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llJ: \ OTED TO TllE



"The Kingdom of Heaven is at lumd."- - Mattlrew 3:2

No. 1
, 1 NEW YORK CITY, MARCH 15, 1918

Treatment of Bible Students Long bas the Papacy looked wltb lust- 1 We are cot against the war. We
t ul eye Cot the control of American In- recogi:iize aJ1d .b ave long taught that
sUtuttons, The same ambition that the Bible, three thousand ago,
actuates the Kaiser of Germany lurks foretold the present great war. and that
paslUon to Interfere wltll the draft or
the waJ: 111 any manner. The tact that
so111e ot our members have aougbt to
take advantage of the protectlon of the
About U1e time that arrests
were being made In other places, the
public press throughout the country

Smacks of the "Dark Ages"

in thQ mind of the Pope. Since the God's band would be in the matter law, has been used a.a another means announced tbat a "raid' bad beeu made
days of Napoleon Bonaparte, It has When President Wilson asked tbe min- ot per.secuUon. Congress passed the on the Bathe! Home, Brooklyn, and a
beeo the desire oC the Papal bead to islet's to pray for pea.ce, Pastor Russell, Selective Draft Act In May, 1917. and J>Owerfut wlrelesa receiving station wu
exetcl9e terupoJ'lll power. We now in an address in the New York City In that act provided tbat no person found In the cellar and a sending st&
sound a "'ar' to the llberty-lovlug Temple said, "'While I have the great- shall be compelled to engage tn com Uon on the roof, lntlmat.lng that tblll
people of tbe world against U!e ea- est respect f or our hollorable President, bata.nt mllltary eervlce who iis a mem was maJntalned lu the Interest of pro-
croachment.s of the Papal system, t must decline to join in a prayer tor ber ot a welt.recognised religious or Germa.n work. Tbe tactB are the!le:
"The Servant is not greater than his Lord aided and eupported by a class of peace, because the Word ot God sb.ows
clergymen trom other 117stems wbo that tbis war 11>ust come at tb is time;
ganlsatlon. tbe principles o! which pre-
clucje Its members Crom engaging In
Some three years ago, Ur. Edward
Kuser of PottstOW'll. Pa., presented
If they have persecuted me, they will have greed lor power and who are and for me to pray tor peace now
wtlllng to penecute any who &eek to would be to ask Jebovab to cbaDge the
wa.r. Thus the law makers or the land
reoognlzed tbat there are conscientious
Pa.lltor Russell w ith a receiving radio
machine and It waii erected on the roof
also persecute you."-John 15:20. enllgbten the people upon the true Divine plan....
teachtngs of the Scriptures. Success I fo r more th an thir ty years. Pastor
obJectore wbo cannot consclenllousl7
eapge In mortal combat. The reason
ot the Bethel Home. There never hlMI
bee_n a sending apparatus about the
of that Ecclesla.stica1 Trust wlll mark Russell and other members of the As- for this is that some have fully con- premises; not even the receiver has

~ 1869, young Charlea T. Russell. be public censor Placed a ban upon them the end ot rellgtous liberty. Thel'e are soc:iatlon bave been telling the people St!!Crated themselves to the Lord and been used, except to eX'perlment with
Ing 11. Jlligeol slut.lent ot divine In Canadu. The Winnipeg Tribune tbouaaods lo the world today who be- that the war would begin in 1914. The they consclenlloualy believe If they are by some of &he younge.r members wt,o
prophecy, discovered thllt the Bible says, "The censor's order Is belle\'ed llne that t4e Pope recentlv betrayed clergy tbTougbout the land ridiculed Caltbtul to blm they shall have a part were trying to learn the operation of
contains an outline ot Jehovah's won- to be the direct result" ot these repre Italy Into the b ands of tbe Ka.Iser; but and scatted at the Idea. Bad the ad- In bis Kingdom of rlghteousneae, and the Wlt"eless. and n ot even this h as been
dertu1 plun ot salvation which will ul- sentatlom1 of the clergy. Shortly when his wrongful course wa.e dlscov- vice of Pastor Russell and the lnterna tllat It they tn the taklng ot done during the past two years. 'llore
timately bless mankln<;J. So enthused thereafter, ln various parts ot Cnnadu. et'ed. he faced abouL We Q.uote from tional Bible Students Association been humaa life tl!ls w111 destroy them eter- than a year ago, the wlreles$ was dis
was tie wllh the message ot hope that members ot the Internationa l Bible The Literary Digeat !or .Tao. l!I, 1918: heeded. the people would not have been oaJly. The law provides that IJUCh mantled and the poles aawed up and
he al once devoted all of bis time and Students Association were BJTested, 1
'A scapegoat bae been found tor so surprised ..,hen the war came. and ahall bo given non-combatant s6rvlce,. used for other purposes. and the re-
money lo making it known to othere.. the1r houses were searched and their the recent reverses In Italy In the would have been better prepared and ceiving Instrument aafely stored uw11y
.At the very beginning of his ministry, books and other publications taken person of Pope Benedict XV .. and fortified for it. WHAT BIBLE STUDENTS BELIEVE In the art room. It was voluntarily
he spent out o r his own pocket away trQ!ll them. on11 ot the leadlng Eu.gllsh papers We recognize that this war, foretold The I11terno.tlonal Bible S tudents be- produced and by consent removed, be-
to dJslrJbute freel y In the city ot New About th e sam e time tbe President doea not heeltate to accuse him of by Jehovah, will be overruled by him lleve that J'e,us Christ Is the great Re- cause we have no use tor It. There
York and other parts ot the world a ot the Association addreseed a great having turned from a passive Aus- and result in much good to mankind. deemer of 1118.Dklnd; that he promlaed Is not a person about the Bethel Home.
Jlttle booklet entitled. "Food for Think- meeting at Loe Angeles, Cal., one trophll Into an active worker tor The Bible says, "Tbere shall be a lime before his ascenl'lon i nto heaven that nor bas there been for two years. who
ing Christiane.." A tew clergymen s11w of the leading papers ot that city the Austrian, as against the ot trouble such as was not since there be would return again and receive hie kno11'11 anything about the use of a
he was righ t nnd with gladness Joined carrying' a full -page report of the Ian. C<Juse. Jn a loog editorial In was a n.ation. even to that .same time." church unto h i maelf; that he would wlrelesa Instrument.
with blm In the work. The greater meeting lbe morning following, The the London Mornlnq Post the V atl - (Daniel 12:1; M.attbew U 1Jll If It Is relp tor a thounad years thereafter, We here Insert tbe a.fftdavlt Qf the
majority of clergymen, Instead ot ex- ministerial alliance 'Waited upon that can and all Its works a re roundl7 disloval to call attoation to the mean- during wblcb t ime he would gtve every person wbo utanufactW'ed and erected
plaining these SCTlptural truths to the paper with a view lo preventing denounced. The London Tory or- Ing of this great troulll e 11pon the earth, man a ta.Ir trial tor life and all tbe the wt~le88:
people and helplDS them, begu a cruet further publication ol the Bible truths gan sa:rs: 'The time baa come \hen it is disloyal to repe;it the Lord's obedient ones would be restored to hu- COUNTY OF N'EW YORK)
and systematic persecution ot UJls as proclaimed by the International when It l9 necessary that the AJlles pr'ayer. Be taught .,.11 hjs followers man perteetlou. happiness and eternal STATE OF NEW YORK)
: SS
great r eformer, and thus 1'hey persist- Bible Students A99ociation. The clergy should consider with some care to pray, "thy Kingd om come; t hy will Joy-, the wlllully wicked b eing ever-
ently continued to persecute htm u1>lll f.ilod lo tiiia miaaion. A few days whnt I their po!Oltloo lo reutlon be .Sone 0 n earth as i t i.s done in taMin1r1,. de11tro7ed, lh1Lt ultima.t&ly the t. Edward Ku.ser, belng duly
hi death In 1916. late!', certain ollicers s'Wooped clown to the Vatican. That the recent heaven: earth will be lllled with a race of bappy. swo'r n, do d epose and say, as fol-
upon the Bible Studants' headquarters, ltallan reverse was largely due to Furthermore, the Lord said; 1'Wait jnytut people. Tbe word ~mtnenoium lows:
Putor Rueaell clearly proved from
tbe Scrlpture11 that the doctrine of took 11ossu11ion of their various pub- the IDJhaenee of treacherous rep- ye upon me, saith the Lord, until the means ODe thoWllUld yea.ra; therefore In 1915, about the llrst of the
eternal torment ot humaQ eoula le the lications. including Bibles and hymn resentaUons disseminated among day that I rise up to the prey; to?' my the mtllennlal reign of Christ Diea.Da :rear, 1 made a presen~ to Pastor
bQOlu, and took them a"'ay. They the Hallan armies ls k.llown: that determination is to pther the nations, the tboue&Dd-year reign of Christ men- R~ll of the wtreleas recetvlog
fteadleb doctrine ot the gre11t Adver-
!l&r)' and a defamation ot God'a b olir forced a.n entrance into the private ot- the VatJcan was lmpllcated In th3t that I mar assemble the kingdoms, to Uoned ln the Scriptures. (Re.elatll)ll set 'Which wa.s found on the prem-
name ; thl\t the doctrine of tbe Divine fu:e of one ot the elders of the c lass, propagaoda ls also kaownj a!ld the pour upon them mi ne indiirnation, even 20: l-f) Tht: y believe that the Lord's ises of Ute Watch Tower Bible and
right ot the clergy to teach the Bible w1thout ev11n having a !IParr.h ..,arrant . result was a cll1aster so that all my fierce anger~ Cor all the earth reign and great bl essing is at hand. TTact Society at Bethel Home, 122
and th e Dhlne right of klnge to r u le la In varlow par!~ or the countr )'. men lls eltects cannot yet be measured. s-haU be devoured with the tire ot my Th e bringing of this hope to the p eople Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New
wholly un,.rdptural. and that both h11ve apd women were arrested and thrown Slnce lhe beginning of the war, jealousy [not literal tire}. For tben at this time has greatly angered the York, as my o Nn personal gift,
been the cau11e ot untold autterlng oC Into Jail. In Arknm1ae. a poor woman the Vattaa o, In so far as polltlcal will J turn to the people a pure mes olergymen and they have vehemently Being a manuCacturer or wireless
tbe P<-Oples ot earth. selllng books at a small pront tor e action Is concet'ned. bas malnt.allled sage, that t hey may all call upon the denol.lneed it, because, If tr"e the power equipment I can positively state
ll vlng,. 'l\'0.11 arrested beCRU!lf stie was an attitude which, as It was teal
Pa>' t<>r Russell "'rote and puhll!<hed
slit ,-olumes ot Studiea in the Scrip
selling "The Fl11lsl!ed lltyatery," thf porarlly neutral. was s piritually
Ae\enth of Pastor Russell's series of incomprehensible, Jnasmucb a s
tures, and shortly a fter his death the violations ot law and of.tenses
S eventh Tolume ot the !'erles was la books : her bond nxed at S:Z0.000. 'l\'hlch
was Impossible !or her to g1ve, and against humanity were tacitly con
sued. the lntter more particularly e.x- doned..' "
pll\inini; the prnphPcles of Ezeklel and she w aa compelled tc) atay Cor some
time In a Jail loo filthy to house awlne. ll Is no secret that the Catholic and
fien~lnllon ?nc;I pro,lng how the un-
In big headlines. the clergymen h&\e Protestant clergy are join i ng bands In
rlghlt>ous t-ecles1astlcal systems have the persecution against the lnterna
~ro"-n up In the earth and oppressecl
arl\'ertlsed the publications of Pastor
Ru11sell a.s ''German propaganda." tlonal Bible Students, both In America
thc.> peo ple. This \'Olume also points and other countries; not because they
out that ~lesslnh's Kingdom Is near at Their evident object .,,as to stir up the
rnlnds of the people agnlnst these Bible believe that the Bible Students are dis THE PROPHECY 01='
hnnd and that soon Indescribable bless- lo)'al to any government. but because
lngi; wlll !low out to mankind. Student!!. because or the enmJt) that
:More than twent}' yeara ago Pa.stor
Ru~eell pointed out f r om the Bible that
exists ag:i.1nst th.e Germana. Aa an ex-
ample, the Edmonton (Can.) Journal
printed lo bold heading. this statement
they know that the true teachings ot
the Bible u:pose them and show '1ow
they have kept the people In darkness
God had granted to tbe Gilntlles a lease
ot Rev. Dr. Oliver: 'Russelllsm is Hun tor so many oenturies. Now the clergy, :.=------
ot po wh1ch would lega.Jly end In posing as patriots and s uporters ot the
1914, and that then the nat ions would Propaganda Under a Cion.k." "'An ln -
tarnous German propaganda under the government, are really taking adv~n
bP.come angry and God's wrath would tage ot the occasion to furtbe r their
come; a great International "War co,er of religion.' said Dr. French E .
Oliver to a crowded aulllence at the selfish purposes. We take this oppor
would begin. at tha.~ time and would he tunltY to warn the American people
followed b~ gl'eater trouble, and that First Presbyterian Chu:rcb of Wlnul
peg.'' and order- loving people everywhere
the trouble would u s her in Messiah's against a b igoted c lass of men wbo
Kingdom or righteousness. whi ch PERSECUTION IN GERMANY have systematically endeavored to
"'ould he the desi re at all nations. To s how a well-organized elfort on prevent the people from underatandlng
Long ago he showed that It would b .. beha1t of the clergy to persecute these the Bible and to throttle all Bible t
Impossible for the t.;nlted St.o.tes to Rl ble Students. we see their activities teaclllog unless It comes through
ket"p ou t of that war. The facts, DO\\' have not been connned to our country them. Whi le Amel"ica's s ons are fi9ht
v.ell known by e\'er)" mu.n. prove th e alone. but to many countries. For a l ng for the principles of liberty, the
correctness or Pastor Rui;sell's lnter- number of years the International Bible clergy are seeking to establish a policy
pret,;i tion of the Bible. liis exposition Students Aaeociation has maintained of religioua intoleranc;e which finds a
ot Scripture has greatly angered the an omce In German)" and lo many precedent only In the Dark Ages.
majorhy of dergymen, because It other foreign countries. A paper in We are glad to recognize that In all
11hows that their teachings In the -past Copenhagen. Denmark, recently pub - the churches. Catholic and Protestant, THE CLERGY WOULD CENSOR THE BIBLE
have been out of harmony with the lished the tollow1ng: there have long been some true, loyal
'Vord of God: an d l! be Is correct 1n Chrlstlane. But It Is the church trust,
his interpretation of the B ible teach- "A Warning Agalnat the Millen - name of the Lord, to serve blm with of a hypooritical clergy i about to end. tha.t there was no ~ansmltter
n iu m Sect composed of the clergy c lass, that is As a sample, we quote from Dr. Shir- connected with thla instrument.
ings, their pos ition aa clergymen must seeking lo crush others who dlrrer one consent." (Zephaniah ::: 8, 9}
soon come to an end. The clergy were ''The Consistory of Kiel (Ho1- Thus Jehovah points out that after the ley J'. Case. ot the Divinity School of The Instrument was purely a re-
from them. We speak h e re against the University Of Chicago, who has re- ceiving one. Mesaages could be re-
challenged to show the people that 11tein. ~rmany) Is calling the at- the church truet and lo the Interest or trouble Is over. a great blessing shall
these Scriptural Interpretations tent ion of the (Lutheran) priests come to the people. cently written a book against Millen- ceived, but could not be sent. This
the common people gene.rally, We .narfanlsm, alld 1"ho, speaking against waa more or less between Paet.or
wrong, or to Joln In expla.lnlng them to the activities carried ou by tbe have malice toward none, but love COi' Now we are attempting t o t each the
to the people and t hus to help ln lead- Millennial sect, which calla itself people what is going to toUow alter the work or the International Bible RuaaeU and myeelL Several ot the
ing them jnto greater light and happi- all men. We would not even do our Students Aeaociation, says: "Two realilents there alao knew ot !ts
'Watch Tower Bible and Tract enemies an injury ; but we concelYe it this war-not teaching according to
ness. This they tailed to do. Tiley Society.' and also 'Bible Stude.nta our own wisdom, but according to what thousand doltara a week is being spent presence. l know certainly when
to be our duty to caJI the people's at- to spre<id the doctrine. Where the l presented lhe Instrument to Pas-
had no answer to the c lear exposition Ailsoclatloo.' The Imperial War tention to these facts, that the prin- the greaL Teacher, Christ J esus, made
ot Scrfpture given by Pastor Russell Department has recently requeeteCJ clear. Again the clergy are trying to money comes from le unknown ; t)ut tor Ruaaell that there wa.e no one
ciples .o ( religious liberty m ay stlll be there Is strong suspicion that It eman- reeldlng at the Bethel Home wbo
and those who Joined with him ln the us to keep a watchful eye on the recognized In this government. keep both the governments and the
work. activities or this sect. whlcb con - people In Ignorance. The ole,.gy cry ates from German sources. In my be- could operate Jt lntelligentty. I
In Jesus day, the c lergy of the Jew- sist In selling the writings at Us NOT AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT long a nd loud about their own loyalty lief, the (Und would b e a profitable field wu at tha Bethel Home in August.
ish orde" uf that time. b&lng unable to founder, the recently decea.aed These clergymen, Cathollc a.nd Prot- and patrlotiam1 wher-eas, as a m atter tor government Investigation." H ave 1917, and 1 aaw at that Ume tbat
meet bis forceful words. stirred up the Pal!tor Russell, of Brooklyn, North estant, who are Joining h and s together of faot. they are r'eally a menace to such r epresentations bad anything to the aerial system was dismantled.
people against him and had him ar- America. in untiring propaganda to gain greater political powe.r lo the both governmet1ts and people. The do with the lnvestlgaUon ot the Bible the pole belllg otr even to tbe
rested. cbarg!.ng him wttb treason work, accomplished w ith American land ana who are unable to answer the American people can be tru.s telS with Students .Association's books! Some- roof. but I clld not see tbe lnstru
against the Roman gover11J11ent and money. The Consistory does, teach ings of the Bible concerning them- a ll the lcnowledge possible to be given ttllng bas caused It. We have notblng ment and was Informed that the
with blasphemy against Ood. therefore., call the priests' atlen selves, like the persecutors ot our Lord, them. Knowledge or righteousness w jll to conceal. W e bere mention U1al re- apparatus had beep out ot commla
Early lo the month of Februa1"7. tion to t h l.s sect and requests that have raised a great howl that the ln- do good and n ot harm. Let the p eople ce ntly the Government officials took elon for over a year,
1918, the clergymen ot Canada began they take action asainst i t and re tef'national Bible Students are disloyal understand what the future h o lds aod possession or the books or the Bible T~eaeallngofwlreleaaa~paratua
a systematic denunciation of the Inter port to the Consistory their obser- and against the Government ot the their fears will be cal med. The Inter students Association and made a thor conafate ot taking down the aer1&l
n a tional Bible Student. Association vations of Its dangerous activities." United States, and the.r eran guilty or national Bible Students AH ociation Is ough Inv estigation. No trace was ayatem and placfll.IJ the apparatue
and Its publ1cat1011s. For Instance, the treason. Nothing Is turther frl:>m the earnestly endeavor ing to help the peo round of German lntluence or the use where Sl woul4 not be poealble to
Winnipeg (Canada) announced LUST FOR TEMPORAL POWER truth. There is not a disloyal one pie along this very line. of German money, We gladly state use It. All near u l remember. the
that certain clergymen bad denounced Jt ls ao secret that the clergy tor amongst the members or: the Interna- THE DRAFT that a ll the money used In our work is eatd recelring tn.11trwnent bu uot
the publlcatlons oc ltils Asl;OC!latlon Jears past have diligently sought to tional Bi ble Student& Anociation. W e recognize that the United States voluntarily contribut ed b y conscien- been .ha use as IP. reoalver tor the
from tbelr pulpits and stated that the acqu ire greater polltlca l power amongst W e a re not against the Govermrient Government, being a political and eco- tious men and w o men tbroughout the Jut twenty monUul.
atte~Uon oc the Attorne7 Oeneral had the natJons; and particularly is ttlls In any sense. We recog n ize the United nomic Institution. has the power and country who regard It a great p riv ilege I have Juat now made a. per90nal
b een called to the matter. Later, the true In the Uni ted Slates, They now States Government as the best on earth a uthorlty, under Its fundamental l aw, now to declare the message of p eace ln.specUon of the ln.strument, which
Attorne7 General 8'0amlned c ertain of take advantage Of the conc11t ion ot and M r. Wilson as the greatest of lo declare war and to dra(t Its citizens and hope that the Bible holds out. to was taken trom the Bethel Bollll'
the AssoolaUon's publlcaUons and the stress to furtber their selrtsb alms. earth's ru.lers. Into military service. We have no dis the poor, groaning creation. on Mardi IUt, 1911, ILl14 llDd that
KINGDOM NEWS sar y to know the telegraphic code
before any one could intelli gently
ciation is not in any wise to inter fere
with th e war and its _progress but Its
tryi ng to teach them and every one
also that the Bible prov es that only the
of sin mars the na r mony and peace
of a pe rfect society; no t a b i t te r
fathe r s b r aved the storm s of the
A tl antic i n open boats and cam e t o wild
L B. S. A., Publisher. rec e ive or send a message. Amer ica that they migh t find here a
ml u ion a n d p u rpos e la to t;aeh t he consecr ated Cnrlstlan Is now on t rial thought. not an unkind look or
U, lS, 1l Hicks St., Brook lyn, " T. ( Signed) EDW. A. :KUSER. pe op le t he p lai n mean in g of th e Bible
tor lite, and that when Messiah's King wo r d; love, well ing u p t rom ev e r y safe r.etr eat and establish an asylum
J.<on thly- 12e, a year, Single cooies, le. Swo r n to bef or e me this dom is in ope ration all the living will hea r t. meets a ki ndred resp onse i n ot r eli gious l iber t y where they oould
An Indepen dent, Unsecta rian Relig~ The Prophets ot the Lor d deiicrlbe
14th day of March, 1918 lea r n the t r uth, a nd aU the dead shal l eve ry other hear t, and benevolence w o rship God accord ing to the d ictates
lous News p aper, Specially Devoted to Mystic Babylon and show that the ec-
r eturn from t heir tomb s and have an marks every act. There sickness of thei r own conscience. T h ese g r eat
Ule Heraldin g o t tl'te Kingdom or Christ (Signed) T homas F. Keena n . J r . cle$Lastica.l s ystems constitute Baby-
opportUalty to gaJn ev erlasting bless- shall be no mor e; not an ache nor p r inciples wer e embod ied in the funda
for tl'te Glorr of God a n d c:; ood of Notary Pub lic-Brdnx Cou nty No. lon. The book bas recently. been
H umanity. ings. Soldiers who d ie u p on the bat- a p ain, nor any evidence of decay m ental law o f the land. The Constitu -
51 ; Certificate Filed N. Y. Co. No. so much commented upon in the press ,
tlefield, those who di e a t home from - not even the t ear of s u ch Uungs. tion gu-arantees the r ight of petition
Ministers ~f the I. B. S. A. render t.belr 295; Term E~pires March 31, 1919. "The Finished Myste.ry," is a commi:in-
sei;vices a t fu ne r a ls free ot charge. T bey diseas e aoc;t other causes; lo fact. a ll, T hink of all the p ictu res of com - and redress, the right ot freedom of
''THE F'INI SHE D MYSTERY" tary upon these prop hecies, p art icu
also invite correspondenc" trom those deslr shall hear the vo ice ot the S on of Man par ative health and beaut y o! hu- speech in the inte r est of humank in d..
larly Ezekiel a n d Revelation. T h ese
tng Cbristiao c-ounsel. At the first Intimation tbat there was and co me forth from the tomb. (John man t orm and reat ure that y ou "Ve call upon all o~der -lovl ng, law-
two g r eat prophecies e x pose t}1e clergy
an y objection to the lan;ruag e u s ed 5:33) The Bible Is full of consoling hav e eve r seen, and know that a b idli:i:r p eople to p rotest against th is
a n d show that their doctrines are mis-
tbe detector bulb upon whloll tbe in "The finished Mystery," a spec ial promises !pr mankind . The great Ad pertec t humanity will be of st.ill unh oly pe r secution of innooent m e n
leadi ng , without hope, a.nd c onfusing.
s uccess ot the a pparatus ei:it lr ely representative of the Assooiatlon was ver sary, by his var ious machinations, surpassing loveliness. T he inward and women, w h o h ave but one desire.
Babylon means confusion. The .Bible
depe n ds Is the original one I f ur- se nt to Was hin~on. D. C., and took has k ep t the people lo tgnora.nce of purity and me nta l and mor a .l p e r - and that to proclaim the O<>s pel o!
proof shows that t he c lergy have b ee n
nished In 191&, and Is completely the ma.tter u p with the Censor Com- thes e great t r u t hs for centuries. Now f ection will stamp and g lority Jesus Ch rist a .n d hls glor ious Kingdom
p rey{ng upon t h e people a nd c ollect-
t.urned out, bence rendering the ln ml ttee of the l n telligenoe Section of In this hour of g r eat stress upon the ever y rad ian t countenance. Such -now at hand.
in g m on ey from them u pon t h e pre
strument ot no practical use wb.3.t the War Dep artment. That Committee, world. he is d es p e rately striving to w ill e arth's society be; and weep Religious intolerance has brought
tense of teaohing t hem 01 e S criptu res;
ever. Twent y mon t hs ago l was after looldng over the boqk, would not throttle those who ar e ear nestly and ing ber eaved ones will have the ir Russla to he r present conJH ion . An
w h ere a s th ey have kept them in Ig n or-
asked to renew this Said bulb by declare t hat any part of It Is seditious, faithfully t r y in g to open the ey es ot tears all w i ped away, when thus arrogant. religious iotoliraoce has
a n c e of t he Bible , The creeds tau ght
Mr. Crosby. but l t was not renewed bu t a dyl.sed th at pages 247 to 25 3 be the peopl e to this conso lin g message they r ealize the r esu rrec t ion wor k m ade German autocracy poss ib le.
by the olergymen have he ld out no
and nas been out ot commissio n removed. Near ly all of the matter on contained In the B ible. It Is the Ad- complete." W bile the peoples of the All ied na tion s
bope for a.ny one except the few t h at
ev~ since. In order to renew thi s these pages is quotatJon s fr om two ver sary's old trick of l ntolerance In How d ifferent is th is swee t message are fighting for p r i nc iples of Justice
go to heaven . They bave ta.tight that
bulb it would have been necessary mlnlst e rs of New York City, written the name of rellglon against he glor i- to t hat of endless torment taught by and rignt. let all see to i t that these
the mass of humanity -would have to
to send the old one to t h e !actol')' p r ior to the Uni ted States' en try into ous .h ope that God has set before those t he c lergy and wh ich had Its b irth in pr i nciples a r e n o t d enied to order-lov-
spend eter nity in heU-a lak e of burn-
and procure a new one In Its stead. the war, and ">ho there discussed the who lov e right eousness. As a sample ing men and wom e n who are attempt
ing fire a.r:id brimstone. the Dark A g es.
this being the requirement o t the advisability of war. The .A.ssoclation of the teachlnirs of the Bible Students l.n g to help the ir fellow m en to a better
manufactu rer, De Forest Company. Surely the people do n ot wish t o r e-
Immediately proceedecl to Instruc t alt On the o.ontrary, the Scriptur es hold and of Pastor Russell's w r iti n gs con- understanding ot God's purposes con-
The De Forest Company have the of Its Colporteu rs thr oughout the coun- out a wonderful hope for ma.nkind. cer ning this h ope set b efore mankind. turn to the Dark Ages and have a Cew cerning their future w elfare and bless-
patent on t'his bulb and they would try to remove the pag es above men- In obedience to their country's call, we quote from his first volume: bigoted c ler gymen tell them that they ing. Let the people asemble every-
not have renewed It without tbe tioned. before effering the book for thousands of young men of Amer ica should not read what the Bible says. whe re In calmness and sobriety and
re turn ot the old one. and this was sale. The manufacturers were nottned are facing the enemy upon the battle- "Close your eyes for a mome nt to We are reminded that tn ~arly days consider the great truths of the Bible.
the original one I furnish e d. I to hold up the wor k u n til new plates -field. Doubtless many of these do not th e scenes of misery aod woe, deg- o r the Papacy It was made a crime t or because "righteousness exalteth a na-
rou nd with t be Instrument a te le- c ould be s upplied for these pages. claim to be Christians; and It the radation and sorrow that yet pre- a man to ha\e a Bi ble : and now the tion." and n o wh ere ~an r ish tt!ousness
graph key, which was not a part oC ., And thus eve ry effort has been made teachings of the clergy are cor rect, vail on account of sin, and picture
c lergy men w ou ld take away the Bible be so well lear ned as from the \\ord
the srud receivi ng set, being used to comply With the advice o! the pub- th en those boys would have no hope b efore your mental vision t.he glory
t0 practice the code. as It ls nece.11- lic censor. The purpose of the Asso - The International Bible Students a r e of the perfect earth. :-; ot a stain e.rpJanatlon from the peo ple. O ur tore- of God.


By HON. J. F. RUTHERFORD Member New York City Bar

In order that the people Thousands of America's

ofNe,v YorkCity n1ayhave sons are gone to the battle-
an opportunity to consider field. Many may die there.
. .
his conv1n c1ng and heart- Mr. Rutherford's lecture
cheering message, the gives conclusive proof of
INTERNATIONAL BIBLE future blessings for them,
STUDENTS have arranged whether they die Christians
for Mr. Rutherford to deliver or not. This message will
his great lecture FREE to the
bring JOY and com.fort to
public. every heart.


3 P. M. - SUNDAY - MARCH 24

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