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Anul scolar 2011-2012

Limba englez
Clasa a VI- a L1

Numele si prenumele elevului:

Data sustinerii testului:

Pentru rezolvarea corect a tuturor cerintelor din Partea I si din Partea a II-a se acord 90
de puncte. Din oficiu se acord 10 puncte.
Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.
PARTEA I (60 de puncte)

1. Complete the sentences choosing the Present Continuous or Simple Present form of the verb:
a) Fred and I are good dancers but we _______________________ to discos very often. (dont go/arent going)
b) Tony is upstairs in the bathroom. He ___________________ his hair. (wash/is washing)
c) Listen! Emily ____________________ (sings/is singing).
d) (Do you write/Are you writing) ___________________to Paul now? Yes, I always ________________(write/am
writing) to him on his birthday.
e) How _____________________(do you get/ are you getting) to work? I usually ________________ (go/am
going) by bus, but now I ___________________ (take/am taking) a taxi because its late.
f) I __________________ (always stay/am always staying )at the same hotel in New York.)
g) Mary __________________ (travels/is travelling) all over the world at the moment.

2. Complete the sentences with was, wasnt, were or werent:

Country Disneyland Seaside Mountains

Jane + - + -
Mary - + - +
Harry + - + +
Peter - + + -

1. Janeat the seaside.

2. the country.
3. Harry and the seaside.
4. the mountains.
5. Jane and the country.
6. the seaside.
7. Peter and the mountains.
8. Mary and Disneyland.
9. I .................... at the seaside.
10. I Disneyland.

3. Look at the picture, compare the three men and write sentences using the comparative or superlative form
of the adjective:

1. Al is _________________ (short) than Ed.

2. Joe is _________________ (elegant) than Ed.
3. Al is ______________ (fat) than Joe and Ed.
4. Ed is the _______________ (tall) man in this picture.
5. Al is the ______________ (enthusiastic) man in the picture.

(5x4 p=20p)
4. Read the letter and write T (True), F (False) for the sentences:

Dear Angela,

Im having a fantastic time in Miami. The house is beautiful and theres a swimming pool in the
garden. Im sitting next to the pool now and Im drinking a milkshake. Its five in the afternoon and its
very hot. Karen is in the kitchen. She is making pizzas and a cake for her mothers birthday. There will be a
party at home for Karens mother.
Karen and I usually go to bed late. Were in the same bedroom so we often talk or watch TV until
one in the morning. We usually get up late and have our breakfast next to the pool.
Tomorrow Martha, Karens sister, is going to take us to the beach in her car. Karen and I are going
to learn to windsurf. Marthas boyfriend, Oliver, is a windsurfing instructor and he is going to teach us.
Are you having a good holiday? Write soon.

1. _____ Cathy is in Florida.

2. _____ The girls live in a flat.
3. _____ Cathy is writing the letter in Karens bedroom.
4. _____ There is a swimming pool in Karens garden.
5. _____They will celebrate Karens birthday.
6. _____ Karen and Cathy usually get up early.
7. _____ Martha can drive.
8. _____ Oliver can windsurf.
9. _____ Cathy and Karen live in separate bedrooms.
10. _____ Angela is on holiday.

PARTEA a II-a (30 de puncte)
Write a description of your best friend. Refer to : name, age, physical/moral characteristics. Write 10-15 lines.

Clasa a VI- a L1
Competente 3.2Recunoastere 3.3Asocierea 4.1 Solicitarea 4.2 Redactarea
corespunzatoare a informaiilor informaiilor i oferirea unor paragrafe
eseniale factuale unor despre
nivelurilor dintr-un text citit dintr-un text informaii evenimente i
taxonomice n gnd citit cu o despre sine persoane
Teme/ imagine/ un
Continuturi/ set de
Concepte-cheie/ imagini
Unitati tematice

Copilul despre sine: insusiri fizice

20 (ex. 4) 30 (ex II)
si morale sa descrie persoane
Copilul i lumea nconjurtoare:
10 (ex. 1)
activitati in timpul liber
Adjectivul, grade de comparatie 20 (ex. 3)
ale adjectivelor sa compare
- timpul prezent simplu si continuu
- verbul a fi la trecut simplu 10 (ex. 2)
Sa relateze activitati la

30 20 10 30


1. (3.2) Recunoasterea informaiilor eseniale dintr-un text citit n gnd

2. (3.3) Asocierea informaiilor factuale dintr-un text citit cu o imagine/ un set de imagini
3. (4.1) Solicitarea i oferirea unor informaii despre sine
4. 4.2 Redactarea unor paragrafe despre evenimente i persoane

Continuturi /teme/concepte

1. Copilul despre sine: insusiri fizice si morale sa descrie persoane

2. Copilul i lumea nconjurtoare: activitati in timpul liber
3. Verbul (prezent simplu si continuu, verbul a fi la timpul trecut): sa relateze activitati la
4. Adjectivul, grade de comparatie ale adjectivelor sa compare calitati


Anul scolar 2011-2012
Limba englez
Clasa a VI- a L1
Se puncteaz oricare alte formulri/ modalitti de rezolvare corect a cerintelor.
Nu se acord punctaje intermediare, altele dect cele precizate explicit prin barem.
Se acord 10 puncte din oficiu. Nota final se calculeaz prin mprtirea punctajului total
pentru test la 10.

PARTEA I (60 de

1. 10 x 1p=10 points
a) dont go b) is washing c)is singing d) are you writing; write e) do you get; go; am taking f) stay
g) is travelling

2. 10 x 1p= 10 points
1) were 2) wasnt 3) were 4) was 5) was 6) was 7) wasnt 8) was 9) were 10) werent

3. 5 x 4 p= 20 points
1) shorter 2) more elegant 3) fatter 4) tallest 5) most enthusiastic

4. 10 x 2p=20 points
1) F 2) F 3) F 4) T 5) F 6) F 7) T 8) T 9) F 10) T

PARTEA a II-a (30 de

10 points for correct grammar structures and connectors
10 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary
10 points for covering the aspects demanded by the task

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