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Disability & Rehabilitation, 2012; 34(3): 220227

Copyright 2012 Informa UK, Ltd.

ISSN 0963-8288 print/ISSN 1464-5165 online
DOI: 10.3109/09638288.2011.593682

Research Paper

Measuring technology self efficacy: reliability and construct validity of

a modified computer self efficacy scale in a clinical rehabilitation setting

Kate Laver1, Stacey George1, Julie Ratcliffe1 & Maria Crotty1, 2

Department of Rehabilitation, Aged and Extended Care, Flinders Clinical Effectiveness, Flinders University, Adelaide,
South Australia and 2Department of Rehabilitation and Aged Care, Repatriation General Hospital, Daw Park, South Australia

Purpose: To describe a modification of the computer self Implications for Rehabilitation

efficacy scale for use in clinical settings and to report on the
modified scales reliability and construct validity. Methods: Technology is playing an increasing role in support-
The computer self efficacy scale was modified to make it ing older people or people with disabilities to function
applicable for clinical settings (for use with older people or safely and independently in their own home.
people with disabilities using everyday technologies). The Assessment tools that are able to predict those people
modified scale was piloted, then tested with patients in an that are more likely to successfully adopt new tech-
Australian inpatient rehabilitation setting (n=88) to determine nologies will be useful to clinicians.
the internal consistency using Cronbachs alpha coefficient. A modified version of the computer self efficacy
Construct validity was assessed by correlation of the scale scale appears to be a promising way of measuring
with age and technology use. Factor analysis using principal technology self efficacy in a clinical rehabilitation
components analysis was undertaken to identify important population.
constructs within the scale. Results: The modified computer self
efficacy scale demonstrated high internal consistency with a
that daily activities are performed, both in the home and in the
standardised alpha coefficient of 0.94. Two constructs within
community. For older people (aged 65 years and over), or for
the scale were apparent; using the technology alone, and
people with disabilities, everyday technologies such as comput-
using the technology with the support of others. Scores on the
ers and microwaves may reduce the physical and/or cognitive
scale were correlated with age and frequency of use of some
demands associated with daily activities and improve the safety
technologies thereby supporting construct validity. Conclusions:
of the task, thereby supporting safe and independent living [2].
The modified computer self efficacy scale has demonstrated
Furthermore, eHealth technologies, such as personal blood
reliability and construct validity for measuring the self efficacy
pressure meters and emergency call systems, are increasingly
of older people or people with disabilities when using everyday
used for people with special health or care needs [3]. Reha-
technologies. This tool has the potential to assist clinicians in
bilitation clients are often older, and despite the apparent ad-
identifying older patients who may be more open to using new
vantages of these technologies, there is a perception that older
technologies to maintain independence.
people are technophobic and resistant to experimenting with
Keywords: Self efficacy, technology, rehabilitation, and utilising new technologies. This is somewhat confirmed by
activities of daily living studies which show that older people generally express lower
levels of technology acceptance and are more hesitant in adopt-
ing technologies relative to younger people [48]. Younger
people with disabilities are likely to have similar technology
Supporting people to remain living safely at home is becoming needs and experience similar barriers to use, however may be
increasingly important in the context of an ageing population, more accepting of technologies due to greater exposure and
limited health and aged care resources, and the communitys experience. While everyday technologies offer the potential
strong desire to remain in ones own home [1]. At the same for increased independence, clinicians must be aware of issues
time, rapid advancements in technology have changed the way around technology acceptance in this population.

Correspondence: Kate Laver, Department of Rehabilitation and Aged Care, Flinders University, Repatriation General Hospital, Daws Road,
Daw Park, South Australia, 5041. Phone + 61 8 8276 9666. Fax +61 8 8275 1130. E-mail:
(Accepted May 2011)

Technology self efficacy 221
Models of technology acceptance Banduras social cognitive theory and the construct of self
Technology acceptance has been described as the, approval, efficacy have received ongoing attention in the study of tech-
favourable reception and ongoing use of newly introduced nology acceptance, both in relation to the TAM and UTAUT
devices and systems [9]. A variety of theoretical models to and as a predictor of technology use alone [1618]. Self efficacy
account for technology use have been described [10]. refers to an individuals belief in their capability to organise and
Daviss [11] Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is one execute a course of action required to deal with prospective
of the most widely recognised models used to explain user ac- situations [19]. Individuals are thought to consider information
ceptance of technology, particularly in the workplace where it about their capabilities (for example how capable they may be
has been applied to email, word processing programs and the of using a new technology) and regulate their choices and ef-
internet [12,13]. According to the model, it is the combina- forts accordingly (for example, whether they choose to use it
tion of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use that or not and to what extent) [18]. These beliefs are thought to
forms someones beliefs about a particular technology [11]. be based on ones previous performance accomplishments,
These beliefs are thought to predict the users attitude towards vicarious experience, verbal persuasion and emotional arousal
the technology, which in turn predicts acceptance and actual [19]. When applied to technology use, the theory suggests that
usage. While the theory is well supported by the evidence people with higher levels of self efficacy would engage more
[12,13], criticisms of the TAM are that it lacks precision and frequently in technology related activities and persist longer in
ignores other influential factors such as the complexity of the coping efforts whereas those with lower self efficacy would tend
technology and user characteristics (including gender, cul- to give up more easily. Self efficacy is a key predictor of actual
ture, experience and level of self efficacy) [13]. task performance [20], for example stroke survivors with high
Venkatesh etal. recently reviewed eight of the most promi- levels of driving self efficacy are more likely to pass a driving test
nent models of technology acceptance, including the TAM, and compared with those with lower self efficacy [21]. Self efficacy
formed one unified model [10]. Known as the Unified Theory of judgements are thought to be specific to the behaviours and
Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), the model pro- situations in which they occur [19,22] and can be measured by
poses four key moderators of usage behaviour. These are: per- asking individuals how confident they feel that they will be able
formance expectancy (the extent to which an individual believes to manage specific behaviours. The link between higher levels
that using the system will help achieve gains in job performance), of technology self efficacy and higher levels of technology use
effort expectancy (the degree of ease associated with use), social has been demonstrated by several researchers [2327].
influence (the degree to which the user perceives that others be-
lieve he/she should use the system) and facilitating conditions Relevant assessment tools
(the degree to which an individual believes that technical sup- Scales to measure specific aspects of technology self efficacy
ports are available). These moderators are influenced by gender, have been developed and validated. Compeau and Higgins
age, experience and voluntariness of use. The model was empiri- [23] developed and validated a 10 item computer self efficacy
cally validated in two workplaces (retail and financial services). scale designed principally for professionals in the workplace.
The construct of self efficacy was considered but not included in Respondents were asked to rate their level of confidence using
the final UTAUT model as it was thought that effort expectancy a new software package in a range of conditions (for example;
would account for the users level of self efficacy. if they only had the instruction manuals for reference, if some-
Whilst these models provide useful information within a one showed them how to do it first, if they had used similar
specific context, they may not be directly transferable to older products before to do the same job). The scale was validated
people or people with disabilities using everyday technologies with professionals (n=1020) including accountants, financial
in a home or community setting. There are special consider- analysts and researchers in Canada. They found that people
ations that must be taken into account for this group. First, the with higher computer self efficacy used computers more, ex-
heterogeneity of this group and impact of their physical, cogni- perienced more enjoyment from computer use and had less
tive and psychosocial impairments suggests that user charac- computer anxiety. Torkzadeh [26] developed and validated a
teristics are likely to play a larger role in technology acceptance 17 item Internet self efficacy scale. Items included surfing the
than may have been present in studies among younger working World Wide Web, encrypting/decrypting email messages and
professionals [9]. Second, focus groups conducted in more di- managing files.
verse populations (including older people) have revealed that Neither of the self efficacy scales described above appear
changes in physical, sensory and cognitive abilities, feeling too directly transferable to a clinical setting in their current format
old and preferences for interacting with people rather than as their terminology refers specifically to use of a computer
computers may result in reduced uptake of technology [5,14], or the internet for work purposes. To our knowledge, these
however these concepts have not been comprehensively ad- scales have not been validated in a clinical population.
dressed in the TAM or UTAUT. Thirdly, there are differences Although not designed to measure self efficacy, the Everyday
in technology acceptance when the adoption of the technology Technology Use Questionnaire (ETUQ) has been developed
is mandatory compared to when adoption is voluntary [15]. to measure perceived competence in using everyday types of
Acceptance of a technology when recommended by a health technology in a community environment [28]. The question-
professional in order to promote independence or maintain naire consists of 86 items (for example iron, electric toothbrush,
safety may be different to when chosen by a patient based on email, dishwasher) which are grouped into; household activi-
their own perceived needs or interests. ties, activities in the home, personal care, power tools, acces-

Copyright 2012 Informa UK Ltd.

222 K. Laver etal.
sibility, data and telecommunications, economy and shopping technologies. The positive relationship between technology
and transportation. Participants are asked firstly whether the self efficacy and use of technologies has been demonstrated
specified technology is relevant to them and secondly whether in previous studies [2327].
they have difficulty using it. A carer or proxy supports the indi- Hypothesis 2: Younger participants would have higher levels
vidual to complete the questionnaire where significant cognitive of technology self efficacy than older participants. Previous
impairment is present. The ETUQ was developed by employing studies have shown that older people have lower levels of tech-
Rasch analysis (a mathematical technique for converting quali- nology acceptance than younger people [46,10].
tative responses to a continuous scale) [29] and demonstrated
good internal validity. However, the ETUQ measures perceived
competence using relevant technologies which is likely to be Methods
based on past experience and thus is highly dependent on past This study reports on the modification of the scale items from
exposure to technologies. In contrast, perceived self efficacy is the computer self efficacy scale and testing of reliability (in-
not based simply on knowing what to do, but relates to judge- ternal consistency) and construct validity of the tool in this
ments of how well one can execute actions required to deal with population.
prospective/future scenarios. These judgements are based not
only on previous exposure but previous experiences of mastery, Scale construction
vicarious experience and encouragement from others [19]. The computer self efficacy scale was modified to make it
Furthermore, the ETUQ has not been validated through com- specifically applicable to older people and people with dis-
parison to actual performance in technology use. abilities and the utilisation of a range of different everyday
Thus, further work is required to develop tools which technologies. The computer self efficacy scale requires
are able to predict which clients have the highest chance of respondents to first answer whether they feel they would
success in adopting technologies (for example using environ- be able to use a computer software package in a particular
mental control units, or utilising online shopping and bank- circumstance (yes or no), and then rate their confidence on
ing education tools) and measurement of self efficacy in this a scale of 110. This was simplified by omitting the first part
context appears to be of value. Assessment of the likelihood of of the question, (whether they feel they would be able to
technology acceptance will be valuable in prioritising both the use the technology in a particular circumstance), and just
client and therapists time and resources. In addition, identi- asking the person to rate their confidence in the given cir-
fication of those people who are less inclined to successfully cumstances.
adopt technology may also assist in proactively designing in- Wording of the questions was altered to ensure applicabil-
terventions that will maximise success [18]. Furthermore, ity to everyday technology use. For example the original state-
as it is likely that studies involving eHealth technologies will ment of, I could complete the job using the software package
increase, there is a need for reliable and valid tools that are if I had never used a package like it before, was modified to,
able to evaluate technology interventions in research trials I could use the new technology if I had never used a prod-
and clinical practice. uct like it before. The modified questions were presented in a
In summary, previous studies indicate that technology questionnaire format and completed individually by a small
self efficacy is an important predictor of successful technol- pilot group of patients participating in rehabilitation (n=5)
ogy uptake and is likely to be applicable to a clinical popula- on the rehabilitation ward at one of the study sites to ensure
tion comprising of older people or people with a disability. that the questions were understandable. The pilot group met
However at present there is a lack of suitable assessment tools the same inclusion criteria used for the larger study described
and we aimed to adapt an existing tool for use with a clinical in detail below.
population. Refer to the appendix for full version of the modified com-
This study used a modified version of the computer self ef- puter self efficacy scale (mCSES).
ficacy scale produced by Compeau and Higgins [23]. The scale
was modified in order to make it applicable to a population of Testing of reliability and validity
older people or people with disabilities, and to include the use
of a broader range of everyday technology items. Modifica- Setting and subjects
tions were made to both the wording of the scale items and Participants were recruited from the Repatriation General
the administration of the tool as described in detail below. Hospital, Griffiths Rehabilitation Hospital, and St Margarets
The scale was pilot tested with a small group of rehabilitation Rehabilitation Hospital in Adelaide, South Australia. The study
clients to ensure that the tool was easy to understand and use. was approved by the sites associated research ethics commit-
The scale was then administered to a larger group of clients tees. Data was collected between October 2009 and January
participating in a rehabilitation program to determine the 2010. Eligible participants were participating in an inpatient
reliability and construct validity of the tool. rehabilitation program for stroke or any other medical condi-
Construct validity was assessed by exploring the following tion requiring inpatient rehabilitation (see Table I for full de-
hypotheses: scription of participant diagnoses). Participants were assessed
by the treating team as being able to communicate effectively
Hypothesis 1: Participants with higher levels of technol- and without significant cognitive impairment (as determined
ogy self efficacy would be more frequent users of everyday by a Mini Mental State Examination score of 24/30) [30]. The
Disability & Rehabilitation
Technology self efficacy 223

Table I. Demographic information of participants N=88 (%). about the participants frequency of use of everyday technolo-
Age, years: mean (SD) range 74.8 (12.97) 4092 gies (refer to Table II for details on how this was measured)
4050 3 (3) and sociodemographic details. Sociodemographic details
5160 12 (14) requested were: age (in years), gender, living situation (alone
6170 14 (16) or with others), diagnosis for which the person was receiv-
7180 18 (20) ing rehabilitation, household income and level of education
8190 37 (42) (refer to Table I). The research occupational therapist asked
91100 4 (5) the participant subsequent questions about their ability to
Gender manage everyday tasks in order to ascertain their Modified
Female 60 (68) Rankin Scale score.
Male 28 (32)
Diagnosis for participants <65 years Analysis
Stroke 11 (13) All analyses were conducted using SPSS Statistical software.
Other neurological condition 2 (2) Descriptive statistics (means, standard deviations and fre-
Other medical condition (includes rehabilitation 8 (9) quencies) were used to summarise participants characteris-
for falls, deconditioning post renal failure, chronic tics as well as their frequency of use of everyday technologies.
liver disease, acute back pain)
Distribution of responses for individual scale items on the
Diagnosis for participants 65 years
Stroke 33 (38)
mCSES and the total score were reviewed prior to further
Other neurological condition 2 (2)
analysis. Facets of reliability and validity were examined; spe-
Falls 11 (13)
cifically, internal reliability to determine the homogeneity of
Other medical condition (includes rehabilitation 21 (24)
scale items, and construct validity to determine the relation-
for deconditioning post respiratory illness, ship of the scale with relevant constructs [31].
cardiac condition) Internal reliability was checked using the Cronbachs alpha
Living situation coefficient [32] where a coefficient of more than 0.7 was de-
Alone 51 (58) termined to be acceptable [31]. Scale items were reviewed to
With others 37 (42) determine whether omission of an item resulted in a higher
Household income bracket ($AUS) coefficient.
Less than $20,000 46 (52) In order to confirm the hypotheses and explore relation-
$20,000$40,000 22 (25) ships with other sociodemographics, scores on the scale were
$40,000$60,000 8 (9) correlated with frequency of use of technology (using ordinal
$60,000$80,000 4 (5) categories as shown in Table II), age, income and level of edu-
$80,000+ 6 (7) cation using Spearmans rho and with gender using Pearsons
Did not wish to disclose 1 (1) product-moment correlation coefficient [31]. A p level of 0.05
Level of education was interpreted as significant.
Primary school 6 (7) Factor analysis, using principal components analysis with
Some secondary school 31 (35) direct oblimin rotation [33] was used to examine the pre-
Completed high school 22 (25)
dominant factors within the scale. Direct oblimin rotation
Some additional training 15 (17)
was chosen due to its capacity to allow factors to be correlated
Undergraduate university 12 (14)
[34]. Bartletts test of sphericity [35] and the KaiserMeyer
Postgraduate university 2 (2)
Olkin measure of sampling adequacy [36] were conducted to
Modified Rankin score
determine the appropriateness of using principal components
1 No significant disability despite symptoms 1 (1)
analysis. Visual inspection of the scree plot and review of
2 Slight disability 13 (15)
eigenvalues (assuming that factors with eigenvalues of more
3 Moderate disability 57 (65)
than one are important [37]) were used to identify important
4 Moderately severe disability 17 (19)
factors within the scale [33].

eligibility criteria did not specify an age range in order to gain

a representative sample of clinical rehabilitation patients. Key
contact people at each hospital monitored admissions and no- A total of 88 participants consented to the study and complet-
tified the researchers of anyone that met the inclusion criteria. ed the scale. Participant profiles are summarised in Table I.
The research occupational therapist (KL) then approached the Participants had a range of diagnoses; the most common be-
potential participant to provide verbal and written information ing stroke (n=44) and falls (n=12). The majority were female
about the study and gain consent. Once written consent for (68%) and had moderate disability (65%) as defined by the
study participation had been obtained, the questionnaire Modified Rankin Scale [38].
was completed by the participant in the presence of the Participants frequency of use of everyday technologies is
research occupational therapist on the rehabilitation ward. presented in Table II. It can be seen that the most frequently
The questionnaire comprised the self efficacy scale, questions used technologies were the television remote control and

Copyright 2012 Informa UK Ltd.

224 K. Laver etal.

Table II. Frequency of use of everyday technologies, N=88 (%).

More than More than More than Rarely, or more
once a day once a week once a month than once a year Never
Search for information on the internet 8 (9) 9 (10) 3 (3) 3 (3) 65 (74)
Use the TV remote control 71 (81) 12 (14) 0 1 (1) 4 (5)
Withdraw money from the automatic teller machine 0 20 (23) 21 (24) 7 (8) 40 (46)
Deal with recorded telephone menus 0 16 (18) 26 (30) 18 (21) 28 (32)
Tape a TV program using a recording device 5 (6) 15 (17) 9 (10) 12 (14) 47 (53)
Send and receive emails 10 (11) 9 (10) 3 (3) 0 66 (75)
Use a mobile phone 20 (23) 7 (8) 7 (8) 15 (17) 39 (44)
Operate a telephone answering service such as an
14 (16) 18 (21) 0 6 (7) 50 (57)
answering machine or voicemail
Use a microwave oven 51 (58) 21 (24) 1 (1) 3 (3) 12 (14)

Table III. Factor loadings for the rotated factors.

Factor loading
Item 1 2 Communality
If there was no one around to tell me what to do as I go 0.804 0.324 0.752
If I had never used a product like it before 0.695 0.407 0.648
If I only had the product manuals for reference 0.876 0.318 0.869
If I had seen someone else using it before trying it myself 0.863 0.092 0.754
If I could call someone for help if I got stuck 0.845 0.211 0.759
If someone else had helped me get started 0.855 0.293 0.817
If I had a lot of time to complete the job for which the product was provided 0.885 0.149 0.806
If I had just the built-in help facility for assistance 0.770 0.281 0.672
If someone showed me how to do it first 0.831 0.348 0.811
If I had used similar products before this one to do the same job 0.688 0.540 0.765

Eigenvalues 6.628 1.025

% of variance 66.277 10.246

microwave and the least frequently used were searching for Hypothesis 1: As hypothesised, total scores on the scale were
information on the internet and sending emails. correlated with frequency of use of some technologies (use of
automatic teller machines (Spearmans r=0.276; p<0.01)
and recording a television program (Spearmans r= 0.244;
Reliability assessment
p<0.05)) however were not significantly correlated with fre-
The mean total score on the scale was 57 out of 100 (SD 24.2).
quency of use of other items.
Items from the mCSES were normally distributed. The stan-
Hypothesis 2: Total scores on the scale were negatively cor-
dardized alpha was 0.94 which indicates a high level of inter-
related with age as predicted (Spearmans r=-0.320; p<0.01).
nal consistency [32]. Removal of items from the scale would
not have increased the alpha coefficient.
Scores on the mCSES were not significantly correlated with
income, level of education or gender.
Principal components analysis
Inspection of the correlation matrix and results of the Kaiser
MeyerOklin value test and Bartletts Test of Sphericity re- Discussion
vealed that the mCSES was suitable for factor analysis [35,36]. Previous studies have established a relationship between
Principal components analysis showed that there were two self efficacy and technology use and have identified issues
factors with eigenvalues exceeding one (Table III). Inspection in regards to technology acceptance in older and disabled
of the scree plot reveals that there is one predominant factor; people [48]. This study contributes to the field by proposing
this factor (explaining 66% of the variance) consisted of items a tool that can be used to measure technology self efficacy in
in which the person was using the technology alone. The this population and by demonstrating the tools internal con-
second (explaining 10% of the variance) consisted of items sistency and construct validity. The modified computer self
in which the person was using the technology with others. efficacy scale was well understood by participants and appears
The factors were correlated (0.62) suggesting that the scale is to be a promising way of measuring everyday technology self
measuring one main factor with two dimensions. efficacy in older people and people with a disability however
further research is required to determine the validity of the
Construct validity assessment scale in predicting successful use of new technologies.
Correlation coefficients are presented in the correlation ma- Study hypotheses that were formed based on findings from
trix (Table IV). previous studies were confirmed. First, participants with higher
Disability & Rehabilitation
Technology self efficacy 225

Table IV. Correlation matrix. size may have provided more conclusive results [34]. Second,
Total score on the mCSES the study population was heterogeneous in regards to age and
Age 0.320** diagnosis. However, it is likely to be representative of the popu-
Income 0.028 lation participating in inpatient rehabilitation programs. Third,
Level of education 0.128 there is ongoing debate as to the best approach to exploratory
Gender 0.066 factor analysis and most appropriate rotation method. Princi-
Frequency of use of technology items pal components analysis was used in this study because of its
Search for information on the internet 0.209 frequency of use and support in the literature [33].
Use the TV remote control 0.178
Withdraw money from the ATM 0.276** Further research
Deal with recorded telephone menus 0.190 More research is required to determine whether use of this
Tape a TV program 0.244* tool correctly selects those patients most likely to master new
Send and receive emails 0.189 technologies and whether the tool can be applied to the use
Use a mobile phone 0.150 of eHealth technologies. Furthermore, research is required to
Operate a telephone answering service 0.161 determine whether the scale is sensitive to change following
Use a microwave oven 0.017 interventions to increase technology self efficacy.
**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level.
*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level.

levels of technology self efficacy reported more frequent tech-
nology use for some technology items. This correlation supports In conclusion, the role of technology in society is increasing as
the role of self efficacy in predicting technology acceptance in it is becoming more affordable and accessible and it is likely to
this population. It is unclear why this correlation was signifi- become used more frequently to help older people and people
cant for some technology items and not others. It may be that with disabilities manage their daily activities. Teaching people
these two activities (recording a television program and using to use these technologies requires an investment of time and
an automatic teller machine) are important in determining resources and it is useful to identify those people that are more
those people that are more accepting of everyday technologies. likely to be successful and adopt technologies into their lives.
Secondly, older people reported lower levels of technology self Recognising the powerful role that technologies may have in
efficacy relative to younger people. This was despite younger increasing independence and quality of life for older people or
people also experiencing limitations in physical and cognitive people with disabilities this tool provides clinicians with a first
function. A possible explanation for this finding is that younger step to addressing the issue with clients.
people have experienced greater performance accomplishments
and vicarious experience than older people [19]. Acknowledgements
Social cognitive theory proposes that possible strategies
for increasing self efficacy include the use of mastery, model- The authors would like to acknowledge the participants that
ling and encouragement [19]. These strategies should be used took part in this study and statistical advice provided by Pawel
by health professionals to facilitate competent use of every- Skuza, Flinders University. Kate Laver is supported by an
day technologies in this population. For example, a therapist Australian Postgraduate Award Scholarship.
working with a client towards the goal of independent online
grocery shopping should first demonstrate the task (model- Declaration of interest: The authors report no declarations of
ling), and then provide gradually diminishing support for interest.
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Appendix: The modified computer self efficacy scale

Imagine that you have been given a new technology for some aspect of daily living (for example new alarm clock/cordless phone/
answering machine). It doesnt matter specifically what this technology does, only that it is intended to make your life easier and
that you have never used it before.
The following questions ask you to indicate whether you could use this unfamiliar technology under a variety of conditions.
For each of the conditions, please rate your confidence about using the new technology on the scale of 110.

I could use the new technology

1. If there was no one around to tell me what to do as I go

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Not at all confident Completely confident
2. If I had never used a product like it before
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Not at all confident Completely confident
3. If I had only the product manuals for reference
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Not at all confident Completely confident
4. If I had seen someone else using it before trying it myself
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(Continued on Next Page)

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Not at all confident Completely confident

5. If I could call someone for help if I got stuck
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Not at all confident Completely confident
6. If someone else had helped me get started
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Not at all confident Completely confident
7. If I had a lot of time to complete the job for which the product was provided
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Not at all confident Completely confident
8. If I had just the built-in help facility for assistance
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Not at all confident Completely confident
9. If someone showed me how to do it first
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Not at all confident Completely confident
10. If I had used similar products before this one to do the same job
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Not at all confident Completely confident
Source: Adapted from Ref. [23]

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