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FIRST STEEL SET FOR MARGARET MCDERMOTT BRIDGE January 7th was an exciting day for the

Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and the City of Dallas as the first piece of steel was
laid for the Citys second signature bridge: the Margaret McDermott Bridge. TxDOT contractor
Pegasus Link Contractors (PLC) and American Bridge supervised the work, and despite steady cold
winds, placed the first arch segment with minimal adjustments. When complete in 2017, each of
the two arches will measure 1,311 feet, spanning across the Trinity River. The project, part of the
$798 million Dallas Horseshoe Project with Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) focuses on
rebuilding, expanding, and adding associated roadways for bridges. This second Santiago Calatrava
signature bridge was named after Margaret McDermott, wife of Eugene McDermott, philanthropist
and founder of Texas Instruments. The graceful steel Margaret McDermott Bridge will feature
pedestrian and bicycle crossings over the Trinity River


un da emocionante para el Departamento de Transporte de Texas (TxDOT) y la Ciudad
de Dallas cuando se coloc la primera pieza de acero para el segundo puente de la
Ciudad: el Puente Margaret McDermott. El contratista TxDOT Pegasus Link Contractors
(PLC) y American Bridge supervisaron el trabajo, ya pesar de los constantes vientos
fros, colocaron el primer segmento de arco con ajustes mnimos. Cuando est
completo en 2017, cada uno de los dos arcos medir 1.311 pies, atravesando el ro
Trinity. El proyecto, que forma parte del Proyecto de Herradura de Dallas de $ 798
millones con el Departamento de Transporte de Texas (TxDOT), se centra en
reconstruir, expandir y agregar carreteras asociadas para puentes. Este segundo
puente de Santiago Calatrava fue nombrado por Margaret McDermott, esposa de
Eugene McDermott, filntropo y fundador de Texas Instruments. El gracioso puente de
acero Margaret McDermott contar con cruces de peatones y bicicletas sobre el ro

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