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Capgemini Interview Question


1. Telme about u r self?

2. What is Hibernate?

3. Diff b/w Jdbc and Hibernate?

4. Write the Configuration code for Hibernate to spring?

A) Hibernate Template dependencies on Session Factory dependencies on data Source.

A. <bean id="template

<property name="session Factory" ref="sf"></property>


B. <bean id="sf"

<property name="data Source" ref="data Source"></property>


C. <bean id="data Source" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource">

<property name="driverClassName" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"></property>

<property name="url" value="jdbc: mysql://localhost:3306/adv"></property>

<property name="username" value="root"></property>

<property name="password" value="root"></property>


5. What are the modules of spring f/w in your project?

6. Explan about MVC Flow.

A) (cross-question)@Controller it is worked by < mvc: annotation-Driven>

7. Servlets lifecycle?

8. JSp life cycle?

9. How can u write java code in jsp?

Answer) <% %> - script let tag, This is method cal the services class

10. How can u write methods in Jsp?

Answer) By using Declaration tag <%! %>

11. Display the duplicate words in String?

12.diff b/w abstraction and interface?

13.What is fail-fast and fail-safe?

A) Fail-Fast: while we are iterating values if we are trying to add or remove any object then
we will get ConcurrentModifcationException this situation is called Fail-fast.

Fail-Safe: It allows adding or removing objects while iterating this situation is called Fail-
Safe. ConcurrentModifcationException is solving the problem on CopyWriteOnArraySet.


1. what are the java keywords?

2. what is the perpose of the static keyword?

Static variable:
static variable is used to refer the common property of all objects (that is not unique for each object)
e.g. company name of employees, college name of students etc.
static variable gets memory only once in class area at the time of class loading.

3. Object class methods?

A)notify(),notify all(),start(),add(),append(),wait(),

4. What is the purpose of hash code?

A) It is the display of address of our object.

5. What is Exception and how to implement the in project?

6. Diff b/w array List and Vector?

7. What is the legacy?

8. What are the itretor class and diff b/w all those things?

Answer) enumerations, iterator, List iterator. many ways to create an object?

Cap Gemini Interview Question(Styam)


1)what is difference bw String and SBF and String Builder?

2)what is the Diff B/w Array & ArrayList?

3)how to count duplicate vowels in a given String?

4)What is the D/f b/w Servlet and JSP?

5)what is the HashMap techinique?If override the key what happen?

6)What is MVC architecture?

7)Project Explanation?Explain Reacent Tasks?and also cheque cross questions?

8)JSP coretags?

9)Spring Tags in jsp?

10)Fetching the data using Criteria?

11)spring-Secuirity flow?

12)Is it Possible While iterating the AL elements,remove an element?

13)write a query to fetch the data from two tables using HQL?

14)how to inject the all beans into a spring?

15)svn?if you write new code in u r project how will send it to ur TL?

16)Difference b/w interface and abstract class?

17)What are the backbone of OOPS?Polymorphism?wt is the use of OverRidding?

18)wt is the use of AOP?

19)what is the use of IOC?

20)what is the use of Inheritence?

21)@valid and BindingResult Explanation?

22)How to get the Second Highest salary in a EMP table?

Cap Gemini Interview Question(Karna)

1. MVC Flow?

2. Controller Class?

3. What is the is AOP? And how is using the in u r project?

4. Diff B/w Get () and Load () ?

5. What is the Encapsulation?

6. String duplicate words in the program?

7. Highest second salary in employee table in query?


Cap Gemini Interview Question(Suresh)

1. Tell me about ur self?

2. Spring MVC Flow?
3. How to integrate spring and hibernate?
4. What is controller? What type of code u can write in controller class?
5. Print the vowels in string reverse?
6. What are the models in spring f/w?
7. Tel me u r project? And what are models used ur project in spring f/w?
8. Spring scopes?
HCL Interview Question (KIran)

1. What is the Diff b/w String and String Buffer and String Builder in Examples of
2. Collections?
3. What is the tags using in Jsp ?
4. What is the compare () with example of program?

Interview Question (Harish)

1. Loosely Coupled and Tightly Coupled.

2. Project explains.
3. Servlet Life cycle?
4. Diff b/w Array and Collection?
5. Diff b/w Collection and Collections?
6. Letter Count?
7. Duplicate names qry?
8. Email validation?
9. Spring Uses?

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