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Los fenoles simples son compuestos que poseen un anillo fenlico y grupos hidroxilos,
aldehdos y carboxilos como sustituyentes. Son de gran importancia ya que participan en una
serie de funciones metablicas en las plantas, tienen una gran actividad biolgica, como
antiobiticos y antiparasitarios.
Los hetersidos antraquinnicos presentan una molcula de azcar unida a un derivado del
antraceno (genina). Generalmente se hidrolizan fcilmente. Se encuentran presentes en el sen,
cscara sagrada, caa fstula, etc. Su accin farmacolgica es muy definida siendo laxante o
Los iridoides agrupan a una serie de monoterpenos bicclicos (C10) que son derivados
biosintticos del monoterpeno geraniol, y tienen como estructura base a un ncleo de iridano.
Presentan actividad antimicrobiana, antiinflamatoria y mejoran la funcin heptica. Se
encuentran en el olivo, genciana, fresno,etc.
El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivos: Conocer las caractersticas de los compuestos fenlicos
simples, hetersidos antraquinnicos e iridoides, e identificar la presencia de stos en especies
La metodologa se bas en un anlisis cualitativo para fenoles simples en Salix alba (reaccin
con H2SO4, FeCl3 y reactivo de Fehling) y Arctostaphylos uva ursi (microsublimacin, reaccin
con FeCl3, NH4OH, vainillin clorhdrico y gelatina); para hetersidos antraquinnicos en sen,
ruibardo, cscara sagrada y sbila (microsublimacin, reaccin de Borntrager, con
solucin alcohlica amoniacal, Schonteten y Klunge); y para iridoides presentes en llantn
(reaccin con vainillin clorhdrico). De igual forma, se realiz la cromatografa en papel de la
muestra de llantn.
Los resultados fueron positivos para todas las muestras vegetales y sus respectivas reacciones.
En cromatografa, se obtuvo el Rf para el llantn:
PALABRAS CLAVE: fenoles simples, antraquinnicos, iridoides, monoterpeno.

The simple phenols are compounds that possess a phenolic ring and hydroxyl groups, aldehydes
and carboxyl as substituents. They are of great importance since they participate in a series of
metabolic functions in plants, have a great biological activity, such as antiobiotics and
Anthraquinone heterosides have a sugar molecule attached to an anthracene derivative (genin).
They are usually hydrolyzed easily. They are present in the "sen", "cscara sagrada", "caa
fistula", etc. Its pharmacological action is very defined being laxative or purgative.
The iridoids group a series of bicyclic monoterpenes (C10) which are biosynthetic derivatives of
the monoterpene geraniol, and have as base structure an iridan nucleus. They present
antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory activity and they improve the hepatic function. They are found
in "olivo", "genciana", "fresno", etc.
The present work had as objectives: To know the characteristics of simple phenolic compounds,
anthraquinones and iridoid heterosides, and to identify the presence of these in plant species.
The methodology was based on a qualitative analysis for simple phenols in Salix alba (reaction
with H2SO4, FeCl3 and Fehling reagent) and Arctostaphylos uva ursi (microsublimation,
reaction with FeCl3, NH4OH, hydrochloric vanillin and gelatin); for anthraquinone heterosides
in "sen", "ruibardo", "cscara sagrada" and "sbila" (microsublimation, Borntrager reaction with
ammoniacal alcohol solution, Schonteten and Klunge); and for iridoids present in "llantn"
(reaction with vanillin hydrochloride). Likewise, the paper chromatography of the samples was
performed in llantn
The results were positive for all plant samples and their respective reactions. In
chromatography, the Rf was obtained for "llantn":
KEY WORDS: simple phenols, anthraquinones, iridoids, monoterpene.

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