contemptuous, rude, disre- also enlistment, enrollment; promotion + [2] complex,
spectful, or bold in behavior or language establishment, facility - more at FACILITY
+ bold, brash, fresh, impertinent, impudent, nervy, 'in'stall'ment also In-stal-ment \in-'st61-m:lnt\ n : INSTALLA-
sassy, saucy - more at NERVY TION
m-sol-u-ble \(,)in-'slil-Y:l-b:ll\adj 1 + : having or admitting 'installment also instalment n 1: one of the parts into
of no solution or explanation 2: difficult or impossible to which a debt or sum is divided for payment 2 : one of sev-
dissolve - in.sol.u.bil.i.ty \-,slil-Y:l-'bi-I:l-te\ n eral parts presented at intervals
+ hopeless, impossible, unattainable, unsolvable- 'instance \'in-st:lns\ n 1 : INSTIGATION, REQUEST 2 + : an in-
more at IMPOSSIBLE dividual illustrative of a category or brought forward in
in-set-vent \(,)in-'slil-v:lnt\ adj 1 : unable or insufficient to support or disproof of a generalization: EXAMPLE (for->
pay all debts (an - estate> 2: IMPOVERISHED, DEFICIENT 3 : an event or step that is part of a process or series
- in-sol-ven-cy \-v:ln-se\ n + case, example, exemplar, illustration, representative,
m-som-nia\in-'slim-ne-:l\ n : prolonged and usu. abnormal sample, specimen - more at EXAMPLE
sleeplessness - in-som-ni-ac \-ne-,ak\ n 2instance vb ln-etanced: ln-stanc-lnq 1 : to mention as a
ln-so-much as \,in-s:l-'m:lch-\ conj : INASMUCH AS case or example 2 + : to explain by reference to examples
insomuch that conj : to such a degree that: SO + [l] advert (to), cite, mention, name, note, notice,
ln-sou-cl-ance \in-'sii-se-;lns, an-siis-'ylins\ n [F] + : light- quote, refer (to), specify, touch (on or upon) - more at
hearted unconcern MENTIO + [2] demonstrate, exemplify, iLIustrate-
+ apathy, disinterestedness, disregard, indifference, more at ILLUSTRATE
nonchalance - more at INDIFFERENCE 'instant \'in-st;lnt\ n 1 + : an immeasurably small space of
in-sou-ci-ant \in-'sii-se-:lnt, an-siis-'ylin\ adj + : exhibiting time: MOMENT (the - we met> 2: the present or current
or characterized by insouciance month
instant 442
+ flash, jiffy, minute, moment, second, shake, trice, tu-tlon-at \-'tii-sh;l-nal, -'tyii-\ adj - in-sti-tu-tion-al-ize
twinkle, twinkling, wink; also microsecond, nanosec- \-n:l-,lIz\ vb -
ond; snatch, spurt + establishment, foundation, institute; also body, col-
2instant adj 1 : calling for immediate attention : URGENT lective, group; corporation, enterprise; charity, philan-
2 : PRESENT, CURRENT 3: occurring, acting, or accom- thropy; think tank
plished without loss or interval of time: IMMEDIATE <- Instr abbr 1 instructor 2 instrument; instrumental
relief) 4: premixed or precooked for easy final prepara- in-struct \in-'str:lkt\ vb [ME, fr. L instructus, pp. of in-
tion<- cake mix>; also: immediately soluble in water struere, fro struere to build] 1 +: to give knowledge to
<- coffee> : TEACH 2 + : to provide with authoritative information or
In-stan-ta-neous \,in-stan-'ta-ne-as\ adj + : done or occur- advice : INFORM 3 + : to give an order or a command to
ring in an instant or without delay - in-stan-ta-neous-ly [l] educate, indoctrinate, school, teach, train, tutor
adv - more at TEACH + [2] acquaint, advise, apprise, brief,
+ immediate,instant, straightaway; also summary; fast, clue, enlighten, familiarize, fill in, inform, tell, wise -
prompt, quick, rapid, speedy, swift more at ENLIGHTEN + [3] bid, boss, charge, command,
in-stan-ter \in-'stan-tar\ adv : at once direct, enjoin, order, tell- more at COMMAND
ln-stan-ti-ate \in-'stan-che-,at\ vb -at-ed; : to repre- In-struc-tion \in-'str:lk-sh:ln\ n 1 : LESSON, PRECEPT 2 + : a
sent (an abstraction) by a concrete example - in-stan-tl- direction calling for compliance : COMMAND, ORDER 3 pl
a-tion \-,stan-che-'a-shan \ n : DIRECTIONS 4 + : the action, practice, or profession of a
In-stant-ly \'in-stant-Ie\ adv + : at once: IMMEDIATELY teacher
+ directly, forthwith, immediately, now, promptly, + [2] behest, charge, command, commandment, de-
pronto, right away, right now - more at IMMEDIATELY cree, dictate, direction, directive, edict, order, word-
in-state \in-'stat\ vb : to establish in a rank or office: IN- more at COMMAND + [4] education, teaching, training,
STALL tutelage - more at EDUCATION
in-stead \in-'sted\ adv 1: as a substitute or equivalent ln-struc-ticn-al \-sh:l-n;ll\ adj 1 : relating to, serving for, or
2: as an alternative: RATHER promoting instruction 2: containing or conveying in-
instead of prep: as a substitute for or alternative to struction or information
ln-step \'in-,step\ n : the arched part of the human foot in ln-struc-tlve\in-'str;lk-tiv\ adj + : carrying a lesson
front of the ankle joint; esp : its upper surface + educational, informative - more at INFORMATIVE
in.stiogate \'in-sta-,gat\ vb -gatoed; + : to goad or tn-struc-tor \in-'str;lk-tar\ n + : one that instructs; esp : a
urge forward: PROVOKE, INCITE <- a revolt> college teacher below professorial rank - ln-struc-tor-
+ abet, ferment, foment, incite, provoke, raise, stir, shipn
whip - more at INCITE educator, pedagogue, schoolteacher, teacher - more
in-stl-qa-tion \,in-sta-'ga-shan\ n 1 : an act of instigating or at TEACHER
the state of being instigated 2 + : something that insti- in-stru-mentVin-stra-mant', n 1 : a device used to produce
gates music 2 + : a means by which something is done 3 + : a
+ boost, encouragement, goad, impetus, impulse, in- device for doing work and esp. precision work 4: a legal
centive, incitement, momentum, motivation, provoca- document (as a deed) 5: a device used in navigating an
tion, spur, stimulus, yeast - more at IMPULSE airplane - in-stru-ment\-,ment\ vb
m-stl-qa-tor\'in-sta-,ga-tar\ n : one that instigates + [2] agency, agent, instrumentality, machinery,
ln-stll chiefly Brit var of INSTILL means, medium, organ, vehicle - more at AGENT
ln-stll!\in-'stil\ vb in-stilled; in-still-ing 1 : to cause to enter (3) device, implement, tool, utensil - more at IMPLE-
drop by drop 2 : to impart gradually MENT
'in'stinet \'in-,stilJkt\ n 1 : a natural aptitude 2: a largely in-stru-men-tal \,in-stra-'ment-I\ adj 1 : acting as a crucial
inheritable and unalterable tendency of an organism to agent or means 2: of, relating to, or done with an instru-
make a complex and specific response to environmental ment 3: relating to, composed for, or performed on a
stimuli without involving reason; also: behavior originat- musical instrument
ing below the conscious level in-stru-rnen-tal-lst \-'men-t;l-list\ n : a player on a musical
2in.stinet \in-'stilJkt, 'in-,stilJkt\ adj : IMBUED, INFUSED instrument
ln-stlnc-tlve\in-'stilJk-tiv\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or being in-stru-men-tal-i-ty \,in-str:l-m;ln-'ta-I:l-te, -,men-\ n, pI -ties
instinct 2: prompted by natural instinct or propensity 1 : the quality or state of being instrumental 2 + : some-
: arising spontaneously - in-stinc-tive-ly adv thing useful or helpful to a desired end: MEANS, AGENCY
m-stlnc-tu-al \in-'stilJk-cha-w;ll\ adj : of, relating to, or
+ agency, agent, instrument, machinery, means,
based on instinct medium, organ, vehicle - more at AGENT
'insti.tute \'in-sta-,tiit, -,tyiit\ vb -tut-ed: -tut-lnq 1 : to es-
tablish in a position or office 2: ORGANIZE 3 + : to bring m-stru-men-ta-tton\,in-str:l-m;ln-'ta-sh;ln, -,men-\ n 1 : OR-
CHESTRATION 2: instruments for a particular purpose
about the beginning of : INAUGURATE, INITIATE
instrument panel n : DASHBOARD
+ constitute, establish, found, inaugurate, initiate, in- ln-sub-or-dl-nate \,in-sa-'bord-n-at\ adj : disobedient to
novate, introduce, launch, pioneer, set up, start-
more at FOUND
2institute n 1 : an elementary principle recognized as au- ln-sub-or-dl-na-tion\-,bord-n-'a-sh;ln\ n + : the quality or
state of being insubordinate: defiance of authority
thoritative; a/so, p/ : a collection of such principles and
precepts 2 + : an organization for the promotion of a + defiance, disobedience, rebelliousness, recalcitrance,
cause: ASSOCIATION 3: an educational institution 4: a refractoriness, unruliness - more at DISOBEDIENCE
brief course of instruction on a particular field ln-sub-stan-tlal \,in-s;lb-'stan-ch;ll\ adj 1 : lacking sub-
+ association, brotherhood, club, college, congress, stance or reality 2 + : lacking firmness or solidity
council, fellowship, fraternity, guild, institution, league, flimsy, gauzy, unsubstantial- more at FLIMSY
order, organization, society - more at ASSOClATION ln-sut-ter-able\(,)in-'s:l-f:l-r:l-b;ll\ ad) + : not to be endured
in-sti-tu-tion\,in-sta-'tii-shan, -'tyii-\ n 1 : an act of origi- : INTOLERABLE <an - bore> - ln-suf-ter-ably\-ble\ adv
nating, setting up, or founding 2: an established practice, insupportable, intolerable, unbearable, unendurable,
law, or custom 3 + : a society or corporation esp. of a unsupportable - more at UNBEARABLE
public character <a charitable -> 4: ASYLUM 3 - ln-stl- tn-sut-n-clen-ev \-sh;ln-se\ n : the quality or state of being
443 integrity

insufficient: as a: lack of mental or moral fitness surgent; specif : a condition of revolt against a govern-
b : lack of adequate supply ment that is less than an organized revolution and that is
dearth, deficiency, deficit, failure, famine, inade- not recognized as belligerency
quacy, lack, paucity, poverty, scantiness, scarcity, 'in.surogent \in-'s~r-j~nt\ n 1 : a person who revolts against
shortage, want - more at DEFICIENCY civil authorityor an established government: REBEL 2: a
in-sut-ti-cient \,in-s~-'fi-sh~nt\ adj : not sufficient - in- member of a political party who rebels against it - in-
suf-fi-cient-ly adv surogence \-jans\ n
deficient, inadequate, scarce, short, shy, wanting- 2in.surogent adj : rising in opposition to civil authority or
more at SHORT established leadership
in-su-lar \'in-sa-Iar, -sya-x adi 1 : of, relating to, or forming mutinous, rebellious, revolutionary- more at RE-
an island 2: dwellingor situated on an island 3 : being, BELLIOUS
having, or reflecting a narrow provincial viewpoint: NAR- in-sur-mount-able \,in-s~r-maiIn-t~-b~l\ adj : incapable
ROW-MINDED - in-su-lar-i-ty \,in-sa-'Iar-~-te, -sya-v n of being surmounted, overcome, passed over, or solved
little, narrow, narrow-minded, parochial, petty, - in-sur-mount-ably \-ble\ adv
provincial, sectarian, small - more at NARROW impregnable, indomitable, invincible, invulnerable,
tn-su-late \'in-s~-,Ilit\ vb -lat-ed; [L insula island] unbeatable, unconquerable - more at lNVTNCIBLE
1 : to place in a detached situation: ISOLATE 2: to sep- in-sur-rec-tlon \,in-s~-'rek-sh~n\ n : an act or instance of
arate a conductor of electricity, heat, or sound from revolting against civil authority or an established govern-
other conducting bodies by means of a nonconductor - ment
in-su-la-tor \'in-sa-,Ili-t~r\ n mutiny, rebellion, revolt, revolution, uprising-
cut off, isolate, seclude, segregate, separate, sequester more at REBELLION
- more at ISOLATE in-sur-rec-ticn-lst \-sha-nist\ n + : a favorer of or partici-
ln-su-la-tion \,in-s~-'Ili-sh~n\ n 1 a : the action of insulating pant in insurrection
b : the state of being insulated 2: material used in in- insurgent, mutineer, rebel, red, revolter, revolution-
sulating ary - more at REBEL
+ isolation, seclusion, segregation, sequestration, soli- int abbr 1 interest 2 interior 3 intermediate 4 internal
tude - more at ISOLATION 5 international 6 intransitive
ln-su-lln \'in-s~-I~n\ n : a pancreatic hormone essential esp, in-tact \in-'takt\ adj 1 : untouched esp. by anything that
for the metabolism of carbohydrates and the regulation harms or diminishes 2 : being complete or entire
of glucose in the blood complete, comprehensive, entire, full, grand, integral,
'in'sult \in-'s~lt\ vb [MF or L; MF insulter, fro L insultare, perfect, plenary, total, whole - more at COMPLETE
lit., to spring upon, fro saltare to leap] : to treat with in- in.taoglio \in-'tal-y6\ n, pi -glios [It] : an engraving cut
solence or contempt: AFFRONT - adv deeply into the surface of a hard material (as stone)
affront, offend, outrage, slight, wound; also cut, in-take \'in-,tlik\ n 1 : an opening through which fluid en-
snub; displease, distress, disturb, hurt, pain, trouble, ters 2: the act of taking in 3: something taken in
upset; jeer, mock, ridicule, sneer (at), taunt; defame, in.tanogi.ble \(,)in-'tan-j~-b~l\ adi : incapable of being
disparage, libel, malign, revile, slander, slur, smear; op- touched: IMPALPABLE - intangible n - in.tanogi.bly \-ble\
press, persecute, torment, torture adv
2insult \'in-,s~lt\ n + : a gross indignity ln-te-qer \'in-ti-j~r\ n [L, adj., whole, entire] : a number
affront, barb, dart, dig, indignity, name, offense, out- (as I, 2, 3, 12, 432) that is not a fraction and does not in-
rage, put-down, sarcasm, slight, slur, wound; also gibe, clude a fraction, is the negative of such a number, or is 0
jeer, sneer, taunt; abuse, invective, vituperation; disap- digit, figure, number, numeral, whole number-
proval, opprobrium; disgrace, dishonor, shame; attack, more at NUMBER
criticism, slam; torment, torture in.te.gral \'in-ti-g",I\ adj 1 .: essential to completeness
in-su-per-a-ble \(,)in-'sii-p~-r~-bal\ adj : incapable of be- 2 : formed as a unit with another part 3: composed of
ing surmounted, overcome, passed over, or solved - in- parts that make up a whole 4 : lacking nothing essen-
su-per-a-bly \-ble\ adv tial : ENTIRE 5 : being or involved in the essential nature
+ impregnable, indomitable, insurmountable, invinci- of a thing
ble, invulnerable, unbeatable, unconquerable - more [1] essential, imperative, indispensable, necessary,
at INVINCIBLE needful, requisite, vital - more at ESSENTIAL [4]
in-sup-pert-able \,in-s~-'p6r-t~-b~l\ adj 1 .: more than complete, comprehensive, entire, full, grand, intact,
can be endured: UNENDURABLE 2: UNJUSTIFIABLE perfect, plenary, total, whole - more at COMPLETE
insufferable, intolerable, unbearable, unendurable, [5] essential, inborn, ingrained, inherent, innate, in-
unsupportable - more at UNBEARABLE trinsic, natural - more at INHERENT
In-sur-able \in-'shiI-r~-b~l\ adj : capable of being or proper integral calculus n : calculus concerned esp. with advanced
to be insured methods of finding lengths, areas, and volumes
in-sur-ance \in-'shiIr-~ns\ n 1: the business of insuring in-te-qrate \'in-t~-,grlit\ vb -gratoed; 1 + : to form,
persons or property 2: coverage by contract whereby coordinate, or blend into a functioning whole 2 : to in-
one party agrees to guarantee another against a specified corporate into a larger unit 3: to end the segregation of
loss 3: the sum for which something is insured 4: a and bring into equal membership in society or an organi-
means of guaranteeing protection or safety zation; also : DESEGREGATE - in-te-qra-tlon \,in-t~-'grli-
in-sure \in-'shiIr\ vb ln-sured; in-sur-inq 1 : to provide or shanv n
obtain insurance on or for: UNDERWRITE 2 + : to make + [1] assimilate, embody, incorporate - more at EM-
certain : ENSURE BODY [2] amalgamate, blend, combine, commingle,
assure, cinch, ensure, guarantee, guaranty, secure- fuse, incorporate, intermingle, merge, mingle, mix-
more at ENSURE more at MIX
tn-sured \in-'shiIrd\ n : a person whose life or property is integrated circuit n : a group of tiny electronic components
insured and their connections that is produced in or on a small
in-sur-er \in-'shiIr-~r\ n : one that insures; esp : an insur- slice of material (as silicon)
ance company in.teg.ri.ty \in-'te-gr~-te\ n 1 +: adherence to a code of
ln-sur-qen-cy \-j~n-se\ n : the quality or state of being in- values 2: SOUNDNESS 3: COMPLETENESS
integument 444
+ character, decency, goodness, honesty, honor (or ho- aim, aspire. contemplate, design, mean, meditate,
nour), morality, probity, rectitude, righteousness, up- plan, propose; also dream, hope, wish; consider, debate,
rightness, virtue - more at MORALITY mull (over), ponder; attempt, endeavor, strive, struggle,
ln-teq-u-ment \in-'te-gy;)-m;)nt\ n : a covering layer (as a try; plot, scheme; accomplish, achieve, effect, execute,
skin or cuticle) of an organism or one of its parts perform
m-tel-lect Vin-to-ilektv n 1 : the power of knowing: the ca- in-ten-dant \in-'ten-d;)nt\ n : an official (as a governor) esp.
pacity for knowledge 2: the capacity for rational or in- under the French, Spanish, or Portuguese monarchies
telligent thought esp, when highly developed 3 +: a un-tend-ed adj 1 : expected to be such in the future; esp
person with great intellectual powers : BETROTHED 2 : INTENTIONAL
+ brain, genius, thinker, whiz, wizard - more at GE- 2intended n + : an engaged person
NIUS + betrothed - more at BETROTHED \,in-t;)-'lek-ch;)-w;)l\ adj 1 + : of, relating to, in-tense \in-'tens\ adj 1 + : existing in an extreme degree
or performed by the intellect 2 + : given to study, reflec- 2 : marked by great zeal, energy, or eagerness 3: showing
tion, and speculation 3: engaged in activity requiring the strong feeling; also: deeply felt
creative use of the intellect - In-tel-lec-tu-al-ly adv + deep, explosive, exquisite, fearful, ferocious, fierce,
[1] cerebral, inner, mental, psychological - more at furious, hard, heavy, profound, terrible, vehement, vi-
MENTAL [2] cerebral, erudite, learned, literate, schol- cious, violent; also accentuated, aggravated, concen-
arly; also cultivated, cultured; well-read; academic, trated, deepened; emphasized, enhanced, heightened,
bookish, professorial; didactic, pedantic; educated, intensified, magnified; stressed; exhaustive, thorough;
schooled; brainy, bright, brilliant, clever, intelligent, harsh, rigorous, severe Ant light, moderate, soft
quick-witted, smart Ant lowbrow, nonintellectual in-tense-ly \-Ie\ adv : in an intense manner
2intellectual n : an intellectual person ln-ten-si-fy \in-'ten-s;)-,fi\ vb -tied; 1 + : to make or
egghead, highbrow, nerd; also brain, genius, intellect, become intense or more intensive 2: to make more acute
thinker, whiz, wizard Antlowbrow, philistine : SHARPEN - ln-ten-st-tt-ca-non \-,ten-s;)-f;)-'ka-sh;)n\ n
m-tei-lec-tu-el-lsm \-ch;)-w;)-,li-z;)m\ n : devotion to the ex- + amplify, beef, boost, consolidate, deepen, enhance,
ercise of intellect or to intellectual pursuits heighten, magnify, redouble, step up, strengthen; also
In-tel-lec-tu-al-i-ty \,in-t;)-,Iek-ch;)-'wa-I;)-te\ n : the quality broaden, enlarge, expand, extend, lengthen; accelerate,
or state of being intellectual hasten, quicken; accentuate, emphasize, stress; aug-
in-tel-li-qence \in-'te-I;)-j;)ns\ n 1 .: ability to learn and ment, reinforce, supplement; maximize; enliven, jazz
understand or to deal with new or trying situations (up); aggravate, exacerbate Ant abate, moderate
2 : mental acuteness 3: INFORMATION, NEWS 4: an agency in-ten-si-ty \in-'ten-s;)-te\ n, pi -ties + : the quality or state
engaged in obtaining information esp. concerning an en- of being intense; esp : degree of strength, energy, or force
emy or possible enemy; also: the information so gained + ardor, emotion, fervency, fervor, heat, passion, vehe-
+ brains, gray matter (or grey matter), intellect, reason, mence, warmth - more at ARDOR
sense; also acumen, alertness, astuteness, discernment, 'in.tensive \in-'ten-siv\ adi 1 : marked by intensity: highly
insight, judgment, mentality, perception, perspicacity; concentrated 2: serving to give emphasis
sagacity, sapience, wisdom, wit; head, mind, skull 2intensive n : an intensive word, particle, or prefix
intelligence quotient n : IQ intensive care n : continuous monitoring and treatment of \in-'te-I;)-j;)nt\ adj [L intelligens, fr. intelligere seriously ill patients; also: an area of a hospital providing
to understand, fro inter between + legere to select) : hav- this treatment
ing or showing intelligence or intellect - m-ten-slve-ly \-Ie\ adv : in an intensive manner
adv 'intent \in-'tent\ n 1 : the state of mind with which an act
+ alert, brainy, bright, brilliant, clever, keen, nimble, is done : VOLmON 2 + : a usu. clearly formulated or
quick, quick-witted, sharp, smart; also apt, ingenious, planned intention : PURPOSE, AIM 3 + : the thing that is
resourceful; acute, astute, discerning, insightful, know- conveyed or intended to be conveyed esp, by language
ing, perceptive, perspicacious, sagacious, sapient, savvy, : MEANING, SIGNIFICANCE
wise; cerebral, erudite, highbrow, knowledgeable, + [2] aim, ambition, aspiration, design, dream, end,
learned, literate, scholarly, well-read; educated, in- goal, mark, meaning, object, objective, plan, preten-
formed, schooled, skilled, trained; creative, inventive, sion, purpose, thing - more at GOAL + (3) denotation,
judicious, prudent, sage, sane, sapient, sensible, sound, drift, import, meaning, purport, sense, significance, sig-
wise; crafty, cunning, foxy, shrewd, wily; logical, ra- nification - more at MEANING
tional, reasonable Ant brainless, dumb, mindless, stu- 2intent adj 1 : directed with keen attention <an ,...,_ gaze)
pid, thick, unintelligent rational, reasonable, reason- 2 + : having the mind, attention, or will concentrated on
ing - more at RATIONAL something or some end or purpose \in-,te-I;)-'jent-se-;), -'gent-\ n [Russ intelli- + bound, decisive, determined, firm, purposeful, res-
gentsiya, fro L intelligentia intelligence) : intellectuals olute, set, single-minded - more at DETERMINED + ab-
forming a vanguard or elite sorbed, attentive, engrossed, observant, rapt - more at
In-tel-li-gi-ble \in-'te-I;)-j:l-b;)l\ adi : capable of being under- ATTENTIVE
stood or comprehended - \-,te-I;)-j;)-'bi- in-ten-tion \in-'ten-ch;)n\ n 1 : a determination to act in a
I;)-te\ n - \-'te-I;)-j;)-ble\ adv certain way 2: what one intends to do or bring about
ln-tern-per-ance \(,)in-'tem-p;)-r:lns\ n : lack of moderation; : PURPOSE, AIM
esp : habitual or excessive drinking of intoxicants - in- in-ten-tion-al \in-'ten-ch;)-n;)l\ adj + : done by intention or
tem-per-ate-ness n design : INTENDED
in-tem-per-ate \-p;)-r;)t\ adj + : not temperate; also: given + deliberate, freewill, purposeful, voluntary, willful,
to excessive use of intoxicating liquors willing - more at DELIBERATE
+ rampant, unbridled, unchecked, uncontrolled, un- in-ten-tion-al-ly adv + : in an intentional manner: with in-
governed, unhampered, unhindered, unrestrained- tention
more at RAMPANT + consciously, deliberately, knowingly, purposely, will-
in-tend \in-'tend\ vb [ME entenden, intenden, fr. AF enten- fully; also calculatingly; voluntarily, willingly Ant inad-
dre, fro L intendere to stretch out, direct, aim at, fr. ten- vertently, unconsciously, unintentionally, unknow-
dere to stretch) 1 + : to have in mind as a purpose or aim ingly, unwittingly
2 : to design for a specified use or future in-tent-ly adv : in an intent manner
445 interferometer
in-tent-ness n : the quality or state of being intent 2 : to destroy, cut off, or damage (as an enemy line of sup-
earnest, earnestness, gravity, seriousness, sobriety, ply) 3: INTERCEPT
solemnity - more at EARNESTNESS ban, bar, enjoin, forbid, outlaw, prohibit, proscribe
in-ter \in-'tar\ vb in-terred; in-ter-ring : BURY - more at FORBID
in-ter-ac-tion \,in-tar-'ak-shan\ n : mutual or reciprocal ac- in-ter-dlc-tlon\-'dik-shan\ n : the act of interdicting or
tion or influence - in-ter-act \-'akt\ vb state of being interdicted; also: a prohibitory decree
ln-ter-ac-tlve \-'ak-tiv\ adj 1 : mutually or reciprocally ac- barring, forbidding, prohibition, proscription-
tive 2: allowing two-way electronic communications (as more at PROHIBITION
between a person and a computer)- in-ter-ac-tive-ly adv in-ter-dis-ci-plin-ary \-'di-sa-pla-,ner-e\ adj : involving two
in-teralia \,in-tar-'ii-le-a, -'li-\ adv : among other things or more academic, scientific, or artistic disciplines
m-ter-atom-lc \,in-tar-a-'tli-mik\ adj : existing or acting be- 'in-ter-est \'in-trast; 'in-ta-rast, -,rest\ n 1 : right, title, or
tween atoms legalshare in something 2: a charge for borrowed money
in-ter-breed \-'bred\ vb -bred \-'bred\; -breed-inq : to breed that is generally a percentage of the amount borrowed;
together also: the return received by capital on its investment 3
in-ter-ca-la-ry \in-'tar-ka-,Ier-e\ adj 1 : INTERCALATED <Feb- a : a benefit resulting from some course of action: WEL-
ruary 29 is an - day) 2: INTERPOLATED FARE b: SELF-INTEREST 4: CURIOSITY, CONCERN 5: readi-
In-ter-ca-late \-,Iat\ vb -lat-ed; -lat-inq 1 : to insert (as a day) ness to be concerned with or moved by an object or class
in a calendar 2: to insert between or among existing ele- of objects 6: a quality in a thing that arouses interest
ments or layers - In-ter-ca-la-tion\-,tar-ka-'Ia-shan\ n [1] claim, share, stake; also ownership, part, partner-
in-ter-cede\,in-tar-'sM\ vb -ced-ed: -ced-lnq : to act be- ship, possession, title [3a] good, weal, welfare, well=
tween parties with a view to reconciling differences being - more at WELFARE
interpose, intervene, mediate - more at INTERVENE 2interest vb 1 : to persuade to participate or engage 2 : to
'in-ter-cept \,in-tar-'sept\ vb 1: to stop or interrupt the engage the attention of
progress or course of 2: to include (as part of a curve or absorb, busy, engage, engross, enthrall, fascinate,
solid) between two points, curves, or surfaces 3: to gain grip, immerse, intrigue, involve, occupy - more at EN-
possession of (an opponent's pass in football) - in-ter- GAGE
cep-tion \-'sep-shan\ n in-ter-est-ing adj : holding the attention - in-ter-est-ing-
2in-ter-cept \'in-tar-,sept\ n : INTERCEPTION; esp : the inter- Iyadv
ception of a target by an interceptor or missile absorbing, engaging, engrossing, enthralling, fasci-
in-ter-cep-tor \,in-tar-'sep-tar\ n : a fighter plane designed nating, intriguing; also breathtaking, electric, electrify-
for defense against attacking bombers ing, exciting, exhilarating, galvanizing, inspiring, rous-
in-ter-ces-sion \,in-tar-'se-shan\ n 1 : MEDIATION 2: prayer ing, stimulating, stirring, thrilling; provocative,
or petition in favor of another - in-ter-ces-so-ry \-'se-sa- tantalizing; emphatic, showy, striking; alluring, attrac-
re\ adj tive, bewitching, captivating, charming; mesmerizing;
in-ter-ces-sor\-'se-sar\ n : one who intercedes curious, odd, unusual, weird; amazing, astounding, as-
arbiter, arbitrator, broker, go-between,intermediary, tonishing, eye-opening, fabulous, marvelous, surpris-
mediator, middleman, peacemaker - more at MEDIA- ing, wonderful, wondrous; amusing, entertaining Ant
boring, drab, dry, dull, heavy, monotonous, tedious, un-
'in-ter-change \,in-tar-'chlinj\ vb 1 : to put each in the place interesting
of the other 2: EXCHANGE 3: to change places mutually 'in-ter-face\'in-tar-,fas\ n 1 : a surface forming a common
- in-ter-change-able\-'chan-ja-bal\ adj - in-ter-change- boundary of two bodies, spaces, or phases <an oil-water
ably \-ble\ adv -> 2: the place at which two independent systems meet
2in-ter-change\'in-tar-,chlinj\ n 1 : EXCHANGE 2 : a highway and act on or communicate with each other <the man=
junction that by separated levels permits passage between machine +-> 3: the means by which interaction or com-
highways without crossing traffic streams munication is achieved at an interface - in-ter-fa-cial
ln-ter-col-le-qlate\,in-tar-ka-'Ie-jat\ adj : existing or carried \,in-tar-'fa-shal\ adj
2interfaee vb -faced; -fae-ing 1 : to connect by means of an
on between colleges interface 2: to serve as an interface
in-ter-com\'in-tar-,klim\ n : a two-way system for localized
in-ter-faith \,in-tar-'fath\ adj : involving persons of differ-
communication ent religious faiths
In-ter-con-nect\,in-tar-ka-'nekt\ vb : to connect with one in-ter-fere \,in-tar-'fir\ vb -fered; -fer-inq[MEenterferen, fro
another - tn-ter-con-nec-tlon \-'nek-shan\ n AF (s'tentreferir to strike one another, fro entre between,
chain, compound, connect, couple, hitch, hook, join, among + ferir to strike, fro L/erire] 1 : to come in colli-
link, yoke - more at CONNECT sion or be in opposition: to interpose in a way that hin-
in-ter-con-ti-nen-tal\-,klint-'n-'ent-'I\ adj 1: extending ders or impedes 2 : to take an unwarranted active part
among or carried on between continents <- trade> in the affairs of others 3: to affect one another
2 : capable of traveling between continents <- ballistic usu interferewith[I] encumber, hamper, hinder, hold
missiles) up, impede, inhibit, obstruct, tie up - more at HAMPER
in-ter-course\'in-tar-,kors\ n 1 : connection or dealings [2] butt in, intrude, meddle, mess, nose, obtrude,
between persons or nations 2 : physical sexual contact poke, pry, snoop; also intercede, interpose, intervene;
between individuals that involvesthe genitalia of at least encroach, infringe, invade, trespass; fiddle, fool, mon-
one person <anal -); esp : SEXUAL INTERCOURSE key, play, tamper
[1] dealings, relations [2] copulation, sexual inter- in-ter-ter-ence \-'fir-ans\ n 1 : the act or process of inter-
course - more at SEXUAL INTERCOURSE fering 2.: something that interferes : OBSTRUCTION
in-ter-de-nom-i-na-tion-al \,in-tar-di-,na-ma-'na-sha-nal\ adj 3 : the mutual effect on meeting of two waves resulting in
: involving different denominations areas of increased and decreased amplitude 4: the block-
in-ter-de-part-men-tal\,in-tar-di-,plirt-'ment-'I, -,de-\ adj ing of an opponent in football to make way for the ball-
: carried on between or involving different departments carrier 5: the illegal hindering of an opponent in sports
(as of a college) bar, block, encumbrance, hindrance, inhibition, ob-
in-ter-de-pen-dent \,in-tar-di-'pen-dant\ adj : dependent stacle - more at ENCUMBRANCE
upon one another - ln-ter-de-pen-dence\-dans\ n in-ter-fer-om-e-ter \,in-tar-fa-'rli-ma-tar\ n : an apparatus
in-ter-diet \,in-tar-'dikt\ vb 1 .: to prohibit by decree that uses the interference of waves (as of light) for rnak-
interferometry 446
ing precise measurements - ln-ter-ter-orn-e-try \-f:l-'ra- in-ter-loc-u-to-ry\-,tor-e\ adj : made during the progress of
ma-trev n a legal action and not final or definite <an - decree)
tn-ter-ter-on\,in-tar-'fir-,iin\ n : any of a group of antiviral in-ter-lope\,in-t:lr-'Iop\ vb -loped; -lop-lnq 1 : to encroach
proteins of low molecular weight produced usu. by ani- on the rights (as in trade) of others 2 : INTRUDE, INTERFERE
mal cells in response to a virus, a parasite in the cell, or a in-ter-top-ern + : one who interlopes; esp : one that in-
chemical trudes in a place or sphere of activity
in-ter-qa-lac-tic \,in-t:lr-g:l-'Iak-tik\ adj : relating to or situ- + busybody, intruder, kibitzer, meddler - more at
ated in the spaces between galaxies BUSYBODY
in-ter-qen-er-a-tion-at \-,ie-na-'ra-sha-nal\ adj : existing or in-ter-lude \'in-t:lr-,liid\ n 1 : a usu. short simple play or
occurring between generations dramatic entertainment 2 +: an intervening period,
in-ter-qla-clal\-'gla-sh:ll\ n : a warm period between suc- space, or event 3: a piece of music inserted between the
cessive glaciations parts of a longer composition or a religious service
in-ter-qcv-ern-rnen-tal \-,ga-v:lrn-'ment-I\ adj : existing or + discontinuity, gap, hiatus, interim, intermission, in-
occurring between two governments or levels of govern- terruption, interval - more at GAP
ment ln-ter-mar-rtaqe\,in-t:lr-'mar-ij\ n 1 : marriage within one's
un-ter-lm \'in-t:l-r:lm\ n [L, adv., meanwhile, fro inter be- own group as required by custom 2: marriage between
tween) + : a time intervening: INTERVAL members of different groups
+ discontinuity, gap, hiatus, interlude, intermission, in- in-ter-mar-ry \-'mar-e\ vb 1: to marry each other 2: to
terruption, interval - more at GAP marry within a group 3: to become connected by inter-
2interim adj : done, made, appointed, or occurring for an in- marriage
terim 'in.ter.meodl.ary\,in-tar-'me-de-,er-e\ adj 1 : being or oc-
+ impermanent, provisional, short-term, temporary- curring at the middle place, stage, or degree or between
more at TEMPORARY extremes: INTERMEDIATE 2: acting as a mediator
'inte-rioOr \in-'tir-e-ar\ adj 1 + : lying, occurring, or func- 2intermediary n, pl-aries + : one that mediates: MEDIATOR,
tioning within the limiting boundaries: INSIDE 2: remote GO-BETWEEN
from the surface, border, or shore: INLAND + arbiter, arbitrator, broker, go-between, intercessor,
+ inner, inside, internal, inward - more at INNER mediator, middleman, peacemaker - more at MEDIA-
2interior n 1 : the inland part (as of a country) 2: INSIDE TOR
3 : the internal affairs of a state or nation 4: a scene or 'intermeodiate \,in-t:lr-'me-de-:lt\ ad} + : being or occur-
view of the interior of a building ring at the middle place or degree or between extremes
interior decoration n : INTERIOR DESIGN - interiordecorator + halfway, intermediary, median, medium, middle,
n midmost - more at MIDDLE
interior design n : the art or practice of planning and su- 2intermediate n 1 : one that is intermediate 2: INTERMEDI-
pervising the design and execution of architectural interi- ARY
ors and their furnishings - interior designer n intermediate school n 1 : JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 2 : a school
interj abbr interjection usu. comprising grades 4-6
in-ter-ject \,in-t:lr-'jekt\ vb +: to throw in between or in-ter-ment\in-'t:lr-m:lnt\ n + : the act or ceremony of in-
among other things terring : BURIAL
+ fit, inject, insert, insinuate, interpose, introduce- + burial, entombment, sepulture - more at BURIAL
more at INSERT
in-ter-mez-zo\,in-t:lr-'met-so, -'med-zo\ n, pl-zi \-se, -ze\ or
in-ter-jec-tion\,in-tar-'jek-shan\ n + : an exclamatory word -zos [It, ultimo fr. L intermedius intermediate] : a short
or phrase (as ouch) - \-sh,,-n,,-Ie\ adv movement connecting major sections of an extended mu-
+ cry, ejaculation, exclamation - more at EXCLAMA- sical work (as a symphony); also: a short independent in-
TION strumental composition
ln-ter-tace \,in-tar-'liis\ vb + : to unite by or as if by lacing ln-ter-mi-na-ble \(,)in-'t:lr-ma-na-bal\ adj : ENDLESS; esp
together: INTERWEAVE : wearisomely protracted - in-ter-mi-na-bly\-ble\ adv
+ intersperse, intertwine, interweave, lace, thread, in.ter.minogle \,in-tar-'rnilj-gal\ vb + : to mingle or mix to-
weave, wreathe - more at THREAD gether
in-ter-lard \,in-tar-'liird\ vb : to vary by inserting or inter- + amalgamate, blend, combine, commingle, fuse, incor-
jecting something porate, integrate, merge, mingle, mix - more at MIX
ln-ter-leave \,in-tar-'lev\ vb -leaved; -leav-lnq: to arrange in m-ter-mls-slon\,in-tar-'mi-shan\ n 1 + : the act of inter-
alternate layers mitting : the state of being intermitted : INTERRUPTION
in-ter-leu-kin \,in-tar-'lii-kan\ n : any of several proteins of 2 : a temporary halt esp, in a public performance
low molecular weight that are produced by cells of the + discontinuity, gap, hiatus, interim, interlude, inter-
body and regulate the immune system and immune re- ruption, interval - more at GAP
'in.ter.line \,in-tar-'lin\ vb : to insert between lines already ln-ter-rnlt \-'mit\ vb -mit-ted; -mit-ting : DISCONTINUE; also
written or printed : to be intermittent
21nterline vb : to provide (as a coat) with an interlining in-ter-mit-tent\-'mit-'nt\ ad) + : coming and going at inter-
in-ter-lin-ear\,in-t:lr-'li-ne-:lr\ adj : inserted between lines vals - ln-ter-mlt-tent-ly adv
already written or printed <an - translation of a text) + casual, choppy, discontinuous, erratic, fitful, irregu-
In-ter-lin-qual\,in-tar-'lilj-gwal\ ad} : of, relating to, or ex- lar, occasional, spasmodic, sporadic, spotty, unsteady
isting between two or more languages - more at FITFUL
tn-ter-tln-lnq\'in-tar-,li-nilj\ n : a lining (as of a coat) be- in-ter-mix \,in-tar-'miks\ vb : to mix together: INTERMINGLE
tween the ordinary lining and the outside fabric ln-ter-mtx-ture \-'miks-char\ n + : a mass formed by mix-
in-ter-link\,in-tar-'liljk\ vb : to link together ture : a mass of ingredients mixed
in-ter-lock \,in-t:lr-'liik\ vb 1 : to engage or interlace to- + admixture, amalgam, blend, combination, composite,
gether : lock together: UNITE 2 : to connect so that action compound, fusion, mix, mixture - more at BLEND
of one part affects action of another part - in-ter-lock In-ter-mo-lec-u-lar \-ma-'le-kya-lar\ adj : existing or acting
\'in-tar-,liik\ n between molecules
ln-ter-loc-u-tor\,in-tar-'lii-kya-tar\ n : one who takes part in In-ter-mon-tane \,in-tar-'man-,tiin\ ad} : situated between
dialogue or conversation mountains
447 interstitial

'in.tern \'in-,tarn, in-'tarn\ vb : to confine or impound esp. come or be between - in-ter-po-si-tion \-pa-'zi-shan\
during a war n
2intern also in-terne \'in-,tarn\ n : an advanced student or [1) fit, inject, insert, insinuate, interject, introduce -
recent graduate (as in medicine) gaining supervised prac- more at INSERT. [2) break, chime in, cut in, interrupt,
tical experience - m-tern-shlp n intrude - more at INTERRUPT
3in.tern \'in-,tarn\ vb : to work as an intern in-ter-pret \in-'tar-prat\ vb 1 : to explain the meaning of;
m-ter-nel \in-'tarn-I\ adj 1 : existing or situated within also: to act as an interpreter 2 : to understand according
the limits or surface of something 2: relating to or lo- to individual belief, judgment, or interest 3 : to represent
cated in the inside of the body <~ pain) 3: of, relating artistically - in-ter-pret-er n - in-ter-pre-tive \-'tar-pra-
to, or occurring within the confines of an organized tiv\ adj
structure affairs) 4: of, relating to, or existing within clarify, clear (up), construe, demonstrate, elucidate,
the mind 5: INTRINSIC, INHERENT - m-ter-nal-ty adv explain, explicate, expound, illuminate, illustrate, spell
inner, inside, interior, inward - more at INNER out - more at EXPLAIN
internal combustion engine n : an engine in which the fuel in-ter-pre-ta-tion \in-,tar-pra-'ta-shan\ n 1 : the act or the
is ignited within the engine cylinder result of interpreting: EXPLANATION 2: an instance of
ln-ter-nai-tse chieflyBrit var 0/ INTERNALIZE artistic interpretation in performance or adaptation
in-ter-nal-ize \in-'tar-na-,Iiz\ vb -ized; : to incorpo- clarification, construction, elucidation, explanation,
rate (as values) within the self through learning or social- explication, exposition, illumination, illustration-
ization - in-ter-nal-i-za-tion \-,tar-na-la-'za-shan\ n more at EXPLANATION
internal medicine n : a branch of medicine that deals with in-ter-pre-ta-tive \in-'tar-pra-,ta-tiv\ adj : designed or fitted
the diagnosis and treatment of diseases not requiring sur- to interpret: EXPLANATORY
gery tn-ter-ra-clal \-'ra-shal\ adj : of, involving, or designed for
'international \,in-tar-'na-sha-nal\ adj 1 : common to or members of different races
affecting two or more nations <~ trade) 2: of, relating in-ter-req-num \,in-ta-'reg-nam\ n, pi -nums or -na \-na\
to, or constituting a group having members in two or 1 : the time during which a throne is vacant between two
more nations - ln-ter-na-tlon-al-ly adv successive reigns or regimes 2: a pause in a continuous
2international n : one that is international; esp : an organiza- series
tion of international scope in-ter-re-late \,in-tar-ri-'Iat\ vb : to bring into or have a mu-
ln-ter-na-tion-at-ise chiefly Brit var O/INTERNATIONALIZE tual relationship - in-ter-re-tat-ed-ness \-Ia-tad-nas\ n -
ln-ter-na-tion-al-lsm \-'na-sha-na-,li-zam\ n : a policy of co- ln-ter-re-la-tlon \-'la-shan\ n - in-ter-re-ta-tion-ship n
operation among nations; also: an attitude favoring such interrog abbr interrogative
a policy in-ter-ro-qate \in-'ter-a-,gat\ vb -gatoed; : to ques-
m-ter-na-tlcn-al-lze \-'na-sha-na-,liz\ vb : to make interna- tion esp. formally and systematically - in-ter-ro-qa-tion
tional; esp : to place under international control \-,ter-a-'ga-shan\ n - in-ter-ro-ga-tor \-'ter-a-,ga-tar\ n
International System of Units n : a system of units based on ask, examine, grill, pump, query, question, quiz-
the metric system and used by international convention more at EXAMINE
esp, for scientific work in-ter-rog-a-tive \,in-ta-'ra-ga-tiv\ adj : asking a question
in-ter-ne-cine \,in-tar-'ne-,sen, -'ne-,sin\ adj [L intemecinus, <~ sentence) - interrogative n - in.ter.rog.a.tive-Iy adv
fro intemecare to destroy, kill, fr. necare to kill, fr. nec-, in-ter-roq-a-to-ry \,in-ta-'ra-ga-,tor-e\ adj : INTERROGATIVE
nex violent death) 1 : DEADLY; esp : mutually destructive in-ter-rupt \,in-ta-'rapt\ vb 1 : to stop or hinder by break-
2 : of, relating to, or involving conflict within a group <~ ing in 2: to break the uniformity or continuity of 3 : to
feuds) break in by speaking while another is speaking - in-ter-
in-tern-ee \(,)in-,tar-'ne\ n : a person interned rupt-er n - In-ter-rup-tive \-'rap-tiv\ adv
captive, capture, prisoner - more at CAPTIVE break, chime in, cut in, interpose, intrude; also barge
in-ter-net Vin-tar-,net\ n : an electronic communications (in), bother; add, chip in, contribute, put in
network that connects computer networks worldwide ln-ter-rup-tlon \-'rap-shan\ n : an act of interrupting or
In-ter-nist \'in-,tar-nist\ n : a physician who specializes in state of being interrupted; also: temporary cessation
internal medicine discontinuity, gap, hiatus, interim, interlude, inter-
in-tern-ment \in-'tarn-mant\ n : the act of interning or mission, interval - more at GAP. break, breather, lull,
the state of being interned pause - more at PAUSE
captivity, confinement, imprisonment, incarceration; ln-ter-scho-tes-tlc \,in-tar-ska-'las-tik\ adj : existing or car-
also bondage, enslavement, servitude; restraint, restric- ried on between schools
tion; arrest, capture, entrapment; custody, detention In-ter-sect \,in-tar-'sekt\ vb 1 : to divide by passing through
in-ter-nun-etc \,in-tar-'nan-se-,o, -'nun-\ n [It internunzio) or across 2: to meet and cross (as at a point); also: OVER-
: a papal legate of lower rank than a nuncio LAP
ln-ter-ot-fice \-'6-fas\ adj : functioning or communicating m-ter-sec-tion \-'sek-shan\ n : a place or area where two
between the offices of an organization or more things (as streets) intersect
m-tar-per-son-at \-'pars-'n-al\ adj : being, relating to, or in- corner, crossing, crossroad - more at CROSSROAD
volving relations between persons - in-ter-per-son-al-ly in-ter-sperse \,in-tar-'spars\ vb -spersed; -spers-tnq 1 : to
adv place something at intervals in or among 2 : to insert at
in-ter-plan-e-tary \,in-tar-'pla-na-,ter-e\ adj : existing, car- intervals among other things - ln-ter-sper-slon \-'spar-
ried on, or operating between planets <~ space) zhanv n
in-ter-play \'in-tar-,pla\ n : INTERACTION interlace, intertwine, interweave, lace, thread, weave,
in-ter-po-late \in-'tar-pa-,lat\ vb -lat-ed; -lat-lnq 1: to wreathe - more at THREAD
change (as a text) by inserting new or foreign matter 'interstate \,in-tar-'stat\ adj : relating to, including, or con-
2 : to insert (as words) into a text or into a conversation necting two or more states esp. of the U.S.
3 : to estimate values of (data or a function) between two 2interstate \'in-tar-,stat\ n : an interstate highway
known values 4: to insert between other things or parts ln-ter-stel-lar \,in-tar-'ste-lar\ adj : located or taking place
- ln-ter-po-la-tlon \-,tar-pa-'Hi-shan\ n among the stars
m-ter-pose \,in-tar-'poz\ vb -posed; -pos-lnq 1 : to place ln-ter-stlce \in-'tar-stas\ n, pi -stic-es \-sta-,sez, -stc-sozv
between 2 : to thrust in : INTRUDE, INTERRUPT 3: to in- : a space that intervenes between things - ln-ter-stl-tlat
ject between parts of a conversation or argument 4: to \,in-tar-'sti-shal\ adj
intertidal 448
breach, break, discontinuity, gap, gulf, hiatus, hole, [2) bosom, chummy, close, familiar, friendly, thick
interval, opening, rent, rift, separation - more at GAP - more at FAMILIAR (5) confidential, hushed, inside,
ln-tar-tid-al \,in-t~r-'tid-'I\ adj : of, relating to, or being the private, secret - more at PRIVATE
area that is above low-tide mark but exposed to tidal 3intimate \'in-ta-mat\ n : an intimate friend, associate, or
flooding <life in the e-> mud) confidant
ln-ter-twlne \-'twin\ vb : to twine or cause to twine about + buddy, chum, comrade, crony, familiar, friend, pal
one another: INTERLACE - In-ter-twine-ment n - more at FRIEND
interlace, interweave, lace; also blend, fuse, join, link, in-ti-ma-tion \,in-ta-ma-shan\ n + : an indirect uSU. hinted
mix suggestion or notice; also: something intimated
ln-ter-twist \-'twist\ vb : INTERTWINE + clue, cue, hint, indication, inkling, lead, suggestion -
in-ter-ur-ban \-'~r-b~n\ adj : connecting cities or towns more at HINT
in-ter-val \'in-t~r-val\ n [ME interval/e, fro AF & L; AF en- ln-tlm-l-date \in-'ti-ma-,dat\ vb -dat-ed; -dat-inq + : to make
treval, fro L interval/urn space between ramparts, interval, timid or fearful; esp : to compel or deter by or as if by
fr. inter- between + val/urn rampart) 1 : a space of time threats - adv - ln-tlm-l-da-tion \-,ti-ma-
between events or states: PAUSE 2 : a space between ob- 'da-shan\ n
jects, units, or states 3: the difference in pitch between
browbeat, bully, cow, hector; also affright, alarm,
two tones
frighten, horrify, scare, shock, spook, startle, terrify;
[I) discontinuity, gap, hiatus, interim, interlude, in- menace, terrorize, threaten; badger, harass, hound;
termission, interruption - more at GAP (2) breach, bulldoze, coerce, compel, constrain, dragoon, force,
break, discontinuity, gap, gulf, hole, opening, rent, rift, make, oblige, press, pressure; demoralize, unman, un-
separation - more at GAP nerve; discompose, disconcert, disquiet, distress, dis-
ln-ter-vene \,in-tar-'ven\ vb -vened; 1 : to occur, turb, perturb, upset
fall, or come between points of time or between events inti or lntnl abbr international
2 : to enter or appear as an unrelated feature or circum- in-to \'in-tii\ prep 1 : to the inside of <ran,.._, the house)
stance <rain intervened and we postponed the trip) 2 : to the state, condition, or form of <got,.._, trouble)
3 : to come in or between in order to stop, settle, or 3 : AGAINST <ran,.._, a wall)
modify <,.._, in a quarrel) 4: to occur or lie between two
ln-tol-er-a-ble \(,)in-'tii-Ia-ra-bal\ adj 1 +: not tolerable
things - tn-ter-ven-tlon \-'ven-ch~n\ n
: UNBEARABLE 2: EXCESSIVE - in-tol-er-a-bly \-ble\ adv
intercede, interpose, mediate; also butt in, interfere,
intrude, meddle, obtrude, pry, snoop; arbitrate, moder-
+ insufferable, insupportable, unbearable, unen-
durable, unsupportable - more at UNBEARABLE
ate, negotiate; barge (in), bother; break (in), chime in,
cut in; infringe, invade, trespass ln-tol-er-ant \(,)in-'tii-Ia-rant\ adj 1 : unable or unwilling to
in-ter-ven-tlon-lsrn \-'ven-ch~-,ni-zam\ n : interference by tolerate 2 + : unwilling to grant equality, freedom, or
one country in the political affairs of another - in-ter- other social rights: BIGOTED - ln-tol-er-ance v-rcnsv n
ven-tlon-lst \-'ven-cha-nist\ n or adj bigoted, narrow, narrow-minded, prejudiced; also
in-ter-view \'in-t~r-,vyii\ n 1 : a formal consultation usu. to conservative, hidebound, old-fashioned, reactionary;
evaluate qualifications 2: a meeting at which a writer or insular, parochial, provincial; biased, one-sided, partial,
reporter obtains information from a person; also : the partisan Ant liberal, broad-minded, open-minded, toler-
recorded or written account of such a meeting - inter- ant, unprejudiced
view vb - ln-ter-vlew-ee \,in-t~r-(,)vyii-'e\ n - in-ter-view- in-to-na-tion \,in-to-'na-shan\ n 1 : the act of intoning and
er n esp. of chanting 2 : something that is intoned 3: the man-
tn-ter-vo-cat-le \,in-t~r-vo-'ka-lik\ ad; : immediately pre- ner of singing. playing, or uttering tones 4: the rise and
ceded and immediately followed by a vowel fall in pitch of the voice in speech
in-ter-weave \,in-t~r-'wev\ vb -wove \-'wov\ also -weaved; in-tone \in-'ton\ vb in-toned; : to utter in musical
-wo-ven \-'wo-v~n\ also -weaved; : to weave or prolonged tones : CHANT
or blend together - interwoven adj in to-to \in-'to-to\ adv [L, on the whole] : TOTALLY, EN-
interlace, intersperse, intertwine, lace, thread, weave, TIRELY
wreathe - more at THREAD In-tex-t-cant \in-'tiik-si-kant\ n + : something that intoxi-
in-tes-tate \in-'tes-, tat, -tat\ adj 1 : having made no valid cates; esp : an alcoholic drink - intoxicant adj
will <died"'_') 2: not disposed of by will <,.._, estate) alcohol, booze, drink, liquor, moonshine, spirits-
in-tes-tine \in-'tes-tan\ n : the tubular part of the alimen- more at ALCOHOL
tary canal that extends from stomach to anus and consists tn-tox-t-cate \-sa-,kat\ vb -cat-ed; -cat-inq 1 : to affect by a
of a long narrow upper part (small intestine) followed by drug (as alcohol or cocaine) esp. to the point of physical
a broader shorter lower part (large intestine) - ln-tes-ti- or mental impairment 2 + : to excite to enthusiasm or
nal \-tan-'1\ adj frenzy
intifaoda \,in-ta-'fii-da\ n : an armed uprising of Palestini-
ans against Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza
+ electrify, excite, exhilarate, galvanize, thrill, titillate,
tum on - more at THRILL
in-ti-ma-cy Vin-ta-rna-se', n 1 : the state of being intimate in-tox-i-cat-ed \-sa-,ka-tad\ adj + : affected by or as if by al-
2 : something of a personal or private nature cohol
closeness, familiarity, nearness - more at FAMILIAR- + drunk, high, inebriate, tipsy - more at DRUNK + ec-
ITY static, elated, euphoric, rapturous, rhapsodic - more
'intimate \'in-ta-,mat\ vb -rnat-ed: -mat-lnq [LL intirnare to at ECSTATIC
put in, announce, fr. L intirnus innermost] 1 : ANNOUNCE, m-tox-l-ca-tlon \-,tiik-s;)-'ka-sh;)n\ n + : the condition of be-
NOTIFY 2 : to communicate indirectly: HINT ing drunk; also: a strong excitement or elation
allude, hint, imply, indicate, infer, insinuate, suggest ecstasy, elation, euphoria, exhilaration, heaven, para-
- more at HINT dise, rapture, rhapsody, transport - more at ECSTASY
'inti.mate Vin-ts-mstv adj 1 : INTRINSIC; also: INNERMOST in-trac-ta-ble \(,)in-'trak-t;)-bal\ adj +: not easily con-
2 + : marked by very close association, contact, or famil- trolled
iarity 3: marked by a warm friendship 4: suggesting in- + froward, headstrong, recalcitrant, refractory, uncon-
formal warmth or privacy 5.: of a very personal or trollable, unmanageable, unruly, untoward, wayward,
private nature - in.ti.mate-Iy adv willful - more at UNCONTROLLABLE
449 in utero

In-tra-mu-ral \-'mylir-al\ adj : being or occurring within the [2] constitute, establish, found, inaugurate, initiate,
walls or limits (as of a city or college) <~ sports> innovate, institute, launch, pioneer, set up, start-
in-tra-mus-cu-lar\-'mas-kya-Iar\ adj : situated within, oc- more at FOUND. [3] acquaint, familiarize, initiate, ori-
curring in, or administered by entering a muscle - In-tra- ent - more at ACQUAINT. [4] bring up, broach, moot,
mus-cu-lar-lyadv raise; also allude (to), cite, mention, name, refer (to); of-
In-tra-net \'in-tr;l-,net\ n : a network similar to the World fer, propose, suggest; air, express, speak (00, talk
Wide Web but having access limited to certain authorized (about), vent, ventilate; interject, interrupt; debate, dis-
users cuss, thrash (out or over) [5] fit, inject, insert, insinu-
intrans abbr intransitive ate, interject, interpose - more at INSERT
ln-tran-sl-qent \-jant\ adj : UNCOMPROMISING; also: IRRECON- ln-tro-duc-tlcn\-'dak-shan\ n 1 : something that intro-
CILABLE - ln-tran-sl-qence \-jans\ n - intransigent n duces 2: the act or process of introducing: the state of
m-tran-sl-tlve \(,)in-'tran-sa-tiv, -Z;l-\ adj : not transitive; being introduced; also: something introduced
esp : not having or containing an object <an ~ verb> - foreword, preamble, preface, prologue; also begin-
ln-tran-sl-tlve-ly adv - tn-tran-sl-tlve-nees n ning, commencement, initiation, opening, origin, out-
in-tra-state \,in-tra-'stat\ adj : existing or occurring within set, start Ant epilogue
a state ln-trolt Vin-jtroit, -,tTo-at\ n 1 often cap: the first part of
in-tra-uter-Ine device \-'yii-ta-ran-, -,rin-\ n : a device in- the traditional proper of the Mass 2: a piece of music
serted into and left in the uterus to prevent pregnancy sung or played at the beginning of a worship service
in-tra-ve-nous\,in-tra-'ve-nas\ adj : being within or enter- m-tro-spec-ticn\-'spek-shan\ n : a reflective looking in-
ing by way of the veins; also: used in or using intravenous ward: an examination of one's own thoughts or feelings
procedures - ln-tra-ve-nous-ly adv - tn-tro-spect \,in-tra-'spekt\ vb - ln-tro-spec-tlve
intrench var 0/ ENTRENCH \-'spek-tiv\ adj - ln-tro-spec-tlve-ly adv
m-trep-ld \in-'tre-pad\ adj : characterized by resolute in-tro-vert \'in-tra-,vart\ n : a reserved or shy person - in-
tro-ver-slcn\,in-tra-'vaT-zhan\ n - introvert adj
fearlessness, fortitude, and endurance ln-tre-vert-edVin-tra-jvar-tadx adj : turned in upon itself;
brave, courageous, dauntless, doughty, fearless, gal- specif' : marked by being wholly or predominantly con-
lant, greathearted, heroic, lionhearted, manful, stal- cerned with and interested in one's own mental life
wart, stout, undaunted, valiant, valorous - more at bashful, coy, demure, diffident, modest, retiring,
BRAVE sheepish, shy - more at SHY
m-tre-pid-l-ty \,in-tr;l-'pi-da-te\ n : the quality or state of be- in-trude \in-'trud\ vb in-trud-ed; in-trud-ing 1 : to thrust,
ing intrepid: resolute bravery enter, or force in or upon 2: ENCROACH, TRESPASS - in-
in-tri-ca-cy\-tri-ka-se\ n : the quality or state of being in- tru-sion \-'tru-zhan \ n
tricate; also: something intricate break, chime in, cut in, interpose, interrupt - more
complexity, complication, difficulty, intricacy- at INTERRUPT butt in, interfere, meddle, mess, nose,
more at COMPLICATION complexity, elaborateness, so- obtrude, poke, pry, snoop - more at INTERFERE usu
phistication - more at COMPLEXITY intrude upon bother, bug, disturb, pester - more at
m-tri-cate Vin-tri-katv adj [ME, fro L intricatus, pp. of intri- BOTHER
care to entangle, fr. tricae trifles, complications] in-trud-ern : one that intrudes
1 : having many complexly interrelated parts: COMPLI- busybody, interloper, kibitzer, meddler - more at
CATED 2 : involving or done with precision; also: diffi- BUSYBODY
cult to follow, understand, or solve - in-tri-cate-lyadv in-tru-sive \-'tru-siv\ adj : characterized by intrusion: in-
complex, complicated, convoluted, detailed, elabo- truding where one is not welcome or invited - ln-tru-
rate, involved, knotty, sophisticated - more at COM- sive-ness n
PLEX meddlesome, nosy, obtrusive, officious, presumptu-
'in.trigue \in-'treg\ vb in.trigued; 1 : to accom- ous, prying; also bold, brazen, impertinent, impudent,
plish by intrigue 2 : to carry on an intrigue; esp : PLOT, insolent, rude; invading, trespassing; curious, inquisi-
SCHEME 3 : to arouse the interest, desire, or curiosity of tive; annoying, harassing, pestiferous Ant unobtrusive
[2] conspire, contrive, machinate, plot, scheme- intrust var O/ENTRUST
more at PLOT. [3] absorb, busy, engage, engross, en- in-tu-it \in-'tii-at, -'tyu-\ vb : to know, sense, or understand
thrall, fascinate, grip, immerse, interest, involve, oc- by intuition
cupy - more at ENGAGE in-tu-ltlon \,in-tu-'wi-shan, -tyu-', n 1 : quick and ready in-
2in.trigue \'in-,treg, in-'treg\ n 1 .: a secret scheme sight 2: the power or faculty of knowing things without
: MACHINATION 2: a clandestine love affair conscious reasoning - ln-tu-t-ttve \in-'tii-a-tiv, -'tyii-\ adj
conspiracy, design, machination, plot, scheme- - in-tu-i-tive-ly adv
more at PLOT m-u-lt\'i-nu-wat, 'in-yu-\ n [Inuit inuit, pl. of inuk person]
intriguing adj : engagingthe interest to a marked degree 1 pi Inuit or Inuits: a member of the Eskimo people of No.
America and Greenland 2: the language of the Inuit peo-
absorbing, engaging, engrossing, enthralling, fasci- ple
nating, interesting - more at INTERESTING m-un-date \'i-nan-,dat\ vb -dat-ed; : to cover with
ln-trln-slc \in-'trin-zik, -sik\ adj : belonging to the essen- or as if with a flood: OVERFLOW
tial nature or constitution of a thing deluge, drown, engulf, flood, overflow, overwhelm,
essential, inborn, ingrained, inherent, innate, integral, submerge, swamp - more at FLOOD
natural - more at INHERENT ln-un-da-tion\,i-nan-'da-shan\ n : an overflowing of the
tn-trin-si-cat-ly \in-'trin-zi-k(a- )le, -si-\ adv : in an intrin- land by water; also: an overwhelming amount or number
sic manner: having an intrinsic quality cataclysm, cataract, deluge, flood, overflow, spate,
constitutionally, inherently, innately, naturally- torrent - more at FLOOD
more at NATURALLY in-ure \i-'nur, -'nylir\ vb in-ured: [ME enuren, fro
introd abbr introduction in ure customary, fro putten in ure to use, put into prac-
ln-tro-duce \,in-tra-'dus, -'dyiis\ vb -duced; -duc-lnq 1 : to tice, part trans. of AF mettre en ovre, en uevre] 1 : to ac-
lead or bring in esp. for the first time 2 : to bring into custom to accept something undesirable 2: to become of
practice or use 3 : to cause to be acquainted 4 : to advantage
present for discussion 5.: to put in : INSERT - ln-tro- in utero \in-'yii-ta-,ro\ adv or adj [L] : in the uterus: before
due-to-ry \-'dak-ta-re\ adj birth
inv 450
inv abbr 1 inventor 2 invoice ducing inventions : CREATIVE, INGENIOUS (an -- com-
in vac-uo \in-'va-kyti-,w6\ adv [L] : in a vacuum poser) 2: characterized by invention (an -- turn of
in-vade \in-'vad\ vb in-vad-ed; 1 + : to enter in a mind)
hostile manner 2 : to encroach upon 3: to spread through + creative, imaginative, ingenious, innovative, original
and usu. harm (germs -- the tissues) - in-vad-er n - more at CREATIVE
+ foray, overrun, raid; a/so despoil, loot, maraud, pil- ln-ven-ttve-ness n + : the quality or state of being inventive
lage, plunder, ravage, sack; conquer, crush, overcome, + creativity, ingenuity, invention, originality - more
overpower, overwhelm, subdue, subjugate; assail, as- atcREATMTY
sault, attack; battle, combat, fight, war (with); en- m-ven-tor \-'ven-tar\ n + : one that invents: as a: one that
croach, infringe, trespass; besiege, blockade; occupy conceives by creative imagination b: one that creates a
'invalid \{,)in-'va-Iad\ adj + : being without foundation or new device or process
force in fact, reason, or law - \,in-va-'Ii-da-
designer, developer, innovator, originator; also au-
te\ n - adv thor, creator, father, founder, originator; pioneer, re-
+ baseless, groundless, unfounded, unreasonable, un- searcher; builder, maker, producer; dreamer
substantiated, unsupported, unwarranted - more at ' \'in-van-,t6r-e\ n, p/ -ries 1 : an itemized list of
BASELESS + null, void - more at NULL erroneous, current goods or assets 2: SURVEY, SUMMARY 3: STOCK,
false, inaccurate, incorrect, inexact, off, unsound, un- SUPPLY 4: the act or process of taking an inventory
true, wrong - more at FALSE 2inventory vb -ried; : to make an inventory of \'in-va-Iad\ adj : being in ill health: SICKLY
enumerate, itemize, list, numerate - more at LIST
3invalid \'in-va-Iad\ n : a person in usu. chronic ill health -
ln-va-lld-lsrn \-Ia-,di-zam\ n un-verse \{,)in-'vars, 'in-,vars\ adj : opposite in order, na-
'invalid Vin-va-lod, -,lid\ vb 1 : to remove from active duty ture, or effect: REVERSED - in.verse-Iy adv
by reason of sickness or disability 2: to make sickly or 2inverse n : something inverse or resulting in or from inver-
disabled sion : OPPOSITE
in-val-i-date \{,)in-'va-Ia-,dat\ vb + : to make invalid; esp : to m-ver-ston \in-'var-zhan\ n 1 : a reversal of position, order,
weaken or make valueless - ln-val-l-da-tlon \in-,va-Ia-'da- or relationship; esp : an increase of temperature with alti-
shanv n tude through a layer of air 2: the act or process of in-
+ abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, dissolve, negate, nul- verting
lify, quash, repeal, rescind, void - more at ABOLISH in-vert \in-'vart\ vb 1 : to reverse in position, order, or re-
in-valu-able \-'val-ya-bal, -ya-wo-balv adj : valuable beyond lationship 2: to turn upside down or inside out 3: to
estimation turn inward
in-vari-able v-'ver-e-e-betv adj : not changing or capable of m-ver-te-brate \{,)in-'var-ta-brat, -,brat\ adj 1 : lacking a
change: CONSTANT backbone; a/so : of or relating to invertebrate animals
in-vari-ably \-ble\ adv : on every occasion 2 : lacking in strength or vitality - invertebrate n
+ always, constantly, continually, ever, forever, inces- 'invest \in-'vest\ vb 1 + : to install formally in an office or
santly, perpetually, unfailingly - more at ALWAYS honor 2 + : to furnish with power or authority 3: to
cover completely: ENVELOP 4: to cover with or as if with
ln-va-slcn \in-'va-zhan\ n + : an act or instance of invad-
ing; esp : entry of an army into a country for conquest cloth or clothing: CLOTHE, ADGR 5: to surround with
troops or ships so as to prevent escape or entry: BESIEGE
+ descent, foray, incursion, irruption, raid - more at 6 + : to endow with a quality or characteristic
[I] baptize, inaugurate, induct, initiate, install-
in-va-sive \in-'va-siv, -ziv\ adj 1 : tending to spread (--
cancer cells> 2: involving entry into the living body (as
more at INSTALL. [2] accredit, authorize, certify, com-
mission, empower, enable, license, qualify - more at
by surgery) (-- therapy)
AUTHORIZE [6] imbue, inculcate, infuse, ingrain,
ln-vec-tlve \in-'vek-tiv\ n 1: an abusive expression or
steep, suffuse - more at INFUSE
speech 2 + : abusive language - invective adj
2invest vb 1 : to commit (money) in order to earn a finan-
+ abuse, fulmination, vitriol, vituperation - more at cial return 2: to expend for future benefits or advantages
3 : to make an investment - ln-ves-tor \-'ves-tar\ n
in.veigh \in-'va\ vb : to protest or complain bitterly or ve-
in.ves.tiogate \in-'ves-ta-,gat\ vb -gat-ed; [L investi-
hemently : RAIL
gare to track, investigate, fro vestigium footprint, track]
in.veiogle \in-'va-gal, -'ve-\ vb in.veiogled; in.veiogling [AP
: to study by close examination and systematic inquiry
enveeg/er, aveog/erto blind, hoodwink, fr. avog/e, enveug/e - in-ves-ti-qa-tive \-'ves-ta-,ga-tiv\ adj
blind, fr. ML ab oculis, lit., lacking eyes] 1 : to win over
by flattery: ENTICE 2: to acquire by ingenuity or flattery + delve, dig, explore, go, inquire into, look, probe, re-
in-vent \in-'vent\ vb 1 + : to think up 2 : to create or search - more at EXPLORE
produce for the first time in-ves-tl-qa-tion \-,ves-ta-'ga-shan\ n +: the action or
process of investigating; esp : detailed examination or a
+ [1, 2] concoct, contrive, cook up, devise, fabricate,
make up, manufacture, think up; a/so coin, contrive, searching inquiry
create, design, hatch, produce; daydream, dream, fanta- examination, exploration, inquiry, probe, research,
size; conceive, envisage, imagine, picture, visualize study - more at INQUIRY
in-ven-tion \in-'ven-chan\ n 1 + : productive imagination m-ves-tl-qa-tor \-,ga-tar\ n .: one that investigates; esp
: rNVENTrVENESS 2 + : a creation of the imagination; esp : a : one employed or engaged in detecting lawbreakers or in
false conception 3 + : a device, contrivance, or process getting information that is not readily or publicly accessi-
originated after study and experiment 4: the act or ble
process of inventing detective, operative, shadow, sleuth, tail - more at
[1] creativity, fancy, fantasy, imagination, inventive- DETECTIVE
ness - more at IMAGINATION + [2] fabrication, fantasy, ln-ves-ti-ture \in-'ves-ta-,chur, -chorv n 1 : the act of rat-
fiction, figment, invention - more at rtcrrox + [3] ifying or establishing in office 2: something that covers
coinage, concoction, contrivance, creation, innovation, or adorns
wrinkle; also contraption, device, gadget, gizmo, nov- inaugural, inauguration, induction, installation-
elty; design, product, work; dream, fantasy, picture, vi- more at INSTALLATION
sion; conception, imagining un-vsst-ment \in-'vest-mant\ n 1 : an outer layer: ENVELOPE
in-ven-tive \in-'ven-tiv\ adj 1 + : adept or prolific at pro- 2 : INVESTITURE 1 3: BLOCKADE, SIEGE
451 IP
21nvestment n : the outlay of money for income or profit; [1] unintended, unintentional; also accidental, un-
also: the sum invested or the property purchased planned, unpremeditated; automatic, impulsive, instinc-
in-vet-er-ate \in-'ve-t;)-r;)t\ adj 1 : firmly established by tive, spontaneous, unprompted; inadvertent, uncon-
age or long persistence 2 : confirmed in a habit scious, unknowing, unwitting Ant deliberate,intentional,
[1] confirmed, deep-rooted, deep-seated, settled; also unforced, voluntary, willful, willing [2] compulsory,
fixed, immutable, set; implanted, instilled; inborn, in- imperative, incumbent, mandatory, necessary, nonelec-
bred, innate, inherent, natural; accustomed, chronic, tive, obligatory, peremptory - more at MANDATORY
customary, habitual, regular, typical, usual; abiding, en- [3] automatic, mechanical, spontaneous - more at
during, lifelong, persistent, persisting [2] chronic, AUTOMATIC
confirmed, habitual - more at HABITUAL ln-vo-lute \'in-va-,Iiit\ adj : INVOLVED, INTRICATE
ln-vl-a-ble \(,)in-'vi-;)-b;)l\ adi : incapable of surviving ln-vo-lu-tlon\,in-v;)-'Iii-sh;)n\ n 1 : the act or an instance of
ln-vld-l-cus \in-'vi-de-;)s\ adj 1 : tending to cause discon- enfolding or entangling 2: the quality or state of being
tent, animosity, or envy 2: feeling or showing envy: EN- complex: COMPLEXITY, INTRICACY
VIOUS 3: OBNOXIOUS - adv in-volve \in-'valv\ vb In-volved; ln-volv-tnq 1 + : to draw in
In.vlg-o-rate \in-'vi-g;)-,riit\ vb -rat-ed; -rat-inq + : to give life as a participant 2: ENVELOP 3 + : to occupy (as oneself)
and energy to : ANIMATE - In.vlg-o-ra.tion \-,vi-g;)-'rii- absorbingly;esp : to commit oneself emotionally 4: to re-
shcnv n late closely: CONNECT 5 : to have as part of itself: IN-
animate, brace, energize, enliven, fire, jazz up, liven CLUDE 6: ENTAIL, IMPLY 7: to have an effect on - In-
up, pep up, quicken, stimulate, vitalize, vivify, zip (up) volve-ment n
- more at ANlMATE [1] affect, concern, interest, touch - more at CON-
Invigorating adj. : having an enlivening effect CERN [3] absorb, busy, engage, engross, enthrall, fas-
bracing, refreshing, restorative, stimulative, tonic - cinate, grip, immerse, interest, intrigue, occupy-
more at TONIC more at ENGAGE. [5] carry, comprehend, contain, em-
Invln-cible \(,)in-'vin-s;)-b;)l\ adi + : incapable of being brace, encompass, entail, include, number, take in-
conquered, overcome, or subdued - In.vln-cl.bil.l.ty more at INCLUDE
\-,vin-s;)-'bi-Ia-te\ n - ln-vin-cl-bly \-'vin-s;)-ble\ adv in-volved \-'viilvd\ adj : marked by extreme and often
impregnable, indomitable, insurmountable, invulner- needless or excessive complexity : INTRICATE, COMPLEX
able, unbeatable, unconquerable;also inviolable, unas- <an"" plot)
sailable, untouchable; armored, defended, guarded, complex, complicated, convoluted, detailed, elabo-
protected, safe, safeguarded, secure, shielded; un- rate, intricate, knotty, sophisticated - more at COM-
beaten, unconquered, undefeated, unsubdued Ant vul- PLEX
nerable in-vul-ner-a-ble \(,)in-'v;)l-n;)-r;)-bal\ adj 1 : incapable of be-
ln-vi-o-la-ble\-'vi-;)-Ia-bal\ adi 1 + : safe from violation or ing wounded, injured, or damaged 2 : immune to or
profanation 2: secure from assault or trespass : UNAS- proof against attack - ln-vul-ner-a-bu-l-ty \-,v;)l-n;)-ra-'bi-
SAILABLE - tn-vl-o-la-bn-i-ty \-,vi-a-Ia-'bi-I;)-te\ n 1;)-t1:\ n - ln-vul-ner-a-bly \-'v;)l-na-r;)-ble\ adv
holy, sacred, sacrosanct - more at SACRED Impregnable, indomitable, insurmountable, invinci-
in-vi-o-late\-'vi-;)-I;)t\ adj : not violated or profaned: PURE ble, unbeatable, unconquerable - more at INVINCIBLE
ln-vls-l-ble \-'vi-z;)-b;)l\ adj 1 : incapable of being seen <"" 'In.ward Vin-wardv adj 1 : situated on the inside 2: MEN-
to the naked eye) 2: HIDDEN 3: IMPERCEPTIBLE, INCON- TAL; also: SPIRITUAL 3 : directed toward the interior
SPICUOUS - In.vls.l.bil.l.ty \-,vl-z;)-'bl-I;)-te\ n - ln-vis-l-bty inner, inside, interior, internal- more at INNER
\-'vi-za-ble\ adv 21nward or ln-wards \-wardz\ adv 1 : toward the inside, cen-
Invisible hand n : a hypothetical economic force that ter, or interior 2: toward the inner being
works for the benefit of all \'in-w;)rd-Ie\ adv 1: MENTALLY, SPIRITUALLY
ln-vl-ta-tlcn-al \,in-v;)-'tii-sh;)-nal\ adj : limited to invited 2: INTERNALLY <bled "") 3: to oneself <cursed-)
participants <an"" tournament> - Invitational n IOCabbr International Olympic Committee
in-vlte \in-'vit\ vb in-vit-ed; In.vlt.lng 1 : ENTICE, TEMPT 2 : to lo-dlde \'i-a-,did\ n : a compound of iodine with another el-
increase the likelihood of 3: to request the presence or ement or group
participation of : ASK 4: to request formally 5 : ENCOUR- loodlne \'i-a-,din, -ad-'n\ n 1 : a nonmetallic chemical ele-
AGE - in-vi-ta-tion \,in-va-'tii-sh;)n\ n ment used esp, in medicine and photography 2: a solu-
In.vlt.lng adj : ATTRACTIVE, TEMPTING tion of iodine used as a local antiseptic
In vi-tro \in-'ve-tro, -'vi-, -'vi-\ adv or adj [NL, lit., in glass] lo-dlse chiefly Brit var of IODIZE
: outside the living body and In an artificial environment loodlze \'i-a-,diz\ vb io-dized; loodlz.lng : to treat with iodine
<in vitro fertilization) or an iodide
in-vo-ca-tlon \,in-va-'kii-shan \ n 1 : SUPPLICATION; esp : a Ion \'i-an, 'i-,an\ n [Gk, neut. of ion, prp. of ienai to go; so
prayer at the beginning of a service 2: a formula for con- called because in electrolysis it goes to one of the two
juring: INCANTATION poles] : an electrically charged particle, atom, or group of
'In.volce \'in-,v6is\ n [modif. of MF envois, pl. of envoi mes- atoms - ion-lc \i-'a-nik\ adj
sage] + : an itemized list of goods shipped usu. specifying -lon n suffix : act, process, state, or condition <validation)
the price and the terms of sale : BILL lon-lse chiefly Brit var of IONIZE
account, bill, check, statement, tab - more at BILL ion-Ize \'i-;)-,nlz\ vb ion-ized; lon.lz.lng 1: to convert
21nvolce vb in-voiced; In.volc.lng : to send an invoice to or wholly or partly into ions 2: to become ionized - lon-iz-
for: BILL able \,i-a-'ni-za-bal\ ad) - lon-lza-tlon \,i-;)-na-'zii-sh;)n\ n
in-voke \in-'vok\ vb in-voked; In.vok.lng 1 : to petition for - len-le-er \'i-a-,ni-zar\ n
help or support 2 : to appeal to or cite as authority <- a ion-o-sphere \i-'ii-na-,sfir\ n : the part of the earth's atmo-
law) 3: to cali forth by incantation: CONJURE <- spirits) sphere extending from about 30 miles (50 kilometers) to
4 : to make an earnest request for: SOLICIT 5: to put into the exosphere that contains ionized atmospheric gases -
effect or operation 6: to bring about: CAUSE lcn-o-spher-lc \i-,a-na-'sfir-ik, -'sfer-\ adj
in-vol-un-tary \(,)in-'va-Ian-,ter-e\ adj 1 : done contrary IOOFabbr Independent Order of Odd Fellows
to or without choice 2 : dictated by authority or cir- Io-ta \i-'o-ta\ n [L, fr, Gk iota] 1 : the 9th letter of the
cumstance : COMPULSORY 3 + : not controlled by the will Greek alphabet - I or I 2: a very small quantity: JOT
<- contractions) - ln-vol-un-tarl-ly \-,va-Ian-'ter-;)-Ie\ IOU \,i-(,)o-'yii\ n : an acknowledgment of a debt
adv IP abbr innings pitched
IP address 452
IP address \'I-'pe-\ n [Internet protocol] : the numeric ad- + aggravating, annoying, bothersome, frustrating,
dress of a computer on the Internet galling, irritating, pesty, vexatious - more at ANNOYING
ip-e-cac \'i-pi-,kak\ n [pg ipecacuanha] : an emetic and ex- 1iron \'im, 'i-arn\ n [ME, fro OE isern, [ren] 1 : a heavy mal-
pectorant drug used esp. as a syrup in treating accidental leable magnetic metallic chemical element that rusts eas-
poisoning; also: either of two tropical American plants or ily and is vital to biological processes 2 a : something
their rhizomes and roots used to make ipecac made of metal and esp. iron bpi + : something (as hand-
IPO \,I-,pe-'6\ n, pi IPOs : an initial public offering of a cuffs) used to bind or restrain <put them in -s) 3: a
company's stock household device with a flat base that is heated and used
ip-so rae-to \,ip-s6-'fak-to\ adv [NL, lit., by the fact itself] for pressing cloth 4: STRENGTH, HARDNESS
: by the very nature of the case + usu irons band, bond, chain, fetter, ligature, manacle,
iq abbr [L idem quod] the same as shackle - more at BOND
IQ \'I-'kyii\ n : a number used to express a person's relative 2iron vb 1 : to press or smooth with or as if with a heated
intelligence as determined by a standardized test iron 2: to remove (as wrinkles) by ironing - iron-er n
11r abbr Irish 1ironoelad \-'klad\ adj 1 : sheathed in iron armor 2 : so firm
21r symbol iridium or secure as to be unbreakable
IR abbr infrared 2ironoelad \-,klad\ n : an armored naval vessel esp. of the
11RA \,I-(,)ar-'a; 'I-ra\ n [individual retirement account] : a 19th century
retirement savings account in which income taxes are de- iron curtain n : a political, military, and ideological barrier
ferred until withdrawals are made that isolates an area; esp, often cap: one formerly isolat-
21RA abbr Irish Republican Army ing an area under Soviet control
lra-nl-an \i-'ra-ne-an also -'ra-\ n : a native or inhabitant of iron-ic \i-'ra-nik\ also Iron-l-eal \-ni-kal\ adj 1 : of, relating
Iran - Iranian adj to, or marked by irony 2 : given to irony
Iraqi \i-'Tii.-ke, -'ra-\ n : a native or inhabitant of Iraq - \-ni-k(a- )Ie\ adv 1 : in an ironic manner 2: it
Iraqi adj is ironic
irasoei.bil.i.ty \-,ra-sa-'bi-Ia-te\ n : the quality or state of be- n : clothes ironed or to be ironed
ing irascible: proneness to anger iron lung n : a device for artificial respiration that encloses
iras-ci-ble \i-'ra-sa-bal\ adj + : marked by hot temper and the chest in a chamber in which changes of pressure force
easily provoked anger air into and out of the lungs
+ choleric, crabby, cranky, cross, irritable, short- iron out vb : to remove or lessen difficulties in or extremes
tempered, snappish, snappy, snippy, testy, waspish- of
more at IRRITABLE iron oxide n : FERRIC OXIDE
irate \I-'rat\ adj 1 + : roused to ire 2: arising from anger lren-stone \'i(-a)rn-,ston, 'i-am-\ n 1 : a hard iron-rich sed-
- irate-ly adv imentary rock 2: a hard heavy durable pottery devel-
+ angry, boiling, enraged, furious, rabid, sore - more oped in England in the 19th century
at ANGRY ircn-ware \-,war\ n : articles made of iron
iron-weed \-,wed\ n : any of a genus of mostly weedy plants
1ire \'Ir\ n +: intense and usu. openly displayed anger
related to the asters that have terminal heads of red, pur-
ple, or white flowers
+ anger, furor, fury, indignation, outrage, rage, spleen, iron-wood \-,wUd\ n : any of numerous trees or shrubs with
wrath, wrathfulness - more at ANGER exceptionally hard wood; also : the wood
2ire vb ired; iring + : to provoke to anger iron-work \-,wark\ n 1 : work in iron 2pl: a mill or build-
+ anger, antagonize, enrage, incense, inflame, infuriate, ing where iron or steel is smelted or heavy iron or steel
madden, outrage, rankle, rile, roil - more at ANGER products are made - lron-work-er n
Ire abbr Ireland iroony \'i-ra-ne\ n, pl-nies [L ironia, fr. Gk eironia, fro eiron
ire-ful adj : full of ire: marked by ire; also: easily angered dissembler] 1 : the use of words to express the opposite of
ire-nic \I-'re-nik\ adj : favoring, conducive to, or operating what one really means 2: incongruity between the actual
toward peace or conciliation result of a sequence of events and the expected result
lr-i-des-cence \,ir-a-'des-'ns\ n : a rainbowlike play of col- Ir-o-quois \'ir-a-,kwoi\ n, pi Iroquois \same or -,kwoiz\ 1 pi
ors - lr-i-des-cent \-'nt\ adj : an American Indian confederacy orig. of New York that
lrtd-l-um \ir-'i-de-am\ n : a hard brittle heavy metallic consisted of the Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga,
chemical element and Seneca and later included the Tuscarora 2: a mem-
iris \'i-ras\ n, pi lrls-es also iriodes \'i-ra-,dez, 'ir-a-\ [ME, fr. ber of any of the Iroquois peoples
L iris rainbow, iris plant, fro Gk, rainbow, iris plant, iris of ir-ra-di-ate \i-'ra-de-,at\ vb -at-ed; -at-inq 1 : to supply or
the eye] 1 : the colored part around the pupil of the eye brighten with light: rLLUMINATE 2 : ENLIGHTEN 3: to treat
2 : any of a large genus of plants with linear basal leaves by exposure to radiation 4 RADIATE - lr-ra-dl-a-tlon
and large showy flowers \-,ra-de-'a-shan\ n
Irish "ir-ish\ n 1 Irish pi : the people of Ireland 2: the "lr-ra-tlo-nal \(,)i-'ra-sha-nal\ adj : incapable of reasoning
Celtic language of Ireland - Irish adj - trlsh-rnan <- beasts); also: defective in mental power <- with
\-man\ n - trtsh-wem-an \-,wU-man\ n fever) 2 + : not based on reason <- fears) 3: being or
Irish bull n : an incongruous statement (as "it was heredi- numerically equal to an irrational number - lr-ra-tlo-nal-
tary in his family to have no children") i.ty \(,)i-,ra-sha-'na-Ia-te\ n - ir-ra-tio-nal-ly adv
Irish coffee n : hot sugared coffee with Irish whiskey and + fallaclous, illogical, invalid, unreasonable, unsound,
whipped cream weak - more at ILLOGICAL
Irish moss n : the dried and bleached plants of a red alga 2irrational n : IRRATIONAL NUMBER
that is a source of carrageenan; also : this red alga irrational number n : a real number that cannot be ex-
Irish setter n : any of a breed of hunting dogs with a ma- pressed as the quotient of two integers
hogany-red coat ir-rec-on-cil-able \(,)i-,re-kan-'si-Ia-bal, -'re-kan-,si-\ adj
irk \'ark\ vb : to make weary, irritated, or bored: ANNOY : impossible to reconcile, adjust, or harmonize - ir-rec-
+ aggravate, annoy, bother, bug, chafe, exasperate, gall, on-cil-abd-i-ty \(,)i-,re-lcan-,sI-la-'bi-la-te\ n
get, grate, irritate, nettle, peeve, persecute, pique, put irreocovoerable \,ir-i-'ka-va-ra-bal\ adj : not capable of be-
out, rasp, rile, vex - more at IRRITATE ing recovered or rectified : IRREPARABLE - tr-re-cov-er-
irk-some \'ark-sam\ adj + : tending to irk: ANNOYING - ably \-ble\ adv
lrk-some-ly adv ir-re-deem-able \,ir-i-'de-ma-bal\ adj 1 : not redeemable;
453 -ish

esp : not terminable by payment of the principal <an ,..... ir-re-triev-able \,ir-i-'tre-va-bal\ adj : not retrievable : IR-
bond) 2: not convertible into gold or silver at the will of RECOVERABLE
the holder 3 + : being beyond remedy ir-rev-er-ence \(,)i-'re-va-rans\ n 1: lack of reverence
+ hopeless, incorrigible, incurable, irremediable, ir- 2 : an irreverent act or utterance
reparable, unrecoverable, unredeemable - more at blasphemy, defilement, desecration, impiety, sacri-
lr-re-den-tlsm \-'den-,ti-z;lm\ n : a principle or policy di- ir-rev-er-ent \-rant\ adj : lacking proper respect or serious-
rected toward the incorporation of a territory historically ness; also: SATIRIC - ir-rev-er-ent-ly adv
or ethnically part of another into that other - irore-den- lr-re-vers-lble \,ir-i-'var-sa-bal\ adj : incapable of being re-
tist \-tist\ n or adj versed
Ir-re-duc-Ible \,ir-i-'dii-s;l-b;ll, -'dyii-\ adi : not reducible - lr-rev-o-ca-ble \(,)i-'re-va-ka-bal\ adj : incapable of being
ir-re-duc-ibly \-ble\ adv revoked or recalled - ir-rev-o-ca-bly \-ble\ adv
tr-re-tut-abte \,ir-i-'fyii-t;l-b;ll, (,)i-'re-fy;}t-\ adi + : impossi- iroriogale \'ir-a-,gat\ vb -galoed; + : to supply (as
ble to refute land) with water by artificial means; also: to flush with
+ incontestable, indisputable, indubitable, unanswer- liquid - ir.rioga.tion \,ir-a-'ga-shan\ n
able, undeniable, unquestionable; also certain, definite, + flush, rinse, sluice, wash - more at FLUSH
positive, sure; unambiguous, unequivocal; absolute, ir.ri.ta.bil.i.ty \,ir-a-ta-'bi-Ia-te\ n 1 : the property of living
clear, conclusive, decisive; uncontested, undisputed Ant things and of protoplasm that enables reaction to stimuli
answerable, debatable, disputable, questionable 2 + : the quality or state of being irritable; esp : readiness
irreg abbr irregular to become annoyed or angry
ir.reg.u.lar \(,)i-'re-gy;}-I;}r\ adj 1 + : not regular: not nat- + grumpiness, peevishness
ural or uniform 2: not conforming to the normal or ir-ri-ta-ble \'ir-a-ta-bal\ adj + : capable of being irritated;
usual manner of inflection <,..... verbs) 3: not belonging esp : readily or easily irritated - ir.ri.ta.bly \-ble\ adv
to a regular or organized army <,..... troops) - irregular n
+ choleric, crabby, cranky, cross, crotchety, grouchy,
- adv grumpy, irascible, peevish, perverse, petulant, short,
+ aberrant, abnormal, anomalous, atypical, deviant, tempered, snappish, snappy, snippy, testy, waspish; also
unnatural - more at DEVIANT + informal, unceremoni- bearish, bilious, cantankerous, disagreeable, dyspeptic,
ous, unconventional, unorthodox - more at INFORMAL ill-humored, ill-natured, ill-tempered, ornery, surly;
ir.reg.u.lar.i.ty \i-,re-gy;l-'Iar-;l-te\ n, pi -ties 1 : something sensitive, sulky, thin-skinned, touchy; hot-blooded, pas-
that is irregular 2: the quality or state of being irregular sionate
3 : occasional constipation lr-rl-tant Vir-a-tent', n + : something that irritates or excites
lr-rel-e-vant \(,)i-'re-I;}-v;}nt\ adj + : not relevant - irreloe- - irritant adj
vance \-v;lns\ n + aggravation, annoyance, bother, exasperation, frus-
+ extraneous, immaterial; also inconsequential, in- tration, hassle, headache, inconvenience, nuisance,
significant, unimportant; meaningless, pointless, sense- peeve, pest, problem, thorn - more at ANNOYANCE
less, useless; inappropriate, inapt, unsuitable lr-rl-tate \'ir-a-,tat\ vb -tat-ed; -tat-lnq 1 +: to excite to \,ir-i-'Ii-j;}s\ adj + : lacking religious emotions, anger: EXASPERATE 2 + : to make sore or inflamed - ir-
doctrines, or practices adv
+ blasphemous, nonreligious, sacrilegious Ant religious + [1] aggravate, annoy, bother, bug, chafe, exasperate,
Ir-re-me-di-a-ble \,ir-i-'me-de-:l-b:ll\ adi + : impossible to gall, get, grate, irk, nettle, peeve, persecute, pique, put
remedy or correct out, rasp, rile, vex; also hassle, heckle; nag; inflame,
+ hopeless, incorrigible, incurable, irredeemable, unre- provoke, rouse; bait, harass, harry, pester; anger, en-
coverable, unredeemable - more at HOPELESS rage, incense, infuriate, madden; agitate, disturb, fret,
perturb, upset; affront, insult, offend, outrage + [2]
ir-re-mov-able \-'mii-v"-b,,l\ adj : not removable
abrade, chafe, gall - more at CHAFE
tr-rep-a-ra-ble \(,)i-'re-p:l-r;rb;ll\ adj + : impossible to make
good, undo, repair, or remedy <,..... damage) irritating adj + : causing displeasure or annoyance
+ irredeemable, irremediable, unrecoverable, unre- + aggravating, annoying, bothersome, frustrating,
deemable; also irreplaceable, irrevocable Ant re- galling, irksome, pesty, vexatious - more at ANNOYING
deemable, remediable, retrievable lr-rl-ta-tlon \,ir-a-'tii-shan\ n : the act of irritating: the state
ir-re-ptace-abte \,ir-i-'plii-s:l-b:ll\ adj : not replaceable of being irritated; also: something that irritates
ir-re-press-ible \-'pre-s:l-b;ll\ adj : impossible to repress or ir-rupt \(,)i-'rapt\ vb 1 : to rush in forcibly or violently
control 2 : to increase suddenly in numbers <rabbits,..... in cycles)
ir-re-proach-able \-'pro-ch:l-b:ll\ adj + : not reproachable ir-rup-tion \-'rap-shan\ n + : an act or instance of irrupting;
esp : a sudden violent or forcible entry
+ blameless, clear, faultless, guiltless, impeccable, inno-
cent, irreproachable - more at INNOCENT + descent, foray, incursion, invasion, raid - more at
tr-re-stst-lbte \,ir-i-'zis-ta-bal\ adj : impossible to success-
fully resist - lr-re-sist-lbly \-ble\ adv IRS abbr Internal Revenue Service
ir'reso()olute \(,)i-'re-za-,Iiit\ adi : uncertain how to act or is pres 3d sing oj BE
proceed : VACILLATING - ir-res-o-lute-ly \-,Ilit-Ie; (,)i-,re- Isa or Is abbr Isaiah
Isa-iah \I-'zii-a\ n 1 : a major Hebrew prophet in Judah
za-'Ilit-\ adv
about 740 to 701 B.C. 2: a book of Jewish and Christian
lr-res-o-fu-tion \(,)i-,re-za-'Ili-sh;ln\ n + : lack of resolution
: a fluctuation of mind (as in doubt or between hope and
lsa-las \i-'zii-as\ n : ISAIAH
ISBN abbr International Standard Book Number
+ hesitancy, hesitation. indecision, vacillation - more ls-che-mla \is-'ke-me-a\ n : deficient supply of blood to a
at HESITATION body part (as the brain) - ls-che-mtc \-mik\ adi
lr-re-spec-tlve of \,ir-i-'spek-tiv-\prep : without regard to -lsh \ish\ adi suffix 1 : of, relating to, or being <Finnish)
ir-re-spon-si-ble \-'span-sa-bal\ adi + : not responsible- 2 : characteristic of <boyish) <mulish) 3: inclined or li-
ir-re-spon-si-bil-i-ty \-,span-sa-'bi-Ia-te\ n - lr-re-spon-si- able to <bookish) 4: having a touch or trace of : some-
bly \-'span-sa-ble\ adv what <purplish) 5: having the approximate age of
+ foolhardy, reckless - more at RECKLESS <fortyish)
isinglass 454
isinoglass \'lz-On-,glas, 'I-zil)-\ n 1 : a gelatin obtained from number of neutrons in an atom - iso-to-pic \,I-sa-'tii-pik,
various fish 2: mica esp. in thin sheets -'t6-\ adj - iso-to-pi-cally \-'tii-pi-k(a- )le, -'to-\ adv
isl abbr island Isr abbr Israel; Israeli
ls-larn \is-'Iiim, iz-, -'lam, 'is-" 'iz-,\ n [Ar islam submission ts-rae-li \iz-'ra-le\ n, pl Israelis also Israeli : a native or in-
(to the will of Godj] : the religious faith of Muslims in- habitant of Israel - Israeli adj
cluding belief in Allah as the sole deity and in Muham- ts-ra-el-lte \'iz-re-a-,Ht\ n : a member of the Hebrew people
mad as his prophet; also : the civilization built on this descended from Jacob
faith - ts-lam-ic \is-'Iii-mik, iz-, -'Ia-\ adj is-su-ance \,i-shu-wans\ n + : the act of issuing or giving
is-land \'I-Iand\ n [ME iland, fr. OE igland, fr. ig island + out esp. officially
land land) 1 : a body of land smaller than a continent allocation, dispensation, distribution, division - more
surrounded by water 2 : something resembling an island at DISTRIBUTION
in its isolation 'is.sue \'i-shii\ n [ME, exit, proceeds, fro AF, fro issir to
cay, isle, key come out, go out, fro L. exire, fro ire to go) 1 : the action
of going, coming, or flowing out : EGRESS, EMERGENCE
is-land-er Vi-lan-darv n : a native or inhabitant of an island
2 : a means or place of going out: EXIT, OUTLET 3 + : the
isle \'I(-a)l\ n : a small island
product of the reproductive processes of an animal or
+ cay, island, key plant : OFFSPRING, PROGENY 4: OUTCOME, RESULT 5: a
is-let \ 'I-Iat\ n : a small island point of debate or controversy; also: the point at which
ism \'i-zam\ n : a distinctive doctrine, cause, or theory an unsettled matter is ready for a decision 6: a discharge
-lsrn \,i-zam\ n suffix 1 : act: practice: process <criticism) (as of blood) from the body 7: something coming forth
2 : manner of action or behavior characteristic of a (spec- from a specified source 8: the act of officially giving out
ified) person or thing <fanaticism) 3: state : condition or printing : PUBLICATION; also: the quantity of things
: property <dualism) 4: abnormal state or condition <al- given out at one time
coholism) 5: doctrine: theory: cult <Buddhism) 6: ad- offspring, posterity, progeny, seed, spawn - more at
herence to a set of principles <stoicism) 7: prejudice or OFFSPRING
discrimination on the basis of a (specified) attribute issue vb is-sued; is-su-lnq 1 : to go, come, or flow out
<racism) <sexism) 8: characteristic or peculiar feature 2 : to come forth or cause to come forth : EMIT 3: AC-
or trait <colloquialism) CRUE 4: to descend from a specified parent or ancestor
iso-bar \'j-sa-,biir\ n : a line on a map connecting places of 5 : to result in 6: to put forth or distribute officially
equal barometric pressure - iso-bar-lc \,I-sa-'biir-ik, 7 + : to send out for sale or circulation: PUBLISH 8: EM-
-'bar-\ adj ANATE, RESULT - is-su-er n
iso-late \'I-sa-,Hit\ vb -lat-ed; [fro isolated set apart, (2) cast, discharge, emit, exhale, expel, release, shoot,
fro F isole, fr. It isolato, fr. isola island, fr. L insula) + : to vent - more at EMIT [7) get out, print, publish-
place or keep by itself: separate from others more at PUBLISH
cut off, insulate, seclude, segregate, separate, se- t-lst \ist\ n suffix 1 : one that performs a (specified) action
quester; also quarantine; confine, immure, incarcerate, <cyclist) : one that makes or produces <novelist) 2: one
intern, jail, lock (up), restrain, restrict; detach, disen- that plays a (specified) musical instrument <harpist)
gage, remove; detain, hold, keep Ant desegregate, inte- 3 : one that operates a (specified) mechanical instrument
grate or contrivance <machinist) 4: one that specializes in a
Iso-lat-ed adj 1 : occurring alone or once: UNIQUE 2: SPO- (specified) art or science or skill <geologist) 5: one that
RADIC 3 : placed alone or apart adheres to or advocates a (specified) doctrine or system
+ cloistered, covert, quiet, remote, secluded, secret- or code of behavior <socialist) or that of a (specified) in-
more at SECLUDED dividual <Darwinist)
iso-la-tion \,I-sa-'la-shan\ n + : the action of isolating: the -ist adi suffix : -ISTIC
condition of being isolated isth-mi-an \'is-me-an\ adj : of, relating to, or situated in or
near an isthmus
+ insulation, seclusion, segregation, sequestration, soli- isth-mus Vis-mas', n : a narrow strip of land connecting
tude; also loneliness, lonesomeness; confinement, incar-
two larger portions of land
ceration, internment, quarantine; retirement, with-
-is-tlc \'is-tik\ or -ls-ti-cal \'is-ti-k<ll\ ad} suffix : of, relating
to, or characteristic of <altruistic)
Iso-la-tion-ism \,I-sa-'Ia-sha-,ni-zam\ n : a policy of na- 'it \'it\pron 1 : that one - used of a lifeless thing, a plant,
tional isolation by abstention from international political a person or animal, or an abstract entity <""s a big build-
and economic relations - lso-la-tlon-lst \-sha-nist\ n or ing) <""s a shade tree) <who is "') <beauty is every-
aqj where and", is a source of joy) 2 - used as a subject
iso-mer \'I-sa-mar\ n : any of two or more chemical com- of an impersonal verb that expresses a condition or ac-
pounds that contain the same numbers of atoms of the tion without reference to an agent <'" is raining) 3 -
same elements but differ in structural arrangement and used as an anticipatory subject or object <""s good to see
properties - iso-rner-ic \,j-sa-'mer-ik\ ad} - tsom-er-tsrn you)
\I-'sii-ma-,ri-zam\ n it \'it\ n : the player in a game who performs the principal
iso-met-rics \,j-sa-'me-triks\ n sing or pI : exercise involving action of the game (as trying to find others in hide-and-
a series of brief and intense contractions of muscles seek)
against each other or against an immovable resistance - It abbr Italian; Italy
tso-met-ric ad} ital abbr italic; italicized
iso-prene \'j-sa-,pren\ n : a hydrocarbon used esp, in mak- Ital abbr Italian
ing synthetic rubber ttal-lan \i-'tal-y<ln\ n 1: a native or inhabitant of Italy
isos-ce-les \j-'sii-sa-,Iez\ adj : having two equal sides <an 2 : the language of Italy - Italian adj
'" triangle) Ital-ic \i-'ta-lik, 1-\ ad} : relating to type in which the letters
iso-therm \'I-sa-,tharm\ n : a line on a map connecting slope up toward the right (as in "italic") - italic n
points having the same temperature ltal-l-cise Brit var O/ITALICIZE
iso-ther-mal \,I-sa-'thar-mal\ adj : of, relating to, or marked ltal-l-clze \i-'ta-l<l-,slz, 1-\ vb -cized; : to print in ital-
by equality of temperature ics - ltat-l-cl-za-tlon \-,ta-Ia-s<l-'za-sh<ln\ n
iso-tope \'j-sa-,top\ n [Gk isos equal + topos place) : any of 'itch \'ich\ n 1 : an uneasy irritating skin sensation that
the forms of a chemical element that differ chiefly in the evokes a desire to scratch the affected area 2: a skin dis-
455 jacket

order accompanied by an itch 3 : a persistent desire - errant, nomad, peripatetic, roaming, vagabond, va-
itchyadj grant; also drifting, footloose, meandering, rambling;
appetite, craving, desire, drive, hankering, hunger, sauntering, strolling, traipsing, walking
longing, lust, passion, thirst, urge, yearning, yen- itin-er.ary\i-'ti-na-,rer-e, a-\ n, pi -ar-les 1 : the route of a
more at DESIRE journey or the proposed outline of one 2: a travel diary
.itch vb 1 : to have an itch; also: to produce an itchy sen- 3 : GUIDEBOOK
sation 2.: to have a restless desire or hankering for its \'its\ adj : of or relating to it or itself
something - usu. used with for lt-sett \it-'self\pron : that identical one - used reflexively,
usu itch for ache for, crave, desire, die for, hanker for, for emphasis, or in absolute constructions
hunger for, long for, lust (for or after), pine for, repine -ity \a-te\ n suffix : quality: state: degree <alkalinity>
for, thirst for, want, wish for, yearn for - more at DE- IUD \,i-(,)yU-'de\n : INTRAUTERINE DEVICE
IV \,i-'ve\ n [intravenous) : an apparatus used to administer
-ite \,it\ n suffix 1 : native : resident <suburbanite> 2: ad- a fluid (as of nutrients) intravenously; also: a fluid ad-
herent : follower <Leninite> 3: product <metabolite> ministered by IV
-ive \iv\ adi suffix : that performs or tends toward an (in-
4 : mineral: rock <quartzite>
item \'i-tam\ n [L, likewise, also) 1 : a separate particu- dicated) action <corrective>
lar in a list, account, or series: ARTICLE 2 : a separate ivo-ry\'i-vre, -vo-rev n, pi -ries [ME ivorie, fr. AF ivoire,
piece of news (as in a newspaper) ivurie, fro L eboreus of ivory, fr. ebur ivory) 1 : the hard
creamy-white material composing the tusks of an ele-
+ [1) article, constituent, detail, element, feature, in- phant or walrus 2: a pale yellow color 3: something
gredient, particular, point [2) intelligence, news, made of ivory or of a similar substance
story, tidings, word - more at NEWS ivorytower n 1 : an impractical lack of concern with ur-
ltem-lse chieflyBrit var of ITEMIZE gent problems 2: a place of learning
ttern-lze \'i-ta-,miz\ vb -ized; : to set down in detail ivy\'i-ve\ n, pi Ivies : a trailing woody evergreen vine with
- ltem-l-za-tlcn \,i-ta-ma-'za-shan\ n small black berries that is related to ginseng
+ detail, enumerate, inventory, list, numerate - more IWW abbr Industrial Workers of the World
at LIST -ize \,iz\ vb suffix 1 : cause to be or conform to or resem-
it-er-ate\'i-ta-,rat\ vb -at-ed:-aloing: REITERATE, REPEAT ble <Americanize> : cause to be formed into <unionize>
tt-er-a-tlcn\,i-ta-'ra-shan\ n 1 : REPETITION; esp : a compu- 2 : subject to a (specified) action <satirize> 3: saturate,
tational process in which a series of operations is re- treat, or combine with <macadamize> 4 : treat like <idol-
peated until a condition is met 2: one repetition of the ize> 5: become: become like <crystallize> 6: be pro-
series of operations in iteration ductive in or of : engage in a (specified) activity
ltln-er-ant\i-'ti-na-rant, a-\ adj + : traveling from place to <philosophize> 7: adopt or spread the manner of activity
place; esp : covering a circuit <an - preacher> or the teaching of <Christianize>

glish alphabet
.j abbr, often cap 1 jack 2 journal 3 judge 4 justice
'j \'ja\ n, pi j's or js \iiiz\ often cap: the 10th letter of the En- ure of a soldier or servant 7: a socket into which a plug
is inserted for connecting electric circuits 8 a : an adult
male human b: a member of a ship's crew
'jab \'jab\ vb jabbed; jab-bing: to thrust quickly or abruptly + banner, colors (or colours), ensign, flag, pennant,
: POKE standard, streamer - more at FLAG
jab n + : a usu. short straight punch jack vb 1 + : to raise by means of a jack 2 : to raise the
dab, dig, poke - more at POKE level of <- up prices>
'jab-ber \,ja-bar\ vb : to talk rapidly, indistinctly, or unin- boost, crane, elevate, heave, heft, heighten, hike,
telligibly : CHATTER hoist, lift, pick up, raise, up, uphold - more at RAISE
babble, chatter, drivel, gabble, gibber, prattle, sputter jack-al\'ja-kal\ n [Turk cakal, fr. Pers shaqiil] : any of sev-
- more at BABBLE eral mammals of Asia and Africa related to the wolves
jabber n : unintelligibleor meaningless language [aek-a-napes\'ja-ka-,naps\ n 1 : MONKEY, APE 2 : an impu-
jab-ber-ern : one that jabbers dent or conceited person
chatterbox, magpie, talker - more at CHATTERBOX [ack-ass\'jak-,as\ n 1 : the domestic ass : DONKEY; esp : a
jab-ber.wocky\'ja-bar-,wa-ke\ n : meaninglessspeech or male donkey 2 : a stupid person
writing [I) ass, donkey - more at DONKEY [2] blockhead,
+ babble, gabble, gibberish, gobbledygook, hogwash, dolt, donkey, dope, dummy, idiot, imbecile, nitwit,
jabber, nonsense, piffle, prattle - more at GIBBERISH numskull, simpleton - more at IDIOT
ja-bot \zha-'bo, 'ja-,bo\ n : a ruffle worn down the front of [ack-boot\-,but\ n 1 : a heavy military boot of glossy black
a dress or shirt leather extending above the knee 2: a laceless military
[ac-a-ran-da\Ja-ka-'ran-da\ n : any of a genus of pinnate= boot reaching to the calf
leaved tropical American trees with clusters of showy jackodaw\'jak-,d6\ n : a black and gray Old World crow-
blue flowers like bird
'jack \'jak\ n 1 : a mechanical device; esp : one used to raise jack-et\'ja-k:lt\ n [MEjaket, fro AFjackes, pl., dim. of MF
a heavy body a short distance 2: a male donkey 3: a jaque short jacket, fro jacques peasant, fro the name
small target ball in lawn bowling 4 + : a small national Jacques James] 1 : a garment for the upper body usu.
flag flown by a ship 5: a small 6-pointed metal object having a front opening, collar, and sleeves 2 : an outer
used in a game (jacks) 6: a playing card bearing the fig- covering or casing <a book A-)
Jack Frost 456
armor, capsule, case, casing, cocoon, cover, housing, + brig, hoosegow, jug, lockup, pen, penitentiary,
husk, pod, sheath, shell - more at CASE prison, stockade; also bull pen; concentration camp,
Jack Frost n : frost or frosty weather personified prison camp; dungeon, keep; reformatory, reform
jack-ham-mer \'jak-,ha-m::.r\ n : a pneumatic percussion school
tool for drilling rock or breaking pavement 'jail vb : to confine in or as if in a jail
jack-in-the-box n, pI jack-in-the-boxes or jacks-in-the- + commit, confine, immure, imprison - more at IM-
box: a toy consisting of a small box out of which a figure PRISON
springs when the lid is raised jail-bird \-,b::.rd\ n : an habitual criminal
jack-in-the-pulpit n, pi jack-in-the-pulpits also jacks-In- jail-break \-,briik\ n : a forcible escape from jail
the-pulpit : a No. American spring-flowering woodland jail-er also jail-or \'jii-I::.r\ n : a keeper of a jail
herb having an upright club-shaped spadix arched over jal-ap \,ja-);lP, 'ja-\ n : a powdered purgative drug from the
by a green and purple spathe root of a Mexican plant related to the morning glory; also
'jack-knife \'jak-,nlf\ n 1 : a large pocketknife 2: a dive in : this root or plant
which the diver bends from the waist and touches the an- [a-ta-pe-no \,ha-la-'piin-(,)y6\ n : a small plump dark green
kles before straightening out chili pepper
2jackknife vb : to fold like a jackknife <the trailer truck [a-topy \j::.-'Ia-pe\ n, pi [a-lop-res : a dilapidated vehicle (as
jackknifed) an automobile)
jack-leg \'jak-,Ieg\ adj 1: lacking skill or training jal-ou-sie \'ja-I::.-se\ n [F, lit., jealousy) : a blind, window, or
2 : MAKESHIFT door with adjustable horizontal slats or louvers
jack-of-all-trades n, pi jacks-of-all-trades : one who is 'jam \'jam\ vb jammed; jam-ming 1 + : to press into a close
able to do passable work at various tasks or tight position; also : to become blocked or wedged
[ack-c-tan-tern \'ja-k::.-,Ian-t::.rn\ n : a lantern made of a 2 : to cause to become wedged so as to be unworkable;
pumpkin cut to look like a human face also: to make or become unworkable through the jam-
jack-pot \'jak-,pat\ n 1 : a large sum of money formed by ming of a movable part 3: to push forcibly <- on the
the accumulation of stakes from previous play (as in brakes> 4: CRUSH, BRUISE 5: to make unintelligible by
poker) 2: an impressive and often unexpected success or sending out interfering signals or messages 6: to take
reward part in a jam session 7: to fill often to excess - jam-mer
jack-rab-bit \-,ra-b::.t\ n : any of several large hares of west- n
ern No. America with very long ears and hind legs + cram, crowd, ram, sandwich, squeeze, stuff, wedge -
Jack Russell terrier \'jak-'ra-s::.I-\ n : any of a breed of more at CROWD + block, choke, clog, close (off), con-
small terriers having a white coat with dark markings gest, dam, obstruct, plug (up), stop (up), stuff - more
jack-straw \-,str6\ n 1 pi : a game in which straws or thin at CLOG
sticks are let fall in a heap and each player in turn tries to 'jam n 1 + : a crowded mass that impedes or blocks <traf-
remove them one at a time without disturbing the rest fic - > 2: a difficult state of affairs
2 : one of the straws or sticks in jackstraws + backup, bottleneck, snarl
jack-tar \-'tar\ n, often cap + : a member of a ship's crew 3jam n : a food made by boiling fruit and sugar to a thick
: SAILOR consistency
+ gob, jack, mariner, sailor, seaman, swab, tar - more Jam abbr Jamaica
at SAILOR Ja-mai-can \j::.-'mii-k::.n\ n : a native or inhabitant of Ja-
Ja-cob's ladder \'\ n : any of several perennial maica - Jamaican adj
herbs related to phlox that have pinnate leaves and blue jamb \'jam\ n [MEjambe, fr. AF jambe, gambe, lit., leg)
or white bell-shaped flowers : an upright piece forming the side of an opening (as of a
jac-quard \'ja-,kard\ n, often cap: a fabric of intricate var- door)
iegated weave or pattern jam-ba-laya \J::.m-b::.-'II-::.\ n [LaF) : rice cooked with ham,
'jade \'jiid\ n 1: a broken-down, vicious, or worthless sausage, chicken, shrimp, or oysters and seasoned with
horse 2: a disreputable woman herbs
'jade vb jad-ed; jad-ing 1 : to wear out by overwork or jam-bo-ree \Jam-b::.-'re\ n : a large festive gathering
abuse 2 + : to become weary esp. through repetition or James \'jiimz\ n : a moral lecture addressed to early Chris-
excess tians and included as a book in the New Testament
bore, tire, weary - more at BORE jam-pack \'jam-'pak\ vb + : to pack tightly or to excess
3jade n [F, fr. obs. Sp (piedra de la) ijada, lit., loin stone; fro
+ charge, cram, fill, heap, jam, load, pack, stuff-
more at FILL
the belief that jade cures renal colic) : a usu. green gem-
jam session n : an impromptu performance esp, by jazz
stone that takes a high polish
jad-ed adj + : fatigued by overwork; also: made dull, apa-
Jan abbr January
thetic, or cynical by experience or by surfeit \'jal)-g::.l\ vb jan.gled; jan.gling : to make a harsh or
+ beat, bushed, dead, drained, limp, prostrate, spent, discordant sound - jangle n
tired, weary, worn-out - more at WEARY jan-i-tor \'ja-n::.-t::.r\ n [L, doorkeeper, fr. janus arch, gate)
'jag \'jag\ n : a sharp projecting part 1 + : a person who has the care of a building 2: a person
'jag n : SPREE who tends a door - [an-l-to-rl-at \Ja-n::.-'t6r-e-::.I\ adj
jag.ged \'ja-g::.d\ adj + : sharply notched + caretaker, custodian, guardian, keeper, warden,
+ broken, craggy, ragged, scraggly - more at RAGGED watchman - more at CUSTODIAN
jag-uar \'ja-,gwar\ n : a black-spotted tropical American Jan-u-ary \'ja-ny::.-,wer-e\ n [ME Januarie, fr. L Januarius,
cat that is larger and stockier than the Old World leopard first month of the ancient Roman year, fr. Janus, two'
jai alai \'hI-,II\ n [Sp, fro Basque, fr.jai festival + alai merry) faced god of gates and beginnings) : the 1st month of the
: a court game played by USU. two or four players with a year
ball and a curved wicker basket strapped to the wrist 'ja-pan \j::.-'pan\ n : a varnish giving a hard brilliant finish
'jail \'jiil\ n [MEjaiole, fro AF gaiole,jaiole, fr. LL caveola, 'japan vb ja-panned; ja-pan-ning : to cover with a coat of
dim. of L cavea cage) + : a place of confinement for per- japan
sons held in lawful custody: PRISON; esp : such a place for Jap-a-nese \Ja-p::.-'nez, -'nes\ n, pi Japanese 1 : a native or
the confinement of persons awaiting trial or those con- inhabitant of Japan 2: the language of Japan - Japan-
victed of minor crimes eseadj
457 jeopardize

Japanese beetle n : a small metallic green and brown [ay-vee \Ja-'ve\ n 1 : JUNIOR VARSITY 2: a member of a jun-
scarab beetle introduced from Japan that is a pest on the ior varsity team
roots of grasses as a grub and on foliage and fruits as an jay.walk \'ja-,wok\ vb : to cross a street carelessly without
adult regard for traffic regulations - [ay-walk-er n
'jape \'jap\ vb japed; jap-ing 1 : JOKE 2: MOCK 'jazz \'jaz\ n 1 : American music characterized by improv-
2jape n : JEST, GIBE isation, syncopated rhythms, and contrapuntal ensemble
'jar \'jar\ vb jarred; jar.ring 1 : to make a harsh or discor- playing 2 + : empty talk 3: similar but unspecified things
dant sound 2 : to have a harsh or disagreeable effect : STUFF
3: VIBRATE, SHAKE + bunk, claptrap, drivel, gibberish, hogwash, nonsense,
clash, collide, conflict - more at CLASH piffle, prattle, rot - more at GIBBERISH
2jar n 1 : a state of conflict 2: a harsh discordant sound 2jazz vb + : to increase the appeal or excitement of : ENLIVEN
3 : a sudden or unexpected shake: JOLT 4: a painful ef- <",things up>
fect : SHOCK + usu jazz up animate, brace, energize, enliven, fire, in-
+ bump, collision, concussion, crash, impact, jolt, vigorate, liven up, pep up, quicken, stimulate, vitalize,
shock, smash, strike, wallop - more at IMPACT vivify, zip (up) - more at ANIMATE
3jar n : a widemouthed container usu. of glass or earthen- jazzy \'ja-ze\ adj jazz-i-er; -est 1 : having the characteris-
ware tics of jazz 2 : marked by unrestraint, animation, or
jar-di-niere \Jard-on-'ir\ n : an ornamental stand for plants flashiness
or flowers active, animate, animated, flashy, jaunty, lively, racy,
jarogon \'jar-g;m\ n 1 : confused unintelligible language sharp, smart, snappy, spirited, sprightly
2 + : the special vocabulary of a particular group or ac- JCS abbr joint chiefs of staff
tivity 3: obscure and often pretentious language jet abbr junction
+ argot, cant, language, lingo, slang, terminology, vo- JD abbr 1 doctor of jurisprudence; doctor of law 2 doc-
cabulary - more at TERMINOLOGY tor of laws 3 justice department 4 juvenile delinquent
Jas abbr James jeal-ous \'je-las\ adj 1 : demanding complete devotion
[as-mine \'jaz-man\ n [MF jasmin, fro Ar ydsamin, fro Pers] 2 + : hostile toward a rival or of one believed to enjoy an
: any of various climbing shrubs with fragrant flowers advantage 3: VIGILANT - jeal-ous-ly adv
[as-per \'jas-par\ n : a usu. red, yellow, or brown opaque + covetous, envious, jaundiced, resentful- more at
quartz ENVIOUS
jaunodiee \'jon-das\ n 1 : yellowish discoloration of skin, [eal-ou-sy \-la-se\ n 1 + : a jealous disposition, attitude, or
tissues, and body fluids by bile pigments; also: an abnor- feeling 2: zealous vigilance
mal condition marked by jaundice 2: a state or attitude
covetousness, enviousness, envy, resentment - more
characterized by satiety, distaste, or hostility
jaunodieed \-dast\ adj 1 : affected with or as if with jaun-
dice 2 + : exhibiting envy, distaste, or hostility jeans \'jenz\ n pi [pI. of jean twilled cloth, short for jean
fustian, fr. ME Gene Genoa, Italy] : pants made of durable
+ covetous, envious, jealous, resentful - more at ENVI- twilled cotton cloth
ous + antagonistic, hostile, inhospitable, inimical, nega-
jeep \'jep\ n [prob. fro g.p. (abbr. of general purpose)] : a
tive, unfriendly, unsympathetic - more at HOSTILE
small four-wheel drive general-purpose motor vehicle
jaunt \'jont\ n : a short trip uSU. for pleasure
used in World War II
excursion, junket, outing, sally - more at EXCURSION 'jeer \'jir\ vb + : to speak or cry out in derision: MOCK
jaun-ti-ly \'jon-ta-Ie\ adv : in a light or carefree manner + deride, gibe, laugh, mock, ridicule, scout - more at
exuberantly, gaily, sprightly - more at GAILY RIDICULE
jaun-ty \'jon-te\ ad] [aun-ti-er; -est + : sprightly in manner 2jeer n : a jeering remark or sound: TAUNT
or appearance: LIVELY - jaun.ti.ness \-te-n::>s\ n boo, catcall, hiss. hoot. raspberry. snort. taunt-
+ active, animate, animated, brisk, energetic, lively, more at CATCALL
snappy, spirited, sprightly, springy - more at LIVELY Je-ho-vah \ii-'bo-va\ n + : the supreme or ultimate reality
Ja-ve-nese \Ja-va-'nez, Jii-, -'nes\ n : a native or inhabitant + Almighty, deity, Supreme Being
of the Indonesian island of Java je-hu \'je-hu, -hyii\ n : a driver of a coach or cab
[av-e-tin \'ja-va-Ian\ n 1 : a light spear 2: a slender shaft
je-june \ii-'jun\ adj [Ljejunus empty of food, hungry, mea-
thrown for distance in a track -and-field contest
ger] : lacking interest or significance: DULL
'jaw \'jo\ n 1: either of the bony or cartilaginous struc-
je-ju-num \ii-'ju-nam\ n [L] : the section of the small intes-
tures that support the soft tissues enclosing the mouth
tine between the duodenum and the ileum - je-ju-nal
and that uSU. bear teeth 2: the parts forming the walls of
\-'jun-Ol\ adj
the mouth and serving to open and close it - usu. used
jell \'jel\ vb 1 .: to come to the consistency of jelly
in pl. 3: one of a pair of movable parts for holding or
2 + : to take shape
crushing something - jawed \'jod\ adj
2jaw vb : to talk abusively, indignantly, or at length + [1] clot, coagulate, congeal, gel, set - more at COAG-
ULATE + [2] crystallize, form, shape, solidify
+ admonish, chide, lecture, rail (at or against), rate, re-
buke, reprimand, scold - more at SCOLD chat, con- ' \,je-Ie\ n, pi jellies 1 : a food with a soft elastic con-
verse, gab, palaver, patter, prattle, rattle, talk, visit- sistency due usu. to the presence of gelatin or pectin; esp
more at CHAT : a fruit product made by boiling sugar and the juice of a
'jaw.bone \-,bon\ n : JAW 1 fruit 2: a substance resembling jelly
2jawbone vb : to talk forcefully and persuasively 2jelly vb : to bring to or come to the consistency of jelly
jaw-break-er \-,bra-kar\ n 1 : a word difficult to pronounce jelly bean n : a bean-shaped candy
2 : a round hard candy \'je-Ie-,fish\ n : a marine coelenterate with a
jaw-drop-ping \'jo-,dra-pil)\ adj : causing great surprise or nearly transparent jellylike body and stinging tentacles
astonishment [en-net \,je-nat\ n 1 : a small Spanish horse 2: a female
[aw-less fish \'jo-Ias-\ n : any of a group of primitive verte- donkey
brates (as lampreys) without laws jen.ny \'je-ne\ n, pi jennies: a female bird or donkey
jay \'ja\ n : any of various noisy brightly colored often jeop-ar-dlze \-,dlz\ vb + : to expose to danger or risk
largely blue birds smaller than the related crows + adventure, compromise, gamble with, hazard, im-
jay.bird \'ja-,bard\ n : JAY perii, menace, risk, venture
jeopardy 458
jeopoarody \'je-p:)r-de\ n [MEjeopardie, fro AF juparti.Teu- ritability and occurs following a long flight through sev-
parti alternative, lit., divided game) : exposure to death, eral time zones - jet-lagged adi
loss, or injury jet-lin-er \'jet-,Ii-n:)r\ n : a jet-propelled airliner
danger, distress, peril, risk, trouble - more at DAN- jet-port \-,pOrt\ n : an airport designed to handle jets
GER jet-proopelled \,jet-pra-'peld\ adj : driven by an engine (jet
Jer abbr Jeremiah; Jeremias engine) that produces propulsion (jet propulsion) by the
[er-e-ml-ad \,jer-:)-'mi-~, -,ad\ n : a prolonged lamentation rearward discharge of a jet of fluid (as heated air and ex-
or complaint; also: a cautionary or angry harangue haust gases)
Jeroe-miah \,jer-:)-'mi-:)\ n : a book of Jewish and Christian jet-sam \'jet-sam\ n : jettisoned goods; esp : such goods
Scripture washed ashore
Jeroe-mias \,jer-:)-'mi-:)s\ n : JEREMIAH jet set n : an international group of wealthy people who
'jerk \'j:)rk\ n 1 : a short quick pull or twist: TWITCH frequent fashionable resorts
2 : an annoyingly stupid or foolish person - jet stream n : a long narrow high-altitude current of high"
\'j:)r-k:>-le\ adv speed winds blowing generally from the west
[1) draw, haul, pluck, pull, tug, twitch, wrench- 'jeMi.son \'je-t:)-s:)n\ vb 1 : to throw (goods) overboard to
more at PULL [2) beast, boor, churl, clown, creep, lighten a ship or aircraft in distress 2 : to get rid of as
cretin, cur, heel, joker, louse, lout, skunk, slob, snake; superfluous or encumbering: DISCARD
also brute, Neanderthal, savage; rascal, rogue, scamp, cast, discard, ditch, dump, fling, junk, lose, reject,
villain; fool, jackass, nitwit, nincompoop; blockhead, scrap, shed, shuck, slough, throwaway, throw out, un-
dolt, goon, idiot load - more at DISCARD
2jerk vb 1 .: to give a sharp quick push, pull, or twist 2jettison n : a voluntary sacrifice of cargo to lighten a ship's
2 : to move in short abrupt motions load in time of distress
[1) buck, hitch, jolt, twitch; also jounce, lurch, stag- jet.ty \'je-te\ n, pi jetties 1 : a pier built to influence the
ger; shake, jiggle; lug, pull, tug; pluck, tweak; grab, current or to protect a harbor 2 : a landing wharf
snap, snatch, wrench, wrest, wring [2) fiddle, fidget, dock, float, landing, levee, pier, quay, wharf - more
squirm, twitch, wiggle - more at FIDGET at DOCK
jer-kin \'j:)r-k:)n\ n : a close-fitting usu. sleeveless jacket jeu d'es-prit \zhre-des-'pre\ n, pi jeux d'esprit \same\ [F,
jerkwater \'j:)rk-,w6-t:)r, -,wa-\ adj [fro jerkwater rural lit., play of the mind) : a witty comment or composition
train) : of minor importance: INSIGNIFICANT <- towns) Jew \'jii\ n 1 : ISRAELITE 2: one whose religion is Judaism
jerky \'j:)r-ke\ adj 1 : moving along with or marked by fits - Jewish adj
and starts 2: lacking in sense, judgment, or discretion 'jew-el \,jii-:)l\ n [MEjuel, fr. AF, dim. oi iu.Ieu game, play,
[er-ry-bultt \'jer-e-,bilt\ adj : built cheaply and flimsily fr. Ljocus game, joke) 1 : an ornament of precious metal
jer.ry-rigged \-,rigd\ adj : organized or constructed in a 2 : a precious stone: GEMSTONE 3 : one that is highly
crude or improvised manner esteemed
artless, clumsy, crude, rough, rude, unrefined- [2) brilliant, gem, gemstone - more at GEM [3)
more at RUDE boast, credit, glory, honor (or honour), pride, treasure
jer.sey \'j:)r-ze\ n, pi jerseys [Jersey, one of the Channel is- - more at GLORY. [3) catch, gem, pearl, plum, prize,
lands) 1 : a plain weft-knitted fabric 2: a close-fitting treasure - more at PRJZE
knitted shirt 3 often cap : any of a breed of small usu. 2jewel vb -eled or -elled; -el-inq or -el.ling : to adorn or equip
fawn-colored dairy cattle with jewels
Jersey barrier n : a concrete slab that is used with others to jewel box n : a thin plastic case for a CD or DVD
block or reroute traffic or to divide a highway jew-eloer or jewoel.ler \,jii-:)-lar\ n : a person who makes or
Je-ru-sa-lem artichoke \j:)-'rii-s:)-l:)m-\ n : a No. American deals in jewelry and related articles
sunflower widely grown for its edible tubers that are used jewoel.ry or Can and Bit jew-el.lery \'jii-:)l-re\ n : JEWELS; esp
as a vegetable; also : its tubers : objects of precious metal set with gems and worn for
jess \'jes\ n : a leg strap by which a captive bird of prey personal adornment
may be controlled Jew.ry \'jur-e, 'ju-:)r-e, 'jii-re\ n : the Jewish people
jessamine var of JASMINE jg abbr junior grade
'jest \'jest\ n 1 .: an act intended to provoke laughter 'jib \'jib\ n : a triangular sail set on a line running from the
2 : a witty remark 3 : a frivolous mood <Said in -) bow to the mast
[1, 2) crack, gag, joke, laugh, pleasantry, quip, sally, 2jib vb jibbed; jib-bing: to refuse to proceed further
waggery, wisecrack, witticism - more at JOKE 'jibe var of GIBE
[3) fun, game, play, sport - more at FUN 2jibe \'jib\ vb jibed; jib-ing : to be in accord: AGREE
2jest vb : to speak or act without seriousness or in a friv- accord, agree, answer, check, coincide, comport,
olous manner; also : to make a witty remark conform, correspond, dovetail, fit, go, harmonize,
banter, fool, fun, jive, joke, josh, kid, quip, wisecrack square, tally - more at CHECK
- more at JOKE ji-cama \'he-b-m:)\ n : an edible starchy tuber of a tropi-
jest-er \'jes-t:)r\ n : a retainer formerly kept to provide cal American vine of the legume family
casual entertainment; broadly: one given to jests jifofy \'ji-fe\ n, pi jiffies. : a small portion or point of time
card, comedian, comic, humorist, joker, wag, wit - : MOMENT, INSTANT <I'll be ready in a -)
more at HUMORIST flash, instant, minute, moment, second, shake, trice,
'jet \'jet\ n : a velvet-black coal that takes a good polish and twinkle, twinkling, wink - more at INSTANT
is often used for jewelry 'jig \'jig\ n 1 : a lively dance in triple rhythm 2 : a crafty
2jet vb jet-ted; jet.ting : to spout or emit in a stream procedure or practice meant to deceive or defraud: TRJCK
gush, pour, rush, spew, spout, spurt, squirt - more <the - is up) 3: a device used to hold work during man-
at GUSH ufacture or assembly
3jet n 1 : a forceful rush (as of liquid or gas) through a nar- artifice, device, dodge, gimmick, ploy, scheme,
row opening; also : a nozzle for a jet of fluid 2: a jet" sleight, stratagem, trick, wile - more at TRICK
propelled airplane 2jig vb jigged; jigoging : to dance a jig
'jet vb jet-ted; jet.ting : to travel by jet jigoger \'ji-g:)r\ n 1 : a measure usu. holding 1 to 2 ounces
jet lag n : a condition that is marked esp, by fatigue and ir- (30 to 60 milliliters) used in mixing drinks 2 : an often
459 join
small mechanical or electronic device with a practical use chaff, josh, kid, rally, razz, rib, ride, roast, tease-
but often thought of as a novelty more at TEASE
contraption, contrivance, gadget, gimmick, gizmo - In or Jno abbr John
more at GADGET Jo abbr Joel
jigogle \'ji-gal\ vb jigogled; jigogling : to move with quick 'job \'jab\ n 1 : a piece of work 2 + : something that has to
little jerks - jiggle n be done: TASK; also: a specific duty, role, or function
fiddle, fidget, jerk, squirm, twitch, wiggle - more at 3 + : a regular remunerative position - job-less adj
FlDGET + [2) assignment, chore, duty, stint, task - more at
jig.saw \'jig-,so\ n : a machine saw with a narrow vertically CHORE [2) assignment, charge, mission, operation,
reciprocating blade for cutting curved lines post - more at MISSION [3) appointment, billet, ca-
jigsaw puzzle n : a puzzle consisting of small irregularly pacity, function, place, position, post, situation; also
cut pieces to be fitted together to form a picture business, employment, occupation, profession; work;
office, spot; calling, pursuit, vocation; line, racket; en-
ji.had \ii-'had, -'had\ n 1 : a Muslim holy war 2: a re-
gagement; livelihood, living; assignment, mission, task
forming enterprise undertaken with zeal
'jilt \'jilt\ vb : to drop (a lover) capriciously or unfeelingly 'job vb jobbed; job-bing 1 : to do occasional pieces of work
for hire 2: to hire or let by the job
2jilt n : one who jilts a lover
jim crow \'jim-'kro\ n, often cap J&C : discrimination Job \'job\ n : a book of Jewish and Christian Scripture
job action n : a protest action by workers to force compli-
against blacks esp. by legal enforcement or traditional
ance with demands
sanctions - jim crow adj. often cap J&C - jim crow-ism
job-ber \,ja-bar\ n 1 : a person who buys goods and then
\-'kro-,i-zam\ n, often cap J&C
sells them to other dealers : MIDDLEMAN 2: a person who
'ji~anody \'jim-'dan-de\ n : something excellent of its
does work by the job
job-hold-er \'jab-,h61-dar\ n : one having a regular job
beauty, crackerjack, dandy, knockout, pip; also mar- + employee, hand, hireling, worker - more at EM-
vel, wonder; gem, jewel, treasure PLOYEE
2jim-dandy ad] : fine or wonderful of its kind
jock \'jak\ n Uockstrap) : ATHLETE; esp : a college athlete
[lm-mles \'ji-mez\ n pl : tiny rod-shaped bits of usu. choco- 'jockoey \'ja-ke\ n, pi jockeys: one who rides a horse esp. as
late-flavored candy often sprinkled on ice cream a professional in a race
' \,ji-me\ n, pi jimmies: a small crowbar 'jockey vb jockoeyed; : to maneuver or manipu-
2jimmy vb jim-mled: : to force open with a late by adroit or devious means
jimmy jock-strap \'jak-,strap\ n IE slangjock penis) : ATHLETIC SUP-
prize, pry - more at PRY PORTER
[lrn-son-weed \'jim-san-,wed\ n, often cap: a coarse poi- jo-cose \i6-'k6s\ adj : given to joking: MERRY; also: char-
sonous weed related to the tomato that has large trumpet= acterized by joking
shaped white or violet flowers [oc-u-lar \'ja-kya-Iar\ adi + : marked by jesting: PLAYFUL
'jinogle \'jil)-gal\ vb jinogled; jinogling + : to make a light - [oc-u-Iar-l-ty \Jiik-ya-'Iar-a-te\ n - joc-u-lar-ly adv
clinking or tinkling sound + clever, facetious, humorous, playful, smart, witty -
+ chink, tinkle; also clack, clang, clank; clatter, rattle; more at WITTY
jangle, ping, ring jo-cund \'ja-kand\ adj + : marked by mirth or cheerfulness
2jingle n 1 : a light clinking or tinkling sound 2 + : a short + blithe, boon, festive, gay, gleeful, jolly, jovial, merry,
verse or song with catchy repetition mirthful, sunny - more at MERRY
lay. lyric, song, vocal- more at SONG jodh-pur \'jad-par\ n 1 pi : riding breeches loose above the
jinogo-ism \'jil)-go-,i-zam\ n : extreme chauvinism or na- knee and tight-fitting below 2: an ankle-high boot fas-
tionalism marked esp. by a belligerent foreign policy- tened with a strap
jinogo-ist \-ist\ n - jinogo-is.tic \Jil)-go-'is-tik\ adj Joe Blow \'jo-\ n : an average or ordinary man
Jooel \'j6-al\ n : a book of Jewish and Christian Scripture
[ln-rtk-sha \iin-'rik-,sho\ n : RICKSHA
Joe Six-Pack \'j6-\ n : a blue-collar worker
'jinx \'jil)ks\ n : one that brings bad luck
'jog \'jag\ vb jogged; jogoging 1 : to give a slight shake or
2jinx vb : to foredoom to failure or misfortune
push to 2: to go at a slow monotonous pace 3: to run or
jit.ney \'jit-ne\ n, pi jitneys: a small bus that serves a regu-
ride at a slow trot 4 + : to move up and down or about
lar route on a flexible schedule
with a short heavy motion - jogoger n
jit.ter.bug \'ji-tar-,bag\ n : a dance in which couples two-
step, balance, and twirl vigorously in standardized pat- + bob, bobble, jounce, nod, pump, seesaw - more at
terns - jitterbug vb
jit-ters \'ji-tarz\ n pl : extreme nervousness 2jog n 1 : a slight shake 2: a jogging movement or pace
3jog n 1 : a projecting or retreating part of a line or surface
+ shakes, shivers, willies; also cold sweat; anxiety, fear, 2 : a brief abrupt change in direction
hysteria; frazzle, nervous breakdown
jogogle \'ja-gal\ vb jogogled; jog.gling : to shake slightly -
jit.tery \-ta-re\ adj 1 .: suffering from the jitters joggle n
2 : marked by jittering movements john \'jan\ n 1 : TOILET 2: a prostitute's client
+ excitable, flighty, fluttery, high-strung, jumpy, ner- John \'jlin\ n 1 : the fourth Gospel in the New Testament
vous, skittish, spooky - more at EXCITABLE aflutter, 2 : any of three short didactic letters addressed to early
anxious, edgy, jumpy, nervous, nervy, perturbed, tense, Christians and included in the New Testament
troubled, uneasy, upset, worried - more at NERVOUS johnof1Y \'ja-ne\ n, pi johnnies: a short-sleeved gown open-
'jive \'jiv\ n 1 : swing music or dancing performed to it ing in the back that is worn by hospital patients
2 : glib, deceptive, or foolish talk 3: the jargon of jazz en- -John-ny-jump-up \Ja-ne-'jamp-,ap\ n : any of various
thusiasts 4 + : a special jargon of difficult or slang terms small-flowered cultivated pansies
+ argot, cant, dialect, jargon, language, lingo, patois, joie de vi-vre \,zhwa-da-'vevrO\ n [F) : keen enjoyment of
patter, slang, terminology, vocabulary - more at TER- life
MINOLOGY join \'join\ vb 1 + : to come or bring together so as to form
'jive vb jived; 1 + : to persuade with flattery or gen- a unit 2 : to come or bring into close association 3 + : to
tle urging esp. in the face of reluctance: TEASE; also: kid become a member of 4 + : to lie next to or in contact
around 2: to dance to or play jive with: ADJOIN 5 : to take part in a collective activity
joiner 460
+ [l] associate, coalesce, combine, coruom, connect, Jo-nas \'jo-n;ls\ n : JONAH
couple, fuse, link, marry, unify, unite - more at UNITE 'jones \'jonz\ n 1 slang : addiction to heroin 2 slang
+ [3] enlist, enroll, enter, sign on, sign up - more at : HEROIN 3 slang: a craving for something
ENTER + [4] abut, adjoin, border (on), flank, fringe, 2jones vb, slang: to have a craving for something
skirt, touch, verge (on) - more at ADJOIN + [5] collab- jonogleur\zhon-'gl;lr\ n : an itinerant medieval minstrel
orate, concert, cooperate, team - more at COOPERATE [on-quit\'jan-kw;ll\ n [Fjonquil/e, fro Spjunquillo, dim. of
[oin-er \'j6i-n~r\ n 1 : a worker who constructs articles by junco reed, fro Ljuncus] : a narcissus with fragrant clus-
joining pieces of wood 2: a gregarious person who joins tered white or yellow flowers
many organizations dor-da-ni-an\j6r-'da-ne-;ln\ n : a native or inhabitant of
'joint \'j6int\ n 1 : the point of contact between bones of an Jordan - Jordanian adj
animal skeleton with the parts that surround and support josh \'jiish\ vb + : to tease good-naturedly; also: JOKE
it 2: a cut of meat suitable for roasting 3 + : a place + chaff, jive, kid, rally, razz, rib, ride, roast, tease-
where two things or parts are connected 4: a place of more at TEASE + banter, fool, fun, jest, jive, joke, kid,
business or residence with its furnishings and staff: ES- quip, wisecrack - more at JOKE
TABLISHMENT; esp : a shabby or disreputable establishment
Josh abbr Joshua
5 : a marijuana cigarette - jointoedadj Josh-ua \'ja-shu-;l\ n : a book of Jewish and Christian
+ connection, coupling, junction, juncture; also crux, Scripture
link, tie; intersection; abutment, articulation; seam, su- Joshua tree n : a tall branched yucca of the southwestern
ture; concourse, confluence, meeting; union U.S.
2joint adj 1 + : acting in concert: UNITED 2: common to [os-tle \,ja-s;ll\ vb jos-tled; jos.tling 1 : to come in contact
two or more - [olnt-lyadv or into collision 2: to make one's way by pushing and
+ collective, common, communal, concerted, conjoint, shoving
mutual, public, united - more at COLLECTIVE Jos.ue \'ja-shu-e\ n : JOSHUA
3joint vb 1 : to unite by or provide with a joint 2: to sepa- 'jot \'jat\ n + : the least bit: IOTA
rate the joints of + hoot, iota, lick, modicum, rap, tittle, whit; also ace,
joist \'j6ist\ n : any of the small beams ranged parallel bit, crumb, dab, driblet, glimmer, hint, little, mite, nip,
from wall to wall in a building to support a floor or ceil- ounce, peanuts, ray, scruple, shade, shadow, shred,
ing smidgen, snap, speck, spot, sprinkling, strain, streak,
'joke \'jok\ n + : something said or done to provoke laugh- suspicion, touch, trace
ter; esp : a brief narrative with a humorous climax 2jot vb [ot-ted:[ot-tlnq + : to write briefly and hurriedly
+ crack, gag, jest, laugh, pleasantry, quip, sally, wag- + usu jot down log, mark, note, put down, record, regis-
gery, wisecrack, witticism; also joking, wisecracking; ter, set down - more at RECORD
antic, buffoonery, caper, prank; caricature, lampoon,
parody, put-on; banter, persiflage, raillery, repartee; [ot-tinq\'ja-tiI)\ n : a brief note
facetiousness, humorousness; barb, humor, wit, word- joule \'jii1\ n : a unit of work or energy equal to the work
play done by a force of one newton acting through a distance
2joke vb joked; + : to make jokes - of one meter
jounce \'jauns\ vb jounced; jouncing + : to move or cause
+ banter, fool, fun, jest, jive, josh, kid, quip, wisecrack; to move in an up-and-down manner: JOLT - jounce n
also chaff, mock, rally, razz, rib, ridicule, tease; carica-
ture, lampoon, parody. satirize; amuse, divert, entertain + agitate, convulse, jolt, quake, quiver, shake, shudder,
jok-er\ 'jo-k:!r\ n 1 + : a person who jokes 2: an extra card vibrate, wobble - more at SHAKE
used in some card games 3: a misleading part of an jour abbr 1 journal 2 journeyman
agreement that works to one party's disadvantage 4 a : an jour-nal \'j;lrn-'I\ n [ME, service book containing the day
adult male human b + : an insignificant, obnoxious, or hours, fr. AFjurnal, fr.jurnal daily, fr. L diurnalis, fro dies
incompetent person day] 1 : a brief account of daily events 2 : a record of pro-
+ [1] card, comedian, comic, humorist, jester, wag, wit ceedings (as of a legislative body) 3 + : a periodical (as a
- more at HUMORIST + [4b] beast, boor, churl, clown, newspaper) dealing esp. with current events 4: the part
creep, cretin, cur, heel, jerk, louse, lout, skunk, slob, of a rotating axle or spindle that turns in a bearing
snake - more at JERK + magazine, organ, paper, review; also annual, bi-
[ol-li-fi-ca-tion \Ja-Ii-f;l-'ka-sh~n\ n + : a festive celebration monthly, biweekly, daily, monthly, quarterly, semi-
+ conviviality, festivity, gaiety, merriment, merrymak- monthly, semiweekly, weekly, yearbook; broadside, ex-
ing, revelry - more at MERRYMAKING tra, sheet, tabloid \'ja-I;l-te\ n, pi -ties: the quality or state of being jour-nal-ese\J;lr-n~-'Iez, -'Ies\ n : a style of writing held to
jolly: GAIETY, MERRIMENT be characteristic of newspapers\,ja-Ie\ adj [ol-li-er;-est + : full of high spirits: MERRY jour-nal-ism\'j;lr-n;l-,li-z;lm\ n 1 : the business of writing
+ blithe, boon, festive, gay, gleeful, jocund, jovial, for, editing, or publishing periodicals (as newspapers)
merry, mirthful, sunny - more at MERRY 2 : writing designed for or characteristic of newspapers -
'jolt \'jolt\ vb 1 : to give a quick hard knock or blow to jour-nal-ist\-list\ n - jour-nal-is-tic\J~r-n;l-'lis-tik\ adj
2 + : to move with a sudden jerky motion 3 + : to disturb
jour-nal-ist\'j;lr-n;l-,list\ n 1 + : a person engaged in jour-
the composure of - [ott-ern nalism 2: one who keeps a journal
+ [2] agitate, convulse, jounce, quake, quiver, shake, correspondent. newsman. reporter - more at RE-

shudder, vibrate, wobble - more at SHAKE + [2] buck, PORTER

hitch, jerk, twitch - more at JERK + [3] appall, bowl, 'jour.ney \'j;lr-ne\ n, pi journeys [ME, fro OF journee day's
floor, shake up, shock - more at SHOCK journey, fr.jour day] + : a traveling from one place to an-
2jolt n 1 + : an abrupt jerky blow or movement 2 + : a sud- other
den shock + expedition, passage, peregrination, trek, trip; also er-
+ [1] bump, collision, concussion, crash, impact, jar, rand, excursion, flight, hop, jaunt, junket, outing, sally,
shock, smash, strike, wallop - more at IMPACT tour; cruise, sail, voyage; drive, ride, spin; odyssey, pil-
+ [2] bolt, bombshell, jar, surprise - more at SURPRISE grimage, progress, quest, safari
Jon abbr Jonah; Jonas 2journey vb jour-neyed; [our-ney-lnq+ : to go on a journey
Jo-nah \'jo-n;l\ n : a book of Jewish and Christian Scrip- : TRAVEL
ture + tour, travel, trek, voyage- more at TRAVEL
461 juggling
[our-nay-man\-man\ n 1: a worker who has learned a + [2) adjudicate, arbitrate, decide, determine, referee,
trade and works for another person 2: an experienced rule, settle, umpire; also consider, hear, ponder, weigh;
reliable worker size (up); mediate, moderate, negotiate; prosecute, try;
'joust \ 'jailst\ vb : to engage in a joust find (for or against) [3] calculate, call, conjecture, es-
2joust n : a combat on horseback between two knights with timate, figure, gauge, guess, make, place, put, reckon,
lances esp. as part of a tournament suppose - more at ESTIMATE + [3) conclude, deduce,
jo-vial \'jo-ve-al\ adj + : marked by good humor extrapolate, gather, infer, reason, understand - more
+ blithe, boon, festive, gay, gleeful, jocund, jolly, at INFER
merry, mirthful, sunny - more at MERRY 2judge n 1 + : a public official authorized to decide ques-\Jo-ve-'a-Ia-te\ n + : the quality or state of be- tions brought before a court 2 + : one appointed to de-
ingjovial cide in a contest or competition : UMPIRE 3: one who
givesan authoritative opinion: CRITIC - judge-shipn
+ cheer, cheerfulness, cheeriness, glee, hilarity, merri-
ment, mirth - more at MIRTH + Il) bench, court, justice, magistrate; also JP, justice
of the peace + [2) arbiter, arbitrator, referee, umpire; + : in a jovial manner
also justice, magistrate; intermediary, mediator, nego-
+ cheerfully,gaily, happily, heartily, merrily, mirthfully tiator; go-between, peacemaker, reconciler
- more at GAILY Judges n : a book of Jewish and Christian Scripture
'jowl \'jail(-a)l\ n : loose flesh about the lower jaw or throat [udq-rnentor judge-ment\'jaj-mant\ n 1 + : a decision or
2jowln 1 : the lower jaw 2: CHEEK opinion given after judging; esp : a formal decision given
'joy \'j6i\ n [ME, fro AFjoie, fr. L gaudia) 1 + : a feeling of by a court 2 cap: the final judging of mankind by God
happiness that comes from success, good fortune, or a 3 + : the process of forming an opinion by discerning and
sense of well-being 2 + : a source of happiness comparing 4: the capacity for judging: DISCERNMENT
+ [I) blessedness, bliss, felicity, gladness, happiness- + [I) appraisal, assessment, estimate, estimation, evalu-
more at HAPPINESS + [2) delectation, delight, kick, ation - more at ESTIMATION + [1) doom, finding, hold-
manna, pleasure, treat - more at DELIGHT ing, ruling, sentence - more at SENTENCE + [3) belief,
2joy vb : to experience great pleasure or delight: REJOICE conviction, eye, feeling, mind, notion, opinion, persua-
joy.tul \-fal\ adj + : experiencing, causing, or showingjoy sion, sentiment, verdict, view- more at OPINION + [3)
- joytul.lyadv conclusion, decision, determination, diagnosis, resolu-
+ blissful, delighted, glad, happy, pleased - more at tion - more at DECISION
GLAD \Jaj-'men-tal\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or in-
[oy-less adj 1 : not experiencingjoy 2: not inspiring or volving judgment 2: characterized by a tendency to
causing joy judge harshly -
joy-ous \'j6i-as\ adj experiencing, causing, or showing joy judgmentcall n : a subjective decision, ruling, or opinion
: JOYFUL - joy-ouslyadv - [oy-ous-ness n Judgment Dayn : the day of the final judging of all human
joyride\'j6i-,rid\ n : a ride for pleasure often marked by beings by God
reckless driving - joyride vb - [oy-rld-er n - ju-di-ca-ture\'jii-di-ka-,chilr\ n 1 : the administration of
n justice 2: JUDICIARY 1
joy.stick \-,stik\ n : a control device (as for a computer dis- ju-di-cial\iil-'di-shal\ adj 1 : of or relating to the adminis-
play) consisting of a lever capable of motion in two or tration of justice or the judiciary 2: ordered or enforced
more directions by a court 3: CRITICAL - juodi-cial.lyadv
JP abbr 1 jet propulsion 2 justice of the peace juodi-cia.ry \iil-'di-she-,er-e, -sha-rex n 1: a system of
JPEG \'ja-,peg\ n [Joint Photographic Experts Group) : a courts of law; also: the judges of these courts 2: a branch
computer file format for usu. high-quality digital images of government in which judicial power is vested - judici-
Jr abbr junior ary adj
jt or jnt abbr joint juodi-clous \iu-'di-shas\ adj + : having, exercising,or char-
ju-bi-lant \'jii-ba-Iant\ adj [Ljubilans, PrP. oi jubilare to re- acterized by sound judgment - juodi-cious.lyadv
joice) + : filled with or expressing great joy or triumph + advisable, desirable, expedient, politic, prudent, tacti-
: EXULTANT - ju-bi-lant-ly adv
cal, wise - more at EXPEDIENT
+ exultant, rejoicing,triumphant - more at EXULTANT Juodith \'jii-dath\ n : a book of Scripture in the Roman
Catholic canon of the Old Testament and in the Protes-
[u-bi-la-tion\Jii-ba-'Ia-shan\ n : EXULTATION tant Apocrypha
[u-bi-lee\'jii-ba-,Ie, Jii-ba-'Ie\ n [ME, fro AF & LL; AF ju- [u-do\,jii-do\ n [Jp, fr.ju weakness,gentleness+ do art) : a
bile, fr. LL jubilaeus, fro LGk iobelaios, fro Heb yobhel sport derived from jujitsu that emphasizes the use of
ram's hom, trumpet, jubilee] 1: a 50th anniversary quick movement and leverage to throw an opponent-
2 + : a season or occasion of celebration ju-do-ist \-ist\ n
+ carnival, celebration, festival, festivity, fete, fiesta, juodo-ka \'jii-do-,kii\ n, pl judoka or judokas : one who par-
gala - more at FESTIVAL ticipates in judo
ju-co\'jii-,ko\ n, t jucos : JUNIOR COLLEGE; also: an athlete 'jug \'jag\ n 1 + : a large deep container with a narrow
at a junior college mouth and a handle 2: a place of confinement for per-
Jud abbr Judith sons held in lawful custody: JAIL, PRISON
Juodaic\iii-'da-ik\ also Ju-da-lcel\-'da-a-kal\ adj : of, re- + ewer, flagon, pitcher - more at PITCHER
lating to, or characteristic of Jews or Judaism 2jug vb jugged; jugoging : to confine in or as if in a jail: JAIL,
Ju-da-Ism\'jii-da-,i-zam, -da-, -de-v n : a religion developed IMPRISON
among the ancient Hebrews and marked by belief in one jug-eared \'j"g-,ird\ adj : having protuberant ears
God and by the moral and ceremonial laws of the Old jugoger.naut \'ja-gar-,n6t\ n [Hindi Jaganndth, title of
Testament and the rabbinic tradition Vishnu (a Hindu god), lit., lord of the world] : a massive
Jude \'jiid\ n : a short hortatory epistle addressed to early inexorable force or object that crushes everything in its
Christians and included as a book in the New Testament path
Judg abbr Judges jugogle\'ja-gal\ vb jugogled; jugogling 1 : to keep several
'judge \'jaj\ vb judged; 1 : to form an authoritative objects in motion in the air at the same time 2: to ma-
opinion 2 + : to decide as a judge 3 + : to form an esti- nipulate esp. in order to achieve a desired and often
mate or evaluation about something fraudulent end - jugogler \'ja-glar\ n
jugular 462
jug.u.lar \'ja-gya-lar\ adj : of, relating to, or situated in or jumping-off place n 1 : a remote or isolated place 2: a
on the throat or neck <the ~ veins) place from which an enterprise is launched
juice "jlis\ n 1 : the extractable fluid contents of cells or jump-mas-ter \'j:lmp-,mas-tar\ n : a person who supervises
tissues 2 p/ : the natural fluids of an animal body parachutists
3 : something that supplies power; esp : ELEcrRICITY 2 jump-start \'jamp-,stiirt\ vb : to start (an engine or vehicle)
juic-er "jii-sar\ n : an appliance for extracting juice (as by connection to an external power source
from fruit) [ump-suit \'jamp-,siit\ n 1 : a coverall worn by parachutists
juice up vb : to give life, energy, or spirit to in jumping 2: a one-piece garment consisting of a blouse
juicy \'jii-se\ adj [uic-i-er:-est 1 : full of juice: succu- or shirt with attached pants or shorts
LENT 2: rich in interest; a/so: RACY - \-s:l-le\ adv jumpy \'jam-pe\ adi jump-i-er; -est : easily excited or ir-
- juic-i-ness\-se-nas\ n ritated : NERVOUS, JITTERY
fleshy, pulpy, succulent; also sappy, watery edgy, excitable, high-strung, jittery, nervous, skittish, also \iii-'jit-sii\ n [Jpjfliutl'u, fr. jii weak- spooky - more at EXCITABLE
ness + jutsu art, skill] : an art of fightingemployingholds, jun abbr junior
throws, and paralyzing blows Jun abbr June
[u-iu"jii-jii\ n : a style of African music characterized by a junc abbr junction
rapid beat, use of percussion instruments,and vocal har- jun-co \'jal)-k6\ n, pi juncos or juncoes: any of a genus of
monies small common pink-billedNo. American finches that are
[u-lube \'jii-Jiib, 'jii-ju-,be\ n : a fruit-flavored gumdrop or largely gray with conspicuous white tail feathers
lozenge junc-tion \'j:ll)k-sh:ln\ n 1 : an act of joining 2 : a place
juke-box \'jiik-,biiks\ n : a COin-operatedmachine that au- or point of meeting
tomatically plays selected recordings [1] combination, connection, consolidation, cou-
Jul abbr July pling, unification, union - more at UNION [2] con-
ju-lep "jii-lap\ n [ME, sweetened water, fro MF, fro AT nection, coupling, joint, juncture - more at JOINT
juliib, fr. Pers gu/iib, fro gu/ rose + iib water] : a drink made junc-ture \'jel)k-ch:lr\ n 1: a place where two things or
of bourbon, sugar, and mint served over crushed ice parts are joined: JOINT, CONNECTION 2: UNION 3 : a crit- \iu-'li\ n [MEJulie, fro OEJulius, fro L, fr. Gaius Julius ical time or state of affairs
Caesar] : the 7th month of the year clutch, crisis, crunch, emergency, head - more at
'jum.ble \'jam-bal\ vb jum-bled; [urn-bllnq : to mix in a con- EMERGENCY
fused mass June \'jiin\ n [ME,fro LJunius] : the 6th month of the year
2jumble n : a mass of things mingled together without or- junogle\'j:ll)-g:ll\ n [Hindi & Urdujangal forest] 1 : a thick
der or plan; also : a state of confusion tangled mass of tropical vegetation; also : a tract over-
chaos, confusion, disarray, disorder, disorganization, grown with vegetation 2: a place of ruthless struggle for
havoc, hell, mess, muddle, shambles- more at CHAOS survival
assortment, clutter, medley, melange, miscellany, 'ju.nior \'jii-nY:lr\ adj 1 : YOUNGER 2 : lower in rank 3: of
motley, muddle, variety, welter - more at MISCELLANY or relating to juniors
' \'jam-b6\ n, pi jumbos [Jumbo, a huge elephant ex- inferior, less, lesser, lower, minor, subordinate, under
hibited by P.T. Barnum] : a very large specimen of its - more at LESSER
kind 2junior n 1 : a person who is younger or of lower rank than
behemoth, blockbuster, colossus, giant, leviathan, another 2 : a student in the next-to-last year before grad-
mammoth, monster, titan, whale, whopper - more at uating
GIANT junior college n : a school that offers studies corresponding
2jumbo adj : very large to those of the 1st two years of college
'jump \'jamp\ vb 1 .: to spring into the air: leap over junior high school n : a school usu. including grades 7-9
2 : to give a start 3: to rise or increase suddenly or junior varsity n : a team whose members lack the experi-
sharply 4 : to make a sudden attack 5: ANTICIPATE <~ ence or qualifications required for the varsity
the gun) 6: to leave hurriedly and often furtively <~ ju-ni-per \'jii-n:l-p:lr\ n : any of numerous coniferous
town) 7: to act or move before (as a signal) - jump bail shrubs or trees with leaves like needles or scales and fe-
: to abscond after being released from custody on bail - male cones like berries
jump ship 1 : to leave the company of a ship without au- 'junk \'jal)k\ n 1 : old iron, glass, paper, or waste; also
thority 2: to desert a cause : discarded articles 2: a shoddy product 3 slang: NAR-
[1] bound, hop, leap, spring, vault; also bounce, lope,
skip; buck; caper, cavort, frolic, gambol, romp; attack, chaff, deadwood, dust, garbage, litter, refuse, riffraff,
pounce; shoot, skyrocket [2] bolt, start, startle- rubbish, scrap, trash, waste - more at GARBAGE
more at START. usu jump on [4] abuse, castigate, exco- 2junk vb : to get rid of as worthless: DISCARD, SCRAP
riate, lambaste, slam, vituperate - more at ATTACK cast, discard, ditch, dump, fling, jettison, lose, reject,
usu jump on [4] assail, assault, attack, beset, charge, scrap, shed, shuck, slough, throwaway, throw out, un-
descend, pounce (on or upon), raid, rush, storm, strike load - more at DISCARD
- more at ATTACK 3junk n : a ship of eastern Asia with a high stern and 4=
2jump n 1 : a spring into the air; esp : one made for height cornered sails
or distance in a track meet 2: a sharp sudden increase junk-er \'j:ll)-k:lr\ n : something (as an old automobile)
3 : an initial advantage ready for scrapping
[1] bound, hop, leap, spring, vault; also bounce, lope, Jun.ker \'yUl)-k:lr\ n [G] : a member of the Prussian landed
skip; caper, gambol; attack, pounce; dive, pitch, plunge aristocracy
[3] advantage, better, drop, edge, upper hand, van- jun-ket \'j:ll)-k:lt\ n 1 : a pudding of sweetened flavored
tage - more at ADVANTAGE milk set by rennet 2 : a pleasure trip or outing; esp : a
'jump-er \'jam-p:lr\ n : one that jumps trip made by an official at public expense ostensibly for
2jumper n 1 : a loose blouse 2 : a sleevelessone-piece dress public business
worn usu. with a blouse 3pl: a child's sleeveless coverall excursion, jaunt, outing, sally - more at EXCURSION
jumping bean n : a seed of any of several Mexican shrubs junk food n : food that is high in calories but low in nutri-
that tumbles about because of the movements of a small tional content
moth larva inside it junk-ie a/so junky \'j:ll)-ke\ n, pi junkies 1 slang: a nar-
463 JV

cotics peddler or addict 2: one that derives inordinate 2just \'j;)st, 'jist\ adv 1 : in a manner or measure or to a
pleasure from or is dependent on something (sugar ---> degree or number that strictly conforms to a fact or con-
junky adj : having the character of junk : constituting dition : EXACfLY (--- right> 2 + : very recently (has ---
junk left> 3 : by a very small margin: BARELY (......., too late>
+ chaffy, empty, no-good, null, valueless, worthless- 4: DIRECfLY (......., west of here> 5. : to the exclusion of all
more at WORTHLESS else: ONLY (--- last year> 6: QUITE (......., wonderful>
jun-ta Vhun-ta, 'j;)n-, 'h;)n-\ n [Sp, fro junto joined, fro L 7: POSSIBLY (it --- might work>
junctus, pp. of jungere to join) : a group of persons con- [1) accurately, exactly, precisely, right, sharp,
trolling a government esp. after a revolutionary seizure of squarely - more at EXACfLY [2] freshly, late, lately,
power new, newly, now, only, recently - more at NEWLY
Ju-pi-ter \'jii-p;)-t;)r\ n : the largest of the planets and the [3) barely, hardly, marginally, scarcely, slightly; also
one 5th in order of distance from the sun minimally, minutely; approximately, more or less,
Ju-ras-slc \ju-'ra-sik\ adj : of, relating to, or being the pe- roughly, somewhat Ant considerably, significantly, sub-
riod of the Mesozoic era between the Triassic and the stantially, well. [5) but, merely, only, simply
Cretaceous that is marked esp. by the presence of di- jus.tice \'j;)S-t;)s\ n 1 : the administration of what is just (as
nosaurs - Jurassic n
by assigning merited rewards or punishments) 2.: a
ju.rid.ioeal \ju-'ri-di-k:ll\ also ju-rid-ic \-dik\ adj 1 : of or re-
public official authorized to decide questions brought be-
lating to the administration of justice 2: LEGAL - ju-rid-
ioealoly \-di-k(;)-)le\ adv fore a court: JUDGE 3: the administration of law 4: FAIR-
ju-rls-dic-ticn \,jur-;)s-'dik-sh;)n\ n 1 : the power, right, or
authority to interpret and apply the law 2 : the author- + bench, court, judge, magistrate - more at JUDGE
ity of a sovereign power 3: the limits or territory within justice of the peace: a local magistrate empowered chiefly
which authority may be exercised - ju-ris-dlc-tion-al to try minor cases, to administer oaths, and to perform
v-sho-nelv adj marriages
administration, authority, government, regime, rule jus-ti-ti-able adi + : capable of being justified
- more at RULE defensible, maintainable, supportable, sustainable,
[u-ris-pru-dence \-'priid-'ns\ n 1 : a system of laws 2: the tenable - more at TENABLE
science or philosophy of law jus.ti.fioea.tion \,j;)s-t;)-f;)-'ka-sh;)n \ n : the act or an in-
ju-rist \'jur-ist\ n : one having a thorough knowledge of stance of justifying
law; esp : JUDGE
alibi, defense (or defence), excuse, plea, reason-
arbiter, arbitrator, judge, referee - more at JUDGE more at EXCUSE
ju-ris-tic \ju-'ris-tik\ adj 1 : of or relating to a jurist or ju- jus.ti.fy \'j;)S-t;)-,11\ vb -fied; 1 : to prove or show
risprudence 2: of, relating to, or recognized in law to be just, right, or reasonable 2 : to pronounce free from
ju-ror \'jur-;)r, -,or\ n : a member of a jury guilt or blame 3: to adjust spaces in a line of printed text
1ju.ry \'jur-e\ n, pi juries 1 : a body of persons sworn to in- so the margins are even
quire into a matter submitted to them and to give their
defend, maintain, support, uphold - more at MAIN-
verdict 2 : a committee for judging and awarding prizes
TAIN account, condone, excuse, explain, rationalize
2jury adj : improvised for temporary use esp. in an emer-
gency (a --- mast> jut \'j;)t\ vb [ut-ted; jut.ting : to shoot out or forward: PROJ-
jury nullification n : the acquitting of a defendant by a jury ECf, PROTRUDE
in disregard of the judge's instructions and contrary to jute \'jiit\ n : a strong glossy fiber from either of two trop-
the jury's findings of fact ical plants used esp. for making sacks and twine
jury-rig \'jur-e-,rig\ vb : to construct or arrange in a juv abbr juvenile
makeshift fashion \'jii-v;)-,nil, -nalv adj 1 +: showing incomplete
'Just \'j;)st\ adj 1 : having a basis in or conforming to fact development 2 + : of, relating to, or characteristic of
or reason: REASONABLE (--- comment> 2 : conforming children or young people
to a standard of correctness (--- proportions> [1) adolescent, immature, young, youthful - more
3 : morally or legally right (a --- title> 4: being what is at YOUNG. (2) adolescent, babyish, childish, immature,
merited <--- punishment> - adv - just-ness n infantile, kiddish - more at CHILDISH
[1) good, hard, informed, levelheaded, logical, ra- 2juvenile n 1 : a young person; esp : one below the legally
tional, reasonable, reasoned, sensible, sober, solid, established age of adulthood 2: a young animal (as a fish
valid, well-founded - more at GOOD [2) due, right; or a bird) or plant 3: an actor or actress who plays
also applicable, appropriate, apt, fit, fitting, meet, youthful parts
proper, requisite, suitable; lawful, legal; accurate, cor-
child, cub, kid, youngster, youth - more at CHILD
rect Ant undeserved, undue, unjust, unwarranted
[2) disinterested, dispassionate, equal, equitable, fair, juvenile delinquency n : violation of the law or antisocial
impartial, nonpartisan, objective, square, unbiased, un- behavior by a juvenile - juvenile delinquent n
prejudiced - more at FAIR [3) decent, ethical, good, [ux-ta-pose \'j;)k-st;)-,poz\ vb -posed; : to place
honest, honorable (or honourable), moral, principled, side by side - jux-ta-po-si-tion \,j;)k-st;)-p;)-'zi-sh;)n\
right, righteous, straight, upright, upstanding, virtuous n
- more at GOOD JV abbr junior varsity
the English alphabet 2 cap : STRIKEOUT
2k abbr 1 karat 2 kitchen 3 knit 4 kosher - often en-

'k \'ka\ n, pI k's or ks \'kiiz\ 1 often cap: the lith letter of kar-at \'kar-at\ n : a unit for expressing proportion of gold
in an alloy equal to 'l'24 part of pure gold
ka-ra-te \ka-'rii-te\ n [Jp, lit., empty hand] : an art of self,
closed in a circle defense in which an attacker is disabled by crippling
'K abbr Kelvin kicks and punches
2K symbol [NL kalium] potassium kar-ma Vkar-mov n, often cap [Skt] : the force generated by
kab-ba-lah also kab-ba-la or ka-ba-la or ca-ba-la \ka-'ba-la, a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to per-
'ka-b,,-I,,\ n, often cap 1 : a medieval Jewish mysticism petuate reincarnation and to determine the nature of the
marked by belief in creation through emanation and a ci- person's next existence - kar-mic \-mik\ adj
pher method of interpreting Scripture 2: esoteric or mys- karst \'kiirst\ n [G) : an irregular limestone region with
terious doctrine sinks, underground streams, and caverns
kabob var of KEBAB ka-ty-did \'ka-te-,did\ n : any of several large green tree'
Ka-bu-ki \b-'bii-ke\ n : traditional Japanese popular dwelling American grasshoppers with long antennae
drama with highly stylized singing and dancing kay-ak \'ki-,ak\ n : an Eskimo canoe made of a skin'
kadodish \'ka-dish\ n, often cap: a Jewish prayer recited in covered frame with a small opening and propelled by a
the daily synagogue ritual and by mourners at public double-bladed paddle; also : a similar portable boat-
services after the death of a close relative kay-ak-er n
kaffee-klatsch \'k6-fe-,klach, 'kii-\ n, often cap [G] : an in- kayo \(,)ka-'6, 'ka-6\ n : KNOCKOUT - kayo vb
formal social gathering for coffee and conversation ka-zoo \ka-'zii\ n, pi kazoos : a toy musical instrument
kai-ser \'ki-zar\ n : EMPEROR; esp : the ruler of Germany consisting of a tube with a membrane sealing one end and
from 1871 to 1918 a side hole to sing or hum into
Kalashnikov \b-'lash-na-,k6f\ n [M. T. Kalashnikav KB abbr kilobyte
b1919 Soviet weapons designer] : a Soviet-designed as- kc abbr kilocycle
sault rifle KC abbr 1 Kansas City 2 King's Counsel 3 Knights of
kale \'kaI\ n : a hardy cabbage with curled leaves that do Columbus
not form a head kc/s abbr kilocycles per second
ka-lei-do-scope \ka-'H-da-,sk6p\ n : a tube containing loose KD abbr knocked down
bits of colored material (as glass) and two mirrors at one ke-bab, ke-bob \ka-'biib, 'ka-,biib\ n : cubes of meat
end that shows many different patterns as it is turned - cooked with vegetables usu. on a skewer
ka-lei-do-scop-ic \-,H-da-'skii-pik\ adj - ka-lel-do-scop-i- kedge \'kej\ n : a small anchor \-pi-k(a- )Ie\ adv 'keel \'kel\ n 1 : the chief structural member of a ship run-
ka-me-el-na \,kii-ma-'i-na\ n [Hawaiian kama 'dina , fr. ning lengthwise along the center of its bottom 2: some-
kama child + 'dina land] : one who has lived in Hawaii for thing (as a bird's breastbone) like a ship's keel in form or
a long time use - keeled \'keld\ adj
kame \'kam\ n [Sc, lit., comb] : a short ridge or mound of 2keel vb : FAINT, SWOON - uSU. used with over
material deposited by water from a melting glacier keel-beet \'kel-,b6t\ n : a shallow covered keeled riverboat
ka-mi-ka-ze \,kii-mi-'kii-ze\ n [Jp, lit., divine wind] : a mem- for freight that is usu. rowed, poled, or towed
ber of a corps of Japanese pilots assigned to make a sui- keel-haul \-,h61\ vb 1 : to haul under the keel of a ship as
cidal crash on a target; also: an airplane flown in such an punishment 2 : to rebuke severely
attack admonish, chide, lecture, rail (at or against), rate, re-
Kan or Kans abbr Kansas buke, reprimand, scold - more at SCOLD
kan-qa-roo \,kau-ga-'rii\ n, pi -roos : any of various large 'keen \'ken\ adj 1 : having a fine edge or point: SHARP (a
leaping marsupial mammals of Australia and adjacent is- ~ knife) 2 : affecting one as if by cutting (a ~ wind)
lands with powerful hind legs and a long thick tail 3 : showing a quick and ardent responsiveness: ENTHU-
kangaroo court n : a court or an illegal self-appointed tri- SIASTIC (~ about swimming) 4 : mentally alert (a ~
bunal characterized by irresponsible, perverted, or irreg- mind) 5 : extremely sensitive in perception : STRONG,
ular procedures ACUTE (~eyesight) 6: unusually good: WONDERFUL, EX-
ka-o-lin \'ka-a-Ian\ n : a fine usu. white clay used in ceram- CELLENT - adv
ics and refractories and for the treatment of diarrhea
[1] cutting, edgy, ground, sharp - more at SHARP
ka-pok \'ka-,piik\ n : silky fiber from the seeds of a tropi-
[2] biting, bitter, cutting, penetrating, piercing, raw,
cal tree used esp, as a filling (as for life preservers)
sharp - more at CUTTING [3] agog, anxious, ardent,
Kapoo-si's sar-co-ma \'ka-p,,-sez-siir-'k6-m,,\ n : a neoplas-
athirst, avid, crazy, eager, enthusiastic, gung ho, hot,
tic disease associated esp, with AIDS that affects esp. the hungry, nuts, raring, solicitous, thirsty, voracious-
skin and mucous membranes and is characterized usu. by more at EAGER [4] alert, brainy, bright, brilliant,
the formation of pink to reddish-brown or bluish plaques clever, intelligent, nimble, quick, quick-witted, sharp,
kap-pa \'ka-pa\ n : the 10th letter of the Greek alphabet - smart - more at INTELLIGENT. [5] acute, delicate, per-
K or K ceptive, sensitive, sharp - more at ACUTE
ka-put also ka-putt \kii-'put, ka-, -'piit\ adj [G, fro F capot
2keen n : a lamentation for the dead uttered in a loud
not having made a trick at piquet) 1 : utterly defeated or
wailing voice or in a wordless cry
destroyed 2: unable to function: USELESS
kar-a-kul Vkar-o-kalv n : the usu. curly glossy black coat of groan, howl, lament, moan, plaint, wail - more at
a very young lamb of a hardy Asian breed of sheep
kar-a-o-ke \,kar-e-'6-ke\ n [Jp] : a device that plays instru- 3keen vb 1 : to lament with a keen 2 : to make a sound
mental accompaniments for songs to which the user sings suggestive of a keen
along bay, howl, wail, yowl - more at HOWL
465 key

keen-ness n : the quality or state of being keen ken \'ken\ n 1 : range of vision: SIGHT 2 : range of under-
appetite, ardor, avidity, eagerness, enthusiasm, ex- standing
citement, hunger, impatience, thirst - more at EAGER- ken-nel \'ken-'l\ n : a shelter for a dog or cat; also: an es-
NESS acuity, acuteness, delicacy, sensitiveness, sensi- tablishment for the breeding or boarding of dogs or cats
tivity - kennel vb
'keep \'kep\ vb kept \'kept\; keep-ing 1 : to be faithful to ke-no \'ke-no\ n : a game resembling bingo
esp. by appropriate conduct: FULFILL, OBSERVE <~ a ke-no-sis \ka-'no-sas\ n : the relinquishment of divine at-
promise> <~ a holiday> 2: GUARD <~ us from harm>; tributes by Jesus Christ in becoming human - ke-not-ic
also: to take care of <~ a neighbor's children> 3: MAIN- \-'nii-tik\ adi
TAIN <~ silence> 4: to have in one's service or at one's ken-te cloth \ 'keno, ta- \ n : colorfully patterned cloth tradi-
tionally woven by hand in Ghana
disposal <~ a horse> 5: to preserve a record in <~ a di-
Ken-tucky bluegrass \kan-'t:l-ke-\ n : a valuable pasture
ary> 6: to have in stock for sale 7 : to retain in one's
and meadow grass of both Europe and America
possession <~ what you find> 8: to carry on (as a busi-
Ken.yan \'ke-nyan, 'ke-\ n : a native or inhabitant of Kenya
ness) : C~NDUcr 9: HOLD, DETAIN <~ him in jail> 10: to
- Kenyan adj
refrain from revealing <~ a secret> 11 : to continue in
Ke-ogh plan \'ke-(,)o-\ n [Eugene James Keogh t1989 Am.
good condition <meat will ~ in a freezer> 12 : to resist
politician) : an individual retirement account for the self:
an impulse or desire: ABSTAIN, REFRAIN employed
[I) answer, comply, fill, fulfill, meet, redeem, satisfy ke-pi \'ka-pe, 'ke-\ n [F) : a military cap with a round flat
- more at FULFILL. [I) celebrate, commemorate, ob- top and a visor
serve; also bless, consecrate, sanctify, solemnize; honor, ker-a-tin \'ker-at-'n\ n : any of various sulfur-containing
laud, praise; obey, respect, revere, reverence, venerate; proteins that make up hair and horny tissues
remember Ant break, transgress, violate. [7) hang on, kerb \'k:lrb\ n, Brit: CURB 3
hold, reserve, retain, withhold; also conserve, preserve, ker-chief \'kar-chaf, -,chef\ n, pi kerchiefs v-chofs, -,chefs\
save; enjoy, have, own, possess; conduct, control, de- also kerchieves \-,chevz\ [ME courchef, fr. AF coverchef,
tain, direct; bear, harbor Ant hand over, relinquish, sur- cuerchief, fro coverir to cover + chef head) 1 : a square
render usu keep from [I2) abstain (from), forbear, of cloth worn by women esp. as a head covering 2 : HAND-
forgo, refrain - more at FORBEAR KERCHIEF
2keep n 1 : FORTRESS 2: the means or provisions by which babushka, bandanna, do-rag, mantilla - more at
one is kept - for keeps 1 : with the provision that one BANDANNA
keep what one has won (play marbles/or keeps> 2: PER- kerf \'karf\ n : a slit or notch made by a saw or cutting
keep-away \'kep-a-,wa\ n : a game in which players try to ker-nel \'karn-'I\ n 1 : the inner softer part of a seed, fruit
keep an object from one or more other players stone, or nut 2: a whole seed of a cereal <a ~ of com>
keep-er n : one that keeps; esp : one who cares for an- 3 : a central or essential part : CORE
other or another's property ker-o-sene or ker-o-sine \'ker-a-,sen, ,ker-a-'sen\ n : a flam-
custodian, guard, guardian, lookout, picket, sentry, mable oil produced from petroleum and used for a fuel
warden, warder, watch, watchman - more at GUARD and as a solvent
caretaker, custodian, guardian, janitor, warden, kes-trel Vkes-tralv n : any of various small falcons that usu.
watchman - more at CUSTODIAN hover in the air while searching for prey
keep-inq n 1: CONFORMITY <in ~ with good taste> ketch \'kech\ n : a large fore-and-aft rigged boat with two
2 : the act of one that keeps: the care, possession, or masts
observance of something ketch-up, catch-up Vke-chsp, 'ka-\ n : a seasoned tomato
care, custody, guardianship, safekeeping, trust, ward puree
- more at CUSTODY control, hands, possession- ket-tle \'ket-'l\ n : a metallic vessel for boiling liquids
more at POSSESSION ket-tle-drum \-,dram\ n : a brass, copper, or fiberglass drum
with calfskin or plastic stretched across the top
keeping room n : a common room used for multiple pur-
'key \'ke\ n 1 : a usu. metal instrument by which the bolt
of a lock is turned; also : a device having the form or
keep-sake \'kep-,sak\ n : something kept or given to be
function of a key 2: a means of gaining or preventing en-
kept as a memento
trance, possession, or control 3: EXPLANATION, SOLUTION
memento, memorial, monument, remembrance, sou- 4 : one of the levers pressed by a finger in operating or
venir, token - more at MEMORIAL playing an instrument 5: a leading individual or princi-
keep up vb 1 : to persist or persevere in 2 : to keep in ple 6 : a system of seven tones based on their relationship
an existing state: MAINTAIN 3: to keep informed 4 : to to a tonic; also: the tone or pitch of a voice 7: a small
continue without interruption switch for opening or closing an electric circuit <a tele-
[I, 4) abide, continue, endure, hold, last, persist, run graph e--o
on - more at CONTINUE [2) conserve, maintain, pre- 2key vb 1 : SECURE, FASTEN 2: to regulate the musical pitch
serve, save - more at MAINTAIN of 3 : to bring into harmony or conformity 4 : to make
keg \'keg\ n : a small cask or barrel nervous - uSU. used with up
barrel, cask, hogshead, pipe, puncheon - more at accommodate, conciliate, conform, coordinate, har-
: CASK monize, reconcile - more at HARMONIZE
kegoger Vke-garv n : a party featuring one or more kegs of 3keya4j : marked by or indicative of significant worth or
beer consequence <~ issues>
keg.ler \'ke-glar\ n : 'BOWLER arch, cardinal, central, chief, dominant, first, fore-
; kelp \'kelp\ n : any of various coarse brown seaweeds; also most, grand, main, paramount, predominant, preemi-
: a mass of these or their ashes often used as fertilizer nent, premier, primary, principal, sovereign, supreme

~ i
kel-vin \'kel-van\ n : a unit of temperature equal to %73.1.
of the Kelvin scale temperature of the triple point of wa-
ter and equal to the Celsius degree
- more at FOREMOST. critical, crucial, pivotal, vital -
more at CRUCIAL
'key n : a low island or reef (as off the southern coast of
Kelvin adj : relating to, conforming to, or being a temper-
ature scale according to which absolute zero is 0 K, the
equivalent of -273.ISoC
cay, island, isle
5key n, slang: a kilogram esp. of marijuana or heroin

keyboard 466
key.board \-,bord\ n 1: a row of keys (as on a piano) chip in, contribute, pitch in - more at CONTRIBUTE
2 : an assemblage of keys for operating a machine kick-off \'kik-,6f\ n 1 : a kick that puts the ball in play (as
key club n : a private club serving liquor and providing en- in football) 2: COMMENCEMENT
tertainment kick off vb 1 : to start or resume play with a placekick
key.hole \'ke-,hol\ n : a hole for receiving a key 2 : to begin proceedings 3 slang: DIE
'key.note \-,not\ n 1 : the first and harmonically funda- kick over vb : to begin or cause to begin to fire - used of
mental tone of a scale 2: the central fact, idea, or mood an internal combustion engine
2keynote vb 1 : to set the keynote of 2 : to deliver the ma- kick-shaw \'kik-,sh6\ n [modif. of F quelque chose some-
jor address (as at a convention) - key-not-er n thing) 1 : DELICACY 2: TRINKET
key.punch \'ke-,p:mch\ n : a machine with a keyboard kick-stand \'kik-,stand\ n : a swiveling metal bar attached
used to cut holes or notches in punch cards - keypunch to a 2-wheeled vehicle for holding it up when not in use
vb - key-punch-er n kick-start \'kik-,stilrt\ vb : JUMP-START
key-stone \-,ston \ n 1 : the wedge-shaped piece at the kicky \'ki-ke\ adj : providing a kick or thrill: EXCITING
crown of an arch that locks the other pieces in place 'kid \'kid\ n 1 : a young goat 2 : the flesh, fur, or skin of a
2 : something on which associated things depend for young goat; also: something made of kid 3 : a young
support person: CHILD, YOUNGSTER
base, basis, bedrock, cornerstone, footing, founda- child, cub, juvenile, youngster, youth - more at
tion, ground, groundwork, underpinning - more at CHILD
CORNERSTONE 2kid vb kid-ded; kidoding 1 : to deceive as a joke: FOOL
key.stroke \-,strok\ n : an act or instance of depressing a 2 : to make fun of : TEASE - kidoder n - adv
key on a keyboard [I) banter, fool, fun, jest, jive, joke, josh, quip, wise-
key word n : a word that is a key; esp, usu keyword : a sig- crack - more at JOKE. [2) chaff, jive, josh, rally, razz,
nificant word from a title or document used esp, as an in- rib, ride, roast, tease - more at TEASE
dication of the content kidodish adj. : marked by or suggestive of immaturity and
kg abbr kilogram lack of poise
KGB abbr [Russ Komitetgosudarstvennoi bezopasnosti) (So-
adolescent, babyish, childish, immature, infantile, ju-
viet) State Security Committee
venile - more at CHILDISH
khaki \'ka-ke, 'kil-\ n [Hindi & Urdu khaki dust-colored,
kid-do \'ki-do\ n, pi kiddos 1 - used as a familiar form of
fro khak dust, fro Pers) 1 : a light yellowish brown color
2 : a khaki-colored cloth; also: a military uniform of this
address <you're okay, =--> 2 : a young person who is
between infancy and adulthood: CHILD, KID
khan \'kiln, 'kan\ n : a Mongol leader; esp : a successor of child, cub, juvenile, kid, moppet, whelp, youngster,
Genghis Khan youth - more at CHILD
khe-dive \b-'dev\ n : a ruler of Egypt from 1867 to 1914 kid-nap \'kid-,nap\ vb kid-napped also kid-naped \-,napt\;
governing as a viceroy of the sultan of Turkey kid."ap-ping also kid-nap-ing \-,na-pil)\ : to hold or carry a
kHz abbr kilohertz person away by unlawful force or by fraud and against
KIA abbr killed in action one's will - kid-nap-per also kid-nap-er \-,na-p:lr\ n
kib-ble \'ki-bOlI\ vb kib-bled; kibobling : to grind coarsely - kid-ney \'kid-ne\ n, pi kidneys: either of a pair of organs
kibble n lying near the backbone that excrete waste products of
kib-butz \ki-'blits, -'buts\ n, pi kibobutzim \-,blit-'sem, the body in the form of urine
-,but-\ [ModHeb qibbu~) : a communal farm or settlement kidney bean n 1 : an edible seed of the common cultivated
in Israel bean; esp : one that is large and dark red 2: a plant bear-
kibitzoer \'ki-b:lt-s:lr, k:l-'bit-\ n : one who looks on and ing kidney beans
usu. offers unwanted advice esp. at a card game - kiboitz kid-skin \'kid-,skin\ n : the skin of a young goat used for
\'ki-b:lts\ vb leather
kiel-ba-sa \kel-'bil-sOl, kil-\ n, pi -basas also -ba-sy \-'bil-se\
busybody, interloper, intruder, meddler - more at
[Pol kielbasa) : a smoked sausage of Polish origin
'kill \'kil\ vb 1 : to deprive of life 2: to put an end to <-
ki-bosh \'ki-,biish\ n : something that serves as a check or
competition); also: DEFEAT <- a proposed amendment)
stop <put the - on his plan) 3 : USE UP <- time) 4: to mark for omission - kill-er n
'kick \'kik\ vb 1 : to strike out or hit with the foot; also: to
score by kicking a ball 2 : to object strongly 3: to re- destroy, dispatch, do in, fell, slay; also annihilate, blot
out, butcher, decimate, massacre, slaughter, wipe out;
coil when fired - kick-er n
cut down, finish, nip, snuff; assassinate, execute, mur-
beef, bellyache, complain, fuss, gripe, grouse, growl, der, smite Ant animate
grumble, moan, object, squawk, wail, whine - more at
2kill n 1 : an act of killing 2: an animal or animals killed
(as in a hunt); also: an aircraft, ship, or vehicle destroyed
2kick n 1 : a blow or thrust with the foot; esp : a propelling
by military action
of a ball with the foot 2: the recoil of a gun 3 : a feel-
kill-deer \'kil-,dir\ n, pi killdeers or killdeer [imit.) : an
ing or expression of objection 4.: stimulating effect
American plover with a plaintive penetrating cry
esp, of pleasure
killer app \-'ap\ n : a component (as a computer applica-
[3) challenge, complaint, demur, expostulation, fuss, tion) that in itself makes something worth having or using
objection, protest, question, remonstrance - more at killer bee n : AFRICANIZED BEE
OBJECTION [4) bang, exhilaration, thrill, titillation-
killer whale n : a small gregarious black and white flesh-
more at THRILL eating whale with a white oval patch behind each eye
kick.back \'kik-,bak\ n 1 : a sharp violent reaction 2: a se- n : a sudden notable gain or profit
cret return of a part of a sum received killing field n : a scene of mass killing
kick back vb : to assume a relaxed position or attitude killjoy \'kil-J6i\ n : one who spoils the pleasures of others
bask, loll, lounge, relax, repose, rest - more at REST kiln \'kil, 'kiln\ n [ME kilne, fro OE cyln, fro L culina
kickboxing \'kik-,bilk-sil)\ n : boxing in which boxers are kitchen) : a heated enclosure (as an oven) for processing
permitted to kick with bare feet - kick-box-er \-sOlr\ n a substance by burning, firing, or drying - kiln vb
kick in vb 1 : to give or supply in common with others ki-lo \'ke-Io\ n, pi kilos: KILOGRAM
: CONTRIBUTE 2 slang: DIE 3: to begin operating or hav- ki-lo-byte \'ki-I:l-,blt, 'ke-\ n : 1024 bytes
ing an effect kilo-cy-cle \'ki-IOI-,si-kOlI\ n : KILOHERTZ
467 king-sized

ki.lo-gram \'ke-l;l-,gram, 'ki-\ n 1 ; the basic metric unit of 2: SYMPATHETICALLV 3 + : in a gracious manner: COURTE-
mass that is nearly equal to the mass of 1000 cubic cen- OUSLY
timeters of water at its maximum density 2; the weight + courteously, nicely, thoughtfully, well- more at
of a kilogram mass under earth's gravity WELL
ki-lo-hertz \'ki-I:l-,h:lrts, 'ke-, -,herts\ n : 1000 hertz kind-ness n 1 + : a kind deed 2 + : the quality or state of
kilo-li-ter \'ki-I:l-,HH:lr\ n : a metric unit of capacity equal being kind
to 1000 li ters + [l] boon, courtesy, favor (or favour), grace, indul-
ki-lo-me-ter \ki-'Ia-m:l-t:lr, 'ki-lo-ane-v or Can and Brit ki-lo- gence, mercy, service, tum + [2] charity, commisera-
me-tre n : a metric unit of length equal to 1000 meters tion, compassion, feeling, heart, humanity, kindliness,
ki-lo-ton \'ki-I:l-,t:ln, 'ke-Io-\ n 1 : 1000 tons 2: an explo- mercy, pity, sympathy - more at HEART
sive force equivalent to that of 1000 tons of TNT kind of adv + : to a moderate degree (it's kind o/Iate to be-
ki-lo-volt \-,volt\ n : 1000 volts gin)
kilo-watt \'ki-I:l-,wat\ n : 1000 watts + enough, fairly, moderately, pretty, quite, rather, so:
kilowatt-hour n : a unit of energy equal to that expended so, somewhat, sort of - more at FAIRLY
by one kilowatt in one hour 'kinodred \'kin-dr:ld\ n 1 + : a group of related individuals
kill \'kilt\ n : a knee-length pleated skirt usu. of tartan 2 : one's relatives
worn by men in Scotland + blood, clan, family, folks, house, kin, kinfolk, line,
kil-ter \'kil-t:lr\ n + : proper condition <out of ~) lineage, people, race, stock, tribe
+ condition, fettle, form, order, repair, shape, trim 2kindred adj + : of a like nature or character
ki-mo-no \b-'mo-n:l\ n, pi -nos 1 : a loose robe with wide + akin, related - more at RELATED
sleeves traditionally worn with a wide sash as an outer kine \'kin\ archaic pi of cxr
garment by the Japanese 2: a loose dressing gown or ki-ne-mat-tes \,ki-n:l-'ma-tiks\ n : a science that deals with
jacket motion apart from considerations of mass and force-
kin \'kin\ n 1 + : an individual's relatives 2 + : a person ki-ne-mat-ic \-tik\ or kl-ne-rnat-i-cal \-ti-k:ll\ adj
connected with another by blood or marriage : KINSMAN kin-es-the-sia \,ki-n:ls-'the-zh:l, -zhe-ov or kln-es-the-sls
+ [1] blood, clan, family, folks, house, kindred, kin- \-'the-s:ls\ n, pi -the-slas or -the-ses \-,sez\ : a sense that
folk, line, lineage, people, race, stock, tribe + [2] kins- perceives bodily movement, position, and weight and is
man, relation, relative - more at RELATIVE mediated by nervous receptors in tendons, muscles, and
kl-na-ra \ke-'na-r:l\ n : a candelabra with seven candle- joints; also : sensory experience derived from this sense
sticks used during Kwanzaa - kin-es-thet-ic \-'the-tik\ adi
'kind \'kind\ n 1 : essential quality or character 2 + : a ki-net-ic \k:l-'ne-tik\ adj : of or relating to the motion of
group united by common traits or interests; also: VARIETY material bodies and the forces and energy (kinetic energy)
3 : goods or commodities as distinguished from money associated with them
+ breed, class, description, feather, ilk, like, manner, ki-net-ics \-tiks\ n sing or pi : a science that deals with the
nature, order, sort, species, type, variety - more at effects of forces upon the motions of material bodies or
SORT + bracket, category, class, division, family, grade, with changes in a physical or chemical system
group, set - more at CLASS kin.folk \'kin-,fOk\ or kinfolks n pi + : persons connected
2kind adj 1 + ; of a sympathetic, forbearing, or pleasant na- with each other by blood or affinity: RELATIVES
ture 2 + : arising from sympathy or forbearance <~ + blood, clan, family, folks, house, kin, kindred, line,
deeds) lineage, people, race, stock, tribe
+ [l] beneficent, benevolent, compassionate, good: king \'kit)\ n 1 : a male sovereign 2 + : a chief among com-
hearted, humane, kindly, sympathetic, tender, tender- petitors (home-run ~) 3; the principal piece in the
hearted, warmhearted - more at HUMANE + [2] atten- game of chess 4: a playing card bearing the figure of a
tive. considerate. solicitous, thoughtful - more at king 5: a checker that has been crowned - king.less adj
- klng,shlp n
kln-der-qar-ten \'kin-d:lr-,gart-'n\ n [G, lit., children's gar- + baron, czar, magnate, mogul, prince, tycoon - more
den] : a school or class for children usu. from four to six at MAGNATE
years old king crab n 1 : HORSESHOE CRAB 2: a large crab of the No.
kin-der-qart-ner \-,gart-n:lr\ n 1 : a kindergarten pupil 2: a Pacific caught commercially for food
kindergarten teacher kingodom \'kil)-d:lm\ n 1 : a country whose head is a king
kind-heart-ed \,kind-'har-t:ld\ adj : marked by a sympa- or queen 2: a realm or region in which something or
thetic nature someone is dominant <a cattle e--c 3: one of the three
kinodle \'kind-'I\ vb kin-dled; kinodling 1 + : to set on fire primary divisions of lifeless material, plants, and animals
: start burning 2: to stir up: AROUSE 3 : ILLUMINATE, GLOW into which natural objects are grouped; also: a biological
category that ranks above the phylum
+ bum, fire, ignite, inflame, light - more at BURN king.fishoer \-,fi-sh:lr\ n : any of numerous usu. bright:
kindliness n 1 + : the quality or state of being kindly 2: a colored crested birds that feed chiefly on fish
kindly deed adj 1 : of, relating to, or befitting a king 2 + : of,
+ amity, benevolence, cordiality, fellowship, friendli- relating to, suggestive of, or characteristic of a monarch
ness, friendship, goodwill - more at GOODWILL + char- or monarchy
ity, commiseration, compassion, feeling, heart, human- + monarchical, princely, queenly, regal, royal - more
ity, kindness, mercy, pity, sympathy - more at HEART at MONARCHICAL \'kit)-,pin\ n 1 : HEADPIN 2 + : the leader in a
kinodling \'kind-lit), 'kin-Ian', n : easily combustible mate- group or undertaking
rial for starting a fire + boss, captain, chief, foreman, head, headman, helms-
' \'kind-Ie\ adj klnd-ll-er; -est 1 : of an agreeable or man, leader, master, taskmaster - more at BOSS
beneficial nature 2 + : of a sympathetic or generous na- Kings n : either of two books of Jewish and Christian
ture Scripture
+ beneficent, benevolent, compassionate, good-hearted, king-size \'kit)-,siz\ or king-sized \-,sizd\ adj 1 : longer
humane, kind, sympathetic, tender, tenderhearted, than the regular or standard size 2: unusually large
warmhearted - more at HUMANE 3 : having dimensions of about 76 by 80 inches (1.9 by 2.0
2kindly adv 1 : READILY (does not take ~ to criticism) meters) (a ~ bed); also: of a size that fits a king-size bed
kink 468
kink \'kil)k\ n 1 : a short tight twist or curl 2 : a mental pe- subtropical vine that has sweet bright green flesh and
culiarity : QUIRK 3: CRAMP (a ~ in the back) 4: an im- small edible black seeds
perfection likely to cause difficulties in operation KJV abbr King James Version
kinky adj + : strikingly out of the ordinary KKK abbr Ku Klux Klan
+ bizarre, curious, far-out, funny, odd, outlandish, kl abbr kiloliter
outre, peculiar, quaint, queer, quirky, remarkable, klatch or klatsch \'klach\ n [G Klatsch gossip) : a gathering
screwy, strange, wacky, weird, wild - more at ODD marked by informal conversation
kln-ship \'kin-,ship\ n + : the quality or state of being kin klep-toc-ra-cy \klep-'tii-kra-se\ n, p/ -cies : government by
: RELATIONSHIP those who seek chiefly status and personal gain at the ex-
+ association, bearing, connection, liaison, linkage, re- pense of the governed
lation, relationship - more at CONNECTION klep-to-ma-nia \,klep-t;>-'ma-ne-a\ n : a persistent neurotic
kins-man \'kinz-m:ln\ n + : a person connected with an- impulse to steal esp. without economic motive - klep-to-
other by blood or marriage: RELATIVE; esp : a male rela- ma-nt-ee \-ne-,ak\ n
tive klieg light or kleig light \'kleg-\ n : a very bright lamp used
+ kin, relation, relative - more at RELATIVE in making motion pictures
kins-wom-an \-,wU-man\ n : a female relative klutz \'klats\ n [Yiddish klots, lit., wooden beam) : a clumsy
ki-osk \'ke-,iisk\ n 1 : a small structure with one or more person - klutzy ad}
open sides 2: a stand-alone device providing information km abbr kilometer
and services on a computer screen kn abbr knot
Ki-o-wa \'ki-:l-,w6, -,wii, -,wa\ n, pl Kiowa or Kiowas: a knack \'nak\ n : a clever way of doing something
member of an American Indian people of Colorado, 2 + : natural aptitude
Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas + aptitude, endowment, faculty, flair, genius, gift, tal-
kip-per \'ki-par\ n : a fish (as a herring) preserved by salt- ent - more at TALENT
ing and drying or smoking - kipper vb knap-sack \'nap-,sak\ n : a bag (as of canvas) strapped on
kirk \'k:lrk, 'kirk\ n, chiefly Scot: CHURCH the back and used esp. for carrying supplies
kir-tle \'kart-'I\ n : a long gown or dress worn by women knave \'nav\ n 1 +: a tricky deceitful fellow : ROGUE
kis-met \'kiz-,met, -matv n, often cap [Turk, fro Ar qisma 2: JACK 6
portion, lot) : FATE + beast, devil, evildoer, fiend, no-good, reprobate,
'kiss \'kis\ vb 1 : to touch or caress with the lips as a mark rogue, varlet, villain, wretch - more at VILLAIN
of affection or greeting 2 + : to touch gently or lightly knav-ery \'na-v;>-re\ n + : the character or actions of a ras-
+ brush, graze, nick, shave, skim - more at BRUSH cal; a/so: a roguish or mischievous act
2kiss n 1 : a caress with the lips 2: a gentle touch or con- + devilishness, impishness, mischief, mischievousness,
tact 3: a bite-size candy rascality, shenanigans, waggery, wickedness - more at
kiss-er \'ki-sar\ n 1 : one that kisses 2 slang : MOUTH MISCHIEF
3 slang : FACE knav-ish \ 'na-vish \ ad} + : of, relating to, or characteristic
kit \ 'kit\ n 1 : a set of articles for personal use; a/so: a set of a knave
of tools or implements or of parts to be assembled 2: a
container (as a case) for a kit
+ devilish, impish, mischievous, rascally, roguish, sly,
waggish, wicked - more at MISCHIEVOUS
kitch-en Vki-chanv n 1: a room with cooking facilities
2 : the staff that prepares, cooks, and serves food knead \'ned\ vb : to work and press into a mass with the
hands; also : MASSAGE - knead-er n
kitch-en-ette \,ki-cha-'net\ n : a small kitchen or an alcove
containing cooking facilities
knee \'ne\ n : the joint in the middle part of the leg-
kitchen police n 1 : KP 2: the work of KPs kneed \'ned\ adj
kitch-en-ware \'ki-chan-,war\ n : utensils and appliances knee-cap \'ne-,kap\ n : a thick flat triangular movable
for kitchen use bone forming the front of the knee
kite \'kit\ n 1 : any of various long-winged hawks often knee-hole \-,hol\ n : a space (as under a desk) for the knees
with deeply forked tails 2: a light frame covered with pa- knee-jerk \'ne-Jark\ ad} : readily predictable (a ~ reac-
per or cloth and designed to be flown in the air at the end tion)
of a long string kneel \'nel\ vb knelt \'nelt\ or kneeled; : to bend
kith \'kith\ n [ME, fr. OE cvthth, fr. cisth known) : familiar the knee : fall or rest on the knees
friends, neighbors, or relatives (~ and kin) 'knell \'nel\ vb 1 +: to ring esp. for a death or disaster
kitsch \'kich\ n [G) : something often of poor quality that 2 : to summon, announce, or proclaim by a knell
appeals to popular or lowbrow taste - kitschy adj + chime, peal, ring, toll - more at RING
kit-ten \'kit-'n\ n : a young cat 'knell n 1 : a stroke of a bell esp. when tolled (as for a fu-
kit-ten-lsh ad} + : resembling or suggestive of a kitten; esp neral) 2: an indication of the end or failure of something
: coyly playful knew past of KNOW
+ coquettish, coy, demure - more at COY knick-ers \'ni-karz\ n p/ : loose-fitting short pants gathered
'kit.ty \'ki-te\ n, pi kitties + : a carnivorous mammal long at the knee
domesticated as a pet and for catching rats and mice knick-knack \'nik-,nak\ n + : a small trivial article intended
: CAT; esp : KITTEN for ornament
+ cat, feline, puss - more at CAT + bauble, curiosity, gewgaw, novelty, trinket; also brtc-
2kitty n, p/ kitties + : a fund in a poker game made up of a-brae, trumpery; trifle; figurine, objet d'art, ornament;
contributions from each pot; a/so: POOL souvenir
+ account, budget, deposit, fund, nest egg, pool- 'knife \'nif\ n, pi knives \'nivz\ 1 : a cutting instrument
more at FUND consisting of a sharp blade fastened to a handle 2: a
kit-ty-cor-ner a/so cat-tv-cor-ner or cat-er-cor-ner \'ki-te- sharp cutting tool in a machine
.kor-nar, 'ka-; 'ka-ta-\ or kit-ty-cor-nered or cat-tv-cor- 'knife vb knifed; : to stab, slash, or wound with a
nered or cat-er-cornered \-n:lrd\ adv or ad} : in a diagonal knife
or oblique position 'knight \'nit\ n 1 : a mounted warrior of feudal times serv-
kiwi \'ke-(,)we\ n 1 : any of a small genus of flightless New ing a king 2 : a man honored by a sovereign for merit and
Zealand birds 2: KIWIFRUIT in Great Britain ranking below a baronet 3: a man de-
kl-wi-frult \-,frut\ n : a brownish hairy egg-shaped fruit of a voted to the service of a lady 4: a member of an order or
469 knuckle down
society 5: a chess piece having an L-shaped move- bond of union; esp : the marriage bond 4 : a protuber- adj ant lump or swelling in tissue 5: a rounded cross-grained
2knight vb : to make a knight of area in lumber that is a section through the junction of a
knight.hood \'nlt-,hud\ n 1 : the rank, dignity, or profes- tree branch with the trunk; also: the woody tissue form-
sion of a knight 2: CHIVALRY 3: knights as a class or body ing this junction in a tree 6: a cluster of persons or things
knish \k:l-'nish\ n [yiddish] : a small round or square of : GROUP 7: an ornamental bow of ribbon 8: one nautical
dough stuffed with a filling (as of meat or fruit) and mile per hour; also: one nautical mile
baked or fried [2] case, matter, problem, trouble - more at PROB-
'knit \'nit\ vb knit or knit-ted; knit.ting 1 : to link firmly or LEM [3] bond, cement, ligature, link, tie - more at
closely 2: WRINKLE <- her brows) 3: to form a fabric BOND [4] bump, lump, nodule, swelling - more at
by interlacing yam or thread in connected loops with BUMP
needles 4: to grow together - knit-ter n 2knot vb knot-ted; knot.ting 1: to tie in or with a knot
2knit n 1 : a basic knitting stitch 2: a knitted garment or 2 : to unite closely or intricately: ENTANGLE
fabric entangle, interlace, intertwine, interweave, snarl, tan-
knit-wear \-,war\ n : knitted clothing gle - more at ENTANGLE
knob \'niib\ n 1 : a rounded protuberance; also: a small knot-hole \-,hol\ n : a hole in a board or tree trunk where
rounded ornament or handle 2: a rounded usu. isolated a knot has come out
hill- knobbed \'niibd\ adj - knob-by \'nii-be\ adj knot-ty adj : marked by or full of knots; esp : so full of
'knock \'niik\ vb 1 : to strike with a sharp blow 2 : to col- difficulties and complications as to be likely to defy solu-
lide with something: BUMP 3: to make a pounding noise; tion
esp : to have engine knock 4 : to find fault with 5 : to
move about without a fixed course, aim, or goal complex, complicated, convoluted, elaborate, intri-
cate, involved, sophisticated - more at COMPLEX
[2] bang, bash, bump, collide, crash, hit, impact, ram, catchy, delicate, difficult, problematic, spiny, thorny,
slam, smash, strike, swipe, thud - more at HIT [4] ticklish, touchy, tough, tricky - more at TRICKY
blame, censure, condemn, criticize, denounce, fault,
knout \'naut, 'nut\ n : a whip used for flogging
pan, reprehend - more at CRITICIZE [5] gad, galli-
know \'no\ vb knew \'nu, 'nyu\; known \'non\;
vant, maunder, meander, mope, ramble, range, roam,
1 : to perceive directly: have understanding or direct
rove, traipse, wander - more at WANDER
cognition of; also: to recognize the nature of 2 : to be ac-
2knock n 1 : a sharp blow 2: a pounding noise; esp : one
quainted or familiar with 3: to be aware of the truth of
caused by abnormal ignition in an automobile engine
4 : to have a practical understanding of -
3 : a severe misfortune or hardship
adj - knowoer n - in the know: possessing confidential
adversity, misadventure, mischance, misfortune, information
mishap - more at MISFORTUNE
[l] endure, experience, feel, have, see, suffer, sustain,
knockodown \'niik-,daun\ n 1 : the action of knocking
taste, undergo - more at EXPERIENCE [4] compre-
down 2: something (as a blow) that knocks down
hend, grasp, understand; also appreciate, apprehend,
3 : something that can be easily assembled or disassem- fathom, perceive; have, possess
know-how \'no-,hau\ n : knowledge of how to do some-
knock down vb 1 : to strike to the ground with or as if
thing smoothly and efficiently
with as sharp blow 2 : to take apart: DISASSEMBLE 3: to
receive as income or salary: EARN 4: to make a reduction experience, expertise, proficiency, savvy - more at
knowing adj 1 : having or reflecting knowledge, intelli-
[l] bowl, down, drop, fell, floor, level. [2] disassem-
gence, or information 2.: shrewdly and keenly alert
ble, dismantle, strike, take down - more at DISASSEM-
knock-er \'nii-k:lr\ n : one that knocks; esp : a device astute, canny, hardheaded, sharp, shrewd, smart-
hinged to a door for use in knocking more at SHREWD
knock-knee \'niik-,ne\ n : a condition in which the legs : in a knowing manner; esp : with aware-
curve inward at the knees - knock-kneed \-,ned\ adj ness, deliberateness, or intention
knock-off \'niik-,of\ n : a copy or imitation of someone or consciously, deliberately, intentionally, purposely,
something popular willfully - more at INTENTIONALLY
knock off vb 1 .: to stop doing something 2: to do knowloedge \'nii-lij\ n 1 : understanding gained by actual
Quickly, carelessly, or routinely 3: to deduct from a price experience <a - of carpentry) 2: range of information
4: KILL 5: ROB 6: COPY, IMITATE <to the best of my +-> 3: clear perception of truth
break, break off, cease, cut, desist, discontinue, drop, 4 : something learned and kept in the mind 5 : ac-
end, halt, layoff, leave off, quit, shut off, stop - more Quaintance with or understanding of a science, art, or
at STOP technique
knock-out \'niik-,aut\ n 1 : a blow that fells and immobi- [4] intelligence, lore, science, wisdom [5] educa-
lizes an opponent (as in boxing) 2 : something sensa- tion, erudition, learning, scholarship, science - more
tionally striking or attractive 3 : the act of knocking at EDUCATION
out; also: the condition of being knocked out knowloedge-able \'nii-Ii-j:l-b:ll\ adj : having or showing
[2] beauty, dream, enchantress, fox, goddess, Queen knowledge or intelligence
- more at BEAlITY [2] beauty, crackerjack, dandy, abreast, conversant, familiar, informed, up, up-to=
jim-dandy, pip - more at JIM-DANDY [3] blackout, date, versed - more at FAMILIAR educated, erudite,
faint, swoon - more at FAJNT learned, literate, scholarly, well-read - more at EDU-
knock out vb 1 : to defeat by a knockout 2: to make un- CATED
conscious or inoperative 3: to tire out: EXHAUST know-noth-lnq \'no-,n:l-thil)\ n : an utterly ignorant per-
knock-wurst also knack-wurst \'niik-,w:lrst, -jvurst', n : a son: IGNORAMUS
short thick heavily seasoned sausage blockhead, dope, dummy, idiot, imbecile, jackass,
knoll \'nol\ n : a small round hill moron, numskull - more at IDIOT
'knot \'niit\ n 1 : an interlacing (as of string) forming a knuck-le \'n:l-k:ll\ n : the rounded knob at a joint and esp.
lump or knob and often used for fastening or tying to- at a finger joint
gether 2 : something hard to solve: PROBLEM 3.: a knuckle down vb : to apply oneself earnestly
knuckle under 470
knuckle under vb : to yield under insistence or entreaty KP \,kii-'pe\ n 1 : an enlisted man detailed to help the
: SUBMIT, SURRENDER cooks in a military mess 2: the work of KPs
bow, budge, capitulate, concede, give in, quit, sub- kph abbr kilometers per hour
mit, succumb, surrender, yield - more at YIELD Kr symbol krypton
knurl \'narl\ n 1 : KNOB 2: one of a series of small ridges kraal Vkral, 'kr61\ n 1 : a native village in southern Africa
on a metal surface to aid in gripping - knurled \'narId\ 2 : an enclosure for domestic animals in southern Africa
adj - knurly adj kraut \'kraiJt\ n : SAUERKRAUT
'KO \(,)kii-'6, 'kii-6\ n : KNOCKOUT Krem-lin \'krem-lan\ n : the Russian government
2KO vb KO'd; KO'.ing : to knock out in boxing Krem.linoOl-oogist \,krem-Ia-'nii-Ia-jist\ n : a specialist in the
ko-ala \k6-'ii-la\ n : a gray furry Australian marsupial that policies and practices of the former Soviet government
has large hairy ears and feeds on eucalyptus leaves Kru-qer-rand \'krii-gar-,rand, -,riind\ n : a l-ounce gold
K of C abbr Knights of Columbus coin of the Republic of South Africa
kohl-ra-bi \k61-'rii-be\ n, pl-bies [G, fro It cavolo rapa, lit., kryp-ton \'krip-,tiin\ n : a gaseous chemical element used
cabbage turnip] : a cabbage that forms no head but has a esp. in electric lamps
swollen fleshy edible stem KS abbr Kansas
koi \'k6i\ n, pi koi [Jp] : a carp bred for large size and a va- kt abbr 1 karat 2 knight
riety of colors and often stocked in ornamental ponds ku-do \'kii-d6, 'kyii-\ n, pI kudos [fro kudos (taken as pl.)]
ko-lin-sky \ka-'lin-ske\ n, pi -skies : the fur of various 1 : AWARD, HONOR 2: COMPLIMENT, PRAISE
Asian minks ku-dos \'kii-,diis, 'kyii-\ n : fame and renown resulting
Ko-rno-do dragon \ka-'m6-d6-\ n [Komodo Island, Indone- from achievement
sia] : a carnivorous lizard of Indonesia that is the largest kudzu \'kiJd-zii, 'kad-\ n [Jp kuzu] : a fast-growing weedy
of all known lizards leguminous vine used for forage and erosion control
kook \'kiik\ n : one whose ideas or actions are eccentric, ku-lak \kii-'Iak, kyii-, -'Iiik\ n [Russ, lit., fist] 1 : a wealthy
fantastic, or insane: SCREWBALL peasant farmer in 19th century Russia 2: a farmer char-
character, crackpot, crank, eccentric, nut, oddball, acterized by Communists as too wealthy
screwball, weirdo - more at ECCENTRIC kum-quat \'kam-,kwiit\ n : any of several small citrus fruits
with sweet spongy rind and acid pulp
kooky also kookie \'kii-ke\ adj kook-i-er; -est : having
kung fu \,bl)-'fii, ,kiJl)-\ n : a Chinese art of self-defense
the characteristics of a kook : CRAZY - kook-i-ness n
resembling karate
absurd, crazy, cuckoo, fatuous, foolish, mad, nonsen- kung pao \'kal)-'paiJ, 'kiil)-, 'kiJl)-\ adj : being stir-fried or
sical, nutty, senseless, silly, stupid - more at FOOLISH deep-fried and served in a spicy hot sauce usu. with
Koo-te-nai or Ku-te-nai \'kii-ta-,nii\ n, pi -nai or -nais : a peanuts
member of an American Indian people of the Rocky kur-ta \'kar-ta\ n : a long loose-fitting collarless shirt
Mountains in both the U.S. and Canada; also: their lan- ku-rus \ka-'riish\ n, pl kurus: a Turkish piaster equal to
'/'00 lira
ko-ra \'k6r-a\ n : a 2l-stringed African musical instrument Ku-waitl \kiJ-'wii-te\ n : a native or inhabitant of Kuwait -
Ko-ran \ka-'ran, -'riin\ n [Ar qur'an] : a sacred book of Is- Kuwaiti adj
lam that contains revelations made to Muhammad by Al- kV abbr kilovolt
lah kvell \'kvel\ vb : to be extraordinarily proud
Ko-re-an \ka-'re-an\ n : a native or inhabitant of Korea- kvetch \'kvech, 'kfech\ vb : to complain habitually-
Korean adj kvetch n
ko-sher \'k6-shar\ adj [yiddish, fro Heb kdsher fit, proper] kW abbr kilowatt
1 : ritually fit for use according to Jewish law 2: selling Kwan.zaa, \'kwiin-za\ n [Swahili kwanza first] : an
or serving kosher food African-American cultural festival held from December
kow-tow \kaiJ-'taiJ, 'kaiJ-,taiJ\ vb [Chin koutou, fro kou to 26 to January 1
knock + tou head] 1 : to show obsequious deference kwash-I-or-kor \,kwii-she-'6r-k6r, -or-tkorv n : a disease of
2 : to kneel and touch the forehead to the ground as a sign young children caused by deficient intake of protein
of homage or deep respect kWh abbr kilowatt-hour
fawn, fuss, toady - more at FAWN Ky or KY abbr Kentucky

'I \'el\ n, pll's or Is \'elz\ often cap: the 12th letter of the 21abel vb -beled or -belled; or -bel.ling 1 : to affix
English alphabet a label to 2 : to describe or name with a label
21 abbr, often cap 1 lake 2 large 3 left 4 pound 5 line [1] mark, tag, ticket; also caption, earmark, stamp;
6 liter call. designate, identify. name, tab; brand, stigmatize
'La abbr Louisiana [2] baptize, call, christen, denominate, designate.
2La symbol lanthanum dub. entitle, name, style, term, title - more at NAME
LA abbr 1 law agent 2 Los Angeles 3 Louisiana la-bl-al \'lii-be-al\ adj : of, relating to, or situated near the
lab \'lab\ n : LABORATORY lips or labia
Lab n : LABRADOR RETRIEVER la-bia ma-jo-ra \'lii-be-a-ma-'j6r-a\ n pI : the outer fatty
'Ia-bet \'lii-bal\ n 1 .: a slip attached to something for folds of the vulva
identification or description 2: a descriptive or identify- labia mi-no-ra \-ma-'n6r-a\ n t : the inner highly vascular
ing word or phrase 3: BRAND 3 folds of the vulva
marker, tag, ticket; also caption, legend; brand, em- la-bile \'Iii-,bi(-a)l, -balv adj 1 : UNSTABLE 2: ADAPTABLE
blem, logo, mark, symbol; badge, decal, plaque, seal, la-bl-um \'lii-be-am\ n, plla.bia \-a\ [NL, fro L, lip] : any of
stamp, sticker the folds at the margin of the vulva
471 lading
'Iabor or Can and Brit la-bour \'Ia-b:;,r\ n 1 : physical or 21ace n [ME, fro AF lace, laz, fr. L laqueus snare] 1 : a
mental effort; also : human activity that provides the cord or string used for drawing together two edges
goods or services in an economy 2 : the physical efforts 2 : an ornamental braid 3: a fine openwork uSU. fig-
of giving birth; also: the period of such labor 3 : an act ured fabric made of thread - lacy \'Ia-se\ a4j
or process requiring labor 4: those who do manual labor [1] cable, cord, line, rope, string, wire - more at
or work for wages; also: labor unions or their officials CORD. [2] braid, plait - more at BRAlD
[1] effort, exertion, expenditure, pains, sweat, trou- lac-er-ate \'Ia-s:;,-,rat\ vb -at-ed; : to tear roughly
ble, while, work - more at EFFORT. [2] childbirth, de- lac-er-a-tion \,Ia-s:;,-'ra-sh:;,n\ n : a torn and ragged wound
livery - more at CHILDBIRTH [3] drudgery, grind,
gash, rent, rip, slash, slit, tear - more at GASH
slavery, sweat, toil, travail - more at TOIL
21abor or Can and Brit labour vb 1 : to exert oneself phys- lace-wing \'Ias-,wil)\ n : any of various insects with delicate
ically or mentally esp. with painful or strenuous effort wing veins, long antennae, and often brilliant eyes
: WORK 2: to move with great effort 3: to be in the labor lach-ry-mal or lac-ri-mal Vla-kra-molv adj 1 usu lacrimal
of giving birth 4: to suffer from some disadvantage or : of, relating to, or being glands that produce tears 2: of,
relating to, or marked by tears
distress <~ under a delusion> 5: to treat or work out la-
boriously lach-ry-mose Vla-kro-jmos', adj 1 : TEARFUL 2: MOURNFUL
'lack \'Iak\ vb 1 : to be wanting or missing 2: to be defi-
drudge, endeavor (or endeavour), fag, grub, hustle, cient in
peg, plod, plug, slave, slog, strain, strive, struggle, sweat,
21ack n : the fact or state of being wanting or deficient
toil, work; also apply (oneself), attempt, buckle (down),
hammer (away), pitch in; attack, drive; essay, try; exer- dearth, deficiency, deficit, failure, famine, inade-
cise, exert, overexert, overwork; eke out, grind (out), quacy, insufficiency, paucity, poverty, scantiness,
put out, scratch; trudge, wade; employ, ply, use, utilize, scarcity, shortage, want - more at DEFICIENCY ab-
wield Ant dabble, fiddle (around), fool (around), mess sence, need, want - more at NEED
(around), putter (around) lack-a-eal-sl-cal \,la-k:;,-'da-zi-k:;,l\ adj .: lacking life,
lab-o-ra-to-ry \'Ia-br:;,-,tor-e, -bc-ro-v n, pi -ries : a place spirit, or zest - \-k(:;,- )Ie\ adv
equipped for making scientific experiments or tests enervated, languid, languorous, limp, listless, spirit-
Labor Day or Can Labour Day n : the 1st Monday in Sep- less - more at LISTLESS
tember observed as a legal holiday in recognition of the lack-ey \'Ia-ke\ n, pi lackeys 1 : someone who does tasks
working people or errands for another: FOOTMAN, SERVANT 2: TOADY
labored or Can and Brit la-boured \'Ia-b:;,rd\ adj : not domestic, flunky, menial, retainer, servant, steward
freely or easily done <~ breathing> - more at SERVANT
la-bor-er or Can and Brit ta-bour-er n : one that labors; lack-tus-ter or Can and Brit lack-lus-tre Vlak-jlas-tarv adj
specif : a person who does unskilled physical work for : DULL
wages la-con-lc \I:;,-'ka-nik\ adj [L laconicus Spartan, fr. Gk
la-bo-rl-cus \I:;,-'bor-e-:;,s\ ad} 1 : devoted to labor : IN- lakonikos; fr. the Spartan reputation for terseness of
DUSTRIOUS 2 : requiring great effort speech] : sparing of words : TERSE
[1] active, assiduous, busy, diligent, engaged, indus- brief, compact, compendious, concise, crisp, epi-
trious, occupied, sedulous, working - more at BUSY grammatic, pithy, succinct, summary, terse - more at
[2] arduous, challenging, demanding, difficult, exact- CONCISE
ing, formidable, grueling, hard, onerous, rough, stiff, la-con-i-cal-ly \-ni-k(:;,- )Ie\ adv : in a laconic manner
strenuous, tall, taxing, toilsome, tough - more at HARD compactly, concisely, crisply, shortly, succinctly,
ta-bc-rl-cus-ly adv : in a laborious manner summarily, tersely - more at SHORTLY
determinedly, diligently, hard, hardly, mightily, slav- lac-quer Vla-korv n : a clear or colored usu. glossy and
ishly, strenuously, tirelessly - more at HARD quick-drying surface coating - lacquer vb or Can and Brit labour-saving \'Ia-b:;,r-,sa- tac-rt-rna-tlcn \,la-kr:;,-'ma-sh:;,n\ n : secretion of tears
vil)\ adj : designed to replace or decrease labor la-crosse \I:;,-'kros\ n [CanF la crosse, lit., the crooked
automatic, robotic, self-acting; also mechanical, mo- stick] : a goal game in which players use a long-handled
torized; computerized; aiding, helping; easing, relieving triangular-headed stick having a mesh pouch for catch-
labor union n : an organization of workers formed to ad- ing, carrying, and throwing the ball
vance its members' interest in respect to wages and work- lac-tate \'lak-,tat\ vb lac-tat-ed; lac-tat-ing : to secrete milk
ing conditions -Iacta.tion \Iak-'ta-sh:;,n\ n
la-bour Can and Brit var 0/ LABOR lac-tic \'Iak-tik\ adj 1 : of or relating to milk 2: obtained
lab-ra-dor-lte \'Ia-br:;,-,dor-,it\ n : an iridescent feldspar from sour milk or whey
used in jewelry lactic acid n : a syrupy acid present in blood and muscle
Lab-ra-dor retriever Vla-bra-jdor-x n : any of a breed of tissue and used esp. in food and medicine
strongly built retrievers having a short dense black, yel- lac-tose \'Iak-,tos\ n : a sugar present in milk
low, or chocolate coat la-cu-na \I:;,-'kii-n:;" -'kyii-\ n, pi la-cu-nae \-ne\ also la-cu-
la-bur-num \I:;,-'b:;,r-n:;,m\ n : any of a genus of leguminous nas [L, pool, pit, gap, fro lacus lake] : a blank space or
shrubs or trees with hanging clusters of yellow flowers missing part: GAP
lab-y-rinth Vla-bo-jrinth', n : a place constructed of or filled lad \'Iad\ n : a male person of any age between early
with confusing intricate passageways: MAZE boyhood and maturity: YOUTH; also: FELLOW
laboy.rin.thine \,Ia-b:;,-'rin-th:;,n, -,thin, -,then\ adj : lNTRJ- boy, nipper, shaver, stripling, youth - more at BOY
CATE, INVOLVED buck, chap, dude, fellow, gent, gentleman, guy, hom-
lac \'Iak\ n : a resinous substance secreted by a scale insect bre, jack, joker, male, man - more at MAN
and used chiefly in the form of shellac lad-der \'la-d:;,r\ n 1 : a structure for climbing that consists
'lace \'Ias\ vb laced; 1 : TIE 2 : to adorn with or as of two parallel sidepieces joined at intervals by cross-
if with lace <countryside laced with small villages> pieces 2 : a series of uSU. ascending steps or stages
3 : to unite by twining one with another : INTERTWINE graduation, scale - more at SCALE
4 : to hit repeatedly: BEAT 5: to add something to impart ladodie \'Ia-de\ n : a young lad
zest or savor to lad-en \'lad-'n\ adj : LOADED, BURDENED
interlace, intersperse, intertwine, interweave, thread, lad-ing \'Ia-dil)\ n : the goods or merchandise conveyed
weave, wreathe - more at THREAD in a ship, airplane, or vehicle: CARGO, FREIGHT
ladle 472
+ burden, cargo, freight, haul, load, payload, weight - lake \'Iak\ n : an inland body of standing water of consid-
more at LOAD erable size; also: a pool of liquid (as lava or pitch)
'Iaodle \'Hid-Ol\ n : a deep-bowled long-handled spoon used La-ko-ta \1~-'k6-ta\ n, pi Lakota also Lakotas : a member of
in taking up and conveying liquids a western division of the Dakota peoples; also : their lan-
21adle vb + : to take up and convey in or as if in a ladle guage
+ dip, scoop, spoon - more at DIP 'lam \'Iam\ vb lammed; lam.ming + : to flee hastily
laody \'Ia-de\ n, pi ladies [ME, fro OE hlrefdfge, fro hldf + abscond, clear out, escape, flee, fly, get out, run
bread + -dige (akin to drege kneader of bread)] 1 + : a away, run off - more at ESCAPE
woman of property, rank, or authority; also: a woman of 21am abbr laminated
superior social position or of refinement 2: WOMAN 31am n + : sudden or hurried flight esp. from the law
3 + : a female partner in a marriage : WIFE + escape, flight, getaway, slip - more at ESCAPE
+ [1] dame, gentlewoman, noblewoman - more at Lam abbr Lamentations
GENTLEWOMAN + [3] helpmate, wife - more at WIFE la-ma \'Ia-ma\ n : a Buddhist monk of Tibet or Mongolia
lady beetle n : LADYBUG la-ma-sery \'Iii-ma-,ser-e\ n, pi -ser-les : a monastery for
laody.bird \'Ia-de-,b;lrd\ n : LADYBUG lamas
laody.bug \-,b~g\ n : any of various small nearly hemi- 'Iamb \'Iam\ n 1 : a young sheep; also: its flesh used as food
spherical and usu. brightly colored beetles that feed 2 + : an innocent or gentle person
mostly on other insects + angel, dove, innocent, sheep; also fledging, green-
laody.fin-ger \-,fil)-g~r\ n : a small finger-shaped sponge horn, ingenue; cherub, saint; mollycoddle, sissy, softy,
cake weakling, wimp; dupe, pigeon, sap, sucker Ant wolf
lady-in-waiting n, pi ladies-in-waiting : a lady appointed 21amb vb : to bring forth a lamb
to attend or wait on a queen or princess lam-baste or lam-bast \lam-'biist, -'bast\ vb 1 : to assault vi- \'Ia-de-,Hk\ adj : WELL-BRED olently : BEAT 2 + : to attack verbally: EXCORIATE
la-dy-shlp \-,ship\ n : the condition of being a lady: rank of + abuse, assail, attack, belabor, blast, castigate, excori-
lady ate, jump, slam, vituperate - more at ATTACK + ad-
lady's slipper n : any of several No. American orchids with monish, chide, lecture, rail (at or against), rate, rebuke,
slipper-shaped flowers reprimand, scold - more at SCOLD
'lag \'Iag\ n 1: a slowing up or falling behind; also: the lamb-da \'Iam-d;l\ n : the 11th letter of the Greek alphabet
amount by which one lags 2: INTERVAL -AorA
21ag vb lagged; lag-ging 1 + : to fail to keep up : stay behind lam-bent \'Iam-bant\ adj [L lambens, prp. of lambere to
2 + : to slacken gradually lick] 1 : FLICKERING 2 +: softly radiant <"'eyes>
+ [1] crawl, creep, dally, dawdle, delay, dillydally, drag, 3 : marked by lightness or brilliance <'" humor> - lam-
linger, loiter, poke, tarry - more at DELAY + [2] decay, ben-cy v-ban-sev n - lam-bent-ly adv
droop, fail, flag, go, languish, sag, waste, weaken, wilt + beaming, bright, brilliant, effulgent, glowing, incan-
- more at WEAKEN descent, lucent, lucid, luminous, lustrous, radiant, re-
la.ger \'lii-g;lr\ n : a beer brewed by slow fermentation and fulgent, shiny - more at BRIGHT
matured under refrigeration lamb-skin \'Iam-,skin\ n : a lamb's skin or a small fine=
lag-gard Vla-gardv adj + : tending to lag -laggard n- grade sheepskin or the leather made from either adj - lag-gard.ness n 'lame "Iam\ adj lam-er; lam-est 1 : having a body part and
esp. a limb so disabled as to impair freedom of move-
+ creeping, dilatory, languid, poky, slow, sluggish, ment; also: marked by stiffness and soreness 2: lacking
tardy - more at SLOW
substance: WEAK - lame-ly adv - lame-ness n adv + : in a laggard manner
21ame vb lamed; tam-lnq + : to make lame: CRIPPLE, DISABLE
+ slow, slowly, sluggishly, tardily - more at SLOW + cripple, disable, maim, mutilate - more at MAIM
la-gniappe \'Ian-,yap\ n + : something given free esp, with lame \Iii-'ma, la-\ n [F] : a brocaded clothing fabric with
a purchase tinsel filling threads (as of gold or silver)
+ bonus, dividend, extra, perquisite, tip - more at lame-brain \'Iam-,bran\ n : DOLT
BONUS + bestowal, donation, freebie, gift, largesse, pres- lame duck n : an elected official continuing to hold office
ent - more at GIFT between an election and the inauguration of a successor
la-goon \l~-'giin\ n : a shallow sound, channel, or pond - lame-duck adj
near or connected to a larger body of water ua-ment \la-'ment\ vb 1 : to mourn aloud: WAIL 2 + : to ex-
laid past and past part of LAY press sorrow or regret for
laid-back \'Iad-'bak\ adj + : having a relaxed style or char- + bemoan, bewail, deplore, grieve, mourn, wail; also
acter <'" music> complain (about), cry (for), groan (about), keen, moan,
+ affable, breezy, easygoing, happy-go-lucky - more weep; regret, rue; deprecate, disapprove (of) Ant exult
at EASYGOING (in), glory (in), rejoice (in) + bemoan, deplore, regret,
lain past part of 'LIE repent, rue - more at REGRET
lair \'Iar\ n 1 + : the resting or living place of a wild ani- 21ament n 1 + : a crying out in grief: WAIL 2 + : a slow,
mal: DEN 2 + : a refuge or place for hiding solemn, and mournful piece of music : DIRGE, ELEGY
+ [1] burrow, den, hole, lodge - more at DEN + [2] 3 : COMPLAINT
concealment, covert, den, hideout, nest - more at + [I] groan, howl, keen, moan, plaint, wail; also griev-
HIDEOUT ing, mourning, weeping; regret; complaint, outcry,
laird \'Iard\ n, chieflyScot: a landed proprietor protest Ant exultation, rejoicing + [2] dirge, elegy, re-
lais-ser-falre chiefly Brit var of LAISSEZ-FAIRE quiem, threnody; also taps
lais-sez-faire \,Ie-,sa-'far, ,Ia-, -,za-\ n [F laissez faire let do] lam-en-ta-ble \'Ia-man-ta-bal, la-'men-ta-\ adj 1 + : that is
: a doctrine opposing governmental control of economic to be regretted or lamented 2 + : expressing grief - lam-
affairs beyond that necessary to maintain peace and en-ta-bly \-ble\ adv
property rights + [I] deplorable, distressful, grievous, heartbreaking,
la.ity \'Ia-;l-te\ n 1 : the people of a religious faith as dis- regrettable, unfortunate, woeful - more at REGRET-
tinct from its clergy 2: the mass of people as distinct TABLE + [2] anguished, dolorous, mournful, plaintive,
from those of a particular field sorrowful, sorry, woeful - more at SORROWFUL
473 languorously

lam-en-ta-tion \,la-m:m-'ta-shan\ n : an act or instance of landing gear n : the part that supports the weight of an air-
lamenting craft when it is on the ground
Lamentations n : a book of Jewish and Christian Scripture land.laody \'land-,la-de\ n : a woman who is a landlord
la-mla \'la-me-a\ n : a female demon land-locked \-,lakt\ adj 1 : enclosed or nearly enclosed by
lam-i-na "la-ma-na\ n, pl-nae \-,ne\ or -nas : a thin plate or land <a - country) 2: confined to fresh water by some
scale barrier <- salmon)
uarn-t-nete \'Ia-ma-,nat\ vb -nat-ed; : to make by land-lord \-,lord\ n 1 : the owner of property leased or
uniting layers of one or more materials - tam-i-na-tton rented to another 2: a person who rents lodgings
\,la-ma-'na-shan\ n : INNKEEPER
2Iam.i.nate \-nat\ n : a product manufactured by laminating land-lub-ber \-,la-bar\ n : one who knows little of the sea or
lamp \'lamp\ n 1 : a vessel with a wick for burning a flam- seamanship
mable liquid (as oil) to produce light 2: a device for pro- land-mark \-,mark\ n 1 : an object that marks a course or
ducing light or heat boundary or serves as a guide 2: an event that marks a
lamp-black \-,blak\ n : black soot used esp. as a pigment turning point 3: a structure of unusual historical and
larnp-liqht-er \-,Il-tar\ n : one that lights a lamp usu. aesthetic interest
lam-poon \lam-'pun\ n : SATIRE; esp : a harsh satire directed land-mass \-,mas\ n : a large area of land
against an individual - lampoon vb land mine n 1 : a mine placed on or just below the surface
lam-prey \'lam-pre\ n, pi lampreys : any of a family of eel= of the ground and designed to be exploded by the weight
shaped jawless fishes that have well-developed eyes and a of someone or something passing over it 2: a trap for the
large disk-shaped sucking mouth armed with horny teeth unwary
LAN \'lan, ,el-,a-'en\ n : LOCAL AREA NETWORK land-own-er \-,o-nar\ n : an owner of land
la-nai \la-'ni\ n [Hawaiian lanai] : PORCH, VERANDA 'Iand.scape \-,skap\ n 1: a picture of natural inland
'lance \'lans\ n 1 : a spear carried by mounted soldiers scenery 2: a portion of land that can be seen in one
2 : any of various sharp-pointed implements; esp : LANCET glance
pike, spear - more at SPEAR 21andscape vb land-scaped: land-scap-ing : to modify (a nat-
21ance vb lanced; : to pierce or open with a lance ural landscape) by grading, clearing, or decorative plant-
<- a boil) ing
gore, harpoon, impale, pierce, puncture, skewer, land-slide \-,slld\ n 1 : the slipping down of a mass of rocks
spear, spike, stab, stick, transfix - more at IMPALE or earth on a steep slope; also : the mass of material that
lance corporal n : an enlisted man in the marine corps slides 2: an overwhelming victory esp. in a political con-
ranking above a private first class and below a corporal test
lanc-er \'lan-s:lr\ n : a cavalryman of a unit formerly armed lands-man \'landz-man\ n : a person who lives on land; esp
with lances
lan-cet \'Ian-sat\ n : a sharp-pointed and usu. 2-edged sur- land-ward \'land-ward\ adv or adj : to or toward the land
gical instrument lane \'lan\ n 1 : a narrow passageway (as between fences)
'land \'land\ n 1 : the solid part of the surface of the 2 : a relatively narrow way or track <traffic +->
earth; also : a part of the earth's surface <fenced -) lang abbr language
<marshy -) 2.: the people of a country: NATION lanoguage \'lal)-gwij\ n [ME, fro AF langage, fr. langue
3 : REALM, DOMAIN - landless adj tongue, language, fro L lingua] 1 : the words, their pro-
nunciation, and the methods of combining them used and
[1] belt, region, tract, zone - more at REGION
understood by a community 2 : form or style of verbal
[1] dirt, dust, earth, ground, soil - more at EARTH
[2] commonwealth, country, nation, sovereignty, expression 3 : a system of signs and symbols and rules
state - more at NATION for using them that is used to carry information
21and vb 1 : to set or put on shore from a ship: DISEM- [1] argot, cant, jargon, lingo, slang, terminology, vo-
BARK; also: to touch at a place on shore 2 : to alight or cabulary - more at TERMINOLOGY [2] diction,
cause to alight on a surface 3 : to bring to or arrive at phraseology, phrasing, wording - more at WORDING
a destination 4 : to catch and bring in <-a fish); also [3] lingo, speech, tongue, vocabulary; also argot,
: GAIN, SECURE <- a job)
cant, dialect, idiom, jargon, parlance, patois, patter,
pidgin, slang, vernacular; colloquialism; terminology
[1] disembark, dock, moor, tie up [2] alight, light,
perch, roost, settle - more at ALIGHT [3] arrive, lanoguid \'lal)-gw:ld\ adj 1 : drooping or flagging from or
come, show up, turn up - more at COME. [4] acquire, as if from exhaustion: WEAK 2 : sluggish in character or
attain, capture, carry, draw, earn, gain, garner, get, disposition: LISTLESS 3 : lacking force or quickness of
make, obtain, procure, realize, secure, win - more at movement: SLOW - adv - ian-quid-ness n
EARN [1] delicate, effete, enervated, faint, feeble, frail, in-
lan-dau \'lan-,dau\ n : a 4-wheeled carriage with a top di- firm, low, prostrate, slight, soft, tender, torpid, unsub-
vided into two sections that can be lowered, thrown back, stantial, wasted, weak, wimpy - more at WEAK
or removed [2] enervated, lackadaisical, languorous, limp, list-
land-ed adj : having an estate in land <- gentry) less, spiritless - more at LISTLESS [3] creeping, dila-
land-er \'lan-dar\ n : a space vehicle designed to land on a tory, laggard, poky, slow, sluggish, tardy - more at
celestial body
land-tall \'land-,fol\ n : a sighting or making of land (as af- lan-guish \'lal)-gwish\ vb 1 : to become languid 2: to be-
ter a voyage); also: the land first sighted come dispirited : PINE 3: to appeal for sympathy by as-
landfill \-,fil\ n : a low-lying area on which refuse is buried suming an expression of grief
between layers of earth decay, droop, fail, flag, go, lag, sag, waste, weaken,
rand-term \-,form\ n : a natural feature of a land surface wilt - more at WEAKEN
Iand-hold-er \-,hol-dar\ n : a holder or owner of land- lanoguor \'lal)-g:lr\ n 1 : a languid feeling 2 : listless in- \-dil)\ adj or n dolence or inertia
landing \'Iandil)\ n 1 : the action of one that lands 2 : a [1, 2] debility, delicacy, enfeeblement, faintness, fee-
place for discharging or taking on passengers and cargo bleness, frailty, infirmity, lowness, weakness - more at
3 : a level part of a staircase WEAKNESS
dock, float, jetty, levee, pier, quay, wharf - more at lan-quor-ous adj : full of or characterized by languor -
DOCK tan-quer-cus-tv adv
La Nina 474
+ enervated, lackadaisical, languid, limp, listless, spirit- quirements 4: a gap in the continuity of something: IN-
less - more at LISTLESS TERRUPTION 5: APOSTASY 6: a passage of time; also: IN-
La Ni.iia \la-'ne-ny;)\ n : an upwelling of unusually cold TERVAL
ocean water along the west coast of So. America that of- + [I] blunder, error, fault, flub, fumble, goof, miscue,
ten follows an EI Niiio misstep, mistake, oversight, slip, stumble - more at ER-
lank \'Ial)k\ adj 1 : not well filled out 2 + : hanging ROR + [2] reversal, reverse, setback - more at REVERSE
straight and limp 21apse vb lapsed; laps-Ing 1 : to commit apostasy 2: to sink
+ droopy, flaccid, floppy, limp, slack, yielding - more or slip gradually : SUBSIDE 3 + : to go out of existence
lanky \'Ial)-ke\ adj lank-i-er: -est + : ungracefully tall and + break off, break up, cease, close, conclude, die, dis-
thin continue, elapse, end, expire, finish, halt, leave off, let
+ gangling, rangy, spindly; also angular, bony, gaunt, up, pass, quit, stop, terminate, wind up - more at
lank, rawboned, scrawny, skinny; lean, slender, slim, CEASE
spare, thin; racy, reedy, spidery, stringy, twiggy, wiry lap-top \'Iap-,tap\ adi : of a size that can be used conve-
lan-o-lin \'Ian-I-;)n\ n : the fatty coating of sheep's wool niently on one's lap <a ~ computer> - laptop n
esp. when refined for use in ointments and cosmetics lap-wing \'Jap-,wil)\ n : an Old World crested plover
lan-ta-na \Ian-'ta-n;)\ n : any of a genus of tropical shrubs lar-board \'Iar-b::.rd\ n : 'PORT
related to the vervains with showy heads of small bright lar-ce-ny \'Iar-s::.-ne\ n, pl-nies [ME, fro AF larecin theft, fr.
flowers L latrocinium robbery, fr.latro mercenary soldier] + : the
lan-tern \'Ian-t;)rn\ n [ME lanterne, fr. AF, fr. L lanterna, unlawful taking of personal property with intent to de-
fr. Gk lampter, fro lampein to shine] 1 : a usu. portable prive the rightful owner of it permanently: THEFT - lar-
light with a protective covering 2 : the chamber in a light- ce-nous \-n::.s\ adj
house containing the light 3: a projector for slides + robbery, theft, thievery - more at THEFT
lan-tha-num \'Ian-th;)-n;)m\ n : a soft malleable metallic larch Vlarch', n : any of a genus of trees related to the pines
chemical element that shed their needles in the fall
lan-yard \'Ian-y;)rd\ n : a piece of rope for fastening some- 'lard \'Iard\ vb 1: to insert strips of usu. pork fat into
thing in ships; also : any of various cords (meat) before cooking; also: GREASE 2 obs : ENRICH
Lao-tian \la-'6-sh;)n, 'Iau-sh;)n\ n : a native or inhabitant of 21ard n : a soft white fat obtained by rendering fatty tissue
Laos - Laotian adj of the hog
'lap \'Iap\ n 1 : a loose panel of a garment 2 : the clothing lar-der \'Iar-d;)r\ n : a place where foods (as meat) are kept
that lies on the knees, thighs, and lower part of the trunk lar-es and pe-na-tes \'Iar-ez ... P;)-'na-tez\ n pi 1 : house-
when one sits; also: the front part of the lower trunk and hold gods 2: personal or household effects
thighs of a seated person 3: an environment of nurture large \'Iarj\ adj larg-er; larg-est 1 : having more than usual
<the ~ of luxury> 4: CHARGE, CONTROL <in the ~ of the power, capacity, or scope 2 + : exceeding most other
gods> things of like kind in quantity or size - at large 1 : UN-
21ap vb lapped; lap-ping 1 : FOLD 2 + : to envelop entirely CONFINED 2: as a whole
: WRAP 3 + : to layover or near so as to partly cover + big, bumper, considerable, goodly, grand, great,
+ [2] embrace, enclose, encompass, enfold, enshroud, handsome, hefty, sizable, substantial, voluminous; also
envelop, invest, mantle, shroud, swathe, veil, wrap- astronomical, cavernous, colossal, enormous, gigantic,
more at ENFOLD + [3] overlap, overlay, overlie, over- gross, heroic, huge, immense, jumbo, major, mammoth,
spread - more at OVERLAP massive, monolithic, monstrous, monumental, prodi-
31ap n 1 : the amount by which an object overlaps another; gious, staggering, stupendous, tremendous, vast; exces-
also: the part of an object that overlaps another 2 + : an sive, exorbitant, extravagant, extreme, immoderate, in-
act or instance of going over a course (as a track or swim- ordinate; abundant, ample, appreciable, copious,
ming pool) plentiful; fat, thick; capacious, commodious, roomy,
+ leg, stage, step - more at LEG spacious Ant little, puny, small, undersized
'lap vb lapped; lap-ping 1 : to scoop up food or drink with large-Iy \'Iarj-Ie\ adv + : to a large extent: for the greatest
the tip of the tongue; also: DEVOUR - usu. used with up part
2 + : to splash gently <lapping waves> + altogether, basically, chiefly, generally, mainly,
+ plash, slosh, splash, swash - more at SLOSH mostly, overall, predominantly, primarily, principally
- more at CHIEFLY
Slap n 1 : an act or instance of lapping 2: a gentle splash-
ing sound large-ness n + : the quality or state of being large
lap-a-res-co-py \,Ia-p;)-'ras-k;)-pe\ n, pi -pies 1 : visual ex- + bigness, grandness, greatness; also enormity, gross-
amination of the abdomen by means of an endoscope; ness, healthiness, hugeness, immensity, magnitude,
also : surgery using laparoscopy - tap-e-re-scope \ 'la-pa- massiveness, vastness; extravagance, immoderacy;
ra-jskopx n - lap-a-re-scop-ic \,Ia-p;)-r;)-'ska-pik\ adj abundance, bountifulness, copiousness, liberality; ade-
lapodog \'lap-,d6g\ n : a small dog that may be held in the quacy, sufficiency Ant fineness, littleness, smallness
lap larogesse \Iar-'zhes, -'jes\ n 1 : liberal giving 2 + : a gen-
la-pel \I;)-'pel\ n : the fold of the front of a coat that is usu. erous gift 3 + : the quality or fact of being generous
a continuation of the collar + [2] bestowal, donation, freebie, gift, lagniappe, pres-
'Iap-iodary Vla-pa-jder-e', n, pi -dar-les : a person who cuts, ent - more at GIFT + [3] bounty, generosity, liberality,
polishes, or engraves precious stones philanthropy, unselfishness - more at LIBERALITY
21apidary adj 1 : of, relating to, or suitable for engraved in- 'Iarogo \'lar-g6\ adv or adj [It, slow, broad, fr. L largus abun-
scriptions 2: of or relating to precious stones or the art dant] : at a very slow tempo - used as a direction in mu-
of cutting them sic
lap-in \'Ia-p::.n\ n : rabbit fur usu. sheared and dyed 21argo n, pi largos : a largo movement
la-pis la-zu-ll \,Ia-p::.s-'Ia-z::.-Ie, -zha-', n : a usu. blue semi- lar-i-at Vlar-e-atv n [AmerSp la reata the lasso, fro Sp la the
precious stone often having sparkling bits of pyrite + AmerSp reata lasso, fr. Sp reatar to tie again] : a long
lap-pet \'Ia-p::.t\ n : a fold or flap on a garment rope used to catch or tether livestock: LASSO
'lapse \'Iaps\ n [L lapsus, fr. labi to slip] 1 + : a slight error 'lark \'Iark\ n : any of a family of small songbirds; esp : SKY-
2 + : a fall from a higher to a lower state 3: the termina- LARK
tion of a right or privilege through failure to meet re- 21ark n + : something done solely for fun or adventure
475 lather
+ binge, fling, frolic, gambol, revel, rollick, romp- \'Ias-til)\ adj + : existing or continuing a long while
31ark vb + : to engage in harmless fun or mischief - often + abiding, ageless, continuing, dateless, enduring, eter-
used with about nal, everlasting, immortal, imperishable, perennial, per-
+ caper, cavort, disport, frisk, frolic, gambol, rollick, petual, timeless, undying - more at ABIDING
romp, sport - more at FROLIC last laugh n : an ultimate satisfaction or triumph despite
lark-spur \'liirk-,sp;Jr\ n : DELPHINIUM; esp : any of the previous doubt or criticism
widely cultivated annual delphiniums Last Supper n : the supper eaten by Jesus and his disciples
lar-va \'liir-v;J\ n, pi lar-vae \-(,)ve\ also larvas [NL, fro L, on the night of his betrayal
specter, mask) : the wingless often wormlike form in lat abbr latitude
which insects hatch from the egg; also: any young animal Lat abbr Latin
(as a tadpole) that is fundamentally unlike its parent- 'latch \'Iach \ vb : to catch or get hold
tar-vat \-v;JI\ adj 21atch n : a catch that holds a door or gate closed
lar'ynogi.tis \,lar-;Jn-'jH;Js\ n : inflammation of the larynx 31atch vb : to make fast with a latch
lar-ynx \'Iar-il)ks\ n, plla.rynoges \I;J-'rin-,jez\ or lar-ynx-es latch-et \'la-ch;Jt\ n : a strap, thong, or lace for fastening a
: the upper part of the trachea containing the vocal cords shoe or sandal
- la-ryn-qe-al \1;J-'rin-j;JI\ adi latch-key \'Iach-,ke\ n : a key for opening a door latch esp.
la-sa-qna \1;J-'ziin-y;J\ n [It) : boiled broad flat noodles from the outside
baked with a sauce usu. of tomatoes, cheese, and meat latch-strlnq \-,stril) \ n : a string on a latch that may be left
las-car \'las-k;Jr\ n : an Indian sailor hanging outside the door for raising the latch
las-civ-i-ous \I;J-'si-ve-;Js\ adj + : sexually unchaste or li- 'late \'Hit\ adj lat-er; lat-est 1 + : coming or remaining after
centious : LEWD the due, usual, or proper time 2: far advanced toward
+ lewd, lustful, passionate, wanton - more at LUSTFUL the close or end 3 + : recently deceased 4: made, ap-
pearing, or happening just previous to the present : RE-
tas-civ-l-ous-ness n : the quality or state of being lascivious CENT 5 + : being something or holding some position or
la-ser \'Hi-z;Jr\ n [light amplification by stimulated emis-
relationship recently but not now - late-ness n
sion of radiation) : a device that produces an intense
monochromatic beam of light + [1) behind, belated, delinquent, overdue, tardy; also
laser disc n : OPTICAL DISK; esp : one containing a video delayed, detained, postponed; dilatory, laggard, slow,
sluggish Ant early, premature + [3) breathless, dead,
deceased, defunct, gone, lifeless - more at DEAD
'lash \'Iash\ vb 1 : to move violently or suddenly 2 + : to
thrash or beat violently: WHIP 3: to attack verbally
+ [5) erstwhile, former, old, onetime, past, sometime,
whilom - more at FORMER
+ flail, flog, hide, scourge, slash, switch, thrash, whale, 21ate adv lat-er; lat-est 1 : after the usual or proper time;
also: at or to an advanced point in time 2: not long be-
21ash n 1 a : a stroke esp. with a whip b + : the flexible part fore the current time : RECENTLY
of a whip; also : WHIP 2: a stinging rebuke 3: EYELASH late-com-er \'liit-,k;J-m;Jr\ n : one who arrives late
+ scourge, switch, whip - more at WHIP la-teen \I;J-'ten \ adj : relating to or being a triangular sail
31ash vb : to bind with or as if with a line extended by a long spar slung to a low mast
lass \'Ias\ n + : a young woman: GIRL late-Iy adv + : of late
+ doll, girl, maid, maiden, miss - more at GIRL + freshly, just, late, new, newly, now, only, recently-
lass-Ie \'Ia-se\ n : a young woman: LASS more at NEWLY
tas-sl-tude \'la-s;J-,tiid, -,tyiid\ n 1 + : weakness or weari- la-ten-cy \-'n-se\ n + : the quality or state of being latent
ness of body or mind: FATIGUE 2: LANGUOR + abeyance, doldrums, dormancy, quiescence, suspen-
+ burnout, collapse, exhaustion, fatigue, prostration, sion - more at ABEYANCE
tiredness, weariness - more at FATIGUE la-tent \'Iat-'nt\ adj + : present but not visible or active
las-so \'la-s6, la-'sii\ n, pi lassos or lassoes [Sp lazo) : a + dead, dormant, fallow, free, idle, inactive, inert, inop-
rope or long leather thong with a noose used for catching erative, off, vacant - more at INACTlYE
livestock - lasso vb later adv + : at some time subsequent to a given time
'last \'Iast\ vb 1 + : to continue in existence or operation + after, afterward, subsequently, thereafter - more at
2 : to remain fresh or unimpaired: ENDURE 3 : to manage AFTER
to continue 4 + : to be enough for the needs of uat-er-a: \'la-t;J-r;JI\ adj : situated on, directed toward, or
+ [1) abide, continue, endure, hold, keep up, persist, coming from the side - lat-er-al-ly adv
run on - more at CONTINUE + [1, 4) hold, hold out, 21ateral n 1 : a branch from the main part 2: a football pass
keep up, prevail, survive - more at HOLD oUT thrown parallel to the line of scrimmage or away from
21ast n : a foot-shaped form on which a shoe is shaped or re- the opponent's goal
paired la-tex \'Ia-,teks\ n, pi la-ti-ces \'Hi-t;J-,sez, 'Ia-\ or la-tex-es
31ast vb : to shape with a last 1 : a milky juice produced by various plant cells (as of
'last adv 1 : at the end 2 : most recently 3: in conclusion milkweeds, poppies, and the rubber tree) 2: a water
51ast adj 1 + : following all the rest: FINAL 2: next before emulsion of a synthetic rubber or plastic used esp. in
the present 3: most up-to-date 4: farthest from a speci- paint
fied quality, attitude, or likelihood <the ~ thing we lath \ 'lath, 'lath \ n, pi laths or lath : a thin narrow strip of
want> 5: CONCLUSIVE; also: SUPREME - adv wood used esp, as a base for plaster; also: a building ma-
+ final, hindmost, latter, terminal, ultimate; also conse- terial in sheets used for the same purpose - lath vb
quent, ensuing, eventual, following, succeeding; con- lathe \'Iath\ n : a machine in which a piece of material is
clusive, crowning, decisive, definitive; farthest, furthest, held and turned while being shaped by a tool
remotest; lowermost, lowest, nethermost; endmost, ex- 'Iathoer \'la-th;Jr\ n 1 + : a foam or froth formed when a de-
treme, outermost; penultimate Ant beginning, earliest, tergent is agitated in water; also : foam from profuse
first, inaugural, initial, maiden, opening, original, pri- sweating (as by a horse) 2 + : an agitated or overwrought
mary, starting state : DITHER
Glast n : something that is last - at last : FINALLY + [1) foam, froth, head, spume - more at FOAM + [2]
last-ditch \'Iast-,dich\ adj : made as a final effort esp. to dither, fluster, fret, fuss, huff, pother, stew, tizzy, twit-
avert disaster ter - more at FRET
lather 476
'lather vb : to spread lather over; also: to form a lather lauqh-inq-stock \'Ia-fil)-,stak, 'Ia-\ n +: an object of
Lat-in \'Iat-'n\ n 1 : the language of ancient Rome 2: a ridicule
member of any of the peoples whose languages derive + butt, mark, mock, mockery, target; also chump,
from Latin - Latin am dupe, fall guy, fool, gull, monkey, pigeon, sap, sucker,
La-ti-na \I;)-'te-n;)\ n : a woman or girl who is a native or in- victim
habitant of Latin America; also : a woman or girl of lauqh-ter \'Iaf-t;)r, 'IM-\ n + : the action or sound of laughing
Latin-American origin living in the U.S. + cackle, chortle, laugh, snicker, titter - more at
Latin American n : a native or inhabitant of any of the LAUGH
countries of No., Central, or So. America whose official 'launch \'16nch\ vb [ME, fr. OF lancher, fr. LL lanceare to
language is Spanish or Portuguese - Latin-American adi wield a lance] 1 + : to throw forward: HURL; also: to send
La-ti-no \I;)-'te-no\ n, pi -nos : a native or inhabitant of off < .... a rocket> 2: to set afloat 3 + : to set in operation
Latin America; also: a person of Latin-American origin : START - launch-er n
living in the U.S. - Latino adj + [I] cast, catapult, chuck, dash, fire, fling, heave, hurl,
lat-i-tude \'Ia-t;)-,tiid, -,tyiid\ n 1 : angular distance north hurtle, peg, pelt, pitch, sling, throw, toss - more at
or south from the earth's equator measured in degrees THROW + [3] constitute, establish, found, inaugurate,
2 : a region marked by its latitude 3 + : freedom of action initiate, innovate, institute, introduce, pioneer, set up,
or choice start - more at FOUND + [3] begin, commence, embark
+ authorization, freedom, license (or licence), run- (on or upon), enter, get off, open, start, strike - more
more at FREEDOM at BEGIN
lat-i-tu-di-nar-i-an \,Ia-t;)-,tii-d;)-'ner-e-;)n, -,tyii-\ n : a per- 'launch n + : an act or instance of launching
son who is liberal in religious belief and conduct + beginning, birth, commencement, dawn, genesis,
la-trine \I;)-'tren\ n : a room with conveniences for washing morning, onset, outset, start, threshold - more at BE-
and usu. with one or more toilets: TOILET GINNING
tat-ter Vla-torv am 1 + : more recent; also: FINAL 2: of, re- 31aunch n : a small open or half-decked motorboat
lating to, or being the second of two things referred to launch-pad \'16nch-,pad\ n : a platform from which a
+ final, hindmost, last, terminal, ultimate - more at rocket is launched
LAST laun-der \'16n-d;)r\ vb 1 : to wash or wash and iron cloth-
lat-ter-day am 1 : of present or recent times 2: of a later ing and household linens 2: to transfer (as money of an
or subsequent time illegal origin) through an outside party to conceal the
Latter-day Saint n : a member of a, religious body founded true source - laun-der-er n
by Joseph Smith in 1830 and accepting the Book of Mor- laun-dress \'16n-dr;)s\ n : a woman who is a laundry
mon as divine revelation: MORMON worker
lat-ter-ly \'Ia-t;)r-Ie\ adv 1 : LATER 2: of late: RECENTLY laun-dry \'16n-dre\ n, pi laundries [fro obs. launder laun-
lat-tice \'Ia-t;)s\ n 1 : a framework of crossed wood or derer, fr. AF lavandere, fr. ML lavandarius, fr. L lavandus
metal strips; also: a window, door, or gate having a lattice needing to be washed, fr. lavare to wash] 1 : a place where
2 : a regular geometrical arrangement laundering is done 2: clothes or linens that have been or
lat-tice-work \-,w;)rk\ n : LATTICE; also: work made of lat- are to be laundered - laun-dry-man x-mon', n
tices lau-re-ate \'16r-e-;)t\ n : the recipient of honor for achieve-
Lat-vi-an \'Iat-ve-;)n\ n 1 : a native or inhabitant of Latvia ment in an art or science - lau-re-ate-shlp n
2 : the language of the Latvians - Latvian adj lau-rel \'16-r;)l\ n 1 : an evergreen tree or shrub of south-
'laud \'16d\ n : PRAISE, ACCLAIM ern Europe that is related to the sassafras and cinnamon
'laud vb : to express a favorable judgment of : PRAISE - and has glossy aromatic leaves; esp : a small tree of south-
laud-ably adv ern Europe 2: MOUNTAIN LAUREL 3 a: a crown of laurel
+ acclaim, applaud, cheer, crack up, hail, praise, salute, b + : a recognition of achievement: HONOR - uSU. used
tout - more at ACCLAIM + bless, extol, glorify, magnify, in pI.
praise - more at PRAISE + usu laurels acclaim, accolade, credit, distinction,
laud-able am + : worthy of praise glory, homage, honor (or honour) - more at GLORY
+ admirable, commendable, creditable, meritorious, lav abbr lavatory
praiseworthy - more at ADMIRABLE la-va \'Ia-v;), 'Ia-\ n [It] : melted rock coming from a vol-
lau-da-num \'16d-'n-;)m\ n : a tincture of opium cano; also: such rock that has cooled and hardened
lau-da-to-ry \'16-d;)-,tor-e\ adj : of, relating to, or expressive la-vaqe \I;)-'vlizh\ n [F] : WASHING; esp : the washing out (as
of praise of an organ) esp. for medicinal reasons
'laugh \'Iaf, 'IM\ vb [ME, fro OE hliehhan] + : to show mirth, lav-a-to-ry \'Ia-v;)-,tor-e\ n, pi -ries 1 : a fixed washbowl
joy, or scorn with a smile and chuckle or explosive sound; with running water and drainpipe 2 + : a room with con-
also: to become amused or derisive - adv veniences for washing and usu. with one or more toilets
+ usu laugh at deride, gibe, jeer, mock, ridicule, scout : BATHROOM
- more at RIDICULE + bathroom, toilet - more at TOILET
'laugh n 1 + : the act of laughing 2 + : a cause for derision lave \'Iav\ vb laved; + : to wash or flow along or
or merriment : JOKE; also : an expression of scorn or against: WASH
mockery: JEER 3 pi : SPORT 1 + lap, splash, wash - more at WASH
[1] cackle, chortle, laughter, snicker, titter; also lav-en-der \'la-vgn-dgr\ n 1 : a Mediterranean mint or its
crow, whoop; grin, simper, smile, smirk + [2] crack, dried leaves and flowers used to perfume clothing and
gag, jeer, jest, joke, pleasantry, quip, sally, waggery, bed linen 2: a pale purple color
wisecrack, witticism - more at JOKE 'Iav.ish \'Ia-vish\ am [ME laves, lavage, prob. fro MF
laugh-able adj + : of a kind to provoke laughter or some- lavasse, lavache downpour, fr. laver to wash] 1 + : ex-
times derision: amusingly ridiculous pending or bestowing profusely 2 + : expended or pro-
+ antic, comic, comical, droll, farcical, funny, hilari- duced in abundance 3 + : marked by excess
ous, humorous, hysterical, ludicrous, ridiculous, ri- + (1) deluxe, luxuriant, luxurious, opulent, palatial,
otous, risible, screaming, uproarious - more at FUNNY plush, sumptuous - more at LUXURlOUS + [2] copious,
+ absurd, comical, derisive, farcical, ludicrous, prepos- profuse, riotous - more at PROFUSE + [3) excessive, ex-
terous, ridiculous, risible, silly - more at RIDICULOUS travagant, extreme, immoderate, inordinate, overmuch
laughing gas n : NITROUS OXIDE - more at EXCESSIVE
477 lazy
21avish vb : to expend or give with profusion carelessness, dereliction, heedlessness, negligence, re-
heap, pour, rain, shower - more at RAIN blow, dis- missness, slackness - more at NEGLIGENCE
sipate, fritter, misspend, run through, spend, squander, 'lay \'Ia\ vb laid \'Iad\; 1 : to beat or strike down
throwaway, waste - more at WASTE 2 : to put on or set down: PLACE 3: to produce and de-
lavishly adv : in a lavish manner posit eggs 4: SETTLE; also : ALLAY 5 : SPREAD 6 : to make
expensively, extravagantly, grandly, high, luxuri- ready beforehand for some purpose, use, or activity: PRE-
ously, opulently, richly - more at HIGH PARE, CONTRIVE 7 : to stake on the outcome of an issue
lav-ish-ness n : a lavish quality; also: a lavish manner or or the performance of a contestant: WAGER 8 : to im-
propensity pose esp. as a duty or burden 9 : to set in order or po-
extravagance, prodigality, wastefulness - more at sition 10: to bring to a specified condition 11 : to put
law \'10\ n 1 : a rule of conduct or action established by [2, 9] deposit, dispose, fix, place, position, put, set, set
custom or laid down and enforced by a governing au- up, stick - more at PLACE [6] contrive, fit, fix, get,
thority; also: the whole body of such rules 2: the control prepare, ready - more at PREPARE [7] bet, gamble,
brought about by enforcing rules 3 cap: the revelation of go, stake, wager - more at BET [8] assess, charge, ex-
the divine will set forth in the Old Testament of Christian act, fine, impose, levy, put - more at IMPOSE
Scripture; also: the first part of the Jewish Scripture 4: a 21ay n : the way in which something lies or is laid in relation
rule or principle of construction or procedure 5: the sci- to something else
ence that deals with laws and their interpretation and ap- "lay past of 'LIE
plication 6: the profession of a lawyer 7: a rule or 'Iay n 1 : a simple narrative poem 2 : a short musical
principle stating something that always works in the same composition of words and music: SONG
way under the same conditions air, melody, song, strain, tune, warble - more at
act, enactment, ordinance, statute; also decree, direc- MELODY
tive, edict, fiat, ruling; bylaw, regulation, rule; amend- Slay adj 1 : of or relating to the laity 2: not of a particular
ment, bill, legislation; common law, martial law; prohi- profession; also: lacking extensive knowledge of a partic-
bition, restriction; canon, encyclical ular subject
law-break-er \'Io-,bra-k:)r\ n : one who violates the law lay.away \'Ia-a-,wa\ n : a purchasing agreement by which a
criminal, crook, culprit, felon, malefactor, offender retailer agrees to hold merchandise secured by a deposit
- more at CRIMINAL until the price is paid in full
lawful \'lo-f:)l\ adj 1 : permitted by law 2: RIGHTFUL - layaway vb : to put aside for future use or delivery adv cache, hoard, lay up, put by, salt away, stash, stock-
lawlliv-er \-,gi-v:)r\ n : one that makes laws: LEGISLATOR pile, store - more at HOARD
law-less \'Io-Ias\ ad) 1 : having no laws 2.: not re- lay down vb : to institute (as a law) by enactment or
strained or controlled by law: UNRULY, DISORDERLY <a ~ agreement; also: to assert or command dogmatically
mob) adv -Iawlessness n
define, prescribe, specify - more at PRESCRIBE en-
anarchic, disorderly, unruly; also defiant, insubordi- act, legislate, make, pass - more at ENACT
nate, mutinous, rebellious, refractory, riotous; undisci- lay-er \'Ia-:)r\ n 1 : one that lays 2: one thickness, course,
plined; criminal, illegal, illegitimate, illicit, unlawful, or fold laid or lying over or under another
wrongful Ant orderly lay-ette \Ia-'et\ n [F, fro MF, dim. of laye box] : an outfit of
taw-mek-er \-,ma-kar\ n : one that makes laws: LEGISLA- clothing and equipment for a newborn infant
TOR lay-man \'Ia-man\ n : a person who is a member of the laity
legislator, solon - more at LEGISLATOR lay-off \'Ia-,of\ n 1 : a period of inactivity 2 : the act of
law-man \'Io-m:)n\ n : a law enforcement official (as a sher- dismissing an employee usu. temporarily
iff or marshal) discharge, dismissal; also closing, shutdown
'lawn \'Ion\ n : ground (as around a house) covered with layoff vb : to desist from
mowed grass
21awn n : a fine sheer linen or cotton fabric usu layoff of discontinue, drop, give up, knock off,
quit - more at QUIT
lawn bowling n : a bowling game played on a green with
wooden balls which are rolled at a jack lay on vb : to make an attack
law-ren-ci-um \Io-'ren-se-am\ n : a short-lived radioactive lay-out \'Ia-,allt\ n : the final arrangement, plan, or de-
element sign of something
law-suit \'Io-,siit\ n : a suit in law arrangement, composition, configuration, design,
action, proceeding, suit; also litigation; case, cause, form, format, makeup, pattern - more at COMPOSmON
complaint layout vb 1 : to use up or payout 2 : to plan in detail
lawyer \'Io-yar\ n .: one who conducts lawsuits for [1] disburse, expend, give, pay, spend - more at
clients or advises as to legal rights and obligations in SPEND. [2] arrange, blueprint, calculate, chart, design,
other matters - lawyerly adj frame, map, plan, project, scheme - more at PLAN
advocate, attorney, counsel; also pettifogger, shyster; lay-over \-,o-v:)r\ n : STOPOvER
district attorney, prosecutor; solicitor; jurist; lawmaker, layper.son \-,p:)r-s:)n\ n : a member of the laity
lawgiver, legislator, solon lay up vb : to store up
lax \'Iaks\ adj 1 : not strict <~ discipline) 2 : not cache, hoard, layaway, put by, salt away, stash,
tense, firm, or rigid - adv stockpile, store - more at HOARD
[1] careless, derelict, negligent, remiss, slack - more lay-wom-en \'la-,wU-m:)n\ n : a woman who is a member of
at NEGLIGENT [1] easygoing, flexible, relaxed, unre- the laity
strained, unrestricted - more at EASYGOING [2] inse- la-zar \ "la-zar, 'Ia- \ n : LEPER
cure, loose, slack - more at LOOSE laze \'Iliz\ vb lazed; : to pass time in idleness or re-
'Iax.a.tive \'Iak-sa-tiv\ ad) : relieving constipation laxation
21axative n : a usu. mild laxative drug la-zl-ness \-ze-nas\ n : the quality or state of being lazy
lax.i.ty \'Iak-s:)-te\ n : the quality or state of being lax idleness, indolence, inertia, sloth; also apathy, lan-
delinquency, dereliction, laxness, neglect, negligence, guor, lassitude, lethargy, listlessness, sluggishness; loaf-
omission, remissness, slackness - more at OMISSION ing Ant drive, ind ustriousness, industry
lax-ness n : the quality or state of being lax lazy \'Ia-ze\ ad) la-zi-er: -est 1 : disliking activity or ex-

lazybones 478
ertion 2: encouraging idleness 3: SLUGGISH 4: DROOPY, fix (glass) in position with lead 3: to treat or mix with
LAX 5: not rigorous or strict - \-z:l-Ie\ adv lead or a lead compound
idle, indolent, shiftless, slothful; also apathetic, lan- lead-en \'Ied-'n\ adj 1 a : made of lead b : of the color
guorous, lethargic, listless, sluggish, torpid Ant industri- of lead 2 a : SLUGGISH b.: lacking spirit or animation
ous : DULL
la-zy-bones \-,bonz\ n sing or pi : a lazy individual [1b] gray (or grey), pewter, silver, silvery, slate, steely
idler, loafer, slouch, slug, sluggard; also bum, ne'er= - more at GRAY. [2b] drab, dreary, dry, dull, flat,
do-well; dawdler, laggard, trifler; goldbrick, malingerer, heavy, humdrum, monotonous, ponderous
shirker, slacker; lingerer, loiterer; procrastinator; quit- lead-er n 1 : something that leads; also: a conduit for
ter Ant doer, go-getter, hummer, hustler, rustler, self= leading fluid from one place to another 2 : a person
starter who leads - lead-er-less adj - lead-er-ship n
lazy su-sen \,Iii-ze-'siiz-n\ n : a revolving tray used for [1] channel, conduit, duct, line, penstock, pipe, tube
serving food - more at PIPE [2] boss, captain, chief, foreman,
Ib abbr [L libra] pound head, headman, helmsman, kingpin, master, taskmaster
Ic abbr lowercase - more at BOSS
LC abbr Library of Congress lead-off \'Ied-,of\ adj : of, relating to, or being one that
'LCD \,el-(,)se-'de\ n [liquid crystal display] : a display (as of leads off - leadoff n
the time in a digital watch) that consists of segments of a first, foremost, inaugural, initial, maiden, original, pi-
liquid Crystal whose reflectivity varies with the voltage oneer, premier - more at FIRST
applied to them lead off vb : OPEN, BEGIN; esp : to bat first in an inning
2LCD abbr least common denominator; lowest common de- lead on vb : to entice or induce to adopt or continue in a
nominator course or belief esp. when unwise or mistaken
LCDR abbr lieutenant commander
LCM abbr least common multiple; lowest common multi- allure, beguile, decoy, entice, lure, seduce, tempt-
ple more at LURE
LCpl abbr lance corporal 'leaf \'Ief\ n, pi leaves \'Ievz\ 1 : a usu. flat and green out-
LCS abbr League Championship Series growth of a plant stem that is a unit of foliage and func-
Id abbr 1 load 2 lord tions esp. in photosynthesis; also: FOLIAGE 2: something
LD abbr learning disabled; learning disability that is suggestive of a leaf - leaf-less adj
LDC abbr less developed country 21eaf vb 1 : to produce leaves 2: to turn the pages of a book
Idg abbr 1 landing 2 loading leafage \'Ie-fij\ n : all the leaves of one or more plants
LDL \,el-(,)de-'el\ n [low-density lipoprotein] : a choles- : FOLIAGE
terol-rich protein-poor lipoprotein of blood plasma cor- flora, foliage, green, greenery, herbage, vegetation,
related with increased probability of developing verdure - more at GREENERY
atherosclerosis leafed \'Ieft\ adj : LEAVED
L-do-pa \'el-'do-p:l\ n : an isomer of dopa used esp. in the teat-hcp-per \'Ief-,hii-p:lr\ n : any of a family of small leap-
treatment of Parkinson's disease ing insects related to the cicadas that suck the juices of
LOS abbr Latter-day Saints plants
lea \'Ie, 'Iii\ n : farmland having chiefly forage plants and leaf.let \'Ie-fl:lt\ n 1 : a division of a compound leaf 2 : a
esp. grasses: PASTURE usu. folded printed sheet intended for free distribution
leach \'Iech\ vb : to pass a liquid (as water) through to : PAMPHLET, FOLDER
carry off the soluble components; also: to dissolve out by booklet, brochure, circular, folder, pamphlet-
such means <- alkali from ashes) more at PAMPHLET
'lead \'Ied\ vb led \'Ied\; 1 : to guide on a way leaf mold n : a compost or layer composed chiefly of de-
2 : UVE <- a quiet life) 3 : to direct the operations, ac- cayed leaves
tivity, or performance of <- an orchestra) 4: to go at teat-stalk \'Ief-,stok\ n : PETIOLE
the head of : be first <- a parade) 5: to begin play with; leafy adj leaf-i-er: -est : furnished with or abounding in
also : BEGIN, OPEN 6: to tend toward a definite result leaves
<study -ing to a degree) 7.: to lie, run, or open in a
green, lush, luxuriant, verdant
specified place or direction
'league \'Ieg\ n : a unit of distance equal to about three
[1] conduct, direct, guide, marshal, pilot, route,
show, steer, usher; also precede; accompany, attend, miles (five kilometers)
chaperon, convoy, escort, see; control, manage Ant fol- 21eague n 1 .: an association or alliance for a common
low, trail [3] boss, captain, command, dominate, purpose 2: CLASS, CATEGORY - leagu-er \'Ie-g:lr\ n
head, spearhead; also control, direct, govern, handle, association, brotherhood, club, college, congress,
manage, oversee, regulate, superintend, supervise council, fellowship, fraternity, guild, institute, institu-
[7] extend, go, head, lie, run - more at RUN tion, order, organization, society - more at ASSOCIA-
TION alliance, bloc, coalition, combination, combine,
21ead \'Ied\ n 1 a : a position at the front b : a margin by
which one leads 2: the privilege of leading in cards; also confederacy, confederation, federation, union - more
: the card or suit led 3: EXAMPLE 4: one that leads 5: a
principal role (as in a play); also: one who plays such a 31eague vb leagued; : to form a league
role 6 : something serving as an indication, tip, or clue ally, associate, band, club, confederate, conjoin, co-
7 : an insulated electrical conductor operate, federate, unite - more at ALLY
[lb] distance, length, remove, spread, stretch, way- 'leak \'Iek\ vb 1 : to enter or escape through a leak 2: to
more at DISTANCE [6] clue, cue, hint, indication, let a substance in or out through an opening 3 : to be-
inkling, intimation, suggestion, tip - more at HINT come or make known
31ead \'Ied\ n 1 : a heavy malleable bluish white chemical usu leak out come out, get out, out, spread - more at
element 2: an article made of lead; esp : a weight for GET OUT
sounding at sea 3: a thin strip of metal used to separate 21eak n 1 : a crack or hole that accidentally admits a fluid
lines of type in printing 4: a thin stick of marking sub- or light or lets it escape; also: something that secretly or
stance in or for a pencil accidentally permits the admission or escape of some-
'lead \'Ied\ vb 1 : to cover, line, or weight with lead 2: to thing else 2: LEAKAGE - leaky adj
479 leet

leak.age \'Ie-kij\ n 1 : the act of leaking 2: the thing or over, lease, fr. L laxare to loosen, fr. laxus slack) 1 : to
amount that leaks grant by lease 2 + : to hold under a lease
'lean \'Ien\ vb 1 + : to bend from a vertical position: IN- + engage, hire, let, rent - more at HIRE
CLINE 2: to cast one's weight to one side for support lease-hold \'les-,h6Id\ n 1 : a tenure by lease 2 : land held
3 + : to rely for support 4 + : to incline in opinion, taste, by lease - lease-hold-er n
or desire leash \'Iesh\ n [ME lees, leshe, fro AF *lesche,lesse prob. fro
+ l Il angle, cant, cock, heel, incline, list, slant, slope, lesser to leave, let go) : a line for leading or restraining an
tilt, tip; also bank; bend, deviate, swerve, veer; decline, animal - leash vb
descend, recline, retreat + [3) count, depend, reckon, 'least \'Iest\ ad} 1: lowest in importance or position
rely - more at DEPEND + [4) incline, run, tend, trend; 2 + : smallest in size or degree 3: SLIGHTEST
also go, gravitate; indicate, point, suggest + usu lean to- + minimal, minimum - more at MINIMAL
ward [4) favor (or favour), like, prefer - more at PRE- 21east n : one that is least
FER 31east adv : in the smallest or lowest degree
21ean ad} 1 + : lacking or deficient in flesh and esp. in fat least common denominator n : the least common multiple
2 : lacking richness or productiveness 3: low in fuel con- of two or more denominators
tent - tean-nees n least common multiple n : the smallest common multiple of
+ skinny, slender, slim, spare, thin - more at THIN two or more numbers
31ean n + : the act or an instance of leaning least-wise \'Iest-,wiz\ adv : at least
+ cant, diagonal, grade, inclination, incline, pitch, slant, leath-er \'le-1h:lr\ n : animal skin dressed for use - leath-
slope, tilt, upgrade - more at SLANT ern \-th:lrn\ ad} -Ieath-ery ad}
leaning n + : a definite but not decisive attraction or ten- leath-er-back \-,bak\ n : the largest existing sea turtle with
dency - often used in pl. a flexible leathery carapace
+ affinity, bent, devices, disposition, genius, inclina- team-er-neck \-,nek\ n : MARINE
tion, partiality, penchant, predilection, predisposition, 'leave \'Iev\ vb left \'Ieft\; 1 + : to allow or cause to
proclivity, propensity, talent, tendency, turn - more at remain behind 2: to have as a remainder 3 + : to give or
INCLINATION + current, drift, run, tendency, tide, trend,
leave by will : BEQUEATH 4: to let stay without interfer-
ence 5: to go away: depart from 6 + : to give up esp.
wind - more at TREND
with the intent of never again claiming a right or interest
leant \'Ient\ chieflyBrit past of LEAN
lean-to \'Ien-,tti\ n, pi lean-tos \-,ttiz\ : a wing or extension in
of a building having a roof of only one slope; also : a + [1) abandon, desert, forsake, quit - more at ABAN-
DON + [3) commend, commit, consign, delegate, de-
rough shed or shelter with a similar roof
'leap \'Iep\ vb leapt \'Iept, 'Iept\ or leaped; leap-ing + : to liver, entrust, give, hand over, pass, transfer, transmit,
spring free from a surface or over an obstacle: JUMP trust, tum over, vest - more at GIVE + [6) quit, resign,
retire, step down - more at QUIT
+ bound, hop, jump, spring, vault - more at JUMP 21eave n 1 + : permission to do something; also: authorized
21eap n + : an act of leaping: JUMP absence from duty 2: DEPARTURE
+ bound, hop, jump, spring, vault - more at JUMP + break, recess, vacation - more at VACATION + al-
leap-frog \'Iep-,frog, -,frag\ n : a game in which a player lowance, authorization, clearance, concurrence, con-
bends down and is vaulted over by another - leapfrog vb sent, license (or licence), permission, sanction, suffer-
leap year n : a year containing 366 days with February 29 ance - more at PERMISSION
as the extra day 31eave vb leaved; : LEAF
learn \'I:lrn\ vb learned \'I:lrnd, 'I:lrnt\ or Can and Brit leaved \'Ievd\ ad} : having leaves
learnt \'I:lrnt\; 1 a + : to gain knowledge, under- 'Ieav-en \'Ie-v:ln\ n 1 : a substance (as yeast) used to pro-
standing, or skill by study or experience b: to commit to duce fermentation (as in dough) 2: something that mod-
memory: MEMORIZE 2 + : to find out: ASCERTAIN - learn- ifies or lightens
er n 21eaven vb : to raise (dough) with a leaven; also: to perme-
+ [la) get, master, pick up; also apprehend, compre- ate with a modifying or vivifying element
hend, grasp, know, understand; absorb, assimilate, di- leav-en-ing n : LEA YEN
gest, imbibe; ascertain, descry, detect, determine, dig leave off vb + : to cause to cease; also: to cease activity or
up, discern, discover, examine, find out, hear, hit (on or operation
upon), run down, scare up, search (for), see, tumble + break, break off, cease, cut, desist, discontinue, drop,
(to), track (down), unearth; major (in), study; memo- end, halt, knock off, layoff, quit, shut off, stop - more
rize Ant unlearn + [2) detect, determine, dig up, dis- at STOP
cover, ferret out, find, hit on, locate, track down- leaves pi of LEAF
more at FIND leave-tak-ing \'Iev-,ta-kil)\ n + : the act or an instance of
learn-ed \'I:lr-n:ld\ ad} + : characterized by or associated departing: FAREWELL
with learning: ERUDITE adv + departure, exit, farewell, parting - more at DEPAR-
+ educated, erudite, knowledgeable, literate, scholarly, TURE
well-read - more at EDUCATED leav-ings \'Ie-vil)z\ n pi + : a usu. small part, member, or
tearn-tnq \'I:lr-nil)\ n + : knowledge or skill acquired by in- trace remaining: REMNANT, RESIDUE
struction or study: ERUDITION + balance, leftovers, odds and ends, remainder, re-
+ education, erudition, knowledge, scholarship, science mains, remnant, residue, rest - more at REMAINDER
- more at EDUCATION Leb-a-nese \,Ie-b:l-'nez, -'nes\ n : a native or inhabitant of
learning disability n : any of various conditions (as Lebanon - Lebanese ad}
dyslexia) that interfere with a person's ability to learn and lech-ery \'Ie-ch:l-re\ n : inordinate indulgence in sexual ac-
so result in impaired functioning (as in language)- tivity - lech-er \'Ie-ch:lr\ n - lech-er-ous Vle-cho-rcs',
learning disabled ad} ad} - lech-er-ous-ly adv - lech-er-ous-ness n
learnt \'I:lrnt\ chiefly Can and Brit past and past part of lec-i-thin \'Ie-s:l-th:ln\ n : any of several waxy phosphorus=
LEARN containing substances that are common in animals and
'lease \'Ies\ n : a contract transferring real estate for a term plants, form colloidal solutions in water, and have emul-
of years or at will usu. for a specified rent sifying and wetting properties
21ease vb leased; leas-ing [AF lesser, lescher to leave, hand lect abbr lecture; lecturer
lectern 480
tee-tern \'Iek-t::lrn\ n : a stand to support a book for a end, fag end, remainder, remnant, scrap - more at
standing reader SCRAP usu leftovers balance, leavings, odds and ends,
tee-ter \-t::lr\ n : one whose chief duty is to read the lessons remainder, remains, remnant, residue, rest - more at
in a church service REMAINDER
uee-ture \'Iek-ch::lr\ n 1 : a discourse given before an audi- lefty Vlef-te', n, pllefties 1 : a left-handed person 2: an
ence esp. for instruction 2: REPRIMAND - lec-tur-er n - advocate of leftism
lec-ture-ship n 11eg \'Ieg\ n 1 : a limb of an animal used esp. for support-
Ieeture vb lec-tured; tec-tur-lnq 1 : to deliver a lecture or ing the body and in walking; also : the part of the verte-
a course of lectures 2 : to reprove formally brate leg between knee and foot 2: something
(1) declaim, descant, discourse, harangue, orate, resembling or analogous to an animal leg <table ,.._,)
speak, talk - more at TALK. [2] rebuke, reprimand, 3 : the part of an article of clothing that covers the leg
reproach, scold 4 : a portion of a trip 5 pi : long-term appeal or interest
led past and past part of LEAD - legoged \'Ie-g::ld\ adj - leg.less adj
LED \,el-(,}e-'de\ n [/ight-emitting diode) : a semiconductor lap, stage, step; also layover, stopover
diode that emits light when a voltage is applied to it and Ieg vb legged; legoging + : to use the legs in walking or esp,
is used esp. for electronic displays in running
le-der-ho-sen \'Ia-d::lr-,hoz-'n\ n pi : leather shorts often
with suspenders worn esp. in Bavaria usu leg it foot, pad, step, traipse, tread, walk - more
ledge \'Iej\ n [ME legge bar of a gate) 1 : a shelflike pro-
jection from a top or an edge 2: REEF 31eg abbr 1 legal 2 legislative; legislature
ledoger \'Ie-j::lr\ n : a book containing accounts to which leg.a-cy \'Ie-g:l-se\ n, pi -eies : something that is or may be
debits and credits are transferred in final form inherited: INHERITANCE; also: something that has come
lee \'Ie\ n 1 : a protecting shelter 2 : the side (as of a ship) from a predecessor or the past
that is sheltered from the wind - lee adi leogal \'Ie-g::ll\ adj 1 : of or relating to law or lawyers 2
leech \'Iech\ n 1 : any of various bloodsucking segmented a : conforming to or permitted by law or established
usu. freshwater worms that are related to the earthworms rules: LAWFUL b: STATUTORY 3: enforced in courts of law
and have a sucker at each end 2 + : a hanger-on who - leogal.ity \Ii-'ga-I::I-te\ n - leogal.ize \'Ie-g:l-,Iiz\ vb-
seeks gain adv
hanger-on, parasite, sponge; also dependent; dead- clean, fair, sportsmanlike allowable, good, inno-
beat, idler; flunky, henchman, lackey, satellite, stooge, cent, justifiable, permissible, proper, regulation, right
sycophant, toady, yes-man; cheapskate, miser, niggard, Ant illegal, illegitimate, illicit, unlawful, wrongful
piker, skinflint, tightwad leogal-ese \,Ie-g:l-'Iez\ n : the specialized language of the le-
leek \'Iek\ n : an onionlike herb grown for its mildly pun- gal profession
gent leaves and stalk leogal.ism \'Ie-g:l-,Ii-Z:lm\ n 1 : strict, literal, or excessive
leer \'lir\ n : a suggestive, knowing, or malicious look - conformity to the law or to a religious or moral code 2 : a
leer vb legal term - \,Ie-g:l-'lis-tik\ adj
leery \ 'lir-e\ adj : disposed to suspect : SUSPICIOUS leg.ate \'Ie-g:lt\ n : an official representative
distrustful, incredulous, mistrustful, skeptical, suspi- ambassador, delegate, emissary, envoy, minister, rep-
cious - more at SKEPTICAL resentative - more at AMBASSADOR
lees \'Iez\ n pi : the sediment of a liquor (as wine) dur- leg.alee \,Ie-g:l-'te\ n : a person to whom a legacy is be-
ing fermentation and aging: DREGS queathed
dregs, grounds, sediment le-ga-tion \Ii-'gii-sh"n\ n 1 : a diplomatic mission headed
11ee-ward \'le-w::Ird, 'Iii-::Ird\ n : the lee side by a minister 2: the official residence and office of a
.Ieeward adj : situated away from the wind minister in a foreign country
lee-way \'Ie-,wa\ n 1 : lateral movement of a ship when un- \Ii-'gli-to\ adv or adj [It, lit., tied] : in a smooth and
der way 2: an allowable margin of freedom or variation connected manner (as of music)
11eft \'Ieft\ adj [ME, fro OE, weak; fro the left hand's being leg-end \'Ie-j:lnd\ n [ME legende, fro MF & ML; MF leg-
the weaker in most individuals) 1 : of, relating to, or be- ende, fr. ML legenda, fr. L legere to read) 1 a : a story
ing the side of the body in which the heart is mostly lo- coming down from the past; esp : one popularly accepted
cated; also: located nearer to this side than to the right as historical though not verifiable b : a body of popu-
2 often cap: of, adhering to, or constituted by the politi- lar stories 2: an inscription on an object; also: CAPTION
cal left - left adv 3 : an explanatory list of the symbols on a map or chart
.Ieft n 1 : the left hand; also : the side or part that is on or folklore, lore, myth, mythology, tradition - more at
toward the left side 2 often cap: those professing political FOLKLORE
views marked by desire to reform the established order leg-end.ary \'Ie-j::ln-,der-e\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or char-
and usu. to give greater freedom to the common people acteristic of a legend 2 : FAMOUS - \-,der-::I-
31eft past and past part of LEAVE le\ adv
left-hand adj 1 : situated on the left 2: LEFT-HANDED
fabled, fabulous, mythical - more at MYTHICAL
left-hand-ed Vleft-than-dadv adj 1 : using the left hand ha-
bitually or more easily than the right 2: designed for or leg-erode-main \,Ie-j:lr-d::l-'miin\ n [ME, fro MF leger de
done with the left hand 3 + : not sincere : INSINCERE, main light of hand] 1 : SLEIGHT OF HAND 2 a : skill and
BACKHANDED <a ,.._, compliment) 4: COUNTERCLOCKWISE dexterity in conjuring tricks b : adroitness in deception
- left-handed adv + [2a] magic, prestidigitation. [2b] artifice, chicanery,
artificial, double-dealing, feigned, hypocritical, insin- hanky-panky, subterfuge, trickery - more at TRICKERY
cere, mealy, mealymouthed, two-faced, unctuous- legoging or legogin Vle-gon, -git)\ n : a covering for the leg;
more at INSINCERE also: TIGHTS
left-lsrn \'Ief-,ti-z::lm\ n 1 : the principles and views of the leggy \'Ie-ge\ adj legogi-er; -est 1 : having unusually long
Left 2: advocacy of the doctrines of the Left - left-Ist legs 2: having long and attractive legs 3: SPINDLY - used
\-tist\ n or adj of a plant
left-over \'Ieft-,o-v::lr\ n : something that remains unused leg.horn \'leg-,h6m, 'Ie-gamv n 1 : a fine plaited straw;
or unconsumed; esp : leftover food served at a later meal also: a hat made of this straw 2 : any of a Mediterranean
- usu. used in pl. breed of small hardy chickens
481 leprous
leg.i.ble \'le-j;)-b;)l\ adj : capable of being read: CLEAR - lern-on-qrass \'Ie-m;)n-,gras\ n : a tropical Asian grass
leg.i.bil.i.ty \,Ie-j;)-'bi-I;)-te\ n - leg.i.bly \'Ie-j;)-ble\ adv grown for its lemon-scented foliage used as a seasoning
'Ieogion \'Ie-j;)n\ n 1 : a unit of the Roman army compris- le-mur \'Ie-m;)r\ n : any of various arboreal primates
ing 3000 to 6000 soldiers 2 : a very large number: MUL- largely of Madagascar that have large eyes, very soft
TITUDE 3: an association of ex-servicemen 4 + : a large woolly fur, and a long furry tail
military force t.en-a-pe \,Ie-n;l-pe, I;)-'na-pe\ n, pi Lenape or Lenapes
+ [2] army, crowd, crush, drove, flock, horde, host, : DELAWARE
mob, multitude, press, swarm, throng - more at lend \'Iend\ vb lent \'Ient\; lend-lnq 1 : to give for tempo-
CROWD + [4] army, battalion, host - more at ARMY rary use on condition that the same or its equivalent be
21egion adj: MANY, NUMEROUS returned 2: AFFORD, FURNISH 3: ACCOMMODATE - lend-
leogion.ary \-j;)-,ner-e\ n : LEGIONNAIRE er n
leogion.naire \,Ie-j;)-'nar\ n + : a member of a legion lend-lease \-'Ies\ n : the transfer of goods and services to
+ fighter, man-at-arms, regular, serviceman, soldier, an ally to aid in a common cause with payment made by
warrior - more at SOLDIER a return of the items or their use in the cause or by a sim-
Legionnaires' disease also Legionnaire's disease \-'nerz-\ ilar transfer of other goods and services
n : a lobar pneumonia caused by a bacterium length \'Iel)th\ n 1 a : the longer or longest dimension of
legis abbr legislation; legislative; legislature an object b + : a measured distance 2: duration or ex- \'Ie-j;)s-,Iat\ vb -Iat-ed; + : to make or en- tent in time or space 3: the length of something taken as
act laws; also: to bring about by legislation a unit of measure 4: a single piece of a series of pieces
that may be joined together <a ~ of pipe) - at length
+ enact, lay down, make, pass - more at ENACT
1 : in full 2: FINALLY \,Ie-j;)s-'Ia-sh;)n\ n 1 : the action of legislating
+ distance, lead, remove, spread, stretch, way - more
2 : laws made by a legislative body at DISfANCE \'Ie-j;)s-,Ia-tiv\ adj 1 : having the power of leg-
length-en \'Iel)-th;)n\ vb + : to make or become longer
islating 2: of or relating to a legislature or legislation \-,Ia-t;)r\ n + : one that makes laws esp. for a + draw out, elongate, extend, prolong, protract, stretch
political unit; esp : a member of a legislative body - more at EXTEND
length.wise \'Iel)th-,wiz\ adv : in the direction of the length
+ lawmaker, solon; also assemblyman, assemblywoman;
- lengthwise adi
congressman, congresswoman; senator
lengthy \'Iel)-the\ adj length.ioer; -est 1 : protracted exces- \'Ie-j;)s-,Ia-ch;)r\ n : an organized body of per-
sively 2 : drawn out in length esp. of time: EXTENDED,
sons having the authority to make laws
leogit \Ii-'jit\ adi, slang: LEGITIMATE
'Ieogit.i.mate \Ii-'ji-t;)-m;)t\ adj 1 : lawfully begotten 2: GE - extended, far, great, long - more at LONG
UINE 3: LAWFUL 4: conforming to recognized principles le-ni-en-cy \'Ie-ne-;)n-se, -nvan-sev n + : the quality or state
or accepted rules or standards - \-m;)-se\ n of being lenient; also: a lenient disposition or practice
- leogit.i.mate-Iy adv + charity, clemency, mercy, quarter - more at MERCY
21e-glt.i.mate \-,mat\ vb -rnat-ed; -mat-lnq : to make legiti- le-nient \'Ie-ne-;Int, -nyantv adj : of mild and tolerant dis-
mate position or effect - le-ni-ent-ly adv
leogit.i.mise chiefly Brit var O/LEGITIMIZE len-l-tlve Vle-na-tivv adi : alleviating pain or harshness
leogit.i.mize \Ii-'ji-t;)-,miz\ vb -mized; : LEGITIMATE len-I-ty \'Ie-n;)-te\ n : the quality or state of being lenient \'Ieg-,man\ n 1 : a reporter assigned usu. to gather : LENIENCY
information 2: an assistant who gathers information and lens \'Ienz\ n [L lent-, lens lentil; so called fr. the shape of
runs errands a convex lens] 1 : a curved piece of glass or plastic used
leogume \'Ie-,gyiim, Ii-'gyiim\ n IF] 1 : any of a large fam- singly or combined in an optical instrument for forming
ily of plants having fruits that are dry pods and split when an image; also: a device for focusing radiation other than
ripe and including important food and forage plants (as light 2: a transparent body in the eye that focuses light
beans and clover); also: the part (as seeds or pods) of a rays on receptors at the back of the eye
legume used as food 2: the pod of a legume - leogu.mi- Lent \'Ient\ n : a 4O-day period of penitence and fasting ob-
nous \Ii-'gyii-m;)-n;)s\ adj served from Ash Wednesday to Easter by many churches
'lei \'Ia, 'Ia-,e\ n : a wreath or necklace usu. of flowers - Lent-en \-'n\ adj
tel-sure \'Ie-zh;lr, 'Ie-, 'Ia-\ n 1 + : freedom provided by the lentil \'Ient-'I\ n : a Eurasian annual legume grown for its
cessation of activities; also: time free from work or duties flat edible seeds and for fodder; also: its seed
2 : EASE; also : CONVENIENCE Leo \'Ie-o\ n [L, lit., lion] 1 : a zodiacal constellation be-
+ ease, relaxation, repose, rest - more at REST tween Cancer and Virgo usu. pictured as a lion 2: the 5th
'Iei-sure-ly adj : characterized by slowness sign of the zodiac in astrology; also: one born under this
21elsurely adv : without haste sign also telt-mo-tlv \'lit-mo-,tef\ n [0 Leitmotiv, fr. te-o-nine \'Ie-;)-,nin\ adj : of, relating to, or resembling a
leiten to lead + Motiv motive] : a dominant recurring lion
theme leop-ard \'Ie-p;)rd\ n : a large usu. tawny and black-spotted
lem-minq \'Ie-mil)\ n [Norw] : any of various short-tailed cat of southern Asia and Africa
rodents found mostly in northern regions and noted for le-o-tard \'Ie-;)-,tard\ n : a close-fitting garment worn esp.
recurrent mass migrations by dancers and for exercise
lem-on \'Ie-m;)n\ n 1: an acid yellow usu. nearly oblong lep-er \'Ie-p;)r\ n 1 : a person affected with leprosy 2: OUT-
citrus fruit; also : a citrus tree that bears lemons CAST
2 + : something (as an automobile) unsatisfactory or de- lep-re-chaun Vle-pra-jkan', n + : a mischievous elf of Irish
fective - lem-ony adj folklore
+ bummer, dud, failure, fizzle, flop, loser, turkey, + brownie, dwarf, elf, fairy, fay, gnome, hobgoblin,
washout - more at FAILURE pixie, puck, troll
lem-on-ade \,Ie-m;)-'nad\ n : a beverage of lemon juice, lep-ro-sy \'Ie-pr;)-se\ n : a chronic bacterial disease marked
sugar, and water esp. if not treated by slow-growing swellings with defor-
lemon curd n : a custard made with lemon juice, butter, mity and loss of sensation of affected parts - lep-rous
sugar, and eggs \-pr;ls\ adj
leptin 482
lepotin Vlep-tanv n : a hormone that is produced by fat-con- let on vb 1 : REVEAL 1 2: PRETEND
taining cells and plays a role in body weight regulation 'Ietter \'Ie-tar\ n 1 : a symbol that stands for a speech
les-bi-an Vlez-be-enx n [fro the reputed homosexual group sound and constitutes a unit of an alphabet 2 : a writ-
associated with the poet Sappho of Lesbos] : a woman ten or printed communication 3 pl : UTERATURE; also
who is a homosexual - lesbian adj - les-bl-en-lsm \-a- : LEARNING 4: the literal meaning <the ~ of the law) 5: a
,ni-zam\n single piece of type
lese rna-jes-te or lese maj-es-ty \'Iiiz-'ma-ja-ste, 'Iez-, 'Iez-\ dispatch, memorandum, missive, note; also airmail,
n [MF lese majeste, fro L laesa majestas, lit., injured card, electronic mail, e-mail.junkmail.mail. postal
majesty] : an offense violating the dignity of a sovereign card, postcard; communication, report; encyclical
te-slon \'Ie-zhan\ n : an abnormal structural change in the 21etter vb : to mark with letters: INSCRIBE - let-ter-er n
body due to injury or disease; esp : one clearly marked off letter bomb n : an explosive device concealed in an enve-
from healthy tissue around it lope and mailed to the intended victim
'less \'Ies\ adj, comparative of 'UTILE 1 : FEWER <~ than let-ter-boxed Vle-tar-jbakstv adj : being a video recording
six) 2.: of lower rank, degree, or importance formatted to display a frame size proportional to a stan-
3 : SMALLER; also: more limited in quantity dard theater screen
inferior, junior, lesser, lower, minor, subordinate, un- letter carrier n : an individual who delivers mail
der - more at LESSER
mailman, postman - more at POSTMAN
21ess adv, comparative of 'UTILE: to a lesser extent or de-
tet-ter-head Vle-tar-ihedv n : stationery with a printed or
engraved heading; also : the heading itself
"less n, pi less 1 : a smaller portion 2: something of less
importance let-ter-per-teet \,Ie-tar-'par-fikt\ adj .: correct to the
'less prep: diminished by : MINUS smallest detail
-less \Ias\ adj suffix 1 : destitute of : not having <childless) absolute, faultless, flawless, ideal, impeccable, per-
2 : unable to be acted on or to act (in a specified way) fect, unblemished - more at PERFECT
<dauntless) tet-ter-press \'Ie-tar-,pres\ n : printing done directly by im-
les-see \Ie-'se\ n : a tenant under a lease pressing the paper on an inked raised surface
tess-en \'Ies-On\ vb : to make or become less letters of marque \-'mark\ : a license granted to a private
abate, de-escalate, decline, decrease, die, diminish, person by a government to fit out an armed ship to cap-
dwindle, ebb, fall, let up, lower, moderate, recede, re- ture enemy shipping
duce, relent, shrink, subside, taper, wane - more at DE- letters patent n pl : a written grant from a government to a
CREASE person in a form readily open for inspection by all
less-er \'Ie-sar\ adj, comparative of 'UTILE : of less size, let-tuce \'le-tas\ n [ME letuse, fro AF, prob. fro pl. of letue
quality, or significance lettuce plant, fro L lactuca, fr. lac milk; fr. its milky juice]
inferior, junior, less, lower, minor, subordinate, un- : a garden composite plant with crisp leaves used esp. in
der; also little, mean, small; minute, petty; jerkwater, salads
second-rate; secondary, subsidiary Ant major, more, let-up \'let-,ap\ n : a lessening of effort
primary, prime, senior, superior let up vb : to diminish or slow down; also : to come to a
les-son \'Ies-On\ n 1 : a passage from sacred writings read stop
in a service of worship 2: a reading or exercise to be cease, end, halt, quit, stop abate, decrease, die, di-
studied by a pupil; also: something learned 3: a period minish, dwindle, ebb, fall, lessen, subside, taper, wane
of instruction 4: an instructive example - more at DECREASE
les-sor \'Ie-,sor, le-'sor\ n : one who conveys property by a leu-kae-mia chiefly Brit var of LEUKEMIA
lease leu-ke-mia \lii-'ke-me-a\ n : a malignant disease character-
lest \,Iest\ COtV : for fear that ized by an abnormal increase in the number of white
'let \'Iet\ n [ME lette, fro letten to delay, hinder, fr. OE let- blood cells in the blood-forming tissues - leu-ke-mic
tan] 1 : something that impedes: HINDRANCE, OBSTACLE \-mik\ adj or n
2 : a shot or point in racket games that does not count leu-ko-cyte \'Iii-ka-,sit\ n : WHITE BLOOD CELL
21et vb let; let.ting [ME leten, fr. OE lretan] 1 : to cause to Lev or Levit abbr Leviticus
: MAKE <~ it be known) 2: to offer or grant for rent or 'Ie-vee \'le-ve; la-'ve, -'va\ n IF lever act of arising] : a re-
lease; also: to assign esp. after bids 3 : to give opportu- ception held by or for a person of distinction
nity or permission to : ALLOW, PERMIT <~ me go) 21evoee \'le-ve\ n : an embankment to prevent or confine
allow, enable, permit, suffer - more at ALLOW flooding; also: a river landing place
-let \lat\ n suffix 1 : small one <booklet) 2: article worn dam, dike, embankment - more at DAM dock,
on <wristlet) landing, pier - more at DOCK
letodown \'Iet-,daim\ n 1 : the state or emotion of being 'Ievoel \'Ie-val\ n 1 : a device for establishing a horizontal
disappointed 2: a slackening of effort line or plane 2: horizontal condition 3: a horizontal po-
disappointment, dismay, dissatisfaction, frustration sition, line, or surface often taken as an index of altitude;
- more at DISAPPOINTMENT also: a flat area of ground 4 : height, position, rank, or
let down vb : to fail to meet the expectation or hope of; size in a scale
also: to cause disappointment degree, footing, place, position, rank, situation,
cheat, disappoint. dissatisfy. fail - more at DISAP- standing, station, status - more at RANK
POINT 'level vb -eled or -elled; -el-lnq or -elling 1 : to make flat
le-thal \'Ie-thal\ adj : of, relating to, or causing death or level; also: to come to a level 2: to direct to or toward
: DEADLY, FATAL - Ie-thally adv a specified object or goal : AIM 3 to bring to a common
baleful, deadly, deathly, fatal, fell, mortal, murder- level or plane: EQUALIZE 4: RAZE 5 : to knock down -
ous, pestilent, vital- more at DEADLY levoeloern
Ie-tharogic \li-'thar-jik\ adj. : of, relating to, or character- [l] even, plane, smooth - more at EVEN [3] balance,
ized by lethargy equalize, equate, even - more at EQUALIZE. [5] bowl,
dull, inactive, inert, quiescent, sleepy, sluggish, torpid down, drop, fell, floor, knock
- more at INACTNE "level adj 1 : having a flat even surface 2: HORIZONTAL
leth.arogy \'Ie-thar-je\ n 1 : abnormal drowsiness 2: the 3 : of the same height or rank; also: UNIFORM 4: steady
quality or state of being lazy or indifferent and cool in judgment - adv - levoel.ness n
483 liberalize

even, flat, flush, plane, smooth; also exact, uniform; (1) accountable, answerable, responsible - more at
aligned, regular, true; horizontal, tabular; plumb, RESPONSIBLE. [3] exposed, open, sensitive, subject, sus-
straight, vertical Ant bumpy, coarse, lumpy, rough, un- ceptible, vulnerable; also likely, prone; uncovered, un-
even defended, unguarded, unprotected Ant invulnerable,
lev-el-head-ed \,le-v~I-'he-d~d\ adj : having sound judg- unexposed
ment : SENSIBLE tl-ai-son \'Ie-a-,zan, le-'a-\ n [F] 1 : a close bond or con-
good, hard, informed, just, logical, rational, reason- nection 2: an illicit sexual relationship 3: communica-
able, reasoned, sensible, sober, solid, valid, well- tion for mutual understanding (as between parts of an
founded - more at GOOD armed force); also: one that carries on a liaison
leover \'Ie-v~r, 'Ie-\ n 1 : a bar used for prying or dislodg- affiliation, alliance, association, collaboration, con-
ing something; also: a means for achieving one's purpose federation, connection, cooperation, hookup, partner-
2 : a rigid piece turning about an axis and used for trans- ship, relation, relationship, union - more at ASSOCIA-
mitting and changing force and motion TION
Ie-ver.age \'Ie-vrij, 'Ie-, -vo-rijv n : the action or mechanical n-ar \'H-~r\ n : a person who lies
effect of a lever fibber, prevaricator; also libeler, slanderer; perjurer,
leovi.a.than \1i-'vl-~-th~n\ n 1: a large sea animal gossip; charlatan, cheat, cheater, confidence man,
2 : something large or formidable counterfeiter, cozener, deceiver, dissembler, double=
behemoth, blockbuster, colossus, giant, jumbo, mam- dealer, fraud, hustler, mountebank, pretender
moth, monster, titan, whale, whopper - more at GIANT 'lib \'lib\ n : LIBERATION
lev-i-tate \'Ie-va-,tat\ vb -tat-ed; -tat-lnq : to rise or cause to 2lib abbr 1 liberal 2 librarian; library
rise in the air in seeming defiance of gravitation - lev-l- li.baotion \H-'ba-sh~n\ n 1 : an act of pouring a liquid as a
ta-tlon \,le-va-'ta-sh~n\ n sacrifice (as to a god); also : the liquid poured 2 : a
Le-vit-i-cus \Ii-'vi-t~-kas\ n : a book of Jewish and Christian drinkable liquid: DRINK
Scripture beverage, drink, quencher - more at DRINK
lev.i.ty \'le-v~-te\ n : lack of seriousness
'Iibel \'n-b~l\ n [ME, written declaration, fro AF, fro L libel-
facetiousness, flightiness, flippancy, frivolity, light-
Ius, dim. of liber book) 1 : a spoken or written statement
ness - more at FRIVOLITY
or a representation that gives an unjustly unfavorable im-
tevo-do-pa \,le-va-'do-p~\ n : L-DOPA
pression of a person or thing 2 : the action or crime of
'levy \'Ie-ve\ n, pllevies 1 : the imposition or collection
publishing a libel
of an assessment; also: an amount levied 2: the enlist-
ment or conscription of men for military service; also defamation, slander, vilification - more at SLANDER
: troops raised by levy 21ibel vb -beled or -belled; or -bel.ling : to make or
assessment, duty, impost, tax - more at TAX publish a libel - li-bel-er n - ll-bel-ist n
21evy vb lev.ied; 1 : to impose or collect by legal blacken, defame, malign, slander, smear, traduce, vil-
authority 2: to enlist for military service 3: WAGE <~ ify - more at SLANDER
war) 4: to seize property ll-bel-ous or li-bel-lous \-b~-las\ adj : constituting or in-
assess, charge, exact, fine, impose, lay, put - more at cluding a libel
IMPOSE defamatory, scandalous, slanderous; also erroneous,
lewd \'liid\ adj [ME lewed vulgar, fro OE lrewede lay, igno- false, inaccurate, incorrect, inexact, invalid, off, un-
rant) 1 : sexually unchaste 2 : abhorrent to morality sound, untrue, wrong; derogatory, disparaging, uncom-
or virtue : OBSCENE, VULGAR - lewdly adv plimentary, unfavorable; invidious, objectionable; ma-
(1) lascivious, lustful, passionate, wanton - more at ligning, traducing, vilifying; hateful, malevolent,
LUSTFUL. [2) bawdy, coarse, crude, indecent, lascivi- malicious, spiteful
ous, obscene, pornographic, ribald, smutty, unprint- ' \'li-br~I, -ba-ralv am [ME, fr. AF, fr. L /ibera/is suit-
able, vulgar, wanton - more at OBSCENE able for a freeman, generous, fr. liber free) 1 : of, relating
lewdness n : the quality or state of being lewd to, or based on the liberal arts 2 : given or provided in
bawdiness, coarseness, grossness, indecency, nasti- a generous and openhanded way : GENEROUS, BOUNTIFUL;
ness, obscenity, ribaldry, smut, vulgarity - more at OB- also: generous or more than adequate in size, scope, or
SCENITY capacity 3: not literal 4 a : not narrow in opinion or
lex.ioeog.ra.phy \,lek-s~-'ka-gr~-fe\ n 1: the editing or judgment: TOLERANT b : not orthodox 5: not conser-
making of a dictionary 2 : the principles and practices of vative - lib-er-al-ize \'li-br~-,nz, -bo-rs-v vb
dictionary making - lex-i-cog-ra-pher \-f~r\ n - lex-l-eo- [2] abundant, ample, comfortable, generous, plentiful
graph.ioeal \-ko-'gra-fi-bl\ or lex.ioeOograph.ic \-fik\ adj - more at PLENTIFUL [2] bountiful, charitable, free,
lex-l-eon \'lek-s~-,kan\ n, pi lex-i-ca \-si-ka\ or lexicons generous, munificent, openhanded, unselfish, unsparing
1 : DICTIONARY 2: the vocabulary of a language, speaker, - more at GENEROUS [4b] broad-minded, nonortho-
or subject dox, nontraditional, open-minded, progressive, radical,
Ig abbr 1 large 2 long unconventional, unorthodox; also advanced, contempo-
LH abbr 1 left hand 2 lower half rary, modern; forbearing, indulgent, lenient, permissive,
Ii abbr link tolerant; extreme; impartial, objective, unbiased Ant
Li symbol lithium conservative, conventional, old-fashioned, orthodox,
LI abbr Long Island traditional
li.a.bil.i.ty \,I1-"-'bi-I~-te\ n, pi -ties 1 : the quality or state 2liberal n : a person who holds liberal views
of being liable 2 pi : DEBTS 3 : one that acts as a disad- liberal arts n pi : the studies (as language, philosophy, his-
vantage: DISADVANTAGE tory, literature, or abstract science) in a college or uni-
(1) blame, fault, responsibility - more at RESPONSI- versity intended to provide chiefly general knowledge
BILITY [3) disadvantage, drawback, handicap, minus, and to develop the general intellectual capacities
penalty, strike - more at DISADVANTAGE lib-er-al-isrn \'li-br~-,Ii-z~m, -bo-rc-v n : liberal principles
li-a-ble \'I1-~-b~1\ adj 1 : legally obligated: RESPONSIBLE and theories
2 : LIKELY, APT<~ to fall) 3.: exposed or subject to \,li-b~-'ra-l~-te\ n : the quality or state of be-
something uSU. adverse : SUSCEPTIBLE ing liberal; also: an instance of this
liberally 484
+ bounty, generosity, largesse, philanthropy, unselfish- li-cens-ee \,lls-n-'se\ n : a licensed person
ness; also beneficence, charity; kindness; gift, gratuity, li-cen-tl-ate \II-'sen-che-at\ n : one licensed to practice a
lagniappe; tribute; extravagance, improvidence, lavish- profession
ness, prodigality, wastefulness; spendthrift; dissipating, li-cen-tious \II-'sen-chas\ adj : lacking legal or moral re-
squandering Ant cheapness, closeness, meanness, miser- straints; also: disregarding sexual restraints: LEWD, LAS-
liness, parsimony, pinching, stinginess, tightness CIVIOUS - li-cen-tious-ly adv
lib-er-al-lyadv + : in a liberal manner ll-cen-tious-ness n + : the quality or state of being licen-
+ bountifully, generously, handsomely, well- more at tious
WELL corruption, debauchery, depravity, immorality, iniq-
lib-er-ate \'li-b:l-,rat\ vb -at-ed: 1 +: to free from uity, sin, vice - more at VICE
bondage or restraint; also: to raise to equal rights and sta- lichee var oj LITCHI
tus 2: to free (as a gas) from combination - llb-er-a-tor li-chen \'ll-bn\ n : any of various complex plantlike or-
\'li-b:l-,rii-t:lr\ n ganisms made up of an alga and a fungus growing as a
+ discharge, emancipate, enfranchise, free, loose, unit on a solid surface - li-chen-ous adj
loosen, manumit, release, spring, unbind, unchain, un- licit \'li-s:lt\ adi : LAWFUL
fetter - more at FREE 'lick \'lik\ vb 1 : to draw the tongue over; also: to flicker
lib-er-at-ed adj : freed from or opposed to traditional social over like a tongue 2: to beat soundly: THRASH; also: DE-
and sexual attitudes or roles <a - marriage> FEAT
lib-eration \.li-b:l-'rii-sh:lll \ n + : the act of liberating : the 21ick n 1 : a stroke of the tongue 2 + : a small amount 3: a
state of being liberated hasty careless effort 4: a sharp hit: BLOW 5: a natural de-
+ emancipation, enfranchisement, manumission; also posit of salt that animals lick
deliverance, redemption, salvation; autonomy, free- + bit, dab, little, particle, shred, touch, trace - more at
dom, independence, liberty, self-government, sover- PARTICLE
eignty Ant enslavement lick-eoty-split \,Ii-ka-te-'split\ adv : at great speed \II-'bir-e-:lll\ n : a native or inhabitant of Liberia Iick-splt-tle \'lik-,spit-'I\ n : a fawning subordinate: TOADY
- Liberian adj lic-o-rice \'Ii-ka-rish, -rasx n [ME, fr. AF licoris, fro LL
llb-er-tar-l-an \,Ii-bar-'ter-e-;lll\ n 1: an advocate of the liquiritia, alter. of L glycyrrhiza, fr. Gk glykyrrhiza, fro
doctrine of free will 2: one who upholds the principles of glykys sweet + rhiza root] 1 : the dried root of a European
unrestricted liberty leguminous plant; also: an extract from it used esp. as a
tlb-er-tlne \'Ii-bar-,ten\ n + : a person who leads a dissolute flavoring and in medicine 2: a candy flavored with
life licorice 3: a plant yielding licorice
+ decadent, degenerate, pervert, profligate - more at lid \'lid\ n 1 + : a movable cover 2: EYELID 3 : something
DEGENERATE that confines or suppresses - lid-ded \'Ii-dad\ adj
lib-er.ty \'Ii-bar-te\ n, pi -ties 1 + : the quality or state of
being free : FREEDOM 2: an action going beyond normal
+ cap, cover, top - more at COVER
limits; esp : FAMILIARITY 3: a short leave from naval duty tl-do \'Ie-do\ n, pi lidos : a fashionable beach resort
'lie \'11\ vb lay \'lii\; lain \'Iiin\; \'1I-iI)\ 1 : to be in, stay
+ autonomy, freedom, independence, self-government,
at rest in, or assume a horizontal position; also: to be in
sovereignty - more at FREEDOM
a helpless or defenseless state 2 + : to have direction: EX-
li-bid-i-nous \Ia-'bid-n-:ls\ adj 1 : LASCMOUS 2: LIBIDINAL
TEND 3 + : to occupy a certain relative position 4: to
li-bi-do \Ia-'be-do, -'bi-\ n, pi -dos [NL, fro L, desire, lust]
1 : psychic energy derived from basic biological urges have an effect esp, through mere presence
2 : sexual drive - Iibidi.nal \Ia-'bid-'n-al\ adj + [2] extend, go, head, lead, run - more at RUN
t.l-bra \'Ie-bra\ n [L, lit., scales] 1 : a zodiacal constellation + [3] be, sit, stand
between Virgo and Scorpio usu. pictured as a balance 21ie n : the position in which something lies
scale 2: the 7th sign of the zodiac in astrology; also: one 3lie vb lied; \'Il-iI)\ + : to tell a lie
born under this sign + fabricate, fib, prevaricate; also forswear, perjure;
u-brar-t-an \II-'brer-e-an\ n : a specialist in the management equivocate, fudge, palter; beguile, cozen, deceive, de-
of a library lude, dupe, fool, gull, hoax, hoodwink, kid, snow, take
li.brary \'ll-,brer-e\ n, pi -brar-les 1 : a place in which in, trick; defame, libel, slander, traduce; falsify, misrep-
books and related materials are kept for use but not for resent, misstate; distort, garble; dissemble, dissimulate;
sale 2: a collection of books misguide, misinform, mislead
ll-bret-to \Ia-'bre-to\ n, pi -tos or -tl \-te\ [It, dim. of libra 'lie n + : an untrue statement made with intent to deceive
book, fro L liber] : the text esp. of an opera - ll-bret-tlst + fabrication, fairy tale, falsehood, falsity, fib, mendac-
\-tist\ n ity, prevarication, story, tale, untruth, whopper; also
Liboyan \'Ii-be-an\ n : a native or inhabitant of Libya- distortion, exaggeration, half-truth; ambiguity, equivo-
Libyan adj cation; defamation, libel, slander; perjury; bluff, pose,
lice pi 0/ LOUSE pretense; humbug, jive, nonsense; fallacy, misconcep-
'Ii-cense or li-cence \'lls-'ns\ n + : permission to act tion, myth; misinformation, misrepresentation, mis-
2 + : a permission granted by authority to engage in an statement; deceit, deceitfulness, dishonesty, duplicity
activity 3: a document, plate, or tag providing proof of a Ant truth
license 4: freedom used irresponsibly lied \'Iet\ n, pllieoder \'Ie-dar\ [G] : a German song esp, of
+ [l] authorization, freedom, latitude, run - more at the 19th century
FREEDOM + [2] allowance, authorization, clearance, lie detector n : a polygraph for detecting physiological evi-
concurrence, consent, leave, permission, sanction, suf- dence of the tension that accompanies lying
ferance - more at PERMISSION lief \'Iev, 'Ief\ adv : GLADLY, WILLINGLY
2license or chiefly Brit licence vb + : to issue a license to 'liege \'Iej\ adj : LOYAL, FAITHFUL
accredit, authorize, certify, commission, empower, 2liege n 1 : YASSAL 2: a feudal superior
enable, invest, qualify - more at AUTHORIZE lien \'Ien, 'Ie-an\ n : a legal claim on the property of an-
licensed practical nurse n : a specially trained person who other for the satisfaction of a debt or duty
is licensed (as by a state) to provide routine care for the lieu \'Iti\ n, archaic: PLACE, STEAD - in lieu of : in the place
sick of
485 light

lieut abbr lieutenant life-work \-'wark\ n : the entire or principal work of one's
lieuotenoant \Iii-'te-n:mt\ n [ME, fr. AF lieu tenant, fr. liu, lifetime; also: a work extending over a lifetime
lieu place + tenant holding, fro tenir to hold, fr. L tenere] life-world \-,war(-a)ld\ n : the total of an individual's phys-
1 : a representative of another in the performance of duty ical surroundings and everyday experiences
2 : FIRST LIEUTENANT; also : SECOND LIEUTENANT 3: a com- LIFO abbr last in, first out
missioned officer in the navy ranking next below a lieu- 11ift \'lift\ vb 1 + : to raise from a lower to a higher position
tenant commander - lieu-ten-an-cy x-non-se', n : ELEVATE; a/so: RISE, ASCEND 2: to put an end to : STOP
lieutenant colonel n : a commissioned officer (as in the 3 : to payoff <--- a mortgage) -lift-er n
army) ranking next below a colonel + boost, crane, elevate, heave, heft, heighten, hike,
lieutenant commander n : a commissioned officer in the hoist, jack, pick up, raise, up, uphold - more at RAISE
navy ranking next below a commander + arise, ascend, climb, mount, rise, soar, up - more at
lieutenant general n : a commissioned officer (as in the ASCEND
army) ranking next below a general 21ift n 1 : LOAD 2: the action or an instance of lifting
lieutenant governor n : a deputy or subordinate governor 3 + : the act of assisting or the help supplied; also: a ride
lieutenant junior grade n, pi lieutenants junior grade : a along one's way 4: RISE, ADVANCE 5 chiefly Brit: ELEVA-
commissioned officer in the navy ranking next below a TOR 6: an elevation of the spirits 7: the upward force
lieutenant that is developed by a moving airfoil and that opposes the
life \'IIf\ n, pi lives \'IIvz\ 1 : the quality that distinguishes pull of gravity
a vital and functional being from a dead body or inani-
+ aid, assist, assistance, backing, boost, help, support
mate matter; also: a state of an organism characterized - more at HELP
esp. by capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stim-
lift-off \'lif-,t6f\ n : a vertical takeoff (as by a rocket)
uli, and reproduction 2: the physical and mental experi-
lift truck n : a small truck for lifting and transporting loads
ences of an individual 3: a written history of a person's
ligoaoment\'Ii-ga-mant\ n : a band of tough fibrous tissue
life : BIOGRAPHY 4 + : a specific phase or period <adult
that holds bones together or supports an organ in place
---> 5: the period from birth to death; also: a sentence of
liogate \'Ii-,gat\ vb liogat-ed; liogatoing : to tie with a ligature
imprisonment for the remainder of a person's life 6 + : a
- liogaotion \II-'ga-shan\ n
way of living 7: a vital or living being; specif : PERSON
ligoaoture\'Ii-ga-,chur, -charx n 1 + : something that binds
8 + : a lively or brisk quality in a person or a person's ac-
or ties; also: a thread used in surgery esp. for tying blood
tions 9: living beings <forest --- > 10: animate activity
vessels 2: a printed or written character consisting of two
<signs of --- > 11 : one providing interest and vigor <---of
or more letters or characters (as ee) united
the party>
+ [4] date, duration, lifetime, run, standing, time- + bond, cement, knot, link, tie - more at BOND
more at DURATION + [6] civilization, culture, lifestyle, 1light \'IIt\ n 1 + : something that makes vision possible
society - more at CIVILIZATION + [8] dash, energy, pep, : electromagnetic radiation visible to the human eye; also
vigor (or vigour), vim, vitality - more at VIGOR : the sensation aroused by stimulation of the visual sense
life-blood \'IIf-,blad\ n : a basic source of strength and vi- organs 2: DAYLIGHT 3 + : a source of light (as a candle)
tality 4 : ENLIGHTENMENT; a/so : TRUTH 5: public knowledge
life-boat \-,bot\ n : a sturdy boat designed for use in saving <facts brought to ---) 6: a particular aspect presented to
lives at sea view <saw the matter in a different +-> 7: WINDOW 8 p/
life-guard \-,gard\ n : a usu. expert swimmer employed to : STANDARDS <according to his ---s) 9 + : a noteworthy
safeguard bathers person in a particular place or field : CELEBRITY
life-less adj + : having no life 10 : LIGHTHOUSE, BEACON; also: TRAFFIC LIGHT 11 : a flame
+ breathless, dead, deceased, defunct, gone, late- for lighting something
more at DEAD [1] blaze, flare, fluorescence, glare, gleam, glow, iUu-
life-like adj + : accurately representing or imitating real mination, incandescence, luminescence, radiance, shine;
life also flash, glimmer, glint, glitter, scintillation, shimmer,
+ natural, near, realistic - more at NATURAL sparkle, twinkle; daylight, moonlight, sunlight; after-
glow, aureole, aurora, beam, ray, shaft, streak, stream;
life-line \-,IIn\ n 1 : a line to which persons may cling for
glisten, gloss, luster, polish, reflection, sheen + [3] flare
safety 2: something considered vital for survival
+ [9] celebrity, figure, luminary, notable, personage,
life-long \-,161)\ adj : continuing through life personality, somebody, standout, star, superstar, VIP-
life preserver n : a buoyant device designed to save a per- more at CELEBRITY
son from drowning
2light adj 1 + : having light: BRIGHT 2: not dark, intense,
lif-er \'II-far\ n 1 : a person sentenced to life imprisonment
or swarthy in color or coloring: PALE <--- blue>
2 : a person who makes a career in the armed forces
life raft n : a raft for use by people forced into the water + ablaze, alight, bright - more at BRIGHT
lite-sav-ing \'Iif-,sa-vil)\ n : the skill or practice of saving or 31ight vb lit \'lit\ or light-ed; lightoing 1 : to make or become
protecting lives esp. of drowning persons - life-sav-er light 2 + : to cause to burn: BURN 3: to conduct with a
\-,sa-var\ n light 4 + : to supply or brighten with light: ILLUMINATE
life science n : a branch of science (as biology, medicine, + [2] burn, fire, ignite, inflame, kindle - more at BURN
and sometimes anthropology or sociology) that deals with + [4] illuminate - more at ILLUMINATE
living organisms and life processes - usu. used in pl. - 'light adj 1 +: not heavy 2: not serious <--- reading)
life scientist n 3 : not abundant: SCANTY <--- rain) 4 : easily disturbed <a
life span n : the duration of existence of an individual --- sleeper> 5 a : exerting a minimum of force or pressure
life-style \'Iif-stil\ n + : a way of living : GENTLE <a --- blow> b + : requiring minimal effort or
+ civilization, culture, life, society - more at CIVILIZA- energy 6 + : easily endurable <a --- cold); also: requiring
TION little effort <--- exercise) 7 + : capable of moving swiftly
life-time \-,tim\ n + : the duration of an individual's exis- or nimbly 8: FRIVOLOUS 9: DIZZY 10: made with lower
tence calorie content or less of some ingredient than usual <---
+ date, duration, life, run, standing, time - more at salad dressing> 11 : producing goods for direct consump-
DURATION tion by the consumer <--- industry>
light 486
[l) airy, ethereal, feathery, fluffy, weightless; also light show n : a kaleidoscopic display (as of colored
bantam, diminutive, little, minute, small, smallish, lights)
puny, tiny, undersized, wee; flimsy, fragile, insubstan- light.some \'lit-s:)m\ adj 1 + : free from care 2: NIMBLE
tial; petite, slender, slight, slim, thin Ant heavy, hefty, + blithe, bright, buoyant, cheerful, cheery, chipper,
leaden, overweight, ponderous, weighty. [5b) easy, ef- gay, sunny, upbeat - more at CHEERFUL
fortless, facile, fluent, fluid, painless, ready, simple, 'Iight.weight \'IIt-,wat\ n 1: one of less than average
smooth, snap, soft - more at EASV (6) balmy, benign, weight; esp : a boxer weighing not over 135 pounds
bland, delicate, gentle, mellow, mild, soft, soothing, ten- 2 : one of little consequence or ability
der - more at GENTLE [7) agile, graceful, lissome, 21ightweight adj 1 : INCONSEQUENTIAL 2: of less than aver-
lithe, nimble, spry - more at GRACEFUL age weight
Slight adv 1 : LIGHTLY 2: with little baggage (travel-) light-year \'lit-,yir\ n 1 : an astronomical unit of distance
"light vb lit \'lit\ or lightoed; 1 : to descend from equal to the distance that light travels in one year in a
or as if from the air and come to rest : SETfLE, ALIGHT vacuum or about 5.88 trillion miles (9.46 trillion kilome-
2 : to fall unexpectedly 3: HAPPEN ters) 2: an extremely large measure of comparison (saw
alight, land, perch, roost, settle - more at ALIGHT it -s ago)
light bulb n 1 : a lamp in which an electrically heated fila- lig.nin \'lig-n:)n\ n : a substance related to cellulose that
ment emits light 2: FLUORESCENT LAMP occurs in the woody cell walls of plants and in the ce-
light-ilmitting diode n : LED menting material between them
'lightoen \'lit_On\ vb 1 : to make light or clear: ILLUMINATE lig.nite \'lig-,nll\ n : brownish black soft coal
2 : to give out flashes of lightning 'like \'Ilk\ vb liked; 1 + : to feel attraction toward or
21ighten vb 1 : to relieve of a burden 2: GLADDEN 3: to be- take pleasure in : ENJOY (-sbaseball) 2 + : to wish to
come lighter have: WANT 3 + : to feel inclined: CHOOSE (does as she
lighten up vb : to take things less seriously -s) - or like-able \'Ii-k:)-b:)l\ adj
'lighter \'Ii-~r\ n : a barge used esp. in loading or unload- [l) favor (or favour), lean, prefer - more at PREFER
ing ships + [I] adore, delight, dig, enjoy, fancy, groove, love, rel-
2lightoer \'Ii-t:)r\ n : one that lights; esp : a device for lighting ish, revel - more at ENJOY + [2, 3) choose, want, will,
lightface \'lIt-,fas\ n : a type having light thin lines - light- wish
faced \-,fast\ adi 21ike n + : favorable regard: PREFERENCE
light-headoed \'Ht-,he-d:)d\ adi 1 .: feeling confused or
appetite, fancy, favor (or favour), fondness, liking,
dizzy 2 : lacking maturity or seriousness
love, partiality, preference, relish, shine, taste, use-
[I) dizzy, giddy - more at DIZZY + (2) flighty, frivo- more at LIKING
lous, giddy, goofy, harebrained, scatterbrained, silly -
31ike adj + : the same or nearly the same (as in appearance,
more at GIDDY
character, or quantity) : SIMILAR
light.heartoed \-,har-t:)d\ adj + : free from worry - light-
heart-ed-ly adv
+ akin, alike, analogous, comparable, correspondent,
parallel, similar, such - more at ALIKE
+ carefree, careless, cavalier, easygoing, gay, happy-go.
'like prep 1 : similar or similarly to (it's - when we were
lucky, insouciant, unconcerned
kids) 2: typical of 3 : comparable to 4: as though there
light.heartoed.ness n + : the quality or state of being light-
would be (looks - rain) 5: such as (a subject -
+ abandon, abandonment, ease, naturalness, spontane- 5like n 1 a : one that is similar b + : a group having com-
ity, unrestraint - more at ABANDON mon traits 2 : one that is similar to another - and the \-,halos\ n : a structure with a powerful light like: ET CETERA
for guiding sailors
[Ib) breed, class, description, feather, ilk, kind, man- adv + : in a light manner
ner, nature, order, sort, species, type - more at SORT
+ easily, effortlessly, fluently, freely, handily, pain- + (2) coordinate, counterpart, equal, equivalent, fel-
lessly, readily, smoothly - more at EASILY low, match, parallel, peer, rival- more at EQUAL
light meter n : a usu. hand-held device for indicating cor- "like conj : in the same way that
rect photographic exposure -like \,Ilk\ adj comb form: resembling or characteristic of
'light.ness n + : the quality or state of being illuminated (ladylike) (lifelike)
+ brilliance, dazzle, effulgence, illumination, lucidity, tlke-tl-hood \'Ii-kle-,hud\ n : PROBABILITY
luminosity, radiance, refulgence, splendor - more at 'like-Iy \'Ii-kle\ adj like-lioer; -est 1 +: very probable
BRILLIANCE 2 + : offering reasonable grounds for being believed: BE-
2light.ness n 1 + : lack of seriousness and stability of char- LlEV ABLE 3 : likely to succeed or to yield good results
acter often accompanied by casual heedlessness 2: the : PROMISING (a - place to fish)
quality or state of being light esp. in weight
+ [I] apt, bound, probable; also conceivable, earthly,
+ facetiousness, flightiness, flippancy, frivolity, levity imaginable, possible, potential; certain, doubtless, in-
- more at FRIVOLITY escapable, inevitable, necessary, sure, unavoidable Ant
'Iight.ning \'lit-nil)\ n : the flashing of light produced by a doubtful, dubious, improbable, questionable, unlikely
discharge of atmospheric electricity; also: the discharge [2] believable, credible, plausible, probable - more
itself at BELIEVABLE + (3) auspicious, bright, encouraging,
2lightning adj + : extremely fast fair, golden, heartening, hopeful, promising, propitious,
+ breakneck, breathless, brisk, dizzy, fast, fleet, hasty, rosy, upbeat - more at HOPEFUL
nippy, quick, rapid, rattling, snappy, speedy, swift- 2likely adv + : in all probability
more at FAST + doubtless, presumably, probably - more at PROBA-
lightning bug n : FIREFLY BLY
lightning rod n : a grounded metallic rod set up on a struc- tlk-en \'Ii-k:)n\ vb + : to represent as similar: COMPARE
ture to protect it from lightning
light out vb : to leave in a hurry
+ bracket, compare, equate - more at COMPARE
light.proof \'lit-,priif\ adj : impenetrable by light like-ness \'Ilk-n:)s\ n 1 + : a pictorial representation (as a
lights \'ms\ n pi : the lungs esp, of a slaughtered animal painting) of a person usu. showing the face; also: one that
light.ship \'IIl-,ship\ n : a ship with a powerful light resembles or corresponds to another 2: SEMBLANCE
moored at a place dangerous to navigation 3 + : the quality or state of being like: RESEMBLANCE
487 line

* Il) illustration, image, picture - more at PICfURE 3 : a prescribed maximum or minimum -
* (3) community, correspondence, parallelism, resem- n
blance, similarity, similitude - more at SIMILARITY * bound, boundary, ceiling, confines, end, extent, limi-
like-wise \-,wiz\ adv 1 *: in the same manner 2 *: in ad- tation, line, termination; also extremity, fag end; bor-
dition : ALSO der, brim, edge, margin, rim, verge; outside; bar, bar-
* Il) alike, also, correspondingly, similarly, so - more rier, fence, hedge, restraint, stop, wall
at ALSO (2) additionally, again, also, besides, further, 2limit vb 1 a *: *:
to set limits to b to confine within set
furthermore, more, moreover, then, too, withal, yet limits 2: to reduce in quantity or extent \'Il-kiI)\ n *: favorable regard; also: TASTE * [la) bound, circumscribe, define, delimit, demarcate,
* appetite, fancy, favor (or favour), fondness, like, love, mark, terminate; also control, determine, govern; delin-
partiality, preference, relish, shine, taste, use; also crav- eate, describe * [Ib] check, circumscribe, confine,
ing, desire, longing, thirst, yen; enthusiasm, interest, control, curb, inhibit, restrain, restrict; also bar, block,
passion; bias, prejudice; bent, inclination, leaning, hinder, impede, obstruct; constrict, contract, lessen,
propensity, tendency; weakness Ant aversion, dislike, narrow, pinch, squeeze, tighten; quell, repress, sup-
disfavor, distaste, hatred, loathing press; number; modify, qualify Ant exceed
li-lac \'ll-Iak, -,Iak, -,Ilik\ n [obs. F (now lilas), fro Ar Iilak, tim-i-ta-tlon \,Ii-ma-'tli.-shan\ n 1 : an act or instance of lim-
fr. Pers nilak bluish, fro nil blue, fro Skt nila dark blue) iting 2 *: something that limits
1 : a shrub related to the olive that produces large clusters * check, condition, constraint, curb, fetter, restraint,
of fragrant grayish pink, purple, or white flowers 2: a restriction - more at RESTRlCI10N
moderate purple color limitoed adi 1 *: confined within limits 2: offering faster
lil-li-pu-tlan \,Ii-Ia-'pyii-shan\ adj, often cap 1: SMALL, service esp. by making fewer stops
MINIATURE 2: PETrY * definite, determinate, finite, measured, narrow, re-
lilt \'lilt\ n 1 : a cheerful lively song or tune 2: a rhythmi- stricted; also modified, qualified; detailed, exact, pre-
cal swing or flow cise, specific; confined, constricted, modest, moderate;
lily \'Ii-Ie\ n, p/lil.ies : any of a genus of tall bulbous herbs minute, puny, small, tiny; fixed, determined, settled Ant
with leafy stems and usu. funnel-shaped flowers; also boundless, endless, illimitable, immeasurable, indefi-
: any of various related plants nite, infinite, limitless, measureless, unbounded, unde-
lily of the valley: a low perennial herb related to the lilies fined, unlimited, unmeasured
that produces a raceme of fragrant nodding bell-shaped adi *: having no limits
white flowers * boundless, endless, illimitable, immeasurable, indefi- bean \,li-ma-\ n : a bushy or tall-growing bean widely nite, infinite, measureless, unbounded, unfathomable,
cultivated for its flat edible usu. pale green or whitish unlimited - more at INFINITE
seeds; also: the seed limn "lim\ vb limned; \'Ii-mil), 'Iim-nin', 1 : DRAW;
limb \'lim\ n 1 : one of the projecting paired appendages also: PAINT 2: DELINEATE 3: DESCRIBE
(as legs, arms, or wings) used by an animal esp. in moving limo \'Ii-(,)m6\ n, pi limos : LIMOUSINE
or grasping 2: a large branch of a tree : BOUGH - limb- ll-rno-nlte \'ll-ma-,nit\ n : a ferric oxide that is a major ore
less adj of iron - Il-mo-nit-lc \,li-ma-'ni-tik\ adj
'tim-ber \'lim-bar\ adj 1 *: capable of being shaped: FLEX- tlm-ou-sine Vll-ma-jzen, ,Ii-ma-'zen\ n [F] 1 : a large luxu-
IBLE, SUPPLE 2: LITHE, NIMBLE rious often chauffeur-driven sedan 2: a large vehicle for
* flexible, lissome, lithe, pliable, supple, willowy- transporting passengers to and from an airport
more at WILLOWY 'limp "limp' vb *: to walk lamely; also: to proceed with
21imber vb : to make or become limber difficulty
llrn-blc \'lim-bik\ adj : of, relating to, or being a group of * flounder, lumber, plod, stumble - more at FLOUN-
structures of the brain (limbic system) concerned esp. DER
with emotion and motivation 2limp n : a limping movement or gait
' \'lim-b6\ n, pi limbos [ME, fr. ML, abl. of limbus 31imp adj 1 *: having no defined shape; also : not stiff or
limbo, fr. L, border) 1 often cap : an abode of souls rigid 2 *: lacking in strength or firmness - limpoly adv
barred from heaven through no fault of their own 2: a -limponessn
place or state of confinement, oblivion, or uncertainty * [I) droopy, flaccid, floppy, lank, slack, yielding; also
21imbo n, pi limbos: an acrobatic dance or contest that in- flabby, mushy, semisoft, soft; delicate, flimsy, insub-
volves passing under a horizontal pole stantial, elastic, flexible, lax, loose, pliant, relaxed, re-
Lim-burg-er \'lim-,bar-gar\ n : a pungent semisoft surface- silient, springy, supple Ant inflexible, resilient, rigid,
ripened cheese stiff, sturdy, tense; firm, hard, indurated, solid, sound,
'lime \'llm' n : a caustic powdery white solid that consists strong * (2) enervated, lackadaisical, languid, lan-
of calcium and oxygen, is obtained from limestone or guorous, listless, spiritless, weary - more at LISTLESS
shells, and is used in making cement and in fertilizer- ttm-pet Vlirn-patv n : any of numerous gastropod sea mol-
lime vb - limy "ll-me\ adj lusks with a conical shell that clings to rocks or timbers
2lime n : a small yellowish green citrus fruit with juicy acid \'lim-pad\ adj *:
marked by transparency: CLEAR
pulp * clear, liquid, lucent, pellucid, transparent - more at
lime-ade \,lim-'ad, 'll-,mad' n : a beverage of lime juice, CLEAR
sugar, and water lin abbr 1 lineal 2 linear
lime-light \'lim-,lit\ n 1 : a device in which flame is di- lin-age \'li-nij\ n : the number of lines of written or printed
rected against a cylinder of lime formerly used in the the- matter
ater to cast a strong white light on the stage 2: the center llnch-pln "linch-,pin\ n : a locking pin inserted crosswise
of public attention (as through the end of an axle)
tlm-er-lck "Ii-ma-rik\ n : a light or humorous poem of 5 lln-den "lin-dan\ n : any of a genus of trees with large
lines heart-shaped leaves and clustered yellowish flowers rich
lime-stone \'llm-,st6n\ n : a rock that is formed by accu- in nectar
mulation of organic remains (as shells), is used in build- 'line "lin' n 1 *:a length of cord or cord-like material
ing, and yields lime when burned : ROPE, WIRE; also: a length of material used in measuring
' \,Ii-mat' n 1 *:
something that restrains or confines; and leveling 2 *:
pipes for conveying a fluid <a gas ,....,>
also: the utmost extent 2: BOUNDARY; also, pi : BOUNDS 3 : a horizontal row of written or printed characters; also
line 488
: VERSE 4: NOTE 5: the words making up a part in a linoger \'lil)-g:lr\ vb : to be slow in parting or in quitting
drama - usu. used in pl. 6 a : something distinct, long, something: TARRY; also: to be slow to act - lln-qer-er n
and narrow b : the course or direction of something in crawl, creep, dally, dawdle, delay, dillydally, drag,
motion: ROUTE 7: a state of agreement 8 : a course of lag, loiter, poke, tarry - more at DELAY
conduct, action, or thought; also: a field of activity or in- linoge-rie \,liin-ja-'rii, ,Ian-zha-, -'re\ n [F, fro MF, fro linge
terest : OCCUPATION 9: something that bounds, restrains, linen, fr. L lineus made of linen, fr. linum flax, linen)
or confines: LIMIT 10 : an arrangement of persons or : women's intimate apparel
objects of one kind in an orderly series <waiting in +-> linogo \'lil)-go\ n, pi lingoes : a usu. strange or incom-
11 : a transportation system 12: the football players who prehensible language
are stationed on the line of scrimmage 13: a long narrow argot, cant, jargon, language, slang, terminology, vo-
mark; also: EQUATOR 14: a geometric element that is the cabulary - more at TERMINOLOGY
path of a moving point 15: CONTOUR 16: a general plan lin-qua fran-ca \,lil)-gw:l-'fral)-ka\ n, pi lingua francas or lin-
17 : an indication based on insight or investigation guae fran-cae \-gwe-'fral)-,ke\ [It) 1 often cap: a common
18 : a group of persons of common ancestry language consisting of Italian mixed with French, Span-
[1) cable, cord, lace, rope, string, wire - more at CORD ish, Greek, and Arabic that was formerly spoken in
[2) channel, conduit, duct, leader, penstock, pipe, tube Mediterranean ports 2: a common or commercial
- more at PIPE. [6b) course, path, route, track, way- tongue among speakers of different languages
more at PA111 [8) area, arena, discipline, domain, field, linogual \'lil)-gwal\ adj : of, relating to, or produced by the
province, realm, specialty, sphere - more at FIELD tongue
[8) course, policy, procedure, program - more at linogui-ca \lil)-'gwe-sa\ n : a spicy Portuguese sausage
COURSE [8) calling, employment, occupation, profes- linoguist Vlin-gwist', n 1 : a person skilled in languages 2: a
sion, trade, vocation, work - more at OCCUPATION person who specializes in linguistics
[10) column, cue, file, queue, range, string, train; also Iin-quls-tics \Iil)-'gwis-tiks\ n : the study of human speech
echelon, rank, row, tier; progression, sequence, succes- including the units, nature, structure, and modification
sion; array (18) ancestry, birth, blood, bloodline, of language - Iln-quts-tic \-tik\ adj
breeding, descent, extraction, family tree, genealogy, lin- lln-l-ment \'li-na-mant\ n : a liquid preparation rubbed on
eage, origin, parentage, pedigree, stock, strain - more at the skin esp. to relieve pain
ANCESTRY \'Ii-nil)\ n : material used to line esp, an inner sur-
21ine vb lined; 1 : to mark with a line 2: to place or face
form a line along 3: ALIGN 'link \'lil)k\ n 1 : a connecting structure; esp : a single ring
31ine vb lined; : to cover the inner surface of of a chain 2 : a connecting element or factor: BOND, TIE
lin-eage \'Ii-ne-ij\ n : lineal descent from a common pro- bond, cement, knot, ligature, tie - more at BOND
genitor; also: FAMILY 2link vb : to couple or connect by or as if by a link; also
blood, clan, family, folks, house, kin, kindred, kin- : to become connected by or as if by a link - often used
folk, line, people, race, stock, tribe ancestry, birth, with up - link-er n
bloodline, breeding, descent, extraction, family tree, ge- chain, compound, connect, couple, hitch, hook, join,
nealogy, origin, parentage - more at ANCESTRY yoke - more at CONNECT associate, connect, corre-
lin-eal \'Ii-ne-:ll\ adj 1 : LINEAR 2: consisting of or being in late, identify, relate - more at ASSOCIATE. usu link up
a direct line of ancestry; also: HER EDIT AR Y coalesce, combine, conjoin, marry, unify, unite-
tln-ea-ment \'Ii-ne-:l-m:lnt\ n : an outline, feature, or con- more at UNITE
tour of a body and esp. of a face - usu. used in pl. link.age \'lil)-kij\ n 1 : the manner or style of being united
lin-ear \'Ii-ne-:lr\ adj 1 : of, relating to, resembling, Or hav- 2 : the quality or state of being linked 3: a system of
ing a graph that is a line and esp. a straight line: STRAIGHT links
2 : composed of simply drawn lines with little attempt at association, bearing, connection, kinship, liaison, re-
pictorial representation <- script) 3: being long and lation, relationship - more at CONNECTION
uniformly narrow linking verb n : a word or expression (as a form of be, be-
line-back-er \'lin-,ba-k:lr\ n : a defensive football player come, feel, or seem) that links a subject with its predicate
who lines up just behind the line of scrimmage links \'lil)ks\ n pi : a golf course
line drive n : a batted baseball hit in a flatter path than a fly link.up \'lil)-,kap\ n 1 : MEETING 2: something that serves
ball as a linking device or factor
line-man \'lin-m:ln\ n 1 : a person who sets up or repairs lin-net \'Ii-nat\ n : an Old World finch
communication or power lines 2: a player in the line in li-no-leum \Ia-'no-le-am\ n [L /inum flax + oleum oil) : a
football floor covering with a canvas back and a surface of hard-
lin-en \'Ii-nan\ n 1 : cloth made of flax; also : thread or ened linseed oil and a filler
yam spun from flax 2: clothing or household articles lin-seed \'lin-,sM\ n : the seeds of flax yielding a yellowish
made of linen cloth or similar fabric oil (linseed oil) used esp. in paints and linoleum
line of scrimmage: an imaginary line in football parallel to lln-sey-wocl-sey \,lin-ze-'Wlil-ze\ n : a coarse sturdy fabric
the goal lines and tangent to the nose of the ball laid on of wool and linen or cotton
the ground before a play lint \'lint\ n 1 : linen made into a soft fleecy substance
"lln-er \'Ii-nar\ n : a ship Or airplane of a regular transporta- 2 : fine ravels and short fibers of yam or fabric 3: the
tion line fibers that surround cotton seeds and form the cotton sta-
21iner n : one that lines or is used as a lining - tln-er-less adj ple
line score n : a score of a baseball game giving the runs, down, floss, fluff, fur, fuzz, nap, pile - more at FUZZ
hits, and errors made by each team lin-tel \'lint-Ol\ n : a horizontal piece across the top of an
lines-man \'linz-man\ n 1 : LINEMAN 1 2: an official who opening (as of a door) that carries the weight of the struc-
assists a referee ture above it
line-up \'Ii-,n:lp\ n 1 : a list of players taking part in a game linz-er torte Vlin-sar-, -zar-v n, often cap L : a baked buttery
(as of baseball) 2: a line of persons arranged esp. for torte made with chopped almonds, sugar, and spices and
identification by police filled with jam or preserves
ling \'lil)\ n : any of various fishes related to the cod ll-on \'Ii-an\ n, pi lions : a large heavily-built cat of Africa
-ling \lil)\ n suffix 1: one associated with <nestling) and southern Asia with a shaggy mane in the male
2 : young, small, or minor one <duckling> ll-on-ess \'Ii-:l-nas\ n : a female lion
489 liter

li-on-heart-ed \,Il-:m-'har-t;x:l\ adj : having or character- lisle \'lTI\ n : a smooth tightly twisted thread uSU. made of
ized by courage : BRAVE long-staple cotton
brave, courageous, dauntless, doughty, fearless, gal- lisp \'lisp\ vb : to pronounce sand z imperfectly esp. by
lant, greathearted, heroic, intrepid, manful, stalwart, turning them into th and tb; also: to speak childishly -
stout, undaunted, valiant, valorous - more at BRAVE lisp n - lisp-er n
li-on-ise chieflyBrit var 0/ LIONIZE lis-some also lis-som \'Ii-s::.m\ adi 1 +: easily flexed
li-on-ize \'li-::.-,niz\ vb -ized; -iz-ing : to treat as an object of 2 : LITHE 2 3 + : quick and light in motion: NIMBLE - lis-
great interest or importance - li-on-i-za-tion \li-::.-n::.-'za- some-Iyadv
shanv n + [1] flexible, limber, lithe, pliable, supple, willowy-
lion's den n : a place or state of extreme disadvantage, an- more at WILLOWY. [3] agile, graceful, light, lithe, nim-
tagonism, or hostility ble, spry - more at GRACEFUL
lip \'lip\ n 1 : either of the two fleshy folds that surround 'list \'list\ vb, archaic: PLEASE; also: WISH
the mouth; also: the margin of the human lip 2: a part 'list vb, archaic: LISTEN
or projection suggesting a lip 3: the edge of a hollow ves- 31ist n 1 : a simple series of words or numerals; also: an of-
sel or cavity - lipped \'lipt\ adj ficial roster 2 : a written record containing regular en-
lip-id \'li-p::.d\ n : any of various substances (as fats and tries of items or details: CATALOG, CHECKLIST
waxes) that with proteins and carbohydrates make up the + catalog, checklist, listing, menu, register, registry,
principal structural parts of living cells roll, roster, schedule, table; also agenda, bibliography,
lip-lock \'lip-,Hik\ n : a long amorous kiss compilation, directory, docket, glossary, index, inven-
li-po-pro-tein \,li-pii-'prii-,ten, ,li-\ n : a protein that is a tory, manifest, payroll; calendar, chronology, timetable
complex of protein and lipid 'list vb + : to make a list of; also: to include on a list - list-
li-po-suc-tion \'li-p::.-,s::.k-sh::.n, 'li-\ n : surgical removal of ee \Ii-'ste\ n
local fat deposits (as in the thighs) esp. for cosmetic pur- enumerate, inventory, itemize, numerate; also count,
poses mark, number; check (off), tick (off) catalog, enroll,
Iip-read-ing \'lip-,re-diI)\ n : the interpreting of a speaker's enter, index, inscribe, put down, record, register, sched-
words by watching lip and facial movements without ule, slate; also book, file, note; classify, compile, tabu-
hearing the voice late; reschedule
lip service n : an avowal of allegiance that is not matched 51ist vb + : to tilt to one side; also: to cause to list
by action angle, cant, cock, heel, incline, lean, slant, slope, tilt,
lip-stick \'lip-,stik\ n : a waxy solid colored cosmetic in tip - more at LEAN
stick form for the lips - llp-sticked \-,stikt\ adj "list n : a leaning to one side : TILT
liq abbr 1 liquid 2 liquor 71ist n : a band or strip of material
liq-ue-fy also liq-ui-fy \'li-kw::.-,fi\ vb -tied; -ty-ing .: to lis-ten \'lis-'n\ vb 1 + : to pay attention in order to hear
make or become liquid - liq-ue-fi-er \-,fi-::.r\ n 2 + : give consideration : HEED - lis-ten-er n
deliquesce, flux, fuse, melt, run, thaw; also found, + [1] attend, hark, hear, heed, mind Ant ignore, tune
gutter, smelt, try; dissolve, render; soften, thin Ant out + [2] follow, heed, mind, note, observe, regard,
harden, set, solidify watch - more at HEED
li-queur \li-'k::.r\ n [FJ : a distilled alcoholic liquor flavored lis-ten-er-ship \'lis-'n-::.r-,ship\ n : the audience for a radio
with aromatic substances and usu. sweetened program or recording
'Iiq-uid Vli-kwadv adi 1 : flowing freely like water 2 : nei- list-ing \'lis-tiI)\ n 1 : an act or instance of making or in-
ther solid nor gaseous 3 : shining and clear (large -- cluding in a list 2: something that is listed 3 + : a simple
eyes> 4: smooth and musical in tone; also: smooth and series of words or numerals (as the names of persons or
unconstrained in movement 5: consisting of or capable objects)
of ready conversion into cash (-- assets> - li.quid-i-ty + catalog, checklist, list, menu, register, registry, roll,
\li-'kwi-d::.-te\ n roster, schedule, table - more at LIST
Il] fluent, fluid, runny - more at FLUID [3] clear, list-less Vlist-lasv adi + : characterized by lack of interest,
limpid, lucent, pellucid, transparent - more at CLEAR energy, or spirit: SPIRITLESS, LANGUID - Ilst-less-ly adv
'liquid n : a liquid substance + enervated, lackadaisical, languid, languorous, limp,
liq-ui-date \'Ii-kw::.-,dat\ vb -dat-ed; -dat-ing 1 : to settle the spiritless; also indolent, lazy, slothful; lethargic, logy,
accounts and distribute the assets of (as a business) sleepy, sluggish, torpid; exhausted, tired, weary; feeble,
2 : to payoff (-- a debt> 3 : to get rid of; esp : to get frail, weak; apathetic, impassive, phlegmatic, stolid;
rid of by force or violence and esp, by killing - liq-ui-da- careless, heedless, thoughtless, unwary; inactive, inert
tion \,Ii-kw::.-'da-sh::.n\ n Ant ambitious, animated, energetic, enterprising, moti-
[2] clear, discharge, foot, pay, payoff, quit, recom- vated
pense, settle, spring, stand - more at PAY. [3] annihi- list-less-ness n + : the quality or state of being listless
late, blot out, demolish, eradicate, exterminate, obliter- + boredom, doldrums, ennui, restlessness, tedium,
ate, root, rub out, snuff, stamp, wipe out - more at tiredness, weariness - more at BOREDOM
ANNIHILATE. [3] dispatch, do in, execute, murder, slay list price n : the price of an item as published in a catalog,
- more at MURDER price list, or advertisement before being discounted
liquid crystal n : an organic liquid that resembles a crystal lists \'lists\ n pi : an arena for combat (as jousting)
in having ordered molecular arrays 'lit \'lit\past and past part O/LIGHT
liquid crystal display n : LCD 'lit abbr 1 liter 2 literal; literally 3 literary 4 literature
liquid measure n : a unit or series of units for measuring lit-a-ny \'lit-'n-e\ n, pi -nies [ME letanie, fro AF & LL; AF,
liquid capacity fr. LL litania, fr. LGk litaneia, fro Gk, entreaty, fro litanos
ll-quor \'li-k::.r\ n [ME licour, fro AF, fr. L liquor, fr. liquere suppliant] 1 : a prayer consisting of a series of supplica-
to be fluid] 1 : a liquid substance 2 : a distilled alco- tions and responses said alternately by a leader and a
holic beverage group 2: a lengthy recitation (a -- of complaints>
+ alcohol, booze, drink, intoxicant, moonshine, spirits li-tchi var O/LYCHEE
- more at ALCOHOL lite \'Ilt\ adj 1 : 'LlGHT 10 2 lacking in substance or seri-
ll-quo-rice chiefly Brit var 0/ LICORICE ousness
Ii-ra \'lir-::., 'Ie-r::.\ n : a basic monetary unit of Malta and li-ter or chiefly Can and Brit li-tre \'Ie-t::.r\ n : the basic met-
Turkey and former monetary unit of Italy ric unit of volume measure
literal 490
lit-er-al \'Ii-ta-ral\ adi 1 : adhering to fact or to the ordi- chaff, deadwood, dust, garbage, junk, refuse, riffraff,
nary or usual meaning (as of a word) 2: UNADORNED; also rubbish, scrap, trash, waste - more at GARBAGE as-
: PROSAlC 3: VERBATIM sortment, clutter, jumble, medley, melange, miscellany,
documentary, factual, hard, historical, matter-of= motley, muddle, variety, welter - more at MISCELLANY
fact, nonfictional, objective, true - more at FACfUAL 21ittervb 1 : to give birth to young 2: to strew or mark with
litoeralism \-ra-,Ii-zam\ n 1: adherence to the explicit scattered objects
substance (as of an idea) 2: fidelity to observable fact - Ilt-ter-buq \'Ii-tar-,bag\ n : one who litters a public area
llt-er-al-lst\-list\ n - litoer.alis.tic \,Ii-ta-ra-'lis-tik\ adj 'Iittle \'lit-'J\ adj littler \'lit-'l-ar\ or less \'Ies\ or less-er
litoer.aloly Vli-ta-rs-le, 'Ii-tra-\ adv 1 : ACfUALLY (was '" in- Vle-sarv; nt-nest \'lit-Ol-ast\ or least \'Iest\ 1 a : not big
sane) 2: VIRTUALLY (~poured out new ideas) b : YOUNG 2 : not important 3 : illiberal in views or
litoer.aryVli-ta-jrer-e', adj 1 a : of or relating to literature disposition: PETTY 3 4: not much 5 : short in duration
b : having a formal style characteristic of the language - little-nessn
of literature 2: WELL-READ [la) dwarf, dwarfish, fine, pocket, pygmy, slight,
bookish, erudite, learned - more at BOOKISH small, undersized - more at SMALL. (2) frivolous, in-
lit-er-ate\'Ii-trat, -ta-ratvam 1 .: having an education consequential, inconsiderable, insignificant, minor,
minute, negligible, slight, small, trifling, trivial, unim-
: EDUCATED; also: able to read and write 2: LITERARY; also
: POLISHED, LUCID - lit-er-a-cyVli-tra-se, -ta-ra-v n -liter-
portant - more at UNIMPORTANT. (3) insular, narrow,
ate n parochial, petty, provincial, sectarian, small- more at
NARROW. [5) brief, short, short-lived - more at SHORT
educated, erudite, knowledgeable, learned, scholarly,
well-read - more at EDUCATED 2little adv less \'les\; least \'Iest\ 1 : in only a small quantity
ll-te-ra-ti \,Ii-ta-'rii-te\ n pI 1 : the educated class 2 : persons or degree : SLIGHTLY; also: not at all 2 : in few instances
interested in literature or the arts : lNFREQUENTL Y
lit-er-a-tureVli-tro-jchur, -to-ro-, -charv n 1 : the produc- infrequently, rarely, seldom - more at SELDOM
tion of written works having excellence of form or ex- 3little n 1 : a small amount or quantity 2: a short time or
pression and dealing with ideas of permanent interest distance
2 : the written works produced in a particular language, Little Dipper n : the seven bright stars of Ursa Minor
country, or age arranged in a form resembling a dipper
lithe \'lith, 'lith\ adj 1 : easily bent or flexed: SUPPLE 2 littlefinger n : PINKlE
a : characterized by effortless grace b: athletically slim littletheater n : a small theater for low-cost dramatic pro-
[1) flexible, limber, lissome, pliable, supple, willowy ductions designed for a limited audience
- more at WILLOWY [2a) agile, graceful, light, lis- tlt-to-rat \'Ii-ta-ral; ,Ii-ta-'ral\ adi : of, relating to, or growing
some, nimble, spry - more at GRACEFUL on or near a shore esp. of the sea - littoraln
lithe-some\'lith-sam, 'lith-\ adj : quick and light in motion lit.urogy\'Ii-tar-je\ n, pl -gies : a rite or body of rites pre-
: LISSOME scribed for public worship - li-tur-gl-cal \la-'tar-ji-kal\
lith.ium\'Ii-the-am\ n : a light silver-white metallic chemi- adj -\-k(a-)Ie\ adv - lit.urogist\'Ii-tar-jist\
cal element n
Ii.thog.ra.phy \Ii-'thii-gra-fe\ n : the process of printing livable also live-able Vli-va-balvadj 1 : suitable for living
from a plane surface (as a smooth stone or metal plate) in or with 2: ENDURABLE - liv.a.bil.i.ty \,Ii-va-'bi-Ia-te\ n
on which the image to be printed is ink-receptive and the 'live \'liv\ vb lived; 1 .: to be or continue alive
blank area ink-repellent - lith-oograph\'Ii-tha-,graf\ vb 2 : SUBSIST 3 : to occupy a home: RESIDE 4: to conduct
- lithograph n - li-thoq-ra-pher\Ii-'thii-gra-far, 'Ii-tha- one's life 5: to remain in human memory or record
,gra-far\ n - llth-o-qraph-ic\,Ii-tha-'gra-fik\ adj - IithoO- [1) be, breathe, exist, subsist - more at BE [3)\-fi-k(a-)Ie\ adv abide, dwell, reside; also lodge, settle, stay; frequent,
Ii.thol-oogy\Ii-'thii-la-je\ n, pl -gies : the study of rocks - hang out (at), haunt; inhabit, occupy; people, populate;
lith-oolog.ic \,Ii-tba-'Iii-jik\ or lith-oolog.ioeal\-ji-kal\ adj lease, rent, sublet, tenant
lith-oosphere\'Ii-tha-,sfir\ n : the outer part of the solid 2live \'liv\ adj 1 : having life 2: BURNING, GLOWING (a ~
earth cigar) 3: connected to electric power (a '" wire)
Llth-u-a-nian\,Ii-thu-'wa-ne-an, -thyu-v n 1 : a native or in- 4 : charged with explosive but not yet exploded (a '"
habitant of Lithuania 2: the language of the Lithuanians bomb) 5: of continuing interest (a ~ issue) 6: of or in-
- Lithuanianadj volving the actual presence of real people (~ audience);
llt-l-qant\'Ii-ti-gant\ n : a party to a lawsuit - litigantadj also: broadcast directly at the time of production (a ~
litoiogate \-,gat\ vb -gatoed; : to carry on a legal con- radio program) 7: being in play (a '" ball)
test by judicial process; also: to contest at law - lit.ioga- alive, animate, living - more at ALNE
tion \,Ii-ta-'ga-shan \ n
Ii.tiogious\Ia-'ti-jas\ adj 1 : CONTENTIOUS 2: prone to en- lived-in \'livd-,in\ adj : of or suggesting long-term human
gage in lawsuits 3: of or relating to litigation - li-ti- habitation or use adv - li.tiogious.nessn live down vb : to live so as to wipe out the memory or ef-
litmus \'lit-mas\ n : a coloring matter from lichens that fects of
turns red in acid solutions and blue in alkaline live in vb : to live in one's place of employment - used of
litmustest n : a test in which a single factor (as an attitude) a servant - live-in \'liv-,in\ ad]
is decisive live-lihood\'Jiv-Ie-,htid\ n : means of support or subsis-
Litt D or Lit D abbr [ML litterarum doctor) : doctor of let- tence
ters; doctor of literature live-li.nessn : the quality or state of being lively
'litter \'Ii-tar\ n [ME, fro AF litere, fro lit bed, fro L leetus) animation, briskness, exuberance, lustiness, robust-
1 : a covered and curtained couch with shafts that is used ness, sprightliness, vibrancy, vitality - more at VITAL-
to carry a single passenger; also: a device (as a stretcher) ITY
for carrying a sick or injured person 2: material used as live-long \'liv-,Iol)\ adj [MElef long, fro lef dear + long long)
bedding for animals; also : material used to absorb the : WHOLE, ENTIRE (the", day)
urine and feces of animals 3: the offspring of an animal live-Iy \'liv-H!\ adj live-lioer; -est 1 : briskly alert and en-
at one birth 4 : trash, wastepaper, or garbage lying ergetic : ANIMATED ('" debate) 2: KEEN, VIVID (~ inter-
scattered about: RUBBISH; also: an untidy accumulation est) 3: showing activity or vigor (a ~ manner) 4: quick
of objects to rebound <a ~ ball) 5 : full of life - live-Iy adv
491 lobster
+ [1] active, animate, animated, brisk, energetic, frisky, LNG abbr liquefied natural gas
peppy, perky, pert, spirited, sprightly, springy, vital, vi- 'load \'Iod\ n 1 a : PACK b + : whatever is put in a ship or
vacious; also dapper, dashing; agog, alert, awake, up, vehicle or airplane for conveyance: CARGO 2: a mass of
wide-awake; agile, nimble, spry; bright, buoyant, cheer- weight supported by something 3: something that bur-
ful, chipper, effervescent, upbeat; eager, enthusiastic, dens the mind or spirits 4 + : a large quantity - usu.
keen; frolicsome, impish, playful; bubbly, exuberant, used in pl. 5: a standard, expected, or authorized burden
high-spirited; high-strung, nervous, skittish Ant inac- + [lb] burden, cargo, freight, haul, lading, payload,
tive, inanimate, languid, languorous, limp, listless, spir- weight; also carload; ballast, deadweight; overload, sur-
itless + [5] alive, animated, astir, busy, vibrant - more charge; bale, pack, package, parcel, shipment; body,
at ALIVE bulk, mass + usu loads [4] abundance, deal, gobs, heap,
liv-en \'H-v;m\ vb + : to give life, action, or spirit to : EN- lot, pile, plenty, quantity, scads - more at LOT
LIVEN - often used with up; also: to become lively 'Ioad vb 1 a + : to put a load in or on; also: to receive a
+ usu liven up animate, brace, energize, enliven, fire, in- load b + : to fill with a load 2: to encumber with an ob-
vigorate, jazz up, pep up, quicken, stimulate, vitalize, ligation or something heavy or disheartening 3: to in-
vivify, zip (up) - more at ANIMATE crease the weight of by adding something 4: to supply
live oak n : any of several American evergreen oaks; esp abundantly 5: to put a charge in (as a firearm)
: one of the southeastern U.S. that is often planted as a + [1a] burden, encumber, lumber, saddle, weight; also
shade tree clog, clutter, fill, heap; press, weigh; strain, tax; over-
'Iiv-er \'Ii-var\ n 1 : a large glandular organ of vertebrates burden, overload, overtax, surcharge; handicap; afflict,
that secretes bile and is a center of metabolic activity oppress Ant disencumber, unburden, unload + [Ib]
2 : the liver of an animal (as a calf or chicken) eaten as charge, cram, fill, heap, jam, jam-pack, pack, stuff-
food more at FILL
'Iiver n : one that lives esp. in a specified way <a fast ""> load-ed adi 1 slang: HIGH 12 2 + : having a large amount
liv-erish \'Ii-va-rish\ adj 1 : resembling liver esp. in color of money 3: equipped with an abundance of options
2 : BILIOUS 3: PEEVISH - liv-erlshness adj + affluent, flush, moneyed, opulent, rich, wealthy, well-
liv-er-wort \'Ii-var-,wart\ n : any of a class of flowerless fixed, well-heeled, well-off, well-to-do - more at RICH
plants resembling the related mosses load-stone var of LODESTONE
liv-er-wurst \-,warst, -,wUrst\ n (part trans. of G Leberwurst, 'loaf \'IOf\ n, pi loaves \'Iovz\ : a shaped or molded mass
fro Leber liver + Wurst sausage] : a sausage consisting esp, of bread
chiefly of liver 'Ioaf vb + : to spend time in idleness: LOUNGE
livoery \'Ii-va-re\ n, pi -er.ies 1 : a servant's uniform; also
: distinctive dress 2: the feeding, care, and stabling of
+ dally, dawdle, dillydally, hang around, hang out, idle,
loll, lounge - more at IDLE
horses for pay; also: an establishment (as a stable or busi-
ness) keeping horses or vehicles for hire - liv-er-led loat-er n 1 + : one that loafs 2: a low step-in shoe
\-red\ adj + idler, lazybones, slouch, slug, sluggard - more at
liv-ery-man \-man\ n : the keeper of a livery LAZYBONES
lives pi of LIFE loam \'Iom, 'liim\ n : SOIL; esp : a loose soil of mixed clay,
live-stock \'Hv-,stak\ n : farm animals kept for use and sand, and silt - loamy adj
profit 'loan \'Ion\ n 1 : money lent at interest; also: something
live wire n + : an alert, active, or aggressive person lent for the borrower's temporary use 2: the grant of
+ go-getter, hustler, powerhouse, self-starter - more temporary use
at Go-GETTER 'Ioan vb : LEND \'Ii-vad\ adj [F livide, fro L lividus, it.livere to be blue] loan shark n : a person who lends money at excessive rates
1 : discolored by bruising 2 + : deadly pale: ASHEN, PAL- of interest - loan-shark-inq \'Ion-,shar-kil)\ n
LID 3: REDDISH 4: ENRAGED - li.vid.ity \Ii-'vi-da-te\ n loan-word \'Ion-,ward\ n : a word taken from another lan-
guage and at least partly naturalized
+ ashen, cadaverous, lurid, pale, pasty, peaked - more loath \'Ioth, 'Ioth\ also loathe \Ioth, lothv adj : RELUCTANf
loathe \'Ioth\ vb loathed; + : to dislike greatly
' "Ii-vil)\ adj 1 + : having life or existence 2: NATU-
RAL 3: full of life and vigor; also: VIVID 4 + : marked by
+ abhor, abominate, despise, detest, execrate, hate-
present operation, transaction, movement, or use more at HATE
loath-inq \'Io-thil)\ n + : extreme disgust
+ [1] alive, animate, existent, extant, live - more at
EXTANf + [4] active, alive, functional, on, operational, + disgust, distaste, nausea, repugnance, repulsion, re-
operative, running, working - more at ACTIVE vulsion - more at DISGUST + abhorrence, abomination,
'Iiving n 1 : the condition of being alive 2: LIVELIHOOD execration, hate, hatred - more at HATE
3 : manner of life loath-some \'Ioth-sam, 'Ioth-\ adj : exciting loathing: RE-
living room n : a room in a residence used for the common
social activities of the occupants lob \'Iab\ vb lobbed; lob-bing : to throw, hit, or propel
living wage n : a wage sufficient to provide an acceptable something in a high arc - lob n
standard of living 'lob-by "Ia-be\ n, pI lobbies 1 + : a corridor used esp. as a
living will n : a document requesting that the signer not be passageway or waiting room 2: a group of persons en-
kept alive by artificial means unless there is a reasonable gaged in lobbying
expectation of recovery + entry, foyer, hall, vestibule - more at HALL
livre \'levI'"\ n : the pound of Lebanon 'Iobby vb lob-bied; lob-by-lng : to try to influence public of-
IIz.ard Vli-zard', n : any of a group of 4-legged reptiles with ficials and esp, legislators - 10b-bY'ist n
long tapering tails lobe \'Iob\ n : a curved or rounded part esp. of a bodily or-
Lkabbr Luke gan - lo-bar \'Io-bar\ adj - lobed \'Iobd\ adj
II abbr lines lo-be-ua \Io-'bel-ya\ n : any of a genus of plants often
lla-ma "Ia-ma\ n [Sp, fr. Quechua] : any of a genus of wild grown for their clusters of showy flowers
or domesticated So. American mammals related to the lo-bot-o-my \Io-'ba-ta-me\ n, pI -mies : surgical severance
camels but smaller and without a hump of certain nerve fibers in the brain performed esp. for-
ua-no \'Ia-no\ n, pi llanos : an open grassy plain esp, of merly to relieve some mental disorders
Latin America lob-ster \'Iab-star\ n [ME, fro OE loppestre, fr.loppe spider]
LLD abbr [NL legum doctor] doctor of laws : any of a family of edible marine crustaceans with two
local 492
large pincerlike claws and four other pairs of legs; also + balmy, crazy, cuckoo, deranged, frenzied, insane, lu-
: SPINY LOBSTER natic, mad, maniacal, nutty, screwy, unsound, wacky
"lo-cal \'Io-kal\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or occupying a par- - more at INSANE
ticular place 2: serving a particular limited district; also lo-co-mo-tion \,Io-ka-'mo-sh;m\ n 1 : the act or power of
: making all stops <a", train) 3: affecting a small part of moving from place to place 2: TRAVEL
the body <'" infection) adv 11o-co-mo-tive \,Io-ka-'mo-tiv\ adj : of or relating to loco-
210cal n + : one that is local; esp : a local or particular motion or a locomotive
branch, lodge, or chapter of an organization (as a labor 21ocomotive n : a self-propelled vehicle used to move rail-
union) road cars
affiliate, branch, chapter - more at CHAPTER lo-co-mo-tor \,Io-ka-'mo-tar\ adi : of or relating to locomo-
local area network n : a network of personal computers in tion or organs used in locomotion
a small area (as an office) lo-co-weed \'Io-ko-,wed\ n : any of several leguminous
lo-cale \Io-'kal\ n + : a place that is the setting for a par- plants of western No. America that are poisonous to live-
ticular event stock
+ location, place, point, position, site, spot - more at lo-cus \'Io-k:ls\ n, pi lo-ci \'Io-,si\ [L) 1 : the place where
PLACE something is situated or occurs: LOCALITY 2 : the set of all
lo-cal-lee chiefly Brit var of LOCALIZE points whose location is determined by stated conditions
lo-cal.i.ty \Io-'ka-Ia-te\ n, pi -ties: a particular spot, situa- lo-cust \'Io-kast\ n 1: a usu. destructive migratory
tion, or location grasshopper 2: CICADA 3: any of various leguminous
lo-cal-ize \'Io-ka-,Iiz\ vb -ized; : to fix in or confine trees; also : the wood of a locust
to a definite place or locality - lo-calization \,Io-ka-Ia- to-cu-tten \Io-'kyii-shan\ n + : a particular form of expres-
'za-shanv n sion; also: PHRASEOLOGY
lo-cate \'Io-,kat, lo-'kat\ vb lo-cat-ed; to-cat-lnq 1 : STATION, + manner, mode, phraseology, style, tone, vein - more
SETTLE 2 + : to determine the site of 3 : to find or fix the at STYLE
place of in a sequence lode \'Iod\ n : an ore deposit
+ detect, determine, dig up, discover, ferret out, find, lode-stone \-,ston\ n 1 : an iron-containing rock with mag-
hit on, track down - more at FIND netic properties 2 + : something that strongly attracts
lo-ca-tlon \Io-'ka-shan\ n 1 + : a position or site occupied + attraction, draw, magnet - more at MAGNET
or available for occupancy or marked by some distin- 110dge \'Iiij\ vb lodged; 1 + : to provide quarters
guishing feature: PLACE 2: the process of locating 3: a for; also: to settle in a place 2: CONTAIN 3: to come to a
place outside a studio where a motion picture is filmed rest and remain 4: to deposit for safekeeping 5: to vest
+ locale, place, point, position, site, spot - more at (as authority) in an agent 6 : FILE <'" a complaint)
PLACE + ensconce, install, perch, roost, settle - more at EN-
loc cit abbr [L loco citato) in the place cited SCONCE + accommodate, billet, domicile, harbor (or
loch Vlak, 'Iiik\ n, Scot: LAKE; also: a bay or arm of the sea harbour), house, put up, quarter, roof, shelter, take in
esp, when nearly landlocked - more at HOUSE
110ck \'Iak\ n : a tuft, strand, or ringlet of hair; also: a co- 210dge n 1 + : a house set apart for residence in a special
hering bunch (as of wool or flax) season or by an employee on an estate; also : INN 2 + : a
210ck n 1 : a fastening in which a bolt is operated 2: the den or lair esp. of gregarious animals 3: the meeting
mechanism of a firearm by which the charge is exploded place of a branch of a fraternal organization; also : the
3 : an enclosure (as in a canal) used in raising or lowering members of such a branch
boats from level to level 4: AIR LOCK 5: a wrestling hold
+ [1) cabin, camp, chalet, cottage - more at COTTAGE
310ck vb 1 : to fasten the lock of; also: to make fast with a
+ [1) hospice, hotel, inn, public house, tavern - more
lock 2 + : to confine or exclude by means of a lock - of-
at HOTEL + [2) burrow, den, hole, lair - more at DE
ten used with in or up 3: INTERLOCK 4: to make or be-
come motionless by the interlocking of parts lodgoer \'Iii-jar\ n + : a person who occupies a rented room
+ commit, confine, immure, imprison, jail - more at in another'S house
IMPRISON + boarder, renter, roomer, tenant - more at TENANT
lock-er \'Iii-kar\ n 1 + : a drawer, cupboard, or compart- \'lii-jiI) \ n 1 : a place to live : DWELLING 2 + : a
ment for individual storage use 2: an insulated compart- room or suite of rooms in another's house rented as a
ment for storing frozen food dwelling place - usu. used in pl.
+ box, caddy, case, casket, chest, trunk - more at + flat, suite
CHESf + buffet, cabinet, closet, cupboard, hutch, side- lodg.ment or lodge-ment \'Iiij-mant\ n 1 + : a lodging place
board - more at CABINET 2 : the act or manner of lodging 3: DEPOSIT
lock-et \'Iii-kat\ n : a small usu. metal case for a memento + accommodation, lodging - more at ACCOMMODATION
worn suspended from a chain or necklace
loess \'Ies, 'Ias\ n : a usu. yellowish brown loamy deposit
lockjaw \'Iak-Jo\ n : a symptom of tetanus marked by
believed to be chiefly deposited by the wind
spasms of the jaw muscles and inability to open the jaws;
Io-li \'Io-,ffi n : audio production of rough or unpolished
sound quality - Io-li adj
lock-nut \-,nat\ n 1 : a nut screwed tight on another to pre-
vent it from slacking back 2: a nut designed to lock itself 110ft \'IOft\ n [ME, fr. OE, air, sky, fr. ON lopt) 1 : ATTIC
when screwed tight 2 : GALLERY (organ ~> 3: an upper floor (as in a ware-
lock-out \-,aut\ n : the suspension of work by an employer house or barn) esp. when not partitioned 4: the thick-
during a labor dispute in order to make employees accept ness of a fabric or insulated material (as of a sleeping
the terms being offered bag)
lock-smith \-,smith\ n : one who makes or repairs locks 210ft vb : to strike or throw (a ball) so that it rises high in the
lock-step \-,step\ n : a mode of marching in step by a body air
of men moving in a very close single file Iott-l-ness \-te-nas\ n + : the quality or state of being lofty
rock-up \-,ap\ n : JAIL; esp : a local jail where persons are + arrogance, haughtiness, pretense, pretension, preten-
detained prior to court hearing tiousness, self-importance, superiority - more at AR-
lo-co \'Io-ko\ adj [Sp) slang +: mentally disordered ROGANCE
: CRAZY, FRENZIED lofty \'Iof-te\ adi lott-l-er: -est 1 + : elevated in character
493 longhaired
and spirit: NOBLE; also: SUPERIOR 2 : extremely proud; loi-ter \'Ioi-t;)r\ vb 1 : to delay an activity with idle stops
also: haughty and overbearingly arrogant 3: rising to a and pauses: LINGER 2: to hang around idly - loi-ter-er n
great height: HIGH, TALL - loftoioly \'Iof-t;)-Ie\ adv crawl, creep, dally, dawdle, delay, dillydally, drag,
[1] chivalrous, gallant, great, greathearted, high, lag, linger, poke, tarry - more at DELAY
high-minded, lordly, magnanimous, noble, sublime- loll \'Ilil\ vb 1 : to hang loosely or laxly: DROOP, DANGLE
more at NOBLE [1] eloquent, formal, high-flown, ma- 2 : to act or move in a lax, lazy, or indolent manner
jestic, stately, superior, towering. [2] arrogant, haughty, : LOUNGE
highfalutin, imperious, peremptory, pompous, pre-
[1] dangle, droop, flag, hang, sag, wilt - more at
sumptuous, pretentious, supercilious DROOP [2] bask, lounge, relax, repose, rest - more at
'log \'Iog, 'Hig\ n 1 : a bulky piece of a cut or fallen tree REST
2 : an apparatus for measuring a ship's speed 3: the daily lololaopaoloo-za \.Iii-I;)-p;)-'Iii-z;)\ n : something extraordi-
record of a ship's progress; also: a regularly kept record narily impressive or outstanding
of performance or events lol-ll-pop or lololyopop\'Iii-Ii-,plip\ n : a lump of hard candy
210g vb logged; logoging 1 : to cut (trees) for lumber; also on a stick
: to clear (land) of trees in lumbering 2 : to enter in a lololyogag\'Iii-Ie-,gag\ vb -gagged; -gagoging : DAWDLE
log; broadly: to make a note or record of 3 : to sail a ship Lond abbr London
or fly an airplane for (an indicated distance or period of
lone \'Ion\ ad} 1 : having no company: SOLITARY <a-
time) 4: to have (an indicated record) to one's credit
sentinel) 2 : alone in a class or category: SOLE, ONLY
: ACHIEVE - logoger Vlo-gar, 'Iii-\ n
<the - theater in town) 3: ISOLATED <a - tree)
jot, mark, note, put down, record, register, set down
alone, only, singular, sole, solitary, special, unique -
- more at RECORD
more at ONLY
310g n : LOGARITHM
lone-ly \'Ion-Ie\ adj lone-li-er; -est 1 : being without com-
lo-qan-ber-ry \'Io-g;)n-,ber-e\ n : a red-fruited upright,
pany 2: UNFREQUENTED <a - spot) 3: sad from being
growing dewberry; also: its berry
alone : LONESOME - lone-lioness n
logoaorithm \'Io-g;)-,ri-ih;)m, 'Iii-\ n : the exponent that indi-
cates the power to which a base is raised to produce a alone, lone, lonesome, solitary, unaccompanied-
given number <the - of 100 to base 10 is 2 since 1()2 = more at ALONE
1(0) - logoaorithomic \,Io-g;)-'riih-mik, ,Hi-\ adi ton-er \'Io-n;)r\ n : one that avoids others; also: one who
loge \'Iozh\ n 1 : a small compartment; also: a box in a pursues an independent course of thought or action
theater 2 : a small partitioned area; also: the forward sec- bohemian, deviant, individualist, maverick, noncon-
tion of a theater mezzanine formist - more at NONCONFORMIST
logogerohead \'Io-g;)r-,hed, 'Iii-\ n : a large sea turtle of sub- lone-some \'Ion-s;)m\ adj 1 : sad from lack of compan-
tropical and temperate waters - at loggerheads : in a ionship 2 a : REMOTE b: having no company: SOLITARY-
state of quarrelsome disagreement Ione-sorne-ly adv - lone-some-ness n
logogia \'Io-je-;), 'Io-jii\ n, pi loggias \'Io-je-n, 'Io-jliz\ : a desolate, forlorn, lonely; also friendless; abandoned,
roofed open gallery deserted, forgotten, forsaken, neglected; alone, lone,
logoic \'Iii-jik\ n 1 : a science that deals with the rules and solitary; only, sole
tests of sound thinking and proof by reasoning 'long \'1(1)\ adi lonoger \'Iol)-g;)r\; lonogest Vlon-gost',
2 : sound reasoning 3: the arrangement of circuit ele- 1 : extending for a considerable distance; also: having
ments for arithmetical computation in a computer - log- greater height than usual: ELONGATED 2: having a speci-
i-caloly \-jik(;)-)Ie\ adv - loogi-Cian\Io-'ji-sh;)n\ n fied length 3 : extending over a considerable time; also
reason, reasoning, sense; also cogency, coherence, ra- : TEDIOUS 4: containing many items in a series 5: being
tionality, thought; analysis; deduction, induction a syllable or speech sound of relatively great duration
logoi-cal \-ji-k;)l\ adi : of, relating to. involving, or being 6 : extending far into the future 7: well fumished with
in accordance with logic something - used with on
analytic, coherent, good, rational, reasonable, sensi- [1] extended, lengthy; also extensive, far-reaching,
ble, sober, sound, valid; also sane; thoughtful; scientific outstretched; oblong, rectangular; big, considerable,
Ant incoherent, illogical, invalid, irrational, unreason- hefty, hulking, jumbo, large, oversize, sizable, substan-
able, unsound tial, super Ant brief, short [3] extended, far, great,
loogisotics \Io-'jis-tiks\ n sing or pi : the procurement, main- lengthy, marathon; also endless, everlasting, inter-
tenance, and transportation of materiel, facilities, and minable, persistent; overlong, prolonged, protracted;
personnel - loogisotic \-tik\ or loogisoti-cal \-ti-k;)l\ adi permanent Ant brief, short, short-lived, short-term
logojam \'Iog-Jam, 'Iiig-\ n 1 : a deadlocked jumble of logs 210ng adv : for or during a long time
in a watercourse 2: DEADLOCK 310ng n : a long period of time
logo \'Io-go\ n, pi loq-os \-goz\ : an identifying symbol 410ng vb longed; longoing \'Iol)-il)\ : to feel a strong desire
(as for advertising) or wish
emblem, hallmark, symbol, trademark - more at usu long for ache for, covet, crave, desire, die for,
EMBLEM hanker for, hunger for, lust (for or after), pine for, re-
logo-type \'Io-g;)-,tip, 'Iii-\ n : LOGO pine for, thirst for, want, wish for, yearn for - more at
logorolloing \-,ro-Iil)\ n : the trading of votes by legislators DESIRE
to secure favorable action on projects of individual inter- 510ng abbr longitude
est long-boat \'Iol)-,bot\ n : a large boat usu. carried by a mer-
loogy \'Io-ge\ also logogy \'I6-ge, 'Ili-\ adj loogi-er; -est: de- chant sailing ship
ficient in vitality: SLUGGISH longobow \-,bo\ n : a wooden bow drawn by hand and used
loin \'Ioin\ n [ME loyne, fro AF loigne, fro VL "lumbea, fr. esp. by medieval English archers
L lumbus] 1 : the part of the body on each side of the lonogevoioty \Iiin-'je-v;)-te\ n [LL longaevitas, fro L longaevus
spinal column and between the hip and the lower ribs; long-lived, fro longus long + aevum age] : a long duration
also: a cut of meat from this part of an animal 2 pi : the of individual life; also: length of life
pubic region; also: the organs of reproduction lcnq-halr \'Iol)-,her\ n 1 : a lover of classical music 2: HlP-
loin-cloth \-,kloth\ n : a cloth worn about the loins often as PIE 3: a domestic cat having long outer fur - longohaired
the sole article of clothing in warm climates \-,herd\ or longohair adj
longhand 494
long.hand \-,hand\ n : writing done by hand : HANDWRIT- ticular place: VIEW 4 : a matter of concern 5: an elevated
ING; also: cursive writing place or structure affording a wide view for observation
lonq-horn \-,horn\ n : any of the cattle with long horns for- + [l] custodian, guard, guardian, keeper, picket, sen-
merly common in the southwestern U.S. try, warden, warder, watch, watchman - more at
long hundredweight n, Brit: a unit of weight equal to 112 GUARD + [2] alertness, attentiveness, vigilance, watch
pounds + [3] outlook, panorama, prospect, view, vista - more \'lol)-il)\ n + : a strong desire esp, for something at VIEW
unattainable - adv look up vb 1 : IMPROVE (business is looking up) 2: to
+ appetite, craving, desire, drive, hankering, hunger, search for in or as if in a reference work 3: to seek out
itch, lust, passion, thirst, urge, yearning, yen - more at esp, for a brief visit
DESIRE 'loom \'Iiim\ n : a frame or machine for weaving together
lon-ql-tude \'Iiin-j:l-,tiid, -,tyiid\ n : angular distance ex- threads or yarns into cloth
pressed usu. in degrees east or west from the prime 'loom vb 1 : to corne into sight in an unnaturally large, in-
meridian through Greenwich, England distinct, or distorted form 2: to appear in an impressively
lon-qi-tu-di-nal \,Iiin-j:>-'tiid-on-:>I, -'tyiid-\ adj 1 : extending exaggerated form 3: to take shape as an impending oc-
lengthwise 2 : of or relating to length - lon-qi-tu-di-nal-ly currence
adv loon \'Iiin\ n : any of several web-footed black-and-white
long-range \'Iol)-'riinj\ adj 1 : relating to or fit for long fish-eating diving birds
distances 2: involving a long period of time loon-ie \'Iii-ne\ n [fro the image of a loon on the obverse of
lonq-shore-man \'Iol)-,shor-m:ln\ n : a laborer at a wharf the coin] Can : a coin worth one Canadian dollar
who loads and unloads cargo loo-nyalso loo-ney \'Iii-ne\ adj loo-ni-er; -est: disordered in \-'s:>-frilj, -fa-rin', adj + : patiently endur- mind: CRAZY, FOOLISH
ing lasting offense or hardship loony bin n : a psychiatric hospital
+ forbearing, patient, stoic, tolerant, uncomplaining - 'loop \'Iiip\ n 1 a : a fold or doubling of a line through
more at PATIENT which another line or hook can be passed b: a loop.
long-term \'Iol)-'t:>rm\ adj 1 : extending over or involving shaped figure or course <a ~ in a river) 2: a circular air-
a long period of time 2: constituting a financial obliga- plane maneuver executed in the vertical plane 3: a con-
tion based on a term usu. of more than 10 years (~ tinuously repeated segment of film, music, or sound
bonds) 'loop vb + : to make a loop in, on, or about
long.time \'Iol)-'tim\ adj : of long duration <~ friends) + circle, circumnavigate, coil, compass, encircle, girdle,
long ton n : a British unit of weight equal to 20 long hun- orbit, ring, round - more at ENCIRCLE
dredweight loop-er \'Iii-p:>r\ n : any of numerous rather small hairless
lon-gueur \lon-'grer\ n, pl longueurs ssame or -'grerz\ [F, moth caterpillars that move with a looping motion
lit., length] : a dull tedious portion (as of a book) loop-hole \'Iiip-,hol\ n 1: a small opening in a wall
long-wind-ed \,Iolj-'win-d:>d\ adj +: tediously long in through which firearms may be discharged 2: a means of
speaking or writing escape; esp : an ambiguity or omission that allows one to
+ circuitous, diffuse, prolix, rambling, verbose, windy, evade the intent of a law or contract
wordy - more at WORDY 'loose \'Iiis\ adj loos-er: loos-est 1 + : not rigidly fastened
loo-fah \'Iii-f:>\ n : a sponge consisting of the fibrous skele- 2 + : free from restraint or obligation 3: not dense or
ton of a gourd compact in structure 4: not chaste : LEWD 5 + : not
'look \'hik\ vb 1: to exercise the power of vision : SEE tightly drawn or stretched: SLACK 6 + : not precise or ex-
2 : EXPECT 3: to have an appearance that befits <"'s the act - loose-ly adv - loose-ness n
part) 4 + : to have the appearance or likelihood of being + [I, 5] insecure, lax, relaxed, slack; also detached,
: SEEM <~s thin) 5: to direct one's attention : HEED free, unattached, unbound, undone, unfastened, untied;
6 + : to have a specified direction: POINT, FACE 7 : to show baggy; nonrestrictive Ant taut, tense, tight + [2] foot-
a tendency 8 + : to express by the eyes or facial expres- loose, free, unbound, unconfined, unrestrained-
sion - look after: to take care of - look for: EXPECT more at FREE + [6] imprecise, inaccurate, inexact-
+ [4] act, appear, make, seem, sound - more at SEEM more at INEXACT
+ usu look toward [6] face, front, point - more at FACE 'loose vb loosed: 1 + : to let loose : RELEASE; also
+ [8] air, express, give, sound, state, vent, voice- : to free from restraint 2 : UNTIE 3: DETACH 4 + : to let
'look n 1 + : the action of looking: GLANCE 2 + : the ex- + ll] discharge, emancipate, enfranchise, free, liberate,
pression of the countenance; also : physical appearance loosen, manumit, release, spring, unbind, unchain, un-
- usu. used in pl. 3 + : the state or form in which some- fetter - more at FREE + [4] blast, discharge, fire, shoot
thing appears : ASPECT - more at SHOOT
+ [1] cast, eye, gander, glance, glimpse, peek, peep, re- 3100se adv : LOOSELY
gard, sight, view; also gape, gaze, glare, leer, ogle, stare; loos-en \'lUs-On\ vb 1 + : to release from restraint: FREE
squint + [2] cast, countenance, expression, face, visage; 2 + : to make or become loose 3: to relax the severity of
also frown, grimace, mouth, scowl; air, appearance, as- + [1] free, loose, release, uncork, unleash, unlock, un-
pect. bearing. demeanor. manner. mien + U$U looks [2] loosen - more at RELEASE + [2] ease, relax, slack,
attractiveness, beauty, comeliness, handsomeness, love- slacken - more at SLACKEN
liness, prettiness - more at BEAUTY + [3] appearance, loosen up vb : to become less tense
aspect, mien, presence - more at APPEARANCE 'loot \'liit\ n [Hindi & Urdu lfit; akin to Skt luntati he plun-
look down vb : to regard with contempt - used with on or ders] + : goods taken in war or by robbery: PLUNDER -
upon loot-er n
looking glass n : MIRROR + booty, plunder, spoil, swag; also prize; catch, haul,
look into vb : to investigate, study, or analyze take; windfall
+ delve, dig, explore, go, inquire into, investigate, 'loot vb + : to plunder or sack in war
probe, research - more at EXPLORE + despoil, maraud, pillage, plunder, ransack, sack, strip
look-out \'Iuk-,aut\ n 1 + : a person assigned to watch (as - more at RANSACK
on a ship) 2 + : a careful watch 3 + : a view from a par- 'lop \'Hip\ vb lopped: lop-ping 1 : to cut branches or twigs
495 loury
from 2 : to eliminate as unnecessary or undesirable - selling price 7 : decrease in amount or degree 8: the
usu. used with off act of losing possession
usu lop off bob, clip, crop, curtail, cut, cut back, [11 annihilation, demolWon, desolation, destruction,
aOCK, nip, prune, shave, shear, trim - more at CLIP devastation, havoc, obliteration, ruin, wastage, wreck-
210p vb lopped; lop-ping: to hang downward; also: to flop age - more at DESTRUCTION. [3) casualty, fatality, vic-
or sway loosely tim - more at CASUALTY. (5) defeat, rout, shellacking
110pe \'lop\ n : an easy bounding gait - more at DEFEAT [7) abatement, decline, decrease,
210pe vb : to move or ride at a lope decrement, diminution, drop, fall, reduction, shrinkage
top-sid-ed \'lap-'sl-dad\ adi 1 : leaning to one side 2: not - more at DECREASE
symmetrical - top-std-ed-Iy adv - lcp-sid-ed-ness n loss leader n : an article sold at a loss in order to draw cus-
askew, awry, cockeyed, crooked, listing, slantwise, tomers
uneven - more at AWRY lost \'Iost\ adj 1 : not used, won, or claimed 2.: no
lo-qua-cious \lo-'kwa-shas\ adj. : excessively talkative - longer possessed or known 3: ruined or destroyed phys-
lo-quac-I-ty \-'kwa-sa-te\ n ically or morally 4: DENIED; also : HARDENED 5: unable
chatty, conversational, gabby, garrulous, talkative- to find the way; also: HELPLESS 6: ABSORBED, RAPT 7: not
more at TALKATIVE appreciated or understood <his jokes were "'-' on me>
liard \'lord\ n [ME loverd, lord, fro OE hldford, fr. hla/loaf gone, missing; also absent, castaway; irrecoverable,
+ weard keeper) 1 : one having power and authority over irretrievable; forgotten, unknown Ant owned, pos-
others; esp : a person from whom a feudal fee or estate is sessed, retained
held 2 : a man of rank or high position; esp : a British no- lot \'Iat\ n 1: an object used in deciding something by
bleman 3 pi, cap: the upper house of the British parlia- chance; also : the use of lots to decide something 2
ment 4 : a person of great power in some field 5 cap: GOD a : SHARE, PORTION b : one's way of life or worldly fate
1 : FORTUNE 3 : a plot of land 4 : a group of individu-
210rd vb : to act like a lord; esp : to put on airs - usu. used als 5 : a considerable quantity
with it [2b) circumstance, destiny, doom, fate, fortune, por-
lord chancellor n, pi lords chancellor: a British officer of tion - more at FATE. (3) parcel, plat, plot, property,
state who presides over the House of Lords, serves as tract; also patch; frontage; lease; development; real es-
head of the British judiciary, and is usu. a leading mem- tate (4) array, batch, body, bunch, cluster, crop,
ber of the cabinet group, huddle, knot, parcel, party (5) abundance,
lordly \-Ie\ adj lord-li-er; -est 1 : of, relating to, or hav- barrel, bucket, bushel, chunk, deal, gobs, heap, loads,
ing the characteristics of a lord: DIGNIFIED; also: possess- mass, mess, mountain, much, oodles, pile, plenty, pro-
ing or arising from a sense of high moral character fusion, quantity, reams, scads, stack, wad, wealth; also
2 : exhibiting the pride and assurance associated with embarrassment, excess, overabundance, overage,
one of the highest birth or rank : HAUGHTY overkill, overmuch, oversupply, superabundance, su-
[1) chivalrous, dignified, gallant, great, greathearted, perfluity, surfeit, surplus; deluge, flood, overflow Ant
high, high-minded, lofty, magnanimous, noble, sublime bit, hint, little, pinch, smidgen, speck, spot, touch, trace
- more at NOBLE (2) disdainful, haughty, highfa- loth var 0/ LOATH
lutin, lofty, prideful, proud, superior - more at PROUD lo-tion \'Io-shan\ n : a liquid preparation for cosmetic and
lord-ship \-,ship\ n 1 : the rank or dignity of a lord - used external medicinal use
as a title 2: the authority or territory of a lord lot-tery \'Ia-ta-re\ n, pi -teries 1 : a drawing of lots in
Lord's Supper n : COMMUNION which prizes are given to the winning names or numbers
lore \ 'Ior\ n 1 .: something that has been learned 2 : a matter determined by chance
: KNOWLEDGE; esp : traditional knowledge or belief 2 : a lo-tus \'Io-tas\ n 1 : a fruit held in Greek legend to cause
particular body of knowledge or tradition dreamy contentment and forgetfulness 2 : any of various
[II intelligence, knowledge, SCience, wisdom - more water lilies represented esp, in ancient Egyptian and
at KNOWLEDGE. (2) folklore, legend, myth, mythology, Hindu art 3: any of several leguminous forage plants
tradition - more at FOLKLORE loud \'Iaud\ adj 1 : marked by intensity or volume of
lorognette \Iorn-'yet\ n [F, fro lorgner to take a Sidelong sound 2: CLAMOROUS, NOISY 3 : obtrusive or offensive
look at, fro MF, fro lorgne squinting) : a pair of eyeglasses in color or pattern <a "'-' suit> - loud adv - adv
or opera glasses with a handle - loud-ness n
lorn \'Iorn\ adi : miserable and forlorn as if deserted: DES- [1) booming, clamorous (or clamourous), deafening,
OLATE earsplitting, piercing, resounding, ringing, roaring,
lorry \'Ior-e\ n, pi lorries chiefly Brit: MOTORTRUCK sonorous, stentorian, thunderous; also brazen, discor-
lose \'Iiiz\ vb lost \'Iost\; \'Iii-zil)\ 1 : DESTROY 2: to dant, noisy, obstreperous, raucous, vociferous; grating,
miss from a customary place: MISLAY 3: to suffer depri- harsh, shrill, strident Ant gentle, low, soft [3) flam-
vation of 4: to fail to use: WASTE 5: to fail to win or ob- boyant, flashy, garish, gaudy, glitzy, ostentatious,
tain <"'-' the game> 6: to fail to keep or maintain <"'-' his swank, tawdry - more at GAUDY
balance> 7: to wander from <"'-' her way> 8 : to get rid tcud-mcumed \-,mautht, -,maulhd\ adj : given to loud of-
of fensive talk
cast, discard, ditch, dump, fling, jettison, junk, reject, loud-speak-er \-,spe-kar\ n : a device that changes electri-
scrap, shed, shuck, slough, throwaway, throw out, un- cal signals into sound
load - more at DISCARD 110unge \'Iaunj\ vb lounged; : to act or move
los-er n 1 : a person or thing that loses esp. consistently 2 lazily or listlessly
a : a person who is incompetent or unable to succeed bask, loll, relax, repose, rest - more at REST dally,
b : something doomed to fail or disappoint dawdle, dillydally, hang around, hang out, idle, loaf, loll
bummer, bust, catastrophe, debacle, dud, failure, fi- - more at IDLE
asco, fizzle, flop, lemon, turkey, washout - more at 210unge n 1 : a room with comfortable furniture; also: a
FAILURE room (as in a theater) with lounging, smoking, and toilet
loss \'Ios\ n 1 : the state or fact of being destroyed: RUiN facilities 2 : a long couch
2 : the harm resulting from losing 3 : something that is couch, davenport, divan, settee, sofa - more at
lost 4 pi : killed, wounded, or captured soldiers 5 : fail- COUCH
ure to win 6: an amount by which the cost exceeds the lour, loury var 0/ LOWER, lowery
louse 496
louse ~I(aus~ n, p{ (ice Vfis\ 1: any of various smaIl wing- loved adi + : held dear
less usu. flattened insects parasitic on warm-blooded ani- beloved, darling, dear, favorite (or favourite), pet,
mals 2: a plant pest (as an aphid) 3 pi lous-es + : a precious, special, sweet
contemptible person tove-u-ness n + : the quality or state of being lovely
+ beast, boor, churl, clown, creep, cretin, cur, heel, attractiveness, beauty, comeliness, handsomeness,
jerk, joker, lout, skunk, slob, snake - more at JERK looks, prettiness - more at BEAUTY
lousy Vlau-ze', adi tous-i-er; -est 1: infested with lice love-lorn \-,Iorn\ adj : deprived of love or of a lover
2 + : miserably poor or inferior 3: amply supplied <~ love-Iy \'I;)v-Ie\ adj love-li-er; -est e : delightful for beauty,
with money) 4.: totally repulsive - lous-i-ly \-z;)-Ie\ harmony, or grace: BEAUTIFUL - \'I;)v-I;)-Ie\ adv
adv - lcus-l-ness \-ze-n;)s\ n -Iovelyadv
+ [2] atrocious, awful, bad, deficient, inferior, off, + attractive, beautiful, cute, fair, gorgeous, handsome,
poor, punk, rotten, substandard, terrible, unacceptable, knockout, pretty, ravishing, stunning - more at BEAU-
unsatisfactory, wanting, wretched, wrong - more at TIFUL
BAD [4] contemptible, despicable, nasty, pitiful, scabby, love-rnak-lnq \-,ma-kil)\ n 1 : COURTSHIP 2: sexual activity;
scurvy, sorry, wretched - more at CONTEMPTIBLE esp : COPULATION
lout \'Iaut\ n + : a stupid awkward fellow lov-er n : a person in love; also: an ardent follower, sup-
clod, hulk, lubber, lug, oaf - more at OAF porter, or enthusiast (as of a religion, art form, or sport)
lout-ish adj + : resembling or befitting a lout - tout-ish-ly addict, aficionado, buff, bug, devotee, enthusiast, fan,
adv fanatic, fancier, fiend, freak, maniac, nut - more at
+ boorish, churlish, clownish, uncouth - more at
love-sick \-,sik\ adj 1 : YEARNING 2: expressing a lover'S
longing - love-slck-ness n
lou-ver or lou-vre \'Iu-v;)r\ n 1 : an opening having parallel \'I;)-vil)\ adj 1 : having affection or warm regard
slanted slats to allow flow of air but to exclude rain or : AFFECTIONATE 2: PAINSTAKING - adv
sun or to provide privacy; also: a slat in such an opening
+ affectionate, devoted, fond, tender, tenderhearted;
2 : a device with movable slats for controlling the flow of
also caring, compassionate, considerate, cordial, doting,
air or light
forgiving, friendly, kind, warmhearted; ardent, fervent,
lev-able \'I;)-v;)-b;)l\ adj + : having qualities that attract af- impassioned, passionate, warm; amatory, amorous,
fection erotic; enamored, infatuated, lovesick; mushy, roman-
+ adorable, darling, dear, endearing, precious, sweet, tic, sentimental; brotherly, fatherly, motherly, sisterly
winning; also beloved, cherished, treasured; attractive, Ant unloving
beautiful, desirable, lovely; captivating, charming, fas- 'low \'10\ vb : MOO
cinating; admirable, likable, reputable, respectable; af- 210wn : MOO
fable, agreeable, cheerful, cordial, friendly, genial, gra- 310w adj low-er \'Io-;)r\; low-est \'Io-;)st\ 1 : not high or tall
cious, kind, pleasant; delightful, pleasing Ant abhorrent, <~ wall); also: DeCOLLETe 2: situated or passing below
abominable, detestable, hateful, odious, unlovable the normal level or surface <~ ground); also: marking a
'love \'I;)v\ n 1 : strong affection 2 + : warm attachment
<~ of the sea) 3: attraction based on sexual desire
nadir 3 : not loud <~ voice) 4: being near the equa-
tor 5 a + : humble in status b + : lacking in cultural ad-
4 + : a beloved person 5: unselfish loyal and benevolent vancement c + : lacking in dignity 6 + : lacking strength,
concern for others 6: a score of zero in tennis - love- health, or vitality: WEAK; also: DEPRESSED 7: STRICKEN,
less adj PROSTRATE 8 + : less than usual in number, amount, or
+ (1) appetite, fancy, favor (or favour), fondness, like, value; also: of lesser degree than average 9 : falling short
liking, partiality, preference, relish, shine, taste, use- of a standard 10: UNFAVORABLE - low adv
more at LrKlNG [2] affection, attachment, devotion, + [3] dull, quiet, soft - more at SOFT [Sa] common,
fondness, passion; also appetite, favor, like, liking, par- humble, ignoble, inferior, lowly, mean, plebeian, vulgar
tiality, preference, taste; craving, crush, desire, infatua-
tion, longing, lust, yearning; ardor, eagerness, enthusi-
asm, fervor, zeal; esteem, regard, respect; adoration,
- more at IGNOBLE + [5b] crude, primitive, rude, rudi-
mentary - more at PRIMITIVE + [5b] coarse, common,
crass, crude, gross, ill-bred, rough, rude, tasteless, un-

idolatry, worship; allegiance, fealty, fidelity, loyalty Ant
abomination, hate, hatred, loathing, rancor + [4] beloved,
couth, uncultivated, uncultured, unpolished, unrefined,
vulgar - more at COARSE [5c] base, contemptible,
darling, dear, flame, honey, sweet, sweetheart - more despicable, detestable, dirty, dishonorable (or dishon- =
at SWEETHEART ourable), ignoble, mean, snide, sordid, vile, wretched - i
210ve vb loved; 1 +: to value highly : CHERISH
2 : to feel a lover's passion, devotion, or tenderness for
more at IGNOBLE. [6] blue, dejected, depressed, down,
downcast, glum, melancholy, sad, sorrowful, sorry, un-
3 + : to touch or stroke lightly in a loving or endearing happy, woeful, wretched - more at SAD + [6] faint,
manner: CARESS 4 + : to like or desire actively <~s to feeble, frail, infirm, unsubstantial, weak - more at WEAK
play bridge)
+ [I] appreciate, cherish, prize, treasure, value; also
+ [8] cheap, cut-rate, reasonable - more at CHEAP
'low n 1 : something that is low 2: a region of low baro-

adore, delight (in), dig, enjoy, fancy, groove (on), like, metric pressure 3: the arrangement of gears in an auto-
relish, revel (in); admire, esteem, respect, venerate; dote
(on), idolize. worship + [2] adore. cherish. worship:
also idealize, idolize; revere, reverence, venerate; de-
mobile transmission that gives the slowest speed and
greatest power =
low-batl \'Io-,bol\ vb : to give a deceptively low price, cost
light (in), dote (on) Ant abhor, abominate, despise, de- estimate, or offer to
test, execrate, hate, loathe + [3] caress, fondle, pat, pet, low beam n : a vehicle headlight beam with short-range fo-
stroke - more at FONDLE + [4] adore, delight, dig, en-
joy, fancy, groove, like, relish, revel- more at ENJOY
low blow n : an unprincipled attack
love affair n + : a romantic attachment or episode between low-brow \'Io-,brau\ adj : having little taste or intellectual
lovers interest - lowbrow n
affair, amour, romance - more at AFFAJR
love-bird \'I;)v-,b;)rd\ n : any of various small usu. gray or
low-density lipoprotein n : LDL
low-down \-,daun\ n : pertinent and esp. guarded infor-

green parrots that seem to show caring behavior for their mation
mates dope, scoop, tip - more at DOPE
497 lucidness
low-down \-,daim\ adj 1 : MEAN, CONTEMPTIBLE 2: deeply ful esp, to a cause or ideal: CONSTANT \'16i-d-
emotional le\ adv
low-end \-,end\ adj : of, relating to, or being the lowest. constant, devoted, faithful, fast, good, pious, staunch,
priced merchandise in a manufacturer's line steadfast, steady, true, true-blue - more at FAITHFUL
uow-er \'Iail-dr\ vb 1 : to look sullen: FROWN 2: to be- \ '16i-d-list\ n : one who is or remains loyal to a po-
come dark, gloomy, and threatening litical party, government, or sovereign
frown, glare, gloom, glower, scowl- more at FROWN loyal.ty \'16i-dl-te\ n : the quality or state or an instance
21owoer \'Io-dr\ adj 1 : relatively low (as in rank) 2: situ- of being loyal
ated beneath the earth's surface 3: constituting the pop- allegiance, constancy, dedication, devotion, faith,
ular and more representative branch of a bicameral faithfulness, fastness, fealty, fidelity, steadfastness-
legislative body 4: less advanced in the scale of evolu- more at FIDELITY
tionary development lozoenge \'Ia-zdnj\ n 1 : a diamond-shaped figure 2: a
inferior, junior, less, lesser, minor, subordinate, un- small flat often medicated candy
der - more at LESSER LP abbr low pressure
'lowoer \'Io-dr\ vb 1 : to move down: DROP; also: DIMIN- LPG abbr liquefied petroleum gas
ISH 2: to let descend by its own weight; also: to reduce LPGA abbr Ladies Professional Golf Association
the height of 3 : to reduce or decline in value, number, LPN \'el-'pe-'en\ n : LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE
or amount 4.: to bring down in quality or character Lr symbol Lawrencium
: DEGRADE; also : HUMBLE LSD \,el-(,)es-'de\ n [G Lysergsaure-Diathylamld lysergic
[l] decline, descend, diminish, dip, drop, fall, plum- acid diethylamide] : an illicit and highly potent hallucino-
met, plunge, sink, tumble - more at DROP. [3] abate, genic drug derived from ergot or produced synthetically
de-escalate, decrease, diminish, downsize, dwindle, It abbr light
lessen, reduce [4] abase, debase, degrade, demean, Lt abbr lieutenant
discredit, disgrace, dishonor (or dishonour), humble, LT abbr long ton
humiliate, shame, smirch, take down - more at HUM- LTC or Lt Col abbr lieutenant colonel
Lt Comdr abbr lieutenant commander
ltd abbr limited
tow-er-ease \,Io-dr-'kiis\ adj : being a letter that belongs to
LTG or Lt Gen abbr lieutenant general
or conforms to the series a, b, c, etc., rather than A, B, C,
LTJG abbr lieutenant, junior grade
etc. - lowercase n
Itr abbr letter
lower class n : a social class occupying a position below
Lu symbol lutetium
the middle class and having the lowest status in a society
lu-au "hi-,ail\ n : a Hawaiian feast
- lower-class \-'klas\ adi
lub abbr lubricant; lubricating
low-er-meet \'Io-dr-,most\ adi : LOWEST
lub-ber \'Id-bar\ n 1 : a big clumsy fellow: LOUT 2: an
lowoery \'Iail-d-re\ adj : GLOOMY, LOWERING
unskilled seaman
lowest common denominator n 1 : LEAST COMMON DENOMI-
NATOR 2: something designed to appeal to a lowbrow au- clod, hulk, lout, lug, oaf - more at OAF
dience; also : such an audience Iub-ber-ly adi : resembling or having the characteristics
lowest common multiple n : LEAST COMMON MULTIPLE of a lubber
low-key \'Io-'ke\ also low-keyed \-'ked\ ad} : of low inten- awkward, clumsy, gawky, graceless, heavy-handed,
sity : RESTRAINED lumpish, ungainly, unhandy - more at CLUMSY
low-land \'Io-Idnd, -,Iand\ n : low and usu. level country lube \'liib\ n : LUBRICANT; also: an application of a lubri-
low-Ievoel \'Io-'Ie-vdl\ adi 1 : being of low importance or cant
rank 2: being or relating to nuclear waste of low con- lu-bri-cant \'hi-bri-bnt\ n : a material capable of reducing
centration friction when applied between moving parts \'Io-,lif\ n, pllow-lifes \-,lifs\ also lowlives \-,lIvz\ tu-bn-cate \'Iii-brd-,kat\ vb -cat-ed: -cat-lnq : to apply a
: a person of low social status or moral character lubricant to - lu-bri-ca-tion \,Iii-brd-'ka-shdn\ n - lu-bri-
lowliness n : the quality or state of being lowly ca-ter \'Iii-brd-,ka-tdr\ n
humbleness, humility, meekness, modesty - more at grease, oil, slick, wax
HUMILITY lu-brl-clous \lii-'bri-shds\ or tu-brt-ccus \'Iii-bri-kds\ ad} \'Io-Ie\ adj low-li-er: -est 1 : humble in manner or 1 : SMOOTH, SLIPPERY 2: LECHEROUS; also: SALACIOUS - lu-
spirit: MEEK 2 : ranking low in some hierarchy brici.ty \Iii-'bri-sd-te\ n
[1] demure, humble, meek, modest, retiring, unas- lu-cent \'Iiis-'nt\ ad} 1 : glowing with light : LUMINOUS
suming, unpretentious - more at HUMBLE [2] com- 2 : marked by clarity or translucence: CLEAR - lu-cent-
mon, humble, ignoble, inferior, low, mean, plebeian, Iyadv
vulgar - more at IGNOBLE [1] beaming, bright, brilliant, effulgent, glowing, in-
low-ness n : the quality or state of being low candescent, lambent, lucid, luminous, lustrous, radiant,
debility, delicacy, enfeeblement, faintness, feeble- refulgent, shiny - more at BRIGHT [2] clear, limpid,
ness, frailty, infirmity, languor, weakness - more at liquid, pellucid, transparent - more at CLEAR
WEAKNESS. coarseness, grossness, indelicacy, rudeness, lu-cerne \lii-'sdrn\ n, chieflyBrit: ALFALFA
vulgarity - more at VULGARITY lu-cid \'lii-sdd\ adj 1: suffused with light : SHINING
low-rise \'Io-'m\ adj 1: having few stories and not 2 : mentally sound 3 : easily understood -
equipped with elevators <a - building> 2: of, relating adv
to, or characterized by low-rise buildings [2) balanced, clearheaded, normal, right, sane, stable
low-slung \'Io-,slal)\ adj : relatively low to the ground or - more at SANE. [3] apparent, broad, clear, clear-cut,
floor <a - building> <- pants> distinct, evident, manifest, obvious, palpable, patent,
low-tech \'Io-'tek\ adj : technologically simple or unso- perspicuous, plain, transparent, unambiguous, un-
phisticated equivocal, unmistakable - more at CLEAR
'lox \'Iaks\ n : liquid oxygen lu-cid.i.ty \lii-'si-dd-te\ n : clearness of thought or style
210x n, pl lox or tox-es : salmon cured in brine and some- clarity, explicitness, perspicuity, simplicity - more

times smoked
loyal \'16i-d1\ adj [MF, fr. OF leial, leel, fro L legalis legal]
1 : faithful in allegiance to one's government 2 : faith-
ur-ctd-ness n : the quality or state of being lucid esp, in
thought or style

Lucifer 498
Lu-ci-fer \'Iii-s:l-f:lr\ n [ME, the morning star, a fallen rebel + allay, calm, compose, quiet, settle, soothe, still, tran-
archangel, the Devil, fro OE, fro L, the morning star, fro lu- quilize - more at CALM
cifer light-bearing] : DEVlL, SATAN 2lull n 1 : a temporary calm (as during a storm) 2 + : a tem-
'luck \'I:lk\ n 1 + : a force that brings good fortune or ad- porary drop in activity
versity : CHANCE 2 + : good fortune + break, breath, breather, interruption, pause - more
+ [l] accident, chance, circumstance, hazard - more at PAUSE
at CHANCE + [2] chance, fortune; also break, fluke, god- lul.laoby \'l;)-l;)-,bi\ n, pi -bies : a song to lull children to
send, hit, serendipity, strike, windfall; opportunity; sleep
coup, stroke Ant mischance, misfortune lum-ba-qo \,Iam-'ba-go\ n : acute or chronic pain in the
21uck vb 1 : to prosper or succeed esp. through chance or lower back
good fortune - uSU. used with out 2: to come upon lum-bar \'l;)m-b;)r, -,bar\ adj : of, relating to, or constitut-
something desirable by chance - usu. used with out, on, ing the loins or the vertebrae between the thoracic verte-
onto, or into brae and sacrum <~ region) \'I:I-k:l-Ie\ adv 1 : in a lucky manner 2: FORTU- 'lum.ber \'l;)m-b;)r\ vb 1 + : to move heavily or clumsily
NATELY 2 2 + : to make a low heavy rolling sound
luck-less adj + : being without luck + [1] clump, flounder, lump, plod, scuff, scuffle, sham-
+ hapless, ill-fated, ill-starred, unfortunate, unhappy, ble, shuffle, stamp, stomp, stumble, tramp, tromp; also
unlucky - more at UNLUCKY drag, flop, haul; labor; careen, lurch, stagger, sway,
lucky \'I;l-ke\ adj Iuck-i-er: -est 1 + : favored by luck: FOR- teeter, totter, waddle, weave, wobble Ant breeze, coast,
TUNATE 2 + : happening by chance: FORTUITOUS 3: seem- glide, slide, waltz, whisk + [2] growl, grumble, roll,
ing to bring good luck - luck-i-ness n rumble - more at RUMBLE
+ [l] blessed, fortunate, happy Ant hapless, ill-fated, ill- 2lumber n 1: surplus or disused articles that are stored
starred, luckless, unfortunate, unlucky + [2] fluky, for- away 2: timber or logs esp, when dressed for use
tuitous, fortunate, happy, providential - more at FOR- 3lumber vb 1 : to cut logs; also : to saw logs into lumber
TUNATE 2 + : to clutter with or as if with lumber - lum-ber-man
lu-cra-tive \'lii-kr;l-tiv\ adj + : producing wealth : PROF- \-m:ln\ n
ITABLE -Iu-crative-Iy adv -Iu-crative-ness n + burden, encumber, load, saddle, weight - more at
+ fat, gainful, profitable, remunerative - more at LOAD
PROFITABLE lum-ber-jack \-Jak\ n : LOGGER
lu-cre \'lii-k:lr\ n [ME, fro AF, fro L lucrum] + : monetary lum-ber-yard \-,yard\ n : a place where lumber is kept for
gain: PROFIT; also: MONEY sale
+ earnings, gain, net, payoff, proceeds, profit, return - lu.mionary \'lii-ma-,ner-e\ n, pl-nar.ies 1 + : a very famous
more at PROFIT + cash, currency, dough, money, pelf, person 2 : a source of light; esp : a celestial body
tender - more at MONEY + celebrity, figure, light, notable, personage, personal-
lu-cu-bra-tlon \,Iii-kY:l-'bra-sh:ln, -ka-v n : laborious study ity, somebody, standout, star, superstar, VIP - more at
Ludd-ite \'l:l-,dlt\ n (perh. fro Ned Ludd, 18th cent. Eng. lu-mi-nes-cence \,lii-m;)-'nes-'ns\ n + : the low-temperature
workman who destroyed a knitting frame] : one who is emission of light (as by a chemical or physiological
opposed to technological change process); also: such light - lu-mi-nes-cent \-'nt\ adj
lu-di-crous \'Iii-d;l-kr;ls\ adj +: amusing or laughable + blaze, flare, fluorescence, glare, gleam, glow, illumi-
through obvious absurdity, incongruity, exaggeration, or nation, incandescence, light, radiance, shine - more at
eccentricity: RIDICULOUS; also: meriting derisive laughter LIGHT
or scorn as absurdly inept, false, or foolish - lu-di-crous- lu-mi-nos-i-ty \,lii-m;)-'na-s;)-te\ n + : the quality or state of
Iy adv - lu-di-crous-ness n being luminous
+ antic, comic, droll, funny, hilarious, humorous, hys- + brilliance, dazzle, effulgence, illumination, lightness,
terical, laughable, riotous, screaming, uproarious- lucidity, radiance, refulgence, splendor - more at BRIL-
more at FUNNY + absurd, comical, derisive, farcical, LIANCE
laughable, preposterous, ridiculous, risible, silly- tu-mt-nous \'lii-m;)-n;)s\ adj 1 +: emitting light; also
luff \'l:lf\ vb : to tum the head of a ship toward the wind nance \-n;)ns\ n - lu-mi-nous-ly adv
'lug \'I;)g\ vb lugged; lugoging 1 + : to draw slowly or heav- + beaming, bright, brilliant, effulgent, glowing, incan-
ily : DRAG, PULL 2 + : to carry laboriously descent, lambent, lucent, lucid, lustrous, radiant, reful-
+ [1] drag, draw, hale, haul, pull, tow, tug - more at gent, shiny - more at BRIGHT
PULL + [2] bear, carry, cart, convey, ferry, haul, pack, lum-mox \'l;)-m;)ks\ n : a clumsy person
tote, transport - more at CARRY 'lump \'Iamp\ n 1 + : a piece or mass of indefinite size and
21ug n 1 : a projecting piece (as for fastening, support, or shape 2: AGGREGATE, TOTALITY 3 + : a usu. abnormal
traction) 2: a nut securing a wheel on an automobile swelling
3 + : a big clumsy fellow + [1] blob, chunk, clod, clump, glob, gob, hunk, nub,
+ clod, hulk, lout, lubber, oaf - more at OAF wad; also bead, drop, globule; block, body, bulk; particle,
lugogage \'l;)-gij\ n : containers (as suitcases) for carrying piece, portion; bit, chip, crumb, morsel, scrap + [3] ex-
personal belongings: BAGGAGE crescence, growth, neoplasm, tumor - more at GROWTH
luogu.bri-ous \lil-'gii-bre-as\ adj + : mournful often to an + [3] bump, knot, nodule, swelling - more at BUMP
exaggerated degree - adv - lu-qu-bri- 21ump vb 1 + : to heap together in a lump 2: to form into
ous-ness n lumps 3: to move noisily and clumsily
+ dolorous, funeral, mournful, plaintive, regretful, rue- + accumulate, amass, assemble, collect, concentrate,
ful, sorrowful, weeping, woeful - more at MOURNFUL garner, gather, group, pick up, round up, scrape-
Luke \'liik\ n : a book of the New Testament of Christian more at GATHER
Scripture 3lump adj : not divided into parts <a ~ sum)
luke-warm \'liik-'w6rm\ adj 1 : moderately warm: TEPID lump-ec-to-my \,I;)m-'pek-ta-me\ n, pi -mies : excision of a
2 : not enthusiastic - Iuke-warm-ly adv breast tumor
'lull \'1;)1\ vb 1 + : to make peaceful: SOOTHE, CALM 2: to lurnp-lsh adj + : lacking ease or grace (as of movement or
cause to relax vigilance expression)
499 luxuriantly
awkward, clumsy, gawky, graceless, heavy-handed, lurk\'I:lrk\ vb 1 + : to move furtively: SNEAK 2 : to lie con-
lubberly, ungainly, unhandy- more at CLUMSY cealed
lumpyadj : filled or covered with lumps pussyfoot, skulk, slide, slink, slip, snake, sneak, steal
broken, bumpy, coarse, irregular, jagged, pebbly, - more at SNEAK
ragged, rough, rugged, uneven - more at UNEVEN lus-cious \'I:l-sh:ls\ adj 1 .: having a pleasingly sweet
lu-na-cy\'Iii-n:l-se\ n, pi -cies 1 : a deranged state of the taste or smell 2 + : sensually appealing - lus-cioua-ly
mind: INSANITY 2 : extreme folly; also: a foolish act adv
[I) aberration, dementia, derangement, insanity, [1) agreeable, ambrosial, appetizing, delectable, deli-
madness, mania - more at INSANITY [2) absurdity, cious, delightful, enjoyable, flavorful (or flavourful),
fatuity, folly, foolery, foolishness, idiocy, inanity, mad- palatable, savory, scrumptious, tasty, toothsome,
ness, stupidity yummy - more at DELICIOUS + [2) carnal, fleshly, sen-
lu-nar\'Iii-n:lr\ adj : of or relating to the moon sual, sensuous, voluptuous - more at SENSUAL
tu-nate\'Iii-,nat\ adj : shaped like a crescent lus-clcus-ness n + : the quality or state of being luscious
uu-na-ttc\'Iii-n:l-,tik\ adi [ME lunatik, fro AF & LL; AF lu- + savor, tastiness
natik, fro LL lunaticus, fr. L luna moon; fro the belief that 'lush \'I:lsh\ adj +: having or covered with abundant
lunacy fluctuated with the phases of the moon) 1 a : af-
fected with lunacy: INSANE b: used for insane persons
growth <- pastures)
+ green, leafy, luxuriant, verdant; also fat, fecund, fer-
2 : extremely foolish tile, fruitful, productive, rich; dense, tangled Ant bar-
absurd, crazy, cuckoo, fatuous,foolish, mad, nonsen- ren, leafless
sical, nutty, senseless, silly, stupid - more at FOOLISH 21ushn : an habitual heavy drinker
21unaticn : a person affected with lunacy; also: one ca- 'lust \'I:lst\ n 1 : usu. intense or unbridled sexual desire
pable of crazy actions or extravagances : LASCIVIOUSNESS 2 + : an intense longing
maniac, nut, psychotic; also madman, madwoman; + appetite, craving, desire, drive, hankering, hunger,
deviant; paranoid, schizophrenic; character, crackpot, itch, longing, passion, thirst, urge, yearning, yen-
crank, eccentric, kook, oddball, screwball; case, patient more at DESIRE
'lunch \'I:lnch\ n 1 : a light meal usu. eaten in the middle 21ust vb : to have an intense desire or need
of the day 2: the food prepared for a lunch + usu lust for or lust after ache for, covet, crave, desire,
'lunch vb : to eat lunch die for, hanker for, hunger for, long for, pine for, repine
lun-cheon\'I:ln-ch:ln\ n : a usu. formal lunch for, thirst for, want, wish for, yearn for - more at DE-
lun-cheon-ette\,I:ln-ch:l-'net\ n : a small restaurant serving SIRE
light lunches tus-teror lus-tre\'I:ls-t:lr\ n 1 : a shine or sheen esp. from
tunch-rocrn\'I:lnch-,riim, -,rum\ n 1 : LUNCHEONETTE 2: a reflected light 2: BRIGHTNESS, GLfITER 3: GLORY, SPLEN-
room (as in a school) where lunches are sold and eaten or DOR
lunches brought from home may be eaten + gloss, polish, sheen, shine - more at SHINE
lu-nette\Iii-'net\ n : something shaped like a crescent
lung \'I:ll)\ n 1 : one of the usu. paired baglike breathing lus-ter-lessadj. : lacking luster
organs in the chest of an air-breathing vertebrate 2: a + dim, dull, flat
mechanical device to promote breathing and make it eas- lust-fuladj + : excited by lust
ier -lunged \'I:ll)d\ adi lascivious, lewd, passionate, wanton; also prurient;
lunge \'I:lnj\ n 1 : a sudden thrust or pass (as with a sword) dissipated, dissolute, libertine; corrupt, debauched, de-
2 : a sudden forward stride or leap - lunge vb praved, immoral, indecent
lu-pine \'Iii-p:ln\ n : any of a genus of leguminous plants lust-i-ness\-te-n:ls\ n : the quality or state of being lusty
with long upright clusters of pealike flowers + animation, briskness, exuberance, liveliness, robust-
tu-pus \,Iii-p:ls\ n [ML, fr. L, wolf) : any of several diseases ness, sprightliness, vibrancy. vitality - more at V1TAL-
characterized by skin lesions; esp : SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERY- TTY
THEMATOSUS lus-tral\'I:ls-tr:ll\ adj : serving or intended to purify
'lurch \'I:lrch\ n : a sudden swaying or tipping movement tus-trous \-tf:ls\ adj + : reflecting light evenly and effi-
'lurch vb : to roll or tip abruptly; also : to move with a ciently without glitter or sparkle
lurch + beaming, bright, brilliant, effulgent, glowing, incan-
careen, pitch, rock, roll, seesaw, sway, toss, wobble descent, lambent, lucent, lucid, luminous, radiant, re-
- more at ROCK. careen, dodder, reel, stagger, teeter, fulgent, shiny - more at BRIGHT + glossy, polished,
totter - more at STAGGER satiny, sleek - more at GLOSSY
'lure \'Iur\ n 1 : an inducement to pleasure or gain: EN- lusty \'I:ls-te\ adj lust-i-er:-est 1 + : full of vitality: ROBUST
TICEMENT; also: APPEAL 2: an artificial bait for catching 2 + : full of energy or activity -\'I:ls-t:l-Ie\ adv
fish [1) dynamic, energetic, flush, peppy, robust, strenu-
appeal, attraction, bait, call, decoy, enticement, in- ous, vigorous, vital- more at VIGOROUS + [2) firm,
centive, inducement, persuasion, seduction, snare, spur, forceful, hearty, robust, solid, stout, strong, sturdy, vig-
temptation, trap orous
21ure vb lured; : to draw on with a promise of plea- lute \'Iiit\ n : a stringed musical instrument with a large
sure or gain pear-shaped body and a fretted fingerboard - lu-te-ntst
allure, beguile, decoy, entice, lead on, seduce, tempt; or lu-ta-nist\'Iiit-n-ist\ n
also persuade, inveigle, rope (in), snow; catch, ensnare, lu-te-tiumalso tu-te-clum\lii-'te-she-:lm, -shamv n : a metal-
entrap, snare; captivate, charm, enchant lic chemical element
Iu-rid\'Iur-oo\ adj 1 : wan and ghostly pale in appear- Lu-ther-an \'Iii-th:l-r:ln\ n : a member of a Protestant de-
ance 2: shining with the red glow of fire seen through nomination adhering to the doctrines of Martin Luther
smoke or cloud 3 a + : causing horror or revulsion - Lu-ther-an-ism \-r:l-,ni-z:lm\ n
: GRUESOME b: SENSATIONAL - lu.ridlyadv lux-u-ri-ant\,I:lg-'zhur-e-:lnt, ,I:lk-'shur-\ adj 1 + : yielding
[1) ashen, cadaverous, livid, pale, pasty, peaked- or growingabundantly: LUSH, PRODUcrlYE 2: abundantly
more at PALE + [3a) appalling, atrocious, awful, dread- rich and varied; also: FLORID 3: characterized by luxury
ful, frightful, ghastly, grisly, gruesome, hideous, horri- - lux-u-ri-ance\-e-:lns\ n - lux.u.riant.lyadv
ble, horrid, macabre, monstrous, nightmarish, shock- + green, leafy, lush, verdant + fat, fecund, fertile, fruit-
ing, terrible - more at HORRIBLE ful, productive, prolific, rich - more at FERTILE
luxuriate 500
lux-u-ri-ate \-e-,iit\ vb -at-ed; 1 : to grow profusely Lyme disease \'lim-\ n [Lyme, Connecticut, where it was
2: REVEL first reported) : an acute inflammatory disease that is
tux-u-ri-ous \,I;lg-'zhitr-e-;ls, ,I;lk-'shitr-\ adj : of, relating caused by a spirochete transmitted by ticks, is character-
to, or marked by luxury ized usu. by chills and fever, and if left untreated may re-
deluxe, lavish, luxuriant, opulent, palatial, plush, sult in joint pain, arthritis, and cardiac and neurological
sumptuous; also costly, expensive; rich; extravagant, disorders
grandiose, ostentatious, pretentious, showy; awesome, lymph \'limf\ n : a usu. clear fluid consisting chiefly of
awful, beautiful, gorgeous, grand, imposing, impressive, blood plasma and white blood cells, circulating in thin=
magnificent, majestic, splendid, stately; comfortable, walled tubes (lymphatic vessels), and bathing the body
cozy, homey, snug Ant ascetic, austere, humble tissues - Iymphatic \lim-'fa-tik\ adj
lux-u-ri-ous-ly adv : in a luxurious manner Iymph.ade-nopoathy \,lim-,fad-'n-'ii-p:l-the\ n, pi -thies
: abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes
expensively, extravagantly, grandly, high, lavishly,
lymph node n : any of the rounded masses of lymphoid tis-
opulently, richly - more at HIGH
sue surrounded by a capsule
'Iux.u.ry \'I;lk-sh;l-re, 'log-zho-', n, pl-ries 1 : great ease and
Iym.pho-cyte \'lim-f:l-,sit\ n : any of the white blood cells
comfort 2 : something adding to pleasure or comfort arising from lymphoid tissue that are typically found in
but not absolutely necessary lymph and blood and that include the cellular mediators
amenity, comfort, extra, frill, indulgence, superfluity; (as a B cell or a T cell) of immunity - Iym.pho-cyt.ic
also extravagance; dainty, delicacy, treat; accessory, op- \,lim-f:l-'si-tik\ adj
tion Ant basic, essential, fundamental, necessity, re- Iym.phoid \'lim-,f6id\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or being tissue
quirement (as of the lymph nodes) containing lymphocytes 2: of, re-
21uxury adj : of or relating to luxury or luxuries or cater- lating to, or resembling lymph
ing to luxurious tastes Iym.pho-ma \lim-'fO-m;l\ n, pi -mas or -ma-ta v-rna-tav : a
deluxe, lavish, luxuriant, luxurious, opulent, palatial, usu. malignant tumor of lymphoid tissue
plush, sumptuous - more at LUXURIOUS lynch \'linch\ vb : to put to death by mob action without
Iv abbr leave legal sanction or due process of law - Iynchoer n
LWV abbr League of Women Voters lynx \'lil]ks\ n, pi lynx or Iynxoes : any of several wildcats
'-Iy \Ie\ adj suffix 1 : like in appearance, manner, or nature with a short tail, long legs, and usu. tufted ears
(queenly) 2: characterized by regular recurrence in lyre \'lir\ n : a stringed musical instrument of the harp
(specified) units of time: every <hourly) class having a U-shaped frame and used by the ancient
"-Iy adv suffix 1 : in a (specified) manner (slowly) 2: from Greeks
a (specified) point of view <grammatically> 'Iyr.ic \'lir-ik\ n 1 : a lyric poem 2: the words of a pop-
IYoCe-um \Ii-'se-;lm, 'Ii-se-\ n 1 : a hall for public lectures ular song - often used in pl.
2 : an association providing public lectures, concerts, and poem, song, verse - more at POEM
entertainments 21yric adj 1 : suitable for singing: MELODIC 2 : express-
lyoCheeor Iitchi \'Ie-che\ n [Ch(Beijing) flZhi] 1 : an oval ing direct and usu. intense personal emotion
fruit with a hard scaly outer covering, a small hard seed, (1) euphonious, mellifluous, mellow, melodic, melo-
and edible flesh 2: an Asian tree bearing Iychees dious, musical; also dulcet, golden, sweet (2) bardic,
lye \'Ii\ n : a corrosive alkaline substance used esp, in mak- lyrical, poetic - more at POETIC
ing soap lyr.ioCal \-i-k;ll\ adj : having qualities suggestive of music \'Ii-il]\ adj : marked by or containing falsehoods or poetry : LYRIC
: UNTRUTHFUL bardic, lyric, poetic - more at POETIC
dishonest, mendacious - more at DISHONEST Iy.ser.gic acid \I;l-'s;lr-jik ... ,di-,e-th;l-'Ia-
IY'ing-in \,Ii-il]-'in\ n, pi lyings-in or lying-ins: the state ,mid, Ji-, -'Ia-m;ld\ n : LSD
during and consequent to childbirth: CONFINEMENT LZ abbr landing zone

rm \'em\ n, pi m's or ms \'emz\ often cap: the 13th letter of mac-ad-am \m;l-'ka-d;lm\ n [John L. McAdam tI836
the English alphabet Brit. engineer) : a roadway or pavement of small
2m abbr, often cap 1 Mach 2 male 3 married 4 masculine closely packed broken stone - mac-ad-am-ize \-d;l-,miz\
5 medium 6 noon 7 meter 8 mile 9 thousand 10 minute vb
11 month 12 moon mac-a-da-mia nut \,ma-k;l-'dii-me-;l\ n : a hard-shelled
ma \'mii, 'm6\ n : a female parent: MOTHER richly-flavored nut of any of several Australian trees
mom, mommy, mother ma-caque \m;l-'kak, -'kiik\ n : any of a genus of short=
MA abbr 1 master of arts 2 Massachusetts 3 mental age tailed chiefly Asian monkeys; esp : RHESUS MONKEY
ma'am \'mam, after "yes" often :lm\ n : MADAM mac-a-ro-ni \,ma-k;l-'ro-ne\ n 1 : pasta made chiefly of
Mac abbr Machabees wheat flour and shaped in the form of slender tubes 2 pi
Mac or Macc abbr Maccabees -nls or -nies : FOP, DANDY
ma-ca-bre \m;l-'kiib; -'kii-br;l, -borv adj IF) 1 : having death mae-a-rcon \,ma-k;l-'riin\ n : a small cookie made chiefly
as a subject 2 : dwelling on the gruesome 3 : tending to of egg whites, sugar, and ground almonds or coconut
produce horror in a beholder ma-caw \m;l-'k6\ n : any of numerous parrots of Central
appalling, atrocious, awful, dreadful, frightful, ghastly, and So. America
grisly, gruesome, hideous, horrible, horrid, lurid, mon- MacoCabees\'ma-k;l-,bez\ n : either of two books of Scrip-
strous, nightmarish, shocking, terrible - more at HOR- ture in the Roman Catholic canon and the Protestant
RIBLE Apocrypha
501 mademoiselles

'mace \'ma.s\ n ; a spice made from the fibrous coating of mac-ra-me also mac-ra-me \'ma-kr..-,mii\ n [ultim. fro Ar
the nutm.o.g
miarama coverletl : a coarse lace or fringe made by knot-
2maea n 1 s a heavy often spiked club used as a weapon esp. ting threads or cords in a geometrical pattern
in the Middle Ages 2: an ornamental staff carried as a tmec-eo \'ma-(,)kro\ adj : very large; also: involving large
symbol of authority quantities or being on a large scale
Macoe-do-nian \,ma-s:}-'do'ny:}n, -ne-anv n : a native or in- 2macro n; pi macros : a single computer instruction that
habitant of Macedonia - Macedonian adi stands for a sequence of operations
mac-er-ate \'ma-s:}-,riit\ vb -at-ed; 1: to cause mac-ro-bi-ot-ic \,ma-kr6-bi-'a-tik, -be-', adj : relating to or
to waste away 2: to soften by steeping or soaking so as being a very restricted diet (as one containing chiefly
to separate the parts - mac-er-a-tton \,ma-s:}-'ra-sh:}n\ whole cereals or grains)
mac-ro-ccem \'ma-kr:}-,ka-z:}m\ n + : the great world: UNI-
Mac.Gut.lln or McGutlln \m:>-'g:>-[:>n\ n : an object, event,
or character whose main purpose is to advance the plot of cosmos, creation, nature, universe, world - more at
a motion picture UNIVERSE
mach abbr machine; machinery; machinist ma-cron \'ma-,kran, 'ma-\ n : a mark {macr} placed over a
Mach \'male\ n : a speed expressed by a Mach number vowel (as in mak) to show that the vowel is long
Mach.a.bees \'ma-k:}-,bez\ n : MACCABEES mac-ro-scop-le \,ma-kra-'skii-pik\ adj : visible to the naked
ma-chete \ma-'she-te\ n : a large heavy knife used for cut- eye - mac-ro-scop-l-cal-ly \-pi-k(:}-)le\ adv
ting sugarcane and underbrush and as a weapon mac-u-la Vma-kya-Iav n, pi -Iae hie, -,11\ also -las : an
Maochi.a.vel.lIan \,ma-ke-a-'ve-Ie-:ln\ adj [Niccolo Machi- anatomical spot distinguishable from surrounding tissues
avelli, tl527 Ital. political philosopher] + : characterized - mac-u-lar \-I:}r\ adj
by cunning, duplicity, and bad faith - Ma-chi.a.vellian- mad \'mad\ adj mad-der; mad-dest 1 +: disordered in
Ismn mind : INSANE 2 + : being rash and foolish 3 + : carried
+ cutthroat, immoral, unconscionable, unethical, un- away by intense anger: FURIOUS, ENRAGED <-- at myself)
<- about the delay) 4 + : carried away by enthusiasm or
principled, unscrupulous - more at UNPRINCIPLED
mach-i-nate \'ma-k:}-,nat, 'ma-sh:}-\ vb + : to plan or plot
desire <-- about horses) <-- for the boy next door)
5 : RABID 6: marked by wild gaiety and merriment
esp. to do harm
7 + : intensely excited: FRANTIC 8 + : marked by intense
+ conspire, contrive, intrigue, plot, scheme - more at and often chaotic activity: WILD
PLOT + contrive, finagle, finesse, frame, maneuver (or
+ [I, 2] absurd, crazy, cuckoo, fatuous, foolish, mad,
manoeuvre), mastermind, negotiate, wangle
nonsensical, nutty, senseless, silly, stupid - more at
mach-l-na-tlon \,ma-k:}-'na-sh:}n, ,ma-sha-\ n + : an act of FOOLISH [3] angry, boiling, enraged, furious, irate,
planning esp. to do harm; esp : PLOT rabid, sore, wrathful - more at ANGRY + usu mad
+ conspiracy, design, intrigue, plot, scheme - more at about [4] crazy, nuts. [7, 8] delirious. feverish, fierce,
PLOT frantic. frenetic, frenzied. furious, rabid, violent. wild
'ma-chine \m:>-'shen\ n 1 + : an automotive vehicle not op- - more at FURIOUS
erated on rails; esp : AUTOMOBILE 2 : a combination of me- Mad.a-gasocan \,ma-da-'gas-kan\ n : a native or inhabitant
chanical parts that transmit forces, motion, and energy of Madagascar
one to another 3: an instrument (as a lever) for trans- mad-am \'ma-d:}m\ n 1 pi mes-dames \ma-'dam\ - used
mitting or modifying force or motion 4: an electrical, as a form of polite address to a woman 2pl madams: the
electronic, or mechanical device for performing a task <a female head of a house of prostitution
sewing =--> 5: a highly organized political group under ma-dame \m:}-'dam, before a surname also 'rna-dam', n, pi
the leadership of a boss or small clique mes-dames \ma-'diim\ : MISTRESS - used as a title equiv-
+ automobile, car, motor vehicle - more at CAR alent to Mrs. for a married woman not of English-speaking
2machine vb ma-chined; : to shape or finish nationality
by machine-operated tools - ma-ehln-able \-'she-n:}-b:}l\ imad-cap \'mad-,kap\ ad) + : marked by capriciousness,
adj recklessness, or foolishness - madcap n
machine gun n : an automatic gun capable of rapid con- + brash, foolhardy, overbold, overconfident, reckless
tinuous firing - machine-gun vb - machine gunner n - more at FOOLHARDY
machine language n : the set of symbolic instruction codes 2madcap n + : one who is madcap
used to represent operations and data in a machine (as a + daredevil, devil - more at DAREDEVIL
computer) mad cow disease: a fatal disease of the brain of cattle af-
machine-readable adj : directly usable by a computer fecting the nervous system and probably caused by in-
ma-chin-ery \m:}-'she-n:}-re\ n, pi -eries 1 : MACHINES; also fected tissue in food
: the working parts of a machine 2 + : the means by mad-den \'mad-'n\ vb + : to make mad
which something is done + craze, derange, unhinge - more at CRAZE + anger,
+ agency, agent, instrument, instrumentality, means, antagonize, enrage. incense, inflame, infuriate, outrage,
medium, organ, vehicle - more at AGENT rankle, rile, roil - more at ANGER
ma-chln-lst \m:}-'she-nist\ n : a person who makes or works mad-den-inq adj + : tending to infuriate or irritate - mad-
on machines adv
ma-chis-mo \ma-'chez-(,)m6, -'chiz-\ n : a strong or exag- + aggravating, annoying, galling, irritating; also grating,
gerated pride in one's masculinity inflaming, provocative, provoking; bothersome, trou-
Mach number \'mak-\ n : a number representing the ratio blesome; enraging, incensing, infuriating; distressing,
of the speed of a body (as an aircraft) to the speed of upsetting; offensive, outrageous
sound in the surrounding atmosphere mad-der \'ma-dar\ n : a Eurasian herb with yellow flowers
ma-cho \'ma-ch6\ adj [Sp, lit., male, fr. L masculus] : char- and fleshy red roots; also: its root or a dye prepared from
acterized by machismo it
mack-er-el \'ma-k:}-r:}l\ n, pi mackerel or mackerels: a No. made past and past part of MAKE
Atlantic food fish greenish above and silvery below Ma-dei.ra \m:}-'dir-:}\ n : an amber-colored dessert wine
mack-l-naw \'ma-k:}-,n6\ n : a short heavy plaid coat ma-de-rncl-seue \,ma-da-ma-'zel, -mwo-, mam-'zel\ n, pi
mack-ln-tosh also mac-tn-tosh \'ma-k:}n-,tiish\ n 1 chiefly rna-ce-mci-senes \-'zelz\ or mes-de-mol-setles \,ma-d:}-
Brit: RAINCOAT 2: a lightweight waterproof fabric me-'zel, -mwe-\ : an unmarried girl or woman - used as
made-to-measure so~
a title for an unmarried woman not of English-speaking [2a) bewitchment, enchantment, necromancy, sor-
nationality cery, witchcraft, wizardry; also abracadabra, amulet,
made-to-measure adj : CUSTOM-MADE charm, fetish, mascot, phylactery, talisman; curse, hex,
made-up \'ma-'d:lp\ adj 1 .: fancifully conceived or incantation, jinx, spell; augury, divining, forecasting,
falsely devised 2: marked by the use of makeup foreknowing, foreseeing, foretelling, fortune-telling,
chimerical, fabulous, fanciful, fantastic, fictitious, predicting, presaging, prognosticating, prophesying,
imaginary, mythical, phantom, pretend, unreal - more soothsaying; hoodoo, occultism, spiritualism; augur,
at IMAGINARY omen; exorcism; alchemy. l2bl allure, appeal, attrac-
mad-house Vmad-,haus\ n 1: a place for the detention tiveness, captivation, charisma, charm, enchantment,
and care of the insane 2 : a place of great uproar fascination, glamour, magnetism - more at CHARM
[3) legerdemain, prestidigitation
bedlam, circus, hell; a/so commotion, havoc, pande-
monium, racket, ruckus, tumult, turmoil; clamor, clat- 2magic adi 1 : of or relating to magic 2 : having unusu-
ter, din, hubbub, noise; chaos, confusion, disarray, dis- ally distinctive Qualities resembling the supernatural
order, maelstrom, mess, muss magical, mystic, occult, weird - more at MYSTIC \'mad-Ie\ adv 1 : in a mad manner 2: to an ex- magi-cal \'ma-ji-k:ll\ ad) 1: of or relating to magic
treme or excessive degree 2 : resembling magic; a/so: giving a feeling of enchant-
amok, berserk, frantically, harum-scarum, hectically, ment - \-ji-k(:l-)Ie\ adv
helter-skelter, pell-mell, wild, wildly - more at HELTER" miraculous, phenomenal, superhuman, supernatural,
SKELTER uncanny, unearthly - more at SUPERNATURAL
mad-man \'mad-,man, -rnonv n : LUNATIC rna-ql-clan \m:l-'ji-sh:ln\ n : a person skilled in magic
mad-ness Vmad-nasv n 1 : the quality or state of being conjurer, enchanter, necromancer, sorcerer, voodoo,
mad 2 : lack of good sense or judgment witch, wizard; a/so enchantress, hag, hex, sorceress,
[1) aberration, dementia, derangement, insanity, lu- warlock; medicine man; fortune-teller, prognosticator,
nacy, mania - more at INSANITY. [2) absurdity, asinin- prophesier, prophet, soothsayer; medium; exorcist
ity, balminess, craziness, daftness, fatuity, folly, foolish- conjurer, illusionist, trickster
ness, inanity, insanity, lunacy, silliness, simplicity, maq-is-te-rl-at \,ma-j:l-'stir-e-:ll\ adj 1: AUTHORITATNE
zaniness 2 : of or relating to a magistrate or a magistrate's office or
Maodonna \ma-'da-n:l\ n : a representation (as a picture or duties
statue) of the Virgin Mary rna-qis-tral Vma-is-stralv adj : AUTHORlTATNE
ma-dras \'ma-dr:ls; ,ma-'dras, -'drils\ n [Madras, India) : a rnag-ls-trate \'ma-j:l-,strat\ n : an official entrusted with
fine usu. cotton fabric with various designs (as plaid) administration of the laws - maq-is-tra-cy \-str:l-se\ n
ma-dras-sa or rna-dra-sa \m:l-'dra-s:l, -'dra-\ n : a Muslim bench, court, judge, justice - more at JUDGE
school, college, or university that is often part of a mag-lev \'mag-Iev\ n 1 : the use of magnetic fields to float
mosque an object above a solid surface 2: a train using maglev
rnad-rl-qal \'ma-dri-g:ll\ n [It madriga/e) 1 : a short lyrical technology
poem in a strict poetic form 2: an elaborate part-song mag-rna \'mag-m:l\ n : molten rock material within the
esp. of the 16th and 17th centuries earth - rnaq-rnat-ic \mag-'ma-tik\ adj
mad-wom-an \'mad-,wU-m:ln\ n : a woman who is insane rnaq-nan-l-rnous vmag-tna-na-mcsx adj 1 : showing or sug-
mael-strom \'mal-str:lm\ n 1 : a violent whirlpool 2: TU- gesting a lofty and courageous spirit 2.: showing or
MULT suggesting nobility of feeling and generosity of mind -
mae-stro \'mi-5tro\ n, pi maestros or mae-stri \-,stre\ [It) \.mag-na-1ni-ma-te\ n - mag.nan.j.mous-
1 : a master in an art 2: an eminent composer, con- ness n
ductor, or teacher of music chivalrous, gallant, great, greathearted, high, high-
ace, adept, artist, authority, crackerjack, expert, mas- minded, lofty, lordly, noble, sublime - more at NOBLE
ter, scholar, shark, virtuoso, whiz, wizard - more at maq-nan-l-rnous-ly \-Ie\ adv : in a magnanimous manner
EXPERT gallantly, grandly, greatly, heroically, honorably (or
Mafia \'ma-fe-:l\ n [It) : a secret criminal society of Sicily honourably), nobly - more at GREATLY
or Italy; also: a similar organization elsewhere maq-nate \'mag-,nat\ n : a person of rank, influence, or
ma-tt-e-so \,ma-fe-'o-(,)so\ n, pi -si \-(,)se\ : a member of distinction
the Mafia baron, czar, king, mogul, prince, tycoon; also big
'mag \'mag\ n : MAGAZINE shot, bigwig, figure, nabob, notable, personage, VIP;
2mag abbr 1 magnetism 2 magneto 3 magnitude celebrity, personality, star; plutocrat
mag-a-zine Vma-ga-jzen', n [MF, fr. Old Occitan, fro Ar maq-ne-sla \mag-'ne-sh:l, -zhev n [NL, fr. magnes cameus,
makhdzin, pI. of makhzan storehouse) 1 : a storehouse a white earth, lit., flesh magnet) : a light white oxide of
esp, for military supplies 2: a place for keeping gunpow- magnesium used as a laxative
der in a fort or ship 3 : a publication usu. containing sto- rnaq-ne-slum \mag-'ne-ze-am, -zhomx n : a silver-white
ries, articles, or poems and issued periodically 4: a light malleable metallic chemical element
container in a gun for holding cartridges; a/so: a chamber maq-net \'mag-n:lt\ n 1 : LODESTONE 2 : a body that is able
(as on a camera) for film to attract iron 3 : something that attracts
armory, arsenal, depot, dump - more at ARMORY attraction, draw, lodestone; also capital, cynosure,
ma-gen-ta \m;:,-'jen-t:l\ n : a deep purplish red color mecca; allure, bait, enticement, fascination, lure, temp-
magogot \'ma-gat\ n : the legless wormlike larva of a tation; appeal, call; incentive, inducement, persuasion,
dipteran fly - magogoty adj spur
maogi \'ma-ji\ n pi, often cap: the three wise men from the mag-net-ic \mag-'ne-tik\ adj 1 : having an unusual abil-
East who paid homage to the infant Jesus ity to attract <a --- leader) 2: of or relating to a magnet
'magie \'ma-jik\ n 1 : the use of means (as charms or or magnetism 3: magnetized or capable of being mag-
spells) believed to have supernatural power over natural netized - mag-net-i-cal-ly \-ti-k(:l-)Ie\ adv
forces 2 a : an extraordinary power or influence seem- alluring, attractive, captivating, charming, elfin, en-
ingly from a supernatural force b.: something that gaging, fascinating, fetching, glamorous, seductive-
seems to cast a spell 3 : the art of producing illusions more at FASCINATING
by sleight of hand magnetic disk n : DISK 3
503 mail carrier
magnetic levitation n : MAGLEV 1 + [I] enormity, hugeness, immensity, massiveness,
magnetic north n : the northerly direction in the earth's vastness- more at IMMENSITY. [2] dimension, extent,
magnetic field indicated by the north-seeking pole of a measure, measurement, proportion, size - more at SIZE
compass needle + [5] consequence, import, moment, significance,
magnetic resonance imaging n : a noninvasive diagnostic weight
technique that produces computerized images of internal maq-no-Ila\mag-'nol-Y:l\ n : any of a genus of usu. spring-
body tissues based on electromagneticallyinduced activ- floweringshrubs and trees with large often fragrant flow-
ity of atoms within the body ers
magnetictape n : a ribbon coated with a magnetic material rnaq-num opus \'mag-n:lm-'o-p:ls\ n [L] : the greatest
on which information (as sound) may be stored achievement of an artist or writer
rnaq-ne-tisechiefly Brit var O/MAGNETIZE mag.pie \'mag-,pi\ n 1 : any of various long-tailed often
maq-ne-tism\'mag-n:l-,ti-z:lm\ n 1: the power (as of a black-and-white birds related to the jays 2 + : a person
magnet) to attract iron 2: the science that deals with who chatters noisily
magnetic phenomena 3 + : an ability to attract or charm + chatterbox, jabberer, talker - more at CHATTERBOX
+ allure, appeal, attractiveness, captivation, charisma, Mag.yar \'mag-,yiir, 'rnag-; 'mii-Jiir\ n : a member of the
charm, enchantment, fascination, glamour, magic- dominant people of Hungary - Magyarad]
more at CHARM ma-ha-ra-ia or ma-ha-ra-jah \,mii-h:l-'rii-j:l\ n : a Hindu
mag-ne-tite Vmag-no-jtlt', n : a black mineral that is an im- prince ranking above a raja
portant iron ore ma-ha-ra-ni or ma-ha-ra-nee\-'rii-ne\ n 1 : the wife of a ma-
rnaq-ne-tlze\'mag-n:l-,tiz\ vb -tized; 1 : to induce haraja 2: a Hindu princess ranking above a rani
magnetic properties in 2: to attract like a magnet ma-ha-ri-shi \,mii-h:l-'re-she\ n : a Hindu teacher of mysti-
: CHARM - mag-ne-tiz-ableadj - maq-ne-tl-za-tlon\,mag- cal knowledge
na-ta-tza-shanv n - maq-ne-tiz-ern ma-hat-ma \m:l-'hiit-m:l, -'hat-\ n [Skt mahdtman, fro
maq-ne-to\mag-'ne-to\ n, pi -tos : a generator used to pro- mahdtman great-souled, fro mahat great + dtman soul] : a
duce sparks in an internal combustion engine person revered for high-rnindedness, wisdom, and self-
mag-ne-tom-e-ter \,mag-n:l-'tii-m:l-t:lr\ n : an instrument lessness
for measuring the strength of a magnetic field Mahioean\m:l-'he-k:ln\ or Mo-hioean xmo-, m:l-\ n, pi -can
rnaq-ne-to-sphere \mag-'ne-t:l-,sfir, -'ne-\ n : a region or -cans: a member of an American Indian people of the
around a celestial object (as the earth) in which charged upper Hudson River valley
particles are trapped by its magnetic field - mag-ne-to- rna-hog-a-ny\m:l-'hii-g:l-ne\n, pi -nies : the reddish wood
spher-Ic\-,ne-t:l-'sfir-ik, -'sfer-\ adj of any of various chiefly tropical trees that is used in fur- \,mag-n:l-f:l-'ka-sh:ln\ n 1 +: the act of niture; also: a tree yielding this wood
magnifying 2: the amount by which an optical lens or in- ma-hout\m:l-'haut\ n [Hindi& Urdu mahtiwat, mahtiut] : a
strument magnifies keeper and driver of an elephant
+ caricature, elaboration, embellishment, exaggeration, maid \'mad\ n 1: an unmarried girl or young woman
hyperbole, overstatement, padding - more at EXAG- 2 + : a female servant: MAIDSERVANT
GERATION + domestic, girl, housemaid, maidservant; also cham-
maq-nlt-t-cence vmag-tni-fa-sansv n 1 +: the quality or bermaid, attendant, handmaiden (or handmaid), lady=
state of being magnificent 2: splendor of surroundings in-waiting; nursemaid
+ augustness, brilliance, glory, grandeur, grandness, 'maid-en \'mad-On\ n +: an unmarried girl or young
majesty, nobility, nobleness, resplendence, splendor, woman : MAID - maid-en-lyadj
stateliness; also marvelousness, wondrousness; lavish- + doll, girl, lass, maid, miss - more at GLRL
ness, luxuriance, luxury, opulence; grandiosity, ostenta-
tion, pretentiousness;flashiness, gaudiness, ornateness, 2maiden adj 1 : UNMARRIED; also: VIRGIN 2: of, relating to,
or befitting a maiden 3 + : preceding all others in time or
maq-nlt-t-cent Xmag-sni-fa-santv adj 1 + : characterized by order: FIRST<--- voyage)
grandeur or beauty: SPLENDID 2: EXALTED, NOBLE - mag- + first, inaugural, initial, original, pioneer, premier-
nlt-i-cent-ly adv more at FIRST
+ august, baronial, gallant, glorious, grand, grandiose, maid-en-hair fern \-,har-\ n : any of a genus of ferns with
heroic, imposing, majestic, monumental, noble, proud, delicate feathery fronds
regal, royal, splendid, stately - more at GRAND mald-en-head\'mad-On-,hed\ n 1 : VIRGINITY 2: HYMEN
mag-nlf-i-co\mag-'ni-fi-,ko\ n, pi -coes or -cos 1 : a noble- mald-en-hood\-,hud\ n : the condition or time of being a
man of Venice 2: a person of high position maiden\'mag-n:l-,fi\ vb -fied; 1 a : to praise highly maid-in-waiting n, pi maids-in-waiting : a young woman
: EXTOL, LAUD b + : to cause to be held in greater esteem
appointed to attend a queen or princess
2 a + : to increase in significance: INTENSIFY b + : to en- maid of honor: a bride's principal unmarried wedding at-
large beyond bounds or the truth: EXAGGERATE 3 : to en- tendant
large in fact or in appearance <a microscope magnifies an maid-ser-vant\'mad-,s:lr-v:lnt\ n + : a girl or woman who is
object) - maq-nl-fl-er\'mag-n:l-,fi-:lr\ n a servant
+ [lb] aggrandize, dignify, ennoble, exalt, glorify- + domestic, giH, housemaid, maid - more at MAID
more at EXALT + [2a] amplify, beef, boost, consolidate, 'mail \'mal\ n [ME male bag, fro AF, of Gmc origin]
deepen, enhance, heighten, intensify,redouble, step up, 1 + : something sent or carried in the postal system 2: a
strengthen - more at INTENSIFY + [2b] color (or colour), nation's postal system - often used in pl.
elaborate, embellish, embroider, exaggerate, pad, stretch + matter, parcel post, post, snail mail; also electronic
- more at EMBROIDER mail, e-mail; dispatch, epistle, message, missive, note,
rnaq-nll-o-quent\mag-'ni-l:l-kw:lnt\ adj : characterized by postcard; airmail, rural free delivery, special delivery;
an exalted and often bombastic style or manner - mag- junk mail
nil-ooquence v-kwansvn 2mail vb : to send by mail\ 'mag-n:l-,tiid, -tyiid', n 1 + : greatness of size 3mail n [ L macula
or extent 2 + : spatial quality: SIZE 3: QUANTITY 4: a spot, mesh] : armor made of metal links or plates
number representing the brightness of a celestial body mall-box\'mal-,biiks\ n 1 : a public box for the collection
5 + : the importance, quality, or caliber of something of mail 2: a private box for the delivery of mail
6 : a number representing the intensity of an earthquake mailcarrier n : LETTER CARRIER
mailman 504
rnatl-rnan \-,man\ n + : a man who delivers mail + conservation, preservation, upkeep; also support,
+ letter carrier, postman - more at POSTMAN sustaining; care, guardianship; defense, guarding, pro-
maim \'mam\ vb : to mutilate, disfigure, or wound seri- tection, safeguarding, safekeeping
ously : CRIPPLE main-top \'man-,tiip\ n : a platform at the head of the
+ cripple, disable, lame, mutilate; also dismember, mainmast of a square-rigged ship
hamstring, hobble; batter, bruise, bung (up), mangle, mal-son-ette \,miiz-n-'et\ n 1 : a small house 2: an apart-
maul, rough (up); gore, lacerate, wound; disfigure, scar; ment often on two floors
break, damage, harm, hurt, impair, injure; bash, beat, mai tai \'mi-,ti\ n : a cocktail made with liquors and fruit
belt, bludgeon, buffet, drub, hammer, lace, lambaste, juices
lick, paste, pelt, pound, pummel, thump; bang, box, hit, mai-tre d' or mai-tre d' \,ma-tra-'de, ,me-\ n, pi maitre d's or
punch, slap, smack, smash, sock, spank, swat, swipe, maitre d's \-'dez\ : MAiTRE D'HOTEL
thrash, thwack, whack; flog, lash, wallop, whip; kill, mal-tre d'h60tel \,ma-tra-do-'tel, ,me-\ n, pi maitres d'hotel
murder; torment, torture \same\ [F, lit., master of house) 1 : MAJORDOMO 2 : HEAD-
'main \'man\ n 1 + : physical strength: FORCE <with might
and~) 2: MAINLAND; also: H1GH SEA 3 + : the chief part maize \'miiz\ n : INDIAN CORN
Maj abbr major
4 : a principal pipe, duct, or circuit of a utility system
ma-jes-tic \ma-'jes-tik\ adj + : having or exhibiting majesty
+ [1] energy, force, might, muscle, potency, power, - ma-jes-ti-cal-ly \-ti-k(a-)le\ adv
sinew, strength, vigor (or vigour) - more at POWER
+ [3] body, bulk, core, generality, mass, staple, weight + august, baronial, gallant, glorious, grand, grandiose,
- more at BODY heroic, imposing, magnificent, monumental, noble,
proud, regal, royal, splendid, stately - more at GRAND
'main adj 1 + : of greatest importance or influence: CHIEF,
PRINCIPAL 2: fully exerted <~ force) 3: expressing the
maj-es-ty \'ma-ja-ste\ n, pi -ties 1 : sovereign power, au-
chief predication in a complex sentence <the ~ clause) thority, or dignity; also: the person of a sovereign - used
as a title 2 : greatness or splendor of quality or charac-
+ arch, cardinal, central, chief, dominant, first, fore- ter
most, grand, key, paramount, predominant, preemi-
nent, premier, primary, principal, sovereign, supreme + augustness, brilliance, glory, grandeur, grandness,
- more at FOREMOST magnificence, nobility, nobleness, resplendence, splen-
dor, stateliness - more at MAGNIFICENCE
main-frame \'man-,fram\ n : a large fast computer
main-land \-,land, -landv n : a continuous body of land con- Maj Gen abbr Major General
stituting the chief part of a country or continent rna-lol-i-ca \ma-'jii-li-b\ also ma-iol-l-ca \-'yii-\ n : any of
several faiences; esp : an Italian tin-glazed pottery
maln-Ilne \-,lin\ vb, slang: to inject a narcotic drug into a
vein 'ma.jor \'ma-jar\ adj 1 + : greater in number, extent, or im-
main line n : a principal highway or railroad line portance <a ~ poet) 2: notable or conspicuous in effect
mainly \'man-le\ adv + : for the most part: CHIEFLY or scope <a ~ improvement) 3: SERIOUS <a ~ illness)
4 : having half steps between the 3d and 4th and the 7th
+ altogether, basically, chiefly, generally, largely, and 8th degrees <~ scale); also: based on a major scale
mostly, overall, predominantly, primarily, principally
<~ key) <~ chord)
- more at CHlEFL Y
+ big, consequential, eventful, important, material,
main-mast \'man-,mast, -mastv n : the principal mast on a
meaningful, momentous, significant, substantial,
sailing ship
weighty - more at IMPORTANT
main-sail \-,sal, -sal\ n : the largest sail on the mainmast
main-sprlnq \-,spril)\ n 1 : the chief spring in a mechanism 'major n 1 : a commissioned officer (as in the army) rank-
(as of a watch) 2: the chief motive, agent, or cause ing next below a lieutenant colonel 2: an academic sub-
ject chosen as a field of specialization; also : a student
main-stay \-,sta\ n 1 : a stay running from the head of the
specializing in such a field
mainmast to the foot of the foremast 2 + : a chief sup-
3major vb : to pursue an academic major
ma-jor-do-mo \,ma-jar-'do-mo\ n, pi -mos [Sp mayordomo
+ buttress, dependence, pillar, reliance, standby, sup- or obs. It maiordomo, fr. ML major domus, lit., chief of
port - more at DEPENDENCE
the house] 1 : a head steward 2: BUTLER
main-stream \-,strem\ n : a prevailing current or direction ma-jor-ette \,ma-ja-'ret\ n : DRUM MAJORETTE
of activity or influence - mainstream adj major general n : a commissioned officer (as in the army)
main-tain \man-'tan\ vb [ME mainteinen, fro AF maintenir, ranking next below a lieutenant general
maynteiner, fr. ML manutenere, fro L manu tenere to hold ma-lor-i-ty \ma-'j6r-a-te\ n, pi -ties 1 : the age at which full
in the hand) 1 + : to keep in an existing state (as of re- civil rights are accorded; also: the status of one who has
pair) 2 + : to sustain against opposition or danger 3: to attained this age 2: a number greater than half of a total;
continue in : CARRY ON 4: to provide for : SUPPORT also: the excess of this greater number over the remain-
5 + : to affirm in or as if in argument: ASSERT der 3: the rank of a major
+ [1] conserve, keep up, preserve, save; also support, ma-jus-cule \'ma-jas-,kyiil, ma-'jas-\ n : a large letter (as a
sustain; care (for), husband, manage; defend, guard, capital)
protect, safeguard, screen, shield; cure, fix, heal, rem- Ma.kah \'mii-kii\ n, pi Makah or Makahs : a member of an
edy; mend, patch, rebuild, reconstruct + (2) defend, American Indian people of the northwest coast of No.
justify, support, uphold; also advocate, champion, es- America
pouse; confirm, vindicate, warrant; affirm, assert, avow, 'make \'milk\ vb made \'mad\; 1 a + : to cause to
claim, contend, declare, insist, proclaim, profess, state; exist, occur, or appear b: DESTINE <was made to be an ac-
argue, debate, discuss; emphasize, stress, underline, un- tor) 2 a + : to bring into being by forming, shaping, or al-
derscore + (5) affirm, allege, argue, assert, aver, avouch, tering material <~ a dress) b: COMPOSE 3: to formulate
avow, claim, contend, declare, insist, profess, protest, in the mind <~ plans) 4 + : to put together from com-
warrant - more at CLAIM ponents <house made of stone) 5 + : to compute or esti-
mam-tein-able \man-'ta-na-bal\ adj + : capable of being mate to be 6: to set in order: PREPARE <~ a bed) 7: to
maintained - maln-tatn-abtl-l-ty \-,ta-na-'bi-la-te\ n cause to be or become; also: APPOINT 8 a : to establish by
+ defensible, justifiable, supportable, sustainable, ten- legal and authoritative act: ENACT b: EXECUTE <~ a will)
able - more at TENABLE 9 : CONCLUDE <didn't know what to ~ of it) 10 a + : to
main-te-nance \'mant-n-ans\ n + : the act of maintaining carry out (an action indicated or implied by the object)
: the state of being maintained <~ war) b: to perform with a bodily movement <~ a
505 malediction

gesture) 11 : to cause to act in a certain way: COMPEL by thinking: INVENT, IMPROVISE 5: to become reconciled
12 : to assure the success of (will "'-' us or break us) 6 : to put on makeup (as for a play)
13 : to amount to in significance (",-,s no difference) [lb] compose, comprise, constitute, form - more at
14 : to be capable of developing or being fashioned into CONSTITUTE usu make up for [2] annul, cancel, com-
15: to reach as an end: ATIAIN; also: GAIN 16: to start out pensate, correct, counteract, counterbalance, neutral-
: GO 17: to have weight or effect (courtesy "'-'s for safer ize, offset - more at OFFSET [4] concoct, contrive,
driving) 18: to act so as to be or to seem to be ("'-' cook up, devise, fabricate, invent, manufacture, think
merry) 19 : to gain (as money) by working, trading, or up - more at INVENT
dealing - mak-er n - make believe : PRETEND - make make-work \'mak-,w<lrk\ n : BUSYWORK
do : to manage with the means at hand - make fun of mak.ings \'ma-ki1)z\ n pi : the material from which some-
: RIDICULE, MOCK - make good 1 : INDEMNIFY (make good thing is made
the loss); also: to carry out successfully (make good his Mal abbr Malachi
promise) 2: SUCCEED - make way 1 : to give room for Malaoehi \'ma-I:;r,ki\ n : a book of Jewish and Christian
passing, entering, or occupying 2: to make progress Scripture
[la] bring about, cause, create, effect, effectuate, Malaoehias \,ma-I<l-'ki-<ls\ n : MALACHI
generate, induce, produce, prompt, result, work, yield mal-a-chlte Vma-la-jkitv n : a mineral that is a green car-
[2a] fabricate, fashion, form, frame, manufacture, bonate of copper used for making ornamental objects
produce; also assemble, build, construct, erect, make mat-adapt-ed \,ma-l<l-'dap-t<ld\ adj : poorly suited to a par-
up, put up, raise, rear, structure, throw up; craft, hand- ticular use, purpose, or situation
craft; forge, mold, shape; prefabricate; create, invent, mal-ad-lust-ed \,ma-I<l-'j<ls-t<ld\ adi : poorly or inadequately
originate; establish, father, institute, organize; concoct, adjusted (as to one's environment) - mal-ad-just-ment
contrive, cook up, design, devise, imagine, think (up); \-'j<lst-m<lnt\ n
conceive, envisage, picture, visualize; refashion, re- mal-adroit \,ma-I<l-'droit\ adj : not adroit: INEPT
make, remanufacture [4] assemble, build, construct, awkward, clumsy, inept, inexpert
erect, fabricate, make up, piece, put up, raise, rear, set
up - more at BUILD [5] calculate, call, conjecture, mal-a-dy \'ma-I<l-de\ n, pi -dies : a disease or disorder of
body or mind
estimate, figure, gauge, guess, judge, place, put, reckon,
suppose - more at ESTIMATE [lOa] accomplish, achieve, ailment, bug, complaint, condition, disease, disorder,
carry out, commit, compass, do, execute, follow fever, ill, illness, infirmity, sickness, trouble - more at
through, fulfill, perform - more at PERFORM. [II] co- DISEASE
erce, compel, constrain, drive, force, muscle, obligate, mal-aise \m<l-'Illz, ma-\ n IF] : a hazy feeling of not being
oblige, press, pressure - more at FORCE. [l9] acquire, wen
attain, capture, carry, draw, earn, gain, garner, get, mal-a-mute \'ma-I<l-,myut\ n : a dog often used to draw
land, obtain, procure, realize, secure, win - more at sleds esp. in northern No. America
EARN mel-a-prop-ism Vrna-la-jpra-jpl-zam', n : a usu. humorous
2make n 1: the manner or style of construction; also misuse of a word
: BRAND 3 2: MAKEUP 3: the action of manufacturing - mal-ap-ro-pos \,ma-,la-prn-'po, ma-tla-pro-jpov adv : in an
on the make: in search of wealth, social status, or sexual inappropriate or inopportune way - malapropos adj
adventure ma-lar-ia \m<l-'Ier-e-<l\ n [It, fr. mala aria bad air] : a disease
'make-be-lieve \'mak-b<l-,lev\ n : a pretending that what is marked by recurring chills and fever and caused by a pro-
not real is real tozoan parasite of the blood that is transmitted by
2make-believe adj : existing only in the imagination anopheles mosquitoes - ma-lar-t-al \-<ll\ adi
make-do \-,du\ adj: MAKESHIFT ma-lar-key \m<l-'Iiir-ke\ n : insincere or foolish talk
make out vb 1 : to draw up in writing (make out a list) mal-a-thl-on \oma-I<l-'thi-<ln, -,an\ n : an insecticide with a
2 : to find or grasp the meaning of (can you make that relatively low toxicity for mammals
out> 3: to represent as being 4; to pretend to be true Malawian \ma-'la-we-an\ n : a native or inhabitant of
5 : DISCERN (make out a ship in the fog) 6.: to meet Malawi - Malawian adj
one's needs: GET ALONG, FARE (make out well in life) Ma.lay \m<l-'Ia, 'ma-,la\ n 1 : a member of a people of the
7 : to engage in amorous kissing and caressing Malay Peninsula and Archipelago 2: the language of the
[2] appreciate, apprehend, catch, catch on (to), com- Malays - Malay adj - \m<l-'Ia-<ln, 'ma-,Ia-\ n
prehend, get, grasp, make, perceive, see, seize, under- oradj
stand - more at COMPREHEND [6] cope, do, fare, get Ma.lay.sian \m<l-'Ia-zh<ln, -shonv n : a native or inhabitant
along, manage, shift - more at GET ALONG [7] kiss, of Malaysia - Malaysian adj
pet mal-con-tent \,mal-k<ln-'tent\ adj. : marked by a dissatis-
make over vb 1 .: to transfer the title of (property) faction with the existing state of affairs: DISCONTENTED -
2 : to make anew or in a different form - make-over malcontent n
\'ma-,ko-v<lr\ n aggrieved, discontent, discontented, dissatisfied-
[1] alienate, assign, cede, deed, transfer - more at more at DISCONTENTED
TRANSFER. [2] alter, change, convert, modify, recast, mal de mer \,mal-d:;r'mer\ n [F] : SEASICKNESS
redo, refashion, remake, remodel, revamp, revise, re- 'male \'mlil\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or being the sex that
work, vary - more at CHANGE produces germ cells which fertilize the eggs of a female;
'make-shift \'mak-,shift\ n : a temporary expedient also: STAMINATE 2 : of, relating to, or characteristic of
2makeshift adj : serving as a temporary expedient the male sex - male-ness n
make-up \'ma-,k<lp\ n 1 : the way in which something is man-size, manly, mannish, masculine, virile - more
put together; also: physical, mental, and moral constitu- at MASCULINE
tion 2: cosmetics esp. for the face; also : materials (as 2male n : a male individual
wigs and cosmetics) used in making up buck, chap, dude, fellow, gent, gentleman, guy, hom-
arrangement, composition, configuration, design, bre, jack, joker, lad, man - more at MAN
form, format, layout, pattern - more at COMPOSITION male-dic-tlon \,ma-I<l-'dik-sh<ln\ n : a prayer or invoca-
make up vb 1 a : to form by fitting together or assembling tion for harm or injury to come upon one: CURSE, EXE-
b : to form the substance of : COMPOSE 2 : to com- CRATION
pensate for (as a deficiency or omission) (make up for anathema, curse, execration, imprecation - more at
lost time) 3: SETILE (made up my mind) 4 : to devise CURSE
malefaction 506
mal-e-tac-tion \,ma-Ia-'fak-shan\ n + : an evil deed + cattiness, despite, hatefulness,malice, meanness,nas-
+ breach, crime, error, misdeed, misdoing, offense, sin, tiness, spite, spleen, venom, viciousness - more at
transgression, trespass, violation, wrongdoing- more MALICE
at OFFENSE ma-lin-qer \ma-'liJ)-gar\ vb [F malingre sickly] : to pretend
male-fac-tor \'ma-Ia-,fak-tar\ n + : one who does ill toward illness so as to avoid duty - ma-lin-qer-er n
another; esp : one who commits an offense against the law mal-i-son \'ma-Ia-san, -zon', n : CURSE
+ criminal, crook, culprit, felon, lawbreaker, offender mall \'mol, 'mal\ n 1 : a shaded walk: PROMENADE 2: an
- more at CRIMINAL urban shopping area featuring a variety of shops sur-
ma-lef-tc \ma-'Ie-fik\ adj 1 : BALEFUL 2 : MALICIOUS rounding a concourse 3: a usu. large enclosed suburban
ma-lef-i-cent \-fa-sant\ adi : working or productive of harm shopping area containing various shops
or evil mal-lard \'ma-Iard\ n, pi mallard or mallards: a common
ma-lev-o-tence \ma-'Ie-va-Ians\ n : the quality or state of wild duck that is the source of domestic ducks
being malevolent mal-lea-ble\'ma-Ie-a-bal\ adj 1 : capable of being extended
ma-lev-o-lent \ma-'Ie-va-Iant\ adj + : having, showing, or or shaped by beating with a hammer or by the pressure of
rollers 2 a + : capable of being altered or controlled by
arising from ill will, spite, or hatred
outside forces or influences b: having a capacity for
+ catty, cruel, hateful, malicious, malign, malignant, adaptive change - mal-Ie-a-bil-i-ty \,ma-Ie-a-'bi-Ia-te\ n
mean, nasty, spiteful, virulent - more at HATEFUL
+ adaptable, adjustable, changeable, elastic, flexible,
mal-fea-sance\mal-'fez-'ns\ n + : wrongful conduct esp, fluid, variable - more at FLEXIBLE
by a public official mal-let\'ma-Iat\ n 1 : a tool with a large head for driving
+ misbehavior, misconduct, misdoing, wrongdoing- another tool or for striking a surface without marring it
more at MISCONDUcr 2 : a long-handled hammerlike implement for striking a
mal-for-ma-tion \,mal-for-'ma-shan\ n : irregular or faulty ball (as in croquet)
formation or structure; also: an instance of this mal-le-us \'ma-Ie-as\ n, pi mal-lei \-Ie-,I, -Ie-,e\ [NL, fro L,
mal-formedxmal-sformd', adj + : characterized by malfor- hammer] : the outermost of the three small bones of the
mation mammalian middle ear
+ deformed, distorted, misshapen, monstrous, shape- mal-low\'ma-Ie\ n : any of a genus of herbs with lobed
less; also defaced, disfigured; aberrant, abnormal, leaves, usu. showy flowers, and a disk-shaped fruit
freakish, mutant; asymmetric, crooked, disproportion- malm-sey\'malm-ze\ n, often cap: the sweetest variety of
ate, irregular, lopsided, unbalanced, unequal; horrible, Madeira
terrible; ugly, unattractive Ant shapely mal-nour-ished \mal-'nar-isht\ adj : UNDERNOURISHED
mal-func-tion\mal-'faJ)k-shan\ vb : to fail to operate nor- mal-nu-tri-tion\,mal-nii-'tri-shan, -nyii-\ n : faulty and esp.
mally - malfunctionn inadequate nutrition
Ma-li-an \'ma-Ie-an\ n : a native or inhabitant of Mali- mal-oc-clu-sion \,ma-Ia-'klii-zhan\ n : faulty coming to-
Malianadj gether of teeth in biting
mal-ice Vma-lasvn + : desire to cause injury or distress to mal-odor-ous vma-tlo-da-ros', adj +: iIl-smelling - mal-
another odor-ous-ly adv - mal-odor-ous-ness n
+ cattiness, despite, hatefulness, malignity, meanness, + fetid, foul, fusty, musty, noisome, rank, reeky,
nastiness, spite, spleen, venom, viciousness; also abu- smelly, strong; also putrid, rancid, stale; bad, disgusting,
siveness, cruelty; abhorrence, abomination, execration, offensive, repulsive, revolting, vile; decayed, decaying,
hate, hatred, loathing; animosity, antagonism, antipa- rotted, rotten, rotting, spoiled, spoiling; dirty, filthy,
thy, bitterness, enmity, grudge, hostility, ill will, jaun- nasty, noxious; odorous Ant ambrosial, aromattc, fra-
dice, rancor, resentment; vindictiveness;aversion, dis- grant, perfumed, redolent, savory, scented, sweet
gust, distaste, horror, repugnance, repulsion, revulsion; mal-prac-tice \mal-'prak-tas\ n : a dereliction of profes-
contempt, disdain; jealousy, pique, resentment, scorn; sional duty or a failure of professional skiIl that results in
bile, rancor, virulence, vitriol injury, loss, or damage
ma-li-cious \ma-'Ii-shas\ adj + : given to, marked by, or malt \'molt\ n 1 : grain and esp. barley steeped in water
arising from malice until it has sprouted and used in brewing and distilling
+ catty, cruel, hateful, malevolent, malign, malignant, 2 : liquor made with malt - malty adj
mean, nasty, spiteful, virulent - more at HATEFUL malted milk Vmcl-tad-v n : a powder prepared from dried
ma-ll-clous-ly\-Ie\ adv + : in a malicious manner milk and an extract from malt; also: a beverage of this
+ hatefully, meanly, nastily, spitefully, viciously, powder in milk or other liquid
wickedly - more at NASTILY Mal-thu-sian vmal-tthu-zhan, -'thyii-\ adj : of or relating to
a theory that population unless checked (as by war) tends
'ma-lign \ma-'lin\ adj 1 + : evil in nature, influence, or ef-
fect; also: MALIGNANT 2 + : moved by iIl wiIl to increase faster than its means of subsistence - Malthu-
sian n - Mal-thu-sian-ism x-zha-ml-zarnv n
+ [1, 2] catty, cruel, hateful, malevolent, malicious, malt-ose \'mol-,tes\ n : a sugar formed esp. from starch by
malignant, mean, nasty, spiteful, virulent - more at the action of enzymes
mal-treat \mal-'tret\ vb + : to treat cruelly or roughly-
2malign vb + : to speak evil of : DEFAME mal-treat-ment n
blacken, defame, libel, slander, smear, traduce, vilify + abuse, ill-treat, manhandle, mishandle, mistreat, mis-
- more at SLANDER use - more at ABUSE
ma-lig-nan-cy \ma-'lig-nan-se\ n : the quality or state of be- ma-maalso mam-ma\'ma-ma\ n : a female parent: MOTHER
ing malignant mam-bo\'mam-be\ n, pi mambos: a dance of Cuban ori-
ma-lig-nant\ma-'lig-nant\ adj 1 +: passionately and re- gin related to the rumba - mambo vb
lentlessly malevolent : MALIGN 2: tending to produce mam-mal \'ma-mal\ n [NL Mammalia, fr. LL, neut. pl. of
death or deterioration <a ~ tumor) mammalis of the breast, fro L mamma breast] : any of a
+ catty, cruel, hateful, malevolent, malicious, malign, class of warm-blooded vertebrates that includes humans
mean, nasty, spiteful, virulent - more at HATEFUL and all other animals which nourish their young with
ma-Jlg-nanNy \-Ie\ adv : in a malignant manner milk and have the skin more or less covered with hair -
ma-lig-ni-ty \ma-'lig-na-te\ n + : the quality or state of be- mam-ma-li-an \ma-'ma-Ie-an, ma-\ adj or n
ing malignant mam-ma-ry \'ma-ma-re\ adi : of, relating to, or being the
507 maneuvered
glands (mammary glands) that in female mammals se- ma-na-na\m<ln-'ya-n<l\ n [Sp, lit., tomorrow] : an indefinite
crete milk time in the future
mam-mo-gram\'ma-m<l-,gram\ n : an X-ray photograph of man-at-arms n, pi men-at-arms : one engaged in mili-
the breasts tary service: SOLDIER; esp : one who is heavily armed and
marn-rnoq-ra-phy vma-trna-gra-fev n : X-ray examination of mounted
the breasts (as for early detection of cancer) fighter, legionnaire, regular, serviceman, soldier, war-
mam-mon\'ma-m<ln\ n, often cap: material wealth having rior - more at SOLDIER
a debasing influence man-a-teeVrna-no-jte', n : any of a genus of chiefly tropical
imem-mcth \'ma-m<lth\ n 1 : any of a genus of large hairy plant-eating aquatic mammals having a broad rounded
extinct elephants 2 : something immense of its kind tail
behemoth, blockbuster, colossus, giant, jumbo,\man-'chilr-e-<ln\ n : a native or inhabitant
leviathan, monster, titan, whale, whopper - more at of Manchuria, China - Manchurianadj
GIANT rnan-ct-ple\'man-s<l-p<ll\ n : a steward or purveyor esp, for
2mammoth adi : of very great size: GIGANTIC a college or monastery
'man \'man\ n, pi men \'men\ 1 a : a human being man-da-musvman-tda-mas', n [L, we enjoin] : a writ issued
b : an adult male 2.: the human race : MANKIND by a superior court commanding that an official act or
3 : one possessing in high degree the qualities considered duty be performed
distinctive of manhood 4: an adult male servant or em- man-da-rin \'man-d<l-r<ln\ n 1 : a public official of high
ployee 5: the individual who can fulfill one's require- rank under the Chinese Empire 2 cap : the chief dialect
ments (he's your ""'> 6: one of the pieces with which group of China 3: a yellow to reddish orange loose:
various games (as chess) are played; also: one of the play- skinned citrus fruit; also: a tree that bears mandarins
ers on a team 7 often cap: white society or people (hav- man-date \'man-,dat\ n 1: an authoritative command
ing difficulty coping with the Man> 8 : a male lover 2 : an authorization to act given to a representative
[la] being, body, creature, human, individual, mortal, 3 : a commission granted by the League of Nations to a
person - more at HUMAN. [l b] buck, chap, dude, fel- member nation for governing conquered territory; also: a
low, gent, gentleman, guy, hombre, jack, joker, lad, territory so governed
male; also master, mister, sir [2] Homo sapiens, hu- authorization, commission, delegation, license (or li-
manity, humankind, mankind - more at MANKIND cence) - more at COMMISSION
[8] beau, boyfriend, fellow, swain - more at man-da-to-ryVman-dc-jtor-ev ad] 1 : containing or con-
BOYFRIEND stituting a command: OBLIGATORY 2: of or relating to a
2man vb manned; man-ning 1 : to supply with men (""' a League of Nations mandate
fleet> 2: FORTIFY, BRACE compulsory, imperative, incumbent, involuntary,
3man abbr manual necessary, nonelective, obligatory, peremptory; also es-
Manabbr Manitoba sential, indispensable, needed, requisite; insistent, per-
man-about-town n, pi men-about-town: a worldly and so- sistent, pressing, urgent; demanded; coercive Ant elec-
cially active man tive, optional, voluntary
man-a-cle\'ma-ni-k<ll\ n 1 : a shackle for the hand or man-di-ble\'man-d<l-b<ll\ n 1 : JAW; esp : a lower jaw 2 : ei-
wrist 2 : something used as a restraint ther segment of a bird's bill - man-dlb-u-lar\man-'di-
band, bond, chain, fetter, irons, ligature, shackle- bY<l-I<lr\ adj
more at BOND man-do-lin\,man-d<l-'lin, 'mand-Pl-anv n : a stringed musi-
man-age \'ma-nij\ vb man-aged: man-eq-lnq 1 : to han- cal instrument with a pear-shaped body and a fretted
dle or direct with a degree of skill 2: to make and keep neck
compliant 3: to treat with care : HUSBAND 4.: to man-drake\'man-,drak\ n 1 : an Old World herb related to
achieve one's purpose; also: get on or along - man-age- the nightshades or its large forked root formerly credited
abil.i.ty \,ma-ni-j<l-'bi-I<l-te\ n - rnan-aqe-able\'ma-ni-j<l- with magical properties 2: MAYAPPLE
balv adj - man-age-able-ness n - man-age-ably \-ble\ man-drelalso man-dril\'man-dr<ll\ n 1 : an axle or spindle
adv inserted into a hole in a piece of work to support it dur-
ing machining 2: a metal bar used as a core around
[1] contend with, cope with, grapple with, handle, which material may be cast, shaped, or molded
maneuver (or manoeuvre), negotiate, swing, treat-
more at HANDLE [1] administer, carry on, conduct, rnan-drlll\'man-dr<ll\ n : a large baboon of western central
control, direct, govern, guide, handle, operate, oversee, Africa
regulate, run, superintend, supervise - more at CON- mane \'man\ n : long heavy hair growing about the neck of
DUCT. [4] cope, do, fare, get along, make out, shift -
some mammals (as a horse) - maned \'mand\ adj
more at GET ALONG man-eat-er \'man-,e-t<lr\ n : one (as a shark or cannibal)
managed care n : a health-care system that controls costs that has or is thought to have an appetite for human flesh
by limiting doctor's fees and by restricting the patient's - rnan-eat-inqadj
ma.nege \ma-'nezh, m<l-\ n : the art of horsemanship or of
choice of doctors
training horses
man-age-ment\'ma-nij-m<lnt\ n 1 : the act or art of man-
ma-nes \'ma-,nlis, 'ma-,nez\ n pi, often cap: the spirits of
aging: CONTROL 2: judicious use of means to accomplish
the dead and gods of the lower world in ancient Roman
an end 3: the group of those who manage or direct an en- belief
'maneuver or Can and Brit ma-noeu-vre \m<l-'nu-v<lr,
administration, conduct, control, direction, govern- -'nyU-\ n [F manoeuvre, fr. OF maneuvre work done by
ment, guidance, operation, oversight, regulation, run- hand, fro ML manuopera, fro manu operare to work by
ning, superintendence, supervision - more at CONDUCT hand] 1 : a military or naval movement; also : an armed
man-ag-er\'ma-ni-j<lr\ n : one that manages forces training exercise - often used in pl. 2: a proce-
administrator, director, executive, superintendent, dure involving expert physical movement 3: an evasive
supervisor - more at EXECUTNE movement or shift of tactics; also: an action taken to gain
rnan-a-qe-rt-al\,ma-n<l-'jir-e-<ll\ adj : of, relating to, or a tactical end - maneuver vb - ma-neu-ver-abu-l-ty
characteristic of a manager \-,nu-v<l-r<l-'bi-I<l-te, -,nyU-\ n - ma-neu-ver-able\-'nu-v<l-
directorial, executive, supervisory - more at EXECU- ro-bal, -'nyU-\ adj
TIVE 2maneuver or Can and Brit manoeuvre vb maneuvered or
maneuvering 508
manoeuvred; maneuvering or manoeuvring : to guide [l] lunatic, nut, psychotic - more at LUNATIC [2]
with adroitness and design; also: to use stratagems addict, aficionado, buff, bug, devotee, enthusiast, fan,
contend with, cope with, grapple with, handle, man- fanatic, fancier, fiend, freak, lover, nut - more at FAN
age, negotiate, swing, treat - more at HANDLE con- ma-ni-a-cal \ma-'ni-a-kal\ also ma-ni-ac \'ma-ne-ak\ adj
trive, finagle, finesse, frame, machinate, mastermind, 1 : affected with or suggestive of madness 2: FRANTIC
negotiate, wangle crazy, deranged, insane, loco, lunatic, mad - more
man Friday n : an efficient and devoted aide or employee at rNSANE
man-tul \'man-fal\ adj. : having or showing courage and man-ic \'ma-nik\ adj : affected with, relating to, character-
resolution - adv ized by, or resulting from mania - manic n - man-l-eal-
brave, courageous, dauntless, doughty, fearless, gal- Iy \-ni-k(a- )Ie\ adv
lant, greathearted, heroic, intrepid, lionhearted, stal- manic depression n : BIPOLAR DISORDER
wart, stout, undaunted, valiant, valorous - more at rnan-lc-de-pres-slve \,ma-nik-di-'pre-siv\ adj : character-
BRAVE ized by or affected with either mania or depression or al-
man-qa-nese \'maI)-ga-,nez, -,nes\ n : a metallic chemical ternating episodes of mania and depression - manic-
element resembling iron but not magnetic depressive n
mange \'manj\ n : any of several contagious itchy skin dis- trnan-t-cure \'ma-na-,kylir\ n 1 : MANICURIST 2 : a treatment
eases esp. of domestic animals for the care of the hands and nails
man-ger \'man-jar\ n : a trough or open box for livestock 2manicure vb -cured; -cur-lnq 1 : to do manicure work on
feed or fodder 2 : to trim closely and evenly
'manogle Vrnan-gal', vb man-gled; mangling 1: to cut, rnan-l-cur-lst \-,kyur-ist\ n : a person who gives manicure
bruise, or hack with repeated blows 2 : to spoil, injure treatments
or make incoherent esp. through ineptitude (a story 'manoi.fest \'ma-na-,fest\ adj [ME, fro AF or L; AF mani-
mangled beyond recognition> - man-gler n feste, fro L manifestus,caught in the act, flagrant, obvious,
bobble, botch, bungle, butcher, flub, foul up, fumble, perh. fro manus hand + -festus (akin to L irifestus hostile)]
mess up, screw up - more at BOTCH 1 : readily perceived by the senses and esp, by the sight
2mangle n : a machine with heated rollers for ironing laun- 2 : easily understood : OBVIOUS - man-l-test-ty adv
dry apparent, broad, clear, clear-cut, distinct, evident, lu-
manogo \'maI)-go\ n, pi mangoes also mangos [Pg manga, cid, obvious, palpable, patent, perspicuous, plain, trans-
prob. fro Malayalam (Dravidian language of India) parent, unambiguous, unequivocal, unmistakable-
manila] : an edible juicy yellowish-red fruit borne by a more at CLEAR
tropical evergreen tree related to the sumacs; also: this 2manifest vb : to make evident or certain by showing or
tree displaying
manogrove Vrnan-igrov', n : any of a genus of tropical mar- bespeak, betray, demonstrate, display, evince, ex-
itime trees that send out many prop roots and form dense pose, give away, reveal, show - more at SHOW
thickets important in coastal land building 3manifest n : a list of passengers or an invoice of cargo for
mangy \'man-je\ adj 1 : affected with or resulting from a ship or plane
mange 2 : decayed, deteriorated, or fallen into partial man-i-fes-ta-tion \,ma-na-fa-'sta-shan\ n 1: the act,
ruin esp. through neglect or misuse process, or an instance of manifesting 2 : a perceptible,
dilapidated, grungy, mean, neglected, ratty, seedy, outward, or visible expression
shabby - more at SHABBY embodiment, epitome, incarnation, personification
men-han-dle \'man-,hand-'l\ vb : to handle roughly - more at EMBODTMENT
maltreat, maul, mishandle, rough; also abuse, ill= man-l-tes-to \,ma-na-'fes-to\ n, pi -tos or -toes : a public
treat, ill-use, mistreat, misuse; roughhouse, wrestle; declaration of intentions, motives, or views
bash, batter, beat, buffet, drub, lambaste, lick, pound, 'man.i.fold \'ma-na-,fOld\ adj 1 : marked by diversity or
pummel, slap, thrash; harm, hurt, injure, wound; op- variety 2: consisting of or operating many of one kind
press, persecute, wrong; ambush, assail, attack; clobber, combined
fight, gang up (on), hit, jump, knock; torment, torture multifarious, myriad; also multiform, multiple, multi-
man-hat-tan \man-'hat-n\ n, often cap: a cocktail made of plex, multitudinous; heterogeneous, miscellaneous,
whiskey and vermouth mixed, sundry, various; different, diverse, unlike, var-
man-hole \'man-,hol\ n : a hole through which a person ied
may go esp, to gain access to an underground or enclosed 2manifold n : a pipe fitting with several lateral outlets for
structure connecting it with other pipes
man-hood \-,hud\ n 1: the condition of being an adult 3manifold vb 1 : MULTIPLY 2: to make a number of copies
male 2.: qualities associated with men : MANLrNESS of (as a letter)
3 : MEN (the nation's+-> man-i-kin also man-ni-kin Vma-ni-kanv n 1 : a form rep-
manliness, masculinity, virility - more at VIRILITY resenting the human figure used esp. for displaying
man-hour \-'aur\ n : a unit of one hour's work by one per- clothes: MANNEQUIN 2: a little man : DWARF
son dummy, figure, form, mannequin - more at MAN-
man-hunt \-,hant\ n : an organized hunt for a person and NEQUIN
esp. for one charged with a crime Ma-nila hemp \m:>-'ni-I:>-\ n : a tough fiber from a Philip-
ma-nta Vrna-ne-a, -nya\ n 1 : excitement manifested by pine plant related to the banana that is used for cordage
mental and physical hyperactivity, disorganized behavior, manila paper n, often cap M: a tough brownish paper made
and elevated mood 2 a : excessive enthusiasm b : the orig. from Manila hemp
object of enthusiasm man-i-oc \'ma-ne-,ak\ n : CASSAVA
[l] aberration, dementia, derangement, insanity, lu- ma-nip-u-late \ma-'ni-py:>-,lat\ vb -Iat-ed; -lat-lnq 1 : to treat
nacy, madness - more at rNSANITY [2b] fetish, fixa- or operate manually or mechanically esp. with skill 2: to
tion, obsession, preoccupation, prepossession - more manage or use skillfully 3: to influence esp. with intent
at FIXATION to deceive - ma-nlp-u-ta-tlon \m<l-ni-pya-'la-sh<ln\ n-
ma-nt-ee \'ma-ne-,ak\ n 1 : one who is insane: LUNATIC ma-nip-u-la-tive \-'ni-pya-,la-tiv\ adj - ma-nip-u-la-tor
2 .: a person characterized by an inordinate or un- \-,la-t<lr\ n
governable enthusiasm for something ma-nlp-u-la-tlves \ma-'ni-pya-,Ia-tivz\ n pi : objects that a
509 mantra
student is instructed to use in a way that teaches or rein- ma-noeu-vre \m;)-'nu-v:lr, -'nyii-\ chiefly Can and Brit var
forces a lesson O/MANEUVER
man-kindn 1 \'man-'kind\ + : the totality of human beings man-of-war \,man-:lv-'wor\ n, pI men-of-war \,men-\
2 \-,kind\ : men as distinguishedfrom women : WARSHIP
+ Homo sapiens, humanity, humankind, man; also be- ma-nom-e-ter\m:l-'nii-m;)-t:lr\ n : an instrument for meas-
ing, body, creature, fellowman, human, individual, uring the pressure of gases and vapors - mano-met-ric
mortal, party, person \,ma-n:l-'me-trik\ adj
man-li-ness \'man-Ie-n;)s\ n + : the quality or state of being man-or \'ma-n;)r\ n 1 a + : the house or hall of an estate
manly b : a landed estate 2: an English estate of a feudal lord -
+ manhood, masculinity, virility - more at VIRILITY ma-no-ri-al \m:l-'nor-e-;)l\ adj - rna-no-rt-al-lsm \-:l-,li-
' \'man-Ie\ adi man-li-er; -est + : having qualities ap-
propriate to or generally associated with a man + castle, estate, hall, mansion, palace, villa - more at
+ male, man-size, mannish, masculine, virile - more at man power n 1 : power available from or supplied by the
physical effort of human beings 2 usu man-pow-er: the
2manly adv : in a manly manner total supply of persons available and fitted for service
man-made \'man-'mad\ adj : made by humans rather than man-que\miin-'ka\ adj [F, fro pp. of manquer to lack, fail]
nature <~ systems); esp : SYNTHETIC <~ fibers) : short of or frustrated in the fulfillment of one's aspira-
man-na \'ma-n;)\ n 1: food miraculously supplied to the tions or talents <a poet ~)
Israelites in the wilderness 2 + : a usu. sudden and unex- man-sard \'man-,siird, -sardv n : a roof having two slopes
pected source of gratification, pleasure, or gain on all sides with the lower slope steeper than the upper
+ benefit, blessing, boon, felicity, godsend, good, wind- one
fall - more at BLESSING manse \'mans\ n : the residence esp. of a Presbyterian min-
manned \'mand\ adj : carrying or performed by a person ister
<~ spaceflight) man-ser-vant \'man-,s:lr-v:lnt\ n, pI men-ser-vants \'men-
man-ne-quin \'ma-ni-k;)n\ n 1 + : a form representing the .sor-vants',: a male servant
human figure used esp. for displaying clothes 2: a person rnan-slon ,'man-ch;)n\ n 1 + : a large imposing residence
employed to model clothing 2 : a separate apartment in a large structure
+ dummy, figure, form, manikin; also doll + castle, estate, hall, manor, palace, villa; also show-
man-ner \'ma-n;)r\ n 1 +: a group united by common place; abode, domicile, dwelling, habitation, hearth,
traits or interests: KIND, SORT 2 a + : a way of acting or home, house, pad, place; housing, nest, residency, roof;
proceeding <worked in a brisk r---O b + : a characteristic aerie, penthouse; salon, suite
or customary mode of acting <spoke bluntly as was his man-size \'man-,siz\ or man-sized \-,sizd\ adj + : suitable
+-> 3: a method of artistic execution 4 pI : social con- for or requiring a man
duct; also : BEARING 5 pI + : social conduct or rules of + male, manly, mannish, masculine, virile - more at
conduct as shown in the prevalent customs <taught the MASCULINE
child good ~s) man-slaugh-ter\-,slo-t:lr\ n : the unrawfulkilling of a hu-
+ [1] breed, class, description, feather, ilk, kind, like, man being without express or implied malice
nature, order, sort, species, type - more at SORT man-ta \'man-t:l\ n 1 : a square piece of cloth or blanket
+ [2a] approach, fashion, form, method, strategy, style, used in southwestern U.S. and Latin America as a cloak
system, tack, tactics, technique, way - more at or shawl 2: MANTA RAY
METHOD + [2b] locution, mode, phraseology, style, manta ray n : any of several extremely large rays
tone, vein - more at STYLE + manners pi [5] etiquette, man-teau\man-'to\ n : a loose cloak, coat, or robe
mores; also amenities, civilities, pleasantries; bearing, man-tel\'mant-'l\ n : a beam, stone, or arch serving as a
demeanor, deportment; courtesy. decorum. mannerli- lintel to support the masonry above a fireplace; also: a
ness, politeness; formalities, protocol, rules; air, atti- shelf above a fireplace
tude, carriage, poise, polish, pose, posture, presence; man-tel-piece\'mant-'l-,pes\ n : the shelf of a mantel
custom, habit, pattern, practice, trick, way, wont; con- rnan-ttl-tavman-tte-vc, -'ti-I;)\ n : a light scarf worn over the
vention, fashion, mode, style head and shoulders esp, by Spanish and Latin-American
man-nered \'ma-n;)rd\ adj 1 : having manners of a speci- women
fied kind <well-mannered) 2: having an artificial charac- babushka, bandanna, do-rag, kerchief - more at
ter <a highly ~ style) BANDANNA
man-ner-ism\'ma-n;)-,ri-z:lm\ n 1 : ARTIFICIALITY, PRECIOS- man-tis Vrnan-tasv n, pi man-tis-esalso man-tes\-,tez\ [NL,
ITY 2 + : a peculiarity of action, bearing, or treatment fro Gk, lit., diviner, prophet] : any of a group of large usu.
+ crotchet, eccentricity, idiosyncrasy, oddity, peculiar- green insect-eating insects that hold their prey in fore-
ity, quirk, singularity, trick - more at IDIOSYNCRASY limbs folded as if in prayer
man-ner-ll-ness \'ma-n:lr-Ie-n:ls\ n + : the quality or state man-ns-sa \man-'ti-s:l\ n : the part of a logarithm to the
of being mannerly right of the decimal point
+ civility, courtesy, gentility, graciousness, politeness 'mantle Vmant-Pl', n 1 : a loose sleeveless garment worn
- more at POLITENESS over other clothes 2 + : something that covers, enfolds,
man-ner-lyVma-nar-levadj + : showing good manners: ro- or envelops 3: a lacy sheath that gives light by incandes-
LITE - mannerly adv cence when placed over a flame 4: the portion of the
+ civil, courteous, genteel, gracious, polite, well-bred earth lying between the crust and the core 5: MANTEL
- more at POLITE + cloak, curtain, hood, mask, shroud, veil - more at
man-nish \'ma-nish\ adj 1 + : resembling or suggesting a CLOAK
man rather than a woman 2 + : generally associated with 'mantle vb man-tled; rnan-tllnq 1 + : to cover with or as if
or characteristic of a man - man-nish-lyadv - man- with a mantle 2: BLUSH
nlsh-ness n + embrace, enclose, encompass, enfold, enshroud, en-
+ male, man-size, manly, masculine, virile - more at velop, invest, lap, shroud, swathe, veil, wrap - more at
rna-no a rna-no \,mii-niHi-'mii-no\ adv or adj : in direct man-tra\'man-tr:l\ n : a mystical formula of invocation or
competition or conflict incantation (as in Hinduism)
manual 510
trnan-u-at\'man-y;J-w;Jl\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or involving usu map out arrange, blueprint, calculate, chart, de-
the hands; a/so: worked by hand <a ~ pump) 2: re- sign, frame, layout, plan, project, scheme - more at
quiring or using physical skill and energy - man-u-al-ly PLAN
adv MAP abbr modified American plan
2manual n 1 + : a small book; esp : a concise reference book ma-pte \'mii.-p;Jl\n : any of a genus of trees or shrubs with
covering a particular subject : HANDBOOK 2: the pre- 2-winged dry fruit and opposite leaves; also : the hard
scribed movements in the handling of a military item and light-colored wood of a maple used esp. for floors and
esp. a weapon during a drill or ceremony <the ~ of furniture
arms) 3: a keyboard esp. of an organ maple sugar n : sugar made by boiling maple syrup
+ handbook, primer, textbook - more at TEXTBOOK maple syrup n : syrup made by concentrating the sap of
maple trees and esp. the sugar maple
man-u-tao-to-ry\,man-y;J-'fak-t;J-re\ n : a building or set of
mar \'mar\ vb marred; mar.ring + : to detract from the
buildings with facilities for manufacturing: FACfORY
wholeness or perfection of : SPOIL
1man.ufacture \,man-y;J-'fak-ch;Jr\ n [MF, fr. ML manu-
Jactura, L manu Jactus made by hand) 1 : something + blemish, poison, spoil, stain, taint, tarnish, touch, vi-
made from raw materials 2: the process of making wares tiate - more at TAINT
by hand or by machinery; a/so: a productive industry us- Marabbr March
ing machinery ma-ra-ca \m;J-'ra-k;J, -'ra-\ n [Pg maraca) : a rattle usu.
2manufacture vb -tured; -tur-lnq 1 + : to make from raw ma- made from a gourd and used as a percussion instrument
terials by hand or by machinery;also: to engage in man- mar-a-schi-no\,mar-;J-'ske-no, -'she-\ n, often cap: a cherry
ufacture 2 + : to devise by thinking: INVENT, FABRICATE preserved in a sweet liqueur made from the juice of a bit-
ter wild cherry
- man-u-fac-tur-er n imer-a-tncn Vmar-s-sthan', n [Marathon, Greece, site of a
+ [1) fabricate,fashion, form, frame, make, produce - victory of Greeks over Persians in 490 B.C. the news of
more at MAKE + [2) concoct, contrive, cook up, devise, which was carried to Athens by a long-distance runner)
fabricate, invent, make up, think up - more at INVENT 1 : a long-distance race esp. on foot 2: an endurancecon-
man-u-mls-slon \-'mi-sh;Jn\ n + : the act or process of man- test
umitting 2marathon adj + : belonging to, suggestive of, or suited for
+ emancipation, enfranchisement, liberation - more a marathon race or competition (as in being marked by
at LIBERATION unusual length of time)
man-u-mit \,man-y;J-'mit\ vb -mlt-ted: -mtt-tinq + : to free + extended, far, great, lengthy, long - more at LONG
from slavery mar-a-thon-er\'mar-;J-,tha-n;Jr\ n : a person who takes part
+ discharge, emancipate, enfranchise, free, liberate, in a marathon - mar-a-thon-ing n
loose, loosen, release, spring, unbind, unchain, unfetter ma-raud \m;J-'r6d\ vb + : to roam about and raid in search
- more at FREE of plunder: PILLAGE - ma-raud-ern
"ma-nure \m;J-'nur, -'nyilr\ vb ma-nured: ma-nur-ing : to fer-
+ despoil, loot, pillage, plunder, ransack, sack, strip -
tilize land with manure more at RANSACK
2manure n : FERTILIZER; esp : refuse from stables and barn- mar-ble \'mar-b;Jl\ n 1 : a limestone that can be polished
yards - ma-nu-ri-al \-'nur-e-;Jl, -'nyur-\ adj and used in fine building work 2: something resembling
man-u-script Vman-ya-jskriptv n [L manu scriptus written
marble (as in coldness) 3: a small ball (as of glass) used
by hand) 1 : a written or typewritten composition or doc- in various games; a/so, p/ : a children's game played with
ument; a/so : a document submitted for publication these small balls - marble adj
2 + : writing as opposed to print mar.bUng\-b;J-lil), -blinv n : an intermixture of fat through
+ handwriting, penmanship, script - more at HAND- the lean of a cut of meat
WRITING mar-cel\mar-'sel\ n : a deep soft wave made in the hair by
Manx\'mal)ks\ n pl : the people of the Isle of Man - Manx the use of a heated curling iron - marcel vb
adj 1march \'march\ n : a border region: FRONTIER
trnany \'me-ne\ adj more \'mor\; most \'most\ + : consist- 2march vb 1 + : to move along in or as if in military forma-
ing of or amounting to a large but indefinite number <~ tion 2 a : to walk in a direct purposeful manner b + : to
years ago) make steady progress: ADVANCE 3: TRAVERSE <~ed 10
+ multiple, multitudinous, numerous; also countless, miles) - march-ern
innumerable, numberless, uncountable, unnumbered, + [1) file, pace, parade, stride; a/so perambulate, step,
untold; several, some; miscellaneous, mixed, sundry, traipse, tread; hike, tramp; lumber, plod, stamp, stomp,
various; divers, manifold, multifarious, myriad Ant few stride, trudge + [2b) advance, fare, forge, get along, go,
2manypron : a large number <~ are called) proceed, progress - more at GO
3many n : a large but indefinite number <a good ~ of 3march n 1 : the action of marching;a/so: the distance cov-
them) ered (as by a military unit) in a march 2: a regular meas-
many-told \,me-ne-'fOld\ adv : by many times ured stride or rhythmic step used in marching
many-sid-ed\-'si-d;Jd\ adj 1 : having many sides or aspects 3 + : forward movement 4: a piece of music with marked
2: VERSATILE rhythm suitable for marching to
Mao-ism \'mau-,i-z;Jm\ n : the theory and practice of Com- + advance, advancement, furtherance, headway, on-
munism developed in China chiefly by Mao Zedong- rush, passage, process, procession, progress, progres-
Mao-ist \'mau-ist\ n or adj sion - more at ADVANCE
Mao-ri\'mau(-;J)r-e\ n, p/ Maori or Maoris: a member of a Marchn [ME, fro AF, fro L martius, fro martius of Mars, fro
Polynesian people native to New Zealand Man-, Mars, Roman god of war) : the 3d month of the
tmap \'map\ n [ML mappa, fro L, napkin, towel) 1 : a rep- year
resentation usu. on a flat surface of the whole or part of mar-chio-ness\'mar-sh;J-n;Js\ n 1 : the wife or widow of a
an area 2: a representation of the celestial sphere or part marquess 2: a woman holding the rank of a marquess in
of it her own right
2map vb mapped; map-ping 1 : to make a map of 2 + : to Marodi Gras \'mar-de-,gra\ n [F, lit., fat Tuesday) : the
plan in detail - often used with out <~ out a program) Tuesday before Ash Wednesday often observed with pa-
- map-pa-bleVma-po-balvadj - map-pern rades and merrymaking
511 markkas

'mare \'mar\ n : an adult female of the horse or a related dering on the sea 2 : of or relating to navigation or
mammal commerce of the sea \'mar-(,)a\ n, p/ ma-rla \'mar-e-~\ : any of several [1] marine, oceanic, pelagic - more at MARINE
large dark areas on the surface of the moon or Mars [2] marine
mar-qa-rlne \'mar-j:;)-r:;)n\ n : a food product made usu. mar-jo-ram \'mar-j:;)-r:;)m\ n : any of various fragrant mints
from vegetable oils churned with skimmed milk and used often used as seasoning
as a substitute for butter 'mark Vmarkv n 1 : something (as a line or fixed object) de-
mar-qa-ri-ta \,mar-g~-'re-t:;)\ n : a cocktail consisting of signed to record position; a/so: the starting line or posi-
tequila, lime or lemon juice, and an orange-flavored tion in a track event 2 a : TARGET b: the end toward
liqueur which effort is directed: GOAL, OBJECT 3 : an object of
mar-gin \'mar-j:;)n\ n 1 : the part of a page outside the main abuse or ridicule 4: the question under discussion 5 : a
body of printed or written matter 2 : the outside limit standard of performance, quality, or condition <not up to
and adjoining surface of something : EDGE 3: a spare the~) 6 a : a visible sign: INDICATIO b.: a distin-
amount, measure, or degree allowed for use if needed guishing trait or quality: CHARACTERISTIC 7: a written or
4 : measure or degree of difference (a one-vote ~) printed symbol 8: GRADE (a ~ of B+) 9: IMPORTANCE,
border, bound, boundary, circumference, compass, DISTINCTION 10 a : a lasting impression: an enduring ef-
confines, edge, end, fringe, perimeter, periphery, rim, fect <made his ~ in the world) b: a damaging impres-
skirt, verge - more at BORDER sion (as a scratch, scar, or stain) left on a surface \-ja-n:;)l\ adj 1 : written or printed in the margin (3) butt, laughingstock, mock, mockery, target-
2 : of, relating to, or situated at a margin or border more at LAUGHINGSTOCK. [5] criterion, grade, measure,
3 : close to the lower limit of quality or acceptability par, standard, touchstone, yardstick - more at STAN-
4 : excluded from or existing outside the mainstream of DARD [6b) attribute, character, characteristic, fea-
society or a group ture, peculiarity, point, property, quality, trait - more
mar-qi-na-lla \,mar-j:;)-'na-Ie-:;)\ n p/ : marginal notes or em- at CHARACTERISTIC [lOa) effect, impact, influence,
bellishments repercussion, sway - more at EFFECT
rnar-qln-al-ize \'mar-j~-n'I-,lz\ vb -ized; : to relegate 2mark vb 1 : to set apart by a line or boundary 2: to des-
to an unimportant position within a society or group ignate by a mark or make a mark on 3: CHARACTERIZE \,marj-n:;)-Ie, 'miir-j:;)-n'l-e\ adv : in a mar- (the vehemence that ~s his speeches); also : SIGNALIZE
ginal manner <this year ~s our 50th anniversary) 4: to take notice of
barely, hardly, just, scarcely, slightly - more at JUST : OBSERVE 5 : to label so as to indicate price or quality
mar-grave \'mar-,grav\ n : the military governor esp. of a 6 : to make note of in writing
medieval German border province [1) bound, circumscribe, define, delimit, demarcate,
ma-ri-a-chl \,mar-e-'a-che, ,mar-\ n : a Mexican street band; limit, terminate - more at LIMIT (5) label, tag, ticket
a/so: a member of or the music of such a band - more at LABEL. [6] jot, log, note, put down, record,
mari-gold \'mar-:;)-,g6Id, 'mer-\ n : any of a genus of tropi- register, set down - more at RECORD
cal American herbs related to the daisies that are grown 3mark n : a former monetary unit of Germany
for their showy usu. yellow, orange, or maroon flower Mark \'mark\ n : a book of the New Testament of Christian
heads Scripture
mar-i-jua-na a/so mar-i-hua-na \,mar-:;)-'wa-n:;), -'hwii-\ n markodown \'miirk-,daun\ n 1 : a lowering of price 2: the
[MexSp marihuana) : the dried leaves and flowering tops amount by which an original price is reduced
of the female hemp plant smoked usu. illegally for their mark down vb : to put a lower price on
intoxicating effect; a/so: HEMP
cheapen, depreciate, depress, write off - more at DE-
ma-rim-ba \m:;)-'rim-b~\ n : a xylophone of southern Africa PRECIATE
and Central America; a/so: a modern version of it
marked \'markt\ adj : having a distinctive or emphasized
ma-n-na \m:;)-'re-n:;)\ n : a dock or basin providing secure character: NOTICEABLE - mark-ed-ly \'miir-k"d-Ie\ adv
moorings for pleasure boats
mar-i-nade \,mer-:;)-'nad\ n : a savory usu. acidic sauce in bold, catchy, conspicuous, emphatic, noticeable,
which meat, fish, or a vegetable is soaked to enrich its fla- prominent, pronounced, remarkable, striking - more
vor or to tenderize it at NOTICEABLE
mar-i-na-ra \,mar-:;)-'nar-:;)\ adj [It (a//a) marinara, lit., in mark-er \'miir-k~r\ n : one that marks
sailor style) : made with tomatoes, onions, garlic, and label, tag, ticket - more at LABEL
spices; a/so: served with marinara sauce tmar-ket \'mar-k:;)t\ n 1 : a meeting together of people for
mar-i-nate \'mar-:;)-,nat\ vb -nat-ed: -nat-inq : to steep (as trade by purchase and sale; also : a public place where
meat or fish) in a brine or pickle such a meeting is held 2: the rate or price offered for a
tma-rtne \m:;)-'ren\ adj 1 : of or relating to the sea or its commodity or security 3: a geographical area of demand
navigation or commerce 2: of or relating to marines for commodities; a/so. : extent of demand 4: a retail es-
maritime, oceanic, pelagic tablishment usu. of a specific kind
2marine n 1 : the mercantile and naval shipping of a coun- call, demand, request - more at DEMAND
try 2: any of a class of soldiers serving on shipboard or 2market vb 1 : to go to a market to buy or sell 2 : to of-
with a naval force fer for sale: SELL - rnar-ket-abte adj
mar-i-ner \'mar-:;)-n:;)r\ n : a person who navigates or as- deal, merchandise, put up, retail, sell, vend; a/so
sists in navigating a ship: SAILOR wholesale; hawk, peddle; barter, distribute, exchange,
gob, jack, jack-tar, sailor, seaman, swab, tar - more export, handle, trade, traffic (in); advertise, ballyhoo,
at SAILOR boost, plug, promote, tout; bargain, chaffer, dicker,
mar-i-o-nette \,mar-e-~-'net, ,mer-\ n : a puppet moved by haggle, palter auction; provide, supply; keep, stock Ant
strings or by hand buy, purchase
mar-l-tel \'mar-:;)t-I\ adj .: of or relating to marriage mar-ket-place \'mar-k:;)t-,pliis\ n 1 : an open square in a
: CONJUGAL town where markets are held 2 : the world of trade or
conjugal, connubial, matrimonial, nuptial; a/so economic activity
matched, mated; bridal; wifely; affianced, betrothed, business, commerce, trade, traffic - more at COM-
committed, engaged, pledged, promised MERCE
rnar-i-nme \'mar-:;)-,t1m\ atij 1 : of, relating to, or bor- mark-ka \'mar-,ka\ n, p/ mark-kaa \'miir-,ka\ or markkas
marksman 512
\-,kiiz\ : the basic monetary unit of Finland from 1917 to bog, fen, mire, morass, slough, swamp - more at
2001 SWAMP
marks-man Vmarks-rnanvn + : a person skillful at hitting a 'marshal \'mar-sh;)l\ n [ME, fro AF mareschal, of Gmc ori-
target - rnarks-man-shlpn gin; akin to OHG marahscalc marshal, fr. marah horse +
sharpshooter, shooter, shot; also rifleman; gunman, scale servant) 1 : a high official in a medieval household;
gunner, sniper also : a person in charge of the ceremonial aspects of a
mark-up Vrnar-jkap', n 1 : a raising of price 2: an amount gathering 2 : a general officer of the highest military rank
added to the cost price of an article to determine the sell- 3 : an administrative officer (as of a U.S. judicial district)
ing price having duties similar to a sheriffs 4: the administrative
mark up vb : to put a higher price on head of a city police or fire department
markup language n : a system for marking the components marshal vb rnar-shated or mar-ahalled; mar-shal-lnq or mar-
and layout of a computer document shal.ling 1 .: to arrange in order, rank, or position
marl \'marl\ n : an earthy deposit rich in lime used esp, as 2 + : to bring together and order in an appropriate or ef-
fertilizer - marly\'mar-Ie\ adj fective way 3 : to lead with ceremony: USHER
mar-Iin Vmar-lan', n : any of several large oceanic sport + [l) arrange, array, classify, codify, dispose, draw up,
fishes related to sailfishes order, organize, range, systematize - more at ORDER
rnar-une-splkealso rnar-lln-splke\'mar-I;)n-,spik\ n : a + [2) mobilize, muster, rally - more at MOBILIZE + [3)
pointed iron tool used to separate strands of rope or wire conduct, direct, guide, lead, pilot, route, show, steer,
(as in splicing) usher - more at LEAD
mar-ma-lade \'mar-m;)-,Iiid\ n : a clear jelly holding in sus- marsh gas n : METHANE
pension pieces of fruit and fruit rind marsh-mal-low Vmarsh-jrne-lo, -,ma-\ n : a light spongy
mar-mo-re-at \mar-'mar-e-;)I\ adj : of, relating to, or sug- confection made from corn syrup, sugar, albumen, and
gestive of marble gelatin
mar-mo-set \'mar-m;)-,set\ n : any of numerous small marsh marigold n : a swamp herb related to the buttercups
bushy-tailed monkeys of Central and So. America that has bright yellow flowers
mar-mot \'mar-m;)t\ n : any of a genus of stout short-legged mar-su-pi-al \mar-'sii-pe-;)I\ n : any of an order of primitive
burrowing No. American rodents mammals (as opossums, kangaroos, or wombats) that
ima-rccn \m;)-'riin\ vb 1 : to put ashore (as on a desolate is- bear very immature young which are nourished in a
land) and leave to one's fate 2 + : to leave in isolation and pouch on the abdomen of the female - marsupial adi
without hope of escape mart \'mart\ n : MARKET
+ abandon, desert, forsake, quit - more at ABANDON mar-ten \'mart-'n\ n, pi marten or martens : a slender
maroon n : a dark red color mammal that is larger than the related weasels and has
imar-quee \mar-'ke\ n [modif. of F marquise, lit., mar- soft gray or brown fur; also: this fur
chioness) 1 : a large tent set up (as for an outdoor party) mar-tial \'mar-sh;)l\ adj [L martialis of Mars, fr. Mart-,
2 : a usu. metal and glass canopy over an entrance (as of Mars Mars, Roman god of war) 1: of, relating to, or
a theater) 3: a sign over the entrance of a theater or suited for war or a warrior <~ music) 2: of or relating
arena advertising a performance to an army or military life 3: WARLIKE
marquee adj : having or being a great attraction: PREEMI- martial law n 1 : the law applied in occupied territory by
NENT <~ athletes) the occupying military forces 2: the established law of a
mar-quess Vmar-kwasv or mar-quis \'mar-kw;)s, mar-'ke\ n country administered by military forces in an emergency
1 : a nobleman of hereditary rank in Europe and Japan when civilian law enforcement agencies are unable to
2 : a member of the British peerage ranking below a duke maintain public order and safety
and above an earl mar-tian Vmar-shen', adj, often cap: of or relating to the
mar-que-tryVmar-ks-trex n : inlaid work of wood, shell, or planet Mars or its hypothetical inhabitants - martian n,
ivory (as on a table or cabinet) often cap
mar-quis\'mar-kw;)s, mar-'ke\ n : MARQUESS mar-tin \'mart-'n\ n : any of several swallows and esp. one
mar-quise \mar-'kez\ n, pi maroquises \same or -'ke-z;)z\ of No. America with purplish blue plumage
: MARCHIONESS mar-ti-net \,mart-'n-'et\ n : a strict disciplinarian
mar-riage \'mar-ij\ n 1 .: the state of being married rnar-tin-qale\'mart-'n-,gii1\ n : a strap connecting a horse's
2 + : a wedding ceremony and attendant festivities 3: a girth to the bit or reins so as to hold down its head
close union - rnar-rlaqe-able adj mar-ti-ni \mar-'te-ne\ n : a cocktail made of gin or vodka
+ [1) match, matrimony; also monogamy, attachment, and dry vermouth
commitment, relationship + [2) espousal, wedding- "mar-tyr \'mar-t;)r\ n [ME, fro OE, fro LL, fro Gk rnartyr-,
more at WEDDING martys witness) 1: a person who dies rather than re-
married name n : a woman's surname acquired through nounce a religion; also : a person who makes a great sac-
marriage rifice for the sake of principle 2: a great or constant
mar-row \'mar-a\ n : a soft vascular tissue that fills the cav- sufferer
ities of most bones .martyr vb 1 : to put to death for adhering to a belief
mar-row-bone \'mar-;)-,ban, 'mar-a-\ n : a bone (as a shin- 2 : to inflict agonizingpain on : TORTURE
bone) rich in marrow + afflict, agonize, bedevil, curse, harrow, persecute,
mar-ry \'mar-e\ vb mar-ried: 1 a : to join in mar- plague, rack, torment, torture - more at AFFLICT
riage according to law or custom b + : to give in marriage mar-tyr-dom \'mar-t;)r-d;)m\ n 1 : the suffering and death
<married his daughter to his partner's son) 2: to take as of a martyr 2 : TORTURE
a spouse: WED 3 + : to enter into a close union - mar- tmar-vet Vrnar-val', n 1 + : one that causes wonder or as-
ried adi or n tonishment 2: intense surprise or interest
+ [lb) match; also commit, engage; affiance, betroth, + caution, flash, miracle, phenomenon, portent,
pledge, promise + [3) associate, coalesce, combine, prodigy, sensation, wonder - more at WONDER
conjoin, connect, couple, fuse, join, link, unify, unite - .marvel vb mar-veted or mar-velled: mar-vet-inq or mar-vel-
more at UNITE ling: to feel surprise, wonder, or amazed curiosity
Mars \'mm\ n : the planet 4th from the sun and conspic- mar-vel-ous or mar-vel-lous \'mar-v;)-l;)s\ adj 1 + : causing
uous for its red color wonder 2 + : of the highest kind or quality - mar-vel-
marsh Vrnarsh', n + : a tract of soft wet land - marshy adi ous-ly adv - mar-vel-ous-ness n
513 mass medium
[1] amazing, astonishing, astounding, awesome, eye= 1masoquer.ade\,mas-ka-'rad\ n 1 : a social gathering of per-
opening, fabulous, miraculous, portentous, prodigious, sons wearing masks; also: a costume for wear at such a
stunning, stupendous, sublime, surprising, wonderful; gathering 2: DISGUISE 3 : an action or appearance that
also incredible, unbelievable, unimaginable, unthink- is mere disguise or show
able; extraordinary, phenomenal, rare, sensational, act, airs, facade, front, guise, pose, pretense, put-on,
spectacular; outstanding, remarkable; impressive, strik- semblance, show; also appearance, color, gloss; camou-
ing [2] excellent, fabulous, fine, grand, great, sensa- flage, cloak, disguise; affectation, deceit, deception,
tional, splendid, superb, superior, swell, terrific, won- double-dealing, duplicity, guile, fraud; betrayal, double
derful cross, faithlessness, falsity, falseness, infidelity, perfidy,
Marx.ism\'mark-,si-zam\ n : the political, economic, and treachery, treason, unfaithfulness; excuse, pretext
social principles and policies advocated by Karl Marx - 'masquerade vb -ad-ed; 1 .: to disguise oneself\-sist\ n or ad} : POSE 2: to take part in a masquerade - mas-quer-ad-er
mar-zi-pan \'mart-sa-,pan, -jpan; 'rnar-za-jpan', n [G, fro It n
marzapane] : a confection of almond paste, sugar, and egg impersonate, play, pose - more at IMPERSONATE
masc abbr masculine 'mass \'mas\ n 1 cap: a sequence of prayers and cere-
mas-cara vmas-tkar-ev n : a cosmetic esp, for darkening the monies forming the eucharistic service of the Roman
eyelashes Catholic Church 2 often cap : a celebration of the Eu-
mas-car-po-ne \.mas-kar-'p6-na\ n : an Italian cream charist 3: a musical setting for parts of the Mass
cheese 2mass n 1 : a quantity or aggregate of matter usu. of con-
mas-cot \'mas-,kat, -katv n [F mascotte, fro Occitan mas- siderable size 2: EXPANSE, BULK; also : MASSIVENESS
coto, fro masco witch, fro ML masca] : a person, animal, 3 : the principal part 4: AGGREGATE, WHOLE 5: the
or object adopted usu. by a group to bring good luck quantity of matter that a body possesses as measured by
amulet, charm, fetish, talisman - more at CHARM its inertia 6: a large quantity, amount, or number
7 .: the great body of people - uSU. used in pl.-
'masculine \'mas-kya-lan\ ad} 1 a : MALE b.: having massy ad}
qualities appropriate to or usu. associated with a man
: MANLY 2 : of, relating to, or constituting the gender that [3] body, bulk, core, generality, main, staple, weight
includes most words or grammatical forms referring to - more at BODY usu masses pi [7] commoners, herd,
males mob, people, plebeians, populace, rank and file; also
proletariat, rabble, riffraff, scum, trash; bourgeoisie,
male, man-size, manly, mannish, virile; also boyish, middle class; public Ant elite
tomboyish Ant effeminate, unmanly, unmasculine
3mass vb : to form or collect into a mass
'masculine n : a noun, pronoun, adjective, or inflectional
form or class of the masculine gender; also : the mascu- accumulate, amass, collect, conglomerate, gather,
line gender heap, pile up - more at COLLECT
mas-cu-nn-l-ty\.mas-kya-'li-na-te\ n : the quality, state, Mass abbr Massachusetts
or degree of being masculine 'massaoere\'ma-si-kar\ n 1 : the killing of many persons
manhood, manliness, virility - more at VIRlLITY under cruel or atrocious circumstances 2: a wholesale
'mash \'mash\ n 1 : a mixture of ground feeds for livestock
2 : crushed malt or grain steeped in hot water to make butchery, carnage, slaughter; also bloodshed, foul
wort 3: a soft pulpy mass play, homicide, killing, manslaughter, murder, slaying;
2mash vb 1 : to reduce to a soft pulpy state 2: CRUSH, mortality; annihilation, demolishing, destruction, dev-
SMASH <-- a finger) - mash-er n
astation, extermination; genocide; assassination, execu-
crush, squash - more at CRUSH 2massacre vb : to kill by massacre
MASH abbr mobile army surgical hospital butcher, slaughter; also assassinate,execute. murder.
1mask \'mask' n 1 : a cover for the face usu. for disguise or slay; annihilate, decimate, demolish, destroy, devastate,
protection 2: MASQUE 3: a figure of a head worn on the eradicate. exterminate, waste, wipe out
stage in antiquity 4: a copy of a face made by means of
'massage \ma-'sazh, -'saj\ n : manipulation of tissues (as
a mold <death --) 5 : something that conceals or dis- by rubbing and kneading) esp. for therapeutic purposes
guises 6: the face of an animal 2massage vb mas-saged: 1 : to subject to mas-
cloak, curtain, hood, mantle, shroud, veil - more at sage 2: to treat flatteringly; also: MANIPULATE, DOCTOR
<-- data)
'mask vb 1 : to conceal from view or perception 2: to mas-seur \ma-'sar\ n : a man who practices massage
cover for protection mas-seuse \-'sarz, -'sliz\ n : a woman who practices mas-
camouflage, cloak, disguise, dress up - more at DIS- sage
GUISE blanket, blot out, cloak, conceal, cover, cur- mas-sit \ma-'sH\ n : a principal mountain mass
tain, enshroud, hide, obscure, occult, screen, shroud, mas-sive \'ma-siv\ ad} 1 .: forming or consisting of a
veil - more at HIDE large mass 2 : large in structure, scope, or degree
mask-er \'mas-kar\ n : a participant in a masquerade [1] heavy, hefty, ponderous, weighty - more at
mas-och-lsrn\'ma-sa-,ki-zam, 'ma-za-\ n 1 : a sexual per- HEAVY [2] colossal, enormous, giant, gigantic, grand,
version characterized by pleasure in being subjected to huge. mammoth, monumental, prodigious, titanic,
pain or humiliation 2: pleasure in being abused or dom- tremendous
inated - mas-och-ist \-kist\ n - mas-och-ls-tlc\,ma-sa- mas-sive-ly\-le\ adv : in a massive manner
'kis-tik, .ma-zo-x ad}
rna-son \'mas-'n\ n 1 : a skilled worker who builds with broadly, considerably, greatly. hugely. largely. mon-
stone, brick, or concrete 2 cap : FREEMASON strously, much, sizably, stupendously, tremendously,
Mason.ic \ma-'sa-nik\ ad} : of or relating to Freemasons utterly, vastly - more at GREATLY
or Freemasonry rnas-slve-ness \-nas\ n : the quality or state of being
ma-son-rv \'mas-n-re\ n, pi -ries 1: something con- massive
structed of materials used by masons 2: the art, trade, or enormity, hugeness, immensity, magnitude, vastness
work of a mason 3 cap: FREEMASONRY - more at IMMENSITY
masque \'mask\ n 1 : MASQUERADE 2: a short allegorical mass-tess \'mas-las\ ad} : having no mass <-- particles)
dramatic performance (as of the 17th century) mass medium n, pi mass media: a medium of communi-
mass-produce 514
cation (as the newspapers or television) that is designed to missioned officer in the air force ranking next below a
reach the mass of the people senior master sergeant 3: a noncommissionedofficer in
mass-pro-duce\,mas-pra-'diis, -'dylls\ vb : to produce in the marine corps ranking next below a master gunnery
quantity usu. by machinery - mass productionn sergeant
'mast \'mast\ n 1 : a long pole or spar rising from the keel mas-ter-strokeVmas-tar-jstrokv n : a masterly performance
or deck of a ship and supporting the yards, booms, and or move
rigging 2: a slender vertical structure - mast-ed \'mas- mas-ter-work\-,wark\ n : MASTERPIECE
tad\ adj mas-tery \'mas-ta-re\ n 1 .: the authority of a master
2mast n : nuts (as acorns) accumulated on the forest floor : DOMfNION; also: SUPERIORITY 2: possession or display of
and often serving as food for animals (as hogs) great skill or knowledge
mas-tec-to-myvma-Jstek-ta-me', n, pi -mies : surgical re- arm, authority, clutch, command, control, dominion,
moval of the breast grip, hold, power, superiority, sway - more at POWER
'master \'mas-tar\ n 1: a male teacher; also: a person mast-head \'mast-,hed\ n 1: the top of a mast 2: the
holding an academic degree higher than a bachelor's but printed matter in a newspaper or periodical giving the ti-
lower than a doctor's 2 : one highly skilled (as in an art tle and details of ownership and rates of subscription or
or profession) 3.: one having authority or control advertising
4 : one that conquers or masters : VICTOR 5: the com- mas-tic\'mas-tik\ n : a pasty material used as a coating or
mander of a merchant ship 6: a youth or boy too young cement
to be called mister - used as a title 7: an original from mas-ti-cate \'mas-ta-,kat\ vb -cat-ed; -eat-lnq : to grind or
which copies are made - master adj crush (food) with or as if with the teeth: CHEW - rnas-ti-
(2) ace, adept, artist, authority, crackerjack, expert, ca-tion \,mas-ta-'ka-shan\ n
maestro, scholar, shark, virtuoso, whiz, wizard - more mas-tlft \'mas-taf\ n : any of a breed of large smooth,
at EXPERT (3) boss, captain, chief, foreman, head, coated dogs used esp. as guard dogs
headman, helmsman, kingpin, leader, taskmaster- mast-odon \'mas-ta-,dan\ n [NL, fr. Gk mastos breast +
more at BOSS odon, odous tooth) : any of numerous huge extinct mam-
2master vb 1 : to become master of : OVERCOME 2: to be- mals related to the mammoths
come skilled or proficient in 3: to produce a master mas-told \'mas-,toid\ n : a bony prominence behind the ear
recording of (as a musical performance) - mastoid adj
master chief petty officer n : a petty officer of the highest mas-tur-ba-tion \,mas-tar-'ba-shan\ n : stimulation of the
rank in the navy genital organs apart from sexual intercourse, usu. to or-
mas-ter-ful \'mas-tar-fal\ adj 1 : inclined and usu. compe- gasm, and esp. by use of one's own hand - mas-tur-bate
tent to act as a master 2 : having or reflecting the skill \'mas-tar-,bat\ vb - mas-tur-ba-to-ry\'mas-tar-ba-,tiir-e\
of a master 3 : suggestive of a domineering nature adj
(2) adroit, artful, dexterous, practiced, skillful, virtu- 'mat \'mat\ n 1 : a piece of coarse woven or plaited fabric
oso - more at SKILLFUL. (2) accomplished, adept, con- 2 : something made up of many intertwined strands 3: a
summate, crack, crackerjack, good, great, proficient, large thick pad used as a surface for wrestling and gym-
skilled - more at PROFICIENT. (3) authoritarian, auto- nastics
cratic, bossy, despotic, dictatorial, domineering,imperi- 2mat vb mat-ted: mat-tlnq 1 : to provide with a mat 2: to
ous, overbearing, peremptory, tyrannical, tyrannous - form into a tangled mass
more at BOSSY 3mat vb mat-ted; rnat-tinq 1 : to make (as a color) matte
mas-ter-ful-ly\-fa-Ie\ adv : in a masterful manner 2 : to provide (a picture) with a mat
4mat var O/MATTE
ably. adeptly. capably. expertly. proficiently. skill- >mat or matt or matte n : a border going around a picture
fully, well- more at WELL between picture and frame or serving as the frame
mas-ter-ful-ness \-nas\ n : the quality or state of being mat-a-dor\'ma-ta-,dor\ n [Sp, fr. matar to kill) : a bull-
masterful fighter whose role is to kill the bull in a bullfight
adeptness, adroitness, art, artfulness, artifice, artistry, 'match \'mach\ n 1 : a person or thing equal or similar to
cleverness, craft, cunning, deftness, skill - more at another; also: one able to cope with another: RIVAL 2: a
SKILL suitable pairing of persons or objects 3 : a contest or
master gunnery sergeant n : a noncommissionedofficer in game between two or more individuals 4: a marriage
the marine corps ranking above a master sergeant union; also: a prospective marriage partner
master key n : a key designed to open several different [l) coordinate, counterpart, equal, equivalent, fel-
locks low, like, parallel, peer, rival - more at EQUAL
mas-ter-ly \'mas-tar-Ie\ adj 1 .: indicating thorough [1) carbon copy, counterpart, double, duplicate, du-
knowledge or superior skill <~ performance> 2 : hav- plication, facsimile, image, likeness, picture, replica,
ing the power and skill of a master - mas-ter-lyadv ringer, spit - more at IMAGE (3) bout, competition,
accomplished, adept, consummate, crack, cracker- contest, event, game, meet, tournament - more at
jack, expert, good, great, master, masterful, proficient, GAME
skilled, skillful, virtuoso - more at PROFICIENT 2match vb 1 : to meet as an antagonist; also: PIT 2 : to pro-
tmas-ter-rnlnd\-,mInd\ n : a person who provides the di- vide with a worthy competitor; also: to set in comparison
recting or creative intelligencefor a project with 3: to join or give in marriage: MARRY 4: to com-
2mastermind vb : to be the mastermind of bine suitably or congenially; also: ADAPT, SUIT 5 : to
contrive, finagle, finesse, frame, machinate, maneu- provide with a counterpart 6 : to be the counterpart of
ver (or manoeuvre), negotiate, wangle (5) equal, meet, tie (6) correspond, equal, parallel;
master of ceremonies: a person who acts as host for a spe- also blend (with), coordinate (with), go (with), harmo-
cial event or a program of entertainment (as on televi- nize (with); complement, supplement; counterbalance,
sion) counterpoise; echo, mirror, repeat; amount (to), ap-
mas-ter-plece\'mas-tar-,pes\ n : a work done with extraor- proach, near; measure (up), partake (of), rival, suggest
dinary skill 3match n : a short slender piece of flammable material (as
master plan n : an overall plan wood) tipped with a combustible mixture that ignites
mas-ter's \'mas-tarz\ n : a master's degree through friction
master sergeant n 1 : a noncommissioned officer in the match-book \'mach-,buk\ n : a small folder containing
army ranking next below a sergeant major 2 : a noncom- rows of paper matches
515 matter

metcn-tess \-Ias\ adj + : having no equal through or inherited or derived from a female parent -
+ incomparable, inimitable, nonpareil, only, peerless, ma-ter-nal-ly adv
unequaled, unmatched, unparalleled, unrivaled, unsur- tma-ter-nl-tv \ma-'tar-na-te\ n, pi-ties 1 : the quality or state
passed - more at ONLY of being a mother; also: MOTHERLINESS 2: a hospital fa-
match-lock \-,Iak\ n : a musket with a slow-burning cord cility for the care of women before and during childbirth
lowered over a hole in the breech to ignite the charge and for newborn babies
match-mak-er\-,ma-kar\ n : one who arranges a match and 2maternity adj 1 : designed for wear during pregnancy <a
esp. a marriage ~ dress) 2: effective for the period close to and includ-
match-wood \-,wild\ n : small pieces of wood ing childbirth <~ leave)
'mate \'mat\ vb mat-ed: : CHECKMATE - mate n 'math \'math\ n : MATHEMATICS
2mate n 1 a + : one that customarily associates with an- 2math abbr mathematical; mathematician
other: ASSOCIATE, COMPANION b + : an assistant to a more math-e-mat-i-cal \,ma-tha-'ma-ti-kal\ adj 1 : of, relating to,
skilled worker: HELPER 2: a deck officer on a merchant or according with mathematics 2 : rigorously exact
ship ranking below the captain 3 a + : one of a pair accurate, close, delicate, exact, fine, pinpoint, pre-
b + : either member of a married couple or a breeding cise, rigorous - more at PRECISE
pair of animals math-e-mat-ics \,ma-tha-'ma-tiks\ n : the science of num-
+ [Ia] associate, cohort, companion, comrade, crony, bers and their properties, operations, and relations and
fellow - more at ASSOCIATE. [Ib] aid, apprentice, as- with shapes in space and their structure and measure-
sistant, deputy, helper, helpmate, sidekick - more at ment - math-e-mat-i-cal-ly\-ti-k(a-)Ie\ adv - math-e-ma-
HELPER [3a] companion, half, match, twin; also coor- ti-cian \,ma-tha-ma-'ti-shan\ n
dinate; counterpart, equal, equivalent, like, parallel, mar-l-nee or mat-t-nee \,mat-'n-'a\ n IF matinee, lit., morn-
peer, rival; carbon copy, double, duplicate, identical ing, fro OF, fr. matin morning, fr. L matutinum, fro neut.
twin, ringer; analogue, similarity. [3b] consort, part- of matutinus of the morning, fro Matuta, goddess of morn-
ner, spouse - more at SPOUSE ing] : a musical or dramatic performance in the daytime
3mate vb mat-ed: 1 : to join or fit together 2: to and esp. the afternoon
come or bring together as mates 3: COPULATE mat-ins \'mat-'nz\ n pi, often cap 1 : special prayers said
' \ma-'tir-e-al\ adj 1 : having material existence between midnight and 4 a.m. 2: a morning service of
: PHYSICAL <~ world); also: of or relating to the body liturgical prayer in Anglican churches
: BODILY <~ needs) 2: of or relating to matter rather ma-tri-arch \'ma-tre-,ark\ n : a woman who rules or dom-
than form <~ cause); also: EMPIRICAL <~ knowledge) inates a family, group, or state - ma-tri-ar-chal \,ma-tre-
3 : highly important: SIGNIFICANT 4 + : of a physical or 'ar-kal\ adj - ma-tri-ar-chy \'ma-tre-,ar-ke\ n
worldly nature <~ progress) - ma-te-ri-al-lyadv dame, dowager, matron; also grandam; headmistress,
[1] bodily, concrete, physical, substantial; also car- mistress; rna, mama, mom
nal, corporal, fleshly; appreciable, detectable, dis- rna-m-elee \'ma-tra-,sid, 'ma-\ n : the murder of a mother
cernible, noticeable, observable, palpable, perceptible, by her child - ma-trl-cid-al \,ma-tra-'sid-I, ,ma-\ adj
sensible, tangible; objective, phenomenal; bulky, heavy, ma-tric-u-tate \ma-'tri-kya-,lat\ vb -lat-ed; -lat-lnq : to en-
massive, solid, weighty Ant immaterial, nonmaterial,
roll as a member of a body and esp. of a college or uni-
nonphysical [3] big, consequential, eventful, impor-
tant, major, meaningful, momentous, significant, sub- versity - ma-tric-u-la-tlon \-,tri-kya-'la-shan\ n
stantial, weighty - more at IMPORTANT [3] applica- enroll, inscribe, list, register - more at ENROLL
ble, apposite, apropos, germane, pertinent, pointed, met-rl-mo-ntal \,ma-tra-'mo-ne-al\ adj : of or relating to
relative, relevant - more at PERTINENT [4] carnal, matrimony - mat-n-mc-niat-ly adv
earthly, fleshly, mundane, temporal, terrestrial, worldly conjugal, connubial, marital, nuptial - more at MAR-
- more at EARTHLY ITAL
2material n 1 : the elements or substance of which some- mat-ri-mo-nyvma-tro-ano-nex n [ME, fro AF matrimoignie,
thing is composed or made 2: apparatus necessary for fr. L matrimonium, fr. mater mother, matron] : the
doing or making something state of being united to another person according to law
raw material, stuff, substance or custom: MARRIAGE
ma-te-ri-al-lse chiefly Brit var of MATERlALIZE + marriage, match - more at MARRIAGE
ma-te-rl-at-lsm \ma-'tir-e-a-,Ii-zam\ n 1: a theory that rna-trtx \'ma-triks\ n, pi rna-tri-ces \'ma-tra-,sez, 'ma-\ or
everything can be explained as being or coming from ma-trix-es \'ma-trik-saz\ 1 : something within or from
matter 2: a preoccupation with material rather than in- which something else originates, develops, or takes form
tellectual or spiritual things - ma-te-ri-al-ist \-list\ n or 2 : a mold from which a relief surface (as a piece of type)
adj - ma-te-rl-al-ls-tic \-,tir-e-a-'lis-tik\ adj - ma-te-n-at- is made \-ti-k(a-)Ie\ adv ma-tron \'ma-tran\ n 1 : a married woman usu. of digni- \ma-'tir-e-a-,IIz\ vb -ized; 1 : to give fied maturity or social distinction 2: a woman supervisor
material form to; also : to assume bodily form 2 : to (as in a school or police station) - ma-tron-ly adj
make an often unexpected appearance 3 : to come into dame, dowager, matriarch - more at MATRIARCH
existence - ma-te-n-al-l-za-ncn\ma-,tir-e-a-Ia-'za-shan\ n
Mattabbr Matthew
[1] embody, epitomize, manifest, personify, substan-
tiate - more at EMBODY [2] appear, come out, show 'matte or matt var of 3MAT
up, tum up - more at APPEAR [2, 3] arise, begin, 2matte also mat or matt \'mat\ adj : not shiny: DULL
commence, dawn, form, originate, spring, start - more tmat-tsr \'ma-tar\ n 1 : a subject of interest or concern
at BEGIN 2 pi : events or circumstances of a particular situation
ma-te-ri-el or ma-te-n-et vmo-, tir-e-'el\ n IF materiel] 3 : the subject of a discourse or writing 4 : a source of
: equipment, apparatus, and supplies used by an organ- perplexity, distress, or vexation: TROUBLE <what's the~)
ization 5 : the substance of which a physical object is composed
6 : pus 7: an indefinite amount or quantity <a ~ of a few
accoutrements (or accouterments), apparatus, equip-
ment, gear, outfit, paraphernalia, tackle - more at days) 8: something written or printed 9 : something
sent through the mail
ma-ter-nal \ma-'tarn-I\ adj 1 : MOTHERLY 2: related mail, parcel post, post, snail mail- more at MAIL
matter 516
+ [I] content, motif, question, subject, theme, topic; [I] gad, gallivant, knock, meander, mope, ramble,
also idea, point, purpose; issue, problem; body, bulk, range, roam, rove, traipse, wander - more at WANDER
burden, core, crux, fundamental, generality, gist, heart, + [2] ramble, rattle, run on - more at RAMBLE
kernel, keynote, main, marrow, mass, nub, nucleus, mau-so-le-um\,mo-s:l-'Ie-:lm, ,mo-Z:l-\ n, pi -Ieums or -lea
pith, purport, quick, staple, substance, sum; basis; bot- \-'Ie-:l\ [L, fr. Gk mausoleion, fr. Mausiilos Mausolus tab
tom, essential; affair, argument, debate + [I] affair, 353 B.C. ruler of Caria whose tomb was one of the seven
business, thing; also problem; crisis, crossroad, emer- wonders of the ancient world] : a large tomb; esp : a usu.
gency, exigency, juncture, strait, zero hour; concern, stone building for entombment of the dead above ground
trouble, worry; care, lookout, responsibility; deadlock, mauve \'mov, 'movx n : a moderate purple, violet, or lilac
impasse, stalemate; corner, fix, hole, hot water, pinch,
predicament, scrape, spot + [4] case, knot, problem, color
ma-ven also ma-vin \'ma-v:ln\ n [Yiddish meyvn, fr. LHeb
trouble - more at PROBLEM
mebhfn] : EXPERT
2matter vb + : to have significance
mav-er-Ick\'ma-vrik, -va-rikv n [Samuel A. Maverick tl870
+ count, import, mean, signify, weigh; also affect, influ- Am. pioneer who did not brand his calves] 1 : an un-
ence, sway; add up (to), amount (to) branded range animal 2 + : a person who does not con-
mat-ter-of-tact \,ma-t:l-r:lv-'fakt\ a4l1 + : adhering to fact form to a generally accepted pattern of thought or action
2 + : being plain, straightforward, or unemotional - mat- : NONCONFORMIST
ter-ot-tact-ly adv - mat-ter-of-fact-ness n
+ bohemian, deviant, individualist, loner, noncon-
+ [I] documentary, factual, hard, historical, literal, formist - more at NONCONFORMIST
nonfictional, objective, true - more at FACTUAL maw\'mo\ n 1 : STOMACH; also: the crop of a bird 2: the
+ [2] down-to-earth, earthy, hardheaded, practical,
throat, gullet, or jaws esp. of a voracious animal
pragmatic, realistic - more at REALISTIC
mawk-ish \'mo-kish\ adj + : sickly sentimental - mawk-
Matthew\'ma-thyii\ n : a book of the New Testament of ish.lyadv
Christian Scripture
mat-tins often cap, chiefly Brit var a/MATINS
+ corny, maudlin, mushy, saccharine, sappy,
mat-tock \'ma-t:lk\ n : a digging and grubbing tool with schmaltzy, sentimental- more at CORNY
features of an adze and an ax or pick mawk-lsh-ness \-n:ls\ n + : the quality or state of being
mat-tress \'ma-tr:ls\ n 1 : a fabric case filled with resilient mawkish
material used as or for a bed 2 : an inflatable airtight sack + mush, sentimentality - more at SENTIMENTALITY
for use as a mattress max abbr maximum
mat-u-rate Vrna-cha-jratv vb -rat-ed; -rat-inq : MATURE maxi \'mak-se\ n, pi max-Is : a long skirt, dress, or coat
mat-u-ra-tlen \,ma-ch:l-'ra-sh:ln\ n 1 + : the process of ma- maxi-comb form 1 : extra long <maxi-kilt) 2: extra large
turing 2 : the emergence of personal and behavioral char- <maxi-problems)
acteristics through growth processes - mat-u-ra-tlon-at max-il-la \mak-'si-I:l\ n, pi rnax-lt-lae\-'si-(,)Ie\ or maxillas
\-sh:l-n:ll\ adj : JAW I; esp : an upper jaw - max-Il-lary Vrnak-sa-Jer-e',
+ development, growth; also blossoming, flowering; adj
mellowing, softening max-im\'mak-s:lm\ n + : a proverbial saying
trna-ture \m:l-'tur, -'tyilr\ adj ma-tur-er; -est 1 : based on + adage, aphorism, byword, epigram, proverb, saying
slow careful consideration 2 + : having attained a final or - more at SAYING
desired state 3: of or relating to a condition of full de- max-i-mat\'mak-s:l-m:ll\ adj : MAXIMUM - max-i-mal-lyadv
velopment 4: due for payment 5: suitable only for rnax-l-rnlse chiefly Brit var of MAXIMIZE
adults - ma-ture-ly adv max-l-rmze\'mak-s:l-,miz\ vb -mized; 1 : to in-
+ adult, full-blown, full-fledged, ripe; also aged, aging, crease to a maximum 2: to make the most of - rnax-i-ml-
old; golden, mellow Ant green, immature,juvenile, un- za-tlon \,mak-s:l-m:l-'za-sh:ln\ n
ripened, young, youthful tmax-l-mum \'mak-s:l-m:lm\ n, pi -rna \-m:l\ or -mums
2mature vb ma-tured: rna-tur-Ing+ : to reach or bring to ma- 1 : the greatest quantity, value, or degree 2: an upper
turity or completion limit allowed by authority 3: the largest of a set of num-
+ age, develop, grow, grow up, progress, ripen; also bers
mellow, soften; bloom, blossom, burgeon, flourish, 2maximumadj + : greatest in quantity or highest in degree
flower; open, unfold; advance, evolve attainable or attained
ma-tu-ri-ty \m:l-'tur-:l-te, -'tyur-\ n 1 : the quality or state consummate, full, most, nth, paramount, supreme,
of being mature; esp : full development 2: the date when top, ultimate, utmost - more at ULTIMATE
a note becomes due for payment max out vb 1 : to push to or reach a limit or an extreme
ma-tu-ti-nal \,ma-chu-'tin-'I; m:l-'tiit-'n-:ll, -'tyiit-\ adj : of, 2 : to use up all available credit on (a credit card)
relating to, or occurring in the morning: EARLY may \'ma\ verbal auxiliary, past might \'mIt\pres sing & pi
mat-zo or mat-zoh \'mat-s:l\ n, pi mat-zoth \-,sot, -,soth, may 1 : have permission or liberty to <you ~ go now)
-sos\ or mat-zos or mat-zohs [Yiddish matse, fro Heb 2 : be in some degree likely to <you ~ be right) 3 -
ma~sah] : unleavened bread eaten esp. at the Passover used as an auxiliary to express a wish, purpose, contin-
maud-lin\'mod-I:ln\ adj [alter. of Mary Magdalene; fro her gency, or concession
depiction as a weeping, penitent sinner] 1 : drunk enough May\'ma\ n [ME, fr. OF mai, fr, L Maius, fr. Maia, Roman
to be silly 2 + : weakly and effusively sentimental goddess] : the 5th month of the year
+ corny, mawkish, mushy, saccharine, sappy, Ma.ya\'mi-:l\ n, pi Mayaor Mayas: a member of a group of
schmaltzy, sentimental - more at CORNY American Indian peoples of Yucatan, Guatemala, and ad-
'maul \'mol\ n : a heavy hammer often with a wooden head jacent areas - Ma.yan \'mI-:ln\ n or adj
used esp. for driving wedges may-ap-ple\'ma-,a-p:lI\ n : a No. American woodland herb
2maul vb 1 a : to strike repeatedly: BEAT b: MANGLE 2 + : to related to the barberry that has a poisonous root, one or
handle roughly two large leaves, and an edible egg-shaped yellow fruit
+ maltreat, manhandle, mishandle, rough - more at may-be \'ma-be, 'me-\ adv + : possibly but not certainly
maun-der \'mon-d:lr\ vb 1 + : to wander slowly and idly + conceivably, perchance, perhaps, possibly - more at
2 + : to speak indistinctly or disconnectedly PERHAPS
517 meaning
May Day\'ma-,da\ n : May 1 celebrated as a springtime fes- 'meal n 1 : usu. coarsely ground seeds of a cereal 2: a
tival and in some countries as Labor Day product resembling seed meal
may.flow-er\'ma-,flau-;n\ n : any of several spring bloom- meal-time \'mel-,tim\ n : the usual time at which a meal is
ing herbs (as the trailing arbutus or an anemone) served\'ma-fli\ n : any of an order of insects with an mealy\'me-Ie\ adi : not plain and straightforward
aquatic nymph and a short-lived fragile adult having artificial, double-dealing, feigned, hypocritical, insin-
membranous wings cere, left-handed, mealymouthed, two-faced. unctuous
may-hem \'ma-,hem, 'ma-smv n 1 : willful and permanent - more at INSINCERE
crippling, mutilation, or disfigurement of a person mealy.bug\'me-Ie-,bag\ n : any of a family of scale insects
2 : needless or willful damage with a white cottony or waxy covering that are destruc-
may-on-nalse \'ma-a-,niiz\ n [F) : a dressing made of egg tive pests esp, of fruit trees
yolks, vegetable oil, and vinegar or lemon juice mealy-mouthed \'me-Ie-,mauthd. -,mautht\ adj .: not
may-or \'ma-"r\ n : an official elected to act as chief exec-
plain and straightforward
utive or nominal head of a city or borough - may-or-al
\-al\ adj - may-or-al-ty\-al-te\ n artificial, double-dealing,feigned. hypocritical, insin-
may-pole \'ma-,pol\ n, often cap: a tall flower-wreathed cere, left-handed, mealy, two-faced, unctuous - more
pole forming a center for May Day sports and dances at INSINCERE
maze \'miiz\ n : a confusing intricate network of passages 'mean \'men\ vb meant \'ment\; rnean-lnq 1 : to have in
- mazyaiQ the mind as a purpose 2 : to serve to convey, show, or
ma-zur-ka \ma-'zar-ka\ n : a Polish dance in moderate indicate: SIGNIFY 3 : to have importance to the degree
triple measure of 4 : to direct to a particular individual
MB abbr Manitoba [1) aim, aspire, contemplate, design, intend, medi-
MBA abbr master of business administration tate, plan, propose - more at INTEND [2) denote, ex-
mc abbr megacycle press, import. signify, spell; also connote, imply, sug-
'MC n : MASTER OF CEREMONIES gest; add up (to), amount (to); hint, insinuate, intimate;
'MC abbr member of Congress embody, epitomize, personify, represent, symbolize; ad-
Mc- vmak; rna beforeforms beginning with k or g\ prefix vert, allude (to), mention. refer (to), indicate, point (to),
: used to indicate a convenient, low-quality version of a signal; announce, declare; elucidate, explain [3)
specified thing <McBook) count, import, matter, signify, weigh - more at MAT-
Mc.coy \ma-'k6i\ n : something that is neither imitation TER
nor substitute <the real -) 'mean adj 1 : lacking distinction or eminence: HUMBLE
McGuffinvar of MAC GUFFIN 2 : lacking acumen: DULL 3 a : of poor shabby inferior
MCPOabbr master chief petty officer quality or status b : worthy of little regard 4 : lack-
'Md abbr Maryland ing dignity or honor: IGNOBLE. BASE 5: sparing or scant
'Mdsymbol mendelevium in using, giving, or spending: STINGY 6 : pettily selfish
MD abbr 1 doctor of medicine 2 Maryland 3 muscular or malicious 7: VEXATIOUS 8: very good of its kind: EX-
dystrophy CELLENT
MDMA \,em-,de-,em-'a\ n : ECSTASY 2 [1) common. humble, ignoble, inferior, low, lowly,
mdnt abbr midnight plebeian. vulgar - more at IGNOBLE [3a) dilapidated,
mdse abbr merchandise grungy, neglected, ratty, seedy. shabby - more at
MDT abbr mountain daylight (saving) time SHABBY [3b) inferior, minor, second-rate, secondary
me \'me\pron, objective case of I - more at INFERIOR [4) base, contemptible. despica-
Meabbr Maine ble, detestable, dirty, dishonorable (or dishonourable),
ME abbr 1 Maine 2 mechanical engineer 3 medical ex- ignoble, low, snide, sordid, vile, wretched - more at IG-
aminer NOBLE. [6) catty. cruel. hateful. malevolent. malicious,
'mead \'med\ n : an alcoholic beverage brewed from water malign, malignant, nasty, spiteful, virulent - more at
and honey, malt, and yeast HATEFUL
'mead n, archaic : MEADOW 3meanadj 1 : occupying a middle position (as in space, or-
mead-ow\'me-do\ n : land in or mainly in grass; esp : a der, or time) 2: being a mean: AVERAGE <a - value)
tract of moist low-lyingusu. level grassland - mead-ow- 'mean n 1 .: a middle point between extremes 2 pI
land \-,Iand\ n - mead-owy\'me-da-we\ adj : something helpful in achieving a desired end 3 pI
mead-ow-lark\'me-do-,Ilirk\ n : any of several American : material resources affording a secure life 4: ARITH-
songbirds related to the orioles that are streaked brown
above and in northernmost forms have a yellow breast
marked with a black crescent [1) medium, middle, midpoint; also arithmetic mean,
mead-ow-sweet\-,swet\ n : a No. American native or natu- average; median, norm, par, standard means pI
ralized spirea [2) agency, agent, instrument, instrumentality, machin-
meaogeror meaogre\'me-gar\ adj 1 : TH1N 2 a : lacking ery, medium, organ, vehicle - more at AGENT. means
richness, fertility, or strength b : deficient in quality or pI [3) assets, capital, fortune, opulence, riches, sub-
quantity: POOR - meaoger.lyadv - meaogernessn stance, wealth, wherewithal - more at WEALTH
light, niggardly, poor, scant, scanty, scarce, skimpy, "me-an-der\me-'an-dar\ n [L maeander, fro Gk maiandros,
slender, slim, spare, sparse, stingy; also deficient, inade- fro Maiandros (now Menderes), river in Asia Minor) 1 : a
quate, insufficient, lacking, wanting; bare, mere, mini- winding course 2: a winding of a stream - me-an-drous
mum; slight, small; barren, infertile, sterile, unfruitful, \-dras\ adj
unproductiveAnt abundant. ample, bountiful, copious, 'meander vb 1 : to follow a winding course 2 : to wander
generous, liberal, plenteous, plentiful aimlessly or casually
'meal \'mel\ n 1 : an act or the time of eating a portion of gad, gallivant, knock, maunder, mope, ramble, range,
food 2 : the portion of food eaten at a meal roam, rove, traipse, wander - more at WANDER
board, chow, feed, mess, repast, table; also breakfast, n 1 : the thing one intends to convey esp. by
buffet, dinner, lunch, luncheon, refreshments, smorgas- language; also : the thing that is thus conveyed
bord, snack, supper, tea; bite, gulp, morsel, serving, 2 : something meant or intended: AIM 3: SIGNIFICANCE;
taste; banquet, feast, spread; bake, barbecue, clambake, esp : implication of a hidden significance 4 : the logical
cookout, fry, luau, picnic, potluck, roast connotation of a word or phrase; also: DENOTATION
meaningful 518
[1,4] denotation, drift, import, intent, purport, sense, gauge, scale, span; also weigh; calibrate; layoff, mark
significance, signification; also connotation; hint, impli- (off); calculate, compute, figure, reckon, work out;
cation, intimation, suggestion; message, tenor, theme; conjecture, estimate, guess, judge, suppose; add up,
bottom, essence, nature, soul, stuff; acceptance, defini- sum, tally, total; ascertain, discover, dope (out), figure
tion; burden, crux, gist; core, heart, kernel, marrow, out, find out
nub, nucleus, pith, point, quick; matter, motif, motive, measured adj 1 .: marked by rhythm 2.: confined
subject, topic [2] aim, ambition, aspiration, design, within limits 3 : characterized by or resulting from
dream, end, goal, intent, mark, object, objective, plan, careful and thorough consideration: DELIBERATE, CALCU-
pretension, purpose, thing - more at GOAL LATED
mean-lng-tut \-fal\ adj : full of meaning: SIGNIFICANT - [1] cadenced, metrical, rhythmic - more at RHYTH- adv MIC [2] definite, determinate, finite, limited, narrow,
eloquent, expressive, meaning, pregnant, significant, restricted - more at LIMITED [3] advised, calculated,
suggestive - more at EXPRESSIVE big, consequential, deliberate, reasoned, studied, thoughtful, thought-out
eventful, important, major, material, momentous, sig- - more at DELIBERATE
nificant, substantial, weighty - more at IMPORTANT mea-sure-leas \-1"5\ adj 1 : having no observable limit
rnean-lnq-less \-las\ adj. : having no meaning 2 : very great <had ~ energy>
empty, pointless, senseless; also insignificant, trivial, [I, 2] boundless, endless, illimitable, immeasurable,
unimportant; absurd, asinine, balmy, brainless, crazy, indefinite, infinite, limitless, unbounded, unfath-
daffy, daft, fatuous, foolish, half-witted, harebrained, omable, unlimited - more at INFINITE
insane, jerky, kooky, lunatic, mad, mindless, nonsensi- mea-sure-ment \'me-zhar-mant, 'ma-\ n 1: the act or
cal, nutty, preposterous, sappy, silly, unintelligent, un- process of measuring 2 : a figure, extent, or amount
wise, wacky, witless, zany; irrational, unreasonable; obtained by measuring
aimless, haphazard, purposeless Ant meaningful
dimension, extent, magnitude, measure, proportion,
mean-ly \'men-Ie\ adv : in a mean manner size - more at SIZE
hatefully, maliciously, nastily, spitefully, viciously, measure up vb 1 : to have necessary or fitting qualifica-
wickedly - more at NASTILY tions - often used with to 2 : to equal esp, in ability -
mean-ness \'men-nas\ n : the quality or state of being used with to
usu measure up to approach, approximate, compare,
cattiness, despite, hatefulness, malice, malignity, nas- stack up - more at APPROXIMATE
tiness, spite, spleen, venom, viciousness - more at meat \'met\ n 1 : material taken into an organism and
used for growth, repair, and vital processes and as a
'meantime \'men-,tim\ n : the intervening time source of energy: FOOD; esp : solid food as distinguished
'meantime adv : MEANWHILE from drink 2: animal and esp. mammal flesh considered
'meanwhile \-,hwi(-a)l\ n : MEANTIME as food 3: the edible part inside a covering (as a shell or
'meanwhile adv 1 : during the intervening time 2: at the rind) - meaty adj
same time
meas abbr measure chow, fare, food, grub, provender, provisions, viands,
victuals - more at FOOD
mea-sles \'me-zalz\ n sing or pi : an acute virus disease
marked by fever and an eruption of distinct circular red meat-ball \-,bol\ n : a small ball of chopped or ground meat
spots meat loaf n : a dish of ground meat seasoned and baked in
mea-sly \'mez-Ie, -zo-lev adj mea-sli-er; -est .: con- the form of a loaf
temptibly small or insignificant mec-ca \'me-k,,\ n, often cap [Mecca. Saudi Arabia, a desti-
nation of pilgrims in the Islamic world] : a center of a
inconsequential, inconsiderable, insignificant, minute,
negligible, nominal, paltry, petty, slight, trifling, trivial specified activity or interest
- more at NEGLIGIBLE base, center (or centre), core, cynosure, eye, focus,
'measure \'me-zhar, 'ma-\ n 1 : an adequate or moderate heart, hub, nucleus, seat - more at CENTER
portion; also: a suitable limit 2 : the dimensions, ca- mech abbr mechanical; mechanics
pacity, or amount of something ascertained by measur- 'meoehanic \mi-'ka-nik\ adj : of or relating to manual work
ing; also : an instrument for measuring 3: a unit of or skill
measurement; also: a system of such units 4: the act or 'mechanic n 1: a manual worker 2: MACHINIST; esp : one
process of measuring 5 : rhythmic structure or move- who repairs cars
ment 6: the part of a musical staff between two bars me-chan-l-eal \mi-'ka-ni-bl\ adj 1 : of or relating to ma-
7 : a basis or standard of comparison: CRITERION 8 : a chinery, to manual operations, or to mechanics
means to an end 9: a legislative bill 10 : the total num- 2 : done as if by a machine - me-chan-i-cal-ly \-k(a-)le\
ber or quantity adv
[2] dimension, extent, magnitude, measurement, pro- automatic, involuntary, spontaneous - more at AU-
portion, size - more at SIZE [5] beat, cadence, meter TOMATIC
(or metre), rhythm - more at RHYTHM [7] criterion, mechanical drawing n : drawing done with the aid of in-
grade, mark, par, standard, touchstone, yardstick- struments
more at STANDARD [8] expedient, move, shift, step; me-chan-ics \mi-'ka-niks\ n sing or pi 1 : a branch of
a/so act. deed, doing, feat, thing; procedure, proceed- physics that deals with energy and forces and their effect
ing, process; attempt, endeavor, essay, initiative, opera- on bodies 2: the practical application of mechanics (as to
tion, undertaking; effort, exertion, labor, pains, trouble, the operation of machines) 3: mechanical or functional
work; makeshift, resort, resource, stopgap. [10] amount, details
quantity - more at AMOUNT mech-a-nism \'me-ka-,ni-zam\ n 1 : a piece of machinery;
'measure vb mea-sured: mea-sur-lnq 1 : to mark or fix in also: a process or technique for achieving a result 2: me-
multiples of a specific unit <~ off five centimeters> chanical operation or action 3: the fundamental
2 : to ascertain the measurements of 3: to bring into processes involved in or responsible for a natural phe-
comparison or competition 4: to serve as a means of nomenon <the visual +->
measuring 5: to have a specified measurement - mea- mech-a-nls-tlc \,me-ka-'nis-tik\ adj 1 : mechanically deter-
sur-able \'me-zha-ra-bal, 'ma-\ adj - mea-sur-ably \-ble\ mined <~ universe> 2: MECHANICAL - rnech-a-nis-ti-cal-
adv - measuroer n Iy \-li-k(a- )le\ adv
519 medium

mech-a-nize \'me-ka-,niz\ vb -nized; 1 : to make medical examinern : a public officer who performs autop-
mechanical 2: to equip with machinery esp. in order to sies on bodies to find the cause of death
replace human or animal labor 3: to equip with armed me-di-ca-ment\mi-'di-ka-mant, 'me-dt-ke-xn : a substance
and armored motor vehicles - meeh-a-ni-za-tlon \,me-ka- used in therapy
no-tza-shanv n - mech-a-nlz-er n Medi-care\'me-di-,ker\ n, often cap : a government pro-
med abbr 1 medical; medicine 2 medieval 3 medium gram of financial assistance for medical care esp. for the
MEd abbr master of education aged
med-al \'med-'I\ n [MF medaille, fro Olt medaglia coin med-i-cate\'me-da-,kat\ vb -cat-ed; -cat-inq : to treat with
worth half a denarius, medal, fr. VL *medalis half, alter. medicine
of LL medialis middle, fro L medius] 1 : a small usu. metal med-i-ca-tion\,me-da-'ka-shan\ n 1 : the act or process of
object bearing a religious emblem or picture 2: a piece medicating 2: a substance or preparation used in treat-
of metal issued to commemorate a person or event or to ing disease: MEDICINE
award excellence or achievement me-dlc-l-nal\ma-'dis-'n-al\ adj : tending or used to cure
med-al-istor med-al-list\'med-'I-ist\ n 1 : a designer or disease or relieve pain - me-dic-i-nal-ly adv
maker of medals 2: a recipient of a medal as an award med-l-clneVme-de-sonv n 1 : a substance or preparation
me-dal-non\ma-'dal-yan\ n 1 : a large medal 2: a tablet or used in treating disease 2: a science and art dealing with
panel bearing a portrait or an ornament the prevention, alleviation, and cure of disease
medodle\'med-'I\ vb medodled; medodling : to interfere cure, drug, pharmaceutical, remedy, specific; also
without right or propriety botanical, patent medicine, prescription; cordial, tonic;
butt in, interfere, intrude, mess, nose, obtrude, poke, miracle drug, wonder drug; capsule, pill, tablet; injec-
pry, snoop - more at INTERFERE tion, shot; liniment, lotion, ointment, potion, poultice,
medodler\'med-I-ar\ n : one that meddles salve; syrup, tincture; antibiotic, antiseptic, serum
busybody, interloper, intruder, kibitzer - more at medicine ball n : a heavy stuffed leather ball used for con-
ditioning exercises
med-dle-some\'med-'I-sam\ adj : inclined to meddle medicine man n : a priestly healer or sorcerer esp. among
the American Indians : SHAMAN
intrusive, nosy, obtrusive, officious, presumptuous, med-i-co\'me-di-,ko\ n, pi -cos: a medical practitioner or
prying - more at INTRUSIVE student
med-e-vacalso med-t-vac\'me-da-,vak\ n 1: emergency me-di-e-valor me-di-ae-vat\,me-de-'e-val, ,me-, me-'de-val\
evacuation of the sick or wounded 2: a helicopter used adj 1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of the Middle Ages
for medevac 2 : extremely outmoded or antiquated - me-di-e-val-Ism
me-dia \'me-de-a\ n, pi rne-dl-as 1 : MEDIUM 4 2 sing or pi \-va-,li-zam\ n - rne-dl-e-val-lst \-list\ n
in constr : MASS MEOlA me-di-c-ere \,me-de-'o-kar\ adj [MF, fr. L mediocris, fro
me-di-al\'me-de-al\ adj : occurring in or extending toward medius middle + ocris stony mountain] : of moderate or
the middle low quality - me-di-oe.ri.ty \-'ii-kra-te\ n
tme-dl-an \'me-de-an\ n 1 : a value in an ordered set of val- common, fair, indifferent, medium, middling, ordi-
ues below and above which there are an equal number of nary, passable, run-of-the-mill, second-rate, so-so; also
values 2: MEDIAN STRIP acceptable, adequate, all right, alright, decent, OK, rea-
2median adj 1 : being in the middle or in an intermediate sonable, satisfactory, sufficient, sufficing, tolerable;
position 2 : relating to or constituting a statistical me- moderate, modest; presentable, respectable; minimal,
dian unexceptional; fine, good, nice
[1] halfway, intermediary, intermediate, medium, med-i-tate\'me-da-,tat\ vb -tat-ed; -tat-lnq 1 .: to muse
middle, midmost - more at MIDDLE. [2] average, mid- over: CONTEMPLATE, PONDER 2: to plan or project in the
dle, moderate, modest - more at MIDDLE mind: INTEND - med-i-ta-tlon\,me-da-'ta-shan\ n
median strip n : a strip dividing a highway into lanes ac- chew over, cogitate, consider, contemplate, debate,
cording to the direction of travel deliberate, entertain, mull, ponder, question, ruminate,
me-di-ate\'me-de-,at\ vb -at-ed; 1 : to act as an in- study, think, weigh - more at PONDER
termediary; esp : to work with opposing sides in order to med-l-ta-tlveVme-dc-ata-tiv', adj 1 : marked by or con-
resolve (as a dispute) or bring about (as a settlement) ducive to meditation 2 : disposed or given to medita-
2 : to bring about, influence, or transmit (as a physical tion - med-i-ta-tive-lyadv
process or effect) by acting as an intermediate or control- [1, 2] contemplative, melancholy, pensive, reflective,
ling agent or mechanism - me-dl-a-tlon \,me-de-'a-shan\ ruminant, thoughtful- more at CONTEMPLATIVE
n Med.i.ter.ranean\,me-da-ta-'ra-ne-an, -'ra-nyan\ adj : of or
intercede, interpose, intervene - more at INTERVENE relating to the Mediterranean Sea or to the lands or peo-
me-di-e-tor \'me-de-,a-tar\ n : one that mediates ple around it
arbiter, arbitrator, broker, go-between, intercessor, ' \'me-de-am\ n, pi mediums or me-dia \-de-a\ [L]
intermediary, middleman, peacemaker; also moderator; 1 a : something in a middle position b : a middle posi-
negotiator; pacifier, reconciler; agent, attorney, deputy, tion or degree 2 : a means of effecting or conveying
factor, procurator, proxy; liaison; ambassador, emis- something 3: a surrounding or enveloping substance
sary, envoy, messenger; delegate, representative; busy- 4 : a channel or system of communication, information,
body, meddler; judge, referee, umpire; advisor, coun- or entertainment 5: a mode of artistic expression 6: an
selor individual held to be a channel of communication be-
med-ic \'me-dik\ n : one engaged in medical work; esp tween the earthly world and a world of spirits 7 : a con-
: CORPSMAN dition or environment in which something may function
med-i-ca-ble\'me-di-ka-bal\ adj : CURABLE or flourish Vrne-di-skadv n, often cap: a program of finan- [Ib] mean, middle, midpoint - more at MEAN [2]
cial assistance for medical care designed for those unable agency, agent, instrument, instrumentality, machinery,
to afford regular medical service and financed jointly by means, organ, vehicle - more at AGENT [7] atmo-
the state and federal governments sphere, climate, environment, environs, milieu, setting,
med-i-cal\'me-di-kal\ adj : of or relating to the science or surroundings - more at ENVIRONMENT
practice of medicine or the treatment of disease - med-l- 2medium adi : intermediate in amount, quality, position, \-k(a-)Ie\ adv or degree
mediumistic 520
average, intermediate, median, middle, moderate, mod- mega.byte \'me-ga-,bIt\ n : 1024 kilobytes or 1,048,576
est - more at MIDDLE halfway, middle, midmost- bytes; also: one million bytes
more at MIDDLE common, fair, indifferent, mediocre, mega-cy-cle \-,sI-bl\ n : MEGAHERTZ
middling, ordinary, passable, run-of-the-mill, second-rate, megaodeath \-,deth\ n : one million deaths - used as a
so-so - more at MEDIOCRE unit in reference to nuclear warfare
me-dl-um-ls-tlc \,me-de-a-'mis-tik\ adj : of, relating to, or meqa-hertz Vrne-ga-jharts, -,herts\ n : a unit of frequency
being a spiritualistic medium equal to one million hertz
medivac var OfMEDEVAC mega.lith \'me-ga-,lith\ n : a large stone used in prehistoric
med.ley Vmed-le', n, pi medleys 1 : a diverse assortment monuments - rneqa-ltth-lc \,me-ga-'li-thik\ adj
or mixture: HODGEPODGE 2: a musical composition made meg-a-lo-ma-nia \,me-ga-Io-'ma-ne-a, -nyav n : a mental dis-
up esp. of a series of songs order marked by feelings of personal omnipotence and
assortment, clutter, jumble, melange, miscellany, grandeur - meq-a-lo-ma-ni-ac \-'ma-ne-,ak\ adi or n
motley, muddle, variety, welter - more at MISCELLANY meg.a.lopooolis \,me-ga-'la-pa-las\ n : a very large urban
me-dul-la \ma-'da-Ia\ n, pi -las or -Iae \-(,)Ie, -,11\ : an inner unit
or deep anatomical part; also: the posterior part (medulla mega-phone \'me-ga-,fon\ n : a cone-shaped device used to
intensify or direct the voice - megaphone vb
ob-ton-qa-ta \-,a-,blol)-'ga-ta\) of the vertebrate brain that
mega-pix-el \'me-ga-,pik-sal\ n : one million pixels
is continuous with the spinal cord
mega-plex \-,pleks\ n : a cineplex having usu. at least 16
meed \'mM\ n : a fitting return
movie theaters
meek \'mek\ adj 1 .: characterized by patience and
mega-ton \-,tan\ n : an explosive force equivalent to that of
long-suffering 2: deficient in spirit and courage 3: MOD-
one million tons of TNT
meqa-vl-ta-mln \-,vI-ta-man\ adj : relating to or consisting
demure, humble, lowly, modest, retiring, unassum- of very large doses of vitamins - mega-vi-ta-mins n pi
ing, unpretentious - more at HUMBLE mei-o-sis \mI-'o-sas\ n : a process of cell division in ga-
meek-ly \-Ie\ adv : in a meek manner mete-producing cells in which the number of chromo-
humbly, lowly, modestly, sheepishly somes is reduced to one half - mei-ot-Ic \mI-'a-tik\ adj
meek-ness \-nas\ n : the quality or state of being meek melt-ner-l-um \mit-'nir-e-am, -'ner-\ n : an artificially pro-
humbleness, humility, lowliness, modesty - more at duced radioactive chemical element
HUMILITY mel-an-cho-lla \,me-Ian-'ko-Ie-a\ n : a mental condition
meer-schaum Vrnir-sham, -,shom\ n [G, fr. Meer sea + marked by extreme depression often with delusions
Schaum foam] : a tobacco pipe made of a light white mel-an-chol-ic \,me-lan-'ka-Iik\ adj 1 : DEPRESSED 2 : of or
relating to melancholia
clayey mineral
tmel-an-choly \'me-Ian-,ka-Ie\ n, pi -chol-ies [ME malen-
'meet \'met\ vb met \'met\; meet-lnq 1 : to come upon
co/ie, fr. AF, fr. LL melancholia, fro Gk, fr. melan-, melas
2 : JOIN, INTERSECT 3: to appear to the perception of
black + chole bile; so called fr. the former belief that it
4 : OPPOSE, FIGHT 5 a : to join in conversation or discussion
was caused by an excess of black bile] : depression of
b : to come together : ASSEMBLE 6: to conform to spirits : DEJECTION - melancholy adj
7 : to pay fully or fulfill the obligations of 8 a : to con-
blues, dejection, depression, desolation, despon-
tend successfully with : cope with b.: to produce or
dency, doldrums, dumps, forlornness, gloom, heartsick-
provide a counterpart or equal to : MATCH 9: to provide
ness, sadness - more at SADNESS
for 10: to be introduced to
2melancholy adi 1 a : suggestive or expressive of melan-
[1] chance, encounter, happen, stumble; also accost, choly b : causing or tending to cause sadness or de-
confront; face, greet, salute; crash (into), collide (with); pression of mind or spirit 2 a : depressed in spirits
crisscross, cross, pass; hit (upon), light (upon), tumble b : musingly or dreamily thoughtful
(to) [5b] assemble, cluster, collect, concentrate, con-
[lb] depressing, dismal, dreary, heartbreaking, pa-
glomerate, congregate, convene, forgather, gather, ren-
thetic, sad, sorry, tearful - more at SAD [2a] blue,
dezvous - more at ASSEMBLE. [7] answer, comply, fill,
depressed, down, downcast, glum, low, sad, unhappy
fulfill, keep, redeem, satisfy - more at FULFILL. [8b]
equal, match, tie Melane-sian \,me-Ia-'ne-zh:m\ n : a member of the domi-
nant native group of the Pacific island grouping of
2meet n : an assembling esp. for a hunt or for competitive Melanesia - Melanesian ad)
sports me-lange \ma-'Ia"zh, -'Ianj\ n : a mixture esp. of incon-
bout, competition, contest, event, game, match, tour- gruous elements
nament - more at GAME assortment, clutter, jumble, medley, miscellany, mot-
3meet adj : precisely adapted to a particular situation, ley, muddle, variety, welter - more at MISCELLANY
need, or circumstance: SUITABLE, PROPER mel-a-nin \'me-Ia-nan\ n : any of various dark brown pig-
applicable, appropriate, apt, felicitous, fit, fitting, ments of animal or plant structures (as skin or hair)
good, happy, proper, right, suitable - more at FIT mel-s-nlsm \'me-Ia-,ni-zam\ n : an increased amount of
meet-ing \'me-til)\ n 1 : the act or process of coming to- black or nearly black pigmentation
gether : ASSEMBLY 2 : a point where things come to- mel-a-no-ma \,me-Ia-'no-ma\ n, pi-mas also -rna-ta \-ma-ta\
gether : a usu. malignant tumor containing dark pigment
[1] assembly, conference, congress, convention, con- 'meld \'meld\ vb : to show or announce for a score in a card
vocation, council, gathering, get-together, huddle, pow- game
wow, seminar; also caucus, conclave, synod; demon- 2meld n : a card or combination of cards that is or can be
stration, rally; conversation, dialogue, discourse, dis- melded
cussion, palaver, talk; negotiation, parley; audience, 3meld n : a product of blending: BLEND, MIXTURE
interview, session [2] confluence, conjunction, con- me-lee \'ma-,Ia, ma-'Ia\ n [F melee] : a confused struggle
vergence - more at CONVERGENCE brawl, fracas, fray, free-for-all, row - more at BRAWL
rneet-lnq-house \-,halls\ n : a building for public assembly me-lio-rate Vmel-ya-irat, 'me-le-a-v vb -rat-ed; -rat-lnq : to
and esp. for Protestant worship make or grow better: AMELIORATE - me-llo-ra-tlon \,mel-
meg \'meg\ n : MEGABYTE ya-'ra-shan, ,me-Ie-a-\ n - me-tto-ra-nve \'mel-ya-,ra-tiv,
mega- or meg- comb form 1: great large <megahit) 'me-Ie-a-\ adj
2 : million <megahertz) mel-llt-lu-ous \me-'Ii-f1a-was, ma-v adj [ME mellyfluous, fr.
521 mend

LL mellifluus, fr. L mel honey + fluere to flow) : sweetly memo \'me-mo\ n, pi mem-os : MEMORANDUM
flowing - mel-Ilf-tu-ous-ly adv - mel-lif-lu-ous-ness n mem-oir\'mem-,war\ n 1 : MEMORANDUM 2: AUTOBIOGRA-
euphonious, lyric, mellow, melodic, melodious,musi- PHY - usu. used in pl. 3: an account of something note-
cal - more at LYRIC worthy; also, pi : the record of the proceedings of a
tmel-tow \'me-Ia\ adj 1 : soft and sweet because of ripeness; learned society
also: well aged and pleasingly mild <- wine) 2: made mem-o-ra-bll-ia \,me-m:l-r:l-'bi-Ie-:l, -'bil-Y:l\ n pi IL) : things
gentle by age or experience 3 : being rich and full but worthy of remembrance; also : MEMENTOS
not garish or strident <- colors) 4: of soft loamy con- mem-o-ra-ble\'me-m:l-r:l-b:ll\ adj : worth remembering
sistency<- soil) - mel-tow-ness n : NOTABLE - mem-o-ra-bil-l-ty\,me-m:l-r:l-'bi-l:l-te\ n-
balmy, benign, bland, delicate, gentle, light, mild, mem-o-ra-ble-nessn - mem-o-ra-bly\-ble\ adv
soft, soothing, tender - more at GENTLE mem-o-ran-dum \,me-m:l-'ran-d:lm\ n, pl-dums or -da \-da\
2mellowvb : to make or become mellow 1 : an informal record or written reminder 2 : an infor-
me-lod-lc\m:l-'Hi-dik\ adj : relating to, containing, con- mal written note
stituting, or made up of melody - \-di- directive, letter, missive, note, notice; also announce-
k(:l-)1;;\ adv ment, declaration, proclamation, pronouncement;
euphonious, lyric, mellifluous, mellow, melodious, charge, command, dictate; instructions, orders, word;
musical- more at LYRIC encyclical, epistle, mail, note
me-lo-di-ous\m:l-'lo-de-:ls\ adj : pleasing to the ear- ' \ma-'mor-e-al\ adj : serving to preserve re-
me-lo-di-ous-lyadv - me-lo-dl-ous-nessn membrance
lyric, mellifluous, mellow, melodic, musical - more 2memorial n 1 .: something designed to keep remem-
at LYRIC euphonious, harmonious, musical, sym- brance alive; esp : MONUMENT 2: a statement of facts of-
phonic, tuneful - more at HARMONIOUS ten accompanied with a petition - me-mo-ri-al-lze vb
melo-dra-ma\'me-I:l-,dra-m:l, -,dra-\ n 1 : an extravagantly keepsake, memento, monument, remembrance, sou-
theatrical play in which action and plot predominate over venir, token; also memorabilia; relic, vestige; cairn,
characterization 2: something having a sensational or landmark, marker; testimonial, tribute
theatrical quality - melo-dra-ma-tlst\,me-I:l-'dra-m:l-tist, MemorialDayn : the last Monday in Mayor formerly May
-'dra-\ n 30 observed as a legal holiday in honor of those who died
rneto-dra-mat-ic \,me-I:l-dr:l-'ma-tik\ adj 1 : of, relating in war
to, or characteristic of melodrama 2: appealing to the mem-o-rise chiefly Brit var 0/ MEMORIZE
emotions - rnelo-dra-mat-l-cal-ly \-ti-k(:l-)Ie\ adv mem-o-rize\'me-ma-,m\ vb -rized; : to learn by
dramatic, histrionic, theatrical - more at THEATRI- heart - mem-o-ri-za-ticn\,me-m:l-ra-'za-shan\ n - mem-
mel-o-dy \'me-I:l-de\ n, pi -dies 1: sweet or agreeable learn, study; also recall, recollect, relive, remember,
sound 2 : a particular succession of notes: TUNE, AIR reminisce, retain; apprehend, accept, comprehend, get,
air, lay, song, strain, tune, warble; also descant; ca- grasp, understand; absorb, digest Ant unlearn
dence, measure, meter, rhythm; ballad, ditty, hymn, mem-o-ry\'me-m:rre\ n, pi -ries 1 : the power or process
lyric, madrigal of remembering 2: the store of things remembered
mel-on \'me-I:ln\ n : any of various typically sweet fruits 3 : COMMEMORATION 4 : something remembered 5: the
(as a muskmelon or watermelon) of the gourd family usu. time within which past events are remembered 6: a de-
eaten raw vice (as in a computer) in which information can be
'melt \'melt\ vb 1 : to change from a solid to a liquid state stored
usu. by heat 2 a : DISSOLVE, DISINTEGRATE b : to disperse [I, 4) recall, recollection, remembrance, reminis-
or disappear or cause to disperse or disappear as if melt- cence; also flashback; memento, memorial, reminder,
ing 3: to make or become tender or gentle souvenir, token; association
[I) deliquesce, flux, fuse, liquefy, run, thaw - more menpi a/MAN
at LIQUEFY. [2b) disappear, dissolve, evaporate, fade, 'menace \'me-nas\ n 1 : THREAT 2 a : one that represents
flee, go, vanish - more at DISAPPEAR a threat : DANGER b: NUISANCE
2melt n : a melted substance danger, hazard, peril, pitfall, risk, threat, trouble-
meltodown\'melt-,daun\ n 1 : the melting of the core of a more at DANGER
nuclear reactor 2: a rapid or disastrous decline or disas- 2menaee vb men-aced; men-ac-ing 1 : to make a show of
ter intention to harm: THREATEN 2 : to represent or pose a
melting pot n : a place where different races, cultures, or threat to : E DANGER
individuals assimilate into a cohesive whole [1) hang, hover, overhang, threaten - more at
melt-wa-ter \-,wo-t:lr, -,wa-\ n : water derived from the THREATEN [2) adventure, compromise, endanger,
melting of ice and snow gamble with, hazard, imperil, jeopardize, risk, venture
mem abbr 1 member 2 memoir 3 memorial men-ac-ing adj : presenting, suggesting, or constituting a
mem-ber Vmem-bsrv n 1 : a part (as an arm, leg, leaf, or menace - men-ac-ing-ly adv
branch) of an animal or plant 2: one of the individuals baleful, dire, foreboding, ominous, portentous, sinis-
composing a group 3 : a constituent part of a whole ter - more at OMINOUS dangerous, grave, grievous,
component, constituent, element, factor, ingredient hazardous, parlous, perilous, risky, serious, unhealthy,
- more at ELEMENT part, partition, portion, section, unsafe, venturesome - more at DANGEROUS
segment - more at PART me.nage \ma-'nlizh\ n [F) : a domestic establishment
mem-ber-ship \-,ship\ n 1 : the state or status of being a : HOUSEHOLD
member 2: the body of members menage a trois \-a-'trwa\ n : an arrangement in which
mem-brane \'mem-,bran\ n : a thin pliable layer esp. of an- three persons share sexual relations esp. while living to-
imal or plant origin - mem-bra-nous v-brs-nas',adj gether
me-men-to\m:l-'men-to\ n, pi -tos or -toes [ME, fro L, re- rne-naq-er-le\ma-'na-ja-re\ n : a collection of wild animals
member, imper. of meminisse to remember) : some- esp. for exhibition
thing that serves to warn or remind; also: SOUVENIR 'mend \'mend\ vb 1 : to improve in manners or morals
keepsake, memorial, monument, remembrance, sou- 2 : to put into good shape: REPAIR 3 : to improve in
venir, token - more at MEMORIAL or restore to health: HEAL - mend-ern
mend 522
+ [2] doctor, fix, patch, recondition, renovate, repair, in terms of the number of years it takes an average child
revamp; also overhaul, rebuild, reconstruct, refurbish, to reach the same level
aid, cure, heal, help; condition, prepare, ready; care mental deficiency n : MENTAL RETARDATION
(for), maintain, service; rejuvenate, renew, restore; ad- men-tal-i-ty \men-'ta-Ia-te\ n, pi-ties 1 + : mental power or
just, correct, modify, rectify, redress, reform, right; capacity 2: mode or way of thought
ameliorate, better, improve, meliorate + [3) conva- + brains, gray matter (or grey matter), intellect, intelli-
lesce, gain, heal, rally, recover, recuperate, snap back gence, reason, sense - more at INTELLIGENCE
- more at CONVALESCE mental retardation n : subaverage intellectual ability pres-
2mend n 1 : an act of mending 2 : a mended place ent from infancy that is characterized by an IQ of 70 or
rnen-da-clous vmen-tda-shasv adj + : given to deception or less and problems in development, learning, and social
falsehood: UNTRUTHFUL - men-da-cious-ly adv adjustment - mentally retarded adj
+ dishonest, lying - more at DISHONEST men-tee \men-'te\ n : PROTeGe
men-dac-i-ty \-'da-sa-te\ n 1 : the quality or state of being men-tho I \'men-,thol, -,thol\ n : an alcohol occurring esp,
mendacious 2 + : an untrue statement made with intent in mint oils that has the odor and cooling properties of
to deceive : LIE peppermint - men-tho-lat-ed \-tha-,Ia-tad\ adj
+ fabrication, fairy tale, falsehood, falsity, fib, lie, pre- 'men-tion \'men-chan\ n 1 : a brief or casual reference 2: a
varication, story, tale, untruth, whopper - more at LIE formal citation for outstanding achievement
2mention vb 1 : to refer to : CITE 2: to cite for superior
men-de-le-vi-um \,men-da-'le-ve-am, -'Ia-\ n : a radioactive
achievement - not to mention : to say nothing of
chemical element artificially produced
men-di-cant Vmen-di-kantv n 1 : BEGGAR 2 often cap + advert (to), cite, instance, name, note, notice, quote,
: FRIAR - men-di-can-cy \-bn-se\ n - mendicant adi refer (to), specify, touch (on or upon); also allude (to),
men-folk \'men-,fok\ or men-folks \-,foks\ n pi 1 : men in hint (at), imply, infer, intimate, suggest; point (out), sig-
general 2: the men of a family or community nal, signify; denominate, designate; indicate; bring up,
men-ha-den vmen-thad-?n, man-x n, pi -den also -dens : a broach, interject, interpolate, interpose, introduce; in-
marine fish related to the herring that is abundant along filtrate, insinuate, worm; announce, declare, pro-
nounce; elucidate, explain
the Atlantic coast of the U.S.
'me-nial \'me-ne-al, -nyal\ adj 1 : of or relating to servants 'men-tor \'men-,tor, -tarv n : a trusted counselor or guide;
2 : HUMBLE; also: SERVILE - me-ni-al-ly adv also : TUTOR, COACH
2menial n + : a domestic servant 2mentor vb + : to serve as a mentor for
+ domestic, flunky, lackey, retainer, servant, steward coach, counsel, guide, lead, pilot, shepherd, show, tu-
- more at SERVANT tor - more at GUIDE
men-ln-qi-tls \,me-nan-'ji-tas\ n, pi -git-iodes \-'ji-ta-,dez\ menu \'men-yii, 'man-\ n, pi menus [F, fro menu small, de-
: inflammation of the membranes enclosing the brain and tailed, fr. OF, fro L minutus minute (adj.)] 1 : a list of the
spinal cord; also: a usu. bacterial disease marked by this dishes available (as in a restaurant) for a meal; also: the
dishes served 2 + : a list of offerings or options
me-ninx \'me-nilJks, 'me-\ n, pi me-nin-ges \ma-'nin-(,)jez\
: any of the three membranes that envelop the brain and + catalog, checklist, list, listing, register, registry, roll,
spinal cord - men-ln-qe-al \,me-n:m-'je-al\ adi roster, schedule, table - more at LIST
me-nis-cus \ma-'nis-kas\ n, pi me-nis-ci \-'nis-,ki, -,ke\ also me-ow \me-'au\ vb : to make the characteristic cry of a cat
me-nls-cus-es 1 : CRESCENT 2: the curved upper surface -meown
of a column of liquid mer abbr meridian
men-o-pause \'me-na-,poz\ n : the period of life when men- mer-can-tile \'mar-kan-,tel, -,tn\ adj : of or relating to mer-
struation stops naturally - men-o-paus-al \,me-na-'po- chants or trading
zal\ adj "mer-ce-nary \'mars-'n-,er-e\ n, pi -nar-ies : a person who
me-no-rah \ma-'nor-a\ n [Heb menorah candlestick] : a serves merely for wages; esp : a soldier hired into foreign
candelabrum that is used in Jewish worship service
men-ses \'men-,sez\ n sing or pi : the menstrual flow 2mercenary adj 1 +: serving merely for payor gain
menstrual cycle n : the complete cycle of physiological 2 : hired for service in a foreign army
changes from the beginning of one menstrual period to + acquisitive, avaricious, avid, covetous, grasping,
the beginning of the next greedy, rapacious - more at GREEDY
men-stru-a-tion \,men-stra-'wa-shan, men-tstra-x n : a dis- mer-cer \'mar-sar\ n, Brit: a dealer in usu. expensive fab-
charging of bloody matter at approximately monthly in- rics
tervals from the uterus of breeding-age nonpregnant mer-cer-ise chiefly Brit var O/MERCERIZE
primate females; also: PERIOD 6 - men-stru-al \'men-stra- mer-cer-ize \'mar-sa-,riz\ vb -ized; -iz-ing : to treat cotton
wal\ adj - men-stru-ate Vrnen-stra-jwat, -,strat\ vb yarn or cloth with alkali so that it looks silky or takes a
men-su-ra-ble Vmen-sa-ra-bal, '-cha-\ adj : MEASURABLE better dye
men-su-ra-tion \,men-sa-'ra-shan, ,men-cha-\ n : MEASURE- 'meroehanodise Vrnar-chan-jdiz, -,dis\ n + : the commodities
MENT or goods that are bought and sold in business
-ment \mant\ n suffix 1 : concrete result, object, or agent commodities, wares; also line; export, import; inven-
of a (specified) action <embankment) <entanglement) tory, staples, stock, stuff
2 : concrete means or instrument of a (specified) action 2meroehanodise \-,diz\ vb -dlsed; -dis-lnq + : to buy and sell
<entertainment) 3: action: process <encirclement) <de- in business
velopment) 4: place of a (specified) action <encamp- + deal, market, put up, retail, sell, vend - more at
ment) 5: state: condition <amazement) MARKET
men-tal \'ment-Ol\ adj 1 +: of or relating to the mind mer-chan-dis-er n : one that buys and sells in business
2 + : of, relating to, or affected with a disorder of the mer-chant \'mar-chant\ n 1 + : a buyer and seller of com-
mind <~ illness) - men-tal-ly adv modities for profit 2: STOREKEEPER
+ [I] cerebral, inner, intellectual, psychological; also + dealer, trader, trafficker; also businessman, business-
cognitive, conscious; psychic, telepathic; spiritual; alert, woman; buyer, purchaser; hawker, peddler; retailer,
brainy, bright, clever, quick-witted, intelligent, rational, seller, shopkeeper, storekeeper, vendor; jobber, middle-
reasoning, smart, thinking + [2) crazy, deranged, in- man, wholesaler; distributor, provider, supplier
sane, mad - more at INSANE mer-chant-able \'mar-chan-t;)-b;)l\ adj : acceptable to buy-
mental age n : a measure of a child's mental development ers : MARKETABLE
523 mescal

mer-chant-man \'m;>r-ch;mt-m;m\ n : a ship used in com- "mer-it \'mer-;>t\ n 1 : laudable or blameworthy traits or ac-
merce tions 2 + : a praiseworthy quality; also: character or con-
merchant marine n : the commercial ships of a nation duct deserving reward or honor 3 pi : the intrinsic nature
merchant ship n : MERCHANTMAN of a legal case; also: legal Significance \'m;>r-si-f;>-Ie\ adv 1 : in a merciful manner + distinction, excellence, value, virtue - more at EX-
2 : FORTUNATELY 2 CELLENCE + account, valuation, value, worth - more at
mer-ci-less \'m;>r-si-I;>s\ adj +: having or showing no WORTH
mercy - mer-ci-less-ly adv 2merit vb + : to be worthy of or entitled or liable to : EARN,
+ callous, hard, heartless, inhuman, inhumane, pitiless, DESERVE
soulless, unfeeling, unsympathetic - more at HARD deserve, earn, rate
mer-cu-ri-al \,m;>r-'kylir-e-;>I\ adj 1 +: unpredictably mer-l-toc-ra-cy \,mer-;>-'ta-kr;>-se\ n, pi -cies : a system in
changeable 2: MERCURIC - mer-cu-ri-al-ly adv - mer-cu- which the talented are chosen and moved ahead based on
rt-ai-ness n their achievement; also: leadership by the talented
+ capricious, changeable, fickle, inconstant, unpre- mer-i-to-ri-ous \,mer-;>-'tor-e-;>s\ adi + : deserving honor or
dictable - more at FICKLE esteem - mer-i-to-ri-ous-ly adv - mer-i-to-ri-ous-ness n
mer-cu-ric \,m;>r-'kyur-ik\ adj : of, relating to, or contain- + admirable, commendable, creditable, laudable,
ing mercury praiseworthy - more at ADMIRABLE + deserving, good,
mercuric chloride n : a poisonous compound of mercury worthy - more at WORTHY
and chlorine used as an antiseptic and fungicide mer-lin Vmar-lanv n : a small compact falcon of the north-
mer-cu-ry \'m;>r-ky;>-re\ n, pi -ries 1 : a heavy silver-white ern hemisphere
liquid metallic chemical element used esp, in scientific in-
mer-lot \mer-'Io, mar-X n : a dry red wine made from a
struments 2 cap: the planet nearest the sun widely grown grape; also: the grape itself
mer-cy Vmor-sev n, pi mercies [ME, fro AF merci, fr. ML mer-maid Vrnar-jmad', n : a legendary sea creature with a
merced-, merces, fro L, price paid, wages, fro merc-, merx woman's upper body and a fish's tail
merchandise] 1 +: compassion shown to an offender;
mer-man \-,man, -monv n : a legendary sea creature with a
also : imprisonment rather than death for first-degree man's upper body and a fish's tail
murder 2: a blessing resulting from divine favor or com-
mer-ri-ly \'mer-;>-Ie\ adv + : in a merry manner
passion; also : a fortunate circumstance 3 + : compas-
sionate treatment of those in distress - mer-cl-ful \-si-f;>1\ + cheerfully, gaily, happily, heartily, jovially, mirthfully
- more at GAILY
adi - mercy adj
+ [1] charity, clemency, leniency, quarter; also human- mer-ri-ment \'mer-i-m;>nt\ n 1 +: lighthearted gaiety or
fun-making : HILARITY 2 + : a lively celebration or party
itarianism, philanthropy; empathy, pity, sympathy, un-
derstanding; commiseration, favor, grace; benevolence,
care, compassion, gentleness, goodness, goodwill, kind- + [1] cheer, cheerfulness, cheeriness, glee, hilarity,
liness, kindness, meekness, mildness, niceness, softness, joviality, mirth - more at MIRTH + [2] conviviality, fes-
tenderness; altruism, generosity, magnanimity, nobility; tivity, gaiety, jollification, merrymaking, revelry-
affection, devotion, love, worship + [3] boon, courtesy, more at MERRYMAKING
favor (or favour), grace, indulgence, kindness, service, mer-ry Vmer-ev adj mer-ri-er: -est 1 + : full of gaiety or
tum high spirits 2: marked by festivity 3: BRISK <a - pace)
mercy killing n : EUTHANASIA + blithe, boon, festive, gay, gleeful, jocund, jolly, jovial,
'mere \'mir\ n : LAKE, POOL mirthful, sunny; also amused, beaming, chuckling, gig-
2mere adi, superlative mer-est 1 : being nothing more than gling, smiling; bright, buoyant, carefree, cheerful,
<a ~ child) 2: not diluted: PURE cheery, chipper, lighthearted, lightsome, upbeat; ani-
mere-Iy \-Ie\ adv + : no more than mated, jaunty, lively, perky, vivacious; blessed, blissful,
but, just, only. simply - more at JUST delighted, ecstatic, elated, enraptured, entranced, eu-
phoric, exhilarated, exuberant, exultant, gladsome,
mer-e-tri-cious \,mer-;>-'tri-sh;>s\ adj [L meretricius, fr. happy, high, joyful, joyous, jubilant, overjoyed, radiant,
meretrix prostitute, fr. merere to earn] : tawdrily attrac- rapturous, ravished, thrilled; amusing, facetious, flip-
tive; also : SPECIOUS - mer-e-tri-cious-ly adv - rner-e-trl- pant, funny, hilarious, joking, joshing, playful, witty;
clous-ness n careless, cavalier, easygoing, happy-go-lucky, insou-
mer-qan-ser \(,)m;>r-'gan-s;>r\ n : any of various fish-eating ciant, unconcerned; hopeful, rosy, sanguine
wild ducks with a usu. crested head and a slender bill
merry"'9o-round \'mer-e-go-,raund\ n 1: a circular re-
hooked at the end and serrated along the margins
volving platform with benches and figures of animals on
merge \'m;>rj\ vb merged; 1 : to blend gradually
which people sit for a ride 2: a busy round of activities
2 + : to combine, unite, or coalesce into one
mer-ry-mak-er \'mer-e-,ma-k;>r\ n + : one who engages in
+ amalgamate, blend, commingle, fuse, incorporate, in- merrymaking
tegrate, intermingle, mingle, mix - more at BLEND
+ celebrant, reveler, roisterer - more at CELEBRANT
mergoer \'m;>r-j;>r\ n 1 : the act or process of merging
2 : absorption by a corporation of one or more others \'mer-e-,ma-kil)\ n 1 + : gay or festive ac-
me-rid-i-an \m;>-'ri-de-;>n\ n [ME, fro AF meridien, fro meri- tivity 2: a festive occasion
dien of noon, fro L meridianus, fr. meridies noon, south, + conviviality, festivity, gaiety, jollification, merriment,
irreg. fr. medius mid + dies day] 1 + : the highest point revelry; also carousal, carouse; delight, diversion, enter-
: CULMINATION 2: any of the imaginary circles on the tainment, fun, pleasure, riot; glee, joviality, mirth,
earth's surface passing through the north and south poles mirthfulness; carnival, celebration, party, revel; frolick-
- meridian adj ing, gamboling, rollicking, romping; enjoyment, happi-
+ acme, apex, climax, crown, culmination, head, ness, joy; binge, fling, frolic, gambol, lark, rollick,
height, peak, pinnacle, summit, tip-top, top, zenith- romp, spree; buffoonery, clownishness, flippancy, fri-
more at HEIGHT volity, jocularity, joking, joshing, levity, lighthearted-
ness, playfulness; zaniness
me-ringue \m;>-'ral)\ n IF] : a baked dessert topping of
stiffly beaten egg whites and powdered sugar me-sa \'ma-s;>\ n [Sp, lit., table, fro L mensa] + : a flat'
me-ri-no \m;>-'re-no\ n, pi -nos [Sp] 1 : any of a breed of topped hill with steep sides
sheep noted for fine soft wool 2: a fine soft fabric or yarn + plateau, table, tableland - more at PLATEAU
of wool or wool and cotton mes-cal \me-'skal, m;>-\ n 1 : PEYOTE 2 2: a usu. colorless
mescaline 524
liquor distilled from the leaves of an agave; also : this messeigneurspl of MONSEIGNEUR
agave mes-sen-ger\'mes-'n-j:lr\ n + : one who carries a message
mes-ca-llne\'mes-k:l-I:m,-,Ien\ n : a hallucinatory alkaloid or does an errand
from the peyote cactus + courier, go-between, page, runner; also forerunner,
mes-clun\'mes-kl:ln\ n : a mixture of young tender greens; harbinger, herald; agent, ambassador, delegate, deputy,
also: a salad made with mesclun emissary, envoy, representative; bearer, carrier, deliv-
mesdames pl of MADAM or 0/ MADAME or 0/ MRS. eryman, letter carrier, mail carrier, mailman
mesdemoisellespIa/MADEMOISELLE messenger RNA n : an RNA that carries the code for a par-
'mesh \'mesh\ n 1: one of the openings between the ticular protein from DNA in the nucleus to a ribosome in
threads or cords of a net; also : one of the similar spaces the cytoplasm and acts as a template for the formation of
in a network 2: the fabric of a net 3 : NETWORK 4 : work- that protein
ing contact (as of the teeth of gears) (in,..,_,) 5 + : a wo- Messi.ah\m:l-'sf-:l\ n 1 : the expected king and deliverer
ven, knit, or knotted material of open texture with evenly of the Jews 2: Jesus 3 not cap: a professed or accepted
spaced holes - meshed \'mesht\ adj leader of a cause - mes-si-an-lc\,me-se-'a-nik\ adj
+ net, network - more at NET messieurs pl of MONSIEUR
2mesh vb 1 + : to catch in or as if in a mesh 2: to be in or mess-i-ness \'me-se-n:ls\ n + : the quality or state of being
come into mesh: ENGAGE 3: to fit together properly messy
+ enmesh, ensnare, entangle, entrap, snare, tangle, trap + chaos, confusion, disarray, disorder, disorganization,
- more at ENTANGLE havoc, hell, jumble, mess, muddle, muss, shambles,
mesh-work\'mesh-,w:lrk\ n : NETWORK tumble, welter - more at CHAOS
me-si-al\'me-ze-:ll, -se-vadj : of, relating to, or being the mess-mate Vmes-jmatv n : a member of a group who eat
surface of a tooth that is closest to the middle of the front regularly together
of the jaw Messrs. \'me-s:lrz\pl a/MR.
mes-mer-lse chiefly Brit var a/MESMERIZE messy \'me-se\ adj + : marked by confusion, disorder, or
mes-rner-lze \'mez-m:l-,riz\ vb -ized; -iz-lnq + : to dazzle or dirt
overcome by or as if by suggestion : HYPNOTIZE- mes- + chaotic, confused, disheveled, disordered, muddled,
mer-le \mez-'mer-ik\ adj - mes-mer-Ism Vmez-ma-jri- sloppy, unkempt, untidy; also blackened, dingy, dirty,
zamv filthy, foul, grimy, grubby, grungy, mucky, nasty,
+ arrest, enchant, enthrall, fascinate, grip, hypnotize - soiled, spotted, squalid, stained, sullied, unclean, un-
more at ENTHRALL cleanly; dowdy, frowsy, slatternly, slovenly, uncombed;
Me-so-lithic \,me-z:l-'li-thik\ adj : of, relating to, or being a wrinkled; contaminated, defiled, polluted, tainted;
transitional period of the Stone Age between the Pale- knotted, snarled, tangled; shabby, sleazy; neglected,
olithic and the Neolithic periods neglectful, negligent Ant neat, ordered, orderly, tidy
me-so-sphere \ 'rne-za-jsfirv n : a layer of the atmosphere mes-ti-zo \me-'ste-zo\ n, pI -zos [Sp] : a person of mixed
between the stratosphere and the thermosphere blood
Me-so-zo-ic\,me-z:l-'zo-ik, ,me-\ adj : of, relating to, or be- 'met past and past part 0/ MEET
ing the era of geologic history between the Paleozoic and 2met abbr metropolitan
the Cenozoic and extending from about 245 million years me-tab-o-lism \m:l-'ta-b:l-,li-z:lm\ n : the processes by
ago to about 65 million years ago - Mesozoic n which the substance of plants and animals incidental to
mes-quite \m:l-'sket, me-\ n : any of several spiny legumi- life is built up and broken down; also: the processes by
nous trees and shrubs chiefly of the southwestern U.S. which a substance is handled in the living body (,..,_, of
with sugar-rich pods important as fodder; also: mesquite sugar) - met-e-bet-te \,me-t:l-'ba-lik\ adj - rne-tab-o-llze
wood used esp. in grilling food \m:l-'ta-b:l-,Hz\ vb
'mess \'mes\ n [ME mes, fro AF, fr. LL missus course at a me-tab-o-lite\-,Ift\ n 1 : a product of metabolism 2: a sub-
meal, fro missus, pp. of mittere to put, fro L, to send] 1 stance essential to the metabolism of a particular organ-
a + : a quantity of food b: enough food of a specified ism or to a metabolic process
kind for a dish or meal (a - of beans) 2 + : a group of meta-car-pal\,me-t:l-'klir-p:lI\ n : any of usu. five more or
persons who regularly eat together; also: a meal eaten by less elongated bones of the part of the hand or forefoot
such a group 3: a place where meals are regularly served between the wrist and the bones of the digits-
to a group 4 + : a confused, dirty, or offensive state metacarpal adj
+ [la, 2] board, chow, feed, meal, repast, table - more meta-car-pus \-'klir-p:ls\ n : the part of the hand or fore-
at MEAL + [4] chaos, confusion, disarray, disorder, dis- foot that contains the metacarpals
organization, eyesore, havoc, hell, jumble, muddle, met-al\'met-'I\ n 1 : any of various opaque, fusible, duc-
shambles - more at CHAOS tile, and typically lustrous substances that are good con-
2mess vb 1 : to supply with meals; also: to take meals with ductors of electricity and heat 2: METTLE; also : the
a mess 2 a + : to make dirty or untidy - often used with material out of which a person or thing is made - me-tal-
up b + : to become confused or make an error : BUNGLE lic \m:l-'ta-lik\ adi
- usu. used with up 3 + : to interest oneself in what is met-al-lur-qy\'met-'I-,:lr-je\ n : the science and technology
not one's concern: INTERFERE, MEDDLE 4: PUTTER, TRIFLE of metals - \,met-'I-'ar-ji-bl\ adj-
5 + : to handle or play with something esp, carelessly met-al-lur-qlst\'met-I-,:lr-jist\ n
a/ten mess up [2a] confuse, disorder, jumble, mix, met-at-ware\'met-l-,war\ n : metal utensils for household
muddle, rumple + usu mess up [2b] bobble, botch, use
bungle, butcher, flub, foul up, fumble, mangle, screw met-al-work\-,w:lrk\ n : work and esp. artistic work made
up - more at BOTCH + [3] butt in, interfere, intrude, of metal- met-at-work-er\-,war-k:lr\ n - met-al-work-
meddle, nose, obtrude, poke, pry, snoop - more at IN- ingn
TERFERE + usu mess with [5] fiddle, fool, monkey, play, meta-mor-phlsrn\,me-ta-'mor-,fi-zam\ n : a change in the
tamper, tinker - more at TAMPER structure of rock; esp : a change to a more compact and
mes-sage \'me-sij\ n : a communication sent by one per- more highly crystalline form produced by pressure, heat,
son to another and water - meta-mor-phic \-'mor-fik\ adj
message board n : BULLETIN BOARD 2 meta-mor-phose \,me-t:l-'mor-,foz, -,fos\ vb 1 : to change
mess around vb + : to waste time into a different physical form esp, by supernatural means
+ fiddle, fool, monkey, play, potter, putter, trifle 2 + : to change strikingly the appearance or character of
525 metricize
convert, make over, transfigure, transform - more meth-a-done \'me-th~-,don\ also meth-a-don \-,dan\ n : a
at CONVERT synthetic addictive narcotic drug used esp, as a substitute
mete-mcr-pho-sls \,me-t~-'mor-f~-s~s\ n, pl-pho-ses \-,sez\ narcotic in the treatment of heroin addiction
1 a : a change of physical form, structure, or substance meth-am-phet-amine \,me-tham-'fe-t~-,men, -tham-, -manv
esp. by supernatural means b + : a striking alteration (as n : a drug used medically in the form of its hydrochloride
in appearance or character) 2: a fundamental change in in the treatment of obesity and often illicitly as a stimu-
form and often habits of an animal accompanying the lant
transformation of a larva into an adult meth-ane \'me-,than\ n : a colorless odorless flammable
+ changeover, conversion, transfiguration, transforma- gas produced by decomposition of organic matter or
tion - more at CONVERSION from coal and used esp. as a fuel
met-a-phor \'me-t~-,for\ n : a figure of speech in which a meth-a-nol \'me-th~-,nol, -,nol\ n : a volatile flammable
word for one idea or thing is used in place of another to poisonous liquid alcohol used esp. as a solvent and as an
suggest a likeness between them (as in "the ship plows the antifreeze
sea") - met-a-phor-ic \,me-t~-'for-ik\ or met-a-phor-i-cal meth-aqua-lone \me-'tha-kw~-,lon\ n : a sedative and hyp-
\,me-t~-for-i-k~l\ adj - met-a-phor-l-cal-Iy \-i-k(~- )Ie\ adv notic habit-forming drug that is not a barbiturate
meta-phys-i-cal \,me-t~-'fi-zi-k~l\ adj 1 : of or relating to met h-od \'me-th~d\ n [ME, prescribed treatment, fro L
metaphysics 2 + : of or relating to the transcendent or to methodus, fro Gk methodos, fro meta with + hodos way)
a reality beyond what is perceptible to the senses 1 + : a procedure or process for achieving an end 2: or-
+ preternatural, superhuman, supernatural, unearthly derly arrangement: PLAN
- more at SUPERNATURAL approach, fashion, form, manner, strategy, style, sys-
meta-phys-ics \,me-t~-'fi-ziks\ n [ML Metaphysica, title of tem, tack, tactics, technique, way; also mode; blueprint,
Aristotle's treatise on the subject, fro Gk (ta)meta design, game, ground plan, intrigue, layout, line, plan,
(ta)physika, lit., the (works) after the physical (works); fro plot, program, route, scheme; expedient, move, shift,
its position in his collected works) : the philosophical step; practice, process, routine; project, proposal,
study of the ultimate causes and underlying nature of proposition; policy
things - meta-phy-sl-clan \-f~-'zi-sh~n\ n me-thod-t-eal \m~-'tha-di-bl\ adj 1 : arranged, charac-
me-tas-ta-sis \m~-'tas-t~-s~s\ n, pi -ta-ses \-,sez\ : the terized by, or performed with method or order <a "-'
spread of a health-impairing agency (as cancer cells) from
treatment of the subject) 2: habitually proceeding ac-
the initial or primary site of disease to another part of the
cording to method <"-' in his daily routine) - me-thod-l-
body; also : a secondary growth of a malignant tumor - \-k(~-)le\ adv - me-thod-i-cal-ness n
me-tas-ta-size \-t~-,siz\ vb - met-a-stat-Ic \,me-t~-'sta-tik\
adj + orderly, regular, systematic; also standardized; accu-
meta-tar-sal \,me-t~-'tar-s~l\ n : any of the bones of the rate, correct, exact, precise; detailed, specific Ant disor-
foot between the tarsus and the bones of the digits that in ganized, haphazard, irregular, unsystematic
humans include five elongated bones - metatarsal adj meth-od-lse chiefly Brit var of METHODIZE
meta-tar-sus \-'tar-s~s\ n : the part of the human foot or MethoOdistVme-thc-distv n : a member of a Protestant de-
the hind foot in quadrupeds that contains the metatarsals nomination adhering to the doctrines of John Wesley -
'mete \'met\ vb met-ed: 1 archaic : MEASURE MethoOdism\-,di-z~m\ n
2 + : to give out by measure - usu. used with out metb-od-lae \'me-th~-,diz\ vb -ized; : SYSTEMATIZE
+ usu mete out administer, allocate, apportion, deal, meth-od-ol-o-qy \,me-th~-'da-l~-je\ n, pi -gies 1 : a body of
dispense, distribute, parcel, portion, prorate - more at methods and rules followed in a science or discipline
ADMINISTER 2 : the study of the principles or procedures of inquiry in
'mete n : BOUNDARY <"-'s and bounds) a particular field
me-te-or \'me-te-~r, -,or\ n 1 : a small particle of matter in meth'yl \'me-th~1\ n : a chemical radical consisting of car-
the solar system directly observable only by its glow from bon and hydrogen
frictional heating on falling into the earth's atmosphere methyl alcohol n : METHANOL
2 : the streak of light produced by a meteor meth-yl-mer-cury \,me-th~l-'m~r-ky~-re\ n : any of various
me-te-er-ic \,me-te-'or-ik\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or resem- toxic compounds of mercury that often occur as pollu-
bling a meteor 2: transiently brilliant <a ~ career) - tants which accumulate in animals esp. at the top of a
me-te-cr-i-cal-ly \-i-k(~- )Ie\ adv food chain
me-te-or-ite \'me-te-~-,rit\ n : a meteor that reaches the sur- me-tic-u-lous \m~-'ti-ky~-l~s\ adj [L meticulosus fearful, fro
face of the earth metus fear) + : extremely careful in attending to details
me-te-or-old \'me-te-~-,roid\ n : a small particle of matter - me-tic-u-lous-ly adv - me-tic-u-lous-ness n
in the solar system + careful, conscientious, fussy, painstaking - more at
me-te-o-rol-o-qy \,me-te-~-'ra-I~-je\ n : a science that deals PAINSTAKING
with the atmosphere and its phenomena and esp. with me-tic-u-lous-ness \m~-'ti-ky~-I~s-n~s\ n : the quality or
weather forecasting - me-te-o-ro-loq-lc \,me-te-,or-~-'Ia- state of being meticulous
jik\ or me-te-o-ro-lcq-l-cal \-'la-ji-k~l\ adj - me-te-o-ret-e-
gist \,me-te-~-'ra-I~-jist\ n + care, carefulness, heed, heedfulness, pains, scrupu-
lousness - more at CARE
tme-ter or Can and Brit metre \'me-t~r\ n + : rhythm in
verse or music me-tier \'me-,tya, me-'tya\ n : an area of activity in which
one is expert or successful
+ beat, cadence, measure, rhythm - more at RHYTHM
me-tre \'me-t~r\ Can and Brit var of 'METER 'meter
2meter or Can and Brit metre n : the basic metric unit of met-ric \'me-trik\ adj 1 : of or relating to measurement;
length esp : of or relating to the metric system 2: METRICAL 1
3meter n : a measuring and sometimes recording instrument
met-ri-cal \'me-tri-k,,1\ adj 1 .: of, relating to, or com-
'meter vb 1 : to measure by means of a meter 2: to print
posed in meter 2: of or relating to measure and esp. the
postal indicia on by means of a postage meter < -<ed
metric system - met-n-eat-ly \-k(~-)Ie\ adv
malar-kilogram-second or Can and Brit metre-kilogram- cadenced, measured, rhythmic - more at RHYTHMIC
second adj : of, relating to, or being a system of units met-rt-ce-tlon \,me-!ri-'ka-sh~n\ n : the act or process of
based on the meter, the kilogram, and the second converting into or expressing in the metric system
meter maid n : a woman assigned to write tickets for park- met-rl-clze \'me-tr~-,siz\ vb -cized; : to change into
ing violations or express in the metric system
metric system 526
metric system n : a decimal system of weights and mea- Mic.mac \'mik-,mak\ n, pi Micmac or Micmacs: a member
sures based on the meter and on the kilogram of an American Indian people of eastern Canada
metric ton n : a metric unit of weight equal to 1,000 kilo- micr- or micro- comb form 1 : small : minute <microcap-
grams sule> 2 : one millionth part of a specified unit <microsec-
tmet-rc \'me-tro\ n, pI metros: SUBWAY ond>
2metro adj : of, relating to, or characteristic of a metropolis 'mi-cro \'mi-kro\ adj 1 : very small; esp : MICROSCOPIC 2 : in-
and sometimes including its suburbs volving minute quantities or variations
met-ro-nome Vme-tra-jnomv n : an instrument for marking 2micro n : MICROCOMPUTER
exact time by a regularly repeated tick mi-crobe \'mi-,krob\ n : MICROORGANISM; esp : one causing
me-trop-o-lis \m:l-'tra-pa-I:ls\ n [ME, fro LL, fr. Gk metrop- disease - mi-cro-bl-at \mi-'kro-be-:ll\ adi
olis, fr. meter mother + polis city) + : the chief or capital mi-cro-bi-ol-o-gy \,mi-kro-bi-'a-I:l-je\ n : a branch of biol-
city of a country, state, or region; also: a large important ogy dealing esp, with microscopic forms of life - mi-cro-
city - met-ro-pol-i-tan \,me-tra-'pa-I:lt-n\ adj bl-o-loq-l-cal \-,bi-a-'Ia-ji-kal\ adj - mi-cro-bi-ol-o-gist
+ city, municipality \-bi-'a-I:l-jist\ n
mi-cro-brew-ery \'mi-kro-,brii-:l-re\ n : a small brewery
met-tle \'met-'l\ n 1 : SPIRIT, COURAGE 2: quality of tem- making specialty beer in limited quantities
perament mi-cro-burst \-,barst\ n : a violent short-lived localized
met-tle-scme \'met-I-s:lm\ adj + : full of mettle downdraft that creates extreme wind shears at low alti-
+ fiery, high-spirited, peppery, spirited, spunky- tudes
more at SPIRITED ml-cro-cap-sule \'mi-kro-,kap-s:lI, -siil\ n : a tiny capsule
MeV abbr million electron volts containing material (as a medicine) released when the
'mew \'myU\ vb : MEOW - mew n capsule is broken, melted, or dissolved
2mew vb : CONFINE mi-cro-chip \-,chip\ n : INTEGRATED CIRCUIT
mews \'myUz\ n sing or pl, chiefly Brit: stables uSU. with mi-cro-cir-cuit \-,s:lr-k:lt\ n : a compact electronic circuit
living quarters built around a court; also: a narrow street mi-cro-com-put-er \-k:lm-,pyii-t:lr\ n : a small computer
with dwellings converted from stables that uses a microprocessor; esp : PERSONAL COMPUTER
Mex abbr Mexican; Mexico mi-cro-cosm \'mi-kr:l-,ka-z:lm\ n : an individual or com-
Mex.i-can \'mek-si-kan\ n : a native or inhabitant of Mex- munity thought of as a miniature world or universe
ico - Mexican adj mi-cro-elec-tron-lcs \'mi-kro-i-,Iek-'tra-niks\ n : a branch of
mez-za-nine \'mez-n-,en, ,mez-n-'en\ n 1: a low= electronics that deals with the miniaturization of elec-
ceilinged story between two main stories of a building tronic circuits and components - rni-cro-etec-trcn-lc
2 : the lowest balcony in a theater; also: the first few rows \-nik\ adj
of such a balcony mi-cro-en-cap-su-late \,mi-kro-in-'kap-s:l-,Iat\ vb : to en-
mez-zo tor-te \,met-(,)so-'f6r-,ta, ,med-(,)zo-, -te\ adj or adv close (as a drug) in a microcapsule - rnl-cro-en-cap-su-ta-
[It) : moderately loud - used as a direction in music tion \-in-,kap-s:l-'Ia-sh:ln\ n
mez-zo pia-no \-pe-'a-(,)no\ adj or adv [It) : moderately soft mi-cro-fiber \'mi-kro-,fi-b:lr\ n : a fine usu. soft polyester
- used as a direction in music fiber; also: a fabric made from such fibers
mez-zo-so-pra-no \-sa-'pra-no, -'pra-\ n : a woman's voice mi-cro-fiche \'mi-kro-,fesh, -,fish\ n, pI -fiche or -fiches
having a range between that of the soprano and contralto; \same or -,fe-shaz, -,fi-\ : a sheet of microfilm containing
also : a singer having such a voice rows of images of pages of printed matter
MFA abbr master of fine arts mi-cro-film \-,film\ n : a film bearing a photographic record
mfr abbr manufacture; manufacturer (as of print) on a reduced scale - microfilm vb
mg abbr milligram mi-cro-graph \'mi-kra-,graf\ n : a graphic reproduction of
Mg symbol magnesium the image of an object formed by a microscope
MG abbr 1 machine gun 2 major general 3 military gov- mi-cro-man-age \,mi-kro-'ma-nij\ vb : to manage esp. with
ernment excessive control or attention to details - mi-cro-man-
age-ment \-m:lnt\ n - mi-cro-man-ag-er \-ni-jar\ n
mgr abbr 1 manager 2 monseigneur 3 monsignor
mgt or mgmt abbr management
mi-cro-me-te-cr-lte \,mi-kro-'me-te-:l-,rit\ n : a very small
particle in interplanetary space
MGy 5gt abbr master gunnery sergeant
mi-crom-e-ter \mi-'kra-m:l-t:lr\ n : an instrument used with
MHz abbr megahertz
a telescope or microscope for measuring minute dis-
mi abbr 1 mile; mileage 2 mill
MI abbr 1 Michigan 2 military intelligence
mi-cro-min-la-tur-iza-tlcn \,mi-kro-,mi-ne-a-,chur-:l-'za-
MIA \,em-(,)i-'a\ n [missing in action) : a member of the shan, -jmi-ni-jchur-, -char-v n : the process of producing
armed forces whose whereabouts following a combat things in a very small size and esp. in a size smaller than
mission are unknown one considered miniature - ml-cro-mln-la-tur-lzed \-'mi-
Miami \mi-'a-me, -mcv n, pl Miami or : a member ne-o-cho-jrizd, -'mi-ni-cha-\ adj
of an American Indian people orig, of Wisconsin and In- mi-cron \'mi-,kran\ n : one millionth of a meter
diana mi-cro-or-qan-lsm \,mi-kro-'6r-g:l-,ni-z:lm\ n : an organism
mi-as-ma \mi-'az-m:l, me-\ n, pI -mas also -ma-ta \-m:l-ta\ (as a bacterium) too tiny to be seen by the unaided eye
1 : a vapor from a swamp formerly believed to cause dis- mi-cro-phone \'mi-kra-,fon\ n : an instrument for convert-
ease 2: a harmful influence or atmosphere - mi-as-mal ing sound waves into variations of an electric current for
\-mal\ adj - mi-as-mic \-mik\ adj transmitting or recording sound
mic \'mik\ n : MICROPHONE mi-cro-pho-to-graph \,mi-kra-'fo-t:l-,graf\ n : PHOTOMICRO-
Mic abbr Micah GRAPH
mi-ca \'mi-k:l\ n [NL, fr. L, grain, crumb) : any of various mi-cro-pro-ces-sor \,mI-kro-'pra-,se-sar\ n ! a computer
mineral silicates readily separable into thin transparent processor contained on a microchip
sheets mi-cro-scope \'mi-kr:l-,skop\ n : an instrument for making
Mi-cah \'mi-b\ n : a book of Jewish and Christian SCrip- magnified images of minute objects usu. using light-
ture mi-cros-co-py \mi-'kras-k:l-pe\ n
mice ol of MOUSE mi-cro-scop-ic \,mi-kra-'ska-pik\ also mi-cro-scop-i-cal \-pi-
Mich abbr Michigan k:ll\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or involving the use of the mi-
Mi-che-as \'mi-ke-:ls, mi-'ke-:ls\ n : MICAH croscope 2 a : too tiny to be seen without the use of a
527 might
microscope b.: very small - ml-cro-scop-l-cat-ly\-pi- common, fair, indifferent, mediocre, medium, ordi-
k(a- )le\ adv nary, passable, run-of-the-mill, second-rate, so-so-
atomic, infinitesimal, miniature, minute, teeny, tiny, more at MEDIOCRE
wee - more at TINY midody\'mi-de\ n, pi middies: MIDSHIPMAN
mi-cro-sec-ond \'mi-kro-,se-kand\ n : one millionth of a midge \'mij\ n : a very small fly : GNAT
second midgoet \'mi-jat\ n 1 sometimes offensive: a very small per-
mi-cro-sur-gery\,mi-kro-'sar-ja-re\ n : minute dissection or son 2 : something(as an animal) very small for its kind
manipulation (as by a laser beam) of living structures or dwarf, mite, peewee, pygmy, runt, scrub, shrimp-
tissue - ml-ero-sur-ql-cal\-'sar-ji-kal\ adj more at DWARF
mi-cro-tech-nol-o-qy \-tek-'nli-Ia-je\ n : technology on a midi \'mi-de\ n : a calf-length dress, coat, or skirt
small or microscopic scale MIDI \'mi-de\ n [musical instrument digital interface] : a
'mioero-wave\'mi-kra-,wav\ n 1 : a radio wave between one proctocol for the transmission of digitally encoded music
millimeter and one meter in wavelength 2: MICROWAVE midland \'mid-Iand, -,Iand\ n : the interior or central re-
OVEN gion of a country
'microwave vb : to heat or cook in a microwave oven - mi- mld-life \'mid-'lif\ n : MIDDLE AGE
cro-wav-abteor mi-cro-wave-able \,mi-kra-'wa-va-bal\ adj midlife crisis n : a period of emotional turmoil in middle
microwaveoven n : an oven in which food is cooked by the age characterized esp. by a strong desire for change
absorption of microwave energy by water molecules in mtd-mcst \-,most\ adj. : being in or near the exact middle
the food - midmostadv
'mid \'mid\ adj : occupying a middle position: MIDDLE halfway, intermediary,intermediate, median, medium,
'mid abbr middle middle - more at MIDDLE
mid-alr \'mid-'ar\ n : a point or region in the air well above mid-night \-,nit\ n : 12 o'clock at night
the ground mid-ocean ridge Vmld-to-shan-v n : an elevation on an
midoday\'mid-,da, -'da\ n : the middle part of the day ocean floor at the boundaryof divergingtectonic plates
noon, noontime - more at NOON mld-polnt \'mid-,point, -'point\ n : a point at or near the
mldoden \'mid-n\ n : a refuse heap center or middle
'midodle\'mid-'I\ adj 1 .: equally distant from the ex- mean, medium, middle - more at MEAN center (or
tremes 2.: being at neither extreme: INTERMEDIATE centre), core, midst - more at CENTER
3 cap: constituting an intermediate period midriff \'mi-,drif\ n [ME midrif, fro OE midhrif, fro midde
[1, 2] central, halfway, intermediary, intermediate, mid + hriJbelly] 1 : DIAPHRAGM 1 2 : the mid-region of
median, medium, midmost;also equidistant; inmost, in- the human torso
ner, innermost Ant extreme, farthest, furthest, outer- middle, waist; also abdomen, torso, trunk
most. [I, 2] average, intermediate, moderate, modest; mid-sec-tion \-,sek-shan\ n : a section midway between the
also reasonable; common, commonplace,conventional, extremes; esp : MIDRIFF 2
normal, popular, regular, routine, standard, typical, mid-ship-man\'mid-,ship-man, (,)mid-'ship-\ n : a student
usual; passable, tolerable in a naval academy
'middle n 1 : a middle part, point, or position 2 : the mld-shlps \-,ships\ adv : AMIDSHIPS
central portion of the human body: WAIST 3 : the posi- 'midst \'midst\ n 1 : the interior or central part or point
tion of being among or in the midst of something (caught 2 : a position of proximity to the members of a group (in
in the ---- of their conflict> our ----> 3 : the condition of being surrounded or beset
[1] mean, medium, midpoint - more at MEAN [2] [1] center (or centre), core, midpoint - more at CEN-
midriff, waist - more at MIDRIFF [3] deep, depth, TER [3] deep, depth, height, middle, thick - more at
height, midst, thick - more at THICK THICK
middleage n : the period of life from about 45 to about 64 'midst prep : in the midst of
- midodle-aged \,mid-'I-'ajd\ adj amid, among, through - more at AMONG
Middle Ages n pi : the period of European history from mid-stream \'mid-'strem, -jstrern', n : the middle of a
about A.D. 500 to about 1500 stream
midodle-brow\'mid-I-,brau\ n : a person who is moder- mld-sum-rner \-'sa-mar, -,sa-\ n 1 : the middle of summer
ately but not highly cultivated - middlebrow adj 2 : the summer solstice
middle class n : a social class holding a position between mid-town \'mid-,taun, -'taun\ n : a central section of a city;
the upper class and the lower class - mtddle-ctess adj esp : one situated between sections called downtown and
middle ear n : a small membrane-lined cavity of the ear uptown - midtown adj
through which sound waves are transmitted by a chain of 'mid.way\'mid-,wa, -'wa\ adv : in the middle of the way or
tiny bones distance
middlefinger n : the midmost of the five digits of the hand 'mid.way\-,wa\ n : an avenue (as at a carnival) for conces-
mid-dle-man \'mid-l-,man\ n 1 .: an intermediary or sions and amusements
agent between two parties 2: one who is intermediatebe- mid-week \-,wek\ n : the middle of the week - mid-week-
tween the producer of goods and the retailer or consumer Iy \-,we-kle, -'we-\ adj or adv
arbiter, arbitrator, go-between, intercessor, interme- midwife \'mid-,wif\ n : a person who helps women in
diary, mediator, peacemaker - more at MEDIATOR childbirth - mid.wife-ry \-,wi-fa-re\ n
middle-of-the-road adj : standing for or following a rnld-wtn-ter \'mid-'win-tar, -,win-\ n 1 : the winter solstice
course of action midway between extremes; esp : being 2 : the middle of winter
neither liberal nor conservative in politics - midodle-of- mid-year \-,yir\ n 1 : the middle of a year 2 : a midyear ex-
the-read-er \-'ro-dar\ n - midodle-of-the-roadism\-'ro- amination - midyearadj
,di-zam\ n mien\'men\ n 1 : air or bearing esp. as expressiveof mood
middleschool n : a school usu. including grades 5 to 8 or 6 or personality: DEMEANOR 2 : outward aspect: APPEAR-
to 8 ANCE
midodle-weight \'mid-l-,wat\ n : one of average weight; esp appearance, aspect, look, presence - more at AP-
: a boxer weighing not over 160pounds PEARANCE
midodling\'mid-IiIJ, -Ian\ adj 1 : of middle, medium, or miff \'mif\ vb : to put into an ill humor
moderate size, degree, or quality 2 : of moderate or 'might \'mit\ verbal auxiliary, past oj may - used as an
low quality, value, ability, or performance: MEDIOCRE auxiliary to express permission or possibility in the past,
might 528
a present condition contrary to fact, less probability or mil.i.tan-cy \'mi-I;l-t;ln-se\ n + : the quality or state of being
possibility than may, or as a polite alternative to may, militant
ought, or should + aggression, aggressiveness, belligerence, fight, pug-
2might n + : the power, authority, or resources of an indi- nacity, truculence - more at BELLIGERENCE
vidual or a group tmll-l-tant \'mi-l;l-t;lnt\ adj 1 a : engaged in warfare
+ energy, force, main, muscle, potency, power, sinew, b + : prone to fighting 2 : aggressively active esp. in a
strength, vigor (or vigour) - more at POWER cause - mlt-l-tance \-t;lns\ n - mil-i-tant-ly adv \'mi-t:l-le\ adv 1 .: in a mighty manner <ap- + [lb) aggressive, argumentative, bellicose, belligerent,
plauded ~> 2 : very much <depressed me ~> combative, contentious, discordant, disputatious, pug-
+ [l] energetically, firmly, forcefully, forcibly, hard, nacious, quarrelsome, scrappy, truculent, warlike-
powerfully, stiffly, stoutly, strenuously, strongly, stur- more at BELLIGERENT [2) aggressive, ambitious, as-
dily, vigorously - more at HARD + [2] especially, ex- sertive, enterprising, fierce, go-getting, high-pressure,
tremely, greatly, highly, hugely, mighty, mortally, most, self-assertive - more at AGGRESSIVE
much, real, right, so, very - more at VERY 2militant n + : one who is militant
'mighty \'mi-te\ adj miqht-l-er: -est 1 + : very strong: POW- + crusader, fanatic, partisan, zealot - more at ZEALOT
ERFUL 2: GREAT, NOTABLE - mtqht-l-ness v-te-nesx n mll-l-ta-rtse chiefly Brit var a! MILITARIZE
important, influential, potent, powerful, significant, mil-l-ta-rlsm \'mi-I;l-t;l-,ri-z;lm\ n 1 : predominance of the
strong - more at IMPORTANT military class or its ideals 2: a policy of aggressive mili-
2mighty adv : to a high degree tary preparedness - rnll-l-ta-rlst \-rist\ n - mll-l-ta-rts-tic
mi-gnon-ette \,min-y;l-'net\ n : an annual garden herb with \,mi-I;l-t;l-'ris-tik\ adj
spikes of tiny fragrant flowers mll-l-ta-rtze \'mi-I;l-t;l-,riz\ vb -rized; -riz-inq 1 : to equip
migraine \'mi-,gran\ n [ME mygreyn, fro MF migraine, fro with military forces and defenses 2: to give a military
LL hemicrania pain in one side of the head, fr. Gk character to
hemikrania, fro hemi- half + kranion cranium] : a condi- 'mil.i.tary \'mi-l;l-,ter-e\ adj 1 : of or relating to soldiers,
tion marked by recurrent severe headache and often nau- arms, war, or the army 2: performed by armed forces;
sea; also : an attack of migraine also : supported by armed force - \,mi-I;l-
mi-grant Vmi-grantv n : one that migrates; esp : a person 'ter-;l-HS\ adv
who moves in order to find work (as picking crops)- 2military n, pI military also mil-i-tar-ies 1 +: the military,
migrant adj naval, and air forces of a nation 2: military persons
emigrant, emigre, immigrant, settler - more at EMI- + armed forces, services, troops - more at ARMED
mi-grate \'mi-,grat\ vb ml-qrat-ed; 1 : to move military police n : a branch of an army that exercises guard
from one country or place to another 2 : to pass usu. pe- and police functions
riodically from one region or climate to another for feed- mil-i-tate \'mi-l;l-,tat\ vb -tat-ed; : to have weight or
ing or breeding - ml-qra-tion \mi-'gra-sh;ln\ n - mi-gra- effect
to-ry \'mi-gr;l-,tor-e\ adj ml-ll-tla \m;l-'li-sh;l\ n : a part of the organized armed
mi-ka-do \m;l-'kii-do\ n, pl-dos : an emperor of Japan forces of a country liable to call only in an emergency -
rnl-ll-tla-man \-m;ln\ n
mike \'mik\ n : MICROPHONE
'milk \'milk\ n 1 : a nutritive usu. whitish fluid secreted by
'mil \'mil\ n : a unit of length equal to Y1000 inch
female mammals for feeding their young 2: a milklike
2mil abbr military
milch \'milk, 'milch\ a4j : giving milk <~ cow> liquid (as a plant juice) - milk-i-ness \'mil-ke-n;ls\ n -
mild \'mi(-;l)ld\ adi 1 .: gentle in nature or behavior
2milk vb 1 : to draw off the milk of <~ a cow> 2: to draw
2 : moderate in action or effect 3 + : not severe: TEMPER-
something from as if by milking
ATE - adv - mildness n
rnllk-mald \'milk-,mad\ n : DAIRYMAID
+ [1] balmy, benign, bland, delicate, gentle, light, mel- milk-man \-,man, -manx n : a person who sells or delivers
low, soft, soothing, tender - more at GENTLE milk
+ [3) balmy, clement, equable, gentle, moderate, tem- milk of magnesia: a milk-white mixture of hydroxide of
perate - more at CLEMENT magnesium and water used as an antacid and laxative
mil-dew \'mil-,dii, -,dyii\ n : a superficial usu. whitish milk shake n : a thoroughly blended drink made of milk, a
growth produced on organic matter and on plants by a flavoring syrup, and often ice cream
fungus; also: a fungus producing this growth - mildew milk-sop \'rnilk-,siip\ n : an unmanly man
vb mltk-weed \-,wed\ n : any of a genus of herbs with milky
mile \'mi(-;l)1\ n [ME, fro OE mil, fro L milia miles, fr. milia juice and clustered flowers
passuum, lit., thousands of paces) 1 : a unit of length Milky Way n 1: a broad irregular band of light that
equal to 5280 ft. 2: NAUTICAL MILE stretches across the sky and is caused by the light of a
mile-age \'mHij\ n 1 : an allowance for traveling expenses very great number of faint stars 2: MILKY WAY GALAXY
at a certain rate per mile 2: distance in miles traveled (as MilkyWay galaxy n : the galaxy of which the sun is a mem-
in a day) 3: the amount of service yielded (as by a tire) ber and which includes the stars that create the light of
expressed in terms of miles of travel 4: the average num- the Milky Way
ber of miles a motor vehicle will travel on a gallon of 'mill \'mil\ n 1 : a building with machinery for grinding
gasoline grain into flour 2: a machine used in processing (as by
mile-post \'mi( -;l)I-,post\ n : a post indicating the distance grinding, stamping, cutting, or finishing) raw material
in miles from a given point 3 : a building or collection of buildings with machinery
mile-stone \-,ston\ n 1 : a stone serving as a milepost 2: a for manufacturing: FACTORY
significant point in development + factory, plant, shop, works, workshop - more at
rnl-tleu \mel-'y;lr, -'yii, -'yre\ n, pl mi-lleus or mi-lieux \same FACTORY
or -'y;lTZ, -'yiiz, -'yrez\ [F] : the physical or social setting 2mill vb 1 : to process in a mill 2: to move in a circle or in
in which something occurs or develops : ENVIRONMENT, an eddying mass
SETTING 3mill n : one tenth of a cent
+ atmosphere, climate, environment, environs, medium, mill-age \'mi-lij\ n : a rate (as of taxation) expressed in
setting, surroundings - more at ENVIRONMENT mills
529 minded

mil-len-nl-um \md-'le-ne-dm\ n, pi -nia \-ne-d\ or -niums 2mimic vb mim-icked \-mikt\; 1 : to imitate
1 : a period of 1000 years; also: a l000th anniversary or its closely 2 : to ridicule by imitation 3: to resemble by
celebration 2: the 1000 years mentioned in Revelation 20 biological mimicry
when holiness is to prevail and Christ is to reign on earth [I) ape, copy, emulate, imitate, mime - more at IMI-
3 : a period of great happiness or human perfection TATE. [2) burlesque, caricature, imitate, mock, par-
mill-er \'mi-ldr\ n 1 : one that operates a mill and esp, a ody, take off, travesty; also lampoon, satirize; deride,
flour mill 2 : any of various moths having powdery wings ridicule; ape, parrot; duplicate, emulate, replicate, re-
rnll-let \'mi-ldt\ n : any of several small-seeded cereal and produce; act, counterfeit, dissemble, fake, feign, pre-
forage grasses cultivated for grain or hay; also: the grain tend, sham, simulate; elaborate, embellish, embroider,
of a millet exaggerate, magnify, pad, stretch; amplify, enhance, en-
milli- comb form: one thousandth part of large (upon), expand, flesh (out), overdraw, overstate;
mil-li-am-pere \,mi-le-'am-,pir\ n : one thousandth of an mime, pantomime; impersonate, perform, play
ampere mim-ic-ry \'mi-mi-kre\ n, pi -ries 1 : an instance of mim-
rnll-tlard \'mil-,yard, 'rni-le-jardv n, Brit: a thousand mil- icking 2: a superficial resemblance of one organism to
lions another or to natural objects among which it lives that
mu-ll-bar \'mi-ld-,bar\ n : a unit of atmospheric pressure gives it an advantage (as protection from predation)
mil.liogram \-,gram\ n : a metric unit of weight equal to mi-me-sa \md-'mo-sd, mi-, -z::>\ n : any of a genus of trees,
'/1000 gram shrubs, and herbs of the legume family that occur in \-,le-tdr\ or Can and Brit rnil-li-ll-tra n : a metric warm regions and have ball-shaped heads of small white
unit of volume equal to '10000 liter or pink flowers
mll-Il-me-ter \'mi-ld-,me-tdr\ or Can and Brit mll-li-me-tre n min abbr 1 minim 2 minimum 3 mining 4 minister 5 mi-
: a metric unit of length equal to '11000 meter nor 6 minute
mtl-h-ner \'mi-ld-ndr\ n [irreg. fro Milan, Italy; fro the im- min-a-ret \,mi-nd-'ret\ n [F, fr. Turk minare, fro Ar maruira
portation of women's finery from Italy in the 16th cen- lighthouse) : a tall slender tower of a mosque from which
tury) : a person who designs, makes, trims, or sells a muezzin calls the faithful to prayer
women's hats mi-na-to-ry \'mi-nd-,tor-e, 'mI-\ adj : THREATENING, MENAC-
mil-li-nery \'mi-ld-,ner-e\ n 1: women's apparel for the ING
head 2: the business or work of a milliner mince \'mins\ vb minced; mlnc-inq [ME, fro AF mincer, fro \'mi-lil)\ n : a corrugated edge on a coin VL "minutiare, fr. L minutia smallness, fr. minutus small,
mil-lion \'mil-ydn\ n, pi millions or million : a thousand fr. pp. of minuere to lessen) 1 : to cut into very small
thousands - million adj - millionth \-Ydnth\ adj or n pieces 2: to restrain (words) within the bounds of deco-
mil-lion-aire \,mil-Yd-'ner, 'mil-y::>-,ner\ n : one whose rum 3: to walk in a prim affected manner
wealth is estimated at a million or more (as of dollars or chop, hash - more at CHOP
pounds) mince-meat \'mins-,met\ n : a finely chopped mixture esp.
mil-li-pede \'mi-ld-,ped\ n : any of a class of arthropods re- of raisins, apples, spices, and often meat used as a filling
lated to the centipedes and having a long segmented body for a pie
with a hard covering, two pairs of legs on most segments, 'mind \'mInd\ n 1 : the power or process of reproducing
and no poison fangs or recalling what has been learned and retained: MEMORY
mil-li-sec-ond \-,se-kdnd\ n : one thousandth of a second 2 : the part of an individual that feels, perceives, thinks,
mll-li-volt \-,volt\ n : one thousandth of a volt wills, and esp. reasons 3: INTENTION, DESIRE 4 : normal
mill-pond \'mil-,pand\ n : a pond made by damming a mental condition 5 : a belief stronger than impression
stream to produce a fall of water for operating a mill and less strong than positive knowledge: OPlNlON, VIEW
milt-race \-,rlis\ n : a canal in which water flows to and 6 : MOOD 7: mental qualities of a person or group 8: in-
from a mill wheel
mill-stone \-,ston\ n : either of two round flat stones used
tellectual ability 9: ATTENTION (pay them no ~>
for grinding grain [I] memory, recollection, remembrance, reminis-
cence [4) head, reason, sanity, wit; also rationality,
mlll-strearn \-,strem\ n : a stream whose flow is used to run
reasonableness, sense; health, healthfulness, healthi-
a mill; also : the stream in a millrace
ness, wholesomeness; lucidity, lucidness, normality,
mill wheel n : a waterwheel that drives a mill
soundness; wisdom Ant derangement, insanity, lunacy,
rnill-wriqht \'mil-,rit\ n : a person who builds mills or sets
madness, mania [5) belief, conviction, eye, feeling,
up or maintains their machinery judgment (or judgement), notion, opinion, persuasion,
milt \'milt\ n : the sperm-containing fluid of a male fish sentiment, verdict, view - more at OPINION
'mime \'mIm\ n 1 : MIMIC 2 : a story performed silently and
2mind vb 1 chieflydial: REMEMBER 2 : to attend to closely
entirely by body movements: PANTOMIME 3 an actor in
3 : to follow the orders or instructions of : OBEY 4: to
a mime
be concerned about; also: DISLIKE 5 : to be careful or
mimic, mummer, pantomime cautious about 6 : to take charge of 7 : to regard with
2mime vb : to imitate closely attention
ape, copy, emulate, imitate, mimic - more at IMI- [2) attend, hark, hear, heed, listen - more at LISTEN
TATE [2, 3) comply, follow, heed, listen, note, obey, ob-
mim-eo-graph \'mi-me-d-,graf\ n : a machine for making serve, regard, watch - more at HEED. [5) beware (00,
many copies by means of a stencil through which ink is guard (against), watch out (for) - more at BEWARE (OF)
pressed - mimeograph vb [6) attend, care, oversee, superintend, supervise, tend
mi-me-sis \md-'me-sds, mi-v n : IMITATION, MIMICRY - more at TEND
ml-met-ic \-'me-tik\ adj 1 : marked by imitation: IMITATIVE mind-bending \'mInd-,ben-dil)\ adj : MIND-BWWlNG
2 : relating to, characterized by, or exhibiting biological \-,bio-il)\ adj : PSYCHEDELIC 1; also : MTND~
mimicry BOGGLING
tmtm-lc \'mi-mik\ n 1 : an actor in a mime 2 : one that mind-bogogling \-,ba-gd-lil)\ adj : mentally or emotionally
mimics exciting or overwhelming
[1) mime, mummer, pantomime [2) imitator, im- mindoed \'min-ddd\ adj 1 : having inclination, disposi-
personator, impressionist; also caricaturist, mocker, tion, or tendency: INCLINED, DISPOSED 2: having a mind
satirist; mime, mummer; entertainer, performer, player, of a specified kind or concerned with a specific thing -
trouper; parrot usu. used in combination (narrow-minded)
mindful 530
amenable, disposed, game, glad, inclined, ready, will- miniaturize \'mi-ne-;)-,ch;)-,riz, 'mi-ni-\ vb -ized;
ing - more at WILLING : to design or construct in small size - min-ia-tur-l-za-tlcn
mlnd-tul Vmlnd-fclv ad} + : bearing in mind: AWARE- \,mi-ne-;)-,chilr-;)-'za-sh;)n, .mi-ni-, -chor-v n adv - mlnd-tul-ness n mtnl-bar \'mi-ne-,bar\ n : a small refrigerator in a hotel
+ alive, aware, cognizant, conscious, sensible, sentient, room that is stocked with beverages and snacks
witting - more at CONSCIOUS mini-bike \'mi-ne-,bik\ n : a small one-passenger motorcy-
mind-tess \-I;)s\ adj 1 a : marked by a lack of mind or con- cle
sciousness b.: marked by no use of the intellect mini-bus \-,b;)s\ n : a small bus or van
2 + : not mindful: HEEDLESS - mind-less-ly adv mlnl-corn-put-er v-kam-jpyu-tar', n : a computer between a
[lb] dumb, senseless, stupid, witless - more at STU- mainframe and a microcomputer in size and speed
PID [2] careless, heedless, unguarded, unsafe, unwary mini-dlsc \'mi-ne-,disk\ n : a miniature optical disk
- more at CARELESS mm-lm \'mi-n;)m\ n : a unit of liquid measure equal to Y.o
mind-less-ness \-n;)s\ n : the quality or state of being fluid dram
mindless min-i-mal \'mi-n;)-m;)l\ adi 1 + : relating to or being a min-
imum : LEAST 2: of or relating to minimalism or minimal
+ dopiness, foolishness, imbecility, stupidity - more at art - min-i-mal-ly adv
'mine \'min\pron : that which belongs to me
+ least, minimum; also fewer, lesser, low, slight, small
'mine n 1 : an excavation in the earth from which minerals
Ant full, largest, maximum, top, topmost, utmost
are taken; also: an ore deposit 2: an underground pas- minimal art n : abstract art consisting primarily of simple
sage beneath an enemy position 3: an explosive device geometric forms executed in an impersonal style - mini-
for destroying enemy personnel, vehicles, or ships 4: a mal artist n
mtn-l-mal-lsm \'mi-n;)-m;)-,li-z;)m\ n : MINIMAL ART; also: a
rich source of supply
style (as in music or literature) marked by extreme spare-
3mine vb mined; 1 : to dig a mine 2: UNDERMINE
3 : to get ore from the earth 4: to place military mines in ness or simplicity - mln-l-mal-lst \-Iist\ n
mini-mart \'mi-ne-,mart\ n : CONVENIENCE STORE
mtn-l-mlse chiefly Brit var 0/ MINIMIZE
mine-field \'min-,feld\ n 1: an area set with mines
rnm-i-mlze \'mi-n;)-,miz\ vb -mized; -miz-inq 1 : to reduce
2 : something resembling a minefield esp. in having many
or keep to a minimum 2 a : to underestimate intention-
ally b + : to speak slightingly of : BELITTLE
mine-lay-er \-,la-;)r\ n : a naval vessel for laying underwater
mines + belittle, cry down, decry, deprecate, depreciate, di-
min-er-al \'mi-n;)-r;)l\ n 1 : a crystalline substance (as dia- minish, discount, disparage, put down, write off-
mond or quartz) of inorganic origin 2: a naturally oc- more at DECRY
curring substance (as coal, salt, or water) obtained usu. 'min-i-mum \'mi-n;)-m;)m\ n, pi -ma \-m;)\ or -mums 1 : the
from the ground - mineral ad} least quantity assignable, admissible, or possible 2: the
mln-er-al-ise chieflyBrit var 0/ MINERALIZE least of a set of numbers 3: the lowest degree or amount
min-er-al-ize \'mi-n;)-r;)-,liz\ vb -ized; 1 : to impreg- of variation (as of temperature) reached or recorded
nate or supply with minerals 2: to change into mineral 'minimum ad} + : of, relating to, or constituting a minimum
form - min-er-al-i-za-tion \-r;)-l;)-'za-sh;m\ n + least, minimal - more at MINIMAL \,mi-n;)-'ra-l;)-je, -'ra-\ n : a science dealing min-ion \'min-y;)n\ n [MF mignon darling] 1 : a servile de-
with minerals - mln-er-al-oq-l-cat \,mi-n;)-r;)-'la-ji-k;)l\ pendent, follower, or underling 2 + : one highly favored
adj - mln-er-al-o-qtst \Imi-n~-Ira-l~-jist, .Ira_\ n 3 : a subordinate official
mineral oil n : an oil of mineral origin; esp : a refined pe- + darling, favorite (or favourite), pet, preference-
troleum oil used as a laxative more at FAVORITE
mineral water n : water infused with mineral salts or gases mln-ls-cule \'mi-n;)s-,kyiil\ var a/MINUSCULE
min-e-stro-ne \,mi-n;)-'stro-ne, -'stron\ n [It, fro minestra, fr. mlnl-se-rles \'mi-ne-,sir-ez\ n : a television story presented
minestrare to serve, dish up, fro L ministrare, fr. minister in sequential episodes
servant] : a rich thick vegetable soup mini-skirt \-,sbrt\ n : a skirt with the hemline several
mine-sweep-er \'niin-,swe-p;)r\ n : a warship designed for inches above the knee
removing or neutralizing underwater mines 'min-ister \'mi-n;)-st;)r\ n 1 : AGENT 2 + : a member of the
mln-qle \'mil)-g;)l\ vb minogled; minogling 1 + : to bring or clergy esp, of a Protestant communion 3: a high officer
combine together 2 + : to come into contact: ASSOCIATE; of state who heads a division of governmental activities
also: to move about (as in a group) 4 : a diplomatic representative to a foreign state
+ [I] amalgamate, blend, combine, commingle, fuse, + [2] clergyman, divine, ecclesiastic, father, preacher,
incorporate, integrate, intermingle, merge, mix - more priest, reverend - more at CLERGYMAN + [4] ambassa-
at MIX [2] associate, fraternize, hobnob, mix, social- dor, delegate, emissary, envoy, legate, representative -
ize - more at SOCIALIZE more at AMBASSADOR
ming tree \'mil)-\ n : a dwarfed usu. evergreen tree grown 'minister vb 1 : to perform the functions of a minister of re-
as bonsai; also: an artificial plant resembling this ligion 2 + : to give aid or service <~ to the sick> - min-
mini \'mi-ne\ n, pi min-Is : something small of its kind - is-tra-tion \,mi-n;)-'stra-sh;)n\ n
mini ad} usu minister to aid, care, mother, nurse - more at
mini- comb form : smaller or briefer than usual, normal, or NURSE
standard rnln-ls-te-n-al \,mi-n;)-'stir-e-;)l\ adj + : of, relating to, or
'min.iature Vmi-ne-o-jchur, 'mi-ni-,chilr, -chsrv n [It characteristic of a minister or the ministry
miniatura art of illuminating a manuscript, fr, ML, fr. L + clerical, pastoral, priestly, sacerdotal- more at
miniare to color with red lead, fr. minium red lead] 1 : a CLERICAL
copy on a much reduced scale; also: something small of 'min-is-trant \'mi-n;)-str;)nt\ ad}, archaic: performing ser-
its kind 2 : a small painting (as on ivory or metal) - min- vice as a minister
la-tur-ist \-,chilr-ist, -chor-v n 'ministrant n : one that ministers
'miniature adj + : being or represented on a small scale min-is-try \'mi-n;)-stre\ n, pi-tries 1 : MINISTRATION 2: the
+ atomic, infinitesimal, microscopic, minute, teeny, office, duties, or functions of a minister; also: the period
tiny, wee - more at TINY of service or office 3: CLERGY 4 : AGENCY 5 often cap: the
531 mirth
body of ministers governing a nation or state; also: a gov- 'mi-nus-cule \'mi-nas-,kyiil\ n : a lowercase letter
ernment department headed by a minister 2minuscule adj : very small
mini-tower \'mi-ne-,tau(-a)r\ n : a computer tower of inter- atomic, infinitesimal, microscopic, miniature, minute,
mediate size tiny, wee - more at TINY
mini-van \'mi-ne-,van\ n : a small van minus sign n : a sign - used in mathematics to indicate
mink \'mil)k\ n, pi mink or minks : either of two slender subtraction or a negative quantity
flesh-eating mammals resembling the related weasels; 'min-ute \'mi-nat\ n 1 : a 60th part of an hour or of a de-
also: the soft lustrous typically dark brown fur of a mink gree : 60 seconds 2 : a short space of time 3 pi : the of-
min-ke whale \'mil)-ka-\ n : a small grayish baleen whale ficial record of the proceedings of a meeting
with a whitish underside
flash, instant, jiffy, moment, second, shake, trice,
Minn abbr Minnesota twinkle, twinkling, wink - more at INSTANT
min-ne-sing-er \'mi-ni-,sil)-ar, -,zil)-\ n [G, fro Middle High
2mi-nute \mt-'niit, ms-, -'nyiit\ adi mi-nut-er; -est 1 : very
German, fr. minne love + singer singer] : any of a class of
small 2 : of little importance: TRIFLING 3 : marked
German lyric poets and musicians of the 12th to the 14th
by close attention to details - mi-nute-ness n
min-now \'mi-no\ n, pi minnows also minnow: any of nu- [1] atomic, infinitesimal, microscopic, miniature,
merous small freshwater fishes tiny, wee - more at TINY. [2] frivolous, inconsequen-
'mi-nor \'mt-nar\ adj 1 : inferior in importance, size, or tial, inconsiderable, insignificant, little, minor, negligi-
degree 2: not having reached majority 3: having the ble, slight, small, trifling, trivial, unimportant - more
third, sixth, and sometimes the seventh degrees lowered at UNIMPORTANT [3] circumstantial, detailed, elabo-
by a half step <,.. .. scale); also: based on a minor scale <,.. .. rate, full, thorough - more at DETAILED
key) 4: not serious <,.. .. illness) ml-nute-ly \mi-'niit-Ie, rna-, -'nyiit-\ adv : in a minute
manner or degree
inferior, junior, less, lesser, lower, subordinate, under
- more at LESSER frivolous, inconsequential, incon- completely, exhaustively, fully, roundly, thoroughly,
siderable, insignificant, little, minute, negligible, slight, totally - more at THOROUGHLY
small, trifling, trivial, unimportant - more at UNIMPOR- min-ute-man \'mi-nat-,man\ n : a member of a group of
TANT armed men pledged to take the field at a minute's notice
2minor n 1 : a person who has not attained majority 2: a during and immediately before the American Revolution
subject of academic study chosen as a secondary field of mi-nu-tia \ma-'nii-sha, -'nyii-, -she-av n, pi -ti-ae \-she-,e\ [L]
specialization : a minute or minor detail - usu. used in pl.
3minor vb : to pursue an academic minor minx \'mil)ks\ n : a pert girl
mi-nor-i-ty \ma-'nor-a-te, rni-\ n, pi -ties 1 : the period or Mio-cene \'mi-a-,sen\ adj : of, relating to, or being the
state of being a minor 2: the smaller in number of two epoch of the Tertiary between the Oligocene and the
groups; esp : a group having less than the number of votes Pliocene - Miocene n
necessary for control 3: a part of a population differing mir-a-cle Vmir-i-kslv n 1 : an extraordinary event mani-
from others (as in race); also: a member of a minority festing divine intervention in human affairs 2 : an un-
mi-nox-i-dil \ma-'niik-sa-,dil\ n : a drug used orally to treat usual event, thing, or accomplishment: WONDER, MARVEL
hypertension and topically in solution to promote hair re- caution, flash, marvel, phenomenon, portent, prodigy,
growth in some forms of baldness sensation, wonder - more at WONDER
min-ster \'min-star\ n : a large or important church miracle drug n : a uSU. newly discovered drug that elicits a
min-strel \'min-stral\ n 1 : a medieval singer of verses 2 dramatic response in a patient's condition
a : MUSICIAN b : one who writes poetry: POET 2: any of rnl-rae-u-lous \ma-'ra-kya-las\ adi 1 : of the nature of a
a group of performers usu. with blackened faces in a pro- miracle 2 : suggesting a miracle: MARVELOUS 3: work-
gram of black American songs, jokes, and impersonations ing or able to work miracles - mi-rac-u-Ious-Iy adv
<a,..... show) [I] magical, phenomenal, superhuman, supernatural,
bard, poet, versifier - more at POET uncanny, unearthly - more at SUPERNATURAL [2]
min-strel-sy \-se\ n : the singing and playing of a minstrel; amazing, astonishing, astounding, awesome, fabulous,
also: a body of minstrels marvelous (or marvellous), stunning, stupendous, sub-
'mint \'mint\ n 1 : any of a large family of aromatic square. lime, surprising, wonderful- more at MARVELOUS
stemmed herbs and shrubs; esp : one (as spearmint) that is mi-rage \ma-'riizh\ n 1 : an illusion that often appears as a
fragrant and is the source of a flavoring oil 2: a mint= pool of water or a mirror in which distant objects are
flavored piece of candy - minty adi seen inverted, is sometimes seen at sea, in the desert, or
2mint n 1 : a place where coins are made 2 : a vast sum over a hot pavement, and results from atmospheric con-
- mint vb - mint-age \-ij\ n - mint-er n ditions 2: something illusory and unattainable
fortune, wad 'mire \'mir\ n : heavy and often deep mud or slush
3mint vb 1 : to make (as coins) out of metal 2: CREATE; also muck, mud, ooze, slime, slop, sludge, slush - more
: to give a certain status to (newly <ed lawyers) - mint- at MUD bog, fen, marsh, morass, slough, swamp-
age \-ij\ n - mint-er n more at SWAMP
'mint adj : unmarred as if fresh from a mint (in,..... condi- 2mire vb mired; mir-ing 1 : to stick or sink in or as if in mire
tion) 2 : to cover or soil with mire
min-u-end \'min-ya-,wend\ n : a number from which an- befoul, begrime, besmirch, blacken, dirty, foul,
other is to be subtracted grime, muddy, smirch, soil, stain - more at DIRTY
min-u-et \,min-ya-'wet\ n : a slow graceful dance rnlre-polx \mir-'pwii\ n, pi mirepoix : a mixture of diced
'mi-nus \'mi-nas\ prep 1 : diminished by : LESS <7 ,..... 3 vegetables and sometimes meats used in soups, stews, and
equals 4) 2 : deprived of: WITHOUT <,.. .. his hat) sauces
sans, wanting, without - more at WITHOUT 'mir-ror \'mir-ar\ n 1 : a polished or smooth surface (as of
2minus n : a negative quantity or quality glass) that forms images by reflection 2: a true represen-
disadvantage, drawback, handicap, liability, penalty, tation
strike - more at DISADVANTAGE 2mirror vb 1 : to reflect in or as if in a mirror 2 : RESEMBLE
3minus adj 1 : algebraically negative <,..... quantity) 2: hav- mirth \'marth\ n : gladness or gaiety accompanied with
ing negative qualities laughter - mirth-less adj
mirthful 532
cheer, cheerfulness, cheeriness, glee, hilarity, jovial- mls-be-het \,mis-ba-'Ief\ n : erroneous or false belief
ity, merriment; also frivolity,levity; carnival, gaiety, jol- error, fallacy, falsehood, falsity, illusion, misconcep-
lification, jollity, reveling, revelry; brightness, buoy- tion, myth, untruth - more at FALLACY
ancy, humor; insouciance, lightheartedness, playful- mis-be-liev-er \-ba-'Ie-var\ n : one who holds a false or un-
ness; buffoonery, clownishness, flippancy, jocularity, orthodox belief
joking, joshing; animation, jauntiness, liveliness, vivac-
mis-brand \mis-'brand\ vb : to brand falsely or in a mis-
ity; joyousness, rejoicing; frolicking, gamboling, rollick-
leading manner
ing, romping
mise abbr miscellaneous
rnlrth-tul \-fal\ adj : full of mirth or merriment
mis-cal-cu-late \mis-'kal-kY:l-,liit\ vb .: to calculate
blithe, boon, festive, gay, gleeful, jocund, jolly, jovial, wrongly - mls-cal-cu-ta-tion \,mis-,kal-kya-'Iii-sh:ln\ n
merry, sunny - more at MERRY \-fa-Ie\ adv : in a mirthful manner misconceive, misjudge, mistake; also misconstrue,
misinterpret, misunderstand; overrate, overvalue; un-
cheerfully, gaily, happily, heartily, jovially, merrily derestimate, underrate, undervalue; miscount
- more at GAILY
mis-call \mis-'kol\ vb : MISNAME
mlrth-ful-ness \-nas\ n .: the quality or state of being
mts-car-rlaqe \-'kar-ij\ n 1 : failure in the administration of
justice 2 : spontaneous expulsion of a fetus before it is ca-
cheer, cheerfulness, glee, hilarity, joviality, merri- pable of independent life
ment, mirth - more at MIRTH
mis-car-ry \-'kar-e\ vb 1 : to have a miscarriage of a fetus
MIRV \'marv\ n [multiple independently targeted reentry 2 : to go wrong; also: to be unsuccessful
vehicle] : an ICBM with multiple warheads that have dif-
mls-ce-qe-na-ttcn vmi-se-jo-tna-shan, ,mi-si-j:l-'nii-\ n [L
ferent targets - MIRV vb
miscere to mix + genus race] : marriage, cohabitation,
miry \'mir-e\ adj. : resembling a mire: characterized by
or sexual intercourse between persons of different
swampy ground
mucky, muddy, oozy, slimy, slushy - more at rnls-cel-la-necus \,mi-s:l-'Iii-ne-:ls\ adj 1 .: consisting of
diverse things or members 2: having various traits; also
mrs-ad-ven-ture \,mi-sad-'ven-char\ n 1.: bad luck : dealing with or interested in diverse subjects - mis-cel-
2 : a piece of bad luck
la-neous-ly adv - mis-cel-ra-neous-ness n
[1, 2] adversity, knock, mischance, misfortune,
mishap - more at MlSFORTUNE assorted, heterogeneous, mixed, motley, varied; also
manifold, multifarious; multiple, multiplex, myriad;
mis-aligned \,mi-sa-'Iind\ adi : not properly aligned - mis-
disparate, divergent, diverse, sundry, various; chaotic,
allqn-rnent \-'lin-mant\ n cluttered, confused, disarranged, disheveled, disor-
mls-al-li-ance \,mi-sa-'Ii-ans\ n : an improper or unsuitable dered, jumbled,littered, messed, messy, muddled; amal-
marriage gamated, blended, combined, conglomerated, fused, in-
mls-at-lo-ca-tlcn \,mi-,sa-Ia-'kii-shan\ n : faulty or improper corporated, intermingled, intermixed, merged, mingled;
allocation unclassified, unsorted Ant homogeneous
mis-an-dry \'mi-,san-dre\ n : a hatred of men - mrs-an- mis-cel-la-ny \'mi-s:l-,Iii-ne\ n, pi -nies 1 : a collection of
drist \-drist\ n or adj writings on various subjects 2 : a mixture of various
mis-an-thrope \'mis-On-,throp\ n : one who hates hu-
mankind - mls-an-throp-ic \,mis-On-'thra-pik\ adj -
mis-an-throp-i-cal-ly \-pi-k(:l- )Ie\ adv - mis-an-thro-py [1] album, anthology, compilation - more at AN-
THOLOGY [2] assortment, clutter, hash, hodgepodge,
\mi-'san-thra-pe\ n
jumble, litter, medley, melange, motley, muddle, pot-
mis-ap-pll-ca-tlon \,mi-,sa-pla-'kii-shan\ n : the action of pourri, rummage, scramble, shuffle, tumble, variety,
welter; also notions, odds and ends, sundries; accumu-
mis-ap-ply \,mi-s:l-'pli\ vb : to apply wrongly lation, aggregation, conglomeration; catchall, patch-
abuse, misuse, pervert; also degrade, twist; misman- work; admixture, amalgam, blend, combination, com-
age, corrupt posite, compound, fusion, intermixture, mix, mixture;
mis-ap-pre-hend \,mi-,sa-pri-'hend\ vb : to fail to under- chaos, confusion, disarray, disorder, mess, muddle,
stand: MlSUNDERSTAND shambles; knot, snarl, tangle
misconstrue, misinterpret, misread, miss, mistake, mis-chance \mis-'chans\ n 1 : bad luck 2 : a piece of
misunderstand - more at MISUNDERSTAND bad luck; also: an unfortunate accident
mls-ap-pre-hen-slon \-'hen-ch:ln\ n : the act or instance adversity, knock, misadventure, misfortune, mishap
of misapprehending - more at MISFORTUNE
misjudgment, mistake, misunderstanding - more at mis-chief \'mis-chaf\ n [ME meschief, fr. AF, misfortune,
MlSTAKE misconstruction, misinterpretation, misun- hardship, fr. OF meschever to come out badly, fr. mes-
derstanding - more at MISUNDERSTANDING badly + chie/head, end] 1 : injury caused by a particular
mis-ap-pro-pri-ate \,mi-sa-'pro-pre-,iit\ vb : to appropri- agent 2 : a source of harm or irritation; esp : a person
ate wrongly (as by embezzlement) - mis-ap-pro-pri-a-tion who causes mischief 3 a : action that annoys b : the
\-,pro-pre-'ii-sh:ln\ n quality or state of being mischievous: MISCHIEVOUSNESS
appropriate, filch, hook, nip, pilfer, pocket, purloin, [2] devil, hellion, imp, monkey, rapscallion, rascal,
snitch, steal, swipe, thieve - more at STEAL rogue, scamp, urchin - more at SCAMP. [3a, b] devil-
mis-be-qot-ten \-bi-'gat-On\ adj : born of parents not mar- ishness, impishness, knavery, mischievousness, rascal-
ried to each other : ILLEGITIMATE; also: ill-conceived ity, shenanigans, waggery, wickedness; also naughti-
mis-be-have \,mis-bi-'hiiv\ vb : to behave improperly- ness; friskiness, playfulness; chicanery, hanky-panky,
mis-be-hav-er n trickery; high jinks, monkeyshines, skylarking, tom-
act out, act up, carry on; also clown (around), cut up, foolery; antic, caper, practical joke; aggravation, an-
fool around noyance, exasperation, irritation
rnls-be-hav-lor \-'hii-VY:lr\ n : bad, improper, or rude be- mis-chie-vous \'mis-ch:l-v:ls\ adj 1 : of a kind likely to
havior be damaging: HARMFUL, INJURIOUS 2 : causing annoyance
malfeasance, misconduct, misdoing, wrongdoing- or minor injury 3 : irresponsibly playful - mls-chle-
more at MISCONDUcr vouslyadv
533 misinterpret
+ [l] adverse, damaging,detrimental, harmful, hurtful, + [Ia] bad, cheap, inferior, mediocre, poor, rotten,
injurious, prejudicial - more at HARMFUL + [3] devil- second-rate, shabby, shoddy, sleazy, tacky, terrible,
ish, impish, knavish, naughty, rascally, roguish, sly, threadbare, wretched - more at CHEAP + [Ib] bleak,
waggish, wicked dark, dismal, dreary, gloomy, gray (or grey), somber (or
mls-chle-vous-ness n + : the quality or state of being mis- sombre), wretched - more at GLDOMY + [2] heart-
chievous breaking, pathetic, piteous, pitiful, poor, rueful, sorry,
+ devilishness, impishness, knavery, mischief, rascality, unhappy, wretched
shenanigans, waggery, wickedness - more at MISCHIEF ml-ser-ll-ness \'mt-zar-le-nas\ n + : the quality or state of
mis-ci-bte \'mi-sa-bal\ adj : capable of being mixed being a miser or like a miser
rnls-ccm-mu-nl-ca-tlon \,mis-ka-,myu-na-'ka-shan\ n : fail- + cheapness,closeness, parsimony, stinginess, tightness
ure to communicate clearly - more at PARSIMONY
mis-con-ceive \,mis-kan-'sev\ vb +: to interpret incor- mis-ery \'mi-za-re\ n, pi -er-les 1 +: suffering and want
rectly caused by poverty or affliction 2: a cause of suffering or
+ miscalculate, misjudge, mistake - more at MISCALCU- discomfort 3: emotional distress
LATE + affliction, agony, anguish, distress, pain, torment, tor-
mis-con-cep-tton \-'sep-shan\ n + : the act or result of mis- ture, tribulation, woe - more at DISTRESS
conceiving mis-tea-sance \mis-'fez-'ns\ n : the performance of a law-
+ error, fallacy, falsehood, falsity, illusion, myth, un- ful action in an illegalor improper manner
truth - more at FALLACY misfile \-'fi(-a)l\ vb : to file in the wrong place
mis-con-duct \mis-'klin-(,)dakt\ n 1: MISMANAGEMENT mis-fire \-'fi(-a)r\ vb 1 : to fail to fire 2: to miss an in-
2 + : intentional wrongdoing 3 + : improper behavior tended effect - misfiren
mis-fit \'mis-,fit, sense J also mis-'fit\ n 1 : something that
+ [2, 3] malfeasance, misbehavior, misdoing, wrongdo-
ing; also crime, malefaction, misdeed, sin, wrong; mal- fits badly 2: a person who is poorly adjusted to a situa-
practice; familiarity, gaffe, impropriety, indiscretion; tion or environment
blunder, error, fault, flub, fumble, goof, lapse, miscue, mis-ter-tune \mis-'for-chan\ n 1 + : bad luck 2 + : an un-
misstep, mistake, slip, slipup, stumble fortunate condition or event
mls-con-struc-tlon \-'strak-shan\ n + : the action of mis- + [I, 2] adversity, knock, misadventure, mischance,
construing mishap; also calamity, cataclysm, catastrophe, disaster;
+ misapprehension, misinterpretation, misunderstand- tragedy; affliction, hardship, trial, tribulation; distress,
ing - more at MISUNDERSTANDING misery, suffering, unhappiness; defeat, failure, fizzle,
nonsuccess; curse, sorrow, trouble; accident, casualty;
mis-con-strue \,mis-kan-'stru\ vb + : to interpret wrongly disappointment, letdown, setback; circumstance, des-
: MISINTERPRET tiny, doom, fate, lot, portion Ant fortune, luck
+ misapprehend, misinterpret, misread, miss, mistake, \-'gi-vilJ\ n + : a feeling of doubt or suspicion
misunderstand - more at MISUNDERSTAND esp. concerning an action or future event
mis-count \mis-'kaunt\ vb : to count incorrectly: MISCAL- + distrust, doubt, incertitude, mistrust, skepticism, sus-
CULATE picion, uncertainty - more at DOUBT + compunction,
mis-cre-ant \'mis-kre-ant\ n : one who behaves criminally qualm, scruple - more at QUALM + alarm, apprehen-
or viciously - miscreant adj sion, dread, foreboding
mis-cue \mis-'kyu\ n + : a wrong action or statement: MIS- misogovoern \-'ga-varn\ vb + : to govern badly - mlsogov-
TAKE, ERROR - miscue vb ern-ment n
+ blunder, error, fault, flub, fumble, goof, lapse, mis- + misconduct, mishandle, mismanage, misrule - more
step, mistake, oversight, slip, stumble - more at ERROR at MISMANAGE
mlsodeed\mis-'ded\ n + : a wrong deed mis-guid-ance \mis-'gid-ns\ n : faulty guidance
+ breach, crime, error, malefaction, misdoing, offense, misoguide \mis-'gtd\ vb : to lead astray
sin, transgression, violation, wrongdoing- more at OF- misoguidoed \-'gt-dad\ adj : led or prompted by wrong or
FENSE inappropriate motives or ideals - misoguidoed.lyadv
mis-de-mean-or or Can and Brit mis-de-mean-our \,mis-di- mis-han-dle\-'hand-l\ vb 1 : to treat roughly: MALTREAT
'me-nar\ n 1 : a crime less serious than a felony 2: MIS- 2 : to manage wrongly
DEED [1] abuse, ill-treat, maltreat, manhandle, mistreat,
mis-di-rect \,mis-da-'rekt, -di-', vb : to give a wrong direc- misuse - more at ABUSE [2] misconduct, misgovern,
tion to - rnls-dl-rec-tlon \-'rek-shan\ n mismanage, misrule - more at MISMANAGE
misodo-ing \mis-'du-ilJ\ n + : the act or an instance of mis- mis-hap \'mis-,hap\ n : an unfortunate accident
behaving : WRONGDOING - rnls-do \-'du\ vb - mis-do-er accident, casualty - more at ACCIDENT + adversity,
\-'du-ar\ n knock, misadventure, mischance, misfortune - more
+ malfeasance, misbehavior, misconduct, wrongdoing at MISFORTUNE
- more at MISCONDUCT mish-mash Vmish-jmasb, -,mlish\ n : a mass of things min-
mise-en-scene \,me-,zlio-'sen, -'san\ n, pi mise-en-scenes gled together: HODGEPODGE, JUMBLE
\same or -'senz, -'sanz\ IF] 1 : the arrangement of the rnls-in-torm\,mis-'n-'form\ vb : to give false or mislead-
scenery, property, and actors on a stage 2: SETTING; also ing information to - rnis-in-tor-rna-tion \,mi-,sin-far-'ma-
mi-ser \'mt-zar\ n [L miser miserable] + : a person who beguile, bluff, cozen, deceive, delude, dupe, fool,
hoards and is stingy with money - ml-ser-ly adj gull, have, hoax, hoodwink, humbug, mislead, string
+ cheapskate, niggard, skinflint, tightwad;also hoarder, along, take in, trick - more at DECEIVE
saver mis-in-ter-pret \,mis-n-'tar-prat\ vb : to understand or
mis-er-a-ble \'mi-za-ra-bal, 'rniz-re-v adj 1 a + : wretchedly explain wrongly
deficient, meager, or of poor quality b + : causing ex- + color (or colour), distort, falsify, garble, misrepre-
treme discomfort or unhappiness 2 + : being in a state of sent, misstate, pervert, twist, warp - more at GARBLE
poverty or distress 3: being likely to discredit or shame misapprehend, misconstrue, misread, miss, mistake,
- rnts-er-a-ble-ness n - mis-er-a-bly \-ble\ adv misunderstand - more at MISUNDERSTAND
misinterpretation 534
rnis-in-ter-pre-ta-tion \,mis-'n-,t~r-pr~-'tii- shanv n + : incor- 'miss n 1 + : a failure to hit or to attain a result 2 : MISFIRE
rect interpretation + default, delinquency, dereliction, failure, neglect,
+ misapprehension, misconstruction, misunderstand- negligence, oversight - more at FAILURE
ing - more at MISUNDERSTANDING 3miss n 1 cap - used as a title prefixed to the name of an
mis-judqe \mis-'j~j\ vb 1 + : to estimate wrongly 2: to unmarried woman or girl 2 +: a young unmarried
have an unjust opinion of woman or girl
+ miscalculate, misconceive, mistake - more at MIS- + doll, girl, lass, maid, maiden - more at GRL
CALCULATE Miss abbr Mississippi
mis-judg-ment \mis-'j~j-m~nt\ n + : incorrect or distorted mis-sal \'mi-s;ll\ n : a book containing all that is said or
judgment sung at mass during the entire year
+ misapprehension, mistake, misunderstanding - mis-send \mis-'send\ vb : to send incorrectly (missent
more at MISTAKE mail)
mls-te-bel \-'lii-b~l\ vb : to label incorrectly or falsely mis-shap-en \-'shii-p~n\ adi + : badly shaped: having an
mis-lay \mis-'Iii\ vb -laid \-'Iiid\; : MISPLACE, LOSE ugly shape
mis-lead \mis-'Ied\ vb -led \-'Ied\; + : to lead in a + deformed, distorted, malformed, monstrous, shape-
wrong direction or into a mistaken action or belief- less - more at MALFORMED
rnis-lead-inq-Iy adv rnis-slle \'mi-s;ll\ n [L, fr. neut. of missilis capable of being
+ beguile, bluff, cozen, deceive, delude, dupe, fool, thrown, fro mittere to let go, send] : an object (as a stone,
gull, have, hoax, hoodwink, humbug, misinform, string bullet, or rocket) thrown or projected uSU. so as to strike
along, take in, trick - more at DECEIVE a target
misleading adj + : tending to mislead mlss-lnq \'mi-sil)\ adj + : not present or available; also: in
+ deceitful, deceptive, delusive, fallacious, false, spe- an unknown location
cious - more at DECEPTIVE + absent, away, out - more at ABSENT + absent, nonex-
mls-llke \-'Iik\ vb : DISLIKE - mis-like n istent, wanting - more at ABSENT + gone, lost - more
mls-man-aqe \-'ma-nij\ vb + : to manage wrongly or in- at LOST
competently - mls-man-age-ment n mis-sion \'mi-sh;ln\ n 1 : a group of missionaries; also: a
+ misconduct, misgovern, mishandle, misrule; also place where missionaries work 2: a group of envoys to a
abuse, ill-treat, ill-use, maltreat, mistreat, misuse; dam- foreign country; also : a team of specialists or cultural
age, harm, hurt, violate leaders sent to a foreign country 3 + : a specific task with
mis-match \-'mach\ vb : to match unsuitably or badly - which a person or a group is charged
mis-match \mis-'mach, 'mis-,mach\ n + assignment, charge, job, operation, post; also burden,
mis-name \-'niim\ vb: to name incorrectly: MISCALL chore, duty, need, obligation, requirement, responsibil-
mis-no-mer \mis-'no-m~r\ n : a wrong or inappropriate ity; labor, work; commitment, pledge, promise; ap-
name or designation pointment, designation, nomination; compulsion, con-
rnl-so \'me-so\ n : a high-protein fermented food paste straint, restraint
consisting chiefly of soybeans, salt, and usu. grain trnls-slcn-ary \'mi-sh;l-,ner-e\ adj : of, relating to, or en-
mi.sog.y.ny \m~-'sii-j~-ne\ n [Gk misogynia, fr. misein to gaged in missions
hate + gyne woman] : a hatred of women - ml-soq-y-nlst 2missionary n, ot -aries : a person commissioned by a
\-nist\ n or adj - ml-sog-y-nls-tic \m;l-,sa-j;l-'nis-tik\ adj church to spread its faith or carry on humanitarian work
mis-orl-ent vmi-tsor-e-jent', vb : to orient improperly or in- mis-sion-er \'mi-sh~-n;}r\ n : MISSIONARY
correctly - mis-ori-en-ta-tion \mi-.s6r-e-an-lta-sh~n\ n \,mi-s,,-'si-pe-:m\ ad) : of, relating to, or
mis-place \mis-'pliis\ vb 1 : to put in a wrong or unre- being the period of the Paleozoic era between the Devon-
membered place 2: to set on a wrong object (- trust) ian and the Pennsylvanian - Mississippian n
mls-play \-'plii\ n : a wrong or unskillful play - mls-play mis-slve \'mi-siv\ n + : a written communication: LETTER
\mis-'plii, 'mis-,plii\ vb + dispatch, letter, memorandum, note - more at LETTER
mls-prlnt \'mis-,print\ n : a mistake in printed matter- mls-speak \mis-'spek\ vb : to say imperfectly or incorrectly
mls-prlnt \mis-'print\ vb mls-spell \-'spel\ vb : to spell incorrectly - rnis-spell-inq n
mis-pro-nounce \,mis-pr;l-'naims\ vb : to pronounce incor- mis-spend \-'spend\ vb -spent \-'spent\; -spend-inq + : to
rectly - mis-pro-nun-ci-a-tion \-pr;l-,n;ln-se-'ii-sh;ln\ n spend wrongly: WASTE, SQUA>'1DER (my misspent youth)
mis-quote \mis-'kwot\ vb : to quote incorrectly - mls- + blow, dissipate, fritter, lavish, run through, spend,
quo-ta-tion \,mis-kwo-'tii-sh;ln\ n squander, throwaway, waste - more at WASTE
mis-read \-'red\ vb -read \-'red\; -read-lnq \-'re-dil)\ + : to mis-state \mis-'stiit\ vb + : to state incorrectly - mis-state-
read or interpret incorrectly mentn
+ misapprehend, misconstrue, misinterpret, miss, mis- + color (or colour), distort, falsify, garble, misinterpret,
take, misunderstand - more at MISUNDERSTAND misrepresent, pervert, twist, warp - more at GARBLE
mis-rep-re-sent \,mis-,re-pri-'zent\ vb +: to represent mis-step \-'step\ n 1 : a wrong step 2 + : a mistake in judg-
falsely or unfairly - mis-rep-re-sen-ta-tion \-,zen-'tii- ment or action : BLUNDER
shanv n + blunder, error, fault, flub, fumble, goof, lapse, mis-
+ color (or colour), distort, falsify, garble, misinterpret, cue, mistake, oversight, slip, stumble - more at ERROR
misstate, pervert. twist, warp - more at GARBLE 'mist \'mist\ n 1 : water in the form of particles suspended
'misrule \mis-'riil\ vb + : to rule incompetently: MISGOV- or falling in the air 2: something that obscures under-
ERN standing
+ misconduct, misgovern, mishandle, mismanage- 2mist vb 1 : to be or become misty 2: to become moist or
more at MISMANAGE blurred 3 + : to cover with or as if with a mist
'misrule n 1 : MISGOVERNMENT 2 : DISORDER + becloud, befog, blur, cloud, darken, dim, fog, haze,
'miss \'mis\ vb 1 : to fail to hit, reach, or contact 2: to feel obscure, overshadow, shroud - more at CLOUD
the absence of 3: to fail to obtain 4 : AVOID (just <ed mls-tak-able \m;l-'stii-k;l-b;}l\ adj : capable of being misun-
hitting the other car) 5: OMIT 6 + : to fail to understand derstood or mistaken
7 : to fail to perform or attend; also : MISFIRE tmls-take \mi-'stiik\ vb -took \-'stuk\; -tak-en \-'stii-k;ln\;
+ misapprehend, misconstrue, misinterpret, misread, 1 : to blunder in the choice of 2 + : to misun-
mistake, misunderstand - more at MISUNDERSTAND derstand the meaning or intention of : MISINTERPRET
535 mixed
3 + : to make a wrong judgment of the character or abil- mls-us-aqe \mis-'yii-sij\ n 1: bad treatment : ABUSE
ity of 4 : to confuse with another - mis-tak-er n 2 : wrong or improper use
+ (2) misapprehend, misconstrue, misinterpret, mis- 'mis-use \mis-'yiiz\ vb 1 + : to use incorrectly 2 + : to treat
read, miss, misunderstand - more at MISUNDERSTAND badly: ABUSE, MISTREAT
+ [3] miscalculate, misconceive, misjudge - more at + [1] abuse, misapply, pervert, profane, prostitute-
MISCALCULATE more at MISAPPLY + [2) abuse, ill-treat, maltreat, man-
'mistake n 1 +: a wrong judgment: MISUNDERSTANDING handle, mishandle, mistreat - more at ABUSE
2 + : a wrong action or statement: ERROR 'misuse \-'yiis\ n + : wrong, careless, or improper use
+ [1) misapprehension, misconstruction, misinterpreta- + abuse, perversion; also mishandling, mismanage-
tion, misjudgment, misunderstanding + (2) blunder, er- ment, mismanaging; maltreatment, mistreatment; dam-
ror, fault, flub, fumble, goof, lapse, miscue, misstep, age, destruction, ruin, spoiling, wrecking; corruption,
oversight, slip, stumble - more at ERROR debasement, desecration, profanation, prostitution
mis-tak-en-ly \mi-'sta-kan-le\ adv + : in a way that is wrong 'mite \'mit\ n : any of numerous tiny arthropod animals re-
in action or thought lated to the spiders that often live and feed on animals or
+ amiss, erroneously, faultily, improperly, inaptly, in- plants
correctly, wrongly 'mite n 1 + : a small coin or sum of money 2 + : a small
'mister Vmis-tsrv n 1 cap - used sometimes instead of Mr. amount: BIT 3 + : a small object or creature
2 : SIR - used without a name in addressing a man + [1) peanuts, pittance, shoestring, song; also petty
'mistoer \'mis-tar\ n : a device for spraying mist cash Ant fortune, mint, wad + [2) bit, dab, little, parti-
mis-tle-toe \'mi-sal-,to\ n : a European parasitic green cle, speck, touch, trace - more at PARTICLE + [3]
shrub that grows on trees and has yellowish flowers and dwarf, midget, peewee, pygmy, runt, scrub, shrimp-
waxy white berries more at DWARF
mts-tral \'mis-tral, mi-tstralv n [F, fro Occitan, fro mistral 'miter or mi-tre \'mi-tar\ n [ME mitre, fro AF, fr. L mitra
masterful, fr. LL magistralis of a teacher, fr. L magister headband, turban, fr. Gk] 1 : a headdress worn by bish-
master] : a strong cold dry northerly wind of southern ops and abbots 2 : MITER JOINT
France 'miter or mitre vb mi-tered or mi-tred: mi-ter-ing or mi.tring
mis-treat \mis-'tret\ vb + : to treat badly : ABUSE - mis-
"mi-ta-ril)\ 1 : to match or fit together in a miter joint
treat-ment n
2 : to bevel the ends of for making a miter joint
+ abuse, ill-treat, maltreat, manhandle, mishandle, mis- miter joint n : a usu. perpendicular joint made by fitting to-
use - more at ABUSE gether two parts with the ends cut at an angle
mis-tress \'mis-tras\ n 1 : a woman who has power, au- mit.iogate \'mi-ta-,gat\ vb -gatoed; 1 : to make less
thority, or ownership <~ of the house) 2: something harsh or hostile 2 + : to make less severe or painful -
personified as female that rules or dominates <when rnit-i-qa-tion \,mi-ta-'ga-shan\ n - rnlt-i-qa-tlve \'mi-ta-,ga-
Rome was "'" of the world) 3: a woman other than his tiv\ adj
wife with whom a married man has sexual relations; also,
archaic: SWEETHEART 4 - used archaically as a title pre- + allay, alleviate, assuage, ease, help, mollify, palliate,
fixed to the name of a married or unmarried woman relieve, soothe - more at HELP
mts-trl-al \'mis-,tri(-a)l\ n : a trial that has no legal effect mi-to-chon-dri-on \,mi-ta-'kan-dre-an\ n, pI -dria \-dre-a\
'mistrust \mis-'trast\ n + : a lack of confidence: DISTRUST : any of various round or long cellular organelles that
+ distrust, doubt, incertitude, misgiving, skepticism, produce energy for the cell- mi-to-chon-dri-al \-dre-al\
suspicion, uncertainty - more at DOUBT aclj
mi-to-sis \mi-'to-sas\ n, pl -to-ses \-,sez\ : a process that
'mistrust vb + : to have no trust or confidence in : SUSPECT
takes place in the nucleus of a dividing cell and results in
+ distrust, doubt, question, suspect - more at DISTRUST the formation of two new nuclei each of which has the
mistrustful \-fal\ adi + : marked by mistrust same number of chromosomes as the parent nucleus; also
+ distrustful, incredulous, leery, skeptical, suspicious : cell division in which mitosis occurs - mi-tot-ic \-Itii-
- more at SKEPTICAL tik\ adj
mis-trust-ful-ly \-fa-Ie\ adv + : in a mistrustful manner mitt \'mit\ n 1 : a baseball catcher's or first baseman's
+ askance, distrustfully, dubiously, suspiciously- glove 2 slang: HAND
more at ASKANCE mit-ten \'mit-'n\ n : a covering for the hand having a sepa-
mis-trust-ful-ness \-nas\ n : the quality or state of being rate section for the thumb only
mistrustful 'mix \'miks\ vb 1 + : to combine into one mass 2 + : to en-
misty \'mis-te\ adj mist-i-er; -est 1 + : obscured by or as if ter into relations: ASSOCIATE 3: to form by mingling com-
by mist 2: TEARFUL - \-ta-Ie\ adv - mist-i-ness ponents 4: to produce (a recording) by electronically
\-te-nas\ n combining sounds from different sources 5: HYBRJDIZE
+ cloudy, foggy, hazy, murky, smoggy, soupy - more 6 + : to put in disorder: CONFUSE - often used with up
at HAZY <~es up the facts) 7: to become involved - mix-able
mis-un-der-stand \,mi-,san-dar-'stand\ vb -stood \-'stud\; adj - mix-er n
-stand-lnq 1 + : to fail to understand 2 + : to interpret in- + [1) amalgamate, blend, combine, commingle, fuse,
correctly incorporate, integrate, intermingle, merge, mingle; also
+ [1, 2] misapprehend, misconstrue, misinterpret, mis- coalesce; compound, join, link, unite Ant segregate, sep-
read, miss, mistake; also misconceive Ant apprehend, arate, sort (out) + [2] associate, fraternize, hobnob,
catch, comprehend, conceive, fathom, grasp, know, mingle, socialize - more at SOCIALIZE + usu mix up
make out, penetrate, perceive, savvy, see, seize, take in, [6) confuse, disorder, jumble, mess, muddle, scramble,
understand shuffle
rnis-un-der-stand-inq \-'stan-dil)\ n 1 + : a failure to un- 2mix n + : a product of mixing; esp : a commercially pre-
derstand : MISINTERPRETATION 2 + : a usu. verbal conflict pared mixture of food ingredients
between antagonists: DISAGREEMENT, QUARREL + admixture, amalgam, blend, combination, composite,
+ [1) misapprehension, misconstruction, misinterpreta- compound, fusion, intermixture, mixture - more at
tion; also misconception, mistake + [2] altercation, ar- BLEND
gument, bicker, brawl, disagreement, dispute, fight, mixed \'mikst\ adj 1 + : made up of or involving individ-
hassle, quarrel, row, scrap, spat, squabble, wrangle- uals or items of more than one kind 2 + : deriving from
more at ARGUMENT two or more races or breeds
mixed number 536
[I] assorted, heterogeneous, miscellaneous, motley, wire and sheet metal) with parts that can be set in motion
varied - more at MISCELLANEOUS [2] hybrid, mon- by air currents; also : a similar structure suspended so
grel; also crossbred, crossed, interbred Antfull-blooded, that it is moved by a current of air
purebred, thoroughbred mobile home n : a trailer used as a permanent dwelling
mixed number n : a number (as 5"/,) composed of an inte- mo-bi-lise chiefly Brit var of MOBILIZE
ger and a fraction mo-bl-li-za-tlon \,mo-b:l-l:l-'za-sh:ln \ n 1 : the act of mo-
mixed-up \'mikst-':lp\ adj : CONFUSED bilizing 2: the state of being mobilized
mix-er \'mik-s:lr\ n 1 : one that mixes; esp : a machine or muster, rally - more at RALLY
device for mixing 2: an event (as a dance) that encour- mo-bi-lize \'mo-b:l-,liz\ vb -lized; -Iiz-inq 1: to put into
ages meeting and socializing 3: a nonalcoholic beverage movement or circulation 2.: to assemble and make
used in a cocktail ready for use or action <~ army reserves> - mo-bi-liz-er
mixt abbr mixture \'mo-b:l-,li-z:lr\ n
mix-ture \'miks-ch:lr\ n 1 : the act or process of mixing; marshal, muster, rally; also arrange, line up, order,
also : the state of being mixed 2 : a product of mixing organize; call (up), convene, summon; activate Ant de-
admixture, amalgam, blend, combination, composite, mobilize
compound, fusion, intermixture, mix - more at BLEND mob-ster \'mab-st:lr\ n : a member of a criminal gang
mix-up \'miks-,:lp\ n 1 : an instance of confusion 2: CON- bully, gangster, goon, hood, hoodlum, mug, punk,
FLICT, FIGHT rowdy, ruffian, thug, tough - more at HOODLUM
miz-zen also miz-en \'miz-On\ n 1 : a fore-and-aft sail set on moc-ca-sin \'ma-k:l-s:ln\ n 1: a soft leather heelless shoe
the mizzenmast 2: MIZZENMAST - mizzen also mizen adj 2 : WATER MOCCASIN
mtz-zen-rnast \-,mast, -rnastv n : the mast aft or next aft of mo-cha \'mo-k:l\ n [Mocha, port in Yemen] 1 : choice cof-
the mainmast fee grown in Arabia 2: a mixture of coffee and chocolate
mk abbr 1 mark 2 markka or cocoa 3: a dark chocolate-brown color
Mk abbr Mark 'mock \'mak, 'mokv vb 1 .: to treat with contempt or
mks abbr meter-kilogram-second ridicule 2: DELUDE 3: DEFY 4 : to mimic in sport or de-
mkt abbr market rision - mock n - adv
mktg abbr marketing
[I] deride, gibe, jeer, laugh, ridicule, scout - more
ml abbr milliliter
at RIDICULE. [4] burlesque, caricature, imitate, mimic,
Mile abbr [F] mademoiselle
parody, take off, travesty - more at MIMIC
Miles abbr [F] mesdemoiselles
2mock adj 1 : of, relating to, or having the character of
mm abbr millimeter
an imitation 2 : not real or genuine
MM abbr [F] messieurs
Mme abbr [P] madame [I] artificial, fake, faux, imitation, sham, synthetic -
Mmes abbr [P] mesdames more at IMITATION [2] affected, artificial, assumed,
Mn symbol manganese contrived, feigned, mechanical, phony, put-on, spuri-
MN abbr Minnesota ous, unnatural - more at ARTIFICIAL
mne-mon-Ic \n:l-'ma-nik\ adi : assisting or designed to as- mock-er n : one that mocks
sist memory; also : of or relating to memory heckler, quiz, scoffer, taunter, tease - more at QUIZ
mo abbr month mock-ery \'ma-k:l-re, 'mo-\ n 1 : insulting or contemptu-
'Mo abbr 1 Missouri 2 Monday ous action or speech 2 : a subject of laughter, derision,
2Mo symbol molybdenum or sport 3 : an insincere, contemptible, or impertinent
MO abbr 1 mail order 2 medical officer 3 Missouri imitation
4 modus operandi 5 money order [2] butt, laughingstock, mark, mock, target - more
'moan \'mon\ n : a low prolonged sound indicative of at LAUGHINGSTOCK. [3] caricature, farce, joke, parody,
pain or grief sham, travesty; also burlesque, comedy; lampoon, take-
groan, howl, keen, lament, plaint, wail - more at off; counterfeit, fake, feigning, pretense, simulation
LAMENT mock-he-ro-le \,mak-hi-'ro-ik, .mok-v adj : ridiculing or
2moan vb 1 : to express grief, pain, or discontent 2: to burlesquing heroic style, character, or action <a ~
make a moan poem>
beef, bellyache, carp, complain, crab, croak, fuss, mock-ing-bird \'ma-kil)-,b:lrd, 'mo-v n : a grayish No.
gripe, grouse, growl, grumble, kick, squawk, wail, American songbird related to the catbirds and thrashers
whine - more at COMPLAIN that mimics the calls of other birds
moat \'mot\ n : a deep wide usu. water-filled trench mock-Up \'ma-,k:lp, 'rno-v n : a full-sized structural model
around a castle built for study, testing, or display <a ~ of a car>
'mob \'mab\ n [L mobile vulgus vacillating crowd] 1 : the 'mod \'mad\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or being the style of the
lower classes of a community: MASSES 2 : a disorderly 1960s British youth culture 2 : very fashionable
crowd 3 : a criminal gang contemporary, current, hot, modem, new, newfan-
[I] commoners, herd, masses, people, plebeians, pop- gled, red-hot, space-age, ultramodern, up-to-date-
ulace, rank and file - more at MASSES [2] army, more at MODERN
crowd, crush, drove, flock, horde, host, legion, multi- 2mod abbr 1 moderate 2 modem 3 modification; modified
tude, press, swarm, throng - more at CROWD [3] ca- 'mode \'mod\ n 1 a : a particular form or variety of some-
bal, conspiracy, gang, ring, syndicate - more at RING thing b : a form or manner of expression : STYLE 2: a
2mob vb mobbed; mob-bing 1 : to crowd about and attack manner of doing something 3: the most frequent value
or annoy 2.: to crowd into or around <shoppers of a set of data 4 : a conscious state of mind or pre-
mobbed the stores> dominant emotion - mod-at \'mod-Ol\ adj
crowd, flock, swarm, throng - more at CROWD [Ib] locution, manner, phraseology, style, tone, vein
'rna-bile \'mo-b:ll, -,bU, -,bel\ adj 1 : capable of moving or - more at STYLE [4] cheer, frame, humor (or hu-
being moved 2: changeable in appearance, mood, or pur- mour), mood, spirit, temper - more at MOOD
pose; also: ADAPTABLE 3: having the opportunity for or 2mode n : a prevailing fashion or style (as of dress or be-
undergoing a shift in social status 4: using vehicles for havior)
transportation <~ warfare> - mo-bil-i-ty \mo-'bi-I:l-te\ n craze, fad, rage, style, trend, vogue - more at FAD
2ma-bile \'mo-,bel\ n : a construction or sculpture (as of 'modoel \'mad-Ol\ n 1: structural design 2: a miniature
537 mohel

representation; also: a pattern of something to be made mod-est-ly \-le\ adv + : in a modest manner or to a modest
3 + : an example for imitation or emulation 4: one who extent
poses (as for an artist or to display clothes); also: MAN- + humbly, lowly, meekly, sheepishly + chastely, purely,
NEQUIN 5: TYPE, DESIGN righteously, virtuously - more at PURELY
beau ideal, classic, exemplar, ideal, nonpareil, mod-es-ty \'ma-da-ste\ n 1 +: freedom from conceit or
paragon - more at IDEAL vanity 2 + : propriety in dress, speech, or conduct
2m ode I vb mod-eled or mod-elled; rnod-el-tnq or mod-el.ling + [1) humbleness, humility, lowliness, meekness-
1 : SHAPE, FASHION, CONSTRUCT 2: to work as a fashion more at HUMILITY + [2) chastity, purity - more at
"model adj 1 : serving as or worthy of being a pattern (a mod-i-cum \'ma-di-kam\ n + : a small amount
~ student> 2: being a miniature representation of some- + hoot, jot, lick, rap, tittle, whit - more at JOT
thing (a ~ airplane> modif abbr modification
classic, paradigmatic, quintessential; also ideal, non- mod-l-tl-ca-ticn \,ma-da-fa-'ka-shan\ n + : the act, process,
pareil, special, unique; absolute, flawless, impeccable, or result of modifying
perfect; bang-up, banner, capital, dandy, fine, first-rate,
grand, great, groovy, jim-dandy, prime, superb, supe-
+ alteration, change, difference, revise, revision, varia-
tion - more at CHANGE
rior, superlative, terrific, tip-top, top, top-notch, unsur-
mod.i.fy \'ma-da-,fi\ vb -fied; 1 : MODERATE 2: to
passed, wonderful; exceptional, fancy
limit the meaning of esp. in a grammatical construction
mo-dern \'mo-dam, -,dem\ n : a device that converts signals 3 + : to make changes in : ALTER - mod-i-fl-er \'ma-da-,fi-
from one device (as a computer) to a form compatible
ar\ n
with another (as a telephone)
'mod-er-ate \'mii-da-rat\ adj 1 a : avoiding extremes alter, change, make over, recast, redo, refashion, re-
b : having a climate that esp. lacks extremes in temper- make, remodel, revamp, revise, rework, vary - more
ature 2 + : tending toward the mean or average amount
or dimension 3: limited in scope or effect 4: not expen- mod-ish \'mo-dish\ adj +: conforming to the custom,
sive - moderate n - mod-er-ate-ness n fashion, or established mode: FASHIONABLE - mod-ish-ly
[Ib) balmy, clement, equable, gentle, mild, temperate
- more at CLEMENT + [2) average, intermediate, me- a la mode, chic, fashionable, in, popular, sharp,
dian, medium, middle, modest - more at MIDDLE smart, snappy, stylish - more at STYLISH
2modoer.ate \'mii-da-,rat\ vb -at-ed; -at-inq 1 : to lessen the mod-ish-ness \-nas\ n + : the quality or state of being mod-
intensity of : TEMPER 2: to act as a moderator 3 : to be- ish
come less violent, severe, or intense - mod-er-a-tlon + favor, popularity, vogue - more at POPULARITY
\,ma-da-'ra-shan \ n mo-diste \mo-'dest\ n : a maker of fashionable dresses and
abate, de-escalate, decline, decrease, die, diminish, hats
dwindle, ebb, fall, lessen, let up, lower, recede, relent, mod-u-lar \'ma-ja-lar\ adj : constructed with standardized
shrink, subside, taper, wane - more at DECREASE units
mod-er-ate-ly \-Ie\ adv + : in a moderate manner or to a mod-u-lar-ized \'ma-ja-Ia-,nzd\ adj : containing or consist-
moderate extent ing of modules
enough, fairly, kind of, pretty, quite, rather, so-so, mod-u-late \'ma-ja-,Iat\ vb -lat-ed: 1 : to tune to a
somewhat, sort of - more at FAIRLY key or pitch 2: to keep in proper measure or proportion
: TEMPER 3: to vary the amplitude or frequency of a car-
mod-er-a-tor \'ma-da-,ra-tar\ n 1 : MEDIATOR 2 : one who
rier wave for the transmission of information (as in radio
presides over an assembly, meeting, or discussion
or television) - mod-u-la-tion \,ma-ja-'Ia-shan\ n - mod-
+ chair, chairman, president, speaker u-ta-tor \'ma-ja-,Ia-tar\ n - moo-u-ta-to-ry \-Ia-,tor-e\ adi
rnod rn \'rna-dam\ adj [LL modernus, fro L modo just mod-ule \-ma-jul\ n 1 : any in a series of standardized units
now, fro modus measure) + : of, relating to, or character- for use together 2: an assembly of wired electronic parts
istic of the present or the immediate past: CONTEMPORARY for use with other such assemblies 3: an independent
- modern n - mo-der-ni-ty \ma-'dar-na-te\ n - mod- unit that constitutes a part of the total structure of a
ern-ly adv - mod-ern-ness n space vehicle (a propulsion ~>
contemporary, current, hot, mod, new, newfangled, mo-dus ope-ran-di \,mo-das-,a-pa-'ran-de, -,dl\ n, pi mo-di
red-hot, space-age, ultramodern, up-to-date; also fash- operandi \'mo-,de-,a-, 'mo-,dI-\ [NL) : a method of proce-
ionable, in, modish, stylish; last, latest; modernized, up- dure
dated; futuristic, nontraditional Ant antiquated, ar- 'mo-gul \'mo-gal, mo-'gal\ n [fr, Mogul, member of a Mus-
chaic, dated, fusty, musty, old-fashioned, old-time, lim dynasty ruling northern India) + : an important per-
out-of-date, passe son: MAGNATE
mod-ern-lse, mod-ern-l-sa-tlon chiefly Brit var of MODERN- + baron, czar, king, magnate, prince, tycoon - more at
IZE, modernization MAGNATE
mod-ern-Ism \'ma-dar-,ni-zam\ n : a practice, movement, 2mogul \'mo-gal\ n : a bump in a ski run
or belief peculiar to modem times mo-hair \'mo-,har\ n [modif. of obs. It mocaiarro, fro Ar
mod-ern-ize \'ma-dar-,niz\ vb -ized; : to make or be- mukhayyar, lit., choice) : a fabric or yam made wholly or
come modem - mod-ern-i-za-tlon \,ma-dar-na-'za-shan\ in part from the long silky hair of the Angora goat; also
n - mod-ern-iz-er n : this goat hair
mod-est \'ma-dast\ adj 1 a : having a moderate estimate Mo-hammedan also Muhammadan \mo-'ha-ma-dan,
of oneself b : neither bold nor self-assertive: DIFFIDENT -'ha-, mii-\ n : MUSLIM - Mo-hammedanism also Mu-
2 .: observing the proprieties of dress and behavior nam-mad-en-lsm v-do-jnt-zom', n
3 : limited in size, amount, or scope Mo-hawk \'mo-,h6k\ n, pi Mohawk or Mohawks: a member
+ [la) demure, humble, lowly, meek, retiring, unas- of an American Indian people of the Mohawk River val-
suming, unpretentious - more at HUMBLE. [lb) bash- ley, New York; also: the language of the Mohawk people
ful, coy, demure, diffident, introverted, retiring, sheep- Mo-heogan \mo-'M-gan, ma-v or Mo-hioean \-'he-kan\ n, pi
ish, shy - more at sHY + [2) chaste, clean, decent, Mohegan or Mohegans or Mohican or Mohicans: a mem-
immaculate, pure - more at CHASTE + [3) average, in- ber of an American Indian people of southeastern Con-
termediate, median, medium, middle, moderate- necticut
more at MIDDLE mo-hel \'mo-(h)el, 'm6i(-a)l\ n, pi mohels also mo-hal-im
mohelim 538
\,mo-hli-'lem\ also mo-hel-tm \-(h)e-'lem\ : a person who sexual contact on - mo-les-ta-ticn \,mo-,Ies-'ta-sh;ln\ n
performs Jewish circumcisions - mo-lest-er n
Mohican var a/MAHICAN moll \'mlil\ n : a gangster's girlfriend
moi-e-ty Vmol-c-tev n, pi -ties: one of two equal or ap- \'ma-l;l-,fi\ vb -tied; 1 : to soothe in tem-
proximately equal parts per: APPEASE 2: SOFTEN 3 : to reduce in intensity: AS-
moil \'moi(-;l)l\ vb : to work hard: DRUDGE - moil n- SUAGE - mol-ll-ti-ca-tlon \,ma-l;l-f;l-'ka-sh;ln\ n
moil-er n [1] appease, conciliate, disarm, pacify, placate, propi-
rnol-re \mo-'ra, mwli-\ or moire \same or 'moir, 'mwlir\ n tiate - more at PAClFY [3] allay, alleviate, assuage,
: a fabric (as silk) having a watered appearance ease, help, mitigate, palliate, relieve, soothe - more at
moist \'moist\ adj : slightly or moderately wet - moist-ly HELP
adv - motet-ness n mol-lusk or mol-lusc Vma-lask', n : any of a large phylum of
moist-en \'mois-'n\ vb : to make or become moist- usu. shelled and aquatic invertebrate animals (as snails,
moist-en-er n clams, and squids) - mol-lus-can also mol-lus-kan \m:;>-
mois-ture \'mois-ch;lr\ n : the small amount of liquid that 'los-kanv adi
causes dampness 'mol.lyoeododle \'mli-Ie-,klid-'I\ n : a pampered man or boy
rnois-tur-ise chiefly Brit var 0/ MOISTURIZE 2mollycoddle vb mol-ly-cod-dled: mol.lyoeododling +: to
mcls-tur-ize Vmois-cha-irtz', vb -ized; : to add mois- treat with an excessive or absurd degree of indulgence
ture to - mois-tur-iz-er n and attention: PAMPER
mol abbr molecular; molecule
baby, coddle, nurse, pamper, spoil- more at BABY
mo-lar \'mo-l;lr\ n [ME molares, pl., fro L molaris, fr. mo-
laris of a mill, fro mala millstone) : any of the broad teeth Mo-Io.tov cocktail \'ma-l;l-,tof-, 'mo-v n [Vyacheslav M.
adapted to grinding food and located in the back of the Molotov t1986 Soviet foreign minister] : a crude bomb
jaw - molar adi made of a bottle filled usu. with gasoline and fitted with a
mo-las-ses \m;l-'la-s;lz\ n : the thick brown syrup that is wick (as a saturated rag) that is ignited just prior to hurl-
separated from raw sugar in sugar manufacture ing
'mold or Can and Brit mould \'mold\ n : crumbly soil rich 'molt or Can and Brit moult \'molt\ vb : to shed hair, feath-
in organic matter ers, outer skin, or horns periodically with the cast-off
2mold or Can and Brit mould n 1: distinctive nature or parts being replaced by new growth - molt-er n
character 2 : the frame on or around which something is 2molt or Can and Brit moult n : the act or process of molt-
constructed 3: a cavity in which something is shaped; ing
also: an object so shaped 4: MOLDING mol-ten \'molt-'n\ adj 1: fused or liquefied by heat
3mold or Can and Brit mould vb 1 : to shape in or as if in a 2: GLOWING
mold 2 : to ornament with molding - mold-er n mo-ly \'mo-Ie\ n : a mythical herb with black root, white
'mold or Can and Brit mould n : a surface growth of fungus flowers, and magic powers
esp. on damp or decaying matter; also: a fungus that pro- mo-lyb-de-num \m;l-'lib-d;l-n;lm\ n : a metallic chemical el-
duces molds - mold-i-ness \'mol-de-n;ls\ n - moldy adj ement used in strengthening and hardening steel
5mold or Can and Brit mould vb : to become moldy mom \'mlim, 'mamx n : a female parent: MOTHER
mold-board or Can and Brit mould-board \'mold-,bord\ n rna, mommy, mother
: a curved iron plate attached above the plowshare to lift
mom-and-pop adj : being a small owner-operated business
and turn the soil mo-ment \'mo-m;lnt\ n 1 : a minute portion of time: IN-
mold-er or Can and Brit mould-er \'mol-d;lr\ vb .: to
STANT 2: a time of excellence (he has his ""s) 3: IMPOR-
crumble into small pieces TANCE 4 : present time
break down, corrupt, decay, decompose, disintegrate,
[I] flash, instant, jiffy, minute, second, shake, trice,
putrefy, rot, spoil- more at DECAY
twinkle, twinkling, wink - more at INSTANT. [4] now, or Can and Brit moutd-inq \'mol-diI)\ n 1 : an act
present, today - more at PRESENT
or process of shaping in a mold; also: an object so shaped
2 : a decorative surface, plane, or curved strip
mo-men-tari-ly \,mo-m;ln-'ter-;l-le\ adv 1 : for a moment
2 archaic: INSTANTLY 3 : at any moment: SOON
'mole \'mol\ n : a small often pigmented spot or protuber-
ance on the skin anon, presently, shortly, soon - more at SHORTLY
2mole n : any of numerous small burrowing insect-eating mo-men-tary \'mo-m;ln-,ter-e\ adj 1 : continuing only a
mammals related to the shrews and hedgehogs moment 2: recurring at every moment - mo-men-tar-l-
3mole n : a massive breakwater or jetty ness \-,ter-e-n;ls\ n
mo-lec-u-lar \m;l-'le-kY;l-I;lr\ adj : of, relating to, or being a ephemeral, evanescent, flash, fleeting, fugitive, im-
molecule permanent, short-lived, transient; also brief, short; act-
molecular biology n : a branch of biology dealing with the ing, interim Ant enduring, eternal, everlasting, lasting,
ultimate physical and chemical organization of living permanent, perpetual
matter and esp. with the molecular basis of inheritance rno-men-tcus \mo-'men-t;ls\ adj. : very important - mo-
and protein synthesis - molecular biologist n men-tous-ly adv - mo-men-tous-ness n
molecular weight n : the mass of a molecule that is equal to big, consequential, eventful, important, major, mate-
the sum of the masses of all atoms contained in the mol- rial, meaningful, significant, substantial, weighty-
ecule's formula more at IMPORTANT
mol-e-cule \'ma-li-,kyiil\ n 1 : the smallest particle of mat- mo-men-tum \mo-'men-t;lm\ n, pi mo-men-ta \-'men-t;l\ or
ter that is the same chemically as the whole mass 2 : a momentums 1 : a property that a moving body has due to
tiny bit its mass and motion 2 + : something that rouses or incites
atom, bit, crumb, fleck, flyspeck, grain, granule, to activity: IMPETUS
morsel, mote, particle, patch, scrap, scruple, speck, tit-
+ boost, encouragement, goad, impetus, impulse, in-
tle centive, incitement, instigation, motivation, provoca-
mole-hill \'mol-,hil\ n : a little ridge of earth thrown up by tion, spur, stimulus, yeast - more at lMPULSE
a mole morn-my \'ma-me, 'm;l-\ n, pi mcm-rnles : MOTHER
mole-skin \-,skin\ n 1 : the skin of the mole used as fur
2 : a heavy durable cotton fabric rna, mom, mother
mo-lest \m;l-'Iest\ vb 1 : ANNOY, DISTURB 2: to make an- Mon abbr Monday
noying sexual advances to; esp : to force physical and usu. mon-arch \'mli-n;lrk, -,nlirk\ n 1 : a person who reigns
539 monogamy
over a kingdom or an empire 2: one holding preeminent monogrel \'mal)-gr;:ll, 'm;:ll)-\ n : an offspring of parents of
position or power 3: MONARCH BUTfERFLY different breeds; esp : one of uncertain ancestry
autocrat, ruler, sovereign; also czar, emperor, em- cross, hybrid - more at HYBRID
press, kaiser, king, lord, mogul, potentate, prince, mon-i-ker \'ma-ni-k;:lr\ n : NAME, NICKNAME
queen, satrap, sultan; authoritarian, despot, dictator, mo-nism \'mo-,ni-z;:Im, 'ma-\ n : a view that reality is basi-
overlord, tyrant; royalty cally one unitary organic whole - mo-nist \'mo-nist,
monarch butterfly n : a large orange and black migratory 'ma-\ n
American butterfly whose larva feeds on milkweed rno-nl-tlon \mo-'ni-sh;:ln, rna-v n : WARNING, CAUTION
mo-nar-chi-cal \m;:l-'nar-ki-k;:ll, rna-v also rnon-ar-chlc adj tmon-i-tor \'ma-n;:l-t;:lr\ n 1 : a student appointed to assist a
: of, relating to, suggestive of, or characteristic of a teacher 2: one that monitors; esp : a video display screen
monarch or monarchy (as for a computer)
kingly, princely, queenly, regal, royal; also aristo- 2monitor vb : to watch, check, or observe for a special pur-
cratic, baronial, imperial, lordly, noble, patrician pose
mon-ar-chist \'ma-n;:lr-kist\ n : a believer in monarchical mon-i-to-ry \'ma-n;:l-,tor-e\ adj : giving admonition: WARN-
government - rnon-ar-chlsm \-,ki-z;:Im\ n ING
mon-ar-chy \'ma-n;:lr-ke\ n, pl-chies : a nation or state gov- 1monk \'m;:ll)k\ n [ME, fr. OE munuc, fro LL monachus, fro
erned by a monarch LGk monachos, fro Gk, adj., single, fr. monos single,
mon-as-tery \'ma-n;:l-,ster-e\ n, pi -ter-les : a house for alone) : a man belonging to a religious order and living in
persons under religious vows (as monks) a monastery - monk-ish adj
abbey, cloister, friary, priory; also house; convent, 2monk n : MONKEY
nunnery; lamasery 1mon.key Vmon-ke', n, pl monkeys 1 : a nonhuman primate
mo-nas-tic \m;:l-'nas-tik\ adj : of or relating to monasteries mammal; esp : one of the smaller, longer-tailed, and usu.
or to monks or nuns - monastic n - mo-nas-ti-cal-ly more arboreal primates as contrasted with the apes
\-ti-k(;:I-)le\ adv - mo-nas-ti-cism \-t;:l-,si-z;:Im\ n 2 : a person resembling a monkey in appearance or be-
mon-au-ral \ma-'nor-;:II\ adj : MONOPHONIC - mon-au-ral-ly havior
adv devil, hellion, imp, mischief, rapscallion, rascal,
Mon-day \'m;:ln-de, -,da\ n : the second day of the week rogue, scamp, urchin - more at SCAMP
mon-e-tary \'ma-n;:l-,ter-e, 'rne-v adj + : of or relating to 2monkey vb mon-keyed: 1 : to behave fool-
money or to the mechanisms by which it is supplied and ishly : FOOL - often used with around 2 : to try foolish
circulated in the economy or dangerous experiments: TAMPER - usu. used with with
financial, fiscal, pecuniary - more at FINANCIAL + usu monkey around [1) act up, clown, cut up, fool,
show off, skylark - more at CUT UP usu monkey
mon-ey \'m;:l-ne\ n, pI moneys or mon-Ies \'m;:l-nez\
around [1) fiddle, fool, mess, play, potter, putter, trifle
1 +: something (as metal currency) accepted as a
usu monkey with [2) fiddle, fool, mess, play, tamper,
medium of exchange 2: wealth reckoned in monetary tinker - more at TAMPER
terms 3: the Ist, 2d, and 3d places in a horse or dog race
monkey bars n pi : a framework of bars on which children
cash, currency, dough, lucre, pelf, tender; also can play
change, coinage, specie; paper money, scrip; banknote, mon-key-shine \'m;:ln-ke-,shin\ n +: a mischievous act;
cashier's check, check, draft, money order, note; bill, also : mischievous behavior - usu. used in pl.
dollar, greenback; bankroll, capital, finances, funds;
mite, pittance; bundle, fortune, mint, wad; abundance,
+ usu monkeyshines pl antic, caper, escapade, frolic,
practical joke, prank, trick - more at PRANK + usu
means, opulence, riches, treasure, wealth; resources,
monkeyshines pI foolery, high jinks, horseplay, rough-
house, shenanigans, tomfoolery - more at HORSEPLAY
mon-eyed Vma-nedv adj 1 .: having money: WEALTHY
monkey wrench n : a wrench with one fixed and one ad-
2 : consisting in or derived from money justable jaw at right angles to a handle
+ affluent, flush, loaded, opulent, rich, wealthy, well, monkfish \'m;:ll)k-,fish\ n : either of two marine bony
fixed, well-heeled, well-off, well-to-do - more at RICH fishes that have a large flattened head and are used for
mon-ey-tend-er \'m;:l-ne-,Ien-d;:lr\ n : one (as a bank or food
pawnbroker) whose business is lending money monks-hood Vmanks-jhudv n : any of a genus of poisonous
money market n : the trade in short-term negotiable finan- plants related to the buttercups; esp : a tall Eurasian herb
cial instruments with white or purplish flowers
money of account: a denominator of value or basis of ex- tmono \'ma-no\ adj : MONOPHONIC
change used in keeping accounts 2mono n : INFECTIOUS MONONUCLEOSIS
money order n : an order purchased at a post office, bank, mcno-chro-mat-lc \,ma-n;:l-kro-'ma-tik\ adj 1 : having or
or telegraph office directing another office to pay a sum consisting of one color 2: consisting of radiation (as
of money to a party named on it light) of a single wavelength
monoger \'m;:ll)-g;:lr, 'mal)-\ n 1 : DEALER 2: one who tries mono-chrome \'ma-n;:l-,krom\ adj : involving or producing
to stir up or spread something visual images in a single color or in varying tones of a sin-
Monogol \'mal)-g;:ll, 'man-,gol\ n : a member of any of sev- gle color <~ television)
eral traditionally pastoral peoples of Mongolia - Mongol mon-o-cle \'ma-ni-k;:ll\ n : an eyeglass for one eye
adj mono-clo-nal \,ma-n;:l-'klo-n;:ll\ adj : produced by, being, or
Monogo-Iian vman-tgol-yan, rnan-, -'go-Ie-;:In\ n 1 : a native composed of cells derived from a single cell <~ antibod-
or inhabitant of Mongolia 2 : a member of the Mongoloid ies)
racial stock - Mongolian adj mono-cot-y-le-don \,ma-n;:l-,kat-Ol-'ed-On\ n : any of a class
Monogol-oid \'miil)-g;:l-,Ioid\ adj : of or relating to a major or subclass of chiefly herbaceous seed plants having an
racial stock native to Asia that includes peoples of north- embryo with a single cotyledon and usu. parallel-veined
ern and eastern Asia, Malaysians, Eskimos, and often leaves
American Indians - Mongoloid n mon-o-dy \'ma-n;:l-de\ n, pI-dies: ELEGY, DIRGE - mo-nod-
mon-qocse \'man-,gus, 'rnan-', n, pl mon-goos-es also mon- ic \m;:l-'na-dik\ or me-nod-i-cat \-di-bl\ adj - mon-o-dist
geese \-,ges\ : any of a group of small, agile Old World \'ma-n;:l-dist\ n
mammals that are related to the civet cats and feed mo-nog-a-my \m;:l-'na-g;:l-me\ n 1 : marriage with but one
chiefly on small animals and fruits person at a time 2: the practice of having a single mate
monogram 540
during a period of time - rno-noq-a-mist \-mist\ n - mo- "mon-ster Vman-storv n 1 : an abnormally developed plant
noq-a-mous \-mas\ adi or animal 2 a : an animal of strange or terrifying shape
mono-gramVma-nc-jgramx n : a sign of identity composed b : one unusually large of its kind 3 : an extremely
of the combined initials of a name - monogram vb ugly, wicked, or cruel person 4: something monstrous
mono-graph \'ma-na-,graf\ n : a learned treatise on a small [2b] behemoth, blockbuster, colossus, giant, jumbo,
area of learning leviathan, mammoth, titan, whale, whopper - more at
mono-lin-gual\,ma-na-'lil)-gw;)l\ ad} : knowing or using GIANT [3] beast, brute, devil, fiend, savage, villain
only one language
2monster ad} : very large : ENORMOUS
mono-lith \'man-I-,ith\ n 1 : a single great stone often in
the form of a monument or column 2: something large mon-strance \'man-strans\ n : a vessel in which the conse-
and powerful that acts as a single unified force - mono- crated Host is exposed for the adoration of the faithful
llth-lc\,miin-'I-'i-thik\ adj mon-stros-i-ty vman-tstra-sa-te', n 1 a : a malformation of a
mono-toque also mono-log \'man-'I-,og\ n 1 : a dramatic plant or animal b e : something deviating from the nor-
soliloquy; also: a long speech monopolizing conversation mal : FREAK 2 : the quality or state of being monstrous
2 : the routine of a stand-up comic - mono-loqu-tst \-,og- 3 a : an object of great and often frightening size, force, or
ist\ or mo-no-to-qlst\ma-'na-Ia-jist, 'miin-'I-,o-gist\ n complexity b : an excessivelybad or shocking example
mono-ma-nia \,ma-na-'ma-ne-:l, -nya\ n 1 : mental disorder [Ib] abnormality, freak, monster - more at FREAK
limited in expression to one area of thought 2: excessive [2] atrociousness, atrocity, frightfulness, hideous-
concentration on a single object or idea - mono-ma-nl-ac ness, horror, repulsiveness- more at HORROR [2]
\-ne-,ak\ n or ad] atrociousness, atrocity, depravity, enormity, heinous-
mono-mer \'ma-na-m:lr\ n : a simple chemical compound ness, vileness, wickedness - more at ENORMITY. [3b]
that can be polymerized eyesore, fright, horror, mess, sight - more at EYESORE
mono-nu-cle-o-sis \,ma-no-,nu-kle-'o-s:ls, -,nyii-\ n : INFEC- mon-strous Vman-strasv adi 1 : having extraordinary of-
TIOUS MONONUCLEOSIS ten overwhelming size 2 : extraordinarily ugly or vi-
mono-phon-Ic\,ma-n:l-'fa-nik\ adj : of or relating to sound cious 3 : deviating greatly from the natural form or
recording or reproduction involving a single transmission character
path [1] enormous, giant, gigantic, huge, mammoth, mas-
mono-plane \'ma-n:l-,plan\ n : an airplane with only one sive, monster, monumental, prodigious, tremendous,
set of wings whopping - more at HUGE [2] appalling, atrocious,
mo-nop-c-ly\m:l-'na-p:l-Ie\ n, pI -lies [L monopolium, fro awful, dreadful, frightful, ghastly, grisly, gruesome,
Gk monopolion, fro monos alone, single + polein to sell] hideous, horrible, horrid, lurid, macabre, nightmarish,
1 : exclusive ownership (as through command of supply) shocking, terrible - more at HORRIBLE. [3] deformed,
2 : a commodity controlled by one party 3: one that has distorted, malformed, misshapen, shapeless - more at
a monopoly - mo-nop-o-list \-list\ n - mo-nop-o-lis-tic MALFORMED
\m:l-,na-pa-'lis-tik\ ad} - mo-nop-o-li-za-tion \-Ia-'za- mon-strous-ly\-Ie\ adv : in a monstrous manner
shcnv n - rno-nop-o-lize \m;)-'na-pa-,Iiz\ vb
devilishly, excessively, inordinately, overly, over-
mono-rail \'ma-n:l-,ral\ n : a single rail serving as a track much, too - more at TOO broadly, considerably,
for a vehicle; also: a vehicle traveling on such a track greatly, hugely, largely, massively, much, sizably, stu-
mono-so-di-umglu.tamate \,ma-n:l-,so-de-:lm-'glu-t:l-,mat\ pendously, tremendously, utterly, vastly - more at
n : a crystalline salt used to enhance the flavor of food GREATLY
mono-syl-la-ble\'ma-n:l-,si-I:I-b:ll\ n : a word of one sylla- Montabbr Montana
ble - mono-eyt-tab-lc \,ma-n3-s3-'la-bik\ adj - mono-\-bi-k(:I-)Ie\ adv rnon-taqs \man-'tiizh\ n [F] 1 : a composite photograph
mono-the-ism \'ma-na-(,)the-,i-z:lm\ n : a doctrine or belief made by combining several separate pictures 2: an artis-
that there is only one deity - mono-the-ist \-,the-ist\ n - tic composition made up of several different kinds of ele-
rnono-the-ls-tlc\-the-'is-tik\ adj ments 3: a varied mixture: JUMBLE
mono-tone \'ma-na-,ton\ n : a succession of syllables, month \'manth\ n, pl months \'mans, 'manths\ : one of the
words, or sentences in one unvaried key or pitch 12 parts into which the year is divided - month-lyadvor
mo-not-o-nous \m:l-'nat-'n-:ls\ adj 1 : uttered or sounded adj or n
in one unvarying tone 2 : tediously uniform - me-not- month-long \'manth-'Iol)\ adj : lasting a month
o-nous-ty adv - mc-not-o-nous-ness n mon-u-mentVman-ya-msnt', n 1 : a lasting reminder; esp
drab, dreary, dry, dull, flat, uninteresting, weary : a structure erected in remembrance of a person or event
mo-not-o-ny\m:l-'nat-'n-e\ n : tedious sameness or unifor- 2: NATIONAL MONUMENT
mity gravestone, headstone, tombstone - more at TOMB-
mono-un-sat-u-rat-ed\,ma-no-,:ln-'sa-ch:l-,ra-t:ld\ adj : con- STONE keepsake, memento, memorial, remembrance,
taining one double or triple bond per molecule - used souvenir, token - more at MEMORJAL
esp, of an oil or fatty acid mon-u-men-tal\,man-ya-'ment-'I\ adj 1 : of or relating to a
mon-ox-ide \ma-'niik-,sid\ n : an oxide containing one monument 2 a .: having impressive bulk or size
atom of oxygen in a molecule b : highly significant: OUTSTANDING 3.: very great-
mon-sei-qneur\,mon-,san-'yar\ n, pl mes-sel-qneurs \,ma- mon-u-men-tal-ly adv
,siin-'yar, -'Y:lrz\ : a French dignitary - used as a title colossal, enormous, giant, gigantic, grand, heroic,
mon-sieur \mas-'yar, mo-tshar, Fr ma-'syre\ n, pl mes- huge, mammoth, massive, outsize, oversize, prodigious,
sieurs \same or -'yarz, -'sharz\ : a Frenchman of high titanic, tremendous, vast
rank or station - used as a title equivalent to Mister moo \'mu\ vb : to make the natural throat noise of a cow
rnon-si-qnor \miin-'se-nyar\ n, t monsignors or rnon-sl- -moon
gno-ri \,man-,sen-'yor-e\ [It monsignore] : a Roman mooch-er \'mu-char\ n : one that begs or lives off an-
Catholic prelate - used as a title other's expense
men-soon \man-'sun\ n lobs. Dutch monssoen, fr. Pg
monciio, fro Ar mawsim time, season] 1 : a periodic wind hanger-on, leech, parasite, sponge - more at LEECH
esp. in the Indian Ocean and southern Asia 2 : the season lmood \'mud\ n 1 : a conscious state of mind or pre-
of the southwest monsoon esp, in India 3: rainfall asso- dominant emotion 2: a prevailing attitude : DISPOSITION
ciated with the monsoon 3 : a distinctive atmosphere
541 more

[l] cheer, frame, humor (or humour), mode, spirit, mop-pet \'ma-p:lt\ n lobs. E mop fool, child] : a young
temper; also attitude, outlook, perspective, standpoint, person who is between infancy and adulthood: CHILD
viewpoint; emotion, feeling, heart, passion, sentiment; child, cub, juvenile, kid, kiddo, whelp, youngster,
strain; belief, conviction, mind, opinion; expression, youth - more at CHILD
tone, vein; character, disposition, individuality,person- mo-raine\m:l-'ran\ n : an accumulation of earth and stones
ality, temperament; responsiveness, sensibility, sensi- left by a glacier
tiveness, sensitivity [3] air, atmosphere, aura, cli- 'moral \'mor-:lI\ adj 1 : of or relating to principles of right
mate, flavor (or flavour), note, temper - more at AURA and wrong 2 : conforming to a standard of right be-
2mood n : distinction of form of a verb to express whether havior; also: capable of right and wrong action 3: prob-
its action or state is conceived as fact or in some other able but not proved <a ~ certainty) 4: perceptual or
manner (as wish) psychological rather than tangible or practical in nature
moody \'mii-de\ adi mood-i-er; -est 1 : GLOOMY 2 : sub- or effect <a ~ victory)
ject to moods: TEMPERAMENTAL - mood-i-ly\-d:l-Ie\ adv decent, ethical, good, honest, honorable (or hon-
- mood-i-ness\-de-n:ls\ n ourable), just, right, righteous, straight, upright, virtu-
glum, morose, sulky, sullen, surly - more at SULKY ous - more at GOOD
'moon \'mlin\ n 1 : the earth's natural satellite 2: SATEL- 2moral n 1 : the practical meaning (as of a story) 2 pi
LITE 2 3 : an indefinite usu. extended period of time - : moral practices or teachings
often used in pl. morals pi ethics, morality, principles, standards-
aeon (or eon), age, cycle, eternity - more at AGE more at ETHICS
2moon vb : to engage in idle reverie mo-rale\m:l-'ral\ n 1 : MORALITY 2: the mental and emo-
moen-beam\'miin-,bem\ n : a ray of light from the moon tional attitudes of an individual toward the tasks at hand;
'moon.light \-,lit\ n : the light of the moon - moon-lit\-,lit\ also: ESPRIT DE CORPS
mor-al-lse chieflyBrit var of MORALIZE
2moonlight vb rnoon-liqht-ed; moon-llqht-ing : to hold a sec- mor-al-ist\'mor-:l-Iist\ n 1: one who leads a moral life
2 : a thinker or writer concerned with morals 3: one con-
ond job in addition to a regular one - rnoon-llqht-ern
moon-root \-,ruf, -,ruf\ n : a glass sunroof cerned with regulating the morals of others - mor-al-Is-
moon-scape\-,skap\ n : the surface of the moon as seen or tic \,mor-:l-'lis-tik\ adj - mor-at-ls-tl-cal-ly \-ti-k(:I- )Ie\
as pictured mo-ral-i-ty\m:l-'ra-I:I-te\ n, pi -ties 1 : a doctrine or sys-
moon-shine \-,shin\ n 1: MOONLIGHT 2: empty talk
tem of moral conduct 2 : moral conduct: VIRTUE
3 : intoxicating liquor usu. illegally distilled
[1] ethics, morals, principles, standards - more at
alcohol, booze, drink, intoxicant, liquor, spirits- ETHICS [2] character, decency, goodness, honesty,
more at ALCOHOL honor (or honour), integrity, probity, rectitude, right-
moen-stone \-,ston\ n : a transparent or translucent eousness, uprightness, virtue; also high-mindedness,
feldspar of pearly luster used as a gem honor, incorruptibility; appropriateness, correctness,
moon-struck\-,str:lk\ adj 1 : mentally unbalanced 2: ro- decorum, etiquette, fitness, propriety; ethics, morals
mantically sentimental 3: lost in fantasy Ant badness, evil, immorality, wickedness
'moor \'mur\ n 1 chiefly Brit: an expanse of open rolling mor-al-lze\'mor-:l-,Iiz\ vb -ized; : to make moral re-
infertile land 2 : a boggy area; esp : one that is peaty and flections - mor-al-l-za-tlon\,mor-:l-I:I-'za-sh:ln\ n - mor-
dominated by grasses and sedges al-lz-er\'mor-:l-,Ii-z:lr\ n
2moor vb : to make fast with or as if with cables, lines, or mor-at-ly\'mor-:lI\ adv : in accordance with morals: in a
anchors moral manner
anchor, catch, clamp, fasten, fix, hitch, secure, set mo-rass \m:l-'ras\ n [D moeras, fr. OF maresc, of Omc ori-
disembark, dock, land, tie up gin; akin to OE mersc marsh] : a tract of soft wet land
Moor \'mur\ n : one of the Arab and Berber conquerors of : SWAMP; also: something that entangles, impedes, or con-
Spain - Moor.ish adj fuses
rnoor-inq \'mur-il)\ n 1 : a place where or an object to bog, fen, marsh, mire, slough, swamp - more at
which a craft can be made fast 2: an established practice SWAMP
or stabilizing influence - usu. used in pl. mor-a-to-ri-um\,mor-:l-'tor-e-:lm\ n, pl-riums or -ria \-e-:l\
moor-landx-land, -,Iand\ n : land consisting of moors [ultim. fr. L mora delay] : a suspension of activity
moose \'miis\ n, pi moose: a large heavy-antlered rumi- abeyance, doldrums, dormancy, holding pattern, la-
nant mammal related to the deer that has humped shoul- tency, quiescence, suspension - more at ABEYANCE
ders and long legs and inhabits northern forested areas mo-rayeel \m:l-'ra-, 'mor-,a-\ n : any of numerous often
'moot \'miit\ vb 1 : to bring up for discussion 2 : to ar- brightly colored biting eels of warm seas
gue about: DEBATE mor-bid\'mor-b:ld\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or typical of dis-
[1] bring up, broach, introduce, raise - more at IN- ease; also : DISEASED, SICKLY 2: characterized by gloomy
TRODUCE [2] argue, chew over, debate, discuss, dis- or unwholesome ideas or feelings 3: GRISLY, GRUESOME
pute, hash, talk over - more at DISCUSS <~ details) - mor-bid-i-ty \mor-'bi-d:l-te\ n -
2moot adj 1 : open to question; also: DISPUTED 2: having adv - mor-bid-ness n
no practical significance mor-dant \'mord-'nt\ adj 1 : biting or caustic in manner
arguable, debatable, disputable, doubtful, question- or style 2: BURNING, PUNGENT - mor-dant-lyadv
able - more at DEBATABLE acrid, biting, caustic, cutting, pungent, sarcastic,
'mop \'map\ n : an implement made of absorbent material satiric, scathing, sharp, tart - more at SARCASTIC
fastened to a handle and used esp. for cleaning floors 'more \'mor\ adj 1 : GREATER 2 : existing by way of ad-
2mop vb mopped; mop-ping: to use a mop on : clean with a dition : ADDITIONAL
mop additional, another, else, farther, further, other-
mope \'mop\ vb moped; mop-ing 1 : to become dull, de- more at ADDITIONAL
jected, or listless 2 : to move slowly or aimlessly 2more adv 1 : in addition 2: to a greater or higher degree
gad, gallivant, knock, maunder, meander, ramble, 3more n 1 : a greater quantity, number, or amount <the ~
range, roam, rove, traipse, wander - more at WANDER the merrier) 2: an additional amount <costs a Iittle~)
mo-ped \'mo-,ped\ n : a light low-powered motorbike that 'more pron : additional persons or things or a greater
can be pedaled amount
morel 542
mo-rel \ma-'rel\ n : any of several pitted edible fungi morsus, fro mordere to bite] 1 + : a small piece or quan-
more-over \mor-'o-var\ adv + : in addition: FURTHER tity 2: a tasty dish 3 + : a small piece of food
+ additionally, again, also, besides, further, further- + [1] bit, crumb, grain, granule, particle, scrap + [3]
more, likewise, more, then, too, withal, yet bite, mouthful, nibble, taste, tidbit; also snack; appe-
mo-res \'mor-,az\ n pi [L, pl. of mor-, mos custom] tizer, hors d'oeuvre; bit, chew, crumb, dab, driblet, hint,
1 +: the fixed morally binding customs of a group lick, nubbin, nugget, pinch, scrap, shred, smidgen,
2 : HABITS, MANNERS speck, spot, sprinkling, suspicion, touch, trace; dash,
+ etiquette, manners drop; gulp, swallow, swig
Morogan\'mor-gan\ n : any of an American breed of lightly 'mortal\'mort-'I\ adj 1 a + : causing death: FATAL b: lead-
built horses ing to eternal punishment <-- sin> 2: subject to death
morgue \'morg\ n : a place where the bodies of dead per- <-- man> 3: implacably hostile <-- foe> 4: very great
sons are kept until released for burial or autopsy
: EXTREME <-- fear> 5: HUMAN <-- limitations> 6 + : of,
relating to, or connected with death - mor-tal-i-ty vmor-
mor-i-bund \'mor-a-(,)band\ adi : being in a dying condi-
'ta-Ia-tex n
Mor.mon\'mor-man\ n : a member of the Church of Jesus + baleful, deadly, deathly, fatal, fell, lethal, murderous,
Christ of Latter-day Saints - Mormon.ism\-ma-,ni-zam\ pestilent, vital- more at DEADLY
n 2mortal n + : a human being
morn \'morn\ n 1: the first appearance of light in the + being, body, creature, human, individual, man, per-
morning followed by sunrise 2 : MORNING son - more at HUMAN
morning\'mor-nil)\ n 1 a + : the first appearance of light mor-tal-ly \'mort-'I-e\ adv 1 : in a deadly or fatal manner
in the morning followed by sunrise b: the time from the <-- wounded> 2 + : to an extreme degree <-- afraid>
sunrise to noon 2 + : a period of first development: BE- + especially, extremely, greatly, highly, hugely, mightily,
GINNING mighty, most, much, real, right, so, very - more at
+ [1a] aurora, cockcrow, dawn, sunrise - more at VERY
DAWN + [2] beginning, birth, commencement, dawn, tmcr-tar Vmor-tarv n 1 : a strong bowl in which substances
genesis, launch, onset, outset, start, threshold - more are pounded or crushed with a pestle 2 : a short-barreled
at BEGINNING cannon used to fire shells at high angles
rnorn-inq-efter pill \,mor-nil)-'af-tar-\ n : a contraceptive 2mortar n : a building material (as a mixture of lime and ce-
drug taken up to usu. three days after sexual intercourse ment with sand and water) that is spread between bricks
morning glory n : any of various twining plants related to or stones to bind them together as it hardens - mortar vb
the sweet potato that have often showy bell-shaped or mor-tar-board \'mor-tar-,bord\ n 1: a square board for
funnel-shaped flowers holding mortar 2 : an academic cap with a flat square top
morning sickness n : nausea and vomiting that typically mortogage\'mor-gij\ n [ME morgage, fr. AF mortgage, fro
occur in the morning esp. during early pregnancy mort dead + gage pledge] : a transfer of rights to a piece of
morning star n : a bright planet (as Venus) seen in the east- property uSU. as security for the payment of a loan or
ern sky before or at sunrise debt that becomes void when the debt is paid - mort-
Mo-roc-can\ma-'rli-kan\ n : a native or inhabitant of Mo- gage vb - mortogag-ee \,mor-gi-'je\ n - mortogagoor
rocco \,mor-gi-'jor\ n
mo-roc-co\ma-'rli-ko\ n : a fine leather made of goatskins mor-n-clan \mor-'ti-shan\ n [L mort-, mors death + E -ician
tanned with sumac (as in physician)] : UNDERTAKER
mo-ron \'mor-,lin\ n 1 usu offensive: a mildly mentally re- mor-ti-ti-ca-tlon \,mor-ta-fa-'ka-shan\ n + : a sense of hu-
miliation and shame caused by something that wounds
tarded person 2 + : a very stupid person - mo-ron-ic
\ma-'rli-nik\ adj - mo-ron-t-cel-ly \-ni-k(a-)Ie\ adv one's pride or self-respect
+ blockhead, dolt, dope, dummy, idiot, imbecile, jack- + abashment, confusion, discomfiture, embarrassment,
fluster - more at EMBARRASSMENT
ass, nitwit, numskull, simpleton - more at IDIOT
rnor-ti-ty\'mor-ta-,fi\ vb -fied; 1 : to subdue (as the
mo-rose \ma-'ros\ adj [L morosus hard to please, exacting,
body) esp. by abstinence or self-inflicted pain 2 + : to
fro mor-, mos custom, disposition] 1 + : having a sullen subject to severe and vexing embarrassment 3: to be-
disposition 2: marked by or expressive of gloom come necrotic or gangrenous
: GLOOMY - mo-rose-ly adv - mo-roseness n
+ abash, confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, dis-
+ glum, moody, sulky, sullen, surly - more at SULKY countenance, embarrass, faze, fluster, rattle - more at
morph \'morf\ vb : to change the form or character of EMBARRASS
: TRANSFORM mor-tise also mor-tice\'mor-tas\ n : a hole cut in a piece of
mor-pheme \'mor-,fem\ n : a meaningful linguistic unit wood into which another piece fits to form a joint
that contains no smaller meaningful parts - mor-phe-mic mor-tu-ary\'mor-cha-,wer-e\ n, pl-ar.ies : a place in which
\mor-'fe-mik\ adj dead bodies are kept until burial
mor-phia \'mor-fe-a\ n : MORPHINE mos abbr months
mor-phine\'mor-,fen\ n [F, fr. Gk Morpheus, Greek god of mo-sa-Ic \mo-'za-ik\ n : a surface decoration made by in-
dreams] : an addictive drug obtained from opium and laying small pieces (as of colored glass or stone) to form
used to ease pain or induce sleep figures or patterns; also : a design made in mosaic - mo-
mor-phol-o-qy \mor-'fli-Ia-je\ n 1: a branch of biology saic adj
dealing with the form and structure of organisms 2: a mo-sey \'mo-ze\ vb mo-seyed; : SAUNTER
study and description of word formation in a language - mosh \'mash\ vb : to engage in rough uninhibited dancing
mor-pho-loq-i-cal \,mor-fa-'Ili-ji-kal\ adj - mer-phot-o- near the stage at a rock concert
gist vmor-Jfa-Io-jist', n mosh pit n : an area in front of a stage where rough danc-
mor-ris\'mor-as\ n : a vigorous English dance traditionally ing takes place at a rock concert
performed by men wearing costumes and bells Moslem\'miiz-Iam\ var O/MUSLIM
mor-row\'mlir-o\ n : the next day mosque \'mask\ n : a building used for public worship by
Morse code Vrnors-v n : either of two codes consisting of Muslims
dots and dashes or long and short sounds used for trans- mos-qui-to\ma-'ske-to\ n, pi-toes also -tos : any of a fam-
mitting messages ily of dipteran flies the female of which sucks the blood
mor-sel \'mor-sal\ n [ME, fro AF, dim. of mors bite, fro L of animals
543 mottled
mosquito net n : a net or screen for keeping out mosqui- move, movement, moving, shift, stir, stirring - more
toes at MOVEMENT
moss \'mos\ n : any of a class of green plants that lack 2motion vb : to direct or signal by a movement
flowers but have small leafy stems and often grow in flag, gesture, signal, wave; also gesticulate, pan-
clumps - mossy adj tomime, sign; signalize; acquaint, advise, inform, relate,
moss-back \'mos-,bak\ n : an extremely conservative per- tell; flourish, shrug
son: FOGY motion picture n 1 : a series of pictures projected on a
'most \'most\ adj 1 : greatest in quantity, extent, or de- screen so rapidly that they produce a continuous picture
gree <the ~ ability) 2: the majority of <~ people) in which persons and objects seem to move 2 : a repre-
consummate, maximum, nth, paramount, supreme, sentation (as of a story) by means of motion pictures
top, ultimate, utmost - more at ULTIMATE film, movie, picture - more at MOVIE
2most adv 1 : to the greatest or highest degree <~ beauti-
ful) 2: to a very great degree <a ~ careful driver) molion sickness n : sickness induced by motion and char-
3most n : the greatest amount <the ~ I can do) acterized by nausea
'most pron : the greatest number or part <~ became dis- mo-ti-vate \'mo-t;>-,vat\ vb -vat-ed: -vat-lnq : to provide with
couraged) a motive: IMPEL - mo-ti-va-tor \'mo-ta-,va-tar\ n
Smost adv : very nearly but not exactly or entirely: AL- mo-ti-va-tlon\,mo-ta-'va-shan\ n 1 a : the act or process of
MOST motivating b: the condition of being motivated 2 : a
about, almost, much, near, nearly, next to, nigh, motivating force, stimulus, or influence - mo-ti-va-tion-
practically, some, virtually, well-nigh - more at AL- al \-sh;>-nal\adj
MOST boost, encouragement, goad, impetus, impulse, in-
-most \,most\ adj suffix : most <innermost) : most toward centive, incitement, instigation, momentum, provoca-
<endmost) tion, spur, stimulus, yeast - more at IMPULSE
most-ly \'most-Ie\ adv : for the greatest part: MAINLY trno-nve \'mo-tiv, 2 also mO-'tev\ n 1 : something (as a
altogether, basically, chiefly, generally, largely, need or desire) that causes a person to act 2: a recurrent
mainly, overall, predominantly, primarily, principally theme in a musical composition 3: a dominant idea or
- more at CHIEFLY central theme (as in a work of art) : MOTIF 4 : a single or
mot \'mo\ n, pi mots \same or 'moz\ [F, word, saying, fr. repeated design or color: MOTIF - rno-tlve-lessadj
LL muttum grunt] : a witty saying grounds, reason, wherefore, why - more at REASON
mote \'mot\ n : a small particle 2ma-live \'mo-tiv\ adj 1 : moving to action 2: of or relat-
bit, fleck, flyspeck, molecule, particle, speck ing to motion
mo-tet \mo-'tel\ n [blend of motor and hotel] : a hotel in 'mot.ley \'mat-Ie\ adj 1 : variegated in color 2 : made
which the rooms are accessible from the parking area up of diverse often incongruous elements
mo-tet \mo-'tet\ n : a choral work on a sacred text for sev- [I] multicolored, variegated. [2] assorted, heteroge-
eral voices usu. without instrumental accompaniment neous, miscellaneous, mixed, varied - more at MISCEL-
moth \'moth\ n, pi moths \'mothz, 'mothsv : any of various LANEOUS
insects belonging to the same order as the butterflies but 2motley n : a mixture of incongruous elements
usu. night-flying and with a stouter body and smaller "mo-tor \'mo-tar\ n [L, fro movere to move] 1 : one that im-
wings parts motion 2: a machine that produces motion or
moth-ball \'moth-,bol\ n 1 : a ball (as of naphthalene) used power for doing work 3: a usu. 4-wheeled automotive
to keep moths out of clothing 2 pi : protective storage vehicle designed for passenger transportation : AUTOMO-
'mothoer \'ma-thar\ n 1 : a female parent 2: the superior BILE
of a religious community of women 3: SOURCE, ORIGIN - 2motor vb : to travel or transport by automobile: DRrVE -
moth-er-hood \-,hud\ n - moth-er-less adj - moth-er-n- mo-tor-let n
ness \-Ie-nas\ n - moth-er-ly adj mo-tor-bike \'mo-t"r-,bik\ n : a small lightweight motorcy-
rna, mom, mommy; also matriarch, matron cle
2mother vb 1 : to give birth to; also: PRODUCE 2 : to care mo-tor-boat \-,bot\ n : a boat propelled by a motor
for or protect like a mother mo-tor-cade \-,kad\ n : a procession of motor vehicles
aid, care, minister, nurse - more at NURSE armada, caravan, cavalcade, fleet, train - more at
moth-er-board \'ma-thar-,bord\ n : the main circuit board FLEET
esp. of a microcomputer mo-tor-car \-,kar\ n : a usu. 4-wheeled automotive vehicle
mothoer-in-Iaw \'ma-thar-an-,Io\ n, pi mothers-in-law designed for passenger transportation: AUTOMOBILE
\'ma-th;>rz-\: the mother of one's spouse mo-tor-cy-cle \'mo-tar-,si-kal\ n : a 2-wheeled automotive
moth-er-rand \'ma-thar-,Iand\ n 1 : the land of origin of vehicle - rno-tor-cy-cltst \-k(a-)list\ n
something 2 : the native land of one's ancestors motor home n : a large motor vehicle equipped as living
country, fatherland, home, homeland, sod - more at quarters
COUNTRY camper, caravan, trailer - more at CAMPER
moth-er-of-pearl \,ma-th;>r-av-'parl\ n : the hard pearly motor inn n : MOTEL
matter forming the inner layer of a mollusk shell
mother ship n : a ship serving smaller craft mo-tor-lee chiefly Brit var of MOTORIZE
me-tit \mo-'tef\ n [F, motive, motif] 1 : a dominant idea mo-tor-ize \'mo-t;>-,riz\ vb -ized; 1 : to equip with a
or central theme (as in a work of art) 2 : a single or re- motor 2: to equip with automobiles
peated design or color mo-tor-man \'mo-tar-m;>n\ n : an operator of a motor=
[I] content, matter, question, subject, theme, topic driven vehicle (as a streetcar or subway train)
- more at MATTER. [2] design, figure, motive, pattern motor scooter n : a low 2- or 3-wheeled automotive vehicle
- more at PATTERN resembling a child's scooter but having a seat
rno-tile \'mot-Ol, 'mo-,ti1\ adj : capable of spontaneous mo-tor-truck \'mo-t;>r-,trak\ n : an automotive truck
movement - mo-til-i-ty\mo-'ti-Ia-te\ n motor vehicle n : an automotive vehicle (as an automo-
tmo-tton \'mo-shan\ n 1 : an act, process, or instance of bile) not operated on rails
moving 2: a proposal for action (as by a deliberative automobile, car, machine - more at CAR
body) 3 pi : ACTIVITIES, MOVEMENTS - mo-tlon-less adj - met-tle \'mat-Ol\ vb mot-tled; rnot-tlinq : to mark with
mo-tion-less-ly adv - mo-tion-less-ness n spots of different color: BLOTCH
mottled 544
blotch, dapple, dot, fleck, freckle, pepper, speck, moun-taln-top \-,tap\ n : the summit of a mountain
spot, sprinkle, stipple - more at SPOT moun-te-bank \'maun-ti-,bal)k\ n [It montimbanco, fr.
mot-tled \'ma-tld\ adj : marked with spots of different montare to mount + in in, on + banco, banca bench) : a
colors boastful unscrupulous pretender: QUACK, CHARLATAN
dappled, piebald, pied, spotted - more at PIED charlatan, fake, fraud, hoaxer, humbug, phony, pre-
dappled, spotted, spotty, variegated - more at SPOT- tender, quack
TED \'maun-te\ n : a member of the Royal Canadian
mot-to \'ma-to\ n, pi mottoes also mottos [It, fro LL mut- Mounted Police
tum grunt, fr. L muttire to mutter) 1 : a sentence, phrase, mount-lnq Vrnaun-ttnv n : something that serves as a frame
or word inscribed on something to indicate its character or support
or use 2: a short expression of a guiding rule of conduct mourn \'morn\ vb : to feel or express grief or sorrow-
moue \'mu\ n : a little grimace mourn-er n
mould chiefly Can and Brit var 0/ MOLD agonize, bleed, feel, grieve, hurt, sorrow, suffer-
moult chiefly Can and Brit var O/MOLT more at GRIEVE usu mourn for bemoan, bewail, de-
'mound Vmaundv vb : to form into a mound plore, grieve, lament, wail - more at LAMENT
heap, hill, pile, stack - more at PILE mourn-ful \-f:ll\ adj : expressing, feeling, or causing sor-
2mound n 1 : an artificial bank or hill of earth or stones row - mourn-tul-ness n
2 : a rounded hill or natural formation 3 : a collec- dolorous, funeral, lugubrious, plaintive, regretful,
tion of things thrown one on another: HEAP, PILE; also: a rueful, sorrowful, weeping, woeful; also elegiac, melan-
great number or large quantity <~s of work) 4: a small choly; depressed, despondent, disconsolate, incon-
solable; careworn, sad, unhappy, woebegone; bawling,
rounded mass
[1) bank, bar, drift - more at BANK (2) elevation, crying, groaning, howling, yammering; bleeding, suffer-
eminence, height, highland, hill, prominence, rise- ing; black, bleak, cheerless, dark, darkening, desolate,
more at HEIGHT (3) cock, heap, hill, mountain, pile, dismal, dreary, gloomy, glum, gray, joyless, low, miser-
rick, stack - more at PILE able, moody, morbid, morose, pessimistic, saturnine,
'mount \'maunt\ n : a high hill somber, sullen, wretched + blue, depressed, despon-
dent, disconsolate, down, downcast, forlorn, gloomy,
mountain, peak glum, low, melancholy, miserable, sad, sorrowful,
2mount vb 1 a : to increase in amount or extent b : to sorry, unhappy
move upward: RlSE, ASCEND 2: to get up on something; meum-tul-ly \-f:l-Ie\ adv : in a mournful manner
esp : to seat oneself on (as a horse) for riding 3: to put in rneurn-lnq \'mor-nil)\ n 1: an outward sign (as black
position <~ artillery) 4: to set on something that ele- clothes) of grief for a person's death 2: a period of time
vates 5: to attach to a support 6 : to prepare esp. for during which signs of grief are shown
examination or display - mount-able adj - mount-er n mouse Vmaus', n, pi mice \'mls\ 1 : any of numerous small
[la) accumulate, appreciate, balloon, build, burgeon, rodents with pointed snout, long body, and slender tail
enlarge, escalate, expand, increase, multiply, mush- 2 : a small manual device that controls cursor movement
room, proliferate, rise, snowball, swell, wax - more at on a computer display
INCREASE. [lb) arise, ascend, climb, lift, rise, soar, up mouse pad n : a thin flat pad on which a computer mouse
- more at ASCEND (6) carry, give, offer, present, is used
stage - more at PRESENT mous-er \'mau-s:lr\ n : a cat proficient at catching mice
3mount n 1 .: an arrangement of structural parts that mouse-trap Vmaus-jtrapv n 1 : a trap for catching mice
gives form or support : SUPPORT 2: a means of con- 2 : a stratagem that lures one to defeat or destruction -
veyance; esp : SADDLE HORSE mousetrap vb
brace, bulwark, buttress, shore, stay, support, under- mousse \'mus\ n [F, lit., froth, moss) 1 : a molded chilled
pinning - more at SUPPORT dessert made with sweetened and flavored whipped
moun-tain \'maunt-n\ n 1 .: a landmass higher than a cream or egg whites and gelatin 2: a foamy preparation
hill 2 a : a great mass b : a vast number or quantity used in styling hair - mousse vb
- moun-tainy \-n-e\ adi moustache chiefly Can and Brit var O/MUSTACHE
[1) mount, peak; also mountain range, seamount; mousy or mous-ey \'mau-se, -ze\ adj mous-i-er; -est
mountaintop, pinnacle, precipice, summit. [2a) cock, 1 : QUIET, STEALTHY 2 : lacking in boldness or determi-
heap, hill, mound, pile, rick, stack - more at PILE nation: TIMID 3: grayish brown - mous-i-ness \'mau-se-
[2b) abundance, deal, gobs, heap, loads, lot, pile, nos, -ze-\ n
plenty, quantity, scads - more at LOT + fainthearted, fearful, scary, shy, skittish, timid-
mountain ash n : any of various trees related to the roses more at sHY
that have pinnate leaves and red or orange-red fruits 'mouth \'mauth\ n, pi mouths \'mauthz, 'rnauthsv 1 : the
mountain bike n : a bicycle with wide knobby tires, straight opening through which an animal takes in food; also: the
handlebars, and 18 or 21 gears that is designed to operate cavity that encloses the tongue, lips, and teeth in the typ-
esp. over unpaved terrain ical vertebrate 2: something resembling a mouth (as in
rnoun-tain-eer \,maunt-'n-'ir\ n 1 : a native or inhabitant affording entrance) 3: a facial expression usu. of disgust,
of a mountainous region 2: one who climbs mountains disapproval, or pain : GRIMACE - mouthed \'maulhd,
for sport 'rnauthtv adj
mountain goat n : a ruminant mammal of mountainous 'mouth \'maulh\ vb 1 : SPEAK; also: DECLAIM 2: to repeat
northwestern No. America that resembles a goat without comprehension or sincerity 3: to form sound-
mountain laurel n : a No. American evergreen shrub or lessly with the lips 4 : to utter indistinctly 5 + : to talk
small tree of the heath family with glossy leaves and clus- pompously - often used with off
ters of rose-colored or white flowers (4) mumble, murmur, mutter - more at MUMBLE
mountain lion n + : a large powerful tawny brown wild + usu mouth off (5) declaim, discourse, harangue, orate
American cat : COUGAR - more at ORATE
cougar, panther - more at COUGAR mouth-ful \'mauth-fal\ 1 : as much as a mouth will hold
moun-tatn-ous Vmaun-ta-nos, 'maunt-nasv adj 1 : contain- 2 : the quantity uSU. taken into the mouth at one time
ing many mountains 2: resembling a mountain: HUGE bite, morsel, nibble, taste, tidbit - more at MORSEL
moun-taln-slde \'maunt-'n-,sid\ n : the side of a mountain mouth harp n : HARMONICA
545 mucus
mouth-part \'malith-,plirt\ n : a structure or appendage 2mow \'mo\ vb mowed; mowed or mown \'mon\; rnow-lnq
near the mouth (as of an insect) esp. when adapted for 1 : to cut (as grass) with a scythe or machine 2: to cut the
eating standing herbage of <'""" the lawn> - mowoer n
mouth-piece \-,pes\ n 1: a part (as of a musical instru- mox-Ie \'mlik-se\ n 1 : ENERGY, PEP 2: COURAGE, DETERMI-
ment) that goes in the mouth or to which the mouth is ap- NATION
plied 2.: one that expresses or interprets another's Mo-zambioean \,mo-z;)m-'be-k;)n\ n : a native or inhabitant
views : SPOKESMAN of Mozambique
speaker, spokesman, spokesperson, spokeswoman- moz-za-rel-ta \,mlit-s;)-'re-I;)\ n [ttl : a moist white unsalted
more at SPOKESPERSON unripened mild cheese of a smooth rubbery texture
mouth-to-mouth adj : of, relating to, or being a method of 'MP \'em-pe\ n 1 : a member of the military police 2: an
artificial respiration in which air from a rescuer's mouth elected member of a parliament
is forced into a victim's lungs 2MP abbr 1 melting point 2 metropolitan police
mouth-wash \-,w6sh, -,wlish\ n : a usu. antiseptic liquid mpg abbr miles per gallon
preparation for cleaning the mouth and teeth mph abbr miles per hour
mou-ton \'mu-,tlin\ n : processed sheepskin that has been Mr. Vmts-tarv n, pi Messrs. \'me-s;)rz\ - used as a conven-
sheared or dyed to resemble beaver or seal tional title of courtesy before a man's surname or his title
'move \'muv\ vb moved; 1 : to change or cause of office
to change position or posture 2 : to go or cause to go MRI \,em-,lir-'i\ n : MAGNETIC RESO ANCE IMAGING
from one point to another; also: DEPART 3 : to take or Mr. Right n : a man who would make the perfect husband
cause to take action 4: to show marked activity 5 : to Mrs. Vmi-saz, -S;)S, esp Southern 'mi-zaz, -z;)s\ n, pi Mes-
stir the emotions 6: to make a formal request, applica- dames \mii.-'dlim, -'dam\ - used as a conventional title
tion, or appeal 7: to change one's residence 8: EVACUATE of courtesy before a married woman's surname
2 9.: to cause to operate or function - mov-abte or Ms. \'miz\ n, pl Mss. or Mses. \'mi-zez\ - used instead of
move-able \'mu-v;)-b;)l\ adj Miss or Mrs.
[1] budge, dislocate, displace, disturb, remove, shift, MS abbr 1 manuscript 2 master of science 3 military sci-
transfer; also bear, carry, convey, drive, haul, transmit, ence 4 Mississippi 5 motor ship 6 multiple sclerosis
transport; transplant; replace, supersede, supplant; al- msec abbr millisecond
ter, make over, modify, redo, refashion, remake, re- msg abbr message
model, revamp, revise, rework, vary. [2] clear out, de- MSG abbr 1 master sergeant 2 monosodium glutamate
part, exit, get off, go, pull, quit, sally, shove, take off - msgr abbr 1 monseigneur 2 monsignor
more at GO [3] affect, impact, impress, influence, MSgt abbr master sergeant
strike, sway, tell, touch - more at AFFECT. [3] argue, MSS abbr manuscripts
convince, get, induce, persuade, prevail, satisfy, talk, MST abbr mountain standard time
win - more at PERSUADE [5] arouse, encourage, ex- mt abbr mount; mountain
cite, fire, incite, instigate, pique, provoke, stimulate, stir Mt abbr Matthew
[9] activate, actuate, crank, drive, propel, run, set MT abbr 1 metric ton 2 Montana 3 mountain time
off, spark, start, touch off, trigger, turn on - more at mtg abbr 1 meeting 2 mortgage
ACTIVATE mtge abbr mortgage
2move n 1 : an act of moving 2 : a calculated step taken mu \'myti, 'mu\ n : the 12th letter of the Greek alphabet -
to gain an objective 3: a change of location 4: an agile M or 1J
action esp. in sports 'much \'m;)ch\ adj more \'mor\; most \'most\ : great in
expedient, measure, shift, step - more at MEASURE quantity, amount, extent, or degree <'""" money>
move-ment \'muv-m;)nt\ n 1 : the act or process of mov- 2much adv more; most 1 : to a great degree or extent <'"""
ing : MOVE 2 : a series of organized activities working happier> 2 : almost but not quite: NEARLY <looks,""" as
toward an objective 3: the moving parts of a mechanism he did before>
(as of a watch) 4: RHYTHM 5: a section of an extended [1] broadly, considerably, greatly, hugely, largely,
musical composition 6: an act of voiding the bowels; also massively, monstrously, sizably, stupendously, tremen-
: STOOL 4 dously, utterly, vastly - more at GREATLY. [2] about,
[1] motion, move, moving, shift, stir, stirring; also almost, most, near, nearly, next to, nigh, practically,
dislocation, migration, relocation; locomotion, mobil- some, virtually, well-nigh - more at ALMOST
ity, motility; fiddling, fidgeting, squirming, twitching, 3much n 1 : a great quantity, amount, extent, or degree
wriggling, writhing; flailing, flapping, waving Ant mo- 2 : something considerable or impressive
tionlessness [2] bandwagon, campaign, cause, cru- abundance, deal, gobs, heap, loads, lot, pile, plenty,
sade, drive - more at CAMPAIGN quantity, scads - more at LOT
mov-er \'mu-v;)r\ n : one that moves; esp : one that moves mu-cl-taqe \'myu-s;)-lij\ n : a watery sticky solution (as of a
the belongings of others from one location to another gum) used esp. as an adhesive - mu-cl-laq-l-nous \,myu-
mov-ie \'mu-ve\ n 1 : a representation (as of a story) by s;)-'Ia-j;)-n;)s\ adj
means of motion pictures 2 pi : a showing of a motion muck \'m;)k\ n 1 : soft moist barnyard manure 2 : slimy
picture 3 pl : the motion-picture industry dirt or filth 3 a : a dark richly organic soil b: heavy of-
[1] film, motion picture, picture; also animated car- ten deep mud or slush: MUD, MIRE
toon, cartoon, docudrama, documentary, feature dirt, filth, grime, smut, soil- more at FILTH
movies pI [3] film, screen; also show business muck-rake \-,rii.k\ vb : to expose publicly real or apparent
moving adj : stirring deeply in a way that evokes a strong misconduct of a prominent individual or business-
emotional response muck-rak-er n
affecting, emotional, impressive, poignant, stirring, mucky \'m;)-ke\ adj 1 : not clean 2 : consisting of,
touching; also eloquent, expressive, meaningful, signifi- marked by, or full of muck
cant; demonstrative, excitable, feeling, passionate, re- [l] dirty, filthy, grubby, grungy, muddy, unclean
sponsive, sensitive; exciting, provoking, rousing, stimu- [2] miry, muddy, oozy, slimy, slushy - more at
lating; dramatic, histrionic, melodramatic, theatrical MUDDY
Ant unemotional, unimpressive mu-cus \'myti-k;)s\ n : a slimy slippery protective secretion
'mow \'mali\ n : the part of a barn where hay or straw is of membranes (mucous membranes) lining some body
stored cavities - muoeous \-k;)s\ adj
mud 546
mud \'m:ld\ n : soft wet earth: MIRE 3mug vb mugged; mugoging : to assault usu. with intent to
mire, muck, ooze, slime, slop, sludge, slush; also rob - mugoger n
gumbo, silt; clay, dirt, gravel, humus, loam, sand, soil mugogy \'m:l-ge\ adj; -est + : being warm and
'mudodle \'m:ld-'I\ vb mud-dled: mudodling 1: to make humid - mugogi.ness \-ge-n:ls\ n
muddy 2 : to confuse esp. with liquor 3 : to mix up humid, sticky, sultry - more at HUMlD
or make a mess of 4: to think or act in a confused way muq-wump Vmag-jwomp', n lobs. slang mugwump kingpin,
[2] addle, baffle, befog, befuddle, bemuse, bewilder, fr. Massachusett (Algonquian language of New England)
confound, confuse, disorient, muddy, mystify, perplex, mugquomp war leader] : an independent in politics
puzzle - more at CONFUSE. [3] disarray, dishevel, dis- Mu.ham.madan \mo-'ha-m:l-d:ln, -'hli-; mU-\ n : MUSLIM -
locate, disorder, disrupt, disturb, mess, mix Muhammadanism \-d:l-,ni-z:lm\ n
2muddle n 1 : a state of esp, mental confusion 2 : a mu-ja-hld-een or mu-la-ned-in \mU-Ja-hi-'den, -Jli-\ n pl [Ar
confused mess mujdhidin, pl. of mujtihid, lit., person who wages jihad]
[1] daze, fog, haze, spin - more at HAZE [1] baffle- : Islamic guerrilla fighters esp, in the Middle East
ment, bewilderment, confusion, distraction, mystifica- muk.luk \'m:lk-,l:lk\ n 1 : an Eskimo boot of sealskin or
tion, perplexity, puzzlement, whirl - more at CONFU- reindeer skin 2: a boot with a soft leather sole worn over
SION [2] chaos, confusion, disarray, disorder, jumble, several pairs of socks
mess, shambles - more at CHAOS [2] assortment, mu-lat-to \mu-'Ia-to, rnyu-, -'Ili-\ n, pi -toes or -tos [Sp mu-
clutter, jumble, medley, melange, miscellany, motley, lata, fr. mulo mule, fro L mulus] : a first-generation off-
variety, welter - more at MISCELLANY spring of a black person and a white person; also : a
muddled adj : characterized by a confused state person of mixed white and black ancestry
chaotic, confused, disordered, messy mul.ber.ry \'m:ll-,ber-e\ n : any of a genus of trees with ed-
mud-dle-head-ed \,m:ld-'I-'he-d:ld\ adj 1 : mentally con- ible berrylike fruit and leaves used as food for silkworms;
fused 2: INEPT also: the fruit
'mudody \'m:l-de\ adj mud-di-er; -est 1 + : full of or covered mulch \'m:llch\ n : a protective covering (as of straw or
with mud 2 + : turbid with sediment - mud-dl-ness \-de- leaves) spread on the ground esp. to reduce evaporation
n:ls\ n or control weeds - mulch vb
+ [1] miry, mucky, oozy, slimy, slushy; also clayey, 'mulct \'m:llkt\ n : a sum imposed as punishment for an of-
loamy, silty; bedraggled; dirty, filthy, foul, grimy, fense : FINE, PENALTY
grubby, grungy, impure, squalid, unclean, uncleanly 2mulct vb 1 : FINE 2 + : to defraud esp. of money: CHEAT
+ [2] cloudy, turbid - more at CLOUDY bleed, cheat, chisel, cozen, defraud, fleece, gyp, hus-
2muddy vb 1 : to soil or stain with or as if with mud 2 tle, rook, shortchange, skin, squeeze, stick, sting, swin-
a : to make indistinct (don't - the issue> b: to disturb dle, victimize - more at FLEECE
in mind or purpose: CONFUSE - Vrna-da-lev adv 'mule \'myiil\ n 1 : a hybrid offspring of a male donkey and
+ [1] befoul, begrime, besmirch, blacken, dirty, foul, a female horse 2: a very stubborn person
grime, mire, smirch, soil, stain - more at DIRTY 2mule n : a slipper whose upper does not extend around the
+ [2a] becloud, befog, blur, cloud, confuse, fog- heel of the foot
more at CONFUSE mule deer n : a long-eared deer of western No. America
mud-flat Vmad-jflat', n : a level tract alternately covered mu-le-teer \,myii-l:l-'tir\ n : one who drives mules
and left bare by the tide mul-ish \'myii-Iish\ adj : unreasonably and inflexibly ob-
mudoguard \'m:ld-,glird\ n : a guard over or a flap behind a stinate - adv
wheel of a vehicle to catch or deflect mud dogged. hardheaded. headstrong, obdurate, obsti-
rnuo-room \-,riim, -,riim\ n : a room in a house for remov- nate, opinionated, peevish, pertinacious, perverse, pig-
ing dirty or wet footwear and clothing headed, stubborn, unyielding, willful - more at OBSTI- \-,slil)-:lr\ n : one who uses invective esp. NATE
against a political opponent - \-,slil)-il)\ n mu-tish-ness \-n:ls\ n : the quality or state of being mul-
Muenster \'m:ln-st:lr, 'mun-, 'mim-\ n : a semisoft bland
mu-ez-zin \mU-'ez-'n, myii-\ n : a Muslim crier who calls hardheadedness, obduracy, obstinacy, peevishness,
the hour of daily prayer pertinacity, self-will, stubbornness, tenacity - more at
'muff \'m:lf\ n : a warm tubular covering for the hands
2muff vb + : to act or do (something) stupidly or clumsily 'mull \'m:ll\ vb : to consider at length: PONDER, MEDITATE
+ bobble, botch, bungle, butcher, flub, foul up, fumble, - often used with over
mangle, mess up, screw up - more at BOTCH + usu mull over chew over, cogitate, consider, contem-
3muff n : a bungling performance; esp : a failure to hold a plate, debate, deliberate, entertain, meditate, ponder,
ball in attempting a catch - muff vb question, ruminate, study, think, weigh - more at PON-
muffin \'m:l-f:ln\ n : a small soft cake baked in a cup' DER
shaped container 2mull vb : to heat, sweeten, and flavor (as wine) with spices
muf.fle \'m:l-f:ll\ vb muf.fled; muf.fling 1 : to wrap up so as mullein \'m:l-I:ln\ n : a tall herb related to the snapdragons
to conceal or protect 2: to wrap or pad with something that has coarse woolly leaves and flowers in spikes
to dull the sound of 3 : to keep down: SUPPRESS mul-let \'m:l-I:lt\ n, pi mullet or mullets: any of a family of
muf.fler \ 'm:l-fl:lr\ n 1 : a scarf worn around the neck 2: a largely gray chiefly marine bony fishes including valuable
device (as on a car's exhaust) to deaden noise food fishes
muf-ti \'m:lf-te\ n : civilian clothes mul-ll-qan stew Vrna-li-gan-'; n : a stew made from what-
'mug \'m:lg\ n 1 : a usu. metal or earthenware cylindrical ever ingredients are available
drinking cup 2 + : the face or mouth of a person 3 : a mul.lioga.taw.ny \,m:l-Ii-g:l-'t6-ne\ n : a soup USU. of
usu. petty gangster, hoodlum, or ruffian chicken stock seasoned with curry
[2] countenance, face, visage + [3] bully, gangster, rnul-tlon \'m:ll-Y:ln\ n : a vertical strip separating window-
goon, hood, hoodlum, mobster, punk, rowdy, ruffian, panes
thug, tough - more at HOODLUM multi- comb form 1 : many: multiple (multiunit) 2: many
2mug vb mugged; mugoging 1 : to pose or make faces esp. times over (multimillionaire)
to attract attention or for a camera 2: to take a photo- mul-ti-col-ored \,m:ll-ti-'k:l-I:lrd\ adj + : having many col-
graph of : PHOTOGRAPH ors
547 munch
+ colorful (or colourful), variegated - more at COLOR- mul.ti'ply \'mal-t;l-,pli\ vb -plied; 1 + : to increase
FUL in number (as by breeding) 2: to find the product of by
mul-ti-cul-tur-al \,m;ll-te-'k;ll-ch;l-r;ll, -,ti-\ adj : of, relating multiplication; also: to perform multiplication
to, reflecting, or adapted to diverse cultures <a ~ soci- + accumulate, appreciate, balloon, build, burgeon, en-
ety) large, escalate, expand, increase, mount, mushroom,
mul-ti-dl-men-slon-al \-ti-d;l-'men-cha-nal, -,ti-, -di-\ ad] proliferate, rise, snowball, swell, wax - more at IN-
: of, relating to, or having many facets or dimensions <a CREASE + add, aggrandize, amplify, augment, boost,
~ problem) <~ space) compound, enlarge, escalate, expand, extend, increase,
mul-ti-eth-nic \-'eth-nik\ adj : including, involving, or made raise, swell, up - more at INCREASE + breed, procreate,
up of people of various ethnic groups propagate, reproduce - more at PROCREATE
rnul-ti-tac-et-ed \-'fa-s;l-t;ld\ adi : having several distinct mul-tl-pur-pose \,m;ll-ti-'par-p;ls, -,ti-\ adj : having or serv-
facets or aspects ing several purposes \-'fam-le, -'fa-m;l-\ adj : designed for use by rnul-tl-ra-cial \-'rii-sh;ll\ adj : composed of, involving, or
several families representing various races
mul-ti-far-i-ous \,m;ll-t;l-'far-e-as\ adj + : having great vari- mul-tl-sense \-,sens\ adi : having several meanings <,......,
ety - mul-ti-tar-i-ous-ness n words)
+ manifold, myriad - more at MANIFOLD mul-ti-sto-ry \-,stor-e\ adj : having several stories <~ build-
mul-ti-form Vmol-ti-form', adj : having many forms or ap- ings)
pearances - muloli.for.mi.ty \,mal-ti-'f6r-m3-te\ n mul-ti-task-ing \'m31-te-,tas-kil), -,ti-\ n 1 : the concurrent
mul-ti-lat-er-al \,mal-ti-'la-t;l-r;ll, -,ti-, -'la-tral\ adj : having performance of several jobs by a computer 2: the per-
many sides or participants <~ treaty) - mul-tl-tat-er-at- formance of multiple tasks at one time - mul-ti-task
ism \-'la-ta-ra-,li-zam\ n \-,task\ vb - rnul-tl-task-er \-,task;lr\ n
multilayered \-'Iii-;lrd, -'lerd\ or multilayer \-%-;lr, 'ler\ adj mul-ti-tude \'m;ll-ta-,tiid, -,tyiid\ n + : a great number
: having or involving several distinct layers or levels + army, crowd, crush, drove, flock, horde, host, legion,
mul-ti-lev-el \-'le-val\ adj : having several levels mob, press, swarm, throng - more at CROWD
mul-ti-lin-qual \-'lilJ-gw;ll\ adj : knowing or using several mul-tl-tu-dl-nous \,m;ll-ta-'tiid-'n-;ls, -'tyiid-\ acQ + : exist-
languages - rnul-tl-lln-quat-ism \-gwa-,li-zam\ n ing in a great multitude \-'me-de-a\ adj : using, involving, or encom- + many, multiple, numerous - more at MANY
passing several media <a ~ advertising campaign) rnul-tl-unlt \,mal-ti-'yii-nat, -,Ii-\ adj : having several units
'multimedia n sing or pi : the technique of using several me- mut-tl-vt-ta-mln \-'vi-t;l-m;ln\ adj : containing several vita-
dia (as in art); also: something (as software) that uses or mins and esp, all known to be essential to health - mul-
facilitates it tivitamin n
mul-tl-mtl-llon-alre \,mal-ti-,mil-ya-'nar, -,ti-, -'mil-y;l-,nar\ tmum \'m;lm\ adj + : making no utterance: SILENT
n : a person worth several million dollars
mul-tl-na-tion-al v-'na-shs-nel', adj 1 : of or relating to sev-
+ dumb, mute, silent, speechless, uncommunicative-
more at SILENT
eral nationalities 2: relating to or involving several na-
tions 3: having divisions in several countries <a ~ 'mum n : CHRYSANTHEMUM
corporation) - multinational n 3mum chiefly Can and Brit vaT of MOM
mul-ti-pack \'m;ll-te-,pak\ n : a package of several individ- lmumble Vrnarn-balv vb mum-bled; mum-blinq + : to speak
ually packed items sold as a unit in a low indistinct manner - mum-bler n - mum-bly adj
lmul.ti.ple Vmal-te-palx adj 1 a : more than one b + : con- + mouth, murmur, mutter; also babble, blab, chatter,
sisting of or amounting to a large but indefinite number drivel, gabble, gibber, maunder, jabber, prattle, ramble;
: MANY 2: VARIOUS breathe, gasp, pant, whisper Ant speak out, speak up
+ many, multitudinous, numerous - more at MANY 'mumble n + : a low confused indistinct utterance
'multiple n : the product of a quantity by an integer <35 is a murmur, mutter; also undertone. whisper; babble,
,......, of 7) babbling, blab, blabbing, chatter, chattering, drivel,
multiple-choice adj : having several answers given from driveling, gabble, gabbling, jabber, jabbering, prattle,
which the correct one is to be chosen <a ,......, question) prattling, rambling
multiple personality disorder n : a neurosis in which the mum.ble-ty-peg \'mam-bal-te-,peg\ also rnurn-bte-the-peq
personality becomes separated into two or more parts \'m;lm-b;ll-lh;l-\ n : a game in which the players try to flip
each of which controls behavior part of the time a knife from various positions so that the blade will stick
multiple sclerosis n : a disease marked by patches of hard- into the ground
ened tissue in the brain or spinal cord and associated esp. mum-be jum-bo \,mam-bo-'jam-bo\ n 1 : a complicated rit-
with partial or complete paralysis and muscular tremor ual with elaborate trappings 2: unnecessarily involved
mul-ti-plex \'mal-t;l-,pleks\ n : CINEPLEX and incomprehensible language: GIDBERISH, NONSENSE
mul-ti-pli-cand \,m;ll-t;l-pli-'kand\ n : the number that is to mum-mer \'m:l-mar\ n 1 a + : a performer in a pantomime
be multiplied by another b : ACTOR 2: a person who goes merrymaking in disguise
mul-ti-pli-ca-tion \,m;ll-ta-pl;l-'kii-sh;ln\ n 1 + : the act or during festivals - mum.mery n
process of multiplying: the state of being multiplied 2: a + mime, mimic, pantomime
short method of finding the result of adding a figure the \'ma-me\ n, pi mummies [ME mummie powdered
number of times indicated by another figure parts of a mummified body used as a drug, fro AF mumie,
+ accumulation, addition, increase, proliferation; also fro ML mumia, fro Ar miimiya bitumen, mummy, fro Per
doubling, quadrupling, tripling; growth, rise, spread; miim wax) : a body embalmed for burial in the manner of
enlargement, escalation, expansion; amplification, dis- the ancient Egyptians - rnurn-ml-tl-ca-tlon \,ma-mi-fa-
tention, inflation; accretion, accrual, augmentation; ex- 'ka-sh:ln\ n - murn-mi-ty \'m:l-mi-,fi\ vb
tension, lengthening Ant decrease 'mummy chiefly Can and Brit var of MOMMY
multiplication sign n 1 : TIMES SIGN 2: a centered dot indi- mumps \'m:lmps\ n sing OT pi [fro pl. of obs. mump grimace)
cating multiplication : a virus disease marked by fever and swelling esp. of the
rnul-tl-plic-i-ty \,mal-ta-'pli-sa-te\ n, pi -ties: a great number salivary glands
or variety mun or munic abbr municipal
mul-ti-pli-er \'mal-ta-,pli-ar\ n : one that multiplies; esp : a munch \'m:lnch\ vb : to eat with a chewing action; also: to
number by which another number is multiplied snack on
munchies 548
munch-ies Vmcn-chez', n pi 1 : hunger pangs 2: light ambiguity, darkness, obscurity, opacity - more at
snack foods OBSCURITY
mun-dane \,m:m-'diin, 'm:m-,dan\ adj 1 : of or relating murky \'mar-ke\ adj 1 : characterized by a heavy dim-
to the world 2 : concerned with the practical details of ness or obscurity caused by or like that caused by over-
everyday life - mun-dane-ly adv hanging fog or smoke 2 : characterized by thickness
[l] earthly, temporal, terrestrial, worldly - more at and heaviness of air: FOGGY, MISTY 3 : darkly vague or
EARTHLY [2] everyday, prosaic, workaday; also obscure <- writings>
earthly, temporal, worldly; average, common, common- [l] dark, darkling, dim, dusky, gloomy, obscure,
place, customary, familiar, garden, normal, ordinary, somber (or sombre) - more at DARK [2] cloudy,
plain, popular, routine, run-of-the-mill, typical, unex- foggy, hazy, misty, smoggy, soupy - more at HAZY
ceptional, unremarkable, usual; frequent, habitual, reg- [3] ambiguous, cryptic, dark, darkling, deep, enig-
ular; expected, predictable matic, equivocal, inscrutable, mysterious, mystic, nebu-
mung bean \'m:ll)-\ n : an erect bushy bean widely grown lous, obscure, occult - more at OBSCURE
in warm regions for its edible seeds and as the chief 'murmur \'mar-mar\ n 1 : a muttered complaint 2 a : a
source of bean sprouts; also: its seed low indistinct often continuous sound b : a soft or gen-
mu-nic-i-pal \myio-'ni-sa-pal\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or char- tle utterance - mUrmur-ous ad]
acteristic of a municipality 2: restricted to one locality [l] beef, complaint, fuss, grievance, gripe, grumble,
- mu-ntc-l-pal-ty adv plaint, squawk - more at COMPLAINT [2b] mumble,
mu-nlc-l-pal-i-ty \myli-,ni-sa-'pa-la-te\ n, pi -ties : an ur- mutter - more at MUMBLE
ban political unit with corporate status and usu. powers 2murmur vb 1 : to make a murmur <traffic <-ed in the dis-
of self-government tance> 2: to express grief, pain, or discontent
city, metropolis mur-mur-er n : one that murmurs
mu-nlt-l-cent \myli-'ni-f:l-sant\ adj .: liberal in giving mus abbr 1 museum 2 music; musical; musician
: GENEROUS - mu-nit-l-cence \-s:lns\ n mus-ca-tel \,m:ls-k:l-'tel\ n : a sweet fortified wine
bountiful, charitable, free, generous, liberal, open- 'musocle \'m:l-sal\ n [ME, fr. L musculus, fr. dim. of mus
handed, unselfish, unsparing - more at GENEROUS mouse] 1 : a body tissue consisting of long cells that con-
rnu-nl-tlon Xmyu-tnl-shan', n : ARMAMENT, AMMUNITION tract when stimulated and produce motion; also: an or-
'mural Vmyur-al'; adj 1 : of or relating to a wall 2: applied gan consisting of this tissue and functioning in moving a
to and made part of a wall or ceiling surface body part 2.: effective strength: BRAWN - mus-cled
2mural n : a mural painting - mu-ral-ist n \'m:l-sald\ adj
'muroder \'m:lr-d:lr\ n 1 : the crime of unlawfully killing energy, force, main, might, potency, power, sinew,
a person esp. with premeditated malice 2 : something strength, vigor (or vigour) - more at POWER
unusually difficult or dangerous 2muscle vb mus-cled; mus-cling 1 : to move or force by
[1] homicide - more at HOMlClDE [2] agony, hell, or as if by muscular effort 2 : to make one's way by
horror, misery, nightmare, torment, torture - more at brute strength or by force
HELL []] coerce, compel, constrain, drive, force, make, ob-
2murder vb 1 a : to commit a murder b : to kill (a human ligate, oblige, press, pressure - more at FORCE
being) unlawfully and with premeditated malice; also: to [2] bulldoze, elbow, press, push - more at PRESS
kill brutally 2: to put an end to 3 : to spoil by per- mus-cle-bound \'m:l-s:ll-,baund\ adj : having some of the
forming poorly <- a song> - mur-der-er n muscles abnormally enlarged and lacking in elasticity (as
[Lb] dispatch, do in, execute, liquidate, slay; also blot from excessive exercise)
out, destroy, fell, kill, smite, zap; assassinate; butcher, mus-cle-man \-,man\ n : a man with a muscular physique
massacre, mow (down), slaughter; annihilate, eliminate, mus-cu-lar Vmcs-kya-lsr', adj 1 a : of, relating to, or con-
eradicate, exterminate, wipe out [3] bobble, botch, stituting muscle b: of, relating to, or performed by the
bungle, butcher, flub, foul up, fumble, mangle, mess muscles 2 : having well-developed musculature 3: of
up, screw up - more at BOTCH or relating to physical strength - mus-eu-tar-l-tv \,mas-
mur-der-ess \'m:lr-d:l-r:ls\ n : a woman who murders kyo-rlar-a-tex n
mur-der-ous \'m:lr-d:l-r:ls\ adj 1 : having or appearing to brawny, rugged, sinewy, stalwart, stout, strong-
have the purpose of murder 2 : marked by or causing more at STRONG
murder or bloodshed <- gunfire> 3 : having the abil- muscular dystrophy n : any of a group of diseases charac-
ity or power to overwhelm <-heat> 4 : characterized terized by progressive wasting of muscles
by extreme difficulty <the exam was -> - mur-der-ous- mus-cu-la-ture \'m:ls-kY:l-l:l-,chur\ n : the muscles of the
lyadv body or its parts
[1] bloodthirsty, bloody, homicidal, sanguinary, san- muscu-lo-sket-e-tat \,m:ls-kY:l-lo-'ske-I:l-t>I\ adj : of, relat-
guine - more at BLOODTHIRSTY [2] baleful, deadly, ing to, or involving both musculature and skeleton
deathly, fatal, fell, lethal, mortal, pestilent, vital- 'muse \'myiiz\ vb mused; mus-ing [ME, fro AF muser to
more at DEADLY. [3] bitter, brutal, burdensome, cruel, gape, idle, muse, fro OF "mus mouth of an animal, fr. ML
excruciating, grievous, grim, hard, harsh, heavy, inhu- musus] : to become absorbed in thought - adv
man, onerous, oppressive, rough, rugged, severe, stiff, 2muse n [fro Muse any of the nine sister goddesses of learn-
tough, trying - more at HARSH. [4] arduous, demand- ing and the arts in Greek myth, fro ME, fr. MF, fr. L
ing, difficult, exacting, formidable, grueling, hard, her- Musa, fro Gk Mousa] : a source of inspiration
culean, laborious, rough, stiff, strenuous, tall, toilsome, mu-se-urn \myu-'ze-:lm\ n : an institution devoted to the
tough - more at HARD procurement, care, and display of objects of lasting inter-
murk \'mark\ n 1 .: partial or total darkness : GLOOM est or value
2 : a murky condition of the atmosphere or a substance 'mush \'mash\ n 1: cornmeal boiled in water 2: senti-
causing it : FOG - murk-i-ly \'mar-ka-le\ adv mental drivel 3 : mawkish amorousness
[1] dark, darkness, dusk, gloaming, gloom, night, mawkishness, sentimentality - more at SENTIMEN-
semidarkness, shade, shadows, twilight - more at DARK TALITY
[2] fog, haze, smog, soup - more at HAZE 2mush vb : to travel esp. over snow with a sled drawn by
murk-i-ness Vmar-ke-nas', n : the quality or state of be- dogs
ing murky rmusn-room \'m:lsh-,riim, -jrurn', n : the fleshy usu. caplike
549 muted

spore-bearing organ of various fungi esp, when edible; + [1, 2] condition, demand, essential, necessity, need,
also : such a fungus requirement, requisite - more at ESSENTIAL
2mushroom vb 1 : to collect wild mushrooms 2.: to mus-tache or chiefly Can and Brit mous-tache \'m:ls-,tash,
spread out: EXPAND 3: to grow rapidly (,)mas-'tash\ n : the hair growing on the human upper lip
accumulate, appreciate, balloon, build, burgeon, en- - mus-tached\-,tasht, -'tasht\ adj
large, escalate, expand, increase, mount, multiply, pro- mus-tang \'mas-,tal)\ n [MexSp mestenga, fro Sp, stray, fro
liferate, rise, snowball, swell, wax - more at INCREASE mesteiio strayed, fro mesta annual roundup of cattle that
mushy \'m:l-she\ adj mush-i-er: -est 1 : soft like mush disposed of strays, fro ML (animalia) mixta mixed ani-
2 : excessively sentimental mals] : a small hardy naturalized horse of the western
[l] flabby, pulpy, soft, spongy - more at SOFT plains of America; also : BRONC
[2] corny, maudlin, mawkish, saccharine, sappy, mus-tard \'mas-tard\ n 1 : a pungent yellow powder of the
schmaltzy, sentimental - more at CORNY seeds of an herb related to the cabbage and used as a
mu-sic \'myii-zik\ n 1: the science or art of combining condiment or in medicine 2: a plant that yields mustard;
tones into a composition having structure and continuity; also : a closely related plant - mustardy adj
also : vocal or instrumental sounds having rhythm, mustard gas n : a poison gas used in warfare that has vio-
melody, or harmony 2: an agreeable sound lent irritating and blistering effects
'mu.sioeal Vmyu-zi-kal', adj 1 : of or relating to music or imue-ter Vmas-torv n 1 a : an act of assembling (as for
musicians 2 + : having the pleasing tonal qualities of mu- military inspection) b: critical examination 2 + : an as-
sic 3: fond of or gifted in music - mu-sl-eal-ly \-k(:I-)le\ sembled group
adv [la] mobilization, rally - more at RALLY + [2] as-
euphonious, lyric, mellifluous, mellow, melodic, semblage, assembly, conference, congregation, convo-
melodious - more at LYRIC harmonious, symphonic, cation, gathering, meeting - more at GATHERING
tuneful - more at HARMONIOUS 2muster vb [ME mustren to show, muster, fro AF mustrer,
2musical n : a film or theatrical production consisting of monstrer, fr. L monstrare to show, fr. monstrum evil
musical numbers and dialogue based on a unifying plot omen, monster] 1 a + : to gather or cause to gather b: to
mu-sl-cate \,myii-zi-'kal\ n : a usu. private social gathering call the roll of 2: ACCUMULATE 3: to call forth: ROUSE
featuring music 4 : to amount to : COMPRlSE
mu-st-clan \myii-'zi-sh:m\ n : a composer, conductor, or marshal, mobilize, rally - more at MOBILIZE. assem-
performer of music - mu-si-cian-ly adj - mu-sl-clan- ble, call, convene, convoke, summon - more at CON-
shipn VOKE
mu.sloeol-oogy \,myii-zi-'ka-I:I-je\ n : the study of music as muster out vb : to discharge from military service
a field of knowledge or research - mu-st-co-toq-l-cal musty \'m:ls-te\ adj mus-ti-er; -est 1 : impaired by damp or
\-k:l-'Ia-ji-k:ll\ adj - mu-sl-ccl-o-qlst \-'ka-I:I-jist\ n mildew : MOLDY 2 : tasting or smelling of damp or de-
musk \'m:lsk\ n : a substance obtained esp. from a small cay 3 + : tedious from familiarity: STALE -\-ta-
Asian deer (musk deer) and used as a perfume fixative - Ie' adv - must-i-ness \-te-nas\ n
musk-s-ness \'m:ls-ke-nas\ n - musky adj [2] fetid, foul, fusty, malodorous, noisome, rank,
mus.keg \'mas-,keg\ n : wet spongy ground: BOG; esp : a reeky, smelly, strong - more at MALODOROUS. [3] ba-
mossy bog in northern No. America nal, commonplace, hackneyed, stale, stereotyped,
mus-keblunqe \'mas-b-,Ianj\ n, pi muskellunge : a large threadbare, tired, trite - more at STALE
No. American pike that is a valuable sport fish mu-ta-ble \'myii-t:l-bal\ adj 1 : prone to change: FICKLE
mus-ket \'mas-kat\ n [MF mousquet, fro It moschetto small 2 : capable of or liable to mutation: VARlABLE - mu-te-btl-
artillery piece, kind of small hawk, fr. dim. of mosca fly, i.ty \,myii-ta-'bi-Ia-te\ n
fr. L musca] : a heavy large-caliber muzzle-loadingshoul- capricious, changeable, fickle, fluid, inconstant, mer-
der firearm - mus-ke-teer\,mas-ka-'tir\ n curial, temperamental, uncertain, unpredictable, unset-
mus-ket-ry \'m"s-k"-tre\ n 1: MUSKETS 2: MUSKETEERS tled, unstable, unsteady, variable, volatile - more at
3 : musket fire FICKLE
musk-met-on\'mask-,me-Ian\ n : a small round to oval mu-tant \'myiit-'nt\ adj : of, relating to, or produced by
melon that has usu. a sweet edible green or orange flesh mutation - mu-tantn
and a musky odor mu-tate\'myii-,tat\ vb mu-tat-ed: mu-tat-lnq+ : to undergo
musk ox n : a heavyset shaggy-coated wild ox of Greenland or cause to undergo mutation - mu-ta-tive\'myii-,ta-tiv,
and the arctic tundra of northern No. America -to-tivv adj
musk-rat \'mas-,krat\ n, pi muskrat or muskrats : a large
No. American aquatic rodent with webbed feet and dark change, fluctuate, shift, vary - more at CHANGE
brown fur; also : its fur mu-ta-tion\myii-'ta-shan\ n 1 : CHANGE 2: an inherited
Mus.lim \'mn-Iam\ n : an adherent of Islam - Muslimadj physical or biochemical change in genetic material; also
mus-linVmaz-lanv n : a plain-woven sheer to coarse cotton : the process of producing a mutation 3: an individual,
fabric strain, or trait resulting from mutation - mu-ta-tion-al
'muss \'mas\ n : a state of disorder adj
+ chaos, confusion, disarray, disorder, disorganization, 'mute \'myiit\ adj mut-er; mut-est 1 .: unable to speak
havoc, hell, jumble, mess, messiness, muddle, shambles, : DUMB 2 : characterized by absence of speech: SILENT
tumble, welter - more at CHAOS - mute-lyadv - mute-ness n
2muss vb : to make untidy: DISARRANGE + [1] dumb, inarticulate, speechless, voiceless; also
mus-sel \'ma-sal\ n 1 : a dark edible saltwater bivalve mol- tongue-tied; incoherent, incomprehensible; close-
lusk 2: any of various freshwater bivalve mollusks of the mouthed, laconic, taciturn, uncommunicative; mum,
central U.S. having shells with a pearly lining nonspeaking, quiet, silent, wordless [2] dumb, mum,
mussy \'ma-se\ adj : characterized by clutter or muss- silent, speechless, uncommunicative- more at SILENT
muss-i-ly \'m:l-sa-Ie\ adv - muss-i-ness \-se-nas\ n 2mute n 1 : a person who cannot or does not speak 2: a de-
'must \'m:lst\ vb - used as an auxiliary esp, to express a vice on a musical instrument that reduces, softens, or
command, requirement, obligation, or necessity muffles the tone
have, need, ought, shall, should - more at NEED 3mute vb mut-ed: : to muffle, reduce, or eliminate
2must n 1 : an imperative duty 2.: an indispensable the sound of
item hush, quell, settle, silence, still - more at SILENCE
muted 550
muted adj 1 .: being mute : SILENT 2 : toned down in defective vision of distant objects - my-o-pic \-'o-pik,
: SUBDUED -'li-\ adi - my-oopi-cal-Iy \-pi-k(:l-)Ie\ adv
[1] hushed, noiseless, quiet, silent, soundless, still - ' \'mir-e-:ld\ n [Gk myriad-, myrias, fro myrioi
more at SILENT [2] conservative, quiet, restrained, countless, ten thousand] : an indefinitely large number
subdued, unpretentious - more at QUIET 'myriad adj + : consisting of a very great but indefinite
mu-ti-late \'myiit-I-,at\ vb -Iat-ed; -Iat-ing 1 : to cut up or number; also: both numerous and varied
alter radically so as to make imperfect 2 + : to cut off or + manifold, multifarious - more at MANIFOLD
permanently destroy a limb or essential part of : MAIM, myr-ml-don \'m:lr-ma-,dlin\ n : a loyal follower; esp : one
CRIPPLE - mu-ti-la-tion \,myUt-I-'a-shan\ n - rnu-tl-la-tor who executes orders without protest or pity
\'myiit-'l-,a-tar\ n myrrh \'m:lr\ n : a fragrant aromatic plant gum used in per-
cripple, disable, lame, maim - more at MAIM fumes and formerly for incense
mu-ti-neer \,myiit-On-'ir\ n + : one that mutinies myr-tle \'m:lrt-'I\ n : an evergreen shrub of southern Eu-
insurgent, insurrectionist, rebel, red, revolter, revolu- rope with shiny leaves, fragrant flowers, and black
tionary - more at REBEL berries; also: PERIWINKLE
mu-ti-nous \'myiit-'n-as\ adj 1 : disposed to or being in my-self \mi-'self, rna-v pron : I, ME - used reflexively, for
a state of mutiny 2: of, relating to, or constituting emphasis, or in absolute constructions (I hurt +-> (I ~
mutiny - mu-tl-nous-ly adv did it> (~ busy, 1 sent him instead>
+ insurgent, rebellious, revolutionary - more at RE- mys-te-rl-ous \mis-'tir-e-:ls\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or con-
BELLIOUS stituting mystery 2 : exciting wonder, curiosity, or sur-
mu-ti-ny \'myU-ta-ne\ n, pi -nies : willful refusal to obey prise while baffling efforts to comprehend or identify -
constituted authority; esp : revolt against a superior offi- mys-te-rl-ous-Iy adv - mys-te-rl-ous-ness n
cer - mutiny vb [1] ambiguous, equivocal, murky, nebulous, obscure
insurrection, rebellion, revolt, revolution, uprising - - more at OBSCURE [2] cryptic, darkling, deep, enig-
more at REBELLION matic, impenetrable, inscrutable, mystic, occult, un-
mutt \'mat\ n : MONGREL, CUR canny; also dark, murky, obscure, shadowy, vague; am-
'mut-ter \'ma-tar\ vb 1 : to speak indistinctly or with a biguous, equivocal; incomprehensible, unfathomable,
low voice and lips partly closed 2 : to murmur com- unintelligible; inexplicable, unaccountable; unanswer-
plainingly or angrily: GRUMBLE able, unknowable; metaphysical, mystical, supernatu-
ral; abstruse, esoteric, recondite; baffling, bewildering,
[l] mouth, mumble, murmur - more at MUMBLE
confounding, confusing, mystifying, perplexing, puz-
[2] beef, bellyache, carp, complain, crab, croak, fuss,
gripe, grouse, growl, grumble, kick, moan, murmur, re-
pine, squawk, wail, whine - more at COMPLAIN mys-tery \'mis-t:l-re\ n, pi -ter-ies 1: a religious truth
known by revelation alone 2.: something not under-
'mutter n : a subdued scarcely audible utterance
stood or beyond understanding 3: enigmatic quality or
+ mumble, murmur - more at MUMBLE character 4: a work of fiction dealing with the solution
mut-ton \'m:lt-'n\ n [ME motoun mutton, sheep, fro AF mu- of a mysterious crime
tun ram, sheep, mutton] : the flesh of a mature sheep used conundrum, enigma, mystification, puzzle, puzzle-
for food - mut-tony adj
ment, riddle, secret; also brain teaser, challenge, per-
mut-ton-chops \'m:lt-'n-,chlips\ n pi : whiskers on the side plexity, poser, problem
of the face that are narrow at the temple and broad and
'mys-tic \'mis-tik\ adj 1 : of or relating to mystics or mys-
round by the lower jaws
ticism 2 a : exciting wonder. curiosity, or surprise while
mu-tu-al \'myii-cha-wal\ adj 1 ; given and received in equal
baffling efforts to comprehend or identify : MYSTERIOUS
amount (~trust> 2: having the same feelings one for
b : MYSTIFYING 3 : having magical properties
the other (~enemies> 3 : shared in common: COM-
MON, JOINT (a ~ friend> - mu-tu-al-ly adv magic, magical, occult, weird; also bewitched, spell-
bound; bewitching, charming, wiling; awesome, extraor-
collective, common, communal, concerted, conjoint,
dinary, marvelous, wondrous; divining, forecasting,
joint, public, united - more at COLLECTIVE
foreknowing, foreseeing, foretelling, fortune-telling, pre-
mutual fund n : an investment company that invests money
dicting, presaging, prognosticating, prophesying, sooth-
of its shareholders in a usu. diversified group of securities saying
of other corporations
'mystic n : a person who follows, advocates, or experiences
muu-muu \'mii-,mii\ n : a loose dress of Hawaiian origin
'muz-zle \'m:l-z:ll\ n 1 : the nose and jaws of an animal; also
mys-ti-cal \'mis-ti-k:ll\ adj 1 : SPIRITUAL, SYMBOLIC 2: of or
: a covering for the muzzle to prevent biting or eating
relating to an intimate knowledge of or direct commun-
2 : the mouth of a gun
ion with God (as through contemplation or visions)
'muzzle vb muz-zled; muz-zling 1 : to put a muzzle on 2: to
restrain from expression : GAG
mys-ti-cism \'mis-t:l-,si-z:lm\ n : the belief that direct
knowledge of God or ultimate reality is attainable
mV abbr millivolt
MV abbr motor vessel through immediate intuition or insight
MVP abbr most valuable player mys-ti-fi-ca-tion \,mis-t:l-f:l-'kli-sh:ln\ n 1 : the quality or
MW abbr megawatt state of being mystified 2 : something designed to mys-
my \'mi\ adj 1 ; of or relating to me or myself 2 - used tify
interjectionally esp. to express surprise [1] bafflement, bewilderment, confusion, distraction,
my-col-o-gy \mi-'kli-I:l-je\ n : a branch of biology dealing muddle, perplexity, puzzlement, whirl - more at CON-
with fungi - my-co-log-i-cal \,mi-k:l-'Ili-ji-k:ll\ adj - my- FUSION. [2] conundrum, enigma, mystery, puzzle, puz-
col-o-gist \mi-'kli-I:l-jist\ n zlement, riddle, secret - more at MYSTERY
my-elo-ma \,mi-a-'Io-m:l\ n, pi -mas or -ma-ta \-ma-ta\ : a mySoti-fy Vmis-ta-jfi', vb -fied; -fy-ing 1 : to perplex the
primary tumor of the bone marrow mind of 2: to make mysterious
my-nah or my-na \'mi-n:l\ n : any of several Asian starlings; addle, baffle, befog, befuddle, bemuse, bewilder, con-
esp : a dark brown slightly crested bird sometimes taught found, confuse, disorient, muddle, muddy, perplex,
to mimic speech puzzle - more at CONFUSE
my-o-pia \mi-'o-pe-:l\ n : a condition in which visual im- mys-tique \mi-'stek\ n [F] 1 : an air or attitude of mystery
ages come to a focus in front of the retina resulting esp. and reverence developing around something or someone
551 naked

2 : the special esoteric skill essential in a calling or activ- + [l] fabled, fabulous, legendary; also famed, storied;
ity fabricated, fantastic, fantastical, fictional, fictitious;
myth \'mith\ n 1 : a usu. legendary narrative that presents fanciful; allegorical, mythological + [2] chimerical,
part of the beliefs of a people or explains a practice or fabulous, fanciful, fantastic, fictitious, imaginary,
natural phenomenon 2: an imaginary or unverifiable made-up, phantom, pretend, unreal- more at IMAGI-
person or thing 3 +: an unfounded or false notion NARY
4 + : the whole body of myths my.thol-o-gy \mi-'tha-I;:I-je\ n, pi -gies + : a body of myths
+ [3] error, fallacy, falsehood, falsity, illusion, miscon- and esp. of those dealing with the gods and heroes of a
ception, untruth - more at FALLACY + [4] folklore, leg-
people - myth-o-loq-l-cal \,mi-th;:l-'Ia-ji-kal\ adj - my-
end, lore, mythology, tradition - more at FOLKLORE
myth.ioeal \'mi-thi-k;:ll\ or myth.ic adj 1 + : based on or de- thol-o-qlst \mi-'tha-I;:I-jist\ n - my.thol-oogize \-Jiz\ vb
scribed in a myth esp. as contrasted with history 2 usu + folklore, legend, lore, myth, tradition - more at
mythical + : existing only in the imagination FOLKLORE

the English alphabet 2: an unspecified quantity

2n abbr, often cap 1 net 2 neuter
"n \'en\ n, pi n's or ns \'enz\ often cap 1 : the 14th letter of
3 noon 4 normal
Na.hum \'na-h;:lm, -;:Im\ n : a book of Jewish and Christian
NAIA abbr National Association of Intercollegiate Athletes
5 north; northern 6 note 7 noun 8 number na-lad \'na-;:Id, 'ni-, -,ad\ n, pi naiads or na-ia-des \-;:I-,dez\
N symbol nitrogen 1 : one of the nymphs in ancient mythology living in
-n - see -EN lakes, rivers, springs, and fountains 2: an aquatic young
Na symbol [NL natrium] sodium of some insects (as a dragonfly)
NA abbr 1 no account 2 North America 3 not applicable 'na'-if or na-it \na-'ef\ adj : NAIVE
4 not available 2na'if or naif n : a naive person
NAACP \,en-,d;:l-b;:ll-,a-,se-'pe, ,en-,a-,a-,se-\ abbr National 'nail \'nal\ n 1 : a horny sheath protecting the end of each
Association for the Advancement of Colored People finger and toe in humans and related primates 2: a slen-
nab \'nab\ vb nabbed; nab-bing 1 +: to seize suddenly der pointed fastener with a head designed to be pounded
: SEIZE 2 + : to catch or seize in arrest : ARREST in
+ [1] bag, capture, catch, collar, corral, get, grab, grap- 2nail vb : to fasten with or as if with a nail - nail-er n
ple, hook, land, seize, snare, trap - more at CATCH nail down vb : to settle or establish clearly and unmistak-
+ [2] apprehend, arrest, pick up, restrain, seize- ably
more at ARREST nain-sook \'nan-,siIk\ n [Hindi nainsukh, fr. nain eye +
NAB abbr New American Bible sukh delight] : a soft lightweight muslin
na-bob \'na-,bab\ n [Hindi navdb & Urdu nawdb, provin- na-ive or na-tve \na-'ev\ adj na-iv-er: -est [F naive, fern. of
cial governor (in the Mogul empire), fr. Ar nuwwt'ib,pl. of naif. fr. OF, inborn, natural, fro L nativus native]
rui'ib governor] + : a person of great wealth or promi- 1 + : marked by unaffected simplicity: ARTLESS, INGENU-
nence ous 2 + : lacking in worldly wisdom or informed judg-
+ big shot, celebrity, eminence, figure, immortal, light, ment - na-ive-ness n
luminary, notable, personage, personality, somebody,
+ [1] artless, genuine, honest, ingenuous, innocent, nat-
standout, star, superstar, VIP ural, real, simple, sincere, true, unaffected, unpreten-
na-celle \n;:l-'sel\ n : an enclosure (as for an engine) on an tious + [2] green, ingenuous, innocent, simple, un-
aircraft knowing, unsophisticated, unwary, unworldly; also
na-cho \'na-ch6\ n, pi nachos [AmerSp] : a tortilla chip callow, dewy, inexperienced, raw; childlike, idealistic,
topped with melted cheese and often additional savory impractical; believing, credulous, gullible, susceptible,
toppings trustful, trusting, unguarded; beguiled, duped, gulled,
na-cre \'na-k;:lr\ n : MOTHER-OF-PEARL tricked; careless, heedless Ant cynical, experienced,
na-dlr \'na-,dir, -darv n [ME, fr. MF, fro Ar ruuihir opposite] knowing, sophisticated, worldly, worldly-wise
1 : the point of the celestial sphere that is directly oppo- na.ive-Iy adv + : in a naive manner: with naivete
site the zenith and directly beneath the observer 2: the
lowest point
+ artlessly, ingenuously, naturally, unaffectedly-
'nag \'nag\ n : a horse and esp, an old or decrepit horse more at NATURALLY
2nag vb nagged; nagoging 1 : to find fault incessantly: COM- na-ive-te also na-ive-te or na-lve-te \,na-,e-v;:l-'ta, na-'e-v;:l-
PLAIN 2 + : to irritate by constant scolding or urging ,ta\ n 1 : a naive remark or action 2 + : the quality or
3 : to be a continuing source of annoyance <a nagging state of being naive
backache> + artlessness, greenness, ingenuousness, innocence,
+ henpeck, hound, needle; also carp (at), fuss (about or naturalness, simplicity, unworldliness; also candor,
over); annoy, badger, bait, bother, bug, harass, harry, frankness, genuineness, honesty, openness, sincerity;
hassle, irk, pester, plague, ride, vex, yap (at); egg, goad, callowness, childishness, inexperience, rawness; care-
incite, prod, prompt, spur, urge; exhort, insist, press, lessness, heedlessness; ignorance, obliviousness, un-
pressure, push; cajole, coax, wheedle; beg, importune, awareness; credulity; idealism, optimism Ant artfulness,
plead cynicism, sophistication, worldliness
3nag n : one who nags habitually na-ked \'na-k;:ld\ adj 1 +: having no clothes on : NUDE
Nah abbr Nahum 2 : UNSHEATHED <a ~ sword) 3 + : lacking a usual or nat-
Na.huatl \'na-,wat-Ol\ n : a group of American Indian lan- ural covering (as of foliage or feathers) 4 + : lacking em-
guages of central and southern Mexico bellishment : PLAIN, UNADORNED <the ~ truth) 5: not
nakedly 552
aided by artificial means (seen by the - eye) - na-ked- nan-keen \nan-'ken\ n : a durable brownish yellow cotton
Iy adv - na-ked-ness n fabric orig. woven by hand in China
+ [1] bare, nude, unclad, unclothed, undressed; also de- nan-ny Vna-ne', n + : a child's nurse or caregiver
nuded, peeled; raw, stark; unveiled Ant appareled, at- + nurse, nursemaid - more at NURSE
tired, clad, clothed, invested, robed, suited + [3] bald, nan-ny goat Vna-ne-x n : a female domestic goat
bare, exposed, open, uncovered; also displayed, re- nano-me-ter Vna-na-jme-tarv n : one billionth of a meter
vealed; hairless, shaven; disrobed, unclad, unclothed, nano-scale \-,skiil\ adj : having dimensions measured in
undressed; skinned; unprotected Ant covered + [4] nanometers
bald, bare, plain, simple, unadorned, undecorated, un- nano-sec-ond \-,se-k;)nd\ n : one billionth of a second
varnished - more at PLAIN nano-sec-ond \-,se-k;)nd\ n : one billionth of a second
nam-by-parn-by \,nam-be-'pam-be\ adi 1 +: lacking in nano-tech-nol-o-gy \,na-no-tek-'na-I;)-je\ n : the manipula-
character or substance 2: WEAK, INDECISIVE tion of materials on an atomic or molecular scale
+ bland, flat, wishy-washy 'nap \'nap\ vb napped; nap-ping 1 + : to sleep briefly esp.
'name \'niim\ n 1 + : a word or words by which a person during the day: OOZE 2 : to be off guard <was caught nap-
or thing is known 2 + : a disparaging epithet (call him ping)
-s) 3 + : overall quality or character as seen or judged + catnap, doze, drowse, slumber, snooze; also relax, re-
by people in general: REPUTATION; esp : distinguished rep- pose, rest; couch, lay, lie, roost; lull
utation (made a - for herself) 4: FAMILY, CLAN (was a 2nap n + : a short sleep esp. during the day
disgrace to their -) 5 + : appearance as opposed to re- + catnap, doze, drowse, forty winks, siesta, snooze,
ality (a friend in - only) wink; also repose, rest; slumber, bed
+ [1] appellation, cognomen, denotation, designation, 'nap n + : a soft downy fibrous surface (as on yarn and
handle, title; also christian name, forename, given cloth) - nap-less adj - napped \'napt\ adj
name; family name, maiden name, surname; epithet, + down, floss, fluff, fur, fuzz, lint, pile - more at FUZZ
nickname, sobriquet; alias, nom de plume, pen name, na-palm \'na-,palm, -,pam\ n [naphthalene + palmitate, salt
pseudonym; binomial, vernacular; misnomer; label, of a fatty acid] 1 : a thickener used in jelling gasoline (as
trademark + [2] affront, barb, dart, dig, indignity, in- for incendiary bombs) 2: fuel jelled with napalm
sult, offense, outrage, put-down, sarcasm, slight, slur, nape \'nap, 'nap\ n : the back of the neck
wound - more at INSULT + [3] character, mark, note, na-pery \'na-p;)-re\ n : household linen esp. for the table
report, reputation - more at REPUTATION + [5] appear- naph-tha \'naf-th;), 'nap-\ n : any of various liquid hydro-
ance, face, guise, semblance, show - more at APPEAR- carbon mixtures used chiefly as solvents
ANCE naph-tha-lene \-,Ien\ n : a crystalline substance used esp, in
2name vb named; narn-lnq 1 + : to give a name to : CALL organic synthesis and as a moth repellent
2 : to mention or identify by name 3 + : to assign to some nap-kin \'nap-k;)n\ n 1 : a piece of material (as cloth) used
purpose : APPOINT 4 + : to decide on : CHOOSE 5 + : to at table to wipe the lips or fingers and protect the clothes
mention explicitly: SPECIFY (- a price) - name-able adj 2 : a small cloth or towel
+ [1] baptize, call, christen, denominate, designate, na-po-leon \n;)-'pol-y;)n, -'po-Ie-;)n\ n : an oblong pastry
dub, entitle, label, style, term, title; also denote, specify; with a filling of cream, custard, or jelly
miscall, misname; nickname; rename + [3] appoint, as- Na.po-Ie-on.ic \n;)-,po-Ie-'a-nik\ adj : of, relating to, or
sign, attach, commission, constitute, designate, detail characteristic of Napoleon I or his family
- more at APPOINT + [4] choose, cull, elect, handpick, narc also nark \'nark\ n, slang: a person (as a government
opt, pick, prefer, select, single, take - more at CHOOSE agent) who investigates narcotics violations
+ [5] advert (to), cite, instance, mention, note, notice, nar-cls-slsm \'nar-s;)-,si-z;)m\ n [G Narzissismus, fro Narziss
quote, refer (to), specify, touch (on or upon) - more at Narcissus, beautiful youth of Greek mythology who fell
MENTION in love with his own image] 1 : undue dwelling on one's
'name adj 1 : of, relating to, or bearing a name (- tag) own self or attainments 2: love of or sexual desire for
2 + : having an established reputation <- brands) one's own body - nar-cis-stst \-sist\ n or adj - nar-cls-
+ prestigious, reputable, reputed, respectable - more sls-tic \,nar-s;)-'sis-tik\ adj
at RESPECTABLE nar-cis-sus \nar-'si-s;)s\ n, pi nar-cls-sl \-,si, -,se\ or nar-cls-
name day n : the church feast day of the saint after whom sus-es or narcissus: DAFFODIL; esp : one with short-tubed
one is named flowers usu. borne separately
nar-co-lep-sy Vnar-ka-rlep-se', n, pi -sies : a condition char-
name-less \'niim-I;)s\ adj 1 + : having no name 2: not
acterized by brief attacks of deep sleep - nar-co-lep-tic
marked with a name <a - grave) 3 a + : not known by
\,nar-k;)-'Iep-tik\ adj or n
name <a - hero) b + : relatively unknown 4 a + : im-
nar-co-sis \nar-'ko-s;)s\ n, pi -co-ses \-,sez\ : a state of stu-
possible to identify precisely or by name b: too distress- por, unconsciousness, or arrested activity produced by
ing to be described <- fears) - name-less-ly adv the influence of chemicals (as narcotics)
+ [I, 3a] anonymous, unbaptized, unchristened, nar-co-ter-ror-lsm \'nar-ko-'ter-;)r-,i-z;)m\ n [ME narkotik,
unidentified, unnamed, untitled; also unspecified; ob- fr. MF narcotique, fro narcotique, adj., fr. ML narcoticus,
scure, unheard-of, unknown, unremarkable Ant bap- fro Gk narkotikos, fro narkoun to benumb, fr. narke numb-
tized, christened, dubbed, named, termed + [3b] ness] : terrorism financed by profits from illegal drug traf-
anonymous, obscure, unknown, unsung - more at OB- ficking
SCURE + [4a] indescribable, ineffable, inexpressible, un- nar-cot-ic \nar-'ka-tik\ n [ME narkotik, fro MF narcotique,
speakable, unutterable - more at INDESCRIBABLE fro narcotique, adj., fro ML narcoticus, fro Gk narkotikos,
name-Iy \-Ie\ adv : that is to say: AS <the cat family, -, li- fr. narkoun to benumb, fro narke numbness] 1 : a drug (as
ons, tigers, and similar animals) opium) that dulls the senses, relieves pain, and induces
name-plate \-,plat\ n : a plate or plaque bearing a name (as sleep 2 : an illegal drug (as marijuana or LSD) - narcotic
of a resident) aclj
name-sake \-,sak\ n : one that has the same name as an- narcotic adj + : something that soothes, relieves, or lulls
other; esp : one named after another + comforting, dreamy, sedative, soothing - more at
Namiboian \n;)-'mi-be-;)n, -byanv n : a native or inhabitant SOOTHING
of Namibia - Namibian adj nar-co-tize \'nar-k;)-,tiz\ vb -tized; 1 : to treat with
553 nationalistic

or subject to a narcotic; also: to put into a state of nar- omously; bitterly, enviously, jealously, resentfully; cal-
cosis 2: to soothe to unconsciousness or unawareness lously, cruelly, mercilessly, pitilessly, ruthlessly, unfeel-
nard \'nard\ n : a fragrant ointment of the ancients ingly; disagreeably, ill, unkindly; ill-naturedly, incon-
na-res \'nar-(,)ez\ n pi [L) : the pair of openings of the nose siderately, thoughtlessly; diabolically, fiendishly; misan-
Nar.raogan.sett \,nar-:l-'gan-s:lt\ n, pi -sett or -setts 1 : a thropically Ant benevolently, kindly
member of an American Indian people of Rhode Island nas-ti-ness \'nas-te-n:ls\ n + : the quality or state of being
2 : the Algonquian language of the Narragansett people nasty
nar-rate \'nar-,at\ vb nar-rat-ed: nar-rat-lnq : to recite the cattiness, despite, hatefulness, malice, malignity,
details of (as a story) : RELATE, TELL - nar-ra-tor \'nar-,a- meanness, spite, spleen, venom, viciousness - more at
t:lr\ n MALICE bawdiness, coarseness, dirt, dirtiness, filth,
describe, recite, recount, rehearse, relate, report, tell filthiness, foulness, grossness, indecency, lewdness, ob-
- more at TELL scenity, ribaldry, smut, vulgarity - more at OBSCENlTY
nar-ra-tion \na-'ra-sh:ln\ n : an account of incidents or dinginess, dirtiness, filthiness, foulness, grubbiness,
uncleanliness - more at DIRTINESS
events: STORY
nas-tur-tium \n:l-'st:lr-sh:lm, na-\ n : either of two widely
account, chronicle, commentary, history, narrative,
cultivated watery-stemmed herbs with showy spurred
record, report, story - more at ACCOUNT
flowers and pungent seeds
nar-ra-tive \'nar-:l-tiv\ n 1 a : something that is narrated nas-ty \'nas-te\ adj nas-ti-er; -est 1 : FILTHY 2 + : abhor-
b : a fictional narrative shorter than a novel 2 : the rent to morality or virtue: INDECENT, OBSCENE 3 a : HARM-
art or practice of narrating FUL, DANGEROUS <took a - fall> b + : causing severe pain
[1b] novella, short story, story, tale - more at STORY or suffering 4.: sharply unpleasant <- weather>
[2) account, chronicle, history, record, report, story 5 : characterized by petty selfishness or malice: MEAN,
- more at ACCOUNT ILL-NATURED <a - temper> 6: DIFFICULT, VEXATIOUS <a-
'nar-row \'nar-o\ adj 1 : of slender or less than standard problem> 7: UNFAIR, DIRTY <a - trick>
width 2 + : limited in size or scope: RESTRICTED 3 : not + [2) bawdy, coarse, crude, dirty, filthy, foul, gross, in-
liberal in views 4: interpreted or interpreting strictly decent, lascivious, lewd, obscene, pornographic, ribald,
5 : barely sufficient: CLOSE <won by a - margin>; also smutty, unprintable, vulgar, wanton - more at OB-
: barely successful <a - escape> - nar-row-ly adv - nar- SCENE [3b) achy, painful, sore - more at PAINFUL
row-ness n + [4) bad, bleak, dirty, disagreeable, foul, inclement,
[1) fine, skinny, slender, slim, thin; also attenuated, raw, rough, squally, stormy, tempestuous, turbulent,
elongated, linear; close, compressed, condensed, con- unpleasant - more at FOUL + [5) catty, cruel, hateful,
stricted, contracted, squeezed, tight, tightened; reedy, malevolent, malicious, malign, malignant, mean, spite-
stringy, twiggy, wispy; spare Ant broad, fat, wide ful, virulent - more at HATEFUL
[2) definite, determinate, finite, limited, measured, nat abbr 1 national 2 native 3 natural
restricted - more at LIMITED [3) bigoted, intolerant, na-tal \'nat-'l\ adi 1 : NATIVE 2: of, relating to, or present
narrow-minded, prejudiced - more at INTOLERANT at birth
[3) insular, little, parochial, petty, provincial, sectar- na-ta-to-rt-urn \,na-t:l-'tor-e-:lm, ,na-\ n : a swimming pool
ian, small; also inflexible, obdurate, obstinate, rigid, set, esp, indoors
stubborn, unyielding, wrongheaded; bigoted, intoler- na-tion \'na-sh:ln\ n [ME nacioun, fr. AF naciun, fro L na-
ant, narrow-minded; biased, discriminating, discrimina- tion-, natio birth, race, nation, fro nasci to be born) 1 : NA-
tory, jaundiced, one-sided, partial, partisan, prejudiced; TIONALITY 5; also : a politically organized nationality
old-fashioned, reactionary, stodgy, straitlaced; dog- 2 : a community of people composed of one or more
matic, opinionated; limited Ant broad-minded, catholic, nationalities with its own territory and government
cosmopolitan, liberal, open, open-minded, receptive, 3 : the territory of a nation 4: a federation of tribes (as of
tolerant. [5) close, neck and neck, nip and tuck, tight American Indians) - na-tion-hood n
- more at CLOSE commonwealth, country, land, sovereignty, state;
2narrow n + : a narrow passage: STRAIT - usu. used in pl. also city-state; domain, dominion, empire, kingdom,
channel, sound, strait - more at CHANNEL realm, republic; duchy, dukedom, principality, sul-
'narrow vb : to lessen in width or extent tanate; democracy, dictatorship, monarchy, oligarchy,
nar-row-mind-ed \,nar-o-'mln-d:ld\ adj + : not liberal or sovereign, theocracy; colony, dependency, province,
broad-minded settlement, soil; fatherland, homeland, motherland;
power, superpower
bigoted, intolerant, narrow, prejudiced - more at IN-
"na-tion-al \'na-sh:l-n:ll\ adj 1 : of or relating to a nation
2 : comprising or characteristic of a nationality 3: FED-
nar-whal \'nar-,hwal, 'nar-walv n : an arctic sea mammal
ERAL 3 - na-tion-al-ly adv
about 20 feet (6 meters) long that is related to the dol-
civil, public, state; also civic, federal, municipal; gov-
phins and in the male has a long twisted ivory tusk
ernment, governmental; domestic, internal; democratic,
NAS abbr naval air station
republican; nationwide
NASA \'na-s:l\ abbr National Aeronautics and Space Ad-
2national n 1 : one who owes allegiance to a nation 2: a
ministration competition that is national in scope - usu. used in pl.
tna-sat \'na-z:ll\ n 1 : a nasal part 2: a nasal consonant or
National Guard n 1 : a militia force recruited by each state
vowel of the U.S., equipped by the federal government, and
2nasal adj 1 : of or relating to the nose 2: uttered through jointly maintained subject to the call of either 2 often not
the nose - na-sal-ly adv cap : a military force serving as a national constabulary
na-sal-ize \'na-z:l-,lIz\ vb -ized; : to make nasal or and defense force
pronounce as a nasal sound - na-sal-l-za-tlon \,na-z:l-I:l- na-tlon-al-tse chieflyBrit var O/NATIONALIZE
'za-shcn', n na-tion-at-ism \'na-sh:l-n:l-,li-z:lm\ n : devotion to national
na-scent Vnas-Pnt, 'nas-\ adj : coming into existence: be- interests, unity, and independence
ginning to grow or develop - na-scence \-'ns\ n na-tlon-al-ist \-list\ n 1 : an advocate of or believer in na-
nas-ti-ly \'nas-te-Ie\ n : in a nasty manner or condition tionalism 2 cap: a member of a political party or group
hatefully, maliciously, meanly, spitefully, viciously, advocating national independence or strong national gov-
wickedly; also contemptuously, disdainfully, scornfully; ernment - nationalist adj, often cap - na-tion-al-ls-tic
acrimoniously, hostilely, invidiously, obnoxiously, ven- \,na-sh:l-n:l-'lis-tik\ adj
nationality 554
na-tion-al-i-ty \,na-sh~-'na-I~-te\ n, pi-ties 1 : national char- which the mother prepares to remain conscious and assist
acter 2 : a legal relationship involving allegiance of an in- in delivery with little or no use of drugs
dividual and protection on the part of the state natural gas n : a combustible gaseous mixture of hydro-
3 : membership in a particular nation 4: political inde- carbons coming from the earth's crust and used chiefly as
pendence or existence as a separate nation 5: a people a fuel and raw material
having a common origin, tradition, and language and ca- natural history n 1 : a treatise on some aspect of nature
pable of forming a state 6: an ethnic group within a 2 : the study of natural objects esp, from an amateur or
larger unit (as a nation) popular point of view
na-tlcn-al-lze \'na-sh~-n~-,IIz\ vb -ized; -lz-ing 1 : to make nat-u-rat-lse chiefly Brit var a/NATURALIZE
national : make a nation of 2: to remove from private nat-u-ral-ism \'na-ch~-r~-,Ii-z~m\ n 1 : action or thought
ownership and place under government control - na- based only on natural desires and instincts 2: a doctrine
tion-al-l-za-tlon \,na-sh~-n~-I~-'zii-sh~n\ n that denies a supernatural explanation of the origin or de-
national monument n : a place of historic, scenic, or scien- velopment of the universe and holds that scientific laws
tific interest set aside for preservation usu. by presidential account for all of nature 3: realism in art and literature
proclamation - nat-u-rat-ls-tlc \,na-ch~-r~-'lis-tik\ adj
national park n : an area of special scenic, historical, or sci- nat-u-ral-ist \-list\ n 1 : one that advocates or practices nat-
entific importance set aside and maintained by a national uralism 2 : a student of animals or plants esp. in the field
government esp. for recreation or study nat-u-ral-ize \-,IIz\ vb -ized; 1 : to become or cause
national seashore n : a recreational area adjacent to a sea- to become established as if native <--- new forage crops>
coast and maintained by the federal government 2 : to confer the rights of a citizen on - nat-u-ral-i-za-tion
na-tion-wlde \,na-sh~n-'wid\ adj : extending throughout a \,na-ch~-r~-I~-'za-sh~n\ n
nation nat-u-ral-ly \'na-ch~-r~-Ie, 'nach-ra-x adv 1 + : by nature
tna-tlve \'na-tiv\ adj 1 : INBORN, NATURAL 2 + : born in a : by natural character or ability 2 + : as might be ex-
particular place or country 3 : belonging to a person be- pected 3 + : without artificial aid; also: without affecta-
cause of the place or circumstances of birth <her --- lan- tion 4 : REALISTICALLY
guage> 4 +: grown, produced, or originating in a + [1] constitutionally, inherently, innately, intrinsi-
particular place : INDIGENOUS 5 + : left or remaining in a cally; also essentially, fundamentally; instinctively, in-
natural state : being without embellishment or artificial tuitively; intimately + [2] commonly, generally, nor-
change mally, ordinarily, typically, usu.; also customarily,
+ [2, 4] aboriginal, born, endemic, indigenous; also do- habitually, regularly, routinely; familiarly; convention-
mestic, local; original + [5] crude, natural, raw, un- ally, traditionally Ant abnormally, atypically, extraordi-
dressed, unprocessed, unrefined, untreated - more at narily, uncommonly, unusually + [3] artlessly, ingenu-
CRUDE ously, naively, unaffectedly; also genuinely, honestly,
2native n : one that is native; esp : a person who belongs to simply, truly; freely, openly; candidly, frankly, matter:
a particular country by birth of-factly; informally, unceremoniously Ant affectedly,
Native American n : a member of any of the aboriginal peo- artificially, hypocritically, insincerely, pretentiously,
ples of the western hemisphere except often the Eskimos; unnaturally
esp : an American Indian of North America and esp. the nat-u-rat-ness n + : the quality or state of being natural
U.S. : AMERICAN INDIAN + artlessness, greenness, ingenuousness, innocence,
na-tiv-Ism \'na-ti-,vi-z~m\ n 1 : a policy of favoring native naivete, simplicity, unworldliness - more at NAIVETe
inhabitants over immigrants 2: the revival or perpetua- natural science n : a science (as physics, chemistry, or bi-
tion of a native culture esp. in opposition to acculturation ology) that deals with matter, energy, and their interrela-
na-tiv-i-ty vne-tti-ve-te, n3.-\ n, pi -ties 1 : the process or cir- tions and transformations or with objectively measurable
cumstances of being born : BIRTH 2 cap : the birth of phenomena - natural scientist n
Christ natural selection n : the natural process that results in the
natl abbr national survival of individuals or groups best adjusted to their en-
NATO \'na-(,)t6\ abbr North Atlantic Treaty Organization vironment
nat-ty \'na-te\ adj nat-ti-er; -est + : trimly neat and tidy na-ture \'na-ch~r\ n [ME, fr. MF, fro L natura, fro natus, pp.
: SMART - nat-ti-ly \-t~-Ie\ adv - nat-ti-ness \-te-n~s\ n of nasci to be born] 1 + : the inherent quality or basic
+ dapper, sharp, smart, spruce - more at SMART constitution of a person or thing 2 + : a kind or class usu.
rnat-u-rat \'na-ch~-r~l\ adj 1 + : determined by nature: IN- distinguished by fundamental or essential characteristics
BORN, INNATE <--- ability> 2: having a specified character 3 + : the fundamental character, disposition, or tempera-
by nature: BORN <a --- fool> 3: not recognized as lawful ment of a living being usu. innate and unchangeable
offspring; speci/ : born of parents not married to each : TEMPERAMENT, DISPOSITION 4 + : the physical universe
other 4: HUMAN 5 + : of or relating to nature 6 + : not 5 : one's natural instincts or way of life <quirks of human
artificial 7 + : being simple and sincere : not affected --->; also: primitive state <a return to +-> 6 + : natural
8 + : closely resembling an original: true to nature 9: be- scenery or environment <beauties of --->
ing neither sharp nor flat [1] essence, quintessence, soul, stuff, substance-
+ [I] essential, inborn, ingrained, inherent, innate, inte- more at ESSENCE + [1] character, complexion, constitu-
gral, intrinsic - more at INHERENT [5] uncultivated, tion, genius, personality, tone; also distinctiveness, dis-
untamed, wild - more at WILD + [6] crude, native, raw, tinctness, individuality, singularity, uniqueness; attrib-
undressed, unprocessed, unrefined, untreated - more ute, characteristic, earmark, feature, flavor, hallmark,
at CRUDE + [7] artless, genuine, honest, ingenuous, in- mark, point, property, savor, stamp, trait; disposition,
nocent, naive, real, simple, sincere, true, unaffected, grain, sort, temper, temperament; composition, makeup;
unpretentious + [8] lifelike, near, realistic; also alike, essence, soul, spirit, stuff, substance; habit, way + [2]
like, living, matching; akin, analogous, approximate, breed, class, description, feather, ilk, kind, like, man-
comparable, resembling; accurate, close, faithful, true; ner, order, sort, species, type - more at SORT + [3] dis-
convincing Ant unrealistic position, grain, temper, temperament - more at DISPO-
2natural n 1 : IDIOT 2: a character q placed on a line or SITION + [4] cosmos, creation, macrocosm, universe,
space of the musical staff to nullify the effect of a pre- world - more at UNIVERSE + [6] open, outdoors, wild,
ceding sharp or flat 3: one obviously suitable for a pur- wilderness; also backwoods, bush, country, frontier,
pose 4 : AFRO hinterland, sticks, up-country; outside, without; bad-
natural childbirth n : a system of managing childbirth in land, barren, desert, waste, wasteland
555 nearby

naught \'not, 'nlit\ n 1 : NOTHING 2 + : the arithmetical + boat, cruise, sail, voyage - more at SAlL
symbol 0 : ZERO nav-l-qa-tor\'na-va-,ga-tar\ n : one that navigates or is
+ aught, cipher, nil, nothing, zero, zip - more at ZERO qualified to navigate
naugh-ty \'no-t;;, 'na-\ adj naugh-ti-er; -est 1 : guilty of na.vy \'na-vi:\ n, pi navies 1 : FLEET; also: the warships be-
disobedience or misbehavior 2 : lacking in taste or pro- longing to a nation 2 often cap : a nation's organization
priety - naugh-ti-Iy \-t,,-Ie\ adv - naugh-ti-ness \-te-n"s\ for naval warfare
n navy yard n : a yard where naval vessels are built or re-
+ bad, contrary, errant, froward, mischievous; also de- paired
fiant, disrespectful, ill-mannered, ill-natured, impolite, ria-web\na-'wlib\ n + : a person of great wealth or promi-
improper, impudent, indecorous, insolent, rude, un- nence : NABOB
couth, unmannerly; disobedient, headstrong, in- + big leaguer, big shot, bigwig, kingpin, nabob, wheel
tractable, obstreperous, recalcitrant, refractory, trans- - more at BIG SHOT
gressing, unruly, untoward, willful; balky, restive, 'nay \'na\ adv : NO
uncontrollable, ungovernable, wayward, wild; arch, 2nay n 1 : a negativevote; also: a person casting such a vote
elfish, impish, monkeying, ornery, rascally, roguish, 2 : refusal to satisfy a request or desire
waggish; dissolute, perverse, wrongheaded; disorderly, 'nay coni + : not merely this but also: not only so but <he
rowdy, ruffianly; corrupt, evil, wicked; insurgent, muti- was happy, ~, ecstatic)
nous, rebellious; inconsiderate, selfish, thoughtless, un- + even, indeed, truly, verily, yea - more at EVEN
kind, unkindly; babyish, childish, immature, infantile, nay-say-er\'na-,sa-ar\ n : one who denies, refuses, or op-
puerile Ant behaved, behaving, nice, orderly poses something
nau-sea \'no-ze-", -se-; 'no-zh", -sho', n [L, seasickness, Nazi\'nlit-se, 'nat-\ n [G, fr. Nationalsozialist, lit., national
nausea, fro Gk nautia, nausia, fro nautes sailor] 1 + : sick- socialist] : a member of a German fascist party control-
ness of the stomach with a desire to vomit 2 + : extreme ling Germany from 1933 to 1945 under Adolf Hitler-
disgust Nazi adi - Na-ztsrn \'nlit-,si-zam, 'nat-\ also Nazi.ism
+ [1] queasiness, sickness, squeamishness; also qualm; \-se-,i-zam\ n
airsickness, morning sickness, motion sickness, seasick- Nb symbol niobium
ness + [2] aversion, disgust, distaste, loathing, repug- NB abbr 1 New Brunswick 2 nota bene
nance, repulsion, revulsion - more at DISGUST NBA abbr 1 National Basketball Association 2 National
nau-se-ate \'no-ze-,at, -se-, -zhe-, -she-v vb -at-ed; BoxingAssociation
+ : to affect or become affected with nausea - nau-se-at- NBCabbr National Broadcasting Company
ing.lyadv NBSabbr National Bureau of Standards
+ disgust, repel, repulse, revolt, sicken, turn off- NC abbr 1 no charge 2 North Carolina
more at DISGUST NCAAabbr National CollegiateAthletic Association
nauseating adj + : causing nausea or esp. disgust NCO\,en-,se-'6\ n : NO COMMISSIONED OFFICER
+ distasteful, noisome, offensive, repellent, repugnant, nd abbr no date
repulsive, revolting, ugly - more at OFFENSIVE Ndsymbol neodymium
NO abbr North Dakota
nau-seous \'n6-sh"s, -ze-"s\ adj 1 : causing nausea or dis- N Oakabbr North Dakota
gust 2 + : affected with nausea or disgust Ne symbol neon
+ ill, queasy, queer, sick, squeamish; also green, NEabbr 1 Nebraska 2 New England 3 northeast
peaked, sickly; unsettled, upset, woozy 'Ne-anoderthal\ne-'an-dar-,thol, na-'lin-dar-,tlil\ adj 1 or
naut abbr nautical Ne-anoder.tal\-,tlil\ : of, relating to, or being an extinct
nau-ti-cal\'no-ti-kal\ adj : of or relating to sailors, naviga- Old World hominid that lived from about 200,000 to
tion, or ships - nau-ti-cal-ly\-k(a-)115\ adv 30,000 years ago 2 + : suggestive of a caveman
nautical mile n : a unit of distance equal to about 6080 feet barbarous,heathen. heathenish, rude. savage, uncivil.
(1852 meters) uncivilized, uncultivated, wild - more at SAVAGE
nau-ti-tus\'not-'l-as\ n, pi -lus-es or -Ii \-'1-,1, -,15\ : any of a 2Neanderthalor Neandertaln + : one who suggests a cave-
genus of sea mollusks related to the octopusesbut having man in appearance, mentality, or behavior
a spiral chambered shell
nav abbr 1 naval 2 navigable; navigation + clod, gawk, hulk, lout, lubber, lug, oaf - more at
OAF Navaho\'na-va-,h6, 'nli-\ n, pl-jo or -jos also
-ho or -hos : a member of an American Indian people of neap tide \'nep-\ n : a tide of minimum range occurring at
northern New Mexico and Arizona; also: their language the first and third quarters of the moon
na-val\'na-val\ adj : of, relating to, or possessing a navy 'near \'nir\ adv 1 + : at, within, or to a short distance or
naval stores n pi : products (as pitch, turpentine, or rosin) time 2: very nearly but not exactly or entirely: ALMOST
obtained from resinous conifers (as pines) + around, by, close, hard, in, nearby, nigh; also here-
nave \'nav\ n [ML navis, fro L, ship] : the central part of a abouts, thereabouts; along, alongside Ant far
church running lengthwise 2near prep + : close to
na-vel \'na-val\ n : a depression in the middle of the ab- + about, around, by, next to - more at AROUND
domen that marks the point of attachment of fetus and 'near adj 1 : closely related or associated; also: INTIMATE
mother 2 + : not far away; also : being the closer or left-hand \'na-val-'ga-zil)\ n : useless or excessive self, member of a pair 3: barely avoided <a ~ accident)
contemplation 4 : DIRECT, SHORT <by the ~est route) 5: STINGY 6 + : not
navel orange n : a seedless orange having a pit at the blos- real but very like <~ silk) 7: being the closer of two
som end where the fruit encloses a small secondary fruit + [2] close, immediate, nearby, nigh - more at CLOSE
nav.ioga.ble\'na-vi-ga-bal\ adj 1 : capable of being navi- + [6] lifelike, natural, realistic - more at NATURAL
gated <a ~ river) 2: capable of being steered - nav-l-qa- 'near vb 1 + : to come closer in space or time: APPROACH
bil.i.ty \,na-vi-ga-'bi-Ia-te\ n 2 : to draw near to
nav-i-qate\'na-va-,gat\ vb -gat-ed; 1 : to sail on or + advance, approach, close - more at APPROACH
through <~ the Atlantic Ocean) 2: to steer or direct the
course of a ship or aircraft 3: MOVE; esp : WALK <could near beer n : any of various malt liquors low in alcohol
hardlv e--o 4 + : to travel by water: SAIL - nav-l-qa-tlon ' \nir-'bi, 'nir-,bi\ adj + : close at hand
\,na-va-'ga-shan\ n + close, immediate, near, nigh - more at CLOSE
nearby 556
2near-by \nir-'bl, 'nir-,bl\ adv + : close at hand condition. demand. essential, must, need, require-
+ around, by, close, hard, in, near, nigh - more at ment, requisite - more at ESSENTIAL
NEAR , neck \ 'nek\ n 1 : the part of the body connecting the head
near-ly adv 1 : in a close manner or relationship 2 + : al- and the trunk 2: the part of a garment covering or near
most but not quite to the neck 3: a relatively narrow part suggestive of a
+ about, almost, most, much, near, next to, nigh, prac- neck <~ of a bottle) <~ of land) 4: a narrow margin
tically, some, virtually, well-nigh - more at ALMOST esp. of victory <won by a ~) - necked \'nekt\ adj
near-ness n 1 +: the quality or state of being near 2neck vb : to kiss and caress amorously
2 + : the state of being in a close personal relationship neck and neck adj + : being very close (as in margin or
esp. marked by affection or love standing)
+ [l] closeness, contiguity, immediacy, proximity- + close, narrow, nip and tuck, tight - more at CLOSE
more at PROXIMITY + [2] closeness, familiarity, intimacy neck and neck adv : very close (as in a race)
- more at FAMILIARITY neck-er-chief \'ne-kar-ch;)f, -,chef\ n, pi -chlets v-chafs,
near-sight-ed Vnir-tsi-tad', adj : able to see near things -,chefs\ also -chieves \-,chevz\ : a square of cloth worn
more clearly than distant ones: MYOPIC - near-sight-ed-Iy folded about the neck like a scarf
adv - near-sight-ed-ness n neck-lace \'ne-kl;)s\ n : an ornament worn around the neck
neat \'net\ adj [MP net, fr. L nitidus bright, neat, fro nitere neck-line \'nek-,lln\ n : the outline of the neck opening of
to shine] 1 + : being orderly and clean 2 + : not mixed or a garment
diluted <~ brandy) 3: marked by tasteful simplicity neck-tie \-,tl\ n : a strip of cloth worn around the neck and
4 : PRECISE, SYSTEMATIC 5: SKILLFUL, ADROIT 6: superior tied in front
in character, nature, ability, or prospects : FINE - neat ne-crol-o-gy \n;)-'kra-I;)-je\ n, pl-gies 1 : OBITUARY 2: a list
adv - neat-ly adv - neat-ness n of the recently dead
nec-ro-man-cer \'ne-kr;)-,man-s;)r\ n + : one that practices
+ [l] crisp, orderly, shipshape, snug, tidy, trim, unclut-
tered; also dapper, natty, prim, saucy, smart, spruce;
immaculate, spick-and-span, spotless; rakish, sleek, + conjurer, enchanter, magician, sorcerer, voodoo,
streamlined, taut; organized, straight, systematic Ant di- witch, wizard - more at MAGICIAN
sheveled, disordered, disorderly, messy, mussed, mussy, nec-ro-man-cy \'ne-kr;)-,man-se\ n 1 : the art or practice of
slovenly, unkempt, untidy + [2] absolute, fine, plain, conjuring up the spirits of the dead for purposes of mag-
pure, refined, straight, unadulterated, undiluted, un- ically revealing the future 2 + : the use of means (as
mixed - more at PURE charms or spells) believed to have supernatural power
neath \'neth\prep, dial: BENEATH over natural forces: MAGIC, SORCERY
neat-nlk \'net-nik\ n : a person who is compulsively neat + bewitchment, enchantment, magic, sorcery, witch-
neb \'neb\ n 1 : the beak of a bird or tortoise; also: NOSE, craft, wizardry - more at MAGIC
SNOUT 2: NIB ne-crop-o-lis \n;)-'kra-p;)-I;)s, ne-\ n, pi -tls-es or -Ies \-,iez\
Neb or Nebr abbr Nebraska or -leis \-,liis\ or -Ii \-,Ii, -,Ie\ [LL, fro Gk nekropolis, fr.
NEB abbr New English Bible nekros dead body + polis city] : CEMETERY; esp : a large
neb-u-la \'ne-by;)-I;)\ n, pi -Iae \-,Ie, -,11\ also -las [NL, fro L, elaborate cemetery of an ancient city
mist, cloud] 1 : any of numerous clouds of gas or dust in ne-cro-sis \n;)-'kro-sas, ne-\ n, pi ne-cro-ses \-,sez\ : usu. lo-
interstellar space 2: GALAXY - neb-u-lar \-I;)r\ adj cal death of body tissue - ne-crot-ic \-'kra-tik\ adj
neb-u-liz-er \'ne-by;)-,ll-z;)r\ n : ATOMIZER nec-tar \'nek-t;)r\ n 1 : the drink of the Greek and Roman
neb-u-lous \'ne-by;)-I;)s\ adj 1 : of or relating to a nebula 2 gods; also: any delicious drink 2: a sweet plant secretion
a + : lacking clarity of feature or sharpness of outline that is the raw material of honey
: HAZY, INDISTINCT b + : vaguely defined: dimly realized nec-tar-ine \,nek-t;)-'ren\ n : a smooth-skinned peach
+ bleary, dim, faint, foggy, fuzzy, hazy, indefinite, in- nee or nee \'na\ adj [F, lit., born] - used to identify a
distinct, indistinguishable, murky, obscure, opaque, woman by her maiden family name
shadowy, unclear, undefined, undetermined, vague- 'need \'ned\ n 1 + : necessary duty: OBLIGATION <no ~ to
more at FAINT hurry) 2 + : a lack of something requisite, desirable, or
nec-es-sar-l-ty \,ne-s;)-'ser-;)-Ie\ adv + : of necessity useful 3: a condition requiring supply or relief <when
the ~ arises) 4 + : lack of the means of subsistence
+ inevitably, needs, perforce, unavoidably - more at : POVERTY 5 + : a requirement for the well-being of an or-
'nec-es-sary \'ne-s;)-,ser-e\ n, pi -sar-les : an indispensable
+ [l] burden, charge, commitment, duty, obligation, re-
sponsibility - more at OBLIGATION + [2] absence, lack,
2necessary adj 1 + : of an inevitable nature: INEVITABLE,
want; also deficiency, deficit, inadequacy, insufficiency;
dearth, meagerness, paucity, poverty, scantiness,
taining or constituting a command : COMPULSORY scarcity, shortage; defect, minus; deprivation, privation;
4 + : positively needed: INDISPENSABLE demand, essential, necessity, requirement, requisite
+ [1] certain, inescapable, inevitable, sure, unavoidable + [4] beggary, destitution, impecuniousness, impover-
- more at INEVITABLE + [3] compulsory, imperative, ishment, indigence, pauperism, penury, poverty, want
incumbent, involuntary, mandatory, nonelective, oblig- - more at POVERTY + [5] condition, demand, essential,
atory, peremptory - more at MANDATORY + [4] essen- must, necessity, requirement, requisite - more at ES-
tial, imperative, indispensable, integral, needful, requi- SENTIAL
site, vital - more at ESSENTIAL 2need vb 1 : to be in want 2 + : to have cause or occasion
ne-ces-si-tate \ni-'se-s;)-,tat\ vb -tat-ed: -tat-inq + : to make for: REQUIRE <he ~s advice) 3 + : to be under obligation
necessary or necessity <we ~ to know the truth)
+ demand, need, require, take, want, warrant - more + [2] demand, necessitate, require, take, want, warrant;
at NEED also entail, involve; ask, beg, claim, clamor (for), cry
ne-ces-si-tous \ni-'se-s;)-t;)s\ adj 1 : NEEDY, IMPOVERISHED (for); lack; command, enjoin, exact, insist, press, quest,
2 : URGENT 3: NECESSARY stipulate Ant have, hold + need to [3] have, must,
ne-ces-si-ty \ni-'se-s;)-te\ n, pi -ties 1 : conditions that can- ought, shall, should; also will
not be changed 2: WANT, POVERTY 3 + : something that is need-ful \'ned-f;)l\ adj + : absolutely needed: NECESSARY,
necessary 4: very great need REQUISITE
557 negligible

+ essential, imperative, indispensable, integral, neces- 2negative n 1 : a negative word or statement 2 : a negative
sary, requisite, vital - more at ESSENTIAL vote or reply; also: REFUSAL 3 + : something that is the
'nee-dle \'ned-I\ n 1: a slender pointed usu. steel imple- opposite or negation of something else 4: the side that
ment used in sewing 2: a slender rod (as for knitting, votes or argues for the opposition (as in a debate) 5: a
controlling a small opening, or transmitting vibrations to negative number 6: a negative photographic image on
or from a recording) <a phonograph r-c-) 3 + : a slender transparent material
hollow instrument by which material is introduced into + antipode, antithesis, contrary, opposite, reverse-
or withdrawn from the body 4 + : a slender indicator on more at OPPOSITE
a dial 5: a needle-shaped leaf (as of a pine) 3negative vb -tived; 1 : to refuse to accept or ap-
+ [3) hypodermic syringe, syringe + [4) hand, index, prove 2 + : to vote against 3: DISPROVE 4: to imply the
indicator, pointer - more at POINTER opposite or a denial of 5 + : to deny the truth, reality, or
2needle vb nee-dled; nee-dling 1 +: to vex by repeated validity of
sharp prods or gibes; esp : to incite to action by repeated
+ [2) blackball, kill, veto; also decline, disallow, disap-
gibes 2 + : to disturb or annoy by persistent irritating or
prove, dismiss, refuse; blacklist Ant confirm, ratify
provoking esp. in a petty or mischievous way
+ [5] contradict, deny, disallow, disavow, disclaim,
+ [1) henpeck, hound, nag - more at NAG [2] bait, gainsay, negate, reject, repudiate - more at DENY
bug, hassle, heckle, ride, taunt, tease - more at TEASE
negative income tax n : a system of federal subsidy pay-
nee-dle-nose pliers \'ne-d'l-,noz-\ n pl : pliers with long
ments to families with incomes below a stipulated level
slender jaws for grasping small or thin objects
neg.a.tiv.ism \'ne-g~-ti-,vi-z~m\ n : an attitude of skepti-
nee-dle-point \'ne-dI-,p6int\ n 1 : lace worked with a nee-
cism and denial of nearly everything affirmed or sug-
dle over a paper pattern 2: embroidery done on canvas
gested by others
across counted threads - needlepoint adj
need-tess \'ned-l~s\ adj : not necessary - need-tess-ly adv 'ne-glect \ni-'glekt\ vb [L neglectus, pp. of neglegere,
- need-less-ness n neclegere, fro nec- not + legere to gather] 1 + : to give lit-
nee-dle-wom-an \'ned-I-,wU-m~n\ n : a woman who does tle attention or respect to : DISREGARD 2 + : to leave un-
needlework; esp : SEAMSTRESS done or unattended to esp. through carelessness
nee-dle-work \-,w~rk\ n : work done with a needle; esp + [I] disregard, forget, ignore, overlook, pass over,
: work (as embroidery) other than plain sewing slight, slur; also fail; miss, omit; brush (aside or off), re-
needs \'nedz\ adv + : of necessity: NECESSARILY <must ~ ject. shrug off, slough (off): disdain, pooh-pooh, scorn,
be recognized) scant, skimp Ant attend (to), heed, mind, regard, tend
+ inevitably, necessarily, perforce, unavoidably; also (to) + [2] fail, forget, omit; also disregard, ignore, over-
involuntarily Ant unnecessarily look, slight; slide, slip; default; skip
needy \'ne-de\ adi need-i-er; -est +: being in want 2neglect n 1 + : an act or instance of neglecting something
: POVERTY-STRICKEN 2 + : the condition of being neglected
+ broke, destitute, impecunious, indigent, penniless, + [1] default, delinquency, dereliction, failure, negli-
penurious, poor. poverty-stricken - more at POOR gence, oversight - more at FAILURE + [2) desolation,
ne'er \'ner\ adv : NEVER dilapidation, disrepair; also inattention, negligence,
ne'er-do-well \'ner-diI-,wel\ n : an idle worthless person abandonment, desertion; decay, decrepitude, derelic-
- ne'er-do-well adj tion, deterioration, disintegration, ruin, ruination Ant
ne-tar-l-ous \ni-'far-e-~s\ adi [L nefarius, fr. nefas crime, fr. repair
ne- not + las right, divine law) + : very wicked: EVIL- ne-glectoed \ni-'glek-t~d\ adj + : that evidences improper
ne-tar-l-ous-ty adv or insufficient attention or care
+ bad, black, evil, immoral, iniquitous, rotten, sinful, + dilapidated, grungy, mean, ratty, seedy, shabby-
unethical. unsavory. vicious. vile. villainous. wicked. more at SHABBY
wrong ne-glect.ful adj : given to neglecting
neg abbr negative neg.liogee also neg.lioge \,ne-gl~-'zhli\ n : a woman's long
ne-gate \ni-'glit\ vb ne-qat-ed: 1 + : to deny the flowing dressing gown
existence or truth of 2 + : to cause to be ineffective or in- neg.liogence \'ne-gli-j~ns\ n 1 +: the quality or state
valid : NULLIFY of being negligent 2 + : an act or instance of being negli-
+ [1) contradict, deny. disallow, disavow, disclaim. gent
gainsay, negative, reject, repudiate - more at DENY + [1] carelessness, dereliction, heedlessness, laxness, re-
+ [2) abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, dissolve, invali- missness, slackness; also foolhardiness, rashness, reck-
date, nullify, quash, repeal, rescind, void - more at lessness, wildness; neglect, omission; delinquency, irre-
ABOLISH sponsibility, malfeasance, malpractice, misconduct;
ne-qa-tion \ni-'gli-sh~n \ n 1 + : the action or operation of misdirection, mishandling, mismanagement; inatten-
negating or making negative 2: a negative doctrine or tion, obliviousness, shortsightedness Ant care, careful-
statement ness, caution, cautiousness, heedfulness + [2] default,
+ contradiction, denial, disallowance, disavowal, dis- delinquency, dereliction, failure, neglect, oversight-
claimer, rejection, repudiation - more at DENIAL more at FAILURE
'neg.a.tive \'ne-g~-tiv\ adj 1 + : marked by denial, prohibi- neg.liogent \'ne-gli-j~nt\ adj + : marked by neglect - neg-
tion, or refusal <a ~ reply) 2: not positive or construc- adv
tive; esp : not affirming the presence of what is sought or + careless, derelict, lax, remiss, slack; also heedless, in-
suspected to be present <test results were e-c-) 3: less than cautious, irresponsible, reckless, wild; unguarded, un-
zero <a ~ number) 4: being, relating to, or charged with wary; forgetful, disregardful, disregarding, inattentive,
electricity of which the electron is the elementary unit oblivious, thoughtless, unmindful, unthinking; apa-
5 : having the light and dark parts opposite to what they thetic, disinterested, indifferent, unconcerned, uninter-
were in the original photographic subject - neg.a.tive-Iy ested; delinquent; loose Ant attentive, careful, conscien-
adv - neg.a.tive-ness n - neg.a.tiv.i.ty \,ne-g~-'ti-v~-te\ n tious
+ adverse, counter, disadvantageous, hostile, inimical, negliogi.ble \'ne-gli-j~-b~l\ adj + : so small or unimportant
prejudicial, unfavorable (or unfavourable), unfriendly, or of so little consequence as to warrant little or no at-
unsympathetic - more at ADVERSE tention
negotiant 558
+ inconsequential, inconsiderable, insignificant, measly, cylindrical worms parasitic in animals or plants or free=
minute, nominal, paltry, petty, slight, trifling, trivial, living in soil or water
unimportant; also inferior, mean; imperceptible, inap- nem-e-sis \'ne-m:l-s:ls\ n, pi -e-ses \-,sez\ [L Nemesis, god-
preciable; little, puny, tiny; hairsplitting, pettifogging dess of divine retribution, fr. Gk] 1 + : one that inflicts
Ant big, consequential, considerable, important, mate- retribution or vengeance 2 : a formidable and uSU. victo-
rial, significant rious rival 3 +: an act or effect of retribution; also
neoga-tiant \ni-'go-she-:mt\ n : NEGOTIATOR : CURSE
neoga-ti'ate \ni-'go-she-,at\ vb -at-ed: [L negotiari to + (1) avenger, castigator, scourge; also revenger;
carry on business, fro negotium business, fro neg- not + righter + (3) castigation, chastisement, correction,
otium leisure) 1 + : to confer with another so as to arrive curse, desert, discipline, penalty, punishment, wrath -
at the settlement of some matter; also: to arrange for or more at PUNISHMENT
bring about by such conferences <~ a treaty) 2: to nee-etas-sic \,ne-o-'kla-sik\ or neo-clas-sl-cel\-si-k:ll\ adj
transfer to another by delivery or endorsement in return : of or relating to a revival or adaptation of the classical
for equivalent value <~ a check) 3: to get through, style esp, in literature, art, or music
around, or over successfully <~ a tum) 4 + : to deal neo-co-lo-nlal-ism \,ne-o-k:l-'lo-ne-:l-,li-z:lm\ n : the eco-
with (some matter or affair that requires ability for its nomic and political policies by which a nation indirectly
successfulhandling) - ne-qo-tla-blex-sho-bot, -she-o-v adj maintains or extends its influence over other areas or
- ne-qo-tl-a-tor\-'go-she-,a-t:lr\ n peoples - neo-co-lo-nlal adi - neo-co-to-nlal-lst \-list\ n
+ [1) arrange, concert, conclude; also settle; bargain, or adj
chaffer, deal, dicker, haggle, palter; agree; contract, nee-con \'ne-o-,kan\ n : NEOCONSERVATIVE
covenant; argue, debate, discuss, hammer (out), hash neo-con-ser-va-tive \-k:ln-'s:lr-v:}-tiv\ n : a former liberal es-
(over), reason, talk, talk over, work out + (4) contend pousing political conservatism - neo-con-ser-va-tism
with, cope with, grapple with, handle, manage, maneu- \-v:r,ti-z:lm\ n - neoconservative adj
ver (or manoeuvre), swing, treat - more at HANDLE neo-dym-i-um \,ne-o-'di-me-:lm\n : a silver-white to yellow
ne-qo-ti-a-tion\ni-,go-scVa-sh:ln, -she-v n + : the action or metallic chemical element
process of negotiating or being negotiated neo-lm-pres-slon-ism \,ne-o-im-'pre-sh:l-,ni-z:lm\ n, often
cap N&l : a late 19th century French art movement that
+ accommodation, compromise, concession, give-and= attempted to make impressionism more precise and to
take - more at CONCESSION use a pointillist painting technique
neogritude \'ne-gr:l-,tiid, -,tyud, 'ne-\ n : a consciousness of Nea-lithic \,ne-:l-'li-thik\ ad) : of or relating to the latest
and pride in one's African heritage period of the Stone Age characterized by polished stone
Neogro\'ne-gro\ n, pi Negroes [Sp or Ps, fro negro black) implements
sometimes offensive: a member of the human race native ne-oj-o-qism\ne-'a-l:l-Ji-z:lm\ n : a new word or expression
to Africa and classified according to physical features (as ne-on \'ne-,an\ n [Gk, neut. of neos new) 1 : a gaseous col-
dark skin pigmentation) - Negro adj. sometimes offen- orless chemical element used in electric lamps 2 : a lamp
sive - Neogroid\'ne-,groid\ n or adi, often not cap in which a discharge through neon gives a reddish glow
Neh abbr Nehemiah -neon adi
Ne-he-mi.ah\,ne-:r'mi-:l\ n : a book of Jewish and Christian neo-na-tal \,ne-o-'nat-Ol\ adj : of, relating to, or affecting
Scripture the newborn - neo-na-tal-ly adv
neigh \'na\ n : a loud prolonged cry of a horse - neigh vb ne-o-nate \'ne-:l-,nat\ n : a newborn child
'neigh.bor or Can and Brit neiqh-bour \'na-b:lr\ n 1 : one neo-paogan \,ne-o-'pa-g:ln\ n : a person who practices a
living or located near another 2: FELLOW MAN contemporary form of paganism
'neighbor or Can and Brit nelghbour vb + : to be next to or nea-phyte \'ne-:l-,fit\ n 1: a new convert : PROSELYTE
near to : border on 2 : NOVICE 3 + : one that begins something; esp : an inex-
+ abut, adjoin, border (on), flank, fringe, join, skirt, perienced person : BEGINNER
touch, verge (on) - more at ADJOIN + beginner, fledgling, freshman, greenhorn, newcomer,
neigh.bor.hood \'na-b:lr-,hud\ or Can and Brit neigh.bour- novice, recruit, rookie, tenderfoot, tyro - more at BE-
hood Vna-bar-jhudv n 1 : NEARNESS 2: a place or region GINNER
near: VICINITY; also: a number or amount near <costs in neo-plasm \'ne-:l-,pla-z:lm\ n + : a new growth of tissue
the ~ of $10) 3: the people living near one another serving no useful purpose in the body : TUMOR - neo-
4 + : a section lived in by neighbors and usu. having dis- plas-tic \,ne-:l-'plas-tik\ adi
tinguishing characteristics + excrescence, growth, lump, tumor - more at
+ district, quarter, section - more at DISTRICT GROWTH
nelgh-bor-li-ness or Can and Brit \'na- neo-prene\'ne-:l-,pren\ n : a synthetic rubber used esp. for
bar-le-ncsv n + : the quality or state of being neighborly special-purpose clothing (as wet suits)
neo-trop-l-cal \,ne-o-'tra-pi-k:ll\ adj, often cap: of or relat-
+ amity, benevolence, cordiality, fellowship, friendli- ing to a zoogeographic region of America that extends
ness, friendship, goodwill, kindliness - more at GOOD-
south from the central plateau of Mexico
Ne-pali \n:l-'po-le, -'pa-\ n, pi Nepali: a native or inhabitant or Can and Brit \'na-b:lr-le\ adj of Nepal - Nepaliadj
+ : befitting congenial neighbors; esp : FRIENDLY ne-pen-the \n:l-'pen-the\ n 1: a potion used by the an-
+ amicable, companionable, comradely, cordial, cients to dull pain and sorrow 2: something capable of
friendly, genial, hearty, warm, warmhearted - more at making one forget grief or suffering
FRIENDLY neph-ew \'ne-fyjj, chiefly Brit -vyu\ n [ME nevew, fr. AF
neigh.bour Can and Brit var O/NEIGHBOUR neveu, fro LL nepot-, nepos, fro L, grandson, descendant)
'nei.ther \'ne-1h:lr, 'ni-\pron : neither one: not the one and : a son of one's brother, sister, brother-in-law, or sister-in=
not the other <~ of the two) law
'neither conj 1 : not either <~ good nor bad) 2: NOR <~ ne-phrit-Ic \ni-'fri-tik\ adj 1 : RENAL 2: of, relating to, or
did I) affected with nephritis
3neither adj : not either <~ hand) ne-phri-tis \ni-'fri-t:ls\ n, pi ne-phrit-i-des \-'fri-t:l-,dez\
nel-son \'nel-s:ln\ n : a wrestling hold in which one applies : kidney inflammation
leverage against an opponent's arm, neck, and head ne plus ul-tra \,ne-,pl:ls-':ll-tr:l\ n [NL, (go) no more be-
nem-a-tode\'ne-m:l-,tod\ n : any of a phylum of elongated yond) : the highest point capable of being attained
559 nettled
nep-o-tism \'ne-pa-,ti-zam\ n [F nepotisme, fr. It nepotismo, made up of the brain and spinal cord, nerves, ganglia, and
fro nepote nephew, fro LL nepot-, nepos] : favoritism shown parts of the sense organs and that receives and interprets
to a relative (as in the granting of jobs) stimuli and transmits nerve impulses
Nepotune \'nep-,tiin, -,tyiin\ n : the planet 8th in order nervy \'n<lr-ve\ adj nerv-i-er; -est 1 +: showing calm
from the sun - \nep-'tii-ne-an, -'tyii-\ adj courage 2 + : marked by impudence or presumption (a
nep-tu-ni-um \nep-'tii-ne-am, -'tyii-\ n : a short-lived ra- ~ salesperson> 3: marked by nervousness: NERVOUS
dioactive element + [1] adventurous, audacious, bold, daring, enterpris-
nerd \'nard\ n : an unstylish or socially inept person; esp ing, gutsy, hardy, venturesome - more at BOLD
+ : one slavishly devoted to intellectual pursuits - nerdy .+ [2] arch, bold, brash, brazen, cheeky, cocky, fresh,
adj impertinent, impudent, insolent, sassy, saucy; also as-
+ egghead, highbrow, intellectual - more at INTELLEC- sertive, forward, obtrusive; audacious, defiant, disre-
TUAL spectful; shameless, unabashed, unblushing; bluff,
Ne-re-id \'nir-e-ad\ n : a sea nymph in Greek mythology blunt, curt; facetious, flip, flippant, pert, smart, smart=
'nerve \'narv\ n 1 : SINEW, TENDON <strain every +->2: any alecky Ant meek, mousy, retiring, shy, timid
of the strands of nervous tissue that carry nerve impulses -ness \nas\ n suffix : state : condition : quality : degree
between the brain and spinal cord and every part of the <goodness>
body 3 a + : power of endurance or control: FORTITUDE 'nest \'nest\ n 1 : the shelter prepared by a bird for its eggs
b + : the quality or state of being bold: BOLDNESS, DARING and young 2 : a place where eggs (as of insects or fish) are
4 pi : NERVOUSNESS 5: a vein of a leaf or insect wing - laid and hatched 3 + : a place of rest, retreat, or lodging
nerved \'narvd\ adj 4 : DEN, HANGOUT (a ~ of thieves> 5: the occupants of a
nest 6: a series of objects (as bowls or tables) fitting in-
+ [3a] bravery, courage, daring, fearlessness, fortitude, side or under one another
gallantry, guts, hardihood, heart, heroism, stoutness,
valor - more at COURAGE + [3b] audacity, brass, brazen- + concealment, covert, den, hideout, lair - more at
ness, cheek, chutzpah, daring, effrontery, gall, pre- HIDEOUT
sumption, sauce, sauciness, temerity - more at EF- 2nest vb 1 : to build or occupy a nest 2 : to fit compactly
FRONTERY together or within one another
2nerve vb nerved; nerv-ing + : to give strength or courage to nest egg n + : a fund of money accumulated as a reserve
+ brace, forearm, fortify, psych (up), ready, steel, + account, budget, deposit, fund, kitty, pool- more at
strengthen - more at FORTIFY FUND
nerve cell n : NEURON; also : CELL BODY nes-tle \'ne-s<ll\ vb nes-tled; nes.tling 1 + : to settle snugly
nerve gas n : a chemical weapon damaging esp. to the ner- or comfortably 2 + : to press closely and affectionately
vous and respiratory systems : CUDDLE 3: to settle, shelter, or house as if in a nest
nerve impulse n : a physical and chemical change that + cuddle, curl up, snug, snuggle - more at SNUGGLE
moves along a process of a neuron after stimulation and nest-llnq Vnest-liux n : a bird too young to leave its nest
carries a record of sensation or an instruction to act 'net \'net\ n 1 + : a meshed fabric twisted, knotted, or wo-
nerve-less adj 1 +: destitute of strength or courage ven together at regular intervals 2 + : a device made all
2 + : exhibiting control or balance or partly of net and used esp. to catch birds, fish, or in-
+ [1] effete, frail, soft, spineless, weak, wimpy, wishy= sects 3 + : something made of net used esp. for protect-
washy - more at WEAK + [2] imperturbable, unflap- ing, confining, carrying, or dividing (a tennis ~> 4: an
pable, unshakable - more at UNFLAPPABLE entrapping device or situation: SNARE, TRAP 5 often cap
nerve-raek-lnq or nerve-wrack-lnq Vnorv-jra-kinv adj : ex- : INTERNET
tremely trying on the nerves + [1] mesh, network; also web, webbing; grille, lattice,
ner-vous \'n<lr-vas\ adj 1 : FORCIBLE, SPIRITED 2 : of, relat- screen, screening; filigree, lace + [2, 3] entanglement,
ing to, or made up of neurons or nerves 3 ; easily ex- snare, web - more at WEB
cited or annoyed : JUMPY 4 + : viewing the future with 2net vb net-ted: net-tlnq 1 : to cover or enclose with or as if
anxiety or alarm (a ~ smile> 5 + : causing physical or with a net 2: to catch in or as if in a net
mental discomfort - ner-vous-ly adv 3net adj : free from all charges or deductions (~ profit>
+ [3] excitable, flighty, fluttery, high-strung, jittery, (~weight>
jumpy, skittish, spooky - more at EXCITABLE + [4] 'net vb net-ted: net.ting : to gain or produce as profit
aflutter, anxious, edgy, jittery, jumpy, nervy, perturbed, : CLEAR, YlELD (his business netted $50,000 a year>
tense, troubled, uneasy, upset, worried; also aggrieved, Snet n + : a net amount, profit, weight, or price
bothered, concerned, disquieted, distraught, distressed, + earnings, gain, lucre, payoff, proceeds, profit, return
disturbed; apprehensive, foreboding, hesitant, misgiv- - more at PROFIT
ing; fretful, fretting, stewing, vexed; qualmish; twit- Neth abbr Netherlands
tered, undone, unnerved, unstrung; obsessed, preoccu- neth-er \'ne-1h<lr\ adi : situated down or below (the ~ re-
pied, restless; fidgety, flighty, fluttery, high-strung, gions of the earth>
skittish, spooky Ant calm, easy, collected, cool, nerve- Nethoer.landoer \'ne-1har-,lan-d<lr\ n : a native or inhabitant
less, relaxed + [5] anxious, distressful, restless, tense, of the Netherlands
unsettling, upsetting, worrisome; also bothersome, neth-er-most \-,most\ adj : LOWEST
troublesome; foreboding, misgiving; disheartening, dis- neth-er-world \-, warldv n 1 : the world of the dead 2: UN-
couraging, strained; restive, restless, unrestful; awk- DERWORLD
ward, embarrassing Ant calming, comfortable, easy, net-t-quette \'ne-ti-k<lt, -,ket\ n : etiquette governing com-
peaceful, quiet, quieting, tranquil munication on the Internet
nervous breakdown n : an attack of mental or emotional net.ting n 1 : a fabric or structure of cords or wires that
disorder of sufficient severity to be incapacitating esp. cross at regular intervals and are knotted or secured at
when requiring hospitalization the crossings : NETWORK 2: the act or process of making
ner-vous-ness n + : the quality or state of being nervous a net or network
+ agitation, anxiety, apprehension, care, concern, dis- 'nettle \'net-'I\ n : any of a genus of coarse herbs with
quiet, perturbation, uneasiness, worry - more at ANXJ- stinging hairs
ETY 2nettle vb net-tled: nettling + : to arouse to sharp but tran-
nervous system n : a bodily system that in vertebrates is sitory annoyance or anger: VEX, IRRJTATE
nettlesome 560
+ aggravate, annoy, bother, bug, chafe, exasperate, gall, tneu-tral Vnti-tral, 'nyii-\ n 1 : one that is neutral 2: a neu-
get, grate, irk, irritate, peeve, persecute, pique, put out, tral color 3 : a position of disengagement (as of gears)
rasp, rile, vex - more at IRRITATE 2neutral adj 1 + : not favoring either side in a quarrel, con-
net-tle-some Vnet-sl-sernv adj : causing vexation: IRRITAT- test, or war 2: of or relating to a neutral state or power
ING 3 : MIDDLING, INDIFFERENT 4: having no hue: GRAY; also
net-work Vnet-jwark', n 1 + : a fabric or structure of cords : not decided in color 5: neither acid nor basic <a ......, so-
or wires that cross at regular intervals and are knotted or lution) 6: not electrically charged
secured at the crossings: NET 2 : a system of elements (as + disinterested, impartial, nonpartisan, unbiased; also
lines or channels) that cross in the manner of the threads autonomous, independent, sovereign; nonbelligerent;
in a net 3: a group or system of related or connected individualistic; evenhanded, fair, uninfluenced, unprej-
parts; esp : a chain of radio or television stations 4: a sys- udiced, bipartisan Ant allied, confederate
tem of computers that are connected (as by telephone neu-tral-ise chiefly Brit var a/NEUTRALIZE
wires) neu-tral-ism \'nii-tr;J-,Ii-z;Jm, 'nyii-\ n : a policy or the ad-
+ mesh, net - more at NET vocacy of neutrality esp. in international affairs
net-work-lnq Vnet-iwar-kin', n : the exchange of informa- neu-tral-i-ty \nii-'tra-I;J-te, nyii-\ n + : the quality or state of
tion or services among individuals, groups, or institutions being neutral; esp : refusal to take part in a war between
neu-ral \'nur-;JI, 'nytir-\ adj : of, relating to, or involving a other powers
nerve or the nervous system + detachment, disinterestedness, impartiality, objectiv-
neu-ral-qla \nu-'ral-j;J, nyti-\ n : acute pain that follows the ity - more at DETACHMENT
course of a nerve - neu-ral-qic \-jik\ adj neu-tral-Ize \'nii-tr;J-,liz, 'nyii-\ vb -ized; + : to make
neur-as-then-ia \,nur-;Js-'the-ne-;J\ n [NL, fr. Gk neuron neutral; esp : to counteract the activity or effect of : COUN-
nerve + asthenia weakness, fr. asthenes weak, fro a- not + TERACT - neu-tral-l-za-tion \,nii-tr;J-I;J-'za-sh;Jn, ,nyii-\ n
sthenos strength] : a psychological disorder marked esp. annul, cancel, compensate, correct, counteract,
by fatiguing easily, lack of motivation, feelings of inade- counterbalance, make up, offset - more at OFFSET
quacy, and psychosomatic symptoms - neur-as-then-ic neu-tri-no \nii-'tre-no, nyii-\ n, pI -nos: an uncharged ele-
\-the-nik, -'the-\ adj or n mentary particle held to be massless or very light
neu-ri-tis \-'n-t;Js\ n, pl -rlt-l-des \-'ri-t;J-,dez\ or -rl-tls-es neu-tron \'nii-,triin, 'nyii-\ n : an uncharged atomic particle
: inflammation of a nerve - neu-rit-ic \-'ri-tik\ adj or n that is nearly equal in mass to the proton
neu-ro-bl-ol-o-qy \,nur-o-bl-'ii-I;J-je\ n : a branch of biology neutron bomb n : a nuclear bomb designed to produce
that deals with the nervous system - neu.rOobioOolog.ioeal lethal neutrons but less blast and fire damage than other
\-,bl-;J-'lii-ji-k;Jl\ adj - neu-ro-bl-ol-o-qlst \-bI-'ii-I;J-jist\ n nuclear bombs
neu.roloO"9Y\nu-'rii-I;J-je, nyti-\ n : the scientific study of neutron star n : a dense celestial object that results from
the nervous system - neu-ro-toq-l-cal \,nur-;J-'lii-ji-k;Jl, the collapse of a large star
,nytir-\ or neu-ro-loq-lc \-jik\ adj - neu-ro-toq-l-cat-ty \-ji- Nev abbr Nevada
k(;J- )Ie\ adv - neu-rol-o-qlst \nu-'rii-I;J-jist, nyti-\ n nev-er \'ne-v;Jr\ adv 1 : not ever 2 : not in any degree,
neu-ro-mus-cu-lar \,nur-o-'m;Js-kY;J-I;Jr, .nyur-', adj : of, re- way, or condition
lating to, or affecting nerves and muscles <a ......, disease)
neu-ron \'nii-,riin, 'nyii-\ n : a cell with specialized
+ no, none, nothing, nowise; also nowhere near Ant
anyhow, anyway, anywise, at all, ever, half, however
processes that is the fundamental functional unit of ner-
vous tissue - neu-ro-nal \'nur-;J-n'l, 'nyur-\ adj nev-er-more \,ne-v;Jr-'mor\ adv : never again
neu-rone \-,ron\ chiefly Brit var a/NEuRON
nev-er-nev-er land \,ne-v;Jr-'ne-v;Jr-\ n : an ideal or imagi-
neu-ro-sci-ence \,nur-o-'si-;Jns. .nvur-', n : a branch of the nary place
life sciences that deals with the anatomy, physiology, bio- nev-er-the-less \,ne-v;Jr-lll;J-'les\ adv + : in spite of that
chemistry, or molecular biology of nerves and nervous
tissue and esp. with their relation to behavior and learn- + but, howbeit, however, nonetheless, notwithstanding,
ing - neu-ro-scl-en-tlst \-;In-tist\ n still, though, withal, yet - more at HOWEVER
neu-ro-sis \nu-'ro-s;Js, nyti-\ n, pI -ro-ses \-,sez\ : a mental ne-vus \'ne-v;Js\ n, t ne-vi \-,vi\ : a usu. pigmented area on
and emotional disorder that is less serious than a psy- the skin : MOLE
chosis, is not characterized by disturbance of the use of 'new \'nii, 'nyii\ adj 1 : having recently come into exis-
language, and is accompanied by various bodily and men- tence or occurred; also : of or characteristic of the pres-
tal disturbances (as visceral symptoms, anxieties, or pho- ent time: MODERN 2 + : recently discovered, recognized,
bias) or learned about <......, drugs) 3: not familiar: UNFAMILIAR
neu-ro-sur-qery \nur-o-'s;Jr-j;J-re, ,nytir-\ n : surgery of ner- 4 + : different from the former 5: not accustomed <......, to
vous structures (as nerves, the brain, or the spinal cord) the work) 6: beginning as a repetition of a previous act
- neurOosurogeon \-'s;Jr-j;Jn\ n or thing <a ......, year) 7: made or become fresh : RE-
'neurotic vnu-rra-ttk, nvu-', adj : of, relating to, being, or FRESHED, REGENERATED <rest made a ......, man of him)
affected with a neurosis; also: NERVOUS - neu-rot-l-cal-ly
v-ti-kfa- )Ie\ adv
2neurotic n : an emotionally unstable or neurotic person
neu-ro-trans-mit-ter \,nur-o-trans-'mi-t;Jr, .nyur-, -tranz-\ n
8 : being in a position or place for the first time <a ......,
member) 9 cap: having been in use after medieval times
: MODERN <New Latin) - new-ish adj
+ [1] contemporary, current, hot, mod, modern, new-

: a substance (as acetylcholine) that transmits nerve im- fangled, red-hot, space-age, ultramodern, up-to-date -
pulses across a synapse more at MODERN. [II brand-new, spick-and-span, un-
neut abbr neuter used; also clean, fresh, pristine, unspoiled; untouched;
tneu-ter \'nii-t;Jr, 'nyii-\ adj [ME neutre, fr. MF & L; MF newfangled, new-fashioned; natural, raw, virgin, un-
neutre, fr. L neuter, lit., neither, fro ne- not + uter which of processed, untreated Ant hand-me-down, second hand,
used + [2] fresh, novel, original, strange, unfamiliar,
two] 1 : of, relating to, or constituting the gender that in-
cludes most words or grammatical forms referring to unknown; also innovative, unique; nontraditional, un-
things classed as neither masculine nor feminine 2: lack- conventional, untried, unused, unworn Ant familiar,
ing or having imperfectly developed sex organs old, time-honored, tired + [4] backup, substitute; also ii
2neuter n 1 : a noun, pronoun, adjective, or inflectional alternate, alternative; different, other, separate; extra, !!!
form or class of the neuter gender; also: the neuter gen- spare; another, second; utility; successive; equivalent
der 2: WORKER 2; also: a spayed or castrated animal
3neuter vb : to remove the sex organs of: CASTRATE, SPAY
Ant original
2newadv + : not long ago: NEWLY <new-mown hay) -3

561 nibble

+ freshly, just, late, lately, newly, now, only, recently - news-pa-per \-,pa-p:;>r\ n : a paper that is published at reg-
more at NEWLY ular intervals and contains news, articles of opinion, fea-
new age adi, often cap N&A 1: of, relating to, or being tures, and advertising
New Age 2: CONTEMPORARY, MODERN news-pa-per-man \-,pa-p:;>r-,man\ n : a person who owns or
New Age n 1 : a group of late 20th century social attitudes is employed by a newspaper
adapted from a variety of ancient and modern beliefs re- news-print \-,print\ n : paper made chiefly from wood pulp
lating to spirituality, right living, and health 2: a soft and used mostly for newspapers
soothing form of instrumental music news-reel \-,rel\ n : a short motion picture portraying cur-
new-ble \'nii-be, 'nyii-\ n + : one that begins something rent events
without prior experience: NEWCOMER; esp : a newcomer to news-stand \-,stand\ n : a place where newspapers and pe-
cyberspace riodicals are sold
+ beginner, fledgling, freshman, greenhorn, neophyte, newsoweekoly \-,wek-le\ n : a weekly newspaper or news-
newcomer, novice, recruit, rookie, tenderfoot, tyro- magazine
more at BEGINNER news-wlre \-,wI(-:;r\ n : WIRE SERVICE
'newoborn \-,bom\ adj 1 : recently born 2: born anew ("" news-wom-an \-,wU-m:;>n\ n : a woman who is a reporter
hope) news-wor-thy \-,w:;>r-the\ adi : sufficiently interesting to the
'newborn n, pi newborn or newborns + : a newborn indi- general public to warrant reporting (as in a newspaper)
vidual newsy Vnu-ze, 'nyii-\ adj news-i-er; -est 1: filled with
+ baby, child, infant - more at BABY news; esp : TALKATIVE 2 + : given to gossip
new-com-er \-,k:;>-m:;>r\ n 1 : one recently arrived 2 + : one + chatty, colloquial, conversational- more at CHATTY
that begins something without prior experience : BEGIN- newt \'niit, 'nyiit\ n [ME, alter. (from misdivision of an
NER ewte) of ewt, evete, fro OE efete] : any of various small
+ beginner, fledgling, freshman, greenhorn, neophyte, chiefly aquatic salamanders
novice, recruit, rookie, tenderfoot, tyro - more at BE- New Testament n : the second of the two chief divisions of
GINNER the Christian Scripture
New Deal n : the legislative and administrative program of new-ton \'niit-'n, 'nyiit-\ n : the unit of force in the metric
President F. D. Roosevelt to promote economic recovery system equal to the force required to impart an accelera-
and social reform during the 19305 - New Dealer n tion of one meter per second per second to a mass of one
new-el \'nii-:;>I, 'nyii-\ n : a post about which the steps of a kilogram
circular staircase wind; also : a post at the foot of a stair- new wave n, often cap N&W : the latest and esp. the most
way or one at a landing outrageous style - new-wave adj
newofanogled \'nii-'falJ-g:;>ld, 'nyii-\ adj 1 : attracted to nov- New World n : the western hemisphere; esp : the continen-
elty 2 + : of the newest style: NOVEL tal landmass of No. and So. America
+ contemporary, current, hot, mod, modern, new, New Year n 1 : NEW YEAR'S DAY; also: the first days of the
novel, red-hot, space-age, ultramodern, up-to-date- year 2 : ROSH HASHANAH
more at MODERN New Year's Day n : January 1 observed as a legal holiday
new-fash-toned \-'fa-sh:;>nd\ adj 1 : made in a new fashion New Zeaoland-er \nii-'ze-I:;>n-d:;>r, nyii-\ n : a native or in-
or form 2: abreast of the times: UP-TO-DATE habitant of New Zealand
new-found \-'faund\ adj : newly found 'next \'nekst\ adj 1 : immediately preceding or following
New Left n : a radical political movement originating in the 2 + : following that approaching or in progress
newoly \'nii-le, 'nyii-\ adv 1 + : not long ago: LATELY, RE- + coming, following, succeeding; also consecutive, se-
quential, successive; posterior, subsequent; immediate;
second Ant antecedent, foregoing, precedent, preced-
+ freshly, just, late, lately, new, now, only, recently; ing, previous, prior
also latterly
..ii newolyowed \-,wed\ n : a person recently married
new moon n : the phase of the moon with its dark side to-
2next prep : nearest or adjacent to
3next adv 1 : in the time, place, or order nearest or imme-
diately succeeding 2: on the first occasion to come
ii ward the earth; also: the thin crescent moon seen for a
'next to prep 1 +: immediately following or adjacent to
few days after the new moon phase
'!! 2 : in comparison to (next to you I'm wealthy)
new-ness n + : the quality or state of being new
+ freshness, novelty, originality - more at NOVELTY + about, around, by, near - more at AROUND

= news \'niiz, 'nyiiz\ n 1 + : a report of recent events: TID- 2next to adv + : very nearly <next to impossible to win)

INGS 2: material reported in a newspaper or news peri-
odical or on a newscast
+ intelligence, item, story, tidings, word; also an-
+ about, almost, most, much, near, nearly, nigh, practi-
cally, some, virtually, well-nigh - more at ALMOST
Nez Perce \'nez-'p:;>rs, F na-per-sax n : a member of an

nouncement, communication, message; dope, low-
down, scoop, tidbit, tip; gossip, rumor, tale, tattle; feed-
American Indian people of Idaho, Washington, and Ore-
gon; also: the language of the Nez Perce
NF abbr Newfoundland

news-boy \'niiz-,b6i, 'nyiiz-\ n : one who delivers or sells
news-cast \-,kast\ n : a radio or television broadcast of
NFC abbr National Football Conference
NFL abbr National Football League
Nfld abbr Newfoundland
news - news-cast-er \-,kas-t:;>r\ n NG abbr 1 National Guard 2 no good
newsogroup \-,griip\ : an Internet bulletin devoted to a cer- NH abbr New Hampshire
tain topic NHL abbr National Hockey League
news-let-ter \-,Ie-t:;>r\ n : a small newspaper containing Ni symbol nickel
news or information of interest chiefly to a special group ni-a-cin \'nl-:;>-s:;>n\ n : an organic acid of the vitamin B
news-rnaq-a-zlne \-,ma-g:;>-,zen\ n : a usu. weekly magazine complex found widely in plants and animals and used
ii devoted chiefly to summarizing and analyzing news esp, against pellagra
'ii news-man v-mon, -,man\ n + : a person who gathers, re- nib \'nib\ n 1 : POINT; esp : a pen point 2 : the jaws of a bird
ports, or comments on the news: REPORTER together with their horny covering
+ correspondent, journalist, reporter - more at RE- 'nib-ble \'ni-b:;>1\ vb nib-bled; nib-bling : to bite gently or bit
PORTER by bit; also: eat in small pieces
nibble 562
2nibble n : a small or cautious bite; also: an amount of nic-o-tine \'ni-k::l-,ten\ n : a poisonous and addictive sub-
food taken with a small bite stance in tobacco that is used as an insecticide
bite, morsel, mouthful, taste, tidbit - more at ntc-o-tin-lc acid \,ni-k::l-'te-nik-, -'ti-\ n : an organic acid of
MORSEL the vitamin B complex found in plants and animals and
ni-ead \'ni-,kad\ n : a rechargeable dry cell that has a used against pellagra
nickel cathode and a cadmium anode niece \'nes\ n : a daughter of one's brother, sister, brother=
Nic.a.raoguan \,ni-k::l-'rii-gw;m\ n : a native or inhabitant of in-law, or sister-in-law
Nicaragua - Nicaraguan adj nif-ty \'nif-te\ adj nif-ti-er; -est: very good: very attractive
nice \'nis\ adj nic-er; nic-est [ME, foolish, wanton, fro AF, \ni-'jir-e-::ln\ n : a native or inhabitant of Nige-
silly, simple, fr. L nescius ignorant, fr. nescire to not ria - Nigerian adj
know) 1 : showing fastidious or finicky tastes: FASTID- nigogard \'ni-g::lrd\ n : a stingy person: MISER
IOUS 2 : marked by delicate discrimination or treat- cheapskate, miser, skinflint, tightwad - more at
ment 3 a .: giving pleasure : PLEASING, AGREEABLE MISER
b : well-executed 4: WELL-BRED (- people> 5 : decent nigogardly adj 1 : grudgingly mean about spending or
or correct in character or behavior: RESPECfABLE 6 : of granting 2 : provided in meanly limited supply - nig-
a sympathetic or helpful nature \-Ie-n::ls\ n - adv
[1) choosy, dainty, delicate, demanding, exacting, Il) cheap, close, mean, parsimonious, penurious,
fastidious, finicky, fussy, old-maidish, particular, picky spare, sparing, stingy, tight, tightfisted, uncharitable -
- more at FINICKV (2) delicate, exact, fine, minute, more at STINGY (2) light, meager (or meagre), poor,
refined, subtle - more at FINE [3a) agreeable, con- scant, scanty, scarce, skimpy, slender, slim, spare,
genial, delectable, delicious, delightful, dreamy, felici- sparse, stingy - more at MEAGER
tous, good, grateful, gratifying, palatable, pleasant, nigogling \'ni-g::l-IiIJ\ adj 1 : PETTY 2: bothersome in a
pleasurable, satisfying - more at PLEASANT [5] cor- petty way
rect, decent, decorous, genteel, polite, proper, re- 'nigh \'nl\ adv 1 .: near in place, time, or relationship
spectable, seemly - more at PROPER (6) affable, 2 : almost but not quite: NEARLY, ALMOST
agreeable, amiable, genial, good-natured, gracious, [1) around, by, close, hard, in, near, nearby - more
sweet, well-disposed - more at AMIABLE at NEAR (2) about, almost, most, much, near, nearly,
nice-Iyadv : in a pleasing, satisfactory, courteous, or rea- next to, practically, some, virtually, well-nigh - more
sonable manner at ALMOST
agreeably, favorably (or favourably), pleasantly, 2nigh adj : being near in time, space, effect, or degree
pleasingly, satisfyingly, well courteously, kindly, : CLOSE, NEAR
thoughtfully, well - more at WELL 3nigh prep : NEAR
nlce-net-iy \'nis-'ne-Ie\ adj, often cap 2d N 1 : marked by night \'nit\ n 1 .: the period between dusk and dawn
euphemism 2: PRUDISH - nice nelly n, often cap 2d N - 2 : the darkness of night 3 : a period of misery or un-
nlce-nel-ly-tsm \-,i-z::lm\ n, often cap 2d N happiness 4: NIGHTFALL
nice-ness n : the quality or state of being nice [1) dark, darkness, nighttime; also dusk, evening,
agreeableness, amenity, amiability, geniality, gra- gloaming, nightfall, twilight; midnight Ant day, daytime
ciousness, pleasantness, sweetness - more at AMIABIL- (2) dark, darkness, dusk, gloaming, gloom, murk,
ITY semidarkness, shade, shadows, twilight - more at DARK
nice-ty \'ni-s::l-te\ n, pi-ties 1 : a dainty, delicate, or elegant night adj : of, relating to, or associated with the night
thing (enjoy the niceties of life> 2: a fine point or dis- nighttime, nocturnal - more at NOCTURNAL
tinction <niceties of workmanship> 3: EXACTNESS, PRECI- night blindness n : reduced visual capacity in faint light (as
SION, ACCURACY at night)
niche \'nich\ n IF) 1 : a recess in a wall esp. for a statue night-cap \'nit-,kap\ n 1: a cloth cap worn with night-
2 : a place, employment, or activity for which a person or clothes 2: a usu. alcoholic drink taken at bedtime
thing is best fitted 3 : the living space or role of an or- night-clothes \-,kI61hz, -,kI6z\ n pi : garments worn in bed
ganism in an ecological community esp, with regard to night-club \-,kl::lb\ n : a place of entertainment open at
food consumption night usu. serving food and liquor and providing music
[l) alcove, nook, recess; also comer, cranny, cubby- for dancing
hole; cubicle; dent, indentation (3) habitat, home, cafe, disco, discotheque; also barroom, saloon, tav-
range, territory - more at HOME ern; dive, speakeasy; canteen
'nick \'nik\ n 1 : a small notch, groove, or chip 2: the fi- night crawl-er \-,kr6-I::lr\ n : EARTHWORM; esp : a large earth-
nal critical moment (in the - of time> worm found on the soil surface at night
chip, hack, indentation, notch - more at NOTCH night-dress \'nit-,dres\ n : a loose garment for wear in bed
nick-el \'ni-bl\ n 1 : a hard silver-white metallic chemical night.fall \-,f61\ n : the coming of night
element capable of a high polish and used in alloys 2: the dusk, evening, gloaming, sundown, sunset, twilight
U.S. 5-cent piece made of copper and nickel; also: the - more at DUSK
Canadian 5-cent piece nightogown \-,gaim\ n : a loose garment for wear in bed
nlck-el-ode-on \,ni-k::l-'16-de-::ln\ n 1 : an early movie the- night.hawk \-,h6k\ n : any of a genus of American birds re-
ater to which admission cost five cents 2 : JUKEBOX lated to and resembling the whip-poor-will
nick-er \'ni-k::lr\ vb : to neigh gently: NEIGH, WHINNY- night.inogale \'nit-'n-,gal, 'ni-tilJ-\ n [ME, fro OE nihtegale,
nicker n fro niht night + galan to sing) : any of several Old World
nick-name \'nik-,nam\ n [ME nekename additional name, thrushes noted for the sweet usu. nocturnal song of the
alter. (from misdivision of an ekename) of ekename, fro male
eke also + name) 1 : a USU. descriptive name given in- nightlife \'nit-,lif\ n : the activity of pleasure-seekers at
stead of or in addition to the one belonging to a person, night
place, or thing 2: a familiar form of a proper name - \'nit-Ie\ adj 1 : happening, done, or produced by
nickname vb night or every night 2: of or relating to the night or every
alias, cognomen; also appellation, denomination, de- night - nightly adv
notation, designation, handle, label, title; nom de night.mare \'nit-,mar\ n 1 : a frightening dream 2 : a
plume, pen name, pseudonym frightening or horrible experience - nightmare adj
563 nitrogenous
* agony, hell, horror, misery, murder, torment, torture 'nip \'nip\ vb nipped; nip-ping 1 : to catch hold of and
- more at HELL squeeze tightly between two surfaces, edges, or points
night.mar.ish adj *: resembling or suggestive of a night- 2 : to sever by or as if by pinching sharply; also : to re-
mare move by cutting or pinching 3: to destroy the growth,
* appalling, atrocious, awful, dreadful, frightful, progress, or fulfillment of <nipped in the bud> 4: to in-
jure or make numb with cold: CHILL 5: to take or ap-
ghastly, grisly, gruesome, hideous, horrible, horrid,
lurid, macabre, monstrous, shocking, terrible - more propriate without right or leave and with intent to keep
at HORRIBLE or make use of wrongfully: STEAL
night rider n : a member of a secret band who ride masked 'nip n 1 *: a sharp stinging cold 2: a biting or pungent fla-
at night doing violence to punish or terrorize vor 3 : PINCH, BITE 4 : a small portion : BIT
night.shade \'nIt-,shad\ n : any of a large genus of herbs, * bite, bitterness, bleakness, chill, rawness, sharpness
shrubs, and trees that includes poisonous forms (as the - more at CHILL
belladonna), ornamentals (as the petunias), and impor- 3nip n : a small quantity of liquor: SIP
tant food plants (as the potato and eggplant) 'nip vb nipped; nip-ping: to take liquor in nips: TIPPLE
night.shirt \-,sh:lrt\ n : a nightgown resembling a shirt nip and tuck adj or adv *: so close that the lead shifts rap-
night soil n : human feces used esp. for fertilizing the soil idly from one contestant to another
nlghtstick \'nit-,stik\ n *: a police officer's club * close, narrow, neck and neck, tight - more at CLOSE
* bat, billy club, bludgeon, cudgel, truncheon - more nip-per \'ni-p:lr\ n 1 : one that nips 2 pi : a gripping in-
night.time\-,tim\ n *: the time from dusk to dawn
strument with two handles and two jaws: PINCERS 3 *: a
young person esp, between infancy and youth: CHILD; esp
* dark, darkness, night - more at NIGHT : a small boy
nlqht-walk-er\-,w6-k:lr\ n : a person who roves about at * boy, child, lad, shaver, stripling, youth - more at
night esp, with criminal or immoral intent BOY
ni.hil.ism \'ni-:l-,Ii-z:lm, 'ne-h:l-\ n 1 : a viewpoint that tra-nip-pie\'ni-p:ll\ n : the protuberance of a mammarygland
ditional values and beliefs are unfounded and that exis- through which milk is drawn off: TEAT; also: something
tence is senseless and useless 2: ANARCHISM - ni-hil-ist resembling a nipple
\-Iist\ n or adj - ni.hilistic\,ni-:l-'lis-tik, ,ne-h:l-\ adi nip-py\'ni-pe\ adj nip-pi-er; -est 1 : having an intense fla-
nil \'nil\ n*: the arithmetical symbol 0 denoting the ab- vor or odor : PUNGENT, SHARP 2 *: noticeably cold
sence of all magnitude or quantity: ZERO, NOTHING : CHILLY 3: brisk, quick, or nimble in movement
* aught, cipher, naught, nothing, zero, zip - more at *bitter, chill, chilly, cold, cool, frosty, raw, sharp,
ZERO snappy, wintry - more at COLD
nlm-ble \'nim-b:ll\ adj nim-bler; nim-blest [ME nimel, fro nir-va-na\nir-'vli-n:l\ n, often cap [Skt nirvana, lit., act of
OE numol holding much, fro niman to take] 1 *: quick extinguishing, fro nis- out + vati it blows] 1 : the final free-
and light in motion: AGILE <a ~ dancer> 2 *: quick in ing of a soul from all that enslaves it; esp : the supreme
understanding and learning: CLEVER <a ~ mind> - nim- happiness that according to Buddhism comes when all
bly \-ble\ adv passion, hatred, and delusion die out and the soul is re-
* [1] agile, graceful, light, lissome, lithe, spry - more leased from the necessity of further purification
at GRACEFUL [2] alert, brainy, bright, brilliant, clever, 2 : OBLIVION; also: PARADISE
intelligent, keen, quick, quick-witted, sharp, smart- ni-sei\ne-'sa, 'ne-,sa\ n, pi nisei often cap: a son or daugh-
more at INTELLIGENT ter of immigrant Japanese parents who is born and edu-
nim-ble-ness n *: the quality or state of being nimble cated in America
* agility, deftness, dexterity, sleight - more at DEXTER- m-sl\'ni-,sl\ adi [L, unless, fr. ne- not + si if] : taking effect
at a specified time unless previously modified or voided
nim-bus \'nirn-b:>s\ n, pi \-,bi, -be\ or nim-bus-es <a divorce decree ~>
1 : a figure (as a disk) in an art work suggesting radiant nit \'nit\ n 1 : the egg of a parasitic insect (as a louse); also
light about the head of a divinity, saint, or sovereign 2: a : the young insect 2: a minor shortcoming
rain cloud; also : THUNDERHEAD nite var a/NIGHT
NIMBY Vnirn-be',n [not in my backyard] : opposition to the ni-teror Can and Brit nl-tre \'ni-t:lr\ n : POTASSIUM NITRATE
placement of something undesirable (as a prison) in one's nit-pick-ern *: one who engages in nitpicking
neighborhood *carper, castigator, caviler, censurer, critic, fault-
nim-rod\'nim-,rlid\ n 1 : HUNTER 2: IDIOT, JERK finder, railer, scold - more at CRITIC
nin-com-poop \'nin-k:lm-,piip\ n 1 : a person lacking in \'nit-,pi-kiIJ\ n : minute and usu. unjustified
judgment or prudence: FOOL, SIMPLETON 2: an unsophis- criticism
ticated person tni-trate \'ni-,trat, -tratv n 1 : a salt or ester of nitric acid
nine \'nin\ n 1 : one more than eight 2: the 9th in a set or 2 : sodium nitrate or potassium nitrate used as a fertilizer
series 3: something having nine units; esp : a baseball 'nitrate\-,trat\ vb ni-trat-ed; nl-trat-lnq : to treat or combine
team - nine adj or pron - ninth \'ninth\ adj or adv or n with nitric acid or a nitrate - nl-tra-tlon\ni-'tra-sh:ln\ n
nine days' wonder n : something that creates a short-lived ni-tre Can and Brit var a/NITER
sensation ni-tricacid \'ni-trik-\ n : a corrosive liquid acid used esp. in
nine-pins \'nin-,pinz\ n : a bowling game using nine pins making dyes, explosives, and fertilizers
arranged usu. in a diamond-shaped configuration \,ni-tr:l-f:l-'ka-sh:ln\ n : the oxidation (as by
nine-teen \'nin-'ten\ n : one more than 18 - nineteen adj bacteria) of ammonium salts to nitrites and then to ni-
or pron - nine-teenth\-'tenth\ adj or n trates - \'ni-tr:l-fi-iIJ\ adi
nine-ty \'nin-te\ n, pi nineties: nine times 10 - nine-ti-eth nl-trlte\'ni-,tnt\ n : a salt of nitrous acid
\-te-:lth\ adj or n - ninety adj or pron ni-tre \'ni-tro\ n, pi nitros : any of various nitrated prod-
nin-ja \'nin-j:l, -(,)jli\ n, pi ninja or ninjas [Jp] : a person ucts; esp : NITROGLYCERIN
trained in ancient Japanese martial arts and employed ni-tro-gen \'ni-tr:l-j:ln\ n : a tasteless odorless gaseous
esp. for espionage and assassinations chemical element constituting 78 percent of the atmo-
nin.ny \'ni-ne\ n, pi ninnies 1 : a person lacking in judg- sphere by volume - nl-troq-e-nous\ni-'trli-j:l-n:ls\ adj
ment or prudence : FOOL 2: an unsophisticated person nitrogen narcosis n : a state of euphoria and confusion
ni-o-bi-um\ni-'o-be-:lm\ n : a gray metallic chemical ele- caused by nitrogen forced into a diver's bloodstream
ment used in alloys from atmospheric air under pressure
nitroglycerin 564 or ni.tro-glycoer.ine \,nl-tr:l-'gli-s:l-r:ln\ n + [l] distinguished, eminent, famous, illustrious, notable,
: an oily explosive liquid used to make dynamite and in noteworthy, outstanding, preeminent, prestigious, signal,
medicine to dilate blood vessels star, superior - more at EMINENT. [2] aristocratic, gen-
ni-trous acid \'nHr:ls-\ n : an unstable nitrogen-containing teel, gentle, grand, highborn, patrician, wellborn; also
acid known only in solution or in the form of its salts high, lofty, superior, elevated, ennobled, exalted; gen-
nitrous oxide n : a colorless gas used esp. as an anesthetic tlemanly, kingly, knightly, ladylike, lordly, princely,
in dentistry queenly, regal, royal; senior Ant baseborn, common,
nit.ty-9rit.ty Vni-te-sgrt-te, ,ni-te-'gri-te\ n : what is essen- humble, ignoble, low, lowly, mean, plebeian + [4] august,
tial and basic: specific practical details baronial, gallant, glorious, grand, grandiose, heroic, im-
nit-wit \'nit-,wit\ n + : a scatterbrained or stupid person posing, magnificent, majestic, monumental, proud, regal,
royal, splendid, stately - more at GRAND + [5] decent,
+ booby, fool, goose, half-wit, jackass, lunatic, nut,
ethical, honest, honorable, just, principled, respectable,
simpleton, turkey - more at FOOL + blockhead, dope,
righteous, upright, upstanding - more at HONORABLE
dummy, idiot, imbecile, jackass, moron, numskull-
[5] chivalrous, gallant, great, greathearted, high, high-
more at IDIOT
minded, lofty, lordly, magnanimous, sublime; also enno-
'nix \'niks\ n : NOTHING bled, exalted, glorified; heroic, honorable, venerable,
2nix vb : VETO, REJECf worthy; knightly, princely, regal; moving, inspiring, up-
3nix adv: NO lifting; august, magnificent, majestic Ant base, debased,
NJ abbr New Jersey degenerate, degraded, ignoble, low
NL abbr National League 2no-ble n : a person of noble rank or birth
NLRB abbr National Labor Relations Board
+ aristocrat, gentleman, grandee, patrician - more at
NM abbr 1 nautical mile 2 New Mexico GENTLEMAN
N Mex abbr New Mexico no-ble-man \'no-b:ll-m:ln\ n : a member of the nobility
NMI abbr no middle initial no-ble-ness n + : the quality or state of being noble
NNE abbr north-northeast
+ augustness, brilliance, glory, grandeur, grandness,
NNW abbr north-northwest
magnificence, majesty, nobility, resplendence, splen-
'no \'no\ adv 1 - used to express the negative of an alter- dor, stateliness - more at MAGNIFICENCE
native <shall we continue or ~) 2 + : in no respect or de-
no-blesse oblige \no-,bles-:l-'blezh\ n [F, lit., nobility obli-
gree <he is ~ better than the others) 3: not so <~, I'm gates] : the obligation of honorable, generous, and re-
not ready) 4 - used with an adjective to imply a mean- sponsible behavior associated with high rank or birth
ing opposite to the positive statement <in ~ uncertain no-ble-wom-an \'no-b:lI-,wU-m:ln\ n : a woman of noble
terms) 5 - used to introduce a more emphatic or ex- rank
plicit statement <has the right, ~, the duty to continue)
dame, gentlewoman, lady - more at GENTLEWOMAN
6 + - used as an interjection to express surprise or
doubt <~ - you don't say) 7 - used in combination no-bly \-ble\ adv + : with greatness of soul
with a verb to form a compound adjective <no-bake pie) gallantly, grandly, greatly, heroically, honorably (or
honourably), magnanimously - more at GREATLY
+ [2] never, none, nothing, nowise - more at NEVER
+ [6] indeed, well, why; also ha, hello, oh; fiddlesticks, 'no-body \'no-,ba-de, -b:l-\pron : no person
pooh; there; gad, the deuce, the devil, the dickens, 2nobody n, pi no-bod-ies + : a person of no influence or im-
2no adj 1 : not any; also: hardly any 2: not a <she's ~ ex- + nonentity, nothing, whippersnapper, zero; also least;
pert) inferior, mediocrity, obscurity; figurehead, puppet Ant
big shot, bigwig, eminence, figure, magnate, nabob, per-
3no \'no\ n, pl noes or nos \'noz\ 1 : an act or instance of
sonage, somebody, VIP
refusing or denying by the use of the word no : REFUSAL,
no-braln-er \'no-'brii-n:lr\ n : something that requires a
DENIAL 2 : a negative vote or decision; also, pi : persons
minimum of thought
voting in the negative
noc-tur-nal \niik-'t:lrn-Ol\ adj 1 + : of, relating to, or oc-
+ blackball, denial, nay, negation, negative, refusal, curring in the night 2: active at night <a ~ bird)
veto Ant positive, yea, yes
+ night, nighttime; also late; midnight, overnight Ant
4no abbr 1 north; northern 2 number daily, diurnal
'No var of NOH noc-turne \'nak-,t:lrn\ n : a work of art dealing with night;
2No symbol nobelium esp : a dreamy pensive composition for the piano
No-bel-let \no-'be-Iist\ n : a winner of a Nobel prize noc-u-ous Vna-kya-wasv adj : HARMFUL - noc-u-ous-ly adv
no-bel-l-um \no-'be-Ie-:lm\ n : a radioactive metallic chem- nod \'nad\ vb nododed; nododing 1 : to bend the head
ical element produced artificially downward or forward (as in bowing, going to sleep, or
No-bel prize \no-'bel-, 'no-,bel-\ n : any of various annual giving assent) 2 : to move up and down <tulips nodding
prizes (as in peace, literature, or medicine) established by in the breeze) 3: to show by a nod of the head <~ agree-
the will of Alfred Nobel for the encouragement of per- ment) 4: to make a slip or error in a moment of ab-
sons who work for the interests of humanity straction - nod n
no-bil.i.ty \no-'bi-I:l-te\ n 1 + : the quality or state of being bob, bobble, jog, jounce, pump, seesaw; also jerk, jig-
noble in character, quality, or rank 2: nobles considered gle, shake, wiggle, wobble; oscillate, rock, sway, swing,
as forming a class undulate; drop, duck
+ augustness, brilliance, glory, grandeur, grandness, nododle \'nad-Ol\ n : a person's head esp. as the seat of in-
magnificence, majesty, nobleness, resplendence, splen- tellect : HEAD
dor, stateliness - more at MAGNIFICENCE nodody \'na-de\ n, pi noddies 1 : FOOL 2: a stout-bodied
'no-ble \'no-b:ll\ adj no-bier; no-blest [ME, fro AF, fro L no- tropical tern
bilis well known, noble, fro noscere to come to know] node \'nod\ n : a thickened, swollen, or differentiated area
1 + : possessing outstanding qualities : ILLUSTRIOUS; also (as of tissue); esp : the part of a stem from which a leaf
: FAMOUS, NOTABLE 2 + : of high birth, rank, or station arises - nod-al \-1\ adj
: ARISTOCRATIC 3 : possessing very high or excellent qual- nod-ule \'na-jiil\ n + : a small lump or swelling - nod-u-lar
ities or properties: EXCELLENT 4 + : grand or impressive \'na-j:l-I:lr\ adj
esp. in appearance: STATELY, IMPOSING <a ~ edifice) bump, knot, lump, swelling - more at BUMP
5 : of a superior nature esp. in character no-el \no-'el\ n [F noel Christmas, carol, fr. OF Nael (Deu),
565 non-
Noel Christmas, fr. L natalis birthday] 1 : a Christmas 2 + : full of noises: LOUD - nois-i-ly\-z;:)-le\ adv - nois-i-
carol 2 cap: the Christmas season ness \-ze-n;:>s\ n
+ Christmastide, Christmastime, yuletide - more at + boisterous, clamorous, loud, raucous, resounding,
YULETLDE uproarious; also resonant, sonorous; buzzing, hum-
noes pi O/NO ming; blustery, roaring, roistering, romping, rowdy; tu-
no-fault \'no-'folt\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or being a motor multuous, woolly; obstreperous, vociferous Ant hushed,
vehicle insurance plan under which someone involved in noiseless, quiet, silent, soundless, stilled
an accident is compensated usu. up to a stipulated limit nol-le pro-se-qui \,na-Ie-'pra-s;:>-,kwi'\ n [L, to be unwilling
for actual losses by that person's own insurance company to pursue] : an entry on the record of a legal action that
regardless of who is responsible 2: of, relating to, or be- the prosecutor or plaintiff will proceed no further in an
ing a divorce law under which neither party is held re- action or suit or in some aspect of it
sponsible for the breakup of the marriage no-te ccn-ten-de-re \,n6-lo-k;:>n-'ten-d;:>-re\ n [L, I do not
nog1)in Vna-gan', n 1 : a small mug or cup; also: a small wish to contend] : a plea in a criminal prosecution that sub-
quantity of drink 2 + : a person's head jects the defendant to conviction but does not admit guilt
+ head, pate, poll - more at HEAD or preclude denying the charges in another proceeding
nol-pros \'nlil-'prlis\ vb nol-prossed; nol-pros-slnq : to
no-good \'no-'gild\ adi + : having no worth, virtue, use, or
discontinue by entering a nolle prosequi
chance of success - no-good \'no-,gud\ n
nom abbr nominative
+ chaffy, empty, junky, null, valueless, worthless- no-mad \'no-,mad\ n 1 : a member of a people who have
more at WORTHLESS no fixed residence but move from place to place 2 + : an
Noh also No \'no\ n, pi Noh also No : classic Japanese individual who roams about aimlessly
dance-drama having a heroic theme, a chorus, and highly drifter, rambler, rover, vagabond, wanderer; also lag-
stylized action, costuming, and scenery gard, straggler; lingerer, loiterer, sojourner; bum, hobo,
no-hit-ter \(,)no-'hi-t;:>r\ n : a baseball game or part of a tramp; sightseer, traveler; transient, vagrant; gadabout,
game in which a pitcher allows no base hits stroller
no-how\'no-,hau\ adv : in no manner nomad adj + : traversing a random course
'noise \'noiz\ n [ME, fr. AF, disturbance, noise, fro L nausea
nausea] 1 + : loud, confused, or senseless shouting or out- + errant, itinerant, peripatetic, roaming, vagabond, va-
grant - more at mNERANT
cry 2 + : sound or a sound that lacks agreeable musical
quality or is noticeably loud, harsh, or discordant 3: un- no-madic \no-'ma-dik\ adj : NOMAD
no-man's-land \'no-,manz-,land\ n 1: an area of un-
wanted electronic signal or disturbance - noise-Iess-Iy adv
owned, unclaimed, or uninhabited land 2: an unoccu-
+ [1] clamor (or clamour), howl, hubbub, hue and cry, pied area between opposing troops
hullabaloo, outcry, roar, tumult, uproar - more at nom de guerre \,nlim-di-'ger\ n, pi noms de guerre \same
CLAMOR + [2] bluster, cacophony, clamor, din, racket,
or ,nlimz-\ [F, lit., war name] : PSEUDONYM
roar; also discord, dissonance; commotion, furor, hub-
bub, hullabaloo, burly-burly, rumpus, tumult, uproar; nom de plume \-'pliim\ n, pi noms de plume \same or
babel; clatter, jangle; bang, blast, boom, clap, crack, ,namz-\ [F, pen name; prob. coined in E] : PEN NAME
crash Ant quiet, silence, still, stillness no-men-cla-ture Vno-man-jkla-charv n 1 : NAME, DESIGNA-
TION 2: a system of terms used in a science or art
'noise vb noised; + : to spread by rumor or report nom-i-nal \'na-m;:>n-'I\ adj 1 + : being something in name
<the story was noised about) or form only <- head of a party) 2 + : lacking in signif-
+ usu noise about circulate, rumor, whisper - more at icance or solid worth: TRIFLING <a - price) - nom-i-nal-
noise-less adj + : making or causing no noise or stir: free + [I] formal, paper, titular; also so-called; phantom,
from noise virtual [2] inconsequential, inconsiderable, insignifi-
+ hushed, muted, quiet, silent, soundless, still - more cant, measly, minute, negligible,paltry, petty, slight, tri-
at SILENT fling, trivial - more at NEGLlGffiLE
noise-mak-er \'noiz-,ma-k;:>r\ n : one that makes noise; esp nom-i-nate\'na-m;:>-,nat\ vb -nat-ed: -nat-inq : to choose as
: a device used to make noise at parties a candidate for election, appointment, or honor - nom-i-
noise pollution n : annoying or harmful noise in an envi- na-tion\,na-m;:>-'na-sh;:>n\ n
ronment nom-i-na-tive \'na-m;:>-n;:>-tiv\adj : of, relating to, or consti-
net-some \'noi-s;:>m\ adj 1 +: physically harmful or de- tuting a grammatical case marking typically the subject
structive to living beings: UNWHOLESOME 2 + : offensive of a verb - nominative n
to the senses (as smell); also: highly objectionable nom-i-nee \,na-m;:>-'ne\ n : a person nominated for an of-
+ [1] noxious, unhealthy, unwholesome - more at UN- fice, duty, or position
HEALTHY + [2] fetid, foul, fusty, malodorous, musty, non- \(')nan or ,nan be/ore stressed syllables; .nan else-
rank, reeky, smelly, strong - more at MALODOROUS where\ prefix 1 : not: reverse of : absence of 2 : having
noisy Vnoi-ze', adj nols-l-er; -est 1 : making loud noises no importance

List of self-explanatorywords with the prefix non-

nonabrasive nonalcoholic noncoital noncontagious
nonabsorbent nonappearance noncombat noncontinuous
nonacademic nonaromatic noncommercial noncorroding
nonacceptance nonathletic noncommunist noncorrosive
nonacid nonattendance noncompeting noncritical
nonactivated nonbeliever noncompetitive noncrystalline
nonadaptive nonbelligerent noncompliance nondeductible
nonaddictive nonbreakable noncomplying nondelivery
nonadhesive noncancerous nonconducting nondemocratic
nonadjacent noncandidate nonconflicting nondenominational
nonadjustable noncellular nonconformance nondepartmental
nonaggression nonclerical nonconstructive nondestructive
nonage 566
non-age \'na-nij, 'n6-\ n 1 : legal minority 2: a period of dissenter, dissident, heretic - more at HERETIC. bo-
youth 3: IMMATURITY hemian, deviant, individualist, loner, maverick; also
no-na-qe-nar-l-an \,no-n~-j~-'ner-e-;m, ,na-\ n : a person character, codger, crackpot, crank, eccentric, freak,
whose age is in the nineties kook, nut, oddball, screwball, weirdo; misfit, outsider;
non.aligned \,nan-~-'Hnd\ adj : not allied with other na- anomaly
non-con-for-mi-ty \-'for-m;)-te\ n + : refusal to conform to
an established or conventional creed, rule, or practice
no-name \'no-,nam\ adj : not having a readily recogniza-
+ dissent, heresy, heterodoxy - more at HERESY
ble name <""brands)
non-book \'nan-,biIk\ n : a book of little literary merit that non-co-op-er-a-tion \,nan-ko-,a-pa-'ra-sh;)n\ n : failure or
refusal to cooperate; esp : refusal through civil disobedi-
is often a compilation {as of pictures or speeches}
ence of a people to cooperate with the government of a
'nonce \'nans\ n : the one, particular, or present occasion country
or purpose (for the ,.. _,> non-cred-it \{,}nan-'kre-dat\ adi : not offering credit to-
2nonce adj : occurring, used, or made only once or for a ward a degree
special occasion <a "" word) non-cus-to-dl-al \,nan-ka-'sto-de-al\ ad} : of or being a par-
non-cha-lance \,nan-sh~-'Ians\ n + : the quality or state of ent who does not have legal custody of a child
being nonchalant non-dairy \'nan-'der-e\ adi : containing no milk or milk
+ disinterestedness, disregard, indifference, insou- products
ciance - more at INDIFFERENCE; also apathy non-de-script \,nan-di-'skript\ adj 1 : not belonging to any
particular class or kind 2: lacking distinctive qualities
non-cha-lant \,nan-sh~-'Iant\ adi [F, fro OF, fr. prp. of non-
non-drlnk-er \-'drilJ-k;)r\ n : a person who abstains from al-
chaloir to disregard, fro non- not + chaloir to concern, fro
L calere to be warm] + : giving an effect of unconcern or 'none \'n;)n\pron 1 : not any <"" of them went) 2 : not one
indifference - non-cha-lant-ly adv <"" of the family) 3 a : not any such thing (half a loaf is
+ casual, disinterested, indifferent, insouciant, uncon- better than e--o b: not any such person
cerned; also apathetic, incurious, perfunctory, uncuri- 2none adj, archaic: not any: NO
ous, uninterested 'none adv 1 : by no means : not at all <he got there e-> too
non-corn \'nan-,kam\ n : NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICER soon) 2 + : in no way: to no extent <"" the worse for wear)
non-com-ba-tant \,nan-k~m-'bat-'nt, nan-tkam-bs-tantv n + hardly, no, scarcely - more at HARDLY + never, no,
: a member (as a chaplain) of the armed forces whose du- nothing, nowise - more at NEVER
ties do not include fighting; also: CIVILIAN - noncombat- non-elec-tive \nan-,i-'Iek-tiv\ ad} +: not permitting a
ant adj choice
non-com-bus-tl-ble \,nan-k~m-'b~s-t~-b~l\ adj + : not com- compulsory, imperative, incumbent, involuntary,
bustible : incapable of catching fire and burning when mandatory, necessary, obligatory, peremptory - more
subjected to fire
non-en-ti-ty \,nan-'en-t;)-te\ n 1 : something that does not
fireproof, nonflammable, noninflammable exist or exists only in the imagination 2.: one of no
non-com-mis-sioned officer \,nan-k~-'mi-sh~nd-\ n : a sub- consequence or significance
ordinate officer in the armed forces appointed from en- + nobody, nothing, shrimp, whippersnapper, zero-
listed personnel more at NOBODY
non-com-mlt-tal \,nan-k~-'mit-I\ adj : indicating neither nones \'nonz\ n sing or pi : the 7th day of March, May,
consent nor dissent July, or October or the 5th day of any other month in the
non com-pos men-tis \,nan-,kam-p~s-'men-t~s\ ad} : not of ancient Roman calendar
sound mind non-es-sen-tiat \,nan-i-'sen-shal\ ad} 1: not essential
2 : being a substance synthesized by the body in sufficient
non-con-duc-tor \,nan-k~n-'d~k-t~r\ n : a substance that is
quantity to satisfy dietary needs
a very poor conductor of heat, electricity, or sound
none-such \'n;)n-,sach\ n : one without an equal- none-
non-con-form-lnq \,nan-k;)n-'for-milJ\ adj : not conform- such adj
ing : declining conformity none-the-less \,nan-tha-'Ies\ adv + : in spite of that: NEV-
+ dissident, heretical, heterodox, nonconformist, ERTHELESS
nonorthodox, unconventional, unorthodox - more at but, howbeit, however, nevertheless, notwithstand-
HERETICAL ing, still, though, withal, yet - more at HOWEVER
non-con-torrn-tst \-k;)n-'for-mist\ n 1 often cap: a person non-event Vnan-i-jventv n 1: an event that fails to take
who does not conform to an established church and esp, place or to satisfy expectations 2: a highly promoted
the Church of England 2 + : a person who does not con- event of little intrinsic interest
form to a generally accepted pattern of thought or action non-ex-is-tent \nan-ig-'zis-tant\ adj + : not having existence
- nonconformist adj + absent, missing, wanting - more at ABSENT

List of self-explanatory words with the prefix non- (continued)

nondevelopment nonenforcement nonferrous nonhuman

nondiscrimination nonessential nonfiction nonidentical
nondiscriminatory nonethical nonfilamentous nonimportation
nondistinctive non--euclidean nonfilterable nonindustrial
nondurable nonexclusive nonflowering noninfectious
noneconomic nonexempt nonfood nonintellectual
noneducational nonexistence nonfreezing nonintercourse
nonelastic nonexplosive nonfulfillment noninterference
nonelection nonfarm nongraded nonintoxicant
nonelectric nonfatal nonhereditary nonintoxicating
nonelectrical nonfattening nonhomogeneous noninvasive
nonemotional nonfederated nonhomologous nonionizing
567 nonrestrictive

non-tat \-'fat\ adj : lacking fat solids: having fat solids re- [1] dissident, heretical, heterodox, nonconforming,
moved ("" milk) nonconformist, unconventional, unorthodox - more
non-tlc-tlcn-at \-'fik-sha-n;;,l\ adj : not fictional at HERETICAL [2] broad-minded, liberal, nontradi-
documentary, factual, hard, historical, literal, matter- tional, open-minded, progressive, radical, unconven-
of-fact, objective, true - more at FACIlJAL tional, unorthodox - more at LIDERAL
1 non-pa-reil \,nlin-pa-'rel\ adj : having no equal: PEERLESS
non-tlq-u-ra-tlve \'nan-'fi-gya-r;;,-tiv, -'fi-g;;,-\ adj. : repre-
senting or intended to represent no natural or actual ob- incomparable, inimitable, matchless, only, peerless,
unequaled, unmatched, unparalleled, unrivaled, unsur-
ject, figure, or scene passed - more at ONLY
abstract, metaphysical, theoretical - more at AB- 2nonpareil n 1 : an individual of unequaled excellence
STRACT : PARAGON 2: a small flat disk of chocolate covered with
non-ftam-ma-ble \-'fla-m;;,-b;;,l\ adj. : not flammable white sugar pellets
fireproof, noncombustible, noninflammable beau ideal, classic, exemplar, ideal, model, paragon
non-tunc-tion-al \-'f;;'lJk-sh;;,-n;;,l\ adj : not performing or - more at IDEAL
able to perform its regular function non-par-ti-san \'nan-'par-t;;,-z;;,n\ adj : not partisan; esp
inoperable, inoperative - more at INOPERABLE : not influenced by political party spirit or interests
non-qono-coc-cal \,;;'lin-,ga-n;;,-'ka-k;;,l\ adi : not caused by disinterested, dispassionate, equal, equitable, fair, im-
partial, just, objective, square, unbiased, unprejudiced
a gonococcus - more at FAlR
non-he-ro \'nlin-'he-ro\ n : ANTIHERO non-per-sen \-'p;;,rs-'n\ n 1 : UNPERSON 2 : a person having
non-Hodq-kln's lymphoma \'nan-'haj-k;;,nz-\ n : any of nu- no social or legal status
merous malignant lymphomas not classified as Hodgkin's non-phys-i-cal \'nan-'fi-zi-k;;,l\ adj : not physical : inca-
disease pable of being touched or perceived by touch
ncn-ln-nam-rna-ble \,nan-in-'fla-m;;,-b;;,l\ adj : incapable bodiless, immaterial, incorporeal, insubstantial, non-
of being easily ignited and of burning very quickly material, spiritual, unsubstantial - more at IMMATERIAL
fireproof, noncombustible, nonflammable non-plus \'nan-'pl;;,s\ vb -plussed also -piused \-'pl;;,st\;
non-ln-ter-ven-tion \.nan-,in-t;;,r-'ven-ch;;,n\ n : refusal or -plus-slnq also -plus-inq : to cause to be at a loss as to
failure to intervene (as in the affairs of other countries) what to say, think, or do : PUZZLE, PERPLEX
non-Is-sue \'nlin-'i-shu\ n : an issue of little importance or non-pre-scrlp-tlon \,nan-pri-'skrip-sh;;,n\ adj : available for
concern sale legally without a doctor's prescription
non-pre-tes-slon-al \'nan-pr;;,-'fe-sh;;,-nal\ adj : not char-
non-lit-er-ary \,nan-'Ii-t;;,-,rer-e\ adj : colloquial and in- acterized by or conforming to the technical or ethical
formal as opposed to literary and formal standards of a profession; also: not having the training or
colloquial, conversational, informal, vernacular, vul- experience of a professional
gar - more at COLLOQUIAL amateur, amateurish, inexperienced, inexpert, unpro-
non-me-te-rt-al \,nlin-m;;,-'tir-e-al\ adi : not consisting of fessional, unskilled, unskillful- more at AMATEURISH
matter non-prot-lt \'nan-'pra-f;;,t\ adj : not conducted or main-
bodiless, immaterial, incorporeal, insubstantial, non- tained for the purpose of making a profit (a "" organiza-
physical, spiritual, unsubstantial - more at IMMATERIAL tion)
non-met-al \'nan-'met-'I\ n : a chemical element (as car- non-pro-lif-er-a-tion \,nan-pr;;,-,Ii-f;;,-'ra-shan\ adj : provid-
bon) that lacks the characteristics of a metal - non-me- ing for the stoppage of proliferation (as of nuclear arms)
tal-tic \,nlin-m;;,-'ta-lik\ adj (a"" treaty)
non-mo-tile \,nan-'mo-,ti(-;;,I\ adj. : not exhibiting or ca- non-read-er \'nan-'re-dar\ n : one who does not read or has
pable of movement difficulty reading
non-re-li-gious \,nan-ri-'li-jas\ adj 1 : not religious: not
immobile, immovable, unbudging, unmovable- having a religious character 2 : having no religion
profane, secular, temporal- more at PROFANE
non-neq-a-ttve \-'ne-g;;,-tiv\ adj : not negative: being either
positive or zero non-rep-re-sen-ta-tlon-al \,nan-,re-pri-,zen-'tii-sha-n;;,l\ ad]
non-nu-cle-ar \'nlin-'nu-kle-;;,r\ adj 1 : not nuclear 2: not non-res-I-dent \'nlin-'re-z;;,-d;;,nt\ adj : not living in a partic-
having, using, or involving nuclear weapons ular place - non-res-i-dence \-d;;,ns\ n - nonresident n
non-ob-jec-tive \.nlin-;;,b-'jek-tiv\ adj 1 : not objective ncn-re-sts-tance \,nlin-ri-'zis-t;;,ns\ n : the principles or
2 : representing no natural or actual object, figure, or practice of passive submission to authority even when
scene ("" art) unjust or oppressive
non-or-tho-dox \,nan-'6r-th;;,-,daks\ adj 1 : not conform- non-re-strlc-tlve \-ri-'strik-tiv\ adj 1 : not serving or tend-
ing to established doctrine esp. in religion 2 : not ac- ing to restrict 2: not limiting the reference of the word
cording with, sanctioned by, or based on convention or phrase modified (a "" clause)
List of self-explanatory words with the prefix non- (continued)

nonirritating nonmilitary nonpathogenic nonradioactive

nonlegal nonmoral nonpaying nonrandom
nonlethal nonmoving nonpayment nonreactive
nonlife nonnegotiable nonperformance nonreciprocal
nonlinear nonobservance nonperishable nonrecognition
nonliving nonoccurrence nonpoisonous nonrecurrent
nonlogical nonofficial nonpolar nonrecurring
nonmagnetic nonOily nonpolitical nonrefillable
nonmalignant nonparailel nonporous nonrenewable
nonmember nonparasitic nonpregnant nonresidential
nonmembership nonparticipant nonproductive nonrestricted
nonmigratory nonparticipating nonprotein nonreturnable
nonrigid 568
non-riq-id \nan-'ri-j:ld\am : maintaining form by pressure non-white \,nan-'hwit, -'wit\ n : a person whose features
of contained gas <a - airship> and esp. skin color are different from those of peoples of
non-sched-uled\'nan-'ske-jtild\ am : licensed to carry pas- northwestern Europe - nonwhite am
sengers or freight by air without a regular schedule non-wo-ven \'nan-'wo-v:ln\ am : made of fibers held to-
non-sense \'nau-,sens, -sansv n 1 + : foolish or meaning- gether by interlocking or bonding (as by chemical or
less words or actions 2: things of no importance or value thermal means) - nonwoven n
+ bunk, claptrap, drivel, fiddlesticks, folly, foolishness, noo-dle \'ntid-'l\ n [G Nude!] : a food paste made usu. with
fudge, hogwash,humbug, piffle, rot, silliness, slush, stu- egg and shaped typically in ribbon form
pidity, trash; also absurdity, asininity, fatuity, foolery, nook \'mik\ n 1 : an interior angle or corner formed usu.
idiocy, imbecility, inanity, insanity, lunacy; craziness, by two walls <a chimney -> 2: a sheltered or hidden
foolishness, madness, witlessness; monkeyshines, place <searched every - and cranny> 3 + : a small often
shenanigans, tomfoolery; gas, hot air, jazz, moonshine, recessed section of a larger room <a breakfast e-)
rigmarole, twaddle; double-talk + alcove, niche, recess - more at NICHE
non-sen-si-cal\nan-'sen-si-k:ll\ am + : being nonsense or noon \'ntin\ n + : the middle of the day: 12 o'clock in the
full of nonsense - non-sen-sl-cal-ly \-k(:I-)le\ adv daytime - noon adj
+ absurd, crazy, cuckoo, fatuous, foolish, mad, nonsen- + midday, noontime
sical, nutty, senseless, silly, stupid - more at FOOLISH noon-day\'ntin-,da\ n : the middle of the day: NOON, MiD-
non se-qui-tur \nan-'se-kw:l-t:lr\ n [L, it does not follow] DAY
: an inference that does not follow from the premises no one pron : no person : NOBODY
non-skid Vnan-tskidv am : designed to prevent skidding noon-tide \'ntin-,tid\ n : the middle of the day: NOON
non-sup \-'slip\am : designed to prevent slipping noon-nme\-,tim\ n + : the middle of the day: NOON
non-spe-cit-ic \-spi-'si-fik\ am + : not specific + midday, noon
+ all-around, bird's-eye, broad, general, overall- noose \'ntis\ n : a loop with a slipknot that binds closer the
more at GENERAL more it is drawn
non-stan-dard \,nan-'stan-d:lrd\ am 1: not standard nope \'nop\ adv : NO
2 : not conforming to the usage characteristic of educated nor \'nor\ conj : and not <not for you - for me> - used
native speakers of a language esp, to introduce and negate the second member and
non-start-er \'nan-'star-t:lr\ n 1 : one that does not start each later member of a series of items preceded by nei-
2 : one that is not productive or effective
non-stick \-'stik\am : allowing easy removal of cooked ther (neither here - there>
food particles
Norodic Vnor-dik'; am 1 : of or relating to the Germanic
peoples of northern Europe and esp, of Scandinavia 2: of
am :
non-stop \-'stiip\ done or made without a stop - non- or relating to competitive ski events involving cross'
stop adv
country racing, ski jumping, or biathlon - Nordic n
non-suc-cess \-s:lk-'ses\ n + : the failure to attain wealth,
favor, or eminence nor-epi-neph-rine\'nor-,e-p:l-'ne-fr:ln\ n : a nitrogen-con-
taining neurotransmitter in parts of the sympathetic and
+ collapse, crash, cropper, defeat, failure, fizzle- central nervous systems
more at FAILURE norm \'norm\ n [L norma, lit., carpenter's square] 1 + : an
non-sup-port \,nau-s:l-'port\ n : failure to support; esp authoritative standard or model; esp : a set standard of
: failure on the part of one under obligation to provide development or achievement usu. derived from the aver-
maintenance age or median achievement of a large group 2: a typical
am :
non-threat-en-ing \-'thret-nil), -'thre-tOn-il)\ not likely or widespread practice, procedure, or custom
to cause danger or anxiety <a - illness) <a - environ- + average, normal, par, standard - more at AVERAGE
non-tra-di-tion-al \-tr:l-'di-sh:l-n:ll\ adj + : not traditional tnor-mat \'nor-m:ll\ am 1 + : conforming to a type, stan-
: not conforming to tradition dard, or regular pattern: STANDARD 2 a: of average intel-
+ broad-minded, liberal, nonorthodox, open-minded, ligence b + : sound in mind and body
progressive, radical, unconventional, unorthodox- + [I] average, common, commonplace, everyday, ordi-
more at LIBERAL nary, prosaic, regular, routine, run-of-the-mill, stan-
non-U \'nau-'yii\ adj : not characteristic of the upper dard, typical, unexceptional, unremarkable, usual,
classes workaday - more at ORDINARY + [2b] balanced, clear-
non-union \-'yii-ny:ln\ am 1 : not belonging to a trade headed, lucid, right, sane, stable - more at SANE
union <- carpenters> 2: not recognizing or favoring 2normal n 1 : one that is normal 2: the usual condition,
trade unions or their members <- employers> level, or quantity - nor-mal-cy \-se\ n - nor-mal-i-ty
non-us-er \-'yii-z:lr\ n : one who does not make use of \nor-'ma-I:I-te\ n
something (as drugs) nor-mal-ise chiefly Brit var of NORMALIZE
non-vi-o-lence \'nan-'vi-:l-I:lns\ n 1 : abstention from vio- nor-mal-lze \'nor-m:l-,liz\ vb -ized; + : to make or re-
lence as a matter of principle 2: avoidance of violence store to normal - ncr-mal-t-za-tion\,nor-m:rl:l-'za-sh:ln\ n
3 : nonviolent political demonstrations - ncn-vl-o-lent + formalize, homogenize, regularize, standardize-
\-I:lnt\ more at STANDARDIZE

List of self-explanatory words with the prefix non- (continued)

nonreversible nonsexual nonteaching nonvenomous
nonruminant nonshrinkable nontechnical nonverbal
nonsalable nonsinkable nontemporal nonviable
nonscientific nonsmoker nontenured nonvisual
nonscientist nonsmoking nontheistic nonvocal
nonseasonal nonsocial nonthreatening nonvolatile
nonsectarian nonspeaking nontoxic nonvoter
nonsegregated nonspecialist nontransferable nonvoting
nonselective nonsteroidal nontypical nonworker
non-self-governing nonsurgical nonuniform nonworking
nonsexist nontaxable nonvascular nonzero
569 note

nor-mal-lyadv : as a general thing : often in the usual no-show \'no-'sho\ n : a person who does not show up for
course of events an event as expected
commonly, generally, naturally, ordinarily, typically, nos-tal-qla\na-'stai-j;)\ n [NL,fr, Gk nostos return home + al-
usu. - more at NATURALLY gos pain, grief) 1 : HOMESICKNESS 2: a wistful yearning for
Nor-man \'nor-m;)n\ n 1: a native or inhabitant of Nor- somethingpast or irrecoverable - noSotalogic \-jik\ adj
mandy 2: one of the 10th century Scandinavian con- nos-tril \'nas-tral\ n [ME nosethirl, fr. OE nosthyrl, fro nosu
querors of Normandy 3: one of the Norman-French nose + thyrel hole) 1 : either of the nares usu. with the ad-
conquerors of England in 1066- Normanadj joining nasal wall and passage 2 : either fleshy lateral wall
nor-ma-tive Vnor-ma-tivv adj : of, relating to, or determin- of the nose
ing norms - nor-ma-tive-ly adv - nor-ma-tlve-nessn nos-trum \'nas-tr;)m\ n [L, neut. of noster our, ours, fr, nos
Norse \'nors\ n, pi Norse 1 : NORWEGIAN; also: any of the we) : a questionable medicine or remedy
western Scandinavian dialects or languages 2 pi : SCANDI- nosy or nos-ey \'no-ze\ adj nos-i-er; -est e : of prying or in-
NAVIANS; also: NORWEGIANS quisitive disposition or quality: PRYING
Norse-man\-m;)n\ n : any of the ancient Scandinavians inquisitive, intrusive, meddlesome, obtrusive, offi-
'north \'north\ adv : to, toward, or in the north cious, presumptuous, prying- more at rNTRUSIVE
2north adj 1 : situated toward or at the north 2: coming not \'nat\ adv 1 - used to make negative a group of
from the north words or a word <the boys are ~ here) 2 - used to
'north n 1: the direction to the left of one facing east stand for the negative of a preceding group of words
2 : the compasspoint directly opposite to south 3 cap: re- <sometimes hard to see and sometimes ~)
gions or countries north of a specifiedor implied point - no-ta be-ne \,no-t;)-'be-ne, -'be-\ [L, mark well) - used to
north-er-ly \'nor-lh;)r-Ie\ adv or adj - north-ern \-iliam\ call attention to something important
adi - North-ern-er \-ili;)r-n;)r\ n - north-ern-most nOota.bil.i.ty \,no-t;)-'bi-!;)-te\ n, pi -ties 1 : the quality or
\-iliam-,most\ adi - north-ward\'north-w;)rd\ adv or adj state of being notable 2: NOTABLE
- north-wards v-wsrdz', adv 'no-Iaoble \'no-ta-bal\ adi 1 : NOTEWORTHY, REMARKABLE <a ~
north-east \nor-'thest\ n 1 : the general direction between achievement) 2 : marked by eminence,distinction, or ex-
north and east 2: the compass point midway between cellence : DISTINGUISHED <two~ politicians made speeches)
north and east 3 cap: regions or countries northeast of a distinguished, eminent, illustrious, noble, notewor-
specified or implied point - northeast adj or adv- thy, outstanding, preeminent, prestigious, signal, star,
north-east-er-ly\-'the-st;)r-Ie\ adv or adj - north-east-ern superior - more at EMINENT
\-st;)rn\ adj 2notablen : a person of note
north-east-er\-'thes-t;)r\ n 1 : a strong northeast wind 2: a
storm with northeast winds celebrity, eminence, figure, light, luminary, person-
age, personality, somebody, standout, star, superstar,
north-er \'nor-ili;)r\ n 1 : a strong north wind 2: a storm VIP- more at CELEBRITY
with north winds
northern lights n pi : AURORA BOREALIS no-ta-bly \'no-t;)-ble\ adv 1 : in a notable manner 2: ESPE-
north pole n, often cap N&P : the northernmost point of
the earth no-tar-i-al\no-'ter-e-al\ adj : of, relating to, or done by a
North Star n : the star toward which the northern end of notary public
the earth's axis points no-ta-rize"no-t;)-,rlz\ vb -rized; : to acknowledge or
north-west vnorth-twestv n 1: the general direction be- make legally authentic as a notary public
tween north and west 2: the compass point midway be- no-ta-rypublic \'no-t;)-re-\ n, pi nolaries public or nolary
tween north and west 3 cap : regions or countries publics: a public official who attests or certifies writings
northwest of a specified or implied point - northwest (as deeds) to make them legally authentic
adj or adv - north-west-er-ly\-'we-st;)r-Ie\ adv or adj - no-ta-tion\no-'til-sh;)n \ n 1: a written reminder : NOTE
north-west-ern\-'we-st;)rn \ adj 2 : the act, process, or method of representing data by
Norwabbr Norway;Norwegian marks, signs, figures, or characters; also : a system of
Nor.we-gian \nor-'we-j;)n\ n 1 : a native or inhabitant of symbols (as letters, numerals, or musical notes) used in
Norway 2: the language of Norway - Norwegianadj such notation
nos abbr numbers 'nolch \'nach\ n 1 : a V-shapedhollow in an edge or sur-
'nose \'noz\ n 1 : the part of the face or head containing face 2 : a narrow pass between two mountains 3 : a
the nostrils and covering the front of the nasal cavity step or stage in a process,course, or order of classification
2 : the sense of smell 3: something (as a point, edge, or [I) chip, hack, indentation, nick; also punch; groove,
projecting front part) that resembles a nose <the ~ of a score; slit, slot (2) canyon, defile, flume, gap, gorge,
plane) - nosed \'nozd\ adj gulch, gulf, pass, ravine - more at CANYON (3) cut,
2nose vb nosed; nos-ing 1 : to detect by or as if by smell degree, grade, inch, peg, phase, point, stage, step-
: SCENT 2: to push or movewith the nose 3: to touch or rub more at DEGREE
with the nose: NUZZLE 4 : to search impertinently: PRY 2nolch vb 1 : to cut or make notches in 2 : to score or
5 : to move ahead slowly<the ship nosed into her berth) record by or as if by cutting a series of notches <~ed 20
[1) scent, smell, whiff - more at SMELL. (4) butt in, points for the team)
interfere, intrude, meddle, mess, obtrude, poke, pry, achieve, attain, gain, hit, make, score, win - more at
snoop - more at rNTERFERE ACHIEVE
nose-bleed \'noz-,bled\ n : a bleeding from the nose notch-back Vnach-sbak', n : an automobile with a trunk
nose cone n : a protective cone constituting the forward whose lid forms a distinct deck
end of an aerospace vehicle incte \'not\ vb not-ed; not-inq 1 : to notice or observe
nose-dIve \'noz-,dIv\ n 1 : a downward nose-first plunge with care; also: to record or preserve in writing 2 : to
(as of an airplane) 2: a sudden extreme drop (as in make special mention of
prices) [1) jot, log, mark, put down, record, register, set
nose-gay \'noz-,gil\ n : a small bunch of flowers: POSY down - more at RECORD. [I) behold, descry, discern,
nose out vb 1 : to discover often by prying 2: to defeat by distinguish, espy, eye, look, notice, observe, perceive,
a narrow margin regard, remark, see, sight, spy, view, witness - more at
nose-piece \-,pes\ n 1 : a fitting at the lower end of a mi- SEE. [2] advert (to), cite, instance, mention, name, no-
croscope tube to which the objectivesare attached 2 : the tice, quote, refer (to), remark, specify, touch (on or
bridge of a pair of eyeglasses upon) - more at MENTION
note 570
2note n 1 : a musical sound 2 : a cry, call, or sound esp. of no-ti-rl-ca-tlon \,no-ta-fa-'ka-shan\ n : the act or an in-
a bird 3: a special tone in a person's words or voice (a '" stance of notifying
of fear) 4: a character in music used to indicate duration advertisement, announcement, bulletin, notice, re-
of a tone by its shape and pitch by its position on the staff lease - more at ANNOUNCEMENT
5 : a characteristic feature: MOOD (a '" of optimism) nOoti.fy \'no-t<l-,fi\ vb -fied; 1 : to give notice of : re-
6 : a written reminder: MEMORANDUM 7: a brief and in- port the occurrence of 2 : to give notice to
formal record; also: a written or printed comment or ex- no-tion Vno-shonv n 1 : an individual's conception or
planation 8: a written promise to pay a debt 9: a piece impression of something known, experienced, or imag-
of paper money 10 : a short informal letter 11 : a for- ined : IDEA, CONCEPTION (have a '" of what he means)
mal diplomatic or official communication 12 : overall 2 + : a belief held: OPINION, VIEW 3 + : a personal inclina-
quality or character as seen or judged by people in gen-
eral : REPUTATION (an artist of "') 13: OBSERVATION, NO-
tion : WHIM, FANCY (a sudden e-- to go) 4 pi + : small use-
ful articles (as pins, needles, or thread)
TICE, HEED (take'" of the time)
[I) concept, idea, image, impression, picture, thought
[5) air, atmosphere, aura, climate, flavor (or flavour), - more at IDEA [2) belief, conviction, eye, feeling,
mood, temper - more at AURA. [6, 10) dispatch, let- judgment (or judgement), mind, opinion, persuasion,
ter, memorandum, missrve - more at LE1TER sentiment, verdict, view - more at OPINION [3)
(12) character, mark, name, report, reputation- caprice, fancy, freak, vagary, whim - more at WHIM
more at REPUTATION + notions[4] novelties, odds and ends, sundries; also
note-book \'not-,bilk\ n : a book for notes or memoranda brio-a-brae; hodgepodge, miscellany, variety
not-ed \'no-tad\ adi : well known by reputation : EMI- no-tion-al \'no-sha-nal\ adi 1 : existing in the mind only
NENT,CELEBRATED : IMAGINARY, UNREAL 2: given to foolish or fanciful
celebrated, eminent, famed, famous, notorious, moods or ideas: WHIMSICAL
prominent, renowned, star, well-known - more at FA- no-to-ri-ety \,no-ta-'ri-a-te\ n + : the quality or state of be-
MOUS ing notorious
note-wor-thy \'not-,war-the\ actj : worthy of note + celebrity, fame, renown - more at FAME
distinguished, eminent, illustrious, noble, notable, no-to-rt-ous \no-'tor-e-as\ adi +: generally known and
outstanding, preeminent, prestigious, signal, star, supe- talked of; esp : widely and unfavorably known - no-to-rt-
rior - more at EMINENT ous-ly \no-'tor-e-as-Ie\ adv
' \'na-thil)\ pron 1 : no thing (leaves'" to the + celebrated, famed, famous, noted, prominent,
imagination) 2: no part 3: one of no interest, value, or
renowned, star, well-known - more at FAMOUS + dis-
importance (she's'" to me) creditable, disgraceful, dishonorable (or dishon-
2nothing adv + : not at all : in no degree ourable), disreputable, ignominious, infamous, shame-
never, no, none, nowise - more at NEVER ful- more at DISREPUTABLE
3nothing n 1 : something that does not exist 2 + : the arith- ' \,nat-with-'stan-dil), -with-\ prep + : in
metical symbol 0 denoting the absence of all magnitude spite of
or quantity: ZERO 3 + : a person or thing of little or no despite, regardless of, with - more at DESPITE
value or importance
'notwithstanding adv + : in spite of that: NEVERTHELESS
+ [2) aught, cipher, naught, nil, zero, zip - more at but, howbeit, however, nevertheless, nonetheless,
ZERO + (3) nobody, nonentity, whippersnapper, zero-
still, though, withal, yet - more at HOWEVER
more at NOBODY
3notwithstanding conj : ALTHOUGH
'nothing adj : of no account: WORTHLESS nouogat \'nii-g~t\ n [F, fro Occitan, fro Old Occitan, nogat,
noth-ing-ness \'n;rthiJ:J-nas\ n 1 : the quality or state of being
fr. noga nut, ultim. fr. L nuc-, nux] : a confection of nuts
nothing 2 a : the state or fact of having no existence b: ut-
or fruit pieces in a sugar paste
ter insignificance 3: something insignificant or valueless
nought var of NAUGHT
tno-tlce \'no-tas\ n 1 + : warning or intimation of something
noun \'nailn\ n : a word that is the name of a subject of dis-
: WARNING 2: notification of the termination of an agree-
course (as a person or place)
ment or contract at a specified time 3 + : consideration
nour-lsh \'nar-ish\ vb + : to promote the growth or devel-
with a view to action: ATTENTION, HEED (bring the matter
opment of
to my"') 4 + : a written or printed announcement 5: a
short critical account or examination (as of a play) : REVIEW + advance, cultivate, encourage, forward, foster, fur-
ther, nurture, promote - more at FOSTER
+ [1) admonition, alarm, alert, caution, warning - more
at WARNING + [3) attention, awareness, cognizance, ear, nour-lsh-inq adj + : giving nourishment
eye, heed, observance, observation - more at ATTENTION + nutritious - more at NUTRITIOUS
+ [4) announcement, directive, memorandum, notifica- nour-ish-ment \'nar-ish-mant\ n 1 : FOOD, NUTRIENT 2: the
tion - more at MEMORANDUM action or process of nourishing
2notice vb no-ticed; no-tlc-lnq 1 : to make mention of : re- nou-veau ric he \,nii-,vo-'resh\ n, pi nou-veaux riches
mark on 2 : to take notice of: OBSERVE \same\ [F] : a person newly rich: PARVENU
+ [I) advert (to), cite, instance, mention, name, note, Nov abbr November
quote, refer (to), specify, touch (on or upon) - more at no-va \'no-va\ n, pi novas or no-vae \-(,)ve, -,vi\ [NL, fern.
MENTION + [2) behold, descry, discern, distinguish, of L novus new] : a star that suddenly increases greatly in
espy. eye, look, note, observe, perceive, regard, remark, brightness and then within a few months or years grows
see, sight, spy, view, witness - more at SEE dim again
no-tice-able \'no-ta-sa-bal\ adj 1: worthy of notice 'nov-el \'na-val\ adi 1 +: having no precedent : NEW
2 : capable of being or likely to be noticed - no-tice- 2 : STRANGE, UNUSUAL
ably \-ble\ adv + fresh, new, original, strange, unfamiliar, unknown -
+ bold, catchy, conspicuous, emphatic, marked, promi- more at NEW
nent, pronounced, remarkable, striking; also detect- 2novel n : a long invented prose narrative dealing with hu-
able, discernible, observable, perceptible, visible; out- man experience through a connected sequence of events
standing, salient; distinguished, eminent, impressive, - nov-el-ist \-va-Iist\ n
notable, noteworthy; highlighted; flagrant, glaring, nov-el-ette \,na-va-'let\ n : a brief novel or long short story
screaming Ant inconspicuous, unemphatic, unnotice- nov-et-lze \'na-va-,liz\ vb -ized; : to convert into the
able, unobtrusive, unremarkable form of a novel- nov-et-i-za-tlon \,na-va-Ia-'za-shan\ n
571 nudism

no-vel-la \no-'ve-I:l\ n, pi novellas or no-vel-le \-'ve-Ie\ + : a NR abbr not rated

work of fiction between a short story and a novel in NRA abbr National Rifle Association
length and complexity: NOVELElTE NS abbr 1 not specified 2 Nova Scotia
+ narrative, short story, story, tale - more at srORY NSA abbr National Security Agency
nov-el-ty \'na-v:ll-te\ n, pi -ties 1 : something new or un- NSC abbr National Security Council
usual 2 + : the quality or state of being new : NEWNESS NSF abbr 1 National Science Foundation 2 not sufficient
3 + : a small manufactured article intended mainly for funds
personal or household adornment - usu. used in pl. NSW abbr New South Wales
NT abbr 1 New Testament 2 Northern Territory 3 North-
+ [2] freshness, newness, originality; also strangeness, west Territories
unfamiliarity; up-to-dateness; departure, divergence,
innovation, offshoot, shoot + [3] bauble, curiosity, nth \'enth\ adi 1 : numbered with an unspecified or indef-
gewgaw, knickknack, trinket - more at KNICKKNACK initely large ordinal number <for the --- time) 2 + : of the
+ usu novelties [3] notions, odds and ends, sundries greatest or highest degree, quantity, number, or amount
: UTMOsr <to the --- degree)
No-vem.ber \no-'vem-b:lr\ n [ME Novembre, fr. AF, fr. L
November ninth month of the early Roman calendar, fro + consummate, maximum, most, paramount, supreme,
top, ultimate, utmost - more at ULTIMATE
novem nine] : the 11th month of the year
no-ve-na \no-'ve-n:l\ n : a Roman Catholic nine-day period NTP abbr normal temperature and pressure
of prayer nt wt or n wt abbr net weight
nov-lee \'na-v:ls\ n 1 : a new member of a religious order nu \'nii, 'nyii\ n : the 13th letter of the Greek alphabet -
who is preparing to take the vows of religion 2 + : one Nor v
who is inexperienced or untrained NU abbr name unknown
+ beginner, fledgling, freshman, greenhorn, neophyte, nu-ance \'nii-,ans; 'nvu-, nu-tans, nyu-v n [F] : a shade of
difference: a delicate variation (as in tone or meaning)
newcomer, recruit, rookie, tenderfoot, tyro - more at
nub \'n:lb\ n 1 : a piece or mass of indefinite size and
shape: KNOB, LUMP 2 + : the main point or part : GIST <the
no-vi-tiate \no-'vi-sh:lt\ n 1 : the period or state of being a
novice 2: a house where novices are trained 3: NOVICE --- of the story)
'now \'nau\ adv 1 +: at the present time or moment + core, crux, gist, heart, pith, pivot - more at CRUX
2 + : in the time immediately before the present 3 + : in nubobin \'n:l-b:ln\ n 1: something (as an ear of Indian
the time immediately to follow: IMMEDIATELY, FORTHWITH corn) that is small for its kind, stunted, undeveloped, or
4 - used with the sense of present time weakened or lost imperfect 2: a small uSU. projecting part or bit
(as to express command, introduce an important point, nu-bile \'nii-,bil, 'nyii-, -balv adj 1 : of marriageable condi-
or indicate a transition) <--- hear this) 5: at times: SOME- tion or age: sexually mature 2: sexually attractive <---
TIMES <--- one and --- another) 6: under the present cir- young women)
cumstances 7: at the time referred to nu-cle-ar Vnu-kle-sr, 'nyii-\ adj 1 : of, relating to, or con-
+ [1] anymore, nowadays, presently, right now, today; stituting a nucleus 2: of, relating to, or using the atomic
also here Ant before, formerly, long, once, then nucleus or energy derived from it 3: of, relating to, or
+ [2] freshly, just, late, lately, new, newly, only, re- being a weapon whose destructive power results from an
cently - more at NEWLY + [3] directly, forthwith, im- uncontrolled nuclear reaction
mediately, instantly, promptly, pronto, right away, right nu-cle-ate \'nii-kle-,iit, 'nyii-\ vb -at-ed; -at-lnq : to form, act
now - more at IMMEDIATELY as, or have a nucleus - nu-cle-ation \,nii-kle-'ii-sh:ln,
2now cord + : in view of the fact <--- that you're here, we'll ,nyii-\ n
start) nu-cle-ic acid \nu-'kle-ik-, nyu-, -'klii-\ n : any of various
+ because, for, since, whereas - more at SINCE complex organic acids (as DNA or RNA) found esp. in
cell nuclei
3nOW n + : the present time or moment: PRESENT
nu-cle-o-tide \'nu-kle-,,-,tid. 'nyii-\ n [NL, fro L, kernel,
+ moment, present, today - more at PRESENT dim. of nuc-, nux nut] : any of several compounds that are
'nowal(j 1 : of or relating to the present time <the --- pres- the basic structural units of nucleic acids
ident) 2: excitingly new <--- clothes); also: constantly nu-cle-us Vnu-kle-ss, 'nyii-\ n, pi nu-clei \-kle-,i\ also nu-
aware of what is new <--- people) cle-us-es [NL, fro L, kernel, dim. of nuc-, nux nut] 1 : a
NOW abbr 1 National Organization for Women 2 nego- central mass or part about which matter gathers or is col-
tiable order of withdrawal lected : CORE 2 : a cell part that is characteristic of all liv-
now-a-days \'nau-:l-,daz\ adv + : at the present time ing things except viruses, bacteria. and certain algae, that
+ anymore, now, presently, right now, today - more at is necessary for heredity and for making proteins, that
NOW contains the chromosomes with their genes. and that is
no-way \'no-,wii\ or no-ways \-,waz\ adv : NOWISE enclosed in a membrane 3: a mass of gray matter or
no-where \-,hwer\ adv : not anywhere - nowhere n group of cell bodies of neurons in the central nervous sys-
nowhere near adv : not nearly tem 4: the central part of an atom that comprises nearly
no-wise \'no-,wiz\ adv + : in no way all of the atomic mass 5 + : a basic or essential part
+ never, no, none, nothing - more at NEVER + base. center (or centre). core, cynosure. eye, focus,
nox-ious \ 'nak -shosv adj +: harmful esp. to health or heart, hub, mecca, seat - more at CENTER
morals 'nude \'ntid, 'nyiid\ adi nud-er; nud-est 1 + : devoid of a
+ noisome, unhealthy, unwholesome - more at UN- natural or conventional covering: BARE. NAKED 2: fea-
HEALTHY + adverse, bad, baleful, baneful, damaging, turing or catering to naked people - nuodi.ty \'nii-d:l-te,
deleterious, detrimental, evil, harmful, hurtful, ill, inju- 'nyii-\ n
rious, mischievous, pernicious, prejudicial - more at + bare. naked. unclad, unclothed. undressed - more
noz-zle \'na-z:ll\ n : a short tube constricted in the middle 2nude n 1: a nude human figure esp. as depicted in art
or at one end and used (as on a hose) to speed up or di- 2: the condition of being nude <in the e--)
rect a flow of fluid nudge \'n:lj\ vb nudged; nudging : to touch or push gently
np abbr 1 no pagination 2 no place (of publication) (as with the elbow) usu. in order to seek attention-
Np symbol neptunium nudge n
NP abbr notary public nud-ism \'nii-,di-z:lm. 'nyii-\ n : the practice of going nude
nudist 572
esp, in mixed groups at specially secluded places - nud- num-ber-less \-Ias\ adj +: too many to be numbered: IN-
nu-ga-to-ry \-ga-,tor-e\ adj 1 : INCO SEQUENTIAL, WORTHLESS + countless, innumerable, uncountable, unnumbered,
2 : having no force : INEFFEcruAL untold - more at COUNTLESS
nug-get \'na-gat\ n 1 : a solid lump; esp : a lump of pre- Numbers n : a book of Jewish and Christian Scripture
cious metal (as gold) 2: TIDBIT numb-ing \'n;)-mil)\ adj : tending to make numb <a - lec-
nui-sance "nus-'ns, 'nyus-\ n + : an annoying or trouble- ture> <a - realization)
some person or thing numb-ness n + : reduced sensitivity to perception or emotion
+ annoyance, bother, gadfly, persecutor, pest, tease; + apathy, impassivity, phlegm, stupor - more at APATHY
also headache; harrier, heckler; hassle, plague; moles- numbskull var O/NUMSKULl
ter, tormentor, torturer + aggravation, annoyance, nu-mer-acy Vnu-ma-re-se, 'nyu-\ n : the capacity for quan-
bother, exasperation, frustration, hassle, headache, in- titative thought or expression
convenience, irritant, peeve, pest, problem, thorn- nu-mer-al \'nu-m;)-ral, 'nyU-' n + : a conventional symbol
more at ANNOYANCE representing a number - numeral adj
nuisance tax n : an excise tax collected in small amounts
+ digit, figure, integer, number, whole number - more
directly from the consumer
'nuke \'nuk, 'nyiik' n 1 : a nuclear weapon 2: a nuclear
nu-mer-ate \'nu-ma-,rat, 'nyu-' vb -at-ed: -at-ing 1 : to as-
power plant
certain the number of 2 + : to specify one after another
'nuke vb nuked; nuk-ing 1 : to attack with nuclear weapons
+ detail, enumerate, itemize, list, rehearse, tick (off) -
null ,'n;)l, adj 1 + : having no legal or binding force: IN-
VALID, VOID 2 + : amounting to nothing 3: INSIGNIFICANT
nu-mer-a-tor '-,ra-tar' n : the part of a fraction above the
- nUI-li-ty "na-Ia-te\ n
nu-mer-ic \nu-'mer-ik, nvu-', adi : NUMERICAL; esp : denot-
+ [1] invalid, void; also illegal; useless, worthless; inef- ing a number or a system of numbers
fective, ineffectual Ant binding, good, valid nu-mer-i-cal \-'mer-i-kal\ adj 1 : of or relating to numbers
+ [2] chaffy, empty, junky, no-good, valueless, worth- 2 : expressed in or involving numbers - nu-mer-i-cal-ly
less - more at WORTHLESS '-k(a- )Ie' adv
null and void adj : having no force, binding power, or va- nu-mer-ol-o-gy "nu-ma-'rii-Ia-je, ,nyii-\ n : the study of the
lidity occult significance of numbers - nu-mer-ol-o-gist \-jist' n
nUI-Ii-ty \'na-I<l-,fi\ vb -fied; -ty-ing + : to make null or val- nu-mer-ous \'nu-m;)-ras, 'nyii-\ adj + : consisting of, in-
ueless; also: to declare or make legally invalid or void - cluding, or relating to a great number: MANY
nul-li-fi-ca-tion "na-Ia-fa-'ka-shan\ n + many, multiple, multitudinous - more at MANY
+ abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, dissolve, invalidate, nu-mis-mat-ics \,nu-maz-'ma-tiks, ,nyii-' n : the study or
negate, quash, repeal, rescind, void - more at ABOLISH collection of monetary objects - nu-mis-mat-ic \-tik\ adj
num abbr numeral - nu-mis-ma-tist \nu-'miz-ma-tist, nyii-\ n
Num or Numb abbr Numbers num-skull "n;)m-,skal\ n + : a stupid person: DUNCE
numb ,'n;)m\ adi +: lacking sensation or emotion-
+ blockhead, dope, dummy, idiot, imbecile, jackass,
numb-Iyadv moron - more at IDIOT
+ asleep, dead, unfeeling; also chilled, nipped; dead- nun \'n;)n\ n : a woman belonging to a religious order; esp
ened, drugged, stupefied; insensible, senseless, uncon- : one under solemn vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience
scious; inanimate, insensate Ant feeling, sensitive nun-cio \'n::Jn-se-,o. Inun_\ n. pl-ci-os [It, fro L nuntius mes-
numb vb : to make as if dead: impair in vigor, force, ac- senger] : a permanent high-ranking papal representative
tivity, or sensation to a civil government
+ blunt, dampen, deaden, dull - more at DULL nun-nery "n;)-na-re' n, pi -ner-ies : a convent of nuns
'num-ber "nam-bar' n 1 : the total of individuals or units 'nup-tial "n;)p-sh;)I' adj + : of or relating to marriage or a
taken together 2 : an indefinite total <a small - of tick- wedding
ets remain unsold> 3: an ascertainable total <the sands of + conjugal, connubial, marital, matrimonial - more at
the desert are without - > 4: a distinction of word form MARITAL
to denote reference to one or more than one 5 : a unit be- 'nuptial n : MARRIAGE, WEDDING - usu. used in pl.
longing to a mathematical system and subject to its laws; 'nurse \'nars\ n [ME norice, nurse, fro AF nurice, fro LL nu-
also, pi : ARITHMETIC 6 + : a symbol used to represent a tricia, fro L, fern. of nutricius nourishing] 1 + : a girl or
mathematical number; also: such a number used to iden- woman employed to take care of children 2: a person
tify or designate <a phone -) 7: one in a series of musi- trained to care for sick people
cal or theatrical performances <the best - on the + nanny, nursemaid; also governess
program) 'nurse vb nursed; nurs-ing 1 : SUCKLE 2 + : to take charge of
+ digit, figure, integer, numeral, whole number; also and watch over 3: TEND <- an invalid) 4 + : to treat with
decimal, fraction; cipher; symbol special care <- a headache) 5 + : to hold in one's mind or
'number vb 1 : to indicate or name by units or groups so as consideration <- a grudge) 6: to act or serve as a nurse
to find the total number of units involved: COUNT, ENU- + [2] aid, care, minister, mother; also cure, heal, rem-
MERATE 2 + : to include with or be one of a group 3: to edy; doctor, treat; conserve, preserve, provide (for),
restrict to a small or definite number 4: to assign a num- support; baby, coddle, mollycoddle, pamper, spoil;
ber to 5 + : to comprise in number: TOTAL cater (to), humor (or humour); indulge + [4] baby, cod-
+ [2] carry, comprehend, contain, embrace, encom- dle, mollycoddle, pamper, spoil - more at BABY
pass, entail, include, involve, take in - more at IN- + [5] bear, cherish, entertain, harbor (or harbour),
CLUDE + [5] add up, amount, come, sum, total - more have, hold - more at HARBOR
at AMOUNT (TO) nurse-maid \'nars-,mad\ n + : a girl or woman who is reg-
number crunching n + : the performance of long complex ularly employed to look after children: NURSE 1
often repetit

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