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Seleccione la respuesta correcta a cada uno de los interrogantes y Justifique su respuesta.

Sea conciso y preciso al justificar.

1.1 Operations management is the set of activities that create goods and services by
transforming inputs into outputs. True __X___ False ______
Un proceso de produccin es aquel que desarrolla un conjunto de actividades para
transformar unas entradas en unas salidas denominadas bienes o servicios.

1.2 The operations manager performs the management activities of planning, organizing,
staffing, leading, and controlling of the OM function. True __X___ False ______
El administrador de operaciones desarrolla las funciones administrativas en la
funcin de operaciones de la empresa (planear, organizar, dirigir y controlar).

1.3 Productivity is the total value of all inputs to the transformation process divided by the
total value of the outputs produced. True _____ False __X____
Productividad es el resultado de dividir: valor total de todas las salidas producidas /
valor total de todas las entradas al proceso de transformacin.

1.4 Top-level managers usually define the missions of each functional area, then merge these
missions to define the mission of the organization. True _____ False ___X___
Es lo contrario, primero definen la misin del negocio y despus definen la de cada
rea funcional tenindola como marco de referencia.

1.5 Most forecasting techniques assume that there is some underlying stability in the system.
True __X___ False ______
En las tcnicas de pronstico se asume que el comportamiento pasado puede perdurar
en el futuro, generando alguna estabilidad en el sistema.

1.1 Which of the following preconditions does not affect the formulation of an OM

a. knowledge of each product's life cycle

b. external economic and technological conditions
c. the company's employment benefits
d. competitors' strengths and weaknesses
e. knowledge of the company's strategy

1.2 Cost minimization is an appropriate strategy in which stage of the product life cycle?
a. introduction
b. growth
c. maturity
d. decline
e. retirement

1.3 Which of the following statements best characterizes delivery reliability?

a. a company that always delivers on the same day of the week
b. a company that always delivers at the promised time
c. a company that delivers more frequently than its competitors
d. a company that delivers faster than its competitors
e. a company that has a computerized delivery scheduling system

1.4 Which of the following is an example of competing on quick response?

a. a firm produces its product with less raw material waste than its competitors
b. a firm offers more reliable products than its competitors
c. a firm's products are introduced into the market faster than its competitors
d. a firm's research and development department generates many ideas for new products
e. a firm advertises more than its competitors

1.1 Which of the following preconditions does not affect the formulation of an OM strategy?
a. knowledge of each product's life cycle
b. external economic and technological conditions
c. the company's employment benefits
d. competitors' strengths and weaknesses
e. knowledge of the company's strategy

1.2 Cost minimization is an appropriate strategy in which stage of the product life cycle?
a. introduction
b. growth
c. maturity
d. decline
e. retirement
1.3 Which of the following statements best characterizes delivery reliability?
a. a company that always delivers on the same day of the week
b. a company that always delivers at the promised time
c. a company that delivers more frequently than its competitors
d. a company that delivers faster than its competitors
e. a company that has a computerized delivery scheduling system

1.4 Which of the following is an example of competing on quick response?

a. a firm produces its product with less raw material waste than its competitors
b. a firm offers more reliable products than its competitors
c. a firm's products are introduced into the market faster than its competitors
d. a firm's research and development department generates many ideas for new products
e. a firm advertises more than its competitors

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