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Form 990 ..PF Return of Private Foundation
or Section 4947(a)(l) Nonexempt Charitable Trust
0MBNo 15450052

Treated as a Private Foundation

Departmentol theTreasury Note The orgamzat,on may be able to use a copy of this return to satisfy state 2001
InternalRevenueService reporting reqwrements
For calendar vear 2001, or tax vear beqmmng 10/01 , 2001, and endmc:1 9/30 2002
G Check all that a 00 1v I I In1tralreturn I I Final return I 1Amended return I I Address Chanae I I Name chanae
Usethe A Employerldenld1cal.Jon
#550 B Telephone
ENCINO, CA 91436 (323) 933-9306

or type
SeeSpec1f1c C If exemption
applIcatIonIs pending,checkhere
D 1 ForeignorganIzatIons,
H Check type of organization ~ Section 501 (c)(3t-~rempt pnvale foundation 2Fore1gn meetingthe85% tes~check
organIzat1ons D
h Section 4947(a~(l) nonexempt charitable trust Other taxable onvate foundation hereandattachcomputation ~
I Fairmarketvalueot all assetsal endot year
(fromPartII, columnc, line 16)
J Accounting method Cash
0 Other(spec,fy)
Accrual LJ E If privatefoundatmnstatuswasterminated
under seci,on 507(b)(l)(A), checkhere
If thefoundationIs in a 60 monthtermmat1on
~$ 1,522,326 (Part I, column d must be on cash basis l under sect,on507(b)(l)(B , checkhere ~n
tl'arl I I Analysis
of Revenue and (a) Revenue and (b) Net investment (c) Ad1usted net (d) Disbursements
Expenses (The total of amounts m expenses per books income income for chanlable
columns b, c, and d may not neces-
sanly equal the amounts m column a) (cash basis only)
(see mstruct,ons)
1 Contnbut1ons g11tsgrants etc received(alt sch) 850,000
c, ~ D
1fthe loundnIs not reqto att Sch8
2 D1slr1bulmns from split interesttrusts
3 Interest on savings and temporary
cash investments
4 DividendsandmterestfromsecurItIes 72,500 72.500 72.500
Sa Gross renls
b (Ne!rental
incomeor (loss} )
6a Netgain/(loss) lromsaleof assetsnot on hne10
R b Grosssalespricesfor all
E assetson line6a
V 7 Gap1talgainnet income(lrorn Part IV hne2)
E 8 Net shorl-lerm capital garn
N 9 Income mod1f1callons
~ --
u L ... ss Cost a
N Fl B 110~1d
s (lo ' t sch)
T" 11 Other income Ill ach schedule)

-r :;p=:.:,
I 13 Compensation
lhrouqh 11
ol officersdirectorstrusteesetc
922,500 72 500 72 500
14 Otheremployee salariesandwages
A 15 Pens1011plans, employee benefits
M 16a Legalfees(attachschedule)
N b Accountingfees(attachsch) See St l 900 900
p s' c Otherproffees(attachsch)
E T 17 lnlerest
,..., A
A 18 Taxes(attach schedule)
19 Oeprec1at1on
= I
V 20 Occupancy

E 21 Travel, conferences, and meetings
E 22 Printing and publications
C"'J D p 23 Other expenses (attach schedule)
CD N See Statement 2 60 60
Lu s
~ E 24 Total operating and adm1mstratlve
s expenses Add lines 13 through 23. 960 960
25 gifts, grantspaid Part
Contributmns, xv 46 600 46 600
w Total expenses and disbursements
z Add lines 24 and 25
Z1 Sublract line 26 from line 12
47,560 D 0 47,560
a Excess of revenue over expenses
and disbursements 874 940
b Nit investment income(ii negative,
enter O) 72,500
C AdJ!fflld nt income(if negative11nter
BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the instructions TEEA0503L 01'24/02
Form 990-PF (200
Form 990-PF (200 ll THE MILSTEIN FAMILY FOUNDATION 95-4824595 Paoe 2
Beginning of year End of year
!Part II IBalance Sheets Attached schedules and amount!li 1n the descr1pt1on
column should be tor end ol year amounts only
(See mstruct1ons ) (a) Book Value (b) Book Value (c) Fair Market Value
1 Cash - non-interest bearing 1 399 20,714 20 714
2 Savings and temporary cash investments
3 Accounts receivable ..----------- 9 796 26.707 26 707

Less allowance for doubtful accounts ...

4 Pledges receivable ..-----------
Less allowance for doubtful accounts ...
5 Grants receivable
6 Receivables

7 Othernotesand loansreceivable ..-----------
Less allowance for doubtful accounts ...
s ----------
s 8 Inventories for sale or use
E 9 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges
s 10 a lnveslments - U S and stale government
obl1gat1ons (atlach schedule)
b Investments- corporatestock (attachschedule) 507,489 896. 698 922,625
c Investments- corporatebonds(attachschedule) 100,000 549,505 552,280
11 Investments - land, buildings, and
equ1pmenl basis ..-----------
Less accumulated
12 Investments - mortgage loans
13 Investments - other (atlach schedule)
14 Land, buildings, and equipment basis~
Less accumulated
15 Other assets (describe ~ )
16 Total assets (to be compleled by all filers -
see instructions Also, see oane 1, ,tern I) 618,684 1,493,624 1,522,326
L 17 Accounts payable and accrued expenses.
A 18 Grants payable
B 19 Deferred revenue
20 Loansfrom officers,directors,trustees,& otherd1squal1fled
22 Other lIabIhtIes {describe ..----------------
s 23 Total hab1ht1es(add lines 17 lhrouoh 22) 0 0
Orgamzat1ons that follow SFAS 117, check here .. IK
and complete Imes 24 through 26 and Imes 30 and 31

N F 24 Unrestricted 618,684 1,493,624

T N 25 Temporarily restricted
D 26 Permanently restricted
SB Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here .. L
SA and complete Imes 27 through 31
TA 'Zl Capital slack, trust principal, or current funds
S N 28 Paid m or capital surplus,or land, buIldmg,andequipmentfund
0 E 29 Relamedearnings,accumulatedmcome,endowment,or otherfunds.
R S 30 Total net assets or fund balances (see instructions) 618,684 1,493,624
31 Total llab1htles and net assets/fund balances
(see 1nstruct1ons) 618,684 1,493,624
!Part III I Analysis of Changes m Net Assets or Fund Balances
1 Total net assets or fund balances at beginning of year - Part II, column (a), line 30 1 618,684
(must agree with end-of-year figure reported on prior year's return)
2 Enter amount from Part I, line 27a
3 Otherincreasesnot mcludedm lme2 (1lem1ze) ..----------------------------- 2
Add lines 1, 2, and 3
Decreasesnot includedm hne2 (1tem1ze) ..----------------------------- 4
6 Total net assets or fund balances at end of vear (hne 4 minus hne 5) - Part ti, column (b), line 30 6
BAA TEEA03021.. 09/25/01
Farm 990PF (2001) THE MILSTEIN FAMILY FOUNDATION 95-4824595 Page 3
I Part Ill I Capital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income
(a) List and describe the k1nd(s) of property sold (e g , real estate, (b) 1-k>wacquir11d (c) Date acqu11ed (d) Date sold
2 story brrck warehouse, or common stock, 200 shares MLC Company) P- Purchase (month day, year) (monlh day year)
D - Donation
1a NIA
(e) Gross sates puce (f) Deprec1at1on allowed (g) Cost or other basis (h) Gain or (loss)
(or allowable) plus expense of sale (e) plus (Q minus (g)


Comolele onlv for assets showina aa1n 1ncolumn (h) and owned bv the foundation on 12/31/69 (I) Gains(column(h)
(1) Fair Market Value (I) Ad1usted basis (k) Excess of column (1) gainminuscolumn(k), bul notless
as of 12131/69 as of 12131/69 over column 0), 1f any than O) or Losses(fromcolumn(h))


2 Capital gain net income or (net capital loss) {If gam, also enter 1nPart I, line 7
If (loss), enter -0- in Part I, line 7 } 2
3 Net short term capital gain or (loss) as defined 1n sections 1222(5) and (6)
If garn, also enter 1n Part I, line 8, column (c) (see 1nstruct1ons) If (loss), enter 0
m Part I, line 8
} 3
[PartV I Quahf1cat1on Under Section 4940(el for Reduced Tax on Net Investment Income
(For optional use by domestic private foundations sub1ect to the secl1on 4940(a) lax on net investment income ) NI A
If section 4940(d)(2) applies, leave this part blank

Was !he organ1zat1onliable for the section 4942 tax on the distributable amount of any year 1n the base period? Oves
If 'Yes,' the orgamzat1on does not quality under section 4940(e) Do not complete this part

1 Enter the appropriate amount m each column for each year, see 1nstruct1onsbefore making any entries

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Base period years Adjusted qualifying d1str1but1ons Net value of D1stnbullon ratio
Calendar year (or tax year nonchar1table-use assets (column (b) d1v1dedby column (c))
beg1nmng 1n)

2 Total of hne 1, column (d) 2

3 Average d1str1but1onratio tor the 5 year base period - d1v1dethe total on lme 2 by 5, or by !he
number of years the foundation has been 1n existence 1f less than 5 years 3

4 Enter the net value of noncharitable use assets for 2001 from Part X, hne 5 4

5 Multiply line 4 by lme 3 5

6 Enter 1% of net investment income (1 % of Part I, line 27b) 6

7 Add Imes 5 and 6. 7

8 Enter quahtymg d1stnbut1ons from Part XII, line 4 8

If line 8 1s equal to or greater than lme 7, check the box m Part VI, hne 1b, and complete that part using a 1% tax rate See the
Part Vl instructions
BAA Farm 990-PF (200 I)
TEEA0303l 09/25IOI
Form 980-PF <2D01\ THE MILSTEIN FAMILY FOUNDATION 95-4824595 Paae 4
IPartVI I Excise Tax Based on Investment Income (Section 4940(al. 4940(bl. 4940Cel, or 4948 - see mstructJonsl
1 a Exempt operatingfoundations
describedm Section4940(d)(2),checkhere ..,LJ
andenter'NIA' on lme1 ,.,.,''_._.,-..:,.,-,,..~

~v,..:,. ' '
Date of ruling letter _______ (attach copy of ruhng letter 1f necessary - see 1nstrucbons)
b Domestic organ1zat1onsthat meet the Section 4940(e) requirements 1nPart V, 1 1. 450
check here ..,0 and enter 1% of Part I, hne 27b
enter2% of lme27b Exempt
c All otherdomesticorganizations foreignorganizations
enter4% of PartI, lme12,column(b) _..,,.,,..,
2 Tax under Section 511 (domestic Section 4947(a)(l) trusts and taxable foundations only Others enter -0) 2 0
3 Add Imes 1 and 2 3 1. 450
4 Sublltle A (income) tax (domesl1c Section 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable foundations only Olhers enler -0 ) 4 0
5 Tax based on 1nvesbnent income Sublracl line 4 from line 3 If zero or less, enter 0 5 1. 450
6 Credi ls/Payments
a 2001estimatedtax pmtsand2000overpaymenl crediledto 2001 6a
b Exempt foreign organizations - tax withheld at source 6b
c Tax paid with applrcation for extens10n of time to file (Form 8868) 6c ..
d Backup w11hho1d1ng
erroneously withheld 6d
7 Total credits and payments Add lines 6a through 6d 7 0
8 Enter any penalty for underpayment of estimated lax Check here 0 1fFarm 2220 is attached 8
Tax due If thetotal of Imes5 and 8 Is morethanline 7, enteramountowed ~
9 9 1,450
10 OverpaymentIf line 7 Is morethanthe total of Imes5 and 8, enterlhe amountoverpaid ~
11 Entertheamounton lme 10to be Creditedto 2002estimatedlax. ~
I Refunded ~ 11
IParl VII-A I Statements Regarding Activities
1 a During the tax year, did the organization attempt to influence any national, state, or local legislation or did it
Yes No
part1c1pate or intervene in any pol1l1cal campaign? la X
for politicalpurposes(seeinstructionsfor dehmlmn)?
b Did 11spendmorethan$100duringtheyear(eitherdirectlyor md1rectly) lb X
If the answer 1s Yes' to Ta or Tb, attach a detailed descnpt1on of the act1v1t1esand copies of any materials pubhshed
or distributed by the organization m connection with the act1vit1es .
c Did the organization file Fonn 1120..POL for lh1s year' le X
d Enter the amount (1f any) of tax on polItical expenditures (Section 4955) imposed during the year
(1) On the organization ~$ 0 (2) On organization managers ~$ 0
e Enter lhe reimbursement (1f any) paid by the organization during the year for pol1l1cal expenditure tax imposed on
organization managers ~$ 0
2 Has the organ1zat1on engaged In any acl1v1t1esthat have not previously been reported to the IRS' 2 X
If 'Yes, attach a detailed descnpt1on of the act1vd1es

3 Has the organizat1on made any changes, not previously reported to the IRS, In its governing instrument, articles
of incorporalIon, or bylaws, or other similar instruments' If 'Yes,' attach a conformed copy of the changes 3 X
4a Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year" 4a X
b If 'Yes,' has 11filed a tax return on Fonn 990-T for this year' 4b X
5 Wastherea llqu1dat1on,
or substantialcontractionduringtheyear' 5 X
If 'Yes,' attach the statement reqwred by General Instruction T
6 Are the requrrements of Section 508(e) (relating to Sections 4941 through 4945) satisfied either
By language 1n the governing instrument or

By state leg1slat1on that effectively amends the governing instrument so that no mandatory directions that conflict
with the slate law remain in the governing instrument' 6 X
7 Did lheorgamzal1on
haveal least$5,00Jm assetsat anytime durmgthe year' If 'Yes,'completePartII, column(c), andPartXV 7 X
, <
Ba Enter the stales to which the foundation reports or with which 111sregistered (see instructions)
CALIFORNIA _______________________________________________ -- --- -
b II lhe answer1s'Yes'to lme 7, hastheorganIza1Ionfurnisheda copyof Form990 PFto theAttorneyGeneral
(or designate)of eachslateas requiredby GeneralInstructionG7 If 'No,'attachexplanation Sb X
cla1mmgstatusas a privateoperatm~foundationwithm the meaningof Section4942(1)(3)
9 Is theorgam.zatIon or 4942(J)(5)
for calendaryear2001or
lhe taxableyearb~mnmg m 2001(seemslructIonsfor art XIV)' If 'Yes,'completePartXIV 9 X
10 Did any persons become substanl1al conlnbutors during the tax year' 10 X
If Yes,' attach a schedule listing thelf names and addresses
11 Did the organization comply with the pubhc 1nspect1on requirements for 1ls annual returns and exemption apphcatIon 7 11 X
Web site address A ., N /
12 The books are ,n care ol BARAK RICHTER & DR0R (PAS Telephone no (323) 933-9306
Located at 5979 W 3RD STREET #102. L A . CA 90036 ZIP+ 4 90036
13 Section 4947(a)(1) ~;e;e;,Pt ;h-;r:iabl; ~u~t; f-;i1;gf;;-r; 990Pf1;:;-1;; crlfo-;.;1041
:_ Check here - - - - - - - - NIA- - ., CT-
and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the year ~!13 I N/ A
BAA Form 990-PF (2001)
TEEA0304l 01/24/02
Form 9~0-PF (2001) THE MILSTEIN FAMILY FOUNDATION 95-4824595 Paoe 5
!Part VII-Bl Statements Reaardma Activities for Which Form 4720 Mav Be Reauired
File Fonn 4720 1f any item 1s checked m the 'Yes' column, unless an exception applies Yes No
,.. ' ''
1 a Dunng the year did the organ1zal1on(either directly or indirectly)
(1) Engage 1nthe sate or exchange, or leasing of property with a d1squallf1edperson' 0Yes [3jNo
(2) Borrow money from, lend money to, or otherwise extend credit to (or accept 11from) a
(3) Furnish goods, services, or fac1lit1esto (or accept them from) a d1squal1f1edperson'
(4) Pay compensat1on to, or pay or reimburse the expenses of, a d1squahf1ed person' Yes No
(5) Transfer any income or assets to a d1squahf1ed person (or make any of either available
for the benefit or use of a d1squallf1ed person)7 0Yes [3j No
(6) Agree lo pay money or property lo a government otf1c1al' (Exception Check 'No' 1f the
organ1zal1on agreed to make a grant lo or to employ the ott1cIal for a period after term1nat1on
of government service, 1f terminating wIlhIn 90 days) 0Yes 18)No
b If any answer Is 'Yes' to la(l)-(6), did any of the acts fail to qualify under the exceptions described m
Regulations Section 53 4941 (d) 3 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see 1nstrucl1ons)' lb N"A
Organ1zatrons relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here ~o
c Did the organization engage 1n a pnor year In any of the acts described 1n la, other than excepted acts,
that were not corrected before the first day of the tax year beginning 1n 2001' le X
2 Taxes on failure lo d1slnbute income (Section 4942) (does not app!)' for years the organ1zallon was a
pnvale operating foundation defined In Section 4942~)(3) or 4942G)(5))

a At the end of tax year 2001, did the organ1zallon have any undistributed income (lines Gd
and Ge, Part XIII) for tax year(s) beginning before 2001' 0Yes [3jNo
lf'Yes,'ltsttheyears~ 20 ,19 __ ,19 __ ,19 __

b Are there any years listed in 2a for which the organ1zation ts not applying the provIsIons of Section 4942(a)(2)
(relating to incorrect valuation of assets) to the year's und1slnbuted income' (If applying Section 4942(a)(2) to
all years listed, answer 'No' and attach statement - see Inslruct1ons) 2b N"A
c If the provIs1ons of Section 4942(a)(2) are being applied to any of the years listed in 2a, hst the years here
~20 ,19 __ ,19 __ ,19 __
3a Did the organization hold more than a 2% direct or IndIrect interest In any business
enterprise al any lime during the year' 0Yes [3jNo
b If 'Yes,' did 1t have excess business holdings in 2001 as a result of (1) any purchase by the organization
or d1squal1f1edpersons after May 26, 1969, (2) the lapse of the 5-year period (or longer period approved
by the Commissioner under Section 4943(c)(7)) to dispose of holding~ acquired by gift or bequest, or
(3) the lapse of the 10-, 15-, or 20-year first phase holding penod 1 (Use Schedule C, Form 4720, to
determine If the organization had excess business holdings ,n 2001) 3b N A
4a Did the orgarnzal1on invest dunng the year any amount In a manner that would Jeopardize its
charitable purposes' 4a X
b Did the organization make any investment 1n a prior year (but after December 31, 1969) that could
Jeopardize its charitable purpose that had not been removed from Jeopardy before the firs! day of
the tax year beginning 1n 20017 4b X
Sa During the year did the organization pay or incur any amount to
(1) Carry on propaganda, or otherwise attempt to influence leg1slallon (Section 4945(e))' 0Yes [3j No
(2) Influence the outcome of any spec1f1cpublic election (see Section 4955), or to carry
on, directly or indirectly, any voter reg1slrallon dnve' BYes ~No
(3) Provide a grant to an 1nd1v1dualfor travel, study, or other similar purposes' Yes No
(4) Provide a grant to an organrzallon other than a charitable, etc, organ1zatron described
1n Section 509(a)(1), (2), or (3), or Section 4940(d)(2)' Oves [3j No
(5) Provide for any purpose other than rel1g1ous, charitable, sc1ent1fic, literary, or
educational purposes, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals' 0Yes [3j No
b If any answer 1s 'Yes' to Sa(l)-(5), did any of the transactions fail to qualify under the exceptions
described in Regulations Section 53 4945 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance
(see instructions)' Sb N A
Organ1zat1ons relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here ~o '
c If the answer 1s 'Yes' to question 5a(4), does the organization claim exemphon from the "
tax because 11maintained expenditure respons1b1lity for the grant' N/A 0Yes 0No
If Yes.' attach the statement requ,red by Regulations Section 53 4945 5(d)
6a Did the organization, dunng the year, receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay premiums ' '
on a personal benefit contract' 0Yes [3)No ' ' " v~= ' ~

b Did the organization, during the year, pay premiums, directly or mdIrectly, on a personal benefit contract' 6b
,, X
If vou answered Yes to 6b, also file 8870 '
BAA TEEA030SL O1124/02 Form 990-PF (2001)
Form 990-PF 2 01 THE MILSTEIN FAMILY FOUNDATION 95-4824595 Pa e 6
Part VIII Information About Officers, Directors, Trustees, Foundation Managers, Highly Paid Employees,
and Contractors
1 List all officers, directors, trustees, foundation manaqers and their compensation (see mstructIons)
(b) Title and average (c) Compensation (d) Contributmns to (e) Expense account,
hours per week (If not paid, enter -0-) employee benefit other allowances
(a) Name and address
devoted to pos11lon plans and deferred

See Statement 3 0 0 0

------------------------ I

2 Compensation of five hIqhest-paId employees 'other than those included on hne 1- see mstructIons) If none, enter 'None'
(a) Name and address of each employee (b) Tille and average (c) Compensal1on (d) Contributions to (e) Expense account,
paid more than $50,000 hours per week employee benefit other allowances
devoted to pos1t1on plans and deferred
None ____________________

Total number of olher employees paid over $50,000
3 Five h1qhestpa1d independent contractors for professional services - (see 1nstruct1ons) If none, enter 'None'
(a) Name and address of each cerson oa1d more than $50,000 (b) T vne of service (c) Comcensat1on
None __________________________________

Total number of others rece1v1ng over $50,000 for profess,onal services.

IPart IX-A ISummary of Direct Charitable Activities

Lisi thefoundallon'sfour larges!d1reclcharitableacl1v1t1es
during the tax year Includerelevanlstat1st1cal
informationsuchas lhe numberof Expenses
orgamzal10ns and other benef1c1ar1es
N/A __________________________________________________ _

BAA TEEA0.306L Olfl.4/02 Form 990-PF (2001)

Form 990-PF (2!)01) THE MILSTEIN FAMILY FOUNDATION 95-4824595 Page 7
IPart IX-B ISummary of Program-Related Investments (see ,nstruct,ons)
Describe the two laraest oroaram-related investments made bv the foundation dunna the tax year on lines 1 and 2 Amount
1 N/A __________________________________________________ _

All other program-related investments See 1nstruct1ons


Total Add lines 1 throuah 3 .. 0

IPar1X j Minimum Investment Return (All domestic foundations must complete lh1s part Foreign foundations, see 1nstruct1ons)

1 Fair market value of assets not used (or held for use) directly 1ncarrying out chanlable, etc, purposes
a Average monthly fair market value of secunl1es la 1. 048, 000
b Average of monthly cash balances lb 29,300
c Fair market value of all other assets (see instruct1ons) le
d Total {add lines la, b and c) ld 1,077,300
e Reduction cl armed for blockage or other factors reported on lines la and l c
(altach detailed explanation) le 0
2 Acqu1s1t1onindebtedness applicable to line l assets 2 0
3 Subtract line 2 from hne ld 3 1,077,300
4 Cash deemed held for charitable activities Enter 1-1/2% of line 3 (for greater amount, see 1nstrucl1ons) 4 16, 160
5 Net value of nonchantable--use assets Subtracl hne 4 from hne 3 Enler here and on Part V, line 4 5 1. 061, 140
6 Minimum investment return Enter 5% of hne 5 6 53,057
Pa XI Distributable Amount (see ,nstrucl,ons)
(Section 4942(1)(3) and (J)(5) private operating foundations and certain
foreign oraanizat1ons check here and do nol comolete this oart )
1 Minimum investment return from Part X, line 6 1 53,057
2a Tax on investment income for 2001 from Part VI, line 5 2al I 1,450
b Income tax for 2001 (This does not include the tax from Part VI ) I 2bl
c Add lines 2a and 2b 2c 1,450
3 D1slnbutable amount before adJuslments Subtract line 2c from line 1 3 51,607
4a Recoverres of amounts treated as qual1fy1ngd1stnbutions 4al I
b Income d1strrbutions from section 4947(a)(2) trusts I 4bl
c Add lines 4a and 4b 4c
5 Add lines 3 and 4c 5 51,607
6 Deduction from d1slnbutable amount (see inslruct1ons) 6
7 D1stnbutable amount as ad1usted Subtract lme 6 from line 5 Enter here and on Part XIII, line 1 7 51,607
!Part XII IQualifying Distributions (see ,nstruct,ons)

1 Amounts paid tncluding adm1n1strative expenses) to accomplish charitable, etc, purposes

a Expenses, con nbul1ons, gifts, elc - lolal from Part I, column (d), line 26 la 47,560
b Program-related investments - Total from Part IX-8 lb
2 Amounts paid to acquire assets used (or held for use) directly In carrying out charitable, etc, purposes 2
3 Amounts set aside for sec1f1c chantab1e proiects that satisfy the
a Su1lab1l1tytest (pnor IR
approval required) 3a
b Cash dIstnbut1on test (attach the required schedule) 3b
4 Quahfymg d1stnbutJons Add Imes la through 3b Enter here and on Part V, line 8, and Part XIII, line 4 4 47,560
5 Or~anizat1ons that 1uall~ under section 4940(e) for the reduced rate of tax on net investment income
En er 1% of Part l, me 7b (see instructmns) 5
6 Adjusted quahfymg d1stnbut1ons Subtract line 5 from line 4 6 47,560
Note The amount on fine 6 w1/fbe used ,n Part V, column (b), ,n subsequent years when ca/cu/at1ng whether the foundation
qualifies for the section 494-0(e) reduction of tax ,n those years
BAA Form 990-PF (2001)

TEEA0307L 12/19/01
Form 990-PF (2p01J THE MILSTEIN FAMILY FOUNDATION 95-4824595 Page 8
IPart XIII! Undistributed Income (see ,nstruct,ons)
(a) (b) ~c) ~d)
Corpus Years pnor to 2000 2 00 2 01
1 D1stnbulable amount for 2001 from Part XI,
hne 7 51 607
2 Undistributed
income,1fany,asof theendof 2000
a Enter amount for 2000 only 9 945
-- , 19-- , 19-
b Totalfor prioryears 0
3 Excess carryover11any,to2001
a From 1996
b From 1997
c From 1998
d From 1999
e From 2000
f Total of lines 3a through e 0
4 Qualifying dIstnbul1ons for 2001 from Part
XII, line 4 ~
$ 47,560
a Applied to 2000, but not more lhan line 2a 9,945
b ~plied to und1stnbuled income of prior years
( lect1on required - see 1nstruct1ons) 0
c Treated as dIstnbutIons out of corpus
(Elect1on required - see 1nslruct1ons) 0
d Applied to 2001 d1stnbulable amount 37,615
e Remaining amount distributed out at corpus 0
5 Excessd1str1but1ons
carryoverappliedlo 2001 0 0
(If an amount appears m column (d), the
same amount must be shown m column (a))

6 Enter the net total of each column as

1nd1cated below
a CorpusAdd Imes3f, 4c, and 4e Subtractline 5 0
b Prior ~ears' undistributed income Subtract
line 4 from line 2b 0
c Enter the amount of prior years' und1stribut-
ed income for which a notice of def1c1ency
has been issued, or on which the section
4942(a) tax has been previously assessed 0
d Subtract line 6c from hne 6b Taxable
amount - see Instruct1ons 0
e Undistributedincomefor 200) Subtracl line 4a from
line 2a Taxableamount- seeinstructions 0
f Undistributed income for 2001 Sublracl lines
4d and 5 from line 1 This amount must be
distributed In 2002 13,992
7 Amounts treated as distributions out of
corpus to sallsfy requirements imposed
by sect.on 170(b\(l )(E) or 4942(g)(3)
(see instructions 0
8 Excess d1stnbul1ons carr_,over from 1996 not
applied on line 5 or line (see 1nstrucllons) 0
9 Excess d1stnbut1ons carryover to 2002
Subtract lines 7 and 8 from line 6a 0
10 Analysis of line 9
a Excess from 1997
b Excess from 1998
c Excess from 1999
d Excess from 2000
e Excess from 2001
BAA Form 990-PF (200 l)

TEEA0308L 01124/02
Form 990PF (2001l THE MILSTE IN FAMILY FOUNDATION 95-4824595 Paae 9
!Part XIV I Private Operatmq Foundations (see mstruct,ons and Part VII A ouestion 91 NIA
1 a If the foundation has rece1ved a rul1n~ or determ1nahon letter that 11Is a private operating foundation, and the ruling
Is effective for 2001, enter the date o the ruling ..,
b Check box to indicate whether the orgamzat1on 1s a private operatino foundation described m Section n 49421-"3) or I 49421M5)
2a Enter the lesser of the adjusted net Tax vear Prior 3 vears
income from Part I or the minimum
Col2001 (bl 2000 (cl 1999 Cdl 1998 CelTotal
investment return from Part X for
each year hsted
b 85% of hne 2a

c Qualifying d1str1bul1onsfrom Part XII,

hne 4 for each year hsted

d Amounts mcludedm hne2cnotuseddirecUy

for actNeconduct
of exemptact1V1t1es

e Qual1fymg d1stnbutIons made directly

for active conduct of exempt activities
Subtract line 2d from line 2c

3 Complele 3a, b, or c for the

alternative test relied upon
a 'Assets' alternative lest - enter
(1) Value of all assets

(2) Value of assets quat1fy1ng under

Section 49420)(3)(8)(1)

b 'Endowment'alternativetesl- Enter2/3 of
mInImuminvestmentreturnshownm Part X,
lme6 for eachyearlisted
c 'Support alternative test - enter

(1) Total support other than gross

mvestment mcome (interest,
d1v1dends, rents, payments
on securities loans (Section
512(a)(5)), or royalties)

(2) Supportfrom generalpublicarw:IS or

as provided
m Sect10n

(3) Largest amount of support from

an exempt organization
(4) Gross investment mcome
[Part XV I Suoolementarv Information lComaletethis oart onlv 1fthe oraamzatIonhad $5,000or more m assetsat anv time dunna the vear l
1 Information Regarding Foundation Managers
a List any managers of the foundation who have contributed more than 2% of the total contr1but1ons received by the foundation before the
close of any lax year (but only 1t they have contributed more than $5,000) (See Section 507(d)(2))
See Statement 4

b List any managers of the foundation who own l 0% or more of the stock of a corporation (or an equally large portion of the ownersh1p of
a partnership or other entity) of which the foundation has a 10% or greater interest

2 lnfonnahon Regarding Contr1but1on, Grant, Gift, Loan, Scholarship, etc, Programs

Check here ~ IBJif the orgamzat1on only makes contr1bu1Lons to preselected charitable orgamzal1ons and does not accept unsol1c1ted
requests tor funds It the organization makes gifts, grants, etc, (see instructions) to 1nd1v1dualsor orgamzat1ons under other cond1tIons,
com lele 1tems 2a, b c, and d
a The name, address, and telephone number of the person to whom applIcatIons should be addressed

b The form m which applications should be submitted and information and materials they should include

c Any subm1ss1on deadhnes

d Any restnclIons or l1m1lat1onson awards, such as by geographical areas, charitable fields, kmds of mstilutIons, or other factors

BAA TEEA0309L 09r.25itlI Form 990-PF (2001)

Form9.90-PFnoon THE MILSTEINFAMILYFOUNDATION 95-4824595 Paoe10
I Part XV, 1Suoolementarv Information <conllnuedl
3 Grants and Contnbutlons Paid Dunne the Year or A""roved for Future Pavment

Recipient If rec1p1ent
1san mdrv1dual,
toany Foundal1on
showary;relatronsh1p Purpose
of grantor
faunat1onmana1J:ror status
of contr1but1on
Name and address lhome or business) substantral
contriutor rec1p1ent
a Paid during the year
USE 5,000

USE 5,000

USE 5,000

USE 5,000

USE 1,000

USE 3,600

USE 9,000

USE 13,000


Total ~
3a 46,600
b Approved for future payment

Total 3b
BAA TEEAOJIOl 09~1 Form990-PF
Form 990-PF (2001) THE MILSTEINFAMILYFOUNDATION 95-4824595 Page 11
!Part XVI-A; Analysis of Income-Producing Acllv1t1es
Enter gross amounts unless otherwise indicated Unrelated business mcome Excludedby sechonSI~ 513,or 514
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Business Amount E.i:clu Amount Related or exempt
code s1on function income
1 Program service revenue code (see 1nstrucllons)
g Fees and contracts from government agencies.
2 Membership dues and assessments
3 Interestonsavingsandtemporary
4 Dividends and mlerest from secur1t1es 900001 72 500
5 Net rental mcome or (loss) from real estate "

a Debt financed property

b Not debt financed property
6 Nel rentalincomeor (loss)from personalproperty
7 Other investment mcome
8 Gamor (loss)fromsalesof assetsotherthaninventory
9 Net income or (loss) from special events
10 Gross prof1I or (loss) from sales of inventory
11 Other revenue
12 Subtotal Add columns (b), (d), and (e) 72,500
13 Total Add hne 12, columns (b), (d), and (e) ., 13 72,500
(See worksheet in the 1nstruct1ons for lme 13 to verify calculations )

!Part XVl-8 IRelallonsh1p of Acllv1t1es to the Accomplishment of Exempt Purposes

Lme No, Explain below how each act1v1tyfor which income 1s reported 1n column (e) of Part XVI A conlnbuled importantly to the
accomplishment of the organizat10n's exempt purposes (other than by prov1d1ng funds for such purposes) (See mstructions)
N/A '

BAA TE.EAOSOIL01124/02 Form 990-PF (2001)

Form 990-PF 2001 THE MILSTEIN FAMILY FOUNDATION 95-4824595 Pa e 12
Par1XVII Information Regarding Transfers to and Transactions and Relationships with Noncharitable
Exempt Organizations
Yes No
1 Did the orgarnzal1on directly or indirectly engage In any of lhe following with any other organ1zat1on
described in Section 501 (c) of the Code (other than Section 501 (c)(3) organ1zat1ons) or 1n Sectron 527,
relating to polit1cal organ1zat1ons?
a Transfers from the reporting organ1zal1onto a nonchantable exempt organization of
(1) Cash 1 a (1) X
(2) Other assets 1 a I?\ X
b Other transactions
(1) Sales of assets to a nonchantable exempt orgarnzat1on 1 b C1l X
(2) Purchases of assets from a noncharitable exempt orgarnzatron. 1 b I?\ X
(3) Rental of tac1ht1es,equipment, or other assels 1 b (3) X
(4) Reimbursement arrangements 1 b(4) X
(5) Loans or loan guarantees 1 b(S) X
(6) Performance of services or membership or fundra1s1ngsollcItat1ons 1 b (6) X
c Sharing of fac11it1es,equipment, ma1l1nglists, other assets, or paid employees 1c X
d If the answer to any of the above Is 'Yes,' complete the following schedule Column (b) should always show the fair market value of
th e ~00 ds, 0th er asse Is, or services given by th e re~or t inr, or~an,za t ion If th e orgarnza t ion received less th an f air market value In
anv ransacl1on or sharina arrangemenl. show In co umn d) I e value of the aoods, other assets, or services received
(a) Lineno (b) Amountinvolved (c) Nameof nonchar1table
exemptorganIzatIon (d) Descr1pt1on
of transfers,transactions,

2a Is the organization directly or indirectly aff1hated with, or related to, one or more tax-exempt organizations
described in Section 501 (c) of the Code (other than Section 501 (c)(3)) or In Section 527 7
b If 'Y es, como Iet e th e f o IIowing sc h ed uIe
(a) Name of oraarnzat1on (b) Tvne of oraarnzal1on (c) Description of relat1onsh1p

of P"f"'Y I docla" that I ha,o
and cornplete
",j;edth,s "'"'" ,nd,dmo accompany,no schod,I~ and statements and to "" best of my knowfedoo and bef,.f ,t " ''"'
Dectarat1on ol preparer (other han taxpayer or l1duc1ary) Is based on all Inlormabon of which preparer has any knowledge

.. "
Sio;inature of Officer or Trustee
- J i81'lo'1 ol-l,~-;:)
Date Title

' Data Preparer's SSN or PTIN

Sign Preparers
Io / 1 , J.,'2... (see instructions)
Here Paid Signature
BRIANDR~'"~~I~ l C/,ec',,; 11
s111femolo\111d n S'Sl-- )n - 7~ o<>
Se F1rrn's Name (or yours
11self emp~n:
address a 21 cocl11
5967 West ..
& Dror
Los An2eles CA 90036
. #102
Phone no
<() - lj<jtJ 'jq'{1

(323) 933-9306

TEEA0502L Oll2.4J02 Form 990-PF (2001)

Sched11leB 0MB No 1St.5 0047
(Form 990, 990-EZ,
or 990-PF) Schedule of Contributors
Department of the Treasury
lntarnal Revenue Service
Supplementary 1nfonnat10n for
line 1 of Form 990, 990-EZ and 990-PF (see instructions)
Nam ol Organization Employer ldntif1callon Numbar

Organization type (check one)
Fliers of Section
Form 990 or 990-EZ

501 (c)( ) (enter number) organ1zat1on

4947(a)(l) nonexempt charitable trust not trealed as a pnvate foundation
527 pol1!1calorganizat1on

Form 990 PF

501 (c)(3) exempt pnvale foundation

4947(a)(l) nonexempt chanlabte trust treated as a pnvale foundation
501 (c)(3) taxable pnvale foundal1on

Check 1fyour organ1zat1on1scovered by the general rule or a special rule (Note Ortly a Section 501(c)(7), (8), or (10) organization can check
box(es) for both the general rule and a special rule - see instructions J

General Rule -
IB:)For orgarnzallons filing Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF that received, dunng the year, $5,000 or more (1n money or property) from any one
contributor (Complete Parts I and II)

Special Rules -
0 For a Section 501 (c)(3) organization filing Form 990, or Form 990-EZ, that met the 33-1/3% support test of the regulations under sections
509(a)(l)/170(b)(l)(A)(v1) and rece1ved from any one contributor, during the year, a contnbution of the greater of $5,000 or 2% of the
amount on line l of these forms (Complete Paris I and II)
0For a Section 50l(c)(7), (8), or (10) organization filing Form 990, or Form 990-EZ, that received from any one contributor, during the year,
aggregate contributions or bequests of more than $1,000 for use exclus,vely for rel191ous, charitable, sc1ent.f1c, literary, or educational
purposes, or the prevention of cruelly to children or animals (Complete Parts I, II, and Ill)

0For a Section 50l(c)(7), (8), or (10) organization f1hng Form 990, or Form 990-EZ, that received from any one contributor, during the year,
some contributions for use exclusively for rehg1ous, charitable, etc, purposes, but these contributions did not aggregate to more than
$1,000 (If this box 1s checked, enter here the total contributions that were received durmg the year for an exclusively religious, charitable,
etc, purpose Do not complete any of the Parts unless the general rule applies to this orga1n1zation because 11received nonexclus1vely
rehg1ous, chantable, etc , contnbul1ons of $5,000 or more du1ng the year) ~ $________ _
Caution Orgamzat,ons that are not covered by the general rule and/or the special rules do not f,Je Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PFJ
but must check the box ,n the heading of thelf Form 990, Form 990-EZ, or on /me 1 of thelf Form 990-PF, to certify that they do not meet the
filing reqwrements of Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990 PF)
BAA Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2001)

TEEA0701L 1213Mll
orm 990, 990-EZ, 990-PF 2001 to 1 of Part I
Employer ldn1.Jf1catlon Number


[Part I I Contributors (see instruct,ons)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Number Name, address and ZIP+ 4 Aggregate Type of contnbut1on

1 c.TUVIA AND_GUILAT MILSTEIN ___________________ Person
c.16027 VENTURA BLVD #550 ____________________ $ _____ 750,000_ Noncash
(Complete Part 111f there 1s
LENCINO, CA 91436 ------------------------- noncash contribution )

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Number Name, address and ZIP+ 4 Aggregate Type of contr1but.Jon

2 J!ERAV MIL STEIN ___________________________

c.16027_VENTURA BLVD #550 ____________________ $----- 50,000_


(Complete Part JI 1f there 1s
,ENCINO, CA 91436 _________________________ noncash contnbut1on )

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Number Name, address and ZIP +4 Aggregate Type of contr1butJon

, LYRON_MILSTEIN ___________________________

c.16027_VENTURA BLVD #550 ____________________ $ ----- 50,000_


(Complete Part 111f there 1s
,_ENCINO, CA 91436 _________________________ noncash contribution )

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Number Name, address and ZIP + 4 Aggregate Type of contnbutJon


L _____________________________________
L _____________________________________ $ Noncash
(Complete Part 111t there 1s
noncash conlnbul1on )
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Number Name, address and ZIP + 4 Aggregate Type of contnbutaon

-- L-------------------------------------
L------------------------------------- $

(Complete Part II 1f !here 1s
noncash contnbut1on)
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Number Name, address and ZIP+ 4 Aggregate Type of contnbu'bon

-- L-------------------------------------
L------------------------------------- $

(Complete Part II 1f there 1s
L _____________________________________ noncash contnbut1on )

BAA TEEA0702L 01/02/02 Schedule B (Form 990, 990 EZ, 990-PF) (2001)
Schedule B orm 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF 2001 Pa lo I of Part II
H.une ol Or;anizalion Employer ldentil1calion Numbef

IPart II i Noncash Property
(a) (b) (c) (d)
No from Descnptlon of noncash property given FMV (or estimate) Date received
Part I (see 1nstrucbons)

----------------------------------------- $___________________ _
(a) (b) (c) (d)
No from Descr1ptlon of noncash property given FMV (or estimate) Date received
Part I (see mstructJons)

=-----------------------------------------$ ___________________
(a) (b) (c) (d)
No from Descnptlon of noncash property given FMV (or estimate) Date received
Part I (see mstruct1ons)

----------------------------------------- $
----------------------------------------- --------------------
(a) (b) (c) (d)
No from Descr1pt1on of noncash property given FMV (or estimate) Date received
Part I (see mstruct1ons)

=-----------------------------------------$ ___________________ _
(a) (b) (c) (d)
No from Descnp'bon of noncash property given FMV (or estimate) Date received
Part I (see 1nstruct1ons)

=----------------------------------------$ ___________________ _
(a) (b) (c) (d)
No from Descnpt1on of noncash property given FMV (or estimate) Date received
Part I (see instructions)

=---------------------------------------- $___________________ _

BAA Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2001)

TEEA0703L 10/05/01
Schedule B orm 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF 2001 Pa e 1 lo 1 of Part Ill
Name of Organr.zalion Employer ldentd1cat.Jon Number


Part III Exclusive(yreligious, charitable, etc., individual contributions to section 501(c)(7), (8), or(10)
organizations aggregating more than $1,000 for the year (Complete cols (a) through (e) and the follow,ng lrne entry)

For organizations completing Part Ill, enter total of exclusively rel1g1ous, chanlable, etc, contnbut1ons of $1,000 or
less for the vear renter this information once see instructions)
No from Purpose of gift Use of gift Oescnpbon of how gift 1sheld
Part I
L ___________________ _

L---------------------------------------- --------------------
Transfer of 91ft
Transferee's name, address, and ZIP+ 4 Relat1onsh1p of transferor to transferee
L _________________________________ _

(a) (b) (c) (d)
No from Purpose of gift Use of gift Description of how gift 1s held
Part I
L ___________________ _

I------------------ - ---------------------
Transfer of gift
Transferee's name, address, and ZIP + 4 Relat1onsh1p of transferor to transferee

L _________________________________ _

(a) (b) (c) (d)
No from Purpose of gift Use of gift Descnption of how gift 1s held
Part I
L ________________________________________ _

I------------------ ---------------------
Transfer of gift
Transferee's name, address, and ZIP+ 4 Relat1onsh1p of transferor to transferee

L __________________________________ --------------------------

1 ---------------------------------- --------------------------

(a) (b) (c) (d)

No from Purpose of gift Use of gift Descnption of how gift 1s held
Part I

L------------------- --------------------- --------------------

L ___________________ _

Transfer of gift
Transferee's name, address, and ZIP+ 4 Relationship of b'ansferor to transferee
L __________________________________ --------------------------

1 ---------------------------------- --------------------------

BAA Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2001)
TEEA070'L 12/31/01
2001 Federal Statements Page 1

Statement 1
Form 990-PF,Part I, Line 16b
Accounting Fees

(a) (b) Net (c) (d)

Expenses Investment Adjusted Charitable
Re[ BQQkS IncQme Net ln!:;Qme Purgoses
BARAK $ 900 $ 900
Totals $ c:rno$ (j $ 0 $ 900

Statement 2
Form 990-PF, Part I, Line 23
Other Expenses

(a) (b) Net (c) (d)

Expenses Investment Adjusted Chari table
Qer BoQkS InsQmi;: Net In!:;Qme PurgQses
Totals $ 60 $ 0 $ i'.l $ 60

Statement 3
Form 990-PF, Part VIII, Line 1
List of Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees

Title and Contri Expense

Avera\e Hours Campen but1on to Account/
Name and Add[eas Per Wee DevQted sation EBP & DC Other
TUVIAMILSTEIN President & CEO $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
GUILATMILSTEIN Secretary 0 0 0
Total $ i'.l $ i'.l $ 0

Statement 4
Farm 990-PF, Part XV, Line 1a
Foundation Managers - 2% or More Contributors


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