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The family


I. Description of class

School: Low resources school Time: 2 hours N of SS.: 35

Level: First grade Age: 7 years old

II. Learning objectives

1. Main aim: To recognize the relationship with the relatives and learn its names (he is the father, she is
the mother, he is the brother, etc) and be able to write it and to pronounce it through finger puppets
and the family finger song
2. Subsidiary aim: To recognize that there is not only one kind of family (conventional family) but there
are many kinds of it.
3. To learn vocabulary related with the family and how to pronounce it. (Daddy, mommy, brother, sister,
etc. )
4. To start using the verb TO BE

III. Assumed prior knowledge/Relevant recent work:

We guess that the students know who are the principal or first grade relatives (mother, father, brother, sister)
and they know how to pronounce those words in English

IV. Personal objectives (for your own professional development)

To achieve a relationship with the students and to be clear while explaining the topics.

V. Procedure:

Activity 1: Warm-up
Context: First grade class, 35 students, low resources school.
Materials/equipment needed: Images of different kinds of families (annex)
Language/skill focused on: Who do I live with? Who is my family?
Group organization: Whole group.
Steps of the activity/task:
1. Ask the students: who do they live with?
2. Ask the students: The people who they live with are their family?
3. Do you think all families in the classroom have the same people: mother, father, brother, etc.?
4. Show the students different images of different kind of families (mom, dad, siblings) (single
moms) (single dads) (same sex families)
5. Make students be conscious that there are not only one kind of family, and that if they dont
have a conventional that is okay.
Timing: 10 minutes.

Activity 2: Make finger puppets and play with them.

Context: First grade class, 35 students, low resources school.
Materials/equipment needed: Drawings of family members (annex), colors, scissors, glue and the
family finger song lyrics (annex).
Language/skill focused on: Vocabulary: Father, Daddy, Mother, Mommy, Brother, Sister, Family.
Questions: Where are you? How do you do?
Group organization: whole group.
Steps of the activity/task:
1. Give students the papers with the family images, ask them to color the draws. (10 minutes)
2. Ask students to cut the images and put each image in one finger. (5 minutes)
3. Teach students the family vocabulary showing and saying He is/ she is (Father, Daddy, Mother,
Mommy, Brother, Sister, Baby, Family) and relate it with the draws. (10 minutes)
4. Teach students some questions: Where are you? How do you do? (translate it in Spanish) (5
5. Teacher will sing the family song and will do the mimic, and the students will repeat it. (10
6. Play the song and sing along. (5 minutes)
7. Asking questions: how many members are in this family? Do this family have the same members
as yours? (10 minutes)
Timing: 55 minutes

Activity 3:"Finger Puppet Conversations"

Context: First grade class, 35 students, low resources school.

Materials/equipment needed: Finger Puppets.
Language/skill focused on: Recall family vocabulary. Greetings: Hello, goodbye. Ask questions: Who
are you? How are you? Answers: I am fine, thank you.
Group organization: Role-play, pair work.
Steps of the activity/task:
1. To organize the pairs for children to do the activity.
2. Teacher shows the role-play example using the puppets
T: Who are you?
S: I am the father
T: How are you?
S: I am fine thank you.
T: Goodbye.
S: Goodbye.
3. Teacher asks students to do the role-play with his/her partner, using all the puppets.
Timing: 30 minutes
VI. Extra activities

Context: First grade class, 35 students, low resources school.

Materials/equipment needed: Discussion and workshop (annex)
Language/skill focused on: family vocabulary, number of family members, pets (domestic pets).
Asking questions: How many people are in your family? Do you have pets?
Group organization: Pair work.
Steps of the activity/task:
1. Teacher will explain the similarities that families can have in common, such as number of
familys members and pets.
2. Teacher will ask questions to a couple of students. How many member are in your family?
Do you have pets?
3. Make students to find a pair and ask them to do the same questions and give answers.
Timing: 25 minutes
VII. Homework:

Context: First grade class, 35 students, low resources school.

Materials/equipment needed: Notebook, pencil, eraser, colors.
Language/skill focused on: Family vocabulary, to recognize the family members.
Group organization: Individual.
Steps for the activity:
1. In their own house, and if its possible with the help of their caregivers, children will select one
of their favorite cartoon.
2. Once the cartoon has been selected, children will draw in their own notebook the main
characters of the cartoon.
3. Children will put the family member status in each draw (Father, mother, sister, etc)
4. They will draw their own family and will do the same procedure.

Rationale for planning

Brief profile of the learners.

1. Age: 7 years old.
2. Level: First grade.
Relevant information: All of them study in a low resources school so they dont have access to
technological tools, also they live in low resources neighborhoods and their families are workers.
Linguistic and affective needs: Children havent had a quite good education, they are learning
how to speak in Spanish so it is very difficult for them to learn English language. They have had
English lessons before but they have doubts about the language and they dont understand
easily. Most of the children spent lot of time alone because their families work all day, most of
them come from broken homes so they have low-esteem situations.
How needs of learners relate to objectives of the lesson: The linguist propose of the lesson plan
is to give students basic foundations of the language relate with what they already know in their
native language. The socio-affective propose of the lesson plan is to make learners feel well
about their own family, is also to show them that there are many kinds of families and that
same-sex families exist too, so they will be aware of the differences they may face in their live.
Anticipated problem and solutions: Learners may make fun of their own partners because of
the different families and family situations they can have, they also may think that to be or have
homosexual relatives is wrong, because of the context they are living in, so with the lesson here
suggested we want to make learners conscious that it is okay to dont have a conventional family
and its okay to have homosexual parents or relatives. We want to go beyond what their context
have taught them.

Verse 1

Daddy finger, daddy finger

Where are you?
Here I am, here I am
How do you do?

Verse 2
Mommy finger, mommy finger
Where are you?
Here I am, here I am
How do you do?

Verse 3

Brother finger, brother finger

Where are you?
Here I am, here I am
How do you do?

Verse 4

Sister finger, sister finger

Where are you?
Here I am, here I am
How do you do?

Verse 5

Baby finger, baby finger

Where are you?
Here I am, here I am
How do you do?

My family

Number of family member: -

Number of

Names of adults:

Number of children:
Names of boys:__________________________________________________________

Names of girls: -

The types of pets that family


Similarities whit my friends family:


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