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and Change

Organizational culture, like societal culture, operates at a deep level

of beliefs, expectations, and values. These are manifest in the
behaviors, rituals, and symbols shown in the workplace, and form the
context for much of organizational behavior. At a time when mergers
and acquisitions are increasing, and competitive organizations are
leaving behind old traditions and attempting to create new ones,
culture change is an essential understanding for change agents,
managers, and leaders. At the same time that organizational change is
necessary, it must be recognized that changing culture is the
equivalent of changing individual personality-- there needs to be a
very good reason for it and it still takes time (5-7 years for most
organizations). Looks like our work is cut out for us...

Objectives: You should be able to do the following--

o to define culture and give examples of how it is manifested in

the organization
o to describe an organizational culture using a descriptive system
(e.g., Schein, Hofstede, Kennedy & Beal, etc.)
o to explain the relationship among personality, norms, and
culture (e.g., different levels of system)
o to explain how a culture may become dysfunctional
o to formulate a strategy for examining and changing culture

Culture--definitions and descriptions

o Schein on organizational culture & leadership-- comprehensive
listing of concepts
o What is organizational culture & other questions?--
o Types of cultures-- models of org. culture
o Culture and Hofstede's model--
o Individual personality and organizational culture--
o Complexity, culture, and paradigms--

Culture Change

o Schein's culture as facilitator or inhibitor of learning--

o Lessons from culture change--
o BPR & culture--
o Managing culture change-- phases of change
o NASA & culture change--
o Managing culture change at MetLife--

Additional Readings

o FindArticles.Com--huge collection of full text articles on

"Organizational Culture"; can be browsed and printed
o Downsizing and organizational culture--
o Appreciative inquiry & culture change--
o gender bias & culture--
o Learning systems to sustain strong cultures--
o Mergers & organizational culture--
o Organizational culture & business history--
o Swenson's Culture Page-- collection of articles and links on
organizational and societal culture


o Culture change at Chrysler--

o Effect of culture on decision making in National Park goat
removal plan--
o Culture of military organizations--
o Culture assessment at Ohio State Extension--
o Diagnosing culture in health care organizations--
o Culture change considerations in a symphony orchestra--
o Plan for culture assessment and change at NASA--
o Culture change as a result of change in budgeting system--
Assessment Instruments

o Denison Culture Assessment-- good statistical information on his

instrument as well as background readings (check his articles
under "research")
o Organizational Culture Inventory--
o Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument--
o More links on the OCAI--
o Org. culture assessment methodology--

last updated 1-21-01

David X. Swenson PhD

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