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. . .but make sure you've
CLUE BOOK before you
start your assault on
Temple Darkmoonl
This valuable player's
guide provides everything
you need to complete your

A strategy section with

hints on fighting monsters,
befriending iiPCs and
solving insidious puzzles .
+ Detailed maps of all
levels with specific clues
for all events, character
interactions and puzzles
that stand between you
and the completion of
your quest .
A complete treasure
guide listing the special
items in the game -you
won't miss a thing!

BOOK - your ticket

To ORDER: VISA/MC -call 1-800-245-4525 (in USA & Canada) . `_ ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS
By mail - send check or money order for $14 .95 plus $3 .50 shipping & `- and the TSR logo are trademarks
handling to : Electronic Arts, P0 . Box 7530, San Mateo, CA 94403 . owned by and used under license
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California residents, please add _ K 1991 Strategic Simulations, Inc .
applicable sales tax . All rights reser -"


Strategic Simulations, Inc . ("SSI") warrants that the diskette(s) on which the enclosed program is recorded
will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 30 days from the date of purchase . If
within 30 days of purchase the diskette(s) prove defective in any way, you may return the diskette(s) to
Strategic Simulations, Inc ., 675 Almanor Avenue, Suite 201, Sunnyvale, CA 94086-2901 and SSI will replace KHELBEN'S LETTER TO THE PARTY 1
the diskette(s) free of charge . In addition, if the diskette(s) prove defective at any time after the first 30 days, OLTEC'S REPORT 2
return the diskette(s) to SSI and SSI will replace the diskette(s) for a charge of $10 .00 (each disk) plus
$4 .00 for shipping and handling . California residents, add applicable sales tax .
Generating Characters 12
The enclosed software program and this Rule Book are copyrighted . All rights are reserved . This Rule Book Modifying and Keeping Characters 14
may not be copied, photographed, reproduced, or translated or reduced to any electrical medium or Deleting Characters 14
machine readable form, in whole or in part, without prior written consent from SSI . The program accompa- When the Party is Complete 14
nying this Rule Book may be copied, by the original purchaser only, as necessary for use on the computer Characters that Join the Party 14
for which it was purchased . HOW TO PLAY EYE OF THE BEHOLDER 11 15
ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, AD&D, FORGOTTEN REALMS and the TSR logo are trademarks Adventuring 15
owned by and used under license from TSR, Inc ., Lake Geneva, WI, USA. Equipment 19
Character Information 20
1991 Strategic Simulations, Inc . All rights reserved . 1991 TSR, Inc . All rights reserved . Camp 21
Creating Strong Characters 29
Each of our games undergoes extensive playtesting prior to its release . Through this process we hope to
Creating a Strong Party 30
uncover and correct any errors in programming . However, due to the complex nature of our simulations,
some program errors may go undetected until after publication . In addition to errors in the program, there SPELLS 32
are occasionally problems with the disk itself . We experience the industry standard of approximately a 3 to Mage Spells 32
5% failure rate of duplicated disks . Before assuming that a disk is defective, make sure to check your disk Cleric Spells 38
drive . Up to 95% of the disks returned to us as defective will run fine on our computer systems . Often the Strategies for Using Spells 43
problem is with a disk drive that needs servicing for alignment, speed, or cleaning . ADVENTURING STRATEGY 45
Attacking Opponents 45
Should you have a defective disk, please return the disk only (keep all other parts of the game) to our Hints 46
Customer Support Department, along with a note describing the problem you have encountered . A replace- BESTIARY 48
ment disk will be provided upon our receipt of the defective disk .
Should you uncover an error in the program, return both your game disk and any "save game" disks to our Experience Levels 52
Customer Support Department . Please enclose a description of what was taking place in the game when the
Ability Scores 54
error occurred . Upon correction of the program error, we will return an updated disk to you .
Weapons 56
Armor 56
Always make sure to include your name, address, and daytime telephone number with any correspondence . INDEX OF SPELLS 58
We will do our best to see that any problems are corrected as soon as possible .

Khelben Blackstaff, mystic advisor to the Lords of Waterdeep, sends you With the previous letter, Khelben encloses the following report from Oltec,
the following letter: Captain of the City Guard of Waterdeep.

Master Blacl<sfa
Deae f-l eeoes o f Waterdeep,
We may again have trouble near the city o f Waterdeep .
3 am glad to see that yon are all fully recovered from the rigors
o f yore ordeal in the sewers beneath Waterdeep . Clue healers After the annual harvest festival, the City Guard made its routine sweeps searching
were more than happy to help You return to gone fighting trim . for lost and drunken revelers . On the second path o , the old north road, we came
Gongeatnlations on being named the guests of honor at the upon the remains of an overturned carriage,
harvest festival in the city of Waterdeep . From the reports of
the revel ey, 3 surmise that a good time was had by all . The driver had been killed by an arrow through his heart. There was a small
amount o f blood inside the carriage. However, the carriage horses were grazing
Also, one scholars very much appreciated your donation of the nearby and the dead driver still had his purse full o f coins . This was not a simple
historic artifacts that you recovered beneath one city. The study
robbery, for the attackers did not take the coins or the horses, The only thing
of the scrolls, keys, and stone items should give ns an important
new understanding of one city's history . missing from the carriage seemed to be the passenger.

lAnfortnnately, another situation has arisen that could threaten Oar tracker followed a faint trail o f blood from the carriage o- into the soft sand at
the city. For some time there have been rumors of people the side of the road, There, she pointed oat a deeply set boot print, as i f someone
disappearing from villages to the north and west of the city . were carrying a heavy load, The attacker mast have been carrying the passenger
Now, we have written confirmation o f the discovery o f human away after the battle .
remains in shallow graves . Evil forces and a powerful ancient
artifact may be involved . We searched the area, bat lost the trail in the harder ground to the north, The only
frait o f oar search was a small wooden box that had fallen beneath a bash along the
Thank yon for volunteering to investigate the area to the north
and west of the city where these events have occnreed . attacker's trail. The box contained a boaad joaraal, the writings of that eccentric
7ncl nded with this letter are copies o f the documents that scholar Weatly Kelso,
aroused our suspicions . Provisions have been provided for itam aware that scholar Kelso's journals were valuable in the past . They helped
your journey . Good luck .
veri-y the existence of that aefarioas threat in the sewers beneath Waterdeep .
your trusted friend, However, Kelso's infernal investigations of obscure occurrences in the city have also
been the bane o f my men on more than one occasion .
KkeI bevy
Because of Kelso's history, J personally examined the journal, 0 am glad it did, for
its writings foretell omiaoas events, The joaraal contains notes of evil occurrences

1 2

and a powerful artifact . 3t speaks of an evil vision and of human remains found in Khelben also forwards a transcribed selection of journal entries written by Wently
Kelso, the eccentric scholar and self-described "Famous Archaeologist ."
shallow graves. CowId these graves be connected with the mysterious
disappearances to the north that my men have reported?

My sources have confirmed that scholar Kelso was seen riding in a carriage late Journal Entry 356 In the woods, there was a quiet village on a
on the last night o f the harvest festival . People who he met during the festival dark overcast day. Peasants in ragged clothes
As I carefully pulled myself out of the sewers
moved through the village, selling goods, talk-
mentioned that Kelso spoke of investigating a new mystery . 3 believe that we of Waterdeep, my hand slipped on a particu-
ing, and just walking along the narrow dirt
should treat both this journal and the threat if infers as genuine . larly slick stone . Only as I fell did I realize
streets . A woman in a blue gown adorned
that the stone was slick with blood from my
with silver stars stood at one edge of the town
As this matter does not yet directly threaten Waterdeep, it is outside the jurisdiction wounded hand . I fell headlong into an
square, talking to some of the peasants.
o f the City Guard . Rather than forward the entire journal, 3 had a scribe copy the embankment . My skull bounced against a
relevant entries for you. 3 trust you will take the necessary actions to enswe that large boulder and my vision faded . In the woods outside the village, dark figures
nothing mentioned therein becomes a threat to the city or its citizens . moved into position . From the edge of the
How many hours I lay there bleeding I do not
wood, a robed figure moved slowly toward
know. Suddenly a warm sensation flowed
ours, throughout my body. I slowly opened my eyes .
the village square. At the square, it mounted
the low structure that enclosed the drinking
Before me stood a large robed figure, back lit by
CSI tec well . In its gloved hand, the figure held a
an unearthly glow. In the brightness, I could
gleaming scepter.
see only the outline of fine features and a dark
complexion beneath the hooded robe . "Citizens of Torzac," he declared,
"Hear me now!"
"You are healed . I have saved you, for
Captain without aid you would have surely died ." The peasants turned toward the speaker and
Waterdeep City Guard mumbled to themselves . A few moved closer.
I put my hand to my head . My head
A few backed away .
throbbed, but neither my head nor my hand
were bleeding . It took me a moment to speak. "From this time forward I am your new
ruler! I will allow no resistance!"
"Saving me was a very civilized thing for
you to do . What do you want from me?" Some citizens openly laughed . Others swore
at him . Many just turned to walk away.
He seemed to grow larger and his eyes One of the locals stepped forward .
glowed red from under his hood .
"And who might you be! Show yourself so
"I ask nothing from you but your we might know our future ruler!"
undivided attention!"
With his empty hand, the figure pulled back
He opened his hand and placed his gloved his hood. The slender elven face was marred
palm on my throbbing head . I was over- only by the blue-black complexion of a drow .
whelmed by an intense vision . The dark elf warrior scowled down with
disdain at the crowd of peasants .

3 4

The village went completely silent . Many This is where the vision ended . I awoke matter! I will meet with you to discuss Journal Entry 431
peasants froze where they stood . Some picked with my head resting upon the boulder . My further trading agreements before the first
We have come across several shallow grave
up stones, but dared not to throw them . head throbs even more than before, but I new moon . . . .
sites, but their occupants were recently
am still alive . buried humans and therefore couldn't have
The woman in the star-decked gown strode Then I found this letter to the taxation office :
been the people of Torzac . There seem to be
forward, weaving her hands in a complex Journal Entry 378 . . . We followed the directions to the village no human settlements in the area . This is
pattern . "Dark warrior, you will never rule a The discovery of the history and location of explicitly, but there was nothing to be good, people are always getting in the way
living soul in my home village!" She thrust the scepter in my vision is my latest investi- found . There was no village nor a Lord and making true archaeology much more
her hands forward and missiles of magical gation . It seems to be an artifact of the Torzac. Our only guess is that the whole difficult . I have begun searching the area for
energy darted at the arrogant drow . drow, and should be of great scholarly community moved and destroyed the signs of underground drow construction as
value . My first task is to track down the village before they left . . . .
The drow flashed an evil toothy smile and that is the place most likely to still hold the
village of Torzac.
laughed from atop his perch . With a scornful scepter after all this time .
The letter includes instructions on how to
wave of the gleaming scepter, the magical Journal Entry 381 reach the village site, This is a major break- Journal Entry 451
missiles dissipated into nothingness .
After reviewing my vision, I believe the through, and I feel that it is just a matter of
Two female warriors came through our
Some villagers, emboldened by the attack, village I saw could be somewhere near time before I find the village and the scepter!
camp this night . I attempted to question
hurled their stones at the drow. Most flew Waterdeep . The thatching on the hut roofs
is of a type that was common years ago in
Journal Entry 420 them about underground sites in the local
wide . But a single stone cut him on the area, or any sightings of the scepter. They
poor villages to the north of the city. The After bidding goodbye to my sweet
cheek . The drow slowly passed a gloved were either uncooperative or uninformed .
color of the clay in the bricks of the well is Miltinda, I begin my expedition . I have full
finger across the cut . He looked down at his In the end, Insal leered at both women, so
common in streams to the north and east . supplies and high hopes .
hand and saw a single drop of his own they left in a huff.
blood . His mad eyes blazed with hatred. The city records may shed some light on the
location of the village .
Journal Entry 427 Journal Entry 456
"I said, no resistance!" 1 have found what seems to be the remains of
Journal Entry 399 the village . The wooden buildings do not
I have searched the area for above-ground
Dozens of dark warriors charged from the signs of drow sites and found nothing .
I began my search in the records office of remain, but the layout of the remains of the
woods all around the village . The woman After I return to Waterdeep for additional
the Waterdeep Treasury. Nowhere in the stone buildings corresponds exactly to the vil-
began to gesture frantically, but was hit by supplies, I will have to search this area for
records of the new reign of the Lords of lage in my vision . Large trees now grow on
an arrow before she could cast another spell . structures that may hide drow underground
Waterdeep have I found a mention of a the site of the former village square . Given the
Some villagers tried to flee, others to fight . It constructions .
village of Torzac . size of these trees, the destruction of the village
made no difference. The village was
must have taken place a very long time ago . I have discharged Insal so that I can travel
destroyed . All inside were cut down . Not Journal Entry 408 more quickly. He seemed unhappy to go,
one survived . I was about to give up my search and call Journal Entry 429 but I paid him off with a few shiny baubles,
the whole thing a hallucination when I I hired a local guide to support me in my rusted weapons, and dented copper coins .
The victorious drow gathered around the
came upon an ancient taxation record . In investigations . The guide is a halfling named
remains of the village square . The leader With luck, I should return to Waterdeep in
part it reads: Insal . Like my last guide, Insal is of very
replaced his hood and raised his scepter in time to spend the harvest festival with
minimal intelligence . The forest in this area
triumph . The dark warriors raised their Lord Torzac: my sweet Miltinda .
seems overrun with wolves. We spend
bloody swords in salute . According to our records, three of your
much of our time on the move to avoid
citizens owe us a percentage of their fall
attracting the interest of the wolves .
harvest . Could you please look into this

5 6

-N INTRODUCTION Clicking with Your Mouse ter's hands . They are the items beside

Throughout this book, the term "click" the character portrait . You can also see
means move the cursor to the desired the items from the equipment screen in
Eye of the Beholder II World The Disks contain the game . the grey box beside the hands .)
area and then press either the left or
EYE OF THE BEHOLDER II: THE LEGEND OF The Data Card contains information on right mouse button .
DARJMOON is an all 3-D, Legend Series how to load the game and play it on
computer role-playing adventure based "Right-click" means move the cursor to
your specific computer . It also explains
on the popular AD&D" 2nd Edition the desired area and press the right
how to get right into the game with the
game rules and on an original story mouse button .
pre-built party .
created for this game . The action takes
"Left-click" means move the cursor to
place in and around the dreaded
Copy Protection the desired area and press the left
Temple Darkmoon located in TSR's
There is no physical copy protection on mouse button .
FORGOTTEN REALMS' game world .
your EYE of THE BEHOLDER 11 disks, so
Everything in EYE OF THE BEHOLDER II is please make copies and put the origi- Using the Keyboard
from your point of view . Watch the trees nals away for safekeeping . The majority of the rules in this book
pass by as you move through the forest assume that you have a mouse .
To assure that you have a legitimate To swap the position of two characters,
around the temple . Pick up items and However, anything that you can do with
copy of the game there will be a verifica- hold down the Shift key and press the
take them with you . Open doors with the mouse, you can also do with the
tion question somewhere during the function key that corresponds to the
keys, by pressing buttons or by pulling keyboard . (The keyboard commands
game . A picture will appear with the ver- first character's position then hold down
release levers . See monsters draw near- may not be available on all systems .
ification question . You must find the the Shift key and press the function key
er to you and close in for battle . Attack Refer to your Data Card for details .)
matching illustration in the upper right that corresponds to the second charac-
with the weapons your characters have
hand corner of the Rule Book, and then ter's position .
in their hands . Cast spells with your To generate a character, use the cursor
give the correct answer . keys to move the highlight box over the
clerics' or paladins' holy symbols and The Get, Drop, Throw, and Manipulate
your mages' spell books . Those in the desired option and press the Enter key
command keys (G, D, T, & M) mimic the
front of the party may attack with
Getting Started Quickly when ready .
functions of the left-click of the mouse .
weapons such as swords and maces, A saved game containing a pre-built To use these commands, place the high-
In the game, one item in a character's
while characters in the rear ranks may party comes with your game . To get light box over the item, or the location
hand or inventory is surrounded by an
attack with spells or ranged weapons right into the game, load this saved you want the item to be, and press the
item highlight box. Use the W, A, S, and
such as bows and slings. game following the instructions on your command key for the action you want .
Z keys like a cursor key pad to move the
Data Card .
highlight box from item to item .
On the adventure screen, the Use com-
What Comes With this Game? You may also transfer your EYE of THE
W Move item highlight box up mand key (U) mimics the function of the
You should have the following items in BEHOLDER I party to this game . See the right-click of the mouse . This includes
your game box : Data Card for detailed instructions . A Move item highlight box left
attacking with weapons, opening a spell
Rule Book Disks Data Card S Move item highlight box right
book, triggering a magical item, or drink-
This Rule Book explains how to play Z Move item highlight box down ing a potion . To use an item, place the
the game and gives you reference highlight box over an in-hand item (next
As a short cut to access the character's
information about things like characters, to your character's portrait) and press
"in-hand" items, press the function key
monsters, and spells . the (U) key .
that corresponds to the character's posi-
tion on the adventure screen . ("In-hand"
items are items that rest in the charac-

7 8

I - r.

To cast spells using the keyboard, first Keyboard Command List A Crash Course in Combat
press (U) to use a character's in-hand
Move item highlight box up To attack, you must have weapons "in-
spell book or holy symbol . Choose the
hand" and "ready ." "In-hand" means the
level of the spell to cast by pressing the A Move item highlight box left
item is in a hand . "Ready" means the
1-6 number keys on the main typing area S Move item highlight box right item is ready for use . (If the weapon is
of your keyboard (not from the keypad) .
Z Move item highlight box down greyed out, it is unusable .)
Choose the spell by pressing the (<) and
Fl-F6 Select character shortcut
(>) keys to highlight the spell with the To attack, right-click on a ready
spell cursor. Cast the spell by pressing Shift F1-F6 Swap character positions weapon on the adventure screen . Be
Space . Close the spell menu by highlight- G Get an item from the floor in sure to right-click. If you left-click you
ing ABORT SPELL and pressing Space . the 3-D view will find yourself picking the item up
Guardians of
D Drop an item to the floor in instead of attacking!
Press the inventory (I) key to view a Temple Darkmoon .
character's equipment screen . the 3-D view
Note that you can have an item "in-
T Throw an item into the 3-D view hand" but not "readied ." For example, if
Press the page (P) key to switch between
Ranged weapons require ammunition .
M Manipulate an object in the 3-D view you hold a two-handed weapon, you
the character's equipment screen and
Arrows for bows must be placed in the
(push a button, pull a lever, etc . Also cannot "ready" items in your other
character screen .
character's quiver. Rocks for slings may
acts as "Get" for items that are in the hand . The other hand is greyed out. If
Press the camp (C) key to bring up the 3-D view but are not on the ground .) be placed anywhere on the character's
you want, you could place an item in the
Camp Menu . To select an option in equipment screen . To attack with a
U Use an in-hand item from the greyed out hand, but you would not gain
Camp, use the cursor keys to move the ranged weapon, right-click on the ready
adventure screen (attack, trigger an any benefit from having it there.
highlight to the desired option and press weapon on the adventure screen . After
item, bring up spells, drink a potion, etc .)
Characters fight with three basic types the fight, you will have to go pick up the
the Enter key . You can also select most
1-6 Choose Spell Level on spell menu of weapons ; melee, thrown, and ranged . ammunition and replace it on the equip-
camp options by pressing the first letter
of the command . Move Spell Cursor down ment screen .
Characters with melee weapons (swords,
Move Spell Cursor up axes, etc .) may only attack if they stand For more information on readying a
Move your party by pressing the keys on
Space Cast Spell in the front rank. The two characters with weapon, attacking with a weapon, or
the keypad that correspond to the lay-
out of the movement buttons . You may I Open and close the character's portraits on the top row are in the front picking up a weapon, see the
use these keypad commands even when equipment screen (inventory) rank . Consider the other characters as "Adventuring" section on page 15 . For
you are using a mouse! being in the rear rank . more information on where to keep
P Page between equipment screen and
equipment and ammunition, see the
character screen Characters with thrown and ranged
For reference, here is a list of all the "Equipment" section on page 19 . For
keyboard (and keypad) commands . C Camp weapons (daggers, darts, etc.) can be
more information on the mechanics of
anywhere in the party . To attack with a
combat, see the "Adventuring Strategy"
Keypad Command List thrown weapon, right-click on the ready
section on page 45 .
weapon on the adventure screen . After
7 Turn Left 8 Move Forward 9 Turn Right
the fight, you will have to go pick up the
4 Move Left 5 Move Backward 6 Move Right
thrown weapon and ready it again .
2 Move Backward

9 10


A Crash Course in Repeat the above process for all the -m CREATING A NEW PARTY E_
spellcasters in your party.
Characters such as mages and clerics Once spells have been selected for all
are spellcasters who use magic to fight of the spellcasters, choose Rest Party .
and to heal . Spellcasters must rest in The spellcasters will learn the spells you
order to gain their spells . Once spells selected . From here on, whenever the
are memorized or prayed for, they are party rests, the spellcasters will remem-
ready to use . However, keep in mind orize the same spells .
that each time spellcasters use a spell,
If you adventure for a while and realize
they forget how to cast it. They must
that you want your spellcasters to mem-
rest again to regain it .
orize a different breakdown of spells,
Before you go into any serious com- then the next time you camp just go
bat, have your spellcasters memorize into Memorize Spells or Fray for Spells,
spells, pray for spells, and rest . select Clear, and reselect spells .

Mages spend their lives seeking out new All spells are cast from the adventure
spells to add to their spell book . They screen . To cast a spell, right-click on
must memorize these spells before the spellcaster's spell book or holy
using them . symbol . (Be sure to right-click
because if you left-click you will find
Clerics and high-level paladins pray for yourself picking the item up instead Character Generation Screen
their spells . This is because these spells of casting a spell!) The spell box
are insights ; they are not memorized as appears over the compass on the
Generating Characters To create a character, click on one of
with mages . adventure screen . Click on the level the four character boxes . After you have
You must generate four characters to
of the spell to cast and then click on chosen a box, choose the new charac-
To ready the spells, go into camp, and have a complete party. A good mix of
the spell itself . If the spell affects a ter's race and gender, class, alignment,
select Memorize Spells or Pray for races and classes is essential to complet-
specific character in the party, click and portrait . You can click on the Back
Spells . (If there is more than one charac- ing the adventure . Warrior classes such
on the portrait of the recipient . button to change your last choice .
ter that fits the category, choose the as fighters, paladins, and rangers are
character that you want to work with .) needed to deal with the many horrors
For more information on memorizing,
Click on a number from the spell level that block your path . Clerics and mages
see the "Camp" section on page 21 . For
across the top of the list, and click on support the quest with their magical abil- There are six races of characters to
more information on casting spells, see
the spell names to choose the spells choose from :
the "Adventuring" section starting on ities--clerics have powerful healing and
you want to memorize . Repeat this for protective spells, while mages attack
page 15 . For detailed information on . Human d Elf
all the different levels of spells your with mystic force . Thieves are handy
the specific effects of spells, see the
magic user knows, and then press Exit
3 Half-Elf S Dwarf
"Spells" section starting on page 32 . when progress is barred by a locked gate
just once to return to the Camp menu . for which the party has no key . : Gnome S Halfling

This section contains basic instructions Each race has unique advantages and
for creating a new party . For detailed characteristics . Different races are eligi-
information about selecting characters ble for different classes and each has
for a party, see the "Your Characters and
Your Party" section ..on page 23 .


unique modifiers to ability scores such Portrait Modifying and Keeping Deleting Characters
as strength or wisdom . For detailed The character portrait is a picture that Characters You can delete a character before you
information see "Races" on page 23 . represents the character during the select PLAY. To delete, click on the por-
game . Click on the arrows to display dif- trait and then click on the delete button .
ferent portraits, and then click on a por-
Classes are occupations . Some races trait to select it. When the Party is Complete
have the option of having more than
When you have generated four charac-
one class simultaneously, but there are Ability Scores
ters, a FLAY button appears underneath
six basic options : After you choose a character portrait, the portraits . Click on the FLAY button
the computer generates "ability scores" to begin the game .
: Fighter 3 Ranger
for the character. These numbers are
: Paladin : Mage a summary of natural abilities and Characters that Join the Party
faculties . Each character has the
: Cleric . Thief In addition to the four regular charac-
following scores :
Modify/Keep Character Screen ters, up to two more non-player
The party needs a variety of classes to characters (NFCs) may join the party .
. Strength (STR)
get all of the necessary skills for the As you adventure, these characters may
adventure . (Paladins will not join parties A Intelligence (INT) REROLL generates a new set of ability ask to join you . If you accept, they join
with evil characters . If you already scores for the character. and act as any other characters under
: Wisdom (WIS)
have an evil character you cannot gener- your control. Occasionally, NPCs offer
ate a paladin .) For detailed information : Dexterity (DEX) MODIFY allows you to change charac-
advice or give you information . NPCs
see the "Classes" section on page 25 . ters' ability scores and hit points . For
3 Constitution (CON) may leave your party, or you may drop
example, use this to match a favorite
them, at any time .
Alignment : Charisma (CHA) AD&D game character. After selecting
Alignment is the philosophy by which a MODIFY, click the ability score to be
character lives and deals with the world . For more information see the "Ability changed, and then click on the plus or
There are nine possible alignments, Scores" section on page 27 . You may minus button to alter the ability score .
although a character's class may limit modify and keep these scores with the Click on the OK button when you
the selection . Paladins, for example, can Modify and Keep controls . are finished .
only be Lawful Good . The choices are : FACES allows you to select a different
Other Characteristics
character portrait .
: Lawful Good : Lawful Neutral : Lawful Evil Characters also have numeric values for
the following characteristics : KEEP places the character into the party
: Neutral Good : True Neutral : Neutral Evil
d Armor Class (AC)
: Chaotic Good . Chaotic Neutral : Chaotic Evil
Name your character after selecting
. Hit Points (HP)
For detailed information see the KEEP. Once you enter a name, the
"Alignments" section on page 27 . . Level (LVL) new character joins the party!

For detailed information on these char

acteristics, see "Other Characteristics"
on page 28 .

13 14

-n HOW TO PLAY EYE OF THE BEHOLDER B r, Camp Click on the Camp button at the Change Order of Characters Right-
bottom-right side of the screen . Camp click on the name bar of one character
I) view C,ate LName Bar Front Rank Characters I Primary Hand gives you options to save the game, turn on the adventure screen, and then right-
sounds on and off, have spellcasters click on the name bar of a second . The
memorize spells, and more . See the two characters trade places.
"Camp" section on page 21 for more
information . Check Character Status If the charac-
ary Hand ter portrait is normal, the character is
Cast Cleric Spell Right-click on the conscious . If it is shaded grey, the char-
character's in-hand holy symbol . Click acter is unconscious . If it is replaced by
l on the spell level button from the spell a statue, the character is petrified . If it is
menu and then click on the spell to replaced by a skull, the character is
cast . Click on target characters for any dead . If the character's name bar is
Ira= L
spell that affects members of the party . highlighted, the character is poisoned
or paralyzed .
Spell Menu
The spell effect box surrounding the
Spell Level Buttons
character shows that the character is
protected by spells . A yellow spell box
represents a spell that mainly defends
against physical attacks . A red spell box
Message Area I represents a spell that mainly defends
Adventure Screen
Turn E :ORT -SPELL 4 # against magical attacks . A dashed spell
Ability box represents multiple spells .
(clerics Leave Spell Scroll VP/Down
Adventuring Things You Can Do from the and Menu Button Buttons
The hit point bar displays the character's
EYE OF THE BEHOLDER II: THE LEGEND OF Adventure Screen current condition . If it is green, the char-
DARKMOON is played from the adventure Attack Monster Right-click on a charac- acter may be damaged, but is in good
screen . All movement, combat, spell- ter's in-hand weapons . Only the front Cast Mage Spell Right-click on the shape . If it is yellow, the character is
casting, and exploration happens from rank characters can attack with melee character's in-hand spell book . Click on gravely wounded . If it is red, the charac-
this screen . When other screens are weapons (swords, maces, etc .) . the spell level button from the spell ter is unconscious . To display hit points
active, they may overlay parts of the Characters in the rear ranks can attack menu and then the spell to cast . Click as a numeric value click on Bar Graphs
adventure screen . with thrown and ranged weapons (bows, on target characters for any spell that are ON/OFF from the Preferences menu
darts, etc .) . After you have attacked with affects members of the party . under Camp options.
You can only attack from the adventure
a weapon, it is greyed out until it is ready
screen, not from the equipment screen . Cast Spell from Cleric Scroll Right- Drink a Potion Right-click on an in-
again . Fighters, paladins, and rangers
click on an in-hand scroll . The scroll is hand potion .
During the game, the two characters in can carry and fight with a second
consumed when the spell is cast .
the upper row are "front rank" charac- weapon, but they may suffer a penalty to
ters, and the two characters in the lower their combat ability . Cast Spell from Mage Scroll Right-
row(s) are "rear rank ." For best results, click on an in-hand scroll . The scroll is
Bash Obstacle Right-click on a front
place your fighters in the front rank, and consumed when the spell is cast .
character's in-hand weapon to destroy
your magic users in the rear rank .
an object .
Adventuring actions continue . . .

Drop an Item Left-click on an item, Force Open a Gate Click on the bot-
carry it to the 3-D view and click on it tom of a partially open gate to try to
again below the center line of the window force it open . The strongest character
to drop the object. (To throw an item automatically makes the attempt .
click over the 3-D view center line.)
Move in Dungeon Click on the move-
Examine Character's Equipment Click ment arrows or use the keyboard
on the character portrait from the commands shown in the Keypad
adventure screen . Command List on page 9 .

Examine Character Information Click Navigate in the Dungeon Watch the

on a character portrait from the adven- compass to maintain your orientation
ture screen, then click on the other page and to map the various levels . The com- At the doors of Temple Darkmoon .
button (which looks like an upturned pass is hidden by the spell menu when
page corner) . characters cast spells .
Ready a New Item Left-click on an Throw an Item Left-click on an item,
Examine Part of the 3-D View Click Open a Gate Click on the release lever
item, move the item over a character's carry it to the 3-D view and click on it
on dungeon features, such as writing on or button near the gate . Some gates are
hand, and left-click again to put it in again over the center line of the window
walls . Information about the selected locked or trapped and can only be
place . to throw the object. (To drop an item click
item appears in the text window . opened with keys or special actions . See
Force Open a Gate and Unlock a Gate . below the 3-D view center line .) This type
Take an Item Left-click on the item . To
Fire a Ranged Weapon (Bow or Sling) of throwing is not the same as throwing a
place it in a backpack or belt pouch, or
Right-click on any in-hand bow or sling. Paladin Heal Right-click on an in-hand dart or dagger, which is described under
to wear it, carry the item over the char-
To prepare a ranged weapon, place the holy symbol, click on the 1st-level spell Fire a Ranged Weapon .
acter portrait and click on the portrait to
weapon in the character's primary hand . button, click on lay on hands ability,
switch to the equipment screen . Then, Turn Vndead Right-click on a cleric or
As you fire the weapon, ammunition will then click on the target character.
click over the destination . Treasure, paladin's holy symbol, click on the
be automatically used from either the
Pick a Lock Left-click on the thief's food, weapons, and other items can be 1st-level spell button, then click on the
quiver (bows), or belt pouch and back-
lock pick, place it over the lock, and found throughout the dungeon . And turn undead ability.
pack (sling stones) if it is available .
click . Thieves will automatically attempt remember that in the 3-D view, you
Fire a Ranged Weapon (Dagger or to disarm any traps they find in locks . need to be adjacent to an item in order Unlock a Gate Left-click on the appro-
to pick it up; sometimes an item will be priate key, place it over a lock, and click .
Dart) Right-click on any in-hand dagger
Pause the Game Click on the Camp in sight, but out of reach!
or dart . Replacements are automatically View Parchment Right-click on an in-
button at the bottom right side of the
drawn from the bottom of the charac- hand parchment .
screen . This brings up the camp menu,
ter's belt pouch if they are available .
and pauses time in the game .

Protect Vulnerable Characters

Place vulnerable characters in the rear
rank . Rear rank characters can only be
hit by monsters' melee attacks if the
front rank characters are down, or if
creatures are attacking from the sides or
rear of the party .

17 18
Ready an Item Left-click on an item, Wear Equipment Click equipment over
move the item over to the box repre- a box connected to the character's body
senting a character's hand, and left-click to wear it . Place clothing or armor on
again to put it in place . the character's torso to wear it . Place
Food Packet Previous/Next bracers on the character's wrists to wear
Character Buttons Return to Adventure Screen Click on
them . Place rings on the character's fin-
the character portrait to return to the
gers to wear them . Place a helmet on
adventure screen.
the character's head to wear it . Place a
Store Items click on an item, carry it necklace on the character's neck to
over the backpack, and click to place it wear it . Place any foot gear on the feet
inside . Items in the backpack are not to wear it.
readied and do not help the character.

Character Portrait Hit Point Bar

r 1(Zt izL1_
H _
Equipment Screen FOOD IFood Bar
(7 kizi`it 1
;i :R1--i3

HALF-ELF FEMALE Character Buttons
The equipment screen displays all of a Check Food Bar The food bar is yellow
character's items . Items in the charac- when a character is hungry . The food
ter's backpack and belt pouch are not bar is red when a character is close to WISDOM
DEXTERITY Ability Scores
readied and do not help the character. starving. The food bar is blank when the CONSTITUTION
Items worn on the character's body or in- CHARISMA
character is starving . When characters ARMOR CLASS
Current Experience Current Level
hand are readied and give the character are starving they cannot memorize or
any bonuses (or penalties) they confer. pray for spells .
- Other Page Button
Things You Can Do from the Eat Click on a food packet, bring it over
Equipment Screen the character's plate, and click to eat . Character Screen
The food bar represents how hungry the
Change Character Click on the previ-
character is .
ous/next character buttons (which look Character Information
like arrows) to view other characters' Give an Item Click on the item, click The character screen displays a charac-
Check Equipment Screen Click on the
equipment. on the previous/next character buttons ter's class, alignment, race, gender, abili-
other screen button (which looks like an
until you reach the recipient, and click ty scores, armor class, experience points,
Check Arrows in Quiver The number upturned page corner) to see the equip-
over the appropriate destination . and current level . See "Character Basics"
on the quiver indicates the number of ment screen .
on page 23 for details .
arrows the character is carrying . Click Keep Items Ready to Throw Keep
Return to Adventure Screen Click on
arrows on the quiver to fill it . weapons for throwing in the belt pouch . Things You Can Do from the the character portrait to return to the
An item in the belt pouch is transferred
Check Character Screen Click on the Character Screen adventure screen .
to the hand when the character attacks
other screen button (which looks like an Change Character Click on the previ-
with a thrown weapon .
upturned page corner) to see the charac- ous/next character buttons to view other
ter screen . characters' equipment .

19 20
Camp Memorize Spells Game Options
Select this option to choose or examine Select this option to display a menu with
the set of spells the mage learns when options for saving the current game or
resting . The Spells Available menu will loading a previously saved one .
appear when you choose this option . To
choose new spells, click on the level Game Options Menu
number button ; the number of unmem- Load Ciame
orized spells and a list of available Save Game
spells will appear. Click on spells to Drop NPC
memorize . The numbers to the right of
Quit Game
the spell names are the number of each
type of spell the character will have after Load Game Displays a list of six individ-
resting. If you want to reselect spells, from the forest . ually named saved game slots . Click on
select the Clear button to blank spell a slot to retrieve the named saved game.
Camp Screen
choices . Click on a level number button
Save Game Displays a list of individually
to choose spells of another level . Select Preferences
Rest Party named saved game slots . Click on a
the Exit button when finished . Select this option to control game func-
Select this option to have the party rest, slot, name the saved game, and press
tions such as sounds and display. Enter to save the game to disk. Saving
heal, and memorize spells . When you
Pray for Spells
choose this option, you will be asked if regularly is a good idea .
Select this option to choose or examine Preferences Menu
you want to have healers cure the party. the set of spells the cleric or high-level Drop NPC Orders an INPC (a Non-Player
Sounds are ON/OFF
If you choose Yes, characters with cure paladin learns when resting . The Spells Character who has joined the party dur-
spells 1) automatically cast them on Bar Graphs are ON/OFF
Available menu will appear when you ing the adventure) to leave the party .
wounded characters, and 2) rememorize Mouse is ON/OFF
choose this option. To choose new
those spells, and any others chosen, Quit Game Leaves EYE of mE BEHOLDER IL
spells click on the level number button ; Sounds Click this to turn sound effects
while the party is resting . Unless you (Remember: in order to keep your place,
the number of unmemorized spells and on and off.
choose new spells, characters will a list of available spells will appear. you should save the game before you quit.)
rememorize the same group as before . Click on spells to memorize . The num- Bar Graphs Click this to change
The amount of time the party rests is between displaying hit points as a bar Exit
bers to the right of the spell names are
based on the highest number and level graph or numeric value . Exit the camp menu and resume play .
the number of each type of spell the
of spells being memorized or prayed for. character will have after resting . If you Mouse Click this to turn the mouse
Characters who have a blank food bar want to reselect spells, select the Clear interface on and off. (This may not be
cannot regain spells until they eat . button to blank spell choices . Click on a available on all systems .)
level number button to choose spells of
another level . Select the Exit button
when finished .

Scribe Scrolls
Select this option to transfer spells from
a scroll to a spell book . A list of spells
on scrolls appears, if any are available .

21 22

around 600 years old . Where dwarves Halflings are a diminutive people
are taciturn and hard working, the famous for their congeniality and love of
gnomes are more carefree and lively . comfort. Their facial features are round
Character Basics Dwarves are by nature non-magical, and Never turn your back on a gnome and broad and they typically have curly
have innate resistances to spells as well because they are enthusiastic practical hair. Halflings are very short, a little
Your party contains four characters,
as many poisons . jokers . shorter than dwarves, and quite plump.
each with their own unique strengths
and weaknesses . Every character has a They are sturdy, industrious, and gener-
Ability Score Modifiers : Dexterity-1, Gnomes are fairly magic-resistant .
race, class, and set of ability scores . ally quiet and peaceful . Their burrow
Constitution + 1, Charisma -2
Ability Score Modifiers : Intelligence + 1, homes are well furnished, and their
Race is the character's species and there Allowable Classes : Cleric, Fighter, larders are always well stocked . Halflings
Wisdom -1
are six races to choose from : dwarf, elf, Thief, Fighter/Cleric, Fighter/Thief are well liked by nearly all other races.
*Allowable Classes: Cleric, Fighter,
gnome, half-elf, halfling, and human . *Level Restrictions : Cleric, 10th level; Gnomes especially like the haiflings,
Thief, Cleric/Thief, Fighter/Cleric,
Thief, 12th level whom they feel are kindred spirits.
Class is the character's occupation . The F ighter/Thief
basic choices of class are : cleric, fighter, Elves are slimmer and somewhat short- Level Restrictions: Cleric, 9th level; lialflings have innate magic resistance
ranger, mage, paladin, thief or multi- er than the average human and are easi- Fighter, 11th level and have a+ 1 bonus with slings .
class. Some races are allowed to have ly distinguished by their fine features
more than one class simultaneously; Half-elves inherit several advantages Ability Score Modifiers : Dexterity +1,
and pointed ears . They often live more
these are called multi-class characters . from their mixed parentage . They non-fighters are Strength -1
than 1,200 years. Elves do not like the
Thirteenth level is the maximum level resemble their elvish parents in facial Allowable Classes : Cleric, Fighter,
confines of civilization . They delight in
for all classes in this game . appearance, but half-elves are taller and Thief, Fighter/Thief
natural beauty, singing, and carefree
playing. To outsiders, elves often appear heavier than most elves, approaching
Ability scores define the character's
Level Restriction : Cleric, 8th level;
to be haughty and cold, although they human norms. While not as long-lived
Fighter, 9th level
physical and mental prowess, and they as true elves, they live, on average,
are known to be fiercely loyal to friends .
are : strength, intelligence, wisdom, about 250 years . For the most part, half- Humans are the most adaptable and,
dexterity, constitution, and charisma . Elves of all classes are taught archery elves can travel and mingle in both hence, most prevalent race . Humans
from a very young age, and receive a + 1 elvish and human company, although vary more than any other race in size,
Races bonus with any type of bow, and long or rarely are they truly accepted in either. skin color, and hair color. Typically they
Dwarves are a short, heavily built demi- short swords . Elves are highly resistant live around 70 years . Human societies
human race . They stand between 4 and to any type of sleep or charm spell . Half-elves have the greatest selection of
are more diversified than any of the
4 1/2 feet tall, but generally weigh more Raise dead spells do not affect elves . class combinations of any of the races .
other races, and also more aggressive
than 150 pounds due to their heavily They inherit an innate resistance to
and materialistic . Where the longer-lived
muscled build . Dwarves live from 350 to Ability Score Modifiers: Dexterity + 1, sleep and charm spells, but to a lesser
races wait patiently and take a long-
450 years . They are famous for their skill Constitution -1 extent than full-blooded elves .
range view of the world, humans tend to
in all crafts, from metalworking to stone *Allowable Classes : Cleric, Fighter, muster their efforts for immediate gain .
masonry. Dwarven weapons command
Ability Score Modifiers: None
Mage, Ranger, Thief, Fighter/Mage,
high prices in markets around the world, Fighter/Thief, Mage/Thief, *Allowable Classes: Cleric, Fighter, Ability Score Modifiers: None
and pieces of their fine jewelry are part Fighter/Mage/Thief Mage, Ranger, Thief, Fighter/Cleric, *Allowable Classes: Cleric, Fighter,
of every king's ransom . Dwarves are also Fighter/Thief, Fighter/Mage,
Level Restrictions: Cleric, 12th level; Mage, Paladin, Ranger, Thief
known for tremendous courage and Cleric/Ranger, Cleric/Mage, Thief/Mage,
Fighter, 12th level ; Thief, 12th level Level Restrictions: Maximum for game .
tenacity that borders on the fanatic . Fighter/Mage/Cleric, Fighter/Mage/Thief
Gnomes are distant kin of the dwarves, Level Restrictions: Mage, 12th level;
although the latter are loathe to admit Thief, 12th level
the relation . Gnomes typically live to be

23 24

Classes spells and is used like a spell . However, Mages are individuals trained in the always surrounded by an aura of protec-
Each class has its own unique strengths, because it is an ability it does not go arcane and mysterious secrets of magic tion . Because of this aura, all evil attack-
and each offers valuable talents and away when used . As clerics advance in and spellcasting gestures . Mages tend to ers suffer a penalty to their attacks .
skills to a party. Fighter-types (fighters, levels they gain more spells and greater be poor fighters, preferring to rely on
their intellect and magical abilities . At 3rd level, paladins can turn undead
rangers, and paladins) are needed to power against undead . Clerics with wis- as a cleric two levels below their own . At
battle past the creatures that stand in dom of 13 or higher gain extra spells While warriors and clerics may charge to
the fore of a battle, mages tend to hang 9th level, paladins gain the ability to
the way of victory and glory. Thieves are (See the "Cleric Wisdom Spell Bonus"
back and pummel foes with mystic cast certain cleric spells, although they
very handy when the party runs across table on page 52) . can never use cleric scrolls . Paladins
traps and locked doors . Mages offer attacks .
Prime Requisite : Wisdom pray for their spells and cast them exact-
powerful spells, and clerics can both Mages cannot wear any type of armor ly as clerics .
fight opponents and heal wounded party Races Allowed : Human, Dwarf, Elf,
because armor is restrictive and it inter-
members . Gnome, Half-Elf, Halfling Paladins can use the following cleric
feres with spellcasting . Also, because of
Weapons Allowed : Mace, Flail, spells : Bless, Cure Light Wounds,
Each class has one or more prime requi- their lack of martial inclination, mages
Staff, Sling Detect Magic, Protection From Evil,
sites, or ability scores that are important are severely limited in the weapons they
can use . Mages become very powerful Slow Poison .
to the class . A character with prime req- Fighters are warriors, experts in using
uisite scores of 16 or greater advances weapons and in battle tactics . Fighter as they increase in level . Prime Requisites: Strength, Charisma
somewhat faster in levels . training includes use and maintenance Prime Requisite : Intelligence Races Allowed : Only Human
of all manner of weapons and armor. Weapons Allowed : All
Clerics are warrior priests, men and Races Allowed : Human, Elf, Half-Elf
Fighters can use any type of armor or
women who carry their faith in their weapon without restriction . Whether for Weapons Allowed : Dagger, Staff, Dart Rangers are trained hunters, trackers,
weapon-arms as well as their hearts . glory or profit, fighters can be found in and woodsmen . They are taught to live
Paladins are elite warriors who battle in
Cleric training includes the use of divine the thickest parts of battles, where only as much by their wits and skills as by
the name of truth and justice .
magic and a limited selection of skill and bravery triumph . their swords and bows . Like fighters,
weapons . They can use any type of Lawfulness and good deeds are their
meat and drink, and they lead lives of rangers can use any type of weapon or
armor, but their selection of arms is lim- Fighters cannot cast any type of magical
such chaste piety that even clerics stand armor, although heavy armor interferes
ited to blunt, impact-type weapons such spells ; they rely on their strong sword-
respectful . Paladins will not join a party with their special abilities .
as maces and flails . arm. They can use any type of magical
weapon or armor. They can also use that includes evil characters . Like other When wearing studded leather or lighter
Clerical magic differs from mage spells magical items such as rings and high level fighters, paladins are able to armor, rangers can fight with weapons in
in that clerical magic is of divine origin . gauntlets . Fighters gain speed as well as attack more often with melee weapons, both hands without any penalties. Like
Clerics do not carry tomes of spells and skill when they go up in levels . High such as swords, than other types of other high level fighter-types, rangers
rituals . They receive power directly from level fighters (including paladins and characters. are able to attack more often with
the gods and cast spells through their rangers), are able to attack more often melee weapons, such as swords, than
holy symbols . While mages study and In addition to skill in all types of arms
with melee weapons such as swords other types of characters .
pour over their spells to imprint the ritu- and armor, paladins have several divine
than other types of characters . magical abilities. Paladins have extra
als in their minds, clerics enter a medi- Prime Requisites : Strength,
tative trance where they are receptive to Prime Requisite : Strength resistance to magical attacks and poi- Dexterity, Wisdom
the divine magic . Clerics also have pow- Races Allowed : All son, and they are immune to all disease .
Races Allowed : Human, Elf, Half-Elf
ers against undead monsters such as Paladins can heal once per day with
Weapons Allowed : All Weapons Allowed : All
skeletons . The ability to turn undead is their lay on hands ability (two hit points
listed on the cleric's list of 1st-level per level of advancement) . The lay on
hands ability is similar to the cure light

wounds clerical spell . Paladins are

25 26

Thieves are hard to classify as a group . 4- Chaotic indicates that the character bonuses to armor class, which indicates they are to hit . Low armor class values
Some are malcontents, who prey on the values the individual above society how difficult they are to hit . Good dex- can indicate different things . A character
unsuspecting . Others are basically good, and others . terity also gives bonuses when using might be difficult to hit because he is out-
but are a little wanting in strength of missile weapons such as bows or slings . fitted with magical armor, while a mon-
character. Adventurers long ago learned Ethics Dexterity of 16 or higher counters some ster might have the same armor class
that a skilled thief in the party increases of the minuses fighters suffer when because it is small and fast . Armor class
d Good indicates the character tries to
overall party survival-especially when act in a moral and upstanding manner. using weapons in both hands . changes only when characters find and
dealing with trapped locks . As thieves use new armor or shields . High dexterity
: Neutral indicates the character leans Constitution measures fitness, health, improves a character's armor class .
gain levels they become more proficient
towards "situational ethics," evaluating and physical toughness . High constitu-
at picking locks, and avoiding any
each set of circumstances . tion increases the number of hit points Hit points (HP) measure how difficult a
attached traps . character or opponent is to incapacitate
a character receives . Hit points measure
Because they need to move freely and : Evil indicates the character acts either how difficult a character is to incapaci- or kill ; higher values are better. Every
quietly, thieves' abilities are restricted with no regard for others, or in an overt- tate or kill . time an attack gets past armor and
when they wear anything except leather- ly malignant manner. defenses, it does damage that is sub-
Intelligence measures memory, reason-
type armor. Thieves have a greater tracted from the target's hit points . If hit
Ability Scores ing, and learning ability . Intelligence is
choice of weapons than clerics or mages . points reach zero, the character is
The base for each ability score is a num- the prime requisite for mages ; their skill
unconscious . If hit points reach -10 or
Prime Requisites : Dexterity ber between 3 and 18 . Racial modifiers and very survival hinges on learning and
less, the character is dead .
Races Allowed : All are automatically factored into the base using their knowledge of magic .
number by the computer when any Experience Points (EXP) measure how
Weapons Allowed : Any Wisdom measures a composite of judg-
value is shown . The maximum value for much a character has accomplished .
ment, enlightenment, will power, and
Alignments scores is 19, unless modified by magical You earn experience points for killing
intuition . Characters with wisdom of 7
Alignment describes a character's out- means . Fighters' strength may have a monsters, finding treasure, and complet-
or less are more susceptible to magical
look and how he deals with life . The percentile value added to indicate ing parts of the adventure . Having prime
spells, while those with wisdom of 15 or
possibilities encompass a range of views exceptional ability . Higher values always requisite scores of 16 or greater increas-
greater have some resistance . Clerics
from believing strongly in society and offer greater advantages . es experience earned by 10% .
with wisdom of 13 or greater receive
altruism (Lawful Good) to completely Characters increase in level when they
Strength measures physical power, extra spells (see the Cleric Wisdom Spell
selfish and without any regard for others earn enough experience points . All char-
muscle, and stamina . Fighter-type char- Bonus table on page 52 .)
(Chaotic Evil) . Alignment is presented in acters start with some experience
acters (fighters, rangers, and paladins) points . If a character is multi-class,
two parts : the character's world view Charisma measures personal mag-
can have exceptional strengths greater these initial points are distributed evenly
and personal ethics . netism, persuasiveness, and ability to
than 18 . Exceptional strength is indicat- throughout all of his or her classes .
assume command .
ed by a percent value (01, 02, 03 . . . 98,
World View
99, 00) following the base strength (for Level measures how much a character
: Lawful indicates that the character Other Characteristics
example 18/23) . High strength allows has advanced in his or her class .
works within the framework and rules of In addition to race, class, and ability
characters to fight better . With hand Whenever a character has earned
a society. scores, characters have several other
weapons such as swords or maces they enough experience points to advance in
characteristics that may change during
hit more often and receive damage level, he gains hit points, combat ability,
: Neutral indicates that the character the game : armor class, hit points, expe-
moves between valuing society and bonuses. Halflings, even halfling-fight- and resistance to the effects of poisons
rience points, level, and alignment.
valuing the individual . ers, cannot have exceptional strengths .
Armor Class (AC) measures how diffi-
Dexterity measures agility, hand-eye cult someone is to hit and damage ; the
coordination, and reflex speed . lower the armor class value, the harder
Characters with high dexterities have
27 28
and magical attacks . Mages, clerics, and character despite limited abilities in heal by laying on hands. They also gain Creating a Strong Party
high-level paladins gain the ability to melee . Also, the real time nature of the the ability to cast some low level
A party should include a good mix of
memorize a greater number of spells game means that a character can only clerical healing spells when they reach
classes and races to handle all of the
and cast new spell levels . Level do one thing at a time ; a character's ninth level .
challenges they encounter. You will
advancement happens automatically ability to do many different things is
Elven Mage: A single-class mage gains need to decide upon your overall party
whenever a character has enough expe- often not as important as the ability to
levels swiftly. An elven mage with a high strategy before making characters .
rience points. Level advancement tables do one thing very well .
for all of the classes begin on page 52 . dexterity has a high armor class, which
In general, a party should have at least
The advantages of multi-class characters makes it easier to survive stray thrown
two characters who can fight well, a
are obvious, they combine the abilities weapons . As a mage, an elf's maximum
Creating Strong Characters character who can cast mage spells, and
of several different classes of character constitution of 17 does not limit hit
There are many strategies for putting at least one character who can cast
in one . Thus, a fighter/mage can both points and a maximum dexterity of 19
together an effective party of characters . clerical healing spells .
melee effectively and cast spells, though can improve armor class . Because
Certain combinations of character he can do neither as well as a single- mages cannot wear armor to improve
classes and race are more effective Fighters
class fighter or mage with the same their armor class, high dexterity is The party has many choices for the two
than others. amount of experience points. Multi- essential . An elf also allows the party to front rank characters who can fight well .
classed characters are often useful to read elven writing . Most races make reasonable fighters,
Single-Class vs. Multi-Class add an additional capability to a party,
Non-human characters have the ability Human or half-Elven Cleric : A single- fighter, paladin, and ranger class charac-
such as thieving skills or additional cleri- ters fight better than other classes . Even
to be multi-classed characters, but that class cleric swiftly gains levels . Humans
cal healing spells . Remember, multi- single-class cleric and dual-class
does not mean they must be multi-class and Half Elves can have a maximum wis-
class characters go up levels extremely fighter/cleric characters can be effective
characters . Single-class characters have dom of 18 (thus gaining the maximum
slowly because their experience points front rank characters in the beginning
a number of advantages over multi- bonus spells) and they can attain the
are distributed evenly between their levels of the game . Also, some of the
classed characters with the same maximum level allowed in this game .
classes . NPCs that you meet in the game can fight
amount of experience points .
Half-Elven Fighter/Mage/Cleric: This is well and may be useful in the front rank .
Single-class fighters have several advan- Racial Advantages the character with the most diverse tal-
tages . With the same amount of experi- Because of the monsters and situations ents. This character can use almost Spellcasters
ence points, they will average many in the game, certain race/class combina- The choice of the various spellcasters is
every item (excluding lock picks), has a
more hit points and have a better tions are very effective . The following also important to the strategy of the party .
limited ability to fight, can cast offensive
chance to hit than multi-class fighter are some specific types of characters spells, and can heal . Unfortunately, a One character who can cast mage spells
combinations . and their advantages . half-elven fighter/mage/cleric will go up is normally sufficient for most parties .
Dwarven Fighter: A dwarven fighter with levels extremely slowly, and will have Mages must find their higher level spells
Single-class clerics and mages will gain
a high constitution has a high resistance very few hit points for most of the game . on scrolls; the supply of scrolls is limited,
higher level spells much sooner than
to poison, which makes it much easier to so it is not efficient to divide those spells
multi-class cleric or mage combinations . Elven Fighter/Mage/Thief The thievish
fight giant spiders . A dwarf fighter can among several mages in a party .
With the same total amount of experi- counterpart to the half elven jack of all
ence points, they will have more spells have a Constitution of 19, which can
trades listed before . This character can It is often useful to have two characters
than multi-class spell casters . further increase hit points . A dwarf also
use literally every item in the game and who can cast clerical healing spells . It is
allows the party to read dwarven writing .
can pick locks as well . Unfortunately, an important not to get caught after a battle
With careful play, rear rank characters
Human Paladin : Only humans can be elven fighter/mage/thief will also go up without a conscious cleric . A conscious
will seldom get into melee combat . This
paladins . Paladins can fight as well as levels extremely slowly, and will have cleric with a few cure light wounds
makes a single-class mage a viable
any fighter, plus they have the ability to very few hit points for most of the game .

29 30

spells can heal as many hit points in situation . But, such a diverse party
-n SPELLS ii
hours, as a party without a conscious needs a much larger number of experi-
cleric could heal in many days of rest . ence points to get to higher levels .
Range : Duration :
Party Makeup Generalist Party: Dwarven Fighter/Thief,
One strategy is to create a party of spe- Half Elven Fighter/Cleric, Elven 0 = party members Instantaneous = flash or instant effect
cialists who go up in levels with the Fighter/Mage, Half Elven Cleric/Mage
Close = adjacent square Short = single combat round
fewest number of experience points . A further strategy is to have a mixed Medium = up to 2 squares away Medium = effect lasts for some time
This party works so long as the warriors party with specialist warriors in the front
in the front rank never let the spellcast- Long = as far as visible range Long = effect lasts quite a while
rank and generalist spellcasters in the
ers in the rear rank get into melee . rear rank. This strategy makes sure that Permanent = effect lasts for entire game

Specialist Party: Dwarven Fighter, the fighters gain levels (and hit points) Variable or Special = see spell description
Human Paladin, Elven Mage, and Half as quickly as possible, but that the spell-
Elven Cleric casters will have a wide variety of spells
Mage Spells
available .
Another strategy is to create a party of
generalists who are multi-classed charac- Mixed Party: Dwarven Fighter, Human i First Level Mage Spells -
ters. This party should always have some Paladin, Half Elven Cleric/Mage, Human
character with the appropriate skill for a Cleric + Armor
Range: 0 Duration : Special Area of Effect: One character
With this spell the mage can surround a character with a magical field that protects
as scale mail (AC 6) . The spell has no effect on characters who already have AC 6 or
better and it does not have a cumulative effect with the shield spell . The spell lasts
until dispelled, or until the character suffers damage that is equal to or greater than 8
hit points +1 hit point for every level of the caster.

: Burning Hands
Range: Close Duration : Instantaneous Area of Effect: Front rank
When a mage casts this spell, a jet of searing flame shoots from the character's finger-
tips. The damage inflicted by the flame increases as the mage increases in level and
gains power. The spell does one to three points of damage plus two points per level of
the caster. For example, a 10th level mage would do 21-23 points of damage .

: Detect Magic
Range: 0 Duration : Short Area of Effect : Carried items
This spell allows a mage to determine if any of the items carried by members of
the party are magically enchanted . All magic items in the party glow for a
short period of time .

Spells continue. . .

31 32

: Magic Missile
: Invisibility
Range : Long Duration : Instantaneous Area of Effect : One target Range : 0 Duration : Special Area of Effect: One target
The mage creates a bolt of magic force that unerringly strikes one target . If there are This spell causes the target to vanish from sight . The invisible character remains
two monsters, the missile automatically hits the one on the same side as the caster . unseen until he attacks a monster . Certain powerful monsters can sense invisible
Magic missile spells do greater damage as a mage increases in level . Initially, magic characters, or even see them outright .
missiles do two to five points of damage, and for every two extra levels the spell
does two to five more points . So, a first or second-level mage does two to five points
of damage, but a third or fourth-level mage does four to ten, and so on . : Improved Identify

Range: 0 Duration : Instantaneous Area of Effect : One Item in the caster's hand
: Shield When this spell is cast, one item in the wizard's hand is identified for what it really is .
Range: 0 Duration : Short to medium Area of Effect: Spellcaster The wizard learns the item's name and the attack or damage bonuses it has . Note
This spell produces an invisible barrier in front of the mage that totally blocks magic that some items, such as special magical tomes, cannot be identified with this spell .
missile attacks. It also offers AC 2 against hurled weapons (darts, spears) and AC 3
against propelled missiles (arrows, sling-stones) . The spell does not have a cumulative d Melf's Acid Arrow
effect with the armor spell . The spell duration increases with the level of the caster.
Range: Long Duration : Special Area of Effect : One target
This spell creates a magical arrow that launches itself at a target as though it were
: Shocking Grasp
fired by a fighter of the same level as the mage . The arrow is not affected by
Range : Close Duration : Variable or until mane touches a monster Area of Effect: Caster distance. The arrow does two to eight points of damage per attack . For every three
This spell magically charges the caster's hand with a powerful electrical field . The levels the mage has earned, the arrow gains an additional attack . For example,
field, remains in place until the spell dissipates naturally or the character touches an at third to fifth-level the arrow attacks twice, and at sixth to eighth-level the
adjacent monster . When the spell is cast an electrified hand is displayed . A mage in arrow attacks three times .
the front rank may attack with this hand like any other melee weapon . The spell does
one to eight points of damage plus one point per level of the caster . For example, a
10th-level mage does 1 1-18 points of damage . The amount of time it takes the spell - Third Level Mage Spells
to dissipate ranges from medium to long with the level of the caster .
: Dispel Magic
Range: 0 Duration : Instantaneous Area of Effect : Whole party
- Second Level Mage Spells IC
This spell negates the effects of any spell affecting the party . Dispel does not counter
cure spells, but it will dispel hold person, bless, and similar spells .
4t Blur
Range: 0 Duration : Short Area of Effect: The caster
The position of a wizard with an active blur spell shifts and wavers . This distortion makes b Fireball
the wizard harder to hit with an attack . A true seeing spell will counter a blur spell . Range : Long Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect : Target square
A fireball is an explosive blast of flame that damages everything in the target square .
: Detect Invisibility The explosion does one to six points of damage for every level of the caster to a maxi-
Range: Close Duration : Medium mum of 10th-level . For example, a 10th-level mage does 10-60 points of damage .
Area of Effect : One square in front of the party

With this spell, the party can see invisible monsters, items, or magical effects .
It does not reveal illusions . Spells continue. . .

33 34

: Haste
- E> Fourth Level Mage Spells
Range : 0 Duration : Medium Area of Effect: One recipient per caster level
This spell causes all recipients to move and fight at double their normal rate . : Fear
(However, the spell does not allow magic users to cast spells at a faster rate .) The Range: Close Duration: Medium Area of Effect : One square
spell's duration increases with the level of the caster .
When this spell is cast the mage projects a cone of terror . Any creature affected by
the spell will turn tail and run from the party . The amount of time the affected crea-
Hold Person tures remain terrified is based on the level of the casting mage . The spell's duration
Range: Long Duration : Medium Area of Effect : Up to four targets increases with the level of the caster .
This spell can affect humans, demi-humans, or humanoid creatures . Creatures that
are affected become rigid and unable to move or speak . Spell duration 4, Ice Storm
increases with the level of the caster.
Range : Medium to long Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect: A cross-shaped area (3x3 squares)
This spell produces a pounding torrent of huge hailstones. The spell pummels the
Invisibility 10' Radius targets with 3-30 points of damage . The range of this spell is based on the
Range : 0 Duration : Special Area of Effect: Entire party caster's level .
This spell causes the entire party to vanish from sight . Each invisible character
remains unseen until he attacks a monster. Certain powerful monsters can sense *e Improved Invisibility
invisible characters or even see them outright . Range : 0 Duration : Short Area of Effect : One character
This spell causes the target to vanish from sight . The invisible character remains unseen,
Lightning Bolt even if he attacks with a weapon or spell . The invisibility makes the character harder to
Range: Long Duration : Instantaneous Area of Effect : Two squares hit with an attack. A true seeing spell will counter an improved invisibility spell . Certain
powerful monsters can sense invisible characters, or even see them outright .
This spell allows the mage to cast a powerful bolt of electrical energy . The spell flies
to its first target and then continues into the next square . The bolt does one to six
points of damage for every level of the caster to a maximum of 10th level . For exam- 3 Remove Curse

ple, a 10th-level mage does 10-60 points of damage . Range : 0 Duration : Permanent Area of Effect : One character
This spell allows a character with a cursed item to drop the item . However, the item
: Vampiric Touch itself will still be cursed with its negative properties .
Range: Close Duration: One attack
Area of Effect : Caster
When this spell is cast, a glowing hand appears . A mage in the front rank may attack
with this hand like any other melee weapon . When the caster touches an opponent -~ Fifth Level Mage Spells
with a successful attack, the spell does 1-6 points of damage for every two levels of
the mage . For example, a 10th-level mage would do 5-30 points of damage . A Cone of Cold
These points in turn are transferred temporarily to the mage, so any damage he takes Range : Close Duration : Instantaneous
Area of Effect : Three squares
is subtracted from these points first . This spell does not affect undead This spell causes the mage to project a chilling cone of sub-zero cold . The numbing
monsters such as skeletons . cone causes two to five points point of damage per level of the caster . For example,
a 10th-level mage would do 20-50 points of damage .

Spells continue . . .

35 36


. Hold Monster Cleric Spells

Range : Long Duration: Medium Area of Effect : One square
This spell is similar to the hold person spell except that it affects a wider range of - First Level Cleric Spells 4c-
creatures . However, the spell does not affect undead creatures . The spell's duration
increases with the level of the caster. 4- Bless
Range: 0 Duration : Medium Area of Effect : Entire party

: Wall of Force Upon uttering this spell the morale of the entire party is raised . All characters gain
a bonus to their attacks . Bless spells are not cumulative . High-level paladins
Range: Close Duration : Short Area of Effect : One square
can cast bless spells .
A wall of force creates a barrier which stops monsters and spells from passing .
A wall cast by a character is dispelled if it is hit with a disintegrate spell, or if the
party enters the square with the wall of force. Cause Light Wounds
Range : Close Duration : Permanent Area of Effect: One target
By casting this spell, the cleric can cause one to eight hit points of damage . The cler-
~ Sixth Level Mage Spells 4:-~: ic must be in the front rank to hit a target .

d Disintegrate
Range: Close Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect : One target
Cure Light Wounds
Range: 0 Duration : Permanent Area of Effect: One character
This spell causes any one creature it hits to vanish . Disintegration is instantaneous
and its effects are permanent . By casting this spell on a wounded character, the cleric can heal one to eight hit
points of damage . High-level paladins can cast cure light wounds spells .

. Flesh to Stone
Detect Magic
Range : Medium Duration : Permanent (or until reversed) Area of Effect : One target
Range : 0 Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect : Carried items
This spell causes any one target to turn to stone . The spell's effects can be reversed
with the stone to flesh spell . This spell allows the caster to determine if any of the items carried by members of
the party are magically enchanted . All magic items in the party are indicated for a
short period of time . High-level paladins can cast detect magic spells .
. Stone to Flesh
Range : 0 Duration: Permanent (or until reversed) Area of Effect: One character
4 Protection from Evil
This spell restores the life to a character who has been turned to stone . The charac-
Range: 0 Duration : Medium Area of Effect : One character
ter may have been changed by a flesh to stone spell or by the effect of a monster
such as a medusa or a basilisk . This spell envelops the recipient in a magical shell . The shell inhibits the attacks of
any evil creatures . The spell's duration increases with the level of the caster. High-
level paladins can cast protection from evil spells .
: True Seeing
Range: 0 Duration : Short Area of Effect : Special
With this spell, the party can see things as they really are . Illusionary walls will not
fool the party, invisible monsters, items, or magical effects will appear .

Spells continue. . .

37 38

Second Level Cleric Spells <-- Third Level Cleric Spells'

4- Aid Create Food & Water

Range : 0 Duration : Short to medium Area of Effect : One character
Range : 0 Duration : Permanent Area of Effect : Special
This spell acts like a bless spell and it confers one to eight extra hit points to the This spell allows the cleric to conjure nourishment for the entire party . When charac-
recipient . The temporary hit points are subtracted before the character's own if he is
ters' food bars are blank, and they do not eat, they suffer 1 hit point of damage
injured in combat . The spell's duration increases with the level of the caster .
every 24 hours. Starving mages and clerics are unable to regain spells .

: Flame Blade Dispel Magic

Range : Short Duration : Medium Area of Effect : One target
Range: 0 Duration : Instantaneous Area of Effect : Whole party
This spell causes a flame-like blade to leap from the caster's hand . The blade attacks This spell negates the effects of any spell affecting the party . Dispel magic does not
like a normal sword and normally does 7-10 points of damage . When the spell is cast counter cure spells, but it will dispel hold person, bless, and similar spells.
a burning sword picture appears in the caster's hand - attack with this as you
would any other melee weapon . The spell does slightly less damage against targets
protected from fire . Spell duration increases with the level of the caster. Magical Vestment
Range: 0 Duration : Medium Area of Effect : Caster

: Hold Person This spell enchants the cleric's own robes, providing protection at least equivalent to
chain mail (AC 5) . The vestment gains a +1 enchantment for every three levels the
Range : Long Duration : Medium Area of Effect : Up to four characters
cleric earns above 5th level . For example, an 11th-level cleric would have AC 3 pro-
This spell can affect human, demi-human, or humanoid creatures . Creatures that tection . This spell is not cumulative with itself or any other spells or armor . The
are affected become rigid and unable to move or speak . Spell duration increases spell's duration increases with the level of the caster.
with the level of the caster.

d Slow Poison
Range : 0 Duration: Short to medium Area of Effect : Entire party
Range : 0 Duration : Long Area of Effect : One character
This spell is a more powerful version of the first-level bless . This spell increases the
This spell slows the effects of any type of poison for a limited amount of time . When party's combat ability and decreases the enemy's . The spell has no cumulative
the spell dissipates the victims suffer the poison's full effect unless a neutralize effect . The spell's duration increases with the level of the caster .
poison spell is cast . The spell's duration increases with the level of the caster .
High-level paladins can cast slow poison spells .
Remove Paralysis
Range : 0 Duration : Permanent Area of Effect : One to four characters
This spell negates the effects of any type of paralyzation or related magic .
The spell counters hold or slow spells .

Spells continue . . .


Fourth Level Cleric Spells : Flame Strike

Range : Long Duration : Instantaneous Area of Effect: One square
Cause Serious Wounds By means of this spell, the cleric calls down from the sky a column of flame .
Range : Close Duration : Permanent Area of Effect : One target Creatures fully affected by the spell suffer 6-48 points of damage .
This spell is identical to the first-level cause light wounds spell, except that it inflicts
3-17 hit points of damage . The cleric must be in the front rank to hit a target .
d Raise Dead
Range : 0 Duration : Permanent Area of Effect : One character
: Cure Serious Wounds This spell allows the cleric to attempt to restore life to any non-elven character.
Range: 0 Duration : Permanent Area of Effect : One character Chances for success are based on the deceased character's constitution .
This spell is identical to the first-level cure light wounds spell, except that it
heals 3-17 hit points of damage .
: Slay Living
Range: Short Duration : Permanent Area of Effect : One target
Neutralize Poison The target of a slay living spell either takes damage or dies instantly . Higher level
Range: 0 Duration: Permanent Area of Effect : One character opponents have a better chance of only taking damage .
This spell detoxifies any sort of poison or venom . The spell cannot return characters
to life if they have already died from poison .
: True Seeing
Range : 0 Duration: Short Area of Effect : Special
Protection from Evil 10' Radius
With this spell, the party can see things as they really are . Illusionary walls will not
Range: 0 Duration : Medium to Long Area of Effect: Entire party fool the party, invisible monsters, items, or magical effects will be shown .
This spell is identical to the first-level spell, except that it affects the entire party. The
spell's duration increases with the level of the caster.
- Sixth Level Cleric Spells c
- Fifth Level Cleric Spells' : Harm
Range : Close Duration : Permanent Area of Effect: One target
: Cause Critical Wounds This spell will bring a target to death's door, reducing it to very few hit points, no
Range: Close Duration: Permanent Area of Effect : One target matter how many hit points the target had before the spell . The cleric must be in the
This spell is identical to the first-level cause light wounds, except that it inflicts 6-27 front rank to hit a target .
hit points of damage . The cleric must be in the front rank to hit a target .
: Heal
: Cure Critical Wounds Range: 0 Duration : Permanent Area of Effect : One Character
Range : 0 Duration : Permanent Area of Effect: One character This spell will completely heal a character of all damage, poison,
This spell is identical to the first-level cure light wounds spell, except that it blindness, and paralysis .
heals 6-27 hit points of damage .

41 42
Strategies for Using Spells Hold Person, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Other Spells
Fear, Ice Storm, Cone of Cold, *Flame Detect Magic : This spell is very useful in
Spells are an important part of a party's
Strike and Hold Monster: These are evaluating the items the party picks up
capabilities . The spells that the party's
ranged magical attacks that can affect during the game . The spell causes all
spellcasters memorize will have an
several monsters in an area. Because of magical items carried by the party to glow .
important effect on the party's tactics .
the damage they can do, they are often
Invisibility and Invisibility 10' Radius:
In the following section, the spells have the preferred offensive spells of higher
Invisibility is a useful defense for a char-
been divided into types : offensive, level spellcasters .
acter in the rear ranks . Invisibility 10'
defensive, healing, and other. There are
These area-effect spells are especially Radius is useful to hide the entire party
specific hints on when each type of spell H cnance encourner . .
effective when fighting many monsters . from mystic sensors and prying eyes .
is most effective .
Look closely at the area of effect of the
Even when the party is invisible, most
Spells that are available only to clerics various spells . The spells that affect
monsters will sense the party's general
are marked with an asterisk (') . several squares are more effective Healing Spells
location, though the monsters receive
against monsters that cannot attack in *Cure Light Wounds, `Aid, *Cure
Offensive Spells big penalties on attacks against invisible
groups . The spells that affect a single Serious Wounds, `Cure Critical
Burning Hands, ' Cause Light Wounds, targets .
square are most effective against Wounds, and 'Heal: These spells
Shocking Grasp, *Flame Blade, monsters that attack in groups . replace a character's lost hit points . *Create Food & Water: This spell is very
Vampiric Touch, 'Cause Serious The aid spell can increase a character's useful in the later levels of the game
Wounds, *Cause Critical Wounds and Be especially careful when you use the
hit points over his normal maximum where food is scarce . Be sure to memo-
*Harm : These are hand to hand magical ice storm and hold person spells . If the
value, but it only increases hit points rize this spell before the party begins
attacks . For all but burning hands, the target of an ice storm spell is within
temporarily . Cleric class characters starving - not after!
spellcaster must be in the front rank to melee range of the party, the party will
should always have a few cure light
attack with them . Because of the time it also take damage from the spell . The Haste : This spell is especially useful
wounds spells memorized to quickly
takes to cast these spells and the vulner- hold person spell only affects men and when fighting monsters who are very
heal the party while resting .
ability of many spellcasters, they are nor- other humanoid creatures . fast . The haste spell allows a party to
mally the offensive spells of last resort . *Slow Poison, *Remove Paralysis, make melee attacks much faster . Cast
Defensive Spells *Neutralize Poison, Remove Curse, this spell on your party just before dan-
Magic Missile and Melf's Acid Arrow: Armor, Blur, *Protection from Evil, and Stone to Flesh : These spells slow gerous battles .
These are ranged magical attacks that Shield, * Magical Vestment, and or remove the effects of poison,
affect only one monster at a time . They *Protection from Evil 10' Radius: These paralysis, flesh to stone, or curses . Keep True Seeing: This spell is useful when
allow the spellcaster to attack from the spells mainly provide protection against a number of these spells memorized you are stuck in an area with many illu-
safety of the rear ranks . They are the physical attacks . Cast these spells on whenever the party is anywhere near a sions, invisible monsters, etc .
favorite offensive spells of lower level your front rank characters before monster who can poison, paralyze, or
Disintegrate: This spell is occasionally
mages . dangerous battles that involve petrify .
useful to remove certain walls and other
physical attacks .
Disintegrate and Flesh to Stone: These *Raise Dead : This spell will bring a special blocks in your path .
are ranged magical attacks that can *Bless and *Prayer: These spells non-elven character back from the dead .
eliminate one target with a single attack . mainly provide protection against Keep one of these spells memorized once
They are the favorite offensive spells of magical attacks . Cast these spells on your cleric gets to a high enough level .
higher-level mages attacking targets with your front rank characters before
many hit points . dangerous battles that involve
magical attacks .

43 44
-n ADVENTURING STRATEGY r, page 56 to see how much damage each Moving and Fighting
type of weapon can do . As soon as you If you are exploring an area, move with
find enough weapons, warriors should the compass on the screen to facilitate
Attacking Opponents An attack is successful if the roll is carry a one-handed weapon in their pri- mapping . If you are moving through an
Characters generally engage in "melee greater than or equal to the attacker's mary hand and a short sword in their explored area, move with a spell menu
combat," which is face-to-face combat THACO minus the target's AC . secondary hand . Remember that if you on the screen and an attack spell show-
with weapons such as swords and use a two-handed weapon in one hand, ing . Always move with the adventure
Example : A fighter with a THACO of
maces . Characters also have other you must keep the other hand free . screen up ; you can't fight from the
15 attacking a monster with an AC of
options, such as casting spells and equipment or character screens .
3 would need to roll : (THACO 15) - Equip characters in the rear ranks with
ranged combat, with bows and slings .
(AC 3) = 12+ . But to hit a monster the most powerful ranged weapons you With both the adventure screen and
In general, a character attacks the with an AC of -2 he would need to can find . Again, see the Weapons Chart spell menu up you are prepared for bat-
enemy in the front rank on his side of roll : (THACO 15) - (AC -2) = 17+ . on page 56 to see how much damage tle . Prepare for battle before you open
the screen . When there is only one each type of ranged weapon can do . any door, climb or descend stairs, or
Damage is the hit point loss that an
enemy left in a battle, it moves to the Spelicasters should have their holy sym- push a button that could open a door or
center of its square and characters from attacker inflicts against an opponent.
bols and spell books in-hand, ready to secret wall . Monsters often lurk behind
both sides can attack it . The amount of damage inflicted
cast spells . closed doors or secret walls, and mon-
depends on the attacker's strength and
sters are always ready for combat!
Combat Mechanics weapon type . The damage each weapon Characters who use thrown weapons
Understanding combat mechanics can do is summarized in the Weapons should carry weapons both in-hand and Remember that you can move and fight
allows the party to use the most effec- Chart on page 56 . in their belt pouch for quick reloading . at the same time . You can move back-
tive weapons and tactics in different sit- Front rank characters who use thrown wards to dodge an enemy melee attack .
Some monsters take only partial or no
uations. Each character's ability in com- weapons may wish to carry a shield or You can move sideways to dodge an
damage from certain weapon types .
bat is defined by his armor class, short sword at the top of their belt enemy ranged attack. You can even try
Skeletons, for example, take only half
THACO, and damage . pouch - in the box for belt pouch item to run away and close a door behind
damage from sharp or edged weapons .
#3 . (See the diagram that names parts you to get away from a particularly nasty
THACO represents a character's ability of the equipment screen on page 19 .) A fight . Be careful though, some monsters
to hit enemies. THACO stands for To Hit
Combat Strategies
To succeed in combat, deploy your shield or short sword in that position can open doors to follow you .
Armor Class 0 . A character must 'roll' a will be readied automatically after the
party well, cast effective spells before
number equal to or greater than this to character attacks with the last of his or Hints
and during combat, maneuver your
damage a target with an armor class of her thrown weapons .
0 . The lower the attacker's THACO, the characters into advantageous positions, Here are some general strategy hints to
and attack using the most powerful Be sure to recover your ranged weapons help you along your journey.
better his chance to hit the target . A
characters and weapons . after each battle and to collect all of the
character's THACO is based on his class
ranged weapons you can find . Ranged
Carry Items with You
and level .
Deploying the Party You never know when you will need
weapons get used up quickly in battle .
NOTE: the generation of a random Keep the heavily-armored fighters in the something that you found! To carry an
number is often referred to as a front rank and the vulnerable magic Wounded Characters item with you, pick up the item and
"roll ." In determining if an attack hit, users and thieves in the rear ranks . Characters who are seriously wounded move it into a backpack .
the number generated is from 1 should be moved out of the front rank if
Equipping the Party possible . It is much easier to heal a Prepare Your Party
through 20 . The base roll is modified
Equip characters in the front rank with wounded character than it is to bring a Make sure that your party contains at
by the character's ability scores and
the most powerful melee weapons you least : two characters who can fight well,
any magic weapons . dead character back to life .
can find . See the Weapons Chart on one who can cast mage spells, and one

who can cast clerical spells. When a Keep Your Eye On The Compass -N BESTIARY K-
monster approaches, make sure that Watch the compass as the party moves .
your fighters in the front rank have There are a number of traps that change This section contains descriptions of most of the monsters in and around Temple
weapons in their primary hand . Once the party's facing. Teleporters often Darkmoon . You may encounter a few others . . . .
you get comfortable fighting with the reveal themselves when the party's fac-
front rank characters, you can also have ing changes .
the rear rank characters throw weapons Aerial Servant Basilisk, Lesser
and spells at the monsters . Experiment Watch for Teleporters This semi-intelligent crea- This uncommon
by equipping your characters with vari- Do you suspect the party is being tele- ture is a form of an air reptilian monster
ous combinations of weapons, shields, ported while moving through an area? elemental . Aerial ser- has leathery skin
spell books, and holy symbols to maxi- Throw an item past the suspected tele- vants are most often and eight legs.
mize their fighting ability . porter, then watch the item . The item encountered on this Lesser basilisks'
will 'disappear' if it teleports . plane of existence when defenses include a
Keep Track of Buttons they have been conjured by a high level powerful bite and a hideous gaze that
and Levers Save The Game cleric to do a specific task. They are nor- can turn a target to stone . Though they
Some puzzles are activated in one part Save the game anytime you think that
mally invisible, but when seen they have eight legs, their slow metabolic
of the dungeon, yet they affect another something could happen that would
resemble legless humanoids made of process causes them to move
part farther away . Record the position of hurt the party . Save the game at the
sparkling blue smoke . They are very sluggishly . They can be encountered
any button or lever that has no obvious beginning of each level . If a puzzle is
strong and can do great damage by alone or in small groups .
function . If you can't seem to get difficult to solve, save the game and
grabbing and strangling their targets .
through an area, go back and change then try different solutions . If the mon-
these buttons or levers one at a time to sters are attacking the party thick and
fast, save the game and try different
see if they make it any easier to get
through . strategies . If things are getting really
Ant, Giant Also known as
(Warrior and Eye Tyrant or
tough, save before opening doors .
Look For Writing On The Wall Worker) Sphere of Many
If you can't seem to get through an area, Go On These giant insects
Eyes, this solitary
look for writing on the walls in the area . When all else fails, go on with the game . horror is most
include both worker
Often, writing on a side wall is difficult The party does not have to open every often found under-
ants and warrior
to spot . Some writing may only be read door, fight every monster, and obtain ground . Beholders have a globular body
ants . They are covered with a thick outer
if the party includes a character of a every item to win the game . Mark down and move with an innate levitation . Atop
skeleton that acts as armor. They have
specific race. any areas that the party bypasses . If the the beholder's spherical body are ten
six hairy legs that can propel them over
party gets stumped in a later area, or eye-stalks, and in the center is a single
ground at great speed . All giant ants
Look For Hidden Buttons On needs an item to go on, come back and have powerful mandibles that can rend
large eye and a gaping maw adorned
The Walls try the puzzle again . their targets . Warriors can also attack with several rows of razor-sharp teeth .
Always check the walls for secret and Each of the eye-stalks has a unique mag-
with a poisonous stinger in their tail .
hidden buttons and bricks . Moving side- ical ability-the beholder can cast a dif-
ferent spell with each . Fortunately, not
ways down a wall will often make hid-
all of the eyes can be brought to bear
den buttons easier to spot .
on a given target . Beholders are covered
with hard, chitinous armor, making
them relatively tough to hit in combat .

47 48

Bulette Gelatinous Mantis Warrior Salamander

Aptly called a land- Cube Also called Thri- This large, flaming
shark, the bulette These almost tSreen, this is a car- creature is a native
is a huge terrifying transparent nivorous insect of the elemental
predator that lives man . A mantis war- plane of fire .
cubes travel
only to eat . It has rior resembles a Salamanders
down dungeon
a temperament corridors, man-sized praying thrive in very hot
akin to the wolver- absorbing car- mantis. Mantis places. They are
ine - stupid, mean, and fearless . The warriors are often cruel, evil crea-
rion and trash
bulette is universally shunned, even by along the way . The sides of a gelatinous armed with a unique, sharp-edged pole tures that are highly intelligent . They
other monsters. These rare, carnivorous cube glisten, and the creature leaves a arm . The ferocious reputation of the respect only power, and to them power is
creatures are covered with bony slimy trail when it moves . Very large deadly weapon and the warriors who either the ability to resist their fire, or the
armored plates which make them very wield it has spread far. capacity to inflict great damage . Anyone
cubes grow tall to garner mosses and
tough to damage . Despite their size and the like from ceilings . else is dealt a painful, fiery death .
armor they are both swift and deadly .
Bulettes have very powerful claws and a
maw full of rows of razor sharp teeth .
Giant, Frost This monster is a Skeleton Warrior
Like all evil giants, ferocious predator This is a magically ani-
frost giants have a of a magical mated body, created
Gas Spore reputation for nature . Margoyles and controlled by a
Gas spores are crudeness and are typically found powerful evil wizard or
multicellular stupidity. This amid ruins or priest . Skeleton war-
spherical fungi reputation is dwelling in under- riors have been creat-
that are often deserved, but frost ground caverns . They seem to have their ed from the bodies of
found floating own guttural language . These monsters powerful warriors .
giants are crafty
through enclosed fighters . They are very strong and tough . will attack anything they find and they Because they have no intelligence or will,
corridors. Gas spores' frontal coloration They are protected by oversized armor love to torture their helpless prey . They skeleton warriors are utterly fearless .
resembles a large central eye . They also and can do tremendous damage with attack with their claws, bite, and horn . They never retreat from a fight, except
have rhizome growths on top of their giant melee weapons and large hurled when turned by a cleric or paladin .
hollow bodies that strongly resemble rocks . Frost giants may be found alone
eye stalks . The resulting sphere closely or in small tribal groups. Mind Flayer
resembles a beholder, but has none of
Also called 111ithid, this is one
the beholder's awesome powers .
of the most feared of the
Hell Hound inhuman dwellers . Mind flay-
The hell hound is a very ers feed on the very minds of
large, rust-red or brown sentient beings . Mind flayers
beast with burning red are a slime mauve color,
eyes . The baying of a stand about six feet tall, and
hell hound has been described as adorn themselves with flowing robes dec-
"eerie," "hollow," and "disturbing ." The orated with images of suffering, death,
beast attacks with flaming breath and and despair. Their faces resemble octopi
piercing teeth . with two large, white, pupilless eyes .

49 50

Snake, Flying Will '0 Wisps i TABLES K-
Also known as These malevolent enti-
"flying fangs," ties subsist by luring
these uncommon unsuspecting creatures Experience Levels
reptiles are so to their deaths amid
dangerous that all the hazards of their
intelligent races environment . They feed on the energies EXP TO HIT WISDOM SPELL LEVEL
hunt them merci- released in their targets' death struggle .
lessly . They fly with acrobatic agility, and They prefer their victims to meet linger- 1 0 1-10 13 1
use their tails and body coils to hamper ing deaths to increase the energy given 2 2,000 +(1-10)
14 2
victims while they hover in midair. Flying off before death . Will 'o wisps attack in 3 4,000 +(1-10)
fangs always try to strike at the faces of melee by discharging their stored ener- 15 2 1
4 8,000 +(1-10)
their foes. The snakes will attack any gy into their foes in a swooping attack .
5 16,000 +(1-10) 16 2 2
living creature they feel they can slay
6 32,000 +(1-10)
and eat . 17 2 2 1
7 64,000 +(1-10)
Wolf, Dire
8 125,000 +(1-10) 18 2 2 1 1 -
Dire wolves are large
Spider, Giant ancient ancestors of 9 250,000 +(1-10) 19 3 2 1 2 -
This predator modern wolves . They are 10 500,000 + 3
' Bonus spells become available when the cleric
haunts many active and cunning carni- 11 750,000 + 3 can normally cast spells of that level .
regions and helps vores . They can act inde-
12 1,000,000 + 3
to keep down the pendently, but tend to
13 1,250,000 + 3
level of pests, travel in packs . Dire
like adventurers . wolves are larger than most men and CLERIC EXPERIENCE LEVELS CLERIC SPELL PROGRESSION
Giant spiders weave webs for unwary vic- have powerful jaws and teeth . They are
tims, and attack with poisonous bites . swift and sure hunters . LEVEL REACH LEVEL POINTS LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 0 1-8 1 1
2 1,500 +(1-8) 2 2 -
Wasp, Giant
3 3,000 +(1-8) 3 2 1
This rare giant insect
4 6,000 +(1-8) 4 3 2 -
is feared because of
its unthinking ferocity. 5 13,000 +(1-8) 5 3 3 1
They can attack with 6 27,500 +(1-8) 6 3 3 2 -
powerful jaws and 7 55,000 +(1-8) 7 3 3 2 1
their tail-mounted stinger. The buzzing
8 110,000 +(1-8) 8 3 3 3 2
wings of giant wasps gives some warn-
9 225,000 +(1-8) 9 4 4 3 2 1
ing of their presence, but their swiftness
10 450,000 + 2 10 4 4 3 3 2
makes it necessary to react instantly to
their presence . 11 675,000 + 2 11 5 4 4 3 2 1
12 900,000 + 2 12 6 5 5 3 2 2
13 1,125,000 + 2 13 6 6 6 4 2 2

51 54

EXP TO Strength
The Strength Chart lists the modifiers to
1 0 1-4 1 1 - - - 1-10
1 0 melee hit probability and the damage
2 2,500 +(1-4) 2 2 - - - +(1-10)
2 2,250 adjustment based on the character's
3 5,000 +0-4) 3 2 1 - +(1-10)
3 4,500 Strength .
4 10,000 +(1-4) 4 3 2 - -
4 9,000 +(1-10)
Strength Chart
5 20,000 +(1-4) 5 4 2 1 - +(1-10)
5 18,000
6 40,000 +(1-4) 6 4 2 2 - - ABILITY MELEE HIT DAMAGE
6 36,000 +(1-10)
7 60,000 +(1-4) 7 4 3 2 1 - 7 75,000 +(1-10)
8 90,000 +0-4) 8 4 3 3 2 - 3 -3 -1
8 150,000 +(1-10)
9 135,000 +(1-4) 9 4 3 3 2 1 - 4-5 -2 -1
9 300,000 +(1-10)
10 250,000 +(1-4) 10 4 4 3 2 2 6-7 -1 none
10 600,000 + 3
11 375,000 + 1 11 4 4 4 3 3 - 8-15 normal none
11 900,000 + 3
12 750,000 + 1 12 4 4 4 4 4 1 16 normal +1
12 1,200,000 + 3
13 1,125,000 + 1 13 5 5 5 4 4 2 17 +1 +1
13 1,500,000 + 3
18 +1 +2
EXP TO HIT PALADIN 18/51-75* +2 +3
1 0 1-10 9 1 1 0 1-6 18/91-99* +2 +5
2 2,250 +(1-10) 10 2 - 2 1,250 +(1-6) 18/00* +3 +6
3 4,500 +(1-10) 11 2 1 3 2,500 +(1-6) 19# +3 +7
4 9,000 +(1-10) 12 2 2 4 5,000 +(1-6) 20# +3 +8
5 18,000 +(1-10) 13 2 2 1 5 10,000 +(1-6) 21 # +4 +9
6 36,000 +(1-10) 6 20,000 +(1-6) 22# +4 +10
7 75,000 +(1-10) 7 40,000 +(1-6) * These bonuses are available only to fighters, pal-
8 150,000 +(1-10) 8 adins, and rangers .
70,000 +(1-6)
9 300,000 +(1-10) # These scores are only possible in this game
9 110,000 +(1-6)
through magic.
10 600,000 + 3 10 160,000 +(1-6)
11 900,000 + 3 11 220,000 + 2
12 1,200,000 + 3 12 440,000 + 2
13 1,500,000 + 3 13 660,000 + 2

53 54

Dexterity Constitution Armor

The Dexterity Chart lists the modifiers to The Constitution Chart lists the
Weapons are divided into 3 classes : Armor provides a character a base
missile hit probability and the armor Flit Point Adjustment that a character
melee, thrown, and fired . Melee weapons armor class . The lower the character's
class adjustment based on the charac- gets every level .
are used only in close combat, while armor class, the harder it is for an
ter's Dexterity .
thrown and fired weapons are used at attack to hit . Armor class is based on
Dexterity Chart Constitution Chart range . Characters in the front rank can use the character's armor and his dexterity
melee and ranged weapons . Characters in bonus . Some magic items and spells
ABILITY MISSILE HIT AC ABILITY HIT POINT the rear ranks can only use ranged also help a character's armor class .
weapons . Note the "Classes" section start-
3 -3 3 ing on page 25 in the rules that limit some Note the Classes sections starting on
+4 -2
4 -2 character classes to certain weapons . page 25 in the rules that limit some
+3 4-6 -1
character classes to certain types of
5 -1 +2 7-14 0 The Weapons Chart lists the weapons with
armor. The Armor Chart lists the types
6 0 +1 15 their range of hit point damage versus
+1 of armor and the base armor class they
7-14 small, medium, and large-sized creatures .
0 0 16 +2 provide a character.
The damage done by a melee weapon is
15 0 -1 17 + 2 (+3)* adjusted by the attacking character's Armor Chart
16 +1 -2 18 + 2 (+4)* strength and any magical bonus the
17 +2 -3 19 + 2 (+5)* weapon may have .
18 +2 -4 * These bonuses are available only to fighters, pal- Weapons Chart Robe 10
19 +3 -4 adins, and rangers ; for all other classes the maxi- Shield* 9
mum hit point adjustment for constitution is +2 Leather Armor 8
Scale Mail 6
Melee Weapons:
Chain Mail 5
Staff1-6 1-6
THACO Mace Banded Armor 4
2-7 1-6
T1-IACO is not an ability score, but it is an important characteristic . The THACO Chart Short Sword 1-6 1-8 Plate Mail 3
below lists a character's base TFIACO for his class and level . Flail 2-7 2-8 * A shield subtracts I AC from any armor it is
Axe 1-8 1-8 used with .
THACQ Chart Boots, helmets, and non-magical brac-
Long Sword 1-8 1-12
CHARACTER LEVEL Halberd* 1-10 2-12 ers may look like armor, but they do not
CLASS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Thrown Weapons : modify a character's armor class. They
Rock 1-2 1-2 can safely be left as weights on pressure
Cleric 20 20 20 18 18 18 16 16 16 14 14 14 12
Dart plates. Magical bracers, however, can
1-3 1-2
Fighter 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 modify a character's armor class.
Dagger 1-4 1-3
Mage 20 20 20 19 19 19 18 18 18 17 17 17 16 Spear 1-6 1-8
Ranged Weapons :
Paladin 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Sting & Rocks* 1-4 1-4
Ranger 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Bow & Arrows* 1-6 1-6
Thief 20 20 19 19 18 18 17 * These two-handed weapons must be used from
17 16 16 15 15 14
the primary hand . Note that items in the other
hand are unavailable.
55 56

Aid, 39 Hold Person, mage, 35

Armor, 32 Ice Storm, 36
Bless, 38 Improved Identify, 34
Blur, 33 Improved Invisibility, 36
Burning Hands, 32 Invisibility, 34
Cause Critical Wounds, 41 Invisibility 10' Radius, 35
Cause Light Wounds, 38 Lightning Bolt, 35
Cause Serious Wounds, 41 Magic Missile, 33
Cone of Cold, 36 Magical Vestment, 40
Create Food & Water, 40 Melf's Acid Arrow, 34
Cure Critical Wounds, 41 Neutralize Poison, 41
Cure Light Wounds, 38 Prayer, 40
Cure Serious Wounds, 41 Protection from Evil, 38
Detect Invisibility, 33 Protection from Evil 10' Radius, 41
Detect Magic, cleric, 38 Raise Dead, 42
Detect Magic, mage, 32 Remove Curse, 36
Disintegrate, 37 Remove Paralysis, 40
Dispel Magic, cleric, 40 Shield, 33
Dispel Magic, mage, 34 Shocking Grasp, 33
Fear, 36 Slay Living, 42
Fireball, 34 Slow Poison, 39
Flame Blade, 39 Stone to Flesh, 37
Flame Strike, 42 True Seeing, cleric, 42
Flesh to Stone, 37 True Seeing, mage, 37
Harm, 42 Vampiric Touch, 35
Haste, 35 Wall Of Force, 37
Heal, 42
Hold Monster, 37
Hold Person, cleric, 39

57 58

Westwood Associates Credits

Director: Brett W. Sperry BEHOLDER II
Original Concept & Story: Philip W. Gorrow and Brett W. Sperry PROOF OF PURCHASE I
Game Design : Brett W. Sperry, Paul S. Mudra, and Bill Stokes I
Lead Programmer: Philip W. Gorrow I
-. .
Level Programmer: Bill Stokes
Amiga Programmer: Bill Stokes
Additional Programming: Joe Bostic
Art & Graphics : Rick Parks, Aaron Powell, and Ren Olsen
Music : Frank Klepacld
Sound Effects : Paul S. Mudra and Dwight Okahara
Writer: Marc Cram
Playtesters : Glenn Sperry, Scott Zielinski, and Matt Collins
Special Thanks to : Chuck Kroegel
Westwood Associates development
done in association with : International Computer Group

Strategic Simulations, Inc . Credits

Producers : Dan Cermak and George MacDonald

Game Developers : Nicholas Beliaeff and David A. Lucca
Manual : Eileen Matsumi, George MacDonald,
and Andre Vrignaud
Playtesters : Cyrus Harris, John Kirk, Alan Marenco, Phil Alne,
Brian Lowe, Robert Lupo, Jeff Shotwell,
Glen Cureton, John Boockholdt, Jason Ray,
Andre Vrignaud, Chris Warshauer, and Mark Hall
Test Support : Kym Goyer
Special IBM Testing: Top Star Computing Services, Inc .
Art, Graphic Design, & DTP : Louis SAEKOw DESIGN : David Boudreau, Kirk Nichols
Pre-press Production : Louis SAEKOw DESIGN : Kirk Nichols, Ray Garcia
Printing: American Lithographers, Inc.


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