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What is your favourite band? = Cul es tu banda favorita?

I love that instrument, but I wouldnt know how to play it = Adoro ese
instrumento, pero no sabra cmo tocarlo.
My sister studied in the conservatory for six years = Mi hermana estudi
seis aos en el conservatorio.
What kind of music do you like? = Qu tipo de msica te gusta?
It is possible to learn music by ear, but you must be very good at it =
Es posible aprender msica de odo, pero debes ser muy bueno en ello.
Did you learn to play an instrument at school? = Aprendiste a tocar un
instrumento en la escuela?
You have to play in tempo if you want to be a great musician = Tienes
que tocar llevando el ritmo si quieres ser un gran msico.
Jazz bands usually have a double bass = Las bandas de jazz suelen
tener un contrabajo.
Live music is so much better than listening to recordings = La msica
en vivo es mucho mejor que escuchar grabaciones.
How many different scales do you know? = Cuntas escalas diferentes
Im looking for a guitar teacher, do you know anyone that would come
home twice a week? = Estoy buscando un profesor de guitarra, conoces
a alguien que venga a casa dos veces por semana?
Do you prefer to listen to CDs or maybe old records? = Prefieres
escuchar CD o quizs viejos discos de vinilo?
This is definitely my favourite playlist, I would listen to these songs
day and night = Esta es, definitivamente, mi lista de reproduccin favorita,
escuchara estas canciones da y noche.
How many strings does a violin have? = Cuntas cuerdas tiene un
Do your children learn musical theory at school? = Tus hijos aprenden
solfeo en la escuela

have picked this topic because it is particularly close to my heart and because it has huge scope;
because it has far-reaching [...]

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