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2/10/2017 Evidence of Concern


VERITAS, COGNITIO, IUSTITIA, LIBERTAS. "El Juicio Democrtico por el Jurado solo proffers la
preservacin de las personas sin prejuicios en lo que respecta a su nacionalidad, raza, gnero,
Proceso de religin y antecedentes". Ver Ensayo para la Democracia EIS # 10, Nosotros el Pueblo y la
divulgacin de los Materia de las Palabras. - Democracia
senderos de Chem
911- 11 de septiembre
Entonces, para qu quieren un gobierno? No regular el comercio; no educar al pueblo; no
CIA Drogas corrientes
ensear la religin; no para administrar caridad; no hacer carreteras y ferrocarriles; sino
simplemente defender los derechos naturales del hombre - proteger a la persona ya la propiedad
Nuevo orden mundial
- prevenir las agresiones de los poderosos sobre los dbiles - en una palabra, administrar la
Alimentos genticamente
justicia. Esta es la oficina natural, original, de un gobierno. No tena la intencin de hacer menos:
Por William Cooper
no debera permitirse hacer ms - Herbert Spencer (Filsofo y socilogo victoriano)
Oficina de Patentes
Subyacente al petrleo
Uranio Empobrecido
Calentamiento Global
Energa Libre
Honrar Deshonor

La libertad es quizs el objetivo ms importante que las personas compiten por en la vida. Y es
esta misma libertad a la que se dirige esta pgina. El tema en esta seccin est relacionado con
la falta de libertad. Cada cosa en la seccin de activismo est conectada de una manera u otra.
En los ltimos aos, una serie de personas han notado e identificado al sistema de
justicia como corrupto con muchas "anomalas" y poniendo suavemente
"inconsistencias" que no apuntan en ninguna otra direccin aparte de ser
principalmente llevadas a cabo por un motivo de lucro.

Una perspectiva perfecta de "laicos" a este isues ha sido hecha Por Patrick Kelly. Esta informacin
se puede encontrar en el sitio web de su strawman . 1/8
2/10/2017 Evidence of Concern


Su anuncio aqu?

Ponente educativo - John Harris de TPUC

Como resultado directo, ahora hay muchos grupos "Soberanos" o "Hombre libre en la tierra" que
estn activos en programas educativos para contrarrestar esto. Para ellos es como dice el ttulo
sobre "honor o deshonor".

Especficamente, el "descuido" identificado de la libertad de los individuos involucra relaciones

con el estado de derecho, la deuda ilegal, el Bar, el Gobierno, la Monarqua, el sistema de
comercio, la ley local del Almirantazgo, corporaciones privadas nacionales y multinacionales.
Los grupos que dirigen estos talleres educativos tienen el objetivo comn de
incrementar la libertad de TODOS a travs de la educacin y pasos prcticos. Su
biblioteca combinada de investigacin extensa est ah para atraer navegadores y para
proporcionar acceso a informacin no disponible a travs de los canales principales. Para "el
promedio de Joe", la siguiente informacin ser sorprendente, pero al final muy liberador, ya que
est destinado a dar un control ms sobre la propia vida .
La siguiente informacin muestra que naciste "soberano" y luego, al entrar en varios contratos y
acuerdos privados, inconscientemente abandonas tu soberana, poco a poco, hasta que un da te
despiertas y te das cuenta de que eres un esclavo.
La siguiente informacin pretende mostrar la necesidad de que la EDUCACIN se utilice para
cambiar el sistema. La presin pblica debe seguir cuando ms gente entiende el sistema. No
recomendamos que pases la vida en la corte tratando de vencerlos, el mensaje es
despertar a la gente al sistema y crear presin pblica para cambiarlo. La siguiente
historia de animacin educativa ilustra cmo cada uno tiene un strawman creado para ellos en el
nacimiento y cmo se utiliza para recaudar los ingresos para su gobierno.
Conozca a su Strawman!

We have the power to stop accepting government issued benefits, or any so-called benefits that
come with a hook to ensnare you into servitude and dependency and begin to reclaim your
natural rights you inherit from birth. With out this help it is becoming increasingly difficult to
become financially independent plus get out of debt and stay out. Not to mention have the
authorities respect your natural born rights.

The FBI Knocked on My Door! - Official Version

You may be suprised to learn that you are not a "person", you have a person which has been
"created". There are two worlds: private and public. Two sides to a coin. For example there is the
land mass commonly known as Australia, and the corporation called "Commonwealth of
Australia" whose interests are their own profit and money - Do a search at

USA is not a country - it's a Corporation!!

1. Are you aware that you are not a person, because the statute law also defines a person as
a corporate entity?

2. Are you aware that the registered name that appears on your birth certificate is not your
name, but a carefully engineered trade-name that sounds exactly the same as your true, proper-

3. Are you aware that there is no provision in the rules that govern the English language to allow
for a proper-name, i.e. John Doe Smith to be written in all-capital-letters, i.e. JOHN DOE SMITH
and any such alteration turns your proper-name into a fictitious corporate trade-name, which is
defined as a nom de guerre? Look it up at 2/8
2/10/2017 Evidence of Concern

Educational Speaker - Mark McMurtry

4. Are you aware that the Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia did not proclaim
an end to the Second World War and that this is one of the main reasons why the fictitious
corporate trade-name, that appears on all your legal documents i.e. a charge and summons from
the police, your drivers license, passport, home loan, car registration, telephone account, etc.
etc., is not your true, proper-name, but your government created nom de guerre?
5. Are you aware that when you go to court, you are being subjected to admiralty law (military
law) not the common law which protects your inalienable human rights, one of which includes a
compulsory trial by jury, i.e. a court hearing that is absolutely free and governed by twelve of
your peers, not some tyrant sitting in a chair higher than yours?

6. Are you aware that the Commonwealth of Australia registration number (CIK 0000805157) is
not a country, but a privately owned foreign corporation, which is registered on the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission?

7. Are you aware that the Reserve Bank of Australia (NRET 066 319 864), the bank
that creates all our money, is a privately owned foreign corporate bank, and that our
money is backed by nothing, that is, thin air, not by gold as you have been led to
8. Are you aware that the Government used your original registration of birth document to
formulate a cestui que trust, and then issued Treasury Securities in the form of Treasury Bonds,
to raise capital in exchange for guaranteeing your original registration of birth document, as a
security i.e. collateral, for the fiat money that was created; at the same time, investing the
proceeds in the stocks and/or bonds market?

9. Are you aware that the Australian Victorian Police (NRGD 050 797 763) is a privately owned
foreign corporation and has no authority to intervene in any of your private affairs?

10. Are you aware that all this goes on right before your eyes, every moment of your day, and
that this predicament has absolutely no force and effect without your consent. Thats right,
because if you assert I DO NOT CONSENT the police, the courts, the tax office, the banks, etc.,
etc., all of which are in-fact privately owned foreign corporations, cannot make you comply with
their terms and conditions? If you do not consent, then they will have no control over your life.
You also may be supprised to learn what the term "accepted for value means also".

Educational Speaker Winston Shrout - From Solutions in Commerce

1. Local Governments in Australia are corporations, eg: the Coffs Harbour City Council is a
corporation registered on the Australian Business Registry with the number of 79 126 214 487. 3/8
2/10/2017 Evidence of Concern

2. State Governments in Australia are corporations, eg: the NSW Parliament is a corporation
registered on the Australian Business Registry with the number of 89 288 775 026
3. Federal Government in Australia is a corporation, ie: the Commonwealth of Australia is a
corporation registered in the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission with the number of CIK
(0000805157) SIC: 8880.

CIK is the Credit Suisse Asset Management Income Fund, Inc. (the Fund) - is a diversified,
closed-end investment company. The Fund's investment objective is to seek current income
through investment primarily in debt securities.SIC is the "Standard Industrial Classification" and
the SIC Code of 8880 has the "Industrial Title" of "American Depositary Receipts"

The Commonwealth of Australia is a "debt security", packaged up as a "corporation".Do the

People of Australia know their country is owned by a "closed-end investment company" in
SwitzerlandWhat does that make the People of Australia? personnel or merchandise?

Tax and council rates may be needed to some degree but it has to be an honest system (
WIRRAL COUNCIL Admits that Council Tax is Unlawful and Sets a Legal Precedent.)
with a return thats justified.

30 Little Known Facts about America

Alarming evidence has been researched by the community law groups listed on this page to
suggest that a scam is a foot where people are being unlawfully milked of their commervial
energy (wages) by paying something that they do not have to pay for if they don't want the
service. Further a particular individual we shall name as "Marko" has also received a reply back
from the solicitor for the ATO (Australian Tax office) admitting that there are NO DOCUMENTS
EVIDENCING THE CREATION OF THE ATO! What does that tell you? Is the ATO a fraud & cannot
force people to pay tax?. We consent by not objecting.
ATO & the corporation called 'Commonwealth of Australia

However, if one fills the returns in correctly - inluding business returns, one either will
NOT BE REQUIRED TO PAY TAX or if one has payed tax - in PAYE/G cases, you will get
the full amount returned.

7 Reasons why Credit Card/Loan agreements are unlawful or why you don't owe your bank/credit
card company anything.

1. Your Credit Card Agreement is an unlawful contract as it is ONLY signed by you- constituting a
unilateral agreement. (Contract Law)
2. All contracts, in order to be valid, must be signed by someone able to bind the corporation in
contract. (Contract Law)
3. Banks create money out of thin air- they have no money to lend you. (Fractional Reserve
4. It is not possible to actually pay the outstanding amount as the currency is based on worthless
paper and 'electronic funds' on computers. (Fractional Reserve Banking)
5. You do not have to pay statements, only invoices. (Bills of Exchange Act 1882)
6. You are not lawfully bound to pay anything which is unsigned. (Bills of Exchange Act 1882)
7. The uppercase name on the credit card is not your name, but a 'corporate entity'. (Blacks Law
Dictionary) -Source

Educational Speaker Jon Witterick- From get out of debt free

Why are these holes in the system? By learning these processes, as a result of knowing
YOU are the creditor, the living soul, and not a corporation (person, citizen, resident,
driver, tax or rates payer) one can become free from the systems bondage.
There are many of these concerns which beg a question but who is giving the answers?
For example what is commonly refered to as your "strawman" by the educational groups- Take a 4/8
2/10/2017 Evidence of Concern
look at "your" driver license, bank card, Medicare card: whose name is on it? yours? You write
your name in Title Case (John Doe Smith) Who are you? Is this "straw person a corporate
ficitonal entity called a PERSON?

You, the living body, are a natural person and are NOT a PERSON. (legal word / artificial /
fictional / in the minds of men / 2 dimensional on paper only)The word person does not mean the
living body. You have been assigned a PERSON. You are in contracts with these corporations
(a.k.a. governments).

ALL FOLKS MUST LEARN how to understand basic contract law - One must learn WHY they need
to be free of the particular un fair elements in the system. If enough people understood,
practiced & taught others, the tyranny of this unjust World Order would be broken. Withdraw our
energy from supporting them!

People will begin to have victories when we begin to work TOGETHER and focus on SOLUTIONS
rather then sharing the problems. There are already many excellent examples in history of
individuals that rallied their nation against the elitists global tyranny.
As a result the world consciousness is awoken & spreading rapidly. Lets focus on SOLUTIONS
oriented programs now

1. A united affiliation of independent parties.

2. a single national alternative, free - unrestrained, unbiased non controlled newspaper or TV
3. National alternative legal association of members who are dissatisfied with the current system
& political & legal status of our nation & are prepared to support the creation of a non 'elitist
controlled' society
4. Introduction of Binding Citizen Initiated Referendums - like that of Switzerland
5. Reintroduction of Trial by Jury
6. other support networks.

Educational Speaker Robert Menard - From think free

If we are disatisfied with the current political, economic, moral & social state of affairs in rthe
world, then its up to each & every one of us to contribute to changing it. Perhaps the best "crash
course" into this corruption can be found in the following:

ESSENTIAL Recommend Video's

John Harris Its an Illusion

John Harris gives us his perspective on whats going on. He describes how we are economic
slaves to a debt dependant system, notably achieved through the deception of the birth
certificate and the creation of a legal fiction known as your PERSON. It is this PERSON that the
government then wields its control upon. Although John points out that this arrangement only
works when we consent. Unfortunately inaction is taken as consent, hence we have unwittingly
surrendered our inalienable rights through identifying with the PERSON. Remember you are a
human being with god given rights, all you have to do is claim them.
Hijacking Humanity (final cut) - Part 3 - Commerce and Law.
Robert Menard - Bursting Bubbles Of Government Deception
The Strawman Illusion - The Matrix Revealed
The Anti-Terrorist (YouTube channel)
Security Of The Person (birth certificate, bonds, corporate nations)
With Lawful Excuse (student loans, claim of right as lawful excuse)
Mark mcmurtrie lessons in law
Common Law
Common Law 2
Schaeffer Cox, Dec 1/09 in Hamilton Montana USA
In society it is universally and commonly agreed that 5/8
2/10/2017 Evidence of Concern
1. Do not harm other people
2. Do not damage property
3. Do not use fraud in your contracts

Yet in common law all falls under a specific "jurisiction".You wil be suprised to learn that this
if fully understood is not the one which you are granted or would not be the
one of YOUR choice/concent. And further that you have more rights then what you
might realize A claim of right just being one of many.

It is important that this information is addressed and understood. Also that it is

addressed from public pressure.

Educational speaker Roger Elvick

The following educational material should be studied and taken in. After after PLEASE

Contributors are need to help keep this page up to date and to improve the content. If
you can help contribute data to this page please contact Panacea we need your help.

Understanding who you are, either the slave/vassal of the state or a free man. Mindset shift
Fear Vs Love, the motivators and their source
How, when and why the majority of the world population became enslaved, mostly without their
knowledge or willful consent & by whom
Presumption and Intent: How to break the states presumptions of being a
slave/debtor/entity/straw man
The Power of the Spoken Word. Used with deadly precision in Admiralty; statute and free man of
the Land terminology.
Private Vs Public
Hierarchy of authority. Hierarchy of laws
4 categories of people
The Administrative Private Resolution Process. = COMMUNICATION!
How to deal successfully with any and all issues/obligations/presentments privately
Loads of examples. Part of day 2 reserved to address real issues.
Examples addressing: Debt, Tax, Rates, Debt Collectors, State Penalty Organizations, Police,
Legal Firms,
Courts, Government Departments, private people, ASIC/ACCC/ASIO, Companies etc
Role playing in Court scenes, addressing intruders at front door etc
Asset Protection, Health Protection
Moving toward Freedom and Sovereignty, out of the System (in this world not of this world) to
the Private World, Free Man on the land status. Leave behind all obligations to the state.
Heavily solutions oriented with a Solutions Template included.

Panacea recommends joining and the

Educational Links

Sunke temple trust

Brian Shaw-Australian Government Acts of Treason
"No contract" - a popular technique going in the UK
You are a slave to the Government
The state of Australia and its people
People of the commonwealth blog
Corporations are NOT people!
John Quade 1 "The Common Law"
Laws repealed
rights and wrong 6/8
2/10/2017 Evidence of Concern
Rights and wrong
Debtors Revolt Now
Mary Croft Interview Part 1/6
Spiritual Economics Now
(Natural Man vs. Artificial Person, Law, Money & Banking)
UK site:
common law venue
The classified files
Constitution Class taught by Michael Badnarik
Freedom club usa
Police and people unite
Get ready to get very angry... USA vs US
The Nature of the Remedy
The Commerce Game
(Dr. Kent Hovind) Redeeming the Straw Man
Winston Shrout: Solutions in Commerce
Quit Social Security and Rescind the Socialist Security Number
Uniform Commercial Code
Choosing Freedom - Her Own Words : Irene's Story
James Martinez
These have successful court cases on record establishing "courts of record" (common law) and
making counterclaims. (See Supporting Material 1 & 2 therein.

You may also be interested in the information here.
And the videos, audio and information contained herein regarding the Constitution for the United
States of America as a Trust etc...

Discussion groups

Freemen of Australia.ning

The following research material has been archived from

abolish the senate

Assuming the House and Senate each own 50% of the legislative branch, a voting district in
Wyoming has nearly 10 times the representation than a district in California. Across the US, a
vote cast in a lightly populated State has greater value than a vote cast in a highly populated
State. All men are (supposed to be) created equal. Federal law imposes itself equally on every
American. Because of this, every vote cast on the federal level should carry equal value. We
achieve this ideal when we cut the Senate out of the federal government and give the entire
legislature to its rightful owners, the House of Representatives.
Defenders of the status quo claim that citizens from lightly populated States need the Senate for
protection against unwanted "Big State" legislation. This is a false assumption because the
divisions in government are along ideological lines which have nothing to do with the size of
States. Within our House, the people of California speak with 53 very different voices. Not with
one voice, 53 times louder than Wyoming. A large portion of these Californian voices have more
in common with the voice from Wyoming than they do with the voices from their own State.
There is no "Big State" agenda, unanimously backed by the Representatives of California and
Texas, but blocked by the Senate in order to protect smaller States. Such an agenda does not

States do not even have power in the House of Representatives, the People do. People choose
the Representative they believe will best serve their individual interest, not their States interest,
if one even exists. No State has sway in the House; so when we abolish the Senate, large States
will be unable to abuse powers which they do not possess. The Senate was not created to look
out for small States. It serves a very different minority. 7/8
2/10/2017 Evidence of Concern

The super rich, and their puppets, own the Senate because the amount of money required to run
a successful Senate race dwarfs the amount required to run for the House. In order to launch a
Senatorial campaign, corporate money must be sought. Potential Senatorial candidates are first
screened by the concentrations of private power. After this process, the public gets the chance to
choose among the corporate nominees. So Senators, emerging from the highest tip of American
capitalist society, naturally look out for the interests of the opulent minority.
Within our bicameral system, the People (our House) need to get permission from the aristocracy
(the Senate) before passing legislation. Compromise ensures that the laws that do pass are
slanted toward elite interest, effectively corrupting all federal legislation.
These problems are amplified by the fact that the Senate has sole congressional authority over
passage of Federal Justices, high Executive Officers, and International Treaties. The undemocratic
aristocratic Senate, unchecked by the House, routinely rapes these powers. We abolish the
Senate and hand these checks to our House.

Defenders of the status quo claim that if all you need to pass a law is a simple majority, minority
rights will be trampled. This is a false assumption because individual rights are guaranteed by the
Constitution. To violate these rights requires (a criminal President or) passage of an Amendment
to the US Constitution, i.e. approval by three-fourths of the States. Absent a Senate, the
American system guards against any impulsive legislation that may harm a morally superior

The Senate suppresses the American will, corrupting its true expression in the legislative branch.
We must amend the Constitution to abolish the Senate.Petitions will be back, someday. 8/8

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