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American International Journal of Social Science Vol. 3, No.

5; October 2014

The Case for Collective Hate: Simulating the Formation of Hate Groups

Dr. Clairissa D. Breen, CAS, PhD

Assistant Professor
Director of Criminal Justice and Homeland Security Studies
Cazenovia College
22 Sullivan St., Cazenovia
NY 13035

The purpose of this research is to employ simulation modeling to test theories of group formation as they pertain
to hate groups: groups whose hate ideology may or may not condone violent criminal behavior. As of 2010, there
were 1002 hate groups known to be active in the United States. Previous examinations of hate groups have
assumed formation. This paper uses simulation modeling to test Hamms (2004) criminological theory of
collective hate. Simulation modeling is designed to create a computer simulation that simplifies people and their
interactions to mimic a real world event or phenomena. Two different experiments were tested using three models
of hate group formation. These experiments test the importance of personal and societal levels of hate in group
formation. These experiments also tested hypotheses regarding the number of groups that form, the speed of
formation and group size. Data to test these hypotheses was collected from Thirteen thousand model iterations.
All models successfully generated hate groups. Hate groups were generated at all levels of societal hate. An in-
depth understanding of how hate groups form may assist in slowing the proliferation of these groups and
decreasing their appeal.
Because hate groups have existed in all fifty United States, it is important to understand how these groups form.
Understanding the theoretical elements that are vital to hate group development may enable the creation of
programs aimed at addressing these factors to prevent further proliferation of these groups. It may also allow for
the creation of intervention programs, perhaps focused through community and educational models with members
of defunct groups.
In previous examinations of hate groups, the fact that the hate group existed was taken for granted. How the group
formed was only addressed through conjecture of theory, if it was addressed at all. Therefore, this research argues
for the need to develop an understanding of how hate groups form and gain membership. It uses simulation
modeling to isolate and test theory-based explanations for hate group formation and proliferation. An increased
understanding of how these groups form will better inform research on how membership or desire for
membership influences individual and/or group behavior.
There are several challenges to studying hate group formation. It is almost impossible and quite dangerous to seek
out and monitor potential hate group members and those who could possibly start their own hate group. It is also
unethical to manipulate the parameters that may influence hate group formation in the real world. Agent-based
modeling is a computer-based simulation technique growing in popularity in criminal justice studies because it
allows for the controlled study of phenomena not amenable to experimental manipulation (Groff, 2007), allowing
one to observe the growth of a hate group without endangering anyone.
The other problem with simply studying individuals who might form or join a hate group is that there are no
guarantees they will do so, and such studies would be prohibitively long and expensive. Thus, hate group
formation remains the stronghold of theory, and there is almost no empirical work on this topic. Although there
are no guarantees that groups will form as a result of a particular parameter or set of parameters in a simulation
model, this technique does allow for cost and time efficient studies of variables associated with hate group
development throughout history.

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There is great variation in the types of hate groups that exist; this research focuses specifically on white
supremacy groups, which are the most prevalent type of hate group in the United States and the type with the
longest history. Simulation models were built around Mark Hamms theory of collective hate, which is used to
explain the formation of white supremacy groups, in accordance with a pattern evident throughout history in the
development of hate groups in the United States.
Literature Review
Group Formation
Scholarly literature examining group formation has focused on: situational responses (Glick and Jackson, 1970:
Breton and Pinard, 1960), homogeneity, heterogeneity, homophily (Merton and Lazerfeld, 1954), benefit,
technology, framing, rhetoric, ideology, charismatic leadership (McGuire, 1972: Aghion and Gollier, 2000:
Weber, 1947: Popper, 2000: Howell, 1988: Volkan, 1980) and collective identity (Hamm, 2004: Polletta and
Jasper, 2001: Olson, 1965: Carroll and Ratner, 1996: Jasper, 1997: Friedman and McAdam, 1992: Klandermans,
1992: and Castells, 1997).
Glick and Jackson, (1970) hypothesized that groups form around a shared situation, such as going to college.
Merton and Lazerfeld, (1954) suggest groups form out of the individuals desire for similarity. Groups form as
individuals seek out others who are similar to themselves (Merton and Lazerfeld, 1954). This may be partly due to
homogenous groups forming as a response to the differences in a community (Merton and Lazerfeld, 1954).
Group formation has been analyzed based on economic models, providing that membership in the group results
from the individuals finding a financial benefit from membership in the group (McGuire, 1972: Aghion and
Gollier, 2000). Since the advent of the internet, technology has been identified as a catalyst for group formation,
especially since the internet gives people the ability to come together in a virtual place rather than a physical one
to exchange ideas (Langman, 2005: Adams and Roscigno, 2005).
Some groups form in a very overt fashion. Sussman (1956) qualitatively examined the creation, disintegration and
resurrection of a group interested in weight loss. This group formed in response to a call for members who
considered themselves overweight (Sussman, 1956). Potential members were invited to meet at the city hall
through a series of newspaper articles announcing the groups formation (Sussman, 1956). If no one had
responded to the articles, this group would not have formed. These articles called for specific people to come
together based on a shared characteristic at a particular time and place. This is an example of situational response.
Further literature regarding situational response and homogeneity deals with immigration and assimilation
(Breton and Pinard, 1960: Blau, 1956: Eisenstadt, 1951). Specifically, Breton and Pinard (1960) found that
immigrants were more likely to form groups based on ethnicity when their education and language skills were
found to be inadequate for assimilation and when they found employment with individuals who had emigrated
from the same country of origin. Inadequate education and unfamiliarity with the local language prevented most
immigrants in the study from making contacts outside of their ethnic group and limited the number of
employment opportunities (Breton and Pinard, 1960). This study supported other earlier works examining the
necessity of homophily in the establishment of groups (Breton and Pinard, 1960). Despite identifying why
immigrants developed groups based on their ethnicity apart from the society into which they had immigrated, the
study does not shed light on how groups form. It focused on how associations were made between individuals. A
better explanation for group formation can be found in studies examining collective identity.
Collective Identity
One key factor in human group formation is an overt or developed collective identity that draws the individuals
together and maintains the groups cohesiveness (Jasper and Poulsen, 1995: Polletta and Jasper, 2001: Jacobs and
Potter, 1998; Hamm, 2004: McVeigh, 2006: Berbrier, 1998). Part of the formation of such groups is the call for
membership based on this identity or identifying characteristics (Useem, 1972: Jasper and Poulsen, 1995:
Langman, 2005: Jasper and Polletta, 2001: Berbrier, 1998).
Polletta and Jasper (2001) argue that it is a collective identity that draws individuals together when examining
protest and social movements. Once this common identity is established, individuals mobilize strategically and
out of a sense of obligation to support their fellow group members (Polletta and Jasper, 2001). Some draw
pleasure from being involved in the cause that they view as part of their identity or as possessing strong roots in
their culture (Polletta and Jasper, 2001). These individuals require, for the most part, little or no financial or
material compensation for their time and involvement (Polletta and Jasper, 2001).
American International Journal of Social Science Vol. 3, No. 5; October 2014

In order to draw individuals into a collective identity, activists may frame a particular cause, such as AIDS or
human rights, as a cornerstone of another cultural identity, such as homosexuality or an ethnic minority (Polletta
and Jasper, 2001). They then can draw individuals into the movements identity by appealing to the individual
through groups that he or she already claims membership
Polletta and Jasper (2001) define collective identity as an individuals cognitive, moral, and emotional
connection with a broader community, category, practice or institution. It is a perception of a shared status or
relation, which may be imagined rather than experienced directly, and is distinct from personal identities,
although it may form part of a personal identity. (Polletta and Jasper, 2001: 285) Further, they identify that such
collective identities may be developed first by outsiders and then adopted by individuals within the group. Some
may use cultural symbols, rituals, and/or clothing to express the collective identity (Polletta and Jasper, 2001).
Unlike Hamms (2004) collective hate, collective identity is viewed as a positive thing, an element of behavior or
group cohesion that is beneficial to those involved and the greater community. Polletta and Jasper (2001) take
great pains to separate collective identity from any form of ideology; even though, their studies examine political
protest and social movements. For more on collective identity see: Olson, 1965: Carroll and Ratner, 1996: Jasper,
1997: Friedman and McAdam, 1992: Klandermans, 1992: and Castells, 1997. In some social movements, the
successful outcome may be nothing more than the creation of a collective identity from which activists and
lobbyists can draw support or present as a sign of political solidarity or social capital (Polletta and Jasper, 2001).
An earlier examination of radical protest movements by Useem (1972) examined not collective identity, but
collective response. If a problem is not readily apparent to the larger population, it is difficult to create a social
movement to counteract the problem (Useem, 1972). Likewise, social movements need solidarity, cohesion and a
shared sense of purpose that can be considered missing in situations where the movement is sparked by
leadership, distant either ideologically or in social standing, from the groups recruitment base (Useem, 1972).
Similar to theories presented by Coser (1964), Useem (1972) highlights external hostility and internal ritual as
binding functions within groups to enhance commitment and develop bonds within the group, similar to that
discussed by Hirschi (1969). It is only after these commitments are solidified and an individual distances him or
herself from outside attachments that they develop a political or collective identity within the group (Useem,
1972). Useem (1972) further argued that the group identity distances the individual member from larger society,
and his or her previous attachments.
What is Hate?
To understand hate, it is necessary to understand prejudice. Prejudice is a negative response or appraisal of an
individual based solely on a defining characteristic (Falk, 2001: Jacobs and Potter, 1998). Hate centers upon
extreme prejudice (including both negative affective and cognitive appraisals) towards a stigmatized group (Falk,
2001). This can include hatred directed at one due to ones gender (Klein, 2005: Hood and Rollins, 1995:
McPhail, 2002: McPhail and DiNitto, 2005: Rayburn, Earlerywine and Davison, 2003: Levin, 1999), race (Craig,
1999: Torres, 1999: Saucier, Brown, Mitchell and Cawman, 2006: Martin, 1999: Dixon and Gadd, 2006: Saucier,
Hockett and Wallenberg, 2008: Hewitt, 2000: Petrosino, 1999: Rayburn, Mendoza and Davison, 2003: Rayburn,
Earlerywine and Davison, 2003: Levin, 1999: Young, 1990), religion (Byers, Crider and Biggers, 1999:
Baysinger, 2006: Rayburn, Mendoza and Davison, 2003: Rayburn, Earlerywine and Davison, 2003: Levin, 1999),
sexuality (Hood and Rollins, 1995: Parrott and Zeichner, 2006: Rayburn, Mendoza and Davison, 2003: Rayburn,
Earlerywine and Davison, 2003: Levin, 1999: Berrill, 1990), culture, national origin or ethnicity (Byers, Crider
and Biggers, 1999: Rayburn, Earlerywine and Davison, 2003: Levin, 1999), or disability status (Rayburn,
Earlerywine and Davison, 2003: Levin, 1999).
Hate is a stronger sentiment than prejudice as it can serve as a catalyst for action against a stigmatized group
(Medoff, 1999: Allport, 1955: Staub, 1989: Fromm, 1947). Hate can be situational, influenced, guided or
sanctioned by the dominant views of society or an authority figure. These can be reflected in changes in accepted
social norms, such as the Anti-Semitic policies of the Third Reich or the laws governing the treatment of slaves in
the Antebellum American South and the Jim Crow Laws of the post-Reconstruction American South (Pettigrew,
1959: Goldhagen, 1996: Milgram, 1974: Olzak and Nagel, 1986: Medoff, 1999). Hatred can include impulse and
aggression and may be a key factor in decisions to commit violent or property crimes directed at the hated group
(Medoff, 1999: Allport, 1955). Although not everyone who hates someone will engage in violence, hate can be
destructive and a brutal tool in the hands of the powerful (Medoff, 1999). Hate is an essential part of decisions to
engage in genocidal programs against a social or political out group (Medoff, 1999).
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Hate also has a hidden psychological component (Allport, 1955; Staub, 1989; Fromm, 1947). It can be a response
related to the low self-image of the hater (Staub, 1989). Engaging in violence against or belittling members of the
target group boosts the ego and self-assurance of the hater (Staub, 1989). Hatred possesses a projective-punitive
factor (Allport, 1955). The one who hates believes that fault always rests upon the target of his or her animosity
(Allport, 1955). The hater can fault the target for his personal misfortune or lack of opportunity as well as greater
social problems such as economic turmoil or crime. Blaming the victims lessens the guilt felt by those engaging in
violence against the target (Allport, 1955).
Fromm (1947) argues that there are two types of hatred: rational and character-conditioned. Rational hatred is a
response to a personal violation, an attack or threat. This is similar to Sykes and Matzas (1957) theory of
neutralization that deals with the existence of a series of subterranean values within conventional society and
argues that within this subterranean value system, legal codes are seen as inconsistent and vulnerable.
Subterranean values can include prejudicial treatment or informal rules of conduct between authority figures and
the general population (Sykes and Matza, 1957). Legal codes that are applied in an inconsistent or prejudicial
fashion become vulnerable and lose their influence (Sykes and Matza, 1957). If excuses for illegal behavior are
accepted; and therefore, an individual is not punished for the behavior, the law becomes neutralized, decreasing
an individuals belief that he should adhere to any established laws (Sykes and Matza, 1957). Neutralization can
occur at any time, before, during or after a criminal event and includes the denial of responsibility, of injury
and/or of the victim, as well as condemnation of the condemner and/or an appeal to higher loyalties (Sykes and
Matza, 1957).
Character-conditioned hatred, by contrast, has little basis in reality (Fromm, 1947).The target of an individuals
hate may be chosen at random, and the hater then develops a reason to justify his or her hatred (Fromm, 1947).
Character-conditioned hate focuses on target groups and avoids personalizing the animosity. The out-group is
belittled in the haters mental and social dialogue until the group and its membership are entirely dehumanized
(Fromm, 1947). As a result, the individual then believes his or her hatred and hostility is justified (Fromm, 1947).
Dehumanization or de-individuation, in turn, has been shown to be a factor in particularly heinous race-based
violent crimes, specifically the lynching of African-Americans throughout the post-Reconstruction South (Mullen,
Hatred can be situational or culturally specific (Pettigrew, 1959; Milgram, 1974). Individuals learn to hate as they
are socialized into their in-groups (Pettigrew, 1959; Milgram, 1974). These in-groups need not be actual hate
groups. They can be ones peer groups, family or co-workers (Pettigrew, 1959). In an effort to fit in with these
groups and conform to their social norms, individuals learn to hate the groups that their peers and family or co-
workers hate (Pettigrew, 1959). Hate can be especially virulent in these situations if these individuals are
influenced by an authority figure (Milgram, 1974), possibly more so in the presence or under the influence of a
charismatic leader (Weber, 1947).
What is a Hate Group?
Taking the above literature review into consideration for this research, a hate group is defined as any group of
like-minded individuals, united by a common hatred of one or more target groups, who often support, but may or
may not plan, and/or perpetrate hate crimes6. It is important to note that an individual need not be a member of a
hate group to support, plan, or commit a hate crime. In the past, the perpetrators of many hate crimes were
unattached to any well-defined hate group (Torres, 1999). Increasingly, hate crimes are being committed by, if not
members of organized hate groups, those who attribute their actions to a particular hate groups philosophy,
rhetoric or propaganda (Southern Poverty Law Center, 2008; 2009). Further, some who engage in hate crimes
may claim membership to a group that they have not formally joined or were refused membership. This may be
done to prove themselves to the group, or to show their own beliefs are in-line with the groups agenda (SPLC,
2008; 2009). Once imprisoned for these crimes, these individuals are provided with a smorgasbord of potential
groups to join. Many hate groups have sections in or have formed within the prison system, such as the United
Society of Aryan Skinheads (SPLC, 2009). Hate groups, whether or not they engage in hate crime, hate specific
Mark Hamm (2004) theorized that bonds can be created between individuals through a common hatred of social
out-groups (Hamm, 2004: 327).
American International Journal of Social Science Vol. 3, No. 5; October 2014

He applies these ideas to the hate groups he identifies as domestic terrorists in the United States, including Neo-
Nazis and Right wing extremist and militia groups. This theory has been adapted herein to examine hate groups,
the linkage between these domestic terrorist groups and hate groups being easily made, as Neo-Nazi and other
Right wing extremist groups adhere to a white supremacist ideology. These groups also arose from an intense
collective hatred for the federal government (Hamm, 2004: 334). In some of his most definitive work, Hamm has
closely examined the American skinhead movement (Hamm, 1994a; Hamm, 1994b).
Specifically, Mark Hamm (2004) theorized that bonds can be created between individuals through a shared
hatred. He asserts that hate groups and hate organizations in the United States, including Neo-Nazis, right wing
extremists and militia groups, arose from an intense collective hatred for the federal government (Hamm, 2004:
334). Hate, or a belief in a hate groups rhetoric or philosophy, is a defining characteristic of hate group members
or potential members in the real world. Therefore, this study uses three types of hate as primary parameters for
manipulation: intrinsic, extrinsic, and societal. Intrinsic hate is the individuals privately held feelings toward a
target group, which may or may not be totally revealed through extrinsic hate, or overt expressions of hatred.
Extrinsic hate is how the individual expresses him or herself in regards to his or her hate, the language they use,
the tattoos they have, and/or the slogans printed on the clothing they wear. The coming together of individuals
based on their levels of intrinsic and extrinsic hate is the basis for collective hate. These individual representations
of hate are needed to draw the individuals together into a collective hate, where individuals share the same hate
beliefs and rhetoric. Societal hate refers to a background level of hate held by general society toward a
particular target group.
Research Question: Does collective hate influence variations in the attributes of hate group formation?
H1a: The greater the level of hate possessed by the individual agents; the greater the number of groups that are
formed by the individual agents.
H1b: The greater the level of hate possessed by the individual agents; the greater the speed at which groups form.
H1c: The greater the level of hate possessed by the individual agents; the greater the size of the groups that form.
Building upon the collective hate thesis as described by Hamm (2007), these hypotheses test whether individuals
are drawn together by an intense collective hatred. It is this shared belief that causes groups to form. Because
Hamms theory highlights the idea of a shared intense hatred as the deciding factor for joining a group, the more
hate an individual has; the more likely he will agree with other haters and the more likely a group will form.
Illustrative of these hypotheses, in 1913, a large number of people formed the Knights of Mary Phagan in
response to the murder of Mary Phagan. This group formed to lynch the primary suspect, Leo Franks, and
perpetuated itself as a hate group targeting outsiders from the North, Jews and other minorities (Frey and
Thompson, 1988). It was absorbed into the Ku Klux Klan a year later (Frey and Thompson, 1988: Wade, 1987:
Chalmers, 1981).
H1d: The greater the level of societal hate; the greater the number of groups that form.
H1e: The greater the level of societal hate; the greater the speed at which groups form.
H1f: The greater the level of societal hate; the greater the size of the groups that form.
At points in history when a hate ideology was widely accepted by society (e.g., the Antebellum South, the Post-
WWI United States, Nazi Germany, and to a certain extent, the American South during the Civil Rights Era), hate
groups witnessed rapid growth in membership and in popular support. Hate groups do not form in a void: they
form within the larger fabric of society. Although hate groups may form in the absence of societal support, history
shows that groups like the Ku Klux Klan and skinheads are more likely to form in areas where and at times when
there is some level of social acceptance of their views. The higher the levels of societal hate, the more social
support the hate groups are afforded. Also a larger pool of potential members is available for recruitment into
existing or formation of new groups.
Illustrative of these hypotheses are the American South after the Civil War and during the Civil Rights Era which
saw a proliferation of Ku Klux Klan groups during times when it was socially acceptable to hate minorities and
governmental actions designed to increase the rights and freedoms of minorities, especially African Americans.
Simulation Modeling Basics
A simulation model distills a social or natural phenomenon down to its most basic working parts (Epstein, 2007;
Miller and Page, 2007: Gilbert and Troitzsch, 2005).

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It is a bare bones representation of the real world (Epstein, 2007; Miller and Page, 2007: Gilbert and Troitzsch,
2005). When modeling social phenomena, the model is a representation of a combination of location and people
interacting within that location (Epstein, 2007; Miller and Page, 2007: Gilbert and Troitzsch, 2005). The location
is the environment; it stands for the general milieu in which the model is situated. It can be specified to mirror a
city or a rural area or it can be programmed to be very generic, simulating simply an open space in which people
interact. The people interacting in the model are referred to as agents. Agents are the representation of the who
or what the modeler is investigating. In models of social events or behaviors, agents are computerized
representations of human beings (Epstein, 2007; Miller and Page, 2007: Gilbert and Troitzsch, 2005). They are
given characteristics and behavior rules. In the same model, a variety of agents are included that have randomly
assigned start values for characteristics and a specified set of behavior rules to govern the actions and decisions
emitted by the agents.
Characteristics are traits that differentiate one agent from another. Starting values for these characteristics usually
are randomly assigned at the beginning of a model run. Characteristics can encompass a wide variety of traits and
demographics found in the real world. For example, an agent can be assigned a specific profile to mirror a type of
person in the real world, such as a college student (Epstein, 2007; Miller and Page, 2007: Gilbert and Troitzsch,
2005). However, similar to empirical observations, the more variables or traits added to the mix, the more
complex the model and the more likely that the specific interactions that result in the event or behavior of interest
will be obscured (Epstein, 2007; Miller and Page, 2007: Gilbert and Troitzsch, 2005). Thus it is considered in
simulation modeling, that less is more. Characteristics can be altered or even removed from the model in
successive runs to determine whether or not there is a relationship between the characteristics and the behavior, or
whether something else is involved (Epstein, 2007; Miller and Page, 2007: Gilbert and Troitzsch, 2005).
Behavior rules guide the agents activity (Miller and Page, 2007: Gilbert and Troitzsch, 2005). Behavior rules can
be complex or simple (Epstein, 2007). A simple rule can be used to move an agent a fixed distance in a random
direction. A complex rule would build on that action, asking the agent to take into account its perception of
traffic density and personal energy level before adding in a random factor. Both rules require the agent to do
something, but one is far more complex than the other. Behavior rules are not designed to be predictive but rather
to represent basic components of decisions (Epstein, 2007; Miller and Page, 2007: Gilbert and Troitzsch, 2005).
The decisions agents make stem from their consideration of the behavior rule but add a randomly generated
number which represents information not included in the model that can change the decision to a different one.
The goal of a simulation model is to identify the smallest number of characteristics and simple rules that result in
the computerized agents mimicking the real-world behavior being studied (Epstein, 2007; Miller and Page,
2007: Gilbert and Troitzsch, 2005).
Because some social phenomena take longer to occur than others, time becomes a factor. Behavior rules can be
designed to inform agents that they should sleep for a certain period of time during each representation of a day.
In a simulation model, time also is controlled by the programmer. The modeler makes the decisions about how
time will be used in a model (Epstein, 2007; Miller and Page, 2007: Gilbert and Troitzsch, 2005). A model is
designed to run through a set number of steps. When the model finishes its run, the clock is up for the agents in
the model. A model can be run to simulate what the agents do in a brief period of time, such as a few minutes or a
longer period of time, like years (Epstein, 2007; Miller and Page, 2007: Gilbert and Troitzsch, 2005).
Each run of a simulation model produces data. Data is captured in a separate log file for each run (Epstein, 2007;
Miller and Page, 2007: Gilbert and Troitzsch, 2005). Data can be collected continuously through the model run or
only at specific points, such as the beginning, middle, and end of the model run. Data are exported into any
statistical program and analyzed (Epstein, 2007).
In terms of model validation, a model is typically considered successful if it creates the behavior of interest
(Epstein, 2007; Miller and Page, 2007: Gilbert and Troitzsch, 2005). Multiple model runs using the same
programming are used to ensure that the model run that resulted in the behavior of interest was the result of
chance alone. Multiple model runs using the same programming are used to see whether these replicate the
previous model. In order to make certain there is variability between model runs, random number generators are
used to assign different levels to variables of interest, as well as the starting location and movement of the
individual agents. If the model repeatedly results in the same outcome even across a range of sensitivity testing, it
is robust to changes in the tested value.

American International Journal of Social Science Vol. 3, No. 5; October 2014

In terms of model verification, the accuracy of the programming code and the logic of behavior rules are typically
checked by other modelers in order to identify and correct mistakes in the programming (Manson, 2001). Further,
sensitivity testing is used; varying different parameters slightly over initial model runs and the changes in
outcome are noted in order to determine the limits of the models application (Manson, 2001). In order to verify
the models used in this research, each individual process was programmed separately and print statements were
used to verify that the processes were running. Further, in watching the model update over the course of the initial
individual process runs, key elements of processes were given visual cues, agents and background patches
changed color, allowing for a visual assessment of how the model was running, what agent behaviors were in
place, whether or not time was being divided properly, and whether agent characteristics were remaining static or
As the processes were created individually, they were verified by Dr. Stephen Frezza who checked the
programming language against the visual cues designed to highlight the processes and the print statements. The
individual processes were then combined, allowing them to cascade into the full model for theory testing. The
model at this point was checked again by Dr. Frezza, and all errors in programming language were documented
and corrected. The full models in the three experimental conditions (control and collective hate) were run 100
times, each separate from the model runs for data collection. This output was used to verify that the log files were
populating correctly and that the data generated by the models was within the ranges set for the different agent
characteristics and behaviors of interest.
Each model is an alternative representation of how hate groups might form under different conditions. The
variations maintain the simplistic representation of the world inherent in simulation modeling. Each model
variation builds on the previous variations in order to make it possible to clearly identify which parameters are
being manipulated.
ABM Modeling Platform
There are many different ABM modeling platforms available. Each platform was designed for different purposes
and this makes it important to be aware of the specialization of the modeling platform. Because of the wide range
of program available, it is necessary to check the various surveys of programs that have been conducted (Castle
and Crooks, 2006; Leszczyna, 2004; Tobias and Hoffman, 2004; Nikolai and Madey, 2009). Some of these
surveys examine only a few modeling platforms (i.e. Tobias and Hoffman (2004) examined four Java-based
platforms). The most extensive is the Niklolai and Madey (2009) survey. Nikolai and Madey (2009) surveyed and
compared 53 different ABM modeling platforms. These modeling platforms were rated on five separate
characteristics language required to program a model and to run a simulation, operating system required to run
the toolkit, type of license that governs the toolkit, primary domain for which the toolkit is intended, and types of
support available to the user (Nikolai and Madey, 2009, 12).
The program chosen here was NetLogo. NetLogo is a simulation modeling program that was designed for
examining social and natural events and activities and is well-suited to the simulation of complex systems that
develop over time. (Wilensky, 1999:1) Nikolai and Madey (2009) highlight NetLogos accessibility, ease of
operation and its primary specialization as one geared towards the general social sciences. Because of this
specialization, NetLogo has seen extensive use in the social sciences. Notably, NetLogo has been used to examine
political behaviors and situations (Lustick, Miodownik, & Eidelson, 2004; Kuznar, & Sedlmeyer, 2005), as well
as for developing an understanding on how communities form, collective identities develop and cooperation
between individual and groups (Berman, Nicolson, Kofinas, Tetlichi, & Martin, 2004; Flache, & Macy, 2002;
Lansing, 2000; Lansing, & Miller, 2005, Burnett, 2000; Lustik, 2000). NetLogo has also been used to model how
stereotypes and norms develop among and between groups (Adams, & Markus, 2004; Agar, 2005; Aoki, Wakano,
& Feldman, 2005; Brauer, Judd, & Jacquelin, 2001; Doreian, 2001; Gotts, Polhill, & Law, 2003; Sun, 2001;
Gumerman, Swedlund, Dean, & Epstein, 2003; Hastie & Stasser, 2000; Kenrick, Li, & Butner, 2003; Kohler,
2000; Lyons, & Kashima, 2003; Sallach, 2003 ).
NetLogo is programmed using the computer programming language Java but modelers use simplified language
propriety to NetLogo to program their models (Wilensky, 1999). Programming is kept rather simple.
Programming is divided into procedures; the number of procedures varies depending on model complexity.
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Random Numbers
Because it is impossible to know or account for the interactions that make up every situation, a degree of
randomness is necessary so that some other factor could come into play. Thus, an agent could evaluate an
invitation based on the relative difference in hate levels and find it attractive, but once the error term is added,
they could decide not to join. The distribution of the random number generator reflects the modelers best
estimate about the probabilities involved. If there is no basis for preferring one over the other, a uniform
distribution is often used because there is an equal chance that any number in the range will be selected. If most of
the time a low value is expected (i.e., that random factors are not very important), a Poisson distribution is utilized
so that more often, the number generated will be closer to zero. The random term is generated from a normal
random number distribution and ranges from X to X. The reason for the random generation of a response is to
simulate the interaction between people whose ideology or level of hate is the same, but have different opinions
on what should be done or how their beliefs are expressed.
In NetLogo there are eight different ways in which random numbers are used. These are: random-xcor/ycor or
pxcor/pycor, random-seed number, random, random-float, random-exponential mean, random-gamma alpha
lambda, random-normal mean standard-deviation, and random-poisson mean. Table 4 below shows the different
ways random numbers were used in the experiments. The first, random-xcor/ycor or pxcor/pycor is used to place
agents within the environment. Random-xcor/ycor is used to place the agents at random x and y coordinates
anywhere in the model landscape. Random pxcor/pycor places agents randomly to the center of patches within the
model landscape.
The second, random-seed number is used to provide an integer for a pseudo-random number generator. This use
of random numbers was not used in this model. Random and random-float are used to report a number of zero or
greater to a point pre-set by the programmer. In this research, random-float was used for agreements and
disagreements and for error terms in group formation. Random was used to assign numbers within a range for
extrinsic hate, motivation, and susceptibility. Random was also used after agreements or disagreements were
made between agents to separate the agents and cause them to seek out other agents. In this second case, agents
were given the command random 360, causing both agents to turn away from each other and move away at the
random angle assigned by the program in order to seek out another agent. When the distribution of numbers is
more important, NetLogo provides a series of options random-exponential mean, random-gamma alpha lambda,
random-normal mean standard-deviation, and random-Poisson mean.
This research used random-Poisson mean, where mean was replaced with 2, 4, 6, or 8, depending on the level of
societal hate for the model run. This means that intrinsic hate was randomly distributed according to a Poisson
distribution centered on the level of societal hate in the model. When societal hate was allowed to change based
on agent behavior, this does mean that, when compared to the real world, dramatic changes in levels of societal
hate could happen in a short time frame, if on day 100 half the agents had not made an agreement, they could all
change their intrinsic hate at the same time and cause significant changes in the societal hate of the model.
Because of this, the fluctuation of societal hate in models where it has been allowed to vary due to agent behavior
is noted in the log file and the data are collected for future analysis and research. In model runs that were absent
of societal hate, where societal hate was not included, intrinsic hate was treated like extrinsic hate and declared as
random for the intrinsic hate range.
The purpose of the model designed for this research was to test theories of hate group formation. Hate group
formation has been examined through theory and retrospective. Although some histories exist for well-known
hate groups, such as the origins of the Ku Klux Klan, the proliferation of hate groups in the United States and
elsewhere over the past ten years increases the need to understand how hate groups form. The structure of the
model is simplistic. Individual agents in the model are designed to represent ordinary people. There is nothing
extraordinary about the people who form or join hate groups, they are every day, ordinary human beings.
Therefore, the agents in the model are the same. The agents are stripped down versions of these ordinary human
beings; they have an internal belief system (intrinsic hate), an external representation of their views (extrinsic
hate),and motivation. They do not have social status, education, or economic status, as these characteristics
distract from the core problem.

American International Journal of Social Science Vol. 3, No. 5; October 2014

Hate group members have, historically, been drawn from all social and economic strata and from a variety of
educational backgrounds. The environment was also minimalist and will be discussed in the next section. The
temporal scale of the model was a one year period, a very brief period of time for hate group formation, or any
type of group formation, but a manageable period of time, as the SPLC measures the number of active hate groups
in the United States on a yearly schedule. For the agents in the model, this scale was subdivided into 6-hour
blocks, measured by one tick of the models run time. The agents motivation process was directly tied to these
Motivation is one of the key processes in the model. When the model is programmed to motivate the agents, it is
the start of all other processes. Motivation is divided into three categories. The most motivated agents are active
18 hours a day, the second category of agents are active 12 hours a day and the least motivated agents are active
only 6 hours a day. When the motivation process begins, the agents who are motivated to be active during that
time period begin the communication process. Those who are not motivated to be active during that time period
do not initiate the communication process.
The communication process governs the interaction between agents. The agents are programmed to look for other
agents within their current patch who present themselves (extrinsic hate) as having similar beliefs (intrinsic hate).
When an agent finds another agent who fits this qualification, the agent approaches that agent and they discuss
their beliefs. This process is within the communication process, where the agents compare their views (intrinsic
hate to extrinsic hate). The agents are not mind readers, so they are comparing the external representation of each
others beliefs (extrinsic hate) to their own internal beliefs (intrinsic hate). The next step of this process is the
agreement/disagreement process.
The agreement/disagreement process takes place when the agents have made this comparison of beliefs and are
determining whether or not they agree with each other. In some cases, the two agents will appear to agree on the
surface (extrinsic hate of Agent 1 = extrinsic hate of Agent 2), but this faade does not reveal their internal beliefs
and they immediately disagree and seek other connections. In other cases, the agents will agree on the surface and
internally (extrinsic hate of Agent 1 = intrinsic hate of Agent 2). These agents are most likely to form a
connection. However, everyone knows there is more to making a connection with another person than shared
beliefs. Because of this, the process for agreements has a random chance associated with it. The program
essentially tosses a coin to determine whether or not this connection has been made. If the connection is made,
both agents keep track of who it was they agreed with and seek out other connections. If the connection was not
made, the same process as the immediate disagreement comes into play.
If an agent does not manage to make any connections over the course of 100 days, a new process comes into play.
The agent is given the opportunity to change its mind (intrinsic hate). There are no core rules that govern how the
agent changes its mind (intrinsic hate), but if the agent chooses to change, all internal characteristics of the agent
change (intrinsic hate, motivation, susceptibility). Although most people change their mind more than three times
a year, the idea here is that intrinsic hate is a long-held core belief, not a transient dislike that may change with
time and experience.
Whether or not an agent is making connections after each agreement or disagreement, the agents are given the
option of changing their outward appearance (extrinsic hate). This process allows the agent to reset their extrinsic
hate to any amount. This allows an agent to change their outward representation of their beliefs up or down, in
turn giving themselves an increased likelihood of forming connections. The agents want to make connections,
because they are representations of human beings, which are social animals.
When an agent has tallied a total of five or more connections (agreements), the group formation23 process comes
into play. The group formation process does not require that the agents be in close proximity to each other when
the tally reaches five, just like a group of friends deciding to form a club may contact each other by phone, text
message or via social media (e.g., Twitter, Facebook). The agents are alerted to their possibility of group
formation. This does not mean a group forms instantly, just as with the agreement process, the group formation
process also has a random component. The model once again flips a coin to determine whether or not the group
forms. If the group does not form, the agents keep their agreements, but continue seeking further connections. If
the group does form, the agents populate a group agent and are given new characteristics as group members,
commitment and fear.

Center for Promoting Ideas, USA

These new characteristics in combination with the agents intrinsic hate give the agents the option of staying with
the group or leaving the group. A group can gain members from this point as its members make new
Though the group was developed based on a series of connections, it is not a social network model. A social
network model establishes pre-existing links between agents and then uses the agents pre-existing connections to
form new connections (Carroll & Ratner, 1996: Dorien, 2001: Friedman & McAdam, 1992). These pre-existing
connections run contrary to the basic tenets of Hamms (2004) collective hate, that people are drawn together by
an intense collective hatred. This collective hatred is not theorized as being based in a pre-existing network of
friends or acquaintances, but more in the synchronistic coming together of people with similar views and beliefs.
Therefore, in these models, while agents bring in their connections, these connections are established in a more
free-flowing fashion than a structured social network model. No behavior rule governs how many groups the
agents can join, as their real world counterparts can certainly have more than one group affiliation.
The processes in place when the group is populated are the option of changing intrinsic hate and dropping out of
the group. The option for changing intrinsic hate comes after the agents have been populated in a group and the
group has stayed together for ten days. The agents are then given the option to increase or decrease their intrinsic
hate, to radicalize or become disenchanted. When the agents choose to increase or decrease their intrinsic hate,
they also reset their internal characteristics (motivation and susceptibility).
The second process in place when a group has formed is the agents dropping out of the group. When these agents
joined groups they were given two new characteristics, fear and commitment. Commitment is randomly assigned.
Each agent determines how much fear it has based on the difference between the level of hate possessed by the
most extreme member of the group and their level of commitment. So, if Agent 1 has a level of commitment of 4
and the most extreme member of the group has a hate level of 7, Agent 1s level of fear is 3.
The decision to leave the hate group is based on the following: if the mean level of hate for the group becomes
twice a particular agents level of fear, that agent will make the decision to leave the group. Therefore, if an agent
has a fear level of 3 and the mean level of hate for the group is 6, the agent will leave the group. No matter how
much an individual buys into a groups belief system or viewpoint, there is a point at which the group may
advocate a position beyond an individual members comfort zone.
For some agents this can be instantaneous: the minute their levels of fear and commitment are assigned, they may
assess the group and leave. Dropping out of the group is governed by a calculation of the agents characteristics
and the groups characteristics.
Where H is mean intrinsic hate or the group level of hate and f is the individual agents level of fear. No matter
how much an individual buys into a groups belief system or viewpoint, there is a point at which the group may
advocate a position beyond an individual members comfort zone. For example, a person may absolutely hate a
certain segment of the population with a blinding passion, but may not want to engage in acts of violence against
those individuals.
When an agent leaves a group, their levels of commitment and fear are documented in the log file for analysis, but
they do not retain the commitment or fear characteristics. They are no longer a member of the group, so they are
no longer committed to the group. They also have left the situation that was causing or influencing their fear, so
they are no longer afraid. They can join another group or even the same group at a later time, at which time they
would be assigned a new commitment level and have a new level of fear calculated. If a groups membership falls
below three members, the group dissolves.
Within these experiments there were two kinds of agents; individual people and groups. Each model contained
500 individual agents. These agents were given the characteristics listed in Table 1 below.

American International Journal of Social Science Vol. 3, No. 5; October 2014

Table 1: Individual Characteristics

Individual Characteristics After Individual becomes a group member After Individual leaves a group
ID* Group ID* Dropout ID*
Intrinsic hate RP(0-10) Commitment*
Extrinsic hate R(0-10) Fear *
Motivation R(1-3)
* Included in the model but not used as an independent variable
When an agent leaves a group, their levels of commitment and fear are documented in the log file, but they do not
retain these characteristics. They are no longer a member of the group; therefore, they are no longer committed to
the group. They also have left the situation that was causing or influencing their fear; therefore, they are no longer
afraid. The agent is then given a drop-out ID that tracks which groups they have left. These agents can join
another group or even the same group at a later time. If they do so, they would be assigned a new commitment
level and have a new level of fear calculated.
Group agents serve as place-holders for the groups that will be formed by the individual agents. Each model
contained 100 of these group agents. The group agents were given the characteristics listed in Table 2 below.
Table 2: Group Agent Characteristics
Group Characteristics
Group mean Hate**(5)
Number of members*(5)
Group mean Commitment***
Group mean Fear***
Number of drop-outs***
* Used to determine dependent variables: number of groups that formed and size
** Used to determine dependent variables: number of groups that formed, level of hate
*** Included in the model but not used as an independent or dependent variable
Group agents characteristics are populated when a group is formed.
As previously stated, the environment in a simulation model is developed by the programmer. It can be very
complex, simulating a bustling metropolis with streets and hubs or simply an open field. The environment design
for this simulation model was kept simplistic. The open field landscape was determined to be the best option to
prevent interference from environmental factors that could change agent behavior. Therefore, the landscape for
the model was composed of patches. Each agent was randomly assigned to a section of a patch at the start of the
model run and from that point the agents were able to move to any patch they wanted as they interacted with other
agents. This prevented situations where the location at which the agents interacted had more influence over group
formation than the individual agent characteristics. Further, hate groups have historically existed in all 50 states,
in both rural and urban areas, as well as internationally and in the nebulous environment of the internet. In this
environment, the agents are randomly distributed across the landscape. This does affect their earliest
conversations with other agents, but as the model run progresses, they are free to move throughout the landscape
and speak with whomever they encounter who looks like a good prospect based on their extrinsic hate.
Simulation modeling by its very nature is extremely data rich. Based on what information the modeler decides to
collect, each model run can produce thousands of data points. In the programming for a simulation model, the
programmer sets up a log file with the variables of interest and the number of times the data should be recorded.
Data are usually of three varieties, the value of a characteristic (i.e., intrinsic hate 5), a count of some action or
behavior (i.e., agreements 12) or a list (i.e., the agent ids of a series of agents in a group). The majority of the data
collected for this research was of the first two varieties. In this research, data were recorded for all variables at
each tick of the model run.

Center for Promoting Ideas, USA

Each model run in these experiments produced a log file for individual agent data and a second for group data.
The 15,000 iterations used to create distributions of results produced a total of 15,000 individual agent log files,
and 15,000 group log files for a total of 30,000 individual log files.
All total there were 500 agents in each model and 730,000 data points per model, yielding a total of
10,950,000,000 individual data points of agent data. These data points included information regarding each
agents level of intrinsic and extrinsic hate at any given time, the group or groups they joined and the group or
groups they had left if they dropped out of a group. There were 100 possible hate groups that could be populated
per model and 146,000 data points per model, yielding a total of 2,190,000,000 data points of group data. These
data points included the number of members, the mean intrinsic and extrinsic hate of each group, as well as a list
of agents who had joined and a list of agents who had left the group at any given time.
Because these data sets together were large enough to be unwieldy, the data within the log files was used to create
cases in the analysis dataset. The log file for agent data and group data were matched up for all model iterations
and then the data from each of these files was used to create a single data set where each of the model iterations
became a single case within the data set.
The log files were designed such that the variables of interest and the unique identifier for each individual agent in
the agent log files and the group identifier in the group log files were listed across the top of the spreadsheet and
the tick number at which the data were collected was listed down the left hand side of the spreadsheet. Therefore,
at each tick in the model, the agent log file recorded the individual agents value on all characteristics, as well as
the number of agreements and disagreements the agent had made up to that point and whether or not they had
joined a group, left a group or stayed in a group. The group log file recorded the group characteristics at each tick
of the model, listing the identifiers of agents who had joined a group, left the group, as well as their averages on
the individual agent characteristics. Log files can become very large depending on the length of time the model
iteration is running, the number of characteristics or actions that the file is programmed to keep track of, and the
number of agents included in the model. That was the case with the log files used to collect data from the model
runs documented here.
Dependent Variables
The dependent variables of interest for all models were number of groups that form, the speed at which groups
form, and the size of the groups that formed. The dependent variables with their conceptual and operational
definitions are listed in Table 8 below.
Table 3: Dependent Variables
Dependent variable Conceptual Definition Operational Definition
Number of groups The number of groups that A group with a minimum of 5 members with an
formed average intrinsic hate of 5 or higher
Speed The amount of time it took for The first day that a group formed
groups to start forming The average number of days for all groups that formed
Size The number of members in a The largest group formed in the model
group The number of groups that formed above the minimum
number of members
Number of groups is conceptualized as the number of groups that form over the course of a model run. Number of
groups is operationalized as the number of groups of five or more agents that come together and form a group
with an average intrinsic hate of 5 or higher. Operationalizing these groups as needing an intrinsic hate of 5 or
higher is based on the lowest level of societal hate used as an experimental condition in the models. The lowest
level of societal hate used as an experimental condition in the models is 2; therefore, a group with an average
intrinsic hate of 5 has a level of hate within their group of 2.5 times the level of societal hate. When societal hate
is 4, these groups are those whose hate is 1.25 times the level of societal hate. The concern occurs when societal
hate is 6 or 8, where these groups have less intrinsic hate on average than the society; however, increasing the
average hate required for a hate group to be counted in these situations would mean that the number of groups
could not be compared across levels of societal hate. For this reason, the requirement of an average intrinsic hate
of 5 or higher remains constant.

American International Journal of Social Science Vol. 3, No. 5; October 2014

Speed is conceptualized as the amount of time it took for groups to start forming. This variable is operationalized
in two different ways. The first is the first day the first group formed. This gives a snap shot of when groups
started to form. The second is the average number of days, under the experiment conditions; it took for the groups
to form. These two measures of speed give a good idea of what is happening in regard to time in the model.
Groups can start forming within the first day, this may be due to a series of agents whose levels of hate are
compatible being randomly assigned to the same patch within the model environment, giving them an advantage
towards group formation, similar to a group of potential skinheads all frequenting the same bar at the same time.
To offset this type of accident of circumstance, the average amount of time it took for all the groups to form gives
a picture of all the activity in the model.
Size is conceptualized as the number of members in a group. Just like speed, size is operationalized in two ways,
the largest group that formed in the model and the number of groups larger than the minimum group size. The
first measure gives an idea of how big the biggest group became over the course of the model run. The second
measure looks at comparing how many of all the groups that formed were larger than the minimum set by the
program at the end of the model run. This second measure was preferred to a measure of the average number of
members in all groups as the number of groups with only the requisite five founding members typically
outnumbered the larger groups and would have skewed the mean. This second measure was taken at the end of
the model run to account for changes in group membership over the course of the model run, where groups may
have had more than the requisite five members at one point during the model and lost members to drop-outs by
the end of the model run. This also assured that no group was counted more than once.
Group Formation
A group is defined as having a minimum of five members. The decision to make groups this size is to differentiate
between the idea of a few friends who share a belief and an organized group. The number five was chosen to
represent a hypothetical group with some internal structure, similar to a club with positions for a president, vice
president, secretary, treasurer, and general membership. In order for the group to be counted as a hate group, the
average intrinsic hate of the group must be five or higher. While groups may form at lower levels of average
intrinsic hate, these groups are not counted in the analysis of hate group formation unless the average level of
intrinsic hate in the group increases to the 5 or higher point during the model run.
As agents interact within the model, they make connections based on which agents share their views. Each
agreement between agents begins a tally toward group formation. Once five agents are connected, the model
randomly generates whether or not the group will form. If the chance generated a no response, the group did not
form, though the connections remained intact. This represented those groups that may have had enough people in
agreement, but for unknown reasons did not form. If the chance generated a yes response, everyone who is
connected through agreements was then populated into that group. An agent does not need to agree with every
agent in the group. Once formed, groups are seeking new members and attempting to retain the members they
already have. Within the group, as agents change their views based on interactions with one another and group
membership, the relationships become more pronounced. However, should a groups membership fall below 3
members, the group is dissolved.
Independent Variables
The independent variables of interest are the characteristics of the individual agents. These variables are listed in
Table 4 below. The independent variables of interest for all models were intrinsic hate, extrinsic hate, the societal
level of hate, and motivation. Each independent variable is examined for its individual effects. Combined effects
are not examined in the analysis. Random assignment for independent variables changed depending on which
experiment was being used. In experiments where societal hate was part of the model, a Poisson distribution was
used. When societal hate was not part of the model, random assignment was normally distributed. Due to the
varying levels of societal hate, the Poisson distributions were skewed positively when societal hate was higher
and negatively when societal hate was lower. Societal hate is both an experimental condition and an independent

Center for Promoting Ideas, USA

The experiments were run at set levels of societal hate that were systematically changed between model runs,
1,000 each at societal hate 2, 4, 6, and 8, as well as 1,000 runs without societal hate included in the model for all
three experiments, control, and collective hate.
Table 4: Independent Variables
Independent Variable Conceptual Definition Operational Definition Type of Agent Hypothesis
Intrinsic hate The core personal belief Randomly assigned All All
in a hate ideology levels from 0-10
Extrinsic hate How the agent displays Randomly assigned All All
their beliefs levels from 0-10

Societal hate The societal level of Set at levels 2,4,6,and n/a model H1d-f
hate 8 parameter
As you will recall, collective hate is a reflection of two levels of individual hate, intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic
hate was conceptualized as the core personal belief of an agent, reflective of the extent to which agents had levels
of hate commonly espoused by those adhering to a white supremacist ideology. Agents with lower levels of
intrinsic hate have little-to-no core personal buy-in to the white supremacist ideology. Those with higher levels of
intrinsic hate have an increasingly more substantial buy-in to the white supremacist ideology. They are true
believers, individuals with an unshakeable belief in the tenets of the white supremacist ideology. Operationally,
intrinsic hate was an interval level variable with values ranging from 0 to 10. A zero reflects an absence of
intrinsic hate; whereas a 10 reflects the greatest amount of intrinsic hate possible.
Intrinsic hate is the level of hate that an agent has developed, presumably based on life experience or social or
familial norms (or by prior exposure to others with similar levels of hate). This is the type of hate that influences
agents to either agree or disagree with others when contrasted with the other agents extrinsic hate. Agents are
comparing the outward representation of other agents hate level (i.e., the other agents extrinsic hate level) to
their own personal, core beliefs (i.e., their own intrinsic hate level)
If the agent asking about the individual agents agreement has an extrinsic hate that is more than 1 of the
individual agents intrinsic hate, the agent immediately disagrees. The 1 range was chosen in order to adhere
closest to the ideas of the theory of collective hate, any range larger than 1 would have created groups with
members with widely disparate opinions and beliefs. If the membership has such widely varying opinions and
beliefs, they would not be representative of the intense collective hatred theorized by Hamm (2004). If the asking
agents extrinsic hate falls within that range, the agent being asked considers what the asking agent is saying.
The final decision is based on an equation that weighs the relative difference between the two agents and
incorporates a random term representing unknown factors. In other words, two agents may come into contact,
perceive each other to have similar views (+/- 1 extrinsic hate) and begin a conversation. Over the course of that
conversation, the agents weigh what is being said against their internal views and beliefs ( 1 intrinsic hate). This
conversation is based on geographic proximity; that is, the agents have to come in contact with one another. This
contact is established by the two agents standing next to each other in the same unit of the model environment.
For example, two potential Klan members meet on the street. They are both wearing t-shirts with a logo from a
popular white power rock group and have similar tattoos. They strike up a conversation, based on this perceived
common ground. Over the course of their conversation, one of the potential Klan members decides that the person
he is conversing with is a little more extreme than fits his internal belief system, perhaps he hates minorities and
has done a little vandalism, but the person he is talking with is discussing his desire to attack minority children at
a local YMCA and kill as many as possible. This discussion has extended beyond the one potential Klan
members internal views, his core beliefs, his intrinsic hate. If this violent Klan member approached him about a
new group that was forming, the nonviolent Klan member would be disinclined to join it.
In the model, the programmer tells the agents to look at the other agents nearby and seek out those agents whose
extrinsic hate (their outward appearance or profession of hate) is within +/-1 of their own intrinsic hate (their
internal core beliefs). When the agent spots another agent that fits this criterion, the agent is instructed to
communicate with that agent. The agents communicate by exchanging information about their extrinsic hate, in
other words they size each other up as to whether or not they agree on their hate ideology on the surface. If they
agree on the surface, the agent who has been approached considers the other agents views internally.
American International Journal of Social Science Vol. 3, No. 5; October 2014

That is, they compare what this agent is presenting to them through their extrinsic hate with their internal views,
their intrinsic hate. If the extrinsic hate falls within +/-1 of the agents intrinsic hate the agent decides whether or
not they agree. This agreement is contingent on a random chance, an error term that is presented by the model.
This allows for two agents who have the right values on their characteristics, intrinsic vs. extrinsic hate to
disagree, based on some non-programmed factor, such as bad hygiene or a repulsive habit.
Intrinsic hate is not something that an agent can vary at random, but it can change based on situation or
experience, specifically when the conditions listed in Table 10 are met. There is not a set limit on how much an
agent can change their levels of hate when they comply with the time limits set by the behavior rules. Each model
runs for 1 year, 365 days, the decision to allow intrinsic hate to change (when not in the control model) after 100
days without an agreement was made based on the idea that this is someones core internal belief system feeding
their intrinsic hate, it would take a long time for them to change this internal system, so nearly 1/3 of the model
run. The change in intrinsic hate is left up to the agent; they are given the option of resetting their internal
variables (intrinsic hate, motivation, and susceptibility) at these time points.
After 100 days without making any agreements, an agent may increase their intrinsic hate to replicate someone
who finds this lack of agreement bolstering to their beliefs as though they are saying, no one agrees with me
because they are all delusional or supporters of the thing I hate. An agent may decrease their hate, replicating
someone who finds this lack of agreement as a sign that there might be something amiss with their beliefs
similar to the experience of someone who developed an intense hatred for a racial or ethnic group that they had
never encountered and changed their mind after learning more about that group.
Groups are prone to radicalization from within and strengthening of belief systems (Simmel, 1955). Therefore, for
group members this decision to change intrinsic hate is 1/10 of the time as compared to when they do not have
any agreements. For those who increase their intrinsic hate, these are those members who become increasingly
radical, those who decrease their intrinsic hate are those who are made uncomfortable by the groups viewpoint
and distance themselves from the group.
Table 5: Conditions for Changing Perceived and Intrinsic Hate
Conditions for changing extrinsic hate Conditions for changing intrinsic hate
Unless otherwise noted in an After 100 days without an agreement, an agent can raise or lower
experiment, agents have full autonomy their level of intrinsic hate. See Figure 7.
over their extrinsic hate and can change After 10 days of membership in a hate group, an agent can raise or
their level of extrinsic hate up or down, lower their level of intrinsic hate. See Figure 7.
any amount without fulfilling any

If an agent changes its level of intrinsic hate, the new level of intrinsic hate is maintained until the agent enters
into a situation where one of the conditions in Table 5 is satisfied. This change is triggered by the number of days
that an agent does not register an agreement with another agent or the number of days it has been a member of a
hate group. The agent is given the option to reset its intrinsic hate; therefore, the level of intrinsic hate can
increase or decrease any amount.
It should be noted that nothing in the programming code for the models biases an agent towards group
membership. Group membership is based on agreements. The only influence that may affect an agents potential
for group membership is the agents motivation. How motivated an agent is will affect how many opportunities
that agent has to make agreements.
Extrinsic hate was conceptualized as the way in which the individual agents present themselves to others. This
represents the extent to which they outwardly show support for a white supremacist ideology. Agents with lower
levels of extrinsic hate would be perceived by other agents as having little or no interest in a white supremacist
ideology. Those with higher levels of extrinsic hate would be perceived by other agents as having increasingly
more interest and support for a white supremacist ideology. Operationally, extrinsic hate is an interval level
variable with values ranging from 0 to 10, where zero reflects no extrinsic hate and 10 reflects the greatest level
of extrinsic hate possible. Extrinsic hate is randomly distributed; this is not a uniform of normal distribution.

Center for Promoting Ideas, USA

Extrinsic hate can be varied at any time in all experiments except the control experiments. The reasoning behind
this is that extrinsic hate is how the agent presents itself to its surroundings. This is similar to changing clothes or
carrying a sign. It is the same as choosing different vocabulary or a different story when talking to another person.
Because of this, the agents are given the opportunity to change their extrinsic hate after each evaluation of the
agents that are in closest proximity. The agents are asked if they see any other agents in their surroundings that
have extrinsic hate that is +/- 1 of their intrinsic hate and are asked to pick one and communicate with that agent.
If an agent finds someone or more than one person, that agent may not choose to change its extrinsic hate, if they
do not find someone the agent may change its extrinsic hate. This choice is completely under the agents control
in the collective hate experiments. In the control experiments, extrinsic hate, just like all other characteristics,
remains static.
Societal hate was conceptualized as the degree to which the society in which the agents are interacting accepts the
presence of white supremacists and their ideology. Lower values of societal hate are representative of less support
for white supremacists and their ideology. Higher levels of societal hate are representative of a society that is
more accepting of white supremacists and their ideology. Operationally, societal hate is an interval variable with
values ranging from 0 to 10. It was calculated as the mean of the intrinsic hate possessed by all 500 agents present
in that specific model.
Societal hate during the control experiments was held at fixed values of exactly 2, 4, 6, and 8 for the entire
experiment. Any societal hate lower than 2 would be indicative of nearly Utopian societies, at level 0, the average
hate for the society would be 0, at level 1, the average hate would be 1, this would result in hate being too rare a
phenomena in the society to really measure. Likewise, societal hate higher than 8 results in societies so saturated
with hate that it becomes increasingly difficult to separate out the formation of hate groups, the society itself
would be an informal hate group. Utopian societies and societies completely saturated with a hate ideology are
nonexistent in the real world and as simulation models attempt to recreate real world phenomena, these extremes
would be outside the model scope. In all other experiments, the level of societal hate was allowed to increase and
decrease, reflecting aggregate changes in the individual agents levels of intrinsic hate. In all models when
societal hate was allowed to vary and reflect aggregate changes in the individual agents levels of intrinsic hate,
no matter what the starting point was, societal hate increased and decreased over the course of the model run.
These changes in societal hate were recorded in the log file. Societal hate did not always increase, and it did not
always decrease over time. When societal hate started lower, it tended to increase over the course of the model
run rather than decrease, when it started higher, it tended to decrease rather than increase. Variation in societal
hate was recorded in the log files for all experimental models. In the analysis, societal hate at the starting point,
the set societal hate at the beginning of the model, is used to differentiate between the model runs. While the
changes in societal hate and the ending societal hate are recorded, for comparison purposes, the models are
analyzed based on the level of societal hate with which they started. Beginning societal hate was used in the
analysis because it was the common starting point, this allowed for the direct comparison of the control condition
and the two experimental conditions. Because societal hate could vary substantially within the same model run
under the experimental conditions, this choice was made to maintain uniformity in the data set. Time series
analysis can be used in future examination of the data to make a more nuanced examination of the effect of
changing societal hate on hate group formation in individual model runs. The levels of societal hate used in the
control models are loosely defined and presented in Table 6 below. The literature on societal hate is limited to
explanations of Nazi Germany and levels of societal hate have not been presented in previous research. These
levels are not concrete representations but are provided in order to give the reader a point of comparison between
the real world and the simulations.

American International Journal of Social Science Vol. 3, No. 5; October 2014

Table 6: Societal Hate

Level of Societal Hate Definition
Societal Hate 2 When the mean level of hate in the society is 2, the society is rather accepting of
differences, very little social unrest. Individuals with higher levels of hate are a
minority in society, similar to most large urban areas in the United States currently.
Societal Hate 4 When the mean level of hate in the society is 4, the society is accepting of differences,
but there may be pockets of social unrest. Individuals with higher levels of hate are still
a minority in society, similar to the current anti-immigration movement in Arizona.
Societal Hate 6 When the mean level of hate in the society is 6; the society is rather intolerant of
differences, increasing amounts of social unrest. Individuals with higher levels of hate
are a small majority in society, similar to the United States during the Civil Rights Era.
Societal Hate 8 When the mean level of hate in the society is 8, the society is intolerant of differences,
and there is a high likelihood of social unrest. Individuals with higher levels of hate are
a majority in society, similar to Nazi Germany at the height of World War II. 1
Covariate of Interest
Motivation was conceptualized as the level to which an agent actively sought out relationships with other agents,
how motivated the agent was to seek out individuals who might agree with his hate beliefs. Operationally,
motivation is an interval level variable with values of 1(equivalent to 6 hours of inactivity), 2 (equivalent to 12
hours of inactivity) and 3 (equivalent to 18 hours of inactivity). Each agent was inactive for at least 6 hours and as
many as 18 hours. The decision to provide agents with at least 6 hours of inactivity was that this would account
for at least a minimum amount of time that a person in the real world would spend asleep. An agent that is
inactive only 6 hours is highly motivated because they are active for 18 hours. This is equivalent to someone who
interacts with others for most of the time they are awake. This is not static over the course of the model run. If an
agent chooses to change its level of intrinsic hate, the model also randomly reassigns a level of motivation. The
motivation may be the same as before, or it may increase or decrease. An agent may increase their level of
intrinsic hate, but the model may decrease their motivation. The model randomly assigned a third of the agents to
each level of motivation. See Table 7 below for explanations of the different levels of motivation. These
explanations are provided solely for the purpose of a reference that explains individual agent behavior in real
world terms.
Table 7: Levels of Motivation
Levels of Motivation Equivalence in the Real World
Motivation 1 Actively seeking others 18 hours out of every day. This is someone who is very
extroverted and interacts often with others, a real people person.
Motivation 2 Actively seeking others 12 hours out of every day. This is someone who is friendly but
not immediately classified as an extrovert and interacts often with others, but also likes
to be left alone from time to time.
Motivation 3 Actively seeking others 6 hours out of every day. This is someone who is friendly, but
not very active. They interact occasionally with others, but prefer to be left alone most
of the time.
Control Condition
In the control condition, the agents were unable to alter their extrinsic or intrinsic levels of hate. Also, unlike
subsequent experiments, agents in this condition were randomly assigned values for their levels of extrinsic and
intrinsic hate that they were not able to alter. Societal hate was systematically assigned, and because intrinsic and
extrinsic hate were not allowed to vary over the year modeled, this means that societal hate remained constant
during each model. Intrinsic hate, which is the basis for societal hate was randomly assigned using a Poisson
distribution centered on the level of societal hate as the mean.
While to most individuals Nazi Germany has all the trademarks of a society completely saturated with hate, however due to
the presence of individuals who willingly risked and sacrificed their lives in opposition to the Nazi regime and those whose
accounts of life under the Nazis express the prevalence of coercion and fear that influenced the behavior of everyday citizens,
it is not possible to rank Nazi Germany as the epitome of societal hate (Goldhagen, 1996; Gellately, 2001; Kershaw, 2008).
Center for Promoting Ideas, USA

See Table 8 below for the conditions present in the control model concerning societal hate and agent
characteristics. When societal hate was low; the intrinsic hate of all agents was skewed to the low end. When
societal hate was high; the intrinsic hate of all agents is skewed to the high end. The dependent variables
measured included number of groups that form, speed of group formation, and group size. The control condition
which represented what would happen in the absence of the ability to vary hate and form a collective identity,
(i.e., collective hate) across different levels of societal hate provided data for comparison to the experiments
described next.
Table 8: Control Model and Conditions
Control Model Conditions Use in Analysis
No Societal Hate Societal hate was not included in the model. Analysis for hypotheses 1a-1c
All agents were randomly assigned levels of
extrinsic and intrinsic hate that could not vary
over the course of the model run.
Societal Hate 2 Societal hate was set at level 2 and did not vary Analysis for hypotheses 1d-1f
over the course of the model run.
For all societal hate conditions, all agents were
Societal Hate 4 Societal hate was set at level 4 and did not vary randomly assigned levels of extrinsic and
over the course of the model run. intrinsic hate that could not vary over the course
of the model run. Intrinsic hate was randomly
Societal Hate 6 Societal hate was set at level 6 and did not vary assigned using a Poisson distribution that used
over the course of the model run. the level of societal hate as its mean.

Societal Hate 8 Societal hate was set at level 8 and did not vary
over the course of the model run.
Manipulating Collective and Societal Hate
Using the behavioral rules previously discussed, the experiments described in this section were used to generate
data to systematically manipulate variables central to Hamms theory of group formation. The first model set for
collective hate provided data for determining whether a simple relationship existed between collective hate and
the 3 dependent variables
The second model set for collective hate added societal hate as a potential moderating variable. For these, the
collective hate model was run at each level of societal hate (i.e., 2, 4, 6, and 8) for each of the 3 dependent
variables. This provided data to test whether higher levels of societal hate intensified the relationship between
collective hate and the 3 dependent variables.
It is akin to being able to see how different people would react in different conditions and situations that were
selected for analysis based on the review of the literature on hate group formation and the theory of collective hate
(Hamm, 2004). Although the models encompassed increasingly complex representations of the conditions for hate
group formation, they still were far simpler than the real world. Each experiment was built on the previous
experiments to make it possible to clearly identify which parameters were being manipulated, how many groups
formed, how quickly these groups formed and how large they became. The analytic strategies used to examine
each of these hypotheses are described next.
Analytic Plan
All data generated by the log files of the experiments was analyzed using the statistical analysis program SPSS.
The data were analyzed using a series of one way, 2x4 and 3x4 ANCOVAs. ANCOVA or analysis of covariance
was designed to expand upon the ideas of the ANOVA, which compares means of multiple groups as well as the
interaction effects within those groups through the analysis of their variance (Harlow, 2005). ANCOVA expands
on this type of analysis by allowing for the inclusion of covariates, factors that may influence or predict the
outcome, but are not considered part of the main experiment. In the analysis of the data produced by the collective
hate experiments, the covariate of interest is motivation, how much time did the agents spend seeking

American International Journal of Social Science Vol. 3, No. 5; October 2014

This section details the results of the statistical analysis. It is divided into four sections. Each section provides the
ANCOVA analysis for one of the four sets of hypotheses tested in this research and detailed in Table8 in the
previous section. The ANCOVA allows for the analysis of the main effects and interactions for the primary
independent variables (i.e., collective hate and societal hate) net the influence covariates on the outcomes of
interest, including group formation, group size, and speed of formation. The order in which the results are
presented below follows the same order as the hypotheses.
Hypotheses 1a-1c
This section provides the results of the ANCOVA analyses comparing the control condition to the experimental
collective hate condition. These ANCOVAs test the first set of hypotheses, those dealing with collective hate
only. Societal hate is not considered in these analyses. For this section, the effects of interest when present are
represented by the symbols provided in Table 9 below. For example, in the results tables that follow, a statistically
significant effect of the model condition on an outcome will be marked as A significant main effect for model
Table 9: Effects and their Representations in for ANCOVAs for H1a-H1f Results Tables
Effect of Interest (H1a-H1f) Representation in Effects

Significant main effect for Model condition A

Significant main effect for Societal hate
Significant Model condition X Societal hate interaction B
Motivation as a significant covariate AxB
Significance level p<.1
Significance level p<.05 C
Significance level p<.001
Findings for the first hypothesis, H1a, as presented in Table 10, show the number of hate groups formed was
significantly associated with model condition (control versus experimental) [F(1, 1,997) = 55.0, p<.001], as well
as motivation [F(1, 1,997) = 4.1, p<.05]. In this analysis, the experimental model was consistent with
expectations. That is, the experimental models produced significantly more hate groups than the control models.
For the second hypothesis, H1b, which examined group size as the dependent variable (first based on the largest
group formed), there was a significant effect for the experimental condition [F (1, 1,997) = 260.8, p<.001], and a
marginally significant effect for motivation, [F (1, 1,997) = 2.3, p<.1]. Because of the exploratory nature of this
research, the marginal effects become important for guiding future examination of model parameters. In this
situation, the idea that motivation is marginally significant, means that this is a parameter that in future research
should be kept in the model and further manipulated, perhaps with smaller time increments, 4 hours rather than 6
or as larger increments, agents active for a week and then inactive for 2 or 3 days. The control model produced the
largest group when compared to the experimental condition. This finding is contrary to theory, because it was
expected that the largest groups would have been seen in the experimental models rather than in the control
models. The individual log files showed that agents did not leave groups in the control models but they did
frequently leave groups in the collective hate models. The net effect of this was that groups became larger than
those in the experimental models because the group never experienced member attrition. That is to say, the
control groups kept growing because no agents left the group or groups that they joined and more agents were
added to those groups throughout the model run.
When group size was operationally defined as the number of larger groups formed (i.e., groups that were larger
than the requisite 5 members needed to define a group), a marginally significant effect for the experimental
condition was observed [F (1, 1,997) = 2.4, p<.1]; however, motivation was not a statistically significant
covariate. The control models produced slightly more, larger groups than the experimental condition. This does
not meet expectations, as the experimental condition was expected to produce larger groups and more of them.

Center for Promoting Ideas, USA

The individual log files showed that agents frequently left established groups in the experimental condition,
making these groups slightly smaller than their control model counterparts.
In the last analysis for Hypotheses 1a to 1c, the ANCOVA examined the relationship between experiment type
and how quickly the groups formed (i.e., H1c). The first of these analyses examined at how quickly groups began
to form operationalized as the number of days that elapsed before the first group formed. In this analysis, there
was a significant effect for the experimental condition, [F (1, 1,997) = 3.8, p<.05]. The first group that formed in
both the control model and the collective hate model formed, on average, on the 12 th day of the model run. The
experimental condition produced its first hate group slightly earlier than the control model.
When looking at how quickly groups formed using the average amount of time it took for each group to form
aggregated across the entire model run, there was a significant effect for collective hate, [F (1, 1,997) = 11.5,
p<.001]. The control models created groups faster, on average, than the experimental collective hate models. It
was expected that the experimental models would produce their hate groups faster than the control model, making
this finding contrary to expectations. The log files did not show any particular reason for this pattern of findings.
Groups in the experimental model took longer to form, perhaps because of the frequency with which the agents
changed their extrinsic hate, something that the agents controlled in the experimental models but were unable to
do so in the control models.
Table 10: ANCOVA Analysis for Control vs. Collective Hate H1a-H1c
Variables Control Collective Hate Significant Effects
# of Hate Groups 18.7(94.0) 20.1 (4.4) A***, C**

Largest Group 17.1(3.2) 15.0(2.6) A***, C

# of Larger Groups 27.0(3.2) 26.8(3.3) A

Formation of First Group 11.9(4.1) 11.5(3.8) A**

Average Formation Time 211.3(3.8) 211.9(4.6) A***

Note: Standard deviations appear in parentheses

Hypotheses 1d- 1f
This section provides the results of the ANCOVA analysis comparing the control condition to the experimental
condition in the models, taking into account the effect of societal hate as outlined in the second set of hypotheses,
H1d-H1f. The results of the analyses are presented in Table 11 below. The means and standard deviation are
presented in order, societal hate levels of 2, 4, 6, and 8 respectively.
The first analysis examined the effect of societal hate on the number of hate groups that form in the experimental
condition (H1d). The analysis showed that there was a significant main effect for model condition [F (1, 7,991) =
618.9, p<.001]. In the control model, societal hate is stagnant; in the experimental condition, societal hate varies
across the model run, as a function of changes in agents intrinsic hate level. Examination of the log files showed
that in the experimental models the agents with lower levels of hate were hesitant to increase their intrinsic hate
past the set societal hate average. This is to say that an agent with intrinsic hate 2 when societal hate was 4 would
not increase his hate past 4, no matter what his situation. This was an emergent property of the model. Agents in
the experimental models were given full control over increasing or decreasing their intrinsic hate and nothing was
programmed into their behavior rules that explicitly capped how much these levels could be increased.
For the next hypothesis, H1e, which examined group size as the dependent variable (first based on the largest
group formed), the analysis showed that there was a significant effect for the experimental condition [F (1, 7,991)
= 21373.7, p<.001] and motivation as a significant covariate, [F (4, 7,991) = 5.1, p<.05]. The control model
always produced the largest group when compared to the experimental condition, regardless of the level of
societal hate. This mirrors the same findings as the previous analysis of the largest groups in H1b.
American International Journal of Social Science Vol. 3, No. 5; October 2014

The log files showed that when agents were given more control over their intrinsic and extrinsic hate; group
membership fluctuated with agents commonly joining and then leaving a group in the experimental models, thus
preventing groups from growing to the size seen in the control models.
Examining the number of larger groups, the analysis showed that there was a significant effect for the
experimental condition [F (1, 7,991) = 915.2, p<.001], and a marginally significant interaction between societal
hate and the experimental condition [F (4, 7,991) = 19.3, p<.1]. Motivation was not statistically significant as a
covariate in either analysis for group size. Here the findings followed theoretical expectations, no matter what the
level of societal hate; increasingly larger groups were observed in the experimental model as societal hate
The last hypothesis in this series dealt with the speed of group formation. The first analysis examined how quickly
groups began forming. In this analysis, there was a marginally significant main effect of the experimental
condition [F (4, 7,991) = 2.5, p<.1], as well as a marginally significant interaction between societal hate and the
experimental condition [F (4, 7,991) = 1.9, p<.1]. The addition of societal hate resulted in the control models
outperforming the experimental models. This results in a counterintuitive finding, as the experimental models
were expected to form groups before the control model and did so, when societal hate was not included. The log
files showed that this trend may have been due to the agents constant shifting of their extrinsic hate early in the
model runs, as extrinsic hate shifted, the ability to make connections that would lead to potential hate group
formation were constantly in flux.
The analysis conducted using the average amount of time it took for each group to form aggregated across the
entire model run showed that there was a significant effect for the experimental condition [F (1, 7,991) = 567.5,
p<.001]. The control models created groups faster, on average, than the experimental collective hate models. It
was expected that the experimental models would produce their hate groups faster than the control model, making
this finding contrary to expectations. Because the changing levels of intrinsic hate in the experimental condition
are interconnected with societal hate (i.e., societal hate was the average collective intrinsic hate of the agents in
the model); the changing levels of intrinsic hate inherent in the experimental condition model had a corresponding
impact on societal hate, which in turn impacted how quickly the groups came together. Motivation was not a
statistically significant covariate in either analysis for speed of formation.
Table 11: ANCOVA Analysis Control vs. Collective Hate for H1d-H1f, Societal Hate Effects
Variables Societal Hate Control Collective Hate Significant Effects
# of Groups 2 19.0(3.6) 17.2(3.5) A***
4 19.2(3.6) 17.2(3.6)
6 19.0(3.4) 16.9(3.5)
8 19.0(3.6) 17.2(3.6)
Largest Group 2 17.9(3.7) 14.8(2.6) A***, C**
4 18.1(3.9) 14.8(2.5)
6 18.1(3.7) 14.7(2.6)
8 17.9(3.7) 14.7(2.7)

# of Larger 2 24.8(3.3) 27.1(3.3) A***, AxB

Groups 4 24.9(3.0) 27.1(3.3)
6 24.9(3.0) 26.9(3.3)
8 24.9(3.1) 27.3(3.4)

Formation of 2 12.5(4.8) 12.8(4.3) A, AxB
First Group 4 12.9(4.6) 12.6(4.2)
6 12.6(4.6) 12.9(4.3)
8 12.6(4.6) 12.9(4.1)
Average 2 132.5(11.5) 138.6(10.3) A***
Formation Time 4 133.0(11.5) 138.7(10.6)
6 132.8(11.4) 132.3(10.5)
8 132.5(11.8) 138.6(10.0)
Center for Promoting Ideas, USA

Does collective hate influence variations in the attributes of hate group formation? These findings have
important implications for agent-based simulation models as methodology, criminological theory, public policy
and future research.
The research has identified the following findings:
The theoretically-informed models of human behavior generated hate groups.
The experimental models produced more hate groups when societal hate was not added to the models.
For the experimental models, larger groups were more prevalent than in the control model, at all levels of
societal hate.
When societal hate was included in the models, the control model, which gave the agents the least amount of
freedom over their levels of intrinsic and extrinsic hate, produced the most hate groups and the largest hate
Because all models produced hate groups, there was support for Hamms (2004) theory of collective hate.
Hate groups formed at all levels of societal hate. There was a significant difference between the control and
experimental models, especially when societal hate was included in the models. In cases where larger groups
formed, these groups in the real world can have more moderate views and behaviors than their smaller
counterparts; these groups essentially police the behavior of their membership through the overall numbers within
the group (SPLC, 2009). Small groups can radicalize faster than larger groups and can also be more inclined to
engage in criminal activity (Hamm, 2007). Groups that formed quickly may not have the staying power of groups
that formed more slowly, in the case of Robert Matthews nearly a decade passed between when he formed the
Sons of Liberty and the formation of the Order, of the two, the Order was far more involved in criminal behavior
and acting upon Matthews supremacist ideology (Hamm, 2007). When societal hate was included, the control
models produced more groups and in all cases produced the largest group. Although this seems somewhat
counterintuitive, comparison of the control and experimental model log files revealed two factors relating to this
1) When societal hate was included in the models, the societal level of hate established a starting point for the
intrinsic hate of the agents in all models. The control model did not allow for the variation of this hate. This hate
could vary within the collective hate model, and the agents with lower levels of hate in this model were hesitant
to change their intrinsic hate when given the option, and rarely did so to a level above the societal average. This
means that an agent starting with hate equal to 2 in a model where the societal average started at 4 very rarely
increased their level of hate beyond 4. This is an emergent property2 that held throughout the models. It cannot be
explained by the model programming. This opens up new questions to explore within these models and the
resultant data. Situations like this one highlight a key difference between simulated and other forms of research:
where this result would inspire further interviews in qualitative research or the creation of a revised survey in
quantitative research, the changing numbers present in the model log files cannot be asked to elaborate.
When societal hate was allowed to change, there was an increased likelihood of groups to form when societal hate
was decreasing in the models where societal hate began at higher levels. This is consistent with the real world
phenomena where hate groups, particularly Klan groups or groups that form due to a particular political issue,
believe that society is becoming too accepting of that which they hate Klan groups drew increased membership
when schools desegregated, in the past two years the SPLC has had to increase the number of categories of hate
groups to account for new anti-gay and anti-immigrant groups, forming in reaction to changes in political and
public policy. When societal hate started low and was able to change, groups formed as societal hate increased,
where more agents started raising their level of hate, this is also similar to the real world phenomena where hate
groups form as more people establish a hate of a particular target, case in point anti-Muslim groups after the 9/11
terrorist attacks or anti-German groups in the wake of the American entry into World War II.
2) A second explanation for why the control model produced more hate groups when societal hate was included in
the models is that while in the collective hate model agents left groups and joined new groups, agents formed
multiple groups in the control model. In these situations, the agents in one group also formed satellite groups.

An expanded discussion of emergent properties and their relation to ABM can be found in Railsback, S. and Grimm, V. (in
press) Agent-Based and Individual-Based Modeling A Practical Introduction, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
American International Journal of Social Science Vol. 3, No. 5; October 2014

This was not something that happened in the experimental conditions, so in the experimental conditions, the
agents likely left the group and joined another rather than maintaining membership in multiple groups.
Limitations of Simulation Modeling
As a methodology, simulation modeling cannot replace other forms of research, either qualitative or quantitative.
This is because models lack the detail that can be accomplished through qualitative and quantitative research that
can get at the purely human element of social phenomena. However, simulation modeling can take these more
traditional forms of research in new directions, like when examining something that cannot be measured with a
survey, or objectively identified through qualitative means, like hate group formation.
Although the goal of simulation modeling is to use the simplest combination of characteristics and behavior rules
to duplicate social phenomena in a computerized environment, it is always possible that the model oversimplifies
the situation (Miller and Page, 2007; Gilbert and Troitzsch, 2005). Simulation models should be seen as a
springboard for real world qualitative and quantitative research (Gilbert and Troitzsch, 2005). Simulation
cannot replace real world observation, ethnographic, historical or archival research, but in situations where real
world observation is dangerous or ethically inadvisable, it provides a viable resource for theoretical examination
(Miller and Page, 2007; Gilbert and Troitzsch, 2005; Groff, 2007).
Limitations of the Models used in this Research
The models used in this research have identified hate as a primary characteristic of interest and tested the theory
of collective hate, in an attempt to recreate the dynamics of hate group formation in simulation. The rigid structure
of the control models, specifically the inflexible nature of the model (not letting agents change) had the effect of
agents not dropping out of a group once they had joined. This is very different from real world groups and this
complicated the comparison with the experimental models.
Human beings are incredibly complex in their thoughts, interactions and responses to the situations in which they
find themselves. Though hate groups formed under these conditions, it is still probable that something has been
overlooked. Although many human characteristics that are typically considered important were not included (i.e.
education level, socio-economic status), this limitation was partially offset by the fact that hate groups form at
every level of these characteristics in the real world.
Nevertheless, these models did not include one characteristic that is considered very important to hate groups and
that is race. Race was not included as it is an assumed characteristic in Hamms (2004) theory. This theory
designed to explain behaviors and phenomena seen in racially or ethnically homogenous settings. Therefore, all
agents were the same race and racial pride was not a characteristic given to the agents. In future research
examining hate group behavior and hate crime, this is a characteristic that will likely need to be included. Also,
these models were not designed to examine even simulated responses to a specific trigger event that could
increase hate group formation, such as a heinous crime, as in the case of the Knights of Mary Phagan.
Further, different types of hate groups, even within the broader category of white supremacist groups form along
generational lines. Ku Klux Klan or Neo-Nazi group members may join as teens or as adults up into their 50s and
60s, while Skinhead groups usually are formed by and recruit individuals below the age of 25. The exclusion of
age, while maintaining the simplicity of the models, does prevent more careful examination of how subgroups
differing in age within white supremacy groups may emerge differently in both simulation and the real world.
Finally, societal hate was operationalized as the mean of the intrinsic hate of all agents in the models; societal hate
is a relatively new concept and may not relate at all to a mean level of hate in a society. While historians,
archivists and ethnographers examining Nazi Germany and the Ku Klux Klan have discussed the role of society
and social views on the rise of these groups, no one has sought to measure a societys psychological or emotional
level regarding hate. Although, opinion polls on various subjects that are hot button issues to hate groups (gay
marriage, desegregation, immigration, to name a few) exist, they are fraught with methodological and validity
concerns and at best are only a proxy measure of societal hate. Public opinion is fickle. Although many hate
groups have been able to increase their membership and support by playing off public opinion, this does not mean
that societal hate is the best proxy.
It can be argued that these models could be used to form groups for a variety of purposes by switching intrinsic
and extrinsic hate with other characteristics, such as love of chess. Due to the lack of a means for externally
validating the hate group formation models, this can be seen as a limitation.

Center for Promoting Ideas, USA

The same argument can be made for any simulation model, that any characteristic is only a label provided by the
modeler and embodies only as much meaning as that label. While this is a limitation of these and other simulation
models, the models generated groups that are listed as hate groups, under the conditions provided in the model
The distribution of both intrinsic and extrinsic hate and whether or not they are correlated with one another may
be another limitation to this study. There simply have been no real world surveys of hate to enable a
determination of how close real world estimations would match those of the simulation. Eleven levels of intrinsic
and extrinsic hate may be too many or too few to show the varying degrees of hate that are present in society.
Furthermore, the agents may have been given too much freedom over their characteristics, especially evident
because this was a driving force in the experimental models that differentiated how many groups formed when
agents were given more freedom versus the absence of freedom in the control model.
Implications for Criminological Theory
Results from the models indicate that there was support for Hamms (2004) theory of collective hate. The support
for Hamms (2004) theory of collective hate, evidenced in both the control and collective hate models supports
the idea that collective hate is, at the very least, if not absolutely necessary, is a sufficient condition for hate
groups to form. Hate groups did form at each level of societal hate and societal hate effects were supported by the
analysis. It might be useful to further explore each theory individually and relate the findings to the historical
events that influenced the creation of these theories and the foundation of these models.
Collective Hate
These models produced groups at varying levels of hate; and therefore, not only did they successfully model
group formation but also hate group formation in a way that appears to support Hamms (2004) theory of
collective hate. The models included three types of hate, intrinsic, extrinsic, and societal. Hate was programmed
as the driving force for interactions between individuals and the agents did interact and form groups based on this
characteristic. The control model, which was a version of the collective hate model without free will to change
the values of their internal and external characteristics, was consistent with the theory of collective hate. Perhaps
more compelling was that when agents were given free will like their real world counterparts in the
experimental models, they still produced hate groups. Although allowing agents to have autonomy over
intrinsic/extrinsic hate levels is more representative of how people behave in the real world, the fact that
collective hate led to group formation in the control condition as well as the experimental condition provides
strong support for this idea. Conceptually it is accurate to say that the exchange between individuals with
differing levels of both intrinsic and extrinsic hate represents a shared belief in the sense that only those who
have similar levels of hate form a group.
Further examination of the data will shine more light on which types of hate and at which level they influenced
hate group formation. Research conducted by Ramakrishna (2006), with Islamic militant youth has shown that a
collective prejudice or bigotry is instrumental in influencing individuals to seek out and join terrorist groups. If
hate is the driving force behind hate group formation and hate is being identified as part of the connection
between members of terrorist and other extreme groups, the current research is valuable for examining the spread
of such groups. Expansion of the models used in this research, to other, more extreme groups, can examine the
dissemination of ideology via media as well as how the internet or other non-person-to-person communication can
spread a belief and expand a groups support base. From a different perspective, other emotional connections,
such as desire, loyalty or revenge can be modeled to use variations of these experiments to model gang formation
or the establishment of criminal or subversive networks, such as child pornography rings, cults or counter-
government movements.
Societal Hate
Societal hate produced significant effects in the models used in this research. However, the number of hate groups
did not increase as societal hate increased. Hate groups formed at all levels of societal hate, but did their best,
especially in the experimental models, when societal hate was not included in the model. Unlike in the past, hate
groups are not always at their most prevalent when society supports their views. Hate groups can be very
reactionary. If society is not supporting the hate groups views it can almost be seen by the hate group that there is
a greater need to form additional groups to gather the believers together to fight a society that is delusional, in
their opinion, for not sharing their views and beliefs.
American International Journal of Social Science Vol. 3, No. 5; October 2014

Hate groups that have formed throughout history have seen increased support and membership when society as a
whole appeared to be evolving, such as when Supreme Court cases found in favor of equality and desegregation
during the Civil Rights Era (Wade, 1987: Chalmers, 1981). This is part of the conjecture of Hamms (1994)
examination of skinheads that led to his collective hate theory, that potential skinheads perceived society or
government as supporting the target of their hatred rather than those blue-collar, white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestants
who were the skinheads family, friends, and neighbors. Although the collective hate models allowed for the
levels of societal hate to vary over time, the level of variance was not examined in the present analysis. Hate
groups formed at each level of societal hate; therefore, this change in societal hate likely merits further evaluation.
Further examination of the data may show support for changing levels of societal hate to better match the
politically and socially reactionary history of hate groups. Societal hate may be different from societal acceptance
of a hate groups presence or activities. Altering societal hate to not be related to the hate possessed by the agents
themselves may present a better way to examine the phenomena. Societal hate is a relatively new concept, while it
has been linked to the everyday German in the years preceding and throughout the Nazi regime (Kershaw, 2008:
Goldhagen, 1996). This merits future examination, especially if one or the other can be used to explain genocide
or other atrocities in more recent history.

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