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Bible Prophecy - Current Issues Time: 120 minutes

Social Trends Fulfilling Prophecy Print: 25 pages
Teachinghearts "Explore the Word. Change the World"

Paranormal Aliens Out of Body yer
Fatima A Great Delusion
Psychics Witchcraft Astrology The Virgin Mary Mary Apparitions
The rise of the occult and paranormal phenomena me
is the third powerful force predicted at the end of all
time. This section is dedicated to the many social who
forces shaping our world view that promote this are
activity. Prophecy says that these beliefs and y
practices will permeate the behavior of the other and
two forces (a dominant government and religion) heav
and will be the glue or link to Satan that y
combines all three end time forces with the rest lade
of the world. Acceptance of this false trinity will
culminate in an overpowering delusion, when I
Satan himself will appear and deceive the world. will
While many topics that will be discussed seem you
outlandish and far fetched, they nevertheless
represent systems and beliefs that will play a role hew
in the end. Many of these incidences center 11:
around the paranormal and the miraculous. And 28-
because they are miraculous people assume that 30
they must be from God.
Father, there are so many voices, so
This section also presents views that are different many ideas, so many thoughts. Help
from the beliefs of the authors of this site but it me to hear only your voice, to
presents groups that we feel will be important in understand your thoughts, to let your
the last days. ideas become my own. Thank you.

All the occult forces are based on one or both of the two great lies used to seduce Eve.

1. I Am God. First, you shall 'be like God'. Therefore you can determine your own
destiny and what is right is what you want to do.
2. I Am Immortal. The second is that 'you will not die'. The immortality question,
which opens us up to communication from outside sources and a belief that
whatever you do will generally have no consequences because you will live for
ever or at least get a chance to start over and over again for as long as you

From these lies came the practice of communicating with the dead, from that came
communication with any unknown entity.
The Effect of Miracles
One significant binding event in the future will be miraculous occurrences.
Some people say that they would believe in God if only they could see some
spectacular miracle. Well, miracles prove nothing because not all miraculous events
come from God.
The Bible clearly indicates that signs and
wonders and miracles will accompany the While miracles may cause a rise in the
believers in the end as they did while Christ "interest" meter for voyeuristic reasons,
was with us during his public ministry. eventually they mean nothing as far as
obedience to God and truth are
concerned. People overwhelmingly
disobey God while in the presence of
However, the Bible is equally clear that the astounding miraculous events. They
forces of evil will also attest to their claims by always returned to what was "right in
the use of miracles. So convincing will these be their own eyes", or their immediate
"that if it were possible it would fool the very needs. And since the forces of evil can
elect" The beast power in Revelation uses great also perform some miracles, these
miraculous heavenly signs to get the whole miracles are not a test that the people
world to acknowledge their spiritual supremacy performing these signs are from God.
and to "wonder after the beast".
The fact of the matter is, that Israel
worshipped a golden calf while God was
The gospels themselves state that Satan will be present on Mt. Sinai, while the pillar of
transformed "into an angel of light" and that he cloud and fire was with them daily, while
will attempt to fake the Second Coming of manna miraculously fell from heaven
Christ. Unfortunately for him he is not every day and all this happened three
omnipresent. So Paul warns us that if someone months after they saw the waters of the
has to tell us that Christ has come so that we Red Sea part on their behalf.
have to go here or there to see him, do not
believe it. The people in the time of the days of
Noah did not turn to God after they saw
the animals miraculously and
The Bible gives us the authority to question any
inexplicably walk to the ark.
supernatural being based on the Word of God. If
these beings teach us anything other than what Christ was crucified days after he raised
is in the Word - walk away. Lazarus from the dead and just 5 days
after the people wanted to crown him
Therefore signs, demonstrations of power and king!
strength and even someone not human, who
looks superior is not a test of truth. They are excellent at telling lies.

Will they lead you from God to a system of false worship? Will they contradict the
word of God? These are the true issues.

How have miracles been used in the past?

1. The evil ones will be able to do some spectacular miracles also. Pharaoh's
magicians were able to duplicate the first 3 miracles of Moses.
2. Events of the past show that people eventually stop responding to miracles and
instead respond to their immediate needs.
After witnessing the miracle of the parting of the Red Sea and being fed by
manna, and having a pillar of fire and a pillar of clouds and a Rock which
supplied them water, and a personal visit from God. The people still
complained and turned against God. And all these great miracles occurred in
the space of three months!
3. After the raising of Lazarus from the dead days before, and then praising Jesus
and wanting to crown him King, 5 days later Jesus was dead at the urging of
the same crowd.
4. 1 Kings 11: 9 states that Solomon turned to idol worship and rejected God even
after God had personally visited him twice. Not only did God visit him, but he
gave him wisdom, wealth and honor, yet Solomon turned to the gods of the
women he lusted after and abandoned the true God. What else could God have

Miracles are not a test of truth. They only show someone who is either more powerful
or more knowledgeable than you are.
Miracles are not the ultimate evidence for God's claims because people eventually
follow their own lusts - no matter what powerful evidence exists.

The Paranormal and the Occult

For all engaged in the occult, a miraculous deception is simple for this group. Already,
they are willing to talk to the unknown, allow their bodies and minds to be possessed
and to take any message as truth from anyone except "church people". This behavior
only reinforces their moral background that everything is relative, truth is what I want
and there is no authority outside of me. There is also the belief that whatever is out
there is wiser and trustworthy if it is not the Christian God.

Aliens from Outer Space

Often people dismiss stories of alien sightings with derision. It usually cannot be
verified, and appears to happen to some fool or
two out in the middle of nowhere. They are Aliens
usually never visible in places where the vast What were those strange
majority can see. Even when a respectable lights in the sky?
person like former president Jimmy Carter, or a
trusted news anchor give their testimonials the
underlying reaction is one of skepticism. But
privately more than half of the population Are they secret Military Aircraft, are the
believes in this and that is all that is needed. If witnesses unreliable, are they really
you believe, you will accept them when you see beings from another planet? Or could they
them for yourself. If you do not believe, be forces of Evil getting ready for the
something equivalent to a paradigm shift in you overwhelming delusion.
understanding of reality will occur and you are
basically vulnerable. The forces of evil are preparing us for an
extraterrestrial visit from the gods.
Whatever it is, everyone will become an
What do I believe? Some of them are hoaxes, instant convert to their messages the
some may be secret military systems but the moment they visit us openly.
rest are supernatural events not
With the exception of angels, I do not believe that people from other planets are
visiting us. The angels seem to be under strict rules about visible appearances. God
does not want our freedom of choice to be overwhelmed by a such a show of force and
superior powers. I believe some of these are hoaxes or secret military experiments,
but I also believe that Satan is capable of bringing about these phenomena, possibly
for the purpose of preparing us for the massive delusion to come. He has been called
"the prince of the power of the air ..." They may arrive in space ships ... who knows. It
may be a strategy to have the people of God distracted, looking elsewhere. This visit
could be characterized as anything:

1. Unidentified Flying Objects believers, astrologers, psychics, mystics,

clairvoyants will all believe that this is an extraterrestrial visit from the gods.
2. Atheists, agnostics, evolutions might believe these are extraterrestrial visits
from a more advanced species
3. Non Christian churches will believe that it is their god.
4. Many Christians might believe that it is the Second Coming
5. Catholics might believe that it is Mary, in a replay of the Fatima visions
worldwide. If the Fatima scenario plays out, then the whole world will turn to
the pope for spiritual leadership and guidance.

Heaven's Gate Cult. this group mixed science fiction with Christianity and came to
the conclusion that the 1997 Comet Hale-Bopp had a space ship travelling behind it
and that it was ready to take those enlightened humans who were ready to give up
their earthly vessel (body). In May of 1997, 39 people committed suicide thinking that
their souls will be transported to the alien ships.

Mass Sightings. These significant sightings are difficult to ignore because they were
witnessed in large metropolitan areas and were captured by news reporters.

 Arizona. In March 1997, a large slow moving ship hovered over Arizona for over
an hour.
 New Jersey. On July 17, 2001, 16 golden orange colored lights, several in a "V"
formation hovered over the skies of New Jersey.
 Mexico. There have been over 1000 sightings in Mexico since 1980.
 China. While still classifying anything religious as unscientific and superstitious,
the government of China has officially elevated the study of Unidentified Flying
Objects to the level of scientific research after a cluster of dozens of sightings
in 1999. Many scientists, engineers and intellectuals have joined the elite group
of UFO research societies in China, and their meetings receive wide news
This places the vast continent with over a billion people into the third
prophetic category - those who will be influenced by psychic and
extraterrestrial communications. This blind belief and rejection of religious
study will make them open to accept the messages to come.

Out of Body and Near Death Experiences

This phenomena has been gaining widespread attention in the past few years.
Increasing numbers of people are describing "dying" and leaving their bodies in an out
of body experience. They are able to see their body and those around them, then they
travel down a long tunnel which has a bright light at the end. In this state they may
see a bright figure who tells them it is not their time, or they may see a dead relative.
The curious thing is that all of them believe that they have eternal life and that they
do not feel the need to be converted or to accept Jesus Christ or turn to any God. It's
the same message, you are immortal, you have no need to change, everything will be
Near Death
These occurrences seem to be a twentieth Experiences
century phenomena. This is one more string in
the web of deceit in the last days. It should be
noted that the very same experience is
reported by those who actively delve in the
occult and undergo what they call "astral The Bible says there is no knowledge of
travel". Similar accounts are reported by those you in the grave. This is a grand delusion
under a drug-induced psychoses. This leads to exploit a natural biochemical
phenomenon or to provide an avenue
scientists to conclude that this is a phenomena into the occult.
related to a chemical malfunction in the brain
and not a real experience. But I believe that some of this is an experience engineered
in the dark minds from hell. The bright lights are an illusion from Satan.

What is most alarming is that Christians are beginning to use such accounts as "proof"
that there is a heaven. They ignore the fact that the Bible says "in the grave there is
no memory", "the thoughts perish that very day", and that you can no longer praise
God in death. They also ignore the fact that many of these people express no need for
repentance or for seeking God. They do not know what the Bible says about the dead.

This is therefore just one more method by which the evil one continues to entrap
people into believing that they have no need
for change, that they will live for ever and gets
Mystic Dead
them accustomed to accepting messages from
alien sources. Psychics
$5.00 per minute all
The Psychic Revolution major credit cards
accepted Love, relationships, money,
business, career, your guides, past lives,
While in under graduate school in the midst of a health, spiritual advice, pet readings
science class, I wondered how we could prove
something about God. The world seemed
determined to extinguish all knowledge of God
based on science, reasoning and logic and their
own standards of what constituted proof. I
Mini tarot reading $ 35.00 7 card layout
wondered on what basis we could approach the and allows for 3 questions.
wisdom of the scientific mind. General Life tarot Reading $45.00 what
Christianity was condemned as irrational. you can expect in the next 6 months to a
Then a curious thing happened. I would not Full Tarot Reading $60.00 entire tarot
have noticed it except for a crucial decision I deck (78 cards) general life reading and
allows for 7 questions
Phone Reading of $35 for the first 15
minutes and $10 for every ten minutes
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introductory live chat reading $14.95
made. I got rid of my television set for five of the nine years I spent going back to
graduate school part time. When I finally got a television set, I was amazed at what I
saw. There were psychics everywhere (and I didn't even have cable television). These
were not any old junkyard psychics. It was celebrities and daughters of Christian
ministers. I saw Dionne Warrick pitching her 'Psychic Friends'. Major movie stars gave
testimonials about how their psychics have guided them to the right decisions. More
amazing is the fact that the conservative Wall Street uses psychics. The police force
uses psychics. Nancy Reagan had her own psychic advisor in the White House. And this
was the president of the conservative religious right. The actress Shirley Maclaine had
given it respectability in her 1980s book and television show.
The cat was out of the bag then when Maclaine told her story. Now the whole zoo was
running around!

Now that I had armed myself with even more scientific knowledge, I was now dealing
with a world full of irrational behavior. Logic had taken a back seat to myths and
fables (II Timothy 4: 4). Experience and feelings were trusted above rational thought.

I then realized that in less than five years a major force that would be in power at the
end of time had taken its seat on the stage. I knew that it would come, but with the
popular thinking five years before, I didn't think that this change would come so
quickly. This single event alone caused me to take a look at other World events. Then
the Berlin Wall fell, 2 days before I heard the "Experts" say that it would happen but
not for another ten years or so! Two days later! This set a second piece of the
prophetic puzzle firmly in place - The absolute power of the United States of America.
I knew that the third was waiting, but when would it reveal itself?

Now I saw another prophecy more clearly ... because they refused to acknowledge
God, he gave them over to a reprobate mind.
With over $300 million in calls per year rational people, the wealthiest, the trend
setters, the rich and famous were talking to dead pets!
People are crippled by simple everyday decisions. They want guaranteed answers
about money and love. They want affirmation about their behavior. Their interest is
Psychics and those who communicate with the dead readily tell people to break God's
laws. They encourage adultery and immorality and always spread the religion that
what you want is what is right. They tell you what you want to hear.

Satan will use this reliance on other worldly advice to tell people what to do in the
end. Having given up their God given right to
think and reason, and being crippled with even The Witches Brew
I put a spell on you
small decisions, they will be unprepared to
think about what God requires when faced with
the delusion to come.

Witchcraft They offer us life on our own terms,

morals of our own making, the chance to
manipulate our world and change our
More young people are turning to the pagan
crafts. It promises them a sense of power and Morality is a buffet table. Come choose
control over themselves and others. They are what you like!

To women dispossessed of power, it

offers them a structure within which they
can take control.

But does God approve?

"Masters of the Universe". Riding on the popularity of cartoons, television shows and
books like the " Harry Potter " series, children are turning to the pagan religions more
and more.

Trendy soap operas are including witches among their cast. God forbid that they would
show a Baptist minister. But, having built a reputation of glorifying people without
good reputations it is not surprising that they would stoop this low. What bothers me is
that people are hooked on this garbage. Most seem to think that this is real, true to
life issues.
A guide for living.

A guide for going to hell. They glorify adultery, sexual deviation, evil, abuse of power,
ridicule of God, glorification of self, the evil powers and everything that God
condemns. Why should a Christian feed himself or herself on this?

Witch craft is a system that God clearly condemns in the old testament. King Saul lost
his kingdom because he consulted the witch of Endor. God condemns these kinds of
communication because he knows that no truth comes out of it. You cannot talk to the
dead. They are unconscious. The facts you hear, that you naively believe that only you
and the dead person knows is known by all the agencies of the unseen forces. They
know you, your great grand parents, they knew Adam and Eve! They are in your homes
right now, studying you, trying to find a method to deceive you. While they are doing
that they will keep you busy with problems and obstacles so that you have no time for
God. No time to study and learn about your defenses.
This group will also be deceived in the end time because they have no moral
foundation, no absolutes but themselves. They have a strong desire to control their
world and feel that they are in charge.

While watching a religious news forum, I became aware that Christian women
ministers are turning to this religion because it gives them power and control that the
traditional churches do not. This begs the question of whether or not they believed
God's word and take it as a source of moral absolutes or whether or not they were in
the business of just being psychologists. So, a Christian congregation was just a set of
people on which to practise their skills. If the Christian men will not give them the
forum to exercise their gifts and skills then they will take their trade elsewhere.

When did your rights or your hurt feelings supercede the words of the God to whom
you once claimed allegiance?
The established hierarchy cannot stop a freight train sent by God, and God cannot fire
up your engines if you get off the track. Its not about human accolades. Christ is the
head of the church. Work with Him. Those who would stifle the gift of God in you will
someday find themselves governing a group of dry bones.

God clearly condemns witchcraft, because you are communicating with a lying spirit.
And learning to communicate with spirits who lie will not save you from the delusion
to come.

God's counsel on witchcraft is "Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son
or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages
in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritualist or who consults the
dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord, and because of these
detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you. You
must be blameless before the Lord your God. The nations you will dispossess listen to
those who practice sorcery or divination. But as for you, the Lord your God has not
permitted you to do so. (Deuteronomy 18: 10 - 14)

What do the stars have to
Another class of behavior God condemns is say about your future Love,
astrology. People consulting the creation rather relationships, money,
than the creator. From a logical standpoint it business, career, health
makes no sense, that the date on which you are
born determines your future. If that were the
case twins would have identical experiences
and so would every one else born under the As usual they offer answers to questions
same 'sign' especially those born on your for which we want clarity. With this comes
birthday. a moral framework of our own making.
Everything goes. But I see a pattern of
God put the planets in place for seasons, to slavery and control, people unable to
mark time and to use as signs. make decisions about simple things in
For many years this was the benign window into their life.
the occult. For years respectable news papers
have been printing horoscopes. Psychics and other occult practitioners use these tools
to determine the future. These call their abilities 'gifts' from god and call themselves
prophets. While God in turn condemns them.

Secret Societies
Many secret societies exist in which secret rituals are carried out. Some societies are
political and others are religious. Some of the most powerful, influence politics
worldwide and many leaders join them - probably because of their power and

 The Order of the Knight's Templars. Originated in France in the twelfth

century until persecution drove them to Scotland. They are sworn to protect
Christianity. There are about 200,000 members in the United States today. In
medieval times they were known for protecting pilgrims in Jerusalem. Later,
they became actively involved in the relic trade. Selling finger bones of the
apostles, pieces of the cross, clothing and severed heads as religious icons
which are still worshipped today. They have a secret ritual involving the
worship of a severed head which some claim is the embalmed head of Jesus
 Druids. Worship ancient nature spirits. They worship at places like Stonehedge
and observe the seasons and the equinoxes. They believe that the dead can
communicate with the living on October 31. Since none of the ancient customs
survived, modern rituals are a mixture of pagan customs and personal
preference and a romantic notion of how peaceful the ancients were.
 Political Societies. There are many other secret societies that are a part of
prestigious universities. These groups attract members destined to be world
leaders. Often, they have a religious or paranormal element in their secret
initiation rites.

While many people track secret societies and speculate about who are the members, I
tend to not concern myself with keeping track of this information. I cannot verify
secret memberships. In addition, may people probably join because they see these
groups as people of power and influence, not servants of Satan. So I tend to only
concern myself with the activities of the three most powerful groups and trends
mentioned by prophecy because every other group will submit to them.

The New Age comes to Church

Self Made Religion
Tell me what I want to hear
'Satan is disguised as an angel of light'.
Now that he has taken over the world with his
philosophies and with the media and
entertainment business as his marketing tool. It
is now trendy to communicate with the mystics. If you do not like the rules - change them.
To create your own religious experience like a Who is this God anyway? I make the
patchwork quilt. rules, I control my own destiny, I am the
So, dressed up, boots shining, money in the master of my fate.
pocket, a flashy sports car, fame, popularity,
riches and super stardom the new age is ready to go to church.

A new movement has started to take over the church emphasizing personal revelation
over doctrine. Either through advocating experience over doctrine or tradition over
I believe it got its inroads into the church through television and the music industry.
Desperate to attract young people and to appear trendy to the world, Christians are
using their gifts to attract the world. The argument used to be that they would attract
the world to God. Instead they are leading our children to the world.

Catholicism calls herself the "mother" church. The church is responsible for several
significant changes in the doctrines and their basic world view is also troubling. Let us
take a look at some of these views and doctrines and recent events that I believe are
prophetically significant.

The Role of the Pope

The pope is seen as the supreme leader of the entire Christian Church, even if the rest
of Christianity doesn't recognize it. In fact he is the leader of spiritual matters over
the entire world - even if other religions do not recognize that yet. He has the divine
right to lead nations, chastise rulers, wage war against heresy and use the state to
complete its goals. He is superior to the state.
He is infallible when he speaks about doctrine. He cannot be questioned. He answers
to no human, only to God. He can forgive sins and withhold forgiveness. He can grant
tokens of release from purgatory.
He is god on earth.
Political Aspirations
The church believes that it has the absolute right to rule and should be the only one to
determine spiritual affairs (actually only the Pope should) and that it is also the best
one to rule in political matters because of the Pope's unique relationship to God.
Therefore, the notion of church and state separation is pure blasphemy in their eyes.
The church has the right to rule from God and it demands the right to do so from
national leaders.

Praying to the Saints

The thought of praying to someone other that our Father God is astonishing, but the
reasons given for this is so revolting it makes me weep for God and his reputation. This
picture of an angry, revengeful God who does not want to be near us, who only
tolerates requests on our behalf through special human beings, is certainly not the
picture of God that Jesus Christ came to demonstrate to us.

• God is more likely to hear the pleas of Mary and the saints than yours. But God
says he will 'not cast out anyone who comes to him'.
• Christ is an angry judge from whom we must be protected. Mary appeases his
wrath. But Jesus says there is no other mediator but Him.
• He would prefer if we did not approach him directly. But Jesus says 'come
boldly to the throne of grace'.
• He is constantly offended by us. But Jesus said 'father forgive them' and 'he is
not ashamed to be called our brother'.

The Rosary
The rosary is a string of beads that the Catholic Church uses during prayer. The
reverence shown to Mary is obvious in the fact that in each decade of beads on the
rosary -for every 10 prayers said to Mary only 1 is said to God.

This is a corruption of the tithing principle. We give back to God one tenth of what he
gives us for our personal and physical use. But God requires 100% of the things that
belong exclusively to Him. See a more detailed explanation of the rosary.

The Role of the Virgin Mary

The worship of Mary, today acclaimed as an infallible dogma, was once condemned by
the same 'infallible' Church as a deadly sin. Starting in the year 600, the church has
made prayers to the virgin, queen of heaven a dogma.
She has been called Mother of God, Queen of Heaven, Refuge of Sinners, Gate of
Heaven, Mother of Mercies, Ark of the Covenant, and Spouse of the Holy Ghost.

As we honor God by capitalizing words that refer to Him like (He, Him, His), some
honor Mary in the same way by capitalizing pronouns such as (she and her).

A well-known publication, entitled The Glories of Mary, by of Alphonsus Liguori, now a

canonized saint of the Church of Rome canonized in 1839 . It has been authoritatively
declared by the Church of Rome that all the writings of Alphonsus Liguori contain "not
one word worthy of censure".
The Virgin
Mary, Mary quite Contrary

In 1803 the Congregation of Rites stated that "In

all the writings of Alfonso de Liguori there is We shall be heard more quickly if we call
not one word that can be justly found fault on her holy name that we should if we
with." called on the name of Jesus our Saviour.
Here is what Liguori believes and teaches:

Even Christ owes a debt of Gratitude to The Glories of Mary

by Alphonsus de Liguori

"Nothing resists your power, because the Creator of all honours you as his mother,
making your glory his own. Mary owes her Son an infinite gratitude for choosing her for
his mother; but it is not less true to say that Jesus Christ has contracted a species of
obligation towards her for the human existence he received from her, and in
recompense for this benefit he honours her by hearing her prayers."

She is a Savior and Mediator

"The way of salvation is open to none otherwise than through Mary." In his book The
Glories of Mary, Alphonsus de Liguori writes concerning Mary:
[...] she is truly made a mediatrix of peace between sinners and God.
Sinners receive pardon by [...] Mary alone.
[...] We shall be heard more quickly if we
call on her holy name than we should if we Five Dogmas of Mary
called on the name of Jesus our Saviour. # Description
[...] The holy Church commands a worship 1 431 Council of Ephesus - Mary is the mother
peculiar to Mary. of God (Theotokos )
[...] Mary is called the Gate of Heaven Perpetual Virginity, the eternal Spouse of
because no one can enter that blessed kingdom 2 the Holy Spirit and the New Eve. and Mary's
salvation role as the Ark of the New
without passing through her. Covenant
[...] The way of salvation is open to none
1854, Pope Pius IX : Immaculate
otherwise than through Mary. Conception, Mary was preserved from the
stain of original sin from the moment of
God Obeys her Commands Her conception
Rome exalts Mary to such a degree that it holds 1950 Assumption - she participated in her
that "all things, even God, obey the commands 4 Son's resurrection by being raised up into
heaven both body and soul after her death.
of Mary". Rome considers Mary to be a far more
powerful mediator than the Lord Jesus Christ: 1997 petition to be officially defined. Our
5 Mother The Lady of All Nations:
Coredemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate.
"Sometimes we shall be heard sooner by
invoking the intercession of Mary than by praying to Jesus our Saviour" (page 209).
"I am fine, if my Redeemer cast me off on account of my sins, I will throw myself at
the feet of His mother, Mary, and will remain prostrate before her, until she obtains
my pardon" (page 183).

Rome exalts Mary to such a degree that it holds that "all things, even God, obey the
commands of Mary" (page 265).

Christ the angry Judge, Mary the protector

The Lord Jesus is entirely ignored as the Advocate of - and Intercessor for - His people,
these titles and offices being given to Mary.
Christ is represented as an angry Judge from whom Mary saves sinners; thus she is
called "the only advocate of sinners" (page 190f.), and we are told (page 282) that

"her Son, the Judge of the world, cannot bring Himself to condemn the criminals whom
she defends", and that (page 193) "when God is angry with a sinner whom Mary takes
under her protection, she restrains her Son, that He may not inflict chastisement, and
saves the sinner".

Salvation through Mary

"Most holy Virgin, take us under your protection, for we have no other hope of
salvation than through thee." (Page 257)

In Mary, then, the Romanists place all their hope. For they say (page 252) that "he who
is protected by Mary is saved; he who is not protected by her is lost".

Thus Romanism is Marianism, and Rome teaches the same today. Even the Mass has
been converted into Mary worship by the addition of prayers to her, and the
prominence given to them. Pope Leo XIII outstripped his predecessors in this regard
and was thus fittingly styled the 'Pope of the Rosary'. The Rosary consists of 166 beads,
on which are recited one Creed, 15 Pater nosters and 150 Hail Mary's. Its recitation
was said by Leo XIII to be "the most powerful and most pleasing" manner of "honouring"
Mary. Every Pope today still issues an encyclical on "The Devotion of the Rosary", in
which he preaches Mary-worship.
Again, the following idolatrous language is addressed to Mary by the same author:

"Nothing resists your power, because the Creator of all honours you as his mother,
making your glory his own. Mary owes her Son an infinite gratitude for choosing her for
his mother; but it is not less true to say that Jesus Christ has contracted a species of
obligation towards her for the human existence he received from her, and in
recompense for this benefit he honours her by hearing her prayers."

The same writer adopts the following blasphemous address to Mary:

"O great Queen, it is by you the miserable are saved; and because their salvation is
your work, they shall form your crown in heaven."

Mary the Intercessor

"It is the opinion of many, and I hold the opinion to be true and indubitable, that all
God's graces are dispensed through the hands of Mary, and that all the elect are
brought to salvation through the divine mother. In conformity with this opinion, it may
be said that the salvation of all depends on preaching devotion to Mary, and
confidence in her intercession."

Mariolatry - Worship of the Virgin Mary

The dogma of the immaculate conception.
she was preserved from original sin at the first moment of her existence and, as well, that 'Mary was free
from personal sin and moral imperfection throughout her life'

Other official or authorized works of the Catholic church such as the book Ten Series
of Meditations on the Mystery of the Rosary by John Ferraro and The Glories of Mary
by Alphonsus de Liguori describe the following roles for her:

• Another Redeemer. She is co-Redemptor of the human race because she

believed in Christ's mission of salvation and she suffered in her heart whatever
was lacking in the passion of Christ. Apparently, we need another mediator
besides Christ because His sacrifice alone was insufficient - and Mary is the
most qualified. She also ransomed mankind from the power of Satan. and while
Jesus redeemed us with the blood of His body, Mary with the agonies of her
The church and the saints greet with these words: You, O Mary, together with
Jesus Christ, redeemed us.

Are we obligated to Jesus for His passions? -- so we are indebted to Mary for her participation in
His passions. She gave birth to Jesus with joy; she gave birth to us, brothers of Jesus, in anguish
and sorrow.

• Source of Salvation . God has ordained that no grace will be granted to us

except through Mary. It is a doctrine preached by all the saints that no grace
will come to us from heaven without passing through Mary's hands.

No one will be saved nor obtain mercy except through You, O' heavenly lady. Remember this
well, no one will enter heaven without passing through Mary as one would pass through a door. O'
Mary, our salvation is in your hands.

To be devoted to you, O' Mary, is a weapon of salvation which God gave to those whom He
positively wants to save.

• Saved by her merits . During His passion, Mary suffered in her heart all the
pains that Jesus suffered in His body. For this reason, God exalted her so
We were condemned through the fault of one woman; we are saved through
the merits of another woman. Just as Eve was the root of death for everyone,
so Mary was the source of life for everyone.
If we spread devotion to Mary, we will gain heaven -- "Who explains me will
have life everlasting."
God shared His power with her [Mary]. "My mother, ask, for I must not turn
away your face." Christ speaking to Mary: "Without your command, no one shall
move hand or foot in the whole land."
• Authority. All grace is passed from God to Jesus, from Jesus to Mary, and from
Mary to us. The grace of God, cure for our ills, comes to us through Mary like
water through an aqueduct.
Mary is the compliment of the Holy Spirit. Before God she asks not -- she
No true devotee of Mary will be damned because she is the terrible conqueror
of the devil.
• Holy . Mary is holier than the saints, loftier than the heavens, more glorious
than the cherubim, more venerable than any other creature.
• Mary the Ark of Salvation. It was never written of anyone that he became a
saint without having a special devotion to Mary.
When God deeply loves a soul, and finds it stained with sin, He covers it with a
beautiful mantle that makes it precious to Him -- that mantle is Mary.

Mary is the ark of salvation built by God on the deluge of our faults so that whoever desires may
enter and be saved

• Devotion to Mary Required. Without devotion to Mary , no one can enter


No one can acquire an intimate union with Jesus and a perfect fidelity to the Holy Spirit without
being greatly united with Mary.
Whoever is enamored of Mary, attaches his soul to a steadfast anchor that will draw him to the
port of happiness.
It is important to be devoted to Mary as it is to enter heaven, because no one can enter Paradise
who is not devoted to Mary.
In reward for humility, God gave to Mary the power of filling with blessed souls the thrones left
empty by the rebellious angels.

• Administrator on Earth and Heaven .

Mary is secretary of the King of Heaven. It is she who writes in the Book of Life the names of the
predestined, and signs them with the emblem of God. She herself is the Book of Life from which
God will read the names of the elect on the day of judgment.

She is queen of apostles because she formed them and directed them in their preaching. Mary is
Queen of Apostles because by herself she routed all the heresies. Mary is Queen of Apostles
because she is mother of grace and channel of mercy. She is Queen of Apostles because in her
every hope is life and virtue. She is Queen of Apostles because she is conqueror of the Infernal

The Virgin Mary Apparitions

While Marian apparitions are reported to have occurred in the past, until the last two
centuries they have been rather infrequent. The sightings seemed to have escalated
during the Great Awakening. It was a counter-revolutionary move by the forces of

The Catholic Church has taken note of these appearances by constructing basilicas,
churches or chapels to honor Mary's special presence at these locations. Some of the
more well-known of these are listed below:

Title Location Visionary Year

Our Lady of the Snows Italy John of Rome and wife 352
Our Lady of Walsingham England Richeldis de Faverches 1061
Our Lady of the Rosary Spain Dominic de Guzman 1208
Our Lady of Sorrows Italy Seven noblemen 1233
Our Lady of Mount Carmel England Simon Stock 1251
Siena Italy St. Catherine 1347
Our Lady of Guadalupe Mexico Juan Diego 1531
Our Lady of Mercy Italy Antonio Botta 1536
Agreda Spain St. Mary of Agreda 1600s
Our Lady of Czestochowa Poland Painting of Mary 1655
Our Lady of Lavang Vietnam A number of parishioners 1698
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Rue Du Bac, France Catherine Laboure 1830
Our Lady of Victories France Father Genettes 1836
Blangy France Sister Justine Bisqueyburu 1840
Maximin Geraud
Our Lady of La Salette France 1846
Melanie Mathieu
Our Lady of Lourdes France Bernadette Soubirous 1858
Our Lady of Hope France Six children 1871
Pellevoisin France Estelle Faguette 1876
Gietrzwald Poland Justyna Szafrynska, Barbara Samulowska 1877
Our Lady of Knock Ireland Fourteen or 15 witnesses 1879
Rome Italy Pope Leo XIII 1884
.: Poland St. Maximilian Kolbe 1904
Our Lady of Fatima Portugal Lucia dos Santos her cousins, Francisco and Jacinta 1917
San Giovanni Italy Padre Pio 1918
Our Lady of Beauraing Belgium Gilberte Voisin and 4 other children (Degeimbre) 1932
Our Lady of Banneux Belgium Mariette Beco 1933
.: Poland Blessed Faustina 1937
Zeitun Egypt Thousands 1968
Our Lady of Akita Japan Sister Agnes Sasagawa 1973
Cuapa Nicaragua Edward Bernardo Martinez 1980
Litmanova Slovakia Ivetka Korcakova and Katka Ceselkova 1990-1995

Total Total
These are just the approved visions. There are Years
Years Visions
thousands more.
352-1829 1478 11
1830-1899 60 10
There have been many others reported, some
1900-1929 20 8
have been disapproved of by the church while
the others are waiting validation based on an 1930-1939 10 4
ongoing church investigation. But this is the 1940-1949 10 4
frequency with which they are being reported. 1950-1959 10 6
1960-1969 10 6
This does not include images of Mary in office 1970-1979 10 8
buildings or on rose petals or tea leaves or
1980-1989 10 33
bleeding hosts or bleeding icons or bleeding
bread. These are based on peoples accounts of 1990-1999 10 23
direct visitations by 'Mary'.

The Visions of Fatima

The Fatima visions of 1917 are important in understanding the phenomena that
reportedly occurred and current Catholic expectations.
The Catholic church believes that in these times God is calling Mary to bring us back to
Him. One of the pivotal events leading to this expectation are the 1917 apparitions of
Mary in Fatima, Portugal.

One year after the image of a slightly transparent angel appeared to her and three
other young girls, Lucia de Jesus dos Santos was tending sheep with her two cousins,
Francisco (8 years old) and Jacinta Marto (6 years old) when the angel appeared with
more distinguishable features. In other visions, the children were repeatedly told to
"make reparations for the crimes of sinners to console God who is offended by us."
Here is an example of such a request:

"Do you wish to offer yourselves to God, to endure all the sufferings that He may
please to send you, as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended and to
ask for the conversion of sinners?"

Six successive visions occurred on the thirteenth of each month starting from May 13,
1917 to October 13, 1917 at a place called the Cova da Iria. Our Lady of Fatima, as she
is now called, promised a miracle on October 13 so that the world might believe. The
apparition promised a seventh and last appearance. This has not yet happened.

On the June 13 appearance, it stated "I want you to come here on the thirteenth day
of the coming month and to recite five decades of the Rosary every day." She
prophesied the death of Jacinta and Francisco but said Lucia would have to remain to
help establish in the world devotion to Her Immaculate Heart.

On September 13 vision she said "Continue to say the Rosary to bring about the end of
the War. In October Our Lord will come also, and Our Lady of Sorrows and Our Lady of
Mount Carmel, and Saint Joseph with the Child Jesus, to bless the world"

The September 13 Vision of Hell

The children saw demons and people immersed in a sea of fire. From them came
shrieks and groans of despair. The apparition said:

"You see Hell, where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them God wishes to
establish in the world the devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If they do what I will tell
you, many souls will be saved, and there will be peace. The war is going to end. But if
they do not stop offending God, another and worse one will begin in the reign of Pius
XI. When you see a night illuminated by an unknown light, know that is the great sign
God gives you that He is going to punish the world for its crimes by means of war, of
hunger, and of persecution of the Church and of the Holy Father.

The October 13 Vision and the Miracle of the Sun

October 13 was a very rainy day. There was an estimated crowd of about 70,000. The
apparition of the lady came at noon and granted some requests from Lucia. As she
ascended from their sight she opened her hands and pointed toward the sun. Then,
(only the children saw this) in the sky three tableau of the Joyful, Sorrowful and
Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary. Then the Holy Family appeared. Joseph and the
Infant Jesus blessed the crowd three times. Next only Lucia saw Our Lady of Sorrows
beside Her Suffering Son Who also blessed the crowd. Finally the children saw Our
Total Catholic Feast Days
Date Feasts to Mary
January 1 Solemnity of Mary, mother of God 528
January 23 Espousal of Mary and Joseph
February 11 Our lady of Lourdes 354
Lady of Mount Carmel with the March 23 Our lady of victories 339
Infant Jesus upon Her knee. March 25 Annunciation
April 26 Mary, mother of God counsel 341
The crowd, on the other hand,
May 13 Our lady of Fatima 408
saw something very different.
May 13 Our lady of the blessed sacrament
The people stared at the sun
May 24 Our lady, help of Christians
which started dancing in the sky.
May 24 Our lady of the way
Then it whirled rapidly, emitting
flames of fire which reflected May 31 Our lady, mediatrix of all grace

many different colors upon the May 31 Visitation

earth. Finally it appeared to be June 13 Our lady of Fatima (second apparition) 448
plummeting from the sky toward June 17 Our lady of perpetual help
the crowd which frightened the July 1 Immaculate heart of Mary 453
people. Some thought it was the July 2 Visitation of the virgin
end of the world. Then the sun July 13 Our lady of Fatima (third apparition)
reversed its direction and July 16 Our lady of Mount Carmel
returned to its normal position August 2 Our lady of the angels 422
in the sky. As the people August 5 Our lady of the snow
regained their senses they August 5 Dedication of the church of St. Mary Major
noticed still another miracle. August 13 Our lady of Fatima (fourth apparition)
Although it had been a very August 15 Assumption of the blessed virgin
rainy day now the ground and August 21 Our lady of Knock
even their clothes were dry.
August 22 Immaculate heart of Mary
August 22 Queenship of Mary
Francisco died in 1918 and
August 23 Our lady of Czestochowa
Jacinta died in 1920. Both
September 8 Birth of Mary 441
Jacinta and Francisco were
September 12 Most Holy name of Mary
beatified by Pope John Paul II on
May 13, 2000. Lucia is still alive. September 13 Our lady of Fatima (fifth apparition)

She is now known as Sister Maria September 15 Our lady of Sorrows

of the Immaculate Heart of September 24 Our lady of Ransom
Mary. October 7 Our lady of the rosary 448
October 7 Victory of the blessed virgin Mary

Setting up devotion to October 11 Maternity of the blessed virgin Mary

October 12 Our lady of Aparecida, patroness of Brazil
October 12 Our lady of the pillar
October 13 Our lady of Fatima (sixth apparition)
By 1986 there were at least 46
November 21 Presentation of the blessed virgin Mary 395
separate masses to Mary. Over
November 27 Our lady of the miraculous medal
the years, the devotion has
shifted from a celebration of her December 8 Immaculate conception 302

special gifts to her role in December 10 Our lady of Loreto

salvation. December 12 Our lady of Guadelupe
December 18 Expectation of the blessed virgin Mary
In a subsequent 1929 vision to December 25 The Birth of Jesus
Lucia, the apparition made a
request for the Pope to consecrate the world to Her Immaculate Heart in union with
all the Bishops of the world, making a special mention of Russia.

• In 1942, Pope Pius XII consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart, but he
did not do this in union with all the Bishops.
• In 1944 the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary was put on the Church
Calendar to be celebrated on August 22nd. After Vatican II the Church Calendar
was revised changing the celebration of August 22nd to the Saturday following
the Feast of the Sacred Heart, which is always the Friday after the Feast of
Corpus Christi.
• In 1947, the Blue Army became the greatest apostolate for promoting the
messages of Fatima.
• An attempt was even made on the life of Pope John Paul II on May 13, 1981. He
believed that Our Lady of Fatima saved his life. This led him to see that the
only way to save the world from atheism was the consecration requested by
Our Lady of Fatima. On March 25, 1984, the pope consecrated the world to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary in the way she had asked.
• In 2000, the Fatima Decade Prayers was added to the rosary prayer ritual.

The First Two Secrets of Fatima

In 1927, at the Convent in Spain while in vision Lucia received permission to reveal
two parts of a three part secret which she received during the July 13 apparitions:

1. The vision of Hell

2. The urgent need for devotion to the Immaculate Heart. The apparition made a
request for the Pope to consecrate the world to Her Immaculate Heart in union
with all the Bishops of the world, making a special mention of Russia.

To do this the faithful are asked to do the following:

o Fulfillment of our daily duty
o Keeping of God's Commandments,
o Making the Five First Saturdays. That is, for five consecutive first
Saturdays of the month, go to Confession, receive Holy Communion,
recite the Rosary and spend fifteen minutes meditating on the Mysteries
of the Rosary, all with the intention of making reparation to Mary.
 Those who deny the Immaculate Conception.
 Those who deny Our Lady's virginity.
 Those who deny Our Lady's Divine maternity and that she is the
Mother of all mankind.
 Those who cause children to have indifference, contempt or
hatred toward Our Lady.
 Those who commit outrages against Holy Images of Our Lady.

The First Saturdays help one to free oneself from sin and renews the
commitment to fulfill one's daily duties.

o Wear the Brown Scapular as a sign of consecration to the Immaculate

Heart of Mary
o Pray the Holy Rosary every day it helps in the fulfillment of one's daily
3. The third part of this secret was given to the Bishop and later was given to the
Pope. Lucia asked that it not be made public before 1960 and it was never
made public until June 26, 2000.
The Third Secret of Fatima
There has been lots of speculation about this final secret. Many saw it as a prophecy of
the breakup of the church. In 1997, due to a series of earthquakes in the city of Rome,
which fueled suspicion that it was the prophecy of the third secret, the Vatican made
a statement about what the prophecy is not about. Cardinal Ratzinger, head of the
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith stated that reports that the Third Secret
referred to the collapse of the papacy and Church were untrue. He also noted that the
Secret is not a prophecy of apocalyptic doom.

In 1997 Archbishop Capovilla said that it relates to "an extraordinary event" and "a
manifestation of the supernatural". In 1984, the Bishop of Leiria-Fatima gave a speech
in Vienna in which he said,

"The Secret of Fatima speaks not about atomic bombs, nor about nuclear warheads,
nor about SS-20 missiles. Its contents concerns but our faith. To identify the Secret
with catastrophic announcements or with a nuclear holocaust is to distort the meaning
of the message. The loss of faith of a continent is worse than the annihilation of a
nation; and it is true that Faith is continually diminishing in Europe."

This is the actual text of the third secret which was finally revealed.

We saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames
that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact
with the splendour that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand: pointing
to the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice: �Penance,
Penance, Penance!'. And we saw in an immense light that is God: �something similar
to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it' a Bishop dressed in
White �we had the impression that it was the Holy Father'. Other Bishops, Priests,
men and women Religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a
big Cross of rough hewn trunks as of a cork tree with the bark; before reaching there
the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting
step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on
his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big
Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in
the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women
Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions. Beneath the two
arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand,
in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that
were making their way to God.

This brings to mind the prophecy in Daniel - 'He shall come to his end and none shall
help him'
In Revelation, the European kingdoms who give their power to the church will destroy

The Prophetic Messages of Blessed Faustina, 1937

"Before I come as a just judge, I am coming first as "King of Mercy"! Let all men now
approach the throne of my mercy with absolute confidence! Some time before the last
days of final justice arrive, there will be given to mankind a great sign in the heavens
of this sort: all the light of the heavens will be totally extinguished. There will be a
great darkness over the whole earth. Then a great sign of the cross will appear in the
sky. From the openings from where the hands and feet of the savior were nailed will
come forth great lights - which will light up the earth for a period of time. This will
happen before the very final days. It is the sign for the end of the world. After it will
come the days of justice! Let souls have recourse to the fount of my mercy while there
is still time! Woe to him who does not recognize the time of my visitation."

Could the days of Justice be the period of persecution. Is the vision preparing people
for the terrible acts they will do? Will they call it justice? Will we be punished for not
acknowledging this visit as from God?

The Vision of Akita

1973 Vision of Akita which essentially continues the visions of Fatima. There were 3
visions which were accompanied with the usual crying statue (cried 101 times),
stigmata on the nun who received the visions and claims of healings. The visions came
to Sister Agnes Sasagawa at the chapel of the Eucharistic Handmaids of the Sacred
Heart in Akita Japan.

1. June 6, 1973: A call for prayer and sacrifice for the glory of the Father and
salvation of souls.
2. August 3, 1973: For prayer, penance and courageous sacrifices to soften the
Father's anger.
3. October 13, 1973: The annihilation of a great part of humanity "If men do not
repent and do not better themselves . . ." .
As usual our only hope is to commit idolatry by praying to Mary. The Devil
always wants worship.

As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will
inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater
than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the
sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad,
sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so
desolate that they will envy the dead.

The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by
my Son. Each day, recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for
the Pope, the bishops and the priests.

The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one
will see cardinals opposing cardinals, and bishops against other bishops. The
priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their Conferes. The
Church and altars will be vandalized. The Church will be full of those who
accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated
souls to leave the service of the Lord.

"The demon will rage especially against souls consecrated to God. The thought
of the loss of so many souls is the cause of my sadness. If sins increase in
number and gravity, there will no longer be pardon for them."
The devil does not know the future but he knows his plans and the true
prophecies. What is interesting about this is that the devil is anticipating two
events that will be negative for the Catholic church:

1. The effects of the true revival of God when many will leave the church.
2. The collapse of the global union under the fifth and sixth plagues when
the United States, the European Union and the Churches turn against
the Catholic Church.

... if mankind does not repent, the Heavenly Father will inflict a very serious
punishment on the whole world; a punishment the likes of which has never
happened before. Many people will perish. Pray the Rosary often. Only I can
prevent the disaster. Whoever entrusts themselves to me will be saved."

Our Lady of La Salette

These apparitions started on September 19, 1846 in La Salette, France. The
appearances were made to two children - Melanie Mathieu Calvat, aged 14, and Peter
Maximin Girard, aged 11. She complained about the sins of blaspheming God's name
and working on the Sabbath. She was greatly distressed by the blatant disregard and
disrespect for God and His Commandments, especially the first three Commandments.
At that time, She reminded the children that there are consequences for men's sins
against God and that She, as the Loving Mother, has held back the hand of God and
suffered and prayed continually for us

• "Peace shall not be given to the world until men are converted"
• In this time the Antichrist ... will perform false miracles and subsist only on
vitiating faith.
• The Church passes into darkness. The world will be in a state of consternation,
perplexity and confusion
• The Holy Father will suffer a great deal because for a while the Church will
yield to large persecution, a time of darkness and the Church will witness a
frightful crisis

Our Lady of All Nations

This was a series of 56 apparitions which came to Ida Peerdeman in Amsterdam,
Holland from March 25, 1945 to May 31, 1959. By May 31, 1996 approval of these
visions had been given by the Bishop. The visions are supposed to be detail about the
events given in the visions of Fatima. They focus on a new devotion to Mary with a
new prayer, and they introduced the fifth Marian dogma - she is : Coredemptrix,
Mediatrix, and Advocate. She is described as a woman with her feet planted on the

Apparition 27, Sunday, February 11, 1951 (A new prayer) - Lord Jesus Christ, Son of
the Father, send now Your Spirit over the earth. Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts
of all nations, that they may be preserved from degeneration, disaster and war. May
the Lady of All Nations, who once was Mary, be our Advocate. Amen."

Apparition 29, March 28, 1951 (False prophets) - Rome must be conscious of its role
in these days. Does Rome know who the enemy is that is lying in wait for her, like a
serpent stealthily making its way in the world? I am not referring to Communism alone;
there are yet other ' prophets ' to come false prophets!

Apparition 37, November 15, 1951 (the coming of the "Spirit of Truth") - " Tell the
world that I wish to be the ' Lady of All Nation .' Let the world pray to the Lord Jesus
Christ, Son of the Father, that He send the Holy Spirit, so that the Spirit of Truth may
dwell in the hearts of all nations. Ask the Lady of All Nations, who once was Mary, may
be the Advocate. ' The Lady of All Nations ' is standing here before the Cross of her
Son. Her feet are placed on the center of the earth; around her is the flock of Jesus
Christ. I come as the Co-Redemptrix-Mediatrix at this time. Co-Redemptrix I already
was at the Annuciation." This means that the Mother became Co-Redemptrix by the
Will of the Father. Tell your theologians this. Tell them, moreover, that this will be
the last dogma in Marian history. " This picture shall prepare the way. Have this
picture brought to the world; and thereby I mean the whole world, not only your
country. The world is degenerating. The world is being afflicted with disaster upon
disaster. The world will be and is - economically and materially at a dead end. Wars
will continue until the Spirit of Truth comes with His help. Get the people back to the
Cross." "... This world can be saved only through the Church that holds this
doctrine". " Tell all those you cooperate with, to spread the prayer picture in even
greater numbers farther afield. I shall assist them."

Apparition 44, December 8, 1952 (A new dogma) - I am entering these times as the '
Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. "The Lady of All Nations" promises to aid
mankind if they acknowledge this title and invoke her under this title. Make this
message know. It is high time! Fear not, I will help."

Appariton 31, April 15, 1951 - " ...For I stand as the Lady in front of the Cross of the
Son. This picture [of the Lady of All Nations ] will precede" - and the Lady repeats '
will precede ' - a dogma, a new dogma ...

" The Lady, however, really stands here as the ' Co-Redemptrix ' and ' Advocate.' About
this much controversy will arise. The Church, Rome, however, should not be afraid to
take up the struggle. It can only make the Church stronger and more powerful.

Apparition 45, March 20, 1953 (the eucharist, meteors) - Before the Lord Jesus
Christ returned to the Father - before the Sacrifice of the Cross began - the Lord Jesus
Christ gave to the nations of the whole world the Daily Miracle. " How many are there
who experience this Great Wonder? They pass this Great Miracle by. The daily Sacrifice
has to have its place again at the center of this degenerate world."

" ... great powers will be overthrown; a politico-economic struggle will arise; be on
your guard against false prophets; be on the lookout for meteors; there will be
disasters; there will be catastrophies of nature."

Apparition 46, May 10, 1953 (Universal Calamity) - " I have come today to give you a
special message: ask (petition) the Holy Father if he would kindly say, and lead all
nations is saying, the prayer with Mary, the Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate,
under the title of ' the Lady of All Nations, ' which She has given to the world. Say to
him: Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, teach your people this simple but profound
prayer. It is Mary, ' the Lady of All Nations,' who is asking this of you. You are the
Shepherd of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Tend your sheep. Know well that
great and threatening dangers are hanging over the Church, over the world. Now the
moment has arrived when you should speak of the Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and
Advocate, under the title of ' the Lady of All Nations. Why is Mary asking you to do
this? It is because she is sent by her Lord and Creator, so that, by means of this prayer
and this title, she may save the world from a universal calamity. You know that Mary
wishes to come as ' the Lady of All Nations.' Now She is asking that the nations might
hear this title from you, the Holy Father."

Apparition 51, May 31, 1955 (the coming of the Holy Spirit) - " ...Satan is not
banished yet. 'The Lady of All Nations' is now permitted to come in order to banish
Satan. She comes to announce the Holy Spirit. The Holy spirit will only now descend
over this earth. But you should say my prayer, the one I gave to the world. Every day
and every moment you should think of the prayer ' the Lady of All Nations ' gave to this
world at this time. "You do not know what great value and power this prayer boasts
before God! He will grant the requests of His Mother, when She comes to plead for you
as Advocate.

" Great events are impending...This will be a time of stupendous and awesome
inventions; so that even your pastors will stand amazed and will tell you: we too are at
our wits' end. Then take to heart the words the Lady spoke to you on May 31st. The
Father knows, and permits, all that will come and pass in the world. " Know well that
the Holy Spirit is nearer than ever. The Holy Spirit will come now only, if you pray for
His coming. He has always been ready; now, however, the time has come. " Why do
you not ask the Holy Father to pronounce the dogma the Lady demands? ... Once the
dogma has been pronounced, ' the Lady of All Nations ' will give Her blessing... Then '
the Lady of All Nations ' will bestow peace. She will help you when this dogma is
proclaimed. " Nations be mindful of the Daily Miracle given to you by the Lord Jesus
Christ. He gave it (the Sacrifice of the Mass) to you, so that you might experience it
every day. Do you realize what it is you are going without?...Bring your children back
to the Sacrifice. Let all nations come back to the Sacrifice! " When you begin to ask
the Holy Father for the dogma, the Lady will fulfill Her promise and true peace will
come. True Peace, nations, that is the kingdom of God. God's kingdom now is nearer
than ever. Understand these words well.

"...You members of the Church of Rome, appreciate your great, your own great
happiness. Realize what it means to belong to the Church of Rome! Do your actions
bear this out? Your Mother, ' the Lady of All Nations,' may come to you once a year
under this new title; later this will change. Understand my words well when I say:
make sure that every year the nations will be assembled around this throne, before
this picture. This is the great favor that Mary, ' Miriam ' or ' the Lady of All Nations ' is
allowed to bestow on the world. " Satan is not banished yet - it is for you to see to
that, you people of the Church of Rome. Remember your Sacraments; they still exist!
You Christian people, by your example bring others to Him, to the daily Miracle, to the
daily Sacrifice...the Holy Spirit will help you. Implore Him now. I cannot repeat this
often enough to the world: HAVE RECOURSE TO THE HOLY SPIRIT NOW. ( The Lady said
this very slowly, stressing every word )..." ' My signs,' - I said ' are inherent in my
words.' "
Satan on the Offensive
As I said, these visions from Mary are a way to prepare Catholics for what Satan sees as
real future prophetic events. He must provide a reason for people to hold on. So he
has an explanation for everything that is occurring. All three visions have these
messages in common.

• An angry God
• Can only be appeased by devotion to Mary
• A warning of a coming catastrophe
• A personal, supernatural appeal from Mary
• A final calamity

Here is a look at what the prophecies predict and satan's possible counter attack.

Bible Prophecy Meaning Vision Detail of Vision from "Mary"

The persecution of the church by Satan and his
The woman pursued
representatives on earth. This important vision Ida The woman is "Our lady of all
by the dragon
introduces the religious and political powers at the Peerdeman nations".
(Revelation 12)
end of the world.
The message of the Fall of Babylon. Come out of her my people. She is Second Vision - devotion to the
mighty angel guilty of idolatrous worship and is the location of immaculate heart
(Revelation 18:1) every foul spirit. All men to approach the throne of
her mercy
Only devotion to Mary will save
us. Pray the rosary.
Days of Justice, fire falling from
Hearts failing for
An event that makes people turn to religion Akita the sky. The threat of this event
will lead to the mark of the beast.
The mark of the A call to global worship as a way to appease the
Akita Days of Justice
beast angry God.
Persecution For those who do not follow the rest of the world Akita Days of Justice
Satan the angel of
A false Second Coming Faustina Coming as a king of mercy
Cardinals against cardinals and
Fifth Plague Confusion in the church Akita bishops against bishops, souls will
leave the church
Sixth Plague Loss of international support. Anger by the Akita Church vandalized
international community. Fatima Third vision

Summary of Important Catholic Messages

All these messages are from apparitions pretending to be the virgin Mary.

Message Visionary Detail Message</TH< tr>

Only Mary can The purpose is to set up a new, idolatrous means of salvation in the world that is supposed to be our only
save us hope. The implication is that if we do not submit to this worship, we will cause a global catastrophe. God
is very offended by our continued disobedience and only her ministry will help us.
Akita (1973-1976) Confidence in me will save.</TD< tr>
Matous Lasuta, Chastisements can be avoided or made lighter by prayer, saying the rosary,
Czechoslovakia 1958 penance and good works.</TD< tr>
Lucia dos Santos, She is giving us the last anchor of salvation, that is the holy virgin in person.</TD<
Fatima 1961 tr>
Ida Peerdeman (1945- A demand that Mary shall be confirmed as co-savior, mediatrix and intercessor in a
1959) new religious dogma. </TD< tr>
Fire from the The purpose is to give credible evidence of a coming chastisement or punishment from God for not
sky believing in his instructions. These are called the "days of justice" in the visions of Akita. The signs and
wonders of the apparitions of Mary are supposed to be proof of devine endorsement.
Our Lady of all nations ... be on the lookout for meteors and a universal calamity</TD< tr>
Fire will fall from the sky and shall wipe out a great part of humanity. Confidence
Akita (1973-1976)
in me will save.</TD< tr>
The earth will tremble in a most frightful way, and all humanity will stagger. An
Elena Leonardi (1970's) unforeseen fire will descend over the whole earth, and a greater part of humanity
will be destroyed.</TD< tr>
Global The purpose is to convince the world to listen to "Mary" and "Jesus". They are appearing before the final
appearance of appearance of God as prophesied in the Bible. The reasoning is that at that final appearance he is coming
Mary and to destroy the world. But this other appearance is to convince us to be obedient so that we will not perish
Jesus before at the next appearance.
the Second Before I come as a just judge, I am coming first as "King of Mercy"! Some time
Coming. before the last days of final justice arrive, there will be given to mankind a great
Blessed Faustina (1937) sign in the heavens of this sort: all the light of the heavens will be totally
extinguished. There willHow do you
be a great boil
darkness overathe
whole earth. Then a great
Being immune to doom
sign of the cross will appear in the sky.</TD< tr>
Our lady has promised that all mankind will receive a warning from heaven. The
Our Lady of Carmel, warning comes directly from God and will be visible to the whole world from any
Spain October 18, 1961 place where anyone may happen to be. It ... will be seen and felt by everyone,
believer and unbeliever alike.</TD< tr>
Lucia dos Santos, When the other means of salvation are exhaustedPlaceand a frog in a pot
despised by men, she is
Fatima 1961 giving us the last anchor of salvation, that isofthe
hotholy virgin
water andin he
person.</TD< tr>
Ida Peerdeman, 1951 will immediately
Wars will continue until the Spirit of Truth comes with His help. </TD< tr>
jump right out of
there. Yes, he is
The End of the World smart, quick and
agile! He listens to
all his internal and
external warning
Everyone is waiting for it. Scientists say it will
signals. He is not a
occur in about 5 billion years when the sun fool.
becomes a big red giant and engulfs the earth.
Nostradamus says that it will occur in 3797 - But humans are smarter. We invented
after a 27 year war between the United States psychology!
and the third Antichrist from the middle east
and a 1000 years of peace. Others say it is There is only one way to boil a frog while
already here. For a while, the disciples thought making him believe he is in a luxurious
it would occur in their day. But many more spa. The trick is not to put him directly
into hot water. You see his natural
predict its coming in the immediate future.
defense mechanisms will take over and
he will escape from danger because he
Despite the fact that Jesus says "No man knows immediately notices the deadly
the day nor the hour" (Matthew 25: 13) and "I temperatures. He is prepared.
will cut the time short in righteousness" or "It is
not for you to know ...". Still the Bible To get by his body defenses you have to
tantalizes us with words such as "You know the put the frog in normal temperatures, then
changing of the seasons, you should be able to slowly raise the temperature. As each
discern the signs of the times". This leads me to new temperature is reached, the frog's
defense mechanisms will compensate for
it and accept the new environment as
normal. Soon the water will be at the
deadly boiling point and frog will still not
be able to recognize the danger.

Are you a frog?

conclude the final generation might know that they could be the last one, but to say
"within 2 or 3 or 5 years" is not guaranteed.

Surprised! People will be "surprised" at his coming. I often wondered how that could
be possible with the signs surrounding us. I now can see why. We are so accustomed
with adapting to changes and signs that we become immune to their significance. Life
under the influence of a prophetic trend does not seem all that bad. And behavior
once attributed to respectable people and groups does not seem possible anymore. We
have quietly stopped printing books about the horrible atrocities of the church in the
spirit of ecumenism and forgiveness. Believing in the moral evolution of man, we
choose to forget as we forgive, oblivious to the claims of our medieval torturers that
they still have the right and the duty to continue these purges - when the time is

The museum dedicated to Pope John Paul II is praising the church and his leader as
"defenders of human rights", when the truth is that the church has killed about 100
million people for their faith and its current canon law still reserves the right to punish
heretics. Yes, we are slowly being immunized to the signs of the times. And with our
increasing technological and scientific capabilities we are beginning to feel that we
can outsmart and survive any doomsday prophecy.

Diversions. Life offers many diversions that take our attention from the word of God.
We have problems, sporting events, pursuit of financial success, life, responsibilities,
pleasure, fun and they all seem to demand our attention.

Soon is 2000 years in the future - Despite all the reasons not to do so, many are
unwilling to live with the realization of "soon" or "possible in my life". In the 1970's I
thought that it may not be possible in my life because there were so many seemingly
insurmountable pieces that were not in place. And I did something wrong. I started
looking for the sign. The one crucial event that would signify a break in the stalemate.
We should always be prepared for our Lord's return and not tie it into any single
prophetic event.

Watch the Trends - The wisest strategy is to always be prepared no matter what the
worldly climate appears to be. There is always the danger that you might have become
accustomed to your situation and are unable to discern the signs of the times.
"Knowing" is not a prerequisite, loving God and longing to meet him are. Since we all
wait with expectation and the signs do give us hope, then look for the major trends
and watch the players. The fact of the matter is, that long before they appear as
significant blips on the horizon they have been preparing for their roles in ways of
which you are unaware. So that by the time they have burst upon the scene to take
their place in history they may be more prepared that you realize.

It could be too late.

A Great Delusion: What is the Prophecy

Before we begin to understand the significance of the role of these forces, we must
first see them from the prophetic viewpoint. Men and women refuse to do God's will,
but they turn to theories that allow them to do whatever they desire
 Believing in Myths and Fables
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting
to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in
accordance with their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth
and will turn aside to myths. (2 Timothy 4: 3-4)
The Bible also warns that there is a way that seems right but end is the way to
 False Teachers
For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as
apostles of light. (2 Corinthians 11: 13)
 A Great Delusion
For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will
believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe
the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness. (2 Thessalonians 2: 11,12)

I have been alluding to a great delusion in this article. It is now time to discuss what it
is or could be. The Bible predicts a crisis at the end that makes our decisions more
difficult because of the presence of miracles. This unprecedented entrance into
earth's history probably signifies that this is the last generation, it also means that
those who hold to certain world views will be unprepared to deal with the emotions
and decisions that they have to make in this short time, especially when they have
ignored the Word of God has having no useful significance in favor of personal

A population at Risk. When the great delusion arrives, who will be at risk and what
will be the devilish falsehood designed to gain their allegiance?

1. Everyone who does not believe in the authenticity of the Word of God.
2. Evolutionists - he will either confirm their beliefs or blend it in a belief that the
Earth was started by a race of intelligent aliens, thereby overcoming the
difficulties in the creationist theories of biogenesis and the development of the
3. For the occult and paranormal set he will just confirm that all they believed
was correct. He will probably precede his coming by a series of visions to these
psychics and astrologers.
4. For religions that believe everything is acceptable as long as you believe it and
that Jesus Christ was just a good man like any other prophet, they will have no
basis on which to question what is before them.
5. For the drugged and those under mind altering influences anything is
acceptable as long as they can see a way out or an opportunity to stay in.
6. For Christians whose religion is very conservative and who believe in a lying
devil it is another story. We could fall in a trap designed for us. Therefore the
lying deception must be of a Christian nature and it will be even more
accepted if a trusted Christian Leader of high moral standing endorses, or is
endorsed by the deceptive one, or if this leader predicts the date of the

Summary of Catholic Expectations. Since these prophecies are not from God they
are subject to failure.
• This pope (John Paul II) will be the last. Falied!
• Lucia (child from the Fatima visions) will be alive at the appearance of Mary.
• The decade ending in 2000 will be the last. Falied!
• An apparition of Mary will declare the hour and day of Jesus' coming.
• Pope will carry out "God's mandate" - to establish a global church state run with
traditional Catholic theology.

A Christian Deception. No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of

light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants
of righteousness. (2 Corinthians 11: 14 - 15)
In another verse, the apostles warned that there shall be 'false Christs and false
prophets' and if it were possible 'it would fool the very elect'.

The Catholic church is expecting the seventh and final vision from the apparition that
appeared in Fatima in 1917. Some are expecting Mary to appear before the whole
world, possibly with Jesus. According to the Marian apparitions of Blessed Faustina,
before the coming of God as judge he will come as a king of mercy to the world. This
will be seen worldwide first as darkness, then as the sign of the cross in the sky. The
visions of Akita in 1973, adds more detail to the drama. A worldwide punishment is
coming from the sky. Mary can no longer hold back God's anger (although she is
trying). This vision speaks of worship to Mary and a "Sign" from her son as our only
hope. The vision of Faustina says there will be the sign of a cross in the sky.

The Purpose of this Delusion

For a long time (since the late 1800's) we believed the following would occur at the

1. The United States will be the last Super Power. This was globally recognized in
2. The Protestant Churches would try to take control of the government in order
to put a stop to the evil allowed in the country. (1980's).
3. They would join hands with the Catholic Church in achieving this goal.
4. Then, this is what we were not sure how it would play out - but through fearful
incidents we will be forced to give up our rights. The events of September 11,
2001 with the bombing of the World trade center towers of New York have set
the ball in motion.

But September 11 is not enough. Because according to the incidences that play
out, we will not be able to solve our problems. Some event or events or series
of events will make us think that even God himself has abandoned us. I
wondered if we would have a series of unprecedented natural and man-made
disasters in close proximity.

What ever triggers this fear and this reaction will cause us to look to religious
solutions not just military or technological ones. It must also cause us to give
up more of our rights. This part essentially happened in 2001.
Then the church will step in with a remedy. Who better to represent the world
than the one who is making it his business to be seen as that legitimate role
model to every world leader. The one who claims this position as his right.
That's why I believe the September 11 events are not enough to get to this
level of despair. As of September 26, 2001 we still think we can solve the
problems with technology and the military and a call to prayer.

A few may listen to the Christian church, but others will look to their own
brand of religion. This is when the strong delusion steps in. It is obviously a
Christian event. An unprecedented worldwide supernatural event.
You tell me which Moslem, which atheist, which terrorist, which person who
has not studied the bible, has not known God will not be effected by this. Who
would dare challenge a being of pure light coming from the sky with words of
love and peace and warning.

I would. You should. Being supernatural does not give you automatic
credentials as God.

If someone has to call me and tell me to look out my window. It is not Christ. If
I have to see it on television, it is not Christ. If it tells me to disobey God, it is
not from God. And trust me, it will eventually tell you to disobey God. Because
it wants worship and it wants to humiliate God and enslave his people with
guilt. And how will you know that what it requests will be a violation of God's
will unless you are studying. And, this is the problem, what they request might
not seem unreasonable - at first. It will appear harmless. No big deal. Why not
go along?

At this point, you cannot have the mental attitude of the liberal or the
mainline churches. Either God said it and meant it. Or he did not. That fact
that you do not know why it is important to God is irrelevant.

Making these decisions at the time the delusion is staring you in the face is not
the best mental and psychological circumstances. This is peer pressure at its
maximum. According to the scriptures, Now is the accepted time. Now is the
day of salvation.
5. The strong delusion will point to the Roman Church as its representatives. If we
do not do as the pope says, we will be called trouble makers, disturbers of the
peace. Current Catholic Cannon law makes this a sin punishable with a just
punishment - death was the punishment in the middle ages!
An appeal will be made to all to 'get on board', be unified. We will be shown
examples of how God punished the whole camp of Israel under his theocracy
when one man disobeyed.

But the fearful problems that triggered this worldwide reaction will continue
and we will be named as the source of it. The request will seem so simple, that
people will wonder why we are obstinate about it. But remember, we are in
this trouble because Adam and Eve failed a very simple test. They just has to
stay away from one fruit tree. They had thousands of others to choose from.
The rest is history.
6. We believe an appeal will be made to abandon the Saturday Sabbath and
worship together on Sunday. While we would go to church on Sunday, we would
not defile the Sabbath - especially not under these conditions. To buy pizza
maybe, but not when the devil himself is making his last stand.
This will be the mark of the beast. He will try to destroy the covenant sign set
up at the beginning of the world. The sign that God gave as his promise to give
us rest from sin, just as we weekly rest from work.
7. With the church as the moral force and the United States as the military
power, we will force the rest of the world to comply. And they will. Osama Bin
Laden will bow to the United States if he thinks God wants it. After all, he just
witnessed a supernatural appearance of Mary and a cross in the sky.

But none of this will solve our problems. The fearful events will still continue.
Whatever these events are, they will make us think that we must turn back to
God as our only hope.

But having the church control the government is not the answer. It is the
A time will come (and has happened) when he who kills you thinks he is doing
God's business.

Satan now has us trapped into a situation where we have to make the decisions we are
making. Future decisions will be seen to be just as reasonable - given the
circumstances. Good men and women making what appears to be reasonable decisions
in bad times. Just two weeks ago (September 1, 2001), we would have complained
about rights we are now willing to give up - gladly. What has changed? You are now in
Please remember that the decisions made by the church and the government will be
made with the best intentions. At a loss as to what to do to curb the tide of evil, we
will fall into the trap of thinking that good people will rule justly. Read your history.
Look at the longstanding problems in the world. It is all about religion. Religion by

The Love of God - You are the Apple of His Eye

In many places God talks about how precious you are to him.
... For he who touches you touches the apple of His eye. (Zechariah 2: 8)
Look, I have inscribed you in the palms of My Hand; your walls are continually before
me. (Isaiah 49: 16)
You are continually before him. Wherever you go, even in the most terrible places
your daddy is coming to get you.
Come and talk to Him anytime about anything.
Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may
receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (Hebrews 4: 16)

Each of you have seen at some point or another, the parents who bring out the family
pictures and the videos to boast to their friends about how wonderful you are. 'Look
Junior said 2 new words today!'
Well God is like that - and worse. 'See, my daughter called and talked to me this

He doesn't simply have the pictures in His pocket to whip out at a moments notice to
show to His friends. He has your picture stuck on His head, He carved you in His hands,
your image is stuck on His eyeballs, when He opens His eyes you are always standing
before Him. He doesn't even close His eyes, because perhaps your image might not be
in His brain for that brief moment.
He can not help but see you, His friends can not help it either, because He has
plastered your image all over His body for all to see what He is most concerned with.
Are you important to Him?
Jesus is continually praying for you. Every second.

After all this, is it reasonable to believe that your papa wants you to speak to Him
through another person? A dead person? That you are so revolting to Him that He
cannot hear you directly?
A million times, no!

So, putting all the above together, we can look at significant trends to discern the
signs of the times. In this section we covered the rise of spiritual and new age forces
and the church. We looked at the various groups and speculated about how they would
respond to the great delusion of a fake Second Coming. Many people will accept this
phenomena because they are actually looking for it. Many will accept because it
requires no change in behavior, only worship.

Many will accept because of the miracles performed. The theology does not matter,
only results and actions count.

The people of God will reject it - if they take God's counsel to test the spirits. They
will not be blinded by glitter.

End Time Group Expected Response to Delusion Coming Leader

Scientists Accept along with alien colonization theory. Superior alien
Accepts because of miracles, superior technology and they have been
Alien Watchers Superior alien
Psychics Accepts because of miracles. Superior reincarnation
Witches Accepts because of miracles Superior reincarnation
Satanists Accepts this is their King. Satan
Leaders Accepts greater, benevolent power. Superior power
China and atheistic Accepts because of their "scientific" beliefs in the truth of
Superior alien
states extraterrestrials
Jews Accepts as a Christian symbol Messiah
Moslems Accepts as a Christian symbol Imam Mahdi
Krishna, Kalki the tenth
Hindus Accepts as a Christian symbol
incarnation of Vishnu
Fifth incarnation of
Buddhist Accepts as a Christian symbol
New Age Accepts as a Christian symbol Maitreya
Accepts as a loving Christian symbol and then as an affirmation of their
Other Religions Superior reincarnation
People of world Accepts because of soothing words, miracles and no rules. Superior life
Churches (liberal) Accepts because of lack of rules and miracles. Jesus Christ
Catholics Accepts long awaited Mary Mary
Churches (no
Accepts as the God who is hard on evil Jesus Christ
People of conscience Rejects the eventual cruelty Satan
Initially accepts, but rejects the disobedience to God's word and the
Saints Satan
enforced religion.
Rejects because they have been expecting it, and it fails the test by
Saints Satan
contradicting the word.

It is crucial for this delusion to endorse the papacy. Therefore, after affirming their
beliefs, people will be pointed to the papacy as the chosen earth leader. You might be
concerned that with this attitude we might reject the true Christ. Do not worry. When
He comes we will be immediately taken away. There will be no argument, no delay,
no convincing people of truth. The very fact that the false Christ has to run around
convincing people of his credentials is a clue about his utter lack of any right to rule.

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For God has not given us a spirit of timidity [cowardice, fear] but of power and love and discipline. II Timothy 1: 7
Copyright ©2001-2008 Teachinghearts ™ V1.81 - All rights reserved. Created: October 1, 2001 Updated : January 20, 2003
Author: Laverna Patterson. Editor: Patterson (March 2008)
Credits: The information was compiled from various sources.
1 - LaRondelle, Hans How to Understand the End Time Prophecies of the Bible
2 - This phrase only makes sense in English because of the similar sounds of 2 words

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