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NIM. 12411017




Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan at the Faculty of Language and Art Education
Mataram Institute of Teacher Training and Education


NIM. 12411017






Has been approved on Septemebr 2016

Mataram, September 2016

First Consultant, Second Consultant,

Muhammad Muhlisin, M.Pd. Edi Firman, M.Pd.

NIDN.0825108601 NIDN.0829058102

Approved on: Septemebr 2016

Acknowledged by,

M u l i a n i, M.Pd.
NIK. 495200312


This thesis entitled: The Effect of Using Graffiti Strategies Towards Students
Self Confidence in Speaking Skill, has been approved by the Board of the
Examiners as the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree in English Education.

Muhammad Muhlisin, M.Pd. ................................... (Chairman)


Edi Firman, M.Pd. ................................... (Member)


Agus Salim, M.Pd. ................................... (Member)


Mataram, September 2016

Acknowledged by,
Dean of Faculty of Language Head of English Department
and Art Education

M u l i a n i, M.Pd. Dedi Sumarsono, M.Pd.

NIK. 495200312 NIK. 514310713


This undersigned:

Name : Jaenab

Student Number : 12 411 017

Study Program : English Education Department

Address : Dompu, Kec. Pajo, Kab. Dompu, West Nusa


I hereby this thesis is my own work submitted as a partial fulfillment of the

requirements of the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) at the Mataram Institute

of Teacher Training and Education (IKIP Mataram) and it is has never been

submitted to any other institution for any other purposes. The works of others

cited therein have been properly acknowledged in the bibliography section.

Mataram, September 2016

NIM. 12411017



Dream, believe and make it happen


This thesis is dedicated to:

My beloved mother and father (Misbah, Syarifudin) who always pray and
give me support to never give up in this life and also you effort in fighting me
to achieve all of my goals.
My beloved brother and sister (Kamaludin, Salahudin and Sarafiah, S.Pd.,
Megawati) who always help and support me during the process of this
thesis.thanks lot.
My cute niece and nephew (Nining, Mia, Ainun and Arif) who always make
me happy. I Lovu you so much.
My first and second consultant(Muhammad Muhlisin, M.Pd. & Edi Firman,
M.Pd.) who always guide me to finish this thesis.
My best friend Rebel Genk (Jhean, Iyan, Reni, Irsan, Robi) who always
make me laughing and happy.
My big familly and my friends of boarding house
My beloved friends of A class


Firstly, the researcher would like to express his greatest gratitude to Allah

SWT for blessing and giving strength so that the writer has opportunity and full

strength in completing this thesis entitled The Effect of Using Graffiti Strategies

towards Students Self Confidence in Speaking Skill at SMPN 2 Pringgaratain

Academic Year 2016/2017.

Secondly, my deepest gratitude goes to Prophet Muhammad SAW who

had led human being from the world into the bright one. Besides, the writer

expresses thankful to many people who had contributed their ideas and time in

completing my thesis. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Muhammad

Muhlisin, M.Pd. as my first consultant and Edi Firman, M.Pd. as my second

consultant for their guidance, motivation, support and help during the writing of

this thesis.

Finally, as there are no such things quite perfect in the world, therefore any

correction, comments and critics for the improvement of this final project are

always open-heartedly welcomed.

Mataram, September 2016

The Researcher


JAENAB. The Effect of Using Graffiti Strategies towards Students Self

Confidence in Speaking Skil at SMPN 2 Pringgarata in Academic Year 2016/2017
(Supervised by Muhammad Muhlisin and Edi Firman).

This research was aimed to find out whether or not Graffiti strategies has
significant effect in teaching speaking. The research was quasy-experimental
method and design was non-equivalent control group design. The population of
this research was the whole students of second grade students of SMPN 2
Pringgarata, the total population is 71 students that consisted of two classes. The
sample was taken from population of the second grade students which consisted
of 71students. The data were gained from pre-test and post-test of speaking test
and questionnaire. The instrument was in form of test and questionnaire. In
analyzing the data, t-test formula was used. The finding showed that the mean
score of post-test for experimental is (60.57) higher than control (50.5). Further,
the result of t-test showed that t-test (1.80) is higher than t-table (1.664) with the
degree of freedom (df) = 95 at the significant level = 0.05. It means that the
Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the Null Hypothesis was
rejected.Moreover,the students has high confidence in speaking after treated by
using Graffiti, it was found in experimental group the students master 80%-89%
of all indicators of self confidence and in control groupthe students master 55%-
64% of all indicators, in this case there was significant different of the both group.
So, it can be concluded that Graffiti has significant effect towards students self
confidence in speaking at the second grade students of SMPN 2 Pringgarata in
academic year 2016/2017.

Keywords: Graffiti Strategies,Self Confidence and Speaking.


TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................. i

LOGO PAGE ................................................................................................. iii
APPROVAL .................................................................................................. iv
RATIFICATION ............................................................................................ v
STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ............................................................. vi
MOTTO AND DEDICATIONS ................................................................... vii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................ viii
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... ix
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... x
LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... xii
LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................... xiii
LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................... xiv

A. Background of the Study .................................................... 1
B. Statement of the Problems ................................................... 3
C. Purpose of the Study ............................................................ 3
D. Scope of the Study ............................................................... 4
E. Significant of the Study ....................................................... 4
F. Definition of the Key Terms ................................................ 4


A. Theoretical Review .............................................................. 6

1. Definition of Speaking ................................................ 6
2. Types of Speaking ....................................................... 7
3. Element of Speaking ................................................... 9
4. Definition of Self-Confidence ..................................... 10
5. Aspects of Confidence ................................................ 11
6. Indicators of Self-Confidence ..................................... 12
7. Definition of Graffiti ................................................... 13

8. Advantages of Graffiti ................................................. . 14
9. Procedures in Using Graffiti ....................................... . 15
10. Rationale of Graffiti towards Students Self Confidence in
Speaking ...................................................................... . 16
B. Previous of the Study ........................................................... 17
C. Theoretical Framework ........................................................ 18
D. Hypothesis ........................................................................... 21


A. Research Design .................................................................. 22
B. Population and Sample ........................................................ 23
C. Research Instrument ............................................................ 23
D. Technique of Data Collection .............................................. 24
E. Technique of Data Analysis................................................. 26


A. Research Finding ................................................................. 32
B. Discussion ........................................................................... 49


A. Conclusion .......................................................................... 52
B. Suggestion ........................................................................... 52

BIBLIOGRAPHY.......................................................................................... 55


Table 1 The Schema of Research Design .............................................. 22

Table 2 Rubric Score of Speaking ......................................................... 28
Table 3 Score Classification of Speaking .............................................. 30
Table 4 Scoring Qualification Self-Confidence .................................... 31
Table 5 Score of experimental group .................................................... 33
Table 6 Table of frequency distribution of pretest experimental .......... 35
Table 7 Table of frequency distribution of post experimental .............. 37
Table 8 Score of experimental group .................................................... 40
Table 9 Table of frequency distribution of pretest control ................... 42
Table 10 Table of frequency distribution of posttest control .................. 45
Table 11 Score angket experimental and control group .......................... 48


Figure 1 The treatment using Graffiti Strategies

Figure 2 The Result of Students Pre-test and Post-test


Appendix 1 Lesson Plan

Appendix 2 Blue Print of Self-Confidence Questionnaire
Appendix 3 Instrument of Self-Confidence Questionnaire
Appendix4 The Result of Students Pre-test
Appendix5 The Result of Students Post-test


A. Background of the Study

Speaking is one of the fundamental skills in English. As the first

recognizable skill speaking is the basic competence that must be acquired by

students in learning English. Having a good skill in their speaking, the other

skills will follow it naturally. Speaking is hard skill because it must be

practiced directly. It is considered as a barometer of acquiring a language,

knowing well about a language in terms of the components and the aspects of

that language. Speaking skill is very important to be studied by people

especially for students because it is one of the compulsory in which speaking

is included in the standard competence of English subject. According to

Louma (2004:27) speaking is meaningful interaction between people.

Furthermore (Brown, 1994; Burns & Joyce, 1997) stated that speaking is an

interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and

receiving and processing information.

As a tool of communication, speaking facilitates all people to

communicate all things, not only to express what is in peoples mind but also

make other people understand easily and quickly. A good speaker in English

is when the student speak to other people, they know what the speaker mean

without having any trouble, misunderstanding and also not giving ambiguity

meaning. As known students have many problems in speaking English. They

are not able to use accurate grammar, they are having difficulty in

pronouncing words, students are difficult to memorize vocabularies, they are

not able to speak fluently, they are shy to express themselves, and they are

lack self confidence.

The confidence factor holding one of the factors that constrain

students mastery to speak. In speaking a foreign language, some factors

influence the learners, one of the factor is self confidence, self confidence

inspires the students to reach their goals. Students admitted nervous, fearful,

less confident when being asked to express an idea or ideas in English. In

addition, the self confidence is felling confidence in oneself that includes

good or bad judgment and can act to interact in accordance what is expected

by others so that the individual can be accepted by others and their

environment, self confidence and speaking occur simultaneously.

Self-confidence is often linked with possessing of certain

knowledge, having aptitude or knowledge in a particular area can be have self

confidence, but its not a necessary prerequisite for self confidence. Someone

with absolutely no competency in something can still be self-confident.

People with low self-confidence is going influence the thoughts and actions

that undertake, both on a conscious and subconscious level. When constantly

thinking about a negative outcome, it takes focus off what should be doing to

achieve a desirable outcome. Lack of self-confidence is a crippling trait

because it often limits in opportunities and jeopardizes chances of success.

The importance of self confidence for learners is crucial in learning

speaking skill. The learning model that monotonous make students get bored

and feel challenged to be able to develop their speaking skill. Now on, as a

teacher of English, it needs something new in teaching, it needs to modify the

teaching and learning process by using technique, media or strategies to make

them enjoy and also to make them feel that English is not as difficult as they

think. It will make students interested in studying English and it will make

them think that, English is not complicated subject because of using

interesting media, method, or technique.

Therefore this research was conducted to help students who do not

have self confidence in practicing English (speaking) need a strategies to

build their ability in which this research used Graffiti strategies toward

students self-confidence.

From the description above, the researcher decided to investigate

the effect of Graffiti towards students self confidence in speaking skill.

B. Statement of the Problem

Based on the background of the study, the research problem can be

formulated as follows:

1. Is Graffiti strategy effective towards students self confidence in

speaking skill at the second grade students of SMPN 2 Pringgarata in

Academic Year 2015/2016?

2. How is students self confidence in speaking by the end of the treatment

using Graffiti?

C. Purpose of the Study

The purposed of the study as follows:

1. To analyze whether Graffiti strategies effective toward students self

confidence in speaking.

2. To describe how is students self confidence in speaking by the end of

the treatment using Graffiti.

D. Scope of the Study

This research was limited on finding out the effect of using Graffiti

strategies towards students self confidence in speaking at second grade

student of SMPN 2 Pringgarata in Academic Year 2016/2017.

E. Significance of the Study

The result of this research was expected can give theoretical and

practical significant.

1. Theoretical significance

The result of the research paper can be used as input in English

teaching learning process in Junior High School especially in teaching

speaking using Graffiti toward students self confidence. In addition,

this research aims to give contribution to the Junior High School

students to enlarge their speaking ability in the real situation.

2. Practical significance

This research gives contribution to the English teachers where

the result of this study can be reference to build their abilities in

teaching English.

F. The Definition of the Key Terms.

To avoid misunderstanding on side of the reader and drive them to the

same interpretation of the frame of thinking with concerned with study, it is

considered important to definition of key terms as follows:

1. Graffiti

Graffiti is an independent activity in which students can think and

write their responses freely. Nervousness over presenting their own

information is eliminated (Bennett, B. and C. Rolheiser ,2001)

2. Self confidence

Self confidence is an attitude or feeling confident in the ability of

self so that the person concerned is not too anxious in his actions, feel

free to do things and take responsibility for his actions, warm and polite

in interacting with others, have encouragement to participate and get to

know the advantages and disadvantages (Lauster, 1992:4).

3. Speaking

Speaking is uttered words or articulated sound with the ordinary

voice. In this research, speaking skill will be limited on the speaking

fluency and accuracy. Fluency and accuracy refers to the ability of a

speaker to communicate effectively in the language, this ability is based

on more than just grammatical knowledge and the concept is derived

from the general desire of language learners to be able to communicate

proficiently (Bilash, 2009).


A. Theories Review

1. Definition of Speaking

According to Chaney (1998:13) speaking is the process of

building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal

symbols, in a variety of contexts. Speaking skills are an important part of

the curriculum in language teaching, and this makes an important object of

assessment as well (Louma, 2004:1).

According to Brown (2003: 140), Speaking is productive skill that

can be directly and empirically observed, those observations are invariably

colored by the accuracy and effectivness of a test takers listening skill,

which neccesarily compromises the reliability and validity of an oral

production test.

Meanwhile (Mulvrage,1986:15),Speaking is the ability in uttering

articulated sounds or expressing the words, phrase, sentences, stating

the ideas, desire or willingness though audible (sound uttered) or

visible (body language) with a well arrangement combined ideas.

From the definition above, it can be inferred that speaking is

expressing ideas, opinions, or feelings to others by using words or sounds

of articulation in order to inform, to persuade, and to entertain that can be

learnt by using some teaching learning methodologies.

2. Types of Speaking

According to Brown (2003: 141) there are five types of speaking as


a. Imitative

At one end of continuum of types of speaking performance is

the ability to simply parrot back (imitate) a word or a phrase or

possibly a sentence. While this is purely phonetic level of oral

production, a number of prosodic, lexical and grammatical properties

of language may be included in the criterion performance. We are

interested only in what is traditionally labeled pronunciation; no

inferences are made about the test takers ability to understand or

convey the meaning or to participate in an interactive conversation.

b. Intensive

A second type of speaking frequently employed in assessment

context is production of short stretch of oral language designed to

demonstrate competence in narrow band of grammatical, phrasal,

lexical, or phonological relationships (such as prosodic elements-

intonation, stress, rhythm, juncture). The speaker must be aware of

semantic properties in order to be able respond, but the interaction

with the interlecutor or test administrator is minimal at best. Example

of intensive assessment include direct respond text , reading aloud,

sentence and dialogue completion; limited picture-cued task

including simple squences; and translation up to the simple sentence


c. Responsive

Responsive assessment task include interaction and test

comprehension but at the somewhat limited level of very short

conversation, standard greeting and small talk simple request and

comments, and the like. The stimulus is always a spoken prompt (in

order to preseve authenticity) with perhaps only one or two follow-up

questions or reports.

d. Interactive

The difference between responsive and interactive speaking is

in the length and complecity of the interaction, which sometimes

includes multiple exchanges and/ or multiple participants. Interaction

can take two forms of transactional language, which have the purpose

of maintaining social relationship. In the interpersonal exchanges,

oral production can become pragmatically complex with the need to

speak in causal register the use colloquial language, ellipsis, slang,

humor and other sociolinguistic conversation.

e. Extensive (monologue)

Extensive oral production task include speech, oral

presentation, and storytelling, during with the opportunity for oral

interaction from listener is either highly limited (perhaps to nonverbal

response) or ruled out together. Language style is frequently more

deliberative (planning is involved) and formal for extensive task, but

we cannot rule out certain informal monologue such as casually

delivered speech (for example, my vacation in the mountain, a recipe

for understanding pasta primavera, recounting the plot of a novel or


3. Element of Speaking

Based on David (1969: 81-82) there are five indicators of speaking,

there are:

a. Pronunciation

Can be intelligible though, good spelling, dealing with foreigners

attempting to speak the language. Including the segmental features-

vowels and consonants and the stress and intonation patterns.

b. Grammar

Grammar is an umbrella concept that includes increasing expertise in

grammar. Students are confident control of the grammar, they able to

speak the language with sufficient structural accuracy.

c. Vocabulary

Students have speaking vocabulary sufficient to express themselves

simply with some circumlocutions, able to speak the language with

sufficient vocabulary in conversation.

d. Fluency

Students can discuss particular interest of competence, able to use the

language fluently on all levels; can participate in any conversation with


e. Comprehension

Understand a normal rate of speech, can understand questions and

statement with paraphrase, can get the gist of most conversation of

non-technical subject.

Based on the theories above, it can be inferred that speaking is a

process of building and sharing meaning by using verbal and nonverbal

symbols to express ideas, opinions and feelings to the others which

involves some indicators of speaking, such as: ability to use vocabulary as

much as possible, ability to use grammar and structures well, ability to

keep talking at right speed and how good they are at conducting their ideas

together, ability to use pronunciation well, and the ability to comprehend

what talk about.

4. Definition of Self Confidence

Lauster (1992:4), states that self confidence is an attitude or feeling

confident in the ability of self so that the person concerned is not too

anxious in his actions, feel free to do things and take responsibility for his

actions, warm and polite in interacting with others, have encouragement to

participate and get to know the advantages and disadvantages.

According to Brown (2001:62), self confidence is learners believe

that they indeed are fully capable of accomplishing a task is at least

partially a factor in their eventual success in attaining the task. In addition,

Coopersmith (1967:18) explained that when individuals are more active,

which aims to behave, eager to run day today life like the individual and

the group are likely to have high self confidence.

The importance of self-confidence for learners is crucial part in

leaning speaking English. This can achieve teaching material and activities

that can give enthusiasm, brave and stimulation to learners, when the

teacher present the material and ask student to perform with their ideas,

they will not to monotonous and boring in learning process. Dornyei

(2001:4) suggested that the way to promote students self confidence were

through providing experience of sucess, encouraging the learners and

reducing anxiety. The learners have to enthusiasm achieved the goal of

learning a foreign laguage to sucess in mastery a target language well.

Students having to high self confidence will maximize the feedback to

build their speaking competency and rich their exellent goal in learning.

Self confidence can be internal character; it means that it is come

from the students individual. Also can be in external; which come from

teacher,parent, friend and so on. Self confidence differs into intrinsic and

extrinsic. Intrinsic self confidence is a stimulator power which appropriate

reason of the students in choosing and learning the lesson that they leran

seriously. Extrinsic self confidence is a stimulator power outside their


5. Aspects of Confidence

According Sarastika (2014:51), there are some aspects of self

confidence as follows:

a. The ability of self confidence, which is a positive attitude a person

about himself that he meant it to be what he was doing.

b. Optimistic that a positive attitude someone who always holds well in

the face or everithing about yourself, hope and willingness.

c. The objective is confident people looking at issues or anything in

accordance with the truth should be, not according to personal truth

or by himself.

d. Responsible for someone who is willing to endure everthing be


e. Rational and realistic that to analysis of a problem, a thing, and event

by using the thinking sense to correspond to reality.

6. Indicators of Self-Confidence

According to sarastika (2011:37) there are six indicators of self-

confidence, they are as follows:

a. Students believe to their own abilities.

b. Students can express their opinions.

c. Students can act to make decisions without the involvement of

anyone else.

d. Student can asses themselves with goog views or action to be taken.

e. Students can control the attitude of doing something or talking.

f. Students can get communication and gets socialization.

The concept of self confidence is fundamentally a confidence to

live your life, consider options and make decisions on their own to himself

that he was able to do something. According Sarastika (2014), self

confidence is convincing in ability and judgment ourselves in doing the

task and choose effective approach. To develop confidence, there some

aspects: To believe in his own abilities, dare to express their opinions,

having a positive self concept, act independent in taking decisions, rational

and realistic that to analysis of a problem.

7. Definition of Graffiti

Robin (2012:11) Graffiti is a public form of expression with

negative connotations. Usually graffiti is done illegally and with the

purpose of defacing public property. But, graffiti can also be an artistic

way to express strong opinions and ideas.

Graffiti refers to the act of marking property with writting,symbols

or graphics also picture.

According to Bennett, B. and C. Rolheiser (2001) Graffiti is an

independent activity in which students can think and write their responses

freely. Nervousness over presenting their own information is eliminated.

Graffiti works very effectively as an anticipatory set or closure

activity, or as an energizer during any lesson/presentation where

generation of ideas is desired.

Graffiti strategy is a cooperative learning technique that

encourages individual participation and is applicable across all grade

levels and class sizes.

Killen (1996:78), states that cooperative learning is a type of group

work in which two or more students interact with the common goal of

mastering specific academic material. In addition, Killen (1996:80) states

that cooperative learning gives several advantages for students.

Cooperative learning encourages students to verbalize their ideas and to

compare them with ideas and feeling of other students. This approach also

improves students self esteem, positive interpersonal relations with others

students, motivation to gain good mark, and positive attitudes towards

schools. Richard and Rodgers (2001:193) states that one of language

teaching goals by using cooperative learning is to enhance learner

motivation and to reduce learner stress and to create a positive affective

and classroom climate.

By seeing the advantages of cooperative learning, this study

applied Graffiti strategy as cooperative learning in teaching speaking in

experimental class. Moreover, Graffiti becomes a strategy to facilitate the

students to build students self confidence in speaking English.

8. Advantages of Graffiti

According to Bennett, B. and C. Rolheiser (2001), there are five

advantages of Graffiti as follows:

a. Graffiti is an inclusive activity that can involve all students in the

class. Students can choose to draw pictures instead of writing.

b. Graffiti is an independent activity in which students can think and

write their responses freely. Nervousness over presenting their own

information is eliminated.

c. The end product is the collective thoughts/ideas of all the class

members on a given topic.

d. When students have appropriate think time, the quality of their

responses improves.

e. At the end of the activity, students can summarize all the ideas listed

on their paper and present the results to the class.

9. Procedures in Using Graffiti

Bennett, B. and C. Rolheiser states that Graffiti is an independent

activity in which students can think and write their responses freely.

Nervousness over presenting their own information is eliminated. Graffiti

is an inclusive activity that can involve all students in the class. Also this

strategies will help students to generate ideas and cover several issues or

aspects efficiently and work collaboratively to learn from and share with

others Suhaili (2015).

This work collaboratively technique gives students the opportunity

to thoughtfully respond to questions in written form and to engage in

meaningful dialogues with other students around these issues. Asking

students to write and discuss ideas with a partner before sharing with the

larger group gives students more time to compose their ideas. This format

helps students build confidence, encourages greater participation and often

results in more thoughtful discussions. Here is how it works.

a. Divide the class into small groups. Give each group a large sheet of


b. Provide each group with a question, issue or statement, which can be

written on the paper.

c. Within a designated time, groups graffiti their paper with words,

phrases or drawings related to their question, issue or statement.

Advise students that they own the word/comments/drawings they

record. This means that they could be asked to explain or clarify

information where necessary.

d. The graffiti sheets are then passed to another group. Instruct students

to avoid repetition of ideas by ticking the comments they agree with,

writing comments next to ideas and writing their own new ideas.

e. The process is repeated until the groups original sheet is returned.

f. Groups read, discuss and summarize the graffiti sheets. Comments

may be categorized in order to draw conclusions or present a brief

summary presentation to the class. Use the responses to identify

further learning required by the students.

10. Rationale of Graffiti towards Student Self-Confidence In Speaking

It has been mentioned before in the above discussion that graffiti is

an independent activity in which students can think and write their

responses freely and graffiti is one of the activities to promote speaking.

Through graffiti strategies the student learn how to express ides, opinions,

or feeling to others by using words or sounds of articulation. Graffiti is an

inclusive activity that can involve all students in the class (including ESL

students). Also this strategies will help students to generate ideas and

cover several issues or aspects efficiently and work collaboratively to learn

from and share with others Suhaili (2015).

The importance of self-confidence for learners is crucial part in

learning speaking English. This can achieve teaching material and

activities that can give enthusiasm, brave and stimulation to learners, when

the teacher present the material and ask student to perform with their ideas,

they will not to monotonous and boring in learning process. Dornyei

(2001:4) suggested that the way to promote students self confidence were

through providing experience of sucess, encouraging the learners and

reducing anxiety. The learners have to enthusiasm achieved the goal of

learning a foreign laguage to sucess in mastery a target language well.

Students having to high self confidence will maximize the feedback to

build their speaking competency and rich their exellent goal in learning.

In conclusion, graffiti is a strategies which can build students self-

confidence, student fluency in target language, promotes students to speak

or interact with others in the classroom and makes the teaching learning

process more enjoyable.

B. Previous of the Study

In this research, the writer used two previous of the study that become

comparison and to find out the differences between the writers study. The

first is research that has been done by Nurul Wahida (2015) entitled The

effect of Think Pair Share (TPS) towards students self confidence in

speaking. The aim of her study is to build students ability in which this

research used TPS toward students self-confidence in speaking. The result of

her research shows that using TPS in teaching English is proved build

students sel-confidence in speaking skill. The similarity of the previous study

with the writers study are, research same skill that is speaking skill, using the

same research method that is experimental research method. Then the

difference is, the previous study conducted the research in MTS.

Hidayatussibyan NW Sangkareang, while the researcher conducted the in the

SMPN 2 Pringgarata Central Lombok.

The second is research that has been done by Arif Rahman (2015)

entitled Increasing students self confidence in speaking using talking chips.

The aim of her study is to increase students ability in which this research used

talking chips. The result of his research shows that using talking chips in

teaching English is proved increase students sel-confidence in speaking skill.

The similarity of the previous study with the writers study is, the research

same skill that is speaking skill. Then the difference is, the previous study

conducted the research in SMA Al-Marif Mataram, while the researcher

conducted in SMPN 2 Pringgarata Central Lombok. Using the different

research method, the previous study using CAR, while the writer study using

experimental study.

C. Theoretical Framework

In this research consist of three Variable, that is independent and

Depend variable, where Independent variable is Graffiti and self confidence

and speaking as Depend variable.

graffiti is an independent activity in which students can think and write

their responses freely and graffiti is one of the activities to promote speaking.

Through graffiti strategies the student learn how to express ides, opinions, or

feeling to others by using words or sounds of articulation. Graffiti is an

inclusive activity that can involve all students in the class (including ESL

students). Also this strategies will help students to generate ideas and cover

several issues or aspects efficiently and work collaboratively to learn from and

share with others Suhaili (2015).

The importance of self-confidence for learners is crucial part in leaning

speaking English. This can achieve teaching material and activities that can

give enthusiasm, brave and stimulation to learners, when the teacher present

the material and ask student to perform with their ideas, they will not to

monotonous and boring in learning process.

In conclusion, graffiti is a strategies which can build students self-

confidence, student fluency in target language, promotes students to speak or

interact with others in the classroom and makes the teaching learning process

more enjoyable.



Experimental Pre-test Control Group


Treatment Circle Talk


Post- test Control Group


Experimental Questionnaire Control Group



In this research, the researcher was classified students in two groups

namely experimental and control group, both of the group was be treated by

using different treatment, where the researcher focus on experimental group.

In experimental group was treated by using Graffiti while control group was

treated by using Circle Talk. Each group was given pre-test before treatment

and post-test after treatment. In pre-test and post-test the researcher was used

speaking test in the form of describing object. Then, after the researcher has

got the result of pre-test and post-test, the last is the researcher was analyzed

the result of the test.

D. Hypothesis

Hypothesis is the tentative answers of the research question that is

needed to be proved through the data analysis (Arikunto, 2006). The

researcher formulates the tentative answers of this research into two kinds of

hypothesis namely:

1. Alternate hypothesis (Ha)

Graffiti is effective toward students self confidence in speaking.

2. Null Hypothesis (Ho)

Graffiti is not effective toward students self confidence in speaking.

A. Research Design

The research was aimed to find out the effect of using Graffiti in

teaching speaking. According to Kothari (2004: 31) research design is the

arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in manner that

aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in


The research used quasy experimental with non-equivalent control

group design. In this research, the researcher gave different treatments for two

groups namely experimental and control. Experimental group was treated by

using Graffiti and control group was treated by Circle Talk, both of groups

was given the same pre-test and post-test.

The experimental design of this study was figure out by the following


Table 3.1 The Scheme of Research Design

Group Pre-test Treatment Post-test

Experimental (Graffiti Strategy)

Control group -

X = Treatment for Experimental group by using Graffiti strategy
- = Treatment for Control group by using Circle Talk
1 = Pre-test of experimental group
3 = Pre-test of control group
2 = Post-test of experimental group
4 = Post-test of control group

B. Population Study

The population of this research was the whole students of the second

grade students of SMPN 2 pringgarata that consist of two classes. The classes

those were VIIIa which consists of 35 students, VIIIb consists of 36 students.

The total numbers of students were 71 students.

In this research, the researcher used total sampling or population

study. In this research the researcher took all of the students at the second

grade students of SMPN 2 Pringgarata with total number of the population

were 71 students.

C. Research Instrument

Sugiyono, (2012: 102) stated that research instrument is the tool

that used measure the nature or social phenomena that being research.

Meanwhile stated that research instrument is tool or facility which is used by

researcher in collection data. (Arikunto, (2010: 203).

Based on the two of statements above, the researcher took

conclusion that research instrument was the tool or facility that used to

measure the nature or social phenomena that being researched for collecting

data. In this research, the researcher was used a test as the instrument in

collecting the data. The test was speaking test and questionnaire. The kinds of

instruments as follows:

1. Speaking Test

To collect the data of the research, the researcher was used

speaking test, to know the effect of graffiti and speaking test in form of

describing object. So the researcher was order students to write or draw

things then student described it by using Graffiti strategy.

2. Questionnaire

Questionnaire is a number of writer questions used in getting

information from respondent about him/herself or his/her know things

(Arikunto, 2002:140).

After collecting the data in form of speaking test, then to know the

students self confidence, the researcher was used questionnaire as

instrument in collection the data with 10 items. The kinds of

questionnairies were closed, it means the respondent or the student only

choose the best one on the items based on the situation of herself or

himself and the teacher was given score 1 for the correct answer and 0 for

incorrect answer.

D. Technique of Data Collection

For obtaining the data, the researcher employed test to the students.

The test was applied within two parts as follows:

1. Pre-test

Pre-test was a test given before giving the treatment to both of

groups, to know the basic students speaking and self confidence. Here,

the researcher was given pre-test in the first meeting. The test was used

in the form of describing the object.

2. Post-test

Post-test was a test given after giving the treatment to both of

groups, to know the effect of Graffiti strategies toward students self

confidence in speaking. In this term the researcher was given speaking

test in the form of describing object.

3. Questionnaire

The questionnaires consist of 6 component or indicators of self

confidence, Sarastika (2011:37)

a. Students Ability

b. Students idea/ express

c. Students Decision making

d. Students Action

e. Attitude

f. Socialization

In this research, the researcher gave questionnaire that consist of 10

items to both of groups, to know the students self confidence in speaking.

E. Techniques of Data Analysis

After obtaining the result at post-tests from the both group, then the

researcher began analyze the data by using formula. The researcher was kept

on the score on two kinds of statistical analysis. First, descriptive statistics, by

calculating the mean scores, mode, median and standard deviation scores of

two groups, both experimental and control group. The second was inferential

statistics, was to find out significance from the two deviations by t-test.

1. Data analysis speaking

a. Descriptive Statistics

1) Mean

Mean is the data description based on the average score of the

group. Formula to gain the mean of the data as follow:

xi fi
Me =


Me = Mean score
xi fi = product of fi with mid point in each classes from the
data distribution
n = respondent
= sum of.
(Sugiyono, 2013: 54).
2) Median

Median is data description based on the mid point of data after data

arrange from the lower to the higher. Formula to gain the median as


Md = b + p ( )

Md = Median of the data
b = the lower boundary where the median lies
p = interval (class width)
n = respondent
F = cumulative frequency in all interval, below the median lies
f = frequency class of the median
(Sugiyono, 2013: 53)

3) Mode

Mode is type of data description based on the most frequent

appearance of the data. Formula to gain the mode is as the

explanation below:

Mo = b + p ( )
1 +2

Mo = Mode of the data
b = the lower boundaries of the interval where the mode lies
p = interval (class width)
b1 = frequency of the interval containing mode reduce by that
of the previous interval
b2 = frequency of the interval containing mode reduce by that
of the following interval
(Sugiyono, 2013: 52)

4) Standard Deviation

Standard deviation was defined as the square-root of the average of

squares of deviations, when such deviations for the values of

individual items in series are obtained from the arithmetic average.

to get the standard deviation score use formula below:

fi( xi x) 2

(n 1)
In which:
S = Standard Deviation
= Sum of the data
fi = total frequency of the students
Xi = the lower limit of the interval within which the interval lies
x = mean score of the students
n = the number of students
Sugiyono (2013: 58)

b. Inferential Statistics

Inferential statistic used to decided whether the result confirm

the predicted effects of independent variable. In other words, this

analysis drawn the conclusion whether the scores between the two

groups were significant and the use of Graffiti Strategy is effective or


Finally, the last step to know the significance of two groups by

using the following formula:

t= 2 + 2 1 1
( )( + )


t = the significance of experimental group to control group

= the mean of experimental group
My = the mean of control group
X2 = the square of experimental group
Y2 = the square of control group
= the total sample of experimental group
= the total sample of control group
(Suharsimi, 2010: 311)

To score of students speaking ability the researcher was classified

the students score based on the following classification:

Table 3.2: Oral Proficiency Scoring Categories

Aspect 5 4 3 2 1
Fluency Quick, Fluently, Fluently Fluently not No specific
fluently, Occasional enough, good fluency
continuous hesitation several enough, description,
with no unnatural many not
hesitation hesitatios unnatural complete
and clear and hesitation utterances

Aspect 5 4 3 2 1

for words

Pronou Pronunciat Errors in Require Pronunciati Errors in

ncation ion is pronunciati guessing at on has pronunciati
excellent on are quite meaning, many on are
like native rare accent may problems frequent
speaker be but can be
obviously understood
foreign by native

Vocabu Vocabular Good, Good No enough Very little

lary y Very appropriate enough, vocabulary vocabulary
good; vocabulary rarely have or incorrect Vocabulary
Use and to look for a use repeated
appropriat response word
and new

Gramm Grammar Good; Two Good Many Errors in

ar Excellent; Or fewer enough; problems grammar
No grammatica listener like in verb are frequent
grammatic l errors understand forms but speaker
al enough Errors in can be
errors basic understood
structures by native

Compre Comprehe Understand Understandi No enough Confusing

hension nsion ing the ng the Understandi In
Understan concept concept ng the understandi
di good good concept ng the
ng the enough concept

Brown (2001:406-407)

After researcher found the score of each student in the rating scale,

the researcher need to classify them into the level of ability in speaking.

Bellow is the table of students speaking level based on the criteria of

mastery in rating scale.

Table 3.3 Score classification

Score Classification
84-100 Very Good
64-80 Good
24-60 Fairly Good
0-20 Poor

Total score :

Total .X 4 =Total score

84-100 =A

64-80 =B

24-60 =C

0-20 =D

2. The data analysis that was used to know the self confidence as follow:

Questionnaire is a number of written questions used in getting

information from respondent about him/herself or his/her know things

(Arikunto, 2002:140).

The questionnaire was used to measure students self confidence.

The questionnaire was assesed by using scale rating, this scale rating have

two option. They were yes and no. Option yes was given score 1

and option no was given score 0.

The score of students self confidence can be calculated by using

this formula:

Score = 100

(Yamin & Martinis, 2009: 215)

After researcher found out the score of each student, the researcher

need to classify them into the level of students self confidence. Bellow

was the table of students self confidence level:

Table 3.4 Scoring Qualification

Indicators of self confidence Degree Qualification Criteria

1. Students believe to their own 79-88 A Student master

abilities. 90%-100% of
2. Students can express their all indicators
opinions. 70-78 B Students master
3. Students can act to make 80%-89% of all
decisions without the indicators
involvement of anyone else. 57-69 C Student master
4. Student can asses themselves 65%-79% of all
with goog views or action to indicators
be taken. 48-56 D Student master
5. Students can control the 55%-64% of all
attitude of doing something indicators
or talking. Student master
6. Students can get 0%-54% of all
communication and gets 0-47 E indicators
Adapted from Wayan & Sunartana (1990:92) and Muhammad (2012:76)



A. Research Finding

In this chapter the researcher explained about the research finding.

The researcher described the data by the descriptive analysis and inferential

statistic. The data analysis leads a discussion toward the result of the

investigation. Here, the researcher provided the data as the result of the


1. Descriptive Analysis

a. Experimental Group Scores

The result of the research showed that the highest score of

pretest is 72 and the lowest score is 20. Meanwhile the highest score

of posttest is 84 and the lowest score is 36. The mean score of pretest

is 44.5 and the mean score of posttest is 60.57. The mode of pretest is

39.75 and the mode of posttest is 58.9. The median of pretest is 44

and the median of posttest is 60. 25. The range of pretest is 52 and the

range of posttest is 48. The standard deviation of pretest is 11 and the

standard deviation of posttest is 11.54. The more data description can

be seen below.

Table 4.1
Score of Experimental Group (X)
Experimental Group

No Deviation
Students Pre-test Post-test Deviation Square
(x1) (x2) (D=X2-X1) (D=X2-X1)2)
1 BHH 48 64 16 256
2 DG 44 60 16 256
3 DMS 52 68 16 256
4 RAH 60 72 12 144
5 YS 36 56 20 400
6 HD 60 72 12 144
7 HS 48 68 20 400
8 M. ML 32 48 16 256
9 ZH 20 40 20 400
10 MIH 28 44 16 256
11 RH 44 60 16 256
12 DA 60 72 12 144
13 RRD 48 68 20 400
14 YM 36 52 16 256
15 MAA 36 52 16 256
16 WA 64 76 12 144
17 LAS 48 68 20 400
18 NHT 48 64 16 256
19 TI 40 56 16 256
20 IS 40 56 16 256
21 WTI 48 68 20 400
22 AAI 72 84 12 144
23 MAH 36 52 16 256
24 AA 40 56 16 256
25 HBM 44 60 16 256
26 RHM 44 60 16 256
27 LAS 60 72 12 144
28 DK 36 52 16 256
29 BH 32 36 4 16
30 DG 72 76 4 16
31 DMS 36 52 16 256
32 RAA 44 64 20 400
33 YS 40 56 16 256

Experimental Group
Students Pre-test Post-test Deviation Square
No (x1) (x2) (D=X2-X1) (D=X2-X1)2)
34 HD 40 56 16 256
35 HS 36 52 16 256
Total X= 540 X2= 8816

1) Pre-test

a) Table of frequency distribution

I. Number of class

To decide the number of class on the data distribution the

writer uses the following formula:

K = 1 + 3.3 log n (sugiyono, 2013: 37)

K = 1 + 3.3 log 35
K = 1 + 3.3 X 1.54
K = 1 + 5.08
K = 6.08
The number of the class is 6.

II. Range of the data

The highest data minus the lowest of the data is 72-20 = 52.

The range of data is 52

III. Width of the class/interval

The width of the data found using the following formula:

Width of class=

Width of class = = 8.6

The width of the class is 9.

Table 4.2
Table of Frequency Distribution of Pretest
Class Class Mid Frequency
No Tally Percentage
Limit Boundaries Point(Xi) (Fi)
1 20-28 19.5-28.5 24 II 2 5.71%
2 29-37 28.5-37.5 33 IIII IIII 9 25.72%
3 38-46 37.5-46.5 42 IIII IIII 10 28.57%
4 47-55 46.5-55.5 51 IIII II 7 20%
5 56-64 55.5-64.5 60 IIII 5 14.28%
6 65-73 64.5-73.5 69 II 2 5.72%
35 100%

Table 4.3
Mean, median, mode, and standard deviation

Class Limit Fi Xi Xi2 Fi .Xi Fi.Xi2

20-28 2 24 576 48 1152

29-37 9 33 1089 297 10890

38-46 10 42 1764 420 15876

47-55 7 51 2601 357 18207

56-64 5 60 3600 300 18000

65-73 2 69 4761 138 9522

1560 73647

b) Mean

The mean of data as follow:

xi fi
Mean =

Mean = = 44,5

c) Mode

The mode of data as follow:

Mode = b + p ( )
1 +2
= 37.5 + 9 (1+3)
= 37.5 + 9 (4)
= 37.5 + 2.25
= 39.75

d) Median

The median of data as follow:


Me = b + p (2 )

35 11
Me = 37.5 + 9 (2 )
17.5 11
Me = 37.5 + 9 ( )
Me = 37.5 + 9 ( )
Me = 37.5 + 6.5
Me = 44

e) Standard Deviation

The standard deviation of the data as follow:

2 ( )

Sd =

Sd = 35
Sd = 35
73647 69531,42 4115.55
Sd = = = 121.04 = 11
34 34
2) Post-test

a) Table of frequency distribution

I. Number of class

To decide the number of class on the data distribution the

writer uses the following formula:

K = 1 + 3.3 log n (sugiyono, 2013: 37)

K = 1 + 3.3 log 35
K = 1 + 3.3 X 1.54
K = 1 + 5.08
K = 6.08
The number of the class is 6

II. Range of the data

The highest data minus the lowest of the data is 84 - 36 =

48. The range of data is 48

III. Width of the class/interval

The width of the data found using the following formula:

Width of class=
Width of class = =8

In this case the writer uses 9 as width of the class.

Table 4.4
Table of Frequency Distribution of Post-test

Class Class Mid Frequency

No Tally Percentage
Limit Boundaries Point(Xi) (Fi)
1 36 -44 35.5-44.5 40 III 3 8.57%
2 45 -53 44.5-53.5 49 IIII II 7 20%
3 54 -62 53.5-62.5 58 IIII IIII 10 28.57%
4 63- 71 62.5-71.5 67 IIII IIII 8 22.86%
5 72 -80 71.5-80.5 76 IIII I 6 17.14%
6 81- 89 80.5-89.5 85 I 1 2.86%
35 100%
Table 4.5

Mean, median, mode, and standard deviation
Class Limit Fi Xi Xi2 Fi .Xi Fi.Xi2

36 -44 3 40 1600 120 4800

45 -53 7 49 2401 343 16807

54 -62 10 58 3364 580 33640

63- 71 8 67 4489 536 35912

72 -80 6 76 5776 456 34656

81- 89 1 85 7225 85 7225

2120 133040

b) Mean

The mean of data as follow:

xi fi
Mean =

Mean = = 60.57

c) Mode

The mean of data as follow:

Mode = b + b ( )
1 +2
= 53.5 + 9 (3+2)
= 53.5 + 9 (5)
= 53.5 + 9. (0.6)
= 53.5+ 5.4
= 58.9

d) Median

The median of data as follow:

Me = b + p (2 )

35 10
Me = 53.5 + 9 (2 )
17.5 10
Me = 53.5 + 9 ( )
Me = 53.5 + 9 ( )
Me = 53.5 + 6.75
Me = 60.25

e) Standard Deviation

The standard deviation of the data as follow:

2 ( )
Sd =

Sd = 35

Sd = 35
133040- 128411.42
Sd = 34

Sd= 34

Sd= 136.13= 11.54

b. Control Group Score

The result of the research showed that the highest score of

pretest is 64 and the lowest score is 16, the highest score of posttest is

80 and the lowest score is 28. The mean score of pretest is 41.25 and

the mean score of posttest is 50.5. The mode of pretest is 39.5 and the

mode of posttest is 43.71. The median of pretest is 40.7 and the

median of posttest is 43.5. The range of pretest is 48 and the range of

posttest is 52. The standard deviation of pretest is 11.61 and the

standard deviation of posttest is 12.15.

Table 4.6
Score of Control Group (Y)
Control Group

No Deviation
Students Pre-test Post-test Deviation Square
(Y1) (Y2) (D=Y2-Y1) (D=Y2-Y1)2)
1 AFZ 52 48 -4 16
2 HDW 32 44 12 144
3 YRA 36 48 12 144
4 IP 32 40 8 64
5 LMS 16 28 12 144
6 SR 44 52 8 64
7 AGK 28 36 8 64
8 YH 44 52 8 64
9 BS 32 44 12 144
10 RD 24 32 8 64
11 LA 32 40 8 64
12 M. AW 28 40 12 144
13 M. JY 40 52 12 144
14 YRD 36 52 16 256
15 L. BG 48 56 8 64
16 HRD 52 72 20 400
17 YHP 36 44 8 64
18 AAG 44 52 8 64
19 WA 48 60 12 144
20 ALM 36 40 4 16
21 WRT 48 60 12 144
22 WK 36 40 4 16
23 AY 28 32 4 16
24 ADK 48 60 12 144
Control Group
No Deviation Deviation

Students Pre-test Post-test (D=Y2-Y1) Square
(Y1) (Y2) (D=Y2-Y1)2)
25 HM 36 40 4 16
26 EA 64 80 16 256
27 ZE 48 56 8 64
28 ZD 36 48 12 144
29 AF 56 72 16 256
30 HDR 64 76 12 144
31 YRA 52 68 16 256
32 IP 40 52 12 144
33 LMS 40 44 4 16
34 SR 48 60 12 144
35 AGK 32 40 8 64
36 MJ 52 54 2 64
Total Y=346 Y2=4160

1) Pretest

a) Table of frequency distribution

I. Number of class To decide the number of class on the data

distribution the writer uses the following formula:

K = 1 + 3.3 log n (sugiyono, 2013: 37)

K = 1 + 3.3 log 36
K = 1 + 3.3 X 1.55
K = 1 + 5.12
K = 6.12
The number of the class is 6

II. Range of the data

The highest data minus the lowest of the data is 64 - 16 = 48.

The range of data is 48

III. Width of the class

The width of the data found using the following formula:

Width of class=

Width of class = =8

In this case the writer uses 9 as width of the class.

Table 4.7
Table of Frequency Distribution of Pretest

Class Class Mid Frequency

No Tally Percentage
Limit Boundaries Point(Xi) (Fi)
1 16 -24 15.5-24.5 20 II 2 5.55%
2 25 -33 24.5-33.5 29 IIII III 8 22.22%
3 34 -42 33.5-42.5 38 IIII IIII 10 27.79%
4 43- 51 42.5-51.5 47 IIII IIII 9 25%
5 52 -60 51.5-60.5 56 IIIII 5 13.89%
6 61- 69 60.5-69.5 65 II 2 5.55%
36 100%

Table 4.8
Mean, median, mode, and standard deviation

Class Limit Fi Xi Xi2 Fi .Xi Fi.Xi2

16 -24 2 20 400 40 800

25 -33 8 29 841 232 6728
34 -42 10 38 1444 380 14440
43- 51 9 47 2209 423 19881
52 -60 5 56 3136 280 15680
61- 69 2 65 4225 130 8450
1485 65979

b) Mean

The mean of data as follow:

xi fi
Mean =

Mean = = 41,25

c) Mode

The mean of data as follow:

Mode = b + b ( )
1 +2
= 33.5 + 9 (2+1)
= 33.5 + 9 (3)
= 33.5 + 6
= 39.5

d) Median

The median of data as follow:


Md = b + p (2 )

36 10
Md = 33.5 + 9 (2 )
18 10
Md = 33.5 + 9 ( )
Md = 33.5 + 9 ( )
Md = 33.5 + 7.2
Md = 40.7

e) Standard Deviation

The standard deviation of the data as follow:

( )
Sd = 1

Sd = 36

Sd = 36

65979- 61256.25 4722.75

Sd = =
35 35

= 134.93= 11.61

2) Posttest

a) Table of frequency distribution

I. Number of class

To decide the number of class on the data distribution the

writer uses the following formula:

K = 1 + 3.3 log n (sugiyono, 2013: 37)

K = 1 + 3.3 log 36
K = 1 + 3.3 X 1.55
K = 1 + 5.08
K = 6.08
The number of the class is 6

II. Range of the data

The highest data minus the lowest of the data is 80-28 = 52.

The range of data is 52

III. Width of the class

The width of the data found using the following formula:

Width of class=

Width of class = = 8.8
The width of the class is 9.

Table 4.9
Table of Frequency Distribution of Posttest

Class Class Mid Frequency

No Tally Percentage
Limit Boundaries Point(Xi) (Fi)
1 28-36 27.5-36.5 32 IIII 4 11.11%
2 37-45 36.5-45.5 41 IIII III 8 22.22%
3 46-54 45.5-54.5 50 IIII IIII 10 27.77%
4 55-63 54.5-63.5 59 IIII III 9 25%
5 64-72 63.5-72.5 68 III 3 8.35%
6 73-81 72.5-81.5 77 II 2 5.55%
36 100%

Table 4.10
Mean, median, mode, and standard deviation
Class Limit Fi Xi Xi2 Fi .Xi Fi.Xi2

28-36 4 32 1024 128 4096

37-45 8 41 1681 410 16810
46-54 10 50 2500 450 22500
55-63 9 59 3481 472 27848
64-72 3 68 4624 204 13872
73-81 2 77 5929 154 11858

1818 96984

b) Mean

The mean of data as follow:

xi fi
Mean =

Mean = = 50.5

c) Mode

The mean of data as follow:

Mode = b + p ( )
1 +2
= 36.5 + 9 (6+1)
= 36.5 + 9 (7)
= 36.5 + 7.71
= 43.71

d) Median

The median of data as follow:


Md = b + p (2 )

36 14
Md = 45.5 + 9 (2 )
18 14
Md = 45.5 + 9 ( )
Md = 45.5 + 9 ( )
Md = 45.5 + 4
Md = 49.5

e) Standard Deviation

The standard deviation of the data as follow:

2 ( )

Sd = 1

Sd = 36

Sd = 36

Sd = 96984
= 5175
= 147.85 = 12.15
c. T-test

Testing hypothesis is process in decided whether alternative

hypothesis would be accepted or null hypothesis would be rejected.

The hypothesis of this research was tested by t-test (1.80) t-table at

the significant level of 0.05 and degree of freedom was 95.

a). = 540 b). =346

= =

540 346
= =
35 36

= 15.42 = 9.61

After having treatment, the researcher used statistic hypothesis

to calculate the result of t-test that could be seen as follow:

2 +2 1 1
( )( + )

t= 8816+4160 1 1
( )( + )
35+362 35 36

t= 12976 1 1
( )( .+ )
69 35.5 35.5

t = (188.05)(0.056)

t = 10.5308

t = 3.245

t = 1.80

So to (t-obtain) (t-table) or 1.80 1.664

The result of this analysis showed that the result t-test here was

significantly effective of using Graffiti Strategy at the second grade

students of SMPN 2 Pringgarata in Academic Year 2016/2017.

Table 4.9 Score Angket Experimental and Control Group

No Experimental Group Control Group

Name of Post-test Name of Post-test

students students
1 BHH 70 AFZ 50
2 DG 70 HDW 60
3 DMS 70 YRA 50
4 RAH 70 IP 50
5 YS 70 LMS 60
6 HD 80 SR 50
7 HS 70 AGK 40
8 M. ML 70 YH 50
9 ZH 80 BS 50
10 MIH 80 RD 50
11 RH 70 LA 50
12 DA 70 M. AW 40
13 RRD 70 M. JY 50
14 YM 70 YRD 40
15 MAA 70 L. BG 40
16 WA 70 HRD 40
17 LAS 70 YHP 60
18 NHT 70 AAG 50
19 TI 80 WA 40
20 IS 80 ALM 40
21 WTI 80 WRT 40
22 AAI 70 WK 50
23 MAH 70 AY 50
24 AA 80 ADK 40
25 HBM 80 HM 50
26 RHM 70 EA 50
27 LAS 80 ZE 50
28 DK 80 ZD 50
29 BH 80 AF 50
No Experimental Group Control Group
Name of Post-test Name of Post-test
students students

30 DG 70 HDR 60
31 DMS 70 YRA 50
32 RAA 70 IP 50
33 YS 70 LMS 60
34 HD 70 SR 50
35 HS 70 AGK 40
36 MJ 40
Total 2.480 1.690

Based on the reserach finding, the researcher found that the students

has self confidence in speaking after treated by using Graffiti, it was found in

experimental group is 11 students got score 80, the students master 90%-

100% of all indicators and 24 students got score 70, the students master 80%-

89% of all indicators, in this case the students has high confidence, it can be

seen when the students speak, the students can believe in his own abilities,

dare to express their opinions,having a positive self concept, act independent

in taking decision and realistic that to analysisis of a problem. Moreover, it

was found in control group there were 5 students got score 60, 12 students got

score 40 and 19 students got score 50, the students master 55%-64% of all

indicators, it can be inference that in control group students still low

confidence than experimental group. In this case there was significant

different of the both groups self confident.

B. Discussion

Based on the research finding, the researcher found that the Graffiti has

significant effect toward students confidence in speaking. The data analysis

of the posttest showed that the mean score of experimental group is higher

than the control group (Mx= 60.57 > My= 50.5), in this case there was

significant different of the both groups. The experimental group was taught

by using the Graffiti strategy and the control group was taught by using the

circle talk, in other word teaching speaking using the Graffiti is effective

toward students confidence in speaking and based on the reserach finding,

the researcher found that the students has self confidence in speaking after

treated by using Graffiti, it was found in experimental group there were 11

students got score 80, the students master 90%-100% of all indicators and 24

students got score 70, the students master 80%-89% of all indicators, in this

case the students has high confidence, it can be seen when the students speak,

the students can believe in his own abilities, dare to express their

opinions,having a positive self concept, act independent in taking decision

and realistic that to analysisis of a problem. Moreover, it was found in control

group, that there are 5 students got score 60, 12 students got score 40 and 19

students got score 50, the students master 55%-64% of all indicators, it can be

inference that in control group the students still low confidence than in

experimental group, the data indicated that the score of experimental and

control group had significant different.

Moreover, the T-test showed that the t obtained is higher than the t table

(to= 1.80 > tt =1.664). By the criteria of hypothesis: Hypothesis alternative

(Ha): Graffiti was effective toward students self confidence in speaking,

Hypothesis null (Ho): Graffiti was not effective toward students confidence

in speaking. The researcher concluded that Ha is accepted and the Ho was

rejected, it mean that there was significant effect of Graffiti toward students

confidence in speaking.

Graffiti is an independent activity in which students can think and

write their responses freely and graffiti is one of the activities to promote

speaking. Through graffiti strategies the student learn how to express ides,

opinions, or feeling to others by using words or sounds of articulation. Graffiti

is an inclusive activity that can involve all students in the class (including ESL

students). Also this strategies will help students to generate ideas and cover

several issues or aspects efficiently and work collaboratively to learn from and

share with others Suhaili (2015).

The importance of self-confidence for learners is crucial part in leaning

speaking English. This can achieve teaching material and activities that can

give enthusiasm, brave and stimulation to learners, when the teacher present

the material and ask student to perform with their ideas, they will not to

monotonous and boring in learning process.

In conclusion, graffiti is a strategies which can build students self-

confidence, student fluency in target language, promotes students to speak or

interact with others in the classroom and makes the teaching learning process

more enjoyable.

Finally, the researcher concluded the result of the research based on the

analysis and the interpretation of the data that the Graffiti was effective

toward students confidence in speaking at second grade students in SMPN 2

Pringgarata in academic year 2016/2017.



A. Conclusion

In the previous chapter, the data analysis showed that the mean score

the posttest experimental and control group is 60.57 and 50.5. The t obtained

is 1.80, the t table is 1.664. Here, the mean score of experimental group was

higher than the control group, the t obtained was higher than the t table, the

data indicated that the score of experimental and control groups had

significant different. It indicated that the alternative hypothesis was accepted

and the null hypothesis was rejected.

Moreover, In the previous chapter, the data analysis showed that in

experimental group, the students has high self confidence than control group,

it was found in experimental group that the students master 80%-89% of all

indicators of self confidence while in control group, students master 55%-

64% of all indicators, in this case there was significant different of the both


Based on the above explanation the researcher concluded that the

Graffiti strategy was effective toward students self confidence in speaking.

B. Suggestion

Based on the result of this research, indicated that there was

effectiveness of Graffiti Strategy toward students self-confidence in speaking

skill. Some suggestions for the teaching learning English were proposed as


1. For the teachers:

a. It is important for the teacher to know the system, rules of the Graffiti

Strategy itself, so that the teacher could apply the strategy properly.

b. Teachers should encourage the student to be more active to participate

in the classs.

c. To give contribution to English teachers that teaching speaking using

Graffiti Strategy more interesting.

2. For the students:

a. The students are hoped not to be shy in acting out their Graffiti.

b. The students are hoped to be active and creative in enriching their


c. The students are hoped to use English when they practice Graffiti

strategy although it is hard for them.

d. The students should ask to the teacher if there is something that they

dont understand regarding to the Graffiti strategy.


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Appendix 01




Kelas/Semester : VIII (Delapan) / II (Genap)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
AlokasiWaktu : 4 x 40 menit
A. Standar Kompetensi
Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan essay pendek
sederhana berbentuk DESCRIPTIVE untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan
B. Kompetensi Dasar
Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal
(bersosialisasi) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana
secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan
terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi informasi,
mengucapkan terima kasih, meminta maaf, dan mengungkapkan kesantunan
C. Indikator
1. Siswa menyebutkan tujuan komunikatif dari descriptive teks
2. Siswa menyebutkan cirri-ciri dari teks
3. Menggunakan kalimat simple present tense dalam membuat sebuah
4. Menghasilkan teks berbentuk deskripsi
D. TujuanPembelajaran
Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa:
1. Merespon berbagai hal terkait tema teks fungsional yang dibahas
2. Mengidentifikasi ciri- ciri, tujuan komuniksi aktif dari teks
3. Siswa dapat menggunakan simple present tense dalam menulis sebuah
4. Siswa dapat Meghasilkan teks berbentuk deskripsi

E. Materi Pembelajaran
1. Tujuan : to entertain the reader
2. General structure:
a. Identification; identifying the phenomenon to be described.
b. Description; describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/and
3. Gramatical features :
a. Use present tense
b. Using attributive and identifying process.
c. Using adjective and classifiers in nominal group.
F. Metode Pembelajaran
Graffiti strategy
G. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

a. Pre-teaching
1. memberi salam
2. berdoa
3. memrikasa kehadiran siswa
4. memeriksa kesiapan siswa
5. memberi informasi tujuan pembelajaran
b. The main activity
1. guru menjelaskan teks descripsi dan generic strukturnya.
2. guru mengenalkan graffiti strategy
3. guru menjelaskan langkah-langkah pengaplikasian graffiti teaching
4. guru membagi kelompok dan membimbing semua kelompok dalam
menggunakan graffiti teaching technique
5. guru mereview apa yang sudah dipraktekkan.
7. guru menyuruh siswa menggambar benda dengan graffiti teaching
technique dan guru disini masih membimbing siswa.
8. guru menyuruh mendiskusikan dan mendiskripsikan dengan group
siswa masing-masing dengan menggunakan graffiti teaching technque.

9. guru dan siswa mendiskusikan hasil dari apa yang diskusikan.
10. guru menyuruh siswa menjawab beberapa pertanyaan yg sdah
c. Post-activity
1. guru memberi umpan balik terhadap siswa tentang apa yang sudah di
2. guru mengevaluasi apa yang sudah di pelajari.
3. guru menanyakan tentang kesulitan apa yang dihadapi siswa dalam
belajar deskripsi teks.
4. guru menanyakan kesulitan apa yang dihadapi ketika menggunakan
graffiti teaching technique.
5. guru dan siswa membuat kesimpulan.
6. penutup (berdoa dan salam)
H. Sumber Belajar
I. Penilaian
Technique: Oral Test
Instrument: Speaking Test
Total .X 4 =Total score

.., .,
Guru Mapel Bahasa
Inggris Mahasiswa

Sahpan, M.Pd Jaenab

NIP.196812311988031107 NIM: 12.411.017


Kepala Sekolah SMPN Pringgarata

Muksin, S.Pd, M.Pd




Kelas/Semester : VIII (Delapan) / II (Genap)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
AlokasiWaktu : 4 x 40 menit
J. Standar Kompetensi
Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan essay pendek
sederhana berbentuk DESCRIPTIVE untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan
K. Kompetensi Dasar
Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal
(bersosialisasi) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana
secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan
terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi informasi,
mengucapkan terima kasih, meminta maaf, dan mengungkapkan kesantunan
L. Indikator
5. Siswa menyebutkan tujuan komunikatif dari descriptive teks
6. Siswa menyebutkan cirri-ciri dari teks
7. Menggunakan kalimat simple present tense dalam membuat sebuah
8. Menghasilkan teks berbentuk deskripsi
M. TujuanPembelajaran
Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa:
5. Merespon berbagai hal terkait tema teks fungsional yang dibahas
6. Mengidentifikasi ciri- ciri, tujuan komuniksi aktif dari teks
7. Siswa dapat menggunakan simple present tense dalam menulis sebuah
8. Siswa dapat Meghasilkan teks berbentuk deskripsi
N. Materi Pembelajaran

4. Tujuan : to entertain the reader
5. General structure:
a. Identification; identifying the phenomenon to be described.
b. Description; describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/and
6. Gramatical features :
d. Use present tense
e. Using attributive and identifying process.
f. Using adjective and classifiers in nominal group.
O. Metode Pembelajaran
Circle Talk strategy
P. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

a. Pre-teaching
1. memberi salam
2. berdoa
3. memrikasa kehadiran siswa
4. memeriksa kesiapan siswa
5. memberi informasi tujuan pembelajaran
b. The main activity
1. guru menjelaskan teks descripsi dan generic strukturnya.
2. guru mengenalkan graffiti strategy
3. guru menjelaskan langkah-langkah pengaplikasian graffiti teaching
4. guru membagi kelompok dan membimbing semua kelompok dalam
menggunakan graffiti teaching technique
5. guru mereview apa yang sudah dipraktekkan.
7. guru menyuruh siswa menggambar benda dengan graffiti teaching
technique dan guru disini masih membimbing siswa.
8. guru menyuruh mendiskusikan dan mendiskripsikan dengan group
siswa masing-masing dengan menggunakan graffiti teaching technque.
9. guru dan siswa mendiskusikan hasil dari apa yang diskusikan.

10. guru menyuruh siswa menjawab beberapa pertanyaan yg sdah
c. Post-activity
1. guru memberi umpan balik terhadap siswa tentang apa yang sudah di
2. guru mengevaluasi apa yang sudah di pelajari.
3. guru menanyakan tentang kesulitan apa yang dihadapi siswa dalam
belajar deskripsi teks.
4. guru menanyakan kesulitan apa yang dihadapi ketika menggunakan
graffiti teaching technique.
5. guru dan siswa membuat kesimpulan.
6. penutup (berdoa dan salam)
Q. Sumber Belajar
R. Penilaian
Technique: Oral Test
Instrument: Speaking Test
Total .X 4 =Total score

.., .,
Guru Mapel Bahasa
Inggris Mahasiswa

Sahpan, M.Pd Jaenab

NIP.196812311988031107 NIM: 12.411.017


Kepala Sekolah SMPN Pringgarata

Muksin, S.Pd, M.Pd


Appendix 02


No Definition Aspect and Indicator Items

1 Self confidence To believe in his Student believe to their 2,4
is an attitude or own abilities own abilities
2 belief contained Dare to express Student can express 1
within oneself. their opinions their opinions
3 Confidence is a Act independent inStudent can act to make 8
feeling of a trust making decisions decisions without the
in someone and involvement of anyone
something. else.
4 Having a positive Student can assess 3,7
and optimistic themselves with good
sense of self views or actions to be
5 Calm in doing Students can control the 9,10
something attitude of doing
something or talking
6 Get communication Students can get 6,5
and Get communication and
socialization gets socialization

Appendix 03


A. Isilah data di bawah ini sesuai dengan keadaan anda yang sebenarnya!
Nama :
Nomor absent :
B. Pilihlah jawaban yang telah disediakan dengan memberikan tanda checklist
() pada salah satu jawaban yang anda anggap paling sesuai dengan keadaan

Pilihan jawaban
NO Pernyataan
Yes No
1 Dengan Strategi Graffiti ini saya dapat
mengutarakan pendapat saya saat didalam
2 Dengan strategi Graffiti ini dapat mengurangi
rasa grogi pada diri saya.
3 Dengan Strategi Graffiti ini saya berani untuk
selalu berbicara dan bertindak didalam kelas
4 Dengan Strategi Graffiti ini membuat saya
lebih santai untuk berbicara bahasa inggris
5 Dengan Strategi Graffiti ini membuat saya
bersemangat dalam belajar bahasa inggris
6 Dengan Strategi Graffiti ini membuat saya
semakin senang dalam berbicara bahasa
7 Dengan strategi Graffiti ini saya merasa yakin
pada kemampuan bahasa inggris saya.
8 Dengan strategi Graffiti ini saya mampu
bekerja sama dan mengkomunikasikan dengan
pasangan saya.
9 Dengan strategi Graffiti ini saya percaya bisa
menghafal kosa kata dalam bahasa inggris.
10 Dengan Strategi Graffiti ini membuat saya
lebih rajin dalam berbicara agar saya bisa
terbiasa dalam belajar bahasa inggris.

Appendix 04

Pre-Test Experimental group

No Name of P G V F C TNX4
1 Bambang Hardi 2 3 2 3 2 48
2 Deni Gunawan 3 3 2 1 2 44
3 Dimays Maulana 2 3 3 2 3 52
4 Ruslan Ahmat 3 3 3 3 3 60
5 Yogi Saputra 2 2 3 2 3 36
6 Hendri Dika Putra 3 3 3 3 3 60
7 Hakkan Sawali 2 3 2 3 2 48
8 M. Mazlan 2 1 1 2 2 32
9 Zaenul Haqqi 1 1 1 1 1 20
10 Muh. Ihsan 2 1 1 1 2 28
11 Rizwan Hadi 3 3 2 1 2 44
12 Dodi Adrian 3 3 3 3 3 60
13 Rian Rosidi 2 3 2 3 2 48
14 Yudi Marza 2 2 1 2 2 36
15 M. Ardi Ali 2 2 2 2 1 36
16 Wahyu Sisilalahi 4 3 3 3 3 64
17 L. Adi Satoni 2 3 2 3 2 48
18 Nanang Hidayat 2 3 2 3 2 48
19 Taupik Isamil 2 2 2 2 2 40
20 Irpan Sahwadi 2 2 2 2 2 40
21 Warti 2 3 2 3 2 48
22 Acman Alparizi 4 4 4 3 3 72
23 M. Andi Hidayat 2 2 1 2 2 36
24 Aldi Akbar 2 2 2 2 2 40
25 M . HasbiMujidin 3 3 2 1 2 44
26 Rahman 3 3 2 1 2 44
27 L . Andre Saputra 3 3 3 3 3 60
28 Dodi Kurniawan 2 2 1 2 2 36
29 Lanang Alfarizi 2 1 1 2 2 32
30 M. Afwan 4 4 4 3 3 72
31 M. Jayadi 2 2 1 2 2 36
32 Yardian 3 3 2 1 2 44
33 L. Bintang 2 2 2 2 2 40
34 Hardiyan 2 2 2 2 2 40
35 Yogi H.P 2 2 1 2 2 36

Appendix 05

Post-Test Experimental group

No Name of P G V F C TNX4
1 Bambang Hardi 4 3 3 3 3 64
2 Deni Gunawan 3 3 3 3 3 60
3 Dimays Maulana 3 4 3 4 3 68
4 Ruslan Ahmat 4 4 4 3 3 72
5 Yogi Saputra 2 3 3 3 3 56
6 Hendri Dika Putra 4 4 4 3 3 72
7 Hakkan Sawali 3 4 3 4 3 68
8 M. Mazlan 2 3 2 3 2 48
9 Zaenul Haqqi 2 2 2 2 2 40
10 Muh. Ihsan 3 3 2 1 2 44
11 Rizwan Hadi 3 3 3 3 3 60
12 Dodi Adrian 4 4 4 3 3 72
13 Rian Rosidi 3 4 3 4 3 68
14 Yudi Marza 2 2 3 3 3 52
15 M. Ardi Ali 2 2 3 3 3 52
16 Wahyu Sisilalahi 4 4 4 4 3 76
17 L. Adi Satoni 3 4 3 4 3 68
18 Nanang Hidayat 4 3 3 3 3 64
19 Taupik Isamil 2 3 3 3 3 56
20 Irpan Sahwadi 2 3 3 3 3 56
21 Warti 3 4 5 4 3 68
22 Acman Alparizi 5 4 4 4 4 84
23 M. Andi Hidayat 2 2 3 3 3 52
24 Aldi Akbar 2 3 3 3 3 56
25 M . HasbiMujidin 3 3 3 3 3 60
26 Rahman 3 3 3 3 3 60
27 L . Andre Saputra 4 4 4 3 3 72
28 Dodi Kurniawan 2 2 3 3 3 52
29 M. Mazlan 2 2 1 2 2 36
30 Zaenul Haqqi 4 4 4 4 3 76
31 Muh. Ihsan 2 2 3 3 3 52
32 Rizwan Hadi 4 3 3 3 3 64
33 Dodi Adrian 2 3 3 3 3 56
34 Rian Rosidi 2 3 3 3 3 56
35 Yudi Marza 2 2 3 3 3 52

Appendix 06

Pre-Test Control group

No Name of P G V F C TNX4
1 Alfarizi 2 2 3 3 3 52
2 Hendrawan 2 1 1 2 2 32
3 Yildi Rae Asgar 2 2 1 2 2 36
4 Imanda Putra 2 2 2 1 2 32
5 L. M. Sayidul 1 1 1 1 0 16
6 Sapri Ramdan 3 2 2 2 2 44
7 Ades Graseka 2 1 1 2 1 28
8 Yusrin Horki 2 2 3 2 2 44
9 Bayu Sapin 2 1 1 2 2 32
10 Rizal Dwiki 2 1 1 1 1 24
11 Lanang Alfarizi 2 1 1 2 2 32
12 M. Afwan 2 1 1 2 1 28
13 M. Jayadi 2 2 2 2 2 40
14 Yardian 2 2 1 2 2 36
15 L. Bintang 2 3 2 3 2 48
16 Hardiyan 2 2 3 3 3 52
17 Yogi H.P 2 2 1 2 2 36
18 Andra Agustin 3 2 2 2 2 44
19 Wahyu Andika 2 3 2 3 2 48
20 Alman 2 2 1 2 2 36
21 Warti 4 3 3 3 3 48
22 Waldi Kurniawan 2 2 1 2 2 36
23 Ahmad Yusri 2 1 1 2 1 28
24 Aldi Akbar 2 3 2 3 2 48
25 Hasbi Mujidin 2 2 1 2 2 36
26 Enggi Adrian 4 3 3 3 3 64
27 Zarmendi Esan 4 3 3 3 3 48
28 Zaenal Doni 2 2 1 2 2 36
29 L. Adi Satoni 2 2 1 2 2 56
30 Nanang Hidayat 4 3 3 3 3 64
31 Taupik Isamil 2 2 3 3 3 52
32 Irpan Sahwadi 2 2 2 2 2 40
33 Warti 2 2 2 2 2 40
34 Acman Alparizi 2 3 2 3 2 48
35 M. Andi Hidayat 2 1 1 2 2 32
36 M.junaidin 2 2 3 3 3 52

Appendix 07

Post-Test Control group

No Name of students P G V F C TNX4

1 Alfarizi 2 3 2 3 2 48
2 Hendrawan 3 2 2 2 2 44
3 Yildi Rae Asgar 2 3 2 3 2 48
4 Imanda Putra 2 2 2 2 2 40
5 L. M. Sayidul 2 1 1 2 1 28
6 Sapri Ramdan 2 2 3 3 3 52
7 Ades Graseka 2 2 1 2 2 36
8 Yusrin Horki 2 2 3 3 3 52
9 Bayu Sapin 3 2 2 2 2 44
10 Rizal Dwiki 2 1 1 2 2 32
11 Lanang Alfarizi 2 2 2 2 2 40
12 M. Afwan 2 2 2 2 2 40
13 M. Jayadi 2 2 3 3 3 52
14 Yardian 2 2 3 3 3 52
15 L. Bintang 2 3 3 3 3 56
16 Hardiyan 4 4 4 3 3 72
17 Yogi H.P 3 2 2 2 2 44
18 Andra Agustin 2 2 3 3 3 52
19 Wahyu Andika 3 3 3 3 3 60
20 Alman 2 2 2 2 2 40
21 Warti 3 3 3 3 3 60
22 Waldi Kurniawan 2 2 2 2 2 40
23 Ahmad Yusri 2 2 2 1 1 32
24 Aldi Akbar 3 3 3 3 3 60
25 Hasbi Mujidin 2 2 2 2 2 40
26 Enggi Adrian 4 4 4 4 4 80
27 Zarmendi Esan 3 3 3 2 3 56
28 Zaenal Doni 2 3 2 3 2 48
29 Alman 4 4 4 3 3 72
30 Warti 4 4 4 4 3 76
31 Waldi Kurniawan 4 4 4 3 2 68
32 Ahmad Yusri 2 2 3 3 3 52
33 Aldi Akbar 3 2 2 2 2 44
34 Hasbi Mujidin 3 3 3 3 3 60
35 Enggi Adrian 2 2 2 2 2 40
36 M.junaidin 3 3 3 3 3 54

Appendix 08


2. Descriptive Analysis
In this data description, the writer make table of frequency
distribution which help writer to analyze the mean, mode, median and the
standard deviation.
a. Experimental Group
1) Pretest
f) Table of frequency distribution
IV. Number of class
To decide the number of class on the data distribution the
writer uses the following formula:
K = 1 + 3.3 log n (sugiyono, 2013: 37)
K = 1 + 3.3 log 35
K = 1 + 3.3 X 1.54
K = 1 + 5.08
K = 6.08
The number of the class is 6
V. Range of the data
The highest data minus the lowest of the data is 72-20 = 52.
The range of data is 52
VI. Width of the class/interval
The width of the data found using the following formula:

Width of class=

Width of class = = 8.6
The width of the class is 9.

Table of frequency distribution

Class Class Mid

No Xi2 Tally (Fi) Fi.Xi Fi.Xi2
Limit Boundaries Point(Xi)
1 20-28 19.5-28.5 24 576 II 2 48 1152
2 29-37 28.5-37.5 33 1089 IIII IIII 9 297 10890
3 38-46 37.5-46.5 42 1764 IIII IIII 10 420 15876
4 47-55 46.5-55.5 51 2601 IIII II 7 357 18207
5 56-64 55.5-64.5 60 3600 IIII 5 300 18000
6 65-73 64.5-73.5 69 4761 II 2 138 9522
35 1560 73647

Histogram and Polygon of Pretest



19.5-28.5 28.5-37.5 37.5-46.5 46.5-55.5 55.5-64.5 64.5-73.5

g) Mean

The mean of data as follow:

xi fi
Mean =

Mean = = 44,5

h) Mode
The mode of data as follow:
Mode = b + p ( )
1 +2

= 37.5 + 9 (1+3)

= 37.5 + 9 (4)
= 37.5 + 2.25
= 39.75

i) Median

The median of data as follow:


Me = b + p (2 )

35 11
Me = 37.5 + 9 (2 )
17.5 11
Me = 37.5 + 9 ( )
Me = 37.5 + 9 ( )
Me = 37.5 + 6.5
Me = 44

j) Standard Deviation
The standard deviation of the data as follow:
( )
Sd = 1

Sd = 35

Sd = 35

Sd = 73647 34
= 4115.55
= 121.04 = 11

2). Posttest

f) Table of frequency distribution

IV. Number of class To decide the number of class on the data
distribution the writer uses the following formula:
K = 1 + 3.3 log n (sugiyono, 2013: 37)
K = 1 + 3.3 log 35
K = 1 + 3.3 X 1.54
K = 1 + 5.08
K = 6.08
The number of the class is 6
V. Range of the data
The highest data minus the lowest of the data is 84 - 36 =
48. The range of data is 48
VI. Width of the class/interval
The width of the data found using the following formula:

Width of class=
Width of class = =8

In this case the writer uses 9 as width of the class.

Table of frequency distribution

Class Class Mid

No Xi2 Tally (Fi) Fi.Xi Fi.Xi2
Limit Boundaries Point(Xi)
1 36 -44 35.5-44.5 40 1600 III 3 120 4800
2 45 -53 44.5-53.5 49 2401 IIII II 7 343 16807
3 54 -62 53.5-62.5 58 3364 IIII IIII 10 580 33640
4 63- 71 62.5-71.5 67 4489 IIII III 8 536 35912
5 72 -80 71.5-80.5 76 5776 IIII I 6 456 34656
6 81- 89 80.5-89.5 85 7225 I 1 85 7225
35 2120 133040

Histogram and Polygon of Post-test


35.5-44.5 44.5-53.5 53.5-62.5 62.5-71.5 71.5-80.5 80.5-89.5

g) Mean

The mean of data as follow:

xi fi
Mean =

Mean = = 60.57

h) Mode
The mean of data as follow:
Mode = b + b ( )
1 +2

= 53.5 + 9 (3+2)
= 53.5 + 9 (5)
= 53.5 + 9. (0.6)
= 53.5+ 5.4
= 58.9

i) Median

The median of data as follow:


Me = b + p (2 )

35 10
Me = 53.5 + 9 (2 )
17.5 10
Me = 53.5 + 9 ( )
Me = 53.5 + 9 ( )
Me = 53.5 + 6.75
Me = 60.25

j) Standard Deviation
The standard deviation of the data as follow:
2 ( )

Sd = 1
Sd = 35
Sd = 35
133040- 128411.42 4628.58
Sd = =
34 34

= 136.13= 11.54
b. Control Group
3) Pretest

f) Table of frequency distribution

IV. Number of class To decide the number of class on the data

distribution the writer uses the following formula:

K = 1 + 3.3 log n (sugiyono, 2013: 37)

K = 1 + 3.3 log 36
K = 1 + 3.3 X 1.55
K = 1 + 5.12
K = 6.12
The number of the class is 6

V. Range of the data

The highest data minus the lowest of the data is 64 - 16 =

48. The range of data is 48

VI. Width of the class

The width of the data found using the following formula:

Width of class=

Width of class = =8

In this case the writer uses 9 as width of the class.

Table of frequency distribution

Class Class Mid

No Xi2 Tally (Fi) Fi.Xi Fi.Xi2
Limit Boundaries Point(Xi)
1 16 -24 15.5-24.5 20 400 II 2 40 800
2 25 -33 24.5-33.5 29 841 IIII III 8 232 6728
3 34 -42 33.5-42.5 38 1444 IIII IIII 10 380 14440
4 43- 51 42.5-51.5 47 2209 IIII IIII 9 423 19881
5 52 -60 51.5-60.5 56 3136 IIII 5 280 15680
6 61- 69 60.5-69.5 65 4225 II 2 130 8450
1485 65979

Histogram and Polygon of Pretest



19.5-28.5 28.5-37.5 37.5-46.5 46.5-55.5 55.5-64.5 64.5-73.5

g) Mean

The mean of data as follow:

xi fi
Mean =

Mean = = 41,25

h) Mode

The mean of data as follow:

Mode = b + b ( )
1 +2
= 33.5 + 9 (2+1)
= 33.5 + 9 (3)
= 33.5 + 6
= 39.5

i) Median

The median of data as follow:


Md = b + p (2 )

36 10
Md = 33.5 + 9 (2 )
18 10
Md = 33.5 + 9 ( )
Md = 33.5 + 9 ( )
Md = 33.5 + 7.2
Md = 40.7

j) Standard Deviation

The standard deviation of the data as follow:

( )
Sd = 1

Sd = 36

65979- 36
Sd =

65979- 61256.25 4722.75

Sd = =
35 35

= 134.93= 11.61

2) Posttest
f) Table of frequency distribution

IV. Number of class

To decide the number of class on the data distribution the

writer uses the following formula:

K = 1 + 3.3 log n (sugiyono, 2013: 37)

K = 1 + 3.3 log 36
K = 1 + 3.3 X 1.55
K = 1 + 5.08
K = 6.08
The number of the class is 6

V. Range of the data

The highest data minus the lowest of the data is 80-28 = 52.

The range of data is 52

VI. Width of the class

The width of the data found using the following formula:

Width of class=

Width of class = = 8.8
The width of the class is 9.

Table of frequency distribution

Class Class Mid

No Xi2 Tally (Fi) Fi.Xi Fi.Xi2
Limit Boundaries Point(Xi)
1 28-36 27.5-36.5 32 1024 IIII 4 128 4096
2 37-45 36.5-45.5 41 1681 IIII IIII 10 410 16810
3 46-54 45.5-54.5 50 2500 IIII IIII 9 450 22500
4 55-63 54.5-63.5 59 3481 IIII III 8 472 27848
5 64-72 63.5-72.5 68 4624 III 3 204 13872
6 73-81 72.5-81.5 77 5929 II 2 154 11858
1818 96984

Histogram and Polygon of Posttest



35.5-44.5 44.5-53.5 53.5-62.5 62.5-71.5 71.5-80.5 80.5-89.5

g) Mean

The mean of data as follow:

xi fi
Mean =

Mean = = 50.5

h) Mode

The mean of data as follow:

Mode = b + p ( )
1 +2
= 36.5 + 9 (6+1)
= 36.5 + 9 (7)
= 36.5 + 7.71
= 43.71

i) Median

The median of data as follow:


Md = b + p (2 )

36 14
Md = 45.5 + 9 (2 )
18 14
Md = 45.5 + 9 ( )
Md = 45.5 + 9 ( )
Md = 45.5 + 4
Md = 49.5

j) Standard Deviation

The standard deviation of the data as follow:

( )
Sd = 1

Sd = 36

Sd = 36

Sd = 96984
= 5175
= 147.85 = 12.15

2. T-test

Testing hypothesis was process in deciding whether alternative

hypothesis would be accepted or null hypothesis would be rejected. The

hypothesis of this research was tested by t-test (1.80) t-table at the

significant level of 0.05 and degree of freedom was 95.

Experimental group Control group

Deviati Deviati
Pre Post Square Pre Post Square
on on
No test test( deviation( test( test( deviation
(X2- (Y2-
(X1) X2) X2-X1)2 Y1) Y2) (Y2-Y1)2
X1) Y1)
1 48 64 16 256 52 48 -4 16
2 44 60 16 256 32 44 12 144
3 52 68 16 256 36 48 12 144
4 60 72 12 144 32 40 8 64
5 36 56 20 400 16 28 12 144
6 60 72 12 144 44 52 8 64
7 48 68 20 400 28 36 8 64
8 32 48 16 256 44 52 8 64
9 20 40 20 400 32 44 12 144
10 28 44 16 256 24 32 8 64
11 44 60 16 256 32 40 8 64
12 60 72 12 144 28 40 12 144
13 48 68 20 400 40 52 12 144
14 36 52 16 256 36 52 16 256
15 36 52 16 256 48 56 8 64
16 64 76 12 144 52 72 20 400
17 48 68 20 400 36 44 8 64
18 48 64 16 256 44 52 8 64
19 40 56 16 256 48 60 12 144
20 40 56 16 256 36 40 4 16
21 48 68 20 400 48 60 12 144
22 72 84 12 144 36 40 4 16
23 36 52 16 256 28 32 4 16
24 40 56 16 256 48 60 12 144
25 44 60 16 256 36 40 4 16
26 44 60 16 256 64 80 16 256
27 60 72 12 144 48 56 8 64
28 36 52 16 256 36 48 12 144

29 32 36 4 16 56 72 16 256
30 72 76 4 16 64 76 12 144
31 36 52 16 256 52 68 16 256
32 44 64 20 400 40 52 12 144
33 40 56 16 256 40 44 4 16
34 40 56 16 256 48 60 12 144
35 36 52 16 256 32 40 8 64
36 52 54 2 64
X= X2= Y=34 Y2=416
Total 540 8816 6 0

a). = 540 b). =346

= =

540 346
= =
35 36

= 15.42 = 9.61

After having treatment, the researcher used statistic hypothesis to

calculate the result of t-test that could be seen as follow:

2 +2 1 1
( )( + )

t= 8816+4160 1 1
( )( + )
35+362 35 36

t= 12976 1 1
( )( .+ )
69 35.5 35.5

t = (188.05)(0.056)

t = 10.5308

t = 3.245

t = 1.80

So to (t-obtain) (t-table) or 1.80 1.664

The result of this analysis showed that the result t-test here was

significantly effective of using Graffiti Strategy at the second grade

students of SMPN 2 Pringgarata in Academic Year 2016/2017.


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