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Chapter II
401.1 Load Classifications

401.1.1 Classification of Loads.

The design of a pipeline shall be based on consideration of the loads identified in this section to the
extent that they are significant to the proposed system and applicable to the proposed installation and
operation. Loads that may cause or contribute to pipeline failure or loss of serviceability of the pipeline
system shall be identified and accounted for in the design. For strength design, loads shall be classified
as one of the following:
(a) sustained
(b) occasional
(c) construction
(d) transient

401.2 Application of Loads

401.2.2 Sustained Loads

401.2.2.1 General.
In the case of constant loads,the expected value of the load shall be used. In the case
of variable loads, the specified highest or lowest value shall be used, whichever is more critical.
In the case ofloads caused by deformation, the expected extreme value shall be used.

401.2.2.2 Internal Design Pressure.

La tubera y los componentes en cualquier punto de la tubera debern estar diseados para una
presin de diseo interna que no sea inferior a la presin de funcionamiento mxima estable en ese
punto, ni menor que la presin de la cabeza esttica en ese punto con la tubera en estado esttico
condicin. La presin mxima de funcionamiento en estado estacionario ser la suma de la presin
esttica de la cabeza, la presin requerida para superar las prdidas por friccin y la contrapresin
aplicada. Se puede tomar en cuenta la presin hidrosttica externa y la modificacin de la presin de
diseo interna para su uso en clculos que implican el diseo de presin de tubera y componentes. Se
permite la elevacin de la presin por encima de la presin mxima de funcionamiento en estado
estacionario debido a las sobretensiones y otras variaciones de las operaciones normales, de
conformidad con el prr. 403.3.4.

The pipe and components at any point in the pipeline shall be designed for an internal design pressure
that shall not be less than the maximum steady state operating pressure at that point, nor less than the
static head pressure at that point with the pipeline in a static condition. The maximum steady state
operating pressure shall be the sum of the static head pressure, pressure required to overcome friction
losses, and applied back pressure. Credit may be taken for hydrostatic external pressure y modifying the
internal design pressure for use in calculations involving the pressure design of pipe and components.
Pressure rise above maximum steady state operating pressure due to surges and other variations from
normal operations is allowed in accordance with para. 403.3.4.


402.1 General

Circumferential, longitudinal, shear, and equivalent

stresses shall be considered, taking into account stresses
from all relevant sustained, occasional, construction, and
transient loads, including vibration, resonance, and subsidence.
The effects of all parts of the pipeline and all
restraints, supports, guides, and sources of friction shall
be considered. When flexibility calculations are performed,
linear and angular movements of equipment
to which the pipeline has been attached shall also be

Calculations shall take into account stress intensification

factors found to exist in components other than
plain straight pipe. Credit may be taken for extra flexibility
of such components. In the absence of more directly
applicable data, the flexibility factors and stress intensification
factors shown in Table 402.1-1 may be used.

Calculations of pipe stresses in loops, bends, and offsets shall be based on the total range from
minimum to maximum temperature normally expected, regardless of whether piping is cold sprung or
not. In addition to expansion of the line itself, the linear and angular movements of the equipment to
which it is attached shall be considered. Calculations of thermal forces and moments on anchors and
equipment such as pumps, meters, and heat installation temperature and minimum or maximum
anticipated operating temperature, whichever results in a higher stress. Nominal dimensions of pipe and
fittings shall be used in flexibility calculations.

Los clculos de tensiones de tubera en bucles, curvas y compensaciones se basarn en el rango total
desde la temperatura mnima a la mxima normalmente esperada, independientemente de si la tubera
est o no en suspensin en fro. Adems de la expansin de la propia lnea, se tendrn en cuenta los
movimientos lineales y angulares del equipo al que est unido. Clculos de fuerzas trmicas y
momentos en anclajes y equipos tales como bombas, medidores, temperatura de instalacin de calor y
temperatura de funcionamiento mnima o mxima esperada, cualquiera que resulte en una mayor
tensin. Las dimensiones nominales de los tubos y accesorios se utilizarn en los clculos de

402.2 Properties

402.2.1 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion. The linear coefficient of thermal expansion for
carbon and low alloy high tensile steel may be taken as 6.5 _ 10-6 in./ in./F for temperatures up to
250F (11.7 _ 10-6 mm/ mm/C for temperatures up to 120C).
402.2.2 Moduli of Elasticity. Flexibility calculations shall be based on the modulus of
elasticity at ambient temperature.

402.2.3 Poissons Ratio, _. Poissons ratio shall be taken as 0.3 for steel.

402.3 Stress From Internal Pressure For both restrained and unrestrained pipelines, the
circumferential (hoop) stress due to internal pressure is calculated as

(U.S. Customary Units)

(SI Units)

D = outside diameter of pipe, in. (mm)
Pi = internal design gage pressure, psi (bar)
SH = circumferential (hoop) stress due to internal pressure, psi (MPa)
t = wall thickness of pipe, in. (mm)

The above equation may not be applicable for pipe D/t less than 20.

402.4 Stress From External Pressure

For both restrained and unrestrained pipelines, the circumferential stress from external pressure,
Pe, is calculated as for internal pressure, substituting Pe for Pi. For external pressure in the equation
compressive stress is negative. Offshore pipe systems require dditional considerations. Refer to Chapter

402.5 Stress From Thermal Expansion

402.5.1 Restrained Pipe. Thermal expansion stress in restrained pipe is calculated as

SE = E*(T1 T2)

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