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B PENTAKSIRAN DIAGNOSTIK AKADEMIK SEKOLAH BERASRAMA PENUH 2017 PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN SIJIL PELAJARAN MALAYSIA, BAHASA INGGERIS 1119 Ogos 2017 MARKING SCHEME, [Lihat Halaman Sebelah 1119 © 2017 ak Cipa BPSBPSK SULIT SULIT PAPER I Section A: Directed Writing This question is assessed as follows: 1. Allocation of Marks: FORMAT 2 MARKS CONTENT 13 MARKS, LANGUAGE 20 MARKS Total 35 marks 2. Format and Content Marks Format Marks Tile Te] F2= writer's name |i ‘Subsioral| 2 (All Keywords must be mentioned or paraphrased before any content point can be awarded. If any idea is incomplete, content point cannot be awarded.) CL [Yellow stained teeth i [EI [Elaboration of C1 i C2 [Bad odour i E2 | Elaboration of C2 1 C3 Pole Hangs 1 E3_| Elaboration of CH i C4 [Lang cancer 1 EA __| Elaboration of C4 1 (C5__| Reduced life expesianey 1 ES __|Flaboration of C5 1 (C6 [Affect passive smokers Tee5| 126 | Elaboration of C6 1 CT_| Suggest one way to overcome the addiction of smokin H Subtow! | 13 Grand Toto!) 13 3 Language ~ 20 Marks 1. Marks are awarded for: i, Accurate English fi, Style and Tone appropriate tothe task 2. Read the seript and indicate all she errors of language by underlining word, phrase or punetustion where the mistake appears. 3. Please take for good appropriate vecabulary, structure and tone. 4. Award marks by referring tothe criteria for marking language [Lihat Halaman Sebelah 1119 © 2017 Hak Cips BPSBPSK SULIT SULIT Language (20 marks): Please refer to the marking criteria below Mark] DESCRIPTION OF CRITERIA] janie] DESCRIPTION OF CRITERIA range range Tanguage -enirely assure apart anguage - accurate with fiom very occasional ist draft ceasional era slips. Sentence structure - varied and Sentences show some variation of ‘various types of sentences ae Teng an type, with some complex sed sentences Vocabulary - wide and sed with Vocabulary wide enough and A | precision. B | used with sme precision. Punctuation - accurate and helpful 19.20 | w theseader. | 16-18 | Punctuation -aimost ways Spelling accurate scrss th fll accurate and generally hepa range of vocabulary used Spelling -nedsy always accurate Paragraphs well-planned, have Paragraphs» show some evidence amity and are linked | ofplaning and have unity | Topic addressed with consistent Relevant the tope. | selovance Interest ofthe reader aroused and. | | Interest ofthe reader aroused | sustained and sustained thoughout the Tone - appropriate for en aril. wweting ‘Tone - appropriate for an article. Tanguage -Iarely accuse. Language -sufficenly accurate, of Simple structures = used without clear language when simple | ero; mistakes are found in more ‘Vocabulary and structs are used sophisticated sructres. Some variety of sentence type snd Sentences -may show some length variety of stuctre and Tength but Voeabatary -susly adequate to nay be monotonous. show intended meaning Vocabulary - wide enough but Punctuation - generally correct bat snay lack precision. does nt clarify meaning Punctuation of simple structures - Simple words - spelt correctly but scourste snore spelling errs will oes. | Simple words -may be spett D_| Paragraphs - used bu show lack of correctiy planing and unity Paragraphs - may show some Lacking in liveliness andinterest | 13-15 | unity ahough links may be absent | 10-12 | value. or inappropriate Lapses in fone may bea feature Interest of the reader - aroused | | but not sustained | | Tone mostly appropiate foran | | ance. | | | 1119 © 2017 Hak Cipt BPSBPSK [Lihat Halaman Sebelan SULIT SULIT ] Meaning never in doubt bat | single word errors are sufficiently fequent and serious to hamper reading. Some simple structures - may be accurate, but not sustained for long Vocabulary is limited -fo0 simple | to convey precise meaning. E._| Simple words -spelt correctly but | frequent mistakes in spelling and 729 | punctuation. High incidence of linguistic errors. | Paragraphs - lack unity or are haphazardly arranged. Tome -may be inappropriate for an article Tors ~muliple i nature requiring the reader to read and re- read to understand, Few accurate but simple sentences. UG | Conese maybe conprhensbe torte incidence of ngs err 2-3 is high, ‘Content - comprehensible, but its | tone is hidden by the density of va), 4-6 Udi) O41 ‘Meaning “fully clear bahigh | incidence of errors will defintely | lmpede the reading ‘Many serious emors of various kinds ‘Very few accurate sentences Frequent errs - may cause blurring Sentences - simple and very often repetitive, Punctuation - sometimes used correctly Paragraphs «lack unity or there ‘may not be any paragraphs at all | Frequent spelling errors ‘Tone - may not be appropriate for anarticle ‘Almost enrely Impossible owed | May make litle oro sense a lor sare copied from the task Oscasional patches of laity occu, rarks should be awarded ‘Award mark -if some sense can be obuained “0 marke- only be awarded ifthe talk makes no sense all fon beginning io end. 1119 © 2017 Hak Cita BPSBPSK [Lihat Halaman Sebelah SULIT SULIT Section B: Continuous Writing (50 Marks) Maik] DESCRIPTION OF CRITERIA Mark] DESCRIPTION OF CRITERIA range range Tanginge- airy soso Tange soo oon tart bom very oon at nor ee er manor fis at ens, sts Sentence urucure-varie and Sentnces-show some variation of toed, Icgth and pe wi some comple to achive a pacar effet aa Yoesbulary vie ad wed Voesbulary- wide enough wth pein Coney intended sheds f meaning Function “cc and on | fel toe rede owe pein | Spelling ecmie css the Panctutonalnos slays Sat rage cf voebay wed teers and general hep Paragraphs -wellpuned Soemgeaen'y amperes | | ven and ete. | Furagrpte-thowsonecrteoce_ | A | Topiesataesed wi B | ctptnnng hve unity and ae consist trance cual propel ale Inteestofthereader-arused | eleven tpl tnd ststied tought the Interest ofthe edt - aroused and 44-50 ‘writing, 38-43 | sustained through most of the ong Lapa oe Tangunge = ey ce] Simple sracars- used without | fannie near Patoes of len, aocinte angage. is ‘Some variety of sentence type and sophisticated since, ae Sentence: may show sme Sime yeabulary and scree aby encased owt vay| Pnctunon- ene cones . ‘Vocabulary - usually adequate to Yoeabulary wie enough but v3 Neca | dh tended eng | may Mor spelng eos vl oc - SS p__ | Paragon suscd bt show ck of ‘whole but errors may’ occur in planning or unity | ey opie déestcd with some ing of simple words - may be ae Spengler - mayb (svete and neat 32:37 | Sonisteated word. 26-31. | value Paragraph ay show soe sain. bors yb btnt or inappropeat leant bt may ins only nd planing. Some interest red ba ot | omit 1119 © 2017 ok Cipt BPSBPSK [Lihat Halaman Sebelah SULIT suit ] Meaning = never in doubi, but ‘Meaning -farly clear bathe igh | sine Word error ae suiiently incidence of errors will impede | Frequent reading. and serious to hamper reading ‘Many serious erors of various Some simple structures- may be kinds. | sccurate, but unlikely to sustain (ingle word type, ie. they could be | securacy, comected without rewriting the ‘Vocabulary is limited -either too simple to convey precise meaning ‘whole sentence) Very few accurate sentences. gE | (ty | Fequnt crore may case bierring, | ‘nore ambitions but imperfectly Senences simple and very ofen | eae |rpetive Frequent mistakes im spelling, | Punctuation- used correctly but Punctuation enor make edi Sentence spain eo 20-25. | he sein dieu. *) 14-19 oan 7 Paragraphs leu or ae Paragraphs Sack nity or there apne aenged inayat bay paral tall’ | Some relevance ote oi bt only ‘arial treatment is given, | High incidence of linguistic errors may be distracting to the reader. | Some sense but errors are Almost entirely impossible tread. ‘multiple (reader has to read and | | Whole sections may make little or restoad before being able 10 | no sense at all. understand ) | Marks - awarded where occasional Tei) | Gays te accurate a simple Seacocal Coatat oy be tonprebesie bu te nidence ef nguaticerse aso highas 8:13 | mule meuning tur 07 May lobe fa shot ofthe [Festal cr a patches of larity accu. [Lihat Halaman Sebelah 1119 © 2017 Hk Cipts BPSBPSK SULIT SULIT PAPER 2 Section A (1S Marks) 3c 6 c u c | c 2 D 2 B | D 8 B 3 D A | A 14 B A 0 i | 15 B | Z| Section B (10 Marks) No Answers Remark(s) 16 The east coast of Peninsula Malaysia 17 «Hand drawn Interchangeable 18 | 6 Stamped 19 Machine printed 20° to draw across the length and breadth ofthe cloth 21 Dyeing z 22 ‘boil in warm water Baa copper! a wooden stamp 24 geometrical 25 local designers 119 ©2017 Hak Cipta BPSBPSK [Lihat Halaman Sebelah SULIT SULIT Section C (28 Marks) NO__[ANSWERS LIFTING 26a | He wanted to make enough money (| Line 6 and survive). In one day ... weok 26D It was because the water led ter boat_| Line [3 and 14 faster than they could empty it forcing | The crashing... it | Alvarenga to make a radical decision) 27a | By consuming/drinking/using it Tine 24 and 25 ‘minimally at one time. | 1 was minimum, 27b | (Their dependency on) the utle meat to survive. 28a | Hunting 28b | Swimming = 29a | psyche 29b | A handful of sand. "A handful of is mandatory 30 | Building shelter. Setting up fir. Finding clean water Identifying edible plans Sending up survival signa Note: Accept any logical answers. 1119 © 2017 Fle Cipta BPSBPSK [Lihat Halaman Sebelan SULIT SULIT Question 31: Summary Content (©) (maximum 10 marks even if all the points are given) Style and presentation (L) © :10marks 5 marks CONTENT POINTS: 1) pulling the fishing line. 2) cut the fishing line 3) dumped equipment and fish into the sea 4) pointed the boat towards his home port. 5) called his boss to report his position. 6) collected five gallons of freshwater in plastic bottles. 7) subsisted on triggerfish (he caught by hand). 8) hauled a turtle aboard for food. 9) designed a shark-detection system to save him from sharks 10) On January 30, he saw an island 11) he drifted half a day before reaching the land, 12) dived off the deck (and let the wave carry him to the shore). 13) Alvarenga was left face down on the beach, [Lihat Halaman Sebelah 1119 © 2017 Hak Cipra BPSBPSK SULIT SULIT SUMMARY: CRITERIA FOR STYLE AND PRESENTATION ‘Mark PARAPHRASE Mark | USEOF ENGLISH | | 5 | sustained atempt to rephrase |$ | Very occasional first draft slips. | text. Expression is secure, Language is accurate. Varied | | Allowance given for phrases / sentence structures, Use of | words fied from text that are| [orginal complex syntax | diicut wo subsite | Punctuation and spelling | scourae 4 | A noticeable attempt to re-phrase |4 | Language almost always text, Free from stretches of accurate. Isolated serious errors concentrated ling. Expression Some varied structures generally sound. Sentences may include original complex syntax. Punctuation and spelling nearly always accurate | 3° | intetigent and selective lifting, 3 | Language is largely accurate Limited atempts. to. re-phrase Simple strectures tend wo Expression may not always be dominate, Noticeable serious | secure, | ‘errors but not Frequent. Sentences | | that show some varieties and complexities will generally be lifted from the text. Punetuation | and spelling largely accurate, Halaman Sebelah 1119 © 2017 Fak Cipts BPSBPSK SULIT suLIT Wholesale copying of - text ‘material, not a complete transcript of the original. Own language limited to single word substitution. Irrelevant sections more frequent. | More frequent serious errors but meaning never in doutt. Simple stnures but accuney n0t| sustained. Simple punctuation | | and. spelling of simple words | Inrgely accurate, Inelevant or distorted details might destroy sequence in pases, 1 | More or less a complete transcript of the text, Random transcription of irelevant parts of text | Heavy frequency of serious mors. Fractured syntax. Poor punctuation and spelling. Berors invpede reading Note: Mark for P + Matk for UE ‘Mark for style and presentation L= (Language) Example; 1119 © 2017 Hak Cipta BPSBPSK 344272234 [Linat Halaman Sebelah SULIT SULIT Section D 32 (a) (i) A white broderic anglaise shirt/a pleated skirt flat shoes. (1 mark) Gi) She was neat/ prim and proper/well-dressed/elegant (J mark) (b) bunched (1 mark) (©) Yes, because it can be a beneficial option for provid parents quality health care for the No, because itis our responsibility to take care of our parents and for parents there is no other loved one more than their own child Note: ‘Accept any other plausible answers Both questions should be answered to award 2 marks. Marks awarded will only be 2 or 0.(2 marks/0) 33. Marks awarded are as follows: CONTENT — £10 marks LANGUAGE ;_Smarks TOTAL =: Smarks (2 marks) Please refer tothe band descriptors below deciding which band BEST FITS the mark for CONTENT and LANGUAGE BAND DESCRIPTORS FOR CONTENT SCORE BAND DESCRIPTORS 9-10 ‘Response-relevant to specified task Event chosen-well supported and linked with evidence or knowledge from text ‘Main and supporting ideas-relevant to specified task Reasons ~ clearly presented, well-organized and easily understood 78 Response-televant to specified task Event chasen-usually supported and linked with evidence or knowledge from text Main and supporting ideas-mostly relevant to specified task Reasons ~ clear and can be understood ‘esponse- intermittently relevant to specified task Event chosen-usually supported and linked with some evidenee or knowledge from text ‘Some ideas- relevant to specified task Reasons — generally clear, can be understood but lack organization [Lihat Halaman Sebelah 1119 ©2017 Fisk Cipta BPSBPSK SULIT suLiT x ‘© Response-barely relevant to specified task Event chosen-unlikely identified or even when identified, not likely to be linked to the text ‘© Reasons — hardly relevant to specified task and difficult to understand 12 + Response-no understanding of specified task ‘+ Event chosen-incoherent and unlikely inked to the text Reasons — no relevance to specified task BAND DESCRIPTORS FOR LANGUAGE ‘MARK USE OF LANGUAGE Language — accurate, with very occasional slips Occasional minor errrs- first draft slips Sentence structure-varied Punctuation-accurate and helpful Spelling-secure throughout response ‘Language — largely accurate Sentence structure-some variations Punctuation-accurate and generally helpful Spelling-largely secure ‘Language — almost always accurate Sentence structure-simple structures dominate Punctuation-accurate and helpful Spelling-mostly secure ‘Language — serious errors, more Requent Sentence structure-simple structures accurate but not sustained Puncuation-usually correct Spelling-nearly always secure ‘Language — serious errors, heavy Hrequeney Sentence structure-rampant fractured syntax Punctuation-falters ‘Spelling-mostly inaccurate ‘Note: The mark’0* should only be awarded if there is no understanding af the requirement(s) of the task the response isin language other than English there is no response 1 mark is awarded if candidate mentions something about the novel. 1119 © 2017 HaleCipta BPSBPSK

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