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by William Shakespeare

Write in modern language what Shakespeare meant
when he wrote each phrase.

1. So foul and fair a day I have not seen.



Thodore Chassriau
2. Give me your favor. My dull brain was wrought
With things forgotten.
Macbeth and the Three Witches


Draw a line from the characters names to their description.

3. What man dare, I dare.

1. A brave, noble general who is Three Witches
murdered by Macbeth, and then
haunts him as a ghost.

__________________________________________ 2. The good King of Scotland, Macduff

who is murdered by Macbeth.

3. A Scottish general who, after
listening to the witches prophesies, Lady Macbeth
4. He knows thy thought. Hear his speech but say
performs wicked deeds.
thou nought.
4. Macbeths wife, a deeply Duncan
__________________________________________ ambitious woman who wants
power and position.
5. They plot mischief against Macbeth
Macbeth using spells and
5. Why should I play the Roman fool and die prophecies.

on mine own sword? 6. Son of Duncan. Becomes a

serious challenge to Macbeth.
7. Nobleman who desires Banquo
vengeance for Macbeths
__________________________________________ murder of his wife and son.

Quiz Answers: 1. Banquo 2. Duncan 3. Macbeth 4. Lady Macbeth 5. Three Witches 6. Malcolm 7. Macduff
4. He can read your thoughts. Listen, but dont speak. 5. Why should I commit suicide like a solider of ancient Rome?
Shakspeare-Speak Answers: 1. Ive never seen a day that was so good and bad at the same time. 2. I beg your pardon. I was distracted. 3. Im as brave as any other man.

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Macbeth by William Shakespeare
Who Said It?
From this list of characters, write who said each quote.

Macbeth Lady Macbeth Banquo

Witches Malcolm

1. Whats done cannot be undone.


2. Fair is foul, and foul is fair...fog and filthy air,

Hover through the fog and filthy air. The Sleepwalking
Lady Macbeth
_________________________________________ Johann
Heinrich Fssli

3. If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which
grain will grow, and which will not, speak.
9. I dare do all that may become a man;
_________________________________________ Who dares do more, is none.

4. Nothing in his life became him like the leaving it; he died
As one that had been studied in his death,
To throw away the dearest thing he owd, 10. Theres husbandry in heaven;
As twere a careless trifle. Their candles are all out.

_________________________________________ _________________________________________

5. Stars, hide your fires! 11. Is this a dagger which I see before me,
Let not light see my black and deep desires. The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee.

_________________________________________ _________________________________________

6. Look like the innocent flower, 12. It will have blood, they say.
But be the serpent under it. Blood will have blood.

_________________________________________ _________________________________________

7. Double, double, toil and trouble; 13. Go prick thy face, and over-red thy fear,
Fire burn and cauldron bubble! Thou lily-liverd boy.

_________________________________________ _________________________________________

8. Yet who would have thought the old man to 14. Out, damned spot! out, I say!
have had so much blood in him.

13. Macbeth 14. Lady Macbeth 11. Macbeth 12. Macbeth

10. Banquo 9. Macbeth 8. Lady Macbeth 7. Witches 6. Lady Macbeth 5. Macbeth 2. Witches 3. Banquo 4. Malcolm Answers: 1. Lady Macbeth

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