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Enteral Omega-3 Fatty Acid, -Linolenic Acid,

and Antioxidant Supplementation
in Acute Lung Injury
Todd W. Rice, MD, MSc Context The omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic
Arthur P. Wheeler, MD acid, along with -linolenic acid and antioxidants, may modulate systemic inflammatory
B. Taylor Thompson, MD response and improve oxygenation and outcomes in patients with acute lung injury.

Bennett P. deBoisblanc, MD Objective To determine if dietary supplementation of these substances to patients

with acute lung injury would increase ventilator-free days to study day 28.
Jay Steingrub, MD
Design, Setting, and Participants The OMEGA study, a randomized, double-
Peter Rock, MD, MBA blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial conducted from January 2, 2008, through
for the NIH NHLBI Acute February 21, 2009. Participants were 272 adults within 48 hours of developing acute
Respiratory Distress Syndrome lung injury requiring mechanical ventilation whose physicians intended to start en-
teral nutrition at 44 hospitals in the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute ARDS
Network of Investigators
Clinical Trials Network. All participants had complete follow-up.

ARLY ACUTE LUNG INJURY (ALI) IS Interventions Twice-daily enteral supplementation of n-3 fatty acids, -linolenic acid,
characterizedbyneutrophiliclung and antioxidants compared with an isocaloric control. Enteral nutrition, directed by a
inflammation,permeability,1,2 and protocol, was delivered separately from the study supplement.
intravascular and alveolar fibrin Main Outcome Measure Ventilator-free days to study day 28.
deposition.3 The proinflammatory and Results The study was stopped early for futility after 143 and 129 patients were en-
prothrombotic fatty acid eicosanoid de- rolled in the n-3 and control groups. Despite an 8-fold increase in plasma eicosapen-
rivatives of cyclooxygenase (eg, throm- taenoic acid levels, patients receiving the n-3 supplement had fewer ventilator-free
boxaneA2)and5-lipoxygenase(eg,leuko- days (14.0 vs 17.2; P=.02) (difference, 3.2 [95% CI, 5.8 to 0.7]) and intensive
triene B4) enzymes are mediators of these care unitfree days (14.0 vs 16.7; P=.04). Patients in the n-3 group also had fewer
processes.4-6 The type and inflamma- nonpulmonary organ failurefree days (12.3 vs 15.5; P=.02). Sixty-day hospital mor-
tory activity of eicosanoids liberated tality was 26.6% in the n-3 group vs 16.3% in the control group (P=.054), and ad-
justed 60-day mortality was 25.1% and 17.6% in the n-3 and control groups, respec-
during inflammation depends on the
tively (P=.11). Use of the n-3 supplement resulted in more days with diarrhea (29%
membrane phospholipid composi- vs 21%; P=.001).
tion: omega 6 (n-6) fatty acid arachi-
Conclusions Twice-daily enteral supplementation of n-3 fatty acids, -linolenic acid,
donate yields highly reactive and in-
and antioxidants did not improve the primary end point of ventilator-free days or other
flammatory dienoic prostaglandins and clinical outcomes in patients with acute lung injury and may be harmful.
series 4 leukotrienes, whereas omega-3
(n-3) fatty acids such as docosahexae- Trial Registration Identifier: NCT00609180
noic acid (DHA) and eicosapentae- JAMA. 2011;306(14):1574-1581
Published online October 5, 2011. doi:10.1001/jama.2011.1435
noic acid (EPA) favor production of less
active and potentially anti-inflamma- Author Affiliations: Division of Allergy, Pulmonary, and Anesthesiology, University of Maryland School of
tory trienoic prostaglandins and se- Critical Care Medicine, Vanderbilt University School Medicine, Baltimore (Dr Rock).
ries 5 leukotrienes.7,8 Patients at risk of of Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee (Drs Rice and NHLBI ARDS Clinical Trial Network participants are
Wheeler); Pulmonary and Critical Care Unit, Depart- listed at the end of this article.
developing ALI have n-3 levels approxi- ment of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Corresponding Author: Todd W. Rice, MD, MSc,
mately 25% of normal and those with Boston (Dr Thompson); Pulmonary and Critical Care T-1218 MCN, Vanderbilt Medical Center, Nashville,
Medicine, Louisiana State University Health Sciences TN 37232-2650 (
Center, New Orleans (Dr deBoisblanc); Critical Care Caring for the Critically Ill Patient Section Editor: Derek
For editorial comment see p 1599. Medicine, Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, Mas- C. Angus, MD, MPH, Contributing Editor, JAMA
sachusetts (Dr Steingrub); and Department of (

1574 JAMA, October 12, 2011Vol 306, No. 14 2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
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established ALI have n-3 levels as low

Figure 1. Patient Screening, Enrollment, and Follow-up
as 6% of normal,9 suggesting a poten-
tial role for n-3 dietary supplementa-
2778 Patients screened
tion in patients with ALI. Preclinical
data indicate that the n-6 -linolenic 2506 Excluded a
acid (GLA), in conjunction with the n-3 500 Severe chronic lung disease
445 Time window (acute lung injury
fatty acid EPA, reduces neutrophil >48 h or intubated >72 h)
417 Inability to obtain consent
leukotriene synthesis and stimulates 306 Likely fatal underlying disease
production of the vasodilator prosta- 250 Recent intracranial hemorrhage
194 Severe liver disease
glandin E1, which also may be benefi- 167 Moribund
113 Refractory shock
cial in ALI.10,11 108 Coagulopathy
83 Refused consent
Three randomized controlled stud-
ies, conducted in patients with ALI or
272 Randomized
sepsis-induced respiratory failure,
demonstrated an association between
143 Randomized to receive n-3 supplement 129 Randomized to receive isocaloric control
the administration of an enteral for- 142 Received n-3 supplement as randomized 129 Received isocaloric control as randomized
mula enriched in n-3 fatty acids, GLA, 1 Received no n-3 doses

and antioxidants and improved oxy-

143 Completed trial and included in primary analysis 129 Completed trial and included in primary analysis
genation and respiratory physiology
compared with an unenriched, high-
All 272 enrolled patients had complete follow-up to the earlier of hospital discharge or day 60. The omega-3
fat formula.12-14 Improvements also (n-3) supplement comprised the n-3 fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid, the omega-6
were observed among these trials in -linolenic acid, and antioxidants.
a Reasons for exclusion sum to more than 2506 because patients could be excluded for more than 1 reason.
length of intensive care unit (ICU)
stay, new organ failures,12,14 and mor-
tality. 14 However, interpretation of was obtained from every patient or sur-
Table 1. Daily Nutrients in Omega-3 (n-3)
these results is limited by the small rogate prior to any study procedure. De- vs Control Supplements
sample sizes and as-treated analyses of tails of the methods are available in the n-3 Control
only those patients who tolerated full eMethods. Nutrient (240 mL) (240 mL)
enteral nutrition (n=98, 95, and 103). Energy, kcal 480 474
Therefore, we sought to test the Patients Protein, g 3.8 20
effects of enteral supplementation of Patients with ALI requiring mechani- Carbohydrate, g 4.2 51.8
n-3 fatty acids, GLA, and antioxidants cal ventilation whose physicians in- Fat, g 44.6 22
on clinically important outcomes in tended to start enteral nutrition were EPA 6.84 0
patients with ALI in a phase 3 trial eligible for inclusion. Specifically, pa- DHA 3.40 0
using a novel approach of twice-daily tients had to be receiving mechanical GLA 5.92 0
bolus administration that would allow ventilation, have a ratio of partial pres- Vitamin C, mg 1000 76
an intention-to-treat analysis and sure of arterial oxygen (PaO2) to frac- All-natural vitamin E, IU 440 12
inclusion of patients unable to toler- tion of inspired oxygen (FIO2) of less Beta-carotene, mg 4.8 0
ate continuous full feeding. We than 300 (adjusted if altitude ex- Zinc, mg 24.2 5.6
hypothesized that supplementation ceeded 1000 m), and have bilateral pul- Selenium, g 85.2 18
with n-3 fatty acids, GLA, and anti- monary infiltrates consistent with LCarnitine, mg 180 38
oxidants would increase the ratio of edema on chest radiograph without Taurine, mg 350 138
n-3 to n-6 fatty acids, reduce inflam- clinical evidence of left atrial hyperten- Abbreviations: DHA, docosahexaenoic acid; EPA, eicos-
apentaenoic acid; GLA, -linolenic acid.
matory mediators, and improve the sion.15 The most frequent exclusion cri-
primary outcome of ventilator-free teria are shown in FIGURE 1 (full ex-
days and other clinical outcomes in clusion criteria are available in the
patients with ALI. eMethods, available at http://www.jama rich control (TABLE 1). Participants
.com). Patients were stratified by hos- were also simultaneously randomized
METHODS pital and the presence of shock at base- to a separate ongoing trial (the EDEN
The trial was approved by the institu- line and then randomized via a study) comparing low- vs full-calorie
tional review board at each of the 44 en- centralized Web-based system to re- enteral nutrition in a 22 factorial de-
rolling hospitals of the National Heart, ceive either twice-daily enteral supple- sign.16 Per National Institutes of Health
Lung, and Blood Institute ARDS Clini- mentation of n-3 fatty acids, GLA, and protocol, race and ethnicity were col-
cal Trials Network, listed at the end of antioxidants (n-3 supplement) or an lected from administrative data using
this article. Written informed consent isocaloric-isovolemic carbohydrate- census definitions.
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tal at day 60 were considered to have

Figure 2. Plasma Levels of Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Plasma Ratio of EPA to
Arachidonic Acid (AA) survived. Selected plasma fatty acid lev-
els were measured at baseline and days
Plasma EPA levels
n-3 Supplement
Plasma EPA-AA ratio 3, 6, and 12 (eMethods).
55 Control 2.0
Group mean values
1.0 Statistical Analysis
With a maximum enrollment of 1000
patients and 4 planned interim analy-

EPA: AA Ratio
ses, the study had statistical power of
EPA, mg/L

90.7% to detect a 2.25-day increase in
VFDs, assuming a mean of 14 VFDs and
standard deviation of 10.5. The study
was monitored using a group sequen-
tial design with asymmetric stopping
0 0.01
boundaries for efficacy and futility de-
0 3 6 12 0 3 6 12 signed using alpha and beta spending
Study Day Study Day boundaries (eMethods).19 An indepen-
No. of patients
n-3 Supplement 24 24 17 8 24 24 17 8
dent data and safety monitoring board
Control 30 24 17 9 30 24 17 9 (DSMB) conducted an analysis of se-
rum n-3 levels after enrollment of the
The omega-3 (n-3) supplement comprised the n-3 fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid,
the omega-6 -linolenic acid, and antioxidants. Plasma levels of EPA increased almost 8-fold in the n-3 group first 60 patients, a safety analysis after
while remaining unchanged in the control group; AA levels did not change in either group, resulting in a simi- enrollment of 100 patients, and an in-
lar increase in plasma EPA:AA ratio. Levels were measured in the first 60 patients. Because of unavailable samples,
actual measurements are from 24 n-3 and 30 control patients at baseline (24 in each group at day 3, 17 in terim analysis after enrollment of 272
each group on day 6, and 8 n-3 and 9 control patients on day 12). patients. Although VFDs was the pri-
mary end point, the DSMB was ad-
vised to consider mortality in their de-
Study Procedures 150 mg/dL (to convert to mmol/L, mul- cision to stop the trial for either efficacy
The n-3 or control supplement was ad- tiply by 0.0555), with tighter control al- or futility.
ministered enterally as twice-daily bo- lowed per local usual practice. Patients Means and standard deviations are
luses of 120 mL beginning within 6 were maintained in the semirecum- reported for baseline continuous vari-
hours of randomization. The isocaloric- bent position to decrease the risk of as- ables, and counts and percentages are
isovolemic control was identical in ap- piration and nosocomial pneumonia.18 reported for baseline categorical vari-
pearance and smell to the deodorized ables, with differences assessed using
n-3 supplement. Dosing continued un- Primary and Secondary End Points t tests and 2 tests, respectively. Plasma
til the earliest of 21 days, 48 hours of The primary end point of this study levels of IL-6, IL-8, leukotrienes, and
unassisted breathing, or extubation. The was ventilator-free days (VFDs), urinary isoprostanes were log trans-
energy provided by the boluses supple- defined as the number of days alive formed and compared using analysis of
mented that provided by each primary and breathing without assistance variance with baseline levels as covar-
physicians choice of standard continu- from randomization to day 28. VFDs iates. Categorical outcome variables are
ous nonn-3-enriched enteral for- were counted only for the final reported as percentages with 95% con-
mula. The rate of continuous enteral period of unassisted breathing in fidence intervals. The continuous out-
feeding was managed by a protocol with patients who required more than 1 come variables (VFDs, ICU-free days,
an algorithm for gastrointestinal intol- episode of assisted breathing through and organ failurefree days) are re-
erances (eMethods). The supplement day 28. Patients who died before day ported as means and standard devia-
was administered even if enteral nutri- 28 were assigned zero VFDs. tions, with differences assessed using
tion was interrupted, as long as the pa- Secondary end points included 60- analysis of variance controlling for base-
tient was tolerating enteral medications. day mortality before hospital dis- line shock and enrollment group of the
Patient care was managed accord- charge with unassisted breathing, num- EDEN study.
ing to simplified versions of the ber of ICU- and organ failurefree days, Logistic regression controlling for
lung protective ventilation and fluid- frequency of gastrointestinal intoler- baseline shock and randomization
conservative hemodynamic manage- ance, plasma levels of IL-6 and IL-8 group of the EDEN study was used to
ment protocols used in previous ARDS on days 3 and 6, urinary levels of analyze mortality. Adjusted mortality
Network trials (eMethods).6,17 Institu- series 4 and 5 leukotrienes on day 6 rates were calculated using 7 baseline
tion-specific insulin protocols were used (eMethods), and development of new mortality-predicting covariates de-
to target blood glucose ranges of 80 to infections. Patients alive in the hospi- rived from a previous study of similar
1576 JAMA, October 12, 2011Vol 306, No. 14 2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
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populations20: age, Acute Physiology increased plasma EPA levels 8-fold on n-3derived leukotriene E5 was unde-
and Chronic Health Evaluation III days 3, 6, and 12, whereas levels in con- tectable in plasma in both groups at
(APACHE III) score, plateau pres- trol patients remained unchanged baseline and on day 6. Urinary levels
sure, missing plateau pressure, num- (Figure 2). Plasma levels of the n-6 ara- of F2-isoprostane, the lipid peroxida-
ber of organ failures, and the alveolar- chidonic acid did not change in either tion stress marker derived from n-6 fatty
arterial difference in Pa O 2 value. group over the first 12 study days. The acids, were similar in both groups at
Proportion curves over time were resulting change in plasma fatty acid lev- baseline and did not change signifi-
plotted for survival and unassisted els (eFigure 1) did not alter plasma lev- cantly in either group on day 6. Uri-
breathing. els of IL-6 or IL-8, which decreased nary levels of F3-isoprostanes, derived
All analyses were performed using similarly in both groups on days 3 and from n-3 fatty acids, were also similar
SAS version 9.2 (SAS Institute Inc, Cary, 6 (eFigure 2A). Likewise, plasma leuko- at baseline but were significantly higher
North Carolina) on an intention-to- triene E4 levels did not change on study in the n-3 group on day 6 compared
treat basis, with 2-sided P .05 con- day 6 in either group (eFigure 2B). The with controls (eFigure 2C).
sidered significant. P values were not
corrected for multiple comparisons or
early stopping. Table 2. Baseline Characteristics of Patients
No. (%)
RESULTS n-3 Control
The study was stopped by the DSMB for Characteristic (n = 143) (n = 129)
futility at the first interim analysis af- Age, mean (SD), y 55.5 (17.0) 52.9 (16.5)
ter 143 patients had been randomized Women 68 (48) 65 (50)
to receive the n-3 supplement and 129 Race/ethnicity
White (not Hispanic) 102 (71) 94 (73)
to receive the isocaloric control. Se- Black (not Hispanic) 27 (19) 18 (14)
vere chronic lung disease, ALI present Hispanic 7 (5) 16 (12)
greater than 48 hours, mechanical ven- Other/NA 5 (5) 1 (1)
tilation for longer than 72 hours, and Diabetes 46 (32) 42 (33)
inability to obtain consent were the Medical ICU 122 (85) 111 (86)
most frequent exclusions (Figure 1). All APACHE III score, mean (SD) a 93.8 (24.9) 91.8 (29.3)
patients had complete follow-up to the Vasopressor use 78 (55) 62 (48)
earlier of hospital discharge or day 60. Propofol use 43 (30) 30 (23)
Baseline propofol infusion rate, median (IQR), mg/h 30.0 (11.0-80.0) 26.5 (8.0-107.0)
Study Supplement Pharmacokinetics
Nonpulmonary organ or system failures 1.3 (0.8) 1.3 (0.9)
and Pharmacodynamics (maximum of 4), mean (SD), No.
Daily calories provided by enteral nu- Arterial pressure, mean (SD), mm Hg 75.1 (13.2) 76.7 (15.3)
trition were similar for both groups on Central venous pressure, mean (SD), mm Hg 10.7 (4.9) 11.2 (4.1)
days 0 through 12 (eTable), and the P Prestudy fluid intake, mean (SD), mL/24 h 5085 (3543) 4387 (3063)
value for interaction with the EDEN Albumin, mean (SD), g/dL 2.3 (0.7) 2.2 (0.7)
study was .47. Patients in both groups Tidal volume, mean (SD), mL/kg 7.0 (1.6) 6.8 (1.3)
received an average of 85% of the Plateau airway pressure, mean (SD), cm H2O 23.3 (4.8) 22.8 (5.5)
planned twice-daily dosages of the study PEEP, mean (SD), cm H2O 8.6 (3.5) 8.7 (3.3)
supplement. Patients receiving the n-3 Minute ventilation, mean (SD), L/min b 11.4 (3.1) 10.6 (2.9)
supplement had more frequent in- Respiratory rate, mean (SD), breaths/min 25.7 (7.2) 24.7 (7.2)
stances of gastrointestinal intoler- PaO2:FIO2 ratio, mean (SD) 159.9 (75.6) 172.5 (84.6)
ance. Diarrhea occurred in 28.7% and Oxygenation index, mean (SD) 11.7 (7.4) 10.5 (7.3)
20.9% of ventilated days in the n-3 and Primary cause of lung injury
Pneumonia 74 (52) 69 (53)
control groups, respectively (P=.001).
Sepsis 33 (23) 27 (21)
Both groups experienced similar inci-
Aspiration 17 (12) 23 (18)
dences of gastric residual volumes
Trauma 7 (5) 2 (2)
greater than 400 mL (3.2% vs 4.0%;
Multiple transfusion 4 (3) 1 (1)
P=.30), abdominal distention (9.3% vs
Other 8 (6) 7 (5)
7.4%; P=.19), and vomiting (3.8% vs Abbreviations: APACHE III, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation III; FIO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; ICU,
2.4%; P=.09). intensive care unit; IQR, interquartile range; NA, not available; n-3, omega-3; PaO2, partial pressure of arterial oxy-
gen; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure.
Baseline plasma levels of EPA a Higher scores indicate a higher severity of illness.
b The n-3 group had a higher minute ventilation and trend toward greater net fluid administration in the 24-hour preen-
were about 2 mg/L in both groups
rollment period than the control group.
(FIGURE 2). The n-3 study supplement
2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. JAMA, October 12, 2011Vol 306, No. 14 1577
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Figure 3. PEEP, Plateau Pressure, and PaO2:FIO2 Ratio During Study

PEEP Plateau pressure PaO2: FIO2 ratio

10 28 260

Plateau Pressure, cm H20

8 26

PaO2: FIO2 Ratio

PEEP, cm H20

6 24 200

4 22
n-3 Supplement
2 20
Control 140

0 18 130
0 1 2 3 4 7 0 1 2 3 4 7 0 1 2 3 4 7
Study Day Study Day Study Day

No. of patients
n-3 Supplement 143 138 131 116 105 68 99 100 94 78 60 42 136 110 101 92 77 50
Control 129 125 101 91 80 49 93 95 76 62 57 35 126 101 75 68 61 34

The omega-3 (n-3) supplement comprised the n-3 fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid, the omega-6 -linolenic acid, and antioxidants. Error
bars indicate 95% confidence intervals. Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) was similar between groups during the study; plateau pressures were similar between
groups except day 2 during the first week (P=.04). Oxygenation (ratio of partial pressure of arterial oxygen [PaO2] to fraction of inspired oxygen [FIO2]) did not differ
between groups.

age of slightly more than 1 unit of in-

Figure 4. Minute Ventilation and PaCO2 During Study sulin per hour over the first 7 days
Minute ventilation PaCO2
(eFigure 3).
13 50
Numerically more patients in the n-3
group were receiving vasopressors at
Minute Ventilation, L/min

12 48
enrollment, a difference that persisted
PaCO2, mm Hg

11 through day 7 (eFigure 4). The n-3
10 group had a trend toward more net fluid
administration in the 24 hours prior to
n-3 Supplement enrollment (5085 [SD, 3543] mL vs
8 Control 38 4387 [SD, 3063] mL; P =.09). The n-3
0 1 2 3 4 7
0 1 2 3 4 7
group also had a trend toward greater
Study Day Study Day cumulative fluid balance over the first
No. of patients 7 study days (2082 [SD, 8088] mL vs
n-3 Supplement 133 138 129 113 100 67 137 110 101 92 77 50
Control 119 122 98 88 76 46 126 101 75 68 61 34 94 [SD, 7071] mL; P =.07). No differ-
ences in the development of new in-
The omega-3 (n-3) supplement comprised the n-3 fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid,
the omega-6 -linolenic acid, and antioxidants. Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals. Minute ventila-
fections were found between groups
tion was similar between groups except day 3 (P=.01); Partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide [PaCO2] val- (ventilator-associated pneumonia, 7%
ues were slightly higher in the control group at days 1 (P=.04), 2 (P=.08), and 4 (P=.07). [95% CI, 3%-11%] for the n-3 group vs
8% [95% CI, 3%-12%] for the control
Baseline Characteristics temperature. Values also were similar group [P=.81]; bacteremia, 11.2% [95%
and Study Variables for positive end-expiratory pressure, CI, 6%-16.4%] vs 10.9% [95% CI, 5.5%-
Baseline characteristics are shown in plateau pressure, and PaO2:FIO2 ratio 16.2%] [P=.91]; or Clostridium difficile
TABLE 2. Pneumonia (52%) and sepsis (FIGURE 3) and minute ventilation and associated diarrhea, 4.2% [95% CI,
(23%) were the most common etiolo- partial pressure of arterial carbon di- 1.6%-8.9%] vs 3.9% [95% CI, 1.3%-
gies of ALI. Although both groups had oxide FIGURE 4. 8.8%] [P =.98]).
similar APACHE III scores, the n-3 Serum albumin and protein levels did
group had higher minute ventilation not differ between groups at baseline Clinical Outcomes
(11.4 [SD, 3.1] L/min vs 10.6 [SD, 2.9] or during the study. Baseline serum glu- The n-3 supplement group had fewer
L/min; P=.04). Baseline creatinine, glu- cose values were similar in both groups VFDs to study day 28 compared with
cose, and albumin levels were similar (134 [SD, 55] mg/dL vs 125 [SD, 47] controls (14.0 [SD, 11.1] vs 17.2 [SD,
between groups. mg/dL; P=.17) and consistently aver- 10.2], P=.02) (difference, 3.2 [95% CI,
Over the first 7 days, both groups had aged less than 150 mg/dL in both 5.8 to 0.7]) and fewer ICU-free days
similar values for heart rate, systolic groups through day 7 (eFigure 3). Pa- (14.0 [SD, 10.5] vs 16.7 [SD, 9.5],
blood pressure, respiratory rate, and tients in both groups received an aver- P=.04) (TABLE 3). In the n-3 group, 38
1578 JAMA, October 12, 2011Vol 306, No. 14 2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
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Table 3. Clinical Outcomes a

Mean (SD)

n-3 Control P
Outcome (n = 143) (n = 129) Difference (95% CI) Value
Ventilator-free days from day 1 to day 28 14.0 (11.1) 17.2 (10.2) 3.2 (5.8 to 0.7) .02
Death before discharge home, % (95% CI)
Unadjusted 26.6 (19.3-33.8) 16.3 (9.9-22.7) 10.3 (0.7 to 19.9) .054
Adjusted for differences in baseline covariates 25.1 (9.2-41.0) 17.6 (3.3-31.9) 7.5 (3.1 to 18.1) .11
No. of days not spent in an intensive care unit 14.0 (10.5) 16.7 (9.5) 2.7 (5.1 to 0.3) .04
from day 1 to day 28
No. of days without failure of circulatory, coagulation, 12.3 (11.1) 15.5 (11.4) 3.2 (5.9 to 0.5) .02
hepatic, or renal organs from day 1 to day 28
a Patients discharged from the hospital alive before 60 days are considered alive for all-cause 60-day hospital mortality. Mortality was adjusted for age, Acute Physiology and Chronic
Health Evaluation III score, plateau pressure, missing plateau pressure, number of organ failures, and the alveolar-arterial difference in PaO2.

of the 143 patients (26.6% [95% CI, tolerated, our study used a small-
Figure 5. Proportion Curves of 60-Day
19.3%-33.8%] died prior to day 60 or volume supplement (120 mL) twice Hospital Survival and Unassisted Breathing
hospital discharge compared with 21 of daily to deliver similar doses of n-3
the 129 (16.3% [95% CI, 9.9%- fatty acids, GLA, and antioxidants, as n-3 Supplement
22.7%]) in the control group (P=.054). Alive
were given in previous studies. We Breathing without assistance
When adjusted for baseline variables used an intention-to-treat analysis, Control
previously shown to be associated with which accounted for all randomized Alive
Breathing without assistance
mortality in ALI, the n-3 group had patients. It is possible that bolus 100
25.1% (95% CI, 9.2%-41.0%) 60-day administration of the high-fat supple- 90
mortality vs 17.6% (95% CI, 3.3%- ment may have caused the increased 80
31.9%) in the control group (P = .11). incidence of diarrhea observed in the

Patients, %
Probabilities of survival and breathing n-3 group. 50
without assistance to day 60 for both Another major difference between 40
groups are shown in FIGURE 5. this and previous studies is the com- 30
position of the control supplement. The 20
COMMENT control in the previous studies12-14 was 10
In contrast to previous studies, in a commercially available, high-fat for- 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
this study enteral supplementation of mulation containing predominately n-6 Days After Randomization

n-3 fatty acids, GLA, and antioxidants and omega-9 (n-9) fatty acids selected The omega-3 (n-3) supplement comprised the n-3 fatty
did not improve lung physiology or to match the percentage of calories from acids docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid,
clinical outcomes in patients with ALI fat, protein, and carbohydrate in the n-3 the omega-6 -linolenic acid, and antioxidants. Per-
centages were calculated daily; all patients com-
compared with supplementation of an formulation. In contrast, our study used pleted follow-up and the denominators were the com-
isocaloric control. In addition, the n-3 an isocaloric supplement containing plete cohorts (143 for the omega-3 [n-3] group and
129 for the control group). Solid lines are survival curves
supplement did not protect from noso- mostly carbohydrate calories instead of and represent proportion of patients surviving at each
comial infections or improve nonpul- lipids. Because n-6 and n-9 fatty acids period; dashed lines represent the proportion of pa-
tients breathing without assistance at each period. The
monary organ function. can be metabolized into inflammatory areas above the solid lines represent the proportion
Several noteworthy differences prostaglandins and series-4 leukotri- of patients who have died in each group at each pe-
between the current and previous enes,7,8 it is possible that the control for- riod; the areas below the dashed lines represent the
proportion of patients alive and free of mechanical ven-
studies may explain the observed mulations in previous studies may have tilation in each group at each period. Areas between
differences. The 3 previous studies been proinflammatory, accounting for the solid and dashed lines indicate percentages alive
and still receiving mechanical ventilation in each group
used continuous enteral infusions to the differences in outcomes between at each period.
deliver the supplements, whereas we groups. However, we found no im-
used bolus delivery. Previous studies provement in clinical outcomes for n-3
required patients to tolerate a spe- fatty acid supplementation compared the n-3 supplement. Thus, the effi-
cific goal feeding rate, either to enter with a largely carbohydrate control. cacy and futility stopping boundaries
the trial or to be included in the We hypothesized that the n-3 supple- were not symmetric, with stopping for
analysis, and many randomized ment would improve clinical out- futility being easier than for efficacy.
patients were unable to tolerate the comes compared with the control The DSMB recommended terminating
required infusion rates, introducing supplement. We did not design our the study at the first interim analysis be-
potential bias. To increase the likeli- study to determine if the control supple- cause the primary end point (VFDs) and
hood that the treatment would be ment would yield better outcomes than the major secondary end point (mor-
2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. JAMA, October 12, 2011Vol 306, No. 14 1579
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tality) crossed the predefined futility strategy has been shown to expedite lib- DHA, and modest doses alter plasma
boundaries, making the probability of eration from the ventilator,17 further re- and cellular content within 1 to 3 days.28
a positive trial going forward very low. ducing opportunity for new interven- Even parenteral administration of n-3
Despite P values of .02 and .054 for VFD tions to show benefit. Despite enrolling fatty acids, which would presumably al-
and mortality, respectively, we cannot a population with high severity of ill- ter plasma and cellular content more
confidently conclude there was harm ness, overall mortality in this study was quickly, has failed to alter the inflam-
in the n-3 group, because this may have only 21.7%, considerably lower than matory response in critically ill pa-
been a chance observation.21 For ex- that seen in the 3 previous studies of tients.29,30
ample, if our stopping boundaries for n-3 fatty acids12-14 and in other studies
efficacy and futility had been the same, of patients with ALI.6,17,20 CONCLUSIONS
P.001 would have been required at Despite significant increases in This study suggests that twice-daily
the first interim analysis to conclude plasma n-3 levels, we did not demon- enteral supplementation of n-3 fatty
that the control supplement was supe- strate a reduction in levels of inflam- acids, GLA, and antioxidants change
rior. In addition, there was slight im- matory biomarkers. The reason why plasma levels of n-3 fatty acids but
balance of age, APACHE III score, twice-daily supplementation failed to do not improve clinical outcomes or
PaO2:FIO2 ratio, and minute ventila- alter plasma biological marker levels is biomarkers of systemic inflammation
tion favoring the control group. unclear. It is possible that more fre- in patients with ALI and in fact may
Nonetheless, it remains possible that quent or near-continuous dosing is nec- be harmful.
there is a hierarchy of energy sources essary to see benefits. Although incor-
Published Online: October 5, 2011. doi:10.1001
in patients with ALI. Carbohydrates and poration of n-3 fatty acids into cell /jama.2011.1435
protein (as in our control) may result membranes was not directly mea- Author Contributions: Dr Thompson had full access
to all of the data in the study and takes responsibility
in better clinical outcomes than lip- sured, data suggest that plasma levels for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the
ids, and at the same time n-3 fatty ac- correlate well with phospholipid mem- data analysis.
Study concept and design: Rice, Wheeler, Thompson,
ids may result in better clinical out- brane content,25,26 suggesting that our deBoisblanc, Steingrub, Rock.
comes than n-6 and n-9 fatty acids. administration of n-3 fatty acids should Acquisition of data: Rice, Wheeler, Thompson,
Historically, carbohydrates have been have had a biological effect. Although deBoisblanc, Steingrub, Rock.
Analysis and interpretation of data: Rice, Wheeler,
avoided in ventilated patients because the EPA and DHA dosages adminis- Thompson, Steingrub, Rock.
of concerns regarding hyperglycemia tered in this study were similar to those Drafting of the manuscript: Rice, Wheeler, Thompson,
Steingrub, Rock.
and increased production of carbon di- used in previous studies12-14 we did not Critical revision of the manuscript for important in-
oxide.22 The extra carbohydrates in the measure actual pharmacokinetics, so we tellectual content: Rice, Wheeler, Thompson,
deBoisblanc, Steingrub, Rock.
control supplement of our study did not cannot directly compare with the se- Statistical analysis: Thompson.
appear to exacerbate either hypergly- rum EPA levels reported by Gadek et Obtained funding: deBoisblanc, Steingrub.
cemia or hypercapnea. However, our al.12 Administrative, technical, or material support: Rice,
Wheeler, Thompson, deBoisblanc, Steingrub, Rock.
study attempted to maintain blood glu- Reduced levels of IL-8 and leuko- Study supervision: Rice, Wheeler, Thompson,
cose levels less than 150 mg/dL,23 and triene B4 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid deBoisblanc, Rock.
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: All authors have com-
overall mean serum glucose and insu- have been observed in patients with ALI pleted and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of
lin utilization were similar in the 2 treated with n-3 fatty acids and corre- Potential Conflicts of Interest and none were reported.
Funding/Support: This study was supported by Na-
groups. lated with improvements in pulmo- tional Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) con-
Last, we controlled mechanical ven- nary physiology.27 Although we did not tracts HHSN268200536165C, HHSN268200536176C,
and HHSN268200536179C. Abbott Nutrition, Co-
tilation and fluids, nonexperimental co- perform bronchoalveolar lavage, we did lumbus, Ohio, provided the omega-3 fatty acid, -lino-
variates that have been shown to affect not find any improvement in respira- lenic acid, antioxidant, and control supplements used
clinical outcomes in ALI.6,17 Interpre- tory physiology, specifically PaO2:FIO2 in the study.
Role of the Sponsor: Neither the NHLBI nor Abbott
tation of results of the previous trials ratio, positive end-expiratory pres- Nutrition had any role in the design and conduct of
may be limited by the diversity of these sure, and plateau pressure in patients the study; the collection, analysis, and interpretation
of the data; or the preparation, review, or approval
important therapeutic interventions. Be- receiving the n-3 supplement. It is pos- of the manuscript.
yond reducing mortality and ventila- sible the relatively short duration of NIH NHLBI Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Net-
work of Investigators: University of Washington, Har-
tor time, lung-protective ventilation has acute illnesses like ALI, coupled with borview (*L. Hudson, C. Hough, M. Neff, K. Sims, T. Wat-
also been shown to decrease systemic current treatment modalities with lung- kins); Baystate Medical Center (*J. Steingrub, *M. Tid-
inflammation and organ dysfunc- protective ventilation and conserva- swell,L.DeSouza,C.Kardos,L.Kozikowski,K.Kozikowski);
Baylor College of Medicine (K. Guntupalli, V. Bandi, C.
tion. 24 It is possible that the anti- tive fluid management, may not allow Pope); Johns Hopkins Hospital (*R. Brower, H. Fessler,
inflammatory effects of lung-protec- enough time for enteral n-3 fatty acid D. Hager, P. Mendez-Tellez, K. Oakjones, D. Needham);
Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center ( J. Sevransky,
tive ventilation obscured further supplementation to have effect. How- A. Workneh, S. Han, S. Murray); University of Maryland
reductions associated with use of the ever, fatty acid composition and cell re- (C. Shanholtz, G. Netzer, P. Rock, A. Sampaio, J. Titus);
Union Memorial Hospital (P. Sloane, T. Beck, H. High-
n-3 supplement. Similarly, the use sponses to stimuli may be modified field); Washington Hospital Center (D. Herr, B. Lee,
of a conservative fluid-management within hours of treatment with EPA or N. Bolouri); Cleveland Clinic Foundation (*H.P. Wiede-

1580 JAMA, October 12, 2011Vol 306, No. 14 2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
Corrected on October 18, 2011

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mann, R.W. Ashton, D.A. Culver, T. Frederick, J.J. Ko- patrick, E. Hirshberg, N. Kumar, R. Miller, J. Orme, S. Taylor; S. Jain, L. Seoane); Tulane University (F.
mara, J.A. Guzman, A.J. Reddy); University Hospitals Pandita, G. Schreiber, L. Struck, F. Thomas, G. Thom- Simeone, J. Fearon, J. Duchesne). Clinical Coordinat-
of Cleveland (R. Hejal, M. Andrews, D. Haney); Me- sen, D. VanBoerum, T. White, M. Zenger, D. Dien- ing Center: Massachusetts General Hospital and Har-
troHealth Medical Center (A.F. Connors, S. Lasalvia, hart, P. Nelson, M. Goddard, J. Krueger, L. Napoli); vard Medical School (*D. Schoenfeld, M. Aquino, N.
J.D. Thornton, E.L. Warren); University of Colorado McKay-Dee Hospital (C. Lawton, J. Baughman, T. Dong, D. Dorer, M. Guha, E. Hammond, N. Lavery,
Health Science Centers (*M. Moss, A. Benson, E. Burn- Fujii, D. Hanselman, T. Hoffman, B. Kerwin, P. Kim, P. Lazar, I. Molina, R. Morse, C. Oldmixon, B. Rawal,
ham, B. Clark, L. Gray, C. Higgins, B.J. Maloney, M. F. Leung); Utah Valley Regional Medical Center (K. N. Ringwood, A. Shui, E. Smoot, B.T. Thompson). Na-
Mealer); National Jewish Health (S. Frankel); St An- Sundar, W. Alward, E. Campbell, D. Eckley, T. Hill, K. tional Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute: A. Harabin,
thonys Hospital (T. Bost, P. Dennen, K. Hodgin); Den- Ludwig, D. Nielsen, M. Pearce); University of Califor- S. Bredow, M. Waclawiw, G. Weinmann. Data and
ver Health Medical Center (I. Douglas, K. Overdier, nia, San Francisco (*M.A. Matthay, C. Calfee, B. Dan- Safety Monitoring Board: R. G. Spragg (chair), A.
K. Thompson, R. Wolken); Duke University (*N. iel, M. Eisner, O. Garcia, E. Johnson, R. Kallet, K. Slutsky, M. Levy, B. Markovitz, E. Petkova, C.
MacIntyre, L. Brown, C. Cox, M. Gentile, J. Govert, Kordesch, K. Liu, H. Zhou); University of California, Weijer. Protocol Review Committee: J. Sznajder (chair),
N. Knudsen); University of North Carolina (S. Car- San Francisco, Fresno (M.W. Peterson, J. Blaauw); Uni- M. Begg, E. Israel, J. Lewis, S. McClave, P. Parsons.
son, L. Chang, J. Lanier); Vanderbilt University (*A.P. versity of California, Davis (T. Albertson, E. Vlaste- *Principal investigator.
Wheeler, G.R. Bernard, M. Hays, S. Mogan, T.W. Rice); lin); Mayo Foundation (*R. Hubmayr, D. Brown, O. Online-Only Material: The eMethods, eTable,
Wake Forest University (*R.D. Hite, P.E. Morris, A. Har- Gajic, R. Hinds, S. Holets, D.J. Kor, M. Passe); Loui- and eFigures 1-4 are available at http://www.jama
vey, M. Ragusky, K. Bender); Moses Cone Memorial siana State University (*B. deBoisblanc, P. Lauto, C. .com.
Hospital (P. Wright, S. Gross, J. McLean, A. Over- Romaine, G. Meyaski, J. Hunt, A. Marr); Louisiana State Additional Contributions: We are indebted to the
ton); University of Virginia ( J. Truwit, K. Enfield, M. UniversityEarl K. Long Medical Center, Baton Rouge patients who participated in this study and to the
Marshall); LDS Hospital (T. Clemmer, R. Tanaka, L. General Medical Center Mid-City, and Baton Rouge intensive care unit personnel, especially nutrition
Weaver); Intermountain Medical Center (*A. Morris, General Medical Center Bluebonnet (S. Brierre, C. support services and nurses, for supporting this
A. Ahmed, A. Austin, N. Dean, C. Grissom, A. Fitz- LeBlanc); Alton-Ochsner Clinic Foundation (D. trial.

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