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The Tomtamatl of the Aubin Collection.

fin Old Mexican Picture Manuscript.

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The Tonalamatl of the Aiibin Collection.

An Old Mexican Picture Manuscript in the Paris National Library

(Manuscrlts Mexlcains No. 18 t9).

Published at the Expense of his E xcellency the Duke of Loubat.

With Introduction and Explanatory Text


Dr. Eduard Seler,

Fi> tper of Aumnn* IjitguwUr*, Ktbnqfrapfct, mb1 Aratoology
in Mm* I'ttivsrvuy ti llorlia.

'Ji - iC -tst


1000- 1901 .

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English Edition

A. H. Keane,
Lam AolkratuUiteil Itnlhuli <>(

Uswl m<1 In-. Aid

/tUM l, Ami, ! ., * r***, *4 . i-4w A A

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Hi* Bxoeltenoy

Joseph Florimonl, Duke of Lou hat.

Your Excellency.

Jimtly recognising tbaffor tbr investigation o( the ancient culture of the Mexican and Central
Awrinn peoples their prorial writings an* of primary importance, you have fur a number of

yt-arr mode It your special jure to have faithful reproductions prepared of the fragments of a large

and comprehensive litrnltut which has by a happy fortune hern rescued from destruction ; in this

utilising the processes of ti modern photographic lechnupir, which alone makes such reproductions
powible, and placing them I the disposal of students of all uathxuaUtim. Amongst these documents

vou have remembered thiTonalamatl, a manuscript which the learned Boturini had rightly

regarded as one of the fat valuable in his collection, and which the diligent investigator.

Auliin,was able to incluttin his oultection of obi Mexican literary remains in the year 1NH.
This document became for se first time more generally known through the uneolounsl drawings
which were published in 17 by the administration of the Museo Nacionnl de Mexico. At the
time 1 (Attained a spec! meat these copies through my highly esteemed friend Dr. Pcfiafiel, and

was thus enabled to place (fore the International Congress of Americanists, which met In Berlin
in the var 1WW, a thoioul ini|uiry into the contents of the mnnuscript, ami of the figure* and
symbols represented in it. Your Excellency has been induced by this circumstance to invite

me to provide an introdmt, and explanatory text for the facsimile edition which you have now
brought out. For this eonssiou 1 am sincerely grateful, and have undertaken it with pleasure.

My work of the year 1KH8 I bean the first attempt to explore a difficult and hitherto completely
neglected field of research, am conscious of having at. that time availed myself of every possible

means that might serve to plain the figures and clear up the problems, and of having eagerly
I am also aware that I followed many a wrong track, while Upoe
sought the true solution. I

then much fresh matter hi^ome to light. By the publication of the splendid pietofcnl Codex
of the Palais Bourbon, whiiwas partly also made passible by your assistance, the inquiry lias
Iiecn placed <m quite a new footing. In the following exposition i have accordingly luul

thoroughly to recast my work. In doing m I have in the same way, n in the year 1S98. not
confined myself to tin* mmning of the separate element 1
* of the manuscript. As in the elucidation
of grammatical forms the philologist cannot re*t satisfied with the materials supplied by a single
language, hut must compare them with those of the kindred tongues, md investigate the earlier
conditions of linguistic development, in the sain* way the forms uni symbol* figured in this

pictorial script can lie made intelligible only by comparison with th allied reprewentations ill

other pictorial writings ;

for after all they are a kind of *|iocrh. r rueiins of communicating
thought. Trusting further to the solid ground which is presented by the interpretations of the
Codex Telleriano- Rrmcnsis, dating from a time when the meaning of these figures and symbols
was atill understood, 1 believe that in what follows I hare pointed wit many new paths, and
given a satisfactory interpretation of the general meaning, one that brings together the
correlated elements. But this attempt also will still need many impnnemonts, many rectifications,

and, above all. will require to lie completed. But if, a* I hope, fellow- workers and future
students shall find in it a stimulus and aid to further research, I diall consider that I hare
acquitted myself ill accordance with the intentions of your Kxccllcn^.

Eduard 8eler.
Steglitx, August 1900.

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1. History of the Manuscript.

Til# intHnfefiiig and lin|wrtant jiictorUl whMi. thank* to ImtixM. tilt i moment e ilrwruhietf ow " (Madrid 1746) lie descrlb*# in
I tie taiualfi<*Kv of that groat tuwourager of Anowitmi rfmlbu. HU I XV U' niter hfc* fashion the agronomic w. adding, wit hunt Imw-
Kxeelleucy th# I>ok# of Ij^alwr, I* now to nil student *, #ter naming thi* author, arvonhng to Jwiuto d# 1* Sermi'w U**k,'
helongod at timw t Ui<* objection of tit# Mibuiwa* hiatoHon aul but in a different order, th# M Signo* Cdntw d# iiueatm* Indio*,*'

wrh*adogit r i'amlwri' l/vrtitii Huturiui Ilenadm-i. Aw to how iutd and reinorln thrmipon :

tore it e*e into hi* pm ar n tnm nothing i* know*. In th# judicial " And if I had the lurk to me*t amo*gf the Indian liMtorirm*
Inventory of Ik <i until'* collet* ion taken in the City of Mexico in tit# an mat liar who arranged the above-mentioned **gn, and the planrt*
Ymu 1742, the document i* entered under the No. 32 in the inventory hiuiiVM, in their right order, 1 should pre^awe chart* and cvrUral
of the sixth day (September M, 1743). und i# described a* folknr* : dUpo*M iime in the Indian ninnner, following the proper and true
I'll Oilrtnlario wMAtrico dr In* inoriliew 4 innum ilAr* v-ti-Bi And a* regard* the signs I vrill take mre with the
qne *r <Muan oK#rrjr Ink" k ilia* del oiks en die* V *eiw chart of a rrfuof cofendor, almul which I will cx|>fcun in the following
fiijn* {dntadae en |l*el dr maguey gnew, v drutro ike 4J JMMn |r*gni|>-i under N. 3. in order to fix the 18 pact are* of the chief

IX Lorenao einc# j*j*4ew de aptnitew Itamiit#* A u etplkociott.' 1 deities which thi* nuuiu*cri|* contain* on n many ]<aget, and the

In thlw d#*crptkm there u tin error. The numn*cri|4 contain*, other twn [jiirtare*^ which are miiviug in thi* iMnn*cri]>r. Fur
uirf MXteen, bat eighteen punted ihrct*. Hie woxmt of the content* many of the picture* whirh are there fiwnnd *mn to mo to haie>

in the inventory on the *tntcrarrU of Boturmi th# character of celedial (ign*. The
chart of a ritual
of the document given . .

|w aim inmrcnmte. In tlu* pictorial work the fiestas inntovible** calendar,*' to which Buturini refer* in thi* )u*Hgv u th# her#

nr# not ilenlt with. jKihlidied TonaliunatL la fact, in the following { xxx of Idw

Brit tlutl the document describ'd in the inventory in the above e*my Boturini deal# with it under No t, remarking thereupon :

* Tengu de eat e A ho Kit uni un antkjuimoio Ma| en jjtt pd

quoted terms k really the here rrjeodueed tanxiiMm|* the Toaafcunatl
of Auhinw t.V Alert ion in shown from the hut that on the in**d# of th# ffriuumt /ndiuno npvliUnfo, V que en utui parte tieoe prpuin

lowing jaige 2Mt) we written vu the i>U-f**hiuoeil algwtuts pi iiitmi* de Faxaro, y #e recoge, y dohla oomo una pema
lust 1-4* Tik sheet (tol tint!

trie of llm Uu* (eight##nth) century the word* : de patki. eu el qimi lo* fkicerdotei de lo< Idolot, A cuvo cargo

Kalendario Ydclat riro en 16 f.

quehlan he Kilos, divtribovenm Ins Fiesta* Movibft* p Ftj-is

No. 23.Vuv** 4 .
de *us Din*#* rn 3K>. pagma*. o qiuutcle*. Lievnndo ctwln nna

n*c value <rf tlii* immuwrijit wa*> alo nltvndy rviilmt to Rotuiini
della* uu Triadecat^riiin de Svtnhola* de lo* dins del afla, eor-
rerfwuiihentr* nl Siateina del AIW toman, anh it /aitnu ins
hi mo- If. In hi* r**ny Idea tie unit Nueva H 1*1 or in timornl ih- In
rlo* ullimeis pa*finat (nm octaltalar lo* 3<A ]tnm*i|*fck* ^niloku
A m-' rim Septentrional, fundads wdre Material cufduao ile flgunt*.

m mluktf, ract<ltr, y gwigliHww. c*nUn y Mawwtltu* ilr Autvwe* 1

Hw ia>c4 to wink the author refer* m the Mwnoii 4b MiiiMn* 4*

India*, f*m el (VioNbiiost'i da am IdulaUiu j Eilayw-Mi de dlw. . . .

Pna*i. * >(jiaiif*bl<>* del Arte Mvir*n.i Aniigno, fWrlin 1*90 Tt t HftpiMU. |K# <1 Dr. Jarinlo dm U Harm." pu Libbed in Lb* l*i Mw> AtnW
n J lCf . J*.
lit. N'atMtl dt Ucti ii T iibii vi., Ibiim. IWJ

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. >*s* Hn
ii i
2 1. Mwtory <4 the MouuwriH

dr Wm dua* del Afto. ko qoe *e hnllau m rate Miqat i liefoMitto* nu>. and iiillnvra, it gnaiiatlly mrltni away. 1
A largr nnenber >i
J* utnt titi*to tit> I
* qttt Me vt tit Jour T*tbio* *W /Wur Sermn, tin* ikvtuiinii4 the w<*4|knuwn n*i nmoiurr D. An run. in dr f^wi v

Mfiwlow mjnM*tr ii amUtr at iv t V, dumb* iW om*r |r ultimo tiama* rontriveil romrlmw or other to get bold of. At tim *alr

el e$ Ci/HtcSti, m uftwtantr i|iiit iu.mU lo kiUiiKi pur In qtte I'rt of la* |*f*'riy after hi* death Atanader rnn llambddt aequind a
& qumta tin lt* *1iai* riot hAd m| fnrinarw eta
la la* Tabla* dr fr fraguirnts aiiieti are now tn the Royal lihrary. Heflin.* A g*H
Sent* 13. TnbU# itr a 20. Iis 5 *n rate Mn{ 20. (Agin** d* many of the other* were afterward* bnaght by Aufcn, whu. after the
k 13. diaa. Y n dr nolar qor In 1*4111* It. qrn- I* Cairn, drbr Revolution of July 133IX had gone a* a n-fugee to .Mexico, and a a*
rinjmear por el Symbol o re ftatfof/. uu TJjjr*. qua h e* or- in)| 4N| then* till 1H40 m* ibnixur of a Knnie*)Irtinia t'oilrgr.

rr*qmndiri*r. y urabir na Ttiadcratt-riihi rn 13. ilufnixtli, Irw* Throe aiklilioiial il*wntn*it wm* hnnigtit to Kjmje ly taunt Max
j la joti'iim 2-' qor a**ami*no le faJta. deh* eiiipenir Walilnk, aim loot twen coinittiMa*anal by l*ird KinglKnnug1i to go to
fti w CipMUtti* uti Tibnriin. V acahar >u Triadeentfrirfn eu 13. Mexitsi, w*1 ilurtng the Vua 1IU2-33 IuhI made dniwing* for him of
.1 o*tl, tma < Vuik ; dr merle ijui* dr mm, u otm inolu, e*t the imaiunronl* in the |wmiiu->. of Vmvttna and f'liiaim*. tkhrr* have
ex. dr 13. Taiwan dr & 20, din* ii 20. Ihgina* dr a 13. dim. ft mod their any to Plnladr||iliia and elsewhere, and the re* of the
tvittltan * la qwnt*y 200. ne vurlve nl pHnripo dr <ViUi>rtNMi ha oUainwl ait arvluiti in th* Naidonal de Mexico.
rlka. eonttnoami) A rouiar Inula 100. din* *, y dan 300. m <Hu Tuaialaitmi I m anmngkt the document** of the Botnrint
itka dr rl aAo. y linqp* * afrfclm Im 3. intemdiin**, ton *n

l '-illn-t too which wrte In the | ****** m of Inn y tiaina- Hr ilreriliw

Svtnboiu* iifnadv, y i|iierfw eonipletu rl aAo. it in hi* bnok qtmeed in tlir ahm- Mr.' adling rtiat lr had a coja-
y ar ahinn 4
(unto luu Ur Firtta*, tVreuionina, qor o*irrrtqKHtdian A eada of it (jcefuroil. ami Imd wiiini to that i%qtj the taro (og*v niiming
ilia. Kn Ue rr(*rttiH* pngim* dr rl tuikcoo Ma| ertAn. in tbe original.
AuUu procured tbr eojiy in ^tnico. and thU k*

u*as /*ynr*n* rulh# <U /Jim, 0Hp0ritiot.inii U*m dr rtnU now includf^J with the ro*t of hi* Collection iu the lhui* Bihlk>tli^i|ue
dirt dr H fan* dr e*to* rd pintado ajiarte a a ht*Jo
afto, y
Nationalr (MSS. Mexiroitis IS^4*). Tlie original war brought to

H gmttl por ararfenWu tm rmr^noimdo tori. t a^neilo Eamje by Waldrck. who wild it to Aubin in the year 1^41 6r tlio
Tri<tiic*ti*r>Aa, edo e* qur m 1Vh era mat rolrtnar. v ditraUtn mim rf lOftft fmnro- The murhor <rf tiro mle hit* Irnm ]MblUhiMt
loa Kilos r <Vrrinonbs dr alia 13. ilia*, run mnyuce* drnxuira- by Holiaii,' and rum* * under :

rkniiM, rucoo quanrio m nor* ran Kalendarioa Krlrtioiliro* M * "Je rernnnata awrir Irilf a M. AtiKn on Mmwrit talendrmr.
apttiitan algtiaoM Kurt a** <<c ortam." | *l"_Ve eil VwijJ. lb* dollar friijllra ; or UnfOWII elant tliunpir lie iron
Till* itarrriptiu* 1 bate *jimi ml in ihe on^tnal and in full ;
fur Hum romme gritfe aur i-haqt* frnillet d rw inaianl r'effnrer.

it | Wright \. It raahlwt u, in fart, to rrcogniM.* rlUal H i tbe brn- duo ue In jaiWut A M. All bin, (Miiur cortiArr la reimorati ion quo
nqifodimi*d TonalanMil erf thr dnlan ('ollrctaon thafi KitnHiii Um j'nl faitn ea >o fuseur do co bran murernu. jmur la *ominr de
Mur* hh oyp. But t alio rfwat, wlwrt Boturint tun I la*5irr deux miUe fnitto.

orar In mImict. that bo drnvnl hi* lumatr-dgr .if thr littwl calriidar
** (vignc) I>i* Waldrck.
^ Mantmartro, Ir 24 tlctolwe
)igrt will br inodr iloar. tliat hr Inrl ihi uwer cormi h|hm than *
El dmih,
harii>l, Im aluwi j Am cuomm, lo aMimhiiwi

dr la vna of the real niraimig of fhU manuwni|i< nnlablOM>ntp Owtii laifadoi*, Dirdamiio r*iitn*i 4* Huloni

Aftrr llrurint anvrt ami n^nirral Wk to S(an, tlir pwriiHix j de itrofftthi M*xcr Id3, Art A*to*Wh
* Art b*r uf 0u* *reil krmwa Ionj.%un Hncmra D
y CrMHiWic <l la*
mlUrl iiNt whlrh lm Uni UU i*w>ly Knwighl t agH hrr rmraiimri nl HM l*u-la* <|c na rr'Uia dal j-d- arto >j-ir m ten
foruauA* m
la Pha* m* m
in thr airliive* of the MvtvUrinl, ami war nftrraan]* tniM- Principal 4a M iins a* kalhuMi *a alia l aau da TIC'." I

frrml t KthUiiliva do
* lm MounkafttarAia
I Hitrfmclinfba AbzamWr ra Unroll Mm iq i|it
tin* la riiivrrddtad, and Utrr to tin- frvrrtaria
Kuuich?Wii IMi-.iit-lt Ml IWrhn KiImuut:* Or Kduard tWar lhrrl'0 IWS

lrKrfaito y KrUriiarm of hr nrw n*|niNir of Mrtiii. I

We know * Lao. cat. p, .11.

hat U*nikM' of thU iHi||m*tiim, and hoar through negWf, thtnipn****.

* I l<d. **...! paotaal copu qua Amt aaoir 4r el k la qaal aotdi laa Am
>|U' fd*n *ru d Xt*ital
* Catolegtxi raianao* ;
il* la OdlaKNai >1* M. K. Eufvua GeopiL |AaoiiiM
IT* rw i * rprinl ;
it dmild r-d f^iut HI. rtalUcUm J. M X, Aubin i. Pari. IdPI. I. pi ***

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y. Itexriptioo the 3

Tiro* i* Muted the rtrtwml of (1mm' winch on lit* neeihccitr was slaying at the lime hi Pari*. lie had several co|*e* of tlu*

1 also rejiealrst i tl** f iiw, that Anhiu h*d obtained this valuable Tonalataatl taken hy lithtigtapliic prtwas* at the Institution des Swards
imtnuwrript from flu* toonli- of flu* Fnmri-nm i'nmv*m\ in Maxim, Marts, when III* missing two first sheets were iepruduerd from those
in exchange tug it eo|*r i4 ihr (imlii del rtMtuiMiHi,' |mblt*hrd rupjtlrd Inr leeui y irsitn. This repmdortian. in which the* Inst

liv l ump Ink. fin fit* *!> price H |vmm. Ill fa, lit* mum- Wall Irek two sheets alone am printed in euhmr*, has been published in Vol. IV.
I* found <iii u|-**il on several sheet* of tlur manuscript. It in msuork- of the ".Umles del Mumo Naetcnal dr Mexico." It was bv mean*
nble that in tbia certificate of the sale aij the number uf slumt* of this m)sruiiuctiu* that I was able to give the interpret** ion* that
i wrongly given. Tin* nurauM-rijA in folded. nut in 12. lx* if tit* Wem |KiihlulinI tn the M <'can|de teiulu dr la 7* Session du t'oagres
uu|*uiNy| larec hr included in 19 wheel*. And if thn two infernal kmnl k Amfricnnirtnat
w Berlin lftAti. The late K Kngene
whorls of n fold b* oiuiitul n> one, then we fit not 12 W only (ioupil Iwviiig olAainrd by |iur<*hasM*

tlw whole of the Aubin Collection
having now been banded over
1ft sheets. to keep it for France and the
A with the ollirr documents in his comprehensive and vnlu*hi to the Port* National IjbvnrT. in orenrdance with the wislies of tlir
collection, Aubin made srarretr nov use of this ncijuiwltkm excel* tlefum*. the ralnabir manuscript herewith {niblished the Tounlamall
for private stodsm, the rewuhs of which lucre remained unpuhhwlud. it thus also |irr*rrred fur ull time to iiuinkimL a* far ns lim hi
Bat in the yew l&ul, nt the instance of 1>. Fernando Karruier, win# human |f*riMa to ik> o>.

2. Description of the Manuscript.

In its present state the n*um*-n|tf con wist* of n 4ri| of native eotkstvutirely nnmliered Vl, in unpointed, On thin lost bm)iuted

emrsr fibre df I lie agave plant, A22|* lcg

l*t|irr |<rrpcred from the sheet we see written in a somewhat cln*v luwd, due, no dmiht,
ml 23 J*- wide, fold'd together in 111 wheel* each 27 j* long. The to the rough wiirfnre of the |k|rr. the legend 3

^H| lx rwA made in one piece, but iwmsM# *4 13 wrjKTate slip* Kaleiidarto Vdlatri<*u en Hi f.

hIhhiA 30 king, which are jnrffd tegi'tlier, overlapping Mrh other Nr. 23. V w*.
nt the edge* a Njmre of mine A to HT 1
, The *iulare Mil oii lie* tlse mdor*em-l that one mode at the judicial regi*Aralmn of
outer and inner 4de t titsde *< inxwth at is passable with tin* rough Ihe Buturini Collection in MttxiOo *m Sejamilwr 2C, 1741 The
fibre j and the |*g)nenf. whieli is wmrwhat thirkly afi|4ied, mi terse I
inner side* of the sheets 0, II, 13, 13, 17 show in a *j*cp left free
well to the ]*pcr. But flu* whole ra*nusrri|t bad already iveii In the |iiting. the Waldni damp, tlm same also on the out-
badly worm-eaten ia Hr* nriul'w time, i i* seen from liks drscriptian. side of wheat* fi and 3M>. tin the outer side of sheet 9 is further
It in aln> incomplete, two |dnle<i wheel- lieing missing at the written in Ink : Nr. 123. H mnji^ua 2 fruilit*. And o the outer
beginning, am we shall see. side of wbeM 2ft U wren n half obliterated notice in pmeik which
T>ie |
tainting* cover only tUe inner nUU of the riiceU, and wax pcolwblv naadr hr Anbcn. and runs as follows ;

gallon nuh other fro m rujkl to Ufty k> that a coherent rrpri-*e*itallia . TU
is alwatw pre-woted an ann of the wheel* of the folded at rip. As tin
tliH first I no sheets are nussing. tli JR |infd wheels following . . . la 1
each other from right to left am numbered from 3 to 2(1. The IV mile a rappsirt au Moos
kuA shcsA fanning the left end of th* stri|s and which should le IWaxliadmaUxtU
tocrificwteur .....
Ao*l* iW Mo**. Nowoil de Mtiuo*,' Tsnw fit., p. 213. & la |)i finite dtt feu XiuhteuctH.
4 I. l**cri|*ion of th* Manuscript.

On the inner #ule of dvret 21 Uoopil ha* also made hi* entry maintained both in th* srqurore* cf the *heet*. and in the repte-
under tli* nolo of flir inventory recitation* on the wetenU *li*et. On the folded rtrips of the Codex

Nr. 1. apparteuant i H. Kag^it# iioupil litll. Horlamim* the *he*4a folbiw, to it from right to left, a* in owr uiaun*

Pori*. erri|it, hut from left to rijfht ;

and on each *in/fle *hee< of the Codex

similar aniry occur* also cm (hr outer ride of sheet*

Horfottsirti* the r*qir*w*n tuium* bi'Ktn. not. an tn our nauiucn}it, m
A 3, 5, 7,

\% 21
the vert leal mw of th* npQirr luuf. hut at the left end of the cro*
10, 12, 13y 14, IA, 1*. 17, 1,
raw* of the lower half, raid are continued in the vertical row* of the
The substance of the l th* folding* having foe th* now
npjM-i hall *rwUn){ nt the up|mr end of the but. Thi* Im* to be
|wt fwn damaged by friction and wear, one of the owners |ff#
ke|< in view whrn co m | wring tlu* Par move nrtMtir, finer and more
Mimibly Anhui, hn kej< th* maaibcrii>t together by gumming wide
carefully drawn maoucri|4 with five rriireseiitntkm* of the document
of Europmn ]a|*er M the back- Ou the gutnmr-d atrip an
hep* ropnluied.
tin* loan *ide of *IkW 0 i foukd written In ink tin* entry 1. .wAwoif.
should jjrofwrly occur
la the actviiiM of our maau*cri]it given hr Hotarini in hi* hook
whkh gv the dal iiio that *t this pikNv.
(ere above, ji I), hr >tat** that in omt plnn* a couple of hin) f*<uttier>
but bad dimpisror-d (trough the damage .lam* to the >q-r.
have been attAi'lied. In (he original no tnue of thriu any
The jointings MMitld, * 1* ommL in hint* outline, iri flM i loiiy**r

in vltli colour*, are dfcqawad oo nil tlie short* in precisely the mn* 1
to hr detected. Rul Patl*r Piilianh*. a <ont-m|*rary *f U^m y
An a|>prT and a lower half nav lie distinguished. In the tiainn. who for hu pwivatr *tudi** hail c*)pirt made of all iuvur*hl*
(urture writing*, aiuongu them our Total* mat 1
oil these cofiie*
U|ijH-r the* left ride It oeguyfad with n larger re juvsentaf ion, whib*
were aci|wired by Anbtn. and are now with hi* reflection in the
(tiv right njilr contain* four vertical raws which bill into mi equal
other hunt, loner half uf the
Pari* Natamal library retnnrtc*. on heet 10 of the coloured oapy
number of enw* vrw, <t tin* tlic

hIiccI* remsta* of 4 ctws# row*, which full into it vertical row*. T

lie had had made of our Tunatamai'l :
the tetfwnl row of the upper lalf, dlp*rd rewiM<-wtlvelj side by
Kn H tret'no, en e| lugar A, *e ImUalian la# ptutna*
mIiI* firara left to right, resrrvsjiond tba enw* row* of the Low,-/ half
riiksmlas en el Toualiutintl original : y toibuM (wrtmnere jnrte
which follow on* another from top to bottom, thi each h>e*t tb*
de oua de nu herltw*#* venlr. qiu* tietiv mu direction acta H, eto
representations begin in the to)Mit non (aur meat of th* \eri iol
i*s I'nclnut ilr HoiUlkqiocliih.'*
raw* of the upper half. In throe they follow in the downward
duvet ion. bat are then continued in the crow row* of tho lower And in fiu*t in hi* copy i* ai-n figured a green coloured fratber
half in th* direct km frotn right to left. Tlie method of >equ*<v Mmne .V* long, whlcls aiutiiig from the lower edge uf tin* larger
u ihm by the ciphers, which in the fourth vertical row of the square contnimug the tutelnr dettie* of the *heet, *iretclv*w in nn
upper half aid the fourth crow row of tire lower half ex|*>** the oblique direction towaid* the head of (to* chief figure .4* abewly
nnmle-r* l ll, beside the picture* of the day*. rightly remarked by Bobnn in hi* aconmr of thi* nutnuM'iipt, there
In wyrt of it* content* ami tlie rtyle rf re [ dental iom. oar can here, of ixmnr. he no quest um of anything Iwyund a later
manuswrlpt show* the rionert relation t the fire#, half of the Codrx insert ton, sume fkut v axark. For the idea u tftita|ie<rly etrluita|
HaUtnicu*. a ratiniL->cri|rt which, a* swfablidicd by Fr. del IW y that the okl artist* idrauld have concraliHl tlirir lah*4unly drawn
Trow**** w in the library of the KecurUl in the eighteenth century, und inrefully |*iinted groTti* by uiscrtrd fnathrt*. Nor has anything
hot nice the year Ittd has been pewerved in the library of the 4'orp* mnilar Wn anywhere noticed in other old Mexican bnnk*.
la^iMiatlf in Pari*, and ha* recently been pwMishrel with explanation*

Isy K. T. Hamy. 1
But in thi* precisely the reverse order ha* been
licarhcn (lavr* finalnin el Itilosl igurr I'ohlir tintmlla n dm an
C!aam*nuir* nplutltf j*r fc T >1 *317 M
Paris Rrwwt letuui, IHBL> .

Cock* Bcrtwanku*. llmuKni Mniaia 4* I* BiUttottkqisa du Palais CnV>g
de I* coIInom K tUigior (iowjdL 1. p. J9H

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1 CcctUtiL* uf ihu Mantwcripl 5

8. Contents of the Manuscript.

A* regard* the contents of thin ancient Mexican manuwrtjd. the naming, were able sjawwally to distinguish by cipher* and sign*. are

designation **
kitiuii t'alendw." a^dtH In- But mini and iiilw to this w more cwnrtlj were indicated in this hook, for. a I hate ahme
Mini other hook* of a like chan* ter, it wrong, TV? manu*cri|ri has (mintml out, the first tao ]H|m of the manun are missing. Bur
nothing to d> directly with rite* or religions iwmwiiw. Nor i* it a and this it the ewentiiU character of such book* beside* the cipher*
Calendar in the ithet #ense of the term, in *u fur as hr *uch a work and sign* indicating the whole of the at all possible day* name*. fettruu

ix usually uudenWood an enumeration of real jmrioda or wet Ions nf deities or aerie* of deities with tbdr symbol* are arranged in n definite
l*riod. The on It correct u*d adequate title to W.U of this kind filer according as they are thought to influence these day*- The
is the Mexican rtuwiZ-sunutf. n word which ihv be briefly t nuaslat <*) mean i tig also of the day*, the fate or chaw*** of the perron* born on
M Book of Kate. or the ** Hook of g*si and had days." For vuvli i* a given <lay, ar*J the thing* to be done on uch and such days, are
in meaning of the word
fact the fomtfit. which although iwyginully by these deities marie nwni.fe<t to the erjierti.

derived from tono, * it it vnnn," **

the >ua dtiinoa * arquirwi further Hence, to luidefwtaad the several element* of thin book, we must
the wm* of Fate.* **
Doom." nod even of **
what i* in store tor mch know, not only the meaning of the peculiar Mexican dav-nnmc*. blit
one. hi* fiartv" *
ohn the ewntinl diameter of the various Maxima drtlies. and of the
A* many ihvs an tlie Mexicans, after their j^ectiliar method of day- symbols by which they are dk*tiajprihed.

4. The Twenty Days of the Mexicans.

Like nist of the American abrngme*, the ancient Mnirnni had but natural for people living in warm dimat #x and accustomied to go
a vigwetimU numeral *ywt**u, which take* the number twenty ** the barefooted, to Imre ROMlIW t* theto***, when the* ten fingers failed

first unit of a higher notation Such a system ha* its mot* in the to carry on or complete the calculation. Hence, ia the Miiyn tongue -if

(diyslcal constitution of man From remote time he made w-e

himself. Central America, cfftcafi* man." beaune the cx|tre*#ion for the nmal**r

of his fingers to gno-ji the import of certain n under* And it waa twenty. when lb* numeral system was thus d*T*lnjrd on the

twenty we need no longer wonder that the *ame unit was n!*
' />-! f * fweko 4a alguau 11 o* iipstula p-- ulm Molise Hcncs taken as the firt of a higher order for the mewwremewt of time.
Tari|wiuki* quit* rumc-fly tomJuUs f*wil by /,.A*vi ilt .ittfri**, * ,* rxvCnra
Tluoe unit* of twenty day*, eighteen cf which make one war.
I his tsmsrb* o idbss own-jiwripi rulngue ralwmx 4* h OoliceMot d

K. M
Goafsl '* 1. p. rVJM. Rct* think* h way ItnJulgv io pukoi* That Is are usually called months by the historian*. Bud they hum* absolutely
was ignofftal of Ike nsauiug uf ike weed Uvnlii tmy b* evsricokoA. But be nothing to do with months, that is, alth the jitstw* of the moon, and
ini|(bl tl*c qivl haalf the IrasU* of roading 1 bsnn u> nan hku Tun;wasii.
in the native language* they are never iudbmtcd by name* derived
who hail lived ia tbs oountvy sod was aotiatbted with the Ungusg* f tbs
Indian*. from the moon. The Nnkikt linipfy tall tlinm mnpowo/ iMui'/V,
4. Tl Twvnly Pays af the Me* tram

* '* unkt of iwvuty (iky*)." Tlie JUw of Vn**l*n determinations of the ancient Mexicali* Tti# names of a few con
colled these of twenty day* nimit, (hat is, an nlMru-t or telkdame have Imen preserved the aeveu raar* of the IViades. which

nunc rail tn, whence niso miw* word an* tailed the Slu Ike Flee RuWa*," tlie Racket Court,"
derivative from the (In* nitric, lieafv*

vtnrd, man.'* which, a* I Iran* above panted out. is u>*d in lira the ?*iii jaoii." and the S-ehiqsot hooked cunraellotkn.
Bat on lira

imimu** tbc nnailwr twenty. Mere monument* and tie* Maya people* shield* tar tumls
the mimiiN-riptsof
Maya bu>gu*jf**> f tiuatvniala to in

if a qiip-thsi of finding an Kuflwh expression for (hi* jetiml of tiiuw. are rf not anfreqwrai ouwima
which arr covered with regularly

the wurd week" might be mxmummded ;

for tlii* tom, without rrmrruig sign* of an tmdoiilrtadly ora rum -mi character. Ota the last
fuitl^r ex|4aiutrwn. dae* not denote a definite number of darn MV two sheet* of the Codex fW*. we also s**e notne animal pictures wliich
|>Ktk of ilia nraldavtirawlndiitt* week of seven day*. ami of the agTee with animal figure- on a monument ut Chichen-ltxa, ami alo

Polynesian week of five day* la tbc mm* way we may talk of a unquMtioadblr rqirwrat ciiiiradlation*. Aiiwig4 tlaara witmoor
twenty i toy.' work amongst tin* ancient Mexicans. signs we meet raw (1W) which is like oae of the sign* of the twenty

Xuw. when twenty was taken as the first nnit of a higher wni- dav* And amongst the aninails there iw at least two turtle and
jMitation. then" arose (lie further necessity of introducing a separate jagnai -wliirh Irate rfotiluiy been applied ( the rauiung of day*.

nutation fur tbc several members within this unit, nil bring of them* TVr two ob^rvatlun*, however incomplete tlray nsay be, in

sdvw of equal value, Tales* they wished to o| wrote with simile mv opinio*. t resolcr credible what we Irad already to acorpt a*

ordinal*. they* bad to discover sps'eml names for the twenty days of proliaWe, tliat the of the twenty day* uf the Mexicans originally
Ihis wwk That is jura what lia|pewrd. and such uamrs have bem denoted so many roust dial Urn*,

found to agree in sound or sense, or eke. in most caw*, to he easily I give blow the names of these twenty dntrs in the Stio ami

recognised in variants which oould without diflkulty be shown to order in whsch they were urauilly ex hi W ted by the ifertivsu* of lA4

correspond, and were rurrent amongst nil the cultured jeojilrs of e+xtr+rf of <Ar laml% together with their tmnsktions Hy tlwdr
Mexico and Central America. side I have placed the name- of tlm twenty Odds" which were
MV hnve here in tlie New Mocid a mw jwrfectly anakiguiM to iwentiunod to Kranriow de Ho I rad dV. when catechising in tlie

(he iqimvl of (he Ch&ViwHji seven days' week, which with the nntnes Nlianaguan village of T*ncn, aa tbe fur wbnln fsura* were celebrated

of the seven dny* tknwhw nayud I in omnwilut meaning* is In regular order within a year of ten It should be thirteen

known to have heeii wfo|/*1 not only by (irrelu. Hotrtsti*, usd (ienwMit, (Vmpuafcw (fir Twenties^ 1
hut al*o hv Hitsdux. **i*me*e Malar*. and other A>latsc
Use week are named from tlie
-even slay* of the old Chahiawn 1 . ciyndiii t'nMvalll# . tip" 1 '

]4anHa, wfierra* the twenty days of the Mexican* twr in the jilnral J. bfcatl, Whi rmsf (dxnikl mot : uij.

number the mune of an oitim/d. This trail al ready awakened the 3. (VSV*. HoQie . , . emit.

tfcqdriun tliat aiu-.mgt the Mexican* also was the nnme of vUtrt 4. cnWxpftlin. LunnJ qtumptxJ (real :

or rvnMtilntvsii* dial were employed to dcraae the twenty ilaya For 5. concert. Snake tout.

6. uh<jm irrti. Death OHtuCc.

U tuny ho assumed fur all peoples of the globu that it was above all
7. raafulf. t^eer. . , flMflL
the animal fun a* familiar t primitive man tliat be rwccqpdasd in tine
ft. todtJL Hobbit . . ftwte.
shifting cutnbtualums uf the luminous orbs in the various quarter*. of
0. irrt. M ater . .
the heavens muni c*iu ijuiqjrta. the animal that is alrava (in tb*
Ilk Usontutii, tbig .
ropitudi (read :

skyk" i* tlie expression by wliich the Zapotecx denote the stars. Imh-wd. rMvilusfe (read *voi<b>
11. OfYMUlttft, Ajw . . :

the vault of the heavens alone (xesent*. in the gjranpeng of tbc fixed 12. matimtfti. TvM m-o/r wirt,
stars, (hose Btid and tuarhangtraMe relations which could offer a bsun. 13. itwrt, Reod . . V'J
for the erection of a firm, unabiding aerie*, Hence nlw> in tlie Uld 14. raWoti, Jagirar . vfolot
M'orid the ign of the Am liar |um> admittedly teen often employed
h my tmlaxi jo " lb* Vsds* |nad in lb* pcMr* wctUags of Iht Codex
to denote, not Indeed w xerew of days, tail wriw of years.
JVcUchrifl far Klhwjlmlr, 1*0*, p (347 > .X4B).
Korgia Ofowp'
Unfortunately we know next to nothing abut the uraronunuK-al * ivied* llsraona Qwwsvwl j Xalaml its i alias h M, rap S

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4. The Twenty Day* of tha Muikaae. 7

JIWJw. A'MinifM. Mtstiiuv,

Id. funnAdi, Eagle . - Mk o&Vofl, Jaguar 14. frguftocwmil el berhierftx.
16. ( wmfAtf i. ViiKtarv c*y#ca.jroii/r. Winnl
17. ofit, Hoi ting Motion . ofin. 15. cmirtti, Brrtl of Prey. 15. qaanktU. el Aguila. Engle
16. t*cp*\H, Fin*-*Dn# , . tapeoat. 1 6. half film'll.
16. The Syinfod of the 16. teeotort, el huhn. Owl.
19. quiauitJ, lUio . . . fnmiii. Uadi
Hi aBcAitf, Flower . nxM. 17. nokit* off* (n**l : tuiktu* dH{\ 17. tarpHannhnntf, el temjde.
W see tlwit amongst these fraguariit of ilk# Mexktm nation, Four Ihnvnciiu
dwelling * fnr apirt. auid who had uwdoulitoriD' lived fitr a twit UfftntU. Firestone. 1H, m| leilnmal, Flre-atone,
long lint** without nay mlvfonacw on# with iumUIut, fin* name* of 19. \fHuaJhntI i>*wl: tptipdkuiif^, 19. wyiiif. la tortuga. Turtle.

tin* twenty dny* rorrer|*oniJ exactly with a few fritting dialectic Rain.
change*. Hut then* w bi* dMfc mwv that in Nicaragua the com* 2tX tone rv/cAiiomid, the dgii "Two 19 jaeAW, la fur. a mm. Mower.
pitta! ion b*gn, not with riyttcM, hat with the I3*h day. ootlf. Flower*/
Tint lutd a certain Mgwifinutc#, but m of no account for the aukin For the first of Ibew 11*4* there >** nvailabb* only Ilia nfflie
question. the thetmwhv* and their seijaemw. who! nuvleat. iin)>reiloa <J the Ci deceit in de tloeiimentoa mkditu*.
Ollier list* nr* retorted front <6 her part* of cha count ri, in aiiul 1* aiiihMihtedly a nkiprin. a* well a* a wrung reading fur
which variant* WV hrtw anil there, The first, coming (hm lb#

arikvtf; far in the |wint*d form of the ika'iinietit fnua which the li*4

,1/cjfdion district, m the borders of the Hunxtcc territory, 1 nW> i taken a lw occ t in*twil or w ill other Metinm wrnil* I ftorly
begin* <h ruiint with atail, Hat for tour* eo*y cont|iariwai 1 gw* tu|H w Ihn name which is h*rr given for tle Hr*l day ebewhere
it tu III# Mtnw ardor a* whore. The other is taken from the railed riyudfi. I think JTadtfftu?>if i* liere tho uurrwt form. for.

thmieo le U fk IVovuirm ile| Sutmino Nomhr* de Jeon |# a* we *haJl *ee fiuther m. tlie goJde** of thi* imme i* n#*tH'iated
< uat t >Muala," imxiujrnpt in the farmer f'mnctriiii Co* vet it of with tlie sign of the first tiny. Interesting, e^wciaUy for cotn|arvsr<n
(s uat crania. With it I give the Sjojndt translation which follow* with the nainre by which these day* were known to the Maya
the names in the ninnucnrj>t. jteojile*, are the variant*: 4 JtUail. * young malar ear,** to* m titpal in,
JfeOWlWM. (.MlnMAi, * lined.** U M "
and 12. iti**, Tnuili." f**r mwftnuffi, Twisted
1. Wee A I httcaut* ( wnwt : I A enpadarte. 6 jtejc The variant* 6. Isvhlnvmwti, Skull," fur mi^niWi, Uratli," and
h RaxtbUnddbaa e*t*tdn, Swordfish. euixtft, a |ec-le* of hied of fWT," for y^aukff /. - Fagir." anal a*
2. eorfL Wind. 9. skaoatl el vientrv Wind. neb Mwtwlr ha rucuiderrd. Noteworthy it 16. tmtl iiomd, the
13. miU (read : ctUli), lion**. 3. call i. la iwm*. Home, Symbid >*f the (ind/ a mm# whtch *wm* t liiijilv that the six-
4. ail** (nmd : xtloU/, Young 4. quittalli (read
ijiittzalli), el teenth day with It* sign wra* doiirated to the chief deity of the
Malar Ear. Ingwrtu. Ustnl dbctrk'f. At the #vuiti'enth and twentieth day* their simple uaiitr*
& eoatL Saakn. 5. cwAhutf. la ctilelwa. Snake.
appear in ('numvlhui with a numbrr. An rx[4axugiun of thi* change
6. UouCnto/mW. Skull 6. vtiqiiiteti, la in aerie. I truth
it fonnd in rekulkma which will h dealt with farther no.
7. 7 mazalL #1 tvmdn. Dnr. Tlie tiuntemaltcc, veomd of the two list*, dw contain* some
6. taeAtli, Habtoir. 6. taxtli. el cimeju. Hnhhit. interesting variant*. lni|*4rtaxit for coui]iariaino with the Mnya name*
9. cil/, 9. all, o ijuiAhii/, r\ nguareru.
of tla# day* i * 9. all m ynlauiit, and the inundation * aguncero," o
- d.iwH|Kiiur,'' for the at! of tlie other lists. Further It. teytjUocumni,
la urewiia. Dag. 10. fisenintfi, el j
terra, Dog Wiaird," fnr oet'ott. Jaguar. The explanation of 19. ayod.
11. afowifi, Ape. II otanvaff^ la morui, A(,
Turtle," is also pfha|M to be found in a mii)airitnn with the
19. Wan, Tooth. 12. tMnJi matii. la e***hUla. Broom. Maya name* and sign a. iuteUigihle is 16. forufoff, **0wU" for
iwurf. Hcid. III ritvif/, U cnfiiU Hoed. coToaquauJitli. VuRure." Hut when we rotn* to treat f the ruler
<* 4e UccwuKWtca la^ditaa of the fifteenth week, and dml incae fullv with the notions astoi-iatttd
R 1 Tbs Twily of Ik Mexican*.

hy the ancient with the image of the voltaic. it will he (kklifwt, JfWfw.

i**, n that (re this substitution also a aium mjlimMs may be !. out mnk. Glutton. rAobin. eil*. Spmv.
diKovered. In the name of tbe seventeenth day. terjfilanaiuill, we 17. ssoA, big, full. dk owAita, Ground, Forth.
e^fco to hate a corrupt form. A it stand* it mean* the MbmAi ** -fixing

ring," and -linukt pierluipu be corrected to tecptinMMftvatt, ** tarraonr." 1R. frAue, ctitting, A inns, rot ring, rliarpi. r(sn>A cutting, -harp.
-round -imlllng." 'Hm tnumlatio* el tempdc * roggert* that the sharp.

witter I uul pertatji* r**d trepilinmnnntJ. 13, moA Thnnder- cuAe/A, Tlminli mm. ThunlmUirut
Witter deviations iwv tdbovw in the lists of the none* current rtonn.

omoagst tlie Mum jieoplr* fur the twenty days. I fixe thrwi hen? Vi Auu mXpn (a Iwrv i\t/k ttal, l*ard. ixArtw. l*ud

partly to corapdete the rahjert, ]rtlr to point oat the rmwonhiwn of this luufiie),

which Beiwitbrlma exist, but also bemuse I think it useful to mil

special names for the twenty days have also been pre-erved fnn
attentiau to the other divergent ideas or pierhnpp better the tbe Zapctec oat km, who beknig to a third rodintlly distinct linguistic
further developed series of ronreptx which here find exprvsssoin ui
family. But they are here connected with certain prefixes, which
tbe liames of the twenty days. I fire first the names in use
change with tbe numerals that ore combined with tbe days, and
amoigst the tribe* in the interior of Guatemala, then those of the
most therefore be eliminated to get at the tror form of these name*.
Maya gronpe in Oiiapia*, and in the third plan? those of the
I have discussed the subject in a special paper in tbe Zritrckrifl far
Yonthm Mayit*. I have iwbfori tran-htioa* a* far a* ( am oHe to do pa
tihneiagU,' where have shown that these Zipwlrr notation* seem
tUMnymf. JS*l JAtpr.
often to peasant a transition between the divergent meanings of tbe
1. i uuUf. mOC,
itM4MK. IWU.
Mexican nomenclature and the Mava day name* and day symbol*.
2. ft, Wind. ujk. Wind. A, Wind.
Sjbjrined is the list, which again begins with the day eorre*pnariixig
3. akbni, Night. ivrfan. Heart. Interior. aJAni, Night.
to the Mexican ripaelli.
4. emt (d. on t, yAunna. knit, Yellow.
mai*enet *i)i 1 . eAyWn, tWodifo.
A. run, Snake. nftttgh. Fate. Omen. a*MA*a. Omen. t see /ltd. Fire.

. cowry, rowve, or for. cimu Ibatli 3. ffnrin, tin, ajn. tnaJ.t, Night.
qnrme. Ibwth. 4. jftuchr, ifuu'Ai. aebr
13. odi, idi, Frog, Tad.
7. qmek, or yntseA, marie. MtoitsA. 5. :v. xti. Sinister Omen
lkpr. 6. Id mu /amua, pterverted, obdurate, underhand, trraclieruus.
R. Fort*/, the Yellow ,
in mint. Inmnl. 7. dina, IVn.
#. to*, Ifownjwnr, im(o, or mu/u, Henpi. mol me, .Vi-uttmlaiion & iapn. broken to paeona
ThundrrMurai, Acmmulotiow. 9. siM, cr quota. Wafer.
10. li'ti, Ibig. tUtb oe. 10. Mu. Hud downwards " (!)
11- Wft, Howling hufr. Howling Ajw. rAueu (Apr, mini). 1 1 . ho, yo/oo. Aps*.

Apt, 12. py. or chijn, Tai-liwl.

12. w. Set of teeth, rauh. Sot of teeth. d. Srt of troth 13. 9i/, ij, or tor. Kin*!,

13. oA. Maire-stalk, bwn bmt 14. jrwh, ariw, uck Jaguar.
Herd. wvu Mother.
14. g:, or yijr. Awr, Wizard. u. or hut, Wltud U ha Ktvett (*#% Rout (!).

13. i. Bird tsiquin, Bird. men. Cause. Um>u. 1 - /owAnll fur Elbsaliiiit * <IWll p. IIS- 131. Foils Iks tratiw llrintan
In*! tb* /sfmlte wtetuw, slid k boufs forwnl in k Nsties Odmbr sf
la tb* to'lal list I ho retained the spelling of tbs arifiaal -j.'. tbs Central Aa*r>w sad Mexico '
wtdwsst, bewwrw. tfe-tsug it worth while to
CoostitlKKM* tln*w*uu -z4 Bebop NAm do U VfS. kr authority.

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i i UI i
4. Tbs Twsnty I**r wf lb* Msxiram 9

17. twK Strong. Earthquake.

instrument in the hand* of the fortune-teller*. Hence their repev-

19. iy*a, yop*, (rwitliugX W'

,V) H iLtunvc. the first sign, was personified is the form of this otd*t of
19. ft}**. <t
Pt'e' nnp*- ynpp*, coming down. the diviners. But with thin personification may he connected the fact
90. la*. Uhk Kye, Fan*, I^wJfr, Lord. tluit the sign ripnet/i is precieriy translated n^R, old age," by the
interjiroteT. who in the (Wat ftortouim.* entered in a ^unfaii
The mamistript hero puhlnhed Auhin'* Tonalamatl- come- from
translntioii the mune* of the days h**idk their atgtm.
Mexico projier. |troniinJK from the immediate vicinity of the tw|iital.
Another imme /tfeie-Mt vrhkb also agroes in sound with
The petam in which it lirfiiigp* to view the name* of the twenty liny*,
ci/Mffr, fa lu^tituaexl in the Pojiol Vuh." the Ugeudary b*Kik of tlu*
ciiirrofaMid to those of Urn first Ii4 alve given i'uee above, |i. fi). Time ^u'M'hes. It denote** a demon, who I cowls akfcajt by day. *r*ks his food,
pseturv* are found m the sheet* of iwr inami*cri|*. in the uj-prr half
fish and crabs, along the rivcr-lmuks. and at night bnus the great
in the four compartments uf the fourth vertical row next to the right we
mountain*, the uiliwmirs. *u UJs shouhlcrs. In this dcscri|tt*:i

dge, and in the lower half in the nine compart moot* of the Um may }*rrlia|n rer*^gni*e tlu* crocodile fron vrliocn tlie vroerVI was made.
enw Wr. J-lke all the other |
act lire* of tlio uwuiim-ttpt, they are
A* regard* fb*- |*ftun* of thi* sign, we are in Hie better draw 11
certainly not drawn very neatly, bur ran lw quite nil rrcqgDised. mitaii*tri|rts a rej kite's body of gn*en or daih odrair, whose -i.i is

jiartitsoncd like the evnrocJiies mat *if mail, ha* tour fat ami a head
The fin* sign. Cip*ct/i, should begin the series m the fin* sheet.
with highly raised u|1*f ja and rigidly set teeth. Imt no lower yaw.
Hot. n* already several time* remarked, the ftr*l and teemd idmh A nw of |nike* or atone kniro* runs along the Imrk and aWmg the
of the manunrript are to*. We find the sign on sheet 4 in the lertirol line of tlu* hrad. T tlie mue fa atlartat a *f*ike, a stone
second pface, on tfctH 5 in t lw ninth, on thmC 7 tn the third, ami ao knito. or a proof*** set with sj*ike* or stone kiiiro**- Bill in <nir
on. The name CifMtiti ie connected with the word tjipueili, which it niaBmvri|it the head atone fa gitesi tn all 01****. 'Hie ivloiir fa a ligtit

itselfan old form of the Wtofd Itinwili, which wne applied to a rod- The row of shakes running along tlie tertual line <A the larnd
pneJU y ofcinV, and e*{*claily to a |*Unt of the [4ep|w region which mfan mien* end atone kniro**, which are wtill dearly to he dfaf Inguistod a*
yielded an edible root, The animal waring I name wan not known
tlifa such, for indani'e. in the picture* of the Chafer /tortottfau-- ia regularly
to the Mexicans uf the central rogwm from their own observation. de|mted. So al*<> the ateme knife set nn the iu*e with ita ml tij*

The ciphuixlintv* giro a by the roter|*retero (Swordfish," Sciakc'a (di|*)wd in hhaal). The n|*}Hr jaw strike* npwaixlK while the lower is

head") are obviously mere mdkations suggested by the image itrelf rmlirueBtary. Mel.w the tntli a kind of wrpmts t*mgni' |rotnMle.

to tile obrorvnr*. From the /.a I mice it would aretn tW the crocodile TS* name* laicise Inf the Mgn in da Mam langnugm have

m tire animal intended.' And this agrees with the itosortjrtDm of ,u4 y*4 fawn *x|4ain*s!. The Maya htorogiyjjh a |*nnt t** whirl*
the ri MKtU as " o In eye n'afc rkick t' like Ike citymam,'' given in attention wa* first calhal by S.-MIW roeuu to figure a w-miaui's
the * Hlrtaria de to* Mexican*** por su* puituraa."' Tlie moot work ni|sy*|s* eisctrefad by a row of mfanl |adnr*, and c<vitni>ting by its

add* tliat from him the gods made the earth And the sign ft** darker colour with (lie test of the skill- If m\ thi* would merely lie

accordingly brought into relation with the earth nod it divinities-. another vmM of iMsnrfahuieiit, of life-giviug, like the re|<ile, synihnt
Tlie word riycnWi ur Ojwtdwtff, tlie *igu Crocodile," appears of the lifo-giikiig earth. In tlu* Mara language* the nipple fa

as the name if met uf the two annent )*ft]le< who |hI for the railed iM.
soothsayer* of the oldeu time, the easier*, id kia. the duantvn of
the t'alotubr. of tin* Tunalaraa*). Hut from this rttvtimrntic* f do The (second sign i# Afcntf. wind It begitia tlie day roriro on
not think anything ran Ih* inferred rv*jeetuig the meaning of be I
sheet 19, and ii everywhere dcpiitcd by the image of
word itself. The twenty signs and their meaning formed the chief
tlie Wind lod. with it* rfd-eolmarrd trunk or moat-like pr<4ruding
nrontb. twocolourod face, fillet with rounded ends, and aliove it the
Juan de Cwlohi V**fail*rT gm# j-A*. AyTA* jfafa, * tuca- eye enclosed in a dnrk hair jnd.
dritin, UgsrSo 4 ran its <le agui . fj/tr A-jAAi *, "o|a4utt pasrtdu,' .A >jUr
a **>. knu o cunlilkri 4a stem. TlieDame* under whiuh the wnxmd thy sign a|*f*r in the Maya
Ub f*m imub q* raw cayman.* li>4rf bo ivewm Wiml," but that of the Zajrotec Ifal denigea ** Hie."

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10 4 Tbs Twtwty Pay* of the

ltd* i h^iuxIIt ih mere dimqmu'j, and we hnU hive to iwumr ilialilted to aoriHfe the furin- In 4|tt*Wtioit wllll crAs'/cks, ywrucAe, the
* tran-itinn hrtween the two meaning* whirli lie* doubtless in the iguana, the larga* etlilale liaanl tI-U livee* Ui the water and on treew.

txxMYfiU " knlb " and lift*" Thin ex]4ain* the rvnwknH** |xt nnd in ecjalaiiAlfeaii >f the Maya mu aw- of tliiaday |iuite n w>mi tVni.
played, ns He fhfili me, by tin* The Mnv* hieroglyph whirli ia aakl to he found wMlt the mouriing of female igintM
-rem- to give expression to the mm diverging notion. For we me ill a nuuinM*ri|ft iierahuiary <*f the I 'aki*li ejaari langtMge <<iaumui,
tlit- sign Ut at time* in the middle of a Same 'hooting up from a Com(eadU> ale Nomhiv, "). It la c|iuta> true that the -tatement ia
temd (Pre-den Codex 25_h ocrn**) tending to n spiral tig* whirh form* iwvaslotaally itwule 1
tliaar tlae blue a|MHoa of ignann i- taken for a
the teal re of tin* flame m nrvrral sheet* of the Cudrx Tr. We *ee Micriflre and n talhd niuitaal i* ivrtainly alway* re|-v*etite| witli the
a* -beet 4* of thin Codex the >iign it with it* flam.- like processes faaurtll igTa.

tlvAe hunie on tle |ioint of a rod, which probably answer* to the t^iite a alifferent nntiam i- by the nntne .refof/, young
ytMuh>friUi t the Kfaff with the benrf. emblem of the Mexican god maize mr." gttea by the Mertitlan lirt fur thin day, I have already
MttmUjnifhitl. lantly, in the middle of shs-t 41-* of the Codex stated in mr jareviou* work that the Kaputt*? iiHixie f (hi- eigll may I

Cortes we me the -ign ik before the two nti goda. lords of life, whirh aW> be tran-lated TOHett^l (and cracked) maiae com I alto $tate
are probably to U* talent itUd with r|e Towtmlecxtti and Jonacnrivi/rf/ that the Mavn Un|g^r|k. wliieb I- fmjnradlv (niuleal in a ye)|w
of the Mexican*. c*4*-ar, playt a huge {art in connect hm with offering- in the Maya
mama-cKptfs #* that nearly all rbe early cetinnkrttlatatr* <aire of thene*

tlie third np if by the Mrnouu railed e*\lh, Htiu*r." hr the tel ve* to regard thi- hierog|y|ih a- the rej^v-eiiiHi em car the -ytnltol
Maya tribes of Oii*|ti* mrfdn. heart. ijp. the fik/k) interior, by ttf a inaiae aw THr Hin|deel. tmndatltou i4 Knn t the Yucatan
thorn ajf liuaieinab amt Yorafon 4W, darkaras," -night." The name of thi- dgn, is dtHtlrfUn* yelkor," and it duwild he ivgaeied
/)-( x name fu alao moan* night a- the -yml-tltf m4aliu* ci the malae ear. Zvkt hti l, Fatwa An/, 'the

our rauiu*.'njrt thi* sign begin- the white, like yelkiw main* car," k a rommon taxing in the Iruateinakui
In *erie- f day sign* on
Ntga boukt, anil in the Yuli the maim* guddete Is twllmd
-Jieet l A. Everywhere ia to be men In tolerably uniform drwign the
Mexican home, with low buement. ituonray enfram-at Xit rtml, tlwa ** yellow woman." Ximeurt, |>erha|rt rightly, euniovt-
*t* lay iKden
post a and wooden lintel, and flat crenel Ut-d m*if.
tho liuatetnaUec name <4 the fourth rigu with the word mt, net
fur iwrrviag main* ear*.
Thaw Maya hieroglyph re]im*mts n* dearly shown by the form
I dall have to |i4iit out (arthre on that the tigu of the linud
of the moiiuuienti', to a certain extent a count rrpart to the sign tdxu,
the -olar dr*k. a* it mem- to exhibit n closed covered face, with dark *v j -it in a ^erial rolatinu with the -exual i&srimt ami the texunJ

luadumal or bit-. act. Hirt main* It the tulwtanee cd which the flesh of naan it unmle,

and I think herein bo* the connexion between cliote two -ynahub n*
different in thexntelxet.
The fourth aigti. roefvyai/rA, Iinuni, t> figured In I lie iBMjiue-cr|t?

im a king-tailed reptikr. and -am-wlmr uniformly depicted in a blue

Tlie fifth -igw i- coon//, Snake; it -lowthl liegin the terie* af
colour Ho aln in our document, wlierv it teg it*- the day -tw on
day* ao ahact U of our masuprri|>t. where wp liad everywhere liefdctoil
wbert IS. According to the interpreter of the Codex Yalk-anu* A
,,, an animal with dark (grren) oV*ur*d -kin. large round Idiuk *|-*t*.
(f. I**) the sign mean* an ^overflow of WHtlr. Tine with the blue
ualy KnuL and Inrgr caiubJ mttkrw As elated hy me at the time, the
colour is rather diffcrult to reconcile with the notion of the Loud.
divergent munet of thi- day, curvet*! ammig-t the Zajiutrv* and muiu*
The ZapateC wainl 1 have rrsKlrrod - frog "or toad." lirmtcai U mure
May* trilie-, are to be explained by tlie fart rtial, a*oniigi the nninuil*
to meet which * held 1 l*e a rtnwter WDM. the **wpent *n always
AfUr J*ifitfrxTN 0#u.u'r-4.r,' tad t>afuc draw pcaaam-ap parv snpra

inrliidsd aiul the lint to lm ii*rili>ani TIh Maya liierogiy|ih of

laterra tui tacerta r*p n-i <Umt 4u ol MMtitkrc, ctie gi* il flagdh cmn
a*t *U> la terra fruttlf ieareb be r<*n s)l grant, eta petei^a pec
dal dal.
enir rt urw\ threw o&e mjIjUiUi vinne n. fonts l*u>d*naa, rht U terra, <|ak
laak, RcUrlio h ki ''* rfe VmUn.' e44 As la Rak j Ddgado.
era -U fosti sasi steftlo. to prsdulfo imtri from

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i TV* Tiaiy I>wy of list linktui n
tbi day gives. instead of the whole w*r|eni, the spitted of !
Tlu* answers, more oxmxlv to the natunal colon! of tf*e animal than
the tMuiskm, the yd low hue in which tlue anunal dcac*iug this day i* ueunlly
dw|iaetel m other manunrt|4*.
11m* sixth *ign tvm the namr m iya iztl*, M iVnth. It i*egin* The /afaitec asnl tW Maya munes uf this day still leiuoin

the wries ot day eign* mi sheet 0 uf oxir manuscript. and i# everywhere uricx|d*uiiejL 11m* /ajmtfr might mw * btoketi to |derv, divided into

figured t a fimO, which M painted in flit* rolonr f tlif lNr while fnigm*it i," and the wmo* tdm seens* to 1w ex|i m si| in the Maya
Mamngnl jr!*>

with yellow unit red {amcttjarvd |k*i <**d in. a* u-unl. hi*]*g|y|th, Anrmg*t the Mi-vnan* tie*. Us *
1. Iblhhit ns live symbtf
niga w iilnl with round and a Hum ey^brmr |miited alKive uf flic utli. lV*liu{i, what is meant is (1m* |*urhed wtil ImAen Into

them. dud*, a* ir I* ihwHitsd in tint Codex Ibwgia In year* of drought

t he

The Cakeluqoel anti tin* Mnrn units* of (hi* tiny aim mean* ym/tn. Vo in the Mcxiean history or legend* the Hahhlr "
dearth,* blit the Za|**ec give* tin* tmu* of " |*rrrrted. otsdurale. year had an exit repute ns tlo* famine year.
underhand, treacherous, imouny. Tlir Xo'taJ name i* ft ill un-
explained. Tlw MktH lu*w^jl>jh exhibit* a skull, or, in Us [face, 'Die ninth sign. <Ul. " Water,'* with which the day aeries Iw^ins
a Tfnlu J which seem* to have htmui from tan dead men'# eroo- on dieet 17, m in our iMnia*rrf|>t alw> r finessed by a essel with
blMi water, the Ueiial way iviiiiiiomi to all Mexican (art are wnfsng* The
water, naturally |*dnted Mile, ia. a* a mle. ih|>o**el ui hands to
The seventh sign u mti^/I. * IWr. uhI (m imli rated by the represent tf reruns, at the end* of which ate attacherl altenuitc roiuxl
came word " rWr " in the iji*ol and the Zaputee lid*. In onr ami ioogUh while *iail-*fic|(H. As a variAAl fiw thU duy iiaitMs tlse

mannscrij*. where it begin* tlu* scries of days <m sheer 3, it inc. Mtrange (tiiaietualfec list lias the word yunvuitf. **
Ham.' and tlw same
to any. jiain1*d in k dnrk bine- black colour, tlo* antler* Ming given in meaning is aW* ixuiveyed by tob, the <ju'k*he munc of tld* sign.
hlue. IM is usually the is? with Mams and |*irt *f the skill. Tin* The Chiapnlen* aiei tie* Vucatua mum-t moan *
act'iunnlatnwi,'* **kn|s"

tince are* lient forwimi which in fuel I* tin* cam with the North while the Maya bierogly|di jmvIui|o expresses tlw glitter or glassy
American and Mcxuan deer. Iurt*ail of tin* dorr's bend we tind Kurixce of tlw water.
nothing bait tlu* foot of the amimtl with Its doten hoof dejurted in
the Codex FtjMty, which frum it* owner is hU> called the
With the tenth sign, dxewiii/ft, "Dug," t*egin* tlu* series on
Codex Mayer. rbect 14 of the niantiM'ri|4. A predatory animal's Iwad is depicted
The namer of the Zolzil and Morn lists are l.n| to explain. with kwig fangs and ]aiin1ed mns in a white admit with black spot*.
j tle Maya kictogly|jii of (hit sign evidently nue Up origin to the The eye h* mcirclni ly a <*|ecially cliansx*ei*r{c |>t, which taper*
fact that the day - I. IWr " ia the first day of the third ipiarter of to a |<dnt. front and bark. With these marking* tlw native dig is

(be TcmnlanuM] di*]Miwd in columns of fire members (rf Mm, p 17^ I

also depicted in other picture writing* of Mexican origin. In |*e-
that day being thought significative Car the directum of the vntmi i ctaely the same way it is hI** reprewnted in the DrvwLen Codex ami
hrncefi*. For the hierogivjfi contain* flue nunc clement an the Mava otiuf Maya ifcsumefits, while in oilier iiMunt-m|U* the dog is juintrd
hieroglyph for this i|w1*T of the heavens (cAidkm), wlurfi Is the region rod. Hoth colour# willy existed, n* may be inferred fintn the state-

of the world when* tlw* un (ha) is devoured tluit u. allowed ments of the naturali*! Hemainlex, and from c4lo*r *ounM*. In the
by the earth. The dement is hrytnul douM a gesture indkwtiie of ext It of the dead the rod that is riunhrW the Trllov-rod dog has
eating." a special *igniHeancr. A dng of thk* rndmir was coiudgEMd to the
grave attli the deported, because ueh a dig was* alone ahie to
With the eighth *ign, toebtli, Wabbit.*' begins the day Merit** on conduct the snub of tlie deml mer the great stream of the under-
*ber 20. The animal'* head i* (muited mend, with long ear* and world Wlwrerer the n*d-oubuiwl dog i* dejarted in the nuuiiwm]it>
rntind eyes, the colour in our manusrrij* being wbitw with ijark lamii*. it ia drawn almost without exi*e|ithm with tkm ear tom and
mangled. Hileh a red w with luangtrd aplr rim ocaars in the
Cf. } remarks in /<sehnft fur bUiOMk^*,' % nil (IWI). p lijfi. Codex Kejervfnr, birfeml of the dog * fosul to indi**ate tlw tenth day
12 l TV Twxty >n I of thr McmMaaa. I

The white and Mnik KjHrti*! ibg* of the thpcvdmi >! Codex known by the a&mr of zntn/e fM PMifeaffft1 From it the
w fUsu depicted with mangled Mir. Itt llw May* hieroglyph of the t'harv'noMiiLmrp* nuuk* tlie ark ia which they brought tin* clmnnai

twath day.-igit nothing rental** of the wW dog in the Muunkrn|ti down fmtn tlie mountain*, awl aWi tlie cord*, with which they tied
form cice|4 thr hue of the ftif nnd * coujd* of dark I *|jt* of It* *kin.' up tlie arh*. SttUiunJii i- tratoAatni * Ihimm" (eacolia, rwobdlla)
Tli# Muyu name of tin* dajr-*ign t* ob^mm. a* an* aVi tin*** (n t)ie t Tmmirle of the Fraiwiarau t otivetil at Ifuutemnln. nnd aho t

of thr /xi'tzil nnd Z*j*otec Iwt*. TV Intlrr 1 have interpreted hv the itilrrjrrHer of the ('<mIi*i Horhraiictu. Tlii> nleo may hr a
~he*d downward*." if derived n firoan toe-Mw thereby explaining iurrerf vetwlering. for they -till make ftun a atrerng dry grn*a the
that in tli# Maya mamsoxijit* (ef_ fur instance, thr Ihvnkru i Vdex ** eucthilla," the hrmf>- nr WM|**ltke article which i* rtill univermilT
4i/j thr dog rrprearwt* the lire darting down from heaven. 1 I hi thr -ed by the Indian wnnani in Iiruhing chdliea and cotiilattg

tiMiutorah the* dog* bead n designed with a flume of tire before it* the hoar. g
mouth. In thie fonu it ii alto the hieroglyph of one of the eighteen With thia *ign the Meriee of ihy-igna begin* on iheet\ of our
ana iiitl >Uva feat t niLv which wn indicated by thr name xul -i.r. - Knd." nmittifrri|<l Thr |iictww rhow cr,*rywhere a green hunrli with I

yellow law!*, laif at the bane a dead aomV kuIL whwb tlie <iry gram
TV eleventh rign ia the Apr ofoiHntii - which in oar nuanu- may he intended * exjirva*. Iu thr lirt wliich I hnre ala*ie giteu
*t*ri|4 begins thr wriei of day fljgpt <Wi sheet 11. Hr i* figured fnitn lie Metlitlali dbdrirt, the twelfth *ig!l ii* mllrd i-r,

with red prognathous face, a toft of luur over the fin*, M

jinijectuig Toath, or Tafl* And thk ia aim thr meaning of the name* I

bend and a (irndant in tlie ear. The latter, of white colour and by whwti thr twelfth *lgn wa* kn>rwn to the Maya |wi|4er. TWa

apyiarmtlv sliced from a snail'" ahrlL rearm Me* in fjrni that with the*e natnee biave al#o rvfetvttce to gruvv a* well a* to tie chaining
which the Item* Hod i usually adorned in the mmvuenpt. <te artoAe |trv|ra.| from grae*, wc hwm from the Mnyn liierogtypli of
hee< 4 of our mamm[4 a -uniter ornament ii worn on h breaat |
thi* >ign, which rlioww ijoite diitinrtly in the fi*rtn found tie
by on# of the two mwMsmiir The nje i Uie aniitiHl etaldritintir of monument^-a litmun *kIL with the rx|4anatory AittnilMliw of
m'rmtHni. In him the tin not, jutog, and mimdir erAAbiUout hate a himrh of gtwM * of 1 tf * braom attacln-J to the tenD|4e
their oat nnd re(weentaf ive. The name ammai i- indicated hy the
/|iter anil Maya nattier of thi* day-sdgwAoi* te the *|*rMd tertn With tile thirteenth ign. uenti, ** Rreih** Iwgin* tlie Air ***rir*

For the larger specie#, tlie howling ape while the word rAnen **e*H* ai deci Iu onr imuuacnpr. a* everywhere in tle wbumt
to denote tie* other fecie*, the wm) (monkey). though U i- olsnMe |
tl*e picture* ol of thr dalt f an amor with it*
exhibit tin*

iu the |irn^t language Hut the (Juiche legend relate* of the fratlienng. which here omtiu* of tluree large |Jutne* and a tuft of
lent mt* Hun hntx, //an cAn#n, tlie ehler tm4h*r of the divine d>jwn. which tin* (artened to the thaft, ntvl at tle ha*w ainp|*<d in
-on- of the l*uii, bow for their arropuav ami envy they wen* Inwe- a *trip of jaguar kin.
formed to ajm*. Ill Item! of the ajw. the Maya liii'rogtvjdi Ih*wh Thr I'akchiquel and tlir name* of tld* tlayr liavc thr
only the gaping grinning mouth of the animal. atnc meaning, nltimugh the gujche4. *Vchl*|Uei oA low thr
*!**< ial

*n*r of **
naiin* italk. But tiut that olivet Wan alo> denoted by llu*
Tlie twelfth sign ietir** the name of m utinait'*-, which, Literally Mexicaa word tuntl a|*]4an from tlie texts ami fi*n thr |nc<uxei
translated, mean- the * Twisted," awl by the inteqwrierv i* explained of a large eerie* of town hiemglyph*, whiee muue* arc with
:m a kind 4 plan* In hie -Hietcwia HlanUrum Nnvje Hi-jonias"

the deinrwt nruH. Tlir /o'tiil and the Mava nauiew of thi* ign
lib. xii. cajK 10*, Frattei-on Hmiatnlr* iutnajiictw a MosftiwifJ*', of are olwcuns* TTm* Moya hieniglyph, a* I have thon*ughly i*1 ibli-hed
which he mye ; Herb* **4 lalfpiris ex ipia Itall turant retin. . . ,
in a former mar, denote* a wig wad* of rwda'
Xieniur uhUjue." %
AiNonling to PeAaflel it U a gnue which ( now
1 * Vhr h M "
Ztitaitifl fur Ktimf 'tf e, * itftrH) pp TO-Tl. * The weed r*tojn nain *la). uldoead by
" (dry Hriotoa, i*
* /enUrtinri ftir hocir>re. xxiii ( tHLM). |W I2tt obVMlr i mUl non tma*i from * root *, tb paain miIHjc 4, u>i tbr
Frooii Hiriun4i, Mrivi at^w ttaMid
I i

Philippi II Hiap. 4 vxmnnl mffis m. IT. n

tte M*m targtMgr li m, U '
l*yin> 4 n plaa
Indian RrgM. 4 Vriut Novi Odii Arrhurri, (Ipm. en edita, tam iataJtfca. Hrtnton l*x* the faranUrv ctenme* tar * rad*l ?
* XviIm lirifl far tlhuM. **r. JDt. (IM9),
Siatr.l* II f pp 5H, 79.

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* IVi Tlj lhy* uf iki IS

Tbe fbartauutb ign, ocrtati, Un* *Jgmr." 4vukl brgia I Sr day da* 1. ICagtr. An eagle'* daw i* her *vtnM and her lmmMardevic*."
erie* no the inihig dwet 2 *f our UMMift. The feline bawl Her atteiiiliuit* alsi. the female demons, iV*cend on (he earth in
of )**y nnv h Hvrrwlww mort* or lr rknHy W hi* the firm of cwgleis The Maya hievogly|ih would iwem to exjire** the

round head. Urge teeth, round -ye. and Mark Kim where. a*> failure* **f no aged jirrsm. In tbe re|we*entulici* marirTing In
for instance in the tudex KejcrvAiy, inrfead of hi houL tin* me wily the Maya document!* tbi* liierwglrjdi ajij-'ar* will* a row of feather
i* phuwm, tiki* i* sufficiently indicated by it* wind |twHnl |our**i| ball* a* the wat or footstool uf giah*.
for Mi. the jaintiag and tin- *(><*. The diirrgent twune*, which tide
sign b*ar* in the tiuntemnl* Ut ami nmmigvt t lie Mura iiinv
The eixteenth dgn. Aiecmyo** uAiti. Ming KagV*.'' denote* the huge
la? i-xjilaiaed by the fact that tlw ancient |**o|4r. of I Vjitrw! America vulture, Xumv&uui;Aiui |e* f*t Ihnn.. who h knosn in Mexico n* tlie
credited the wizards with the \umcr c4 Assuming tin* form u# a jaguar, rev de itjfiilucc* " (king iwltun?). In the better euectlled niauuM*ri|<t
and believed that they preferred to practise tlietr evil deed* in tlib thi* UnI i* drawn wirh n rnlber *t might K*nk of white odour, and
dtqpriae. It ix however, marc [irohablc that amongst I lie VIaih mite*
bald-headed- An mr otwi ear-f<*Klant* nt rache.l to the head an*
the* fourteenth sign vra> tailed ok-tc. *
the knd of wickcduox* the
doubt leM uifeiuhd to identify him hierogly|dik*ally a* tin- ring-eagle.
roagvwm." bemuse with the Jay I. Jaguar itegnn the second >11111 ter
At any rate, the >|weiul and original meaning f U collar.
of the TonnUinatl d**|-*t*ed in column* of five members. nud rhb* was and then genet nlly geiiM and finery" in an ah*n|i|te mchm*. A*
attributed to tine North, whose pit roc was the gl Teccalf ifioca. the ec*r-<ozc*i</, the Wrnd-flodr* jeavlx" We hIw fool hi* ewr-|*en(Wit.
WianL in a |iTe-eminent wo-se 'Ho* Maya Unngljr|4i dearly h*nr
indkented. In our document, where the voltur** l**gin* the day u-ries
the token of the jaguar. nut imiced hi* figure or hi* head, but tits
on Iich 10. t lie bend of a lari m eierywhere de|nrtud with rfraigiit
r(j*rtt>*d dkxigw uf the jaguar skrn, and j**rhii|n alv the hue of (lie
}c*tited I auk and bright red frntber* n*m|detely mvilo| 4 ig the head,
mr, n* in tle tenth day ago. U
a (jbrum in wiiich with the hot intention** It lu|ai**ihlo to recogiiiu!

11 viihiur. To la* urr. the (rualewialtei* last gbe* tlo* tuniue of noocher
The fifteenth ign m qmmJkttt, the fagk" which in naturally
bird for thin sign : ttoJotl, wliicb i* kfUlHf tran!nied owl. TTie
aesrintcd with the fnrvjpttag. For eagle and JtgRV aw the two
Za|ait*c 1 mj ne of the dgn arem* al* to indicate uiwaber -
lurk hciwJ
tnoig animal* In the figurative language f the Mexicans,
bird. Neix^lmle** I think it inntf tw nmuiied tliat in our nuinuscriiit
ymntAtlt irtiatf, eagle and Jaguar, Iniiintfed tbe htm warrior*
the hotih-work or ignorance **f the artid i betrayed. Foe hi the
The picture of (lit* etgw, with which the day writ* t*egin on
t d*x Horbonicux which i* *0 Hndj iekt#d to our m*na*cn|<. the
Am* 111. the hut bat owe f nr tnanitri|*i, slam* everywhere with
l-mii uf the ring-eagle, with it* rlmmrtcrwtir ja.^K-rtie*. is everywhere
toirrahlr uniformity tlie liwul of the bird with it* -thing! y houkrd
to ka distinctly recognised,
Vv*k and with limit bristling plumage. In other ttiuliUM*ripf the
Jihahwtury no to re of the eagle, IU WeD * of the A orange variant of thi* sign orvuiw in tbe - Manual de miwi*rra
JAgiMI. to* still

more gtw|4iiail iraHcated In' trine kill vex set hiniel about at the dc IndkM - of Ur. Joe* ah* *lt In Heiuf (lac. tit. 4 . viK. \ 2). 'Hii* la

jinnuineiit j*rts. the w._rd temdbiV, which, lit.-rally translated, iniirt have meant -Koa*
The I'hkdtiiiwel mxl the Zo'tzil name* of this -ign itn[4y mean
Hml, iuk! the Zhjmw prohaMy Mother.** Prtwnmably I lie tne Tlie name** of the sign hi the May* Iwt* air difficult to explata-

menaiag lie* at the root of the Vintre name men. which i* still Tlw |Ot*per Maya name tik u srartrly mean anxlhing e*ce|g

hmm! in tlie wne of iwne,

mwm" ami In ei1eiiiii of work. |Mxh|ne will.*' wliih* the /*]aitec name might al**> dgnlfy
rotnfiletioa. In the Maya diwlert* of Chiapas, awf i* the ti*nnl root." In any Maya likffOfljph contain* an thwnl which
ca*>e the
ex|e**cwi for Unit her," and fir a female imimal Ttse connecting in the ]
wet a rr<* Mata OHdice* i* usually introduced * a deter-
link ta-tween the cone fit* eagle" and mother" ha* to be miglif miiiative on the winejarx ai*1 ptobUjr arose from the naml ornament
ill the rireuinstain*' that the gn*at mot her of the god* the Karth- **f the 1 11 1 kj ne godN which in tb* Moxioan |>irtwe writing* w* u-od
Mother. Intel been brought Into UMociatnin with die eagle. In the a* the dint iugn idling mark of the )mkjue ve*wel*i at all Hittlta it I*

Vienjitte piitorial nwMiuarript this gmhle** i* |l*rW^V ikadtd by the it* ajuinknt.

u *. TV Twenty Hay* of the Mcxnwnv

The seventeenth *ign bmr* tin* enrioo# name of o/ih. i.r., the In my fird uonmunicntroi on tlie dnr Ngna. I drew a corn-
moving tiling anything taken in a rolling njtfon ~ It i* universally |wri*on lirtwem tlse form of this serenteenth ign and the two field*
iukI distinctly stated that this sign. e*|*cially in connection with the which in the Maya I'odne# are roen below the ww-idlrd tVioiial
liunvnrul four, is it *ynW nf the Sum; nxel ufin ii precisely ttmirlntni sbiehK and ate similarly 4sxn}M*d of a light and a dark field, axal

* Sun " (3*al)v hr the inteqwrtrr of the tcdex Burhnuicns. in cnviro- in the middle, at their |udnt of tout act. exhibit tiro lkirrojfty|i of
*mi|4* of historical nn|irt we find the picture of this sign irol kt tio- Min. or tiro head with n* empty or Hat* which in (hre naum>c(i|4i.
the hirrogiy|>h Fur cnrllqufai, bring then omjbsned with n (taker figures aa tiro hromgiyjih of thr nnniHer twenty. This cHitqtarison 1

>tri]trl mark. teams* ndy uwl In- the ancient Mexinui* to denote the might dill hold good, even up the other notion*
after }auily giving

snrth ot arable bind. The /,*|iuter name of the rig mean* strong." drvclofwd in that |a|rf ; but sfomhl now ]itefer to explain the two
"powerful." and also -ttirtliquakr"; Injrt the Yucntec must he absolutely folds with tlie solar hieroglyph a tiro rising, nnd tlmt with the
t ran dated rrrt4. Lastly. the .Mum hieroglyph of the seventeenth hieroglyjih twenty as tiro setting an.
eign exhilttfs the elements whirh. in the jurtures of the May* Horgin tlu* sign is drawn sunrowlmi ihlferoiitlv.
In tiro t'lalex
mtv eharvrof eristic of n woman'* head. 1
Heme the fundamental urouit-
lilli of the diversely coloured ftekl* aro lu*n* al*o |(reAtit. and Irotv
tug of the sign would really seem to hr the Kart u or the Kart I 11-
al*o they srem to denote an x)auiioa in various diriH-ii.ui* Hut
(irajih>** in her iot frightful form "linking herself into ennitiUiott*.
Tlroy are iuterkeed.
tiro two field* are not phti-rd In juvrajHisitem.
And when we mol tlmt the sign i* it sytnlwl of the Min. wv *ludd
and instead of the eye in the mkhlle we have mailing hut a round
not forget tkiat it i* always n qpUHtim of the prewnl. tit* kfonrimi. the
opening. At the some tinro III* fowling of foil field* at
enth which aft I the drrtntrtion of the four |m*histnrie sun* through which seems to the general
outer ivamer is denoted by a figirre lie
n deluge, the jngiuir*. gak-s of wind, and mini of fire, is in it* turn
and was usually
eX|MV*ii*a foe flNlghnr** or an UJietet* |Motnieiice.
ije*t iked to o.<ikr to an end through hence in the
ewrt (uptakes,
iutnaluivtl by the Mevimn* in the caller contour lines # pictures
A*|c de tjiiaulitrtlim " c*l W 1 nfinAivofriiA. the " Kurrixiuake
of loountaiua. risks anti Ure I ifo nd think ttat umirv this
f.wm of the Mgn another, or a new Moa a* intended, anil ledd thsit

Tlie picture of tlie rovrateeuth sign. which in our Kunn**Ti|* Iroro alwi 1* exhibited the itak and tlie light rorth. its (irnros and
liegiti* tlie day series on sheet 1 2. ap]*nry in the better executed revolui iiaia.

nMUU*ch|t u Im- rejicoseuted withmit exre|4hm hr two differontlv

eofcmred field* light (rod) and a lurk (bine) wiiK-h iu the five
More Hit elligi hie i tiro eighteenth sign, which foars the luiinc
enihs are roping*!. and hum nn eye between them in the mi.klk, at
frrl si ft, Firo >t*itie." and iu our rmcitvs-rij*!. wforo it begiiro
their plate of contact. I think the light field dioutd indent >- the
day rorhw <m short 10, is dratfed by a i4wre blah of the famihar
sky or the day, the dm kthe earth or tlie nigtit, bat the rye in
lisif iha]ari tyja* with the p*ant, di|*je| mi Mood, |iaintod red, while the
the middle the mm on the tinruan, the ifnUii fomrrjuA, (hr mbii
entriug eilge of tiro st*me h indrontrol by a row of teeth contrasting
|r poring for it w dnronit into the earth. <Hir manti*eri)it, nial
with the fails I l.y means of n yellow fond (tiro gum*).
also the IVnlex IWbuulma, differ from the other documents in tiro

sign. hath fields bring |Miintcd iu thrna of ae colour, TV* /ajkiI**' name of the sign mean* 'cidd, a suitable tmbmlion
design of I IiIm

margin* of b cnongb. The ratterpts stone knife." sharp.* nnd cohl, merge
a uniform dark given. while tlie In| fields fating Mich
other ate aiotro brought into relief by anotiier (red) rob mii. We one with maalMt in the tbonghl and the *|*eroh of the anrwmt people*
nf lent ml America- TVs* taki'likpirl word i* doubtless to >e derived
NiiiM Hmume tliat either the sfet'ial manning of thi* sign fold

ew-ttfiNl the jainirte of bith tnitnuM'rqits. or else tliat hero the twr* from the tout Ml, which in tiro |rroent language ha* the tnvwnigg
merely indirate the dr ft which the of to fo ttMC to la- subjected to a traxl." Ttfonr si urn Id pvuhahly
det ached fiidds in luminnrr
dia|^er>- mean aliat|*'miL' |aatited.'* The tnu**it ion to the tNaiiat of roW

Cf. my rstusrk* tWmsjoo m I k *
ZelUokclft fur lil'iauhyis. 1
uni 1 1 e ] V - Vhf Chanctwr ot tbt A Mac aad Mays Manuscript*"
i - foatrohnft fur
p. l. Kthodoji. XX. V M

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t. The Twenty !>) of Ike Meiiram 15

it jirvM<ntrd by tilth, "lo hr ci4d." Tbe Zo'irtl aorl rAiuit/ 1

car* r hum hi. lightning. A* <wr aimungd the Mayav, and cue or col*
rv*$ k4hIm eiartk to tbo Uh<*r. *lnr tli Quiche t often lieoune* cA. anwangrf the tiimtemalaii trilew mean* -turtle." one ia tempted to
wKiW the Quiche A u represented hy w In Zo'uil mid Mn>n. The rpwilvo coA-vd- min **>.ky-<nb\" Ihe connectkm between the taotinna
iwulchin urors with the moaning mimll" Tbe Mnyw
th under*! iim **
and turtle " may he nought in the cirrumrtance
wwdU likewise nit (instiiimenta) oar) ju*.ivc f*rm, ami ly metal heM* that the turtle** <-nn|oe ia tbe natuml kHtledmm. The rattling
rVnirth for [faVu-rah; might tat* arisen frtmi * isr* of *itmlnr -mind. of the tmnwlrvad*, the |mlv *f thunder, an? the erbur* of the
11 m* M*u hieroglyph undoubtedly denote* the Son* knife, though ivWial kettledrum*. In the Ibewlru t'odex the turtle, a* war firrt

h>< |*i*ri*elj iu 1 hi* form of the Meiiiun picture, a* fat i>wn*ty ihow* eataMidwd by SrlielthiM, mxtar* in ote |4acr with the torch in hia
(km irregular edge of the cim-lt. raid firm age of the worked stone. kwia-hiw jerhaji* i* here tbe lightning animnl The Za]Mitec
Hilt the*** cleavage line* of the week**! *tom* are huwn in *vwt|y name iW the *ign hiujiIt ram in* *
lo devtend.** Hut fi-irjui uuu,
the Mice way, inr instance. on the U-af-*W|M-d obeidovn ]*4*t of the |#a, -water comew down, fire come* down." are the
|iar which warden. chief* and ged* huh! in their hand. Zaporov- ei|ut>iiMfe* fur tl*- * \ liondrrwt*wui "
The Mora hierogtyph nf tie? nineteenth *igu coutaiur buiu'hy
With the nineteenth Mg*. fuiatitl, llain.' begin* the day aerie* muinvw . wiiH-h are to Iw "T|ilnine4| a rolling <V_mU , among m. tliem an?
on *h*v< 7 of our matiKHrii*. where it i drkiarnted. a* eicrywlutv, am* and a -|<nal, laitli of wiiirh den<Jt* the wiml, aud brmde them
by flic image of Ttnioc, the fbun-Uod, wh-ee distinguishing mark* ia the MlHirti-iieit firm r4 a hmk fv doped in the hair of a braid,
knag league, blue ring round the rye, and the bloc involuted hund which i jiroiiairfy irnended to deflate the opening, the hurling (of
which hnngv down over t be lips ntxi V*jde the teeth we ahull hair the atunu). Tie* liietogh]ih occur* Mgnitkuntly aa the a*Mwiated
Uter to atudv nmue apecially. liierygly|>h nf the uiythuul bird which half owl. half yagunr and
T>,t* dnatemaltec whkh, a# we have above
lid, seen, a|pli <nake -e<proaae>4 In hi* uana* (mortM) tin* inpj of cloud* (otuyu^h
the name gwhtwrf/ am a synonym the ninth day sign,
*4f olf. Water." aaal in hie hlcruglrjdi lire tbirtefU layer* of tin* rkunk* (orfuAwra
give* fur the nineteenth *agw the Mint npnt/, -Turtle." Thi u an tax muyii/) 1

interesting variant, recalling, * U tine*, the jiarl we *? ployed liy

tbe turtle in the Maya OaHra*, where. for instance, in the C'odex The twentieth tuwl UA *ign it xvckiO, the * Flower," with which
iVwte*, tbi* animal. tng4her with the frog, ixmie* down ia the water- begin* the day *e*i**. ou ahaet 4 of our mauuarript Hen* i i* exhibited

beam. In tliie vmcwytnfty of -turtle am] min " i* ale* revealed in tbe form of im open ^indka H**n 1 above, while elnewliere in
a remarkable agreement with the i-uur*^rfin* of tbe North American the monuamjit a l ew i* drawn in ]imfih*. with ralyx, corolla, and
Indian* tatlin war informed bv the Mandmm that there are four radiating Wnmciia. and fimiUhiHl at it* k*oe with a 4*Mi|i(e of mot let*.
turtle^ one in the North, one hi the Karf, one in the South, and The May*a name* mean " lord ou Higki, or **

one in the West. Krarh of the** rained four days and the water They derive probably frorai a radkul Anu, whrwiv miw in the Mam
covered the earth.* dialect the words Aaueou *
bright, Ararat,
Ui inraml.* Aram rum,
The name* occurring i the Maya lid* for 1 hi* day sign are to niiae aloft." Hut uti a jirr-gnunt wn->r hjm| n (be name of tbe
mutually related, awl apjraor t la- old iurtn of word meaning twentieth day sign. kAum (i.e. raA-Arara) mean* the Sun. a* Mi Main
I hitidwtanu * Stoll record* amongst the IVt-iaichis tbe t*ein cnAoJk rjr-Ara fpmjirrlT tbe - Indy or ucArax-leyo. (he "i4i Irady," i* uravl

aial Sapper the fern* aalol nanmigst the Fokoinams of Jiloie|*>^ie, foe (he Moon. Oliviuodv the Mv bierogly]ih f (lie twmtietb ibvy

lutfh meaning lightning." And the |4kancth*ally related rArarai* In ign ah** ]ire*ent* a radar disk. Tim di* urgent name in tlie rakchi<|uraf
- till in ura mining*! the Morn tritv* of t liwjH* for thumW-ltcm. M regarding which, howeivr, I no means exclude the hy pol lurau

thnt it goes irk to a still older farm [Anym] of the *aine ia

1 The Irrtn m6au iddo.'rd ky BmM
ti l-w-a*/, n* noe (Up)
the |imje*r name irf a benx of whom the anyth relatw thnt he- -or
* * UlailnUiiMd lb* W*rer*. Castrawu and Coalltk*s
of Ibc North inuitu lot father afterward* became the Sun-
Indito*. '
1.4 ili in, 1H70. i. pi 1*1.
V <n tin* pool I urtr. with rvjwcUon uf pnneai iaterprsUlMM, with Um
vkw U>M(d hy Hrmtnn in hi* *' Ktlin CilMdtf." 1
Of. ZwlKkrift filr Elkmlryi* u (IW>), pp. til, Jl.
Hi 1
. , Hip T*inty {^n* nimI the Nuiior*!*

IV link tMtwwtt the Mexican notation of the twentieth day quarter of 1 1n* ky, nml acnwdiagty to V rml*d*rrl jw tin- Sun*
tag* wml this name I** oridsntly in the fiui flint the **
I Honor H day OnL And 1 a (Art in the TimxUtmtil thus arranged, which we wee repn*-

wa* nMfcrvUed U tli** tlrst d*Y of thr fourth quarter of lV -

I mi* lain**
. an the ilfrf hrcts f mII tlireeMS8 of fV fnVi Horg i* group,
di*]* **<[ in column* of iiv comportment*. agnUkiUw nf tlw -mirbrru the *oUr deity i tigu Tvi hIiim tV mlmmi Ugiomug with 1. Flower."

5 The Twenty Signw and the Thirteen Numerals.


We have orn tlua (lie uron-ut Mexican* did ingniuhed In ejavoil 3U) shref* of hut manosrri[< ui tlu* nertieal nnr Mnndiag just on
iiHii*-* twenty ilav* following ixmsecnfitvly, *m| them by
doiinlrd the right side of the upper half, ami in the lowrsod efr*i row of thr
Cortv*|ittdUig |*rture. Taken i'u!le*liely, t li*-**' UmhIv day - were lower half.
milel * ctiMpouaili, or etmpoxta^Ukuiit, a *,
iugi* notatim*," a TV origin of thin ~ year ' of 280 darn. e well sm the romaing
* twenty days' onit. Hy narust* v4 t lu*e unit* Wi*. r |wrin.) ivmM of the numeral 13. hate item much dsM-nsnal. In a cbfi|4er >m tier

be cnmjiutrd. And nn*ungt other iliso_nrsr> tin- Metmui* found ]4anet Vetm?*. whirh Cksmii attribute* In the ImiKnoin friaT
that 18 of the** ecmposutlH go to a *4u yiwr. a*xl Miat then A day* Motoiinia. the theory is ftJvnnced that 2S(t day# imliVwle the jmrioil
Mill iriium to complete tV kht. la eiu-li of tin***- 18 tWiipatalli when in tl*e Mexktm ski*s thr jim>K Vsnai i n*ild- as the evening
teligW'Us rvtvttMiiifcr* were held enn~ej>indUig to tin* WMPflUa f tlw star. Tint the Mexican aatrononsers had as-eunitely ol**-r*nl the
year. Hut on t be five sniprtwiutiemry day*. Wing jwaaonftiaV. - rle**," movement* of this |iliinet, nml could tell rxm*tly IMS wlwu ikivu it
advenar." no feast was kept, au wriiius hamnea* undertaken. mmlil rea|>|isHr ami di*a|(*ar, ia stated hy aeiviwl ehnaalelerR. In
Wnt besides the vigesimal system. the Mexicans and >Uva- reiwsit tune* their statement* have irreiied a rurprisang amtinnaiwwi
Qaiulie* had other* !**< I an units of tliirteen and of nine, whose origin from KorsfeiAMm'i. re*eHn-lie* union gt the Mava fudu-sw in ltre*iien
is not so clear or ubsmii*. NimvuiIv also I have hsmi aide to wMtnw |Taof that in tin* piHure
iti pro-eminent iia|>octnnce is the notation with thirteen unit*. writings of tlx* f.ui*x Kirgia gnm|> hUo thr samr je-riml u indirwietj

The Mexinans combined the numbers 1 19 hi wootflHMl* rot* with the dgurr* nr}iro*nitmg the deity of the Morning
with the tvntumcm* rriw of the twenty days, ill sorb a way that Nsiw. as tlw gial (/mtitiisunnO w tnentionnl as the ducoverw of
swell dav wa* named with the iiatoml nml with tlie xign tailing on thr Totailaiiisul. and as it is further r**|Micted of the sanse gml tliat

it. Tbne was oU ailed n higher wnil f 13 * 20 day*, wrtlun whieli at lus death hi* limrt was clsangvti t the morning star, it is no great
#acl day bail it** |>s-ial name. I nr it * lw|i|s*sml that only after strrtrh of the inuigiimrion to infer tlua the length off thr TocmIaiiiuiI
tin* ivuu|iU*ti>in of 13 x 50 or 990 slay* nay gheii day again received MsumIs in MUise tvlatajai to the ensirse of Venue, or to mcnr of lu*r |

the Mune aiindwr ami the am* uign. This wiut of IS x 20 or JfUU Thr Statement in the eha{4er **ntl the planet Venus that thfe
day* is tin* TtMMd-onisitf, the It**k f timal iu*i Evil Pays, nf the plnaet is risihlr hr 2titi days n* lilt evening *tar dor* aot mtTes]Miiid

Mexican*, while the (Juici*-* and t 'aki liujiu U called it ah tVrrW L' th, with the actual ivUtion*. T1 m- whole of the af^iarent }nwindir time
the InsfMvtbutt uf the iJwjfi. th# chrmiih*gieal unit whieli Swrunit of Yenat, which is 384 Hays, does not etmlde us to mvignitc anr fin-it
tie- Uisw for all caletwii u* and astmiugitnl man jmtnt inns, The**- Cimnertkai with the Tonnlamatl. Of late ymr<s lmwever. 1 have hcvii
13 x 50 of 2tl x 13 days also u|ifJy the scathdiling or franiewiwk
t*r the eX(siitioSis whu-is are *K hath iia the inmsUMri]i( I ring Imfoi* - The iVriofafcy of Vcaoa la Uw Pwtrs Wntings the fo;Wx Hsrgia M
u*. Tb* series of them SO x 13 days an ifiven on the 18 (originally fir Kthawlma. **.<l40a>. i*HM) (WrtX

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* TV Tmeirty Sift* aad tV Thirteen NwnrraU.

. snook-ring whether tbrie may not be *wne Midi indirect mnneirtiun. whiL'h u ]irrM-ntisl in uiir diH'iineiit. tie mam*etri|it of tie Aubin
Dm *ular year nf by the ancient JlnkitM stand*
Sid da^i Uiiojrted t VJli'rtion. It iuui the advaiKagr that in it in nark uf tie twrnty
to tin- ~JU daw if (lir period of Venn* mi *urh tvlntkm tlwt * 4*r rrtiows thr liumtem ] 13 hiv o-|*-at*0 in lie aue any, tiet nacb

yuuw air exart 1y equal to 5 pennd* of Veniw, Nine when in Uib :f thr- jfo week* brgin> with tie ri{jler I. Hut tie *igtM rliunjgc.

larger jirnud, in which birth the solar year and the Venn* Jirriod jpi Tie follow inx mu- (aU ntt tie initial <hyi. of tie twwwty n-tio<u
evenly, we endear our t> berth (hr 8 ami Ibr 5. we lind dart in their nw eaw fn*m tie Are to tie (wniietU:
iliia greater jeriod it 5 x I x 73 days (hr solar year =3 x 73.
1. t'if/nriii 6. utnjiiiidi II. fo*urtfi'< IQ. cxkSmymiMAdft
and tbr Venn* |eriod I x 73 dub Now if i* my n|niifci that
U 2. ocUutl 7. yw in it if/ 12. custspaii* 17. ml/
(lie nnrient Mexicans r winwnt (lie discovery nf the T***Um*iJ
to t*r awrilNid to tiMufc of (hr mfor ymr ami tin* Wmn. jN-riod a 3. luirruj/ H. MJiii'e/Ji 13. (din Ilk XnOt
4. wriill 2. ro.foti 14. ititxintii III. ijuntnhUi
unit, which would have <sMiiiiriu*d 5 x ill + * * Ilk i# 13 x 73. If

accordance 5. aoitf Iti. UcfHitl 15. ctvlli 20. kxhtti

thi jwnud l? taken ar a unit, (In* next higbe>.1 n

with the Mexican vigennml numeral ayatalM. would hnvr hren tbr
A around arrangiuo'iit. wblrli IIihIk f|M<ml Cat onr hi (1e |<ii1 un*
period of 20 x IS x 73, which Ui (art U tbr well-known cycle of
CodaX ami aUn rxlneivrlt lied
53 years tlir Mexican oiil Now If (Ul* m be co|*ml with tltr
writiux* of tbi*
(hr Maya (Vaiicra. lia*
llorgia gn>u|t.

]imliahiy iern

U> (le irtwriHtinai


<*4nr year and tbr Vein* |*-r**t we shall *i*e that hen* the nuui ter
of tbr Vraiw jeriod*. A* it Ua]i|'nr<l tier tody Ke of lie twrnty
Jtiio correspond* to tliM 5 of lint *cdar year and to the H of ibr
day Mgat* foil on tie initial day* uf tie Vein |eriodH nnl tlee
Veaim |wtid. In thin way, by a**M-i*tittg tie radar voir and tie
hit |inrtrd our faun axMitler rarli by four Ugn*. tie nitirr
Yeaua |ierlnl r< pother, tie Nrikaw otr whoever tie dUwuw wd
Taoalanaatl wwa di*|i<ied in colnmie rwrii of ftvr signs ro.uhiig in
tie l alrmkr. Unkind, u> 1 think, U|um tie minder 13 and! tie
52 column*, which wear arranged in fniur grouse of thirteen rsu*it.
TiHialiuaiWtl of 260 days
Of Hire four grtai{w thr iuitiol day* arr j
Tie oiler *jimal feature* of tbr Mrxknn ohmolofM system
aw nothing more than a further development of the fniiihuteiitwl 1. eipaetti t. uWotf 1. mo yit/t 1. jrutAuU'.

scheme. Knwn it and from tie aswuwqrtkm cf a #olnr Vtsar i*f 3&5
yi\ which uatumlly l.ikr the wUAr gwwi|i of 12 tnihinaim tn'li, tiey w'rw iwlundly
day* an* yielded the nniset uf tbr *urv calfetd
(lAo'ivni aa ttaruling in a fecial rrlalwwi with thr foul t|iertrr* of
aft i*r lleir Art day*. From it aJ*u ame* tie (art that only (nor
loins uad that
thr heavens. It i* noteworthy that birth In tie 4udrx Hotgu and
of tie twenty >ign* fr-U uihiu (hr beginning* (!
in tie ('odrx ifoi'igu* tie day* of tie Toiiaiamall dUjMiwd in tiiU
tie you* folk. wing imt oo another were ejanitel into foot groiiji*,
way are divided by demtit*] marie (tie iifct|4>*a of a hnuain fart
each of 13 years wliich an* consecutively to lw indicated with tie
numeral* I 13. and with tbr ivearrent serie* of tie loaf
in a bkek colour) in twice nine of mna and twkv *mm
gnm|i of seven day*. Tim*
.kmilnrlv ever v otbrr grouping of period* of tine, oti |*inci|ile

it hr Wil might le drmrtrd by determining tha name* proper 9, + 7.7 + IM4-7.7 = WKI
to the beginning of tbr aevttal |erio<K a* bartl *t* tie TonalaJiwtfl
system, all in n dapk wny generally fire from emir. And this gna4|> Hmmgrmeiit legiai* tort indrtd with the first

The Tonalnmat I could be dt*|>o*>d in dimffaa way*. Hut only day, 1. cipviJi, I <*t with the fourth day, 4. ntHzpniin, oaBequcntiy
two main nnnngetnevtU need l* >itiklrrHil. Onr thr 20 with tie mmim dig* with which tie )*ucatec of the bartoric jeriod
day* in twrnty umImim if 13 ilay* rwcli, aiml thu i* tie di[a)ait inn legwu tie li*rt of lie twenty day**.

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l* 8 TIm Nin* ( i<4 *wl tV* 1
Thirteen Garik

6. The Nine Gods and the Thirteen Gods.

M W* UVf Well. the Mexicans err aHr by A e-.fl^nnution

Codrt Biirps, where see ti *iirel Sun. MonuluK Si*r. end Mime
<rf 13 tiUiufifcU .mi fu lips, to pit
"pviiil tuunes to 20 crm- I (et il uuit rat iois 1) rndwW by a morn of thirteen *iun*F*! and
eeutive day*. S80 days octmr in Mirer pictorial dnewipevrts
The*.* |
thirteen bird fane* the sum*- herds that* as w shall **, am* nbn
the fodrx TkllrrianwReaiPiim, it mi tin* VattCMMU A, wWi-li divide figured the Tonnlunatl the Codex and
iu #.f Borlxoiiru* on the
till.- days Into 2U wfk* of 13 dfeju each. and the Codex llologna. beets of eor nMoinmff. When we seek foe the origin of We t

wtnnw tU* Teoalaoutfl i* use-using of tin* number

in U2> of lime, our riit r bought*
ve sign* MCh in-4i<n- nntwtnally I urn tiMUe mnoa.
^ut lii ii by eaoarcUiJvv scries .1* might Iiayv (*em as*

of niiu* pfctntcs ; mid in 'Mined with Mitts- degree

two L vl.ih-.-viI> th Codex of jirolmMlity, the Tnanda-

Barbankvtt mid our raumi* iitil 1 Ims Arisen fruwi the

script further arami* solar yrer awl th* V etnas
]Wflli'd by Jmititr rtwr period. FWdWr a nna*
of f&vfdaet pictis**. TtuP l*iri*<u of tlie ToaoiarmUl

question an+e* whether * With the Imgth 4 the

am* aU> to amhiusa. my. lanwr mtat i liny have
ill Jte.lMtnne.1 . hI ndnlkiiia. a yielded rWr number jm*is-

fnitlmiivnisl t *.-!> rust fotg Hre rilrve tjnodrnd month*

iw the my miw of give eeaidly a period of
tiling* foe this thkd mwm* dhy* 19 Ineir* ,19 minota*
ral system foe t hr number S anMonh. and am tho*
luio* n* axftfrssed la the orely ii little loager than
fAetur**! frpcwsmliil inns of die TuMlaiuatLi which oam-
Lh TnnuIaUHiti. |irbss 3U<* days.

Besides Ban <unl More* Ow* might eocijaeiiiiy

irttg Star, the Mreireil that thr Mexhrans named

vnaat itbsw olwrvrd these imir mninthv is their

the JVooit ie. the orb tig, I Mm. Uisiilsf N mod Uu*H vVm l^fyii TI seqnriu'v niter * .-rlnin gmles

whitll in It:- |ir*ili*-K*im|i*fii JWal then enfierruli^aly re*

i universally eniSkd the *
the LHaiifc-T of I {mated tm*hle the day* the rt*e of these nine deilmi, whieW hud
time," in a (joseiniwttt Drew, Awl that the nvna also |4y* a bmarea a *ittd aefie*. ihst thr anciewt Astniimwiir* of Central
part tu their odeadrw- ovmp motions is not only probable a priori, Aarriiw Iwui l*o aiirhed great iaijrtiufe to ilia (jihiuetnir) ma-
N;t al*> ** in* ilNmiwhito) by the iiUeresttng sheet 71 of the jandiiw. For this iialptide evidence is nfoniri) by vwium |*t*wigi
of tlu Mava imdieos usd by aomw Central Aijn*ri> *n tn-Tninn iiu
* fim Svrily ukr f will fetaw U* titles Cole* Vattvow \ far lU Vaisnan
(Mtl N* JT3, soil Cahs VMmm M Tor Ih* Vitinn Cedes No. 1T71 as
|Vil<l|i* I (:-> rJw.*n> llliiy hlf.* Me,:s-ni*d slollg t v <m;ri. .if r*.

tai^lojr*l in wj jacvKos work tsoMii as ties of nine const eUatiorea, by its frajit along which in Uirfon

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fl The N *** Uotb and the Tbit*m God*. 19

nine day* the noon completed a (true) iviutw. We might imagine the rrh-rente U to the Night hcarm, tbe .Art nil heaivn. which the
that tlir tutelar god* of them nine picture* are to be rrcognicd in the newly-elevted king i exhorted diligently t cnnteinifair.' Knr of
wrie* nf the nine deitacw following wHBUii wly br*ide the day*. the heaven* there me thirteen in exirtenrr. In the u|qTimwt, the
Lnfort timely it m imi****il4r to advance n theory. the hitherto thirteenth rihI not in the ninth dwell tie* primeval god*, the
available data. which might chum even n moderate degree of |wubnbdlitv. of rr|wiidu'4ion. tlie linh of lifir, Tom*cr*tmtli and TVti'OotciiicH /. a* 1

Ami U i* jurt a* |wwcjh4e tlmt the Mexican* and t'entral American* n*late| in the - llidotia tfo Uw VlexioifMM pur *u* Pintura*." , '
tout have lighted upon the number nine fnon quite different turn- Sitmgian n*jrti that the T*4ierw knew of the ttmtve Acvirewa. and
tele ml |ierh|M fmin the nninlier of the ninin direction* in that then* nlme ww* live nlmde if bwUrtftfi mill Guifrirmf^ the god*
roinbinatioti with tire litter mediate dirwtitm* Mint the centre. (Inc fnmj whom utme the inllueiire and fle wo/inth." hv ii*rhm f

thing, howeier. hi evrtaln : tliu iw the my*ie nritlituetir, in the cvwinic whwfi tle cliihlren were legcrften I* the imflmr'c numb. 1 And thirteen
Hwl mythical ciHlf|iCMU(* Ilf the tVwtral Atwrii-.ui*, letni, mnr, ami htHteiv one likewise prewmlid on Sheet* 1 and 2 of tlie Cmlci
thtriera play quite R |*ueiiMie|it And an nuociat intt nf the VaticRiio* A ;
ini'lutllng the i4y directly reeling un tlm earth, and
numbers ttre and tin /teen t* dearly **> id the jilifHweuhyy nf tbe tint higlior lo*av <n, the OfeMppMB, where dwelhi ftmrtecw tli. tlf

Maya 1 iniiitii> of Y Natan. hoiou l:\iotf*. ogfoAnt* ttoenh, u the nine (AirtecM ftiyer* of the fYotefa f ft otWoAwM In* mifjpi/), mention i uAw
general ion*, tbe thirteen genrrntiwn**" U dill r oiuiiihiii ct|in<iiii made in tbe Mi*n Mil|*'ia nf Xoanchakan. 4
for -evrrlnrting " in the current ipwdi of YwmiMtv. Amt A>Am ti ten, Tlx* number nine aiqwwr* tu hare had n [*t'ial np]dinakm in
fktUt Auu ti Aw. -the i*e Gud*. the thirteen GnU," an* r*q'*t**llv connertfoii with tbe hour* of r Kt *irtg. At the cotnnaencemenl nf
mentioned in the tlulara Hahun tenting*. SalingimV recond book, the trrrice i dnrrilicd which wn* odTcrol on
At the wnc time the nine niul the thirteen Meeiu to he njijHir- each dny t< the min. and there it i* dated that inornm w bcought
tioaied tu a jwrulkw way : Nine w the numeral of tlie Minb-r-wurlil to the nemo* four times in the dny and tire time* in the night
Fwir ymr* after their drath the emit uf the dejiartcd ro*rh the ixmceqorntly nine time* altogether:
rAiViriroiiAiiMiVt/oH. the ninth. tlie Invert . dewpmt pit. and t lien* attain
By liny . 1. At uniW.
eternal reef, Chionntiuhiapnn, the ninefold rfmuii, it tie* Mexican 2. At tin* third hour of the forenoon (ii. almut
Siva. which rurroiind* the nnder world, tint aero** which tin* mkiU 9 o'clock of our reckoning.
are conveyed hy the help of * dug. Nine undei -world* (iiariiidiitg 3. At tiooii.
the nUnle nf the king of the undrr-wurkiX arc nfoo depleted on tuth 4. At tbe time uf tbe meeting m
Miitm of abet* 8 of the i'odex Yntiraiiu* A. Whrn
Hv night 1. darkne** Imd coio|detrly *c4 in.
With relation to heaven we also certainly fall the number nine 2. When all went to b*d.
often referred to Thu* a nianuacript quoted by l%*vero in the 3. When the ewnchm were blown Ar the jiriedii
-Analr* ihd V]u*eo Nmiimn] dr .Mexico " (ii. p. 833) rtote* that the wlw luul to rim for midnigtA itHirtihcntioa*.
Mexican* w no pirn tiled with the nine heaven*, for flier hnd calWt 4. Soon after midnight
them cAickA cor itAMr/eimuAroe i/Aiirmr(tii the nine ivrnueefrd heaven*), A. Short lv before M*nri*e.
n&d iv|puihti them a* m |Jce <f Mi**. And the interpreter f the t'odex
A detailed ih*rn|i>ofi <f the hour* of the dy i* found in
VatMiian* A uall** the place wl*err r^nhis Om*U*it( i the |irimcval
fhiiL fowl cf Oitnenitfcm, lit rfo* *an*r nntne for irvtml f Ac wewrp-
/* JWm tie Cbnlrtn'i Zajurtec Grammar. Thin 1 vepnadurw, liegirming
with the mine fowtr and in the same ec|ieiiee, and hai* only
tcAnejtMTitiuaAcr, n* it there eland*, are mhoiiVI rmil fAcwritctvAtirprr*-
a ea||i|Ms| the number* and the iKlicatirwi* of the two mrtion* day
ioAorn - due mol disv Lr viilt. wM|mfri>. Hoi Here i* an errnr
ami night.
ill brth rtatemenic- mtwtly my
tin* tnidife HmU the new-

hwn itiihl was tvatxl n)mw, where dwell the ta|qmunt gudr, nAor-r '
Timiranr. '
Cr^wkw Mwniana" p *i
tAe nine httr*M. x The ninth lienven n* stich nannil cwdy where ra^too (iwr.i lruhlut*, Nwu Cdnm A* IwawMita* futu I*

Hittor-k de Meiu. In p
* 8k*|tiQ in, 2V, 1 CL dw
1. firtter no tbe Rnlm of tbe Ora week
Jt*h*gnn ii. wp. JR. 1
Brauwcif Ai Buurbcurr Manuerit Tpcmu. Tetl* IJ p. Ml.

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so * TV Nine Hod* awrf tto Thirteen <.!<WU

A. Hour* of the Day. to imrt*|4 tho gntniniArboi'^ ia?*iot-bl $m M li*^ to(/rr us Only ill

that nw tto tot rwuxt to MioniiijiUt*. For hA-t hIJ it in rridimt

1. atif * i|U* anmncRrA. hwi/Tihito (while 11 i *AiU ituHk.l lmua MyiniM#trioa||y
that tto ltoiir> biu-I luivo iti^ji.i*rH l*4orr and
Atlumtert ifutdA t V ukijUl U'gtti* fit uhim*
aftor mil hint am ll a* tofner and aftor midnight. But arnirtliB.g
Au/t/n* foywo (when tto world grows grey),
to tin* atovr vlrw in mu b tto M*vnii(h hour of tin* tiny, and
2. h! alh*. Atursno fwtnij (when It i light k
Kiiiiimtht tto fifth of tto night. From tin* I think * niiMt ial**r
AliWltO (Will'll till' night I* jp'lie).
thnt tto day ttumbmui tAiVton Amrra, tto iiight hrM Inwirs
3. Milido ! Ae.tfouu rtijuijcAw < n luti flit* *uii corn"* iiat ).
Thirtm*u diiy nad ninr night hor* are aImi itinrNtnod
implicit iy
4. iNiiiiL* n to* alw Amua-cAivi (wton U Lrgii** to gee* wtimi|.
in tto four ikv nod &vr- night turn** gui-n hr Hahagun wton
fi. ci mii * m
1 <iw htutchtit (wlitii it w toff I
innrtfc*** wo i>ti'rr**-l to tlo* mm {*** abovi*. js 19). Ttiwy an*
ft. corn*.* a la* unoe Akii^ojw cuj.urA/i (when tl** iUi I* near it*
ohtaiiMTi hr irwrting lwiwifii the f>*ur day timew two. two iuh!
fie. Mwb tto fr night tiinrw one hour each. f tlnuk we
|. a In* ikn*. tikuijii cuyifdui (when (he *un i* tn full glow).
toll have to mre|* this numerical relation. liec*u*e ttorebv day
It. corn* A k iu*4. Itbijsi coyifcka. tdfijji (when tin* *iun togiu* tu and night will to towogtit into oom]de<e luiraiuny with tto tki
dcwtid) Jtouros axwl tto nine /* i* Ami in my opinion we inny all the nmtv
camo A ks cli>s sti. fi6t*rt'-rt*o eofrijdvi (when tto mu* Milk* mwiily aofjA thio view Mint*, iw will to w*rn. tAe nine yoi U are in
lower n*il lower). of ket r.\|preolt deiwritod hy the
|mhiiI intcrjiierer# as the (ot\U of
10. roam a In* <jtmtn. Aiuaro-cA* (when it begin* to to evening* /A* my A/, mi lhat it i hut natuntl t n'ganl (Ae tkir**rn gods who
11. corn** a pue*tn ilf 4. knacker (when it i* evening). an* introduced toi*ie and after them a* fonts of tkr d**y.

It i *lv> nfuioue enough thru the ancient MNittoayer* who turd

B. Hour# of the Night. the*e bonk* hull in them to hud out not only the fiur of the scvernl
day* but nlm flint of tto aeretml hour* nnd time* of the day, since for
1. tn ewtm*. knaxijt'a (w tin it it i* already dark).
them tto dffereMv* of tto day tune* r of the day hour* were
2. th limy eKtiro. ktumijnt-Uit (wlu-o it i* icrr dark)
b**w redly not without significance. .iwl if only wan 1 few of the
3. ituiio A bu die* Jtoavna qneeka (when niglit fait*).
extant fully *ati*6e>d this pur|MMe. while ocher* introduced
4. IV.IIIO A la* onae. tnyoo-foo TtUxeia (tto ajn<r>i h of midnight}.
lieeide tto day* tto Uwd of the night alone, ir *hnu>d doubtle**
A. a isM'llit iiim-Iu*. silaetltL. or ox4.*/*ti>-^h^(T. nr rofo*erfo-<Aiy
he condden*;! that tto h-wr* when tto day mar. which scan** away
(about midnight)
the dnrkiie**, i* not shining in tto *ky were heW to to tlie more
. oonio A m
1 do*. htuiMf rifocta (when midnight i* |t)
kteful, and ttol in tto night hour* tto rinirfer power*, tlm magician*
7. ramo A !m trrw zc**> jcinay (it begin* to dawn)
And tto et il-initutol gmls were tnote jdrt
3 cjtuuidn in romjKrado el ikm rvi tm /oyw (whew tin* world i*
In thi* <onm*<rini I mnnot forego to *kfure ret nmrftor ]Wa>*age
from the bwik of the thilam Iklam from Titximin. hnmn*e boweyer
getwraJIv ohsrare nnd jAailing it may otherwise to. it leave* not
HiU lut of th** hour* of the calemlric ikv allow* nf a twofold
tto dightc*! dotiht irgnniing tto relation of the nine gwl* to tto
intrr}irrtntkan. might wav
tak**n in the thnt Iimth imliiwled
It b>* 1
thirteen gu<Lv The pn*age run* a* under :
by the two *et*i<n* with the numeral* |4v*d hjr (heir ***!*. But
tto hour A- 1 might also to identified with tto limir H **, Mini A. I
Auu nJkou kilt f. w bin nv/yAumbanme tin grfo/ w
ami A. 2 to then traiuiferred to tto nighl hour*. By tilt? latter nkvib, it ca loti n ynAo/ oik, ti ourfakan /hi. Ittuvrn boivn ii An,
arrangement noun, like midnight. would to tin* fifth hour. tun! tto fi ca mAi eAfok, at aiki ytmm cab *n. xofek ** bin W(wl,
day would contHui tto n*r immlwr of lumn am Hi* night aikiu hi w*#, at noc^mki peten, ca ir kvppi u Awe* uxAaAii ii
But hiMiwtvr lutahh* thla uitoqwvtatioB may *]i|**ar at fir*t jdght. k, m ncAi nek kaicahd* ox l Hi moA yfxnto cul win. (t'oflW
HL*v<*rtto4rM I think, for ronaxu* |ir**Mntly to to givm, that w** Iiatp ti tkan u nmV: hitww.

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7. Th Kint Go4% Iwfe thr Ni^t Hws SI

One irJoru, that fa the day when Min and moon and night -hall pi*!ture of one of the nine lord*. But. as already radio*] by tlu*

hr united, then the lisuntt come- ilk tbr imuttibg, then are Hit thirteen two commentator*. of the Codex Hnthunicu* Ur. Moray ami Ifal

pil* (taiujuUlied. ut eternise. rrplaivd) l>y 1 1* nine gods. Tt** will l*hso y Tmnooso they are not those That, in a farther eonsanatin*
ta|4U (tlur auure) he burn. TImo will 1- liorn tin* whale hv whom Croat of the nine lords, should full o the initial days of the rears,
the world U judged. Our far her, tin* sky. will crash *kwtt ovw the hut owe far nil tlioae that are associated with the tuuims of til*

land. Tliet* begin* the huxiuig (the rotlrxs iue*iou) of tbr thirteen respective* days in the normal Toiialamat l which I it. been re | tee-
grab. tbfii in lb* gtval rum of tW world. Then iirwh. the great sen ted on the preofding rin*et 120. Th<we initial days of the
whale through whom the itnmhcling of flu* ago* route* ti> an etui. years of the cycle Iiave hem brought into ilini* relation with
Another proof that the nine gw fa ami the tlurtom |eid* Law the Tofnalonatl which had immediately bvfare bseii jdaerd hefar* tlw
vfirfwuor to the lUutr **f the night ami the hum* of tine day I render. They are mum>d In the aatua ay that tliey apf mut in U.
find ill the (art that thesf ni&r <<!> and tlses* thirteen grab wwre that ia to say, with cipher, Mg*. and the lord of the nighr. whirh
wot farther consecutively earned an braida lit* teal day*. the day* three pictures in fact ore grouped together in the some < ora psalm cur

of the year. In the Tocadantatl the number nine dor* not go in the ToanlaintUl of the I ndex Uorhomco*.
ermlj into the number SW. The Tonalamatl b 2S x H - l. Still it is mm tlie less remarkaldr that those lurds were
lienee, alien the day of tin* firs* Tonohunatl i* connected with
first kaoaglit into parallelism, if ra< with the days .f tlw year, at

the first of the nine had*. the tir*t ilay of the fallowing Toiiainmatl least with tbuse of the TonaliunatL ] accounted far this by *np-
should iiave contained the ninth of th* nine lord*, whenever the poaing that the thirteen gods, licing similar to the recurrent thirteen
computation had to be tumid fun tier. Hat, a* a matter of fart, ciphers of the T<mnfaimL induced the scribe# to set them siilr

such it not the oiw. and the Tunnlumat I always began with the by side, and that then the mnr lords of the night were aftrrvnnU
nuup, the find, of the nine lords. A proof of this occurs in our depicted in the nune parallel manner. If later tbe*- nine Ionia

nuinurcript. the Aubin TonaUmatl, which associates with the last bnmme mainly and innvw intimately associated with the day* of
day nf the TunohunatL not one but two of the nine lords, the etgbth the ToralaitMt 1, the renaon may he songht in tire fact that they
and the ninth, to tnakr the fin* of the nine lords again fall were held to lie the more ]K*mt, and that when once *oirh a ]NiraJlel

on the fin* day of the following Tooalamntl. The mine U shown syatem of entry bemme the rule, the introduction of the nine Lanls
by the interesting sheets Si. 22 of the t*odex Borbonims, where the wan inevitable, future the thirteen lords were always the wtwr for the
52 rear* of the Mexican cycle. with their initial day# (their name*), w*me day number, whema the nine lords i-hanged with the aign ami
are represented. and each of these initial days i acrompuiied by a the rninaeral

7. The Nine (Joels. Lords of the Night Hours.

Ill the Tutmlaiuotl of the tVdex Hurhnniru# and in the Codex jwrtmyed <m sheet 1 1 of Codex Begin, on ilieet* 111 23 of Codex
Bologna the series of the nine guf* are ghva in the mine coin- Vat i>.-an u* II azid oB 42 4 1 of bad Kingnburmigir* nlitkai of Codex
part ments (aquarv e&fnuued spnm) a* the day sigim ami cijilim Fejervlry (Codex Mayer).
In the tsidex Trlleriano UeiiiMida. and In Vatimnus A, they farm a
iqecial aeries above of else faring tbr day iglir. Oil the sherts of We I earn the mine* of those nine gods from the first knttN
ottf miiuUMfijrt they are rxhtlgfrd in tlir tbird vetlkad row of the I
r**t sv of CcaSex Telleeiaiio Ifanieiieis, who wk* his anmstarinns in

upjs'r and the thud (jieoultimai*) rviao m of Hi* lower halt like- a firm ItainJ like printing, and from the interpreter of I'odcx
wise immediately before, or rise above the <fay sign*- Lastly, when Vafkrantis A. The fatter and th* third inter^snrtcr of rlie Tellrriaiei

taken alone (< ftoai Oh* series) unit In fall form, we find them Bemenska (Bedvu de Ulna) I has describe tlieir pmhties :

22 7. Tbc Nhk- Otnb. l<rrd* of the NuA* Itauv.

1. riuAtevctii , Utm<. Index hrtang* to the mami half of the Moenteenth century. 1 In
2. gziti . < aualo. obnp viti.. } 4. of hi* work, under the bradiiig " L* du^ nriihi-iale^

;l jnlfi tdrofif homo. r In relnt'ion del bariiunte.'' lie give* the tune gmK atxnn he liWe-
4* finfoolf iudifvrente. nrio* ro!| the nweie nod coiu'eruing wbotn he relate*
A. mictJitnifotJ mala that the* b4H tmmy onr tle night Fnan t-uneet to funrUe. and aeiv
6. dtnUkiuilrCUe llldi&tvhle
7. tlnralUail. . . ... inula

*'Sporw, tluenv*
tie In itoeAe." He therefor*

9. hf*got<ftl .... - . - Ux-tnv

t!e of tbe*e nine with O Mlltix -yak in, wlin-h

9. tlnloc ......... inilitnente.

MVfirrting to
H ciine in hi*
him i tv
wrk the name* take
le derived from ttnyokmu to heivune night."
tin Mlowing form :

Hm llif interpreter of CcOet \ at Iran o A remark* that

1. .YinAfenryoAiui itatlo
ign* acowi{.<inyuig tin* 12 day* of the week 1i tmdiri txgni dellc I

IVjtnwjfflAiw rm.H
Imv tm|**n*irium * faltwrchiartR- *'ribuiiu> u| ln4wod*n Af <nu*c 6
2. Pi/tsiMttueyohHr*

. ...


injittenti* iM civil* id** * lui wrwmo* (tb* ini referring ( tlie 4. fVwfeeryidrtra Umidnio.
nal*r nf tin* weekX d. MiCiliinlCMeyuktti ..... hueiu.

1W twiu*** an* given *omewh dittWvntlv In' a native rtt*r tl. f Irmirima
of lh *ifeetvl|| <-e|*t Ilr V, line |t. ( Yt*tov*I d* Ca>tilli> ijiiofod lit 7. Dat*ejfyoh\ti innlo.

I r***in
y tinm in ;
H, ......
Tryvfol&jroit urt hue lex
9. yufikte*cyrAn ..... hmixmiu.
1. X I *&t*ncti * Tlvii. Kl fir^s **Anr iW alio.

2. Ttv/jittL l'fdffnl. Ia^It Hoturibi ohtiumMl hi* information fnvm .larinto d* In

9. Xockitl. liar. Serna. He re)Mwta- -nni>'|irint and nil ("jaeoedinn' for - }ed<lian '*)
4, (intend IMum 4 U iiMiuK Cm**. Jacinto** vtatement* mure w |e** rod** tim, mid nUo gite* the Mine
2. Jftyuiftb In tun*' rt*


I* *# *1. *inbuUfl*U hu

Ihuw* i|h Im* auwirr*.

In dan*
o Vhtilu
TIe iwrtwre* f thee nine lord*, whichtind in the maun* w
*<Ti|*t4, on>rrr*|>and with the |aof*tn given hr tlu*
9. Tepeyoioiii. l w deiifeul qwr fill jinn ImUlnr Hit el wulw dr
inlet |avtei*. la* known tint under PifcinieneUi, the
Only it tdmuhl
lJHt mi Hit rr*. u fffai of
Print*** the Sun ImnI io meant, and tlmt Auekitl, * Flower,*
9. ^miuVnirf. IJucin. imUdundn 4 dim Tinloc A ijiimj U
the name given by Vidova] de <>i*ti1lu for the third of the nine

Weils hne rolifiMiee aln to the Sun Oud. Pur. a* 1 have already
Inan r tiamn describe* thro* nine gods n# .Vom|Hmitd*w
nln.Hr* rfnfeiL ino* tlie dny I, Mower 1iegiu the (mrth <|mit<rr of

1 itit3|wui i'liiK A**i>lants Heljwrt) and a* Sen on* tie (a norA* (Ixurd*
the T< 'iml oft wi I <lM|*Med in udtimn* of five members the day *ign
of the Hi* *}wakr mcueuhnt nlwurrlv nf Imi Wind* of day
Night). *1. FWf laaowne. ideutilkxl with the *wilhero quntfer of the
>iy^nj*. mane Mid to h* Hfkwciuu." for the linn* Iwti *a* to midnight, bmvHtiM. hI oHwwjnent ly with the Snn tied. In onler that the muirr
the *KbcT* rnlinjr over tb* time frmn midnight to Uih following te*n
Biay more rhwriy niuVrt*inl the deterinianteiue wliirh. acronling to
Milting thnt the latter, the n*ftrtiHi rigus bid been made known by almve
tlie Irits are iweomted fc the *erie nf the nine hml* in iur
Mpfl^nf there nine pod* ;
aleo tlmt the** nine g<*!* Ilmiwlm I

anaiuiM-ri|4, I herv |t(end (he picture* *f the nine hmls * they are
had been bi'ld in great e.teein ly the native*. wlwi called them, jwrr
ite|ilctMl in Cialet Tellemno Hetiv*n*is awl a* they iurnnt|Hiny the
onlonirtWirM, ljr the nnm* nf the ijuveMvUi. m hint nf lirillnnl [Jutnnge.
dny* foUuwing one anetther in Codes MoJ'vna and tWalex Korhonicua.
Lena y liamn gut Iim information from tb* l>i*tor<vt1 work of i

t fitovl de Ciu4ilti\ tut Imlinn of diftiugui*lenl IVxrm-nn de^-ont,

PC tirhrd- in !*'4 ih miIuidj uf the CviMtiui *tr DwmmiVm

who wh* mwl to Ite die<i in 1KM in ltw eigbthHb y**r. A nuieli
|*n h Hetiwria 4i Eapata. sad n *ul. ri, al tbc Aiulo 4vJ Miwi VidiMvl de
later writer i* Jwinto d' la Serna, wli**** *
\|mnuti iU* iniaidro* ib* T **
Um i)inW livwa. <in (iiwromn U wrir. >1 U prediin, on truer *
daracton. >|*e fce*Jr (ftm m $mi *1 tbd b**t* j lo> Ihimvwn
v!ui* * ralir,
' llwnpaon bil >ir* y miosk^u* tit In IK*t Plulrtl, No. 1.1, p. 30, B.KIW* 6 dr u txli.'

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7. The Nine < Ijjnl* | tb Nifl-t Hoor*.

I. In nr n rripi ike Srs* of the nine OoiK Xi>'nAto-wb, U(>*pI In the Co*k** Mmia PwnwMM the C#ne, o
111** "Fir* Ui* i* Itftnmd with the win- odours the (no* t with bis ruimr, fjw&pawAtpii, in rHIow, Hh or*l rfegiof

tbl- 2- 11m Sim Uxth Oulu TMMim Hnuwh

tig 4. IV Kta UrnU (SmAsA*) < win

rut 8 TV Mv l el iPlfBM). LVrfM Ik^ui.

Ilf. S, TV Mm Ufe, 04ra t<rtwi*w.

it, Codex Botgan : ph) with th borer Mf of the thee black and * h*rv -*! the eews @tri{ Mr the *>y*t k, M ft ml**, ifuk

,twk Mack line ut the of lb* *y- The wig, coteur of fine. Long* As be bear* the lo w//* element in tii* naan**, he la <adu

duoni in two {sifting* ; tto*9 the forehead !? lorfc* of hair project Ttafteofcimffa and M ijitetnUeutti with the rojnl tUJot-

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7 TV Mm OckS*. U*d of iVl Xight ll'Hir*.

rlHiiiji-n* ii# Ike* of thw Gad t* simply rod. But aft- Hell ofra>meN#. In iHir luitnu^'ript the u|pt half 4 the to-#* in light
Firw 4 d L dimm-t li siinvni rko two srr\>n-*btfw in rod, the lower t*d. niui the oilier earner *f the rm i ettrirded by
iter us* ilk tin- kill or fi*:u ni Cbdex Boffin* V*ti.-*m&* It, ihrm swJ hurt, rlikh, bttwein f, in*t-ad ,
of the aato angle, take a
anOMBlC in die B>iMitinp ttndkrtrvn Xniiimulc, ruernkt eirkl--dnjnl fnciu. llmntieiiiir of tk picture* *f the Sinn
i maimscdp*'-. Codex It.ifogim re]ireM.-tit Mat a* God. everywhere in naantaipt oust a fillet set with ? imj noire disk*.
ki Uod. hit in ft end of bin iniMifr oenkiiniuiJy giro* |
in which may be detected on tbr frontal ante a dill# r\ nil y ha{<nl

A torch oc ndorameut, |*-rr>*|>* ootimtf iotiulived from the figure uf a hard# lend.
The Tllli lianii Mmeteiijssb puula the Oud with yellow face, hut without
ltd of tin* nits** godk itsliL tie* .Stun* A nt/# God, it
the angular line* bekind the outer eonwr of the eye. Here a:** h
u* Cadm ttx|ui by the part rail *f T*xeni!ij*?c** with
distinctly Use fillet with the tnn)toi*e dafii aid the js^taliar
riMic mark. In mir jiuiiniwrij.t wp two a red fnre.
front nl deronrtiott. A wkwd-slinpHl fnlbn ominwwt at dio imp* um-i
I hair* two lock* rbitig up above tlw hnlmd, ami ut
nlvt i*iiiv uuhnUr Un* solar di&. The Codes Ikh niii-un pte*cn(
inad over the tempi* it targ* stow knife, TW Codex grJ with half yellow, half red fare, fUm--^.l,.uT-d wig, niei h*
t fillet of
fwn|K*i*e disk# awl it* frontal aanbvUhJiBHut a* in the othar matin-


rri|)t. In pfenr*** the Coder IMi^ns

I >Si*]tUys itiMUmd of I ho
n sytnM aJkne a hand Mh nnpioihe r oral a fmtAer hoad-itiwre.

A. Ibe fourth drily l* ChikHli, tbe Maine Gd. Me i. ilw|dcted

111 iaar nmn-j*iTi|#, lo the fVlk-riatio Hwii*m and L'odex fkahoQirqts
with ad-MliHiial 6w, and nnla ear in the fillet, .mil. like all the
in those iimMiii|ri. oIm K.ndv iwoinmed as a flrinafo diviail v.

In tli Cod#* Unliyfiui h added i tbo fW4 tbr roc run guliir strf|w
iWiMal ho** throw m-hi*. whicli In the maiwio-rifrt# f th* Codex
Horgui gf\o|* b ii*nullv with the inaise goth. iu>:| u n*. .Uxiht
mr i in Jot to ex|aww n \U< d Innit on the (nintmi fwe. t>n the .eher
hawk ui tie- Codex Hotgia. * well as in Vat Iran w K .unI the Onfox
Fej^niify (Codex Mayor), thb foiutii deity b drjrictenl a a male
divinity. Hot Iwiw nbo tbs mdha ooh in the SIMs Irwvvs fooh(

bi to hk identity. Tha ru&uur of the hot awl body of this male
Ofalnr/ i* yellow. The l...le leilgllt of the Gee ia traiwsnwd b* a
Ih. Sim 1 am tit lowUiMti ut On AaUn OuUadim. dkmlde iMatoni line, b&wk un-l bmkeit at an acute- angle. In tbe
Codex Hologim instead of th# God liiruwlf there a ! mu imvum tnwJhuig
dm* allow# a beo paint*! like that f tka warH-w but his symbol: an cnglet daw with a huorli of enrt.

iaare, % 11 i-ik 1-i In*** in the tfyl* of that of tW Karth

knife rtwfk in IjuCly, ha
X. TW tinh daily b tlw I Watii GmL While Cmles
, but Mttli ; firnir. t
iVogbc Voiknnn* 11 and aim Cwtex Horbutticua fttfi?**wt trim u*. a
* din Jill dcfkfat* ttMn 1
knife Irnniftn Iii.-tl to a flit Mil)
krirt .u. and f'odax I h. login. nU> arrasioTiftllv give* only in* vmUik
milnrly hi Ike Cadrl Bologna U figured a mannikin
a tfoml mans eruMboaaa. in mur mannirnpt human Un-# it tn most
Jk for its head, or a Mow knife dim*.
to be MH*n. Inert |infed with tbe sallow colour uf d**tk and with

udli, tii# third of Ike nine gmU in thv Smi Qad. Ike 'last.. nUBad, rve-noidi .i wig wldkii is endenlly intended to
u the Codex Ifergta with yellow tipje-j and red borer *mt I It# mgkt fcy <* tho night. I.b#) t , in Codex Tdlermoo Ue^.eikt*
while the outer ruftww of the #yw i* endowed by ho is jHOlrwyed a* a king, and a* * ojir rfwrt to (he fire God, with
line*. He wrr<* (lie chieftain fc ttyls of hair and Ike royal filfot, features i like tlnise of tlie Fire (id, Ihm
7. Th Nin* GihU, Umi* <4 the Night float*

to a dark sknde. mil m other r**g*nct. mih mere iWolh *ymMis dial! again meet him as tlie third of the 20 rulers of the week. Hi*

similar to such r> ww preeamahly iimhI with ibe rorp*e l it* bursal. is described as the god f tlie interior f the mountains, and identified
with the Krbw In Codex BorlMmkxH ami Codex Bologna he is

6 TV* sixth itntv, CA<*/eA luAf/irue. the Water (MliriH.

it efcmriy exhibited only hy his hewoglyjih, a heart on n mountain Tlo*

iiiijicatn! in index Telleriano Krinetfcti* by the symbol of water on Te||eriMo Jwoeni* hIhiWm a rather indltfervnl-looking fan* |tinil

tin* fillet, *xd the Hue- coloured fan-shaju-d nape-tie. Tin- Inttcr alone half grtseti, half yellow, nnd rod nhout (lie moutli, htsulgoar iwhI (ail-

i* given in uur mimn*rrijrt and in Codex Borbanicw licit the fillet, Iih)wiI UM|w-tbe likewise gres-n. id. hieuiiwi- tlie god of five wikrihitwU.

iiisult* of several strips which nr*- bantered ahutw and Minr toy niw* of Oiir siiMiitiM*rl|* flies lum with the wunc ferial {suntiug and also with

hear ft*. U exactly like tlint eTerywbrrr on the r*tww *t*t tjr of live the green na|a*-tW. But ahove the til N't the hnir la nusrd in n must

4jinlilei which have reached the mnwum* from the old centres of I
ecu lint manner in twti high mlU. wfdrh may lie intended

Mexican rule. In the fort on** of the Codex Bologna, ami in several to n*|wewat two niouutMiriN or ulm the intervening {jaicey." Codex
id tbuw* in oar ro*nacri|4 mny *)*o U* dirfingui*h*d on the cheek Hurgia ami Votkan H figun* him with animal fi*at lures and a sled

the two short. wide hUck stripe* which in the Codex Borgia occur truiw|s't la-fore hi* tnanith. Hi* temple is proridrd with a cwriously

invarialdy on the prrtan*4 f the water deity, and hp niw* clearly 4oi|is*d, high iminted stmw roof. oxnI the temple door fashianed like a

shown on the rfoor images lit two rhhwlled grout** edged with h)iM|i monster's throat, heme douhtleMi conceived ns the entrance to n rave.

lines. In one plarc tlie Codex Bologna. instead of (lie fort tire of the

give* only her bbnflyyh Utkr eiiuijutt and blue striding V. The last of the nine god* i* TUttor w QoinuXJnfi, the finis
feet, whkb nem in a way t r*prwsmt running water. fito*/. lie is everywhere ifigni*b*1 by the iMnsliar u**k, which
in l lie coup** sif these ex|daiuittnai I slxall again have In dktN.
7. TU^itMtU, the (suddem of Dirt, to whom
Tlie seventh deity b* Iugntil of the image of the gwj be Codex Bilogna not MkkO fives
inner* who had afftwhld against the sanctity id imunuge went to hw symbd alone the l.iglvtn&ng. ;

confess. and if iilentkwl with Toti or TfitutMunu, the grrnt mother of Th* theory MhtUMwd by me that the** nine god* urn not strictly

the gods, the JSnrtA i/Oiiltm. Her picture* at* distinguished by the speaking and originally the tutelar deirn** of n M*rie uf nights but
white or yelk* odour of the tie*. tlie iW{> block ]*aiating about tlie tbe yosirrfiwina of lA* wtae Aowr# of tAe r ufjks. is In ur|d*-te accoisI

mouth) t|* fillet c4 mispun cotton, tlie ear-bond of the same material, with tlie chreunnanure r lut the fifth gs| sif this wet**, wlu must have
and hJ**a at land on *oiue figures. the sjiunile in the hair. A peculi- been the guardian of Mitloiifto, b tlie (sod uf fbutk, who dwells in
arity of tlie Code* Hotboalrii* picture i the deep block globe <ri tlie the ninth, the ibt !. | hlu'bd rjesa of the cnrtiu The series
forehead of tlie goditr**. which empties into twn smaller globe*. We begins ns sloes also t lint sif the thirteen giai* presently to he examined
ehall we Mow that thU i* a tiutfilli, a cnouttfiouc balL which wnr with XjithUrutit, the Kir* (i>st, hKSUte he i* the fVusstcutf. the
ae the foundation fix the adjustment of a feather ornament. Hie (Jod." tbe
Father of the tind*/* who was already nt the time
Ccafex Dorps often represents the goddess naked, and earfi time with of the giuammg. Iwfare the birth of the Sun. from whom spring* all

a non* ornament which fa* shaped like a lumdle. resemble* the nose life. The further soqumrv, hath befiwe and after tbe IVath OodL
ornament of tlie pulque 4 JmK nnd is a symbol of pulque and pulque who denotes the middle t mu*, midnight, is <ioulith*s* ounditinnrd irartly
veewds. l*-il>. in the Codex Bologna she is figured a* a dead woman hy the prittci|dc of aanrmst*, JUftly Ivy a relatiou to the qiuirters of
(a wotiiHU dead in childbirth, or a stoned adulter****), with cloned the heaven*.
eye and |*n luouth. But in the Codex Bologna she is nr or It is further to bn stated that, in tvamcetioo with the distribution
twice Teprtwnt I'd liv her symbol alone a xtane In! I with the bandb*- of these nine lord*, tlie writer of suit mnnu*?i{rt hsu moil* n whole
elia|ied *** ornament. and coloured like the escutcheon of the (aalqoe series of mistakes. Once on shcIi of tlie thefts 8 and IS A'iwAtrrW/i,
gods. the Fin* God (1), 1* suKdinitod for Mictlantoritfii, the lb*lli (im| (5).
On sheet 10 TJit^olUotl (7) >4aaiU> for Piitri wtonlfi, tbe Sun trol (ft>,

H. TIim eighth gorL Trpeyailotl, tbe Heart of tlie Mountains, ami on sheet 14 tin* latter (3) for XiuA Ucutii, tbe Fire God (1> tin

]uu hitherto been known only as a Calendar deity. Farther on we sheet l A i introll (4) and CWrAtAA |
i>tte (ft) change |huw% while
h. TV TliiHMti <JaK Tin I/4i of th Hnw* < iIm Iky.

utter <1 ev prevail* on ahcrt* 10 ami 5U. On sheet 10 the tj**t group picture, ilu* eighth ( Te}<*\folto/i). anil to it kt then artachcfi the
of four |*rfure* in disfxwni in reverre order; *o also the five following, following ninth |*rtwc Vdiind -U. almve hernnae. a* t have
and Iwtv one pietm* (7) lm< fallen out. TV fir** four of th#- next already reaaatked (|k III), the food* of tin* night an* not rnrtly
reric* m aU given m iMfrw order, nod then |drtun* 0 follow* in oiinlmio. of the iWy*. hence were not farther counted in the day
|il*rv of tire jimioodr omitted picture T. On sheet 20 tire jwrture* *erie of the tear*, from one Tonalnaatll to luvothrr. lu fact, the
are thrown together anyhow. although the ]*mper piiluie begin* tin* Tocholantarl nlwnT* began with t!e nunc picture the fin* of the
retire TV aerie* nki ends at the thirteenth place with the projier nine lord* of the nigto

8. The Thirteen Go<1h. 'Hie Lords of the Hours of the Day.

Not one, hut taro reri* nf picture* urm* for the thirteen hour* for the Codex H^rbomciu ia his liereriptiuo of that durMinnit, 1 In
of the dnr a rriei of (forfren rp*i$ ami a rerie* of (hirieru bird*. both DuiufeNri[:tf direre]iancie oreur in rv*i*ct of individual nrentfor*
Hath of there aerie-* an* nwi in the mine way in the two related of the eerie*. Hence our ex]dnnarkm also dtffrr fruta mm> another
docunrenta. Oalex ikirinmtata and our iinuMi-rrijrt In the latter they hi the we of indifdiial niembrt*. We hall, however, ree that the
farm the seownl ami find wrtioU rows of the up|ier, the recond wrd diwTx*!ncire obrerr-d in the twx* tnanucri]it are nut irreeonrilahlr.
fir*t cm** niwi of (lie lower lialf of the iheetiL (n the Codex Horbnoiru*. In tmier to fiarilitate omtiarieoa. and also beeaun* they are really
the member* of Mh row* are int nature*! into the mime compartment* im^Kirtmit ftgwrew, 1 here reproiliicr the jditun** of there thirteen
(nqnim* a|acee), and In aerordaiK*1 with the referred di|*Mttioii they gtl> luth from C<tex Baliunirai and from our manuM-riftf.
*tad. ia the amngvcuciil of the figures a* given In tlii* dorwnnmt. We ere, ia the firrt |ilare, that what wa< formerly uhrewre to
Mitiid the raws jirevkaoly dmlt with, that is to my, ia the up(*r half me, owing to the hiu4y dmwing in our nniiumj-t. ha. the reinari*
of the flieeta, laat above them ia the lower half. There two rene* have able oliject before the niotith, which reenred merged ia mre with a
not yet teen rll**Ni\vtioi in any other manuscript . Tin* bird rerie* c>U|4e of aketidi lle vieilde Itefow *w Iwhind the head. 5 is tn reality

afone oreurs on the already atuve mratiunod *ioec 71 of Codex Ifargia. nothing IrtU tire famiLiar little toagire. which rignifie* dinv-urre, and
which d*|4ay* ia well rxcc-ntid foevn* f he three mn*r ira|ortant heavenly in a dmfrf renre waiglity direuurre. ownniand. nalc. Tlrerctiy the
hudiv* *uii. morning rtiu. and moon observed by lire Mexkim*. thirteen gyt are dwtingnlshed as fire thirteen look The k*4ch
Now. mfirctiiig turret of all the fiiw of there two rerieiv tliat of line* bdot or hehmd the lewd hate redhiog to ifo with tire tongue
tlu* thirteen no interpretation* nrr extant from ancient time*, before the lUMiirh. and *am to la* a met of handle, or an indication
la lay cxjAureiiun* placed before tire International Congr**** of that licit* an oh)er of mmiis Itilwl was tu lie ex|ife9*ed.
Amcriauii*** ia llMti. 1
and tea yeare later in a trentree published in I

the Zeitrehrift ftir Kthologie.T 1 bare determined the eerie* of there 1. A* regard* the first f lire thirteen lord*, then* ran he no
god* Tor the An bin Tnnalnmotl. a* Fv. fif Fato y 7Ve>i row hail 'fan doubt as to hi* nature. 1( U Xim^Urutfi, tire Kirr <iod in deugn.
muting nxxl attribute* exactly like the {actnre* which in r
Ikw T uUmttl dir Aubin wtua ^uuu-ium wad die omirfln KaWoVr

bit* her Cmfta nod a d* CaopW iabtrcwbottal dm Aaoricanislm. T** Dreetfrtoa hiftorow y ktpuwnmt i.1 i ,.dtu Pklorifo da lo aaliguni
mmuu !kfte ]*Uk. pp. 0 iW Xbum <tm m ourntrok mi b BiUrUrea d U t anwrt dr Dtputaik* <fo Tut*
* "
Du TmaiaoMtl tier alteo Mxiluuu-r." ZdlnVtft f4r Ethaoligie *** <atigiH. Pwbi* iluurlotif. t'lfon-4 )tia. p iJC
iunh r la mj kruor **plreate>u* I bad takrw It far * a ire) of valikk/

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, TV* Tam^-r God*. Tb Umfc <4 th* flow* of tb Ijuv.

uiMiM*<nj< aad in Codk'X Borbutiina* represent tin- Sm <rf lb* nine A rimt'b more aagmfcntiTr iH<uY|itim as given by tbe |rfe

ksnfa of the night, the Fire <k*J. There owwn* in I be Cbdex Bor- which in i'odex Barbanimu indiml* the wcottd of the thirteen I

iru* iilocH-. vW* I be tone* of Hie nine lords fa depicted only Tim i* the froglikn iii-kuNt with the gaping f broad win* fa rw&llo
wil k bends and Mini of 111* tlinrfceeia Ionia with full figures, nu nMed the don knife wbtrb is seen on the nnihwiifc of the ynoniLri
onaunewt of rJ feather*. nhirh IkJU dawn line back, somewhat reraDf or don* wriHrial btowl lend, w|j>l, m den willed nlaive Mid if

the warlike dotorwIuMa known n the pntMMftf, und i* cvidesdlv in^eeded trith tbe ymbl of the Sujb {e Fig. 2 on Uir fujkmmg (age),
lo Rfnwiil die nAiwMiMiR the back onuuncmfc >f tl Fire Ood. |4rinrM uanhsolitudly refw***nft the math or the tw*iea hm ison
On *lwvt 12 Ilf olir iiiiiritin ri|it the t>n>l:,oil of I lie god >- dorktd with AWtllowA the wan, the light (of dny)t Thai tlii* deity shwch
:t projecting iI-.whi wwl |
4( of lurpeViw! work, wlikdi H-.KuiX. it vfth th* Death 0*4 t* tntetikgiblau Hence this U
rl jrauAirtfeof/#, tin* myaJ (SQM. "n *h*wt 13, 14. ]ii |djtant that <mi mmaiaaci ijx givn* f the m>ochI of the thirteen V

uii arrMigeanimt fnily o j lUt ift*d as that of the Oalex Boh

It Is ititi fc-s-ting to m4 tlmt in th* jiktnm of the latter doriin
me dtajidy se* r?u; what Vk4 in the n-lief of th* stowe <*4

ft' %
Mid IB the
SP Wjp, 7

fit*** thitfw*
TV* HMm tank.
Odn Pnihnlm

A different lyV* ef |o>nliii, whirl* fa

fir. *>.

a xxsrhlme bHbtnd the fiicehnui

TV* ftiirttfn Linti>.

XufSitdlttS'.l >4

the eye*
the ArfWn


rtaJly intetadod for

nd to tw nngpuifn) -mil ilt a* an err nr, For no know fmia Silingun rtaAe4. disheveUed lwir of the Until Owl. 'Die nndfrttfll deity,

tWt * hie festival the tine of tin* Fire God vumettnir# pointed here takes tlw- sec*id j.lwe umougst the thirteen hmb, Miwers
the rtidoinirv rod, Hu* at Oth*C* *m cowered wit *i a mwk n-Mife of n ivitrtUi extent to the gud M the stone knife, wlu? i* th* **cW(l

tiir>|tioiM> uo*wo*. the nine lords. Both stmul in their inn uo ixmtmat to th* I

God, Smj as ilie ohi, the (rimeral god, lienee enmartwe tnke*
2- In our iimuio*il|ii tb* wound pine* * in* wig*' the thirteen lupfe first plane.
I* lakwi br n luwl. which hi every vtvfwct leotnnbtes the )H>'tnrei l>*

w|i i* V >( hist aoniiimwipt the fifth of the nine had*, i h* Ivnih. God, 1 TW third of the thirteen lonle, (Wdhdrfiwo, the Wi
w ilsdkMltd- Tbe only dilbltttn fa iwt l wl
[ir liy the three poper Gaklo, a* repmrtM in *mr iAwoript a* wll ft* in Cede* 1

fUgM *iirii on h*vi> 3 amt 4 are tlinrk in tlm roHSed night knir. iMDicuSv I* in all roaen&ml | wiilsrt e *imiU-r Ur th* fh<iire* Hr wl
Hence ni tho time I bad no fewitattoai in Identifying the |*-rt of itt these mHue>rri|it the Water tiwkh't*, sixth of the nine rnkn
(hi* Aeoowd nf the lliirOm lank with I be IVolh l *! indimteii

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H- The T1iirtn Cud* The l*vd of the Hour* of the lMj.

Tie* fourth lirity U liluw ie to he Ivy odd doiiht identified by |ceci*e|y the name mark* on alter! In of our immu-rt]t, where
** Sub Und. The figure ImiiIi in dc-agu anil colour rvwinMe* he i figured facing the Stan tied a* Kidrr of the tenth week.
r**q*ect tin* |iii*t im* which represent the thud of the nine In tlii* |Aace tlie tVdex Horlamicu* dm** the lH*ath thd alone -

. Imt hen* In* l t III inon* eym-uiHy ilit ui|f*ii omctiiuiM an .l/icf/wafarid/i, at tin* I lark Night tied, with (lie
Sim liod by the *ohr did*. iu the centre f which u n*t file myal fillet on Iih head. *oetirne an a keleton. like rite picture*
tin* g*i or from the cmrrv of which the figure of the god. given in thi* 1'idex fur tlie fifth of the nine hard*. Ilctu-v the aixth
IV. emerge*. of the thirteen i* alw identified by /iti Trwemo atih
Jfief/niiJmif/i. Tlii* ref (mentation. however, offer* n* e*entinl
Nt* <n BUT Li ml .|( doubt ori*e regarding the filth deity, difference a* tompued with imr nusii*cri|4. the um* |er*onuge bring
vtff, troddeto of litrt. win* n we hae arm. take* the ament It intended In-t-nd id the -sgnifiiwtive picture in our nianu-
mntig*t the nine ruler*. mtI)iI ae him* merely ii colnurl#** one, ju* an in the m*owkI ]daie of
the thirteen iiaii* our iiiimm*'ri|il aJ*o pmexited nothing Imt the
Ifiwlh teal instead of the luon* ex^wwatw jaefnre in the Codex
Bnd m irua

7. Hut ii oiMatilial rliH*rejncy between the two m*nu*m|*

tavnr* with the -event It if the thirteen lord*. C.alex llorUmiftl*
dmw* n figure wlihh in nil enitial |* ui*t w agree* with tie* JUaiz*
Owl, fiairth of the nine lord*. I fitly, impend ..f n rm-o* lo*ad. here

nU> ae find a fullv <U*l tin'll! ed ligttn*, ahit'lt c-.m-e-pietit | rarrie* one
nr two nmirc ear*, t*i oily alt it* lend-dre . l-ul aim on it* Im.-Ic.

Hi it hind of nw**pt.nrlr front which a Iwiaul r*d cloth lutng* down

T>iio -eienlh tf f 1 m* thiiteeii lord* i* ac*wdingly -imply tlcatilml ae
(Viatadf by l*rt 5 Fivmuwwl
(fit till* Ollier lintel, in ottr iminm*'rt|it Wc *er ur thi. |diue a
I owl, which i- ju.r m> ivilaml* to la* <|.*kcii'*-d u llmt i<4 the .Veil

OW- (fitly liter*' i* to la* noted the |Msuliarity olt muiic of tin*

ahwta- 10. 11. IK. U. \\ 17. is. >0that U*himl the load of the
g*l ** ib>ihkr t hut of a IdnJ with w*dc-i|>cn lawk, which i> M.tie aluir

diiinuly drawn, ami avm* in one |dmv to Indd in it* lawk the car
t ik V. Ik* Kvib tt*d, win wiIIum ih* Mini Knife of tin* gaL in auotlier .me of the tnnjiiMM* di*k* *if hi* fillet hut it

I'adiwtaii ut U. Marnlrlai tlUot TmI iy*ii>A/Mm|. may |*rba| ju*t ae well la* regarded a* a niaak or dieguiM*. u an
anintal who i uue with the lemg of the g*l. thnuigh wli.w gaping
Ihlt the aixth of the thirteen Ion!* |wv*eiit MMie Hew fmf urv*. Ilf. nth t lie fact* of the g*| l>*k< out. Natiimlly the Vital or afterim
ill our nuum'ri|it. We mv ii face whirls dt|4uv* yellow him I of bird whieh wu intended to he n*|e-etitt*l in rhe** |ih*turea numof
nw hand*. the dirt (active item) trait* of 77:<*al/ij*inr. Imt la* detennirw*!. Still it i twrteaorthy that tlii* linl lie**

win* |ili|t<it with the ayiuhid* of death, the neck >hield fnitn a <li*k or n***tte. which tn alieet 2t i even edgl naunl with
tf* K the tail lent her of the ml Antra, ami the down lewU. while fnan the centre hang dirwn a caiu|de if tlwing* r *tra|*.

lnll*s nil of which we dial) again meet in exactly tlir hhup One i involimtnnly driim to think (be gtal |*iut*l in luitaiMoiia

tlh lw eleventh of the thirteen hwd*. We lirnihl feel in* colour* with tlie Uril-*lu|a-l Itelnea mrt-k, wh.*v vaHegwital elav iniuge
o ifewcrilie I hi- figure an the HVm*inr'a /Jwi/A. the I had the iftance of jiurvluirittg iu the town # Te4tibui ih*l Ciutiino

. Only the rtwl leath trod, Micituntenttd, i* ditinguihed (State of Oajntn), Thi* image, wltwh a* eliarwctetid tc facial |*uuting

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*i The TkjrVm lied*- Tbe I/fd of the Hoar* cf tbe lbay 2fl

duns* in a whit* odour th* fort* of a butterfly mliout the mouth. I It ) gnom light, already dnfi the ^wefrn/rwrur, Lord of tbe
WWH able (o identify mill tin* jf* I &i,tirwl ill Sohaguu** likUiitrn|rf *c* Twilight, the Ciutevti And to eniW|ilrtly e.taldbh tbe relation*. 1

Jifirtt \ljtorh itl ui AiwAij I It* j;m| of tin* Monti Frwct, tin* Sun <ini add a little detail I Hi wheel 110 if 4 ValeX K<rt*liarU the I "tulrrll,

of tin* unlbmi tnhoi. 1 Tlii* god l* the more rendilv *ugge*toi tino* event h of the thirteen Itink hnin tie *ufue emblem uu the rvd
it* how tlii* of Sum (*011 takm the onitral {doc* in the whew of ifuemitl hanging fnwi the rvrv|4u h* on It* bark that i exhibited ui

the thirteen deitie*at u |twMjr tha gt*| Mrtcwh-ocMM who. hr the y item ill of the gtl XnrXipiUi, ill the |m<orial l*ikiio'ript of tbe
intruding inti the eleventh |djo*e niuat the of the twenty <k-itw*. Florentine Mild intern Narionalo, whom I here lepmJucc (Fig. Kt).
hrunghr olunt that iviuarkwhle difference Iwiween the wrir* of tbe The* enihlecn, inn* omiewhet rrwithieuflv tie explained n* a no-
SO week ruler* mu! tbe 20 day miens t wliirfc I called nttccriinu lefttiofut! butterfly sm-
nt the poiK'lutioa of mv trcath* printed in the faftim f tbe In the wrbw of the nine god*, the fifth wn the Death 4 rod.

Seventh (bagratt of hemnw tbe lift it hour b tbe hour of midnight. In the wriet of the
ihirtrvu g<*K the day g*K tbe arvnvt h represent* the Aour of mvnt.
that thought* Iinn rum to tbe K> HiVA-A'onhuii f Dxinal. wbo came
ikovn nt m toil to 4oii*urne the idfenng on tbe altar on no haxam
vtiiaiuhi In vaenmaya. nn w |dnuuis ike vur** iwilore*.** But in tny

put mu we dtonld alet ivnieiulter that f i nftofl and IhnaMternffr are*. uikI that the latter term i* a|if.diotl to th- l>r I of l.if*%

tbe jirimcval g*l the lord of |uomilitMi. who. acrtwifing to the

tMtemeiit in the ** ilhtneia de 1* Mrsii aiMM |*ir m linaTa.s* Iih bin

*eat in tbe U]jeriiK**l, the tbirteeoth. heaven, wlicte mi dint of

tVdex Vatiauiia* A he nay lie wen depict ml in full hgitre.
Of ernwer interi^tathm are the rtill ivinaining figure* of th
thirteen god*.

ft. The eighth deify ie tbe thiin led, fb/w. ni*n witli the
ninth iUm! 1m*I of the nine god*, and etervwlatwe iV||Utod in the
ftf, w \~UfntU, liarf U it* lw*WA**r. .4 Ihr F**w, ml Utt <V.n mine way and with tie familiar |wanlmritu It b lenuirkald*- that
rtiwwi no* KW*r "

H- Biklldua \wi.nilr, Klmnw.

in out iiuutuwrilrt alone on dint 11 lit* |{am ImrI. eigfilh of the
thirteen gds i* liowu in full how. wber*u* rlwvliw lie ia every,

If till* exjdunat imi he atvejitiMl, 1 am aim hI- to idem tie* rliain where liowu only in |*ndlc.

f thought by which lU tilt* id*n> tbe rv|wvfentui ion* of i*nr matiu-

ft Tlie ninth deity iw alo a familiar figure :
Qutisnlrountl. tlie
m|jt and of the Codes tloiljouiru* inny In* hmruiounwd Foe In tbe
Wind find. I have already drawn att*ntiwi to the *|eml Inaurua
einip* to Mfif*t*lsoeitUl mu I A'urA (with of I hew gwll M* jlfecmdj
failed Cintrvf,', "Maize (imlx* ami aw klMtUfed i4h the
of Him |Mirtrail m eoiinertion with the momd rlay ngu, which it*

likewiw iudienieil hy the image of thb god.

curtf*, the CWdfd hard. Thu* tin* tin|ihe of the mlig to A'vfitifiWi
10 Tbe tenth
. giwl ia Truo/bpooT In our mawnurript be j
y# CH*crtp* hrKinryi uyu ye
every wb*re dearly demoted hy the farm) ininting in yellow and blnrk
ye cnicayn ye *fue1snloxrcuxn
jtmtiiientin o ci nfowf/n any
cum tauid*s wud aim umriv every a lien* hr the nw>kiiig mirror <m
tbe teiu|de, the *igu of war (irif f/iftrAirtWb). Abort the fiwebtwtl, a*
' *
Wwadaiaferelm .let PtliiU tun MUla.'* Plat* II. Cl fcWi IVMnpta with Kl*v nwph kwh* cu/l u[\ mwl tbe limit lie*
tier <iot, a of
rciulu I** ownii Coagrta labnatinnl d Aa*nani*l. Berlin IKW, pp
an nshtjtiH. a warriot* ftulher oituuueiit. In tbe Code* Ihthlftklft
72S-ai, and the PiUlfwlMifn ml ihm Mowam for V,.lk*rkw*l Tol VI.
Pw k, Iter lio lft. pp. 1:16-40. the hicial ]iaiiiti<ig in le*a uuiforin, ami |urtly rrjdnivd In a Idurk

Xt * IV Thirteen lloili. 'IV Loci* of the lluun of thu U*j.

ludf-imuit, which fro iMvoairmulU tiiui hUi ini r> into other aim t law dmth of warrior*.' In tNalrx Ikitbomh'iu hr mibth-
niHiiii*vri)iU fi *r live irilttu Uail'tnit, the mw* taual* of lb** facial liun* >Ijow> the lillrf with thr |iointd rgg-ha(>ed figure* which
(wjnJing. <*n thft other hand, tbr nm-king nnrmr hJ the ii mj.h- a, from other ^liNumeiir* 1 had arehlmd to him , and *40ia*tinir* fa

h rule, ijiutv dirfinct. decorated with the xivh-uituilli, tlie royal fillet.

11. In oiur nianucri(*. iw veil n* in l 'ode* Rorhnuirtns the 111. For the lar of thr thirteen fard* C<dft Berfantucilfl tcnn*
eleventh of thr < hirleen lortl* it (tamted villi tbr facial (Minting again to give u a nnre et|m*wiie figure In our manuMTi| the
of thr Heath Oo4 hlttck with red alntit Ifar month. On worn*
hrnd ahme of thr Ifaath tfaal i* de| acted in the farm in which be
of our (.Nw. A, 4 , .*
*X * kind <*f rwnitrrpnrt to i* exhihitnl in thfa dHaimrnt m the fifth of thr nine g-d*. anrL m
the Birr (minting f Jie Hun <inl fa further effected by r*H*ing a |r*4*iliuriiy. tliere nerd (erliaje only Ik* mentioiini that on sheet 2
thr outer angle of liar eye with Inn Of three angular linr, wharli
the |wrtnn* of the gd lui* three little [i(er flag* duck in hfa
stand owl on the l*rk ground through Idnvk like lluit of
dfahevellnl night hair. But the jKrture* of the thirteenth gjd given
tin* rl<mr line*. A* dtittlnclUw iimih tie* figum. hi mur numu**ri|it l*y the tmlei Rortuniciis *ln*w the figure of a irwnvnn with a
rdmw a rotrlir nt liar oorijKvt (cuejn-vcAtfcittwrtili}, n downy fioihrr
*keletwir lewd, which, however, i not (minted Mwk, like the
hall ulmve the brow. n nl of I hr *uur material and a tml*6*atlrr of nkeletiHi of the Ifaath tfaal, hut ydlow with n*l (liWd:) tine*,
the arwm landing up fnwii I hr 61 fat Tin? HtW two rnihleiu* an* afao hut fa wherwim* wwl with the mom ruflie<I night Imir, like the
rrrn in tin* iodfax Biviwnkiv*. '*>ly ai wane died* they an* nMot-iated rkeleton >4 tie1 Ifaath Ood, only <ni mml aheet* in him are further
with the I hr royal fiUrf, iai other* r*|dfcd by llw (mititnl half white Ivaif cnjpiM
rfnek five little |i(<cr flbg* ml. Tie*
satuc. There *Ih lavum a while fari|e falling ilnOl over liar lawk, of the gii*lile fa Win*, ami *n mat >4 the bret tdem* a nuniTaw <f
ehov* a Mark Maltese mat,
which *vi a fc*w -fe** fa not, laiarvrr.
while cin ilUr igafla, which MV |wwha|*> token hi imlicnto ator*
nt Mi|^>Hrd liy ifal /'*> y Ttvfttrm*, alwatr n "vmfad of the four The lw*ni Ilf tlie etMgon etefa in Iteoig* oil which Icing <*liail-dieifa,
jiMMler* of thr Unveii*, hit very efton, a- iiul** l hrn*, rejfitor* I Hr ii wirh the *n-cwlh*| ctiUiiicue, tlm mrthiig ginlte ii|i|*n,Uge of tie*
dowi HiMrdiwr*. HiIn k(| fa lo la* dderinitird without re*rv* at
Ipaldooiw ol the Knrth mol the I m|er -uor{d. Tlie figure deriikMlIy
l*ritwo of thr regiiMt of thr Ibwrl. Tin* rymlmfa an* rvo'iiiltlr* the V|,4her of tlie tiiMfa, /^loerfrcwf/i, the IiimIiIimm of the
in fad thr mme at thorn which we m*i* naitorvt ml with ,lf irtUo/erW/i .
hVii*l Tit if L ae Jie i* n*|ireN*iitef in the Codex Kelwnaifc.. /V
Ihr lift I of thr nikvr lord* lit thr i '*!* Teller un*> K* jncnfa. /*/
/'ii* riMniTMi calfa te*r f 'illuitu #* or. |iteouiiiti|y on a*-roiu* *f
i'rtni y him fWnmnln-iitfi.
however, |
refer* to rail Ni 1

the dor desa-e irti Iter eamglfei- Nut We Imie ti c>*jlile/ that ill

ifiailtf them d*l indite mark- an* given in SiUtgiuit elia|*er * I lie
the di*M'ri]il UWi of the fan) Tit iff gtieti hy Nifapui incut intt i
lima of the *nU with f"X<lf*iio/tiUV. ;
hill I hr I air gmirtal ^Vllilail* of
IkOtah*, not 4 the fe*4i\e giahie** here*M. hilt if Ur Ottife. nr rathe!
tie HiiWiv in llw kingdom of tin* Itnal.
of a kind of a|*ou. m rattling girvlfa a|i|*ndagc, crt/o/rwnVf. mode
of vacaiUlkirlU Langlllg on thong*. Tile ginkhuu JInnuteeutJi i*
Thr Tlanizrolpon lm\tl i, Ixird uf the iMwn,
of tlr?

twelfth deity
Star. In

farmer r*av. to which thr iradn fa hetr

iUM(nr<ioiiuttly gtaide** of tin* earth, and tkt w n fn aW* mfatn** of
thr night and of the kingdom of rU* jwd. Ifetu-e dw* iuuv rijuallv
rrfrrrrd.' I fully detrrihed Ilia rmhlrm* tlir whtfr or whitr and Ted
well tr thought to fa* detwrnl tv the -.lorry night ky. or in a
*rri(.rd fnrial colour, and thr derj hlark hnlf-matk rtlgd with whitr
more resir id <d molm* hr the Milky M'r, jux u in the Aubtn
drvic* thr m ixcifMJkvitioMC, Mdraewo itoy&ttii. the rtnr aign
iiuu<iL*<cri(it *br i* rejireventril finijdy hy the Ifaoih (iiaL coiimjoenlly
wlifah fa mllnl night," the hicr<ly|h of thr *tanr #ky. In omr
n> ifidtranuaf.
Bnaiiuiri|4 the g**l rhoww further thr flame-ctihoiml look* riling njt
I here ii)>] irml in the fid lowing i<aiu|Mrta> live name* of thr
above the fnndimd and thr itzleureM on thr crown cf tbr hrmi. likr
thirteen hid*, a* they bate beem alaoc ddennined. nan Iin the way
the War Ood. lascwlft/Mwni, with vtrun in fact hr o|M*rtr*. far br
that oncrive them to lie dfatrihulod over tbr hour* of (lit* Aty
I ;

Dir VaiBprmlt den Bllikmlindai (fat Odti Bap* firoppr."
/4*.ivtinfl f'.r K'tLioUyio (i(i *>1 '! * fee detail* anr balew uodar Uw Kwfara *t tbr Xloth

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*. lb* TbirVwti ftrK $1

and I have ml* l* I (ha name* of the limit* *t t|w> night in rorre- fin* sign* combined with t li numeral seven urn uiuveraUly regard**!
fKAHliug order: * llt|i4<rloun f WaliKT liter nr* urtiliitd li> fliiWWr! tOOli, the MtUlii
(Sam) (iwilru. 1
i* Inferred front the of the number to tbe bout oi
7. XotkipUli CintfoO boon and to Ue ruler, the Inl of Suite nance. Thir the numeral
6 . Tfrtyaomiyui 8 TUtloe bine, which give* tbe nnmber of the uruiei- world* and of the night
a. TIv&AlttAl y Qiutmlamoti bourK wo* considered favourable to magician*.* and that the four
4. roiwrtittJb 10. rJu//|oca but Mgn* of all tbe week* mjieraddrd to the number nine the
II- MtdlanltenXii
3, ('k*tlrftiuhtlleu4 (Ihiy) I tenth, eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth wen? universally ly*hl to lie
3. TlnUee\dii IX TL* vnaiJ/**nJ*'uUi
)uckv. i* similarly *elf. evident. In tbe latter tbe power* |we*ding
1 . Xi tik ttcutli IS.
over night and the under- world had naturally no further a^, *ince
IX. Ttaloc l. Xiuki+nUti tb*vH alone of the day and the akr were rtill influent ml. And in
Yin. Te/myoHoti (Night) II /frtf*
feet the** lat four day* an* in Snhoguti nfeo oicrilwd to 6ml r ^mrutl
VII. 111. FiJUttUecutK-TMuUivA loginning with tbe
Iwnvenly rulers at owe of the SO week*, that
VI. (AatchiMMkmr IV. (\nfeutf 1
day These are Tl*nn*atJ}*m bruUi (Bpbflt* of tbn
one, Rain."
V H UHm%iecnl{\
Morning Star; fil/o/tme (Sphere of the Fixed Star*); Touatiuk
(Sjiherv of the Sun); and (Ilia upjiermort Heaven,
Some of tbe account* rammimiraXed bj writer* on quest um* of when* dwell the lend* of life, the primeval god*, tbe gad* of
augury become at once intelligible by thi* arrangement alone. That |iuerMtio).

9. The Thirteen Birds.

It will ecexn strange that the just dewnbed lid of the thirteen the* Codex ttorlmnkxM, whirli, although certainly wwnewliot Iwtler
bird*, which at ktut from the rUndpotut of tbe ancient M*iinu* delineated, are *till often extmuelv difficult to recogntor. Cotufored
nndoulrtadly served a weighty |ur|e, is extant only ia tha two with the two oilier represent at km*, uar n*iumi|it, the Anton
-jwifiid m*nu*tri|*N ax*l m entirely absent from the other*, Toatsinmat I, U distinguished by the fart that in it tbrwe U Mltia
*w|HM'iaL)y frufn the Codex Borgia gnij There occur*. however, a are (ireeeiited, not n triply a* bird**, hut dugtiiwp* of certain
jiaraUel aeries to the thirteen bird*, which ia owr inaxmecri|it occupies lUvinitie*. To facilitate ivqji]*riMM> I give the lift of the 13 tunfe
the tin* of the four vertical row* of the n^ier. and the tupmewf of front *heK 7] of Codex B egin, from the Codex Bwhamms and from
ilia&mr crow* nw of the lower half of the sheets hi wliieh a the AahUi TotckUtiMil.
number of 13 bird* or flying rr*atiu form the et^ntad element*.
Thi* series which In reality M*IM to he merely a parallel our to 1. Iti the list of Codex iWgtn. a*, well an in Codex BorhiOkiciui,

the tliirteen hml*. also Ink it* mwaterpart* iu a manuscript of the tl*e first ojmI keomd Uni* re of bke form, differing only in the

Codex Borgia gmstfi. ia fart on the altove-meM iim*d aheet 71 of mbiur, which in the firl to* I4uc-hlack. ia the tecood green.

Codex Botgio, which display* the three uomt of the CluuTH*t*rjttr in I'uirt Itnrgia ami at lewt in the final *heet* of

heavealy b**lie fill, umming *tnr, and mt*. This coincidence, Cudex Bort**Ua*. i* the long pointed beak, which [wvvent* us
to which 1 Hrat directed attention in tbe Com|<- rendu of the Berlin front ditf<iigiu*liing ait it|i|w and a lower miuxlihle. Ferliafw theae

Congress of Amer*ranitis i* all the near fortunate, iuoe it enable*

4. 11.
a to mme extent to determine the atlicrwhc *nm*e|y <lir4iagui*h> * Kakafoa 4, IT
nHk* f* s m in the Aubin Toiialuinatl. a* well uv the hint liguree of 1
Sahi^Hii 4, 14.
32 . The Thirteen Bfcnl*.

picture* are intended to represent a humming-hud. lit our nuiuu- ,1. In our nouuikcrijit. as also generally ill Cudex Rorlauiic-n*, the
acrijit. the Awbin Tuaalanuitl. there occur* only n graerslimd bird fifth loud fc jaunted a dnep Mark. Although the |OKtirv in Codex
figure. which in the fir*t ixxnjiartisrat i* Urft white, in the xysiad Boigia i* |rtly damaged, what remain* enable* us muHifecitlv t>

it (Misted it gm?* colour. The deity who it looking out tlin>ngh ncnpibr the m^fr.
the gajsng mouth >f the bird uttv for the first figure la* with Tlie fiH'e, which in our manuscript it looking cut through the
certainty identified with TlMUra/fMiirruifi, (*od of the Morning lard's month. dm* the htvud Mark hand* depicted in tom piece*,
fk:r For the picture* nwtnhlt in ail rttrntinl (rniolt thorn of fhe which ate the distiiKXive marks of picture* of the dancing warrior
twelfth of the thirteen lunls. (cf, the 7Vmcjlcu/cii rptf/l and the OmtuwtJ of tlie .'kihagun tuanu-
scri|4*). Tide with the ujtr&nffr. lying on the crows of the head,
2 More difficult l detemiitie is tle aeeoiul deify, who take* the
enable? tie to recognise this god a* Yetofl, the Warrior.
disguise of the rfrrea Lommiotf-bird It odour of the
line the ferial

hatli tiud, bkrk with mi nhst ila mouth (where the minor* differ fc- In our maniiscrijit the sixth (Srture s-xliihtt* a Iwrd drawn
re havo wriilrutly a blunder of tlaa painter), hut on tle crown of with full filer and ga(iing Ivak. light rediiirh pluiuage shading to
tin* in-si la a comb with abort hrwul farther*. from which radiate one hrowsish line, large eye* cntin-Wd by a fettfher wwatl*. in whom nil
or two long quetzal |.lucar*. will Madly drtc* an owl. In csnitradii4isctbiai to the other (urie*

3. Is our manuscript tbc third lard is depleted in a light red width we ahull meet farther on. I will describe it a* the La *U i vV.

colour, often shading into a brownish tint, usd in Codex lkobomeu* On tlie fervt sheet* ofCbdrX Kocbcuicuj the (defunu are tlmwii noiiim.

hrown it the rale. Codex Borgia *!*< (aunts it brows. It ms be wluif ilidirfinctlv. .Still the feather wreath muiid the eye, the hood,

recognised at a 6inf of firry from the ttunc luie* which are (lit-
i everywlufc plainly dejiic-t ed. On the Inst *h>*et* (13 liU) tlie owl

tributed over the (imminent jiartt of the contour line* of tbc body i* nL*o clearly nvognlwti by it* face *l*own is full with it* large

but it differ* front tle large hird of prey, the oaglr, in that the eyes fh all the *beet* the culutir of the hinl is henws. Lutfly,

fmtlierr of the head are not rufffed u|* while the (anions do nut I Codex fhugih give* us tlie form of a hird of (wvy. with stone lame*

taper to a foint. at tlie javiiainent (aita of the contour line*. Hen- also the face
The god. wlm in wr raauusrript it looking out tlunugh the shown in full enable* n* to n-cogsis* the owL
ga|iiig mouth of the lard, In*# the face (tainting of the ml (((nUnoU^ai) The gud. whesr y-tuttUi i* tlie owl, is (ilmvsi hr its ii|e. because

*k hi* coturtcOMMV could not be inserted is the gaping month, the bird's
Trientfif-uyt, but the feathery erect decked with *ne kni*e*
which is tl*e Sabagiui nnmusrrijit* and in the (lirioniil writ mgs of face being gi'rn is full. Tlie fee of this g<d i* white, with mi
the Florentine HihHofrm Naxiiauile i* aMM-iated with the god* stripe*, and in the ixmlredip he wears a rd made of downy feather

.Vwert iljurhW-Xocti i/uii uml I think the latter name should tun* (rut-few-focwlf) The wine material deck* hi* tiair. fnwn which

mcrihil to the gut. stand up two tail-feoders of the ml nrnrw, Till* is I lie decoration
of tlie {'wwirwtiM. the |iriaie*a of war. who wore immolated in the
4. The fourth bird it clearly mrogniard a* the ijuarV by it* black-
Hence we mny ile^ignate this go| a* fViMoadfi.
blue eye-Acckcd (Jumoge. it* hluo-colnumd till) nad Nue few*. T\m-
the **Stri|wJk" or o* T*v-ytw~*n*ifu , '*t<sJ of tlie Ifetul Warriora
{icture ^iieo by Codes Borgia In every n**prct resemble* the bird
whom blood nenre* to nourish the *un trod depicted on the wm* 7. As seventh winged Ulttuiu our iuaau-rri|it and Codex
sheet of Codex Borgia, while the wrenched bend lie* on the ground Rorbunarua dirtinrtl* show or Irast an insect, in wbicli. luvsreccr,

(we above. Fig. I. (a It*)an exact representation is all detail* of Calex Borgia enable* us <n nwgsire a boHrrjly with certainty. The
the quail sambo- uxil anoangMt the Mexican?. god who in our mnnnsrri|it * baking nut through the wkle o|ien

In mtr manuscript the face of a gud is k-iking out through the mouth of this insect ha* the fni-ial (Minting of .VinAfarwffi. the hire
gajiing trend h uf the quail. and this deity reveal* himtwlf a- Xif*

Hal. th sheet* 3 and 4 we ** mi the crown of tlie head a kind

IWw, Our kml, the Flayed, by the facial |m<itig, ill the upper of feather m*nK like that of the gml whom disguise h rsqaesented
lalf md, in the lower the colour of the jaguar akin, hr the fluttering ly the srcMiid hinl of the **> j
ncj the other dust* it to re|da<mj
Ilid* nit i*it swalkar-tail fashion. nad the nsl colour of the tup-fUM*. by an o:iax*lfi

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* TV Thirteen Rink

8. In our manu*rrijt the right li laid as again difdrted in Mark, .uk t'oiftrx Borgia are rleurlr to br mYiu>od ns those of the luring

only of a wmnrluil lighter shade than thnl of the fifth hard, and m iu^rolotl) bv the excrescences of the skin ef the head )*int*-d jmrt I

r *<t of tin* abeefci i> drawn with a lurge stsnir knit*- attached to the
lack of thr IihmI. Sntehal indistinct are the ideturm in t'odex
Itvlvwiictx*. when* the jduniage m I4trk iud white and un *mi** sheets

Unit'd oHhjtiely. Codex IVwgiit alto Nile, (tartly ml, ami hy the fleshy

litis a bird of |wcy of tlie eagle a allies hanging Mow the lieak.

type. and sH round with stone knivew; Tlue god wtoi in otar uiiu*urri|it looks

tlo* |dumagc. however, i* ntrt Mach, out from th* gajdug mnailh is the
hut Iwown and white |i|MM*l in HiUn ti*sl 77'i/uf, as with the eighth
t-ruM land*. An eagle with iri|il hied.

r Innded
ii |4uniage i* divert Iml In

Sahagun 1
and Hernando** lualer the
uaiiM* of iht/uirnlttli Thtt thU Is

the bird Sere iut.-mbd Is mad* nidrat fflwn c\ ***** M*n "' hill fare iu> th* limaled

flora the large ietdiau ktufs* (ifslli), '

> "I at la bird *f the series.


which our irain*m|it depicts Mumi hut from tin- Utter it i diftngtiii**l

till* figure. Ill the mill* tiucumrlit

t '

th* hue of Tininf, the Kain irnd. k* ItorMilcux I it haig fiorticr-fuix am:
sen looking nut fmill the gM|4lig Tbs B4*U lwalamali W tbs Abi IViltostn. further U) otar naum*rri|* by its

taunt Ii. Idarkish jiluiiiage. Codex Borgia aim

ilejiict an owl, in wlikh, bowei er, the fiuw ibruwti in full is rmnsforinrd
V. In our maiiuacrij* the ninth hint m diefingtaieii*! Hy it* ml to a dmlh's bmd Btat here aim the long firalhrr-enrs are distinct.
lo ad and ihui green jdiiinage. Tha jiictnrew in Codex Hurt* mini*
Tlie ImmnVI owl, sixth of the Urtl tie*. mu*t Ire tine cbiynu/ti.

the N-rwIi -owl, who is called intUhtn tni/oiott/ in midJn nfemlli

fatft U4 ir/orucr i?i//t "Tbe mr-seiig.i of llte two gods of the tunlrr-

wuarld," Isenre *.|iaat fittingly Uiusth tw>ide the jirimner of wnrtlecked

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34 ft The Tliiitcra Bird*.

fur the Sacfifieio 'fladiataria, a* lib* XnuWJi. Tim ofUlb Ml, tenth of the Main* liloddm* OiNtarfl m Iradung out from it a ojren unwtth,
of the aeriei, dirfinguidred liy U (rather -rare, wv mav venture to anil wear* her two young main* mn ai her head Italy op aheel 3
identify a* the nigh* -owl or Iraig-eared owl. rite it pillared an wer*ght f tie* artist? by the god uf the thin)
Tbe god who in our imanw*rrj|it U ree lreahkr the koug-vnied and eleventh Urd. MaeaiirachiU-XackipilU.
owl lm the facial ]iaiulmg af Ttu-uti if *k*t. and an aHnnelfi an the
crown of hi* beniL heat* mint he kiimtitfcd with T+z&*ttijjnav.
13- lautly. tire thirteenth Ntd yellow in our nuimii*vn| i nad in
C<*Je\ Ibthalwa yellnor with green jankarp and tail-feather* hi Galet

The eleventh bird

11. i* to he reeognired Lt the ala. the red I
Kargin mu*t unilonhtedly tv|irwl the IWAu. the Uro* the common
mmr, the ffunmmayn, in all the imumrerijit*, and mast distinctly

yellow green |Min>t.

in Chltl Hcargin, Tlu* gnd. who in our mammj>* Imdw out fpni The deity who in our uiuMurri|d i* looking out from the purrnC**
it* gaping mouth. in alt reajiect* referable* the deity, wht**e vauatli ojm'ii mouth i* dictingtutbrd ly her ml (raiurra and the large 4 nine 1

or dpgwire i* tle third laid of the wriw Hence we may identify


on her brad, She agree* ro*n|detely with the gkl* whom we ahull
tllU ga| aUi with \furn il**#AillXock* pill*. tuert in our manuTi|4 a* ruler of live nineteenth week A'ocA i'/i*rfo/,
Godile** of Mower* and of female atfutie -kill.

it. The twelfth hint In > very where | tainted a green tidoof, and I now nfij>erid tire nature of tbe bird*, a* far a* I have lawn able
may he more or W* dearly recognWd o the yeaCrri/. the Tr>*jvn to determine them, and flame of the dritre* whine diagiiiec they are,
plendeu* (Iharoaiuu-ru* mm*inin>). In our iiMnuam|* the pal fare j
arranged on a eimilar |Aan to the ilmvejpi*D lumjf :

7. Kotterdv
Xiukt*cu*ti ?)
0. Hereerb-nwf IL Sx*j*e*l eagle
Vmu/tMtii TUluft
i. Eagle it Turkey
Yaotl 77ie
4. Quail 1 (1 ,
l*wig-oarrd owl
Xipt Taint frrntt/r/wM
3. falcon 11. (Juaramava
XoohipiJli A oetifriili
1. Green humming-bird 12. Qnrtzal
IjrihUfm (?) C anient!
1. White (blue) humniing-litid 13. Parrot
Thtnxzoalfjantfeulli XocAiy*ftztii.

Now. if tlii* loot hr rain|n] with tluit of the thirteen bnli given and tench, and perhupa aU> in the ditk |doiv ; liut with reveral of the
above (|x 31), it will he M**n In the fir*t |*licr tfiat, a* we there met other*, certain relation* may la* determine. TUu* Qiuhokmiatf und
a deity seventh of the aerie* marking the hour of w*m In wlenn TMoe refirrreot each other; and if la tire initial |M*it to we tiarl

wv IweJ onwaion to give m]n*Hm1 promifreao*, w> tere J the *ei*afli the Kin* God in one retire and Thtniteal p* nhfntl* iu tire other, it

|ilare fa mx-upted by a being which *famt iaat pawriarwoiteh from limy lie |nntel out that o *lreei U we liave tire Hie God, a* rulet
the other*, It i* wt indent a bird. Iaat a butterfly, whirls *> the of the week or cauttil, nan fa anted by IfeutattfjMMiJffulti. K the
aaot ethereal among** uB the other treing*, i* |v*winnhly kntemlnl higlieat plan-- the rebuioitM are |uite fhwr. while fur tla* thirteenth
to deingi* the Uigheft trgeui, mwl in any rare rarmfnodr exactly each a retali'rti i equally mdi*|oitalAe. Oil *ln**t 0 nf t*tl*x Hwgia
With tire lopl nf thi CV*giolL, M'i*nlli of the thilte*>n lonl* an* to Ire w gpiu^reat ill the MiBir eoiiijtaPlireiit ** rnl'-r* nf (Ire
P'gnnle the gwU *hown m tire tn**ntl of tire Unk flieir rerte* 3MPh dai aign the giahloM AuA yrf:o/ and the old godde*
tv4ii|.lHrly agree* with tiiat of the tliirtn* look only in the eighth And u> pgwpl* lie* iii[**t*uot wimtli plan*. ( liare

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ft. Tin- Thirteen Hilda

kwlv mmtinnnl aW that tbe figure of a butterfly i* |taintcd i Tlie arrant h hfoir. the hour of norm. in indimted by the iSan
nhrwt the mouth of HiicnifevahitJ-XnrkijfjiUi. Ovi m bird form* who ncconling to the Y urate* tradition descended
I>e*|ii1e *]i)mn*tit iumI real discrejiancir*. hath Hat* that of the I from heaven at noon in the game of a bird in order to receive the
thirteen lord* nnd that of the thirteen hint* ore to hr considered a* offering*. In our manusrrifrt lie in depicted in exactly the wune way
|WirwUel, forth serving the same jrarpove of imfimfora of the Aonra !
a* the Sun God. but with the bird at ha* nwk, which likewise

of (A# 4fty Nay, morn, in n wiw they <u*n|4einet rach other, hr ignifie* that it t* the god ill binl form, tiro JTorAtptHf, who in

tliejr union giving dewier **]MDn to wind thin wiu>)e group intend**), A# thin god fo aW* cwlbd (Voted, the Cahl Hmlniftienn
signified fur the Mexican. Ill (ruth, if from this standjMiiut ro* differ* from our matiu*cTi|rt tti nr-pree-nting the hour of ftoon by the

once move fUMhlfr the two nrrir*, nroJ adduce fur e<ir|*iri*rwM sake I
art lire of tlie Haute God
the relation* of the iWy time*, a* given hy tin* grammarian J*tm ,
The eighth .tod nintii boom, tko* ftrt two of tlae oft enioniv mark
iiV fcrv/oi** (ev above, ji. 20 ), it will he ere* the* the deitira of I
the tuue when In the rainy awmi the cloini* hank u|^ the 1 1 Hinder
tl*e two eerie* uwtvafamd ui a general wav |lte well with the day rtoriik* roll together ami diarhnrge thelf coatent*. Throe liaur* are

hour* which they an? intended to ivjirroent. acrocitingiy dciiutcdi hy the picture* <f the Ha in triad ood of the
Jmut de CArdava begin* Ui* day hour* with M ante* <jor Wind tiod.

the time before sunrise. To tlii* certainly ivrrr*|*aid* the Kini trod, Tlae tenth hour, late in the afternoon, hurtxache. " when evening
the old God. who existed before the berth of tile nan. And wt ill (dnrkxn***) hrgin* to fidl." i* dedicated to reanif/rpufi't. But I cannot
mm** doe* TTowixm/paniertiifi, the Morning Star, wlus take* the fir*t i
ay off-hand what train of thought iiuqwred thi* i*im
place in the bird eerie*. But alien tlie Duath God pervades at the eleventh hour, wi* aro
The vecond hour is represented by TTtiftrcijffi. the throat of the !
reminded that thi* i the very hour which ,/iioh de Cttrdoea denote*
earth, who in thi* place is of couror not the mantrr swallowing the a* ounw a jmrrta del nil." the aurowf ko*tr. when the vuu di*K

light, hut the mounter discharging the light from his throat, and An in the morning, the hour* of duck immediately mtuing are
hear* denote the dawn. still reckoned to the day. Then in the wky aj^mrv the evening
CiidfimA/hfiMi, the Water OaUmt a* rejiresmtative of the tar ae the first, ami m thi* i* one with the rooming *tar, it is

thin! hour, denote# |erlia]* the rooming init .Vnd ro .WAif-sf/i rejw-etited lir tlie name deity, J7aniit%i/pnn tfrulli. And there*
In the jvnalirl hind arrie* Umfo fur yitettidcMeveii}, the ford that after rise the oilier itars which formed the radiant, rhitnniering garb
ring* in the nuirimig twilight, to whom answer#* the fVwVot/. Ihe
T the idd primeval mother, the Citialin true. 4m *<f Oh* Marry robe,
Xocki pi/Ja, h* it run* hi lie* song. the iirrwtitcuili, the MiKif*it grahle**, who 1* tire 7V*uoco<*r Mf Hint,

But in JuitM U (Mm tle fourth hour in oilhl AmhwiAim, ,

* we Khali are. i* by oil interpreter* hlraitUled with X^MiquHnd.
-when it ge*wr* hid, Hence to thin at ill earlj |dnre in the rorira In rhi* way the rhirtem day hour* would corre*|Nd emuewhat
belong* the Sam trod. accurat*ly with the dlwtrihutka) almve gum from J*an de fiWrovt
He* fifth and sixth hour* are by tle /aprter grammarian named (mw p 20), if wv Meeign Mill to rW day the firr two night loair*,

AwioAaa axel A Urtfoy** ropi/cAa, when it I* hot," when the mil U mar when thete at Mill a little gloaming, when tin* evening afar shine* in
hi* throne. They indicate the portion of the *un up nmr tie* xenitli. the *ky ami the first dim lien ohm lkili)a.

that i*v up to the place where the on U escorted by the wusU of tlie Him first hit erpMilf Hilt of Jiiftu 1 U l oiWutvr* nccnurit of the |m<nr*
warrior* dwrlliag in the our. who iiava fallen in battle, or an* slain hy fgivm by me on ). 2ti), may j*o*iblv he the ixavrct one- It In to
tie* foe on ttie arriftctwl (tone. They an* therefore ijolte appro) ariately tire effect iliat thi* division of the teuir* wh* ongiimlly and )>ro)eriy

iwjirwaenled by the image of the wam>* and / the imptiv* Acini fiw 1 imjusU. that forth day axrd mgi.t rtrictly *pmking counted nine liiAir*

lie tfocrifirio gktdiatornx .Axel if in the eerie* of the thirteen lord* the each, hut tinit. ui order b* i**tal4i*b a )iaralieli*in between Imaim tur I
Faith t iodile*M i al*o mentioned in thi* |4uce. it *hanld In; remembered (lie underworld, the day hour* were in the Tiaialnxnatl rato<d to
that *lo in lulled the
maihre ile la di#comita, tlie Mother uf Strife. thirtem by *u]irradding the first two and tlie last two night hour*.

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30 I a TU Twenty ttular* of tk* Week.


K 10. The Twenty ItulorH of the Week.


i When flier IwviiHH* Hwt known to Kuropmms the Mexican* tntelnr gmU. But it k aignihmf iv<* that (/uatjofacmaff and TVzaof/ipcMyt.
pnwete*l a jiantlieon tliirli (nr variety yielded nut nf nil to Mmjm* of Ho* oft-reriimng gid> in the tgn* of the city of Totlan. play n great
the lirwk* nnd llimJij>. lint ik nrijpn of the cnriotir ifitinilte* |K#t the ealendrir detti***, while CilzHvfxtcktfi i a Wot.
certainly differed greatly. A eumdderahb* voimher f the tmddiiwal aUlemgl* he wm the chief g>l of the trilie whirh Inter atN|uir*d
figure* amumdly uw merely froai the cimiaort nitre flat cvttahl u|>vmc power nml influenie.
joirauit*, im | ile, material umge* wUirh were |*m4lM*d *1 ibdlititr We haw oJrmdv nU*v* nmV tin* nojimintnnce of riwh Inteiar
tiuH * mil mi kfiuiio
otvnniimxw were omumvo! u objective- finbodi* deitir* fir tb* 0 night hour* axel the |.*t dny leoir* Sdi al-o existed
went* and |*rM*iift*d. Wkii the rustic planted the cum in the for w |
orate dny is nn*J nw >in|diiiLv itidw-nied in tlo* very iianw* of
gruiibd. mul lib tmtund *rtm<t hof*>* for ]*iw|imwi mwwi tlieae llfira For, a- it w* fonwerly n ruetnan nliirfi i kill olwenred
Cuniid in (iww, he net up a young innut- *talk before in many <*MtiitrM for eluldren to ho iiMtoo I uftor tlo* Saint wliuee

t- him. ami till* tanwm* the Cinirvtf, the Maize (imL, who reeeived the anuiveraarv tU-v were turn, in llu- muih* wwy the Mextraiia and Ilia

y prayer, granted <m h-lnwl lie- ii[>plkntk>ii. thlirr pnU are diruet *hr (VMnl Ametiran nnnried non nnd gud with tliw*

|enuniAcwi-* of dhtuo-t natural fiamw, m which man knew that lie iium'ln-r hUkJ the >ign of 1 lie day m wliirli the men were lm nmi
*e iSejmiileat. Such wen* the I tain ti<d, lie* jierwiniftratinne of the the ii|i|nt*rd to he laini. Thio on* the Wimi
doud- gathering hill*. the Water toddr*. the Kin* fhd, and idlw-rx. tiod, railed M iwitf, tine Reid." and tie Main* tedilio diwiwf
Swne ilettie* have an agronomic <rrigin : he*#de the 8iun I Sod and fotu/U. **Hewi Snake." And in i*evtain dwtrict*. which lay ]N*rlm]i
the Moon tiod, there were the deity tf tin* Morning Star, a nearer to the borne of the ToiiMliininth thi irketn of tiame*giving
pmhatdv nko am I tlve whole >mrie* of the 7rifx#iniW. w* > rarrewt, that nanrly any other name on* known fir men
Still different are the drmhg'dft, the asuvkmi lotiK the broke* of a nroj gd*. and in tlo* picture writing* every individual i denoted with
gken thins who |#*d their |iro|ile from their [dan* of <arigin, from mme nirh dntmn q>**ri tying lie nnno*.
their emdielnmJ, to their Inter *at*. t Slier omMnatiuin *l*n fmpiently hd to bringing tlie numlier
All flnwe siin'e|it iofM hud. doubt le** in diffeiynt way niiuoo* atol the ign of n given dny inti* a**i*n*tinn with a given gcul. In
the dHTerewt trilir*. already acquired a great tirv rluf un*it when, in virtue of the altrihutee conlaiued in it* number and it* *igw, eneli

**me region which ha* not yet lew determined with orfaility, the day W7pi in a iwcwmrv itself a gml. and xromlnl nn rack.
mlendrii' rdem wn invented. tlu fnndammtnl |riiul|ih* nf whirh KmI it wm aborw all live gient mvtima* f the Tonnkimntl that
I liAie dnwrihed in the foregoing ]tagov till* mm haunt hat. that u wore eiiio*eiAml m lielng nadi r tin* |ir<4e*tBi of (wwtniu deitiew. win*
to nr, of the la numeral* with the SO ignv which Inter heroine worn jvgttjehd am hjn vmily iuff ileal ini (or them. Them* iWH* i* mttunill.v

tlie >4 ha id aril fcw nnninig tlve ilnra nnd the other iieriod* of time iarwd with tlm ihthrMut iii^iIi.hIh mh*|ite| in itividing tlo* Twialn*
Kreoumaldy the wuevriotal whmli hnd lung before heen actively Hint I ititii m*i4ioiim To the w*<|o|v*d and very untural y*l**m of
engnged In (xdlvrting and adjuring the rmtermK in *ueh a way dlvfedou *d the ToMiUniall into 2ti wiek* of thirlien iUy- <a<*h was
tlint tlie nnd legend* of the varioQ Irik*, ..IwwiiMinn* dutlusl
*ngii* H* Woukl NWln, >iiu|4y transform J the writ--* *f deitio* which nirtv-
in mythical form, mid M-iirti(f iktin, wen* not only hnuikd down, but HjMunleil with the rumv> of the itty gn*. and in Ihk any a<v|iiim1
ole* mad* naif* rumble to tlw eMmognnk and theological yvr.-m n nmil clianu-tcr. But in iloilig th. n ivniarkntde eee|gion *v
prevalent amuaigk do* trilie* in quevrimi ur in the priestly wpminaric*. maili*. na I hair elxewhwtv hIioww. 1
The deitioe of the Hret ten day
JCenee we nnwi not lie -iirjiri***d wImwi, atmwig** the guardian* of the fcgn* wm* taken oko a the ruko* of line Hrd toil ui*ok*, where**
variont eectintw of the Tounlnnial I, we light upon figures, atone of 1
yiiM lr.fl fur III lam), p. 112. and tVonpta r*ndu
which are u>.rd-d to one. Mime In nnotlier of the tribe* a their (* da CnafTta nMnuinatl lira Amfruiniila. p Mu ). Hafaa IHHrt.

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10l Tim Twenty KtWri of (be Week ST

the jfid of the efoi eni li ifctr. Jineu . < jtoeb itJ - Xoth ip+Ut, the *anr saga* of the t/uirlirs and (Vtkrhnjnrls, of which the human hmly
who* u> we huso viv, takes flu* middle place uwm|{i the deities itself wn* also originally made-^iV^ at the time when man a*
of the thirteen day Iwmrs w allowed t drop oat, nssJthor gtd being rented. after alt other Mih*#Hcer csiught for everywhere l*y the
aabtfitutcd after (ho ibdtie* of (ho twenty dav ttgitm a* ruler of the g*aLc for nch jiuqsm* had favmal un^uitalde limy are the primeval
twentieth week. Hone* it> 1 1 Hr-U half r<f (ho series (he dritie* of gmW. who wrr* from the heginning, the liegater t4 tho gods who
day sign* corr**|Miiul directly with Iho ruler* of (ho week*. Bat from hate (heir )nV in tie And to
u}i|iertvoh tie* rhirtaetith beaten.
tin* eleiewth mju iwa*dt the two x*rie* muVrgu a shift of onr them wn* alt ri holed the UiAueinv and (he warmth" by mean* of
monihrr toward* sack <*hor. which the d.iklrvn wrtv begotten ill their motlw*r> womb. There- 1

The Atihtu T.iimbuimtl. the- diM-iimeat here reproduced, divides fore were titer al-o isallml thueitcutii Onuttiuntl, Ixird* of file
the Tonnlatnntl likewise into 20 seek- Ifm* ! agnin append the Tw^ i.e^ doubt lea* Isvid* of |nneM*."
initial dim of these week* The male |ut of this twofold ileity is bv tbe fink mteqavter
1. fifmMili, 11. ce oroMvtit.
id tialex Telbsriam* Hmirnsi* dp*tTibmi a: IMm* Hrkr. crindor,
2 . iv Mw'utf. 1 2. co cttrteynlin. guorruadur dw todo, t/oyae, iMuctyur. UaiUepeujue, tmOnie, WMffnd.
3. rtf nw(wtf. IS. C* <AtM, trynim." AU tleve names, lie writes, were amrihrd to TtmtrrtdevuiU.
4. eo ivekUL 14. re fUcnini/i. who would apfirar to base Iwn the gial by whom llie world ww>
5. ifcnti. 15. ro cu/fi made. And he abme lead been figured with tbe royal non of
6 . M^viifh, ICL CM ^OIlSTlpXlIrtXf/j. Mexirn, to dlkinguith him ae 1-ortl alwie All. And the third inter-
7. M yWMIU>f 17. or <ttl preter, who Iwa* iqijamitly Iwvn rightly identified ly Hamy* with
H. tv ftwi/iiNi/ff. Id. CM AiMtit,
l*tdro <U Hujk tbe monk to whom e an* indebted the ndlertiuti
If. re evnmtl. 19 cm yiwvtott.
of co|iir* now forming the Oak** Vatiuum* A (No. 3739), mid* that
10 iv kr/md.
. 20 . co L#t>U\
ao offering* were made to this god, leraitM* lie desired none. The
tf*i (lie idieet* of our nuuourrijrf . a* well ** ow tlnwc of CmWx interpreter seem* accordingly t Isa re n*|pud*<l tht* god rifjoicirteou/fi
Hoc lam fa-, the ruler* of tlww week* nre figured in a *|Ttal largy the

as (Ih* one true gucl of tbe Mexican*. For bfi |iw*d* : all
ciMujMrt ruent wliirh fully t**upr|se* one-fourth of whole *Wr,
. (hi* istbrr*. to whom mcrifin** were otfetwd* were men. or frar*** of
I ufcriiiRcMelr (he first two h*etN mMiing ia our docunwnr, a* w nature /os fiVniyosk ns demon*-*
aU> fo (*|ex Horlusiicu*. from which. a* /*oa y TVoiieusu hue
pbuidhU *4 Minn, they diatjifennil white being conveyed from the
M (c


got] ie acomlingiy ex|ilain*d as tbs t'rrator. the Maker of

tbe world, tbe Hoptan* Lord. In *o describing him the iubqireter*
Kscoriid to the l*nhu Bourbon by a mate which hot not yet been In the
may have been arwuewliat Uillueuetd by laldiiul cmiceplSaws.
disclosed. On tbe other hand, the representations carrrs]iouding to Hirforia (V hw Mexicans |*w *u* I'tnturaa'* the twofold god is placed
t non* of lire missing sheet* are extant is tbe Tonalamitf] of tVadox (bu liarkgrotiod
nt the leginiiiug if vreaikou. but ia kr|it ijuite in
^iiImsimiik A ami TeUeciauo Remenms Mlevngb here not cjuite mtn- at the several act* of ctwatkm. /kill l*otli deities really aj^enr ae
plrtej, and in the Toaalaiitall arranged according to twenty week* the wwtrev and nu*iv
fiointaiu of all Ufo, os father of the giah* and
and given in the partorial writing* f the CVylrx Borgia group and al*o * |riineutl soiim* of rhe life which i* daily renewed. a
f *Jdex Borgia 41 -7(X Vafiivunia B 4MR Ktws these ami from the firat wmrre of o h Individual llfo; hsaue may *1 U* deagn*lcd a
interpretation- given in Codex Tsdlrnbuio Hettemoe and Vatieanu* A OmhHi*
the ruler- of the fir>t two Weeks are 1. made known to *, Mexican which the interjavter rnW*.
Tire cdhetw, the titlnc still

have nothing dirvvtly to do with tlie jur* dtWCVfhsd bring. Tin*

Hukr uf the Firat Week rt ripattli. ex|vwdou i/v/iuf miffOguA the Isird of the Beulde," the lnl f

The ImU of lice ft of Week, beginning with CM rifMttifi. *<nie

Cmcmlile." ami of the lire! day sign eipnetli, *uv TtnuunUmiti trttMfc-cr ID, asp. T). } I.

Codes TctSaroue Kcuicnas. MianSOil Msaicais BtMiotbrqse Xattwiak

TottncMcittali. the l^rde of our FWl,"(A of the ** staff if life.*
Xa. MS). Kfodot u (hoU>.*LMa *;riptii i fnic do Doe de Leotat. pnT-wtffo
n*aim, of w liicli onr budy is built tj|\ and. n* is related in the d'w inereditcsim |*r ! Dr E- T H*m IV * lfifi. P, A

&t* Ilk Tb* Twnlf RoWii *A (It* W*k.

Ili*' htf **
(tit, neat) i 4^ llu* directly adjacent, til** all-fcn'M'lit, i* Tonncrici mill Tonamtecviti i the ini*lrw* of our tfrvh, tlw* lonf

likewise iWritwri JM HftttnytMfMf, herd iif thifc earthly World"; of our fte*h.

i/AiriatiM, I>*rd of Hmvii " ; "lt1 of tlw iWion"; ItcoUaqnentfni jjrajt/o^uenyui who t* clothed in '-hnnawL chwlieil
in I 4n*xl
H through vinoe intervention wv live"; pma/U ho the earth;
tlAihu*(toae. x tlalifbmtl gi\<*th fieri to
mud, M the (and of Night and Wind * (ii, invwihlc, b*ble*e), nod
<tmh am pa oaizatsin And lie cried aloft
by aimilnr r|iltbet* eammualr allied to divuikie*. Tlw>r cx|*e*Mjcu n* they obi |Wn|i|e) were
iuA ipiiuiati* (tlie
are fuuiui in jamyor* to Teuaiiipoan t!e#ju>S miuuipt*-f illfnrtliesl

men* fiKt-i itihwauiufS. 1

Tlwy orcui* in vorou |ii*ye/*. in whir)) f/meytma to the (ttawytamn,
' before starting on their journey* the trader* to the drily, cJ/incmivhnef^r/iiviavtH iryn< a to the heaven lying ahenr tire

xri thanked him after getting buck ; tl tfoyul uiuvtque, in mnni in UAnimtl nine that are lam ml together

liaUiepi yW in ffoaaUi in Kwttl. 1 We lind them u*ed with refer- nnh in wA yniuatid and A* they learnt
mu pit ol/iiinjur tliuee having their abode there,
ent* to Ui* god of the old tribe*, who arcotnjuuijed the wanderer*
in ifnim/ti/gfa, in iputfntfituA- those he called n|m. tlione be
on their i|unA lor a nav home : in liiuuil, in you/a/ii, in MV, tOtyu wor*hi|i]ied.
in tofu'll jfu, in (/oftte Miitu^ue. More significative me the three
~ Lxii of the mrtohnmXed
k*t rx}im*fiun* given by tlw inteqxeter : TrotlaU. Title |*wge afford* tlie jenaif wliirii in oiiv rtue in

land of the gud*C more ronectly. Lord of tlw riejifje," " land of l^T the aiteqoetwr of Codex VntiraiUI* A * thr r^iUtcr/fnnUti Tomt-
the North.*' For in thk* cnc tlie word lendalii h art nally used furittu/J vn wieuti&rd with the giai* of llio night Iwnveu who were
in the text*. But Mat/auA in ** Lord of the Net," ix. the Fiaher, *uji|*i*ri to be embodied in the Milky Way. Here, however, oik** tlw*

nad Tepma ~ Lad of the .Mountain* the Hooter. He i* eon! mdiet hm that where the 13 hewven* are MtamemCml *e|*rlelv.
thu indimted a* the god of the tliictiimecw, of the northern limiting fStloJin tear, a* well a* O lbJhtowc
i C'itlnJin iewe, do not reside in
tribe*. And th* would *rem to harmonite with the dmimatarare tlw uji|**i must heaven, wlwre Tcsnmnt+mtf a Tmuuittiuatl dwell, hut are
that in the itHmti thi* god of Creation, Ixtrd of lilr\ |ta**ed a* tlie transferred to one of tlie kiwet, thw firl or tlie *econd. Moreover, the
Isard of the aboriginal tribe* who, dill without wltM almde*, led jiaemge *how in tlie (rdivn!e t*cnllntfu*yt*i iftititufuemfiii aj^.licd
a roving life, Kite Chkhimec*. or hunting tribe*. But I may here to be two (iriiiictnl and heavenly gab that thorn god* also an* viewed

incidentally remark that Mcuv iLmchiff the tiaj whom I u*rt 1 iun*d from the tame contradictory ftaiu)|*oiuti. tlat we meet in the black and
iu roamed ins with tlie wventh of the I) bird* of the day (*ea red Tezcnt/ipocn. in irtUUon ami .Voci/cocAifJ, and to many other
ahnre {>. 29k who take* the middle. i.el the elevratth jdiwv aiming figures in the Central Americas my t hologie*.*
the gurii of the day rign*, i* |o>piwlv depicted a* a tnnl/irwi, a The statement of the third Itterynwtcr tliat no offering* were made
lantl of tlie Net,** a Fisher.* to thi* god i* uB*|tw*t)nnnhly iittmI. Hut it wa* nut ~b.*tun*e he did
Sintw Tmvtentecuili TtmacneimUi jolmJ * tha gial of tlie wot derire them * surli tnoUvtt n naturally heriile the quest am but
abcigriml tribro, they were aim tlie gud- of tho Toiler*. Of .
fcwcuuse TimarateevtlC* figure had not emanated from tlw living cult,

ifnettuicitnnii, higlf-prie-l and |rince of the Toltrex we read ia the from tlicwe influence- <m the -ii|iernatum] rower* which nre n*ganlevl a*

Anal**' de Qumihtillnn :
aMMiy to ol*atn their lielp in <litre*, or for any other material

(tail i&offlitfHO. mthxi and they ay

or itA'ticntl iitic that in the inner heaven
UkuM far rirtMvMOT**.'. Itot (hi* cumetiun i* wxmuy fw (be T*fc*i
WMin fro* UaUMWA inter ka*r b*ro tinUmmu or f*i/Ai.*dnyr.
in OnfUttinuXUayh in msfaduoyw he dedicated a cult 1
Aaradei (or nut.
auA in fiiiwilwya and util ii l us them: * *b* Titinau X. t I *. f. 2. aad
HUlori* de to* Mrsiemam par *a*

t'ilfaiir* f ewe IS Hailatomic l*er with tlw *tar*tuddrd rota*, to- rintWM," Suer* Oils* hwn*. HiL Me*. i&L p^- 3>i. W.
* la my pagar paMhbed ia Ompk lUwi* of lb* "lb Cuagiwwof Ahmiuijo
gether with the astral Hun trial,
1 ta* au*cltJ much wi|ht to Vko tut tb*t aa tftw fc*t dwl f tlu TuiolaaaU

S*A**on I, 7 of U Awfcia (\illaVin Hat? gui by th Fits God. At tte

* Katngwi T. fi t ns* I * u unurtra lb*t hu ibat. u well llle aomnd apfoluette* pttiAul:l
Bafcagan mi, iv f it. vba A Kilts All Xium Naomii, inn md grtiuin*. but um jVU*t by f*vt f
Ce*bx Ibirgia t3, VaitaaniM 0 3}. nrordtnj to hi* own bar

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10 Tho Twenty Kuhn of tbe Week- 3 fi>

porjiuae. II w ideal wa* tbe outcome of phikoaojihip <|wvul*l i*m, t.4 tbe the Tonnlamntl in Vaiioanu* A i cfiraled by a white blank thee*
iw*m! of a principle of riuuaHly. nth, for inrtantw, a* the 4 rod *4 ur from tit# reot of tltc Codex. In Vorkanu* A the fi^re of flue gnd
modern theoaophirtk rrrtetna, *o tlmt the monk* tw nearer tin* truth repent hlc-i in all {tartieuUm tliat of the deity who in the wirue mam*cri|4
when they described thin divinity a* tbc tnie and only gnd of the os tlie rewwr ride of aheet I i indicated na the ged of tbe Omryunt**
niHH-nt Mexknnn, the up|rwi<Mt thirteenth hmTcn. Thr dirt i active note* of thin figure

Codex Tdltriwu Kemenm* usd Vatnnau* A. in front of the

In an* the fainting of the body in light (pink and red} onfcnms naval
male god rtands hi* female r*uirter|wifi, who by the fir** interpreter i cwiiainmf ivwaibliBf tlw yvrr>twiWfi, tbe bonkeil w <x*wwnl-bajiMd

Minjdy dcnigTiated
interpreter add*
ATumurv (Otnmuro), and fAioinw
TimucHdftu* (Tonaoacinal
thrm* <4 her muiih*;

) To

tlr*t I*
tlika Ilia

the name

of a
ua*a) fdaie of t)e
coindttrng nf tunftarq*** diek*. with a
Karth U*Wrn

of tbe fundawd, a kind of throne or fnotatad of mi*e ewrx and lartiv,

nro.l of tlw
omvenikmal bird " M
Ptabpt* paU. a
at ilie aide

guilder*, wtiom we *hall moot below a* tlu> ml of the nineteenth week. 1a*htiid tlw hmil a* the hierngtcfib of the gi a rttdttiiltnlh, the royal

And in find the figure which hw depktod ou the ahead of Tellrriiuto fiUrt of rsri|iaww mnatir work (bieroglrph f<ir ttfod with maite
!letnen*i <orre*^OHliiig to that of tlie uioctmitk week completely car* (hieroglyph k>r lotmrai)

agTce in all detail* with the Tomicuot i// of thU h#et. Ojomoeo i* tu Codex VaiiiwniiN A Iwride the god ie <b|di'ted a group (Fig. 14),
the female element. of the two annwrit diviner*, Cipnetoiuri and which tn other tnanupwri|4a in met, wot with
fJtmannco, tlw Inventor* of tli# Ti urtla iartl, to whom I have already had the ruler of the firet work, fwt cnv] rnoling

oemoun to refer in ooMMvtnm with the ftr*t day *igii. Lastly. (Akicom* 1
with the rubw of the firrt ifoy **</. ami *a*
covin/ it the Mattie of the Mnue Anil tlib property of her it jcrliuf*. thenoe traiiflerml Ixy the *cril**. It

expremd by the Intrrjmder with the wood* aka era la <pw cm**a* bow* 10* a human couple faring wicli other
t/)f Aavtfom." aha H wn who cauwd famine*. If we extend thi* ffu* fogipal
' under a eovrrlef oltvioudy a
tvtii|Hi-i*on aim to the mole rlcmrst. we hall have the following re|ww*enraikm of wxoal union. I hace met
JMtmllelkam* . wttli no niraiUr pictinv* from the Mexican
doiMain Hut muIi fwirx aS frtwwi! Ieg are
I. TbnaawfenUfi Tunu^iriuttfl
often einaagh w**n on vhenU of |nlyclmme
1 <>m* (truth Omt ciivttl

vaw* Wdtkqgel Collect km


in the Krk4i of
A. CiUtyifttUmar Cit/aJm *rtar
Antiqnitkw from Ibe lawk* of tlw Kki Claim
4 (I*iltiinttr%4li) X >rf uti sat
in Houiiuno* 1
Thar n^irewpt alios ha* her#
5. Qipattanml (iawdo
|im)ia!i|y the miim> meaning. In tbe Codex gig. If.
d. (CinJaPif, or Xoilipilh) Chiron** count!
Vatiouruia A group on laith I wade in en the

where tlue htadMtal name* an* for tlw pfWMOt to la* taken n> hypo- !
*haft of lUi arrow, and Mwcen the ocaii^e a done knife- A parallel

tlietiral n srre*| owl *nr*** , for tiro reality ootwiiHnViirw 1 nod f

of the U thua <lmws t*rt wohu the wxnal union and the tire-drill. Both

we h**e the fact that in the t*xt> fonaottynd, our fkwli. it universally j
baft* (o*M* nciiSj) Inditate tlu* two ]art* of tbe tiro -drill thw rtiaw
luiifo the ire epringiug frtiin it.
put *im|dy for ** maim*
A* tbc two lord* who re|*n*cnt the fundamental |#iite*|<le of all Aa I have already above >tatl, tlie twenty ruler* of the week* hare
Tottamf^tU/i and TonorwcMud/ properly head tit# Mirte* of tie* al*o their t*mv*f*wwliiig m]#eeiunrioiiN in tlw {ii'toriai writing* of tlie

twenty txnienly niter* They al*> rightly i

f wit the dgn eifntrth, Codex borgrn group. Tlie ruler of tlo* ilrrt week, wbo i* figured an

tbe Oaxalile, the fi*h nf which tlie enrth wo* mmlc, and which is tliv the lower half of abort 111 is ("adc-x Horgin, owrr*fnmla to tbe

imisrr(.t* m everywhere exhibited a* tin* pact ate of the Itll lie, life- deter miuat i< wi given by tbe iatarpmter for the figure in Telleriano

giving, life-nutaising *nrth,

Uemenwv. Here t* likrwtar wru a god (muted in light (yellow)

A pfotnoe for tle male purt of thU ]iair 1 * mining in Tdler win colour* The fore in tbe a|i]#T half i* yellow, in the lower n*d- But

){einai**i*, and even in Vat fount* A the cnm*|*aiiilmg *bert hi-iw t* hi*
Ct. fitter,
C*W AltartktiMr mm R Ulan in dor tUfUlhlik llonderw*.
a bier ruppleiuent. It ie at lea>4 mniufoihle that thi* initial thtvt of lUatKhnft for &hn<ia|N n* iH*t**X F* 1-^ IDiwtraSiuo Ktg 7. ibid., p ISV.
40 1<X Tbf Twnlf Rikn of thu Wwk.

>ti I In* cheek U MMB h wftHrJnl [minting, tin* mjiiiuv rectangular Iwnd u iwlu'fttn.l hy gmuj, like tlul iif V1 icwiou* A (Fig*-- 17, IN), 1*ut

in mrivipiMl i> mjmrt imuit*, wliii'h, ft* I htra lwi* *tutcd. BOrw decently. Two Iwwih merely how alwie a dtHtirativi eoierlet,

ii m inlxf at lift* iviftiA-IWki mill the dwinctsve facial )iaiutmg uf ftgUTing. <u It were, tie- tying of the garim-taU, tire Mexican we*ldmg
the iiiHio* gcih. Tlii* tir>r week ruler <f index Borgia i# thereby rite. One of the IionU il flgurrd ax the Stlla (iul tier other ft* 11 ^oklee
inilinilml ax f'intmitt or TtmiMntucoHi , A jasulati ring or dl*k-dui[ed with mixil plate of the Kft/tli (tutiMex*. Ib*tWvn tlem rt*e* a
object limiting below the u|i|a*r lip I Imre chewkaw 1
ejqUaiued * a i.ti,viua'; r i. tlw* (altle-Uairni of -Vijw. uf the eaith iu*d wwf-nr deitfo*,
niituuiftrtiCiMMi figure, whote iftiftfti inrm i* tke wrinkled corner f tin* wlikh, ax 1 liflii almirtv uiCrrietl 011 other ground*, l* thux m<wii ti> la*

month in a >iuglc touth between wide gap* r

by which in other a Indy im[>)raneut. I*y which the earth i* fprtUiwd.
tlu* god i> depicted a* the oW. primeval fat Let- of gv*l
atnl men. Tin* fillet with It* di>k* f jitirvnw ** ore-4, mncl the lwtd*
heart at the ride of the foreheart, are likevim* awn l*r tbi** g>d, an aim
hr the* g*rl of VaticautM A. a* well n by the Sun thal. an we lane
ulmuJv a lam* *en mid iudl again find fnrtlwer <m The Ammdmtfi
of < .Vales Borgia a-fiuft as hi* necklet n m*ket for jewel* with and
tart complete, the flnpi of which i* again depicted the *ytnhul of the
tilled field. the for ml [minting of the Maize <ixl. The gnd * 111114 *

*t ruddle -legged. and before or Imhns him i*> a dub with feet in the
form f hirrte" bead*, amt which i apjiarentlv full f 'f maim- 01 m AH,
a* we NKf.orr xyrabul" which arocwd well with wluit we have noticed
an tine figure hi Vitiiaw A, ami with the emnaMWitariea of the

lacing the gad an* two naked human figure* ( Fig. Ii; one of
whom, rtMlingciiehiMl l>r 11 |*rfHiiii*-lmlt at hi* neck. gnxx|a* the other hr
the artn* While a hmvl ml hand jwx**** fhwn the open mouth of one
to that of the other. 1 think we -ball hare ofco t explain (hi* group
a* the unin of the vital energies, the ennal union Awl here aloo
the jiirnlb-1 with the origin of Are, the HiedrilL i* at InM ragged od.
a* lirrkle thin couple fire i* expfe**ed by a bnming home and a red
fire make. It further uuteuurt hy that in tlm c*rr**<|iondmg repre*
(mtaliofl fci *bert 49 uf 1'odex Vat huuii* 11 (Fig. 16) the figure which
ha*wind the other bv tine arm i |*un1 d a blue (turquotw*). the other
a hmww (earth) o*bwtr. A further |*irwlle1. a oun|an*on with the
ndjtffcm of bmven in earth, would *eeiu to be thus indented. *f It. Kit )<jl

A* regard* tin* [face* wb ere Toivtcnt^enU* i* re[ indented in a

ivnvvjn.udiiig way a* ruler of the fir** day rign, I will inetrlv remark Here we hnvc yet a tlibd TV|.r*wwit i*K (I'odcx VatioMwa H K7),
that in the lode* Borgia gwaap (Index lforgia U mi tie* rigid twfciw which w reaiarknhib' tn tl*U TVmmtaldfi
i* figur'd with
Vatiranus B. X# on the left atme), l**w|e the god the rexual liiiuui had neck mlunxim-nt *, altlxxigli ixnnbiiied
nrert with the jrwellnl fillet

rt&d the bird'* hiwil bew|e the forehewl. Tbi* re|m*w*utit hoi f the
Zouknli fur KHukJocm xx. (HUH), p. U. nnioo (Fig. lit) tat rvtwlh t lull of Cortex lirgia 61 tfiat
^*P pd Wm tt,w* <, eauUr lueth,* wl*e> at I La CtoUm Bill* of here alwi a n-d liatuL uf.jian-Jitl v xugge*ting tie* uniou of life. ]uoje<
TiUusun ia gitia rater <*f the Kilun n-.luw, a Kalu <*b*r* hi Gain Puree
i 1 1 } tb 'AM t,W. fu bua E (hiuk tlw> uam* /.'ait,** *>t be iffbel a* to
from the mouth of K*lh figure*, who sue nauavtid by the ivi-rirt
fact iuctmiteJ **tk Ah IwxylffA. nnrl fate twch utlwv.

Digitized by Google
in- Tim T wmtf BAn l ilw tffcofc- 41

Tli'* pklwre# bf which TVfUKtMiwalf or XwljfMtMli MUttt of of tlie Itr**sdi*ii Manaimpt this <4d goil aj^Mxirs as the deity who
ftwIwiWWtfi, m li^uosl in I ssle* TVlU'rvUKi ki-ru#i |fl4 ValiMlQI A, nribm on- the mis of thme jrtnn which rf ftacribvd to tin* westerly
I mint In ntudy in tbi* fluid, ox this gr*M**i rettim* in the abltW Itb qptar of the henvooft Af the we* it the raghw of the hale
tifk, m chief ruler of tlw* lgn, and may 1w then* nwcv oonuui*t*tly dritim. the Tcnwnaamkaii or X&ekitl wamn, ov-or which Tonnr<t'.emHi
diimiMmL Twtnmclnutl |mi IiuM iOr*V, l|tv| hifu'll is likewise
In Any Old# tli*- iiiixif*'* of ru*iJnrtth't T&nn&*>ei*uOl, m*> m* hftsietified with X'diysdfrtl, *h* okhm fnwii the T<( fttw ch>s
MdAimI to * Li- Jmrl nf the Ti-ct*lMoMf 1, but are often tumagh' met ^ijiufur. it follows that tW* ex|n*tthm <sf tha Mwjra Codtree harmriniw^
ctworborw in tin- }iii*l>cul votings. While not r nil rn- in thoaa qinte well with the abort* adkiwcod |wnUeU*wi. Ikjt on the other
of the <V1*X Uni gift g7->J[< tbfty ftp|war still lu*rv frvifuelit lv in tli iiMluI this imI god aim Ui I hr* ailt tf the Yiu-utan

Wnua mmoiM'iipt, the Codex (Valley a>tl nUtat ktrwtiMWita, to everywhere witi. the dkstUwifw irvarks of n tin* god- In miw
vLirli. ft* would seem. more rwsterly urigiii limit he aw-ignisi fo^in-n the ivs-niiiium hehl in hk hmeuu agree exortij mill
And in dw t/jie >{ time the 'Offerings fim-rntM to
Inf tor jiitlttrr writings ** the Fire Ood m Mexira.
om to bare tmiintiuti lo Hmmn4 i> ttur god of the
tbe figure of the- alii gml in givfti fire -dferiu^. which wo*
the Mifft Coddccw, tin god D oIbhtoI by the Mavas of
of tile *vrW/(m Vnndli l the frvtst rf 1/iir,

A direct jmrtdMifEn may the lhirteBtli mioniif feast,

be ftt mop dimwit between rhirfi fell in the first huff

fhi* figure (Fig. 20). *if Wh of ottr Month of AfwiU and
I gin* n few pirtmita, mid , iviiu-IidIm! Hlh the l Mphtk,
tli of the the " |-Miriug "til of the fire."'

SlniaaM, Ik UgreWMiftt Mcteliotk atgftiSi iKVUIW of this

tie* nut noJr in tin fiat tluit hi the t hiln.M Halitin

this god ftlftu i dwjftrfmi 0* ftu WTitings. It fulls also nij

M g*nd, wti-li (ditnctad Math the thirteenth feast, when it

rartKTft, a* wvll mi ft single llftjft <Mba In U>* Uf/al raise IJlmrf, Ita-w**. liegins with 1. (Hpadti. Itui

tooth (an thm rWim). As in the Chihun Ikilmn the

tatay he aotiml in Ik first thief of the factum* Isrtv p*|iwiled. this fuiufxnmv w1k perform* llw ivoiiuniv ie calkd, tint, /foamna* l*ut

gml wore* *si niftsk reptile's bvi whfck, do^pfcft tine cnBOMare lb* he who |i*k) the fire, pre*itoe at it* U-iriuTiiog nnd
ov< r.Ui1itig of flnarkbai evrarywbere |fero*^rtib|H, iwnlls in tlu* most finally extingtridm* it. Now nh-tac I* cnlhwl tin- flnmer,* bed
kinking it ionium th sign rifmatii in the- n**.uiling f the Wry ud ftMut the "hjoi of the Stone Ktdfc.'* And, m* I have nl ready

which ahsohtiety esdliaies ujr project io of an imtlwr jaw. On tfw |smite<i oat iu aw af my first km* on this deity, the
other Itand, ik ftnutli u wdl as tk thl*f bimglyjdi of the chief inorintNl hkmgljpb *if tho old gl, wiiu-h taken tlo Mvund
gi kin** tif the ride of fbr farehmn n H|*vmllv di>tiie.-ti* element, |.*boi< in rim atimv n*j.e.Ttmvsi pieluto. I* to He nmd oa oA /.tV
in nh nii uni it MHKgtiw*- the sign **H*> < Nigtrt, w>c4ndtd by a rmm.. I think that thu must bo expirin'**! * sytnhri of
W Kuli*i of the Second Week re ocelot!
tW starry >4y. lirnoe ; tint this figure of l bo Mftjft Oabee* i to
tv guide I m a one of the gwtx of th* etdllar drranairnt The ridw of llu* rerowd week in the gml of the second iky sign,
To this old grd of the liny,* 4omm**nts I Irntw Cbanght it twirerwiry Uetl. Wind.* And it in yurt here that it horoiue* umuifr-i that
to :
4 >||| < the IMftM of /Uormnd, with TeGerociee to the Now YdOfil thoA rnkr* oi the twenty w4i ore ].r-.j-rly uiut uriginalty the rulers

(vrawftMH dovriM in detail by flhdbuj* bd*- For oto llidM 27 of the f Willy day sigtia. The bscd of the seoul sign it lire fimillinr
41 IQ. TV Twmty HuWn of the Week-

figure of the gad wbo if w* an* to b*le%e Las Cimi W in the "And thto they mirnii**," ndd Salmgnn, **
hreaure before (he rain*
universal u|tiiikai lilt* mint P'w<L til# let* and wvcrlliw-w of nil the lirgin there are high gsW and ditrtrtornov and tberefiaw they mr
Mexican gwtb, the gmit god of Ibf great city ttoMfiH. He it wa* that (/uste>rf<xm#t/, lit- W|#4 <*nd rwerjw thr road* ftor the Kain find*
wham tbe Mexvtwm* designated by the nwnf of QuM*nlctr*nll, the that they may min."
(fuctml toather-Snake," who n* known In ttii* name not unit to So we iuNh>rtand that the olVering* tirrwigbt by the Mexicwnc at
the inhabitant* of I hr central (Ort* of tin* tvaitinuott* territory *ellled the WginniiLg of their JMT were made aeowiiing to rimw to TfWoywc,
by tbe Mexicans but uW far l-joswl it*> nmiinee *aurliWMrde t tlir the Rain ttod*, nrsNirdiug to other* to (V/fAiaA/fiVa*. the Water
frontier* of the |ir***nt refiuhlli! of San Salvador, and |*rlwr|w even lioddra, o ehe In the High IWd arid M ind (kd Qoetaa/cotui/i ;*

farther, whore M# a* dfnftabait, ('n*AutrA*M t atoo i|i|*wr* that in thr iiirturial w citing* in the Florentine Biblioteca NaaUawle
in the m0* iuwt trod item* at the Maya tHW. and jterliHje. ranging tlir great chief fimat of Ihtlue at thr lirginnitig of the min* momwi.
even away to the north, to rftill to l*e rerognb-d In the Pafalskourf the Etzalqurtftztfi boot, to de*rriljed H* the fmat of ^lutAifomiitl,
o( the Hofil, and I lie A'lftowvnx of the /aft* ISe-Mo I lift tolls. who wa< *up]Mi*ed to hr a friend nr kiiieman of TTrafor, and that atoo
All met" of |**ruli* and snytortioti* meaning*. nrh a>. The in tbe re|av*rritotkai in f<jdrl Kwto.n^n. yvfizsifnnmti and hto
Wonderful Tain.* given hv Bwrit y IVjtirt, law hen iptlte brother nrv tbe rhtof figurr* of tl*r E< tifffani t t feiwt ;

uiuirrraearily atinlwtmi to the name f licit g-l. QmtitnJIi to tier that wbrrerrr -tjircMl fnut* Wife kej< in honour of the Kain tied*
green taibfeatlker of Phamanacrn* mia'inno, and ccmnil to tlir *nak*. and of the Te/tortotou, or Mountain I nmrivn) * me with them,

Both are weil-known symbols of water, or if the biinildtfy generated thr Wind <iod was atoo in tlirtr mind, the*# wry Mmuitain futo
ly (hr rain. Ay q^tUrtlifteustl. Oh the Quptnd-fmtW gaud Tree.* thrniarlw* bring in fart th'M-riVwd sn UnrtofWu, little I image*)
to tin *x|r*iun -rumng in th sung to Xif*. and the cuuinicutator of the M ind t!od*."

rx|>htinH r y* tiaqosi&tpHtin yt tAuo&m'it yv jwgvmtfii, * already tut* Hot while n<d*. the Kain liwl. TtfMciai&a, the Mountain 1***1*.

it changed t<> tlir .|UetXA] -feat her. alimdy all to gram, nUvudi the ami also ('AofcAiwA ffirwr, thr Mater tsudilrM*, a|i|*m thvowghoxit a*
rain* time l at hand." embodiment* of (lie elements ns well a* of the l-eoelkeat cloud*
Tbto meaning of the Mtnr designating the g-*J become* at core gut hiring niountain fmka. tbemarliew rtifoumly Hiargml with min, in
|^*uvnt when we tuid in thr picture writing* of the Ctkinjnr tribe* (JadinlmtuiJi another line of thought tirni* t>K|<rvuici, If t* to the
a gfl showing a human and snake form combined. who war designated embodiment of the cwlt which in it* cMentiato war aoiely *4abltobrd

a* the patron of thr seventh sign, u named GutkmUkan by them* fcr the ]itir]*Mr of obtaining fir their (tropic thr rain amW fur their
U-HiiH-ct in calemiru- naMlers and wu* ex|dainrd m the faoMfltomlr, U|i* in iwifRcwtit rjuantity and at tbe rigiit tmr A* the Imgin*
that more* in the water.' And here it bar to be pcv tolly noted < lint ning*f tlito cult and the development of the |<rt#ly order certainly
tie* seventh sign, 1. Haiti," and it* niler, a* will be aeen. i* in the dnteil from U*uy' prelitotoric time*, or at all rsvnt* wm* Nii|i|aMed to

Mexican Tonalnmatl Tlafoc, the Ibtin fiod. Similarly tlir A~vrum*f; do *m V*rtpTlroiu%lf himself further btvanae the king, priest and
of thr fiaatemaltec tmditian a]iprnrx afcwnbitely sn the |<rinpi|ile which tribal g*rf of tbe mu ion, of the Tolteo, who cal# rvganhsJ an the
to the vivifying element in the water, u W tio. n r'ar pifo - Heart lirwt Htlers, tbe inventor* of all culture, of all art* and knowledge.
of the Lake," Heart of the Sea" lie to called in the Pupol Vb : -r* Itadeni, it ih rjuile conceivable that to thto assorwst urn <if idea* ear*

pa yn, jth evt r ni, **

in tbe water to the domain of hto ofwcMtwai*," i ri-j-mdeit a neuan* of lurturtc truth, that in thto Hrat milwat tbe
mid of him in the Otk<bi<|iiel antmto And from thto fundmuental rain-di]ir*itiiig deity nnd tbe raia*tmtking priest were merged in one.
vom-o^A (Jnstvilromatt haw liroome tbe Wind <Jed for the M-onua- aiel by ft thto ajierial amw|4kili of tbe deify was traiieinitted lo the
yhtoHif yt* tienti the Wind fuikiwUng geoenMi.Hi*. Iii any .wee if nyonk with thi view that the
yn !rp*ot>iteiA, yu^uA^traorttA to thr leader axel the liow.l- same gul wa* later regarded a* the ntventur of ail other |*to4ly arts
avaaper of latwiiiatioci, witrticraft, mlendrir lore, and astronomy, and wae in
yn ibiOjijue, yn nempte yn fniyuiyiHAti of the Tlalniue, f
Cart ideal I6t*1 with the Morning Star, the orb which, a* we bate ceen,
tlir lord* of the water, of the Itaill ttoal*. 1
* None* dn to >'eg. * t'caadtuc touts dtooewnmt.' T il. v, 131. Sto(*a 2, ay. I

* Miaica t. tap .V Jakarta S, rap .tt

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1IX TV Twenty Rulm of tW Week. 43

became 1 It** mil ini |nii( of the invtem of day counts hared on the mu of pictorial writing. Tlie Mam tribr* llieta***lvr by wo mean*
einhiiM<inti iif tbe numeral* 13 and 2l>. On the other hand, a felt that they were nltrgcther that jirarefal and move highly
wood (ml are, which i* among* t the most prominent in the image civilised nation which had hvrat overrun hr a foreign cooquemr.
if this god hie wandering forth to the land* the Atkintic sen- TTie Quiche* and the CakHiupieki ml led them*elve*, their own
hoard, the Thitart Tt a /wf/n, the Tied Aryan, the land of the black nor ion. the aA-faAo/. the warrior*,* whom inheritawce wen? the jar
and of the mi cokwar," the pbuw of conflagration.'* hi* datth and shield, the round knoli ami the sn-mlled Ic'wntnk weajroi ('*),

there, combined with the expectation nf a future return' may hare while to the Uvwlnnd tribe*, the PWfc nmn' whra*e head sloml the
it* ex|danatei partly in actual bmUiriral event** partly in <4ber TxixtuhiK ami nmongti them were also nnifcodaedly indilH the
mythological notion* Fn l<wri i.e., the n^ftnunff, Ihe Meiimn-e|ieakKiig iuliallanU *rf

Tie* hietorhal event a tiere in question are the migration of upland the Pacific Const, 1
they aligned their inherilarior ;

tribe* of \|eHun speech to the land* on the Atlantic mast, which.

jro ru ruyon sit pnak Cm'Xb rvuvm <tnbul chaeiit
p*Mttln*h|y following |iW*g-hefiire-e##aWifiJie<| trade route*, an* begun ru'tfuiu cVi (z iUitiu- eot*m*c yuiyanic rtd k>
many funiiinr* In-lure the Sjcuikli cooqura*. and jmilmbiv continued t'KW k'ii mdjr k'ih f#i mvA
iunmrenujit**j|y fur a king |ri*d r time, From thi* migration jnv ewjpimA'twoniW xriiekf* [cuAr wniiA] f*i T#I!att.
|*nng tho Mt-calkd (.'hirhemer element in I he peojding of the Only turquoise. guLi. qurtzal feather*, gTeen fentber*.
provime of Tiitiinaca)iui. Knur, M iU> came the inhabitant* of the Ilesid*** |4iiiitiug. earring, tkuaces, flute* and *mig
tVwtxacvuh'o district. who were able to *|iply Carte* with a map of Calcndara and histories and the various ijiecii** of mrao
thr overland mode t a Himdwra*. To these migratory tribes belonged Nothing hue nchfw brought tlm \ ukui^*k> in their bundle*
the Mexicans who, a* minted in (lie Y notice tradition. hod in uldra from Tula'*
time* {eartratni to M*ya{4ut awl CHirlirtt Itan. I jwt Iv.
I among*! Thu* what may in a measure he described ae the fruits of
tlcein nl**> were the nih|Ml iinw nf the o-calkd l'ipdl tribe* Taller coUure I* Mrdhwl In thaw? Maya trihm to otlim. to the
nestled in the prei^mt re|*iMio of tiuatemnhi and San Salvador, Mexican* aiul tlieir allies os their mlierUitnct- and |<n-ial projierty.
whim- *outbemznu*t udsUig* an* met w> the lake of Nicaragua axel And In truth, tl*e ralatiou lex ween thi**e two great cultural peoples
in the Valley of the timer mb, the TaUmaom district, a* it wo* later iu all that regard* nomenclature, roneeptions Icgemis and mythiml
called, m the present rvpuldir of l'mt Him.' Relying no the fact notKans whic-h ha*v been transmitted from cue to the other, i* *uch
that these regions mainly inhabited by Mara tribes wore the tear tluxt tho Mexim&s apjirnr throughout as the givers the Maya people*
of a highly deveh>|ed culture fully an a level with that of the a* tin- rvd|*rfits
Central Mexican domain, and even in several nwprrta apparently Hentv the theory which has also been ndmnced in connect km
Wperior to it, mine mrviit writer* have Cihled about a great .Maya with thsk of a gem! >laya Kaipin-. time QutSzaltvmifi mu originally
Kiupavy which had been |***cel<dh deveVsprd to the flour Uhing con- a Maya gud. who wa* odofCeti by thu Mexicans cannot be upheld.
dition attested br the ruined ritie of Central America, but v No doubt we find the picture of the fuat her*sanke in Chichen I tan
overwhelmed by the irrupt inn rf the ruder warlike Mexican* devoted and in I'xnial. and |ierh)is also in mt seul|<ures at (upon
to a mnguinai'y tcltguxis cult. Hot hr such a liMtorir strut tun- we Ahar by
(Altar <,. Altar Ci,. t>k while a mythical being denoted it*
ha*v no direct Mij-foit If t quite conceivable and even probable name r ATni'w/ruti, A**o*UDiafz), play* a ]ur* in the tradition* both of
flat, through the contort with the Mexican coloniser*, through the T' unit on and of the Quiche* in the former a* a milking hero,
flourishing commercial intercourse liroughl about and carried n by amongst the latter a* emit or of the world and of mankind. Bat
tlmm, and through the itiemo* <rf wraltli thereby created in thr the A'uA-okvrn <rf the Vucatec saga ajijieax* to he more ]rlicukarly
Maya lands war Hr* drvwliqed tlmi very Mara culture which made asscN-iatcd with place* xh a* Maynjaa and Chk-lien (ts, where the
thtm reginu* apjiear in the wwra erf file Mexican* also a* the Mrximn* are known to bme gained a footing, and where their
TtiUon-iyttpuUan. the-laiud of the Mack and <rf the red toiown"
fay >i m> M*l r* ft iW /W-sAimt, two te** Uo I. tbs T atabit
Cf Zee ytrmawbz, (Wi*x*oo h U wH Ahmmdu
m Cute priM* /Wr*

ItocuaicnU* fr* llULuru 4* anl IV* itn * tacit, * LLo of tku .'*kcbit|MU to dr
Kim. r tv 7. (Cakckiqad iusli My
44 I**. TV Tt*ty Itnhr* of tlm- Wok.

influence i* al** uutuietakald* iit tin* extant latiMing* and arulfttuns. 1 tie* Atlantic ro*4. Hence the Eaal W inJ was |reeiarly dewrilari a*
- the M
lint Id th# of the legendary bw>k of the t^uictae-k when* tiulncAtffAl, wind that come* from the land of the Hitin (uda It

rrhamr* u mode to tht* tTurumntz, erudite printer |#euiation ww* but Mtiunl that the other idea* rdiould Iw detrfn)Md, that wlien*
U iliturh to hr detected. **f th# n-al haul M ay a culture the god ever dryuesa |imiu}ed. or mi ihnwigfit auil Einiitie wt in, th# <!
designated by tin* name of the father wnake do where fonoed fut. *iuukd b# coiitN*ived a< hating returned to bis owmtrv. to hi* home,
with the exception of Muni in Y amt an. when* licmwr Mexican i-uriMMiucntlv to tine east, but also that his Mum iheno* haihl br
influence wan evident, And tli# ny tliat rtvmf ica in made of thin god looked Cur- In any case it i* aignifimtive tliat it idtould ! **hI of

in the Cakchiiptel annals i* highly instructive. After enumerating the Tubes*, and ^wcfio/t-uorrl/'s |ieo|Ae. tliat they hail nmle their

the tribe* and the gmi* wins wen* their ]***] jntrans* the writer settlement* os <A* lop* t*f fkc WigK**t mowa/uina, 1
nod that tli#

gw 1
) on; K'icnm*tiz fwcAtex AwwrArr mr pa yu h rof t*t r. tribe* dwelling on tli# east coael lowland*, with their cofiioiis nuufall
Kuril mat* another in nilh*l, in the wutrr in the domain of hi* and fertility, a* well as all others who had ae<|ain*d rtche* oml a
operation*,* without naming any tribe. whose ff patron this gnd fnine** of lifie. should lie deseribetl a* **
Vira* / ^naf*.iJe<iuil/.

K neunvAtt might Imre Iweii. On the other timid. right into the Tlie empire of ^vefru/nmrsi/ fell througfi the UMcidnat ion* of
historic period {/uefMfroirof/ rotiiinn**! in high honour among the the magicians, whose names on* given MBMtini'i ru. t'ilztlafMcklU,
XlexMitn*. *inl ai|milalj Amongst thane tri*e who maintained com- TtzcaUipoew, ami ITitonapit, 1 at utlier* h TViiviffipocrr, Juimamll,
RH*rruJ iut*mur> with the cwt liueU aivl the <lte*t ri*t - bordering and Totlrattl.' Of thete th# Rent |*.|wt tigure i TczotHi]a>c,
on the Mava terriltanca, the (vopie of CJmltilji, and in the Hutui who also rlisewrhen* occur* frerjiienily in cunneetion with Qwataatfcaatf,
Q*r<ni(fvuntl w ammJingh dr*wrilw*| a> Mod of the Trader** at time* a* his associate, Iwu iiuwv frci|iiently a* his <}(* ment . ami
lie ttiilnt *1mi in a ejwvtal M>bw have Iwn the g*t nf those Mftiow lie nbm jinys th# grvatM |rt in the puforial writing* IvwnJe u*l

trihen who ware in contact with the .Maya (off*#. Far the jointly with Ifurtzrtttvtuitl. TrunlHpoen and VitnUpOcMi, with
legendary book of the t/uk-lion felt* un eK|m*s*|y that ** 1ofeno/ whom may aim In* grii|*il Cattuistii, Mircvumti. Cemmr, and
(/iitatfetuif in the name *f the god of the .Mexican*'* So aim in similar figures, are the thvds \A the renewed fire, the yowng Mr#
the UrWvm of the Liccnciado the only document tvmtaining Unds who* like the old Fir# tkid, wear the x*kc#MirsM*urty*, lit#

any mote ample detail* on th# religion of tit# Fi|*l tribe*, a gial, ton|K)ise snake disgubr. the turi|i>jise snake mask In them an*
ifutfztifaotttl, and a goddess. /Ui'iwj*, are named a* the trilatl deities em baited fire, war. and drought and famine.
of tltr MitU district on the frontier* of iiiaUnimla aval San Solvador.* oy tfn+t*atjinir*tti ilo-X iyo yywfmiorMAijruct/ orijfH,
Bat when in attend mvoautn of nut only n hU Ah! already luah the nmfml fiRtln i twrquniM* snake forsaken
migration to the land* on the Atlanta- i**ua rvfertvd to, bat it i* me,*'

expressly stated that here van kl hoin#, tliat lie had rout# front w# read in tin#* eatg to Xipe. which the cmnaaeiitator tliws

JlipnHau-- or. ao stated by La* Cttn* amt Afro./ i>to. from Yiu-ata* - ex|4aiiP>

certain definite mythological Dot hat* hid nim doubtless sum# rw gw afsrAc'inii gin taoyano/irfi's.
inflnnav on tlirar start- menu a* well a* generally oa those AImmIv iso. the famine left lit.*

de*ml*ng In* migratory movement*. iiule)naieiitW of the above- (Inc inn understand th# nitmt to such a deity as IjuttKilamali.
mentioned historical fart*. Hie Mexican* had the tvwiou of a home It it the contrast of the dry and moist srww. f ihrouglit anJ

of the Him tl-od*. a sort of earthly |neh*r. which in dfarribrd n* nbandame- a contrast which, twing at the mine time a contrail
a land of Abundance of
wealth with an fund, where everything between liowtile and frinaHy |a*ers, mav |i wM bself as a
hkmtu* aad ilirnw, and there in no lack of an,tilling. This earthly contrast between Night ami Light, without nr ueodirtg to Mlowr
jiamdim im nought at oie time on th# wiimtfiit* of the Mly Uria1n in explaining QuattAfoouAtl ns a Light liras the empire of
mountain*. ai another an tlie copiously waieml tropical lowland* of Tfiilfrn as the land of the bun.
* t'f o do* mini itivomj ** in Tncatan *
/witohrift '
!s*tMf*a. lib. *. Priileg#.
(Ur K*.hn tojp*i p(* 1*7 aq. Nkhagn :<l. 2a. (I.M10.
Idauofl dm limwnd* tbtklM ithlm* al I>a>bmnWntn v U hainfa* i. cap. 4.
CotH)in*ta At Anmnat, n p J*. A ruli * ils t^wuldMlaa.

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w. TV Tniy Bohn of ik Wa*k.

If wn* thn* Mud, in my opinion. bjr tlv combined influence of To tlii* Auwtkn, wliirli ill (lie jiriretlr pretilatuine b nw-ritril

historic twiU and niMtiknJ imagining*. originated the tangled work to Quttsutcu\tftt' t-rtv.|*ftfcle.| thr |intuNi given to Qwcirafowuuff.
of upw, whkk lift* )>"f worm null*] the figure of Qit4l#*Uo*4dl erentor / iiaui. who a*, ruler of the renj week i* tmuir In follow
mid the UMN "i kl kingdom, ToUntt, To this were Mipeewddkd the Touocn^ceuffi, ruler of tlae Itrxt week, who n*|weernl4 the jinmrrnJ
exlottivt Sfwruhd kiii*. of ,Vd prieKly kwHfW
fl , remit* flute of oil life. For to him belonged the freeelenee tnrv
of wtoniiMic dlwmliOD^ which wen* jwriajr nuule (twiwtjf in those Trtettiiipoea, titter he wa** fie' tvjirreeiitMlive of the jjHhpIh at el of
eastern real* of a thatrifthlug artistic mol scientific life, together rvUgvm, wticreae rivit/ipn>r rr]meiited the warrkm* daily. TWtd
with tK** ttdlgkaift (iwfiKvt. of earlier and milder time*, have lnoiinr amangetni'iit it Icarly expreMal in thr nrriee of ilay xigtns Miu*e tlae

interwoven wrtli the figure uf thU detly P,*<wlily tin* growing nor torn, Mgn ^ til, Wind.* hdlow> tiftnetii, the 4
FlUh from which tlir

on tlo* H{i|Kuidtiii return of tin* gal and oft the rest oral ion of bin earth waa madr.* and which mu regwnhx] a* the *rnthul of fertility.

ancient empire imv have even broil ias|ftr*d by n reforming rtmrtkin Wlien the gud-urm-*. which wae unguudJy ajipnifiriate to the day
against the ever-increasiaig sanguinary rite* practised by ft triumphal tigne or ww* therein ejqjn?*ed, wn* tnuufcrmf to the twenty
TO& jijrriiVjg nation which had but iWNltfy rswii to janrer. week*, the Wind Irud b*Hnie Uftaocinted with thr *ign re ocefoff.

From priest It sfcculatioa emanated the aim that assigned to 44

1, Jmftinr" Here no aMwinxion of iden* wcni to bate existed
thi* god n ]ut in thr vnrion* stage* of cvmticni. nod ewjiecially in originally or to lure afterward* heeu eonght for, unlr** the Mnvn <igne
thr creation of man The iito may Imn* lima mniuly dwe to thr rmneejaimling to thi* sign *his or lu. the Wizard "he taken <

the ftMarmt>nii <if niu*h im.v|4<* a* Virol* " Hrwth," Spirit," the tun<re nriginn! menning. tkn the other hnnd, the ninth day f
** lafe," ti which I have iktOft already drawn latmtioro. Thermit thin week m the day dMvtwtn +*enll, 9. Wind." .knd hr one of
a*ay pwrtMjn iiUj lour In n 0MiM*#d tlr fundament*! not km cm thr the intrrjifHm of TelleriaaKi l(einm* thi* day i* indirated iu
ferunduUng offlrary of water, u px|*vm*h1 in the name of (he god. QnMt'UrvecUr* hirikd^j/, and a dny which rnture* adnUMWCDenl t*

Tbi* creative nature of the god w cWsurly pourlaluiMd in |*uage of high uflitw of utnte for llime* lawru on I lull umWMrt. The
thr Sahagun manuscript ia the Academia <ie In Historift which nifei;- Nkuragiuaii" of Meriraa |-rec4i alro gave C'AiywiiorKf y //am/ ft*

ora yeanr aw qnUooin in fetfwmn in torn/Aiion the name of the Wind (iod ewrrenf Mmon-g^t them. 1
or*A i n ic quitouyi fcrA{rAjiuA trckyocu/r, tecA^rA ]iwo It ia In aonmWnv with the twofbhl nature of the gt*l, on the
filfoyoovyofran in toptUsin in qattznJnxtll one liand a* Wind <i*| i-f. a kind of nun god. on thr other iu

uuA quijfoenx in tMwiratf iu tonaritcA m Uti/teenUi. farkut, wf. mediator, foumAcr of tvligejn n&d of nil higher art and
And tfiua said our Father*, our tri aiolfatlietx knowledge, t luii he atuftald he rv|Ttntad In two forms at one time
They aud that be nuute. rmtel and formed u with large hr*k or Urnnk-llke |irojecting mouth, which denote* blowing;
Vhur MMtdM we awe, Tujn.'t stii Q,uW$yt/oM*oh, at ujiotlier with the feature* of a normal human fmrr. The first figure,
And hr uuuV the Hmteo. liar Sun, the forth* ifDiuna vw rightly inkirmni. was that of tlir faimra* klol wt <Tio(itis.

Similarly thp AimItm de Quaiililttlan relate how (fvftm/cr,uotf The ged in both hl form* is *howu on sheets lit. 50 of the pirtnrial

created the four ek**r of men. the mm irf tlir four Siai* w period* of lmiiniv iijit in tlu Florentine Ibbtiotem Nazkmale. But in geuerwl

the world, and how men wen* made by him on the day iAuvjm* b<nfl these furms cluunge in the manuscript* in uicti a way that H i*

*7. Wind.** In the ~ lliicoria de lea Xlexwiukcw. j*ar wu lbiitmW aw I

impo*ih|e to discover any rule for the ajiplicatioo of one f r the other-
lute already mentioned, Tunni'nUeutii 7Vodtictauf/ are |>he-l at the In both the fiu*e is painteti in two colours; the |nominent half,

beginning of all being, and u the parents of the four chief god* i*. tin* middle of the fare, ia yellow; the other, that U the teiu]mral
af t|r natiiNia, mod roowv^umtly aJ*o the }orenl4 of <Jnrtsa!muali region, black. The harder between thr two ia formed hy a deep
hut the ft<wfc of creation in detail, in Ha wreml jiuxi., black stroke, wbirh runs firwfll the apjier edge of the furelowd, nght
ucwlerfaktM in natneiafion with TrdtaHipor*. So L-o over the ere downwards. Tlie raooth. life ft*al chin, os well as t lie

in the hfctory of the creation ae related in thr legend book of the large benk of the Wind tied, are red. Iu this {stinting one ia temjrted
Quiche*, ftp** fCwntn*4*, tlir Icml Qurf in wtrirtly
] waking the i^rnttitig element < Onafat lih. 43. car 9l
r/, 46 Id The TwdIj Ruhr* of to Week.

to ere a combination uf the facial painting of the ^n find and of |
(>rar-hnjeiL edged roaud with eye*, which we shall nl*o meet in like

<* tin* Night or Death (Joi. Where the god is re ptwiad a* the form with TTaUe. In somewhat n*dwccd *ue we also *ce it u l
J It. Wind Dad, the red beak fct in newt tew* encircled at it* time by n sheet U of r*nr manuscript. where as wiU lie seen, is
Iwani, which being drawn out in shaggy tuft* gif* quite the effect figured faring the prayer ruler of this week. It is pmsihlr and
of feather* mmHunting the hsae of a bird's lawk, toil is nl* even (irobnMe that the large turtproiw* disk which is to be seen
omieiiittiiily ***** in like form enframing the cbiti of the gy*!, alien on the frontal bind of the (pl fr inttanre, in Codex Telle rinno
he i depicted with human Wore.. Keincnst*. in Codex Borlmtimii. and on many stone figure* U intended
T|u* end* of hie !o|*-luoit and h.iii-chsh are round, and both to re|we*ent this eye surrounded hy <Urh bwiW
imiaUy (minted in two colour*, with a prevailing brown groin*! tone. A tenstd |NH*nliarity is what kulu like a kin or lialf crescent
Kutind and M*w-*lia|od is also the guis cap, which i* Mrtiietim#* hnjird neck ornament (i-*ts*fii/-MitoftfU), eunswliag of dark feather*,
(Minted with the pattern of a yagtau- akin ' sometime* with single rad arara feather* u*iuv</*u ruing in symmetrical
divided vest holly into a dark (bWk or blue) and a light (mi) field arrangrroeiit. This piece i-urrr|xiniti sumewliat closely with the
with an eye In the centre. (wculiarMie* which, a* we base noix. fort her omuneut wbu-h is dram bed ui Sifogiuj uiukr tiir naim* of
rhamrfertwd the day sign (A i n, and doubtless have the much- signi- ttkickiiudjvclituh " lit* flaming firtid-omameut.' Ui connettiou with tlie
h tuiK-r a* here. Round, m we ktinw, were statne of the Kin* (sod. whsrb in Mexico was set up on the twen!w<li
the temple* of this god. and. accuniing to the iksv of the lunlii feastthat w, on the foist -day Usdf. Till* aihmi-
interpreter of the pictorial document in thr uient must )iai> hnw (sw|sured from the deep bWk hr east- feat hers
Florentine BibljoUva Naxionalc. round fruit* of tint torkey-oork with a aherii like glowing mmI. and a few arara
(melons) were brought as otferi&gs to him.
feather* (iMiara/iii/ disjaaed in rows, the whole bring intended to
Spindly convoluted #nm)-hell* form the retimmt 6 flame, as is indicntod by the name and is also ex|ire*sly
ncrklatv of the god iatwl
tin hi* breast ho wear* an ornament rut from Moreover, thw hmr*lia|ird neck arnament, like Qvr^zifJoavtitf*
a Urge snail-shell. the spindly twisted wind (xme-slmpol cajK is worn by tlie llnaxtec |*r>p|e, and fmm their
decoration * imt- shear tx-cns&itl}, which is also coimtry tine Tuitec* wen* siqqMised to liaiw wine. In the Annie*
H 1L ocrastiamlly mrt as a shield davit* S* lingua del Musco Nacioaal de Mexico Chavcro re(OHlacr* an idol of
Pkiro JtsmwHi* in U* t'odrx ; MS. Ln the Florentine Bifalioteoa ^acfru/rooot/, which came from the vicinity of TqiHanth in the
Nationals : et Fig. 21), while elsewhere the Tux(am district, ami shows QtitizuleotwH descending from heaven
wind eras*, the- St. Andrew's cross, is (imcnfoj in fntvxnr Humtu gnrft !

on he* shield Cut fnxn n snail -shell is also his * thorny curved gold The cdliev |*ini(iheninlia of the god arr of priestly fabrimtson-
war-ornament " Igicciiivhtjui tMttitfntl in summA). In Codex Borgta Burh NpWMlly i* the agave wpiVe, the r.lMi/rAi which in
(12 hi* fantbeful i* found with two snake* spirally interlaced. Tliis is the L>dex TeUeriaim Khiiwiihm he hidds in hi left, luuid Such
doubt m* the original frrin of the bandage ccimjiosrd f high narrow sfiike*s a* we know, senesj to receive and thus otfer to the g*i* the
arched foldings which, m the picture* of the Florentine document ami Idual which * drawn olT by tlie ileintee* wlmn mortifying them-
in many done figure*. i* seen swnthing the gods forehead or the lower selves. With ihn s* further rwMiectnl the bmte, which In many
rtm of hi*. coti*-ha}ird cap. With the spiral also doubt lea* originated pk4 tire# U wen stuck in hi* fillet, and the lower end of which is
the staimo** mswnder, with whirh in the picture* of Codex Rorgia tle to !* (nkesi a* diar|iMued to a |wnt Thix is tlie Uim* dagger, the
fnaitai hand of the Wind (sod, and indeed of this god odour. is (anted im|t|emeur with wliicti the artfdnllictod WvMimh were made,
decorated. I*t*t ly. spindly t**iv<4ut*d wild jaiinted with stelUr design lire Mumi adhenng to or dro|i(aug from (liU im(d'iiwut ti at times
leslAv/hsj i*. with white dtik* on UiA ground is llm the throwing- ruali* (rally wproiiiicad, last a* a rule srinlulkrally flguml hy a flower.
stick or the stall of the gud, the otat-mW/i or cAustsrcof/i (cf. Fig. 21). In the Floreiitiuir pictorial maxiuacri]t a nrcossary atijuiu-t to the flower
A* pfculiaritie* are still to be mentioned : above the frontal bind I is a humming-bcird, with its ball inserted in the cornlkx. Anil when, ns
or the top-knot an eye, sometimes quite round, sometimes more occur* nut wldnm in the (actarvs of the Wind fed. the eye (cutrudaf

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Itt TV 7W*y Bahts of the Wosk 47

from its *ockH, it* bleeding lower end eortreied by a yellow edging. the Mhnw is rv{cv tented as ruler of the second day
colour of the the colour of the rim round wounds, t hi* aU> ha* sign, we see be* id* or above him a fin* snake |nerced by a spear,
refrronnr* to Id* character a* a priest. The gouging of the wu a which in Codex Vaticanns B *17 Is nscoriated with a atone knife.

rmltair picture of swmlhw. the ganging of one's own eye n pietiuv This symbol is to he taken in the same war as the gem and the
of the mortification of one's own flesh. of the self-inflicted wounds quetzal font hers which in TVlk-rtmio Bemeiisri the god is holding in

nud bkwd-lHIing which QhirtWrowoff woe bettrvrd to hove inculcated. his hand. It denotes the efficacy of tiie rtfigiou* observance* (ought

Priest ly device* ore. of wow, nlso the mcensr <|*xm and the co]wI by him. the triuin]4: over the drought, the fir** retake, ,#. famine,
bug with wliwh the gad is provided OO liret 22 of Codex Borbotiiim*. by the opjeurance of rain.

TV objects whic h, in the TuoolamolT of Codex Tellerano Ketnetuos Jwirh is the way this god i* rwjxRsrntnl in the |
art ore writings.

the ruler of the second week hold* in bis right hand gens* and qtretaal he appear* somewhat different h* in the sago* which treat of
feather* may denote either the precious fruits of wlf-snort tti nation or him as the priest and king of Tollan. Me** we haw nothing about
the fertilising nun*, which are vouchuM to mankind by this god, or an OfWiwvpr/fr, or an ten iiacatz-coztoll, or a dWor/iecvU*, or an avt-
In (In* religious pCMtkva observed according U> his pcvarijitiuus, uwt/i. Here hie decoration* are the titth-rs^und. the * turquoise
To (^wef jwhwo*i/> |*W>tlv nature, or to him a* founder of the nwuk,'* and the <ptrfW rtput leenyol/. the * fowl her ornament of th*
religious oWriHmv*, ojv who retard the other figures and symbols |Meip|t> gf the (^uetadajian river, the |s*ojde of Tabaxcn,'' and the
which are wen m m*r ogams* tlur ruler of the second week. Sueh xinlrttltiti, the blue lhrowuig*tick of the gods of fin* and water.
is, in Codex TolWtam Rnumsu and in Vaticanns A. the youth, o Thus we read in the Annies of Quauh'itka :

pupil of the priests, who is drawing straws through his pierced and in ipan in riutif or nmtl uugeuewit mitoun
bleeding tongue. Sarh also the worshipping figure in Codex Horgia in tfKoe oafito tswsprn ifAeicwittemw
and Yatirauius H; but In hath of these Wt -mentioned manuscripts ainuvM uun/wrtx iikueoe
are ****-n aofna other symbols of mure diflkwlt interpretation. A aoncuic in stfutysri wmolirAinA

house with dark doorway nnd an indinrabkwr ball on the ridge of iu it*)* MMC.iymiA in Ui uA-ruyuc
the nif iu*y be a little fasting hut, or a religious or priestly In the year *1. Heed* they say
dwelling, a cu/mavtc. The dish with gem* and quetzal feathers, Chine he to the wuehove.

the wmr meaning as the jewels and Then he to wee|x

een below, ha* psewimslily
Ltoffed be the garb be was decked in.
(pielsd fontlsrr* which the god in Telleriano Hemeusi* w holding
llis Tabasco feather-gear, his turquoise mask
in hw right hand. But wliat may be the meaning of the two
bundle* nf *]Mnr* which are rhowa at the side I cannot ar for And wh#*n the Spuiianl* came in their w^wden house out of

osttatii. One of the bundles jiwt before or below the gud is jrriiaj* the uistem sea. and the news of them reached Mexico^ the ruler of

tl# hieroglyph for tumll, reed," in which case H may gin the the city and list wise men doubted not for an instant flint that was

Mime of the god. Ct aenli. 1. Kmi.* or ek*e the ilay of his hirlli tbs god who hmt teen m long exjiected. Thetefore it was that
ur death. taken in connect nm with the double circle which is men, Mutrrulifom* f Mcoiterwma) sent to Cortes a* the guests offering and
though a little in the mir, Mow the dark house. The oil we bundle greeting the garb that was his doe* the garb of divinity in
of shears which is wen tiefiinst, that is, above the woohtp|*or, has fourfold form, t a. of the lieitww Imlding eway in the four regions
beside it an object which from kt rim)* might be a turtles cafajunt, of the earth : tha garb of (fuHtrtUwvtU (the god of Tolbwij, f
and might thus stand fcr a shield. Hnt I mud |uite *m wliat TeMu/fipMvs, of Tlnit/cn n-UcnOt, and of (/*wtnWv/uobf (the Wind
these things hate to do in Uib place. The sign of day and night <id). And to tha garb of the firm {wrfohied in the firH (dace the
(half night, half sun), wbfcfc in Codex lforgia t2 is svr*n in the ~ sunke-aiask made of tun|uutee * (oeuruyocati xivMien (LuAiunUi).
compartment of the ruler of the wend week, preenmably indicates and the - Tabasco feath.-r iNuaiuent * (gurfdaki/aiwsco^otf, as It wan
the jwrrtg o/ fiiy
aiuJ ttiyAf, and means |ierha|is that the god, called) ;
and at the nuus lima of the last above-men turned H
according to liie nature, boltings to the twilight, that he is one with was stated that lie was directly associated with the mask (in
the morning and evening star. xUUtooajn yocftfl ifask ydiuA in tfiulxaiopnatcayM^ But in the
4H l*i Tb* Twwaty Riling* of tin* Ww4r

S]amidi I***! tlil mask b* nwr mlmt-My d**cnfod :

uiw nhAemra tvcresjitnidnl originally, nut to tlm iairkl ky-* of the* weeki. hut
labrnda de mumko <U* tiui|ma*v tenia **-m laokrwrw klirada de k* to the *rrim* of the twenty lay Mgn*. jw1 wh only -<nlee.[uenly
tuitwna* |iiHrO* una euletvu itahkda y retucrida, <uy.> .fohfor m <4 tnui-ferml to the twenty we*4*.
|oro de In,narit. luego divfetut w
cola d In raheta, v k
.:iW* k n Tie* third day sign wo* banned W/, - Imu-e. *
Imt the M**%iinn;
|wirte iW <tn*r|tf> h* |wr Nb* A uii oj, dr manem harin oeja, wigntib *
heart/' intentir,* by tlu* Mhv tribe* uf OtUju> and oXAiaf. ,

y la il inn jart* M cuhwjni ibt* |mr *ibn> otro jn, v harm oirm night, hy I ha other Maya |Nto|de; and by the wunl night * Lt.
*fj. K-Uln e*ta iiiummju eugerlda e* ma (-on** aUa y graiul*-. wa* aU> ikmoto) by the /a|aitocM. I hove alruady ahoi* ui* n tunned
Ilenw (V |*im* ricaa, larga- v uuy herm<MOs iV man** *jie t lull the nmiu-cthm htHaeen then- terwi* and lObn'ld* lira in the fni-t

]mhihHh1cmh U corona *>hv k crdwaa mm lamia k mrt*-ar am k that the hoi)*M re}ire4rit* the lferk, the Infertor, tlm Sr* Unl.-il ,Vnd 1

enra.*' Hi-ikv a feather mm with which ** connected a oa**k nmy mid that for latfou* nnsuit it t |mibuhfo that in I Li*. hhw the
worked with tiinjuo**e tnoaoir*. who*e nua* entml (irrtduirity <th* Mexican* tmi ui luhid t lie earth, the dark interior of tin* earth, tin*

a make tigun*.. of which the rum* ami both rirhrott acre fuin.d. hollar into which tine nun rintem, thr regfon of tlw wed.
In fact. one k* tcni|itHl to trace directly hack to thi* tun|iot>.- make The ruler of the third day and of the third week w called
ino*k of the god of Tollan tine tiinjouiM* snake disguise (WuAcow- 7Vy,-yw, iVi,
Heart at Interior of the Mountain," U1 u o*|vomteil 1

manmdli, which formed tine emblem uf tine tare ami war god* a* a .lagUAi. Tlwr name would via |oo|irirly to iii#hu the tvV* that
XioJtfrcatU, L'itgUoponJkl'i iund aim, a* we (hall see, of Teienti t ftaoi. nmoHHilm jrvm oat of fAe mom ut*u urn. Hut the or.-t|ireter (I'twlrt* <tv
wlno arcunling to the pirtun* writing* and dr-k*ri| ion* wa* likewise Kk) ex|daia* it on tlie voice which ill a salU-y metfswnte* from hill
associated with a rich cruwn-diapcd feather ornament. Ami one m to hill. nwiMxjUcttt ly a* the Krbo. MV have aiwiw met thin god a* the
hut cfmfirwwd in thi* view oo further reading that to the twjui|iinewt eighth of tin* nine- lord* of tine night lewr* ; aa*i I have aided flint

of the i'll bin gnd neat by Motet- tibpuna to tVwtr* ako befoaigrd the the reference *eeut* to he to a g>wl .af the oreaw. Foe w* fliwl that
Fire and War find** throwing^ ick, which at the upjier muvolutod ia Codrx llorgia the eighth of the nine locil* u tlgureil over againwt
end w worked in the form of n makes head fyrwnJi jrinh oitstl, a temple, the door of which i formed by tle ga|ang thmat of a
ran metyatficu xiutf, luAywru iyx*fo>iitaeema?jaJ. cootr>?iifm*w%c). uictMler \cifmic<hu the traditional embLetn of a chain in tine ground
Were the syrahdimi exjrrmwd in throe article* of dresw to In* akmc or in the mountain-*. In Cwtrx Horgia we alw* are tl*e .Inguar, the
mmiilrmL can* might mj [** that n distinction should lie drawn ruler of the third week, ooled above a mountain cave. If the thinl
Iwtweeta the Tollan (lad and the Wind (Jod. a* different Iwingn did lay idgu houm* **
rrally wmuii night wad dnrkne. ilien it ciim|dr<elr
we not know that the Fire Gids, the tribal god* of the hi a- wind hannoai**** with the Jaguar figure, iti which the god t* licte

not wans were in reality regarded only mm the mtv***ir and heir* of exhibited. For (hritnim, or the ocvultat im of un and moon, meant
1JnmU*Uv*uttl, Ond of Tolltti, ilrwpite of which hie identity with the fior the MeviivMi* that le>*e rb werw *te irmirtt hy thr Jaynar, t>f
Wind Oml wa* always maintained by the Mexican*. Moreover the line efMclx, the wre<iid of H*e four preht-lvric *tnie which vm eallerl

|4t>ANgM which | hae hew juM adduced [

evilly -4erw that, at fonrt c*rlul 0 H 0iiuK the Jngiuu eun. e n>ml in the Altaic* de (fnaolititlaii
among* the <wlt tired and ruling circfe*c the WWWI>t Mexican iyein oiocXtiuA U^fmtehiuk in iikairttU
deiffc* were absolutely nothing ne ire than |wcial forniK |s*cia| a tonatiah in iyowc '(ino udutoertytt
etjinwiim of t lie (redhead- He**!*'*-, We diall ttf tliat the *|**cial fan ncfmihthi to/u*ti*A math inn himan thtgomiya
meaniug an j lured by the xinl*txmnnKi\u*Ui *d the Fin* <ide ubjlv in OHuttayowh'. wiMiirt teyioifoyu
Hi>t originatml through a tnoMfiHWiathm of the notion of the Hfa- In that time it ha|i(wtwd tluit the heaiea wa* veiliwl (r*4-
gtiing water which undmtlitadly at first Lay at the boM* of the k|ad>
jittliCXfHAMgitCali file Milt no Uariger aio|er*vl ou III* ciHirw.
Hy the mkfolay boar darkies* almutv fell.
Ruler of the Third Week cr nutptil. Aad when it was night, men were deivaind hy the Jagviar*

The name of the ruler of tine thinl week wvw*, like that of Hilt tlw hau*r uf ilurkiicr* e tine earth; when- for**, rav* the
the M'tswxl, to be a clear indu-aliua that thu acve* of the twenty ruler* intcqoetcr rf tValea Telleriauo Hcmettaia iti* aoutte Jaguar" ww*

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applied in tlw ourth, and midor tin* jiicture of Yrfjey-oUoti the mair receding half, the temporal region, which in our uuumiwripf i* aim
interpreter I mix actually written la tern." Krona Chiajwx. a laiu) xej united from the ether half hy a deep Mack Line running straight
which lay near to that of the invention of the Totnkmntl over the centre of the eye. i* painted dark ; in air manuscript, the
and it 4 tigux atmngv thing* are related about thr ruler of the An bin Tmialaauatl. green, in Codex Borgia with the ahomatiwg
tbinl *ign; >* F*Uw*" my Bixhop .VnjSm dt It* Iqt* 1 *
ie tb* tliini y*4low and Idack oblique liar* of TncaLiifMC*'* facial (Minting. A
hratheu of the Oakmdar. and in a little hwtorieal Inwklet written in | xv ii I tar denmrttow nhwrved in the figure of thi deity ah me
the Indian language all the land* and cititw an* enumerated where plug * the iiiwtrils aeemx to rrjwxwcnt mane local rjeciality. Wo
lie wax. and till the prevent day there hw been a family in tin* find it in (he Codex \IemIoai in the hierugly|ih XoeAithm, a**ign*d

village of T**ypic* a village between San Crirtdfcul nad t'otniUui to the rtikahitant* of the wrfhkaoww town in the neigh luurhood of
who were called the 1 'otane*. The booklet relates flirt ton that he Tehuante|M*c. And it i aho to be xecn beautifully uad clearly
i tie* I uni of the wooden kettloiratu (SHkir del pakt htwvn i|iie iadiKimxi in little clay figunni of Antigua and other jtlncea on the
Ikon an tepmaguaxte). bnt he wax the firat man wlaim <iod mod Pacific *lop** of truatemala. Tlie jierulwity of the hair, which in
out to x!are and divide thix linlian Umt, . , , that lie awx in the figure of tlo* Code* Bogin jni)e**t - upwanle from the crown
l euetan. a village of the Snowmen* di-trWt, ami ttore in n of the hud in two puimg>, noil in the pictureM in our aiiinaMTi|
Aon** fen uiui caaa lohwga) which he |*uduc#d with the breath of alxo riw* abene the frontnl hind ill two xeparmte {mb*. |*rba]u aVi
hi* mouth, lie placed tapir* ami a great treasure, and a chieftain*** ifafiicU the tyle of eoam* jurtirikhu kvnlUy, Wlilm*, ax I have afanw
nMh tapianc* (Mexic. Uoyinui ur irptim*, guardian* ) who guarded Nlggtdid, to thru* two put* k In h axrrihrd xoine xymlxilmd
them. Tin* tnwwure omdxtol of ckwMd earthen jar* (tinaja* tajadax meaning- to rejoexent, for inoume. tlie qan> between the
am el mfaiuo harm), of a worked bhrk mi which were written un mountain* ~ Thr otlier rmbrlliidiRieiitM *eecn inlende*! to indicate

thr dour the *

image* of the old Indian heathen* who are in the the go I aa lotuteii in tlm rainy nine of the woodfandx- In

Calendar. of green jrw4 anil other vupentil ion* figure*. Anil all TuUmautf Kenven*** he wear* the baud necktie of the Kain (iodo,
war brought /rrm a eotwra, amt tW chieftain**** teodf and her W'hfarh, however, with him in pointed gt**xu, hot witli tlo* Kuril (iod

guardian* delivered it up, and U wax publicly burnt on tlie plum of Mue, and in Qairx IVvgia ala *how TUtl** * coliHirx mi the Loin-cloth,
tile ullage of t'eueUn, when w# revolted the aud jirwince in the the fillet and tle neck -ornament. In ('nki Brgu lie t> de|iiiie|

year |MI. And thia toPiu 1* highly rerervd hr all Indian*, and in bkimrig the rowrh, ntx.1 here n well ax in (odnx FejcrvAry hax the
a certain province they regard him m the 'Heart* of the villages ooiio-*|m|w*I pitched straw roof of the luxate* in tlie tinrra cwlxntc "

famuon do low jxiebla* Mexic. tthcf^yUotli, i.e. a* the local porf}." (kxg crowned with u jagged motive, which daw but bi'ighton

A the eighth of tin* nine lot* lx 7#pryutf<W. * * luv* already the foreign n|i|iraruure of the structure. I'udunhtodly tld* god Mem*
alaivt -taled. it depicted a* a god with wild, brutal feature* with hxiw intended to he rejirocuted o a foreign drwy, a god of thw
a (wombMUt lUjeTcilinrr arch or eyebrow. *urh a* we me drawn on tierra iwliente, gal of barlwric tribrw, though at the arue time

Za|Kit*v clay figure*, which r*|*r*cnt a jaguar, and with jaguar- froui tlie tiguTv in Codex Bargia it may fa token with ertauity ax

*kin marking* about the lij**. hnniered by a full baud. In oilier Ueiatottind. thr " iagxavr naui, and ax a kind of Ttzcallifioca

terpeet* thr jaunting *d body and face varir*. In tbdex FrjrnAiy and A* ruler of tlie third day wgn and of the third week tliiw gd ix

Vatican** R it i* red. the upper half of the face, liowexrr. ctmriy depicted a* a Jaguar m a jaguar |>ure anil simple in Codex Borgia
bowing in Vatkwnua H the alternate red nnd yellow crow bnn* of and Vntiamu* U, and alio in our incMiUHrnjit, the Anluti Tonwlaimitl,
the facial jaiinting of the r**d Tmaffipom. In Colei Borgia the lost in Codex Trlleriano KemeiiP**, und vtill uwwe diet io<r fly in Mor-
bodv of tlie <iod i* jaiinted black ; but in thin Codex, ax well ax hi Imiommis a* m jaguar inteudod merely ax a diagtiiw* of Tncniiiyi<eu
our inanuxcript. the Aohin Tohaknutil (rf. afaivr. big. 6. |. 24), That thr gal who on the dewt nf Tefierinmi RuMMii

the upjer half of the face xImiwr a jiainting which recall* that of looking out from the gMping tlirait of the Jaguar m in rmlity
the find (juWrvrfewrot/, the jouuiineat half of tlie facial profile intended to rejirrMUit 7cii4/ijnn, is mak eeident by ifa
(*-e. the middle of the f*v) being of a light yellow colour, while tlie alternating yellow and tdiHk crow fauwU which farm the

CfoetilwCMlOM (lit Ofiwua*. 1 7W. No Ah 9 *** j muring of the upjicr ball <4 hi fw-e. But in other reluct* thia
to 10. 71 W! T*ly Refer* trf {be Ww*.

fypar* aim <1i*]dAy* iuqiuIht S touts whirl) remll Ttfmftilbdti, t > tu alu*w that (hi* stocking iiwrtnr i alto wlv a nytnhol of the
ctgbl h rtf the fiW lords. That the l.*r' half uf tin- filer, Hull im-1 the ewthfeuuAtk- Indkatioai wf war.' TW frwllfcrr

li}*, mir {minted with tlf pdf era of a jug mu *ldn, mw might nt omasmait woe by (fee Jaguar of (hVt BottMthw bo* the form of
tin* first yUiov l to {vjpusl it* a BiMta&r. a iQitiVJU*. the wnrrior* haad*dtew. u> (a ajij eugwinto to r#MYtf.<jk*oe.

Hut wtwu we rwnddn that til* Tef+yrMtrti **f tode* Botgjn U> The breast xiikiui^t l* the n riatg mi tam a whit* gnw*4-
rVurlv *.bcrir* n jugma pint in g about the mewith. we hi** twin to sitell (V'u whirh i> likewise ii tiuuilLo an>1 cLum-ti-nts Article of
limit OCI this v
tut e lit iotwil. The trt liud, the green mrklht, TVsuui / 1
attire. The j
M valiur ***! mluUiuiiC. which i Also to

uiit the ^iivii nari arneiunnt likewise minimi a* disdntfly of the W seen in like form with tii* Jaguar of talet Vntkwmi* B. U in

fiwrio in which the eighth the iitnr Kavd* is ilmvn in colour And shape like the dement Uoi who i*. Aivtmihig to the jiir* use

TclkfWKi Tliis ifoi hii the eye in a dark [nn.'li ruing * *ii sheet CO of the jitdurinl (kruuieit In the Kbirwiliritf KiMioTom
tlxrt'ii the fru-ntnl tud, whack is eowumra to tunny pircnre* of Xazioatilr. iw it tin 'lied to the tiiuiiiiov pi k rv|*v*inf tng the
i^MrlZitUjttntl find 7?<ifor defiant worrier* At the m*Vuiti btut of the desul

*v. it The let .,l ui Uart TV awUftpM in U. Madwt G*rt i/Urkl.y oi i Ktamfe IL

In lodes llor+rsfiii n- this gud i mare dirt iueth" and iiniui*- tf the raraMii referwatatiotu of this deity and their in ter

ttkaWy dejAetod $m 7> rW/ tjporn. ,V dmiM the fare of the gad |wettin* haw ota the whole n somewhnl intviltenwi im|*vii*n-
h4ww, or beyowd the disguim, m Uw invirtbte. But hh band* end rosuture a am h il god blowing die corvdv die jairnwr ml TtottMiHpotn
M wi^ild -veo |p |iroji'it below tlm jnipi nr> daw*. The hninU anr night 4i|

rarth, eribo. deputed wsirior* rtrJJ there iw owe

W*d. ('wreefuwdhrig with the coloor of l*iy ; athI of tra a infe t nt i or. in whieh feran the Mni. ,iu rtimdjsoiad all rbeae diverge

(tie fcvi one w*nr* the iintatMi, T*trMtUpHyt* ^mllnl piuir.Hi with Ibr peeutiitkiiis were merged in one. Thai was wht Sating mi. tu the
ti^sMii* lino, i,f, the tfewjdiMi *inike, bnt the other m t-wni off ami rt*iiLirkaM- section on uitier omen* in IWk d of his work, mkluivm
n*|*bu-i\l by the Ktfioktn^* to irrot- Thi* hi f ij*#\ r * ihtnrtrhdjr m the fiawt of tlie |*ut'Ul* drwndwti by the- Mrvi* aiis Here we k,mJ :
lehBmi km. which would lmi- Mitln-e to adontify I hi* fti^sre (ct Klg. 2S). /sir ttwJ&rmstitff*. wkwiil The Snt (omen) is
Must in (aVi llorhuBiriiA tie* ruler of the thiol week ahi aiaagiMM* now yusnr^nsa; when owe Hewrd
i4miw* At hi* lomjih- lii* -irKikmg mimir, whhh we 6d given m >n UspiN) ah, the .lagiinr ronr,
the dirt iiu-t i
* murk of Ttuvilifj&xi in XWllmMlO BtlMWlb thi*
Tint lb* iuckis( uiireit e|ilirw (bt uiwt>l hit f Ih T<rss*Hi~
iinmiiMii}>i. end in other jiUtur# writing* nf all kind*. Morooiwr, It
, isinUndwi (r lie tf* of war, W
anus J ilfeaBinilo,' hatti iMiiak,

is here farther aa'iati with a ft r**un of hlowd, In order dearly la *i|*wljr tuiui by lb* d
Cnfcu TiJimino Runtnat i L |T),

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10. Th* Twvnly Ruhr* of ih* Al

ttr/Vfwi ipctn rAoco m Jaguar* mar. the *lgn of tbe moon. Tbe man eating hi* own <dtnre yields the word
) iuA^mi teedstii quijtiien : at when cam blows a iuih'Ii. Thitttpumi, the female IniMf," which, an e shall we, is our cf the
IrfitU qoionqu\Jiti i be mountain* answer (echo hm-kX twane* of the Karfh tjmklsw. The image of tbe mrawi a rablwt in a
Ukcuim ti'/coloynui follow,
watery Held encm-Uil hv a erwirircnlar ring of dswd metis hone* wad
iuhrftti* ilmnrtpul <Ju*tu. a* an old yell*,
showing the hnnlt-liHjwl figure of the tuenl iriinment nf the Forth
qmin, it VMWtryiut be. they aay. will *uo din in war

wifjiiti, tMmrqvn.

Of will die cif [the god of] th*

(iodiloM utd f tle pulque god* (cf. ale, Klg. 1, |k 11} it uudoulttedly
oi** to be taken ae a synihol of tbe Earth (nddsM, *bi ie eierywlu-re
earth [.*. of airknesaij,
in the world hmught into MMKiat mhi with the aiglit and the moon-
<t a our it Ufa comiwono mittiz nr will overtake him, I

icnaiotl Where TtzcotiifAky*' TrptyoUoti* oppears in Codex Borgia and

i*fo toman tnwa&t, NMtl^iviuu>fi .-
bn will In* void Vnticanus B as ruler of tbe thinl week, over agnin* him is departed
*0fV ipiUtMu ettnt or MHn <if hi* children the Forth (inddess herselt tbe Wrtfoitmti or Teito innta, tn tbe
fiimn<nMwor(Uilt ^win^jiw- will h* sell form til whiefa we shall Inter make her sjiecial acqwaiiitaai^e, with
wictii the htack |inting about brr nsonth, the hook'slmpn] nasal ornament,
tftt i iWfu/hrmf flftm itiii. as dave* will he sell them.'' the fmotol bund of untpun cotton nod tbe spindle her hak.

The roar of tbe jaguar at night, which sound* like a coach, Here she o|i(ar ae a srnrrior, with spenr and diield in brr right

awakens the echo, and is pnofwrly Ttzeatiiftom, and fccvfcud** to utan hnad, and with her left presealing a bound captive to tbe gnd
death in war or sarkness, or poverty or bwadagr : that i no doubt enthroned over hi# cnvrra, Tbe Earth OwUm# aji|>ear MiUltlf In

what the Mexican* sjieriidly thought of in connection with this deity. tbe legend# of tlie Mexican k furtly ae 4* wins Hwt mmLe rapdivaa
Trtcn/Ufxtcn in tbe aseoi'iate aiul the counterpart of (fartzaleotiaJl. in war anil Imoxgbt them to the mcri&re, pnrtly ae tbe lir* otTeriag.
Both n-o|ietule in the various -stages of tbe history of ramtkxn. Fur thi* there is undoubtedly an hiMtnric ground. Tbe belief that

Thi* i* described to awf only by the - Histocia Ae kw Mexicanos tbe jttfd mu*t lap frtui ifhwl with human Mk*t was doubtlem hetv,

|*ir *u> Plntora*''; that is al*o tanglit ns by tbe saga book of the as in other (M* of the worid. the main inducement to human
t^nirhew. where A' snhi nedc, that is, QHitznUotuvU, who wa* called sacrifice#, This concejrtioa aim ex|daiHH tbe jwl described repre-
n cVr dt-t n d vr fa i/o, ** H**ut of tbe Jake, Heart of the ikm," takes sent r son Besdiles tbe two chief tiguree, the |Uirtre ehow* a few
ae hi* 'umnui* Hmmfvtu, "me is his fool," who has but oas other irabdi. Fronting TtzcntJspooi-TtfwyoUotH it I be emblem of
tad," that in Truyttf.f *!. the u cW cuA, * Heart of Hanna " i> . war : shield, bundle of iqiearn and InuMnerHs, hut with them also a
of the Heimm of the gbausiiug. of the dark, nocturnal, star-studded kind of bent club furnished with a row of timnis and a atone punt,
Firmament ;
bnt Ik aUo called w cwjb nth c'ur alen. Heart of no doubt intended to represent a weapon of the timra inllenta."
Heaven, Heart of the Karth." Hut while Qnttmlaw tfi is specially Beeide HofoUeoti-Tftto tstwm we an* ab*re a ilddlM rtf dbke cf
figured as a jiWaat. who by bis clioctieemrut# and penance* causes pm- i eas stones and below a fire snake, BHueen hg*h ileitie*. Mande
tbe tain to fall n* tbe crop* at the right time and in sufficient a vessel withmaur. and a jug. from which a btown liquor U fcoming,
quantity, Ttaartfiputn u the trwrrwr, who procures tbe victims with and the tffff surfmv of which is deckeil with fiowers. Maiae and
hose blood tin* earth In fecundated, and at the arae tine tbe cacao, the sustenance which tbe earth is to bring forth, which U
mtotfidrta, dark, nocturnal, working in #**rr*t, the (mtent wised guuniAteed in abundance by the hanwui wu*Hfio* deptetod in this
whose ail ensures victory over the Iba Therefore is be also the Jaguar, gniupt, suchi# tbe meaning of this nfvault It km.

tbe lave tkl. and tbe (wmittHfiir of the earth. And therefore is tbe The Auhin Tonnhunatl, tlie Codex Borbonlm* and Tclleiinuo
third day sign, the gloomy house of earth, bis a|>)impriate symbol. Memenns ilifler from the manusTTipde of the Cdex IWgia gnswp in
In full aooovdamw wirh all this, Tmoil iyxxt- gpapgtfbff i it that not tbe Earth (toddes# but ^Mtnafcvadf t* Hgurwl cunhouting
aasoriated with tbe Kail 1 1 troddess hi tin* pictorial writings of tbe the ruler of the thmd week. But. like the godileei f < edex Borgia,
Codex Borgia group. Where be b reprinted ns ruler of the third he also presents a victim to the Jaguar, tbe god 7Vs*YjfJipoi-

day sign, tbe Earth <>oddita* herself U certainly not depicted, but is TrpepoUotli. And a connection between this ro|wesenc*iicui and that
represented by two of her ymho|* the man eating his own ordure, and of Codex Borgia w also furtlier estnblisheil by hiding
to Ml Til* Twmtv Rohr* of iV Week.

in his other luiad the igu tac'/faff, fho emblem of human oritur, fhirboaicur- are depicted helow the two chief figure*, otvtur m tld*
the rinMfin of stii, and the aymtad nf hr- godd, who lauj* the iiutniiM'ri]ft alone. In the middle of this lerwer series we see a vessel
mun** Tbwffwaai, who aat* Wh," or Ttapiittott, (idle. of flirt

landing on two skull* and filled with bk*od and henrts. Tw
or of 8m.* In thw picture of (In* Auliin TothtUnuiil, *f**W 3 nf oar mcrifitial bannerets are invert H in the hknd. so that md the least
tMittvcripC, (hi* sign i* certainly nrnroHy to be detected. But in ihwilu can aruw on the meaning of this figure. The left end of
Codex Bocboairo* and Teller I *iu Kemewsi* cuUlaii i exhibited in the serie* is (wined hy a vewsril jointed a green colour and fall of
tbe well-known form* occurring j n rhe hietuglrjihs uf the town* cartas figs (uor&t/r); at the right md rtamU a liaskpt. in which one
in fhr tribute list and in the lodes Mendoza. And this pirtwre wai to detect and a round fruit. The cartas figs doubtless,
m ahp explaitml by the interpreter* *c *
Sacrificio* dr mirrda,' indicate the (f Tisrhiniec) suiri4e (w the god 7V/ugof/ot/s-
In CVales TelWiano HnainnU*. h^Mh* the two chief |Mion*, no Tlie naind fruit ia jierhaje a g>winJ (oy^/i), wliirh,
other symbol* are gi*e. Lika the Qmlvitronnt/ of the jweciou* a* f hacw alaive rfated, was amiMlgsl the Sjierta] offering* trvwle to
*h#et (<* otWot/), Teytyifllodi hold*, tu hi* liand the prickly point .4 {JtttttftltUWtll.

the ***** Wf. ciahdiaAwifeltt, which serve* for the nuMtifirstfloti. lu the series am notwiwt furl her to he seen a Muake t<mi in
whereby he ilm iwmr to indicate that this group i immaid with |Oecvs. an*1 an imwef. Till* iiosMt, wliirti * everywhere drawn with
a sfvrrihrv. eigla legs, and might annirdingly lw asilogWally rlelermiaesl h* a
tin the other hand, in our innauM-ript toad in Codex Horton icu sfdiler. is all object |-culur to t<*brx Horhcaticus ate* re. tweidi's this
we m hath ruhr* attended hr quite a wiunher of various symbol*. |
dare. U n*curs in ejaite a number of the following *lii*ets. I hi

A shield and a ImmmIIp nf kjwvx abor the figure f T*zc*t}if loeu- y TVoncmo has pointed out that exactly tlie atxuc iiiwrt ocvtuw

fifNfotfotfi in Codex Bortwiiim* denote war, while a -done knife a* a mauftle jeattern in tlie jactorial dcx*unient of tlie Khaentine
aian-r VutMinwu/f * hrtui ajipecirs again to indicate human snrrifire. Kahhotrva Nazeaulc. where it is drscrihtsj a* fitmaii. > manta,
In our manuscript the Hn4 *ynihj| t* replansl hy a whole group of mrrfi'iro ttcutl del sefVar dc* to* morTlos." Thtw this writer exjdaiti*
figure*. The two atrow-cdiaft" tis the left, the blue o-vk.- to the the .qiidrr sinajfv as a Kymlatl of the IVnth Nerertbrieas 1

rigid, and the fireman ahm* in the twotrr, a well *< the jiemliar l*eliere ter shall have to seek for another and a dfejrr meaning.
Hgurr below. *em oultwrlholy to he nn rrpnssfcwi of the itit- A* the insect is found lieJow assewiated with varvsn* Bimi* of the

tbvMtnoUi, the symbolic- indication of war. nb*it which farther on 1
Karth tjodiW*. one might al first think of** the <4d |*.b*r of t|*e
ehwil have h* sprak more fully in the ninth week. North American Indian*; casljr that cbm iw* explain the oilier

In Codex Hoebanu-u*. under the symbol of war. is seen an eve otvtmeore*. In ^lendietas " lli<4cwia KortswiMtir* lodkana" 1
it i*

in a yellow Nmler. mad twfore it a large marine shell. What the re |*ls, I Deal TneoiHptOtt h*t himself down fnmi luocvvn hy Aouyiio/
ftot may mean I am unalilr at jae-ent to determine. Hot the *hell to fhe d/ a adorel. Ileme it line cavurml to ine that
trumpet |*>inu al tie* g*| whose vmit iwaaomlt in the |vrh*)t* the *|*der might lie, if md a picture, al had u eymlad of
nij^tXM twAfs* teoeutfi pupits*, a* when one blow* a onrtv** live figures deMvtsding from heaven >, c*f the Trifrrjwsoo*. the
that is 7 'i^Vm, the Jaguar's mice that fr-cclur-s from tlaw lull*
deltoolie of dnrknes, who, wfteii a odar c*c*li)SH' takew place.
The murine *he|| i also *eu in war manuscript before the newt It down frtiin heaven in the berm of engle* in unit to swallow the
of Tyeyal(<*U, nnd below it two agave-leaf spake*. which I might p*>opbr. Mihd ar titetimdcec at tsdimn noihiug mon* than fbe stnr*

almost MUfnU> have lawn hen. inserted hy mistake. Ttf*yoUn(J U which during a total m4mj- eclijw Iwoine visible in the sky at full

the ftrrt Wwof/, the Hr nnhicky omen mentioned by Sahagun lioccUtidr. helli-v were regarled a*< rvpreivwl ing or expressing lice

in tlie (d*j*v-i|wHfd chapter oh. ml jwrtrwU, Tlu- mh-couI UH*ott is

devouring darkness itself. In fart, wlwii we hack hark on the series
the bird tuuMiu wliidb we dial) make the aci|naint42ue of hid.m in of deities, atnuiigkt wImuiv tlie figure <4 tW s|i*drr is inelurhd, hi
the thirtewtttli week, ami fur this lard the nririr, flic two agave- mu fuiex Borbouicus. they are lw*idr> Xmuutcatl, .l/oyo iuV,
leaf spike*, arv rharacteritr. Tl(nuzf*tlpnntte\dli, ,Vcrtfcmf*enJ/i, ('hnfcJki uA-

8o far tcalex Bcrhmirvb and the Auliin Tonalanaati arc in tegofin, Xockiyttrtiitl, find rliey are mete Hgim*> which in one
accord. The cilier figures*till to la* ment oned, which hi Codex 1
Bunk *. (>. 5.

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10. TV* Twmljr Holm of tb* W4. 5*

place nr another are cooapciasd by tin* lDJcr]Krt-r in the M*rie IViku the information we have already gathered we must fire!

of deitie* who Ml from heaven," and arr obrsouriv nt*?mt for inclined to regard the relation* of thi* deity to the fourth iLiy *igu
Tsitzimimt, tbe gods qnr A ello* |ionen low temao**," tit are even a* the morn original. The fourth day *ign i* evttzpalin, the
actually described %- such. Thi* vine m in a nxMMirr *up|N>rtod by " l.lmni.' about which I have above stated that, * range to my, it

tbe fart that oci the

UltmrUi b mnata mictlanteculi, " Iw-riilc tin* vu taken a* tbr emblem of exuberance, uf a NSperabtmdimee of
pirtnre of Uh *fndrr or** aim given rjwthe recognised cymbal* uf water, lint I think that here another *| print relatfon domhiate*. In
tbe tnrand in <hr four wnwn a couple of chart dark hand*. the pn-turv* where the various day rigns are araigned to tie* Ualily
Tbe removal of TnmtHipom- 7>yMpotteff i. originally the ruler f jwrt* of a man. or of the god Ifocuri^ur&iff d*gnt*wd in the form of
the third liar rign, to the third writ ha* had the effect of (winging a ilrer, thr linud i* in one place (Codex Bcrgw) |*ut for the
him into relation with the day which i* denoted by the ciphrt in another (Codex Vatioanu* A) frw V womb ( l^tgarlixa nella

utw* and the rign lWr" A certain inconrictency had no doubt madrke drill* donne ). Hence the xrxual itwpnlM- und the texiial

heir been detected; hence the interpreter* explain that the fruri wu act would *eem to la* tbe original notion in this sign. TV nvor-

Md t on the day l. |Wr,

Imt nrt till the eighth day of the fkmtng fertility to whirh I Kate previou*4y refened k* naailv deduced
week, an the day 8. Jaguar (clicmei tjedoti}. from tbi* aMm-iation. Hut. a* we hall [w nurt ly **e. the gai apjowr-

The day 1 |Wr" in itaeir the initial day if the third quarter to be alwi intelligible from thad fundamental concept, p*|#cially if a
of the TonaUmatl di*]*M*d in 1-0)011*11- nf Hie cum |Wkrt incut*. and one further extension of the idm la* jeMnrtled to Mnuiatlity and worldly
f tie- lit** days which Iwloftged ti the **.-rn quarter if the plemtirvp in general. ( jutly. we itin umierstabd how the uitcrforetcx*
Im-hi eii*. For f Jib* rnw* flie *ai*e day had it* special significant brought tier figure Into relation with the guilt of Adam, tiia fall of
in the U]*rn4ilitiUM uotien* of th- Mexican*. It wa* owe of the day* the ltr*t man.
when the * with . vUt**| by live ghostly women who dwell in When* the ruler of the fourth day Mga w figuml iw the |drtwre
the west, the I'nuipifrOtiti, the wait* f Women dying hi childbirth, writing* of tlm Cod**x Borgia group we *ee an aoinml with rather
the female conateejiart* to the tlain or imtimfotcd warrior*, the lung, aim net dreriik# brad, but with fli-e daw- h> the feet nml a
women a ho trike infant* with *|4le|y and beguile men to lung tail, thawing aho a* a ipecial mnrk a Iwowd i-ellow Imtul drawn
lewrino* and e*n. And tli*vfor one rthe wonid) of the inter* (Tocawimi over and about the eye. hence niwtl trpmwnl the old
pnder* of Codex Tellcriiuwi ttemenri* remark* at the tfov *
|. iWr cogot/. The animal is adiirned with hw ear-p'-mbuit a|.).r*nitlv uf
rmtsam jiriir*uu y nudu. humor**.* nsrtal in tbr ha]ie of a V with tnvohited emit, hence of lie form
naod by thr Mrxttwn* to drtn4c the sunlieatrw ia tbe jdrtnre of the
tun. Willi a dm forI rr-ap]M*iiifoge tbr Fire Uod. ruler of the fort

Recent of the Fourth Week re xoc/titL wrek. i* decoratnl in Codex IVwgin. tker the forehand of the
coyote a thong u pne|aiblr, whirh on the front ride lew* tbe

A *prrial figure, fV^ertvy^/, h agnin giveu a* ruler of the Court li figure of a spreia* uf cotinga ( jriithMvti ITh* lxq* nf thi* lowri-

day sign and f the fourth week The satiie- moan* "the old coyote,* I liand mnu to be ie)irr*eiited by tbe cou|b* of wib which are
hut by thr interpreter* l* abo Inundated or explained aa "the ohl funutbnl with a tuft of down, and |*ufort at the aide* of the howl,
k*A~ (el engafcado), " file Wkhiter or miirhirf malriT w Tkb figtitv exactly like wliat we tudl agaia inert with tbe Sun (iod nf Cudrx
ha* not yet been met auiMngrt thedeitie* venerated by the Mexican Borgia. A* na|* or hack ornament be wear* the whig or tail of

tribe*. But the inter)**!** rejwirt that lie wn god of tlir Otomi |
an anua. The right claw luAd* a string of Iwad-flmjetl praciotk*

nation. And the * range ntatemeut I* found that be had tirred up done*. Facing and half below thr royrte is awn a man |Junguig
strife tvtween the Te|*m<re* and the other ]*eo>|ile. and that mice downward* with hi* rear thnari upwards Thin would br the "raid*
then war*, liad prevailed cm mirth. TV OtOWBl and Tcfwnncs are del jirimrr h ombre " nf tbe interpreter*, if lliey IimI at all *iu*b a
wear mdghhsim and dwelt mtenuingfod together. and by thi* double figure liefore tbeir eye*, and uulera |wrba|w wv should ec in the
statement the g*i would really *nm to have been n**igned to a pirture a still mure significative meaning tlmt of the M *udooiita

definite terri tonal district. pacsente." Lsutly, from the mouth uf the coyote protrude the tail
54 10. The Tvmty Riders M tbe W**k

end of a Hi** snake, asm! a strmtu f hk*I which into the hjm| T*4leriiiXMi Kemenci* the ivnxde ha* simply dng> ears, in owr
open beak of a Iwrd uf pn*y figured al*iv* the coyote. This bird i* manu*tript them are cut off, nmj fnuxi |Ih* wouiaU tlietv flow* m
neithrr ha eagle w*t a* owl, but in every rw|*wt resembles the huth e*ilc a thick stream of hlinel termitmt ing in |Ukrf4tal fiwtluwv.

third of the thirteen hint* (*e above. ji. 33). who (#> some extent Ill our uiaiHiHTipt the eojmt* w**tn> a n*ck-haal id jogiwr-ekin.

pfNn to oonw]mud to lha god XecUifriUi m Ma<nitxorkitf. The ttndikii on the iwiter side with imuI-4>>IU. and un hi* hreact the
bird which l* furnished with arm*. and in the following idg* in the demnttausi of the Wutd-4id |MW|MUwd from a
intnsiored altli the Wl (kniiW, most also t rofiorai to the large marin* he||. Hilt hi t<Mlex IV 'Hmiux-.u *ml Telk riano Kcmcnai*.
sain* *|Mtc4e. For the stream of blood flowing front the month a u well h in Fodex Borgia, the l*v*l-otnium*i*t i* tit# oytnudli,
symbolic meaning tnul naturally hr assumed. I may witUn^ two nr lungil udinal MHtkai- In lagli of those diN-oiiient* he ai) wear*
pktnru* 6r cMupariaon : tlie large IharatfqpMtt figure *et round a *imilar omamenl a* an r:tr-fH*nilna1 . It Im furtlier mAeworthy that
with <ky *ign. in Codex Borgia 17. where from thr region of thr on the bn*kv4-Jike Haint the (yutVaafromi/^ worn on hi* hat* by the
|*>ni* U moi ft < wing jnat wnch one* her blood stream. by which {YvwytW of TrUerlano KemeiMix, are shown the four ball*, the
this rrgvoi u connected with the sign < uttopeUi* aw! further, lgn lo*aUi, the ermtiut of MitrtiUwhui, the god of *foct and
the already above mentioned group (j. 40) beside Tonnmtomtli the dance, and of hi* ateociaUe.
(Fig. which re|ireentj the sexual act by a broad stream of In tVidcx liurgiu (nrtng the get I* dc|drtod the *tgn of war
I4ood jomng from the mouth of one |*r*n to that of another. hicld. bundle of *|wns haiid-flag. axel the | peculiar tlinra-cfub

Wtaia Crufoynt/ in tgand * ruler of the fourth weeh, we *ee which I have almady above de.-nbwd with r)>eyciflot/i. llrlow w
turfend of a wrote a man with a a*yute* head, or efo* (TtlwilWi) again ecu the man plunging downward* with upt hrurt rear. In

Uemrasis Mid Vatkwnu* A) wearing a coyote's head a* a helmet our monu*4Ti}it, the Aubin TunakunatL the coyote bold* in hi* right

tn**k. wham Imiv I* looking C*i t from the g*|img Jaw* Ilf the coyote. luted a M|ilr uf agave *fike*. in lit* Left a rfrip of |*(rr fumUhed
In Codex Itagia the coyote lit o- If in dkst lagoiihed bv I lna *ine with n k.,, uar knot, which perh*t]e reprD*rnt floven. 1 But in Ckt
|vcililarixie* n* thorn just described. But the bmd-dmu k* mj4er RncHmicu* and TeUcrinno Remcncif 1ruacoyvtl i* swinging the

nothing but a leather thong tied in a knot with the two rude goard mttle <ayemicAt/ with one hand. In the other he hold* a

landing out on both tide*. And to which an* Attached a frw scrap* flower in Codex Barbanku*. atwl in Tellerauio Hcisfiuii a strip of
of ddn. Me wiar* a necklet of saatl-shrJU, and on a thong at the (wper with a riband bow, and together with this a human farerui,

bteost a painted egg-shaped ring, apparently the longitudinal section a dead man's bund. I manor -pretend to snv what the latter con

of o large maiUdirll. which i> figured in the picturr-book of the signify here.

Florentine BiMiotecn Naxiaaole. and there called oyoyi. M Pam

In Codex Tellefiano
a woman, who
with the
on a chair in an averted attitude,
Clod UmttOfrt is

V Trvnawj 1
would correct this to coyoH: bat the word is oytnutUi.
which in the Axter text of Sahagun b described a* a kind of hand' slow Idiag ci|nna* tears and holding in her luusd the sign ruitlnti,

kw*SI, a ruffle, which i* wont at thr ankle by the fFataonurfninuo.

Filth, Unlwre.** The third interpreter gives m lier name IrnrMli,
CiizUofMchUi, the figure of Ttzontlipoon. and the TofocAlin. whirli he Inuidates the eye* Wind with ashes," but l)**eile her

nhriwnly n* cantonet*.* ha* mUWi the iiNine Swrti iptevrtt, that is, Xock^fH*nl. lie explain*
her as tin* Mexican Kve, tlie find rinner ; and says *lm is liera
In our muu.iw-rifil. the Auhin Tmialnajat I, in (Valex BorUxaicue
rcj;rv*i<iir.l weeping 6tw Imr foot happiness, having leea driven froo
and in TelUriano Ke?m*n*i, the coyote it (minted red. Bat in
|*tn*u*e lienuise he hud broken a flower. Farther m I shall return
Curie* Horhoniciid, and liltewiee in Tvfleriano Remeiiao*, a breml
to this legend when dealing with the niH*enlh week. Tlie
yellow trijie ia alao diatinctly drawn over and about tlie eye, exactly
like that 4 hiwu by the novote of fade* Batrgia. While in Bothnicui
of |np*<- vitk rilund knot* ses sn in tku fuusftl ?er*a:y.
S-ji-tt sirifsi

best III nf tin ir, tbe Ftorentiae Biblint* Nuimsk i* Jie Iks (*o4
DMH(eiaa Cu4>m Pul tie Bcwt^OA, )> HI* bssjlrt utt< offering In Ike dtoi lid koiii* tie *r*n jug The nllntyi srs
f ranifi y* .-Will ir, -h faiyt'/xrfMr ytum rayvf*t Mriamyii uffiaaUi (hilafn nnd.ofetedly awsnt * un iitcrta.ncti1 far tke desd, sad witk tie M*wiu *11
* Ik talnninasnli nadniwl will kiu sud IWma

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Ml The Twenty KiJen <4 the Week. U
interpreter aid* further that m her honour the people faded osn nud right are wen offrring*, 1 rusd. m an Hie j
receding heet, a *nak*
bread and water erery eighth jw. This m obviously the torn m piece*.

ittMumhfudixtii. the eighth years fomt of whirh Stbagun 1r*ll* iu. Lastly, in our mnauscript two musicians are figured. Thar wear
We fcht.II of that, arcKsrdiag to the picture shown ht ^hdutguiT* a nap witli large aid mid ear*, an aycnojllt an the hm**t. ami an
jnju>iis*n|it. the goJde** A'ueAiqpwfsn/ real r I played the thirf a|ifin>dagp to thr girdle with rnttling <nail**hrll*. Bath hold in nfte

(art at this ferut. How extendvely Mtoh conceptions lav at hiuad n gourd r.utle. ixynenchtii . one brat* the skin drum, tistifuiu-

the basis of the picture* of the ralemlrir ruler* i* n*ett in the wewetf ,
the other hold* in hi* left hand n |>eculinr mimcnl iu*tnim<'iit,

fart that iu t'odri Borgia J- tin* Iwly /xue*!ti i rejwraentod which ou the upjter bonier i* again specially |H<tuml. and is |a*riaa|w>

faring the (hid (Vweevywtf hi the mate aterfeil attitude anil weeping, a rattle with a string feiKlnnt ending in a tael.

I Kit in her right hand holding a vessel with anhe*. Nor i* *le THti* Tnoxitipeea. tle warrior, lord rti the third sign, is folloaed in
aWut from our manw*cri|*, the Auhin Touniamall. where she i the hearth *ign hy the genius of the danee-bnute. the a*oeiate of the
ni|ve'ntd ! wealing, Iwd but in the averted attitude, and .Yonlwpie']*ii, the |iitnHt *>f the ivM*termi* and wertaibly nut very sternly
strewing ashes from a li*h. thi the other hand Codex Horhoftinis, l*rfwmnnce wbirh tail plan* in the dam**- home Iwfwerti it* occu-
strange to say, iWr* bt *lmw this figure. |*mt*. the unmarried warrior- and tlie court e*ub*. Halt (hi* god |umld
te}e% TelleriittKi Remeswi* M umhl] WWiHne* itwlf to the two take the kwui of a coyote rann nlmosi a rarsal idea. The nyote tail i

chief wnoDa But in the other innausrript* the group w further worn by the knrhina*, th>ilMii ydnif t be Artrona M
>| - Awd a* n lux

*n|iptanefirtcd by figure* of ranger* ami minstrel*. In Codex Korgia (Toor Fo) is nl*> 6gwn*l .Vrucvfo*r#, the tlam-e-graj of the d'olomlHna

nod Vatkanttt H we hnve a unger who ilbplay* wild twrltarie t 'liilshn*. the gnd <*f revel* and of craft*! new. Hut in the detail* the
frattue*. or what is more penbnMe a comic mask Around ht* loral view* *eem jin4ifwl Coyote figure* were nl*>> a*crjl*'d to tlie goU

eve t* a ting ] tainted with ftfotf, a white infusorial earth ; also iVf tire A*, tlie frai tier-workem. who claimral to have come from V I

about the mouth, only

the mouth.

the ring in drawn to a point behind the
cnmxi of white disk* ebrtrrlre the brow,
the north as Chirldtiie***,
'lle character uf tlie tttomi*.
immoderate and iuibndb*l iu the m>ximJ
who were rude
n-laiioe*, ami
comer rf herwidi,

while mi anlmniV ear w rtack behind tlie temple. He wear* a ihdightcil to Mfuattdrr ther uhsui* ami tliw vW* harvrut In pnaracterl

neckline of MiaUrahell* on the brusrf the <#90110// attached !> a orgie*,* I in* evkhMly Imwi tranaferrvil to their gist, amt chi**h| him
thong, ami an eyutnrf/i al*u a* an ear-pendant to I* taken a* the type of the geniu* of the dance- liortsc.

Iu Codex BofbunfoM we we a miircaa. Hie hair is drvwd When CVuaeuyotf, ruler of the fourth day sign, wa* aiwi made
iu the (trie of a ehief. but about hi* mouth and eye i* also -Iiowii nsler of the fourth week, in I hi* imtnare a waitable sign wa- fonnd

the |taii>1iug wltli wiiite chalk, and be t wears on hi" l wvul tlie in tin initial ragtr of the wiwt. Till* a* /w rarXiil, 1. IWr*
oyeuoAfr attached to a string. He i* rested mn a chair, ami m lauding tite fiign nf the giMhlra* XaehitftuUtiL a we ludl see. Tie- remark of

the akin drum. the (io/pon-iieiuW, Before lii* mouth we wr the ! the third iBterjweter of Telleriano UeunmU tlail rlewe baw umhw
little tongue dmnting upeech. and higher up ornate peceh, rang or |
this sign will beowne singer*, phyh*uuBft, weaver* of garment*, and

music. are rcpv**rd by n large ornamental tongue hearing a flown diwlingui*hed |emunft. Iia* rrferenor to this tvrutiMh day *ign, the

Above and below are further shown two Abtr imtraiueat*, *ign of AWAv/H4t*uf. and not to the fourth week. But the initial

of the fourth week ha* also U* tcpotsal mowing. the v

a crmlail and a turtle* um|orr, htli decked with a Aowvr, like sign It >

iiwwt of the object* depicted on tiii Awt. lie pkrforv I* completed initial day of the fourth quarter of Tonakixnatl which is di*po*Ml

hr a few itlwitifr symfod*

<Hi the upper header to the right a
: in columns of live rumjiartmentK and accordingly betongw to tlie i

to the left an eyu <>iitvLu|icd in h*Au. from which wutitrm wart er of the hravena. the region of the un.
coful pouch ;

radiate four grran disk* (four Jewel* Y), Behind am stuck in the cvo*a 1
1 ikeaa u crrwe may be detected in the kiviig r tsprmliKlKo n n the

a few spike* of an agate leaf, the thorn* of ntorti Amt km 'diddivA- right **i <4 U> pKlwra tkisr itw fust of t'****-, Ho i tlKrei h*kt
w ilh -genojs >i f-jnlfci. oitll) * us tte pneaHag *Wi u>la.
Tilt*, a* we rball s*w. i* a wgn of midnight. For mafuight
U*w from the temple, and the pried
gudja/raw'l But of o>are m
aiHucliot, *uch * t* ten NpfOHWtcd, ctti
war* tiie time when the horn h* mftdi- twlwces the jpmrd tad the fooc-jmil of the god '
jus* (i> mortify the twelve*. On the lower harder of the sheet left Cf. P*Wa 1(1. 7U.
| 5 i i :
la Tl TwnJj RiiWr ef th* Weak.

Hll fifth ifC tK of tlifc* week i m-nmilcnfttfntin, * 5. I.imnl,'* the Slone image* Ilf tlie Water (iudifcM by two rectangular chisel led
a** of I Imp fire god* of tli* dance, Mini* and wteue prototype (jpuftp* eilged by sharp lines. 1 *n her no*e the godilcw wears an
* Mot-ntJsjMAtO tli gud aim Imir tb# -UtT with lire heart |re ornament, which to siin extent rewembW** the tuual oruauienl of the
totvli-licsuvr*}, anti wear tin* four HUh nf I Ho Ioami/Ii emblem on Kart h iiodlew% W hurt samsirts of n donbie-losuleil snake. Ahcme
tiurlr shield and cb***ir Humor*, ami in <*IX Borgia ami Va*irsunn H tlie forehoad are nusd two locks* and the hair ia etarsrclmt by a
appear M associate* U the CimapipUti*. 1 They may H* li*iinguMlied IhuuI of sltell dUka
a# fits no uu, "southerly, iuad are douhlte*# relisted to (lit* fVu (asm Thu guiidi-Mk k* psctuml more rrwliscimlly in the other iihuiw-
t'itZMM, the rider brother* of rUtUoptjtJtfh, by whom they were M iipta AA>j where*-#* hr a* ruV* of the fifth a.-k [ n
overcome nnd slain, fhr mine who, atoorduig to the Hi^Uvu de Wm Osin Teilrriano HemrnKU vesture, hewl^lrv** and na|ie-tM> are blue,

Mexienno* pie *u* Pintunu," am- *dn|*ed an their tribal gd* l> the and both from the head-diea* and the robe bang down flu* familiar
inhabitant* of the psrorinoe of ( iuox which, however, hoald certainly hlue lianda with the snail'shelU at the end the hsrrc^1y|ih uf water.
he- Cuzurtlan. In any case. to these god* oi the dunce, song aiui In (udrx Burfonicu* and in our inanuacnjit blue is th# ivilmir at
quirt mu-< be referml the remark of th* third inter |*vter of Vast of the head -die** and of the nape- tie. which is cliamrterirtir of
TeUerinao K**iumvl cm this week, where he with. ([leaking of the water and ionize deities in the Mexican territory papier, aud
fjimrtli **

They my that all dam with A of thin olWcmUi relate can be seen in it* rol form on tlie stone images irrr boautiful.
to this fall (that of Adam, the first man), heraim* l*e for instance, on Humboldt's Hrftresae irtt^ur rti Vv+ 4m CortidUrm,
*1 d mil on thin day.*' PI. 8. The figure in Codex HortsuiiciM sliows wry clearly the
>p*eekrpi*miti. i. the diouMer-wntp of the rtone statue* terminating
fw-fore and heliiud in triangular rip#, and with the charm* e/irtic
Kulei- of the Fifth Week or until. tufted trimming. Ill Coder Horhonicii* and to oar mnnuscri|4 it is

likewise eay to m*ogai>o the twin of the fillet ns the rtune image*
The lady of the fifth day sign aoinsfil. " Snakn," is also the ruler
uf the fifth week. i^be is Ckalchiuhtli<a*, i.e. CtnlcXinkt/i kiit,
thr narrow string wound M*vend (3 or 4) tiiuw round the hriuL
and ttordereil alw and lefow liy a row of abe|] or stone dlk*. In
or CkaickittiU icue. * whN raiment, whose rangiui cMudsta of gr**w
three bf4>tnetrt ion#*! dorament# the |inting is rod, and
gems the Water Ooddess, the Inly of the flowing Water an tlie

in Codex Botbmkwi one at kart of the two


black band, on tine

ajipropnate repfenoriation of the sign " Ikakr." For the moving,
cheek t* rloarly shown. Tlie Iwudle^shnped nasal jdate is Mue, aiui
flowing water tow evswy where and at alt times been likened to tha
has the csrnate form, auggsoiing the content i.oaI design of a butterfly,
serpent. In cultural centre*, which are dedicated to the Water
which induced Dr. Preu>< derire all euoli handVvha|ji'd twusd
Uodd*** dm PUt*u
ii* Atn<vtr, for inatanre, which lin* been exjilorcd
plate* and their further ertnrent-like decekijmoent from the figure
by Wmwi no Started the ground swarm* as well with image* of
of tlie bnttetfty.* In Cmlex Telleriaao Kenienids the guddew* lediis
make* a* uf frogs.
Jti the [hrtore writing* of the Codet Norgia group. where tlie
in one liaiul a pinile with yam (Ixauafom, m nUxontly, in tlie other
the wseslen knife ttolPuyN^li, whirl* swim for tightening the
gohle-* U rrproswutod a* Lldy of the fifth day gtu we are lier
of the fisbrie. lkitli aru implement <if foruale isalustrr, ami the
in (Welly attire, the tints uirMfnd huiih|#e-clut h yvcrAyiieoiiVf. and
gold#**is by them rim)dy liistinguidHd so a woman. Hut in Codex
the euagwa ewsirf, each embellish*! with a bn awl green band and a
IWhunwua she cnrrirw in her right hand the ortopiHi, ?Tnfoc* reed*
Urge green fak. tie jewelled ilhk (fWditiif). Tlie fmv looks
*taflf. in the cXlier a woudna ihj*ct of a fursn na kieorn from other
oat firom tin* piping tliruwt uf a serpent, It m jiamvd yellow, the

fiaial colour of women. and am h -jevml nark it show* on the barer 1

A feiw imsg* nf Ue Water (oMcm U tbe lirsn. ia lk iVwtr
well k(K>wa
border of the diwk two short, thick, rort angular deep black atrijieix # Huuibilip. nc'"tuy?si inter lUt tub uf lr*i n**.

which mt avidmtly base Wa ovule >4 <aoutehrmr. ami, a* 1

.O, *',TfiA\*rr,
I'l 1. 1.

TU- I#" wall lunA> in ik. rlwh nr* ke.'c
or ila not dutiad. Bat tiw UU (VifoUno f ike
have already abenw |cdnhti out (p. 15>, are also fiilimtlr shown on KeotCl. M iwsa for Vi4krkwde m iVrio. aatins tveml sf*' -twits cfoarlr
sbioritw this ilblisctio tuark uf tbe (fwldf#.
CL my atewlatioti of UmWs Borgia - Clkhua " 74 ( 1*0*1. pv 17 nd SLh I
Zsstschrif t fir Elbsobwie. (IWIl). UlM

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10 The Tweniy KuWn *4 tbe Wrwk. 57

In the Sihogun manuscript she b nquipfirri with (he only emblematic of the inut ability ond eurnesceace nf earthly being,
(Mrwitgili the rail Ir-staff of the water. earth. anil maur duties. in that it sweeps away ail thing*, but is alw the symbol of purifi-
la all three of the apecUfad documents. and alio in the tootlin' catkin ami Mraiuing; it removes filth, which is sin. Thus *je*k*
writing* of the Codex Borgia group. where the guddrs* u |iortravd the midwife when four day* after its birth die subject the 4iild to
-am ruler of the fifth week, a *t ream of water flow* fron her month. a ceremonious washing :
My son, wane unto thy Mather, tie* (ladder*
According to the statements of the interpreters, this would be an of Water. tAa/cAiwAiftiwe. >lay die detinue thee of the dirt which
emblem uf tbe worm pt of the utortwir*, all shall be swejrt thou Imst of thy father and thy mother.* . . .
My *. come to
away by tlie water," a* the Mexican* railed it emblem of tbe thy M-itlier, thy Father, tbe f.xdv C'A'flrJiixMtSic*, the lyard t.%U-
fleeting and abiding nature of earthly existence. And sundry cftinAUaJ!i>Hitr . . . enter the water, the Mu* iwwiMWoc), the yellow
things m*J pursuit* are actually wt-o being carried away with tbe (tozjMtbic), may it wasli thee, may M dean** Ih** |*ifertl>. may ft
tream in Cml IWMino Hemcnri* quite in front a wickerwork take from thee tbe tril mtAmA ffam Altai /rum Me L*rfi* tvr'su/ of Me
reed cheat (patiwnJli) with a string <f jewel*. then h mo with a Mprif, which dings to thee faxsau thy father, from thy imdlier."
hietij and bundle uf *|>ear*. and lastly n aoitwui. According to tle So far all tbe figure* and erinbol* which ' have met ae-**inted
raterjirrterv the first denote* In** of iwnpertT. ties wound death in with the Water (ihlc may lie understood. Man* ditikult to

wur. ami tbe bet. the woman. people Mild into slavery. Knell ia ex|hdn are mm* Other* : alter* tln Water tioddews in Codex Borgia
indeed tbe traditional ]*rocr*s plunder of jMiMwuionM, tine men I* figured a* ruler of the fifth day,
we sec uumrdutHy above Iter
tnaessrmd. the women eold into bondage. To the picture in a Miitrh f lierb* tied by a tnug and in form like the bcrlw
Teller Muo limanuii nxrrsjswKi* somewhat an-nratelv tluit uf Vati- (drug*) which tbe *lck figured on sheet IS of Codex Begin
mnu- H. where we ee in the stream first n string of gems, then a Imld* in life* IsumI. Hmeihly thi* figure is inlemkd to represent the

bundle uf *|**ar*. mid last of all a woman wit It a ruffs*. where** in Water (tixlitvM a> mother of ioultng draughts, of physic.
the ourcsfocsdiiig picture in index Borgia are seeu only a ruffe#, Mesbfe thb* buneb of licrb# we see on tbe left a vessel witb

and a wouaui with a riring >4 gem* in one hand, and with the perforated Kales tsmtaltiing yellow and lilnrk bodtee, ap^uresitly
ocher apparently iraim*ring a tuft of feathers in the stream. In gfewlag enihers and abisve them a bundle of yellow sticks, evidently
our monusrrijit. tbe Auhin Toualmnat I. rx|<m><ion is obviously give fuel, and lastly an indsarubber hall witb a solitary quetxal feat her-
to the same tic* inns, where we likewise are a woman, a string cf Hueh bolls, as we are told by Bishop fnuiiu, wen* common amongst
ge<n*. and a man swimming in the trram. Codex Borbunirus also tbe .Mayas of Ynratnn as burnt offering*. But in the city f M*xn>
hows hi the stream a wiwstau, and a man with shield and bundle of alio caoutchouc figures f atUtedl played a |rt as burnt offering* on
sowars in front. but then, no* rail of tbe string of gems the head* the great festiral of the Rain OocL And the whole afifauwtUM
dm** of the Knrtli Onddtn, bundle of wood ns fuel and rubber ball with the aingte <pnjcal

The bad-mentioned picture bring* (HI tbe *retje yet another feather above is likewise are in Codex Borgia 14 a* offerings to

element, which lu**> a Uutrt iwrw oho Imuid *x|*r*wioa in the rr|<re- the nine l^onh of thr night bourn And her* the fiamra burning
eratatio** of the varieu- uwuiiarrl|*M. In Codex Telleriuno Kemciwis fnim tbe wood show that tbe scene rrally depict* a burnt offering.
facing the godd*** b. figured live brail-drem of the Forth (loddess. Lacdly. to the right of the hunrli of herb* I# 4ion a small bird
with her ferial painting and nasal ornament In our in anti script of prey, who is furnialied with arm* aiol IhunIm obwit tlie wtnga,
we *w juet fronting tlio flididiiMlIiVMr the full Inw) nf the Forth and in on* band holds a bundle of rode in farm and sbr Idee tlrase

l Indie**, and lastly in Codex Burbonlru* the liead-dreu of the Earth wlikdi, iKuund together in a faggr*. rejm^ent the firewood of tbe
GoddfiM -* uiiea more deported in the uji|*r right owner of tbe burnt offering According t Sabagnn a Mid with bands Imutatotfj
picture. By tlun intrqirftsr* the Kart It tiialde** hsrdf ia in representcsl tlie image of AWobf, i.e, ftfonfernffi, th? liod of tbe
Tellerinno Remetisi* railed 7T*fo^t*nl/ (
'(ioddes* of |>irt," owl plainly Tefawc* and if tbe Otosnis. for whom tit* Mexiraas livid a great
exjNManded an Kin. which wo* frmw the beginning of Outaa. That ia fire feast no the Xacotf bk
tn aay, tlie water n this aasociotscm m to be understood is im MTiere the Water (loddtu* aj^enr* hx ruler of the fifth week, over
IwWfM C tap K. 1
Codas Btayia S ;
of Codas ViIkssui B 90 sat #f.

A* 10. Tb Twenty Mnhn l lh* WmI,

tho group an and In the itmun *f water viikh l have above dftMtfbad, aua|iW*iou meaning of tiki* sign. Fotr the rest. CkUoMtpttnnitl m
are further shown a bundle af a ?Hu*e with dwr* rhnrway. given a* the name of one of the five brother* of IkiMbMta/i, a* a
uni n twsfcrt with feather oraamerit. In mar nwum*mi>t, the Auhin god oa a *ign which wa* rmemfed by the guild of merchant*, of the
Tonnlamatl. we see fronting the gistd*** and akn iho iieam caravan leader*.
of water a bmarr, n box (fatlmnlli) villi 'pietml feail****. and
another of unspuo wool with stone head* amt iguetxnl foal turn,
Ruler nf the Sixth Week re mii/uizfli.
lawtly, in Codex Burbonien* ary- found. ilitriht*.1 rmuol about the In the *Kth place the day *igv and the fint of tlie week coincide.
tigurw of lb** Water Goddess, a number uf diver** symbol* a |uih|ue The sixth day i
Ihath." and tike beginning of the sixth
jtifg; symbol* of morlifitvtkm (a vessH with a heart, with the spikes week u the day cr muyinif/i. *
1. Death **
One would expert to aee the
of li^fAn* leave* where the blood ia symbolically denoted by a tiower, Lienth (iod figured a repirwenlatiiv nf (hi* *ign; but, d range to any,
and wstli rtraw* which to increase the |*in ww draw through the uch ia not the caee Tfo* ruler is on tlie (uarimry, Mdstfi. the
pierred ton^ti*'}; fnrtliyr, the sign of midnight rncnt iunnl on the Miwts colled also TnT<?i*ax!f, he of tlie MWt-wtiail," ho from the
preceding hw4. and two stones. LjmMv. below the guides* i* bown *a*nnil." being m> named heron *e it i* explained I*t the third

a figure M*oewbirt cWIt mwmbling tbr design which in tbr interpreter of Codex TeJleriai Heiaeiikfi* a# the mail cvume* from
Sah ajfuti uuiauiM-ripf of tin* Bitdinteca tW FoWio is gireR of tbr it* *I*MI. 9o man fnau hia un^bor'a vomli,'* "The inswai in the
fithdin tfiimitnt, "the sluarting star, the Galling star, except tlmt. the .Usxinui* oui*w the procreation of imm.''
of union rf
lUrrtcod of an arrow with Hoc** |Miivt, two stalks shoot out from the It m reitkarkahfir tluax tlw iimmiii play* no |ut at all in tho
forehead, The hilling star* would therefore Mem, doubtless owing calendar nf tlte Mexicans ami only a v*-ry aubrnitmate one in tl*Hlr
to their mpkl movement, to have been brought into relnikwi with W-geioh* In the ojtaiteni manuM>ri]it * it b figured a- an agwl |* rnu * i

the Water Goddess. ww wo it a* oca old mNwun in Codex Ilorgia II. oiierw the man
Tlie fifth wm-k, which ia now mini by the Water Goddem. stand*. a rrprrwrntatiir af the sixth day *ign; a* an old man with
rejrrc*mt*t rve of the fifth day. (
'hmldk uAiticur,
i is properly the igu bcordeij fare and bloc fbmre dark) colonr of body, in the rum-bonding
or the name of (/nuttalcouaU the day (or the year) on which place, sheet 30 of Codex Vatu-miu* B in Iwth ran-* with the
according to one authority he wan buna, and at the amr time the teceiXli, the wa-snailV house, on the Vww. Moreorer in birth |<4ace
day (or the year) on which here all account* agree hr died and besiiie the ^*1 is de|<i(Xed a kiad of animals throat, formed of the
*** changed to the mortviag star, Ce ueo/f ia therefore distinctly star-id udded niglkt *ky, louble*e an ex|m**ioai of tlie devuunng
a mine of and several of the remark* made by the darknr**. A* an ohl iiuia. ami inde*H an ff priest (with the red
interpreter* at tbi* week are referable to him. and not to the raler ijrt om hi* temple *)u lie i* hI-** figured sheet fifi of Codex ltorgin,
of the week. In Codex Teileriaiw Kefiieni we in the | receding axd in the corre*|*mduig plan* on that 54 of Codex Vatfeniuu* B,
dig the Mgn of the IwumI *- diowv at owe day which within wtiere lie is ruler of the sixth week, In C*ftex Vatjoanu* the okl
the week **em*d from it* nature the mat appvojrriate to the nature man bn* furtlier n alf as a j*nn in walking. Here the marine
of Che ruler; at tlie second week, whose ruler i>* ^wrfvtleo%u*U, the mail -shell i uipwing. Iit a* anuther di*liiRiive note he wears a
ninth day (Aicwtnui trend ;
at the third, whowe ruler i* Tq*yotlo<f, wreath of finwer* on his hair. Hut in the fir*t two |4ares. where the
the eighth day fliruey Here, at the fifth week. we tee the tiKeai is ruler of the *Utli day, tlie iie*t alone i* dejiicted, whereas
*igu of the hand at the scieath day, (Airoute quumitU *7. Kain. ! in the last twu jiImix-h. which exhibit the uhmiu m ruler of the nxth
wUirli in fort of all the day* of tltie week amorer* br*d to tlie ml me week, tlie Sun <ud is to he sin over againmt the old god of the
of tlie Water Guide** lb-wade it the *eo>al inteqirHer ha* remarked, lunarorK t'hi the nurutl voodea arnsrhair * *ith disks of jure ions
*|i*e M-rrna ricoa." And *urh, acToeding t the Mexican way of stone*, the UoitrfMlli. i> seitfcil. mrt the Sun tbs), I Mil (Ke old |-iest the
thinking, wuxt really have hren the cme. For, an stated hy ftvtiagwi, Mmm tiikd. And in tlie s|MH-itini |<k^- of t'uki ltorgin the Hun Hod
all ijay* with the numeral iwien were in relation with the M*i*e U de|a<etl facing him iu a worshipping altitude, kneeling hivI with
fitddi'o, who bore the name of (Aianiw anuifl And the lgn lUin," left hand ow lu* bimut. In ('mlex Vatimmi* K the Sunt iod n also
and the Water Godde**. eftigy of thi* *igti, could hut enhance the s-ttid, M, Inkwecer. ill the armchair, the fewc/** Ut, lutl on a seat

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II). TV* Twy Rube* i lb* W*sk. 59

without support covered with a jaguar-skin, and, owing to tit* *rni> is tempted to regard this figure, rather than TVreatfi/xttu. as the
being crossed, Until bind* lw on tbe breast. I brltne this it ruler of the sixth work, and as the Mo* God, whereby one might
intended to figure tbe attiiuile of submission wlurh olie *- i4ill fancy that horn the Moon God is conceived as a sort of (vmtrost to
assumod by the Mexican nod Central American Indians towards their the Hun God. But such a s nr nuse is opposed to tlu* fort that this

marten. dark god is tine genuine ixnnter|uu1 of the Sun God in the sixth
In the three other manuscript* the Moot* God. with the .Sun week of Trileruuso Hemeusst. for he also bolds in one hand a shield,

God fnexiig him, is likewise .portrayed as ruler of the sixth week. a bundle of spears, and the jasniliar notched wrojem which hen* taolu
Ilfflt brre tine Moon God takes the form of Ttsentli/jocn. The like n sword of the sword-fish type, while the other Imlil* high up
fraud tio is shown by Codex Telleriano Uetnensi*. where the sun is a bird whirb is here painted a green rohmr, tSo not hing remain*
seemingly the chief person, and is also w> regarded by the interpreters. exrrjit to conclude that this figure of Codex Borbonkw*, which in the
He is painted a mi colour, wears the solar disk on his bark, and sixth week is depicted faring Tt*eni(ipoax, h intend*! to n|irowat,
holds in one hand a hint (the rofrn^wr awabiiia'!), in the other a not tbe sun by day. but the sun by night the *u which in tlie

shield and bundle of spoors, with a jiecxiliar sword set with stone dark finds Us war from west to east through the mdiu of the earth
knives, recalling the pointed club of the girds TtptyoUvtii and oc the under-workL
IVuetvijroff The Moon Uoi faring him is similnriy punted as a lu <mr uuuim-ri|>< the Hun Giai of the sixth week {on the left

light hut pale rod cohutrod god, As the Mom God, the Tec-ci&ecaii, shin of the sheet) U depicted almost exactly like the Sun Gud who
lie is rleariy rocgui***d hy a Urge sro-Mjuvil shell which he wmr* on on short 11) of tbe nwuiumpt is represented facing the Death God-
hit* neck and by the flower wreath in hit hair. But he shown the The jewelled fillet, tbe feat her crown, the roller. tbe breast ornament,
nltematlng yelluw and rod tww tnis-ls of the (octal painting <rf and the peculiar butterfly * wing-like neck ornament, are exactly tbe
the rvd TesevtilifMPm . and also haan* the unmortf. the white ring, same. The (aunting u somewhat different, the upper ludf of tbe
Tetoiitlifiocix'ii breast ornament. Hna God's face on wheat Ml being a light pink with throe rod
J justly, in Codex Bnrbomnas, and in our mafmsrrq't. the Aobrn angular hand* about the hack comer of the eye. while the whole face
TotoaUtnat 1, at the sixth week Temtit i poca and the Hun God are of the Hu* Gd on sheet fc is red. Above, facing him. is likewise
abuse* depicted. In our manuscript Trsodlifyjen. representative of to hr seen tbe wn-snuil's shell, and below him tbe eye enveloped in
the Moon arotrd as the chief perron to the right on the
(iisi. is 1

darkness, tbe symlad of night. In his hand be holds the ma/fannon/fi,

itcWsMeyrt/Jt, theend nrvnfxrrad with a yigmu-skin. The Hun Clod the not pouch of tbe hunting tribes, and fronting him is the mine
U seen Wing him on the left side of the sheet Hie figure w peculiar notched weapwi as is sewn with the other solar deities of
smaller. and no hU m shown. (n Codex BorlKmicuw Tetratkpoca tbe sixth week.
com** fr uit the left, and W-ing liiiu mi the right side of the sheet j
In our uiamtseripi the rojirosenting tie* Moon G<ri
is the Hun God, or, to *|*wk murw mruraMy, a figure which in its t figured with his usual attribute*, the facial (Minting of alternate
attitude aad adornment. es|eruUly the form and material of the yellow and black crus* bonds (irt/aa Ifaifanny. the smoking mirror
crown. rewrmWes the Hun God, who* in tl*e same uuumerritd a lew nr his ear. the white ring, uauudC/, on his broad, ami on Ids
sheets farther on. is portrayed Wing the Deads God hick the qiutaaltvmitl. the large i(netnd<6ratber ornament in which
indeed one might well doubt whether the figure fu Codex is stUKk a banner- -all exactly as with the JVwaif/ijrtm, who
Hwlntiwxis notify represents the Hun God. m> must however be represent# the twelfth yearly feast, Teotitov, in Codex Telleriano
aurniixed on r>m|ring it with Tellenano BeinmsU aad the Aubin Ketnenris, and the fifth yearly fro*?. Txrrmtl (of. Fig- 23k ln Codex
Tomdaiiual. For this figure differs from the true Hun God of Varimnui* A. In his right hand tbe fsmtfbjion of our marm-
alieet Iff in that the body and the upfwr half of tho (are are dark, eri|rt holds a few agate spike* with flower* at the u|tfr end.
while in fbs ** it ik** nrt wear the nasal rod of tb* Ham God, indicating the blood of mortification, in the left a few agavs-
hut a crescent like that of line Forth Goddess ami the pnihpie gods. spikes without flower*, i.#. the penitential thorns not ye< smrorosi
When it i further considered that above this figure are again to b* with hlood-
seen the sro-snail's shell, and before it. the ere in a dark patch, one Tbe ai Codex Borbonicns is likewise (itcturod with
M 10. TUi Twenty IJiiUts <f the Wtefc,

Ids- fik-iai |aiiiitmg (tMlon '{fitf-tait l dlzmI o> a Mack gl t ht!u*d with u small trnk* hat elmrly mi Ummbiis 1 *X Tintndo of his work, in
tht dnkuijj? mirror si lit* temple, the gwtenfaMDMtf with the iaaertad the very finu which Codes Burhsatcuw here diwiw* with Tnottiiftom.
tiaiiuer on hi* Nuk. the white anav ttO on lm hravt, the /hi MdmijdUi Only in Dwr&u the long trow pieces are asdimbtedly attached t*a

Undo! no&oya itbr knotted < L-y h with tlw InnMif of led eyes) the tupcv which is indeed iw urnl, sine* if tlm piece# wen attached
wound round hi# hijn. and tua f*et with the itzortli with #*imI;iN * In fpmt the tlnxe wxmld he itinder*d t this work. 3 Hat the
painted with a rising line, .e. the ntwidinn fnik**, But. ik always ftmlUjmrn of Codes Hub kuo iwiw. as is also unfnrtl. iw4
in Codes ifartwiim he wmr* on hi* l end n kind of crown which to ks\e the aU*ve>cfi1htr altartied at all, Inst only to rmrv H in his

is painted with the star *igi (cicit!>r}to% i*. rented white spots *i liniwf or on his shoulder. Tesmtiipem oilu*< I ho |ie*^ilfs at ha

4 Neck gnmnd without dottbl * sy in N1 of the night sky, and idiwwiirw detruding the ami raltkig the eOttiMMI folk, la
<fnrTv-i|imUng la the i*t*m&cUU cottic t*\#cttUla1iea ascftfaMcs which the 1**'lnig <rf abject >nihjtEf V*n to him. W
w* sdw eolM r*flWwnAm,
is neilimt in rxuioeHkni with the oaetnnie of Pesmtlipwsnr sent are are hi# dum"
A spear tun) a net {touch fnMtfflsiwtfftj above his fiifiir** seetu
intended to designate Totmtliptc* m a Chichi after pxl- w }wwfta|a
inewo that the whole .Suit and Jfotot, rvpreeate the t?f *hr
ImBting Irihm, *w of l he CliicfeijiMc jeric*! To this fMsorswJ imi might
be refe r ted the fact that in the Awhia Tattlttad also the Sun iod

ri* *a wU*4 of He 7**rf4 reset, 04a Vmliwaiis A. | Pltf If i w4h SUv'p-oiIW. Cdn Bateuw 1? Mil P 1

*f the sixth Mgn tmlil# m hi# hiuid a ffsoiteisa^ft, a net (urh.

fur the rert*iieitiii erf Cmrtso by Md**ctthpna.# But in this oQtmfd |

sueli a* io with I hjvrw<tt,\ the htiutiiig god. And to this

Ji>-]4nT erf tie giid the nxi-t tftiklng olctcM-nr* ore k***jv two tsuuNxi
certain r ide iw^reteet? the
I little group which in Codes Borboniotu
<1a ei which rtf* *ttsni>ii to lu> uerk, *ro Sl*uIo together, ulul pros hied

Is to lie ttva at the sixth icign Mew the Sun dud. Tw*< }ter*>ins un*
wifJi n ilerp hlat-k hmjniLrw>ha|xd }sut, |.eitmje* ii|<pM-*l to he lmule
rwcugniovd : one smteit with agave epikes no hix ruck, who is uo
nf imetal. We <fall again tnoK with thl* ulyvt in two other plat**
Codes Hortswiicin
tluuirt nift-r.M fur a ]irie4 ; m| nw *tidtsngf a ho may isprenai
in (cf. Fig. 24).
* lxnW, Ihjt betsreun them we notice a hrw and arrow, tjio
It n evidently n gwaxik-floaMlf, a wooden collar, a dnwffar>
Chkhiniac wi**|m- And the >*e wboru I ha*w evplaimHi a* a irut
wbkh iNiniwhit <f Mter-like part now In of wood or iitetol wild
| joint m a St. Andrews isw whhh I* ite*aUW* intended to iiKlkatv
llted to the Berk, with long ero*e wooden nttnclitneut*. by width
the four hviitv ({nartsarx Whiiul which an arrow Is tlrfldr. ThU
it* jukk nuwwjiwit in the thicket nr iim*ng#t the people, or unv
is exactly a hieruglyptik- r*j of certain paMagiw in the
M|i>vsiKg of tlte body through the Imn of cage. nmi eamqiRitljr
Chu-Ltizuer Armies da tfatsuhtirkui, where tin* Clikhinvaw are thus
lliglit , were naturally mode i m possible In fiurf, this is the extort
Miinmuiiid s
description giinr, by Durrta of the rl*ve-oo| Ar. which In* figun*# on
The eettwr in It* am
form *w *ls> jouiaiLh lut^ um ilsHas u
* Ct. T*rtfniilihunpi ui dm Knni|l Nwnm filr Vulkerkwade, VI. lhni time. bfwl viltsa** tbs lUtlc pigs in mcb Junl4 Id
Kyd still la lbs '

14 Halt, P . 19ft this way. I* iM-rnl iImib free powtewtiag isln Its pboUtim* and lbs nun
* If, asp 4 . pcvaUius Sunn sod pfcmlariog tlen

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to. Tb* Twenty Rufer* id the Wmk. <1

ooA mimrrn uoyusywc IN wmjmi tin pit, omj*j uwf/o mi muy m 1

in the god. or from a great dtvnd of him, alio wa* wurdiijipwii

noyukqui f MnWi iiiic antiamiwizqiut a* giver of ail goal, n* donor H*|cially of Whlv Imnourv, but of

ftotfnhqu i iu dmadtnmpn inu;*o Hutfnmimtsque whom it a* aim wtiMpenwl that *ie he endowed with, another
wynAi pit in miUtbimjtu in ta juriulLtSfsiM deyrmrd of, honour* and wealth, euiindy ruwonttitg to hi* whim and
UtnfJti ttniltl u*J tutCy * i Saucy, Profile hariKUinri the mme him m the cbonr
feeling toward*
mtiiig the envy f the gmla

Y* Khali go unto tin* Kn*t nil* thore mIoniI, t * siixll *b*>oc
I world ge ex|irawion to in tlo*

toward* North, Inward* Wwt,

toward* South " (nod then? limit ^tlierefnre they tittinliled tlM*liowliea L*fav hi# elate*, to do him
tint hill#, yellow. white, red nnimoU, tho ragle. the jaguar, honour tin the day bribe* thi* *igu Lvgnn to (imiiil they removed

tlm make, the rabbit}. tUt Mrvntltu /oie-aW!/ire (ifttetttAtmeaif) from tlieii ntek, wmhed them,
tntliod tlieni, entertaiMl tlielu with good fore, a* if they were the
Tttaatlif,out it the magician, the dark >ue who pile* hi* art* by
lelcnel t*ai# of fi/irtmiem." and wlo*n thi* Hgn wa* in the sovmlant
night. The ayinliol iif the night #ky. or the tliurr firmament. he
children and gura* warn enjiilmd t*N to M-ohl. annoy w mo|e*t the
wear*. m we hate area, on hit forehead. That hr. the nocturnal
white* in any wwy. fearing le*l utherwiM* they I*j might fail into |auerty,
gud. tfcoukl n**wnie the nV* >4 the urh of night (the inaooX. ran no
wick ne** or nihdortum*. or even meet with tlie lot of tlie 4ave*thein>
longer excite tr|rie But the fnct indicated hv the ]*ra]1eUfii
else*. We are how tlir*' Stnlenietit# cf Sviagiiii afford the fulleat
ree Hiring in the manuTi|rt*t in of interest.
lllitotraliou to tlie |*rtnre in Codex IVwhonicu* which In the #ilh
Thu tin* nv*m, and that TesatUipoetu wen* considered a* the
i*ek intnainn** TtztntHpoot with the qnnvhficrzcatl. the 0jrr~otUar,
ruling deitin* of a *igu I faring the name of mifinatfi, **
lirnth," lmd
ttf MMxuuhuy ftgurrw aiJ ivmbiU. the |iktai# writing* of the
douklrm rtt r thwb in the fort that the realm of death and the realm
t'-odex Borgia giuii|i. when* the Moon God ^oml* a* ruht of lire
of cforkncw are identical mnre|rf*. Tlie same idea lie* aim in the
tilth day.1 exhibit a e*ml with n bund offering imndh* of tlek*
Zofiotrcname of ill it sign. Utnn !*v nor, hidden," went* But *

and India- ru liter Imllk ba*idr a f|ortud bird tedding in lit* claw* a
the Moon God, a* denoted hy Id* name TWriritonfft **he loan the
block, pointed, liook-*liapt*d objeat. on tlie naroning of wltirh I rah
metimil" won kukel on we tlo* rising unimiktl in tlie rMI, |erlia(e
my nothing.
bltwuo lie la* Hi He forth from the dark lew*,
1 twcatlM' he doe* tout Aim Arangt the rymbnl# which an* to he men in the |*vture writings
with full glow, like the un, or hwaiiMt In- lira hi* pluuc*. emerging
of the Codex Borgia gronfx when* tlie (ulifeet i tbr mlrr of the rfxtl*
from hia *b*ll only at the time of full tnrain. Win* tie* interpreter
wirk T brtween the Mooli tied and the 8n tod facing him. tie* MkM
telle tie afoait the rrfolinn of the aiifiU to the UKaWa, drawing a
striking is a mbtit on a Idne field, with whom it given the numeral
comjairiaoii Iftwveit the Head hi it a ahell olid tile child In it* Motliei*
fooftv ilenotrd by tlie muni Matt d**ka At the first ghuan* one to
words, 1 regard a* *.itii*lhiag definitive, something Infer rim I into
tempted to look on thi# n* the name of a day. the day ~ 13. Babbit."
t lu* nnnij<. Hut wlii'ii the moon l* the lUaliUm, the teilod, than
Bat I am nowhere find any a|M*cial #ignitiraace aaenlwd to thi* day
lie i aim the wimrd. lVr ! were for the Mexican* like notion*. and
in the ndmdrie hook*. Hence I wiisfirct that we *lioll have to ruaign
were exjirrmed by the fame term nauaUL Herein t> found w further
a different meaning to thi# wvmbot MV know that the Mexican*
relation to Tritali iftoea, who i* the wimrd in a *u|M*rUtur wtue.
av a rabbit in tlie moon. And in fort near tlie trufiira the oatline*
and tlie rtalrmmt of the necand it*trr|rfrtrr that thaxe bam on the
of the darker porta of the lunar di#k jerwiit a form #omrvhar like
day it iqui&li ore drained to he magv-wi ham bee# de cowan
thi*. lienee the Sanakrit-ejiraking Hindito the moan
al*o railed
inagica* | become* intelligible.
prifrii. he with the hore." TlieMexkwn legend explain# thi# philtre
Saliagnn ak#o being* tlie nxtli Mgn re miquiltli into relation
by relating that originally the moon dome with a |4mdour ei|ual
with TejcaJ/i/taen. He nv that afwcuii reverence in drown to IllW
to that of the run, and that therefore the god# threw in hie fare a
*gii by priac and ]ienotai of distinction, by warrior* and ndb
rabbit, which reduced hi* brilliance to it* pre#rn< t length ; and the
iiuTcluint*. in n wonl by all who were biemsrd with worldly good#,
picture of thi# rabbit i wtill noble in tbp axson. Hence, a* I hava
who had anything to lo*f, Tlii* reverence arose from n deep mid rod
Cu4i llorfia II ; VatWMblM It 90.

L,h 4, emp f, Cuki Borgia 46 ,
VaUaiua B M.
(S 10. TV* Tvwtjr llaWr* of th* Wwk.

ahettdv one* allied above, tb* hfc*rogly|ili of (bo *4 miw*, 1 iwHegalmt lie lb, but In Codex timbonkw* takes the osiusi fnrtn of
xeorplacie mmir of hutte* feu tiip liMjwib-shmjwd form of tit* Karth the gi|iing mrtb-jaw, into which the animal l- spruiging, haring
tl<cdd***'tf tmMil ornament. aii tumv field and within M til* fi*rare of * npjmrently hroksti ksows. a> shown by tb* coni with a piece of the
whit* lion-. Tlitto fclw b tb* iu*ij*i to h* wit oti tJoMt 71 of CatM branch still hanging to hi* neck. In t'ndet liortfcmtrw* are further
Horgia broid* lit* picture >( tb* Sots <hJ aiiiI Mm* hieroglyph of tb* shown *!**> H insjml cactus, in the centre a -ro-*nsil* shell, Mid
.Morning SlAf {so* Fig. I). Now I enoj*vfir* tllt her* *1*0 tb* bchiV tis tb* right a waX*w jug. Iht Pato y Tt\n*a#o would refer

rabbit in tli* Nu* <|ottm| fi*kl with tb* rukv of tb* rlitli week l* the whole grosap to tb* hunt and ca|aun* of game, Hut it in

jntf-nded to r*|iniM*wt tli* If thb b* really tb* **, tb* inauibsfly a mythical area*, amt. * srin* to me, the e**riir
number twelve pho-ed it ran doubtless evarody m**mt anything ebell indkwtfM tUa ir h rtim.*erned with sonie myth Iwving refrmwe
else except tluii t wrlv* iniMifi* gu to a vhv (twelve synodic muni It* to the iniKin. On tli* origin of sun and iimmhi Sahagtm relate* a
354 day* R lewir* 3*2 n*muf> H4 R soronds). Her* * should then legend in his seventh but, to tb* fTm-t that .Vonatos/rio and after
have tb* unlv hitio'rto <lfc-ruy* r*ii place in Mextrun |nirtnrwl writing* him Ttvi:t*<uii |
Singld into tb* tLr*. amt thenu|Min aM-*c*lefl into
or Mexican texts, where *x|irrmQoii i given to th* durmtinu of a heaven a* sum and im*m. In Id* * Historin Bcvlesiastini Indians*
nwwith ami Ha relation to tbo vi*a/. (Hook 2, cliap. 4) Mendieta give* a variant of tliM tnidh. which
f ha tli* remaining symbols of this group I have wo xjeeiul remark was rrpuetMl to l curteut awougst tli* {eopb* of T*4roir Acrvwding
to innk*- H*furv< tb* Muon trod nr* m*h a knit* and a bundle to it one of the two ro>o|a*rattng gods {dunged into the Hr* and
of *|***r ,
before th Sun trod a priest earning a bundle <4 {ieujr became tb* sun, while tb* other tUrew AiwtsmY ssstn air* and
am hi* bark ; and between them a vrsorl with liuus*. nad above it a h*cio thr mwn. If tliks In* so, we must ronrhiib that this

v**m*| a Hb a ml lmttarfly liurstlixg through tli* fiery tougur*. bene* mantt*cn|>t, as well aa the Auhin Toacalaiumt 1. cum** Innn Tewruiw.
doubt ! aim a burnt ottering. In (woelusion, I may finrtlusr remark that undoubtedly in this
In Codex TelleriaiSM Kmienan besides the two chief figure-* no week the initial dny U to la* reganbd as tl* chief festival of the

other symbols nr* given. n is usually the came. But in the last two nikrr of the week, but that nevertheless in Cedes Telleriano
manuscripts we indeed find beside those already described above Hemmsis two other days are ImlMwted In- a haml mark ns fend*.

another group of jieculiar figure* First of alL in the middle of the Tliese ore the fourth day 14 tit* week (wiint tU, 4. Water") nml
beet. n tire rreack and above it. in Codex Bichwiieu*. a kind of gate the sixth (ekigwcuva afoweiffv, ** Q. A|e ). Hut < tb* *|>eetal
and up a with a dgnificnnrt* of tlumr days nothing further
for hut?) nind* of green Filing*1* i|ite high hill i (siiuniaiiiiwte|.

dark r*e**m alien* nr* insert** I a few agave spike* This i* no ii*oM
intended iwpmroii a gns* (pwUafniyuUi) *uch ha were
to Ini)
Ruler uf the Seventh Week rr tfuinnitf.
jdasted ha holder* for til* sjaked agave leaves wUh lit*
Tli* naler uf the seventh day sign. msifYitf, - liver.* is also tlie
blood at tli* >**If-mtl utni wound* : aily rb* arti* 1 ih here fotgurte*
to depict dot
ruler <f th* seventh week, c* quiauiti, **
1 . lUin'* lie is Ttnlvc. tlie
| stating
Hot in tb* lower (surt of tb* ibH 1 ki||i nianu*4'ri)dji idinw a
Knin (iod, so that in this ms- tlie ruler of the Mgn would seem
milier to corresfvwwl with the initial day of <ftt nwet than with
jrvuliur groiip wldch i* {minted a hmwn colour, and intnNluivil into
the sign nltrilwited to him in th* twenty days series. For with the
a ]*rc s|i*rMJIy **t afaut from tb* rot of tli* Hb**t. The two
mbpvt* -IVer*' lb* Mexicans iifMH-iald notions which seem t* indunte the
chief are umtoU*dly |Inm* which aloe* a{^a->u iii onr anan*
very op{wt* f whnl is ex|*r*med in tl* nature of the ruler if this
script. Tli* first is an aniiiud wldch 1 m liioibd to a stake or a true,
and in Cudux Horfiaiirux in {minted white ami baity, with round
sign, tb* Haiti trod. For the Mexican* tlie dorr ant tbe emblem of

eyes, clnw> and tail of moderate length Ideeduig from a drvwtfd. In Cadex X'ntMwnus A," wlsere mention is made of the
It i*

wound on
b'gemb alNiut ^oelfoi'cwnh' and tbe city of loilan. k>ur segwi
Ur* fimdiemt, ttisd di*IUo<lT tb* rwlddt as
i Vila kirn superstition* " are named, which have obviously a distinct
figured, for uiscnnce, on (be following sheet of this nianuserija
retaho* to lb* pouters of the heavens. Tiles* are Mor^f, **
Biboiiget tli* ufferiligM intended for HViW* Tb* trtlier chief object .

in (be gftMip U a immsters throat, which in |Mvulaur)y {minted in t T**.

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10, Tbe Twenty Rubra <4 ih* Wnk, 63

Mi, * Stone," rtMtynUi. LixarH," and ei*6f*. *" Mail*." Tbe U*t |
uuttftfl and Its represent nine, tbe Haiti tied, we soe not only a
h naturally *1* of nijenibundaii'e ; tbe I iron I of uf-r. n stream of water, Imt also close by a house ahbue* at every corner,
I have atme (ji. 10) already tented ,
tbe Stone of httTtMMai Bui and oil the roof a firry axe, this possibly suggesting or uaggested
at the sign nf lb#' lb*r ll* interpreter remark* that m /in&m0 the by the fire which Haslnw from tho cloods- the axe wieldral by th*
cemi drvmtrtMo U A worn t m imfrrtti." Ami in another plio>- in th* Rain 4 hid, who in tropical lands is in fact almost exclusively the

*mc maun*r?i|4, where are Hamad the day tegtt* curr* ^ * aiding ii* Thiunier ti*L Hums wo also **e with tho ruler of the seventh
the qiuulere of tin* kMVNM, tin* interpreter wiy* on ih# figure of week, the Rain trod, tho fire indicated not only by biaxicrs and
the de*e 'per Lt ywu/r iiyni^asu-'rn* In Ailitfrma i ie li Anrcnwcns inrcrues(uom which might indeed ha*e reirressre merely to ituensr-
in conir il bitoyno f#r onifutarei i-oTiw>t|ueit lv th* diligent cjucst hmming and offerings but also, in t'odex Bochooicus. by* two sjaars.
of tlxp> necessary nutaus nf sustcmoaco f Odd nf th* various n-pre- which reprewiit the mamnih an sit i, the fire-drill and still

watat impi by which tlm Mexicans indicated tha different quarters more tlcwrly in our manuscript, the Aubin Totuikunal L. by the element
nf tin* linw show* ill* tii* rsglna of tin* Kasl, th* region of tha ye* ifyruinffi 1 I>og" For this day brkmgs to the last week,
KmriM*, nf fertility, nf |wo*|ifwitj. in the form of a dml. wkUt deer, whose ruler* are Xiihtecutli, the 1ire Ood. and /fr<**/Miftotn*. And
adixrwd with a wrsstfh uf flow#**, and a kind of tongue protruding indeed the ilny *il Dog* e precisely tbe day lietule which in TeUerinno
from hit mouth, which is covered with the wnvy <* erwp*y np|>c*nuKe Kemensis *t anils tbe sign of tlie Hand, which is eotnseqvietiUy <l***-juvd

uf the surface of winter. The region of the mirth, the region of gtoom, by the interpreter* to lie the proper fm#t-dnr of the ruler* of the
the mil in of the dead, is on the contrary represented by a 6wra week. .And we shall are below that this Terr element yes VurriutU
deer, alive all hough strnkrn by the *]*ur of the god.* Hence oa>e will have to be regarded as tbe symbol nf the Fire (ioct

might almost say that the deer expressed by the iCaitt Ural wae a The worship of the Rain tied wo* both ancient ami very nntural
rase of {new* n won fiundo. in a thickly peopled land, wfiere the abundance nf the minfall and
Our way of thinking is no* that of the ancient*, nor yet that its itKidence at the right time were Tital ifueatkwit in tho stnet

of the Indians We shall tee lielow that the day sign ifuinmU if sparse of tbe word for a large section of the Tlie mmning
not at all expressed by tbe Run find, but by the OvJdrm o/ Fite. c4 the name seem* to hare already escaped the g*4ieratinns of kitar
For the okl peofde. or at bate the old mlewdar makers, thought times Not <*ie of the hiieqireter* givsw a >*ui* fiu-turv exjilannrion-
under the term gwurwrtf primarily of the ^wsjiicAf/imotradl, one of For tha* propu md by tbe ei|Mtiuoder of OkuUt V at lean u* A
the mythical periods of the World. the time of tin* .fiery min, Fulqne 1 (oe-tliy of tbe earth oan souvdy stand the test
** wtirii fire mined fnou leaven mwl vabuk hJiha, when the lmpnlki of seriocs* criticism. TUrJoc is a tnbd noun fnma the verb (jiresent
nod the hail of teente* were strewn uhrratil. when the fianewoncs theme) Union, which was UM*d with tbe reflexive poonouns in the
foamed i|* and the rock* became red. In tbe * Harforia de los sense of to riw*. iaveten, mil* H*ik*- tbe name itself ]>re<iimaNY
Mexiiwnm* the deer, wbo is the syrotul of drought, is absolutely mean* **
who caiuwe to riso, to shoot up." F*oc the Mexicans the
Wfontified with tbe tiuddes* of Xochimilco, that is. as we sluill mill-! ringing jseset* timk latdilv form on the lofty mountains, about

nee. tls* (iodiios of Fire. With bun ns hack ornament {llavsn-

whoM* Hiiwimir* the clouils gathered. In those upUmb and in III*

or hi him as his disguise Mireoatl. that i*. the |

east (bey Wratod TUtloeun, the kingdom of the Nniu tied, wlirew
Fir*- Rubber. tbe god who first obtained fire by frirtiou with the I everything sprout* and bh^oms. whan a uperfluity of find [wevalks
teteka. triumphed over his foe*. Heme it is at* at all surprising hm mrthty jtsnuiiM*. Here dwells the Kaia f*od with hi* ministers,

that in the mind of the old rnleodar-tnakrr* tbe thoughts awttkeaed i

w!w> pour wafer down on th* anth from four Wrge \mreb*. On*
in them by the sign of the Deer became emlmdied hi the Isod of water in guul. Tlifcs is rained when mail* and the oth** frail*
the jiiiiiiiAfoMitri.iA, that is. hi the q*iauAteUf. in Ttnloc- Hence thrive and ri|* betimes. .Another water is bad, namely lita it
also in tbe Codex Borgia group, where are figured the day sign rains, nnd with tins nun *|ring up cobwebs (fungus gnw*th) on th*
malae **uw which r* hlackcised. A third (smter) is when it nuns
CuSex vtorpm TJ. Yitiranui II <7. IbeOlx tbs fgur< iUM tbe fir*
fVa^sffn which iiulitalt Ift* mri, and tbs fits 1'iiusw, IbvatVieWI and /*A|*o it m4 i Inesl i AiUk) term, tell a lo*n*w*ed from Austk Ammo
In iMsriwUs, iwbliui uf Us Brnlh. (AraocMte). Taxw
64 10. TTie Twill > H<jU:r lA the WL
ad with W om* iraaf. A fourth (witter) u when if ruin* bn* the In* llr*. and iw h the Iswtl above the lip and the teeth Tench eng far

er r*- n mii hum or buonia dry. Soidi wv tbe ibar kind* off rain liowii are formed by the two head* which taiK above the region of
which Moldlim to Mttiou aoliaw no dr*ahf rarmpoixl to tin* the mouth in the middle line of the fore. The snake i* a avmbot of
for <jusurfet-s of lb#' Ka-i, W*sA XmiIIi, ifowtlx. Halve* wati.-/ utitl n )*rrvnalion of lightning. Hence tbe fare farmed l nr he I

inini*#**#-* am dwarfed*. IYmu tin* vats they draw water with jug* dealing of two snakes if nit appropriate mask for lie Hum uni Ibutnler
ami ha vi* a lUrh b their Uml Ami alum it ihuiii1?ras tii>
n tlimr tied. 1 ban* alnady nfctm* mentioned (|i. +h) that it i* told *if

Tiulttfu** rmmIi thrir jog* with flu* (fflrka. And when. #t lightm* aJ, the find of Tot Ian, who m hi* name and from
ilmi 1* a pleas off lh# jug. 1 bin original character Kkewfoe expresses tbe * pserfon* liauaihfitv,"

TW warn* TUtl*# ** Hjwinltr apfdiad by lb#* Moita** U* a that he too woua u rauA^owt-^tsjaimtf, a blue sttlkiMmek/' only
rtmut.un* which me* to the e*t of flw tw off iht t he a lit t tr different, being evolved fn*oi on** serpent abase. Clay tigures
{sue leading to It t* out the higWl off the nuogw, off the Hu in <ld ar>:l little nwu with hi* image, VQtivt affniDgi irom
K-uig greatly ovwftafipad by two snowy |>e*k> forth*-* mmt h . Hu# <n litirnl woii of th* Kail* liod* worship ( for hintnace eiiMhle

n to follow all the tnmritiolM from the fare drvtkipni fp*oi the
twin maker, to the UHBll Ui which nothing sorrite* of
the two ninke exoejit tle ring round the eye, the bumf above the
lip*, aird tbe Img teeth In the |iiotnre writings may fo diriragimhed
two main types of tbe ftnfo fora :
on*, which oemr* in our
niaiin wr*|4 . in fiuh'S BorfoaifarMN, )U T*d lerian** tfoiuecvis and ctfoo
in tbe |ii-ioria* wanwsftnipt off the flomillw BiWiot*H's NarinnuK *o
for <* !?*** still r-aier to the aright*) i hat tbe lip hand
still mount*, npvitni* to form tbe iww by a (tingle roil. The other
type* that 'xf the picture wriiiitg> til tbe C.cmI*mi Borgia gnmp (**

Fig. 2*1., sImiws the god with an mliuary humau nose, in which as
a mle i* inaeried a nwt jdeming rbe w|Atim on* I tipped with <U-k*

or bell* at the ends, Orwdciuiifly, however, for i4 afire in the

V \f. t& llud of I aw* (* s* <.f lb- itkiQ Og { n*t"\
link i'o>*aioo. Ijklgl, XiMwa f3r VUfc-rifns.U, Hutu piiluiw off the best ar.iuikl foast ,
^u'luihViio.. ui>t* ***l of tbe itniii

tiod i ib*piried tlu* Haiti Priest, who has then off course un oi'dinonr
it b> found * r*rj old utaiuw of the gi in while lava, ffomg biuonn for*.

uirtwiwi. Htixl on htt head n vowel, in which wnj yr vn |*ut n In nil costs tbe facial {tainting it dark, hfork. axcnpl in Tutlai
hand Till ufiwh kind of aluiwstUrv grain that * gummed. liar girt, where a siinewhat large part at tbe lash b off a yellow
Tlu* foe off the Itaiu (Jod hue hhsic highly miimrknnlt* trails nVnU. In the {UctJare writing* if tbe M**o*utiu** HildkOcra SashHusle.
hy which it can Iw* alvmy* amt oi*i|> reengnaieii These are an rye, at Well *> in the ^tihagwn miUiuscripts a eiieiiLtr pot fo also *
r<*und like the stellar eye* nu.1 enrfrrMl by a lilwe ring, and au off a while tutelar with bWk docs. In the twit tbit in <|e*rril**d w*
obfopne iv* off long teeth touching for dwirti. above which the- Up mfowkiiraitfowc, and w dial te to ms. U> hte cheek
* fortnod by a Mil* loral hanging down right and l-rftt and commuted wiu applied n jastc modi* off the cniAhod **e.l iff ?folrfo ehia, ct of
at the *d& A* nay lie seen (non a Hmw HShgv off rhe Ckde ei.l hvtfou Ik* ui4s4i*wutA<ii, *
flikvort," its tbe Mciiinu prickly poppy (Argwnotw
in the Koval Kir.i***teyieul Hnararw, Iforiin (Fig. 25). this foe* hn nmiewna) b called In all *** the My b pnbit*d a dark hl*s*k,

arwei. from tbe coiling of tiro snakes which beginning at the rvmtn.l or els* ([ a fovr ptesnte* off Codex Bewgia a dark green
line of the forehead, where tin* two (nit end* i.mrt. form the ring lake the for* ussmk, all tbe other art iele* of dntt* gfvw clear
nmnd tbe eye by ingle ohI, Him Iiom* by the rut wining of hrit* ttxpresvteai W the chnrarivr of the* ffoin God. Hi* gnnuteur, Itnir,

1 1
Fl*ct d* 1 m Mmiimikw 1
4>1 tea Pints*** cap 2
muI head-dress nn* Mur bespattered with caiHtCcInoic Jn the Mwrican
1 Ptittwr. M
* lUUoon tie Teaeaa* Dursa, Tralafo 8, cap. K pictuw writing* projinr, 'Wk green with nmcrtchmar *{n*risig> in

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10 The Twenty fta>m id the Week. id

the nummeript* d the Codex Borgia grop lie- wnurs 4 vert which white, hut in the notour of the Rain <id ilnrk green and white
is mlled the nmaekrieoOi nyttuhjicoM. * Dripping-ve*t." -Cloud- with caoutchouc spattering* Ijctlv a strip of ve-iun* worn a* it hack
vnt," ami i* iftaarribad u> litU'AaJcb i * A A i-rw UoU i. ~ set with grron device by the Hum liod of the pictnrial writing-, might hr intended to

gem**. In hi* ear the chalc&i*hco#ua<ochtli -the green hrjrwellsd- exjee** the (Tuocfii/iiemd/ nfralyamilt, the - Bespattered garment."
nnk* iw-.wiiiurt*t," n broad |4nte with n bund bunging out, no the ClotaJ garment." of TWur, Xliie 4rip a* ul-* (minted dark
which wen* to la* *een make figure* worked with green germ. Am! green and white with auwlcfcaur q offerings, and in 1odex Borgia
un hi* hiviut flux cAisfcAiuArouw/rft/otf. a wi.U- collar plaited like a how* in it* u|i(s*r jnrt either fFig. Sffi a division into four (Mda
mat with green grins and u Urge gold disk fewer* cfhwmvsnffij. effected by diagunnl line*, which will not nrallv repiesent the four
Tin* Rain tod and hi* jcir-tt* in the Mexican i*ian*sTi(r* pr*i|*r, {Uarter* of the heaven* or the four winds or ele. in a white odour,
on tin* stone image*, in the bulingun nuinmvript*, the Florentine the umniiei/niui/it. the sbotilder-garlund. which was juit on those
|iirt urc writings etc. defined for the sarri-
went at the ocei|iut 6o% nnd i no dnul*
in- 1 nrtk a huge ale> n symbol of the
folded loop (iroject- btwren*
itig j*i both ride* flirfoc i* figured
trf the head like a on a small ft one re-

ctv*cent ami fiurtessed lief in the Trvwdero

with a rowtte- like Mu-eii in and likewise
cvntre-|Hr<w (f/fwpieeA- on heel 77 of the
f*tn yeti',* btwiifcw a (lirtun* writing* ill

crown nf heron iuul tl*r Florentine Ihlilve-

quetzal fmfliHo, the tecw NadotiMl*. with a

tiiUtl:onlIi Till* il jug in one hand amt

curat inn k to hr *cexi a ftftch in tiie oilier.

quite distinctly (fli corrw(Mmling exiurtlr

the fldfor, ruler *f to thp deMri|rtiou

the MiVMrfh week. l Fig M. TU(, Bultr at iIm rWssnth Wssk. Cwlu ItirgU of. which I had jire-

one of the dirrti of viiNwIy ijocrted from

Code* Vatican a* A. which an* missing in Tellrriano Remrnsis. In the ~l(h<iria de hn Mexicnnoa (Mir *u* I'intura*-" The stick is

our manuscript also the l//ii;uvi/nfryutf i* *hown in the huge (tainted Iduc. and i> a tountofrilli twisted make* fashion. Kl*e-

wing-like patch (Minted dark green and white, and projecting wliere the Uain (il i de(iicted wnh a reed o:u ijn7/i). and al*o
Whind the head, tn the drawing the henm-fmfber cmwa i* liat a tmurqAwt in hi* hand. In our KMUia*rri|. as well a* in 4'odex
defectively executed. Hut on the other hand norther token i* quite Vat itnn ns A. he hokl* in one hand the cvuo/o^i/fi, the wqmtine
well displayed an eye oimumbsi by a (lark ground and Aanked hy staff, in tlve other the ro^ohri^ui/ji/fi, the intern* funrli which on
two |mi|^niU. This token, which i* douhtlrsa intended to indicate the it* surface is deputed with a enss*. the entldem of five four quarters
god a* the dark god, the god <4 the dark overcast *kv, e have already of the heaven*. I .astir, in (oilex BorHmiru* he turn in hi* hand
r* Mired with ^ildufannrf. It ale* found with hr Tlnloc figure* ngare-lenf *)<ike. and a slinrj* lame '*#//; the implement* of tn* *r i-

of t'odex IVwgin, dej lifted with groat regtibirilT S jovial nirntkm i* ticatinn. Hie incen*e*(siurli i* figured srjaunfely Iwfore him. L>n

eluinied hy n Iliad diea wiwxi hy the 7Wr of Codex Horgia l l the *lieet 07 of todex Ikvrgia [ct Fig. fdj. when* fldor t* re|in**ented

ninth of the nine leak ThU o!jvi agre** emctly hi form and a* ruler vf the seienth week, ua agate thorn. |oint*d ksine ami coptl
ubrtance with that of the (itdkw of tie ngnte (ilanr. the ruler of (srtah aie seen in fund of the giaL A jaguars font, which in the
the following *ign, only with the Ttulvc it i* (stinted. not blue aud |<ture writing* of the lode* Borgia group nnd in 1'ulex IkwlKitiku*

66 ll>. TV* Trr*?y idllMT* nf th# Wes*.

it thenrn beSw* th* t-upa! pouch. b (Wftia|* nothing mon* tluin n tii lem*- be referred to the custom, a* related hv Salmguo.
pocket fur 1 areas* mode of th*^ Ain of a jaguar'* foot. car for tin* ohaerved on the Inut of 77u/or. when the ]aiewt wlui hail been
iyagfttaUi, the tnhoeeo pill* whkb Tfo/ort priest* carried ahiut with guilty f any fault during the firecedixig Cast were puuiehed by
them. TLe feast of tlit* Knm liod consisted mainly of an exiM-wivrly itiuticmun in tlir water And when in our manua<*ri{4. the Aulxiti

mvm last, which the wind.* body of Jirirwt* had to endure. ind wo* TonalnnuttL a -armeu of outer ia *eeti at the fact of 7Y<*/ur in
*n iiu|*mH by mortification*. blood-letting, nightly |>rtxrwKins in wlitch ia l*n a man with a red *jwd co hi* tempb*. thU xvne will
Aikunhic costume. nnd bath* in it public tank, lletwe the implement* huie to be referred t the mine radota. which may accordingly
of HKirtihnitkni hair IhHr pfa with Thtloe just it* wll a* with not have been of a lnul character, ion fined to the capital, Mriiiti
Jtovatl. Tin* cult taught by *w after all not lung Tltere *ti|| reitiauir a *y titled which may be at omw incimle*|
but a nun-charm. with tleiw w far ifearrilied. It i- a (V.>uUe*headej anakc. vhlrli

(Wide* the morli float ion* the mcloded itweroe- along the entire length of It* tmk dmw* a white wnvr liur, as oat

fatmiug 'iitMUhv <*,. ami tom kind* of df*nug (wwiiitf iumlriolalti), the *wrfaiw of a dmt f water, nn>i on the wader ide to he*et with
HUV h*tv aU< are are* firv-|jw Mel inonise-Wiles, in our maniiM'iipt flery tongue*, while the whole t*dy i* cnrred round to the form of
afawe. ami in 4Y*d*x Boehcwiivu* on 1 lie right aid* of the hi*et. The a Mirt of l
Mg or handle (m*o

Itandle of the ladle i* hmliinoevi like a i4iake, the ladle it self tiring Hg. 17). Thfa *ymld, whieh
opeli-Witrkcd. jll>4 0* it seen in (he M)Me*|tt* found ilk the old grate*. i* **w*ii Ui exactly tile UKM'
The four votive tail* iurnhV&Wn are to be won on a vessel titkiuw- way tu I lie two |
lari'* of tlie

d lately facing tlte god in tie* midiUr of tie* sheet la the Anlau t'.atel Horgia group where
TunaJnmatL On tlie element
8. Rug
de|*rted heiuv, and on its Tiaifn' k* Hgumi aa ruler of

signifttaace. 1 hate already |*dteu higher up. 4 ha the lover border of the *evnith week.' luiinit* of

the sheet, t'oifax Ktrbctniru* show* the art uni four kind* of otVrriag*. several iutcr|ire1ai haw. nil of

which in their nature rriilentlv rorre|*uid to tlw- four -jiautcr* of I In- whiuli, howci i*r, mud rriuain

heaven*: a vetoed of green gem* oad i|Urtial fmrhors, a ve**cl with it

more or Ice liyjaithiHiniL

rabbit. another with a snake nod a deer* f**c. nnd a booth loolaiwiag Wit fault entering into jar-
ric 17 Tvi^cnlof Niair.
the spider which I have alaive explained n> the rt*f **tt*tttat ion or iicular*, I may cm|ilm*ue the rtotx In tbe IjryUrti flosna
ymhoj of the demon* of darkuc**, of the rrt/r#intiel descending fat that we have here a
from heaven. wiiioprvad ami. to all np|>eantiiie. a very old aymfad. fkn all the
Sue*** Tfolot ha* kin ntxaie on the lofty mountain*, lie U Mava tniummeut* the twiHhemieii vrpeut (day* a <*MM|iartaoii* |mrt.

depicted faring a mountain in 4 aici Vatiiwaim .V and also in Severn! ftgurv* of the deitie* nu the largi* t entiul Am*rinaii structure*

Codex Borfamien*. Codex Vat learnt* A *lu/w* afaure hint Wiile> the wear on the brm*1 or hold in their hox*d an ornament rertnrnattiig
mountain even a *mking con*, which | ilouhtlcs* intended to nr both eml* in a iiuke head. Such aim * the 6gur*> (ef Mg, g7)
unlirnte /*ofM*crttrpfil. the iugi*r--t BnMtntaili of the region. In the of the oUe<t ktwwn relief, the iu*|ilirite (date whieh fa
p n med
picture writing* of the l'<atox Hwgia group ia aU. figured a in the Is*yik-n Muenni and i* by mar U40 year* ohlar than the
mountain with a rtive, which, Loaeier, ia phuvil. not behind I ait ill
earlit-M ilaled monument hitherto discovered, ixmseipanit |v iwnrwU
front nf the gal. On it i mited m referential altitude a |ie*t have fawn exemtod later than afalUt t lot* ymr IMMj of the new cm,*
holding in one hand a green bush, in the other (lie iim<ii>e)uiii'h At the i^wning uf this avtinii I Lave stutril float, if TYo/or, a*
and two arrow -shafts. Tlte latter agiun demote the new lire (pna- must vertaiulv la* aiinud fnnn tlie tinliikdloiie of the other igu.*,

duerti by friction). lastly. lailh in Cialex Borgia 67 aud ui < index wa* originally t lie ruler of (he (event h day, ami uilv bv tranufereni'i*

Barium k-u* I* shown flowing from tle mountain a 1 mini of water, favaiue ruler of the seventh week, la* has found a serially
beside which runs a |u*h fin Code* Hnrtomkrti*). tialex Hovgbt
a ]iri*t ia dinvn in the water with a rod *|ot

on the temph*. and

Co6tx Borgia 7 : VaUeanu* B m Cf i:dud.> p i
M iii XoCiihUtt, Hrft *
sIMVl). fa- 14 . SV
lwwide lain n ahnr^i bone broken to |dewM. f>da tuny with aoiue Cf /#ikrlirifl far Etbiwfaf m ( MO), p btt

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10, TV Twenty Kuler* 4 the U'k 6,7

ajifenpriah. sign in the uirtml ibv of this wk. in the day Toctalaiaaftl. the isutldr** of this sign, the Maim <Jodde*s, is pictured
1 . Haiti Bttt ill this week there ui* rstill oumpo-ed a facing the Hnin <>od. There site stands tall and erect, in her red
few other <|ay* which Uw old augur* appear to have rcgani**! a* of bodily ansi facial {tainting, in her tnany-cohomd raiment (
l|ttiC +*C-Vj*KI|t|i| 0*h'V dkinitipil y>i.rorA incus) when* red al*s> prevail-. She kJ<-> di-plays
SnrH hi Hr-t f nil the fiwirth day at this week, the day mint the enormous rquare red headline- d-cked Hh nifottes at tit- four
The it miif tia-ofo 4. WliiiU" hckI (nr the tlmt wa- comer- (ittoyuf/f), the *nwe head-dtv*s * * m>n on atuas image*
ns nurh as to say tin* tclnllfy of the wind-, * simply wind." Hmt in the {octure writing's and which the Karth tsodiles* al>>

lienee they hod evolvsd the noth* t turf o this day then* wa* |*vinl assume- when the gritU harsest h-i. the hn-im fak, fVJly-aiu ttli,

danger of bring swr{* away, carried away by the wind. HtOcs also is held in tier honour, laistly the VJiu/c tVoddcs* holds in eocii

they were afraid to dance. and when ovrstoksm in any ail of unite laaitsi her distinctive ecuhlons, tlie ei m uimU, tlw double nutuc ear.
meat, roosetjurtitlv when an a journey. they st of ]-*!, and altogether .1 urf a- not the slightest di-abt ihsi arise respect iug this Hgutw at
kept as math as |-wsfhli? indoor*. Hut the *4- Wmd" had aKo with the Anhin Tmialainatl, ms nli tike little picture sf a goddess ttgnred
theca the mmutTig of our expression "*the four {mint* of the i>an{*.~ in (odex Horbonicns Iwhnr the ftain Uud. the ruler %4 the scventli
Therefore the sign wan honoured with jovial devotion, or with week, and ei|4iuiod by the iatrqitatrr as |njia mayor and by
a tfsHial feant. by there jcr*c*a who had visited all four ijiuntro of ltd i ruse y rnrwow as L%*>eki*ht(\cur. k* to kw* identifieil with
the workl t,f., the great trader- who had to make loag journeys to e<|taU certainty as a portrait of the mine Maize fhsldens. as ( 'k n\/uw

the land* d the Tierrn Calient e. On thu day they un picked all cuwolf, or ptwiwpa more correctly as the Karth OwdMana in the garb
their -lore- in the court, tii*t tunic their offering*, and then prepared of the Maine Isoddnot. For -lie also lots the ml bodily or he
a great huujvM, at which they boasted of their king journeys, and isttiiittig. ami tlie ml gamneiil And she too hohi in hah hands
taunted those who had ww got beyond the nearest market-town. her Cimmaitl, the vbiuhle maize ear, and aloi nure on her Wk
Tli if sign thus regarded a* im|Mrtant hv a large and influential imia- ear* in the rev.'ei'tasle with it- iieiiikuit red trimming, tlnly
Martin of the community is depicted in Oaks Tetteriano K*neni* site lias assumed wintl-r crown, which, however, is to he seen cxarxly
facing Ttatoc, ruler f this week, and in nn attitude enggisiing tliat in this form wiUi the Moue tiisldoss of tlie tSaliagun hn unomt*. of
be was to i* taken a* he special ruler of the week. Tlie figure the iiiMftiiM'ript hi the l-Tnrentino Htbliutsa Naxiouale, and of todox
display* a remarkable mingling of rsgns and attributes. The (sec u Vaitiwnn- A; lastly, like the tsoddess of the Gch)*tntiUli festival,
that of 72t/oc, but with the (wtinting of (ftidznlctymtil (mi almut she is chit l 1 in the Aayed victims skin.
the mouth). The attribute* are in general those of <fn*i:afcn*nil. Beside* the fourth and the seventh day. the four ktst day* of
only in the hand is held a -nake wwalUrwing a stone knife, nisi with the work were further liekl as s|iectnlly distinguished. A* exeenling
its tail ending in blu* rtrip- nu d tfwtml feather*. The same the numeral nine (sew p. 131 U they wrre consetwated cads to one of
l-rson, the tiod of the -ign Ann* fHritl. 4. Wind." h however alec* the heavenly powers, the <p-ls of the Mowuhtg Jkiir (Ttmuigcatptm
represented in the figure which in Codex fbwlwnsctx is placed over fccukr l. of the llrmameM of the fixed stars (Cif/nliit eiw). of the ,Hnn
again < the Hnin (rod, the roler of the eerenth week, ltd t*naa y ;Toiw/txA\ and of the up|o*rm:>*< thirteenth heaven t Tona cnittmili)
Tronamt explains this figure * a servant f Tht/or." Hut like Ho we are told by Shogun in his fourth book Hat in the pictorial
the .Ytrati <v// he also shows (lie -lioq-'to-l lame, the iiu|deoient writings no expression is given to Ibis high rank of Use four dny,
of mortification. in his fills*. He likewise holds a real -oak** in his
hami, and on his heiul display* the liettd and tail tip i*f a moke, Kuler of the Kighth Week cr nvilimatti.
w hicli falls down the hark between land* and <|tw**al feat tiers. 'Hh' eighth work oorv|siads to tlio eighth day sign. This is

A more important day

still is the seventh of the seventh week, HaUiiu
wlu> in a sense was the emblem of the earth,
the day Ckurvme This is the day nod the name of the which, as we learn from the tuteqirelers and the text*, was created
H*i*s ciiKhtew, on whose account, according to the statement of on the day 1. Rabbit.* Hut above all it is an emhlem of |*ilqne

Stiliagun. all days containing a seven in their tuuiu* were tegnrdeil (orf/ih (tlm drink |*v(survd from the sweet sup of the agave y. and
s good ami awspdckms. Hence uUo in our niantm-rij*. the Auhin of its intoxicating |wo{wtty CVnizimtofocAtra. 44
Hie Four Hundred
m 10. Tfc* Twraly Rul*# of 0m W4l

Babbit*, n? thename a(>p!teii to the (mlqur gi*L* U*ht'i wa* ; )iul<|ue. In tbe picture writing* cf th# Codex Uorgia gn>u| the
tbename of no** or tin* eliief pulque gods and of their liigh prirat. weur* a* an ornament the indented blue tM*r*plate which in the
who wn h( the ww
time chief of cli** temple nra*ic. Hence it iune manuwni|4 i* aligned to the g*lde*e Xvrhu/tulvif. Tbi*
aiqwwr* thoroughly and right tlml Uv ruhr of tliM *ign n**e-jilate it deveio(#d from the pw^iptiviJ. the Butterfly in
oIhhiM lie tin* 4i*lde Mnyrrud, the gnldew of the agave plant, the Note." which i ex(w^**ly anTilinl to AVAo/oWr-W a red tw
wins m> et*i*d hy the interpreter, 1
wu wouihb with 400 HrauA*. nllieil figure*. Tli# buflerfly i* a hamologn# of tli# tourer, hetice ia

ui owing f her fecundity wn* by the g-wl* changed to th# agave jiroperly worn hy the gtidd*M of fltiwer*. .WAigortn*/, It w#*
plant wliich yield* tli# raw outturn) t* pulque. foubtle** a^igneil to the gmUewaf the (hiW(u# plant on the ground
In the pictorad htisi|fy tit# ngwte |A*jui i everywhere re|im- of the tame motke tlisrt M0 gget#l to tie* old art ike the hlea of
dunsd luiiii' oc U*M raalikJutllj. with lt> Urge H|*ke* nml it row of embeUithing the *urCace of the pulque ami th# |ailque jttge with
thorn* aLoug the edge*. la our mcuiu-mpi. howwver. in Codex flower*. Burt ill# fruitful guddei*, til# g*hW*<. >4 the agave
Borbunicu*. Yatmnu* A. and n *h**et 30 of Vark-auu* H lb# 1*11 plant, tpprar- to have ah*o lieen getietul'ly ideiiUlled with Xw-Ai-
tem af the flower whoating np fin >m tit# rant re of tit# foliage may queisb*/. Hie third interjaeter of Telletiano KemetiMi* give# a few
till be recognised, although drawn Ui hut slightly realistic form. lage* fart le*r m the name CiffutUtwti a* unothcr of her title*.

Before this plant, or rising from the mhldW uf ita Ami, a* we luue above M*en, t hi* name wa taken at vmonynvou*
foliage, we see the figure of a woman. lit Codex Borgia 12. wit*** with r***l'rpul/. Iieniw ale with JTorAopielxi/.
the godde** tUnih at rake of the* eighth day. she it (tainted yellow Tli# hnadihrr** of thi* (pnhle of the eighth eign varir -omewhat
only, the bodily and farad colour of women, hut in our uuuuiu-n|4 in the inoAUMcn|4*. In our mnnu*rri(d. the Auldn Toualamatl.
nt the colour of maiden*, which in the Aiibtn Toualamarl it used 4* weai* a bandage with neck loofi hi the lt|e and v'olour of
a- the farial colour not only fur the Maui- tksJd#**, to aluou it rAoi'AittAr r *cc'. iu*d owitieoti*! with a high crown. Codex Bor-
properly belong*, but who for the Chnl&i nAHUue axel heir# for tit# kiaii-ut decorate* the gwIJem of the ngutre plant with the lietul-ilre**
gndde'w .VoyniA*. Hut in tiidex Borgia flA, when.* lit# goddess of the Earth tloddew* Trtto imman nr 7Yupjftr*iCf. tnafle up f a
figure* a* ruler of the eighth week, and in Codex Votkanu* A til# Hue Inge 4 unpun odtoau
1 *|wtnlle in the Hair, a quail** wing and
godile*# is (tainted in two colour* the upper half of the face yellow, fong yellow plume*, Hu* ill Codex Begin 6A. him! in tli# v*on#-
III# foa**r Moe. In nnv case the hr ter facial colour h tlii deity's ffraniing jdao* of Yaturanu* K a* well a* in Code* YhIkwiiiim A.
pro|ier colour, although in tbe .Siliigun manuscript it i* alto awrilavl Jtfrryrerf in equip|**<| with a iewWrv-i, vldch Voiikl MWID tu lucre
la Xrnvimor ftptprchHi, who in the *ug ap(#ar* a* the godth-** of Mmtged wigiiiHily lu her or to the (mbpi# gmi> general iv. hut in
hinh, but it undoubtedly a pulque goddras. Two-t'olomed. red u**i wtiiclv, a- t have ahme 4*own, 77of<a*. the Hmo trial, k aU> ikpit#*l,
Uaclt. an we dial I see. ia the facial (tainting of the (mlqoe gods, It a launbige
oaieirt* of > two udoiur*. white aud blue, which i
and fa absolutely their attribute, (tainted, for instance. on their knelled on th# right nml left, leaving three k|q#t* ur li|# dniuliug
*hi#ld- Two-coloured al#\ hut in the more delicate tint* of the out. anil of two large rotelte* which are trimmed With t***el ill tlie
worn#*, hen*# yellow ruwi Mue, it tbe (minting of the (tnlqur *ame vhiIouth. and hang right and left Ira airing* Imiu thi* laualag#
gialiinMi^ A mere variant of thi (tainting it that of .tfoyuiteTt face Th# artik of "ialet Valkiinua A lva not |#v|#r)y utMierUiaNl tlU
in lo|ex Hwfxmicut* hiue. with a fow fU|M*cadded oblique yellow ranameiil, atwl inkewl of lit# otriug* Iwildiug the nwette* bn* drawn
line*. It m the mnae colour contrart. only a|tpltrd after thr manner a flagHtnfl* With a tkg. hi I'ahi Horgm the gkh . further wear*
of tli# Warner-* dance point. For the dance the warrior* |unted a qurmih' a* a IwmA lie v ire, mi tit# *ain>r form and rtyle a> Ho/or.
their face in exactly the *am# way.' with a few oblique hlarfc ttroke* bur |>iiifed white and blue, the colour* of the hwjwl-df**^
eiqw-nwtiled a|qiare( i> white, for white it the colour of In lira hand the giah.te** of Codex Yaliuuuu A hulde a drinking
Tbe intMrfnetr nt C'ocUi ValKanut A. In Tolknaa# Rmmui the HM #hwI. lie* nature >4 the nmlentii of whxrli i* imiimt**) hy a tfowrr.
m aiMitg w-ferfc hlH l.v dbown the pet U ft at .Vx-w.'. ttur mami*cri|4. the Aubin Taialamatl. |uir - a oqwl Hig in the hnnd
' tbe pcctur* at Ttirvc*nai>- #trU ie tk* -ditpUr no dw in tbe
of the agate gtaiile**, whik* in foaiex Htirlttmirll -lie lot* in tier hniui
jkbttfBO BUrtteripl in tbe ILUiutwa ikl Padaeie <pbliiwlem of iW R'*yjl
Klhoetqgical Mom.
Yd. I Pan 4 p U', Ikrtm |bM|. MWiiething that bok exactly like two omh. (In# tiughl, iu fat. be

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lO. Tbe Twwoty Killers <4 the WnIc lilt

at first inclined to take them fur real cord*. TU- pulque god is the a snakes head. The group recalls the large double gnni|. of ^uWrof-
Tlmrttler, or n be is more folly dcs?ih*d in Ntlmgtm lir>t Kink <yrwtU-M which in Codex Borgia 3ft ami 7k and in
SdrpejimiyiK bfMohtiMntM, -In? w|m huri*
tmitauu*, Umiriut, Vatican B 73 and 7ft is seen -mied above the open mouth of a skull.
j-wqile fnKtn ho itmngW tlrem with the ro|, drowns
tire rock. In Codex Borhonicus and in our mauu*rri|4 the pact are of tire
them in tit* them itUyi them a* sacrificial offering*;."
water, kill* pulque jug differs somewhat from that iu tire mumi-cript* of the
Hut tortl* exactly like these, only hour*! together in bundle*. an* n Codex Borgia group. la both document* the {mlqiie jug i* figured,
iIim< 73 of tle {ort-wial wiMumni' in the FWvutitu- Rihlkrtwa not below a double picture of day and night, hn* on the ilark surface
NiuintuiU*. where it |ali]'i* mnnw i* figured, and here* these <wds uf tire night symbol itself. This any have the same meaning a* tie*
are by the interpreter explained to lie ocynlii, ** pulqiie-wurt.'* tbnr u, previous scene, namely that the {wilque revels did nut begin till after
the iwH which wrtr rallied t the liquor extracted from the agave *4 *. wntiret. a* indeed i ex|>rre4y raid uf the various fmstings in Sabagnn.
in oik to impart to more intoxicating or narcotic effect.
it a stronger, Tlte |m)quM jug rame twin a* t hart I have above dcscrihrd.
d**|f hare the
Metre the wih which ibe .Vuy't'W of Ijodn Bixhxiicib hold* in her and here *!* It -hows the waive jiajrer tuditnents which nre

hand alio very prohaldy rv|*e**nt the or-porf/t, the jiulque-wrort T similarly u lUkfifMsed with figure* of oltsidina fHtits tlrtitz<y>piu!<i u

fn must {daces the character of the goddess t* exprrorad hy a MiU III the (tuning hevvragv is insert**! the ttfhurdU, tire fiirksd
pulque jug, In the picture writings of the Index Hegfn group is heruai feather ornamont. the warrior* darreo deroralinii. From tire jug
diow-n a far** bulging two- handled vessel with round bottom. hone also liang reads, to which are glued dowtiy lull*, and which likewise
-Uniting o a plaited ring, or eW (Codex Yat Uranus H U) om the end in a forked hrrcai plume, he nre doubtless rej resent tlie o^umenif/,
end* oi AMtiUr. Votive [*qier< 7fe<tf) of the form of those usually which played a {curt at the ohsrqiires and loaman MU*riftiWK
offered to the mount mu and rain gwK are attached in front, while The arrow shaft which in our manuscript is sceu ln**rlvi in tire
banneret* are Inserted in the side*, Both are fronted with {minted pulqoc jug denotes n furking*reed (pinztlfj. (hi sheet 73 of tire

figure* in the *h*|>* of a V. *ucb a* are to be ere* in tbr Sabngun sc tonal writing in tbe Florentine Bibiiotero Naxiooal* i* depicted a

manuscript* mi the eiiagiia of the t'iwofafotf and on the ]wqer attach' pulque mrouse, where the jailqire gud is areti drinking from the jug
rnmt of

of other earth
Uiblkfteca Nazkatale.
staff, in

oW on lb*
guide****, a
the pi.-iure writing* of the Florentine

lucre l-fteig

a*> on
I lie


which tbe
with an arrow -shift, while a reivmi! nmrw-dinfil
stated that the
In the Crdniro
Mexicana of Tt
which aI a settain feast
W Wt it

is alw
unused in
drank by those

mummy jack wa* stack over* and which in the text are described as taking port in it, is served in a vessel in whkh are in*ertd tracking-
tfaiistioiriutO, "*-*d with figure* of oUddinn print** The drink reeds wna gran Iwdw iftre llaman /*reirirwtiirs(/,** Tire oliject which
fname out onff the jug. and the surface i* stork with Hw*r# which in out itiHnmwri|rt is seen on lire right side inserted iu tire pulque jug
indicate the plc-araut nature of the drink. If* flavour. It* - Kraquwt." 1 am inclined t<> lake for a a staff with a heart, and this fisr

A >till more intimate assnciatUm **em* to Is* ek| 4v***d oti sheet 31 uf nrvoofi* which will he (unde clear from vital ha* tu be tinted farther mi.
the Vaticaii H. In the liquor, under it* frothy surfaiv. we here*** two But I mu*t cottfe** tlsai, rosteiilering the cluurey, nssl on tire wind*
human limit*, which niv lurking out from the mouth of tbe jug. and Minievhat sketchy, style d the dries mg in cur manuscript, it will he
by their facial joint and noral ornament are hu*rn to he nude and 1 iet t-r in case* such as this to refrain from a mare definite determination.
female deities, hence recall tire {artures and the relation* which we Still anor* imprwaively than hy tbe pulque jug. the character uf
had above (p. to; to notice in ccnnactiuM with the ruler *>f the first tire godilrs* uf this sign i* indicated hy a roujde of drinkers, nude and
sign. A donh*e jwrtnre of sun and night, which is shown iu Codex female, who are to ho mhdo in our tuairoseripc <m the lower border of
Borgia 69 nnd Yatuitnu* B 3t above the pulque jug. would seem the eumwporading compartment. In Codex Borhouicus aim a drinker
merely to ImUmt* the jwriing )*mr uf day nd night, the time when is shown in the lower rigid corner amid sundry vesrels filled with
the pulque drinking tout* U*ik phov. Tire same picture fa presented drinks ;
but in the ojipcwite left corner is also seen lias counterjiart.

in another and very jwvulhi/ way in i'hI*x Vatimzint B 31 by two Pulque was the drink of tbe warriors, and the warriors were detained
figure* telling luck to hack, n man |*iatrd a rmi colour and a skeleton 1
to die a soldier's dralh. that is, not. as we should say, to fall in lad tie.

in bites Kith holding in their hand a drinking vessel, freon which rises |
but to perish on the sarrificsal stone. Ilenre it is that in Codex

70 in Tbs Twenty Rdere f tbe Week.

Bnrtnaricu* we we to th# M below, Ismmth snake wiled to the heart is etnek show* that we have lien* tut an . ml nary
i |wie*t, bot
fiHTii *4 jmi arch and pnlwMy intended to represent u the g>3l who bear*, the the Mncni(si>c4\iit
a "snakes a warrior decked with the 'tp'iwfti, trrrfiinff, awl Jti'/cuHwMtU or A'vehipiMi wa* the jpl of the XorAiVAwtif, the
in lit* baud holding a which was uuaJlv put in tbe victim* Mower feast **
; awl in hi- bvomtr fo*** ware liekl .i the day
hand*, and i* dunhlb*** here also lutembd to tin* figure nr* or rorhUi. **1, Flower," and tAiatar rorkitJ, "7. Wrwer." Kof the
destined tor tin* .swrtftn*- tfhirbl uinl |**ar aline indicate III* wanicv, Mtnrtinot lie jw-*e.| as tbe gd td fiw*ts. the damv. xmg. nod -jsirt.
On tb* une dieet <if fodex Biirlamii'iiM till* |4ctri* f sacrificial death And be ww* thus hfsmgbt into tomOi with Tru'ttii/tottt, wliu was the
in farther illin*jwted by a vc**cl until the virtiin- hl.**| I'ywuuJIuvtW/r 1
lord of t ir i ,
the |*jiim* 4 of liarbclor wwiviors, satl hLo kml
decs am tei I With riglo* f^irbr*at tint title* Altai vu it la human -*i the of the emioHitlli, the datiaalwwiaa .Vnrsifrudift um* rvo in a
I vim; and itgitiu in the middle of tin* sheet by the \e*rl with haiiMuvts. measure merelv hu emlsiJimeot of , ,
r :err. i/ioc*r,
and amsmllagly is

ilia Iivjhk* n fotkrd feather motive aital hemn-fe* liar spring rigidly |e|iirfed in t'.idex NorUdkicils with the stelllir crown of this
To all tills* iuw farther aildd htfcnr a rn--|au, and a gisl. Ikil, a* I base alretwly panted out <|. 29). JMitlMdiil and
ve*al with warrior'* nftenikg*, an eagir* fia* and feather urnianaiit. .Vucfi >pUi wsve .albsj the god* of ^U]Nvahundlllkrt^ {',*tr,Ai, the
A in the ether week*, in tin* eighth also it> jmijn-r ruler w \l;uw," in fact. Hinif the fiKin in which this associate -if

confronted by a mh-wkI (sC-umagf. In Telleriann Rnncmd* and .Voyriun af^iwux in Codex Tli*rMCHi liruiutii. liarmoni*r ownjA.-<*4y

Vatn-anu* A be Hikes the fnnn of a mole figure in a cheerful latitude with the notions ript-eMed in the tigui<*s of the other dorutoaiirs
and scored na n reed-|>kiited bench. In hi* Imir he wean tbe rnutw* While In general in thier (ditasrs of the iiMntiscnp^ wImww tbe
dame nrruunenr u:i it rrUt. no hi* hick a reec|acle with maize ears ruler*, of t)*e day Wgtt* are pirtim*d. the j*cr-.n >sf the ruler of the
and male infire*eenee of the iimi/c and in hi band lie flourishes sign Is invariably akoie represented; In tlw solitary nt>e of tie eighth
n piprr hannetvt and n frntber Hug. Ptbro <k Riot, lliini interpreter day a <un|inioA is excejitiunally given to it* mler. This .war*, on
of 1odrx Telleriano llemcncsi* call# him Kflftfi l.rt,

Maize God." *heg SI of Codex Vnttaiiiwii H. wlicie W# >n* uhcre tii |sali|Ue jug
Astuming the wrong etymology Ti'uxttoll* he tnuMlnte* the word nmi the giMbte>*of tle ngn vc plant an antiuni ill tlu> fLrm of a dig or

pewripio ile k dime*. but at the ame time adds by any oil A coyote, who I- sr-.ifed no a I'eindi orkere I with a yagUNr kin, aiel
explanation that this god deuotc* satiety (Avrfanr) t,c. almnibmce. lndd in vine hand a puli|iie dish, in the other a muiical iti*rriiment
In our manuscript, tbe Anbtii Tonnhtmatl, we see facing AfapcaW a ap|>nreiirlv a tambourine umilnr in foim to r!*io we ss. figurerl in

lmlf*wcrhi|i|nng figure, with skin of a light n*d. without special the \U\w4 .Nlrx Cortes. 11i this dog sir isj>tv<e is merely inte*M
elements in the vesture juojter, but on the Inch wearing ae a deviur to ri*|tfvweui the god of tlue and *wig may l* taken for granted
a **d& ending in two feather tufts on which nre strong taro heart*. We liaie altiWklr in hot alwne. in live (ruler of tire f.srrtl* sign. Ret
Tills is undoubtedly tbe foUotoftHU, the heart -tafT, which forms lire with ii gid of tire dance and of hi no** in the form <*f a ontta
]evial emblem of the god M'teni.'/rocftUf, or XvcAipMi nl bis Thoroughly Hp|*ro(riNte to the go<|i|e*M who *ii|i]>Jied the pub|m*
uesociutes. Thi* figurv also ln*ld* a leather banner in its baml. w* tbe eighth day, which *s iiulkuteil In ilie figure of the rnlihit,

< Vde.x Botbrmicus sliows a figure in just tbe mtue attitude, with the the einMem of ilutoxhmt inti By the ^lifting to the eighth week the
n:!jrWfi in its hair, the yoHvtojUHi on its lock, and in Us band sign Mntimmlti me bmugfit into a-*iwini**n with this gnblmw. The
flourishing a ]W]er bwnuerrt and a feather flag Hot on its head this wotd mwe a kind of gra, .if which iswlage, smks and hwnom*
figure wear* the stellar crown {initzoncttHi ciothiflv) of the gud were nuale, and which by the diviner* was taken n* the etnldecn
Tesatiiipoou the syrulsd of tbe nightly sky. of eVHtiessrcnce *icut fbenutn,*' a Bibfiiwl |nmllelism on which the
]jt*tly, in the mnnu*en|its of tbe Onlex Borgia grou|i we see monkish commentators do not fail to lay rtrea*. But the Cmtival
facing the goddess of the agate |4ant a jitiest eeateil in earnest I
prof** to this week was [ccsumably the second day. the day otnr
attitude on the oirvei unaaicn ebair. the troicp>iUi, mal a|plving oCMff* For this day wa* tbe emldcna of the m/sioofAit/i^r/i, of the
the drinking vr*rl to hi* mouth. Nat a it a ft ckwe by on which a 1

Of t'kthaaUon* -f the U. ISthaokwieaJ M isum. Brlin, sol. ?!., f+. 1H* *<|
In thk orlfiaal TsIUriaao tlx IxUrpcva re tail, (ortup*. Ufl hi*
< f bj on tbt* (ubjcci kk ;l .VaOsUior, ul, ii " ftkgtt-narh " at ibis dy. Rot at jetawt, bs I hr< rkndr iho* twr.UMixsJ,
faru I.Jf . 14 -Jl. tbi* *bMt in Mniitf

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Ml Tb* Twenty Bobir* of tb* Week 71

ftrwdrill raiiMsting f two |'iw. Hal <th new fir* hefpin fWTj have nut wily derivative*, such a* nOall, what on* shoe** with.
great festival. tha** M|40ill^ <f lb* new jw and off the ti*w
the t browing-* irk, ntit mill, fbu winged arrow,* Ini al*o tli*
century. Hear* th* rig* thmf rtotti l**oMn* the very god *4 III* noun trfl, pwr-throwing,'* whk*h, lHi*v*r. *|q*or* t !* im lunger
fnxou. owl more urt srolartv "I(ImsfritaM* entertainment*- TIm* mrrent in Hi i sen** ahaa*. lad in th* cocnhitiMtion Mil ItoMtaoff*.

relation which e*i*t Mwwa the pulque gathering*, the deity f *

*|i*w*-tlinwing and firing tlu* field*. a (auailiMr atwcb-tired symbolic
fouls And III* fire-drill, i* clearlt eapr*#***.) in a strophe nf the >tg ei|r***i>a fiw " war.'*

to M*umitmekitt : And it i4sul of th* 4ui|il* t/tJ f/ucAtWh' they also ay f-arf

Trtfotsvui'# moyefa* i it/ryfiijuriS yyt t&eki UAtcktnaUi, tin* sylUdA* l*o Im* li*r* inn>M*>4jililv the mmus *-* m
tfH\yO?nf*f*irt Ik/OmA in faHriui//. tli* genniii* turjimix* * j Tt*xxi&4 ittli, the g*nuin*.

Wtyw jfW ffai fti* niijittifd auumalit Ih* mil. tli* tiH'iindi*> illn*s*'*; Ttuekifl <#<*. th* tru* Chicliiunx-,
mirctHTtepetl (vfkt/notn tb* ITikbimec* j*ruj'r Tills variant sltuw> only iIimI
M In llit) l<upb- of lit* |4j|i|Of god tb* rabbit ha* come to t trowing in flu* ungiiml niraiiing of th* wonl <t0, and
HI* Again And run* nt Mil. u wat*r a d*rindiv*. That it WA4 tb* first, th* jiro|'r iVMwning u(
Bv my tiral AA it IIIHii*
tb* word // that was tlarnght of with th* ninth stgn, is shown in
1 will bring down III* to dtiH fir* will I twiri
tb* fmi that tli* gi*l uf this sign, tW Kir* irod, is defiued hv tls*
On tli* mount hi n >4 Mi airmail in f dhuiwwn ."
int*e|ir*t*r at as ** Fin* IkJ," a* on* might . hut s
ToiifUi tvs yes. iiiVlzutamietro. ytesaitzintli advocato iWla gonrtw "j 1 ami flirt lirrnsor* that in th* |dctwr*
UtCrttiiutJt teteainco yew writings und'*r ihb sign turjehna iMvur* the sa|r*ssine l/
OvMTjfo fdrtlutiHti
ttacAinolti. tpriMbrowing and firebrand." iuL war."
Uaiocswvk octlif*- Ac*. t.
At th* fdasw in tie foiiet llugia group wh*rw th* Fill* lid
liaising my wk* I strike tb* litll* mirror,
i |wrtuml am nil*r uf th* ninth day. 1 wv *r* ahov* tlsr g<si *
Th* IHlU* mirror ha* grown weak in llu' t*r*|>l** of tli*

pulque god.
-I rwmi of wwf*r ( = ui/h ami h Iximmg Iumds* < * tUJtiuaUi) into
which a lima npjM^an. (o linvr been thrown. Tlu* rcm&igratioei. or
Tin* white lintT get* itwit.
Ki]i* hit* th* pulque become." the Hr* (ist fc further specially indicate,! hy the figure of n
arorpum cAfse hy. In this UMnuacri|a where th* Firr Uud stands

Ruler of the Ninth Week re count? am rut** uf tli* ninth week* (cf. Fig. &,! we again see a stream of
water fs itflf. llnr tluit this is nf inr*add to signify water is shown

i h!m>
11>* Kir* <>i, Xl*ht*vutU or /ssomiuAifut, lord uf tlu* ninth day.
mlvr of tlu* ninth week. Th* ninth day is nnnrd //.
by tlw M tlad at tli* ramification* of the stream ar* dqrited. not

whit* saiail-slirlU as elsewhere, hut yellow figures which Ink almost

Waite,* ami b* denied knr th* emblem of water. Hence it might That this stmsTii her* rtamb
lilt* the symbol euitUr*/. rwtlvrr for
Item ab*j i|ij4'fcr a# if the Fir* God hodi beoa* ruler of th* *ign,
nil, spear-tlinjwing. is cbwrlr imlinsied hy tb* *p**r flying
purely hi acvount of hi* ivantintt (to water ).
i But assuredly mh mu uhliqindv across the water. Th* c<mA*gnitioi, the fhrrkioaW*, i*
xh* tli* can*. In id/, " water," th* Mexkan* thought me exclusively
r*')wstsi-nred beside the stream by a chain uf <mrfy yellow (fiery; i
of th* liquid element. AH.
water." is itself jwimanly a derivative
swimming 1
Unigues ami black (smoke' cloud*. Here alw> a curpiuti -'J
OODCrat* eh-mmt. which originally menus something like
th* shooting
in th* water give* f tecta! etjtrrssioo to 111* burning, to llw Kir*
thing* derived froiu a verb a. which was in fact used iu th hiu*
OodtK V itifuu K, f- fJl 1 b Talisriaao R*<nsnse tbs
* Hiding li
uf to aAooI, to /Arose tke tpmtr." Thus w* final of tli* tliicluBorc*,
it s^sia wjmiiu Tks Interpreter of Vmicmw, wSui of cotm only tba
who were rniW T(tmime> a dialectic form for the Tdkriaou Kvituwu, bs bmself regarded * aam* of the f*i tiw srord
jkitt.ttf, which Uis msrywU'f uf hit urlglaal bad wrUlc* tww<ie the ttonwing
Archer* :
fOHl in dun if of yttinrmi, jfovtan quistinemi ntinemi
stick wb*h tlti god bt&U
k* hstsd. Th# tatctprolwr s4 Vstksaus A c* pit os U
tinmiatinemi, they hove tlinr bows with them, they go hath in
M <1*4(0 ri4Ailt ik ijm rroht dipinlo ck' in C efoma */ert -pttm i

all direction*, they d*X. shout with tb* arrow* 1 Of this sweb wv * Coder Ilorgta 15 Vwwtt* R :ii (n tb# other pkes in Vstkanua It,

ritwl 18. the symbol .Uf /WAtaJJ. Is wtltsvtg

IWUfM III, 2!i,
\ 1.
* Cslti Borgia VaUtanus H O ; M

Digitized h
2 ML Tta Twenty Knife* of tta Weak.

Mid. But tiro new in tlu> jactun? ar #t 11 to b tDout kinail undent Mexicans, 1 The regico of the bead in this symbol is velkiw,
curved wooden chirir (teokfoili) with * jqpMMdctn twrwrfng, anti and mi.* not lii a wuuiUt of drips which on our nammMirij* are
.reiee! wid h mxizc Til**' first, doubt taw. irxlu-ntr* tta Fir* God us distinctly jaikstad with Hue tip*, like the tongue* of (be which
dag mid judge. tta itcwHl m Inai of nutcmna*. edge the body of the symbol in todn Botbinkuv. Tbit tread it,

la tta ninth wn-W of f'odpi Itartemictis it U> ams a l.irge b donbeje**, to ta i>*g!n3**d merely a* oiavwrf nasal fiaine, as ti'/ajckiJi,
nd taunUfal at retun of wafer n tin* u[?e-r border of tta sfeorf the Fire hjoam." ibe .Mexicans .idle. I it. In Codex lWbunreiai
"bis is trtf ; but (hot bw also this off druolrs somol tang *iirf*r**tit the regain of the bmd in (be *ymM i* jmrtlv hidden.
ran - wafer ~ is again made evident ( the obwreer by (be pictura Its jdnee is taken fire* by tMUfMtili, (V Mttmie which we
f two sfwurc flying in (be direction of tin* stream. For (hr- ron- fund deported wrth (he ruW of tV ninth week fn Ctnlex BorgtA
Ingrattau. tUtrkinfjiti., o mtnplrented pdani is iatrod tei both low under (he mrt~HackinMfl rfgQ. And on ft we are in Codex
till in oil# manuaferipl, the Anhis IbcmlaoMtl. It is a haul enrred BufbnktM pute a number' of n(Vr ob^nHsdowny fewtVr*m,,
ike worm, in whim a swcrilbcwfcl nmouiettt,
ray he not reed a Itorik _w a vesaHI wfth yelftww
jhI under ->le wi*b fraih.Mt, and a sacri-
kind <i f tawd, *d ficial blood-vnsanl
rllkrb ftlaftg the rtlgo .(aifiHji-i *>.i.'/i , and in
h uitthr.i v&th fltory (Lm are again uiwrtoi

ofigij*#. TV lock hair* aad agave <j oki**.

tt U licnbOfa* the iiw|)ienen(s of
endsd ta show tta tdf - tortniT, UmwIw
ml bodily h.u uie of an mtow-*hnF, a *i-rli
V an Mn*l. It is ikmbtle Vre ado

Lifrd in field*, tvftrewwt* a tucking-

cith, itwierd. the snare wJ, mi ahore with
liemv ini; jrrllo* and the pul>pn< VfWari.

dart; odours which wo By amanr of nidi a

r ulnariy irtkvd
rig. Iff. JTialferartl M* at dw Kicftb Vs ..k
nick hig-eNnl (V idoki

n (he tUnJunoUi Odn )tira m. were given to -te

igim* of (he Code* of tta victim'? blood.
targia group. Wot bm we hare no aiti-tnalmg early and ounvoUatcd Ub which tlva disk vu tUiod. IjisiJy. wo fnirtar saw cIom- by a
ortn*. but field* which, in ttadr form, ami tbo btfie }oreduMvlike hutted)?, which, being jninted the eoUmr* of fire, ii llnw f jjipd with
i gores orewpyiag (he surface, dislhntly mail the pictures by which hits?, tvjxvw'nhi a tS*f*sfmJo(L It tawy be M-njcct that this
n tta I'iii up* writ in#* planted fluids are muall v outlined. Only in buUwtfv i* tta )*{* end of the tlatiiMoUi symbol on fine stavt;
h symbol miUi, tilled plot/* (be fields tire alternately printed in (or <<Q short 1 H cif (\m1bx Barbanims n bntterfiy of xnctly tta mmw
wo .liff. ivM >lnnlr of a dark, earthy colour. But here- at ]en*t kind really forme tbo actual end of tta tfacAinotf* symbol which i

a Code* llurboaiius and tu other domments in which the siane (hem rtgured. Ilnur', in (hi* butterfly I em **w nothing morw ttan
yrebot of war oecnrvth* AUerfutlittg sfeade* of (he Md< am ,-in esnhtan of rtnu.c: the tfeyipifoif. a xynonym of tta tlrxueJtfU
IMinctl? a deep (dark (a coal rutoorj and w light VtOtar i Aune ife. of the tlninf . jo*t a* tta botleffiy itself papaLutl) fan its mV a
iJudf). I think. since th* ward tUehivuMi I* uw*t with aad njijdkatSun t * sytnbd of bloom leorAdf l

wfetmiw Id (he firing of the field* with a view ti pluming, t bat we

I "At hi *Wi lundecfenad this | -ret nr* of tta i/uefitaotfi *w a firing of |
(Ja tin Nktka of Mali tjabil to tk* litarglypli aaffr.
hw fields a huel of warfare familiar and [wtferf
1? IntefligiM** to (he j Hr, P*i was the tn( to call sstaatlon iZattsduift fttr Cdmokfle, !*(.

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IQ. Tbe Twenty Uidtt* of tfa Work.

It m farther noteworthy that in uur mamucxifri ,

llie Awhin
of the Yellow Fane," the holy (the helmed) Flame," hwt
Tonal* ran tl, Ibe <ttl-tl<xbinnlU aynitad, whirh fhoukl be hcwn in the alio rwilrd fVuWeoC/, tlie Old tJod," and faf*t, Onr Father.* 1

middle of the rheet lietwerw the two chief figure*. i defective in fefeu i anna in frteti i*UH in Uni rim onof
The Onehinodi. the conflagration. m HLun* depicted by the above in xi*J\t*tzaqunUo motjaiioc
deactibcd figure, while the *tt, the 'fear-throwing, ie mining Oil n mirftitfsnmUtttm
the other hand, we ***r the complete ttti-Hnr&iaoUi avmbd a* hi iu letvteulf in ainmidlnu in xioMremtii.
mr measure a part of the brod'dre** above the figure of the god Tlie Mr 4 her of the <i**K the Father of the (Joda. who
to the rigbl. wlewe *ignifiraiicr I tfiall have pmentlr to determine. dwellHh in the naiel f the Earth,
And the nrtit may well bate Imri the intent inn that the ntl there Who enter* the Turqiahae Fyramai (tJw* I4ue *ine pyramid)*
pictured diould aim have xjumltaueou* reference to the tUuAimU
in the middle of tle idieet.
The 4 lid (tod ...... the Fire (iod.* 1

Thnt router the ninth day *ign the Fire find, \jt, the War
Ill the iloM*ri|<tiiMw and t hh nth, lie o* on where a|/fwan> a*
tied. iImmiM land ** ruler, and that with him war *hoti)d I** n*|*e-
the |>n*iuificatiun of the element which i* iudiented a* the Old <*d
wntnl hjr Hiiroe hind* od the 4iV/-/faoAiVV/i ymbof, not unit in the
and the Fallier of the tied*, bream** fcre awl heaven wen* liMiknl on
pirtcrial writing* nwnnig fnwn .Mexican territory (rufier, hut aW in
* lie* fit her, water and tlie nut !i u> the imalier. ami lewnw fire
the roaiu*rri|4M of tle Galea Borgia gnntp ** a proof that Me u*rw.
and the god of fire llmuiv existed, in tlie time of darkliere l*k*i>
mcrifJs of fAe (Wrs Ht/ryifi yrvmp irerr no, e-recwfod Ay a
Kin and romm were made. A* in the luanar and the hut tlie brwrth
pro/ie *f rpeerii. For tlie \J*xhatn hIj -w Sue! I lie ame word
(a water " mJ |**.*r-4limwifcig, am I in the Mexican language alone
W wt in the middle of the >|ian*, m aim the Fin* m| taker the
rent ml podlem ail the muth. In the navel of the narth " (tioteiero)
the ex|*v>
|***r-t browing (waiter) ami field-firing " le Known to
ia Ilia alinde. And it may be that the tdoervatimi of the volotnk
he a evnihdit* cx|ir**io<n far '*
fttn. eienwbore preemt below the rnrinci' had Ita diarr in the origin
In the comae of thi* inquiry attention baa rrjeatedly called to Wn and rit'ivkjpmejit f this efineei4nm. A* 4od of tlie crutiw be U inodud
the fact thnt tbe deity figured under a ghen week ha* to he taken n*
by the nierehant* under the name nf TtnLrietmlifu. or TMxu-trutim
properly the ruler of tbe iY,rr**jK.ndmg namler in the *erie* of the day
XauAjo/ruclii. Ife who hath hi* dwelling in the nand of tin* wh."
Mgna. awl only by tnmaferrnte hrome the normal rfnndard for tlie
tlie of the fimr qiairteTa." .Mad a* Lord of tlie 4Vtre we awn
varae place in the *erie* of the twenty week*. The ninth wgu in the
him on the faxnmu ehert 44 (Kingrhcnongir* iiotatnail of t'odex
day serin* e* the dgn ni/, ~ Water." the moaning of whkh I have made
Feji; rv4rv, with ita inloroaiitig |cmiUe| the donlde rlieet nf tlie Maya
clear in the preceding [ey TTie initial day of the ninth week
t.Vakx Cortea, witere in the niklilk* of the *hM are s*n the two
cf countl, I. Snake," Awl here it happen* for once that in their
oW gud* M*atnl hcneath tta* tnrreto<| roof, and in front nf them
meaning the day *ign and the initial day of the week harmonii**.
the rymbol itu the "wind," hut nl*> IWIi," S|iirit," Life." ami
Ilie make luw certainl* nothing to d with all directly, or with it

(rriiapw Fire." t* But a* the Fire Cnal baa hi* atmde in the newt re.
original moaning. Hut it wa hvmght Hy the Mexican* into relation
in the navel of the earth, be ha* hi* jdnoe above altra hi the middle
with water, nonrequrwlly with itfL in it derivative tiiKaniiig. We
of hrai-en. At any
thk liar ie5*re*ce the Mlowing ex|rr**iion
rate, to
have above area tlint the Water tioldew wwe taken n repmwwlative
in the tdnc-quy^i |*nM(ge in rinhfitnqonUo maqHttoc, He
of tbe ign Snake"
who entereth the hlim time- pyramid," lor which in tlie Spanirh text
Tbe reflection* we were induced to make mi moaning of
the ign oti had led no |irevwn*ly to investigate

I lie nature of
are the wunta que rwUSe m el albergue de la agua y entre lai* far*
i|We -ei la jiaredra aJiiuhwIm, nivueilo entre twa* trailer tie agua
the arcwTU|aumng evmbol. ha* now rne to take
T>ie time Into
the emlnttled walL. *ueh are tlie chard* The w*ml for erufwltle-
roneiderwlion (be chief figure* who are the ]>eeial representative* of
ment (mixyotl, mitreil, w txxryuil) ir in Mexican derived from the
tlm iiiuth **gn. TIm*** are, a* I have already (ld in the opening

|*uagntph, the Fire fiml, the XinAUtcntli, the lewd of tho Tiinpouin*."
>4if I. of. I,
of the time, of the Ve*r," or tbe _Hlwr faml," fjvofatthtjui, He 1
tUkayua 4, cap. !?,


74 Ki TV T*f *y Unite* nf the Wck I

very Unn wintti, timid," anil mean* t h** domHik* (uisrpof/j, lnv tin* eye were |*roduced l*y t#4ril and Iraupd/i, black fnm,
or tin? image uf the cloud*" (^4J^^alpw*eut//). ,
Aim I the tfcpliko ImHIi of which prratjroaldy represent a Urk uniformly raWred variety
4iljK'TNlrii''lun'. the l liMitW. Tin* Filrv find, nf idwidian 1

who m I lit* mat in the contra nf tlw* km I ikIimsI raramhkw The mr-orrannent f the gn| pM-.-| t u nothing *j**cd, Ax a
in M* nature the old jpid, th** hwd of Ufa, wt*** artpiaitetanr*- w muol orimment he wear* in (Wtl Ibirgia a rad piervisg the w^itum;
low* mixta a* rotor of the first ngu. For tiro wa* taken by Uw hut in Codec Korbuiikcu* and tn aim# |ilaro in Vaticano* B < diver

Mexican* m the etnhlrm of Cmm, if warmth, of growth, of renewal, .it| an ovnaioecit kia|d like a little tongue or a wreath nf *io4(e,

if th** iihctUnUnn of the young for th* old genera* Ion. Such ak> u which i* evidently ala* attachad to the tepium, hur lie* do**> tv the
th mauing of futdlt, th# name of it* fatuL. with wind* the Mexican* tip of the iioae, from which It curl* upward*- With the Fin* trad of
owo-luded till* xerie* of their annual fcwtUal*. After it ha* hern held tiafrx Borgia *19 thi na*al ornament ha* peveerved the form of a
the year u renewed ;
and that i |*rha| the reason why the Old *ki, hird neck axel head fcf. nbotc. p 72. Fig. 2Hj.
the Hr* tiod, wax called XiufdrtXtili. - (xml of the Yoar* On Id* brnii tlie Fire God of Codex Telletiano and Vaticami* A
In accordance with hi* name /arofim&gut, the ' Yellow-faced.* wear* the royal crown of Mexico, the xiuAnit2oUi, the fillet of tun|U<iW
the Kite God i depicted in ravetml ma*u*.'npt* in jftUaw on face motaie with the frontal plate n|mu*ed in trumgiilar form. TbU i*

and body, a* in Teilenono Uoiuwmix. in tin- Silugun manuMri(a. in to a certain extent the hreroglyjih of hi* name. The two other deitie*
the picture writing* of the Florentine Bibliotcoa Niumnnl*. ami in the who. like the Fixe tiod. lutve the elrment fecidfr, lhrince." King.*
second iut of ( inlet BorKmii'Uw which treat* of the annual fr**ts. in their name Touacntfcutli and Jkficf/rtwfecwffr nre likewiar figured

In other dueamenta. the Aubin TonalnnintL. the pictorial writing* of in the two nbore-tuenl iooed numtwrijit* with the xinAuif^ofli- Other
the Codex Borgia group, and in the Tonalaaiat I forming the fir* jart diotiixfira frv*iin* of the Fire tlvd'* liend-ilreax ar*

of Codex Horboairoa, he i pictured with red face and brdr. But

1. cAdfcAiuAlWrf/*, a drop for the lewd, rat with jewelled dink*
in both iwn tlie lower half of the face i* made a deep black
and on the front, aide bearing tlie figure of a txfiagn
motewoiojpiniioTf, Lip* and chin an* modelled in enoatcliour, *
ax il
Lx culled hi fttlugun, where the apporal of tlie Fire God i* ilexcrihed.
2. ywefni/oMnif/ ur jinkliiitximAitUi yoefxoiuiiowoyu, a Hum of
Sane <f the inaxmwn|>ts however, which figure the gr*J a* yetlnw-
fratbrr tusMUc-wock in the forna of a reietwnl ctaie. IwiMHionmg
facri (Telleriiinn Kt-raen'i*. Vatican^* A. FVwewtiw* Hi Hint era
Nnaifinnle paint in red the putx dear round the mouth within
J. mitzontli tUicncJktaontii, or mm
yaa m nwirfrtfj two arr<rw-
live black l<wer half of Mm* face. A mwuimI Work atrip* nan* at the
bafi* or wiKiden drill*, which |rojH^ forwnrd abmelhe front .ti
level of the eye rnwiie over the whole tire (ixOan tfoxt*vv*\,
bund on tlie twde of the temple* and exhibit the om man ll.
Muviver two rt bet hoart black ftiakN are often ft nit* I draw n *|taiie
**2. Beni* ur the wiomn/Awiuf/*. the fire-drill.
straight t*hnv tlie eye. In the city of Mexico like feat of /srwl/i,
4- faewwwf/i, a wig of yellow hair.
which ifcfiirtvd at the keginning of out Fehnmry, wax held in honour
of the Kira Gwt. Twice ro that ocraeioas firxt tew day* before the In Codex Borgia the MufrAioAfcfef/* i* de|acted a* a Itandage
frost, and again on tie* feaet itwlf, an image of the go] wn* pat which it worked entirely in tur^uoira ixmmuc*. aiad to which on the
together of date* oral hoo|xs and lira***! in the nwixk Hint foetber- frontal fide i* attached the full figure with head, wings ami tail, of the
wurk of the god. Tin* tin* time the uu>k of the gal whm ovule of fiuA/oM/. the ratings, which m dbaingwii^ed hv the *u|>erb tun|uai*
r\u!chtvitl, onuunciitoJ -tunes of a gTeeti or yellowish green colour,

with dark eras* line* of blue tur.jiiid-.w- But on the feast -day it-elf a i> gira*
T'-ri xrivJ. II. 4|> St. rad thr can* of tto rord
frraul kwioiafe. lt*t tkat i* otwlowdy a aiMakt Hy * uok r*<ud a
kmmc of red inuxseJ-dudl (toyaoeid/i) impart id It- ^travailing colour
roaad gaakvd or fl* timed eMU *hfvd x|>, rank e w<x-a bjr the tWriVe* mmI

to the tnndt. The black lower half of the fare ami the (fun hand *ho ^ibilneril,
by u
It >iNll]f *h*wa In thr 4*cri|rir>a* of nntuiDn tail the

pr-iurs* nf tin Htiugun MMripte. Ttx Muicui ray *3 crawa wm 1M

Ha also Jh* prrasnt Hf>< or M<>|ir Iwimo* exptu*
n image of th* u rih<Mli, Ua tartjiKxra mastic I*1U( (xiielwi upvxnU t u<r gtoenfly
elnvi* tb* lUplikr want j*rti added to the four ula on the rim of their aivlint.r /milMtfti, the temifcl ni'-w ftllwft-" The find naira it giwea by ul
water- Vowl*. ruuivra. the MMid, by the Main

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Tb* Twenty Kohr* of the H'h*t 73

liiw> colour of it* tdumage. In tb* other ifocumeut* j shown n red lord* and the first of the thirttva kml*; and laftly in the iwanu-
frontal strap rtnkkd with but few jewelled disk*, which t* a ruJe are svri|4 uf the Florentine tttldiuteca Naxiutvale. '8ee Fig. Jifr.) (Wy
paint rd a lilun valour, brncn i 1 unpiotscM (xtuif{\ and only quite Hi nIihH 34 of thin doruiiwnt they an* still firnihhed aith a
email v green, a vhuleMuitl. At tli* airs* tint** the mtiugH i tuft f quetaal fratliew at tbe end. 1W, Ihi never, wit# alou
still ijulte |iererjtihlf on ihwl 37 of < ndwx Vh) scan ii* H and hi Codex attaHud to hutb of the gwamutwwilids. tin* aiMaleu drills which
lWUmii-u*. and shown for tbe moat |*rt in full figure on tin* frontal were fitted to the fillet of the image uf the Flr (jrad set up in tbe

*ide Hut in out manuscript. a* well a* hi tin* picture* which in city of Mexli'o ten day* hefur* tlie feast uf fotoi/i. Ijistly, cjurtmi
Codrx Borboaieu* represented the fir>4 uf the nine hitd* (ct S3, koUisr* wt* also home ly lb* two arrow-shafts knsertod in tin* fiUct

Fig. fl), tbi* bind ia degraded to an absolutely unintelligible blue u# tbe llrs trod in the Code* JturgiH group (Fig. Sfi). Here they
tnuguelrt ;
ueietThrle*#, iu we shall again see furl her m, with Ute bkni are indeinl m large tlwit they (t>ni|i)eti*ly cover the arrow
Odd* fillet formed of exact ly the atm? element*. the bird I* *liar|4y which could scarcely he rv-

distinguished by it* vise .mil it* notation fnmi tl* blue <ik attached cugniesil a such but to the
to tbe <uHaer of the rtrap. TJie bandage, a> may he dearly *> informal iuw oblniinnl by nai-
in Codex Horbuuirtt* and ot iheet St) of ant mauuscript, ia bound jiortMiii with the other uuinu-
together ly a broad huxh whoa* loop and* free *ud are designed acripta.

exactly a* with tbe jiuhvitsotiu the royal morn of \leiim. TW lastly, the tsoiuostli, the
wh4e of thiM detvralicm whsrh in the rha|4x on nweuin* in the I yelk head of lutir, i* eretr-
haluiguii ifiHniiM'ri|it tnkes the general dts-ignai hm of t&ttMiuK/tifiU wiirre distinctly jefcejaibK
jewel heap I al*o rrguni to wmr eat cut a* a liMaeglyjih uf the In tbe picture* which in our
name A'luAfcruiri. *Tur>:puw*r King." and am even of ci|ifii<m that tnanuiKTipt de[art the first uf
frtuu the ahuvr-ihwrribod frontal bandage of the Kite (sud waa like- tbe nine and tbe first of
ba evolve*] the later conventional form of the frontal hand uf fle tbe thirteen land* (*ee above.
Mexican king*, tbe xuitAfronf/s or xiukuiJtUtu which byr Tttrynrumda, Fig*. and fi). the enormous
(tirifj* ro and note recent arL'ImxdngksU U wrongly described a* MfulU yellow head of hair i* tbe oulv
Hie tiara, yurttttlromiti, or riuKtoloaruacnUx, is everywhere I
art of tbe Fire (iod't inuiF

eaMljr recognised la It* fiwm of an in varied cone broadening upwind*. tires** tlust is shown at all.
Fite .
In the manuscript* cA tbe (Aidex Borgia group small and olinowt Iliua the gul u dUttn- MS. to Ik* DtwKtac tliblMwa \**i:alr.
laahhing, in our nwuni*ert|4, ia fbdrx Borbmiru*, and aotaHy aim git f bed by tin* variuUM detail*
ia the ]
net are Imok of the Florentine Hibliotmi Naziooale. it asswueww of hi* bmifiln*** aw XiukUcutti and a* the Fire (lod. A ownewbat
ian|**4iig 4ta*nwM. Tb* colour* at tbe haee. which wns doubtless different umnepthm Ha*ls* ea|iv****un in a device whirh in tie*

regarded a* the ch ief jort, are somewhat unrfnrnilr Win*. and higher Mesiran inaiiuwrn|>(> |wo|er U Is absent from tbe f^udei Hurgia
UI* red and yellow. Tiii* wa* |weeainablr intended again to reproduce gmujs 9* to lie wen, half pc muled with the befuMreo*, on tbe
the colour* of the Kotinga, the rivkttdoil* whom hotly t* bloc, nod luck of t lie god of tbit ninth sign. It lias the firm uf a large
vim** tail-uiufo are piety ml red and yellow in Codex Borgia. Indeed, rr^itile* head, from aka* g*|*ng >w< tbe bend of the god arrayed
in the Kahagwn manuscript this tiara in plainly designated a* xiukiato in all it* bravery t* a* it were looking out. Thr head aod body of
amm*itU, "Totmgn frptr Crown," this r*|iile are juiutnl yelkia or red tbe bodily and Iai4al colour*
Tlie two urn iw t1i nft*. which teyirrarait the umitsonUi, f/ocorA front/*, of tle gwl hiiiwlf. In tlie picture of tbe Fin* tind In tbe Shogun
and are the emblem of the Hre-dril) (nuvMoMiKtstfi \ are in the aianu*en|>t of tbe Ibbiioteen del IliUewi even the lower half of
pictun* in the Kahagun iiMUiuiKTi|g de]iirtel jmijeeting dirertlr tkU reyitlle'* face is cuAonned a deep black. ju*t lik** tliat of the god

forward fmou the bend. They ore nl~ . : distinctly to be *een in hinnvlf, and the cron* bands over the eye an* also at bast *ngge*ted.

t'mkex Burbonirun, ia tlie large jdrtum of tbe Hr* Ciod, an well an In our iiianu*crt|4 the re|4ile forming t4ie dmke of tlie Fire <*od
in the *moll figure* wlien* thl god *Und no tlie firrt of tbe nine i* blue *
Proliant!** are the inverted region of the snout, |ijeeting
70 HI The Twenty Kuhn of tW Wok.

high up, involuted backward* and along H* whole length edgsd remains'! in omihi notion with tli# triangular ray. ar else was
wrth eye*; further n kind of wing or crest, which i* a{pnnmtly net at tarJtcil to tliat of th# triangular ray. Hie combination of trapera
directly on the heed, in Codex Bar bon ko* I us* two tings inserted, and ray w# see. for instance. <m a carved wooden kettledrum
but in Tellermno Retnewm u decked along it* entire length with a [trjiOAaxtli ) nf kfixtec origin in the Jlusen Xaramal de Mexico,
row of quetsol feathers; lastly. a rear otr tail end confiding of two on tlw* Tcruusgn monolith publislied by Claeigtruw' and on eUwte
trapere-shnped piece* nud jminted triangular terminal {cut. this rarrings at diirhen Itzn.* The *uj*er|msxtion of 1ra|wie nod ray
last in Codex Borbanicas prating through n tuft of green grass. may be noticed on the TUtUx figures, which in Cole* Borgia Sf7. 2*,

It i the yellow bnd* of this in&oresoent gras# that the artist of indicate the four rears, or the four quarters of the Ummhamatl |**rik

our nianurrijrt, who had obviously but a somewhat vague idea of the and flic fire year* coinciding with three Venue period*-* I .art It. a
whole wet, bos placed under the tip of the repdile* tail
I** The very ujevjKwif k>d of t rape-re and ray are <i the Mr am! tail and
grass which lanre lliu inflorescence he has forgotten to draw and paint. of our device. aiaAconniwturt/'j. amt on the kraly and tail end of tire

la the chapter on custom* in the Sohngun manu<ri| of the two snaJkee which form the border of th# great nil#ndar stone in thw

Kthliatncft del Palarvs the whole picture U described as i~*wA- Mureo Nacirmal de Mexico. and 'how on their body III# element
cuttunsfwa/. his static-snake disguise.** That thi* in Intended Car a ** 13. acu/C* th# year of the birth of th# sun. Tims thi* euprr*

muiaUt. a mask oranmed by the i a figure in which le narastunally positiou of trapes? and snake is exhibited on berth form*, Ih# luck
appear*, u nt once evident from the way thus device i want by the device nf the Kira God and the make of the cwlendar stone. Ami
god. That, moreover, a saiake was Intended to be re|to**jte<l. we tlinl no doubt should remain a* to the meaning of thia dhflfwtbw
may well believe the interprets# The <pi#sfn.u now is whether feature, in Codex Bothoniru* th# triangular terwiinal ray f th#

the *<sA is represented in the pert nr*, or whetli** sain* uld and no ,ti uArona nnnaHi is further encamf u**#d by a tuft of grits*; for xiuiti

longer undersCtMNl forms have lieru been re] waited and eo|ard. Ximitl mean* ** grass.' AimU n* I have abut# pointed out, tlw de-igner of
mean* the **
turquoise,' grass." and th# -year." and in a derivative cmr manuscript ha not omitted to give th# yellow Idounn of tli#
sense also the * comet.* Mu* frequently lire word is found umvJ to grass, although he forgot to draw and jiainl the grare it#lf.

denote tlie bW-greva gem. o# to riguify being* and object* which Now. what is the explanation of thi# |#culiar ilexiiw? The non-
hare the colour of this gruo. And in point of fact in our manuscript, |mriwm with the snake of the calendar ston# strmgfy wnggests that
the Aulun Tc-nalamat 1, we see depicted in Mue the bark ijhviee it ie to be taken n* th# year* make, am! the god wearing it os

of the Kira God. th# xiuicoaurnauaf/i; but this in our manuscript bmrer of tlw year, 1 h ttediere in Hi# vsar. whose faost inaugurates

alone In the other documents, ns 1 have already above stated. it is the tear. Altlwmgh *sr)i un int#r|ir#tatiuan has much in its favour,
pointed the calour of the Kira (rod himself. On the other hand, and is by no menu* to h# rejected. It lieing even highly probable
another meaning of the word riuiit, that of * year. dearly that it wom thought of ill nmnertiou with Gin dgure of the miikcow-

indicated in the body and caudal |rt nf this hack device. The year owiMMi/fi, dill We ore not to su|?**# that it wa# the urigitail coue#irtki

denotes a coarse of the cun. and on that account was bv th# anaieut lying at th# tut of thh iWvvrv. To this are opposed the *|wria1

> l*xic u indicated by an abbreviation of the sokur figure a ring tsclwieil meaning whsch, > w# shall reo. the warsl xiuhcttuMi. has

and a ray. Wherever m the Vienna manuscript. in the wall frasow* Hcquinvl, and i* th# fairt that this device u desmbed os a wivaUi, a
of the psslace* at Mitln, in the whole group of the Mixtec manu* disguise. The ward jrioAcou-rimrsuiWs, j-sA-nak# disguira, U obviously
rripfe Codex Daren berg iCddiee CokimbinoL Codex Becker (mann- a Nynoym of the x . <d.hc*j\uir,t ptattf, the - Tanpuois# snake mask,*
scrif da Cacique) and also in Codex Borgia. a datum ^numeral the iaa#k ntenUluo! with I Is# hot her omauienrt
and #igwj w to be taken, not as the name of a day btrt a* tlur the nook of QurtsnixtnutfL god of Tollan. which, as I has# nlremly

BMW of a yew, by its side is alwnya to be seen this abbreviation mIjowii (see almv#, p 4H) U umViubteiUr a bomologu# of th# Tfo/os
of tin* solar picturea combination of ring and ray. A transference inadi, and an emblem uf tli# USregivmg water. Bat the question
of this dkrigta lo pliable materials, such as wood nxd atone,
1 " A nsle* itrt Mvo N'linl 4*
eaured th# ring hi them to brown e angular, and ui fart a trapeae-
ZmtMhrtft for Ettwk p
Ukw Inna leva me conventional far this ringa form which cither 1
Ibst (VnliiUMgf, Joly 16, 1 mart j. p. Sat

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10. Tin Twenty Rnltr* of tb* Wlt. T7

min* he n*kiL lues such * symbol t<i be ap|4id iu the Fire the Mexiiwn ikrnmeot- the Klim Ood a |>htte of very
trod ? Wall, iiLUJifi-itlv bv the Mine *macit tun >4 Idea* which has eliararterbitie hM|N* not out >te|-CuiheJn at the siiics. and likewise
also made the Fire God the n* j *v**atat v *ti tire *lgn of/,
water, | Minted blue, while often di)ilaying on the warfare two diffcwatlr
An the " $aakr.'* cokwred dik which are seemingly iateudnl rrprcwiU tirenlax
sigii erruatl. it represented by tlit Rtii-r-^tkliu to

t%nUJti*JitI&u. so the xinhevu*tt!. the Tunjiloiee Hnake," tire blue lioie*. M P*m y T/v suvao ex]ilaixi this plate a a ftiwplare, evidently
snake." ni assuredly t fire* im indication of water. But tho ecjiutttun bemuse on shot* H4 of Cortex Borboniciu the hearth where the new
rittActmali afi,
water." wa* tmaafonoMl to rinhcanaJi Uoatl, " *|m - flre obtainerl hv frletiou la kindled to a bright flame at the
throwing. Mnl thus the *i*heo*iuti bream# the symbol >4 the Kin* i Pamftuizaliilli. show* an uj'i*-r bovder furaixhed with a *tr|4ike
God, who fo the Wat trod. This is clearly shown bv the fart that receding turret- But with this turret crowned bmrth the Pin Ood*
xiuArow.o/1, the ** blue make. I* associated with nuvwwMiMLtCh',
the fire-drilL* Mid thin com htnat loa I* umd a* a direct vnoaiyrn
of teottli-tfacbinoJU. ** spear-throwuig and burning/' as the Ijwlnllt
reprerentatlou Thus la Sdngun's
of wr. hrst chapter on th#
Mexican god l'Uril<rpoeJ*tii we read :

ymiuoijyiw yit yrtvyntf

jfUchfin mtldffjfn

,fw xiiiAcuntf ym wornaihuaziii

y u. y usyUl
tnmti UucJktuoUi
He create* war,
He rnUre the warrior*, eoearaami* the warrior*.
Kor of him w mid
He thrown on the |*oplr
Tin* blur snake, the firs-drtll,
Thut is, war
Sp*ar -throwing and burning.*
flue bark device xiiiAcxmomxwidfi tt acrooiingly to he amorist rd tweast plate indented at the idc has in ite form nothing to do. On
with the two arrow* in the crown of the gud, the tftuwJktewtUi ;
or tha other hand, I lair found ia the manuarrit* ia the KVevntioe
the nur \ptnm*w\mHii1li, which reprewmt the outmaMuaxJft. Or, I Hibliui mch Naxiotaale two figures which exactly reproduce the form of
wlat U |wrha|*i more protubte, the Kite Ood himself, decked with the Ki trade Ureartfiltite. Tliey are, on sheet 35 the chair on which
the sfinkcon/itU ix inteoded to represent the 1oatl-U-ntAiMtJii (fire its*! ia seated tire g*d sX**cMipiUh *d on sheet 64 the tuii on which the
swurd). and thus be an emblem nod |rr*unatki of war. body of the king it bmrred. The latter figure et|iecially gne* the
A* I have already above mentioned, this device U misMtig in ideaitieal furm of thsr Kite Ood's kdetTiUr iudented brrawtpliite. One
the Codex Borgia group* Hep? the god wears oa hie hack nothing might thcrvfuTD Infer that the Kite (iod wore the royal chair as a
but a kind erf Uuul or ipustntii in form like tlint which I luive alme device on hk hrwut. I mutt, however, cuufrtM that I am far from
described in nainertkin with the Rain Ood and the g<:lde M<ty.jvn' rtisflod with Uib interpret at uxa, Apart from the cotietderatiou that tm
The Fire Gref* W-iotpUf al*o it differently drjnrtod la the this view ww Nhouhi e|ect to find this form more generally figured
Mexican mairow-iijr.^ |wo|wr and ia tliowe of the Codex Borgia group. md described os> a royal rant than u the care, the 4 Valet Borgia form
In there it b simply a rectangular [Ante {Minted blue, the thmle of of til* Fir* (and** hre*t plate aim become* diffvolt to underritand
the tanjooise. rot apfurently ia a narrow gold frame, and ob|li|Ue|y cm this araumfstioa. I should therefore feel iarlined to ado|it the
fastened to a necklace bunging far down over the breast. But ia view that wr have here only a nreua! ooiamlencr, ssr rather cuppa**

7H I*. Tbe Tmtj of the Wrwk


lluil the prototype wa* ni|pitai on* by chr chair fcny (lie Irvh-tjUr-, be ahoif m fignrwil with liU assocMited sycnbiia. wlddh imV*
Jxit by the brant f 4*t<* fur the choir, or ti*nt a oeuiiinofi kb* Ly (wdibut brew fully dieme**!. But i*wrc be npfwai-s its ruS*f of the taint hi

both. On thi* other hand. f mum* refrain from hum odtiucmg on wswfc, bn ts con heated hy n monoid v
p ro. in imieod we hnvc fixsnd

unlVY, however for-frtrL^i i: nmy certainly nn eon) puritan, to he tbe ease with tbe otlwr works stsi As omupaufeoi of the Kilt I

t bit k. be Uw the Kim God's arms? hit ami j

iIm which i* liod in the ninth wodk we hare 77offiV*npr the **
Land l

won* u their twnst, or el*** in tbe ilkt oboe rbeir fW^fowul by tb* tbe IJ>nm f tire Ikiwiiliig.*' tbe **
Lord of tbe M'<niiug TniUiffat.'

o-willrd wwd, tbe tijjjurv? on tbe tempb j>iilnrs of Chiebrei Ion. the **3!onunt| tbe jg**l into wb^sn was Hiangr'l tbe heart of
h* 4 by half of tbe wwviar* on the relief hi tbe llm k t Cowrt. of the Q*etsvii&mad, Lord of Tolinn. whew he mmrutert tbe pike ami w**
mmsi* (Jiun*.
In (lie ill totmt >n : Fig SO) I have repnatnerd a number of t !*

Jules, shafting hmr they were w.-wn on tbe breast or tn the SISm.
They tew jmttoWy nuuk* of m^itl. and it U BKstemwthy that. Kkv
Uih Fin* Umf* hri<t|ilale in (obi Bevghk Uiw nW ra efolkjirety

fft*tcci| to a necklace hanging for lnw~u over the IwiNWt- These

hrii>i |J;ii * of tbe (
'h.iobeu It/a twriK-t have Ik-csi r\|4_umil by
MtttMey a* cohTevtioiiiitised figures f o bin! with not spread v-iugs, I

mmI wbh thi* I think we nuty agree ItnftwtL there i* here u rHitairk*
nHe CofiflbktMe* with Codes Val irnaua li, sheet S3, where tbe Fire
(bi thlftf of tbe tiintli dl^y, *wi whaf knkt tike the Ftgwr of n
Midi the JtiukMiA!. on the c&$naijw#it. wlucfo hangs far down over
bb hrna#t, amt in its form esorily rearenhles lino of live firs* nhfaet

tn Pi#- 30-
Thcre remain iftiD to be wienf jolted tbe objects whi* n are placed .

in the ham! of the Mare God, tbe ruler of the ninth sign. In
C&tex Vwlicswitw A the ruler of the ninth week bolds in hie band
the Mu* throw in#- .tick, the .onA'idat*. which with liinn os with
LHtiiiiptKAtSi Mid eTiiPrs, takes the hwtn of a Musk*. ami which I

have above (p. 441) (Irtcri'.sd tn (wniMsKinfl with the

\vrr mi Tollsii. In oaf luMiwiH-rijit, if* Auhin Toimiamstt, on the
cfiwtTmry. he holds high up In a >imiUr wy a Mite-rch ntrwd had II. 7%unii>M twWAv (hit; d the K:raiig Htar,
which it ugiin Intended for n /.4Uu Tbe ri uknii^ti Coin t Urrtaiwi IIouik*.
Imp'd in tfe* form *f a serpent is of tunrM the xiuAcntsatf, the

hliv snake. And if the Fire find hnrU spun* with the xinluy*i>*tt, orm(Md tn tire year fan tin day) e* ewnif, 1. Itr*d. in the
b spears out qgin hr u:lung last tbe u^MM.ri'Aerrsfc'i, tbe two TUlht T} M tha hull of tbe black iitul ued eilotr.'
reeds with which fire i* (wmbiced by frof hoi. I hfi^e *d ready etated The Momitog Star np;.-iii> sfrerywhetw in a light eolwar or rise
tlmt ni oar RUOMtscfif*, instead oi tbe rhroin#-shck feelikmed like (trijKsi white ajm! ml. width i* the same thing. Tie* erdnur N
a snufe'*, o<ingn i figured. Ais.1 it mav U* wkod whefhc* f like tppro)w!> f<u tire God of the brou- in it ore also iirain'd
bird may t have kn* tbe snore inennhig a* tha hi we snake which tbe gmlikssus of the cv-ning gkauaning. tire Ciuft^fnUi a, wlio dwell
m the grid** ihtroring'wtick. This may [lUMiMy he tbe iwswy dniY j
in the trust. Only the port nJtuNt the idhmii h is jaunted a red cuhnir
the J-ivhiofoU nmy base been |i(iUed in tbe amio way ns the with I In* God tA the Morning Aar in IVlleruum Hetncurta. ns mi this
WtrAoiMusft? cnihlr rout icl l for water. numsuerip with tbe Fir* (sod also. nt.l as gewrrallr with
Wliere tb* fTrw <j*d b rejwesetited m nrkr f the ninth dny OHiAttL Hot Ins dhllerths note U n linJtf"riin*k4ikr- dt*rj Hack

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10. The Twenty Ruler* nf the Week. 79

(tainting alioat tin* eye. which round the whole rlrrm(Hmi i* ewtkttu nf a .ii I - *Ml tntw|iml with thr Hr** find'* uni
t add'd with lilt It* rirrios mid where it orvup* with ativf jfaU in tin* Sun fieri* Imatl ira|> rttulibri with -lulling genus ihtwe while
thr Haliagan mnj*uri)il in detcrihed n*. mi/vjr/nMuiltftte HMfrueurt lu*U ring* unn again intended tn indicate thr fainter light of thr
f/uyoW/*. n* - -tellur fiuv (taint lug," hrtev >t> n mVIhiImiI tif tin* *afry dawn. In mil luami*n|it nllti ill Otdr* Itcrhaiicu- thix hrnd-rtmji
*ky r of night. Tlii* black bdf-ma*k mi a white, nr n ml and U ngitiii Imiitel with A k*>|xl hr juwt like flat wr in the (tartar
wliiec ri|*d gnmmi, u. havevwr. in* TWtuitctilfMiM t*ctUH'$ only f thr sinAutttUU, the fillet nf tlir Mexican king- In t'rtjrx

rtyle nf | ii tiling III tiakrx Borgia lu* kji|mwt though certainly IkngU cf Fig. SJ) the tan nf lautd* trriniiiHl ing in ilmvtlt

M in J'Iivwh which Ui any direct nUt*m tn thr Tmialamat feat Inn tllft*, exactly like iIhw wr have met with in C***Ujutta
nr with thr day wgn nU* with A ilnrk facial (Minting. which i* tl lift, aam tn tr *i)tiivaleiilx o4 till* Iimi|mm| fir. Above the lieak-

diftingwirlnej bv tw derjt black cm liars iuul <m vhirh ar* }iul tra| |imjert a I'nmw, which kn our man uteri |*t nawlrtx nf white
white -j*tt s hirh bring tlt|<nMd A* n i|iunctixix *re*n tu n*|*v*eiit fenthm nr white indented |intt*l nut merely white, hut white

Fi|U >U. fmfii. l ulu Uu|ii

tie* familiar Main hieroglyph of the |4iuef Venn* 1

(<f. Ktgw. 32 anil with ml itrtjMw like thr whole body nf tin gal. In I'odcx Ikwgia
S3 I **!}. he t* then* nln> drown in nirr(imnling place* with a nr*. I in Tcllerium Krtnruw* (cf. Fig*. 31 above, ami 32. 34) thr crown
ekull, which Inn the wror jurt drambod facial (tainting fef. >Tg. 84 y * fnrtticil of black fmtlw with white ti|*v liemw In a way rr(ire*rt*
Tlu* 'i|4iiui> the fm*t tlini in oar maiia*cri|4, the AuIhii ToralattinM. <iirw. Farther, in todrx Horhowicux we hue a iwjwii furtunl by thr
uel in TaUarhuko Kiw*nw cf. Fig. 31 ahme; we -e .i tie* hack ynining of dark foal lie ns nnri within it ml feat here di*fuw*d at regular
irf tlu* gui, a hi* helmet -mark, liiit suuui/fi, a *4 till, which rai tin* intenraU which wc haie mr< n* a neck-omanimt nf ^ucfruicoikif/. and
tn| ho the Mine launlngr uel crown with whieli the lewd at the whirls a* I there *tat<*i ivcttwikiihIk t* tie* llndli waf ofAtf/. the fire

god hiniartf k* decorated. crown** of the Fife fiod MUiutoe. I^-tlv, in Index Ik.rgia and in
The hnul-dre very rlukmrterixf ir fur thr deity nf thr THIerinno Ketnemi- from tliix crown |i(njwt* a tuft nf cjurUnl fratlirrx;

(naming *tar. It* chief manfirpnit i- a Iwsid-ar.iji on which are hut in fV* In Bcwbonwm ajipiirently thr wh*ir tnd end of a ^actru fewnnff,
figured twn panted ring-lia|a*t cthjert e-apfxuvntly longitudinal n ijih 1 wd-fmt her nuke. And a |w*mkuit tertnlnatiiig ui thr tail nf a
guWmfimnrf/ nl-> liangi down from ilex tnttialtacatC tlir large niirmr

nttarhnl tn thr hack which ix wnm by the nouiNafpm teenlii of

Cf tay away \ atrr Vuiafwind
iIm lkM*Mrhriffe*n <lee in Ubi
Ito^yu <.rm' Zr-urhnft far Ktl*.!.*,., iih*;, jv mv:< *vl uti aq. todrx BirlKiiiH^is amL an i nllra the iwe, i* dn-kml with the

90 Ift Tin f vuit* Itnl.j* of tv Wnslh

figure of n foinfa head. A jwcttliwity of aajt maamampl, the Anfafo |

gods be wbo *ji|)wrt with the ftrt-^ltill (nwiin^V/i 1 mul the golden
ToiinlMiTAtl, Arf t h* tt A goto* utf-iltu-Anuuiii, "Walcf nrd Kin*," tin tumiier (reo* rttilisKpumitl in hie Inunl, in order to *t*w tU*** destfimd

sign of which pwjfal from thr ctiwrn <if the (*{ of tbf M>nin|[ Ur that thw hnnr iu M huint, tlatt the enctftke lwt> now
the sneriHee
Nar, l*ut fcn the tlin ib*umru? ho* i^foiik-eil fiuoting Ibc to modi*, n dmiMleo to In* distiinflv kh*ntitlul with thr nnoriikig

itirtiiii|( star, batfMi it and lb* Ftw God- I*/.Of the hei two war infottnmii(> have little to Uii >b. Mtsjvuuntl-

K<'Mrdiag II w attar ntf srv of the god. it 1 u.s "till to be wn> held to lie tU- gnd of the hunt
i'nmtiselli And of A mimiil 11M
iDfiiiiunnl tiua iu ib ioi M*|<niu Iw vmM * rl from which (w> Af/unw fiuhngna unit TnwpMunriu meiwl/ r j*ort rlnut they *ewO the
t ViSrt Hwgia Mi hang* 11 little jiUtc jn*r like tint* *ti in uuuiy hliMijv IIul dkrrlntn, i\Migtiing nod cainwh. They sum iimt. in iurt,

|nriiiT*ii i*f A*- bnKjikli he wmrt Haw tlu* Meritvin lieite-s jsrwjwr. firMMiithCWM/fi n> tlw god of the
him* ptatn of th*-* FV* lead ffcn Olwt Height (S'J, uivl in Mttft i<Vr
|iart> of (Ii{m IMOTfrijlt) . WimfilBM and fodrad HUWT
U10 t'unnuti. tin. huge white rij& wtlfi Tt&*itftpwnrii Ingr hot her Imp
A imam fa tin? 0 <d of th* Morning Star bring p'*i'l ovrr

fit 31 . laf* <4 tMnUr+ljt** u**tii* fe*Ul fv*lr>lir*r

iujniioI tin- Kin* Ood mttfM til fir<4 b> &<mut in tb fuel tbl tin* Hfr
God i the nM gnl. tie* gist of tta* fuanctwl gknuniftg, of tie* time w
Hin Mitl 1 tv** wm* not vet made, when Uw world wa* still in |wutvm> f 1
Fhr. M. TWibni^MR fnnolll. sjnvu ! U t.rit IVckal t V. nn>. CV*i* Beeste

being. While the tribes were etnll in fWun Xmva, in tbe dtrkm *. in
my the Qucbt IfignA they received tta Tta&rpalsvri*. of the ]^)ie beyond the n*.n*,Uiav. of the triVw of
lb* Might. iIksi. fin*. ninJ then
1 exotziinv* iUei TIaKiiiIii. A>kI Atu tmiti Mid AUttmtt were ui be
fur Won i/Mib di rilie ri *um dirwd for KiA n U on*

CA.twini/mnia* of luitheau*, tin- biMhitonts of the ft sir mg garden*

nifV durad A*iA t 1 fA/->ur ae ri tik mi<i Vu i *A.

of Ldk XiMhMuihw< M> stun* it)-*, nofj^i (t 1 in the n^nrti us

T1 m*v UH&ed in tram <*ut tovnnfti the grew* star. tW rooming dhtisitlj the intiuiml im.1 ww god of thee* tnbm. And the t-iiv*|
-Jut. which is find before tta* uii. when the min >tnJl be
1>*W by tbr inhnhitwiit* of tin* oity ol Meuou in hi* htn*r. ul-. sj^rw*
bam, the young morning itar."
htrn net wdy ie tin* ij**d >if the 1 1 1 of tbr butiiiiig triln<
I believe, bower** r. that KM Otlwr lehitlofcj* ahaaM be witddend, Mid of the Iwum. but hbo a war g<U, Mb* f*srf *** that oUemd
nml wre et* ototv to tW point. 1 bars almutjp eeouAooaUy m**nt in prrfmrmtUm Cor war; .uni then were made tlie wenfmins which wen*
hat <K*tti> nt her ^il> also sham with tie- m> -ruing *1 hy the |*vttliur
mjoired during tlie miming year. Of dieftnM mid dr.'-uw the
fm i*l pointing the twiwJvhWiUifHwe, nudmcwn M suflsr
inlmNunfr uf the city of Merk\ had nothing i> tv|RHt .
Jiur Sulmgun
iuv imicrtiiug or <4*rkt*n ti* it in esIUsL Ttiev me M&xtmintl hxkI

i\t m istii, the >1 of the hunting tribes- nmi of tie* Imnt. A tin no, nsvnrble
s**i fMlilbifllMilk|M eii u i.-l.- ft Wms jmsuii*
b* lbir tnM was >ti3iout not ewrtly m
f A m Wiiif, n g**l of OutUm*. mut i^rinof,
the Swift.'* tinotlier
tke CLia*0D|MnM> knuw it,
Hnh|(ua in the rhaf<*r lt*hwr wilh these pel*

farm of Cjff&tfM'ktii. t>f thwsw threr. fttiniii, the fimenHUMV of the thn hpaaiah tost, hinesor. at the ctofrfK vs MMMiif

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14X T\? Twenty Hukrs of the Week.

ha |irK*ervwt tom* *4tgn d**t them, although that concerning rbo*en fiic the aacrtfii'e. wlu> ttr-tr coru*i|neiitl v wt ajiart a* miairtcr*,
AmiuittJ nu no lunger ijuite UiMligilk*- to Sahagua'a informant a* hcmld* l itArpyaum] of the tun. aim wore the livery of the morning
hunwlf * It i u gctiul iwr I'hurhiaiMr autig, and h rvumo* t whm tar. which wa indeed ui > in a * a minuter, a herald f tiecpoqft)
it mean* in the N aunt I (Artec) language" Mori the mm% to vif/m4 of the rim. Thu* tire deity of ita Morning Star ia, *j to tay, tlu* one
it to *umc extent intelligible. and it certainly krr*n/br* the vnlnsit mi H opart 6 jt the Murirtce. 71<Ttcracoi/>au Ucutli moan* ovirriaww'
warlike of tin* other Uva. With thrw* gr*J of (be Chichi menv
who *r- at the une tinu* the oar gidU *4 three trihe*. TOi\nzcnly*
tocniii i;twN in the whit* anil tri|nl
win ting of hi* body. ami in

Ur an kingly rliamrteHMtir ia.lf-iiu*k-4ik- |winting 1 lidded with white !

eireb** about thr rte the Me-ndUd iJellur fv*e |

minting Thi* ugf*v-
joiriit cannot he accidental, but ]K>int* at a definite relaiwm. Aral that
**wh a t elation ai Mfe i in flurt nhovn by thr *ho*l In <nir itwnuwr pi, j

the ninth of the Aubrin Tonal* l imi t. which ilvfiki* at (Ire fret nf
FbiutjiWjMiif taruf/r the .miti, thrmcA/fik ami tin* wtlnl lug 1

the ditfmetiro *tgu 'f the hunting triheu wwl of llwir

god* with whirh lakh Mtxfwurti and A mi mil l were tvgulariv e*pii|j*rd,

Nun if lien- we lm already a rjeral nouning of hr deity I rtf the

nw-tfiilng *tar error and above hi* uttroiiouik* cluirHct**r, thr wrre* *d* w
till more diuinctlr brought out by *amo further ohwrvatimin On
tne notched human bone* which rejm-wnt a kind of miiHcal inarm-

meat (omt cAi'cri un zlli i

, anti |4avrd a |urt at olorqiurw, e*t*M*lally tin****

belli in honour of the iain in war. ir. imuaiated by the riemy on

Ur earnfirial -tom*, an* *een fare* rnt< hod in,whwh how the wtoc
black half-fnmkdike figure above the rjM (cf. Hfk Ik 34). Tht wm
etriking ilidinrtive mark i* whnwu on the fain* mimnsiy-jnrk which
wae art n|> at tbe*r firm -t hois a* i* neni on a *hrwt of the pictorial
manwwript in the Florentine Bihtioteea National* (cf. Fig. 37).
Irutlv. the warrior who wae hi tiled f de*tued fur the mcrifhv vine

arrayed m the *une gnrb ne the find of Uir Morning Star, an diainctly i

a|i|e*r*. wpMiafly in the Coder Borgia picture* { above, Kifli 22 *jhI |

32k lull i* nh*> shown by* rbe victim* ntiomrd fr tltc aacriiW in the
hi-toriivd eection of Codex Tcllrriano K-fnrn**. In (hi it fa* evident
enough. Tire warrior who wne alaln cat tlu* *mlu iitl tole, lie enli*nwi

the hn*e of the Sun, lie wa a iumtlt uA iijua y*iuA, or tmuttitiM

i! in lore yawA. who. when the *un m*e in the eitar. anx*n}atniMd it with
dance ami *nng hi the senith. Tin* hard and iM*|ireamtative of I hie
region where <1m* ann row* wa natumllr tier Morning Srar, Hence tiuNe w who
ami that the renmn he u here RrpHwmted fining tle Fire ticai,

U the - wlvocnto defia guerra.' who, itrmynl ia the j*uA<p<utn*utrtUi t

Tbt iaterprekr etytaim dm *e * |<i(tart nf it* mrcuurtjr mu u trill r ulnmd
* rwjin**ent* the trTMiif-UacAinatti. ijt. war
ia twlr or r.f the lewd >t lU* f**t f fof the f.t - >ir* f i airing thtir ilrath
TluU *urh i* the im|Mirt of the ged in thia idatw ia olwaHy dwmti
Tu tinrwtar U tb* latter, at vhkh a fahe oiuu>u> (o.-k u< ikn ut up. >.
exactly &ku ikw tuulii(AM rtU. a* it Qnfkt calUd, wkaok wm perfnrtuMl in h from wane *vmlMiK which, howe ver, occur only in the Aldan iowdatiinll
bcHwiiir d tlu hid warrior* axel Ctdex Bot4*mii*u*s ami to which 1 have tiilherto omitted to eefi*r.

82 Hl Tbt Twenty fitter* <rf the Week.

8och are, in out nsinu-vript, the Wnr figure iwwd with mosaic which, wearing the mask of the <jl of the Morning Star, represents
design* wliKh if to be seen in the middle of the sliert above nnd over the warriors fallen in buttle, %a, immolated by the foe. we see that
the (JrreAiiWfi symbol. and the blue dog-like animal likewise in tlir this mummy is dtrked with exactly the mine emblems : the blue
middle under the UruAimolti symtml. So long u observer* were sirtlmiwU*. the ear-plug ail rrnament in the nostrils
wfrnwl to the AwImii Tomlatiiatl alone fur nn explanation of these Ciim|4e<e|y iximrojKindtiig to the objects shiie devrribrd under S.

figure*. they found tbrtndves confronted with a *crt of |nuxle, Hot which la her** called yrtmxiutt by the inter] irHrr, nod lastly, the
t sides Hnrhmiiru* lute here aUu died wnne light. In this maniiN*ri|it shoulder garland *unn**tfMttoUi, with the hlue dog-like animal on it,

we are ui the sect iuto which exhibits tlie rulers of the ninth Wswk, which by the Interpreter is her** explained a* a KlsCWWtf, HctSCS*

in the nuditl# near the lower of the mm|*rt metal, a gnasp of the associated gioup of object* 1 to 4 in 4'salet HoHwiim, ami the

two puzzling symbols of our rutuo* t>|>t Hjiecified at tie* lieginning

uf this |jnragTBph. are dsvoralioiis of the (oaicXtuA ujw yrt* A. iWdnrA
tZAutruc yank, of the soul of tin* dual warrior 1
They exhibit in dHail
whstf the figure of 77attttiaJpait Ucntlt himself implied lo tlie Metiaui*
the filling complement and e>aii|ii*tioii of the mitbnis which live Kin*
<iod ami tin* ninth sign, the day o//. awakened m the mind* of them*
ancient warlike tribe*.

Ruler of the Tenth Week rr trrpnlt

.As in tlie other weeks, here also we must start with tlie tenth
day axal its ruler. The tenth day is i/srutaf/t. *
Utg, ami it* ruler

Minbdi wliich are obvioudv oxuintnl together, and nearly all of

Mtetl'inUcHili, kwd of tlie mdm of the dend. lord uf tlie umierwurhL
Ifcme it follow* at cane that in tlie tenth work ah*> the ruler is
which an? likewise ]iniuted a bint? colour (Fig. 38). Abate we lutve
Motto nteevtli. ami not the Sun (ind. who in the nrprrwntutions of
1. An uneven symbol, in which may without difficulty be recognised
tikis work confronts him, aud is regarded by the intrr|*etor a* the
(lie form of the jnoA.nfjotf*, the turquossr-fnoeaic fillet of the Mexican I

chief person.
king*, only rolled up and seen hi front. Below it,

2. To the left, two longish objects which exactly reproduce the On tbedog 1 linve already given #**ne j
singular* (above, |>p 1 1, 12 )l

form of the ear-plug xi uKnuoocklli), jost as ti is figured. for instance,

T he native Mexican dogs, of whom .'ahngun tell* us tlaii tliey followed

tlieir mrnera. harked, vaggrsi their tails, in a wxnl feinted in all

in Codex Metnixca in the hieroglyph of the city of .VacorAl/nn. Then
rrsjs'cts like our own dogs, wen* kejrt by the Mrunuo not only as
luittsr tsmi|(iriiims. hut alum? all for the sbamhlev and also in Y unitan
3. To the right, likewise in twos, objects which correspond in form
Mom figure anil on tlie caul lands for tlie mrrifire. The iinjiurtann* that the dog
to the entered whh tnnatic design, wlikh I have jtut
ilrM-nlod from lunl anpiiml in tlie funeral rites may |*rliops have originate*! in the
tlie op|ier lewder <*f sheet 2 in the Anion Tonnlitmall.
fiMt that, a>* the il^aitwl *.f Iwtb sexes wen* an*4ii|nlcd by their
And hotly,
To nght of
dTe*l*s the jaiiioe by tlie women and slaves in his mrrirv, mi tin* .big
4. tlie tlie nune a dog-like animal likewise fainted
blur, which will at Muv Is* taken for tlie counterjuri of dial figured
a* coiiHigwHsl t* tlie grave a* hi* master'* asManate. fTieiut and guanl,
and that I lie iiwdsh'iirr >4 this curtinsi in course n( lime <ve*td the
ill the A iilwn Tonalanull, liui hso* lien* a niorli more rhanwterisl ir
form. Olid is IXHifrotcr nSsilaiied with an t eHnp|*fig gar Inti* Mike
hand exactly tesriuhltng the /VV Aim f Tnmrtmo rxplaias Ibis Jwoirstira of tbs dead *rrTMf* as
daiulijer gnrlaml which whs fuhletl round
rikdiyMrllfr* reals draw, wkitg u alrssdy pr**d rat Is bt aiiwd (nr/oiUr
the victims, and was designatxi on wutu-nAvponaf/t.
.*/ mJ) ia Ibis a*sk, by way at yrsparatinn nr cxamlDMIc* for tlx nrasg prtnM

If we now rust a giant's* .it tlie mumiiiy-jnck vepraJmvd in Fig. 37, which waa to taka place* ti* fdlswwf wreck

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Vb 'IVi Tvirafy Kufora of tKi Wnk. *3

belief ih tin* dog ftood ill some *|wnaJ relation to the kingdom rtf I
he is figured hiujIv as a skefoto*. or rather as a white Inly (wiiited

til* dead. It m> afc-* In* thstf. dmjdv heratlM* jt WJV. till* |imr||oe
the colour of boa**, with a skull for Us head, which is (umsded,
to ham the drad, and tli* <i*y wo* looked 0* a* the Kin* God's amuml as u>ual, only with a muml eye, as eyebrow aWe it, n lade in I lie

unit t In* eanhletn <4 fir*-, the latim go* an- iMostied to ejimk of him tem|de, and a wig. and wiur* a human hand a* as ear-|dug- Tile
it* KM^wh-aifvr to prrfturm On utty in fjfo iifji/flvm of IN'* drad, amt wig ixi ii sts 4if toosled dark hair, and U *t4 with eyv* to make It

thus eventually to regard him u aouh. At lit** tun** when tlr look dark ami nu'tumal, an emblem of night The lade in the temple
S^MAUrdta made their onputiuruiu-f. it mi* tlw* iMiTisfaiit |irartta-e of points to the custom of artting the brails of the viitlm* sidewwtw an
the M to t-iiiitmir to the **** with the dead w dug, who luul stakes in rows, and gruu]dsg all together tu a UotnyiutJi, a crantal
to ha of a n*d->ellow colour. And had a tiring of m-*|iun ixatoi round framework. As urck-ormuncnt tbU skeleton wrar* a wing, or a fau-
hb nook, and wo* tlrrt killed by the thru* uf a dart in lit* thrcut. like offset made up of lung block piniuns and knsdagi's with jaguar-
The Mcnmns believed that four yoara after ik-utl*. when th* soul luul skis markings. For a sent hr has a dinir with fcnrk support is
already psiMed through many dangers on it* any t> th* underworld, furm Hke tlt of the other gsala, hut* of a hone frame and
it ramp at last to lie bank of a great river, the t'kiniiourhnjMitu UtSsl.

which eucinird the unite nror Id proper. The sonl* could get mtim I^Qite in the same manner i* figured the Death God of Coin
this river only when they were awaited by their little dug, whoy mi Borgia 70, where he is the ruler of the tenth week. Only hen* the
recognising hie mailer an the opposite ride, rushed into the water to hody is black, and the nmklotiajH arr studded with eves instead of
bring him over. 1
helk while ou the ooctjiut he w<*urs a cuejuockterksmur/i, a disk or
The imjHirtano* thtta aojuiml by the dog in the ritual for the rosette, with a project iag central point a familiar death ornament

dead explains why, in tlu ease of a warrior remaining is the hand* which i painted red and in red and white stripes (the colour of

of the foe, mi that h* could th* hitatelf be honed, but had a false hkaid and of hectet). and from it a nmihriy ctdowred hand Itangs

munnov-|*uk substituted for him at the obsequies in hio honour. it down iver the hock.

wa* not forgcOen to equip thi* effigy at lend with an image of a in Codex Borboic-u thr Death God is also figured os a skeleton.

dog, and why to the mummy-fuck it**lf wv suspended the xvlocozeotl Beside* a large white euem)dtKlijHii/li, he further wears a fnwital
which I have dcscribod in the foregoing {wragraph (cf. Fig*. 37, 3A). shisld tn the form of an ammonite shell- From the occi|wtal shield

That this animal we really intended for a dog is clearly see* fawn a white hand hangs orrr the neck, on which is figured a ctnew

the figure in thr imnuacnjrf*, both of the Biblrctera NarioMic ami of another fiuniiinr death symbol, which has arisen from the farm of
Code* Borbowicu*. The torn ear more cspeHullr it cbamcterirtic i
dead men's crosseboww. Here a bone serve* as nr*p4ug, and aa
of the dog, m I pocntad out at the time. Aral this is also thnwti by a hrras* dororation the iritouaC/, the white ring with the large leather
the name zniooo&cati. For the term tnfoil. which will have ngnm to loop of TesmtftynNYi.
occupy a farther no. ii a specific dmignnlim of the irirhai dog, Of differswit Bpjiwniiiw* is tin* lHmtli (iol of TdlstkM Ri'ttsails
which war railed nofodteeuiutli by the Mexicans', and yxv-*Uo by and Vaxktmu* Hex* In* fc* jwirtirayed iu MicthmUcuid, as Kiij of
the Zapcteea. But originally it meant 44
twin,* then -abortion" or lAr utufrnrvrfii, with llo* j*uAui'4*otfi, tin* fnaital louut of tlo* Mexican
"UrnttOi" then -servant, fulace, date, a* the Metiran magnate* kin^ whkh, bowenr, OMshtocd with the white ou*rfin-AJreAit*aJ/i

like our meditend |nnm, were fmid of keeping lianrhhioki ami ami the sntul-*hajil iftjmnUcAinudli, ami with a fitcial {Minting which
dwarf* far their diversion. sewnh with thnt f the Kii* (iodL only o slii(hii to a Jnvturiml gruiusd.

Now. since the dog rtwnds in this special Motion to the rralm the furls which with the Fire find wv of a lumisHom yellow sroloar
of the dead. U is hut natural that the sign it&orintli. "dog," should Wiwg dept**! id in a dark Mac kid i (aeutral) tone. In the hair ar

be rcfirrwnted by the Uwd of the underworld. Nictlanlrcotli, the I foal h iusertesl Hug* like ihcwe with which the mummy-fucks were dorocated.
God. Is Cain Borgia, where he stands ruler of the day ftmwtaf/4,* u Ow the neck i spnmd a fan like orwametrf. from wlik-h radiate dark
feather*, including a lew anm plume*, which are stusklod with white

ruh*cnn 3 App^ *p 1. dfasks. (shell disk*?). At the wrirt iastesui of a jewel lie wears an rye,
* Codex Borgia II. Cf. aha Cedes Vibsms ft 3* sad 90. and for a lurk-mirror (cwslbttarai/f) a skull. Below the Utter bang*
10. Th* TwsaXy Ruhr* of lb* YTtk.

tb ettfefiha sour, tbe rattling wwiWwII *u*|mded by strap*, U* the figure which represents airknesa, are dejiictcd on one aide on
gtniji*-]M-ndnnt of the Earth Goddess*. eurth-vLirtn a cruoidile* gaping jaws swallowing a corpse tied up
Will didWrutiv is tbe tfewtli God depict'd in tbe Aufeu mann- in ita shroud, on tbe other a bundle of firwwocHi. and a little |*]rr

*cri|rt onr ToroalarawU. Here be m tbe Night <n*l with flag, the symbol* of rmnatiosi on a pile.

kin hcdily and fcninl |>aiati*g, the s lit* tuck, the Whrre MttiUtnUevUi Wnads as ruhr of the tenth week, TrmnfiuA,
amount l am hi* Uewst. But In* further wear* the white (*rvi|ait*l the flu I sod, U iaiwnably figured oxer ngainwt himan armngement
rosette (mnctKAteefiimaUi) and the mul-*hn|i'd front*! *4ii>* til ibyu/*- alrrioiHy ixinditioned by the principle of contract ; tin* luminous rh
Uhdtinualli, which howm here affect* tli* form *4 a white ujierstrui'tiirv of day confronted by the lord of the realm of eieHaMing night.
rtsing high abo*e the fiwebroiL An iotivyUli. a row cif downy feather In l.cate* Korgia tbe nn God is pmnted a yellow robwir and with

hall* and n mugl* projecting arum plume complete hi* army- lu the yellow hair. Tin* perolinrities of Ids ferial ]nining are-, a rod wn|*
other manum-ript** Ifewtlt Gd ImVl* nothing in hi* hand*, which which form* an angle and runs above and behind the eye. anil a rod
nr** merely stretched nfeo toward* tie* Sun Uod confronting him; di*k under the i*JW. It is praaibie, indeed probable, that then* figures

but in our mumac-ript Is** lm* a i-^wU pouch in one hand. and in represent the dUk (or the eye) and tin* ray, the element* f thn
the other * bull which w |wunl*d in two aaloonv yellow -brown and pkfuro of the urn In TeOerinno Hemenei* and in Vafiesuitt* A th#
black those of Tnm/Hjjocn's fariai fronting ml of the nuth bur Suit God k* punted red with yellow hair; and similarly in Codex
the exact meaning of which ew-ajiea use lfcwtosiU'UA. where, boomer, the uji^er half of the (are fcs yellow. A
According o tlie view* of the ancient Mexican* three different number of rsd {*. etxxrrling the buck nomer of the eye. and a
pi v mme wilder eunwkleratiiMi a* ahnde* of the <1ad. Those who red spit below the eye, are prrha|* dis**lora*iniu> of the Hun God's
Ml in waT or wen* 4*in m tie* narritu hd tone entered the house of lionaUar facial painting, which I Imre ju-t detsmhod from Codex
tbe Scan in the eastern beaten (amt tbrfr tHuml* representatives, the Horgia. But the face is pink, fdcejrf iu the fnrts about the lipw (the
wianen who luel died in childbirth, rh* wvtiurn hravmi}. TV* 1
lower feUf of tbr faeek Tlie pecttliartly of the Hun Gods facial
*tn*rk hi lightning. u t)*r drowned, were deri*i (hr the kingdom (Miinting is here ilhistnited In throe clrkledajel red hand* which
of Jhtloe, the Rain God, which wa* thought to he Mtualod on the enricM# tlw bath room or tlie eye.
lofty mountain*, a land of overflowing waiter and exuberant irgetation. In Codex Borgia, as well a* in Teileriano Rrmends ami Codex
Thu** atone who had died tn their bed. or of any kind of ailment, Borboruccik, tiie god war* iu hi* Hose a rod which pierce* tlie sejrtuxn,

wont in lytuntamiean irrmouaymn, in ut/ottayaa, in opookqtti* and terminaleti at both ctxl* with a dak The ear-onuunent is the
auay&mn, in utbr&tL&m^ M to the plaw where we all kn aome way usual holUnr plug ( >- from the ajertur* of which
descend. the goal of all wanderer*, the placa whute dour* are rover usd, hangs a hand ending in a disk or belL
whence no |aitha lead tu human abode** 1
to the underworld, the The fillet of tbe Hwn Gid hi Codex Borgia differs sharply from
realm of darkness deep in the rtH-wscats of tbe narth and iu to the north, that of the Fire tlod; who, nr we liave ssv^ wears a snip incniked
the land where MirtSanUentli is lord. Hence in our manuscript, with turquoise mosaic, to wfiieh on th* frontal side is attach'd the
where M ictlantntnlli u figured a* ruler of the tenth sign.* beaiiie him fell figure of a livhtoioU But tlw Hun Gcd throws round hi* hair
ticiiMM h shown. This ia done in a highly realistic way, by a man a chain of huge green jewelled disks, to which on the frontal *ide
putting his tmgue nun. holding a hunch of herb* (physic) in hie hand, is attached tbe content i<maJ head of a bird with frwtbery erest. In
and from whoee penis ami onus then* is a copious discharge of urine tbe pktixm of tlie Hun Gud kn Tellrriano Kemensi* ami Codex
ami fen**, the latter ranching to the month or the bend of the god Borhonicu* are *nill clearly shown the aval jewelled disk* of the
himself. For those fatten in battle only a symbolic burial could l*e fillet disposed a* a chain Bat tbe content iotml birds head h* Iso'll

gone through. Those stricken by 7u:nV were interred uncreanateil, degraded to a green or blue comnu*'*ha]wd figure, at the <ip|ier end
while the others, destined for the underworld, were burnt. How in of which tbe fringe with the disk re|iruiuce the same ohjecX* cn the
the same place iu tbe manuscript, beewde Miettanffcnti* wad beside bird's bewil in l\idex Borgia, which there represent tlie hinF* feathery
crest. In oux mnnunrrijtt wv find hlue disks set u]wn a roil slraii. and
t<Jmaua J Apji, an I.
1 Co*!** ftxfia 1J, Vikoutn B HZ and Jfl. on the frontal side the degraded figure which arose from the

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1. Tbf Twenty Ruler* of th* Wwk.

brad, but U lw*rv iw long*? to U dirfinguialiMd from the like* element* characterised by the jacked body drawn in schematic manner and
th* liin lu-<l of Ho* Fire (Hi which nrc*w m\m by degnelntuns ftoll found up with roed*. a paper banneret, and a peculiar croat-eliaped
the nufiWu'i figure. symbol appsirontly fanned by mating, which perfcap* roprsoent* a
Bnadm the filial th* ged wear* in Codex Horgia only n kiwi of kiwi of mortuary taller annjMuable to the little roed tnblet* coated
wing. from which strips of tkin in feather-work ImIimui hang down with w n <W h
i. and the wuwm of rotton thread found in the
with a towel at the rad. la Telletwio Remenftt*, Hartioiiirwa, and Peruvian grave*. In Codex Horhoiucn* (he god is dirfuigimhed by a
oux manuscript be wears a morn >f feather* whit* at tit# Inti** and rogutar munmiT-jnck with two (Lags inserted, and in our mantis* i-ipt
ml above, which are probably iatmdod to represent .*<ViuAyu*rM by the *ign which, owing to the rontraefad space, it introduced
Frathrm, and fan the crown rii a huge tnuaeftl of quviraj (iliuno*, ,
cm th* left side beside (he water wwarl, and again rrjncscnts
To this in TeHeruuso Kemw&si* is mMivI on the uwk a rowml- arhemal iraUv Ui roofed mummy -park {ntwUUtyttimiUJlt u
sbopod feather ornament with a pteturr of the solar dirk. In rude* In the Codex Horgia group Torwdiak, (he Sun God, is in (hi*

Borbunwuy thi* dirk *rr-nis reduced to a mull *luehi omsiifmg <if i

place farther specially distinguished by a cttitiail sign, with fire ami

mn&y-colcMin'd rings. The peculiar object fearmed of light tme tuad smokr. which is perhaps intended to represent -goM," and by h
ml striper, looking like a butterfly* wing, ami in our nMnu*rai|it, flower in a folder wliirh may aim pertmja indicate a toevh In our
the An ban TonabtiiatL, worn by the Sun God on hi* noth, ha* i

naMuawript the character of the god figured above is Wore dearly

iHTbapw also arisen from a radial segment of the solar dink. denoted by the half solar di*fc. Ptothrr, Codex lferlKmicas illuetnUe*
On hi* brow** the gid wear* the jewelled norklaiw sJutlcktuK- |
another ide of the Ham God the god nourished with (he hearts f
mfca-ptilall \ with (he platc-eliapcd gold disk i tauratt/ucom/t/it, A* the victim* by the dish with the winking heart and the warrior
a lark-mirror (mt/Mmolf) he ha* in (odes Borgia a tufted bird* do** by. The nwwaing of ne or two other symlnl* i wW vet
hand ;
hut in Codex Barbanifu* a large blue dt*k with a ifeolli'* clear to me.
hand in the centre, lastly, both here and below the Hun God, a* weU ar below (lie
In (lie mnnuerript of (he Index Borgia group the hand* of the Ifenth God, Codex Hotboofani again exhibits the riuAifsof/i, nromAlfi,
Hun (fed are empty. Hi* arm* ate cither croenad oo hi* br*a*t in ynrnrinitl, Hmarmaynnafli^ Tohcmmtlihe e^nipment of the fal*e
(he above dei?ifod cbaracteriath- attitude of submission fane p. aft), mummy-pork which we luive seen already nlinwn with the javtiniiijg
while (lie linatli (rod extend* one band toward* him a* if growing; sign, flfltwwcuJpun teettlh, where 1 have darribal it more fiillr.
ur else the Ikofh liud hold* hi* own arm* contracted in the way The Hub God rejirosents the very heaven to which (lie wails of tha
hero defe-ribed, while Ilia Hun God extend* uw hand toward* hi. sacrificed w amors go, and .IfM^fuii/tradlt the underworld which
Hut in VaUenuu* H and in Codex Borbociicu* the Sun Oud hold*
roeeives the cdlier ifewil The deoxatknu in quertiom were doufola**
in one hand the blue hrowivig-rfkh fxjuAtUiatfj fashioued in the
utiliMpd in muwh the same way both at (he olwequie* in honour of
form of n snake, in the other shield, 1 hum lie of spears ami lan octet. a (all**i warrior, and n the tsdema rite* which were UtaniVd to
Au.l hie throwing-Mkh formed like a make seem* to have been the afford help to liog-i*iiis^fe<]Hirted rotation* o (heir wanderings to
inducement for the interpret*? of Gtdn Bocbomcu* to describe him file wmWworl'l ; hetn-e such oly octs are eijaUly di*li active frr th*
ae *
ilitu mayor d# la* culebciM." 1 surly, the artist of our manu- lord* both of the umlerworld and tie* wamcr* lioaien.
script ha* completely mbunderHood the xitthaHtUl and has drawn In this jairt of th# uaMMript* fotwei U tsSittnUcuili and
a *eqent in it* stead.
rowaliwA, we find jvt another ejawial rejinromtaifon, which ajijiarfaitly
Tim two dc tie* m this pfctce confronting oach other a* ruler* varies in the different gnmp-, Irol, a* we 4 *II
* *ro. *tll gne* Mpreswun
of the tenth week - the Ifouh Uod ami the Sun God are each of to the wiuie fuodameulai thought, In all the pWos here in
them farther specially distinguished by a few symbol* iwtradncvd hy 1(00* tints a aatif-verosi is depict l between the two ruler* of the
their fide. teath week, But in (he Cbdex Horgia group a nura u being thro*
In the manuscript* of th* Code* Horgia group Mic/UuUtuth i i* into, or move ixirroctly, thrust down (hie wat ?-> *!. while in Codex
Rorbonico* and In our manuscript out of th* want rira* a wuke
la TeSamao IUsmui* this te l* maun* which bear* on Uqi (he eye enveloped in darkiueaw, the ahbrovUdeil
*6 to. Th Twenty Rider* of the W<k.

sign for night or the night sky, and up which n man i* climbing The eleventh in the twenty days series is ofamatii, Ajm, aim! with
The first representation illustrate* the downward f&mi), the other m fMVmittli, I. Ape," also begin* tle eleventh week.
the upward (>) direction, U the directions toward* the two Hie aje is the animal of {mstime. Tbe dance, {day uiid

region* which arc embodied in the two deities, the mien* of mimicry, have in him their natural {wreonauw. Hence the repre-
tbU week. Only our manuwrijif, beside* the picture of t)ie man sentative of till* wigu Is .tfa cm iLoockiti, uc Xotkipilli, tile gist

climbing upward*, las aim endeavoured to farther exhibit the of merriment, of the dance ami *pirt, the god of thorn* who

downward direction by rn**n* or a man tied up m a handle head exhibit tlieir skill in the mannoti* of the nohles'-the god for

downward- whom was held tbe xjcAMAuift feast, who in the manuscript of
The tenth day sign U tfrpttinf/t, 41
Dog," and the initial day the Florentine filbtlotoca Naxioiiale i figured jrr-wling at tlw jtnJoUi
of the tenth week is re t#cjtn!l t 1. Flint/ Hie year which game, wlio, according to Jacilo de la Serna, is tbe god of tlw
was indicated with the name of this day, wboee initial day was Aniatl, the god of diversion u el dion de low fuegoa. d de U* burins
the day 1. Hint," wn* reckoned by the Mexican tribe* a* the y eotietenimievifos " the god of the great gambler* who jilayed

beginning of their hiriory, after the birth of tike {icescnt tun in away their Mihriaisce.

the previous year, the year ** 13. Reed." Accordingly on this day, Tbe tigure of this god appear* to have had s|iecial importance
the day u 1. Hint,** the Mexicans held a feast for their god amongst tbe descemlanl* of Xetkun. the {teople of ftumaifan and
ntzilopocktli, who had led them from victory to victory ;
and oti Tfolillan del ('amino. From the latter place I hronght to F.uropc n
this feast they brought out to the court am. I there spread out (aired) finely {tainted clay image of this god, in which the fair* U looking
all the costly feather garments of the gisj which they had been able nut from a bard's gaping beak. On this figure, as also on tbs* ruler
to procure for him front the plunder of conquest his and con- of the eleventh week in Codex Borgia ]3, the body of the god is red,
sequently also tlieir own rich store# ; and they entertained the god the up(M*r half of the face yellow, the lower again ml, and from this
in rrgnl fashion, t.r. a* became him as king anti lonl, with costly I>art rises the figure of a white butterfly, it* head resting on the
hiTe, with cacao, flowers, ami acttyetL the tulmcco tubes, which at tlw tip of the now, ami tlw extremity of its body on the chin, while tlw
etui of every Imnqaet were banded round together with flowers. wing* envelop the mouth. The butterfly is associated with the fli>wrr,
The ancient men of science do not ajqteor to have tried to bring and by it* lovely tint* awakens the correlated conception* of the
this dnv itself into direct connection with the rulerv of tile tentli loveliness of existence, of hennty, and of art Hence it qnite appro-
day and of the tenth week. The hand- mark in (odex Tellerinno priately symbolises this deity. Another {Aimed motive is {rvM'titod
Remends {mints at the sixth day, the day chiyuaaen valli, "*
6, in the yellow fipjwr half of the face of this god. This is a rectangular
House," ns that on which was beM the feast {rn[*r of the gods of baud di*{used in diversely red or white {stinted field*, which In the
this week. By the six houses were naturally meant the four nuimiscrijit* of the Codex Borgia group is figured with the AVAi-
quarters of the heavens, together with the downward direction 17/ant- iputeal and the Maixe (inildi*M**. 1 have alone suggested that it
Ifittlant*CMili') and the upward direction iaeo-tonaliuh). was intended os an emblem of the cultivated field and served to
distinguish the deities as maixe deities, I have also already else-
where above mentioned that in the song* HacnUxocfiitl and XochipiUi

The Ruler of the Eleventh Day. wen* invoked as CfniMfl, Muixe God."

A second allied figure occurring in tlw manutcri]** of the Codex

As I have already stated at the opening of tht* chapter. a Borgia group is similarly painted red. But hen* not all the tipper
peculiar shifting orrurs with tie* eleventh sign. The ruler of tbe ludf of the face is yellow, hut, after tlw manner of the Veuocnytdl
eleventh day is no longer held to be at the same time ruler of the {Minting, from tlw rod fi.*e {Minting only a yellow hand stand* out
eleventh week. He simply drop* out, ami the ruler of the coming r adoring the eye, and showing about the month, not tbe full figure
twelfth day is made the ruler of the eleventh week. This leap is all of a butterfly, hut the profile of a human land also {Minted white.
the mure remarkable since at the eleventh sign, as nt the first anil Possibly the god with the land about his mouth is to be
the sistli, it again happen* that day am! week have the same sign. I
regarded a* tbe .Vticu^^ucAif/ proper in a stricter sense than either

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10. The Twenty Ruler* of the Week. K7

Xt*eJi iftill i or GittiaU the god with the land on his month ;
for in medicines.'* 1
According to tlie nnonimaus statement of Siliagun 1
t'odex Borgia 47. 48, th>e series of the Uitznuna, the god* JMacutl tle interpreter*, this wns the god wire discovered the exypAUi, the
cuetsjjolia, Macuil oosaufuauittli, Alttcuil tacktfi. JUacuil xwJtitl, pulque medicine, the stalks ami the roots which were add'd to the
Macutl mntinaUi, the oasarini** or tike Cittatefai, is in hrt depicted ]tuh|uc to ins reave its intoxicating, its nnreatic strength. It may be
with this face painting u. tine linn 1 1 the mouth. Tin* Sahagitn the enm* that this idea was also entertainnl in connection with the
mnnuseri]* also distinguislurs between XoeKi/nUi and Moeui/jpocKitly plant" mnliwUli, and that the pukpre god thus hexamo the ruler
deputing the first with n full ml face ami n tinukipterfutf crown, the of the sign mnlinnUi. Tliat in the mind of the Mexicans a relation
seocmc I with tlw wliite hand on hi* month, anil a feather crown with existed between the sign moltim/H nnd the pulque gods is shown bv
crest un tup, which U obviously derived from the helmet mask uf the fact that their long \ -m lant necklace, and in the picture in
the tufteil hint. several of the manuscript* a hand round the forehead altov were mad*
Hiller of the eleventh day in the god with the butterfly about 1

of the plant mufiitotfi.

his mouth, lienee U mare distinctly to he designated <u Xocki frill i. The constituent etenrent* of the |*lbju* god* attire are very
Only above the jewel-studded fillet he shows farther an eye Mirroumhxl constant, and highly distinctive. They are j

by darkness. >uch as we found with (/uefeo/roiutf/, with Union, and

also with Tepegollotli. Before the mouth of the god are given a 1. A twieeolound face |
sunt in g (ehictlnpatujtti), the front half
string at" jewels and n flower, and above or la-fore him a man fishing of the facial profile tUL tlw ittnldle jxtrt of the fare*, being
with the I an it- tn-t, Perhaps by this figure it wns intended to jaunted red in its entire leugtlu the hack [art. Iwth side*
distinguish tlw* god as god of the tribe* dwelling on tike naort lands. ut the templou black (or dark green f ur else black with longitdi
yellow K|srt*.

2. A nasal plate ynoamkol/i nr ffaot-uieiztli luuidlc-shaped.

Ruler of the Eleventh Week re oqomaili. the ends involut'd outwardly, ar simjdv crescent- slsqifd-

Tlw ruler of the twelfth day sign is tlir lord of this week. The 3. A (bitrcanrml ear-plug (nmunuicocAiU), which agres-t* aub-

twelfth day sign is called Twisted." the iiiudc of a plant

-i initially with that of tlw Rain God.

from which twine, sacks and broom* were made. According to the 4. A neck ornament falling far down, louse (in texture), made
augurs it had an ominous meaning, was ail emblem of evanescence, of of inalinitlli fibre, the no-called cArtyvi uac evzcatl.
rapid decay. The ruler of this sign w;w the pultfue god, the Mexican
5. A crown of heron feather* (nsUUzottUi), such as is also worn
Bacchus. Of these* there wm? a great many, who were culled the
- by the Hum God, but lore rombiired with the eu*pat mtoncall,
Centzon UMorktcn. the * tour hundn*d Hahlnts. Hence we Imve seen
tj$. (Jnrt:atsmnitT* ncck-ornamcnt made of dark bathers with
that with the sign toehtli. * Kahlxit ** (the eighth sign) was placed a*
some projecting arum jduiue*.
ruler Jffi ift nrl, goddess of the agave, tint plant from the sap of which
pulque was made. According to tlu* cxplaiulum of the interpreter 6. A stone axe f
itstofoili, UtptdapoU*), a* a weapon.
of tlw picture hook in tlw Florentine Bihliotcua Xiuiooalc, the pulque
gods wen* a kind of karvtit gn%U, the gods of the harvest f*o*t, This Tire moat sinking of these objects are lire first two. So character-
view seems very reasorwhU- Of the numcroue special name* tqiplicd istic are they of the pulque gods
tlvat a juxtaposition uf red and

to tin* pidqire god*, one. Out* toehlli, qrecifie* (In* day which was black lines on n lUmatlu the enveloping garment of the Mexicans,
dedklbd to them. Arotflrer very common name, TetcaUoneall, seetns is ex]4niired in tire tiiiiuuscri|4 of the Florentine Kibliotnm Naxmivale

to hove Usn derived from the name of the tetii]4e. Most of the
dreignatkiiw an* clearly derivative* from definite localities, ami were 1
On a previous oceaw a 1 crroacously explained the caaoe as /Wotmit*.
cowdlnglv explained a* their national or indigenous deities* The i /t . one from Psuttea, from the lluaxtcc district. Unt tbe cT<i ootw from pdiff,

medic. nt- In his Ji*t |iubin*atici tht /*#* y Ti**'***> still bie tfcw wrong usme,

name here given by tlw* interpreter* tor the ruler of the twelfth sign
and of tire eleventh week Is PiOeentl, t.e. He lr<tm the land of the * 10. cap. 5PP.
^ 12.

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88 10. The Twenty Rulw* of the Week-

a* manta de do* oonejo*," ^. cmufocA tiimnili, a* aJumlder-cavering tlw bent pirt*. which were to *onw extent the joining of the plate,
of tin* pulque god. So also m the Sfchngnsi mnxmarri]* the ynm-uieoUi the simple handle acquired n protuberance in exactly Uw rauije way
on a ml field, Banked by two Murk longitudinal tin**, in given a* that the contour of tlw Hitq^e drawing of a mountain ha*. by
the |
at tern of the omtlockcMimaUii the shield of tlie pulqnr god,"' excroaronce* ami bulging* at the curvature* been deve|o|ied to the
au*l on a jug furnished with two large wing-like piece*. ns the omriocf*~ com rational furm of a mountain, such as we set* in tlw hieroglyphs
</<tttfri/t, til** ** device of the ]ftilqiw gud." lastly, the yaruuimffi ,
of tlw t4>wn* of the trlbute-lirt. In this way with the figures of
or ipmatwririff, it. t Iw hanillc or <Tescent-*h*('rd nasal ornament, tlw pulque gods butterfly -like forms were aim occasionally evolved
whether standing alone, nr wi slirmliler-eftpr** vase* anrl verawl*, from the simjde liandle type.
everywhere indicates a relation to the pulque god, nrni eisaNe* u* I think a local origin should lie ascribed to tlw ytuit-uictAU
to recognise mch vnars anil ve swell a* pulque vans* and n*MpU. So yacn-metztii. NjiniJ plates of thi* form were a wrll-kmiwn element
w he malic. u bird has thi* element become, tli*t in the Mnya ntiuni- in the costume of the llunxtec*. The yac<rui'cof/( form* juul of the
wrijits nothing at lost remained of the ytttnuiciAU exoejit the involution mask of the Cntxitttttl or Htuixtecs.
of one end ;
but there this mark appear* in tlw ann> way regularly in tirn curxlfcni! o'fw toueyo yitctitticoit yrtrmvvoityut,
on tlw pitcher* which an* intended to be taken for nw*d jar* and t.<j. **a lliiaxtec with a handle tu his mo*. with a hole in his
also bait become an element in the hieroglyph of one day *lgii. >f
And *o twoesmrily as*ociate<l with tlw Cnexltattl was this ornament
the <lay eih carrnspandmg to the Mcxuwii catcaqiitwAUi.
Tlw yacntiicoUi, yarttnuisiti
flint, wen wlwre tlw warlike device of this mum*, tlie oJnr*sliii|ied
i* sbatvd by the pulque god* with
|Msit)ted i-ap. wa* figured nnd dewrihed, the linlf'in*sui sluijni uamI
the Earth Goddctf TtttO tnnan or TldfoUtotL Thin circumstance, and
plate wa* never fiargott**n. Tluit this form of tlw nasal muunent slwmld
the hut that tlw luuirile-l ike wlnqte t yf tiiie nasal ornament may to
mme have hmi drvelujird in tliat district tlwre were d> mix less riin^Je
extent W* derived from the conventional figure of a butterfly.
is the motive tint ha* recently induced l)r. Pmw to trm*e Imck the
natural remwn* iramn* auk us tboae which <wu*ed like Firms of
the omam**nt to br evolved in (hr distant regioiLt, in tin* vallev of
form of thi* nasal ornament nnd then of quite a number of these
tlw river < alien, on the frontiers nf t'oluuilita ami Kcuailor, wlwn* the
handle > or crr*4'rnt>*ltA|*d figures to the butterfly.' Ami in truth
(/tti/kNMM. the - Mr*m Nmsr-t," wirn* iudigemais.
the butterfly occur* a* a luunl ornament. n with crrtaiu
tlw land of the llwuris's, tlw |iuhpw g**is had
female dritie* the godkU*** of the stone-cutter*, *
'ktconaui ttarut'nif),
Ill C
Cutsirot were the
their home. For the Mexicans tb** jirotoryjM's of
who is idenlkwl with tlw Chantia* of tlw inter|in*teT of tile Tunnlutuatl.
entc*f of the drunkard. At tlw firnt great caroa*** that was Iwld
I think we must certainly refer to thi* fumhunrutul form tlie indented
after the dWcoVefy *f jaikpw, Cut*t*ctitl. aiicentar of the lluaxtiHW,
blue uasal ornament, which in 1odex Borgia i* associated with thi*
got nt tipsy that he dotted his loin-ehalu ami since then hu |switerity
goddess nnd with AVvAir/tro/jiW. But in my opinion it floe* not yet
wear no loin-cloth. But tin* Knrth iiodilesa al*o, Trito iwism *r
follow from thi* that the ramie origin ha* to he assigned to idl forms
TUif&Ueoit, was aUn snpi**s4*i to have her home in Cutxiian. Tli* is
of luuulle- or err*e<nt-slu)ni jdate*. todex Borgia distmguisltes mjf
tvj* absllv and esj>rv*sly Mated, ami is istIihjs !mx\l *i the gnamd
sharply between the*** bine j dates of Chnntico ami Xoctti*fueUnf cut
that the cult *4 this guihlese luwl been brought from district* in the
4Kit *t<*|efadiion and the yellow hamlli*-*lui|ird nasal ornament of
neighlioiirtHiod of the Hnaxtee* At Iwr festival -ft lie a
the goddc** 7>i*o iaiiOM ami tlw jmJqiw g*U. And where* tlw latter
grout jxirt was playinl by the iMDerfMri-mvn, 'her H uniter v t.e. Iwr
occasionally mraiblr the conventional butterfly form, from my |Mint

of view the pnaviw of development ha* been reversed.

cuinisterx tlw HttMlmi AihI in tlw re]ireM>iita1ioii of this f*a*r on
Bv marking
sheet 30 of (WrX B*rlsiicus we raw them, with tlwlr jsnkel
The shield of the Sslagiui MS.. Uibliotce* del PilaeK' Chapter II unit ci m|*s, bolding a Iwkiiii in i*n* hand, and in the other a huge
on the cotton*' of th* god*. So. & ( Vsinfft-oilli-Jionguii a. Konigl. Mas. fur A phallua ami rinding naiml the iinag** of flu* goddeM, t. whom hoinagt*
VUkcrkamV, rot. t, Pvrt I).
9 Mn|tll MS., tiitil.
wa* paid by the laaise gvsldi*>**es of tlw* four quarters of tie* gtolw.
Acadmrii de U Htstor**, t. tlH.
' Pio tor id Maiex>:ripl
nf the Florentine Bibliotcaa Nmir<.-it*\ f.
4' mnU llt*nce tlw lluaxtec nasal ornament Is hilly a* iqqirojuriate to this
fe cone jo
ZetW'bnft far Riknolnsw, Hhy-i ?. rap. Hi.
xxxiL (1(8)0). '

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lu. The Twenty Baler* of tW Week

goddeOf to the pulque giri*- Ami even if in other place* ,>f the ami in Telleriano Rrmemd* even with hi* ear-jdug. And while in

mawi*-ri|*K And in the very rode* Borbrmieu* it**df ale-re tle TeUrrtano Kemen* and in Codex BotImmih'U* PiiUcaU wields Ibe
Ocftp>mi$Ui f*a#< i* pepraarntM, JWra innan i* figured with the blue stone axe appropriate to the {vulqiie guds, in our nuuiuscri|it the god
ywtjufjKilrtll, tlu* identity of thi* ornament with the II unit ecu n hold* in liis left li&iwl a few spikes of the agave leaf (instrument a of
yaca-ieoUi if not thereby vet -*tah|is|vtri. In this owe she lira self-torture), in his right the comicUi or ckicooeotli, (JuHzalcouairu

neurljf been arrayed in a more sumptuous, a more wwtly and artistically throwing-stick, involuted snail-fashion at the end ami {minted with a
worked decuralton. with the butterfly of Xocftiyuetuii instead of the stellar design. This coincidence is Uwd, perluqw. on a land con-
nimble half-mooli. nect ion 1 m ween QHtitalevwitl and the pulque g.l known under the
Coming to details, there i* still to he mentioned that, where the name of FMmtf. For in the interesting series of pulque gixls who
pulque id dumb in the Codex Borgia group m rider of the twelfth are pictured in full figure with their attributes and their name
day, 1 lie i deeked with a peculiar I wad-covering which represents n hieroglyph* in the pictorial inanuscrijit of the Florentine Bibliotecn
kind of i/ro//i. showing the form of the fillet of the Mexican kings N arji male, the very god designated a* PvUtMtl 1
h dittingui-hed
but nude- of iui a]**'* nkiii and with an *{**'" limd ua l lie frontal vide. !
from his associate* in that, instead of the atone axe, he luw in hU
TUia is doulitle** intended to represent the adornment of a chieftain ,
Innd the rentririfi, and <n his shield as emblem the ecnihurtUtvserttl,
of Ixixharic tribes To UuIjoiw tribe* also point* the bmidle of weapon* (^ucfWcouu/rs breastplate cut from a marine diell.

which i pictured above the g*l. and in wliich are recognised. besides When* l*uteaitl stands a* ruler of tlie twelfth day, a coyule
shield. sjiear. ami throwing-** ick. a netted punch (mailnuacalti i. and a with {uqier hanueret in it* hand is figured beside him Iwfon* u kiml
Wnt bludgeon art with spike*. Jn one of the cone*]* aiding {dace* in of gras* ball in which agave- leaf spikes.
are stuck But where the
Codex Vatiuanus H (*heH 90; the god wear* besides tlwr fillet also t lie- g!*l rules tlte eleventh week, wr see facing him a jaguar, or ill the
half blue, tulf nil conic <wp. aucii as b assigned to ^tce&afrwuaf/. Mexican manuscripts juxip-r tin eagle and a jaguar also bidding
but which is perhaps intended to reproduce the form of some indigenous {.M|**r flags either in their claws, or fastened by a string to the
1 1 mix tec luntd-drc**. Moreover, the puisne god of Codex Borgia 11, shoukler. Kagte and jaguar, \ptauJ*tli~oce1iitl, i* the di*tini*tive mark
who is lien* tlir ruler iff the twelfth day. di*]dav* a remarkable breast of brave warriors. And the Interpreter exjdams that, as {ailque makes
onuimcnt, which liang* from a long necklace, anil has the form of a pvple trong, an tlsae* horn on this day would alto laworoe brave
luurti with tip tnmecl downwards, or else of a loot, ami occurs e|M*wlwre wairwa**. lint tin* iiiTerpjvter of Codex JWl*at;cu- immadlately aikl

in this stylo only with TUtfoOfiatt. who is to be riientiomsi farther on. rliat they would die in war. Tlie ex)4aimtinn is nndowbfedly comet.
Where the puh|ue god stands a* ruler of the eleventh week in Codex Fnlqiie was tlte drink of wwiriors ; aisd tlterefiwe warruirs, war ca)*raiiiK

Borgia {sheet 78> strange to my. no male god is pictured, hut only a are here figured cmfironting the {mlque god. But
guide** with red facial {stinting and red art ire. but wearing in lier at tle same time the warrior *uggesi* tin* thought of the warriors

nose the liamUe-*liaj**d ornament fyuco tticofU) of the pul<{tie gads, fate. Hence Iwrre the eagle imd the jaguar are depicted in the
while Wr robe is decorated with golden crescent* in the style of |
Hicrificial array, |*te] over with downy leathers, with the sacrificial
tin* jaihpie godiv or rather of the kindred TYrtfufaoff. ! cord glued over with faatliec* (rtrfimctyg/). ami with the *Acrificial flag-

Tlie jmiure* of the pulque god of Tellerinno Kem>oiai, of Oriel I in their claw*.

Boris mini* and of our manuscript, agree in tie* be {stinting, the na**l Beside these diief js*-rs*iage*, we see in onr mannsrript and in

ornament and the neck p-uihmt of gnu** (dlaiyowoc cofootf) Imaging Codex lhwlxmicus a Ikalf siui and a half night, symbol of the wiring |

low down. But in Codex Borbouicn* alone the feather crown is dis- !
of day and night which indhwtes to the ohnener tlie

tinctly a hevun-frwther crown. Moreover, In all three mamucripts ,

time when the {Wilque revefa t*s>k place. A similar symbol wt* liaw
tli*.- god Is equipped with Qs d wrftptMiffi folded arrjwiitinc fillet, in already above met with AfoytiMW, gride** of the agave plant, fjistly,

Telleriaiio Beinon*t* ami Horlunicua also with this gud* |*r*d-haip and tin* nmtent* of thi* rii*M are thonaighlr ex|*laimri by tl*e {mlque
it* inserted -harp bone, Que&rhvwa/r* im|>lement of mortification,
* Thw uiUtfretar wrlto* wroogiy Pvrtofmtt, rcDiMtloog, bovarcr M purque <n

cwbm luudeciDk it ultu* c*lc viau." llcoce be kbo derive* tlie name of tbi
Codex Borgia 13. Vatican*!** B 31. Intm /yOrfi, " mediuiie '


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r -v ^-rv
90 1(X Tbe Twenty Itulec* of iho Weak.

jug. which in our nuuiii*cri|t U given at flee* feet of Ptttec*Ul. Codex he threw tbe arrow at was condemned to death. Kmhlrtns of jndicjal
Borbanicas also liuws a pulque jug, but paint* it ill tlie colour* <f power and of the flelinqumt subject to it are also represented in tbe
the hieroglyph chnlcJiiuitl, grwn gem," Mid distinguishes It by an
** Codex Borgia mamiscrijts by the gToup beside the sign euxttl 1
attached votive paper (Men ill}, and an a|j*'* head. The vessel* delinquent by a r/nrtywUNt, a man eating his own ordure; the judicial
holding the drink stand by it Hide, and a fir-|*ui above it. In jsvwer by a carved, ] minted, and ornamented wrutden chair, covered

Codex Borbouicu* we further see on the upper border of the sheet a with a jaguar skin, on which lies a flaming axe with wooden heft,
diidi with n heart, and another with ].}**r Uuni-ret*, MoriJlctal knives in which U inserted a blade pointed blue, perha]* supposed to be
ami sacrificial cord (tishrMoraff), kith of which thus complete the of nMal (copper?)* but ]rlj*{i* iko of ajme <Wh -coloured polislwd
eanaqdiaiiw awakemd by tlie picture of tie* yuan A tli-ocebM. Tlw ,
stone. lit the latter case it might represent the very Mi pmni ti
wune jwirpoM* in perhaps alio served by a two-headed snake. which itwlf, Mow and wisid.* tlw usual symbolic indication of ]amidimrut
ha* it 5 dorsal side arched up, and doubt lew represent* the real form amongst tlw Mexican*.
of the much discussed tacriflctal volte, tbe troodflt append U* which, Iww clear in the manuscript* of the C odex Borgia group aw the
according to the decri|tiaiM, served to keep the head of the victim symbols in the twelfth iwk cturMpomtiiig to the ruler of the thirteenth
pressed down. Another idea seem* to find expression in tine stone* sign,* Here we sec rui uncovered vessel, a man rushing headlong to
which are to Is* ieen among the other symbol*. both in tlw ujq*er the ground with his war extended upwards, and a pulque veste).
and lower pert of tbe sheet. Teil, *
the rtorw." or more cunectlv, Ml Tlie figure of the man dinging himself down we have already met
u stone and wood,
tfutini/l r
in an expression for punishment Hence at thp fourth sign with fVtwvyof/, wliere we mw that thin figure is
these figure* might contain an alluvion to the chastisement which to be referred to the * caida <M primer hombre," to annual pleasure,
overtaken unnut liorised pulque topers, and is so often and so fully unless indeed it point* to unnatural rice. Ammjing to Mexican
ilescribed in the commentaries. notions, the pulque rwsel also indicated a lwavv tresjsvcs, calling for

severe punishment; fur pulque drinking was fiennitteil to the aged, to

]ieo]4e pi*t their seventieth year. Young p>reiM convicted of pulque
drinking were clubbed to death. Thu* thee* two symbols again
Ruler of the Twelfth Week w ntrtzpnhit.
represent crime. Hut, as we shall see, tire judicial authority receive*
in this place further special expression through one of the two ruler*
Tlw ruler of tlw thirteenth day, ocviif, u Herd, is the ruler of of tlie week.
the twelfth w*-rk. In the nuumscri]* tbe sign ucatl is usually
Isistlj, in the Mexican manuscript* proj-r crime and penalty
represented by an arrow, or a bundle of arrows, or an arrow shaft.
are clearly and muuistnkahiy indicated by utie of the rulers of the
For the sliaft was indeed math* from the reed- llmce. when we
twelfth week, faring whom art* figured in highly reuli-tic manner the
ask for the meaning of tlw sign t tend, we find that it coincides in a
stoned adulterer*. and in Codes Tellerlaiiu KetneiisU tlie adulterers
measure with tliat of the arrow, which again is naturally a symhol of
also with tlie cord round her tieck, vlirnee tin* interjireter infers
war. Put, a* a ml**, with it an* associate a shield and a t bn wing-
tlmt she was first strangle! tuid then stoned. In our niuniL-HTtpl
stick. and occasionally nlw yet another wc*|on. 'rite nm>w is also tin*
both further Isold the cup in their liand. which one it free to take
emblem of the hunter. Put in that case we find it almost invariably
as representing the cup of pleasure, hut limy pusribly also imply the
acrofi)|Hittled by tlw bow, or tbe netted hag, the uvapin and the
further t re-pat* of |mlque drinking.
implement of the hunting tribes. Taken alone, the arrow is tlw
If there can thus be no kind >4 doubt as to this apodal mean-
emblem of judicial authority. Beside the royal throne of Mexico,
ing of the thirteenth sign, the ruler of this sign mud likewise
which stood on a jaguar skin with stuffed I wad, and wns covered with
embody in hiinwdf the judicial aiitlwiritycrime and ]s*nalty. And
a jaguar skill, uu* seen to the right a quiver with gilded amors and
eudi is nwilly the case, tin *h*vt I - of Codex Borgia the god
a bo*, quo ignilhn La justice* qnc lia de gunrdnr," and whoever

* CmUt lUffjn Ji ; Yslinuiti* Kl HI ami HI.

Tvsmkwih;, ilWMc* mexirana, cap. IA.
Cnkl Ikqu f& ;
VtlkOiUt B O.K

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a*X Tw Twenty Rubra tbe Wtxk 91

Tetcnilij/octi is figured a* the image cut u* lb* ruler of the day sign the head i* covered by a hat (coptUi) with it* peak bent backward*

ciittff, being {minted and equip{*rd ax J* i* usually wen in tbi* and involuted \d*tcolivkqui\ and showing on a white ground tiro

insnUM.'rijit, but with a bondage oner hi* eye*. In Codex Borgia fiO, *ame braid and narrow longitudinal black stripe* a* the mask,

wlror* are represented tit* ruler* of the twelfth week, which, a*- I lastly, in tbe fillet U inserted a broken arrow shaft.

have mid, xirve*|mnil* to the thirteenth day sign, we roe the upper In the Mexican manuarript* proper n full humtn figure i* shown,
figure to mme extent divided in two. TtBcnllipoca being figured on wearing the route mtrok and the name headgear or liat. In TeUeriouo

one *ide of the slroet in the usual wny, and with unhand aged eye*4, Kemenri* and Codex BoMctU the mask show* on a white ground
while on the other i* seen a remarkable being, n persoeiificathaa of tbe same broad and narrow longitudinal hUek strijx**. and behind
the bandag'd rye with n peculiar headgear bent backwarda, which in them three or fiwir additional short era** utrijic* ;
in our manuscript

tike Mexican manuscript* proper alone stand* n* ruler of the twelfth the mask is strijied roil and white. ThU U the style of painting
** k. and in there by the interirrtei> culled Ixquimil IlzlhscUnttn/ut, which here and in Telleriano RemensU often earreapoacki to the
ami explained to be the god of Uindncx*. of xin ami of cold. simple white {tainting if other document*. The eye* are rom]4eldr
By th* Mexican* Teyc/diipoat wn* taken a* the Invisible, who* covered by tbe mask, and consequently no bondage i* placed on
when Iro xpok* to men, spoke as a shadow, nnd who know* the inmoit the eye*. Tbe headgear or hat It** everywhere the mine form
kiiiI of n*n !W triiic linmnti, mnti). 1
Therefore wax be tbe emblem involuted backward*, bat iu tlroro manuscript* show* n row of

of avenging justice. He wax. a* Duntn un,' **l ydolo <joe infix indentation* along the whole length of tbe front or ujiprr bonier.

terniati mi le* ilescubriese xu* |**oadns. When tlie cn|Aive, who In C'*h Bor bunkum it i* printed ns in (VxLex Borgia, t.t with a
represented the god in living form, wandered by night orer tbe city, broad and a narrow longitndinal block bind on n white ground, while
and made hit flute note* heard, all within hearing fell prostrate, in TeUerinno Kriiutiri" it U half bWk ami lwalf strijied white and red,
took with their Hngerx a little earth from the ground n mark of and in our manuscript airoply sfripwd white ami red like the mask.
the deepen devotion and put it in their month* ft/ohpoii'trfti. In all three manuscript* tld* hat i* pierced by an arrow, which in

But *8| socially awed were those who hod any guilt on tlieir xml* Telle riano Knaenri* i* gummed over with downy feather ball*. In

thieve*, adulterer*, murderer*. The** often tormented themselves in Telleriano Re men* is this figures bodily colaw. like that of the hat,
such a way that the outer world became aware they had something b one half black, the other lualf striped white and red and in our
to conceal dining nil those day* imploring one thing of the god, manuscript altogether xtriped white and rod, like the hat and mask.
flint tlieir guilt might not be brought to light. If in Codex But in Codex Borbonicu* arm* and leg* have, on the surface, a
Borlwmiimx we see with tbe ruler of the twelfth week at the ujifier design a* of nn*lui cotton 'ichcoli}, ami on the outer edge n* of
border of the *beet tlie xign of the night sky, and tlrorein a large downy leather* (wtoc iuUt). A# an adornment thU figure wear* in

eye, tlint i* probably tbe iixpresxion of tbe name concept which i* Telleriano ReuettM* and in Codex Borbooirit* tbe Huaxtee half-monw-
indicated by tbe image of Trzontf ipoc*i in tbe corre*|i?wling place sliafied nanal plate of Telao innan-TlnfolUotl, and thi* goddess'* car-

of Codex Borgia. plug. from the opening of which bangs out a band of mi*pun cotton;
Tlie god who by the interpreter* i* called /jtyutmi/ (** he wbo and in Telleriami Remenxi* also in addition the spindle in tbe hair,
tin* hi* face enveloped, hi* eye* hnmlagcd "), and fttUocoliuJiqui (the like Td*o moult. Otherwise thU god in all throe manuscript* i*
bent obsidian knife and i* ex] drilled to he tlie god of hftindiieas, equipped with death symbols, the neck shield ; cttexrocfi/*eA ivmlli)

of sin. and cohi, apjieoxx in (Index Borgia, *heet fit), only a* a large ami other embleni* nf tlie Death (iod. Lastly, in Telleriano
bundle wrapped in a white cover with a giiTUml of maifiui/ft gras*. RemensU and in Codex Riarbonieu* this figure hold* in one hand
Hi* face wearing a mask which shows on n white ground two black tie broom {qactUtrpopett) of the Kartli (ioddr**, in tbe cdber a some-
longitudinal stripes, one no tbe edge nnd a narrower behind, and a what problematical object which recall* the bull {minted half brown
haudnge over tbe region of tbe eye*. The forehead i* decked with half bUek that in our munuaeript tbe Death (rod, ruler of tbe tenth
a bund, the neck with n fan, in tbe some odour*. The crown of week, hold* in hia right.
Fortunately this id range personality occur* not once alone in thi*
Saha^un 3, cap. It.

TraUd piart of the Taaalaaatl. In the Sihagun iruumwnri]d of tiro Biblmteen
2, eaj> 4.

92 Id The Twenty Ruler* of the Week.

del PaUcio. among the astronomic and meteorological bodies i* shown nnuk" twtxxayttcaSl. and with this and the hat (cojulli) iltflacoliuhffui,

a small figure, with just such a hat with it* indented crest, under j
which signifies 14
cold. was arrayed the Maize God, Cinteofl. who
the tntue ceil, Cokl" { Fig. 39 u And in the Siliugun manuscript of dwelt iu tine merchants' quarter Pocfttlan* and was brought t lienee
the Academia de 1m Histurin, amongst the signs distinguishing the i (to the feast). Then the priest clothed in tlie victim's skin, the

mnk of warrant We lave a head with the same hat and its indented ]
|ienscinificution of Tod, listened abroaii in company with his Ifuaxtee

ureat and a bandage over the eyes ns m*xttyaca~tUittitlii (read :


ministers, iru&ruan. Before him run the war captaius who. beating
mrts-tpfnt tiituizfH, t.e. m<iz*ray<in-ll<TnizlU\. the device with the their shields, challenged the goddess to hattle, hut fled before Iser.

thigh*u4c *(i.e. the mask made of the thigh-skin) (cf. Fig. 40). Then when the goddess tiacjritlan in iaillan ( Izilaj/orMU, had f

The emme |ioiiits at the phtce where in the cult of

falter the came down to tine foot of VUsUoftorhUi^ ntman ic uuuina, mottlxnana,
Mexicans the musk ilztltuoUuJupii played n part. Thai woe the mnmti^oa in tori flan Citsitopvcktii. conirnam ictimo^utdzn, then she
Gchpunisiti, the broom feast, the great festival of the Forth broaden* brrwrlf, expand*, stretches arms and leg* out at the feet of
Goddess. sailed TtUa iirn/i, Mother of the God*. TVttUi-igvilo, i CiUilopochtiL her face turned towards him."* Then she turns round
ami places hrmelf hy her arm Cinteotl wlso was there awaiting her,

ami leisurely returns with him to her temple.

Here the mrtrtnu, maUieuana, fliamafM has ohvious reference
to the srxual act, and when elnewhrre, or on other occasion*, the
Kart h Goddess's victims were hound to a wooden frame and risen*

shot to dkath with arrows, here also the same pir.tll.I line of thought
was assuredly In their mind. Indeed, the earth was to he fertilised
by the observance, Hence here m the OchpanitOi feast the goddess
hasten* by night to the nuptials, she become* fecundated by tlw god,
conceive* Irer son, and with him n't urns to her Inane,

Fig. Kig. kl fra rvf isaktff.

But who then is this Maine God," wlio has his face and eves
rtfl, Celt,* N>ti*irn UK. The Warrior's I* vim -IVgfef'fceaJaiMk, H*>npin hidden by a mode, and on liis bead wears the I tat which is furnished
Etibliutsa dd htlseia MS, .iewbmtla de la Illstsria.
with a sharp bent and vandyked edging, and signifies cold"? Here
Heart of the Forth,'" * Inmost recess of the Eart h," and T(/d, Out we have first of ail to remember that cold" and sharp * are
G randmother," who is identical with TlacaiUoU or Tta*tqu*tni, synonymous concept a. mid were also token as such hy the Mexican*.
* Goddess of THrt," tin* Filth Eider" of the commentator*, and vlioae Itztli is the obsidian knife; ilztic, sharp, |wil)t(ad, but nl* add";

equipment we were indeed able | tartly also to determine Id that of ilztic all cold water"; while ifzfrc, ctctc both mean
cold" when
Used together. Hence, if the nui-k *<sf/(cof*irAyi** is explained as
ftsUnaJ inhqtti.
cold* (noun). urh merely result of the sjsvtfied
Tlie first chief rite at tlie OcApauiftfi fwwt VU the sacrifice of nuetuiing exit, is tlie

a virgin who was taken as the image of the goddess, synonymity. Juitacoliufiqui il4f meau* tlie bent ohddinn knife."
In this instance
the victim wa* kept ignorant of her (tending fate. Tin* medicine and tliat is ussuredlv tlw anginal uieiuiitig of the word aiul of tlie

women who hnd been dancing with Imt the dnv Itefoiv, told lier
(wrwuii designated by this name. And if the **nie |ienou is aillal

nither the same ensuing that, nochpotrin, m otcan nnM~ (^T/wiwi/, with veiled face." and figured with latKiaged or veihsl
fzinco uriz in ttaimni, wofcrofonuT, m Jtimopapatirino, **my eyeI, we have to think of another cfa*s of synonyms, though certainly
daughter, now jiresetitlv will King Motnculuvima' sleep with thee, l** familiar to ns. that of blind." and iietrified," With the
rejoice." And about midnight a ]*rl**t. took her t*i hi* back ns a Mexicans ijirprtfa. whoao eye* are stone," WHS the exptvwiou for
hride was home to the 1 bridegroom's liiwise, and there and then her cotnjdete blindness. 1
lleuce Jryuiu\U the Wind,"

throat was cut, T1 i*ii the burly wa* rapidly flayed, and the skin
the sliarp," is nothing more than the done." tlie knife."

donned by a tall and (towcrful priest who in this garb represented But how then comes tlir Maim tJod," the son of tl*o Forth

tlie godiless 7Wt\ But frem the tidgh skin they made tlie thigh- 1
Cf. the Hogtisli " to^*-liUml .
jurfcftly btimi

Digitized by GoogI
10 . The Twenty KqIt* of the Week 93

Goddeta. to preaent himself io the mask of the stone kniCr? Hew first book, ns four sisters of different age was ill* dtritv who.
I sh'Klkl Ifko to retail n representation, with which tike Mexican* according to tli* legend, introduced the jiwctiliar kind of sacrifice

were very & miliar, and of which I luive given a picturo in Fig. 9 which was offered to the earth the shooting to death with arrows.
(aee alsne, p. 2(8): the earth toad that swultows the stun* knife. <>n this point the Altaic* de (juauhtitbui relate:
The complement to this is the Earth which h*iur* the stone knife, .? ...
wo tchoc ypanin yn ziAuitf owcun wico yn
that U the Sun and it i* the Sun that * produce* all thing* lays tUtfnciTtrco/o yn mitwya yxcuwanm* eihun anJx yn iuA<vi ynttntnl
the first interpreter of Codex Telleriiuio Kcjncnsi* therefore Maize !

huekrteitfttf coniUxr yn ic hunllaqu* Quatfktmpa yn qniptco auk yn

UUuri/i) in called lonncayoti, t.e. *he i* begotten by the Sun.*" 1 omfMi mitoa cu&UmU yckocayan onenn quinmmottyue ynmnlkuan
If the ceremonies of the OcAjmnittU feast are thns plated in quimnriqu* CuejUnn qrtinyriyuktionuxcktiqne 1 yn qnifniihuufue CO
their true light. we also here get the fnie meaning for out sign, j ye tikui yn Triton amoca tlaitceh tucisque amoca tiIk ttieA i ni&jue
for the ruler of the twelfth week. The stone knife and tlie god CO nyrryc Uficacolikua tekuantin ticfitkunUitiftui tamrckmiHatrjue.

who jiersooitie* it are the emblem of |ainishment. ThU god, taken In tike mme year" (8. liabhit) ernnw the so-called ftcuinantu*,
together with ftMldtjNdl, the all-seeing, the all-knowing, or also female demons (to T*JUn), and, as tliey say from th* re|nrts of tike
atone, stands as tike cxjftressiiW) of the sign neat}, wboaa Rpecial old people, they *ame from Huaxteva. And in the place (called)
meaning, as we have seen, i the judicial, the punitive jmwt. Ctuxtocatl itlocaynn ('where the Huaxtec* weep), they suiiunocied
To cooi|drte this execution I will draw attention to yet another their captives, whom they lwi taken in Huaxuva, and exjdaiued to
sprcial circumstance. The ft hove descrilvd chief function of tike them what the business was, telling them that We gn now to ToUan,

Qchyaniitii festival, the fecundation of the Earth Goddm* by tike

us MViwf to cow/sfe (M cortA with you, we want to hold a fcart with
notional god, took place t/itcxif/oti in icxMtt* Uilzilopochtli t " below at you: for till now no battle offerings have been mad* with men. We
the Feet of CittilopvcktU ' It in just here- that she aho await* her sou, mint to make a lieginning of it, and slwwd you to death with arrows.
the god who wear* the mask tnerxit yncttlt anil the hat itstlncciiukqtii.
Such a Nvnrifice by *di'X*tiiig we we repreoeuted in Codex Telle riano
Hence it is here also that she comceiveti tlus tun. Now in Mexico the 1

Keinen-is 41* at the year ce toe Mi, 1. Rabbit "sa.p. 1506. The
highest criminal court was called tlnexitin , while the judge* wen*
j offering was nnule at that time, iw the old l ***>] tie relat*d, beiwuw
tia crista o ffrUilo, or llncxittan ontialilo, * those placed below, at the
far two luuidred yean the yenrt> 1 Rabbit " bad always been famine

yeans. In the previous section I liave already jaunted out that the

The Ruler of the Thirteenth Week ce olin.

way the victim vm on theae orcaeiocix fowind with outetretclied arm*
and legs to a framework of stakes and riiut to death with arrows
The ruler of tie* fourteenth day, oceloft, * Jaguar/* is also lord
signifies that thereby they intended to simulate the sexual act. Aiid
of the thirteenth week. It in a godded who is by the interpreters
tlw* expression occurring in the alxive quoted jmnwge. am oca tlnittch
cnJkd Jseuinn, " die of two faces, or of two-culourvd face, and
latitque, **we wwit to couple the earth with you, shows tli* same
JlaQoItrotl, * (sodden* of Dift, and U explained as goddess of Inst,
notion. For ileek act does not, for instance, mean **to fertilise" in
of sensual love, ami a* jattmoetti of adulterer*, but, as sufficiently
genetwL but was the proper word for the sexual act. I haw further
shown by lier attire and emblem, it identical with tit* great mother
explained in the jireosding section that similarly the chief function
of tlie gods, Trt'o tuna a, wlto is also called IMU -tyoffu, *
Heart of i

of the Ochpanizili ftwst was the impregnatinn of the givjifow* by

the earth," and Tori our grandmother, tioddm of the Oc&pnnhtii !

Uilsilopocktli, which took place bv night. And that in ] skint of

feast. Hhe is a deity of tiu- wrt)u a plainly enough indicated by
fact, the sexual relations played a chief part at. this festival is seen
h*T titl* TUtUi iyotliA **Hwrt of the Earth." Slse, thi* goddess, or
in the rejtresentiUion of the feast on slie*t 30 of CudeX Borls'micUts
these goddesses for under like designation I rati wan, ell* was thought
where we w the attendants of Tftecinunn, Iwr ministers, her Huaxlecs
of as ilk tike )4ural number, dL indeed, a* stated by Sahagun in hi*
(icuazuan) figured with a monstrous jdiallup strictly sjienking almost
Cod Tg. lUw. 1. tiro.

Cuds* (a* oosos diun quu Us produce el sol. y >ai
dizvn l tinuit t*uiiwpotf que qaiure dtair. y* m* del sol
thw is the fwc AmsmM for gntotyrd puA Th* fom if a caaMtirt to the
U> be rmd In his edition of Cod Tell Item lUmy iu* nut correctly deciphered phrsm rvt by Mo lira : iwA quitwti in wuynlfo, " wntirlo on twain ce dice,

the words 6 tentr enUndiiln | negwrio ernno n.
94 HX Tie Twenty Kuhcrx erf the Week.

the only really olwrme rrj^wntatt in in the Menem pictorial liorn- ap|Mwrs to tw w-xunl union and tike reproductive function. should
mentx. Hence it cannot excite woailer that the sexual union vm have betMime a rejwcscntative of the sign oceirti, M Jaguar," letfln

regarded m the e**ntiul nature of this goddess, nnii tl*t TtruyUeatL, at first sight m '
me what nurprieing. Surely tlie name of this Isaxt,
Goddess of Dirt,* and TUteUfunui, -She who cut* ordure, i.f. one might sup]****, should awaken quite different, fierce and cruel
Sinner, became designations of thin deitr. For the Mexican* thoughts.
themselves looked on the sexual act as something unclean, in certain 1 have, however, already above jaunted out with the third sign
circumstance* even a sin. that for the Mexicans on ecUjpN of the sun meant its being devoured
But from the nation that Teieo innait is the representative of by the Jaguar, and that therefore t4ie Jaguar was the emblem of

the sexual union, hoot iter very peculiar custom was developed, or darkness swallowing the light, and thus also of tin* earth. At this
else was fnu the first associated with the figure of this goddess, very jdnee tin* inteT|m*ter had expfWaly dated ill connection with
We are told that those who in sexual mid related matters, such os the third sign that -this name Jaguar whh attributed to tin* earth."
pulque drinking, had incurred a heavy burden of guilt, hence especially And that is doubtless also a reason why III ether lint*, tho-e of the
adulterers for sexual intercourse between unmarried jwxiple was not * and sf the Mu vu jjeojde* we find the sign vedoii
riuiteinalnoH re-

taken so seriously went to com/ow to the priests of TlaQotteaM, dis- jdaced by names meaning majpciffM," For the m*gicitir an* t
|i -**

clcning in due order all tlieir tresjwfee*, and thereupon receiving who have their being in dnrkne. in the night, fit this, however,
wt>e |ienance from them. On performing the |eniinee they were j
the further notion may doubt lew still have hud its iiiHueuo-. tliat
released not only from the sin, hut also from the temjMxral punish- the ancient peoples of (Vntral America brlimd magicians jxisreseed
ment which they had incurred, and which, as 1 have already stated, was the ]
tower of changing themselves into jagiuurs and in this form
very heavy, adulterers Wing stowed (or strangled). Such absolution, currying oat their destructive designs. In any erne. in this relation

however, could be imjwrled once only, and far those who afterwards
also the goddess Trteo innan-TtarvlUvit is the legitimate representative
relapsed into the same sin there was no rrdemjrtian. Hence, says of the fourteenth week, since of Tefro iiiNan it is said that slie was
our informant, the Mexicans usually put off disburdening their venerated by tlir jdiyxictan*. ijt. the medicine men. the soothsayer*
souls in (hut way till their old ogi*. and wixanJ*. 1
And. os is exjiressly eiiipluw49d by HtUutgtui.* it wns
A naive but clear illustration, not indeed of the sexual union, the priests of Tta^oltndi, the augurs, who |ofwsed the book* with
but of <xmor|Aion and the ensuing birth, i* ] resented in Oodn the prognostications, and the devilries of the new- bum, mid the sjieils

Bortxmicus with JltuylUnil, mistress of the thirteenth week, Here and the omen* and the tmditiuais of the ancients, ns they were
the goddex* is seated on n coverlet with outstretched arms and legs, lianded down anil come tuito them."
while above is seen a ehihl which, on shown by the direction of the In the jxntMige above quoted fn>m the Annie* de yuuuhtithui it

footstep*, is entering the goddess, As I have explained with the was stated that the Isccuinanme liad came to Tollan from (JWxf/im,
first sign, the Mexicans imagine) the god* of generation to he located *.*. from Hunxtrculand. I have repeatedly observed tlkat TtUo tnnow
in the uppermost, the thirteenth, heaven ;
whence, as they believed, at her Ockpanixtli feast was escorted by the iciuvimn, Imt Huaxtoc*.
the offspring are sent into the world But In the same picture who in the picture of Codex Borbonwus also wmr the cuextfcrtlL the
which thu* illustrate* tike art of concept ton by the child earning higlfjcnked, cone-shaped Huoxtec cap. We have moreover seen tliat

from above. its birth is likewise figured by on image of the goddess the pulque god*, who stiuid in some relation to tlie lhiaxtecs. have
emerging fmm the vulva and holding in her hand two strings, which, certain device* in common with this Karth Goddess. And we shall

bring interlaced, in a way represent a chain. In our nuuiuwyipt j

presently lx* able to certify tliat several at her elements in the attire
nothing of this representation survive*, except an indication which of this godde.** were also distinctly of Huaxtec origin. All this may

taken ajmrt is quite unintelligible. Above and behind the head of of coqiwe find it* explanation in the fact tliat on some mythological
the goddess are seen two fouttrfeje, which here also are naturally ground* this mother of tlie god* wiw suppled to have her home
suggestive of concept km from on hlglL in the Htmxtee country. But the figure of tbU goddess may jsxoihly
But that a goddess, of the earth, wlwoe moot specia) property
f**h^im 1, cap. 0.
^atitgua * Sahagun
2, cap. 1*2. 1, cap. 12.

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10. The Twenty Itultn of th* Week. 93

also have really com* from that region, hwr cull being afterward* Besides the general (yellow or white) colour, there* in another
transplanted to Mexico. Certain it is that it in related, not indeed special painting on the face, which is distinctive of the goddeetf. A
of lluaxtec* tbemrelv** about their cult w* kmw next to nothing hlUHanewd sjmee reserved round about the bps, or a flfmee marked
but of the neighbouring Totnnncs who rwmbled them in mum off by a nliint itig line from tlie rent of the Mir fare of the hire, aiwi
respect*, tlint amongst them n great goddess, wife of the Sun tied. enclosing mwe-tip, Lip* and chin. I* {minted a deep black colour,
wb* belli in high honour, jnssrased a temple on * lofty mountain, Afotc-n oicopi h t ico r, she ha* her lip* premred with li<|uid caoutchouc,
nod luul * her min inter* two obi men robed in eoyoto akin*, and or moulded in liquid cnutclftouc," web * Sahagun* expression in

and tit At there, bring skilled iu picture writing, wrote histories in detcriUug the garb of the goddess the ame CTpwrokm tliat was at*o
pictures, and consigned them to the high priest* of the )M>nple. who and fur tlie l>k'k {minting of the kiwer half of the Fire God* face.
tlien expounded them in their preaching* to the people.* In the A fecund caoutchouc {minting uti the choelt, not regularly occurring,
old Mexican culture there U much that jiointa to the neighbouring but proper to the goddess, described in the Snhagnn manuscript a*
Huiutecan coa*f land's whence the Toller* are supped to hare tome.* tfajcrtpochfti in conflolitieac tpnutayan, *
a hole ba* she placed on
Queizutcvwtit's jaguar-akin cap * projierlv a lluaxtec article of dress, her cheek," and in the Spanish text as como un {mrclie redondo,"

ainl the toma figure* found in Huaxtoc territory bare all thi* conic a kind of round planter," should doubt lew he regard'll a* a disk
hmltltw*. F nHrii Tepfteittfbi in tlw Tuxpam district of Hwurtrualiuid with a hole in tlie centre, in fad a wide ring. In Codex Borgia
come* tlie remarkable idol of (fustfaUmuitl* d l ending from Heaven thi* {minting if replared by two broad horizontal lines, in Codex
and wearing the genuine Huaxtee headgear which Clm\en> ha* figured Borlawiicu* by a uumher of *bort vertical blink linen, bdow the eye.
in the Annie* del Mww N nee mid de Mexico. When tin* interpreter The thiXfipocktlii the diak with the bole, which in tlie Sahagun
of Codex Teller iiuio Kemenn* call* /jr-eunur, the niler of thi* sign, mnnnM/ripr ia {trewrilied for the {minting of Ttito tttnan, stand*
dio*u de la al," this- identifying her with L ixtociuatl* thi* wa* nndimhtedly in some s{mcia) relation to the uni tire of thi* godd*.
perhaps due to tlie fact that Uiatociuntl if the goddess of the I'Lztotin, For her *hkdd also the Sahagun tuauuHript {ireM^rihes a dUk with
the jieojde on the Atlantic *ealxmnj. a hole in the centre ycAimal xapo; yw i chi mat leocnitla yt ijui jm,
The Hunxtec Earth Gcddetm, I ten inn or Tlaeolieotl, the old Obviously this wa* a symbol of womanhood, like the yoy&ngiita, ring*
mother of the god*. Telco innan. U {minted yellow iu Codes BoTgia, {daited of calamua. which pluv a |xirt iu the snake and llute daiu>*
white with yellow (properly red?) stripes, or id*o yellow with reil of the Hoja Indiana. 1
longitudinal * tripes, in Yatkmuu* R lu our tnntiurcript wherever lw? In our manuT* ri]*. in Codex Biirlawiicu* and in Tellerxano HeimmsiK
is figured a* seventh of the nine lord* her thee i* white, the ujipor where Thvotlrotl figure* ns ruler of tlie thirteenth week, site is (minted
half taring enframed in a bruad yellow border, in the cwre*jxxudmg differently fremi the usual manner with the colour of the Maize
place* in Codex Borboniru* die U -met i me* minted yellow. sometimes
(toddes*. But with tills she has still in Tetleriano ftetnensi* the
also white. Chicomc comity the young Moire Goddess, is depicted
If customary black caoutchouc painting about the lips. In our miiiiu-
red, the colour of the granular bunch of the young tenure ear, brre script even thi* i* ahsent, while in Codex BarbanicttS it U replaced
the yellow and live white colour of the body ami face of the obi by a kind of two-coloured Care (Miinting. the median line from brow
mother of the god* signifies tlie ripe maize ear. Kona ha!, zaki to nose lietng given by a deep black stroke bnmdening downward*.
hat, the yellow, tlie white maize ear.** is the ex]M>e**ioa in the But the image of the gmlde** issuing from the vulva of the deity
Pa|*l Vali. Hence, just a* with C&M0HM couath, the bodily colour who is tented with outstretched arm* ami leg* (wuimrieoiiA/iciiC). ha*

and every thing on tin* goddess is red, no here with Teieo in nan the the usual yellow painting. In these places tlie guddeas M clot hod

Imdrly colour and even- thing u her i* yellow or white. And the ill the victim's fluyed skin, like X ipe. and like the priest who repre-

goddess herself is milts] coptuic xtjchitln isfnc zochitf/i. -the yellow sent* the goddess Trteo iutrna at the Ochpttttixtli fnrfiral. PoewiWy
bloofiL the white bloom." in lier song, tlie fourth of the -Contare* *jue Tlnrolteotl * here paiuteil tlve itiUmr of the Moire Goddo* by wny of
decian a hoaira de la* dio*e* en hw temples y fneni drllns."
Hec J. Wultxr-KMwfcwk. Juurml of American Ethnolosy aod ArettMihigy.''
* MmIiiIicU, Hnlura tirrViiwtiai Of 9. pp. 131, 13f.
ii., In Uim Mina cerviuottw* a short. *tot, woodsa ryliadtr called
KiJiui-uu 1(1-29, i 12. A'oviwsyw cr A wytiibu m l a* a symbut of virility.
Id The Twenty Rulers of the Week.

contract with tine yellow colour of the IfctYrd human #kin. Ill Telleriftnn to /to ccnm IhANttinitt muchi itnrri yt* HfjMtjMtH icbcntl, and their

Heinensi* an* I in our manuscript the arm* iuid leg* of tlie goddefH are land is very warm, very hot, only cotton of various kind* is there
ooloured with while chalk [tisutl ) and |4nsterrd with ikiwuy feathers produced ;
and similarly i>f the Totiwiar*: in tflalpnn iemn tj-yu ick
(in til), which in Tel Lena no Remetisis axe extended Mill further tf onnt in finutcrtyoH yy-yutVA <mctr in rocftit/utiJli oncu in iduyUf,
the raiment. Thin oonre*{KHad* with the de*cnpti<m of tine costume in their land is very Ixit, all kinds of timse are then*, all kind* nf
Sahiigun* first book with white eagle's dawn lier smock in strewn," fruits,''
eottou grow*."* And it was )Mwiirlav from llnnxtcealaial that
lk-iile- tine facial |wintiiig, the nasal ornament, fillet, and ear came tlie beautiful variegated cotton fabrics woven in intricate design*
ornament arv x|ecially eharacteriptic. In Iner wm* Tet*o tawim- which were called erntzantilmntU c*Ht:on*fuachtJi tlit <>fi/ifyo/uKt.r i,
TlarolUoH w<u* the Huaxtee yncauicoUi or which i# were emlieUislird with tin* co unjv i yu/vr yo ami itiixucjrtlocM itolii in
worn also by the jailque gucK and hi Codex Borgia bat* usually the woven pattrm# of snake-masks oml cloud motives.* Hence, in my
fuim id a jug-handle (wiW/i i, and iu our ntaniwripl rather that of o|iinon, in the array of this goddess there was the intention of illustrat-
a simple crea-cnt (weirt/t';. But in Codex Borboniru*, ami Uo in ing this national industry. Beside* of Iver f'*M l*>r rejare^ututivc. tlie

TeHerianu Kerne n*U, a* in wen in the more correct reproduction iuiw woman wt a|mrt a* the offering to the gnddeiw, a||M*are<| ax a weaver.
iaxueil of this manuscript, thi yweunicoM* i* replaced by n Mejdtke f*he had to take ler seat at the kami and weave and afterwanh take
idate, or a butterfly of spotted feather*, which are without <kubt to market rhe tissues woven hy be me If. So at leoet Ihiran tells us.
intended for quail feiuhep-. Klaewbere also we nneet with quail But he**des the ichc&XOChUl* the oKtoii fillet, the gndtb-w also
feather* ({at-ittiil) in the attire of the Karth Goddeto. The quail wnr a featlmr ortiament, which in wir niHinwrijif and in Telleruuio
wna undoubtedly sujifHieod to stand in kudc Njevial relation to the RemeiisiH affeils the form of a crown. But in the other n.mmi**:ri]if
earth deities. 1 shall have to enter into further detail** on thin it a]pet> diMinctly as a fern or winglike deroratiiin, which is

I ant in the following sign with the god Xi}M, w|*i i* figured in I sometimes a]f latently fiiatened to the neck m tlw style of thr Wind
the very disguise of n quail. God* cn&calnittrttcatl, hut is sonetilDn inserted ae a InttnHi in a
Tlie fillet of the guddeas in the icAcutrocAiil, the fillet prvjmrKl lull, which, ns shown by the jiscture in Codex IkirlsKiicitv must be
from uicqmn eottou. It enclose* the crown of the gndricjw'* lietuj, made of iwoutclwiuc. acid ippUffllly revts on tlie top of the lioad.

and cm both aides of the face falls down to tlie shoulder*. In it altlKiugh ^wlsagun expreody dewerihes it as hanging down on tlie

sjamllee are inserted. A Itmd of uti*pitn cotton i* further inserted neck. With the figure of Tlttfoi(eo(l ]M>rtrayed on slieet fill of Codex
in tlie jiivrced ear-lobe, or else hongs out from the reed-shap**! ear- Borgia, this bead or neck ornament lias the ap|earAce and con-
plug. The texture of the raw cotton is shown on these hands by formation of tlie above mentioned eueyiiailoncntl. QufUalconrtil\ neck
crotchet* and dots exactly in the same way as in the picture* nf the ornament, hence, ns with this god. consist* of dark feather* from which
bursting capMlIe* of the cotton husli, which in the tribute lists and jwqyect ml plume* in regular fiudike onk*r. In the other j daces this
ill Codex Menikisi are ap]dicd to indicate cotton, or as the hieroglyph ortinEneuI ha* more the Ecinn of n hunclu and is iximjNwml of twi kinds
for icArvi. Bv these crotchets as well as hy the like sign* in the of feather*, one white (or brown) flecked with black, and one of long
pictures of arable land, the intention dnuhtlea* is to represent an yellow plum*-* projecting like qiu-1/.il feather*. Tin* former, n* may
irregularly rolled up hale. Cotton and pindle* are t|* emblem* of clearly la* seen from the picture in Codex Horhonicn*. are intendt*d kr
female industry. In former works, where V wm> occupied with (lie quail feathers (^of-iurf/), while the latter inut lie dearriheil ns fioyul/r
goddess Tfiro I found ill this circumstance the strijM of (aim leaves," or u feothem like palm-leaf strips." For in

chief motive fur equipping this gudde** with cotton and spindles, Saliaguifa descrijiliun if dress this feather decoration is culled
as here drwcrihrd. Now, however, I think We elutll have to apnoiine trmrti her coyatl bunch." Thai such a fanlike neck ornament is

yet another sjwviat raanoli fcr the prod ice. It mu* flmae very region* properly nu article of llnoxtee dress. I have almuly merit iism *1 h1mv*

where the goddes* was su pposed to luive her liame, or whence hIi** in connection with Qttdzttlconutl. But the very |ialm-lcaf >trijs in
really came, Umax tom and the neighbouring district of the Totonacu.
1 Saht3*n l'. cap. |
that were for ancient Mexico tlie chief cotton-yielding lands. Of * Ifcoi ID. cap. . } 7.
the CttrjcUcn, the Huoxtece, we ivad : ifA tt iritUitpitn y <HtCX * Hod. ID, {* 2!l,

Digitized by Googl
UX TVe Twroty Ihiler* of tin* Wwk. 97

tiiis Cm an* Htk*xt*r motive, Fur in the eha]rfrr treating of flu* by 7HfU in turn, g.xldow of tlm Orkpnniztli hut (see Hg. 41). and
HuilxI**th we read of tlwm : al*o recurs on the large stone images of tlw Forth (Jaddesw. Tliin

foga-tfafomU e UJa <wvii nr, en lit* c*]ildn un* plumage* is a hack |N*mUnt to the girdle, which is made of rattling snail-

redoudo* A mam** th* grande* muaraut TOosovdare* de hoja* de shell* susfiended from plaited thongs, ami is designated by the
palntas. a de jdunuM colomdn* y hug**, pufsta* A huinem <h* rvieda. 1 strung* name of "Stellar hip-rloth,'* Star enngun"
Ilie * shown *4 ill nton? r]i*arlv
Ifiuatec style of tli* hMakdro** cu+cJdt(i in icue in t[n]milM eUirtUifuf, of snaiUsIwlls consists

in the picture given by Codex BovbuoiciM of TUffoItwit, ruler of tlw* her eiiagno. the no-iwlled 'StiNtuglM." 1 This also appmni to he
week rr olin For there %re ***** the tjfpkdl (OtlJc Huaxtec hat on article nf Huaxlec dtvss. For Twftuomm* nqsirts of the lfuAxtecs
(eof/ith) ]*roj*eciuig above the cotton handagw and the of Triubisioc and Todijam (cap. 29): "trawm cii U cinta ooflio
feather inu < an/uftnuiUi ) inserted t rt (loUtchMM InlL only with tMatageius que lUmau cutcMIi rpw* remena eomo ia-mWl hoaico, |ra
second fvyafevi//i at tlw* |:vk. l*nier mas es|4tnto y Ij'iiwnr.

In the yrtdiwico/f* amt the <uu**-rha]ieii cap Tlnsvltetfl agrees In Codex Ih.rgia 12 and Vatii-arms
with the pulque gads. who Indeed, a* I lwve jiotnted out with tin* 11 ail, hf*ids the gndde*** of the four-
twelfth sign. ure aim jmilly eipiqqied u* HMXtoC*. Tliilt the godit**** teenth day is Itgnn d a hou-e with an
was in fact thought 4 a* an awaiati* of the piilqi*< gods i* ehuily owl stuuditig Mr tlw door, while ill

wen in heT raiment, which in Codex ltnrgin is dejacted jmrtly rwl, fmal luitigH a airing of what I* * *k like

i tartly black, the two O'lhair- of the |aih|U** gwR and with the golden plants tied in a hmwlle. The h*m**-

nasal crescent ill tin* middle, thus in a measure nq rudnritig the with the owl one is at first teii|4ed

features of tin* joihpw* god*. In tin* oilier mamin-ripr* tide id not to lake for the ikvrk house uf tlie

sh*wn on the apfand Itcelk which in tlie thm* Mexican jacture earth, to wrtiw extent as on ex|irewimi

writings st nelly Ki called in indeed disguised hv the victim's Bared of the interior of the earth, of tlie

skin, which the godde*# ha* jut m, Hut in Tellt-nano Krinensi* heart of the earth ((frif/i iyoUo ). which
Ttapdlerdt wean* *n her Kirk a banner which in the longitudinal we have already met with ns one of
fields displays, alternately recurring, the swine two red and hlack i the guides*'* name*, Having regard.

rolour* with the ua*ul crescent of the pulque gods. And in index howerer, to the incidents to lie men- rig. ti JW*

Korhonicurt la rejavalnrevl tlw* uinie alternation of red and block tinned farther on, I am inclined rattier Md *h shoawtJfc Asaial ra*t
colour*. and the WUJie decoration with the uasil crescent on thr to H*e an the owl 'Uc'rfoil ). tlw* bin I
Codex Tettsruan
goddess'* conic hot, and on an n]wun~llko article of dm wiiich she of ill mnen. a and tlw* animal of the
has hanging on her |jrea*4, as also on the coverlet. And in our (hiitatmteeota, of tlw* Owl men. the men in owl farm, the eiicltanterw.
manuscript we lime at b*ii*t a suggestion of this colour of the pulipii- Tlw bundle of green hand* may be taken to indimte the tw edicinnf
gods* garb; for although tlw* artist has fuegotteu to picture the alter- krrlsA, the medw'im**, *uch ns thowe with the sick nun wham we fiAind

nating n*d and black colour*, he has at least given a eerie* of nasal pictureil be*wle the Death (Jod. rulrr of the tenth day. Witchcraft
crescent* nil tlw* guJdet*\* rube painted uniformly red. In Code* nml tlw* medical art went hand in band ; and tliis old mother of tlw*

Jhirgia 12. lYttfOtootf, ruler of the fourteenth <lay. oerfof/, shows gods was ulna jotriMicss of the |ihysieUii* and f the female M IwthtliltK"
another direct rcbtkm to tlw* pulque goda; here she wears on her A ocmtirnuition of this view f tlie lwindle of gn**n Ixtnds I find in

hrmst. juisjieiwled (nan a necklace hanging fiir ilnwn, the same the fact tfiat in Cortex Vnticanu* 11 Si th**e gn-rn Iwnds at the
remarkable horn or ruoMikv object as dim the pulque god who house with the owl am replaced by water trickling down. Here,
figure* on the preceding sheet as ruler of the twelfth day, instead nf medicinal Iwrhs, the artist was Minded to exhibit moliciiulf

There U still to la* incut wined a x|*cial irticlf of dress, which iinttu/iil*,

tlsough named is imperfectly figured in the Snhngun manuscript, hot

in Tellerinno Hemensi* in worn lagli hr tlw* ruler of this sign and
silvan M8.. DiUiotcov del PoAteio. ChataaM* of lli* <Jud No. 14.

( Pobluatiun* of the K<3igl. Msw fur Volkerkisada, vok i, jwrt 4.

^alagwa 10. rap. 29, f M. * Ct. thkitvo \ cap. 4, 6.

Digitized bv
10. Tlin Twsty Ralnr* of tlw Vk.

Wliwc Tlruyitwd stand* in flic pictorial writing of the Codex j

which w.x* indifferent, ami might tnmn something good. bat nlsn wnw-
Bargm group as filler of ths* thirteenth work, eocrr*| landing with the thingevil. Omc tr its menu* two thorn*," and tluit is ohv*ioa*ly tlw

fourteenth day. we at the doorway of the- house instead of the cnrl rearon why in Codex Borhoniru* an agave timm is phued in <arh
the mi infat nimble pwtiro* of th MMOfMNiAtft, the " ring eagle,* iiaud of the Texuilipocn who fa figured in lire uactli mask fm'ing
that ia, the king vulture, with hfa white beak, hi* haw bead, neck tin* gialdei 7?reof feoff. At other trines the iUtciti ultcrrd a note
tuft, ntal mr with ear pendanta, exactly ns In* stand* in tfa** mium- which -minut'd like yeeenn yeoront. which naturally menus something
fo-ijjta, a* emblem of the sixteenth day, t&t&tqHtmhiU, In flu* other gid. -imv tf*cc*tn signifies in tbe riglit place," nt the right

docimieutN the Mexican manuscript* jwijier, the bouse fa usually hour.* But wlseti tlw? voice- of tbe biixl was like a Inugh. the faugh
mining; being given only in our irmruiH rij* the Auliin Tonalamntl. of one laughing haul und from a fuil throat, then tlw Mexitwns
But everywhere, faring 77/r<m/f*of/, a bird i* figured, obriniiily a fancied they heard it say rtinutimtefoe, **yon vhall die, whidi w* a
Hperieo of tumivorou* bird with daifc plumage. which by the interpreter very Nul mum. Sibagim tells iu tlat this note wn* goicraUv lewnl
id Codex Vatioanu* A 1
i* called MadU, ami in ull three pictorial in a gorge, a canyon, or the ih*|ith of tlu- focest. lwnce under circum-
document* i* rlearly indicated a* tlw emblem of 7V*t*dVi/*MYi by any case the wayfarer* were ilepivased by tlwir
stance* in which in
the smoking mirror at its* ear nnd by the warrior* bnir-dtr**. and ghswnv Mimwmding*. W|m*u the cnmviui* of the merchant* Iwwrd
further iu Code* Borin miens by the rnwm covered with stellar de-ign this cry, they fait airs that wine of them would fa* ilrowred in cfoudng
(iuitzortcaiU cicitfnUo), ami by the* fiMtai/aoMittf with the Luiuier on a stream, or tiiat they wiaikl fall intn tfa- hands of mammih'rs. nr
itn lawk. I tnu*t coitfc** that here tlw* ntzciuputahlti fa to me not !
would fa* devoured by jaguars, or that the outhnatk of war would
quite intelligible. For although we might no doubt assume <i priori hinder them front eont unking their journey.

tlmt tbe vulture wan also conceived n* u kind of futn*r*wl bint ami A* tl>* jaguar as an unliteky omen, a* Ttpeyottclli, .e. the rr
might therefore be taken as in mmzm* way a representative of tle night lieanl by night in tfa* moaiilainK whs naturally Trscattipoon, ro also
btni the owl. still I have not yet found a jnruUet to Mich a iMioii tlio Utt&ti wum* naturally TetcatlipOCit, when III* fore fasting cry wa* lusml.
in any other place, Hence 1 might feel almost inclined to take tlw Tle*n all such ominous mkiiwU, s] looks and i*lwr s]^tral phenumetta:
view that in tlw specified place* in the Codex Brngta group the ieht'itil. ifah a wtJYnnVt, iu tez&UlipHea
coiCWjti<inktli in, strictly spending. inteniled a* an image of the ttiwl/i, ini< (tea moetteaiax^tia, Uc*t Mfiuiltiaia
since of the latter Sahiigxui exjuvaaly remark* that it rroenbfo* the These were mask* that Tfteatlipoea asutmed.
eotcufHtttdU/i, Whereby he frigtiti*! the people, had his quirt with the
Tlw L'adiif called also fVirtria, UtieiisH. the little CVicT wa* a jHNIfllc." 1

bird of prey which from iu note, describ'd a* a Laugh." struck the

And therrfon? is 1aciii also hen* nmwbete figured with tin*
fancy of the Mexican*, wid indeed took it* name fnan this note. As
emblem of Term<fa/>orti- Tlierefoce alto in tlie Pop'll- Vuh * the Vac
Jocinto it* ff\ iSerniY trlU u*,* it va* a small eagle that Lived on snake*.
is allied zanuxhri //umlviK Ctti-ufftn Rttxtt Guknlha* llura-
And exactly the wunr statement is made iu the 1 ijniI Vuh, when* this
kau* MrswngrT." For the Kurskaia of the Popol-Vuh. whose mime
bird is mlled by the tame name. Foe or Vic. and fa re|eatedly
maul* *
t hie-Jeg," i* T<viffi/>ocw, a* I have already above shown
mentioned. 1The voice of this lard had an Unearthly sound far the The jtfuangc here quuted from tlae Popol-Vuh indeed itwdf
fp. $1). j*
Mexican*. who regarded it as a senna* amen. In hi* hook on
a further vuisrlier of thi*. For wlowi it is here said of this nvr*engi*r
]*irtentK, Sahagun devote* n whole eha|rfer to and adduces the cry
of llumknn : ** Hut thi* IW is not far froan tbe surfiu** of the earth,
of the utieUi as the second of tbe sinister warning* immediately after
he fa nut far from the kingilom of the dead, and with **u*e fa* reurlie*
him of uncanny prog-
tlw- jaguar* nightly mar, which far is the first
Huralun in bnicn this i* nothing more tliiui when it fa said of
rumination* (cf. above, pp. 30, 31), A* tSahngun here states three different
Ttic*UlifAfJOi tlmt: * Everywhere he room* afarnt, in tfa* underworhl,
mrw of the unfit i were distinguished. At times lie cried owis nr It,
on tlw* earth'* Mirfucv, in hifwven.*
1m bb* 111 wins! eg
lit Tlfariatw K*uMMtuift thi* nbmt
* Kihayu* 2, cap. 2, $ 4 1
s^liagim k cap. ;t.

Mnn**l do Muiilft d* India*. isp H, 1 2. aid oip 14, $ I. Book 2, mp. 1 .

* Book 2, cop. 7, p. 134 of itcutcur da llourboorgs edition. * fiibsgvm I . np 3.

Digitized by Googl
10. The Twenty Itulcr* of the Wwk.

In tlw manun rijtlt of llw t*odex Borgia group the Earth limbfe-* To war and the death of warriors lva also reference llw frame* ark
wiu* | ilnred with tbe third vign confronting the Jaguar, the voice of skulls (tsvmytMlli ) which in Codex Borgia is seen figured beride
lirfwrd coining out of the mountain* by night, the Tejjeyvlloflu which Iwr, and the adjacent veswl in which we see a Iwart and a warrior**
is hut a phenomenal form or liUguiw of Teterttlipoca. In the same bend (with llw warrior'* Itair-dress and long Up rod. hs?acttll). A
way in llw thirteenth week, fur tug tlw Earth Goddess. who w hei>? heart und a severed hand are nl-*> noticed in our manuscript in tlw
tbe ruler, stands the lard of ill omen, Httet/i, who in likewise vewel which is depicted before the Iwad dT the goddess. And in
merely a wirtnllt. n phenomenal form (disguiwj of Teterill ijfoca ; for Telle riano Remeusis tlw godde** hold* in Iwr hand a vewel with a
Tettutlifxxn, the lUrk. the nightly, the magician. is everywhere lawd. a heart, n snake's tail (symbol of fire?) and a strung of jewels.
associated with the Earth Goddr**, representative of the devouring Grange to kv, in none of these place* is the goddess lepre-
datkoaM. sented with the imjdeuwiit which is otherwise her line* characteristic
In the place* in tlw Codex Borgia group where TOpydteofl i- the emblem llw bew.un (pof/tdl, ill which exjieeuduti is given
niter of the fourteenth lay. beside her and the Ivou*** with the owl to the name of her feast, ockfentitHi. meaning to sweep the way."
Do other *y ml - d w hut her given. Hist where she i* ruler of the and which was consequently also carried in their hand- by all

thirteenth week and confronted by the cotcnf/Hetuhlli, wb<% as 1 stated partaker* of tlw feast. TUvvilte*Al'* associate*, anil as we mw with tlw
aliovw, is doubtless intended for Ifactft, we further set* a firc-snake (receding sign, also by the goddess* -oil Cutteotl- iuh/jui In
Mweeu her and the bird. For thi* fire-snake one t* teiu|4*d to find
odex Barfwuicu* alone in tlw besom of the goddess to be seen, wrapped
a parallel in the [ieculinr symbol which in Codex Borbtmicu* ami in in a juijwr which U impressed with (jointed figures (tlnitSCQpiiUli ; It

our UMimmript i- figured brtwrrn Thi?oltef4i and the lard Uacili. It is shown in front of TUifolleatl, mistress of tlw thirteenth week, <m

consists of two figure* which are interlaced in a similar way to llw* a vessel which is printed with Inrge patches of caoutchouc, and filled

dark blue and llw light n*d field in tlie oiiu sign of Cmlex Borgia. with yellow nnd black object* \m. emliers aglow. Tlw sweeping of

The durk field in this symbol i firmed in Codex Borbonicu* by a the Boor was a generally (wractised introductory observance, and was
snake [win tod green, in oiu mnmiKrijrf by a QuetzaUwintl figure with douldless intended to denote cleansing, healing, tlw rrinotal of filth,

cofiai-pouch and eca-uidli in its band tlw ligJU field in ( odex Bor- of evil, of san. the eclair al demnaiio,"* rvunjiaralde to the circxim-

honicu* by a millepede jointed yellow, and in our mau*rijit by a stanluil rites which are related by IjuiiU of tlw Yucatan cult, anil

human figure likewise dejacted a ye/fmc co/our. In this remarkable aerred the sanw pur|sw. From the very nature of tlw case this
symbol I am inclined to see a new variant of tlw titl-tlarbirtoUi sign, function farmed (mart of the teni|4e service |erfortiwd by young
the emblem of mar. I have already above drawn attention to tlw jieiqiU*. and was a s|iecinl observance of tlw irouicn. The whole cf
fact tliat in tlw legend* of the Mexican* tlw Earth Godde** is I hr txftfMintzili Feast had doubtless the -rune significant'e. that f

constantly*( token oC partly as the deity who first runde captive* in (mrifying, healing. iMinisbing evil, fur it is (ireliiuiuarv to the Teull

war nnd brought them to the saerifov. and fswrtlv as Iwrwdf the first tea. the iertitul on which the gods, the Fire trod*, returned to their

sneri fired prt-orier of war. And the Huaxter Earth Godde** ruler of city. The feast concluded with the expulsion of the warrior who had
tlw thirteenth week, is also a thoroughly warlike |jerwxiiage. In l>ur*n carried iff tlw white chalk aiul the downy leather*, ibe decoration of

she is actually called Mad re de la disoordtt," motlwr of strife, rant Iwr tlw warrior* to he Mcrifio*!, and the burial in hostile territory of the
of war. At her feast, the broom feast (CfeAjMntftff), in tlw sjwrts of ffMxrrryumfX, tlw mask prejarexl from the skin of tlw victims thigh.
the women got up to cheer ami encourage the victim. they contended Tbe transference of tlw deity of tlw fourteenth day to the
with balls of tlw cemponls<jeftiti (Tagcte* *p. a tqjecie* of Mexican thirteenth week resulted in making Ttafalieoil, tbe llunxtec Earth
marigold), and of j/ncktli (Tillandsin). nnd with the stem* of the (joddt**N, ruler of the sign ce olin. This seems quite an appro-
itojrw/ (Oja in tin). Tlw procession of tlw gnddi-ss to tlw trmple. for priate transference. For tbe *ign ofiit ami tlw Word Uin were uhkI
the psjiouaaU with Vitzilof^eAUi, also took the form ttf n mtert- esjvHially far enrtbq takes, u point on which 1 have already laid
And after the birth of Ctnieoll not only were maize ears of all kind* ANM. And if we sun give credit to I>urfiuV ilewription nf the feast
scattered amongst the jwojile, but a race wan also arranged for chalk of this goddess, we must actually believe tlmt tlw goddew* herwlf
and feathers (tientl-iuitf), the sacrificial adornment of the war nkjitiies. announced her jwewnre at this feast by an earthquake at tbe very
100 10- TV Twenty Rulers of the Wwk,

moment wbra her image Applied to her lip* the basin rxmlaining Prwrt icnlly this had certainly it* difficult ir*. for engir down wna
victim* blood. The intcr|mlrr of Telleriuno Krtnerms, however,
tlse a costly article. Hence a* a rale the common warrior no donlir eked

k no mean* Accepts such ft close nrlatiuii of the goddess to tint day it out with white turkey feathers (fa tne taioiinilt). But tm fiipilli

or offn. lie hit* placed the sign of the hand which (mint* at the iniquitc tin otfnmahque . , . mopatoitia qiutHhlioehrfiytittnt. the
fenst jtroj*er to thi* week, not under the day a 1. Mution,'" lwit under (iriiice* when they captured a prisoner gummed thrimHvr* with
- 1
tiifititii djjnctii, ft. Crocodile/* a day which hy the name of it* eagle down
sign, **
t lie fth of which tlie earth wa* made.** the symbol if the Representative of tbe sign qunnhtii, and rxmscqurntly al*o rnler
life-giving earth. seem* certainly to indicate n rioter relation to the of the week et itfCHAfUti* i* the preuliar figure of tbe god who. like
gndih** of thi* week. tli** lady of tl>e (woooding *ign- goes ahont in the skin of the fiayrd
victim Xipe 2'ofsc, our I sard the Flayed, in whuwe honour wa*
held in the pn'Vjou* *pring tie 1
great fmsi of miui>fliiving, tlarttji-
The Ruler of the Fourteenth Week tr itxwnHi. annual of the Mexieniu./
jMnnlitffi. Iu ft work devoti*d to tlie

Tlw ruler of the fifteenth day, yu.aAx/i. * Ragle," i* five lord I lave giwn line pr.*.r flint this go:l was jro|rrly tlie WnUrculii*
of thi* week. In thi* sign oxpeasaion i* now at last given to thane the Isard of tire Earth, Mid the object of a mainly ngricnltand cult,

notion*, which 009 slemlri have Already e*|ted to iikeet with in of a feu*t serving as a prc|aunthwi for the sowing. A token uf thi*
the " Jaguar," and
jrerv<|in^ *ign, acelotl, which in the twofold is just the human skill, which the gnd lm* put nu. Mid imlwl i*
dcfignnt ion f/xoirAr/i-tHv^.ir/, **
EagV and Jaguar," have acquired a a)ki wiwii iu tire wune way by fleet Earth Goddcw*. Ami a token of
eotienri* form, thi* verbal combination having become the terlinicnl thi* is alo above all the stAff which tlie god carries, the rattle-stick,
expression foe **
in yttoettUi in telpochcalfi in mean tlie cAuviiorrfh*, which besides hiiu wa* carried only hy tlie gr*lde**c*

yoti tiaeati in t/natthiin in ocefo, "tlie warrior* Uou*e, the bachelors* of the earth, uf the maize oim, of water and rain, aiwl the meaning
honor, where the eagle*, tin* jaguar* live, and are Iwrn." Tin* eagle of which i* deduced from ibe initial itropliM of the same aLnvo-
it will be noticed, Maud* fin* in thi* group. In fact, five quoteil song to CittacuunJ/.
ytinnhtii, uwd alone, in util I always synonymous with poof/, warrior." httiya tonnea acxotmn
wherea* with the word oeeiotl. when it Maud* alone, quite different UtiMiieo (Mcnvmtica matlnqueckizca
notion* are u-i<cUted, a* hu* been wen. We have, fur instance, but to
, Wlat form* (V) our dcslu the maize fruit
think of oeWofoMritittA Jaguar Sun QuunkctuaSl IWiwrtl,
iuid Oil the field of tike gud, on like rattle-stick i* die (the god- 4

the woman eagle, the woman warrior, are both name* of tin* d**M) l4ln^ng,

suite goddem, Ciuacematl. or Quitatili, tlie goddetu of tolhuaiwit.

This is explained hv tbe commentator with the won!*:
This relation find* it* special exjHrewion. at> would wein. in the eir-
rumxtanre that the warrior who made a hit. i.r. captured a jaieouer iuic Motocnya ctntli, in tnftcfrfooyu feNtni/pui

war, plastered hkm*elf with oagle feather* or more irAicuivirlim yic tfnbUatapi, ynie toenya
correctly with eagle down {qiutMktlachertyutl):-~ The towing of the maize fruit took place on the fidd of the gt*l
tr#<A ftrr ruttie^tiek nA* dug u/> the earth, therewith sAe rwwrJ."
ahuiya qwivivitl ttmarayarnUi
Eagle feather* are your (minting." * Tlie word cAiVatfw/wt/i mean* -wherewith anything is made

So we rend
strong. Word aud symbol obviously refer to tlw strengthiming of
in tin* wing to live 13th of the -fantarc*
tle rejxrodudivo funtlioiu to ferliliring. Hence w also saw the
qiv deeiiui a I* mm ile loo dioe* en lew tentplo* y fnera drill*/ which
tfMemnitK with tike first sign pnjeothg between the human eouple
the rammemtatoT thn* explain* :

y oUnmn/vc. iu qnitvicitt yc nuuviru

oAuirt, 1
Salit|run MS. , AkuImuiU du U Historia. # i.
When captive* Are made be (taints himself with eagle lent her*.'
1 1
PukJicatiun* of tbe .Museum fllr ViJlkerkande. mol. vi, jwrt* 2 4
Utri.ii, W,
' Sih|{tui 3, esp 4. Tbu trim! arWstu U iit*?ura. Urvuton trscvUtr* f?b
who 1*

* UriiiUw'i IruiiltUs, u usual u without rheum or wueo,'' nni : u She oar iWi, HoddiM uf the told* and shrubs, is stroni; to supjicet us." Not a
comet wlomit ia fc* utdunt manner with the uifls cr#*S." s.iigU- woed uf all this is fousri in the text.

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i Dw iM

PA The Twenty Hulcr* of tbe Wwk. 101

in sexual union. I hr couple wIki nrr figured beside the ruler of the duct* in this word and in this sign *> truly emlmrifed tbe notion
first sign, Tcntacnltculh, gad 1 4 generation, of warfare.
Tlw earth is mmi<- fruitful, it impregnated, by ill** blood of the Ill the Codex Borgia group the god Xipr, where he etandn in
victim*. Hut the victim* are obtained ly war, Therefore the deities re|ire cental ive of till* Mgli itself, of the day fituuktlu of the fifteenth
of the earth ap|icjur a* romliatant*, and eqnipi**:! with warlike tit the twenty day -erlea. b usually reprvaented in a -mnewhat divergent
tvinhol*. Tin* iwrifiee to the earth deltle* which 1 have deicfibed form, only aa TlntinukqHt 7rMi(%0M, a* the ted 7Vjtf>of/ij>ooa,

in tlw foregoing owtirni, tin* captives ImmiihI to a framework of with thi goT* Htriimd (Hi.e-]iuintihg {i>., /u tlutOvin), bat executed
lake*, and stwit to death with arrow*. all this in indicated by til** in red and yellow, without the human *kin or Xipe other *]'* tal

technical term fhioV* Ui, ic, tlncnAcnd. to light men." The ]HMjertiea and deojfated only with the attuftiU, tbe WlunHr! hea*l-

ap|*camiicc of the Forth tioddvj* beroelf at her feast in the night dtenisthe (eocniJln-niututUl, ring-aiuiid brewot-anmnieiit,
was a enmbit, and U called oioytifW-iodi w *tie fight* by night." ami ImokI and neck covered with a doth garni abed with downy feather
Tlie repeatedly quoted auilg to the Karth tioddr-i* Cirtu&JHatl. bdl*. In bia Itainl he Inilda n aev^red liuruan Warm, at which he
the goddess of Colhuacan the 0Ug which in it* ojietiing strophe* in fnielliiig, mid it enema jllft conceivable tlaat thb in intended iia

sjwuk* of the mowing arid planting of tlw? 6eUI conclude* with a the hieroglyph for ipulonea or ipotoc, hi* atench." For it inut

Munition* to war; fcoum* kavw been aulBcieiitly well known that Xipe Totec ur the

nhuiifti y* hmnquttH yautlaloe upa Xixiptmr or Totofrdiu, the udarieo wl*o during hia feaat donned
mn r vita uatUica Cettpoliti* ryo the flayed skin of the victim* and in thla garb nunbled for twenty
pm <rm coiimrrtn pptritl*i p//otoc apn day* round aliout the city. mu*t have at hn* rtuuk Like the |e**t.

** It b daylight, the morning of war hiw broken And I can furtlver imagine tltat tlda ip of oner* or i/>ofoc wa* at the
l^t ray warrior* ari-e that (the ft**) may nil |M rislt,
a Kime time intended to recall that other ipotoiKtt or iputot, "Ida
In C'olhuacan tbe foatlwr-t. the feutlwr-guintniug.
1 '
feather plaatetingr fr. the eogle feat her* (^lunrAnitff), with which
the aiuvestafnl warrior daubed himaelf (ie m&tawi, i.e ie mopofOMiu),
Tbi* U elucidated hr tlw coaunentator with the word*;
One of Xipfl name* la TfafiotiAgtu 7emU%0M, tire red reeking
r olonite to ollntcic
rnirnxr"; ami that tliia 77<a/fcreAgtti Trtetttlipuen here really <tmid* far
mu "rkAuu pnuyntl mn tlnmnlo ')
Xipr Totrc ! farther rtbown by the fact that in one pLuc of tbe 1'odes
[om/w novA'itt * eofauniil, njcteiRnca tn qunvivitl
Borgia groiljs on diee< 92 of \'aticaiitiH B. the n*nl Xipr. cli/he l with
It I me dawned, the rooming him broken, Irt there bn war,
Ilia human akin, and loveml with hi* npjinjpTiule ma!k and peaked
I>*t captives la* made, the land dial) he destroyed utterly.
cn|i yvplttoHtli. i figured at the day quanhUi a* loml of thin *ign.
In t'ldhuacan is my home. I give the eagl*-ftlwr* "
In the fourteenth week ce ii-tmintli, <virre|iuiding to the <lay
Thu* it U Dot surprising that the nuile Krurtb Deity, Xipr Tu fee.
i/waiA , f i, the ruler of tlhe aign alw> pictured in the lodex Borgia
. i*
wna ftlai a comlxMaut, 44
il giwrreggiirtore attristato he b called
grrmp with the m*4( made from the human kin. Thi* umak ia
by the interpreter of Codex Vathann* A anil that at hb fonst tlw
fainted yellow, the eukuir of the dead akin, with a red rtri|ir dmwn
sacrifice* took the form of a battle, a* a ncr\pcio plndiatorio in the
along ita entire Lengllk, and only a iiiutow dit left for the eye*, but
well-known, often-described manner, and tint the captive, fettered
for tlw* mouth a large gaping ajwrture (tnulmmaxatoticac). ami na
by one leg to the round stun* \(er*vUftatU), mw there attacked by
umhI omament diK'lovea a miniature copy of tbe foyiitzontii, A'ipen
warriors with sharp mp hi*, and only after Lieiug cut Oowti and no
red ami white cap decked with waving bunds cut out >wiUiowr-Uiit
longer aide to defend himodf. at last immolated in the regular
fis*hnai. Tlie body of tbe god is ]
min led red, and in the rnr-lxiiuliigr*
way by cutting Upru lib bretwt ami tearing out the heart. tine
and loiu-c|t4b lie almws the ml mid white mlaur, and the swallow-
nndpiwtanda that tbe god of thb sacrifice mid of thb fmst was a
tail-like exetdun of the ends which is distinctive of live god's various
tliormighly api ropriat** rej*re4eutntive of the sign qunnAili, * ragle,
article* of attire, and is doubt lesa intended again to figure the
* Amutulud for riwi/ihuii I may spare myself tbe trouble of quuthty
mt.ftenMMj?t{vticuc, tbe whle oiam lips and mouth of the god. Hie
llrlatoas trsuaUUmi of Ui strophe It n again pare fancy. wrap which is worn on head and neck by Ttatiaulufui TescntdfjOCOy

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lttt la Thv Tmnljr Bulcn of tbe Week.

hen* cover? the sin. Milder* alone. Tbe head is tuiorncd with * large CuSlgreta of Americanist* I have pointed out that yri cctUi oonewpoiui*
email, or a creat-Uko device* which MebH down to tlie bAilder><* to tbe ynr 14C9, wlieu King Axiyncatl ascended the .Mexican llirooe.
and in Vat lean us B is composed only of waving feather*, tiut in Ill his otleT hand five Arp of Codex V alumni* A hold* u bird, which
Coiles Borgia 67 of red hinds and ckititiutSlli tip*. In Codes VatknfiUh lute betv doubtless the some meaning a* with the Sun tiuiL. who in this

B 62 he wear* ns n breast -ornament the leoeuitla-ti*tMnn\tUu the document. in Telleriano Ilcmmsi* ami in Codex Horitouicu* is figured
thin disk mini?* of I tea ten gold. Of beutrii gold arc nl*o the ileoonitiuflfc oiii frothing the Mm (2nd, ruler of the sixth sign. In Codex Borhoiiuu*
placed on the fillet. A'tpr Tofrc a ns held in *]iei*tal hommr by the thi* bird is nqt|*md by an object which in this form t* link noun from
guild or the clam of gold-worker*. other manuscripts, ami is (terhnp* a specially fa-Iiioned throwing-
In the Mexican manuscri]** pro|ier the ruler of the fourteenth stick.

week is everywhere draped in tbe flayed human skin (tVuoyo tlu&tJf. In Codex Borgia where .Yip U ruler of tle fifteenth day, the
tlaeaeuatl mmyo micyori), ami wears on his hips the little smock distinctive character of this god is indicuteJ by tlie shield, bundle
made of txapote leaves (t:<ipoeueitl J. and oil his head a cnnrn made of s|>e*rs and hand* Hag*. *.r. tlie sacrificial adornment of the warrior*.
of ml and white feathers (tbiuhifuechoUswntli) it* form like that of But in tluit part or tlie Codex Borgia group where JfjK i* re|*rescfit*d
the Sun Uod. and with it a frontal hand adorned wirh ornament* as ruler of the fourteenth week, he is still more clearly distinguished
of beaten gold similar in form to those of the figure in Yatiranu* B. hy the dbuyiuort/i. tlie god's rattle-stick, and a Uuidb* uf sjwHrs.
In other rented* In* is figured in Codex Horlumeu* * TbilfitiiA'/ut In our miumi*rri|4 and in Codex Borlxiuieus tbe mine pur (see is

Teuntlipoca, with thi* god's red and yellow fiu*ipointing (ijtf&n served by a veswrl. which in Codes Burbonicii* Is dearly dejdcted as
tltUlatiu) tits)***! in oblique tdripes. the smoking mirror r his a fire-pan and (tainted with large (utche* of caoutchouc, and in which
temple, tbe qndtaitomiil no hi* lark with an inserted Isnnn-r (whieli, we *ee inserted the ehiwuaziti (tbe gods tattle-stick), with .Yi'pfl
however, i* Ivere (minted in light and dark red, the colour* of tlw hands and loojis (minted red and white or light and ifcark mi, and
god), and with the breatf-oniatnenl anaualf. In our minusriipt at the ends cut out swallow-tail fashion (iwuit/iid)Mi). An expremion
and in Codex Vaticatm? A tin* face ma*k is printed yellow, i/. tlx 1 of Xipr'a nature teem* also to lie shown by the ipttil, which in Codex
colour uf the dead human skid. in f'odex Vnticanui. A he wenr Borbunicus is seen figured fieside tbe Vrwel holding the cAimutfif/i,
as a bark device the time banner* which are shown with tlie picture and is indiented as a sncrificial animal by its head Itriug tom off
of Xif* in Dinin'* Work, athl lire idtv described with the equipment and by tin* banneret plnceil be?sde the bend. Tlie quail in tbe
of tlie goldsmith*' iHUil .*
Tlse wuuewhnt indistinctly depicted hmut* sacrificial bird in a pre-eminent anise. As wr know, it was iKtiftnd
ornament seen oti the figure in our manuscript may (terhaps lie taken by rending its head (llatpieekcatonadziii). ami then throwing head
fur the cmirororih'. the ^orauumt of human skin which the gold- and body an the ground hefbre the idol. Such a quail aarrift* is

smith* made uf thinly beaten gold fur thrir idol (ttocuitlntl y seen in the antrouomical jiicture already several times lelrmd to in
tlaiziAionifi, yn tlttcniuiurilli). Codex Borgia, with tlte sun. the morning *tnr ami the itiisiu (see
Ill one hand the A if* of the fourteenth week Isolds a shield above Kig. 1, p. lfl). lk*low tbe earth is indicut ed by the gaping
arid banneret, to which in Codex \ atieanu* A is added a bundle of jaws of a monster, and at tlie opening of the jaws Lien the rent
sj wars. In Codex Borbunicus the shield is (stinted with light and bead of tlse quail. It would seem as if tbe quail was tbu* ImiUgbt
dark ml rings 'tevctiitltutnattnyo chi/nalh or iUtuhbw i/sMWcAi idftd). into sjoa'ial n*Iaton with tlie earth god*. Indeed, we leave teen
But in our niiiiiocript tuid in Codex Viiticnnu* A unlv one half side that the Uuutifi of the Kart:i timkles* omsisted of quin l feutlvem aiid
of the shield is decorated in this style. Tlie other half sliows two strijw of (ailip*h*avrs (iy>y<Ul), and that in Codex hidwiMW And ill

field* divided by a slanting line, one of which i* pictured a* water, Telk'tiaoo Uemcnsts the nastil araainent of the goddee* ua* b1m
the other as a jaguar-skin. A shiehl, bun die of sj tears and ,Vip made of qnail fniflmx But since .Ytyi, as we lime seen, is likewi^
flag depicted in exactly the same wxv an- seen on tlie so-ndM ChitnaUi an Mirth god, we must assume tluit lie too shiod in the same relation
srtone. which is figured in Cuernavaca, ami on its other shir* bear* ibe to the quail. In tact, in the ahagun mxnu*vript a quail fme
legend maeuitii o/in yri cnili. In my essay jwesented to tlx? Berlin (aiming" is ascribed to him (mupdditidiiriir). And on every dint
1 fSubajjuQ 7, op. 1A. of our manuscript we may wee flint tbe quail, fourth of tfie thirteen

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10. The TwMfity Rohr* of lk* W*?k. 10 3

Idn)*, who have their jsimlleU in Ihr Ihirteni lord* of f Ik* slay hours, rwhht coming not of the snake's jaws. in snot her (hi the wools ct
win regarded a< a tmualii, * disguise, of JCipe (m uliinr, |>. 32). itecaintii) * n disappearing ihiwti its throat. We have, however,
Mon* cmnmmily tht* immolation, the warriors' deni li, k indicated by already come u j 4>n * simtlnr variance with tin* scene* which rwMi.m-
n ft/we otbrr symbol* in Codex Hotbanieiif. Such are tht* qtuuittxioilit. pany the tenth sign. And in my opiniusi here u> well then* this
i.r. Uie lnuin with Uw victim's blood (we Kg. I2|; the Tend with the vnrinme is nothing itum* than * ctmtvast of the lew verity ijiiartors

MstaJkdU (the UAfrioar* father dcviiTation); Amt ttie tvo-hcmicd rerjiefit which, comialetnnvtmg each other, gin- exprcssimi coUeetii^lv to the
with itit hwk uietnd njs vkk\ us I have nlrviiriv nhons suggested. fifth 4pArto5r the tir-ond-dowa," *.. the centn* (of tlw? eortki).

jx*rluips dispUyn to the ohseriw

I tie* mtl form of the au-rifnial yoke. I he lien* wo have to inlrnnvl the oddat (futtsalcouattl, like the
In *11 the niiuiHM-?i|4* a feather iMkM^ddni Qutixalaoaad turoc of the g*ul of the second sign, in the sense of water, hence
is figured fiu-mg tlw* gisj AtJM in a sense * *>rul>er or the sign. take the feather uuike her** il tho direct heanohi^iro of l|n< wilier
I' u fortunately to our maiiUaert)4 it Is drawn nam-wlut wretchedly vessel, in which *1 the tenth sign a man uils soon in OM place being
like aii rltMiguted broom if thmsi down, in anuthi*T el im long uji. Hut tlwt tlw op thisnhl U*
gTeen feather*, Aiul is reivtg* iiiiliit<ri hv * rwhhit and the down bv n man is u point or* which I

wised ns reully the fathcr- have un Ait UCniorv ox uu to idfor. At the tenth sign the down
.<u*ke only after com pari aon luiti tlw up whs *n expression of the opfHisitioci ls-tw^'n the two
with the other di vamsnts, rulers of the sign the Deutli <ur| anrl the Sun God. In the pTVfWUt
Wltere Xrjte amid* us rnk-r case I slitiuUI lefrr the down In Xipe, the gs| of the o*ith, the Up
of the Fourteenth m-*k trr to pundft, tbr engt*, the warrior, whose fufe is the aacrillcial death,

see n man tumbling band uni) wleiM- guol is cununjiMitly heaven That here the? up mid the
over heels into tin* guping down should he tUastmtcd in this fM-niliii* way, may poHia|ia have
tbnsif of tin* moke. which its motive in a rthdiou to some fiarticuiar district. Hv the uihqnhn
seiae* him with its ran#*, A'lpt is described ns * g<Ml ?f the Xapofoca. Hint this is wuwly correct

Fife*. 42. {/Axxijricalii- .%niinkl Moot fruit. And, As fa explained by put in this wav I luive more fully denomstmted in my wirk on the niin*l
Hfiriwuiicn" it. the interpreter of Codex 1 festivals, Hut .InirMuff iteen is one of the iunu*s of the god; mu) this
Talleriano RubouI* it t* nay mean Isavl uf the King," but *Uo Iwt of tin* Coasthmd ** From
** i>ura dar A entemler quo e* la ffahl 4* UuUHT, pinion tl< dragon m ]Mi*A*gc in Herrera 1 it apjieora that this god enjoyed s-|;ect*I botwHir
|ue aa rat* oiinh'ibdo un ln>ml ur. Hut where Xipt appear* it* in the Ttotitlun iliMrn-t, whu li lies At the hem! of the higfiwuy to
the ftn
t lltiit of the sign quin* Mi, we we the Kmtt TaUm-o. is the ilirfru't vh-TC the figure of and ftirt|M*r

* rabbit emerging from the jiws <if the (lake. That this group, *]u the ideas aiiUMdwl with the fent tier snake apje*r as !m**l fe*tinvs.

AS will *s Xipt hiino-lf, tfi merely an txpn*tioi> of the ideal which Hv tits? sliifting of the ruler of the fifteenth duv to the
wen? already arourod in tbs Meakaiw by tlm sign yuA(/*V eaglet fuiirtif-nth Omsk .Ylpf has hcoiiiii* lord of the sign itscuintii.

appear* from the lack that in other part* of tbc* manuscripts we **I. I)jgr." In (Vd<ex IkirUuiions nnd in our nuuiuaLTi|4 this ihitum

a1*o see the some group of mhhit emerging from the gaping jaw* is further specially given beside the god. But them are aho two
of the father-sunk o ****inrd with the figure of the eagle.1 Indeed, others, the dmV # attO, *4. Motjli),'* olid the day jm quanta! t

it m oeea in the representation* if the Codex Borgia group which **3. Eagle." fn oar HMutwript the latter ilntmn i* dema<d only
display t|w* mighty form in the four quarter* of the heaven* by tlx? eagle** head, which is si*en iiIhivc to tin* left ^side the
There the 14001 1> uf tlie* tent hi-r-Miul..- mol eagle Ims it* place in rjuitils lcml. Hut the aitivt hiis krgntfrq to give the cipher fArer
the fourth quarter of the heavens, it, lit the south. Remarkable which bcloQgs here. In Codex Iturhunicu* the datum a* itsruinffi
in this group are the variant*, not to m\ the coofmrt* in the is connected by black lift* with Xipt* diieLd; in our nuuuLscript
wprewwvtalioiw* showing in on* plate (with the dgn iptauAHi) a it st aimIs above the trophies furuim] by the shield nnd haud-Hug. In
f'lsli'X Hnciiouit'iis the datoin rtuo# of in is iiuacIwxI to the left f.*it
* Codi-n fliifji* fit, ; Vmiianm B iJ : Code* Fejtfrtfj (Codex Mi;cr),
best 3 (Kia(dK0wV nutalHiu). Use 3, lib, 3, cap. IS.

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104 la TV Twnty ltiU-r of the Week.

of ilw god. In our maiunrript a string of eight head- lead* from occurs in incised character* oti two oleidian phktefl ill tbe eottctlUut
the foul of llw go I Up to tlw man tumbling into tbe snake* jaw*. of Mexican antk|uitiir* in the Mush dil Trucsduo.
iiud further to live datum wnui oftit, PlWBIIlib^ the eight !*n*l* From the meaning of the day uui4 ttcttfl follow* ji-rliap- what
un* intern |*i 1 tu denote a dUcriminaring number. In |*Hnt of fart in Codex lforhnnu*u under the ruler of thi week find* expre-Hiiai in

eight we*k (eucli of thirteen day*) intervene letawii tle u*ek the collar stuiklrd with golden lwlh and in the InterjireteFs remark
beginning with re itseninUi and the wt**k *v orrftMl, "I. Jaguar." los ipu* ai]uy nacian auiun de t*r batnhm tin*."
to w likli the day Mtti ofin belong*. That tlw rig* na**i olin
belong* to tlw man tumbling into th* tlinxii, io* in my work of Ruler of the Fifteenth Week rvt colli.
tlw year IRB8 I wa* led to Wlppow*. from tlw defective rejare-enta- The ruler of the sixteenth day i* also tlie niler of till* w*t*k.
tion in out insiin-erijtt. excluded by the poritio* occupied by lUin
Tin* pictura of the sixteenth day U the Hitig^aigle," tin* gn*at
datum iu Codex Bnrbmicu*. From the |*>*iri.*i of tbe figure m Vulture. 'Hie Iwre-lewded vulture w* far the Mexicans the symlul
t odex Borbuuicu* the datum pet qaauhtli might he referred t* tbe of old age. and tin we 1 *k*ii ou this liar luokcil fiunritrd to a king life.*
right fuot of tle god. But this *f*l*H to 1e at Yarinnee with the Accordingly with tbe sign cozorqunttfttli, hence also in the fifWnth
place which ill our manuscript la assigned to tlie fHglew bead, week, the pictorial writings exhibit the ageil jtcujdc, tlm tirnr-hjtr*
Wind tliew thiee* dot* may here signify is not at nil clear t me. Tie* ilamttique. But not the aged |>eaple. like those we meor mmiiig
rigu Hi&tuniti we have altove met with a*, h Nign of tbe Death that about in our circles, but tlie ancient (iroplo. the forvfiitlieTs >
while Ndtif of in i* the familiar symbol of the Jfun. Htdttr these netittque in ticklo \tatUiyue an erowi in thteapixoani utfjri/i. tlie
two data might i**eibly once more and in a different nay give old Jimple who ennu* first into the laud, who came from alar, the
expresrion to the dm and tbe uji, Hut in that cam what tle third Mexitin who scattered about the seed of men." 1
datum pet 9tuA4/* might denote in sik-Ii company e beyond my A l radii ion regarding tlx* origin of flat Mexican* [mraTi w I hv
power to conjecture. Tbe second duiutti in distant 1197 day* from Saliagun relate* that tlie first written in tin* land came over tbe Hea
the first, the third 3<i from the second, lienee the third 1-43 from ami in *hi|](i iu various division*, unil landed in the north, in tin*
the tint, and cxmwijiwitly the flrot. 113 from the third. But them* Phuucin the of
dirfriet of !j. in territory the Hiuixtcc*. Thev
n amber* wem to tell qm nothing. For in this connection one cun moved along tin* const in wight of the snowy mountains tlie
scarcely venture to think of the synodical revolution of the planet of the came along the const a*
chain lofty volcanoes, and far
Mercury, which take* 113 days and 21 hour*. a* Guatemala. Thence they reaclwsl the rogimi of Tamoon/^ru.
Ill Suhagun'* srrticm treating of the *
fiestas movrhlcs " the sign which in the text is ex]4ninel as femoii'r lothit n, i'ej seek our
iV t tecainiti i* explained a* *
signo did fiiegn. On this day the hutne," and I here they bided long. Thm* they Were *-jrntel
rich |ieoplc and the prince* load to crlelirale a great feast in lunumr from the llauuttinime, tlw wise, the mythknl cultural jMinjde
of the Fire (iod. 1 <lo not know whctlwr this statement sliould (tlw Tollrca;u wlw going away left word with lliasi* remaining
not rather la* referred to the fourth day in this week, the day liehind tlial at the time of tlw end of the work! their gisj
M<4tt4 ri&xtl, ** 4. Heed.** As we Irani from from i liimaljaiiu, the day auukl Tlwy went eastwunls (y* fount ink iUcojut itstiaqur).
ret uni.

mini (teatl was the i|ay of the fire-drill : anA ytlemauutuialqM* pu and took with them tlw writing (in f/i7/i in (btfutfll), rlw Uwiks
tlecwthnill qti)ltrayue J/n'(vi yn y/Mw emattKiWajKiiiedlt noAu* and picture writing* (*i* amvslii. in tiara Haft Imrniiig {in fAimrrf*
itiwiff. Such i* the entry under the year <A ieuey anttl = A.n. 141*7, itirtti), the flutes and song* (in cuierutiiuttl in llnyilstt(U). But to
the first of Auftiotr* reign, at the consncmtiun of the new temple. counpenmte thoor left Iwbiud, tlw* four ugi*d mgm OxtMOCQ, Cipao*
Ami new ]*eril, in tlw year vm$
Himilarly at the loginning of the itnuti, TltlMtruin, Xarkicnuocun them iu JunioirMriWw, made the
ueoil = * ti. 1307 yj*iM t torinkmatpiU /fsinwititill pn pepw
: calenilar lss^ks tlw Tonalaniiit I. and the 32 V*wr* cycle ;in tonatpoatU,
Kttetz tfrcuahnitl , iejnte il Unixnc&ttotUpfti YUbtpnbtptm
. . in ginkumall in xippoaili), the lank* of drvmns (in ten matt).
. .tiemattmlqu* ppnn con ilhniUmaitl nnkni
. and in occunlamv tlwmwith were determined the js-rioda of tlw
On tbe day mu* ttraJf. a* Sihagun inform* na, the election of 1
Ssi.i*! in 4. cap. 1M.
tlw princes was alao taken ill lumd. The <lay imiwi 4. Heed," ' Kikagua V. cap. It*.

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' '* -

10. The T*nty Kulvtn of llm Wr4. 103

Toller rale, **f the Tejnuirc rule, of tlir Mexican nil*, and id the lids Tatnounefutn i* in fact identified with tlw Churdco, tle "Maize
Chicbimec dynasties. From TainoancAan the tril*?* went to TetAinttMH Ihmixs the earthly larndUe, which |da> a port in the remarkable
to offer sacrifice, and then* they built the two gwsl pyramid*. thone of account of MotectthfOvut'B flight to the underworld.'
the Sun ami of tlw Moun. After other* al*u tbe (Jlittfca UisMi* i. the The interpreter* ex]4ain as an emblem of thi* lnnd TVmioonMoM
inhabitant* of tbe Atlantic const, ami the Cuestecu, i *. the Minuter* or A'ocAif/ ieaenn (Mw mythical cradle of tlic united tribes), the
i umI nr | Minted from tbe rr*t while rtilL in 7itmoaMcAon. the remaining figure of tbe /fou'ering tree, which in out manuscript* i* figured
tribe* moved onward under tlir lead of tlw historical Toltec*. Ami beside the sign CtmnqumJUfi, ami in the lift ornth week et cnlli
then the bind* if their later settlements were Mccndvelr AtHpioi, corresponding to this sign, and tlw stem of which, hr jug l/ivaCrn in
flint by the Oumi, then by the historical TofUen, i.*. tlir inhabitant* the nt idfVe. from the wxiutxl din-bnrge* h(oo*i, or else (a* in Codex
of XorutilUu and T41an, then by the TeorAurJUmcea, then by the Bor bun icun) display* the emtdem of lilnod two spike* of tlw agave
then by the Xifuih'tot, and lastly by tlw Mexico. leaf, the familiar hidden* of the ldood of mortification, with bloMWti at
Thu* we haw Iwrv 7itJiunwAi?ir a* the name of a mythical tlw |Ndnt*. Tlw interjiretpr* drarrihe thi* lnnd a* a kind of |mdiw,
CnulMamli whet* tbe united tribe* dwelt for a bong time before mid also draw a sort of com^Mriavn hctws>n it and the Bildiiwl

they broke up into tbe various nation* wlui afterward* jieojded the (Nindise, relating tliat in thi* land tlw god* were maiie, hut that by
Mexican land, ami Iwre abo received their culture ami their twlcndar. breaking off flower* and Isranehr* in the garden against tlw prohibition,
and develofeii tho** fi*ttturo* of their cult which afbrwanl* prevailed. they had angeied their creator* the two primeval god* Tvwtodeculli
Tlw nnine taimHtitofcaii can rcarrwly have the meaning ascribed to it ami TonaatcittaU, hr whom they were tlwrefore cxjielled from jHirsuIjne.

by tbe native hlnYorian- It prvtuuiuihly stands for IfMoaa in cfmn. Tlience (we are told) they went awiw to the earth, other* to tlw
" the lvoiiw where tliey descend, and would thus undoubtedly indicate undeTWorhL and these are the god* **que A ello* l*men hi* tiiiKirew."
a land eUnntM in (A* toraf, where the Min descends into the earth. Thi* last rtatement i* *ini|dy a |Mmphr*M of tlw Mexican term
At another name of this land tbe ioterjireter* giv* u% xoeJiitl fownn TziUimtme. tbe - l>emon* of Darkne**," and we thu* see tliat thi*
t.e. tlw land where the flowera grow.* In the Mings to the god# ToiwocincAor i* tlw land whence cutne tbe gixl* who hekmg to
which an* extant in the &ikagnii mann*cvi|, both of these niutw* the category* of the figure* deH*etidiug front heaven the demon* of
are mentioned us tlw home of the earth goddesses of Telco taiunt, darkiw**.

of TiapAleoll. of Xochiqvetuil, and al of MaeuitxoekftL, the male That the broken tTins i* really the image of a mythical cradle
&Muciate of tbe Earth Goddess and of tlw graldewr* I'intitetef/. Thu* wlwre the tribe* dwelt before ramifying into their variosi* branches,

is explained tlw other name xoehitl tomtit,"when* the flower* rr.~ i* *h>wn by the third slwet of the Fwlex Boturuii, the well-known
For the earth deities are the women, and a* we have wm. the god* of pictorial nianiiM'ript which describe* tbe exirJus of the Mexican* from
|4ea*ure. Thin aim agree* with the explanation which 1 have given dttftw, and tlwir wnndering* till the foumlation of their city (TVuocA-
of the name Tanwaneftitn, For tlx* wewt i* indeed tlw ctiore/omjxi, tit/an). With tlw todex Hoturini are in full accord the liirtoria de
"the direct ion towards tlw land of tlw women, where dwvll the U* Mexicanoa, written in tbe Mexican laug'.iage ami dating from the
CiutUeie6, tbe goddeown. the *0tlU of tlw WOCIWII w| died in child* year I57fl (No. 34-3$ of the Auhiu eollertiun). and also the nceount
birth, tbe female reprewtitativefl and tlw minister* of the Earth Gothic*# of tlw migration* of tlw Arte*** wldcb occur* in the second bnak of

In the wnige there occur as synonymous designation* the expreiwioai* Tun jueniiu la* M<man)uia Indiana. From tbe text of these two
all ayauiam. the place of water and of mist, tUicnpiUacki uo/oyrr narrative* we clearly *e that tlw broken tree wa conceived a*
where tbe children of mortal* are made, cJutlcki m
ichaaean, tlw u jMirtent by which the god dsvlnre* hi* anger, and with which
tlem Mwliliuacan'* (or elw where the lord* of the jewel-fish dwell-).* Iw aemrinte* hi* ornmrnb. We might more rorrectly fOt]j<]MMe

There wa Iwtrn the Matte Owl of the Goddera TlOfoittotL, a* we read that the Hraim *ignifie* tlx* Utti*M, llw CneerrteraUe, the Old,
iu the lay clmt was -uiig at tlw alanmltffolistji feast : Ahimlunnl. fiiv npt !.o*U a |ioipt to which 1 Miidl have once
othtcnlrjui eenUatU fuiutyoa a i chant sorAtf/ icncttni 1
ttahaxun cap 9; Tt-umim**-, t'otuina Mx*cana., rap. IU3-I03,
IS, Cf.
* CanUre* <|u ilueisn u hour* de In* dime* n Uw temple* y fuera dellos Vr<ilTi9,ttili<:liiinfp'n iw dem Kimtgl. 31u*wnt fur Votkarlcuod*, ri (1800),
(flaborun MS, Hi til Falado) fat. 7; air. 3, 4. * Ibid, xir 3 1. PP *J to HH.


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106 10 Tbs T wanly Kukn* of the Week.

mow to revert farther on. The broken flowering two in tine the bouse, a man with bandaged eye*, lienee the sinner, with the
/Vimifis* Loti, the formilren cvmUelftml. Amt l*tv the blood two-headed snake coiled round liis neck. This snake, which we laxve
element has no further itn{NKl than to Indicate the break et til already met several times oil the foregoing sheets of this manuscript. I

mow distinctly. liave been fain to ex|4uin ns the picture of the actual sacrificial yoke,
The symbol* which in the }elure writing" nr* areociiited with tlw* carved and curved wooden implement used to pre** down the head
the broken tree betray nothing in the tmlurv of a |ior1eut. They of the victim thrown on the snrrificial stone. This representation in

hring into view tlir fall from above, guilt and )*ini*hmetit, that in 4-odex Horhnnicns, which in its details is perfectly intelligihle. appear*

exactly wbnt is stated by the interjjirelers of TeUeriatio Reinetixia. in our manuscript transformed in a peculiar way. Of the house with
who nevertbeh*** had no such figure* liefow their even, since Telleriauo the dark doorway, which in 4odex Burbonicti* we saw standing on a step
Remetisis tins no accompanying symbols. In the t'miex Borgia group pyramid, nothing remain* exerjit the step pyramid. and even this is

the fall from above is wrv realistically ilepicted by a man tumbling scarcely recognisable. The man with bandaged eye*, wluo in Codex
brad over lierls downwards. Tl>e broken Imck of a tex^icjHtlii, of a Hovhcmicux wns failing on the bouse, and woe* cotied round his neck
carved ud <lrearated royal throne, seen clow by. shows that the subject the two -bended snake, the sacrificial yoke, stands in our manuscript

is concerned with a hill from a throne. In ('odrx Vutioanas H this on the step pyramid. Hi* bead is struck off, and from the neck
broken kmck is farther depicted a nightly shade, and by an eye and wound protrude like two streams of blood two snakes' hruds. the
set of tenth transformed to half of a throat. In accordance with what familiar representation which is shown on the cohiMal stone statue of

we above hiw at the thirteenth day and the twelfth week, guilt and the Kartb Guddctfs, the so-called Teuyuomi^ui.
punish mint aw Illustrated by tin* jwcture of a man with Umdaged 4)f the other symbols tome simply indicate the Knrth Goddcan
eye*. For the Mexican* blinding, WvWiwh* and Sin wen* synonymous Such is the loom- knife ) which in our manu*?t|>C it to
wuce|4s as wv there wr. lately, a huu*e with datk doorway denote* be seen to the right of the flowering tree. It i* painted blue, and
the realm of darki**#*, the weM. the dark hour* of the earth into the reference to weaving and spinning, or to the Faith tiodde**, is

which the guh enter*. further specially indicated by the strip of utidpun cot ton which bangs
Mow complex and of mow difficult inter} mutation aw the symbols from the upper end down towards the left. Tlie object which is

iu our manuscript and in Codex Burboaicu*. In Oodex Borbouicus figured to the right beeide the lumn-ktiife is fierha]* a spindle drawn
the house is also figured with a dark doorway. Hut, as a temple, it rather thick atwl bread with a whorl uti top (inatacttii). To this go nip
Mauds on a high step pyramid, and at thr doorway is to be seen he-kmgs further the basin which is ween above, mrr tin* flowering
a mcriflctal knife eiiveUqied in nuctumal gloom. Hew I may recall tree, and from which project a spindle with whorl and a flock of
the fourth of the houses which, according to the statement in Codex cotton, and a quails bead. But here nlmi belongs the quail which
Vaticauu* A. the }iemteat Quelznlrotuitl built for hiiutelf. Hy the is figured with wrenched bend. ociimeqnently as a victim, and is

flowers on its roof ridge, ns well as hy the name fiWajxKYiAro, the represented in our manuscript beside this basin, arwl also in Codrx
** House of the Hole, given it hy tbr interpreter,* this house k* shown BnrhoruciH at the upprr edge of this sheet, for the quail, as
to be the xochiattco, the hi wise of tint Knrth 4i odd ess. and in })oint of we have seen, was brought into *pe ud relation with the earth
fact find* its |HUullel in cintli, the maize fniit Le. the fourth segno deities.

della loro *u}ienditioe." Hiis fourth house, which without doubt The fall from above, the man tumbling down head over heels,
represents the quarter of the west, is explained by the inter}tf*tei- a* seems again referred to by line ujoet water-jug. which in mu- mnmn*rri|4
pngtone di fristexxn. d pianto," the house of sorrow ami walling" is to be seen tie low the ruler of the sign ;
yet. if mi, it is certainly
of wailing naturally hj those burdened with heavy guilt. For the remarkable that in t'miex Borbonicu* a water -jug is diowu not upset
Kartli (jodde** was indeed the deity to whom the adulterer* went to but standing straight up. In t'xlrx BorWiH ue> ,
an* still given a few
coji/w*. Above this temple with the sacrificial knife at the dark other acivimjinnying *ym1lx, about which I I save not much to say.
doorway, the symbol of punishment, is seen falling ns it were on t I notice, bowwver* that here also wi* again meet the picture of the
spider, which I have mentioned ami discussed under tin* ruler of
On the bola tintra/ueArli, u symbol f (h Karlti < ioddess, see shore p. 96.,
the third sign, which in Index Borbonicu* is also deputy with

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Kl TV Twenty Ruhr* of the Week. 1 07

77 a u itcaipa nteeMil , .IfictbintiCHtli anti the earth godd*****. sinl which aw, avnlic yi t'fcun cA icttjuwittfa valla

I nin inclined to take Tor tin- image or symbol of the demon* of Msutf
r yj/otio, yea meeealtUqui
dorkne** descending from hen von, to/iftn liatteeaHi 1 tyno, nyyoo.
Her food on tlie (line *te)ipee
The ancient ualriMlar-OiakeTK a* I mint assume. placed tin* picture
With hearts of deer was she nurtured (brought up)
of the Iwoken (lowering tree. emblem of the mythical eniiJle. *nf of
tknr mother, the Earth (iod ."
their forefathers b-side tlm sign CvscnijnauMli, Imcuuae for the- in this
bird was the emblem of ohl ago. From the other notion* which were Tlie deity designated by this name ap|>mrs in Codex Vaticanus
interwoven with tliii mythical cradle, and pictured it a* thif realm of B aiwl <i!> |*redaely a* a butterfly, with an insect** body where the
gloom ami the abode of the figun** or demons of darkness descending vent is slwiwu by a rush of water, and with a kind of insect* head

from beaten, may jterhaps be explained why we find the wgt with a frw autenme alone the eye, and a short w lieel-diri|ed wing, on
cvtcttqnauhtli replaced by trtatatf, the Owl, in tlie list of the day tlm outer rim of which are also shown a few stone knives with the
sign* in tlw (inatcmdaii t.Vmicn Franc i*cann. If, on the ocher hand, figure on sheet U2 . In Cudei Telleriano Remends a butterfly with

in another liirt tluut f JMriif/n for cv:<x%q\tnuhtli we have live

antcfinn* on its head, two butterfly wings ami iui insect body curved
words the sign of the god **
f trotl itomti ), the reason t* btCMia* in, serves a* 11 tuitutlli, a disguise, u lielmet musk of a female figure,

in that district on the frontier* of Hnaxteca the great Earth Mother which is depicted with a death Vhcwd teeth in its face, with animals

Intonau/zin wa* honoured ** the chief divinity. claw* at ImikIs and feet and a blue-tnlouml disk, a tlti.mpocktfi. 1 on
its chock all exactly COtWf Minding with the lalf-ltfe-sue stone
For ruler of this sign and of the fifteenth week the calendar-
statue of the giaklrss Cowttiirutr of Tchuacan figured and described
maker*, might hi net It speaking hate chosen any one form of the Earth
by Homy in the IVokIm Americana'.* Tlm butterfly wears a stone
(oddes*. Indeed. we luve seen that tlm sung* tutke 7 axnoacAan
knife on its nosr. a collar studded with -time knives, and on its heud
the home of Teteu t it mo n. of TlwpolfeolL of Xockiqurtzal. as well as
on a slttxrili, tlie warrior*' forked heron-feather adornment. The goddess
of and the Mouse (iod. Here, however, we hare os
lienmli is decked with a crown of dark feathers, from which, ns usual,
ruler a peculiar figure which is j sully pictured as a butterfly, or
ijuetml plumes project. She wean* a loin-cluth (mtixilail), like the
somehow introduced in the form of a butterfly, or else looks out from
Cttudafcd, who were conceived a<s ludf male, us warriors. Both the
tlie open mouth of a butterfly, and by the interpreter* U designated
her eiiogua are frimumd with a hern of
end of this loin-chit h and
n* ftzj*tf/alatl, a* flu* " Obsidian -knife butterfly," Tliat just this
Urth, which dauUlcw* in thi* instance -tand fur a Iwtn of stone knives
form of the earth <lrity should he clwoen, may have happened because
and give expmwion to another lutme of (be Earth tioddew /frrueyf,
this fwm wus looked on as a sjiccUlly expressive npronntativp of
she of the olwidian-ktiife etugua." A>s a lck-inmr she wears a
the region of darkness, of TunuumdUx. I think, however, the motive
death Vhetud. below which hangs tlw dtltUeueifl, the star-enagita," to
las to he sought in the Hrctimrtance that IltpapaltAl was the deify
the plaited thongs nt tlie ends of which are attached rattling snail-
0/ the 04 d tvitw*, 0/ the CkiehivMC*. This is hlflM from the Annies slmlfs. In our nuuiuscri|)t the ruler of the fifteenth week also displays
tie (fiiauhtitlaiL, where c* tJiieaU cikuntt tioett i named
a butterflys head as a helmet -mask, and this is Mirmuunted by a
a* the godde** who established the oldeM CUichimec kingdom in
kind of tfHfiznlcomitl or feather crest. A decayed attachment, whidi
Xftfu a meyomn , in the place of the wild agave." Tlie mam mavhe U visible la-hind the ear of tlm goddess, proves to be the n-inains of
inferred from the mug*, when- Itxpapalotf is exalted a* the goddess
the insect body.
who j*penr-d on the step|e anil an the ste]>)w wus, when grown up,
This figure is conceived somewliat differently in Codex Borgia
liououred with offerings of the heart* of game ;
Here she ap|*ur*
and on sheet HQ of Vaticanus B. as a true figure

* Gao tarm nw <kiw s H* ors 6s b 6inM kw teinplos y fuera ddlos IV.

nAuirv, okay* 1, Unit ca t*ncvntlipaca
( Mm luma* i.W I, strofJto* .V, 6.
tom aya ti*papt*lo(l utvryyc, * Of. abort, p. U5>

w 0 h tlm * Decade* AmencanHi IHHt, p. 91. Of. my rcanarkf 00 the lllottratkm ia

(led, who (appeared) on the melon cactus
6*m Kiiu%l. Mwatuin fur Volkerkwode,
Ycrtffentliobtiacrn an* .
{ 181*9), p H*i.
Char Mother, tbe Obsidian-knife butterfly." fig
ins (IX Tin* Twenty Hulur* o4 the Weak.

of tlw ghxttning. ns Cftutteaii. u* a female warrior, as tsifsimiO, column* of the third Tocinlaniatl quarter, wa* regarded a* a day on
With I in* jaguar rlau-i, Ttouiztnl/MtnlecHtli'* u|e<tunriiog which the Ciuateieo the phantom woman dwelling in the west is.,

fncv-kH'ks atul luiir gummed with dowuv fenftherw, Ami oil her IhumI tlw souls of the women who died in child-birth, tlve miniriers anil
u warrior'* feather headdress (ozto.reUi). Kan* and liml an* *t rifted representative* of the Karth (riakte-s outlie down from heaven.
wliit*- ami red, Iml Mack <t*h >4 ripe* rr|sxMliut* the irllon tlolltiiui, Hence mo entirely is the dav nr CrtlU suitable to the rulers of the
TfSCttlipOcna face |
minting luid one forai of 71aHizco(f*intrcttUia. sutecxith day, to the Karth tioddeo*, sunt to the region Tittutvturhnii^
A Initterft/s wing studded with atone kttive* serves for u <ullnr. that one is almiMl tempted to imumurn'c thi* ti 1 m* tin* original

and indicate* tltf gudde*s as UzptfatUAl. Tbc ctiagua. painted with iu**4M.*uiti<m. Hvit, stnuige lo say, the ancient calendar maker* do not
a attain kill ft* or large heart, in trimmed with a bonier *f iinw ere ai to have brwii ipiUe of (Ids opinion. Tlie hainlriiiaHk which in
knives, and thll* gives tlw other mmw of the Karth GoddcM Itecuetf*, < \alex Tellenauo Reuieusis |Manls at the day which ill the Week i* to

lji>tlv, in Godne Bocbniiicu* t lw IlsjMifMtlotl is |iictur*d Mill 1 m* n*guixlrd as the feari-day pn^M*r of the ruler of the week. 4*nd*

differently. Here nothing more remains of the butterfly; mid tlw here not at the firri day ce colli, hut at the ninth day rAicwimMi*
gnddesw ap|~ti* as the demon id darkle-** (frilzinii//). who descends oftriNif/fr, 9. A|*e.
from heaven in (A* form of im tnyie. Tl*e r via of her a|i]>mmiwo
recalls the figure in Tolleriano liemenwe. 'five goddess. who is here Ruler of the Sixteenth Week re caxat/unnlMi.
alai painted yellow, is depicted with dntb'ahwl teeth, animal's The standard ur the sixt<*euth week is t!*e nnenteenth day sign,
claw*, ansi on Iwr cheek a disk, tlw tloj'tfjocftUi. (hi Iwr rests the which wa* indicnteil fiy the name of* , ndling idutiiwi.* Ill (lie
tlw warriors feather decorut ion. while the enagua t* similarly
aztttrtiti, fourth section alnve I hair discussed the (tei'Ulinr fortn in which (Ills

trimmed with a bordering of stone knives. sign wa* figUTi*tl by tlw Mexicans, and hare tlwiv advanced the view
The artist of our M*nu*cri|it bad id*o undoubtedly such another tliat the light (red) ami the dark (blur) field with the rye at tlw*
figure as that of Codex Rirboaicu* hefon* his eye* or in hi* mind, since jsxjm of contact of lioth culaum, wno intcaileil t* indicate the sun
the* goddiMM looking mil of tlie butterfly s head who. however, is here sinking from the sky into the earth. This iiiterfirHatiiiu fimls
|siinte>.l a red ci<liMir, diff*rritly from tlie other txmuu*cTi|4* is decanted siipjairt in tlw fm-t tliat in tlw Mexican mnxmncri]** j*KH***r
with a ilaik plumage oil firms nnd legs. Peculiar in our manuscript is TclIrriAiwi Reimnsis, todex Horbonietm, aiul our manuscript tlw sun
the sea- snail's shell hefintv tin* face of the goddess. which is jicrlut| descending into the earth, tlx* tloldii (onori'uA is here actually
intended to rin-iil l tlw ominous |NUleifet of tlie jaguar* nightly riar. dcpicteil, tlhougli certainly not at the sign of in if tell, but with the
That TttmoaHcJum is tlie region of diirklie*N tin* Inaise where ruler of this sign wlwre lie stand* as ruler of tlw sixteenth week.
the Min rinks down, and that the Kaith GoddeM l* iui appropriate Hen* also the earth is figured in Tdlenma Hrmetisi* ns a toad wifli
ex]uvsrion of the sixteenth sign, of the day nricm/iwiKAf/i, could in gHpiog moiitli, the very form in wliic-Ji it is de|difted in I'odcx BortKiuicu*
a oieastuv !* recognised only by a Miiuslalmut procew. The ns Metvuid of tlw thirteen lorils (cf. above Fig. 7. p. 27). and on the
transference of the ruler* of the sixteenth sign to the fifteenth week under *4de of the stone sarrificiiU hliMid vessel (F'ig. 9. p. 28,i. Of
jTnmouMrAaa and the Faith (haldewt
Ika* lait-eil to aci|uire (Mime this eartlHowl Codex llnrhonicus lias r**pn>*fnced only tlw widewipru
importance for the day ce cold, 1 . House/1 and fi*r the enduing mouth, whicln however, is pictured in *xnctlv the sanu* wuv. with
ilays. Thereby a thoroughly appiopriure sign was in this Instance the Ileal h tiudV nifflk*d night hair studded with eyes. thir
lighted upon. For 1 have already had re]M*at*sl ocm-am to |Munt out manuscript alt*j has displayed nothing hut tin* jaws of the earth, bul
that with c*ftk ** house," the M ex wan* thought of the ifurfc Aim* vf has furnished them ulth a variegated |iainting disjowil in oomjinrl-
the Mftk, mid that words meaning night" stand as its synonym* nfeenla for which the scaly eara|ce </ a Cfotodib ilouUless *rveil a
in tin* lists of the /.ujion-e and Maya name* of the day signs. nisMlel. The ii-v-ul surface (noviihst with a bipartite aprrture. whwh
Moreover the day ce atUi is one of tlw tire which, in tlie Tonalamafl is distinctly retoguiwd as such in Codex IViriMmicus, has by a
disja'(*Hil in columns of five eomjmrtmeiits form the beginning of the ldunder been develojwxl to a kind of M-Tjient's fang in the Aulan
third ijuarter which is assigned to the region id the west. Hence TonnUiiiat I. In our tnMniiwript and in Codex Kcirbunicns the sun
the third day ce cuUi, like the four other* which form the iiiitiid which dips into this nrtUjf chasm is figun*d as a mummy-jiack.

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10. The Tw taity Kalcr* of tbe Work.

which beam tli** hoIht disk on it* back. In our mHmirtrript it show*, Mnya tongues of tiuateinaln were set ajurt, The game, n kind of
either hound ui front .*r placed uu Lojk the meL of tike Haiti (rod tennis, was even known to tuid practised by the *Wnigne> of the
TMoe. who is dmili(|ii4 here the cm Idem of tlw various quarters* of (ireut Antilles, as we Learn from the statement* of the historian Oviedo.
the heaven. <r elsr of tike firmament. In Codex Buritouieit*. oo Hence it U n god of the Lull game wIki is purttaved ill the M*ventrenlh
tlw* contrary. we have n ina*k of Xointl, half deTclufmil as Tloto day sign, the day sign oiin, atul in the sixteenth week com*s|amling
l.c, furnished with his eves and his hire [tainting (musdfc in ir il itnc or to this sign, mid hy the interpreter of Telleiiami KetlietUfi* i* designated
Of Xatoll himself. who
ixmichimtnJiffo ). 1
ruler of the sign oftu, we it* k the name of Xolotl. This is ex]iresidy dated by tin* writer of

hull [imwitlv make the acquaintance. In Codex Tellenano lictiwnsi* it tlw remarks in the pictorial document of the Horentine WMiolwa
i> not a mummy-pock. hut a figure furnished with anus and hand* that Niuioruile, where at f. 21' he mils the Wind <iud QtuitaleonUi,
is swallowed up by the earth-toad. The figure shows the rinhlnn* brother nf a god qne se llamnra Xnlotl ei q*M l Iom juego*

of .Vrtiti mentl, deity of the four winds, whom we mw pictured with tie pelotn." And we learn tlw same from the -otig* to the gods, For
the seventh sign taring the (tain find, tuid it aim wears the solar we rami in the ninth strophe of the lav which whs lllg M the
disk on it* Imck. Both the AofcW musk of the mummy-pack in great feast of the unleavened bread . oM rooty which wns
Codex Borlmmcu* and I lus sun-bearing AVivi creati, have iui arrow held every eighth year:
in their rnrmt k heme have, ns it wen?, been struck by nu wnw in oUtxtnn, t/Unmit r*tw jv/ntf
the mouth, (hie i? Iken* tempted to recall the story reproduced hy usi rti/JttcAca oilft nut yo .rot nil

Mmdwta* from Fr. Andrea tie fWnsoo, aliout tHtfi, who shoots three chtilehiveoaU xiynitta

arrows one after the other ut the sun. At the first the sun ducks niitcA jffi maUca piltziulecnlli
VwnirAnii jfiwnciaH.
its head to avoid being struck. Hut the second and the third, being
Hall ptays the old Xololl
no doubt aimed at tike sun lower down, hit the murk.
in the cliarnicd tennis-*ourt [days Xolati f
If tbrnrfbre this reprewentatioa and the figure of the day sign
tlw lord of the greeu gem. Behold him.
oltu in a measure coincide, and are also nndouhtedly to lie directly
Now clsjan cornea the god of tha ] wince*
derived from the fundamental menning of the sign ; still for this in the bouae
figure, as well ns fur all the other figures ami svmhnl* depleted with
Tlw grnne wna plnved in a court at Mb ends hromleniMl to tlw
this sign and in the <Yim**|Kitkding week, tlwre lias tn he considered by
form of a *T. and in the middle divided into two cYitnjwr1tnetil>
yet another meiuiing of the ilav sign of is, which, although j**r|*|is
a black or red Coloured line (fleeoff) drawn on the ground, (hi Mh
derivative, stands none tlw less in the chwcst connection with the
sides of thin line a large round stone (tfcdffRMlwatf| with a hole
original sense of the word oUn. In the Mrilean language tlw wofd in the centre about the site of the hall was let into tlw face of the
ottn is used in the general sense ttf rolling or moving, like a crowd tlw kill wns to
cticlueing wall. Tlw rule was that lx* pitched, not
of [.sipje. for instance. or a lsidy of troop*. lair Ui like the earth with the hands hut with the shoulders or the hi|*s, tuid that every
during an enrtlwpuikc. It is asaoeiated with ofli, caoutchouc, Whoever drove the agninst
tow tdkould |*us the litw ( tfecotl ). lull
cftoufrlioiie hall, and is referable to a root which, bring onmumi to the wait the wall on tlw opjNwit.* side (of the line), or hit one of tlifr

various stock languages, has developed in Mexican the term yoltall,

o|i[viiwuts with it. gained u [sent High stokes were often plnved for.
and in the Maya tongue of Yucatan twf. both with the m*aning of A master-stroke, wliich however of course came off very randy, was #eoml
- heart (proprrly a * rouml body and further in .Mexican oltJlie. wla-n any one lowed the Imlt not only wnw the line blit into the luil*

* rouml as a hull/ and other associated wools. What was therefore

in tlw tlaclUenutUtctilL Such a player noe only wan the ^take^ but
chiefly tlkought of in *iiiiwcttuu with the sign otin wiw tlw gmne Inni the right to take the chink* of all the s^iectutors and carry tlwm
witA the frtl It, tlw juego de La [irlnta con las nalgna, for off ae his own javijierty. Prosuroohly a comparison liod Lwen drawn
which, everywhere throughout the vast domain of Mrtieo tuid Ovtnl U'ruivn the <*anutrhouc-hll mtering the liole in the f//icAfewutbiCrtf(
America, spet- tally enclosed -|sm**-V/rdk/i in Mexican, Aowi in tlw in the earth. And this would
and the *un-hall entering the o[irning
1 seem to be the chief motive for figuring the fottoriuA faring
Of. above, p. <14
* IliMoriA Eci<*u*Uc* Indiana ?, cap J the god XUotf in the three specified Mexican manuscript* jwsqier.
no 10. The Twenty Rnlurs of tl* Week.

From the very nature of this game it followed that it bud always with the garb of ifaslzalooutUl. This has doubtless its explanation

co be played in pair*. 1 is n rule two and two or three and three. in the various seme* f the want cosutV, which means not caily

Thus it that Xoloil, g*d of the game *4 hall, Us-ame nlro **

snake,** hat also "comrade, twin." IWauo* in the word QimIzhI-
XofoU the name of tlie remise plant, eouatl. the sound of - twin " was also heard, tlie god of twins acquired
,ywf of /rtirr. or of fwdna. is

from the stem of which sjiring two stalks 1

jr/iotl arc also called an attire like that of (/iisfen/eouot/. The dogdike animal U of
the downy feathers, which sue found on tlie breast aiul belly of cusirse always depict **d in a more or lew* fantastic way in Coda*
the pamrt,* no (kmU lmme each quill holds two. Mow accurately Borgia. for instance, with jaguar daws. Rut tlie most distinctive
WfXuloU dilute* ati agave plant with forking ftrm 5
Uxnioii die murk of the dog's hcail, the wrenelwNl oar, which 1 have already liasl to

ston* pestle which is rounded off at both end* in die sttnc lull-like mention alxive when describing the day sign itscninlli, i* invariably

fashion, and in *till a* indisjienmble tui implement of die Mexican given. The colour is as a rule dark. Murk. Rut in the Mexican
cuisine a in die olden time; asoiail. die well-known amphibian of mnnu*rri|*s pr**|s*r, the face show* the colours of Q|wsfaiXcinurtr
the Mrxknn lake (Tcwwo), which occurs* in two form* the larval, facial painting : in front (in tlie middle) veilnw, lieldnd (at the

tiring in the water, mu I the developed lung-breathing form. But tkln) black. With Qn*lZitle*)Mntl he shore* tlie head loop painted
as according to a widely diffused superstition not confined to the in two colours, brown (doMing tlie jsguio kin ) and white, and with
Mexicans geminations twin formation* and twin birth* were regarded a* nHUnk*d-off ends, and the loin-dot h distinguished by the same
iiimatniul, ami a* such groujied in the sane- category ius monstrosities, * diameter*. Only in Tdlcrinno Re mentis with this head-loop he
it hap|S'recd that AWcrf/. god of the hall pastime, again became the i/mi of
further cnuilxine* the VAc4 made of un-pun cotton and

HumAtrturiii**, Twin format iiai* and monstrosities are the only qualities* Tfa^viteotl's spindle insertd in file hair, while in Godflg Rorhnnicu*

which the inteqweter* are able to specify as lying within the |>hcr* lie wean* attached to the loop s fillet laid on in folds am!
of thin god. Hence, because xolotl mean* something unnatural, a ornamented witli the krge turquoise, QtottmUoUtttC* neck-ornament
monstrous birth, the hairless native Mexican dog runic to be called maile of dark feathers with a few ] projecting red |dumes i-e., tlie

jnJvittcvitttJi- And alas because the Mexican grandees like those of W(Wu itonrati, serve* in Telleriano Btnwiuii as Ills neck-ornament,
our mediaeval and even leas remote times took pleasure in motitfum* and n* n crown in Codex Borhniiictis and Codex Borgia 63. And, ns
beings dwurfi* and hunchbacks and were in the habit of surrounding with the Wind tiod, nbmy* hi* brow jm*j<*cts the |Nanted Isitie, tlie

themselves with such creatures the word rolvti at last acquired the implement of self-torture, wliere the trickling bbssl i indinted,

meaning of |talace date, servant (|je, mop*, criado 6 o*clavo), sometimes in nailistic form, sometime* by n string of feather halls

which Jh found given to it in tlie lexicon.

with n flower at the end. Nor do we tnim tlie eye *ai tlie crown

In tlie pictorial documents tlie god Xololl, lord of the seventeenth of the head enveloped in nightly darkne-e (Codex UorlwiiicUK Cndex

sign and of the nixteeuth week, is figured in diverse ways In out? Uorgui 63). Isistly, all the figure* without except km rvjnoduce

place (Codex Burgia 10) he is depicted as Jfttrtt ilx*>ch if/, lienee a as Qustztficoutttf* chaiurterirtir nigin* the collar of wiail-sliellH, the

hall-player fur MacttiixochUi wo* tlie god not only of tlie dance and hmistpUte ffu-iUtctttz-cox&rlL sliced off from a Urge Hiiail-eliell, and
song, but also of sjiort, and indeed of all amusement* but in Mill
ear-|iidaut fririViuAyai ivirocA^/t. also apistrenlly cut from a Mioil-

drawn with distorted limbs contracted mouth, protruding eyes cun- sliell, hut longitudinally. In Cisiex Rarhtiuictis from his mouth
se*|uently as a monstrosity Elsewhere (Codes Vaticanu* B 29 Bird 93) protrude a atone knife and a (Sower. This should certainly have also
XotoU indicated merely by the picture of a dog, doubt lea* Want* been given it) our manuscript, aim! the done knife is indeed still to
the native liairh*** dog wa*. called jW*>iitenintli, although, strange to be clearly recv*gtijHed bat we sliould n*d snsjsrci the ]sresence of a
say, in these pictures Rocky luair like raw cotum is shown by the usual flower. Obviously tlie artist 1ms not rightly understood thb drawing,
marking*. I swtly, in the other place* lie is also pictured as a s|s*cie* while the connection with the mouth has hern worm-eaten. Further,

of dg, hut with an equipment which in numemn* details harmonise* in Codex lWlswiieti* Xoioil holds n stonr knife in Ids hand, and tlie

god of our tHfUiUticTi|g a copabhng, sneh as in Codrx Horbcmicns is

* Sahagua 7. cap 2 to ho iWN'ti in front of the gd. Ijastly, on sheet ft3 of Coilex Ikirgia
Sahagtm 11, cap. 2, J
Sahaguc 7, cap. 2.
ID his hand is |.*u? a bune Iwoken in pieces. This is |jerha{w nothing

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ltk TV* Twr.|v Ruler* of tlw Wdk, 111

more than (ufizalcou/itl' hnne instrument of tort wo, for the lour end tho jaguar, they disjmtohed hU servants to his aid. And the very
is sliar jwne.l like a ilagger. llut this broken buna imjdeiiwnt might same tiling that is described hy the Padre a* a constant custom, is

h 1** Jsawibly rtCrr to a legend which Mcndicta bn* prcwrved front related hy the legend. Wlren the newly-crewted luminous orha, Sun
the narratives told lv I*. Fr. Andre* dr fjtmouJ AWi *tf. how Iw and Moon *o Sahagun tells us 1
stood still in the kv, anil moved
w**. deputed by the other god* to into the underworld and not forward, then the god* remixed to men tier them wive*. ami hy
fetch thence erne of the forefathers vlicovith the gods might tlu-ir death give life to the sun. But XoU>U refbre* to die. He
make a human couple, to he nourished by them nci the sacrificial wc*-] i* till iwjm At* eyes from their socket*, flee* to a maize field,
fir. i

victims. Bat while carrying out this mission .Xatotl. being pursued by where become* a two- stalked maize plant i.c*Jc<{}. then to an

Miettnntecntli, stumbled, anil the tame thu* got broken to piece*. agave plantation, where he liecomes an agave-twin (nuzolotl), ami
Tie'll from the fragment* the gods really made mortal*. but tin** at Ia*t to the water, wliere Iw becomes the ajtolotL But lien* be is

fmgnwnt* being of various sin**, sincr then pmiple have aUi varied seized and nrnfierd. t ant rari wise, Meudieta * relates that Xolotl
In Mxe. With tin* order thu* received hr Xolotl to dcM-end into first rttcriiiccd tlw* other god*, and then himself. Perhaps three
the nether world i* obviously connected the oani]ari*na drawn idea* and legends, in which the monstnwities, the rolomf, appeur an
between tbs* rubber hull Bring into the hole of the tiaekttauUatrttl the moai cmurpicumi* object* of mcrificr, stall d in home relation to

and tike xuu Kinking into the earth. in can*c><pi(-iuv of which Xototl tlie alarve described ion the bunun hones boiling ill the
became associated, or even identified, with tine tUdcki tonaliuh tlw cooking* [Hit.
setting aim. Of the other accompanying figures, t have already mentioned and
A* reganl* the other figures and symliul* which occur with the altove described that of the sun descending into tlw* earth, tlw Ualchi
chief |**ir*noJige of the amie. noteworthy in tlie firs* place is the tonatiuA. It is remarkable tluat this figure occurs only with Xolotl
representation acorn] staying the chief figure on the sliret* of tin* as ruler of the sixteenth week, and in the Mexican manuscript* proper
Codex llorgia gimp wlwre XoU/U stands a* ruler of tlie seventeenth alone, heiug entirely absent from the (odex Borgia group. On the
day ftgn (Codex Borgia 10; Vat warns* B 29 and 93). Here we see other hand, we find with the ruler* of the sixteenth week another
human hones simmering in a large bulging pot, which stands not oq representation which i* derived from a kindred train of thought,
Uearth-xtoncN, hut on skulls, with the Barnet Baring high op from yet differs from tlw other in being ]ieculiar to the documents of the
under it. Hence this jacture depict* the cannibalism which, as we (.'odex Borgia group. This U the sign rniut (Win, **4, Motion, the
know, was ajMncbkted Hr the Mexican* with human sacrifice. In the symbol of tlw *un. above the four colours, image of tlw* fiiur quarters
s(>ecified places in the C-odex Borgia gnui]*, ns we liavo seen, Aofoff of tlw heavens. A* the rubber-ball entering the opening in the
wa* figured il* gud of olMH-tkm*, at himself an abortion. In ancient tlachlctHftbt&ttl w a* coai|Niml with the sun Kinking into thr earth, m
MflSlCO such abortions dwarfs, hunchback*, the jpofoml were regarded dcaiUl-HS alau was tlw rublier-bdl Bring over the hall-court 4<om]Mire>d

with *U|ier*titiGUs horror, and at times hod to suffer grievously, with the <viun*e of the win above the earth. The Itall *)M*eding in

Pattr Juan de (:6r*toha infonn* u* that the Znjwxcr* were of o|iinioti the four directions, or over the s]au*e develcijjed in the four directions,
that dwarf* were made by the sun. And Wlwn a wdar oclipoa oortirred, such is the Maui oi in, um) such U the motion of the *un in the
and all kind* of dire events, wars, mutual murder, even the end of firmament. And the whole conception that tlie jwe*ent. the fifth sun.

the world, were feared. |eople thought. *ny* the Padre, that then is doomed to jierish by mrthquakea, that it is nn o/tidon<itt4iA, an
the sun demanded the dwarf* a* hi* property, anil the jienplo every- **artlM]uake-un, [KiMdhly <iriginated only after the jornllelism above
where fell upon the dwarf* and immolated them.* It would doubtless mentioned caiwed tlw day naui olin r the day *"
4. Motion," to twcome
be more correct to say that dwarf* and hunch hoeks, tlw* xoAraiz, were a sx'mbol of tlw wan. The reprewntation alazve described i*. the

regarded as the servants, the |dace 4avr* of the in, who wna after sign tturut (Jin abree the four colour*, is found only in the ratuitmri]4*
all king among the god*, and that at the time of a solar edi ]**, of the Codex Borgia group (Codex Borgia 65 and VnticumtM B 64).

when tlw* sun was in distress, anil ran the risk of being devoured by FoNiUy, IwweveT, it lias its counter] art in the watery fnune. which in

* Hwtnria KeliwaMJca lodisaa 2. cap. 1. 1 Sihigun 7. cap. 1

* Arts J#t Idioms ZAfufcwo, p. Xli. * Ilistocia EclcaiiatKia Ioihsoa 2, rap. 2.
112 ID. Tit* Twenty Ruler* of the Week.

Codex HurbuuK'ue ami in our mammript entirriM the whole scene, ami ami other gamester*, ami in fart hy alt thneer lui nought a living

obviously |ivM embodiment to tin* mumt nnurtti, the wliolr seaboard/* ill the paUre*. of the iiolde* a* diowmen of any kind, lienee in the
or. **
the whole ring," or *!>* the ring encircled lv water
m. the Codex lelleriaaio ReiibenM* aleo the lumKhinark wbieh indicate* the
world, line earth u ?l inundo prapriamente *

as lb* third interpreter feast-day jmJ|er <f I he gKl of tlie week i* **tti at the <lay hhtcii it
of Codex TeUeriatto lleiuenri* (/Vfro d Itio*) ha* noted heside the rocftilL

figure of the Ti't (chitumi1tvh, Tbt* remark. however, lading unintelli-

gible tit cuwnectiuti with the 77 tleJi i limit (iuh, can hiw had reference
only to some representation imiki to timt pictured in Cnrlrx
Ruler of the Seventeenth Week cr all.

Barbunicu*. one tliat lit** kiiterjxreterV informant Iwwl in hi* mind in

The ruler of the fight e*ul h day aigii Ucjjfith ** flint knife.** i*
connection wit It this figure. In out manuscript the aqueous frame bwd thi* week. very
al*4-i tlw* irf It i* n figure whicli apjiareiilly I in*

is executed somewiiat lia-tily. and id fawflmplttt*, Rut in Codex little to do with the idea* awakened by (lie flint (nr olwidianj knife,
BurbonirutJ it encircles the whole sheet nnintemiptedly. Ami alwve which was in fact, the HirrilU-ial knife. It i* a bird in which, debate
it. uter the cema tut null, jv In a seme, to be seen tbe starry *kr, tine conventional drawing, we easily recognise <le from tlie
the firmament. noil a large stellar eye looking down from it, and ta*ak, white or white at the tip and black at the took from tie* Urge
app-irentlv intended lo represent the heaven alx>ve the enrth, or wmI wattle* covering tie* le^wl and the long fleshy lobe
skiti lunging
jierhaps also more sjiecially the ciMtUtfcAt!, Ike ** tarry hall-court," down hy the ride of tbe beuk. But this turkey, which in the
I be cmuiieUiitioiiM of tbe northern heaven*. )ml4irial writing* of the Codex lhwgin group figunal simply as
N<* *o tan' of explanation art* the other symbol*. Wluit I lie a binl, in tlie Mexicai* niamiM-ri]4 )iri(ier wear* Trzcall t jtoca't
fira-*n*ks turn to piece* and figured in Codex Borgia 65 ojijiowite smoking mirror at the tcm]4e. With tle figure in Codex Borlioiiicu*
Xototi signifies, ( cannot ptvtcnd to say offdiiunl, and just us little i aUo shown, in tU* form of thi* giafa fisitles* tum]\ the lira which
in what upt'cial n-latnai to the god may the deer'* foot stund. whieb rnon* from the mirror and is envclojied in ebanl* <if wtuoke. Tliis
I *t li in Codex Borgia 65 and in Cnrirx Borhunieus, is j tortured tying 7Vrer(/ipoeo hard is innreorer eijuipi^j with an tlw
on a v***H. Nor have 1 Hit yet formed any wloa respecting the rad- warriors lirmldress of Iierou fratlM'r*, ami with an ajiron-like feather
|H-|ij* r pal which in onr nmmiKrij* a* well a* in t'odex Borlcaiicus garment ((furntiif) luuiging flow'll in front, and in Codes Borhonicxui
U seen in the middle of the shoot. The lialf-overturned recejitncle it ajqiear* pn*rlw*ly a* a no ttatli, a di*gut*e of Tettittiipocu. with
in Coilex Borgin, from which a fentlier ornament swma to j trot rude, his rrown painted with *tura hi* lwcartplale or aiuutuf/, but. l range

refer* |erhn]i to the Iom of their fortune* with which then, a* now, to say. wit limit his faiial |iaiiitiiig. Tlie inler|>ralers give for him
inveterate gmnhlcr* wen- threatened by their mildew indulgence in tbe name chfticki\ikMoiin, the jcWKlhd d.trk. and explaiu him to
play. In any ca*e *j tenth h rift* are (HHiitetl at bv tbe quatthcoscaiK lv IWuu/hpow* image, who ba* l^n figured in this way liecatwe
the slave-collar, which in Codex Borlmniru* ami in our mnnn*crijt of t lie demoais we often s*-c nothing Bian* tluxii a cock's or an
i e*n figuretl at the upjier border of tlie sheet (see alxne. Fig. 2-4. eagle** foot.**

p. 60). lienee also tin* unknown commentator of Codex Borbonicti* Tlie aswciciuted represent at iiwis have raferaiKv to tlie sacrilkx*.
lias mode the remark on tibia dieet that ~ la* que nqui ium inn. and indeed to the critic* of 4HM* OtCH Woni/, hence are entirely
*e auian elloa roosino* de vender." appropriate to the nature of tlie sign, the flint knife, tlie mcTiflcial
By the shifting of the WVntWtltb ruler to tlw* rixteenth week knife. In lelleriano Rcnvrnris tin* sa*riifice of ie*s <*wn libsid is

Anted/. the hall-player. bn* become lord of o* cotquanktU. In the illustrated directly by the |acture of a youth wl*i i decked in tlve

initial *ign of thi* week then* i* nothing flint can hi* brought into warrior's frixxun* and the warrior'* featlwr head-,rtuiuieiit. afltud/t,
Hot* relation with this god. Bui the fifth day of the week, maeuil Ivolding a eopal lwg in liis liiuid, and ptetx-ing his ear with a
jmcAitf, is to 1<e regarded a* the direct symbol of thi* god. J/rtcwi/ bar|wnrd bone, from which he let* the )4<hn| tbw. Tlie rigll enitlail.
*Ai;/ i* indeed (InX-riM as the god of the donee, of mnsir. ami exfTemenl.'* which is shown with this figure oil Uith rides of the
in n word of all la-tint**, ami he wa* hononuml iw their gt*l liend, is ulnioastv iutcmh^l to signify that hy this mortification the
iuA only by *ing'rs dancer*, and mu^Hiaii*, Ihk aU> by ball-player* filth uf sin U ramovisl from him. With this joctura in T'elleriuno

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1<X The Twenty ItnUrw of thw Week.

Iti-bieiiniH ill** RMit tn our manuscript mbtitnUnlly agrees. Only th* *eclthdun and solitudi* fur the purpose of fluting and diiing |

implement of tHMotiuv, the thorjeurd Ivin'*. Ini'* not lietn deputed is Aown from the bbtorkfd wet ion of Tellerinno Ik* men
st all. Even here, howeivr, it mini Ik* iimumed, else tin* aUiUufo of figured the hieroglyph* of the two fiunous king* of Tetxc
the 1 1 nut l tit tin wr wiwihl lx* Quito unintelligible. With his other CtyoU uud and where we see in one of th
tond lie removes the tilth. the cHiilatli.e. m. together with the a coyoto * head, in the Other the head or figure of a
blixxl. which U xrmhotimlly iiwliini>*ii by a flower. Hr fun* the
penitent tad the (katckivJdololin we ee the agave-kml spikes

(Wrirtft), with which the blood is again symbolically rague d 1>y

flowem, and which me iunted in the cniVotl, while flow by b the |

Milne irigo nUffaff* wliich is decked with qlKUal leather*. mid jirrhnp*
<4gnlfle* the complete lemiroidll of ?in. Hie coir* tending pictorv in

Codex Bolton Urn* ugr*t*s -tilt lieMer with Tellerfauio ICcrm-nxi*. H*1V>
is n. nit tough ilmwri rather no n -mull scale.
-*. tlie Sgw of a
warrior, who Jut* tin* eufMil tog hanging at his right arm, and with
lii tight Intud i* thrusting the bone dagger into his ear. white his

left bofct* the sign cniltfttL Dirt (Sin).'* Blit tbifl penitent of Codex
Burton k- u is aorotaiauted by a terpeut which faring. a* it were,

an enclosure round him. a oitMMaka and b donfafloM also intended

rv-r/tj ttlfklliy
11 /.
as fuehi Hen* the agave-leaf spikes eve insert ed in n stone. Hath Relief ill the Meitku Mq-r-siuj

in our nnmu*rrijit and in Codex Borbordcu^ near the penitent U

further iwen, in the centre of a nightly sign diipwii u a disk, tlio ^yr
which lot* already been fiievfou^y mrt with. atowith beam* nu toting
in the four directions, and til iMiuhtiuttkni with hli nd-otaiued ugitvi-toif

spikes and. * 1 there M^erted, pramnably indicates mulnit/Kf.

Fr midnight ywwr / MfMtHila) was b the tlullopiJtftUspaH netWc-


tfuizfh lit. the time when the sIwlHionru*- wore blon, aid when the
priests roue uud began their nfeuftifttatioru, ijicisiiaiw in tongue and
ear, aiui w on. A like figure of the eye tummindeft by darkness b
iUh> am on the relief of the picture of self-torture,, whi-:h 1 have
reproduced hrluw I Fig. 411). Only there the blood is once nn>iv
speeniHy demited by a flower bwids the figure. There alio this eye

undoubtedly tignifW midnight. Kif. 4:il. (iflui UslU Uh Ite Agsvekif %du
In the rni*siucrip* of the Codex Birgia group the offering of thw tiw sipn nf UjIuvU
ReM in the Meiiru Naiaiitl Ntxiuii
anc% own blood U imm* symto&icallr illustrated. In tin mtolire.
which is plaited with white strips dotted red alternating with green toud plaited in u similar way. Hut the gouging nf t

strips, n man b wwa settled, wlio wear* on bis buck something ttot I
the offering of one's own bkmd. Honoi the Wind Ood
looks like the yojwMii or ydfomt$U f the tobaaco pouch or tobacco |
who n*pn-.'X*nts the priest ImoiL and was the reputed ill

adntosh of the prints wwl g*gtog '* bu eye with a sharpened

* kind of MKrificc, is nig unfrecpientlv M*en figured
Is mt*. The efioftotfLlo, which no doubt w are to *op|MiM- plait-* with 1 pixaruding. or iln erro in the art of gouging it out.

the so-called QttUipitin or uadqpsftn, largo fan! nub Talks of u dazzling Tlie (M*eiiil representation of tile offering of 00*
white below, sud i as were u*d iU the penitential exercises cm the o*curH in tin* Codex Hurgta group only wt ttoee pto
Ktznt'fuali!:! fto*t, W|it?nfttt* toting {mpvW/t) or the retreat into
ilitnaluced the eighteenth thiv sign* teepfftt, ** Flint k

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1(4 10. The Twenty Ruler* ( th* Week.

ruler. Ami tlieii be*4do the sign thin hlnori-offr ring itwdf in figured While the other maDUtcri)** are satisfied with flic above described

by u *mmd symbolic* rvprefrfitalion Hi* hieroglyph of tin* given symbol*, in Codex Borbcoictt* occur quite a number of other figures, main-,

jewel (cAo/dWWtf) and Hi* picture of miter (<t//). A* the agave-leaf however, merely illustrating tle aacrifice in a mi?e general way. 8uch
spike* oil which the blond of tnnrttfWwtinit was collected were called are : a quail with wrenched bcod ; ttmerfftrin] blood vessel (ytuinArioilii)

'jew**! tbotrtw," CWeAitiA *!*'<;{, n> the hlnnd itw-JC, which the (dr ahovc. Mg. 42. p. 103) filled with blond, in which an* inserted two
drew fnon hie body, was call***! jewel warer," ChalchinhaH, arrow-shafts. symbols **f Kicking-reeilH; another ipMuhsicnlti with ]|*cr

4ute a similar idea i* illuwnued in another florin in Codex Borbnniciw* Iwinnen'is downy feathers and forking hrnw plumes ft|e

For here we w standing hrfonr the rAif/rAruiloto/ra n bulging i*ot, <Ua*imtioct ) ; a ve*wl wilb a mhlnt ; a 'eel with the sign <* itfall ;

which i* ^minted the green colour of the jewel, and riion at the a vtwl with offerings ; a burning house and n water jug. Ijutly,

neck And month the contour linen of the hieroglyph rMu/chiutt while in the upter left corner, tw* rectangles with two arrow* heads, ou the

from it a #t ream hence a cfuifrhiuJtatl passe* into the month of meaning of which I CMlimt venture to make any suggestion.

the gnd clothed iw a cfmMnthioifffin. The hand-mark, which ill TellemiWl Hemeiisis indienr.-* the ilav
that was held to be the feat pnqer of the rtlier of the week, tfand*
In the Codex Borgia grmijiy when* the ciuiieiiinhlatoti a U repre-
sented a* ruler of the wvralraith week* the sacrifice of one* own at the fifth day. the day mocuiV itcttfi.

hkiod i* imlicntetl only hr two agnve-l'wf s|iike* (chnlcAiuAnitdli)

with fiower9 at the end the symbol or blood. In (Valrx Borgia 64
RuIit of tlu> Eightwuth Week re t tfl.

they an* inserted in a howh which (tnuutl of a ndled-up strip <*f Tlie eighteenth w**ek shnqkl liave the wune ruler ns the nmeteenth
MCfriiuvfJr aud i dlietl inside with the colour ami the lines of water, ilav sign. Bain Hvtww we sliuiild lw*r exfM-ct t meet

hence is doubtless iutendetl to imlicute a recejitnele of the duttchiukatl, the Kami tied 17/i/of, or si.wne fignre mlattd to him. Bui we liave

the blood of mortiiiration. and obviously represent* the grass (mils in nothing of tin* kind. Neither the jierMin of the mler. mir wav one

which the Mexican |iriests were accustomed to stick the agpmlrif i.f the svtnbuls r*<nlls even remotely iIm* Ruin find. This cimun-

spike* staine*! with their own blood. (See the illustration in the !
stance, however strange if may at first sight aj>j.*ur. neTrrtheles* lias

Other pictures! have given its simple eX[*lanatiiai, and indeed in the very fact that the word
relief, Fi|f. 43/;.} at pp. 106. lltX Ill
of Vol. VI. of the Publication* of the Royal Ethnological Museum. fjniottill *ugge*4ed to the Mexicans or at least to the IiuixtmmI jiriestlr

In the nj*ccified planes of the Codex Borgia group IwsiHe these two class, nut the fertilising maisture dri|]ng from the sky, hut the

ngnve-teaf spikes is furtlier seen the flout of a turkey-cock holding min of Quit* nhtOHti ti u A* *>f the *
Rnin-sun. third **f the four pre-

not to the Chttl rA iu/tUttoi an nhjeet which in Codex Borgia is hist oric ages (according to tin* Annie* rle IJuanhtillnn)

distinctly pictured in the form and colour of the cttitlttfl, and at iptiH tti ffit mocAroA in iptin f/eyuh/*iA

in onorrt fe iqu*
tlw* corn**|xniding jdace in Valicnnns B is depicted in the colour of
Unutn ipiM xnUetfHifpiHh coitiVnAo/i
night. This turkey-cocks fcot is umlouhtcdly to be taken as a
"que no vian iqunc n\ot*pe**h i* -ft ftetf tu
prrtntttiioM of TaeaUipoca, the gnd of wh*im we read
tAtroit fjopLye*tc in ttt&tUti
al diahlo sim* M*laniente Iim pie* tie gal In. d Agilila. And the cnitlqil
* A wii h i/p* tie momitmitn i n ttsrulli cA rcA if e AbVoc

which this foot extend* toward* the fJwUJiiH&tolaJiH. is sin, which is

At tlwat time it hu]i)iened that In* mine*!,
remitted to the sinner by the Wood of matt ifient inn. Thru nn* such
that thereby the iiihalHtiints weTe Ixinit.
manifold representations fitted without strain to the framework of and it rained 'tour-sand volcanic ashes), they suv.
the same conception. then were the st**ne*mnd 'the voleunic iisIm*s) mid the stones

Tin* CfaiUkinfitotoliu it self. the (turkey-cock* the ruler of the large ii haiUtmics (the lapilli strewn abnmd.
the fuom-rfoiie iqaimict-. liu ldiling lava; fixunr-d up,
sign, must accordingly !* taken simply - an eiulsvlimeiit of the ui id

anil then were Spread out tlie red ns'k* "the lava stniuns.**
r/Mt/c/iinArof/. wherein tin* turkey alone (Mo'oti is to la* oimviwl 1

as ivpreMtitiitivc *f the water, blit hr U*iug hn night into relation Tlni* it was tire rr*. jjk m, Mint they rlimight of in *

with Tr:r>tUiftoc*t, bv Iw-ing e:piip|Msl with his *-yriiU>ls lias inror- iniiim with the wiml ijirirtitW. Awl in coaopMe asninlaniv with
|N*mieih Anjuiml, a higher significance I lint uf the cA'l/cAiiiANi/. this is the tluit tlic figure deeeii a- mler of thi* sign, or rather

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l(\, The T wanly Rukm of the Week.

i w ruler of the *ek eonreejiondiiig with this sign, wa* a goddess Haim* which bifurcate* at top. Smie relat i

named Chmtin ur <JiuiaotoCf, nnd nli <alled eAciuwii -ecia* also iniplitd in the eipre^ian f^'AiCw,

from tin* ninth kv in till* Week. Ff from Holingun we hum about the name of the day from which (lie go
thi* goddess dktitftco off that die had n temple ill Mexico Telleriano Keuietn*!* U aU.i itidicatid by
called Tetl an um n. mid j*te-ln who lived ill the Titlnnnum oi/uimir, frtul-dal pro|*-r. For tlie sigh itsruinUi.

and that the office of the*? prietfa. the 7V/iiiwm/i Uoutt, ww- igiet del fuegiA~ a* is stnteil hy SilingUJi ii

do aprrstar Us tew )*ira Innvr hir5i^ y tambien almagrc, history. And in the suiiun dealing with tie

tinta. cdtaran. mum saquHas y eiMroeoliUi* iiwiriio*, lu iia todo eni 1 drawn attention to tlw jweneru'e of tlie *hg ii

nereMuio jsura est fieta <U* fa ttiaint tiff fttfjjn* 1

ami on the Mava inociument*. uhere the a*
Chnntieo in nlto pictured in the .Sihagun manuscript of the with fire is eUwrty enough indK*ated. Be*ld

Bildiutcca del l'ataci.v where her attire *

U described. She was the the stoue-cutteT* liad Hi ill a few
goddess of Xochimilei*. and *in*equ*utly also the chief deity of other title* for their geddere.

the guild of the f/otav/M*. of the Kunc-cutters, the stole* polisliers, Such wore PapaUxxJinal tuid

and jeweller*, who were al*o Hi|fwd to ootne firum Xcichimilco, Ttappnjjnlo tj. *
Site of the
Bunin call* her CinttcoMstti, and identifier her with the goddess of butterfly jaunting," and -She
CWAurrcvrM. which jduce hUmmI e (the city of XocUiiiiilcoj on t|w* with the red butterfly." aiul

other nide of the lake, and with the miff her of CiteUopocJitli. In these also luive reference to

my preiiou* nark nf) the Touafam^iti I have full owed bim OO thi* fire. For UtjyajufoH , a* t have
punt. and have tried luird to imdcMand hi* identity, Now, Iwwever, already stated above (see p. 72).
it i quite clear to me tlmr Bunin wa* wrung ill treating these two is a synonym for fUtwhUi, the
deitie* alike, Tbe gnddc** of Colliuaoui woe undoubtedly a form *
Flame." tuid we luive imlced
of tin* deity of the earth. This i* l*wn by lier emg, from wliicti already seen that the iindulatiug
I have above quoted a few strophe*. But tbe consuming fire was emi of the Uackinnili, tlue symbol
thought of a* embodied in the deir v of Xochmiilco. Thi* we Imro nt of fire, is it but ter Hy, n* in fwl
once from tlw stone statue, which is described by Durfn, and repre- U dearly indicated with this . H '

lifam ili< I'tibult*

sent* the giidd*** with wiih-ojieri month, and the long project jng very figure of (.'AitnhVo in Cl
teeth f U*ast* of jippy, But this more titan anything slaws the Horlxmictifl. Tlie utt* r* al*> gave their g

uoturv of her feast, at which, as a po-limin.-uv to tire chief wc-rlftce her imhiI ornament , while red, or rod atid white, nr
to tie* image of the goddes*. hair cajitives were co* alive into t!e rol. Hence emblems of tlie goddess Clatnlico at-

fire exactly as at the A owtl

* nttti fen-t in the city of Mexico and lUidotlhteillv the warrior* device*, which are iisii

after this offering the ]iet* mortified themsehe* by letting the and red, or alo red oiui white, and were worn

glittering resin of Haloing toivhe* drop on tlie bate -kill of their form of n butterfly made of feather*, ami coin hill-
limit*, Ami if the idol of the guide** wu* kept *hul up ui (lie foot emblem on tlw shield (ipB4MiA|MtcArfuA^ttt). i

ffi/Mw, an uulighted dark house, the reason may luive been lenui*e Indeed, the ^NouApucAioA-yMi cAimui//i is m*cril
to the inhabitants of the Mexican tableland the fire |ieit up in Chantieo in the dui|4er on the drew of tlie god

the depths of tbe earth was vividly ami eonetantly r-vealed by all maniL*cri|rt. It is tlie general shield device of tin
manner of natuml cumlrtiou* amt jdienoinetia. But they may Itaie ilistrict of tl* Xnrhimilro lagoon : CHunconaU of Col
also had in mind nothing more ll*h tle hearth-fire jireserved in the fenirn of TzajNitlan, t'hnuta'u of Xochimilox ami /&>
and to this the tkalne fomlico.
interior ui the Iioii-h*. C in the Hou**\ Tbe communities which IluI to fumidi armour v
seems also t<i puiut. Tbe other inline. "meaning -Twxw device wiurc aim the I'Afn/iMi/joam, the dwellers tbo
h ended.* or -Split at tin* top,*' seems to W taken fnwn tin* kind of hignan, ami tlum* of tlw? two districts of fluttlMMlt

* TUurnn. lib. 2. Appendix, (Cuemavnca;, weigh lsairs ami kinsmen of the Chin*

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11 $ KL TVp Twtwly Rulers c4 jk Week.

Certainly the lady uf the nineteenth sign aim! of the eighteenth Thr eiwlix-n re plaited of white land* dotted nil nllematiug with green
week i* not dirrrtly called a goikle** of 6re hv the interjiroter*. But lands we have already observed with the preoeiling sign as the
they explain the name Chi ntico u synonymous with MicHtnf*cvJli, liierogly|di tike expression for the fa-ting perm'll shut Up
\c. the interior of the earth; they designate the gishies* a* "muger in the house. The ciaich was hlown when in tlie fasting time the
HMfcriUH," the yellow womiui which in obvtoudy meant an the epithet priests roar at midnight to jierfonn tlieir je*iam*e*, Tlie water-jug
of a fire gmlde** and they declare Iver to be Udy of the rhitti, the on the slinulder U J>erlkA|is an exjirrssioo for oiiu4Imt kind of Leuteii
cit)*>icuin |*j|ier, the rrd pod of a hot. pungent flavour which wa* fare the ahtnudli, tlie water dumping* (t.e. t lie dfM3gb-MUte)v which
the universal seasoning tAken with every meal in ancient Mexico, He were prepared from dry and coarsely ground iDNue corn, wiiich was
it -tdl is by tlw Iiwliiuis Aivd Creolrx throughout the whole hit id. not owkerl with quicklime- and was also kneudeil only with wafer.
The **nciatiuu of idea* with pepper and fire is obvious enough, and While therefore the fast is thus here clearly in. heated with all tpehnk*l
4ie alut* understands t1i*t a deity of flu* fenuile sex should bo chosen detail*, we have at the mine tfnu* to (mint out a remiukahle divetgemv
i> ruler of a plant. It i* also |*i*sihle tlint in anrieitt times the fnirn wfuil we find in the same and in the other manuscript* at the

cultivation of the ml-|r|ij>cr plant may have inquired a givat develujs- eighteenth week ixrre*|iomliiig with the iiinetwiilh <lav. In short,
ment in tlie Xochimilro district an the so-called cAiNim/srs, i *. we hate Iwre. where the subject dealt with is the nineteenth sign
the lutlf-Kwinitning gnrdi-n* filmed of the mod of the lake and ami its ruler, iit tin* gishh** ftmiliw. more fully ehniurteriwd on
fixed hy stake* in the shallow wafer. tlie |*revioUf< jiugw, hut n male god, and indeel a figure which in

But the iu*nm *f Cfmidico CMKltvtd a* a goddam of the cnfielcum all [oriii-nUrw uo*ofd* with the Suit fap.1, and in tlw

plant ha* Itatl fir a consequent** tlw dev elojwncnt of a further line eotTe-|Mirkdi)ig place (sheet 9) of tmlex Borgia t* u1n figured with

of thought. The more pre|uml from the cu]irtim |hI (chiuujUi}, the *nUr dl*k a> a 4 ollar. , The motive of this reiiiarkalde divergence

in which the baked maize cake* (tlie tortilUs llttje&ifSi) were dipped, i* jureHltuably rhe cirumstaiwe fliat the most ilUpOltfkllti tlie mast,

firmied in ancient Mexico, and still form*, such a general article of general and most stllidly e nfim ed , ,
fnst whs the netOafttinh^nnal iztii,
daily consumption, that nh*tinence from it wo* coiiidered ns meriturtoik* i.l the f**r the festival of the ?mui tiod. But the concept whieli
a* is the abstinence from butter and Mi in the Christian period. lie* intertiiedtate Iwtween fasting and fin* will alone enable ns to

In other words, the tortillas tAken without the )>pp<r condiment wen* understand why at this plat* the Sun (iod stand* ns representative
a fasting diet. Hence it was that tike deity of the ca|*irtun plant if the tign gaumiff, Hnio.
Ivocaine the eiuhlein or /ittdJnfiiiutj. According to the inter (fetef* At tlw* ploww 111 the C*slex Borgia group where the sllhjei't is

(%intico wan tlw first breaker of tlw* fast, because he fare the Maori lice tike eighteenth week, the gnddews ChmfMD i* depicted a* Uih-r, just
ijr. during tlw* time while finding was still universally obligatory be a* in tlw* Mexican manuscripts pn*|**r. In tlw Codex Borgia group
nte a fried fish, und in punishment for this was hiugsti
t ittlo a dog die is ]siinted yellow on body and fnee. wear* on Iter liow the blue
hv Towieatrcvtli, tlw* supreme of lieaven. Therefore the dnv indented plate of the goddess XaeKitjarizitl. u r**il irus*k, Alai while
cAtcwiwmt itzcnintli, *'
ft. lk.g. frofil which the godded* also was mimed, eiiagua which in embellisliad with Iwonil coed-like rvd On her
Wiu held to hi* a day an which the itAMOtto/fiN, the Transformed, head is a roil caj\ and fnwii her neck hung* u teil doth, which, us with
i.r. the magicians, tlw werewolves, the pmotll wl*o could change them- Xochiqnrtsul, end* with two thiw*-n*. Cnp ami neckdufeli are *dged
selves into snakes and other Animal*, po*o*e**d |Hwer. and j*-*iple hu1 Miami with white disks, wtiich are iloulwlei* inteudeil for ihrfl ilbk*.
I hem selves up mihnirs in onli*r to avoid these weird forms. We liave. indeeil, * that the jrie*t of the gwhle-H. lie^hU** eiunaUir,
Accordingly the symlmls whieli we find figured with tin* ruler of blw-k lives, Hindal- hihI v**4s had also to provide small ea-eiiail diells.
the nineteenth sign and of the eighteenth work have reference |
irlly In Codex Teitariano Retnen-i* the godilcw* i* likewi.-e of a yellow
to fin*. | art ly to facing and mart ifirwt ion, colour on body and face, bail with led hImwk the imiuth and a nd
In the Codex Borgia group, with the ruler of the nineteenth sign jMiltem ini the whole face; and tliiu again recall* AucA at

expression is given merely to the fasting, and indued by a figure least a* she is jsirt raved in Codex Borgia. Hut here tlie gixldvN is

which b wilted within an etfedosun* plaited of green and white lmnds depicted with the lung javijcdiiig teeth f lwa**s of ]srey, like the
|*inctarrd red, has a jug on Ite shoulder, und is blowing the eotwh. stone statue of XochimiUxi uf which Itunili has left u* a de-cri|4ion.

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10. The Twenty Rulers of tli< Week. 117

At tin* nw hang* curious oruarm-nt, which tming painted yellow in Knqr, like these, die too ii a warrior. Hehiml at her ginile she wear*
no doubt meant to hi* gold. amt consist* of ring ami ray, the element* a deaths head* and front it Arc sii-(>endod the strap* with the snail*
if tin* ] lictttri' of the *un. .hint Ktcli iimrtlver adornment, iiIki of gold, idiella i*. the rattling ap|*emUg*, the etilalcMeitJ of the Karth
it worn by the guilds** in lier mr. An rucl Ir similar farm of bim* Godde****. Hut 1*1 tl*e red rap eovering head and neck lien the
luitl ear diMMinit ii4) i* *ln*wn by the liirg** and finely executed 4uue rrt/uv//r, the warrior*.' bather head-dre**, and below H the symbol
bend in the Mu**h> Niicmtud tie MeXKx*. wh<*e crown ami occiput nre aU-ilocAiu/Jli, water i*|*ear-t browing j and fire the emblem of war
iwpd by ii wig nr cap -tndihd with downy feather hall* (Fig 4ij. which I have fully described aUvo in COfUKCtian with the Fire God.
It avem* to me (aroUihtc enough fliat thin bend la intended to rcpr>eut In Codex HorlxmiciM the gtsldc** hn* the up|*er half of her face
(dinted rod, tlx* lower hluck. hut in our manuscript the whole face
red. Here also head and neck an* covered with the red rap studded
with downy feather hills ami her robe i* also red. In our manuscript
the warriors' feather aztitxtili lies on tin* ca|, above whirb in Codex
Horhmicu* ri*i* the tw.i ijuotuil-fi'HtlHr tuft* of the giddrsa A or A -
yurt:* i/. Below j< in l**th manuscript* i ugnin to he seen the symbol
ittl-lfturhhvJ/i, emblem of war. Here the figure thiekinniU eml* in

Codex H>rhoni>cu with n gnrgmilft tir]initU*t (tainted yellow and

blue. The eagle*** C*m*4, shield device of tin* goddess, i* depicted
projecting from a ve-e| in front **f Cknniitn.
In tlie Cwlex Horgia group tin* iittfoeiated figure* are: a red-
'olour**:l burning object, which i- doidu le. umant for tin* <ap*ieutn
(ckUU)i frurth*t, a burning Iiuiim*, which symbol!**** fire; and a **nail-

hrll, which aerve* to expretw in Ike Aount. l aatly, a

limn bidding ill one hum I the h)u*l-tuiied agio e-leaf ejdke (itihf/i)
tin* einhlem of imirtificiition. in the other a hunch of moHnutti
gra*o*, i.r. the bruurn. emblem of purifical imi. U -**eti in the ajierturr
of a wid*^*(*i coffer pellttotM i), *uch a- were plaited with rx-ed*,

Kif- 15 Hlit lfatoL S'aciuuil lu Msk-

and nerved t* kcw]> cicdhea. 1utfc featherwurk ami the like, hence
the io'hl'Mx Cknnlico. It U further di-t ingm-hed by another nniark- suggest the of a chest for lrea*uiv*. A eoni(i*iri*on with the
able liniment. We .see ii*. if glued to the cheek or inserted Other inamixri]*** shows that thi* is intended a- a re|*reMnitali<in of
* a plug it tli^k with the hieroglyph /-oouV/of/, *>(0111. fnwn which the fusing mini shut up in the house.
hangs a bell (evjfolliy. Possibly tlii* wiw intended to allow that the Ill the Mexican manu-cripis pn*(s-r. in Cuilex Ikwhonicxi*, and
.lorn* lieiw I a a muger nniarillu " Hut it i* nt ill more Miggolive in <air inanu-cri]*t. the vew*el with the rvd burning Mihtfaiu*r i*

nf the name C<ryoixuofj\ti. (aimed with Wk" the jitojict mime absent ;
and instead of n lairiiing luiine, u lir**-jMin re(*r**smt* tlo

of the elder winter mid lender of the brethren Crulzunnitzonnon wImi eleiiH-nt of tin*. Hut at least in our mnmimttpf th* WlliUhrll,
wan slain on Miami Iouatcpetl with the ziukcouttll by Ulitilopocktii denoting coaitiiienieut in tlie If ium*. is seen **i tlw* lw*d of
springing in fill! Hrmour from hi* mother** womb, and whose head tlw g*Hklrss CAon/ico. Hut in berth of tln*e iiuimiMrijrti*

remained iihme on the mountuin while lier body ua- hurled iknm lire figured, moreover, a nuiidwr of other s>iuKi|h which have
ami ilaxhed to pieces. reference to niort ificntioii. In <iur manuscript are i*Vtl a v*-*#**! with
In Telleriamj Keiuetisi*, a* in ('odes Hnrgia, the goddess Ckonticn iluui|dings (titnmtillif) nml n gras* tutii f^nvi/upuyof/tj with two
ueani a nI cap corering head nnd neck. The cmwk Ih also ml, and hloud-st itined agavi**lenf sjakes (uifcifi) in C**leX Itorbonunu the

the ennguii black. like tlie ami like the goddess siune (YiA/hry*H/rV/i, execute*! in finer or more heraldic style, beside
JlzpnpnJiii, Chtniico aim wears the loin-cloth (moxiUtll) of the men. which the inti-rpn*trr luu written the wxrnls :
area lel lihro de la

us ItX The Twenty fkli'n ot tbc W<ck.

liy* (!). We hivit moreover the eve Htirn>unded hr < lark new. the of hi* birth, and the day or the yw*r of hie death, t.o. of hi* trans-
emblem of midnight, which haa uliovo already been wvenl time* formation into the morning *tir, heme is taken as me t4 the mime*
nw with Iwside the fnctiinpntfalli. Further, h bordering or bower of of the god, Iferv. however, in other re*peet* he display* hut few of
green branches (ncsotfuU f), a aacri final 14<mh] v>H (*}WiHkxic*ilt i> the otherwise distinctive equipment* of the Wind lu*l. lie wear* a
a snake, and two ngnve-lmf spike* (uitstfi}. thick wig, ami above it tin* nttoctitt, the wiftrioe> forked heron-
But in all tbrcr of the Mexican manuscripts |*m|**t the fieting plume adornment. In hi* ear i* the comxnncnthlii, a hollow plug,
mail i* to be wen in hi* eariostir* filing C'fclJtftC0. In Codex from which a nnke* head i* looking oar, forming a wnt of hand.
Borhooieiu anrl in Tdleriano Keiiii*t* tin* eticUiMire U lectured no And on hi* neck he wear* the coiouwciri/, a citlcd-up rattlesnake,
if it were caned from wood, and i* inlaid with gold dUk* or from which hang* a* a hreust ornament the
rings. Tile interjuvter designate* it ft* n en*a de oru." Beyond TrZfittipo&t a white Iweast ring. Take the figure* in tlw* ntlwr
doubt this name has reference to otic of the four little finding manuscripts, he hohl* in hi* hnnd a copal Hag and a hunch of gn-i-n
house* (neprusi/i*af/t) which the hero of Toltan. Qefrri/r*ou<il/, built slkont*. which lias doubtless the *mnc significance as the nmlinolfi
for himself. ami naturally corrviqN.ndod to the four quarter* of the in the hand of the lasting man of Codex Borgia. QtuUznlron/iti wn*
heavens, the first of which urn* said to be made of gold or embel- held to be the inventor of fasting and of priestly murtifiiwtkm.
lished with gold (cnctir teocuitfftMlJi), the second <Leo.nred with red Like the other above desert led figures, hen* he face* the goddess
mussel-shell* {taffteJicnlU), the third with turqitul*-* (xioAnr/fi.. the OAonriVo, liecnnse fasting, mortification, was conceived as burmug ;
fourth with white mussel-shell* (leer 4>e*//*>
The artist of out elm*, a* I have above suggested, bmntr the goddess f"An alien was.

manuscript seems not to have quite under-n>l the radiating |wo> ill her character as Isidy of the Oijxsicuin-jNMi, the emblem of
ceases of the ** cam de
and ha* added a kind of floral motive to
ora," non-facing, of tlse break-fast.

the enclosure ] minted a wooden tone, and l*x moreover introduced

at the hack j*irt a snake's head, which, however, is not easily Ruler of the Nineteenth Week re </uwihili.
recognised as such. In lodrx Borhnniciw the fasting man himelf For the nineteenth week tlie ruler of the !a-t the twentieth,
U ilepicted a* a warrior, with the (tsfarW/i, tie' forked Iwrunqdume day i* the ilelermtniug element. This laid day la* the sign Xochilt .
deenration. on the crown of hi* head- At hi* arm ItftOg* the om1 ** FlmreT and it* ruler, and ootifequr fitly iilso the ruler of tin*
" j

hag. and in one hnnd he Iwild* an agave-leaf spike, in the other a nineteenth week, in the guddei* .Xwtii'jMetzol, who emlsjslie* the rigti
hunch of blossoming twig* and a stalk set^with thorn*. which is Flower" in her name. And at the same time with tlu* rign *l>e

doubt lew meant to re|iTe*rnt a or tsimtcJH, an implement combines i lust otlier emblem, which for tlie Mexkatis likewle tm-
of welf- torture. Perhaps this is why t hi* dav-count <v stitufeij the very ensetKe of adornment the hrilliant melalltc green
1. rrucodile (row of spiucs)" is pictured above the fasting man in tail-feuther of the quHzul Ifird. which ha* it* home in the dark Usoi-f
hi* house. In our manuscript the figure of the fasting man i* wisiilnud- of the hilly diftrict* of Cettlral Amerlcn-
furnished with no ajiecuU emblem* or distinctive chnnu-tcr*. In one Tbt i* not the llr*t plane in tlw Torudamutl whetv w e have met
hand lie ltobJs an obsidian mcrificial knife, in the othi*r an object the gwhlew Xoeb &tf ToMit&tcitt'i/i, tlw femafo lualf of the
whk'li i* doubt lens al-j intended to nqwesent a bunch of dowering jiriiiwva) divine jwir, lord* of tlse flr*4 *ign and *f tlie first wa*k,
twig*, hetlv, in tudex Teller ini m Uemensis the lusting man is n l*V' tlie Interpreter* idetitifieil With Ami not only
|*Ht raved in the harm of the god ^oriro/winef/, and is also so by tlsein. Tlw Indian al-o, u|w cotnmunUated exjiUiiatkons
designated by the interpreters As fuelsittcvtiali
lie is sjeciidly of the lecture- writing* which arv embodied in rlw - llistoria lc h>*
distinguished by tile face jaunting, which i* yellow in front of the Mexican* i* ]*jt *u* PintuniK" give* L'*ckffnrvill ij*, a*
profile, tA in the middle where it is seen in fall view^and behind. ..
anot Iter Ikatiie of TtouicrttiHiitl* tlw female ludf f the divine j*ir
at the rides, black, with red alamt the mouth which i* *et in a long Jue cunles w ctianKi V estitvierotl -ielnptv en el trvcetXO Heh, de
heard. Further and redundant ly behind hi* heud i* depicted the rayo jwincijiio m *e M|w Jainke." Nay, Irtofe ! 'IVIh riano Hnnenri*
hieroglyph Ce OCitfl, I. Reed." which indicate* the day or the year di*tingui-he* Tonneatiurttl (tvitttnrl of Tow*&ttfrfttfi \ joint niler f
* Sih.igtin 10, (ip, 29, f 1. tlw lir-t nlgm with exactly the Antiw etnhlem^ and drw insignia a*

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Ml Tl* Twenty tbilcr* of the Wtwk. lilt

AWAi'^urttuf, I^Mly (if the nineteenth week And in t.*dex Borl wnictin water* flow down to tlie fields- This is jaunted at hy tlie quHtaUi in

we again find associated with XocttiijNfJwl, I sidy of the nineteenth her tinmr. and tin* name seem* to he directly inferred from a j uroug*
week, I hi? r*i*resefifation (Fig. 4ti), which in the Ox)*! Borgia gt*'U|\ in TcniiH-ruMda.
which rehue* of tlie Tlaxcnlt ec* that amongst them

a* well fib ih Code* Yaticiuiu* A. gave expression to t|*e mil life of children wen* sacrificed in larger numbers than &nmagtft ether tribes
the ruler of the first sign* the human couple under a coverlet, | and indeed, as with tlie Mexicans, to the (forU of nvfkr, namely, to
emblem uf sexual union (cf. Figs. 14 to 10 above, pjt MO, 40 . The** Tlnloc nml the gnddmvrs ,1/oifofeacye and A orkiqt*fUai. This in

twin nr** not merely interesting in tlsemselve*. In my opinion they also implied hv the fact that the Tlalhuic* kejrf their feast in the
in n measure strongly suggest tluit the hone of the cosmogonic *. the time which the .Mexicans had set apart for

>|**T.ulntioto- embrdiod in tlie name* Toitff enter utti tun) r<w*/ryjciw*iff the worship of the mountain gads; and further, that in the repre-
was to bt* fnoght in the region where dwelt the goddess .VocbiqutUnf. sentation of this feast given by tlie pictorial document *if the Florentine
And thi* was nssnrrdly not Mexico proper, bat ap(*e*rx to have HablinCecu Naxianale, fa**iiig the gcrJdew* Xoekiqttefziti we also see

Iwen the group which in one place is comprised by* ToT*|oemdu 1

pwiured the moimtain gods, or the feast of the mountain g*sls

under the name* Chat wivj Oiuum, Aim/oiwvi, Tejxmccu, Atoekmitm,

symbolised by a snake oil a mountain, nitliougli the interjiceter

and TUiIhui&l. Here by Chnlmea* are to lie understood the dweller* translate* -fiesta ilel puehlo." having taken iepttl for rliepell.

a Unit tint volcano, and hj Ohnecn .Morin not the aUcnijgine* nf tlie Ijiter the concept of the you n// yoi/i/Ms. tbe beloved of the Sun
TUxcallan district. who having been driven twit Chut, seem* to luive prevailed, this idea being dotilKlete osiidit hmed by
by the TmxdiJclilluccw. later inigmted to the the jeoeiiiti embodied in her name. As such die U alrendy described in

At Untie oOMtlmda In Mexico a feast in honour the song to .Vodipufaii jsreserved in the Sahagun amaiil*cri|d* :
of the guides* was hehl only on her day, the ail rtyurtrtm m wHw/iidta/h tlacya ni viU
citia/me zockilt, ** 7. blower." which thus found mufoadt/fiviM fmoouncA'i ony
a place in tlie calendar. and with the calendar from the land of water and mist I come, Xs'bkjueim| ;

would have acquired citizenship amongst the from TnriKsuK-lian
Mexicans. But regarding tlie Tlaxcnlt pc* we yr tjuitifJiocftya ittfnuicnz&rttln jnilz\*Urcutfti
arc told by Tonjuemuda. and regarding the Tlalltnir* hy the interjieeter qui yu temoayo ye Tockiqttttznlia joyrriu ny topi nior ot ly

of the pictorial tlorument in the Florentine Hi Idiot cea Xazionrile, that wept the priest Pilrrintecutli
he sought Xnt'hkjurtl. . .
on certain of their onnmtl Jotrt*. hence on their national fetut days the
goddess XotkiipieUrd wa* the chief |imno of the festival. In the territrarjr But out of this very concept the goddess became the repre-
of th* Tiaxcaltecs. distant scarcely two kilometer* to the south-west from sentative and inciumatitm of the fittea de joie. tlie iihhoiiuu, the

the filturr centre of the dldHtt, itowl the raounfoin of .VofAlmM/, unmamrd women who lived together with the Iwlielnrp of the
* guide*** of tlie Flowery Iztnd
a moantuin which * curding to teJpofJuotli, who tis>k jskrt in the wnrriors* dance, and marched with
the warrior* to !|u* battlo>fi**UI, hence were culled MKtyai, le
Tonjuemndn's a* 'count wa* nearly two league* in circuit, wn*. xiirroumlcd

by deep grave* |<irtly hewn in the live ro*k, in the middle wn* <Kvu]4od entrrmetidas i.e. those entering (the ranks,."* Hence the

by the ancient settlement. and w still to thi* day inlutliite*! hy a number licontiiwi* character of the fwust held Isv the llalhuics at the Ttpetl-

id Indian families, wlio collectively constitute the commune id XiH'Jti- Koiil ilcserifs^ hy the interpreter of the manuscript in tine Florentine

Ucaiittnu, And in the land of the TULhuics. a few league* anuth of Hihliotnu Naximialc. at whieh took |iart young men. half striplings

tiiemavam, tin* old t^rinnAunarte. a conspicuous eminence i *ur- and maid* if eonvsj* aiding ag**. adorne*! with the otUuMiy the
inountod by the u|ierb py rarii id of .VocAicw/oa. who**- sides. lined with warriors* foatlier hend-dre** * id/iipurio," Bays the in(et|iPi4iTf

huge stone dub*, are decorated with large figure* of the feat her- take in ~ no *e u^m utdvs'rMilnienlo, sino en Ixw Itatkoima, qne **wi tverm*
lianas de tvgados do *llenta el ail.* 1 lienee nln> tlie so-called
airlaie style. unite*! image*. and chronological sign* not yet deeiphered.
Originally the j^xhte-** Xochiqtui&tt i* |*rhnp nothing mi*** tfnerkeJii feast, which was held by tlse Tlnsxultec* in hutnstur of

than the deity of ne of timer iiiouutain* from which the life-giving 1

Mnnar*|>s>a I.ihro I ft, ea|i. HI.
* ToO|utna<in 10 ff. 3i. .

* Muaurvlitfc Indiana, Lib. H, cap. M.

ll-W. Bdiliotcea Xanonale, Florence, f- 2H

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lio 1 U Th* Tavnty Kuktn of the Wwk.

the gwbU-sM** XacSiVjortztti and .Xochitsoul, at the time when the Codex Horbwiicu* ami in Tdleriatm Rent* n-i*. on well m on tlw dav
Mexicans affprwi op the image of .Ifijconatti the god of limiting, the figurim which are not rare in collection*, these feather tuft* ntaud
Chiebirooc god. At thia Tlaxoaltec feast wort* Micrittced many young directly on tlie head. On sheet 9 of Codex Borgia thev are each
girl* "W inetnorin do lo* nmorvs," and tin* otnY*MM the wrfi/rti, combined with n flamer into which a butterfly is dipping, and in
iiini offered t be to selves, railing down curse* on their head* and with Telleriami Rerncnsi* are associated with a flower which fills up tlie qu#o*
foal abuse
donlit portly
dragging til*

done because

and partly became urged hv religion* mania to

women through the
were weary of the wretched
mire, 1

aeisqit inaiTyrdniti.
Thi* vib
life they
lterwcvn tlw two, and are 4om]Jete]y
where they ure
tion is iu the

Mime rime a
by a
lurg<* flower U|Kd tlie

hirrnglyjdi. since qtteisnUu tlw en'etedL"

our manuscript alone,
This decora*

Thank* again to tlw jronfcfr/ in lwr name, the gcdiles* tut- further and XoehitI, " flower," give ei]ire*ejoil to the name i>f this gtaklei*.
become the representative of all merrymaking, the wng, the dance In other resjieets in all the iBftflUiVTipt* A'oeUiyHduil is figured
and ajmct, the comrade of Jfriut&Mcfciilfi Hence lit <L*dex Borgia, in rich, hright and many-ooloQivd raiment. In Codex KarhomViH
n> we lnt II see. confronting her i* tie* god of the donee, ami lastly, tlw lower bmler of her enagua i* formed In* n l>r<mt blue hens
in Codex Horltonk-u* nnd in our manuscript, the tfitchoy, the lxU- trimmed with white shell didc* tbom iu white
like *n tlw lower
eourt. Hut in thin goddess were also emUdied those otlwr ran- lialf of her fioie. In onr manuscript alone XotkbpwUtU is flguivrl o> a
eeption* the beautifying of Life, adornment, artietie dull and artistic warrior with the loin-cloth of the men (1 like the CimititUf
iictivitie* whirh in the mimi of tie* Mexicans, a- of all other |ntiplea, gndd(**cs d like /tr/wip<v/of/, ami Chnrticn. (K>r her Ivwk in
are awakened hy the wool *
Flower," Codex Borgia Imug* a variegut^l cloth, which run* out at the itid* in
According to the inteqwrtcr she wn* the deirv wlm invented two diverM-colonred string* with llowerw. In t ode* Borlmnwiu mid
HftKintruf ami err i rite/, and wnai *|n*ciiilly revered by the women Telleriano Bdlicfl*i* this mi* U worked with all manner of feather
expert in the arts anil by all in**c* of liandirmftsniru. In tie* ornament*. But in omr manuscript vre see iu its place a liack mirror
jncture given by tlw Stlmgun nuinuA.'ri]* of the altiuuttyunflzili (cu.itft*z;cntt \ in the form of a birds beiat which the artist lias carried
fra*t held every eighth year n< an interval of re|ne (or renewal ?) ration high u|v ami aikl*s1 a j^iidant designed in coinentiotuil st vie.

of life-giving surtemnce. we we tlw goddess Xoekiqneistit seated in In Tdlmiann Kemensis tlie gishl**** IiuhU an her laxml a loom-
ridli attire at the loom, the up|**r cro**-pi<vr of which is ntlaclied knifi* Izniznpttzilt in iwir niamnu'ript mi instrument, at
; tlw upper
to a dowering plant. eml of which is curved a kind of aiumn!- head. In Codex BotInmucus
In Codex Borgia Xock {quetzal show* n yellow body ami facia! from her inouth jxnitrude a stone knife and two flowers, like thaw
jaunting, and tattooed face ; in Tellenano Kemcusi* the upjvT lialf of a? liutV seen with Xololt.
the face yellow tlw lower red; in Codex Ihwlwnicti* yellow up]er Iu Tellertamr Remends and Codex Horb.mjcus nut of the ruler*
half and blue lower half, in the style of tlie pulque goddeiee*; in of the week are figured rfamlmg apart or half kneeling, mid Qnriatt'
our mmittwc rij -r?
ml fav, Four white disks. which in (VnIcx Burbonicu* eontdlf Xaoi eeatO, Thtuiocrdpau hestUi and (%an(*si> alone stimd
ore di-jn**-d obliquely acru the face where the yellow ami Wile beside a ImI f-s|i)ieriiwl wwt made a* Were of dnajieries
it or jaguar
aectfcotto moot, teem Intended to denote anme kind of inlaid adorn- skins, Xixki<jvet:oL an the contrary, ns also the 7omryictM/i// of tlw
ment, In Codex Borgia in her uuw die wears a blue plate, which flr?t week, is reire rented ou a clir curved of woml, pnintts] and
e probably meant to reproduce the tignre of a butterfly. In Codex ikHVittaed with inlakl disks a dutincUon which iai then* tiiHnuMTi]>ts
Borgia tlw face look* out in one place from the jaw 5 f a >it*ke, in is elsettlien* accorded unly to the Fire God <f tlwInst week ami t. tlw
nnntlwr from a quetsal'* brak. The quetzal lard in also her diegilio* Jaguar CrtoU Ttpeyvitotii, of tlw third meek. But Iwn* thin chair wilh
(n/i Hfiiti) both in Codex BorUmtni* ami in Telleriano RtnwiniK XockirjHtUat is iH]ui|qied in a peculiar manner. In C<ak*x RorhouiciiM.
while in onr manuecrija no nidi helmet -mask in shown. ili*tcud of n simple jaguar-skin cover, a while jaguar lies on the wul
On tlw hood of tlw Wrd, or on tlie tip of the snake'* snout, >f tlw chair. Above the rent a make protrude* furwranls while below
.YocAfr/nrfjYi/ wir in Coda Borgia tlw two rrtcl yttrtz\il-fr<t!kt\ it emerge a yeHow-ouluiiteil milhqwtle mid four brings with flowers
tufta, which ar* tie* mod distinctive marks of thin gudde**, I11 at the ends. Tlw snake nnd the mitlejede are no doubt
to he seen
Tcct|UMBda J<. p. 36. in the 4sore*(Minding phures of Telleriano Iirnwims. while the jaguar

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10. Tin' Twenty fidn f the Week. 121

above (le seat is replaced by red-txiloured beast <if jury which Coming to tlie associated figure*. in those place* of the Codex
hung* back over the seat. The jaguar above the sent praiumitbly Borgia group where Xodiiqueizfil stand* up ruler of the twentieth
wjxresenta nothing more tlmn h sjiecsal decoration of the royal day sign.' the o M goddem, the firtd utJMftn, i lignreit heswLe her.
throne. The throne of the Mexican king* also stood, aa we mad in kneeling at the millstone imeilatf). with the toller in her hand
Terwtotnoc, on an eftrado ile *tn yr* im cnero fie tigrt, coo U* 11301* {mellftpilU^ and busy ]xre|ring the muire dough fir tlie daily
lie tuioe e*[eju**h>t, ahjerta la Ixjcu. con lino* diente* Juuv litujnu* hreni! (Fig. 47); for this wiu* and still U the mj-t imjawtatit duty
y bianco*, J nof nfliu, tftte jMftwfci mtar reu/wicwie vit'&a ."
1 j

of the Mexican women, occupying ill feet tle greater jwrt of their
The make and the millepede recall the two uuimak drawn time. Tlie roller in the guilder's hnud * lurokcn, jut a* the flowering

plant was broken which rtmal beside the -ign CNMflMldfh' mid the
goddess ItzftftfAiloil, and from (lie wound flow* blood, indicating the
fracture wt ill more jadpably. Tlie l*roketi in the made**, the old, a
sign that we urc concerned with the long |jft*t, the olden times the
period of the TnuuMtnchitH borne, where the wttll united trilwx dwelt
in the night, in the gloom, in the primeval liorue, in immdi**, in
the land of the god*.
iu tbe place* where ill the Codex Borgia group the goddews is

figured it* niter of the nineteenth week,* we are the /toner God Ewing
her. He b pictured in tlie wune attitude an in the fourth week in

fmtit of L'euecogotl, and lia* the came white painting about

Ff; 4 ?*. The Old timlil*** at the SlllMon*. Codex llurgln 0. the large round eye and about the nnwith; hut hrre his body and
face are black, mid lie hiu the yellow hair and the head gear of tbe
Fire iiod. Mo collar of Huail-elielln, no oyoimf/t adornment on his

breast; hut he Iuih fastened the rattling snail-shells to his wrist, and
he wean the oytmalU ear-j*cndanf, like the Dance tiod of tbe
fourth week.
in the priestly college* where originated tlie picture- writing*

which served as the prototype for Codex Horboninw, this figure of'

the Dunce Ood facing Xockiq%Mtial seems to have been conceived as a

tltinciug irwurr/. Hence iu Codes Hovbcmicn* and in our umnuwript.

VMteaau* B
us well a* in Tellerinno RemeK ha is replaced by a coyote-like
rig. <;*. S*. Fig. 47r. Oadaa Valinum* }l U4.
animal in a black skin jxiinted with large variegated spots. In Codex

Hurlxmicu* this animal wu* on bU liciul the two quetzal plumes

aiul painted in exact ly the same way. which we found with
of the goddess A'ocA iyutlzuL and in his nose tlie yucrixini/f of the
iltteoitfoll. Udv of the thirteenth week. twisted to n sort of ofin.
warriors mumiiv-|<ick (see Fig. 3H above, ]v 82); hut in Tellrrinno
and. m I thought, should La* regarded a* luiother expression
HenieiisU is deleted os tlie Vr*V4tUi (disguise) of Tczeutl /#oco with
for the atl fhtckitioM iVOihol. ttf nil tlus |ui|unent nothing
his nmikiug mirror ut the ear, hence is explained by the inter|Mreter
remains iu our nuuiti*mp1 except the whimsically depicted animal,
as tlie cfentf **401110 iju**tA engarmndo k Evn, mites <jue pecaee."
which b JNrovfckxt a with a kind of feather garment, and protrude*
Bet wet'ti tl>e*e two figure* of XorMf/nrizul and the IbiiMv tied*
from tunJer the g*.*lde!*ss chair. The feat lien* of thin animal are
or the dancing wbard. we ace at the specified places of the Codex
obviously nothing move than it blundering reproductinai of the joint*
Borgia group above to tin* left a large black lull tied nwind with
and feet of the veil cm millep-de an titii in Codex IVirtainU 1

Codex Borfia t* . Vaticaous B ItH and 24.

Crimea Mexican*, cap. V* 1 Codex Borgia C2 VxtKaousBC?.

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122 10 The Twenty Baler*
, of the Week.

cord*, which is priWSIITlihly meant to re|ife*ert caoutchouc- (0 U 1 ). week of the Toiialaiuatl is nut the only place where we find this
Below, but to the rlgiir, in a square figure funned by the railings of handt*l ami I'n^hmI nqiiare represented. We also again meet it drawn
a whit* band with black marking*. which hr wH-naidary coiling* is ilk quite a similnr way OH two sheet* (20 und 12 of the Kii)g*bof\ilkgli
*li*{>i**ed lu four nmr* ur levs siinilnr <{unre*. Below it in CiMlex noCattMii) of the Vienna manuscript, wlu-n* it forms oim* of the
Borgia (Fig, 4B> loaf fart Iter lie detected fuar half-disk* or ere;* in MK4**hll object* iu two gruujM of figures resemhiing ouch other (*ee
thin outline. Hie lttuded or loo|iod Njunre is liltewi*e rejne-vntnl in Fig*-. MX 51). But here the *junr* shows the sign of* m, *
Codex RortxHSMU* (Fig. 40) and in our inaiiU5cri| it ;
only in tin* latter luot uut." in tl>e midi lie, at the |Miint of intersection of the threads
it had lwcome a design Irntdered with ft might line*. Hut iti I Kith traversing the interior, in one place dmwik simply, in the other with
of tbew manuscript* instead of the Inn* caoutchouc hall we >e radiating tongue* of tire. A* we found in Cbdox Borgia four half-
dejwi'ted a DoaijJete tlturMi (hall -court ), which in eonwUr nlwvni in disk.- or half-eyes figured lietow- the loop'd square, so here in the
Codex BotLkiiucuk with its two brand pmjcirting ends, with the line Vienna mnmi'*Ti{rf lire seen leside and below the loofied square six
(Uteoil) bisecting it in it* entire length, nml with rlie two atone and live row* respectively of six halhdisk* r luilf-cve* each, hut

ix of which an* by si definite law rrjdacod by the sign of the CTU*e-

hfWw; and beaiih them is a sqnnre-*ha]>rd of tortoi>>'die11. On
the other db of the luujied square we recognise on both sheet* a hondl#*
of !h% and below them a mud U* I of foar short nstinrh'd rods in farm
exactly like tin* j4nviug~tk'k* of the Indian* of iw* north-west mM
of America. Then fallow two cwsmtrbooc halU, the iqi]** simple, the
lovef set round with tongues id fin*. Tin* scene conclude* with two
tiiqdiH**, or hieroglyphs of war, consisting of sbbdd, two -|s*nr* and
the thinningrick, ami a -*|uatting male figim*. 1h*biw t!e whole or
thi* groti]# we ^s* mu dint 20 the gml of the sign nur ofia in
C? <3 fnait

v \g. vk Fi*. 4a.

of a fades; on sheet 13 (Fig. 51) the goda of the sign* amti
cipactli aiel mtttUufli cijxictti in a kiixl of iK.deMtial *|an.*e- a
ImlfH^H'ii enclosure {Minted the <<olour* of tin* sky and furnished with
rings in the centre; Iwt in iur manuscript it m wrongly drawn,
being dinjawd in eight ilivente-coUjiirvii field*, and with only one disk
WlUMnetital radiant and stellar eye*. On both sheets live utTering of
n qui] i* hcouglit to the g**ls. while mher priests blow the com-h.
in the centre. In our manuscript the rubber hall i* i beside the
w bring intent* in tike cenaen or fiiuuiug torches. 1 cannot under-
baU-OOtirt. In Codex Ktarbaaietu n skull in nimintian with tin*
take to elm iilate all the detail* of tbrn group- of figure*. But from
rubber-ball is figured in the middle of the lutil^ourt. and a* it were
going right through the hole of one of the tfoehtenudoentU. white front
the whole representation it seems to me we may confidently infer
that the hsjjied -puuc aliw has some relation to a game, which,
it (the skull) three rf renin * i>f water flow Imrkward*. Jkd Piisu y
Trottcomt conjecture* that hr flwt wnfer the hit (ck&ptt) is unhealed.
like that of the Lull. ap|mir* to hare hmi ao*riat*.l wilii different

A- we have seen that atl is projierlv **sji*iir-throming. this surtnise

mythical or comic moIm m -about which, however, uuforttuiately

may net ja-rhnps I** groumllr**. Moreover in Codex Rorhotiicus the

M infiimutton is mnailnhle from the mki^ hitherto Immglit
to light.
ruhlier-ball is aguin |ieriallr represented at tin* lower Ixinler of the ,

sheet by n akaU enveloped in a black nuts*. Immediately below lastly, in Codn Ibthoniuu ami in <iur inanuscrija Ix-side tie*
tbiehctt i* furilker to In* seen a nuiii with hi* head torn Tie*
tlw interpreter lia* written the won is: "las qae rojui nnciati, ariau <iff.

do r )\ttpuhtrt#r {lace where be is figurol seems intetid*d to bring him into mmiw*

Hall-pin viog lui* its jibwe with the gtKldr** bemuse relation with the (hdtft To like it oeeDi* not iiu|Mi*silde that
she like MitcniJxxtfhitL and for like reasons, wa* nsgnnled as a through him the fate / th/ p(/i ysr was in *onie way meant to he
jMiroooN* of all amusement*, indicated.
and mn*N|nciitly also of sjswl. But
what is the manning of the |H*culiitr looped sqmic*? The nineteenth Reside* I he *{eciJiel figure* and syinind*, in our inaiui** ri|4 i*

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ML The Twenty Ruler* of the Week. 123

further to be kwh it fire-ve*tel. which is ili<*tinj(iu*hcd in the 1 among!*! which 1 nutv call l***rUl attention to a loout-kiiife (xiuhtsv-
way by the Haming make a toiitfur enveloped in doinl* oF mvnke, UoptwUi) finely depicted with tim|Uoine monaic itirrui-daliotj* and a

Pf. 5t. Vkaaa Ifaaavrrip*. *he> 12. 13 (KiniraLortn^ Nutatira>

Tliin hre-veseel i* aUo lignred in Codex IWbuaiicus Iwt ben the fire- hut lerHv settled on it, and aImi the tyiWtr, by whiek a* 1 hare
rtame i indicated by fire- butterfly {tlejmtynltAt. find n
it >*erj*eit. above pointed not, the gndde** .Xorhufttiizitl ua- iipjorentlv intended
Ill Codes HorhanicQH are fur! Iter exhibited a number of other HVlnlxdiv to be indicated a* one of the TzitthniiHe demon*.

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124 1(1 The Twenty Itolcr* of the Week.

As I have remarked at the aliening of the section. the gndile** a new ruler had to be art up. Tlie week begins with the day ce

XoeKiquetsni i properly the expression of the day *ign -Yocfctlf. toeAtii. **

I. Itabldt," and acc*cding to the Mexican traditions this
But, owing lo the transference of the series of rulers of the ilny wns the birth -year or the birthday of the earth: en urn cafta

signs to the weeks in the )ieculiar way afiected by the calendar [ce acritl] file criado A eieto; y to* animate* en tot p&UrtuU [cr

mukrr% tlint is. hr a general shifting of one mctnlvr. AocAi quetzal y la t terra en wn com* jo [ce foe/d/i] " v the second
hue been brought into assoc at ion with the sign tv ipmuAdi. **
1 - Engle. mterpretar of (VaLrx Telleriano Remensi-. And the Anal** de
Bat in Tellrriano Remeini* at this week the huiid-mark which indi- (^uuuhtithui report
eate* the feast-day proper of the ruler of thr week stands at the .... ipan in ic mntuiUi n yuA ynim/itia hueituetqae
triad i

first day itself the sign re tpuiuhlii. Ami in feet to tne it seems n ipon in ce tocAtti ipa it hhommiu in tlnfli in UkutcnU
mK im|*xfihle that it was this very wish to combine (lie goddess in the fifth (proiwnt) age of the world* * the old jieojde were
XocAignettni with the day or qaauAiU that induced tlie calendar Informed,
maker* to effect the above-detaribed dislocation in the sectiod ludf in 4
1. Rabbit '
n* Earth ami Heaven laid

of the list of ruler*. For inure than one mwwi the day 91m w/\tfi According to tlie narrative in tlie Hi Morin <le lo* Mexirtuns
must really lave seemed to the priestly qiecnlly a|q>rci|iriatc
por Mis Pint urns, in the *am*- year, **
I. Babbit," the firmament alen.
to the gudde* A'oriWyu*f:/, but above all because this day was which hud coUajawd after the Flood, waw again misetl aloft by
one of the fire which fell at the U-ginmug of the thinl or wertern Tttoali ipoca anil QaetpUcouatt* amt tlie earth was again quickened.
quarter of the Tonalauiatl dis]*ed in column* of five memtiem. poeque murid cuando el cielo cayA." According to tike clirooology
Ifence tiipse five day* were collectively regarded as dedicated to of tike Anales de IJuauhtitlan, thU year of live new-born earth was
the earth goddamn, and as the day* on which the ghostly women the year 726 of oar tm, a* may be established by reckoning back
dwelling in the Wwl, the CitutMto. woo]*d down ujhwj earth,
from the known dates of the Mexican rule. And five-and-twenly
sinking the children with epilepsy, beguiling the men to lust and the year nwrtftwffi oi* **
IS. Reed " = 7ol
year* later, in <?</, a.n.,
rin. On th* (find) day, ao tSabaguo tells us, even the young women the Min was lmnle. From tliia i* seen how abort were the historic
came down, and these were tile rooM dangerous. And they cniue, memories and tie* chfotKilogical |MS'iilationa of the Mcxicnn tribes.
according to the interpreter of Telleriano Kemerms in tlie firin of In our iwimiecrli* AiidUecut/i, the Fine <iod. and Xipe, the
englcs. Hence hoys bom n thU day became eagle*, warrior*, with
Flayed, face each other a* symbol and ruler of thia sign, of I tie
all tlie advantages and all the short coming- of this carte but the
i birth-year of the earth. Here the latter i* called ilziapnitotec-, our
girls born on this day became quarroUooi*. duiinel*-**, wicked women. liard, tl>e bn xu l Stone." and the wont ilzInpaJlu which incwn*. the
lint not the first day alone of this week was held to be devoted *lo*a i.e. sloiie-slaU" U elucidated hy the intcr|ireter (7 Wm
to XocknjuetenJ, The seventh also, tlie day cKicoute cipaetli.
de fiioa) a* ete asaento de la tterra. after striking out a previous
7. Crocodile," wns lot iked on tut her fea>t day. Fur. bee idea the expfennt ion of iitUipaUf as 14
|M*b*mal, navnja *angrienta <lel ihlor44h.'
ntimlter wrm. which was sacred to the maue deity, this day also which hr, no doubt rightly. M*em*> thil* to have n gnnle<l a* erroneous.
oontained the sign cipietd, the TotanUnmi Is initial sign, tlie aninkal way
Here tlie Fi God is jrtrayl in tin* usually occurring
of which the earth was made, tike symbol of the fruitful, life-giving above more
in the itumuscripts in question, amt which I liave fully
earth, the sign of thr god Tonncoterntf i and of the goddess Tohh- Crnlex Boigia he
described with the ruler of tlie ninth sign. In
otcitutd, site w!io after oil wns but another embodiment of the ruler Telleriano Renflttb he
holds a ihrowtng-Mick in tils hand. In
of lids Week, the gcald*-** XockiqneXznl. xiaAatintl, thnkwing-
is idao pictured bobliug in one tmnd tie* tike

stick | runted blue, decked with tunjUidee mosaic, and worked at top
to a figure |*ro|iertv ended ioe a snake. In the other hand tie
Ruler of the Twentieth Week rr tovhtli.

tun a staff which at the uiqwr crutrfi-Iike eod sliow* an auimaTM

For the twentieth week the rulers of the day signs no longer hewl. and at the lower, d range to my, a snake** tail-rattles, lastly,

suffice; tbeT (nil short because they catne to an end with the nder in our miuun*rri|4 he lux- the cojail-hag in one huud. and In tlie

of tba foregoing (nineteenth, Week. Hence for this twentieth week oilier two ngnve-lmf spike* with Howcr* (Ido* at) at tlie up|*er end

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10. The Twenty Kwlen nf the We*k. 125

Here A'.if* Totec i* drafted in the typical wav, in the* human determination* are covered hr the coenmentator of Codex Bor Nauru*,
nkici amt tin* face-mask blade of human skin, with the slit far the where on this twentieth sheet he writes tlw* words :*lo* queuquy**
eye. the uiiii-ojMMi mouth (jiuuvi/tadyu*); in Codex Burgia with [supply 4
nacian**J avian de llegar k viejos y *er rice* homhres,"
the tiMNi) ornament affecting the form of the jnpttzonUi in Code* 8o *fa mvs Saliagun at this sign, tluit it wo* universally regarded
Borbutiicu* with the yiriYiMrfri/i of the pulque god* and of the as a lucky sign, that those burn under it were happy and wealthy,
enrth goddessm. But the fine every w here looks out from the alien and had a wi)ierRniry of all kinds of snpftlies, Itecauw tlw-v wen?
throut nf a sacrificial stone knife (tecfjttll) figured as a hone face, greet worker* and groat hou*cker|jrr*, wary and foreseeing, In-aping
which forms his wmolfi, his disguise, his helmet-mask, and in oar up stores for their jwaterity. And when a countryman wa* bom
manuscript alone is somewhat nwkwardly combined with the face under tbi* sign, he w** diligent m cultivating tire land, in sowing
af the god. In one hand the god holds a men fiend stone knife, in all nits of com. in rilling and watering, and had such foil harvest*
the other hi* rattle-stick (c&icrimtztli). In omr tnanuarript alone. of all kind* of vegetables and filled hi* Ikuiue so with till kind* of
litferentlv from all the others, a mcrificial knife is placed in both umixe, and hung tlie strings and buncheo of mRixe-enr* to all the
his hands. rafters of hi* hou-**. Everything lie turned to account, even the
Obviously these Iteo ^o*/s are intended as rnler* of the week tnaixe-Uwves ou the Nmir*->tlk*. and the liuiks of tin* maixe-eart,
ee locKtli, Far the god of tlw* fire which barn* on the I earth Lit ami the stunted earn And with this toiling and this carefutn***
the middle af the house similarly occii]o* the middle of rhe earth, he l>e became rich." 1

dwells in tlw* middle of the house of the earth. He fa; Therefore it is that In Code! Borgia also e see between the
in trtert ihjvih, hi itleu inia in tbtLcicco onoc two gods XiuAiecutli and Xipi Toite at the twentieth week a ivarl
The Mother. tlw* Father of the (rods who dwells in the navel which is painted with the hieroglyphic design of the green jewel

of the earth.** 1 (ofa/eA iuid ). am) out of which come single and i loti hie firing* of

Tiie metvluuit prays to him :

green and Wue gems each Hone let with gold pendant* a vivid
picture of npuleno*.
ni shnrittiti* mocef**p<\rhti* ltutxi<ienticru XnuAyoUnctU This clear and intelligible symbol appears in Codex BorbuiiicU*
Take here thy place, noble Isicd. Thou wlio hides* in the reptaied by a figure which fa seen in the rigid Upper corner of the
navel of the earth, Thoa who art the Istcd of the four
ourre^pouding sliret two manse-ear* coveted by a cloth which is
(quarters),** r drawn and |minted in the manner of live hiengiy]4i cWcAiwif/.
But that .VijM! TntfC is to he regarded a* an earth deity I have -green jewel." But in other respect* Imv t Codex Borhunicu* ami
already pointed ont above. This is indicated in the clearest way hr our nuuiusori]* ]>rr*ent at this week quite different symbol* which
the chiettutizilh tlie mrtle-stick, which the god holds in his hand, have reference partly to fire, bat mostly in a general way to sacrifice

and concerning which we read in the song that in the field of the ami mortification.

god the enrth is ting up with it, ami sown with it (see above, In our manuscript before the fine of the Kins Ciod, and in Codex
p. 100). The Fire <nr| is referred to ns ruler of this week, when Borhonicus before his feet, we have n large sea-snail's shell {twizlli).

the interjuvter of Tellertatn Rcrnensfa states at the find day that to As with CAamiwva, ruler of the eighteenth week, this is |ieiiiiqis to
those born w this day ft f<mg f{ft is assigned. For the Fire Uod he referred to the fire- tlvat is the tire shut up in tlw* house. Tlie

was indeed the Cfoidfeotf, the oM god, To the Fin* <iod too the fin* is further indicated in our manuscript by n hurge fin*-ve*sel

ufemice is when tie* mine interpreter remarks at tlie fifth day of (ttnruitti) in the miihlle above, and in Codex HisrUmicus hr n small
the week that thow* children horn on that ilay an* destined to be fire-pan on the left riile below the Fire Ctorl. Then follows in <ur

merchants and tick people. For the Fin* (iisl was in truth also mnnuM-rijrf a veso-l with offerings (ti/malit), or rW Mi-rificial halls

held to I** the lord of the wenlth hoarded up in tlie house, and was futulefolotli). In Codex Korbonicus several such dishes with sundry
tlie special jmtmn af traders and hv them specially boopured. Both offerings are distributed in the upf*er jwrt of the slieet. lastly, in

our maiim<ripc we fmve below an agav^-leaf spike (uiftffi) with the

Kihayim *i, cap. 17.
9 Kihagut. cap. 3, 1
Sshurnn 4. cap. 38.

126 II. CotrhiiioiL

flower. emblem of blood. at llw upper ft*!. Beside it are the sign of tliis wns done tieraase. ns I have above repeatedly ]tointed wit. the
midnight {jfortulneprtnlltt}. the eye ciivelojed in darkness, nod a toft dog is tlw sign of fire. Bat interesting in connection with
of quetzal leathers all symbol* of the midnight pftmiKM In another incident is the circa instance that, owing to tlw* control

Catlex Borbonicun in like intuiner in to fie uni be sow n large roll of exercised hv five Fine lind in this week, tlie dny **3. Ikig" Ira*

gras* (pt cata pi poll i) in which nre stark three agme-lenf spike*, itself become a sftecinl feast of this gist has acquired it s|vcial

anil above. a put. two more blood-stained agave-leaf spike**, and a relation to hint.
co|al-bag in which ure inserted a bone dagger ami an agave-leaf spike. I have above given n few picture* of the old gotl of I Ac Mnyi
Special figures are in f'salex Borlsxnicu* : a sacrificial Mood ve**et miiuwam/tta, at tin* icune time pointing oat that lie finds his ptmllel.

i*lnhxicnUi, ef. Fig. 42. |i. 103). filled, however, with water; a on tlie oar hand in Tonactliscntl t, l>ml of life and of nteuitnr*%
naml-like instrument with the upjwr eiul carved ns iui animal'* hut also on the other in the Fire tiod. With like thin) of the
head. which rrcnlU the simitar instruments, only slwrjs'iwd p-rimp- figures which 1 there reproduce (nee Fig. 20 above. p. 41^ we find

meant foe Lancet* which are wen on sheet 21 of iVln Borbonieos three hieroglyphs which arcosnp&ny the image of this gist at the
inserted above the two old soothsayers, wizards, phy*|Vinri. (IrouvOCO cnrresjroiding jdaivs of the manuscripts. The first show* the far* of
nnd Oipadanni lastly. quite above a slave eollar [qw nJieotentf, the god with n eoattrnwd picture of (he starry sky on his brow, mid
cf. above Kg. 24, p. 60), which in this (oniMetiolt ran ofllv signify below him an open mouth (tlw earth rliasni r). This is tlw chief
tin* oppOMle of what the representative of this week proniiw-* not hieroglyph of tlw gal. imd is in fact to lie read Jf:o in no, a* the
wealth, laif poverty^ side into bondage. god's name. Tlw second consist* of the sign rdan, ** liird." nml tlw
1 have above pointed out that in this week, when* uf roars** we picture* of two stone knives (faFk amt a*- I lime alnne sliowii

hnve no transference of n mler of a day sign to the week, the got\ (p. 41), should be read oh-lol\ ** Izml of the Stone-knife." or ft-toc.

figure* 1 on this sheet is to be token as the duvet exjuwsioti and *fhe Burner.** lastly, tlw thinl is r<7 or. **
3. l*og. henct* Is tlw
rejareienf alive of the sign of the initial day. and of tlw *|**eially date of tlw dny which we here find indicated ill the Mexican Codex
*temt<t>l wlros. Nevertheless we find that in Tellrrituio Hrmrnsi* Telle rinno Benwnsis as the frost of tlw Fire CioiL The hieroglyph
the limn l-mtrk )
stinting nt the iiay or the days to be recorded as the occurs rather frequent ly as no associated hieroglyph with Ihttmuo,
featl day* jumper of the niier of the week, is directed not* and nlsu with a few other related figure*. That this exposition gives

the initin] dov of the week (as we slniuld export), hut towanis the* real meariing of till* hwrngly|h is tlwrefore no longer Ojwll to
another, in fact the thinl day. yn ifzcuiuiti. *"3. Dog.** !*rv*unuihlv reasramide doubt.

II. Conclusion.

I liave brought t h cluae this study of llw Auhin manucript. Conijtnred with t!*i?e of the Me.xinin iiiaitHM-ripts pco|rT. the representa-
Ttie deities whirh are figured OB the eightei-n sheets of this man n*m| 4. tions in tlw mntinKiri]its of tlw (.Valex Borgia group War t lie *amp
itnd should hnve figured oil the two inlying sheets, we lime found of an original chararler. hath as reganls tlw figures thenwelveK, ami
occurring with their symbols in similar or alwnhitely relirted forms eapcviallv tlw symbols with whirh they are eqiiijqwd. Nay. more!
in n number of various other manuscript* radr some of which twlong We find that the whole of this system, which distributed the rule
to the strictly Mexican domain. Others the Ctslex Borgia group over tlw 20 weeks of the aimuigst as many deities. iMwrly

come from n district which, a* I have etuleavoured to show in n CtancfidfW with a single remarkable except Uni with a scccmd -eriew

previous work, eiuin.t have lieeii so very distant from the ceiitn* of of deities wlo cotres|Mitwl to the twenty liar sign*. Wo further
llw old Zajsitec territories, since f hianuscript* Iwtray ill tlwir fiuuid tliat rids wrond wries bus to lw regauhnl ns tlw wiocr onqinuK
style a dor aAiniry to the wall (laiiiting* of tlw ]aibice* at Mil In. J
since ill It atone u it |*sihle to show it thurougli ivihfuitnilV or

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11- C<mclu(*om- 127

rtdatjondiip in the conceptions which are awulcimed by the *ign, iuuI xtand in *om* relation with the rulers of the thirteen Katun* figured
find their expression in the deity. And this second aerie* hn> in Cede* Perez Series of fuvrniy . bit in* occur in two place* in
hitherto been met only in the mjur.iwri|T. of the Code* Horgia the Maya mumix-ript*. They an* first those of the upfa-r section of
group, being completely alnent from tlie Mexican manuscript* proper, i
sheets 4 10, and further those on the left halve* of dicet* 46 30
While, therrforr. it htibu to rwnlt from the two here *i*vifieii of the Dtv*lcn miuui^ fipt In the fir*1 place the dvitie* are |jortrayed
circumstance* that tlie Inane of the t.'odcx Horgia group ranrt luive in fall figure arid with chief and acoomiainying hieroglvpli*. It i* a
*1ond somewhat near the land where originated this whole jxootm of classical series which emhnice* nearly all the deities and mythical
co-ordination of sign* and deities it might ho furl her shown fman beings occurring in tbe mamiH'rijtt*. In the second place are exhiluted
sundry oWnatexi* (see above, p. 73) that this Uml of origin itself the Avmsy.V ahem of the twenty deities. A number of the members
is not to be fought in legion* of alien *|*eeeli, hut must hate been of this series hurinouiw with those of the first mefo. Hut with them
a tend inbibtod (y AfariVvi *#, also occur new farm*, which njipur to Is* somewhat frequently met
From this print of view *]*rial interest attache* to a second only in the astronomic Hection |fq*cr of the iuanu*cri]>t Thu seeoml
question whether tlii series of deities may not la* idao traced to series is hrought into relation with the corTe*|Hjf)dLng plme* for the
other pictorial donunoute belonging to other people*, and eqieeially section* of the Venn* |s*rtod. Hut even the otler, the tint *rie* of
whetlwr they may not be found in the Muva mamo*rri|4*. For, deities iu the ihesden matiUKrijrf. is not to be com|*tvd with the
were such the ca*e. we deathl have acquired a definite xtand|rint Mexican series dealt with in tbl- essay. 1 do not think that for

for the trine ioti of the problem concerning the view to lx* talien a* their elueidatiufi any other |*rlncijdef ha>e been determinative. But
to the ]yhv*p of kniminn whether it wa* by tie* Maya* from the another |mmu 1 of departure mud apparently have been taken; aud
Mexican*. or by the Mexican- from the Maya* while a fresh jrint )rie*t* who compiled that none* ad;i|*ed tlio conceptions connected with
of de|nrture would In* secured fur the further inquiry into the tin* day signs to tin* |rwc<imgH of a different mvtliohigy. The most
ultimate origiu of the wliole adeudric *y4eia. Of great mijeutanre striking difference lies in the fact that iu the Maya senes female deities

i* a eerie* of Mirfren JeitUu occurring on the Maya monument*, which are entirely absent. Nevertheless in various places certain analogies
forming, a they dm u oicrat srriei, ervo to determine the numeral* are clearly seen; ami in my o|unkin it will be poeeihb* to show a
1 13 in the Initial Series** of the ra^uameu1^ , ami |>erbap* alw> fundamental agreement between this Maya series ami the Mexican
aeries diacuietd iu these pages. But thU is not the place to enter
So* my nituiuiinimiinuK - tlm M. tuoiouu of Lopau ncd (^aingua " in
into such an inquiry. I hope in u future work to be able hilly to
Xt-:uchrift fur Uucikigi *xxl. 1 1 *:*;(, pp. i wnd xnii. II1MHJI, pp
OS*)-(n). deal once for all with this question.

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Explanatory Tables.

In order more easily to find tin* figure* and symbols <l*e rilied I In his hand : eJitxlchiuh-uilttli^ ** the jewelled agavf*-Ief spike
in the pre*ent essay, I kune jtrejmred explanatory table* fur tlie (the precious tbonu* of mart ifient urn),
sheet* of our manuscript. and on tbe*e tnite< will be found nil the Aommjsinyijig Person Ashe* on the Face," M Ashes
hfiextii, in the
figures of the short* with their nnroes. In the small square ram- Eye.
parftnrnt* containing the day signs, the nine iuuI the thirteen lords CMtewu, singer, ]4ayer. miuirinn.
I have ;>lo<rd immediately beside the Mexican names their meaning oytnutUi, breast ornament,
or elucidation. In the large comportment*. where are exhibited veuetl, wooden kcttledniro,
the ruler* of the week nmi the assaulted symbol*, I hare had to ayactichUi, gourd rattle.

re | induce the figures* in outline, in order to make it clear what

figure or what emblem is meant hy the rarre*|*inding Mexican words
Here, to prevent the design from lw*iig too overladen, I have naturally ffllMt 5.

only been aide to iiwcribe the Mexican title*, lienee for each Chief Person : ChaiohluhtU /cur. Water Goddam ; ft tl, Water.
*hce< I give below a special juxtaposition of tbeee name* with tbeir Head-dress : ttmactilU, crown cut from jsqior.
Acramjatnyuig Pemcui : Tiocoiteotl, Goddess of IHrt, Karth Goddess.
Shwt . aUtcovtu, all is swept away hy water, all flows;
" tlie Voice from the tpunni/fuiztli> death ill war,
Chief Person : Tepeyoflot/t, Interior of the
inutyati, poverty, how of subtfaiM*,
tit* tut mutiJhUi, sale into slavery.
Facing him : Uociiili, sra-snail shell,
two agav*leiif spike*.
lUnttUi. fire vpwpI,
Qflu uilztli,
petiftcaUi, coffer plaited with reeds.
A tun |
euiving Person :
Qwt/atcouatJ, Wind tiod.

On hie breast: tcn-ilmyits-Gnftill, the spirally twisted omament

of tire Wind find.
In hi* bund: enitlail. excrement, sign of sin. Sliwt (i.

Symbol: nU-ilnchtMollk e] s* r-lli rowing (water) and conHagra*

Chief Person : Tezcati/poca, on the ondoicpalli, the jaguar-skin sent.
t ion," symbolic indication of war.
Oil his liaek : qurizalcomitl^ quetzal-feather bosket
Its content* : pmsniii, the banner.
Shirt I.
Oil his breast tf**ntitOt-tMuuatl, tlx*
: golden ring (sliced from
Chief Person: Ueuecoyotf, the old Coyote," Ifeitoe ciud. white inn* >-]>. he II).
Nasal anuunenl : jfnoartvilA the tmquoise-raliHired nitoal onio- In his hand : ctuilchiuJiuitztJi espa, the Mood-stained agave-leaf
ment." spikes (the jwecioiia thorns of mortification).
On his breast : enact' IrtctUz-cmoiitf, the spirally twisted ornament On hi* feet : Uscacll i. the sandals painted with the image of the
of the Wind (JocL Ohddian snake.

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130 Explanatory Table*.

Aooompiuiyiug Peroon : TonaV'ah, Sun (iod. Sheet 9.

UtciitUt sea-snail shell,
tlecuilli. lire* basin,
Chief Fanon : Xiuhteculli, the Fire (rod, seated on the oceUiuzpnUL

youalntpajitla. *dgn af midnight, tbe jaguar "kin.

ozlaif, rave. Bound bin brow : c&aMiiuUtrtHU, the jewelled frontal band.
On bU liead : tbe ]iaper crown worked
ffttcAdofott w4C<t//i, in
iniwaic with voting* feat hern.

Sheet (hi his hick: xiuJuMunviiutUi, tbe turquoise toittke a* lii* disguise.
In hi* hand ; rinkUttoU, tlw eirtingo.
Chief Peronn :ThtfCC, Rain God. IV -low him : jitihntizoUi, the triangular frontal jdafe of the
On bis hood : mUiiamtli, the crown <f heron-foatlier". nival Mexican crown.
On lib neck : ffoftMW&jwilltjfotf, tbe neck-bow,
Accompanying Person : Tlauizcafpan tecutfi, the Lord of the Hoot*
tJu hb breast : toortf&mjmr//i, the gold dink.
of Lh&wiliug, tlie iMty of the Morning Star,
In hi* band : couatvpillL (1m* snake rod, and
seated on the tetHcyaili, tbe throne of tlie
cupnLritfu tjnll i, tbt* incense I wig.
(rod*. distinguished by the black face-mask
Accompanying Person: Chicomts oouatl, 7. Snake,* tbt* Miiixe Uoddc**. (Uayoualli).
On bet bond the large squarr crown (nuuvi//) with the rosette*
tin hi* breast: leoc uitla-x net nail, tlie gold ring cut from white
(nieyof/i) at the four earner*.
Clothed with the axoehiauifnlti, the woman's smock. ami the
In his t-nmn : ttU-flackinUli^ water fsjwar-t browing) and confla-
usttch UtetieHf, the hip-dot h (etiagua) in the
gration. tlw symbolic indication* of war.
ealour of the red spring flower.
Facing him: yatxuiuifly tlie blue nasal ornament of the mummy-
In her hand: cimmoti/l, the two maize- ears.
Acvom{un yirig Symbols : lleeutUt, tin* vnwel, fWAtWfx, the hieroglyph of conflagration (field
tiemaitf, incense |sm>xi. firing),
y*i i/ji niiif/i, '
3. Dog," the day dedicated xvlocozcutl, the blue ilog, breart ornament of the
to the Fir** God. mummr-pide,
UatedtUi aptwr, ,

matin rot caff i, net |uuch.

Sheet 8.

Chief Renton: Mayauef, (ioddr** of tlw* Agave Plant. Sheet 10.

Behind lirr: met/, I be agave pliuit.
Cliief Person: Mictlantecutfi, the lkatli God, Koler of tbe Nrtlier
Round her neek : ci ncuzc*ift. tbe muizc-car necklace.
In ber blind : ctrfntl.ri^uifjiUi, jcukrt for incense.
(hi hk* bead : caexoocktcthintaUi^ tlie neck-shield,
Aecomptuying IVnull : Ciffteoti, I be Maize liod.
ixtftuttcehiuutUi, front id shield,
On Ida hack: yoltofopUli, the staff with the heart.
iiiit.tjiifii- ilowny feulher staff, amt
Ill hi bund: yttdstitptttuiti, (lie quetzal-feather flag.
cttrfitftH, the antra's ml tail-leather.
Acconipuiying Symbols (above): sign of night.
yi tie*
On hi* hmd : ananatl, tbe white ring.
It* content* piattecnntaJtf, the large pulque jug twuml round
In hi* hand: to/juLriquipUli, the incense }.*ueb.
with tbe
Below him : tleuuiitl, inuense-ejsion.
a^tmecail. the hr-roo-fent her roja*.
Inserted in it: j/eort/i. the xiu king-reed, Accompany) ing Person: Tonatiuh, tlw San (iud.
IMiea : in HimeHtsitzin tocut tu tfnmntzittin llututna. tlw* Oti Id* head: tinafojMcJujitzontU. the crown of feuther* of tbe
pulque-drinking old men and women. rod *{KHinbill.
Between them: flatus ttcaritf. the drinking dirti- lhh*w hint: (owitiuk, tbe image of the sun.

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Exploratory TxUcs 131

In tli* centre: youalntpanlln, the sign of midnight, of the arnith, On her bead: icJicaxocftiil, the bandage of un-pun cotton.
'u up = * itttD /limbing up, royiit/rttuilli. the feather ornament of rtriji* of
lid nii down = a man tu in tiling Into a mummy-pack, paitn4ea
wutcnlltujuimilolli* a corpse wrapt to it* cerements, In her nose: yur.amrlslli. the half-mnun-*hnjird IIiMixtee uawti
tin! round with cord* ornament.
On her hrenxt : tmen i tfa-COmaU 1, the golden disk.
Faring her: uaetti, tlu* small wriokeN^agie, with
Sheet 11 .
(ocul/ipKYi, the smoking mirror at its temple.
the forked heron* feat her ornament on its

Ctiff IVnon : Patecotl, the Lord of Spice*, the Pulque God. head,

On bis brad : catfotettoiwatf, the Wind God's anua-fruthrr qnaakzicitUi, sacrificial Mood vessel.

ornament. Wind God, with

In bU now* yuctttucutlu t It handle-shaped H naitec muni cAictMieoUi, Ids throwing- stick curved not ml at one

ornament. end, and

hr Iww made of copalxiipiijAUi the incense ppucti.

On his breH-t : ehaynunc v/zc*tt(, t necklace
In hia hand: ckiaouc&Ui, the Wind God's thxowiiqp*tiek carved SltPPt 11 .

(involuted) on one aide,

Chief Person: Xipe Totec Uur Lml, the Flawed,** the Earth tied.
uttziti, agate-leaf sjdkc.
seated un the tenpoiep/tlti, the chair made
Fat ing him tjuauhtli-ocefotf, Eagte and Jaguar," i*. warriors
of n|oti leaves.
tfnpoynua, tbi* gloaming, the jauiing of day and
Clothed in tUwteuaU itnayo wiequi. the human skin, the skin
night, of the victim.
oetooomtUli the pnlqne jug. Oti his bead: tlittJa{t*rcf(otizoHt!i. t lie crown made of the ml
sjjuotthiil's fet hern.

On his breast : etutcaz&tll, the decoration of human skin.

Sheet 12 . Kwitid his girdle: IztifiocHeiiL the female smock of input c leaves.
Id his hand: nuuiptrniftf, the pajwr hornier, mid
Lftirf Person : ttzt/acofiuhquj ,
-the Knit Oltsidiun Knife." God of
UauAteuilneachiuhiftti Iiitnud/i, the shield fur-

Punishment. nished with red rings.
On his head the hood of like name, Facing him :
qutzalcouaiJ, the feather-eiiak*.
cuaroool tecMwnUiy neck-shield. riVi/
uscjlk*iitoim/;r f i, the tending of the head, the
On his breast: taut /?/, the white ring. 'Jtlall WK-TtlUe,
In hi baud: UzloyoUi, the stone hatchet, chicmutzili, the rattle-stick.
eoptdsriquijaM, tlie incense pouch. Behind him: et iizcuintli, the day u 1- Pog."
Below hint : UetMaitL i accuse- sjmow. Facing him: wtui vfitt, the day 4. Killing Motion,"
Facing him : mill ,
arrow. fj/ei] yiifUiA/ti. the day 3. Eagle."
VnWrpirAiWir t' MtotHflO, stoning of the
Sheet 15 .

Chief Person : Itipopaiotl, the Olmidtan Butterfly," tlw Earth

Sheet IS. Goddess of the lUchintec*.
On her neck: the butterfly us her disguise.
Chief IVt*oii : Tlacofteotl, Godde** of Itfrt, the Earth Ooddew. Facing her: Tamoaj)Chan, tlw House of ltaceut, the West, the
Prais'd in llacneualt iruajio fllieguf, the human shin, the skin land of tlie fun-fathers, the forsaken cradJe-
of the victim. laniL the Paradise lost.

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132 KxfWnMory T*bls

Further: ijvjnimiUi, the imo with I atmdagei I eye*, Oil her hreuet ; t^H-nUla-nnnaili. the golden di*k.
Facing her; nrocauani, Uie fasting man. in tlie ouzltc~ (Yocuifut~
makirail. spindle, colt i , in the golden house.
lla/futckoitmuil i-ztU, head-rending. ijiiail wcrifiee. In Iwr band: tecfxUl. the (tiaadian knife.
UuUopaztli, loom-knife-, a wooden knife for fastening In tbe centre : tlrcuiUi, firc-veMcl,
(be woof and weft, ftimtapayoiU, gm** hall*.

fww tmw, de-cending bead foremost, In them: cAnUkimhuitztU arpo, (lie blood-stained agme-leaf spike*
(lemnitl, incense ladle. (tbe precious thorns of mortification).

Sheet 10. Sheet 19.

Chief Penon : Xoht!, (rod of Twin* anil Abortions.
Chief Person : Xochiquttzal, Goddess of Flower#, of Lust, of Sport
Adorned with (be IsieMmA^ui nucochtii, the ( bom v curved ear-
and tbe Craft*, seated on the twitpfiUi, tbe
throne of the glldK.
(ta-itoal HWl tart, the *]ti rally l willed ilerurnt iim of the
Below her: pdiafoloowUl, the yellow scolopetHira.
Wind God.
Facing ber: tlecuilii, brarier.
Before hiii mouth : teey/itt, I he Olvi.Jmti sacrificial knife.
Above : (hicAfft, ball-court, with
Faring him: Tlatchitonatiuh, the *un entering tlie jaws of earth.
tiachienutJhmttl, atone Hug, and
wikmItii sUve-coUar,
oilomaloni, rtibber-ball.
IM lit, cnjteiimm|MMl,
crmnnannit, the complete ring, the world eneont-
|ANod by water.
Sheet 20.

Chief Person : Xiuhtnutfi, the Fire God, on tlte vcrli/icpaUi, the

Sheet 17.
jagunr-skin neat.
Chief Perwvn : Chc/ohtuh to Milt, the Jewel-hind. the Tnrke^eock. Clothed with chttleh i xdiietWli, jewelled fillet,

With the tez&illipooa. the smoking mirror at kite temple. icinktotootmtcaUi, jje*r crown worked in mosaic
(be azfttjstUi, the forked Iwron-frather ornament in his linir. with outing* feat hem,
Faring him : newocfisfayux/iiff*. to gash the ear. ieocuitUianmuUl, the gnhl ring sliced from muswrl-
cuitUdt, excrement, filth, sin, sbell,
eztlx, hhxxh tescacuittnjntli, the bark-mirror made of turquoise
ckolchinkuitzifi rz^a, bloodstained agave-leaf spike* mosaic.
(the precious thorn* of mortification!, In hi# hand : cJotleh iwA uitztli {<>, the btoud-daiiwd agave-leaf
jftiNri! HrjAi ii tfii, midnight. spika*,
eofjftfjtijjutpiHi, iwcetwe touch.

8heel 18. Before him: hvciilti, MMniiil shell,

tfecvUli. fire-v exeel,
Chief IVraon: Chantko, **She in the House." or the sign of midnight.
Qoaxohtl, tbe miuiy-hcaded. tlie Fire (i.*hfo.. Faring him : itztapal TotBC, Our fond, the broad slime, the
On her head: tKbtstili, the forked hemm- feather ornament, Kart It (bid.
water (*|jear-t browing) and cotifla- ,
Clothed with hi* lz**j*jcueitt, the womans Minsk of 2|*j4c leaves.
gmtion, the symbolic indication* of war, In hu hand: tecfmil. the Mb* id ion sacrificial knife.

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i.t.te uitutiili*
0) (IX)
Whit* 11 maming- bird
Xiukteeullt Tfolne ee wioitf
77*1 Win Wj
tit Roill (rod owe iJcor

Uod of th* Morning


<*> 0)
ytriad iul InJin
* i r*an Humming-bird rt'tl/~ntU XtoAleeutlt on* t'x-hth
Java of Earth Fire Uod two Rabbit
IrttilUm (?)

HftwJirtti (*) <n>

CholeMwbtli in* Itstfi yrinH
X<*KpiUi Wt Godileea Htooe-knife Uod three Water
tb* young KlnwfT

|Wm (4) (III)

TorouittA r<iwufMiA- u'iu itxumiU
JCtf" Toler Bun (rod four IVue
8*211 (rod
our the
Quetzal couatl Tepeyollotli IximI.

rwA*r tfWtiolUAotl oto nrr>Jvtl ilitfuanktit

<knpM tii
guarnmayn trcoloti ptjmtltAi Serwh-owl
Carrot guUa) Uni Turkey-euck Stn|Md Eagle (!) Eagle
Horn-owl, Engle-uwl Ruttiftty
Xudkiquttyd XixkipMi
the young Flower TnntUipoot
UxUk Mot Xinktmttli fJntuuttli
iWntfj (?)
Elower ( Joddeu. '<rrai| (ir Rain Uod Haiti rod Warrior Uod
Uod (
Su-rilR***! Warrior

(13) OS) (U) (

10 ) 1 ) (?) (> (a)

Jlnmntenttli Tl'ivunUfam- J/triin nirrttli t Vr(yj/wwr/ Waive Xochipiiii-Cintenti Tto-yto-viipH TUnJiruti

the old UiklilrM of
teeutii TntnUtfooi
Duath Uod Wind (Jod Haiti Uod the Sun in Bird-form Warrior*' Iioalh Earth ( lMklnM
tie Starry Sky i iml of the Evening

(III) (IV) (I) (IX) (VIII) (VII) (VI) (V) (IV)

Cinleoit XiuktemUi Tint'# T'rtrJUAU C%tlckiultli MW 1/ irllaiUrmtii Cintroti
Main (kd*l*ua Eire Qa| Hain Uoil the-Heart of tho Earth Uoddma Wat or UmMfw lfeath Uod Maum ( iolihia
Sun Uod (wT**Og If* III) il.tfi Mountain*
Hi- orktiifu Uid]

vatlnrlii r nottiurlii are

nattaetii omti tualiitetJi
terpati oim dttmmtKt ymiuAl/i ekimti aerioti diwiiir <uotl fArytoirra tu<i/ra<i//< mnniiJli v^juuttii
twelve < >lidtau eleven Rolling nine Eagle eight Jaguar even Reed tux Uewmi llt Ape
thirteen Haiti ten Vulture
Knife Motion

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itinr uitvitilin (l) (VIII)
Whit* Hummingbird
XitthtmUli T'prrMMi rr aoitl
nniW/nii' God the Heart of the one Rend
trrutii Mountain**
God of tha Morning

<*) (IX)
Green Humming-hird TlaittcHtU Thhc tmt ocrlutl
Jaws of Earth Rain God two Jaguar
frtititom (f|

MmfiWfi w (I)

CMckivhtli in* XinhUcufii ye* 'ftutvAt/i
Xvck*t*Ui Water Gcddee Fire U*d three Eagle
the young Flower

hiuhtli fuiim (0 (II)

> cue TomIiuA ama ANongmnsUft
AiJW Tatee Sim God Stone- knife God four Vulture
cmr Lord, the
tlanamicliliztli yaomiquiztli Flayed

*fr> dtfMifi
merolotl ityjvamMi ynuuAr/i
guarani ay it Mod Turkey-cock 8tri|*ed Eagle (f)
Carrot Quetzal bard Butterfly 8co|m-owI
Horn -owl, Eagle-owl
XnrKi/mtti TJn/'x- Thltx Yttod
XoeAifutisal Cinitotl V'imuxUi
Tne*tIfio\\ XimkteeuHi ( 1)
Maine <J odder*
the Mninf Flower lloan God Rain God Warrior God
Flower Guides* God SucriUctd Warrior

(H> ( 10) (0> (H) ( 7) (> <*>

(1 ) (II)

llama (ecmfli TToWnoi/frtu- MHtlantffMtli Qvrtitxlnmad llalnt Xodufntii-Ciniwti IVp-jaKHMfW* TtapJlnift

trcutJ* Tnmdi/tntu
tic ok) ( loddre* of I > wth God Win-: I God Haiti God the Sun in Bird form Warrior* Death Earth God dm*
the Starr) Sky God of th-Eteoing

(ID (D (IX) (VIII) (VII) (VI) (V) (IV) an>

ftuli XinkttenHi T1*d>jc

the Heart of the
TlarJlfotl CMrhiulkilt icne Micifantfcutii OhM Tima/ruA-
Stone-knife God Fire God Rnin God Earth Goddesa Water Uoddw* Death God Maize 4 odik
Mountain* Sun God

mu ihutU ontome uct nyUinrt/i

Mf-ji/ieri/i oairi
mill rcenti
dirNTNi o/jwctfi rlMWI juchtll eArromr yvniru itl ckiywrwm frr/tatl mmnmtl* olin
nine Crocodile right Flower aevon Bain rix Hint fire Bolling Motion
thirteen Snake twelve 1,1 sud eleven Huo*

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Digitized by Google
(0 (III)
XtmKtecudi 7Wi/nA-
77miiira/fM- IUt:ii%lrrKlt\
teatfi IVe God
Hun God
Oml of til* Morning

yaWW- uitntTiiin
77<t/ta*uf/i CillW
Jaw* of Earth Mail* Ocdden*
Jriiiltrm (f)

orwifir/fi (3) (V)

ChalchimMi btnr J|/irf/<vn/fcrt/i
XoehipMi Water Oodd** Itaath Ood
tin; young Mower

fUi* 01)
7nw|ii'd CKaJcKiuhth *

ar./w rota- Hun Ood Water O.mI.U

our 1-ord, the

cocAo y aw Wfatal/

guaeainaya traJoit
wrJotl it^vurnktU
Parrot t^uHxal-hird Serteeh owl
Turkey-cock Striped Eagle (fl
Horn owl, Eagle-owl Butterfly Hcvpwowl
Ciniwtf XottlMfilt
TMoe Tiahe
Flower OmliU** Mam. Ooddma young Mower rrmtfi/iWM AVnAtarwl/i (t) flrmtit/i
Ood Rain Ood Rain Ood SarriHrml Warrior

<W) (IS) (H> (10> (9) (*> (7> ()

J/aiwtlKUiU 77a in .mW/'t*

JfuU,mUrmiIi QuttmJnmiilt 7Yu/.vr Xtdupilli-Cintnxt TVo -jfOc-myta
the oid < Jr.klr** of 7Vtmtfi/ni
iW Starry Sky LWath Ood Wind God llain Ood Bun in Bird-form Warrior* iJmtb
Oml of the Evening tlio


O'D (V) (IV) (III) (II) (1) (IX) (VIII)

CKitJrhiuKllt i>w Cmtaurf

ludi tAJeruUi TWor r<7>rna//-.*l/i

Water Goddew* lteath Oml Mhub Oodilw Stone kuif* Oml Kira Ood I lain Ood the Heart of tlm
Hun God Mountain*

mritiactli own maifrteiJi rwowr

m.Tf/ art/*
trr/mttJ ufm nutrf.+rtJi jwntJktJi tAiruouvi tjcrVM chicuri amti
rtjtayaaruAl/i chiccane malinnlli Chv/wern OfMw4i lit
twelve Rolling tan Eagle
thirteen Mint eleven Vulture nine Jaguar eight Heed even Beaom rix A|

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<V 11 >
irloc uitntriUm

White Humming bird

Xinhlrrwfti 77<i'rJ4rvtf

Fue God Earth Gold cm

(Id of tkk Morning

<*) (VIII)
i/wrl^d iLit:Uin
l.nvn Hmiuning hinl TUilt/tutli Tti+yJltdli
Jaw* of Fkrth tli Heart oi the
J stiilbtm (f)

utrwJititi <3) (IX)

Cfu*lrk>*kth true 7Wor
XoehifmiJ* Water GoWom Main G<*l
the }xmng Flower

pifnt (4) (I)

T'#*ttiuk .V. nKlrrttHi
-Vift TtiOt Nsn GimI Fue I kmI
our Unit tin-

cocko hr nJu(l iiy/wiuktti
jfuimuuiju troJ/jS //I/off
1*01701 Vartx*) bird TuHkey-wk Stri|*fil Eagle <f) Screech-owl
Horn-Owl, Eagle-owl Ikatunty SrO]i*-<iul
Xothiqutiud Ciniroti 7iWw i'dtutmt/i
tbo voting Flower Trmtlif*** .YiuAr?n/fi <!)
Rower Godiftews Maize <icJdcu lum <;<m! lUin God
God Sfli-riftr*l Wamor

<la> (W 01) <K'> (H) 0

JtnmetHmtti n '?Mrr>r//*rn-

Afi<tiu*tcrutK (/iWnt/omuif 77W*r . V Clrhtptl1 1 Lt n/nrf T*' rrio-Mn/wi

th* u|i| Goddf**! of Ood Wind Rain ( lol Wamon'
Ifcnth (Jod Sun Form
the Starry Sky Qd of tin: K vailing
thu in llird |fc*lh


<o <ix> <VII1> (VII) (VI) (V) (IV) (III)

TrfiryrJItitli '/'w irinA-

XiuAtrcut/i TUii'x Tfa'iJUvit iewe JHetUmttmMi Ci*t**M
Kwv (id Rain God lireHeart of the Ruth i iodiirm Water (Joldo lioitli ( Id Maize (iodile** /V/Iri ntmrtli
Mountain* Sun lid

nwt/<ict{i Mild' wMil/itrffi nwior UMi/Ai(Hi

nwrAiWii v <ttl
'Air wivi III rti*i|N^f cAirwn" nuyw:tfi rAiyftv*n rmrl./miiin
eleven Water nine lieer eight lluath Soak- IX lizard
thirteen A]* twelve Dug ten Rrtliliit

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iit't* uitiitlitim (0 (ID

White Humming-bird
JtdUmtfi JUtii
Fire Cod Stum* -knife C-d
Cod of the Morning

(*> (III)
TfUf till/ vifii in

Crum 7Y.littuili

Jaw* rd fit nli
IxiUlUm (|)
Sun Cod


KtlJMf/i <*) (IV)

Ch-tUMmhtii in*
JTotkirUli Water < Joddma Maim (i'diliM
the >-ounz Flower

|vli (> in
Mayauel tjuai)
t i ukfmdt i

Xif" Tutft Sun Cod

Fir* (W
[wiuIik l<e (V)
(Mir Lord, the .UlrfLrmJcrnlU
in ueuontzitzin iuan in ilamatzitzin tlauana. Flayed H'alhiUt)

ruolu yurtiJlofot/ itsyiiuAf/
ituocaiiiayn tmjrj/ Sereeoh owl
Parrot 4^nUal laid Turkey-rock Striped Ka*le<1i
Horn on 1, EagM>u! Butterfly S>MI|*-<f1vl

Xfhu/nftuU VimUrAl flnfoc Tlul'jr
TWMlftyMM XiuAf'tufU <T) U'lmtnth
the young Flower
Flower < Joddam Mhu. i;.nI.u-, llain Cod Haiti Cod Wnmo
Cud Si.-riitenl

<ia> (I*) 'll) (10) <) (*> (?)

/huuitttfntlt Thtuixnl it li- VuiUmOrutii ynrtvtlcrmttf TJo/nf IVyut-nifiM

of w
ter tfi
flu old < Joddt**- IUlthtUl Wind Cod Hnin Cod the Sun in Bird-form Wlman' Iteatli
the Starry Sky < rod of the Kvcning

<v) (TV) (HI) <U> (I) <IX> (vnr> (VII)

Jifirfl.fMtrrHlh rimtffAt TfmnUmK- Jr.tU .VrnA/rncf/i Tlib< T'ptyoU>>tfi

heath Cod Maun (imklre Stone- knife Coil Fire Coil Hnin < Sol the Hmr. of the forth Coddoaa
Hun Cod >J.MIlUlll

wit{-rrili tium uj tf/.tritt onr

mnibtftli tij*utlt Au-wmiut rueAtti eAiVo'i yui'.iMt'r/ cJkirrjm* t*ff.ttl lifywurN i im
ruritfuUm oidU ertritl
ten Crocodile nine Flower eight lUin vt-*i Flint tit llolling Motim
thirteen I.inl twelve Hoove devnn Wind

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Digitized by Google
:fw uilutilim (* (VI >
White Huinntia/ Kurd
TWforul/i ChtlieltullJl ir-ur

Ti'ttiZMxlj*\ntccullt Jaws of Earth Water (JoiUi**

fkd of the Morning [wrong tac(l)
Star .Vt Wk /4 Mrr <K>I;

(I) (VII >

|Nrinf*M (xituii m
(rrtcn lluimuiiijr lird
Xi mitre* tfi
Eiro ( Jod
Earth ( iuiilrv
Istiill'm (t) for (I)
ir of Kirth]

nmu'/id/i <*) (VIII)

CMrhimAtli true Trjmyotfotii
XnrAifnUi Water (Sddtw the Hrnrt of the
the young Klcnrer

rJin (4 ) (IX)
X*i* JUtr fStin (Jod Kain (2ml
Tlauizcalpan-tecutli our 1M the

tlAho qmrtutlhitutl VCWotrff efuyMHth

I^UKiuunja treuluti
Carrot (^tKtxal hint fnpul/M Stwh-wrl
TiiHMy-cock Htrijml Eagle (I)
Hni-oh EagW-owl KutUrUy Sco|*ol
Xuchitf UttUil Ciutntl Xielif*Ui
Ttnlt* TWnr
Khmer (loUtM the young Kkwrr Tnmtti/mm Ximktfrut/i (f) ( Wief/i
Main* (todde** Kain (Jod Kain (1ml
(rod Hnrrifiivd Warrior

(i:) 0 > 00 00 ) <) () (7 ) ()

IltimtitfCHtii Tlamic*\ltnxm-
Mrtthimteeutli (/tefw/ftHMf/ 77.^r Xf/rJu/Aill i Cl nlnri TVofllHW^W
the ohi (roddf** of Tsirnilif*,
Uod Eveuiug I loath do! Wind (2ml I tain (rod the Hun iii Bird-form Warrior* 1 truth
of the

(IX) (VIII) (VII) (VI) (V) (IV) (HI) (ID

TJrUoe TVjwyiJt'Ait 77*inJte*iti CMrtumkrt* xrmr XJirtfttnlfrmilt Ttmntimk

Cini*oti Iht/i
the Heart of the rUtumtecutl,
Wain (1(4 Earth (Joddtt** Water (JmlilfM. I hath God M*itt < khh'<* Stone-knife (2ml
Mem n tain* Sim Oml

HMf/iKf/l oiuo
urttlnelU tmHtluetii of* mntiiirilt
n( it eUinmaui ati rAirWi wu/iW/i ekittm* ojTjmatfi rltywum it.em ufti
ijr tlh/h OCtt'ttf
thirteen Bolling
twelve Vulture eleven Eagle ton Jaguar
nine Water light Hwm *mn A|wj nix ling
Mot inti

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Digitized by Googl
cuecalln ir*w mtululin (*> in
Jaw of KarUi
wrong 1"T (1)
Fire God
God of ili* Morning Ximifrrmtti
Star Kira iiodj

(1) <10
V win t:dim
Urn Humming-hird lit Hi
lire God
wrong fur (X)
Hlrwkniff liod
fritiitrm |f)
Jaw* t Bank]

nmn firth n> (VII)

CkntrJkiuhilt irur TtnpAtmU
Xoduptdi Wator Ucddeaa Kaith Undilem
Tonatiuh tW young ] lower
|wrong (nr (III)

?otin > <rv)

TtmaU <Jt O lUorf/
Xipt Tvitr Ham Und Mai? Gtddeu
tonatiuh our Ixinl. the

fwtmlUA'iXi urxu/uf/ rlifiutlA
l^mt4 Him camajr a lervtuli jMfintutl Sereeclnvwl
(Jwttrat-tnrd Turkey-eotk SOi|>ud Eagle (?)
Moan ot, Eagle-owl fluuerriy en|-nwl
X'jrhif/Wtvii Xrki]*Ui
CimUr/ti JWnr Ttalae
FWrr Guide** tkv >'llg ttoi*r TnmfJi/Mtnt XihAttrutii (!) Cnmimtii
Vaiiv Guide** Haia Uod Item (tod
God Sac n fee o I SVorrxtr

( 13 ) (It) <ll> ( 10) <*> (*>

(*> (<*>

MirUnnUrutii l/mrtsntcrmntf IWur JotKtftUi CtnJmti ?Vo tftm miqm
the old
trcvlU Tnruitifom
( 2<Ni|i>4
Ike Marry Sky (Jed ol tlie K veiling
I*eatli (lei WincKkal Kain God be Sun in lUrd-fortn Warrior*' 1 1 talk


(IV) (III) (ID (I) (IX) (VIII) (VII) (VI)

Maize Godile**
Stone knife Uud
Fir* Ik.1
Xaiti (kd
the Heart of th*
Enrth Goddcm
CkflvtuuXth trw
Wnlor ItiNldfm
Him Uud Mountain*

ovt% matlotfh omomt wat/iref/i ocr

m.iriVf/i Ant^ntJ < i tMiiputl/t du rwi etmntl

eA. oiitf curltfotiu c\i</ts'n ealti

tacaunfit art turktii
ten l)ecr nine iVuth eight Snake wet* Liard ut llouw
thirteen Deg lwvl%* Water fttTvn llahhit

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(0 < V )
White I

Xiuktrrutii AficdinlrcnJii
Fire God Death od

< kid of tlm Morning


<*> (VI)
yu ttaJ - mi tiitiiliu

(I r*m Huiiiaaing Urd TMi+cHtii CWdinAifi true

Jaw* c4 forth Water < loklitM
/jtdtltrm (f)

wmi/irifi <*) (VII)

CWrAi vlitl' irm 77'ipJtcuii
Xmkifilli Water Uoddaa* Kart It Goddra*
the young Flower

ivf <4> (VIII)

Trm/tUmk Tr/ryMutii
-Vi t* Totre tail God the Heart of the
ftw Ixiwl, the
quauhtli-ocelotl P'atecat Flayed

*Io rhiquitlU
ijvrlutiUA/M U/Jviott iIxfirtuAtli
gUBOUMJ* fW'W Scrveh-owl
hntx <juUal-t*rd Turkey -oorfc Stri|*l fogfe (I)
Srofw owl
Horn owl, foglo owl Butterfly

XocAdquetnil CiiUwrf
XoMpHli IMr TTolur
the young Flower Trzmtliffucri XtnhirfKdi ( f) r<i r 0 tii
Flower (IcilduM Mniro UinUnm Haiti (VI Rain UinI
Uud Sorritii-ol Wartw*

<M) 0*) <M) m (*> i") G> <>

Hnnvittmili 1T*ntuntl/Aim- MirtlamtsrutJ, t^nrisr/rrmn.rt TWnr .Vu-ki/UUf CVatoitf

trcvtb TrxmHif am
the old
( rm|ile* of
Starry Hky (iod of the Keening
DmIIi cm Wind tjiid I Cain ( tin* Sun in Hint form Warrior*' Death


O III) <VJI) <VD (Y) (IV) (II) ( HI ) <l)

ami Piltrintrcutii XtnkhrmUi
TfpeyvUoHi 7Y<i(WfAjrf ChulrftitdkHi iriw Vintmit
Stone-knife tloil I-imI
Uie Heart f the forth UinIiItm Water Goddau Death < hm! Mnfcre Godakw Firv C4ml
[wring fee (III)
Mountain* | r<v for (111 Itittl
Hone knife Oud)
Nin t*otl]

KMitltu-fl* tmri itniifarf/i' ooioott mrttforifi or* Ht'td'tttJl Jr/rhttl Ainteim yiwiWlf etowwr ofa cktrjU-iern
ckicuti ttcjrili
pi//i rirtttl ctfKietfi
ten Mower nine ICain eight Hint 1

thirteen Hum*; twain* Wind n|r v*ii Ooocidile Motion HI Vulture

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Digitized by Google
isite m tutiili* (i) (IX)
White Humiimig-liinJ
XiuAfsrutlt mu*
Fire (Jed Rain God
God of the Morning

<*) (!)
/mrivtt mtalaJin
<r*m Humming-bird TbUterutii XmhtffntJi
Jawe of Earth Fire Goj
I-rUtltim | f)

nmnittllt <> Ul> .

Ch>\ith* nktfi i>ik /(riff
Xutkipitti Water (iciMeu Stour- kiiifi; God
the filing Flower

intetepacholiz [Wm (4) Kill)

in tetfaxinquo l^UXil
TtmnUuk T'mnUuh-
Ji/< Tottv Sun God nitumfrrutli
wr LonL the Sanded
Itzllacoliuhqui n*i*d

coeSrt <ptu\jMoft rtlo

urjtutoU rhifuittl*
Parrot gtuunmiy* trtvluti
Turkey -rock Scnpod Kogieit)
/ ftl-M ScrtxL onl
Hum-owl, Eaglo onl HutterHy Sixijw-owl
X'A'At-fivt.'il CintfMi X'X-hifUUi
7Wor TT.i/oe
Flower 4 Mai xt< Goddcm tile yoang Flower TViro .ViaAieraffi (?) f.i iwtnrtt
God Raia God Rain God
Se/ri H^ed Wnmar

(W) 08) 01 ) 00 ) (> tf) (7) (0)

IUinviUe\itt* 77 <i>;nt//iNforuf/< .[/KtiuntrcutU

tho old Ooddeaa of TnntUt/MXH
tj*rijrdnnt,%U TUhc XoekifhlU (Jmttoil Tcu-yrtu m*yM(
God *4 the Evening I kath find Wind God
the Starr)' Sky Raia God tho Sun In Bird-form Warrior*' I>mth

(HI) 01) 0) (IX) (V1U) (V ID (VI) <V)

I*itt; imbrutii
It fit* .V, nhlrmtik !Wm T*ffotUdU Ttaroiuut (Jhn/ch*uhtU ow J/tcll-unJiruth

Sun God
Stone-knife God Rn<M FUin < Jod tho Heart of the
KartFi 4 l<a|dM4 Water Joddcai

wntlwtlt iwi M'Vf/(K</l <WMW WttitUfU v

ru.ntr/U'imkl/l ywwi/h 'jtriiAt rtdtti
AiV-Witani nwiimUli nUrwi KpiMihli rAj^MHUTM !</

thirteen Vulture twelve Kogie eleven Jaguar ten Rood nine JVwjob eight Apt ajvon Dug *U Water

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l.ter nttricilin 0) (IV)
Whit*: llnniminR bird
7 /rrfvW/ffrwt/ rtn (iol Maize Ocddou
God of the Morning

(*l (ii
qttetud nitoitnim
Groin Humming-bird Titlimili XtmAlocvtii

Jv o( Krtli Fire God

fjtJJhm |t) [wrung far (V)

K-alii Omj]

neryilietii (31 (VI)

1'Lni -hnih/ii CMckiuhtli true
Xoehif*IIi Water Guide** Water t JodiWe*
the young Flower
uactli God

(v/m o) (VII)

7Wi'u*4 Tltuyitrvtl
Xt fif Tn4*e Sun God Earth Godtlc**
<nr lni. Urn
Tlacolfeotl Flayed

cocAn qWtyUt-.t'M urnJnfl ilyntfiiiAf/i
jnvv-*iiihjn fnj0*tc4l Scruech out
Dam* Quetzal bird Horn oul, Eagle owl Turkey-rock Striped Eagk|,ri
X'xAafmUi TUUvc
Xvekifwrlml Cinteoit Thrive
the young Flower XiuhteeutI* <1) 1'itwmtii
Mower Uoddeaa MnLcc Godikaa
Kiiiii God Haiti God
Sacrificed Warrior

<!> (I*) (MD CD

Ihrmnteeutli Tl VI :ni// ml ll l*rntSi Ifmriwilermnll

Jficii'inteihiii Thtioc Xoehtf+Ili Ct nUolt 7V>-yo-mftyM(
rte old rnddeM Tneatlipuert
( o( (kd c4 the Kvonia* Dwth (M WivdUod Hnin God th* San in lUnl-fonn Warrior*' iJutli
it*- Starry Sky Star

<vn> (VI) (IV) <110 (ID <D (IX)

27<i]W(rDtl CKnir/n'mMi war MirthiMtrruth GMm TomUinA Iutii XivAteeutli Tfafot

Earth Goddra Water Guide** 1 K-j*t h Cu I Main* lloMis r
Stone- knife ( JimI Fire God lUin God

mnti-trii I twme nmlhuiti ore rAirunu wi nnei/f

eotfertfi omri <ttf ttuilinttii tli chintri curfr/rj/iw rA/roeur ettlli eAnywarro eteuti
loeMi nnifntJ
thirteen Water tvu Death nine Snake right lizard ren Horn* mjc Wind
twelve Hobbit eleven lHwc

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Digitized by Google
trine uitritulin <) rviir>
Whit* Humming Uri
,V#A hrwiii
77*w* n tl* Kin* God the Heart of tin
God of tbe Morning

(i> <IX)
rfustuxJ -mtnlsili n

Green Humming lin: ntitmti i Jlmhe

Jan % of Earth lliiin (kel
IrUtlftm (f)

nrtttUiciii <a) (I>

('fvdrfuulttl, irmr XlJttnVtli
XcchifnBi Water < toddeM Fire i 1 kI

the >i>nrip Flomr


pVfit (4> (ID

OOXOGcd Wwil

Xipr T*~
Suit (d
Stone-knife (fo<l
war I^nl. the
quetzalcouatl Xipe Totec Flayed

do cfuymrttl,
Urjlott i6fMAr/i
Parrot (^imUa! bird
guaranty it IfCjl'tlt ful/tolotf SrrecclMivsl
Horn-owl. Eagle-owl
Tuiksyfotk Striped Kaglr I
Cinitvti XvekifnUi
TUI* H.i/or
Honor Gcdde** Mii Gmldrfw the young Hover Trxtatltpucrt Xivktecudi (?) Vmmnrti
Rain (Jod Kain (rod
(Jod Sacrificed Wirrioi

<W (ID OD <l) <) (> (T) f*l

Jliunrttsrut/i 7V<rw'jM/^ri/i/</i (/urtadmuud Timin' X'JrS, t mlt, C imtmd TVo-ouu

lbs oJd Goddem of (>od of the Keening Math ( ltd TWittf/t/avo*
Wind (Jod
the Starry SUry
1 Hniti (Jod (be Sun in Bird fnn Warrior* Death

(Hi <m> (IX) (VIII) (VII) (VI) (V) (IV)

It* Tt*Ue Trp*JpM*tii Titl'd tentl f.'Au/cAi fcAl/j inu MirHmnMrrviii Cratrotf
Htcua-kntfe Jod Sim Cml Bain God Hwrt of the
I lb* Karth Goddem Water Uoldim Death (Jod Mnur ( Jixido
[a mug fr <l) Maun taint
Fir* Owl]

**ntltie tti omei nuitl*utli, <r didMir


||| cifnrth mIM tun tlmtfl i tpnttmft dirwMn trrfttd eAieuri dm rwmvand//i
(WtytrnYM 7 w luAfii
tan Bain nine Flint eight Kollmg Motkai air Eagle
thirteen Wind twelve Crocodile eleven Flower even Vulture

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ixquimiUi rs.
iitae uitzitiilim (t) <110
White Hnniuii&g binl
XiuJkUrut/t Tvmmtiuk
Tlamirwlfi mteeuth lit* CM Sue CM
tied o( the Morning

furf.ii/ tnt.ttuh n
CLiltkinklii true
(ireen Mumming turd Thritrentti
Jaw* of Earth Water (Mile**
IrtiriUm fi amt 1 r (IV)
Main- tiuVfe**]

nmtilictJ* (3) (V)

Cfurirfuukdt tewe A/trft'tnttmiii
XoMpiUi Water UoiiihM
the young Flower

jti (in (4) ov>

7 Wo rill A
Maize (Mile**
JTi/e Tc4*t Sue C4oft
f wrtg fnr (VI)
our Txird. the WrAitUf/J nvr
Tamoanchan Itayad
U'mrr (mHimi]

rorAo fitetwlMotl WSfJotl ifjywTuAifj
gunoamaya itevlvtl f*ip*tud Screech-owl
Vterot <Juetial-hird Turkey -cork Htri|*d Engle (f)
Horn owl, Engle owl HutterHy
XaekipiUi Tint** TJitJuc
the young Flower Stakin' Hf/i (!)
Flower (jmlikm Maize (Jodikm CM lUin CM lUin CM Sac i .fired Warrior

(13) <1S> <i) <I0) <> (*) <T> <>

//omn(mitfi T7 'iuunilf*i*tfentlt X/ tri/it nieraf/ VHrtotfoowitrf Thdve Xitthtfiril i Ciutrvtl

tic <Ad CMdlM* of
the Starry Sky
4 M of the Evening
I riath I ii.ul
Wind (Jod Ham CM the Sun in Hirdfurm Warrior*' lirath

tVI> (V) CIV) ( 111 ) <10 (I) <IX) <VII0

(tniroti I'lllzimtrruth Xivktry'UtU Thrive T'fwaul/vti I

GlUUlllltfi true ,|/ir|Aui(Avrfi
Water CMdam Death CM Maine <Mdca Hun ( loti Stone-knife <M lire <M Kam :<m!
the Heart of the

wn third r-mo ninriuriti

mnthirrii oee noil/ Miithulii wnlituiUi rAinrwin tfomdl/i rkirvri iienrimiU rkirrmxr vll A*yiVtCTM trtfktU
fttrtuhtU ottioU
eleven Heed tew Hneai nine Aj*e eight 1 ei'vort Water nix HaMiit
thirteen Engle twelve Jaguar

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liter uiaitxdim 0) (YU)
White Humming bird
77i m .in Ifrinitmlli lire (tod JDirt li < iodilrn
1ml of tin Morning

<S> (Vim
ywi v / vV/ : frtfm

41rn Humming-bird Tl'iltrrtitii

Jaw* of ijirth
tin' Heart of thv
frit HUm <I)

nrrmtietii (*> CIS)

CAu/cAiuM* irw Wafer
X<**ipUU Water (todd*** lUirs (Jin|
th* )
oilrig FloWC*

|Wn (4 ) <1)

If nail

jr(f y
our I>mL the
w TutvilimA
San 4_Sod
HN Qti
Tlalchi tonatiuh Xolotl Flayad

y*Ai> -{\\rtifdUA,Ai do tAi'yanf/i

neadott ity/tatmMi
gUAn^ainnyn 1rcotc<I
Phr** i^uctial-hird juftltM Screech-owl
Tarkeyeock Striped Ragle <1)
flonr*owl, Ragle -on l Seopn-owl
JCoMt/Uriami CiaUtAl XothipHU
H.i/ar Wafer
Flower GoddM .Maiae 4 IckJiUom the young Flower Tmmitipoea Xtnkt*nili it) H't mint1
God Haiti God Haiti God
Samllrvd Warrior

<1D 0 *) <H) EM <> P) ()

I/navtUrutii TJ'tfUi&ilfAiMtsruth
Tl+ioc Xodii piIt r C'imtratl
ibe old CliMlfteM of God of thu Kvruing
the Hurry Sky
H*atli God Win*! God I Inin 4 iod the San in llird form Warrior* iJoatli

(I) ax> (vni> (VII) (VI) (V) (IV) (III)

nd<* TrfvyvUodi
TttpdtrnU ( fullchi vfttlt it Nr MtctlamUruai 7 'uiMfiid-
Fire Qod Rain God the Heart of the l*ithimtrruth
Mi ri
Karth Gudilew Water Goddeu iNutli 4 lod Main* 4 kicldw
Sun God

mrttUtetU onirv m >itU\cili voUt+rtfi ote

MtfJ mrtpUi wojftttiiU
*vtdnc*ti tewttl dMHMHr tnrt:j+ i/m rAirutt trdlt cAioomrmtf r Asyinm* nptrtU
ihirtoen twulvu Iker clckrti I Until ten Hnnke nine I.uamI *ight Hoiinu wren Wind ix CroeodUn

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istae uitiitnlim 0) an
White Hemming bird
axelli Xirnktecmth tut!*
77<IWl':Ol/fMlfATMr/< Fire God Stone kit if* (fed
(tod of the Morning

fit (III)
ywriaaimlzitiili it
Own Humming bin! 7Y*tItemtii TWifiui-
Jaws of Forth
Soil (Jod
IxililUm (f)

mvmlirtli <3> (IV)

ChnJdiiwAtli itme CiaUrAS
Xortkifitli Water Goddeiu Maixe 4 todil***
tbe young Flimer

|Wi (41 (V)

youalnepantla 4JU*il
Toantimh Jfici/anUeutti
Xiftt Totrt Hun God Ifeeth 4 tod
our fafiL (be
Chalchiuh totolin Flayed

cocAo yiutudtototJ a/d thiq*i\tU

Uttolotl ityfmnvAth
guncamaya Irtvlufl pljw/orf
Parrot (Quetzal blnl Screech-owl
Turfcey-oock Striped Eagle (!)
Horn-owl. Eagle-owl Butterfly HcnfM-owl
XwAeyurlrit/ CiMtmtJ XixkipOli
ftatv JTafoe
Flower GmldMM the )oong FVmwr .VuuhtrW/i (t) truiMni/i
Mains < !<>)iIk* Kain God Rain God
God Sacritiivd Warriot

(13) (It) (ID <14 <B) (*> (7) <*)

Ilumntecutit 77u ui:caif*inUctt/l i

JtirlittntotwUi i/urtialtouAt/ TMot Xr*t\fmiU- CimteotJ TV* piio Mtyvi
tin Qkl CmMewt of tod of the Evening TtMtfhpunt
(hr >tmny Sky

UmH CM Wind (tod (lain God the Son in Bird form Warriors' Death

(V) <IV) 4(11) (ID (I (IX) (Vllf) (VII)

MiriinnirtmtU Cimttoti
/Mb JRmIMH Ttaioe TeptfoIlutU
Death God Mains tbddu** Stour knife (tod Fire 4 !od Rain God the Heart of the
Hun God Earth (toddwv

tvt thiri/j wvi wu/tor/i tmm / tit* t/i ntf

ri/*tetli dm

y a in to r/
nui ti+rt/t lrrj\tt dimMM (Aim fkitrtm
ckieomr ymittMi fAiywnm np/ntf
thirteen Crocodile twelve Flower tofn Rain
ten flint niwe Rolling Moth* saves Eagle MK JagiMir
eight Vulture

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iztttc witzituiin fl> (VII
White Humming- hint
XitJUKwiii C4>i/dnd^t kw
7Vi uucolfMmtfeutli KlreOtd Water Goddam
Uod of the Morning

(*) (VIII
Ureen Humming bird IbfWMf
Jaw* nf Karth lilttb dixliloa
fjrtlilUm (ft

wwni'/wtfi (3 I V| II |

CKnlcKivItth in*
X**ki^Ui Water UoddcM iW IDart iW thu
(h young Flower Mountain*

(I (IX)

roztic teocuitla- 7Wi/<uA TUI*

Mill Chantico Xtfjf Tt*c Sun CIo<l Itain < k*I
tapayolli 0*r Lord, li
or Quaxolotl Flayed

k* yartM/fuAitf mrrototl iV^ynoM&C/t
guaranty a trcoloil fmifntrM Scteoch-owl
hmit tjiiuUa) Urd Turkey -rock Stri|jod Eagle tf)
llom-owl, Eagle-owl Ihatterdy
Xotkijmtli JloJuf Ti^loc
Xueki<fiuttiil CiutscAt
the young Flower 7Vjrw</i/**ro XiuAUemtii (t) ruwni/i
FVww < iuMaa* Mnise Uodil***
Itain Uod Ilnin Uod
Hamriord Warro-M

(13) (It) (ID (HI) (*) (ft) (7) ()

/faimi tenth I7nM:or/frii/f<ir4/i' Jfiii/itnimtl/i 77iVu? A'-jcA - i >4 t*Al Truytvuusftu

Uod o4 the Evening Tr.fiif/f/oni
the old f Joddnv* of
the HUrry Sky Slat
1 fealh (M Wind Uod Rain Uod the Sun in Bird form WarrMir*' lfreatli

(IX) i VI Cl) (VII) (VD (V) (IV) (111) ill)

TluJue 7YrtpaSi<r/ ChultAimfttU itwt J/irr/'iAfmif/i Ciwforf/ TomiUttb Itill
the Heart o4 tlm Uod
I Lam Qoil Earth Uoddeeu Water Uoddeaa Ikath Uod Mai re Uoddeaa Stone-knife
Mountain* Sun Uod

utttt/twl/i otuei Auif/iirt/i om/Mt UMiifart/i ocr

eAiouoifni itxwntii olkwiw Uxhtli
MlffaS/l ofUOktt/li oharaei mil tihafworew
orflntl MfUtl mmltmnlh
thirteen JHgaar twelve Heed eleven Brawn
ten A |*o nine Dog eight Water i Babbit it Deer

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rn (V!t
White Humming- hind
XinStrcntfi CliMrul/
7Yttts< xrilfvinircvU i FfeaOod Maize (iodilet
God of tfc* Morning fvnuuc (
X iu\r*eultt,
i*Xtrr*lii, Kin. ;

/tu Mm
n*lhrtdU PiiUtmlarutfi
Un-tn Humming- bird
Jaw* of Kartli Sun God
Irtiiltan nr Vfttfc fur (111
MuiR ttiii' littd'

ntrwiivrtli O) 111)
ChttJrfutJiMi inw
Xoekipitti Stone klllff <khi
Water Goddeen
** rung (< < 1 11
tlic young Flower |

God loaO

f*Jin <1)

Tonatinh Xiuktrruth

Xtfk TotfC Baa Qod FlftGod

(wrong fur (IV)
mat I jnt, Ik Ctntftft
Flayed Malm GoMem

W<> cAiyittitfi
win ydrtylhitntl nenJatf ilsyuoafAf/i
fifttJnfl Sr retell owl
l)U fleoefatf
Itorut Qmdsal-binJ Turkey-cock Stri|.l KugUtfl Hroiwvl
Horn owl, Eagle-owl l luttcr fly
Xr*hpp* l >ii C*mlo>W Hwfcr f.'niw mtfi
the young Flower Tfuittftfwi XiuJttrvuth (fl
Flower Goddaw Maize Goddeee lUin Uud lUin God
Hwribel Warner

<ia> (IS) ni) ( 10) (9) <*> <T) <>

fhiMtrruth Ttrtui arvtJ/nnt tr*f( i nu*jt XocKifmtti-CimtrrAi JVr/ f*|ir tHlftfi

the old Jmtiio*. of Sod of the Evening TntriU*f<uef*

I <
bruth God Wind Uud lUin UimI the Sun in IKnl-fona WnrriurV I fcutli
ike Starr} Sky Star

(I> 00 oil) (IV) <V> (VII
yVjtrffrJiiAJi Trftrynfluth
Xihk (rvUtll Vi*trdt f 'W<-AiuAr/ new
tb* of tin
hulk God
tile Hum of tlic
Mountain* Hr* God sum v- knife God Sn- : <i Maiu) Ooddaw I Water < todile**
wrong (wrong f<* (VIII) vktuitr fae (VII) vmr

[wn| foe (IV) for (III) wmige br (1) [writer f< (IX) TT-A- foe (VI)
nth\nt**tu ftfeyrJMlt. tin- Ilut TUfUtmti
I'tntenO Xin i lermtti. Fire God | HataOwt) Cin/rMimiJfi trm
yinw <#iw**| Sin God) if till MuuiitMllu] K*rtliUuddcM) U *ir j

mnUort/i >*nn miUlirtJi rurti/vJtM Ail vtviui f offt nUvM eifHUiti rAeyuocm nvhili
noUlnrth net comxtf f-Aifttrt irtufJ
mtforW mu/wiitU
eleven Snake ten Luanl ainu Humte uighl Wind miwn Crocodile ii Flower
thirteen Doer twelve broth

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ilhie i/f'a m I VI)
White llumnmig-hinl
XioHtecutli CVnfcoflf

7Tui i
Uro God Motif Gothic**
Ood of the Moruing [wrung 6** (ll
X(*At*e*tH, fin itoil

It) Kill
(irctn llaimuinu-lnrd TtMUentli Nlaairndi
Java of Kartli Hun God
IxHtlUm (T) i
wrong lie (II) fun.
Mul n:li' Ikl]

neruilictii {*) ill)

Ctvit'litnkiU *rt%r
Stony- knife Go!
XvchnUi Water Oodda
[wrung lor (III)
the jeaiift Fknrer
Ood Sun tliri]

(otim ai (ii

Xih/ttrr* fti
Xif* TAtx HunGial Fire God
[wrong rx (IV)
nur Ixird. thu
FWyed Haiti) Ikililw]

ro'A'j iptrtialtotod
Mo WJJol/

Kuacainayii fmJoti Scruvrli iw I

IVrot Quetnlbihl Torkey-cork Stii|icd Kagli: (!)
Horn owl, EntH*' ItutUfily Scof owl

Xotk.cytwfea/ CitiUrAt X*sUt*Ui YT /<-*

the youag Flower
7 rwil/i)uM AfinAlmrJfi |!) rMMn#/i
Klovur Oodd*** Mur Goddic*. I t.un (lod Haiti (lod
SachHicd Wartiia

(ID 0D 01) 00) (t) (*) 0) (l

IlnmatemHi Tlnuiu tl i
StirlUnifrmiU (/utt.nhumOi 7W.e TWywo-nuyws
the oldGoddew* of I lod of I ha Kviin# I lUi tlwl Wind (lod Odd
Uatii Uk Sou in Hinl-furui \\ *rri*w>' iHutli
SUrry Sky
tiro HUr

a* an am (IV) (V) (VI) <vim
TV/eyiV/Wi TbjwrMM*
XmAtmnitf* It Mi ftftzrnJmMi J/rtf.ia(wti(/ CWr4AiIi r*t u
tW Heart af the
Dwth Ood ikr Heart id tiro
Mountain* Fire God stiow knife ( mi) Ham God Mai** Godileia Water Unlik*" Mountain*
wrong (nr (III) rr<ig fur (I) [wrong lor (IX) ThtJnr [wrmv I'U (VIII) wring (or (VII) wrong t** (V|)
[wrong for (IV)
liywptftliWr, tk* limn
Xi*Afrtw//. Nr* .o|; Haiti OiH] laAt/l 1W
Malic (toddtw) Sm (add) I tlw MounUai*] Korth < J Water UuddrM]

nu%tl*\etii 'Mwi mnti+etli wmr wf/iu(/ nee evwitl m-itlurili mrtzpoiin riwunnii mWi 'iumn rrrult cKicnme ri/wtfi rAtyronv* nvkif/
mn'ntl VtU/Wltlt
etcTea Snake ten Limnl nUro Hvumi eight Wind even Ctvndile ux Klowrr
thirteen Doer twelve Death

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tfcr mtritzii rn 0) |V)
White Humming-bird
XixJito-utix Mirltiinimrtli
FhaUod I lenth God
<kdaf tbo Muni mg

id )VIIt
V*ri^ii ufaitiMn
nwn Humming bin! TUxltteutit
Jawa Kart It OodtWt*
of Earth
/rUillm wruiv (VI >
/'A#irl..arh k*r
"'let (lidiln*

WOrtltfirtfi (*> 4 1 1 1

Choidkinhlti true
Xoehi/nUi Sun (.lod
Water Godd***
i"ty fur 4 VII)
young Mower

God Kaith lk.1.1*]

fiJtm Hi tvni)
Vmnlink Tryrjfr/Ihnth

Xit 1Urr Sun God the Heart >4 the

mar Ixud, the Mountain*

rticAu yl venJotl iliyiiuidfi
gUAftUnay* kenfarf fmpnJnti
I Vtrrut (JueUaMwrd Turkey <ock Striped Eagle Serondi onl
Horn owl, Eogk owl Ruifcirfly Socj-cml
X'jchitptrl}a/ (j'imterAi Xt*Aif*U,
TT.i/oe nU>e
the young Khvwnr T*witiip*#n Xiuktrruth 0) IflMBtfi
blow Mr Ooddw* Mnixe Goddew Raia Ond Rain lod
God (

Sacrificed Warrior

(IS) 09) 01 ) (101 <tf> {*) (7) (S

//nawtOrtlf/t 7TiiMiir>l//nN/ir</i'

t\e <llil (ioiLirfn of <kd of Ur Kvcniug TrXtttttfMXM

(Jurtsutetmntl TMa- Xnriijef/r-Cinto it Tru y>t*j HI refill
Death Gcd Wind f Sm| Itoin 4 kkl the Son in Hint form Warrior*' hath
the Starr? Sky S4r I

(VI) (IV)
n+* (111 (IX) mi> tvn (V)
Ham I lod iKnicktuKlix omr CtAiroti /Mil Tl'ilw -
77<i cJlrvd ('Wdh'idWi war ifirt/inil/rul/i
< VlIIl Water GodiU** Muu (lokleu Stone-knife God Itain (kid Earth 4 Uahl*** Water GmUm
Trt *yJ(r*I> r rr.|r fur (VI!) [wrung for (V) [wrong for (IV) [wrong fee (III) wrong fee (II) Ititti [aniitt f< (I)
7ht^llrw<l /HltUntmtii

th* Heart of the

Until tludilm* WlHf h*atk <*d] Miee UodtkM] Hun 0o<l]
Mum-kmile 4Vri) XitMfrwtli

vxnHoetti owin' nxntlurtli rvw lUiill-ittJi Mr mntlnctU olin dicimuin'

xueAitl VVMlMff 'r .
cAteuri ywuuAtft rhmw ocrlotl dipiw*n
ten Rolling Motion Rag In
thirtarw Kinder twelve Rain eleven Hint nine Vulture eight wren Jaguar u Reed

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Index of American Words.

Native Ann-riotn words nrr all in italics, ami rjc Mexican (Altot)* utile** ntnie oilier language (Mavn. Zujotec, etc.) is gpeafied beside them.
In letter <\ 1 have iwlu|4cd the following order for th**0 words. FI rtf cone thoae 1 w*g inning with tan I c m jfr, t.r. c Indore the vowels , n, tt

nnri (in Vratw writing) also before- e, i; then follow thoe with initial ami c before t and i, which, ncconling to .S|ni*h orthography,
ha* a Haling th sound, lastly those with initial rA = rA itt cAwn*A,

it(verb), to throw spear*, to she**," II oashmui/. ring : aft t-<N-nitla anauatl Ajtiyru'irt. King of Mexico, his accenshm to the
mirfMayaV, turtle, U |

A nmtf i ferv. lywd of the Ring, Ixcd of the Ccmd- throne, 1 m

lA-tyA iZoNxil iKe, fifth <lay igm a
i, Innd*, n name < Xijc, lu;l ii jhKA**e*mtt, vn|pia of tlc Maui l}iMliWn.fII
nnuf, rewl, thirteenth day *m, & *ynrind of 'i/**nr,i s*></ *r* i|Qt4aU|iainwayntl aiDtii4M/V/i, MT>:ck of the Mnue Uad>kw, til
jinhria) |*wer, i> ; its ruler tuxlaculralnini. K*. Uil J/AStm, site of the Rain (icd'a cull, iil isrjntl, amphdaun, 1 1*
-in, *.p, itirii'liun of l lie sun, bti o/e lZn|wm, ite*cendiag . nineteenth day dim. Li oytruAyirrmlt/, lUot* clmnl gnrmerit. til
ticwfar.'lT'l tJ, cnllir of wail ahillw, w ii h IJuat <slr> .list I, water fritters, fiiMUig faro, 1 1 ft, 1 1? tty>tuhs*f'.Jti r Tlalocs clotui r*t, Jji

V . with Xolotl, Uii: with the iNtace Clod. a*. QhtiavthftttJi .-f/ , feast of the wnter fritter#, I jf* ncwig ayn4Jt turtle, nineteenth day sign, 2s J_l_ cunatolb-
-ifti'Ulh : tet almal at tbw fewnt. l.u. I' O tion, ill

iA Juicbtl, main? stalk, reed. thirteenlli day *igo,,3 'it > mtti, winged arrow, 21 >iy.A, , poird, ofTering for Vuetxalrmiatl, 11
*Auw i Mays'*, lord, twentieth tiny sign, h, LB *t/, original meaning, ejwor throwing," Tlx *** U. votive cord, on the pulque jug, 2L lfl the
iA *W*t/ kih M 'akclikpiol 1 T-naUxuatl, Lll ninth day sign. Ml; Itutar Xmhtecntli. 71 Ug ; QiMtihritwlli, 7i i,
k. iAi
*A i:

<A M f

M.tya Innrungtwi, wktard, 12
i.l^tucbt u warriors thus the Qwiebea hint
hnpwU called them -elves,

" water."

by the snake. 4^
now ns ebeamang,

represr nUtmn of, LL
niwaiis mvtahllity, iT^
. figured uitnffdtH Iwr oituptlioK rushes.
111; in iMsdchiuhtlieucs
oca* tmntti, Tlalocs heron -fwt her itoww,
1 J-I

iti TlnJoca howl,

4, f *h*

*A evil <Cakcbi|uek glut ton, sixnvath dav sign, & 'itl iintl, roost ieofde. 43 rolijn* gods,
iA t> iMayai. the burner, in the Vailnm Itnlmn thnywiug stick, II euAacd/i. forked hncai-foather ommat with Yaotl,
boob, -tl. 1211 dtAvnw, grwl of I'uitlonac, 2*1; his song, si 2^70^ with Trwrathjio^a, Hi ;
with Tlanural|iaii
tiA toi ! Mxy.ii, htrtl d the Mims- knife . hirvy;U|:h uf ft! iijniwruw, hud of water and mist - Tiurnanrhan, trontli, withTe|*eyelh>tIi.lii; with Xipo, U1L;
luamna. 4 . Li!i 3 Hal with the l'acLli, m. with C'hakhiuhtotolin, HJ ;

iA w*/ iZolwk lord, twentieth day sign, g in, where are no rood*" - the iimlerworid, Vith (^iwtsikiKM.t], the fasting ged, 11 * 1 ; with
ii*W t Maym. night, third >ley *kgn t ft. 48 ; constdln- U ltx|ia|tahi<l. I"? with Cluwtii^ U2^ wi(H Cin-
tioa, 11 ;
in iuaamA* fillet, H tl rAo-Ain<//i. ajiear-t browing .water i awl hnniiag." tcucl III
U,A itr.iru, jenaratwaya , eleventh of the thirteen bird*. sytulNil of war, 21; figured with Xiuhtecutb. Alter migrutiiwts, lul*
Hi t: 7-t with tluuitico, 117 with Tc|g!yolh4li, : A.tiitn, cnwUelind of the Mexicans, Mb
0 {tr/nyJittt, heart of the Ttllnge ; the |i<m| gi*l *, It. with Tkpilttntil, j/; irjirwulid by a
i SKH'iJli. mwn of the Maui! (foddtwi, 111 smoking mi nor. i*2 bits |*he|iwl, Zotnli, howling rtjsr, eleventh
iiAi.miUi<4l!/i, oar-plug of the *th|tft< gods, til dtorotni. all will he swept away by the watre. wurm dny rign, ^Lf
| '

shoulder garland d lurk |je*r. pti, ttMiW d oarthty Iwmg, Al Wia (JtotxiL Mayui, thirteenth day* sign, U
vktiknM lukwnmcnt. mbenmciit of the dead uwwAynoo/r/, Tbhw* low|iatte<ed robe. tr Wiw ti h, .wAiAvn U ku Mayai, the nine (lab, f the
warriors, gi* &; fti Tlob * |iwmitl. fii norlim/A, Tlaloc's le*|rtc/i doublet, tu thirteen <hd*,
.ImoMfMt, fcother worker* ; their gd of envoi* form, iwiieui, enurtesam, tlmir jiatronosa, X^hs^uetcal, UJa* ri'amA, ux/nAna (I'amb iMayat, the nuie genera-

01. tions. tils thirteen gtnemtkins. 12

tMBoio tl<x,
gd of Ooltlauac,
' Ye
shall die." the Wtctlt * tty,
his son* *J
U& Attrliort,
god of recreation Macwihcoriutl,
King of Mexino. his arceunun to thu tluonr,

roA*iw i,Maya<
grouxd, earth. M-ienteonth ilay sign.
irMn/'/i thurmlvili, picture writing*, Lid. lui 2iU

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134 Index of Amerimu Wonk
caMm maize "Iran,
iZotxill, nut* H eldter aitnr of the Cent^wmittnam, or m //,
1. Holler,
liftivnth wtvk, its ruler*
oiAsjgA *n* cook i12 Iiryciicdatland TnnKiich*n, 1* *4 P.h ; beginning
mA*4 Vdcnchl i, light wing; Li
1 1 o^/trf/iir/, %tr rhalchiubcKefl|ietlatl of tlie thini quarter of the TniialoanatJ ; descent
C>tkek*ip*i, Miiju rihtii r- In Guatemala, .Li nroorAyuuvlf.'i, the great viittun*. Kjxt-<mth day *igv, of the CniAtetvo, Hi
rtWtij house, third day sign, i^lli ; it* rnlcr Trjr) nllotli. 7 'bl |HM|ile, lot rnters. lUywjvdotl tr 5tuwttl, * t. Sunk % ninth week. !T_L it* nilur
ih and Tiuu niiclun, I>4 , in the bmic <f the Xhihtccutli. LL-li
Ciiwairfii god **f the Tluatbn, ;o> Earth OndduM, hi it roxr*fmuAtit, '*
i. Vultnni,* aixtootilh week.
ri.w, t'lxirv lOikchsqueli, I tenth. ixth <i.ty sign, a muviti, nfi'kUri', >*)*, 13 ruler XtjLrtl, tiH-l ig
cum 1 hkehiqioell, v;iki-, Hfth day sign. *J
1 Coaraffoa, a place: wor>hi| iVutacctuiucnaua, /*: or rwvlr^Wtn, **
L laMof, twelfth week, JTj, it* ruler
ntuk iQkkchMjual I, lluniiUrttJXtn, iiUnLnaitli day eoxwhipu MnruilxiH'hitl. s! Itxt loco! tub q ui.
dgn, v. Lt ewfj'r r^^n.H>ir,t/ft, <ineof
Qnitxalnwntr-* four ln*trng 'er, cold,
<0 / (Cakchiqnek niaur net, ^ Hi h'N '
rt r//k*ri/t , **
^ Crrsyaiile,** lint wurk, 1 T it* rulers ,

ritt i(Vikdi>t|iadi, liKift li day mgn, f VAmV^jn iZr.'uil* - l^nMxaltouatl, ii TnmcatecutlL T ua-anuatl, ;i? 11 ; is, Codnx
coanc (Maya), thundemorm. nineteenth day iqgn, ctirj.i/tu, rod arara (mlW, in Uw I vnK CJiuri bea<l- DorlMinicu* fignmf with the fasting mau faring
i Li drufc*, tn; in l niwotli' hair. 22; in C'hanikut LLI
cil (My). raxtototh dny sign. llj bicngl)iili. couiitli n*rk iTmunent, JiL ** (ZajsHec i. had omen, fifth day wgn, Hj
ast Hunatei' fntvdia]xd no-k ornaneml, (r t*t*ttf, * 1. Wind, light nth week. LLi. It* ruler
rrwii (Mil) ft I, death, sixth day -ign. a 22 t_'luut i'-i.0 1 11>*: favourahletitlw niogKinm, Hii
: see coua- Coe[W/nn. the beloved iaine - XiuhtrcutlL Id ce ilKViutfi,
L 1>V. ' founeuuth week. LLi it* rulur
fnf it^iutbe i, turtle, ij i*urji/wi firtnMf/, t^uctralrouati * nerk >rniatwnt. *>
Xtjw. hn -tn ; sytid*>l of fire, l.t jo^-ulUrfy
ttrttmr **xk4it. yellow Ihvwnr = Tel*<i intatti, Ili with tli palqwe cl; with XoML Hi tigarvd with Xi|w, 1 a1. 1j I.

ndW. instil |*miL thirtieth of the thirteen binh cwrif. hip-rVith. enagnn. <e unfntf.
H lkfr,
third wnk. Hi ruler
iiftraise for X nr hiqeUnl,2i lixard, foarth day d*m. 1. In ; rnU*r I 'nUO* Tepcyolk <)i, jgri-fili : t^iniiniiyt of thu third
rufa.-l- iVikmuflini, thunderstorm, ]_ coyutl, -Vi 'id donot aliundancc of water. IH
qiuifti-r of Ibr TomdamalJ, LL ill ihawent of
CVliwioro, w plflM H* deity L'inaromtl. KHi jli ; inocek denote* sexual impulw. ji l^iiiatoteo. li
with the Ktre God,
ttJvrt, scorpion. ;
cnnstidhiUon, i] H wj^aAuJu iu . 7
ii ceciput shield. MwtlanterntU'*
i , a* m<i/iiHi//i, L Twitted.* "L Hnxitn," eighth wvk.
pouch for ilu-iJMr, in Thlor* Intlui. La.
rtsfnlrtyatfuiJt, ifevkit, 2JL. liL 2L, with Troyanaaniai, w,, i' IT it* rnhr Mayuuel, ks 7i

CVy* mi, monument*. image* of the frathcr-mnkf. JJ Ititlnc<ilinliitui. |H rrAVTu iwg/, the complete riu*. the whole nealwtard.
cttfmUi, Ifuctsilrnunt]'* hot : ** iKulorupilll ; the CurrimUt. tile llnaxttvv, lufi are to|*er, *^ r r tbe wovld. figured with .Vdutl. LU
Hufcxtie hot <d lh* Earth IjokM***. ala garb* worn hy the |>ul<|ne gods >: ? tin- Kartli I

cv twfmHli, 1 | bath,' fixtli week. I7j it* ruler

eniitihquM hot,ILL wrongly used . for the royal tietldiMo, ul and hy (^iirUaliMiiatl^ ill .
TtehtiMli m ii-J

Mexican crown, 21 note, Ij. .V,W yrii. where the llunxtete wi',' avt//'_ twenty. IS
rrAtuhr iZaj.:<iv 1
, ig.una, Lit a place. Ht twenty days, n Hi,if},, 1Ml(H |t. <40-. VU, LL1 laud of the H noxtiMw, In one of Tt inuan, fmjrnoxirnriut}, yellow Hower, play* a jurt at thw
ovssietA:eu//. make ner kino*, 1 Tlaiijvllnotl, SiL ftb tbenrf* r.nne the Ixnaiu- feost of the Earth Goddrs*.
Niiake fl)r (dllg with TUW : *r* thnl- onme. il 'rot^m./o'uhti,. Huaxtwr variegat'd cover M.
rhaukcniuutAcxftrhtli ; with (^rntml-unnel, the em-ruuAwvfif,Unpidifh, sirring oUnfcat ium! 2nti-, LLi rfnivmitlmtifli, Ifmvtec variegatod eovvrlet, 1*1
footing gud. Hi rmvuuHi, iU.Tr.-i h *-. lit eeu/.-nfvrnrocAtto, the four hundnal rahbtK the pulque
CofMtrfrii, tmake mountain ; light between l ilrilo- en^uiw, ungers.miinvtre]*, figured w ith I'eneeoynCk ua mdaff.ig
|HKktli Slid the HI mflblnnA Vatfk nurmr. "ft. >'. kv lu (VHE-oamCanwj, the four hwndrttl soiitLtra lamh
eow rfi*. nnke. fifth day *igi), u, hj: ruler Thai out limit, dirt, exm-ment. *>iwImI nt *in, 1 Ij, 11.1 in rompurvii bjr HUtelupochUi. U2i -
chiuhtliror. yiut*il of outer, Ji, 77_^ VncLzalfxwMtrs hand, jl in ItncxtiiK hind, li ;
xochitl and Rwriitw '+i
twin, Llll bird of ploy, fifteenth day sign. I
ruiillfi, <e *
L Jn goua, aaeaud week. I7j it* rule/
Crnmit kw. Earth loddcvw, image of Tclr^acan. Hi ;
/V/Atu'ir, pliM>un thu Xl-UjiiuIiv. Ug)xwi, its lUilro ijuetialcouatl, -ti tn bvgummg id the second
luge Mexican stone image, wo called Tcojao* Atluoa and Animitl, H! qiinrter of the Tonalanuitl. H
aiqui. Kl - Irturviuatl, Hi
tv tjfotwitfi. L Ape," <4<-v*jith week, 17 ^ iu ruler
noio tufnltj, TIuW* Mnk to (wntopryiilh, pt Wllx t|S 1 11. a 14. I IT. )i?i I'ktcmtl, H7-IM/
( (iua/aea>i/ci. |i|jre and district 00 the frontier of tv M.iir/,
i. Heed/ hfth wt*k. LI ; Its ruler f."hbh* nr tjt a, **
L Hulling; Molina." thirteenth week, H ; ita
TntnvNi, 43 ahtlwur, .'>*>
; in it htmeu (mated. 1ft the ruler Tla^iltealh 1*J
rjwu<i)uni(/, *ko muxk : *r xiuboiUHiayarat dy when t^nnUaleoiiatl changed to the Murning y ,/ *iul Mi, L
Eagle,' nlactMToth wieek, ijj its r uhr
wwi^ioiy.' Huaxtee oovefftet decorated Stax, Mine nod hkr>gly|di of tba Morning Xacliiqimual,lh ^i: lewt of XochajiiatwiL
with interwoven aimka maskis mi. Star, Jjj,
TH name of
t^uetrakiniatl. 36j frgnuxd
; Hi beginning cd the third qwarterof tlm Tocsi-

rwnutfi : mu with the failing t^iieUah'imatl. LH bmatl. Hi; duaevnt ed the riuatain^
tvyalli, licit ;
on tle rbeck of a atowe bold. 1 37 |
or ulf. 1 . Water,** seventeenth week. Ha rnler fr yuinaTCf. **
L Hlb, seventh week, IJL f ruler
ojw/ naan 4rJi , rvcd'*ba|Md ear jilu^ i*halchiuhtiitt>hn, 11, HI TUI's*, (!:'

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Index of Anmrkna Weed*. 195

tee/*tif, L PU*t," Until weak. I2i it* rwW Mir*- 1

Cimt'tr*, the female dritint, w>il* of the wvimcai who rliiMU'i.'f/i raltle-Uck, in Xipr's hand, 1 *>j. ifc* . in
tiantccutli. st- HI bow the animnla treated, lgi . Chalrbiubtlkar's liaml.iu ; *ymM of facundtty,

; died in childbdrth, duelling la tlm wot, Kift

first hist. o.**l you. HI their colour, while. * wear the men* loin V 1<X> with the figure of irxual union. Mi
crd, cold - ph of lutloinltaluilli, l doth, KI? dewxad on the day ee ma^ath 53^ rAtWAira < Maya oineis fifth day Mgn, H

y tothfti, L Rabbit*" twentieth week. 12; it* ruler* i desrend on ee oalli, im itescoad on ce iiuauhtli, i
rhnMfutfi, tha knt mi on* Hide, t^neUali'vmatl's
Xiiihtrcntli lutAfttkocer. Li4 lafl : now tie earth 121; their aaMxiatic*, the five ritznaua, Ml, til throwing-etick. *<>; with Fktecatl, 211

en-Ateii UT, li-t ft.|inii< year, ]_!, HI ciaal/iMv/H region of the women, the we*z. I i.m CAennue rvutit/, **
2. Stmkc." day of the Maize (ioddoM,
KV.wcr,' (nrth week. JJL, its ruler, (
jafia, i|uaiL Hirrificinl animal, log ikruroLl with thu . 37 ; uuuc of the Maize tiodilc**, <17 . identified
l**w**oyotl, , cloy of thu Xcxliilhuitl, 2ii tnrth deities lui, dixgni*.' of Mpe, | nft with Toiiacanuuti, ii ; h**r colour red,
*ign of Xochi<|wrtznl 22; Kgntuiiag of the fourth fourth of ihw thirteen Ur<K zi cAoyhoc nptrtii, * 2. Crocodile," ftnat of XochhiuoUal,
outer of the Tcmalamntl,
rtnif,xHr.., with tfullnr dusign :
l7. IL

pJinit/, ipsiil

llmlilea. tW
foathtm in the nttirc of the Earth
nbcpar wntf, L Wind,* on whkh men were
trow a, thi Tliuv^tcotl'e feather lionl drr*. ii created, ii

doable maize ears

r to.inter/, in the hind of the Maize p'jr*fA |>alBo-hif stri|avcw yellow feathi-w in Tla\vd cJkiftmetwrtmti, **7, Rain,'' faaat of Chakhiubtlioae. in

t icddci**, til terel'* licad-slre**, jS 1

cfii'cvsn c rofhitt, L. Flower," ibiy of thu \iwhUhnUl,

ambit maize how**, earthly paradise. ii* .v.o-i//u-r.%>rV/., ftm >Ki|Ml neck ornament of the To . fi*/, of Xechupn'txal, 111k
nncureutf, neeklm* of mnuc car*, with Mayaiicl, ox Huai tecs. U2 ( 'Ai.viiyiu.iuif/, brother of Yacatc.-uth, g^d of trader*,
Amatory Ukiva,
| id
CiB twtf. Maize Goddess: or Cbiooone full fourth :
mt Mny a
i I. K*-mlM, hi* lee ait (date, Hi cAtVofapragm, two-wlourml, tlm pul'pie gcsl face-
of the nine lord*. 24^ her disguise thu pn-tzal
< iZo'tzik tixtecuth iUy *ign a t
pointing, UH, *7. H*
ti^iill, twelfth of the thirtH-r. Krde. 21 CAr4eAaf*t*rt, foA* with clrwth jniKiK, aii rh*wrj Jaguar," of TqxyolloUi, iil

CYirfcoflf, Maize Owl - Xocfat|dUi. 2U. ILL**. Si; rA>ti rht lu.iwrA _ Thincon- hurt, liij rhoianiAipin, the ninefold *tn*un in the under
seventh of the thirteen lowda, dcuutt* the oAn/cAtuA'irf - biood of mortififotion. LI2 w.irUl, ju, ra
hour <f *dcm, fcftj, figured faring Mayauel, 70 I
rAu/cA* nAnmu'jt*Ar/K TUIoc'u jiiuellnl Makw tear- .-Ad-wnouAm. rf/u*, the nine nnderwx^kl*. U
kirn of Thcultecal in Tnmaanchui, mj cAicMaiiuAjw^'iMu6cea iMnaw. the nine low**
rvat/t. maize ear*, Hrtl ugn of .ii.uinU.iiic, fr.1 the
; rA>ifrAitiA<i>y>(/vw/il/. tuit hku neeklarc pluiUal with luuvmi. iu
human l*riy made 04 22 ,
jewels l*h Tlalor, iil ; with the Sun Ikal, fca cAi'ruartW, u^WumI.'' fiM of Qwetxalcouatl, kl
('iptrmt {(Juirhel, earth .lemon, a Water Uod, il * tiewatii, IL Itafi luot and naauu of
eift-fiii, row of spike*, crnnahlu ; tlr>t day sign, U ; cWdWA trt*Vi. the Fire < ioi a jewelhd tlllut, 74. IIl Cbantieo, Uj)
)U rulor Tt*at?*lf*:iilli, :? -t 1 t A-c/rA, nAit> irw, Water Ooddeeu, her attire, Mi ; -Al.-un.iu. OJTJSHI f.'r, "Jt AjlC." fm of ItZ|*|*llc<I. low
C7#s itAmmA, one of the first two sootluayers K ruler f the fifth day. roiaatl. ami of the fifth week, C'A/rAc iXat (Maya), city in Yucaun ; imagw of
one of the three old sage* in Tanbcaarimn, 1<M . ce h'tntl, oil > MXth of the idnu kmls : third conrtclklkmsfij images./ the her- snake, 12,: Wt
reunu of Maya**!, tia of iIim tlilrteon Innlu. 7 : denefe* the time afire reached by the M, 1_. braastplatc of thu
cif/dmfntl. tarry enagna, girdle petulant of rnttling sunriae, .Jj : material image of the jwrishahlc, the figure*, 22k 2A
kingitg to plaited thongs with the
snail- shells : mtsen 4i. ill: her feast, rhlramw iniMlI, Hi f'Aickttosrrt, hunting tribe* : *<r Tumi me. T- rhirhi-
Karth Oiwlilf. y
with lix||ik*l, 107 with
i ; I
(.'An/efiinAJon^ra, the jewelkd bird, the turkey-cock lui-ra . their god Mix.yuatl. m ; in the provinca
iUauticr*. ill; with MirtUotecutli. t - chalchiuhatl, 113 inesay of Tftvtli|xua, lli : of TotoaHcajwu, Mi
CVt/ftfia ifw, ahe of the starry t&a^na," Hamate mlcr of thu tighfw'Tiilt day, te*|Matl, and of th eli'/d <Za|*Jto(), twisted, twelfth day vign,u
cutis thirteenth of thu thirteen l.xiii, I xtvwtitcwnih work, oe all, flat 114 tZapococi, cvccodik, first day sign, d
denutt* nightfall, the lart hours of the day, Aftj I
cA>fffAiifAuir:b. jewel-thom, agave haf -plk<x ftg. ! rAiftm < Msjrul, WlWt, U
Innl of the eleventh day of the seventh week. da. 113. 117. 1^1 /A./.IA1 //-if. (HI : Mnyai, wot haywi' lawk.1, 11 ^
H rA.i/rAir*fr.f gnen jeuel in the Fire (Jods mask. LL; ihttli, iu|uirom, its l.nly Chantica lM figured with

ntht/in H-mi*w, *lu>otlng star, falling "tar, figured tolrar of the pukiwe jug. \tl denote* wealth, 12'> > XotoUL li<; with iTtantiias ill
with t 'hrdrinuhtliroe. -j* CAr/cHers dweller* on the vr4i*am>, 1 tic fhdurMi, cwfuicum >ace, lid
t.i^.iiWAr/i, stellar Kill court, northern ecmstdlntiots f Wwm fnsf rVi Qod if the Outlniocs 2j rAi m<i//( a tone, la iViumus with Xipca synihoi*,
d. m Charii rtv Fire < bidders >J3. 1 1* Uoddewi of Xorhi
CiH^tUatomxc, Cstfafsa kv, god* of the starry sky milco. kJJk repdr^atnl ly the deer, flSj
; rA<a fZotzil) [pointed], moalt, lj
Tuiiaraiixtaili, Tonomriuotl, 2S. ruler of the uio<m:,tb dny. i|Utauitl. and of fihfi rAimt Zajaitrr], doer, seventh day fOgn, 7j LL

citltMinm v (
'itUlin ku ightHMKth wt^k. ce eenitl. H4 lit* atone head AimnuyM. floating garden* in the Xecliinilco Ug-r,
; .

ntfdf/o, with Cellar dmiga, the Wind Uod'x tbrowintt- of. in the Muaco Xarv.mal do Mexico, ill

stick, rAm* iZotZjli, thu lido r>rurm, j_j i 'ArncMa/siwfos inliaKtar.t* of the Xochimiliv. lagoon,
Cttii. hare, ahnota at the Son. Lilt rAuynmr the pul pic god* loose necklace of wi. Hi
finumanrf, cmIcImm of Colhuaean. lUO. lift : her madimlli, gji. r hu fZotzil', cutting, nharp, eightrenth day iigu, 2
-oe<*. M. rA< Mnyai, to be eaten, U .-.WyvT.-ru ra//i, tL Homws feaat of Mictlantecwtli
Cf mt dottvlm rAer <Zo'tU, Mventeentk day iign, h and Tunntiuh.

136 Index nf American Word*.

ekiqwHen apaniiit/s', L Ape, (out of Teecirtacatl //<UMlffu//i, the old Xxidos. thirt'enth id the thu- uA#ra t Mam th* okl miutnoo * Mun, ii i,

xml Tooatiuh. ii tcuii Ionia, mum* i4nrr>' eky xml mghdxll, MnsirAius aA.w^ with a plastering of fiih-nxwt on the
rAiqmtJi, long- eared awl, scop*. sixth of the thirteen 11. xt the millRtooe fncinit \orhijnetr>. I -1 cheek, jointing oi Tlalnc, U
bird*, at iniMMoger of tha I kath < ei, HI ; i/AoMninm, kil of hearen - T*xr*UciitU, dl Isnrttlt.
'aht in the face,* voanan hgiinal with
Ckiqwnaut y /Arr-if < Nicaragua! Wind God : *r lax (Mxyxh nijiplc, 2 PwacowU. M : Xochi*) tiftxal, Hi
fhirtmnui eoratl inir fMxyx>. day eign, ^2Hrt iryuiteeAtinnili. frontal xhiold, with Mktkuitccutli,
th*r* (Maya), apa, eleventh day xigo, t^Li itn/jje first dxy ^,
fCnltch>|iicl li >,
- - ~ i

ijrtf K/uviMnf, "thtoQ^h whom we hvo, iiuiirwtian urjwmjif, ldimifo4d, 2L iili
e( (Maya! et of teeth, twelfth dny rig*, ^ 13 of tliu duly, H i>l/>sa f/jC/.i.iM. the rr*>M -striped fare-|iaiating of
f>inuniri, the Wind God' * dminitMm, HI ipotoe, hie i4ench, hiw feather plasterirg. L Teicath|NMa, jin, -It ; of tlw ml TexcatlipiN^t
rot iAsou/ r-romUf <^uHttlouuntr siktuI braurt-ormi- ,
ipotimoi m ipotoe ipf Xi| HjL with the Kin* Got. 'LL
i, .

rnent, 4fl_j with PhUratl, rtK with XolotL Jifi itrcX na, Mxitxl uaioo. ill IrtfUum. the littL* black face, his disguiw, the .

ws-sn'clfi ; *r flnnsio >lli iti**, hn tisotb. twelfth day sign, L 13 iimtMiliiiutUtllas m'CiwkI cf Urn thirtiwn lunla 1 3*1

Murf. wind, twelfth day sign, ^ It; it* ruler t^uetrnl- It*im*d ! Maya i,
the edd ifod, JJ ; aseoeixud hiero */ reu' f*, lolacco pilK 2i
IMd,4l II gfypih. axil or, Lai I:oUli, growth, feast of the Fire God, XI
Ruluiimiii ntnd gods - mountain gods, li
llttlo ittmerti, T*xeatli|wa'fi nimUI*. |uiia1ed with the i levmm. nith tlm Earth <f<*diies*. Hi

*.4* i;Z|Htu fr*^ fourth day sign, 2 ;. ohnidian anxke, ijo h**r white wotaan, LLj.
ctuntf, the
r<kt (ZapotccV jngwir, thirteenth dny rign. h 1

Iji'urtff. -*h* id the .dwiiUtn eno^ux," gmld*i of the i:hic UAvfiurtf, white turkey-feotberN HaJ
(Cokchhpud.t, row of teeth, twelfth day sign, H*.
l*i|dl tnlm in Mitla. I Earth Goddcm. LLLiii2 I ; tzfue tutstuU to, th white hiiuuniag bird, tbe first of
li itvcmntli, dog, indigenous in Mexico. i_. eaten ami tha thirteen bink, TlxuuraljixiitMdMJi's diaguisu,
iZapctecj. night. thinl dny sign, **
</ i 1*1 ,
Mcndcni, 22.J. Ml par in tho ub lerwwjd. 1L *L. 31,3d
*fnA <Zo txilX tenth day gn, h
moiimmI of the Kir? God, tin, 1 ].* tenth dxy sigu. -.
i :.. jwAttt, the white flower - Tctco innxu, JL
AVwJyittWittfl', h*an-<Alil|g t TVJofV chief fiOU, LL ruler, Mictlxntecutli. e*l

113 nV*o ftwt of <d*i*ttiio<matl nt*l Xolntl, ii

hsnnd, city tit VncxtAd, Milur Innl. Hi fua (MxyaV yellow, fourth ilay sign, ^ lii
(Maya), cutting sharps nineteenth day sign, * l/sfAifttlnfi, oiniilixn butterfly, glides* of tbe Chiclii- im iCakehn{Ue!i, feurnle igunno. Ill
wuinunttf, Xi|io's breast ornament, LiHi. merV Id ; wear* the lueux laiu cioth, 107 ; in i'nnn hrd ink K^uicbek the yellow, the white
ew*l> (ZoUiU row of teeth, twelfth iky sign, 2 aulu form, lit* . ruler of tlm sixteenth day, mum* oar, li*. S&
ixotcwpsitihtli, ami od the fiftMtith week, i* 1
! K^ [1m ioi*l v4 j .*>* n \7j> trail, fourth day sign, 2
tfJtutvtn (Z<rud> ; $rr kuta.ii t:*t MAr/i', ukaidinn togle, tri|il eogin, wiyhtb of iW i< ak'-h^imli, th* yellow, eighth ilay sign,
the tiiirlruu hints 311 f uA.ii'i or iirffiau llopi dance chK 11 i *,

Aom Mxmi, l to be huh, LA lUtn/siiJi, uUme |dxte, I J i AttxjrX Kok*vi (MayaL fare of the Sun, fin-gmex-
A#x (Zo'titl, Maya l, wizard, fourteenth day sign, Ji Ititn/*iito<o! m Xip, HI : ruler of the twentieth wuk, luajnt, *rl of Itxiuftk ^
Aow 'l^nirlie \ Inll-OOurt, Lldl ce tc*?htli. U4- iirt A w twioif: (Quiche) - Quetialcouati,
t cnsitor of
AwCV.m Muni, shxviug* i id n plane, U note tiiOr, *linrji. pninlod, cold. Hi loan and the world, t3_ ai
//rmi itA/wwl^uubvi, solar brnv, ]^; nan* of the rt:f/wViuAv vs tbe l>ciit obcvlioa knife, Hi* roll, A'vA-iuV.di < Main = 1 ^* itf/iWiunai. culture hero,
twentieth day wgn, 2 colli, Ui. hat of 't ot fig I. miii of TtUo iouxn. Ii
/fttu Ault ((fwicbeX " L Ape." eVder brother of Him gixi.]. .1 tli^ Uchiinrr||
HL: k,f *l f<-af A'tovoiCltni illojo*. mule symbol, LO note) I

mIijui, 11 piiuidisirnt, ruler of the thirteenth ilu>. aratl, AViviiuyu mill** symliol, ^i<re>
II vu rA'ituv iMuyni, 1. Molar tooth," name cd the nod of the twelfth week, c citvlrjalio, im-^xt
(til pul. :*
li iftffi,olaidixii koifn, Hi; one-knife (kl, senmd <4 Aw iZxjHiteck fire, sccr-wd dxy mgn. *j

Hum rAouev Quiche \ I L Aj^," elder fmrther of Hum the nine look, H Aw t4s|Miie>, rssaL, thirteeiilh day sign, ii

ahpu, U ititvpolli, stone axe, weapoaof tlio |iiili|iu< gi*lv sT Aim As* i.Zotril>. eighth day nigo. 2
Iluvtknm (Ljutti), God of = ToJCXtlipocn, Hwt* ItuM^mti, wuxr^is (ip|NNwata of Idacuukouati. ii Asnu iZopceeci, sly, tiuxcberoufl, sixth day aign - mi-
.M.tts; fain messenger the Vac, 1* iaimrownd, lip md of downy f rather v with rxiumtli, fuixtll, K Si LI,

lii Asa iZnpceeci. eye, twentieth dxy regn, 2

icwy'M, poverty 2 ,
iaropd/i, rod of downy fithvr*> in the 1>xlh God's At/ej <Za|Mc<x'(, broken to pieces, eighth day igu, 2
teiwxiAiit, Huxxtec inimrten* <d Tetro tnmm. **, p-j, bsml ilrvAA, il /mi lZn|*<ari. m| *. eleventh day *un, d
i'uirmnod/<, feather crown, *1 Iw iZopoterl, root ! sixteenth day tig*, H
iriurtt/, cotton, produce of tlw Hviatrv*, ;
pointing U iMxyxi, wuani, fourUvnth day aign, \ Hi /m* (ZApsawci, oyc. twentieth day sign, Lf
/jntrrtntujsti, * ha r
if | tri Imi* ili-ili.pii'. Iitnl>. H. of the yelknr face the Fire (leal,

with Xnlod. Uij
TbK ,, l^*f dr* fillet id uni'jma cotton, yn ;
Iremmtn r Thlfoltwitl, !i:i
iuiicmV ixotti. * II. Rml,'* ft nst of < 'halclijiihtokdin,
nninuf MuriyatiiAlA, !V. Vutture, * one of the


iyA 1 4<i txil> : w lit /mHxnwiM 1

, four sioteix, invimtor* of tin- werifka lv riUnaux fcigtifc. 2l
Ht May x
wind, eecun*! day turi, xi row xhootiug, HI mucuiV cucfi/iafiis,
M 3. Lizard," uoe of the tiw l*Hz-
i i.
i*k <(dniches wind, second day ngii, s i>Aaw i.Mnrul, lxdy - Moou, LI natu sign*. Qd, HI

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Index of American Word*. I J"

wnnu/ tif+uilt, ~ ^Ooeodlk,* feast of TL^olteotl, Juj Bi/<Zotalh mother, H ninresiiuuWufintr, Xipo'n Opm mnutll, t''l

wicwtli nlir%. pn CO//*. MotiuU. JL Homs*," earred turn i.Mayak caiuo, ruaaori, fifteenth iloy sign. ^ ill w oTrss-VTf/umOnic, curaatchosK |<auitiug on the lower
on Cueroxvacan I'himalli stone, mrftujmt/t, hand-roller. HL half <d the Fire Uod a fwe, 74_i. 'd Th\*oltwdl.
tmu-tdt tnnHnnih, *b. Broom," or* of the Are X itl- tor#/tft, miDitone, HI St
nmM i*ns til Ifr^tittan, dkstricl on the luinlem of H uaxtoralatei, umr iXo'lrili : o*r imnx
iwtrtuY tvektti, ft. Rabbit," one of the live tllriiMUt Iwt <4 the day signs. I seven lli day sign, a
tuojfte iZoUili.

m*u, tl meiitti, M on, hieroglyph, Hj with Tlav>3t*tl. Hi iwuywMhru/j, " she %bt* l*y night," Tetw mnnc on
Motrui/ sndutt, **
Flower.' one of the tv# I 'lUtuim its phase*. <ii ; Ntfxnd of it* Idrth. loir f*W*t- lid.

signs, ST a**iatc of tniatetco. 21L com* from JIrrtniy M-ximus. legend of their origin, 1<M ; wW* iZotxiH arnimulntion. ninth day sigu, a
Tuwmtkn. 7 1 : wi*r*tb* tnnalH t mbl M: tt t-xodus > the e *>t land*, 43^, nilatioiia to I ho tiiwfur t.Vfayai, anMiakulatkm, ninth day sign, ft

nn *tnhnljtiiiit of Tw'utliiro*. Tu^ hi* non(. LL Maya tith**. H niwysf iMayal, eland, 1A
AVfcm/ *. Flower,' feast of Xolotl. ill attjvlufi, geminatioo nf tke sgave jdant, llu. ill
itutfutl, diwr, Mhtem of drought, linage of tlio Firo we rjruyumf/, mask of the v,.*thn' thigh akin at the me iZajifitfik mother, flftoontli day xign. ft

thnidem. tj seventh day sign, & Hi it* filler Ock|ianutH fo4, Hi hurkd in hostile territory, .V*Ar/.vn, a rity, lutrvgtyj>hicnlly hgured by *u
Hftlor, i . _c rr aa mr-plug, H.
nvUaniii, |^inUe u hurl. Lift! wejj-uvv- tf,im:r/ t t . warriors' davlcr, Jti luuiidt/i, ear plug, w xiuhtmoH-htli. *v tzkoliubqui
twisted. name of a gross, Hi broocn. i*e r,\>ft i
nuiiatiooo, nmetteu. ou the crown of the Maize ntcoditli
emblem of puriflauUm, t IT symbol of ovaries' . Oxides*, d ifaiwnliiw, liecnmc* the sun, ti 2
eeaoey 7 ; twelfth day sign, L LI; it* ruler hjhuI<jU(, lauiy ImiiuhI up with curd is mi uuiii, thv ehangod, thu mug*iitr. )Mitet on ce
Fhtceatl, U.I Jit ,
; in the pnlqitc gods' necklace. sil mnninijr -park, aft wall, H2; I In* aaoon, til

jtMtttMif vwi. with ontitrrtchuil anna and legs, Attitude im>r/ ia, underworld, abode of those dying oi ail .V-asilfaK, n |H<ojih of Aztec sfieech. Hi
of wx rial union, attitude of lauiuritiou, ILi menu, h t .V-vaA;V'f fnwtfi, lord of the four quarters, 73, Ha
rmivrtlhtoiitli, tire drill. figured by two arrow drafts, Jffry/<TM/amtfv. lXealli CM, mleT of the tenth <lay, Mitut umif, J. Hd.
iluy of tire-drilling. 1L1
112,: in the Fire <kd* crown: are miuontli, itxcuintU, ud of the tench woek, eu tcofutl, *i mum' off, a_ Water ," bust of TeceUtenUl, lii
tbuxichtsoatli ;
tlachinolii, conflagration, Hi tfth of th>* nine lords, ii ; eleventh of the thirteen nnui v/wurt/r. *L ('rofodilc,' ia thw Yowuia MS, Hi

constellation. *1 krds 3JH mean* sunset. JL Mirwi rrroZf, i. Wind,* hunt ol the itinerant traders,
mtunritfi, drill : are oilie qwunniAmalitli ; la th* IiauH awcA^uraAi/i. fishwoet. ArgrmoiH- Max kuna, ill ti: Secured facing TUIor. lawirar of the sun
of Fntiial, fill J/iduii/it', a trilsj, lllj ilcsceruiiimt into the jauw of vartli, kli

Mum' mu quiff*jn jZApcCee t, the aniaail ntore in the Jfi/vafof, form of the Fire Ocd, lit anna oCrn, J. U dling Motion." symhul of the sun, 7,
sky, a whir, ti *w//i, field. liWroglyph of, 11 U figured with Xijw, UjO, i n uver the four .

mwotf i .Mayai. seventh day sign, tt *.V*frf/, dmth, Kixth day irigu. JL 11 its ruler ivdiuitM with Xolotl. HL : in the\*imna M.S HI
Kuik/ui. entering the ranks, enurtoans. osaciatm of Teteixteoail, mecitJirtfi, falcon, third of tine ehimwtk Unis li
th hachulor warriors, illi Msi/iuntfi ttuntcJktvmdti. two n mow -draft* in the Fire *:iAiu'fu7i, (^uctzaliouatl's fasting haike. lift
m LL Crocodile," in the Vvenna AVxnWiv/ywff, King of T4?nfs hi* hieroglyph.
mntfatfi ore (lost m frown, 74, IL HI
manuscript, Hi Mountain of the Kiro drill : ms aong Ufjsyass//*, fiKtng, hierotflyphic reprosewtatnui d, a 1 :t.

mutUtift '!*'' unfit, H. Itsod." id thw Sun's ]W to Macinlxewhitl, 11 1 HI . with (

'luuuko, 117. HU

rill, Hi (JcJ of the hunt, of the Cliichimeea, 00 ; Sr^twiifiiUt, King "f 'lVtzcfico, hieroglyph of, HI
.m itn/uit. the bine wnter, * r.Te drill, S^L U ; mask of the morning Oar wrni Artucurufikt iCbibchai, luwc Uod. Hi
M**tlutmryr, mountain godil***. I is _ Hrm/fMtnm, sujairiiuaairary day*, ill

nvrtfaau. lord of the net, Kv-nam* of TonacaUinitii, au'rrif/-if.<tavri*w. ateUar fare jointing with Tluui* MciMru.'forMi/crfi, ear gashing <*lf-torture l Hi
n.m colpaiitcrutli, jb>, 2m with Mixoouatl tiamaxUi, Hfp tn nti<t ruttuZ > A. iiihiii, its represuniAtii't^. the
ntil/l'.f itinu'L, In tin! tog, t 'iili hitmv eqUl|UllCllt, witll 21H w th Atluua, Hij_, with I^unaU^m with th** bnturfly and XfKhi|Hlli-CinteotL the sun in
the pulque god. with ThniKlt*nUfcntli,fti ;
tonnti^h ilxro yauh. HI bdrd-fcrm, ili
with T*trtli|ajt<*, 4J0: ** ith ToflAtinh, oil ioAi'uAfiViir, Xipc's qiuril face |>*irvtmg, LLll .VeytsuMcy'irtru, < 'hw hiuoe royal *iut, Llil

aiitfofof',bird with hands, H nurrA*<MMl0Sf, plaster no TUIor'a choolc. 11 aeiffojri:y*in, time of seir-wounding, of mcrtitiratV'ii*
ffwLat/*wAytii, gaping. rut out swallow -Uil fashion, mijytezti-^neitcfli chujil motivea wx>ven into liuoxtrc - m i i Ini gilt. 1
1 1

article of Xi|** oltirr, list coverlets, ifi n<iAWiavpi Ultii :r/i, f*jt mg on tba feast of Tlalor. iil

majtlitl, men's loin-clock, worn by Ctuat*tec\ llx- t.iW, la a a* no* i h.\>t iku'i: tii , faiding on the feast of the Sun
iiatol-tJ. h-'T : l*> i'lmnUen, lit!; by X<*hi.|*rtzal, image of the deads - battlement, 21 tb>L LL
1?V* tnsrjntl, liattlecsesit. 12 aria lZai*<*K-t. watMr, ninth iUy sign. 2* U
eitjr in Yucatan, readied by the Mexican*, wwyptf *f mixxotl : iwaAl/*. cartus tg. with TcjieycJlotli, H
a aomm May* mythical
I I, bird, H wA l.OUtchniueli, big, full, xtrong, m*vcntcentb day
Jfvf.ii iW, goddiaw of the agave plant, ruler of the Ktefu <Zo'UiI>, biiiji. aecumulatiiML, ninth day sign, a sign. *>

Wgbth iUy, (oclltli. and of the eighth vrook, cw J/o>eeA.:cmiT tMuntiuumai, khg of Mexico, his flight wv/k*//', flg cactus fnopsd'l, its bram-b** ttted in the
mnlumlli, fT It : - Xochkpietzal, til to the underworld, iiii oxailsitaou tin* <Vh]*niztli ftunt, ua.

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I SB Index of American W<nK

nr ( 'lit j At. touch day sign, 2 inMirAtmiMiit/r, bone rattle, hi A/uVs, tribew of Mexican *quHch in thiateniHU aiwl

piJK *'
pttk|Deort, * fiioml with Mujawl. t*2 owu'ff, |*wntod lionr. bone dirk, iiufikment of nu>nih- San Salvador, il; their god Qurtiahoifll. it
}mh|ne jug, with Mayauel, Illi with I'kte- mtkm. in Tin >:'* h.unl. |il I f*>rAr/u. luereksuiU* qUMrtrt, where dwell* (.'intootl,
-hi I, an <Zapotx l cold, eightci-ntk day wSgn, 3 sou uf Tori, Hi
flfrfi, pulque, extracted fnon tlm agave, til frA-Kiftitmifi/fitmn. where the door* are icrefaed Puftuottrftti volrnno. with tbe porture of TUI or, g
i^uotrakoimtl n runic ho: of jaguar- 'kin, umhrworld. jH fvtftnil, briHHU in the hawd of the Rnrth CSt*lik, **.:

Jfi Of**u. trilw. lisi ; theft (htttder, ^ ; their in Ilxtlarnliubfiiii's, 21

piUi, unit ill jagUMr-skili, iii I'eueroyotl, LI ; thir *<*d Otontccnxii, i2
jngrur. stalled, oo the royal ifcair, Lli ; con- Otonbrrtii. jrod of the LKouii, .'7 yMtiwnou v.--Wti drill: ce onic ^uammama-
tdlatiou. u fniinumth day
. i/n, n, t;i ; its ralur d oc (MayaX ei*cn of the Klrv Ood. Itttini't o*w tiili

Tktdttod, IKY |H> ; to he devoured by - tdUr mtal hier<viyt4* L2i ywumhosoif/, wcoirn collar. *lnt* ndlar, LI with
eclipse, 4^j irosge of Tef-ey llutli. 4* 41*_: has nWoAun ti: mnyi/ iMayaV, the thirteen layer* of the Xcdotl, Its with XinhterutJi, U*L
nightly roar first of the hod omen*. Li clouds Li ymiuAnnilU'. the Vttlll ironic" - l jUOiV.ijatl, 1'XJ
j*f uur Min, <*w ( the ftmr |in4ittorir -W iA un ti iu i M nynl, the thirtee gudrt, IM, yufiiAimV/, engle fenthtTS warTven' luiiiting, lim. 10
W-sit i/fuAtm r:'aoiA (Maya), the thirteen gmientrou* * : VuinAndNsuc. in the wood,*' district, the praseal
ape, eleventh day sagn, Ja. U ,lfc twin bokin ti'uali Cuwrnasaca, il.'i I hintalli sOotve, Hxi Xochi-
^ Hi
rindim : *rr axUpiliii
flnimum* two wKithmyenv. K 3t; one
ocw< of tlin fint
of the four eld *ace in Tamooceban. IQI the :

yMiuA/^vAi tiAyin (hiiMiiUt, dhicbl with the eagle'* foot

twin pin# th* way. 4nnlh annual feast lonivt, it* aymbof ^ Lsii : - Tonamriinal, Uli iui|innt. with CblldM, Hi with the ocher ;

uf the Mexicans, ftwet of Tt9u ianan, tff. **, jg, .yi uV t , tVnUmnitznauii, ii; ornament
rattle of the denied in the di*!rkt f th* Xochianiho bg*>n.
_ Uil of the dance gods HL ; of the mixntrchi, ilj
V^nufiml Mtlluhlii,
iul orin/Wis, riwdiiw : *- axU|>ihn ys*snhii.trleripiti, ragie's down, war paint, ii*J
*fVn, rolling motion, *rvntvoiih day sign. 2* Wj its ynnAr/*. eagle, fifth of the thartien brrd*, d^gui*^ <f

hieroglyph. 14. H*i it* ruler Xoiotl. IQ- 112; : /wAr/i, Til land ms "Sjni*h liewnf' balls a*lr of Yaotl, S2_, fifteenth day sigia, 7 ,
13 its ruler
m earthquake, Hit nud in tbe nauhau at the Ocbpeminh fca*i. uu \i|*e Tutor, litLLiil; warrior, iisJ : mt itx-

Ji*, to move afoul, iiSi fVlf* tbe fenni r

<henddX wwi the ma*k of qtiattfcfli
uarthquakc min. present age, ]_, ILL the Morning Star, au ifantuhiJ* engk and jngnar - warrior*, Kl, tim ;

<41 i, numtrlHini, lull; tainting with. ** motc-on! Pun tU'intf fOkobbqul) - Me* Wan atkratl, rant with 32

eofantkat ; an o Berio*. {Vjj with XocbuiovtaU, tribtw. ^ ywvinArem//r, Hacrihcial bkwwl with Xi|4, lfa ,

ill Pa* (mil/, wrong for IkUiad, til note with Xiulitocutli, 13^ with Maynnel, liL, with

Ohutnt OEvMtTis iwlioMtiurt* of tho Atlantic roast, un ptimmen, |ilaa* in Hwaitf *w 1LH ,

Chanlicev Uh no it* nudersAdu a pietur* of the

Ofiumt .Yi*m/moi. aborigine* of Tbixcalbn, who ,
/ ufii rtrf-Wf/ fllofiiX feather snake, J2 jaws of earth, j, ij^j with *uckiug rood with
tit igrAtml to the Atlantic rout, HU /\u*yi*rWur6. feast of ritiikijiochtlX fire ceiemoffly, <1udc hinhtutofan, 111
*4*4 tic, rrwnd. iill (fnmitl #ui. first annual feast, ia>t of the Ram 4 lod,
ranutclinur object** offering*, il
Vi* ho.

ihv-Hnfl i Ittwi," god nf fnotv,

butterfly : u* tleyofnldl we >aca|W|alo<l
ceventh of tho thirteen birds, 22: denotes ibr
{fmwJtMl. twx- headed, a name **f llwntitvi 1> 1

-ns aaitf, **
i. Retd*" frost of Mn>*uU, Tjh H hour of noon. Ji; white design about the nuoili y *|MMui-l>UI r lUub plvrholtjonlli emblem
of thr fire-drill. emblem of fire-drilling, 11; of Xoclupilli, sHj om tbe qm'niitl of X<chi|iilli. of the nine kirs|*uf th* night, ( Mit-
figwml with tho plcturo of xexoxl union, Li 2!i . warrior*' iWnru, lii **r iLzpufukitl , couatl in Mexko, llt fmst of Xc.*bi>{uut2al with
Oiiirttimif : *e* Ometeculls. Pufrtttunmti, )uiuU.d with the biittwrlly ; China* th* T1\<*lt*'*s lsii
***** two wooden drills - noun* I naui. goddua* of the scoae-< otters
1 1 - ya>^^y<iMf/, ahouhler cane. >
crown of tin? Fir Ood. 74.35
hnaatli, in the Pntrr-itf. |iuk |ile g:l, twelfth day. nsllibilli
|i ltd of tile y wA it^uirhr t, i|mt, seventh day sign. 2
tut' fwfMffi, two jui'iral f' Aih'T tuft* on the head
and of th* c4eanth week, ce o^xauAtli, K7 Wi iOakrhii|weK dath, sixth day sign. 3
of Xocbiqmrtzal, ia<>; of the Chautko of Codex fkttttfli. {cal, it* lord Mai'iulxorhitl, bii ifitf wi ft', npion-like article of dress, with Xo?hi|>iIIL
BoriMinirti*. 112 warrior*' o^alv-shaped device. i'7

Oiurt^cntli O*oiwf/, toed* of the double, piii of j*v,y-rotr> (/a|Mit*n) - JudatUeuintli, the hairlew h-st where w all In toiM nay
generation,31 &2 dw*cend - the tfentUtwOfMi ii
.n^r-xA/iVm.irf i. owertet with the ptllfUt god* /wifucu/fi. eotfer, treasure chest, Uj = the fasting feather crown of Qwetaalnaaatl,

|*tUm, Js2 houw, U1 hero of TnlUfi. 2li4A_. ownUrH*) with tW siuh-

f<iili|>io ird* dtvire, jhu rireuwatf. piihjue jug with sucking rvod^ couaxay acatl, lii

uw hjektii. |iuk|UC gmi. ST, *>*, pUtfiti. Clicking VMii, ha the ]uih)ue jug, in the
TexcatlipsKo'- dorsal desire, r^t,

owe uir.- ? er> of the I'aetli, 3^, wacrificii] blood *r**rl. ili with Xipn, Vtii the Fire Uod* fiathsr m*ni>.,
nut jndkHvmalf the ticu 1 flower," 2 /Va fXapotecX twwtei, twelftli day Mgn, a 24, 2a
Om'VMtiA, Ometecucti'a abode, highest thiitofwtli Pittrinttiwtli, lord .<f the \
* aiuv* - Sun Hod, 2S.: thinl f/u*r.nt">vtti, feather *nake, figured with Xipc. I'd .

hcAVi-n, Li <if the nine lords, 21; luvwotf Xiwhiqi^trnl, ]12 ,

*v AMvndum

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t/ufttnlcvuatl , A god tinmdug of tint name, ii

: ;

tsrfiaft, iwa-Miiail *hll, e>mt*4 of the Moon Ckd, ^h, Trufituviv, Mcrificki] nite** of the old tril***, pyimkh
god of U Tolu*-, 41 . gd of im'pfhsuil *, ii. h ;
61 with Tejieyijintli,
iiL; *ltli L^leantie**. 1 >T ; of (he siui iu>d iniK'ii, Uj
god of Ike Vt|tu and of the I'ipils U_; hiero- with the Fire God. tsi.thil*, lord of thu stafipe. a by- name nf Tcaa-
glyph of thu Mcood day *ign. reintL wind." j |
trrrJl'iynmijui ,
yrtfirtfUs nyn, who rhi tilts* himself in eatecntli, XL ill
Wind God, li_, of the eult devoted rbwcual, in IiIihhI, attriVoite of Toaiacateciitli, 2fc the gml, sixteenth day >*igw. L.I11I
trutl (*oioi/. sign of

to the rain cods hi* litth* fnMing-l*ouN*,il3 tnyA'itf, long-enred owl, tenth of the thirteen Inida, tnuimtf, genuine tunj noiae, LI
inventor of tin- Tcmalainatl. t*ij choice* himself 33. 31 Mitomtli lay mgn * I <oca<|UaolitliX 7^ Tmynntuufui, deli) <*f thu inimttfi' diuth, sixth of the
to the morning star, ]*, i2_. 'Mglnr of hum, Li 107 ; in the b*N*e of til** Kartli flmlikws 111 thirteen Ionia, gr*t *tonv iniMg** of Couatl
and of the w*ond
ruler c4 the second tiny, e^-cntl, ffifitl. Hint, eighteenth day *igt, 7. U_: it* rulrr ime,
wwlr, tv ixvloeL i 4H ninth ctf the thirteen : (*liah'liia1iUitolin, 118 Ijj. 7V/Tin ru. tnbe, 1 *

lord*, j Altornmiu tortu. 3Li HuuUf trrj*ttfAf*A/i, atone Hte, <if the |*i*iue g***|/*, al Tff* ilhwtf, fmM of the iiihiuiLl.ii gods in Muxh\t,of
article* of In* attire, HL.liJ ; article* of lib* feUirv Ireftslnmnmtitf tin the IVaiira Fraiiri*atxxiK seven- ThdboKW, LLa
the X*N-hii|U*Ual wrth the
with l*fttectl. *tlb Xolotl. ilil ; figur'd ,
teenth day Ugn, 7^ {i Tr/rtMtfla iTuxjwmiX Htiaxtec ftone imigeof yuet
facing T*|wyofhitk LL gj a* the fasting t^-fulnrtnnmxtJ, tuiuuur, h xalrauatl, iu
facing Cbawtim, lla feeiiff*. king, |iriiKv, his hieroglyidi exjirrased by trfwm, lord of the mmiotoin. a by-name nf Tona-
^WrWoumrf- JffifffaalcrvfftV double group, )artiog xiuhuiLrolli, Li, eaUeutli, 31
i( iky and night T trfwnrjtJ, li|> nwl Trprm A arwuHiri yuirhei. creator of man aud thu

yw/M/o/rirl/i, th*' CNgld bird, vine* nt dura, 1'J Ult Za|*iUcV tenth day tagn, a
< world, 4i
yttriviiU, liul-feather of Ffcaromamk* raorinno, *ig- |
harhekir*' Imac, warrior* hour*, Tn, LU TrftfyJlotii, hrarv of the Hxiuntain. eighth of th*-

oifioancu of tha doeoeatU*, LL: symbol cf witter, ; re.waf(Mvrff, the Tound rt(MVj of the Sacrifkio gladia nine loed*, 2V ruler of the third ifeiy, rcillL and
Ji; two toft4 ; *> nine 4|Mtjlli torio, Llii of the thinl week, n* ma^uth *> 33 image of
V*y/Wr..r.f, qucttal lord. I'honanacru* norinno, rrvw*//i, fftoiiti'liMUtf kill, foiindiiiimt for fan like TecBtli|*ocn. 16-36 jnguar * roar, flrt of the
twelfth of
Xorhi*(notal, LL'
the thirteen loed*. il ; dUgnire of decoration*, ^ mi
stone oiillstono, a rnnin cf the sixteenth
liad cenew*.
rr/uWoion, mminUin
fitk fll ; a


green humming-bird. Serood of tin* day sign. U /fyadiawMiiNM, the tbfOttkr, the i*iil>|Ue gmL Lj 'ill

thirteen lord*. 21 fcMimut**//. ilrwani hookK mi Tctro mother of the gods, oarth paiduM, deity
ytrra |Z|niUi*K aur, ninth day rig*. U f<-*K*n r.wjhnt. we seek <nir limneland - Tamoanclian 1 of thu s^Sflj ** T1a*;olr*>o|l her
< K*h(*u.ixt]i.


yni JtAfrofJ, rain gml %>* Tlaloe

house in Tam* war ban, lli\ JiL; her oog, a'

V*o 'iAnmiir>nA. onuof the four jeehidorir age* : rain the real ail - s|*ir throing, Lt triewifJ. vxitive fj*er. on the palq ue jug. <2
^ hj
of fire.

^ lU in the Crania* PtandMIl foe the
thu -k <
r-nni, vilfcigw in XiearagHH.
: *rr atl tlaehinolli

tr*t, tone symbol of sterility,
tr4f-ftutuiU. Stone and wood *
juiniduiient, Ijo

ninth day rig* nth 1; uinetecntli day sign. Lli : . tn*w\Aizth, the real incurable windy, leyvosy, 11 r.f/o union, u-niple of Cliantico, ]_Lj

iiankrClulkiil] ik - < flic. U3, in tv/cvttlii .u iovA-tscrtir/, t^uctrAlcoiiatl's nocklaro of ujximtl, sinwter omens: drsL, the jaguar's nightly
(Jmrfu, Maya tuition in GuotetiiHln, JA *iud)-*hellx, lit , with 1eiwoyotl, LL rr Tepeyolhali, f*u, werwul. the Iactli. M :

yt*t*4 (tfnirke), iteur . +* *|Ueh rrxwvyfii-amvmif/, white Tmtlifra'* hrmst ring, Shf*
yM y <Zapute'Xfinv nomil *lay sign, a orimment. with Tepeycflotli, i*x with Tkiiir ;
hiJotl, s* drill. Uii

ywr> (Zapotec\ reed, thirteenth day afen, a cnb)ai)tecutU, ?Oj with Teccixteoatl, jit: with tr*rtV/^a*T, uisanl in the Crdoicw
; Fram
VW^tsifi : er C'iiuuxmatl Xijwv K-U, I'-i with t^iiotaahvoiall, tloi fasting fourteenth doy sign. 1
f ij whuu i,
Moon nose*." aa gl, U* with Mirtlnnlerntli, *3. Nj
T,u<u-\vtf \UitprthUi, puVjUC g.hiciJ, gvsIdiM of ViirtliK

fe^mr/iniwiAtfyu. with gold ling, Xi|**'s shiidiL, K'- ii

(. i nut Jit, dough not. an offering, lii r^,ew(f/(iruma//i, gold dink, TUkjc'x tira*t|4at<r,ju tneHf/ottli, a kind of obsidian, in Fire (h>r crush,
T'itucmr, Chi* hiow-, II truruitlufHuutl, th** g.ihl lifcinoT in finals hand. ad
TVimu^nrA^M, buu?r of tUpomt, tins we*t. Lii ; home NO TnrutJifr*ii a giat * Itxtli, Stotw kuif* God, wr**M|
of the earth goddewi. UK*. jgl ; mythical cradle fruetrttSuit, symlmlic rr(jeesontatiun with thu Sim of the nine lord*, *J4_^ niuth of the thirteen
IoikI, 1113 ; figured with the sixteenth day, ecoca Clml t Hj , h r<:*fiy| h, U2 lords. iL* ;
nmio* the |o>ur bufore IX ; hi*
ipaaiihtli, and the ftftomth uu*-k,ociulli, l'-i l*> .
lr<* in tin f/.ioi tuttotUt, Xipea boreadpfcite of lateu dii^wire the tec*dc4l. 34 o Moon Go*L Jk * i ,

y iol.diMd by a heolcfw (honoring trnt, iill gold. Hit as lith God. til. - TepeyollutIL jaguar s nightly
(.tfrtiJiL'tV,, hoUM' of rod nnund itkeU, one of Quetzal TVocAt'Ai! tui, thu tme Chichiaitcs, LL iil' roar, 4 -o : - Im-ih, *_; = <:|udehiuh(o(*4m.
iwall'* four fasting lu>iw*s iln if/*', narved wooden chair, 3^ Lilt LLi; - Humksii, LI ;
lunlof the td|>rhcalli and
fri/^n'Aifi, rid Boii<wl-d*ell in the Fire tloH'i *a>k, 11 TeofMjroi, village in Chia jo>% mbubiUd by Votan'e of the ruicarnlli, 215 i the All knowing Jinlg-,
tsntJiitUiui the drnwnar, the imh^uc end. descendoriU, lit SI; Omtor, ij ; Mogscioo, <i|>f*wni uf
f*n-* W/t, boiiH* of whit** miUMd diell, one of t^uut tf>Arti, s variety of obsidian I kn the bin Gml* mak, t^tiMUalmiuatl, 11
nd*-oiiutr* four fa*ting li'Xis*s ill u fcMOlMMitf, |*uh|ue god, J*1
Tmv'rfmrff, M. c, t loiL. lord of the *ixth day, nu4|uittli, Tru6lftn dal camlno, wvr*liij*|H*w of Macuilxocliitl, JrmitxiiMA^ temple of the pub) tie gods : MWig t
of the rixtli we* V, iv inh]UUtli, tii! $6 ; of Xipe, li*3 Miwniilxixhitl, II

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, 1 , * ; , ;

140 Index of Ami man Wonk

w'ai ti'tpi f<*t (Zapotoc), water corn*?* down. fire t/Mit:rvfjnth, | tainted with point**! fitrori:*, garb of rtcf/ii/bi/ii/rta where limy blow the mid-
Climes down, * (bt>mlen4iinn. 1 % nuatctco. fi|*r attadum-nt f the jnilqUH jng, night. M3. Ud.
fr'MiZ. white i-bilk. painting of the Itamw Uod
J (a|rtf nt* wring of tbe broouo, li Tr.c*\tUfjtn, the red siooking mirror
m i/x/nl* fr.wrt titth. tbe *uu sinking into the uarth. 1 i .
Xi|W, liila liK
iwrf, wfiite riuilk iu*d down? feather*, victim* figured with Xol.xl, las it^ 7T.rr/<tyua, place of burning, where ljuctxalcouatl
|lutmg, rinlimr -rf Thii..;.| troll* Lmh. 7Y-/Aiuro tnlns wurhi|fwp' of Xochi<|iietzal. nil die*, il
ItEtbrolnih-fm *, A : racial for at I be Ohjiinirdi T(<tUi <yrf/n, heart of the earth, a twuna of the Earth rhtuinoisjtf. drinkuig ve*a*l. with Mayaiml, *if
feast, Hii
aaW.5isa,tl rfimlyiwliiftwiifi. a own of ml *] robiU'* ftwther* :

|iK>:*iertn, wizard, tbeir patron Tctao inimn. yW'-, iUin Ood.

Hi aamialnin ea*t of T*taenrtN with Tonatioli, ii: witii Xovhipilli, e7j with
ii.kir iC^uirhei, cutting. sharp, eighteenth day aign. 1 In- r irfypli for the niswtentb day sign, qtnauitl. \ ijee, liK
#t*i4 ilrfudcbei, to be redd, Q Li ruler of the serenth day, mapul. and of the *!> fr /| rsS>} V. furnished with red ring*. Xipc'a

hu cttit nUmi(t ^ oeetrth wk. ca <|Ulaultl, ; ninth of the do

i l

htMiih : temal li. nine lord*, tvtlitli of the thirteen lord*, & : 77-tm.-rrtff*u% t*mth. *k*ity of thv morning awd evening
miu, 'wear* bin akinO a norae of Twatli- hi .iiftguetw t|ji' itx-i'vinhth and the ueanletl, the star, facing the Fin <e*l, km! of the ninth week.
|o-i. Qii eighth ami tbe ninth of tlm thirtwe lijnic :i:t : ,
twelfth of tbe tbiitccu lord*, 21; him
r/iii-vwvsfi, ibonting to death with arrow*, \ictim* of mean* afttnxiiui thiunderstonn. Al; relatix! to uue
di*vuiw* tlm uiultrilim Urn fir*t of the
tlic Eartli (fcddms, sj, il-i lfu*Ua|c<niatl, jjj tiearer of tbe defending wn thirteen bird*, 31* hi* mask. Ifi, T'j ; tnnuwi war-
human -kin of the riuw.l
r/ t.Ti, wr.', victim, wont by i*U' the >wa
of earth. Lsj ; hu mask, tii rior*. duatli, day of dm lord of the tenth
Xlpn 1U3 by Tla^alUoU. HL. with tbe Made HufoM, the ILain (ImlV alMHto, iHl ; earthly jura li**., seventh work, Hi
( indites*. HI itiMtw (a tlm high mountain* and in the
i ea*t, Ifaai^oifri/, bouve of tbe K-irth * Hen, liai
r/-0'i i..iV.u4jAr.f -.
J 1n, u-brw* the children of m^n are 11 ; abode of tbnae slain by Tlaloc, Hi rfwro/r^Al/j, hide. Tctco innau * fare |iaiaung and
inmt* * Taraonnchaw. li fV---iv.r | , cast wiimI,
I LL -hr- davfcv, iLt ; IU|iajialiXl n face nainting. Iu7.
! J
magxuuis, 'LL tltitUiK, umlHpmke. li lizi; CouaUwWa, 1112
Ttaruwp**, magjrian*, opponent* of t^uatotkvwaU, ri*/prtn nr r f, kin kettledmm, al r/'um//i, torn ho. ifnttervi, LLii I

11 1
tfni<TWtft:th. i-.utb ati'.ig. sign of MilmtiMiott, Lii XT'ami/fem. w-.rdup|s r* if \ocb*<|UvtJtal, Hu
tfooon/vWcrfi. hail mu ria> mgr. of Xipe, HM 77*dtntti. lo*i| of the oirtb, jaw* of earth, aecond ttapmidK. eclipw, fare jw in ting of Tlauiarai|Hin-
TlnnrhmlrH pwtt, tie* warrior iu ibe *{*9*r bouse. the thirtceii Ionia, troutlt ami of tbe related figwrre.
^2xLa , ** Xipc, ln^.i 7Li
Si IMMaakt of tiw four old mg** in Tain* ciwchnn. tt*y*i% lino, in th* lull a art, Utti. lKi
itfir.n <{,*,
m* li tlarochtznntii

tliu feet (of riLtitopochtli i, where (be

itaUiq q me, lord of this uurtbly world, naam of tbe
t/mu7/j. hearth,
lUmaiti, biivnir ladle, Ml

Earth fiodiitsw is i in f e<cn at* l by tlie Rial, A desty, 2Ij lii fhnamttr*\ inre*ae Imming, till
flisj if/. in '.-Htl iJihj w judge, a fMmtotiat the .iweller in tbe navel of tho earth ttrptftilotl, fire bntterflv - tfnrae. lt*>, 132
i/t*cn</<*n tl rftto - judge, m the Fire Ond, 22 '-^* l fffyinsntf, rain of fire, lit
Muddies* of l)irt. Earth C.csideM - Tcl*> titrfjicth, natal of Urn earth.
II (tame, li,
iiituui, W, Wtj rnlur of tbe fourteenth .itv sign. r/<ivN*nni//<, dcraal dtrnne, lii r/iVfita, place of trfackuro*. hae of CHiantico. Ill
oedxl, anil of the thirteenth wrek. re olin. US - i*i :
thiHrtoli.itt. k&ottWdge, li 1 tin frith).'*, laud erf writing*, where (fuetxal-
revt-nth of the wine lord*, fifth of the thirteen tlm win. cultured count) dir*. 43*
<l*inw*bjiM*w>, |sxij|*>, mythical la
bird*, J*j. rnnw from Tamoanchan, i mother erf
m*" -', 1
flbVi bbek ami rvl rolnwr - writing iui
</*/> if/i,
t'intent I. U; depicted faring Ti-j-n ollocij, ' ~
tloMftnuttditUt, vali! into be elbge. tttmfar miuaynr. lord of the aside, lord of tbe by, name
with Chabhfiulitlieiie, foj her ornament* with down, r*Yon of tbe Itwatli find, mi
thi/u , of dm deity. ST*
Mnjnutl, tu mi* from ffuaxti**, s m. ik~. . r/Wf*. nmixe grain* - tonaroyotl. lil Inrlfi, man* plant, in TUIncv hand, til
her HuaitJx garb, ijfl. l7 77-tfifhtn, t^uotealoonatl'v home, 41; Tblbn 7ci. our grandmotber - Tetec* innan, LK*, lil
t('trA*trtottAieuihJh. studdad with groin jewel*, TWpallao toeMi. ralrfnt, reghth day sign, IX : it* mkr
Tiabw'* doublet, r/ i/e.^Mui, fiartiog of da> and night, with Mvyanel, Mayauel, ' 1 w pnhiim grd a*e tlontmci-

tfatiumJlL, ronflagratinn. realUtw representation of,

(a: with Pftttvall, mt uxoohtia. ire wmg to MacuUxocliid, !]_, - man
TJ^IiL nil
TtvpWth*. she with the red battrrfy " - Cliicu In tbe moon. jJ ilcnote* tbe mcotli, Hi ;

tftrfumtntcMtf, the Fuu (Imta fillet, ns. Ig. nnui itxrointli. goddea* erf the vtcaw-euttem. LL1 r d itrfukbvi, ikiuniMiur, toinprat, ninth day dgn, ^4
kxd of creation. name of the deity. 2a r/riynrrAix.rcMiffcr/i, bool wreiicliMiC, <|UAi! wellin', II
r/'tr4Jroi.rf.imrf, ringskaprd atixie m the Kill roiirt. ILK F'V/.mi, tjurtxakouatra rcnlm,
'/ViiMA/kniyor/, napc-lcofi, JLK 7Vfcni, biszortca), UK*. mythical, aw tlaaoatimmu
tfnrAtJ,. bill |-ko mg. 1 ,^: romparoi with the wurM' ti.*tr,yf u*, wt<aa**ciator, came from Xoduimh' knew the thirteen bmvofiH iii Toltoc twit ore.
of tlm an * mj rtgirosl with Xochi.|instal, their giddcM Chicunaui it z: mmli ir Chant iov
U-L- -I. l*tnn, * txalrauatl* nf.]*oncnt
ifodymuu. enter of

it Ini . :.! I

ta T'Jteenrt, roigiitovii.
filth Mnncr, JfiL r*amu of fFe^jwifiai, j**wjtlo of TlaxrallHn, IVx.Xzmncv fSl 7'omoicvanrf, mirtrw** of u><vuanre 5 * ToMttU
ThfObeotl, rtn)i*tir KfianlatjD of polychrome lluntkc-amrbt, iz*L eiitli ;
*r< Xochiitucixal

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Index of American Words. HI
l*r<l of susteniinee - MuLte God. Si f juaru.-i/j, t h) Fin* C Jla wiu. 71. 2i iv mw i'Quichci, uuia - twenty,
T-.wicJtr^itii, birds nf aottmiatir*, ruler* r:my<evsw.f rf. skull. i.tth day sign. I < (Qukhel - vac
the firstday, ci|rtli, and of the fin* week, cc tsuiiOftmtii, Imiui knife, An, I <41. |jj, iftj I'mI-i.mii iQuichek eeven triirs, Tx'ntuhil o r feelers-
cipttctii, 37 4a e^\t of pswrciUkon, of crwUoti,
; Ttutuhtl, Uins imn-Mi in (iuntoinala, 12 tu.n, i2
Hi. 37 dwell in th* tbirU**ntb bm**n. Ifij lord*
nf Tnmrondian. ]<R .
*- Omrtemtli Omeeiuatl Mdli, vroall snake eagle. IWj unister jsirtnat. :, l*i .VrVAim, ancestor of the jwijdit cf I'oacatlnn and
- ('itlalluMiim- I'itlaJin inn*. Xi figurod fui-itm TUpilti-ml Tvotitkua del canainm ftft

ttmnmpvtl - muix, fti wvfoa r see nartli Xtr^fnam, aUaiipiow of TUxnillMi, I lour migratem
tona, warm, the sun ahiacn, X
it is vim t n :
*' uoctli to the Atlantic coast, Ui*
b*nrt/fj', ky sign, fate, A; etmldcm, with Maciul ('ruoaffi. cn|Md warrior imamUtnl in thu Sartifirio -n/uff, young naauo uar, fourth day sign. 7, 1ft
xorhitl, 24 gfiuliatorio, hit di^rnin* rbii|wat)i, sixth of the JFijw ToCcc, our Lord the Flayml, Earth (hd, HrJ;
tonnlanvtti, bonk of the Rood ami bad day*, \ ft noli* tbirtern binls. 33j ikootcs last hour of foremsas, lord of the (Hteentb day, ouauhtli. ami of the
origin of, tO^U : arrangement, LX; <*f tin- AuMn
SI fooitivuth work, ce itacwinth, lCsj-KH , his Jia
Oofloftiom I-?; OlWMled in Tet*cocv*liIft a tvj niA (Quiche-, heart of the sky - Ifurakau gniw the <|ail, fourth of the thirteen kenla
tona/potniHt, day counts - Toualanuitl invented in ; iTcxcnitipocal, XL - I UtainltoCrv, lord of the twentieth work, 114 ;

Tanuaiachan, iiii w rW rAo, y cV ;m(i iQuicIm i, heart of the lake, his tyndail on the Chianalli Hone at I'lmmavara,
T^nn firth, Sim (Sod, bis birth, lift; t of all heart of the sa ;
K'ocumaU (Quetxaloouatl i, lftft

things, Mj third of the nine Ionia ; ter Piltnn- 42^X1 xtftjnvtUi, year count, lift.
tmith; fourth of th* thirtotn Inn!*, rwlor f V tommtzi w, giaLfivM of MrUtitlaii, liil siuA'ilfittf, the Muk throw ifig-st irk, in Quetralcmatr
of the day, <|iuauitl, 1 lt i f*c TrcvixtooUl, lord vrmtfMoiii, nidw balls, 2L Lx^. hand, lL.i_i ir the Fire Goda, >, lit ; in the
of the aaxth week. Bni|wiztJi. Ai^ lift; fact* the old coyote, ruler of the fourth day. Son CJoda, w
MictlantncutU, lord c4 the tenth vm-k, eo wry sail. r-notxpaliu. aisl of tlm fourth week, < sm-hitl. nvhmJti, the turquoise housn, one of Q wKjcabnuaU s
h ; lord of the twelfth tiny of the twrenth '.t;
ged of the f Komi, oil four fanling-hmiMw, Lift
veek. 21 r>*rian, in Socctjusto. nice tni|2e of IVtan. ift r*vkeo*uv\%MUi. the lire (Jodi twrquoase snake ilis-

fututf.nh Urm ynuh, who jog* mutuant*/ wul of l 'rwrirutf, the old ipel " the Fir* God, aii gwiMi, 75 77 ,
uith Tf*catli|M*a, I'iunlofcchtli,
the mcrifietd warrior, Hi liij U
luitniiuA tikuime punA, "ho who goe* to the tolar mruerywr i/avwtti/ur, thw old people, their sign earr* rtwAomnuf, Mae smke, fire-* imk e atl, spenr-throw-
Iwiin "j soul of thr narrk*, !li ipaauhtli, LiH ing, il, with them rigxilofioehtli slays the
nnr father, a name of the Fire God, 1A
tota, mmJotJ, turkey coek, ninth of the thirteen birds, Coylxnslni*ai, III
T\*nuufW, inhabitants of tin? Atlantic roost, Chichi* Tklor* diiywim, XI xinAiinuiif M'timifAan.'4/i teoatl tlachinolli. symbol
mtc element* in the |qitiUtkm, ill ; their cull of Htlomynn, whither all go - nnderworhi, ftL of war, 21
the Earth Godde**. ft! luiwtf <Mayai, period of t amity ilay, jmAroniu'ii.O'ac'itf, Qaetstkottatli t imp two snakn
TotnUrhn, image* of Mpe, H>1 wik (Mayai. man, ft mask, 47,4^04^111
to/ (Zo'txill, *ixtb day sign, tl Citzilopoektli, god of the Mexican^ slays the Coyol- gid^afwfaaaacMfK hfun hollow air plug. Hi
TYuralf, fifth annual foist of the Mexicans ; feast of xaiibqiu, 117 magiciau, n|fa.ent of Qutdxal- Hue **r plug, .h#ul warriors' ornament,
T***t |t|KKTt, Aft, fli Xl
ciiuiitl. m,
t-j.ftlatl, the ydluwwater. L1 w(rit;tft\ huicming-binl : see iztnr-, <<uetx*l-, xiuh- Xivhtecwili, lire Qod, flnt of the adoc Ionia, ^3_: first

tnyp knit ! Maya), flouring ot of the fire after the tdlrftiiki of the thirteen hmls, til, 27ft item^c* morning

limit fire Mwrifieu. al t*i>;aaiw MnriiUxochitl and aaao.intei f ftL. twilight, 35j ruler of the ninth day, atl, and of
Xipe girdle of rajKrte leaver, UK ( '(-ntzrninitaiaua the ninth wl, ce nxaatl, 71 ruler of the :

Tsnjftiirtn (/win, 115 : w xiuliuitrolli; mdiieof ap -slUi with the twentieth week, ce InrkUi, 114-1 at
CninoA'siti. piodl, oil imbiue gud, eft si wArsf.-uyanf/i. blue rtone pyramid* wwt of the Fire
tucolittkffui macodktii, QiirUdn:***!)" prickly bent tutJi : sre rhalchiuhiiitxtli God, 12
tor -plug, with Xolotl, lift gciklm of m) 1, identikit with TUi,m| si Mktlaif*Ui. the blue knotted garment, 22
rin tOakehapmli, iky. tooth day sign, a Mi, fiflt xjuAf/V .tiwJr-uVi ,
the lire God'* nrown wockid in a
TuntroH, rwui for ChltoU, 111 VirMtn. ir.haUtar.ts of the Atlantic const, If-. l!Xl mosaic of OOtbfa feathers, 71, IX
tzifwiiiii, firirkly object, ft :
** triunrtli w4 Mavis
l heart, lili siuhtutvtt, cottnga hint, in ths l^irc t.kd's (Ulot. 74, IX ;

t: ,/mn lOkehii|o*ll, a bird, tLitcenth day sign. 2 wMn iZo'txib. heart, third day Mgn, >j, jfti a god. on the Fire God's brmst, la.

Tulximimt, stellar daitius, -tun. that kacooie visible 4H, 1ft jiuht*uii = xiuhnitaolli, IXInotei
at solar eclipse. diunm* of thw erlijwr, ii
S4 ; fViaaf, in VweaUii, its images of the fiwtW-Mmke. sjuABir>uVta,hle humming hinL, Hurt nf the thirteen
canm from Tauwowhna. R gyoabalwed by the I

; XI bMhlLai
spider, a^, 1<i7. Ill si uAWt: V/, royal crown of Ifcxico. with XiwhtoNtfll,
iamm-tfi, ptvkly object, prirkly plant, ft; iiiMrameut imi* t Quit he) uarth, ftgj, mr**vn|p, r of Hutakan, S3. 7, 74 with Tooaoalocistli, 3tft with Tlnuu-
of mortifiratluu. LLi fli ral)*iiti utli, 2l. with Mktlssitutli,
framework of duilb, H3, ftft iv a. a Maya radical, dccocntaon r*f dead womara, tftft 2X

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14* Iiulex of Anierimn Word*.

stkAj'jpini'f '
" Xiubo><l*Aay*eatl X>*}nt'<'t(j A i,\- I'itcc on Mourn Xochtceatl, lit
I ywvtxiniV/, blue plug in th nose, or name ut of ibiol
xtut'i/, turquoise, year, gras* : nt the tail-tip of the AV&i f-" il, iiunmtMiii oml * hb-. ni TUxralkn. lilt . warriors 111
xhihcouatl, IiL leant in tto Ifueebolli, i-U iirinalc w,m> >t - Ciuaeauall, HQ
Xixipmt, of Xi|W liil mriuO, flower, tnuntietli doy sign, L, Li ; it* ruler ffHotnofur.tJi, wiirrmr*' lUatb, ol
Xt'viut (.IJuxhei, the yellow - Moure Godilew, UL Xochxpwtnsl, 11 A- 184; * (to Nan (tod, H I'.iof/, warri'.e. his ilisguise the eogle. fifth of tlo*

Anottlfnn, town of the Tolteca, 1 1

X>A-h<tliiu, dice nenr Tehuantepec, Li
| thtm-ru Midi |ft
Xoeoit I Montoflltli, god id tin- t JtOUll, ill ,\VcAit/ inti'tn > TnuKuiiihiii, Iflj J'i<;su <l^uirhel = Mexicans *U
JToerff Krt-.i, lire foMt, lL Hi XwhWilf : *r Xochilocall. ffru-n pmroa. cry f the I'actli.
A'orliVrs/tv, flti*er house, tomse of the btftll Oodflw> avlurauitti, necklace with the xolotl. ornament of the f
n \tirkumth, **i |K(," ipu of the Fire God. Hij
lixi ; pyramid, Lilt ditwl w amors, *i. H3. til with TUIrw.
.Vixii'minmii, o*w of (to f*ar old aagv* n Tamoui joio itoewutfi, the hutch** dog, KQ Llii fxn i/tttnAr/i. *1 Kaglc. with Xipe, H>3. lij
chon, iiii no ntriHit>?s 111 prywArfi, tijlsovo jNiurb, 1 l.t

rnrhilKuitf, llurol feast, feme of Maciulxorhitl ami jufaff, twin*, Monstrodtios iMklai'e *lnre, Kl^ll^. lil : pfrtf'Mfi'itl, totocro grmnl. LLi
Xcrhipilli, *1^ of XotUiiMail, IQ god of boll- playing, i.4 twins of iilaeiouis nib-t >4 yii ft .tkrbiqttrli wuanl. fourteenth day sign. *
ill! : bamo of the stone-cutters (be local the aeveutucath day, olio, of the sixteenth week, yo/k-itK heart, lili
giihbu* (louitico. Hi oe ein*wqiinuhlli, 10* ll:t ; Wuw the badge* of rod with the heart. Maorifandutr*, ]H
XocSipiUi, the ntm Hou>r (lad, Hun Clod in bird l/necinJtouatl. Uli ako rdllmtai on the
: r.> <m the back cf Clntootl, IiL, in (to (nli|oe
form. Moire Gad, (seventh nf the tbirtivn lord* KxmbiualUlli, Ji descend* t the nether -m <rhl
; jiVbfflt
, daunt r% tbc nev-u. *}_: his disguise. (to ( fetrh tto dead nan* b*w, Hi yf/Ulzomtli, X|*e'* e|, Qji
foli'ii uml ttur ororo, third oml eluv until of tin- the K-diapol (Unol rw*ulUlion, <J v **// trtntl, night oml win*! * the inivwjNimd, unit
thirteen birds 3?. iiii ruler of the eleventh iUj. -.m (/apoCori strong, mrttopwke. seventeenth iky ratnm of divinity, 21
ovctnolh. ^
hi; fare* Moyaucl. IQ
Xnfkif/wtmi, Mountain (led, aduhratal by tin*
sign, li

jni (Mayn't, end. one of the eighteen annual faint* JJ its duity,
miilnight. it* ym1ol. 1 la, lit, 12U ;

Tlaxmltecs on the Qaecholli fwiot, ILL*. l^J by M-'ll'l/fro/i! t!, rrr UwoloU
tto Tlalbilira* on (be Ti-|-vllhuitl fmvt. jjj jwtoiwefrf/i, tin* pulque gJ*' i'rwrciit-*ha|ial TU.%a.| Fowffrmrfi. *m in tlo* tuiibrurbl, jit
Tonomi-lUAth 2Q, 1 I *< ; -* IlnriuUiiitli, jtt, Xl :
unumrent, *LIW: Hnaxtrc g-irb, ^ ; with Teteo < ll*>f 4*. mkmna rings fenuik Nymbul,
Ixoextli. 5_: beloved of the Sun God, 1 1- Liman, IL1
* Lli-t* td inunuent, uf sport. of artist* etaft*' viot^i/i /*/, buttHly alia pod imsI plain, mtt tto yue*tn. home cd Vuouahematl, li
1W indixKRie in T-tniianrh&ii, 1* ^ her nong. C'bkunxiu itacuintli, H: with Mayauel, ti>

lift ruler of tbc twentieth day, xoehHI, ond of Yftnttrcutlt,gml of the loeffchants
tli" nirwton.tli, cii pnmhth. 11* 1 -* t , hut,. -
VO, 14*11(11* god*' h*tnl|i-liii]wd tuoctl plate, ;tln As/ H^uichei m, k ana hal. caki hil

dimeninc the pirn*, thirti'fiith of tb" thirteen H7.hh: Iimxtec gnrK tvith Teteo innui, idi Zotzif, Maya nnU-m in C*liiii|*is liM <d day Mgns
birds U ; I'jUdi- for the first day sign. 1 with Tonaeatecutli, 2il a

Digitized by Googl
General Index.

Abortion* (mofiatrMitiafh cud of. see Xolotl Caanibaliam f*urd with Xolctfl, ILL Dance house, ut rnicaealli
AcompaAado. the nine lord* of the night hour*, iii Caoutchouc, *r- olli Dsace rattle, we oyooulli
Afternoon Lour*, *Un.<xl by TUI**- htkI tju. trsi- Caoutchouc painting, mctenidcupinticnc Day signs of Mesirna and Central Amcriran trilwv
countl. ii Capsicum pepper, * Chilli tLLii; their rnler* also rulers of tint wurlca. 9*. 37,
AgfcTelnaf spikes, m> uaUth, cbalchiahtntrJUi Casa do oro, lasting hut, ULH. lil
leave plant, yield* the pnlqun {21 hcnred with the ; Castillo, Cristaral de. a writer of the sixteeeidi Dead. the. their abode*, : their ndour ynllow*
/oiJuw Mayaur-l, m century, 2 II
Ape, eleventh day wgn, ofiunatli ; HsvPittypb. li Cares, their deity, TepyolU*li Death Ood, - MirthMitvcutli

Apes head on the jndque ju*. i2i Care temple in I'cm-iAa, ait Death, rrixth day sign, v Miquiztli
Aram ithe rodX ** ilo Child eacnfloe with tli** Tlaxiahee*, Uj Doer, >.'renth day sign, *ru nia^atl ;
MivOMaatle *
Aram feather*, f cuuc*Jtn Cloudl, eyiabolMcd by stepet and battlement**, V3. LL < hau< tin >. (Li

Arrow, denotes judicial authority, Uii Codex Borbonicus, i Del Paso y Troncoso, interpretation of Codex Rot-
Arrow shaft, kicrc]yph for ocatl, Heed, Li; denote* Codex Borgia group, M ss.. :i, Uil honiona, a
lucking-reed, laartH. Codex Boturini. HAl Dog, dsttolss Are, w rv itsmintli, yri itrcirintli ; in
Art industry, it* patroness Xcchiiquetxal, [!'> Codex Vatican** A. >. note the ralt f the dead, U, ; *rr ce mi>(Tiixtli ; in the
A lire in tb* fore, Um xtli Codex Yaticanus B, ]*, now Maya eaanu*cripu, 12j tenth day sign, * its-
Ashes, volninii; - gullet I.ill Cold cutting,
sr- cuUrtH ; hnirliMt, av xohiiUrniatli
Astronomic vlcitie* of the Mexican*, ii Conception, realistic representation of, LL1 Dwarfs. Micriticed to the Sun. Ill
Aubtn, hi* ttdlwrtioa, Z Conch, imci-iMji
Confatsion with the priest* of TlftfoltSOt), M| l*tfj

Costa Bica, Mexican pcokiag tribe* in. ii Eagle, fifteenth day sigm, **t <juanhth Mripod, vf ;

Ball court, similar aiuhlnm, t-itluLlaehtli Cotinga, **> xiubtoUill ilagnsshrM

Bail, gurr* of. rUihrll Cotton, tre reheat I Eagle's daw, ludon* CbanficM. 17; shield devkc, 1

Battle represented with the owth ileitie**, ill Courtesans, **t auioni JlI
Battlements, cloud*, 2iL 11 Coyote, g**l, *r Cetm.oyotl with PhUsutl, ; , with Earth Goddess, Tcteo innau, TlayolU'd Ciun-
Birth, rmliiti*: rv|.ct**niUt>on of, ii Maynotl, in. god of the Amantoe**, 2u ucmatl, f>>oatl Jeiio; firnt merihee in war.
Blood, jmibolid by the flower, il, denotes fracture, Coyote skin, worn by the priest* erf the Earth Qoddem ysnlMilm*! by taigie. U
damage, iii of lb* ToUmaos Ui Earth, Jaw* of, secnnil of tho tliirlenu lunl>s SI;
Bohan, catalog'.:* { the Alihan nd bvtiun,

i Coyote tail with the rachina* of the Hop* trilw, J> s.jtnb*>4 of tuurixt, on the underside of the
Bona, broken, in Xolotla hami, Hi Cremation, hieroglyphic rupruMiniathm of, *i Kacriheuil BIimkI viel, *rv Tlakhi tcesitiuh
Bose dagger, *** oaiiU Crocodile, fir-** iluy i*u, m ripoiili Barth, utftdo of ths ripu-tli, li

Bone rattle, u* omirhimuMtlj Cross - the four quarter*, 4ij - croMt-boaet, the Earthquake, hieroglyph, Uj on tho of T#*uo
BoturLnl, hie rolluctinu. ; hi* work, 1
Breastplate *:f the KVr* ftml, II
death symbol. zA
Crown, niyal, of M **xku, *rr siwhuiuutli not <x>i>illi,
uinaii, ^
Earth toad, ee Earth, Jaw* of

Broken objects, symbol of age. of the okleu time. 1 - II note. Li East heaTca, ak^le of the aarrifired wnniora, Al, M
Broken tree, - the abandoned ancestral home of the Cycle of rtity-two year*, U East, the, nation of TUI wan, llj thither gt* the
last ltaradit*, d;. 1ml
I ** Tainranchsn
; II Itm, Hu
Broom, *rr popotl, ixquitl ;
twelfth day *igii. ere East wind Ualora>c<l, ii
Malinalll Banc* God, /* reotnciyxit); figured with XochhiiMsal. Eating, giwtiire of, 11
Butterfly, see (*)*bit( I j. [. lil ; hi* | uniting, ^ Echar al demoaio, in Yucator. lil;.

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: 1 .

144 General lu.ii v.

Echo - T<|.-yi4Wli, ji Godt of the Mexicana, thru origin, i. Long Ilfs, guaranteed by the Fire GodTn *ijm, ldj
Kscobtlla, Urom. u Godt, *iw* of, in the Maya maauMcri|itN, L12 Lord of the Mountains nr Tn|my'illolli
Escaing boor, indieitml by IWatlijHKa, yj Golditnitht, their god Xips, Hii Lord, twentieth day eigs, ter nbus
Krarnng Star, Hwty, tee Tlauixcaljan uruill Gouging of the ays, denote* the wmlier of onus
Eye and my. nbbreviatlow of tli> mmp' of the Sun oa Wood, H3 with Quotiakoaatl, il

in the fern) | win ting of the Snu God. Goupil, E Eugene, hit Usque** uf tbr Ankdn rulloc* Mndre de la dUcordia, - Tln/.Wtentl. uu
Eye, 10 jewel, on the Death God's w Hut, -ct txm, ^i aiie, an oatfi
Gran, nr malinalli nr ; xivitl Maize corn, htcrogly |di of th fowrth Maya day mjii.
Otucamsya. nr alo
Facial painting, / God. lij of Tnnarate
tile Fir*?
Guatemala. Mxna-*q*rkiiig tribe* in, nr t'i|*l Maize ear i, in Tituacatecntlis crown. 'LL yoangEnaiz*.'
of the Sod God.i of the Iteath God, ;
Guaymi, Valle del. Mexican n|ienking trih** in, H. car. *rr VI it 't 1

2fl; of <^iietzal<o>oatl. 4^ J , of nr Maixa God, w**Ciw1itl; Ctumme cmiatl, facial pniui
ixtlan liatlaan ; of TUnirm1|MiMeftttli, nr uiix-
ing of, ll
ciiiaklituiicaic ; of Tlaicc, G4_. of the pulquu gmU,
Half-moos is the a ewe, n* yacunetxtit : mark of Maiie plant, >r ux-ili
liiJj i*f Xipev nr uiiivoliidiiubticae ; of the Tla-
tlu> imlqiiM god., and of the TUpd.>Nii I, Man. fmatiun of, fo.en lanm hmught by XotoG from
Vofteotl. hi; of tha iValchiolitli kw\. CA.
Harveat Godt - Pslqwe < rmU, al the underworld. HI
Falcon, nr necuibetli
Heart of the earth, nr TUIU ivollo Man, rreatur of, tJimtMb'oiiHt), il
Pall from on high. h& Adam*
: feat*d with Cous- Heaytat, m the number of Ihirtew, U Mat, hiepiftiyph of the thirteenth dny cigm, U
ooyotl, 13
Hole, nr elnxa|ochtli Maya tribea, their rvlntion to the Mexinzn*. 11
Pnmine ysars, ne twhili Hom OWl, nr t> dotl Medical draughts, ll
Pasting, ne &eYan*ll 2 ; i^urod with Chant in?, 1
Honrs of the day and of the night, Medical herbs, Ji: in the hand of the wtk man.
Honae, third day idgn, nr colli ; of the Karlh 4 kdd*.-s Bl
Patting, break of, it* symbol Chantxra, HU
nr tkaapcealr* ; ef l*hautico, nr tlillau
> Merchants, tbair g>t tf uotcaliouatl, 11
Patting fan, HU
HuaxUce, tee Cuextecall Mercury. |4nnet, Lui
Patting berate, nr uoptuatralh
Prather lathe, tf/ure* of, oa the Maya MoeuiueutM,
Human tacridce, cau? H Midnight, iti rcpceitatiT? Mirtlantecntli, Li

Homan iktn, trt(.jaii off, nr tlaroeuatl Millepede in Tla^ulUocr* atl -tkchinolb aymlml, :<t
43 *rr
Humboldt, Alexander von, aoiuiml |Sirt of the below Xochiquetznl t chnir. HI
Fecundation, of the 6*ld with brnwn blood. Mj af
Hi.aurisd, i Millitons, nr meilatl
the Mirth. of the Earth l>y Ciuiiu
Humming-bird, nr ur-, i|ortxal irah uitnUllin , Monthi. counw cf the *<<. d; m|mwmtel by
fcchtli. til
in the bloom, il rabbi U. ill
mamolitli, i|u*iur>iTiiiil:tli. mama!
Moon, w nmt/tli

Fire-drilling, on the day naui nrntL hH

Moon God, nr t*-:r irtcatl ;
- TwtllllpOCt, 'LL HL

PiTe God, nr XinlitKitUi with the Yucater*. 11

Immersion, punidnuent of Oh* |<rlt* at TlftVtfi* Morning itar. Imrabl of tW sun, til; deaoCm the

Pin God deal. nr Gbantioo


fmAtt of the dawn of the woeid,

fjeriixl a deity, nr
Impregnation ud
<*f th*< <rth, Thzuizcal|on teeuftli -<^u*?trah> >i*at I, ill
Pin. rain of. tee quiauLtonatittli
Incense homing at the day and night wmc**. Hi Morning twilight, rv|<nw-ntel by Xiuhteeotli, 11
Pin - wind, wri**l ilny rsgn, yinbcfi*l by the HU Interior of the Mountaina, a dairy, nr Tqicyollotli Motion. WTcatesnlii t) Hgn, nr >lin >

dr*, Li ne ne itn.umtli, yei ittcamtli eiiihlum

; ;
Mountain Gods, nt Tepkutoq EcoatoSOdGn, Ttahv.
of growth, IX
Matln)rney, Xochitecstl
Pin lacndot, nr Xooctl uetzi ; nr Chantico; sr?
Jaguar, nr <*TMlutl Mountain pcaka, TUb^'s region, 11
lti|tp knk

Flint* eighteenth day high, tcc|*ll

Jaguar foot, befoev Tlulm*. U'., till Muger atnarilla Chantreo, HU
Judicial authority, aymboUmd l*y the chair li , by Musician, ne cukaui
Flower, twentHlb Hay *tgn nr xorhitl ; symbol cf
the arrow ami the sign aeatl.
Mwi, H; emblem of artivue actinty, we X*e lii-
Vephrits plate of the Leyden Museum, ai
Plata, ]dayiMt hy T<c*U)|kki'* petwooition,
Forenoon, l-*t hour* of, denoted hy
Yaotl and
King Yolturt, nr eurxaqiiauhtli Nicaragua, Mexican -e|Mnkinx tribes in, 43J ^ of

I'anaatli. ilj
Knife, rharp edge of, utdJkaUri by tow of teeth. H lay aigiis ti

Fight third day eign, tee nkbal, ula

Poor coionrt - the four quarters, HI
Poor quarters of the hesTena, *l", U
Fins, origin of the numeral, in number f the uiub-r-
1 , Hu ; ting
Lancets, u ith t hcontoeo CSpaetoaol, lii worldN tu ; unmWr of tb konn of the day, 2L
at them, ill

Prog, fourth day Mgn, nr echo

Lapilli. Mdultl, 1U A3 ; tvumbr* of the night Imurs, il
Leon y Gama, lurmer ouxwe of the Aubiu TcuuiW- Fins Goda, lonb of the uiglit Imam, LLXii;

mail, d; ewn|de<ed H, further iiiontiocieii in the following Ttmabutiall*

Generation, Godt of, ne Trxnacatecutli. IVcacaciuatl; Lightning, symlil of Tlalix*. II ; with the Maya*, il
nr Ometecwtli, Omeeinatl ; the moon l 01 Lltard. fourth day ign, nr rm>tx|bu Nipple, hkrng(.v|4i of the tirre day sign! 11

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JikG i
G.m-ial I mb v LLi

Kooq, it* representative Xochipilli < XnUotf, Urn *im Rain, nineteenth day dgw, i QnUmill Solar Klipee being ibviHinil by the Jaguar. 4 H ;

in bard- form, ii Rain God. *** TUIoc aierifioH nf the Xnlocnra at tlw, 1 1
Hose ornament. cnwrent-shaped, me yacniuctitli Ramirez. P.. the Aubtn Tonslomazl reproduced at Solar inage, ring ud
ray abhrevistion of the, iti
bnmilc frluirfij, rt yacauknlli ; Mu* of tin* dmd, the instance of, a. Solar year of the Mnimi.*, n
Humeral system, Mexican, a
i tit I
lif ti-rtly -! ;?!. *r y*c*jo|ok>tl Rattle*, t U* wri* of the l*irce God, 1*2
Rirdlc of the liaixtctw, at the girdle
1 at the
*f this
Spider ^ Uiueiniitl. LH ^
Spiral twist in nrtiele* of the Him C2 im|h fra* j:
Ehith QnAW^ dfUtvnll S shaped liookni ouristollntiow. m* xoi>eciiilli
Rtf, nohitir of the young Maize G.-i'h-s*, Staircase raeandvr, in llie Wind i ftlK-t in
Obiequiee lor the sacrificed worrit**. Red and Black, (ainting <d the puiquu gods. ft\ ft?. Starry enagua, ** htlalrneitl
Old 6od. The, mi UtuuNotl (Kin; Cb*f>; - TooncMf- is on the attir* and dwvtoa of Thivolteotl, ill
; Starry sky, *r eiiklia i-rt**-
cutli, ill; - Teorixlecntl, li. of the Xla>a mann Red and White, Xj|ahi rokanrs LLi Stellar eye, on the crown of CjrxualooMtl'e I- ml
*cri|C*. me Itxniiuui Reed, thiitreuth day ajrn. aratl m 4U on TepeyoilutliV, hOj on Ttake's, ta on ;

014 Goddess, The. me llsmateciitli :the- Mor* Ring and Raf, al^irwiutum of the inuype of the van, Xochipilli's, si
Gkinai, figured at the milltfimc with Tft; iicwe and tor nrnnmeiit of Chantico, ill Sullar image* of the Mexiauw, L
Xoehb|utrt**l, Lil Ring* Xi|cfc shii ld. ini
-ii Uioat oniauiouti *f . Svcae-eattert. *-e Tlttetxjuc
0M Prleet, The - Twiztemtl. is teoruitla -anauotl Stone-knife God, u* Itxtli
Otcene, lad, %> tcUaaitl ,
flttli day sign. ILL: Rioa, Pedro de, collector of the Vaticonu* A doeu- Submission, ittitmle of. S'.

Owl, lixtf-mmi. me ckiqntf li niwnU, aiul third inteqnetw of CValex Telleriano Sun, Uitli of,
2^ LLi.. hit by t Mlis arnw, iiii; cum
Hennery i, |i*nl tb tin-game of UJ ; it* nytul1
Ritual Calendar, the Tonalamotl wrongly m> di*<h bed. uaui olin, L U, 111 in the : under- wceld. 1^
PaJtt-Uuf strips, me ir-yuSemnlli, ;oy*tU<i;u*ll: San God, u* ToiiAtiuh, IMhsiritet-utli
Paradise, of the Rain God, lialorau ; of the Rolling Motion, reventt-enth day igii, v olln Snnnae. iu nymlml th jaun uf .-trtli, A3
Rnrth, me OsKalco . Iiat Turn* Sindian, l On. Konnd shape of article* of the Wind God** die**, and Sunset, denoted by Mirtlau&eratli. il
tort of hiw teintf-r. Sweeping of the floor, U2
Parrot, me onchod Rolen of the day igna arc ai*o the cm of thv wt-eka,
Phallus, with t b* Hw'ixtrr mbiiitors of TW^olU*0tla as, t . , 1 1?
n* 4 . Ruler* of thv twenty weeka. 2L.I2S Tabasco, further lu-ml drew* of,arrqotixak]iaupesyotl
Pichardo, P., hit eopaa* of Mexican esuuucriic*. 1 Tapir* in FdUu's raw "iu|-b', U
Picture writing*, **- nmoxtli of the Tutonam, : lil Sacrtrtcn of mw m own blood, rvalietk rr]ircaciitatioc> Thigh-skis mask. n* mexxaysicbtl
Pilon de azucar, ate of the Rain Jod's cult. I
of ILL11 * Thirteen," siRmflMmco iu the Calendar, lfl, H:
Plauet*, in the CbaMwea Week, a Sacrittcial blood vessel, *rr quaulurnilli nsmher of the heaven*, Hi; of the hytn of
PleiadM. with the Mcxknn*. ii Samdcial cord, aw aatarari'at) ekmtU. ; U of the hours of tlic day. L
Portent*. iniNtL-r, m-l- tcisauitl ; fifth day tigu, U2 Sacrificial painting. n iuitl Thirteen buds, n-aa
Prdtreaw ait*; a* . Alexander ti.m HutuMAJt*. Sacrificial yoke, wxtoiUm. tui Thirteen gods with the Mnyn*. tee lb .Ion ti]ku,
- ftakhitilitli icu*. Sac rift do gladlatorto, at Xi|M?> feat, ll oxlihuii ti ku ; Umls oc tin- hours of the tizy.

Prlttte, iWu r*|wvMniUtivu (/uMaUroaatl, . il St. Andrew Cross, denotes the font qiiorti-r*, fjn_^ 1

Pulque, tee rtli an t^iiwUsIcxiiifttl's slikld, ill Thunderstorm, nineteenth day sign. **-* tuuar
Pulque drinking, |iuni*h>ed t* a crime, _*J San Salvador. Mexican-speaking tTibes in, ii Trogon, ltuuomaenii mocinno, w |oKzah<it-.<l
Pulque god*, pfe treat 1. Citfitsoututochun . of the Scope owl, mx cliiquatli Turkey-cock, me uexolotl ; me rh*lrhiutot<din : his
Florentine iwwimrrij*. Earth god*, {&, their Scorpion, ** coloti bsuMt-fnalhw* in tbr Fire Godll head-dn*^ Jl
device worn by the Earth Goddw*. 1*2 : their Serna, Jacinto de la, *ourre of Ikcurini's atatroinmti, Turtle, me ayotl; stellar emblem, eyinbd of
Uenpf*, me Twrutumfit min, 13
Pulque jug, me octecomatl, piazti-comatl Sernal union, figurad with T-mamtccutli, *0; Turtle carapace, a musical instrument, Ii
Pulque-wort, * ocpatli Hgured with Xoch>iuetzal. Iia. Twelve mouths in the yiar, rojir*eiUati* in the
Punishment, Qod of, se* lutlacoliulaiui Sickness hgured with Mirtian tee util, ai Mexican picture writings, ui.

Punishment, of the piali "( Tlxl-jr, lu Singer*, mr < ulcani Tweaty in th Maya Ungrxage*. j, Mnyn hiero-
Slave collar, * qunuhncucatl il
Slava*, their |wi*eetr Toteatliimea, tli Twenty day* of the Mexicans tklii
Quail, mx eului Suail-ebfll, *kUcn. so* * vmt luu-uecir:ozcatl Twilight, synslMiltwtl of Xii^itecatli, ii
Quail sacrifice, me tlzquechcotonalixtli Snake, fifth day sign, *r toaatl sinister joartent, H2 ; : Twins, their god Xolotl, Lilt
symbol of water, li, 77j in Ttoloe's mask, rt* , Twisted, The, twelfth day sign, **< unliimlli
Two arrow hafts - lire drill, sw one at at

Xi.H-hii|uesa! n di^'ib**. i n> di<*guioe of the I : iu the

Rabbit, eolith day sign, me tochtli ;
th man in Water Uoditm, me Omkhinhtlime ; two-beaded Fire Gods crown, me mitzwtli tlotucbtiuntli
tli" mwo* M. sign of the mouth, jl - the
; with Tlalcc aud on the Maya uionmucnU, Hi Two-cnlcurod, me cluctlapsuuqai
pulque Rod. II Sodamit* paciente, H Two feather tnfla, me otno quetxalb
116 (.leneral Index.

Underworld*,, ill Walking, ritunl of the ne -lm child, ol Wizard*. w saneUl, tlamtornligl. ti>>lhN|vsani ; four-
Up and down ilire* vsm* rt-iirewntcd with Mictinate* Water, ninth duy ign, ** at) teenth day vn, tft viz. hix, ix
eutli T 41*1)1 ib, Sill Water Ooddeet, *< Cbalchiubtlirue WoTKn fabric*, coloured. *mt**Uy deenratod, a
Weaving, invented Kjr Xo.-hxjuet.zaL. Huaxtee industry, 1X1
Vena*. planet, Ifk hieroglyph in tlie |wuntiii|; of the Week, the ( 'haldntut aiul Ivdymaian, u
Morning Star, |m nui* oi.HLil Wwt, The, Myn hknnHyph of, U; i Thtnoenchan,
Vulture, ixt ntli day *i|pi. we cnaraquaulitli
ICO ; allude of the Ciuateto& anil of the earth Tear, iUte* of, indientnd b> ting nndn*}. the eanldettu
dcitiiu, ti uf the inure of the ran
Walder.k, Const Max, anpiinu the Anttn Tonak- White, odour of tlm Muming Sear and of the C'im* Yellow, nikiur of the ilcad, J2: colour uf uuiru, ID ;

null, 1 tetefi, Ih.; or yellow, cokin r of tx*ur*- and cf if Teton huitan Tbu^ultural,

War God, **< Xiuhtecutli TUfoltcotl TeUow and blue, (Minting of tbepuhioe goddewee, JH
Warrior*, Dead, ilanxntina of. U White and red atrip**! - white, Id
Warrior** death, deity, **e Twyoaiuiqui .
**> Cwt* Wind, wceoad iloy lign. we eeratl - : breath, life, lire,

antli: Te^etcntii by TUuix*al|intecutli, ni. aa. 10 Zacate del carbooero maknaili, 1

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Addendum to p. 103.

The cpict sal-fear lier Hake uwi'iailMi wit b Xtpt may jwrluip* *0 my (iod, down loo* defended Thy water, Thy water ha*
haw another explanation. I have nbove jtoiuled out that iu (1 m* come.
todex Bovjfia group the <pret sal-feat ber snake* from whom often Already has it clanged r quetzal feat tours already luu it

jvf a rabbit axeiuR ooilini in representation* which exhibit tin* become green, already b it Hummer (the minv wtuwn).
southern quarter of the heaven,-. hi thi* mauu*cn|<t (Codex Buraia. And then the atropha ends with the word*:
4ieet 27) t lie ymr* belonging In the aontheru quarter an* figured
try tjurizaUinieontt, nrrh {yet lyin' itooouAy itW/, ortiyo
** fn *Mine yntra. yeai* in uliich the maize-ear*. Wren anil a
ah the qurtsal-fouther turquoise *nake luu already left me.*
failure, are consumed by rahbitr. It I* jurt probable that to thin
m which the commentator remark* in explanation:
the quetzal-father Mutk* with Xtf* Totrv may refer. For in the
<vi ye oUcJteau Jl y aiqaiwffstfi
*iMig to A'ijif T(4ec, the fifteenth uf the C'antarrs que dorian A
already hu* the famine left a*.'*
boom de lo* dii wo en lot templo* y fnera delke." the quel ad-frol her
snake U in fiwl mentioned in thin connect ion. Tlir aaooMl etruphe
As in CodtA TellerUno Remeu*i* tl** Msue liodde** i* declared
of the *ong begin* with the Word* to be abe who causes famine," no Xip* aUo the Earth God,
appear* to liave been regutded a* tlw god who aemi* famine that
Mo/eon apaun jr fomoya oy qnttsaUautu dl, is when he is angered und uiij-fwpitiou*. Hence auMoiated with
Idm, they appear to have rcprvwfited famine In thi* wry image
which the riAiumeiitntor explain* with the word*:
of the quet sal-feat her (fire) snake ; amh indeed. III one place a* a
y> ft vtfi iuC in mnuh wtlbt yn MzlttA snake who devours mortal*, in another * the snake who disgorge*
y* yr fbi^rwuuor ye xvfKi utbr the mbldt that is the famine years.

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