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IRJMST Vol 6 Issue 11 [Year 2015] ISSN 2250 1959 (0nline) 2348 9367 (Print)




This Article is dedicated to My All Gurus.
Guru Brahma guru Vishnu, Guru Devo maheshwaraha
Guru Sakshath parabramha, Thasmai shree guruve namah.

As we know that management has different meanings and definitions given by Different Writers. Henri
Fayol and Fredrick Winslow Taylor Explains about management principles, how to run management
smoothly By Adopting their Rules and policies procedures in managerial Work

Management Is Art of Getting Work Done through Others This statement is given by manage ment
experts In the Definition of Management. Managerial Work Has done Through Management principles
So that they have mentioned the management process Like Planning, organising, Directing, Staffing,
Controlling, Coordination, Budgeting etc.

AS per my new research Management is changed in Modern Management Because Of Certain Reasons
and New Development that I have mentioned in this Article.

Management is the technique of Various Activities by which the process of management takes place. It
is one of the most important Activities done by Human being to accomplish aims and objective of the
organization by putting individual efforts. Hence the management is continuous process and universally
accepted. As a scientific research it clarified that some of the managers from different parts could
achieve success without having basic knowledge about the managerial activities in management.
Group of individuals working together in a environment which is Designed and maintained efficiently
this working process is known as management.

The primary objective of management is to ensure organizational goals with less wastage and
less cost.
Secondary objective of management toward the safety of staffs, workers including Human

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At last main objective is to get profit maximisation.

Management Is the Art and Science through Which the Managerial Process like Planning, Organising,
Directing, Controlling and Staffing Reaches toward the Success Of management

According To Me Management is the Process of Work through A systematic way followed by

Principals of Henry Fayal

The managerial process like planning, Organising, directing, controlling, Co-ordinating, budgeting,
staffing is also changed to certain level. These changes Takes places because of changing the world with
new Technology and new method of Adopting, achieving Profit in the organisation.

Planning refers to predetermined goals to achieve overall objective. It is the primary function but as the
study explains without Decision making no plan get success so that Decision making plays as significant
role in functions of management.
Decision making means- choosing predetermined course of action from the alternatives . Planning is
not self achieving.

Another function of management is Organization. It plays an important role in management activities. It

is a part of management that involves establishing an internal structure of organisation by group effort.
Organisation is substitute of planning process. Designing an Organisational is managerial task but it is
not an easy task because many problems arise in making structure fit for all kinds and suitable to public.

Directing is very important segment part of management. It is the task which is accomplish by managers
to achieve the objective of organisation. It is influencing of people so that they will contribute to
organisation and group goals. Most of the problems arise from public-their attitude, and their behaviour
as Individuals. Thus Direction from manager needs to be effectively. Right Direction takes management
toward great success.

Staffing refers to various activities like filling and keeping filled the position in the organisation. this
process done by Identifying the requirement of people; a nd recruitment, selecting, placing, promoting
the candidates for job by giving tanning to accomplish their task effectively and efficiently. It is the
process like a scalar chain and important toward management. Right person for Right place at right
time is Essential.

Controlling is most actionable part of management process. Controlling must precede planning. It
measuring and correcting of activities of subordinates to accomplish goals. Controlling is essentials part
of organisation. It involves comparing actual performance and expected performance. The controlling
process is simply a set of steps a manger uses to determine whether organisational goals have been met.

Finally, Coordination is the essence of manager-ship for achieving harmony among individual effort
toward the accomplishment of group goal. Coordination among the group is essential to achieve
objectives or goals with any interpretation. Coordination of Top position to lower position describes the
well structured organisation by proper planning.
Without any of the above management process accomplishing the organisational goal is impossible.
It is quoted that-Functions of management is Blood for achieving Goals and objectives.

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These management functions concern the internal environment performance within an organisation,
manager must operate in the external environment of organisation as well. Manager is dynamic, life-
giving element in every business. All the managers carry managerial functions but each function may

In Todays modern world The Persons in the management is Describe by their position not by their
levels so that Position plays a significant role in Management.
A position means the place where you can describe your situation at a particular role and the
importance that you have in it.
Position is explained with the help of diagram1.1



TOP POSITION:-The Top Position consists of CEO, Board of directors, Chairman, President,
Secretary etc. In the Top position, Managerial decision taken by the persons who consist in it. They are
responsible for all failures. The decision making taken at this Position and it flows to next step and
forwarded to their subordinates. Authority is also given to subordinates to get the work from their
Subordinates and second position persons are responsible for it. So that Authority and Responsibility is
interrelated Subject.

MIDDLE POSITION :- This position in the management consists of all the managers who works
Under the top level persons or Persons comes under Top position. These persons are subordinates to
higher level and they get the work from their subordinates. Managers of all departments consist under
this like Purchase department manager, sales department manager, production Department manger,
Quality control department manager Etc.,

LOWER POSITION:- At this position the person who works they are interrelated with both the Higher
position as well as Middle position people. This level of people mostly consist of workers all
Departments. This Position people Get Works from Higher level like middle Level. For this position
there is no Authority is allotted Middle position persons are responsible for any Default in work or
failure of work.

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Management Consist of Different Positions which is Describe in to three parts. Top, Middle, and Lower
which consist of CEO, MANAGERS AND OTHERS.
Hence, the above mentioned positions are recognised by the Some Designations like:-
Higher position consists of- CEO, Chairman, president, Board of directors, Secretary Etc.,
Middle position consists of- Managers of all departments like purchase, sales, budgeting, production,
marketing Department Etc.,
Lower Position consists of Worker and Supervisors Who gets the work From above Two levels (higher
and middle).

In todays modern Technical world Management runs toward the Success of Someones selfishness but
not toward the achievement of Organization so that many of the organization are going to shut down
(Old industries Like Cotton industries and Spinning Industry) which are not in Exist.
i.e., Binny Mills Etc.,
Competitions in market are high and everyone is Running Business But few people only adopting the
Principals of management because all are not aware of it.


MBO is a technique of management based on changing an organizational aims into individual objective.
In the process of Aims setting in MBO, all the position level jointly identifies the common goals, this
result should be achieved by Subordinate and superior work jointly together as co-ordinately. It is
toward the efficient and efficient achievement of organisation objective. The primary objective of MBO
is tries to match objective with resources. According to the planned programme it takes feedback on
actual performance.
The process of MBO consists of following steps. They are:-
1. Aims setting: - The primary setting of MBO is to setup objective which the organisation has to
achieve. The Objective is necessary for achieving goals setup by the organisation which is
contributed by the work of Subordinates and superior.
2. Subordinates objective: - As the result of Setting objective by the subordinate and superior with
their consulting and agreement. This process enables them to know the advance achievement
what they expected to achieve.
3. Matching goals: - It is essential to match goals with available resources and it helps the
organisation in allocation of resources with proper way and in economical way.
4. Re-objecting:- The process of setting objective is continuous process until it reaches goals. It
means recycling the objectives. Goals- setting is not only a process but also involves re-
objecting. This is necessary for attaining goals and aims.
5. Appraisal: - It is the last step to check the performance appraisal. Setting the goals and objective
is necessary with the process of final appraisal. Feedback on actual performance as compared
with actual plan.


Communication plays a significant role in modern management because all the managerial work needs
communication without proper communication it is not possible to attain the work. Communication
helps in different ways in organisation which are given as follows:
a. As the manager need communication to co-ordinated with subordinates as well as superiors.
b. Levels of management need proper communication to get work done properly.

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c. In the process of scalar chain communication is necessary.

d. Direction and leadership is not possible without communication.
e. It helps in matching Objectives with the resources.
Communication channel classified as:-
1. According to organisational structure
a. Formal communication- Associated with formal organisational structure and which are send
through the formal channel.
b. Informal communication- Associates with informal. In this Formal channel of
communication are not used. it is also known as grapevine communication.

2. According to Expression
a. Verbal communication-It relates to direct face to face communication.
b. Written communication- It is not face to face communication but indirect communication.
3. According to Directions
a. Downward communication- The communication flows from the superior to subordinates.
b. Upward communication- The communication flows from subordinates to superior.
c. Horizontal communication- Communication among Subordinates who working at same level
of organisation.
d. Diagonal communication-It means, communication between people who are neither same
department nor at the same level of organisation.
In order to have an effective communication, certain principles are to be observed like: simple
languages, no ambiguity, proper medium, follow up, co-operation of personnel Etc.,

Modern Management is a technique to get work done through others in the different way. As it
clarified that management cannot able to get success with the help of others and it has no substitute.
Here manager plays an important role in achieving goals and objectives but proper leadership is
necessary. LEADERSHIP is not skill or tricks. It is the quality or character of person who is the leader.
Motivation helps in job satisfaction which turns employee to stay fit for job as longer manager

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