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par Algerian le Sam 5 Mai - 21:00

Unit one : Ancient civilizations

Ancient Ancien (ne)
Archaeology Archologie
Architecture Architecture
Astrology Astronomie

Ancestors Anctres
Andalusia LAndalousie
Archive Larchive
Archaic Archaque
Babylon Babylone
Civilization Civilisation
Chinese Chinois ) (
Collapse Sffondrer
Civilized Civilis
Casbah La Casbah
Cultural Culturel
Heritage Un hritage
Disappear Disparaitre
Desert Un dsert
Euphrates Euphrate
Emerge Sortir
Evolve Evoluer
Evolution Une volution
Empire Un empire
Epoch Une poque
Flourish Fleurir
Greek Grec ....
Goods Marchandises
Harbour Le port
Industry Lindustrie
King Un roi
Law Une loi
Lifestyle Un mode de vie
Literature La littrature
Mesopotamia La Msopotamie
Mzab Le Mzab
Muslims Les Musulmans
Merchants Les commerants
Native Natal
Nile Le Nile
Originate Commencer
Ottoman Les Ottomans
Phoenician Phnicien
Prehistoric Prhistorique
Pharaoh Le Pharaon
Pyramids Les pyramides
Romans Les Romains
Raw materials Les matires premires
Reservations Rservations
Rise Lever ....
Ruins Des ruines ..
Sumarians Sumriens
Site Un site
Trace Une trace
Trading Commerce
Turkish Turque
Vanish Disparaitre

Unit two: Ethics in Business

Accounting Comptabilit
Auditing Audit contrle
Abuse Abuser
Approval Une approbation ...
Accountancy Comptabilit
Bribing Corrompre soudoyer
Business Les affaires
Backhander Dessous -de -table
Criticism Critique ...
Child labour Travail des enfants
Currency Une monnaie
Cruel Cruel
Councellor Conseiller
Capital flight La fuite des capitaux
Criminal Criminel
Cash deposit Dpt des espces
Counterfeit Contre- fait
Confidence La confiance
Contract Un contrat
Corruption La corruption
Cyber-criminality La cybercriminalit
Disguise Dguis
Diversion Un diversion
Duties Les devoirs
Embezzelement Detournement de fonds
Eradicate Eradiquer
Ethics Lthique-dontologie .morale
Favour Une faveur
Funds Des fonds
Finance Financer
Forbid Interdire
Fraud Une fraude
Fairness Equit
Growth Un dveloppement ...
Greed Cupidit
Guilty Coupable
Honesty Lhonntet
Habilitate Habiliter
Investment Un investissement
Kickback Rebond ....
Loyalty La loyaut .....
Legal Lgal
Lobbying Lobbying
Moral Moral
Money-laundring Blanchissement dargent
Nepotism Npotisme
Piracy La piraterie
Prejudice Un prjug
Phenomenon Un phnomne
Property Une proprit
Probity Probit
Rigging Grement
Rehabilitate Rhabiliter
Regulations Rglementations
Reputaion Une rputation
Sustainable Durable
Scrutiny Contrle
Stakeholders Les parties prenantes
Social justice La justice sociale
Shareholders Actionnaires ...
Stupid Stupide
Statistics Des statistiques
Sleaze Corruption
Sweetner Edulcorant
Smuggle Passer en contre bande
Scandal Un scandale
Tansparency La transparence
Theft Un vol
Tax-evasion Lvasion fiscale
Unethical Immoral
Underpaid Sous - pay
Violate Violer ...
Well-being Le bien-tre
Wealth Une richesse
Welfare Le bien-tre
Wrong doing Rprhensible ...
Wistleblowing Une dnonciation

Unit three : Schools Different and Alike Education

Academic Acadmique ...
Access Accs ...........
Assessment Une valuation
Average Une moyenne
Brain Un cerveau
Bachelor of Baccalaurat ...
Art and science Lart et la science
Compulsory Obligatoire
Comprehensive Comlte ...
Curriculum Programme ...
College Collge .....
Discipline Une discipline ..
Education Lducation
Educationist Pdagogue
Educator Un ducateur ..
Examination Un examen
Evaluate Evaluer
Fail Echouer ........
Fees Le frais
Free of charge Gratuitement
Furniture Des meubles
GCSE DAPS/Etudes Suprieures de qualit suprieure
Graduate Un diplm .........
Grade Un niveau .........
Higher education Enseignement suprieur
Hard working Travaille dur ..bucheur bosseur ...
Holiday Des vacances
Innovation Linnovation
Inspector Un inspecteur
Intellectual Un intellectuel ...
Illiterate Illettr
Instructions Des instructions
Junior Junior
Work force La main duvre
Unit 2: Safety First
Business Les affaires
Safety La scurit ---
Price Le prix
Ad / Advert Une annonce
Advertisement Une annonce
Appeal Un appel --- recourir --- ---
Actors Acteurs
Actresses Actrices
Adad displaying CMA affichage
Amount Une quantit
Endorse Appuyer..endosser
Annotations annotation ---
Argue Discuter soutenir
Association Une association
Billboard Un panneau daffichage
banned Interdit .prohib
Benificial Bnfique
Bills Laddition ..une facture
Boycott Boycotter
Brands Une marque ---
Behaviour Une conduite---un comportement
Budget Un budget
Bulk Une masse___massif --- ---
Campaigns Une campagne
Catchy slogan Un slogan accrocheur ...
Conventional Conventionnel --- ---
Cook top Manipuler
Cost Le cout
Competition Une comptition
Customer Un client
Complaint Une plainte se plaindre
Company Une compagnie- une socit --
Consume Consommer
Consumption Une consommation
Compete Rivaliser
Crews Equipages ---
Decaying food Marchandise pourries/ Dtriores ---
Deliver goods Livrer/distribuer la marchandise
Diabetes Le diabte
Diet Rgime alimentaire
Dietitics Dittique
Eco-tax Lco-taxe
Expiry dates Date dexpiration de premption
Energy balance Lquilibre nergtique
Enough Assez ...
Facsimile Tlcopier
Flavouring Arome ---
Foodstuffs Produit comestible
Hoarding Panneau publicitaire
Junk food Nourriture industrielle
Immunity Immunit---impunit
Indignation indignation --
Innovation Linnovation
Ingredient Ingrdient---lment---composant
Labels Etiquettes ---tiqueter ---
Leaflet Un dpliant---un prospectus
Lease Une location
Lifestyles Mode de vie
Mad cow disease Maladie de la vache folle
Maintenance Un entretien---un maintien ---
Modals Moyen --- ---
Nuggets Une ppite
Obesity Lobsit
Obvious Evident
O GM Organisme gntiquement modifi
Organic food Nourriture organique -naturelle
Package Un paquet ----
Persuasive Persuasif
Price Le prix
Primary Primaire ---principal ----
Processed food Une nourriture traite ....
Promote food Promouvoir faire de la publicit
Purchase Acheter ---un achat
Purpose Un but
Poll Un scrutin ----lection

Rent Louer
Research Rechercher une recherche ----
Revenue Des revenues
Rhubarb Une plante la rhubarbe ---
Savour Une saveur ---- savourer
Softener Adoucisseur
Sponsor Parrainer---soutenir
Sponsorship Parrainage ---un soutien
Product Un produit
Producer Un producteur
scrapings Des restes___des dchets
System Un systme
Weight Le poids
Unit Three. The Solar System
Astronomy Astronomie
Astronomer Astronome ....
Astronauts Astronaut
Astrology Astrologie
Asteroids asteroids
Climate change Changement du climat
Comets Comtes
Collision Collision
Diameter Diamtre
Distance Distance
Distant Distant ---loin
Earth Terre
Earthquake Tremblement de terre sisme
Eclipse Eclipse
Energy Energie
Extinction of humankind Extinction de lhumanit
Flooding Inondation
Galaxy Galaxie
Glimpse Aperu
Gravity Gravit
Great freezing Grande conglation
Jupiter Jupiter
Light Lumire
Luna Luna
Mars Mars
Mercury Mercury
Meteor Mtore
Moon Lune
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Astronomy Astronomie
Astronomer Astronome ....
Astronauts Astronaut
Astrology Astrologie
Asteroids asteroids
Climate change Changement du climat
Comets Comtes
Collision Collision
Diameter Diamtre
Distance Distance
Distant Distant ---loin
Earth Terre
Earthquake Tremblement de terre sisme
Eclipse Eclipse
Energy Energie
Extinction of humankind Extinction de lhumanit
Flooding Inondation
Galaxy Galaxie
Glimpse Aperu
Gravity Gravit
Great freezing Grande conglation
Jupiter Jupiter
Light Lumire
Luna Luna
Mars Mars
Mercury Mercury
Meteor Mtore
Moon Lune
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Unit 4: Feelings and Emotion/Humour

Amusing Amusant
Behaviour Comportement
Brighten Eclairer
Characteristics caractristiques
Character Caractre -personnage -
Chauvinism Chauvinisme
Comedians Comdiens -----
Comedy Comdie
Comic Comique
Confidence Confiance ---
Darken Noircir
Dry sense Sens a sec
Emotion Emotion
Enthusiasm Enthousiasme
Extrovert Extraverti
Foreign Etranger
Friendship Amiti
Funny drle
Get rid of Se dbarrasser de
Gratuitous Gratuit injustifi ---
Hatred Haine
Health sant
Hearty Copieux ------
Humour Humour
Humorist Humoriste
Horror Horreur
Introvert Introverti
Jealousy Jalousie
Jokes Blagues
Joy supportive Joie de soutien
Laugh Rire
Laughter Un rire
Laugh to tears Rire aux larmes
Lengthen Allonger
Lonely Solitaire
Moral laws Lois morales
Passion Passion
Patriotism Patriotisme
Performance Performance
Phlegmatic Flegmatique
Reassurance Rconfort ---
Reliable Fiable
Sad Malheureux
Satisfaction Satisfaction ---
Savour Saveur
Self confidence Confiance en soit
Shorten Raccourcir
Sick humour Humour mal saint
Smile Un sourire ---
Stress Le stress
Sympathy La sympatie
Tragic Tragique
Treasure Trsor
Trust Confiance ---
Weeping Larmoyant




Date d'inscription: 25/09/2012

Message n2

Re: vocabulary

par smail32 le Mar 25 Sep - 10:28

very good tankyou


Date d'inscription: 20/10/2012

Message n3

Re: vocabulary

par insaf.rayhana le Mer 7 Nov - 21:08

thanks a lot for your work god be with you inchallah

teacher Med

teacher Med

Date d'inscription: 16/10/2012

Age: 30
Localisation: chlef

Message n4

Re: vocabulary

par teacher Med le Sam 10 Nov - 14:42

that generous from you.

teacher Med

teacher Med

Date d'inscription: 16/10/2012

Age: 30
Localisation: chlef

Message n5

Re: vocabulary

par teacher Med le Sam 10 Nov - 14:49

The First Evaluation paper.

Read the text then answer the questions:
I- Reading comprehension:
Read the text and do the activities.
Nobel Peace Prize is a prestigious prize awarded every year to people or organizations that
make efforts to preserve peace in order to recognize and reward their work in service of
peace. It is suggested by Alfred Nobel, a Swedish scientist who invented the dynamite,
perhaps because of the use of dynamite in wars that Nobel regretted and wanted to serve
peace after seeing the catastrophic consequences of serving war by his invention. The winner
of Nobel Peace Prize is chosen by Nobel Institute in Oslo, Norway on the 10th of December
each year, after the official declaration of the winner, The Committee organizes a ceremony
and presents the prize in the presence of the king of Norway, The winner receives a diploma,
a medal, and the prize amount. The first Nobel Prize was won by Henry Dunaut in 1901.
On October 9th 2009, The Norwegian Nobel Committee announced that Mr. Barack Hussein
Obama had won the 2009 Nobel Prize for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international
diplomacy and cooperation between peoples, Obama is the fourth U.S. president to be
awarded this prize, and the first to be recognized in the first year of his presidency. The
declaration of Obama as winner came as a surprise to many, including Obama himself, the
award created a mixture of praise and criticism from world leaders and media figures.
Barack Hussein Obama was bon in August 4th 1961, his father was a black immigrant from
Kenya and his mother is a white woman from Kansas, United States, He is the 44th president
and the first African to settle in the White House, He is a graduate of Harvard Law School ,He
worked as a civil rights attorney in Chicago, and taught constitutional law at the University of
Chicago from 1992 to 2004,he served three years as senator from Illinois, He began his run
for the presidency two year before reaching the White House, after a close campaign in the
2008 Democratic Party against Hillary Clinton, he defeated his adversary. In the 2008
presidential elections, He defeated Republican candidate John McCain and became a
president on January 20th 2009, He received Nobel Peace Prize on December 10th 2009.
A)- Comprehension / Interpretation

1. Say whether the following statements are true or false.

a. Alfred Nobel had served war.
b. Obama is the first American president to win Nobel prize.
c. The 2009s winner was not expected.
d. The International reaction after the declaration of October 9th 2009 was united.
2. Fill in the table with information from the text:

Dates Events
October 9th 2009 Obama won the 2009 Nobel Prize.
from 1992 to 2004 ..
2007 ..
3. Answer the following questions according to the text.
a. Who selects the Nobel peace prize winner?
c. Who can win it?
d. What is the purpose of this reward?
e. What was the international reaction after declaring the 2009s Nobel Peace Prize winner?

a. In which paragraph the Nobel Prize rewarding procedures are mentioned?
b. In which paragraph the international reaction after declaring the 2009s Nobel Peace Prize
winner is mentioned?

5. Choose the best general idea for the text.

a. Nobel Peace Prize
b. Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize 2009
c. Obamas efforts for a peaceful world.
6. Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text?
a. Their ( P 1) b. His ( P 2 ) c. His adversary ( P 3 )

Text Exploration:
1. Find in the text words which are closest in meaning to the following.
a. selected ( P 1) c. worked ( P 3 )
2. Complete sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a).
A) a. The rocks can damage boats.
b. Boats
B) a. Greenpeace blocked coal shipments.
b. Coal shipments .
C) a. Activists were declared not guilty by the judge.
b. The judge..
D) a. Many properties have been damaged by them.
b. They..
3. Fill in the following table:

Verb Noun Adjective

to fear .. .
to reward

4. Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form.

a. Months ago, activists (can climb) on the top of British Airways plane.
b. Today, anyone (can join) Greenpeace.
c. In 2010, Greenpeace ( can make) more efforts.
d. He will say that we (can come) yesterday.

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