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Illegal immigration is one of the biggest problems of our times. For instance the immigration of
Latinos, people of United States. That makes Americans hate Latins and some of them are right
because some immigrants are uneducated. As a result Immigrant becomes American cities very
insecure because sometimes these people that come from other countries begin to steal or do
illegal things like drug traffic. On the other hand, there is some Latins that go to U.S and they are
very successful because they create very good businesses, such as restaurants, services, academies,
etc. Immigrants like they deserve to be respected. But they represent a very small percentage of
immigrants. Some people feel that illegal immigration should not be a major concern. They support
this opinion by denying the major problems that result from the influx of illegal immigrants into that
country. Statistics show that illegal immigrants significantly contribute to the increasing population
of the United States. In order to reverse this trend and others, The American government has passed
many different laws to stop this. In conclusion, I believe that every government of Latin America
must create the opportunities for their citizens to avoid illegal immigration. If every president and
political representatives of each Latin country, make their work in a decent and proper way,
probably this entire problem will disappear. Hence, Latin people wont have to immigrate to other
countries in search of better opportunities for their lives.

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