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p-ISSN 1693-1246 Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia 13 (1) (2017) 41-48

e-ISSN 2355-3812 DOI: 10.15294/jpfi.v13i1.6509

January 2017



Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam,
Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia

Received: 28 August 2016. Accepted: 18 October 2016. Published: January 2017


This study aimed to analyse prospective physics teachers feedback during the implementation of online
peer-assessment in Teaching Physics in English course. Twenty prospective physics teachers participated
in this study. They were familiar with the use of smart phone in their daily life. They tend to communicate
using social media such as WhatsApp application. The students have practiced in using paper based peer-
assessment in other courses, but they have not applied it in online method providing real time feedback
and score. The implementation of online peer-assessment challenged the students to assess their peer
objectively. The lecturers feedback influence students skills how to evaluate their peer performance. Several
factors may influence the quality of students online peer-assessment such as students culture back ground,
implementation of the online peer-assessment, and practicants performance.


Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis balikan dari mahasiswa calon guru fisika dalam pelaksanaan online
peer-assessment dalam matakuliah Teaching Physics in English. Dua puluh mahasiswa calon guru fisika
berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan penelitian ini. Mereka sudah terbiasa menggunakan smartphone dalam
aktivitas sehari-hari. Mereka cenderung menggunakan akun jejaring sosial seperti aplikasi WhatsApp.
Mahasiswa calon guru fisika tersebut sudah pernah menerapkan kegiatan penilaian sejawat secara
tradisional dengan menggunakan lembar pengematan di matakuliah lain, akan tetapi mereka belum pernah
menerapkan online peer-assessment yang menghasilkan skor penilaian dan balikan atau masukan yang
secara langsung. Penerapan penilaian teman sejawat berbasis online ini memberikan tantangan bagi para
mahasiswa untuk memberikan penilaian secara objektif. Balikan dari dosen mempengaruhi keterampilan
mahasiswa dalam mengevaluasi teman sejawat mereka. Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas
penilaian teman sejawat secara online dari mahasiswa calon guru fisika meliputi latar belakang sosial
budaya mahasiswa, pelaksanaan kegiatan penilaian teman sejawat secara online, serta kualitas tampilan
seorang practitioner di depan kelas.

2017 Jurusan Fisika FMIPA UNNES Semarang

Keywords: analysis; feedback; pre-service physics teachers; online peer-assessment

INTRODUCTION and activities. As part of the global community,

prospective physics teacher should have ade-
Recently, prospective physics teacher quate skills to face the future challenges. The-
have a global world challenge. This condition se challenges include the implementation of
is supported by the rapid growth of Information the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). The
and Communication Technology. The develop- implementation of the AEC gives consequen-
ment of ICT with all the facilities offers a va- ces for the freedom of the incoming and out-
riety of facilities for humans in communicating going flows of labor among ASEAN countries.
One of the provisions that must be had to
*Correspondence Address: face this challenge is the ability to teach physics
Jalan Semarang 5 Malang Indonesia 56145
E-mail: in English. Teaching in English is not an easy
42 Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia 13 (1) (2017) 41-48

matter for physics teacher candidates. Lear- Biswas, 2013; Berry, 2009).
ning strategies, the selection of relevant topics, The use of online assessments as a form
and the determination of the type of evaluation of integration of ICT facilities in peer-assess-
have an impact on the success of the students ment has been investigated by Wen and Tsai
in teaching, of course it will be more impact if (2008) who reported the positive impact of the
they have to prepare it in English. use of the model in assessment activities in
The determination of effective evaluation mathematics teachers. They both found that
type to measure the students learning achie- the quality of teacher appraisal skills during the
vement is the main concern in this research. use of ICT facilities is significantly increased.
Applying effective and efficient assessment However, there is a negative side effect of the
types is expected to enable optimal results in use ICT in the learning process. The teachers
the implementation of learning. Theoretically, attitudes and perceptions of online peer-as-
optimal results can be achieved if the students sessment usage have shown a decreased im-
obtain an academic climate that supports and pact. It need a further investigation to find the
stimulates them to increas their competences. reasons since the assessment skill is a crucial
This academic climate is strived to be realized skill to be mastered by the teachers.
through the application of online peer-assess- Implementation of online peer-assess-
ment. ment has several challenges to be considered.
Peer-assessment is part of formative as- The greatest challenge is how to provide objec-
sessment. This assessment is characterized tive assessments in a well-known Indonesian
by efforts of achieving the learning objectives environment with high solidarity and familial va-
and improving student achievement in Teach- lues. Assessment and objective feedback from
ing Physics in English subject. The use of the students to their friends are expected to imp-
assessment is also expected to improve the rove student achievement. This objectivity also
quality of learning and to enhance student par- gained the attention of Liu and Charles (2006)
ticipation in learning activities. Khusaini (2016) suggesting that good peer assessment activi-
found that the use of online peer-assessment ties should continue to maintain quality feed-
can increase the enthusiasm and participation back by preventing some factors that might
of students in lectures. Student involvement reduce objectivity. They found a possible factor
in the peer-assessment activities is one of the in reducing the objectivity of peer assessment
new types of assessment implementations. such as gender.
This assessment allows students to increase The feedback given by lecturers in de-
their participation in learning activities as well veloping the students ability should also be
as to increase their ability of self-evaluation considered in implementing online peer-as-
(Dochy, Segers, & Sluijsmans, 1999; Valle, An- sessment. The feedback should always get
drade, Palma, & Hefferen, 2016). attention both in terms of strategies and time
The use of peer-assessment also has a management to be adrresed. Various studies
positive impact in the development of student have shown that the teachers feedback have a
competence. Khusaini (2016) found that the positif impact on students learning motivation,
ability of prospective physics teacher in the students understanding, as well as the quality
learning activities increased after receiving of student behavior (Akalin & Sucuoglu, 2015;
feedback from colleagues. This finding is sup- Seevers, et al., 2014; McLaren, 2012; Auld, et
ported by Topping (1999) who revealed that al., 2010; Vojdanoska, et al., 2010; Conroy, et
there is a positive impact of peer-assessment al., & Vo, 2009; Brosvic & Epstein, 2007; Bros-
in improving students learning achievement. vic, et al., 2005). The findings indicate that it
Online peer-assessment is part of the is still important to invite lecturers in addition
learning innovation that is supposed to be con- to giving students right to assess their peers.
tinuously improved. This innovation is charac- Therefore, the purpose of this study is to pro-
terized by the integrated use of ICT facilities in vide an overview of the role of online peer-
learning activities. The use of ICT tools allows assessment on prospective physics teachers
positive impacts if applied appropriately. The motivation. This study also aims to analyze the
use of ICT facilities can provide ease in giving feedback and assessment provided by the stu-
feedback and improve the effectiveness of as- dents to each other; to provide important infor-
sessment activities to improve student achieve- mations for researchers and practitioners who
ment (Anderson, Healy, Kole, & Bourne, 2013; consider applying peer-assessment activities
Klein & Kientz, 2013; Segedy; Kinnebrew; & using popular ICT facilities such as WhatsApp
Khusaini - Analysis of Prospective Physics Teachers Feedback on Online Peer-Assessment 43

or other social media applications; as well as

to provide an overview of the importance of
feedback in improving the ability of students
in assessing and in improving their learning


The study has used a qualitative appro-

ach. The data were collected from the recapi-
tulation results of the communication flow that
occurs during the online learning and online
peer-assessment of Teaching Physics in Eng-
lish class. The recap of the communication re-
sult is then copied from the conversation via
the WhatsApp application.
The number of respondents involved in
this research activity is 20 prospective physics
teacher. All the respondents involved are in the Figure 1. WhatssApp Group of Online Peer-
third year or in the sixth semester. They take Assessment in Teaching Physics in English
this course as one of the preparations program (TPE) Class (Khusaini, 2016)
before practicing the teaching experience in
high school. All respondents have good English Assessments and feedback given by stu-
skills because they have followed the English dents to their peers have a certain format. The
course for physics. Some of the participants format is very simple and can be used all res-
who take this course also take English for Phy- pondents quickly with the provision of assess-
sics course, which is a companion course to ment rubric (see Table 1). The respondents
improve reading ability and explain some of the simply typed their score score against a certain
material of physics. point and then added a reply to the performan-
Respondents involved in the study con- ce of their friend (Figure 1). The format used
sisted of two groups. The first group is the in this peer assessment activity is to write the
majority group (15 students) symbolized as name of the presenter # name of appraiser #
participants (P) who enroll in the faculty offici- score for content criteria # score for communi-
ally. While the second group (5 students) are cation clarity criteria # score for interaction with
students who are motivated to improve their the audience # feedback or comments for the
teaching skills in English with the permission presentation of the presenter and suggestions
of the lecturers without registering in the facul- for better performance. The format of this wri-
ty symbolized as Non-Participant group (NP). ting is quite simple and the respondent will be
Analysis of the influence of gender is done by able to finish writing the format in just about a
giving the symbol F for female and the sym- minute.
bol M for male. Gender analysis is expected to There are two basics information submit-
describe the effect of gender on online peer- ted before peer-assessment activity was done.
assessment. First, students are given information of how to
Data collection using WhatsApp applica- use the assessment rubric. Second, the stu-
tion is selected because it is widely used as a dents get information that the assessment does
base program especially android smartphone. not affect the final value. Student participation in
The WhatsApp application owned by the majo- assessment activities is an exercise in evaluat-
rity of students who have android based smart ing peers in their class. Students are not required
phones. They are accustomed to using this to do an assessment, but it is recommended to
program to communicate. Assessment of stu- give an appraisal of their peers performance.
dents to their friend via WhatsApp application Assessment is done directly. Students have
then implemented in the class group that has about five minutes to assess the performance
been previously established (Figure 1). of their friends. Any student who is present or
who is absent still have ooprtunity to read the
peer assessment results from performance in-
puts that is accompanied by feedback.
44 Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia 13 (1) (2017) 41-48

Table 1. Assessment rubric used in online peer assessment activities

Criteria Less Fair Good
Less Comprehensive or Quite Comprehensive Comprehensive and
Content (30%)
Having Misconception andNo Misconception No Misconception
Unclear Pronounciation Quite good Pronoun- Quite good Pronoun-
Communication and Intonation ciation and intonation ciation and intonation
Clarity (30%) Using Less Appropriate Using several appro- Using several appro-
Word Choices priate word choices priate word choices
Less keeping eye con-
Several keeping eye Most keeping eye
Interaction with the contact contact
audience (40%) Several encouraging Most encouraging
Less encouraging audi-
audience participation audience participation
ence participation

Lecturers immediately read out the re- scores of ratings and feedback as quickly as
sults of peer-assessment after the assessment possible. Examples of feedbacks and groups
entered the group. The lecturer gives feedback contained in this peer assessment activity can
to the students peformance and also to the as- be seen in Figure 1. Rapid rewinding time can
sessment or feedback given by the stundents have a direct effect to both the performance
in the peer-assessment. Data of comparative and the practitioner. Both parties can learn to-
assessment given by between the lecturer and gether and improve learning outcomes.
students peer-assessment were analyzed. The In this study students are grouped into
analysis was focus on the tendency of students four time groups. Time grouping is expected to
to assess their peers in peer teaching prac- provide an overview of the effect of study time
tice activities. Quantitative and qualitative ap- with student assessment capability. The groups
proach were used in this research. Quantitative are sequentially grouped February 25, 2016,
descriptive was used to describe the tendency March 3, 2016, March 10, 2016, and the March
of students in assessing each other. Quantita- 17, 2016 group.The first assessment group
tive data is presented in the form of frequency (February 25, 2016) can be seen in Table 2.
of peer-assessment aspects. In addition, quali- In this assessment group, four students con-
tative analysis in the form of depiction of as- ducted teaching practice.
sessment is done by explaining all the facts in In this first week, the lecturer introduced
a deeper description. how to use the rubric in the assessment activi-
The data collected in this research is a ty. Assessment rubric already sent in provious
recording of all conversations and ratings oc- day by email. Although newly introduced as-
curring during peer-assessment activities by sessment rubrics, the number of students gi-
using the WhatsApp application that has tran- ving the same assessment or similar to the lec-
script conversation facilities can be sent to turers assessment has increased even though
email. The results of these conversations are the trend sometimes goes up sometimes down.
analyzed and so the patterns can be taken. In preliminary practice, the number of assess-
The conversation is finally grouped based on ment that is in line with the assessment of lec-
the time of peer assessment to know the pat- turers is still two two students and eventually
tern based on time. up to reach nine students.
The number of participating performan-
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ces also experienced ups and downs starting
at least 15 people and at most 17 people con-
The use of WhatsApp application in sisting of a mixture of P group and NP group.
peer-assessment provides some convenience. This increase can not be determined to match
Each respondent can directly respond both in the expected amount because there is no obli-
the form of assessment and feedback on their gation to provide an assessment, peer-assess-
peers performance in the practice of peers te- ment is not included in the final grade value,
aching activity. The use of android application and not all students use their own smartphone.
is effective and efficient due to the rapid flow of An increase in student ratings that is similar to
communication. Each student can find out the lecturer assessment is possible because of the
Khusaini - Analysis of Prospective Physics Teachers Feedback on Online Peer-Assessment 45

Table 2. Recapitulation of the Implementation of the First Week

Input Same
Practiti-oner Feedback and Comments
Values Values
16 15 students focus on one point, 1 student review all points
A (F) 14 P 2 4 students less objective
2 NP
16 4 students focus on 1 point, 2 students review only 2 points
B (M) 14 P 6 4 female students less objektif
2 NP 2 students less thorough to the content
17 Comments focus only on 1 point
C (F) 14 P 9 1 student less objective
3 NP 3 tudents wrong use rubric
15 Many constructive suggestions from students
D (M) 13P 4 5 students less objective

reversal of each peer assessment read and The phenomenon that occurs this week
discussed. is slightly different. The second group experien-
In this first week also found the element ced an increase in the same number of assess-
subjectivity performance that gives better value ments as the lecturers assessment. Students
to his/her close friend. The identification of the comments are increasingly focused on points
objectivity is done when the practitioner does that are considered important. The number of
not give a satisfactory performance. Errors in participants involved in the assessment also in-
using the rubrics also occur in this weeks as- creased. The least number of performances are
sessment. This error is because it is still the 15 students, while the highest numbers are 18
first week and the lack of research students in students. Objectivity assessment of students is
using the rubric. The mistakes of both practitio- increasingly visible with marked suitability bet-
ner and performance concepts in basic physics ween performance with ratings and comments
concepts can also be identified through this given by students with their peers performan-
peer-assessment. So this assessment is also ce. The number of input comments is getting
useful for improving students understanding smaller as students tend to give judgment than
of the concepts of physics. Concept error can comment. Students give comments only to give
be indicated from the performance maximum suggestions for better performance.
value to the wrong concepts of practitioner per- The improvement of the students exper-
formance. tise in giving assessment to his colleagues is
Students feedback on the peformance seen in this second week. This skill improve-
of their peers has decreased in terms of the ment is made possible by many things such as
focus of the discussion in the points availab- input and discussion by lecturers after the per-
le in the rubric. In the first judgment, a student formance and discussion of the results of the
found a comment to all points in the rubric, whi- assessment. The second factor is the learning
le most focus on one point that is considered process from the performance of practitioner in
interesting. The pattern changed to two people the first wave so that the second week prac-
commenting on two points of the rubric. Finally, titioner performance improves and facilitates
all the student comments only focus one point the peer assessment process. The challenge
that is considered important. The comments that is still visible and must be faced is still not
are more likely to motivate and compliment the fully all students use communication tools for
performance of their friends as well as feed- assessment so that impact the assessment re-
back for improvements to the next performan- sults.
ce. This decrease is caused by not all students The next assessment group is the third
using their own smartphone. The second as- week group that was held on March 10, 2016.
sessment group was conducted one week after Implementation figures for this week can be
the first group (March 3, 2016). Assessment seen in Table 4.
analysis occurs in the second group can be In this week, there is still no objectivity
seen in Table 3. in the assessment. The cause of this inabili-
46 Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia 13 (1) (2017) 41-48

Table 3. Recapitulation of the Implementation of the Second Week

Input Same Feedback and Comments
Values Values
15 Focus on one point
E (F) 13 P 12 Give simple motivation by using emoticon.
2 NP Focus on interaction point
17 Focus on one point
F (F) 14 P 10 More improvement remarks
3 NP
17 9 feedback
G (F) 14 P 17 Short comments
3 NP Perfect performance
18 9 feedback
H (F) 15 P Short comments
7 mirip
3NP There is word rather
18 8 feedback
I (F) 15 P 18 Short comments
3 NP
18 12 feedback
J (M) 15 P 18 Comments in the form of motivation
3 NP

Table 4. Recapitulation of Third Week Implementation

Input Same
Practitioner Feedback and comments
Value Value
14 All students give comments
K (M) 12 P 5 Few of them less objective
2 NP
14 13 students give comments
L (F) 12 P 14
2 NP
13 9 feedback
M (F) 13 P 13 Short comments
0 NP
13 7 feedback
N (F) 13 P 6 Short comments
0 NP Few of them less objective
11 7 feedback
0 (M) 11 P 11 Short comments
0 NP

ty is the performance of practitioner who has display of assessment after the assessment is
not given the best performance will encourage completed followed by the discussion by the
students to act less objective in providing an lecturer.
assessment. Students tend to give better va- Comments given in reverse to the perfor-
lue to their close friends both male and female. mance of practitioner increasingly conical with
This situation may be caused by Javanese cul- the need for input to improve the performance.
tural factors to emphasize brotherhood or feel Student performances are more likely to provi-
uncomfortable if giving an assessment of their de input to the practitioners who are deemed
close friends. Gender factors are not very in- necessary to improve one aspect of the student
fluential in the objectivity of this assessment. practitioner.
This objectivity factor can be generated by the This fourth week assessment group is
Khusaini - Analysis of Prospective Physics Teachers Feedback on Online Peer-Assessment 47

the last one. The number of practitioners was Feedback technique should also be
assessed by only one person. Notes during this considered to give a positive impact. Seevers,
assessment activity can be seen in Table 5. In et al. (2014) found the need to give positive
the last assessment activity it can be said that feedback in public, and to give negative ones
all students have improved quite well. Students personally to positively affect students. The im-
give the same assessment as many as six portance of effective feedback was also high-
people and have similarities with the assess- lighted by Conroy, et al. (2009) which empha-
ment of lecturer assessment. Objective factors sizes the importance of appropriate feedback
in the assessment activities are well ordered. to foster student potential. Vojdanoska, et al.
All of the student assessments commented on (2010) also reinforces the notion of the impor-
the students performance. These comments tance of giving feedback to instill a better skill
tend to motivate and provide input for perfor- to learners.
mance improvement. This study found that direct feedback
can have a positive effect in improving stu-
Table 5. Recapitulation of Fourth Week Imple- dents ability to assess and practice teach-
mentation (March 17, 2016) ing. This finding is in contrast to Brosvic, et
Practi- Input Same Feedback and al. (2005) who found that direct feedback
tioner Value Value Comments only provided repetition and acquisition skills
alone. Brosvic and Epstein (2007), however,
12 found that direct feedback has an excellent
12 Motivate feedback
P (p) 12 P impact on a valuation process, especially a
and suggestions for
0 NP matter of multiple choices. The time choice
as a learnable moment is a crucial marker of
the importance of effective timing of feedback.
Improving the assessment of the stu- Feedback development should be done to im-
dent performances is caused by several things. prove the role of assessment in support of stu-
First, students are more observant in the as- dent learning activities. The addition of audio
sessment activities. Students have shown a visual means and responses to the feedback
critical way of thinking to assess student practi- given by peers should be done in further re-
tioners. Second, the feedback given by the lec- search. McLaren (2012) found that more varied
turer to each student input can be used as an feedbacks with audio visual means and stu-
example for the student appraiser in the next dent attitudes toward feedback allow for better
weeks assessment activity. Giving feedback learning. This process of feedback and media
from this appraiser also has a positive impact interaction makes it possible to streamline the
on the practitioner. The practitioners can know role of feedback in peer-assessment activities.
the shortcomings and advantages. Cultural factors of student origin should
Based on the analysis of peer-assess- also be considered. Solidarity culture and mu-
ment activities, it can be concluded that there tual respect for friends should be considered
is an increase in the ability of peer-assessment as well. This factor may affect the subjectivity
by respondents. Feedback from the lecturer of student as an assessor. The factor is then
has a positive impact on student appraisers and influenced by less than the maximum perfor-
practitioners. This condition is in accordance mance of a practitioner. A practitioner who per-
with the findings of Akalin and Sucuoglu (2015) forms teaching skills in English that are not so
which found a positive influence on improv- maximized can get the maximum value from
ing the characteristics and ability of students a close friend. The influence of this culture is
in learning. Several studies also reinforce the much greater than the gender factor of the per-
importance of appropriate feedback to improve formance and practitioner.
learning achievement and change the behavior Concept errors in Physics can also be
of prospective students (Auld et al., 2010) and checked during online peer-assessment activi-
teachers who attend training (Duchaine, et al., ties. The lecturer is easier to detect the mistake
2011). Similar findings regarding repatriation of the practitioner concept during the teaching
according to student shortcomings were also practice. The mistake of the assessor concept
found by Nuryantini, et al. (2015). They were can be checked from their score and feedback.
indicating an improvement in the learners abil- It became the perfect moment to provide im-
ity after receiving feedback in classroom action proved student concepts through lecturer feed-
research using authentic assessment. back (Akalin & Sucuoglu, 2015; Conroy et al.,
48 Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia 13 (1) (2017) 41-48

2009; Brosvic & Epstein, 2007). Education: a Review. Studies in Higher Edu-
cation, 24(3), 331-350.
CONCLUSION Duchaine, E. L., Jolivette, K., & Fredrick, L. D.
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get more opportunity to learn how to conduct ing Physics in English class for improving
assessment in physics learning. Their capa- pre-service physics teachers learning. Maka-
bilities in assessments actvities were increase lah disajikan dalam 3rd International Con-
significantly by considering the lecturer as- ference on Research, Implementation and
sessment in the learning process. Factors that Education of Education of Mathematics and
influence the prospectice students performan- Science, FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogya-
karta, 16-17 Mei.
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Klein, K., & Kientz, M. (2013). A model for success-
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enable the practitioner know who is her/his as- education perspectives. 34(5), 334-338.
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