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Namely, the Cal Poly College Republicans
have invited Ben Shapiro, Milo
Yiannopoulos, Lauren Southern, Christina
Hoff Summers, and others that espouse
THE RISE OF THE ALT-RIGHT vile, racist, queer/transphobic, sexist,
According to the Southern Poverty ideologies--if you even want to call them
Law Center, the term alt-right emerged that (more info on these figures can be
in 2008 to describe a form of white found later in the zine).
nationalism composed of far-right
ideologies expressing a belief that white
identity is under attack. Despite the new
name, the alt-right is rooted in the familiar
fascism and white supremacy that existed
before World War II. It has simply been
repackaged for an age that has seen gains
by women, people of color, the LGBTQ
community and others.
The Alt-Right targets university
Make no mistake, the Alt-Right campuses in order to give off the
espouses fascist narratives that seek to appearance of intellectualism. In reality,
destroy our diverse communities and the they seek to utilize these public spaces in
conditions that have allowed us to make order to recruit others into their fascist
progressive gains over the years. The Alt- movements. It is important to understand
Right often positions a charismatic, that when the College Republicans invite
conventionally polite, and visually any of these Alt-Right talking heads, they
appealing individual at the forefront of are also inviting their neo-Nazi, white
their movement: Milo Yiannopoulos, nationalist supporters.
Richard Spencer, Lauren Southern, or
even Donald Trump are good examples of
this. They are marketed as descent people
who intend only to utilize free speech.
From there, less appealingand usually
more dangerous -- fascists utilize the space
afforded to the more palatable individual
to push their message forward and
organize others into the movement.
For example, during Milos speech, actual
THE ALT-RIGHT ON CAMPUS neo-Nazis stood outside the event
During 2016 & 2017, Cal Poly has recruiting onlookers with pamphlets,
seen a number of groups connected with conversation, and taunted protestors. In
the Alt-Right come to our campus. another instance during Lauren Southerns
event, a white nationalist group calling
themselves the Proud Boys incited
violence among peaceful protestors and
assaulted a police officer. They also
marched through campus with neo-Nazi
symbols, and engaged in recruitment
activity. In another example, during the
lead up to both Milos and Laurens events,
white supremacists littered our campus
with fascist literature promoting racism, Administrators did not call any of the
sexism, and an ethno-nation state. invitees racist, fascist, or white
It should be noted that the College supremacists. Administrators refused to
Republicans play a central role in condemn the Cal Poly College Republicans
platforming the Alt-Right and their publicly. And the administration
genocidal politics. From their Free Speech militarized its police force on just 90
Wall to their invitations of the Alt-Right peaceful protestors during Milos event:
and neo-Nazis onto campus, rather than specifically, 110 police in riot gear
recognizing the humanity of their fellow preformed tactical exercises in front of
students, they choose to organize protest groups, stationed snipers on nearby
inflammatory events meant to cause real buildings, displayed several prominent
harm to vulnerable communities. armored vehicles in highly trafficked areas
Regardless of if the College Republicans
are supportive of the Alt-Right or not, by
platforming them they are effectively
supporting and advancing fascist,
genocidal politics in the name of free
Moreover, it should be noted that
campus administration played a crucial
role in emboldening these fascists, and
on campus, and utilized a room in the
providing them a platform for bigotry at
university union as a command center for
the expense of our tuition dollars. During
their officers.
Milos event, the CSU paid upwards of
$55,000 for security, during a year when
students were asked to bear the brunt of a
Whenever the Alt-Right shows up
financial crisis.
on campus, students are there to shut them
down. Despite our resistance being smaller
than other universities, and that we must
deal with a hyper-militarized university
police force, Cal Poly students have
mounted fierce resistance campaigns.
Students have utilized a diversity of
tactics: from phone-banking, email-
blasting, and door-knocking to powerful
marches, blockades, and effective
The vast majority of Cal Poly
students understand that when we give a The Proud Boys
platform to someone who espouses Founded by Gavin Mcinnes, this group
genocide, rape, and other forms of describes themselves as a pro-west
violence, we encourage, embolden, and fraternal organization. Others, however,
sanction further genocide, rape, and describe it as the military arm of the alt-
right, eager to clash with anti-fascist
protestors. Their initiation process
includes physically assaulting an anti-
fascist protestor. This group was involved
with the events in Charlottesville, and also
attened the Lauren Southern event at Cal
Poly in May of 2017.

violence. Regardless of the first

amendment, students at Cal Poly know
that bigotry must be met with resistance
and confrontation. And despite the
statements from university officials to
ignore the fascists, students mounted
effective campaigns to intervene in the Milo Yiannopoulos
fascist narratives espoused by the Alt- This snowflake is a college dropout was
Right. In addition, progressive groups on named technology editor at Breitbart
campus united in condemnation of Lauren News by Chairman Stephen Bannon. He
Southern in May of 2017, drawing in used his position to attack women-
broader support from ASI, Greek life, and identified programmers, promote racist
student workers. narratives in the news, and to organize the
emergent Alt-Right. Milo has outed trans
students, targeted undocumented students,
WHO IS THE ALT-RIGHT? and his supporters have been known to
attack protestors at events. Milo visited Cal
Poly on January 31st, 2017, after being
invited by the College Republicans.
Southern is revered amongst the groups
behind the violence in Charlottesville.

Nathan Domingo
A 30-year old former Marin Corporal,
Nathan Domingo started the group
Identity Evropa after reading the work
of former KKK chief David Duke while
serving five years in prison for armed
robbery. His group seeks to emulate the
National Youth Front, the youth arm of
the white nationalist American Freedom
Party, which Domingo also led. Domingo
is the white supremacist who punched a
female protestor in the face during protests
in Sacramento. He is also a CSU student at
Stanislaus. Nathan has not yet visited Cal

Lauren Southern
Lauren Southern is highly connected to
white nationalist groups like Identity
Evropa, the Proud Boys, and the Oath
keepers. Southern has travelled to the
Mediterranean to harass and attack
migrants fleeing the Syrian conflict.
Southern travelled to Cal Poly with
members of the white nationalist group,
the Proud Boys, during her May 2017
event put on by the College Republicans.

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