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Nama : Rika Rahma Putri

NIM : 16116062
Assignment 1

1. Whats the difference between scientific inquiry and nonscientific inquiry?

2. From your opinion, which one would be better for understanding life sciences
and technology, system thinking or linear thinking? State your arguments.
3. What is the relationship between systems thinking and critical thinking?
Elaborate your answer.

Answer :

1. Scientific inquiry is a process of developing an explanation of a question in

the natural world (or universe) by testing, investigating and collecting data that
will either support or refute your original idea of what's going on.
Scientific inquiry uses certain criteria that must be met before the reality is
accepted. The assertion must be both logical and empirically supported, not
contradicting actual observation. It uses methodologies to find out things.
Meanwhile, Non-scientific inquiry does not use a systematic collection of
uses no methodologies, nor have any criteria in defining the reality. It commonly
falls into these forms: [1] ordinary human inquiry (basic phenomenon that any
human beings may discover from daily life), or in the form of agreement reality
(those things we know as part of the culture that we share); [2] tradition
(inheritance of a culture); [3] authority (dependence on the status of the

2. System thinking. Because systems thinking focuses on cyclical rather than
linear cause and effect. In systems thinking, loop and feedback is the main
characteristic of systems thinking. On systems that are linear, the flow is one-
way and conventional, there are the starting point and end point, the process of
strengthening (augmenting) and attenuation that occurs in the system cant be
detected. For understanding life sciences and technology, systems thinking
examples include ecosystems in which various elements such as air, water,
movement, plants, and animals work together to survive or perish.

3. Critical thinking is the capacity to distinguish between beliefs (what we

think is true) and knowledge (facts that are backed by accurate observation),
helps us separate judgment from fact. Critical thinking involves subjecting facts
and conclusions to careful analysis, looking for weaknesses in logic and other
errors or reasoning. Critical Thinking and Systems Thinking is related in
determining a way of thinking in the research analysis.

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