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ISSN: 1810-2352 Vol. 16, nm. 2 (2017): abril-junio. Pg.



Cerebral edema during the management of diabetic ketoacidosis in an adult

with new onset diabetes mellitus

Edema cerebral durante el tratamiento de la cetoacidosis diabtica en un

adulto con diabetes mellitus de debut

Alexei Ortiz Milan1, Megan Cox1, Carlos Medina Mirino2, Aurelio Rodriguez
Fernandez1, Yordanka Pina Rivera3
Cerebral edema associated with Diabe- cacin rara pero con frecuencia mortal
tes Ketoacidosis (DKA) is a rare but que ocurre tpicamente entre 4 a 12
frequently fatal complication typically horas despus del inicio del cuadro,
occurring 4 to 12 hours after initiation pero algunas veces puede desarrollarse
of treatment, but it can develop any durante el tratamiento de la CAD. Se
time during DKA management. Some han identificado algunos factores de
risk factors for DKA-related cerebral riesgo para la aparicin del edema cere-
edema have been identified. Diagnosis bral relacionado con la CAD. El diag-
of this lethal condition is based in nstico de esta letal complicacin se
clinical grounds, mainly by deterioration basa en manifestaciones clnicas, princi-
of the level of consciousness and CT- palmente deterioro del nivel de con-
brain appearance. Treatment should be ciencia, y por TAC de crneo. El trata-
focussed on prevention by minimizing miento debe ser enfocado en su pre-
all the known risk factors. vencin minimizando todos los factores
de riesgo conocidos.
Key words: Cerebral edema; Diabetes
ketoacidosis; Management Palabras clave: edema cerebral;
cetoacidosis diabtica; manejo
El edema cerebral asociado con cetoaci-
dosis diabtica (CAD) es una compli-
Cerebral edema developed during the lizations for diabetic ketoacidosis during
treatment of Diabetes ketoacidosis the study period (0.9 percent; 95
(DKA) is a severe and unpredictable percent confidence interval, 0.7 to 1.1
complication which pathological findings percent). Cerebral edema is an extre-
were initially described in adult in 1936 mely rare complication of DKA treat-
and first recognized in children in ment in adults.3,4 In children an incident
1960.1,2 Clinically apparent cerebral of 0.3 to 1% has been reported and it is
edema occurred in 61 of 6977 hospita- responsible for 50 to 60% of diabetic-

57 Revista Cubana de Medicina Intensiva y Emergencia

Ortiz Miln A, et al. Cerebral edema during the management of diabetic ketoacidosis in an adult
with new onset diabetes mellitus. Vol. 16, nm. 2 (2017): abril-junio. Pg. 57-63

related deaths.3,5 An experimental study admitted to ICU in our facility with the
in animal model has showed that rapid diagnosis of DKA whom developed
correction of hyperglycemia and hyper- cerebral edema documented by CT-
osmolality resulted in a significant Brain during the course of the mana-
increase in brain water content.6 We gement.
presented a young adult patient who is

Case study
A 28 year old HIV negative male with a sion (BP 96/45 mmHg), tachypnea (RR
history of recurrent sexually transmi- 32/min), hypothermia (T 34.60oC), but
tted diseases presented to small hos- oxygen saturation of 100% on 15 litres
pital within 100km of Gaborone with mask oxygen, and RBG of 21.8 mmol/L.
one week history of fever, nausea, The physical examination revealed
vomiting, and generalized body aches. generalised pallor, crackles in right lung
The doctors assessment stated the base, a petechial rash on the chest, and
patient initially looked sick, but he was Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) of 9 points.
communicative. The patient was noted Arterial blood gases showed severe
soon after presentation to become non- metabolic acidosis (pH 6.88, PCO2 13
communicative and hypotensive, with mmHg, PO2119 mmHg, HCO3 2.9
random blood glucose (RBG) of 31.3 mmol/L). A rapid malaria test was
mmol/L and a urine dipstick analysis requested as there was a history of
revealing ketones 1+. Two large bore travel to an endemic area of malaria
intravenous lines were inserted and 4 but the result was negative. A full septic
litres of intravenous normal saline and work up was obtained including a lum-
20 IU of actrapid insulin administered. bar puncture which was also negative.
The RBG was monitored every 20 minu- An abdominal ultrasound was perfor-
tes and 20 IU of actrapid insulin was med at the bedside showing small
repeatedly given to the patient up to 80 amount of free fluid in the abdomen.
IU in total. The patient was intubated and a Head
The patient was transferred to the and Abdominal CT performed (Figure
Emergency Department at our referral 1), neither of which revealed any
hospital and reassessed. On arrival the remarkable findings.
vital signs were unstable with hypoten-

Figure 1: Head
computed tomography
before ICU admission

58 Revista Cubana de Medicina Intensiva y Emergencia

Ortiz Miln A, et al. Cerebral edema during the management of diabetic ketoacidosis in an adult
with new onset diabetes mellitus. Vol. 16, nm. 2 (2017): abril-junio. Pg. 57-63

The patient was subsequently admitted vasopressor infusion and intravenous

to our ICU and placed on volume sodium bicarbonate 8%. On day three
assist/control mode ventilatory support in ICU, sedation was ceased but the
and displayed persistent hemodynamic GCS was 3 points. A CT-Head was
instability, with a diagnosis of diabetes repeated at this time, looking for
ketoacidosis and septic shock. cerebral edema, which was confirmed
Resuscitation continued with intrave- (Figure 2).
nous 0.45% normal saline at 500 ml/h, The following day the patient was still
Actrapid infusion at 0.1 IU/Kg/h, broad mechanically ventilated but an impro-
spectrum antibiotics (Cefotaxime 2 g iv ved level of consciousness with GCS of
8 hourly + Clindamycin 600 mg iv 8 9 points. The ABG showed an impro-
hourly + Doxycycline 100 mg per vement with a pH of 7.31, PCO2 of 24
nasogastric tube twice a day). mmHg, PO2 186 mmHg, and HCO3- of
The patient required initiation of vaso- 11.7 mmol/L, with a Random Blood
pressors noradrenaline started at 0.02 Glucose (RBG) of 9 mmol/L. On Day 14
g/kg/min and titrate upward until a venous blood gas showed pH of 7.38,
hemodynamically stability achieved at PCO2 of 35 mmHg, HCO3- of 20.1, and
0.1 g/kg/min. Repeat urine dipstick on the patient was successfully weaned off
ICU admission was ketones 2+, blood ventilation and extubated.
glucose (BG) 4+, and protein 2+. Once The following day the patient was fully
good urine output and normal serum conscious with GCS of 15 points,
potassium level were documented, breathing spontaneously on room air;
potassium was added to the mainte- and an ABG revealed a pH of 7.45,
nance intravenous fluids. Twenty four PCO2 of 34 mmHg, PO2 of 83 mmHg,
hours after admission the patient still HCO3- of 22.9, and RBG of 5.8 mmol/L.
had a significant metabolic acidosis. A decision to discharge the patient from
Table 1 shows the laboratory investiga- ICU but unfortunately on the second
tions from the ICU admission. Forty day after discharge from ICU, the
eight hours after admission the patient patient was found dead on the medical
still required mechanical ventilation, inpatient ward.
Table No. 1 Laboratory test result
On ICU At 24 At 48 Day Day
admission hrs hrs 6 11
White blood cell (x10-9/L)[RV: 4.5 10.5] 10.05 ? 7.43 4.21 9.87
Hb (g/dl)[RV: 13.2 17.3] 13.1 13.9 12.9 10.7 9.4
Platelets (x109/L)[RV: 150 400] 67 ? 61 89 244
pH 6.88 7.19 7.24 7.29 7.45
PCO2 (mmHg) [RV: 35 45 ] 13 32 32 33 27
PO2 (mmHg) [RV: 80 100] 119 60 82 125 118
HCO3-[RV: 21 26] ? 11.7 13.5 15.4 18.2
Sodium (mmol/L)[RV: 133 145] ? 156 155 155 135
Potassium (mmol/L)[RV: 3.5 5.0] 3.9 5.2 4.6 3.8 3.4
Creatinine (mol/L)[RV: 70 123] 231 ? 754.3 788 621
Urea (mmol/L)[RV: 2.5 7.1] 12.1 ? 23 30.6 28.1
RBG (mmol/L)[RV: 7 11.1] 11.9 10.2 18.1 11.2 8.3
RV: Reference values; RBG: Random Blood Glucose; ?: No results available

59 Revista Cubana de Medicina Intensiva y Emergencia

Ortiz Miln A, et al. Cerebral edema during the management of diabetic ketoacidosis in an adult
with new onset diabetes mellitus. Vol. 16, nm. 2 (2017): abril-junio. Pg. 57-63

Figure 2: CT-
head repeated
72 hours after
stopped due to
poor level of
which reveals
cerebral edema

Cerebral edema is a rare but severe ventilation to a PCO2 level less than 22
complication of diabetic ketoacidosis mmHg (55.3%) were three variables
(DKA), mainly seen in young children associated with poor outcome in DKA-
and adolescents, which may result in related cerebral edema.8 First presen-
death. In adult cerebral edema during tation of diabetes has been associated
the course of DKA has been reported with almost three times the risk of
infrequently.4,7 In a study conducted in cerebral edema.9
children with DKA, those with a higher In this case presentation, our patient
serum urea nitrogen concentration and was a first presentation of diabetes with
more severe hypercapnia at presenta- a very high blood urea nitrogen level,
tion were at increased risk for cerebral mild hypernatremia, and severe hypo-
edema.5 This same study showed that a capnia (see table 1) found on admission
higher presenting serum sodium con- to our ICU.
centration [RR 0.8 (0.6 1.1); CI 95%; Intravenous sodium bicarbonate was
p=0.19] was also associated with administered several times in order to
greater likelihood of cerebral edema correct metabolic acidosis even when
and the use of intravenous sodium the pH was above 7.0.
bicarbonate was related with cerebral It is possible that this high serum urea
edema, associated with a RR of 0.8 concentration reflects a severe dehy-
(0.51.1); CI 95%; p=0.15 when the dration state strengthening a possible
rate of increment was at 3 mmol/L/h pathophysiologic association between
compared to the cerebral edema group dehydration (and possible cerebral
with a matched control group. A similar ischemia) and cerebral edema in the
study reported an elevated initial BUN setting of DKA.8
concentration (59.2%), more profound Cerebral edema typically occurs 4 to 12
neurologic depression (95.2%) at the hours after treatment is initiated but
time of diagnosis of cerebral edema, can develop any time in treatment for
and intubation with associated hyper- DKA. Symptoms and signs of cerebral

60 Revista Cubana de Medicina Intensiva y Emergencia

Ortiz Miln A, et al. Cerebral edema during the management of diabetic ketoacidosis in an adult
with new onset diabetes mellitus. Vol. 16, nm. 2 (2017): abril-junio. Pg. 57-63

edema are variable and include onset of by organic ketoacids activates the
headache, gradual decrease or deterio- plasma membrane Na+/H+ exchanger,
ration in level of consciousness, increasing brain sodium and water.
inappropriate slowing of the pulse rate, Relative alkalinization of the extra-
and an increase in blood pressure.10 cellular fluid due to insulin treatment
Neurological deterioration may occur would further promote Na+/H+ exchan-
rapidly with seizures, urinary incon- ge, favouring sodium and water influx
tinence, pupillary changes, bradycardia, into brain.6
and respiratory arrest as brain stem Treatment of cerebral edema in DKA
herniation and dysfunction occurs. should be initiated as soon as the
Papilledema may be absent if onset is condition is suspected. The rate of
rapid. Mortality rate has been reported intravenous and oral fluid adminis-
as greater than 70% once neurological tration should be strictly monitored.
symptoms are established and only 7 Although mannitol has been shown to
14% of patients recover without have possible beneficial effects in case
sequelae.11 reports;12,14 there has been no definite
CT-brain is a helpful diagnostic tool to beneficial or detrimental effect in
diagnose this complication of DKA. Our retrospective epidemiologic studies.10
patient remained in coma for several The response may be altered by timing
days even once sedation was ceased of administration, delayed administra-
but gradually regained a normal level of tion being less effective. Mannitol
consciousness allowing ventilator wean- should be given (0.251.0 gr/kg
ing. intravenously over 20 minutes) in
Postulated mechanisms for cerebral patients with signs of cerebral edema
edema include osmotically - driven before impending respiratory failure.
movement of water into the central The dose may be repeated within 2
nervous system when plasma osmola- hours if there is no initial response.
lity declines too rapidly during the Hypertonic saline 3% (5 to 10 mL/kg
treatment.5,6 This may happen because over 30 minute) may be an alternative
the neuron synthetized idiogenic osmo- to mannitol,10 but only in cases of
lytes (e.g., glutamine, myoinositol and known low sodium concentration.
taurine) are reduced too quickly during Intubation and ventilation are often
treatment and the osmolality remains necessary; however aggressive hyper-
high inside the neuron which draws ventilation has been associated with
water into them.6,10 Another theory poor outcomes.8
suggests that acidification of the cytosol

In managing patients with DKA, aggres- tabolic acidosis until the pH falls below
sive intravenous fluid resuscitation in 7.0 as this is also associated with this
the early stages of severe dehydration; rare but lethal complication of DKA.
high urea concentration and first pre- All patients with DKA should have close
sentation diabetes are associated with a monitoring of GCS, fluid balance and
high risk of cerebral edema. It is not electrolytes with supervision by expe-
recommended to administer intrave- rienced medical staff.
nous sodium bicarbonate to correct me-

61 Revista Cubana de Medicina Intensiva y Emergencia

Ortiz Miln A, et al. Cerebral edema during the management of diabetic ketoacidosis in an adult
with new onset diabetes mellitus. Vol. 16, nm. 2 (2017): abril-junio. Pg. 57-63

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Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Botswana
Princess Marina Hospital, Intensive Care Unit, Gaborone, Botswana
Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Botswana

62 Revista Cubana de Medicina Intensiva y Emergencia

Ortiz Miln A, et al. Cerebral edema during the management of diabetic ketoacidosis in an adult
with new onset diabetes mellitus. Vol. 16, nm. 2 (2017): abril-junio. Pg. 57-63

Conflict of interest: None

Received: January, 24th, 2017

Approved: March, 13th, 2017

Alexei Ortiz Milan. Faculty of Medicine, University of Botswana, Botswana. Tel: +267
3555515 E-mail:

63 Revista Cubana de Medicina Intensiva y Emergencia

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