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English conversation

Mr Smith: Good morning, Dr Jones.

Dr Jones: Good morning. please sit down. whats wrong with you?
Mr Smith: I have been suffering from fever since yesterday
Dr Jones: Do you have any other symptoms?
Mr Smith: I also feel headache and shivering
Dr Jones: Let me take your temperature... well its 39 degrees. Dont worry, its not so serious. I
Will give you your medecine and you will feel so much better. Are you allergic to any medication?
Mr Smith: Thank you, Doctor and no, Im not allergic.
Dr Jones: Ok, However get your blood test for malaria, and bring it to me tomorrow. I also
recommend at least two days rest for you
Mr Smith: excuse me, doctor. Could you tell me how to take this medecine.
Dr Jones: This medecine is for one day. Take it as soon as you get home, a second dose at 3 pm
and the third at night before sleeping
Mr Smith: What should I eat doctor?
Dr Jones: Eat light food, you can have milk and fruit as well.
Mr Smith: Oh sure, thanks doctor.I see you tomorrow with my blood report.
Dr Jones: all right. Have a nice day.

Sr Smith: Buenos das, doctor Jones

Dr Jones: Buenos das, por favor sintate. Cuntame qu sucede?
Sr Smith: He tenido mucha fiebre desde ayer
Dr Jones: Algn otro sntoma?
Sr Smith: Tengo dolor de cabeza y escalofros
Dr Jones. Djame tomarte la temperatura. bueno, est en 39 grados, pero no te preocupes no es
tan serio, te dar tu medicina y te sentirs mucho mejor. Eres alrgico a algn medicamento?
Sr Smith: Gracias Doctor, y no, no soy alrgico.
Dr Jones: Ok, sin embargo har que te tomen un examen de sangre para malaria y me lo traes
maana. Tambin recomiendo dos das de descanso.
Sr Smith: Disculpe, doctor. Podra decirme cmo debo tomar esta medicina?
Dr Jones: esta medicina es por un da solamente, Tmala apenas llegues a tu casa, la segunda dosis
a las 3 pm y la tercera cuando te vayas a dormir.
Sr Smith: Qu debera comer doctor?
Dr Jones: Come alimentos ligeros, puedes tomar leche y algo de fruta.
Sr Smith: oh vale, doctor. Muchas gracias. Maana lo ver con mi examen de sangre.
Dr Jones: Muy bien, que tengas un buen da.

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