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The Constitution Party’s Stand on Immigration

This is a hot topic of discussion and although there is much controversy

surrounding the subject of immigration, and illegals, there is only one stance to
take. The stand of the constitution, and therefore the Constitution Party.

So, where does the Constitution Party stand on immigration?

Their stance comes directly from the constitution, which states in Article 4,
Section 4, which states:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican
Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion.

Some may dispute the idea of immigration as being an invasion, but it is truly
an invasion. We, as the people of the United States, have a right and
responsibility to monitor those we allow to immigrate to our country.

As James Madison stated:

When we are considering the advantages that may result from an easy mode of
naturalization, we ought to consider the cautions necessary to guard against
abuses …

What did Madison mean by this? Simply that, although it would have been
beneficial for the population of the country to grow, they needed to be selective
in who they allowed to enter the country. Why? So that these newly made
citizens would feel a connection with the American people and therefore a
loyalty to the United States. Now that we have a country full of people skilled to
do the work needed, we now need to guard against overpopulation and
joblessness. Oh, sorry. Already past that. And yet what does our federal
government do to control that? Not much.

Washington has continued to turn a blind eye to the rapidly escalating problem
as not just legal immigration is out of control, but illegals slip across our
porous border as if there were none.

There are enumerated responsibilities of the federal government, but they seem
to be more interested stripping the state’s of their right to govern their people
instead of standing up to their obligations granted to them by the Constitution
as the federal government.

Instead of filing illegal law suits and bashing a state for protecting its citizens,
maybe Washington needs to get off its collective butt and provide a little more
protection than signs warning Americans not to travel in their own country for
fear of being raped or murdered by drug runners coming from Mexico. Really?
Is that all the effort they can muster?

Since the federal government continues to ignore its responsibility in regulating

the constant influx of immigrants, our country is being overrun by both legal
and illegal immigrants. Each year there are approximately one million legal
immigrants flocking to the United States. At the same time, there is almost an
equal amount of illegal immigrants slipping across the Mexican border.

We are no longer selective in our choosing of citizens. We allow anyone to cross

our border and benefit from the advantages of our rich social system. But that
system is faltering under the tremendous strain of government handouts, not
only to those entering the country legally, but also to illegals as well.

Yes, illegal aliens (let’s call a spade a spade) are allowed welfare, food stamps,
Medicaid, education and every entitlement program the federal government has
to offer. Every level of our government is being impacted by the overpopulation
of the United States and practically no one in Washington or the state capitals
seem to care. Where is our United support of Arizona?

We, as citizens, are also being impacted. Our taxes continue to rise to cover the
expenses of housing, educating and providing for the general care of all these

The Constitution Party abhors this frivolity of our tax dollars and will affirm the
integrity of our borders and would like to see our federal government take
control of the growing invasion of our southern states by exuding their
Constitutional authority and duty to guard and protect our borders from
invasion and to regulate the numbers and qualifications of legal immigrants
coming into our country.

The Constitution Party opposes the abuse of the H-1B visa provision, which
allows university educated foreigners to enter the country on a work visa. The
so-called “Specialty occupations” this visa allows permits for are widespread
and varied and include many jobs, which could employ many out of work
These positions are the likes of various engineers, even drafters, surveyors and
cartographers. Chemist, geologists, meteorologists, and IT people of every kind.
Biologist, doctors, dentists, nurses.

With the health industry under such strict government regulation, why would
we even think of bringing doctors from outside our own country in? Even now
our own physicians are limited to a certain number of each specialty per city.
And general practitioners are told where they are allowed to set up shop.

Teachers are another profession allowed to enter the country on the H-1B visa.
Do we need teachers from other countries teaching our children our American
history? Our language when they can barely speak it themselves?

If that’s isn’t enough, we are bringing in lawyers and judges, people in

agriculture, finance, real estate, public administrators, people in
transportation, communication, utilities, economists, sociologist, museum
curators. Even clergymen. Social workers and fashion models.

Are these not positions many qualified out of work Americans could fill?

The L-1 work visa is another widely abused way of allowing immigrants into the
United States. The L-1 is an intracompany transfer work visa. These companies
should be limited on the number of employees they can transfer into our
country without hiring from within. With state unemployment rates nearing
10%, these abuses being allowed by our federal government need to stop.

The Party will insist that every individual group and private agency, which
requests the admission of an immigrant to the US, no matter the reason, will
be required to commit legally to provide housing and sustenance for the
immigrants and bear full responsibility for the economic independence of the
immigrant and post appropriate bonds to seal the covenants. Covenants. This
is not a contract to be taken lightly. A covenant is what God made with Moses.

Right now, the Constitution Party favors a moratorium on immigration to the

United States until all federal subsidies and assistance are discontinued and
proper security procedures have been instituted.

The only exceptions would be extreme hardship cases and other individual
special circumstances, which does not include an illegal mother or parents
being allowed to stay in the country simply because children have been born
The Party is very clear on their position regarding children born in the United
States of illegal parents. It rejects the practice of bestowing citizenship on
children born to illegal alien parents. It also opposes the provision of welfare
subsidies and other taxpayer supported benefits to illegal immigrants.

Once the moratorium has been lifted, the Party demands the federal
government restore immigration policies based on the basis that potential
immigrants will be disqualified from admission on the grounds of poor health,
criminality, morals not befitting an American, or financial dependence.

There will be no amnesty of immigrants currently in the United States illegally

and the use of US troops will be used to protect the states against any further

For those immigrants allowed to stay and enter the United States, they will be
required to assimilate to the American way of life. That means they must learn
the English language as a precondition of citizenship. There will be no bilingual
ballots or signs in government buildings.

In order for a group entering a foreign country to feel like they belong, they
must assimilate. The Hispanic people perpetuate their ‘outsider’ status by
refusing to assimilate to the American way of life. In most other countries, if
you don’t speak the language you are treated poorly. We have coddled
foreigners for way too long. We have allowed them to continue in their
traditions and given way to allowing multilingual signs being posted in
restaurants, stores and government buildings. We have changed our way of life
to accommodate those of Spanish speaking origins. It is time to stop.

Until we force all immigrants, not only Spanish speaking, but all to conform,
they will not feel a part of “us”. They will not be Americans. No ethnic group
will feel comfortable in an adopted society until they cross the culture gap.
There should not be a hyphenated American. We are all Americans. We are not
Mexican-Americans. We are not African-Americans. We are not Italian-
Americans, or even German-Americans. We are simply Americans. Until we
find that united status once again, there will always be a resentment between
those of us who have been here for generations and those of us who are new.

The Japanese and Chinese have assimilated to America the best, and they have
in a sense been treated the worst by our people and our government. During
the World War II, they were rounded up and put into concentration camps and
yet, they supported the United States. They sent their sons off to die for
America. And they did not resent the misjudgment of the American people.
They stood strong in their loyalty to their newfound country and have since
blended into society like those of us that have been here since the beginning.

In regard to Arizona and the Senate Bill Governor Jan Brewer recently signed
into law, the Constitution Party fully supports Arizona in their efforts to
contain a situation that is steadily growing out of control. In fact, the Party has
written a resolution in support of Arizona’s immigration law and will support
any state willing to stand for their right to protect their state.

If the federal government is going to shirk away from their responsibility to

secure our borders, then it leaves the people of Arizona with no choice, but to
handle the matter themselves.

The Arizona law in no way infringes on the rights of any American citizen. It
does not promote racial profiling. It simply requires their law enforcement
officers to ask for identification when a person is suspected of wrong doing.
Either a traffic stop or armed robbery, it makes no difference, identification
must be provided.

Do we expect anything less in any of our states? When an officer pulls you over
for speeding, does he not ask for your driver’s license? For those people, who
are obtaining their driver’s license for the first time, you nearly have to provide
a retina scan to prove you are a citizen. Even if you are simply changing your
name, you need to provide more information. But note this, when you go to get
your birth certificate you’ll need to show proof of who you are. Have any idea of
what they’ll ask for? Your driver’s license. And when you go to have your social
security card changed, they’ll ask to see your driver’s license. It’s simply a huge
bureaucratic circle.

Is it wrong to ask someone suspected of a crime or traffic violation to provide

identification? No.

To sum up the Constitution Party’s stand on immigration is … the party

supports selective immigration and restoring the standards the founders
themselves established.

People must assimilate into society before they can truly become an American.
If we continue to enable immigrants to hold on to their heritage, we continue to
divide our country.

The controversy of immigration is not new to our generation. It goes back to the
founding of our country and follows through to today. We all come from
immigrants. Assimilation is the key.
George Washington said this regarding the subject:

By an intermixture with our people, they, or their descendants, get assimilated

to our customs, measures, laws: in a word, soon become one people.

Theodore Roosevelt this:

Let us say to the immigrant not that we hope he will learn English, but that he
has got to learn it. Let the immigrant who does not learn it go back. He has got
to consider the interest of the United States or he should not stay here. He
must be made to see that his opportunities in this country depend upon his
knowing English and observing American standards. The employer cannot be
permitted to regard him only as an industrial asset.

And illegal immigration is just that, illegal!

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