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Title: Lack of Subject Integration in the Education system in Suriname

Group Member: Shankar Vitesh

Section 1: Introduction
How did you come up with the problem?
As a beginning geography teacher way back in time I often have to deal with students
complaining about why they had to get other subjects in geography if its not biology
about vegetation or history part than the get physics of maths in geography. From my
observations and chats with students during my lessons I noticed that students dont see
the cohesion between the lessons the are taught and that maths you can only taught
during the maths classes or history only in the history classes.

Describe the process.

After my own observation I take the opportunity to see what I can do in my own
teaching, how can I use subject integration that fits in the curriculum and with
which other subject I can do this. I was privileged that I also taught history
lesson a couple of years in the same school and they I was working with a
friendly new history teacher. We brainstorm together and involved the Dutch
language teacher in it too, because in this school we had also students that were
struggling with Dutch language and that made that they get bad marks for other
subjects to. In the second year of the junior high school students has to make a
paper for geography, for history and they had to make a paper at Dutch and
present it too in the Dutch classes. Each mentioned subject were doing the same
thing but separated, and here was my change to show my colleagues the benefit
of subject integration. We brainstorm together and come with the next plan:
Theme: Population of Suriname (Cultural)

Please use all the essential brainstorming techniques you used to come up with the
problem including 6-3-5, Collaborative Sketching, SCAMPER, Affinity Mapping,
Decision Matrix, Majority Voting or others.
Scamper: Geography theme Culture (Population in Suriname)
Product Lesson plan about Populations in Suriname
Substitute Cultural groups in Suriname
Combine History lessons where the came from to Suriname and why
Adapt What can we learn from each others culture and use successful in ours
Modify What can we promote about our way of living to outside countries
Put to another use integrate ours traditions, f.e use African prints to make a
sari-suit of use Kerry in Bruine bonen ( ken geen vertaling)
Eliminate Political racism in our society / classify neighbor based on races
Rearrange We can do subject integration with physics, language (Dutch) or

Section 2: Background and Research

Analysis of the current market
I talked do some colleague from different schools in Paramaribo and I couldnt
not fine any school where they were using subject integration to get more out of
our students.

Research supporting your idea

During this project I get good feedback and supportive principal of the school.
She was very glad with this new initiative because history was is a subject not
every students like, but geography was in favor to them. The students were
willing to do this project when I told them what the benefits were. My colleagues
who was involved in this project were glad but said also if it lies to them they
wouldnt came at this idea.

Section 3: Prototype
Describe how you built the prototype or how you plan to build the prototype
We make PowerPoint presentation were I use Toondoo and YouTube. We discuss
the assignment with the students and talk about the requirement we as teachers
are looking for. There has to be a brainstorm session with minister of Education
for curriculum redesign to create a interdisciplinary subject integration plan.

Section 4: Feedback and Redesign

Describe DeBono thinking hats applied by your team or other teams and how you
used their ideas to redesign your prototype
Because of my absence I was not able to present my Idea / project.
Thats why I dont have feedback to redesign it.

Section 5: Action Plan

Now that you have a redesign of your prototype with feedback from another team
describe the cost, material, time, effort etc. to build this final prototype
Because of my absence I was not able to present my Idea / project.
Thats why I dont have feedback to redesign it.

Section 6: Testing and Improve

Take your product to someone who will actually benefit from it and do a short
interview. Include a summary of their thoughts (advantages and disadvantages)
Include any suggestions they give you and how you can improve on your model.
Reflection on this project was given by the principal and the adjunct principal,
there were impressed of the outcome, there was creativity, its make easy for
students to remember their lesson they learned from it. The advantages a both,
students as teachers, but mostly for the students.
Suggestions were given to the team to do more of such project, but also with
other subjects where students are struggling with.

Section 7: Conclusions and Future work

Summarize the entire process
Expanding to future ideas: Curriculum redesign and introducing this to other school.
Looking for interdisciplinary integration with more subjects. Motivate teacher to be

Section 8: Appendix
Attach the link to the blogging site or website your team created

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