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Da Xu, Chih-Chung Chen Dragan Obradovic, Bernhard Lang

Institute of Automatic Control Engineering Information and Communications

Technical University Munich Corporate Technology, Siemens AG
Munich, Germany Munich, Germany, {dragan.obradovic,bernhard.lang}

ABSTRACT network quality of service. One of these considerations is the

determination of an acceptable working range of sampling pe-
In this paper we propose a variable sampling rate approach riods in an NCS. The trade-off problem between control per-
for networked control system. During control procedure we formance and network traffic was addressed. Messages with
regulate sampling rate in terms of system behavior intensity. smaller sampling periods also generate high network traffic
Input increment is used as indicator to reflect the system in- load. The high network traffic load could increase the possi-
tensity. A regulator is placed at the controller side, with full- bility of data loss or the waiting time for message contention
state feedback it can predict the system behavior in the future and induce longer time delays, and control performance may
and determine the next sampling instant according our regu- be degraded.
lation rule. We implement our approach both over ideal net-
work and average modeled dropout network. By simulation Despite the significant improvements in communication
we show that by using our approach we realize more effec- network performance, the limitation of available bandwidth
tive usage of network bandwidth than using constant sampling is still the first difficulty for many applications. In order to
rate. We also present simulation method, wherein we can find reduce the network traffic in NCS there have existed basi-
regulation rule that optimize the networked control systems. cally two classes of ways: compressing or reducing the size
of data transferred at each transaction by sophisticated coding
or quantization techniques [3]; or minimizing the frequency
1. INTRODUCTION of transfer of information between the sensor and the con-
troller/actuator. However, the characteristics of network traf-
During the past two decades, the use of data network in con- fic generated by networked control systems determines that
trol applications is rapidly increasing. Connecting control the latter approach seems more promising with respect to the
systems over communication networks eliminates the restric- resulting traffic reduction, because the protocol overhead is
tions of traditional point-to-point control architectures and of- the dominant component of the induced network traffic vol-
fers many advantages in terms of low cost installation and ume. In the work of L.A. Montestruque et al.,[4], Model-
maintenance, and reconfigurability. In spite of the benefits, Based Networked Control Systems were introduced, which
the communication network exhibits characteristics which de- uses an explicit model of the plan to reduce the network band-
grade control system performance. These characteristics in- width requirements. Otanez [5] proposed a deadband ap-
clude discretization, quantization effect, time-delay, and data proach, a restriction on the ability of an NCS node to send its
loss. Thus, the challenges arise, to design networked control information, to reduce network utilization and improve band-
systems, which should take into account more factors than width utilization. One major disadvantage is that the dead-
traditional control systems. band control framework is only suitable for the system with
A proper message transmission protocol is necessary to slowly time-varying states such as manufacturing systems,
guarantee the network quality of service (QoS). There are a chemical processing plants, because an agent with deadband
wide variety of different commercially available control net- control adjusts its transmission rates on its own state[6].
work, such as ControlNet, DeviceNet, Profibus, WorldFIP,
emerging Ethernet and Wireless. In the work of Lian, et al.[1] The goals of our research are two folds: to reduce the
three classes of control networks are compared for their per- data packets transmitted over the network by a network con-
formance. In the further work [2], the impact of network ar- trol systems and meanwhile the control performance is guar-
chitecture on control performance NCS, and design consid- anteed. In achieving our goals, the variable sampling rate ap-
erations related to control quality of performance as well as proach is proposed. Our paper is organized as follows: In
section 2 we will give the model of NCS and assumptions in
This work was supported by CT, Simens AG our study. In section 3 we will introduce the principle of our
Plant x(tx )
full-state x(tk )
x = Ax(x) + Bu(t)


2 1
Packetization 1
u(t) Controller x(tk )

u(t+ ) = K x(tk )

1 : cotrol signal: uk = Kx(tk ). 2 : next sampling instant tk + hi . : packet.

Fig. 1. System model of a networked control system
Fig. 2. Structure of networked control system with variable
sampling rate
approach. Stability, performance evaluation and optimization
problem will be also addressed. In section 4 we will imple-
ment our approach over ideal network and dropout network. where x(t) is a piecewise continuous and only changes value
We will simulate our approach in a SISO system and the sim- at tk , and tk , k = 0, 1, . . . , is the sampling instant. This equa-
ulation results are presented and analyzed. In the last section tion implies a zero-order hold data reconstruction strategy.
we will conclude our work and discuss some future works to And we define h be the interval between successive sam-
be done in our research. pling. In our study it is nothing else but the transmission in-
terval. Define the sampling interval at tk as:
hk = tk+1 tk .
2.1. Assumptions In our approach the sampling interval hk H, and H
is a predefined set,H = {h1 , h2 , . . . , hs }. From the digital
We model our system as a sampled-data system, and the plant
control theory we know:
behaves as a continuous time system. The network resides be-
tween sensor and controller as well as controller and actuator, Z ttk
Fig.1. The data generated by sensor or controller at a time x(t) = (eA(ttk ) K eAs B ds)x(tk ),
0 (4)
instant tk will be encapsulated into single packet. No pro-
cessing delay and waiting delay for encapsulation and are also t [tk , tk+1 ).
assumed. The following assumptions are also used through-
out our work: (1)All sensor nodes are time-driven. (2)All 3. VARIABLE SAMPLING RATE APPROACH IN NCS
controller nodes are event-driven. (3) All actuator nodes are
event-driven. 3.1. Principle
Our approach is inspired from the Variable Bit Rate (VBR)
2.2. NCS Model strategy [7], which is widely used in audio and video com-
pression and transmission. We place an external regulator at
For simplicity we only consider linear SISO control system the controller side, see Fig.2, whose task is to select and tell
as described in the following: sensor node the next sampling instant tk + hi , hi H, when
the full-state feedback x(tk ) arrives. This information will be
x(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t)
(1) attached together with control signal in a packet. It wont in-
y(t) = Cx(t) crease the packet size too much, e.g. if s = 2 (it is the case
we consider in the following), we only need one additional bit
with the full-state feedback control u(t) = Kx(t). There- in the packet.
fore, the closed-loop continuous system is given by Since sampling is the quantization in time, we could use
high resolution quantization when the plant behaves fast and
x(t) = (A BK)x(t). (2) intensive, which means using small hi in set H, in order that
the trajectory will be smoothed. We will use input increment
Now the feedback control loop is closed through a com- as our index to reflect the intensity of system behavior, de-
munication network. The full-state information is sent in one fined as:
packet, as shown in Fig.1. The system equation can be written
uk = |u(tk+1 ) u(tk )|, (5)
where tk and tk+1 are two successive sampling instant. With
x(t) = Ax(t) BK x(t), t [tk , tk+1 ) full-state feedback the regulator can predict the next input in-
k ) = x(tk ), k = 0, 1, ...,
crement and distinguish the system intensity in future. Then
it decides the next sampling instant. We will describe more evaluation period in continuous time. In our study we will
in detail later, how regulator works by predicting next input use IAE as our control performance index.
increment. In the side of network, we consider network utilization.
Average transfer rate is used to evaluate the network traffic,
3.2. Stability which is defined as:

We can regard the transmission interval of NCS as time vary- total number of packets sent
Rav = . (9)
ing, because the sampling interval is variable. In [8], Walsh et running time
al. have have derived bounds on the MATI (maximum allow-
Because the controller is event-driven, the average trans-
able transfer interval) such that the resulting system is stable.
fer rate in both down-link (controller and actuator) and up-
But the resulted bound is too conservative to be of practical
link (sensor and controller) is equivalent, in the following
use. W. Zhang has proposed in [9] better methods to find the
the average transfer rate means explicitly the feedback rate
bound on the time-varying transmission interval. The follow-
in up-link. Obviously, if data is sampled at constant R Hz,
ing lemma guarantees stability of NCS described by Equation
Rav = R.
Commonly the optimization problem in NCS can be di-
Lemma 1 (Stability of NCSs) The NCS described by (3)
vided into two classes of constrained optimization problems
in uniformly asymptotically stable if there exists a continuous
as follows:
differentiable, locally positive definite function V : Rn
R+ and functions , , of class K such that for all x Br Given a network traffic R, minimize the control error
or control cost E.
(kxk) V (x) (kxk), (6)
Given a control error E, minimize the network traffic
load R.
Vk = V (x(tk+1 ))V (x(tk )) (kx(tk )k),
(7) We can consider network traffic and control performance
k = 0, 1, . . .
in NCS simultaneously. In oder to realize such joint optimiza-
tion an unconstrained Lagrangian cost function is used, which
Proof: See [9]. is combine both R and E.
Lemma 1 is only concerned with the Lyapunov functions
decreasing at sampling instants; it doesnt require the Lya- min J = E + R, (10)
punov function to be strictly decreasing over time, V (x(t)) <
0. Based on Lemma 1 two theorems [9] have been derived to where is weight used to change the emphasis of the network
find an upper bound, hsuf f , on hi , for i = 1, ..s, which it is traffic and control error on J, in a graphic depiction 1 can
sufficient that the networked system is still exponentially sta- be thought as slope of lines of constant J = D + R. The
ble. Let htrue denote the true bound on hi , which means it is cost J is used as new performance metric of NCS. The opti-
necessary and sufficient condition. By using the theorems[9] mization problem will be formulated as the minimization of
we can find some bound hsuf f htrue , therefore it is a this cost function.
sufficient condition. So we just ensure that hi hsuf f , for
i = 1, 2, . . . s, the system is still stable, when we use any hi 4. IMPLEMENTATION
in set H during control procedure. For more detail see [9].
In this section we will implement our approach over ideal net-
3.3. Performance Evaluation and Optimization work and packet dropout network.
Generally two criteria are used to evaluate control system de-
sign and performance. IAE is the integral of the absolute 4.1. Over ideal Network
value of the error and ITAE is the integral of the time mul- In this subsection we assume that there is no time delay or
tiplied by the absolute value of the error. Their mathematical packet dropout in the network. We give a reference signal
formulas are as follows: r(t) so the closed-loop system is presented instead of (2)as:
Z tf
IAE = |e| dt, x(t) = (A BK)x(t) + Br(t), (11)
Z tf (8) the input of the plant is u(t) = r(t) Kx(t). The sampling
IT AE = t |e| dt, .
interval set consists of only two values, H = {h1 , h2 }, where
h1 > h2 . In order to guarantee stability of the system h1 <
where e is the error between the actual and reference trajec- hsuf f must be satisfied. A threshold H is defined to deter-
tories. t0 and tf are the initial time and final times of the mine which sampling rate should be used. We assume that
the regulator have accurate knowledge about the plant. At 80 0.7

control performance metric: IAE

time tk , which denotes the time period from initial time t0 to 0.6

average feedback rate Rav

60 network traffic reduces significantly

the kth sampling instant tk , the regulator receives the sensed 50


full-state xk from plant, and it can calculate the next input 40


increment defined as (5) if the next sample step is tk + h by


20 0.2
using (3) and (11): 0 0.1 0.2
threshold H
0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2
threshold H
0.3 0.4 0.5

(a) H versus Rav (b) H versus IAE

uk = |u(tk+1 ) u(tk )|
= |[r(tk+1 ) Kx(tk+1 )] Fig. 3. Impact of varying threshold on network traffic and
+ [r(tk ) Kx(tk )]| control performance.
= |[r(tk + h) Kx(tk + h)] (12)
+ [r(tk ) Kx(tk )]|

control performance metric: IAE

= |[r(tk + h) r(tk )] 0.6

+ K(I + K)x(tk ) K r(tk )|, 0.5

constant sampling rate

R h
where = eAh , = 0 eAs B ds, and h = min{h1 , h2 }. 0.4
Here we calculate the next input increment under the assump-
tion that the next sampling interval is the smallest one in set 0.3

H, and compare it with threshold H, so that we could guar- variable sampling rate
antee that, the actual input increment of two successive sam- 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
average feedback rate R
pling instants with interval h is always greater than threshold av

H. Our first regulation rule is:

Fig. 4. Relationship between feedback rate and control per-
Regulation Rule 1 At time tk ,
If uk H, the next sample instant is tk + h2 ;
If uk < H, the next sample instant is tk + h1 ; in which the system IAE is calculated at the constant rate
equal to resulting average rate. We call this curve R-E curve,
where uk is predicted by (12). When data is sampled with
where R means rate, E means error. In Fig.4 we find these
interval h2 , the input increment is greater than threshold: u
two curves have same edge points. Because zero threshold
H will be always satisfied, however, it cannot guarantee u >
means that uk H holds always, the feedback rate will be
H. Here we let to denote the actual input increment. In this
fixed at h12 ; if H is great enough to let uk < H be always
regulation rule, there are three parameters: h1 , h2 , and H. For
satisfied, the data will be only sampled with interval h1 . The
simplicity we first assume the two sampling period is already
1 1 R-E curve of variable sampling rate lies under that of constant
given and fixed, h1 = 25 s, h2 = 80 s.
sampling rate, which means with the same traffic load, using
We consider a second-order SISO system with the follow-
variable sampling rate gains better performance than constant
ing systems matrix as our numeric example:
sampling rate; for the same desired control performance, with
    variable sampling approach the network utilization is smaller.
25 0 32 So with variable sampling rate approach the network can be
A= ;B = ; C = [ 0 32.51 ] (13)
1 0 0 efficiently utilized.
We set the full-state feedback gain K = C. Our reference is
r(t) = u(t) + 0.5u(t 1) 1.5u(t 2), and running time 4.2. Optimization
tf = 3 s.
By varying threshold we depict impact of the value of In this subsection the optimization problem will be consid-
threshold H over network traffic and control performance in ered. At first we have to take h1 and h2 take into account.
Fig.3. It shows that as threshold H increases, average feed- We vary h11 from 20 to 60, and h12 from 40 to 120, both with
back rate will decrease monotonically and control error will increment of 5, and h12 h11 20 (otherwise it is meaning-
increase (not monotonically always). Its very noticeable that less to use variable sampling rate ), for each sampling interval
even with very small threshold the network traffic will be re- pairs {h1 , h2 } threshold H is varied as well. For each sam-
duced. pling interval pair we obtained one R-E curve, Fig.5. If these
The relationship between network traffic and control per- curves with different values of h1 and h2 are overlapped in
formance of varying H is presented in Fig.4. We also illus- some areas, at vertically lower and horizontally left points the
trate this relationship when constant sampling rate is used, NCS exhibit better performance than at other points.
0.7 sor will sample data at tk + hlast , where hlast = tk tk1 ;
otherwise the sensor will follow the Regulation Rule 2.
control performance metric: IAE

:best operating points

0.6 constant sampling rate

h = 1/25 s; h = 1/75 s
Regulation Rule 3: At time tk , if the packet which con-
0.5 1 2

h = 1/40 s; h = 1/100s
tains sensed full state x(tk ) is lost during transmission, sen-
1 2
0.4 h = 1/50 s; h = 1/120 s
sor will sample data at tk + h, where h = min{h1 , h2 };
1 2
... otherwise the sensor will follow the Regulation Rule 2.

We illustrated the R-E curve of constant sampling rate and

20 40 60 80
average feedback rate: R
100 120 variable sampling rate using regulation rule 2 and 3 in Fig.6.
The same system (13) was used. Because the packet loss
occurs randomly, we will run simulation 100 times at each
Fig. 5. Relationship between feedback rate and control per-
value of threshold and use the mean value. Other parameters
formance at different values of h1 and h2
used in this simulation are: the loss possibility P = 10%,
1 1
H = {h1 = 25 , h2 = 125 }. The R-E curve of CR was ob-
We select these points in all obtained curve. Working at tained by varying sampling rate R, and the curve of VR was
these points imply that, the network can be most efficiently obtained by varying threshold H.
utilized: Under the same maximum network traffic constraint,
they can obtain best control performance, while under the 1.2
same maximum control error constraint, these points have dropout possibility: 10%

control performance metric: IAE

minimal network traffic utilization. Because with higher feed- 1

back rate the system behaves more like continuous system, constant sampling rate
and the increase of feedback rate has smaller impact on the
control error, the difference between our approach and con- 0.6
variable sampling rate, regulation rule 2

variable sampling rate, regulation rule 3

stant sampling rate will be smaller with the increase of aver-
age feedback rate. 0.4

Now we use the Lagrangian cost function (10) to select 0.2

1 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
the optimal best operating point. We set = 500 . Here we average feedback rate Rav

dont describe how to select in detail, just assume that we

have it from practice in advance. The system performance Fig. 6. Relationship between feedback rate and control per-
metric is J = E + 500 R. We can first use this cost function to formance over dropout network.
select the optimal constant sampling rate for system (13). The
optimal constant sampling rate is R = 62 Hz or packets/s, and In Fig.6, the R-E curves of VR are still lower the R-E
Jmin = 0.3811. For the above simulated threshold and sam- curve of CR. The resultant R-E curve by using Regulation
pling interval range, by using our approach, Jmin = 0.32572 Rule 3 is a bit lower than that by using Regulation Rule 2,
1 1
with threshold H = 0.0112 and h1 = 25 s and h2 = 125 s. because Regulation Rule 3 will use small sample interval to
The resulted average feedback rate is Rav = 45.7 packets/s. compensate the lost information caused by packet dropout. If
the the threshold is great enough, the system will work only
5. OVER DROPOUT NETWORK with h2 regardless of applied regulation rules, so that both R-
E curves of VR will approach the CRs curve with increase of
Now we implement our approach in a dropout network. We Rav , and end at same point. If threshold is zero, with Regula-
use the simplest fixed average model for packet dropout. P is tion Rule 2 the system will work only with sampling interval
defined as the possibility of packet dropout. If the feedback h1 , so the left edge points of R-E curve with Regulation Rule
packet from sensor is lost during transmission, new control 2 and CR are overlapped. But with Regulation Rule 3, if H is
signal wont be generated and sent to plant, neither the sig- zero, the sample interval will be switched to h2 , so the resul-
nal for next sampling instant of sensor. The sensor has two tant average feedback rate Rav > h11 . We could use the same
choices to determine the next sampling time: it will sample method as Chapter 4 to determine the best operating points,
with the same interval as last one or with the smaller interval and optimal best operating point by minimizing Lagrangian
(in our case h2 ). cost function 10. We omit this part here.
We have two corresponding new regulation rules as fol- In Fig.7 we illustrate how packet dropout impacts our vari-
lows: able sampling rate approach. The parameters of regulation
1 1
rule is: H = {h1 = 25 , h2 = 125 }, H = 0.0012. Higher
Regulation Rule 2: At time tk , if the packet which con- packet dropout possibility leads to heavier network traffic and
tains sensed full state x(tk ) is lost during transmission, sen- greater control error for both of regulation rules. The result-
ing average feedback rate of Regulation Rule 2 is smaller system intensity index should be used. We have used heuris-
than that of Regulation Rule 3, at same dropout possibility tic method in our study. Most of our results was obtained by
(P < 35%), and Regulation Rule 3 benefits control perfor- simulation and some ideas are still waiting for more strongly
mance. When P > 35%, with same dropout possibility Reg- theoretic support. Analytical method should be developed.
ulation Rule 2 has higher network traffic than Regulation Rule The most possible way to analytical method is use optimal
3. Although in Regulation Rule 2 hlast is used in the case control theory and we should convert the optimization into
of packet dropout, but sometimes hlast = h1 will lead that numerical solvable question.
when the packet arrives, regulator decides to use more smaller In future we could implement our approach in other net-
h2 inverval to compensate the used h2 , and such situation is work mode like two state Markov chain or network simulator,
more critical at high dropout possibility. so we could more characteristics about our approach. Some
interesting aspects should be taken into account, e.g impact of
sampling rate over packet dropout [10, 11]. Implementation
P = 50% in real environment is also expected.
control performance metric: IAE

0.8 regulation rule 2

The partial contribution to this work of Sandra Hirche is grate-
0.7 P = 40%
fully acknowledged.
P = 30%

P = 10% P = 20%
0.3 [1] Feng-Li Lian, James R. Moyne, and Dawn M. Tilbury, Performance
regulation rule 3 evaluation of control networks: Ethernet, controlnet, and devicenet,
45 50 55 60 65 70
average feedback rate: R Control Systems Magazine, IEEE, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 6683, Februray
[2] Feng-Li Lian, J.Moyne, and D.Tilbury, Network design consideration
Fig. 7. The impact of packet dropout possibility over variable for distributed control systems, Control Systems Technology, IEEE
1 1
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0.0012 [3] N. Elia and S.K. Mitter, Quantization of linear systems, in Proceed-
ings of the 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control., December
If we consider constrained optimization, Regulation Rule 1999, pp. 3428 3433.
3 realizes better performance than rule 2, Fig.6. But if we [4] L.A. Montestruque and P.J. Antsaklis, Model-based networked con-
use unconstrained optimization, which means we take both trol systems: necessary and sufficient conditions for stability, in 10th
Mediterranean Conference On Control And Automation, Juli 2002.
take network traffic and control performance into account,
the situation is difference. In Fig.7 Regulation Rule 3 have [5] Paul G. Otanez, James R. Moyne, and Dawn M. Tibury, Using dead-
bands to reduce communication in networked control systems, in
smaller control error but at the cost of increasing the total av- American Control Conference, May 2002, vol. 4, pp. 3015 3020.
erage feedback packet rate. So if we think the network traffic
[6] Feng-Li Lian, J.K. Yook, D.M Tilbury, and Moyne.J, Network archi-
utilization is important in unconstrained optimization, when tecture and communication modules for guaranteeing acceptable con-
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e.g = 20 , Jrule2 = 2.669, Jrule3 = 2.684 tems, in Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on, Feburary 2006,
pp. 1224.
[7] S. Elramly, S.G. Foda, and M. El-Shafie, Continuous variable sam-
6. CONCLUSIONS pling rate, application on speech, in 2nd IEEE Symposium on Com-
puters and Communications (ISCC 97), 1997, p. 189.
In this work we have proposed variable sampling rate ap- [8] Gregory C. Walsh, Hong Ye, and Linda Bushnell, Stability analysis of
networked control systems, in Proceedings of the American Control
proach, wherein the sampling rate is varied in terms of sys- Conference, San Diego, California, USA, June 1999.
tem behavior intensity. We implemented our approach both
[9] W Zhang, Stability Analysis of Networked Control Sys-
over an ideal network and a dropout network and proposed tems, Ph.D. thesis, Electrical Engineering and Computer
corresponding regulation rule. The simulation results showed Science Dept., Case Western Reserve Univ.,, May 2001,
that by using variable sampling rate we utilize the network
more efficiently and obtain better control performance. We [10] Paul A. Kawka and Andrew G. Alleyne, Stability and feedback con-
presented a optimization strategy for network control system, trol of wireless networked systems, in American Control Conference,
Portland, OR, USA, June 2005.
by taking both network traffic and control performance into
account. And we found the optimal best operating points for [11] N.J. Ploplys, P.A. Kawka, and A.G. Alleyne, Closed-loop control over
wireless networks, Control Systems Magazine, IEEE, vol. 24, no. 3,
our approach by using this strategy. pp. 58 71, June 2004.
In our work we have considered a SISO system and pro-
posed the corresponding regulation rule. New approach may
be developed for the MIMO system. The new and accurate

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